#I can't rant to my other half about this - not because he won't understand - he hated his but because I just don't want to put it on him
theminecraftbee · 7 months
why hbomb94 should be the next new hermit: no listen this isn't just me being ridiculous listen listen--
okay but like. after today i am ON THIS TRAIN. i am FULLY CONVINCED that hbomb94 would be one of the BEST POSSIBLE CANDIDATES for "new hermit for hermitcraft". and please, just listen to my case for this:
so, after today, i'm fully convinced hbomb is a perfect vibes match for many hermits. he gets along well! he's actually pretty good at staying at hermitcraft levels of pg in videos (like, not swearing--he makes like, the catmaid jokes, but that's nothing worse than whatever ren gets up to on a given day). he's also relatively chill, already friends with a lot of the hermits, and connects well with them on a content creation level. like, he's excited for them, he slots into the bits well, the bits he brings to the table are picked up easily by the other hermits.
and the thing is... okay i KNOW hbomb isn't a huge base builder. i watched vault hunters smp too. but the thing is... he doesn't have to be! you see, there's a certain hermit niche they haven't invited a new hermit into in a while, and that's the niche that someone like joe hills or zedaph (or i'd argue etho or cubfan) occupies. it's the 'weird' niche. i don't think hbomb would be a builder hermit. i don't think he'd be a redstoner either. what he'd be good at is things like... hermits helping hermits! building minigames! have you seen hbomb actually, half of what he did on dsmp or on his main youtube is building minigames and escape rooms. he'd have good vibes! he'd show up to all the events! he'd probably RUN some events!
what he'd be is a new chill, friendly niche hermit, and i think we need more of those? more of the hermits who WON'T be building megabases, but WILL be building games, helping collect resources, and inventing new strange things to do. yes, sure, once again: i know hbomb isn't a builder, and next to someone like joel, that probably puts him out of contention, but... the last two hermits they invited were builders. they need a hype guy. an event guy. another team player. the escape rooms would be ENRICHMENT. it would be wonderful.
plus, i don't think he'd ever stop being a delightful audience insert about the other hermit projects. plus plus, i think he and scar and cub would definitely do a catmaid bit we'd all regret. plus plus plus i think he could do his rant about how weird beetroot is and the hermits would appreciate him for it.
as such i actually think hbomb slots in BEST of the visitors from today as a new hermit. (this is also in part because the empires crew tends to prefer much shorter seasons on their servers than hermitcraft has if they don't want to get bored and the hermits have pretty definitively decided they don't like short seasons. it's also a vibe check. skizz for hermitcraft fans, i am shaking your hand and saluting you, my guy who can't build and your guy who can't build should be hermits who join for similar reasons, we are friends.)
anyway will this actually happen? probably not. but like. listen. for the first time since hbomb hermit adoption arc started this feels VIABLE and i feel the need to make my case for why i want him on because the moment the season rolls over and we start speculating about new hermits this is the guy who has my vote please do you understand now please he'd be so fun--
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starsurface · 4 months
Can you please do Nightwolf caregiver headcanons?? I haven't seen a single agere post with him yet 😭
I love Nightwolf!! He'd made an AMAZING CG, fr!
Also on the side note: I do not know much about Native American culture, so if I do get any of these either incorrect or ‘eeeeeeeeh’ tell me and I'll make sure to change or alter them!!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Nightwolf Hcs
🐺 Would be amazing with ANY age, fr
🐺 Tiny soft baby? Oh my goodness of course!! Wrapping you up in soft furs, rocks you gently
🐺 Toddler that just likes sitting around, watching cartoons and coloring? Cartoons might not be entirely his thing, but of course he'd love to watch an episode or 17 with you!!
🐺 Excited kid that likes running around and doing things? He's all up for some tag and arts and crafts!!
🐺 Emo or Moody preteen? He use to have a emo phase back in middle school too, what's your favorite band? Do you wanna share eyeliner secrets?
🐺 ^ If your not Moody preteen (i really project on that sometimes), he still likes hanging out with you. Whether its gossiping over making those kanji (?) bracelets or letting you rant about your favorite current thing in the entire world
🐺 Adores pet regressors!!! Playing tug-in-war with a puppy, letting a kitty curl up on his lap, finding yummy treats for a bunny, etc etc
🐺 Will highly encourage you to spend some time outside with him
🐺 Outside is good for you!! Plus you can go on a nice walk, or play hopscotch, or sit on his lap and play with the grass or whatever toys you brought
🐺 If you can't handle outside for whatever reason, such as sensitivity to grass or lightness sensitivity, he is very understanding and won't force you outside
🐺 Even five minutes is good for him, but if you really can't or just don't wanna, he will never force you to
🐺 If you do like going outside, that's great!! But if your too fearful about going outside because your small and someone might judge or see, he'll make sure to find secluded spots like the Motako Woods or Fujin's Temple Garden
🐺 If Nightwolf is busy hell most likely leave you with Fujin because thats who he trusts the most
🐺 Off topic, Fujin would so spoil you if Nightwolf dropped you off to him (he's gotta keep the fun Uncle title!! Otherwise he might get the Grandpa title, like Raiden!! 😨)
🐺 I feel like he'd make you wooden toys, hand crafted
🐺 I don't know a ton about Native culture, but I know there's a BUNCH of really cool stories/legends!!
🐺 He'd love story time, sharing one's passed down from his Mama and Auntie
🐺 He doesn't mind reading from a book either, but does prefer legends passed down
🐺 Favorite CG nicknames would be Nighty Wolf (I dunno why, but it sounds cute), Cloudy (based off his true name), Papa, Bubba, and any other one you wanna call him
🐺 His favorite nicknames for you would be Little One, Young One, Cuddle Bug, Moonlight, Starlight, Baby Bear, and more
🐺 Although truly his favorite nicknames for you are your favorite nicknames because you perk up at them and have the biggest smile and ugh- His heart!! 🥺
🐺 He's a stickler for the rules though >:/
🐺 Doesn't like seeing you pout and whine but will put his foot down on very certain rules (if you use your acting skills and tear up a bit you can get past half of them)
🐺 Not a health nut, but does give you mostly healthy snacks . . . >:(
🐺 But if you ask for it, he'll give you a piece of candy on the side, he's not that mean
🐺 Doesn't let you eat too many sweets though, tries to explain that it's not the best and you might get a tummy ache
🐺 (Although one look of ‘🥺’ and he'll probably crack)
🐺 The most he's ever done for punishments is the naughty corner, and that's only if you've hurt someone or did something really, really bad
🐺 Firmly believes in talking about what you did and how to fix it
🐺 Doesn't ever yell but he has this stern voice that you know your testing his limits
🐺 And he knows it's a scary stern voice (will only use it if he must must)
🐺 Any boo-boos you have get a band-aid and a kiss, you don't have much arguing room
🐺 (^ Also kisses make everything better anyways 🥺)
🐺 On the topic of band-aids, if you have a favorite show or something, he'll try his hardest to find band-aids with that specific design!!
🐺 Really likes cuddle time because it's time to relax and he can ‘protect you’
🐺 Man has big arms, feels like he's protecting you whenever you two hug
🐺 If you ask for permission and he grants it, he'll let you play with his hair
🐺 But you must use soft hands!! No tugging whatsoever pretty please
🐺 He'd love to do hairstyles on you though!! Even if its a super complicated, he'll try his hardest to do it perfect!!!
🐺 If you babble when regressed, most of his reply are ‘Hm?’ or ‘Is that so?’ but his tone is always very gentle and loving
🐺 Feels like the type of CG that if you place something in his hands, unless it's trash that he'll throw away, he'll hold it until you need it again (even if you already forgot and two hours went by)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all there were so many amazing gifs for Windwolf. Also like 97% of Nightwolf gifs have Fujin in them??
