#I love the panels of him on the train
coconut530 · 10 months
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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martyrbat · 2 months
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[ID: Bruce Wayne and Minhkhoa Khan breaking up in the rain. Bruce is in normal civilian clothes while Khoa has a white cloak on and a mask that hides his eyes. Khoa persuades, “We'll start in a small city in Southeast Asia, and systematically dismantle its criminal underworld. Out all the corrupt politicians. And then we'll go to the next, and the next. We'll build a high-tech base of operations that moves with us. We'll live well off the coffers of the gangs we dismantle. We'll expand from there. In time, maybe we could even tackle a city like Gotham. Not like boys, but like men at the peak of our skills.” Bruce simply tells him, “No.” Minhkhoa points an accusatory finger at him as his angry response has been edited to be a post by @/egirlbutternubs that reads, “But babe you love being gaslit.” END ID]
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fuedalreesespieces · 7 months
sota's brave confession of love being that episode:
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[worth noting here that in the dub the way richard says "WHAT-ever..." priceless.]
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[also worth noting that in the dub he says "you already said that" instead of "hah! what're you saying?!" which feels more like an inuyasha response to me. then again we'll never know since this is technically anime-only, and while i tend not to like a lot of inuyasha filler, if it's in the modern day i will eat it up. every. time.]
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inuyasha being stunned by the sheer amount of goods in a grocery store...gold. earlier in this episode he also seemed enamored by baked goods, and i wonder if he's ever really had anything resembling it? bread made its way to japan mid-16th century via portuguese traders, so it's likely he's never had anything like it and the smell must've been new to him - it would've been interesting if we'd seen him trying all these new foods!
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i can never decide whether or not sunrise likes inukag bc they'll cut out canon scenes of them but then insert scenes like this in their filler eps...what game are ya'll playing? but flustered inuyasha is adorable so i can't complain this time.
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i'm sorry WHERE is he getting these questions from i actually burst out laughing
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called out by an eight year old...
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i don't care whether or not this is ooc because i laughed way too hard like he really got dragged from potential sleep to deal with this LMAO
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this is the cutest thing i've ever seen and it only gets better:
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shortly after: sota getting kicked out of his own house after chickening out for the tenth time this episode
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flustered inukag my beloved...
anyway this episode is a dumb fun and i love it to an insane degree. the only part i would say is out of character (at least, more out of character than sunrise already does inuyasha) is when he literally makes this face at the thought of confessing to kagome:
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coming from the guy who was pretty open about his feelings in the manga and quite literally told kagome - thinking she was hearing him - that he likes seeing her smile and feels relieved when he's by her side, i don't see him getting this flustered - but the face he makes is priceless.
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clarisse-doodles · 3 months
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Cass + ballet 🩰 (ft. supportive siblings and good dad Bruce)
I love the idea of Cass enjoying dance. It's an outlet that allows her to express herself without words, and I think she would enjoy the highly technical aspect of ballet combined with its storytelling and emotional side. and as a former dancer I always have fun imagining my fav characters do ballet :)
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naughtydogg · 6 months
unfair of him to say he likes being hugged yet I can’t give him one 🤨🤨
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procrastiel · 8 months
Bless this man and his family. Such a pure and kind soul. What an absolute pleasure just to be able to listen to him.
The way he talks about himself, the craft, and the strike… it gives me hope and inspires me immensely.
PS: can’t wait to see him in a musical! 😂
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whilomm · 2 years
seeing ppl call ingo and emmet tumblr sexymen is like. okay i see the evidence it is right here in front of me i cannot deny it but i simply do not understand how one might get sexy from the funny train uncles. they are simply potatos to me.
