bumblebeesfromvenus · 21 days
I know you mean good but fat girls can also break easily. I also don’t mean to sound rude or offend you but it’s rare for fat girls to be 6 foot, I know you might be fat and 6 foot but it’s pretty rare. I think most people stick to petite girls in cod stories because it would be scary and horrifying if they gave reader their sweater and all the sudden reader fits or barely fits in it and it only works as a crop top on them. And please try to remember just because their fat doesn’t mean they aren’t clean fat girls bathe too and do their eyebrows too they aren’t slobs. Fat girls can break when they get laid and yes I believe they also will jiggle around in the process so please try to be mindful when bringing up cod guys with a fat girl
Girl what
I'm 5"2 so idk what you're talking about lmao
Also, I have never once written fat/chubby girls in a bad light, like???
Ya don't say.
I'm literally a fat girl myself 💀
I've seen this before, so it's probably someone sending it to creators who write for chubby readers to get their point (???) across or something.
People can write whatever they want, okay.
Most writers write with themselves in mind, so the reader will reflect that in subtle ways. I know that the petite girl thing is become sort of a meme on here but like there are girls who look like that lol
And like, this is fiction. I don't know why you're trying to justify only writing for skinny people by saying it might be unrealistic in some ways????
If I say the reader is fat and like Johnny's hoodie is oversize, THEN IT'S FUCKING OVERSIZE OKAY
And if I want John to pick up the chubby reader and carry her across the goddamn world, HE FUCKING WILL
When did fanfiction become about realism???
Y'all write about hybrid AUs, Omega stuff, Monster AUs (no hate, I love all the unique ideas!!) but we can't write about fat girls??
Yeah no. Not in this fucking house.
And the thing about breaking easily....
Girl, we literally have built-in airbags. Whether that's tig ol bitties, thunderthighs, the tummy of love or the ass of the century.
Like we are cushioned all the way through????
If you throw me and my (skinny) sister against a wall, who do you think is gonna come out with fewer injuries?
I know this is probably a troll, but I'm so sick of people like this. Anyway,
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shoukiko · 4 months
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photo by ave661
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@puff0o0 @octiism
SIMON GHOST RILEY HAS A THING FOR CHUBBY PEOPLE (not saying that if you aren't chubby and are skinny that he won't like you, he likes everyone!)
Holding you, hands around your waist as he softly squishes you and he whispers. "God, just look at you... just so beautiful."
Laying down on your plush stomach or thighs after a long day because he loves how comfortable it is.
Squeezing your thigh when driving (if you let him drive that is)
Bites you playfully, especially tummy.
He loves hearing you laugh.
Always telling you that you're beautiful and he never wants you to change unless you said it yourself.
Buying you clothes he thinks you'd look cute in, especially ones you'd never buy yourself
Taking photos of you when you aren't looking, then when you want him to delete it he's like
"But just look at ya... Can't get enough of yous"
save me
im dying
save me plz omg
He thinks just grabbing your tummy is adorable, no matter how much you protest.
Will NOT keep his hands off you teebeeache
Calls you his peach;;; or or calls you his plump love or plush queen/king/dove
*really loud sigh* I need more fics on this pretty please....
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honeymilkbubbletea · 17 days
Is this a safe space?
Jesus this sounded bad 💀
But honestly? I got into Dungeon Meshi solely because I saw fanart with Laios and Falin hugging (they were both drawn as plus sized) and thought, "omg chubby main characters? That's so awesome!"
And people on Twitter were talking about how it's so nice to have "actually chubby" characters (some people, on the other hand, were mad that "they made Laios fat")
So finally I watched the show and was like??? Where chubby??? Where fat??? (I'm talking about Falin and Laios here, just to specify)
Like c'mon
I think people have such a distorted view of how bodies look like, that they will call muscular/broad character fat only because they don't have a six pack poking out all the time, and it's kinda sad :/
I was so excited for fat Falin, but she's literally just regular, she does have bigger boobs, yes, but she's not fat, sometimes I wonder if some people actually saw a fat person irl cause...
I love Dungeon Meshi, and Laios is probably my favorite character (he's just like me frfr) BUT this man is NOT chubby, and I'm not saying this with ill intent, because I would actually LOVE if he was!
I'm saying this in more, "That's not what I expected, and you got my hopes up for nothing 😐"
And again, the show is great and has awesome and diverse character designs
I guess I was just sad for a bit because people don't know how to call any other body type besides skeleton skinny anything other than "chubby"
Okay end of my silly little thoughts
Laios and Falin will forever be fat in my head 🩷
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redeyerhaenyra · 10 months
Hey, its ya girl, ominoose. Honoured to be here on opening night.
I would like to request Jake Lockley, Blue Jones and Basil Stitt with a curvy/chubby reader please! XOXOXO
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Jake, Blue, Basil, with a curvy reader
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Summary: Some headcanons for Jake, Blue, and Basil with a curvalicious reader
Warnings: Masturbation(male), possessiveness, unhealthy relationships in Basil's section, recording, thigh fucking, dollification(?)in Blue's section, a small bit of titty worship if you squint
Notes: MUSHI omg, yes yes yes 1000% yes, autistic bisexual curvy oscar isaac lovers RISSSEEE- I kinda got carried away with Basil's section hehehe but I hope you enjoy nonetheless :)
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Jake Lockley
OK so if there's one thing we know about Jake, he is the opposite of shy, especially when it comes to his affections for you
Man lives and breathes to just look at you
The bastard will fucking pout if you're going out and you don't wear tight clothes
"But, hermosa, I wanna show you off, you're so hot. Everybody wishes they were you, prometo."
He's so proud you're his, there is nothing about you he doesn't love. Like I said earlier, he just likes to look at you.
All the curves and bumps, your soft tummy, your plush thighs, he can't get enough.
You will be sitting in his lap most of the time and this is non negotiable
It's half a sex thing for him and half that you're basically his plushie that he likes to cuddle, just having you sit pretty on his lap, all warm and squishy, makes him feel better
I think he'd definitely be into thigh fucking like c'mon now it's obvious
Feeling and seeing his dick between your squishy thighs just makes him go feral
I've said it before I'll say it again he fucking lives for making Marc and Steven jealous and recording himself fucking your thighs on Steven's phone for the poor guy to find later is just one of the many ways he does that
He talks alot too, just to rub it in further
"Guau, qué chica tan bonita. Hmm? You're so beautiful aren't you, baby? So perfect and squishy for me, I bet Marc and Steven wish they were here right now, huh? Don't you agree? Yeah, I bet you do."
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Blue Jones
Oh no
If you thought Jake was bad you have a whole nother thing coming
Blue will PERSONALLY make sure all the costumes you wear on stage highlight just how curvy and plush you are.
But no one else is allowed to touch you
Oh no, that right's reserved for him and him alone
Tbh even when you're not performing, he'll want you to be wearing tight fitting shirts so he can stare at your boobies as you go about your day
Yeah he's a tit guy, don't get me wrong he loves all parts of your body but titties just do it for him
Him and Jake are very similar tbh, he also likes to show you off.
When high rollers are in the club you'll be sitting on his lap and no one else's
You're his doll, toy, barbie even
He likes to dress you up and play with you ;)
I'm serious he will pick out outfits for only him to see you in, dress you up in them, sit you on his lap and brush your hair
Like I said you're his toy, his stress ball, even
Just squeezing you will calm him down, any part of you, it's almost grounding to him
He talks to you in these moments, but it's just sort of general babbling about how shit his day was, and all you have to do is sit in his lap and let him nuzzle your breasts
"You're so good to me, bunny. I don't deserve you, do I? No matter what I do you're always here.. always so soft for me.."
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Basil Stitt
Ah, everyone's favorite recluse
Look at the way this man lives and tell me he's not a porn addict please
So we've established that he's a greasy little basement dweller who watches porn on the regular
And we all know that most mainstream porn showcases sort of a singular body type (no hate to my skinny ladies btw ily mwah mwah)
Like it never occurred to him that he might find chubby ladies attractive
So when you, his new neighbour, moving into the apartment across the hall from him, knock on his door to say hi with the most wonderful tight leggings on he basically dies on the spot
The way your thighs looked so squishy and plush- he just wanted to grab them and sink his teeth into them
He tried to end the conversation as quickly as possible because he knew he would've ended up moaning out loud at any point
And then you turn around to walk away AND HE SEES YOUR ASS he's dead he's so dead
The next time he sees you, you're coming back from a night out, clearly a little tipsy, and wearing the shortest, tightest black dress he's ever seen, he dies a second time
His face is pressed up agaisnt the peephole in his door so he can watch you
You drop your keys at one point and bend over to pick them up and he basically cums in his pants untouched
Groaning and falling to his knees as his now softening dick rubs against the wet patch in his jeans
He makes it a point to watch you whenever he can now
He learns your schedule off by heart, it becomes his schedule. Probably has alarms set for it on his phone
Like "Oh , it's 9AM, time to watch my neighbour leave for work." "Oh its 8:30 time to watch her come home."
He really desperately wants to talk to you more but the poor guy is just so insecure :(
This cycle continues for a while.. until one fateful day, you come back from your weekly night out, in the same tight black dress that he loves so much on you... but this time... you're accompanied by a man
The both of your are similarly a little drunk, giggling and fumbling over the keys to your apartment
What? What's this? A friend, brother... partner? Basil silently begs you from behind the door to not let him into your apartment but oh god that's exactly what you do
He feels the tears running down his face before he realises he's crying, pleading for you to stop from behind his door.
His pleads turn to shouts as you close the door, sniffling and crying
Definitely fucks up his apartment again in his anguish
And when he's done that he angrily jerks off, to get back at you? He's not sure. He doesn't even know if you're having sex with the guy, or if it's just a friend you're letting crash at your place, but he's so obsessed with you he can't imagine it being any other reason that you would "betray" him like that
His poor cock is red and sore and he realises he shouldn't have tugged on it so hard 🥺 poor baby
He spends the next day crying in bed, it feels like you've dumped him when you're both barely more than acquaintances but by this point he's formed a sort of parasocial relationship with you, and your soft tummy, that he can't get over the prospect of you even looking at other men
And so, it's decided. He's going to go, knock on your door, and talk to you.... tomorrow. One day. He will do it! Just.. not today.
