#I have no fucking allies on this earth NOBODY
elytrafemme · 2 years
what do i have to do for it to matter. people get medication and people get treatments and people get sympathy and people get explanations and people get diagnoses and people get to check all the boxes. it feels like my brain is physically forcing itself not to be too close to an explanation because at the last moment all symptoms will suddenly go away (i’m going to fucking kill Dahlia actually, because I think she’s the reason this keeps happening to me and even if she isn’t I’m just going to keep going until i find the bastard who is responsible). i go to therapy for five fucking years and nothing ever changes. it took whoever i was before this to fucking die before i could be split into this system and that was the most change we ever went through positively was someone fucking disappearing. 
oh mare you could have bipolar ... if your hypomanic periods were more rhythmic :/ or if the manias were worse lol :/ you could have psychosis but its not that bad :/ schizophrenia but you’re too “functional” you talk too “articulately” you’re never getting “anywhere” :/ you could have BPD but your life would be sooooo much more miserable mare and aren’t you happy :/ you could have CPTSD but you can’t even remember what happened to you can you? :/ 
I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’ve done EVERYTHING right I have been so much BETTER about recovery than anybody I have met in my entire fucking life and I get nothing for it. I go to every therapy session I do all the positive self talk I try not to be toxic to people I try EVERYTHING more than ANYBODY. and all I get? Nothing. I never get ANYTHING. 
#DON'T REBLOG and yes I fucking KNOW i can turn off the feature thanks for telling me it doesn't work on desktop#I'm not fucking stupid#negative#vent#I am so sick of this i don't CARE if you think I have it better than you i do not give a SHIT about you I don't care about anything! ever!#I have no fucking allies on this earth NOBODY#my ex and best friend fucking LAUGHED at some of my trauma I don't care I don't care anymore#I don't even WANT to be self destructive but maybe I just need to give reasons for people to actually EXPLAIN things to me#i got told I had a grandiosity episode during a session and that shit was like cocaine I need to get that feedback I need to KNOW#that this isn't in my HEAD but NOBODY FOLLOWS UP! NOBODY SAYS ANYTHING!#people wouldn't LOVE me at ALL if I wasn't mentally ill! I know this! I know this for a fact!#NONE of you would like me if I wasn't mentally ill!#because who the fuck do you THINK you like who do you THINK i am#because whoever you THINK i am is wrong and it actually makes me sick to my stomach#when I realize what you must think of me. because you think all these positive things#and it's so superficial there are no WORDS to describe anything on this earth that any of us can USE#language is stupid and contrived and idiotic none of us know who each other are because we can't explain it#it's just stupid fucking adjectives! and stupid fucking words!#and I wish diagnoses were stupid fucking words but excuse me for wanting to know!#you have NO IDEA what i would do just to KNOW#I would rather force every single alter in my system a brutal death or domantation or SOMETHING#if it meant that I could know what's wrong with me#I would kill my best friends just for that#something that other people get for free just by being a little worse than me#I'm not better than you I'm just not you. we're not the same. not on a molecular level#I shouldn't have been born on this stupid fucking earth this was never my home.
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mickeyswhore · 11 months
Just A Nobody
A/N: might feel silly and write a Part 2 of this, lmk if I should.
Summary: Homelander wants you, and you find an unlikely ally in Soldier Boy, at least that's what you think.
Soldier Boy x Reader
Warnings: not a lot of smut, manipulation, degradation.
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GIF by @coppoladelrey
You started working at Vought while you finished college, Ashley needed a new assistant and she wanted someone young to be able to relate to the younger demographic that you represented. To say that your job was a nightmare was the understatement of the year, everyone treated you like a doormat, especially people in the Seven, except Starlight but when she left you were in the lion’s den again.
You had a system of how to navigate the supes, if it was The Deep, never be in a room alone with him under no circumstances. If it was Noir, it didn't matter because he never talked to you or anyone else for that matter so he was harmless, A Train was a mess and Ashley was very strict with you, never do any favours for him so you stayed away, Queen Maeve was always unpleasant with you so you stayed away. The only person Ashley said that you needed to do anything they asked was Homelander, which resulted in him rentelesly flirting with you. 
The different ways that you were avoiding him were insanely creative, you knew that no one could stop Homelander if he decided to attack you so you had to rely only on yourself and your intelligence. You were constantly stressed, every time you went to work you were on the verge of a panic attack and you were so close to quitting when Vought took it upon themselves to pay for your college.
“Ashley? What is this?” You were so pissed, you had written up your resignation letter and everything.
“You’re welcome are the only words that should be coming out of your mouth right now, darling.” You despised her tone, it was filled with a superiority complex.
“I didn't ask for this.” You protested.
“It wasn’t me, alright? It was Homelander! You made quite an impression on him, if I were you I’d express some gratitude.” She left, tears were already running down your cheeks. Homelander basically owned you and he would come back to claim you.
After freaking out and hyperventilating for hours in Ashley’s office, you decided to take a sick day and go to your apartment. You needed a way out of this but you had no idea of how yet, you took the subway and went home after warning Ashley.
At home you were thinking about what to do, if you ran away Homelander would eventually find you. He found his son and the mother and was with Vought’s help, you wouldn’t even last a day. While you were freaking out and thinking about all of the worst possible scenarios Ashley was blowing up your phone.
You thought that Soldier Boy was dead since before your father was born, maybe Ashley was mistaken? Maybe Vought being in disarray about this person would clear you from being away from Homelander for a while. You got up from your sofa and you were ready to get back to work and deal with Ashley almost having a mental breakdown. When you opened the door you saw him there, your blood ran cold.
“Homelander.” You whispered and he smiled, his smile always unsettled you. “What you’re doing here?” You had no idea that he knew you where you lived, that made you so fucking scared.
“I wanted to explain myself, I paid for your college tuition and we barely spoke before.” He entered your apartment and looked everywhere, you felt so violated.
“It’s gonna have to wait, Ashley needs me.” You were about to touch him so he could leave your apartment but his facade fell.
“She can wait.” You felt the urge to cry but somehow you didn't.
“Not really, Soldier Boy is back.” That was the first time you saw Homelander scared, and for a second you were more afraid of Soldier Boy than Homelander. Who was he that even the strongest man on earth is afraid of? “So I really need to go. You understand that, right?” You had no idea what he was going to do, you sighed relieved when he got out of your apartment.
“It’s fine, I’ll take you back to the tower.” Homelander motioned for you to follow him and you looked confused.
“No worries, I’ll take the subway.” He invaded your personal space and got inches near your face.
“I’m trying to be a gentleman here, girl. I said, I’ll take you.” Homelander was definetly getting off on the fact that you were scared of him, the way you smelled when you were scared and he didn't hide the fact that he enjoyed it. You simply nodded and the two of you walked in silence outside.
Outside, Homelander scooped you up and flew with you that made you so scared but you didn't even had the mental capacity to scream. You were at Vought in less than two minutes, you were about to remove yourself from Homelander when he kept you in place.
“Meet me in my room at 10, hm?” He smiled wickedly at you and released you. It felt as if you couldn’t breathe and Ashley’s words were repeating in your head:
“If I were you I’d express some gratitude.” 
You knew what was implied but you didn't want to do this, why it had to be you? Why couldn’t Homelander just find you unnatractive? You were just a nobody, why couldn’t it continue that way?
Ashley was waiting for you, and apparently all of the testing proved that it was Soldier Boy. How he was able to look the same age or get captured are questions that need to be answered. The two of you entered the room Soldier Boy was being held, Ashley needed to talk to him about all of the optics, how he was going to be in the Seven, if he insisted on it. Vought was more than happy to keep him under wraps, you can’t really control a supe, no matter how hard you tried.
Soldier Boy had his head down, he didn't look at Ashley when she introduced herself and started rambling about PR and how to mitigate the situation and you could tell that he wasn’t interested in the slightest. That’s when he looked at you, and the look he gave you was not one you describe, no one ever looked at you that way before.
“Shut the fuck up.” His voice boomed around the room and Ashley stopped talking instantly. “I’ll talk to her and her only.” Soldier Boy pointed at you and the two of you were speechless. Ashley quickly left the room and the two of you were alone, you sat down in the chair that your boss was sat a couple of seconds ago.
“Why do you want to talk to me?” You whispered, you have no idea why you had the courage to speak first maybe because since Homelander wanted you in his room, you had nothing to lose.
“I want to know what you do you think I should do, doll?” He looked genuinely interested in your opinion, but the reason behind it was totally lost on you.
“But why?” The look on your face could only be described as utter confusion making Soldier Boy laugh.
“You seem the only person I’ve seen so far to have integrity.” That took you by surprise and you simply nodded. “So? What do you think I should do?” He asked again, this time it seemed that was impatient.
“Well, you’ve been tortured by Russians all this time. The thing that seemingly makes the most sense is getting revenge?” It sounded more like a question than a statement and Soldier Boy picked up on that.
“You’re not sure? Speak up, woman.” He banged his hand on the table and startled you, making you jump slightly. 
“If I was you, I would take the time to decompress and enjoy something before going on a suicide mission killing everyone that wronged you.” You said rather quickly and he grinned at you.
“You’re not wrong, doll. Tell Vought that I want a private island, and if you want a promotion you can come live with me and be my handler, I’ll need one since mine is fucking dead.” He laughed and you were about to refuse when Homelander’s demand for you to be in his room flashed in your mind.
“Alright, I accept.” If that meant being as far away from Homelander as possible, you’d accept whatever job in a heartbeat.
“Great to hear, sweetheart.” Soldier Boy smiled at you, there’s no denying that he’s the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. “Are we done here?” He spoke in the direction of the glass, you could tell that he was annoyed but he wasn’t as scary as Homelander, you felt at ease with Soldier Boy.
You didn't leave Soldier Boy’s side, the deadline to meet Homelander was approaching and if you were with a supe that wanted you near there’s nothing that Homelander can do, right? So you took full advantage of your brand new position, Ashley was annoyed about the fact that she needs a new assistant. But she wasn’t about to go against Soldier Boy, so she kept quiet.
Homelander was not happy about your new predicament, he was supposed to have you all to himself. He was looking for you, but you were packing all of Soldier Boy’s clothes that Vought even after all this time, that was very handy. Packing was always something that brought you peace, so you were humming your favourite songs whilst doing this chore. You gasped when you realised that Homelander was right behind you, he was angry you could tell that much, you looked around and realised that Soldier Boy probably went to the bathroon so you were all alone with Homelander.
“Let me get this straight, you’re going to jump on Soldier Boy’s dick the moment I pay for your college tuition? Talk about being an ungrateful brat.” He walked slowly towards you, and you took a step back.
“It was a job opportunity, a really good one…I…” Homelander raised his finger to stop you from talking.
“No, no.” He got closer to you, this was it. He was going to kill you, he raised his hand and caressed your cheek. “You’re not his, you’re mine.” You started crying, that’s when you heard someone clearing their throat.
“Do we have a problem here?” It was Soldier Boy and you were relieved, Homelander was pissed and your saviour was as cool as cucumber.
“No, we do not.” It was the first time you saw fear in Homelander’s features, and he quickly got away from you and he left without saying another word. After he left you sat down in Soldier Boy’s bed and sighed relieved.
“What’s going on between the two of you? Do I have to kill a supe to keep my handler?” Soldier Boy snickered and you let out a small laugh.
“He…always wanted…me.” The awkwardness seeping through every pore of your body makes you cringe. “He also demanded me to be in his room now…so…he came to talk.” Soldier Boy had a strange look on his face, the only thing that you could place was jealousy? That wasn’t possible, he barely knew you? You just ignored it.