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daydreamerdrew · 4 months
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Tales of Suspense (1959) #92
#I like the perspective that Captain America is the one that’s really alive because he has a purpose#whereas Steve is a ‘hollow shell’ because he lacks a ‘real life’ or purpose#the specification that Steve lacks of wife really stands out#I think because I’m used to that being left as just being referred to vaguely as ‘loved ones’ or similar#though the order of the sentence- ‘/other/ men have friends- wives- /loved ones!/- really puts the emphasis on the general term#referring to Steve’s all-encompassing lack#at first I thought maybe Steve’s account here was unreliable#and that he does have people who would spend time with him- as shown in the previously posted panels#but it really doesn’t seem that even now that they spend time together outside of Avengers work and training#of course during the first team I was really struck by how much the Avengers didn’t come across as friends#which was compounded by that they strictly maintained their secret identities and weren’t allowed to ask each other personal questions#with Steve standing out because they all knew who he was while he didn’t know who they were#they’re not maintaining that for this team but they’re still not hanging out outside of being Avengers#also the phrasing that Sharon is ‘like my first love- as though she had been- reborn’ is making me think for the first time#beyond the physical similarities#because at first Steve really did not know her so that’s all he had to go by#but now they’ve interacted a little bit more#so he could be thinking (or imagining) that their demeanors are similar too#and the end of this story Nick talks about how he knows how much Steve cares about Sharon#while jokingly referring to her as Steve’s ‘girl friend’#that Steve talks around referring to her by name is awkward but it’s because he doesn’t know it#that Nick talks around it is weird because he has to know it so it’s like he’s purposely keeping that knowledge from Steve#though he’s using Steve’s feelings for Sharon to recruit him for a mission to help her#marvel#steve rogers#my posts#comic panels
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
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Bruce Wayne’s training as a (mad) scientist: Secret Origins (1986) #6, Detective Comics (1937) #32, Detective Comics (2016) #998
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mindshelter · 2 years
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okay. (throws up)
from green lantern 80th anniversary 100-page super spectacular (2020)
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tofixtheshadows · 1 month
I've been thinking a lot lately about how Kabru deprives himself.
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Kabru as a character is intertwined with the idea that sometimes we have to sacrifice the needs of the few for the good of the many. He ultimately subverts this first by sabotaging the Canaries and then by letting Laios go, but in practice he's already been living a life of self-sacrifice.
Saving people, and learning the secrets of the dungeons to seal them, are what's important. Not his own comforts. Not his own desires. He forces them down until he doesn't know they're there, until one of them has to come spilling out during the confession in chapter 76.
Specifically, I think it's very significant, in a story about food and all that it entails, that Kabru is rarely shown eating. He's the deuteragonist of Dungeon Meshi, the cooking manga, but while meals are the anchoring points of Laios's journey, given loving focus, for Kabru, they're ... not.
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I'm sure he eats during dungeon expeditions, in the routine way that adventurers must when they sit down to camp. But on the surface, you get the idea that Kabru spends most of his time doing his self-assigned dungeon-related tasks: meeting with people, studying them, putting together that evidence board, researching the dungeon, god knows what else. Feeding himself is secondary.
He's introduced during a meal, eating at a restaurant, just to set up the contrast between his party and Laios's. And it's the last normal meal we see him eating until the communal ending feast (if you consider Falin's dragon parts normal).
First, we get this:
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Kabru's response here is such a non-answer, it strongly implies to me that he wasn't thinking about it until Rin brought it up. That he might not even be feeling the hunger signals that he logically knew he should.
They sit down to eat, but Kabru is never drawn reaching for food or eating it like the rest of his party. He only drinks.
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It's possible this means nothing, that we can just assume he's putting food in his mouth off-panel, but again, this entire manga is about food. Cooking it, eating it, appreciating it, taking pleasure in it, grounding yourself in the necessary routine of it and affirming your right to live by consuming it. It's given such a huge focus.
We don't see him eat again until the harpy egg.
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What a significant question for the protagonist to ask his foil in this story about eating! Aren't you hungry? Aren't you, Kabru?
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He was revived only minutes ago after a violent encounter. And then he chokes down food that causes him further harm by triggering him, all because he's so determined to stay in Laios's good graces.
In his flashback, we see Milsiril trying to spoon-feed young Kabru cake that we know he doesn't like. He doesn't want to eat: he wants to be training.
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Then with Mithrun, we see him eating the least-monstery monster food he can get his hands on, for the sake of survival- walking mushroom, barometz, an egg. The barometz is his first chance to make something like an a real meal, and he actually seems excited about it because he wants to replicate a lamb dish his mother used to make him!
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...but he doesn't get to enjoy it like he wanted to.
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Then, when all the Canaries are eating field rations ... Kabru still isn't shown eating. He's only shown giving food to Mithrun.
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And of course the next time he eats is the bavarois, which for his sake is at least plant based ... but he still has to use a coping mechanism to get through it.
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I don't think Kabru does this all on purpose. I think Kui does this all on purpose. Kabru's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder should be understood as informing his character just as much as Laios's autism informs his. It's another way that Kabru and Laios act as foils: where Laios takes pleasure in meals and approaches food with the excitement of discovery, Kabru's experiences with eating are tainted by his trauma. Laios indulges; Kabru denies himself. Laios is shown enjoying food, Kabru is shown struggling with it.
