avocadosockz · 2 years
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celaenaeiln · 10 months
it’s a me a 12 am anon . my girlfriend and i had a discussion abt how odd it is that the fandom views and stereotypes the batfam like
dick is romanian and has more fem related traits and somehow it translates into him being a dumb womanizer or just an annoying mother hen?
jason grew up in the streets, i think its popular to hc him as hispanic? idk but jts odd how ppl do that and also think hes an angry heartless brute
cass gets that “badass asian dragon lady” archetype (tbh im not sure what it is but my gf is passionate abt it so like im confident she’s right)
tim?? somehow ive seen wasian hcs for him but the boy is autistic right? somehow a stereotype i see for him is like “weird and socially awkward but super smart” which . i dont think thats right .
steph is adhd right? i think? also falls into the dumb “waffles r my only personality trait” stereotype and uts just a tiny bit odd dyou see it?
damian (and by extension talia) gets done dirty a lot i think i dont .yeah
nyways sorry its been a while <3 would llve to hear ur thoughts n opinions
hey again!!
Batfam fanon is...not great. And it's things like this that remind me why I kinda avoided this fandom until I couldn't.
Dick is Romani and is canonically more feminized but the dumb womanizer thing is really getting on my nerves. First of all, he's one of the smartest characters, ever. The comforting thing about Dick is that he never loses.
The reason I love reading Dick Grayson runs is because I can read about his thought process, the way he analyzes, how he single-handedly solves crime like it's nothing.
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Batman (1940) Issue #703
Secondly he's not a womanizer. He literally has a mental break down at the thought of dating or even kissing someone he isn't in love with. He's never, ever, ever going to sleep with someone he doesn't have atleast some level of romantic attraction to because he feels it's inherently wrong and canonically frowns upon that behavior when others do it.
The mother hen thing - I gotta admit is kinda accurate. He really loves his family and friends and takes care of them really well. He always makes time to sit and listen to all of them with all their problems and helps them solve it so that's fine.
The hispanic thing - what the actual heck. Literally why? Jason's "hispanic" fanon background along with Tim's "asian" background comes from a wider problem where society has become disillusioned by the same ethnicity for all characters and wants for diversity and representation in the media. I actually do believe in greater representation but not here. When people make Jason hispanic due to his street backstory, they're attempting to diversify canonically white characters but accidentally reinforcing and perpetrating damaging stereotypes about particular ethnicities. Because his background has drugs, poverty, and crime - you want Jason to be Latino? Can you possibly make things worse? And Jason being an angry heartless brute. Not even adding to the stereotype, Jason was not like that. Jason originally started off as troubled but excited kid. He was happy about fighting criminals and having a home and getting food. As he grew older, the more criminals he fought, he came to a realization that people weren't going to change which is when he started getting more violent and angry with them. He didn't do it because he was some sort of psychopath, it's because he cared a lot about the effects these criminals were having on innocent people. Because he can relate. His anger has nothing to do with his supposed "hispanic" background which is still - ?!?!? Why is this even a thing.
I don't really have anything to say about Cass being that archetype because tbh I kinda think of her like that too. She's exceptionally good at fighting, she's chinese, and she's the strong and silent type. I'd love to hear more about what your gf thinks about it though.
Again about Tim being Asian. No where near as damaging as Jason being classified Hispanic but also why? He's asian because he's smart? Because he's good at computers? C'mon the stereotype is boring. Isn't it exciting when you watch a movie or show and the Indian guy isn't an IT specialist? Or when the Chinese girl has neon highlights and loves partying? Or when the Japanese girl is rocking combat boots? The best way to appreciate diversity is actually letting ethnic characters have diverse personalities and talents. On a side note, there is not nearly enough celebration of already canonically diverse characters like Roy's navajo heritage or Jessica Cruz's latina one. Isn't it ironic how we're making racialized characters based on stereotypes because we believe there should be more diversity but ignoring canonically ethnic ones. Literally noone talks about Cass connecting to her Chinese side or the fact that she has dyslexia but we're readily jumping on the Asian Tim Drake train.
Autistic Tim Drake I can see where they're coming from because Tim sometimes has a hard time connecting to people. Like he sometimes misses social cues. And to be fair this theory actually has more credibility than some other ones because I don't know if I'd pass that off as awkwardness. But it also may be due to lack of human interaction. Tim's parents left him alone for long periods of time which he gleefully used to track robin and batman at night. I don't have a problem with this one because Tim may actually be inadvertently written as autistic at times so I guess it wouldn't be that far off canon.
People with ADHD are typically impulsive, don't focus on one thing for too long, and have a lot of energy which is very much like Steph.
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #10
But mostly she just has a sense of humor. Which - like the case with Dick - because of course people can't be multifaceted, fandom generally takes for stupidity.
She's not dumb, she's just fun. I guess the waffle thing is because of human beings' pathological need to classify everything into categories and fanon likes to run with dumb blonde for Stephanie which really ticks me off. People can not be a gloomy avenger and still be smart. She solves her crimes and has a laugh while doing it and still pulling off the -
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Batgirl (2009) Issue #12
Where do I start. What is even happening to him? Not in fandom necessarily but canon. What is DC doing???
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In your opinion, what is Pit Madness really? Like, in what way does it affect Jason?
pit madness is a symptom that some people experience after exposure to a lazarus pit, to me it is one of those things where maybe you get it maybe you dont like how not everyone who has a concussion developes post concussion syndrome. i didn’t see any evidence that jason has ever been pit mad in my reading of lost days and utrh, ra’s al ghul mentions it but jason seems sensible and lucid for everything he does so i think it was more ra’s being unhappy that talia went around him to dunk jason and using it as a reason she was in the wrong than anything else.
i hate the way pit madness shows up in fanon because it is usually an excuse to ignore things jason has done and the reasons why he did them, or it is some sort of episode where he is not in control and is prone to indiscriminate violence. both of those limit his agency, call his judgement and perspective into question, and take away focus from what i think are more interesting aspects of his character for example:
the paradox of the comfort and safety he finds in isolation vs his human need for connection and love
or another one is his unshakable belief that he doesn’t matter and the numerous and elaborate ways he tries to prove to himself and others that he does
or even the loss of identity and purpose he had after his death and how he still isn’t sure what would be meaningful and fulfilling for him and explorations of him learning to make his good days good enough that they are worth all the bad ones
circling back to pit madness i just don’t think it will ever be as (fraught? urgent? significant? emotionally engaging?) as a fully lucid jason trying to process the feelings of abandonment and rejection and betrayal and anger that he has to wrestle every time he sees bruce be a loving father to everyone but him or a symbol of justice to the whole city or the pillar of morality for a group of heroes. if he loses it and goes green every time the emotions get real intense i lose these moments of agony and the realizations he comes to as a result.
there is no way i can think of to twist pit madness so that it is as interesting to me as some of the things i have mentioned. pit madness gives the same vibes as soap opera amnesia plots and identical twins separated at birth where you get to put white out over large swathes and make up character motivations out of nothing. in fanfic people can do all that but when it escapes fic and starts to inform how people see canon it is pretty frustrating.
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star-realities · 1 year
What are YOUR friends like? I’m dying to know!!! Not really dying of course I can wait until you meet them if you haven’t yet although technically you have and just can’t remember or haven’t experienced yet-Very tangled thing that is isn’t it? 🤭 If you haven’t which ones are you meeting? If you want we can even trade!!! I’ll tell you about mine too!!! I think you know them at least a teeny tiny bit already but it could be fun! ❤️⚡️
I don’t really… have many friends in my Bat DR hahah but I WILL talk about the fam
Also please share yours I’d love to hear it!!
Cassandra Cain
I love her SO much. Sweetest girl. Baddest of bitches. WILL kick your ass.
We do ballet together, and we patrol together :)
Stephanie Brown
STEPH!!!! She’s great. Not enough words. Amazing, showstopping, incredible.
We have a particularly close bond because I trained her to be a vigilante!
Barbara Gordon
Honorary big sister. Babs is everything I wish I could be. The OG. The COOLEST person ever.
She’s the one I go to about everything, the one I seek out if I need to vent, chat, laugh, cry, or just sit there in silence.
Jason Todd
We are attached at the mfin HIP. Trauma-bond and all that. He didn’t die so he’s not as angsty but wow can he still be insufferable (lovingly)
We were the only two kids in the family for a while (besides Damian but he was much younger) and we were both Robins so, obviously we became besties. My ride or die. We DO have a book club.
Dick Grayson
BEST brother someone could ask for.
Funny. Kind. Annoying in the best ways.
He saved me as a kid, so honestly? Can do no wrong in my eyes (/j). When I was younger he’d always take me to see the teen titans, and he teach me circus tricks.
Honestly just the coolest guy.
Tim Drake
Funny asf in that dry sorta way. Smart. PETTY AS SHIT, DONT LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE. Also someone please get that damn zesti cola away from him.
Did i know he used to follow us on patrol? Yes. Did HE know that I knew? No. I talked to him once but let him think he’d gotten away with his dumbass disguise. I’d kinda watch out and make sure he didn’t get too close to danger, but I thought it was kinda funny so I didn’t snitch to batman.
Duke Thomas
Do not let anyone make you think he’s the normal one he’s just as weird as the rest of us. He’s just better at hiding it lmao.
LOVE this kid! He’s the greatest. Sometimes I’ll join him on a daytime patrol if the previous nights patrol hadn’t been too rough.
Damian Wayne
Babey. Talia took him from the league wayyy earlier so he’s not as much of a little gremlin but he has his moments.
I ADORE this kid. He isn’t Robin right now, but wow it’s impossible to get him out of the cave so he’s an honorary team member atm.
I don’t really have any friends outside the family atm, I’m just gonna let it play out once I get there yk?
(Also I am aware there are more members of the Batfam…. So many… I will get to them okay these are just the ones I’ve got scripted for now lol)
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lunarmothmann · 2 years
this is all just my opinion, and I dont expect everyone to agree with me, but let's get into it anyway!!
STARTING AT THE BOTTOM (for climax reasons)
12. Every Story's Got a Lesson
- dont get me wrong, its a fun number (and I am an Ocean lover), but its kinda boring. The funny moments are spoken AFTER the song ends, so you dont even get to hear it in the cast album
11. This Song Is Awesome
- this song IS awesome, but it just doesn't sit with me that well compared to the other tracks. Its a fun song, but I never end up listening to it as often as the rest.
10. Space Age Bachelor Man
- DONT MURDER ME BUT LIKE- this whole track makes me feel so weird and I end up having to skip through it if im listening to it. It's only higher than TSIA bc of the riffs, Ricky himself, and how he sings "i am just a man. a space-age man, thats all I am"
9. Karnak's Dream of Life
- QUESTIONABLE I KNOW. It's really short, but im a sucker for ballad-like songs, regardless of length. If this was a full-length song, it would 100% be in my top 3.