I love this man, he's so Dad coded. 🥺
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bored-storyteller · 9 months
It was supposed to be a little rant about Twisted Wonderland, it became a treatise (no, but almost):
So, I love the Diasomnia book. It's soooo good (also considering the type of game).
Lilia is enchanting me, Meleanor (or Malenoa) has enchanted me. She couldn't be more beautiful than this. We've seen her so little and yet in my opinion she is one of the most successful characters in Twisted Wonderland. She is the summary of what Twisted Wonderland should be, the dark side that reconciles with unconditional love. And with her being mother she introduces the concept which is the basis of Lilia and Silver (and also Malleus I presume), that is the concept of "true love". It's a blow to the heart, it's the key to development that can completely change things.
Ah, but then you know how to do things well.
And here comes my complaint: I start directly from the game first. I understand that Diasomnia is the main dorm and that Malleus (where are you Malleus?) is our front man. All right. But if they can do something like that now, then they could do at least half of this for the other characters too. Did they do it? Obviously not, or at least not for the most part. No, because if the other media have to come and explain to us the underlying reasons for the other Overblots then something is wrong. If to understand what the guys who are alongside us are doing and what they think I have to read the novel then yes, I get a little angry. Because they knows how to do things for heaven's sake.
Mind you, I'm not saying that Diasomnia can't have more screentime (also because they're giving us information on world building and who says anything), I'm simply talking about good writing and commitment to the characters that have been created. Also because there are already problems of opinion, if the writing is lascivious and incomprehensible, well, see you!
And here's the second point. I don't usually make posts like this, but this comes following a post I saw (I won't say how or where), where there was a clear devaluation of the other chapters and character issues in favor of Diasomnia. So, as much as can be forgivable addressing imaginary characters in a certain way (yes, they are all invented, they have neither merits nor demerits for being what they are, only the tragedy of being written badly in some cases), the treating some topics such as those of Riddle, or Azul or Jamil lightly or insensitively is questionable to say the least. And it can be offensive.
Just as I'm tired of hearing that Leona's problem is "jealousy". No, and even if the writing of the Savanaclaw arc (let alone the translation) doesn't help, no. He's not just jealous, just as Vil isn't just jealous. But I'm not here to do psychological analysis of characters that probably some wouldn't even understand.
You may not understand, yes, we have the right to not understand (especially, I repeat, given the weaknesses that are in the game). Fine, but it's our limit and we keep our head down and we keep quiet, or ask for things to be explained to us. There is no need to devalue, insult or mock the characters, because those characters are loved by someone, and there is a reason they are chosen. Revelation: no, if you like something you don't do it any good by devaluing the rest, but rather you throw that thing in the mud too. I'm not just talking about Twisted Wonderland, I'm also talking about your favorite author, your book or your anime character.
Guys, it's a matter of respect, you are not superior to anyone, and you are few. Come on, we are together, everyone waves their flag but high fives with those who are next to you.
This post has become very long, so I'm closing it, if anyone has something to dispute please, with all due respect.
Have a good day!
P.s. Sorry if I put this post here, I would like to put it on my personal blog but I haven't yet found the will to solve the access problems. I hope you forgive me.
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pinksmonkey · 10 months
Update on my anti-Byler bestie
Here's the post if you missed it.
First of all, thank you to everyone who shared their favourite Byler evidence, it made me very happy and it was funny sharing it with my friend.
Now, unfortunately my friend cannot be convinced. I'm autistic and have trouble understanding people's intentions and feelings, so I can't tell if he's being fully serious, half serious, or completely unserious, but to me it seems most like half serious. He's strongly in denial and won't really give me a reason as to why, he just says, "No, not happening."
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So there's no getting to him, he believes without a doubt that Byler isn't happening (and said he'll start a riot if it does happen, but Idk if he was serious). And he says he's going to find evidence, but his only proof so far has been, "Nooooo." XD
So I've been dealing with that. It's kind of frustrating because I feel like he's not really listening to anything I'm saying, he just denies everything. And I understand sort of because he actually bet me $50 Byler won't happen in season 5 (I didn't bet anything, he just gets to keep the money if he's right). So he doesn't want to admit defeat to that, which is fair, but it was a stupid bet to make in the first place since he didn't have all the information (the proof for Byler).
Additionally, at lunch today we were talking to a girl who's also in our anxiety support class, and I was talking about Byler stuff (Mike's official playlist songs, the way he looks at Will, their flirty scenes in season 4, Mike using the "we're friends" trope, etc.). She agreed with my friend that Byler isn't a thing and said Mike is so straight.
I can argue with them as much as I want but it gets really frustrating and even kind of annoying that they just don't understand all the evidence. I'm just venting here, so absolutely no hate towards people who don't believe Byler is canon, but as someone who cares so deeply about it, it can make me kind of emotional trying to argue that I'm not delusional.
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In the end we agreed to disagree, which is fine and valid and I respect that. But with my friend, it's kind of a big deal, because to me Byler is a big deal. I admit I'm obsessed, Byler has been my biggest special interest since I watched season 4 and found out it was a thing. I can't really help it, I'm just so passionate about it and it gets stuck in my mind. You could say I'm hopelessly devoted to Byler, one of my friends online has even said they think it's unhealthy, but how can something that brings me so much joy be wrong?
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Ok this has devolved significantly, but what I'm trying to say in this whole rant/vent thing is that yes, I'm very invested in the relationship between fictional characters, because it's important to me. Representation matters, and even though I'm not a gay man, I still love seeing other groups be represented, especially in a show this popular, with a story this deep. The beauty of Byler's story transcends everything.
So it's frustrating trying to argue for something I care so much about. Byler makes me happy, it motivates me, it inspires me. I'm not going to apologize for loving the things I love and being passionate about my interests. Of course I try to be open minded, respect different opinions, and listen to other points of view. If my friend actually had evidence against Byler, I would listen and respond as constructively and respectfully as I can.
Basically, shipping Byler is valid, and not shipping or even being anti-Byler is valid (unless it's just for homophobic reasons, homophobia is not valid). But I love Byler and it does kind of hurt to have something I care about be adamantly denied and torn apart. And you know, as I'm writing this I'm actually empathizing with Milevens. This doesn't just go for Byler, it goes for all ships (as long as they're not messed up obviously), people should be able to enjoy what they enjoy without others trying to tell them why they're wrong.
There's nothing wrong with analyzing Mileven, talking about why it's unhealthy or not going to be endgame, etc. But that should stay in the proper places, we don't need to constantly remind Milevens that they're ship isn't going to end up together. Just let them be happy, and I'd expect them to do the same for us.
Idk how this turned into talking about Milevens and respecting different ships, but it did somehow. Anyway, back to the point, my friend may be wrong about what will happen in season 5, but his beliefs on it are still valid. I just wish we could talk about it in a way that doesn't make me feel bad about shipping Byler and believing it's endgame. Does that make sense?
This isn't that serious or anything, and take everything I said here as just a random vent/rant, I'm just getting out all my thoughts and feelings, because I need to after all the arguing with people today.
If Byler doesn't happen, I'll be sad, but I know I won't be alone because I have my fellow Bylers, my Byler family and community here. We can all be sad together, and support each other. When I feel bad about something, I like to remember this quote:
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That's how I feel about Byler not being endgame.
But on a lighter note, I'm pretty sure Byler will end up together, it just makes sense. So yeah, feel free to share any of your thoughts and feelings about this, I'd love to hear them. :)
I just needed to share some Byler positivity at the end because I'm tired of being surrounded by Byler negativity in my class.