And I can very easily imagine a reason why Kabru might have a subconscious aversion towards eating.
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Meals are the privilege of the living.
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
Just had the weirdest job interview in my life and now I’m eating a big cookie. How is everyone
#job hunt is going…. well it’s going.#when i tell you i Prepared for today’s interview. i had an interview yesterday and i wrote down everything i did wrong to make sure#i wouldn’t do it again. and i googled the place and rehearsed answers and went through the job advert with a fine tooth comb#only to go in and get asked basically nothing#i was mentally preparing myself for a panel but it was literally just one man#he gave me a tour which mostly consisted of opening doors and then he talked at me for twenty minutes#all the things i googled? he just. told me them. ‘this is a private practice. we do general dentistry as well as cosmetic procedures’ etc#the only questions he actually asked where a clarification about the gap in my resume (i was doing a masters degree which i don’t use)#salary expectations (next to nothing because it’s an apprenticeship)#and then he asked if i had any questions for him to which i asked what skills he would ideally want in a candidate for this position#this incited another ten minutes of talking#he did ask if i’m okay with blood and if i’m willing to get vaccinated for hep b. yes to both. i love blood and vaccines#and then he asked if i have any other interviews coming up to which i mentioned i did have an interview yesterday and i’m expecting to hear#from them on monday. to which i saw him panic a bit which had me like :)#and then he asked about my commute (20 mins by train; fine)#it was all kind of a lot. it all took place in this gorgeous but falling down building of the kind you only really find in my hometown#built in victorian times but most of the infrastructure added on in the 20s and then bombed to hell and then repaired#and then they added a big shitty glass door at some point in the 80s and ten different doorbells#and then they never made any improvements ever again? yep#i’ll take it if i get it but i honestly don’t know what to think. i have never said less in a job interview#i really feel like if i get this job i’m going to be mansplained to a lot & that was the goal of this process. to prepare me for that#which… i don’t care. pay me and i’ll put up with pretty much anything lol#personal
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sweetiecutie · 10 months
Warnings: NSFW, mdni, fem! reader, smut, blowjob, fingering, proofread but I’m dyslexic so may be mistakes
Omg omg omg imagine being König’s little passengers princess🩷🩷
König is undeniably a big man, so he obviously needs a big car. I think he owns a SUV - pretty and, most importantly, spacious car. It allows him to slouch comfortably in driver’s seat and not sit all crouched down like in most cars, his knees don’t bump in the panel beneath the steering wheel but placed comfortably as they should.
Needless to say that his car is filled with your stuff: numerous lipglosses in the glove compartment, your scarves and shawls laying on the panel behind backseats, small pillow along with fluffy blanket are always in the backseat in case you feel tired and want to lay down. König even found some of your jewelry in the cup holder once!
And he’s such a gentleman! You’re simply not allowed to open the door by yourself! Why would you do that, if you have him?! König will always hold the door open for you, helping you get in and out of the seat, making sure that your dress or coat won’t get stuck clasped by the car door. He’s such a sweetheart, I can’t🥺
You often go for rides together. König is a neat and careful driver - he got his license when he was 18 and since then only got one fine for parking in wrong place. You go to different places - locations with beautiful landscapes not far from your place, going to visit his relatives in another city or just night rides around the Vienna. A lot of dear moments between you two happened in his car - your first kiss, numerous deep talks and countless make out sessions in the backseat which ended up with König absolutely fucking your brains out.
But sometimes long car rides can be hard for you. A few hours on the way, you start feeling uncomfortable. Your booty starts feeling sore from long sitting, lower back aching from awkward angle, feet swelling from lack of muscle movements. And you start whining. About how you’re tired, how sore your whole body is, that you need to use a restroom or that you’re hungry. König coos at your pouting face, glancing at you apologetically, right hand coming to your thigh to rub soothing circles on your soft skin to make you feel slightest bit better, promising to pull off at the next gas station.
König would do anything to soothe his whiny little princess. And if it means getting under her skirt in a middle of the ride and stuffing her pretty pussy full with his fingers - he’ll gladly do it. He’s never said that, but König loves loves loves fingering you while driving. Yes, it distracts him from the road, but the cute little sounds you make while your legs close around his wrist in overstimulation as he mercilessly keeps pumping two fingers in and out of that drooling cunny, thumb pressing tight circles against that needy clit.