8. The New Birthday Song
- you cannot tell me that this number isn't absolutely adorable. it may be the fact that Ocean and Jane are my favs, but I honestly really like this track.
7. Sugar Cloud
- okok you can fight me on this one. I just never was that connected with Constance, but I really like the beat and ive definitely had it stuck in my head a few times bc its SO CATCHY.
6. Uranium Suite
- while I do prefer Fall Faire Suite, its still a bop. I especially love the ending, with the overlaying harmonies and the line "earth is sky, the sky is ground. did we finally leave our town?".
5. It's Not a Game/ It's Just a Ride
- before I watched RTC, I just thought it was some sappy finale song and didn't LOVE it. afterwards tho- I cant listen to it without almost sobbing and thats a GOOD THING.
4. Talia
- this is the epitome of romance. i want someone to love me how Mischa loves Talia (regardless of whether she is real or not, but we'll talk abt that another time).
~TOP 3~
3. What The World Needs
- what did I say, im an Ocean lover. its so upbeat, and I can dance to it alone in my room at 3 am with ZERO SHAME. only the best for my favorite emotional support ginger <3
2. Noel's Lament
- its just groovy, and I love groovy stuff. its the perfect amount of raunchy and dark that it doesnt make me uncomfortable (looking at you, SABM)
1. Ballad of Jane Doe
- we all saw this coming. what RTC ranking isn't complete with this absolute MASTERPIECE at #1. i could get into the flawless vocals, the lyrics, or even the visuals when watching the show, but then this post would be about 200+ words longer. I LOVE THIS SONG.
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bluebeetle · 2 years
Concept i have for if i were to be writing a vol 3 of RHATO:
Opens in media res of Jason fighting someone and eventually ending up hanging off of the Hollywood sign by a chain or something (maybe his chain scythes from Future State?).
Whys he in LA? Well...
Cut to a quick rundown of his backstory, his time as robin, death, and résurrection. This exists for new readers but also re-establish Sheila as part of DITF and a mention of Jason closeness to Talia. Also would reference the being robin gives me magic line aand how being robin was the worst and best thing to ever happen to Jason.
Next, open to Gotham. Quick set up for something Jason is trying to do, doesnt rly matter much as itll be resolved by the end of the first 2 issues. Either through them being involved already or because Jason needed back up, Rose and Artemis get to help out.
Over the course of whatevers going on, Jason has to realise he still has a lot of parental issues and that he and bruce are struggling to connect because they want things to be as they were before, to have their old father or son back, but that cant ever happen. That jason in some ways loves and hates bruce, that it feels like hes not the only one that "came back" wrong, but he cant bring himself to abandon his family or gotham. He loves Gotham despite everything and wants it to be better, to stop it from destroying itself
Rose however points out he has left Gotham before, so why not a vacation? After all, whatever theyre working on points to LA as bring a place they need to go... So lets go to the west coast!
From there they run back into whoever theyre fighting, have a tussle, catch back up to Jason as hes hanging while Rose tries to pull him back up. The villains get away. The sun is setting but its a nice view.
Hey Rose, Jason says
Yeah? Rose replies
Remember when someone made this sign say Hollyweed? That was great, Jason says
Youre hopeless, Rose replies but shes smiling
Anyways Rose lets Jay fall but Artemis catches him. This was planned. They did not tell Jason. His arm is injured.
Later on they meet up with Kyle Rayner, who noticed the trouble they were causing, and Eddie Bloomberg (Who jason nervously seeks out) but only Eddie joins the team maybe? If it doesnt stay as a trio. Or Artie has to leave bc insert WW plot here.
Theyd go back to Gotham after a bit tho dont worry but get to enjoy vacationing in Cali for a bit and stop some evil plot.
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sour--disposition · 4 years
this is part two to “End of The Road” 
part one
callum airey x fem!reader
please check my masterlist to see if my requests are open
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(gif from the lovely @behzynga​)
The first few months were tough. Your mental health spiralled initially and it took the girls rallying around you to keep you afloat. Waking up became a chore, tasks as simple as brushing your teeth were hard, but not as hard as getting up to take a shower.
They let you stew in your sadness for a short while, knowing that nothing they could do would make things better in the short-term. They settled for keeping you company, eating in your room so you felt included, inviting you even though everyone knew you would turn them down.
Until you didn’t.
Slowly but surely, you started to come back out of your shell. You deep cleaned the spare room that Freya and Josh were still letting you bunker down in, brushed your hair out properly and showered for what could’ve been an hour. When Freya came in to ask if you wanted a coffee, she found you cross legged on the bed, scrolling through a job-searching site. “Hey”, she smiled, sitting next to you, “this is nice to see”. Freya looked over your shoulder at what you were doing. “I’m proud of you”, she said quietly.
Freya helped you sort through the job openings, ending up with you sending your CV off to at least 15 different companies that had positions that you were qualified for. “It’s not much, but it’s a start”, you shrugged.
“Y/N, two weeks ago you cried because the pizza man had the same colour hair as him, now you’re applying for jobs and looking at flats and thinking about your future. It’s massive”, Freya told you with a massive smile painted across her face.
“Do you think we could do something to celebrate?”, you asked. “Drinks or something. I’ve not seen any of you properly for so long and I want to be the one to offer the invitation for once”, you said lightly. Freya grinned, telling you that it was an amazing idea.
You grabbed your phone, creating a group chat to add the girls and the troops (minus Harry).
me: a night out soon? miss you guys x
Freya’s phone buzzed against the duvet cover and you heard Josh’s chime from somewhere in the flat. Replies started coming in almost straight away.
big josher: 100%
talia 🐠: yes yes yES!
nelly welly: will said can the eboys come
nelly welly: also yes ofc
Plans were soon being made, with everybody agreeing almost instantly. A weight that had settled in your chest was alleviated almost instantly. An irrational fear that everyone would want you gone had clouded your judgement after what had happened with Harry.
Within the next week, you’d heard back form over half of the jobs you’d applied to, all of them wanting to see you as soon as possible for an interview. You’d also been given a few dates to view flats nearby, one was in the same building as Josh and Freya, another in the same building as Gee and Will and another in the same building as Ethan.
The girls, and a few of the guys, had offered to come with you to some of the viewings, offers which you took up without hesitation. After all, they had all gone flat hunting in London before, you hadn’t.
“Y/N”, Freya yelled from down the hall. You poked your head around the door, seeing Cal stood awkwardly by the door.
“You could’ve just texted me, I’d have come down. You didn’t have to come all the way up”, you told him, already making your way over to pull some shoes on.
“If I texted you, it’d have taken you at least 10 minutes to get down. Hurry up, we’re gonna be late”, Cal told you, poking at your side. You could hear Freya laughing from the kitchen at what Cal had told you.
As soon as you got back from viewing the flat, both Freya and Josh were hounding you about Cal. Okay, it was mainly Freya. You just sat in front of them, eating your pasta and trying to ignore what Freya was teasing you about.
“It’s okay, y’know”, Freya said, all of a sudden taking a serious tone. You raised your eyebrow at her in confusion. “It’s okay to like Cal, even after what happened”. You almost spat your food at her as you choked over her words.
“I don’t know what you mean”, you spluttered. You could already feel your cheeks turning a traitorous red.
“Even I can see it”, Josh chucked from beside Freya. “You deserve to be happy, though. Just make sure you do it on your own terms and in your own time”, he told you seriously.
That night, as you laid in bed, you opened your phone and pulled up the text thread between you and Cal.
me: i’ve put the deposit down on the flat from the today
cal: happy for u, have you told josh and freya
me: ofc probably gonna start moving my stuff as soon as i get the keys
me: shouldn’t take long lol i dont have much
cal: do you want help?
me: from you?
cal: no from harry
cal: ofc from me you spanner
cal: sorry, probably the wrong thing to say
Before you had chance to reply, a goofy picture of Cal was filling your screen and the shrill of your ringtone was filling the room. “Sorry”, Cal said instantly, regret written all over his face.
From the low light in his room, you could tell that he was in shirtless in bed, probably with only the bedside light on. He looked cozy, pillowed on a mountain of cushions and cocooned in a plush looking duvet.
“It’s fine”, you told him, rolling over to flick the lamp next to you bed on. “It- It still hurts, obviously, but it’s getting better, I guess?”, you admitted.
“I’m glad”, Cal murmured. “Glad you’re moving, too, and that you’re getting job interviews. You deserve to be happy”. You couldn’t help but smirk at the similarity to what Josh had said earlier on. “What?”, Cal asked you.
“Just something Josh said earlier, about deserving to be happy”, you said softly. Cal raised an eyebrow, indicating that you continue. “About moving on from what happened, finding someone else if I want to but only when I’m ready. That sorta spiel”, you told him as you rolled your eyes jokingly, hoping Cal wouldn’t look to close into what you were saying.
“And? Do you want to?”, Cal asked. You could tell that although his words were saying one thing, his tone was saying something completely different. Suggesting something completely different.
“I mean, I still need to make sure I’m somewhere good. It’s not fair to anyone that I start something I’m not ready for”, you said, trailing off slightly at the end.
“I sense a ‘but’“.
“Harry did some serious damage, Cal”, you whispered brokenly. “He was the first person I’ve ever truly loved. I don’t know if that will ever go away, the hurt. It’s like it’s burned into me. I can still see how angry he was when he blamed me and how angry he was when he saw you”, you muttered. Your eyes had glossed over slightly and your throat had tightened under the grip of your emotions.
“I know, angel. But the right person will help you with that, yeah? You just need to find someone who’s in it for the right reasons, with you for the long run”, Cal assured you.
“Thanks, Cal. Love you”, you whispered into the low light of your room.
“Love you, too, Y/N”.
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 ☁︎
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Summary // Tali decided maybe a little flirting won't hurt....oof.
Characters // Talia Flores + Jung Jaehyun(ft.Nct 127)
Era / Year // July 2017
Word Count //
Note // I would like to thank @woopetals for this🥰, ya girl was struggling anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR VALENTINE BOY JUNG JAEHYUN❤❤❤
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"Hey cutie." Jaehyun came into her room laying beside her. She looked up from her book then looked back down and shook her head.
"So you not gonna acknowledge me?" Jaehyun looked offended. Tali looked at him.
"Oh, were you talking to me, I thought you were talking to someone named Cutie." She put a hand on her chest and acting dramatic. Jaehyun rolled his eyes about to leave.
"Ohhh no no no, stayyyy." She whined grabbing on to his shirt.
"Will you respond to me then?" He raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a teasing smile. She slighty lowered her head and pouted.
