#I swear most of the small mistakes in my text are literally always caused by my adhd o7 rip me
siryyeet · 4 months
Does anyone else have that btw? That you keep making dumb grammar/spelling mistakes, not because you have dyslexia, but because your ADHD keeps making you overlook small mistakes? Post cancelled I remember reading about this exact thing lol
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yurislotusgarden · 8 months
Can't break the rule!
ʚїɞ Dazai Osamu x Gn!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 688
ʚїɞ Tw’s: Small mention of suicide because it's Dazai but otherwise just pure fluff, pet names used, reader’s gender is not specified in any way
ʚїɞ This was literally written from 5:30am to nearly 7am and only the ending was added in after I woke up, I want that kind of motivation all the time
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That's one of the words running through Dazai's head while looking at the sleeping beauty that's currently laying down on his chest, peacefully asleep. He knew that you would surely disagree with his thoughts but he didn't particularly care.
He was also aware of how late he was at this point, and that Kunikida would call him any minute now. He would pick up since that would make it so easy to tease the younger man, but it would also cause the risk of waking you up, which he absolutely didn't want, so he shall settle for messages at most. Kunikida should appreciate that! Dazai would take a big part of the time he could spend looking at his darling’s pretty face to text him back!
And just as he thought, the phone’s screen lit up in the darker room, the curtains still down due to neither of you getting up from bed that day.
‘There it is.’ Dazai lazily reached over to where his phone was lying on the nightstand, before bringing it up to his face to look at the screen, his other hand on your head, fingers gently running through your hair. He let the call go on in silence, the phone being put on mute just after you fell asleep earlier.
‘Finally!’ He thought as the 3rd call in a row ended, and he didn't have to wait long for a text from his work partner to pop up on the top of his screen.
It was exactly what the brunette expected to see. Right now, the blonde was expecting to be told that Dazai had taken another dive into a river or tried another ridiculous suicide attempt. Little did Kunikida know that the brunette did the exact opposite and stayed home.
‘It looks like I won’t be in today, I can't break the rule after all!’
‘Sorry not sorry Kunikida-kun!’
He probably should have written a message to Kunikida that he won't be in like he did with the president, but where would be the fun in that? He’s lucky that he doesn't take too many official days off.
‘What rule are you talking about, you idiot?’
Dazai could have left the conversation where it was at the moment and leave Kunikida to be confused, but he decided he could have more amusement from continuing it.
‘Does dear Kunikida not know the important rule? How surprising!’
‘Just spit it out! I already spent more time on you than I should've or planned!’
His darling always told him that he should spare Kunikida from time to time, but he never really listened to that one thing, didn't he?
‘Of course! I can't leave you in the dark about it after all!’
‘Is it really that important?’
‘You will realize just how important it is once you know the rule!’
No, he never listened, and probably never will. Riling Kunikida up is just too entertaining to pass up on.
‘The rule is: If something small and cute falls asleep on you, you shall not move less you want to wake the small thing up’
‘And it just so happened that my darling angel is asleep on me right now, not like a single man like you would know how important that is <3’
‘So no no Kunikida-kun! I can’t get up and go to work, otherwise, I could break the important rule that obviously applies to me as well and I don’t really wanna break it!’
‘Now bye bye!’
‘Wait what?’
Dazai knew that his dear colleague would chew him out the next day once he appeared at work since it wasn’t like he would find him at the agency’s dorms that day, like usual at that point. But for now, he had to go back to his previous job, and that was staring at his angel’s face like he was before the blonde’s interruption.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Much Cooler
Corpse Husband & Emma Langevin 
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Platonic Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: There’s always a certain level of uncertainty when meeting someone you’ve only known online. There’s that sense of insecurity that your relationship with them will never be the same or - even worse - that their view of you might change for the worse. But there’s nothing more thrilling than seeing the person you’ve been talking to constantly for the past however long standing across from you. 
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so terribly sorry for how late it’s coming out but I hope the fic makes it worth the wait! Lots of love, Vy ❤
“CORPSE! Wake up you famous dumbass!“ is the first thing the poor man heard over the phone at 9 AM on this fine Saturday morning.
It’s more than enough to make him contemplate why he even decided to pick it up in the first place considering he wouldn’t have been very able to participate in the conversation due to his sleepiness. He also, of course, made the mistake of not checking the caller ID which apparently wasn’t necessary considering how recognizable that voice and accent are.
“It’s 9 AM, Emma.“ He states as a tired parent would to a child, “I’m concerned as to why you’re up so early. More so as to why you’re calling me of all people.“
He can practically hear her roll her eyes but he still smirks to himself, knowing she can’t contradict him or argue since he’s completely right with his claims. “Whatever. Remind me to never call you to congratulate you on a milestone again.“
Now that pokes at his attention with a stick. Lately, said attention has proven to be a hibernating bear, leaving Corpse with a lack of interest or motivation for anything but damn if that sentence wasn’t enough to roll him out of bed and hop on PC. “What? What milestone? Subscribers?“
“Nope! You got two million likes on ‘E-girls are ruining my life’! I can’t believe I have to tell you this! Didn’t you notice the numbers climbing?!“ Emma, as annoyed and sarcastic as she’s trying to sound, she’s obviously overjoyed on his behalf and is super proud of him and of the project she luckily agreed to take a small part in.
As his PC boots up, Corpse can’t help but roll his eyes at Emma’s comment, “Well unlike you I have better things to do than refresh a page over and over aga-” His sentence is quickly cut off when he sees the number of likes under the song for himself.
Knowing that he’d find it there didn’t change the feeling of seeing it for the first time at all. It’s so surreal and so hard for his mind to comprehend. Seeing as how little he thinks of himself, his content and his art, this is like his success coming to slap him across the face as if to punctuate to him how wrong that mindset is.
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt if you offered to take me out for at least a coffee to celebrate, bro.“ Emma comments sarcastically, joking only halfway from what he can sense.
He smirks, “Trying to even the playing field, I see.” He replies, referring to the fact that he’s still a faceless mystery to her while her face is literally the cover art for one of his songs.
She laughs but is quick to dismiss his claim, “Nah, I might be a curious and nosey little shit on other occasions, but other people’s privacy is not something I dig my nose into. However, if I were to even the playing field between us it wouldn’t be appearance-wise. More personality-wise. For my sake and yours I choose to believe you are way cooler in person than you are through messages or on a call.”
This withdraws a genuine fit of laughter from Corpse who throws his head back, a few strands of hair moving aside to reveal his shiny eyes, “Well then, instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, how about we settle it once and for all? Tomorrow? I’ll text you the location.”
Emma’s eyebrows shoot upwards as soon as she comprehends his words and the tone that leaves no room for her to assume he’s joking, “Wait what? How come you’re agreeing to this? And so easily? Nah, this a trap if I’ve ever seen it.”
Corpse laughs yet again, “No trap, Em. I just can’t have you doubting my coolness.”
                                                             *  *  *
The main reason as to why Corpse requested for this meeting to be today is because he feared that if he had more than twenty four hours to dwell on it he’d chicken out. Little did he know it was the same for Emma. Their friendship has only ever existed with the bridge of social media connecting them and they both can’t help but fear the other might not like who they are IRL. They fear they unintentionally become a different person or change things about themselves subconsciously when communicating with people online. Bottom line, they’re scared of letting the other person down with who they really are, unaware that their personalities are most likely the exact same because, as the people who know them can confirm, neither Corpse nor Emma are the type to put on a show in order to be liked. They would rather have no friends because of who they are than have friends and fans of their persona instead of the real them.
And so, while slightly afraid and anxious about this meeting, both of them see it as a relief test to see if the friendship is in fact as real as it’s seemed these past months.
Corpse was the one to choose the location of their meet-up, a location Emma didn’t even think twice about agreeing on, and ever since, they’ve both been counting the hours until their scheduled meeting time.  It’s not about impressing each other, at least that’s what they’re both telling themselves, but rather proving to the other that they’re worthy of their friendship. They might throw snarky and sarcastic comments at one another that others would give a side-eye glance to and question if their friendship is real, but they know the dynamic best and they sure as hell don’t wanna lose it or each other.
Best friends are the ones who roast each other after all - you can’t tell me I’m wrong.
The nervous Corpse fidgets with the insides of his hoodie pockets as he waits outside the café, having arrived ten minutes early because he couldn’t stand being alone with his thoughts in his apartment, judging every fragment of himself twice as harshly as usual. Emma, on the other hand, could barely bring herself to leave her home. She kept retouching her appearance, despite knowing Corpse wouldn’t judge her even if she showed up in pjs. To be fair she contemplated doing just that several times because her hair pissed her off enough to get her discouraged on her outfit altogether but she did eventually talk herself into pulling it together. She already knew she’d be at least five minutes late, but once again, she knew Corpse wouldn’t care.
He’d wait, cause that’s the kind of friend he was. Cause that’s the kind of friend she was for him too.
And boy did it take her less than a second to recognize him. She wasn’t even out of the car when she saw him and knew it was exactly who she was looking for. He too, as if with a sixth sense that registered her presence, shoots his head up from his phone to look up at her, their gazes meeting. There’s a brief moment of close-to-shocked silence, their eyes a bit widened as their brains comprehend that they’re within arm’s reach of one another.
That’s when Emma’s the first to break the bubble of awe as a wide grin spreads across her face and she runs to Corpse, wrapping him in a hug before he’s even realized the distance between the two’s been closed.
“Hey.“ She mumbles, her face hidden in his hoodie due to the height difference.
“H-hey.“ He replies, hesitantly wrapping his arms around her too.
“I was right.“ She says once she pulls away, “You are much cooler face-to-face.“ She pauses for a second, narrowing her eyes, “You’d be even cooler if you bought me coffee though.“
Earning a laugh from him, she’s guided into the café by the arm Corpse wraps around her shoulders, telling her he’s get her a milkshake cause he doesn’t want to see her high on caffeine. Needless to say, they both are, indeed, much cooler to one another IRL.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 20/?
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: Y/N - your name
***IMPORTANT*** The Criminal Psychology majors will be taking a temporary hiatus as I’m getting my second dose of the vaccine today<3 I don’t know when I’ll be coming back because I don’t want to burn myself out on this series just to give content while I’m gone, yknow
Warnings: Swearing, Forgetfulness, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
They danced and sung the night away at the Gala. It ended at around 2:00am and everyone went back to the Wayne Manor. 
Somehow it came out that they should play Uno of all things. Uno is known for being the “Friendship Ruiner” or the “Relationship Ruiner” of the world. So, of course, they played it. Why wouldn't they?
Y/N dealt the cards. She was not quick about it. At all. She really struggled to deal the cards to the entire group, but she still tried. It was the thought that counted. Or at least she thought it did.
But no one seemed to mind she was a little slower with her cards-dealing. Which was different to the up-beat, face-paced life all of them lead. One would have expected that they would want a crazy fast dealer, but no one cared.
They played well into the night, with Jason ending up tapping-out and laying in Y/N’s lap. She played with his hair and leaned down to show him the good cards she got, at least until he fell asleep. She spent the time bonding with his family. 
They had always liked her. From the first time they all met her, they knew she was going to be something real. They were even impressed that Jason and her hadn’t fought yet. They were both hot-headed when they wanted to be, so when it was obvious that they put the relationship ahead of their own prides, it was something else.
They knew of the first time they had one of these moments. Y/N was at a dance competition, but Jason had to dip because of “Family Issues”, she was upset. Of course, she wanted him there and it looked like they were going to get into a huge spat about it. But, when she won that competition, she got up there and she said,
“This one is for my family, my friends, the extension of my family,” she paused, “And my boyfriend, Jason.” She smiled, “He isn’t here right now because of family issues, but he told me to follow my dreams, and here I am,” she said while raising her medal slightly, “This one was for you, baby.”
And that’s when his family knew that pride was stupid to them. Relationships are growing, changing together. And while they both stayed hot-headed, they changed that slight detail in themselves to be better partners. It was admirable.
Y/N ended up winning the last game. Half of the Waynes were sleeping, either at the coffee table where they were playing or in their rooms. She glanced over to the clock, 6:00am. She knew her parents were getting up soon, so she texted her mom,
Hey mum! So do you still want Jay and I to come over for the barbeque? 
And she nudged him a little. Everyone else had left the room, so she was trying to wake him up. So they could go to his room. He groaned.
“Baby, do you want to sleep in your bed?” she whisper-asked him, leaning down to his ear and stroking his hair. He groaned and got up, started walking to his room. She followed suit. He was on his bed and passed out before she even got up there.
She laughed and walked over to him, fumbling with his suit jacket. He mumbled something about taking him on a date first, and she laughed again.
“C’mon, work with me here, you’re going to be uncomfortable if you sleep in your suit, my love.”
He groaned and took off his jacket before unbuttoning his shirt, while she got his belt undone.
“God, take me on a date first,” he mumbled.
“Shh,” she said, placing a finger over his lips, “Just go to bed, Jay.”
He sloppily kissed her neck before she cupped his face and used her position to straddle him to the bed. She kissed his forehead before getting off of him and going through his clothes. She needed something, a shirt, pants, anything she could wear.
She fumbled with getting her own dress and gloves off, ending up throwing the dress over his desk chair, hoping it would minimize wrinkling. She undid her corset and threw it on his desk. Her heels were sitting at his desk chair. The gloves on his desk.
She crawled into bed with him, being the big spoon, burying her face behind his neck. She pulled out her phone to look at her texts. One from Artemis,
Hey, dude. That dress, oh my God?
She laughed into Jason’s shoulder and sent back,  I know. I know. I know. I killed it. You can’t say I didn’t.
You’re literally so right because again, oh my God. You did NOT need to wipe the floor with the rest of the guests. I mean, Selina was there and you were on her level.
That’s impressive. Selina is stunning. But I’d argue I was just below every Wayne lady.
Well, eventually you’ll be a Wayne lady.
C’mon. It’s been 6 months. 
You say that like the thought hasn’t crossed your mind at least once.
Yeah, but I don’t talk to anyone about it. 
You should start talking about it. Most people think about their weddings.
Okay, anyway. Why are you up so early?
I was studying most of the night with Wally.
Ah, “Studying”. Nice.
I wish! No, we were actually studying. Not like you and Jay at your little Gala. Actually had to study.
I have to study too, but exams are like next week.
Wish I could relate. Mine are today. 
And you didn’t sleep? Dude.
Shh, you’re not my mom.
She laughed and fell asleep cuddling Jason. Her phone was opened, so it died. 
Jason woke up first. Looking at the time, it was 12:00pm. Y/N was sleeping behind him, still loosely holding him. He smiled. He hoped that the night before had fixed some of the issues between them. Well, he hoped there was no issues.
He didn’t want work to be more stressful than it already was. But, they were having issues. He thought it was because of finals, but he feared there was more to it. Maybe it was the fact that he’s famous. Maybe it was the fact that she couldn’t handle the fame. He hoped it wasn’t anything to do with the fame.
But the comment about the people with daggers at her throat obviously wasn't about anyone else. It was the press. He knew she had issues with the press. He always would. She always would.  He wouldn’t blame her if she walked away from him because of the press. Break up or a break, she was allowed to give up because of the press. He hoped she didn’t. He hoped she never would. He didn’t want to jinx them, but he really, really, hoped that this wouldn’t end in flames.
He looked at her. He remembered the first moment he knew he loved her. They were having dinner at this hole-in-the-wall restaurant that he had seen on patrol one night. She was scarfing down the food, and he wiped away the mess on her face with his thumb. He knew then. He knew in that moment that that was it. She was it. 
He was whipped and he knew it. But every time his siblings or dad brought it up, he mentioned current or past relationships they had. The only people who weren’t whipped in the Wayne household were the women.
Or maybe the all were, they were just good at hiding it. He turned around and cuddled her back He stroked her hair. He ran his fingers through her hair. 
She did it to him a lot. Physical affection was something that he was used to at this point. He still didn’t know how to feel about it, but he had ended up letting Dick hug him more often. He didn’t say it was because of her, because she didn’t outright run up to him expecting hugs, she was okay with hand holding and small touches of affection. It wasn’t because of her that he started letting people in.
But he did think she was a turning point for him. For his affection. His love style. She gave a damn about him and made it clear. It wasn’t like love he was used to, but it also opened his mind to people trying to love him.
She shifted around a bit. She ended up turning her back to Jason so he became the big spoon, and he buried his face in her hair. She groaned and tugged at the blanket on his bed, pulling it onto the two of them. He helped her get it on them. She groaned again.
“You up?” he whispered.
“No... I’m in deep sleep,” she said with a slur to her speech.
“My mistake, really.”
“It is.”
He pulled her closer, “Can you wake up?”
“That’s sad. I wanted to talk.”
“You can talk.”
“Okay so,” he said, “I realised something. Some people would say you’re changing me, that I’m becoming someone else because of you,” he paused, “I’d have to disagree. You’re not doing anything.”
“Uh huh.”
“You’re just inspiring me to do better. You influence me. You don’t intentionally go in and change me, I change because I love you.”
“That’s nice honey.”
“You could pretend you’re interested in what I have to say, my love.”
“I’m tired, Jay.”
“I danced you to Hell, I guess.”
She groaned, “I guess I can’t go back to bed, now,” she flexed her wrist, “You’ve interrupted my sleep.”
He cuddled in closer to her, “I am not sorry.”
“Of course you’re not, why would you be?” she said while she turned to face him, “You just want to see me.”
“Damn, you got me.”
She yawned, “We need to study eventually.”
“Don’t remind me.”
“I just did.”
“School’s annoying. It’s on every last never but also none of them. It’s stressful but I also met you from it. It’s something I excel at but also causes me pain.”
“I know, babe. I know,” she said as she searched for her phone, finding it, dead and under her leg. “Fuck, killed my phone.”
“Where did you even have that all night?”
“Dress has pockets. But I didn’t bring my charger,” she sighed. “I had texted my mum too.”
“Texted your mom about what?”
“She wants us to go to a family barbeque after exams.”
“That’s so suburban of your family.”
“Yet they live in a massive city. I guess you'll see my family? you like them, don't you?” she asked. 
He had met her family in January of that year. He got along with her mom and dad, in spite of the language barrier between him and her dad. There was difficulty understanding each other, but they got along in their love for rock music. It warmed Y/N’s heart.
Her mom liked him just because he made her happy. They didn’t really need to get along, but they did. They both cooked, and her mom had dragged him into helping her when Y/N was watching figure skating with her dad. Apparently they hit it off.
“I have literally no idea,” he said.
“How do you not know?”
“Your sister has something off about her.”
“You know, that’s fair. I don’t blame you for that one.”
“Yeah, have you noticed she’s very... obsessed with vigilantes?”
“And you thought I was obsessed,” she joked, “Yeah, she takes it a little too far. The whole, “I want to marry a vigilante to infiltrate and kill them” thing was obviously a joke, but I feel like there was some truth to it. That scares me.”
“Thank God I’m not the only one.”
“If you don’t like her, don’t worry about it. i don’t care if you like her.  We’ve had  a difficult relationship all or lives. If you can be civil, it’s a win.”
“Did you have an ex openly hate your sister?”
“Yep. And he’s an ex for a reason.”
“That’s fair. I would hate it if someone openly hated one of my siblings.”
“Unless it’s Dami.”
“Unless it’s Dami, that’s very true.”
“Still don’t know what you have against that kid, he’s very sweet.”
“That’s what he wants you to think.”
“Well, then its working.”
“What a master manipulator,” he laughed. “It’s the principle of the matter, Y/N.”
“It’s the principle of the matter, Y/N,” she mocked.
“Okay listen,” he laughed, “It is. He’s a menace.”
“But you love him.”
“It’s unfortunate. He's my brother, but he is also whatever. I don’t know. He’s amazing, he’s a genius, but who knows. Maybe one day we won’t fight all the time.”
“Imaging hoping you don’t fight with your sibling.”
“Family issues, amirite?”
She groaned and got over him, “Where are you going?” he asked.
“Fuck, I don’t know. Just need to get up, to be fair.”
“Eh, probably not.”
“That’s new.”
“You betcha. I don’t feel the affects of caffeine withdrawal yet.” She looked at her dress, it was wrinkled. Which was whatever. She knew it was going to happen. She went searching for all her stuff and put it on his desk. It was spread all out over his room, she didn’t know how it happened.
“How did your shit end up everywhere?” he asked.
“Probably the same way that all your shit ended up everywhere? I have no idea.”
“What, did we fuck?”
“No!” she laughed, “Do you not remember?”
“Days are blurring together, so.”
“Well that’s not... normal?”
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
if the world was ending | b.b.
summary: bucky knows he’s still in love with you a year after the two of you mutually agreed to break up. when one phone call spirals into one plan being made and then another, and then suddenly he’s staying at your place, he wonders if there may be a chance to try again.
WARNINGS: small angst, a whole lotta fluff, literally fluff, swearing, mentions of s e x but they don’t do the do pairing: modern!bucky barnes x fem!reader word count: 6.7k
a/n: inspired by if the world was ending by jp saxe (ft. julia michaels). a kinda real take on how sometimes the timing just isn’t right for a relationship and how sometimes it is.
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Your voice echoes in his car and he nearly shivers at how gentle, sleepy, you sound. He wondered where you’d be: at a bar or at home, working overtime or eating out after a long night, on a date. The thought had made him tired, sad, but it didn’t tear a hole through him as it once would.
“Was there something you needed? Are you okay?” you ask, something shifting on your end and he stops at a red light, turning on his left turn light. He doesn’t know where he’s driving to or how long he’s going to just press on until he goes home. The clicking of the light fills his head. “I know the earthquake was a bit weird.”
“Earthquake?” He remembers it at the mere word. Him not even feeling it, not even realizing he was driving through one until Sam had called him from the office asking if he was okay. “There was an earthquake, yeah. I’m fine. Didn’t even know it happened until after it happened.”
“Yeah. Stuck in traffic?”
He laughs, softly, because you still know him so well. “Yeah. Got trapped in the office.”
“Yeah, I thought so.”
You’re never fucking here! It’s like I’m dating a ghost and I don’t know if it’s because I’m boring you or if you just don’t love me anymore. Your voice, angry, twisted with grief and frustration, rattles in his skull as he clears his throat. The light switches green and he turns, driving until he spots an off ramp he knows leads to the highway
“Yeah.” It comes out tight and choked.
Of course I do. I love you, I just—
Just what?
“Yeah,” you say for lack of anything else. There is nothing but silence, but the sound of your gentle breathing and the sound of commercials running. 
“Did you fall asleep watching TV again?” he teases, his throat easing up a bit as you chuckle with a slight sigh.
“Yeah.” You sound like you’re smiling. Bucky hopes you are. “Just staying up late.” Because I’m still used to waiting up for you, the hopeful voice in his head adds quietly. “What’s up? We haven’t talked in a few months.”
Because I just figured out how not to text you when every little thing happens.
“I just thought of you,” he says, “after the earthquake happened. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Oh. Thanks.” Your end of the line falls silent and he hides his sigh. He knew it was a mistake. “I thought of you, too.” Your voice is hushed, tender, still full of a love both of you agreed wasn’t meant to be. The thought has always made Bucky torn with sorrow, shackled with guilt and regret. He doesn’t know if they are simply not strong enough to fight for their love or if their love just wasn’t meant to be so strong.
He doesn’t know. What he does know is that he is still in love with you—he always will be. 
“Well, I’m glad you’re safe,” he says. “I still care about you a lot.”
“Yeah, I know.” You reply so instantaneously that he is convinced and he finds himself driving down familiar roads. His feet ache and he’s exhausted, but he keeps going. He doesn’t want to go home. “I care about you, too.”
You were my best friend.
“How’ve you been?” he asks.
“I’m okay. Single, if that’s what you really want to know,” you confess openly and his eyebrows rise. You don’t sound disappointed or angry about it, but he wonders if you still love him like he adores you. “But, yeah. Work is okay.”
“That’s good.”
“How’s Alpine?” 
Bucky chuckles at the thought of the white cat back home. He’d been the one thing they truly fought over when they broke up, and he knows his cat misses you more than he does sometimes, if the persistent clawing in the middle of the night is anything to go by. He’s taken to shutting the windows to prevent his stupid cat from trying to make his way back to you, for his own sanity and Alpine’s safety.
“He misses you.”
“Well, you know he’s welcome to visit any time,” you point out. You let out a heavy breath and Bucky thinks maybe you’ve laid down or sat up, but he wonders what the apartment they used to share together looks like now. You always rearrange it however you see fit. It’s one of the most frustrating things about you but Bucky could never bare to tell you to stop. 
It kept their life together ever flowing, different despite living in the same place. 
He pulls over at a gas station when he notices the light flicker on.
“You know if the world was actually ending, I’d drop everything for you,” he says to ease the silence but it doesn’t. Instead, it only prolongs it and he sighs, eyes closing. “I don’t say it to confuse you or cause you pain. I just… wanted you to know. I—”
“I love you, too,” you murmur, voice dulcet and soft as feathers he can imagine you kissing the words into his skin. He tilts his head back until it rests against the headrest and he swallows. He doesn’t expect it to hurt but it does. Like a dull knife jabbing into his side. Not quite enough to bleed but enough to bruise. “I do. I don’t think I’ll ever not love you.”
“I just wished it’d work out.”
“Me too.”
Knock. Knock. Bucky opens his eyes to see a station attendant mouth ‘gas’ and he nods, rolling down the window. 
“Fill up, thanks,” Bucky says, and the guy nods. He unhooks his phone from the bluetooth and shoves it between his ear and shoulder, fiddling with his wallet. “Do you want anything from the gas station? Did you eat?” He doesn’t mean to sound boyfriendly but it’s natural and he can count all the late nights he’d walk in with no question to buy you candy or chips. He hands his card to the attendant, taking hold of his phone again and switching off the engine.
“I didn’t. I fell asleep before I could,” you confess and he shakes his head to himself, looking out the window. It’s not too busy. The only other person is a dad filling up his gas while his kids are knocked out asleep in the back. “I don’t wanna bother you. I’m gonna go to McDonald’s anyway.”
“I could meet you there?” He winces at how much he immediately regrets his words and you let out a soft breath of surprise. “If you’re comfortable, I mean. It’s the one by the apartment, right?”
“Yeah.” You pause for a moment as if thinking it over. “Yeah, that would be nice.” He knows if you didn’t want to, you’d say so and he wonders how he lucked out. “Give me fifteen minutes?”
“No need to dress up,” he assures but you scoff as it sounds like you get up.
“I’m going to look like utter garbage next to you in your suit. The pillow is permanently marked into my face.”
“It’s casual and it’s McDonald’s, although that’s not really healthy.”
“Fine, you health nut. Always trying to make me make better food choices.” You sound only vaguely annoyed and he knows you’re just joking. Your voice echoes in a way that tells him you’re in the bathroom. God, the fact that he still remembers the sound of your voice in different rooms over the phone is a red flag for his heart. “Do you have any suggestions?”
“There’s a new place on the corner of your block.” He knows that because he drove past your apartment building too many times to count, trying to work up the nerve to confess he regrets everything: not spending enough time with you, being a shitty boyfriend, changing from the man you love. Not to get you to take him back, just to apologize.
You deserve better than his preoccupied, stubborn, uncaring, can’t-delegate-his-time-to-spend-time-with-the-love-of-his-life ass.
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to try that place,” you comment, your voice distant. “It’s on the way to the bus stop and since my car broke down—”
“What? Your car broke down?” 
“What?” Your voice picks up again as the guy hands back Bucky’s card and receipt. Bucky connects his phone to the bluetooth audio as the engine ignites once again. “Oh, yeah. A few days ago, it wouldn’t start. I’m lucky I wasn’t in the middle of the road.”
“I could take a look at it, doll,” he offers, pulling out of the gas station. He doesn’t even realize what he’s called you until the silence hits and he clears his throat. “You know, still know a few things about cars from back in the day.”
“Yeah. Bet that hot ass mechanic is still in there somewhere,” you reply. “I don’t want to trouble you. It’s late as it is.”
“It’s fine. Promise.” He wonders if it hurts as much for you to hear it as it is for him to even say the word. He can only repress the guilt poking at his sides. “We can eat and then I can take a look.”
Your sigh is heavy, tired, but he thinks there is just the slightest smile in your lips as you agree, “Okay. But you’re not paying for my food.”
“Old habits die hard, doll. I can’t say I can do that.”
“James—” A warning is edging into your tone and he laughs. As if he could ever be afraid of you, just seeing and imagining the adorable pout he always wanted to kiss off your face. This is a bad idea.
“Oh, no,” he mocks, “she called me James.”
“It’s your name, doofus.” Maybe you’re wrinkling your nose in annoyance, maybe your eyes are narrowed in an effort to hide the mirth seeping into your gaze. He doesn’t know, but a prickling sensation pokes into his limbs as he just imagines seeing you again. “I’ll see you in a bit? Drive safe.”
“I will. See you in ten, doll.”
He hangs up before you can comment on the pet name.
Walking into the bistro, he scans the place to find you sitting in the corner. The place is all wood and warm off-white paint and light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. Plants are everywhere, and he quirks an eyebrow at the tiny succulent sitting on the hostess stand. The lighting is mostly dimmed down to provide a more intimate setting, and a few other people are sitting and chatting as he approaches you. There’s a candle in the middle of the table, painting you in orange-gold.
You perk up when you spot him, and he notices with a half-smile you sit on your hands like you do when you’re nervous, your knees bouncing as you release a hand to wave. He sets down his coat over the back of his chair, sitting down and he soaks in the sight of you. Although he said you didn’t need to dress up, you’ve put on a nice light-blue off-shoulder top and a pair of dark-washed jeans, swiped on a shiny layer of pink lipgloss he knows tastes like strawberries, and winged your eyes black with eyeliner.
In short, you’ve managed to go from beautiful to exquisite, and he doesn’t need the comparison. He’s been wowed before.
“Hi, Bucky,” you say lowly, the menu open before you. A waitress comes to offer him another and he looks up with a small thank you before his eyes fall to the words he can’t quite focus on. “You look nice, as usual.” A small grin catches his eye and he sucks in a breath when he’s met with your face again.
Every goddamn time, you take his breath away.
“And you’re…. you’re the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen. As usual.”
He doesn’t miss the way you lower your eyes to the menu, picking it up and tilting it so you can hide your face. He smiles to himself and looks at the salads.
Bucky can’t quite remember when the last time he laughed like this, full of life and light and easy. “Stop laughing!”
“Was that even English?”
“It was honestly like you had a stroke.”
“I honestly did.” “Do I need to call 911?”
“I hate you. I am trying to live my life here, Barnes.” You snort into your iced tea at the memory replaying in your head, covering your nose and lips with the side of your hand as you bite into the straw. You’ve been recounting the tale of how you nearly ripped Natasha’s hair out with your bare fists on pure accident when you both completely lost the ability to speak English and choked on air, causing Bucky to just lose it. “It wasn’t even that funny.”
“You should’ve seen your face.”
“I can’t. I have this face,” you retort sourly and he takes a deep breath in an attempt to stop the ache in his gut as the waitress places the small apple pie between them as well as two dessert forks. A scoop of ice cream is slowly melting on the flakey crust and he picks up a fork just as you do. “This was really nice, Buck. Hanging out with you again.”
“Yeah. We should do it more often,” he says, twirling the fork in his grasp and allowing you the first bite. You manage to catch ice cream and steaming apple pie on your fork and blow on it carefully before placing it in your mouth. You nearly sigh, your eyes closing and he digs in too. Warm syrup seeps into his blood first when he chews down on the apple filling before a sense of longing for home fills his soul. His stomach heats up from the inside and he sinks into his bones with relief. This is exactly what he needed. “We can be friends, y’know.”
“Yeah, well, I guess.” You smile for a moment before focusing on the pie again. “You know, maybe the distance was good. We got time to stand on our own two feet again.”
“Yeah.” He grins softly, almost sad but not quite. You look so blissful in the warm light of the restaurant, gentle music filling the air. The restaurant has gotten fuller since they’ve entered and sometimes Bucky wishes it was just them in this little slice of healthy heaven, but you’ve gotten remarkably brighter the more people have entered. “It took some guts to end this, I guess.”
“Five years,” you agree. “Think it might’ve been a waste of time when we knew we wanted different things?”
“Well, it wasn’t so bad all the time. Maybe thirty percent of the time.”
“Five. Five percent was terrible and it was all near the end,” you state and Bucky swallows, the sugar of the pie turning sickly sweet in his mouth. “You can’t sell yourself short, Buck. I know that you regret a lot of things, but we both weren’t perfect in this relationship.” You stab the crust half-heartedly. “And maybe we could’ve found common ground. I mean, we both wanted Alpine, didn’t we?”
“And two or three kids,” he intones dully. He remembers the nights they’d lay awake researching names for their hypothetical baby, staying up to god knows when to read all about colic and teething and how to even survive the trimesters without tearing off your hair. “Yeah, maybe.”
“I never could imagine a family with anyone before you,” you confess, bringing another bite of apple pie to your mouth. The ice cream melts between the prongs of the fork and he grimaces when it lands way too close to your sleeve. You wipe it away with your used napkin. “I never told you that before but I really could see us being happy, Buck.”
“So could I.” The corner of his mouth twitches up, prompting your lips to begin to pull into a small smile. Something sad lingers in your eyes, though, and he leans onto his fist, elbow digging into the table as he tries to think of a way of getting that smile back on your face. “We would’ve made cute babies.” You raise your eyebrows, a doubtful smile digging into your cheeks.
“That’s what I said to Nat after we broke up. She said she always prayed your genes were stronger than Steve’s.”
“They have blonde children.”
“They climb walls and pretend they’re masterclass spies.”
“Okay, fair enough. How is Nat?”
“How’s Steve?” you shoot back playfully. “She’s okay. Tired, but with the new baby and all, it’s a given.”
“I have no idea how Steve convinced her to give him another kid.”
“That’s what I said!” you exclaim, setting down your fork and holding your fingers to your temples. “Okay, so, Nat loves kids but she agreed to two for Steve when they got married and now they’re having number three and it’s like wow.” Bucky laughs at the wondrous light in your eyes. “Maybe the sex is that good.”
Bucky chuckles, his eyes squinting as you pick up your fork again. “They probably talked about it a lot, debated, made slideshows. Knowing Steve, he wouldn’t do a thing out of Nat’s comfort zone even though he wants enough kids to build a Rogers basketball team.”
”Honestly, that would be so cool, but we both know who wears the pants in the relationship.”
“Steve is very happy wearing the skirt.”
“Yeah.” It falls to silence. They finish up their apple pie and you appear to be deep in thought so Bucky doesn’t say anything. Suddenly, you shake your head, chewing on the straw of your iced tea. “Was the sex good?”
Bucky’s eyes widen but you only stare him with honest eyes. You want to know like he didn’t turn into a mess when you kissed the spot underneath his jaw, like the simplest swipe of your fingers up his leg, the tiniest trail on his inner thigh, didn’t make him nothing more than melted putty in your hands.
“Fuck yes.” He sighs. He hasn’t had sex in a year. “Especially the last time after Wanda and Vis got married?”
“We didn’t make it past the kitchen. That was good.”
You hum as you think and Bucky pokes at the soggy flakes on the plate. You look at him and he looks at the plate and there’s a strange silence that comes over the table that has been wild with laughter for nearly an hour, maybe more. He leans back into his chair, his prong nudging an uneaten nibble of apple.
“Always thought we should’ve ended in bed,” he finally says half-heartedly. “That mattress took a hell of a beating whenever we argued.”
“Or, whenever you came home after a business trip. I’d miss you so much.” You grin and there’s something mentally exhausted in it. “I miss you so much but I think it figured out how to think about you without it hurting, too.”
“I’m glad.” He lets go of his fork and offers his hand, palm up. You reach forward and grab it, the heat of you sinking into his muscles. His fingers fold over your hand and squeeze. His thumb runs over your knuckles. “I miss you, too.”
“Will we want one check or two?” the waitress asks suddenly and their hands spring apart. Bucky fishes out his wallet, looking up at her.
The two look at each other. You narrow your eyes, eyebrows furrowing together. “We agreed that we would split.”
“No, you said it and I disagreed and then you got distracted.” He grins triumphantly as your hands still in your bag and he pulls out his debit card. 
“One and I’ll pay by card,” Bucky clarifies and she nods, slipping away to get it.
“Jerk,” you mutter crossly. You cross your arms underneath your breasts and lean back against your chair. “I can pay for my food just fine.”
“It’s not about whether you can or can’t. It’s about me wanting to pay for you,” he retorts. 
