#Gabrielle Kent
dduane · 1 year
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Via @rhiannapratchett at Twitter: “BIG NEWS! Grab your frying pans and start practicing your hard stare, there’s witching afoot! Delighted to be collaborating with @GabrielleKent, @PaulKidby and @PuffinBooks to bring this in-world guide to aspiring witches everywhere. Updates soon!”
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Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being a Witch
[Event News]
TIffany Aching's Guide to being a Witch with Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent at The British Library
Date: Fri 27 Oct 2023, 15:00 - 16:15
Location: Pigott Theatre, The Knowledge Centre, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB
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This event takes place in the British Library and will be simultaneously live streamed on the British Library platform. Tickets may be booked either to attend in person, or to watch on our platform (online) either live or within 48 hours on catch up. Viewing links will be sent out shortly before the event.
‘They say you don't find witchcraft, it finds you…’
Whether you're a herbologist or a headologist, this book will inspire and empower new witches and seasoned practitioners alike.
Tiffany Aching first appeared in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series of fantasy novels, starting with The Wee Free Men (2003). Tiffany grows up over the course of the series, from nine years old in the first book to being in her late teens in the last, The Shepherd's Crown.
Join us as Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent introduce Tiffany Aching’s Guide To Being A Witch – a practical guide to being a witch in Discworld, covering everything you've ever wanted to know from telling the bees to magical cheese, from dealing with elves to making deals with demons, from tending flocks to fending off forces from other worlds.
This beautiful and practical guide has been compiled by Tiffany Aching herself, including snippets of remembered wisdom from Granny Aching alongside notes from Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg, Miss Tick, and Rob Anybody who offer their own unique perspectives on all things witchcraft. Whether you're a herbologist or a headologist, this book will inspire and empower new witches and seasoned practitioners alike.
Tiffany Aching’s Guide To Being A Witch, co-written by Rhianna and Gabrielle, celebrates the 20th anniversary of the first Tiffany Aching story which first appeared in Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series.
Suited to audiences aged 11 +
This event is an In-Person and Online Event.
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terrypratchettestate · 11 months
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✨ A magical guide ✨
Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being a Witch by Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent, illustrated by Paul Kidby, is out now!
Read more.
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a-ramblinrose · 8 months
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"For Terry Pratchett and Colin Kent, fathers who encouraged their daughters to keep their minds open to magic and wonder, and not to forget to do the hard work. Raising a drop of Special Sheep Liniment in their names."
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gold-from-straw · 11 months
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“I’m going to do the pig trick… without a pig!”
We went to the British Library where Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent were introducing their new book, Tiffany Aching’s guide to being a witch - my youngest (Bug) LOVES Tiffany, and my brother and I grew up in Kenya bonding over reading Discworld, but never had the chance to go to one of PTerry’s events… this was super special for both of us, and the book is absolutely stunning!
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wherekizzialives · 1 month
2024 in books: July
This has been a month of excellent book choices, with six out of the nine new-to-me books I finished getting a 5 star rating, plus my latest re-reading the Discworld in publishing order book, Reaper Man, I also rate as 5 star! For once I actually cannot pick out a “if you don’t have time for them all, this is the one to read” book from my reviews but I can offer the following advice: whichever…
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oddmediaforall101 · 1 year
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Just an excuse to mash all my bbgs into one picture🫶
Edit: I’m gonna make a whole post dedicated to all different types of priests (or at least attempt to-), so put your faithful bbg in the comments of this post of you have one
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soranatus · 2 years
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The Trinity by Gabriel Picolo
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gremextras · 2 years
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DC Pride polaroids 📸
part 2
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mochinek0 · 1 year
I'm a Princess
Chloe sipped her champagne as she looked around the Waynes' Gala. She spotted many people that were clients of her mother and some that promoted Gabriel. She noticed a few other designers, but the rest of the people…..well, they at least dressed the part. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a girl who she could have sworn was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The girl had darker skin and green eyes, but her face, her eye shape!
Chloe sauntered over and shoved the champagne flute in front of her face.
"Go on." she demanded, "Get me another drink."
The girl looked her up and down.
"You still wear Gabriel?" she questioned, "Ew."
Chloe gasped, "He is an amazing designer!"
"He's an asshole." the girl retorted.
"You better shut your mouth, you Twerp!" Chloe bristled.
"Or what?" the girl commented, "You're gonna tell my mommy about your horrible fashion choices?"
"How dare you!" the Bourgeois heiress cried.
"No. How dare you show up to the Wayne Gala in something that is four seasons old!" the girl claimed.
"I am a Princess and-" Chloe began.