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Byler rights forever. 🏳️‍🌈
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shadowmaat · 4 months
The Jedi were evil all along!
I debated replying to the thread I saw condemning the Jedi as "rigid" and implying they weren't that different from the Sith, but I would have been the only voice of dissent and given that one of the replies was from a Red Hat Cultist veering off on a frothy anti-Obama rant, I figured it was safer to just make my own post.
Look, no one is saying the Jedi are perfect, but they sure as fuck aren't evil, either. If you're basing your entire opinion on the thoughts and experiences of one individual then your view is incredibly flawed and you should maybe think outside the narrow hole you've dug for yourself.
From what I can tell, some of the worst critics of the Jedi seem to be fans of Anakin Skywalker. Or at least a carefully curated version of Anakin who was a perpetual victim and never did anything wrong. It seems to boil down to "if the Jedi had just let Anakin be openly married to Padmè, nothing bad would have happened!" Which is... certainly a take.
The one argument I see trumpeted over and over (and over) again is that the Jedi prohibition against "attachment" is terrible and wrong and makes them no better than the Sith. This hinges almost entirely on the idea that "attachment" is the same thing as "love."
It isn't. Fans have spent decades explaining why it isn't only to have their reasoning mostly ignored in favor of the more angsty/tragic idea that the Jedi were forbidden to love. 🙄
"Attachment," IMO, can best be summed up as a literal interpretation of this ever-popular gif:
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[img: Rosa from Brooklyn 99. She's holding a small yellow lab puppy as she says, "I've only had Arlo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."]
Anakin has, admittedly, "had" Padmè for three years instead of a day and a half, but when he thought she was going to die, he killed everyone in the Temple, then killed her, and then continued on a murderous rampage for the next 19 years or so.
"Attachment" is dangerous for anyone, but especially for someone like Anakin, who has additional powers at his command, rigorous training in how to use them, and three years experience as a war leader.
Personally, I also have questions about whether or not marriage is actually forbidden among the Jedi or if Anakin just assumed it was because "attachment." I can see it not being a common thing, and I can also understand a relationship coming under scrutiny to insure that it's a healthy form of love that won't interfere with a Jedi's ability to do their job, but it wouldn't surprise me if Anakin never looked into it because it would mean "sharing" Padmè with others.
Even if marriage wasn't allowed as a whole formal, legalized thing it doesn't mean Jedi can't form relationships. It would, as usual with the Jedi, be about balance. Can someone balance their personal relationship with their commitments to the Order? Can they set their loved one aside to do what must be done? Or will they drop everything to immediately rush to their loved one's side regardless of the risk to others?
We all know what Anakin would do; we've seen it with our own eyes.
The point is, condemning the entire Jedi Order because they didn't give Anakin everything he wanted, when he wanted it, and without question is a little bit of a stretch. Plus, all jokes about his inability to keep a secret aside, it isn't as if he ever went to them to discuss things.
"Well, he didn't think he could trust them because they hated him!" Uh, no, they decidedly didn't hate him, he just believed they did. It all hinges on his beliefs, not reality. And while you could certainly blame Palpatine for reinforcing his beliefs that the Jedi can't be trusted and that everyone hates/is jealous of him, it isn't as if Palps made that up out of thin air: he built on the seeds already within Anakin.
"That's because the Jedi-" No. Insecurities are rarely rational, and while you can argue that the Jedi "didn't do enough" to help Anakin, there are a few salient points to remember:
Anakin isn't the only Jedi in the Order; they have thousands of people to consider.
You have to know there's a problem in order to help.
The person has to be willing to accept that help in order for things to change.
The last two points also apply to those who would condemn Obi-Wan in particular. He has to KNOW a problem exists and then he has to talk his way around to try and get Anakin to accept his help. I know from personal experience just how heartbreakingly difficult it is to help a loved one when they won't admit there's a problem or they won't listen to your advice.
I can think of a lot of ideas that would be fun to experiment with in terms of making changes to the Jedi Order, but most of them involve adding more distance from the Senate and none of them are about catering to the specific (perceived) needs of one Jedi.
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Well, that...
That was something. (Cut 'cuz spoilers. Long. Small angry rant near the end.)
I can't really say it was bad, but, y'know, can't say it was all that fantastic either. Just doesn't feel like the "conclusion" it was promised as - which is honestly understandable, given that the new show is on its way. And, y'know, having to pack everything into only eleven minutes doesn't really grant ya much wiggle room. I feel like there'd be a much better payoff if it had more time to work with - twenty-two minutes like the Wil Film seasons, or a full TV movie.
It's definitely more satisfying than "Endings," tho, so I'll give it that.
I think I speak for everyone when I say I wish we'd gotten more of Oni Lloyd. Considering it was being hyped up as this big final ultimate form that may or may not end up rampaging across the city, destroying everything in sight as Lloyd takes out all the anger and frustrations that have been building up within him probably since this whole "destiny" nonsense was dropped on him, enacting a role reversal of the Kryptarium fight when Garmadon tries to face him only to finally understand exactly how he made his son feel back then when (despite Garm actually genuinely giving his all) Lloyd nearly kills him, has him by the throat and tells him "I have no father," while the Ninja are forced to confront the possibility that the only way to save their friend is to destroy him...
Yeah, Lloyd going full Oni for like five seconds only to immediately back out before actually doing anything was a letdown. But who knows, maybe they'll come back to it in the new series. Get on it, writers! Let our boy go crazy go stupid! Don't make this another Tornado of Creation!
Garmadon's second redemption certainly has room to grow. He's clearly trying, and I appreciate that, but I wish he'd made a more obvious effort that he was trying to reconcile with his son. I get that he can't just come right out and say it, not when he still can't quite comprehend just what "it" is, and I get that Lloyd wouldn't be able to just roll over and forgive him, not when he's probably still having nightmares about Seasons Eight through Ten and his whole original motivation from Season One is now his greatest fear... But still. I totally called that Christofern was serving as a stand-in for Lloyd when it came to Garmadon's feelings about him, but it felt like they were trying to push it from an allegory to a literal - pretty much any time Garm's ability to care was called into question, Christofern was the example given. The only arguable exception is that one scene with Nya, but even then, it's deflected onto Christofern so bluntly that's it's practically calling us stupid for thinking Garmadon's empathy could extend beyond his plant.
Again, tho, the new series still has a chance to remedy this. Sensei Garmadon could still return to us in some form. The Dragon half could still claw his way out of the Departed Realm, reunite with the Oni, and give Lloyd his real dad again. I like to imagine Garmadragon has been barreling across the multiverse screaming "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON" for the past eight seasons, and the only reason he hasn't shown up yet is because there are a lot more than fourteen Realms out there. He could still turn up.
Look all I'm saying is Lloyd and Garmadon's Oni heritage has gotten its time in the spotlight, give the Dragons their turn. And while you're at it, acknowledge Wu's inhuman qualities for once. He's DragOni too.
Other Stuff I Don't Have As Much to Say About:
"Compatible" really doesn't hit as hard as Tommy was trying to convince us it would. IDK, maybe what with Zane dying every other weekend we're just desensitized to the whole ordeal. It was cute, tho, I certainly won't deny that.
Clutch still has Nadakhan's teapot. Is that ever gonna be relevant or
I can't believe they had Zane fight Mr. F and not reveal Mr. F as Echo. What do we gotta do to make them bring back Echo?!
Did they really think revealing the Overlord was responsible for the Devourer was some big unexpected twist? Pretty certain we all gathered that WAY back the first two seasons.