“He’s never gonna bother you again, don’t worry.” Soldier Boy placed his hand on your thigh and it felt…nice. You knew that Soldier Boy was attractive, but him being comforting? The icing on the cake.
“Thank you, Soldier Boy.” You gave him a genuine smile.
“Ben.” You looked at him confused. “My name is Ben.” He clarified and the two of you smiled.
You and Ben, as he insisted to be called were now in this private island. You realised quite quick that besides some members of staff that took care of cooking and cleaning, the two of you were all by yourselves. But other than that, you had the most amazing bedroom ever, it was bigger than your apartment and you couldn’t be happier to be away from Homelander.
Ben was always flirting with you, he never stopped. He was also touching you constantly but it never made you uncomfortable, it felt natural to have that intimacy with him. Your days consisted of just making sure that Ben was comfortable and if Vought had any plans for him, which they never did. That made the supe on the edge, you could that he wanted something and you had no idea what.
Until you found out.
It was raining, so neither of you left the house. Ben still hasn’t come out of his bedroom which was odd, he was the first one to wake up at 5 AM. You needed to ask him about what he wanted to eat, so you approached his door before you could knock you heard his gruntings and moaning, he was masturbating in there.
“I know you can hear me, doll. I can smell your arousal from a mile away.” You got caught and there was no way out, so you opened the door and there he was was, his dick was huge, it felt that it should be on a porn actor not a super hero. “There she is, why don’t you come here and let me fuck your mouth, huh?” It felt that he had power over you, so that was exactly what you did.
When you took his cock in your mouth, Ben grabbed your head and started fucking your throat. You tapped his leg so he could slow down but he didn't, you were gagging around his cock, it was painful but he never slowed down. Tears were running down your face, and you could hear Ben’s grunts and moans.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum doll.” He warned and you felt the thick ropes of cum and that made you gag but you did your best to swallow it all, after you were done, you looked at him and he was trying to catch his breath.
“I knew that I made a good deal with Vought.” You looked at him confused. “They let me keep you to do whatever I want in return I don’t appear in public.” He kissed you but you didn't have the ability to kiss him back. “If I was you, I’d warm up to me real quick. There’s nowhere for you to go, and remember sweetheart, you’re just a nobody.” He laughed and went to clean himself, it was going to be a very different stay on this island now, Ben would make sure of it.
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sasheneskywalker · 1 month
fuck or die/mutual non-con/sex pollen batfamily fic recs
A Midsummer Night's Terror: The Great Escape by kleine_aster, njw
A super-villain is on the loose, and he isn't called "The Kinkster" for nothing. On a hot Gotham summer's night, he entraps Batman and his allies, presenting them with a choice—to either succumb to lust, or perish in his maze. Badwrong ensues.
(kleine_aster's fabulous story, with a new ending by njw; posted with permission)
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
erotes by DairyFarmer
Tim never managed to get down to the lab in the cave before Ivy’s pollen wore off.
He was close a few times, got near a few of the entrances when somebody wanted to fuck him somewhere specific. But nobody ever left him alone long enough to reach it.
E | Underage | Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Dick Grayson, Tim Drake/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Jason Todd
What to Do by withthekeyisking
They balked, at first. Tried to talk their way out of it, tried to figure out how they'd escape. Even tried to laugh it off.
But Falcone didn't budge. His deal was clear: either Batman and Nightwing fuck, or he'll kill them all. And with no clear way out and too many weapons to count pointed at them, they have no choice but to comply.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
a little annihilation by wingdingery
Dick knew something was wrong when he went to check on Bruce, but he’d expected it to be some kind of physical injury—a stab wound, maybe, or a broken bone.
In reality, Bruce had gotten himself dosed with a variant of sex pollen that could kill him if left alone. Dick is the only one around who can save him—and he’ll do it, whether Bruce wants him to or not.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
those hands pulled me from the earth by fanfictiongreenirises
Dick and Bruce are both exposed to sex pollen, and neither of them realise quite how potent it is.
DC Dark Week Day 3 - Consent Issues Part 1: Mutual Noncon
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Never Let Me Go by superbrat
"I want you, Bruce." he says and Bruce chokes, because he doesn’t, not like how it sounds.
"It’s because you're drugged, Dick."
"No," Dick breathes, confused wonderment written all over him, like he’s only just realized. "I don't think it is."
Dick Grayson is kidnapped by sex traffickers, and when Bruce finds him, he's drugged to the gills and begging for Bruce to make it better. They both stumble on feelings they never knew existed.
E | Rape/Non-con | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Please by cadkitten
Of all the places Bruce thought he'd ever find himself, this was not one of them. Thirteen minutes ago Barbara had patched him through to Dick's comm, had heard his adopted son's labored breathing, heard the desperation in his voice when he pleaded with Bruce to come and get him from where he'd holed himself up at and to please bring the antitoxin.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Sins Of The Father by Nightwang
‘Tim makes the mistake of looking up then, and locks gazes with Bruce, who’s looking over his shoulder. Bruce turns away almost immediately, but not before Tim sees the look in his eyes, something almost indescribable, hollow and frightening. Tim clenches his bound hands into fists and prays he won’t be sick.‘
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Dick Grayson
Psyche-Soma by Fudgyokra
Bruce clenched his fists when he saw the flat side of the blade press against Dick’s crotch. “What is the Batman’s worst fear?”
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Protocol by Disniq
Bruce got a face full of Ivy's pollen. There… there are protocols for this.
For BruRobin Week - Day 2: Somnophilia and Day 3: Sex Pollen
E | Underage | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne (mentioned), Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne (mentioned)
(Grown) Into a Fine Young Man by blasphemybaker
Red Hood is in hot pursuit of Poison Ivy. Batman tries to warn him against chasing her when it is already too late. Jason has been infected with her pollen and Bruce is the only available cure.
Bottom Jason Todd Week 2023 Day 6 - Gentle Rape/Nonviolent Noncon | Possessive/Obsessive Behaviour | Jason is the Youngest AU
E | Rape/Non-Con | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Only A Catalyst by coffeelacedwords
It's moments like this that Jason thinks there's merit to the whole 'you didn't come back right' thing.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Red light, Yellow light, Green light by sunsh4ne
Robin is affected by sex pollen and Batman will always do anything to help out Robin.
Bottom Bruce Wayne October
Day 6: sex pollen/aphrodisiac
E | Underage | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Patrol With Me by Anonymous
"Come on B, you have to admit it's a little funny." Jason shifted uselessly where he sat, trying to swallow past how raw his voice sounded, the way he couldn't quite keep his breath even. "I'm surprised this is the first time this has happened to us honestly, the stories Dick has told me I mean–"
"Stop talking."
A run in with Ivy turns a routine night of patrol into something else entirely.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Fever by October_rust
After an encounter with Poison Ivy, Jason has to take care of a compromised Batman.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Blood on Our Hands by cadkitten
Fate. Luck. Fucking, Karma, the damn bitch. He's no sure which of them put him on this rooftop, watching the disaster below unfold. All he knows is he has to do something. Granted, he and Bruce are still on the outs, but that doesn't mean he can bring himself to just walk away, seeing Bruce and Damian getting their asses beat. He can't have that blood on his hands. Won't have that blood on his hands.
E | Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
Don't Look by cadkitten
"Don't look." The plea came out desperate, half-gasped, as Jason fell to his knees, hands frantically ripping at his clothing.
E | Underage | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
what a harbour I've become by PlatoSaysNo
A drug bust gone wrong leads Robin to his first time, unfortunately.
E | Underage | Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne
Glittering Eyes by withthekeyisking
It was Jason's case, and he didn't need any help, no matter what Dick seemed to think.
Now, staring at the kneeling form of his older brother and the smug smirk on Slade Wilson's face, Jason can admit that maybe he's in over his head.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Slade Wilson
My Brother’s Keeper by Nightwang
“He’d read once that a possible symptom of a heart attack was an impending sense of doom. You knew something bad was going to happen, but you weren’t quite sure what it was going to be. In that moment Dick knew that whatever Roman was about to say it was going to be bad.”
Dick and Jason are forced into a terrible situation.
For this prompt on the DC Kinkmeme.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Jason Tod
Cascading Failures by sirenseven
He's suffered before, and he'll suffer again, and right now he needs to suffer through this too. He'll survive it. It's just his brain telling him he can't.
Or, fuck-or-die, but without any secret pining or remotely romantic feelings. Sometimes it's just guilt and horror.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
safehouse by Jezebunny
When Jason shows up to help Dick, he's moments too late to stop him from being hit by a new formula, derived from one of Ivy's sex pollens.
Of course, it's not as hard to fuck him as it probably should be, given that they're brothers.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
to perish twice by Anonymous
“Jay,” Dick gasps, and when Jason opens his eyes, he’s smiling. He’s smiling.
Something in Jason’s chest gets dislodged between one breath and the next. Something in Jason’s chest is lost forever in the crush of his lungs inflating.
He’s beautiful, he’s so beautiful, and Jason’s hard-on makes him feel monstrous, unclean, tainted. He wraps his heavy arms around Dick’s torso and kisses him again. Anything to stop Dick looking at him like that.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
getting the job done by Eriord
Jason is undercover, trying to infiltrate a gang. Dick is trying to do the same as a stripper.
There's no reason to expect their paths would cross on their first day.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Iceberg by sarriathmg
Two weeks ago. Iceberg Lounge…
The kissing, those sweet nothings whispered… all along with the rocking and the heaving, trivializing the leering of Cobblepot and his men, as if it were only the two of them, as if this isn’t Penguin’s lounge but in one of their safe houses.
And now, two weeks later, Jason is barely hanging on by a thread. He can't stop thinking about Dick, his breathing, his kiss, and his words—“Tell me if I hurt you.”
…to make things worse, his brother is now also stalking him.
Jason can't avoid Dick forever.
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
fingerprints all over me (now my throat's choked up and I can't breathe) by lostandlonelybirds (RUNNFROMTHEAK)
“I don’t have my comm, Dick,” is whispered over bare skin as Jason leans in.
There’s a laugh, throaty and wet. No joke has been offered, but no joke is needed.
Two men walk into a bar. Neither walks out.
(Dick is the punchline.)
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
A Secret For Another Soul by boyhostage
Of all the things to be woken up by in the middle of the night, Dick hadn't expected Jason Todd.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson (mentioned)
brother dear by gayrights1987
Dick and Jason investigate a new date rape drug. Black Mask invites them to perform for him.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Roman Sionis/Jason Todd
don't say no, just say now by crookedspoon
Jason wakes up next to Dick, drugged up to his ears. They are not alone.
Or, the one in which Slade wins Nightwing and Red Hood in an auction and decides to get his money's worth.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
He ain't heavy by BearlyWriting
For the DC Kinkmeme prompt:
Jason and Tim are in the clutches of a villain together and the villain demands that the two of them provide some entertainment by fucking each other or risk some form of punishment.
Also, for BJTW day four: Fuck or Die.
"And that’s the crux of it. Because what Roman is suggesting - demanding - is sick and twisted and awful, but it’s a hundred times better than having to watch the slathering alphas in the room rape Tim. Jason can smell the heavy alpha arousal in the air, hear their excited breathing. He knows that letting them touch either of them would be a total disaster. At least this way, Tim won’t get hurt."
E | Rape/Non-Con | Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Jason Todd/Roman Sionis, both of those are forced, Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Force-Fed by meaninglessblah
Tim lives a surreal life as a co-victor of the recent Hunger Games, forced to play the role of the enemies-to-lovers couple with his would-be murderer Jason. But he knows, so long as he plays his part, he can survive the Capitol's obsession with him. He just has to take each day at a time, smile for the cameras, and make no waves.