"No." the girl interrupted, "You are the daughter of a hotel owner, who didn't even wear clothes designed by her mother. You decided to wear trash."
Chloe was fuming. She had never been spoken to this way and the face of the girl wasn't helping.
'Her face is irritating! She looks just like Baker Girl when she started pushing back!'
"I am a princess and-" Chloe spoke again.
"I'm a princess." the girl declared, "Technically, after Great-Grandfather and Grandma passed way, Daddy became King. I'm a princess; you're playing dress up."
Chloe scowled, "You little-"
"Princess Amaya Wayne, lovely to see you again." a voice called out.
"King Ali of Achu." Amaya curtsied, focusing her attention on him.
Chloe closed her mouth and focused on the interaction in front of her.
'The Waynes have royalty in their blood and this….brat is actually a princess?'
"I'm very sorry, Ms. Bourgeois, but I must get going. My family will be summoning me soon." Amaya smiled, "King Ali, why don't you accompany me? I'm sure Father would love to discuss the next fundraiser for the children's hospital."
"Of course." the king answered.
The hotel owner fumed as they walked away. She lost sight of them in the crowd; Ali had never forgiven her for that fish-smell fiasco when they were younger. Chloe had to see for herself if the girl who humilated her was actually a Wayne. She followed them from a distance and tried to blend in with other girls nearby. She was too focused on Amaya to notice the judged looks thrown her way, as she tried to incorporate herself into their circle talks.
Sure enough, King Ali walked Amaya up to Bruce Wayne and someone else. Chloe couldn't make out who the guy was, but she heard the King of Achu refer to him as Damian. Amaya hugged Bruce and call him 'Grandfather', before he was asked to answer some questions for the Daily Planet.
'She's actually a Wayne!'
Bruce excused himself and the hotel owner was able to get a clearer view of the guy. He looked exactly like Bruce, but his complexion was similar to the kings' and he had green eyes.
"Why don't we continue this conversation tomorrow, Your Highness?" Damian spoke, "There are some things I want to go over without prying eyes or ears."
The King nodded and walked off.
"Have you seen your mother, Amaya?" Damian questioned.
"I believe she is with Uncle and people watching, as usual." she smiled, "She does love to look at everyone's outfits."
Out of the corner of her eye, Chloe spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. As Adrien walked out of the crown, Chloe scowled as she noticed his companion: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Chloe dropped her glass as Marinette Dupain-Cheng walked over and kissed Damian Wayne.
"Mother." Amaya smiled, before hugging Marinette.
'Baker Girl; she married into the Wayne family! How did she manage to weasel her was into a family with royal blood?'
Chloe stomped and politely shoved her way through the crowd towards the stage. She couldn't believe that she saw that brat was hugging her Adrikins, after she disgraced the Gabriel name!
"You look lovely as always, Amaya." Adrien complimented, "You definetly get your beauty from your mother."
Amaya smiled, "Thank you, Uncle Adrien."
"Don't act high and mighty!" Chloe demanded, "You were just trash talking his father a few minutes ago!"
"Chloe." Marinette spoke.
"Baker Girl." the hotel owner sneered back.
Adrien and Damian were quick to push the girls behind them.
"So what?" Adrien asked, "Who cares if my niece talks shit about Gabriel?"
Chloe looked at him in shock, "But you-"
"Left his place and company when I was eighteen and I never looked back." Adrien declared, "I hated being a model and everything that came with it. The rules, the photoshoots, the diet, the loneliness, that stupid schedule pack dictating when I woke up, went to bed! I couldn't even hang out with my frineds!"
"But we're suppose to run an empire together!" Chloe shouted back.
"Is this some bullshit my father told you?" the former model questioned, "The last time I saw him was twelve years ago and the last time I spoke to him on the phone, was eight. I don't know what he told you, but I never wanted to own Gabriel. I can't draw to save my life; I never want to model again. I don't know what you would do, but it's certainly not draw."
"I can draw!" the hotel owner shouted.
Adrien smiled, "Really? Anytime there was a competition, you tried to steal Marinette's sketches and frame her. You have never put in any effort to practice drawing. I never even saw you take fashion classes. You just decided since your mommy was a fashion designer, you would be too. Audrey probably des more in a day, then you do in a week!"
Chloe could feel the promises she was fed start to crumble. Gabriel had told her that once Adrien was done with his vacation, they would run the company. Adrien was telling her that was never going to happen. She had been waiting for the da when she didn't need to watch over the hotle anymore. It was annoying having to serve others and make sure their needs were met. What about her needs? She wanted a trip to Cancun! She wanted to sail the Caribbean! She wanted to sleep past six am!