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mugeesworld · 1 year
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Sanji with a chubby partner head cannons!
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Omg guys. I'm getting way more likes and followers then I thought I would! I'm so thankful😭♥︎. Y'all are so kind tysm! Writing is a big outlet for me so to see other people enjoying it makes me so happy!
I also have a wattpad if you're interested! It's called heeheemugee. And I have a few stories there. Tysm once again. On with the head cannons.
NSFW (you've been warned) female y/n (as always if you want a Male y/n version or gender fluid version let me know!) ♥︎♥︎♥︎
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Sanji is my all time favorite character so I will most likely be adding to this whenever I have a idea😍 he's sooo baby girl
And ik sanji goes for "skinny" girls but I'm here to tell you. He would love, worship, praise, the ground you walk on hunny. Theirs not good plus size representation in one piece and that's what you're gonna be. You're gonna be the goddess that walked in and changed that! As you fuckin should??!
Imagine. You recently moved to a small island to get away from your troubles for a while. You got to relax everyday. Taking in the beautiful sights of nature while there and living peacefully in your small hut.
Like any other day you decide to go for a walk and pick a few apples from a apple tree that was near your house. You grab your basket and cute little hat and skip along the streets making your way to your favorite tree.
The straw hats recently made it to this island while exploring the grand line. As per usual sanji was making his rounds to buy more food for their long journey.
While walking around the island in search of different food stands he comes across a single apple tree. I'm sure the owner won't mind if I take a few! He thinks to himself, walking towards the tree.
He starts to pick a few apples putting them in his basket when he hears a sigh coming from the other side of the tree. He looks around to see a gorgeous lady trying to grab a apple that was just a little to high for her to reach.
He stares for a moment taking in the gorgeous sight in front of him before shaking his head and helping the lady. "Here! Let me!" he says grabbing the apple and reaching his hand out to give it to her. "Oh! Thank you!" you say happily excepting the apple from his hand.
You take a closer look at him since he doesn't look familiar. He feels his cheeks starting to get warm as you scan him. "You're not from here are you?" you finally ask. "No- No I'm not. Im here picking up food for my crew!" he says anxiously.
You give him a warm welcoming smile. "I see! I hope you enjoy your stay! This tree isn't owned by anyone so you're free to take as many as you would like! Need help?" you ask putting down your basket.
Sanji feels his heart race seeing your beautiful smile. As if your face could get any prettier. That smile proved him to be wrong. It most certainly can.
"Sure! I would appreciate that..." he says scratching his neck. (You're making bro nervous 😟) you nod and start picking apples and putting them in his basket. While doing so you both finally exchange names.
"So Sanji..." you say making his spine shiver hearing his name roll of your tongue. Something he wish he could hear 1,000 more times.
"Are you the chef?" you ask. "Yeah I am. Why?" he asks. "Well I'm guessing you're a pirate then right? Taking these apples like this on sea. They will go bad very quickly. I can show you how to make them into apple sauce and then how to can them. They will last way longer. Plus it's delicious!" you explain.
Sanji thinks for a moment. She's right. These apples won't last long. And I get to see her longer.... "Ok! Sure!" he says excited to learn.
You smile and grab your basket. "Great! I'll show you the way to my house and we can start!" you say grabbing his hand to show him the way.
Sanji nearly jumps out of his skin feeling you grab him like that. You're hand is so soft and small against his. (I got big hands😞) He never wanted you to let go. He wants to stay like this forever.
As y'all walk down the street y'all talking more about canning sorta going over how it will happen. You see sanjis forehead sweating in result of the sun beating down on y'all. You suddenly stop catching sanji off guard as he turns around to see why you place your hat on his head.
"You need it more then I do!" you say before continuing down the path. Sanjis cheeks go red at your sudden act. How sweet he thinks. Y'all arrive at your house and you start to show him how it works.
Once y'all are finished he tastes the apple sauce. To his surprise it was amazing. "Holy crap! This is amazing y/n!" he nearly yells. You laugh at his reaction. "Oh stop it's just a simple apple sauce nothing crazy. But now that you know how to make it. It should help your crews food last longer!" you respond.
You put the apple sauce into jars so they are easier to store. As you turn around to hand him the case of jars you notice he has apple sauce on his upper lip. You put the jars down while laughing and quickly wet a rag.
Sanji turns his head. Confused at what you're doing. "What is it?" he asks. You continue laughing while making your way back towards him with the wet rag. "You have some apple sauce on your face. Here." you say before grabbing his face with one hand and wiping it with the other.
Sanji starts to have a overload while you do this. Blushing like crazy until his nose starts bleeding. "Oh no. Are you ok???" you ask scared as the blood starts pooling out of his nose he take the rag from your hand and nods embarrassed. "Y-yeah! This happens sometimes haha!" he yells trying to play it off.
You quickly grab a first aid kit. "At least let me patch your nose." you say taking out some supplies. You try to walk over to him but he quickly jumps back. "No no. Don't come any closer y/n." he says panicking.
Y/n gives him a confused look. "But why I just want to help? Did I do something?" you ask.
"No! Well yes.... But no! It's just.... You're making me flustered y/n and it makes my nose bleed.... Sorry" he admits. You continue to look at him confused. Flustered? But why....
"How do I make you flustered? I haven't done anything..." you ask. Sanji sighs at your cluelessness.
"You... You make me nervous....Cause you're so... Gorgeous." he finally admits. Your eyes widden. Gorgeous? No one's ever called you that before. Could you really make someone that nervous to make their nose bleed just by your beauty??
"Well... Can you close your eyes? Please so I can help you?" you ask still desperately wanting to help him. Sanji thinks for a moment before closing his eyes and removing the rag.
You slowly make you way over to him. Putting two pieces of tissue in his nose and wrapping under it so it stays. You tell him your done and he opens his eyes. Before you can say anything he leans in and kisses you.
Placing his soft lips on yours kissing you passionately like he's been waiting for this moment his whole life. You we're surprised at first but start to kiss back.
Y'all pull away to get air. "Y/n you're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I'm never felt this way about someone in my whole life. I don't want to say goodbye to this. I don't want to see you go...." he admits holding you by your waist.
"Come with me. Join my crew! I'll keep you safe. We can sail the sea together and most importantly be together y/n. I don't want to leave you!" he says. You widden your eyes. Does he really like you that much.
You've only just met this man but he seems so genuine. Like someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. You've only talked to him for a couple's hours but the time you've had together and what you've learned about him means so much to you. You don't want to see him leave either.
"Yes" you whisper. "W-what?" sanji asks not thinking he heard you right."I'll go with you." you say looking up at him smiling. Sanji picks you up and sways around the room as y'all laugh together.
He suddenly puts you down getting serious. "Theirs one more thing I have to know y/n before you come with me..." he says looking at the ground. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asks smiling at you.
You throw your arms around him and place a kiss on his cheek. "Of course I will!" you nearly yell.
Sanji just loves you. Home boy is obsessed with you. Everything about you. He can get enough. Your a addiction he don't want rehab for. It's almost unhealthy how much he loves you.
I can't put it in to words how much he would worship you. He can't believe you're real. He's scared your a dream and he's gonna wake yo with you not there. He treats every day with you like it's his last and saviours you every second.
He is so clingy. He can keep his hands off you. He would try to be respectful about it. But he just wants to tear you apart man. He wants to grope and grab every single inch, cm, mm of your body. Not one spot going uncherished.
Everything you do he finds attractive. Walking? Hot. Pushing hair out of your face. Hot. Sitting still. Hot. Literally doing nothing at all. Hot.
When he first seen you naked he has to get a look from every angle. To just take it the beauty. He had you stand in the middlebof the room. And he just walked around you. Taking it all in. Even getting on the ground or standing on a chair to see it from there. Nothing will go unnoticed.
Making sure to rub his hands up and down your body praising a worshipping every single inch before railing you.
I usually put in what I think the characters favorite part of you would be but lord. I can't pick. Cause he would love all of you. He would shoot himself in the head before answering that.
It's not possible to choose ONE thing that is better then the rest of you cause all of you is perfect to him. He sees no flaw.
He loves holding you. Laying on your stomach in between your legs wrapping his arms under your back. While you play with his hair. Makes him so weak bro. Always a horny mess. Always ready.
He probably love quickies. Just to help him get through the day. Cause with you walking around he won't be able to get anything done with out at least pounding into you once. Very very high stamina.
Position? Don't matter. He will do it from any angle you like. The feeling of you wrapped around him is enough. He gets pussy drunk instantly.
BIG AND I MEAN BIGGGG moaner. He don't care he letting everything out. He can't help it. He whimpers and whines for you. Breathing heavy. Trying to speak but it comes out as mumbles cause he's so overwhelmed by the way you feel.
Oh you're more submissive? He loves taking the lead and teasing/rubbing every inch of your body till you are a pleading mess. Beginning to be fucked. And he does. As a dom he would put everything into making both of y'all feel good. Definitely a service dom.
Any tiny thing you like while having sex he would do just to make it better for you. Whether it's being choked, spanked, kissed. Whatever you want. He's on it. He tries so hard to make you feel so good so he can see your lewd over stimulated face. He loves seeing how his cock makes you all "drunk"
Knowing he fucks you best and no one else can do that. Definitely the type to ask. "Who do you belong to/ who fucks the best?" during sex. Really gets him off knowing your his.
Oh but you're a dom? No problem. He love having a women dominating him. Being told what to do by such a beautiful lady turns him on in ways he can't explain. He wants to fulfill your every need and make you happy.