He pays and the two get up, grabbing their jackets and leaving the bistro. They stop dead in their tracks underneath the small canopy when they notice the startling, thunderous rain.
“What the fuck,” you state flatly, staring at the puddles forming in the dents of the sidewalk and Bucky grimaces. The air isn’t frigid but it isn’t warm either, and he bundles his coat around himself as he tries to figure out how to stay dry. You’re tugging a scarf around your neck, your overcoat already settled well on your shoulders as you look at him. He’s got his own raincoat folded over his arm and he shivers against the thought of getting wet.
“I hope it’s not too presumptuous a thing to do to say I parked in the apartment’s visitor lot,” he begins and you raise your eyebrow. “I wanted to make sure you got home safe and maybe take a look at that car?”
“Oh, right. Too bad we could’ve used your car right about now.” You smile, pulling the hair out from underneath. “Okay. What’s our game plan?”
“Stay dry.”
Your smile turns wry. “Apt.”
“Here.” Unfolding his jacket, he holds it above his head. “Get under and then we run.” 
“We are not gonna make it.”
“Gotta try. Get under.” You slip beneath his arm, your hands wrapping around his waist and he takes a deep breath to prepare himself. “Let’s go.” They sprint out into the pouring rain, their shoes slapping against the wet pavement as they run up the block.
“This isn’t working, Buck!” You twist as you try to keep pace but it’s clear that they’re both gonna get soaked. Bucky can’t quite run with you latched onto him so he throws his coat over you, tugging it tight around you before grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you into his arms. As if on instinct, your legs wrap around his waist. Rain soaks into his skull and he squints as it drops into his eyes while you hold the jacket to your head and he tries to regulate his breathing. Your arm looped around his neck, you press against him in an effort to take off some of the weight in his arms.
Your heat soaks into his dress shirt and he pants into your ear, finally reaching the apartment lobby’s door. Dropping you in a dry spot beneath the glass shelter, he shakes his head and flicks off the wet while you unlock the doors.
“Are you good?” he asks, heat burning into his cheeks and you glance at him as you pull open the door. He rakes a hand through his hair, grabbing the jacket you’ve extended to him.
“I’m dry,” you affirm. “Come on. We’ve gotta get you dry.”
“You don’t have to.” Walking into the apartment lobby, he’s hit by a wave of nostalgia. It’s been a year since he’s breathed in the filtered air that carries just a whiff of vanilla. Before, it was five years coming home to this. Rubbing his shoes on the carpet, he follows after you with a squeak and he drips all over the tiled floor while you get to the elevator. “Whew.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” you point out, peering at him. “I’m not gonna complain if I get wet but you are and I’m not, so I’m gonna feel bad if I don’t at least get you a towel.”
“I didn’t want you to get wet,” he replies stubbornly. “We can just look at your car and then I’ll be out of your hair.”
“You’re not bothering me, Buck.”
“Still.” The elevator doors open and they walk in. You swipe your fob before pressing the floor and lean against the rail while he drips onto the middle of the floor. Wiping at some of the droplets dotting his head, he turns to you and grins. “Bet it’s just like old times.”
“God, don’t remind me. I can’t believe you asked me out right before we fell on Splash Mountain.”
“It made it memorable and you said yes.”
You laugh. “I guess so. Steve lost fifteen dollars to Nat who I clearly remember saying if you can convince me to say yes to Splash Mountain you can get me to say yes to a date.” The elevator chime and the doors open. You walk out and the keys jingle against your fingers. “Do you want anything to drink? I can make some tea.”
“You hate tea. Right. Well, how does hot chocolate sound?” You glance back at him with an impish curl to your mouth. He resists the want to grab your hand and instead does a small jog to catch up with you. You walk with your hands shoved in your pockets and he casts his gaze ahead of him, swallowing. 
“That was actually a pretty good place, you know. I’m gonna need to go more often.”
“Yeah. The spaghetti was al dente and everything.” He hears you snort at his comment, reaching the door and opening it with a quick twist of your keys. He doesn’t know what to expect of the apartment he’s moved out of, but when you step in to reveal what used to be his home, he knows he shouldn’t have expected so much to change. The furniture has shifted, that much was a given, but that’s about it. It still smells like your strawberry shampoo everywhere and fresh laundry, and there’s still the dent on the wall from when Steve had tripped and spilled four bottles of beer he’d been carrying. The stains were removed. The dent Steve made with his head was not.
“Welcome home,” you joke weakly to him, your eyes flashing for a moment before you turn to head to the bathroom. He hangs up his coat, unbuttoning his dress shirt and you reappear with a towel before looking at the mess that is your ex-boyfriend. He’s soggy wet everywhere, even his socks. He thinks he might’ve stepped in a deep puddle based on the pant cuff absolutely plastered to his ankle.
You hand him the towel, eyes surveying the damage of his clothes and you chew on your lip. He runs his strands of hair through the towel, the heat of the memory of your body against his fighting off the chill nipping at his skin. You’ve always done that. Your hugs are warmer than any fire that he’s ever known and just the trail of your fingers has left a fire in its wake.
“I have the clothes you said I could keep,” you state lamely and he looks at you with surprise. He thought you’d have donated or burned it all by now. It was the hoodies and sweats he didn’t want anymore because they looked terrible on him and way better on you, but anything is better than being squelchy and soaked to the core. “I could get them out.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Alright. Help yourself to… well, anything. You know where it all is.” Peeling off his shirt, he heads to the sink where you keep plastic bags beneath the sink and throw it in, following it with his undershirt. Running the towel over his skin, he sighs. His heart doesn’t thunder nor does it beat wildly—that was young love—but it does feel fuller now that he’s here.
“Here.” You toss a red hoodie at him and a pair of black sweats follow after. He catches both with a grin, but it soon fades when he realizes what he holds and what you wear. You’ve changed into more comfortable clothes, wearing a matching hoodie to the one he holds in his hands. 
Thing 1 and Thing 2. Right. Before we were even dating. Just best friends.
“Old time’s sake.”
“Always said you should keep it for the next guy to come along,” he says, pulling it over his head. Your eyes stay on his own. Definitely past young love. You don’t even look at his abs and something about how familiar it is makes him sigh into the fabric of the hoodie. 
“Well, it never seemed right. This was when we were best friends, Buck,” you point out. He’s against the counter so it hides him changing out of his pants and into the sweats while you bustle around to gather what’s needed for hot chocolate. “I miss us.”
“Especially when we started sleeping together. Best sex ever,” he cheers and you laugh, getting a pot on the stove. Shuffling in beside you, he grabs some mugs and searches for the marshmallows while you get the milk to boiling.
As he brushes past, his hand rests on his back and trails across, and it’s not until you’re looking at him that he realizes.
“That was habit. I’m sorry.” He blinks. It’d been so natural to do, it’s strange to think it’s wrong now. “My bad.”
“It’s okay.” You grab a whisk and a measuring spoon, waiting patiently by the stovetop. “If I wasn’t comfortable with you touching me, I’d have reacted. You know that.”
Because of your shitty ex that isn’t me. Yeah, I know, he thinks. You’ve got a streak and I hate that I’m part of it.
“Yeah.” He pours marshmallows into the bottom of each mug. “Sorry I’ve gotta add to your string of terrible ex boyfriends.”
“Bucky!” The intensity of your voice makes him turn to you in surprise and you stand there, hands on your hips, face warped in an image of vexation. “If I hear you say you were a bad boyfriend one more time, I’ll smack you with a pan. You weren’t. If I have to spend the rest of my life, convincing you and reassuring you just so you’re brave enough to get back out there, then fine.”
“Doll, I—”
“I mean, seriously. You’re a fucking great boyfriend. You spent time with me but you gave me space, you listened, you always made sure I was comfortable and you’re so patient.” You turn back to your pot, dumping in some hot cocoa powder and whisking it a bit more angrily than he thinks you intend. “You do these things that seem small but mean the world to me, and you’re always looking out for me. I just… there is no way to say you were a bad boyfriend.” You look at him again and his eyes are wide as he regards you. “I don’t want you thinking just because we didn’t work out, no one ever will.”
He’s quiet as you gently pour each cup full of hot chocolate, the marshmallows floating to the top and he leans on the counter by his hand, looking down.
“It’s more than just the sex that I miss,” he says suddenly, and you look at him, expression easing.
“I know.”
“No, it’s… more. I miss your laugh, and the way you fold my clothes, and the tiny little post-it’s you leave on the fridge. I’m not asking you to take me back, I just… I’m still in love with you, you know? You’re the love of my life. It fucking sucks that apparently we aren’t meant to be.”
“I’m still in love with you, too,” you whisper, handing him a cup of burning heat.
“You ever think we could have a second chance?” he wonders, trying not to sound too hopeful. You smile behind your porcelain mug, just a tinge sad and sip before nodding. You set down the mug against the counter with a soft clatter and so does he, his finger tracing the rim of the white mug.
“I want to think so,” you murmur. Your eyes are focused on the small movement of his finger and he presses his lips together, trying to get something out. But then you turn away with your mug towards the couch and he follows after you. The TV switched on, you flip through the channels. “My car’s parked in my usual spot, if you actually do wanna take a look. I can’t force you to.”
“Maybe in the morning? You still take Saturdays off, right?”
“Yeah. Unless I get called in.” He walks up to you and sinks into the couch beside you. You lean on the armrest, knees tucked beneath your bum as he sits on the opposite end. They sip their drinks, a quiet falling over them. No one knows how to talk after the mention of a chance a relationship can come back to life once again. You pipe up when there’s a commercial break and Bucky blinks. “You know how you said you’d drop everything for me if the world was actually ending?”
“Did you mean it?”
“Of course.” He thinks about it for a moment. “Sky could be falling but it wouldn’t matter, long as I knew you were safe and that I was holding you tight, protecting you how I could.” You unfurl from your ball, leaning forward to set down your cup of melted marshmallows and hot chocolate and he drains the rest of it down. It settles in his gut warmly, but it also squirms as you sit up and face him. He sets down the mug. “All I want to do is protect you. I know in the end, it was me who was hurting you and just… I never wanted that. I wouldn’t let anything touch you if I could help it.”
“It’s impossible not to hurt people you love. That’s part of it all, Buck. And I’m sure I hurt you too, and I’m sorry for that,” you say, reaching forward past the knees tucked your chest. He takes your offered hand. “But I’m glad that you’re always here. That I know you have my back. Just know that I have yours. You can count on me.”
He squeezes your fingers gently and you smile wider. His own lips pull into a tender smile as he gently pulls you into him and you go willingly, crawling across the couch to rest against him. His arm settles around your shoulders as he extends his legs over the cushions. You nestle yourself, your cheek on his chest and his thumb rubs circles along your arm, gentle pressure through the sleeve of your hoodie. 
He looks down at you, and you look up at him, and there’s a moment when that is all there is—two lovers on a night in, too tired to sleep, unwilling to part for even a moment. You touch his cheek, and his thumb swipes over yours as his lips part.
“There’s no one else for me,” he whispers and your hand flattens against his cheek. He sits up and so do you, your other hand on his waist while his settle on your hips. There is something intense about his gaze, and by the twitch of your lip, he knows you’re bemused, but he’s serious.
“Bucky, there’s always going to be someone out there for you that isn’t me, no matter how much we both hate it.”
“That’s not what I mean,” he says. “I love you. I’ll love you for the rest of my life.” It is simple for him. The simplest thing he knows. Your eyebrows furrow together and you open your mouth but he continues on, “I’ll love you even if the sun goes black and the moon splits into two. I’ll love you even if you get married, even if you don’t, even if you have kids, even if you have none. I’ll love you if you become a dog person or even a fish person, and I’ll love you even if you move away.” You shift in his lap, and he swallows, shaking his head at the incredulous feeling you bring to him. Love fills him up and drains him hollow, and you are everything. 
“I’ll love you if I never see you again. I’ll love you if I see you once every six months, and I will love you if I am lucky enough to see you every day. I’ll love you when you’re old and grey and don’t remember who I am. I’ll love you enough to bring you back. This isn’t young love anymore. We danced around each other for three years before we got together—I’m past the honeymoon phase. This is fucking real for me. When I say there is no one else, I mean that I will never love anyone like how I love you. And I’m fine with that, as long as you’re happy.”
A beat. Bucky can hear his heart in his chest, slow and beating. He is sure of this and your eyes scan him, searching for lies. There are none.
“The hot chocolate inspired this?” you question teasingly, but your voice trembles, soft as feathers and he wonders if it is the same emotion that stitched his heart and lights it on fire. He is dynamite dormant, waiting for a spark. 
“Everything about this night did,” he murmurs. Your thumb swipes at his lip, a gentle thing and he smiles. His own gaze stays on your eyes and he remembers a time when he’d do anything to kiss you. Now all he wants is your smile.
“I don’t know if I love you as much as you love me,” you begin quietly, your words tasting like chocolate and sugar against his skin. He chuckles. “But I do love you a whole damn lot.”
“Never one for words, huh.”
“I prefer action,” you agree. Their noses brush and his lungs hitch as you close your eyes. He does too, the presence of you nearly overwhelming. His every nerve tingles and his hand on your hip tightens as your lips gently meet his. He doesn’t know anything but the familiarity of you against him, the gentle tug of your fingers in his hair, the blissful quiet that fills his head as his chest explodes. He kisses you back but you pull away, a soft smile on your face. Your arms loop around his neck as he looks at you and you look thoughtful. “That sounded a lot like Lemony Snicket the more I think about it.”
“I read books to my best friend’s kids,” he points out and you laugh. “Sarah really likes A Series of Unfortunate Events.”
“Well, we can’t fault her. Steve and Natasha are some of the biggest bookworms ever.”
“Doll, she’s four.”
“She’s a smart kid.” You shrug innocently and he laughs, scrunching up his nose. It has always been easy with you. Tentatively pressing another kiss against your mouth, he feels you reciprocate it quickly and his smile spreads wider across his face. Your arms tug him closer. “Bucky,” you mumble against his mouth and he hums against you. His fingers bunch the fabric at your waist and you squirm in his lap, inching to get closer. “I want to try again.”
“Yeah.” Your fingers dust over his brow, swiping away hair that’s fallen into his face. He grins, eyes closed blissfully at how fond the gesture it is. “I know we can do this.” His eyes flutter open at half-mast, watching you as you carefully trace down his cheek. “It’s gonna be okay, right? We’re gonna make it work, right?”
“We’re gonna do our damn hardest to try.”
“Okay.” You hug him tightly, resting your head on his shoulder and he wraps you in a tight embrace, letting you melt into him. Your whole body seems to relax in his hold and he closes his eyes, burying his face in your neck. “I needed a hug.”
“Well, you can always count on me to give you one now, doll.” You pull back and he raises his chin as a slight smirk twitches at your lip.
“Never thought I’d be thankful for an earthquake,” you whisper nefariously and he laughs into your mouth as you press a kiss hard enough to push him onto his back. He falls, legs straightening along the length of the couch. You fall with him, your hands on either side of his head and he simply holds you to him, laughing when you pepper kisses down his neck. You know every ticklish spot on his body and he can’t help but raise his head to expose the expanse of his neck.
“You’re evil,” he gasps, scandalized, and you peek up at him through your eyelashes, your eyebrow arched. He meets your eyes and it’s like the sun is in his chest. He is lighter than he has been in months.
“You love me anyway,” you say. 
Bucky can’t help but agree.
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fuckthefireflys · 4 years
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SUMMARY: there’s a knock at the door, you think it’s your boyfriend back from panama, but to your suprise you see your father, and he doesn’t have good news
SONG RECOMMENDATION: all i want by kodaline
CHARACTERS: mainly reader x father!sully, mentions of sam, nate and rafe.
WORD COUNT: 1370 words
WARNINGS: swearing, death, emotional, spoilers for uncharted 4.
A/N: please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, i am dyslexic as fuck lol. also the italic paragraphs are the letter
﹋ ﹋ ﹋ ﹋
You stared down at your phone, debating on whether or not to call your boyfriend for a seventh time in the past fifty minutes. He was in Panama, with his brother and Rafe, trying to find get into an old jail tower that once held Henry Avery, hoping to find something that would help navigate Averys treasure. You were in on the plan too, but seeing as it was a highly dangerous all male prison, the boys decided it was best you stay home.
Thoughts started spilling into your brain, the bad outweighing the good. You ran your hands through your hair, your leg bouncing up and down as you sat on the couch. The apartment grew darker as the sun went down, the main source of light being from your phone, which was now calling once more, only to hear Sam’s voicemail.
17 missed calls and 21 unread text messages.
You stood up, pacing around the coffee table, hugging Sam’s shirt close to your body and glancing out the window, seeing darkness filling the sky. All you wanted was to have him home.
A knock at the door startled you and dragged you out of your thoughts. You let out a sigh of relief, heading towards the door ready to either hug Sam or shout at him for worrying you so much. You took a deep breathe before opening the door, a small smile creeping on your face, ready to see your boyfriend.
However, your smile dropped when you saw your father there instead. It’s not that you weren’t happy to see him, you were always happy to see him, but right now you just wanted Sam.
“Hey, kid.”
He stood there, a sad smile on his face, which he tried to hide, but failed miserably to do. He tried to avoid eye contact with you, either looking at your face or down at the letter he held tightly in his hands. Something was wrong.
“Hi, Dad, come in. Hey, have you heard from Sam? Or even Nate? He should’ve been out ages ago but I can’t seem to get a hold of him.”
Sully sighed in defeat, dread filling him up. He knew he had to tell you and he knew he had to be the one to do it, but he didn’t know how. He didn’t want to tell his little girl that her boyfriend was dead.
“That’s, uh, that’s why I’m here. Listen Y/N...”
You watched your dad hesitate and stumble over his words, trying to find the right thing to say. As you watched him, you became more and more scared, waiting for him to say what he needed to. Deep down, you knew exactly what he was going to say, but you tried to bury that negativity down.
“Dad. Where is Sam?”
Your eyes grew watery, as sadness took over your fathers face, his emotions pretty much confirming your thoughts. You tried to suppress the tears that threatened to spill out of your eyes, but they won, slowly falling down. Your words began to stutter and stumble.
“Dad...where..where is he? Please.”
“He, uh... Sam he’s..”
“Dad, you need to tell me. You need to say it. Please. I need to hear you say it.”
He looked at the letter once again, gripping it tightly, before looking up at you. His heart broke as he watched you slowly begin to crumble.
“Sam died, Y/N. He got shot as they tried to escape the prison. I’m sorry.”
You stood there, sorrow filling your body. Your Sam was dead.
“Fuck.... How? The plan was simple, they just.. he.. Vargos was suppose to let them go.. I dont understand..”
Sully took a step closer to you, tears now falling from his eyes.
“I know, kid. Nate didn’t tell me many details, but from what I could gather, Rafe got pissed, messed the whole plan up.”
“Oh, of course. Of course it was Rafe. I swear to God when I see him I’m gonna fucking kill him!”
Your father now stood in front of you, placing his hands around your arms.
“No you won’t you-“
“He got Sam killed! He got my Sam....is he really gone?”
“I’m sorry, sweetie.”
You let out a sob, falling into your dad, feeling his arms wrap around you, another stroking your hair in an effort to comfort you, though he knew no amount of comfort would calm you down. He mumbled “sorrys” and “it’s gonna be okay”, though you didn’t pay any attention.
All you could think about was Sam.
It was now around 3 AM, you sat curled up on the sofa, holding Sam’s shirt tightly to you, Sully hadn’t left your side since. Your eyes hurt from all the crying, your nose was red and your cheeks were puffy. You had calmed down slightly, mostly from exhaustion.
A yawn was heard from your dad, making you look at the time, suddenly feeling bad that you had kept your father here for so long.
“You, uh. You should go home. Get some sleep.”
“No. No way, I’m not leaving you.”
“Dad, it’s fine. You need to sleep. Besides, I kind of want to be alone right now.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded, shooting him a hint of a smile, he shot one back, hesitantly getting up and walking over to you, planting a small kiss to your head.
“It’s going to be okay. Not yet, but eventually.”
He placed the letter he had been holding on the couch next to you, before grabbing his coat.
“What’s this?”
“Oh, uh, Sam gave it to me when you two first got together, said to give it to you if anything ever happened to him.”
“Oh.”, was all you could say, picking up the letter, taking a deep breathe before opening it. You heard the front door close, leaving you alone in the dimly lit apartment. Your eyes closed for a brief second as you unfolded the paper, immediately teary as you saw your boyfriends writing.
Dear Y/N,
If you’re reading this, then I’m sorry. I’m most likely dead, or maybe kidnapped by pirates, hopefully it’s the second one. It was bound to happen some day, you know what I’m like, always getting myself into shit. And I know what you’re like, always saving me from said shit. And I know you’re probably sitting at home, right now, reading this, blaming yourself. Whatever happened, it’s wasn’t your fault. Okay? None of it.
There was just a few things I wanted you to know, that I’ve never really told you. You know I’m not good at talking, but hopefully I can write it. You are the love of my life. Simple as that. From the moment we first met, I knew I was going to fall in love with you, and honestly it terrified me. But you made every single second worth it. You are literally the most amazing thing to happen to me and at times, you were the only one that kept me going. I wish I would’ve told you that more, shown you more, cause I really do love you. More than anything.
I want you to be happy. I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life mourning over me and being sad. You deserve to be happy. So I want you to know it’s okay to move on, though be warned I will come and haunt the shit out of both of you. I’m gonna miss you.
I’ll be waiting for you on the other side. I love you so fucking much.
Your Sam
P,S. look after nate, make sure he doesn’t get himself killed too
Despite the tears streaming down your cheeks, you chuckled. Sam always knew how to make you laugh, even in the worst of times, that was one of the reasons you loved him so much.
You read the letter over and over again, crying more and more each time until you couldn’t any more. You loved Sam more than anything, and now he was gone. And even with his ‘permission’ you knew you would never be able to move on.
You would never be able to love anyone more than you loved Samuel Drake.
A/N: i’m thinking of writing another imagine like this one, where the reader is in love with sam and instead of sully giving her the letter nate does, and it’s actually Sams love confession to the reader and i could do a part 2 where they reunite and talk about the letter. let me know what you think!
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Chances {Chapter Eleven}
I lied, this is the longest chapter. They just keep getting longer ya’ll
Master List
Comfortable, Not Easy
Word Count: 2010
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    I spent the next two weeks avoiding everyone and everything thing, especially after I slipped and invited Jared over. Not my proudest moment. Robbie dropped by a couple of times to coax me out of bed, but it didn't work. I felt dirty, used, and stupid. I called Jared after he assaulted me in front of my house like a whore and let him stay over for nine days.
    It wasn't necessarily comfortable being with Jared for nine days, but it was familiar. I knew what to expect from waking up to going to bed. Tom was texting to check in as well, and I ignored every sweet text he sent me. I couldn't face the fact that he was there, waiting for me to recoup while I was living with my ex again.
    Robbie finally kicked Jared out on day ten for me. I told him about the kisses and how horrible I felt letting Jared stay on day nine. Jared was gone before I woke up, and Robbie was trying to pull me out of bed. Literally.
    Robbie pulls on my ankle repeatedly, trying to loosen my hold on the headboard. "Come," pull. "On." He pulls again. "You can't stay locked in your room because you've made a mistake, Stella." He scolds, sitting next to my feet. I grunt in response. "I swear to all things LA, I will make Stevie do a house call." I moan louder, pulling a pillow over my head. The space next to me dips down, and Robbie throws an arm over me.
    Whenever I'm in a lousy mood, Robbie's first response is forceful eviction of my room followed by snuggles. If either won't work, he calls Stevie. In our ten years of friendship, he's gotten to know me inside and out. He's my closest friend and my most relied-on confidant. He knows more about me than anyone else in the world. He knows the darkest places in my head and knows how to help me navigate them better than myself. He was the only one who was there during my entire marriage and divorce. Hell, he was my bro of honor.
    I turn to lay on his chest, curling in to feel his warmth and wrapping my arms around him so tight I thought he'd turn purple. I never, ever, want to lose him. "I hate seeing you like this, Stell." He mumbles. "You're so hard on yourself. I know it's easy with Jared; you guys have a routine. He's easy, and Tom is hard. I understand why you did what you did." The sobs rip out of me in violent bursts. I hate how well he knows me some days, especially when he says things I know I need to hear.
    He remains quiet as I sob, rubbing my head and holding me tight. He's the rock in my twisted life, and I'd be lost without him. Robbie makes me feel seen, heard, and appreciated even after my undesirable days.
    When the sobs turn into small whimpers, Robbie continues, "I think you need to talk to Tom; he's genuinely worried for you. He's dropped by the studio to ask about you. God, you should have seen him, Stella. He's a fucking god. Don't even get me started on those eyes dude, they're so blue." I can't help but laugh at Robbie's fanboying. "They hold so many emotions I didn't know they could do that. He looked so worried and concerned. He really cares about you."
    "I know he does." I manage. "I just don't want to bring him into this fucked up life I've created for myself. He deserves so much better." Robbie sits up quickly, grabbing my face to look at him. His eyebrows are pulled together, and his face is set in a stern look. His father look.
    "You deserve better, Stella Thompson. You deserve a man like Tom. You deserve Jesus himself for all I care. You need someone who will treat you ten times better than Jared ever could. Someone who loves and cherishes you as you are, broken, sharp pieces and all." Robbie runs a thumb over the new tears leaking. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, Stella. You care so deeply about people that you let them continue to be in your life even after they've fucked you over a dozen times. Stella, you deserve to start over with someone like Tom."
    I swear to God, the universe was listening to us because, as if divine intervention stepped in, my phone begins to buzz on the nightstand. Robbie reaches to hang up before going over the name again. "Here. Talk to him. I'll make you some food." With that, Robbie leaves the room and closes the door behind him.
    With a grounding breath, I answer the phone with a meek hello. "Oh, thank heavens you're okay." Tom breaths out a sigh of relief on the other side of the phone. "I was beginning to worry. More. Worry more than I already was."
    "I'm sorry I scared you," I mumble. "And I'm sorry I've been MIA for so long. It's been a really rough two weeks after everything happened, and I tend to shut down when things get hard." I admit, brushing my mangled hair out of my face.
    "I understand, Love. We all have bad habits. I was worried I had pushed too hard, and you were ghosting me. I was actually going to call and tell you I would give you some space if you hadn't picked up. I can still give you space if that's what you'd like?"
    "No," I answer quickly. "No, please. I really like having you in my life, and I love the way you make me feel. But I have to tell you that Jared spent the week with me. It doesn't mean anything. He's just..." I pause, trying to find the right words to make my asshole move sound less assholey.
    "Easy. You're used to him. I understand that, Love." I take in a shaky breath. "I appreciate you telling me. Is there anything I can do to help with your rut?"
    "Can you come over sometime today? I could kinda use a hug from you." Fucking crying making my defenses turn to mush. It always makes me a ball of emotions and fussy needs.
    "I'd be delighted to. Would you like me to bring some lunch?"
    "No, Robbie is here making me some. You called at the perfect time, actually. We were talking about you. Everything good, though. Nothing bad." I reiterate quickly. Tom chuckles on the other end.
    "Well, I was just thinking about you and hoping you were at least alive."
    "The heart's still ticking, so the body is alive," I joke. "Brain could use a jumpstart, though."
    "I'll be over in about ten if that's alright with you?" I confirm with him and hang up. Pulling myself out of bed for the first time in fourteen days, I make my way to the kitchen.
    Robbie stands over the stove, cursing and shaking his left hand. "Burned yourself again?" I ask. If you'd lose a year off your life every time you got burnt, Robbie would have died at age five.
    "Fuck off." He mumbles, going back to the grilled cheese he's making. "How'd the call go? It seemed pretty short." I nod as I sit on a barstool.
    "Fine, he's coming over in a few minutes." It hits me. Tom Hiddleston is coming over to my depression pit of a house after I've had two weeks of nonstop crying and zero hygiene. "Fuck, I need to shower." I curse, rushing to the bathroom. A quick shower will help everything. Hopefully.
    Robbie pokes his head into the bathroom as I wrap my towel around me. "Tom's here. I'm going to keep him company while you  get changed." He states before winking and shutting the door again. I don't feel like I have the energy to put on any form of makeup to cover up how deathly ill I look, nor the power to care what I look like besides the clean part. The shower did seem to wash away the residual guilt and shame I felt about everything. Though it didn't clean off everything.
    After changing into some comfortable clothes, I make my way into the living room, where Robbie is watching Tom talk with nothing less than homosexual love in his face. "Robbie, out," I demand, catching both boys' attention. He leaves after a quick goodbye and non-discrete wink.
    Tom walks over to meet me behind the couch, wrapping his arms around my shoulders in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you're doing better," He mumbles into my hair. "I've been worried." We stand like that for a few minutes before my stomach growls loud enough for him to hear. "Here, Robbie left your food on the table." Tom leads me to the couch and sits next to me, our legs touching.
    "Thank you for being so understanding, Tom. I know I'm pretty fucked, and I really appreciate you being understanding of it all." He smiles as I take a bite of the grilled cheese. Robbie should be made grilled cheese God the way it melts in my mouth.
    "Of course, Love. We are all pretty fucked when we think about it. I haven't felt this way in quite some time. I know I can be a bit pushy, but I really enjoy your company," Tom says, sending those all-too-familiar shivers down my spine. "We can take things as slowly as you'd like. We can stay friends if that's what you need to heal as well." I shake my head while finishing a bite.
    "I don't want just friends, Tom. You make me feel like a better version of me. Less dark and gloomy." The anxiety of actually communicating and talking about feelings causes my knee to bounce. Jared never let me talk so candidly, and I'm afraid I might overstep. "Can I be honest?" Tom nods quickly. "I have absolutely no idea how to communicate in a not toxic way.
    "My whole life, it's been demonstrated that yelling and cursing is the only way to get across what I'm feeling. What I do know is that I like who I am when I'm around you, and I don't want that feeling to ever stop." Tom presses a kiss on my forehead.
    "Then let us work it out together. I like who I am when I'm with you as well." The absolute zoo that took residence in my stomach could wipe out the entire human population. Tom motherfucking Hiddleston likes being with me. "Bloody hell, I fancy you, Stella."
    Tom chuckles as I start to choke on my own breath. He reaches for the Caprisun set out and hands it to me. Tom likes me. He like likes me. Tom Hiddleston. Who would have guessed my damaged ass would land someone like him.
    For years after my breakup with Jared, I thought all I deserved was heartbreak and pieces of shit men. Maybe I could really turn my life around here. Turn it into something wonderful and perfect. Something made just for me.
    "I, uh, I fancy you too, Tom," I admit after controlling my breathing. His smile in this exact moment will stay with me forever. No ill-meaning behind it, wide and bright, and absolutely dazzling. Tom was as close to perfect as one man could get.
    The kiss. The kiss that followed behind our confessions was just as magical, if not more magical, than the first. Only this time, there was no Jared to ruin it. It was just Tom, me, and the ugly off-white sofa I stole from Jared when I moved out.
    How do you even end a chapter after that? Like, I impressed myself with that shit. We still own that couch too. It's where our little love story started, truly. I mean, no, we didn't go exclusive at that moment, but it's where it began.
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The Whore || John Shelby x reader
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Anon requested: “11&19 with John boy? cause I miss him “ (I miss him too, my poor heart aches)
Summary:  n.11 & 19 from prompt list: “Please, please, please” + “I’ll burn this fucking place down” Warnings: swearing, a lot of angst, prostitution, nudity, violence, mentions of abuse, mentions of rape, misogynistic talk, graphic description of signs of physical abuse
Author’s notes:
Behind each one of these works there are sleepless nights and something really close to multiple mental breakdowns, so, please, take a minute to send me a message about it, I need actual feedbacks to understand how to improve my skills and grow ♡
So, this request’s been in my mind for ages, and even though I’m not happy with its final part ‘cause it sucks, I’m literally obsessed with this idea, I love it so much that I’ll probably write a long fic about it, right after Contagio, but it will depend on you babes, because, first and froemost, I need to know what you think about this piece. ⤟ IMPORTANT
Please, if you’re a victim of any kind of abuse, talk to someone who can help you, nobody should go through something like that alone.⤟ IMPORTANT 
I edited the gif and added the text, it’s not an actual scene from the show, but I thought it could be a good idea, a small detail that could be added to my works. What do you think about it? Pls, let me hear your opinions babeees ⤟ 
I’m sorry for being this late, but I’ve been really busy in the past days and writing is never just easy, it demands concentration and effort, plus I don’t want you to be disappointed, so I’m always extra accurate while working. I hope this is worth the wait!
If you want to be added to my tag list, please, directly message me
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also, please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
Birmingham was somehow silent that night, John noticed the unusually empty streets around him, as his feisty pace easily led him towards a well-known destination, his confident steps resounding in between the damp walls of those sordid blocks made of innumerable overcrowded flats. The unmistakable stench of stagnant urine viciously permeated his nostrils, soon causing a disgusted expression to taint his angelic face, while he avidly took the umpteenth drag of smoke from his Cuban cigar and finally stopped his unceasing walk in front of the most renowned brothel in the entire city. For about three years by then, day after day, his life had been perilously circling the drain: things had got totally out of hand, fate had pitilessly thrown him into profound despair, giving life to an apparently endless spiral of darkness and desolation, which was gradually corroding his fragile self, brutally strangling him, rapaciously plundering each of his already strained vital breaths. And, nevertheless, it was beyond hard to blame him for such catastrophic outcomes, after all, he’d scarcely survived the battlefield, only to find himself with a handful of nothing, left alone to deal with a dead wife and four children to raise on his own, while his guts crawled with excruciating grief and ravenous acrimony for the whole world, having him develop a tendency to self-destruction that was just as concerning as it was well concealed.  As a matter of fact, in spite of his private hell, he still remained a Shelby, and a Shelby wasn’t meant to be soft, nor weak, none of them could afford to succumb to their affliction, never, not for a moment. They had to be invulnerable. 
Or, at least, they had to look invulnerable, for truth was that John was scared, utterly frightened by all those unmerciful changes.  Deep inside he felt like a hopeless, undefended child, forsaken by God and discarded to wander that grim world without any destination other than death and misery, thus his blood boiled with virulence and venom, having his heart clench with blind wrath and his devastated young soul desperately long for sort of any distorted kind of unattached affection. That was basically the main reason why his bed was incessantly warm, or more accurately, warmer than it had always been before, because, needless to say, John Shelby had actually been an authentic ladies’ man since his first cry. His stunning beauty constantly teemed on everyone’s lips in Birmingham, there was not a single woman in the whole town who hadn’t dreamt of sleeping with him at least once in her life. Therefore, John was more than happy to please them all, literally, welcoming them with wide open arms, even during his past marriage; and, on those rare times when no girl went to knock on his door, he had now grown accustomed to seek relief into whorehouses, rather than sleep alone and become an easy prey for his ferocious demons.
So he eventually ended up dropping his smouldering cigar on the uneven asphalt of the most rundown place in Small Heath, “Le Belle Donne”, an Italian house of tolerance, quite dilapidated and about to fall to pieces, but which often happened to have his favourite prostitutes. Indeed, ever since the Peaky Blinders had defeated and subjugated Sabini’s clan, they’d occupied a prominent position among the country, to the point that several other Italian gangs on their territory, including the Changrettas who owned that brothel in particular, had finally given in to the Shelbys. As a direct consequence, to put it simply, John and all his brothers had, in a very real sense, earned the full right to abuse of whatever business the wops held.
