#I feel like I took psychic damage that day
nowis-scales · 1 year
I don’t think I’m ever going to recover from the time I was reading someone else’s analysis of Ryoma and Hinoka’s sibling relationship, and they were hitting a lot of the points I would also make, and I was gearing up for them to say exactly what I say — “Takumi and Sakura get left out with them because they grew up teaching themselves to be almost exclusively dependent on each other for emotional support, that’s why they’re close” and then the person writing the analysis is like:
“And that’s why I think Ryoma is secretly in love with Hinoka, and she might even romantically love him back!”
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
I've been thinking a lot about Corvo Attano today. by which I mean to say that I've had *(to the tune of the intro theme of 'ducktales')🎶 RAT DAD! whooh ooh! RAT DAD! whooh ooh!🎶* on loop in my head for hours now
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siobhanromee · 2 years
When you are trying to figure out characterization and then someone suggests an action your character would take.. and you have to go he would not fucking do that.
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jvzebel-x · 2 years
#maybe its the holidays having a negative effect on my psyche (or maybe the psychic damage being directed toward me#from various sources due to the season has finally hit lmao)#but i am feeling particularly foul today&have given up on trying to get past it for the night lol.#like i guess it didnt help that the day started w/ a doc who spent the entire apt talking to me in heavy sighs#as tho my many degenerative physical&subsequent mental health issues are a massive inconvenience to him lmao#but also my custom fucking harley davidson jacket was just stolen&i am extremely upset about it lol.#&like i am feeling particularly fucking angry at the fact that i officially own NOTHING objectively Nice#that i did not have to MAKE appealing or valuable-appearing myself.#the last few years have seen my camera laptop guitar and every console i had worth decent money either sold or stolen.#i have not owned a cellphone in years that didnt come sold as a burner from walmart.#i went so long w/o glasses that it took months to reorient myself so i didnt walk into walls.#i am feeling extremely incapable of being grateful right now&am trying desperately not to start foaming at the mouth#like a rabid animal but i gotta be real honest this shit is getting TOUGH&the next person unfortunate enough to tempt me#into ripping their throat out w/ my teeth will def regret it lmao.#i need some sugar&some sleep but i Want a large dose of adrenaline lol#ive never been super into hurting mySELF at all. my favoured form of self harm has always been#putting myself in intensely dangerous situations lmao.#so instead of going out looking for trouble i am going to smoke roughly two grams of wax#&kill the violence+bitterness churning in me right now lmao.
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Usually don’t send requests, but since you asked: which creeps do you think would take psychic damage from a friend or partner who purposefully misuses slang? Just thought to ask cus I thought Ben would probably have a physical reaction and I think that mental image was funny lol 
Characters used: Ben, Jeff, and EJ, Tim
He’ll cringe. No questions.
Now, I headcanon Ben as a self-taught modern-day gamer in the creepypasta universe (as in he’s bought every modern day consoles and devices and has slowly learned the mechanics and is now an expert), he’s got a plethora of video games for all his devices, his PC, consoles, Nintendo switch, and even his old DS!
So imagine when he’s showing you a new game he got for his switch….
But then immediately regrets it.
As you were sat in his lap, watching him play, you just casually drop, “Wow, Ben! This game looks so litty on fleek, fam!”
MF hasn’t EVER put his hands on you, but he is now-
He pushed you off his lap and looked at you like you kicked a puppy!
“I…I can’t even look at you,” he’d be all dramatic, “I don’t know who that was, but I NEVER wanna see them again!”
You’d just be laying in the floor in a puddle of giggles.
It would happen on a mission. You and Jeff were targeted with killing a family and to leave none of them alive!
So, let’s say the targets son was a bit more than Jeff bargained for, so you swooped in and had to save the day, managing to tie the kids arms behind his back, “GET FUCKING YEETED, SCRUBLORD!”
Radio silence.
“What do you mean? Like, we gotta yeet him, you catching my driftwood, fam? No cap!”
At this point Jeff just rubs his temples and finishes off the target by stabbing him. His brain too absorbed in other things to try and decipher whatever you’re talking about.
Soon after you two left, blood stained and all, Jeff spoke up, “Please, never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, talk like that again!”
“Alright fine! No need to get so hostile, we gucci lit” you finished off with finger guns and a sly chuckle.
You were sick. Like, contagious sick.
So, per Jack’s orders, no leaving his infirmary only for the bathroom, always cough and sneeze into the elbow and not the hand, use tissues sparingly, wash your hands, and take showers to help alleviate headaches and open up your sinuses.
Unrelated, but don’t worry, he’s made sure his baby gets the best comfort, after all, he needs you well rested and feeling better! 🥺💙
It was around 8pm when he knocked on the door before slowly opening it, he was dressed in pajamas holding a bowl of soup, “Hi, love” He’d greet you with a smile, not wearing his mask, as a demon he couldn’t get sick and because he was comfy around you, “How’s my baby doing?” 😭
Of course you’d answer the same way every time, stating you were still sick, just like since the beginning of the week. 😔
“I made you some soup, I know it isn’t much, but it’ll help alleviate some symptoms, and you look like you’re freezing, baby” he’d say while handing you the soup.
You took a few bites of the noodle and a carrot piece, a small moan escaped your lips, “Fuccckk~ This shit is straight bussin’, Jack”
His smile that he had while watching you eat was replaced with one of confusion. “W-what?” 😩
You’d have to suppress a giggle, “What do you mean, ‘what? This soups straight bussin’”
He’d try to understand what you meant, trying to wrack his brain for any semblance of what the word could mean 😭
Overall, confused baby boi :(
Tim (Masky):
Masky angled the binoculars as he let out a low growl, watching as the group of targets were stationed at all access points. “Fuck.” He grumbled before lowering the piece of equipment as he turned to you and Hoodie. “This is gonna be a close call, they’re stationed at all points of access. Do you guys have your weapons?”
Hoodie gave Tim a firm nod as he pulled out his pistol from his hoodie pocket, Masky reached into his duffle bag and pulled out a rifle, cocking it. He was about to ask you when you suddenly grabbed the weapon.
“Whoa! This thing is so fire!” You’d say as you inspected it with awe. “Tim, bro! This gun so fire! This definitely screams ‘I have BDE but I’m not trying to make it a big deal’, you know what I mean?”
“What the actual fuck are you talking about?!” He’d ask in confusion and irritation, quickly yanking his rifle back from you, “And give me that!”
You let out a small yelp when it was harshly yanked from your hands. “Calm down, Timmy, on the DL you’re still on my DTF list frfr. No cap”
Masky silently sat the rifle down, gloved hands pinching the bridge nose of the porcelain mask.
Overall: disappointment, confusion and irritation.
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
You’d never know (Final)
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Pairing : Dean Winchester X Reader
Word count : 1.8k
Warnings : slight angst, fluff, steamy kisses (?)
A/n : just so you know I’m not a doctor.
"I just had a vision." Patience announced.
Claire who had been sobbing in Kaia's arms, looked up at her expectantly. She had been feeling guilty knowing it was meant for her but Y/n had saved her. She hated it, it was always Sam, Dean and Y/n saving her every damn time.
"What? What is it?" The blonde girl asked, looking at the psychic with hopeful eyes.
"She'll live." The moment Patience said that, couple of relived breaths were heard along with a flapping of wings.
Castiel appeared at the boatyard and knelt beside Y/n's almost lifeless body. Dean looked at his best friend with relief and gratefulness.
"I came as soon as Sam called." Cas said placing his hand over the wound, he couldn't heal her completely since he was not at his full potential but he managed to close the wound enough to stop the bleeding, however the wound was still present. Her heart rate had picked up and was beating steadily but she remained unconscious. "You need to take her to the hospital right now." The Angel added.
Dean didn't waste a second before hauling her up in his arms and running out of the boatyard. The others followed behind. While Sam and Cas went to the hospital with Dean, Jody and Donna took the girls back home, with the promise of coming to see her soon.
They arrived at the hospital soon enough and Y/n was taken to the ER. Dean had spent the past hour pacing around the hallway.
"Sammy, thank you for calling Cas. She wouldn't have made it, had you not. God I wasn't even in my senses....I" Dean rambled nervously walking back and forth, waiting for the doctors to tell him something, anything. After an hour or so a doctor emerged from the room.
"Y/n Paige's next of kin?" The doctor called out and Dean's pacing came to a halt.
"It's me." He said walking up to the doctor.
"You're her?" The doctor questioned.
"Husband." Dean nodded trying to look convincing enough. "I'm her husband."
