#Harry Potter and the PTSD
phdmama · 1 year
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Written for the @drarrymicrofic​ prompt (you guessed it!): careless
~400 words (I KNOW I KNOW I JUST CAN’T), Teen cw: discussion of panic, post-trauma stuff, slightly open ending (but hopeful! I promise!), 8th year, roommates, pre-relationship moment, pretty much SOOC (straight out of camera), but it feels good to write some words!
Harry isn’t careless with his things.
He grew up — not poor exactly, there was money, just not for him — but understanding that he had no safety net. Even though he has money now, enough, more than enough, more than he ever could have dreamed of when he was small and sad and alone under the stairs, he’s still very careful. It still doesn’t feel safe.
He’s meticulous. He takes care of things. He knows where they go and he puts them away, every single time. He’s not careless.
But right now, Harry can’t find his fountain pen, the gorgeous one that he’d treated himself to at the beginning of the year, the pen that makes him feel smart and educated and like he’s got his shit together because look, his fountain pen has a palladium nib and he always refills it before it can run out of ink. His pen is missing. It’s not in his bag. It’s not on his nightstand. It’s not anywhere that Harry can find it, and he’s really starting to panic now. He’s ripped his room apart, stripped the bed, dumped out his desk drawers, and still. He can’t find it.
Harry drops down to sit on his bare mattress, head in his hands as he tries to slow his frantic breathing. He can’t think, can’t do anything but feel the pounding of terror in his chest. Lost. It’s lost. Gone. He’s lost so much already, he thinks. This feels like too much.
The door opens and Malfoy comes in, already in mid-sentence, but he freezes when he sees the state of the room.
“What the fuck happened here, Potter?” he asks, sounding aggrieved but then he clocks the way Harry is sitting, slumped over, beyond panic now, and Malfoy hurries across the room.
“Potter, hey,” he says quietly and puts a hand on Harry’s back, heavy between his shoulder blades. “What happened?”
Harry’s throat is dry as he croaks, “I can’t find my…” He takes a shuddery inhale. “I can’t find my pen.”
Harry manages to turn his head to look at Malfoy, who is looking right back at him, brow furrowed.
“Did you forget you’re a wizard?” he asks gently. “You can Accio it.”
After they find the pen and set the room to rights, they sit, side by side, on the edge of Harry’s bed.
“Potter,” Malfoy says after a long silence. “You’re not okay.”
Harry swallows. Presses his knee against Malfoy’s. 
“I know,” he says finally. “I know.”
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sporelic · 3 months
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he looks just like james
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claybyte · 6 months
strongly dislike the idea that harry would become an auror after the war. give the boy a break. he deserves to live in a little cabin in complete isolation for a few years to discover himself
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 2 months
Incorrect Jegulus Quotes
Regulus: Jamie… I hate to admit it but I think it’s time I come to terms with my PTSD. James: Oh, yeah! Lol are you sure you want to come to terms with it? *smiles sweetly* Regulus: Why wouldn’t I? James: I myself appreciate your Pretty Talented Dick Sucker syndrome! XDDDDD Regulus: James: XDDDDD Regulus: That spells PTDS James: I have dyslexia Regulus: THIS IS A VERBAL- *sigh* Okay, sure. I have PTSD and PTDS. Can we at least deal with the PTSD? James: No, that’s the- the- er… Regulus: Do you need help? James: Yeah. Regulus: Professional talent for sucking dick? James: YEAH EXACTLY THAT’S PRECISELY WHAT I MEAN WE CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT CAN WE?? Regulus: *sigh* Whatever you say, Jamie
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severussnapemylove · 1 year
Seriously? A 21-year-old with untreated complex trauma disorder, no social skills and recently escaped from a violent cult, is put in charge of a hundred teenagers. Oh there's no way this could go wrong.
Albus Dumbledor, I have so many questions for you.
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your aunt was murdered, which is sad. but the silver lining is not having to see her relative compare her death to some stupid fucking terf book that hasn't been relevant in a decade.
i would hate to be related to you. i couldn't do anything without you comparing it to some poorly-written pig slop.