When Tim discovers the price for survival is set far higher than he ever dreaded it could be, he's not sure he wants to pay the price. He's not sure he has a choice, anyway.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Tim Drake/Ra's al Ghul, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson
Turn My Soul (into a raging fire) by kieran_granola
Not long after his confrontation with Bruce and the Joker, Jason crosses paths with an angry Poison Ivy. She accidentally triggers his heat before leaving him for Robin to find.
Still scared and angry about the incident at Titans Tower, Tim has no choice but to help Jason work through his heat when it turns out that he's been abusing suppressants and could very well die without an alpha to help.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake/Jason Todd
Die a Hero, Become the Villain by arabmorgan
Jason had broken into Robin’s safe space and beaten him bloody mere months ago, and now the boy was tucked against his chest, trembling like a wet puppy.
It just wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair.
It would have been infinitely better for them both if that fateful day had remained Robin’s worst nightmare.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake/Jason Todd (implied)
doomed just enough by withthekeyisking
When Dick and Damian get captured by Black Mask, they're given a simple and sadistic ultimatum: fuck or die.
Dick is horrified, unable to wrap his head around the fact that he has to have sex with a boy he views as his son. But Damian has been harboring feelings for his mentor for a long time now, and it's hard to pretend otherwise when he's finally getting Dick beneath him.
E | Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne
Obedience by Val_Creative
Taking orders never has been difficult for him, Dick suspects. Everything else can be.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne
two birds on a wire by tentaclemonster
Damian is dying and Slade is the only one with the cure. Dick is willing to do whatever it takes to get it, even if it means hurting Damian in order to save him.
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Underage | Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson/Damian Wayne
Repeat of Case 9304 by cadkitten
Jason lands beside him a second later, dropping down off one of the AC units. He crouches and grasps Damian's chin, tips his head up and stares him down. "Can you still give consent? Or do you want me to knock you out?" When Damian just gapes at him, Jason flicks open one of the pouches on his belt, extracts a dangerous looking needle, and says again, "Last chance. If you can still tell me you want whatever happens, I let you stay conscious. Otherwise, night night little birdie."
E | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Jason Todd/Damian Wayne
Tie A Knot And Hang On by Nightwang
‘Duke yelps, jerking away. Except Dick comes with him, a strained little grunt escaping him and Duke realises with dawning horror that they’re chained together.’
For the Dick Rare Pair Challenge prompts Duke Thomas and Chained Together.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Duke Thomas
Helpless by Nightwang
‘“What do you want?” Nightwing snapped.
The mercenary smirked. “You.”
Tim’s stomach dropped.’
Slade makes a deal.
E | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con | Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
I will not take prey on you by BearlyWriting
‘Roman laughs again. His hand comes up to cup the back of Jason’s neck. His mouth is stretched wide with amusement, teeth flashing against the black of his melted mask.
“You’re serious?” he says, a little breathlessly. “You’re seriously going to offer your own ass up to save them?”’
For bottomjasontoddweek Day 1: Forced to submit/allow himself to be raped to save someone.
E | Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con | Roman Sionis/Jason Todd, Jason Todd/Other(s), Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Feeling Trapped by Skalidra
Jason's seen a lot of weird shit in his life. It comes hand in hand with the whole hero thing. Magic, aliens, ghosts, weird mutations that have no business actually happening. Jason's seen a lot, and he's had enough experience to know that there's always something weirder he hasn't gotten to yet. He also knows a lot of it he isn't going to like, because that's his luck. He never gets the cool weird things. He gets the ones that try to eat his face, more often than not.
So waking up groggy and in a cell he's got absolutely no memory of isn't shocking, exactly. It's just unnerving, and really fucking unwelcome.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson
Like A Man Possessed by meaninglessblah
When he opens his eyes again, Damian’s rising from his crouch, expression solemn and focused. It looks like him, Tim thinks, and smothers another groan as the room pulses.
It’s not. He knows it’s not.
He hopes it’s not.
E | Rape/Non-Con | Tim Drake/Damian Wayne, Tim Drake/Ra's al Ghul, Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne, Ra's al Ghul/Dick Grayson
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twoelectrichearts · 8 months
Noah Schnapp is literally beyond evil. Like, spawn of satan level of evil. He only deserves to suffer for the rest of his existence. How dare he have empathy for innocent civilians in Israel and Palestine. First of all, there’s no such thing as innocent Israeli civilians. Second of all, you can't have empathy for both. Especially if he is a Zionist. All the Jewish people who identify as Zionists are evil. Israel has absolutely no right to exist and Jewish people have no right to exist in Israel. So many Jewish people who are Zionists claim that’s what Zionism means to them but they’re wrong. Zionism is pure evil. You can’t be Zionist and want peace and self determination for Palestinians. I’m not Jewish but I definitely know better than the Jewish Zionists who claim that. They’re all evil lying monsters. They want every Palestinian wiped off the face of the Earth. Hamas would never want such a thing. It’s not like they had a charter that said that about Jewish people. Even if they did, they supposedly recently changed it to Zionists instead so it’s all good now. Hamas is totally accepting of Jewish people now and would welcome them with open arms as long as they aren’t Zionist. Noah, if you’re a Zionist, don’t be anymore. You can change your evil ways. Hamas changed. Yeah, they may have killed civilians and taken hundreds hostage, they may have said October 7th was just the beginning and that it was going to happen over and over again, but they’re no longer antisemitic. They’re just anti Zionist so they’re good people now. You can change and be good too. You’re so young. There’s still hope for you. Stop lying and telling us how you want peace and self determination for Palestinians. We all know that’s not true. It can only be true if you aren’t Zionist.
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You liking something like this makes absolutely no sense if you’re Zionist. I bet you don’t even agree with it and just liked it by accident or something. It’s crazy how I even managed to come across this months ago considering nobody talked about it or brought it to light. You liking that sketch of people in the LGBTQ+ community simping over Hamas got so much attention and caused so much outrage though. Funny how the internet works. Anyways, as a bisexual, I was so offended by that video. Hamas are well known LGBTQ+ allies. How could you like that video as someone who’s gay? It’s probably because you’re lying about being gay too. Shame on you.
Last thing I’m gonna say is fuck Israel and fuck Israelis. That country and all the people living there are evil. They’re all colonizers and occupiers. It needs to cease to exist and all the people currently living there need to go back to where they originally came from. All of them came from Europe, right? That’s what I’ve been hearing. They all need to return to Europe. Gosh, why’d they ever leave there in the first place? I know Jewish people say otherwise but they’re wrong. They’re either lying or in denial. They’re not indigenous to Israel. They’re indigenous to Europe. Us non Jewish people really need to educate them more about their own history, religion, ethnicity, etc. We need to teach them what antisemitism actually is. A lot of them don’t seem to understand what it is. We do that to every other minority group that we aren’t apart of, right?
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fic rec friday 35
welcome to the thirty-fifth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Send Down the Rain by @azapofinspiration
Lance missed rain. As much as he missed his family and his home, he missed rain almost as much.
However, rain has to exist somewhere out in the universe, right? Even if he can't go home, Lance should be able to feel rain and soak it.
Five times Lance tried to find rain and the one time he did
lance should have gotten the rain in canon. he needed that. and god did azap fucking deliver!! this fic is sweet and this fic is sad and this fic is melancholy and this fic makes you want to throw up and this fic makes you feel alive. i fckn love this fic
2. Brawler by @admiralcanthackett [GORE WARNING]
I have no summary for this beyond Lance and Keith get ambushed and Lance is a determined motherfucker who fights dirty. Keith is mildly turned on and largely impressed.
you ever want to see lance, feral, thinking only of protecting his family, rip someone’s throat out with his teeth? no? well, i didnt either, but it turns out that i needed to read it, so. and just to clarify this series isnt just lance going batshit insane, although there is plenty of that, it also has some tender klance gong over trauma so thats fun
3. nobody has to know (nobody but me) by xeah
Lance has a secret, and he’s taking it to the grave –except, he didn’t think the ‘taking it to the grave’ bit would happen quite so soon.
When the team head planetside on a diplomatic mission, Lance can’t decide if he’s ecstatic about it, or about to endure an intense bout of homesickness. Sure, the planet looks cool, the aliens themselves are pretty chill considering they’ve singlehandedly fended off Galra attacks up until now. But thanks to Pidge making the team clocks that run on Earth time, Lance knows that it’s almost his nineteenth birthday.
Yeah, he’s gonna go with the homesickness.
Unfortunately for him, the aliens they visit have two distinct qualities that, in any other circumstance, Lance would find cool; the ability to sense emotions, and the complete inability to keep secrets. That extends to their allies, as well.
He probably would have continued thinking those were pretty amazing skills –until the aliens sense negative emotions between the Paladins, and demand that to secure an alliance, the team must heal the dissent brewing in the fine cracks between each other thanks to the secrets they’re keeping, no matter how trivial.
Yeah. Homesickness probably wasn’t the right way to go.
okay, full disclaimer, this series isnt finished and i doubt it ever will be. HOWEVER. this fic is, and this fic is fucking stellar. magical realism has always been a fave of mine, and of course add vld and klance to that and ill always go feral. if you want to see amazing mcclain family backstory and tension so thick you could gnaw on it, swallow the L and read this fic you’ll only be a litle devastated that you won’t see how the series ends
4. Bruises by @admiralcanthackett
Lance is cornered by a Galra, cut off from the rest of his team. When he hears their disparaging comments, instead of asking for help when he can, he hides how hurt he is. He doesn't want them to think he's anymore useless than he already is.
you can tell that the author was mad when fae wrote this and honestly? yeah. yeah, sometimes u just have to be mad. sometimes thinks go to shit and its everyone’s fault and your pain becomes physical and you just have to grit your teeth and tell everyone to go fuck themselves. thats what lance goes thru here
5. Hybrid by @admiralcanthackett
Lance overhears one of the aliens insulting Keith after a successful mission and loses his temper.
yes another admiral fic but let me live i have always been obsessed with these fics and there are just so MANY of them okay. there will be more. but i like this one bc who doesn tlike protective lance??? who doesnt like keith realising that he’s worthy of being defended??? like cmon now
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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Hi I've had an influx of followers again so I wanna say hi and tell y'all a little what I'm about.
So hi, I'm decol. I'm a grown Ojibwe leftist living with my trans gf and my kid ❤️
You may have noticed I posted a lot of politics. Lately it's been Free Palestine but thats because it became my new normal. Before I became so focused on Palestinians liberation tho, I posted a lot more other things. Human rights, trans rights, women's rights, Im mentally ill and AuDHD and post about mental illness stigma, landback, calling out white supremacy, decolonization, etc. My blog has been political for along time but always on the side of human rights and fighting oppression. But that's just liberal stuff. What makes me a leftist is that I don't believe states or borders are good for people.
Let's get into why that is.
I support life and believe that a state or government fundamentally opposes life.
I also support whatever means necessary the oppressed seek to gain freedom. I don't think it's my place or anyone else's to say liberation can only look one way. Especially when it's often from privilege and a myopic view of comfort that most us speak.
There wouldn't be so many people being oppressed if there weren't so many people dedicated to their own comfort instead of liberation. Nobody should have to Vote to have human rights and if in fact any oppressed people had allies we would not have had to march for them either. We shouldn't have to earn our human rights from a majority that didn't want us to vote in the first place and nobody should have to do it now.
I think voting therefore is also a fundamentally flawed system that no amount of voting blue will change because it is not the Votes that must change, but the people who are casting them. It's the people in the majority who are not demanding equality and the people in the majority who are leaving others to fight for themselves.
But I do unfortunately live in a society that continues to use and weaponize that system anyway for their bi-annual puppet theater where they watch BIPOC fight and bid on who will give us more rights .