"Fine, but come on and lets go the cafè handsome." She said getting off her bed, poking his cheek along the way. He loaded for a second but shook it off thinking, no she just playing no way she is gonna keep this up.....
Boy was he wrong.
They left the dorm, and she had a cute smile on her face. Then she suddenly hooked her pinky to his and and took him to the elevator. He was surprised at the sudden contact, he knew he was screwed.
She was humming all the way to the cafe still hooking pinkys. He was just admiring her honestly, trying to figure out what she was thinking.
They made it to the cafe and they got their drinks. They sat down at a table near the back to privacy.
"Whats with you, why you such in a good mood?" Jaehyun asked really curious what got her such in a good mood. She smiled at him and came closer to his face looking him up and down, as he slighty backed away from the sudden closeness. She giggle at his action, she then whispered.
She quickly went back to her seat sipping on her coffee smiling innocently like she didn't make the handsome man infront of her freeze from her act.
"I- I-"
"shhhh,come one lets go get food and have a picnic." She interrupted him grabbed his hand and dragging him to get some chicken.
Jaehyun's brain malfunction a bit he's not gonna lie, he wasn't expecting that. They got the food and went to the Han River instead to get more privacy.
"Here Cutie." He said smirking, trying to feed her but he is extra close. He was in competition mode, no way he is letting Talia win this.
Tali looked at him she took the bite confidently moved back and hummed.
"Im disappointed Jaehyun." She sighed shaking her head. She then resting her head on her hand looking at him with a mechivious look on her face only a couple people have seen.
"I was hoping you would use your mouth to give me my food how disappointing." She said slightly eyeing his lips then cutely poking his cheek with a pout.
He has never been this surprised, its not the first time Tali has flirted back but its only little comments not full on flirting. His soul left his body, he was a still statue. Tali noticed this and started poking him to get back to the real world.
"Jaehyun~ come back."
"Oh- uh-" he stumbled around his words now fully realizing what just happened. She started giggling when she noticed his ears were turning red.
"Aww, wait I'm sorry, now I feel like I went too far." She said trying to cool his ears down with her hand.
"Oh n-no no your fine I wasn't expecting that." Now replacing her hands with his. She giggle again at his embarrassment, she looked up to the sky noticing it was getting dark.
"Come on mi Bon bon lets go home." She sighed grabbing his hand to get him up. He smiled at the nickname and shook his head. He cleaned up while she was getting smoothies.
"Wow, I really dug a whole for myself." He whispered to himself. He catched up with her and hooked his arm with hers and gave her a cheeky smile.
"Now whats got you in a good mood?" She questioned him with a smirk. He had a cheeky smile on display.
"Because I get to brag."
"Yeah.." He said now getting a closer to her, while eyed him.
"Cause I had a date and with the one and only Tali when she is usually busy. Dont you have to work the rest of the week and next?" He questioned her for some reason getting more happy.
"Uh yeah why?" She asked him little confused. He chuckled.
"Well it looks like no one can take you out on a date now can they? Not when you are busy." He said smugly.
Then it hit her.
This man took her on a date, flirted with her and with the addition of her flirting back, on her last day off. No one can take her on a date for the rest next couple weeks because she has a comeback with Blackpink so she can't even have a mini date with the members because she wont even be around them.
She looked at him so offended.
"You...you did this...for what?" She questioned him as they make it to their building. He laughed at her question.
"I have bragging rights now, your last day, you flirting back willingly and good at it too." He said chuckling too. She just had a blank face internally regretting the past what 3 hours maybe a couple more of her life. But she then didn't, since she had fun.
She shook her head at him now suppressing a smile from coming to her face.
"What am I going to do with you Bon bon?" She said putting in the pin code to the dorm. Knowing that she now has to face the consequences of today. He chuckled once again and had a smile on his face. He wrapped his arms around her waist and head on her shoulder.
"Love me more." He said slyly.
"Ha in your dreams." She retored back now opening the door. She saw the boys in the living room chilling.
"Hey guys we are back." She said smiling at them while Jaehyun straighted up with a smug smile on his face but still has a hand around her waist.
"Buuub~" Haechan whinned going up to her about to hug her but Jaehyun's hand was in the way.
"Ay hyung move your hand." Haechan said trying to swat off his hand from her waist so he can hug her the way he wants.
"Nope." Jaehyun said now hugging her fully, pulling her away from Haechan.
"Heyyy." Haechan whinned holding on to Tali's arm.
"Where did you guys go anyway?" Doyoung asked ignoring Haechan's whinning.
"We went to-
"Went on a date."
Everything was quiet, the boys were processing what Jaehyun just said.
"WHAT" Haechan screeched out, making Tali srunch up a bit to Jaehyun's chest now giving him to opportunity to hug her tighter.
"But, WE MADE A DEAL NOT TO SPEND ALONE TIME WITH HER TODAY!" Taeyong yelled out feeling betrayed.
Now Tali was even more confused."What?"
"So we made a deal not to hangout alone with you on you last day off because it would make be unfair...to the rest of us." Johnny explaines now kinda embarrassed.
"I didn't even suggest it Tali did." Jaehyun pointed out. Tali made an offened face but then thought about it.....she did, didn't she.
"Well you came into my room and I was bored what else was I supposed to do?" She defened herself.
"So flirting with me was one solution?" He pointed out.
"Nah don't put that on me you flirted first."
"You flirted Tali?" Taeyong asked surprised.
"Yeah a little."
"N-" "Shhhh I'm going to my room peace people I have a schedule tomorrow." She shushed Jaehyun from talking, she went to her shared room with Mark as she shared a room with him in 127 dorm when she stayed over.
Everyone saw her close the door and then they looked back at Jaehyun offended.
"So you went to her first?" Taeyong asked sassily.
"Yeah, it was nice for the mattera fact and she flirted back too which was the best part." He bragged then started sipping his smoothie.
"Ah Jaehyun whyyy." Taeyong whined knowing damn well he can't spend time with her for the next 2 weeks.
"She wanted to, and I gave her what she wanted." He defended himself.
Haechan huffed also wanting to have a date with her since he hasn't been able to properly hang out with her. Then he thought of something.
"TALI~ COME AND CUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT!" He yelled out for her waddling to her and Mark's room.
"NO COME CUDDLE ME INSTEAD." Yuta yelled out shoving Haechan out of the way heading towards to door.
Then everyone else joined in.
Jaehyun was now smiling smugly sitting on the island chair looking at the chaos he had made sipping on his smoothie.
"You are proud of yourself aren't you." Johnny said sitting next to him.
"You have no idea."
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bi-robins-club · 4 years
jason had just settled onto his couch with a jane austen novel and his favourite peach iced tea when damian crept in through his window. he sighed internally and decided to simply ignore him. he had told damian to use the front door (nevermind the fact that jason rarely used the door) and more importantly? he was freaking comfortable. after a few minutes as jason flipped idly through the book, damian cleared his throat. jason sighed again, outwardly this time and reluctantly dragged his eyes up to his youngest brother. baby bat was shivering slightly from the rain outside and jason simply rasied an eyebrow as he sipped at his tea. scowling, dami stomped over to jasons bathroom to dry off. he rolled his eyes. how dramatic. damian was acting like he sentenced titus and alfred the cat to their deaths instead of how he was actually saving jason from deep cleaning his rain soaked carpet. (he was still going to deep clean the carpet the next time he tidied up but still)
when damian stalked back into the room, looking less like a wet, angry kitten and more like a dry, angry kitten, jason titled his head back and established eye contact.
"so what brings you over to my neck of the woods, demon spawn?"
instead of snapping back like jason expected, damian simply stood there looking extremely uncomfortable. he shuffled his feet, opened his mouth then closed it and sat next to jason on the couch he splurged way too much on.
"i don't know how to tell you this" dami began, hesitant "but i believe harper is experiencing thoughts of suicide"
jason jerked up, almost knocking over his tea (and what a damn waste that would be) before fixing damian with a look. he hadnt noticed anything different in roy lately but he knew more than anyone that depression acted strangely and was hard to pinpoint. his mind raced with thoughts of why roy might be suddenly suicidal, from a sudden relapse to not getting a happy meal toy included in his 3.99 box of clogged arteries. "why do you say that, damian?"
"i have been keeping an eye on his health since he became a close confidant to you and last night he said something worrying that i am still not able to parse the meaning of" jason smiled lightly at that, in damian speak he was basically declaring that he cared for roy- if for nothing else than for how happy he made jason. still he shook it off and asked what roy had said that was worrying dami.
"he was patrolling last night" jason knew that. roy had been picking up his patrols since jason had a nasty leg wound. it was the reason he wasn't out tonight. "and he was on the phone with an unknown person, though i am inclined to believe it was either Starfire or Canary" okay, still not surprising "and then he said that the only place he could die happy was between your thighs" oh hello blue screen. yes jasons mind was in the middle of rebooting but could you hurry it along? he almost missed what damian said next. "not only does he wish for death upon himself, he wishes for you to give it to him!"
"damian" jason managed, frantically trying to figure out a way to explain to his baby brother without including his sex life. "uhh its just an expression"
damians face brightened up slightly. "really? he does not wish to smother himself between your thighs?"
"yeah, its like...like just a way to say... mind your business? mmhmm" he struggled to get out, pulling an explanation out of his ass.
"you have told father to mind his business a thousand times but i dont recal you ever using that one. is it new?"
oh god. jason would rather die again than continue this conversation.
"uhh its only used if you're close to someone" jason didnt know what he didnt wrong but dami's eyes widened in clear worry. "i thought you and father were reconnecting? has something happened? are you fighting again?"
well shit. jason had not thought this one through. fuck roy and fuck his mile wide kink that centered around jasons thighs. he was going to kill him. and he wouldnt even use his thighs. "oh nonono dami we're fine, just not as close as me and roy" he hedged, pleading to gods he didnt believe in to stop this conversation with whatever means necessary. strike him dead if need be but *please*. damians eyes narrowed "and exactly how close are you with harper, jason?" jason stared in disbelief. how had his nice relaxing evening turned into such a shitshow? damian was fine with roy when he and jason were just friends but now that he was (correctly) assuming a relationship, his over protective instincts were kicking in? christ. he remembered how when dick and babs finally started dating (again), damian seemingly lost all respect for her and called her an evil harlot more than once.
thankfully he was saved by answering in the form of the best person jason had ever met aka duke thomas. he announced his presence by awkwardly coughing. jason met his dark eyes and mouthed 'help me' over damians head. duke smiled as if it was getting pulled out of him by torture but nodded.
"hey dames, dick wanted you to join him by the docks when you finished up here" damian scowled "cant you see i am clearly not finished yet"
"hah, well dick was facing up against scarecrow and i think he needed some back up but you know him"
"yes, he wont admit he needs help when he very clearly does" damian sighed "very well, ill go check on dick. you stay and question jason. " and with that damian clambered out the window and after he disappeared from sight, jason threw his head back to stare at his ceiling and groaned. duke laughed at him.