Thank you so much for trivializing a traumatizing event for me. You are totally right. Some words on the internet are so much more traumatizing than the actual death in my family. God, what can I do to feel remorseful? If I bow down to you and sacrifice the memories of my aunt on the pyre of your personal bad day does that allow me to move along in peace? I apologize I truly should have used my aunts death in a non offensive way, and now I think it’s only right that I never speak of her or any other traumatizing experience again. Oh god. I promise I will never ever bring up my family member who was actually murdered violently by her boyfriend (she was set on fire btw). I promise I will erase my mothers wails and screams and alcoholism over the death from my memory. In the spirit of this post I now declare myself not traumatized and completely cured. I appreciate you saying this. I was under the impression that this was a free world but in fact only some experiences matter. Thank you for reminding annon.
Omfg my aunt was literally- ACTUALY- tortured to death. I have 3 memories of her as she died when I was 5.
You are the worst kind of person annon. You are a bully. You are cruel. You are immature. I truly hope you never have to face something as horrific as listening to your mother wail and scream over her sister being tortured to death. Oh! My mom loves Harry Potter too, and relates to Severus’s grief over having Lily die. I guess she deserved to have her sister MURDERED. You are so far removed from reality I think you might actually need psychiatric help.
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darkcrowprincess · 8 days
Harry James Potter and my favorite things about him:
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Harry is kind, compassionate, sassy, and has tons of ptsd. He has anger issues and it's hard for him to connect with others because of his trust issues and being abused. But when he does trust you he cares for you and is willing to risk anything. Because he's lost so much already he can't stand to lose more. He has a soft spot for animals especially snakes and anything that can fly. He loves magic mostly because of the wonder of it and how dull his life use to be, endless days stuffed in a tiny cupboard. He loves sports, but more so being able to fly. And if he could he'd fly so high up he'd never want to come back down. He can be a bit mean and stuck in his own head a lot (especially when his ptsd is at its worse)but he's willing to give kindness, compassion and pity to people. Even if some of them don't really deserve it. He's incredibly good at teaching and he so should have been a hogwarts professor because no matter what hogwarts is his home. And he desperately, desperately wants a family that he can belong to. And I believe he deserves that family. A found family he made up on his own.
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swiftiereg · 7 months
Life is chill until I remember the Wattpad Account I had during Covid.
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cluelesspigeons · 1 year
This is written for the song “Dreamlover” by Mariah Carey from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 115
Drarry microfic: hold close
Cw: nightmares & implied PTSD
Carefully, Draco wrapped his arms around Harry’s shaking body next to him. Ever since his last Auror mission, he had been plagued with nightmares again. Every night, he would wake up screaming or crying for help. And Draco was the only person who managed to calm him down.
He held Harry in his arms all night, calming him. He whispered sweet nothings in his dark curls. He drew invisible patterns on his chest, feeling the wild rhythm of his heart slowing with every second.
He knew that Harry would be fine again. Eventually. Though he couldn’t help the sadness that clawed at his heart everytime Harry called his name in those terrible nightmares of his.
Prompt from June 9th
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accio-sriracha · 10 months
Angst- Drarry.
That's it- it's the title.
For people who love to read traumatized Harry!!
And for people who don't.... well? Sorry??
Good luck <333
Harry stood abruptly from his seat in the Great Hall.
He had managed to make it so far.
He made it through the fucking train ride. He made it through sitting in that same car he met Remus Lupin in. The same car he had met Ron and Hermione and Neville in.
He managed walking through the gates, watching as now everyone around him could see the thestrals only himself and Luna could see just last year.
He managed the sorting, the fact that there was less than twenty first year students total, each looking even more nervous than the last.
He made it through Slytherins not clapping at all, some looking as terrified as the kids who were put into their house.
He made it through the names, oh Merlin the names, the names of families he now recognized, each sending a jolt through him like lightning.
He made it through McGonagall being the one to stand up and give the speech, through her apologetic smile, scanning over the gaps in tables where students no longer sat.
Through the first half hour of conversations.
Through all of the new faces at the staff table.
Through Hermione checking in on him every few minutes.
Through Ron barely touching his food.
He made it.
But then he made the mistake of looking up.
It was an old habit, he had no idea why he even felt the need to do so now. It was a habit he picked up eight years ago, when he constantly felt the need to check whether the Slytherin was doing anything nefarious.
And there he was.