"Well Mr. Paige your wife's condition is stable for now. The stab wound was pretty deep, but it managed to avoid any vital organs or nerve damage. We've cleaned and closed the wound. But we still need to keep her under observation for a few days. And she needs to rest." The doctors words seemed to ease Dean out of his misery. "Your wife is a lucky one Mr. Paige, and one hell of a fighter." That made Dean smile a bit. "A wound like that," the doctor trailed off with a sputter. "God saved her." He added. Dean looked back his best friend, mentally correcting the doctor.
It wasn't God who saved her, it was an Angel of the Lord.
"Can i see her, doctor?" Dean asked hopefully.
"Sure we'll shift her to a private room and then you can see her. Although she might be asleep for a long time." The doctor said before he left.
Sam came behind his brother and patted him on the back. Uncharacteristically Dean turned around and hugged his brother, shuddering a bit as he did so. He was about to lose the love of his life. Had it not been his brother's quick thinking, he would've lost her forever. Sam happily returned his brother's embrace, hoping to provide him with a sense of comfort.
After Y/n was shifted to a private room, Dean went in to see her. He settled on the chair beside her bed. His hand found hers and he held onto it for dear life. He pressed a kiss to get knuckles before he spoke,
"Baby, I'm so fucking sorry. Please just wake up." Dean sniffled a bit resting his head on her hand. "I love you. I'll be right here when you wake up."
Dean didn't know when he fell asleep but he expected Y/n to be awake he woke up. Much to his dismay she wasn't. It was around three in the morning, The machines in the room were beeping steadily, and he had hoped for her to wake up soon. The more he waited the more anxious he felt. Thousands of what ifs creeped up in his mind. What if she doesn't wake up? What if she doesn't forgive me? Hell what if she doesn't remember me?
Three hours later, Dean felt her move. Her fingers brushed against his' as she slowly blinked her eyes open. She immediately closed them back due to the bright lights. She blinked slowly before opening her eyes again.
"Goodness baby you're awake." Dean sat up straight, relieved as ever. "I'm gonna get the doctor. The doctor checked her vitals and asked her basic questions. After the doctor was sure she was okay, he left the room.
"Do you need anything? Is anything hurting?" Dean asked standing beside her bed.
"Water please." Dean nodded and grabbed her a glass of water, bringing it near her face to help her drink it.
"Why?" Y/n whispered. Dean froze as he was putting away the glass. He hadn't expected her to jump right to it. He sighed sitting back on the chair.
"Why did you say that Dean? Has that always been on your mind? Do you think that i don't know what a mother is just because i never had one?" She asked quietly and Dean would've preferred her yelling at him instead of that because her small voice just shattered his heart into a million pieces.
"No, not at all baby I'm so sorry, i really am. I never wanted to say any of that, I wasn't thinking straight." Dean said as softly as possible. "I was just too stressed and she wasn't cooperating and you then you jumped in front of my gun. I just..."
"It doesn't justify your actions, Dean. You knew it was a sensitive subject for me and you just had to home." She cried and he sat on the bed beside her.
"Don't cry baby," he said wiping her years with his thumb. "It was a low blow and i would never forgive myself for what i said. I just need you to know I'm sorry. That i love you. And I'm nothing without you." Dean rested his forehead on hers and she didn't lean away from his touch. "I want you to know that my life literally went to shit since the moment we were apart. Got stuck in a goddamn bad place and you had to come save my ass." She chuckled through her tears. "If only i hadn't been so stupid, you wouldn't be here, I am sorry sweetheart."
"Dean, you hurt me." She said stating the obvious. "I really want to forgive you but it's hard. I need time. I need some time away." Dean's face fell at her words. He wasn't ready to let her go. Not now, not ever. He'd do anything for her to forgive him but he can't let her leave.
"Away?" Y/n nodded looking away. She didn't want to look at him, not when she's vulnerable and emotional. She knows the minute she looks into those mesmerising green eyes she'll fold. And she knows she'll forgive him eventually too but she can't do it right away. She needs to stand her ground.
"Baby I'll do whatever you want me to do just don't go anywhere. I'd do anything. You can't just leave. The bunker's your home, sweetheart. You need to rest and we won't be sure of your safety anywhere else."
"Anything you want." Dean bargained pleadingly.
"I'll go back to bunker with you, on one condition."
"You'll give me space." Dean didn't want to. He wanted to refuse out right. He just wanted to hold her in his arms for as long he could.
"Let me take care of you until you heal." He caressed her cheek softly. He was making it harder for her than it already was. She was already putty in his hands and she knew she would forgive him sooner than she intended.
"You're so stubborn." Y/n groaned pushing his chest lightly. "Fine." Dean grinned at her placing a soft kiss at her forehead.
After Y/n was discharged from the hospital, Dean drove her back to the bunker. He had been the complete gentleman, from opening the car door for her to carrying her inside the bunker. He even brought her flowers before they left the hospital. He knows he fucked up big time but he's grateful that she intends to forgive him and he will never take that forgiveness for granted.
It took two weeks for Y/n's wound to heal completely and Dean had been going full on mother hen on her all through that time. All through this time Y/n had been distant and aloof. It did dishearten Dean to no end but he wasn’t willing to give up. He was taking care of her in every way possible.  Reprimanding her for walking on her own, not letting her do anything around the bunker, feeding her and reminding her to take her medicines on time. Not to forget bringing her flowers every time he went out.
Another week had passed and Y/n had been sleeping in own room for the past three weeks. She missed Dean. She knew he was remorseful of his actions. She quickly threw the blanket off her legs and made her way towards his room. She knocked on his door. The door opened revealing Dean, looking soft as ever in just a tshirt and sweatpants, his hair a bit ruffled.
"Were you sleeping?" She asked shyly.
"No." His voice a little gruff and tired. He rubbed his eyes with one hand while the other was still at the doorknob. She took a step forward.
"I missed you." She whispered before pressing her lips to his'. He was shocked at first but immediately grabbed the back of her head with his hand and kissed her roughly. The hand in her hair slipped down to her back and further down. He moved his arm under the curve of her rear and she jumped a bit wrapping her legs around his waist. He picked her up effortlessly and closed the door. He took her to bed without breaking the kiss and laying her onto the bed.
"Missed you so much, darling." He mumbled leaving open mouthed kissed onto her neck and jaw. Y/n grabbed the back of his head pulling him up for another steamy kiss. Their lips moved in perfect sync as well as their hearts beats.
"I love you." She murmured against his lips.
"God sweetheart, I love you more." He panted, pulling away, hovering above her. "I swear I'm never gonna do anything like that, ever again." Though his body was fire with insatiable lust but his eyes were filled with sincerity and adoration.
"You better not or else I'll-" He interrupted her threat.
"Cross my heart, baby." He sealed his promise with a passionate kiss.
@spnfamily-j2 @galway-girlatwork @deangirl96 @queensilber
@s0urw00lf @monkey-d-hoshizora98 @deans-baby-momma @fullbelieverheart
@riah1606 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @hobby27
@starkleila @suckitands33 @m3ntally-unstable @kanekilovelove-blog @candy-coated-misery0731
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askdeoxys · 1 month
[ continuation of this post ]
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Deoxys crumbled to the ground-- the strike so loud, so loathing that it shook the very foundations of the little home. Sprawled like a limp puppet, Deoxys had to come to terms that the day had finally arrived like he always dreaded. He couldn’t run anymore. 
Dioxys stood above him, fists tightened so harshly that, had he normal skin, it would have torn from the sheer force. Despite the fact that Deo had answered correctly.. and truthfully.., the answer ended his calm demeanor. The rage he tried to let simmer bubbled out of him as his Psychic Well vibrated the ground around the duo. How dare Deoxys. 
“It’s funny, don’t you think?” Dioxys started as he took several steps toward the prone virus, “If your friends were to stumble upon me.., they would think me a monster. Who would dare hurt the small alien? What wrong had he ever done? Deo only ever helped people, didn’t he?” Dioxys asked mockingly, “If our tale was read from any other perspective, you would be the monster. Not me.”
Above the prone alien, Dioxys raised his foot and brought it down with an impact that shattered the ground below Deoxys-- though his shell managed to hold together against the stomp. Dioxys scoffed. “Yet, you left me behind those empty walls.” The intruder twitched. His emotions came to the forefront. 
With a step back, Dioxys issued a command:
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Deoxys laid there in this puddle of nightmares. He deserved this. He didn’t fight back, and he accepted this. Deoxys knew it was the right thing to do.
Dioxys, however, was uncontent. The damage was superficial. He had hoped physically hurting Deo would have made him feel better, but it only caused him to get more upset. “Why, Deo? WHY?” The intruder screamed before landing a kick that sent the orange virus across the room. 
With a crash through the wall, Deoxys crumpled into the next room over. He was so disorientated that he wasn’t even sure which room it was. 
