#Hack Drift Boss
skywestairline · 1 year
What features does Drift Boss hack offer?
By pushing a single button, you can play the drifting game Hack Drift Boss. Drive your car across rough terrain and around sharp turns until you lose control and crash off the platform. Play more to unlock better cars and get rewards! One-button controls make it simple to play. cars that can be unlocked with improved handling. A daily award for progress
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axellis-archv-2 · 10 months
nobody look at me
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arctrooper69 · 4 months
As Iron Sharpens Iron
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
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Chapter 14:
Previous // Next
Warnings: Canon violence
The trip back to your small shuttle seemed to take twice as long.
“... yeah the shuttle’s still there…”
The subtle echo of voices and gear drifted across the rocky terrain and you froze. For a moment it disappeared and you’d almost convinced yourself that once again this moon was playing tricks on you.
A haggard, hacking cough sounded from around the corner where piles of slag leaned and stacked over each other creating some sort of natural shelter beside the mouth of yet another cavernous mineshaft.
You dove behind a large boulder. Kriff. Cid had said the planet was uninhabited.
Is someone else after the jewels too?
Cid hadn't mentioned that either. You were going to have a serious talk with her when you got back.
If I even make it back in one piece. You rubbed your aching shoulder. From the way this mission was going, you weren't sure just how intact you'd be.
This place is a death trap. At least I have the jewels. Hard part’s over.
The roving light of a headlamp flickered against the rocks before blinking out.
“Karabast!” came a growling curse, “Those kriffing rocks better be worth as much as you say they are, woman!”
“Relax, Nakan.” a female voice snapped, sounding exasperated. “You’ll get your money.”
Two other voices squabled further away.
“Enj! Rico! Get your asses over here!” the female shouted. She sounded human, or at least humanoid.
Crawling slowly, you peered through the cracks of the boulder, to get a better look.
A human woman paced the ground and a large Nikto crouched a few feet from the edge of a mineshaft beneath the craggy overhang of shale. Nakan, the woman had called him.
The ones she’d called Enj and Rico were Weequay - male and female. The female spat on the ground. “We’re wasting our time out here, Boss. There’s nothing here.”
“There will be!” The human crossed her arms, “You just have to trust me!”
The male Weequay said something that you couldn’t quite hear and she nodded. The Nikto got to his feet and followed the others as they continued to search for a different mine.
The voices faded off into the distance, but you waited a little longer before coming out of hiding.
Dust floated through the air, forcing itself deep into your lungs and you choked. Eyes watering, you instinctively reached, pulling the fabric of your shirt to cover your mouth and nose.
Even the air is getting worse. It burnt your lungs. Almost there.
A brief flash of alarmed confusion was the only warning before you found yourself violently acquainted with the ground once again, head forced into the dirt and arms wrenched painfully behind your back, drawing a pained squeal as air was forced from your lungs.
“Hey, boss! Look what I found!” Scaled hands dragged you to your feet, maintaining the iron grip that trapped your arms painfully behind you.
“Get off, asshole!” You spit dirt from your mouth, throwing your shoulders forward to try and yank yourself free.
A sudden click and your jaw snapped shut. The hot dedlanite barrel of a blaster burned into the skin of your forehead. Muscles stiffened as the woman from before brought the blaster down your face, resting it just below your chin, forcing it up so that she could see your face.
“Just when I thought my luck had run out!” she chuckled, “You look like shit and you know what that tells me?”
You glared.
She continued anyway, “That tells me that you’ve been spelunking around here. You find any shiny rocks?”
Any fear left in your worn out mind hardened to a spiteful anger.
Get your own shiny rocks, bitch. These are mine.
Despite the dryness of the air or how your lips cracked and screamed for relief, you spat. “Kriff off!”
Pain exploded from your cheekbone, radiating down your neck as she whipped the blaster without warning.
She slowly wiped the spit from her cheek. “Fine. We’ll do this your way then.”
She turned to one of the Weequays. “Search her. Take what you want then get rid of her.”
The Nikto merely grunted as you kicked your foot back, struggling to gain some semblance of control as he pulled already screaming shoulders ever tighter, binding your hands behind your back.
Nausea flooded passages already inhabited with the adrenaline fueled struggle. It made you dizzy.
A hand jerked the pouch from your belt, renewing the fight to aching muscles. You threw back your head, connecting with the face of the Weequay who’d stolen the stones from your belt. He cursed, dropping the stones, hands flying instinctively to his broken nose.
You reached desperately for the bag of jewels, fingers just barely brushing the fabric.
If I can’t have them, then you definitely can’t.
Another tremor rattled the ground and you watched with numb satisfaction as the small bag tumbled from the ledge into the abyss below.
The woman slammed your head into the ground once more and your vision went white.
“Go in there and get those damn stones!” she snapped over her shoulder, “I’ll take care of her myself!”
The ground began to rumble. A larger quake this time. Stones and dust were violently tossed into the air.
“Shit, just go! Get out!”
Everything was silent then, so slow that it felt as if you were floating - propelled from the edge not by a boot, but by a gentle wind.
The Marauder lay so peaceful after that mission.
The memory came to you suddenly as if you’d slipped into a dream, mind desperately grasping to cushion a cruel reality as you tumbled down into the dark.
Omega and Wrecker were laughing because a stray piece of Mantell Mix had landed directly in Tech’s unruly curls and stayed there unmoving. Tech had moved on into the cockpit, yet still that sticky sweet stayed put. It was only when Hunter could no longer keep the grin from his lips nor the laughter from his eyes, that he’d noticed.
That’s the part that played like a holofilm over and over again. The subtly raised eyebrow at Omega’s joyfully hidden giggles. That spark of laughter in eyes that had been serious for too long. The muscles that rippled along his neck and jaw as he held back laughter that soon broke loose and the way he breathed so easily again - momentarily free from the weight of an ever changing galaxy. He was happy.
Oh, what you would do to give him that once more.
I’m sorry, Hunter.
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If you want to be on my taglist, feel free to send me a message! Also, asks are open! Reblogging is very much encouraged and it makes me do a happy dance every time any of my writing gets reblogged 😂❤️
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darn-waffles · 5 months
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ok ok ok ok but do you see the vision. do you feel it in your bones??
two pilots who drifted incredibly well in the beginning of the program piloted the Eclipse. Because the government was pushing to popularize the jaegers, it was heavily themed and the pilots were nicknamed Solas and Lunar or Sun and Moon for short.
Eclipse was originally part of the "Glamrock" line of jaegers that were made to appeal to the public and hopefully bring some more money to the struggling program. This, obviously, failed when a rebel group (started by the notorious mafia boss William Afton (ex jaeger pilot, lost his other half Henry and supposedly lost the jaeger named Springsuit in the ocean while fighting a black and white striped kaiju nicknamed the Puppet) started hacking the program in what appeared to be a fit of rage over his lost jaeger and co-pilot.
He hacked the Glamrocks one by one, in subtle ways at first that barely affected their performance in battle, at least at first. It was just subtle enough to go unnoticed until it was too late.
Bonnie was the first to go, falling victim to the virus and Afton's control. Foxy fell shortly after, but they were able to recover the body and refurbish it into a new jaeger named Roxy.
When the Eclipse started to show signs of wear from the virus, there was talk of scrapping them. But sun and moon insisted they were fit to pilot and so the eclipse embarked on a fetal final mission. It fell to a kaiju that was mostly blue with two horizontal white stripes. Eclipse was thought to be lost to the bottom of the ocean. That was, until a kaiju with a red top-half and a ring of white around its neck found it. The fight stirred up water and brought the Eclipse close enough to the surface to get a radar reading on it. Turns out, the Eclipse was wandering the bottom of the ocean this entire time, its pilots just barely surviving in stasis inside. Pentecost took them in (in the new and questionably legal jeager program) and refurbished the Eclipse with a far less flashy look. it was built for speed, attacking quickly and with precision.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
An Angel In Disguise
After taking care of a sick Reid he repays you with the same nasty cold he had. Who will take care of you? (jennifer jareau x reader)
Word Count: 1718
You awoke to the sound of your alarm screeching on your bedside table, demanding to be dealt with. A soft groan escaped your lips, but it quickly turned to a bone rattling cough as you shifted to slap the offending machine. Unfortunately, the movement sent a wave of dizziness through your head that sent spots blurring in your vision. 
The idea of calling in sick made your blood boil, but you had no idea if you could make it to the bathroom, muchless to work. Never before had you realized that sitting up could be such a miserable task. Not only did the dizziness return tenfold, but so did an insane amount of pain that you truly were not prepared for. 
Before you could stop it, you found yourself slipping onto the floor, your body taken over by yet another fit of hacking coughs. When Spencer had come in with a cold you’d figured that you’d end up with it. 
As much as the boy genius avoided getting sick, it was inevitable and when he was sick, he was an absolute nightmare. He tried to push through, but by hour three he was a sniveling, whining mess. Eventually, you’d gone to Hotch and taken him home, where you’d sat by his side for hours until he fell asleep. He was the team's baby, any of them would have done exactly the same thing. 
You’d felt the cold coming on two days ago and loaded up on NyQuil when you went to bed in hopes of kicking it, but it was pretty clear that it hadn’t worked. You sniffled thickly and decided that the floor was a comfortable, reasonable place to sleep. With your last bit of energy you grabbed your fuzzy blanket and your phone so that you could make the call from where you currently lay. 
“Hotchner.” The stern man answered, sounding as grouchy as ever. Rather than the coherent sentence you had planned to speak, you sneezed into the receiver, followed by a little whimper. Your throat felt like it was being ripped apart. 
“Um…hi Hotch. It’s Y/l/n…I dont think I can make it in today.” Wow, you sounded like someone had stuffed cotton balls up your nose after forcing you to gargle with glass. This was not going to be a good day. 
“Y/l/n, you sound terrible. Have you taken your temperature? Have you taken any medicine?” You rolled your eyes, but that only made your brain hurt. It seemed like you couldn’t move at all without something in your useless body hurting. 
“You’re my boss, not my dad. I’ll be in tomorrow.” You sniffled and wiped your nose on your blanket, which did absolutely nothing for you. All you wanted was for this stupid phone call to be over so that you could sleep. You could already feel yourself slipping out of consciousness which was further confirmed when Hotch called your name.
“Y/n? Are you still there?” He used your first name. Were you in trouble? No, that didn’t make sense. You hadn’t shot anybody you weren’t supposed to. You hummed an affirmative and waited for him to continue. 
“Okay. You’ll be taking at least three days off. Come in when you feel 100%. Twenty four hours after your fever has broken. Understood?” He sounded like a dad. He was a dad. Too much of a dad. It made you feel lonely, you wanted someone to come hold you like he probably did for his son. 
“M’kay. Night Hotch.” He chuckled quietly and you could picture him shaking his head at you. At least that felt normal. 
“Goodnight Y/n. Please take care of yourself.” You hummed again, too tired to make more small talk. Talking hurt, so did being awake. Your eyelids felt heavy and you cuddled into your blanket, overtaken by a new level of exhaustion. You’d gone days without sleeping and been sort of fine, but this dumb cold was completely wiping you out. 
With a final sigh and painful cough, you drifted in a fever-addled sleep. The dreams were insane. Your dreamscape swirled around you, demons and monsters chasing you with gaping mouths and tears dripping with blood. 
Faces of people you couldn’t save flashed in and out of your mind, followed by their killers. You screamed, unable to make a sound. Every time you tried to run, you were hunted down. They never killed you, just tortured you. Made you feel how you imagined their original victims must’ve felt. 
Your lungs were bursting, tears racing down your cheeks. His hands were around your throat, sucking all of the air from your body. Then, a different sensation. A comforting sensation. A soft palm on your cheek, fingers combing through your hair. Someone was speaking to you, their voice gentle and sweet. The voice drove away the terror, drove away the nightmares. Brought you back into the real world. 
You blinked slightly, staring up at the blurry figure, surrounded by a ring of golden waves. An angel. An angel had saved you. She pulled you out of that terrifying place, back into the much more comfortable reality. You were freezing, your chest ached, you couldn’t breathe through your nose, your limbs were stiff, but you weren’t afraid. Because she was there. 
“There she is.” The angel cooed, bending down to kiss your forehead. When she pulled back you saw her face clearly. JJ. JJ was here. She was real. You smiled slightly and reached up, trying to touch her pretty hair. The blonde caught your hand and kissed your fingers, her baby blues full of relief. 
“You scared me. I called you four times. Everyone called you. Next time you fall asleep on the floor, maybe let someone know? So that you don't die?” She scolded, easing your head into her lap. You whimpered slightly, the simple movement causing agony. JJ made a sympathetic sound and stroked your hair, her face contorting into a concerned expression. 