I think few people see this for what it is and even less are willing to demand the change necessary to give all people a proper and equal voice. Such is the nature of the majority is it not? They may pretend to hate injustice but remember that myopic view of comfort they have? Injustice is included with it, free of charge.
So yeah, you will see me advocate for certain things on this blog that may contradict the views I've stated at first glance. But It's just me working within the framework that I have been given.
For example I'll push for presidential candidates despite the fact that I support Landback and believe voting is flawed and the country is fascist. Because I know we are far from an organized revolution full of intersectional solidarity and realistically I must work within the framework I have. Which is a shitty voting system and a population who doesn't even fully realize why it's so shitty.
Or you'll see me support violence when I support saving lives. And that's because I also believe the language of the oppressor is violence and likewise that anyone who's ever tried catering to their "better conscience" has found that oppression wouldn't exist if the oppressors had a conscience to appeal to. Violence is the answer sometimes and I've found that sometimes it's the only answer that a state will understand.
To that end...I don't want to hear about any state military anywhere. Every single military on earth has done some seriously fucked up shit. I know this. You know this. I don't support any military anywhere. Period.
I don't think anyone is innocent either. As I've gotten older I've realized it's been made clear that race and religion are part of everything including our headlines today and that's it's been that way for a long time. Even freedom and liberation and oppression have been racialized and as a native 'leftist extremist' I've seen that firsthand. I've learned that both sides will lie to make the other look bad without taking accountability for whatever awful thing they did themselves.
Power corrupts. And it's why I support principles and ideas behind a movement and not necessarily the specific people of it or even the movement itself and it's why I will ALWAYS disregard any attempt to undermine a movement because the people leading it were found to have flaws. Of course they did. And of course they're being politicized. Such is the reality of the Us vs Them political landscape. Anything to make the other guy look bad.
It's up to us who were going to stand behind despite their flaws. It's up to us to decide what principles matter to us. And I refuse to let perfection be the enemy of progress. Because I understand a lot of people in 2024 have been spoon fed puritan ideas that have made them believe most movements are not good enough to support. Either they don't follow their ideology perfectly or their tactics are too aggressive or their goals are "unrealistic." It's always something.
I don't subscribe to this puritan 2.0 logic. Nor do I believe that it should apply to everyone. I didn't ask to be held under a microscope for example. I'm just a Tumblr blogger. Yeah I blog about a lot of politics and such but that's because I like politics and such lol I'm not a representation of anything but myself, but you'll find I too have been politicized in ongoing race and theological wars. "Why would you say x if you support y?" says anon in another attempt to make all supporters of Y look unreliable and bad for their opinions on X. As if my singular bad opinion is somehow a representation of everyone else who supports Y and not just my opinion specifically on x.
I also want to be very clear that I'm still learning :)
I don't know everything about everything yet and as such I'm sure I'll fuck up or say the wrong things or use the wrong terminology sometimes.
Please just give me a heads up. Don't be a puritan about it and make a whole post about how ignorant and harmful I am or something, especially when it's been made clear my intentions are not to offend or exclude anyone and I would Never intentionally do anything like that.
I try to educate myself on topics before I speak about them but lots of the things I discuss on my blog require a lot of knowledge to be spoken on in confidence. I am often not confident lol. As a native tho it annoys me to no end when people use the excuse that "well I didn't know enough about the topic so I stayed silent and didn't share opinions on it at all ever" because that's also a puritan act thats detrimental to movement and helps to maintain our status as 'Irrelevant Concern.' So I try to educate myself and show support, tho sometimes it isn't as well worded or educated as it should have been.
All I ask is you have some grace when that happens as I have good intentions. Additionally if I ever fuck up Please tell me. I do not ever want to make someone feel like shit cuz or singled out cuz I said something ignorant I shouldn't have.
Some people choose comfort and don't acknowledge when they fucked up. I try to pride myself on Not doing that and correcting myself where others can see and learn from it too.
Not everyone wants to learn tho. Those are the people I don't understand. Those are my opposers; the people standing indifferently in the way of progress while oppressed fathers beg for them to move aside. And what is he to do with the child dying in his arms? Just allow this man to keep being the only obstacle to saving them? Of course not.
And so I aggressively and vehemently stand by the opinion that self defense in this way is never wrong. Let all the ignorant white supremacists die if they have to and let all their allies cry about it. I don't care. White supremacists fundamentally oppose life which I support. And so I fundamentally oppose white supremacy the same way I do a state and as such I openly call for their destruction as well.
This is getting long so I'll wrap it up.
Human rights are to be taken by any means necessary if they were not given to you. The people with-holding them don't get to complain about how you get them and either does anyone else especially if they aren't helping you get them now. Additionally, people should be given room to grow but choosing not to grow is a choice too so don't tolerate the intolerant who stands in your way. If you can cut him down then do it.
My asks are always open. I get a lot of mean, bad faith asks and so I answer most asks with this mindset and I'm trying to be better about it but if you send one in good faith and my attitude sucks, please don't take it personally.
I share a lot of politics and upsetting things and images on my blog. I don't feel the need to tag every post because So Many of them are this way..
However, the posts that are especially bad ARE tagged
My trauma/trigger tag is: decolstw
This is a catch-all tag. Gore, white supremacist violence, historical hate crimes, and the like are all tagged with this.
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I Miss 2020
I miss 2020. I miss when I pulled up Folklore on Spotify and rediscovered Taylor and freaked out over Evermore and watched Miss Americana and thought Taylor was the greatest person on earth. I miss being ignorant and being able to enjoy her music in peace. I'm no stranger to her controversies (I used to have a blog dedicated to her but deleted it after the Ginny & Georgia fiasco), but somehow I convinced myself to just move on. It was my white privilege I guess, that told me I could still maintain a relationship with her. (Albeit a critical one).
But now?
I just can't. I can't defend her anymore. Taylor's not an idiot. Her team aren't idiots. They know full well who M*tty He*lly is and they don't care. They are, in their good conscience, associating (and in Taylor's case dating) He*ally, a (now) known racist, anti-semite, queerphobe, Islamaphobe, etc. They don't care about who he is. Taylor doesn't care about who he is. She's just in it for herself. And I in good faith cannot continue supporting her. Like, at all. And I feel so lost.
I have multiple of her CDs. She was my top artist on Spotify wrapped last year. I have a fucking CALENDER of her on my wall. She meant a lot to me. Her music means a lot to me. Just last week I was flipping out over Spean Now TV. But how can I listen to it now? How can I still give her my money knowing who she truly is? I can't hide from it anymore.
For those who say this a PR stunt, it's a fucking horrible one. If I were on her team I would have shut this down before it even started. "All press is good press" well sometimes the press isn't worth it. Sometimes it blows up in your face. And I HOPE it blows up in Taylor's face. I hope she regrets this for the rest of her life. Because she should know better! Her team should know better! Shame on them! Taylor, who made a whole documentary about her "stepping into politics" and standing up for minority rights, should know enough that she needs to stick to her word. But she also knows she's a rich white billionaire so IG we know what truly drives her morals.
And for those who say M*tty's just doing a bit or that we should just let her be happy, A) M*tty is a grown-ass man. A grown-ass man does not use bigotry as a "bit" in good conscience. If he thinks it's funny as a bit then he thinks it's funny actually. B) Nobody's happiness is worth more than those who are hurt by it, celebrity or not. Taylor is 33. She knows what she's doing. She sees the controversy. And she's basking in it.
To all the Jewish, Muslim, and POC swifties who are hurting right now, I'm so sorry. You deserve someone better. Your pain is more valid than her money. You have my utmost support.
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shelbgrey · 3 months
Thank you for writing a Rusty Ryan fic. They’re none and it’s criminal
Dating Rusty Ryan headcanons
Parting: Rusty Ryan x Ocean!Reader
Summary: headcanons about rusty Ryan dating Danny ocean's little sister. - SMUT warning
A/N: sorry this is so short <3
❤️MasterList ML2 ❤️ Dating moodboard
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No one really knows how you ended up together, Your older brother Danny really wants to know. He gets out of prison and all the sudden you two are together.
“I was in the slammer that long” Danny sighed. “yeah it happened after the 'incident'” you told your brother.
Danny didn't like it a first, he always thought no one was good enough for you. He saw how happy you were and got over it.
Even though Rusty is his best friend and his most trust Ally, he put the fear of God into Rusty. “if you hurt her there will be nothing left of you except some blond hair and an accident”
Nobody on the team except you and Rusty know what the 'incident' is. It aggravates everyone beacuse anytime some asks how you ment you say the incident. “you keep saying that, what does that mean?!” Linus asked annoyed.
So how you two became to be is just this big mystery and slowly turned into a inside joke among the team.
You guys are either the ultimate power couple or the old married couple that should probably get a devorce.
Not in a bad way by all means, he treats you like a princess and would never hurt you. I mean as in you two will say the most out of pocket things to each other and playfully bully each other.
To a stranger this may seem bad, but really you have a good relationship. “no, that's just how they talk to each other”
This man has your back to the very end and is very protective. Your a hacker for the team and he makes sure you stay in that position, he's terrified that if you go out on the field you'd get shot or sent to jail.
He drinks a lot and so dose the other boys, but if you don't he'll never pressure you or let other people. “she doesn't drink, leave her the fuck alone”
He'll teach you how to play poker, he has a lot of fun and enjoys figuring out your little quirks and tendencys during the game.
If your practing for an actual game he be a tad bit less lenient. “Angel, you don't have a poker face”
You guys get a pit bull and it's the sweetest thing that's ever walked on the face of the earth. She is definitely your protector, but she's Rusty's shadow.
Your the only person he'll share his food with, he likes a woman that's not embarrassed to eat what they want.
You'll get a like a huge thing of chili fries and share them.
He'd probably keep snacks in your bag incase he gets hungry during Danny's long ass meetings.
He's a big cuddler and is touched starved. If your hacking somthing on your computer he'd pull you close to him so your back is against his chest and your nessled between his legs.
He thinks your so smart and amazing, especially when your working. He'd just admire you as your typing away on your laptop.
You love his blue eyes, you could star into them for hours. It annoys Danny how you just check him out when your supposed to be working. “his eyes are blue big deal, so are my socks”
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He also loves it when you kiss his forehead. It just a small, loving gesture he absolutely loves.
You play with his rings if your bored. If your setting next to each other during one of Danny's meetings you'll just hold his hand and play with them.
He calls you Angel and baby. You call him Honey, sweetheart and if you want to tease him Rust bucket.
You guys get tattoos together a lot, sometimes you make a whole date out of it. He's probably got your name tattooed some where on his body, which you didn't aporve of since it's permanent.“you act like we're gonna break up, your stuck with me angel”
Which is true, your stuck with each other till death. But there's still a part of you that thinks your not good enough, which you are. I think every girl has that problem every once and a while.
You weren't gonna get a white wedding, you knew that and Rusty thought the Cort house wasn't good enough. So you got married in the church of Elvis the next time you went to Las Vegas.
But Rusty will make sure you know how perfect and beautiful you are. He knows your too good for him and he's damn lucky to have you. “Woman, I'm lucky I even got you. I'm glad you think I can pull another chick, but I really can't”
If your in the kitchen cooking he's under your feet sampling everything. It's even worse when you get a dog because you have to move around them both. “Rusty, quit eating! I'm trying to cook”
“I'm hungry, woman!” he said with his mouth full. “your always hungry”
He probably didn't get decent home cooked meals till he started dating you. He loves your cooking.
NSFW headcanons:
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He'll mark your thighs with his teeth and biting hard enough to leave a light bruise.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
He definitely has a Praise kink too, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
He would really get off on marking you up. He didn’t think he would, as it wasn’t something he thought too much about but when he did it there was no turning back.
definitely a fan of overstimulation, he loves the way that your body twitches and you whimper from his touch.