Blond hair unstyled, half hanging in front of his eyes. His face held a large scar across his cheek now, his hands shaking as they brought the goblet to his lips with difficulty. His wand sat in front of him, close by, something Harry needed to do as well.
Harry stood abruptly, shocking his friends out of their quiet reveries.
"I have to go." He mumbled to nobody in particular, stepping over the bench and making his way to the door.
He had made it so far before he snapped.
And of course it would be those haunted gray eyes that would do it for him.
"Potter." A voice called as he practically tore down the corridor, needing to get away from it all.
He froze.
That voice.
Familiar yet so, so different. Resigned but worried, a hint of fear.
Harry turned on the spot,
"Malfoy." He breathed back.
Merlin what had he done. He couldn't handle this conversation. Couldn't handle the look on Malfoy's face, the way his hands lifted up slowly to show he wasn't actively armed.
Harry knew the action meant little, both of their wands lay upright in the pocket of their robes, both prepared to draw it at moments notice, at a flicker of a shadow.
"Are you alright?" Malfoy asked carefully.
"No." Harry replied. He'd given up lying about it a long time ago. He'd been asked a million times. Nobody ever believed him anyways, they could see it, there wasn't a point in pretending.
The honesty shocked Malfoy, he reeled in surprise for a moment before composing himself, "Is there something you need right now? Something I can help you with?"
He'd heard those words a million times too. Yet somehow...
"Yes." Harry whispered, his resolve hanging by a thread.
His quick answers bubbled to the surface. I need to be alone. I'm fine. I'll be alright. No, I just need time.
None of them came out, Harry's shaking breath was the only sound to break into the tense silence.
"Okay." Malfoy continued his slow approach, his hands still out and visible, "What do you need?"
"Out." The word was a quiet plead, tearing through him before he could stop it.
He wasn't sure it made any sense to Malfoy, hell, it barely made since to himself.
Malfoy seemed to understand.
"Come on." He closed the distance and took Harry's hand, disapparating on the spot.
With a whoosh of air and a dizziness Harry wasn't sure he'd ever get used to, he found himself in a large field.
"What-" Harry started, looking around.
"It's a new safety protocol. All of the prefects were given permission to disapparate to this specific field in case of emergency. This is the only place you can do it to and from Hogwarts and it's incredibly secured."
Harry looked around, he noticed the shimmer then, high above them like a force field, protecting the area from people coming in from the outside.
"That's ridiculous they never added this before." Harry thought out loud. A safety evacuation spot only prefects and teachers can reach? It was perfect.
"It was my idea." Malfoy told him quietly, he shrugged, "Kids shouldn't be forced to either fight or wait to die. There should be a safe zone to bring them to in case something like that ever happened again."
"It's brilliant." Harry turned to look at him, realising with an odd flutter that their hands were still clasped tightly together.
He didn't let go.
Neither did Malfoy.
"Do you need to sit down?" He asked. Harry shook his head,
"No, fresh air is enough. Thank you." He whispered.
They stood in odd silence for a while, their hands held tight, their eyes focused on a random point in the distance, careful not to look at each other.
"Do you think they can see us?" Harry asked quietly. He didn't know why, he'd never wanted to talk about it before, always triggered easily by the mention of them. Draco didn't need to ask who,
"Maybe." He replied thoughtfully, looking up to the sky.
If the conversation bothered him he didn't show it. Harry was surprised he was so calm himself.
He told himself it was just the fresh air and not the steadying pressure of their laced fingers.
"I saw them all when I held the resurrection stone. Everyone I'd lost." He cleared his throat, "I know it sounds stupid but it... it seemed so real."
"It could have been real." Malfoy looked at him now, turning his gaze away from the clouds, "I don't know of anybody who's used the stone before and stuck around to talk about it, maybe you really did see them."
Harry looked up too, "Maybe." He muttered.
He wondered what his parents would think of him now, what they would see in the half life he wandered through. He wondered if they'd have still been proud had they watched the lives it took to keep his safe.
He wondered if they met the others, if Fred had told them what Harry had cost the world.
He hadn't realised he started shaking again until he felt a gentle tug at his arm, Malfoy pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close.
He relaxed, the pressure making his heartbeat slow and his thoughts focus in on the moment.
"I'm sorry." Malfoy murmured, "I should have asked first... this is what Pansy does sometimes. It-" He hesitated, "It helps me feel like I won't fall apart. Like she's holding me together in a way."