"hey daisy duke?" duke grumbled at the nickname and jason cracked a smile "how did you know i needed back up?" duke winced and ran a hand over his dreads. he made a face and jasons soul was slowly draining out of his body. "oh haha funny story" duke rocked back on his feet and faked laughed "damians com was still connected to the channel" jason froze.
"who was on the channel oh my god" duke smiled thinly and his hand paused on his head. "other than me? everyone." jason buried his head in his hands and let out a high pitched whine. duke consolingly rubbed his shoulder. this is why jason loved him. he hadn't even laughed at jason like tim, dick or steph would or started plotting death like damian started to. he and cass would just offer support. jasons favorite brother and sister right here folks. duke sat down beside him
"listen. i know what it's like to be outed when youre not ready and when i heard damian grilling you about roy, i thought i would help" jason turned and stared at his brother. duke was staring at his hands and avoiding eye contact. "i got caught with a boy when i was 15 in high school. its pretty shitty to be gay and poor in a homophobic neighbourhood but its worse to be gay, poor and black." jason knocked shoulders with him. "if you tell me the name of whatever asshat outed you, I'll shoot him for you." duke let out a waterly laugh. "they kept bullying me for being gay but if they even listened, they would have realised that im pan" he joked "its a completely different thing after all". jason snorted
"that was horrible"
duke winced "yeah, it was wasnt it. im bad at this" it was jasons turn to avoid eye contact now.
"talia once caught me with a league operative. a male operative. i was so paranoid for days until i caught shiva leaving her rooms. i got the courage to tell her i was bi and she just patted my cheek and asked how my training was going."
duke huffed out a laugh. "bruce gives you shit but i for one think your lesbians moms are cool"
jason laughed with him "just wait until you meet Ducra. shes a badass"
"ducra?" he questioned with a weird look. "how many moms do you actually have? i knew about diana and your assassin moms but thats a new name" jason burst into laughter at the expression on dukes face. "its not fair man. steph is the only other one with a mom and you have four! you need to share" jason choked on his laughter and shoved duke.
"first of all, its only *three*. ducra is like my badass abuela"
"dont you already have a badass grandma? have you forgotten about Ma Gunn? she threatened to shoot bruce in the dick last week!"
"yes well excuse you i need strong female role models in my life, fuck you" the two of them continued to joke around for a little while longer before jason caught a flash of black kelvar outside his window and sighed. duke followed his eyes and smiled before patting jasons shoulder and pushing off. "have fun with the one strong male role model in your life. im going to see if cass needs help" both of them knew that cass wouldn't need help but jason accepted the excuse for what it was. "me and steph are still coming over to study tomorrow. college is kicking my ass and i need you to explain this English assignment to me"
jason scoffed "im not writing your essay for you"
"eh worth a try. bye jace" duke gave a two fingered salute and slipped out the window. jason took the brief reprieve to sip his tea and mourned when he discovered the ice had melted and watered down the peach taste. for the third time that night, someone crept into his window. oh well. third times the charm right? jason wasn't going to acknowledge bruce until he said something himself. it was a repeat of damian. jasom read his book as it got increasingly uncomfortable.
"bruce" jason drawled, not lifting his eyes from his book. bruce grunted like the neanderthal he was and jason finally huffed out a heaving breath before marking his page and looking up. bruce looked supremely uncomfortable. actually his face looked exceedingly neutral but jason knew how to read bruce and that was the brow furrow of how do i deal with jason without fucking it up? jason was well famailairsed with that one.
"you know i love you" jasons own eyebrows rose. bruce only said 'i love you' like four times a year tops. and he usually never wasted it on jason. bruce deflated at whatever face jason must have made. goddamn it. this was why jason always fought with bruce with his helmet on, he couldnt control his facial expressions for shit. "no you dont know that." bruce smiled thinly and to jasons suprise, quickly crossed the room and knelt, placing his hands on jasons shoulders.
"even if you dont believe it, and its my own fault that you do and i hate that i ever caused you to even doubt my love for you, i swear that i do, jay lad" jason was completely frozen. he had expected bruce to yell at him for letting roy go unchecked on patrol last night and how irresponsible he was yada yada, not this declaration of feelings that he had no clue how to deal with. he couldnt remember the last time bruce called him that. it had to have been when he was still in those scaly green panties and pixie boots. and not the adult verison that jason picked up from a halloween store on a whim just to see roys eyes.
bruce sighed and drew jason into a hug. when bruces shoulder started getting wet, jason was horrified to realise he was crying. "i wanted you to know that i wouldnt love you any less for loving a man. but you have to know that i love you in the first place for that to happen" bruce said self deprecating.
"shut the fuck up" jason said sniffling and gripping his dads back. "i hate you"
bruce laughed softly at him before pressing a kiss to the side of jasons head. "i want you to know that i expect roy-and you- over at dinner on sunday. i need to meet the man that stole my babys heart" he murmured. jason laughed wetly "youve already met roy, you just want to con me into actually coming to family dinner"
bruce smiled "that was before i knew you two were dating. roy needs to know what hes getting into" jason leaned back enough to stare into bruces eyes and weakly punched him in the chest "dont threaten my boyfriend. he refused to look at me for two weeks after t was done with him" bruce sighed longingly "its times like this when i remember what caused me to love talia in the first place."
"bruce!" the aforementioned man laughed and hugged jason tightly before stepping back a few steps. "Sunday dinner. you and roy. 8 pm." on a whim jason reached out and snagged bruces hand. "hey" he started, swallowing "you wanna stay for a while? we could watch a movie or something" bruces eyes softened and he nodded. "let me change out of the suit."
and if roy had crept in after patrol only to see jason napping on his dads chest to a shitty action movie playing in the background and took several pictures, well that bruces fault for not waking up when roy stumbled it. (nevermind the fact that bruce had every single one of those pictures saved on his phone) (nevermind the fact that after roy put his phone away, he was greeted to the sight of batman glaring at him as he twisted a batarang around his fingers. it was sorta ruined by the fact that jasons curls was hiding the lower half of his face but roy was still adequately terrified)
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damn-behzinga · 4 years
Tobi Brown (tbjzl) X Reader
summary - You and Tobi keep things on the lowdown, but what is he doing with that other girl?
warnings - cheating, heartbreak, swearing, my terrible writing
request - idk if ur taking requests rn or not but if u dont like fluff, what about some angst w tobi? like ur seeing eachother and an argument or something idk tbh lmao. also i think ur fluff has been good so don’t doubt urself:)
a/n - why did i almost cry whilst writing this??? also heavily inspired by Falling by Harry Styles
masterlist & request info
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You and Tobi were together, it was secret you kept from your friends. It was scary for Tobi to commit but you decided to stay by his side during all the hard times. 
Tobi had sat you down and told you that he was genuinely scared of commitment. You had asked him if a relationship was a good idea. Tobi had insisted and promised that he wouldn't hurt you. And so, the two of you got into a relationship.
You were at a party with your large friend group and many people you hadn't met before. You and Tobi had to distance yourself so you didn't accidentally reveal your relationship. 
You weren't a heavy drinker but you would get yourself tipsy enough to have the courage to dance, so that's where you were now.
You were dancing with the girls all yelling the lyrics. Talia grabbed your hand and spun you. As you spun, you noticed Tobi leaning in towards a girl you hadn't met before. You suddenly stopped mid-spin as your jaw dropped. The girls didn't fail to notice as Talia grabbed your arm to ask if you were okay, trying to look at your face. Freya followed your gaze and saw what you were staring at. You smiled at the girls and swallowed thickly.
"I'm sorry, I think I'm going to go early." You felt tears pool at your eyes. You chuckled and pushed your way through the crowd. The girls nodded understanding and watched you leave. You quickly got into a taxi that was parked outside and made your way home, eager to forget about the night that quickly turned sour.
Freya had stormed up to Tobi after you left, pulling him away from the girl to a quiet corridor where Talia waited.
"What the fuck did you do?" Freya almost immediately exclaimed. "Y/n went home crying without a word! Care to explain?"
"Where is she?" Tobi asked, realising what had happened.
"At home," Talia answered. "What did you do? Does it have to do with the girl you flirting with?"
"Why do you need to know?" Tobi rolled his eyes. 
"Are you fucking kidding me? You and Y/n are some of my closest friends and if you think about hurting her and getting away with it then I don't want you as a friend." Freya was fuming and grabbed Talia's hand before swiftly pulling her outside the club. Tobi booked his Uber letting a few of his friends know that he was leaving.
He arrived outside your apartment and knocked until Freya answered the door.
"What are you doing here?" Tobi asked.
"I could ask you the same question," Freya replied, her face blank.
"Let him in. I need to say talk to him." He heard your voice. Freya sighed slightly, opening the door to let him in. 
Your breath hitched when he walked in. Tobi immediately felt guilty when he saw the mascara tear tracks and your red brimmed eyes.
"Y/n, can I explain?" Tobi asked but you held your hand up, stopping him from moving any closer.
"I don't want to hear it." You stated firmly despite your shaky voice. "Tobi, I trusted you. You told me you were scared of a relationship and that's fine. If you wanted out, you could've told me not hurt me by flirting with someone else."
"It didn't go any further than that," Tobi said.
You let out a few tears. "Tobi, you still went out of your way to flirt with someone whom you aren't committed to. I can handle banter and flirting as jokes, but you looked like you wanted to take her home. You didn't think about your girlfriend as you flirted with someone else. You kissed her Tobi. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
You let out a sob and Tobi could almost hear your heartbreak.
"Please, I can explain!" Tobi said.
"No, you can't. You leaned in Tobi, you made no effort to stop her. There is no explanation to why you would do something like that. This is over Tobi." You stated firmly.
"Wait-" Tobi tried but Freya cut him off.
"I think you should leave Tobi." She stated, and Tobi could see hurt in her eyes but she tried to show that she was strong.
Tobi sighed but nodded. "I never meant to hurt you." He said when he reached the door.
"Well, you did but I suppose you'll still be a hero at the end of the day." You stated and you soon heard the door shut and all the tears came pouring out.
Freya and Talia sat with you and cried but soon had to leave to go to their respective homes. You understood and changed out of your clothes into your pyjamas and quickly fell asleep, the events of the night quickly tiring you out.
You woke up and stared at the ceiling. You opened your phone and saw the lack of usual good morning messages from Tobi which reminded you of the events from the previous night.
You did, however, have messages from the girl group chat letting you know that you were all going to go out for the day. You denied, knowing you wouldn't make it through the day without crying or seeing him. So, you wrapped yourself in a blanket and laid on the sofa. You turned on Educating Yorkshire and grabbed yourself a bowl of cereal. 