“Hey, man!”  Johnny resonantly barked as he entered the hall, maintaining a pretty intimidating attitude and a menacing look on purpose, in order to strike even greater fear in his newest flunky. “C’mon, show me what you got” That rough order cunningly glided onto his lower lip, immediately followed by his hot tongue, while his famished gaze travelled around the room, examining the face of each harlot standing there with meticulous attention, without however finding something that could come anywhere close to seriously rapture him. Robert Turrini, the whoremaster, was a bizarre bloke, for his physical appearance could be probably described as both disturbing and amusing: his revortingly corpulent stomach wobbled and his short legs dangerously stumbled, when he made haste to stand up and accommodate his toughest client. “Mr. Shelby, what an honour and a pleasure to have you back!” Those sycophant words fled his moist and malodorous mouth, and nonetheless, his stubby fingers inexorably betrayed his true thoughts, since they were either nervously torturing each other or, as only alternative, convulsively running through his greasy, mangy bangs. “Please, sir, follow me, these are for yokels and boozers, nothing to do with gentlemen like yourself” Once again, Turrini’s shrill fawning tone relentlessly grated his ears, making clear reference to the bunch of second-rate whores who could be found at the entrance; thus the lame pimp quickly moved, his hand anxiously beckoning John to tread upon his heels, then headed towards an eerily narrow corridor, so scanty that it was almost impossible to cross, if not walking on the bias. The secret lounge was illuminated only in part by a squalid red light creating a gruesome atmosphere, a dull silence tyrannically reigned into that small space, although you were not alone, but practically glued to another girl; both sitting on a minuscle sofa, your elbows touching, still none of you dared emit a single sound. Everything felt like lead upon your papier-mâché ribcage, that horrible sensation forcing your traumatized brain to involuntarily keep counting the seconds until that heinous burden would’ve potentially staved in your sternum, definitively annihilating your splintered heart. As a result, when the ramshackle door opened and a high-pitched squeak scraped your skin, you really thought to be about to die. Your torturer made his entrance, and right after him, another man came in, yet you couldn’t spot his face, since the peak of his cap designedly casted a mysterious shadow on it. “These two right here, they're real young, real fresh” Robert flaunted his goods along with a nefarious grin, rubbing his soiled paws with evident greed. “Behold the finest offering of flesh and bone on the market” A sadistic snicker repugnantly accompanied his speech, instantly causing John to frown, visibly disgruntled with the way that man deliberately talked about human beings. Luckily, it was a known fact that the middle Shelby was used to treating his women with all due respect: whether he paid them or not, he always made sure they were comfortable with him and never shrank from giving them some good time as well; therefore, a vexed glare was shot in the direction of his gross interlocutor, before his crystalline eyes briefly fluttered around the place, then bumping into your elegant figure almost at once.
Your bloodstream seemed to benumb on the spot as the stranger’s confident stare entangled yours, his rawboned features being now fully displayed, for he had lifted his chin a little in order to properly look at you, and you only, despite Clarissa’s desperate and petulant attempts to get his attention with malicious smiles and ridiculous pet names. Even though your dazed mind had just been ruthlessly brutalized by the sudden, ablaze assault of his glacial irises, a few moments were enough for you to realize how profoundly different he was from all the low-down rats who usually came through that horrible place.
Each sharp, still somehow delicate, trait of his face was brimming with delicious youthfulness, a less keen eye might have even confounded his freshness with actual naivety, but not yours; you were far too clever to make such a coarse mistake. Furthermore, the midnight-blue posh fabric of the classy suit, remarkably folding his majestic body, left gaunt doubt that he was, in all likelihood, a considerably rich man, which was beyond disorientating you, since the price to pay for some tawdry delight in that brothel was outrageously derisory, to say the least. And ultimately, as much as it killed you to conceive it, he was without question one of the most enchanting men you had ever seen, to the point that you found yourself subconsciously wondering the possible reason why a heavenly creature of his kind would’ve needed to buy a miserable hour of dissembled love. 
“There she is” That malleable murmur, filled with longing and gratification, furtively sidled past John’s roseate mouth, as its corners seductively bent upwards and his gaze persevered in its praiseworthy commitment to scrupulously linger your finest shape in sheer adoration. Lace and organdy sublimely merged on the light crimson negligee you were wearing, your immaculate form appeared as a beguiling paradox into his dilated pupils, being your long legs lecherously left exposed, while every inch of your porcelain skin, from your lean neck to your groin, was painstakingly disguised by that unholy material, dark and inscrutable, albeit thin enough to allow him to glimpse the inviting turgidity of your nipples. His breath shuddered in awe when he went back to contemplate your aphrodisiac facial features, flushed cheeks and plump lips having him ache with desire, and then your doe eyes flooded by melancholy, strangling his soul with no mercy, entrenching into his brains the treacherous conviction that, at the end of the day, he would’ve gladly dilapidated his fortune, if only to venerate you from afar. “Oi, sweetheart!” His low voice finally rumbled within the walls of that small space, overwhelmingly vibrating into your abdomen, while you forced yourself to swallow the painful lump obstructing your throat and stand up, promptly responding to his command, aware as you had become that rebelling against your pitiable destiny would’ve served no purpose at all. Holding your client’s hand behind your back, but keeping your head down during the whole route, you silently guided him up the spiral staircase to the best room in the house, like you had previously been instructed by your pimp. His jacket and hat were quickly hung on the apposite coat-rack, leaving his muscular top covered with just his white shirt and blue vest, an alluring grin was flashed in your direction and you detected a libidinous sparkle in his irises, as he healed the rift between you at a slow pace. “What should I call you, sweetheart?” He knowingly used the same flattering pet name once more, whispering that barely audible question into your ear, for he was now behind you: his large hands laid around your waist, gently making your back and his vigorous chest fit together, while his skilled mouth brushed forthwith against your nape, drawing an ardent contrail of ephemeral pecks up until your jaw. “Just y/n” You gasped in response, the marked contrast between his warmth and your bitter cold body, along with crippling dread eating you alive, caused your scrambled stomach to squirm and your eyelids to distressingly shut into a frown. “Well, that’s a pretty good one, I’m John, by the way” A lovely, yet hinted giggle fleetingly filled your ears together with that little compliment; there was no record of mockery in his tone, though, it simply sounded like he wanted to be nice to you, without any aspiration of personal gain, and you almost blushed, caught off guard and no longer used to any form of kindness. Nevertheless, it was a matter of instants before another wet, long kiss was pressed on your jawline, making you startle with evident apprehension and, at a later time, definitively back away from him, as soon as you sensed his touch abandoning your hips only to climb your sides, till he reached for your nightgown’s collar and his fingers began to fiddle with its round buttons. “No, I’ll do it!” You curtly gave notice, as you temporarily lost control of both your speech and actions, placing your hands above his in order to shrug them off, then turning to face him with short breath, your open palms shielding you. “I got it” A noticeably softer voice supplanted your preceding rudeness once you gradually metabolised how much damage your incautious reaction could’ve done.
“Aye, aye, darling, as you wish” But John just chuckled, tenderly humouring you, while his forearms jokingly lift in surrender to your commands, although, truth be told, your strange behaviour had left him a bit bewildered, well-nigh confused. Carefully moving backwards, he cockily made himself comfortable on the edge of the double bed, sitting right in front of you with splayed legs, his yearning stare never deflecting from you, and started to unbutton his waistcoat along with his shirt and undershirt, until his statuesque torso was completely nude, in all its glory, as the moon transpired through the curtains and shed its faint rays on his every contour, superbly enhancing all of his muscles.
Without reprieve, he ogled up at you in pure adoration, devastatingly astonished afresh by your dazzling beauty, eager to feel your afire flesh around his, literally hanging on your every word or move, while a provocative smirk steadily rippled his lips. Still, he kept questioning why a seraphic vision like you was slowly withering away in that authentic hell on heart, adamantly squandering your blush of youth amidst that rabble of unrestrained putridity. It made absolutely no sense, and he couldn’t get rid of that pernicious thought haunting his mind ever since he had first seen you: you looked nervous, extremely defensive, almost paralyzed with fear; you seemed so different from all the whores he’d had before, hence his instincts, however obfuscated with cupidity, were screaming that something was wrong.  And when he watched you turn your back on him again, so to avoid his penetrating gaze as you reluctantly got undressed, it was enough for him to understand that his execrable hunch was right. Nevertheless, by the time his head managed to eventually reconnect to his mouth, it was already too late, the soft textile of your nightdress ineluctably fell to your feet, leaving you naked under his starving leer.
John choked on his own breath; for the very first time, he felt like a fledgling kid at his earliest experience, no matter if nothing could be further form the truth, in some turbid, cryptic way, you were able to make him vulnerable. His craw went hellishly dry while he continued to gape at you in awe, the sinuous curves of your flawless glutes, the meandering line of your superlatively arched back covered in part by your soft hair, your tensed shoulders and your refined legs, everything about you caused his mind to go entirely black, words stifling in his throat. Yet, as soon as you moved to face him and his sight was blessed with the full view of your voluptuous figure, something altered the light in his cerulean eyes, suddenly making it dark and gloomy. His jaw slightly dropped under the weight of that violent dismay: in conjunction, an obnoxious sense of nausea cruelly shot him in the gut and blind anger virulently assailed him, for your front bust was completely martyrized.
“What the hell...” That unmeant babble died in the gelid air, his shocked orbs demarcating the strokes of your damaged silhouette: your neck and collarbone were horridly plastered with several violet fingerprints, as if someone had mercilessly strangled you over and over, greenish bruises with the shape of full palms circled both your arms, there were conspicuous signs of ligature around your tiny wrists. Worse still, his eyelids had to squeeze a little in order to bring into focus the multiple oxblood dots stigmatizing your soft breasts, until he noticed in horror how those round specks were effectively cigarettes burns; all of the oxygen bluntly withdrew from his lungs, when he dwelled on the multiple blue and black marks barbarically desecrating the protuberances of your ribs. But what irremediably drove him over the edge were the two ghastly scars digging stretched grooves in your lower stomach, in parallel with your bulging pelvic bones and down almost to your livid groin.
Prey of that deleterious humiliation, you observed raw disgust contaminating his features and, with no apparent reason, the dormant hatred you had for yourself began to ferment inside your belly. “I-I’m sorry” you forced yourself to swallow your imminent tears, unexpectedly, the awareness of not being able to please him somehow inflicted more suffering on your mangled soul “If I’m not to your taste, y-you can...” The young man quickly stood up and, before you had the chance to finish your nonsensical sentence, he readily grabbed his shirt, approaching you with dispatch, his cold irises burning with an implausible mixture of fury and concern. “I don’t fucking care right now” His voice was unsteady, rolling down his tongue in fatigued panting, as his hands hastened to wrap his shirt around your shoulders, his trembling fingers struggling to put the buttons through the eyelets  “Who did this to you?” In truth, he was talking to himself rather than with you, noticeable impatience worsening his mad tone, yet you persistently steered clear of his inquiring look, more than determined to keep your mouth shut, forasmuch as your dizzy head was already helplessly spinning, along with your heart rabidly hammering against your sore ribcage. You were having a hard time figuring out what was going on, everything around you was so confused, you didn’t even know whether to trust him or not, you only wanted to close your eyes and forget about that lucid nightmare. “I’m not asking you, for fuck’s sake! Tell me who it was!”  That searing order tersely brought you back to reality and cleared how easily his rash temper could reemerge; indeed, all of a sudden, no trace was left of that kind, cheerful boy who earlier that night had succeeded in making you genuinely blush, on the contrary, when he cupped your cheeks and vehemently shook you, in a desperate effort to get your attention, his rough, authoritative command unbendingly hit you, and the sweet child within him ended up being thoroughly smothered by the scary, ruthless gangster that he truly was. That unforeseen contact had your feet automatically stagger backwards, your eyes fell to your tiptoes and your teeth started skewering your lower lip, while your exhausted brain resorted to its last ounce of strength, thereby obligating you to spit out a bit of your sorrow. “Three months ago, the man I once called father sold me to settle one of his debts with the Italians” Your thorax seemed to shrink to the point of absurdity once you became aware that it was essentially the first time you allowed yourself to say it all out loud. However, the presence of that compassionate stranger still represented for you a substantial barrier to surmount, leading your unquiet glance to franticly move from the grime on the floor, to the broken window on your left, anywhere, but never daring to meet his. “ I tried to run away, I swear I did, but they always caught me and-” 
A large knot callously plugged the bottom of your palate, causing you to hesitate for a minute, gently rubbing your own arms, in attempt to comfort yourself . “Robert has a short fuse, he g-gets pretty brutal when you don’t cooperate” Those disenchanted considerations carried an involuntary grin, it was nothing more than a spasm, but hid the unmistakable sign of an imminent cry, and John’s attentive irises certainly did not let it go unnoticed, yet he chose to stay quiet, because the last thing he would’ve wanted in that crucial moment was to scare you even more. “He beat me to death, each time harder than the time before, and then he let those men-... He-e kept me tied to that bed for days to teach me a lesson” Copious tears were now unremittingly streaming down your flushed face, your heart aching with raw affliction, preventing you from breathing properly, one of your palms instinctively went to cover the space between your breasts, in a vain whirl to ease that excruciating grief. “Oh, God” John simply sighed, he was precariously theetering on the verge of tears as well, thick veins untamedly pumped in the proximity of his temples, till his solid shape ruinously keeled over the longest side of the bed, his elbows piercing his own thighs, as he hid behind his clenched fists and finally permitted himself to indulge a couple of muffled sobs. Innumerable atrocities had clouded his eyes and soul during his brief life, he himself was capable of unspeakable acts of cruelty, still, that was absolutely intolerable, hearing your story was taking a terrible toll on him. Try as he might, he couldn’t conceive how somebody could have been so hopelessly evil, to abuse in such a heinous way a defenseless creature as pure as you were. That thought was irretrievably disturbing him, rancorously eroding his bowels, almost depriving him of his sanity.
“U-until I stopped fighting them”  Your last, indescribably anguished whisper struck the fatal blow, it unrelentingly plunged into his chest, sending an unbearable jolt of pain through his poisoned veins. For a brief instant, his expression, together with yours, harshly turned into a mask made of neat despair, as if your synapsis had been ravelled and both of you were enduring the exact same ache, at the exact same moment.
“I’ll fucking kill him!” Then, all at once, something apopletic inside him violently detonated, he berserkly stood up, roughly tripping over the beside table and everything placed on it. “Fucking kill that filthy bastard with my own two hands, bloody hell!” His hoarse yells made your bruised skin cringe and his furious steps covered the whole length of the room in the space of a scant minute; he was literally seething with murderous fits of rage, teeth grinding with irrepressible choler. “No!” your desperate voice erupted afresh and you hurried to reach for him, your hands unconsciously enveloping his cheekbones “Please, please, John, please, stop!” For the first time, his name slipped out of your aching throat in between those pathetic pleads, your wrists forced him to look at you, in attempt to dissuade him from his homicidal purposes; the mere thought of the potential disastrous consequences to his calamitous ire totally asphyxiated you, rampant panic assaulted your frail mind and, soon after, you found yourself hyperventilating and simultaneously rambling a bunch of incoherent words, your fingers gradually tightening their grip on him. “He’s gonna get so angry at me, he’s gonna- he-he’s...” “I’m a fucking Shelby, he does not draw a damn breath unless I say so” He firmly grabbed your chin with just two of his fingers, guiding your depleted pupils to entirely focus on his confident stare, and he growled that undisputable fact a span away from your nose. Petrified by that new awareness, you fell utterly silent, only gawking in his direction, while he put his undershirt back on with ease and rapidly grasped his cap. “Just stay here, do you hear me? Don’t move until I come back” An incandescent kiss was impulsively pressed to your forehead, no other words were spent, before he disappeared behind the door of your private hell. When your persecutor saw his special guest unyieldingly storming towards his desk with a truculent expression exuding fervent disappointment, he jumped on his feet, ready to find a solution to whatever problem had possibly arisen; one thing was sure, he never would’ve guessed what was about to happen. “Mr. Shelby, what’s wron-” John’s fist savagely collided with his jaw, nipping his cloying speech in the bud, without giving Turrini a second to process what was going on, another punch pitilessly smote him, and then another one, and then another, until hot, plenteous blood gushed from his multiple wounds. “You son of a bitch”   Animalistic groans left his rabid maws, sheer hate rushing through his brains, as he violently tossed him to the ground, immediately beginning to kick his torso with all of his brute force. “Mercy! I beg of you, sir, have mercy!” His victim’s prayers and harrowing screams barely titillated his ears, everything he could think about was your tragically marred body, hence an unbridled desire to give him a taste of his own medicine completely took over. “Where was your mercy when you were torturing her?”  Expertely holding his hat in the most efficient way, in a fury, John went down on his sacrificial lamb, promptly disfiguring just one side of his face, in order to take a quite theatrical pause from his wicked work.
“When she was imploring you to stop?”  Robert was now crying out loud, overwhelmed by that merciless agony, reduced to just invoke the glacial scynt of death, since nothing in his entire miserable existence had ever caused him more intense pain, than the coarse perception of a finely sharpened razorblade brutishly lacerating his flesh once more, inch by inch.
“Now bend your ear to this” despite his wrenching laments, John rudely lift him up by seizing the blood stained collar of his jacket “if anyone else but me goes near her fucking room again, I’ll burn this fucking place down!” And with that first, deadly threat the pimp’s head was brutally slammed into the wall, an umpteenth whine of contrition escaping his mouth filled with blood, nevertheless, no time was left for redemption.
“You lay a finger on her again” his skull was doggedly crashed into the bricks once again, a crimson spatter smeared the pale plaster covering them “I will break your neck” John’s knuckles clasped, having his red right hand effectively strenghten its hold on his neck, nearly killing him on the spot. However, fortunately for the whoremaster, Johnny would’ve not put an end to his sufferings, nor he could've simply taken you away, deep inside, he knew he needed to discuss it with his family, first and foremost, with Thomas, for the unstable equilibrium reached by the Peaky Blinder was far too fragile to start a new war against the Italians. Thus, with great difficulty, he forced himself to keep his mind clear and put a lid on his beastly instinct. “From now on, no one of you dirty swines is allowed to even look at her”  Throwing him to the floor, the middle Shelby delivered one last kick straight to his fat abdomen, and disrespectfully spit on him, marking with his salt slaver the end of his brutalized prey’s calvary. “By order of the Peaky Blinders”   As soon as the crackling door snapped open, your heart seemed to explode, your eyelids bolted with pure fear, whilst you pulled your knees closer to your clavicles, an ancient prayer lingering your lips together with heavy breaths, as you prepared for the worst. But the worst never came. “Y/n, hey, calm down. It’s all right” John’s husky voice echoed in your ears, and, you could’ve sworn it, that was, without the slightest doubt, the most beautiful sound you had ever heard. Your head abruptly tilted in his direction, an oxymoric mixture of fear and hope twinkling into your watery irises, deep pants still rocking your tiny self. “It’s me, it’s just me” Keeping his arms up to indicate his innocuous purpose, he carefully approached you. Almost immediately, you noticed the several scarlet handprints staining his pale top, eloquent sign that he had tried to wipe his palms on that ivory material as best as he could. Yet, you were so profoundly relieved to see his friendly face, that, to be honest, the sight of fresh blood didn’t upset you at all. It was like you had fallen into a fugue state, every single thing around you was so distant, your numb senses were only able to concentrate on John’s lean silhouette kneeling in front of you. “ No one will hurt you anymore, darling” his hands gently went to caress your thighs, while his worried gaze tirelessly sought yours and he spoke those soft, reassuring words “You need to trust me”. And you did want to put all of your faith in that young man. His delicate flair easily awakened you from that ostensible slumber, building a rousing fire inside your belly; without a thought about your unforeseen actions, you threw your arms around his strong neck, your knees producing a dry sound as they collided with the wooden pavement, still you didn’t care and you held him tight, letting out loud cries and drowning into his muscular chest, finally revelling in the feeling of that warm embrace. Soon, he entangled his callous fingers with your velvety locks, subconsciously narrowing his solid shoulders, as to shield your frangible figure from the outside world. “I'll get you out of here soon, I promise”
tag list: @spidey-pal​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @stassaurus​​, @peachlle​, @livvtheangel​, @myjbphase​, @namelesslosers, @crazyonesarethebest​, @vxxn128​, @keithseabrook27​, @spaghettirogers​​, @writingstudent​​, @hp-hogwartsexpress​​
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
La Grande Maison: A Mystery in Three Acts 🎠
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The rooftop is your safe haven. It’s your escape from the woes of the world below and, you and your best friends take every opportunity you can to visit this special place. It’s here that time slows down, that all your problems seem to fade away...
But when one of you goes missing, not even the rooftop can save you from the nightmare that has yet to unfold. 
Pairing: Jimin x Reader (but also this one is mainly about good ol fashion friendship)
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Word Count: 25k 
Warnings (please read me!!!): angst (like seriously chief this one is ROUGH), alcohol use (not excessive), drug use (not excessive), violence, mentions of murder/crime/kidnapping, swearing (excessive), mentions of death, character death (not major), SMUT (18+ only please). 
A/N: hello yes. It is me. This one is ALOT my friends. Like holy freaking heck. I am honestly so incredibly excited for you to read this and, I can’t wait to see what you think of it. It’s my actual baby and, I’m kind of nervous cause, I’ve never written a fic like this before so, I really really really hope you like it. If you do, please let me know, feedback means everything to me. 
Please Note: Bolded text indicates when characters are speaking Korean
Regarding Taehyung’s French scenes (yes our boy is fluent in french in this fic), I did my best. My french isn’t perfect so, if there are mistakes I am super sorry. 
Please please please let me know if you liked it!
I love you all so much, please enjoy.
Act I- Sur La Grande Maison
The rooftop is a place you often end up.  
It’s a little cliché, you think: a bunch of misfits corralled onto a dodgy high-rise building in the middle of the city, cigarette smoke wafting in the air.  
But you and your friends aren’t delinquents.  
The worst any of you has ever done is get a speeding ticket and that only happened because, one of you had dared Hoseok to go over 100 miles an hour on the highway: Hoseok never turns down a dare.  
But no, the rooftop is a quiet place despite the shady motel it rests upon and, it’s a place you and your group of friends cherish for different reasons  
Jin likes it because; he can spot new street food vendors from the massive height of the building. He’s made all of you try some interesting shit but, most of the time, it’s delicious.  
Namjoon has perfect view of the river and, sometimes he separates from the seven of you to write poetry while gazing down at it.  
Yoongi doesn’t always join you but, he finds himself dragging himself out of the house to listen to the underground rappers that perform in the club next door.  
He thinks he can do better.  
He’s probably right.  
The rooftop gives Hoseok the space to dance; he doesn’t have it downstairs in the room he rents and, he can’t afford a practice room. So, he brings out his old speakers and amuses the rest of you while he moves fluidly around the concrete.  
Taehyung loves to paint the skyline and, the roof allows him a view that he can’t get anywhere else. He’s painted it a hundred times but, he hasn’t used every color; not yet at least.  
Jungkook brings his dads old polaroid up every time you guys meet. He takes unflattering pictures of all of you and, you know it’s just for fun but, what you don’t know is that he’s made a collage on his wall of all of them and, he smiles at them each morning as he heads to work.  
And Jimin well…  
Jimin has a lot of reasons why he loves the rooftop:  
His friends of course; he can’t imagine his life without all of the late nights/early mornings he’s spent huddled up with his best friends, laughing so hard he can’t see straight.    
The view is amazing, it makes Jimin feel like he lives in a penthouse despite him working three minimum wage jobs just to keep a shitty roof over his head.  
But all of those things pale in comparison to his favorite thing about the rooftop: you.  
You’ve been friends since high school but eight months ago, he started realizing that the little crush he had is actually full-blown LOVE and, that he should probably tell you soon before he loses his shit.  
Luckily for him, you reciprocated.  
It wasn’t easy at first, Jimin’s a jealous man and, he let his trust issues get in the way but, after a few stupid fights, he decided he needed to grow up and knock it off.  
The rooftop saw it all, the fights, the making up, the making out and, one night when everyone fell asleep, Jimin made you cum three times underneath the blanket the two of you were sharing.  
It’s a little filthy he knows but, he gets kind of primal around you, he wants everyone to know you’re his.  
But he knows when it’s appropriate to do so and, he’d never try to control you.  
Unless you two were in bed together then, there are times when you give him that control.  
He always brings you down nicely though, he always kisses your forehead...  
You think you might fall in love with him a little more each time.  
A voice brings you out of your thoughts and, you look up across the makeshift bonfire to see Hoseok smirking knowingly at you.  
“There’s an old mattress over by the chimney if you and Jimin need to relieve yourselves...”  
There is a small echo of laughter that moves through the group and, you cock your head in confusion, “What are you talking about?  
Jimin throws a cigarette butt at him, wrapping an arm around you, “Fuck off. She doesn’t realize she does it...” You feel him tuck a bit of hair behind your ear, smiling fondly at you, “Don’t worry about him, he’s just mad he doesn’t have a girl looking at him like that.”  
You turn towards the rest of your friends, “Wait what do you mean? What did I do?”  
With chaos in his eyes, Jin takes the cigarette Namjoon passes to him before nodding to you, “You were eye fucking your boyfriend.”  
“Shut uuuup.” You answer immediately, burying your face in Jimin’s neck which prompts a pleased round of laughter to move past his lips.  
You didn’t realize you were doing it but, you don’t protest his observation.  
It’s been nearly a month since you’ve had a night off, meaning you’ve gone without your boyfriend’s touch for way too long.  
He tugs you closer to him and presses a kiss to your head whilst everyone else laughs at your expense.  
As the night breeze rushes in to move between the eight of you, Jimin holds you even tighter, tugging the old knitted blanket around your body.  
“Give her a break, she’s been without dick for a long time...it’s been like a month since we met up.” Taehyung interjects, taking a drag of the cigarette before passing it to Jungkook.  
Cigarettes are nearly $10 a pack, so they share one at a time and, pitch in when the supply runs low.  
You don’t smoke but five of them do and, you’re kind of thankful your boyfriend isn’t one of them.  
“So? Do you guys not meet up in between? Y/N has a studio, plenty of privacy...” Jin waves his hand between the two of you, judgement in his eyes.  
Jimin tenses up beside you, not really enjoying the way the conversation has shifted, “We both work 3 jobs hyung, you know that.”  
“You’re right. Sex is probably quite straining for you...” Jin smirks, enjoying the annoyance in Jimin’s eyes.  
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jimin’s eyes are narrowed and, you are quickly coming up with a plan to distract your boyfriend from Jin’s teasing.  
His not exactly a good candidate for roasting; he’s far too sensitive for that.  
“You know cause it’s...” Jin positions his fingers in such a way that suggests that Jimin has a small dick  
“Jin-” Namjoon groans in warning but, Jungkook and Hoseok have already started snickering.  
You expect your boyfriend to pop off, guns a blazing, eyes alight with offence but, instead he just smirks.  
Letting his hand curve around the ball of your knee, he says something that nullifies Jin’s insult,  
“You don’t have to have a big dick to be good in bed hyung...”  
Jin isn’t phased and he raises his eyebrows as he holds the cigarette to his lips, “That’s something people with small dicks say.”  
Hoseok and Jungkook snicker again, enjoying the drama and Taehyung grins from behind his phone, shaking his head.  
Jimin’s smirk widens as his hand continues to trail up your thigh, “Do you think I’m bad in bed?”  
His question is spoken into your ear and, his breath against your skin causes a shiver to run through you.  
“No.” You giggle, leaning into him and, he’s quick to tighten his grip on you, his lips quickly finding the side of your head.  
“Now, Y/N...every good relationship is built on trust. You two will never last if you continue to lie.” Jin’s laughter escalates to a full-blown windshield wiper volume and, surprisingly enough, it’s Yoongi who shuts him down  
“Your fiancé made you sleep on the couch with me the other night because, you were too drunk to get it up so,” Yoongi tilts his head as if he’s wagering two options, “you're not really in the position to be talking shit.”  
Everyone’s face turns up in surprise as Yoongi, or Mouse, as they like to call him, puts Jin on blast without even looking up from his phone.  
“Mouse just ended your whole life bro.” Hoseok cackles, throwing back a bit of vodka as Jungkook leans into him with the weight of his laughter.  
Jin waves him off like the unbothered king he is and, gestures to the vodka bottle in Hoseok’s hands, “Mouse’s have tiny dicks too so, he’s just jealous.”  
Namjoon literally cringes in his seat, looking at Jin with incredulity, “Mice not mouse’s...”  
Taehyung laughs at that, leaning forward a bit to warm his hands around the fire. He looks exhausted but, then again, so do the rest of you.  
But it speaks volumes doesn’t it?  
That you’re all hear together, on your only days off, soaking up every bit of time you have.  
Roasting aside, anyone can see that there is nothing but love between the eight of you.  
If you had it your way, you’d spend every night up here.  
Jimin reminds you with his lips, just how long it’s been as he places a few kisses against your cheek, “Come play with me.”  
You giggle, turning in his grip to meet his grinning face, “You sound like the twins from The Shining...”  
Jimin’s eyes wrinkle with his laughter but, he’s quick to place a searing kiss to your lips along with another sinful phrase, “Please? I haven’t seen you naked in a month.”  
You shake your head, tucking hand behind his neck to pull him closer to you, “I’ve sent you nudes...”  
Jimin’s quick to kiss you again but, his lips pout further and, you notice the scent of after shave lingering around his face.  
That shouldn’t turn you on but, for whatever reason, it does.  
“Yes you did and, trust me when I say, I put them to good use-” He kisses you again, nudging your nose as he does, “but I want the real thing.”  
“Let’s go then.” You whisper against his lips  
He kisses you once more before, getting Hoseok’s attention, “Yah, I need your key.”  
Hoseok lives on the 8th floor of the motel you’re currently loitering on and, his room is a place you and Jimin often end up during nights like these.  
Most people would be weirded out by it but, for you guys, it’s normal.  
You don’t bat your eyes at the seedier sides of life, you’ve all lived through it in some way.  
Hoseok just smirks, reaching into the pocket of his jeans, “Stay off my bed unless you plan on inviting me this time.”  
Jimin just flips him off, grinning fondly at him before taking your hand and, tugging you towards the door.  
“Don’t be too long, we wanna play poker!” Jungkook calls after the two of you and, although Jimin has a mission in mind, he responds anyway.  
“With what money?”  
“We’re playing for bragging rights obviously, that shit means more to you heathens than actual money.” Namjoon smirks, taking a swig of the vodka before passing it to Yoongi.  
“That doesn’t apply to me; I would sell all of you for an even $500.” Yoongi remarks, taking a big gulp and, bearing his teeth as it burns his throat.  
The rest of you just laugh but, before you can add your two sense, Jimin is tugging you behind the door.  
He has you pressed up against it immediately, his hands finding your waist whilst his plush lips kiss you with everything he’s got.  
You’re quick to reciprocate as your hands slide around the curve of his neck. Delicately, your fingers tangle into the hair at the nape of his neck and, it spurs Jimin on even more as he groans into your mouth.  
“Christ, what are you doing to me?” He laments against your mouth, causing laughter to bubble past your lips, “It’s not funny...” He laments but, he’s grinning as he does, walking you backwards towards the elevator, “I’ve only been kissing you for ten seconds and, I’m already so hard.”  
You tug him through the elevator doors the collar of his t-shirt all while trying to keep your lips connected, “Should I only expect you to last for ten seconds too?”  
Jimin grunts in protest, his brows furrowing cutely as he shakes his head, “Don’t make fun of me, I missed you...” He whines playfully, smirking when you hitch a leg around his waist.  
“I missed you too.” You breath and, you always marvel at young Jimin can make you feel.  
You’re fully grown, sexually active adults and, yet here you grinding into one another like a bunch of hormonal rookies. The denim of his jeans pressing against the soft cotton of your panties hits you right in the pit of your stomach and, you’re honestly a little shocked by how wet you are.  
Jimin slides the key card through Hoseok’s door several times before it finally works.  
This motel is not a featured business on Yelp.  
“Fucking door- ugh Jesus I don’t know how he gets this open when he’s hammered.” Jimin laughs, pulling you close to him as soon as he shoves Hoseok’s door shut.  
“I have found him sleeping in the hallway before.” You point out but, the importance of your reply dies on your tongue when Jimin steps back to pull his shirt off.  
You don’t hide your reaction either, letting your eyes wander over the masterpiece that is Jimin’s body.  
He’s slightly tan from his days working at the pool, his sinewy muscles protruding tastefully against his smooth skin; it’s enough to make you drool.  
But to center yourself, you comment on something tangible before you literally start begging for him,  
“Your tattoo is healing nicely.” You nod your head to the black ink scrawled across Jimin’s ribs  
The word ‘nevermind’ has never looked so good on someone's skin before.  
He just smirks, “Yeah, it’s still a little sore though.”  
“Oh?” With a tilt of your head, you let your eyes scan over it again, “Should I kiss it better?”  
Your question doesn’t get answered because the next thing you know, Jimin has you on the couch, sat astride on his lap with your shirt half way up your torso.  
“I want you naked- I don’t give a fuck if they’re waiting on us...”  
All you can manage is a nod and, Jimin quickly tugs your shirt over your head.  
He connects his lips to the crook of your neck, sighing into your skin as if the taste alone soothes him.  
“You missed me too right?” He mumbles causing you to gently tug on the black tendrils of his hair so he’ll face you.  
“Of course.” You peck his lips once before pushing him back against the arm of the couch, “See?”  
Jimin nearly busts right there when you lean back to pull your skirt up, exposing the dampened material of your panties.  
Your boyfriend has a panty fetish that nearly warrants concern. For months, he would beg you to leave your panties with him after the two of you had sex until finally; you were down to your last 8 pair.  
He bought you more of course but, that didn’t stop him from begging all over again.  
“Fuck these are my favorite...” He winces at the sight, letting out a shaky breath before his darkening irises find yours again, “Leave them on.”  
You smirk, letting your skirt down and, pecking at his lips once again, “I thought you wanted me naked.”  
He bites down on your bottom lip, pulling it for a moment and, letting it snap back in place,  
“I changed my mind. I wanna cum all over these pretty little panties you’re wearing instead...”  
Jimin makes good on his promise.  
Sex with Jimin is something else.  
The pleasure he brings you is so intense it’s almost painful.  
It’s almost painful because, you hardly see each other and, if you had it your way, you’d be in his lap all the time.  
But, life doesn’t work that way.  
So, you take what you can get.  
He makes you cum twice on his dick, with his thumb pressed firmly against your clit.  
He whispers dirty secrets in your ear and, somehow manages to make you feel both filthy and beautiful all at once.  
Prodding another weakness of his, hickies, you help him reach his own release and, within 10 minutes he’s attaining the orgasm he’s been craving so desperately.  
“Fuck, I missed you so much...” He croons into your neck, nuzzling his nose there for a moment as you run your fingers through his hair.  
“I missed you too.” You smile, kissing the shell of his ear  
The two of you stay like that for a moment, kissing on one another, relishing in your reunion.  
When the time is right, the two of you will share a place one day but, for now, you have to continue working hard and saving money for the things your future.  
And speaking of making money...  
Your phone buzzes in the pocket of your skirt and, you sadly drag your attention away from your boyfriend to see a text from your boss at the nursing home  
Xander: Christian called out tonight :/  
Xander: you want to work a double?
Night shifts pay time and a half and, it would be another 8 hours on this next paycheck...  
It’s like a punch to the chest really.  
Because, you have to leave.  
One your one night off in nearly a month.  
You feel like crying but, you know that’s ridiculous.  
Jimin’s face falls as he sees the text on your phone but, he knows that his disappointment will only make you feel guilty and, he really doesn’t want that.  
So instead, he curls a finger underneath your chin and, kisses you with a tenderness that he doesn’t often display.  
Not that he isn’t sweet with you, it’s just that his lips are sinful and, normally they are working you into a frenzy.  
The time you two have together is so limited that everything always feels so rushed but, in this moment, he takes the time to kiss you slowly.  
And as he brushes a thumb across your cheek, he makes a promise to you, “I promise, we’ll get our break someday and, when that day comes, I’ll be kissing this pretty mouth of yours every chance I get...”  
You smile, leaning into his hand, “I’ll make you breakfast every morning…and we can decorate together our place together and-“
Jimin interrupts your fantasy with a kiss, grinning fondly into your lips, “Anything you want.”
You wrap your arms around him once more, tucking your face into his neck, wishing desperately that you can stay here with him all night…
“I love you.” You whisper into his skin  
“I love you too.” He replies, kissing the side of your head
Jimin walks you downstairs to the exit of the motel and, he tries his best to swallow his disappointment.
Your car is in the shop so; you’ll catch the bus right up the street and, try to remind yourself why you’re working so hard.
With a tight and lingering embrace, Jimin says his goodbyes to you, pecking your lips a dozen more times.
“Text me when you get home tonight…” He requests with a soft voice and, you nod, kissing him once more before stepping outside.  
Jimin leans against the stained glass, watching you with love in his eyes as you turn to wave frantically at him.
It brings a giggle to his lips as he waves back, feeling an ache in his heart as you disappear into the crowd of people.
Jimin knows he’s never loved another person the way he loves you.
He knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
But what Jimin didn’t know is that the agony of watching you leave after only a short time with him is nothing compared to the pain he has yet to endure.
Because tonight is no ordinary night.
Tonight, is the night you go missing.