Anything you say goes. You want on top. Get on. You want to tease him with a vibrator? He's ready on bed. You want him to eat you out he's already laying on his back ready for you to take a seat on your thrown like you deserve.
Even stuff more kinky! Oh you want to peg him? He's down. He probably bi anyways. You can't tell me he's not zesty. I mean look at him! He probably love having you peg him.
The feeling of you driving into him with your strap so aggressively makes him go crazy. Pushing his head into the pillows to avoid screaming. Only thing is he feels bad that you're not getting anything out of it when you really are. So he makes sure to repay you after.
He would call you by whatever name you give him. Mommy? Done. Mistress? Hell yeah. He is down for whatever. He probably even has mommy issues. Look at him. I mean..... Like...
With all of that being said about him wanting to please you. It drives him insane seeing you between his legs sucking him off. He would throw his head back and just whine. He love language might be acts of service but Lord he loves seeing you this.
I'll add more later probably but I'm busy but wanted to get this out! ♥︎
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anonymouscheeses · 2 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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mrkheartffmans · 7 months
Adam Stanheight and his gf headcanons 18+
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♡note♡: hi !!! self indulgent once again !! as always my reader is black coded<3 but you can still read if you aren't !! like and reblog drop in a request pls:) or you can drop in anon or as yourself and talk to me !! either are GREATLY appreciated ily !! also i write adam in a not shitty! apt :) and trap never happened here☆
~18+ mdni~
♡content warnings♡: missionary, breeding, established safe words, rough oral (m/f recieving), limit pushing, humilation, dacryphilia, kissing, breath play... don't blink!, toys, masturbation, teasing, forced? orgasms, overstimulation, doggy style, marking, degradation, multiple orgasms, fingering, squirting, pinning, name calling, affirmation kink (f recieving), half clothed sex, photos, nudes, smoking, creaming
OMG HE LOVES HER SO MUCH! like he physically cannot live without her or he wouldn't make it. he's so possessive and will give you the world if you ask him to. he's super!! clingy, he was ecstatic when you bought a place near him. either you'd be at his place all the time or he'll be over at yours.
adam is a skinny white boy so you know what that means... his girl is 100% a chubby short black girl! i don't make the rules over here. i'm NOT JUST saying this just bc i'm fat and brown skinned but liked dude think about it... who loves emo/alt music? EXACTLY so when you met him at the record store for the first time he couldn't help but notice how cute you were peeking in the cases on ur tippy toes next to him.
"hi, i'm adam", he confidently turned to you and introduced himself. smiling ever so gently, warmly welcoming you to reciprocate and you did. the two of you walked around the store together for almost an hour talking about everyone you two like. he slides you his number hoping he'd get a "yes" to the date he proposed.
when you agreed to go out with him he was over the moon with excitement. he bought you a huge bouquet of pink roses and gave them to you with a kiss on your cheek. he noticed that it was your favorite color because of your pretty little outfit you were wear that day.
adam loves holding your hand, reminding you that he's not going anywhere. you two could be doing something so simple as cleaning up together and he'd sneak up on you just to hold your hand and leave a sweet kiss on your palm. he also loves putting his arm around your waist while you two are walking, keeping you close at all times. he also loves for you to hold the loop of his jeans y'all know it looks silly but it keeps him grounded and safe.
adam tries to cook for you... well he knows that you like to cook and he learns from you and if he has a free day he'll surprise you after a long day with a recipe you taught him and he surprisingly does really well considering it was his first time cooking for someone other than himself. he's easy to please when it comes to eating as well and he loves and appreciates everything you cook for him. he's not too picky either and is willing to try anything if you like it.
the quiet time the two of you spend together is cherished by the both of you. he could be on the couch organizing a portfolio and you're behind him at the table drawing or writing. being in each other's presence is enough for you two. adam loves watching you work as you do to him. standing in his dark room with him watching with your elbows on his table as develops he photos and explains the process is better than listening to your favorite podcast atm.
you're adam's little spoon... idc what anyone else says about adam being the little spoon. this man is so posessive over you til it's ridiculous. he holds you tightly in his arms like it's therapy for him. he LOVES to play with how soft you are gosh, your tummy, your thighs, your cute arms UGH he adores it sooooo much !!! he loves to rest his head on your stomach feeling the soft flesh under his fingers as you're relaxing with him.
adam loves when you fall asleep on or near him. he loves that he makes you feel safe enough to rest in his arms. he'd be so surprised the first time it happens he goes into his drawer inside the tv stand and fetches you a throw blanket. tucking you in like a cute burrito and kissing your cheek as he retreats to the recliner near you. or when you fall asleep on him is even better because he can feel you breathing and hear your cute little snores up close and personal. he doesn't even mind if you drool on him. "it's so cute!", he always reassures to you.
adam loves watching horror movies with you. finding out you loved them as much as he did he was estatic. always finding new underground films for you to watch. you two shared your letterboxds' with that you knew y'all clicked at that moment. nights with him in his bed watching scary movies out beat spending money on bad service in a overpriced restaurant any day.
creds to @eloquentmoon for the prompts
this man loves when you beg him for kisses. he doesn't deny his baby for long but to hear those three words fall from your needy lips "please kiss me." it makes him want to absolutely devour you and leave you satisfied never wanting another on your tongue. the way you gently tug at his flannel's collar pulling him in closer for you to taste him drives him mad and deeper in love with you. he obliges your every request. also! he loves fucking you with him on top so he can lean down to kiss his pretty girl >.<
when adam has your head all fuzzy with pleasure he has to put an end to your mindless babbling by suggesting you to "use your words, dummy." yeah adam can be super mean sometimes but it's only because you asked for it and have totally gone silent besides the whiny moans you're emiting. i mean he can't blame you when you've had your 4th orgasm in 20 minutes. he gets realy close to you and playfully waves his hand before your eyes asking "is anyone up there?" refering to your long gone brain.
he loves the moments when you let him take photos of you undressing. the lit cigarette that dangles from his lips, his eyes focused catching every side of you he admires. your dress, your shoulders, your cute sides, and it all drives him mad. flashing, flashing flashing, photo after photo showcasing his beautiful girl in her natural form. "keep your eyes on me, so pretty..." he moans rolling his hips into your own. you know once all the clothes are gone he's immediately inside you! flashing...flashing. oh, yes is he still snapping pics. you bet your ass he is.
adam loves praising his girl telling her how cute she is how good she's doing. especially when he's got her bent over the counter of his dark room workspace. your panties along side your skirt pool down ankles and feet as adam works his hips into gripping your soft waist as he pulls you back and forth onto his length. "you take me so well, sweetheart" he's practically whining into your ear caging you in underneath him fucking you harder. your moans fill dark room as he leans and kisses you roughly.
in addition to that being said... adam's favorite position is missionary but!... when he's on his knees in front of you holding your squishy thighs down against the bed. he's pummeling into you again and again... over and over. "spread your legs wider f'me, love" he groans pushing them further apart making you feel a yummy burning stretch in your thighs. he has the best seat in the house viewing his thick cock spliting your poor little pussy wide open. he often rubs your little clit to making it so hard to stay still.
adam loves to watch you pleasure yourself while he fucks you. he has no shame in telling you to either reach down and rub your clit or hold a vibe to it. he loves how the added stimulation makes you clench even harder around him. "touch yourself, princess." he whispers in your ear while pounding away at your slick cunt. even when he's not fucking you there are times when he wants to see you doing all the work.
oh, he will give his girl rounds nearly making her go insane. you can't believe how long this man can last while fucking you into oblivion. ruining your pretty brown skin in the process he tucks his head in the crook of your neck sucking and leaving his mark while railing you from behind for the 2nd time today. just before that he had your wrists pinned above your head while he works into you leaving you absolutely ravished under him. he gives you his neediest kisses whining almost "i can't get enough of you, darling." he continues rolling his hips giving you your 5th but not last orgasm of the night.
your cunt is his favorite meal. plain and simple... he can cum just from slobbering your clit down alone. "you taste so good, my love.", moaning against you adding more vibrations for the sensations he's giving you. he loves it when it gets too much for you and your chubby thighs press around his head, his sweaty hair dampening them a little more. but not as juicy and slick adam has your pretty hole. licking and twisting his fingers deeper past the knuckle abusing that spongy spot within your warm walls. even making you squirt sometimes.
he pushes your limits (with consent of course) when your on your knees in front of him between his legs. his cock buried in your throat so deliciously. your soft hands grip at his thighs when he pushes your head down seemingly impossible but FURTHER down his thick length. filling your senses with him and only him. he notices how you gag and sputter around him, ignoring it because youv'e yet to use your physical safe word. even when those pretty brown eyes of yours fill with tears. "breathe through your nose, slut." he says eyes rolling back and groaning from the feeling of your hot mouth on him.
he WILL talk you through your orgasm!! i don't make the rules... he's deep in your cunt giving you languid strokes telling you how pretty you are for him. he angles his hips differently plunging deeper into your sticky walls (he's already came in you at least twice) pushing you closer and closer to the edge. he has your thighs up against either of your ears making your tummy fat roll so cutely. "does that feel good, my love?" he knows damn well he's making your head spin with every thrust. you can only nod frantically eyes crossing a little bit. "that's it princess, be a good girl and cream all over this cock."
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
Ao Lie
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referencing posts like; baby Ao Lie meeting the bimawen, and Ao Lie wants to be a godfather.
I thought it would be pretty adorable if part of the reason Ao Lie is able to act a horse so well was because they were like his favorite animal as a little hatchling and while it was considered kinda weird among dragons ("Not even a seahorse? Just a... land horse???") it was fully embraced by a certain celestial stablemaster - Bimawen Sun Wukong.
Ao Lie would run off and "to be a ""play horsey" whenever he wandered away from his dad or brothers when they went to the Jade Palace for summits or banquets. He was too small to actually transform himself into a horse, but he'd turn into his noodley-snake dragon form and slink away into the stables.