It was around 2 PM when you heard a knock on your door. You sighed as you opened it but you were grateful to see Talia, Freya, and Gee holding some alcohol and a Tesco bag full of your favourite snacks.
You were heartbroken and it hurt like Hell but as you shared jokes with your friends, you realised that this feeling would pass. Because, by surrounding yourself with the people that love you, you could conquer anything and nothing will stop you. You could feel love and validated without relying on a guy who hurt you.
Yeah, things will start looking up for you.
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offtopicoverload · 4 years
how would your ideal LI season go?
oooh thank you anon this was really fun and definitely too long and entirely unrealistic because of all the variables but oh well i had fun lmao
Okay I’m just going to start by talking about LIs
I think one of Season 3’s biggest successes was making AJ available from the start, I think that definitely kept those who play for the girls interested
HOWEVER i also think we need one of each: an AJ, a Talia, and a Marisol
Someone you can couple up with right off the bat, someone that takes a bit of time to warm up, maybe around the halfway mark, and someone that isn’t available til the last or second to last recoupling, maybe because they’re only bicurious or its just in their character to take a while to warm up in general, they spent the season in friendship couples or blowing their shot because they didn’t want to move too quick
I know the amount of LIs in Season 2 is a huge attraction, but it obviously wasn’t maintainable, since so many LIs lost their personality after CA
Again, I think Season 3 did great on ideas, but bad execution on drama and actual plot
So I’d probably keep it about 9, maybe 10
And ideally one of them would be trans, probably a trans guy with top surgery scars. Someone makes a joke on the first day and he explains no problem, is open about it and his experiences, maybe he was kicked out as a teenager and is all about positivity and loving people for who they are because of it
I’m all on board for a enby or gnc character or MC, but I honestly think Love Island’s too binary for someone like that to thrive
OH! And an ace LI that’s probably sex neutral and really comfortable with it. They’re up front with their sexuality but have no problem with how sex-focused Love Island is, like they’re fine with the flirting and intimate stuff, they’re just not attracted at the end of the day
Or have this season’s slowburn female LI be demi? I’m not demi, only ace, so I can’t speak on that experience, but I think that might work pretty well, maybe she goes in knowing she’s demisexual and comes out of it knowing she’s demiromantic too? Id love that but idk
I want to touch on customization too, since there’s nowhere near enough
Definitely body types
I forget who said it, but have the typical thin type, a muscular type, and a plus sized
And don’t get me wrong, I know it’s extra work for the artists, but I personally think it’d be worth, but who knows
Make fantasy hair colours possible - blue, green, purple, pink, silver - with the type of variety S3 had, in a style closer to S2
Also tats! And piercings! Just like a septum or some ear piercing, maybe a lip, nothing too difficult
And allow for actually different personalities and careers
I get that most people who apply are going to be outgoing and influencers, but this is all fake anyway so who cares
Have your personality impact LIs, certain LIs are easier to get hearts with with a certain personality, while others have more negative reactions to that personality
Lot of coding but this is just my make believe, what’s the harm
Okay into each day
Id have 20 days, since I agree that that’s a pretty good sweet spot
And Im definitely on board with MC being a bombshell, but instead of introing her on the first day, Id do the second
First half of the episode is spent as a recap of the first day, 5 couples like usual, let’s call the Islanders Bobby, Harry, Camilo, Bill, Rohan, AJ, Talia, Elladine, Miki, and Erikah, I’ll explain later, it’s pretty much for one single reason each
So MC’s first day is the Islander’s second, she shows up like Lucas & Henrik, before all the Islanders are up, and she has an option to say hi to someone early, add a gem to be upfront about being interested or something, during the second half of the first episode
Second episode starts with all the Islanders finding MC and saying hi, whoever you chose to have a chat with’s partner is kinda salty, if you chose a guy
MC ends the day choosing between any of the guys and two of the girls, AJ and Talia
For the guys, like Season 3, three are endgame, ones a red herring like Rohan in Season 1, and one’s up front about it being a friendship couple from the start, since I definitely think we need actual friendship couples - this friendship couple guy is Bobby, but without the pushy crush
Rohan is initially interested, but like in Season 1, he gives it up after a while
AJ is super into it and happy if you pick her and has no problem with it, while Talia has a “no thanks” thing and makes you pick again
Basically, youre not supposed to pick Talia because she’s not open to that yet, and that tosses you off her route or makes it really difficult to fix, maybe only a few dialogue options over the next few days or a specific personality gets her to forgive you. If you don’t pick her, you can couple up later as normal
Day 2 is like it usually is, you’re LIs original partner starts grafting on your LI if you have a male LI, Bobby doesn’t care if you steal AJ, you just have to have a talk with him and he’s fine
You can attempt to reconcile with their original partner, and if you succeed they’ll stop, if not your LI will step in and tell her he’s not interested
Day 3 finds a whole Villa recouping with a dumping. If you have a female LI, then girls are choosing, and AJ will pick you, however there is no dumping for future numbers sake, I know it doesn’t make much sense for the guys to be safe but whatever
If you have a male LI, the boys are choosing. If youre with Bobby, you get stolen and have to help Bobby decide who to dump.
He’ll always choose to dump Miki, regardless of who your LIs ex was or what you say. His reasoning is that she hasn’t made a connection and she was accidentally mean to him once and this Bobby’s hella sensitive
Bobby kinda struggles with it and has a rough few days - You have the option to be sympathetic and keep him available as a friendship couple option, or be a jerk and lose the option to be in a friendship couple
Day 4 is a bit of a filler day, with a fun challenge and some actual conversations.
You learn about your LI and someone else of your choosing, whether that’s a friend, like Ell or Erikah, or another LI youre romancing, like Talia or another of the guys
This is the first time Talia starts to be honest with MC about maybe fancying her and being open to seeing what happens
Day 5 has bombshells: a guy and a girl. The girl is our Marisol of this season, which can also explain away why she’s so slow to open up, she feels like an outcast since she came late and MC can empathise better than anyone which is how they initially bond
The guy is also a LI, but far more bold than Marisol, he has no trouble grafting in front of MC’s LI and trying to steal her or win her over - I’m just going to call him Lucas
Day 6 has another boys’ choice disaster recouping, but with the threat of a dumping on an AJ route
No matter how you reacted to Lucas’ flirting, he picks MC, whether you were going to couple up with him or not, he still steals you from your LI just like Season 2, for simplicity’s sake
The other couples get mixed up, a Nope-adjacent couple are split up, let’s say Erikah and Camilo, but they don’t make it all about them. One of the girls had been pining after a guy but he chooses someone else even though she’s available (Elladine, but Bobby’s oblivious), the girl Bobby was planning to couple up with gets stolen (Talia, but regardless of your route, she doesn’t fancy him), so he couples with Marisol
On a male LI route there is no dumping because the couples are already even
On an AJ route, Rohan is the deciding factor between AJ and Miki. Miki is always dumped because she was barely involved the past few days and Bill isn’t that interested in her even though they were coupled up
Day 7 is the start of Casa Amor, but much shorter this time. Two of the guys are endgame - let’s say Arjun and Carl, two are interested in other girls - let’s say Graham and Nicky, and there’s one you CAN get with, but cheats and gets dumped later on, essentially a Rocco, and one just isn’t interested, another friendship couple opportunity if you don’t want to share with one of the LIs - let’s say Seb
Day 8 is still Casa, you get to know the boys or can crack on with any of the female LIs, though this is still applicable to Day 7
You get a chance to either commit to AJ further or say you want a break to crack on with someone else
If you reassure her, she’ll pie off all the guys and you can stay on the daybed together, essentially ignoring the disaster recoupling and pretending youre still together. But if you dump her, she’ll crack on with Seb if you’re not paired with him, and Arjun if you are, just as a sort of revenge
During CA you can get closer with Talia, cheeky winks in public and getting kinda nasty during a challenge
You get sneaky scenes with Marisol where you learn where her head is at and how she has a hard time opening up and letting people in. You can reassure her and say you’ll be patient or pie her off and she’ll get with the season’s Graham, though they’ll have a different dynamic and ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE AS A COUPLE
Im sorry but boaty mcboat face and MARISOL?? i just dont get it, im sorry
You can graft on Arjun & Carl, tell them where your head is at, and they’re far less pushy
They try to impress but they’re not like poking you until you tell them you’ll take them back to the Villa like in S2
Day 9 is the final day of Casa, with a stick or switch
You can take back Arjun, Carl, Seb, or Rocco, although Seb is a platonic option but you can pair with him the rest of the season as aromantic representation
AJ never switches to save Rohan, and to be loyal if youre on her route
Talia doesn’t switch no matter the route, she spent Casa just hanging out which honestly isn’t the best idea outside of her route
Erikah switches, because like Season 1 Erikah, her head turns quickly, it’s just a matter of time. She switches to Rocco if you’re not on his route, and Arjun if you are. This is going to absolutely blow up in her face
Elladine switches because she gets worried Bobby will, picks Nicky and they actually get on really well
Marisol switches to Graham if youre not on her route to stay safe again, though they dont last anyway, and sticks if you are because she spent Casa with MC instead of the guys
Bobby sticks cuz Bobby
Harry always switches to someone, let’s call her Cherry cuz why not
Camilo sticks to get back with MC or Erikah - Erikah switched, effectively dumping him and really upsetting him
Rohan switches to someone, lets call her Shannon, no matter the route
Bill always sticks
Lucas switches to someone, lets call her Blake, no matter what, just for simplicity’s sake and because I’m already ripping from S2 so who cares
Day 10 is aftermath, much like Season 2
You can talk with your previous LI, 
Day 11 has a massive dumping where you vote to save a few people
One of the original Villa boys stays, Camilo is the default but if youre on Harry or Bill’s route, they’ll fill his place
Rohan and Bobby survive
If you brought back a Casa boy, you pick between him and Lucas to be dumped 
If you didn’t, Lucas is safe automatically
Rocco/Arjun survive, they’re coupled with Erikah
Either Nicky survives to stay with Elladine or Graham is saved for Marisol if she brought him back, Nicky automatically survives if not
For the girls, Erikah, Elladine, Marisol, and MC are safe
You vote between Cherry, Blake, Shannon on who to save, Shannon is the encouraged option because her and Rohan are actually really cute, but he’ll be nice to any of the girls for the rest of the season
You have to vote between AJ and Talia, sorry queers, i hate it too
Day 12 has a recouping where Talia is finally available if you saved her after everything from Casa Amor
You can reunite with your LI from pre-CA or simply stick to youre CA pick, it’s girls choice, MC is somewhere in the middle
Day 13 has two bombshells - both guys, let’s call them Levi and Tai
Levi grafts hard on MC whereas Tai takes a backseat and MC has to go to him instead if shes interested
Day 14 is a grafting day, you can graft and bond with your LI, Levi, Tai, or Marisol
Day 15 is the second to last recoupling, where you can get with every LI 
If youre romancing Marisol, you have a fight in the morning because she still won’t commit and she hasn’t really had an drama on her route yet
Day 16 is an explosion of drama
It’s another Roccogate but on an even bigger scale
If you’re on Rocco’s route, you suffer the backlash, and if you’re not, Erikah does but it still blows back to MC in order to keep her involved
Rocco makes a move on Erikah when MC’s with him, and MC when Erikah is. If he makes a move on MC, she can reciprocate or blatantly shut him down and Erikah will always reciprocate it when he’s coupled with MC because whaddaya know her head can turn at the littlest thing
If he made a move on MC, she can tell her LI who will chew him out privately, or keep it to herself
They basically get caught in the act by Levi, who doesn’t say anything until the afternoon - a lie detector that reveals a bunch of stuff, ill discuss later
He’s asked if he has any drama and he lies, saying no but eventually spills that Rocco made a move on MC/Erikah, and regardless of whether MC reciprocated or not, he says she did
If MC’s with Rocco, she can attack Erikah until someone steps in, maybe Bobby? Or Arjun? and reasons with her. She can get most of the Villa on her side about Rocco being a prick - except for Levi, no matter what, he’ll always side with Rocco and say it’s part of the show
If MC’s not with Rocco and denied him, her LI will accuse her of lying and she’ll have to essentially win them back by the next day or try and get Rocco to clear her name, which she can if they have a high relationship
And if MC didn’t deny him, her LI will dump her on the spot if they have a low relationship, or still win them back if they have a high relationship - but it will still be remembered
Back to the lie detector
There’s the typical S1 questions, cheating is revealed, you can commit to your LI
If youre on a Marisol route, your LI asks you about her and MC has to confess, which drives a rift between her and Marisol because yeah
y i k e s
Day 17 is the final recoupling
Marisol basically storms into the kitchen when MCs making breakfast and says they’re coupling up and just leaves again. MC has the option to be like “yeah okay, chill” and go back to her breakfast or “what the fuck? no” and chase after her and pie her off
If you don’t pie her off, she chooses MC herself, because that scene in S2 is just really cute and I want another
There’s a double dumping of two boys - Levi and Rocco, and you have no say in it
Erikah, MC, or her LI will essentially turn the Villa against Rocco, while a few of the Islanders resent Levi for his take, mainly the girls
It’s a couple vote, and even if you vote for someone else, they still get dumped because they have the most votes
Day 18 is filler and fluff, meet the parents and final dates, with a surprise dumping where you can get a say and can help them pack, but its a strictly platonic goodbye
There’s so many possibilities and I don’t feel like listing them out right now, but it’s a single couple between three at-risk ones
Day 19 another surprise dumping, why not stick with prom? I just really dig the art, and but maybe make it closer to Season 2? And more personalized speeches!!!