“I..,” Dioxys stepped into the new room, fists rested by his sides, “Why do you continue this? Why do you do this to me, Deo? You won’t let me rest-- you won’t let me exist. You haunt my nightmares, and you get to be happy? Make it make sense, Deo.” Deoxys glanced up, and he saw that the intruder stood above him with a gaze down. Deoxys looked away. “I don’t know what to say, D’.”
“No, you sure don’t,” Dioxys said with a sigh as he kneeled down into a squat, “Listen.., I think there’s only one way to truly go about this. After everything you’ve done.., you owe me this. Finish this for me. Destroy your own orb,” he said lowly, “Die, Deo. Do that for me.”
[ This is post 1 of 10. There is a secret condition that, when met, will save Deoxys. If the condition is not met by the end of these 10 posts, Deoxys will die, and askdeoxys will officially come to a close. ]
[ Rules & FAQ under the
Every odd-numbered post, I will give you a hint as to what the secret condition that will save Deoxys is. Currently, I am sure you are unsure what you have to do or how to do it. Until the hints begin to drop, good luck.
The only thing I can tell you what WON'T work is, 'My character is GOD. They save Deo!' Unfortunately for you (and for the purposes of this event), Dioxys is SUPER-GOD. That will not work.
'Are you serious? If we fail this event, Deoxys really dies?'
Yep. That would be it for him.
'I don't believe that. Askblog characters never really die/People change their mind all the time!'
Good for you, I guess?
Will the askblog continue if Deoxys dies?
For all intents and purposes, if we lose the event, I am retiring from askblogging (as funny as that sounds).
Will you start a new askblog?
Why are you doing this? Why would you end askdeoxys?
I'm going to find out if I'm really alive.
Thank you.
Good luck.
Stay frosty.
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mushroommanstan · 2 years
university!au please!! infamous!shiggy with average s/o 🤼‍♀️ pls i
Oh anon, how did you know I’ve been wanting to write a college au Shig for a while? You must be psychic or something, very impressive!
Creepy Tenko Part One:
Anyways, I know you want the smut and shit but there’s a few things about Tenko that make him so infamous.
First off, his backstory. Basically, he was kidnapped by AFO as usual, but he was rescued by heroes this time a few months after. Unfortunately, a lot of damage had already been done.
The heroes were embarrassed as hell that they took so long to save him, and as a publicity act, paid to put him through elementary school, middle school, high school and hell even college. The big package.
Because of that, his entry was guaranteed since he was like 6. Obviously, this is gonna turn some heads.
Now this guy was infamous around campus for many reasons. For starters, growing up murdering his family and spending a summer with your local serial killer is gonna be the headline of his life. Everyone knows about that, and he doesn’t even deny it.
Also, because of that experience he has major ptsd and schizophrenia, causing a few tiny violent outbursts throughout his childhood. But it’s fine, he’s medicated now… most of the time.
He’s also very aloof, not talking to anyone if he can help it. He’s used to bullying, and at this point has pretty much given up making any friends. He’s so used to people being scared of him, just like his old master said, that he kind of embraces it, not even trying to hide when he stares at people for hours on end.
Oh yeah, and the stares. This guys got a dark ass aura. His blazing red eyes burn a hole in the back of the women he stares at. He’s a smart guy, he doesn’t need to pay attention to the whole lesson to get the gist. So lucky him, he can spend the rest of the class period staring at some chick while discreetly touching himself under the desk. Make eye contact with him if you dare.
The thing that completely tanked his reputation however, was when one guy got pissed at him for making goo-goo eyes at his girlfriend all day. He stopped him on his way to his dorm, punching him which made him stumble.
Something flew out of his hoodie pocket, and the man picked it up, students gathering around as he faced poor Tenko.
Tenko looked mortified, tears gathering in his eyes, but he wasn’t looking at his attacker. He was looking at his stolen object. The assailant hadn’t gotten a good look at what he was holding, and by the look on the freaks face it meant something to him.
The other students who gathered around screamed, some running to hurl in the nearby trash cans. When he finally looked at what he was holding it took him a good second to figure out what it was.
It was cold and grey. Fleshy with a golden back and… fingernails. Wait… was that… oh my god.
He yelled throwing the detached hand into the air, Tenko diving to catch it. He could feel himself losing control, his old senseis voice overtaking his brain and making his whole body shiver. He-he needed to calm down.
Tenko rose, pressing the cool hand into his face as he took deep breaths. He stopped trembling, and for a second, even with the screaming and yelling and trampling, everything was calm.
Obviously he got in trouble for having a murder scene victim’s body part in his possession, but Tenko knew from experience that no matter whatever bullshit they tried to scare him with, they couldn’t expel him.
He was like a mascot for the heroes’s new scholarship program. No way they would let him get expelled just because he kept a memento of his lost family. So, like always they payed them off. But the students remembered, and the guy who held the disembodied hand needed therapy.
So, not only was he a creep who got off to pictures of feet in the bathroom during homeroom, he also was a creep who kept a souvenir of his first murder victim with him at all times. Weird weird weird.
And then you came along.
He didn’t think much of you, that was, until you decided to sit down in one of multiple empty seats bordering his desk. No one ever sits this close.
Well… he had to admit… you were pretty. With your silky (h/c) hair, and your brilliant eyes, and your juicy, plump…. Eh-hum, personality.
He couldn’t stop himself from staring, not like he tried. You’ll learn soon enough that he’s a creep, and then he’ll be alone again. Yep. All on his own. Terrific.
His eyes bore into you, not just in one place but all over. Scanning over your body and memorizing every detail. From this close he could truly see how smooth and soft your skin was. And he could smell your perfume. What was that, lilac?
“Oh, do you like the perfume? I just got it! It’s lilac!”
Shit. You must have a mind reading quirk. He could feel his face growing bright red at the idea of you seeing the foul things he imagined in the last minute or so.
Truthfully you only knew because you could hear him sniffing the air like a puppy exploring a grassy field for the first time.
As the class went on you looked at him occasionally, not flinching whatsoever at the intense eye contact he returned. You had to admit… he was pretty cute. With eyes like those he should be the center of attention yet here he is sulking in the back of the class. Well, whatever, not your business.
The professor droned on about who knows what, making the both of you slump over your desks with boredom. You were praying for an oasis in the midst of this dry, dull desert of a classroom, when you heard a familiar sound.
Beep-boop, boop bleep!
You could recognize that sound anywhere! That was… that was…
You had to stop yourself from slamming your hands on the table in shock. The cute guy sitting next to you was playing the limited edition “Super Hero Adventure Deluxe” for the gameboy advance. (Not an actual game I think)
Aka, the only game in the Super Hero Adventure franchise you had yet to play. The one you had scoured EBay for forever. Holy shit, marry me!
You couldn’t help yourself, despite not knowing this guy in the slightest you pressed yourself into his shoulder, scaring the shit out of him and causing almost everyone to stop and look at you. You looked down at the pixelated screen, currently being death gripped by gloved hands as your cheek smushed against his fluffy black hair.
Tenko could feel his body shutting down from the inside. The sudden physical contact, the fact it was from a hot girl, and the realization she had an interest in his favorite game was all too much. Everyone watched as he pushed you away, screaming at you to stay away from him with some fairly colorful language.
Your expression darkened, and you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Having used to people tucking in their tail, he had to say he was not at all prepared for this. He didn’t actually want to fight you, he just wanted you to back off! … don’t make him fight you, you’re the first girl to touch him in years.
You both held intense eye contact for what felt like forever, but in reality was for only a second.
“You do not talk to me like that. Understand?”
Oh boy. Oh-ho-ho BOY you were awakening something in him he didn’t know he had. His face turned tomato red and his ire-filled glare turned into a soft gaze filled with child-like wonder. Not being able to speak he shakily nodded, hand raising up to feel along the one gripping his shirt. His fluffy hair bounced a little as he nodded.
You let go, returning to your seat with a huff and turned your head, and you were met with the utterly shocked faces of your classmates. They looked at you like you had just slain a dragon.
Meanwhile Tenko said nothing, face still completely red as his foggy mind spent the rest of class processing these new feelings that came up. The way you touched him, the way you scolded him! It was so… mean. So entitled. So dominant.
He wants more.
Believe me, I will be doing a part two! Thanks again for the ask, it finally gave me the kick in the pants I needed to write this!
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ohgodimafraud · 9 months
panic! at the drugstore (j/jk, nanami)
hiiiii @ezynse merry xmas, happy new year, happy day. <3
im ur secret santa. <33 i hope u like this fic. ily. i want u to know the j key on my keyboard is challenged so i wrote "Goo" by accident sm ToT
(sorry for the title i dont even rlly listen to them i- )
please keep this to sneeze kink blogs only! 18+ only!