Kosei Police Station, Thursday 6:24am
It’s been 54 hours since your friends heard from you.
Xander called Jimin, your emergency contact, when you didn’t show up for your shift Monday night.
The group promptly blew up your cell phone, trying any means necessary to reach you.
When there was no reply, they showed up to your apartment and much to their horror, the property manager has no recollection of you returning home.  
“How long has she been missing?”
Jimin wants to scream at the uninterested clerk behind the desk.
He wants to scream in general.
The police station should be in full chaos at the news of your absence.
They should be on the phone with every available resource, repeating your name and details over and over.
But it’s not.
It’s eerily calm and, he doesn’t understand why.
“The last time I saw her was on Monday. She was supposed to work that night but, her manager said she never showed up.”  
Jimin doesn’t recognize his own voice.
He feels like he’s outside of his body.
“Mhm…” The man drone behind the glass, casually typing a few things into the computer, “And what was her name again?”
Jimin’s blood boils over and, thank god for Namjoon because, he immediately intervenes.
“Y/N Y/L/N. She’s __ years old, she has __ hair, __ eyes and, she was last seen at the Paybrook Motel, Monday night. This isn’t like her to disappear. What is your protocol for these kinds of things?”  
The man enters the information before shrugging at Namjoon’s question, “Uh we’ll send a squad car out to do some ground work but, uh honestly most cases like these are resolved pretty quickly, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
Taehyung arches a brow, leaning in towards the bulletproof glass, “You wouldn’t- you wouldn’t worry too much about it? Our best friend is missing…”
The man nods immediately, as if he’s amending his mistake, “Of course, I just mean- she’ll probably turn up you know, most people do.”
Jimin’s eyes are stinging, he’s trying his best to keep it together but, the fluorescent lights are blinding him, the stale scent of old coffee makes him want to vomit, he feels like he’s losing his mind.
“Y/N isn’t most people…” Jimin spits, his eyes honing in on the man, “She wouldn’t just vanish like this, something must have happened to her, this is an emergency. Why aren’t you sending someone out right now?”  
“Sir, this is the inner city, no offense but, people like her disappear all the time…”
Jimin’s eyes narrow, “People like her? What the fuck does that mean?”
“Jimin.” Yoongi murmurs, wrapping an arm around him and urges him away from the desk before things get out of hand.
Surprisingly, Jimin follows but, not without sending a warning glare towards the clerk.
Long story short; the police are no help.
They don’t understand the gravity of the situation.
They don’t seem to grasp the pain the seven of your friends are feeling.
Even if they did, it doesn’t appear that they would care either way.
But the thing is, your friends are used to this.
They are used to being let down by the people who they’re supposed to trust.
Their hardships cultivated a unique ability within them each of them.
And that ability was to fend for themselves.
So a plan is made to spread out and search for you on their own.  
With heavy hearts and fire running through their veins, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and, Jungkook leave their responsibilities behind to search for their best friend.
Act II- Sous La Grande Maison
Jimin- Chillzzz Ice Cream Parlor, Black Swan Brewery and Pub, Cozy Acres Retirement Home  
Thursday 7:38pm-10:01pm
Jimin spent most of the day retracing your steps like a mad man. He went back to the motel and, walked along the path you would have taken to the bus stop, he showed your photo to every person who would give him the time of day. He spoke with subway drivers, businessmen in suits, homeless people but, no one spoke up, most of them wouldn’t even look at him…
He cried beneath the awning of the motel, not even noticing the judgmental looks that were thrown his way.
For good measure, he calls you and texts you another 50 times as he tries to swallow the acidic taste of fear crawling up his throat.
Where the fuck were you?
He visits your boss at the ice cream store but, she says she hasn’t seen you since your shift Monday morning.
He makes his way to the dive bar you wait tables at but, they have the same story except they haven’t seen you since Sunday night.
Everyone at both locations says the same thing though…
“It’s so unlike her you know? To just disappear.”
“I really hope nothing happened to her.”
“Whatever you need, just let us know.”
Jimin feels like he wants to pass out.
He feels like he’s been dropped in the dead center of a nightmare.
But, he knows he has to act quickly
The city has a habit of swallowing people whole and, he’ll be damned if his girlfriend falls victim to its clutches.
He makes a final stop at the retirement home you work in to speak with Xander.
Xander shows his concern for you in a big way; it makes Jimin slightly uneasy.
“Oh my god what are we gonna do? The police aren’t on it? How are they not taking this seriously?
“Jimin, we have to find her man, I would be devastated if something happened to her.”
“She’s my best employee, she’s absolutely precious…”
Jimin has half a mind to tell him to ‘shut the fuck up’
This is his girlfriend.
His everything.
Not Xander’s.
But Jimin knows he’s sensitive right now and, Xander’s behavior is a nice change of pace.
At least he gives a shit.
With all of his leads coming up dry, he decides to visit the one person who just might be able to help.
Someone who always assured him that they would be there should he need absolutely anything.
Someone who just might have the means to operate above the incompetence of the police department.
“Come here.” Lady’s voice is tender and, reassuring as she quickly pulls Jimin into her chest.
He collapses into her arms, an abrupt sob leaving his lips as he clutches the satin of her blouse.
Lady is a special person.
Jimin started working as her pool boy just over a year ago and, she quickly welcomed him into her life.  
She was becoming the mother Jimin never had and, in this moment, in the wake of his misery, he needs her more than ever.
“I don’t understand-“ He cries into her neck, her perfume is far too strong for his liking but, he remains close to her anyway, “Where is she? She never does this, she always gets back to us I- fuck…what if something happened to her? What if someone ki- ki…oh my god.” He wants to throw up, he can’t even get the word to pass his lips because, the thought of you being harmed literally sickens him.
“Shhh shhh shh, honey it’s ok, just breathe for me alright? Just breathe…” She coos, rubbing his back gently, her face tight with sadness, “I already have my guys working on it. They got started this morning once the news broke. I’ll put flyers up at the country club as well; everyone I have at my disposal is out there looking for her alright?”
Jimin just nods, he isn’t able to say much through his tears but, her words do calm him slightly.
Lady has resources that Jimin doesn’t have and, for the first time, he is going to accept her help.
She’s offered to assist him many times in a myriad of different ways:
Rent money, tuition assistance, money for textbooks, a new car…
But Jimin’s turned them down all the same; he never wants to feel like he owes someone for something.
He accepts the free food and, the occasional fancy clothes she gifts from her deceased husbands closet and, if anyone thinks of judging him for strutting around in dead guy clothes, Jimin would promptly remind them that he is wearing Gucci and, they are not.
This time though, Jimin doesn’t protest; he will take all the help he can get from anywhere he can get it…
“Let's get you a cup of tea or something, c’mon...”  
Lady ushers Jimin to the rich color of her lignum vitae dining table and, she even ensures she pulls out a chair for him to rest easy on.  
Jimin practically slumps into it, his body helpless.
Lady already had a pot ready for him and, although Jimin tries to act like he doesn’t enjoy it, she knows Lavender is his favorite...
“The police have her vehicle information in their news report, I’ll have my guys searching for her civic in no time.” She murmurs, pouring his tea and, eyeing him carefully.
Jimin winces, watching the steam rise from his cup, trying to hold onto reality, “Her car is still in the shop.”  
“That’s right my goodness,” Lady puts a hand to her chest, shaking her head,  “Do you think the person who cut her cables had something to do with this?”  
His heart sinks but, he hesitates a moment before responding, dread filling his chest once again, “I- I don’t know maybe? It’s not impossible. It’s been in the shop for the last two months though, it wouldn’t make sense for them to wait so long. Oh god, unless they have been watching her? Do you really thinks that’s possible?”  
She brings him into her arms again, the pads of her fingers rubbing gently against his lower back, “There are sick people in this world Jimin. But I promise you honey, we are going to do everything we can to bring her home.”  
Jimin leaves Lady’s house with a slightly better outlook.
You are still missing of course but, at least he has someone powerful on his side.
Lady is an incredible person and, without her, Jimin thinks he might lose his mind.
Jin- The Night Market, Friday 8:22pm  
You all like the rooftop for different reasons, Jin likes it for the landscape of the night market: The neon lights illuminating the different food carts, the bustling movement of all of the patrons eager to try the next deep fried delicacy. As he walks along the wet cement, he smiles to himself, remembering all the times he used to drag the seven of you down here. He always saved his tips from the restaurant, and once a month, he would splurge, buying everything in sight. The complaints would soon cease as he shoved fried cheese in your faces, the desire to eat like royalty overcoming the group. And you would, you’d eat until you couldn’t walk anymore and, Jin would feel warmth blooming in his chest as he watched all of his friends, whom were more like family, eating well. He’s the oldest, he would think, it was his job to watch over the people he loves. It’s in this moment, as he’s reminiscing that he feels despair tear through his heart.  
He had failed.  
Because, one of you were gone.  
One of you weren’t safely tucked under his mother-goose gaze.  
Your smile comes through his subconscious then and, it feels like a thousand tiny needles scurrying up his cheeks to prick at his eyes.  
You always laughed at his puns, no matter how stupid they were
You always tried whatever food he put in front of you, no matter how strange or spicy it was, you’d humor him.  
With a heavy hand, he wipes the tears from his eyes before they can spill over.  
He doesn’t have time for pain right now.  
Because, tonight he’s at the market for different reasons.  
Tonight, he was here to investigate.  
The Night Market vendors are an interesting crowd, most of them were older, just trying to make ends meet by selling their creations but, there were a few newcomers that Jin’s noticed over the years.  
They were lured in by the neon, the paper lanterns, the money…  
They didn’t understand the culture of this place and, Jin resented them for it.  
“Yah! You’re the money man yeah? Are you buying me out tonight? Where are your friends?”  
Jin is forced out of his inner thoughts and, he meets the eyes of an older gentleman who owns the Mandu stand; one of his favorites.  
“I’m not here for much tonight, my friends are busy but,” He selfishly scans the selection of dumplings, plump and ripe for the taking. He points to a pork and vegetable one to the right of the case, “I’ll take one of the pork ones for the road. Is it ok if I ask you a few questions?”  
The man wrinkles his brow in confusion, “Me? I guess so, what can I do for you?”  
With a deep sigh, Jin pulls out his phone, with a photo of you as his home screen. He swallows back the bit of misery in his throat as he sees your face, before showing it to the vendor, “This is my friend. She went missing three days ago and, she was last seen up on that rooftop over there, “ He gestures to the motel, “She left alone and, she would have walked right past here on her way home. Did you see her at all?”  
As he pushes his glasses up his nose, the man squints at the photo, trying to make sense of it. After a moment, he shakes his head.  
“Sorry. I haven’t seen her.” His eyes flit over the image again, a bit of darkness lingering in his eyes, “Pretty little thing though…”  
Jin immediately rips his phone from the man’s view, disgusted at his comment but, he doesn’t want to make a scene and risk his line of information being cut off.  
“Thanks. If you remember anything let me know. I’ll be around for a bit.”  
He grunts in response, his interest waning as another customer walks up to his stand.  
Jin feels an immense amount of frustration; why the fuck does this man think its ok to gawk at you despite what he’s just told him?  
Does he have no heart?  
Raking his hand through his hair, Jin takes a deep breath. He doesn’t have time for his emotions right now, he needs to push forward.  
He moves throughout the stands, showing your picture to every familiar face that will give him the time of day.  
The chorus of no’s that echo back at him, slowing chip away at his resolve and, he feels himself growing desperate as he nears the end of the market.  
He hates how suspicious he feels.  
He hates that this place, which is home to so many happy memories, is now shrouded with a kind of darkness that he’s only ever read about in books.  
He feels sick with the thought of coming back without you; he doesn’t think he ever would.  
There is a few stands left, which Jin moves through without success before he finally reaches the Tteokbokki stand.  
It’s his favorite and, normally he’d be shoveling an entire tray of it into his mouth.  
But tonight, the smell of the sauce makes his stomach turn.  
“Excuse me, have you-“ Jin begins wearily but, he’s quickly cut off by the man beneath the umbrella.  
“You’re here about the missing girl right?”  
The man’s brow rises but, it does nothing to smooth out the valleys of wrinkles between his eyes.  
“I am…” Jin crosses his arms, reluctant to continue the conversation as the man smirks salaciously in his direction, “How did you know?”  
His smirk grows when he holds up a yellow walkie-talkie, “Word travels fast. I’m guessing you’re here to ask me if I’ve seen her and, I would tell you that I have but, unless you have something to offer me. I’m afraid that’s all I plan on telling you.”  
Jin’s face immediately flushes red. Anger floats up beneath the surface of his surprise but, he knows that if he reacts in the way he that wants to, the man will shut down.  
“What do you want?” He mutters through the tension in his jaw.  
The man’s gaze travels over Jin’s figure before settling on the pocket of his jeans, “Buy me out for the night and, I’ll tell you what I saw...”  
A quick scan of his cart shows Jin roughly 3 dozen trays of Tteokbokki. Even if he had an appetite, he doesn’t have the stomach or the means to consume that much food, nor does he have a way to get it back to his apartment.  
“How much is your cart worth?”  
The man tilts his head, squinting his eyes in thought, “Well, its 3 for a tray and there’s 47 on the cart…you do the math.”  
Jin finally does send a glare towards the man; enraged that he’s capitalizing off of his grief but, he types in the calculations none the less.  
“$141…” He concludes, showing him the number on his cell phone, “I don’t have that much.”  
With a shrug, the man gives Jin a look of faux disappointment, “That’s a shame, I guess my memory is a little hazy then. Maybe I saw her, maybe I didn’t-  have a good night.”  
“Wait- please I…” Jin takes a deep breath, pulling out a wad of cash from his pocket, “I only have $100 right now but, I can get more. I work at the sushi restaurant up the street, I’ll bring you all of my tips for the next week.”  
The man eyes him suspiciously, mulling over his offer, “The next two weeks…”  
Jin’s never been so angry in his life and, part of him wants to flip over his cart and, leave him to clean up the mess but, he knows he has to bargain with him.  
He has no other choice.  
“Fine.” He throws the money onto the counter with a stern look, “Keep the food, just tell me what you know.”  
The man takes his time, counting the money greedily, smirking with satisfaction as he tucks it into his shirt pocket.  
“I saw your friend leaving that motel you always hang out at. The one across the street-“ He nods to the ratty building, “She left and walked along the road for some time before a man approached her.”  
Jin’s heart picks up, “A man? What man? What did he look like?”  
“I didn’t get a close look. He was tall and dressed in some fancy ass suit. They walked together all the way up the road until I couldn’t see them anymore. She didn’t look uncomfortable; in fact…it kind of looked like she knew him.”  
As the man tells his story, Jin writes all of the details down in his phone but, the last bit confuses him.  
He didn’t know you knew anyone that owned a suit.  
Suits are a luxury that neither he nor any of the other guys can afford.  
So who were you with then?  
“That’s all? Anything else you remember?”  
The man shakes his head, “That’s all I got for you. Thanks for the cash, I look forward to seeing you again with the rest of it.”  
A chorus of snickering comes with his last comment and, Jin finally decides he’s had enough of him.  
With a roll of his eyes, he walks away, leaving the hustle and bustle of the night market to slowly fade behind him as he makes his way up the street.  
He begins typing a message to the group chat, informing everyone of what he found.  
He sees your icon at the top of his screen whilst he does and, it triggers the tears collecting in his eyes to finally spill over.  
Namjoon- The Marquee River, Friday 9:54pm  
Namjoon loves the rooftop for the view of the river. He loves the way the sun and moon expertly change the color of its surface from a crystal blue in the daytime to an inky black in the evening. He loves the way people congregate around it. It’s such a stark contradiction to the city. Everyone always looks so happy and so patient with one another. Families are sprawled out on picnic blankets, friends are laughing and sharing homemade dishes, lovers walk along the river holding hands…  
It’s a magical place.  
Well, at least Namjoon thinks so.  
The boys tease him for it, they call him Namstradamus and, say he concerns himself with hypothetical situations far too often.  
But you get it though.  
You’ve sat with Namjoon on many nights while he smokes a cigarette, watching the interactions with the same fondness he does.  
You laughed as he did little voices for the people he saw and, listened eagerly as he created stories for each of them.  
You told him he should be a writer and Namjoon felt a satisfaction that his imagination could entertain you.  
Deep down, being a writer is something he’s always dreamed of.  
He wishes he was on the rooftop with you now, laughing and bullshitting.  
He wishes he could see your smile when Jimin shouts a raunchy compliment your way and, makes a comment about how Namjoon is trying to steal you from him.  
Its all for fun though.  
Namjoon doesn’t love you like that but, the way he loves you makes tonight’s task so much harder.  
He loves you like a sister and, his sister is gone.  
And he has to figure out why.  
Namjoon is wearing his father’s coat; it’s the only thing warm enough for this weather he tells himself but, really he wears it because it’s the nicest thing in his home.  
It makes him feel capable, even though he’s never felt more inadequate in his life.  
There isn’t many people left at the river tonight, the cold weather is keeping everyone inside along with the news of your disappearance.  
Namjoon has someone in mind though.  
Someone who is always here: the groundskeeper.  
Namjoon notices him emerge as people begin packing up their things but, he doesn’t approach him just yet.  
He stands back and observes his behavior, carefully planning what he needs to say.  
But, Namjoon doesn’t get much time as the groundskeeper has noticed him too.  
“What is it you seek madam? I can do anything…anything you wish.”  
The voice of the groundskeeper is ominous; it makes the hair on the back of his neck stand at attention but, his words confuse him even more.  
“Uh excuse me, I’m really sorry to bother you but, I was wondering if you’ve seen my friend. She went missing a few nights ago, I have her picture here…” Namjoon goes to pull out his phone but, the man stops him with a laugh.  
It’s not a pleasant sound, it’s crazed and dismissive, it doesn’t mirror the laughter he normally hears from the river.  
It makes his stomach turn.  
“I know what the princess looks like madam, I’ve seen her looking down at me many times.” The moonlight shines upon his face then and, it’s enough for Namjoon to make out his features.  
He looks filthy, skin alight with grease, hair matted with the same substance, his eyes are blue and unfocused. A giant scar interrupts his features and, Namjoon does his best to remain composed despite his appearance.  
“So have you seen her? She would have walked right passed here on her way home.” He flashes the picture towards him anyway but, it only prompts another ridiculous laugh from him and, Namjoon feels himself growing irritated.  
“Yep! That’s the one! The princess marked for slaughter, oh but she runs from her fate doesn’t she? She runs and runs and runs runs…..she runs a lot. It’s no use madam, you’ll always catch her in the end.”  
As he hears the word slaughter, Namjoon feel his blood boil over and, he quickly grabs the snickering man by his shirt, “What the fuck are you talking about?”  
The man falters with a gasp but, his laughter continues, his breath fowl and unkempt, “She is gone forever. Left to destiny…left to rot…”  
Namjoon feels his heart jump in his chest and he tugs at the man’s shirt again, harder this time, “What do you mean gone? Did you do something to her? If you touched her, I swear I’ll fucking kill you, my friends and I will tear you apart!”  
Tears don’t aid in Namjoon’s attempt to look tough but, he can’t help himself.  
His grief is unbearable and, all this man can do is laugh…  
“I have nothing for you madam…what’s done is done.” He seethes, bearing his grimy teeth as he smiles  
“Why do you keep calling me madam? You know who I am, you’ve seen my friends before. What the fuck is wrong with you?”  
The man responds by placing a dirty hand against Namjoon’s cheek, leaning in towards his ear, “You are…a work of art madam, it was a pleasure to serve you…”  
With this, the man shoves away from Namjoon’s hold and rushes back to the trashcan, muttering to himself all the while.  
Namjoon feels unsafe around him, especially as he notices how empty the river has become so, he decides to get out of there.  
He wipes his tears as he moves through the trees back towards the noise of the street.  
There is nothing but utter anguish inside of him now.  
One of his best friends is missing and, his only lead is a raging lunatic.  
He sends his findings to the group chat anyway, praying that someone has more information than he does, praying that this nightmare will come to an end. 
 Yoongi- Ginseng Night Club, Saturday 12:04am,  
Yoongi hates clubs. There’s too many people, they’re too loud, everyone is drunk and stupid. He doesn’t really see the point in them. However, Ginseng has a vibe he can appreciate. It’s a little more laid back, a little less expensive and, it’s major upside is its showcase of underground rappers. Yoongi’s never had the courage to get up on stage but, he likes to listen from the rooftop. He judges the contestants from a far because, let’s face it, most of them are trash but, he enjoys their enthusiasm. Some of them are actually pretty good though and, a lot of times Yoongi has to swallow the avarice he feels when he hears them. He can rap too but, the only people who know about it are his friends.  
They tell him he’s good enough to make it big but, Yoongi never believes them.  
He misses freestyling on the rooftop though and, tonight he’s missing your reactions in particular.  
You were always pushing him to perform and one day, drunkenly, you had managed to convince him to promise you that he’d perform at Ginseng on his 26th birthday.  
That date is steadily approaching and, although he was terrified of keeping that promise, he desperately wishes that were the reason he was pushing through the crowd at Ginseng right now.  
But it isn’t…  
Tonight, he’s here to deal with bleaker matter: your disappearance.  
Ginseng is cheaper for a reason and, that reason happens to be the crowd.  
It’s known for its cast of shady characters: drug dealers, con artists, underground fighters, etc.  
He thinks it’s a little pointless, walking into a room full of potential criminals, hoping one of them has the heart to spill any information regarding his missing friend but, he had to try.  
Yoongi decided on all black for the evening; it makes him feel bigger and, prepares him for the onslaught of human interaction he’s dreading.  
Immediately, his chest is met with the hammering base from the speakers, whilst his nose is met with the stench of cheap liquor and, all eyes are on him.  
He’s an unfamiliar face in a club that profits off of regular attendees but, he swallows his anxiety and, soldiers on, heading straight for the bar at the back of the club.  
“What can I get for you?” A short haired woman barks over the music,  sending a mild glare Yoongi’s way.  
He notices the tattoos adorning her neck and arms and, he feels intimidated by her presence but, he responds none the less.  
“Whiskey neat.” He mutters, sliding a ten her way and, she eagerly strips it from the counter, shoving it into the register.  
“You’ve never been here before.” She notes dryly, grabbing a bottle of Jack from the shelf.  
Yoongi nods, shifting on the barstool, “Yeah, I’m here to see if anyone’s seen my friend. She disappeared on this street the other night…”  
The woman smirks, nodding her head towards the crowd of people, “Do these people look like they’d be up for snitching?”  
He glances back momentarily, “No but, I thought I’d try anyway. I have a picture of her…” He pulls out his phone, flashing the image of you towards the bartender.  
She gives it a once over before shaking her head, “Haven’t seen her. I’d remember her if I had. Girlfriend?”  
“No…” He clicks the side of his phone, shutting the screen off, “Do you know if I could talk to someone who comes here a lot? Like a regular or something? I’m not trying to cause trouble but-“  
“These people aren’t gonna tell you shit unless you speak to Jaebeom first and, I don’t know if he’d be willing to talk to scrawny little thing like you.”  
Yoongi has to swallow back the feelings he gets from her insult, feeling smaller and smaller under her gaze.  
“Who’s Jaebeom?”  
“The owner.” She pushes the drink Yoongi’s way, spilling some of it onto the dirty countertop, “He only does business in Korean…”  
“Call him up then,” Yoongi retorts sternly, growing annoyed with her attitude and the carelessness with his liquor, “, that’s my native language. Or tell me where he is…”  
“He’s a busy man… I don’t know if he’ll have time for you…”                  
“Ask him anyways.”  
There’s a bit of a stare off lingering between the two of them but, Yoongi doesn’t falter, his confidence waxing.  
He’ll be a dick if he has to, he doesn’t care; he has to figure out where you are.  
She rolls her eyes, grabbing the receiver from underneath the bar before muttering something into it. Something causes her to raise her brows in surprise and, she looks a little disappointed as she passes the receiver to Yoongi.  
He takes it, holding it up to his ear,  
“What do you want?”  
Moving the receiver to his lips, he responds clearly, trying to mask his nerves, “My friend is missing and, I want to know if you’ve seen her. Or if you know anything about her disappearance.”  
The man chuckles deeply on the other end of the line, “Am I a suspect?”  
“Everyone is. But I’m not a cop; I’m just here to see if anyone has seen anything.”  
“And the police? Do they know about your little friend?”  
Yoongi grasps the receiver firmer, attempting to amp up his toughness as he responds, “The police are fucking useless. Look, just let me show you here picture, if you haven’t seen her, I’ll leave.”  
There’s only a bit of silence but, it’s enough to get his heart racing before he finally gets a reply, “Second floor, room 632. Don’t make me wait for you.”  
Yoongi obliges, pounding his drink and rushing off to meet the man behind the voice.  
Jaebeom seems to tower over Yoongi despite the mere inches he has on him and, he looks more intimidating than Yoongi ever could.  
Three facial piercings, arms wrapped completely in tattoos, loose tank top adorning his muscular figure; if Yoongi were in a different world, he’d be wishing he was meeting this stranger in his room for different reasons.  
“Let’s see it then…”  
Yoongi shows him the photo of you and much to his surprise, Jaebeom nods, pointing a finger towards it, “I’ve seen her before, not recently though. She came in a few months ago and bought a bottle of Midori from me. She’s your girlfriend?”  
Yoongi shakes his head, “No, she’s with my other friend but, you’ve seen her? Did she come in alone?”  
The room smells of marijuana and as Jaebeom lifts a joint to his lips, Yoongi can see why.  
He nods, blowing out a billow of smoke, careless to where it ends up, “She was alone yes, I didn’t speak to her much. She was polite, left me a tip, batted her eyes a bit and left. She’s cute, it’s a shame she’s taken.” He smirks, lifting the joint to his mouth again, “Both literally and figuratively….”  
Yoongi takes a deep breath through his nose, attempting to calm down, “You haven’t seen her since?”  
“No. Honestly, why are you here? Do you really think my guys are into kidnapping? There are plenty of hot woman downstairs. No one is looking to steal. You’re on the wrong side of town for this shit. “  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean,” Jaebeom flicks the ash onto the floor, nodding to the window beside him, “You should be asking questions in the Upside. They hunt poor bitches like that for sport.”  
Yoongi’s anger floods his brain before he can process everything he’s said, “Watch your mouth. She has a name and, I suggest you learn it before I-“  
With a puffed out chest, Jaebeom steps toward Yoongi, “Before what huh?”  
Yoongi moves back, shaking his head, “Nothing I-“ He sighs, holding his hands up, “I’m sorry. I’m angry, its been a long week. My friends and I just want her home.”  
Jaebeom deflates a bit, scanning over the smaller man in front of him, “My sister disappeared two years ago. Same street. Like I said,” Jaebum plops down in his arm chair, sadness flashes through his eyes, “You’re in the wrong part of town…”  
He nods, biting his lip at Jaebeom’s admission, “Did they ever find her?”  
“They might have…” He takes a hit of the joint, blowing it out with a scoff, “if they fucking looked.”  
Yoongi’s blood runs cold then, seeing the similarities between the two situations.  
No one cares about the people who disappear from this part of town.  
He leaves Jaebeom’s room, feeling worse than when he had arrived but, he reports his findings to the group chat anyway.  
Maybe Jaebeom was right, maybe him and his friends were looking on the wrong side of town…  
Jungkook and Hoseok- The Paybrook Motel, Saturday 7:07am  
Jungkook and Hoseok are newer to the harshness of the city. They come from sweet families, with good intentions. The lack of financial resources is compensated with a lot of love and encouragement. Their lives were similar: simple and sweet. They didn’t have too many run ins with childhood trauma or absent parental figures; they loved their home life, probably to a fault.  But given their lack of money and their love of their friends, they also found reasons to love the rooftop. Hoseok uses the concrete as an affordable practice space and Jungkook uses the view as the main muse for his photography.  
You’re running through their head as they approach the motel.  
Hoseok feels a pang of sadness in his chest as he remembers all the times you would cheer him on from your lawn chair, calling him the b-boy of the year, smiling from ear to ear even when he fucks up his choreography.  
Jungkook remembers showing you an album he made of the summer the eight of you had. He remembers you growing teary eyed as he neared the end and, telling him what an amazing photographer he was. He swallows back his tears, gripping Hoseok’s hand as they approach the entrance to the motel, taking a deep breath.  
“Maybe we shouldn’t-” Hoseok looks uneasily toward their connected hands, his teeth tugging on his bottom lip. “I just don’t want them to say anything to you.”  
Jungkook looks down, his chestnut irises narrowed in confusion, “But, we’re just friends hyung...”  
Hoseok nods, sending a sweet smile towards his pure friend, “I know Kook but, they don’t know that. I promise I’ll hold it as soon we leave ok?”  
And Jungkook really has to act like this doesn’t further his misery, sniffling once as he finally nods, pulling away from his best friend, naïve to his reasons for ending their platonic affection.  
Hoseok pats his arm before swinging open the stained-glass door to the motel, allowing Jungkook to step in front of him.  
There is a woman sitting behind the counter, staring intently at her computer screen, not even bothering to look up at the two men that have just entered.  
“Good morning.” Hoseok sends a watery smile her way, which she doesn’t reciprocate.  
In fact, she doesn’t even look his way but, instead she shoves a piece of paper across the wooden countertop, “Fill this out, there’s only two rooms available- “ At this point, she does eye the two of them with a judging glance, “single beds only.”  
“We don’t need a room mam we-” Hoseok begins, feeling rather annoyed but, Jungkook cuts him off and, practically shoves his phone over the counter.  
“This is our friend, her name is Y/N and, she went missing four days ago and, the last place we saw her is here. Have you seen her? Do you remember if anything suspicious happened?”  
Jungkook’s voice is reedy, full of desperation to the point that he grows a little out of breath.  
Hoseok had a plan with a little more finesse but, he knows how desperate Jungkook is to find you.  
He feels the same way...  
The woman looks affronted by his sudden outburst but, she glances at his phone anyway. It’s only for a moment before she brings her attention Hoseok’s way, not bothering to address Jungkook.  
“Nope. I’ve never seen her, sorry.”  
The dismissiveness in her tone surprises Hoseok. He was expecting her to keep her responses to a minimum but, her lie takes him back.  
“Wait are you serious? I live on the 8th floor, my friends come in here all the time. There’s no way you’ve never seen her before.”  
He steps closer to the counter and, the way the woman looks up stirs something inside of him.  
It’s unsettling and insidious.  
It’s as if she’s deceiving them and, she wants them to know she’s deceiving them.  
“I’ve seen you here before,” She shrugs, conceding with part of his point, “but I’ve never seen her. Although, I’m surprised she doesn’t rent a room here too, she looks like the type.”  
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Hoseok feels the venom in his tone and, although it’s unlike him to lose his temper, something about this woman enrages him.  
“Hyung please...” Jungkook’s soft plea paired with a hand to his lower back is enough for Hoseok to back down for the moment but, his nerves are still alight with suspicion. “Mam, we’re really sorry, we’re just worried about our friend. She’s been missing for a while and the police aren’t really doing anything. Are you sure that you’ve never seen her?”  
The woman seems to soften a bit momentarily but, as something on her computer seems to move suddenly into her view, she toughens up again, shaking her head.  
“Never. Is there anything else we- I can do for you?”  
Hoseok grits his teeth, restraining his urges to throw her glass of iced tea into her face.  
“No, I guess not.”  
She offers a thin smile, that doesn’t reach her eyes, “Have a nice day then. Thank you for visiting The Paybrook Motel.”  
Before Hoseok can throw an insult her way, Jungkook offers a pleasant goodbye before practically dragging his hyung out of the lobby.  
“Yah! Why were you so easy on her? She’s obviously lying! Did you see the look on her face? She knows something Jungkook, I’m telling you she does...” Hoseok is ablaze with frustration, moving quickly to the end of the awning that decorates the front of the motel.  
He’s waiting for Jungkook to join him but, instead he sees his friend moving aimlessly towards him, tears in his eyes.  
The sight makes Hoseok’s heart ache.  
“Hyung...don’t you get it? No one wants to help us.” His voice is wavering through his sadness, doing it’s best to keep afloat, “Even if she knows something, she doesn’t want to tell us. The police won’t help, the signs we put up are all in the sewer by now- no one gives a shit that she’s gone.”  
At this moment, Jungkook breaks down, his tears finally streaming down his face. He stops in the middle of the walkway, disregarding the confused looks from the patrons heading into the building.  
“Shit Kookie, don’t cry ok?”  
Hoseok rushes over to him in the midst of his hypocrisy, because he’s crying too.  
He hasn’t cried since you disappeared but, seeing his best friend break down and, knowing that life would never again be the same crushes him in a way he can’t handle.  
“Come here...come here. Hyung is here ok? Ok? We gotta pull it together.” He sniffles, pulling Jungkook into his arms, placing a kiss on top of his head.  
Jungkook doesn’t let up and, continues to cry silently into Hoseok’s t-shirt.  
“I just want her to come home hyung...”  
Hoseok nods immediately, tilting his head back to slow his tears. It’s a useless endeavor but, he tries anyway until a man’s voice interrupts their moment.  
“I saw her.”  
Hoseok and Jungkook are quick to pull away, turning their attention towards the voice in question.  
It’s obvious the man is a security guard of some kind but, Hoseok has never seen him before.  
“Excuse me?”  
The man nods to the rooftop, “I saw your friend the night she left here.”  
Hoseok approaches the man, noticing the way he seems to shrink away from his presence, “What did you see? Did you see anyone with her?”  
He nods, “Yeah, that small dude you hang out with, the messy hair...he was wearing a yellow shirt?”  
Jungkook moves to stand behind Hoseok, “That’s her boyfriend. He’s one of our friends too, he walked her out that night. He came right back up though, did you see anyone else?”  
The security guard smirks, “Hm that’s interesting.”  
Hoseok narrows his eyes, “Why?”  
The guard nods to the street parallel to the conversation, “Because she met up with someone else...”  
Jungkook and Hoseok make eye contact then, a bit of shock running through them.  
“Who was it?”  
The guard chuckles, shrugging his shoulders, his indifference insulting the two of them, “Listen, I’m new around here alright?  I don’t know names or shit like that, I just know that after your friend was kissing on one guy, she met up with some dude in a suit, you can do with that what you will but, that’s all I got for you.”  
“Jin hyung said something about a suit too.” Jungkook mutters beside Hoseok prompting a nod from him.  
“Thank you. We appreciate it and, uh listen if you hear or see anything else. I’m on the 8th floor. Room 26.”  
The guard nods, tipping his hat toward the both of them, “Will do. Be safe out there, this city is uh, an interesting place.”  
As the man moves back towards the motel Jungkook turns to Hoseok, bewildered by the information they’ve received.  
“Hyung do you-” Jungkook hesitates, the words not wanting to leave his tongue, “-do you think she left on her own? She wouldn’t do that right?”  
Hoseok keeps an eye on the guard as he disappears behind the stained glass, a sick feeling looming in his stomach.  
“No Jungkook, she wouldn’t.”  
Taehyung- La Petite Galerie, Saturday 12:46pm  
Taehyung's been painting since he was a child. Adopted into a French family, he learned his two favorite crafts from an early age: painting and charisma. He was the star of his elementary school, wooing his classmates with the use of his second language and, wooing his teachers with his painting abilities. Consistently, he placed first in his school’s art fair. He was labeled as a prodigy and, selected for all of the finest performing arts schools in the city. However, prestigious art schools come at a price his family couldn’t afford. So, he had to stay behind with the rest of his classmates, whilst his parents begin saving money. He’s so thankful that he did though because, high school is where he met his second family. The family who he’s met on the rooftop since he was 15 years old, the family who’s helped him through his darkest days, the family who’s recently been torn apart...  
He’s missing you as he walks into the gallery.  
It’s one of his favorite parts about the rooftop along with the view of the city skyline.  
You and Taehyung have sat together many times, admiring the well-dressed people walking into the gallery.  
You would always say that they were simply apart of a different world and, that you never hated them for their riches.  
Taehyung admired that about you because, he wishes he could say the same.  
But, he knows he’d be lying.  
One day, Taehyung had been brave enough to come into the gallery and, he actually made friends with the owner.  
Taehyung makes friends with everyone.  
But this woman, Clementine, had a particular soft spot for his French abilities and, gave Taehyung discounted admission for all of his friends.  
Eventually, Taehyung brought the eight of you in with him and, much to his surprise, you all enjoyed yourselves.  
He remembers that day as he steps under the warm glow of the gallery lights...  