“Okay baby, we’ve gotta get you into bed. It’ll be way more comfy then this floor.” She said softly, hooking an arm around your waist. You tried to help, but your body just wasn’t working right. Tears slipped down your cheeks but she continued to work, eventually getting you into bed. 
When you were finally laying on the comfortable surface, she wiped away the tears, trying to make you feel better. She was sitting on the bed beside you, both of your cheeks cupped in her warm hands. 
“Oh, honey you’re burning up. Have you been on the floor all day?” You nodded, a small sob escaping your lips. You were doing everything you could not to cry, but it just all hurt so much. You hated that you were so weak, it was just a cold but here you were, bawling in your girlfriend's arms. You just felt so bad. 
“Y/n, you’re miserable. Stop degrading yourself. Spence probably felt just as bad as you do, and you held his hand the entire time. This clearly isn’t just a cold. The flu’s pretty nasty right now.” Apparently you’d said those things out loud. If not, JJ could read your mind. You wouldn’t be surprised if she just profiled it out of you. 
“N-no profiling me!” You rasped, making her laugh. She kissed your hairline, which was no doubt sweaty, and hugged your head against her chest. 
“No more, I promise. Now, will you lay down and let me help?” You nodded, allowing her to tuck you in with your favorite blanket and a fond look. “Okay. I’m going to grab the thermometer and some medicine. Can you stay awake for me?” 
You pushed your head into the pillow by way of response, letting out a huge yawn. She squeezed your shoulder and you heard her leave the room. The second she was gone, your eyes fell shut. It was too hard to stay awake. 
When JJ came back into the room, she couldn’t help but smile. You were snoring quietly, your head almost invisible under the blanket she had laid over you. It seemed that it had taken you less than five minutes to fall asleep. With your pink nose, flushed cheeks and soft, sleepy snores, you were absolutely adorable. 
She came to sit beside you on the edge of the bed and slipped the thermometer into your mouth, discovering you were still slightly awake when you cracked an eye open to glare at her. She smiled and carded her fingers through your hair, lulling you back into a comfortable daze.
“Aw, baby 102.4. No wonder you feel so bad.” JJ murmured, already measuring the correct dose of medicine into the cap of the NyQuil. You whined loudly, knowing all too well that you sounded like a brat. 
“I know, just take it like a shot.” You glared at her, but she remained cool and collected. She was going to get her way whether you liked it or not. With a frustrated sigh, you drank the damn liquid, cringing as it hit your tastebuds. 
“Why is it called grape?” You rasped, burying your head back under your pile of blankets. JJ chuckled softly, somehow amused by your pain. “I’m gonna lick Spencer.” That got a real laugh. A laugh that made your insides feel warm, almost like being sick was worth it because you got to spend time with this beautiful woman. 
“I’ll let him know. Close your eyes honey, I’ll make soup when you wake up.” She promised, beginning to move off of the bed. You grabbed her wrist, not wanting to be alone. 
“Stay?” You mumbled, your voice barely audible. You shifted your head from the pillow to her shoulder, deciding that it was much more comfortable. She wrapped slender arms around you and hugged you tight, stroking your hair as you cuddled close. 
“Better?” You nodded. She made everything better. The blonde kissed your hair, acting every bit like the doting girlfriend she was. She was perfect. There was no one else you trusted more. 
“You’ll get sick.” 
“I got my flu shot. Call this a lesson in procrastination.” You grumbled tiredly and sniffled, wishing that you had remembered the flu shot. Still, you blamed Spencer. You would definitely be licking him in the future. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
hey ridia! im making a sarumi roomates au and wanted to ask: what jobs would you think they would have, and what would be their college graduation? (in the modern world without powers)
I feel like Fushimi would be either self-employed or have a very understanding boss (so in an AU, probably Munakata or an alphabet boy) just because he doesn’t work well with other people or with customers and gets away with his attitude mostly because he’s so very competent. In a world with no powers I tend to assume Fushimi would go into coding or some level of tech support, putting his computer skills to good use. It would be funny for him to work in some kind of computer call center (‘just turn it on and off again, you utter moron’) but I think his skills are likely better than that. I could see him doing high-level security work, using his hacking skills to keep other people from being able to hack systems that he’s working on. If he’s not working on commission via self employment I could even see him doing security work for like a government agency, where people are shocked at his youth and find his attitude terrible but have to admit that his skills are the real thing. 
Yata I definitely see in a more physical job, like construction or something similar to canon with him working at a sports store and skateboarding on the side. In an AU where he goes to college he’d presumably have more options open to him than as a middle school only graduate like he is in canon. Even so I could see Yata drifting from job to job, maybe wanting to make money from skateboarding but it’s rough and he’s not sure what else he would want to do. Otherwise I think he’d work well doing construction or even like lawn work or house painting, just something where he’s outside a lot and lets him move around. I don’t think he’d take well to desk work at all, I think even if it was something simple he’d be bored in a cubicle all day. Where Fushimi would probably go to a fancy high level school I see Yata as more of a trade school guy, who gets annoyed when people act like his work is for idiots because it’s actually really hard and Yata’s proud of his ability to make and fix things, he wants to be someone dependable.
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aita-blorbos · 8 months
(OCs) (CW: dystopia, child harm)
AITA for not understanding a kid’s emotions?
‘K umm I (29M) work for my boss (??F), who I’ll admit, I know little about, but she pays well so I don’t question it. I do a lot of shit for money, but for my main thing, I’m really good at sneaking in and out of things + expert hacking. Recently, like always, the boss called me up and said she had a job for me. I was like, sure, why not. It’s a government building, sure, but I’ve handled harder shit before. I got into the building and saw a kid, definitely no more than 12, inside one of those science-y tube things? Boss told me to release the kid, so I broke the tube.
Long story short, turns out, the kid AKA Amir (500+M), along with like 6 other kids I never met, are the reason why everyone is eternally happy. Like, the way Amir explained it, basically the government took a whole bunch of kids no one would miss, put some god power in them (???) that made the kids immortal, put them into comas, and then sorta used them as vessels for everyone’s “suffering” so everyone is happy (IDK what the word suffering means and it’s too late to ask).
Anyways, now we’re like hanging out on a roof of a building. And Amir tells me that he’s “sad” that everything is unrecognizable. And that he’s “mad” that he had to be in a tube for so long. And other words like “jealous” and “fear”? I was so confused on what those words mean, and I thought maybe it was linguistic drift over time or something? So I asked and he answered. But I still didn’t understand. What are “negative emotions”? And I kept asking more and more questions, and his face slowly looked more and more… not happy(?). And then he ran away from me. I’m now trying to find him.
I’m not really sure what I did, but if he ran away, that probably says he doesn’t want to be near me, right? So, was I badgering him too much? And can anyone explain the concept of “negative emotions” better? AITA?
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crehador · 6 months
brother crab's winter 2024 parting thoughts: metallic rouge
man. alright. one of the most promising starts of the season but tl;dr ngl this is pretty embarrassing for you bones
this show started with a close to 80% average score on anilist (which is really good) and has since slid down to 60% and the sad thing is i can't even say it didn't deserve that
there are a lot of very interesting concepts here, but the quality of the series as a whole declined so steeply from potentially great to... just not great
it's never easy to turn what was meant to be a 2-cour series into a 1-cour show, i get that. but they really fumbled it here. there were a lot of moments where i felt like the story would have been better served as a video game, and i think it's because it felt like all we got were major cut scenes/boss fights, while all the little chats and flavor text in a game, that would usually make the world and characters more robust, were missing
i can definitely see how this might have done better with a second cour, though maybe that's hopeful thinking because the writing overall just doesn't inspire confidence. there were lots of fun, quippy moments, but they seemed to drift about in a vacuum. it's almost like everything was interesting but at the same time meaningless
what makes me say embarrassing is the animation, though. lots of good character designs! some good, maybe even great, action sequences! but in terms of consistency there was no consistency, and this was bones. not just bones but their 25th anniversary project!
obviously something happened to mess with the production, but at this point i would've just scrubbed the 25th anni label from the project entirely. because it is sincerely just a lil bit embarrassing for a studio like bones to call this its 25th anniversary project
some episodes weren't so bad, but in some the characters felt like they were off model more than they were on. it's just not a great look. even the quality of the op (in terms of animation, not the music, which was incredible) wasn't up to par with what i would've expected
it's just so so so obviously a series that got hacked way down that i really have to feel sorry for it. like for instance
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WHERE WAS THIS ROUGE FROM THE OP??? it just really feels like they had a lot more planned for the series that they didn't get to do, which is unfortunate
but even with them losing a whole cour... idk it makes me think of hoshiai no sora, also meant to be 2-cour and wound up only one. i vastly prefer the way hoshiai no sora just let itself end of a big 'fuck you' cliffhanger, honestly i can understand if people dislike that ending but i thought, given the time constraints, it actually worked really well
anyway. real bummer but not even the yuribait could save this series from being devastatingly mediocre. sincerely there are so many good ideas, themes, dialogue snippets, etc that just did not come together at all. it's like a show that wanted to be everything but ultimately didn't know what it wanted to be at all
the music however! the op, the ed, all the music! really excellent
ultimately this slipped from "potentially great!" to "not bad... i think..." to "well at least it's not listeners"
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astral-decaf · 1 year
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Hackers and Nyte Blade
Warnings: sfw, all characters aged up, post-SR3 Matt, canon divergence, privacy invasion, illegal hacking
Characters: Matt Miller, gn reader
Author's Note: This is for the slice of life collab but boy. I struggled so much with this and I don't actually like it but dhdnkdd. Its here, it's eh, but writers block.
Word Count: 1.1k
Curiosity drove you. A morbid curiosity about the place you once called home. Now, of course, you had found your home in a small town just west of Stilwater and farther still was Steelport itself but your home and loyalties still lay with Steelport. Even if it had been engulfed by a gang war when you had moved away. You, of course, kept an eye on it. You noticed a few details, but something wasn't adding up and hadn't in the two years since. Sure, the Luchodores died. You understood why.The Morningstar, led by Viola DeWynter, merged with the Saints. Yet… Why had the Deckers simply vanished? More specifically, why was there no word on their leader? You tapped your foot in the break room, reading article after article. Interviews with Killbane, the DeWynter sisters and Loren had extensive business ventures all signed under their specific names, alongside the prostitute game that required a more personal touch, the Saint's boss was around too. All documented. Normally by one Jane Valderamma. Yet it frustrated you. There was not a single mention as to who the Deckers ever listened to. Nothing!
"Can you work the closing shift again?" 
You perked up, hearing your boss speak. The kind old lady had picked you up out of the street, comforted you when gang life took over your life, and would lament you going back. 
"Ah… I can, yes." Responded your coworker. 
You looked over, he seemed less than fond of the bright green work shirt every time. You liked him. Matt Miller. A fine employee, a lackluster conservationist (unless you count the topic of Nyte Blade), and a generally reserved man. You always wondered why he seemed so… Odd. Yet, he wasn't your type. You had caught yourself drifting towards harsher types. People like Loren, Viola, and Killbane. Those with skewed morality and something to lord over. Fighting rings, hookers, even other gangs all joined together under one flag. Something. Matt, of course, was kind and while he was hot… Something was off. 
If only you knew how wrong you were. 
You wanted to look him up too, look into his past. Yet… wasn't that crossing lines you promised you wouldn't again after surviving a city takeover, two actually, back in the day. It was an invasion of privacy too! Yet you were stuck on your research and… He didn't have to know what you would find. First, you needed to find out where he was from. Matt Miller, after all, was quite close lipped regarding anything and everything about where he came from. There had to be something there! A reason. So, you began. In that little coffee shop, growing steadily more defensive as you went from harmlessly looking up just his name to pulling up his records. That was the first thing you thought of and it brought forth interesting results. 
"... Expunged?" You softly muttered to yourself, "Lets get that unsealed." 
You really did just want to know! You weren't going to do a thing with what inevitably boring thing Matt cared so much about as to seek out it getting expunged. Yet when you got access, the list of crimes made your eyes widen. 
".... What the-" 
And then it crashed. The site, a remarkably secure government site, had crashed. In fact, your entire computer's screen went black. You jumped up, startled with your blood running cold. After a few seconds, one symbol sat in the center of your screen. It had been one you grew quite familiar with in your research. The Decker logo, a blue skull with a pink star in an eye socket. You whipped around, Matt stood a little too close for comfort, black bangs in his face as he stared down at you. 
"You really didn't seem like much before." He remarked, his accent thick. 
You stepped back, "You…" 
"That all got sealed, expunged, yet you found a way. Well, where there's a will." Matt tilted his head, "I really didn't think much of you. Perhaps I should've learned my lesson from before as to underestimating people. Especially those who also have expunged records." 
"How'd you even get that expunged!" You huffed. 
Matt shrugged, "Where there's a will." He repeated, narrowing his eyes, "Although… What to do now? You could tell either one of them. You could be working for either of them." 