God, he loves anything to do with your breasts. He loves it when your sitting on his lap, grinding against his bulge while his face is buryed in your breasts, kissing and marking them up.
One of his biggest kink is cumming inside you, seeing you filled up just makes him go crazy.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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gnougnouss · 1 year
Ya know I feel like there's a shit ton of hyprocrisy going on when people compare RTD's writing and Moffat's on dw but nothing irks me more than when they say Moffat era made the doctor too important when he was portrayed as just a guy in RTD. Like. Are you fucking kidding me. Be for real.
In the GODDAMN first episode, one of the first thing we learn about the doctor is through Clive (rip) in that scene :
The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, he's there. He brings the storm in his wake and he has one constant companion. ROSE: Who's that? CLIVE: Death.
So yeah the Doctor is a Legend. Next, in New Earth he is called "the lonely God". Very normal guy core.
It gets worse, who could forget this wonderful speech in The Family of Blood ?
LATIMER: Because it was waiting. And because I was so scared of the Doctor. JOAN: Why? LATIMER: Because I've seen him. He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. DOCTOR: Stop it. LATIMER: He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe. DOCTOR: Stop it! I said stop it. LATIMER: And he's wonderful.
The Next one is by Steven Moffat but crucially still during 10s era so STILL part of how the doctor was characterised. RTD approved you might say.
DOCTOR: Don't play games with me. You just killed someone I liked. That is not a safe place to stand. I'm the Doctor, and you're in the biggest library in the universe. Look me up. (There is a pause, then the shadows withdraw.) ANITA: You have one day.
I added it because I saw people act as if the Eleventh Hour's resolution with a doctor boast was completly out of character and not something he literaly did one series before.
Ok now for the real silly, that scene in Last of the Time Lords where the power of PRAYER turned 10 young and hyper powerful. For real. Yeah like a sort of Space Jesus.
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Bonus: that part in Voyage of the Damned when he flied with two angels lifting him like ok lmao.
Those were just the ones I could remember out of the top of my head but "just a guy" my entire fucking ass. Go rewatch that show.
I feel like Moffat is often accused of turning the doctor into too much of an incredibly powerful figure not because he did it more than RTD but because he discussed the trope and as such put a lot of attention on it . All of those I pointed out in RTD are played incredibly straight but in Moffat's era the doctor's legend is a problem. It's the plot of the s5 finale, he became so big his ennemies allied. It's the reason he gets called out in "A good man goes to war"
RIVER: This was exactly you. All this. All of it. You make them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this? The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name. Doctor. The word for healer and wise man throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know. But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word Doctor means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child, the child of your best friends, and they're going to turn her into a weapon just to bring you down. And all this, my love, in fear of you.
It continues in Asylum of the Daleks where Moffat tries to erase the doctor's legend and is concluded somewhat in s8 finale with the proposition that what the doctor actually is, is in fact an idiot.
DOCTOR: I really didn't know. I wasn't sure. You lose sight sometimes. Thank you! I am not a good man! I am not a bad man. I am not a hero. And I'm definitely not a president. And no, I'm not an officer. Do you know what I am? I am an idiot, with a box and a screwdriver. Just passing through, helping out, learning. I don't need an army. I never have, because I've got them. Always them. Because love, it's not an emotion. Love is a promise.
But nobody saying stuff like "Moffat made the doctor too important" ever watched Capaldi's era anyway so it's not like they would know.
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theroseandthebeast · 9 months
Yuletide 2023 Recs, Batch Two
17 recs for Castlevania: Nocturne, The Chronicles of Riddick, Crimson Peak, Critical Role / EXU Calamity, Daisy Jones & The Six, The Devil Went Down To Georgia, Dracula, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
The Safety of Abstaining, Courteously, Olrox/Original Male Character + Mizrak/Olrox
Love is a dangerous thing for all vampires. It makes them vulnerable. Olrox has had the misfortune of experiencing this first hand. He is not doing that again.
Strange Allies, Olrox/Mizrak + Mizrak/Richter Belmont
Mizrak can’t figure out why Richter Belmont is still alive.
Three Principles, Dame Vaako/Vaako
Society among the Necromongers is cruel and ruthless. Death is the natural order of things, and life is to be endured. This is the story of the man and woman who would become Lord and Dame Vaako. Don't forget: you keep what you kill.
Blood in the Snow, Lucille Sharpe/Thomas Sharpe
Before the house, there was the earth, and the blood.
tempter or the tempted, Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine Hells/Zerxus Ilerez
“The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?” - William Shakespeare Zerxus won't give up trying to save Asmodeus. Asmodeus won't stop trying to damn Zerxus.
You Wanna Try That Again?, Billy Dunne/Daisy Jones
There are so many lines in the sand between Daisy and Billy - boundaries they won't cross, words they won't say, urges they won't give into. Right up until they do.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia Station, Gen, The Devil & Johnny
Me, I was just about ready to play the fool myself when the Devil arrived. You see, the sector sheriff had died a little while back, and the spaceways were so infested with bandits that no law-abiding ship dared to fly. The bandits didn't come stop at Georgia Station for a drink and a fiddler either—nobody comes down here unless they've got a resupply contract, for there's only one safe route in. I was feeling my old wanderlust, what with being cooped up in one place for so long, and besides my free meals were getting smaller by the day. That's why, when the Devil came sauntering into the station's only saloon and slid into the booth across from me, bringing out her fiddle from Devil-knows-where, I listened when she made me a deal.
The Calm before the Storm, Gen, The Captain of the Demeter
The Demeter's log was not the only tale of note to be found upon the ship.
Sanguine, Gen, John Seward
John is having bad dreams. Most of all, he dreams that Quincey might not be as dead as everyone thinks he is.
Into That, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Edgin returns the Helmet of Disjunction. Xenk rewards him.
Not Certainty, But Hope, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
In which Xenk proposes. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to repeat that," Edgin said. "I have come here to ask your hand in marriage," Xenk said in that annoyingly calm voice, like dropping in on someone at their local pub and asking them to marry you was just like popping next door and asking for a cup of sugar from the neighbor, "that we might infiltrate a temple of Ilmater and discover the means by which so many happy couples have disappeared."
Deception Check, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Ed had lied a lot. Did lie a lot. There was a lot of lying, was his point. But the trouble and the lying did not typically involve Xenk Yendar, and this was proving to be the problem. (or, Edgin Darvis attempts to lie and rolls a one.)
Legends & Lore, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk gets truth potioned and doesn't say anything interesting at all.
Ink of the Covenant, Gen, Edgin Darvis & Holga Kilgore
Holga and Edgin get drunk. Edgin gets a tattoo. Standard 8th day in Targos, really.
it's a (fake) love story, baby (just say yes), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
“Back up,” Edgin said. “Explain how that’s connected to me going with you to a wedding.”
Perception Check (Roll for Romance), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
"I bet Xenk fucks like a metronome, too. You know." Holga makes a highly suggestive, repetitive gesture. "In, out. In, out. No variation. Same exact rhythm every time. Boring." Edgin stares at her, torn between horror and fascination. "You've really thought about this, huh?" (So has he. Unfortunately.)
you'll find us in the meadowland, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk let himself in with a slow turn of his key in the lock. The obedient door let out not a solitary creak or groan. It had better not; he plied the thing with oil as often as he cleaned any of his gear. There was a little moonlight seeping in through the window - enough to see the shape of the man rifling through his things. He was standing at Xenk’s desk, tucked into the corner and lined by shelves stacked with holy texts. Not his most valuable, of course - he wouldn’t be so careless as to keep the most precious of his collection here - but any one of them would feed a hungry man for a few days, at least. And yet this man wasn’t hungry, and he was no ordinary thief. Xenk judged this not only by the strong slope of his shoulders and broad back and the fine weave of his coat but also by the fact that he had recently been awarded the highest honours the Lord of Neverwinter could bestow. No, Edgin could want for nothing; even he could not have spent his rewards so quickly. There was only one explanation. This was an affliction of the soul.
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
Im not a poc, or at least if im mixed im white passing so maybe i dont get an opinion on this
But i dont get why people want so badly the trolls who would be out to be racist charactictures of poc, to be poc? Like just because they are stereotypes and shit, it comes off like theyve never interacted with actual poc in their life?
For every "poc druggie" gamzee type ive met, ive met three more who were white or white passing.
Same for like eridan, feferi, meenah, etc. Etc. They all remind me of white people ive met irl over any poc i met. Ive met a lot of meenahs, eridans, feferis, during my life- all white. Most of the time black people ive met or poc on general just break all those molds, while white people just fill the niche? If that make sense? Like theyre stereotypes for a reason, more often than not theyre not accurate, their slander or even just projection.
Hell feferi comes across as one of those white girl who have white girl savoir complexes but still fuck up and fail and secretly hate all the responsibility theyve put on themselves trying to be "perfect ally".
Also Hs^2 attempt to retcon the symbolic black silhouette used for older/adult trolls to make that come across as mythologically mysterious and stuff that were being accused of being black face back in the day that are now just no actually trolls skin just gets darker with age, as if thats not arguably worse? Its a retcon to "unproblematic-ify" the problems of HS proper, but in its attempt to do so.. is worse somehow???
Like as a hole, the fandoms attempt to retcon and fix fhe racism...feels like its just being actually racist. Like go ahead and read into and pick apart Hussi's writing decesions all you want, but like. Even in well meaning jest, i feel like they fail, so terribly hard.
Homestuck trolls are trolls. Not humans. Yes part of the joke is their culture largely is earth but trollified. But i think in their rightousness to do better then the yeah, admittedly shitty aged comic we all love, theyve done it and themselves dirty. Theyve took the joke too far, and i dont think they are even in on the joke at all.
Adult trolls being only shadow black silhouettes were suppose to mirror the human Guardians as they are all white. Part of it was for the mysterious theme, as said. But likely have became an actual thing because of The Condesce being the only living adult troll at the time, who still appeared as a black silhouette even up to her death. She could have possibly stayed that way as a familiarity of kids vs adults and how she is intimidating and the final boss, but it's a thing now that trolls having darker skin as they age is canon. Hey, the fandom wants dark skin on trolls so they can project POC on it. They got their wish. I think when people try to make trolls or humans as 'accurate' as possible for being POC, it soon becomes more of a stereotype than actual diversity and representation. They deny about it and some praise that the over-exaggeration of traits is good representation. The characters become more like someone's OC than the actual characters they were from. Drawing on-model is a sin in the Western fandom. Some also don't realize some implications considering what happens to certain characters to a series. Like if someone headcanons that Eridan was trans, people forget that he was killed by Kanaya. Does that mean Kanaya was in the right for killing a trans person then? What about Vriska being black and Aradia as Asian? Her killing an Asian person is now okay? It's why we got shit like people being upset that Gamzee and Meenah are supposedly black stereotypes.
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It's sad that nobody can accept fantasy or sci-creatures as they are. It's why we got shot like orcs in DND now being GOOD people when they were just monsters. Everything has to be connected or related to human standards. They can never have their own customs, cultures, or beliefs.