During especially long rides, when you’re bored out of your mind and music on the radio makes you feel sick, you find a better way of busying yourself.
One of your nimble hands comes to rest on König’s meaty thing, rubbing strong muscle affectionately. He doesn’t pay much attention to that since you do it all the time, only smiling softly to himself at your touch. Slowly you make your way higher and higher, getting dangerously close to man’s crotch. “Y/n, I’m driving” König would always say in a strict voice, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he keeps his eyes trained on the road ahead. “Yeah, but it’s a highway, you just need to go straight” you discard his complains lightheartedly, already undoing the button and zipper of his jeans.
Soon your mouth is filled up with his throbbing cock, drool running down thick shaft to his balls and you suck and lick on sensitive length, paying extra attention to his leaking tip. König groans and moans above you, thrusting his hips up occasionally, making you choke and gag on his huge dick, tears running down your flushed cheeks. He rests one hand on the back of your head, guiding you gently up and down at the pace that he likes and holding you in place when he shoots a thick load of his cum down your throat so you swallow every single drop of it. And make sure to clean him up with that filthy little mouth after that, he’s driving, after all!
Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Give writers feedback, we live for that<3
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arminsumi · 6 months
I Want to Kiss You (4)
You and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
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★ Synopsis : struggling to communicate on an aquarium date.
★ Pairings : fem reader / Gojo さとる / Geto すぐる
★ Content : fluff, lighthearted love triangle
↺ Ch.3 | M.List | arminsumi | Library
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すぐるのアパート 9:15 AM
A soft redness dusted Satoru’s face as he vigorously washed his face with a foaming cleanser in the bathroom. Early morning. Very hot. Peak summer heat. And on this stark-bright day he had plucked the courage (thanks to Suguru’s motherly encouragement) to ask you out on a date. You’d agreed with a smile – and the image of your smiling response lingered in Satoru’s head while he got ready for the date.
Satoru looked in the mirror at his reflection and noticed that the corners of his lips were naturally upturned; he was at a genuinely happy point in his life. Ever since you came to visit Japan, Satoru felt like an invisible weight lifted from his shoulders. One he wasn’t aware of before it lifted.
He blinked at his reflection, white lashes quivering.
Do I look okay?
He checked himself out in the mirror, observing how his white t-shirt draped over his shoulders.
Am I dressing too casually?
He dabbed cologne on his neck and sprayed it under his shirt to trap the minty-vanilla scent.
When he entered the living room, Suguru took one inhale of Satoru and his nose immediately scrunched up at the minty scent that hit his nose.
「ミント?」 he fake-belched, "Better vacate the area." he said dramatically and went to the kitchen, which was not divided by a wall but just a ceiling-tall shelf panel that you could peer through.
You and Satoru laughed at Suguru's overreaction.
Mint hopped on one of the shelves near Suguru, and then he extended the joke by freaking out.
「私はミント地獄にいる。」 he said. "I'm in mint hell."
Satoru giggled and tormented Suguru with his cologne by trying to trap him in a hug — Suguru was having none of it. Their banter settled down after a few minutes.
Mint was just observing and swishing her tail peacefully the whole time.
"Satoru should put that cologne on you, Mint, then I'll hate you even more!" he cooed condescendingly at the Turkish Angora.
You laughed, "Suguru, it's no wonder Mint hates you, if you speak like that to her."
"Hey now listen — this cat is the reincarnation of a murderer that tried to kill me in a past life." Suguru said dramatically, "See that evilness in her eyes? She's out for my blood."
電車 / Train / 10:00 AM
Satoru used the translator to talk with you during the train ride to the aquarium.
At some point, a translation of one of your replies made him laugh so hard that tears formed in his eyes.
Google translate felt emotionless, so Satoru brought out his phrasebook and tried to speak with it. It looked personalized with his notes. You could tell that he’d consulted the book many times already in the past.
You wanted to look at it closer, so you asked, “Can I?”
“Mhm.” He handed it to you.
You flipped through the phrasebook and read the section names. Basics. Practical. Social – there was a big red circle drawn around a particular phrase on page 140. The romance section.
Satoru’s cheeks burned. He felt a bit caught. He gave you an awkward but cute smile.