"Wh- you paranoid little-" you cleared your throat, "I'm not working for anyone, Miller." You raised a brow, "Yet clearly you have someone working for you. I mean it, how did you get all your crimes from being in a gang all expunged as if it were nothing!" 
"I don't have to answer the likes of you." Matt scoffed. 
You pushed him back, "I'm still your supervisor!" You hissed, "I've been here longer, I've-" 
"You're a has been." Matt simply retorted. 
"I'm a- excuse me!" You grabbed that bright green shirt, dragging him forward.
"You're excused." Matt smirked. 
It was a game of cat and mouse, whoever stopped was the loser and to the victor go the spoils. You groaned, pushing him back with all your strength, the taller hacker fell on his ass with nothing but a perked brow, as if asking if that was all you could do. With him no longer pretending to be a meek, reserved and polite worker, he was just sassing you and frustrating you with every word that left his mouth. 
"Listen here, you little-" You began. 
"You should get your eyes checked. I'm bigger than you are." 
You wanted to rip your own hair out but settled for groaning and kicking his leg as you stormed past him. Yet, you froze when he hummed, "Wouldn't it be terrible if your bank lost all your money, love? Maybe hacking to know who I am was a mistake, no?" He chuckled, "How about you do something for me and we'll forget this."  
And that's how you got here. A simple bout of curiosity, evidently you both had regrets and mistakes under your belts. You just couldn't imagine this was the favor. Your eyes laid on the TV before you in the hacker's living room. He sat beside you, leaning forward and his entire posture was absolute hell yet Matt didn't seem to care. 
"I think you'll like this! Just watch!" He promised. 
".... You threatened me so I'd watch…. Nyte Blade with you?" You asked, lifting an eyebrow. 
"Of course!" He seemed almost insulted that you'd ask, "Its one of the best things created for God's sake!" 
"Its sure… Something, alright." You sighed yet it was charming. 
You didn't know when that realization hit. That in all his awkward, gawk nerd-ness, Matt Miller was charming. Endearing, even. You sighed, leaning back and letting your eyes focus on whatever Nyte Blade was doing, mourning his wife you think. You paid some attention, it seemed to make Matt happier. Asking him about Steelport could wait. You just wanted to exist here for a moment, let your curiosity die out for just a little while. 
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cavsansspice · 2 years
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Written for a Journey's Rest, a Genshin Self-Care Zine.
Old and quiet, He drinks his tea. Morax walks about the harbor, hands tucked behind his back, Shopkeepers stand around, arms full of items to hack. “Good job,” says one, “Go and call it a day.” Morax mills about as he thinks and he weighs A foreign-like idea, seemingly fresh and new, Crinkling the corners of his brain as it starts to woo, “My duties,” he thinks, chin upon his hand, “Are they done? Have they finished? Is this it for my land?” Morax watches the bustling Harbor, and the people all around— And then he laughs.
A once god, retired, His humans rise beyond. Zhongli sits in his quaint apartment with a warm mug of tea. He watches his home rebuild, and the quiet subtleties, Of what makes humans tick, and gives them their drive, Zhongli wonders from henceforth what should he for strive. So close, and yet so far, just toeing the edge of the line Whilst he waits for some answers and his stars to realign. The mortal equation is a tricky, and distracting thing: But Zhongli, for one, just cannot wait to see what the future brings. His morning is quiet, fingers curled around his mug— It is nice.
A Harbinger, a Cook, His boss, the Undertaker. Zhongli delights in his friends and the company they share, The days spent with them are the best kind of self-care. With Childe, it’s the markets for money is his whim And with his purse in hand, he’ll never have to skim. Xiangling and her smile, and her trusty wok’s bright blaze, Food of all his wildest dreams that never fails to amaze. Then, that darned child who works him to the bone: Hu Tao with her coupons and deals that only make him groan. Zhongli’s days are packed, full with kindly charm— He is never bored.
He walks on tired feet, Toes digging into the sand. Zhongli enjoys a nice day out upon on a lengthy stroll, As he walks across the sandy strip of the Yaoguang Shoal, He dreams of the ocean and the ever drifting tide, And ponders his new life as he takes it all in stride. Later, at the base of Mt. Hulao which rises up so tall, And at its feet,  shimmering flora that spreads about in a sprawl. He thinks of his old friend Retuo, who lays beneath a tree, And the Erosion that tugs at his bones, for even Gods are never free. Zhongli likes it, the creaks and crackles of his joints— He feels alive.A mountain and a table, Meant for more than one. Zhongli sets about to brew tea in the heart of Jueyun Karst, Which, frankly, to anyone else would seem an act that’s farced. The water; perfectly heated to quite a near-hot boil, A pinch of leaves to sit and steep, a wait that’s worth the toil. And so he sits in his memories of old, a reminder of what he was, He thinks of his days, now subtle and warm, and how all he ever does, Is delight in the joy of others, and watch as the Harbor glows, His retirement has surely proven to be quite the handsome show. Zhongli’s cup is warm in his hands as he takes a sip— Then, he smiles.
Those little moments Are now his future What a wonderful thing.
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye (Phase 02) #6: Interiors
Read Date: September 28, 2022 Cover Date: June 2012 ● Writer: James Roberts ● Art: Nick Roche ● Colorist: Josh Burcham ● Letterer: Shawn Lee ● Editor: John Barber ●
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Synopsis: After his vicious display on Delphi, Fortress Maximus is instructed to undergo mandatory psychological evaluation with Rung. The sessions go very poorly, as Maximus actively lies about what he remembers of his experiences at the hands of Overlord on Garrus-9—about how the deranged Decepticon never wanted Aequitas, but what it served to hide—but Rung insists they continue.
Meanwhile, at Swerve's bar, Chromedome is displaying his talent for identifying an Autobot based purely on the sound of their transformation and ducking Tailgate's questions about how he and Rewind met, while Tailgate himself bemoans his current education in the Autobot Code and Trailbreaker gripes about Fortress Maximus's overblown reputation. Ultra Magnus soon arrives and arrests Swerve for running a speakeasy, assigning him the demeaning punishment of replacing every rivet on the exterior of the ship, after which Maximus himself enters the bar… and promptly shoots Pipes!
Maximus proceeds to go on a rampage through the Lost Light, shooting Boss, Dogfight, Turbine, and Doubletap apparently at random, before holing himself up in Rung's office and impaling the psychiatrist's current patient, Whirl, with a pipe. As Rodimus, Drift, and Ultra Magnus watch through a security camera hacked by Blaster, and listen through an audio feed surreptitiously being broadcast by Rung through his thumb-microphone, Maximus beats the mocking Whirl into silence so he can issue his demands: take the Lost Light back to Cybertron so Prowl can answer for taking three years to send help to Garrus-9, or the former warden starts killing hostages. Discovering that the conversation is being broadcast, Maximus rips off Rung's thumb.
Whirl swiftly resumes his taunting, keeping Maximus' attention on him and assessing just how likely he is to kill either of them. But he is still reluctant to tell Maximus why he has been sent to Rung for sessions. Maximus threatens Rung instead, who tells him that he can't reveal Whirl's psychological history; he has a 'duty of care'. To keep Maximus from shooting Rung, Whirl gives a brief explanation - that before the war he rejected his purpose as a warrior to become a watchmaker, but even as he became successful his shop was destroyed by the local mob. As a result he had to find work as a police officer, in the service of the Senate. He explains that he was kicked out of the Wreckers for trying to kill Springer, adding that it wasn't as bad as it sounded; Springer was comatose and he was using Roadbuster's painless Sparkeater weapon.
As Whirl tells his story, Rodimus notices that Rung is tapping one of his model spaceships, indicating the windows. Catching his meaning, Rodimus contacts Rewind, also on rivet duty with Swerve as punishment for bringing "snuff movie" data discs on board, and orders the pair to the window of Rung's office, from which a rivet gun can be used to take Maximus out. Before they can get there, however, Maximus flies into a fury upon realizing the ship has not yet changed course and is preparing to kill somebody. Rung tries to stop him, having come to the same conclusion that Ratchet and First Aid have simultaneously reached by studying the uniform coloration of his Autobot victims: this is not about Prowl, it's about Overlord and the revenge Max will never get to have, while Whirl encourages him to pull the trigger. At Rodimus's suggestion, Rewind projects footage of Maximus's torture and dismemberment at Overlord's hands through the porthole in order to shock and distract him. Rung uses the opportunity to comfort and calm Maximus, while Whirl pulls himself off the pipe impaling him.
Rodimus insists that Swerve takes the shot, and Swerve protests, both because of his lack of skill and the fact that nobody seems to be in immediate danger any more, but Rodimus insists that he try… and the blast strikes not Maximus, but Rung, blowing his head open. To make sure Maximus stays down, Whirl impales him with the pipe.
A little later, after a speech has been delivered for Rung and Maximus has been locked in the ship's brig, Rodimus talks with Drift about recent events. Drift comments warily on the worrying behaviour of Red Alert, who, unbeknownst to either, has taken the deceased Ore's drill-arm to widen the crack in the bottom of the ship through which he believes he can hear a voice. And through the crack, where by all rights there should only be empty space, he finds a hidden chamber. In which, immobilized, his weapons systems removed, begging to be killed…
…hangs Overlord.
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Fan Art: Fortress Maximus by dmatanski
Accompanying Podcast: ● Married with Comics: Rod Pod - episode 08
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gremlinwithapen · 1 month
Augusnippets Day #24: Animal Attack
tw: blinding, suffocation, blood, nearly dying, animal death
You know, it wasn't every day that Monsoon learned something new.
Really, who knew that this specific species of alien fauna could spit motherfucking acid? Not him, certainly, and nobody in the crowd of screaming onlookers had bothered to clue him in.
Gods, they fucking hated surprises.
A pained roar tore from his lungs as he stumbled back, losing his grip on the serpentine creature. He clutched his face as his eyes burned agonizingly, blinded by the substance sizzling against his scales. Whether it was permanent or not was the least of his worries as he felt scale-covered coils begin to circle and entangle him.
"Let me go, you cheating bastard!" They snarled as they managed to shake off the pain long enough to lash out at their opponent, all four of their front talons trying to find purchase in its flesh. The occasional wet, tearing sound and the feelings of bloody meat under their claws clued them into their handful of successes, but it still wasn't enough as the snake kept on tightening its hold, unfettered by their blind thrashing.
Soon enough his arms were pinned beneath pounds of coiled scales, his legs kicking uselessly as he was lifted off the ground. He hissed as more droplets of venom hit the top of his head, and he could practically sense the serpent's jaws poised above him, fangs bared and ready to strike.
Or maybe that was just from the lack of oxygen currently getting to their brain as their lungs were constricted along with the rest of them. They gasped and choked, knowing that their vision would be swimming if they still had it at the moment.
He was quickly losing strength, his head sagging and eyelids drooping. Even the roar of the crowd seemed to be getting further away, the world finally going quiet. It was almost tempting to just let himself fall asleep, to end things once and for all. It would save him a good bit of pain, even if he ended up where he probably deserved to be. It would be so easy to just... drift off...
And then their back talons hit the ground, and they exploded into action.
His eyes snapped open as he shot upwards, finally able to make out the blurry outline of his opponent's body above him. His heart pounded with adrenaline, his jaws opening in a deafening roar.
When they snapped shut again, the snake's neck snapped with them.
The muscles holding them in place went lip, and they nearly collapsed alongside them. They hacked and coughed, feeling a nasty pain in their ribs that didn't paint the best picture of their insides. The rest of their body wasn't much better, their eyes still stinging harshly even as their vision slowly trickled back in.
He wanted nothing more than to lie down right then and there, not moving until somebody made him. But that wouldn't make for a very good show, would it, dearest? So he turned to face what he hoped was the direction of the main box and took a bow, hoping that would be enough.
Even though it probably wouldn't be, they were too exhausted to care. They simply just turned around and limped back out through the opening gate that was their exit.
He hated surprises, but he couldn't help but imagine that his boss might just surprise him with some half-decent medical attention, for once. Surely, after nearly dying for her profit and entertainment yet again, she would treat him with the bare minimum of respect and kindness?
Yeah, right. They would just have to stagger off to their quarters to heal the old fashioned way. Hooray.
