#I miss making the weirdest comic ideas
heavenlydevil69 · 1 year
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You ever find an old picture from middle school that makes you cringe? That is how Panne feels about her winter fur coat
Panne winter coat is like these bunnies:
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
Hey!! Love your art and your meta posts. I was wondering about your thoughts on something because I don't think I've ever really read about much of it in canon (might be missing something though), but do the batkids have their own Brucie Wayne-esque personas? I figure they'd be expected to act a certain way, like they've been taking in by a party loving play boy, they're gonna be a at least somewhat spoilt social butterflies right? I just can't stop thinking about the kids hitting like teenhood and having to adopt and put on that kind of act because it would be a little suspicious if nothing about Brucie rubbed off on them. Maybe they steal Bruce's cars or crash a gala, something staged just for the tabloids like that. Idk, I just find the idea of (most of) the kids not being raised anything like that and having to act up in the name of keeping their identities safe really interesting because I don't think they'd find it fun, I think it would actually gross them out to throw around money and act like brats.
lovely anon this is SUCH a fun question and i shall answer it in parts. the first is this — what is the purpose of the bruce wayne persona?
bruce created a specific public image of himself for several reasons — to deflect any suspicion that he’s batman, to justify his frequent disappearances from the public eye, and to be consistently underestimated by people he was in opposition with (gothams corrupt elite, the gcpd, etc). the popular interpretation of this is that he’s like a kardashian, but to be honest id say he’s a lot more like a donatella versace— relatively reclusive but who occasionally pops up doing the weirdest shit ever. he posts on dick’s insta like bruce WAYNE ❤️
wrt his kids, no, i don’t think many of them have that sort of glamorised persona. part of it is that the “gala” trope in fandom just…… doesn’t really exist in the comics? like bruce will take vicki vale to an event, or go to a luthercorp thing to gather intel, but the idea of everyone hitting up an event at the gotham four seasons is not a common story beat. and even then, again, the performance has a purpose outside of just being a distraction.
in particular, u have to consider how his kids are different from bruce. jason and dick were both lower class, if not actively below the poverty line and acting spoiled won’t win them any favours. cass straight up isn’t interested in that kind of performance. damian is honest to a fault. duke has his own family that he’s proud of. when u consider that damian and cass and duke and dick also aren’t white, u have to think about how acting like a glitzy idiot would help them in the same way it would bruce. short answer — it very much wouldnt. many people will think less of them regardless. it would be dehumanising, and because none of them have that same degree of disconnection from the standard person that bruce has, how would them being seen as spoiled idiots help them?
dick has always lived with civilian neighbours, had civilian jobs, and fostered civilian relationships. him being a cop was bad, but he takes a lot of pride in being someone who’s like… dependable. a good neighbour. jason is legally dead, but he wouldn’t have wanted to be seen as the dumb poor kid either. cass would probably play with peoples expectations of her, but not like an established persona that she has to take on. duke is, again, very attached to his family and where he grew up, and is very aware of assumptions people might make about that. damian would rather kill himself than pretend to be an idiot. tim, again, is a strong maybe, but i also don’t think he’d give a shit. he really values keeping himself as tim drake intact, away from robin. he wants to keep being himself.
i just think most of them would stay out of the public eye. remember — bruce isn’t active online. there is still massive control over released information about him, especially with babs. i think they would purposely make themselves boring and unassuming.
the short answer is that none of them, truly, possess bruce’s raw commitment to the bit.
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atla-confessions · 1 month
I normally dislike a/b/o stuff (mostly because of how it’s usually an au for purely sexual reasons) but to be completely honest my brain has been stuck thinking about a/b/o in ATLA, to the point I’ve made around five plus google documents about it, three being unpublished and rushed fics plus two being rambles. My mind focuses on the weirdest of things. Anyways, since I can’t stop thinking about it, I just wanted to put it down here so that my mind hopefully starts being so focused on actual important things.
NGL, I’m an Omega Sokka and Alpha Katara truther. I just feel like it makes more sense to me than them both being Alphas or both being Omegas or whatever, ya know? I want to explain more but I, unfortunately, would make a fool of myself because it just shows goes to show much I’ve thought about this all if I already have an explanation prepared. But yeah, while I can handle the idea of an Alpha Sokka, whenever I think of him as an Omega my mind is quick to be all ‘Well, it makes sense, considering how he acts in canon, his choices, blah blah blah…’ same with Omega Katara v.s Alpha Katara.
Personally, I think that in ATLA, pups would present some time after they become 12 (can take weeks, months, maybe even a year or two), so for the entirety of ATLA Toph and Aang are unpresented. But in the comics and such, I’d say Aang would be a Beta and Toph either a Beta as well or an Alpha, but I lean more towards the idea of her being an Alpha.
I think Suki could be a Beta or Omega, but I usually see her as a Beta. She could possibly be an Alpha, and I wouldn’t mind hearing what people think she could be, but I mostly assume she isn’t an Alpha because I feel like it wouldn’t make exact sense. Her wariness of men and how she protects and supports girls so much makes me think if a/b/o were a thing, she’d also feel the need to protect Omegas/Betas from bad Alphas… and it would be a little strange to make her an Alpha if she was trying to protect her girls from them, wouldn’t it? I’m not sure. Either way, I think Sukka would still happen; Betas/Omegas can be with Omegas as well, not just Alphas.
I know that with most a/b/o ATLA fics people tend to make Zuko an Omega, but I seriously think he’d be an Alpha. It makes a lot more sense to me than him being an Omega does, but it’s hard to explain myself considering that this has been in my head for around a week or two now and this whole post is just a random thing I made. I’ll try my best though; I feel like he doesn’t embrace his Alpha tendencies much because of how Azula and Ozai (both Alphas) act and treat others, and he’s afraid of becoming like them. Before his redemption he was deadset on trying his best to be like them, but there was always an underlying disgust he felt at trying to fit into shoes that were a size too big for him. But he continued trying to be a manipulative Alpha anyways because he thought his feelings were cowardly and weak. Does that make sense? I want to explain more, I really do, but I already feel so awkward talking about this all. It feels like I’m nervously rambling to a judge who could throw rotten tomatoes at me at any moment and shout, ‘OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!’ for being dumb 🥲.
I’m not gonna give each of Ozai’s Angels a whole paragraph, nor the side characters, so I’ll just put what I think their second gender is here:
Jet, Azula, Ozai, Iroh, Hakoda: Alphas
Mai, Bato, Hama: Betas
Ty Lee, Yue, Kanna plus Kya, she’s important even if she’s passed long ago: Omegas
There’s probably more characters I missed but who cares! Sorry for the ramble and the scattered ideas, and if you guys don’t like a/b/o please don’t throw a tomato at my anonymous face. Still hurts, even if it’s not directly to me. I’ll maybe speak more about it if it interests others? Maybe? 😅 Like I have a whole document ready of stuff that isn’t even close to finished but that I’d still be willing to talk about!! But I don’t know, just like… if you care to know more… I DON’T KNOW!!! Ahhh! Don’t throw tomatoes and boo at me I’m a sensitive little dudeboygirlthing !!!!
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scarletwritesshit · 2 years
Kaveh x Reader ✦ Oh my God! Roommates! ✦ X: Jadeplume
It felt like countless hours later, but you finally pulled yourself away from the bed at last. Kaveh's grip on you loosened, so you managed to gently wiggle free from his comforting arms. Ultimately, it didn’t matter how smoothly you slid out, as he woke up shortly after you.
Now, all that was left was explaining yourself to Alhaitham, while hopefully keeping your new relationship a secret. Though it might not cause any harm if he found out, there was still always the threat of him either relentlessly teasing you, or in the absolute worst-case scenario, seeing you as a completely different person.
You weren’t expecting any food to be left on the table, or for any to even be made for you at all. Because of this, Kaveh watched as you went straight to Alhaitham, as the less time you put off meeting him for the day, the better.
Alhaitham stopped you before you could take a seat. He didn’t even look at you before he spoke.
"There’s food left over for you and Kaveh. Heat it up, if you so desire."
"Thank you," you said. You went back quietly, without attempting to explain yourself and arouse suspicion. Hopefully, he won’t decide to turn around and start firing off accusations about you and Kaveh.
Then again, it is Alhaitham. He would be more concerned about you missing your daily lessons than meddling in gossip about your relations. He has little to no interest in the personal lives of others.
Sitting face to face with Kaveh felt…different. It was painfully awkward, yet the air around you two felt a lot lighter. It was if metric tons of tension were lifted from both of your shoulders. Kaveh was practically back to his normal self, although he seemed especially giddy this morning.
You could not fault him, as you were quite ecstatic yourself. Giggling between every bite of food wasn’t going to go anywhere conversation wise, though. Someone had to start discussion one way or another.
Didn’t you deal with this problem enough times in the past? Seems like some things never change.
"Well then," Kaveh said after finally getting a hold of himself, "never imagined that this is how it would go down for us, but here we are."
"I was quite surprised myself," you said after eating the last scrap of food left on your plate. "I was so tired last night that I was hardly aware of what slipped out of my mouth."
"Ha, that makes two of us! I could’ve sworn that it was all a cruel joke being played by my mind, but your words of acceptance felt all too real."
"It all worked out in the weirdest way."
"I suppose that’s all that matters in the end," he said, picking up the empty plates and utensils.
Kaveh carried the plates back to the kitchen, and you decided to accompany him instead of going straight to Alhaitham. He sat the plates on the counter one by one, careful as to not crack the fine china. He grabbed one of the plates and began gently soaking it in hot water, cautiously cleansing it with a lovely smelling herbal-based soap.
"If I may ask," you said, "how did you plan on telling me anyways?"
"Well, it is quite silly now that I look back on it."
"That honestly makes it even better."
"Here’s the thing...I sort of spoiled it for you a while back."
Were you just that oblivious to Kaveh's behavior that you couldn’t notice obvious signs?
"If I recall correctly, you requested to see my design process. I was not expecting to see you at the time when my thoughts were hindering my current masterpiece. The only new plan that I vaguely had in mind was to give you a sketch as a gift, modeled after the Sumeru rose."
"A building plan, as a gift?"
"It was beyond stupid, I know. A plan for a building as a gift of affection? It’s almost comical how bad of an idea it was."
"I would’ve thought of it to be adorable coming from you..."
"Yes, well I..." Kaveh trailed off. In his brief moment of panic, he noticed that he has been cleaning the same plate for the past few minutes. He quickly shook the water off of the plate and slid it into the rack to dry, hoping that he was fast enough for you to not notice his sudden realization.
“It seemed almost…selfish to give you a gift more catered to my interests?” he said, grabbing the other plate to wash.
“How?” you asked, genuinely confused.
“It shows that I was thinking more about what I like…” he said, dejected.
You gave him a little pat on the back, causing him to abruptly freeze washing the plate for a brief moment.
“For a gifted scholar, you sure can be an idiot. The fact that you were willing to take the time to share a small piece of you craft with me…that’s one of the most thoughtful things you could possibly do for me. A little piece of you is far better than anything bought from a merchant.”
“Ahaha…when you put it that way…”
Kaveh continued cleaning the dishes, looking away from you out of total embarrassment. His eyes were directed towards the dishes, but you could tell by the look of his face that his mind was elsewhere. He was holding back a great big smile while furiously scrubbing away at the plate. With how much speed he utilized scrubbing away, the now spotless dishes were probably the most sterile objects in Teyvat.
Once he finished cleaning up the water that was splashed everywhere from his aggressive scrubbing, he finally mustered up the courage to face you once again.
“Erm, would it be inappropriate of me to ask if you would like to watch me finish it?”
“I would love to see you continue working on the final product, actually.”
“If you insist, then I suppose that I have no choice but to allow you to see it out until the very end.”
Kaveh walked back to the main room alongside you. The casual chatter blocked out any worries of Alhaitham’s judgement for the time being, as that was a problem for your future selves. The only thing occupying both your mind and Kaveh’s was that you two were finally spending time together with the newly established clarity of each other’s feelings. However, said future was merely a few minutes away, rather than an eternity that you two would have preferred to believe.
Your idle chatter was interrupted by Alhaitham sharply clearing his throat. When you took your eyes off of the gorgeous man you were proud to now call your boyfriend, Alhaitham was staring directly at you with perhaps the smuggest expression you have ever seen him with.
That could mean only one thing.
“So, Kaveh. I see you have finally decided to take your own advice.”
“Haha, I didn’t know that you could be such a joker, Alhaitham! Did you learn to smile over the past few days?”
“You can drop the dumb act,” Alhaitham said, shaking his head. “You aren’t fooling anyone, and you certainly aren’t fooling me.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“You know exactly what I mean. I see you have finally decided to confess those long-standing feelings of yours.”
“In…a way, yes…hey wait! Long standing!?”
“Kaveh, just because I don’t care for your games of the human heart, doesn’t mean I am oblivious to them. That attitude of yours certainly took a sharp turn once I bought our talented scholar into the picture.”
Kaveh was left with his mouth agape. You had no way of knowing how Kaveh’s attitude was before you met, but suddenly, things were starting to make more sense. Perhaps he was so different than how Alhaitham usually described him because of how quickly he fell for you? Or maybe, it was the simple stress of being roommates that caused a lot of misperceptions. The prior was more appealing for you to believe.
From his kindness to share his room with you to his willingness to take care of small chores that would otherwise fall into your hands, he was doing his best to keep Alhaitham from becoming even the slightest bit irritated with you.
“The fear you harbored of either you becoming evicted…it was so comical that I could not resist toying with you. It was fun while it lasted, but now I unfortunately have newfound fears.”
“Which…which would be?”
“Whatever you two decide to do when I am not around, please keep it off of the living room furniture. It is not as washable as bedsheets, which still happen to belong to me, if you cannot recall.”
“What’s that supposed to m-“
Kaveh froze in the middle of his sentence and turned beet red. You were well ahead of him, as you were wincing in mental agony at a loss for words. Alhaitham was clearly amused by how fast he had managed to get to Kaveh, but a deathly serious look lingered in his eyes.
“I merely jest. However, I still remain serious about treating my furniture with respect.”
“I-I assure you, you don’t have to worry about any of that! At least, not for a long while,” you said, attempting to reassure him.
After a rather painfully awkward run in with Alhaitham, you somehow managed to make it through the day without another awkward…personal topic. Thank the Archons for that, as it still hadn’t sunk in that you and Kaveh were dating, let alone the future potential of intimacy.
After you were free from the ominous eye of Alhaitham, you were finally able to see Kaveh in peace, where he was avidly sketching away at a new project. You looked over his shoulder to see a design similar to the Sumeru rose, only this time, it appeared to have more of a decorative rather than functional purpose. Variants of the flower were doodled on top of circles, some designs more intricate than others. They didn’t seem to serve any purpose on a building, and it was quite difficult to tell where they may belong on a structure at all.
“Hey, Kaveh,” you said. “What are you working on?”
“Ah, just some doodles for a little side project,” he said, sliding the page under the desk as he stood up. “I wouldn’t concern yourself with it, my dear.”
The curiosity was killing you, but only for the briefest of moments. He put his arms around you and pulled you in close. He gently slid the back of his hand across your cheek, pushing your hair off to the side.
“May I?”
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ozimagines · 6 months
Any thoughts on Chico being a parent?