Jin made puns about the paintings  
Namjoon endlessly dissected the potential meanings behind them  
Yoongi had admired them quietly, murmuring observations that no one could hear  
Hoseok laughed way too loud at the statue bestowing a marble penis  
Jungkook kept to Taehyung’s side as he expertly explained the stories behind the artwork  
But the image that hurts Taehyung the most is the way you looked at Jimin as he stared in awe up at the paintings.  
Taehyung had never seen someone so enamored with another person before and, he realized why so many artists use love as their muse.  
He felt happiness in his heart that you and Jimin were so happy, so much so, that he didn’t even bother thinking of his own romantic future.  
He was content.  
His family was here, admiring art in their own way, just as it was intended.  
A bit of panic rushes through him at the thought of never having you all together again.  
But determination comes along with it, reminding him why he’s visiting the gallery today.  
“Excusez-moi, j'ai rendez-vous avec Clémentine aujourd'hui (Excuse me, I have an appointment with Clementine today).”  
The woman behind the ivory desk smiles pleasantly at him, “Ah oui Monsieur Kim, asseyez-vous et je sais qu'elle est arrivée.” (Ah yes, Mr. Kim, have a seat and I’ll let her know you’ve arrived)  
He bows his head slightly, sending a tight-lipped smile her way, “Merci.” (Thank you)  
Taehyung takes a seat on the upholstered chairs near the entrance, thankful that the crowd level is mild today. It’s unexpected for a Saturday but, he doesn’t complain, he doesn’t think he can handle excessive human interaction.  
He waits for roughly 10 minutes before a nimble woman with auburn hair comes bustling out of the back room, arms opening wide as soon as she sees him.  
“Taehyung, ma chérie viens ici, viens à Clémentine...” (Taehyung, my darling come here, come to Clementine)  
Her pink lipstick accentuates the pout in her lips as she ushers Taehyung into a tight hug, her fake breasts providing very little comfort but, he accepts her affection anyway.  
He needs it.  
“Bonjour Clementine, (Hello Clementine)” He pats her hips respectively, smiling warmly as he pulls away, “Merci de me rencontrer... (Thanks for meeting me).”  
She scoffs, waving him off as she eagerly pulls him into her office, “Non-sens, je n'accepterai pas de gratitude de votre part pendant cette période.” (Nonsense, I will not except gratitude from you during this time)  
Taehyung offers her a half smile, adjusting his coat and stepping through the archway.  
Clementine’s office is tasteful, covered in various shades of pink and her most favorite pieces she’s hand-picked from the gallery.  
It’s a little loud for Taehyung but, he agrees that it’s uniquely Clementine and, he feels content enough in her presence to deal with it.  
She rushes around her desk, plopping down on her pearl encrusted office chair, “Asseyez-vous ici mon doux garçon...” (Sit here my sweet boy)  
Her face stays firm with pity as she places her manicured fingers on the marble, “Dis-moi, ont-ils entendu quelque chose?” (Tell me, have they heard anything?)  
Taehyung left posters at the gallery the day after you went missing and, Clementine was all too eager to post them all over the building’s exterior.  
He shakes his head, settling into the crushed velvet beneath him, “Non. La police n'a rien. J'ai peur qu'ils ne la recherchent même pas.” (No. The police have nothing. I’m afraid they aren’t even looking for her.)  
With a tsk of her lips, Clementine shakes her head, “Inutile.” (Useless) She spits the word, leaning back into her chair, “Avez-vous trouvé quelque chose? Je sais que tu as dit que tes amis regardaient.” (Have you found anything? I know you said your friends were looking)  
“Nous avons entendu quelques choses, mais nous n'avons pas encore beaucoup de pistes. On se retrouve demain soir pour faire un plan.” (We’ve heard a few things but, we don’t have many leads. We meet tomorrow evening to make a plan.) He feels the disappointment in his heart, wishing he was giving her a different answer, his predicament leaving him helpless.  
“Desole.” (Sorry) She replies, pouting her lips and tucking her auburn hair behind her ear, “C'est dégoûtant de voir comment cette ville est dirigée.” (It’s disgusting how this city is run.)  
A humorless laugh leaves Taehyung’s lip as he nods, “Oui. Oui ça l’est. C'est pourquoi je suis venu vers toi clémentine.” (Yes. Yes it is. That’s why I came to you Clementine.)  
She looks a little flustered by his comment, scooting closer to the edge of her seat, placing a hand to her chest, “Moi? Qu'est-ce que tu as besoin de moi?” (Me? What do you need from me?)  
Taehyung feels a little dirty at his next move but, he does it without a second thought.  
Smiling, he extends a hand towards Clementine, catching her gaze with his, “Nous venons de mondes différents oui?” (We come from different worlds, yes?)  
Against her better judgement, Clementine places her hand timidly atop Taehyungs, nearly shuddering at his warmth, “Oui, mais ça n'a pas d'importance.” (Yes but, that doesn’t matter)  
Taehyung pretends to be surprised by her answer, “Non? Pouvez-vous voir au-delà de cela?” (No? Can you see beyond that?)  
She leans towards his voice, allured by the way it caramelizes in the air around her, “Je ne vois pas ces choses. L'argent, la couleur, l'âge, ce n'est pas important.” (I don’t see these things. Money, color, age, they aren’t important)  
If he were in a different situation, he would notice the ignorance in her statement. But instead, he begins rubbing his thumb over the back of her knuckles, smiling prettily all the while.  
Clementine is melting beneath his touch, her body subconsciously slouching in her chair.  
“Vous vous souciez de moi malgré ces choses, n'est-ce pas?” (You care for me despite those things, don’t you?)  
Eagerly, she nods, licking her lips before tucking her bottom lip between her teeth, “Oui mon amour.” (Yes my love.)  
Taehyung  leans closer to her, mustering up the best smolder he can manage, “J'ai besoin de savoir ce que vous entendez dans votre monde chéri.” (I need to know what you hear in that world of yours darling.)  
Bless her, Clementine really is doomed.  
“Mon monde? Que voulez-vous dire?” (My world? What do you mean?)  
Taehyung delights in her confusion, taking a moment to seal the deal as he raises her knuckles to his lips, “Vous êtes au country club de Chamomile oui?” (You are in the Chamomile Country Club yes?)  
As he asks his question, he presses a few kisses to her skin, keeping eye contact with her all the while.  
Clementine lets out a shaky breath, placing her free hand to her chest, “Mon dieu...” (My god...) She mutters under her breath, fanning herself before responding to his original question, “Oui, Je suis.” (Yes, I am)  
He grins, still kissing over the expanse of her knuckles, “Dites-moi, entendez-vous quelque chose d'étrange lorsque vous assistez?” (Tell me, do you hear anything strange when you attend?)  
“Étrange?” (Strange?)  
“Oui, etrange. Quelque chose que vous n'êtes pas censé entendre.” (Yes, strange. Something you are not supposed to hear.)  
Clementine’s eyes shoot back and forth across the room, looking unsure of her response, “Mon amour, tu sais que je veux t'aider mais je déteste les potins. C'est désagréable.” (My love, I really want to help you but, I hate to gossip. It’s distasteful)
Taehyung pretends to smile fondly at her, stopping at her middle finger, dragging his lips up the length of it, “Il n'y a rien de désagréable chez toi bébé.” (There is nothing distasteful about baby) As he gets to the base of her hand, he parts both her middle and ring finger before licking right between the two digits suggestively, “En fait, je parie que vous avez un goût incroyable.” (In fact, I bet you taste incredible)
Clementine’s pink lipstick is smudging with the amount of times she’s licked her lips but, she does it again anyway for good measure.
“Vous avez une langue en argent Taehyung, prévoyez-vous de l'utiliser sur moi?” (You have a silver tongue Taehyung, do you plan to use it on me?)
The deep timbre of his chuckle sends goosebumps up Clementine’s spine and, her body is stretched across her marble desk in a rather uncomfortable way but, she doesn’t care.
All she wants is Taehyung.
“Voici ma proposition: vous utilisez votre langue pour parler et quand vous aurez terminé, j'utiliserai la mienne pour goûter.  Comment cette sonne?” (Here is my proposal: you will use your tongue to speak and, when you are done. I will use mine to taste, how does that sound?)
Clementine’s legs part subconsciously beneath her desk, the pink satin of her underwear stained with her arousal.
With her hand still in Taehyung’s grip she clears her throat, tilting her head innocently, “Le Country Club, que tu dis?” (The country club, you say?)
Taehyung smirks, sending a nod her way, “Oui.” (Yes)
“Je me souviens avoir entendu quelque chose de mal le mois dernier.” (I do remember hearing something wrong last month)
He kisses the back of her hand sweetly before returning it to the desk and, allowing her the proper head space to recall information.
Because, who in their right mind would be able to tell a story whilst Taehyung was kissing on them like that?
Clementine seems to deflate a bit, attempting to compose herself as Taehyung gestures for her to continue.
“Quand j'étais dans le salon de thé, je pouvais entendre les costumes parler de quelque chose qui me faisait un peu peur.” (When I was in the tea room, I could hear the suits talking about something that scared me a little)
Taehyung’s brows furrow, “Les costumes?” (The suits?)
She nods, biting her lip in hesitation, “Oui, c'est ce que les membres appellent les propriétaires du country club.” (Yes, this is what the members call the owners of the country club)
He’s watching her intently, nodding as she explains, “Qu'est-ce que tu as entendu?” (What did you hear?)
She seems to crumble under his gaze like a paper swan; torn between her desire to please him and her desire to remain proper.
“Mon amour, c'est vraiment une chose terrible…” (My love, it’s really a terrible thing…)
Taehyung’s quick on his feet, taking her hand yet again, throwing a yearning look in her direction, “Clémentine, s'il vous plaît ... mon cher ami est absent. Vous pourriez être le seul espoir que mes frères et moi ayons pour la ramener à la maison en toute sécurité. Quand elle reviendra, je te couvrirai de mille baisers pour te remercier de ce que tu as fait.” (Clementine, please…my dear friend is absent. You could be the only hope that my brothers and I have for bringing her home safely. When she returns, I’ll cover you with a thousand kisses to thank you for what you have done)
Clementine sighs dreamily, her hand limp in his grip, her legs parting further at the baritone in his voice,
“Un millier?” (A thousand?)
Taehyung gives her a thin smile, “Un millier. Maintenant s'il te plait, ma rose, dis moi ce que tu as entendu.” (A thousand. Now please, my rose, tell me what you heard)
Clementine shrinks again, looking warily around the room before she finally answers, “Je les ai entendus parler de meurtre.” (I heard them talking about murder)
It’s then Taehyung feels the hot fiery sting of fear stabbing its way into his gut, “Meurtre?” (Murder?)
She senses his uneasiness so; she tightens her grip on his hand as she continues, “Ils ont dit qu'ils prenaient le travail d'un homme important qui allait au-delà de ce qu'ils avaient fait auparavant. Ils étaient inquiets de se faire prendre.” (They said they were taking a job from an important man that went above and beyond anything they’ve done before. They were worried about getting caught)
Taehyung shakes his head in disgust, hoping desperately that you aren’t connected to the conversation she heard.
“Quoi d'autre?” (What else?)
Clementine shakes her head, “C'est tout ce que j'ai pu entendre, mon thé est arrivé pendant leur conversation.” (That’s all I could hear, my tea arrived during their conversation)
Taehyung holds back his anger as he’s reminded of the kind of person Clementine really is.
She’s sweet sure but, she’s tragically selfish.
She’s well off and, only cares for matters that concern her; otherwise she is uninterested.
All he can muster is a tight lipped smile as he suddenly stands from the crushed velvet, “Je vois. Merci de votre temps, appelez-moi si vous vous souvenez d'autre chose.” (I see. Thank you for your time, please call me if you remember anything else)
Clementine rises with him, rushing around her desk, “Tu es en train de partir? Je pensais que tu resterais un moment, tu ne devrais pas être seule en ce moment chérie.” (You’re leaving? I thought you would stay a while, you shouldn’t be alone now honey)
Taehyung gives her the fakest smile he can muster, brushing his thumb across her rubbery cheek, “Je reviendrai te voir. Merci pour votre aide, vous êtes un saint.” (I’ll come back and see you. Thank you for your help, you’re a saint)
She rubs her face against his hand like a cat in heat and, whines for him in a similar fashion, “Mon dieu, nous sommes comme Romeo et Juliette…” (My god, we are like Romeo and Juliet…)
He’s disgusted by her lack of awareness but, he plays the part anyway, tucking a finger underneath her chin, “La séparation est une si douce douleur.” (Parting is such sweet sorrow)
With a brush of his lips against hers, he quickly departs, leaving Clementine alone with her desire.
Taehyung rushes through the afternoon crowd of the gallery, feeling grateful for the crisp air that greets him when he pushes the doors open.
His mind is racing; this is the third mention of the suits and, although it isn’t much, it’s the only solid lead the seven of them have.
They need to re-group as soon as possible because, the likelihood that they fill find you alive wanes with each hour that passes.
Taehyung feels horrified at the thought that passes through his brain:
What if they are already too late?
Act III- Tuer La Grande Maison
“Jungkook, pass me a cigarette…”  
Jimin mumbles from across the fire, the light drained from his eyes.  
Jungkook’s first instinct is to question him; Jimin quit smoking two years ago.  
But, he stops himself just as the words crawl up his tongue and, instead he nods silently.  
“Here you go.” He practically whispers, passing the cigarette to Hoseok who then moves it around the circle.  
There is a stale bit of silence that rushes through the group and, everyone seems to look at Jimin to start things off.  
But Jimin doesn’t look up, he just uses his shaky hands to light his cigarette. He takes the first inhale, his eyelids flutter as the nicotine infiltrates his senses.  
Through the smoke, Jimin shoots a dead gaze across the circle, “I have nothing else to report. Lady says she has her best guys on it but, I don’t think it matters…”  
Yoongi interjects, “Aren’t you wondering about the suits? I mean they have to have something to do with this. It’s not a coincidence that three of our sources mentioned them…”  
Jimin lets a humorless laugh leave his lips, “The suits,” He shakes his head, “They sound like a bunch of fucking DC villains.”  
Namjoon and Jin exchange something wordless between them before Jin decides to speak up,  
“Jimin, I know this is hard for you. It’s hard for all of us but, we need to keep at it. We have good information; we just need to keep digging.”  
Jimin feels his eyes burn with the promise of tears but, he just doesn’t have it in him to cry right now.  
He’s too exhausted.  
With another drag of his cigarette, he meets his hyung’s eyes with a hopelessness that shakes Jin to his core, “We don’t any money hyung, that’s all this town cares about. Maybe that’s all she cared about too…”  
Yoongi is known for his tepid disposition.  
He’s known for being the careful one, the collected one; so much so, that in high school Jin and Namjoon used to call him Mouse and, sometimes they still do.  
But right now, Yoongi is angry and, he’s not angry for the same reasons he was yesterday…  
“What are you insinuating?” Yoongi’s tone is clipped and, the intensity of his stare is enough to garner Jimin’s attention.  
He flicks the ash onto the ground, “I’m just saying…maybe I should consider the possibility that she left town on purpose.”  
“You should consider?” Yoongi bites back and, the tension between the two men immediately disperses throughout the group.  
Jimin glances to the side before looking back at Yoongi, “Yes. It’s been almost a week. The police aren’t interested in finding her, no one seems to want to speak more than they have to and, the only lead we have is that she met up with some man in a suit. According to all of your reports, she looked comfortable with him. So, what if she was? What if she was tired of being in this filthy fucking town?” He scoffs, bitterness in his tone, “I wouldn’t blame her honestly, I just wish she would have disappeared before making me fall in love with her. That would have been nice…”  
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”  
Yoongi stands up, another rare occurrence, and glares at Jimin over the fire, “Do you realize how selfish you sound? You aren’t the only one who lost someone Jimin, she’s like a sister to us. She’s not the type of person to just run away from her problems and, you should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting that she’s that much of a coward.”  
Jimin is a respectful man, he honors the age hierarchy amongst his friends but, he disregards formalities in this moment and fights back.  
“She isn’t a coward. It’s a brave move to leave your family behind to pursue a better life, I just wish she would have left a note or something.”  
“Jimin,” Namjoon interjects, trying to keep the peace as he places a hand on his thigh, “Y/N didn’t run away. She wouldn’t do something like that. C’mon you know her right? She loves you, she loves all of us.”  
Jimin crosses his arms defensively, “Did she? I mean…from what I’ve gathered Namjoon, you don’t abandon the people you love. But she left me anyway…”  
Yoongi moves closer to him, throwing is own cigarette into the fire, his brow furrowed with his growing frustration, “Why do you think your relationship with her is more important?”  
Before Jimin has a chance to respond, Yoongi interrupts him.  
“Because you two fuck? Is that why?” He glares at his best friend, with a level of fury that stifles Jimin’s martyrdom, “She taught Jungkook how to drive, she stayed up with Jin and Namjoon for six weeks straight when they were studying for their exit exams, she took Hoseok to work for months while he was saving up for his car. She gave up her studio for Taehyung’s family and, slept in her car while their house was recovering from last year’s flood. She- “ Yoongi starts out with a strong voice but, it slowly begins to falter as he gets to his addition to the list. His black hair moves fluidly with the breeze and, he looks away from Jimin. “She was there the night I- when I was…”  
The sentence is loaded and, thankfully for Yoongi, he doesn’t need to complete it.  
They all know what he’s talking about.  
Jimin feels an enormous amount of guilt wash over him as he sees his calm and collected hyung, fight the tears in his eyes.  
“Just because she’s your girlfriend doesn’t mean you get a bigger stake in grieving over her, she’s important to all of us, not just you.”  
The heaviness is enough to crush the seven men sitting around the fire.  
Yoongi is frozen in his spot, staring down at Jimin with the authority of the second eldest but also, with the desperation of a friend in need.  
Jimin finally lets the sting win and, the tears fall unceremoniously down his cheeks as he tries to meet Yoongi’s gaze.  
“I’m so sorry hyung.” He’s ashamed of his behavior and, he expects Yoongi to scold him further but, instead he kneels down beside him, placing a firm hand on his leg.  
“We are going to find her.”  
It’s all he says but, it prompts to Jimin to pull him into a hug and, the two of them share a moment before Jungkook says something that shifts the course of the evening.  
“Hyung…” He begins, looking up from his phone, “How does your friend know what kind of car Y/N drives?”  
“My friend?” Jimin sniffles, wiping his tears with the back of his hand, “What friend?”  
Hoseok looks uneasy beside Jungkook as well, staring intently at Jimin as he awaits for an answer.  
“Lady. The one you work for, how does she know what kind of car Y/N drives.”  
Jimin just shrugs and, with a nod he requests another cigarette as Yoongi returns to his seat,  
“She said it was in the news report the police published. I thought it was weird too especially since her car’s been in the shop but, the police have access to that kind of information so it makes sense.” He replies with a narrowed gaze, jerking his chin in his direction, “Why?”  
“There’s nothing about her car in the papers.”  
With Jungkook’s response, time almost freezes as a few members of the group seems to realize something dreadful.  
“Wha- How do you know that?” Jimin hasn’t caught on yet but, he knows his friends well and, there is a change in their posture that he notices, “Why does that matter?”  
Jungkook turns his phone in Jimin’s direction as a demonstration and, his voice begins to shake with his realization, “I searched everywhere hyung, it hasn’t appeared in a single article. How would she know something like that? Her car has been in the shop for two months…”  
Jimin’s reaction is immediate denial but, something crawls up his throat; something he doesn’t want to acknowledge.  
“Are you really thinking Lady had something to do with this?” He guffaws, taking another hit from his cigarette, “You know she’s like 70 right?”  
“Have you ever mentioned that she drives a civic before?” Hoseok chimes in, a look of concern on his face.  
Jimin shrugs, annoyed by their inflated reactions, “I don’t know? I wouldn’t remember telling her something like that but, I wouldn’t doubt if it came up especially when her cables were- “ His mouth parts then, cutting off his own sentence, “When her cables were cut…”  
“What are you talking about?” Yoongi pipes up and, everyone seems to lean towards the center of the circle subconsciously, growing closer without even realizing it.  
“When I was…” Jimin’s eyes are lit up with a thousand emotions as he tries to gather his thoughts, “When I was talking to her about Y/N she asked me if I thought it was the same person who cut the cables on her car. But-  I don’t remember telling her why Y/N’s car was in the shop.”  
“Why didn’t you tell us this?” Hoseok rushes out, nearly tripping over his words.  
“I- I didn’t make the connection, I just thought she was trying to help… oh my god.” Jimin brings his watery gaze around the circle, “Oh fuck. Do you think she knows? Do you think she knows what happened to her?”  
“Jimin…” Taehyung finally breaks his silence, “I think she is what happened to her.”  
And he wants to protest, because Lady is like a mother to him. She’s always there, helping him through his difficulties; she even gave him advice on how to confess to Y/N properly…none of this makes sense.  
“Think about it,” Taehyung continues, “She’s the wealthiest person in town, she knows everyone, she’s always checking up on you…don’t you think it’s a little odd that she’s so involved?”  
“I don’t know, I just thought she had connections, that’s why I went to her in the first place.”  
Jimin feels weak at this development and, Jungkook quickly takes his hand to soothe him.  
“What are we waiting for then? Lets go.” Yoongi stands with a firm look of determination but, Namjoon stops him.  
“Wait, we can’t just go busting into an old woman’s house and accuse her of kidnapping our friend. We have to have enough evidence…”  
“We have enough evidence.” Hoseok inserts, wearing a similar expression to Yoongi, “And old woman or not, if that bitch has our friend-“  
Jin comes through, intervening as things get intense, “Namjoon is right. We can’t do that. Look at us, she’d get one look and, call the police and, then we’d be the ones in handcuffs.”  
“Hyung, we literally just established a solid reason to be suspicious of someone.” Jungkook asserts, confusion evident on his features.  
Jin rolls his eyes, “All we’ve established is that Jimin may or may not have told her Y/N’s cables were cut. Lady owns half of the city, she’s more than capable of finding out what happened to Y/N’s car. This isn’t a lead, it’s odd yeah but, it’s not enough to accuse her with. She probably looked into Y/N’s vehicle information as soon as she went missing...”  
With Jin’s reasoning in place, the group seems to deflate a bit and, Jimin feels slightly relieved that he doesn’t have to suspect yet another person he’s supposed to trust.  
“I don’t know.” Jungkook’s small voice asserts, “I still think it’s weird.”  
With pursed lips, Hoseok nods along with his statement, looking longingly at the now empty back of cigarettes, “I agree.”  
“We don’t have to drop it completely, if anyone has any ideas on how to figure out more information, we should do that. Every lead is worth pursuing.” Namjoon murmurs  
“What do you think we should do?” Jungkook’s Bambi disposition is privy to Namjoon’s opinion and, he often turns to him in times of stress.  
“I have an idea.” Yoongi speaks instead, running his hand over the back of his neck, “I think I need to go back to the club. Jaebeom said the police might have found his sister if they had bothered to look for her, it kind of made me think that he had an idea of where she ended up...”  
“I’ll go with you.”  Jimin replies, throwing his cigarette into the fire  
Yoongi shakes his head, “I should go alone. He was kind of an asshole when I went the first time, I don’t even know if he’ll talk to me again.”  
Jimin chews on the inside of his cheek, wanting to protest but, he trusts Yoongi’s judgement.  
Besides, he can’t handle anyone’s attitude right now.  
“Anyone else think they need to revisit their leads?” Yoongi surveys the circle with cat-like precision, already crafting his future conversation with Jaebeom in his mind.  
Namjoon has glanced towards the direction of the Marquee River several times now and Jin, who is so tuned in to his mannerisms, notices.  
“What is it?”  
Namjoon purses his lips, “I think I need to speak with the groundskeeper again…”  
Hoseok wrinkles his nose in disgust, “The crazy guy with the bad breath?”  
He sighs, finally pulling his attention from the direction of the river, “What if his rambling actually meant something? He kept calling me madam…”  
“Namjoon,” Jin begins, placing a hand on his thigh, “he’s obviously sick, he didn’t even know who you were. How are you supposed to get anything meaningful from this guy?”  
“I don’t know. But, I think I should try…”  
“I’ll go with you hyung.” Jungkook vows, his eyes wide with his faith, “If that guys tries anything on you, I’ll kick his ass.”  
Jungkook’s very serious statement elicits something that the rooftop hasn’t heard in a while: laughter.  
They all laugh for a moment, basking in the tiny bit of innocence still left in their complicated world.  
And as the laughter dies down, Taehyung offers a sentiment that they can all agree on,  
“Let’s go find our friend.”  
After a few more cigarettes and a swig from Hoseok’s bottle of vodka, they all part ways.  
Namjoon and Jungkook head to the Marquee River whilst Yoongi prepares himself for a second visit to Ginseng. Jin and Taehyung head back to the night market to see if any of them have more information and, Hoseok finally convinces Jimin to get some rest.  
He’s been up for three days straight but, he hasn’t slept a full night since Tuesday.  
It’s hard but, after a bit more vodka, he finally passes out on Hoseok’s sofa.  
His torn between wanting to dream of you and, praying that he won’t.  
He wants to see your face but, fuck, it hurts so bad to do so.  
Namjoon and Jungkook- The Marquee River, Sunday 5:49pm  
Thankfully, the sun is just on the brink of setting when Namjoon and Jungkook arrive at the river. On Namjoon’s last visit, the moon was out and, very little people were left which left him more vulnerable. Now, not only does he have daylight on his side but, he also has a very vigilant and very protective dongsaeng to keep him company.  
“I’m just gonna stand back and, let you do your thing hyung but, if things get a little heated…I got your back ok? You just say the word and I’ll lay him out.” Jungkook vows, puffing his chest out as they approach the area Namjoon last saw the groundskeeper.  
He chuckles, patting Jungkook on the shoulder, “Thank you. I appreciate you coming with me. We shouldn’t be too long, especially if he starts rambling again.”  
Jungkook just nods, keeping close to his hyung, resisting the urge to hold his hand.  
He really wishes platonic hand-holding was more acceptable.  
Namjoon tenses up as he spots the groundskeeper near one of the trash cans but, he takes a deep breath and jerks his head in his direction, “There he is…”  
Jungkook nods, his expression tightening a bit as he prepares for the worst.  
“Hello?” Namjoon calls out tentatively  
The groundskeeper is dressed in slightly cleaner coat but, Namjoon still tenses up regardless.  
“Good evening gentleman.” The man turns around, smiling brightly, a rake grasped firmly in his hand, “What can I do for you?”  
Namjoon is confused.  
Is this the same man?  
He looks the same but, cleaner?  
And he isn’t laughing...  
What the hell is going on?  
“Uh good evening um...” Namjoon’s eyes flit to Jungkook, “Do you uh- do you remember me?”  
The man cocks his head, narrowing his eyes for a moment before shaking his head,  
“No, I’m so sorry I don’t. Have we met before?”  
Namjoon nods immediately but, for a moment he wonders if the experience he had the other night was some sort of stress induced hallucination.  
“Yeah, I came here the other night. I asked you if you had seen my friend?”  
For good measure, Namjoon holds up his phone, showing your photo and, the man pushes his glasses up his nose and leans in.  
He still has the scar but, his face isn’t greasy.  
His hair is combed to the side and, he doesn’t smell like slow death.  
Namjoon’s heart picks up at the thought of his own sanity slipping from him until the man finally seems to remember something.  
“Oh my-” He pulls back and shoots a wary look Namjoon’s way, “I do remember you. My goodness, I am so incredibly sorry, I probably scared the daylights out of you.”  
Namjoon’s polite nature causes him to chuckle uneasily but, he keeps his distance, not fully trusting this guy’s demeanor.  
“Yeah you uh, you definitely did. So uh...”  
The man cuts him off, placing a hand on his shoulder, “I suffered a head injury two years ago. The damage to my brain causes brief bouts of psychosis and, unfortunately I didn’t have enough money to refill my prescription.” The man extends his hand towards Namjoon and Jungkook, “My name is Nestor, please forgive my behavior. I can imagine it was quite shocking...”  
Namjoon and Jungkook were raised to be polite men so, despite their hesitation; they shake his hand, bowing their heads as they do.  
“I see. I’m sorry to hear about your accident.”  
Nestor chuckles and, something flashes in his eyes that Namjoon can’t quite decipher, “Oh it was no accident son, I was attacked.”  
Jungkook narrows his eyes and, although he claimed he wouldn’t speak, his curiosity gets the best of him, “By who?”  
Nestor looks to the side for a moment before glancing back at them,  
“I can’t remember.”  
“That’s awfully convenient.” Jungkook can’t help but observe with a pouted mouth and, Namjoon lightly smacks his chest.  
“Sorry but, you don’t remember?”  
Namjoon’s intricate brain is searching for ways to connect the dots but, the man is offering him very little information.  
“No, the doctors said I was attacked and, left for dead. I suffered damage to my hippocampus and, this caused a pretty bad episode of amnesia. I couldn’t remember who I was or how old I was, the only thing I could remember is my cat’s name...” He chuckles and, the clouded film over his eyes adds to the pain that flashes through them, “Which is quite funny you see because, my cat’s name is Cognac so, when I kept asking for Cognac, the nurses would try and explain to me over and over that I couldn’t have alcohol in my state.”  
Jungkook and Namjoon offer their condolences in the form of breathless laughter but, their level of empathy quickly absorb Nestor’s sadness.  
“Anyway...” Nestor gestures to Namjoon’s cellphone as a means to change the subject, “I have seen your friend before but, I don’t remember the last time I saw her. I’m terribly sorry...”  
Jungkook pipes up, “It’s ok sir, we understand, your hippo is damaged, that’s not your fault.”  
Namjoon’s mouth opens in disbelief and, he wants to correct Jungkook’s mistake but, he has more important matters to attend to.  
“I hope this isn’t too much for you but, the last time I was here- “ He hesitates, glancing over at Nestor, “-last time I was here, you kept calling me madam. Is there any significance to that?”  
“Oh...” Nestor chuckles, tucking a bit of his gray hair behind his ear, “I’m sure I was talking about my wife. It’s common for me in those episodes to ask for her. She passed away two years ago.”  
This is something Namjoon has been waiting for.  
Two years ago, this man was attacked.  
Two years ago, his wife passed away.  
Two years ago, Jaebeom’s sister went missing.  
There must be some correlation.  
“It was lovely meeting you gentleman. Unfortunately, I have to get back to my duties,” He gestures to the multi-colored leaves littered on the ground, “, these leaves aren’t going to rake themselves.”  
Namjoon understands of course and, they quickly shake hands again but, just before the two men turn to leave, Jungkook’s randomized curiosity strikes again.  
“What happened to your cat?”  
Nestor seems to search his brain and, his features almost crumple with a bit of desperation,  
“I don’t- I don’t remember.”  
Jungkook just nods, offering him a small smile before him and Namjoon move through the trees towards the street.  
Yoongi- Ginseng Night Club, Sunday 8:37pm  
As Yoongi enters the club for the second time, he carries himself much differently. He ignores the looks from the patrons littered on the couches, he ignores the bass vibrating in his bones, he ignores the jabs from the bartender as he asks to speak with Jaebeom.  
His anxiety is replaced with determination.  
When Jaebeom swings open the door a second time, he’s toned body is only covered by a pair of jeans.  
With another joint between his fingers, Jaebeom smirks down at Yoongi, “Are you here for business or pleasure?”  
Yoongi shamelessly allows his eyes to move over Jaebeom’s figure, admiring it but, also noting that his skin is littered with more than just tattoos.  
Nail marks run down the length of his abdomen, purple bruises congregate on the left side of his neck and, his lips are swollen with evidence of kissing.  
“Looks like you’ve had enough pleasure for the evening.” Yoongi notes in Korean, forcing his gaze away from Jaebeom’s body, “I need to ask you a few more questions.”  
Jaebeom’s smirk never falters as he pulls the joint to his lips. With a jerk of his head, he ushers Yoongi inside, shutting the door behind him, “Make it quick, I have company coming…”  
Yoongi wants to make a comment but, he knows it’s not important enough so, he starts with his first question, “I know this might be hard to talk about but when I was here last night, you said something about your sister going missing.”  
A noticeable change runs through Jaebeom’s body as he takes his seat, “Yeah, what about it?”  
“I thought it was odd that they-  my friend and your sister,” He elaborates, “went missing on the same street and the way you spoke about it, it was like you knew something about where she went…”  
Jaebeom tenses up with the subject change but, he sees something in Yoongi that he likes, there is an honesty to him that Jaebeom fucks with, “I have a feeling, yes, but I could never prove it.”  
Yoongi offers silence as a way to encourage him to continue and, Jaebeom obliges despite his hesitation.  
“Her and her boyfriend used to come in to the club every Thursday night for Happy Hour. They had been dating for a while and, things seemed to be going all right. But one night, she came in alone and I asked her where he was and, she told me they were taking a break.” Jaebeom’s expression shifts again and Yoongi, being the empath that he is, senses the onslaught of negative emotion. “She wouldn’t tell me what happened. She just kept begging me to stay out of it and, she made me promise her I wouldn’t confront him. He came in to the club later that night and, some of my guys told me they got into a huge fight-“  
Yoongi interjects, “Did you see anything?”  
He shakes his head and, before he elaborates, he takes another hit of his blunt, “No, I was up here doing a deal but, the next thing I know, my friends are coming up here and, telling me that my sister ran out of the club, crying and shit. I tried to call her, I even went out on the street and, asked everyone if they saw her but…” His voice tightens before he blows smoke from his lips, “…nothing. I blew up her phone for the rest of the night but, she never responded. I went to the police the next day and, surprise surprise, they were fucking useless. They kept saying that ‘girls like her runaway all the time’ and ‘she’ll be back before you know it.’ I was so angry. I couldn’t believe they didn’t care. I did the same thing you and your boys are doing, I started my own investigation and, I didn’t get very far until, I found her cell phone in the club’s dumpster.”  
Yoongi surprise is evident on his face and, it prompts Jaebeom to comment on it,  
“Yeah I know right? You’d think that would have helped but, it only made everything more complicated. I looked through her messages to try to figure out what happened and-“ He blows a heavy breath between is lips, shaking his head, “Her boyfriend was cheating on her but, it was with some old chick, like his boss or some shit…I don’t know.”  
“His boss?”  
He nods, “Yeah, he worked the Upside as a pool boy.”  
Yoongi’s heart drops then, down to the pit of his stomach and, he literally feels the sweat collecting in the wells of his palms.  
“A pool boy?” He has to clarify, just so he’s sure he heard him right  
Jaebeom nods and licks his lips, “Yeah, my sister found out he was fucking her; at least that’s what I got from her texts.”  
“My friend works as a pool boy too. It’s his girlfriend that missing.”  
Jaebeom’s brows rise before shaking his head, “Shit…” He takes another hit, “That’s a hell of a coincidence.”  
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence.”  
Yoongi and Jaebeom regard each other for a moment before Jaebeom’s mouth turns up in a smirk, “I guess you have an old lady to visit then. If you see my sister’s boyfriend, slap him around a little bit for me heh…”  
Jaebeom seems to gulp the pain he feels down his throat before finishing off the blunt and throwing it in the ashtray.  
“Wait, did he disappear too?”  
He nods, “Haven’t seen him since that night. I just assumed he was living the high life, I mean, I don’t blame him…I’d suck on some old lady titties too for that kind of money…” Jaebeom quickly replaces the blunt in his hand with a the bottle of beer he had sitting on his side table. He takes a swig before holding out to Yoongi, “You want some?”  
Yoongi doesn’t understand his attitude towards his sister’s disappearance. If he knew where her boyfriend was, why wouldn’t he go talk to him?  
But he takes the offer, throwing back a bit of stale beer, letting the slight warmth from the alcohol soothe the rawness in his chest.  
“Why didn’t you go up there? If that’s where he is?”  
“I don’t have contacts up there. There was no way they’d let me in, look at me…” He chuckles, gesturing to his rough appearance, “Besides, I don’t know where that bitch lives and, honestly, it’s probably for the best. I don’t know what I’d do to that guy if I found him…”  
A few more words are exchanged before Yoongi decides he needs to leave; he has a lot to report and, he feels as though time is running out.  
As he’s moving to the threshold of the door, Jaebeom get his attention.  
As Yoongi turns around, Jaebeom leans forward in his seated position, placing his elbows on his knees, “What’s your name?”  
Yoongi’s lips twitch, “Yoongi.”  