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awesomecitys-blog · 10 months
One Piece Spoilers below
Something that’s really funny to me is that the Straw Hats are speed running being pirates, which I’ve talked about before, but it gets even funnier when look at it from the perspective of the World Government. Like, one day you get told that a random guy in a straw hat took down Buggy, Don Krieg, and Arlong, which gained the highest bounty in the East Blue, 30 million Berries. Which you think is crazy, but whatever, that just puts him on Smokers radar and nobody gets past Smoker, right? Wrong, cause according to Smoker, Dragon showed up and prevented Smoker from taking down straw hat guy. And for a while, that’s it. You don’t hear anymore about him or his crew, which you believe is because of the Grand Line being, well the Grand Line. Smoker calls you up one day and is like, hey, the Straw Hat Pirates, that what they’re called now, defeated Crocodile in Alabasta. To which you suddenly freak out, because know this Luffy kid is a threat, and you can’t have people finding out about his actions. So, the world thinks that Smoker took down Crocodile and that Luffy played a tiny part in that. In accordance, his bounty is now 100 million Berries. And then him and his crew vanish off the face of the earth, which you take to as a relief. Then Kuzan calls, informing you that the Straw Hats pulled up to Long Ring Long Land with Nico Robin in tow, he didn’t catch them, but that they’re most likely heading to Water 7. Great. Well, at least Lucci and co. are already at Water 7, so they just capture Robin, head to Enies Lobby, and… what? They did what? Scratch that, the Straw Hats broke into Enies Lobby, saved Robin, and escaped the Buster Call to boot. Increase the bounty, 300 million Berries! Poof, Luffy and crew are once again the wind, and you think they might ended up encountering Moria, so you send Kuma to warn him, as well as be there in case Moria washes up. Which he does, but so does Kuma, but at least it wasn’t public like Crocodiles. And besides, you have more pressing matters, what with the upcoming execution of one Portgas D. Ace and all the Supernovas arriving at Sabbody at the same time. Then that idiot punched a World Noble, because of course he did. So Kizaru rolls up, as does Sentomaru and some Pascifta, and the Straw Hats were totally defea… Kuma sent them away? Oh. Well, that’s basically a defeat, right? Huh? Luffy is were? Impel Down? Trying to free Ace, who’s apparently his brother? Ah, good ol’ Mellegan, I knew we could count on him to take down Luffy. Pardon me? Luffy escaped? With who? Crocodile, Mr. 1, Mr. 3, Ivonkva, Inzuma, Buggy, Jinbei, and a ton of prisoners? Gosh darn it all, I’m busy enough as it is! All right, let’s just focus on killing Ace and… GARP IT’S YOUR OWN DAMM FAMILY AGAIN! Fucking hell, Luffy just dropped out of the sky, caused so much trouble, and then vanished for two years, but at least he’s gone…he just showed up? Did we capture him? No?!?! What do you mean no?!?! Well, where the hell are they?!?! (Worth noting that Luffy’s bounty went from 300 to 400 million Berries during this time, and that Dragon was his father, which is probably why Luffy was saved by him all the way back in the East Blue.) At which point, the Straw Hats proceed to wreck havoc at Punk Hazard, according to Smoker, defeat Doflamingo, giving Luffy another bounty increase to 500 million Berries, pull another disappearing act, during which they give Big Mom a headache, which you decide warrants a bounty raise to 1.5 billion Berries, and then they hop their way into Wano, in which you have no power. But you do have spies, which inform you that they, along with their allies, dropped both Big Mom and Kaido. Because of course they did. So, you slap a bounty of 3 billion Berries on Luffys head, and the last you heard, he was gallivanting in Egghead, with Kizaru, Saturn, and a bunch of marines heading there to take down Vegapunk. Oh dear.
Like, Luffy and co. should not be where they are now, but they are and they’re pretty powerful as well.
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What. In The Fuck. Was Up With That.
Spoilers below
k let’s recap. (Dear gods.)
Because i am tired i will not be organising so this is both lore and just. character moments. because we got FED TONIGHT Y'ALL
Demon sword
Ludinus is in the Dwendalian empire??? and still in charge of the assembly?????
FCG asking The Question to the Changebringer
Keyleth’s reaction to screaming Vax’ildorb
Reiliora culture/physical form
keyleth hinting at allies (will expand on below)
The hishari may have been destroyed trying to make ashton, and they had some mysterious “item” carrying titan power that let them.
Great tree of atrophy?? (side note, the tree was a DRUID? A GAU DRASHARI?)
Shattered teeth mention??? We’re going to the shattered teeth?!?!?!?!?!
Asmodeus connection through EXU and his other champion? AND how the shattered teeth were made??
Keyleth had a god-research phase post Vax???
Ludinus is attempting druidic-life-extension
the Earth Titan Vecna used getting mentioned
Fucking delilah getting all excited about Vecna being mentioned dear gods that’s gonna be bad.
Percy getting roasted (not really a reveal but i have to mention)
FCG BACKSTORY DROP ft the person/robot (D) who sold him!!!
Keyleth literally called VM SlapDicks
Hints (to the avengers assemble level madness Kiki may have been hinting towards)
—Vox Machina, obviously. Keyleth definitely was thinking of them when she was pondering who she could gather.
—the Ashari were involved in the Malleus Key mission, as were Caleb and Beau, and she knows of the Mighty Nein from them rescuing Vilya — and as i mentioned in another post: YASHA IS MISSING HER WIFE. And we know two of them are on the Menagerie coast, where BH might be heading
—anyone Vox Machina helped/was helped by, e.g. Allura and Kima
Hints from Bells Hells —DORIAN
—The Nobodies? Ashton mentioned ‘shits’ who were old friends and we know they asked Milo to contact them…
—Planerider Ryn (still statued)
ANYWAY if i think of anything else i'll reblog.
Holy crap were we fed or what. i. i cannot process. I am going to go read fanfic to get my brain to calm down.
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chavatangakwunua · 3 months
sometimes i think about what happens next after one of my failed runs
imagine, anton rayne, cleaned up his predecessors' mess with a vaguely centrist economic revival and a more democratic constitution but gave up to rumburg like a coward even though the army situation wasnt even that bad (it was and i lost to them in this run but let's assume i didnt)
obviously everyone is mad as fuck at rayne for losing all that territory. he just went from a pretty good president to the SCREED OF THE EARTH AND A TRAITOR.
rayne knows this all too well and resigns. retreats out of the public eye and moves to some nondescript house at the edge of the city with the wife and kids.
nobody vists him for years. everyone eventually thinks he died or something. good riddance.
then comes a knock at his door. rayne opens it to see none other than lucian galade himself.
anton smiles at him and invites him in. lucian looks a little taken aback at anton's state. anton notices and says, "not what you expected, huh?"
"it just, does not look like a house worthy of a former president, that's all."
"it's an okay house, just like how i was an okay president. and my childhood home was much worse than this."
"right." lucian uncharacteristically is at a loss for words.
"if youre wondering where the rest of the family is, the kids have both grown old and moved out. monica is still working to further the rights of women in the country so she isn't at home most of the time." anton's face doesn't change except for a slight tick in his left hand. "or, more realistically, she couldnt stand to see my face after i sold the country off to rumburg. she has her own house now."
lucian sees that all the family photos he remembers lining the walls in anton's old house (hes only ever been there once but he has a good memory) are gone. theres a few left, of deana with her friends in kyrute, franc with his wife in united contana, cut-outs of photos of monica in the newspapers. university pictures of anton and petr.
"what about you, mr vice president? i see you still havent married."
lucian shakes his head.
"no. and i see you've been keeping up with the news." of course. rayne mustve seen at least the headlines when scouring for mentions of his (ex?) wife in the papers. of course he didnt miss his old advisor lucian galade managing to score himself the vice presidency without him.
"im not mad," anton assures. "its hopeful to see at least someone surviving the dumpster fire of my presidency unscathed."
"i know," lucian says. anton laughs at this. lucian just stays tightlipped like he always is.
lucian keeps returning after this. brings him expensive wine and cigars and sweets. anton jokingly accuses him of corruption and lucian shuts him down. they play chess. anton tells him about work (he teaches economics) and his personal life (can you BELIEVE what my next door neighbour did yesterday??). lucian, meanwhile, doesnt ever talk about his work or his personal life.
one time anton babbles about something one of his students spat in his face once. hes laughing it off but lucian is bothered. he asks why he lets his students speak to him like that and anton tries to wave it off. "im used to it," he says. "and he was right."
the conversation turns to anton's old presidency.
"why did you do it?" lucian asks.
"i was scared. i knew our army was good but not good enough, and we didnt have enough allies to fill in the gaps. we wouldve lost. and to save everyone the trouble i wouldve killed myself." he turns his hand into a shape of a finger gun and places it on his own head. he mimes a pow and his brain getting blown. "maybe i shouldve done it anyway."
lucian tells him to knock it off. anton just giggles (its the alcohol isnt it) and mumbles something about simply following petr's path.
lucian apologizes for bringing it up but anton keeps on going. how nobody would miss him anyway, how everyone was right, how hes a stain on the nation that must be cleansed
lucian slaps him hard enough to startle anton out of his funk and says lucian is going to miss him, so he better not do it.
anton sputters out an apology, looking completely flushed (is it still the alcohol?) and then they kiss
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
Avengers Gender & Sexuality Headcanons, but cleaned up a bit
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hello hello! I revisited my old post, and it was messy af and I don't really headcanon a lot of these anymore. SO I PRESENT TO YOU:
The Avengers Being Gay As Fuck
STEEB ROGER ROGER || CAPTAIN AMERICA - ohhhhh boy... - bro is kinda not up to speed with how ✨🏳‍🌈 the gays 🏳‍🌈✨ are treated nowadays - so peter decides to teach him - and at first, he's kinda confused, esp about trans people - because hello, he was born in the fourties - it's kinda non-realistic to expect him to snap to reality just like that - anyhoo, peter ain't having the "how tf do trans people work" bullshit - he, like any good gen z kid would do, creates a shitty powerpoint presentation - after two full fucking hours of explanation, steve starts to get it - he still slips up sometimes... - but he tries his fucking best and honestly that's all we can ask of him - i don't really see steve labeling himself, but if you asked, he'd probably just steer the conversation away from that topic - would still use he/him - fuck that was long
TONY STARK || TIN CAN IRON MAN - bro has fucked and been fucked, taken and given head - by both men and women - cmon. there's no way that this billionaire playboy isn't fruity - pansexual, doesn't care about the gender of the person he loves - he's either in a poly relationship with pepper and rhodey or enemies-to-lovers with a certain stephen strange - he/him - funds the annual manhattan pride - qpr with rhodey
BRUCE BANNER || JOLLY GREEN GIANT - oh poor child - i feel like he is not one for sex - like bro practically radiates aroace energy - doesn't really feel the need for gender conformity. gender is an unknown subject and he doesn't like to meddle with it. end of story - pretty sure he's agender - i feel like he wouldn't care what pronouns are used, but if asked, i think he would answer he/they - bro is a triple a battery fr - prefers to be adressed as dr. banner or just banner
NATASHA ROMANOFF || SCARY ASSASSIN LADY - she/her. nuff said. - asexual. i will die on this hill - the red room taught her to use her body to get what she wants - but she never really wanted that - coughseggscough - i wanna say she's demiromantic & bi - clint is her biggest supporter - started the ace avengers club 🍇🐘👻🐈‍⬛
CLINT BARTON || LEGOLAS - i really can't see a queer clint. i can't - i also don't really see him being that one overinvested ally - he/him, straight, cishetallo - sorry :(
THOR ODINSON || THAT ONE THUNDER DUDE - he comes from asgard, where nobody really sees being queer as different - so when he comes to earth........just imagine his surprise when he finds out about homophobia - he found out when some dudebro was yelling at a girl who seemed like she wanted nothing to do with him - another girl was with them, and she looked like she wanted to kill the guy - thor was confusion - he asked what was going on, and the dudebro said that he caught his sister on a date with another girl - yknow, expecting thor to lash out at the girl - but thor was the exact opposite - he grinned, and congratulated the two on their relationship - WLW FOR THE WIN!! - dudebro started going off on a homophobic rampage - one glare from thor and he nearly shit his pants - and THAT is where thor got his title as protector of lesbians - he/him - tried using thunder based pronouns once but decided it wasn't for him - unlabeled. he thinks human labels are weird
JAMES RHODEY RHODES || WAR MACHINE - is he/him - gay as fucking hell oh my god - literally so gay - GAY MAN OVER HERE - k im done - i'm nearly 100% sure he's graysexual. doesn't really care for sex but if his partner(s) really want it...well, he loves them - probably has to steer tony away from fans all the time at pride - i'm also 100% sure he's down for polyamory. there's too much love for just one person in his heart - qpr with tony
PETER PARKER || SPOODERMAN - TRANS PETER TRANS PETER TRANS PETER!!!!!! - 🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧🏳‍⚧ - i know it's a really common tumblr headcanon but i FIRMLY support it! FTM - 60% sure that flash bullies peter because he's trans - i mean like it's more believeable than peter being a nerd - prob uses he/him - comes out to tony first, tony buys peter his first binder - may finds out next and she's just so happy. peter asks for name suggestions and she nearly cries - that's how he got his name :) - this kid forgets to take off his binder so often omg - like ned and mj and may MUST REMIND HIM or he'll forget - i feel like he'd be asexual but sex-neutral - doesn't care for it - bi. bi peter parker.