Summary stuff:
Fandom: J/JK
Characters: Nan//ami, Go/jo, Ijic/hi, Yu/ji,
Pairings: slight nana/go. in the way la croix has flavor
Good future AU (no bad stuff, everyones an adult. set in 2023)
As soon as Nanami detected Gojo’s presence, he should have turned on his heel and left. Instead, he’d gone into the drugstore, reasoning that the necessity of his trip outweighed the aggravation it’d cause. He wasn’t naive enough to hope he’d get out of here without any additional psychic damage but maybe he’d luck out and Gojo would— 
“Nanami!” Gojo sang from a few aisles over. This was starting to play out like one of his nightmares. Verbatim. “Wow, you shop here too?!” 
“Not anymore.” 
Gojo laughed easily and brushed off the obvious rejection with a wave of his hand. “Oh, don’t act like you’re not happy to see your best buddy!”
“I have no such thing.” Nanami sighed and drew out a cough in the process which he managed to muffle into the sleeve of his jacket. Anyone else would have read the room and left him alone, but Gojo continued to chatter on at a volume unfit for the public space they were in. If only he’d move back a few centimeters so Nanami could escape without having to push past him and potentially causing a bigger scene than they’re already causing. He’d already used up his energy—both cursed and otherwise—at work today and he was quickly fading. 
 For the first time, he wished he could focus on the bubblegum pop blasting through the speakers with its sentiments of Sakura blossoms and old times; it would beat trying to follow the embellished story Gojo was telling. He pinched the bridge of his nose. To make matters worse, the temperature change had caused the congestion that had mostly settled by the end of the train ride over here to return with a vengeance. His nose threatened to drip and he risked a small sniffle. Immediately, he recognized it as a mistake when the lingering prickle sharpened and traveled deeper into his nose.
As if he hadn’t sneezed enough today. 
“And after all that I got some wagashi at this great place near the hospital, Great Luck right? And haha it was! Anyway, the point is… I got some stuff for Yuji, but then I got hungry waiting for the car so I figured I’d better make up for it.”
Nanami made a point of checking his watch as a last ditch effort for a polite departure, less for Gojo’s sake and more for the sake of everyone else in this godforsaken store. But most of all for his own sake, considering he’s quickly losing the battle against the pertinent tickle up his right nostril. “I don’t have time to talk,” he said evenly, breath only wavering once he’s gotten the last word out. 
Unfortunately, Gojo clasped his shoulder, refusing to let him leave. “Did you take the train here? We could carpool instead, Ijichi is—”
“ht’KKxt!” Nanami interrupted with a poorly restrained sneeze directed into the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Bless you!” Gojo’s head lolled to the side; he had the decency to release him, but otherwise didn’t move out of his personal space. Nanami nodded and turned away. “Wow, that sounded painful. You okay?”
It was. “hGNXt’ch! h’kKt…chh.” Damnit. “Hh- kmpht’Chhh!” He might not have been able to see Gojo’s eyes, but he sure could feel them on him. This tickle just wasn’t going to quit until he let it out, and he’d rather end this as soon as possible. “h’eSCHh!” 
“Oh bless you.” Gojo, ever uncaring of displaying any decorum, took zero steps away from him. He examined him from a few different angles, tapping his chin as he hovered. “Bet I can guess why you’re here today!”
“Excuse me.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed small circles all the way into the inner corners of his eyes and tried to ignore the heat that had risen to his ears. His head pounded even harder than it had before. 
“Always so formal, huh?”
Always so inappropriately casual, huh? Nanami glanced at Gojo’s basket and its contents: strawberry shampoo, bags of candy, winter apple body wash, face masks, moisturizer, cotton candy flavored lip gloss, and more items he couldn’t quite make out, but surely none of them were essential enough to inconvenience Ijichi in the way Gojo was. Everything he’s learned about Satoru Gojo has been against his will, and now he’s horrified that his brain was wasting the time wondering if he’s one of those people who can’t go to the store and truly buy one item.
“So, how was your—”
“I don’t have time to talk. Excuse me.” Risking a shoulder check, Nanami walked towards the aisles. He tried not to sniffle more than strictly necessary and tried to ignore the extra set of footsteps behind him. Key word was tried.
“Oh wow, you really sound terrible.” Gojo said sympathetically, continuing to haunt Nanami all the way to the cold and flu aisle. “How long have you had that cold?”
Why did it have to be Gojo?
“Stop following me.”
“You forgot your basket, though.” 
So he did. “I don’dt need that much.” It was true, but Nanami accepted the basket anyway from the pouting man. 
“Mm, really? You kinda sound like you’re dying, y’know.” Gojo wandered around the aisle and picked up a box of medicine that he held up to his blindfolded eyes. “No offense.” A man started walking in their direction, took one look at Gojo, and immediately turned around. Nanami released a small forlorn sigh through gritted teeth.
“I’ll be finde.” he said, clearing his throat. He could curb the hoarse quality his voice had taken on, but the congestion was something he’d have to live with for now. “You mentionded Ijichi is waiting?”
“Yeah, so hurry up, Nanami!”
“I will n’dot be ri-ridi’hhgg wih—” He’d gotten distracted and hadn’t noticed that the itch from before had been slowly respawning. Gojo gave a questioning hum as Nanami his knuckle to his nose, sniffled sharply, and cleared his throat again. “I will not be riding with you.”
 “Aw, not with me?” 
Nanami shot him a glare. All of his efforts were in vain because the urge to sneeze returned with a vengeance and demanded his attention in a way that put Gojo’s efforts to shame. The prickle spread like wildfire through his sinuses, and in spite of his efforts in snuffing it out, he’d allowed himself to get distracted enough to give the enemy the advantage. “Hh-!” He inhaled sharply before shoving the back of his wrist up to his nose. “nGhthsCH! hh’NGXTCHh’ueh!” That last one had been particularly loud but had been just as unrelieving as its predecessors. “hehH’TSChhiuh!”
 Gojo patted his back. There was a warmth to his palm that Nanami could feel even through the layers of fabric acting as a buffer between them. “Bless you.” Using only his free hand, he easily broke the seal of a travel pack of tissues on the shelf and nudged a few tissues into Nanami’s palm.
“You’re supposed to pay first.” In spite of the protest, he fixed his glasses that were in danger of falling off his face and accepted the tissues; by noon, his handkerchief had become unusable and he’d already gone through the tissues he’d accepted at the train station this morning, so his options were limited. He turned away for a moment to blow his nose. While his efforts were productive, they did little to kill the taunting buzzing in the back of his nose. He pinched his nostrils shut from behind the tissue and willed the tickle to recede.
“Not yet! Hey if I buy your stuff will you ride with me? Wouldn’t you get back sooner that way? Oh, bless—”
“—you again!”
He took a moment to massage the bridge of his nose in a silent apology to himself for the poor attempt at stifling before clearing his throat and bringing up sodden tissue to wipe the lingering moisture from the red rims of his nostrils. 
No amount of free cold medicine would make spending his free time with this absolute menace in a small enclosed space worth it, but at the same time it’d be less aggravating for him to just go along with it in the long run. Gojo’s already made it clear he has no intention of leaving him alone. He gave half a nod and picked up the first bottle of cold medicine that he saw and a bag of face masks and took a few steps in the direction of the check out. 
“That’s all you’re buying?” Gojo asked. His lips formed an exaggerated frown and his forehead wrinkled as if he was bewildered by Nanami’s shopping habits.
Nanami was too busy fighting a losing battle against the threat of another sneeze to tell Gojo to stop adding more items to the basket, but he managed to shoot him a pointed glare before his expression crumpled. “Hh- hehhH- …mPHTtshhiuh! Pardon,” he said more out of habit than anything and wiped his nose again, “I have more than enough now.” 
“So frugal.”
He supposed the cough drops, vicks, lotion tissues, vitamins, and nasal spray wouldn’t hurt, especially if accepting them will get Nanami out of here faster. Since he’d already opened the tissues, he figured he might as well put on one of the masks in the pack. His glasses immediately fogged and he tucked them into his inner coat pocket.
After they’d approached the register Gojo told the cashier they would be paying together and nuzzled his cheek against Nanami’s shoulder in an intimate way. He’d smack him later. 
The cold pierced through Nanami’s coat as soon as they opened the door. As annoying as this situation is, he can’t say he’s upset that he won’t have to walk back to the train station. They turned a corner and Gojo pointed out the car. 
“I know, I know.” Gojo opened the door to the passenger side and abruptly wrapped an arm around Nanami’s shoulder, yanking him into the field of vision as if he’d run away. “That took a little longer than I said, but look who I ran into!”
“Nanamin!” Itadori called out from the back seat with a cheery wave. Nanami is just as surprised to see him, though he’d mostly tuned out Gojo’s story. “No way, what a coincidence!”