Wukong likely came across the white baby dragon as he was riling up the curious horses (they all saw Ao Lie as a snake), and was like;
Wukong: "Damn, how did a baby dragon get in here? Ok little guy best get you back-" Ao Lie, hissing: "No!!! I'm horsey! I stay in stable!" Wukong, trying not to laugh: "Ok? I guess I was wrong. You're clearly a skinny white foal. My apologies." Ao Lie: :3
Even if Ao Lie doesn't remember the encounters that well, it did leave him with a positive opinion of horses, stablehands, and monkeys for some reason.
When the dragon is a teenager by the time of the Journey, all he knows about Sun Wukong is that 1: His dad and uncles don't like him, 2: He steals stuff, and 3: He's in jail. His brain doesn't make the mental connection until much later when Zhu Bajie calls Wukong a "useless bimawen!" during the Gold and Silver demons arc.
When Ao Lie first met Wukong in the stone egg au, he basically had the mental journey of; "Huh. The monkey king is kinda chubby- OMG its an egg!! Why is he walking?! Get off my back Tang monk! Don't you know mothers need plenty of rest?!"
After meeting the steed for the first time Tripitaka wonders why the "Bai Longma" is super insistent on letting Wukong ride him specifically. Remembering that the Monkey is "carrying a stone egg" (Tripitaka only knows that part and thinks its a metaphor), the monk in turn tells Wukong that he should ride instead.
Wukong, tired but still wanting to stretch his legs after 500 years under the mountain is like; "Huh? No way! I'm fine! You ride him."
After a while of Tripitaka insisting that the Monkey rides instead of him, Ao Lie gets annoyed and just sits down, causing the monk on his back to slide off into the mud. Holy cassock now muddy. Wukong gets the message but insists he'll only ride until the next village/when they get a second divine-given horse.
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Zhu Bajie tries to ride Bai Longma *once* and he gets bucked off so hard he gets tossed into a lake. He swears the horse has it out for him.
I hc that this was around the time Ao Lie's older sister was having a baby, and he was really bummed out that he wouldn't be able to attend to his uncle-duties cus of his "community service" [ie. the Journey]. So he redirected some of that excitement onto Wukong, who was carrying the Stone Egg. Eggs are a huge cause for celebration among dragonkind either way since they only produce a few in their long livespan.
Wukong was a little surprised/confused by Ao Lie's doting behavior at first, but started to understand why the dragon-horse was acting that way when he spoke to Ao Moang later on during the Tuolong incident.
Prince Moang: "I must pass on congratulations. It's not common among either of our kind to behold future kin." Wukong: "Oh really? When's the last time you've seen a dragon egg?" Prince Moang: "Last year actually! Our sister Zhūlong's egg hatched around the time of your release." Wukong: "Oh. that explains why Ao Lie spoils me." Prince Moang, excitedly: "My little brother is here!? I have to tell him everything! I have woodblock paintings of the baby!" Ao Lie, running over still in horse-mode: "Show me! Show me!" Zhu Bajie, watching: "Weirdos. Its just babies. Everyone's having 'em."
And Ao Lie continues to be super doting and attentive to Wukong as the Journey continues, though he does ask after a few years when the Egg is supposed to be laid. Wukong doesn't have a clear answer for him.
After a while, Wukong says almost in jest; "With how well you've been tending to me and the Egg, I might as well make you their godfather!"
Ao Lie just *shrieks* with joy!! Yes yes yes! He would be so honoured!
Wukong doesn't even have time to explain it was a joke when the dragon hugs him, heavy tears falling on his fur.
Ao Lie: "I'm sorry. It's just that... no one at home has really trusted me with anything so important before. I know that you might... get really hurt when your Egg finally arrives and I am so glad that you trust me to care for them if you have to leave us."
Wukong realises in that moment... Ao Lie knows about Stone Eggs. He eavesdropped on a conversation held between Wukong and the Bodhisattva Guanyin early on, and silently held onto that knowledge until Wukong was comfortable sharing it with the others.
The Monkey King decides in that moment that he doesn't want to trust anyone other than the dragon prince to care for his future child. He's already proven his kind nature - and if the future Stone Monkey were to truly be born an orphan, Ao Lie would gladly help to raise them in secret away from the prying eyes of Heaven.
Unfortunately the Samadhi Fire made it so that Ao Lie would be unable to fufill this duty either...
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lionlena · 1 year
I'll protect you... (bc you're mine) JavierPeñaxchubby!f!reader
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OMG. I can't believe I managed to write this. It's almost past midnight (in my country) but I had to finish this. Inspired by a wonderful oneshot DESERVE IT  by @creedslove​ I wrote something similar.
It wasn't supposed to be smute but I blame it on you @creedslove​ (You are wonderful and thank you for helping and listening to me)
So chubby!reader accidentally had a date with Escobar's man. While talking to her boss and agents, one of the CIA agents insults her. Javier comes to her defense. She thinks Javi is only doing it out of pity, but... Hmmm... Read this ;)
Warnings: +18, NSFW, angst, fluff, some swearing, derogatory comments about a woman's appearance, mild anxiety, oral sex, dirty smut, possesive dark!Javier (but just a little bit) implied unprotected p in v
When you entered the embassy in the morning, you were in an excellent mood. You had a great date the day before. At the bar you met a nice Colombian who bought you a drink. You danced with him a few times and he promised you that you would see each other again soon. However, your good mood was quickly ruined when your boss summoned you to a meeting in his office.
You didn't know what you did wrong. You were an ordinary administrative worker and you did your job very conscientiously. Your mouth went dry as you walked into your boss's office. There were two CIA agents there, but there was also Javier Peña. He was leaning against the desk in his skinny jeans and navy blue shirt. Oh god, that man was so hot. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on him. The truth was, you were crazy about him. Every time you brought him some papers to sign, you got butterflies in your stomach. At the same time, you felt that you had no chance with him. You knew his reputation. Besides, you didn't think Javier was attracted to women of your type.
Sure, you were beautiful. But you knew you had more pounds than other women. You weren't tall or thin.
"Y/N we need to talk."
Your boss's stern voice snapped you back to reality. What have you done wrong? You mixed up the documents? Maybe you gave something that belonged to the DEA to the CIA. Or vice versa.
"What happened?" you asked with a slightly trembling voice.
CIA agent Josh showed you a photo of you and Leonardo outside the bar.
"So what, are you dating Escobar's sicario?!"
You felt weak and your heart was beating like crazy.
"This man works for Pablo Escobar."
You heard Javier's voice. Unlike Josh, he spoke calmly to you. And you were really grateful to him for that.
"I... I really didn't know." You looked at your boss. "I swear... I met him a few days ago at the store... He was kind and helped me get something from the top shelf" You heard Josh snort and felt even worse. "Yesterday... He recognized me, he bought me a drink... That's it..."
"Did you tell him you work at the embassy?" asked Adam, the other CIA agent.
You shook your head in "no".
Josh slammed his hand on the desk and you jumped. You didn't even notice that Javier was standing right next to you.
"Then he must have known that. Otherwise why would he be hitting on you. Look at you?! What other reason would he have?"
Tears stung your eyes and you couldn't say anything. Fortunately, you didn't have to.
"Hey! Aren't you exaggerating?"
You heard Javier and looked at him surprised. He looked really pissed off.
"Is it so strange that he approached a pretty woman? I don't blame him."
"You go for everything, Peña." Josh barked back.
"And you, you're blind and stupid! And you're waving your little dick..."
"Gentlemen! Enough!" Your boss's scream interrupted the argument. "You're acting like children." His gaze fell on you. "Y/N you can go for now. If there's any doubt I'll call you back."
 You almost ran out of the office. You had to hide. You weren't able to sit down at your desk and work normally after all that. Of course, you chose the women's restroom as your hiding place. You locked yourself in the cabin and let the tears run down your cheeks.
You knew what your body looked like and for years you learned to accept it. You were on the right track, but... One asshole ruined everything. You heard a knock and screamed
"Everything's all right?"
You couldn't believe whose voice you were hearing. You quickly wiped the tears from your cheeks even though Javier couldn't see you anyway.
"This is the women's restroom, agent Peña"
You heard a soft sigh on the other side, and though you couldn't see him, you had the impression that he leaned against the door.
"Josh is an asshole, but he's right about one thing... That sicario might know you work here. You need to be careful Y/N. Don't go to that bar again."
"Ok." you whined. "Can you leave me now?"
"Yeah, but... You just know where to find me. And... There's no point in crying over a dick like Josh."
You didn't answer, and Javier stood outside the door for a few more minutes. You finally heard him leave and breathed a sigh of relief. You didn't want his sympathy, but also... He seemed so nice and sincere that you felt a little better.
You couldn't concentrate for the rest of the day. Josh's words came back to you like a nightmare. You couldn't even eat anything. Because of all this, you didn't make it with the documents and stayed overtime.
When you left the embassy in the evening you saw Javier leaning against the car. He looked like he was waiting for someone. As soon as he saw you, he threw out his cigarette and quickly made his way towards you.
"I'll give you a lift." - he said.
You were really surprised by his behavior.
"I'll be fine." You replied a bit coldly.
"Y/N, this really isn't a good idea. Personally, I wanted you to get protection."
You snorted and said:
"From whom? Leonardo? Josh? Or you?"
You didn't want to be mean to him. But you were tired and sure that Javier just felt sorry for you.
"Hey, I really just want to help you."
"But I don't need it. I don't need your sympathy!" You groaned and just walked past him.
 But you soon regretted it. The streets seemed strangely quiet and somehow darker. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you passed the alcoves. Colombia was a dangerous country. People were kidnapped straight from the streets... Sometimes even during the day. You saw a group of young men in the distance and you thought Leonardo was among them. You stood still and started shaking.
What if everyone was right? He knew you worked at the embassy and wanted to get information out of you? Paranoid thoughts ran like crazy through your head. You decided to run towards the embassy. But when you turned sharply, you hit in a solid body. You screamed as you felt a grip on your shoulder.