I have a couple, thanks for asking😂 I love the idea of Chico as a dad, and have played around with it in fanfiction. He loves hard. That’s gotta mean something, right?
Chico Guerra as a Parent would include…
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He’s not exactly the classic “fatherly” type
He never really saw himself with kids and a family
Mostly because he never thought he could
(I write Chico with an older brother, Roberto (Bobby), who joined El Norte before him on the outside and when his older brother was killed in a gang war, he just stayed because that’s all he’s ever known. This is important for how I view him)
He’s reckless and wild
But he’s kind to kids, always
Even before he has ones of his own
He was always the “cool cousin” at family functions
There are lines even criminals don’t cross
His stomach turns when he heard about Beecher’s son
He’s up every night for a week wondering how terrified that little boy must have been up until the end
Breaks his heart💔
When he gets a chance for kids, adopted or biological, he surprises everyone at how he is with them
He’s not necessarily a perfect dad, but he’s a loving dad
Chico likes to get on his knees to talk to his kids
His friends think it’s “fruity” but the kids really like someone meeting them at their level
He always makes it seem like they’re getting away with something
“Here’s three dollars, don’t tell mom/dad.”
“Can you keep a secret? I always wanted to be an astronaut. Shhhhh…”
*making chocolate chip pancakes* “and now we add extra chocolate and don’t tell anyone about it.”
The kids love it, they feel like he really sees them
He loves kids; they say the weirdest stuff
“You think spinach tastes like horse feet? Ok. Explain.” 😂
Big fan of putting his kids on his shoulders or neck
They always get the best views at all shows and parades
Fuck the people behind him tho
Only the best for his kids
Sees them as an extension of Bobby; giving them the life his brother never had
He is SHIT in the kitchen… but literally anytime his kids are hungry, he’s on his feet asking what they want…
even though he knows fuck all about kid tastes
“Ok… an afterschool snack…” *rifles past the beer and cornflakes* “umm…”
His significant other comes home to find the kitchen a mess but some very happy children eating what Chico calls “sugar seizure bagels”
(Bagels with jelly, marshmallows, chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, and sprinkles)
Likes to toy with his kids
“Ok… we have spicy lobster and squishy peas or… cosmic brownie?”
“Hmmmm okay, if you’re sure…”😂
Chico’s in charge of the pantry
Comic brownies, devil dogs, roll ups and gushers… looks like a fallout shelter for a five year old millionaire.
Makes breakfast every Sunday; egg bagel sandwiches he personalizes for each kid.
Keeps trying to add stuff to show off for his kids
Doesn’t realize they think it’s perfect with just a little cheese lol
Kids watch cartoons while dad cooks
Dad making comments from the kitchen
“Y’think he’s ever gonna get that mouse?”
“Wish my car worked just sticking my feet out of it…”
“No. You cannot call me papa Smurf. Please.”
Likes it when the kids take naps on his chest afterwards
That’s something he’d miss terribly as they grew up
Until one day after a fight his teenager, seeing him reclining on the couch, just goes and sits next to them, watching tv until they both fall asleep, Chico pulling his kid close.
Chico lets his kids paint his nails but he draws the line at wearing it out.
Though he quite liked the black polish…👀
If you’ve ever watched Liar Liar with “the claw”, Chico has something similar with his kids; the Tickle Police
“Scuse me, ma’am/sir, you know how cute you were going just then? That’s a write up.”🥹
Insists on tucking them in
Will tell stories that may or may not be kid appropriate…
“Then Prince Carlos threw his… drink… at the officer.”
Is INCREDIBLY supportive
Tolerant and Chico Guerra don’t automatically go together… but he wants his kids to have what Bobby didn’t.
“You want to be an engineer? No one’s got a better head than you, kid.”
“A surgeon? I’d go to you if you were my doc. Wouldn’t trust anyone else.”
“You want to be an interpretive dancer… that’s… pretty cool.”😂
No one ever told Chico Guerra that he could do anything
So he wants his kids to know the world is theirs.
When they’re sick, he treats them like royalty
He’ll take off work and stay home with the them, watching movies and refilling their Gatorade.
He never hesitates to cuddle them when they’re sick, often resulting in him getting sick himself.
Chico used to be a huge baby when he got sick
With kids, he wants them to see him as Superman, so he always makes it seem less bad than it is
“Nah kid *blows nose* I’m fine, Daddy’s fine.”
If anyone bullies his kids, he genuinely will not know how to cope
He doesn’t want his kids fighting everyone like he did
But damn does it boil his blood when they get home crying.
He sits with them and talks, listens to what the other kids said or did
“You’re not gonna take this. Next time they fuck with you… *gets look from S/O* *sigh* go tell a grown up.”
He’s trying really hard to be a positive influence
He doesn’t want his kids to had the life he did
When his kids are old enough to learn about gangs in the neighborhood, Chico tries to explain.
“They’re gonna pretend they’re your friends and they’re not. I’m saving twenty years of your life here, kid.”
When some of his old “friends” talk about recruiting his boy, Chico almost breaks parole.
“Let me make this painfully clear…”
Every day he tries to protect his kids from men like him, and it changes his view of life.
If his kids are happy, he decides, then his life won’t have been a waste
And when you ask family friends and onlookers, Chico Guerra has some happy fucking kids.
Bonus: the movie Inside Out made him cry. He watches a lot of movies with his kids but that movie just quirked something inside of him. He loves that fucking movie.
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ripslingerfan13 · 1 year
Chapter 2: Lance's Birthday
…Morning of Lance’s birthday party…
Ugh! Not again! What gives!
Frederick groaned as his head started to throb once again. This has been going on for several weeks now and neither Frederick nor his brothers can figure out what’s causing it. And to make things worse he started having body aches at random and in the weirdest spots. For instance his lower back and butt started getting really itchy for some reason and he thought maybe there was something in his pants. His father screamed at him when he saw him scratching, but then he started getting rashes on his arms and legs, sometimes around his neck as well. And Frederick was starting to worry that he might be developing an allergy to something, his sheets, the shampoo or soap he uses, or maybe his clothes? Aside from the headaches his scalp would also get really itchy, his ears would start ringing for no reason, and his vision would get really blurry at times. But honestly those were nothing compared to the random toothaches he would get over and over again and it wasn’t like the throbbing you would normally get with toothaches, this pain was different, it felt like his teeth were trying to push their way right out of his mouth.
“Frederick, are you ok in here?” There was a knock on his door as his eldest brother Blaine entered his room.
“Yeah I’m fine, but it’s starting up again.” Frederick rubbed his head and Blaine went to sit next to him reaching out a hand to gently massage his brother’s scalp. Frederick sighed in relief as right away his scalp was already starting to feel a lot better, he could never figure out how his brother was able to do that so quickly.
“Seriously Blaine, how do you do that?” Sighed in content leaning into his brother’s arms as Blaine continued massaging his scalp.
“The powers of a big brother Frederick, we have our own ‘special’ abilities perfect for helping our younger siblings with any problem.”
“After all that’s what brothers are for.” Frederick hadn’t noticed Lance walk in until he felt him rubbing his back. “It’s ok if you miss my party bro, I won’t be mad.”
Frederick leaned down and rested his head on Blaine’s lap, content just being in his brothers’ company.
“Thanks Lance, I’ll try to come but I might just stay in the library…” Then a thought popped into his head, a way to lighten the mood and smirked “On another note, heh is someone still going to deny that they thought Prince Jamie was a girl at first.” Frederick grinned and Lance snickered as Blaine’s cheeks flushed red.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
And Lance burst out laughing “Come on Blaine! Even I admitted I thought Jamie was a girl at first!”
“Nope! I had no such thought.” Frederick laughed as Lance shook his head, it was pointless they were never going to get him to admit…the laughter quickly died down as Frederick groaned in pain as his stomach started to ache once again.
“Are you sure you’re ok Frederick? We can take you to the doctor again?” Blaine now sounded concerned as Frederick held his stomach.
“It’s going to be the same thing, doctors finding nothing wrong and father yelling at me for faking it.” Frederick groaned as he shut his eyes in pain. No matter how many times the palace doctors checked him over they just can’t seem to find anything wrong with him and of course their father believes he’s faking the whole thing just to get out of his royal duties. But you cannot fake the pain Frederick has been going through.
“Why don’t you take a nap bro, maybe you’ll feel better if you rest a little bit, and don’t worry we’ll deal with father.” Lance stood up and both he and Blaine helped their baby brother into bed.
“Are you sure?” Knowing his brothers are just as terrified of their father as he is.
“Positive. Now get some rest little brother.” Blaine tucked him in and Lance switched off the lights before quietly shutting the door leaving their baby brother to peacefully sleep.
…hours into Lance’s party…
Blaine and Lance had met up with the Pastel Princesses…but as Gwen had informed them it would seem that Prince Jamie was more focused on the desserts than anything else.
“Well the desserts are pretty great tonight, but nothing can hold a candle to your pies, Gwendolyn.” Lance gave a thumbs up and a big grin.
“Thank you!” Having not yet seen Frederick yet, Gwen finally acknowledged his absence “Um… by the way, where’s Frederick?”
I feel like we’re never at the same place at the same time.
“Oh, he hates these types of parties, plus he wasn’t really feeling well today. So he’s probably in the library like he always does.” Lance replied
Probably with another Japanese book, he’s been reading a lot on Japanese culture since father told us that story.
“Hey you should go find him and keep him company, I’m sure he’d like that.” Lance had to hold back from grinning evilly, he knew that whenever Frederick went to the library meant that he wanted to be alone. But this was a chance for him and Gwendolyn to finally spend time alone together.
“Oh! Sure, I can do that! Where’s your library?” Gwen had perked up a bit though still a little sad to hear that Frederick wasn’t feeling well.
“…I dunno?” Since Lance never goes to the library Blaine jumped in to help.
“Gwen, it's in the east wing! Would you like to be escorted there?”
“That’s okay! I’m sure I’ll find it! And I’ll even see if I can get Frederick to come to the party for a little bit!” Gwen assured them as she turned and made her way out the ballroom.
While Gwendolyn wandered the halls of the Plaid Palace in hopes of finding Frederick in the library, she couldn’t help but think about how much bigger this palace is compared to theirs.
After wandering for a bit longer with no success Gwen was now wishing that she had taken Blaine up on his offer for an escort as she still has yet to come across the library. Now convinced she was lost, Gwendolyn noticed two maids folding laundry.
“Oh! I can ask them for directions!”
“Why aren’t you done folding these sheets yet?!” The gray haired maid scolded the blonde maid who already seemed a bit frazzled.
“I’m sorry ma’am! We’re short-staffed due to the party!” She spoke nervously as there were still plenty of unfolded sheets in the bin next to her.
“Well get it done before I return, or you’re fired!” The gray haired maid shouted aggressively.
“Y-y-Yes Ma’am!” The blonde replied fearfully as she worked even faster to finish, neither noticed that had been listening to the whole time and couldn’t help but feel sorry for the blonde maid.
“Um…excuse me…would you like some help?” Thinking there’s no way the maid could finish all the sheets by herself.
The maid jumped and turned around having not noticed Gwen and realizing what she was just asked quickly waved her hands dismissively. “M-miss! I couldn’t possibly allow a guest to fold sheets!”
“Oh, it’s okay! Our maids let me help all the time!” Gwen walked up to the table as she gave the maid a sweet smile.
“And that’s the last sheet! We’re done!” The blonde maid clapped happily as Gwen held up the final folded sheet. “Thank you so much for your help again Gwen! You are so sweet!”
“And don’t forget the library is just down the hall and it’s the 7th door on the right!” There was a squeaking of wheels and the blonde maid got scared. “Oh no, that’s my boss coming around the corner!! I’m dead meat if she finds out I had a guest help me!”
“Quick hide in here until she’s gone!”
“The 7th door on the right…Oh, I found it! This is the library!”
When Gwen stepped inside she was surprised and a little bit sad to see that Frederick was the only one in there. He doesn’t look sick though…just lonely. She started towards him and Frederick glanced up from his book slightly when he heard someone approach.
“…Gwen??!” Surprise to see Gwen here as he distinctly remembers them saying they won’t be coming. “I-I thought that you and your family weren’t able to come tonight!”
“Oh, yeah…! Papa got home from his expedition just in time for us to make it.” She waved happily now standing next to Frederick. “And Lance mentioned that you might be in the library, so I thought I’d just stop by and say hello.”
“Um…you can sit down…if you want.” Frederick replied wondering why she hadn’t done so already…As the two conversed with each other, their conversation started with the book Frederick lent her then led to Gwen talking about the CPC. Frederick seemed to enjoy talking to her…until she said something that made him turn away from her.
“And to listen to the kindness of people who care about you.”
“Yeah?…Well what if there’s one person in particular who really doesn’t care about me…” Like father for instance. Frederick sulked, not bothering to hide the sadness in his eyes.
“Well then, I say that’s their loss. And I care about you.” Gwen stated calmly and reassuringly, Frederick whipped his head around and stared at her his cheeks flushed pink…However that quickly changed when the headaches started up.
“Guh!…” Oh come on! Again, and why now of all times! He put a hand on his forehead and leaned back against the bookshelf, eyes shut tight in pain.
“Huh?! Frederick what’s wrong- Oh right Lance told me you’re not feeling well, is everything alright?” Gwen asked concerned as she reached out a hand but Frederick stopped her.
“No not really, I've been getting these really bad aches all over my body-“ Frederick started moaning with clenching his stomach. Seriously! Now the stomach aches too?!
“Do you need me to get some help?” Gwen asked, ready to stand up and get help.
“N-no, it’s ok it usually goes away after a while…” Frederick lied he was trying his hardest not to tear up, he desperately wanted to ask her to get Blaine and Lance but didn’t want to embarrass himself…Then he felt a hand on his back and turned to see that Gwen was leaning over rubbing his back gently, he couldn’t help but smile and blush.
“Um…thank you Gwen.” It did feel nice having someone here to comfort him, but honestly Blaine always had a way of easing the pain. Frederick closed his eyes as he tried not to think of the pain.
“Just breathe and try to calm yourself, take slow deep breaths Frederick.” Gwen whispered soothing words as she continued to rub his back. Frederick tried his best not to show it, but Gwen could feel him and hear his whimpering.
It Hurts! It hurts so bad! Why is this even happening! Then came the ringing ears, Nooo!!!
“Mgh!.. whimper …” a hand instinctively went to his ear.
“I think it might help if you lay down.” Before Frederick could respond to that Gwen put another hand on his shoulder and gently laid his head on her lap. If Frederick wasn’t in so much pain right now he would be blushing like a ripe tomato! Sadly laying down wasn’t doing anything to stop the pain…because now his vision was starting to blur.
What’s happening to me?! It’s never been this bad before?! Frederick was clutching his stomach tightly. Normally whenever his body aches came it was usually one or two at a time.
I’ve never had so much pain at once! What’s wrong with me?! With every minute the pain just kept getting worse and worse, until Fredrick could no longer hold it in, tears spilled down his cheeks.
“Frederick?! Are you ok?! I really think I should get someone?!” Gwen tried her best not to shout but she was really getting scared now and Frederick was in too much pain to even respond. She was rubbing his back and caressing his hair trying her best to soothe him, but all she got in response was another groan as his rashes flared up again and Frederick nearly screamed, both hands clamped over his mouth as his gums roared with pain.