On that note, WOW was she-whose-name-we-do-not-speak-in-this-household's heel-face turn stupid. You were literally working with the dude who released the Devourer in the first place! If it was so easy for you to blame Lloyd for that, you should've been able to trace it back to the Overlord right from the start!
Yes I still despise she-whose-name-we-do-not-speak-in-this-household with every fiber of my being. Yes I still would've laughed and cheered if she had been murdered on-screen in such a brutal and violent manner that it never would've been allowed on television if they weren't Legos. Yes I still want Lloyd to go on an insane Oni-powered rampage with her as the first and only casualty. No I am not sorry and no I will never forgive her and no I will never accept her as anything other than the thing that ruined Garmadon. SHE IS NOT HIS DAUGHTER AND NEVER WILL BE AND I WOULD GLADLY REWRITE THE ENTIRE SHOW FROM SCRATCH TO PREVENT HER FROM EVER EXISTING
Can't say I was expecting the Ninja to lose their powers again (I figured they would've permanently gone full Dragon or something - another "dead without actually dying" case à la Nya turning into the ocean), but, y'know, can't say I'm too shocked by it either. Last time this happened was, what, Season Five? If anything they were overdue.
All in all, a decent end to a season and an alright end to an era, but not so much to an entire series like it's being billed as. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, and I've definitely seen worse finales (*cough cough* Star vs. the Forces of Evil *cough*), but that's not to say there isn't any wasted potential here. Maybe there wouldn't have been such high expectations if it hadn't been played up as this heart-wrenching, soul-crushing eleven-minute epic. Maybe if it'd lived up to the hype I wouldn't be writing this. Or maybe regardless of how things turned out, there would always be a little disappointment mixed into it. Who's to say, really.
Either way, the 2023 series certainly has a lot to live up to, and a fairly solid foundation to build off of. There's still a few loose ends to tie up, plot points to resolve, mysteries to uncover, stories to finish. What's up in the other Realms? Where are the Time Twins? Will we ever see Morro again?
We're just gonna have to wait and see, I suppose.
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mercymermaid · 8 months
i think it's time for my fnaf movie rant
these are in no particular order and are just a conglomeration of thoughts that i wrote down immediately after watching so they don't make any sense half the time, and don't include theories i've seen recently
- why did golden freddy pull a sans w the blue eye what happened to the white smh
- because mike explained that their dad was gone, right? and afton clearly recognized the schmidt name. due to this, i originally thought that maybe schmidt was some code name and that only the aftons could recognize it, but now i have a theory
- the families are switched somehow. Vanessa is either a stand-in for Charlie or herself, which makes no sense story-wise
- however, Mike, Abby, and Garrett are clearly afton children. Mike is Mike (and in the games, Mike apparently uses Schmidt anyway to investigate his dad), Abby can bring lengthened to Elizabeth, and the crying child doesn't even canonically have a name 💀
- so i was thinking what if the families were eswitched? vanessa was some sort of charlie stand-in, with afton as her dad, while the schmidts were raised by Henry
- this would explain why he recognized schmidt and offered the job at Freddy's - he'd already killed Garrett, so he wanted to finish off the collection. Mayne this could be a parallel to him killing Charlie, but since there's three kids, he needs to get them all??? idfk
- ONE OF THE GUYS BREAKING IN HAD A MIDNIGHT MOTORISTS T-SJIRT (the guy who got killed by the cupcake)
- i am soglad i went with who I did because i doubt any of my other friends would understand any of it 😭
- the balloon boy bit 😭 i doubt anyone not in the fandom would appreciate it as well as we did smh
- ugh i wish mark had his cameo but iron lung is important too ig
- we probably won't get to see a "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87" moment because garrett got kidnapped instead of chomped smh
- also max getting bit in half is probably all we're gonna get of The Bite
- only issue is the lack of screaming during the springlocking. only your stomach is getting stabbed, not your throat yet. Scream.
- it would've been so funny if he pulled the "MICHAELLL DONT LEAVE ME HERE MICHAEL MICHAEL" while he was being dragged away but homie was too busy dying
- stop bonnie and chica staring down the camera while they release the cupcake is so funny 😭
- the lack of a mrs. afton is so real 🤩🤩
- dude the entire fort scene was actually so fucking hilario
- like bonnie just. falling backwards. is so him yk
- the issue with the family swap is that Vanessa just doesn't fit in. we can't play it off as a parallel to Charlie, because vanessa is already an established character with a connection to afton.  fuck you Scott.
- a bit upset they didn't keep Freddy's flashing face sequence smh
- they kept in the red eyes in some parts but im very glad they weren't in the rest. they looked fucking high. what happened to the black with white?? THAT WOULDVE BEEN TEN TIMES SCARIER AND APPEALED TO CANON, WHATS THE WITH THE CHANGE MAN 😭
- bonnie never got his eyebrows
- cupcake slayed and ate (literally!!!!)
- im actually super curious why half of spring bonnie is so damaged. now, it could go with the whole "this place hasn't been touched in forever, yadda yadda, destroyed suit makes it more sensitive and easy to set off" but. it's only one half of it. there could be a perfectly plausible explanation of "Oh yeah, only half of it was exposed to bad stuff, other half was covered with a tarp" ITS FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S. ITS NEVER THAT SIMPLE. HAVE WE LEARNED NOTHING? also a bit curious about whether movie afton already got springlocked once like book afton did (has game afton getting springlocked previously been confirmed? please lmk)
- i really love how they used the "the robots are just children" because they love abby and just want to play and shit and they're so sweet but they're so easily manipulatable 
afton probably didn't have to do much besides show the pictures and convince them he was good
and all it took for them to turn on him was abby drawing a second picture
what if she convinced them vanessa was bad or some shit? they are really fucking gullible.
- also what the fuck was that freddy head saw blade monstrosity??!! what 😭 
- like it never ends up being explained and it's not a stand-in for springlocks or being shoved into suits because those are very very much there
- literally the second i heart matpat's voice my heart went oop 
- it took a second for everyone to register it but we went WILD
- no bc a markiplier cameo would be so great but imagine if they used his reaction thing
- like they got him to film "WAS THAT THE BITE OF '87" as max gets bitten, and he appears in the corner for that one line
- even better, not reaction camera style, just standing there right next to her and then never being mentioned again
- either that or him popping up on the cameras (again, either as a reaction image, or standing there menacingly)
- also why DID vanessa keep Mike in the dark abt afton (not calling him her dad, not stooping that low) and him trying to kill Abby? fear of authorities getting involved? this is bumfuck nowhere Utah, she is the fucking authority, and considering what his aunt said, a police officer defending her dad against some random guy isn't gonna go well for him
- like sure she told him to not bring abby but she didn't tell him why of course it's not gonna go well
- about the family swap. it's so easy to tell the scmidts are supposed to be a version of the afton kids, why the fuck did they name him GARRETT?
- I love the whole references to phone guy
Would've loved to see actual phone guy (imagine if THAT was matpat's cameo)(coughs in fnaf the musical) but afton is good enough
but abby's "hello" while exploring Freddy's sounds so much lime balloon boy wtf
- abby is a monogram (or whatever it's called) for baby which might not have that much symbolism bc abby is short for Elizabeth but the more the merrier yk
- i think i answered my own question abt whether movie afton has been springlocked
considering how he fuckign SPRINTED at michael and made all these moves like kicking and shit? yeah, I'm more surprised it took him so long to get springlocked
same with game afton actually like.. hello? stop laughing at the fucking dead kids in such a damp room, it's your own fault dumbass
Basically book afton was the smartest about wearing the suit bc of experience
- my friend is complaining abt how flirty Vanessa is w Michael which is really funny for no reaskn
- as my friend mentioned, springlock scene was kinda anticlimactic lmao like where's the screaming? the blood?