"Y/N, relax, it's me, Javi!"
You opened your eyes and instinctively grabbed his leather jacket.
"What is wrong?" he asked, his hand going immediately to the gun.
You glanced behind you at the group of young men and realized that most of them were kids. "I thought I saw Leonardo." you whispered.
Javier sighed and pulled you closer. He put his arm around you protectively.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. But will you at least let me protect you now?"
You nodded your head and snuggled closer to him. You were really scared, and his body felt like a safe place. He slowly started to lead you towards where he left his car.
 "Did you follow me?" you asked after a moment.
"Well... I was more like protecting you. I wanted to make sure you got home safely. And to tell you that I didn't stand up for you because I felt sorry for you. I did it because I thought you were an attractive, hot woman."
 You were in shock. You felt your cheeks burn. As if that wasn't enough, Javier's hand gripped your hip tighter.
 "And I would do anything to prove it to you."
"Everything?" it slipped from your mouth.
Javi stopped, looked down at you and licked his lips.
"Everything, mi dulce"
He cupped your chin with his hand and then bent down and kissed you deeply. For only a split second, you thought you should push him away. But he was so sweet. When he pulled away from you, he shoved his knee between your legs, and you looked around nervously. You were still on the street. It was empty, but you were still worried.
"I want you to ride me." he whispered close to your ear. "I want to eat you, bite you and lick you. I want your whole body."
"Javi" you groaned.
His words and the pressure of his leg made you wet. You clung to him like he was the only thing keeping you from drowning.
"Come on, baby. Say you want it too. I'll obey your every command."
"I want...I want you to take me to your place."
You didn't need to say any more. He hugged you again and began to lead you quickly to the car. Like a real gentleman he opened the door for you and waited for you to sit down. Who would have expected that from Javier? As he took the driver's seat, you could see he was already half hard. You also couldn't wait. As if that wasn't enough, he grabbed your thigh with his free hand and began to travel up your leg.
You felt a little anxious. Now that you're in his car... with hot Agent Peña. You started thinking too much. He's had so many women before you. What if you fail him? You didn't even realize you were so nervous until he spoke up.
"If you've changed your mind, no problem. I'll drive you home." His voice was so gentle it was hard to believe.
"I... It's nothing."
 You looked down at his hand. Your skirt was pulled up and exposed your plump thigh. As if reading your mind, Javier began to gently stroke your leg and said:
"There's no reason why you should have a complex"
Then he took your hand and placed it on his bulging crotch.
"If you don't believe me, at least believe my dick. He doesn't lie."
 You couldn't help but chuckle slightly. Javiert smiled smugly when he saw that he had made you feel better.
"As soon as you're in my bed, I'll make all those bad thoughts disappear from your mind, hermosa."
 At his words, you felt yourself warming up again. When you finally arrived, Javi clung to your back. He hurriedly opened the door and began to undress. He threw aside his jacket and shirt. He took off his shoes then sat on the couch and pulled you onto his lap. He started to run his hands under your shirt. He squeezed your breasts and covered your neck with kisses. He grabbed your shirt and looked at you with his brown eyes.
"Can we get rid of this?" he asked gently.
You nodded and he took off your bra as well. You saw how his eyes sparkled with delight when he saw your naked breasts.
"You're so delicious, baby. I don't know where to begin."
He started licking and kissing your breasts as you writhed on his lap. He teased your nipples, pinched them and bit them gently with his teeth. You grabbed his hair and started moaning. He pulled away from you and hooked his thumbs up the waistband of your skirt.
"Can we move on?"
He laughed at your reaction.
"So impatient. Relax, I'll give you everything."
 You got up from his lap and he helped you get rid of the rest of your clothes. You felt so exposed for a moment, but the way he was looking at you... Oh god. He looked like a hungry animal. He ran his hands over your body in awe. He grabbed your hips and pulled you to him. He kissed you deeply and then switched places with you. You sat down on the couch and he knelt in front of you. He placed his hands on your knees and spread your legs apart.
"So pretty." he said to himself and started kissing your thighs.
 After a while you felt his warm breath on your pussy. You threw your head back as his tongue began to curl around your clit. You grabbed Javier's head. You didn't know if you wanted to push him away or hold him. You've never felt like this before. His mustache tickled your sensitive labia, stimulating you even more. You started to squirm, but his strong hands gripped your thighs. His fingers dug into your skin. You knew he'd leave bruises all over you, and you had no problem with that. You felt yourself leaking as his tongue began to dig inside of you.
"Javi... I..."
"Yes, cum for me. Feed me."
You groaned deeply as the shock ran through you. Your legs were shaking and Javi continued to lick you as you slowly came out of your orgasm. As you tried to catch your breath, he rested his head on your thigh and looked at you like a puppy. Your juices were running down his chin and he looked so pleased you almost forgot he was still wearing his pants.
"Hmm, cariño?"
"You said I'd get anything I want."
He smiled and nodded.
"What do you want, princesa?"
"I wanna ride you."
His eyes turned almost black with desire. He immediately got up and extended his hand to you. Seeing the question in your eyes, he said:
"I don't think you want to do it here. The bed will be more comfortable."
You nodded your head and grabbed his hand. As he led you to the bedroom, he immediately took off his pants and his penis popped out and stood proudly. Droplets of pre-cum glistened at the tip. He was wonderful and you were not surprised that women were so eager to return to his bed.
"Do you like what you see?"
You nodded and he walked over to you and gripped your hips tightly.
"And you know what I like? Your body marked with my marks so every fucking sicario knows you're mine."
You shivered hearing his possessive voice. You screamed as Javier bit your arm.
"If any more of Escobar's men come near you, they'll find his body dumped in a ditch with a bullet in his head. From now on, I'll protect you because you're mine."
His words made your pussy clench around the emptiness.
"Javi please..."
"Say it!"
"I'm yours."
"Yes, you are mine. And I am yours. And now you will get what you want."
He pulled you onto the bed. He lay down on his back. You sat on top of him and he placed his hands on your lap. He bit his bottom lip and kept his eyes on you. You slid your fingers into your pussy, collecting the moisture and then smearing it on his cock. He gasped and moved his hips. You felt you had complete power over him, but you didn't want to tease him. You were so on fire that you needed him inside you. You got up and grabbed his cock in your hand. You were slowly going down. You moaned as it filled you up. You placed your hands on his chest to gain some leverage and started riding him. His moans mingled with yours. Javier's hands were squeezing your breasts and you felt yourself getting closer to your second orgasm of the evening.
"I'm close..." you groaned.
"Yes, yes honey... I'll be right behind you."
You threw your head back as the electricity from your pussy shot through your entire body. Javier got up and wrapped his arms around your body digging into your pussy. You clenched around his cock and he let out a growl and felt his cum fill you. You fell on the bed together.
After a few minutes, Javier sat down and reached for a cigarette. As he smoked, you rested your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. His hand was stroking your hair and he was right about the bad thoughts. He threw them all away. You forgot Leonardo, Josh... Everything. Javier was the only thing on your mind. You felt sleepy. Javier covered you with a blanket and whispered:
"Sleep, mi amor. Tomorrow I'll drive you to work and make sure no one hurts you."
"Thank you Javi." you whispered.
The last thing you felt before falling asleep was a gentle kiss on your head.
A few days later, you heard an amazing rumor. You immediately ran to Javier. He was just making coffee. When he saw you, he smiled widely.
"Javi, do you know what happened?" Without waiting for his response, you added "Apparently someone called Josh's wife and told her about his hooker trips. Do you know anything about that?"
"I?" Javi looked awfully proud of himself. "Who could have done this? Some really bad man."
He walked over to you and grabbed your ass with one hand, squeezing tightly. You jumped slightly.
"Javi" you hissed. "Not here"
Not caring about your words at all, he whispered directly into your ear:
Next part: Part 2  (but be warned, Javier will turn into a toxic asshole who will control the reader)
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~ T o m u r a ' s t y p e :
~This is just my opinion so zon't azzak me babez 💋
~I just wrote what I feel like he would find attractive in a person. I really put my whole writeussy into this lmao since I kin him.
~There's a little bit of horknee thoughts but nothing too extreme now 💀. But yeah no warnings.
~Anyways, longass and pretty detailed headcanon writing.
.。*♡~Enjoy~♡* 。.
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First of all, he looks hot here, second of all, let's start off with gender. He wouldn't care about gender honestly, if the person is attractive, they're attractive. And he just wants to love someone, and someone to love him, so gender doesn't matter to him. I see him as demi-bisexual, and if person he finds attractive is gender fluid, it's literally like a jackpot to him.
Now, body type, like gender, he doesn't really care about it, and he isn't picky with it. He doesn't mind chubbiness, he loves it instead, he finds curves really cute and attractive and just wants to squeeze and kiss that stomach and thighs, or either lay on them, or chest, he'd see them as teddy bear and pillow. At the same time he doesn't mind skinny as well, he finds it attractive and gorgeous too, that thin waist just looks so holdable and squeezable oh and huggable as well, loves those skinny boney hands he wants to hold them and wants them to be his necklace, he would see that person as model literally. Just as long as person isn't anorexic you know? He doesn't want beautiful person to go through extreme health problems, like being too much underweight or too much overweight to the point they barely walk. But he also finds athletic body types attractive as well, he finds it hot really. He would be more than happy and honored to work out with them. Seeing that muscles, he just feels like touching biting and licking them, he wants to be held and picked up, but secretly and privately of course ;). He would love that strong arms being wrapped around his neck/waist, or he would imagine his head between that person's strong thighs omg.