MICHELLE JONES || EMJAY - is enby 💛🤍💜🖤 - ain't no way she's a girl. like ain't no way - uses she/they if asked, but doesn't really give a fuck about pronouns - bisexual with a pref for gals. callin it now
NED LEEDS || NEDANIEL - pretty sure he uses he/they because he like the pronouns - thought that they/them was cool and just decided to use it :D - sweet boi, supports mj and peter sm - buys them pride flags ✨🏳‍🌈✨ - ned literally radiates aroallo energy like cmon - CMON - aroallos are so cool and sexy actually
LOKI LAUFEYSON || LOW KEY LMAO IM SO FUNNY - is genderfluid 💖🤍💜🖤💙 - like this isn't even headcanon fuck off - will use any and all pronouns, at any given time - idk...maybe it's just me but i'm getting MASSIVE asexual vibes - probably sex positive ace - like slay queen - panromantic. like do i even need to explain this
BUCKY BARNES || BUCKET - i will die on they/them bucky hill - and you will see my corpse there - and you will know i was right - unlabeled. doesn't fully understand themself rn, labels will probably make it worse - sam is a huge part of bucky's queer journey - probably uses peter as a queer encyclopedia
SAM WILSON || CHICKEN MAN - gay as freaking hell omfg - that is HOMOSEXUAL MAN RIGHT THERE - he/him - takes bucky to their first pride parade - queer legend - ✨🏳‍🌈✨
VISION || ROBOT MAN - is undecided on gender for now - decides to just use he/him while he figures everything out - i think he figures out that he's asexual real fast. like sex-repulsed - why humans would ever want to have intercourse is beyond him - same, girl, same - but he's definitely omniromantic. he does experience love, albeit a little differently than the rest of society - don't we all...
WANDA MAXIMOFF || WITCHY BITCHY - found out she was a lesbian after a failed date with vision - neither of them felt the attraction that they had before - so yes. gay. sapphic. wlw. - i hate the term but i feel like she would be a lipstick lesbian until she falls for a butch - she/her - has girl nights with her twin - hmm gay - ❤️🧡🤍💖💜
PIETRO MAXIMOFF || SPEEDY BITCHY - they/he/she - genderfluid, is particular about pronouns - like ik people don't really headcanon it but... - cmon. pietro is LIQUID GENDER. - (this also probably stems from my belief that every single fucking speedster is genderfluid no matter what fandom) - sees a pretty dress? will buy two. one for them and one for wanda - he really does slay stilettos tho - i think she's probably gay (mlm) - stfu pietro can be a gay man if they want to - fuck you
T'CHALLA || CATMAN - gay. GAY - he/they icon - wakanda is a safe place for EVERYONE - besides, all the dora milaje are wlw - probably homosexual, like what else would he be - nakia? 99% sure nakia is trans and they're in a qpr - AROACE NAKIA AROACE NAKIA - *aroaces every single character* - fuck yeah gay t'challa
SHURI || GENIUS GIRL - she/xe - sapphic asexual - shuri x riri is the hill i will die on - leaning towards women and fem aligned genders - started first wakandan pride parade - i'm 99% sure she officiated ayo & aneka's wedding - change my mind
STEPHEN STRANGE || DR WIZARD - agender, doesn't see the point in gender most of the time, so they/them/he/him - believes there are three sexes but an infinite amount of genders - demiromantic, demisexual - fight me - is most likely gay 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 - had a qpr with christine before the incident
{\__/} ( • . •) / >🏳‍🌈
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toxiclizardwrites · 10 months
WIP - Love and Rage
The full second chapter of my OC x Delgado story is ready for release! This story has been fun to write, and I'm just as excited to see how it unfolds as you are.
Warnings: 18+, sexual content, attempted r*pe (it's not that bad, I promise), swearing Tagging: @bearlytolerant @avani-telvanni @atonalginger @eridanidreams @fangbangerghoul @lisa-and-shadow @aro-pancake ------------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter 2: Tension on The Key
Toxic headed through Reckoner’s core on the way to the Rook bunks, but she was stopped by Naeva. “Hey Rook, where are you headed?” 
“To go to sleep,” Toxic replied flatly. 
 “You look like shit. Something happen on Suvorov?”
“No. Nothing. Well, we found something about the Legacy but Del has the details.”
Naeva nodded, and pulled out a knife and started playfully flipping it around. She spun it in her fingers so the tip was pointed towards Toxic’s body. 
On edge and tired, Toxic instinctively jumped back. “Wow, a bit jumpy, are we?” Naeva teased. “Yeah a bit,” Toxic responded flatly, just wanting to get to bed. Naeva looked at Toxic thoughtfully, like she was trying to make a decision. “You know what? Fuck it. You need a drink. Follow me.” She said, and gave Toxic a hard shove in the direction of the Last Nova. But Toxic hesitated. “Naeva, I'm—”
“Nope, we’re going” she said before Toxic could finish. Sensing that she didn't have a choice in the matter, Toxic sighed heavily and followed Naeva’s steps to the bar on the other end of Reckoner’s core. 
Entering The Last Nova was like wandering into the arms of an ex that's bad for you, but in the best way. The smell of cigarettes and stale booze accented the old earth-style American diner decor. The place was especially packed tonight. Toxic and Naeva passed pirates that were arm wrestling, fighting, or grinding on each other on the dance floor. Toxic paid close attention to their faces, but nobody so much as glanced in their direction unless they were looking at Naeva. She didn't command the same level of respect as Delgado, but her presence also didn't go unnoticed. 
The pair made their way to the bar, where Bog nodded, his eyes moving from Naeva to Toxic thoughtfully. “What’ll it be, ladies,” he asked while wiping down the counter. Naeva ordered two pints of bog’s grog and pushed one towards Toxic, who was sitting with her head resting in her hand. 
“Drink up, Rook,” she said with a grin, and Toxic begrudgingly picked up the pint to take a swig. The alcohol was strong, and had an earthy taste mixed with paint thinner. Toxic’s face contorted a bit at the mix, even though she tried to suppress it. 
Naeva laughed. “Your first time having an adult drink, whittle baby?” She chided.
Toxic forced a smile. “It's kind of fucking gross, you have to admit”
“Oh, you're not wrong, Rook—”
Their banter was interrupted by a loud, very drunk voice. 
“Well, well well, what do we have here?” Mathis said with a slight slur in his voice. 
Toxic rubbed her hands over her face in protest of Mathis’ presence, not bothering to turn to face him. This is where it happens, she thought. This is where he tells everyone what happened on Suvorov. She expected it, of course, but not so soon. She wasn't mentally prepared. But then again, could she ever be? Her mind was racing, but she tried to act like she didn't care by burying her face into her pint. 
A hand on her shoulder and the smell of alcohol-laden breath interrupted her. “Hey everyone,” Mathis shouted. 
Toxic grabbed his arm, digging her nails into his shirt. “Don’t” she said, her voice seething with anger. 
Naeva didn't say anything but instead leaned back to watch the show unfold. She wasn't going to be an ally in this situation. 
Mathis ignored Toxic’s plea, and shouted once again, trying to get the full attention of the pirates. More faces turned to look at him, but most rolled their eyes and continued doing whatever they were doing. 
Mathis grabbed Toxic’s arm and pulled her off her chair so that she was standing. 
“Get the fuck off me, Mathis!” She yelled, pushing him hard. In his drunken state, he stumbled and fell over, drawing laughs from the crowd, Naeva included. 
In anger, he quickly got himself back up and tried to grab Toxic again, but she punched him in the face before he could regain his footing. This move pissed Mathis off so much that he resorted to drawing a knife from his belt and swiping it in Toxic’s direction. The first swipe was easy enough to dodge, but the second one grazed Toxic’s cheek, causing a small line of Crimson drops to form that trickled down her skin.
“Ok, that’s enough!” Naeva shouted, grabbing Mathis’ arm and securing the knife. “This is my Rook, Mathis, back the fuck off,” she said through clenched teeth. 
“No, no,” Mathis laughed, pointing at Toxic, “This one is Delgado’s.” He made a hollow fist with one hand and started moving one finger in and out of the hole with the other hand. 
Toxic could feel her face flush, but she tried to ignore it. Catching the gesture, Naeva turned to look at Toxic, her eyebrows raised, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she picked up Mathis by the collar and dragged him out of the bar, pushing him so that he fell face-first on the floor of Reckoner’s core. 
Taking this opportunity to leave, Toxic downed the last of her drink and quickly made her way to the exit, hoping that Naeva wasn't there. But she was, leaned up against the wall next to the door, as if she was waiting. Choosing to ignore her, Toxic opened the door, but Naeva caught it with her hand. 
“What was Mathis talking about, Rook?” She asked quizzically. 
“Nothing. I have no idea,” Toxic said hurriedly. 
But Naeva wasn't letting go. 
“Can I just fucking go please?” Toxic asked, half angry, half pleading. 
Naeva gave her a look like she wanted to know more, but Mathis had risen from the floor and was now trying to get back to the bar, which distracted her. 
“You're done for tonight, Mathis, go to your bunk,” she yelled at him as she threw open the door. 
Toxic used this opportunity to slip past Naeva and head toward the bunks. About halfway down the hallway she stopped and leaned against the wall, breathing heavily and taking in what just happened. She was tired, sweaty, and was still wearing the jumpsuit that she got on Suvorov. “I should probably shower,” she said to nobody in particular, and headed for her locker. A towel and a change of clothes in hand, she headed for one of the bathrooms just down the hallway from the bunks. The tiled floor and standup shower was all too reminiscent of the showers on Suvorov, and it caused her breath to hitch in her throat as memories of her and Delgado flooded into her mind. It all seemed to happen so fast, the interrogation, the sex, it was almost like a movie. She shoved the thoughts down in her mind and turned on the shower. The hot water was a welcome change, and she almost moaned as it warmed her skin. 
After taking entirely too long showering, Toxic quickly towel-dried her hair and threw on the clothes she brought, a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, and started walking back to her bunk. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw movment, like a shadow cast on the wall by light. But when she looked she didn't see anything. After a few more steps, there was a sudden noise, and then hands grabbing her waist. 
“What the fuck?” Toxic yelled in surprise, and the person answered. 
“There you are, you little slut,” Mathis said, sounding a bit more sober now. 
“Mathis, get the fuck off of me,” Toxic demanded, grabbing his hands and throwing them off her body. 
