luca---paguro · 1 year
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tlou-reid · 11 months
Baked Goodies ❤︎ Aaron Hotchner
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♡ SUMMARY: aaron is smitten for his new graduate student neighbor as soon as he meets her.
♡ WARNINGS: male masturbation, allusions to smut but nothing fully written (part 2?), tooth-rotting fluff, mutual pining & slowburn, mentions of drinking and alcohol, mentions of criminal minds-esque violence, age gap (mid 20s/mid 40s)
Aaron doesn’t think he’s ever blushed before now. The warmth on his cheeks was an unfamiliar feeling, as was the smile that was slowly making its way across his face. “Thank you,” He says with a voice that’s slightly lower than his usual tone. His hand reached out to grab the Tupperware container you were holding in yours. He tried to ignore the gentle shock that reached his fingertips as they made contact with yours. He also tried to ignore how soft the skin of your manicured hand was. It was probably a lotion, one with the same lavender scent radiating off your body.
“No need to thank me!” Your voice was so lively, so excitable. It was unlike anything he’d ever heard before. “If you ever need any more baked goods, I’m right across the street.” As you spoke, you lifted your arm to point at the house across the street from his.
You were his new neighbor. The house had been on sale for a few weeks and Aaron had been keeping his eye on it, seeing who the new family would be. He was hoping it would be a family that had a child similar to Jack’s age. He didn’t have any friends in the neighborhood, they all lived a few blocks over. Having someone Jack could bond with right across the street would make things easier for both him and his son. Especially when Aaron had to leave for days or weeks at a time due to his job.
But, selfishly, he was not disappointed it was you at all. You hadn’t disclosed if it was just you living in the house or not, but Aaron had already formed an imaginary life for you. It was just you and some pet living in the house, and he was going to be the protector. He’d check on you, you’d come to him when you need some manly job done at the house. And he hadn’t known you for more than five minutes yet.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said with a slight chuckle. “It was nice to meet you, Aaron!” You called to him as you stepped off his porch, heading to the next house to take your fresh-baked goods to. He closed the door, stepping in and taking a look at the container you’d dropped off. It had a mix of different treats, all homemade. There was a little note inside.
“Jack, I got food!” He yelled to his son as he made his way to the kitchen. He quickly sat it down, opened it, and took out the note before Jack could see it. “Hi! I’m Y/N, your new neighbor! I hope you enjoy these! (p.s. there’s no peanuts!) x” is what the note read. He smiled at the fact that you didn’t give off any real personal information, and even more at the fact that you worried about the allergies of the neighborhood. Not even people you knew. You were worried about the allergies of strangers. He felt his blush come back.
“What’s that?” Jack’s voice tore him away from his thoughts. “Someone moved into the house across the street, she baked some stuff and is giving it out,” Aaron explained. “For free?” Jack inquired, reaching for a chocolate chip cookie. Aaron laughed, “Yeah, she was introducing herself.” Jack nodded, biting into his cookie. “Wow!” He exclaimed, surprised at how good it tasted. Aaron laughed again, reaching for one of his own.
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It was almost a week before Aaron saw you again. The team had been called in to work on a semi-local case that lasted four days. It wasn’t the worst thing Aaron had been through, but it’s never easy to come face-to-face with a serial killer. Then, he’d just become busy with paperwork and Jack’s after-school activities. Aaron had helped coach one of his soccer games, which wasn’t something he got to do often.
So now, late Sunday morning, he was finally making the walk across the street to your house. He had planned this since the moment you’d dropped the Tupperware container into his hand. He was going to return it just so he could see you again. 
He gently knocked on your door, loud enough you would hear it if you were around, but not loud enough to wake you up if you’d decided to sleep in today. He hadn’t seen enough to observe your routine. Not in a creepy way, just the way you notice when your neighbor’s car is in its driveway or if they do yardwork every Saturday evening. Come to think of it, he didn’t know any of his neighbor’s routines. He was never around enough to notice them.
When you opened the door, his attention left the surrounding houses and landed right on you. He had been looking around upon realizing how little he knew about the people in his neighborhood. You’d be the first one he’d get to know, he decided.
“Aaron!” You were basically beaming at him. He smiled and mumbled out a, “hello”. “How are you today?” You smiled, stepping out onto the porch to stand near him. “I’m good, I was just coming to return the container.” He explained, holding out the Tupperware. You reached out to take it from him, looking at his hands. You couldn’t help but notice the veins that ran along them.
“Oh! You didn’t have to,” You chuckled, moving your eyes up to look at his again. If you were being honest, you’d been surprised when he answered the door. Chatter about the older man from the neighbors you had given your baked goods to prior to arriving at his house had you ready to be nervous and intimidated.
Instead, you were undeniably attracted to him. When he had first opened the door after hearing your timid knocks, you couldn’t help but let your eyes scan his broad form. You didn’t think he had noticed, as he was too busy trying to figure out why someone was unexpectedly knocking at his door.
“Did you like them?” You asked with wide eyes. He could tell you were genuinely curious. “I did,” He smiled as he continued, “With the few that I had at least. My son loved them.”
“Your son?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking. Of course, an attractive man like him was married with kids. You weren’t sure why hadn’t assumed that before. “Yeah, Jack. He’s my son.” Aaron was awkward, not really knowing what you were asking. You recovered quickly, “Which ones were his favorite? I can make more!” Aaron smiled with a slight shake of his head, “He loved them all, you don’t have to worry about any of that.” You laughed, “I do! I love baking, it’s a nice way to pass time.” Aaron nodded along to your words, “I guess he liked the brownies the most, they were gone in a day.” You smiled, taking a mental note. 
“And your wife?” There was a hidden motive behind this question, one you hoped Aaron didn’t pick up on. You wanted, no, needed to know the details of this man’s life. You needed to know if you could keep up the fantasy you were creating of him. He let out an awkward laugh, “Uh, no,” he cleared his throat, “No wife. Just me and Jack.” You almost wanted to break out into a smile at his words, but you knew that would be inappropriate.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to like, pry, or anything.” The awkward tone of the conversation was beginning to make you uncomfortable. As much as you wanted to know, you didn’t want to blow your chances with him. “It’s okay,” he comforts you when it should definitely be the other way around, “Just a bit of a touchy subject.” You nodded in understanding. You two stood there in silence for a little bit, before Aaron stepped back. “I should get back,” He said, nodding towards his house.
“Yeah, yeah. It was good to see you again.” Aaron took note of the awkward smile and lack of eagerness in your voice. “You too, Y/N. See you around.” He stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked down the steps of your porch
He was just reaching the curb on his side of the street when he heard someone yell your name. You hadn’t retreated back into your house, instead opting to tidy up the furniture on your porch. He didn’t know you were waiting to make sure he had made it into the house safely. Aaron watched as the man who lived two houses down from you began to approach your porch.
“The cookies were delicious!” The man was still shouting as he walked over. Aaron couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. He watched as you giggled at his words, yelling back, “Thank you!” When the man approached you, he handed off the same kind of Tupperware container Aaron had given you. Aaron couldn’t help the jealousy that took over him as he realized this man and he had the same idea: returning the container just to see you again.
Once the man reached you and Aaron could no longer hear your conversation, he turned to continue walking back toward his home. He couldn’t help but notice how you giggled at this man’s words. Your conversation with him felt so natural, which was very different from the uncomfortable conversation you two had.
Aaron couldn’t help but feel insecure about this. Of course, you’d want to conversate with the younger, handsome, athletic guy who lived in the neighborhood. Why would you choose an older man who had a child and knees that creaked when he stood from his office chair? You wouldn’t. No one would.
Little did Aaron know, you had been watching him the entire time you were talking to the neighbor. You couldn’t help but check Aaron out as he walked away. His sweatpants hugged his hips deliciously and the athletic fit shirt showed off the muscles in his back. Aaron was hot and you couldn’t deny it.
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The next time you saw Aaron was very unexpected. Your friend, Elise, had convinced you to volunteer at the local middle school, working the door for entry to the soccer game they were hosting on a Friday night. Part of her grad school program involved her working at this school, so you guys had signed up together. She was excited to see the students she had been working closely with.
 You, however, had completely forgotten you had a paper due for one of your graduate classes. So, she was up, selling tickets, conversating with parents, and wishing the students good luck, while you had your nose buried in your laptop. Textbooks and articles were spread across the table that was holding the register for the ticket money.
“Jack! You’re gonna do great!” You heard Elise encourage one of the students, not really paying attention anymore. It wasn’t until you heard a familiar voice that you looked up from your halfway-done paper. “He’s been practicing hard,” Aaron smiled, touselling the hair on the little boy’s head.
Your movement from behind your laptop caught his attention. “Hello, Y/N,” he said, not expecting to see you there. Jack and your friend both turned to face you, surprised that you and Aaron knew each other.
Aaron pushed Jack forward with a gentle hand on his back, “Buddy, do you remember the cookies and stuff our neighbor had dropped off?” Aaron asked him, ready to introduce you two. “You made them?” Jack asked, stepping closer to you. You nodded at him with a smile, “Yes! I live across the street from you!” You smiled at the young boy. You didn’t notice the eyebrow raise your friend gave you, knowing about the crush you had said you were growing on your older neighbor. She was connecting the dots.
“Do you work here?” Aaron asked as Jack ran into the stadium to join his team. You shook your head, pointing to Elise, “She does. She needed volunteers and asked me to work.” Aaron nodded. He let out a light laugh and pointed to your laptop, “Doesn’t seem like you're doing a lot of work.”
Your cheeks started to warm up in embarrassment, “I have a paper due that I completely forgot about.” Aaron was shocked to hear you discussing college. He thought you were older than that. “You’re in college?” He asked. You nodded again, “Grad school. I only have one more semester until I graduate.” You explained, and he relaxed. You were older than an undergraduate. 
He knew you were young, but he didn’t think he was being perverted by forming a small crush on you. Sure, some people may deem it inappropriate, but it is up to you in the end. If, by some miniscule chance, you harbored the same feelings he did, he wouldn’t feel weird about it, he didn’t think.
Aaron questioned what you were studying and you explained your major, your intended career, and how passionate you were about what you were doing. As your face lit up and your hands aided in your expressive explanation, it was as if Aaron could feel fondness growing in his chest. He began to feel warm, as if you were the sun shining on him.
 He hasn’t felt like this in a long time. The only feeling that could mirror what he was feeling now was when Jack got crowned MVP at his last soccer tournament. It’s the kind of pride that you feel when you know someone is going to go far. Aaron wanted to go with you.
Unfortunately, the buzzer interrupted his thoughts. He let out a breath, a small “Shit” escaping from his lips before he continued, “I gotta get to my seat.” He chucked, rushing away, “Good to see you.” He nodded at you and your friend before disappearing into the stadium.
“So that’s him? The hot next-door neighbor?” Elise squealed, with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Elise! Stop!” You whisper-shouted at her, still weary of Aaron’s presence, “I have a paper to finish.” She laughed at the way you made your eyes big, emphasizing that she needed to drop the subject.
“Okay,” Elise breathed out after a while, relaxing in the seat next to you, “we’re done!” You nodded at her words, moving to save the file on your laptop. “What’s next?” You asked as you closed it, deciding to finish the paper later. “You hungry? The concession stand has fantastic pizza!” Even if you weren’t, the way she practically moaned about it had you wanting this pizza. “Sure,” you shrugged. You packed up your things as Elise dropped off the register where it needed to go, and then you guys headed into the stadium.
The line for the concession stand moved quickly. You couldn’t help but scan the stands for Aaron, wondering where he ended up sitting. When Elise proposed staying to see the end of the game, you agreed, solely because it would increase your chances of seeing him again.
And, you did. Not until the very end of the game, after the buzzer had sounded and Jack’s team ran to the sidelines, celebrating the win they had just claimed. The only way you found Aaron was through the cheers. He was the loudest one, the proudest parent sitting amongst the whole school. It brought a smile to your face to know how much he loved his son.
“Congratulations, kid!” Elise cheered for Jack as he approached the entrance to the field, by where you two were standing waiting to congratulate the team. Jack just smiled before turning back to his friends. “You guys did great!” You called from behind her. Aaron smiled at you as he reached where you and Elise were stood.
“So, will you guys be at more games?” He wasn’t going to invite you, as he felt that would be overstepping some invisible boundary he had made up in his head. But, if you were going to be around anyway he could at least offer to sit with you. “I definitely will be!” Elise cheered, turning to you. “I’ll see. You never know with school and work.” You shrugged, trying to mask the disappointment. You were not aware that Aaron was doing the same.
“Dad!” Jack shouts, running over to his father, “Can I sleep at Chris’ house tonight? The whole team is going!” You couldn’t help but notice how adorable he looked, and the fond look Aaron gave back to him. “Sure thing, buddy. Let’s just run home to get your stuff.” Aaron turned to bid a quick goodbye to you and Elise. To your surprise, he turned back to you. “Did you need a ride home?”