“FREDERICK YOU’RE BLEEDING!!!” Gwen couldn’t stop from screaming when she saw the blood seeping through his fingers! Frederick pulled his hand back and stared wide-eyed in horror at the blood on his fingers!...the blood that came from his mouth! T-that’s never happened before?! Gwen stood up abruptly!
“That’s it! I’m getting Lance and Blaine!”
“...please…” Frederick begged as he curled up onto the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks, and with that Gwen ran out of the library to find Frederick’s brothers.
As Gwen ran through the halls towards the ballroom, she was about to pass by the fencing hall when she heard it…
It was Lance’s voice, Gwen quickly ducked inside as she tried her best to squeeze past everyone to reach the birthday boy. Only to be surprised to see her sister Lorena dressed in a fencing uniform.
“Lance?!” Having finally gotten through the crowd Gwen tugged on Lance’s sleeve and the blue plaid prince turned to see his little brother’s fiancé.
“Oh Gwen!” Before she could say anything Lance threw his arm around her practically smashing her against his chest.
“Did you see that Gwen?! Your sister is awesome!”
Gwen was so confused and wanted to ask how her sister even got herself into this, but right now she was more concerned about Frederick than how her sister ended up in a fencing match. But not wanting to make a scene either so the second Lance let her go and before he was carried off by his friends, Gwen grabbed him by the arm.
“Um…I’m so sorry boys, but may I borrow Lance for a moment?”
One of them made a dismissive wave of his hand with a slight smirk. “Of course Princess, go on ahead! We’ll just head to the keg without him!”
“Hey! You guys better save some for me!” Lance shouted back as Gwendolyn very quickly pulled him into the hallway. “So Gwen, what’s up? Did you find Frederick?” Gwen was quick to reply
“Y-yes but he’s in a lot of pain right now and I don’t know what to do?!”
“WHAT?!” Lance immediately went into a panic after hearing this. “Is he still in the library?! Go find Blaine! He’s wandering around with Maria somewhere.” Without giving her a chance to reply Lance was already running towards the library. Gwen didn’t waste time and headed straight to the ballroom to find Blaine.
…In the Ballroom…
Prince Jamie was sitting at a table with a line of chefs waiting for their dishes to be tasted, when he happened to glance over and noticed Gwen passing through and in a bit of a hurry at that.
Huh? I wonder why Gwennie is in such a rush? Before Jamie could even call out to her… “Um…Prince Jamie? H-how is my baba ganoush?” Still questioning why his sister is in such a rush “Huh?! Oh yes! It’s completely inadequate. You need to salt the eggplant and draw out the bitterness along with your secret infatuation for your sommelier…” Never taking his eyes off his sister…until he realized what he had just said! And fearfully turned to see the chef staring mortified at said sommelier next to him, who merely glanced at him. That was way too honest!!
“I’m in love with you too, George!!” The sommelier practically squealed as the chef’s face blushed bright red. “R-really?!!” and the two ran off to make out somewhere leaving Prince Jamie a bit confused. Guest that worked out ok?
…In another corner of the room…
“I’m so bored Bart, Aren’t you?” came a voice from the balcony “Yes, my Lord.”
“I came here tonight to find inspiration. But how can I when everyone here is just so…Wait. Who is that…?
Gwendolyn was frantically wandering around desperately trying to find Blaine…When suddenly someone grabbed her by the hand and she turned to see a dark haired, brown eyed man on one knee holding his hand.
“Please tell me your name…”
“Huh?” Gwen was confused, as she was in a bit of a rush but didn’t want to be rude by shrugging him away.
“Because you are absolutely beautiful.” Her cheeks flushed pink when he said that.
“Um…my name? I-I’m Princess Gwendolyn of the Pastel Kingdom.” Gwen stuttered a bit on her words, as the handsome stranger cocked his head.
“Princess…of the Pastel Kingdom?” He was a bit confused. “Hm, that’s odd. I don’t recall seeing you enter into the party with the rest of your family…”
That was probably Jamie’s doing… Gwen thought as the man continued.
“Well anyhow, my name is Lord Leopold of the Argyle Kingdom.” He placed a hand to his chest while still holding Gwen’s hand. “It’s simply a courtesy title, though. I’m a mere painter at heart and nothing bores me more than these sterile parties. I saw you wandering around from afar, and couldn’t help but think that you might be feeling the same way.”
…Back In the Library…
“Come on lil bro, try and calm down buddy.” Lance was on his knees in their library cradling his shaking baby brother as he whimpered and whined in pain, making small yelps and cries when the pain became too much.
“Make it stop! Please make it stop!” Frederick was clinging tightly to his big brother’s jacket, eyes shut tight in pain, tears streaming down his cheeks as blood dripped from his mouth.
“Easy lil bro, Blaine will be here any minute…just try and-stay calm…deep breaths lil bro.” Lance held his baby brother close, caressing his hair as he tried his best to comfort him.
It’s never been this bad before?! Please Gwendolyn! Hurry up and get Blaine here!
…Back in the Ballroom…
Lord Leopold, still holding Gwen’s hand, stood up “Please allow me to escort you to a seat, Your Highness. A princess as lovely as you shouldn’t be standing all evening.” and turned as he attempted to lead her to an empty table.
“Um, well-” Finally snapping out of her initial shock and remembering her mission, started to pull away from Lord Leopold…
“HEY!” Suddenly his hand was smacked away from her and Gwen turned to see just the prince she had been searching for.
“I saw that, Leopold!” Blaine quickly stood between him and Gwen and looked very pissed at Leopold. “How dare you interfere with my dear brother’s fiancé!”
“Oh Blaine! I’ve been looking for you!-” Unfortunately Blaine seemed to be more focused on yelling at Leopold.
“You’re just like your cousin, taking precious things that don’t belong to you!! Now shoo! Go away!”
“Hi Gwen! Have you been having fun tonight?” Marie came up behind her and Gwen had to take a moment to take in what her eldest sister was wearing?
“Um…Y-yeah…” Lorena, Maria? What have you two been doing here??
“And Gwendolyn, where is Frederick? I was really hoping that you were able to talk him into coming out tonight.” Blaine now turned to face her, completely ignoring Leopold.
“Well actually Blaine I-”
“Hey, Cuz. Oh hi there, Blainey!!!” She was interrupted by another voice as another dark haired man with the same outfit as Leopold, this one being orange, Leopold’s yellow, cheerfully walked up so he was standing directly in front of Leopold.
“Ohh no…” Blaine went pale in the face and his expression telling Gwen that he was about to get into another heated argument and worried that Frederick might be getting worse quickly grabbed him by the arm and pulled Blaine away before he could get a word in.
“I’m so sorry Blaine but I really need to talk to you! It’s about Frederick!” Blaine immediately got worried and pulled Gwen away from the two Argyle men. While also leaving Maria alone and confused as she watched her sister and fiancé converse privately. That confusion quickly turned to concern when she saw the same look on Blaine’s face as her baby sister led him away.
I’m not sure what just happened but they looked worried about something? I hope Frederick is ok?
…Back in the Library…
“FREDERICK!!!” Blaine burst through the library doors with Gwen right behind him though she held her composer and kept her distinct, allowing the 2 older brothers the space to assist their poor younger brother. Lance was still on the floor trying to calm their baby brother as Blaine got to his knees on Frederick’s other side and instinctively went to massage his brother’s scalp, but that only resulted in a yowl of pain and Frederick slapping his hand away.
“What?! But that always works?!” Blaine turned to look at Lance in shock. ”It’s getting worse Blaine, he’s never bled before?” Lance looked as if he was on the verge of tears.
“BLOOD??!!” Blaine’s shout caused Frederick to flinch in surprise which in turn caused another jolt of pain throughout his entire body!
“I’m sorry Frederick, I didn't mean to shout…Let me see your mouth?” Blaine whispered softly as he very, very gently reached a hand up to pull Frederick’s away from his lips so that he could see inside his mouth. Reluctantly Frederick pulled his hands away as Lance offered his own for his brother to squeeze. Lance winced slightly as his brother squeezed very tightly.
Damn! When did Frederick get so strong?!
Blaine gently cupped his brother’s cheek and used his thumb to open his mouth and Blaine almost lost his lunch with all the blood in his brother’s mouth originating from his gum and covering his teeth… His teeth? Why do they look so…sharp?!
“GAHHHH!!!” Frederick shrieked as his entire body roared with pain!
“FREDERICK!!!” Gwen ran up to them as Frederick pushed away from Lance and curled up into a ball screaming in pain. “Frederick?! What’s wrong?! Where does it hurt?! What do we do?!” Lance and Blaine were trying their best to uncurl Frederick so they could try and figure out what’s wrong with their little brother.
“EVERYWHERE!!! IT’S HURTS!!! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!!” Suddenly Frederick’s eyes went red and he let out an ear piercing shriek causing all three to jump up and stagger backwards away from him!
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sam-nochncs · 2 years
Sam! *Falls down the window I just climbed*. I dunno if you're doing the ask the artist game but I'm gonna send you some cus I am nosy and want to know 👀😈
1. 6. 11. 13. 18. 21 AND 25! (that's a lot of questions, my bad)
Love you Sam my beloved! 🫂🫂💋💋
*Helps you get up and dusts your clothes* Be carefull next time my beloved Many!! Dont want you to hurt yourself now tut tut
1- Show your most recent wip
I am so bad at finishing a wip so i have multiple and here they are! ( I also have an animatic wip but like aughhh)
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6-Which artists inspire you right now?
My biggest inspiration rn is @toomanywordsnllines !
He is amazing at art and I love their artsyle so much!! Her art style is just so huggable and his painting/rendring has me on a choke hold!! Thay just give me so many ideas that my brain explodes!!
Another one of my all time inspiration is Rensaven! I love their style sooo much!! The simplity has me on a chokehold also THEIR ANIMATIONS!? MY HEART AND LIKE AAAAAAA I WANNA BE LIKE THEM FRFR CRYING!! here is the link to their youtube my fave animation from them is Level of Concern one bc like twenty one pilots and and animation? together? my heart melted fr. I alos love the way they use the colors their pallates are always goes so well together
Newest addition to my inspiration is Alberto Mielgo! Especially his Spiderverse art work is spectacular im gonna cry bc his usage of colors like look at this!!! Overall all the spiderverse is my inspiration frfr
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I want to also add Sad-ist their animations and the way they use the camera movements on their animation... im crying by thinking about it! The way they tell the story with the animations are showstopping here is a link to their youtube!
I wanted to add so many other but itll get tooo long so honorable mentions time! (very honorable mentions to my friends anna and eli as well)
rabbits.foots sogicereal Camram Bipp
Jasperlore Silvipeppers devinellekurtz
achilleanspear Unsatisfiedghost NoriMori
Xela Kurzgesagt liz milkytrickster
natashaallegri mechro dreamy Shiba rusticfurnice
okay i think i should stop here or all make the entire thing about these artists 😭😭
11-Favaorite comment you've ever recived on your work
Uhmmm I dont know i dont really get specific comments bahsjmdmsk i think it was someone commenting on one of my sketchbook pages that they liked how I used one color only with a black pen :')
13-Show your favorite drawing from last year
I couldnt choose one 😭😭 (left to right my friends oc, human mordecai, highschool!au of my sona for discord gc)
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18-Do you have any larger projects you'd like to pursue? Like comics, shortfilm, a series ect?
YES! One day i would love to make animation series like a cartoon series? or just some calming and relatable mini animation series like bee and the puppycat! I would also love to work on a idk animation movie maybe? I would really love to work in that industry but im not sure if i can... I'm scared that ill get bored of it but yeah!
21-Weirdest thing you've ever drawn?
Believe it or not nothing came to my mind at first exept for few missing limbs and general angst stuff so i asked one of my beloved friend and this was her answers
1- Twink boy Mater from cars the movie
2- Kirby josh dun the drummer of twenty one pilots
3- Face for tits tits for face oc?
so yeah i gues other then gorey stuff these ones the weird ones....side eyeing myself rn
25-Based on your recent referance searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
I'm definitly on the list for sure. They assume that i would be a threat to sociaty and that ill probably set something on fire. They also think that I am a serial killer that has lots of medical knowladge as well....
Thank you for your questions and im sorry it took me so long to answer it 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
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thebusylilbee · 2 years
I didn’t like No Way Home either. I didn’t really like it at all. I found a really good article that explains the flaws with the movie: collider*com/spider-man-no-way-home-spoiler-review/
Ooooh thank you for sharing that article with me anon, I love shitting on this vastly overrated film ! "Spider-Man: No Way Home largely feels like bad fan-fic" yep yep yep, it feels like something written by the most uninspired teenager ever, with tons of meme references forcefully inserted into the blandest story because who cares about substance as long as we can wink at the audience to make them laugh, right ? the important part is that the public can go "omg he repeated 'I'm something of a scientist myself' so funny haha !!!" or "oh yeah Tobey Maguire is repeating 'you're amazing' because Andrew Garfield's movies were called The Amazing Spider-man haha, get it ?! get it ?! it's not cringy I swear" like truly the writers are geniuses...
Not to mention the Daredevil cameo played in the most idiotic way possible because super-protective-of-his-secret-identity Matt Murdock is apparently dumb enough to bother catching a brick (thrown inhumanely fast at a window on the last floors of a high building btw ?! the Hulk must be the culprit) when it was targeted at a superhuman who could have stopped it just fine with no injuries. okay... logic and coherence deserve to be sacrificed for a wink at the audience, that's the rule !
And don't get me started on Electro's little "I thought you'd be black" moment which was the laziest and weirdest way to hint at Miles Morales ever. We already saw Miles' uncle in Homecoming and it was years ago, and fucking nothing since ! give us something bigger and better written than "*wink wink wink* where is the black spidey lol", like actually introduce Miles Morales or at the very least his uncle again or shut the hell up !
But the worst reference has to be aunt May saying "with great power comes great responsibility" after so many years, when Peter already expressed this exact same idea during his first scene with Tony Stark... What a way to show that no character development happened since ! As the article says "you could stroll into No Way Home having never seen Homecoming or Far From Home and not have missed anything important about who Peter is as a character. He doesn’t grow between movies as much as he’s just got a different conflict, and it’s a conflict that frequently overshadows his personal stakes." But it's the movie of the decade right 🤪🤪🤪
The very foundations of this movie are weak as hell too. In the comics the erasure of people's memories is done by Mephisto, a literal demon, who does not care about fucking up with people's minds and lives, and it's done when Peter feels cornered and desperate because people are coming after his family now that his identity is public and aunt May just got killed ! It was still a stupid decision in the comics but at least he had a good reason to panic ! But in the film Peter decides to mess with humanity's memory because of... FUCKING M.I.T. ??? Are you kidding me ?!! What a privileged moron !!! And grown ass adult Dr Strange thinks that's a good reason to mess with innocent people's lives ??? Unreal. Absolutely unreal and completely immoral. Garbage story telling. Beyond stupid characters.