“So just because I'm not The Leader of the Crimson Fleet you won't fuck me?” He said angrily. “I’m twice the man Delgado is!” 
Toxic raised her hands with palms out in an effort to pacify Mathis while she backed away from him. He might not be slurring his words anymore, but he was still very drunk. 
“Look Mathis, I—”
But his hands were on her again, his tight grip on her shoulders.
“No, Mathis, stop, you don't want to do this, you're drunk,” 
But he was bigger than her, stronger. She was surprised at how tightly he grasped her shoulders. 
“Come on baby, how will you know you won't like it unless you try?”
“GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” Toxic shouted, trying to break free from his grip. “I'm not going to ask you again!”
Mathis backed away, and seemed like he was going to finally give up. Toxic breathed a sigh of relief. “Just…just go to bed, Mathis”
But Mathis wasn't done. He suddenly lunged at Toxic, throwing her to the floor and pinning her under his weight. He used his forearm to pin her down by the neck, choking her. She tried to scream, but only a small noise escaped her lips. Thankfully, the struggle between them was loud enough, because some lights flickered on. Mathis didn't stop though, and started tearing at her shirt, trying to lift it over her head with his free hand. But in his drunken state, he was having trouble. This gave Toxic the leverage she needed to free one of her arms. But just as she tried to push him away, Mathis was aggressively pulled off of her. 
Toxic pulled her shirt back down over her chest and blinked, eyes adjusting to the sudden influx of light to see who was responsible for saving her. 
Familiar amber eyes met hers. It was Delgado, and he did not look happy. He immediately turned around and grabbed Mathis, who was still on the floor, and held a pistol to his head. 
“I told you what would happen if you touched her again” he said angrily, and pulled the trigger. 
Mathis’ lifeless body twitched and blood poured out of his head, forming a puddle of red on the floor. 
Toxic gasped and hurried to her feet, eyes shifting from Mathis to Delgado.
“He had it coming” Delgado said simply. 
The commotion drew a sizeable crowd, including Naeva, who immediately took action. 
“What are all of you standing around here for? You,” she pointed at a couple of random pirates, “Take him and throw him out of the airlock. And someone grab a mop and bucket!” She ordered.
Toxic was frozen in place. A part of her felt responsible for what happened. Almost guilt. But then a hand landed on her shoulder. She flinched, but then realized it was Delgado, and her posture softened.
“Why don't you come with me,” he said, placing his other hand on Toxic’s shoulder and slowly guiding her away from the scene. 
They walked away from the bunks and into the elevator that led to the operations center. Then up the stairs to Delgado’s private lounge. The area was open, with a navigation table on one side of the room and a set of leather couches sitting a few steps down in a den area. Delgado walked over to one of the couches and sat down, motioning for Toxic to sit next to him. She did, and he leaned back a bit to take off his leather jacket, revealing a tight-fitting black t-shirt. He roughly folded the jacket and placed it on the table in front of them.
“I did what I had to do” he said, as if he had to justify his actions in any way to Toxic.
“No, I…I get it, he…he crossed a line” 
“Are you Ok, though?” 
The question came as a surprise to Toxic. Did he really care if she was ok? She hesitated a moment before answering.
“Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine.”
Delgado nodded slowly. “Good.” He said, getting up to grab some whisky off the counter. “Want some?”
With two glasses in hand, Delgado returned to the couch and handed one to Toxic. She gulped it down almost immediately. 
“oh, ok then, how about another?” Delgado asked, his lips curling into a small grin. 
He got up and refilled her glass, and handed it to her again. This time Toxic took a regular sip and placed the drink on the table. 
Delgado sat back down with his legs spread so his knee touched hers. Then he put his hand over the back of the couch across her shoulders and took a big gulp of whisky. Toxic couldn't help but admire his body. Broad shoulders and muscular arms. She remembered what his chest looked like on Suvorov, wet and marked with a few hairs and scars. She thought about how she wanted to trace her fingers along them, how she wanted to feel his skin against her, his hands grabbing her hips and the feeling of him exploring her body. Even with what just happened, these thoughts sent ripples of pleasure through her, and she realized she was just where she wanted to be. 
Delgado moved his outstretched arm slightly so his fingers grazed her shoulders. The light touches caused Toxic’s heartbeat to quicken. She looked at him, and there was a hunger, a desire forming in his eyes. He was the Leader of the Crimson Fleet and could probably have any woman he wanted, but in this moment he wanted her.
But this time, Toxic wanted to make the first move. She downed the last of her glass of whisky in one shot, stood up, and faced Delgado. His eyes met hers and she could tell he was a bit confused as to what she was doing. She smiled and positioned herself on his lap with her legs spread on either side of him, so her chest was eye level with those amber eyes. 
Delgado looked surprised for a second, but then a grin formed on his face. Toxic leaned forward, took his face in her hands, and kissed him, slipping her tongue into his mouth, tasting the lingering whiskey. He responded by kissing her back, moving his upper body forward so her center was positioned perfectly on top of him, and putting his arms around her. His rough hands moved hungrily along her back and down to her ass as he pressed himself into her. Toxic could feel his erection through his pants, getting harder as she moved her hips more into him. He whispered something in Spanish and then moved his hands up her back, hooking the fabric of her shirt in his fingers. Quickened breaths escaped his mouth as he felt her bare skin and moved his hands toward the back of her bra. He unhooked it easily and removed it from her body, tossing it and her shirt to the floor. He took a moment to catch his breath and admire her bare breasts, then leaned forward and started aggressively kissing them, sucking the skin and giving her gentle but possessive bites. His hands continued to explore her body, moving up and down along her back and over her breasts as if he wanted to feel as much of her as possible, taking his time. His hands ended up on her hips and he guided her over himself while she leaned into every movement. Toxic moaned and could feel her body melt more and more into him, every touch building on the pleasure she felt. 
Delgado’s hips seemed to move instinctively into hers, grinding against her center. He moaned with pleasure, and then, with his hands still on her hips, he moved her back slightly. 
“Stand up” he said breathlessly. 
She did, and then he stood up as well. Toxic could see his throbbing erection through his pants. He stood in front of her, his neck at the perfect height for her to kiss and rake her teeth over. She reached up to trace the scar over his eye. He moved her back a bit and reached down, grabbing the top of her pants and underwear and pulling them below her ass. He swore under his breath at the slight of the inside of her underwear, which was soaked. 
“You're so wet for me,” he said appreciatively, sliding a hand in between her legs. Toxic let out a gasp when he slipped two fingers into her, pumping them rhythmically as she moved her hands away from his face and explored his chest. She lifted his shirt, and he pulled it up and over his head in one motion, throwing it behind him. She traced his scars, wrapped her fingers in his chest hair, and put her mouth on his nipples. The pressure in her body was building and building from the stimulation, until she reached a point of no return. Clutching his chest in ecstasy and pressing her body into his, she felt her muscles tighten and release as her slick spilled out of her.
“Fuck me” she demanded, perhaps a little too assertively. 
Delgado chuckled and said something in Spanish. Then in English he commanded, “get on the table” 
Toxic immediately obliged, leaning backward on the table, which accidentally activated some touch screen controls on the screen below her.
Delgado reached down and undid the button of his pants, letting them and his underwear fall to the floor. He stepped out of them and stroked his cock in anticipation, then grabbed it and teased his tip at her entrance, which caused Toxic’s hips to thrust forward involuntarily. Delgado’s entire length plunged inside of her, much to his surprise and pleasure. He removed himself from her and thrusted again, eliciting moans from the both of them. He continued to fuck her hard until he could feel the buildup of pleasure in his body release, emptying his entire load inside of her. 
Breathless and spent, Delgado gave her a few more kisses on the neck before slowly removing his wet cock from her body. Then he grabbed Toxic and lowered her off the table. Toxic stumbled a bit at first but he caught her before she fell.
He grabbed his pants and quickly threw them on, leaving the zipper and top button undone. “We should both get some sleep,” he said, handing Toxic her clothes. She quickly dressed and started towards the door, then hesitated. 
But he had already disappeared into his room, closing the door. 
Toxic slipped out of the lounge and made her way back to the bunks, not even noticing Naeva leaving against the wall outside with her arms crossed.
Delgado sat at the edge of his bed, fiddling with a lighter, watching the flame spark to life and then go out as he flipped the lid closed. He was lost in thought. 
How could he fall so hard for this Rook, this traitor? The word rang in his mind. 
She joined the Fleet because of Sysdef, but swore she wasn't their pawn. How could he be so sure? Why did he believe her when she said she would be loyal to him? Especially with little evidence to support it?
He lit and closed the lighter one more time before tossing it across the room in frustration. He’d never felt like this about anyone before. He used sex to interrogate her on Suvorov because he was excellent at reading people, and she wore her lust for him on her sleeve. But him? He was used to pushing his feelings down, locking them in a box in his mind to eventually rot away and disappear. But what happened on Suvorov was more than an interrogation, more than just sex. What happened tonight was more than just sex. 
He pushed the feelings that were building in his brain down into that box, trying to lock them away. But every time he opened that box to add more to it, something would spill out. There is only so much a man can hide until he’s forced to face facts.
He needed a distraction. The Legacy. It was a topic he thought of almost constantly.
But another thought popped into his head, this time an epiphany: If this Rook could bring those credits to him, it would not only prove her loyalty, but it would bring the Fleet to a level that he only dreamed about. Then he wouldn't have to hide anymore. But he'd have to be strategic about each step, carefully planning his moves like pieces on a chessboard. It also meant that he had to trust this Rook, at least to a certain degree. But her connection with Sysdef could also be an advantage, although it would be a huge risk as well…
Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. He stood up immediately and zipped up his pants and fastened the button, but didn't bother grabbing a shirt. 
“Who the fuck is bothering me at this hour?” He growled. 
“It's Naeva”
Thinking something serious must have happened, he opened the door. 
Standing there shirtless and with messy hair, he met Naeva’s eyes. 
“What’s happening?” He said, annoyed. 
Naeva hesitated for a moment, noticing the state of him, but then immediately got to the point. 
“Do you know how fucking dangerous it is, what you're doing?” She said angrily. 
Confused, Delgado threw up his hands and allowed them to fall to his side. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Oh you know what I'm talking about. You think I don't know what's going on? You’re fucking that Rook.”
Delgado shifted his weight slightly but didn't take his eyes of Naeva. 
“So what? I fuck lots of women” he said flatly.
“But never Rooks”
“It's no different”
“No, no, this is different, Delgado. This Rook. You killed Mathis for her.” 
Delgado suddenly flew into a rage. 
“Who the fuck cares, he was an annoying asshole. One of the most useless recruits we’ve had in the last while.” He paused for a second, as if he left out an important detail. “Plus, he tried to rape her! It's my job to protect members of the Fleet!”
Naeva laughed. “Protect? How many sorry fuckers have died during your little initiations on Suvorov? Died going out on missions? Hell, got shot to death by another pirate here on The Key?” she challenged. “How were you protecting them?”
“Those situations are different,” Delgado responded, turning away from her.
“Look Delgado. I told you I’d follow you and I stand by that” she said with a hint of concern in her voice. 
“But you better be sure about this Rook. Because this shit is going to spread around The Key sooner or later, and you’re going to have a hell of a time dealing with it.”
Delgado started pacing with anger. “I am sure” he said through clenched teeth. “And anyone who has a problem can speak with me personally.” 
“I'm holding you to that, Delgado” Naeva said seriously. “You better know what you're doing.”
She slammed his door shut, leaving him there to collapse, exhausted, on his bed. 
You better know what you're doing. 
The words repeated over and over again in his mind until sleep finally overtook him.
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