You stuttered at his words, “Uh, no, um, Elise-” “Yes, she does! I was her ride but my boyfriend just asked to meet somewhere!” Elise nudged you as she cut you off. She waved her phone to emphasize her point. “Thanks, Mr. Hotchner, you’re the best! Have fun at your sleepover, Jack!” Elise said as she stepped away from the group. Once you were the only one that could see her, she threw you a big smile and thumbs up, before taking off to your car.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that happened,” You gestured to your friend running off as you apologized. “No need to be sorry, I wouldn’t have offered if it bothered me. It’s not like you live far away.” You nodded and smiled at Aaron’s comforting words, thanking him again. “C’mon, the car’s this way.” You followed him and Jack, watching as Aaron congratulated Jack on the win and questioned him on the different strategies the team uses throughout.
Aaron opened the passenger door as Jack climbed his way into the back. Your jaw almost dropped as you realized he opened it for you. It was so casual. He didn’t even stop his conversation with Jack as he held it open for you. He laughed at something as you buckled your seat belt up.
 When he leaned over to check that you were comfortable in the seat, his eyes met yours. He gave you the softest smile you’d ever seen and you could feel butterflies take flight in your stomach. Your cheeks felt warm and you looked down at your hands, growing nervous under his gaze. You mumbled a soft “thank you” as he closed your door, walking around to the driver’s side.
Aaron noticed your nervousness this time. He could tell you were shocked at his actions. Initially, this made him sad as he realized that no man had ever shown you the care you deserved. However, that sadness quickly turned to excitement as he realized he could be the first. He wanted to show you how you deserved to be loved in so many ways, definitely more than just opening a door for you.
The drive to your homes was filled with laughter as you and Jack tried to sing the pop songs that were steadily playing on the radio. Jack kept stumbling over the words and you could not carry a tune to save your life. Aaron had matching butterflies to yours as you interacted with his son.
His car pulled into the driveway and Jack was inside the house faster than you could even open your door. You both laughed as Aaron made his way around the car to stand with you. “I can walk you across while he gets his things,” Aaron gestured to his house, indicating Jack might be a second inside.
“You don’t have to. Get him to his sleepover, he seems excited.” Aaron laughed, nodding along to your words. “Have a good night, Aaron.” He wished you the same and watched as you made your way to your house. His eyes didn’t leave your figure until you were safely inside.
Jack gathered his things for the sleepover very quickly. Aaron was almost certain he had forgotten something as they made their way back into the car. Once they were buckled and on their way, Jack shifted his body to face his dad.
“Dad?” He asked, getting his father’s attention. Aaron let out a gentle “hmm” of recognition. “Do you have a crush on our neighbor?” Aaron didn’t answer, reaching forward to turn up the radio, but the pink spreading across his dad’s cheeks was the only answer Jack needed.
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Aaron was exhausted. Completely and totally exhausted. The case and been long and gut-wrenching. The only victory was the arrest of the unsub, as he had murdered all of his previous victims before the team could save them. Aaron was gone for two and a half weeks, and barely got any sleep while he was away.
“Thanks, JJ,” His voice was weak as he thanked her, reaching into the back of the SUV to get his go-bag. He had been too tired to drive himself. JJ had kindly offered after seeing the dark eye bags he was wearing. “Anytime, Hotch. Get some sleep.” He could only muster up a nod in return.
Aaron was turning the key in his lock when he heard your door. “Shit!” You yelped as the glass outer door slammed. He turned around with a chuckle, never too tired to see you. “Hello, Y/N!” He called as best he could with how tired he was.
He was suddenly wide awake when you faced him. He hoped you couldn’t see his eyes scan the entirety of your body, pausing at your very exposed thighs. You were in a loose, long-sleeved t-shirt that came down the end of your butt. The shorts you were wearing with it were incredibly short, barely covered by the shirt. Even with the distance between your houses, he could tell you weren’t wearing a bra.
He wanted to blame the way his dick was hardening on how tired he was, and definitely not the dirty thoughts he was having about you right now. He could imagine the way his rough hands would trace the skin across your thighs as he pulled you into his lap, preparing to devour you. His fantasies did not slow as you yelled back to him, very excitedly, “Aaron! Where have you been?”
He shook his head, attempting to clear it so he could have a normal conversation with you. His heart fluttered at the fact that you’d noticed his disappearance. “I was away for work,” he informed, “for far too long.” You erupted into a smile, walking off your porch, “Well, the neighborhood missed you!” He knew you were lying. No one in this neighborhood knew him. They didn’t care if he was gone or not.
But, being a profiler had its perks. He knew the hidden meaning in your words. You missed him. His brain was tired and his heart was beating a million times a minute. That must’ve been why his mouth was moving before he could stop it, “I missed you too.” The words rolled off of his tongue, no thought behind them. No thoughts, but definitely feelings.
You hoped Aaron couldn’t see the way your eyes lit up at his words. You could feel the heat growing in your cheeks as you continued to make your way to your little garden. That’s why you were out here, to get your front yard set up for Halloween decorations. “Get some rest, Aaron. Welcome home.
Even with you raising your voice, he could hear the softness behind it. You sounded so fond. This is how he wanted to be welcomed home after every case, with your sweet voice and gentle demeanor. “Have a nice night!” He called to you, before stepping through his front door.
He dropped his stuff by the door and reached up to loosen his tie. He kicked his shoes off and then moved to undo his belt. Leaving both the tie and the belt on the arm of the couch, he made his way right to the master bathroom. He had texted Jessica to let her know he would pick Jack up in the morning during the drive home, too tired to make the drive to her house.
Aaron had forgotten about his half-hard dick, too encompassed by your presence outside. He ignored it, stripping down and climbing into the hot shower. He hadn’t realized how tense his muscles were until the hot water ran down them, relaxing his whole body. As he loosened up, his mind drifted back to you. As he imagined holding onto your thighs as he fucked into you from behind. He could clearly make out the curve of your ass.
He felt as if he wasn’t controlling himself as his hands moved to his now fully hard dick. He didn’t mean to jerk himself off to dirty thoughts of you, his brand new, younger neighbor, but you looked so fucking sexy. His hand wrapped around his cock tighter as he remembered the outline of your tits that he could make out from across the street.
He could feel himself getting closer and closer to release as he tried to imagine the noises you would make for him. All the times you said his name replayed in his name and he tried to imagine you moaning it, whining it, grunting it, screaming it. He could’ve sworn he could smell your lavender perfume as he came. He opened his eyes as he finished stroking himself through his orgasm. He watched as the water washed away the cum that had landed on his hand and stomach.
“Fuck,” he said to himself, frustrated with the hold you had on him. Now that he got that out of his system, he couldn’t believe he just came to the thought of you.
 He had been having doubts earlier, wondering how inappropriate, how immoral, how wrong his growing crush was. Being a senior in graduate school, you had to be late 20s, maybe early 30s at the most. Being mid-40s, there was at least a 15-year age gap between the two of you.
He had to shake these thoughts. He quickly lathered himself up, rinsed off, and got out of the shower. He slipped on a pair of boxers and climbed into his bed. He was asleep in less than five minutes.
The next morning, he was woken up by knocks on his door. He had slept for about 11 hours, so he wasn’t mad that his slumber was interrupted. “Coming!” He yelled, shuffling for pants to throw on. Once he got a pair of plaid pajama pants on, he made his way down the hall to the front door.
He didn’t have time to register who it was before he heard your voice, “I’m so sorry to wake you up! I know it’s early but my car won’t start and I have an exam at one and I really need to be on time so I was wondering if maybe you could come look at it?”
Your mouth was moving faster than your brain could keep up with, obviously feeling bad about the whole situation. “Slow down,” Aaron breathed out, trying to get you to relax. His efforts failed as you ran your hand along your hairline and mumbled an “’m sorry”. “I can come, give me just a minute.” He stepped back, opening the door further for you to step inside to wait.
Your eyes widened at his silent invitation. You followed him through the door, awkwardly standing by the front door. You could tell from your spot in the entryway that the layout of his house mirrored yours. He was currently on his way down the hall to the master bedroom. To get a shirt, you presumed.
You definitely noticed the lack of clothing on his part. It was clear you’d disturbed him, and while you felt bad about that, you were ridiculously grateful. His morning voice, low-rise pajama pants, and hairy chest will be pressed into your memory, ready to be used when you needed some help finishing yourself off.
He appeared again quickly, fully clothed with socks and slides on his feet. He opened the front door, gesturing for you to go through. He followed you across the street to your driveway, where your very old sedan sat. “Can I have the key?” You nodded, retrieving the key from your pocket and pressing it into Aaron’s large hand.
As Aaron went to start the car, it was hard for him not to realize that this was the dream life he had conjured up for you when you first showed up on his porch. Here he was, being the manly man, helping you with your car. He tried turning it on and the sound of the engine sputtering made you want to cry. Without words, Aaron walked around to pop the hood, analyzing what was going on. He was quiet as he looked, and you wouldn’t dare interrupt it. “I think it’s the spark plugs. I have the stuff in my garage.” He said after a few minutes.
You nodded along to his words, trying to convince him that you knew exactly what he was talking about. As he began to make his way back across the street, you couldn’t help yourself from apologizing again. “Thank you, Aaron. I’m really sorry.” He was quick to turn back around to face you. With a hefty shake of his head, he spoke, “Please stop apologizing, this is what I’m here for.” He smiled at you, before returning to his journey to the garage.
If you were growing a crush on him before, it was full-fledged now. You needed to do something about this before your heart exploded at his actions and you soaked through your underwear at his words.
He returned after a few minutes, carrying a toolbox. You couldn’t do anything but stare as he worked on the car. He didn’t say much, focused on doing this right for you. Every once in a while he would attempt to explain what he was doing, but you were too distracted by the way the muscles in his arm contorted as he worked.
“That should do it,” He said as he made his way back into the driver’s seat. Sure enough, after a few turns of the key, the car sputtered to life. “Oh my god, thank you!” You spoke as he stepped up from the seat, throwing your arms around his neck. “You’re a lifesaver!” You squealed. Aaron’s hands awkwardly found their way around your waist, surprised at the sudden contact. Surprised, but very intrigued.
When you pulled away, Aaron felt cold. “Not a problem, Y/N.” He said as he wiped the grim off of his hands. “Why don’t you give me your number so next time you don’t have to walk all the way over?” The way he asked was so casual. He was so calm as your heartbeat increased with every word. Your number? Next time?
“Yeah! Sure!” You were afraid your voice sounded too excited, blowing your cover. Aaron picked up on it but didn’t mention it. You two quickly exchanged numbers, and he excused himself, stating he needed to pick up Jack. “Seriously, Aaron. Thank you.” You emphasized, grabbing his hand and pulling him forward. You were being bold. You pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek. He turned away before you could see the pink blush spread across his cheeks. “Anytime.” He said, starting to walk away.
You spent the next couple of hours cramming for your exam and trying to repress any thoughts of Aaron Hotchner that your brain was attempting to conjure up. It was working, your focus on passing this exam. However, on your drive to campus, your phone dinged. Your car showed you a message from ‘Aaron (neighbor)’. You were giddy the rest of the way, not wanting to open while you were driving.
When you parked, you opened your phone to a simple text: “Good luck on your exam! You got this.” You walked into class with a smile, and you were pretty sure you aced the exam. 
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You were surprised at the amount of time you and Aaron spent texting. It was definitely an assumption you had made based solely on his age, but you did not expect him to want to text. However, he appeared to be better than men your age at it. Quick replies, letting you know when he’d be unavailable, and absolutely never leaving on you read. Sometimes you had to explain emojis or slang to him, but you found it adorable.
You had learned that he works for the FBI in a unit that catches things like serial killers, rapists, and kidnappers. He was away on a case right now, somewhere in California. He had learned that you had a very old dog, but other than that, it was just you in the house.
There were times when the conversation felt a bit flirty. Teasing jokes thrown around, compliments to each other. Part of you was starting to think he may reciprocate your feelings, but the other part was starting to think you were delusional. There was no way he could ever like you back.
Until he did.
Elise and a few of your other friends had dragged to a bar downtown. One you had never been to. Like normal, you and Aaron were in the middle of a text conversation while you were sitting at the bar. You had been up and dancing, having fun with your friends, but you couldn’t stay away from your phone long enough to enjoy your time.
Elise was picking up on this. After a few rounds of shots, she was getting aggravated. She couldn’t comprehend how you were managing an intelligent conversation with him, but she knew she had to get you away from it. She kept telling herself it was for your own good, not wanting to feel guilty about the atrocities she was about to commit.
However, it was going to be so much worse than either of you had anticipated.
Elise slithered her way in between you and the person sitting on the barstool next to you. The older lady on your right was definitely agitated with her actions, but Elise did not care. She saw the white screen of your text messages and long contact name and knew who you were texting. Even in her drunken state, she could recall all of the screenshots you had been sending her from your conversations with Aaron.
“Give it here,” Elise slurred, reaching for your phone. It was still unlocked as she held it in her tight grasp. “You’re texting your hot middle-aged neighbor. Come shake some ass with us and find a guy your own age.” Her words were a little bit harsher than she intended. “Elise, stop. I’m enjoying texting my hot middle-aged neighbor and do not want to find a guy my own age” You demanded with your own drunken slur, reaching for the phone. “Uh-uh,” Elise shook her head, locking the phone and tucking into the cup of her bra, out of your reach for the rest of your night.
Only because you were forced to, you eventually did get up and dance with your friends. Just your friends, no men at all.