Nanami shot Gojo a withering look and gave a slight bow to Itadori. “Itadori-kun…” 
“Think fast!” Gojo called out and threw a bag of candy at Itadori. 
He caught it easily. “Wow, thank you, Gojo-sensei!” 
“Gojo-san, we were meant to be back over a half hour ago—“
“Ijichiiii, you need to relax. Seriously, you’re already getting frown lines, that’s no good. Look, I even got something for you. Tadaaa~” He dropped a pack of instant udon into his lap and a face mask and made himself comfortable in the passenger seat. “Can you drop Nanami Kento-kun off first?”
“Don’t call me that.”
Ijichi sighed and took a moment before he half-heartedly thanked Gojo for the gifts. Then he turns to look at the backseat. “Of course, Nanami-san.” He and Nanami shared a quick glance as the cause of their stress tore into his own pack of candy and ate it noisily. 
“Oh, why are you wearing a mask, Nanamin?” Itadori asked as Nanami sat next to him and put on his seatbelt. “Do you have a cold?”
“It’s alright,” Nanami assured him and cleared his throat, “just a mild one.”
“I dunno if mild is the right word there, Nanamin.” Gojo interjected as Ijichi finally started driving.  
Itadori’s face fell and Nanami sincerely considered kicking the back of Gojo’s chair, though he was too busy pinching his nose shut over the fabric of the mask to stifle a sneeze that had nearly escaped his detection. “hGXxt’chshh!- excuse me.”
“Bless you. I hope you feel better soon.” Itadori frowned and offered him a piece of candy. Nanami shook his head and Itadori shrugged and ate it himself. 
“You’re gonna pop an eardrum like that,” Gojo chastised, clicking his tongue.
All of this was past the point of the nightmare he’d thought he was having earlier and was starting to veer into the fever dream category. Perhaps in more ways than one. Gojo flicked through the radio stations until he found what he was looking for and started singing along with a pop song. Itadori joined him and they pointed at each other while Nanami reflected on his life choices and folded his arms more tightly over his chest.  
Nanami glanced at Ijichi’s GPS. Twenty minutes of this felt like a death sentence. His limbs had started aching a few hours ago and now that the adrenaline was long dead and he was sitting again, he felt it in full force. The sudden urge to lean his temple against the foggy window arose and he indulged in it, ever so slowly pressing his forehead to the window. 
While Gojo was especially pitchy, the noise at least took the focus off of Nanami as he muffled a series of throat-tearing coughs against the crook of his arm. His lungs gave a slight whine as he regained his breath and he could feel the silent attention the other three men were giving him. 
“Can you breathe okay, Nanamin?” Itadori asked, patting his shoulder. If it were anyone else, Nanami would have batted the hand away, but doing that to Itadori would feel like kicking a puppy and it's not like he was heartless. While most people become hardened and jaded after living the life of a jujutsu sorcerer, Itadori remained as kind and genuine as ever over the years. 
Instead he nodded. “Yes. Don’t worry.” 
Itadori gave him a thumbs up. The singing continued and he pitied Ijichi for how long he’s had to put up with Satoru Gojo today. 
To Gojo’s credit, he toned down the singing, but Nanami almost wished he’d go back to his caterwauling, because his nose had chosen that moment to betray him yet again. It itched like mad and putting pressure on the tip of his nose did nothing to chase the feeling away. He did his best to muffle it into his sleeve anyway, hoping the extra layers would do anything to make it less intrusive than he knew it would be. “Hh- hgzt’SChhiuh! heHMPHhshh’ieuh!- pardon me.”
“Aw, bless you,” Gojo chimed in, stretching out his seatbelt as he turned his body around to face him. “Do you want my jacket, Nanamin?” He puckered his lips.
This time he let his shoe dig into the bag of Gojo’s chair. “No.”
Ijichi quietly turned up the heat. “Give him a break, Gojo-san,” he said tiredly. 
The rest of the ride quite literally blurred together as Nanami fought to keep his eyes open. With the heat on, his chills were kept at bay, and it was easy to drift off to sleep. He jolted and shook himself awake at least three times before the familiar building came into view, and the third time, it’d been because Itadori was saying his name to get his attention. Ijichi pulled up closer and stopped the car. Nanami thanked him for the ride and held up a hand to stop Itadori from offering a side hug. 
“Get well soon, Nana—”
Nanami shut the car door and ignored the rest of Gojo’s sentence. Getting into the apartment was a blur, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d come home in rough shape, relying on autopilot. He immediately hung his jacket and loosened his tie, and then he removed his face mask, cringing as he pinched away the lingering moisture from his nostrils. He’d done his best to avoid rubbing his nose all day, but his efforts seemed to be in vain considering how sore it still was. 
As much as he wanted to just collapse into the couch, his discipline won out and he managed to undress. Though, not without challenge. “huhh…HGSCHh’uh!” He sneezed all over his chest, too slow to cover in his exhausted state. Undeniably, it was a relief to be able to sneeze freely in the privacy of his bedroom. “hh-...hDJtSchh’euh! hhaH’DTzSHhh’ih!” 
He found the tissues from the bag and blew his nose, letting out a slight hum of relief as some of the congestion came free. His eyes still ached and with a quick dose of medicine, he was ready to close them. He laid in bed with the extra throw blanket atop the comforter and waited for the chills to die down so he could sleep.
It  was restful for the first few hours. As he’d anticipated, he woke up in the early hours of the morning coughing, hair clinging to his forehead with sweat, and his mouth bone dry. 
3 AM. 
It was too early for this. He forces himself into the kitchen to fill a tall glass with water and to find a few more items from the bag. He took the cough drops out and put one in his mouth and placed the rest of the bag on the bedside table. 
Somehow knowing that he needed as much sleep as possible hindered him from doing so. He drifted in and out of sleeping for the entire morning, occasionally walking up mumbling something incomprehensible. 
He was finally asleep until his phone went off a few minutes past 6 AM. It wasn’t his alarm, but an obnoxious ding.
heyyy nanamin~ 
… Nanami clenched his jaw as he watched the animated ellipses bubble and waited to see what could possibly be so important to disturb him.
good morning! 🌞hope u get some rest today hahaha :D you sounded awful 🤒dont go dying </3
Typically jujutsu sorcerers have about as much paid sick leave as he would’ve had at his former company: basically none. What kind of fucked up—
Nanami frowned, realizing he’d missed some other notifications, including the ones canceling his mission for the day. It’s easy to put the pieces together. He had to put the phone down to sneeze a few times, and it continued to ding throughout his fit.
we’ll have to go out when youre better!! next friday?? theres a new barcade i wanna try and then KARAOKE!!!!!! :DDD
Nanamiiiiii D: 
don’t leave me on read
bless youuuuu :3
no i cant hear u im just guessing
was i right?? o.O 
Nanami silenced his phone and went back to sleep, deciding to address the new situation, along with the strange feelings that’d started coming up, later. For now, at least he could relax. 
Thank you.
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ofmd s2e1 rewatch where i pause to jot down my thoughts and other random shit
not quite a reaction post bc i've already watched the whole thing. not quite a liveblog bc it's one post and it's probably gonna take me a full hour to get through a 28 minute episode at the rate of pausing and typing i'll be doing
s2e1, s2e2, s2e3, s2e4, s2e5, s2e6, s2e7, s2e8
anyway, pirate time:
i love how much fun con is having choking on his own blood
dream!stede's extremely teary face right before he takes off running down the beach is doing psychic damage to me
also dream!stede's stupid ridiculous outfit with all the long ribbons and shit...
ed and stede make contact so hard shjfkhsgjkfd the loud OUGH sounds from both of them
also the return of ed's old beard! i didnt expect to see her at all this season, so that was a surprise.
"babe" "love" im tearing out my own hair
stede has yet to learn that ripping ass near your beloved can be a love language
stede is a terrible fucking roommate just deal with wee john's gas in silence like the rest of them. goddamn.
i like when the background OST is familiar to me lol the little strings when stede starts his letter throwing me back to s1
olu: that–that's the swede the swede: Im the swede roach: he's single ;) me: *pissing my pants with laughter*
also the direct confirmation that the swede literally doesn't have a name. incredible
shjkfhdhfkj the crew encouraging him. stede's "it's okay" and roach "be brave" im CRYINGGGGG
stede doing customer service is something that can be so personal. "reservation?" "eat my fuckin' shit" "right! walk-ins, then" average restaurant experience
the random background guy saying "my favorite hand!" abt getting stabbed in the hand is making me giggle. i love the humor on this show
why does stede have so much shoulder movement going on when he's walking through the bar. whore behavior.
"this is for mom!" sorry but i want to know more abt whatever's going on there
also the purple mohawk. dope.