What he had circled in the phrasebook was;
The train stopped at the station you had to get off at. The lady over the speaker sounded so sweet that your attention was drawn away from the phrasebook. Satoru surreptitiously took it from your hands and packed it into his backpack.
The two of you boarded off the train, bumping shoulders at the doors and laughing about it.
Satoru squinted because of the sun, and you distinctly remember looking at him and thinking about how attractive he was when he squinted.
Because the sun was blazing so bright, Satoru hovered his hand over the back of your head to make sure you didn't heat up too much while you and him walked to the aquarium.
水族館 / 11:00 AM
Satoru felt a self-conscious feeling kick in when the two of you bumbled through the aquarium together.
Hand gestures flew between the two of you. You shared confused faces which were followed by laughter. It felt like you were playing charades at some point.
Sometimes Satoru would say "uhh" for so long after saying one English word that he'd start smiling and laughing at himself.
He'd end his incomplete thought with "You know?" and you'd shake your head and start laughing, "I have no idea." you'd reply.
Then Satoru would use google translate, practicing each word under his breath.
While waiting for you by the aquarium bathrooms, Satoru practiced asking "Can I kiss you?" over and over. He paced around and muttered under his breath.
It's not that he couldn't pronounce it, it's just that he wanted it to sound less stiff and more emotional.
I want to kiss you with desperation, not I want to kiss you with dullness.
An old man who looked about ninety blinked at Satoru and wondered why this young man was pacing back and forth while practicing romantic English phrases.
("What are you doing?") he asked Satoru.
("Learning to speak English.") Satoru replied.
("Why?") the old man asked.
("Because the girl I like speaks English. I'm waiting for her right now.") Satoru replied.
("Well, I teach English. I don't think you should ask to kiss her, that’s too direct. If the universe wills it, you two will fall into a kiss and it will just happen.") he advised.
("I don't really believe in the stars bringing people together. I want to kiss her whether or not the universe wills it.") Satoru said.
("You've got it all wrong. The stars really do bring people together. I'm sure the same stars that brought her to Japan will also bring her to your lips.") the old man said.
("... are you a poet, too?")
You came out of the bathroom. The ethereal aquarium light lit your face beautifully.
("Oh... is that girl the one you are in love with?") the old man noticed you.
Satoru looked at you. His cheeks warmed up.
("Yes, that's the girl I'm in love with...") he replied dreamily.
("It's no wonder. Well then, good luck.") the old man said.
It felt like the aquarium was a whole other world, like a paradise in a bottle corked shut, one which only you and Satoru could exist within.
He watched the spin of aquatic life with you in silence. You seemed captivated.
The back of his hand brushed against your arm.
Satoru's hand trembled a little.
I'm too tall.
Satoru had to be tactful about it.
How can I hold her hand?
He awkwardly bent his knees a little to shorten himself.
Then he poked the back of your hand softly to get your attention, blatantly hinting to you that he wanted to hold your hand.
So you offered him your hand and then he seized it like a treasure being presented to him. His lips grew into a smug smile.
You saw him go red in the face, even in the dimness and blueness of the aquarium light.
You and him gently held hands and stood in front of the tall glass of the jellyfish enclosure.
So this is love?
The room was dark blue, but the enclosure lights lit up the see-through sea creatures with a magenta color.
It felt like a sight you could stare at forever and ever and always be at peace; magenta jellyfish pulsing then drifting then pulsing again, their bell-shaped bodies and tentacles behaving like a chiffon dress in water.
I want to float in your love like a jellyfish.
You and Satoru held hands as if your hands were glued to each other.
While exploring the map in the afternoon, he stayed at your side like a magnet. If he lost your hand, he immediately searched for it and held it again.
The summer heat got intense. He sweated more than you did, but even still looked attractive and fresh. To cool off, you and him searched for cold things to eat.
"Uhhh — do you want to eat shave ice?" he asked.
"Mhm, sounds good." you nodded.
So the two of you went on a long, long search for someone selling shaved ice and eventually found one. You zoned out a bit while enjoying his voice.
Satoru mentally kicked himself because even though he thought he was prepared for this date with you, he forgot to bring extra money. He could only get one cup of shaved ice.
"What flavour?" he asked you.
You told him cherry, so he got cherry.
The two of you shared it. It made his lips go red and cold.
I wish I could kiss you with red, cold lips. It would be like a winter kiss.
The train shuddered.
You'd noticed that Satoru always kept his knees together when sitting next to you — to give you space. But now after holding hands, closeness was being chased and chased; the both of you scooted closer together and tried to translate your thoughts to each other with the phone.