Elise only returned your phone at the very end of the night, when you needed to order an Uber home. Your head was starting to spin from all the alcohol, so that was all you did. After the order was placed, you gripped your phone as a way to keep the world from twirling underneath. The Uber arrived, too slow for your liking, and you were home. You immediately made your way towards the couch, ready to pass out.
The loud knocks on your door did nothing to help the pounding headache you had woken up with, and you couldn’t imagine who was knocking. The knocks were powerful and authoritarian. “Hello?” You questioned as you threw open the door. There was clearly attitude behind your greeting. “What did that mean?” Aaron’s voice sounded rushed as he pushed himself inside the door. He was dressed in a suit and acting very different than the Aaron you had known before.
“The message, the last one you sent.” He seemed stressed, running his hand through his hair. Something about the way he looked made him look exhausted. Your eyebrows furrowed, not understanding what he meant. You grabbed your phone from the end table next to your couch and opened your and Aaron’s message thread. Your eyes widened at the voice message marked as “read: 1:32 AM”.
“I-I don’t know,” you stuttered out, afraid to meet his eye, “What did it say?” Aaron took a step away from you. “It was Ms. Landon, uh, your friend from the game,” He sounded nervous as he spoke, “You should just listen to it.” You nodded, checking the volume on your phone and then listening to the message
It was right after Elise had grabbed your phone when she was berating you for being on your phone the whole time. When she mentioned your hot middle-aged neighbor and you replied, also calling him your hot middle-aged neighbor. And saying you did not want to find a guy your age because of him.
“Aaron, I am so sorry-” You started, wanting to apologize for your and your friend’s actions and blame the whole thing on being intoxicated, but he cut you off. “Forgive me for barging in here like this, Y/N, but I need to know why you were ignoring your friends to text me.” He finally locked eyes with you, and the eye bags under his eyes were the first thing you noticed.
There was a beat of silence, until he continued, “Y/N, I have enjoyed the sparse moments we have shared together. And I may be reading this wrong, I may just be incredibly sleep-deprived, but I think you have as well. I understand that I am older than you, but I would like to continue to have these moments with you. I would like to see what else we can do together.” 
Your heart started to beat at his confession. You nodded at his words, rendered speechless for the first time in your life. You couldn’t stop yourself as your legs moved forward, reaching for his face and pulling him into a kiss.
There was very little hesitation as Aaron’s hands slipped around your waist, pulling you closer. You didn’t know he’d been waiting to do this since you met, but you were going to find out soon. His hands gripped you tighter as he deepened the kiss, moving his tongue into your mouth. He was very skillful in the way he held you and the way he kissed you.
You didn’t separate until you needed air. If it wasn’t for the fact that you needed air to live, you could’ve stayed wrapped up with him forever. Your forehead was pressed to his as you whispered, “Are we gonna talk about this?” He knew that you were talking about where you were supposed to go from here. Is it gonna be a relationship? Are you going to be exclusive? How would it work with him being away so much? What would your role in Jack’s life be?
Aaron decided all of these questions would remain unanswered as he said, “Later, we got things to do right now..” He pulled you tight against him, roughly pressing his lips to yours again.
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froggiewrites · 6 days
Unknown / Nth
Pairing: Shanks x Reader
Summary: You don't know if Shanks will still be here tomorrow morning. You don't know if you should be doing this at all. But you can't help but indulge yourself tonight, if only to create another memory you'll yearn for later. Warnings: Smut, Angst (With A Happy Ending), Exes to Lovers/Second Chances, A LOT of Yearning Word Count: 4.4k
You thought you were dreaming, the first moment you saw him in the bar, head thrown back with laughter, a little sake running down his chin and catching the light. You were still convinced as you approached, vision blurred with unshed tears. It was only once he turned around, smile wide and ready, obviously aware of you from the moment you stepped in the room, and said your name that you knew that this was truly and definitively real.
You don’t know whether or not it’s a good thing, but your heart sings anyway.
“Long time no see!” His grin doesn’t waver a moment, but you can still see the slight tension in his shoulders, the unease lurking in his eyes. He doesn’t know what to say to you, not after all this time. You used to know him like the back of your hand, but the man in front of you is practically a stranger. You imagine he feels much the same about you.
“Yeah, it’s been a while.” You can’t smile as brightly as he does, no matter how excited part of you is to see him again. You’re weighed down by years of grief, of longing, and you’ve never been a good liar. “A lot’s changed.” You glance down at where his arm used to be, the hand that had once held you so tenderly.
He laughs. “Yeah, I guess it has. But not too much.” You don’t know what he’s implying with that, but there’s a weight to the words, a sort of finality to them. “You should sit down. We have a lot to catch up on.”
“I shouldn’t,” she says, already in the chair he gestured to.
He laughs. It’s such a beautiful, familiar sound, something unchanged by the years between the man she used to know and the man who is. “I’ve always been great at convincing you to do the things you shouldn’t, haven’t I?”
You don’t know whether he realizes the gravity of what he’s said. Sometimes everything about him seems so free, so spontaneous, and others it seems like he knows everything that has, can, and will happen, and his hands are the ones making the cogs of the world turn.
But he really had always been so wonderful at convincing you. You had been reluctant to take the next step to lovers. You had told him such, several times, but he had always soothed away your worries with a bubbling laugh that always put you at ease.
I'm afraid of losing you, you had told him.
And he, to his credit, didn't tell you you never could. A calculated risk, he had called it. And I have a good feeling about this one.
You had never been an excellent gambler.
How horrible, to go from friends to lovers to nothing. You didn’t know how to be someone without him. Waking up to an empty bed was one thing, but ordering one drink instead of two, hearing a joke you know he’d love and being unable to share it with him, collecting trinkets just for them to collect dust when you realize you have no one to give them to, it weighs on you. In weaker moments, you can still feel his hands on you, hear his laughter in the wind, see the sparkle of his eyes behind you in the mirror. Haunted by the ghost of all you had and lost.
You never know which to call it: the day you lost him or the day he lost you. It doesn't matter, really, since his warmth left your side all the same, but you can't help but stick on the point anyway. Who took the bigger blow? You had loved him so deeply he had etched himself into your bones down to the marrow, but you would never accuse him of loving you with anything less than his all. Maybe you both lost in the end, a mutually assured destruction that had ended with nothing left of you but scraps.
But you’ve grieved for years, years that are long behind you. In front of you is the man you loved, grinning wildly, leaning in very purposefully to give you a look at his chest and abs under his shirt. He always knew his happy trail drove you wild, and now he does everything he can to ensure you see it. You can’t help but laugh at him. “You aren’t subtle, Shanks.”
“No one’s ever accused me of subtlety. That’s not usually what I’m going for.” His eyes crinkle when he smiles, and you notice lines that weren’t there when you saw him last. You wonder if the joy you brought him helped forge them, or if maybe it was all that came after that made its mark. Is there anything left of you with him?
You move to order a drink for yourself, but before you can speak to the bartender it’s already sat in front of you. Shanks ordered for you before you even approached. “Wow, you sure were confident.”
“Of course I was! How could you ever walk in here and not come and see me?” A slight twitch of his lip, a weakness in his smile, betrays insecurity. He absolutely thought you might have left without a word.
“Maybe I would have gotten nervous and ran. I’ve done that enough in my life.”
“Not to me. You always came to me.” His eyes are soft, filled with an affection that makes you ache.
“Maybe I changed. Maybe I got worse.”
“Not possible. Not you. No matter what the world threw at you, you would never let it break you down.”
“I think you think too much of me.”
“I think maybe I just know you better than you know yourself.” His smile isn’t smug, which is almost worse. He’s being devastatingly genuine, far more than you expected when you sat down. “You never had enough faith in yourself. Has that changed at all?”
You want to lie. God, you want to lie. But staring into his eyes you know you can’t. “No, it hasn’t. It might have gotten worse.”
He sighs softly, and he’s close enough that you can feel the rush of air on your face. “I had a feeling.” He pauses for a moment, before leaning back and taking a swig from his drink. “But tonight isn’t the time to unpack that. We’re two old friends having a drink. We should celebrate!”
It stings more than you expected. “Old friends, huh? That’s what this is?”
“It certainly sounds nicer than calling you the one who got away.”
“I got away?”
“And I never should have let you.” Another sip of his drink. “But really, we should talk about something happier, don’t you think? How’s life been?”
You want to press the issue, but his eyes are slightly pleading, and you think maybe you have more sway over him than you ever expected, an ability to press onto his weak spots hard enough to hurt. You used to think he was unshakable, invincible, but now you wonder if perhaps long ago he had gifted you a knife that could perfectly slip between his ribs if you so chose, if you ever developed the penchant for cruelty.
So you don’t press. You tell him about your life, how things have been since he left. He listens with rapt attention, holding onto your every word. He doesn’t share much about his own life, but you’re too caught up in the intoxication of his attention to care. It feels so wonderful to have those eyes on you again, if only for a while. It loosens your lips, makes you say things you never thought you’d be willing to admit.
"You know, there were times in my life I was convinced you were an angel. A gift from heaven, just for me."
"What convinced you otherwise?"
"I got to know you."
"No, no. It's not...you're just so...human. It's a compliment, I promise." It doesn't come out right, as you stumble over your words like you're sixteen again, every part of you slightly too big, too clumsy, too you. You don't know how to tell him that being him is the best thing a person could be. You could never love an angel the way you loved that man.
“I didn’t think you’d have many compliments left for me.”
You don’t know how to disagree with that. You certainly shouldn’t. But there’s a place in your heart carved out in his shape, and you’ve never been able to fill it with anything else. “I have almost nothing but, really.”
He smiles, wearier this time, tired down to the bone. “You’ve always been too good to me.”
You’ve always been too good for me, so what a pair we make. You don’t let the thought leave your lips, not today. But you suspect he might be able to see it in your face. He’s always been able to look you in the eyes and know exactly what you’re thinking. It’s one of his greatest strengths, and one of the things that tore you apart. You were never on equal footing, the wonderful liar and his woefully honest love. 
“So…anybody else you’ve got nothing but compliments for?”
“That was an awful segue.”
“I’m doing my best.”
You can’t help but laugh. “If you’re asking if I’m with someone, no, I’m not.”
“Why not?”
“I thought we were supposed to keep this to happy topics?”
“So it’s a sad reason.”
“It’s a normal reason!” It’s not, but he doesn’t need to know that.
“Whatever you say,” he chuckles, moving closer once again. He’s been slowly pulling your stools closer together throughout the night, inching his way into your space. With this final push, he allows himself a moment with his arm around your shoulder, so close to familiar, but not quite. He used to hold you with his dominant arm, the one he lost. You wonder if it feels strange to him, too, to be so close to the past, inches away from what was, but unable to fully bridge that gap. His drink sits on the counter, unattended, abandoned in favor of your warmth. “No matter the reason, I’m glad to hear it.”
“Oh? And why is that?”
“I think you know.”
“I think I want to hear you say it.”
“Oh, well how could I ever deny a request from you?” He leans closer, brushing his lips against your ear. “I want you.”
You flush, and suddenly you aren’t a tired pirate, filled with regrets and lost in nostalgia. Instead you’re twenty, and the beautiful boy you’ve been in love with has finally looked at you with all of the longing you thought you were alone in. You’re giddy and terrified and yearning all at once, but you can handle it, because he’s right there to catch you, just like he’s always been. You remember very well what it’s like to love him. You don’t know if you ever stopped. You would tell him, had he not flustered you so thoroughly you can hardly bring yourself to speak.
“I wasn’t sure if I’d still have that effect on you.” He’s grinning, the smugness offset by his obvious boyish glee.
“How could I ever resist?” It comes out barely a whisper, eeks out of your lips before you can stop it.
“Can I do what I do best?”
“What’s that?”
His eyes glance longingly down at your lips as he mutters, “Convince you to do something you shouldn’t.”
Tomorrow, you expect to wake up to cold sheets and an empty bed. Tomorrow you will be left with nothing but a longing for what you could have had, had things been different. Tomorrow you will scream and cry and curse yourself for daring to give yourself a taste of it, knowing this time would be the last. But it is not tomorrow yet, and he looks beautiful in the light, a decade younger and kinder, just like you remember him.
You let him kiss you.
And god, how cruel he was, for kissing you like it mattered. Like he always used to, dragging it out, lips following you even as you pulled away. He always kissed you like it would be your last.
His hand grips your hip tightly, as though he’s terrified you’ll turn to smoke beneath his fingertips, as though the moment he lets you you will slip through his fingers. Your chests press together, your hearts beating loudly, calling to each other through the small amount of space that separates them. A greeting to an old friend.
Your walk to your inn room is frenzied, his hand never leaving you, your lips hardly parting for a moment. You would thank the cover of darkness for maintaining your dignity if you were capable of worrying about anything other than the feeling of his skin beneath your fingers when you slide them beneath his shirt. You hear nothing except for his frantic breath in the small moments you part, the soft sighs that leave him when his hands find another part of your body to refamiliarize himself with.
You barely feel your back hit the bed. It is only when he finally pulls back a moment that you catch your breath and realize where you are. You could still back out. Still allow yourself to go back to the numbness, the grief surrounding you like a blanket, keeping you not comfortable but certainly safe.