"i know the odds of you finding this are slim but so were the odds of us finding each other in the first place" IM RIPPING OFF MY OWN SKIN
also stede's lil sad hopeful smile after throwing the bottle... i care him
i love how they make this wedding fucking suck so we don't feel too bad abt the whole massacre thing. "the natural condition of humanity is base and vile. it is the obligation of people of standing, such as yourselves, to elevate the common human rabble through the sacred transaction of matrimony" if i was at a wedding and the officiant said that i'd also start killing people probably
yayy murder montage :)
the whole cake scene is so fucking funny im sorry. i love u jim drawing the line at attacking a shitty wedding. i love u archie who wasn't here for the good old days so you dont really see a problem with how things are. i love u frenchie with ur box in ur brain that u never open again. i love u fang it's gonna get better i swear. i love u frenchie again bc u just took the cake right out of fang's hands while he was fucking sobbing hfjhgkjhdkjkf
I MISS IVAN JUSTICE FOR IVAN. wish they could've said he'd just fucked off somewhere instead of dying but i think that would've raised the question of why hasn't anyone else fucked off since they all seem so miserable
very relieved that stede isn't taking the racist/antisemitic caricature drawings of ed to make like a boyfriend scrapbook like some people were theorizing. would've been overkill if after episode 4 from last season stede still didn't realize that ed hated these sorts of depictions of him.
INTERESTING DETAIL THO the background music in this scene is "a pirate's life" aka the song frenchie sang in the pilot. it's an instrumental version obviously but yeah i recognize that tune
also more cool background ppl with dyed hair man i love this show
zheng yi sao flirting with olu is so good. he deserves it.
how nice of ed to offer his drugs to the crew. sharing is caring.
also it's so funny to me that the thing izzy is tormented by is ed saying "you can't do the job, someone else will" the toe thing's happened three times and apparently that was fine but the thing the show edits together right before izzy breaks down into the most pathetic aheemheem whimpers isn't any of that it's ed threatening to fire him
also they cut ed throwing knives at izzy!! what the hell.
releasing the clip of izzy crying kinda ruined it for me when it came time to watch it in the show bc i watched it several times since it dropped and now seeing it in context i was like "ok i've seen this already fast forward." i mean i didnt fast forward through it but i did kinda zone out bc i've seen this bit already. this post kinda sums up my thoughts on it
"trifling ingrate plan" dshkjfshgdskhfjkhgkjh
"i know that guy we had breakfast together!" "you'll be having a lot of breakfasts-es together" "oh, okay" i fucking love this whole dynamic like i can tell they're writing the swede out of most of the episodes for budget reasons (sorry nat faxon) but by god do they give him such an excellent fucking send-off. can't wait to see him again when he's in his trophy husband number 20 era
roach is upset abt not being able to cook, buttons is tied up so he doesn't go running back to the sea (i assume). stede you are not giving your crew the environment they need to thrive.
olu being an optimist :)
buttons opens his mouth to drink the rain and in the background u can see roach yanking the rope around buttons back fhdjskgfjhgkjfh STEDE YOUR SEA WITCH CANNOT THRIVE IN THESE CONDITIONS
stede tries to make things sound good in his bottle letters to ed but out loud he says his actual insecurities... it's so fucking tasty tho that he thinks ed could be doing better without him and THAT'S why he's been stalling so much. not afraid for his life even a little bit he just assumes he's not wanted. brb i have to cry now
"im sorry if that's a little bit creepy" "you are creepy" in this scene where they're soaked from the rain. ofmd said this prince ricky guys is creepy and wet.
stede's fucking FACE when prince ricky says "you're my hero" his fucking "clearly you dont own an air fryer" face I CANT STAND HIMMMMMM (affectionate)
prince ricky "these rubes" "men of our standing" yeah i cant fucking stand this guy (derogatory) i love how he's barely even in this episode
stede's face when the swede is talking abt how happy he is with jackie... my man believes in love so much im gonna cry
also in what fucking way does the swede owe them a life debt. roach and buttons literally tried to eat him
izzy's "you know me better than anyone knows me and i daresay the same about you" this is literally so false i dont even know where to begin. izzy in e6 being like "if i didnt know any better i'd think maybe ed might possibly maybe be actually enjoying bonnet's company" while ed and stede are giggling and making each other friendship bracelets. this guy doesn't know ed at all.
also i cant get over how izzy wont make eye contact he's like staring blankly into the middle distance delivering these lines so flatly until he goes to say "i have... love for you" and in that moment he looks like he'd rather ed were feeding him more toes.
"im worried about you, we all are" not gonna lie my dude you've had a weird way of showing it thus far. where was all that worry when you told him he was better off dead than wearing a robe and singing songs?? where was that fucking love then?
and NOW izzy wants to talk it through. izzy literally voted to make blackbeard great again and now he wants to give open communication a chance???
lmao there's a limit to how many characters can be in a bulleted list so here's fucking. part two. on the same post:
ed asking everyone if the vibe is poisonous and fang cant stop crying and ed's face is just like "eh good enough" im fdhksgfkjtdkh
anyway ed with a loaded gun under his chin talking to himself is hurting me so fucking much actually. ed my beloved babygirl for whom i would die. this poor traumatized man. yes he is making this workplace toxic as hell but god. GOD. im gonna throw up.
the way ed is so fucking casual about shooting izzy in the leg. just calm and jovial as he promotes frenchie to first mate. stepping over izzy all crumpled on the floor. everything about this is so fucking good. i mean it's horrible for ed and everyone around him but for me watching the show this shit is DELICIOUS. i love when the pirates get violent and unhinged i love when this shit gets fucked up. ed's mental state is so bad right now and it is causing me severe anguish but also it is so tasty. fuck.
anyway frenchie trying to turn down the promotion fhjkghdfjkhf
the cut to the swede performing the husbandly duties is INSANE. COMPLETE TONAL WHIPLASH. I LOVE THIS SHOW.
"fuck those hammies up!" spanish jackie i love you
black pete why are you so fucking loud AND WHY WOULD YOU JIX IT LIKE THAT???
why is prince ricky so small. he's like a full head shorter than stede. also this guy is insufferable i love how stede just fucking abandons him fhjkgdhkdfghkj
"the calf muscle is the most mysterious of alllll the muscles" what the FUCK does that even mean. oh swede i will miss you
obsessed with the swede playing dumb. the dramatic gasp. "wow, so bad!" fhjsghdkjf
"aint you that soup bitch?" "im the money bitch" i love women.
sfdsjkh spanish jackie being into double-crossing. and slapping the swede's ass on the way out. i love this show
i love how zheng says "this much indigo is worth three times what i paid" while spanish jackie and the husbands are still like, right there. and they just don't hear that bit. incredible.
OUGH the back of jim's weird rope armor looks like a ribcage that's so cool
i love how jim is so fucking bad at telling this story. i love how the monkey's paw comes into it. i love fang asking them to do the voice. i love archie trying to hold back her laughter i love jim and fang giggling together I LOVE THIS SHOW
ed's fucking voice breaking through his whole convo with frenchie. im tearing out my own teeth
i take back what i said about jim being bad at telling this story their version is so much fucking better. squeaky voice "I pray to you, Dark Lord, to make me real flesh! I want to be real flesh!" IM FUCKING OBSESSED. JIM I WOULD DIE FOR YOU
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runawaymun · 3 months
okay your QiQi and Hu Tao post is so real, her trying MULTIPLE TIMES to bury Qiqi is so??? Like. A young child dies in an accident of no fault of her own, and at the last second, an adeptus, an immortal powerful protector of the land, decides "this child deserves more than she got. She deserves to live." and revives her so that she can do that, but Hu Tao thinks she knows better? Like yeah your family has been running a funeral parlor for years but you're like 19 and you think you have the authority to overturn the judgement of low-level gods?? Please. Bless Baizhu's patience to keep rescuing Qiqi tbh I would have resorted to violence long ago.
Also, while Baizhu is not my Blorbo I am extremely glad to see a familiar face genshin-posting, I want to follow people on here for that but every time I go into the tags I take psychic damage :( I suppose I shall just have to do it myself but I'm a little intimidated lol
Me every time Hu Tao shows up and starts Some Shit:
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I know it's supposed to be like silly goofy and her cluelessness is meant to be endearing, but it's just...not? She is so rude and careless and there comes a point when it is no longer pragmatism about death and steps over the line into "You're just an asshole". The fact that she leaves fliers FOR HER FUNERAL PARLOUR outside THE PHARMACY is just insane behavior. It's disrespectful to Baizhu and it's so fucking insensitive and disrespectful to literally everyone else. God bless Baizhu for insisting that he doesn't have a problem with Director Hu and for being the bigger person/the adult in this situation and so forgiving and patient like it could NOT be me.