She snarled, "What about Baker Girl, huh? You seriously expect-"
Damian was quick to get in her face, "Call my wife that again and you'll be thrown out on the street."
"She is-" Chloe faltered
"My wife is a fashion designer." Damian stated proudly, "Number one in the country and number three internationally."
"Hah!" Chloe smiled, thinking she had caught them in a lie, "Zahr is-"
"My wife." Damian replied, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist, "She makes all designs and has total control of her own design company. It's not even associated with Wayne Enterprise."
Amaya laughed "She's just sore that her gown is horrible."
"Amaya!" scolded Marinette.
"It's true." Amaya declared, "She tries to act big, but that spray painted gold just screams 'Look At Me; I Deserve Attention'!"
Adrien began to laugh since Chloe had been wearing the same color scheme since they were toddlers. Her attitude certainly hadn't changed. Damian just smirked at his daughter's decleration.
"And what is with that horrible blue eyeshadow?" the Wayne heiress continued, "No one wears eyeshadow that blue; it's outdated. It doesn't even match your dress or skin tone. If anything it makes you look a bloated fish. Why on Earth would you wear a nude lip shade of color? Even in the 50's, when they did use that shade, at least they had red lips."
Chloe's jaw dropped. Never had she imagined a child would tell her off for how she dressed. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Marinette biting her lip and could see Adrien laughing himself to tears.
"Yep." Adrien cried, "Tha-That's definetly your kid, Damian."
Mari sighed, "Is Yami and Malik gonna be the same way?"
"You do love honesty, Habibiti." Damian pointed out.
His wife groaned, "I'm gonna get so many phone calls when the twins go to school."
Chloe scowled and began to stomp away. She couldn't believe that someone who was related to bakers talked to her like that. The trash that came out of that girl's mouth left her fuming!
"Good." Amaya called out, enough for Chloe to hear, "Grandma is leaving. My eyes were starting to hurt, just from looking at her. Thankfully, the galas are at night. If we had it during the day, we'd have a disco ball on the floor with all that metallic strips sewn in."
Chloe could hear the baker's daughter snort, before laughing along side her Adrien.
"Amaya, you know how much your grandfather cares about appearances at these." Damian stated, causing his daughter to sigh, "Grounded for a week."
"Yes, Baba." Amaya spoke, "I only did it to get back at her for being a bully to Maman, when she was my age."
Mari kissed her daughter's head, "As long as you're not like this at school."
"Never, Maman." their daughter answered.
"Come along, Amiriti (Princess)." Damian spoke, "Let's go find your grandfather."
Chloe looked back to see the baker's daughter on her husband's arm. Adrien and her bratty daughter were right behind them, talking and laughing. Chloe had never felt so humiliated before.
'Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous!'
Nothing was like how it was before when they were all in Francois Dupont College. She was no longer the Mayor's Daughter. Her father had moved to NYC with her mother, after high school. She had taken over as the owner of the hotel. Chloe had tried to use the same control she had in school to dictate the hotel's conditions and staff, but it failed miserably. People started to leave bad reviews of the hotel; some of the staff quit. When her father had heard about it, he offered to come back for a few months to show her how to run it properly; she had hung up on him.
Chloe Bourgeois couldn't believe that promises she had overheard as a child were over. She was suppose to marry Adrien Agreste; he was her Adrikins!
'I never should have helped him runaway from home to get into school!'
Chloe knew that was the moment everything changed in their realtionship. Everyone had turned him against her! He started speaking up more, defending others from her, and calling her a bad friend. She had hoped that one he finished 'exploring' that his new habit would be broken and they would get married after university. She had never even looked at another guy so when she found out that he had quit modeling, she thought he was getting ready to take over the company and propose. The proposal never came and Adrien had left Paris, without a word.
'It was all Baker Girl's fault! She ruined my Adrikins! Her Adrikins never behaved like this 'til he met her!'
She continued to glare at Marinette. She hated how Marinette was now rich, even richer than her. Marinette always got what she never had; a loving home, parents who cared about her, and now a husband and family. Chloe refused to believe she was jealous.
'I deserve more! I deserve my happily ever after with My Prince!'
Chloe turned her gaze to Adrien and she felt her heart stop. Adrien was on his tip-toes, kissing some guy taller than him. To add insult to injury, he looked just like Marinette. He had dark hair and blue eyes. Adrien Agreste had always been her dream Prince Charming, but she wasn't his Princess. Apparently, Adrien Agreste was the princess.
Chloe walked away as she heard Amaya ask if Uncle Adrien and Uncle Jon were excited for their wedding next month.