Harry couldn't speak. He nodded numbly, letting the truth of Malfoy's words wash over him.
Malfoy was holding him together.
He didn't break the way he thought he did when they locked eyes. It was an explosion of a dam. It was release.
It was tension he wasn't allowed to acknowledge, emotions he wasn't allowed to feel. Grief he hadn't had time for and respect he shouldn't give.
Malfoy didn't have that look in his eyes, terrified of him breaking down. Malfoy looked at him like he was waiting for it, expecting it, hoping for it. And he looked like he was sure he would be there to pick him up again.
Malfoy held him together, and suddenly Harry was crying. His heart finally letting go of all the pain it carried around. His tears flowed, his hands clutched at the back of Malfoy's robes, grateful to have something secure to hold on to.
And Malfoy let him. He didn't try to reassure him, he didn't tell him to calm down. He let him cry. He let him grieve and grieve and grieve until he was empty.
And the pain was gone.
"It's gonna be okay." Malfoy told him after he'd been silent for a few minutes, "It took me a while too, to get to the point where I let myself feel. But you'll feel better soon, you just can't hold it in all the time."
Harry nodded, letting his comforting words wash over him. His strong hands and kind voice. Malfoy was there to piece him together as many times as he needed to break.
And, oddly enough, it felt right that it was him.
"Thank you." Harry whispered after the silence had stretched again.
"Don't worry about it. I'm here however many times it takes until you're alive again." He cleared his throat, leaning back a little so they met eyes,
"It's never going to be the same, Potter. That's life, that's war. We'll never be the people that we once were, so don't expect yourself to be. You're allowed to have scars now, you're allowed to be a little broken, but you can't mend anything if you won't acknowledge the cracks are even there. I won't judge you for anything that happened when we were younger, or for anything you needed to do to survive. You're here now, that's what matters." He took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm glad you're here, Potter."
Harry smiled weakly at him. The words felt so nice to hear, comforting in their sureness. It wasn't empty promises and vague advice. It was facts. He was never going to be whole again, but that was okay. He could live with okay.
He could allow himself to break, as long as he knew it was Malfoy going to be there to help him pick up the pieces.
"I'm glad you're here too, Malfoy." He whispered.
And he meant it, more than he'd ever meant anything in his life.
In this meadow, in Draco Malfoy's arms, for the first time in his life, he was at peace.
He was home.
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norakelly · 1 year
Some dark Harry/Ginny head-cannons cause they went through a war and its unlikely that they are fully okay
(Tw: Alcoholism, PTSD)
These are all my head-cannons and its ok to not agree with all this :) but please reblog with more head cannons if you do have!
Read under the cut<3
Harry had PTSD and intense flashbacks. So he drowned himself in work as soon as he could. He finds balance once he gets married and slowly starts finding peace when even while not being occupied.
He pushes away everyone during the first dew days after the battle and stays in hogwarts. Later on, he comes to the burrow after all the services are done. He only starts to eat properly once he gets there.
Harry goes to therapy when he starts working (With Kingsleys deal of letting him and Ron work, only if they received some help) Although he was hesitant at first, he truly gains clarity from it. Later on when Ginny gets out of school, he stops seeing the mind healer, realizing that talking to Ginny is enough for him to get comfort.
Harry dwells a lot on the fact that Tom was a part of him for his whole life. And he tries to hide that from Ginny; in fear that she would be terrified of him. But Ginny helps him to get out of his identity crisis and to assure him.
He attends most of the trials for death eaters snd stands as witness. Although it made him drained it was a solace to see them being sentenced to their due punishments.
Harry frames all the pictures of his parents and hangs them in his home. His kids knows them and loves them. He takes them to their graveyard every halloween and whenever they requests.
Harry’s overprotectiveness never ends. He would live everyday scared to death that he might lose someone again. He conjured many charms around his house, and had his wedding band made to sense him if any of his family was in danger.
Ginny makes sure she doesn’t break down until her mom is okay. She continues her numb behavior for so long that she starts drinking. It continues once she starts Hogwarts as well; making Hermione very concerned on the fact that she’s half drunk all the time.
She does not do well academically in the last year as she herself expected, but manages to win all her quidditch matches as the quidditch captain; achieving her goal of being recruited for the try outs of harpies.