Jaebeom grins, nodding his head in consideration, “Yoongi. Alright then, well if you ever want to take a night off from your detective work and, uh you know,” He nods to the bed, “have some fun, you know where to find me.”  
Desire stirs in Yoongi’s stomach and, he’s flattered honestly, that such a handsome man could take interest in him but, he knows he couldn’t take a night off if he tried.  
He’s got a friend to find.  
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He sends a smile towards Jaebeom, bowing his head slightly, “See you around.”  
“I hope so.”  
The information they have accrued is once again exchanged amongst the group and, there is only one conclusion that everyone continues to arrive at:  
They have to get inside Lady’s house.  
So, putting their heads together they concoct a plan that just might work.  
The plan is simple.  
Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung will take Lady up on her offer of a home cooked meal.  
Thankfully, Taehyung’s closet is full of clothes that look far more expensive than they actually are; working at a thrift store has its perks.  
Jimin is dressed in a gray and black suit, covered in a gaudy brocade pattern.  
Jungkook choses a floral blazer and black slacks, complete with a simple white button up he borrows from Taehyung’s father.  
Taehyung donns something slightly less subtle; a black and silver blazer with a similar brocade pattern to Jimin’s suit jacket.  
They take time on their hair, doing it up as if it were each of their wedding days.  
When it’s all said and done, the three men walk out of Taehyung’s room looking like they came straight out of Interview with Vampire.  
Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin are dressed in all black.  
They will serve as a distraction during dinner to enable the younger men to explore the property undisturbed by Lady’s security guards.  
It’s not an easy task but, they are more than ready to attempt it.  
An invitation to dinner is of course incomplete without a gift for it’s lovely host.  
Tonight, a bottle of champagne is clutched in Taehyung’s grasp as he strolls up the cobblestone walkway.  
However, this champagne is slightly modified to fit this evening’s itinerary.  
“Doxepin, it's what I take for insomnia. This shit is strong, I only have to take one and, I’m out like a light in 30 minutes...” Yoongi had explained, pushing his prescription bottle towards Taehyung, “Slip that bitch 3 or 4 and, she’ll hit the floor. When she wakes up, just tell her she passed out for a few minutes…”  
And so it was.  
Lady's home is massive.  
It’s the biggest house the men have ever seen.  
Jimin has stood in its immensity before but, Jungkook and Taehyung are almost disgusted by its grandeur.  
The white paint seems to stretch upwards for miles, the greenery of the vines decorating it in such a way that it almost looks serene.  
Nothing could be farther from the truth.  
The lawn is immaculate.  
Carefully trimmed hedges sculpted to perfection line the walkway that leads to the dark oak that encompasses the front door.  
They aren’t here for a lovely dinner inside this massive house.  
The true nature of their visit is simply to gather more information.  
They aren’t sure how but, Lady is connected to your disappearance.  
Tonight, they will gather enough evidence to warrant an investigation.  
Maybe then, the city below them will finally pay attention to their cries for help.  
Lady doesn’t greet them at the door but, another intriguing person does.  
“Noah...” Jimin greets the suited man with a smile that is far too sweet.  
But he delights in the man’s surprise and, Jimin connects another piece of the puzzle.  
Noah is a classmate of theirs.  
He was fortunate enough to land a job in the Upside after graduation.  
He was fortunate in that his family had money and connections that pushed Noah ahead of his fellow alumni.  
Noah knew you well.  
Noah is dressed in a suit.  
Noah works for Lady.  
It seems there is a connection but, instead of pummeling Noah like he wants to, Jimin simply bows his head as he steps through the threshold of Lady’s home.  
“Wh-What are you guys doing here?” Noah stutters, trying desperately to compose himself.  
Taehyung offers the same smile adorning Jimin’s mouth, “We’re here for dinner. What are you doing here?”  
It’s a loaded question and Noah knows it but, he’s helpless to act on this knowledge because, he is required to treat Lady’s guests with respect.  
“I work here.” He mutters, gesturing towards the dining room, “She’s uh...she’s right in there.”  
“Aren’t you going to offer to take our coats?” Jimin feigns innocence, nodding to the coat rack beside the door.  
Noah nods and with shaky hands and, he accepts each of the coats before hanging them up.  
“Enjoy your evening gentleman.”  
The three of them walk away with a sense of satisfaction but, they are also sick with the knowledge of where one of their former friends ended up.  
Money can create the most dastardly of monsters.  
“Oh my goodness you’re here! Come in, come in.”  
Lady appears at the archway, dressed in a red satin gown, her grey hair piled elegantly atop her head.  
Time has been kind to her, Jungkook thinks, she doesn’t look 70.  
But then again, age seems to be less of an issue when you have millions of dollars at your disposal.  
“Lady these are my friends, Jungkook...” He gestures to the man on his right, who bows respectfully offering a boyish smile.  
“Thank you so much for having me Lady Noona, you have an incredible home.”  
Lady is already flustered; she can’t believe Jimin has friends as handsome as he is.  
“And Taehyung...” Jimin continues, smirking at Jungkook’s acting skills.  
Taehyung, takes her hand, keeping eye contact with her and lowering his lips to her knuckles, “Enchanté, votre maison est belle oui mais pas aussi belle que vous.” (Enchanted. Your house is beautiful yes but, not nearly as beautiful as you.)  
Lady’s face rushes red and, she giggles like a demented schoolgirl, fanning herself as Taehyung releases her hand.  
“Oh mon dieu tu l'es aussi. N'hésitez pas à continuer...” (Oh my goodness, you are too much. Please don’t hesitate to continue.)  
“My lord Jimin, you didn’t tell me your friends were so handsome and, that one of them speaks French- “ She eyes Taehyung teasingly and he responds by winking.  
“He was adopted when he was younger by a French family, he actually doesn’t speak English very well.” Jimin lies, strolling into the dining room and, beginning his search for something incriminating.  
She nods, her eyes alight with intrigue, “I see well,” She leans into Taehyung’s frame, lowering her voice slightly, “Ne t'inquiète pas je n'aurai aucun mal à communiquer avec toi.” (Not to worry, I’ll have no trouble communicating with you)  
Taehyung chuckles at that, bringing his lips to her ear, “Bien sûr, vous en avez déjà dit beaucoup.” (Of course, you have already said so much)  
Lady is floored and, enlightened with desire.  
So much so, that she arranges for Taehyung to sit right beside her.  
The dining table, Jimin remembers, is smaller to create a more intimate setting.  
Jimin takes a seat across from Lady who sits at the head of the table whilst Jungkook and Taehyung settle into the two middle chairs between them.  
The first course is a salad topped with fancy ingredients the men barely recognize but, they dive into it anyway as Lady begins the conversation.  
“Any word about Y/N?” She ventures solemnly, giving her best look of concern.  
Jimin smiles, saccharine as ever, “Nothing so far but, I’m sure your men will give me an update soon.”  
Lady nods mid-chew, pouting her lips slightly, “Of course sweetheart, they send me updates whenever they have something.”  
Taehyung interjects, “Ne parlez pas encore d'elle, ça ruine mon humeur. Je t'ai apporté quelque chose. L'homme du magasin a dit que c'était sucré, peut-être que nous pourrions l'avoir avec un dessert?” (Don’t talk about her yet, it ruins my mood. I brought you something. The man at the store said it was sweet, maybe we can have it with dessert?)  
This surprises Lady of course but, as Taehyung hands her the bottle of champagne adorned appropriately with a twist off cap; She smirks salaciously and nods.  
“Tout ce que vous voulez...” (Whatever you want...)  
Taehyung arches a brow, leaning in towards her once more, “Tout ce que je veux?” (Whatever I want?)  
This is part of the plan of course, to disarm her and, Taehyung is doing an incredible job.  
“Oui.”  (Yes.) She practically coos in response, shameless to the presence of the other men.
He chuckles darkly and, beneath the table he places a hand on her thigh, “Et si je te veux pour le dessert?” (What if I want you for dessert?)  
Jimin wants to hurl a little bit because, although he can’t understand what they are saying, he knows something inappropriate is going down.  
“Jimin, your friend is going to make me misbehave.” Lady giggles, licking her lips as she eyes Taehyung hungrily.  
He plays it off though, this is part of the plan.  
“I’m sorry about him. He’s a shameless flirt.” Jimin chuckles lazily, eyeing Jungkook from over his water glass.  
“No apology needed.” She smirks, flushing a further shade of red as Taehyung sends a wink in her direction, “Now, tell me Jungkook, what is that you do?”  
Jungkook smiles brilliantly, looking eagerly at her, “I work as a paralegal for a law firm a few cities over but, on the weekends I work as a personal trainer.”  
The lie is so well executed, Jimin and Taehyung want to cackle but, they hold it together, sticking to their script.  
“Oh that is so impressive. I hear Law careers are increasing by 18% over the next 5 years, it’s an incredible industry to get into.” She compliments, stabbing more of the lettuce onto her fork.  
“I’m glad you think so Noona, I can imagine someone as successful as you has a lot of wisdom for someone like me.” Jungkook’s Bambi eyes are on full display as he stares longingly in Lady’s direction, licking his lips.  
His words have a double meaning and, Lady knows it, she wonders how she got so lucky to have two handsome men flirting with her.  
“I know my way around sure,” She remarks with a smile, “I can introduce you to some of my colleagues, many of them work in your prospective field.”  
“Really?” Jungkook beams, “That would be an honor Noona, thank you so much.”  
Lady nods and places a well-manicured hand over his, “Of course, any friend of Jimin’s is a friend of mine.”  
She turns to Taehyung, who hasn’t taken his eyes off of her, “Et vous, quel est votre métier?” (And you? What is your job?)
Taehyung pouts slightly, eyeing her in a way that suggests embarrassment, “Je suis un artiste. Je vends mes tableaux. C'est un travail très difficile mais, je l'aime tellement, je ne peux pas imaginer faire autre chose.” (I am an artist. I sell my paintings. It’s a very difficult job but, I love it so much, I can’t imagine doing anything else.)
Lady melts at his words, a longing sigh leaving her lips, “Bien sûr. C'est tellement admirable que vous poursuivez ce qui vous passionne.” (Of course. That is so admirable that you pursue what you’re passionate in.)
Taehyung smirks, eyeing her as he takes a sip of his water, “Merci. Je suis curieux maintenant, de quoi êtes-vous passionné?” (Thank you. I’m curious now, what are you passionate about?)
Before she can answer, the second course is served: roasted beef with a béarnaise sauce on a bed of microgreens.
Rich people shit, Jimin thinks but, he smiles graciously none the less.
He isn’t hungry, he hasn’t been hungry for the past week so, he pushes the meat around the plate as he continues to survey her dining area.
There is nothing out of place but, then again, he isn’t sure what he’s looking for.
The only thing he can do is wait for dessert…
Once Lady is out, they will be able to search for what they need.  
“Lady, do you live here all alone?” Jungkook feigns concern, tilting his head.
She smiles sadly and nods, dabbing her lips with a silk napkin, “Yes I do. My husband, Nestor, died two years ago of an aneurysm.  I’ve been alone here ever since, well minus my guards of course. I’m sure you saw them outside but, they don’t live here full time.”
Jungkook has to stifle his shock.
The name Nestor, isn’t a common one.
In fact, he’s only ever heard it once before...
Jungkook kisses his teeth, pouting his lips slightly, “Oh noona, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”
She pouts too, mirroring his expression, soaking up all of his sympathy, “That’s alright dear. I manage just fine, I have to admit though, it’s so wonderful having company. It gets lonely up here.”
The youngest smirks, “Oh of course Noona, I can only imagine…” He places a hand on her thigh beneath the table, rubbing gently over her dress, “A woman like you should never be lonely.”
Jimin and Taehyung have to physically repress their reactions to Jungkook’s acting abilities; it’s a side of him they have never seen.
Anger is something Jungkook doesn’t encounter very often.
But as he looks into Lady’s face, he feels rage coursing through him.
Because, he knows she isn’t genuine.  
He knows there is something off about her.  
Jungkook would normally never dream of harming another person but, when his friends are getting hurt, his morals begin to loosen.
“Oh my, you boys make me feel young again.” Lady chuckles before taking a bit of her beef, “You know…I have the resources to assist you, I tell Jimin this all the time but, he’s just so modest.” She winks at him and, Jimin pretends to shy away from her compliment, “I could really help you with your chosen career paths. Taehyungie,” She turns to him, flashing the pearl white of her dentures, “Ma sœur Clemtenine possède une galerie au centre-ville, je suis sûr que je peux lui faire acheter une partie de votre art. Je sais que j'aurais certainement adoré en acheter ...” (My sister Clementine owns a gallery downtown, I’m sure I can get her to purchase some of your art. I know I’d certainly loved to buy some)
Taehyung’s stomach drops at her statement but, he remains composed and arches his brow, “Clementine? C'est un nom tellement intéressant…” (Clementine? That is such an interesting name…)  
Lady giggles once again, “Oui, nos parents étaient des gens excentriques.” (Yes, our parents were eccentric people.)
“Ils étaient probablement beaux aussi…” (They were probably beautiful too…)
Taehyung winks again and, he must admit, he’s getting off on how easy she is to trick.
She fans herself through her uneasy giggle, nudging his knee with her own, “Oh arrête de me flatter, je suis sérieux, je pourrais vraiment t'aider” (Oh stop flattering me, I’m serious, I could really help you.)
Taehyung pretends to be touched as he places a hand to his chest but before he can reply, a loud voice rings in through the intercom above the dining table.
“Mam this is Noah. There is a disturbance down at the main gate, we have to leave to go check it out, are you alright in there?”
Lady rolls her eyes, unbothered, “Of course Noah, I’m with my friends. Go take care of it, update me when you’re done.”
Anxiety swims into the stomachs of the three men; phase one is complete.
The guards are due to be distracted and, all they can hope is that Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and, Jin stay safe in the process.
“Is everything alright?” Jimin tilts his head, glancing towards the speaker.
She smile reassuringly, waving him off, “Of course, this happens all the time. It’s probably just the homeless, poor things, they beg at my gate sometimes. I don’t engage with them though, as much as I want to help, I don’t believe in handouts you know? It teaches them nothing.”  
This both confuses and enrages Jimin all at once.
She has no problem offering her resources to the three of them because, lets face it, it’s obvious she is partial to their good looks.
But he’s disgusted with her way of thinking.
Everyone deserves a fair shot.
He can’t understand how people, especially fortunate people like Lady, could have this outlook.
But then again, without the abuse of the working class, how would people like her make all of their money?  
“I’ll drink to that.” Jimin smiles, raising his glass and, the rest of the table follows suit, sipping from their crystal goblets.
Then, something peculiar happens…
Beneath their feet, against the expensive lacquer on the wood varnish, there is a banging sound.  
Lady tenses up but, deflects immediately, her surprise quickly smoothing out of her features, “Forgive me, I’m having a wine cellar built beneath the dining room, they’ve been measuring all morning so, it looks like they are getting started on the construction.”
Jimin’s expression shifts and, he stares across the table like a snake honing in on his pray, “Oh? That’s so weird, I didn’t notice any construction trucks outside.”
Lady smiles gracefully, “They have been working for quite awhile, part of their team left to gather more supplies. I’m so indecisive, I changed my mind about the interior several times…” She turns to Taehyung, feeling uneasy under Jimin’s gaze, “Que pensez-vous du marbre noir?” (What do you think of black marble?)
Taehyung’s eyes light up, “Ah, marbre noir? Excellent choix, si séduisant.” (Ah, black marble? Excellent choice, so seductive.)
She entangles her fingers with his beneath the table cloth, shooting him a suggestive look that makes Taehyung sick to his stomach, “Oui, vous l'êtes…” (Yes, you are.)
All Taehyung can manage is a smirk and, a thumb over the back of her knuckles.
His patience is running out.
“L'heure du dessert?” (Dessert time?)
He nods to the kitchen and, Lady immediately blooms with excitement.
“Oui, oui…” She smiles, craning her neck towards the kitchen, “We’re ready for dessert now, what’s taking so long?”
Crème Brule is served alongside a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream and, Taehyung whispers something in her ear about her being similar to the French dessert.
With flushed cheeks, Lady giggles (for the millionth time) and, begins eating.
“Chérie, es-tu prêt pour le champagne que j'ai apporté? Il ira bien avec ce dessert…” (Darling, are ready for the champagne I brought? It will go well with this dessert…)
With her approval, Taehyung pours the bubbly liquid into each of the flutes, smirking devilishly at his friends as he does.
Taehyung watches her like a hawk and, picks up her glass, getting dangerously close to her as he lifts it to her lips, “Boisson. Dis-moi ce que tu penses.” (Drink. Tell me what you think.)
Like saucers her eyes widen and, she’s so enthralled with Taehyung, she doesn’t notice another round of banging beneath the floorboards.
But the rest of them do.
Her eyes flutter as she sips some of the bubbly liquid but, Taehyung isn’t satisfied.
“Ah ah…Avale tout pour moi.” ( Ah ah…Swallow it all for me)
She obliges, practically spluttering at his double entendre.
“Bonne fille.” (Good Girl) He chuckles darkly, his heart thumping in his chest, he likes this.  
He has to admit.
There is something so satisfying about fooling an opponent.
He’s turned on by it.
She gulps as she continues to stare at him, completely captivated.
“C’est delicieux.” (It’s delicious) She finally manages, dabbing her lips with the silk once again.
“Tu fais un bon show…” (You put on a good show) He remarks, smirking before pretending to sip some of his own champagne.
There is a bit of silence that moves throughout the table before Jimin takes the reigns once again,
“Lady, I really appreciate you having us tonight. We needed a night off; things have been so difficult lately.”
Lady immediately smiles, forcing her eyes away from Taehyung, “Of course sweetheart. You know I’m always here for you.”
Another sound is forced against the wood below and, for whatever reason, this startles Lady.  
“Goodness, they are loud…” A nervous laugh leaves her lips and she attempts to stand up before faltering a bit, eyeing Taehyung immediately as she seems to stumble.
Taehyung reacts, standing with her and, holding onto her waist, “Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas chérie?” (What’s wrong darling?)
She mumbles something incoherent which prompts a sadistic grin to appear on Taehyung’s mouth, “Vous sentez-vous un peu endormi?” (Do you feel a little sleepy?)
She nods, clinging to him helplessly as he guides her to the settee beneath the window,
“C'est bon chéri, dors pour moi. Je promets que je serai là quand tu te réveilleras.” (It’s ok darling, sleep for me. I promise I’ll be there when you wake up.)
Lady’s eyes are growing heavier when Taehyung lays her down and, as he does, he places a kiss atop her forehead, “Si jamais tu le fais…” (If you ever do…)
Her eyes widen at his threatening tone but, before she can process it fully, she passes out in his arms.  
Taehyung, Jungkook and, Jimin all look at each other for a moment before, they spring into action.
They shove the dining table aside, disregarding the sound of the expensive china as it crashes to the floor.
There is a Persian rug that covers the sound and, that is quickly shoved aside to reveal something that makes their stomach turn.
Because, beneath the dining table, there is a cellar door.
Jimin swallows his fear and with shaky hands, he leans down, “Hello?”
He tries again, his chest numb from the force of his beating heart, “Is there- is anyone down there?”
Jimin frantically looks for a way in but, the hatch is sealed with a padlock.
“It’s locked, we need a way to-“ He begins but, a voice interrupts him.
A voice he is longed to hear for what seems like eternity.  
The men look at each other with such heightened emotion that it could power the entire city.
Because, that voice belongs to you.
“Y/N? Baby? Oh my god…” He clutches the wood, banging on it without a reason why, “Baby? Is that you?”
Down in the cellar, beneath the big house you were taken to, you begin to cry at the sound of your boyfriends voice.
You must be dreaming you think.
He can’t be real.  
Is it possible?  
Is the nightmare finally over?
“Jimin!” You cry weakly, using all the strength you have.
The woman who forced you down here hasn’t fed you since your arrival.
She’s just left you down there, along with the rest of her secrets.
The room you’re in isn’t very big.
It’s constructed crudely and made of stone.
There are only two things to keep you company:
A pile of bones and, a pile of money.
When the woman laid you beneath her home, she said only one thing to you,  
“You will die down here. You will die beside the life you will never have and, while you do, I’ll make sure he gets everything he could ever want.”
Jimin chokes back a sob as he pounds against door yet again and, he doesn’t notice that Jungkook is already scanning the room for solution.
“I’m right here baby, I’m right here, I’m going to get you out ok? Just hang on…”
You cover your chapped lips with the palm of your hand, sobbing into it.
You couldn’t believe it.
He found you.
He actually found you.
You didn’t know how and, it didn’t matter.
You just want to go home.
“Jungkook and Taehyung are here with me, we’re going to get you out!” He calls and, as if on cue, Jungkook appears beside him with hammer, “Watch out.” He grunts, determination in his eyes, “Y/N! I’m gonna break the door in ok? I need you to move aside so you don’t get hurt!”
You laugh in disbelief at the sound of your friend’s voice, “Use that brute strength of yours Kookie! Show that door who’s boss!”  
He chuckles at that, tears collecting in his eyes, “I got you Noona, just make sure you’re not in the way!”
Taehyung is smiling too, trying not to lose it at the sound of your voice.
He keeps a careful eye on Lady, who is still passed out on the settee.
If he hated her before, he wants to kill her now.
Taehyung knew she was involved yes but, he never suspected she had you locked in her fucking cellar.
Jimin is itching to get you in his arms, he wants to claw through the wood himself but, instead he stands back and, lets Jungkook hack away at the cellar door.  
You can see it.
The expensive wood slowly splintering above, light pouring in through the jagged cracks.
The only light you’ve had down here is a single bulb hanging from the ceiling.
It’s been torture.
But, none of that matters to you right now.
The only thing you can focus on is the sight of your boyfriend’s face as he tears the remaining wood away from the frame.
“Jimin…” You whimper, ignoring the weakness in your body before crawling your way up the stairs, wanting nothing more than to be in his arms.
Jimin breaks down, reaching out for you…
You’re still in the same outfit he last saw you in.
“Baby, come here…come here…” He pulls you into his arms, his body shaking with his cries as he holds you so tight, it’s almost painful, “I got you, I got you. You’re safe now, you’re safe…”
You’re face in his neck, sobbing whilst your fists clutch his blazer.
You don’t fully understand what’s going on, or why they are here dressed like little princes.
But, you’re not in the headspace to ask.
You just want to stay in Jimin’s arms and, never let go.
“We’re so sorry…” Jungkook sniffles, wrapping his arms around you and Jimin.
Taehyung follows suit, letting his tears fall, “We’re going to make sure they pay for what they did to you.”
Time seems to stand still as you relish in the affection of the people closest to you.
“Don’t ever be sorry. Look what you guys did…you found me. You saved me.” You whisper weakly, your face remaining in Jimin’s neck.
“Jimin? Taehyung? What on earth is going on?”
The sound of her voice makes your blood run cold…
Lady is sitting up, disorientated but before she has a chance to process what’s going on, Taehyung grabs the carving knife from the dining room table and holds it up to her neck.
“Funny, we were going to ask you the same question.”
Lady’s mouth parts in shock, her eyes widening in fear, “I- I-“ She glances around the room before she spots you and, her heart stalls, “I can explain…”
Jimin wants to freak out on her, he really does but, he doesn’t want to let go of you.
“Lady…” He spits from the floor, setting his piercing gaze on her, “Why the fuck is my girlfriend in your cellar?”
She hesitates and, Taehyung can tell she’s looking for a way out so, he presses the knife into her skin, “Answer him.” He hisses through his teeth
Jungkook stands as well, prepared to back him up should he need it.
“Jimin please, you must know. I was only looking out for you…women like her, they ruin men like you. I was trying to protect you.”  
“Protect me?!” He barks, shaking his head in disbelief, “By murdering the only woman I’ve ever loved? By putting my friends and I through the worst week of our life?!”
Taehyung holds the knife steady as he jerks his head towards her, “Stand up…”
She obliges, mouth parted in disbelief, her hands up in front of her submissively, “You’re working three jobs to support yourself, I’ve been trying to help you but, I knew you wouldn’t accept it unless you had no other choice. I knew she…” She sends a glare your way, “…would always be in your ear. She was all you ever spoke about, I needed to get her out of the way so, you could start focusing on you.”
“She has a name you crazy bitch…” Jimin lets out a humorless laugh, helping you to your feet, “She has a name and, a life and, people who love her and, you…” He points a finger in her face, “…you tried to take that from her. How many people have ended up in your basement huh?! How many lives have you ruined?!”
Her expression shifts to one of pure malice, a devilish smirk appearing on her lips, “Why don’t you ask your little girlfriend?” She turns her gaze towards you, “Tell him, tell him how many skeletons you found beneath my house.”
This angers you.
Initially, you didn’t understand.
You didn’t understand the significance of running into Noah that night.
You didn’t understand why he offered to call you a Taxi.
You didn’t understand why the driver intentionally missed your turn.
And after you were knocked out, you didn’t understand why you were brought to this place.
The big house.
But now, it makes sense.
This pathetic excuse of a woman, gets off on kidnapping the less fortunate.
She breeds new monsters in the process, taking their loved ones and capitalizing off of their grief.
She takes them in and, turns them to stone.  
“You wanted them to think I was dead…so you could convince them to leave their lives behind.” Your voice isn’t a hundred percent but, your gaze is steady as it pierces into her.
She chuckles despite the knife being pressed to her throat, “Hmm so it does have a brain. I knew I couldn’t convince Jimin to work for me unless I broke his heart first. Men are much easier to manipulate when they feel like they have nothing left.”
Taehyung practically snarls, “Let’s waste this bitch, we can tell the police that-“
Lady’s cackle is abrupt, her eyes crinkling with delight, “The police! Ha! The police work for me, why do you think they never looked for your little friend hm? They knew where she was, I pay them a pretty penny to keep their mouth shut.”
Another almost cartoonish voice interrupts the conversation as it crackles over the intercom, “Mam is everything alright in there? We heard a commotion.”
It’s one of the guards.
Jungkook is prepared to fight, he looks around for a weapon and, grabs the hammer from the floor.
“Noah! No everything is not ok! It seems as though my guests have overstayed their welcome…” She seethes before another smile appears on her lips, “Kill them…”
Jimin grabs you immediately, pushing you behind him and, Taehyung’s grip tightens on Lady’s waist, keeping her in place.
“Uhhh yeah I don’t know who the fuck Noah is but, uh-  oh wait! Yah, Hoseok! Isn’t Noah the one you hit with the Range Rover?”  
The voice morphs again and, you actually laugh at the sound of Yoongi’s voice echoing through the speaker.
“Holy shit…” Jungkook chuckles in disbelief
“That scrawny little blonde dude??” Hoseok’s voice literally warms your heart as it reaches your ears, “Yeah he’s out like a light sorry, anyone else you’d like to speak to?”
“Who the fuck are you?” Lady hisses, panic settling into her senses, “I’ll have the police here in minutes, you’ll be thrown in prison for the rest of your lives!”
“Ouch, we were afraid you’d say that. See, but the thing is, we destroyed all of your fancy ass cameras but, we left the audio running so…” Jin’s voice chimes in next, explaining her demise, “the only thing the police will hear is a taped confession, you wrinkly ass bitch. And let me just say my dear, you look like your pussy is covered in dust and, that’s why you’re going down, all because you thought you might get some dick...pity.
Jin’s insult causes laughter to move through the four of you and, you can’t help but, feel moved at how dedicated your friends are.
“You filthy bastards, you better get your grimy hands off of my cars before, I add grand theft auto to your long list of charges.”
They laugh hysterically on the other end of the line before; Namjoon speaks up, “Ok boomer.”
In the next moment, Lady takes advantage of the distraction and, quickly lunges at you, her hands going for your neck but, before she can reach you, she’s knocked out of the way by Jungkook.
It’s an instinctual reaction but, it does the job
Because instead of landing on you, Lady falls down the hole in the floor to the cellar.
The four of you rush over to the entrance to see her body laying still at the bottom of stairs.
There is a bit of silence before you speak up, staying close to Jimin, “What do we do?”
He smirks, wrapping an arm around you, “Leave her. Let her die alone with her all nice shit.”
Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and, Jin rush in finally and as soon as they spot you, they sigh out in relief.
“Oh my god.”
“You’re ok.”
“We knew we’d find you. Fuck, we missed you so much.”
“If you ever get kidnapped again, I will beat your ass.”
You just smile, giggling at their comments, holding them close.
“Thank you for looking for me. I love you guys so much.”
Yoongi nods to the cellar door and, him and Jimin exchange glances, “Here.” Yoongi tosses him a small black hard drive which Jimin catches seamlessly, “Throw that down there too. It’s the audio from tonight…”
The rest of you aren’t sure how they managed to do it.  
But, those questions are reserved for later.
Right now, you just want to get out of there.
Jimin smirks, standing over the edge of the hole in the floor before dropping it in, relishing in the sound it makes as it clatters down the steps.
“Should we call the police?” Hoseok asks, slightly breathless from all the excitement.
“Why would we?” Yoongi grins, shrugging his shoulders, “Girls like her disappear all the time…”
“Good point.” Jin nods returning his grin, and everyone’s eyes are still trained on the hole in the floor.
You aren’t sure if she’s dead but, you’re hoping she isn’t.
She deserves to spend the rest of her life suffering for what she did to you, for what she did to so many others…
“What happened to the guards?” You ask, lacing your fingers with Jimin and, he responds by tightening his grip on your hand.
“We knocked em out. They’re tied up in the garage.” Namjoon remarks coolly
“Let’s get out of here. We need to leave town for few days until the police figure everything out.” Taehyung says, finally dropping the knife to the floor.
“Good thing we have a ride then…” Hoseok holds up the keys to the Range Rover and, the eight of you are giddy with the promise of freedom.
Jungkook stays close to Namjoon and, as rest of you exit the house; he spots movement in the corner of his eyes.
Near the coat rack, sits a long-haired white Persian cat.
Jungkook can’t help himself.
If he isn’t going to kill this terrible woman, he’s at least going to take her cat.
Hit her where it hurts you know?
“Hyung…” He stops Namjoon and, he looks confused for a moment until he spots what Jungkook is pointing out.
Jungkook doesn’t wait to reach out to the furry creature, “ Here kitty kitty.”  
The cat rubs against his hand, tiny purs erupting from it’s mouth and, Jungkook smiles as he takes it into his arms.
Namjoon smirks fondly at the two of them before his eyes light up when he sees the name engraved on the cat’s golden collar.
“Cognac.” He breathes and, he and Jungkook share a moment as they exit the house.
The eight of you pile into the Range Rover, with Jin in the driver’s seat and, immediately, you find yourself beside Jimin.
“I thought I lost you…” He whispers desperately, placing a few kisses to your lips.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You whisper back, smiling into his lips before leaning forward to make an announcement to the rest of the car, “Hey guys uh…I think I have a way we can leave town for a bit.”
“How?” Hoseok furrows his brow, leaning around Jimin to see you.
“With this…” You grin and, from the middle of your bra, you pull out several bundles of money, each of them labeled $20,000.
You left the bones in the cellar for the police to find.
But the money?
The money, you took with you.
The police wouldn’t need it for their investigation right?
The seven of them look at you in shock before Yoongi lets out a sound you’ve never heard him make before; it’s pure unfiltered joy.
“Oh fuck yeah…”
Plage de Maeva, Tahiti- Two Months Later
Justice came in pieces.
It started with Cognac and, the massive fortune Lady left behind; both of which were returned to their rightful owner, the man at the river.
Then came Jaebeom; the eight of you dropped off a few thousand for him at the club, along with your findings.
A different precinct responded to the distress call from Lady’s home.  
She survived the figurative fall yes but, the fall from grace that would soon follow completely destroyed her.
She was brought in on 9 counts of first degree murder, 7 counts of kidnapping, stalking, conspiracy to commit fraud and, a myriad of other charges.  
The suits were brought in as well and, suffered similar fates.
Between them, 293 years of prison was to be served.
The staff at the motel, the patrons of the Chamomile Country Club and, even Clementine herself were all publically humiliated when the news broke of Lady’s true nature.
She had been paying them all for their silence.
No charges were brought against them but, their statuses as pariahs seemed fitting enough.
The news came to all of you quite late because, you were far too busy enjoying your own personal victories…on an island called Tahiti.
520,000 was certainly enough to get you out of town and, by the looks of it, you may never return…
“Every second, every minute, man I swear that she can get it Say if you a bad bitch put your hands up high, hands up high, hands up high Tell 'em dim the lights down right now, put me in the mood I'm talking 'bout dark room, perfume Go, go!”  
Yoongi’s voice echoes loudly with the help of his microphone as he raps the lyrics to a rather befitting song by Kendrick Lamar.
It was karaoke night on the rooftop of your resort and the eight of you, along with your loved ones are enjoying every second of it.
Hoseok rushes on stage with Yoongi, laughing as he does, “I recognize your fragrance (hol' up!) You ain't never gotta say shit (woo!) And I know your taste is A little bit (mmm) high maintenance (ooh) Everybody else basic You live life on an everyday basis with-“ He holds the mic out and, the rest of you scream the lyrics with beaming smiles.
Jimin is behind you, with his arms secured around your waist, giggling through the words.
He’s euphoric at the moment, he’s never been so happy in his entire life.  
Namjoon hits the stage next, and the song continues with the help of your friends and the crowd,
“I mean I write poems in these songs dedicated to you When you're in the mood for empathy, there's blood in my pen Better yet where your friends and them? I really wanna know you all I really wanna show you off Fuck that, pour up plenty of champagne Cold nights when you curse this name….”
Jungkook and Taehyung are at the front of the crowd hyping them up whilst Jin sings loudly with his fiancée.  
The next part Jimin croons into your ear, tightening his grip on you as the words have so much meaning:
“And anytime…” He sings, kissing into your neck, “You can get it, you can get it, you can get it, you can get it- And I know just know just know just know just what you want…poetic justice, put it in a song, alright.”  
You turn in his arms then, kissing him deeply, pouring everything you have into it.
“You kept your promise.” You whisper, grinning against his lips.
“My promise?” He giggles, kissing you back, his eyes deep with emotion.
You cup his cheek, biting your lip as you hold back your tears, “The night I disappeared, you promised me, we’d get our break…”
His smile widens and, rather than use his words, he just kisses you again.
Because, he can.
Because, you’re safe.
Because, you’re his.
The rooftop is a place you often end up.  
It’s a little cliché, you think: a bunch of rich kids corralled onto a fancy ass resort building on a tropical island, the waves crashing in the background.  
But you and your friends aren’t ordinary rich kids.  
The worst any of you has ever done is rob an old lady’s house, push her down the stairs, leave her for dead and, then ruin her life but…
To be fair…
That bitch deserved it.
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toomuchtv95 · 4 years
My Savior Part 6
Characters: Jay Halstead x Reader, William Miller (OC),  Other One Chicago Charters
Word Count: 2.8k+
Chapter Warnings: Fluff, Swearing, Medial talk (Badly lol)
A/N: Okay, I tried to do some research on it the medical stuff so don’t judge. 
Enjoy! :)
A/N: Excuse any major grammar mistakes hopefully Grammarly caught most of them.
Series MasterList
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You and Jay were definitely were in the honeymoon phase of your marriage. The two of you have been married 4 months and the two of you could barely keep your hands off your each other. Every chance you two got, you were at each other like rabbits, not that either of you were complaining. Recently Jay was sent undercover and has been gone for about a week. Jay was not able to keep in contact with you, but he promised you that Hailey would keep you updated as much as she could. Of course, you were worried about him and the possibility that something could happen to you, but this was his job.
“Hey Y/N, somebody by the name of William Miller called asking for you.” You stopped dead in your tracks when you heard Maggie say that name. You have not heard that name in 6 years. “He left a phone number.” Maggie handed you the piece of paper with the number scribbled on there.
"Thanks, Maggie." You walked into the doctor’s lounge and sat down at the table. This cannot be happening. William Miller was your father who was a drug addict, alcoholic and gambler all mixed in one. He had gotten your mother pregnant and then disappeared for a while. Then he reappeared when you were about 5 and ever since then he had been in and out of your life. He would show up out of the blue asking for money to help support his ‘needs’.
“Hey, you alright?” You looked up from the piece of paper to see Will grabbing a cup of coffee.
“My father is in town.” You whispered as you shoved the piece of paper into your pocket.
“What? Are you serious?” Will and Jay were the only ones that knew about your father, and you wanted to keep it that way. You wanted nothing to with him and what he was associated with. If he’s in town its probably to gamble all his money away, drink his problems away and looking to score some drugs. He comes and goes as he pleases. The only time he actually bothers you was when he needed money. “What does he want?”