For heights...like for body and gender, he doesn't give a shit about it. Shorter than him? He finds it cute and just wants to mess with their hair and pick that person up, snuggle them and tease them. Taller than him? Oh he would melt and sweat when they would look down on him, he finds it hot when attractive person towers over him, would imagine forehead kisses and burying his head in their chest. Same height as him? He finds it attractive too, and perfect. He would think hugging, kissing and cuddling with that person would be like two puzzles going together perfectly. No offense but I feel he would prefer a little more person being same height as him or taller than him. It's that submissive side in him that craves for it, I see him as switch honestly. Depending on his mood of course, but I can picture him being a bit more submissive. So yeah he would love if person he finds attractive was a switch too but a bit more dominant.
I don't know why, but I also feel like he would find smoking/smell of cigarettes attractive in person too for some reason. Of course, he doesn't want person he likes to be a heavy smoker now and destroy themselves too much. But he would like the smell on their clothes for sure..I don't know if it's just me but yeah I just feel like it. When he would watch the person he likes smoke, he'd wish he was that cigarette they're holding and putting in their mouth, he wants to be that close to their lips just like that cigarette.
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Tomura would prefer introverted person, I mean it's obvious. Because he's introverted as well, but he wouldn't mind ambiverted person too (between extrovert and introvert/or just balanced).
He would want someone supportive, caring, understanding. Someone honest, determined and passionate, someone that would have his back and be at his worst and best times. Someone that he can be himself around them, that won't judge him for who he is, that would love him for who he is.
He likes people with strength, both physical and mental, emotional and moral strength. He wants someone intelligent and witty, someone that can be mature and serious, and at the same time childish and unserious, someone that is good at finding balance and really shows that they are capable of understanding a diverse range of emotions, and that they can handle all those different feelings appropriately, rather than letting them control them. It would be very attractive trait to him.
He would also find attractive some sass and attitude, it shows that someone is independent and not afraid to speak their mind. It's important to him to have some spice in relationship, but it's also important to balance that with sweetness and kindness. Tomura would appreciate someone who is bold and not afraid to speak their mind, it shows confidence, and he would find it hot. Anyone strong, anyone who can stand firm in the face of danger, who knows what they want and has guts to go for it. Someone that can be goofy and fun, who doesn't take themselves too seriously and can see humour in things, bonus point if they have dark/childish/dirty humor, he would want someone that would make him laugh even when you know the world is coming to an end. Those that can be that but aren't afraid to be serious when they have to. He values confidence but also value humility, you could say that his type is kind of balanced.
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Tomura would be into someone sarcastic and teasing, I feel like he would be into loving and out of joke insulting. Someone a little sassy, and with an attitude he would find that attractive for sure and hilarious, probably exciting as well. As long as they don't take themself way too seriously.
He wants someone calm and collected but at the same time a bit aggressive. He would find it really fascinating to see someone calm and collected go to a little bit aggressive and assertive. He would love someone who has a little bit of wild side and isn't afraid to show it. There's certain amount of aggression that can be attractive, like I said he'd like someone passionate and intense so if that extends to their aggression... it's definitely something he would find hot. As long as they're not overly aggressive or volatile, it can be really hot to have someone who's more intense and passionate about things. It shows him there's more to a person than the calm side that they show most of the time, and that there's a darker side to them too that they're comfortable letting out when it's needed. I feel like he would find that kind of exciting and a bit of a turn on. And yeah, he's probably into aggressive kissing/make out as well than 💀. But of course he would love gentle and sweet too.
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Now for looks, oh he definitely loves more alternative looks in general. He would love those that can embrace the darkness, and who can see the beauty that lies within it. He adores punk/goth/emo/anything dark literally. Probably goth the most though, he's just dragged/attracted more into it. But yeah he finds darker style really beautiful 🦇. You know how I said he prefers more someone same height or taller than him? If person is same height as him and wears platform shoes and boots it's extra points, because they can tower over him sometimes and be same height as him sometimes too.
Plus he would find piercings and tattoos so so attractive for suree, black hair or any other darkish color. They can show individuality and personal expression. He would find tattoos as work of art definitely, and would definitely want to trace them on person he finds attractive. And piercings can be used for self expression, he's into all that 100% 🙏.
Since I mentioned dark style, he would like person who is into dark music as well too, rock/metal/indie/goth/post punk anything that's on darker side. And of course, he'd like someone that can listen to all sorts of different genres, styles and artists because it makes for a broad and interesting tastes he can relate to. Anything but country music <3.
Now for interests, Tomura would love someone who is into art and media, horror, gore and dark stuff. He would love someone who's creative and passionate about things like film, music, painting/drawing... He would find it really attractive to see someone who has eye for beauty or aesthetics on more artistic level.
And last thing, about affection and love language, he'd want someone that isn't much into PDA. He would like to be more touchy with person he likes in private and not in public for sure. I mean he finds hand holding, small and quick kiss and hugging in public alright, but other stuff...yeah no. He'd like someone with mixed love languages or different ways of showing affection like psychical affection, words of affirmation, gift giving, quality time, and I know I already mentioned this one but insulting in loving and joking way too. I just know he's extremely touch starved and hungry for affection and love.
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I tried to write this as much accurate as I could, I hope you like it <3
And if you come this far/read everything ily🫀
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ralvezfanatic · 4 months
love reading Spencer x Reader HCs that they're like "he loves the size difference between you !! its so cute how short you are >_<"
like did yk tall people exist ? like if ur talking abt women.. there are tall women as well
or like "he loves how easy you are to pick up and carry around :3 and how he can manhandle you with no issue teehee"
first of all, that man is a twig idk abt him picking up anyone with ease.. l
secondly, oooh bigger ppl exist !! who cannot always be easily carried or manhandled !! especially by Spencer. maybe another character, but Spencer ?? are we talking about the same Spencer ?? Spencer Reid ?? nuh-uh !!
That guy doesn't manhandle anyone !! he isnt rough with anybody bro. ur lucky if he soft doms you. (this one is js my person opinion)
i swear, some x reader fics are either some x oc or a x self insert
idk if its js cuz im a guy, but i cannot stand x reader stuff where they make Reader some short skinny girl ?? cuz what abt other Readers who are tall or chubby/plus sized.
its so annoying omg ??
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tearwolfe · 1 month
I HAD ANOTHER THOUGHT OMG. So yknow how you drew cyberidol Kasa with like a bit of belly (aka the layer of fat that protects the uterus as you said) since he's like pre-op and whatnot???? DOES DRAGON KASA HAVE THAT TOO???? Like i didng notice it i know you made him more jacked but like do any other of the Kasas in your aus have it because they're usually either chubby or a bit jacked like??? YKNOW WHAT I MEAN???
Im so bad at forming questions hhhhh💔
i wouldn't really call it a bit of belly, since it's just kind of a curve everyone who is afab has regardless of if they're skinny or not! so that means all of my afab tsukasas have it. which is all of them except my femkasa LOL
it's not as obvious straight-on and you can't really see it with clothes on. just some torso anatomy
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tomorrowxforever · 2 years
✨Would NCT 127 fuck with a fat girl but it’s based on my honest opinion as a fat girl✨
This is all based on my opinion, if you don’t like my opinion that’s nice. Keep it to yourself😊
Taeyong: Yes 100%. Did y’all see that like short thing he did, idk if it was a commercial or what it was but the woman in it was plus size. Also, he exudes so much confidence all the time that I can’t really see him being ‘picky’. By that I mean, images don’t really matter to him, if he vibes with you he vibes with you.
Taeil: I don’t see him like actively seeking out a plus size person but I don’t think he’d be against it either. Idk what to say other than that, he isn’t against it or anything. Just neutral.
Johnny: I’ve seen a lot of people say he’s a no but I just can’t see it. I think he’s another one who doesn’t see body type as a big deal and if he finds you hot he finds you hot yk🤷 I think he would actually quite enjoy a plus size partner because he’s so tall and skinny. A shorter chubby girl would just be so cute to him.
Yuta: OMG YES. Yuta is like the only member who I think actually prefers big girls. He love love loves it when his lady’s got a tummy and thighs. Nakamoto Yuta would fuck a big girl today, tomorrow, any day of the week. Honestly he’s probably doing it right now.
Doyoung: Hmmmm no probably not. I just can’t see it no matter how hard I try. I don’t think he’s like fat phobic or anything, but I don’t think he’d be attracted to plus size people. Sorry🤷
Jaehyun: Idk tbh. It’s hard for me to get a read on him. Like on one hand I can’t really see him with a big girl, but on the other I can see him being against being with a big girl yk? Idk, lmk what y’all think.
Jungwoo: Jungwoo simply doesn’t date. Idk what it is but I don’t see him actively seeking out anyone. He’s maidenless😭
Mark: I think his type is probably thicc girls. Like hourglass figure little chubby type beat. Idk, I feel like he’s one of those guys with a ‘weight limit’ like no one over 200 yk. Also cause I don’t think Marks self esteem could handle dating someone bigger and possibly stronger than he is.
Haechan: Okok so. I was talking with my friend about this and she said he wouldn’t cause he has internalize fat phobia cause of his experience with the members *cough*Jisung*cough* targeting him for being ‘chubby’ (he’s not, like, at all). HOWEVER I feel like if he met a plus size person who was not only a sexy beast but also hella confident in themselves and their body????? He’d be foaming at the mouth. I think he finds chubby girls to be the cutest thing on the planet and would definitely be down to get with one at all times.
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d011zk1ll · 5 days
I have very strong opinions on the Heros season 6 designs and I'm not afraid to share them.
Let me start this off by saying, I do understand that It will look better in motion!! I am extremely hopeful this is the case and I don't necessarily distrust that this is the case, and actively wish it to be. I've seen the clips so far and they're gorgeous (Alya's bob omg <3333) so i do hope it looks better in the actual show. I love this show, a lot. Like a lot a lot, and this isn't any form of hate just my opinions!!
Okay, lets go left to right with what we've seen so far hero wise.