There was a short time after hogwarts where she was never sober. And Harry, Hermione, Ron and Bill had to have an intervention with her. This made her utter some very hard truths given her state.
She almost tried to convince Harry that he should find a better girlfriend who can make him happy rather than the mess she was at that time which Harry rejected all through.
Harry was very concerned but understood her struggle. They both helped each other at their worst times. For Harry it was immediately after the war and with Ginny it took some time reach the peak of her breakdown.
At the end Ginny slowly started to control it and went to therapy; just like most of her family did which she refused before. She truly gained some sense to her grief, as well the effects of the relationship he had with the diary and Tom.
Harry and Ginny were happy. Truly they were. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t go through hard times. One thing that drived them to get better was having each other and having a future to build together.
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punkharryp0tt3r · 9 months
Mini Rarry/Ronarry fanfic
(If you don’t like Ron x Harry, please, don’t waste your time reading this)
Harry had just been in Gryffindor tower, cuddling in bed with Ron, where was he now?
This place was dark, he realized he was standing on wet grass, and there was a very subtle mist floating around, then more came into his view. Gravestones, thorns in the grass… Luckily, he was wearing shoes, so he couldn’t feel the thorns.
Wait a minute, when was he wearing shoes?
His surroundings held a sort of dark familiarity to them, but his head felt foggy, and he had a wave of anxiety wash over him. He stopped examining his surroundings for a moment, and instead went to looking at himself.
What was he wearing..? A dirty long sleeved shirt with red and gold colors on it, some dirtied black pants and- wait, this was his triwizard tournament uniform, except why would he be wearing that..?
And then it hit him, and he froze.
He looked up again, his eyes darting around and his head turning rapidly, looking around panicked. He knew where he was now, he was at that damn graveyard.
He was hyperventilating, he barely noticed the tears forming in his eyes, to panicked to care, when a hand landed on his shoulder.
“Harry? Are you alright?”
Cedric’s voice said from beside Harry.
Harry let out a slow breath, turning his head towards him, and he saw Cedric’s bright face, his golden eyes, and the tears that had been building in his yes rolled down his face.
“C-Cedric- Get- get out of here, p-please…It’s not safe, he’ll kill you-“ Harry tried explaining, but he was breathing so heavily and stuttering so much he bet Cedric couldn’t even understand what he was saying, his suspicions were confirmed when Cedric responded.
“What? Harry- What are you even talking about? Where are we?” Cedric said, looking down at him, confusion filling his big golden eyes, the eyes he used to marvel at. Harry was practically bawling now, Cedric couldn’t be here- He needed to stay safe, he needed to get out of here-
“Ce-Cedric, just please- get out, it’s not safe here, I’m so sorry I brought you here- just-“ Harry hiccuped through his sobs. “Please just- Run back to the cup, get out of here- please….” Harry was shaking Cedric by the shoulders, trying to get him to move, to get out of here.
Then, the voice he had been dreading hearing ran out from the darkness.
“Kill the spare”
Loud ringing filled Harry’s ears, green light flashed hauntingly across the graveyard, and a thump hit the ground.
Harry gasped awake, cold sweat covering him, his heart pounding so viciously in his ears he swore his eardrums would burst, additional coldness came from the tears running down his face and the fact he had just accidentally kicked the blankets off him.
He felt like he was both in the graveyard and wherever he was right now. Everything was weirdly distorted, and stretched around weirdly.
This feeling, he never got used to it, it was like a new hell each time.
He shook with sobs, he heard people move around him, who were they- what was going on-
Someone was close to him, just who-
“Harry, Love, calm down, your safe.”
Came Ron’s voice from beside him. Ron’s big warm freckled arms wrapped around him, pulling him out of his nightmare completely.
Harry blinked a couple of times through tears, Ron’s worried sleepy face came into his vision after quite a few blinks. Oh, and a couple of other faces two. Such as Dean Thomas’s and Neville Longbottoms. Harry hurriedly wiped at his face, it was just a stupid nightmare-
“Relax, mate, your alright.” Dean said putting a hand on Harry’s shoulder hesitantly. “Yeah, your safe, just like Ron said.” Neville added from beside Dean. Harry immediately began apologizing, they should be asleep, but because of him, they were losing much needed rest..