- according to the same friend mentioned three times already:
Best parts of the movie
1. Matpat saying "that's just a theory"
2. Living tombstone credits
3. Vanessa getting stabbed
- the sounds at the end spell out "come find me" so wooohooo sequel time?? :))
- the "i always come back" was NOT it 😭 at least he said it yk
- okay someone pointed out that it was his last words so they were desperate and mad and showcase his lack of confidence in if he's actually gonna come back 
which is cool
but I like the og more yk
- about abby's springlock suit: its the same doll from 1:35 am (fazbear frights 3), then there's sparky as an animatronic ans restaraunt, wppohoho
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barbwritesstuff · 1 year
Hi, Barb! Aspiring writer here hoping to get some advice from you. While reading Blood Moon, I couldn't help but notice just how real and genuine the formable romantic relationships are. Even though the time span of the story isn't very long, the romance that forms doesn't seem the least bit implausible? How do you do that? Like, it's often way too common to have unrealistical depictions with stuff like "love at first sight" or something. But with the romance in Blood Moon, I can actually see it happening.
Thanks so much for the ask, anon. 💙
Unfortunately, I'm not 100% sure how to answer this. What worked for me might not work for you. Also, I think most of my advice is really generic. Still, I hope it helps.
1. Write romances that you would like to read. If you don't understand the appeal of a character or trope, you probably won't be able to do a good job writing it. All the romances in Blood Moon are based on romantic tropes/characters I personally like (the goofy best friend with a secret crush, the scary warrior who's actually really sweet and gentle beneath their hardened shell, etc). I didn't, for example, write a 'rich guy in a suit' romance option, or a 'second chance' romantic plotline because those aren't things I personally like (even though other people do, which is totally fine). So, focus on what you think is romantic, not what you think other people will like.
2. Read. I know this is super basic, but it's still some of the best writing advice out there. Read read read. You want to write romances? Read romances. Can't afford books? Libraries are free. Don't have a library? Read free stuff online. A03 is HUGE. If you read something you like, try to figure out why you like it. If you read something and don't like it, try to figure out what went wrong.
3. Don't wait until chapter six to introduce half your romance options. This is probably one of my biggest mistakes in Blood Moon. Shawnie, Roe, and Farro's romantic routes were much harder to write because I introduced them so late. Don't make the same mistake I did.
4. Make the romantic characters interesting, fun and/or compelling in a way that has nothing to do with romance. Marco ranted about octopus sex and became the most popular RO in Blood Moon for months. Carrie fans always tell me they love how she uses meanness to mask her fear. Sergi exploded in popularity after he experienced a shared trauma with the main character. None of these things are explicitly romantic, but they made the characters more interesting for the readers.
I really hope that's useful, anon. Good luck. 💙
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mamabearwonders · 5 months
Rant About Manager (Part 2/2)
So my other boss or general manager is- well, let's say he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal. In his case, a McSad meal because I genuinely don't understand how he's a manager. He also walked out when I got hired and now he's back??
So in my healing from c*vid/before stomach fl* era, I called out for a mental health & thrifting day on Thursday or I knew I'd quit when I got my thrifting therapy to fuel. So I already didn't wanna come in on Friday and lowkey both still sick and getting sick again.
This guy literally stands on the line all day texting. He's supposed to be covering grill. I would call back so many times well before we ran out what we were out on. I'd just get, "K." "Yeah." Then no food. When we were in a rush ALL DAY. He starts blaming me and the other person doing a 5 person job on line that "we're giving too much food out."
Listen buddy. I'm not a math expert. But one rinky dinky pan of white rice is not going to be enough for an all day out the door mad dash rush. And customers are able to get as much rice as they want- our portions are like WW2 rations so I get it.
He refuses to put signs up, refuses to communicate with guests, won't give refunds, it's a nightmare. Half the time he doesn't put cash in the drawer so no cash. He makes giving breaks seem like such a burden.
We asked him politely to grab stuff from the fridge he's right next to because we can't leave the line or there's one poor unfortunate soul at the mercy of the hungry masses up there. He refuses and just texts. End of the day, he starts complaining to my manager who was in the trenches with me about how I didn't do outs all day. She defended me.
Like OBVIOUSLY? I can't leave the line? And we asked you to help us! There's no staff here?? We even had folks who come on at my time to leave who offered to clock on early to help us. He refused, but then refused to cover me up front while he's just texting away. Why are you a manager? I'm minimum wage, idc if this sad place burns to the ground. You're supposed to care about customers and workers - ya know, the two people that bring money in for your paycheck twice the size of mine for standing around looking at the air.
I get it, I don't do much either. But you're not gonna yell at me for having no change in the drawer which isn't my job or for not outs when you won't let anyone help us including you.
But the final straw was- at long last I could see the light outside beckoning me to leave. 30 minutes after my shift, finally. As I'm making my EMPLOYEE MEAL, he asked me to clock back on to take out another section's trash. Excuse me?
He's like I'll pay you. i hope so, sir. That would be illegal otherwise. Is that supposed to be an incentive? Also 10 extra minutes is like peanuts, it won't show up. ALSO. That's not my job either? I'm happy to help out those who help me, but not to CLOCK BACK ON? The absolute disrespect. Not even a "hey I apologize for keeping you late". But while I'm making my burrito.
So I threw my gloves on the counter, pretended to be in the back and turned around to leave. It's not about the money. And this is why friends of mine and I impulsively quit jobs- because we don't like being disrespected like this. And it sucks how you have to just put up with it because sadly that's the current state of the retail and fast food job industry.
I've been looking for an escape for months. Popped back on indeed, all the same jobs I've been applied to months ago or jobs just as toxic as mine.
I'm trying to just say, oh I don't work that often, but I absolutely dread going into work. I have 1 coworker that helps a bit, but he's only there on my shift once out of the three shifts if that anymore (college for him). I can't even sleep on nights I have work.
It doesn't help it's me and one other person if that running tortilla, hot food side (so like rice), salsas side, bagging chips and salsas and doing cashier. If we had a cashier, it would help a lot instead of constantly changing gloves and changing food and washing hands to avoid cross contamiation.
Oh. And I've gotten sick TWICE from there. I wasn't exactly having the time of my life with c*vid and certainly not with the stomach fl*, but I was happy to be away from work. Now that it's happened twice especially I just don't wanna be back.
And I can't get temporary unemployment because a previous job lied about things so I can't get it. Also adulting is kind of stacking up so I might HAVE to take another day at work and mentally, physically and emotionally I can't. My health is already bad enough, I'm just trying not to push myself so hard I'm forced to quit due to health and then have no job.
Tbh if I just got transferred to the restaurant down my street instead of that one, I'd be ok for a bit longer. It's a smaller one and just down the block instead of a few stops away. But I've applied for MONTHS and they say they're hiring, but apparently aren't. I also don't know what the environment is like over there. I just need a change of pace...anything like idk. It's not doing wonders for my health at all.
It's frustrating turning around and my manager is literally out in the open just texting. Not getting change, not helping us, yelling at us for not doing his job, trying to force us to do even more work without extra pay...