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You know what? I don't hate it. He looks a younger than before but then again, they're only 14/15 so hey! I like how it didn't change that much, and i like the additions. They kept the hood and googles, the pattern is similar and all together they didn't change him much. They could have done more, but with his shell this will look pretty nice! And i love the way part of his suit juts out for texture difference!! 2. Ladybug
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It's not that bad. I do think the spandex is still weird, and wish she had some cool jacket and it doesn't seem like she has actual shoes (some combat boots would be FIRE) but i like the black. It's different but not overwhelmingly so and her hair being a bit longer reminds me of the anime PV ladybug (who was still quite awesome). Her iconic ribbons and her gloves reign supreme. I wish she could have some extra layers or cool textures but compared to the following two she isn't all around that bad.
3. Chat noir
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Wow. I know he's a twink but wtf guys. That's not even his face shape he looks so strange. His hair looks tamer which i hate so much because he's supposed to be wild and scraggly. AND THEY KEPT THAT GOD DAMN BELL. It's pretty much the same, but TWINKIER??? And i'm a twink, i love the twink vibes but they fucked him up SO bad its painful oh my god. Why. Please. I do not like Chat's design his face shape is really putting me off. :((( BUT it will probably grow on me. I just hope they don't fuck up felix :(((
4. Rena rouge
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Look. I love her. She's gorgeous. But. Wow. I cannot belive they made her skinny. as a chubby person, i want her to be like, back to how she was as ALYA in season 1-5. I'm so upset they didn't keep her body shape it's so upsetting. I hope they don't do anything like this to Mylene. Other than that, i love her. Her ears are so cool, pointy and almost look like a bow. Her hair looks gorgeous, stunning, beautiful. It's so cool. I love how they kept her suit similar because i've always adored her suit. I like the white palms and her flute looks a lot nicer now. The only qualm i have with her really is how they made her skinny.
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I had to add this in there, just because i love it so much, Look at her hair oh my god. Short hair Alya is something I never knew i needed and they kept her clothes similar <33333 (I adore her outfit as is) gosh i cant wait to see her.
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13a07s · 17 days
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My Everything #2
(Shoyo Hinata)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to seranlynx]
Requested by: @l1l14i
Word Count: 3,275
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Cyber bullying (?)
Slight fighting
Weed (Fun fact, as of 2023 weed is still illegal in Japan but we're going to ignore that)
I looked at the comments. I know Akaashi told me not to, but I did anyway, and it was the dumbest thing I could have done. Since looking, my eyes have been constantly scrolling over the thousands of comments.
     They look so cute!
     She's so lucky! I would kill to have @Hinata._.Shoyo on me like that!
     Do you think this is the mystery girlfriend?
     No wonder #21 never shuts up about her. I wouldn't either!
      Omg, there's a new hottest OTP in the volleyball world. @Bokuto.Koutaro and @Akaashi_Keiji better watch out
     Despite all the good comments praising the glimpse of our relationship, all the compliments thirsting over Shoyo and me, even the upright vail sexual things people wish to do to one or both of us, all I can focus on is the bad comments.
     Ew, that's the mystery girlfriend? I excepted... better
     She's chubby, for an athlete's girlfriend
     No wonder @Hinata._.Shoyo is so dedicated to his sport. If I had to go home to that I'd drown myself in volleyball too
     Gold digger if I've ever seen one
     @MSBY_Black_Jackal maybe get #21's eyes checked??? That is nowhere near the hottest woman alive. Even from the glanced photo, I can see a million needed improvements.
     What the hell is up with her hair???
     My hand jumps up to my head, tugging on my towel hat so it comes unraveling. Right after, my fingers run through my hair, working out some of the wet knots I haven't paid attention to since getting out of the shower. Shoyo likes my hair... I think. He likes it, right?
I haven't talked to Shoyo about the post yet. We were alone long enough for him to drop his bags before he and a few other Jackals went down to the hotel gym for their workout sessions. With me being alone in the room it's given me plenty of time to check the comments, unpack, check the comments, shave, check the comments, shower, and check the comments.
Since he was in such a rush to meet up with the team, he left his phone behind. That has given me time to ponder going on his phone and scrolling through what he's been tagged in that I haven't seen yet. I know the password, it's my birthday, and it's not like Shoyo would care. It still feels wrong doing it without asking, even if I know he doesn't mind.
     The girls' - and Akaashi's - group chat has been dinging every ten minutes or so. They've all been telling me to not look or reply to any of the comments, asking what room we're in so someone can sit with me until the boys get back, telling me I'm beautiful, that Shoyo loves me more than anything in this world.
     I've been ignoring their texts - and the occasional call - as much as I can, barely sparing them a glance. I know Shoyo loves me, that he thinks I'm beautiful. I also know he's a man and that he finds other girls beautiful too.
     I've looked at the profiles of some of the commenters, mostly the ones commenting on my weight or openly slutting themselves out to my boyfriend. A lot of them have been supermodel pretty. Supermodel skinny too. I keep trying to remind myself that those photos aren't natural. That they are photoshopped or filtered. That my photo with Shoyo hasn't been touched up. It was snapped and posted.
The hotel door beeps the click of the door opening following the approved key swipe. "Ya, ya, I'll ask the Mrs. I'll let you know. Ya, see you soon," Shoyo rambles to one of his teammates, slowly sliding his way into the room. "Hey baby," he greets, tone instantly softening and his face relaxing at the sight of me.
     "Hi," I snip back, casting my eyes to my phone again, rolling over a comment made of a line of throw-up emojis and the words 'His humbleness isn't the only thing he took from the Karasuno dirt fields'. Maybe I'm reading into it but I'm pretty sure they're trying to call me hick without actually saying it.
Shoyo shifts his body weight, eyes glancing around the room before they're set on me again. "So, Atsumu and some of the other guys and gals are going down to the bar around seven. He invited us to join... you want to go?"
Concern flickers across his face, quickly drowned out by a smile. "Alright," Shoyo answers, shrugging his shoulders before making his way toward me. "A night in with you and a movie sounds good too," he tries, kicking his shoes off before crawling onto the bed.
I spare him a glance before fixating on the post again. 'How the hell did THAT bag @Hinata._.Shoyo???' rolls across the screen, adding another drop of emotion to the puddle collecting in my chest.
"You're my everything," Shoyo coos, nuzzling his nose against my neck, the tips of his hair tickling my skin. "You know that, right?" He asks, pressing a gentle kiss to my jaw.
"Do you?" He asks again, arching up so he can lock his sight with my eyes, his nose brushing against mine. "You've been... I don't know. Not you since we've gotten here. Bokuto said Akaashi is worried about you," he slowly pushes out, his fingertips on my thigh, toying with the end of the towel I'm still wrapped in.
"I'm fine, Shoyo," I mutter, moving my legs away from him. When his hand grips me tighter instead of falling off, I push it off myself.
Sadness flickers in his soft eyes for a moment, quickly replaced with concern. "Is this about the picture of us?" Shoyo asks, using his grip on my leg to pull me back to him. He snatches my phone from me, glancing at it for a moment before throwing it on the bed.
     "You know about it?" I ask, a bit dumbfounded. There's no way he knows about it. There's no way he knows about it and hasn't told me about it let alone talked to me about it. I haven't talked to him about it because I haven't had the chance to yet. Not because I just haven't.
     "Of course I do. I've known about it since, I don't know, less than five minutes after it was posted. I was tagged in it and I've gotten a new mention in the comments every ten seconds."
     I sit frozen, staring at my confused boyfriend. He's an idiot, right? Like, legally an idiot. He has to be. "What the fuck, Shoyo?" I mutter, my words coming out slow but heavily.
     "I didn't want you to worry about it. I figured - "
     "You figured what? If you didn't say anything about it I wouldn't find out about it?"
     Sho stays quiet for a few moments, a loose smile on his lips as his eyes wander across my face. "I figured sooner or later the public was going to get a picture of us. You look sexy as hell in the one they got, so why freak out about it?"
     "Have you not read the comments?"
     "I have," he hums, head tumbling downward so his lips can crash against my bare shoulders. "'Damn number twenty-one is lucky'. 'If that's the type of girlfriend volleyball players have, sign me up'. 'No wonder Hinata never shuts up about her'. 'Shit man, if my girlfriend looked like that I'd praise her with every breath I had to offer'. 'If I had a girl like that, I'd make her my everything too'," he quotes, little kisses being littered across any bare inch of skin he can get to.
     "Those aren't the comments I'm talking about," I whisper, quickly losing hold of my anger, on my sadness.
     "Baby," he whispers in my ear, nuzzling the side of my face as his hands rub my thighs, his tight grip closing on my flesh every few seconds. "You are my everything, do you know what that means? It means to me you're perfect. I love your hair, I love how it catches the sun, I love how it feels, how it smells, how it looks."
     "I love your curves, I love the dips and twists and every inch of your body. You could be a hundred pounds heavier or a hundred pounds lighter and I'd still love the shape of you."
     Shoyo's kisses fall toward my neck. He nudges at my chin until I tip my head backward, giving him more space to run his lips over. "I love every birthmark, every scar, every inch of your skin. I love your smile, your eyes, your soul, your laugh. Every second possible I spend thinking of you. Thinking of this gorgeous body, of your loving personality."
     His praises are dripping with his admiration of me, drips that fall into the puddle in my chest, slowly but surely eating away at all the negativity that's been building up. "If you ever left me, if you ever decided we were done, that would be it for me. I would never be with another person again. I'd simply play volleyball until I couldn't anymore and then spend the rest of my days wallowing in Rio, waiting for you to want me again."
     "You're my everything, baby. You've been my everything since the first day I saw you since my eyes fell on the pissy girl with braids in her hair that tried fighting the frappuccino machine because it wouldn't work. You are my everything. You know that. I make sure you know that, and if you don't, I need you to tell me you don't. Tell me you don't feel like my everything if that's what's happening. Tell me so I can remind you, so I can fix it, do you understand?"
     "Ya, I understand," I murmur, my mind foggy from the mix of Shoyo's praises and the feeling of his lips leaving my skin on fire.