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badheart · 7 months
Upon learning that she had left the hospital and with that man nonetheless, Ji-eun was left experiencing great frustration as it limited his way of coming into contact with her again. Not only was his boss keeping an eye on him, but so would Kamiya if he finds out he’s been around. He felt helpless ; sneering at everything while Ji woo and Yury had to put up with that. “Ugh. I can’t believe it. He decides to care now about her. She’s my girl.” Ji-eun complained out loud after blowing out some smoke. Ji woo gave him a side glance. “What do you know.” He followed with upon seeing the look her was given ; hoping off the platform he had been standing on so he’d be face to face with the man. His towering stature did not intimidate him. His expression remained unamused, to which Ji-eun scoffed at. His stare drifted towards Yury. “You get me, don’t you?” He didn’t seem to be as emotionally vacant or sex reclusive as their partner, recalling his excitement over a certain tutor. His lips spread across his lips. “I should steal her, don’t you think? That’s how you get them wet.” “Stop it.” Ji woo interjected, stepping in-between and pushing Ji-eun back. He did not need him to incite Yury as well. “Whatever.” A hand was dismissively waved in his direction while still holding onto his cigarette. Ji-eun would step away after that, taking another draw from it while texting with a single hand.
‘ I want to see you again. ‘
‘ I missed you. ‘
‘ I will protect you just as before. ‘
‘ No more deception. ‘
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Yury found Ji-eun's suffering highly amusing, and honestly he was glad to see him here again but it annoyed him, that Ji-eun only thought about this girl, instead of simply picking someone more fun. Like Yury. A thought that made him grin, while barely listening to the other's bickering at this point. He only looked back up from his seated position, when Ji-eun seemed ready to cause trouble, when he stood right in front of Ji woo. "Well..." he began, though Ji woo was quicker with his response.
As much as he wanted to fuck Rei, she sure did not make it easy and the existence of a boyfriend made it even harder. How annoying. Perhaps he would have tried something too, if it were not for their boss, and Ji-eun's hands. It served as little reminder for him as well. It did not stop him though to abuse her image for his masturbation sessions. "I can please you," he offered with a dirty grin, only to pout when Ji-eun was on his phone.
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Being at her stepfather's home, left her rather empty, despite being able to move around again. She was mostly alone at his place, as he remained a busy man. At least Han was here, who offered some minor comfort but she still missed her rats. Wondering if they already found a better home, as she could not deny, that her place was far from good. Taro would not have liked it either. She was laying on the couch, with Han sleeping beside her. The canine turned out to be rather lazy. The messages she received, made her question if Ji-eun's account got hacked, though he had turned out to be rather mushy, much to her surprise. 'Ok,' she replied, before laying back down. Not in the mood for anything particular right now. Just forcefully existing. If anything, sometimes she thought of Rei, and her warm and welcoming personality. Only by her, she could be somewhat sure that it really was genuine. It was odd, being here and kind of wishing to be home.
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Yuu can do it!
Part 39
First - Previous - Masterlist - Next
Enma rolled his eyes at Grim. The monster had preferred ways of ‘riding’ each of the Yuus. With Kuroki, he often chose to drape himself around the back of his neck, a living version of a classic fur scarf. When with Ito, the monster often found himself cradled in their arms like a baby, which perhaps wasn’t the most dignified position but was definitely the one that allowed him to drift off to sleep with the most ease.
For Enma – though it wasn’t often that he chose to be held by him, probably because Enma was the least outright lenient – he often perched himself on one of his shoulders like a pirate’s parrot, as the boy was the only one of them that was actually large enough for him to do this.
Right now, though, he was slumped over his shoulder, to show that he was ‘depressed’. About what, Enma really wasn’t sure. But probably about something.
“What is the deal with those guys?!”
Riddle scowled. “I'm not the one to ask. Those two have baffled me since we were freshmen together.”
Cater pulled out his phone. Not to use, though, funnily enough. Perhaps, in these trying times, he simply needed to have his comfort object with him. “Messing with them seems like a reeeal bad idea.”
Ace nodded emphatically. “If I were the culprit, I know I’d steer clear.”
“You are the kind of person that would pick off your competition in an underhanded way, so I’m inclined to take your word for this,” Riddle said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
Cater waved his hands for attention. “It's getting late, so let's make this next person the last one for today, 'kay?”
“And we’re running out of people to sacrifice,” Ace chipped in, always ever-so-helpful.
“ And we’re running out of people to sacrifice, yes. So. Jack Howl: freshman, Savanaclaw Dorm. Rumor has it that he's a great athlete. Scouts from all the major teams are fighting to sign him.”
Deuce snapped his fingers. “Oh, him? He’s on the track team with me. Classes are over, and we don’t meet today, so he should be at his dorm.”
Riddle’s shoulders jumped. “Is it that late already? Rule 346 says that ‘croquet must not be played after 17:00’ I should head back to Heartslabyul and make sure that no one is breaking the rules in my absence.”
Grim groaned. “I thought you'd rounded out some, but nope, you're as square as ever. “
Enma sighed. “Don’t worry, senpai, I’ve got this. Grim.”
“Shit. Kuroki isn’t here anymore. I have to behave,” Grim said, slumping further on Enma’s shoulders. “Sorry for calling you a square, Riddle, even if it’s true.”
“It’s–! It's not true! I assure you that I've become much more lenient about enforcing the rules.”
Cater nodded emphatically, throwing a thumbs up. “He really has. He's way nicer than before. And we all appreciate that Riddle diligence. So go do what you gotta do, Boss!”
To show their support for his character growth – and because they were technically both going to the Hall of Mirrors – they walked him to his dorm.
And then they went right by approximately five and a half steps, until they were standing in front of a different mirror. This one was bigger, as if it was made with someone far larger in mind, shaped to look like they were stepping into the mouth of a ginormous beast. Dragging claw marks decorated the metal, not deep in a way that felt entirely purposeful, but instead as if some of the yagujen had trailed their hands along it idly as they stepped through.
They sent each other mildly wary looks before making their way through the mirror.
A blast of warmth and a soft, earthy fragrance met his nose. Then, colors began to filter into his vision. Bright, tropical plants and vibrant greens. A path cut through the greenery – literally ‘cut through’, it looked as if it had been hacked into the jungle by hand. Though it can’t have been that long since the last people had come through, the plants were already growing back into place.
Enma snickered to himself, hanging back as the magic users in the group were forced to carve themselves a larger path. Even Grim, more out of impatience than anything, had joined in. Ah, the upsides of being seen as incapable due to things you can’t control: getting out of doing things.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, perfectly happy to look around to the tune of his friends struggling.
There was no shortage of animals peering at them all from the trees. A couple of birds were fighting, though over what Enma wasn’t sure (he considered whether it was possible that even the animals at this school were wannabe thugs). Still more chose to stay where they were, save for a couple of hops on their branches. Quite a few followed them from a distance, curious.
He thought that Kuroki might like it here.
He also thought that Ito might hate it, on account of the birds reminding them of Crowley.
He snickered to himself.
He missed them.
And then his eyes caught on what looked to be a giant pitcher plant.
Suddenly, he did not miss them at all. Because if Ito and Kuroki were here, they would have immediately told him off before he’d even suggested what he was about to do. But they weren’t here, so…
His gaze flicked, briefly, to the others to make sure that they were still distracted, struggling with a particularly thick set of vines.
Slowly, he made his way over to the plant. He clambered up the side, vaguely interested in the cloyingly sweet smell that it emanated.
A hand caught him by the back of his shirt and dragged him down before he could peer inside.
He turned to pout at Cater.
Cater didn’t seem swayed. “When did you lose your self-preservation instincts?”
“Lost the first half of them a little more than an hour ago when my friend got sacrificed, and the other half about twenty minutes ago when my other friend got sacrificed.”
“Ito and Kuroki can not be the entirety of your self-preservation instincts.”
Enma crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow. “I once took apart my phone just to see how it works. I did not regret it one bit. I cannot stress this to you enough, senpai. They are, like, 99%, at the very least.”
Cater looked mildly stressed out by this information. Perhaps Enma should have chosen a non-phone-related example, but would Cater have understood the gravity of any other example?
“Ito and Kuroki haven’t even been gone for a day yet! They’ll be home later!”
“I wanted to see if it was what I thought it was!”
Cater knelt to pick up a stick, and then tossed it into the plants mouth. There was a loud snap! as the flower closed around it.
Enma earned a Look from Cater. The kind of look that suggested the boy thought he was going to say he was right and thank him for saving him.
He did no such thing, only huffing and rushing to catch up with the rest of the group.
Cater followed with a groan. Enma wondered if the reason he had saved him had been less to do with any actual care, and instead more about wanting a break from all of the manual labor they had been doing.
Soon enough, the jungle started to thin, and the air around them became less humid, more outright hot. The rocks on the ground grew more numerous, and then simply grew, until it was no longer out of place to be staring at a large cliff face. A series of buildings had been hung from a rock overhang, dangling in a way that might have been dangerous had magic not existed. As it was, it was instead cool to see how the buildings wove together intricately, thin rope bridges spanning between them for the sake of convenience.
“Huh... so this is Savanaclaw,” said Deuce.
“Couldn't be less like Heartslabyul,” said Ace. Despite the fact that the guy hated his own dorm, Savanaclaw seemed to disgust him even more.
“I kind of like it,” Enma said.
Ace frowned. Likely because he was being disagreed with, which was just… not something he tended to allow.
“That’s… surprising.”
Ace motioned vaguely to the entirety of Enma. Enma did not understand what this was supposed to mean.
He sighed and, apparently, decided that Enma was a lost cause, because he was quick to move on: “So what's this Jack guy look like?”
Deuce shrugged. “He's got wolf ears, silver hair, and a big, bushy tail.”
Oh wait… was this… that guy …?
Hopefully ‘Jack’ had forgotten that time Enma had stared at his… tail. That was, like, on the first day. He had to have forgotten that by now, right?
Maybe he should leave.
Before he could fully commit to that idea, though, Grim gasped and pointed to a guy that was, frankly, just going about his business. He was enjoying an afternoon jog, probably working up an appetite. Sounded pleasant. Unfortunately, this peaceful time was sure to be ruined for him.
“Is that him?”
“Whoa, good eye! There's no way that's not our boy,” said Cater.
Grim puffed out his chest with pride.
“And I thought those twins were big! This guy's huge!” Ace said.
“I can agree with this one,” Enma mumbled absently, glancing back the way he’d come. If he didn’t know that this was a task assigned by the Headmaster, and that it was necessary for at least one of the Yuus to be there for the entire day to properly relay information, he would have bailed. He was still heavily considering it.
“No wonder all the scouts are after him,” Cater said, whistling lowly.
“With that build, he'd be an asset on any team,” said Deuce. His lips curled into a smirk. “Nice to know he’s in my club.”
Jack looked at their little group dead on, and his eyes narrowed at Enma briefly.
Enma cringed and ducked his head. So much for hoping, he supposed.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let the big bad wolf bite you,” Cater said, winking.
Enma was not going to correct his assumption, actually. Watch him hide away in fear of some random, buff guy that may or may not know how to fight. It is definitely fear and not awkwardness over what he had done, however accidentally.
Where were his emotional support housemates?
“Hey, you! Mr. Scowls-a-lot!” Grim yelled.
Not that one! That one doesn’t have as much tact as the other two! Shit!
Jack whirled around, apparently just as shocked as the rest of their group.
“Just wanted to let ya know somebody's probably gonna try and hurt you. But don't worry — I, Grim the Great, will protect you!”
Jack didn’t even seem amused by the monster’s sheer gall. This did not bode well. Grim survived almost entirely thanks to people laughing at him.
“ What? Look, don't bother me when I'm training.”
“Sevens…” Ace murmured.
“ That’s your approach, Grim? I can't even count all the ways that was terrible.”
“I’m revoking your speaking privileges for the next few minutes,” Enma said. He grabbed the monster and tucked him under his arm, his hand firmly clamped over his mouth. Grim did not seem pleased by this arrangement, but he couldn’t speak right now, so he couldn't say anything to protest this mistreatment. He could bite Enma’s hand, though. Which was. Fun.
“Sooo sorry about him, Jack-chan. Listen, king, could we have just a minute of your time?” Cater said, sending him a winning smile.
Indeed he did win… if you count gaining a few minutes of Jack’s attention to be much of a win.
“What's all this about? You said you wanna protect me from something?”
“A lot of Magift tournament hopefuls have been hurt in accidents on ‘campus’ lately,” Deuce said. He had lifted his hands to do finger quotes, but had done it on the wrong word. Thankfully, Jack was in Deuce’s club, and therefore reasonably well-acquainted with him, and was only confused for a couple of seconds.
“And we're trying to figure out who's behind it,” Ace continued.
Briefly, the boy’s eyes widened in recognition. He looked at their ragtag team of problem solvers, his lips pressing into a thin line. And then he nodded. “Okay. Go on.”
“To put it bluntly, our plan is to stake out some of the criminal's prospective targets,” said Cater. “What do you say? Will you give us a hand in catching this guy?”
Jack made a strange face. Almost amused, but not quite, there was also something undeniably bitter there. “No. I can take care of myself. I don't need your protection.”
Enma frowned. “Wait, come on, don’t you want back u – help?”
Jack snickered. “I doubt I'm gonna be a target. Seeya.”