Yeah she's nineteen and has trauma, but exactly exactly exactly Qiqi's story says the gods felt so bad that she died because of their conflict that they brought her back to life to right a wrong, and it's so fucking mean that Hu Tao insists that "Qiqi isn't alive" and "that's not any kind of life to live" and "let her be at peace" etc etc like that is not your fucking decision. That's up to Qiqi and Qiqi wants to live god damn you. LEAVE HER ALONE.
Also okay yeah she's 500 years old but that is a child with severe memory loss. Yes she's a jiangshi but she literally gets lost and stuck on her orders sometimes to the point that Baizhu needs to help her find her way home. Qiqi is just out there living her life and Hu Tao said "and I took that personally" LET HER VIBE. I hate that she made so many comments on Qiqi's stiff limbs (read: her fucking disability) that now Qiqi feels really uncomfortable if anyone other than Changsheng, Gaming, and Baizhu see her doing her stretches. I hate that despite Qiqi struggling to remember loved ones' names and faces and interactions with them, she remembers Hu Tao because of the trauma that Hu Tao inflicts on her every time she sees her. Qiqi is actively trying to improve her life with researching memory/brain exercises and doing her calisthenics every day etc etc and the pharmacy literally could not function as it does now without her. She has as much a right to be a member of Liyue's community as Hu Tao does -- and yeah like you said it is so insanely arrogant and hubristic of Hu Tao to assume that she knows better than the fucking minor gods of Liyue.
Literally Baizhu and Qiqi deserve justice and it's just insane to me that the implication is that neither of them decide to press charges on her even though they have to go to the fucking cops about this reoccurring incident. And presumably the cops always side with Baizhu and so like. Again does Hu Tao ever get consequences? Do they at least sanction or fine her??? IDK IDK it makes me so mad that this apparently has happened more than once and the idea of her running off with a child who has memory loss and may not remember who she is or where her home is, she just knows she's scared and that she might literally fucking get buried alive here, makes me physically ill.
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anyway I know some people will be like "it's just a game. it's not real and it's not that deep" but I'm still going to hate a fictional character over it. She's an asshole and needs to fucking grow up. Idk maybe she does as she ages. I certainly hope so.
Also hi yes <3 <3 I am so glad you're enjoying the Genshin posting because I am going to be so annoying about it for a while!!! It's nice to find out that you're a fellow Genshin enjoyer. The fandom is uhhhhh crazy. So I feel you on that. I'm slowly collecting some nice people :) Thankfully the Baizhu fans are all pretty cool! I feel like characters like him just attract good energy <3
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dokidokitsuna · 2 months
Writing this out because I just survived a Category 5 whitesplaining event that, hours later, is still boring holes in my brain:
The reason minority representation in media has been historically subtle and implied is NOT because “if you ease people into it they’ll respond more favorably to your ‘argument’ (?!?!?)” It is because that was usually the difference between a show actually getting on the air or being killed in infancy. o_O 
We should respect our roots and acknowledge the fact that it was just harder to see ourselves on screens in the past, and that the writers and directors who cared probably sacrificed a lot just to make those scraps of representation possible. We should also acknowledge that metaphorical/subtextual representation of certain identities is not inherently harmful or inferior, even in the present day.
But we absolutely SHOULD NOT take that to mean that metaphors are somehow the preferred strategy to get the general public to “learn to accept us”. It’s a ludicrous leap in logic that relies on the assumption that: 
A] There’s a debate to be had about minority populations’ right to exist that needs to be “won”
B] Having the rare opportunity to openly portray a minority character/issue in media and just taking it and running with it was never successful in the past (it was)
C] Opposition to minorities’ existence is a ‘fact of life that we just have to accept whether we like it or not’, but our existence is somehow not a ‘fact of life that THEY have to accept, whether THEY like it or not’. Basically, only one side of this “debate” deserves to be protected from reality, and guess which side that is. T_T
The context of this honestly makes it much, much worse (advising amateur writers?!?!) but I don’t even have to go there, the advice is bad enough on its face. When I first realized the conversation in the stream was heading this way I was tempted to just skip ahead in the VOD…but instead I was like “let’s not be so quick to judge; hear ‘em out, they might have a good point in there somewhere”, consequently took 800 psychic damage and now I just know I’ll be stewing about this for weeks.
Like…I know the person who said this is not a bigot, and probably didn’t even realize how dismissive and defeatist this line of thinking sounds. And I’m willing to admit that having this sort of diplomatic, ‘let’s just placate the troublemakers to keep the peace’ attitude towards social issues has its uses, and probably helps this person with their professional relationships. But if you are the sort of person who does that a lot of the time, you should be mature enough to realize that it could be a pretty big blind spot when it comes to discussing how social PROGRESS tends to work.
‘Keeping the peace’ is maybe halfway decent at preserving the status quo, and basically useless at everything else in the long run. :/ Progress, on the other hand, is not peaceful and never has been. If you ever find yourself advising a minority writer to “go easy” on their white cis hetero audience and “maybe try not to be too obvious”, you are probably giving horrendous advice. And if you have this mysterious feeling that you “sound like an a$$hole”, it’s because you do– the red flags in your brain are flying and you’re not stopping to consider why!
In conclusion, there’s a large difference between working around censors as a professional writer and trying to make do with the little wiggle room you have…and convincing yourself that it’s just better to be ‘less obvious’ and hide diverse ideas under layers of abstraction from the get-go. Before anyone even says anything to you, before the general public even has a chance to react to your work and decide whether they’re willing to accept it or not. You’re doing a disservice to yourself AND your potential audience.
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kitausuret · 1 year
Know Your Venom
A handy guide to differentiating all those spider-y symbols! (Part 1 of 2)
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(Venom #150 "Malled!"; Michelinie, Lim)
Hey there, true believer! Are you tired of looking at comics with your favorite black-and-white wicked webslinger and not knowing who's beneath the goo? Fortunately for you, I'm here to help! We'll take a look through the years and hopefully give you some pointers on how to tell who's who. This isn't a foolproof guide by any means, but I hope it's helpful!
So, let's start at the beginning.
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(Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #7-8; Shooter, Zeck)
It's very important to me that people understand that the original black suit costume came from Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)! That's why I often, and will for the rest of this guide, refer to it as the Carpenter Symbol. Know your roots!
For the most part though, we see this design used as a mockery of Spider-Man by the first Venom, Eddie Brock.
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(Amazing Spider-Man #299, #331, and #362, by Michelinie and McFarlane, Larsen, and Bagley respectively)
The earliest artists for Venom all drew the Carpenter Symbol very close to how it originally was designed. You see this continued pretty much to this day, and so if you see a stocky guy in this look with biceps the size of his head - that's probably Eddie.
Early comics are easy, because the only other person to bear this symbol is Anne Weying, and her She-Venom look is. Well. Distinctive.
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(Venom: Sinner Takes All #3; Hama, Luzniak & Palmiotti - Venom: Along Came a Spider #3; Hama, St. Pierre)
A few artists will draw the legs of the spider-symbol either much, much closer together (sometimes if the shot is tiny enough they'll just look like a solid mass), but others like Ron Lim will at times draw them further apart. For the most part it's pretty consistent though.
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(Venom: Lethal Protector [1993] #5; Michelinie, Lim)
And then... we get into the 00s.
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(Venom [2003] #16-17; Way, Skottie Young)
The above looks are pretty unique to how Skottie Young does Venom. And even then, Young's Venom nowadays looks less... like that. I'm not going to share a lot from this series, but we start to get a beefier-looking Venom. This would continue into Spectacular Spider-Man (2003) by Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos.
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(Spectacular Spider-Man (2003) #3, #5; Jenkins, Ramos)
In some ways, you can kind of explain the inconsistency in the symbol by the fact that Eddie and the Symbiote's symbiosis was crumbling - but it's also just. Not that well-written as a Venom story.
And then we get into other hosts.
I feel obligated to point out that Trish Robertson was the first host of the Venom clone that would eventually become Mania - she literally only appears in Venom (2003) but she's almost indistinguishable from Venom.
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(Venom [2003] #16; #18. I'm not going to describe what's happening in these panels, I took too much psychic damage just gathering them.)
Best I can give you is; Trish!clone!Venom is slightly more grey-purple and that's all I'm gonna give you on this topic.
Angelo Forunato was only alive for 2 issues, and he has one look:
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(Marvel Knights: Spider-Man [2004] #7-8; Millar, Dodson)
He's the first Venom we see fully deviate from the Carpenter Symbol. He also has really distinctive eyespots and the first instance of seeing an actual eyeball in the spot. The legs of the spider-symbol are fully separated from each other, and even extend down to the thighs.