“Probably the same things he always wants.” You muttered to yourself. “Look, Jay is still undercover. So, just don’t say anything if you see him. I just need time to figure this out before I tell him.”
“Okay, I won’t say anything, but you will have to tell him.” Will stood in front of you before reaching over and squeezed your hand for reassurance. “Do you have any idea when he will be home?”
“No. All I get out of Hailey is that he’s okay.” You ran a hand through your hair before looking down at your wedding ring.
"Well, I'm here if you need me for anything." You gave him a soft smile as he patted your shoulder before leaving you alone. You took your phone out from your pocket hoping that there was a text update from Hailey, but unfortunately, there was nothing. There was a knock on the window alerting you that you were needed.
It was lunchtime and you already felt like you have been here a whole shift. You saw at least a dozen patients and to say you were tired was an understatement, you were exhausted. You decided to take your lunch at the food truck to get some fresh air and get your mind off missing Jay and your father looking for you. As you grab your sweater, you check your phone again, but still no word. You told Maggie that you were going on lunch if see need you for anything. Zipping up your sweater, you started to head to the food truck but stopped in your tracks when you saw him.
A smile spread across your face as he crossed the street. "Jay." You whispered as you ran over him basically jumping into his arms. The moment you were in his arms, you wrapped your arms around his neck and attached your lips to his. Once Jay set you down, you lightly punched his arm causing him to let out a grunt.
“Ow. What was that for?” Jay rubbed his arm in the spot you hit him.
“You could have called! I have been worried sick. You know how many times I check my phone a day?” You weren’t really looking for an answer just making a point.
“Look I’m sorry. I literally just finished the job and I came straight here to see my wife.” Jay reached over and cupped your face before pulling you into for another kiss. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You kissed Jay once again. “Well, your just in time. I’m on lunch and your buying.” Jay chuckled as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Once the two of you got your food, you sat at the table and he gave you a small summary of the undercover he was doing. He wasn't allowed to talk about it, but he told you what he could.
“Something on your mind?” Your mind kept wandering back to your father. You wanted to enjoy Jay's company and that he was finally home, but you couldn’t help it. You thought maybe you should call him and tell him to leave you alone. Or maybe you should just tell Jay, but if you tell Jay there a chance that he will go overprotective husband/detective, and who knows what he’ll do.
“I just got some information that wasn’t expecting. That all.” Jay reached over and laid his hand on top of yours. “I’m good. I promise.” You smiled at him just as your pager went off. Grabbing your pager from your pocket, you saw that you were needed back in the ED. “Okay, I get back.”
The two of you gather up the garbage then Jay walked you to the entrance. “Look I’ll be home early. Probably before you. I just have to get back to the district finish up a few things.” Jay turned to fully face you. “I’ll have dinner and no I’m not telling you what it is.”
“You really know how to charm a woman don’t you?”
“Only one woman.” You shook your head as he kissed you. “I love you and I’ll see you at home.”
“I love you too.”
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You were not sure why you waited this long, but you did and now you were paying for the pain. This morning you woke up to a sharp pain in your upper abdomen and you were pretty sure you pulled a muscle of sorts considering that you do jog when you get the chance and you did go for a jog last night before dinner. You popped some over the counter pain meds and went to work. The meds, of course, did not do anything as the pain still came and disappeared. You stood at the nurse’s station holding your side and rubbing it gently.
"Hey, you okay?" Will came up behind you laid a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, I just pulled a muscle.” With that said you felt like you were going to vomit. You ran over to the nearest trash can and empty the contents of your stomach.
“Woah, Y/N!” Will came right behind you and held your hair back. Will leaned over and glanced in the trash can. “Y/N, that blood.”
“Will’s something wrong.” You held your stomach as the pain was unbearable.
“Okay, let’s get you in a room.” Will placed a hand on your lower back and guided you into a room. "Okay, let's hang an IV with morphine. And get me the ultrasound machine.”
“Will! What the hell happened?” Jay walked into the ED 20 minutes later and approached his brother with a worried expression.
“She has a stress ulcer. It's a sore in the small intestine caused by stress.” After being admitted, Will ran some tests to determine what was wrong. The ultrasound machine wasn’t clear, so he decided to send you upstairs to get an endoscope done and then when the results came back.
“Stress?” Jay looked at Will like he had two heads. “Okay, I’m lost. What going on?”
“Jay, it’s not my place to say.” You still haven’t told Jay about your father being in contact with you. Maybe that how all this started. With you trying to hide the fact about your father has been putting a lot of stress on you and it doesn’t help that you have been working a few extra shifts lately. Pulled muscle my ass. You should have just gotten it checked this morning, but no you wanted to suck it up.
“Will," Jay spoke with a stern voice in hopes that would get Will to talk. Jay figured something was bothering you since he came back, but he thought it was just you working extra hours. But now he can clearly see that wasn’t the case and Will knows what's going on.
“She’s going kill me for this.” Will placed his hand on his brother’s upper arm and pulled him to the side so that they were away from people. “William Miller is back in town. She got the call a couple a weeks ago. She told me she was going to tell you when you got back but by the looks of things, she didn’t tell you.”
Jay was couldn’t believe that you would hide this from him after everything you two have been through. Even though Jay was angry and upset, he was still your husband and he needed to know if you were okay. "How is she?"
"She's okay. I got her on some medicine that that will help the ulcer heal and then got on her a mild pain killer for the pain. But other than that she will be fine. She upstairs in recovery. I just want to keep here a little longer to make sure she stable.” Will patted his brother on the shoulder. “Go see her. Just don’t stress her out too much. She could have another episode.”
As Jay walked past his brother, he headed towards the elevator and as he rode the elevator up, he couldn’t help but think about you and this secret you have been hiding. Once he arrived at the floor you were on, he walked over the nurse’s station and asked for your room. The nurse directed Jay towards your room which he then thanked her and walked over to the room. As Jay approached the room, he saw you lying there with an IV in your arm and an oxygen tube. You slowly opened your eyes when you felt someone in the room. Looking to your right, you saw Jay standing there with his hands in his pockets.
“How are you feeling?” Jay slowly walked into the room before approaching the bed and sitting down on the edge.
“I’m okay.” There was an uncomfortable silence in the air, and you had a feeling that it wasn’t because you were lying in this hospital bed. “Jay…”
“Why didn’t you tell me that your father is back in town?” Damn it, Will. You should have figured he would tell Jay, even though he said he won't tell Jay. You removed the oxygen tube from your nose and slowly sat up.
“I thought I could handle it on my own and I was going to tell you, but I just didn’t know how.” Tears formed in the corners of your eyes. You never wanted Jay to find out like this. “I’m sorry.”  You whispered as you looked everywhere but him.
Jay placed two fingers underneath your chin and forced you to look at him. “You know being married means you tell me these things so that we can work them out together.”
“I know and I should have told you.” You leaned forwards and rested your forehead on his shoulder. Jay rubbed your back for a moment before you pulled away. “When can we go home?”
“Will wants to keep you here for a little longer just to make sure everything is okay.” You sighed as you laid back on the bed. Jay chuckled as he stood up from the bed and motioned for you to move over which you did. Once Jay laid down, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder which you laid your hand on his shoulder.
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Since telling Jay about your father things have been radio silence from him which led you to think that Jay had something to do with that, but he promised that he had nothing with it. Maybe he gave up and moved on to his next victim. On a positive note, your ulcer was healed, and you were pain-free. Having an ulcer made you realized that you were no longer going to hide any secrets from Jay. Today, was your day off and you had gotten a text from Jay saying that he was able to get away for lunch. The two of you agreed to meet at your favorite Mexican restaurant at 1 pm which was in about 20mins. Once you had changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, you grabbed your phone, keys, and purse and headed out to meet Jay. As you arrived at the restaurant you notice that Jay hasn’t arrived, yet which gave you a moment to glance in the mirror to check yourself and that’s when you saw him.
You closed the sun visor, grabbed your stuff, and hopped out of the car. "So now you're stalking me?” As he approached you, you could clearly see that he was intoxicated which you were not surprised.
“I just wanted to see my daughter.” William took a step closer to you causing you to step backwards. “You’ve been ignoring me.”
“You are not my father. You are a drug addict, alcoholic gambler. You only show up when you need money.” Anger rose in your voice as you secretly pray for Jay to show up.
“It’s different this time. I’m trying to get clean. I just need a little money to help me get through it.” He took another step reaching out to grab you.  
“Don’t touch me.” You backed away again and this time you ran into someone. You instantly turned around and sighed in relief.
“You heard her. You need to leave.” Jay stood slightly in front of you in a protective way and flashing his badge at William. “Or I can arrest you for public intoxication along with assault.”
“This is none of your business. We are just having a friendly conversation.” William tried to step around Jay to get to you, but Jay stood completely in front of you blocking William in case he decided to make things worse.
"It is my business. She's my wife." Jay placed his hand on his gun ready to draw, feeling the situation might escalate.
“Yeah, I did. Not that it’s any of your business. It’s not like you care. You aren’t my father. You impregnated mom and left her high and dry because you were too busy to be a real father.” You step a few inches to the side so that you could see William eye to eye. “You need to leave, or he will arrest you.”
“Look you owe me.” William once again tried step around Jay to grabbed hold of you and that’s when Jay grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. Jay pushed William up against the car and pulled out his handcuff and cuffed him.
“Told you he would arrest you.” You weren’t going to lie, seeing Jay in action kind of turned you on.
“You bitch. I am your father!” William tried to get out of Jay's grip but of course, Jay was strong than him.
“You’re under arrest.” Jay read him his rights as he shoved him into the backseat of his truck. “You okay?”
You nodded your head as Jay shut the door of the backseat. “Not going to lie. Kind of turned on.” A small smirk formed on your face as Jay shook his head with a small on his face.
“I was really looking forward to lunch.” Jay grabbed your hands pulling you closer to him.
“Tell you what. I’ll make us a romantic dinner. Set some candles and we have the night to ourselves." You whispered so that only the two of you could hear. “And then we work our way to the bedroom to have dessert.”
“Babe, you can’t say those things to me and expect me to stay focus at work for another six hours.” Without a word, you placed a small kiss to his lips before pulling away and stepping away.
Tag List: @nervousmemzie @hehurst23 @anamile6878 @esauthor @stephmazz1990 @daenerys-targaryes @bellageorge03 @haileymatthewss @useyourmarners @get0verit @yienell-mariee @olihju @lovelydivs @stuffedcabbagepatch @chrisrandumness @shipatheart @jocelyn1718 @shadyfox242 @boo20-05 @beachfan412 @mheart27 @supyfish @aparkel @httphiddlestan @haleyjs86 @onechicago18 @ladyate @whatisanniedoin @citylightsla @thevelvetseries @wemma554 @samiam9525 @detectiveinchicago @tyzerman91 @foulstatesmandragonbear @spiridakos-wp @katie1996 @glittermakesmesmile @itsdesiree86 @chloebear26 @delcateswift @rosemusic18 @transparentwombathorsedreamer @detective29 @cjhorseback @sgtsophie @onechicagofan20 @katiehud @corie-the-writer @give-jack-a-lightsaber @yzas-stuff @zizzlekwum​
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Paris | Day One
When your parents decide to travel with your best friend’s family that you haven’t talked to in a while, who you have a massive secret crush on, what could go wrong, right? Right?! (best friends to lovers)
*It’s my first series, hope you love it!
*Word Count: 6.3k
*Warnings: cursing, slight angst and Shawnie boy being cute.
*Posted: December 7th, 2019
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Pants? Check! Gloves? Check! Fuzzy socks? Check! Charger? Check! Passport? Check! Phone? Shit! Where’s it again?! Oh, yeah, I’m holding it.
I rolled my eyes to my own stupidity finishing my mental packing checklist. I think I might have everything I needd with me. Well, I’ll only find out whenever I need something from across the ocean and notice that I probably forgot it on top of the sea of clothes that I decided not to pack laying on top of my bed.
I don’t even know why I’m so apprehensive about this whole family trip thing. We always travel together at least once a year, the only difference is that this time, the Mendes’ family would be joining us, which wasn’t the first time as well. I mean, maybe the first time in a few years, but still, nothing that I haven’t been through before. Shawn is not even going to be joining us! I mean, not that I care.
The buzz from my nightstand captured my attention from my thoughts and I stretched as best as I could to reach for my phone without getting up from the soft spot on my bed. I internally rolled my eyes at the photo of my younger sister lighting up the screen.
“Sup, kiddo?”
“I’m not a kid anymore, you know?” She said trying to contain the anger laced on her tone.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say, kiddo”
“God, sometimes I really hate you”
“Awn, I love you too, Flo, so, why did call the most amazing human being on the whole wide world?”
“Y/N, seriously, you’re so annoying”
“Whatever, but, ‘seriously’” I said mocking her tone, earning a light chuckle from the other side of the line “what can I do for ya?”
“I’m just calling you to check if things are ready, mom’s been driving me crazy” Florence said and I swear to God that I could imagine her rolling her eyes in annoyance, but I could not blame her.
I mean, I love my mom, but she is a general when it comes to traveling, she needs to double check every little thing possible, finding mistakes where you could not even imagine. But after all that stress, you could be 100% sure that nothing would go wrong if she planned everything, because she had a plan “D” for everything. That’s right, a plan “D”.
“Everything’s in the right place, double checked and ready to go” I said between giggles.
“Great, she said you can leave in ten if you want, dad’s just finishing some stuff so that we can go to the airport”
“Kay, I think I’ll just go now, I’m pretty bored anyway”
“Fine, see you in ten”
“See you, kiddo” I said ending the call before she could kill me.
I took a deep breath and got up, closing my huge suitcase, but not before going through the whole mental checklist thing, and with all the strength I had, getting it on the floor. I grabbed my phone and tossed it on my backpack, put my sunglasses on the top of my head and got out of my small apartment. Took a deep breath again to lift my suitcase to put it on my car, and got it, starting it to go to my parents house.
It was weird saying their house, I mean, they bought it, so it’s theirs, but I sort of grew up there and I just recently moved out, so I guess I’m just getting over the fact that I don’t live with them anymore. It’s not like I live that far, it’s just that I decided to move closer to college to make my daily routine easier, so I moved to a small apartment that’s just a seven minute drive to campus, or a twenty minute walk. But it’s not like in a non insane traffic rush it would take me more than 10 minutes to get to their house. And since we moved almost five years ago to Toronto, we got much closer, since we had to readjust and make new social circles in the Big City, so I guess that’s why it’s so weird to me to not be around them the whole time.
After the whole nostalgic thoughts and a few jamming sessions on the car, I entered the building and parked on my spot, typing quickly on my phone saying that I was already there to my sister. She replied almost instantaneously, telling me to wait in the garage and that they were on their way down. So I just sat on the car, waiting for them, scrolling through social media and feeling my heart beat a little faster when I saw a picture Shawn posted on his stories, on a FUCKING airport. That had to be a coincidence. He wasn’t going to Paris with us, he simply couldn’t.
Let me get this story straight. My family and I used to live in a small town in Canada, called Pickering, and we used to be the Mendes’ neighbors. Our parents clicked almost automatically when they moved, because someone took French classes with someone when they were like seven and whatever, you know what I mean. So me and Shawn, Florence and Aaliyah kind of didn’t have an option on not becoming like best friends. Flo and Aaliyah had a similar age, my sister is 17 and Liyah is 16. Shawn is 21 and I’m 20, and since we’re literally at each other’s houses all the time, we automatically became best friends basically since the day we were born. And I wouldn’t want it any other way.
The problem is that Shawn Peter Raul Mendes is the definition of perfection. He’s not just the hottest person to live on earth and probably the whole galaxy, but also the funniest, kindest, most talented and caring human being I’ve ever met. And there’s a bonus, he knew me better than anyone. So it was impossible to not fall for him when I discovered what that is/was. Okay, maybe not fall for him, but I did have a major crush on him growing up, but I never said anything, cause, duh, who would?! I’d never do anything that could make our relationship weird. Even because he never showed any signs telling me he felt something as well.
So yeah, I had to swallow seeing him with other girls, having a heartbreak because of other girls and all that with a smile on my face, like it didn’t feel like having someone pinching my heart every damn time. But what made everything worse was the day I found out we were moving to Toronto when I was like 15. I ran into his house, straight into his room and cried the whole night, and when I told him the reason why, he couldn’t hold it in, so he cried with me. In the end, he helped me pack and promised me that we would still be best friends, no matter where I was moving to, that he would call and text all day, that he would be only a couple miles away, and I believed him. And I can’t say he didn’t keep his promise, at least for the first year.
We would se each other every holiday and text non-stop, but than he started dating some random girl and suddenly, he couldn’t come on the holidays or answer my phone calls. And to avoid another heartbreak, I decided to let it go. It’s not like we don’t talk anymore or don’t see each other in years, it’s just that, it’s not the same as before. But I don’t blame him, this is inevitable, our lives are so different. He’s one year older and he travels a lot, he took a whole year just to wander around the globe with his friends, he’s in music school somewhere and is dating a girl that looks like just got out of a runaway. I’m just someone who finished high school and went straight to college to become a doctor, so my life is quite boring, I study a lot, work an insane amount of hours for a student with my stepfather to gain experience (and that’s it, no money for me), I’m finishing a research and my last fling didn’t go as well as I expected, turned out I was not his only one. So yeah, completely different lives.
He cannot come to this trip and mess with my head that I took many years to get in the right place. He simply can’t.
“Darling?” The voice of my mom reverberated through the whole garage startling the shit out of me.
“Geez, mom, are you trying to kill me or something?” I said jokingly standing up from the seat and going to greet them.
“It’s just a little revenge for every time you scared me”
“Hi, Y/N, where’s your suitcase?” Dad asked me kissing my forehead.
“Hi, dad, it’s in my car”
“Okay, you girls get your stuff on the car and I’ll grab the suitcases, Okay? Karen said they’re already here, waiting for us to go to the boarding area”
“Kay” Flo said getting her backpack and jumping on the backseat of the car. Mom was already on the passenger seat.
“Do you need help, dad?” I said as I watched him get my bag from my car, putting it into his.
“No, sweetheart, I’m done, the rest is already here, thanks”
With that, I just nodded and climbed on the car, that a few moments later was already on the streets of Toronto heading to the airport.
“Oh my God, is that Shawn?!” Flo whisper yelled to me, getting my attention that was on my phone to her. We were close to the check-in desk where our parents where checking-in our luggage.
“Dunno, don’t care”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, he’s your best friend and there’s like ages since you last saw him, it was on summer!”
“Yeah, so? Six months it’s not that much”
“God, you’re so annoying”
“What are you two already arguing about? This is vacation you guys, try to chill a little bit and behave, please” Mom said as they approached “Now let’s find Karen and Manny”
“I think they’re there, love” Dad said pointing towards what Flo said Shawn was, but I just didn’t want to look just yet.
“Oh, yes, that’s them, let’s go!”
“Karen!” Was the first greeting to be heard as we got closer to the them, obviously it came from my mom, cause she was born without the power of being embarrassed.
“Oh my god! You look amazing!”
And than everyone started talking and hugging and all that stuff. I was a little behind, too focused on the level I was on CandyCrush to look up, but when I bumped into a wall I immediately looked up and tried to stabilize myself, but that was just a stupid idea. It wasn’t a wall. His scent was the first thing to make me weak on my knees. But than my eyes met his honey colored ones and that beautiful grin that showed all his perfect aligned teeth. And before I could fall on my butt, his strong hands gripped my waist firmly, steadying my body and keeping me close.
“Sh-Shawn” I sighed practically a whisper “oh, shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you” and all I could hear was my heart beating wildly and his melodic chuckle.
“S’okay, honey, still playing CandyCrush?”
“Uh... yeah, yeah, it’s a nice game”
“Yes, it is, God, you look so...”
“Y/N, my dear!” Karen cut her son in the middle of the sentence, making my heart skip a beat. I don’t know if I should thank her or be mad at her “Shawn, can you please let her go, I didn’t see her in a while too”
“Sure” He said, cleaning his throat and letting go of me, scratching the back of his neck. Am I really missing his hands on me?!
“Hi, Karen, how are you?” I said smiling politely before being engulfed in a bear hug.
“I’m extremely happy to be here with you guys, and you? Oh, you must have so much to tell me! You look so good, you get prettier everyday! Are you dating someone new? How college?” She asked too many questions making me dizzy for a second.
“Sweetie, calm down, you’ll be with her for a long time, don’t make her regret coming just now, hey there, Y/N” Manny said giggling, making Karen smack his arm playfully.
“I’m good, college is amazing, too much in such a little time, but still amazing. And thank you?!” I said trying to answer everything.
“That’s really good, dear, but don’t worry, we’ll have time to catch on everything”
“I’m pretty sure we will”
“Liyah! Loved your hair” I said hugging her.
“Oh, thanks!”
As we walked down the aisles to the boarding area, everyone was talking cheerfully to each other, catching on everything they could. I was a little behind in the middle of Flo and Liyah, listening to her new crush when I felt something reaching for my wrist, making me look back, seeing Shawn with a shy smile on his face, so I went a little to the side to walk beside him instead.
“I never greeted you properly”
“I guess you didn’t”
“Hi, Y/N, how are you?” He said reaching his hand out, I grabbed it smiling and you shook them.
“Hi, Mendes, I’m fine, and you?”
“So much better now” he said winking in my direction, making me blush lightly “I can’t believe that I can still make you all flushed that easily”
“Oh, shut up, pink cheeks”
“Oh, drop it, you’re sister’s right, you’re annoying as heck, but I still missed you”
I froze as the words fell off his lips.
“Everything okay, honey?” Shawn asked turning around with concern written all over his face “did I say anything wrong?”
“You stopped out of the blue”
“Oh, I just remembered that I have no idea who I’m sitting with on the flight, ya know?”
“Oh, didn’t know that was a issue, are you still afraid of turbulence? Is that why?”
“Hm, yeah”
“Oh, than you can chill, you’re with me, your parents and mine put us together to catch up”
Great. Just what I needed.
“Oh, that sounds nice”
“So, how’s life?”
“Really? But what about that guy... Roger?”
“Rick? Oh, turned out you were right and he was a dick”
“What did he do?! Did he hurt you?!”
“Well, he did cheat on me, so he kind of hurt me, but not physically”
Shawn mumbled something I couldn’t hear.
“What was that?”
“Hm? Nothing”
“Nothing, honey, I swear” he said looking straight ahead. So I decided to just drop it. He’s just too stubborn.
“So... how’s your life?”
“Mine? Great, I’m moving back to Canada”
“Really? When?”
“Actually, just moved back to Toronto like two days ago”
“I can’t believe it!”
“Me neither” Shawn chuckled “I was supposed to surprise you, don’t know, just show up at your door or college”
“You thought about surprising me?”
“Of course, you’re my best friend, honey”
“‘Oh’? Why do you sound this surprised?
“I don’t know, we just aren’t that close anymore, and we didn’t see each other for like six months, and you didn’t call on my birthday and...” I couldn’t finish because someone was asking for my documents and stuff.
So we went through the whole process and going through the gate, sitting down close to each other on the plane without a word. After what felt like ages, I felt something brushing the sides of my thigh. I look down and it’s Shawn’s knee bouncing. And for now, I just ignored it, knowing he had a lot to say, just wasn’t comfortable enough to do it now. So we got in the plane and sat on our seats, I sat next to the window, and I let him take the aisle due to his gigantic legs.
My headphones were quite loud when I felt the plane starting to move, making my hands grip the seat tighter involuntarily. Before I could start feeling sick to my stomach, I felt a hand covering my knee, giving it a little squeeze. I just breathed in a little deeper and looked at his face, but he was already looking at me. He leaned in, kissing my forehead and letting go of my knee, turning his palm up, so I instantaneously held it, threading my fingers with his.
“It’s okay, princess, you’re fine and I’m here with you, okay?” He said in a calm and low tone near to my ear, making my whole body melt into the seat “do you want me to do anything to make it better?” I just shaked my head “no? Is this enough?” I nodded “okay, so just breath for me, eh? Can you do that for me, honey?”
I nodded starting deep breaths and felt my hand being lightly squeezed, in encouragement.
When the plane was finally stable, I slowly let go of his hand and snuggled into the wall. I could feel Shawn’s stare on me, but I couldn’t simply look at him, so I just closed my eyes and focused on whatever artist’s voice was playing through my earphones.
An hour or so later, when everyone seemed to be asleep, including mister “I miss you”, my bladder decided to work, so I really needed to go to the bathroom. I got up and started trying to jump the sleeping giant by my side, but something made him stir wake while I was literally in the middle of jumping him, with his legs between mine, and he just grabbed me by my hips.
“Hm, Sorry, did I wake you?” I practically whispered, trying to gain some balance I placed my hands each side of his head on his seat.
“No, baby, whatcha doing?”
“I need to go to the bathroom”
“Oh, sorry” he said with his eyes not completely open, in a zone between sleep and consciousness.
I just gave him a tight lip smile and ran to the bathroom. Okay, did he just called me “baby”? I shook my head and threw cold water on my face. Getting back there made my heart get a little warmer. Shawn was laying with half of his body on my seat, with his arms crossed and the softest look on his face.
“Shawnie?” I whispered laying my hand on his chest and he whined still asleep “handsome, I need to get back to my place”
Shawn slowly opened his eyes again, rubbing his whole face, mumbling a “sorry” and sitting straight. I jumped his legs back and sat down.
“Do you want to lay on me, big guy?”
“Can I?”
“Sure” and as I said, he quickly lifted that seat divider and placed his head on my chest, snuggling on my side and wrapping his arms around me.
“Thank you, honey” he said as I started running my hand through his hair, making him groan softly, and in a matter of seconds, drift off to sleep again. So I just chose a random movie to play and tried to fall asleep, since I didn’t have much to do other than stay quietly because of Shawn standing basically on top of me.
Fortunately, I ended up dozing off pretty quickly, but half and hour later, I felt something on my neck making me wake up, but I didn’t want to open my eyes just yet.
“What?” I groaned as lowly as I could.
“Shh, baby, you can go back to sleep” Shawn murmured against the skin of my neck.
There he goes again with the baby thing.
“Shawn? What are you doing?”
“Nothing” he said nuzzling his face even deeper in my neck.
“Shh, baby, there’s people trying to sleep, and you should be doing the same” he said and I felt his lips brush against my skin, giving me goosebumps.
“Seriously, what the hell are you doing?”
“I just missed you, do you want me to back off?” He asked and I pondered for a while, than I shook my head  and he mumbled a simple “good”.
He peppered light feather kisses along the side of my neck, making me feel those damn butterflies on my stomach, and also making me feel like I’m 13 all over again.
“Go back to sleep, honey” he said running his nose through the extension of my neck.
“You woke me, I can’t”
“Sorry, you’re just so warm and cozy, I couldn’t resist”
“You” Shawn said like it’s obvious giving a longer kiss on a particular sensitive spot, pulling from me a little whine and making me thread my fingers between his curls. Shawn chuckled lightly against my skin “yes, honey, anything you want to say?”
“What about me?” He said leaning his head against my shoulder, turning my head by my chin to look at him.
“You’re just confusing”
“I’m confusing?”
“Yes! Why did you wake up?”
“The person behind me tripped on my feet on their way back to his seat”
“Oh, I see that, do you... hmm...”
“Do I...?”
“Do you want to go back to sleep?”
“I wouldn’t mind” he said straightening his back and getting back to his seat.
“Where are you going?” I asked pouting involuntarily and he just smiled. More of a cocky grin than anything else.
“Just adjusting so you can lay on me”
“Oh, okay”
“C’mere, honey” he said patting his chest and I just laid there, wrapping my arms around his middle, and having him do the same “now sleeps, I’ll be right here”.
“Kay” and with that, he kissed the top of my head and held me even tighter, starting to play with my hair. How can you not immediately go back to sleep with that?
I woke up a while later with the sound of the flight attendant offering dinner to another people a few seats ahead of us. I grabbed my phone and saw that we still had a four hour flight to Paris and sighed. Well, at least I had a giant warm pillow by my side. I tried sitting properly but Shawn wouldn’t let go of me, so I just gave up and relaxed against his chest, grabbing my sketchbook to look through it.
I got so lost in over analyzing my past few drawings that I didn’t notice that he was awake and looking through them with me. At least, not until I quickly went through one that I didn’t finish and he placed his hand over the page, stopping me from turning it. I looked up to meet his honey colored ones already looking at me.
“What is this one?” He said extremely low due to the nap we took, making me warm inside.
“It’s nothing, I didn’t even finish sketching it”
“Is it us?” He said taking his hand from the page and looking at it.
“It was supposed to be, it’s a recreation of that picture we took at your place on Christmas, wrapped up in christmas’ lights”
“Dunno, guess I just missed you a little bit more than usual that day”
“No, why didn’t you finish it?”
“Oh, sorry, I... I guess it seemed odd to draw the both of us, especially because at that time we weren’t even talking because of...”
“Yeah, and I’m sorry about that”
“It’s okay, I guess, it’s over”
“She was wrong though”
“Your ex? Obviously, she was jealous for no reason, you’ve never seen me as more than friends”
“And neither have you”
“Yes, I know that, she didn’t”
“I made a lot of dumb choices, eh?”
“Yeah, you did, Shawn”
“And I wish I could just go back and fix them”
“Fix what’s not broken? You don’t need to fix anything, I’m right here, aren’t I?”
“Yeah, but you are hurt”
“Am I?”
“Honey... we need to talk about it, we’ll never go back to normal if we don’t”
“I don’t have anything to say, Shawnie”
“But I do, honey” he said taking a deep breath “I know I’ve been the shittiest friend in history, that you didn’t always come first in the past few months and I’m truly sorry for that. I’m also sorry for promising things to you that I didn’t keep, like always being there for you when you need me and stuff. And sorry for the ex girlfriends that made us go further apart, obviously for my mistake, but anyway, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that...”
“Please, Y/N, I really need to get that off my chest”
“And I will let you do that, is just that she’s...” I didn’t finish the sentence, just pointed to the flight attendant offering dinner.
“Oh, sorry” he said flashing her a smile that probably almost killed the poor woman. Yes, that’s Shawn Mendes effect.
We grabbed our trays, thanking her and placing them on the little table thing.
“Okay, keep going”
“Okay, and I’m sorry for everything I did you wrong, for example, not calling you on your birthday, just a quick text, but I just did that cause I was so ashamed of all of the things that I did to you, I almost didn’t come to this trip to not put any sort of pressure on you for forgiving me. But specially, the most important thing I should be apologizing for is for making you feel like you don’t mean the world to me and that you aren’t one of the most important women in my life, and I love you with my whole heart and I missed you like hell, and being away from you was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my entire life. And I never want this to happen again. I’m sorry, Y/N, for everything”
I couldn’t breath. Really, all the air that was on my lungs simply disappeared. I just stared my shoes for what felt like a really long time.
“Honey? Y/N? Are you okay? Do you need me to leave?”
Oh, okay, it was a long time.
“Hm, Sorry, I’m just trying to, ya know, absorb everything”
“Okay” he said stating the back of the seat in front of him.
“Hey” I said placing my hand on his thigh squeezing it lightly “it’s okay, big guy, I’m not mad at you, I love you too, and it’s okay, I just figured we were going through different times in life and stuff... but it’s okay”
“It shouldn’t be, you should hate me”
“Not really, but I just can’t” I said and he placed his hand on top of mine.
“I love you so much, Y/N”
“You’re my best friend, dude, you kinda have to”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s it” he said sighing.
“Isn’t it?”
“Of course it is, honey”
“Good, now can we eat? I’m starving” I said and he giggled.
“Yes, we can, Y/N”
After that, we chose a movie and started watching it. His hand made a discreet way to my knee, and I just looked at it, but didn’t say a word. The movie was a random rom-com movie and I can say it was starting to get boring, but since people around us were falling back asleep, we didn’t have much to do. I felt his fingers starting to come higher on my leg, stopping in the middle of my thigh.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching the movie”
“Hm, yeah?”
“Yup” he said popping the ‘P’.
“What’s the name of the main character?”
“Yeah, you’re such a bad liar, where are you, big guy?”
“No, you’re not”
“I’m just... enjoying you...r company” he said tracing random figures with the pad of his thumb “I really missed you”
“What do you mean?”
“I just feel the need to touch you”
“Well, you are”
“I know”
“Do you mind?”
“Not really”
“Okay” he said squeezing my thigh and than grabbing both of them and putting them over his lap, pulling me even closer.
“Dear?” Karen called making us both jump in our seats “oh, sorry, didn’t mean to scary you”
“It’s okay” I said chucking and trying to take my legs from Shawn’s lap, but he wouldn’t let me move “what happened?”
“Nothing, I was just going to the bathroom and wanted to check on you guys on the way back, do you need anything?”
“We’re fine, mom, I think we can handle this”
“I know you do, sweetheart, doesn’t mean I don’t get worried”
“Well, everything’s great, Karen, thank you” I said giving her a smile, which she gave back.
“Okay, I’ll just go back to my seat, we have another two hours” she said going away.
“Shit, she scared me” I said and Shawn laughed “shhh”
“Oh shit, sorry”
“It’s okay, dummy”
And that’s pretty much how we spent the rest of the flight, laughing, talking and watching that movie.
A few hours later, we were already at the hotel, checked in and heading to our floors. Both of our parents were at the same floor. Me, Shawn, Flo and Liyah were almost at the top, both of our sisters were in the same room at the left of the hall, and me and Shawn were to the right, but each one in one room.
Five minutes after I closed the door, someone knocked on it, so I turned around and opened it. Shawn was standing awkwardly in the middle of the hall scratching the back of his neck.
“Yes? Can I help you?”
“Hm, nope, I thought maybe you needed some, with the bag and stuff”
“Well, I didn’t even take a look at the view, so I guess maybe? Well, you can come in, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping any time soon, we slept a lot during the flight”
“Yeah, exactly... so, where do you want me to place your bag?” He asked stepping into my room.
“Hm, there?” I said pointing to a random corner of the room and going to the balcony, opening the doors and heading outside, just staring at the view of the Eiffel Tower.
“Holy shit” Shawn mumbled behind me.
“Yeah, it’s so... magical”
“Mhmm” he said standing by my side “we’re lucky we both got his view”
“My room is right next door”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, I think we even have a door between them”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like that, Mendes”
“What do you mean?” He said flushing hard under the moonlight, making those stupid butterflies appear again, making me remember everything I’ve ever felt for him “honey?” He called making ME flush for being caught staring at him.
“Oh, shit, sorry, well, you always like to scare me randomly and stuff, so that would make things a lot easier”
“Do you think I’m twelve?”
“No, of course not, big guy, I’m 100% sure”
“Oh, please” he said rolling his eyes at me playfully and chuckling “let me check that door thing again”
I just laughed as he walked back to the room. I just leaned on the balcony railing, enjoying the view and the light breeze from the cold night, that was giving me light goosebumps. And for a second, just a little moment, I allowed myself to imagine what would be like to have something with Shawn. I mean, I’ve done that a lot when I was younger and stuff, but nowadays I just don’t allow myself to do that, not anymore.
But being with him would probably be amazing. He always do this thing where he just puts his whole heart into everything he does, especially when he loves it. So just imagine being with someone so passionate, and caring, and kind, and sweet, and smart, and hot as him. I just can’t see any bad points in it.
“What’s going on on that pretty little head of yours, honey?” Shawn said lowly next to my ear, making my heart skip a beat and almost die.
You see, I wouldn’t mind the closeness and stuff, cause that guy has no idea of what personal space means. BUT, I would always see it coming and prepare myself to not freak out. But I did not see him coming, and did not expect him to be right behind me, close enough so that I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, since I was with my hair in a messy bun. His hands grabbed the railing in front of me, standing beside mine. Shit, he’s close.
“Mhmmm, I don’t believe you” he said pressing his lips gently on my skin, making me bite me bottom lip to hold back a whimper.
“I... it’s nothing”
“See, it is something” he said rubbing the tip of his nose against the extension of my neck “I know you, baby, just tell me”
“I was just thinking how this trip would be a perfect scenario for me to be with someone... you know... romantically involved with someone”
“Oh” he said and I could feel his arms tensioning around me “anyone in particular?”
“Hm?” I said playing with my fingers but I felt one of his hands on my waist, turning me around to face him, but I just couldn’t, so I stared at our feet.
“So...? Anyone?”