Your fingers find the bottom of your shirt, throwing it to the side carelessly. Your fingers struggle with the clasp of your bra for a moment, frantic to get it off, to feel his fingers and mouth on your chest again after years of dreaming of them. You look up to see him shirtless, having fought a panicked battle with fabric of his own. He’s staring at you, mouth agape, his look something resembling wonder. He’s not simply admiring you, or doing something as disconnecting, glorifying, as worship. He’s simply adoring you, taking in the sight of you and tucking it away in his heart, treating you as something to be remembered. Something he will carry with him for the rest of his life if he has the choice.
“You’re just as beautiful as I remember you.” His voice is hardly a whisper, the words feeling almost like a confession of something more.
“So are you,” you murmur, moving slowly to run your fingers across his abdomen. He’s still built sturdily, and you can feel his muscles tense slightly underneath your fingers.
“I’ve dreamed of this. So, so many times.” He comes closer, his next words nearly directly against your lips. “I might have seen you more in my dreams than I ever did in reality. You’ve haunted me.” With that he kisses you again, tenderly, like an apology. There isn’t a heat or urgency like there was before, only affection and longing. You can feel in every movement of his mouth and tongue how he has wanted you, waited for you.
He slides onto the bed, pulling you onto his lap, pressing your bare chests together with his arm wrapped around your waist. His mouth moves to your neck, nipping gently, trying to find a spot he could once find in an instant. It takes him only a moment before he finds your sweet spot, making you moan softly. When you do, he lets out a soft groan. “God, I’ve missed that sound.”
You grind down slightly on his lap, making him let out a soft surprised noise of his own. You can’t help the giggle that comes out of you, girlish and joyous. “And I’ve missed that sound.” You grind down again, electricity shooting up your spine. “And that feeling.”
“Oh yeah? Haven’t felt that a lot since…” He trails off.
“They haven’t been you.” The weight of the words don’t hit you until they’re already out, but they don’t shatter the fragile bubble you two have found yourself in. All they do is make him give you a lovesick grin that threatens to rip your heart from your chest.
“Oh, sweetheart…” Another nip at your neck, and a callused hand sliding up your torso to your chest. “I’d give anything for it to have been me.”
“It’s you now.” It’s always been you.
“So it is. I’ll make sure you never forget tonight.” His mouth moves lower, his tongue and teeth lightly grazing over your nipples, making you grab his shoulders to ground yourself as a shiver works its way up your spine. His mouth is on one breast, his hand on the other, and he takes his sweet time working you up. He’s determined to appreciate you with all of the time he’s been granted, ensure that you know how much he’s savoring this moment. It’s only once you’re panting, hips jerking lightly without permission, that he eases up his attacks and starts working his way to the main event.
He lifts you slightly, just enough to slide your pants and panties off in one go. “Show off,” you mutter, no fire behind it.
“Only for you.” What should be a cheeky grin is too softened by the mood, turning to something sickly sweet. He taps your thigh lightly, an indication to stay elevated, and starts to unbuckle his pants before your hands reach out to stop him.
“Let me.” You wish your voice weren’t so desperate, but you’ve been dreaming of this moment for years, and you want so badly to live it how you’ve always wanted to.
He chuckles. “Of course, dear.”
Your hands make quick work of his belt as it’s flung to the side, but you take your time slowly working off his pants. The tent in his boxers is huge, almost bigger than you remember, but you don’t take long to stare at it. You save that for when you finally slide off his underwear, exposing his cock to your hungry eyes. It’s exactly as you remember, long and veiny and twitching with want. You slowly reach a hand to it, wrapping your fist around it, then the other, pumping slowly and appreciating the weight in your hand. He lets out a soft groan, head falling forward, eyes falling closed, allowing for you to admire his body without fear of embarrassment.
You seize the moment you can, eyes scraping over every inch of him, updating him in your memory, adding every new wrinkle, scar, every part of him that’s new to you. You never thought he could grow more beautiful, more perfect, more him, but somehow he managed. There’s more hair on his chest now, more scars on his legs, more evidence of the hard life you knew he led as an emperor. You’re determined to memorize every inch, so now at least when you dream of him it will be him as he is instead of as he was.
He makes a strangled noise when you lean down to take him in your mouth, to see if his taste has changed as well. You’re pleased to know it hasn’t, as you slowly move up and down his shaft as your hands continue to work him. The weight of him in your mouth is almost comforting in its familiarity, something between you two that has remained wholly and truly unchanged. His moans grow deeper when one of your hands moves to his balls and his hips lurch forward slightly. You remove your mouth just to take one final long lick up his cock, one that once again causes him to shiver and groan.
He makes a quiet noise somewhere between disappointment and relief when you fully remove your hands and mouth from him and begin to straddle him again. “I really didn’t want to finish before the main event. I don’t have the stamina I used to.”
You laugh at him. “You liar. One, you’re not even forty, you shouldn’t act like an old man. Second, you’ve only gotten stronger since then. No way in hell have you lost any endurance.”
“Me, lie to you?” He places a hand on his chest in mock offense. “Never!”
“So you admit you’re weaker than you used to be? An unpracticed lover?”
“Well…maybe I was lying this one time.” He leans forward to kiss you again, a quick peck at the corner of your mouth. He reaches down to align himself with your entrance before he begins to thrust in slowly and carefully. His hand moves to your hip, resting there as you both quietly moan at the feeling of you stretching him out.
He leans your foreheads together when he finally bottoms out, both of you panting quietly and getting used to the feeling. It’s blissful, to finally be filled so perfectly after thinking about it for so very long. You fit together perfectly, two puzzle pieces made for each other.
“You ready, sweetheart?”
“Please,” you mewl.
“Of course.” With that he easily grips your hip to help you ride him, rutting up into you as you come down. The sound of skin slapping makes you feel light headed, leaning your head forward to rest in Shanks’ neck. The room feels burning hot, but despite the heat radiating off of his skin, you need to feel every inch of him. You feel as though you’ll float away if you don’t ground yourself here, with him, perfectly intertwined in a way you could never be with anybody else.
“I’ve missed this,” he gasps out as he hits particularly deep, making you cry out. “You feel so wonderful, sweetheart. So perfect.”
You try to respond, but he hits your sweet spot again, so you can only let out a choked cry against his neck. He presses his nose into your hair, and you can feel him smile against you. “That’s right, just like that. Let me hear it.”
And so you do. You don’t hold back a single sound, crying out for him louder and louder until you’re sure the entire inn can hear. You can’t bring yourself to care. You can feel the heat rising, the pulsing spreading through you, and you don’t give a damn about anything other than the man beneath and inside of you.
“So close, almost there.” Another thrust, another cry, and you are teetering on the edge, ready to let yourself fall.
“Let it out, sweetheart. Cum with me.” You tighten around him as you feel your release fly through you and Shanks’ pulse inside of you. He continues to thrust through your orgasm, ensuring you take every last drop of him as deep inside as you can. When you come back to yourself, he’s running his fingers lightly through your hair, pressing loving kisses to the top of your head. “That was perfect.”
You can’t help your smile. You nuzzle against his neck, and his hand drops from your head to your back, pulling you closer. You both lay for what feels like hours, Shanks soft inside of you, as both of you refuse to move and shatter the moment.
Eventually, Shanks pulls out, cum slowly starting to leak out of you, as he gently shifts you both so he’s laying on his back with you on his chest. You can hear his heartbeat, steady like a drum, pounding in his chest. You’d missed that sound.
You don’t remember falling asleep. You only remember waking up still feeling warm and safe, and the quiet confusion that comes with it. You were sure he would be back on his ship by now, halfway to a new island, a new adventure, and someone else to share his bed with. Someone with less baggage, or at least some that can be left by the door. Instead he’s here, in this bed, staring down at you with a tenderness that could bring you to tears if you let it.
“Good morning, Sleeping Beauty.” He brushes your hair lightly from his face.
“Does that make you Prince Charming?”
He laughs. “God no. I’m the handsome and roguish pirate that’s here to steal his princess away.”
Your heart stutters in your chest. “Is that what you’re going to do?”
“Steal me away? Is that your plan?” You try to keep the hope out of your voice.
"We're leaving tomorrow. You could..." He trails off, an uncharacteristic hesitation. You never used to do this to him, make him lose his sure footing. You don't know how to feel about changing from home to unsteady ground, somewhere he has to tread carefully lest he fall right through. He doesn't finish his question, doesn't get brave enough to risk it. Instead he looks at you with wide, pleading eyes that beg for a return to something you can't even fully remember the feeling of.
I can't, you want to say.
"I don't know," your mouth betrays, vulnerability seeping through. He's always been good at that, striping someone down to their center, exposing the softness they desperately try to hide.
"I don't know either," he mutters. "But I'd... I'd like it if you did. I've missed you."
"I've missed you too."
“You don’t have to miss me anymore. Not if you don’t want to.” His hand is gentle as it caresses your cheek. You close your eyes and lean in, soaking up the feeling. You want to. You want to so badly you could scream. But there’s a terror inside of you, a part of you where the wound he left never closed. You don’t know if you can risk tearing the rest of it open again. You don’t know if you’ll survive it.
His voice goes soft again, saying the one word that brings down your defenses instantly. “Please. Please come with me. I can’t lose you again.”
You know he could still hurt you. Could still rip you open in an instant if you let him, expose your soft insides and destroy every part of you you managed to keep safe the first time. You know this intimately. But somehow it doesn’t sway you as much as his quiet desperation, his admittance that perhaps you could do the very same to him, and he would let you.
“You don’t have to.”
“You mean…”
“I’ll go with you.”
His smile rivals the sun. “You won’t regret it.”
You might. But you can’t quite bring yourself to care.
Tag List: @pandora-writes-one-piece
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svmjaeyvn · 7 months
love maze, s.jy.
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chapter four pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: tbd (series)
add yourself to the taglist here!
genre: college!au, mutual friends, fake dating, smut.
synopsis: an unfortunate encounter, drunken mistakes, and a sort of (definitely) stalker leads jake sim ‘dating’ his best friend’s childhood crush.
or, your life gets intertwined with a rich boy’s in attempt to not get sued by his crazy personal fangirl and like with all good cliches, sex overcomplicates things.
contents: smut, sort of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers pipeline, childhood best friend!jay, mentions of best friend! yunjin, curly haired & mixed reader, uni!au, rich nepo baby!jake, enha frat boys, lots of kissing, fake dating turning into fwb real quick, totally way too into it for it to be fake early on, big booty reader that’s jake’s obsessed with, partying and alcohol use, slight violence, he fell first and harder trope, stem bf & writer gf, (kinda overly) possessive jake, some angst to spice things up, daddy issues, hyper independent reader who struggles with her feelings, fluff and happy ending!!
a/n: hello~ i’ve never been a tumblr girly but i have went through my w*ttpad era back in 2018 so bare with me y’all. this will be a series but not that long (i hope) so pls look forward to it. warning tags will be placed before each “chapter” to specify what to expect. pls pls reblog and interact, i’d love to have feedback and see what your thoughts are. okay! yay, for now enjoy and thank you sm :D
MDNI, 18+
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word count: 2.9k
warnings: alcohol, partying(what’s new), hints of needy jake, reader being a tease, established desire, highly suggestive themes
a/n: YEAHHH GET INTO IT moving it along now
"I GO HOME for three days and you suddenly have a new life?" Yunjin gapes, hands on her hips as you had just finished explaining the whole story in what happened between you and Jake. From the beginning of the creep at the store, which she was throughly upset that you didn't call her considering she didn't even get laid that night, to the agreement the two of you came up with yesterday.
You were in the process of getting ready, Jake having texted you earlier in the day asking if you were free. After talking over everything, coming up with a story down to the smallest details, and finding a middle ground in how this would work, Jake suggested at least once a week you two would go on a 'date.' In reality it was just hanging out, time to get to know each other better and have the ability to be comfortable with how you'd act in public from then on.
"Apparently," You snort, swiping one last application of lip gloss onto your lips. Puckering them before letting out a small sigh, decidedly put in enough effort for the mock date. "Good?"
Yunjin glances over your outfit. The denim jeans sat nicely on your hips, low rise exposing a good portion of your stomach along with the white baby tee, a brown oversized jacket on top with white shoes to compliment. The outfit was casual but cute enough to show some effort, showing off enough skin that emphasized your curves but also comfortable.
"You're hot," She nods, a wink added to the effect. Watching as you bent over to retie your shoe lace, a loud gasp left Yunjin's lips before her laughter filled the air. "You're trying to get laid aren't you!" Pointing toward the thin string-like material that poked out as you bent due to the low waistband of the pants, the brown thong you wore was exposed and something you didn't particularly wear without good reason.
Quickly standing up straight, a sheepish smile made way onto your lips, shrugging slightly. "Maybe, mind as well have fun with this, right?"
"Sure, fucking your already fake boyfriend sounds like a great idea that won't lead to any problems," Yunjin nods, voice dripping with sarcasm.
You smile, turning back around just as your phone pings. "Glad we agree," You nod, collecting your things as Jake was now waiting outside for you to head down, Yunjin rolling her eyes as she bids you goodbye with a playful slap to your ass as you walked past.
"Text me how it goes!"