The symbiote, displeased with Angelo (and having thrown him off a roof), next went to Mac Gargan, arguably the third or fourth most important Venom to carry the name.
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(Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #10-11; Millar, Dodson)
Beyond! is an interesting case in that it's the first time we see Mac!Venom with the Scorpion tail, which we don't really see again. It's an odd duck of a series overall, but it is kinda fun to see Mac utilizing some of the shapeshifting abilities. But, more to the point of this guide, you can always tell him apart by the white spider-legs going over the shoulders and up the arms.
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(Beyond! #5; McDuffie, Kolins)
Thunderbolts is when you really start to see deviations from the original Mac look. This series especially leans into a very grotesque-looking Venom, but usually there's still some semblance of the original symbol. That's what to look for. But if you see a chonky boy and it's in that mid-2000s art style? You're probably looking at Mac.
You also get variations on the way the spider-legs are drawn. Some artists make them a little skinnier.
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(Thunderbolts #114; Ellis, Deodato Jr. - Thunderbolts #122; Gage, Blanco - Amazing Spider-Man #570; Slott, Romita Jr.)
Here's where it gets tricky.
During Dark Avengers, Mac adopts the Carpenter Symbol (and a slimmer look) at Osborn's behest, and immediately starts looking anywhere between your classic Black Suit Spider-Man and Eddie's look as Venom. Your best bet during this era is to use context clues. Based on the art style for this era, if you're thinking "that's probably not Eddie", you're right. Eddie's running around as Anti-Venom.
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(Dark Avengers [2009] #1; Bendis, Deodato)
And, yes, that means that this scene... is Mac Gargan. No other Venom would let Norman Osborn boss them around. Please, for the love of God, get this one right.
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(New Avengers Annual #3; Bendis, Mayhew)
Mac keeps this look all the way up until he and the symbiote are separated, which leads us to...
Flash Thompson, AKA Agent Venom.
(Coming in Part 2!)
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pocketramblr · 10 months
for the five ask game, how about an alternative universe where Tenya is All Might's secret love child?
1- so Iidamom used to be an active hero at Idaten with her brother and father and their shared engine quirks, but retired after getting pregnant with Tensei. Then, fifteen years later, she has an affair with All Might. Now, All Might was her celebrity free pass so her husband isn't mad, but is a bit uncomfortable because he'd largely been joking, but its not like he communicated that, so.... so begins Tenya's life, and the accelerated decline of the iidas marriage. (you ever think about how the iidad is in the background of like, Tenya's five year old flashbacks but never in the present? and how much he singularly looks up to his older brother? hm)
2- Tenya has blond streaks in his hair, but he dyes them out because he likes the neater, all blue look that matches his family. (Though, one year when he was three, his brother dressed up as All Might for a Halloween costume party, and brought him dressed up as Sir Nighteye). Tenya also has No Idea he's All Might's secret child. (Tensei suspects at least that they're half siblings, but has never asked for confirmation, staying out of the drama between his parents and simply adoring his little brother.)
3- Tenya is also going to grow taller than his brother, though they still look alike mostly due to resembling their mother and the fact that both their fathers are tall and broad, if one more than the other. His eyes are a shade lighter blue then their mother's and Tensei's. Still, no one is going to suspect anything- even All Might has no idea, their mother never told him and never wanted to.
4- After Stain attacks Ingenium, Toshinori feels horrible at hearing the news and cautiously reaches out- he has no intention of repeating the fling, but he is worried for an old acquaintance, and he is Tenya's teacher now. She has a generic response sent to him, more concerned with Tensei's care at the moment. She doesn't think anything if it until a couple weeks later when she's visiting a different son in a different hospital, and as she's walking in, Gran Torino is walking out, talking on the phone, "it took three days and he found trouble, your boy takes a bit too much after you, Toshinori." (Note: Tenya's mother knows Toshinori's given name, due to the whole "sleeping with him" incident) and she's like "He knows??" To which Gran is like "what" and she's like "are you talking about my son?" And, Gran looks over her, says "unless you're Midoriya Inko, no...?" And leaves. So when she walks in and sees Tenya talking to a boy he calls Midoriya she thinks "oh, of course I'm not the only woman to have had All Might's bastard child. They're a bit close in age but I can't judge a fling. Oh no, Tenya has a half brother and doesn't even know it! But... At least they're friends. I'm glad." And she's not going to out the relationships if All Might won't.
5- this just means less trouble now, and now trouble later. Tenya calls from the dorms and talks about Midoriya, and she nervously jokes that it sounds like he has a crush on him- ah, but how are Todoroki and Uraraka doing? Tenya isn't sure how to feel about that, and tells his brother ("hey, is Mom... Homophobic?" / "Uh I hope for both our sakes not, why?") so Tensei just asks "do you have a problem with any of his friends?" And his mom's like "oh, no- I'm just worried he has a crush on his... Probably... Half brother" and Tensei almost breaks his chair's wheel turning sharply. After getting the whole story out and recovering from the psychic damage of the fact that the former number one hero knew his mom like that, Tensei is like "look, you just need to be upfront with All Might, and tell him that Tenya's his, he can take care of the rest. But tell me when you're going to do it so I can text Shouta and tell him to be there, I want him to have both the joy of seeing All Might suffer the reaction, the pain of realizing himself, and to be there in case All Might's heart stops or he coughs on too much blood when he hears."
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luviddreqms · 6 months
I saw people making Ibvs OCs, and I wanted to make one too
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Basic Info
Name: Aubrey Heo
Nickname: Auburn
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 17
Height: 5'10
Introvert or Extrovert: Ambivert
Aesthetic: Scene
Group usually associated with: Theater kids
Anything theater related
Arts and crafts
Backstory: Aubrey found an old broken mask near a psychic shop when they were 14. She took it home and fixed it up, then forgetting about it after leaving it in the back of their closet.
Fast forward to freshman year of high school, Aubrey was cleaning out their closet, and the mask fell into their hands ominously. Aubrey decided to use it for a theater performance. At first, the mask was too tight for them, but they persevered through the uncomfortableness of the mask to get through rehearsal. The next day, when she put it on her face, the mask was a perfect match for her face, and when she looked at people, their faces were blurred out with a symbol on their faces.
They soon were able to realize eventually that the mask was some kind of supernatural thing that can reveal people's true intentions/feelings.
The mask, as stated before, reveals true intentions/feelings. It can help avoid dangerous people.
Only Aubrey and one other person have been able to use the mask's ability
The mask doesn't reveal what the symbols mean, so Aubrey spent about half a year decoding them.
Aubrey can take off and put the mask back on five times a day. The more they use the mask, the more voices they hear that make them feel the need to keep wearing the mask.
If Aubrey never takes off the mask, then it can merge with her face
The mask is a part of Aubrey. If the mask is damaged, then Audrey's face is damaged. A small crack would result in something like a papercut on their face. A large crack would result in something like a gash. The only way to heal the damage is to patch up the mask, which is why Aubrey is skilled in arts and crafts.
If the mask is completely destroyed, then Aubrey would die, and the mask would crumble to ashes.
(Thanks to @starryelem for helping write)
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lucky-katebishop · 9 months
Batman: Legacy Commentary
I feel like we really didn't need this story, but I read it anyways. This is a follow up to the Batman: Contagion story, which was really good. This one was... fine. Here are some screenshots I took while reading! (note: there was like a 4 month break in between reading issues so I really don't remember half the screenshots I took and the context)
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Classic Timmy. Also I love that Dick calls him 'shorty'. Such a big brother thing to do.
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... yeah, sure, Tim. You're totally with it.
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Aw, Tim... (this is when there's a chance that Tim could contract a deadly disease, the Clench, again) This comic is great for Tim and Dick bonding content!
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AH! I forgot I screenshot this and it just gave me psychic damage! Tim and Helena's relationship means everything to me, he's her dumb little brother!
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Not Tim being a y2k doom believer! Baby, the worst thing that's gonna happen to you in the 2000s is that you won't be able to get past 17.
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Tim in the 90s comics (not his own issues, that is) is usually pretty level headed, and so I really like when he kind of rages. There were a lot of moments in this series where both Bruce and Tim both lost their cool.
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he's just a lil guy <3
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he's serving with that Green Day shirt, our sad, emo boy
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This line made me snort, I like that both Tim and I are shocked with Ra's keeping up with technology
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Barbara appreciation screenshot!
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Barbara appreciation screenshot #2!
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This was so random... like they left off the series with Gordon and his ex-wife (current wife?) kissing and getting back together. This is after a little boy died in Tim's arms and Bruce found out that way more people died in Gotham than he had thought. And you end it with Gordon making out with someone who I had never even heard of before? Alright, Dixon... cute heart at least.
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