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everlywindex · 1 year
my headcanon for how robin and finney met!
bonus character analysis/rant under the cut
when robin was 7 years old, before he properly met finney, he'd just lost his dad and was a lot more stressed out and emotionally volatile. as a result, bullies liked to take advantage of his temper in order to rile him up and get him to attack them, that way he'd get in trouble even though they were the ones who started it.
one day, one of these kids got robin to shove them during recess, but as they ran off to tell the teacher, he bolted and hid underneath the slide. finney had been noticing this happening and felt bad for his classmate, so when the teacher came near, he went over and lied to the teacher about where robin was hiding, sending them in a completely different direction.
once the teacher was gone, finney made his way to robin's hiding spot under the slide. he sat next to him and they started to chat. finney revealed that he'd lied to the teacher, and thanked robin for finally standing up to those bullies even though it got him in trouble so often.
finney couldn't help but look up to the other boy for being so recklessly determined to stand up for himself, as well as for others less fortunate (whether it be another kid being targeted by older students, or a random spider that one of the other kids was threatening to squish) and that's why finney did what he did.
but robin, meanwhile... in that moment, even if finney didn't think that highly of himself, robin was awestruck at this kid who'd just lied to a teacher for someone he didn't even know. it was a sign of pure boldness, bravery, and compassion, the likes of which were pretty uncommon, especially among their peers.
and yet here finney was, acting like it was no big deal.
that's when they became best friends. decided to look out for each other and have each other's backs, no matter what. this was going to be the start of something special, that was for certain.
(granted they both got found under the slide before recess ended and they were put in detention the rest of the day but they just spent the whole time passing notes to each other with silly doodles on them so it was okay)
prepare for an essay folks. it might even be my longest one yet.
here's the thing. Guys. this may come as a shocker but robin explicitly states:
"you've always been a fighter, finn! that's what we had in common. why we were friends. you were always afraid to throw a punch, but you always knew how to take one. and you always got back up, every time."
finney never was the type to beat the shit out of those who challenged him or intimidate others with his mere presence. finney is shy. he's conflict avoidant. he'd rather run from his fears than face them head on. but finney is not weak. and robin knows this.
that's why their dynamic is so special! robin understands finney's situation. he knows that finney has a terrible home life and he can't just fight back against that due to the power imbalance between him and his dad. robin knows that all of the relentless bullying that finney had faced has given him issues with his self esteem and confidence.
robin understands that strength does not equal invulnerability.
finney had to practically raise his little sister on his own for what's likely to be nearly half his life due to abuse and neglect while shouldering all this trauma that no kid his age should ever have to deal with. it's fucked up. of course that takes its toll on someone, of course they won't come out of it unscathed and unbothered.
but in robin's eyes, that's what makes finney's strength so obvious. he was forced into being the strong one, he didn't ask to be the strong one, and yet he's still here. even after everything terrible he's suffered through, he still always gets back up.
finney doesn't recognize it, but robin does. robin tells finney that he needs to stand up for himself someday because robin knows he already has it in him, even if finney doesn't recognize that himself.
so when i see an interpretation of finbin becoming friends that states that robin wanted to be finney's friend just because finney needed protection... it feels. so weird and wrong. because it completely takes away that respect and admiration on robin's end that was so present in the original movie
i think you guys forget sometimes that robin does admire finney and not just in the shippy "he's so pretty/nice/cute/sweet!!" way. no. robin thinks finney is just straight up really awesome and strong and cool. and he wants finney to have as much faith in himself as robin has in him!
it's so frustrating how people see this extremely sweet dynamic between an abused bullied kid who has low self esteem and considers himself to be weak despite the fact that he's shouldering more trauma and responsibility than anyone his age should ever have to deal with & his best friend who sees him for who he truly is, thinks he's SO fucking awesome, and wants him to see how awesome he is as well... and then those people just proceed to make it a flat "soft uwu boy x strong tough protector boy" with absolutely none of that incredibly engaging nuance
it just makes me... sad. y'know? i hope one day more people in this fandom can come to appreciate these guys for their actual dynamic instead of shaving off everything about their dynamic that's unique and just leaving us with a pair of cookie cutter generic Gay Boys™ that can be easily molded into any incorrect quotes template that shows up on their dash
because that's just not finney and robin.
and i will die melodramatically in a magnificent blaze of glory on this hill if there is even a slim chance my martyrdom will inspire a change in this cursed hellscape of a fandom /lh. i just want justice for my boys!!! but these weird boring one dimensional interpretations of them are so common!! it drives me insane
anyways i'd love to hear your guys' takes on this. mostly because i just want more excuses to talk about finbin. please talk to me about finbin pl
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rasazys-ramblings · 1 year
Sorry for the rant/vent (whatever) but I feel like Tumblr is the only place I can turn to to talk about my problems, especially related to gender and sexuality, without someone I know making fun of me
I still remember my two day field trip for orchestra. On the second day after our concert, we got to go to a hot spring or walk around the area. There were two any gender changing rooms, but only one was open. There were six of us, including me, standing there, waiting to change out of our concert attire. I knew everyone waiting. I am an introvert who doesn't know anyone except my friends and the kids that the teachers always call on.
We stood there and waited for about half an hour to a full hour, I can't remember clearly, waiting to change. One transmasc, four non-binary, one demiboy. It was terrible seeing everyone having fun, but us stuck waiting for each other and taking turns using one changing room.
Sometimes I forget how much it sucks to be any gender other than a male or female in this world, and it sometimes makes me wish I was a straight, cis Asian woman, but I'm not. I don't want to be. But looking through everything, I no longer feel comfortable being nonbinary, omni, ficto, abnosexual, or aegosexual. But that's what I think I am, and that's what I've been trying to accept, but society won't let me and it keeps reminding me, along with my parents, my entire family, that I can't be, and I shouldn't be any of those. Everything is she/her, he/him, male, female, brother, sister, man, woman, ma'am, sir, it's driving me crazy and it makes me wish I never found out about other genders or sexuality, it makes me wish I never found out about lgbtq, and sometimes it even makes me wish I fucking discriminate people who weren't their assigned birth gender, and it's terrible because I don't want to be, and I literally cannot make myself be one, and it makes me sick knowing that this world has made me think that at all. I feel like no one should ever think that. No one should ever have to think any of that. It's disgusting.
I'll never, never forget the time when I was at a friend's birthday party and my mom asked how many boys and girls there were. I told her how many, but added how a few people were trans. She instantly started using correct grammar and punctuation. She never does that.
I also won't forget those times at the dinner table when I asked my parents, "Are you okay with gay?" "Are you okay with trans people?" etc. and how they said they were okay with it, but proceeded to say something that completely contradicted their "yes". Or maybe I just remember a time they were being phobic. Yeah, they might not realize it, but it's made me afraid to talk about it around them.
I wish it was easier to accept who I am. I wish it was easier for others to accept who they are. I wish society could be more friendly to us. I wish there were more people whose families supported us and their children, and could understand us better. But no. They can, the could, but they won't.
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krdaaaa · 1 year
Your tags say that being a Bruce Wayne fan instead of his psycho kids fan is suffering and I AGREEEEEEEEE.
How did I hyperfixate on him while his ten plus closer to my age children exist? I don't know. I wish I did. But there are few who are manic about Bruce like I am it sucks
I'm gonna ramble a lot so, sorry in advance. 
Hard agree anon. It's funny because again I agree that, maybe it's my feed, but it's hard to find people on this site who are into Bruce's character outside of analyzing his personality and characteristics and life choices, or who aren't blatantly or passively shitting on him.
Like one half of me wants to puff up and defend Bruce when people make posts that intentionally or unintentionally knock on Bruce's character, but the other half is just resigned because...yeah I get it. Bruce has done stuff in Canon that makes me want to pull my hair out. So why do I still love him more than any of the other batfamily member combined?
I think it's many things, and while I could go on a rant about how much I see myself in him I won't (it's literally that I don't perceive meme lol), Bruce to me feels like a character perpetually unrealized. He's a character that, despite being around for a really long time, hasn't felt like he's lived to his fullest potential in my opinion at least. And despite being closer to my age range, the robins/bat girls just don't hold my attention. I know people like them due to their age range and complex interpersonal storylines between other teen characters (i.e. the titans) and Parental figures (i.e. Bruce, Alfred, Talia maybe?) 