Enma frowned just slightly. That was… an interesting sentence. With the first denial, he had thought that this was just classic Night Raven College stubbornness, but Jack seemed pretty sure he ‘wasn’t going to be a target’. Too confident, enough so that he had laughed. It wasn’t the ‘I would fight them off’ kind of confidence, either. That wasn’t what he had said.
He supposed it could be the kind of ‘oh, well, I would never get into a car wreck’ mentality…
It wasn’t like they had many other leads, though…
“Aaaaand he's gone,” said Cater.
Enma sighed lightly and let go of Grim. The monster sent him a brief, reproachful look that suggested Enma would have to buy him a can of tuna later. He didn’t mind, it was worth it.
“Well, can't say I didn't warn him,” Grim said, irritably, once he noticed that he was not getting the millions of apologies he had clearly been hoping for.
“Yeah, well, you might want to reconsider your approach there, bud,” Ace said.
“Ughhhhhhhh! You’re all starting to sound like Enma!”
“I covered your mouth for, like, a minute. I don’t deserve this kind of slander.”
“You do,” Grim sniffed.
Enma rolled his eyes and decided that it was probably best to ignore Grim until the aforementioned tuna can was given to him. “Well, Howl-san said no, so does that mean we’re done for the day?”
“Totally,” said Cater. “Unless anyone is down for another –.”
“NO!” Deuce yelled.
Cater chuckled. “I was just kidding. Let’s go.”
Unfortunately for them, though, Deuce’s yell had drawn the attention of a pair of Savanaclaw students.
“Heyheyhey! What are you lot doing here?” said the first, a boy with messy orange hair.
“Leaving,” said Ace, flatly. He was probably bitter about the Savanaclaw kid stealing his brand.
“You're a long way from Heartslabyul House,” the second said. He had a set of giant antlers that, frankly, looked a little bit deadly.
(“Why does everyone forget about Ramshackle?” Enma mused quietly.)
“You think you can just barge onto our turf and walk away without paying the price?”
Their little group of students eyed each other warily. This was starting to feel a lot like a brewing fight. Quite possibly because it was one.
“Let's play Predator and Prey! Guess who gets to be the prey?”
Enma cleared his throat awkwardly. “Uh, listen, dude, I know what you’re going for, but you really shouldn’t be calling yourself a ‘predator’...”
It was deathly silent for a few seconds. Their tiny group started inching towards the exit in the moment of awkwardness, in hopes that they might just be let go so they could all pretend that had never happened.
They might have succeeded, too, if it were not for Leona Kingscholar’s untimely arrival.
“What’s going on here?”
“Housewarden Leona! These students are trespassing on our territory!” the boy with antlers reported dutifully.
“Let's teach 'em a little lesson! Heh heh heh.”
Leona looked, unfortunately, interested in this. Damn it. They’d been so close.
Enma groaned internally.
And then groaned externally. Because his eyes landed on one Ruggie Bucchi.
“Enma! Hi!”
“ Please, Ruggie, don’t – wait. I’m not at work. You have no power here!”
Leona’s gaze briefly flitted over to the pair of them, amused, only for his eyes to narrow at Enma. “Hey... I know you. You're the herbivore who stepped on my tail at the botanical gardens.”
Enma was never coming back to Savanaclaw Dorm again. There were simply zero upsides. The dorm itself was cool, but it would be cooler if Enma hadn’t managed to get on the bad side of literally everyone he had had the displeasure of meeting since school had started.
“You... you stepped on the housewarden's tail?” said Antlers-boy, looking somewhat impressed, but also mostly like he was about to try and skewer him.
“Now you're really gonna pay!”
Enma groaned. “I didn’t mean to! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to step on Kingscholar-senpai’s tail and I didn’t mean to stare at Howl-san’s butt, okay?!”
“‘Sorry’ is not good enough!”
Deuce had different concerns. He gave him a wide-eyed stare. “You stared at that guy’s ass?”
He threw his hands up in exasperation. This was too much for him today. He should not have let his friends get sacrificed. “I was looking at his tail and realized too late that that was not as innocent as I thought it was!”
“Let’s beat them up,” suggested not-Ace, grinning widely.
“Stop yapping like a pack of wild dogs.”
Oh! Thankfully, it looked like Leona was just as annoyed by the situation as Enma was.
“You really wanna risk starting a fight before the tournament?”
He would still take the win!
“What if you get disqualified?”
(Enma’s head tilted to the side. Did that mean that technically he could fight someone and get them disqualified? That would be kind of funny. He made a mental note of that for later, in case Ruggie was extra annoying during his next grocery run.)
Antlers-boy looked incredulous. “What, so you're just gonna let 'em walk away? Not even nibble on 'em a little?!”
“I’m sorry, did he just say that he was going to ‘nibble on’ us?” Enma said.
His question – which, in his opinion, was a very valid one – was ignored.
“No one's ‘letting' anyone walk away. We're gonna resolve this with a ‘friendly’ game of Magift. After all, it doesn't violate any school rules to cast spells during a game of Magift.”
Ruggie leaned towards Enma, grinning. “Ten thaumarks says you guys aren’t going to last even one game.”
Enma debated whether his pride was worth losing money. He decided that losing money over this particular bet would also hurt his pride, and therefore decided against it.
Grim, however, was more prideful than he: “Welp, I'm not taking that one lying down. Now we’ve got no choice but to fight.”
“You say that like we had a choice to begin with,” Deuce muttered.
Unfortunately for Deuce, his surprisingly astute observation was ignored.
“You're on. Cater! Remember this when you pick the official team!”
Cater looked at the ground imploringly, silently begging it to open up and swallow him whole. “Are you kidding me...?”
“Uh, senpai,” Enma began, feeling bad for the boy but figuring he might as well break the news now rather than later. “I know this isn’t a good time, but I have a quick question… how do you play?”
Enma soon received an answer: not like that.
In case you, dear reader, have somehow yet to realize this, Enma does not have magic. Which is unfortunate, because a large percentage of Magift was based on magical ability. Can’t score if you’re encased in a dirt shell, after all.
And, on top of that, his teammates included Ace, Deuce, and Grim.
Poor Cater. Not only had the ground actually heeded his pleas only to mess up its aim and swallow the wrong person, but he had been stuck as the only competent person on the team. Frankly, Enma was surprised he didn’t throw in the towel sooner.
Yeah… they got their asses handed to them. They didn’t score a single point.
Enma groaned in relief as his dirt prison crumbled away into nothing, clambering out and flopping on the ground with a groan. The stupid magical dirt had been even more ‘stupid’ly hard to get out of. He was just grateful he hadn’t suffocated down there.
“Awwww, giving up so soon?” Leona teased. He grinned widely. Enma couldn’t even be that mad about it because the guy was, unfortunately, very attractive. “Don’t want a rematch?”
“No thanks,” said Enma.
“Alright, then, let’s take it from the top!”
Attractiveness be damned. Enma considered the pros and cons of cursing. He deserved it. As a reward.
Before he could commit either way, they were saved:
“What's going on here?”
They turned to see the man, the myth, the legend, the boy who has a very bad name for such grand titles – Jack!
Leona’s expression dropped into a scowl. “We're just having a little fun with some trespassers.”
“What's fun about tormenting amateur players?”
(“ Amateurs?” said Ace. If Enma were any less involved in this, he would almost be impressed by the size of his ego. But he was very much involved, so he kicked him in the shin to get him to shut up.)
Ruggie smirked. “Awwwwwww, Jack! Heroically standing up for the downtrodden! How woefully admirable!”
Jack’s tail went ramrod straight, seemingly out of embarrassment. He crossed his arms over his chest, scowling. “I'm just saying this is a disgusting spectacle and I don't wanna have to see it.”
For a long, terrifying moment, Enma wondered whether they were going to ‘invite’ Jack to another ‘fun’ game of Magift. At least then they would have a whole two members with actual skill, he supposed, but he would rather not be buried alive again...
Leona groaned.
“Fuckingggg greaaaat. Now you've ruined all our fun.”
Enma owed his life to this random guy now.
“Whoa, Jack- kun. You do realize who you're talking to, right?” Antlers-boy said.
Jack scoffed. “If you're gonna play the upperclassman card, you oughta act the part.”
“What did you say to me?! You want a piece of this, too?!”
Life debt revoked until further notice. Random guy has quite possibly made things worse.
Leona snickered at them. “Pretty bold, frosh. I guess I can respect that. I’m bored now, anyway. And it’s not like running up the score against you losers is accomplishing anything.”
With that, the guy… straight up left. The others followed at his heels, too. Their group stared after their receding backs, stunned. There was no way it was that easy. It was never that easy.
And yet.
They were gone.
Enma was going to get down on one knee to reinstate his life debt. How dare he doubt Jack and his all-amazing ability to… guilt people, apparently.
But that would be embarrassing, and he wasn’t sure whether Jack would want a debt from him. Speaking of, he probably already owed the guy from the whole… inciting incident. He didn’t have much to offer, on account of the ‘being poor’ thing. Jack would have to settle for just one debt.
He cleared his throat awkwardly to clear that particular line of thought. “Everyone alright?”
Cater sent him a look that screamed ‘that is a dumb question’. Which was fair.
Still. Enma huffed. “It’s nice to ask.”
“Heh. Guess you’re right. Well, I can't say that was my finest moment on the field.”
Deuce didn’t even bother dignifying him with an answer of his own. Instead, he turned to Jack. “Thanks for the help, man. Don’t know what we would have done without you –.”
“Save it. I ain't in the business of charity work.”
Ace was perfectly fine with an excuse to not have to say the dreaded ‘thank you’. He groaned and slumped against Enma’s side. “I'm drenched in mud over here! Let's just call it a day and go home.”
Enma wasn’t as affected by the mud as Ace had probably hoped. But, if Ace had wanted to annoy someone, he should have probably gone for the many other people who weren’t already covered in earth.
“Ramshackle ‘home’ or your dorm ‘home’?” he asked before Ace could come up with more creative, effective ways to be annoying.
Ace pursed his lips thoughtfully. “Do I have clothes at you guys’ place?”
“Why are you asking me?”
Deuce smirked. “Well, apparently it’s up your alley, since you make a habit of staring at people’s –.”
“Finish that and I will make sure Ito never feeds you again.”
“Finish what?”
Enma nodded curtly. “Thought so.”
Grim who had evidently tuned them out upon the mention of Ito’s food, looked at him with wide, hopeful eyes. “Mmmmm do you think they’ve made dinner yet?”
“Uhhhh…” said Enma, who doubted it, given Ito had been stolen by The French and who knows how long that could take. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Only one way to find out for sure! Let’s go!”
Cater seemed pleased to have a chance to go home and pretend this entire day hadn’t existed. “All right, Jack, we're taking off. Don't get in any ‘accidents’, you hear?”
“You've got a whole lotta nerve to be worrying about me after that Magift attempt. Now get out of here already.”
Their group was pretty quick to do so, but as Enma glanced back to throw the boy a sheepish wave…
He found Jack staring at them with a complicated expression on his face. Like he was considering calling after them.
Quietly, Enma bookmarked the information.
He went back to facing the front and groaned upon seeing the particular kind of smirk Ace was sporting.
“It’s not like that,” he sighed.
“I can’t wait to tell Ito and Kuroki.”
“ Don’t.”
Ito and Kuroki both came home looking as if they had just come back from a war. Ito was carrying several, miscellaneous bottles of skin and hair care products. Kuroki had a book on alternate dimensions hugged close to his chest, so he had clearly not been too pleased about being sacrificed to the Leech twins, even though it was his own idea.
Enma lifted a hand in a wave. They didn’t even seem to see him.
They were probably fine.
Enma went back to figuring out their homework.
The Yuus really didn’t get a lot of downtime.
Sure, world-ending threats were… infrequent enough that they hadn’t yet snapped, but their day-to-day lives were still a lot.
They had school, of course, and homework. They had a lot of catching up to do for these things, as well, seeing as they had been born in an entirely different world and therefore had many years worth of classes to make up for, and that ate into their free time.
They had their jobs. Their bosses were lenient and understanding (to a point, though maybe their perspectives were skewed thanks to the worlds they had come from, and their bosses were actually trying to overwork them, who knows), but they still didn’t have much money, and that meant long hours were a must.
There were their everyday shenanigans. Ito turning into a baby. Ito turning into a worm. That time they finally realized that they should not leave Ito alone during Alchemy anymore, resulting in both Enma and Ito getting trapped in a time loop (they didn’t talk about it).
And they were okay with all of this – they were, really – but it meant there wasn’t much downtime, and when there was it was most likely devoted to dropping straight down onto their shitty mattress and passing out immediately.
Hell, Ito was actively flipping through stacks upon stacks of papers for their job. Calling this ‘downtime’ was probably a bit of a stretch, to be honest.