And have a Lottie/Hannah moment! 
Idk who all would be here, I don’t feel like listing it out, but I think I have all the dumpings listed below the cut
You can pick between both people dumped who you want to help pack, and can have a moment with either of them, opening a “runaway” option after the finale or reunion
Day 20 is the finale, with the Islanders gossiping and stressing in the morning as some filler content
The afternoon is the announcement, and your placement depends on your couple - If you were loyal the entire time you were with them and have a max relationship you get 1st, if you were loyal but dont have max hearts, you get 2nd, if you weren’t loyal but still have max hearts, you get 3rd, and if you have neither you get 4th
If you win, your LI gets the money no matter what and it’s not based on relationship, it’s based on where in the relationship you are - if MC agreed to be their girlfriend on Day 18, they split the money, and if MC didn’t, then they don’t see a future and keep it
The last episode is the finale party with options to dump your LI for good, make plans to move in, reconcile and explain why MC didn’t say yes on Day 18, or get with someone else entirely
Oh and I want two of the dumped guys to show up together and have started dating outside of the Villa
Cuz I can’t think of another opportunity for mlm in this chaos
This is really messy so I’m going to list out couplings under the cut to try and make sense of this, I think I got everything but probably not its a disaster
Day 1 - MC or Bobby or Single
Day 3 - MC or Bobby or Bill
Day 6 - Rohan
Day 9 - Rohan
Day 12 - MC or Bobby or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Bobby or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Bobby Dumped
Day 1 - Rohan or Single
Day 3 - Rohan or Bill
Day 6 - Camilo
Day 9 - Camilo
Day 12 - MC or Bobby or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Bobby or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Bobby Dumped
Day 6 - Bobby
Day 9 - Single or Graham
Day 12 - Graham or Harry/Bill/Camilo
Day 14 - Graham or Harry/Bill/Camilo
Day 17 - MC or Graham or Harry/Bill/Camilo
Day 1 - MC or Elladine
Day 3 - MC or Elladine
Day 6 - Elladine
Day 9 - Cherry
Day 12 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped 
Day 14 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 1 - MC or Erikah
Day 3 - MC or Erikah
Day 6 - Talia
Day 9 - Talia
Day 12 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 1 - MC or Miki
Day 3 - MC or Miki or Elladine/Erikah
Day 6 - Erikah
Day 9 - Single
Day 12 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 6 - MC or Erikah
Day 9 - MC or Blake
Day 12 - Blake
Day 14 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Erikah or Dumped
Day 9 - MC or Erikah or Dumped
Day 12 - MC or Erikah or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Erikah or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Erikah or Dumped
Day 9 - MC or Dumped 
Day 12 - MC or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Erikah or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Single or Elladine
Day 17 - MC or Erikah
Day 9 - MC or Erikah
Day 12 - MC or Erikah
Day 14 - MC or Erikah
Day 17 - Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Single
Day 17 - Dumped
Other Islanders
Day 1 - Harry or Single
Day 3 - Harry or Bill
Day 6 - Harry
Day 9 - Nicky or Harry/Camilo/Bill
Day 12 - Nicky or Harry/Camilo/Bill
Day 14 - Nicky or 
Day 17 - Nicky or Tai
Day 1 - Camilo* or Single
Day 3 - Camilo* or Bill
Day 6 - Camilo or 
Day 9 - Rocco or Arjun
Day 12 - Rocco or Arjun
Day 14 - Rocco or Arjun
Day 17 - Tai or Lucas/Casa
Day 1 - Bill or Single
Day 3 - Bill or Dumped
Day 6 - Bill or Dumped
Day 9 - Dumped
Day 12 - Dumped
Day 14 - Dumped
Day 17 - Dumped
Day 9 - Rohan
Day 12 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 14 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 17 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 9 - Lucas
Day 12 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 14 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 17 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 9 - Harry
Day 12 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 14 - Rohan or Dumped
Day 17 - Rohan Dumped
Day 1 - AJ or MC or Single
Day 3 - AJ or MC or
Day 6 - Marisol
Day 9 - Marisol or Single
Day 12 - AJ/Talia or Elladine/Marisol
Day 14 - AJ/Talia or Elladine/Marisol or Single
Day 17 - AJ/Talia or Elladine/Marisol
Day 1 - Talia or MC
Day 3 - Talia or MC
Day 6 - AJ
Day 9 - Shannon/Cherry/Blake
Day 12 - Shannon/Cherry/Blake
Day 14 - Shannon/Cherry/Blake
Day 17 - Shannon/Cherry/Blake
Day 9 - Marisol or Dumped
Day 12 - Marisol or Dumped
Day 14 - Marisol or Dumped
Day 17 - Marisol or Dumped
Day 9 - MC or Dumped
Day 12 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 14 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 17 - MC or Elladine/Marisol or Dumped
Day 9 - Elladine
Day 12 - Elladine or Dumped 
Day 14 - Elladine or Dumped
Day 17 - Elladine or Dumped
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currentfandomkick · 5 years
JL confronts Marinette
From bio!dad Strange au, where they made her kryptonian to keep her alive. This is post-Hawkmoth (debating using a random and revamping Gabriel altogether tbh)
“Don’t.” Marinette was tired of heroes, tired of being one. She had to handle hawkmoth’s fallout, keeping so many secret identities (hers, JL, miraculus team, her gotham family’s) and she just wanted to sleep.
Flash found her first, but Superman grabbed her and put her in the air for a ‘talk’.
“Don’t what?” She knew superman wasnt a detective. She knew he was a reporter though and she could see baiting and needling just under the surface. He’s an interrigator then, she decided.
“Don’t come in and try to fix what the miraculous team already handled. Paris was abbadonned by your league.”
She figured this was about Ladybug. Paris is always going off the the miraculous holders and ladybugs were always deemed the defacto leaders. She liked that Daesuqa (Talia) took over leading long term missions for the most part, handled meetings and politics so her and Chat and the others could be more like the teens they are in theory.
And everyone knew Marinette was Chat Noir’s favorite after she got how many akumatized people to release their akuma on their own? And that she supplied mirauclous users with kwami food (though it was common for many other civilians). It was common knowledge to all, but Hawkmoth apparently, that if Chat or his miraculous team or the entire team was needed, you went to Marinette.
Superman furrowed his brow at that though. “I didn’t know there was an active team here.”
So it wasn’t about the miraculous or years of magic terrorism her city endured?
“Been here for years. Hawkmoth’s sentencing is in a few hours.”
She hoped it was the kwami’s choice. Tikki murmured that people were surprised by what they could live through, and she is thw kwami of life. Tikki would make him wish he was dead routinely. He deserved it for regualrly slaughtering the city.
“No, that’s...” superman shook his head. “I came here to talk to you about...” he gestures to her then. She didn’t get it until she realized she was floating on her own.
When did he let her go?
“I know you’re Princess.”
Marinette’s blood stopped then. No. He can’t. They can’t.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I know Chloe changed my handle to Princess of Paris a few years ago but indont think heroes can stalk teens for that.”
Good, play into that. Distract until someone you trust can come. She hit an alert on her phone while he wasnt looking.
Pegasus should be here soon.
“I know you know it only as the Chimera project.”
Wrong. It was the surgery that kept her alive.
“And i know you’ve been poisoning yourself to stay hidden.”
Antidotes came from venom. It was fone to ise the stickers, they kept her human. The crystals were for emergencies only.
“What I don’t get is why.”
Why would she want him to kidnap, or abduct her? Take her from her family? Her life?
Don’t show that you’re who he thinks, anvocie whispered. Keep being the Paris Marinette from social media. The savage who snarled Weredad into submission.
“I really think you have the wrong girl. Its listed under my file as a volunteer flyer that i’m a flying meta, like most of the flyers.” Good, keep it up.