Like take out the superhero stuff and people will usually relate to something in the boys and girl's many storylines. However, I just can't see myself in them, most of their personalities are completely opposite of mine, and like I just can't relate to all of that sibling angst. Despite the huge difference in age, Bruce's struggle with expressing his emotions speaks to me. That said, it's understandable that some people don't like Bruce as much due to how much his positive and negative choices have affected the lives of the robins and the bat girls.
Sympathizing with him can get really frustrating, adding onto the fact that his character has flip flopped so much over the years to where anyone can look at Bruce and come back with a different viewpoint. 
Again, apologies for the long rambling. It's hard to get my thoughts on Bruce coherent enough in writing. 
TLDR: It's understandable why people prefer the robins/bat girls over Bruce, but I think he is still a character with a goldmine of potential that is overlooked due to inconsistent writing by DC, and really overdue for some lasting character growth, plus I just emotionally relate to him more and I preferred father characters over mother ones sue me.
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thejellybeanboys · 1 year
Mmm there’s something pretty sus going on between Luis, Hoagie, and WilLiam. Sandwich and purple eyes sure did seem a little jelly when that other guy was mentioned. I’m guessing there’s a possible love rectangle going to transpire? 😮‍💨😱
(Music Sniffer: (/Command: isolate ask for @Muisc Sniffer)
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Leroy: “ooooh I'm taking this one. Yoink! But uh yeah glad y'all noticed... cause it is the most freaking obvious thing in the world, I got no idea why any of them think they're good at hiding stuff...well actually Wil-Liam doesn't seem to care to hide it but still he's very cryptic about it--like he can't just say or act it upfront but I get it.”
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Leroy: “Basically the deal is that Luis likes Chris, but art freak hasn't noticed it. Hoagie likes Luis but uh either Luis is oblivious to it or he does not care enough to acknowledge it. And Wil-Liam definitely likes Luis but...hmm, I don't know if Luis just straight up hates him too much to say anything about it or Luis is a dummy who thinks anything Wil says is (/j) and has no idea he's actually (/srs) because he's too angy all the time. I'm pretty sure Hoagie and Wil-Liam don't know yet that the other one likes Luis (somehow) cause I would have already gotten a rant dm by Hoagie about Wil-Liam by now.”
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Leroy: “I mean I sure do hope it doesn't turn into a messy love triangle, it's already weird as it is, them all finding out the truth would just make things so unessaryily complicated. Two dudes fighting over the same dude but that dude is living in fantasy world where he thinks he can snag a popular; three-years-older walking paint rack. Like I think romance is overrated and we're all just dumb teens so why should I care, but Luis is my bro, so I do gotta be invested just this once. All i want really is for this to just blow over smoothly y'know? Luis gotta get rid of that crush cause no way him and Chris are ever gonna happen. Hoagers and Wil hopefully learn that maybe they're feelings won't get returned and it's best to just keep it to themelves forever?? Idk, I never know how that unrequited love crap works. But y'know let all these feelings become low-key and move past them like normal ppl do, but eh I guess none of us are normal people so probably not.”
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Leroy: “And if ya tell me exactly why Wil-Liam and Hoagie like Luis... well yeah he might just appear like a walking talking insecure ego who's rude all the time to y'all, but he's still pretty cool, he can understands you in a deep level and even though he might say he doesn't care...he cares a lot. He's extremely passionate in what he wants to do and really wants to be seen for that, all of us here do. Also there's apparently just something he does to ppl whenever they get to know him, he has an effect, I joke at him that maybe that's what his weird half alien powers are but--no, I like to think that Luis can charm people without the use of weird Lexiconian shenanigans (it'll definitely make him feel better about himself if that's true). Hoags and Wil probably got their own mysterious reasons why they like my homeboy so much but I won't speculate further. I'm not that nosey like Codey.”
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theo-grayson · 3 months
2, 21, 23, 30!
Thank you so much for the ask aaah!! I am now going to go into far more detail than is necessary because I love to talk HAHA
2. three last songs you listened to
A: Miss Miseryguts (by R.I.P)
This song slaps so hard. I have been listening to it on repeat for like a week. The lyrics are so good and I have been imagining amvs with my oc to it (his name is Chamomile, he is a strawberry cow-boy, and this song is a little more toxic than he usually is, but I'm imagining that it's like an evil au or something LOL)
B: The soundtrack from Animation VS Minecraft: The King (by Scott Buckley)
Listen. Listen for just one second. Imagine theres an animated series. It's about this guy who draws some stick figures on his computer, and they come to life. Hijinks ensue, and they have all sorts of wacky adventures on his desktop, and eventually in Minecraft as well.
Look me in the eyes. This thing has lore. And character arcs. And morally grey characters with tragic backstories.
And it also has crazy good music (WITH LEITMOTIFS). The link above is the soundtrack for The King, aka the season 3 finale and an episode that literally made me cry actual tears. But I also reccomend listening to the Pigstep Remix (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE LISTEN TO IT it's an absolute banger, it starts with the og minecraft music disc music, then transitions into this crazy good orchestral arrangement PLEASE listen I am BEGGING you), and watching the epsiodes Note Block Battle (silly nonsense, no lore or understanding of the series needed, but funky tunes) and Note Block Universe (the first half is silly nonsense with funky tunes, the second half features one of the aformentioned Morally Grey Characters and their tragic backstory. Lots of it won't make sense unless you know the series, but I can't talk about the AVM series or it's music without talking about it) (both Note Block episodes use music as a main plot point) (also, there is almost never any dialogue, which makes the music absolutely shine when conveying emotions, in addition to the animation [which is so expressive despite the characters literally not having faces. They can emote SO much with JUST body language]) (I am getting SO off track I'm sorry I just love AVM so much) (one day im going to write a 10,000 word rant about how good AVM is I swear)
C: HYACINTHUS (by Aidoneus)
Man, it's just so beautiful, and considering it's about the story of Apollo and Hyacinthus, I love it from a story AND religious viewpoint ����🌻
21. three songs of your childhood
Last of Me by CircusP, Echo (Nightcore) (by Jason Walker), and Pika Girl (Nightcore) (by S3RL) were PEAK music to my extremely depressed 12 year old self, I was DEEP into vocaloid/nightcore/etc and honestly I still am GRHWHAHE
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
The entire Omori OST is absolutely amazing, and has such a good range of different emotions, but the boss themes especially are SO good. This one is SUCH a banger AGHHH
B: Voices (by Derivakat)
One of my favourite Technoblade tributes. It is absolutely incredible. Also listen to the version by The Jukeblockers, it features lyrics in like 12 languages and it has a sick guitar solo bit
C: World's End Valentine (by OMOCAT)
It's another Omori one but I literally cannot help it. It's SO GOOD AAAGGHHHHHHHH
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
A: Innocence (by Nathan Wagner) Holy fuck. One of the most beautiful and haunting songs I've ever heard in my whole life. If you only listen to one of these songs, make this one of them. Please. Also, it is VERY good for imagining amvs in your head.
B: Sealed Vessel (by Christopher Larkin) and OMORI + ALTER (by OMOCAT)
Technically this is 2 songs (technically 3 but OMORI and ALTER are like a part 1 and 2 of the same song), but they both fall into "video game final boss themes that make me want to cry", even though they are quite different. Sealed Vessel is more haunting and heart-sinkingly sad, especially near the end. OMORI + ALTER is sad, but more in a chest-tightening anxious way. If you know the stories of Hollow Knight and Omori, you know that the lore for both of them is heartbreaking, and these songs fit that perfectly.