Enma sat on the ground, listening to Ito mumble to themself as they worked, to Grim and Kuroki debating the tuna budget in hushed tones.
He pulled out his notebook and flipped to the last page, titling it: WHY ARE WE HERE?
He debated, briefly, adding the words ‘just to suffer’ in small print, but decided that was not appropriate for the tone.
And then added it anyway.
He grinned, but it was half-hearted.
It was pretty much certain that they were dimension hoppers, and from different dimensions.
(The other option was that they didn’t yet have a concept for what was going on, but that… Enma wasn’t going to think about that.)
But that suggested that the three of them were actively chosen, didn’t it? There had to be more than four dimensions total, it made no sense for there to be three ‘normal’ dimensions and then just one random magical one, there were likely several in between that allowed for a more gradual transition.
So, why them?
It wasn’t like they had much in common, either in a superficial sense or a deeper one. Enma was taller and broader. Kuroki was more self-conscious. Ito was from an entirely different country, and their name was only ‘Yuu’ on a technicality.
Sure, they all got along, but they weren’t dumb enough to think this was entirely because their personalities happened to mesh well. They were less of a found family and more of a group of people who had pack-bonded through shared trauma. And it was entirely possible that they would have gotten along with other versions of themselves, too.
Why them three?
A dimensional rift? Across only four dimensions? He doubted that.
Enma groaned, running a hand through his hair.
Okay. Their names. It was probably their names. It definitely wasn’t their few common traits (them being gossips, and their occasionally overlapping sense of humor), those weren’t the kinds of things that people would actively search for. It had to be their names, then.
Some kind of mixup.
That begged another question, though:
If it was a mixup based on their names, and they had been dragged through several realities… had they taken the place of some ‘Yuu’ in this world, or was one of them actually supposed to be here?
And, if so, who?
“Hey,” Enma said, and both Ito and Kuroki looked up from what they were doing, identically confused expressions on their faces. “If you had to guess, which one of us do you think is best suited for this reality?”
It was silent for a minute.
Kuroki shrugged awkwardly. “I dunno, I’ve never thought about it. I think it wouldn’t feel right if it was only one of us…”
“Obviously,” Enma said. “I’m not saying that I’m going to kill the two that aren’t chosen or anything, I just want to know what you guys think.”
Kuroki mulled this over for a few moments more. “Probably Ito. They can make friends, they just don’t, because we called dibs on the first day. It’s a good trait to have when you get dragged into a whole new world without warning.”
“I’m not that much more of an extrovert.”
“That’s not what I mean. You’re like… I dunno. Parental? Older sibling-esque? And you know that would be a hit at this school, everyone here has family issues.”
“I don’t,” Ito said.
“ Exactly.”
Ito rolled their eyes before giving Enma an odd look. “Can I ask why you want to know this? I mean, it doesn’t really matter, does it? We’re all stuck, that’s not going to change.”
Enma groaned. “Can I mark you down as yourself as well, then?”
“Oh. No. I’d honestly say you, Enma. I mean, you actually like this world. You’d be happy to stay.”
Enma’s eyebrows knit. “You wouldn’t?”
“No one here… speaks my language,” they said.
Enma and Kuroki looked at each other, confused. Maybe the French thing really had affected them a lot.
They snickered, resting their chin in their hand. “What about you? Who do you think is supposed to be here?”
Enma narrowed his eyes at them briefly, but they didn’t seem intent on explaining any further. So, he sighed and let it go. He shrugged, tipping his head back against the bed frame. “Kuroki, I guess? I mean, he’s got us both beat in our classes, and he gets along best with Grim. If we were always meant to go to school here, he’d be best, right?”
“Great, well, I’m glad we cleared up absolutely nothing for you, then,” Kuroki said.
“Yeah, thanks guys,” he said.
Ito laughed and finally got up, stretching out lazily. “I think we all might be at that point where we’re overthinking things because it’s late at night. Bedtime.”
Enma had never agreed with a statement more. Hell yeah, bedtime.
Despite his wishes, his body was not as happy about the concept of ‘bedtime’ as it should have been. Maybe it was the late night contemplation of his situation, maybe he was just sore from getting buried alive earlier (something he was no longer going to think about, actually), or maybe it was just because Grim had a tendency to sleep talk and sometimes that was hard to ignore.
Whatever the reason, Enma found himself heading out for his morning jog far earlier than usual.
The sun hadn’t even begun to poke out from behind the horizon.
He watched the sky, absently counting the stars.
Usually, when someone was lost, people would tell their loved ones to look at the sky, and find solace in the knowledge that, no matter what, that, at least, would never change. So long as the person wasn’t dead, they would be looking at the same stars, the same moon. So long as they were alive, looking at the same sky, they could still be found.
The stars were different, here – more numerous, clustered in entirely new patterns.
He wondered if this world, too, had constellations, and what their stories were.
He wondered if they, too, had had their stars snuffed out by pollution, or if perhaps there were more stars, if the centuries of light and dark magic had floated up into the heavens and painted the sky with patterns entirely of their own making.
Humans are the only creatures that can overcome nature.
But what would happen when they had finally discovered everything?
What if they never did?
Enma wasn’t sure which thought scared him more.
A dull shiver ran through him. His eyes flicked downwards, away from the sky, only to find himself among the stars, tiny lights dancing around him.
He swallowed thickly.
He still reached for the nearest one.
His fingertip brushed it. It was warm.
It flicked away, the tiny balls of light congealing into one giant mass.
He peered into the strange clump of stars, and they looked back.
Bright – luminescent – green eyes widened in mild surprise when they met his, and in an instant a person was standing in front of him.
Enma shrieked and jolted away.
You’ll have to forgive him for being startled. The person appeared out of nowhere, which would surprise just about anyone, even if they hadn’t been tall and adorned with sharp teeth and claws and horns. Beyond that, there was something about the guy that rattled that little .01% of his brain that could force him to ignore his curiosity because the thing in front of him was just that dangerous. The same kind of intense feeling that had come when he had seen Sam’s shop for the first time. The one that told him to run and not look back. That this thing, whatever it was, was ancient and powerful.
The stranger didn’t even seem shocked by his scream. He must be very self-aware. “Who are you?”
“You can’t just – trespass here! I – I have a gun!”
“That wouldn’t be able to hurt me. And, no you don’t.”
Enma wasn’t sure which part of that concerned him more. But it was then that he noticed the person was wearing a school uniform, which meant shooting him was probably unnecessary (and impossible, considering the stranger was right in that he didn’t have a gun).
“… okay…”
“Are you a child of man?” he asked, circling him slowly, looking him up and down.
He kept his head on a swivel to make sure that the person (not a human, that much was clear, but a person, he thought) never left his sight entirely. “Uh – you mean, like, a human? Yeah, last I checked?”
“Ah, you’re so frail, though. They don’t make children of man like they used to.”
“I don’t know how to respond to that.”
“That is alright. You don’t have to.”
It was silent for a few moments, and Enma became aware of the fact that they hadn’t even done formal introductions yet.
Enma cleared his throat, sticking his hand out for him to shake. “Oh! I’m Enma Yuuken, and you are?”
The person stared at him with wide eyes. As if, despite him just saying he was a human, he had started to grow another head, and he was trying to decide whether this was simply an interesting fact that he had not yet known about the species.
“You… don’t know?”
“I wouldn’t have had to ask if I did!”
“I am... no, never mind. I'd rather you remain unaware.”
Enma frowned just slightly. That was a little weird, but maybe the guy was in the magical version of witness protection or something?
“Oh… okay, well, I can come up with a name for you, then, I guess!”
“Can you, now?”
“For sure! I will call you…” He squinted at him for a minute. The guy had a lot of interesting features for him to focus on, but there was one thing that made him stand out even compared to the other students at the school. “ Tsunotarou! ”
He gave Enma another wide-eyed look.
And then he started to laugh. Hard. The kind of deep, almost maniacal laughter you might expect of a cartoon villain. Except it was genuine, and probably not actually meant to sound that way.
Tsunotarou nodded, smiling as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“You really are fearless, it seems.”
“Am I supposed to fear you?”
“It does not matter.”
Enma did not fail to notice that that was not a ‘no’.
“It was I who told you you could use a name of your choosing. I'll indulge this liberty and permit you to refer to me by your...curious nickname.”
Enma’s face flushed. “It’s funny! You laughed! Finally, someone appreciates my puns.”
Tsunotarou’s head tilted to the side. “Do others not?”
“No. My roommates – Kuroki and Ito – hate them. Half the time Ito doesn’t even know what the pun is! They just recognize my ‘pun voice’ and groan anyway,” he lamented.
“I see… what a pity.”
“I know! I’m hilarious! You get me.”
“You are amusing, yes.”
Enma squinted suspiciously. He didn’t trust the way that sentence sounded.
“You and your roommates, do you live here? I was under the impression that this dorm had been abandoned for quite some time…”
“Yep! My friends and I are staying here until the Headmaster manages to kick us out.”
Tsunotarou’s lips twitched into a wry grin. “Ah, it turns out that you are the trespasser all along, then?”
“No! Well – I guess? Kinda? Technically? It’s complicated.”
“Well, whatever the situation… I used to frequent this place due to its abandoned nature. I thought I would be upset once this building started getting put to use, but it seems that I might have a new reason to visit.”
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backkilop · 2 years
Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked
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Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked apk#
Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked install#
Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked full#
Now open the Android folder and browse to -> obb.
Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked apk#
The Extracted files will be shown as a folder with the cache (obb) file and apk file in it.ĥ. Locate the apk + cache (obb) files that you downloaded -> Long-press on the file to select it -> Click on More & Select ‘EXTRACT TO’ -> Extract it to the path selected by defaultĤ. The apk + cache (obb) files are in Download folder that is in your root directory on your device.Ģ. Once selected, Click on More & Select ‘Move To’ -> Internal Storage -> Android -> obb and select OK.ġ APK file + 1 CACHE (OBB) file compressed in a zip/rar fileġ. Drive The Most Furious Cars And Sports Vehicles At Illegal Speed Throughout The Crowded City Streets. Long press the folder that starts with (this is the package name, which contains the obb file in it)Ħ. Burnout Drift 3 Unblocked Hacked Bonecracker Games 4.5 198,103 Votes. The Extracted file will be shown as a folder with the cache (obb) file in it.ĥ. Now Locate the cache (obb) file that you downloaded -> Long-press on the file to select it -> Click on More & Select ‘EXTRACT TO’ -> Extract it to the path selected by defaultĤ. Open the Download folder on your phone/tablet with ES File Explorer.ģ. folder that is in your root directory on your device. The apk and cache (obb) files are in Download.
Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked install#
It's also available as an Android app and as an iOS app.How to install games with cache (obb) files on android devices? 1 APK file and 1 CACHE (OBB) fileįile explorer/manager app used: ES File Explorer File Manager (16 MB).ġ. This game can be played in any modern, non-mobile browser (such as Chrome, FireFox, or Edge). This game is developed by BoneCracker Games (Burga Ozdoganlar) in Unity, and exported to WebGL (using OpenGL 3.0!). Try Drift Boss for a more arcade-style title.
Burnout drift 3 unblocked hacked full#
Kit up your vehicle with new wheels and colorsĬheck out our full collection of drifting games if you love taking to the streets to tackle the corners! Drift Hunters is the most popular drifting game, and features a wide selection of cars and maps.Buy from a range of supercars, streetcars, and trucks.Adjust the tuning of your vehicle to find the perfect balance.The cars all have unique characteristics, some better than others.Crashing will cause you to lose all your drift points, so be careful!.The longer you keep up the same drift, the quicker you’ll earn points.The easiest track to drift and earn money on is Ridge.Winter Pass is a little tougher, featuring snow that slows you down and causes additional sliding. Ridge is a wide city road - probably the best track for drifting once you get into it. Rocky Pass is a typical mountain track with plenty of tricky turns and long corners - it’s a great middle-ground track. There are three excellent tracks to zoom your latest set of wheels around in Burnout Drift. many hacked unblocked games, Happy wheels unblocked amazing games, Drift. You can buy these powerhouse vehicles when you earn enough. Drift Hunters unblocked game are exciting races in which you will show the. The first car you start with is a Ford Mustang, but there are drifting classics like the Nissan 350z to pick-ups and supercars like the Bugatti Veyron. You can use the money you earn from doing awesome drifts to buy new cars. How to Play Find the perfect car to drift the streets
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Hii, can I please request a quiet uninterested reader that works as a hacker for bonten and sometimes helps koko with his work? And he can't stop thinking about her so he acts on it, but realizes that she's a little dom 👀 pretty please 💕
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24K spider web
Warning : 18+, Minors DNI. Explicit smut ( just as every writing of mine lol ), dirty talk.
SYNOPSIS : Classy hacker! Reader x Bonten! Hajime Kokonoi.