Also the article makes a GREAT point here: "the notion that Peter feels compelled to “save” [the villains] doesn’t feel rooted in anything because, again, the MCU Peter Parker isn’t rooted in anything. He loves the people in his life, but nothing that’s happened so far says that Peter feels like he must save supervillains, especially when he didn’t seem too broken up about Mysterio’s death. It’s not so much that I believe Peter would be indifferent as much as it’s a dramatic inconsistency in the way he’s written across this series." Like for real, why didn't they exploit Peter's trauma of having to fight people and watch them die ? Why is Peter not traumatized by his near death experiences (and real death with the blip) and the people he couldn't save ??? THAT would have helped explain his irrationality in No Way Home ! But god forbid we have emotions other than "i'm kinda sad that Tony Stark is gone" in our marvel movies !!!
And the visuals don't save any of it. As the article says "No Way Home solidifies for me that [Jon Watts] is a deeply uninteresting filmmaker." Totally agree. The action scenes were generic as hell, like how many times are we going to get a bland fight scene on a bridge good god, enough is enough. There isn't a single iconic shot in this film and the colors are fuck ugly, the last half hour is exactly as described in the article: "brown-grey dishwater".
In conclusion: "is this all movies are supposed to be ? Is it nothing more than recognizing the thing ? [...] The only point of No Way Home is to make the audience nod and smile at the things they recognize before the film ends." This film is soulless.
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azucanela · 4 years
Could you do another Sokka with the fire nation reader and maybe something domestic? Something after the war potentially? Please and thank you!!!
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SUMMARY: after years of chaos, Y/N can’t help but feel weird when everything is peaceful. but hey, weird can be nice. especially when weird is with sokka.
WARNINGS: kissing, soft, pretty basic.
A/N: this is gonna be the least heartbreaking thing i’ll ever write super domestic 10/10 soft. also it feels wrong to not write something thats like 10k words of pining askhdkjsah also this is weirdest title ever im sorry
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The sun poured into the room, indicating that Sokka had in fact, awoken, and opened the curtains, much to Y/N’s dismay. They were on vacation and yet he still insisted on waking up at the most ungodly of hours to work. Y/N had no doubt that he’d heard the whispers in the Southern Water Tribe, he’d done so much for the small nation that Y/N wasn’t shocked when rumors of Sokka potentially becoming the next chief came about. He was still young, but that didn’t stop people from talking, and maybe thats why he was putting so much pressure on himself.
But it was vacation, on Ember Island, alongside the rest of their friends. They’d agreed to head out later in the day together, to the beach to catch up with one another. Regardless, Y/N couldn’t help but groan, running a hand through her hair when she realized Sokka had gotten up early for no reason. Y/N had searched him prior to their departure to the island, ensuring he had no work at all, and yet here they were.
Sitting up in the bed, she stretched out her arms, allowing the sun to hit her face. Y/N squinted at the sudden brightness as she moved to stand, a wave of dizziness washed over her momentarily, causing her legs to wobble as she took her first few steps of the day. Y/N quickly recovered as she made her way outside of the room, bringing a hand to her forehead as she sighed. The Ember Island rooms were like small homes at this point, so Y/N wasn’t shocked to find Sokka in the kitchen, cutting up some fruits into the bowl. 
He looks up at her, a smile on his face as he put the knife down and tries his best to lean against the counter alluringly, only for his elbow to miss the edge of the counter. Sokka stumbles slightly, causing Y/N to laugh as she greets him, “hi there.”
“Hey, beautiful.” Sokka greets, recovering from his fall as he jogs over to press a kiss to her cheek, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer.
Y/N hums in response, wrapping her arms around his torso, “why are you out of bed?” She presses a kiss to his jaw before resting her head on his chest.
“I was making breakfast, per usual.” Comes his reply. Y/N had found that Sokka was actually a great roommate, he tended to wake up early to handle his duties in the Southern Water Tribe. Which meant he’d cook breakfast for the two of them, and get his fair share of cleaning done. 
Y/N is pulling herself away from him to grab his hand and pull him towards the bedroom, “let’s go back to bed.” It was vacation, and they could probably order some sort of room service seeing as Ember Island was practically a resort.
“We have to meet the others later.” Sokka reasoned, resisting her aggressive yanks at his arm, feet remaining firmly planted on the floor.
Y/N playfully glares at him, “yeah, later. Not now, we have time. I don’t know why you woke up so early.” She’s scolding him, mostly because he’s been having trouble sleeping lately, and refuses to drink the tea she offered him. Iroh had kindly taught her how to make a ‘proper’ cup of tea, as he’d put it. 
“It’s midday.” He points out, causing Y/N’s eyes to widen a fraction, her eyes flickering over to the windows momentarily as she tries to understand how she managed to sleep well into the middle of the day.
Her mouth opens and closes for a moment, brows furrowing in confusion as she looks to Sokka, “are you serious?”
Sokka blinks once before throwing his head back in laughter, “yes!” 
With a rather aggressive tug at Sokka’s arm, Y/N pulled him closer bringing her free hand to his cheek as she pulled him in for a kiss. Sokka melted into it, bringing both his arms to hand loosely around her waist
It was peaceful. Watching him look so happy, the way the sunlight gleamed on his face as Y/N practically tackled him onto the bed, the bright smile on his face lit up the room more than the sun ever could. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen these things and she certainly hoped it wouldn’t be the last. And given how few threats of war and death and chaos there had been lately, Y/N had a feeling that she wouldn’t have to worry about losing Sokka to some insane enemy anytime soon. 
Y/N hated how weird it felt. Being able to relax for once because there’s no threat of impending doom, no need to be alert despite the habit she’d developed to always have a hand ready to grab the knife at her side. Y/N hated that she couldn’t allow herself a moment of peace even though there was nothing to worry about. 
Even when the war had ended, Y/N had to be on her toes for all the riots that started across the world. She and the rest of Team Avatar weren’t necessarily prepared for all the diplomatic work that had to be done to repair all the damage that had been done to the world during the 100 years of war. Aang had a lot of other issues to handle as the Avatar, Katara and Sokka had to work on rebuilding the Southern Water Tribe, Toph had to handle her parents though she had favored spreading the wonders of metalbending instead. Zuko was rebuilding the Fire Nation was simultaneously tearing down the century’s worth of brainwashing. And as for Y/N, she was just trying to figure out where she fit in to all this.
For the first time in a long time, nothing was going on. Y/N didn’t need to bring her weapons, and she didn’t need to look over her shoulder ever moment for potential enemies. And it felt weird.
They’d returned to Ember Island for a vacation, a reward to themselves for everything they’d done. And it had been a while since they’d been able to actually catch up, Y/N wouldn’t deny it, though they saw each other fairly frequently when it seemed the world was about to end, time to talk was rare. And now that they could talk, she didn’t know what to say.
Yeah, it felt weird.
Sokka’s arm had wrapped around her waist, and Y/N found herself watching as he threw his head back in laughter at something Toph had said. The girl in question seemed pretty pleased with herself, Zuko on the other hand was looking rather embarrassed. Not that Y/N was really paying attention to the conversation. They had gotten to the beach not too long ago, and Y/N had a feeling they would stay awhile, but she was a little busy getting lost in her own thoughts. 
Was it wrong of her to wonder what happened next now that they had entered what would —hopefully— be an era of peace? The only person who could probably remember such a time was Aang, seeing as he was born before the war started, officially started that is. 
Pushing away those thoughts, Y/N returned her attention to the conversation at hand, “you know what, the rest of you never grew up with Sokka’s whining in the mornings— Y/N knows what I mean, right?”
Y/N found herself straightening beside Sokka, “actually, Sokka cooks me breakfast in the mornings, and he’s surprisingly neat, so I have no complaints.” She lets out a small laugh, and Y/N can feel Sokka’s eyes on her figure as everyone else laughs once more.
“Thank you Y/N, see I can be a fantastic roommate.” Sokka asserted, throwing a playful glare to Katara as he squeezed Y/N’s side gently. She and Sokka had gotten together shortly after the war, and they’d been living together for a while. Seeing as they travelled together for over a year, there wasn’t really much of an adjustment period if Y/N was honest, and Sokka was a model roommate. 
Sokka sits up suddenly, causing Y/N to raise a brow at him as she shifts in her seat, only for him to extend a hand to her, “I’m going for a walk, wanna come?”
She takes his hand, offering him a smile as she sits up as well, “yes.” 
From the corner of her eye, Y/N can see Aang move to speak, only for Toph to swat at his chest when he tries to stand, and Katara to glare harshly. Zuko simply watches the interaction in confusion, brow furrowing as Katara beams up at the couple, “have fun!”
Sokka fought the urge to roll his eyes as he took Y/N by the hand and began to drag her away from the campsite. He’d noticed her behavior, something was bothering her. Of course, Katara was reading into things again, she and Gran Gran had grown a little obsessed in regards to his relationship with Y/N. Mostly because Gran Gran insisted that she had to live to see the wedding.
Oh god, Katara must’ve thought he intended to propose—
Y/N had gathered that much as well, it wasn’t something the two had discussed yet, mostly because they’d never had time. When they officially got together, everything was so chaotic they just never had the time, and now that they had the time, well neither of them had tried to broach the topic. Katara on the other hand seemed to continue her meddlesome ways, trying to put the idea into Y/N’s head time and time again during their conversations.
Y/N did not approve.
The pair walked silently across the coast line, water washing up against their bare feet as Sokka comically swung their hands back and forth, earning a small laugh from Y/N. She came to the realization that as badly as she wanted to avoid this conversation, it was necessary. Looking up at him, her brows furrowed as she spoke, “don’t let Katara... pressure you into anything, okay?”
Sokka frowned, pausing as he walked, “don’t tell me she’s been talking to you about-”
“Marriage.” They both muttered, simultaneously. The pair burst into laughter, and Sokka simply shook his head. Katara had obviously been discussing the subject with the both of them.
Sokka simply facepalms, and Y/N finds herself smiling as she watches him, “I’m sorry that she’s been bothering you about that, even though I told her not to.” He turns back to look at the camp, that’s still visible in the distance, Katara is giving him a thumbs up alongside Toph, though the young girl is facing the wrong direction. A show of support as he attempts to ‘propose’ to Y/N, though he didn’t intend to, not today at least. 
Y/N offers him a nervous smile, pulling his attention away from their friends as they continued to walk, “it’s fine.” Another silence consumes them, and Y/N finds herself biting her lip as her gaze returns to Sokka, “have you thought about it though?” 
“Marriage?” Sokka asks, looking to her with wide eyes, “of course, I have. But we’re still young...” He trails off, tilting his head at Y/N as he mumbles, “have you?”
She shrugs, looking to the horizon, where the sun is slowly disappearing and the night sky begins to reveal itself, “honestly? Not really, no.” Y/N can practically feel Sokka deflate beside her, and quickly continues, “not because I don’t want to marry you. I just... I don’t know I never had...”
“Time. To think about it?” Sokka offered when she trailed off. He understood, in a way. They weren’t able to think much of the future while on the run, mostly because the future was a luxury that they were unsure they’d ever get. 
Y/N simply looks to him, nodding slowly she can feel her cheeks warm as she exhales deeply. “I want to though.” Her voice is quiet, probably because its the first time she admitting it to herself, that she does want to marry Sokka. There was always a small part of her that wondered what that would be like, and maybe moving in with him solidified the idea in her mind. Y/N didn’t know.
Maybe it was cliché but Sokka had known since they’d met. 
“I’ve thought about it for a while.” He mumbles, fidgeting with her hand. 
A smile graces Y/N’s face as she raises a brow, “what have you thought about?” She can’t help but feel curious, she’s well aware of how meticulously he plans things, and if he’s thought about their potential wedding it means he not only sees her in his future, but he also likely spent a lot of time considering minor details about the wedding. 
Sokka’s eyes are glued to her hands as he responds, “you would look really pretty in a wedding dress.” If Sokka was honest, she looked pretty in everything, but the idea of marrying her? It had crossed his mind in the past, several times.
She’s never seen him this shy and subdued before, and Y/N can’t help but feel shocked at how soft his voice sounds when he speaks. So, she finds herself considering what this imaginary wedding would be like. Yet all she manages to say is, “I was thinking about how I would never get married on a beach.” 
A small laugh escapes Sokka, “you hate sand.” They’d learnt that the hard way the last time they were at Ember Island, just before the end of the war. Sokka had spent about an hour convincing Y/N to come down to the beach despite her hatred of sand. She ended up agreeing— more accurately being forced to head down to the beach seeing as Sokka practically threw her over his shoulder and carried her there. Y/N vividly recalled the violent words she’d yelled at him when he threw her into the ice cold water.
Y/N is laughing alongside him, nodding,  “I do.”
She’d be saying those words again, not too far in the future. And maybe this possibility is why Y/N decides that she likes this whole peace thing, standing on the serene shores of Ember Island. Life is good when you aren’t worried about impending doom all the time, and its even better with Sokka in it. Y/N wouldn’t mind spending the rest of her life with him.
“Let’s prank Katara into thinking you proposed.” She suggested, grinning at Sokka. If the girl was so insistent on meddling with their relationship, then why not get a little revenge?
Sokka seemed to like this idea, as his eyes iit up at her words, “I love you, so much.” He exclaimed, grabbing Y/N’s face with both hands and pulling her into a kiss. 
Y/N finds herself smiling into the kiss, pulling away to say, “I know.”
“You’re supposed to say it back.” Sokka is pouting now, trapping her in his arms as he awaits the response he wants. 
Y/N hummed in reply, a pensive look on her face as she pretended to consider his words, “I guess I love you too.”
“You guess?!”
Hopefully their honeymoon would be far less chaotic, and further away from sand. 
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A/N: lol writing something happy when you are sad is not it so im sorry that this is bad but i tried 🥺
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thesoftboiledegg · 3 years
As an autistic woman, I've had hyperfixations for my entire life, but I didn't recognize what they were until adulthood. Pokemon is the first one I can remember--that was when I was in preschool. The Powerpuff Girls was another one during my early childhood.
Harry Potter was a huge special interest around the time Order of the Phoenix came out. I used to spend hours making up stories in my head. Of course, after the mess JKR's made, I probably won't be going back to that one any time soon.
Artemis Fowl was another big special interest for a while. I still think that's a great series. Artemis is one of my all-time favorite fictional characters.
By far the weirdest one was over a newspaper comic strip called Foxtrot. I have no idea where that came from--but boy, I was obsessed with that strip and (again) spent hours making up stories in my head.
As I got older, my special interests started losing their intensity. I actually thought they were over until the Avengers became one in 2012. That one resurfaces periodically, but it's nowhere near as intense as the hyperfixations I had when I was a child.
Rick and Morty is my current hyperfixation (as you can easily guess with all the weird, rambling, overly detailed posts on this blog.) I've enjoyed having a blog where I can express my thoughts instead of just obsessing over the show in silence. Still nothing compared to my old hyperfixations, though.
Sometimes, I miss the intense feelings that I used to have, but it wasn't healthy. It gave me a lot of anxiety and took up time that I could have spent interacting with real people (well, there were other factors involved with that one, but still.) But it was fun. No one experiences feelings as intensely as they did when they were aged 9 to 13.