JAKE HAD A hard time focusing. Maybe it was the colorful lights that blinked in every direction, or the loud buzz of other people who played along the rows and rows of arcade games, or maybe it was the fact that he got the perfect view of your ass in those tiny little jeans every time you remotely leaned over. He thought he was imagining things the first time you bent over, trying to convince himself that you hadn't been bold enough to wear a thin g-string in those already low pants that exposed the definition of your waist and the two dimples on your lower back.
Surely it wasn't planned, wearing a thin little thong under tight pants that left little to the imagination with how utterly perfectly perky your ass seemed squeezed in them. But it was, definitely was because although he hasn't worn one himself, he assumed having a string up your ass all day wasn't something you willingly did, knowing well enough it was for the view not your comfort.
It took everything in him to tear his eyes away every time you glanced back, though his continued slip ups caused you to grow rather amused. Feeling how his eyes practically bore into your back, you began to have fun with it. Whether it consisted of teasing him with the sway of your hips as you walked or ensuring to wiggle around more than usual when you bent over to place the tokens in the slots of the machines.
The current game the two of you played consisted of basketball, playing on the two player option to go against one another, rushing to beat the others score of how many baskets made in the 90 second period. Jake finished before you, having started a few seconds prior and he smiled seeing the 72 on his scoreboard while yours was slowly trickling up from a mere 48.
Just as he was about to comment on his obvious win, he took note of the two who lingered off the side, seemingly waiting for their turn at the game. Presumably within your age range, the two men stood patiently, one occupied by his phone but the other had his eyes set on you in specific.
From the way his eyes traveled up your body, slow without a care for how bluntly obvious it was to see him checking you out, Jake felt oddly in disbelief at how shameless his actions were. The loud buzz indicated the end of your round, the score finalized at a 54 as you turned around with a small huff.
"Cheater," You tut, your competitive nature beginning to show its colors as you turn to Jake who was now a mere few inches apart.
Quirking a brow, he points to his scoreboard, the big 72 in bold letters along with WINNER flashing after it. "Face it baby, I'm just better,"
You blink, slightly surprised by the sudden pet name while Jake leans in suspiciously closer than before. One of his arms snaked behind your waist, hand resting low on your back and the heat of his fingers against your exposed skin caused a chill to run up your spine.
"Don't be cocky, you're just taller so it's easier for you," You defend with a roll of your eyes, turning away from his gaze that made you want to squirm away. You could feel the sudden shift in his demeanor, one that you wanted to see but it also made you nervous.
Without a word, Jake shamelessly leaned closer. His lips pressed to the corner of your mouth, lingering there for a moment just missing your lips before he pulls away, moving to whisper in your ear. "Your little outfits catching eyes sweetheart,"
He had a smile on his features, a seemingly fond look thrown your way but you could see the hint of something other by his eyes. Glancing around for a moment, attempting to confirm what he was referencing, it wasn't until your turned your head momentarily did you see. From the corner of your eye, you could see the two who stood still waiting, one in particular unable to take his eyes off you no matter how shameless he seemed.
"Is that a problem?" You counter, voice just as quiet as his as you peer back to Jake. This time, the smirk that fell upon his features definitely wasn't in good nature, feeling as his hand slightly squeezed your hip at the words.
"Not at all, I have a hot girlfriend," Jake shrugs, his amusement dripping through his words. "As long as I'm the only one that gets to touch you, they can look all they want,"
Finding yourself at a loss for words, you shake your head at his comment. Breaking the tension that began to linger through the air, you loop your arm around his own and begin to lead the way towards another game in the opposite direction. Jake merely laughs, allowing for you to pull him along without comment.
"Didn't take you as the possessive type," Finally finding your voice as you pulled him along to a less busy area in the building, you stop at one of the claw machines.
"Didn't like the way he was looking at you," He shrugs, pulling two coins from his pocket and inserting them to begin the game. Now focused on the rather weird chick looking stuffed animal that sat at the top of the pile, Jake's tongue was poked out slightly at the corner of his mouth as he concentrated.
You watched, waiting for him to drop the claw before speaking. "Still possessive," You snicker, the stuffed animal being picked up for a few seconds before falling out of the metal grasp. Still, it fell significantly closer to the exit shoot and Jake began his second attempt that the coins bought him.
He merely hums back at your words, redoing his attempt and waiting patiently to watch as the claw picked up and dragged the chick toward the shoot, it falling down in success causing a small smile to fall upon his lips. Bending down to pull it out, Jake takes a glance over it before holding it out to you.
"Well, like it or not, you're mine for the next few months," He reminds. You half heartedly nod at his words, far too engrossed by your newest stuffed animal and picking off a piece of extra fluff around its eye. The baby chick looked rather awkward, far too round and compressed but it made you smile, happy with the weird looking stuffy that'll be added to the rest on your bed.
"I'm fake yours," You finally respond while he raises a brow.
Taking a note of how excited you got over a mediocre claw machine prize, Jake sighs at your words. "No one else knows that, so as far as I'm concerned, you're mine to make it known,"
You smile at his words, a sort of guilty pleasure in knowing just how much he intended to keep you by his side even if it were an unpleasant trait outside of anything fiction. With a small hum, you lace your fingers through his own, pulling him along.
"Careful Jake, someone might think you actually like me,"
                  "TRY NOT TO let her do a replay of last week, yeah?" Jay spoke rather loudly, leaned close to the couple after spotting them heading for the kitchen. You had been dragged along to the frat house after a call interrupted your date. Allegedly, Bianca had made an appearance to the party, running around making scenes in attempt to find where Jake was hiding out after avoiding her all week.
Heeseung had made it clear that he either needed to come home and kick her out himself, or he'd be throwing her in the pool if she came up to him again cockblocking the girl he was trying to talk up for the night. Thus Jake proposed your first real act in your relationship, something that you were slightly reluctant to but also couldn't pass up the opportunity of seeing Bianca lose her shit over you attached to his hip without room for her to do anything this time.
It didn't surprise you that there was yet another party going on at the house, the boys notorious for being the main party frat on campus. What did surprise you though, was the fact that Jake willingly chose to take you on a date rather than attend.
You rolled your eyes at Jay's comment, shoving his shoulder causing Jake to let out a laugh beside you. His arm was draped over your shoulders, keeping your body close to his own while his other hand sported a red solo cup, yet another jungle juice made by Sunghoon who knew what he was doing this time around. Meanwhile you held a spiked cup of pineapple juice and tequila, keeping the alcohol minimal and pacing yourself.
"Go away," You huff, shooing Jay away with the wave of your hand. Raising a brow, he takes a glance over the two of you momentarily.
"Don't be weird," Is all he says, the comment thrown to Jake who seemingly understood, shrugging halfheartedly but agreed with a nod. With a small sigh, Jay's hand reaches up to ruffle your hair and quick to pull away as you swatted the air. "Bye teeny, don't fight anyone!"
"He's annoying," You mumble, turning back to Jake who hummed in response.
"He cares," He says softly, taking a sip from his cup while you click your tongue.
"Yeah? Too much then," Glancing around, the dim lights that flashed throughout the house provided minimal visibility, mostly shadows of bodies rather than seeing faces. "How long is this public appearance supposed to last before I can head home?" Truthfully, the thought of your bed seemed ten times more appealing than the stuffy kitchen you stood in. Partially sure that you had seen a girl running by about to hurl, the sight solidified your belief of partying sporadically, it gets old fast every week in your opinion.
"You wanna go home?" Jake began to feel around for his keys but only to pause realizing the cup filled with a concoction of alcohols may have not been the best idea.
"Not now," You shake your head. "I can always call an uber later, or have Yunjin pick me up... or even stay with Jay I guess,"
“What, you don’t want to stay with your boyfriend?” Jake teases, leaning closer causing you to roll your eyes. Slightly pushing his face away with the palm of your hand, small giggles began to fall from both your lips and mixing together in a little world of your own that seemed far away from anyone else in the room. “I’m hurt, truly you should be wanting to spend the night with me.”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” You hum. Pushing away the few out of place strands of hair that fell onto Jake’s forehead, his eyes glinted at the suggestive tone while his hands sat comfortably on your hips. Moving to your tippy toes, you leaned up to whisper directly in Jake’s ear, the words and your warm breath that fanned against his neck causing a shiver to run up his spine. “We wouldn’t be getting much sleep,”
“You know, I think I’m actually getting a little tired right now,” Jake says quickly, you pulling away enough to make eye contact, his pupils visibly dilated at the thoughts running through his head. “I think we should head up early, could be a good bonding experience,” The cheeky smile that played at his lips didn’t go unnoticed while he squeezed your hip, one of his hands trailing down dangerously low just above the curve of your ass, lingering there without any intention of moving back up.
“I don’t remember that being a part of the contract,” You tease while Jake shakes his head. Maybe it was the low lighting of the party, or maybe it was the more than obvious way he had been looking to you all night that made you so comfortable to entertain the thought. Well that and the fact that Jake was admittedly hot, you had always had the tiniest attraction towards him the few times you met in the past. Plus, there had to be some truth to the rumors that clouded his name, most girls deeming him as some of the best they ever had and you couldn’t help but want to figure it out for yourself.
“Exactly, that means there’s no rules against it, right?” Jake persists. No longer hiding his growing desperation, you were sure he’d kneel down and beg if you asked. “C’mon baby, it’s a good thing you know, for couples to be intimate n stuff,”
“I feel like I’m gonna have to keep reminding you that this is fake,” You snicker, seemingly nonchalant but you took a long sip from Jake’s cup, attempting for some liquid courage to calm your rapid heartbeat.
“We can be whatever you want us to be,” He agrees, hand cupping your face, tilting up your chin up as he placed a light lingering kiss to your bottom lip. “There’s a reason you wore those tight little pants and if not me, you’re out of luck in having someone else take them off cause of your rules,”
A small hum left your lips, your bottom lip tucked between your teeth which caused Jake to look away, finding something else to focus on to push away the thoughts of what your pretty mouth would look like around him instead. Immediately regretting it, your attention was caught by the string of curses that he mumbled under his breath.
Frowning your brows, your head turns to see the culprit of his sudden change in mood. Feeling the same sentiment as you see the faux blonde who looked more than annoyed when your eyes locked, you had to resist the urge to act childishly and flip her off.
Suddenly turning toward Jake, you grab hold of his hand. Raising a brow at your change in heart, he allows you to pull him toward the stairs. “If I would’ve known you had a possession thing too I would’ve said she got here way earlier,” He smiles, visibly pleased at the turn of events and switching to lead the way to his room.
“I’m proving a point,” You huff back while Jake lets out a laugh at your words. Following his lead with no hint of hesitation, you ensure to send a sickeningly sweet smile toward Bianca who seemed to be on the verge of losing her poise.
You had to admit, following Jake up to his room and seeing the look of envy from so many faces boosted your ego in more ways than one. This is gonna be a long night.
my tags!! @slutforsjy @jaklvbub @whowantshota @addictedtohobi
( pls make sure your settings make you applicable to tag)
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okilokiwithpurpose · 10 months
Here comes a Gigolas AU for your consideration:
Arranged Marriage AU with a twist - the twist being that both Legolas and Gimli's parents are opposed to said marriage (sorry if it already exist!! i tried!).
Let me explain: to mend the relationships between Elves and Dwarves, some sort of High Council decides a wedding is the best option and, given their respective ages, the importance of their families and who knows how many other criteria, Gimli and Legolas are considered the best candidates. Glóin and Thranduil are absolutely opposed to it. Gimli and Legolas are not that keen on the idea either, but they decide to accept nonetheless (for the "Greater Good" and all that). This could include:
Their parents trying until the last minute to dissuade them
The awkward first meeting on the Wedding Day
The awkward first days/weeks not knowing what to talk about
The walking on eggshells, the stiff politeness, and the first time one of them let it all out that "they never asked to be there" and "they wish someone else had been chosen to play this farce."
Then getting to know each other, getting more comfortable around each other, slowly moving on from averse strangers to easy acquaintances (...to friends?)
Tasting each other's food - some they may be surprise to actually enjoy, other...not so much (and the visible effort to pretend t's "fine" or "very interesting" making the other laugh)
Gimli introducing drinking games to Legolas - and being amazed by Legolas' ability to hold his drink. Legolas discovering dwarven ale and Gimli discovering elven wine.
Gimli gifting/making jewelry for Legolas out of shining stones and the finest gold and silver (maybe trying to get inspiration from elven jewelry or going for a composite style)
each getting impressed by the other's fighting abilities (in training or on field)
Gimli admitting he does appreciate the softness of elven silk
Legolas admitting the deep harmony of dwarven songs captivate him
Both of them starting to properly enjoy their companionship and starting to fall in love
The time it takes them to come to realise it, and discover the feeling is mutual
How hard it becomes for each of them to visit/have relatives visiting and having to hear their friends and family pity them for "having to live with such a vile/disgusting/untrustworthy creature"
How bewildered Glóin/Thranduil get when their sons one day snaps at them, because "This is my husband you're talking about!!"
The decision a self conscious Gimli may once make to "accommodate his looks", using product to make his hair smother, straighter, his skin softer, changing his clothes (and maybe even -gasp- shaving his beard?), in an attempt to appear more desirable from an elve standpoint - and Legolas answering he finds Gimli beautiful with both looks, but that he prefers the one Gimli feels comfortable with
The inevitable schemes from people this wedding inconveniences (for political, cultural or personal reasons) who wish to separate them and are furious to see how close those two have become...