The hacker.
Cargo pants, chunky boots, sleeveless hoodie, giant backpack...
Does it ring a bell ? If it does, don't open the door.
This ain't you.
See, pink is the new black.
Glittery keypads, manicured nails typing on the light keys, 24K GOLD MacBook with diamond encrusted Apple logo, designer dresses and your Guerlain Rouge red lipstick in your iconic red Lamborghini.
Bonten has never been a basic mafia organization, it was only fair enough that their hacker was not an everyday hacker.
But shall we start by introducing the frame first ?
Once upon a time, a few years and mistakes ago, through a brighter day, the ghost of a father brought his daughter a computer.
A clear, straightforward path.
She would be hearing the children of her age playing outside while learning to master algorithms, heart shaped eyes, looking at her hero. He wasn't often home, but when he would be, he was eyes glued to that magic box that had much more fun than her. She figured out the only way she would ever see that sparkle in his hues was when she would follow his golden footsteps.
Small fingerprints marked the keyboard keys' at the rhythm he likes, drawing the stars she always wanted to see in his eyes, she was a prodigy.
Too much.
She was too curious for her damn own good, and she liked to break things. She was good at gaining computer's trust, and her hobby was to see just how far she could push the things.
Government doesn't like people who excel at finding creatives ways to break things.
Diamond bracelet that the years of working as a freelance hacker provided you got replaced by tight handcuffs, you indeed went too far.
Luck finally smiled at you with an unsmiling Sano Manjiro visiting you at the incarceration center. Heaven lost an angel the day you signed up in Bonten, as their private prodigy hacker, in exchange, dirty money, corrupted lawyers and government opened your prison cell's doors.
That is how the legend was born.
Kokonoi would always remember the first day you stepped inside the Bonten premises, Valentino stilettos clicking against the floor, lustrous and smooth hair swaying with your every move, styling a white structured coat-dress, as if hours ago you weren't Kept under heavy guard in one of the most secure prisons in the state.
-" The great thing about people using technology to protect them is that I can hack it. Now if it was some giant monster with teeth protecting them, we would have a problem. But this ? This is not a problem. "
Those were the first words you uttered on your first day, entering your new office with most of the team waiting for you in it.
They were about to find out how undeniably talented you were.
Mafia's were transforming toward the digital world, you were the key for them to undergo that change to this new era.
-" I'll have you hooked up to the camera feed in no time. You'll be able to see everything they can."
This definitely expedited the process of many of their missions.
The whole mafia world was amazed by the speed with which the Bonten made this transition into cybercrime, you were climbing the ladder at an incredible speed, earning the respect of all your colleagues and even that of the big boss.
-" they are not the only one to know how to jam a signal ".
Sitting on your throne, in front of your brand new purple computer setup with almost all of the executives surrounding you, you had promised to win the cyber war. Hajime was in the front row to witness your victory against the hacker of the biggest Chinese mafia. He felt himself drifting away from years of numbness while looking at those stars in your eyes.
Unfortunately, that wasn't an everyday sight. Mikey hadn't probably been the sweetest person in the world in order to convince you to work for them, Sanzu was very likely not the best office neighbor you could have had, and Ran's flirtatious ways were not the most pleasant thing to begin the day with, yet he always thought you would eventually warm up to your co-workers.
It is quite relevant to say that you have never been close to it.
You barely talked about anything else than the work, nobody was used to catch a sight of you outside of your work hours, sometimes they would even feel lucky if your eyes met one of theirs on your way to your office.
This had earned you quite a reputation within the gang, it is indeed well-known that mystery piques all interests, your ice cold fueled passion's fire.
At the prime of his career, having everything he wanted the minute he thought about it, Kokonoi lacked a good exciting chase, no need to say you more than fitted the task.
Something about not knowing, not being able to read you like an open book made it harder to not think about you.
Just as now, sitting quietly on the chair next to yours in your office after asking your help for some work, he could not take his eyes away from you.
The long hours of work took their toll on your hair. It was now loose, cascading around your face, dimly lit by the purple light of your screen. It was late, nearly everyone must be home now, still he did not felt guilty at all for keeping you longer.
Graceful, the word circled in his head as he contemplated the glow of your skin under the aesthetic light. Anyone would have felt his eyes on them if he stared at them just as he was doing with you, but you didn't even turned an eye on him, too focused on finishing the work in the shortest possible time and in the most immaculate way, as always.
-" that's it, give it to mommy. Stop resisting... " He thought he heard you uttering, Kokonoi's eyes widened slightly before he straightened on his chair, snorting.
-" Do I need to leave y'all alone maybe or... ?"
God, he felt as if he was a virgin young boy again, waiting for the slightest smile of the girl who caught his eye. Except it was way easier to get Akane to smile back then, and that you barely looked at him now.
-" my work is a computer confidence trick. " You explained, still typing whatever on your keypad. " Hacking is mostly finding ways around security, not through it. "
The man next to you placed his elbows on your desk, earning a side glance from you while he leaned over a little bit.
-" that supposed to explain why you're flirting with a screen ?"
-" that supposed to be funny ? " You tilted your head to the side, not giving him a single look, hearing another snort. " You have your love, I have my computer. Now back off. "
He was rather surprised, though you were often cold, you rarely spoke in such a sour tone.
-" My love ?" It was his turn to tilt his head, questioningly, you shrugged.
-" your love, your money, whatever".
-" I see the iceberg knows a little about me, should I feel flattered ? "
You peered at him through the corner of your eye, finding his eyes already glued on you. Nothing you were not used to, honestly, though he was more inconspicuous than the other executives and co-workers when he contemplated you, you still worked there enough to notice his lingering stare on you.
-" if it makes you feel better " you shrugged again, his smile faltered getting replaced by a bored expression. He couldn't get it, why did you like so much to play pretend ? Obviously, he was eye catching and impressive, you would not be the first one to ever enjoy getting his attention so he just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you treated him as if he was like everyone else.
-" that was not an answer ".
You sighed, finally turning your head to look at him, he froze, lost on the way your eyeliner outlined the shape of your eyes perfectly.
-" I've been working for with for a while now, I don't need a Trojan horse to know you're a sucker for money. "
As much as your words could sound contemptuous, your tone was flat and empty, it showed that you had no hostility in your voice, you were too uninterested for that.
He leaned more over the desk, locking eyes with yours with his face only inches away, your perfume invaded his nostrils and he wished it could have been possible to close his eyes slightly and enjoy the enticing scent.
-" No matter how far you go, you work for me. Never forget that, sweetheart ".
Something flickered through your irises the minute you heard him and he had caught it. Though shining under a purple soft light, your gaze was made of daggers and shards, your organized chaos beginning to shatter inside you.
He was no one to address you in such a contemptuous way. Yes, he is more senior than you, and as wealthy as you were he was probably more so, but that wasn't a good enough reason to play macho, certainly not with you.
Turning your swivel chair toward him, you raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms. His gaze swung quickly to your chest that this gesture put even more in value, through your shirtless white tuxedo blazer, then came back to the way your pupils shrunk and your eye color deepened when you leaned over the desk too, an untamed beauty, he thought.
-" You might be the one writing the checks, I keep up the guard's 'round your bank account. One two clicks and you're broke. "
The carnivorous grin that curled his lips the next second should have made you at least flinch, it was his challenge smile, the one he did before winning a new contract he knew he got in pocket.
Now, because of him, you were more wolf than woman. Eye roasting him while he slowly got up from his seat, taking his time to dust off his suit pants then walking around to stand up behind you, leaning over your head while resting his arms on the back of your chair.
You threw your head back and let your eyes bore into his, not the least impressed or intimidated by his proximity. With that cool blanket of indifference and cat's eye air, sharp magnificent sword-like looks dragged across his soul, igniting inner snake instincts to bite.
-" This is a threat ? 'cause love, the last person who talked to me like that ended up at the bottom of the river."
And to think you were just mentally noting how cute he was, overlooking you from his height with his feline-like eyes and a hair strand falling close to your face.
You raised an eyebrow and parted your lips open, his eyes lingered there before coming back to your hues, guts stirring because of the rare sight of a smirk on your face.
As if you were going to be scared of him.
-" barking dogs never bite. "
A dry laughter escaped his mouth, making your smile widen. His right hand moved to grab your shoulder, while the left one moved your loose hair to the other side, he swallowed thick air staring at the naked soft-looking skin of your neck, and let his lips brush your ear with every following word of him.
-" d'ya think prison is the worst place you could go ?" Right hand traveled down your blazer, wrapped around your neck, index finger got pressed on the plump of your lips. " pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.”
Your smile never faltered, however something about how those eyelids drooped seemed as the first smoke hints of a wildfire.
Plutus, young god of abundance in this city, he might be. Yet he was standing on top of the goddess of not only webs but also spiders, warfare, Athena. He could feel them snakes serpentine around his body each more seconds you were staring, burning holes on him.
Fascinating, least he could say. Kissed by magenta, glowing and consuming his interest, and there to remind that being the light means being made of fire.
His finger that was resting on your lips, you bit, as a snake injecting sweet venom that coursed through his veins, fueling a hard-on. Red lips, white teeth around his finger, any pain was long forgotten for a sharp desire of ripping open the soft neck skin under his digits, crawling inside and never leave.
-" See, babydoll" he pulled his finger out of your mouth, still smiling as if you weren't ready to draw blood out of it. " Barking dogs can actually bite ".
And there you were again, solar plexus fire, and for some reasons his chest seemed to open up like wild flower around you. He could not stay any longer, what he thought was an iceberg turned out to cut sharper, hit hard like a dart tearing apart slashes of his heart and leaving a nasty scar.
He took his eyes off you and as he removed his hand from your skin, the temperature suddenly dropped. Kokonoi turned around, without a glance behind him.
-" now be a nice bitch, want that work on my desk by tomorrow. "
Not to be mistaken, he was a nice person, a good boss even if a bit demanding, nevertheless he always respected his employees. However, he saw no reason to respect the person who insidiously reduced him to ashes without even trying, the one who managed to disrespect him and yet keep him so intrigued, attracted.
You haven't actually been offended by the insult, honestly was it far away the sweetest thing you have heard about you that day. What started on the other hand, playing on your nerves was the way he went thinking he could order you around, and God knows it was hard to get a reaction out of you. Indeed, he was your supervisor, yet no one not even Sano Manjiro ever adressed you in such a condescending tone.
You let him make his way toward the door of your office, letting him think he actually had the last word.
Letting him bath in his ego for three more seconds.
-" you mean like the nice bitches working their asses out to provide you money ?" You turned in your swivel chair to face his stiffened back, hand frozen on the door handle. " Hajime motherfucker Kokonoi wouldn't worth a single penny, if not the brothel's pussies."
The way he slowly turned toward you screamed indignation, his darkened expression fed your devastating hunger of power.
If it has been someone else from the gang, namely Sanzu or Mikey, a bullet would already been lodged between your two razor-shape shining eyes. But it was Hajime, fortunately or not for you, he preferred to win his battles out of wit.
And maybe, there was something louder than your words, the roaring of your siren eyes and the deafening chaos in your smile.
Making his way back to you, with every step the room seemed smaller, as if he was getting caught in a spider's web while approaching.
He put his elbows on each armrest of your chair, almost closing the distance between your two faces dimly lit by the dark light.
-" say it to my face, and I might not make you scream".
You playfully tilted your head to the side, his eyes fell on your smirking lips, he licked his, bringing your gaze on them.
-" heard you had some eyesight troubles, now you're telling me you have trouble hearing ? Damn, spend some money on a doctor".
He scoffed and ignored your jab.
-" Too afraid to repeat ? Pussy".
-" indeed. I don't see any dick in this room. "
-" Ask nicely and you shall receive" his smirk made him look attractive, you couldn't lie. Something about his teases screamed to be tamed by you, you couldn't just deny how electric the atmosphere around you was.
-" trade all your money and I might just grant you a glance".
Everything about his face told you he liked what he was seeing, he pulled your swivel chair closer to him, knee slipping between your white pants' clothed legs, your expensive perfume as a snake dance hypnotizing his senses.
As if your mysterious personality didn't got him low-key obsessed by you for months, the crumbs you were currently providing were heroin-like addictive, he could barely take his eyes off of you, your face, your cleavage, your hair.
And though his mind ached to shut you down, to cut that snake's head, to wipe the spider's web.
His heart screamed, go, be the light, be the flame, burn him until he is screaming your name.
-"pussy like yours ? Baby, I eat them for breakfast."
-" Is it ?" You teased and approached your face to his, nose and lips almost brushing against his. His minty hot breath hit your cheek in the most exquisite fire.
-" mhm" he nodded, keeping his hues glued to yours, swimming in the darkest ocean he had ever seen.