C: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Theme
God. This song just makes me feel so much. The main bit makes my heart race and gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it. I don't even know why, or how to describe it. And it means so much to me emotionally as well. BOTW was a huge part of my life, and it always will be. This game gave me escapism when I was going through a really traumatic part of my life, Link was a big part of figuring out my gender identity, and I would spend time with my mom by playing while she watched. It's so important to me, and this song makes me feel so many feelings. Man.
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80-ursa-major · 3 months
been a long time without a grub rant so here it goes
i'm still trying to go full seasonal so instead of waiting for end of the month i used all my crystals AND all the shrimps to spark my perfect son but the writing was shit because they use him to push that sinister agenda. also yes spark because nothing's changed. ssr tickets are always useless dupes and you can never roll the chara you want even if he's on rateup. still missing a bunch of grands too bleh
now let's see what has happened since last time: that one cute amnesiac is actually an evil mastermind so forget it. The detective event didn't even have chat noir and literally everyone died; they made like 7 new designs for 2 hours. Very weird vibe. The potato couple is dead but at least they are together but their pseudo son is not playable of course! and they gave the nice moments to sevil not one of the many ikemen and actually popular ones.
ok fine i shouldn't talk cause my favorite isn't popular either and i got some cute content and i'd give him more if i could so i totally get siero but there's so many waifus, even literally marriage and the husbando side is *crickets*
damn the rant was supposed to be about the anni but it had been a while so there was a lot more. anyway where to start -new boy is a waste of a design cause he's not even a character, just a chatbot talking in circles so siete can have a sideplot and idiots can make cuckmemes. And of course he dies! -other new boy suffers for 6k years and then dies lmao what! there was literally zero reason to do that in the very end when everyone's finally together and happy -btw both of this is because the big boss the ASSHOLE fire chicken who of course has a female voice manipulated them and then discarded them. but she brought back her loli verison because how else will disgusting coomers throw money at the gacha -and fucking lu who won't let me kill this dumb bird becauuuuse -the rest of the cast was whatever -i don't care about the casino and the couples especially since 10 years later one of them still isn't a couple. having said that christina rose(heh) in my eyes with how thoughtful she was about nanashi -the six 9ds just bloated the cast and once again it's 4 hot girls, a bird and one ok guy -sidenote: those new free charas are also 4 girls, not even one guy like everyone though from the silouettes -the free event chara is of course another booba angel pulled out of nowhere (no the spellbooks don't count) who's also another luci orbiter and spends years proving she has room temperature iq but somehow in the very end she was the only one who understood the complex (read:super simple) motives of the phoenix. the irony is that the conclusion is that it's beyond human understanding so don't even bother trying hahahaha -and of course no males allowed in dark so they resurected a half-naked primal to grand who's also somehow a master detective wow -and somehow the worst of all? caglioSHITro. So strong, the strongest we can't solve anything without him ooooh. I hate him. Yes him the man who put his essence/soul/whatever you wanna call it into a homunculus made in the image of his own sister(!) and gets his kicks from switching between tought ore voice and cute gril tehee~. Peak CRINGE!!
all right that felt good. will unload my other gacha grievances later XD
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jupitercl0uds · 8 months
[this is from thursday i just kept forgetting to finish the transcript]
another recorded rant lmao
so my devilish little self decided to have one of these little rants again because i like to rant (and because i probably have ADHD) and, um, i'm home alone and this is what i do when i'm home alone, because i don't get to speak, because i don't like speaking, because i don't like interrupting people, being weird, people KNOWING i'm weird, or anything like that. even though my family are well aware of that, i don't want them hearing it.
anyway! i reckon i could probably do a fluttershy voice if i tried.
uhh... what's a thing fluttershy would say?
ok, this isn't a thing fluttershy would say. but it's on my mind.
[high pitched fluttershy voice] every day is the same. that's not. fluttershy. [fluttershy voice] every day is the same, wake up, look at the fire in the sky festival, be awesome, brood.
i'm so fucking high right now do you see my eyes? they are brrIIGGHt red. i haven't watched the shadow- i haven't watched the '06 dub in too long to remember this. i like doing this voice. i don't think it sounds like fluttershy but, y'know, it's got a bit of a wobble to it [dave the intern voice] it's more like dave the intern, really. i bruise like a delicate peeeach... [slight giggling]
i do love dave the intern- like, i can't lie, half of his lines are soooo bad... but the other half are absolute gold and i love them.
um... what else? suddenly, i want to sing ruler of everything, so get prepared for my awesome cover.
[for some reason this next bit gets really loud???]
I'M TAKING OVER YOUR WORLD! I'M TAKING OVER YOUR UNIVERSE! I'M TAKING YOUR TV! I'M GLITCHING IT! THEY- THEY CALL ME THE GLITCH! DO YOU KNOW WHY THEY CALL ME THE MOTHERFUCKIN' GLITCH? CAUSE I GLITCH YOUR TVs OUT! i'm taking the world by STORM. i'm gonna be dropping my latest album: CRACKIN' EGGS. [snapcube president voice] crackin' eggs? mm, ha. [sonic voice] hey mr president [president voice] SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, MY LONG LOST LOVE- sorry.
ok where would ruler of everything be? like- quickest one to- it would probably be in silly 4. i think it's like, first one- yeah.
[i don't know how to transcribe this part other than saying i'm singing 13 by tally hall in cursive??? and then i stop halfway??? btw 13 is instrumental] no im not playing 13
[ruler of everything starts playing] here we go.
ooh, yeah! juno was mad, he knew he'd been had so he shot at the sun with a gun shot at the sun with a gun shot at his wily one, only friend
yuh, YUH- sorry, i won't do that
in the gallows or the ghetto, in the town or the meadow, in the billows, even over the sun, every end of a time is another begun. you understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything (ah) ruler of everything (ah) i'm the ruler of everything in the end
i should turn this down 👍
do you like how i dance? i got zirconium pants (i'm not singing these lines, they're too-) do you like how i walk? do you like how i talk? do you like how my face disintegrates into chalk? i have a wonderful wife, i have a powerful job she criticises me for being egocentric
you practice your mannerisms into the wall if this mirror were clearer, i'd be standing so tall i saw you slobber over clovers on the side of the hill i was observing the birds (circle in for the kill)
i've been you, i know you your façade is a scam you know, you're making me cry, this is the way that i am i've been living a lie, a metamorphical scheme (detective undercover brotherhood objective obscene)
oh, oh no, oh yeah
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god i've gotta get out of here or i'll have another word to sell, another story to tell, another time piece ringin' the bell!' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end? no, you know it must be never-ending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool, although you're only a man, so give it up and smile!
do you hear the flibberty jibberty jibber jabber with an 'oh my god i've gotta get out of here or i'll have another word to sell, another story to tell, another time piece ringin' the bell!' do you hear the clocks stop when you reach the end? no, you know it must be never-ending comprehend if you can but when you try to pretend to understand you resemble a fool, although you're only a man, so give it up and smile!
s-sorry! my voice kinda goes out of tune, cause i can't- yeah. bit fast, you know. yuh. oh i need to work on that british high school au.
you understand mechanical hands are the ruler of everything ruler of everything i'm the ruler of everything in the end
i should have sung this all an octive high- octave higher, by the way
without lookin' down, glidin' around like a bumbling dragon, i fly scrapin' my face on the sky oh, no, no, oh yeah.
hold on- let me just- hold on- i'm gonna try and sing that again, cause like, i usually sing it in a different key anyway
[octave higher] without lookin' down, glidin' around like a bumbling dragon, i fly
yeah, i dunno. both are kind of uncomfy. anyway, i think my parents are here, so byyyeee!
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