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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barbielore · 17 days
A few new collectors dolls have recently dropped on Mattel Creations, so I just wanted to discuss those!
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Pink Premiere is a new Barbie advertised as being the first in the "Gala Collection", designed by Angel Kent.
Described by the Mattel website as "Barbiecore goes glam", in a way what she reminds me of most is the Proudly Pink BFMC Silkstone Barbie.
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I don't know, there's a lot of pink Barbies so maybe this is just me. But I feel a vibe.
Mattel also dropped another collectible recently: Juan Gabriel.
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This one was already listed as sold out by the time I got around to writing this post. Interestingly, both the above dolls used the "Odile" face, and both were designed by Angel Kent!
I know very little about Juan Gabriel, but apparently this doll was modeled specifically after what he wore in 1990 for his El Palacio de Bellas Artes concert.
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But what I really dig about this is that the promotional pictures for this doll feature some custom Kens that haven't been released but look really good.
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Look at those guys!
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mycasualjoys · 2 years
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REAL GENIUS "Number One" | 1985
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Today is cover reveal day!
This October, this wonderful tome will be released to the world.
Tiffnay Aching's Guide to being a Witch written by Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent with illustrations by Paul Kidby is the ultimate guide to (surprise surprise) being a witch!
When we have more information and pre-order links, we will share them with the world !
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Another preview of Tiffany Aching’s Guide to Being a Witch by Rhianna Pratchett and Gabrielle Kent, illustrated by Paul Kidby. See more and pre-order at terrypratchett.com.
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a-ramblinrose · 10 months
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✨Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being A Witch✨
What a lovely surprise to hit my mailbox earlier than I could of dreamed!!! This stunning book was my holiday gift to myself and I am in love!!!! Look at it!!!
 It’s So Beautiful!!! 
I had to shop around to find it for sale without outrageous shipping costs attached and I finally found my savior at Blackwell’s. Admittingly finding this bookstore might be dangerous to my wallet but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Books! (♥ω♥*)
    💖*Happy Bookworm Dance*💖
*'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.' - Terry Pratchett, Eric
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ragnarokhound · 1 month
Ooh what about...Teacher au, actor au, and pokémon au. Ships open to whatever but jason in them preferred 👀
For the AU ask game!
THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD, YOU ARE CRACKING ME OPEN LIKE AN EGG (like with a previous ask i might answer one and then maybe circle back with a reblog or smth to answer the others fjdlsaja WE'LL SEE IF I HAVE TIME TODAY) and I'm jaytim til i die so that's what i'll be speculating on for the most part lmao
Teacher au... oh the hot gossip that would fly in that staff lounge...
Five fun facts about a teacher au I'd write:
Jason teaches either english or drama. Or maybe he would teach drama IF admin hadn't fucking cut the drama program last year and left them to organize a club instead. "there's no funding" they say, and yet the basketball team is getting all new equipment, all new buses (not even district-assigned! their OWN BUS), a whole new fucking facility--
Tim is the basketball coach. (He teaches math/comp sci/engineering). Drama ensues.
(The basketball team went to state last year Mr. Todd, sorry if success means getting more interest and therefore funding from the community, but maybe there's a lesson to be learned here) (>:0 he did NOT)
Principal Wayne doesn't play favorites (except he totally does, Principal Grayson at their sister school in Blüdhaven applied for that job specifically to get away from the bullshit. He wishes he could have sniped Babs as his office manager, but she's too entrenched. RIP) but Tim is obviously Bruce's newest, shiniest hire and after Jason came back from medical leave (motorcycle accidents suuuuuuck) he's extremely miffed to see what's been changed in his absence
Real conflict would take place when one of Tim's star players tries out for the school play and gets the lead role because Jason can see that this kid has talent AND THEY NEED THAT. (Drake is, unfortunately, correct; if they can take their production of Chicago to the National Drama Festival, then maybe they'll get the support they need to reinstate the drama program. Or whatever. UGH) Tim is pissed because this kid has a shot at playing professionally and this could fuck his chances if he's not giving his A-game during championships this year. Cue no longer passive but rather outright aggressive arguments between Mr. Todd and Mr. Drake BOILING with sexual tension while, idk who, Jon Kent probably Does His Best to be a teenager lmao
(BONUS FUN FACT: they 100% fuck in their hotel at Dramafest, because of course the drama club made it, and of course Mr. Drake came along. To support his student, obviously. And not at all because Tim saw the play that winter to support Jon and saw how good he was and Jason got in his face about it after the show and all the tension from the whole semester boiled over and they made out backstage like they were teens themselves again. Not at all. That would be unprofessional and irresponsible.)
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