-" Then pray tell me why... "
You stood up, making him straighten his back at the same time and unfolded your shirtless blazer and plunging neckline.
-" Months of eye fucking me, and I still never felt your tongue tasting me even once ?"
Kokonoi swallowed as discreetly as he could, glad for his hair falling around his face to hide his probably heating ears. If your fierce looks weren't enough to make his pants tighter, your words and his imagination definitely were.
And you weren't done, making a step toward him, you bit your lower lip and frowned, giving him such a cute picture of your usually impassive face.
-" I think you can only afford " pussy like mine ", replicas. Original's too expensive, hm ?"
-" You're playing with fire. "
He had warned, at the edge, burning from anger or lust, those two were just too similar. Wild, fierce, destructive, ruthless, sexy, enticing, sensual, mesmerizing.
All were words that fitted both his hatred and his desire for you, fitted you.
Your smile grew wider, things were finally getting interesting. Since you came here, it was the first time you saw something challenging, worth your attention.
-" Then light me up. "
You commanded, his breath got caught in his throat.
The snake tightened its grip around his body.
-" Light me up. "
You insisted, closing the distance between the two of you. Though you were shorter, you pressed your chest to his, lifting your head to meet his ice-cold gaze with your burning one.
And with your body pressed against his, he was a goner.
Caught in the spider's web.
-" light me up ! go 'head and light me up !"
The tarantula drove its fangs into the young god's body.
He would have thought you tasted carbon disulfide-like, or at least that capsaicin would have burn his taste buds, yet if felt like candy, your tongue rolling around his while you fought for dominance, though he never has been a sweet tooth, he knew he could grow addicted to your sweet taste.
His hands found your waist in a firm grip, pressing you tighter against his body to make you feel just how your fire got him.
That is not what you meant by lighting you up, but honestly you wouldn't complain. He was indeed a good kisser, his lips were fleshy yet soft, a firm cloud fighting hard with yours, did he knew he couldn't cage a tornado with his hands around its waist ?
You pulled out from the kiss seconds later, panting heavily, he couldn't find it in him to open his eyes, afraid that the feeling of flying high would disappear as soon as you would push him away.
He couldn't believe you actually kissed him back, and that he even found the courage to kiss you. You, the graceful and dark side of the moon, the submerged iceberg part. If you had to push him away, he would like to keep the ecstasy a little longer.
But when he opened his eyes, and his heart missed a beat when he locked them with the prettiest face he had ever seen, seeing no hesitation in it, no refusal, his lips rushed to find yours again, and they welcomed him even better than the first time, swallowing his heart out of his chest.
You had kissed him so he found his departed soul again, kissed him into finding his way home again, the light he lost long in this world, breathing a sorrowful joy into his soul.
As if you whispered a story in your kiss, for him to realize that every story comes to an end, and every end means a new beginning.
Though he could not get enough of your lips, he needed more, the beautiful foreigner with familiar eyes tasted the sweetest drugs to pass his lips, the highest of highs, he ached for you to stay and give him just one more sweet fix.
You pulled away again, his heart raced faster when your hands flew to his Louis V dress shirt, unbuttoning his wrapped desire. Golden rings felt cold against your heating skin as the back of his hand rested slightly against your cheek, giving you one of the most worshipping looks you have seen in your life.
-" pretty girl, watch baby give this body some good love, yeah ?"
As much as his words, and brown eyes under the aesthetic light set fire to your core, you had other plans.
Once you were done with his dress shirt, grabbing him by his collar you switched your two positions, and faster than he could ever react, in a swift movement the outsole of your stilettos pushed his chest away-not aggressively though- just to get him sitting on the swivel chair that moved toward the desk under his weight.
Kokonoi's eyes widened, he didn't see your move coming and was even more taken aback when the few buttons of your blazer were undone before his eyes, the latter falling to the floor.
You lay your armor down and your crown shows off, and you display a collection of all the things that makes you wonderful and unique, as if you were an exhibition under his expert eyes that couldn't find anything to criticize, a work of art. His cold lustful eyes preying on your physique, stinky soul searching for you, such a treasure, just for him. Almost not wanting to blink so he wouldn't mess an inch of your body during that blink of the second.
-" Not letting a man tell me what I should do with my cunt. I'mma take the lead. "
As you became a loaded gun, his suffering is tempting, is addictive, is attractive, your fire takes ahold of him controls him, he is passive.
You had woke up the beast inside him, craving you so badly that a wild storm came surging from his core.
-" Fenty Savage " he notes as you got closer to him, eyes glued on your floral lace unlined bra, and pants that soon found the ground, revealing the thong in the same pattern riding your lips. The soft lavender color sang the praises of your skin too louder for him not to notice it, and he thought, that body was not made for a chair and a desk, nor for an orange prison suit, but for walking on a damn red carpet.
-" I see you know your stuff mister money maker " your hoarse but soft voice whispers while you straddled his lap. Above him, the money god was nothing but a devoted servant praying to his goddess with worshipper's hands venturing out and roaming the miles of your burning flesh to your back.
Koko leaned in, his mouth writing wet poems at your neck, your muscles numb by the divine sensation of his silent words and the soft texture of his lips.
He kissed your neck, smelled it, you smelled of water colours, of empty canvases wanting to be stained, every inch of your flesh whispering its desire to be tagged to his ears. Craving you was a strange poison coursing through his veins and filling his senses with a wanting that felt like it had control over him, pulled him down and licked his neck, runned its fingers all over him. Then, he found you, teasing him while your hands were playing with his belt you were undoing. He did the same for your bra, that fell to the ground and was rewarded by the sight of your bare chest. Lips traced your jaw, collarbone, then his tongue ice skated on the burning skin of your chest, talking to your heart, revealing to it the secrets of months spent daydreaming about this moment.
You felt the tissue between your legs get seriously wet and the fact that his lips suddenly captured your nipple activated the throbbing in your cunt.
-" goddamn softie" he praised your breast, your hands shaking from pleasure lowered his pants and underwear just enough to free his hard member, a pretty long six inches with an angry red tip, and you heard a grunt at the same time your palm wrapped around his length.
That enticing look in your eyes had Koko craving for more, your hand wrapped around his most secret part felt like a prison, yet he wanted the walls of that cell to close on him. Your grip tightened around him as you started stroking his cock and he had to separate from your breasts to catch some breath. Exposing his throat to you, you started putting some wet kisses on his jaw, smelling and licking his neck while he started thrusting his hips against your hand.
-" Fuck, too much... "
-" Shhh, fancy boy. 'm gonna take good care of you, yeah ?"
He nodded, in the hot air around, he wondered if he felt himself burning in your fire or melting like sugar on your tongue. You teased animals out of him, but what's wild shoud run free and that night, he would howl for you. Letting his fingers mold on your waist's skin, you tailor-made fit for him, yet he still got you under his skin.
He would gladly have closed his eyelids in order to sink deeper in the fueling pleasure, yet his eyes were captivated, your every curve, every edge his hues were swallowing, they say when people are naked they are on their most vulnerable state, but you, god, you never looked that powerful. Not in Louis V, not in Gucci, but in your birthday suit, a Greek goddess was perched on top of his body from your face so kissable to your imperfectly perfect body, you looked straight out from a playboy magazine and he would never close an eye on this.
His attention was brought to his pleasure again when it disappeared, your hand was no longer on his length, you snorted at his almost panicked expression and reached for your Chanel handbag on the desk behind the chair, he watched with curious eyes while you took the aluminium package out of it and sat back on his lap, biting your lower lip slightly and smiling while opening that one with manicured nails.
-" I don't know about you, Koko. But I think the world would do way better without a human mix of you and me rocking them Gucci shoes".
He laughed in a breath, watching as you slid the condom down his length, you lifted your body slightly for him to slide your underwear down, and threw your head back in a melodious moan while his finger smoothly found your clit with sweet torturing orchestrations.
-" Go 'head, love " he whispered against your neck's skin, feeling you starting to wet his lap. " Kill me".
He commanded, you obeyed for once. Clinging to his shoulders, you lined up your entrance with his tip and started sinking on him, you let out a gasp at the stretch. He was not even completely inside but you would swear you never felt that full.
-" Gotcha, love. Would ya take me in ?" He inquired in a hoarse voice, you raised an eyebrow though with parted open mouth from pleasure, was it a challenge? His eyes were teasing, it was.
Your cunt was throbbing around him and by the way he began cursing under his breath, sweat dripping slightly from his forehead, you understood he noticed too.
- " Shit, so tight. ya feel so good !"
As if he wasn't filling every part of you, you ignored every hard obstacle and started bouncing on him, setting your own rhythm to show who had the upper hand. It almost drove him crazy, how you would always crack the finish line and go overdrive.
His head dropped on your shoulder, slightly biting on the flesh hearing your moans echoing through the office. You were the wildfire that destroyed his guts like old trees, caressing their branches as your flames danced all over him.
-" fancy pussy" he grunt against your skin while you were busy chasing your high and bringing his. " Takes my cock better than any bitch-"
-" The original" you half laughed half moaned, feeling your walls independently tightening around him, you were closed, and by the way his eyes rolled, he was too.
- " Hajime!" Without even thinking, you found yourself moaning his first name that you never used, you did not even know how it came suddently to your mouth.
About Koko ? A firework would be an understatement to describe what he felt when he heard you screaming his first name in pleasure.
Your moans were music to him that let his body on fire, but calmed his soul in peace. A music that no word can ever sing. And his breaths were the rythme which embraced your body but caressed your soul, a tune that no symphony can ever play.
- " Say it again " he ordered, while you looked at him through half-lidded eyes.
-" Hajime " you repeated, and he did not even tried to fight the urge of crashing his lips against yours.
He felt himself in the deepest parts of your soul, his body was so much on fire that his mind could not comprehend. All he could assimilate was the deep-throated groans that escaped his lips and the goosebumps he got into his torso while your bare chest was brushing against him.
In the center of that poem, discarded clothes, nudity, bodies roaming each other, his thumb reached for your clit and only minutes later, you came undone, clenching around him and making him come in the condom as well.
-" my baby's the prettiest when she comes" he teasingly breathed, then nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck when his high started feeling too ecstatic, so reluctant to the idea of leaving your perfect warmth that even minutes after you two finally caught your breathes, he still didn't pulled out.
Your fingers found his chin to lift his head toward you.
-" You did so well for me, Hajime. I'm proud of you, pretty boy ".
Something in his chest squeezed too hard, no matter if it was due to your honest gaze that he saw for the first time, or your words. No one ever took the time to tell him how good he did, that they were proud of him, he has been achieving an endless goal with no obvious end, and through the continuous wanting and craving for more, you reassured him, you touched him ever so softly, more than he had ever been in his life. You gave rest to his homeless soul.
And for once, he had been grateful that life broke him, for he finally found someone who he eventually thought might fill the empty spaces.
But you were way too far gone, a moment, keeping you was as trying to hold water in hands, and before he even tried, you were already slipping between his fingers, putting back all your clothes.
-" where to ?" He anxiously asked, putting his pants back. You emptily gazed at him, your distant gaze now back and he had to swallow the lump forming in his throat.
Why was he suddenly feeling so bitter ? Didn't he thought that once the challenge taken and the mysterious person opened up, the constant thoughts would go ?
But no, now they seemed even stronger, and louder. He was left unsatisfied, left wanting more, the soft touches and the tough ones, the rough words and the few sweet ones, the burning gazes, everything seemed so close yet so far already.
He stood up, taking back his shirt that you threw toward him and giving you a questioning look.
-" Home, obviously? Oh and, I just gave you the best pussy of your life. I'm definitely taking a day off tomorrow".
Through his worry, he couldn't help but let his lips curl into a slight smile, buttoning his shirt back, he bit his lower lip.
-" you tellin' me your over productive ass would accept some rest ?"
You winced while approaching your desk and taking your bag, he was right though you never talked about it, he probably noticed how you plunged in work and over worked yourself. You froze however when you heard him add.
-" Take me home, and I'll give my pretty girl a reason to stay in bed".
You turned to face him with a smile on your face that made his heart raced faster.
-" already obsessed or what ?"
Yes, absolutely yes.
-" well..." He made a step toward you, his hands flew to your hair, putting it back in place before dropping to his sides and locking eyes with you. " I may be starting to want you for myself ".
You scoffed, grabbing your Lambo keys and turning around, making his chest tightened.
Stopping right in front of the door, you didn't turned around when you uttered.
-" Fine. But I'm driving. "
Network : @tokyo-ballroom @downtown-roponggi
I hope you like it, anon !
I don't even know why I need to make my characters fight in EVERY thing... Enemies to lovers trope 🤦🏻‍♀️ but it's 7am and I haven't slept the night so goodnight!
As always, I don't know the artist, but if you know them, gimme their @ pls for credit <3
For other people who asked me requests, don't worry, I'm slowly working on them <3
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