“I’m- Im sorry f-for waking you guys up..” Harry quickly apologized. “Hey, hey, stop right there, you don’t have to apologize, It’s alright Haz.” Dean said, smiling kindly at him. Harry pitifully tried returning the smile, sniffling and burying his face in his redhead boyfriends shirt, hugging onto him for dear life.
After Ron assured Dean and Neville that they’d be alright, Dean and Neville went back to there beds. Ron gently pushed Harry back into laying down, Harry buried his face into Ron’s neck.
“Are you okay love?” Ron whispered gently in Harry’s ear, playing with his messy hair as Harry just enjoyed Ron’s natural warmth. “Yeah, I’m alright now…just a bit..shaken-“ Harry quietly mumbled into Ron’s neck. “Yeah, I can assume you are..” Ron gently kissed Harry on the top of the head. “How about we get you a glass of water….rinse your face off, and get you some new pajamas. Because I’m pretty sure you don’t want to sleep in clothes that are soaked in cold sweat, love.” Ron pointed out.
Harry shifted into a sitting position, pulling Ron up with him. “Yeah…” Harry whispered quietly into Ron’s chest. The two got out of bed, walking to the bathroom. Ron yawned, only lighting a candle, not wanting to have a super bright light in either of there eyes this late in the night. Ron gently rinsed the sweat of of Harry’s face, drying his face off with a towel afterwards. Harry got his glass of water, changed his clothes, and climbed back in bed with Ron, very sleepy.
“Ron..?” Harry whispered sadly in his ear, as he wrapped his arms around Ron and tangled there legs together.
“Yes?” Ron said, looking at him sweetly with his magnificent blue eyes.
“Do you…just-“ Harry let out a sad sigh. “Promise you won’t ever leave me..?”
Ron relaxed his eyes, smiling sweetly at his very sleepy boyfriend, who was buried in his chest.
“Promise I won’t ever leave you.”
“O-oh, alright…good-goodnight.. I- I love you..” Harry’s eyes drooped closed.
“I love you too, goodnight.”
Sorry for my horrible writing btw, also I tried to make his nightmares due to his PTSD realistic, correct me if anything about that is wrong!
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liaredrose · 5 months
“In these walls”
A Dramione fanfic on AO3
Read it HERE
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“I’m sorry for all I’ve done to you. I’m sorry for how I made you feel. And I’m sorry for all the things I will do to you even though I don’t want to.”
Granger smiled at him. It was not the heartfelt smile Draco had seen painted on her lips when she talked to the Ravenclaw, a motion galaxies away from the joyous curl up. It was different. It was more. It was true. It was something that came from the way her pupils quivered when she looked at him.
“It’s okay. I forgive you. Just remember to forgive me when I will hurt you too even though I don’t want to.”
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sofiadragon · 10 months
Stripped Down and Rebuilt - Chapter 1 - Harry Potter [Archive of Our Own]
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Severus Snape doesn't think Albus' plan to martyr Potter will work out and knows nothing of the secret setup to give Harry a chance to live through the killing curse a second time. He decides that what they really needed was to start hunting the Horcruxes years ago instead of waiting for children to do it for them. He sends back his private notes and everything needed to brew a potion to strip off the spells that are restricting his behavior. He expects that his younger self will receive the information in 1992 at best.
On the Summer Solstice, 1985, a listless Severus Snape is surprised by a generous and lucrative gift from his future self.
Featuring: Reluctant schemer turned proud parent. A secret adoption. Narcissa Malfoy and most of the Hogwarts staff trying to get Snape married against his will. Lord Prince decides that a half-blood grandson is better than no grandson, provided he's invented something impressive enough to make up for it. Snape moonlighting as an undercover pedo-catcher to keep his spy skills sharp. The Hogwarts Staff Room betting pool. PTSD recovery despite efforts to the contrary.
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grangertrash · 4 months
Currently in the mood for fics where Hermione suffers
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severussnapemylove · 1 year
Worst Snater take I’ve seen is “Well I was abused too and I don’t behave like that.”
Well good for you, a real person with free will and ability to heal and grow, acting morally superior to a fictional character.
A lot of people in the Snape fandom have been through the shite and are also healing and getting better. Doing well does not mean you can’t have empathy for a character who never got the chance or help to heal.
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