...and if they can't manage to pull them apart figuratively, they would have to go for a more literal type of separation (that is to say: abduction...or worse)
Gloin or Thranduil lowkey rejoicing that his son-in-law has been removed from the equation (which doesn't mean they have anything to do with it), for it means his son his free!
Gloin or Thranduil who also doesn't understand his son's eagerness to find and bring their spouse back, and how sad and broken they appear to be... (maybe both can finally come to realise how important Gimli and Legolas have become for each other and help in order for their sons to be happy!)
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psychologeek · 7 months
What should I post/update next?
Also feel free to comment, or send asks, or thoughts, or anything at all.
Disclaimer: Things could be changed, depends on what I have written/beta'd.
more about the fanfics/options:
Who Am I - Cass POV. From childhood with Cain, to living with a family, to losing everything and then gaining a family, once again, with the Waynes.
Some of Them - Reverse Robins, in which they were saved from abusive Bad!man by a good!batman. Unfortunately, Damian didn't get the memo (and even if he did - trauma tend to shape the way you see the works.
#2 in the "Sweet Dreams" series. Damian whump. In which the author remember, again, about reading "The Body Keeps the Score".
Lost and Found Verse:
Jazz Fenton and Jason Todd used to be mutuals, writing fanfics and commenting on eachother's, chatting about life, etc. It all ended when Jason disappeared mysteriously after running away. The first arc ("Lost") is finished: What came before and after. Life and recovery and friendship and losing yourself, but starting to find.
The second part "Found" would include 3 different AUs/ways it can go:
1.The Cyclist (temporary name): After his world tour, but before Red Hood, Jason ends up in a small town with a familiar name. Jazz, who struggle to balance school-2 jobs-and-parenting, meet a stranger in the library.
2. Lab Rat (temp. name)- When Jazz catch the Fentons vivisect Danny, ahe take him and run. Who could she turn for help?
3. Not Broken (temp.name) - Jazz got a scholarship to Gotham University. Now she's a single mom to 4 years old Dani, guardian to 16 yo Danny, and a... parol officer sister to Dan. It's August, and her stupid boss won't even let her take the day off to properly grieve. (It's the first August she can't get her old friend's birthday for herself, and she can't stop crying.)
Storytelling (side fic in "Liminal Skills" series)- "two undead diverge in a yellow wearhouse". In which there's a gunfire, some (not so) common sense, a smartass street kid, and bats.
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Chapter 3: Stranger's Promise
Narrated by Marina.
Narrator: I glance around Cersei's stall. On the black velvet tablecloth lies an old, frayed set of tarot cards.
Narrator: A tall girl in an elegant, classy gown and a crystal crown is sitting behind the table. She looks like a beautiful princess!
Narrator: She shuffles the cards gracefully. I'm surprised to spot some green stubble under her veil.
Narrator: Cersei's deskmate, the youth in the noble outfit, is also standing at the side.
Noble Youth: Where are you from, young lady?
Marina: The voice...
You: So that "youth" is actually a girl...
Narrator: Meanwhile, a figure clad entirely in metal scraps is attempting to get up from the couch in the back, producing a series of loud clangs.
Robot: Activating... 20%... 30%, 35%... Activation failed.
Narrator: The strange metal man gives up his attempt and sinks back into the couch.
Cersei: Hey, Robot, don't scare our sixth member away.
Marina: What a group of weirdos.
Cersei: Bingo! That's right! We're weirdos indeed. You're indeed destined to be our sixth member.
Cersei: Let me introduce you. This is our Princess. This one is Prince. The robot dude is human, but you can just call him Robot.
Marina: You can call me Marina.
Prince: A very good name. Easy to remember.
Cersei: We all live in the Dorm of the Strange. The other students all call our building a forbidden zone!
Marina: Is that something worth being proud of?
Cersei: Anyway, if you join our club, you get free access to the Dorm of the Strange. You'll be one of us!
Narrator: Her words simply put me in a bad mood once again.
Marina: But I'm not even a student in your school.
Narrator: Princess, who has been standing silently at the side, finally sighs.
Stubbled Princess: Yeah, she's right. She's a kid. Can't you tell?
Cersei: So? She can just join the club now and enter Cicia School of Design later.
Narrator: I look up in surprise to meet Cersei's genuine, intense gaze.
Marina: B-but by the time I get in... you'll all have graduated.
Cersei: Nah, I should've graduated 4 years ago, and I'm still here. Who knows when I'll graduate? We might become classmates.
Cersei: By the way, where do you live, Marina?
Marina: I live on a big, big ship! Bigger than the whole campus, actually.
Marina: We sail all day. I don't know where to, but my brother says we'll find our destination someday.
Cersei: Wow, that sounds amazing. I deserve my own ship, too.
Narrator: Princess nods elegantly, stroking the stubble on her chin.
Stubbled Princess: It'd be nice to go tanning on the deck with a glass of champagne.
Prince: So, do you know how to steer a ship, Miss Marina?
Marina: Of course! I can do anything!
Robot: A ship bigger than the whole campus... It must be powered by cutting-edge technology. Maybe tech from the Ruins.
Narrator: They all start chatting. It's like they've already accepted me and fully believe I really do live on a gigantic ship.
Narrator: I feel right at home hanging out with them. It's almost magical. How should I describe this feeling?
Choose either "It's friendship" or "It's the mutual understanding between weirdos."
If "friendship," ...
You: It's friendship! You've made some great friends.
Narrator: So, is this what having friends feels like? Now I see why people find university fun.
If "weirdos," ...
You: It's the mutual understanding between weirdos. You fit perfectly with each other.
Narrator: Who cares if others find me weird? And what makes them so "normal" anyway?
Marina: But... I'm the 6th member, right? Shouldn't there be one more person here in that case?
Cersei: She went out to buy something. Oh, I see her over there!
Aeon: Marina!
Narrator: Before I can see the face of the fifth member, my brother has come looking for me.
Aeon: Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a while.
Marina: Aeon! You're already done?
Aeon: Yeah, it's time to go home.
Narrator: I hurriedly say goodbye to the members of the Research of Magical Humans Club and run over to take my brother's hand.
Narrator: From a distance away, I turn back and let my gaze linger on the stall a little bit longer.
Narrator: A new, grayish figure is standing by the small table now. The silhouette reminds me a little of a mirror we have on the Ark.
Aeon: What are you looking at, Marina?
Marina: Nothing, nothing! I didn't see a thing.
Marina: Aeon, can I study here in the future? I made some new friends and promised we'll become classmates someday!
Aeon: You want to go to school? Of course, you can go.
Marina: Really? You're the best!
Aeon: But if you want to pass the exam, you'll need lessons in history, languages, math, and more. Let's start lessons once we get home!
Marina: Huh? Nooooo! I don't wanna go to university anymore!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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gremlin-pattie · 1 year
this isn’t necessarily good or bad, just something i’m noticed and want to reflect on— queer people living in (relatively) accepting communities put a lot more emphasis on pronouns than queer people living in less accepting communities.
for example, I live in the deep south (southern United States, very conservative), and a lot of my friends and I have pronouns that we use around other queer people we are close with, but when we are with our families and in public we will accept whatever people assume we use based on our appearances. I think of it as my “public pronouns” vs my “preferred pronouns.” we do this because it could cause unnecessary conflict or even become dangerous to try to correct people for not using the pronouns we would prefer, and we’re unlikely to convince them of our viewpoint anyway, so it’s just not worth the energy.
we also use the pronouns associated with our agabs for each other when we are in front of people we don’t know are safe. so for example, if I am hanging out with some queer friends and they want to refer to me but we are out in public, they’ll use she/her pronouns to refer to me (I’m afab and have not done any physical transitioning). I guess you could call this misgendering, but I don’t think it’s the same because it’s not malicious. this is a mutually agreed upon thing that we (queer people where I live) do to protect each other, unless you know someone openly uses certain pronouns.
with this being my experience, it was surprising to me when I started getting into trans spaces on the internet and saw how adamant a lot of people are about strangers using their pronouns right, and how upset people get when they don’t. I think that getting upset is justified, because dysphoria can be a bitch, but I’ve never been in a position where correcting people feels like an option. I’m happy if they assume I’m cis and I’m able to blend in, because it means I’m safe, so I can tolerate whatever they want to call me.
I would guess this difference in treatment of pronouns is because when you’re not worrying about basic stuff like “will people bully me or possibly hurt me if they find out I’m queer?” you have more room to care about smaller details. think about it kind of like the hierarchy of needs.
I think it’s amazing that there are places where people are able to ask strangers to use the pronouns they want without worrying about being ostracized, and I hope it’s like there everywhere one day. I just want other queers to understand that not all of us able to do that, and instances of “misgendering” are not always that simple. sometimes we’ve gotta help each other stay hidden to stay safe.
obligatory disclaimer that this is based on comparing my lived experience to the experiences of queer people living in more progressive communities that I see online. please feel free to share your experience and whether or not it aligns with my observations. you do not have to identify as trans to share, this applies to anyone who uses pronouns other than the ones assigned to you based on your agab.
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it's, i think, 125 days into the genocide and im thinking about so much again,,, but for some reason i came back to thoughts of ex-mutuals/ex-online friends. which is dumb, i know.
i remember seeing their icons and their names on the pro-israel/pro-genocide posts made by zionists and just feeling this wave of emotion i cant even explain. one of my ex-online friends,,, i couldnt believe it. this person should have known fucking better. why didnt they know better? a victim of misinformation online? someone who suffered from fake callout posts and depended on the goodwill/good faith of others? why did they never fact-check what they were seeing on october 7th and further into the year? it's not hard at all to find information about palestine and the iof? the colonial-settler occupation? when so many resources were being passed around especially on tumblr for them and available for free?
i think this one ex-online friend hurt particularly because when it was their ass in trouble from the spread of misinformation, i believed them.
their abuser publicly came to me, multiple times, to try and convince me they were evil. all because i commented on my ex-online friend's fic at random. they were a complete stranger to me when i met them/messaged them: "hey, some person has it out for you. they're saying this. im letting you know. i think you deserve to know because i know nothing." and i got the real story and my ex-online friend told me they were grateful. for some people, especially those who dont deal with drama, it would have been easy to just believe that misinformation or ignore it. let someone slander someone else's name because it's not my problem. well,,,, i dont function like that. i cant. i told my ex-online friend, directly, if this was happening to me, i would hope someone would do the same for me as im doing for them and help me in this situation. im just so angry because they knew,,,, they fucking knew how harmful that can be to fall for misinformation. and once again, they got twisted up in that. only it's entirely their fault.
i dont even really know what im ranting about but god fucking damn it im so angry? and im so angry thinking about how i never really knew the people i thought i knew? i thought the line was genocide for some of yall and it wasnt?
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aerialworms · 2 years
hello dear mutual! I have a question. I'm no longer in the fandom but I like watching from the sidelines. there was a poll asking if destiel will still be made canon and my question is: how. isn't the prequel planned about the parents? I would love an explanation cause I don't understand. thank you so much!!
Hello there friend!! I'm happy to explain, I love rambling about this batshit show so much!
So yes, the prequel is about the parents, but I'm not sure how much you know about it so here's a little primer: from what I've seen, it's actually Dean telling the story of how his parents met and fell in love, presumably while he's up in Heaven post-finale (y'know, where Cas is also supposed to be). Jensen and his wife Daneel are executive producing, and the prequel is being showrun by Robbie Thompson, known for writing such episodes as Goodbye Stranger (the crypt scene my beloved!!!!!!), Meta Fiction ("What makes a story work? Is it the plot, the characters, the text? The subtext?"), and Fan Fiction (the musical ep! With Sam teasing Dean about destiel!). So from the get-go everyone was like 👀 because Robbie has always been a destiel-positive writer! Plus, apparently, Daneel's favourite character is Cas, so it would make sense for them to bring Cas back if they (and Misha) wanted!
Please bear in mind that I haven't actually watched any of the prequel, i've just been living vicariously through my dash. People who have actually watched it/know more than me please feel free to add on/correct me!
So, to my knowledge, the reasons people are thinking they might make Destiel canon in the prequel are (in no particular order):
a) A few weeks ago there was an episode that had Gabriel (as played by Richard Speight Jr) as the MOTW and also had a background cameo from Rob Benedict in a very bad wig (unclear if that was Chuck or not), and there have been quotes from (i think) Robbie saying that they're only having cameos from OG SPN actors if it's relevant to the story they want to tell (and since the Rob cameo was not explained or plot-relevant people are thinking they're possibly going to do a Chuck won scenario? It could turn out that he was never actually defeated in 15.19 and now Dean has to show up to fight him again (and get Cas back?? maybe??))
b) In that same episode, there was a scene where Mary and John look at a picture of some dude who'd given them a clue or talked to John or something - it was Dean! So he's alive again, briefly, in the 70s. Could be time travel, could be he's escaped from Heaven. So if Dean is around in the show, whether just as narrator or as a character in the story, he has the potential to go rogue and look for Cas, or be telling the story to Cas up in Heaven. In either case, there is the potential for canon destiel, if they (Jensen, Daneel, Robbie, Misha, etc.) decide they want to do that.
c) Jensen has said various things at cons recently which are kinda 👀, including that he'd have been happy to keep going on SPN for another 6 years, and, most recently (this weekend), which I think sparked the poll you were talking about - that if Dean and Cas reunited Dean would say "Hey, can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" and then joked that nah, it would be more like "hey, buddy, good to see you, old pal" but THEN said "I don't know, maybe we'll get to see that, that would be interesting" (Here's a gifset of him saying that if you're interested)
Also this:
Tumblr media
[ID: Tweet from Toni @JensFloofHair.