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purpureumwrites · 4 years
Darth Vader x Reader | Twin Moons | Chapter 1
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A/N: I’ve been missing for like the longest time. I’m so sorry. I got a job and started my master’s degree (which I only have the final project left), so it has been a weird and very busy year. Lately I’ve being getting into the Star Wars comics and obviously I’m getting through the Darth Vader ones (I’m also a bit of a perv apparently). I’ve already written the second chapter for this, which is longer than this one, but I don’t know how long this fic will be. We at least need some passion/smut in there, so there will be a minimum of three, but I feel like it will take me a bit longer. Who knows! (Some Mandalorian is also needed in the future)
Summary: Vader is ordered to travel to a far planet in search of a force-sensitive woman. As he becomes responsible for her, what will happen? You know, nothing is impossible with the force.
Chapters: Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Warnings: None.
Word count: 665.
The sound of the waves crushing against the shore was all you could hear. In the small, remote planet you lived in, there was no such thing as ships or vessels, and the dark blue ocean covered most of the planet’s surface. You walked back home, a little wooden house in the middle of green endless pastures, only interrupted but the worn-down temple standing on the hill.
It was a day like all the others when a ship crossed the sky and you felt a presence like no other before. Later, when you heard steps echoing through the stone walls of the temple, you were not surprised but curious. You had spent years completely alone.
The temple was completely made of stone and glass, and only the first floor was over the ground. Its rooms and hallways reached so far down, that all that could be seen through the glass of the tall, ominous windows was the reflection of the light in the water and the creatures that lived in it.  In the centre, across all the different floors, there was a deep black hole open to the ocean. There were rumours about this temple. Some said a monster lived in it when it was not hunting across the seas, some said rituals were performed there, their blood a tribute to the beast.
All you knew, was that the energy in that place connected in some way to the energy you had always felt within you and, even though you didn’t understand it, it simply made sense. The drawings covering the walls, the echoes, the sea itself had taught you how to wield it, how to become one with it. You felt complete there. Complete, but lonely.
When you heard the steps behind you, accompanied by a metallic and rhythmic breathing, you felt the presence you had sensed before in the sky, overwhelm you by its proximity now. And still, it did not feel out of place.
But god, was it strong.
You took a deep breath before turning around to see the tall man, dressed completely in black and the weirdest helmet you had seen, stand before you. Neither said anything for a few seconds, both of you analysing each other. There was something about him that felt twisted and dark, suggesting that you should be careful with your words and actions from now on. But you also knew that unlike him, you looked harmless even though you were certainly not. You waited for him to speak, unable to find a reason for such an odd-looking man to stand there.
“The Emperor has ordered for you to be taken into imperial custody.”
Emperor? There was no emperor here, just an arrogant, privileged leader. But if it were an emperor from another planet, how could he even know about you? The planet was very secluded, maybe one or two ships, usually old and barely functional, visited the planet. Maybe the people in the mainland knew about it but you had lived away from society for so long, that the world outside was of no interest to you.
“I don’t know any emperors” you answered.
“That’s no concern of mine. You will learn about the Galactic Empire when it’s due.”
“But… I haven’t done anything against any empire, I can’t just go with you who knows where just because you ask me to.”
You noticed him clenching his right fist.
“I am not asking. You will come with me, voluntarily or not. You are a force user and the Emperor has plans for you.”
“Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about, I-“
With one single, wide step, he stood mere centimetres away from you. He was terribly intimidating.
“Do not make me waste my time. Everything will be explained to you. We are leaving now” he stated before turning around and walking away.
“I’m not even…” you started before you felt shivers down your spine. “Wearing shoes” you ended up whispering, following the man.
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thanksjro · 4 years
Dark Cybertron Chapter 7: Simon Furman and His Lack of a Relationship with the Singular They
The Lost Light is still being attacked by Ammonites, like it has been for the last few issues. Hound’s taken over as acting field commander and is calling all the shots. Chromedome uses his stupid beefy arms to punch things. Trailcutter is screaming. Swerve’s got his My First Blaster™ strapped to the top of his alt, and saves Crosscut.
Crosscut is our toy tie-in character for this issue. He’s a senator, and drafts play scripts. Arguably one of the more interesting tie-in guys, at least in theory. In practice, all he’s doing is forgetting Swerve’s name, which isn’t going to help the guy with his through-the-floor self esteem.
Crosscut points out that Swerve’s communicator is flashing, and while he’s checking his voicemail, all the Ammonites seemingly vanish… at least, until the gang realizes that they’re instead heading for Metroplex.
Inside, it would appear that the Rod Pod Squad aren’t actually dead, though their ride is probably toast. Before everything went to hell, a wall slammed down from the ceiling, protecting everyone from being utterly destroyed. Skids has figured out what all the arrow graffiti is about, earning himself a BOMP from Getaway. Looks like the internal structure of Metroplex has been shifting, and that’s why they got the runaround last issue. Also, Whirl’s gone missing, but we don’t have time to worry about that, because Swerve just called back with some bad news: the admium flakes they saw earlier mean that Metroplex has an alchemical virus.
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Don’t you look at me like that, I’m getting to the explanation.
Alchemical viruses turn the metal of the body into admium, a rare, incredibly soft metal that will break down very easily and also kill you. It’s pretty bad to have. Also, contagious. Fellas better get outta there, posthaste.
The Ammonites are also storming Metroplex, so that’s an additional issue. God, it just never stops, does it?
Over in the Dead Universe-
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Is that a fortress of evil in the shape of Nova Prime’s head?
Is that a goddamned fortress-
Anyway, the center of Nova Prime’s universe is Kup, who was the guy who got oh-so-dramatically revealed at the end of the last issue. Unfortunately, Orion Pax also considers Kup to be very near and dear to his heart, and the whole “being turned into a space bridge” thing is going to be an issue.
This is the weirdest love triangle I’ve ever seen.
How the hell did Kup even get here? Well, in order to know that, you’ve have to had read Infestation, the bullshit zombie crossover comic miniseries that ran in 2011.
But I’m not going to do that.
Because I don’t want to.
After a bit of showboating, Nova Prime orders Nightbeat to take Team -Imus to their cell.
Over on Cybertron, Shockwave is getting real sick of Galvatron’s shit, but Galvatron is too busy posing dramatically to notice. Waspinator, Metalhawk, and Dreadwing float in the air. I’m not sure what they’re up to, but I’m sure it’s important. Jhiaxus shows up with a gaggle of goons, one of which seems to have forgotten his face in the jar by the door.
Galvatron gets shamed for tearing Megatron in half, since that sort of broke the space bridge in his torso, but he’s too busy being classist to care. Waspinator floats in the background. What are you doing back there, pal?
Shockwave orders Waspinator to carry Megatron to his quarters, but Galvatron’s decided that he’s going to be an asshole about everything today, even when he’s being helpful.
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…Okay, Boomer.
Waspinator still ends up hauling Megatron’s ass away, and Shockwave and Jhiaxus have a little chat.
Back in the dead universe, Team -Imus are in their cell, as Nightbeat double-checks the locks or some shit, I dunno. They’re gonna get their sparks ripped out later in the day, so that the space bridge Kup’s got running in his torso finally has enough juice to actually friggin’ work.
Then Rodimus flashes his mystery hand at Nightbeat and makes him fall down. In order for the whole brainwashing thing to work, Nightbeat’s true nature had to be suppressed; however, whenever Rodimus shows off his mystery hand, it makes his brain kickstart back on, messing up the brainwashing.
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Well, you know what, Cyclonus? That’s not my fucking fault. Blame Roberts and Barber. I certainly do.
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We finally get a look at what Rodimus’ hand mystery is, and if you read Eugenesis, you might know where this is going. It would seem Nightbeat has not- which is for the best, really, given what happens to him in it- but he’s still a pretty smart cookie and can suss it out through the power of deductive reasoning. Here’s what he’s working with:
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After a moment’s deliberation, he asks Rodimus, who he knows to be the captain of a ship, how many folks are riding around in the space yacht. Rodimus tells him 190, and shows off that he’s got his lipgloss on, and it would seem that Nightbeat’s a free man again. He lets everyone out of the cell, and they gear up to go pick up Kup. Orion Pax is confused as to what the hell just happened here, and Rodimus promises to explain why he’s carved a division problem into his palm once they aren’t in immediate danger.
Back on Cybertron, Galvatron and Waspinator are dragging Megatron’s halves towards Shockwave’s quarters, when Bumblebee pops out of nowhere with a gun and a mouth full of swears. He’s here for Megatron, and he’s not taking “no” for an answer. Galvatron thinks that this is super fucking funny, and tosses Megatron like an empty soda can into the wall so he can squash a bug.
It looks pretty grim for ol’ Bumblebee, but suddenly Galvatron realizes he left the oven on that Megatron’s gone missing.
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Oh, there he is!
Megatron blasts Galvatron in the torso, then- in a surprisingly polite manner, at least for him- tells Bumblebee to grab his legs so they can get out of here. As the two of them traverse the burned-out husk that is Cybertron, Megatron decides to be a complete bastard, as he smiles at the idea of Starscream suffering. Like, dude, I know he kept you in weird hamster ball jail and spouted soliloquies in your general direction every single day you were there, but folks are dying right now.
Speaking of Starscream, he’s having a moment, as he sits on his knees and stares at the sky in abject horror while the world burns around him. Scoop comes by to yell at him for being a harbinger of death, and generally being a less than stellar leader, and Starscream halfway calls himself a dumpster fire.
Back inside Metroplex, the Rod Pod Squad are fortifying their defenses against the Ammonites, even though they really need to be getting the hell out of there before they get turned into talcum powder through the power of alchemy. Whirl shows back up, the Ammonite hanger-on in his grasp, and we get the skinny on why the hell the Ammonites are involved with this whole debacle anyway.
The answer is Shockwave.
The answer is always Shockwave.
Then the little dude explodes. It’s fine, they do that sometimes.
Before he went kablooey, little dude uttered the phrase, “if the dead are not enough.” We’ll get to what all that’s about later. Right now there are far more important things going on.
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But why is this such a big deal? Why is it that non-male coded robots who aren’t Arcee haven’t been seen up until this point? What’s up with that, huh?
Well, in order to understand IDW’s complicated relationship with gender, we’re going to have to do some digging into the history of Transformers as a franchise.
We’re going to have to talk about Simon Furman.
We're going to have to talk about Prime's Rib.
And we’re going to have to talk about Spotlight: Arcee.
Simon Furman wrote a lot of Transformers. You cannot get away from Simon Furman, because the man is so ingrained in the franchise. He was there for Marvel UK, he was there for the back half of Marvel US, he wrote for several other publication runs of Transformers, he worked on the Earth Wars mobile game-
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-and, of course, IDW publishing.
Because Furman is so very well established and known in the industry, he gets the benefit of not being questioned on a lot of the calls he makes.
Which is a problem, because the man is a massive misogynist.
In 1989, Marvel UK #234 came out, containing the story entitled “Prime’s Rib!” in which the Autobots built Arcee in order to appease a group of strawmen feminists. Of course, one female Transformer isn’t enough for them, and they yell at poor Optimus Prime for trying his best. This is the point where Hot Rod is used as a writer avatar to try to smooth things over with the reader, because you see, the Transformers don’t even know what sexual dimorphism and gender identity even is, so of course they wouldn’t have female members of their race! Jazz is used for a breast joke. Arcee acts like a massive, stereotypical bitch the whole time, despite not having been written like that at all in the other issues. It’s a bad comic with hideous ideology leaking out of it, and I'm halfway sorry I read it, so I’ll just give you the essence of this nightmare.
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Oh, those big, mean, scary feminists are bullying the robots for living their lives, huh Furman? Life is just so goddamned unfair when a woman exists in your fucking line of sight.
Furman has gone on record saying that he doesn’t see the point in including the concept of gender in a race of non-sexually reproducing robots. He sees them as “genderless.” Which, if that statement existed in a vacuum, I could perhaps see where he’s coming from.
But Simon Furman does not exist in a vacuum. He exists in a world where sexism exists, something that he’s willingly participated in.
Let me back up that little tidbit with a bit of a disclaimer: I’m not in any way an expert on gender. I didn’t study it in school, I’ve not read an obscene amount of pieces on the topic. I’m not even sure about it on a personal level.
Maybe some of y’all have noticed the whole other set of pronouns I slapped into the bio in the last month or so. It doesn’t really matter, 90% of people don’t read the FAQ/About, I know that, and then 95% of those people only read it once, and this has been a relatively new self-revelation.
Let’s be… fair about this. 1989 was a while ago, a lot of research on the concept of gender has taken place, maybe he’s ch-
Oh, what’s that?
Treating women as an aberration being forced on Transformers as a whole?
And the writing is clunky and overstuffed?
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Well, that’s just fucking fantastic, Furman, thanks so much.
This was in 2008. Because Furman established that female Transformers weren’t something natural, but rather made, and forcibly at that, and nobody fucking smacked his little hands away from this terrible idea, AND nobody tried to fix it for years, there was a lack of gender diversity within IDW until 2014, with the release of Dark Cybertron Chapter 7. Because we waited six years to fix this nightmare, things couldn’t be done quite the way that Roberts had been hoping, in that he intended for our female robots to not have the whole… fembot build happening. IDW wanted them immediately clockable, because this was very clearly a problem that needed rectifying.
So, in short: because of boys’ club mentality and a lack of understanding of what gender means or why it’s important for roughly 50% of the world’s population to have representation in media, Nautica and Chromia are here now.
And despite the convoluted road they had to take, I love them very much.
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d-pennants · 4 years
Through the Moon Instagram Live
Partial transcript of the Instagram Live with Justin Richmond and Aaron Ehasz. It was only posted for 24 hours and a lot of stuff was talked about. I tried to copy the answers as close to what was actually said, but I won’t guarantee I didn’t mishear or miss stuff. I just focused on the stuff about tDP.
No S4 announcement today.
Do you have a favorite character? Are you allowed to play favorites? JR: Yeah. I definitely have characters that I like more than other characters, but I’ll never admit who they are. [laughs]
Fine, how about hints about S5 then?
AE: Justin and I were working on a scene this morning, a scene in which someone makes a sacred promise to Bait. Hope that’s not to big a spoiler.
[Explaining about Through the Moon which is out today (Oct 6th) Shout out to Xanthe Bouma & Peter Wartman, who will be there for the AMA on Friday. And shout out to the team at Scholastic.]
[Technical issues made the audio break up while JR was relocating. I couldn’t catch what the actually questions were for this little bit, but I caught some of the answers.]
Question about Zuko’s VA Dante Basco
AE: He’s amazing to work with. I’d definitely be happy to work with him.
Question about Callum’s Mage Wings
AE: I’d just get mage wing out even just to go to the bathroom at night if I were Callum.
Question about Runaan
AE: I don’t know. That’s a mystery. Runaan is certainly in the magical cursed coin in some form. But I don’t know what he’ll do or if he can survive it. But that’s a story we’ll be certain to tell.
[JR relocated & AE had to log out and rejoin, which fixed the issue.]
Are there other graphic novels coming? Is Through the Moon part of a series with an over arching plot?
JR: Hopefully yes. Hopefully we get to do some more with Scholastic. This is a standalone. It is part of the core story of the Dragon Prince. It counts as canon. But there’s not a sequel to Though the Moon.
AE: We would love to do more graphic novels. We are actively talking about and planning it. Definitely in the cards. But not necessarily an over arching story.