Satoru typed in:
JPN : 私たちはくっついています。
ENG : We are stuck together.
You chuckled softly in response. His eyes always lit up and he really relished in making you laugh, even if it was just a soft chuckle.
You replied to him:
ENG : you are warm.
JPN : あなたは暖かいです。
He replied to you:
JPN : そう、あなたのせいで。
ENG : yes, because of you.
You replied to him:
ENG : are you flirting?
JPN : イチャイチャしてるの?
Satoru gave you a cheeky smile.
JPN : 私はいちゃいちゃしてます、はい。
ENG : I'm flirting, yes.
You smiled as he continued typing. His thumbs hesitated, like he was nervous about what he was about to type next.
Satoru's heart was beating harder and harder in his chest.
JPN : 頬にキスしてもいいですか?
You both groaned.
The connection kept failing from then on, so the two of you laughingly attempted to communicate by using the outdated pocket phrasebook for the rest of the train ride home.
"Kiss...?" he tapped his finger on his cheek.
You thought he meant he wanted you to kiss him on his cheek, but he meant to ask if he could kiss your cheek.
So he malfunctioned when you leaned in and gave him a small but firm kiss on his left cheek. His ears and cheeks burned.
When you two stepped off the train, Satoru lingered behind you for a moment and grazed his fingertips over the place where you kissed and smiled to himself.
Such soft lips...
すぐるのアパート 9:00 PM
The boys were talking about you at home while you were in the bathroom freshening up after the long, hot day out.
("Satoru, you're glowing. Did something good happen on the date?") Suguru smirked.
("She kissed me.") Satoru told him dreamily.
Suguru widened his eyes.
("She kissed you?!")
("Just on the cheek.") Satoru sighed, ("Her lips were so soft...")
("Were they now? I think you're exaggerating.") Suguru teased.
("I'm not exaggerating! Ask her for a kiss on the cheek, and you'll see; she has the softest lips ever.")
Suguru went quiet and pink in the face after Satoru suggested that he should ask you for a cheek kiss.
("Alright. I'll see for myself...") he mumbled.
Come the evening, the three of you piled up like cats on the couch in the living room and watched an old movie together.
"Seems like someone's comfy." Suguru commented.
You smiled and looked at Satoru; he curled up against you with his noodle-like limbs and fell asleep mid-way through the movie. Your warmth had made him too drowsy and dreamy to keep his eyes open.
"You know, I was worried that we wouldn't have the same chemistry in real life as we've had through the screen." you said.
Suguru let out a breathy laugh and replied.
"Yeah, I thought it would be like that too. When I hugged you at the airport, though, I felt the same spark I felt when we first video-called." he said.
You felt your cheeks warm up the more he talked.
"Huh?" he raised his brows.
"You said you felt a spark between us?"
Suguru's heart throbbed. He didn't seem to know how to respond, but then he decided to act a fool.
"Oh, did I say spark?"
"Yes, you did! You said spark, I heard you." you playfully smacked his shoulder.
He started grinning so he hid his mouth with his hand.
"Well, I think you heard wrong." he teased.
You looked at each other in silence.
"... hey, Suguru?"
"Yeah?" he replied breathlessly.
He withdrew his hand from covering his mouth and his face became serious.
"What were you two talking about earlier? I heard my name being tossed around a lot. You can't keep gossiping behind my back like this!"
"Oh... earlier? We weren't gossiping. Satoru was boasting to me about how soft your lips felt on his cheek." Suguru said.
"Boasting? You seem jealous." you said.
"Don't prod at me now just because you think I'm jealous."
"I will absolutely prod at you." you teased.
"I'd rather you kiss me." he said.
You looked at each other for a moment.
"Not like... on the lips." he backtracked.
"Satoru said I should ask you for a cheek kiss because I claimed he was exaggerating how soft your lips are."
"Well... he's not exaggerating." you teased.
"Oh yeah? I need proof."
"What kind of proof, Suguru?"
"Kiss me."
So you kissed his cheek very slowly.
He felt the press of your lips, and how damn soft they were, and thought to himself;
Shit. Her lips really are as soft as Satoru said they were.
When you pulled away, you asked "So? Are they as soft as Satoru claimed?"
"Soft enough." he teased.
"Soft "enough"?! What does that mean?"
"Soft enough to make me feel that "spark" again." he said.