Misha: I mean, you have the Impala.
Damn right, nothing stopping them!!
#JIB11 /End ID]
It's no secret that Jensen Did Not like the finale, apparently Eric Kripke had to talk him into it and he still makes salty jokes about it even now. Add the fact that he got someone else to film the confession for him because he wanted to have a record of it, and has said they cut out key parts of his performance in that scene (which is why the editing of it is so janky). So it's possible that he intended for there to be actual reciprocation in that scene and, well, now he's got the reins. He could do it if he wanted!!!
d) The prequel finale - airing next Tuesday, Jack help us - is titled "Hey, that's no way to say goodbye". Which was already kinda 👀 before the con this weekend, but combined with Jensen saying Dean would say "can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?" is um. Look I don't wanna get my hopes up. But also........ 👀👀👀
I think the prevailing theories at the moment (from what I've seen on my dash) are that either:
a) They're baiting us to keep interest in the prequel (I trust Robbie but I don't really trust Jensen, so this seems likely)
b) They really are gonna bring Cas back, either as him being the one Dean is telling this story to up in Heaven, or using that Rob Benedict cameo to retcon the finale and make the show about breaking free of Chuck's control for realsies this time (which hopefully means Cas actually showing up and not being explained away in one line like the finale)
Like I said, I don't wanna get my hopes up because I don't quite trust Jensen. But. Given Robbie Thompson showrunning and Daneel loving Cas and Jensen dropping all these maybe-maybe-not hints. If they DID make destiel canon. I would not be surprised.
Well maybe a little bit but in an "I can't believe I was right" way.
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cverthinks · 2 years
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was that EMILY ALYN LIND spotted down at the shoreline of east hamptons main beach? must just be, MARSEMMY MARS VERNON the TWENTY-FIVE year old BAKER. whenever i hear MIRACLE ALIGNER by THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS it reminds me of them. they are known for being SARCASTIC but they make up for that by being LAID BACK. they have been living in the hamptons for ONE YEAR.
howdy, my name is rian (they/them) and this is mars. if ya like what you see, please feel free to like this and i’ll swing into your pms to plot !!
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  marsemmy claudia vernon  ,  mars
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty-five  , february 29  ,  aquarius
hometown  :  geneva  ,  ny
gender  ,  pronouns :  cisfemale  , she / they
orientation  :  bisexual , biromantic ( closeted )
height :  5′4″
relationship status :  single
occupation  :  baker
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   french  -  fluent
similar  characters  :  shane madej  (  watcher network  )  ,  max mayfield (  stranger things )  ,  sloane peterson  (  ferris bueller’s day off  )  ,  veronica fisher   (  shameless  )  ,  donna pinciotti  (  that 70′s show  )  , audrey horne  (  twin peaks  )
aesthetics  :   being the big sister to many friends against your will, sharp black lines, tattoos poking out from professional crisp white sleeves, burgundy red lips upturned into a knowing smirk, living alone but always having to cook dinner for ten people, being wrapped in the comforting scent of vanilla, purple under eyes giving away yet another sleepless night, high waisted jeans, paint stained sneakers, saying ‘meh, good enough’, having a worrying amount of red wine in your pantry, the bitterest and hottest cup of black coffee you can find, hating your mom but also missing your mom, perpetual eye rolling, ordering a strawberry milkshake at any diner no matter what, watching a group of friends dance while you’re alone.
TLDR: if shane madej had possessed a small woman’s body and liked baking instead of hunting ‘ghosts’. sarcastic bordering on just plain callous sometimes. owns her own baking company where she makes cakes and pastries for rich assholes in the hamptons. mom friend but in the sense of her grabbing ears and calling her ‘kids’ idiots
a  b  o  u  t  (tw: parent death, grieving)
there’s nothing to really say about marsemmy vernon’s short time spent in brooklyn. the first four years, the only years she has when her family was a trio. her mother, an alcoholic and her father, a workaholic pastry chef. her memories are vague, but mars knows well-enough that they weren’t a happy little family in their one bedroom apartment. 
her parents try fixing their marriage by moving from their shitty situation. geneva was nice, the house they bought a fraction of the price and triple the size of what they had in the city (though, this is hardly a brag). the couple lasts for another two years before her mother leaves for good this time, not before scarring mars by forgetting to pick her up from her first day of kindergarten at the same time.
markus and marsemmy vernon worked much better as a duo, anyways. it was like they had a mutual understanding. they could only depend on one another, there was no one else in this town to call home except for one another. markus had been a baker since he was a teenager, bouncing around from shop to shop. when his wife left him and his daughter, he knew it was only up to him to finally plant roots to help his family grow. valhalla baking company opened in late 2004, priding himself on creative work and a place for any and all souls to find the same comfort he did in baked goods. mars would hang out at the shop daily after school whenever she could. picture, if you will: a small eight year old stepping onto a step stool to ring someone up. it’s no wonder that mars took to baking just like her father did. 
she takes care of herself in her adolescence, and more importantly, their father. the man who raised them, and taught them everything they knew. it was another thing mars was good at; nurturing, being the responsible one of the dynamic duo, even as a teenager. her childhood may have been nonexistent, but she tells herself she wouldn’t have traded it for anything. high school graduation comes and goes, and mars doesn’t go off to college like most of her classmates. instead, she dives headfirst into working full time at the bakery. valhalla is busier than ever after all, becoming a staple business in geneva.her father passed away very suddenly and tragically over a year ago. 
according to many news reports, markus verhoff fell asleep at the wheel after a long day of work, and crashed his car. mars doesn’t talk about him much these days, diving headfirst into her work the same way her father did, and going a step beyond: moving the business to the hamptons. after all, he left the business to her in his will. twenty-five years old and a business owner, it weighs heavy on her. but she tries her best. 
h  a  b  i  t  s
swearing |  fingernail  chewing  | slouching |  slurring  |  drinking |  smoking  |  drugs | impulse  decisions |  obsessive  phone  checking  |  bad  time  management |  slang  |  poor grammar  | overworking  | slacking  off |  over  sleeping | under sleeping |  skin picking |  poor  eye  contact  |  lying | rambling | skipping  breakfast | junk  food  | self  criticism |  procrastinating | day  dreaming |  forgetful  |  envious  |  jealous | gossiper |  drama  whore |  secret  teller |  skipping  class  |  spitting  | lip  licking | lip  chewing |  drinking  from  the  carton |  yelling  |  too  much  internet  |  poor  hygiene  | impatient | hot headed |  biased | complaining |  scab  picking  |  buzzfeed | cheek  biting |  teeth  gnashing  |  shoplifting  | scamming | speeding | hair  pulling | large  ego |  exaggerating  | fidgeting |  free  loading  |  littering  |  one  -  upping | whining |  borrowing  without  returning  | unnecessary  aggression |  plagiarism  |  copying  |  glaring | spacing  out | ignoring |  over  critical  | messy |  hateful  |  overly  prideful
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aloeanemonabee27 · 2 years
OP ASL(U) Red Ridinghood au (rewrite soon)
This is another of my aus I have in mind, the subject might be overrated and probably you can get an idea of it and this one lives rent free in my mind. Just to clarify by now, vampires don't exist in this au, and in the ASL vampire au werewolves don't exist. With nothing else to see other than sorry for my grammar, moving on...
This starts in Raftel, the most extended and influential country in the world, is located in the middle of the four blues territories, surrounded by the most extended forest, facing face to face to the Grand line mountains, the most mysterious place in the world and far of reach of men. As good reputation and fame these place has it also has a controversial side, what I just described was the surface however when you look closely enough you can see the amount of injustice these place has, not only that but the threat leaning upon these region which were werewolves. At first it may sound like a joke or maybe nothing worth of preoccupation, but don't let this fool you, from the longest of times werewolves and humans always were at conflict and where it was more concentrated was Raftel. Werewolves could've easily won if it weren't for the intervention of the ridinghood corpse, unlike any other military corpses the ridinghoods are specialized in dangerous creatures that in the Grand line forest, especially werewolves. Ever since then, there's been this war between ridinghoods and werewolves and the hate between each other is mutual. The grand line forest is no average forest, unlike any other this forest holds to many secrets, the flora and fauna that are like no other which is why some curious souls want to discover. However the Grand line forest isn't for everyone, this is the place where only the strongest survives, you need to be careful on these grounds especially if you're a ridinghood. But what would happened if a boy in a red ridinghood and a strawhat gives another meaning to these hood?
Monkey D. Luffy, a red ridinghood boy with a heart of gold who works for the ridinghood corpse (against his will), a boy who doesn't follow anyone's desires, often follows his instinct for the greater good if it means protecting those who he loves, a boy with such a carefree nature and charisma that is impossible not to fall for his charm. A boy who doesn't let anyone tell him what to do and has no problem in stepping in on what seems or is correct. Contrary to what the ridinghoods are trained for Luffy does the exact opposite of things, instead of ending business like are trained for, he is kind with these creatures and let's them live despite what the corpse says or wants, unless they give him a reason to think otherwise.
Unknown to him, among the creatures of the forest he has little fame of the strange red ridinghood boy, they don't see him as a savior as such but they simply find fascinating, endering even, of a ridinghood boy to let the creatures alive to tell the story, which is unbelievable that a ridinghood among all people to show this kind of compassion and let that as a fairy tail.
Is common to see Luffy being scolded for not finishing his job as a ridinghood should, then again he care less about it and often has fights with his grandfather about this matter every single day. Luffy has his own team squad which he is the captain, people could either admire them, reject them or even talk pestilence behind their back, in the eyes of strangers they are weirdos or even monsters but to Luffy is more than just a team squad, they are his nakama and they feel the same way towards their silly captain. Starting with Zoro, he's the right hand man and the first best friend for Luffy (for Zoro is the second but shhh), a green ridinghood and a swordsman, a warrior of first class and like Luffy is bound to do anything to protect his nakama. Next one is Nami, a copper ridinghood, first class thief and the best navigator of the corpse, the one who keep the team at bay from their stupidity, especially the stupidity of her captain which often leaves in headaches. Usopp, a grey ridinghood, a liar and the sniper of the team, he is the perfect guy to call if you want him to shoot somebody in a creative way and nobody can doubt his skills. Sanji is a blue ridinghood, chainsmoker, a gentleman, and the cook of the squad, his food is to die for, a kind man that doesn't let nobody starve and even if you see him as weak that is the worst mistake you can assume of him. Chopper, a brown ridinghood and the team's doctor, even if he's the youngest team member, he works hard on his knowledge on medicine and experimentation on new medicine and he shares the same compassion of Luffy for other creatures and not just average ones. Robin is a purple ridinghood and the archeologist of the team, unlike the other members she is older than them, in all her years of traveling to discover the unknown is what makes her a valuable member in the corpse, for them she holds value more than her knowledge and she knows she is loved and welcome. Franky is a yellow ridinghood and the handyman of the squad, anything the squad needs he has it and if it doesn't exist he builds it. Brook is a black ridinghood, not only the musician of the team but a veteran warrior too, after years of being alone of grief because of the lose of his former squad he joined Luffy and he couldn't been happier.
What can identify Luffy are two particular things, his strawhat that lays on his head at all times and an old bite mark on his shoulder. He takes the strawhat anywhere he goes and god have mercy on the poor soul who dares to even lay a hand on that precious strawhat. People ask about it, even his nakama asked what that strawhat meant to him, they even ask what happened that he earned that mark, which he always replies with an "I don't know". Luffy doesn't know why but he always had a connection, not only with the strawhat but with the bite mark too, the strawhat means is something important that he's missing in his life, it felt like a promise. In his dreams whenever there's a moment, it appears blury fragments of memories he doesn't recall, a man, the same man who gives him the strawhat telling him that this precious strawhat is the symbol of their promise and ti take good care of it, promise of what? Then another fragments appears, three silhouettes of three children who are calling to him, to return to them and everytime Luffy tries to reach them he wakes up. Everytime Luffy wakes up his bite mark aches, and every single time without fail he looks at the Grand line forest and his aches ceases. Is like the forest is calling to him, what is missing in his life is calling to him, whatever it is wants to reunite with him in the forest and he doesn't knows what. He's not afraid of the unknown, more like it excites him to discover what is missing, Luffy is stubborn and he has no plans in staying in the corpse forever. Maybe this calls for an adventure, he's been stuck in this place long enough.
And this is it, any questions are welcome
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the-littlest-kojin · 2 years
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I posted 980 times in 2022
That's 460 more posts than 2021!