Asking about Janai’s brother?
AE: We’re going to find out about Janai’s brother for sure. He’s a really cool character, a lot of fun.
What do Moonshadow elves do during a full moon? Do they just become invisible.
AE: It’s not just invisibility. It is a stealth mode. I think we talk about it as like they’re almost partially slipping into a “Moon dimension” that partially obscures how visible they are. But also their physically is maybe changed at bit so they can partially materialize for a split instant to do damage, then they’re phasing out. I think they’re phasing in and out of some kind of Moon dimension. So it’s partially invisibility, but there’s also some defense and fighting stuff that happens.
What does Moonberry juice taste like?
AE: In my mind the things that are conjured are some kind of juice blend. Mulberry juice, pomegranate. Justin talked about a bit of cran involved? But I always think mulberries.
JR: Try mulberry juice. Mulberries have like the weirdest, coolest taste. If you haven’t tried it you should do it.
AE: Not ignoring S4 questions, but we just don’t have a good answer. We are working on it. But we don’t have a S4 date. We getting things moving in a good way and we’re excited but we won’t have the information on a date for S4. We really appreciate you being patient for that. Don’t have any age criteria that we can reveal right now.
Will there be outfit changes for the dragon squad?
JR: There’s already some in the graphic novel. Rayla gets some pretty great pyjamas.
AE: They’re just going to rotate outfits. They’re just gonna trade clothes. You should see how great Soren gonna looks wearing Claudia’s clothes. How Callum’s going to look squeezed into some of Ezran’s outfits. Everybody’s just gonna try on each other’s stuff.
JR: I like it. Too bad that actually 3D doesn’t work like that, where you just trade outfits. Because it’d be hilarious. Yeah, of course, people are going to change outfits. There’s going to be some cool new stuff to see. Absolutely going forward.
Is Callum close to obtaining any other arcanum / going to learn any other arcanum in the future?
JR: No spoilers, but there’s little bit of a hint of some of the answer to this in this graphic novel, so you should check it out. I don’t want to spoil anything. I think Callum fascinated by all the arcanum. He’s not just limiting his interest to Sky.
AE: If you’re a betting person, isn’t Callum’s going to be the first human archmage. A little bit trolling, but yeah, he loves magic. He’s fascinated. But he’s groundbreaking. He’s doing things humans haven’t done before and his potential is limitless. May not be S4, may be S17 at that point.
Will there there be more Sarai? I really want Callum and Ezran to visit her memorial statue.
JR: That would be a beautiful moment. That’d be great, that’d be pretty cool to see. There will be some more Sarai, we’ll find out more about their family. I’m not sure how much we’re aware, but Sarai is certainly not gone from the series. You’ll see Sarai again.
Is the Key of Aaravos actually the key of where he was imprisoned?
AE & JR: We can’t tell you.
JR: We don’t even know. We haven’t even discovered the answer yet.
AE: We know! Actually, that was one of the first things we knew at the very beginning. We’ll get to it.
Is the Sun arcanum the only one that can heal? Or maybe the Ocean arcanum can heal as well/or to?
AE: Great question. Yes. I suspect there are healing abilities possible through different primals. Ocean is a perfect example. I think it’s likely different kinds of healers that call on different energy to restore life and health to those who are injured or sick.
Could original characters introduced in the graphic novels potentially make it into the show?
JR: Absolutely. It’s a huge universe, so we won’t hold back if we think somebody from a graphic novel or the game will fit into the show in the right way, of course we would do that. One of the cool things about working with all the same team is that stuff like that can happen, because we can control all of it. Which is amazing. It’s a great feeling.
AE: There’s a character we’ve talked about for a while from the video game and recently that character finally had their moment in the show. We wanna see different ways to access the world and characters.
JR: Also we’re working with Fandom on a tabletop RPG so that can go another way. You can see characters coming into the show.
Do we have to read the graphic novel before we watch S4?
AE: I don’t think we should say too much. You don’t have too, but everything that happened in the graphic novel happened before S4, it really happened. So can probably infer some of it, but best experience will be read the graphic novel. Get yourself up to date.
How will Zym progress throughout the seasons? Will he grow up and learn to talk and how to manage his powers?
JR: I don’t want to say too much. Zym is going to grow along with the other characters. He’s not static. He’s a puppy, he’s a little baby, and he’s growing up.
AE: We’ll see Zym growing up more for sure.
Will there be more Gren content?
AE & JR: Yeah! [Laughing] AE: Of course. JR: How could there not be? AE: Didn’t we announce already that season 5’s Book 5: Gren? JR: Books 5 through 14 is all Gren. Then we’ll come back around to the other arcanum.
Will we ever get to see Ellis and Ava again?
AE & JR: Maybe? Probably. JR: Not 100%
How did the idea of making the graphic novel come about?
JR: Couple of things. We were talking to Scholastic and they were saying “what if we did this thing together” and we were fascinated by that idea. We’ve always been interested in comics. It sorta came up very naturally with them. And then we started talking about the story, Aaron and I, that could fit in here with the writers and stuff. I felt like a natural thing. That’s how I remember it - Aaron may have other memories of it.
AE: I think that the whole dream of this partnership with Scholastic has been to serve the community by being able to continue tell stories in the wider world of Xadia, through graphic novels, and novels and other books. That part of why we’re so excited about this partnership. It’s so much more depth and insight into different characters parts of the world that we may not have time for in the 22 minutes on Netflix. So the partnership with Scholastic is perfect for deepening and expanding those stories. That’s what it comes down to.
JR: They introduced us to Xanthe and Peter, who just absolutely crushed it.
AE: Yes. [Name?] is still at Wonderstorm if someone asks. It’s still happening. JR: Yes, I talked to him yesterday. He absolutely still here. Xanthe and Peter, we got introduced to them through Scholastic and they just absolutely knocked this out the park. It was a joy to work with both of them and what an amazing job they both did on this. We’re super excited to have gotten to work with them on a graphic novel.
AE: More shout outs to Xanthe Bouma and Peter Wartman.
What did Aaravos say to Khessa?
JR: We can’t say. AE: We can’t, but Janai is wondering that too. And we’re excited about it. It’s weird - I’m not being helpful, but it’s a good question. I may not be giving a satisfying answer, but it’s a good question.
How does Janai know Aaravos spoke to Khessa?
AE: She might not have seen it, but she’s going to find out about it.
Someone asked about the Orphan Queen.
AE: We love the Orphan Queen and there are more references coming seasons 4 and onward. It’s a story I’ve always wanted to tell. We think it will be a great movie someday, maybe. The story of the Orphan Queen is certainly relevant to the story and the saga as it’s unfolding now. It’s a cool story we wanna tell.
We know only some Skywing elves have wings, and not all Sunfire have fire-mode, but what about Moonshadow elves. As they can only use their powers once a month, rather than at any given moment, is it an ability all (or at least most) of them have or is it just some of them?
AE: I think it’s one of those things where Moonshadow elves are in tune with the Moon primal, and one of the very powerful skills that a Moonshadow elf being in tune with that arcanum can master is moonshadow mode, that makes you an excellent assassin, so they evolved this culture that does some of this stealthy, assassin work. It’s certainly possible that there are other powers and abilities that come from connecting to that arcanum that can be directly realized - that a Moonshadow elf might be able to manifest. So you may see some of that in the future. Maybe you have some ideas for your fanfiction or your cool art to show some of those powers, but the powers and abilities really come from them being attuned to these primals and some of it comes naturally and some it comes with training and bringing out the ability to do the special thing. I don’t see why it’s limited. In learning, for example, that Sunfire elves have at least two abilities that can connect to the arcanum is part of what may help understand that.
Do we read fanfictions?
AE: Yes and no - not so much. We highly encourage it and we love people do it. Every once in a while we get someone saying “you gotta look at this, it’s so charming” or “oh, this is so cool.” Or someone will bring something to our attention. There is some really amazing work out there and there’s some writers who are terrific. But as a rule I don’t think we do it regularly when someone says “check this out”.
Will there be more dark mages?
JR: Yes. You will see more dark mages, 100%. But I don’t want to say any more than that. AE: It’s interesting too. This is one of the great things about Scholastic partnership again, that there’s this sort of interplay about things you find out in the show and I think at least one of the dark mages is very significant. The first time people will hear about that person will be in Book 2: Sky the core novel. That’s someone who plays him in the story, in the saga, once the series comes back. But yeah, there’s a very important dark mage who will come up in that book.
Did Aaravos create dark magic?
AE: No, it was discovered not created. Did Aaravos turn them onto it or help them discover it? That’s very possible. Whether Aaravos played a role in developing their ability to do dark magic. Exploring the possibilities of dark magic.
Will we meet other types of dragon and/or archdragons?
JR: 100% yes. Dragon’s in the name. We’re bound by oath! AE: There will be dragons.
Is it possible the dragon king will unfreeze?
AE: Should we not answer that? I feel like it’s possible, but I don’t want to encourage or get anyone too excited. I think being turned to stone is a pretty dismal fate.
Can elves do dark magic?
AE: Can we just say yes? JR: Absolutely. Elves can do dark magic. Totally possible.
How do you go about populating Xadia with cities and landmarks? Do you have the landmarks and find places that fit or did you have the shape and find things to fill it? Or mixture of both? JR: A bit of both. There were some places we’d talked about and generally knew where it is or what this place is going to be. But some of it, when we saw the first version of that map, and the details, we were like “oh my goodness,” there were some obvious things we wanted to put in there. Then there’s some easter eggy stuff that just fun.
Do we think Claudia deserves a redemption arc?
AE: Why does she need a redemption arc. Why are you judging her? What has see done that requires redemption? She’s pretty much in the clear. JR: I’m insulted for her. (laughs)
Is Corvus’ middle name Dennis?
AE: Do you want it to be Dennis? JR: It can absolutely be Dennis. No reason it can’t be. I think I know where this comes from. There was a running gag in the writers between Devon and myself where we call Corvus “Dennis Trackerman.” There was a whole thing. It went on way too long. AE: We hadn’t named him yet. JR: We were talking about if there were a whole family of Trackerman, cousins and it went on way too long. I think his middle name could absolutely be Dennis. AE: Seems right to me. JR: So it’s official - Corvus Dennis Trackerman.
Is there a certain reason Rayla is scared of water and if there is will we find out more about it in the show?
AE: I think there may be. We may find out more about it. Part of it is because of the way she’s wired. I think she’s great at running through the trees and balancing and doing the things she does, is she senses the stability of the earth beneath her, the amount of stability or flexibility of a tree limb or side of a cliff. She’s very sensitive and in tuned. I think when you take someone like that and put them in the water, I think it - whoosh - overwhelms them. It alarming. Some of it’s a little physical, but I suspect there may have been something that happened. She certainly brings a sense of emotion around it, feels like it’s beyond discomfort. JR: I feel like there was a tra-
[There was a bit of a pause so they ending up talking over each other. AE starts asking the next question while JR gets cut off].
Someone asked if we can learn the backstory on Ethari?
AE: I know that there’s a beautiful story about Ethari’s birthday on our website that can give you a glimmer. But I think that’s something I would love to hear. I’m sure it’s something that Devon and Ian - perhaps Neil has thought about.
Do you think you’ll explore Callum’s dad or is he not important to the story?
AE: I think it’s possible we’ll learn more about Callum’s dad in the sense of the role he played in Sarai’s life and Callum’s own life. Hopefully in one of the books that comes out. JR: Yes, he is important. He’s foundational to how Callum became Callum.
Will the Dragon Queen in more involved in Season 4?
AE & JR: Yes. Dragons.
Is Rayla the main character of the story of Through the Moon?
JR: It’s Rayla focused, but it’s like the show, there’s various non-Rayla bits. But if I had to pick a main I’d say yeah, Rayla. AE: Probably ask Xanthe what she thought about that question.
Do we see more Crow Master?
JR: We can never get enough Crow Master as far as I’m concerned. If the show was just the Gren and Crow Master show I feel like we can make some stuff happen. We’ll definitely see more of him.
AE: Yesterday we were working on a Crow Master scene, and the writers were like, do we need it, and like, It’s a Crow Master scene!
Is it canon elves have 6 toes?
JR: I think they have 4 toes, right? AE: I’m not sure what happened there. I think that’s an oops someone made. I suspect they have 4 digits per hand or foot.
[Side note: I think Jack DeSena was talking about 6 toes on Zoom into Xadia]
“Gren” is that the main spinoff?
AE: We were gonna a have a spinoff that was just Gren, like the character’s life. Even if it was just mainly Gren enjoying the morning and getting ready for work and winding down at the end of the day and possibly waking up in the middle of the night, thinking about things and going back to sleep. Cause, things will be fine.
Will the history of Xadia’s splitting be important in the future?
JR: Yes, absolutely. That event is crazy important in terms of the history of the continent. You may not see more of the actually event of it, the getting split, but it’s a huge deal that matters a lot.
Soulfang serpents feed on the souls of their prey, does that make them a Moon primal creature?
AE & JR: I think that’s right. JR: And they’re terrifying.
Does Bait have a middle name or a glowtoad tribal name? They’d love to see how Ezran found or got Bait?
JR: I think we’ve said Ezran got Bait from Harrow. Harrow gave him Bait. Glowtoad tribal name is some sort of grunt noise that’s specific, it’s pretty funny to think about. Also, how would you know which is the tribal name and which is the middle? I guess they’d know. It’s only for glowtoads.
Will we see how people react to Rayllum or elf/human relationships in general?
JR: Yes. It could be a huge thing in the show. Human and elf relationships are a big deal, absolutely we will see that stuff going forward. Yes, you will definitely see that stuff.
How long did it take from conception to production for Through the Moon?
JR: I think it was about a year / nine months. To go from story idea all the way to finished. AE: If we’re talking story idea it’s almost a year and a half. It’s a lot of work. We worked with Peter on a number of drafts and outlines and scripts. Then with Xanthe for quite some time.
What is the time gap between the comic and season 3?
AE: Couple of weeks? JR: It’s pretty short. It’s almost immediately following season 3.
Is Opeli actually Soren and Claudia mom, but they  don’t remember her?
JR: No, she’s not. But that would be kinda funny. AE: Do you maybe ship Opeli & Viren a little bit. JR: That would be a pretty funny relationship.
The time gap between Through the Moon and Season 4?
AE: Can’t say. JR: You’ll find out in season 4. Lots of weeks.
How long does it usually take to animate a scene?
JR: That’s a pretty variable answer. The way it works is; we write a script, it gets recorded, there’s a bunch of 2D passes where we do storyboards and animatics and those are all hand drawn, and that takes weeks and weeks of time. At some point that’s approved and it gets handed off to the animators. In our show we do 3D animation with a sort of 2D sheet or look to it. So 3D animators would get that animatic, and they’d be handed a shot. Sometimes, depending on how complex the shot is, there’s sometime multiple animators will work on a single sequence. If there’s a lots of stuff going on with multiple characters you’ll get more than one person working on a shot. But it totally depends how much facial animation there is, how much action, how much running around, if they’re standing or talking. It totally depends. There’s a sort of variable number of seconds the animator can do a week. There’s not like a hard or fast answer here. Sometimes if it’s simple they can animate maybe 20 seconds a week, if it’s crazy complicated they may be doing half that. On average, it on the 20 seconds a week range. But wildly variable depending on the shot and what happening.