You looked at each other with wide eyes.
Satoru made a wakeful noise.
「うるさい。」 he mumbled, then snuggled into you like you were his pillow.
"Oh. We woke the cat." Suguru joked. 「おい、バカ。あなたは映画全体を通して寝ていました。」
「残念な。」 Satoru replied and let out a sleepy sigh.
"Okay, let's get to bed... it's late."
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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batbabydamian · 19 days
The Boy Wonder #1 by Juni Ba rambling about why every time i open this book, i stare in wonder...HAHA and ofc!! how cute Damian is!!
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Juni Ba’s style is so absurdly effective in telling a fairy tale for the ages. It’s a stunning blend of simplicity and complexity I'M GRIPPING THE PAGES AGAINST MY EYES…
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Before getting into the interiors, THE COVER!! It associates autumn leaves to Damian's Robin title through the iconic cape shape/color; and on top of that, for a Robin going through a big transition in his life...a season of change one might say...Juni Ba your brain...
Damian and the leaves being the only colored parts of this cover is nice in focusing on those elements, but i also like to think by not coloring the background it prepares you to expect impressive inkwork in this book.
On that note, the interiors!! Starting off with Ba's backgrounds of Gotham as it establishes the strange new world that our young hero has been thrust into:
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We get a neat tracking shot following a champagne glass that gives us a glimpse of Gotham from the upper echelons to the downtrodden in "Underwell"
This opening sequence quickly lays out the environment Damian will be traveling through in this series! It also sets the tone for some silliness with the cute zoom on the champagne glass before it BOKs the robber lol. Along with Ba's inks, O'Halloran's colors makes every part of Gotham pop - especially love the golds of the higher society shifting into the blues of the underbelly!!
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Besides Damian’s personal conflict, Gotham feels like its own entity that he has to contend with. The dialogue speaks for itself, but within the art as well!!
"This city of ours swallows and crushes everything it can" -> a gargoyle's beak over Damian, crowds of people, and walls of advertising
"You've seen it too...the way it coils around one's mind from below." -> bridges and a passing train on a rail viaduct towering over a civilian
"A dark voice calling as if to say..." -> literally, "FEED ME"
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LOVELY SHOT OF MOVEMENT... and i love how Damian's venture into Gotham opens with him passing a tree - its branches and leaves are the most organic element on the page before getting into the gritty details of the city! Some yammering because the inks are. so cool: the delicate lines of the leaves in the tree to the thicker/bigger lined ones closer to the camera on the right; the background inks allowing space around Damian's form + the fine line of his grapple!! More O'Halloran praise - PRETTY, and love his coloring over Ba's bg lines, particularly here, keeping the leaves darker on the right.
It's not only a pretty page it's just a really clean layout!! Ba exhibits this throughout the book but i really enjoy it here - from Damian nyooming, we head into these last 3 panels. his cute lil "Robin" shape easily draws the eye to the tops of the panels as we take in Gotham's liveliness alongside the lettering/narration
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and the "Robin" shape?? SO CUTE. it's instantly familiar to us as Robin!! bold outline and filled with yellow...it's a Robin in movement!!...AN AUTUMN LEAF IN THE WIND... yeah, still not over that 😭
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Damian's inciting incident is introduced in the former panel with a gorgeous backdrop of Gotham in the distance (plus itty bitty Trinity cameo haha). The shot parallels!! beautifully!! in the final page!! Damian is now in the depths of Gotham, his objective out of reach. The colors are of note too, where the familiar yellows of Gotham are suddenly a startling green after the demon makes its appearance. The Gotham land looks even more unfamiliar, which prompts Damian to seek help.
Some speculation, but the green could also be associated with the more mythical side of demons and such (like the ghost?? of the thief), but it could even imply there's a connection to the Al Ghuls themselves as it's the only other time green is so prominently used.
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Now that the land of Gotham is established, popping in other fav bgs!
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More lovely mix of Ba's inks and O'Halloran's colors!! especially allowing some of the brush/marker strokes to show faintly as part of the twinkling sky...STUNNING!! 😭 i love this whole page but this panel gets me weepy, SMALL DAMIAN IN THE VAST UNIVERSE COMBINED WITH THIS LINE "He knew he could be great. How unfair of the world to make him feel so small." KICKS MY ASS... i need to lie down
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YAPPING AT MORE WONDERFUL INKING: the suggestion of windows offscreen from the frames casting these thick lines over the walls and stairwell; the minute shadow details over the railing; the hatching on the suits in the portrait; the framed portrait being its own panel!! cute hooded Damian in the gutter space looking in on the portrait/panel!! CUTE HOODED DAMIANS!!