     "Good," he whispers against my jaw, a line of kisses leading up to the delicate kiss laid on my lips. "You are my everything, baby. Without you, I'm not even sure I can breathe. I am lucky to have you in my life, and I am thankful for every day I wake up next to you."
     My eyes sting with the threat of tears, a threat that's fulfilled quickly. "Oh, baby," Shoyo coos, kisses instant back in action to brush away the water leaking from my eyes. "Don't cry. I hate seeing you cry."
     Giggles slowly spill out, mixing with my tears as I replay the last line of his love speech. "Sho? What the hell are you going to put in your vows that could top that?"
     "I'll just reuse it," he teases, his laughter easily mixing with mine. "Now, drinks with the gals and the guys?"
     "Drinks with the gals and the guys," I agree, stealing another kiss from him.
Shoyo's arm is around my shoulders, keeping me pressed close to him as he coats my hair in kisses. With every ding of a passing floor, my heart seems to beat faster. I'm always nervous going out in public with my boyfriend, but with the recent shining light of the public on me, I'm more nervous than usual. Pair that with the fact I'm sure every hotel in Shizuoka is swimming with fans and you have a disaster waiting to happen.
     I don't like the attention or the million cameras or the public in general, which is why Sho usually goes to these things alone and I show up the day of the game. At least for away games. Home games are easier to deal with. But, he begged me to come with him this time so I gave in. That was a dumb decision.
"You're fine, baby. Paparazzi and such aren't allowed on private property. Fans are all we'll have to deal with and most of the time they're too star-struck to notice much. You'll slip into the bar as easy as usual." Blind optimism at its finest, but I can't help but hope that he's right.
     When the final ding comes, Shoyo tugs my hood up for me, helping to hide some of myself. His arm falls too, his fingers instantly finding mine and sliding themselves in place. My heart races with the sound of the elevator doors opening, my stomach turning in tone with the two noises.
     Instantly, a million clicks and cellphone flashes go off, the crowd of fans yelling his last name, asking a million questions. Some are simple questions asking for photos or about the game tomorrow, others are centered toward the recent photo of us. Shoyo simply smiles, stepping forward to block me from the crowd as he answers some of the simpler questions.
     Slowly, he leads me out of the elevator, trying his best to inch around the crowd toward the bar. Within seconds, Bokuto appears situating himself next to Shoyo and in front of me too. "Hey, hey, hey. Don't forget Hinata isn't the only spiker on the team," the bigger man booms, glancing behind himself to send me a smile.
     The two beefy men in front of me continue the slow and stretched-out walk to the bar, the three of us shuffling like penguins to get to the entrance. Sadly, the bar has an open construct; no door, just an open wall with a velvet 'fence' to close it off for the Jackals to use tonight.
     "Hey," Akaashi greets, nodding at the worker to unclip the makeshift gate.
     "Hey," I greet back, stepping through before glancing at Shoyo. Bokuto and him are still taking pictures and answering questions, only two or three steps away from me. "I don't like coming to these things."
     Akaashi shrugs, watching our goofballs with me. "It's a lot at first but over time you get used to it. Just don't do anything stupid, like have dry sex in a car," he teases, a soft grin on his face as he spares me a glance. "And you'll be fine."
     "Ya, that was pretty dumb of us."
     That gets a laugh out of him, and a bigger smile. "If it makes you feel any better, Kotaro's and my first 'scandal' happened because someone got a photo of me helping him button his shirt as we left a restaurant bathroom. He spilled red wine on his shirt so I helped him clean it but of course, the media turned it into us having a quickie." That does help, a lot more than I thought it would.
     "Shit happens. Scandals happen or get fabricated. There's no point hiding in the dark forever because that just leaves more for the imagination. The hard part is done. The world has proof of you. Hot ass proof." That makes me giggle, a few soft chuckles leaving Akaashi as well. "Hey, even the coach's wife said she'd leave him for you."
     "She did not," I manage to get out, more laughter mixing with my words.
     "She did too, which you would know if you answered any of our texts."
     "I was busy wallowing in sadness and self-pity."
     Akaashi shrugs again, his grin falling from his face, his usual resting bitch face back on. "That happens too. Half the world will love you and the other half will hate you regardless of what you say or what photos they get of you. Just got to roll with it."
     "Did you smoke a blunt before coming down here?" All the partners of the players have different ways of dealing with the stress of publicity they and their player have. Some smoke, some use weed like Akaashi, and some just enjoy their partner's hefty wallets and use retail as a means to cope. I'm not sure what I'm going to use to cope yet, but at the moment a few hits of what Akaashi is on sounds like a nice and quick way to chill out.
     "I had an edible. I don't have anymore so you're going to have to be sober or drink."
     "Drinking it is then," I mutter, letting my eyes scan over the growing group of Jackals paying attention to their fans right outside the bar.
     Akaashi and I stand inside the entrance, still blocked from the fans' view by the team members. If this is how people act at the hotel, the gym is going to be insane tomorrow.
"Alright, alright, I promised my everything a drink so I got to go guys. I hope to see you all tomorrow," Shoyo's voice rises above the chaos, the ginger starting to back up from the crowd. Being cut off only makes the crowd louder, the rest of the members quickly follow to avoid the uproar.
As soon as he's through the cloth fence, Shoyo's arms are around me, burying me into himself as he drags me further into the bar. My head pops out from his arms when I'm no longer forced into movement. "There's my everything," he coos, pecking my lips as he loosens his hold.
We - and the rest of the team - are tucked away in the furthest and darkest corner of the bar, safe away from the crowd still at the entrance. Greetings are thrown around, a few "you two looked sexy in your picture" mixed in. Everyone answered with a "damn right" by Sho.
Shoyo's hands are on me at all times, even as we sit with everyone else. Hand on my thigh, in my hair, toying with my fingers, anyway he can touch me he does. "You're beautiful," he whispers, his hand jumping up to push my hood off.
     "Thank you," I answer, taking his hand in mine before resting it in my lap. He's antsy, like always, but more so than usual since he's still worked up from my meltdown. Having his hands wandering over my body isn't going to help much with our scandal.
His movements stall for a moment, his brain ticking at what to do before his soft touches are replaced with butterfly kisses. My cheeks heat up more with every kiss he litters my skin with. "Honey, we're with people," I murmur, trying to shrug him off.
"So?" He whines, shaking his hand out of mine so he can wrap his arms around my waist, pulling both me and the chair closer to him. "You're my everything. With so many people around, so many people having proof you exist, I want to remind everyone that you are my everything. Always have been, always will be."
     "Gross," one of the older members tease, fake gagging until his wife smacks him upside the head, paired with a whispered lecture and an ear pull.
     Shoyo giggles, nuzzling my head until I turn it enough for him to kiss me. Slowly I let myself give into the gentle kiss, letting my adoring boyfriend melt away all the stress of the day. "My beautiful, perfect everything," he sighs, pecking my lips once more before pulling away from me. "Anyway, we should get a round of shots to drink to our future victory over EJP."
     The team cheers at the offer, one of the members flagging down a server to take the order. A smile plays on Shoyo's face, his hand enveloping mine again to raise it, kisses being peppered across my knuckles. It's hard to believe just an hour ago I was convinced I was nothing to him. Even in moments where his focus is on the team, on volleyball, I'm still at the forefront of his mind. I'm still his everything.
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bravo4iscool · 7 months
nahhh, but the guy does have a point. hot men aren't into fat women, and you probably really want to believe that to feel better. I mean, the argument about not getting laid kinda sucks, 'cause the easiest thing for a guy is to get is sex. he just needs to hit on desperate women like you who would say yes due to the lack of it in your life.
and like… being fat doesn’t mean you have curves? it’s really just fat. there are fat women with no tits, no ass, and skinny girls with a lot of curves.
the good thing is: you could just lock your mouth and go to the gym. now, i know, you’re gonna quote (if you’re not flabbergasted or ashamed enough to make this public) and try to shame me out, but in reality? we all know you cry yourself to sleep because of your weight and forced celibacy. because i’m gonna tell you, I saw a photo of you and… like, you’re not even a cute chubby girl. you’re ugly as fuck, girl. and you’re white, which is even worse, 'cause it’s so easy for white girls to fit the standard…
and don’t even try to turn this on me, yes, I’m using anon, 'cause it’s waaaaay easier and I don’t really have to prove you anything, that’s just dumb. but don’t worry, I AM PRETTY, and HOT, and I do get laid. believe me if I was anything but, I wouldn’t be here. I'd be supporting you, trying to feel better about myself too, after all, fat ugly girls stick together, right? so why am I here? because I saw your profile. and it’s fucking hilarious, and sometimes I like giving reality checks to people like you. cheap psychology won’t work here.
that being said, have a good morning/night 💞
this is getting HILARIOUS LMAO.
there are a bunch of “hot guys” or “fit guys”, what ever you wanna call ’em who are into “fat woman”. there are actually people who are attracted to the character of a person and not their looks. seems like you’re anything but familiar with that.
and i’m not desperate for sex💀 i can live amazingly without it lol. but congrats to you, yk. must be great jumping from ons to ons.
also, since you apparently know me so well and even saw a picture of me (which doesn’t really make sense) you’d actually know that i have a medical condition that is responsible for me being overweight but hey, shaming and insulting random people anonymously on the internet is more fun, no?
it’s physically painful for me to do sports and it won’t change anything about my weight. so no, it’s not easy for me to fit into the “standards”😘.
and insulting me as white? that very very low. i expected better from you ngl. my heritage is anything but “white”, but okay. you sound like a fucking us-american omg💀.
also, you’re giving me a “reality check”? this really is pathetic LMAO. i’m perfectly fine, never been better. there’s this thing called ✨fiction✨ but i don’t think you’re familiar with that.
idk why you seek validation through insulting and talking other people down💀
get some hobbies fr. i did nothing to you lmao. i posted a random headcanon and you felt attacked. i’m not the one needing a reality check💀
ps: if you hate my profile so much, just leave. no one’s forcing you to stay😍. just leave me alone atp💀.
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