Is there a bigger world out there or is Xadia all there is?
AE: There’s some stuff on the periphery of the map that is part of a bigger world. But the main focus is this continent. It’s where the key action is. I think there are things on the periphery. We sometimes do jokes the Avatar world is on the other side. JR: If you flip the world over.
Are the elven face marking henna tattoo or are they permanent? JR: They’re more like henna tattoo. AE: Depends on the culture. There are probably some elven cultures where they more permanently tattoo some of the marking and they’re some where they’re more temporary makeup. But I think we’ve said for the Moonshadow elves it’s more like henna. Semi-permanent tattoos.
Will there be more Queen Aanya?
JR:  Yeah. AE: I hope so too. JR: I love Queen Aanya. She’s awesome and a very exciting character. Also she has the coolest bow ever and I want to see more of that not matter what.
Aanya/Ezran friendship?
AE: I want to see that. We talked about that. JR: We can’t talk about that yet, but yes.
Who is the best fighter in the show?
JR: I don’t know if there’s a best fighter. There’s a lot of awesome fighters in the show. AE: Rayla and Soren both have different fighting skills. Corvus has different set of fighting skill. They’re all great fighters. Amaya’s incredible. Actually, the answer might be Amaya. If I had to put an answer on it. Just fundamentals. That be my answer. JR: That makes sense. I agree. I bet Soren would disagree.
Do you guys ever play D&D after work?
JR: Yes, we have a whole D&D crew after work. We love Dungeons & Dragons. We love Tabletop RPG We play all kinds of board games, not just Dungeons & Dragons. We had a whole series of board game nights - when we can be at the office - that were really fun. Continue that when we can all get back together. Played some virtual version too since Covid.
Will we ever see Villads again? JR: I don’t know if we should answer that one? AE: I think so, yeah. JR: Also, Villads is the name of a person who worked on the show - he’s an amazing director. AE: Not just a person, the supervising director of the show. Wonderful leader. Inspirational. JR: And a big sailor.
Then they wrapped up. Thanks, shout outs, reminder of AMA etc.
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whittakerjodie · 5 years
From Another Universe ( 13th Doctor X Reader )
Prompt:  Could you do an imagine with the 13th doctor where the reader is transported into their universe and the reader meets the gang but they see like a necklace or earrings of something (that symbolizes doctor who like a pendent of the TARDIS) and the doctor pulls them away from the group and asks then what the reader knows (basically everything from the 9th doctor till now) and promises to keep it private from the others and so on. (Sorry it's kinda long and possibly confusing 😅 KISSES!) requested by @dannighost​
A/N Hope you enjoy! 
Words: 1.5k
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   You didn’t know how long it’d been since you’d found yourself in this dimension/parallel world. You also had no idea how to get back to your world. The first days were spent mainly running around, freaking out as you tried to find out where you were. It appeared to be Earth as you knew it, but all attempts to contact your family and friends wouldn't go through, even when you tried other phones. That's when you knew something was seriously wrong. 
   You tried to think of a plan and chose to acquire a library card so you could have easy access to wifi and search tools. You scoured through the Wikipedia pages of every major event i history you could think of to see if anything was different. Researching in the library was a beacon of hope, but it sadly fell flat. You had no way of actually going about an attempt to get back to your universe beyond knowing that you needed to. 
    Today was another ‘research’ day, but truthfully you weren’t trying anymore. It was all you could do, though. You had no identity in this universe. You couldn’t get a job, a house, anything; the library was all that you had. You scrolled mindlessly on the computer, reading up on yet another small difference in world history. Suddenly, you heard a large crash from outside. It was the result of some unseen but extreme force and it caused everything in the library to shake. The lights flickered as you tried to stabilize yourself, heart leaping out of your chest. What. the. Hell. was. That? 
   You shakily rose from your computer seat, cautiously making your way towards the window to see what had caused the crash. 
   Your heart, which was racing all to fast for you to handle, suddenly came to a brief stop. Outside, in the gardens in front of the library, there was a large group of Cybermen. You blinked several times, trying to convince yourself that you weren’t actually seeing what you were. There’s no way, you thought. No way at all. Doctor who was fake. A TV show- nothing more. So what was one of the main villains doing landing in front of the library? You reached up and wrapped your fingers around the TARDIS necklace that you’d been wearing every since you arrived in this strange new world. 
   Was this what had happened? Had you somehow been transported into  your favorite TV show? Your head was racing, and the fact that you could see Jodie whittak- the Doctor off in the distance didn’t exactly help calm you down. You heard shouting in the library hallway.
The door to the computer lab burst open and Yaz and Ryan, two of the current companions, entered. You stared blankly at them, frozen in place as your brain tried to process even more information being thrown at you after days and days of boring research. 
“Hi! Sorry, we have to use one of these really quick, do you mind?” Yaz asked. The normalcy of the question barely helped to ground you. Ryan didn’t wait for an answer, closing out all your tabs and starting a new one. When you nodded stiffly, Yaz raised a brow. “You alright, miss?” 
   You instinctively shook your head, panic and confusion overriding any control you had over function or thought. She stepped closer, concern evident. Her eyes scanned your shaking form, stopping when they reached the TARDIS necklace. 
“What is that?” She exclaimed. She took another step forward and grasped it, turning it over in her hand. Her exclamation had caught the attention of Ryan, who stopped whatever he was doing on the computer to look at your necklace. 
“But that's the TARDIS” He said blankly. You snatched the necklace back. Him and Yaz both looked equally confused as you- even matching your panic. “How do you know about that? Who are you?” 
“Back off!” You yelled. Both him and Yaz looked taken aback and you felt a slight bit of shame. I can’t believe I yelled at some of my favorite fictional characters, you thought. I can’t believe I CAN yell at some of my favorite fictional characters. 
“Listen… I have absolutely no idea what's going on. All I know is that You’re Yaz and Ryan, the Doctor is somewhere out there, and there's goddamn cybermen and I already knew I’m not where I’m meant to be and all your doing is making me way more panicked.“ 
They both shared a look, but Ryan shrugged as if this wasn’t the weirdest thing they’d encountered. 
“Yeah, Sorry about that. We should probably get the Doctor” Yaz said. 
   You sneaked past the cybermen with the two of them, answering the multitude of questions they had for you. You explained to them that you’d woken up in this new place, and you were trying to get back home when they showed up. 
“So if you’re from a different world, how do you know us then?” Ryan asked. “Are we all friends or something?” 
“Not exactly” you chuckled nervously. You still weren’t sure how to go about explaining that they were TV show characters. Might have to come up with a way fast, you thought. You were approaching the iconic blue box, anticipation building inside of you. Yaz moved to open the door but you stopped her. When she gave you a look you shrunk a little. 
“Sorry it's just- I’ve always wanted to go in the TARDIS. Do you mind if I go first?” 
   Yaz shook her head, and you practically felt the anticipation spilling out of your pores. Years and years of being a Doctor Who fan, and here you were about to enter THE TARDIS. Not a fake one erected at a comic con or a thrift store- the real deal, and you were opening the door. 
   Nothing could compare to the feeling of stepping inside. You didn’t even notice the Doctor at the console at first. You were too busy taking in the walls, the floors and the lights. The whole atmosphere was hitting you like a semi truck. It almost brought you to tears. It did bring you to tears, and they were now flowing down your cheeks. 
“Who’s this, then?” You perked up at the accent and your eyes shot to the timelord. You were mostly passed the shock of being in her universe, and it was replaced with relief. She was a hero, if anyone could get you home (or at the very least help you out in some way) it was her. You wiped your tears away.
   Yaz showed off your necklace and explained to the Doctor how they’d run into you and your predicament. The Doctor took her turn of staring at the necklace. She outlined your form with her sonic screwdriver to confirm the story. After a few moments, she asked you to step aside.
“Alright” She said softly. “It certainly seems like you’re not from here… if you don’t mind me asking, how much exactly do you know?”
You felt a spark of joy at the ability to overshare; something familiar to any fan of anything ever. You laughed. “Well, where do I start?” 
   It had been nearly half an hour. The Doctor was silent as you rambled on and on (and on, and on, and on) staring at you in an almost horrified awe as you perfectly described every event of the past 11 seasons of Doctor Who. “And THEN they totally killed River Song off which was just cruel after Clara's exit and- Oh! I forgot to talk about the silence in the library episodes didn’t I. How did I forget-” 
“Okay, I think now's a good time to stop.” You clamped your mouth shut as the Doctor cleared her throat awkwardly. “Clearly, you know quite a bit” 
   You nodded sheepishly. “I promise I’m not a spy or a villain or anything. There's no good way to say this I suppose- you guys are all characters in a show I watch, so that's how I know.” 
“So your earth has a TV show about me? That’s nice” She smiled, lost in thought for a fraction of  moment. “You can’t tell anyone, though. Certainly not Yaz or Ryan. As far as they know, you’re just a person stuck here from another universe. We can say you travel with me there.” 
“I won’t tell them anything” You promised. “Being here with you guys is crazy enough” 
   Even though it was nice to be surrounded by your favorite characters, you did feel a bit of sadness creep up behind you. You still needed to leave them and go home. The Doctor seemed to know exactly what you were thinking and jumped towards the TARDIS console. 
“Right then, awkwardness aside, I will get you home, Y/N”
“But Doctor,” Yaz perked up from far across the room. Her and Ryan had been busy playing cards during your rambling. “What about the cybermen?”
   The Doctor, who had seemed hellbent on making good on her promise right then and there, froze in disappointment. You almost laughed at how much she looked like a sad puppy. She met your amused gaze and smiled, brightening up again. 
“Care to help us with a quick adventure before we take you home, Y/N?” 
You didn’t even know why she bothered asking.
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Bread’s Skate (?!) Journal 09/05/20: The Top 5 Best And Or Weirdest Tony Hawk Skaters.
Tony Hawk has always had secret skaters, and from Tony Hawk 2 and on, it's always had hyper bizarre secret characters.  The first game had it's marquee character of Officer Dick who was....a cop.  The second game? Spider-Man.  With no further spoilers I think it's time to move down the list of the 5 best/weirdest secret characters that have ever been in Tony Hawk, because people, there have been some odd ones!
5. Shrek
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Okay so the Shrek meme is a little played out at this point right?  It's a weird movie, All-Star, Shrek is Love, we all know the memes.  It's stuff like Shrek's inclusion in Tony Hawk's Undeground 2 that really makes the propagation of those memes possible though, because it makes zero sense to this day.  Okay, so it actually makes a lot of sense, Shrek 2 was a huge hit and Activision was putting out the Shrek video games at the time, why wouldn't this seem like a natural idea to the marketing people?  Throw Shrek into your skateboarding game!  Why not?!  Let me tell you though, even among all the other characters i'm about to get to on this list, Shrek looks wrong on a skateboard.  He's simply too big, he looks like too much of a cartoon, it's too obvious his model is just ported in from another video game....he's just bizarre, and frankly he needs to get out of my swam-uh, Tony Hawk's Underground 2.
4. Wolverine
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Not the only time a Marvel (or Disney Owned) character is going to appear on this list, let me assure you, but what the hell is Wolverine doing in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 anyway?  Like, I know Activision published X-Men stuff around the time but this is downright weird, hell you know what?  Tony Hawk 3 has easily the weirdest guest cast of the entire franchise, I feel like this list will make that very clear.  Wolverine is just the tip of the iceberg on this one! Needless to say though, Wolverine is cool as hell, and getting to skate around as him, especially him in his classic comic costume and not the leather jump suits of the movies at the time.  Famously, Marvel and Tony Hawk had a little bit of a run there....damn I miss that.  Wolverine may not have been the weirdest or most unexpected character from their roster in Tony Hawk, but he sure was a fun one!
3. Doom Guy
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Yeah, Doom Guy.  People don't often know about Doom Guy's inclusion Tony Hawk 3, because he was a PC exclusive character and who the hell played THPS3 on PC?  In terms of character he's.....just Doom Guy.  The Doom Marine, DOOM Slayer, whatever you want to call him, he's here.  I used to not think of his inclusion as all that remarkable until one thing happened earlier this year.  I found his damn skateboard in Doom Eternal.  I've since come to the conclusion that Tony Hawk Pro Skater is in fact canon to the DOOM Slayer's journey through space and time battling demons and death at every turn.  There was just a little break there where instead of chainsawing a baron of hell in half, he learned how to do a kick flip and took part in a skate competition in Rio De Janerio, Brazil.  We all need some time off every once and awhile, I'm glad the DOOM Slayer got his.
2. Darth Maul
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I did mention we weren't done with Disney characters right?  Sure, Darth Maul wasn't a Disney character at the time of this games release, hell he wasn't a Disney character until after the Tony Hawk franchise was put on ice, but just think about these characters being used so freely in a Tony Hawk game compared to how they're treated now.  Disney is so precious with their IP that even in their big celebration of Star Wars, Battlefront 2, they half ass all their celebrations to closely protect how their characters are portrayed, in a game that's supposed to be convincing you they're cool!  Compare this to Darth Maul just being in a skateboarding game in 2001 and you couldn't have more different ways of doing things.  Phantom Menace was two years old by the time of THPS3 but I know for a fact people still thought Darth Maul was cool as hell at that point in time.  Hell, people still think he's cool.  If there's one character safe from the cynical Star Wars group think, it's Maul.  I happen to believe his sick ass ability to incorporate his double bladed lightsaber in his special move is the key to his continued popularity, but nobody will back me up on this!
1. Spider-Man
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Who else was it gonna be?  I challenge you, name one better guest character in any game ever.  You've already failed, because there isn't one.  Spider-Man in THPS2 blew 8 year old me's mind at the time.  How could these two things possibly intermingle?  The guy I watched scream at Shocker on Saturday mornings was in a video game that wasn't the official Spider-Man one?  Was this allowed?!  Looking back it's pretty easy to see how this one came about, considering Neversoft quite literally also developed that aforementioned Spider-Man game.  Still though, it was huge to kid me!  I got to skate around one of the most fun games ever made, as one of the best characters I had ever known?!  He had a special move where he swung the board around with webs called "Does Whatever A Spider-Can" and I can remember it was the only special move I ever really cared to memorize how to do, because it was just so cool to me at the time!  Though there's no confirmation as to if he isn't in the recent remakes somehow, I think we all know deep down those chances were zero from day one.  The legacy lives on though, there's not a single person out there with fond memories of THPS2 that don't also have fond memories of skating around as Spider-Man, and that's the kind of memory that endures.
Honorable Mention: Kelly Slater
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He's a pro surfer, his skateboard is a surfboard with wheels on the bottom.....he's maybe the actual weirdest character in the series, but he's not as fun to write about!
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mysaldate · 5 years
DouKoto fairy AU
Original idea by @dumplingsworship
Title: Flowery dreams Fandom: Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer Pairing: Douma/Kotoha Characters: Douma, Kotoha Hashibira, Muzan Kibutsuji, random temple servant, mentions of Nakime Rating: G Word count: 3543
“So...” Douma looks the servant up and down once more before returning his glance to the glass in the man’s hands. “You found this outside in the gardens?”