“And superman, if I had to guess why some girl that i look like would supress their powers, its becuase this is France and until the Miraculous team came clean about some being meta, you were imprisoned on suspicions of being meta, even infants were, are in the rest of France. Paris is the only place you arent imprisoned for it.”
Superman paled at that. “I. I wasn’t aware.”
“why would you be?”
Superman did respond to that.
“And if this Princess of yours is still hiding, she might be protecting her loved ones. Or maybe she thinks you’d steal her away from her life and home? Everyone knows about the fortress of solitude and i dont think anyone besides you would like living there, especially so far from people.”
Marinette watched him process. As long as Red Robin didnt see her, didnt confirm her identity, she was in the clear.
“Now if you’d excuse me, I’m needed to finish filling out a report on the final battle.”
That had superman’s attention.
“Final battle.”
“Yes, we just took down Hawkmoth a week ago.”
“He already has his trial, in a week.” Disbelief. Not worng either.
“It took the citizens of paris a week to finish voting. Finally tallies come in tonight if we try him as humans or if the kwami—gods of various concepts—are the ones to try him for his crimes. Afterall, he enslaved one kwami and abused another.”
Superman was not doing well, far too pale. Shock? No, they sent so many videos before the JL banned them.
Guilt. Regret, too. Probably.
“Now can you put me down somewhere? I’m not out as a meta and indont plan on being out anytime soon. Any supporting the miraculous teams do have their enemies too, and i dont want to be targetted.”
Superman nodded. Numb? Possible.
She let hersef be taken down.
Pegasus was there, Flash on his way. Another person who could make her.
She had to move fast.
“I hope I cleared things up?”
Superman nodded.
Max was ready to fight, glaring at the blue boyscout.
“Ready to go Miss DC?”
Marinette nodded, letting him guide her to the portal.
Flash didnt make it in, but he didnt see her face either. She’s take the narrow victory.
They exited in the Paris Grande Hotel. The Mayor had Batman and Red Robin with him. Crap.
“Is this...”
“Our civilian contact, Miss DC,” Pegasus stated almost too professionally. Great, now Red would know they know each other as friends. batman too.
“Batman, Red Robin, correct?”
“Yes. We, we just found your heroes videos and came to help. I see we’re too late too.”
Marientte nodded, avioding eye contact with Red. She wasnt sure if he learned to act infront of Batman yet, and wasnt risking it.
“I heard you came up with many of the emergency procedures and built the comms system with Pegasus.”
“As a flyer, yes. As Miss DC I just make sure the team stays fed and Chat doesnt forget to sleep.”
Batman shot Red Robin a look as he said, “I know the feeling.”
Marinette didnt fight the smile then. Yes, that was her Hero Stalker Tim alright.
“Would you two be interested in helping the league develop a better system to sort incoming messages?”
Pegasus moved first. “If we do, Miss DC is to be left alone. Her mother is very atrict about her not getting involved in science, and refuses to believe that her daughter has been actively helping the miraculous team.”
Batman turned his attention to Marinette then. “Is that so?”
Marinette nodded. “My birth father and her left on... terms i never got the jist of. He and his friends teach me in secret. Mama,” not maman, she forced herself to say, “she said something about it being destructive and dangerous, so she wants me to stick to the arts instead.”
Batman nodded. “Experiments can be, but that doesnt undercut the good you’ve done. I’ll tell the league you will work off-site should you accept.”
Marinette nodded along. “I can help where Pegasus gets stuck, and be contacted through him but otherwise would prefer not to be contacted by the League. I’m a civilian, and no offense, but there ahve been leaks before.”
“Understandable. The league thanks you for your help, and apoligizes for what you went through.”
Marinette could feel the hole Red Robin was burning into her. He earings. And the fox miraculous. Shit. He knew.
Marinette wanted to punch the league in their face collectively.
“All May i go now, i have a meeting to get to.”
“Of course.”
Pegasus opened the portal and escorted her out.
They both waited five minites, Max feeding Kaalki, for the call.
“So why didnt you tell me?” Tim was pissed.
“Media blackout. Any time i tried to call it was blocked.”
Tim swore. “Alfred!”
“You are so lucky Pegasus doesnt know anything about gotham.”
“He’s there?”
“I work with him alot.”
“So when you visited Gotham...”
“French government would know. Not hard to connect the dots of girl leaves to see gotham fmaily and suddenly the league shows up after banning all of Paris from contact.”
“I. When did it happen?”
“Before Chrismas. I would have had Nonna tell you but she didnt know either until after the fact and they said if she told anyone itd be me going to jail for her.”
“That’s. What hellscape do you live in?”
“I died so many times i don’t even know now.” She stopped keeping track after she got into the eighties. That wasn’t even a full year into being Ladybug.
“That’s not comforting.”
“Please tell me that you’re not outing me to Bats. I just got two leaguers off my tail.”
“I won’t tell him, but if the new Robin does i’m not stopping him.”
She almost forgot Talia’s son was a Robin. She didnt see him in uniform yet—as Damian (not wayne but damian who was mourning lost family, damian who didnt know how to talk to people his age). She knows he’s a bit thick with social cues, and his detective skills need work in her opinion but he’s skeptical and has good insticts. He might make her as Marinette if he’s there.
“Is he...”
“He’s with the Titans now, but theyre debating coming here to yell at the league.”
“Videoing it?”
“Obviously. Want a copy?”
“Ill make popcorn before watching.”
“Rkc are doing well by the way—stopped a human trafficking ring and i think they took the victims.”
“Harley’s working with them,” marientte got he update earlier. “Hood and zsasz took out the lower and mid tier that woudlnt snitch. The case should be smooth sailing—the sirens put out a blanket hit on anyone trying to touch the witnesses.”
“So managing two teams this whole time,” red murmured, almost... bitter, or disapointed in something—no someone. Himself?
“Just tweaking things. Daesuqa handles most the team since she found me and Chat. Apparently she was compatible enough to do a lot of the non-fighting work. I still did battle strategy and all but,” Marinette shrugged.
“She focused in survival aspects here, and long term stability for Gotham. Daesuqa has handled most of non-kwami work here outside of kwami and candidates,” Max added. “On top of her work as a student and designer and inventor.”
Red Robin groaned. “When do you sleep?”
Marinette hummed. “I have meds to make me. And angry family to make me take them.”
“Her... what are we calling him now?” Mac was asking about Felix, adiren’s gremlin cousin who’s mom isntryign to adopt her. Also a fellow reverse theif and possessive friend.
“Uh, gremlin.”
“Her gremlin calls to let is know if she does get rest on the weekends and we trade off on weekdays.”
Red robin hummed into the phone. “So staying to the shadows?”
Trixx and Tikki looked up at Marinette at that. tikki wanted her to be the Ladybug, the be seen and everywhere and she...
Trixx knew why Marinette liked the shadows and background. Trix understood that bit.
“Yeah, i’ll still play in between and have some kwami things for life now.” She and Chat were working out gaurdian duties still.
She wasnt interested in the JL.
@emeraldpuffguide @ilovefluffbutsmutisalsogreat @mystery-5-5 @weird-pale-blonde-person @dast218
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hyperspacial · 4 years
Can I talk about Marisols bisexuality for a second? Because ever since my first playthrough its been weighing on me.
Both in the game's mechanics and the writing, Marisol seems just bicurious. Which would be fine, I love how Fusebox includes nuanced characters instead of just catering or dumbing it down, but she's the main female LI. I'm not saying every lady love interest has to be Talia, but Marisol's characterization really left me feeling shafted.
First of all it's so freaking hard to get her to even be an option. I missed her on my first playthrough, tried a playthrough specifically for her and missed her again, then had to look up a guide and restart. The whole Rocco thing doesn't clearly label as important as it is- you can be sympathetic to Marisol but unless you're wholly supportive she won't be romancable. That doesnt seem like something Marisol as a character would want? At least in the long term? With her attention to social dynamics and intelligence it feels like you'd have a conversation after the fact where she can appreciate your integrity but still voice that she felt ganged up on.
And then when you finally do get to couple? First of all it feels like a dumb loophole and second of all she completely shifts tone out of the blue. The whole 'one girl gets to pick before the boys' thing was super dumb. As much as I would've hated it, they should have made us wait another week for a girls choice (and in that week had Marisol and MC sneaking around and being sure they want to couple). It was so clearly a weird write in that felt wrong. And then Marisol goes from 'I'm tired of not being with you' in the previous chapter to 'I dont know if I can be in an official relationship with a girl' back to 'I'm so sure of this and I'm so excited'.
And it's that middle phase that really rubs me the wrong way. Because for as much as Marisol will kiss and sneak around with MC, she makes it sound like that's so tertiary to her main game. This would be totally fine if Priya was an LI, because then the WLW who like the pining could slowly win Marisol over and those that don't can just be with the lovely Priya. But Marisol's whole path feels like an afterthought, of slowly winning Marisol over.
On Marisol's part, she doesn't make it sound like 'I really like Graham so this is a hard decision' or 'I'm not out to the world and so I'm anxious to do this with you'. She shafts MC before Graham comes in, favoring other boys, and she proudly proclaims to be sapphic. But it feels so performative when so much of her focus is jumping from guy to guy. MC and her never sit down and have a conversation about that. Maybe that's a fic waiting to be written, but the closest we get is her saying 'sneaking around is one thing, but officially being with a girl is another'. That could work if Marisol didnt know she was bi prior to MC, but she did.
I just... I need MC to be angry with Marisol for stringing her along. I need their relationship to overcome the fact that Marisol feels like her attraction to men is more legitimate. But that never happens.
I also need Priya to be my wife but that's a different story.
Tl;dr: MC and Marisol never really hash out what led to their relationship and it leaves the season feeling like there's no good lesbian option.
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fics-by-maria · 5 years
Our Deepest Roots (Part 3)
Previous Masterpost Next
Theydies and gentlethem, let's turn the plot up to 4000%
The doctors didn't know what was wrong with Tim. Or more accurately, they only knew part of what was wrong with Tim. The broken bones and torn skin was the easy part. What gave them pause was the black edges of his facial wounds that seeped into his skin, slowly creeping along his veins. They'd ruled out poison almost immediately, and whatever it was seemed contained to Tim’s body.
All further attempts to contact Damian had gone ignored and things were getting bleaker by the day. Crane’s or more accurately, The Scarecrow’s body had been found under the Trigate Bridge, barely a mile from Arkham Asylum, and it was rapidly becoming apparent that they were no longer the biggest fish in the pond.
“I can't do this! I can't watch us fall apart!” Dick threw his hands up in defeat.
“Dick I know, this is new..”
“New?! NEW?! BRUCE I AM WATCHING MY FAMILY FALL APART IN AN ENTIRELY NEW WAY!” Dick covered his face in his hands, he wasn’t prepared for this. Everyone he had ever lost had been a sudden, singular event and then he was left with the aftermath.