367 posts created (37%)
613 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 979 of my posts in 2022
#ffxiv - 938 posts
#shio shinju - 225 posts
#ffxiv writing - 217 posts
#ffxiv screenshots - 216 posts
#ooc - 181 posts
#not mine - 132 posts
#ffxiv roleplay - 116 posts
#the almighty reblog - 110 posts
#ffxiv art - 100 posts
#conroy rayne - 97 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#character discussion is one of my favourite things to engage in but my views very rarely line up with the majority
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm aware that time zones mean that it is likely that most people are not around right now, but I'm craving to hear about all of your ships, HCs, and OCs. Tell me about your nonsense, ffxiv community!
52 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Placing the purchased plaque on the door of her studio, Amisgalgüi fiddles with it for a few moments to make sure it is straight. She can't read it herself, but she trusts the seller that it says what she requires - "Amis Qalli Songwriting Services".
Satisfied that the plaque is straight and affixed firmly, the petite Xaela moves into the studio, the room soundproofed and the back half of it full of instruments. Moving over to the desk, she places down a smaller sign, this one listing her rates - rates that the signmaker nearly choked upon seeing, but Amis knows the value of her musical skill.
Finally, she takes a stack of parchments, all marked with a map of Radz-at-Han and marked with the Qalli emblem at her shop, and sets out the door, harp in hand, intending to hand them out to anybody who asks her questions about her music, as well as leave a stack at the nearby inn.
Maybe with these accoutrements, she will get some more customers in - she always does love getting colourful and unique customers, all wanting their own styles of music, and she can write them all.
((This is an open RP I'm putting up! If anybody wants to have a mute Qalli write them music, please feel free to respond! She is mute and illiterate, but she's quite clever and she wants to write your songs!))
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74 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
So I'd like to take some time out of people's days to mark an NPC who is very important to the story.
An NPC who aids you. An NPC who is from another culture and another people, true, but chooses to spend their time and effort and thoughts on helping you. Because they think you're doing the right thing.
An NPC who, when push comes to shove and villains attack, tries to help. They are no match for the might of these villains, I can't help but imagine that they know this. But even so, they give their life to keep the attack of that armoured figure at bay. Sadly, in the arms of the Warrior of Light, this NPC breathes their last, having given everything they had, even their life, for your cause.
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Everybody please, hold your hat in your hand and pay your respects for Noraxia, the first NPC to die in your arms in the MSQ.
Sadly, Noraxia's death has gone unmourned by the story and community both, since. So I felt that I'd do my part to draw attention to the tragic, horrible death of this lovely, kind, self-sacrificing person.
Remember Noraxia. She died in our arms.
Screen taken by the always amazing @snow-covered-moon. Thank you for taking this lovely screen of the death we should all remember forever.
92 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Tumblr mutuals, strangers, scoundrels, Warriors of Light, villains, gpose addicts, RPers, friends, Domans, countrymen:
I desire to know, what is one headcanon about an OC of yours that you want to talk about, but there's never the good opportunity to?
I'll start:
Amis is asexual and aromantic.
Please RB with your own!
187 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes, I'll be struck with a random lore thought.
So, uh.
As was revealed in Endwalker.
The Moon was artificial.
Does this mean that the Ancients didn't have tides?
Does Emet-Selch stare out at the ocean and wax philosophical about the fact that back in the GOOD OLD DAYS the ocean was just STILL and FLAT?
Were there any moments where their plans were thrown off because of the tides?
Mitron specifically specialised in aquatic life. Was he thrown off by these "ocean currents" moving things around more than he was used to?
213 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kimtaegis · 2 years
Maybe you just don't want to talk about this with anyone, so feel free to ignore it, I'm glad if you only read. Please please take control of the people you follow, the people you interact with and have on your blog or in any other site or social media that you use to share your interest in BTS... Our experience in the fandom will depend 100% on that, the way you see armys will be entirely affected by it. Don't follow anyone just 'cause they're nice if what they say upsets you, don't be afraid to block or unfollow anyone who makes you uncomfortable. There are many types of armys and accounts you can engage with, there are fanbases sharing beautiful projects and kind actions from armys around the world, there are artist armys (just like you!) who show their creations, armys focusing on gathering votes and streams (this will be forever important) and overall many many armys who just care about what BTS have to say, trusting their messages and trying their best every day. I'm afraid that you may start to see armys in a negative way, I'm afraid that you can believe that this fandom isn't a good fandom, that this doesn't feel like home... This is not true, please remember that? Ever since I becamy army I never thought bad of this fandom and I always could understand why BTS love armys so much, 'cause armys have been comforting me too and I don't even have friends... I'm comforted just by "strangers". Even on Twitter, where things are much bigger and easier to trigger us, I've found my "safety zone". It's all a result of whom you follow. This doesn't mean I haven't found mean people, stalkers or antis, I did and sometimes I kept looking for them, even knowing how it made me feel, but I do my best to control what and whom I search for. Please take care of this ♡ life is already so hard, this part doesn't need to also be. Our fandom is the biggest in this world and of course that it means there'll be more toxic and obsessed people, the bigger it is it can be scarier, but I hope you can always see that this number isn't even close to all the kind armys who learn a lot with BTS, all the armys chasing for their future and trying to be better human beings. You're one of them!
oh you’re very sweet for sending all this, I appreciate it. I just think that it’s pretty much impossible to avoid any of this simply because of how today’s social media works; I have a tiny twitter account, only follow a very small bunch of fans (mostly mutuals from here and editmys/fanartists); the algorithm still suggests super problematic tweets to me. Which is sad in itself because those tweets get so much traction that they’re suggested to me, do you know what I mean? I do block and mute every single one of these accounts, have a mile-long list of muted words, and yet. And just leaving or disabling these functions would let me not see the stuff I would like to see anymore, so that’s also not great. Tumblr is comparably fine but is also absolutely deserted and boring. I’m sorry to say this but ever since I joined the fandom two years ago, I had my opinion on the general vibe of armys and this didn’t change at all. I’ve never seen this fandom as a healthy community or a home, I’m only in it because I love the group. Yes there are definitely amazing (and sane) people I’ve met here on tumblr through the boys and I’m so grateful for that, but unfortunately it’s really just a very small number of people who I truly get along with (probably my own fault but yeh). Also it’s not just the negativity by the way, but also the infantilism, or the other extreme, sexualisation of the members, the absolute obsession with chart and streaming numbers, awards and records, the “quantity over quality” way of thinking, the list goes on. There’s just so much I can’t vibe with, don’t want to. I’m trying my best to keep curating my own fandom experience and I don’t see myself not following bts’ career at any time soon, but it still sucks that such a big part of loving them feels so.. corrupted at times.
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caramelgeddon · 2 years
Danganronpa teruteru opinions on v3 students
Hey mod himiko here! This was an originally a scrapped write but I decided to revisit it. Enjoy!
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They don’t know much about each other
They only ever interact when Teruteru needs someone to figure out who stole the pie from his window cell
While he briefly considers asking her to play piano in his Resturant…
He has had an experience asking a ultimate to preform in his Resturant
There’s still bird feathers in his Resturant to this day
After hearing about what happened to him he makes a effort to try and befriend him…
He offers free food for him at his Resturant putting his heart and soul into his food…
He wants the poor man to have a friend… he needs one… despite some peoples opinions teruteru is a compassionate person.
Maki roll
Yeah he’s terrified of her
Never flirts with her and tries not to interact with her if he can
Smart move
Helps him become better at talking to females.
Gonta and Kaito work together to help him
Overall he becomes a better person because of the two of them
Competition never hurt anyone and kirumi is his biggest competition. Her food is just as well renowned as his.
However despite this Kirumi doesn’t view Teruteru as a competitor back. Just another person who’s good at what they do.
They both have mutual respect however and are generally good frenemies.
Permeant ban after he toilet papered his restaurant
Big enemies
Some people assumes there best friends, they are wrong.
There personalities as similar as they are, clash against each other
So are they enemies?
Not really Miu makes him… “inventions of a certain nature” and teruteru makes her “food of a certain nature”
They are ok with each other in small doses
One of Teruteru’s best friends and customer
He always comes by and loves the food…enough to where Teruteru teaches him how to cook
However whenever he’s being perverted… Gonta calls him out on not being a gentlemen.
Teruteru becomes a better person because of Gonta. And Gonta learns how to cook because of Teruteru
After watching her act an idea springs to mind… what if he could ask her to preform at his Resturant… it would mean more business for the both of them
After suggesting the idea Himiko’s agrees, soon a mini stage is set up along with adds proclaiming “come see the gifted mate himiko preform! Come see magic while eating our magical food!”
The act goes well at first until the finale where doves were let loose
After they steal everyone’s food both teruteru and himiko agree to pretend this never happened
He watches with great interest while the semi regular customer eats in his diner…
How is he eating with a mask on? Why is the food disappearing when it’s near his mouth…? How does this work?
He asks shuichi to investigate this but even he has no explanation to this mystery…
I guess some mystery’s will always remain unsolved
He tries flirting with her once
“Hey nice fighting moves, how about I show you some of my moves? ;)”
He never made that mistake again
Whenever his friends are at the restaurant Kiibo is there.
Teruteru is a bit weirded out that a robot who can’t eat goes to a restaurant. But he loves having him over
Kiibo and Teruteru are both good friends and his mother loves Kiibo considering him an ideal patron
While there more strangers then friends… they hang out every now and then
However during a mha cosplay she gets tons of classmates to join in and cosplay too.
Including Teruteru who goes as Mineta, he plays the character perfectly
A regular, or somewhat of a regular… he’s often off on trips
However whenever he returns he always come to teruteru’s resturant
While he enjoys the food he always come to see if a certain someone appears in the Resturant
Perhaps one day…
For now he’ll have a glazed honey steak with a orange soda
The way she talks about atua, honestly he doesn’t know how to feel about her
He mostly just keeps her distance and keeps away from her
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lino-know · 1 year
heyyy seong
idek if you use tumblr anymore. personally i only used it in like 2020-2021 during my early kpop phases but maybe people still do
anyways i’ll start off by saying that i hope you’re doing good! (can’t believe it’s already 2023) i also hope you’re feeling better mentally, physically, spiritually, and in any other way possible. these past few years have really been tough. idk what it is but after covid everything’s just sped up. life is just going by so fast and let’s be honest, it’s incredibly overwhelming. that’s why i think it’s so important to take time for ourselves and really understand what’s going on in our minds.
i have no idea why i wrote this as if you know who i am and as if we’ve been friends for years. i just happen to come back onto tumblr today and remembered about your story misfits (which i absolutely adore btw it’s the literal embodiment of gold) and wanted to vomit my thoughts out to a stranger
in any case maybe you’ll see this maybe you won’t but thanks for having this page as an outlet for strangers to vent <3
— a random person who had a lot of her mind (and is also kinda wondering about an update regarding misfits now that she thinks about it)
heyyy!! I'm really sorry I haven't replied to this - I feel like I should've earlier lmao but I've been kind of gatekeeping this ask in my inbox because it made me feel warm and fuzzy all over :)
I hope you're doing well in all the ways possible too - covid really has turned the world upside down twice over and it hasn't been easy for any of us, I'm sure. a lot has happened in the time that passed and honestly I don't think I would've turned out the way that I am if it hasn't happened - but I don't regret it, tbh.
don't stress about suddenly popping into my inbox without warning - I've said multiple times that it's open for anything you want to send in and honestly your ask has made my day multiple times over when I log back onto tumblr to read it, whenever my mental health is hitting rock bottom again :)) I'm glad you decided to take time out of your day to send it in hehe. feel free to chat me up over dms, honestly, because I feel like having an extra friend makes our lives better - but I do want to say I'm using tumblr less and less nowadays
an update about my life? maybe? idk if anyone's interested but essentially I started this blog when I was 18 and now I'm nearly done with university. it's kind of insane thinking about how fast the years have gone by - it almost feels like yesterday when I started this blog in quarantine out of boredom, and now it's two years down the line haha
as for misfits, first of all, thank you for thinking about it and I'm really happy that you still remember the story :) I wrote it when I was chilling around and posted it after a tumblr mutual I made after I created this blog told me to - she's no longer on tumblr or skzblr(?) for personal reasons but I look back on that fondly
about updates, I do intend to continue the story just because so many people enjoyed it, even though I'd admit I don't think it's my best work. I still have my old notebook full of notes and ideas for future skz-centric works, but I guess the reason why I stopped was because I don't really pay attention to skz that much anymore. I admire them as a fledgling artist myself, but I haven't been keeping tabs on them now that I'm starting to explore my own artistic ventures (!!). that said, I still have the plot of misfits in my head, but I guess that having started and continued the story with numerous historical footnotes, I feel like I have to continue doing that and keeping everything as historically accurate as possible haha
but yeah, that's pretty much about it, if I'm posting works here, consider it as writing practice rather than excited squeals about skz. again, I really admire them as people, but it's also because of that that I feel kind of weird writing fanfiction about them. I'm not opposed to the idea of it or other people doing it, I personally just feel more comfortable writing filth about 2D characters (and I do have a sideblog for anime-centric works if you're interested!) I don't think I'll shut this blog down ever because I am proud of what I've created here - and I'm really happy that you view it safe enough to send in a ramble. my inbox is always open if you want to talk more :)) hope you're doing well!
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