SPEAKING OF PANELS, along with general effectiveness and efficiency, there's more whimsy in others!! like this kickass page of Nightwing whipping his escrima from first panel -> afterimage lines going POWPOWPOW hitting demons from a distance to ones closer to the camera -> and back into his hand!! IT'S SO GOOD AND SO FUN!!
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Ba's action employs more diagonal panels, and characters are less restrained within boxes - there's more energy and freedom across the page!
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not necessarily focusing on the action for this one, but THE WHIMSY!! the border itself is goop!! Also gotta point out that looming hammer shape!!
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Nightwing's critical hit spans the entire page!! from silhouettes of a flip -> flashy stomping pose/Clayface -> to a distant shot of Dick landing
and a smooth finisher page!! love the motion lines on Dick's arms and waist + his head and arc effects popping outside of the borders; then the smaller panels for quick activity, and the final WOOB WOOB WOOB LOL i can hear this sound effect just as much as i can see it
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Along with O'Halloran on colors, Aditya Bidikar on lettering works seamlessly with Ba's vision!! The text boxes for the fairy tale narration are like strips of yellowing pages from an old storybook!! Had to look up the term for this lol, but also reminiscent of those storybooks, there's even a use of "drop caps" - the big fancy capital letter!
Smaller things of note, but the bit of "Weakness" text from Ra's has a kind of. grandiose feel to it. Then the cute B< Damian behind the window!! Love how the bubble and text are faded behind the glass too! The end of the bubble tail is a nice touch as it matches well with Ba's bg inking :0
Otherwise, it seems Ba has done a majority of the lettering - dropping a couple of my favs below!!
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also just this whole page: the very loud AAAH! text draws both Damian's and the reader's attention to the panel below!! it's a cool transition to a new shot where you can see Damian's silhouette on the building! The final panel is cartoony violence off-page through the bold POW BOOM SLAM haha + DAMIAN'S LIL FIST!!🥺 and the guy's tooth RIP
Pure speculation - Juni Ba's concept art included Carrie Kelley, so i'm wondering if the hostage in the beginning could be her and we'll be returning to this moment in time by the end. The worn Robin colors are similar to the design + their head is conveniently covered.
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In terms of story, I'm obviously heavily biased, but the initial read got me rolling in emotions with how it has you caring for Damian. Damian as a character is so fantastical in essence - it’s part of his individual charm in the batfam cast! an heir of two kingdoms, born and raised with great expectations suddenly thrust into an unfamiliar land. he has a sword. he has a dragon bat for a companion. he is haunted by the sins he has committed. he is two apples tall. he's truly fairytale material!!
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LIKE...past the panels of only his silhouettes, this is our introductory appearances of Damian. It's laid out clearly in the narration, but this parallel is SO GOOD: from the powerful and ornate visuals of Damian and the Al Ghuls -> to a simple panel of Batman's shadow behind a boy littered in scars, stripped of his home and status
Damian is out of his element and proves himself in the way he knows how!!
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just kick me down a flight of stairs why don't you. i don't know which messes me up more, the top 3 or bottom 3 panels. His facial expressions!! his expectations for approval dashed!! Damian's hand reaching for his father!! only to be left alone with the body. The page after this is the final nail in the coffin in feeling just how lost he is in the world before he acts on it. And you root for him the entire way!!😭
Despite Damian's fanciful background there's so much heart to be shown in his struggles and discoveries - and this classic form of a fairy tale lays it out so brilliantly!! It's shaping up to be an amazing balance of heavier elements and whimsy based on this first issue, and it leaves you wanting more!!
Besides being a thoroughly enjoyable read, it's inspiring work!! i've ordered Juni Ba's other books to consume more of his storytelling, and here's the ones i've found so far if you're interested in checking them out as well!!
Mobilis: My Life with Captain Nemo
Monkey Meat
Djeliya: A West African Fantasy Epic
The Unlikely Story of Felix and Macabber
okay shockingly, i didn't blab about how cute Damian is as much as i thought i would, but i think the collage at the top speaks for itself lol
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this is all you need to know how cute Damian is in this!! his cheeks are so pinchable, it was done on page!! 🥺 these panels obliterate me
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