Bruce was.. helpless again, he couldn't throw money at the problem to make it go away, he couldn't fight the problem, and he couldn’t stop it, he just had to watch as his son wasted away. He was trying to hold everything together, but things were starting to slip through the cracks. Jason had retreated from them, preferring to leave rather than have his family taken from him. Dick was starting to fray around the edges, he was shaken deeply by Tim’s injuries and Damian's refusal to speak with them. Alfred was, well he was Alfred, normal and unshakable. He was seemingly unaffected by the chaos around him and went about his job as he always had. It didn't make Bruce or Dick feel any better though.
“Are you sure? It sounded really serious..”
“Angel everything on the news sounds serious, and if you want something to worry about check up on Adrien.”
“Okay smartass, for one thing it's two am there right now. And for another, Gabriel's disappearance from prison doesn't mean anything, he doesn't have the ability to create akumas anymore, we made sure of it.”
“Alright, but I still think you should check on him. I’ll see you tomorrow Angel, have a good night.”
Damian hung up, letting out a heavy sigh. They’d been together for almost two months now, and he was worried about keeping her separate from the danger that swirled around him was his top priority. He was sure that she was safe until he heard his mother speak from behind him.
“So you do have a weakness. It happens to the best of us” Talia’s voice was a tone of cold amusement.
“Leave her alone.” Damian bristled at the underlying threat in her statement.
“What does she know?”
“Would she follow you blindly?”
“I don’t know.”
“But you would do so for her.”
“Of course.”
Talia looked at him for a moment, analyzing him before nodding.
“Tell her. She’s either worthy or not.”
“This is not up for debate, she either follows you or she’s disposed of before she becomes a problem.”
“Fine, but just so you know, telling women that you’re part of an organization of assassins who follow the will of a centuries old man isn’t a great way to set the mood.”
Marinette sat at her desk, typing a paper as her girlfriend got ready for work. Her and Kagami had been dating for three months and she’d also been dating Damian for two. Marinette was lucky to be blessed with two strong partners who understood that she could love both of them.
“Check me?”
“Flawless as usual.”
“Seriously Mari, if any of my makeup is slightly off it’s gonna cause a problem”
“It’ll be fine, what do you have to fear?”
“Okay you need to calm down, you were made for this. Literally. Your training was all leading to this, don’t fear it.”
“Easy for you to say, you get the missions with creativity involved.”
“I’m not sure how creative my solutions are, all I did was push him off a roof”
“Ah yes, the bird. Isn’t he still in the hospital?”
“Lets just say that the shattered bones were the least damaging of the gifts I left him with.”
Kagami laughed and kissed Marinette’s cheek before letting her fasten her necklace. Giving her girlfriend one last kiss, she pulled up her hood and leapt out of the window, Talon once again gracing the skyline of the city.
-Tag List-
@crazylittlemunchkin @theatreandcomicfreak @captainmac6 @minty-goose @maribat-shenanegins @thatrandomfandomsgirl @violatiger8 @mochinek0 @tinyterror333 @noirdots @bluerosette23 @poshplumcot @danielslilangel @emjrabbitwolf @roseinbloom02 @indecisive-mess-named-me @mystery-5-5 @shizukiryuu @happy-little-sunshine-bug @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @northernbluetongue @friedchickening @ascending-donotdisturb @dont-touch-my-dinosaur @synnesstra @goldenmoonart @dontgiveaflyinflip @vgirl-10123 @rydellakurancarson @littleredrobinhoodlum @literalfantrash @vixen-uchiha @dudet @mellownieice @heaven428 @zerotosiki
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kiingbiing · 5 years
bro Please show us ur ocs what
just know that names will change bevause i have too many characters woops (im a bad character maker lol)
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i made them children who murder but now i dont know what to do with them, soon i will make a story for them
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king and jester raise a baby and fall inlove :]
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theyre originally humans but with a potion gone wrong, they end up as animals and now they have to work together to turn themselves back, also the snake works with the law and the mouse is a crook
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dnd character, but i never got to play him cause i never played dnd, lol, one day, i will
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ethan works at a cafe and got turned into a vampire, carter is a monster hunter and wendy is his assisstant. carter has the hots for ethan and ethan doesnt want to acknolwedge his existence. maggie and callie is ethan’s friend, barry LIKES wendy
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the triplets were inspired by moosop ngl, but i do remember making triplets in 5th grade lol
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inspired by tarzan, but i changed the story cause i made these characters when i was younger and i cant abandon them. meriam raised talia (i changed her name) when she decided to leave london and live in the jungle. talia barely speaks because her speech isnt good. mark comes to visit his mother and to try and see if the island can be used for good money, mark and talia hate each other for this fact.
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made this in 4th grade cause my first lesbian ship was bubbaline and i was like, i dont have enough lesbian ships, gotta make my own then,
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no name for them but its set in the philippines, inspired by our monsters :]
a fellow monster has to be in love with their food
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fairly odd parents oc, josh and penny got adopted by this rich couple, and everything was fine till they figured out that they only got adopted because the parents would get more money from their parents if the wanted kids, this warrented a god parent and francis is here. francis HATES children and is onyl doing this because its good money. penny is too energetic, josh is the quiet kid and francis hates kids, but he can handle one, hes not gonna be able to handle 2
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theres 2 stories for this, bt judas and merith were in an arranged marriage and percy became merith’s crying buddy when judas is mean, they can be in a threesome, still dont know. still have to upadte this story
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dominic goes savage during the full moon and his sister is the only one who knows this secret. the two rodents have a thing for dominic
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these were just random ocs with no actual plot line, dino and cloudy are buddies and they go everywhere together
the colony of ants have a thing for the ant eater, not the tables have turned lol
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dad is forced to raise a baby and he cant cause hes sad depressed, and he just doesnt know what to do but he can abandon her. jerry is like, buddy, BUDDY, if u let me crash, i can help out, hes helpful, 
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used to be an adventure time oc but i scrapped it, 
princess aya runs away from the royal family to find her missing sister cause she doesnt want to be queen 
she meets with red, a thief who dabbles with magic, which is illegal, 
due to unfortunate events, red helps aya find her sister
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animal crossing ocs. kenny and lola are dating :]
one and two are childhood friends? one was mean and two got depressed, but now one is trying to make up for it
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kylan is failing his class, so richard has to tutor him to make sure hes on the right track, kylan just doesnt want to do anything with him, and when he realises that richard has a hard time making friends, he makes it his task to help him make a friend, in return, richard has to leave him alone
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just two teenagers coming to terms about their feelings for each other.
braden never gave romance a thought until he reached middle school. he started to crush on george hard and he doesnt know how to handle this and he tries to deny it.
george is straight and is just vibing, and he thought things were fine until braden confessed his feelings.
braden is demisexual (im demi, hes very special to me)
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this ones old, (also i made another oc thats named carter WOOPS)
no name (teddy) got kicked out from home when his mom figured out hes gay, and carter is a rich art student that needs a model and he ask teddy to become his model. carter pays teddy a good sum of money, (i need to work on this story woops)’
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melissa is a rich blind girl and shes not allowed to party and go outside if she doesnt hire a body guard (thanks dad), she hired danny, an ex underground boxer to help her around the city. 
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in this world, magic welders are getting killed because only officials are allowed to use magic. momma summons demote, a demon, with a deal that he keeps her daughter safe. demote and harper hate each other and they have to tolerate each other in order to get away from the hunters. dewey is a forest entity that latched onto harper
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my little pony oc 
madison loves flowers, she tends flowers and honestly? flowers only.
valentine is a match maker and she stumbles upon madison, and her match making skills dont work on madison, just ponies being ponies :]
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characters made with my friends but i lost contact with them and one day, ill work on their stories
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david is in his first public school and he meets molly and he doesnt vibe with her cause she doesnt talk to him and it didnt settle with him right, so he bullies her, and when he figures out that shes deaf and maliciously bullied her, hes just, not happy and tries to make it up to her, and shes not having it
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life and death, my friend wanted me to make a comic bout life and death,
just ur standard life and death ship
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used to be an adventure time oc but i changed it
andrew grew up in a religious household with strict parents, making him study. hes not allowed to be with friends
margee is raised by her uncle because her dad died in a car accident,
dally has a strained relationship with his dad, his dad being an alcoholic and not taking care of his health
they were all childhood friends and then they got seperated, when they got older, they all saw each other and got together for support
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(ok imm a fool and i try to make a webcomic but i keep not not finishing it so, woops)
bunny ocs when i was younger, i need to work on their stories, sorry, no other info except they want to beat each other lol
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cupid accidentally shots an arrown at ching and now they fell inlove with mar, and mar just wants to vibe and be ignored but with ching contantly trying to woo mar, cupid thinks thats enough and tried to help mar because that wasnt suppposed to happen lol
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girl realises that the monsters under her bed and in her closet are real and tries to get her mother to help her.
her mother abuses her and the girl is just scared and she doesnt know what to do
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(im getting lazy)
baintly wants to be a good wizard but she sucks at everything
butters(the broom) is accidentally made when she tried to summon her animal
she was about to get kicked out of school but out of sepretation, she promised her school that she’ll go get a gem from a feared dragon in order to prove her place in the school
she got lonely and got a pet bunny and fox
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terry accidentally summoned perry and she doesnt know how to handle a demon in her room, ralph is terry’s friend
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set in space and theyre all animals
the top are a bunch of criminals and the bottoms arer in the police forces
and they both have to work toegether to get rid of a dangerious villian set to destroy the galaxy
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ok so i lost their names but basically, big demon goes to the human world and befriends a child. other demon is the right hand and he follows his master and hes just a ball anxiety. the older sister is a monster hunter and she tries to kill the big demon living in her house
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bobbymckenzie · 4 years
i was replaying season 1 recently and there was a new scene in episode 1 where you could flirt with tim and after that someone says he was already calling himself mcs future husband or something😳 the fact that they were constantly forcing mason(?) and that other one on us (literally the most boring bitches of season 1😐) when tim was right there thank god for thalia and jake but im so mad
wait forreal? okay so they’re gonna tease me with my short king but still not let me be with him. it’s downright disrespectful !
you said ‘that other one’ IM SDFKJSKDFKDSFJKFDJK that made me scream thank you 
that’s half the reason i didn’t completely enjoy s1 and believe s2 is so much better - obviously in s1 they were just testing the waters. but i still think we should’ve had access to all the men, and more women? (talia was great dont get me wrong) and the fact that we had to essentially choose between 3 men, one of them being incredibly hard to get. i LOVED jake so much, but i wanted more romantic time with him. and same with tim? we got like one day with him?
only thing i’d take from season one is mc’s backbone. and maybe jake, tim, and talia
anyone who stole tim at the christmas special is litg royalty. period
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