“Yes, Gracious Founder.” The man speaks with his head bowed, obviously puzzled. Quite possibly even more than the demon himself. Awkwardly, he holds the glass out to him and Douma accepts with the same uncertainness in his movements.
“Thank you. You’re dismissed.”
The servant leaves and Douma is left alone with the strange little thing in the glass. Now that he looks at it closely, it almost looks like a human girl, only she is tiny – so very tiny – and appears to have colorful semi-transparent wings that are wrapped all around the petite body like a blanket. She’s asleep for now but that’s probably to be expected since the sun has only just peeked above the horizon a little while ago.
The demon sets the glass on the floor and waits as he sees the girl starting to stir in her sleep. He aura is different from that of a demon but nor is she human, obviously. But he hasn’t really heard of any other creatures in this world. Then again, if demons exist, who’s to say tiny little... things like this one can’t be real either?
The small wings flutter open and his pocket-sized prisoner stretches out her teensy arms with a yawn. He can now see that she’s clad in what looks like a white flower petal dress. Her ebony black hair turns into a wonderful blue shade towards the end and it reminds him of the picture of the sea he’s once seen in a book when he was a little child. It cascades down her back between the butterfly-like wings and ends just a bit short of her skirt, pooling around her slim ankles.
Finally, she opens her eyes, shiny green lanterns of a morning forest. Her look meets Douma’s rainbow-colored orbs and she comes to a halt with her movements. It takes her a moment to comprehend where she is and who’s watching her so intently.
Once it does click, however, she lets out a yelp and skips to the other side of the glass, bumping her back against the invisible barrier. It makes the demon chuckle ever so lightly as he sits back, holding up his hands in a defensive gesture.
“There there, little one.” He offers her a bright grin. “I’m not gonna hurt you, calm down.”
It doesn’t seem like she trusts him for the time being, not much at least, but she stops pressing herself against the blockade so tightly. It’s almost a miracle she hasn’t accidentally tripped over her own hair with how long it is but he supposes she’s used to it. She probably knows how and where to step.
Connecting her hands at her front, she lowers her head a little and looks up at him through her rich eyelashes. If her eyes were any dimmer, he doubts he’d see them at all.
“Please, let me go.” She pleads in a voice just as tiny as he would expect from a creature as petite as her. And he has to admit he’s almost smitten to do her bidding. Alas, he only shakes his head with yet another cheerful grin.
“Sorry miss! Can’t do. You snuck into my garden without permission. For all I know, you might as well be a thief or an evil sprite.” Of course, that’s ridiculous. She’s much too small to carry anything away and much too pretty to be anything related to evil gremlins supposedly lurking the earth to bring bad luck upon humans. Not to mention he isn’t even human in the first place.
A panicked look flashes through her eyes and he would probably feel sorry for her, were he anyone else. She stumbles over her words and for a moment, he can’t exactly make out anything of what she’s mumbling but when she looks at him again, he can tell she’s somewhere between determined to prove him wrong and fearful of what he might do if she fails. His years of reading in people really do come in handy at the weirdest times.
“I’m a fairy!” She exclaims, motioning towards her wings. “Or would a sprite have wings like this? An evil sprite? And I didn’t steal anything, I promise! I’m sorry for coming to your garden without asking first but I really didn’t have any ill intentions! I just...”
“Hmm?” Douma raises a brow when she stops so abruptly but she simply avoids his look. “You just?”
“I just thought the flowers looked lovely...” Her answer comes in so quiet he barely hears it but it draws a short laugh from him. What a cute little thing, what an innocent being.
He reaches out and plays with the glass for a little, not tilting it enough for her to slip out from under it. That would be a shame now that he’s got himself such an amusing companion. Even if he’s still a bit doubtful about her claim of being a fairy. Weren’t those things at least human-sized?
“I’ll forward your compliments to the servants taking care of them.” He shuffles a little closer, reveling in how the self-proclaimed fairy squeezes herself once more against the glass wall of her make-shift prison. “Now, what to do with you though? I don’t really have a reason to let you go, do I?”
“You... I will fulfill a wish for you if you let me go!” Gathering up all the courage in her tiny body, she steps up closer to him again, pressing her hands on the glass separating them. It almost looks like she might tear up at any moment and he’s not really too keen on the idea.
He taps on the glass a little, just enough to send her tumbling back on her butt. Though it’s more because he’s surprised her than him using too much power. Still, it makes for a comical show. “I don’t know, you don’t seem like you can fulfill any wish I might have.”
“But... I can...” Sitting on the floor, dumbstruck and untrusted, the fairy’s eyes well up with tears that soon slip down her pale cheeks and drip on her pearly white skirt. The demon recoils slightly, giving her some space but she doesn’t show any signs of stopping the sobs or the shivers of her shoulders. “I will make any wish come true... I promise... Let me go... Please...”
What a situation... If anyone were to come in right at that moment, Douma could probably never explain. Still, he doesn’t really want to give in so easily. He glances around the room. All the windows and doors are closed. He can’t let the sunlight in after all. There shouldn’t really be a way for her to escape.
She doesn’t even notice at first when he lifts the glass up, face buried in her hands as more and more droplets of her sadness slip through her fingers. Only once he nudges her gently with his finger does she look up again, noticing the sudden freedom. He expects her to take off and search for a way out immediately but to his great surprise, she stays put, letting his careful touch travel through her hair.
The silence stretches through the room as the last of her hiccups die down as well, their eyes connected for the longest while since she woke up. Then, just as quickly as it came, it passes again as she avoids his look, turning her glance down to her tightly clenched fists in her lap.
“So... what do you want?” She asks finally. “I don’t care if it’s something selfish. Like money or health or love or... I don’t care, just make a wish.” She’s probably flustered by his pats. At least that’s what it seems like to him. Her hair is a little messy now and he’s the only one to blame but somehow, it brings a smile to his face rather than making him feel guilty.
He taps his chin as if he were deep in thoughts but eventually just clasps his hands with a gleeful smile. “Sorry! I can’t think of anything right now! But I know of someone who will surely have a wish for you! It’s alright if it’s for someone else, right?”
The tiny girl looks up at him a little confused. She’s probably not sure if it’s possible either but before she can voice any concerns, Douma picks her up by her waist, just carefully enough not to squish her, and drops her on the palm of his hand. “It’s fine, I’ll just make a wish that their wish comes true! That works, right?”
It still takes her a while to think about it and he’s almost sure he will just have to keep her trapped under the glass again until she agrees but then the fairy gives him a firm nod. “Yes. That works!”
“Good!” Douma cheers, aiming to place her on his shoulder but she flies up from his hand and hovers in the air near his face instead. Well, that works too. “Let’s go meet that person then!”
He swings open the door to the Infinity Fortress and a gush of chill air welcomes them in his favorite room. Lotus flowers bloom all over the pond with a porch coming right out of the water, spacious room is filled with the sweet scent of the blossoms and fresh, clean water. The fairy hesitates for a moment before following behind him finally, taking in the full beauty of the chamber. He hears a soft gasp escape her and even faster than he can fully percept, she dashes over to the nearest flower peeking its opened head from the water.
“Hey biwa girl!” Douma calls in a greeting, causing the fairy to still her movements and give him a puzzled look. He has to remind himself his little friend has no idea where they are or how the place works. It’s pretty adorable, at least in his opinion. “Can you open the door to wherever Muzan is at the moment? I have something that will surely interest him!”
Silence is his only answer but he knows better than to rush the resident demon of the place. She could very well just shut him out and block him from visiting for a while if he’s too annoying. It wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened. While he waits for any kind of response, he sits down at the edge of the porch and watches the fairy skip from bloom to bloom.
It’s like she’s dancing and he has to admire the lightness of her movements. It’s maybe to be expected due to her size but it still feels as if she’s just floating along, not even touching the gentle petals, not disrupting the water surface in the slightest. She must really like flowers. It makes her earlier statement about the reason for her visit all the more believable.
“So then, miss fairy!” He calls out to her when she gets a little too far. And just as he'd expect, she’s quick to hurry back closer. “Do I just call you like that or do you have a name? I’m Douma by the way.”
It seems she’s finally starting to relax around him as she sits down in the flower she’s standing on and glances up at him, returning the smile he offers her, though shyer and smaller. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Douma. I’m Kotoha.”
“Just Douma is fine enough, you know?” It’s not like he’s gonna call her lady Kotoha just because he knows her name now so it feels only fair that she would just use his name as well. “Do you really like flowers this much?”
“How much?” She cocks her head to the side, clearly confused by his choice of words. “Is there something wrong with me enjoying the flowers here..?”
She has to be a little stupid at least if she means that seriously. Douma doesn’t really feel like explaining what he meant either though so he just shakes his head with another carefree smirk. “Don’t worry about it, Kotoha! It just surprised me, that’s all.”
The strum of biwa suddenly fills the place, casing the unexpecting fairy to nearly jump up in fright. It’s amusing to the demon but for the sake of the whole wish-granting thing, he muffles his chuckle and instead gives the poor thing an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, I should’ve warned you. But it means we can now go see the friend whose wish I want you to fulfill!”
She doesn’t say anything but from the look she gives him, Douma can easily tell what’s going on inside her head. She wants to be done with it quickly, though not because it feels annoying to her. If anything, he would say she’s anxious. And that’s not even knowing who is she coming to meet. She either has a really good intuition or she’s just shy regardless of the standing of her company. Either way works just fine for him.
Kotoha finally flies out of the blossom she’s settled down in before and approaches him again as he gets up. The door on the other side of the room cracks open just enough so he can see a lean boy sitting in an antique-looking armchair and reading a book. But based on the air surrounding him, it’s clear the biwa girl isn’t mistaken about their target.
Douma walks into the room confidently, a proud grin playing on his lips. He knows he doesn’t have to say anything since Muzan can already hear his thoughts but for the sake of his little friend and so as not to confuse her even further, he still speaks up, his usual cheer just as polished as ever.
“Good morning! I’ve got some good news!”
Muzan peers at him over the book, clearly not very happy about seeing him. It’s been so long since the last meeting Douma almost feels hurt by the obvious displeasure on his superior’s face. Almost.
“Look what I’ve got!” He snatches Kotoha from the air before she can escape him and holds her out towards Muzan with a tinge of pride in his chest.
To say that Muzan looks disinterested would be an understatement but Douma can’t quite recall any stronger word to use at the moment. He can feel Kotoha squirming around in his hold so he loosens up a bit so she can relax some more.
“You disturb me because you started collecting dolls?”
He’s not sure what he was expecting but he didn’t really think Muzan’s opinion of him was that low. Still, his smile remains unchanged even though his complaint was very well heard. Just not commented, probably since it promises something better.
“Not a doll! This is a fairy who can make a wish come true! But I couldn’t think of anything to ask so I thought you might have some idea!”
There’s a red flash and the next thing he knows, his head is repairing itself from a particularly nasty punch. Kotoha doesn’t seem to have comprehended what just happened but she shrieks as she looks back at him. Finally, new hair washes over his scalp and he can grin properly without risking popping the joints in his jaw out again.
Muzan, on the other hand, seems to be far from a good mood.
“You couldn’t think of anything.” He repeats and though his voice stays even, Douma can tell he’s fuming. Well, Kotoha can probably tell too. The demon lord has never been good at hiding his emotions after all. Douma has to avoid a book flung at him for that thought. “You couldn’t think of a single thing to ask when you have the chance to have anything at all!”
“Well, it was a little sudden and it’s not like I’m hungry or hurt or anything. There isn’t a single thing I could want.” Douma just gives a light shrug, watching the boy stomp closer and yank him down by the fabric of his turtleneck.
“You’re not supposed to want anything for yourself!” Oh, now it clicks in his head. And as if to confirm his thoughts, Muzan goes on. “Your first priority should be looking for the blue spider lily and ridding the world of demon slayers! Yet, you can only think of your stomach, as always!”
Knowing full well he can’t argue with that, Douma just gives a sheepish smile, hoping to be let go soon. Before long, Muzan is facing his tiny fairy and the little thing looks about ready to break down. Poor Kotoha, but it’s her fault for agreeing without knowing what kind of person he was.
“Can you kill the demon slayers?” Muzan’s frown is colder than Douma’s ice at that moment and he’s almost worried his teensy treasure will freeze in his hands but she only shakes her head.
That’s a bit of a surprise so Douma decides to speak up. Maybe he can get back on Muzan’s somewhat good side if he tries hard enough? Of course, it’s most likely pointless with that sort of attitude. “Didn’t you say you would fulfill any wish?”
“I... I did but... I can’t just kill someone!” She’s tearing up now again and Douma quickly relaxes his hold a bit further to make sure it’s not from pain because of his hold. She doesn’t stop. So it’s probably for some other reason. Oh well, he did what he could.
“Then what about the blue spider lily?” Figuring there would be no talking to her if she’s crying, Douma decides to focus on the other thing his boss wants. Just as he expected, her sobbing calms down soon enough and she looks up at him with swollen eyes before, finally, giving a nod.
“That’s fine, that... that shouldn’t be a problem.”
He releases her and lets her float on her own over to the desk situated under the window in the room. It faces west so the sun isn’t directly visible yet but it has to be a pain in the evenings for sure. She flutters over, placing her hands on the wood and for a moment, she goes still, focusing hard. Though he stays quiet, Muzan’s doubts are practically audible at that point.
But Douma is hopeful. She’s such a cute little thing and she doesn’t seem like a liar. Maybe she will be able to help, at least a little bit. Her tiny hands light up as blue as the ends of her hair and it doesn’t take long for a small sprout to appear, coming right out of the wood. It’s not very big and he has no idea whether it is even the correct plant but she all but collapses next to it with a proud smile.
He comes over to scoop her up in his hands with a grin and pats her hair again. “Is that it?”
“It is.” She answers him weakly. It seems she got all exhausted from such a spell. 
Muzan paces over impatiently, checking the weak sprout with a glare. It’s not usable by any means but if it survives for long enough to bloom out, it might be of some good. Still, the boy doesn’t seem too pleased.
“Well, if that’s all you can do!” Douma chirps happily, letting the fairy settle down in his hands. She’s kind of cute like this, exhausted and sleepy. She nuzzles against the palm of his hand, wrapping herself up in her delicate wings. It’s not long before she falls right back asleep. It makes Douma chuckle but he doesn’t try waking her up. She’s deserved her rest after all.
“Will you stick around for much longer?” Muzan’s voice is more than heavily laced with irritation and Douma doesn’t particularly wish to push his luck any further. With his usual trademark grin, he says his goodbyes and leaves through the exit provided by the biwa girl. He doesn’t much bother to think about how will Muzan get the plant out of his desk or what will he do if he needs to move before it can fully bloom. For the time being, he’s satisfied to have seen his little fairy at work.
He sets her down on one of his cushions as soon as they reach home and sends one of the temple maidens to pick him a few fresh flowers from the garden. Another one is sent for a large glass tank, he’s sure he’s seen it somewhere before. And before his tiny companion can wake up, he makes sure her new home is decorated nicely enough with soft pieces of fabric and beautiful flower heads laid out all around.
He sets her down carefully and covers the tank with a wooden plank so she wouldn’t escape. At least he has something to do now. Watching the little thing sleep, he just smiles to himself. There may not be a paradise for his followers. There may not be any for fairies like her either. But at least he can be a step closer to one for himself.
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