“Oh, shit, sorry, no... not a single soul in particular, no one, no”
“Yeah, sure”
“Yeah, don’t believe you right now, but I think I’m going back to my room to let you rest, you seem really tired”
“Do I?”
“Yes, you can’t seem to concentrate on what I’m saying, and you were staring at nothing in particular when I got here, so I guess you’re just tired”
“Yeah, that’s probably it”
“So... let’s go back inside?”
“Hm?” I mumbled looking up for the first time since he turned me around, and I regretted it almost instantaneously, why did he have to look so fucking good? And than he smiled, making me feel like my legs were turning into jello, making me grab his arms for support.
“Do you want me to carry you to bed?”
“I need to take a shower first”
“Okay, let’s do it like this, I’ll take you to the bathroom and I’ll let you shower and I’ll leave the door between our bedrooms open, so I can shower and come back before you, than I’ll tuck you in bed and go back to my room, okay? Sounds nice?”
“You’re perfect” I said without thinking and than flushing, because I noticed what just left my mouth.
He just chuckled wrapping his arms around my middle, taking me off the ground and to the bathroom, placing me on top of the sink. He went back to the room and returned a few moments later with my PJs, my shower bag and my bag of underwear.
“I’ll leave you to shower and stuff, and whenever you’re ready, I’ll be waiting for you in your room, okay, honey?”
“Okay” I basically whispered and he smiled, placing a delicate kiss on my forehead before leaving.
I just hopped off the counter top and locked the door, stepping into the shower a few moments later. A nice steaming hot shower later, I had my hair in a messy ponytail, makeup free face, lotion on my body, fuzzy socks and sweats on, and with that, I stepped out of the bathroom only to die a little more.
The room was already dark, only with the tv on, my things were nicely organized on the nightstand or on top of the suitcase, and Shawn... He was laying in the middle of my bed, with his curls a little damp, wearing his flannel plants and hoodie, barefoot, scrolling through some social media, oh so casually. God, he’s going to kill me without even trying.
“Hi” I said in a really soft tone, softer than I intended.
“Oh, hi, honey, are you ready for bed?” He asked and I just nodded “c’mere” he said opening his arms for me and I just crawled into bed with him, getting lost in the warmth of his body and scent.
“You’re the most caring person I’ve ever met”
“Thank you, I truly try to be”
“I know, and you are, and I love you”
“I love you too, Y/N, you have no idea”
Oh, I do.
“Thank you, for everything”
“You don’t have to thank me... but I won’t turn this into a discussion, so... what time are we getting up tomorrow?”
“Dunno, what time is it?”
“A quarter past midnight”
“8:30? So we can be downstairs at 9 am for breakfast? They said they’re going to leave the hotel at ten o’clock sharp so if we do this, we’ll have time”
“Yeah, that’s nice, but since I’ve been to Paris before, if you wanna do something separate or something they don’t want to, just tell me, and I’ll take you anywhere”
“Okay, great to know I have my own tourist guide” I said between a yawn and he chuckled.
“Okay, I really need to let you sleep” he said letting go of me and getting up, straightening the duvet on top of me and kissing my forehead “goodnight, honey, knock if you need me, okay?”
I nodded and held his hand.
“What, baby?”
“Thank you, for apologizing and making up for it, I missed you too” I said and he gave me a half smile.
“I’m still on the process, I hope someday I’ll be able to make it up to you”
“You already have... I... goodnight, Shawn” I said nuzzling on my pillow and letting go of his hand, but not before squeezing it lightly.
“Goodnight, Y/N” he said almost like a whisper as he left the room and I let the slumber take over me.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I'll know if I'm supposed to keep posting this series thing.
*I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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Friends can break your heart too pt. 2
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Warnings: angst, swearing (enjoy!)
Word count: ~ 3.6k+
Part 1
Where was my fault in all this? All I did is love him with all my heart, but it went to waste. A part of me expected him to run after me the very instant I turned the first corner, slowing down my steps to give him a chance to catch up if he needed it.
Once I realized he wasn't coming, I felt swelling rage push tears even faster to fill my eyes. My vision blurred and chest heaved with the undeniable pressure building up so quickly I'm terrified it would burst. It's funny how people call it a broken heart, but I hurt all over. My brain is in shambles and my body aches like I've been hit by a train and the darkness growing inside is becoming too much to bear.
I remember calling an Uber, praying I'll keep my breakdown in, just a while longer...just until I'm behind closed doors and people with phones and annoying habits of filming everything they see can't get to me.
The last thing I need right now is someone posting a video of me that would go viral. I don't want to give him the satisfaction. I don't want him to see me cry.
Finally alone and inside my home, I find myself unable to shed a tear making it much worse. If you can't release the pain inside, the pain destroys you. It's one of my worst qualities, having few rare moments of release and bottling up everything else until I explode and take everything out in my vicinity.
Deciding not to dwell on it, I grab a bucket of ice cream from the fridge, DAIRY one and sit on my couch in silence and darkness, just getting that lactose in and smiling like a maniac. I've been sick and tired of their newfound dairy free diet and doing it as well to serve as a support system. I guess somewhere deep inside my tired, still firing neurons, eating a tub of dairy and sugar seems like vengeance of sorts.
This is how far I've fallen.
My phone keeps ringing, messages from James and Ethan coming through as I try my best to ignore them and stuff my face.
„Why are you not with them?! I'm losing my fucking shit here! Who is that girl frolicking with Gray and why aren't you answering?!“ James is freaking out, probably watching the awards on TV, worrying, and I'm not sure if it's justified or not.
I'm okay, aren't I? No one deals with these things normally, right?
„Y/N, I'm so sorry. I wish you stayed with me because I'm so bored. Call me back and let me know if you're okay? A text at least?“ Ethan called too and I know I bailed on him. I know he's basically the third wheel since Marina didn't come with him and Grayson's probably wrapped around that woman the entire time.
My dress is constricting my airways, shoes already kicked off my feet and I'm sure my make up is still spotless. I look like I walked out of a Disney movie and Grayson barely noticed me at all. I know I'm not usually the most good looking person out there. I'm aware that most people tend to completely overlook me, not notice I'm even around. I'm the girl no one sees, I don't light up the room when I walk in and people don't stand up to talk to me or go out of their way to make me feel wanted.
No one ever did that for me, but Ethan and Grayson did.
Maybe that's why I fell for him so hard? I craved the attention he gave me? I needed to feel wanted and like I mattered? Because he made me feel like that.
He did.
I never felt invisible around either of them.
I mattered.
Until I didn't.
„Step away from the ice cream!“ Ethan shouts and I snap my head up and to the right where I heard his voice come from, my heart pounding frantically and my mouth opening to let out a small shriek in fear.
„Why are you in my house?!“ I shout back, sitting properly and looking to my phone for the time.
„The awards are over.“ Ethan says in a 'duh' tone and I furrow my brows, rubbing my right temple when I see my ice cream all but melted. I must have dozed off in the inferno of my 'Reasons why I'm not good enough' special held in Grayson's honor.
„Oh.“ I mutter, hearing his footsteps approaching fast. He takes the ice cream from my hands, leaving it on the table in front of me while I stare blankly at my manicured nails and a golden butterfly ring on my right middle finger Ethan bought for my last birthday.
„Wanna talk about it, Princess?“ Ethan asks softly, siting beside me, his right arm pressed against my left one. It's a small couch and my dress is taking up the most of it.
„'Bout what?“ I look to him and swallow thickly, hoping my facade holds up.
„You being in love with my brother and him being undeserving of that.“ Ethan states and I cough violently, choking on my own spit.
„W-what?!“ My voice is high-pitched and my mouth is open like a fish gasping for air. I've believed my feelings were mine alone, hidden from the world and if they weren't...If Ethan knew of all people, did Grayson know?
Does he know?
„Oh, c'mon! It's not like you're being slick with all the starin' you do. I mean, I literally measured the time once I realized you do that and the longest has been ten minutes and twenty three seconds. You look at him like he walks on water!“ Ethan exclaims and I find my mind change speed and the panic overwhelming me like there's ice swimming inside my veins.
„I – uh, you're wrong.“ I try to rectify my past mistakes now, but it's in vain.
Ethan knows.
He knows.
„Am I? You're never speechless unless he's complimenting you. You have a permanent smile around him and I swear you turn into actual sunshine in his proximity. It's like you want to give him all the warmth and love and support this world has to offer. You also gravitate toward him like he's your moon. When he moves, you move. If you can be close to him, you are. Don't even get me started on the way you giggle at his stupid dad jokes or your encouragement of his nutcracker and plant obsession. I know you. You love him and...I'm sorry that you do.“ Ethan ends his rant by putting a hand over mine, making the speed chase inside my head stop and it's as if I'm crashing through the windshield with that gesture. Ethan putting a hand on mine like that meant something else. He's not a touchy feely guy, but he's here and he's holding my hand and it can only mean one thing.
He knows Gray doesn't feel the same way I do.
„So, he – uh, really doesn't love me then. Does he?“ My voice cracks, but I'm still too stubborn to cry. I'm strong, I don't cry for men.
„I can't say anything for sure because we never spoke about you in that way, but he's with Sara now and I don't know why he never mentioned her to you. I was under the impression he did.“ Ethan runs his thumb across my knuckles and I remember how Grayson did that before.
He'd always take my hand in his, no matter where we are and just hold it for hours. He'd run his thumb over each of my knuckles and intertwine our fingers, bringing my hand to his lips to kiss and looking back at him doing that on daily bases doesn't make me feel so insane for thinking he might have loved me too.
„He never said a thing about her. Not even hinted they met. And I really...I really thought he'd be here tonight, you know? Like, he'd come to at least apologize and bring me my favorite milkshake as a peace offering as we once promised to do whenever we fought. But he didn't and I hate that I'm a wreck about it all.“ I feel myself slipping down the emotional swirl-hole again, wondering how long will it take me to claw my way back again.
He didn't even bring the fucking milkshake.
Back when we first had a fight after becoming friends, Grayson bought me my favorite milkshake every day for a week and stood in front of my door until dark, leaving the shake whenever he left. And I'd drink it and leave the cup outside for him to find. I watched him smirk every time he found it empty through the peephole, realizing right then and there I wasn't really angry with him anymore, I just wanted to see that self-satisfied smile on his face whenever he saw I drank the milkshake. So, we made a pact. Whenever we fought in any way, the one who messed up will bring a milkshake the other one favors and you have to accept it and talk.
Guess he didn't find this ordeal milkshake worthy.
„I'm sorry to do this to you, but you have to face this. Grayson is – well, he's basically fucking Sara right now instead of being here and comforting you. He's not into you like that. Not as far as I know and I think he'd tell me, Y/N. I'm not trying to be cruel, I'm just trying to help you move on. Realize he's not all that and find a guy who treats you like a princess you are. Cause you fucking look like one even without wearing that dress.“ Ethan's words surprise me; shock me even. His breath seemed to stutter in his lungs before he let it go, the tension draining from his body. His breathing returned to normal and his lips parted, opening his mouth as if he could face the problem.
„Yeah. I did. I did love you for some time...it's how I know you're in love with Grayson. I watched you while you watched him and once I knew I had no way of winning you over, I did the only thing I could; I moved on. It was hard and messy and I still get in that head-space, but I never acted upon any of it. This is why I'm advising you to the same. Just, let him go.“ Ethan takes a deep breath, patiently awaiting for me to say anything.
I saw something flicker in his eyes that I never wanted to die. It's selfish, but right now, I crave his affection; the same he kept hidden from me for so long. I can't, but I want to. I want to kiss him and let whatever is left of my soul burn in hell. I find myself leaning forward, Ethan's eyes moving from my eyes to my lips and remaining there, just lingering.
„Such a bad idea.“ He says quietly and I can't help but agree with him. It's probably the worst idea I've ever had, but Grayson's fucking some other girl and I'm just trying to get through the night. I'm just trying to piece myself together.
But then I remember why I can't do this.
If Grayson ever did this to me, I'd be a hollow shell of a girl, unable to find someone that can give me the love I know I deserve. I can't ruin Ethan like that. I can't drag him in a mess that he just barely escaped from. He has Marina now and I'll be damned if I ruin it.
„I really want to kiss you right now. I do.“ I lick my lips and continue.
„But Marina...she's good for you and I'm not sure what I feel or what tomorrow will bring. It's not fair to you. I should know, not guess...especially when it’s you. You, one of my favorite people in this whole universe and any alternative ones that exist.“ I place my forehead on his lips, leaning on them for their warmth and keeping him quiet for a moment longer all the while ignoring how his hands on my waist feel inviting.
I'm just looking for a physical comfort, a rebound.
I can't make him one.
I won't.
„This is exactly what I'm saying. You're too good for him. For either of us.“ Ethan whispers against my forehead, pulling me into his chest and holding me.
And I hate myself for thinking about how Grayson never just holds me against him, but crushes me with his bear hugs until I'm fighting for air. He melts into me and always stands up just to make sure he can twirl us before collapsing on the floor, still holding me tightly enough to feel the beat of his heart against his rib cage.
It’s strange, frightening even, how you can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that you were able to live without them, because you sure as hell couldn’t imagine being without them now. I know I'm still young, and most people would consider me to be foolish and naive, but it’s true when I say that I love him more than I could ever love myself. He’s my best friend and, as cheesy as it sounds, he’s my anchor. My one stability in this world filled with chaos. Grayson's always been my anchor and knowing I have to leave that is a big part of why tears slip down my cheeks as Ethan moves me to my bed, covers my body with a blanket, unaware I'm still awake.
I hear the light switch go off and feel an arm wrap around me, face burying in my hair and breath giving me goosebumps. I hear Ethan's phone go off, muffled voice coming from the speaker, but neither of us move to get it.
Whatever it is, it can wait till the morning.
„Hey, bro! I'm going to grab a milkshake and stay at Y/N's tonight. Sara and I had a fight about...me being too taken with Y/N to perform if you get what I mean. Ugh, why did I just tell you this?! Either way, don't worry about me. I'll be home around noon maybe. You better fucking delete this voicemail or I swear I'll post that photo of your pineapple tattoo! Don't test me, bitchass!“
That was a mistake.
The next thing I know, I'm being awaken to a hushed fight between Ethan and Grayson, still in my dress and a little dazed.
„You didn't tell me!“ „I have nothing to tell!“ „You're unbelievable!“  They keep exchanging words, but I know I'm not up for Grayson's shit right now.
„What is happening?“ I say through gritted teeth, both of them turning to face me.
„Just congratulating you on your relationship. Didn't expect to find out because I found you in bed together. Definitely didn't see it coming.“ Grayson's eyes pierce through me, looking to hurt me more, demanding explanations that didn't exist.
„We just fell asleep, you idiot. Now get out. Both of you. I need some time alone and away from you.“ I gesture vaguely toward them, pointing at Grayson after. „Mainly you, but since you're a package deal. Leave me alone!“
„I'm not leaving.“ Grayson steps forward, shoving a milkshake in my face and I'm forced to fight a smile from showing on my face. I can't just let it go. I can't just ignore our pact.
So, I turn to Ethan.
„E. please?“ He just nods knowingly, understanding exactly what I mean.
I need closure.
I sit on my bed, folding my hands in my lap and not taking the milkshake.
„You really not going to take this? It's banana! Your favorite!“ Grayson exclaims, plopping on the bed, dipping the mattress and leaning me to his side a little.
„Not in the mood. Say what you need to say and go.“ I say firmly, looking ahead and he sighs, moving so he's on his knees and in front of me, in my line of sight.
„I forgot to tell you and yes, I'm an ass for ditching you. You ARE more important, but she was already there and I couldn't leave her either. Thought you'd be okay with staying and being Ethan's date. I just...I have no idea why I forgot to let you know about it all.“ There's a pause in his speech, one he uses to look me over again and I keep my eyes on his, refusing to look away. He won't win. Not now.
„You look like a dream. So unreal and unearthly and I'm sorry it wasn't seen.“
„I spent the past two months working overtime. Every day. I used up all my savings. I...I did so much just to get into this dress and to be there with you and I just...it meant nothing to you when it meant everything to me. You were so careless tonight, Gray. I didn't even recognize you.“ My words pack a powerful punch, I can tell by the way that twinkle in his eye goes out and anguish takes over. Shame takes over his mind and guilt takes over his heart.
„All that so I could tell you I'm so fucking in love with you.“ I finally say those words, just release them into the world like they didn't weigh me down for so long.
His eyes snap back to me, wide and his eyebrows raise. His breathing almost halting in the moment.
„I am as much in love with you today as I ever was, perhaps even more so, but I'm tired...Tired of watching you choose the wrong girl every time while I'm here all the while, just waiting for you to take one look and realize that I'm the one for you. Because I am. But you lost me too. You've lost all we could have been because you destroyed that innocent part of me that yearned for you, all of you. You've ruined me, so deal with the wreckage you left in your wake. You're the perfect example why hurricanes are named after people. You're a hurricane, Grayson and I need to get away from this storm before it swallows me whole.“ I'm aware my words sound forced and pained, fully aware he's trying to get a word in as well but my monologue stops him because there is so much I want to tell him and so little time as I've made my decision.
I need to let him go. Both of them. At least for a while.
„Don't I get a say in it?“ He questions and I chuckle dryly.
„You want a say in this? Okay, fine! Do you love me, Grayson?“ My words are rushed and those stubborn tears of mine are preparing to burst forth like a river from a dam.
„Of course I love you, Y/N.“ He places his hands on mine, quickly interlocking our fingers so I can't pull away and I purse my lips.
„I don't mean do you love me. I mean are you in love with me.“
Silence. He doesn’t even blink, seemingly stunned by my inquiry.
„Or even like me? Because if you do, only then do you have any say in this.“ I hate how weak my voice is, how wobbly and each break in it mirrors a break inside. I feel as if my lungs are slowly filling with water, as if there's just less space in them for the air.
Why was it so hard with him? Why does it always have to be so hard? It shouldn't be like this.
Not if it's right.
I stand, startling him enough to let go of my hands and move quickly to avoid him wrapping his arms around me. He moves after me, reaching out to grab my arm, but I slap his hands away.
„Wait, please!“ Grayson croaks out, something inside him turning but not fast enough. He shouldn't have to think about it. He's supposed to know. Love isn't thinking you want someone to hold, but wanting that all the time.
„For what, huh? How many ways are there for you to break my heart tonight? Just...give me enough respect and leave. Let me keep what pride I have left.“ I'm shaking, not only on the outside, but inside as well.
Before I met Grayson my heart was soft, with him it became strong and vibrant, now it is simply broken.
And he listened. He left. He left even though I wanted him to stay and say the words I needed him to say. That he loves me, that he cares. Anything, everything...just not leave when I need him.
I pack my things and wipe away angry tears I am so tired of already. Writing a note for the boys if they come back, texting James, I finally leave my apartment and head back home in a need of a proper rest.
They say people who are meant to be always find their way back to each other. They say friends don't make you hurt. They say life is full of surprises and now I know they, whoever they are, are very wrong.
People who are meant to be together don't always end up together and friends can break your heart too which is actually the biggest surprise of all. Heart break is a funny thing. We all know it's going to happen, yet we're never prepared for it. We underestimate it's power. Why are we never ready for it? Because we're in denial. We believe it won't happen. We believe if we give him our hearts he will not crush it. Hearts shouldn't be crushed. They should be cherished and protected. I wish he would have cherished and protected my heart.
Tags: @xalayx @heeydolan @accalialionheart @fallinginlove-16  @rosegoldquintis @nefelibata-diamond @blackdesires-blog @me-a-hopeless-romantic @wannabeactress @mckeeee-1 @godlydolans @daddygraysonsbitch @killmonger-dolan @emy-is-cooler-than-you @5sausefandom  @thatoneperson5000 @the-evolution-of-stupidity @mercy-love18-love @graydolan12 @flowercrowns3438 @trumpettay @skurtdolans @nowheredolan @shadowsndaisies @heartbelongstodolans @gvldenskie
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santoteez · 5 years
A Manhattan Tale - Seonghwa
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Parts: 1 of ?
Genre: Chef!Seonghwa, FormerDrugdealer!Seonghwa, FormerKingpin!Hongjoong, Bad boy/ Good Girl kinda??
Warnings: Love interest is a Black Female, Mentions of trial evasion, swearing, kinda angsty, eventual smut, eventual fluff
Requested: yes
NOTE: This fic does NOT, in any way, shape, or form, portray the way I view any member of Ateez nor does it depict their true personalities or actions. This AU is just that. An AU.
Seonghwa huffed, chopping vegetables in julienne form. His restaurant had been open a little under a year now, and business was booming. It was November, and reservations were maxed out, and there was a long line outside of foodies hopeful that a spot would open up.  The surplus in customers caused Seonghwa to hire at least a dozen more workers, and he was considering hiring more. He had plans to open up a new location in a quaint part of Brooklyn, hoping soon to be in all 5 boroughs. Seonghwa was satisfied that everything was going his way. Well, almost everything. Everything except Zelie.
Zelie was a 23-year-old recent culinary school graduate. She had melanin-rich skin and long black coils for hair, which she kept neatly in a bun and hairnet. She had big round eyes, almost doe-like, and a full, round pout. And she drove Seonghwa mad in more ways than one.
It began with her mistakes when she was first hired. If Zelie wasn’t overcooking the pasta, she was undercooking the steak. Of course, she got better over time. She also got more comfortable. She insisted on speaking to Seonghwa, even when he didn’t answer. Whether it was cracking a joke on his appearance as he walked into work or complimenting his dishes, she’d just never shut up.
And today was one of those days.
“Chef Park, aren’t those vegetables cut just a little too thin?”
“The recipe calls for julienne, Chef Carter. That’s the point.”
“I mean, I guess so but, it doesn’t call for vegetable chips.”
Seonghwa set his knife down and glanced up at the ceiling in frustration. He turned to the short girl. “Do you ever stop talking?”
“Sometimes. Why? You don’t wanna be my friend anymore?” She asked sarcastically.
“In order for that to be true, we’d have to be friends first, Chef Carter.”
She laughed. “Why are you so mean?”
He shrugged. “Why you so nice?” He placed the veggies into the pan along with the pasta before sliding it to Carlos to put on the stove.
He took his hat off, wiping the sweat off his forehead. “I’m taking my break.” He called out to the entire kitchen.
“Have fun,” Zelie said, to which Seonghwa didn’t answer.
He headed for the backroom, straight for the door that led to his office. He said in the swivel chair, sighing.
He groaned when he heard a knock at the door. “Yes?” He asked politely.
Mitch walked in. “No need to be nice, it’s just me.”
“What you want, fool?” Seonghwa asked, closing his eyes.
“Why you always at Zelie’s neck for, man?”
“Chef Carter? She starts it!”
“Okay, first of all, you sound like a child. Second, you’re literally the only one that insists on calling her by her last name. Hell, she’s the only one you call by last name. I know you’re typically cold, but what’s your deal?”
Seonghwa sighed. “I don’t know. I expected her to give up on being nice to me after a while, like the rest of the workers. But she just doesn’t give up. I don’t get why she likes me so much.”
“Could it be because she senses the feeling’s mutual?”
“Me? Like Carter? No way.” Seonghwa shook his head.
“I’m gonna tell you what you used to tell me back at the warehouse. Don’t be a fuckin’ meathead. Everyone sees how you look at her when she’s not looking, rightfully so. She’s bangin’. Anyways, you also entertain her banter. You know you could easily ignore her and eventually, she’d stop. But you answer her every time. Why?”
Seonghwa couldn’t answer.
“Exactly. Just be fuckin’ nice for once. How long you been single? Forever. Even Bossman damn near ready to tie the knot. Then there’s you.”
Mitch was right. Just the other day Minjoon, Soojin, Hongjoong and Santana came in for their reservation with big news: Santana was pregnant. They feasted on the most expensive dishes and left big tips in the wake of their celebration. Seonghwa would be lying if he said it didn’t remind him of his loneliness. Hongjoong had an entire family, meanwhile, he was still going home to a pint-sized bachelor pad.
“He’s thinking now.” Mitch laughed. “I don’t know, man. Even if by some magical force, you don’t end up with Zelie, at least get yourself out there. You’ve run an empire before. You’re running another one now. It’s time you found someone to help you run it. I’m heading back to the kitchen now. Enjoy your break. Alone.”
Seonghwa scowled. As much as he was annoyed by Mitch, he knew he meant well. He napped for the most of his break, awoken by a text from Hongjoong. After replying he decided to head back to the kitchen.
Stopping at the sink to wash his hands, Zelie passed by with a steaming pot of potatoes.
“Have fun on your break?”
“I did actually. Because you weren’t there.” Seonghwa wanted to prove Mitch wrong, but he couldn’t help but respond. She got under his skin in a way not many people have. It was like she hit a specific nerve every time.
“Being without me sounds like a tragedy. Are you okay?” She dumped the water into a nearby sink, careful not to drop the potatoes.
“I’ll manage,” Seonghwa said, heading to the front of the kitchen to check the rotating ticket holder to see what orders weren’t being made yet.
“You can get started on order #67, it just came in.” Zelie called out.
Just as Seonghwa was about to grab the ticket, the hostess of the restaurant, Leslie, popped into the kitchen. She never came to the back unless it was time to leave or an emergency, so Seonghwa knew something was up.
“Chef Park, there’s someone out there demanding to talk to you. At first, I thought it might be because of the food so I tried reassuring them that they could speak to the cook that actually made the food, but they insisted that they wanted to speak to you and only you.” She said, rubbing her hands together nervously.
Seonghwa nodded. “Take me to them.” He said, taking his hat off once again. He was itching to find out who could possibly be so persistent.
When Leslie led him out of the kitchen and pointed to the table, Seonghwa wished he had stayed inside. The guests were none other than Ray-Ray and Spider. They were with family, so Seonghwa knew they wouldn’t try anything crazy, but he was still cautious. He thanked Leslie and allowed her to return to the front door before making his way over.
“Ladies, gentlemen, how are we tonight?” Seonghwa smiled, approaching the table.
Ray-Ray laughed. “No need to be that polite, Dragon. You act like you don’t know a motherfucker.”
“Huh?” Ray- Ray furrowed his eyebrows.
“My name is Seonghwa. The establishment is called The Majestic Dragon, but that is not my name. If you’d like, you may call me Chef Park.”
Ray-Ray looked at Spider, who shrugged and chuckled. Ray- Ray sighed. “Okay, Chef Park. I called you over to ask you something.” He got up, leaning to Seonghwa’s ear.
“How the fuck you dodge a trial? Everyone knows HJ never traveled alone. A smart kingpin never does? You buy this place with all that dirty money? The city would hate to hear that. Should watch your back. Chef Park.”
He sat down. “I give you props, though. This shit is slammin. All them years cooking actually did something for you.” Ray-Ray said, the look in his eye showing he definitely wasn’t talking about food.
Seonghwa smiled falsely. “Enjoy your food, and I hope you come again. Thanks for dining with the dragon.”
He stormed back into the kitchen, practically fuming at the ears.
“What happened to you? You look like these tomatoes over here.” Zelie said.
“Not now, Zelie.” Seonghwa rubbed his temples.
“First name basis? Something’s really wrong.” Zelie said, visibly concerned.
“What’s wrong, boss?” Mitch asked, picking up on Seonghwa’s vibe.
“I don’t know yet. I gotta call HJ. Handle that order for me.” Seonghwa gestured to his station, where the order ticket remained, untouched. Mitch nodded, snatching it up and preparing it himself.
Seonghwa headed to the office once again, dialing Hongjoong’s number. He answered on the first ring.
“Hwa you good?”
“I don’t know, man. Some weird shit just happened.” Seonghwa immediately told him everything from his encounter with Ray-Ray and Spider, from the questions about how he avoided trial to the speculation of the city finding out where the money came from.”
“That is some weird shit. I guess that explains the rock.”
“What? What rock?” Seonghwa asked.
Hongjoong glanced at the large rock, with Boy or Girl? Let’s see if you live long enough to find out.
“There was a knock at the door, and I figured it was some pregnancy shit Santana ordered. When I opened it no one was there. Just the rock. I looked around the hall but I saw nobody which is weird as shit because the only way up here is the elevator in the hall, the one in our living room, and the staircase down the hall. There’s no way they made it from my door to the stairs in literally five seconds. Santana’s freaking out.”
Seonghwa pinched the bridge of his nose. “I guess you really can’t run from the hustle. Can’t believe after three fucking years, somebody has it in for us.”
“Well, Dragon, how fast can you get here?” Hongjoong asked.
“Give me 30,” Seonghwa said, switching his kitchen coat for his winter one.
He gave Mitch and Carlos instructions to hold the kitchen down while he was gone. He passed Zelie on his way out.
“I know I grind your gears, but I really do hope you’re okay.” She said in a small voice.
Seonghwa turned to her and gave her a small smile. “Me too.”
On his way out, he turned to look at Ray-Ray’s table. The man had an ugly smirk on his face.
“Leaving so soon, Chef Park? What could possibly have a head chef running out of his own restaurant?” He asked, tilting his head to the side.
Seonghwa shook his head and stormed out as his table erupted into laughter.
Stephie here! No idea where I was going with this chapter jsdjssj, I suck at starting off fics but I promise once you see my vision it gets better!
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smoochcal · 5 years
numb without you (part four)
a/n: I am trying to update this series as often as I can and luckily his week my work load has not been that much but please understand if I don’t update this series every day it is purely because I am busy with school and other things not because I did not want to update. that being said, thank you so much for your constant love and support. I might change my update schedule to be that I start writing the next part when the previous part gets 25 notes because as of right now part three has 14 notes and I am sure we can get that to 25 easily if everyone who reads this sends the link to their friends or reblogs :) please please please inbox me your feedback because I would love to hear from you guys on how you like (or don’t like) my writing style and how often I update etc. once I figure out how to make a tag list I can definitely tag any of my active readers if possible. I am still quite new to posting original content on tumblr so I will also try to get a masterlist link up soon and post the previous part in the beginning of this series. thank you for your continuous support of this series and my writing and if you want to have me write something different about any of the other 5sos boys just inbox me and I will try to write a blurb based off what info you give me :) happy reading!
pairing: readerxluke
word count: 1.7 k
summary: you go to your first doctor’s appointment to get more information on what is happening, and some surprise visitors join you
playlist: numb without you by the maine, high hopes by panic! at the disco
rating: PG-13
warnings: swearing, doctor’s visit, soft soft soft
Y/N’s POV:
Just another Monday morning, that’s all today is. Yeah you aren’t going to work, but that should be something you celebrate not sulk over. You just know that today will definitely confirm what you have suspected. You will for sure be told by your doctor that you are pregnant today in the matter of a few hours, actually. Calum said he would go with you. He’s been calling every day to check up on you. You don’t necessarily mind him checking up on you, it is just kind of weird considering you two have never really been that close. This is something Luke should be doing. You hate to compare them, but that is all you can think about right now.
Luke hasn’t talked to you since Thursday night when he found out exactly what is going on between you and Calum. You hate that you left things the way you did but you can’t really change that considering he hasn’t answered your calls or texts or multiple FaceTimes. You suppose you could go and see him at his place, but you don’t know his schedule and you hate showing up to places unannounced and uninvited. You do miss him though. More than anything. I mean the two of you are best friends. You can’t even remember the last time you and Luke had gone this long without talking to one another. And you are pretty sure that is what hurts the most. The fact that in any other circumstance he would be the one by your side through all of this. The doctor appointments, the morning sickness, the midday naps, all of it.
You shake the thought from your mind and look in your closet to find something to wear. Calum said he would meet you at the OBGYN’s office ten minutes before the scheduled appointment. That gives you twenty minutes before you have to leave your apartment. You don’t even bother to put on makeup, and you dress yourself in a pair of leggings and a flowy shirt. You aren’t showing yet, but you want to be careful just in case. Not like anyone at this kind of a doctor’s office would care if you were showing. You mainly dressed this way to give yourself some peace of mind. You brush your teeth quickly and put on a pair of tennis shoes before grabbing your car keys and heading over to meet Calum at the appointment.
Calum’s POV:
I can’t believe him. Actually, no I can. Of course, Luke would do something like this. I know that he is her best friend or whatever, but he doesn’t get to swoop in and save the day at this doctor’s appointment. Especially not after he has spent the past four days ignoring Y/N. She doesn’t deserve that. She doesn’t deserve any of this. I was so stupid. A stupid mistake that is now going to effectively ruin both of our lives. It doesn’t matter that I’ve always had a soft spot for kids. Or that I have always had a small crush on Y/N. We aren’t going to ponder that last bit.
Anyway, here I am about to get in the car and meet Y/N at the doctor when Hemmings shows up at my doorstep waiting for me to leave my house. He gave me a whole speech on how he needs to be there for her just as much as I need to be there for the baby. Which I personally think is a load of bullshit, but he literally stood in front of my car and didn’t let me go anywhere until I let him come with me. He hasn’t returned her calls or messages, but sure he’s allowed to show up unannounced and uninvited to the first doctor’s appointment. Sure, she’s going to forgive him right on the spot like he hasn’t been a complete ass to her these past couple days when she needed him most.
He keeps flipping between the various radio stations just to add to how obnoxious he is being. I know he is supposed to be a good friend of mine and all, but I really cannot stand him this morning. He is singing along to High Hopes by Panic! at the Disco as it was on the station Luke finally landed on during his channel surfing. I’m driving fairly quick trying to get to the appointment exactly ten minutes before it starts like I told Y/N I would. I would have been perfectly on time without driving like a maniac if it wasn’t for mister save the day now sitting in my passenger seat. I wish I wasn’t so angry at him, but I honestly have every reason to be.
Finally, I pull into a parking spot and am walking up the steps of the hospital where I am supposed to meet Y/N with Luke following close behind me.
Y/N’s POV:
You can’t believe your eyes. Calum met me at the hospital just like he promised, but what he failed to mention is that the person of the hour, Luke, would be joining us. In any other circumstance you would be elated to see Luke here, but not today. Not here, not now. You were nervous enough to see your doctor today and discuss your pregnancy but adding the stress of your situation with Luke was not helping anything.
The three of you sit awkwardly in the waiting room, waiting for one of the nurses to call you back. You know both Luke and Calum could tell that you were nervous, but neither of them wanted to help out apparently. You took a couple deep breaths and sat impatiently waiting for your name to be called. The time was crawling by and you really had to pee. You told Calum you were going to be back in a bit and left to use the bathroom. You didn’t tell Luke because you were still mad at him plus, he could probably figure it out if he used his head.
You were back in less than five minutes and right before you sat back down the nurse called you back. You quickly made your way to the door with Calum and Luke close behind you. You sat on the end of the examination table as you told the nurse your age, when you last had your period, and a bunch of other routine stuff. Once that was all documented, she left you three alone and told you that your doctor would be in soon.
“Well this is super awkward,” Luke said breaking the silence of almost three minutes.
“Wouldn’t be so awkward if you didn’t insist on tagging along,” Calum rebutted, his snarky tone obviously getting under Luke’s skin.
“Would you two quit already? Yeah, it’s awkward but you two aren’t helping how I feel in this situation at all. Now either shut up or quit being mean to one another because whether you like it or not you are both here together to support me and this baby even if a certain SOMEONE did not apologize for the way he lashed out at me last week,” you respond, clearly upset with the both of them.
As soon as you end your little speech and Luke starts to open his mouth the doctor knocks on the door and enters the room. She goes over your chart and asks if you have started experiencing any morning sickness which luckily you have not. She asks a couple other questions before she has you go into the bathroom to get a urine sample. She already thinks you are pregnant, but she wants the lab results to confirm this.
Once you give the lab technician your sample, she runs it through the system. By the time you get back to the examination room the results are in. The doctor announces that your test results confirm your pregnancy and asks you to lay down on the exam table and lift up your shirt for your first ultrasound. You are nervous but Calum sits next to you and squeezes your hand. Luke stands at the other end of the room so he could still see the monitor but also, so he is not in the way of anything.
The gel is cool on your stomach which was to be expected but it still caused a couple goosebumps to form along your arms. Usually an ultrasound isn’t routine for your first visit, but you were expected to be far enough along that you could have one done right away. The doctor slowly moved the wand over the gel on your abdomen and watched the monitor to see what you guys were working with. Finally, after what seems like an hour of searching a little image shows up on the monitor. What looks like nothing more than a dark grey blob will soon be a tiny baby in your arms.
The doctor announces that your baby is that blob on the screen and immediately you feel your eyes leak out a couple of salty tears. You were never one to be overly emotional, but you couldn’t help it. That is your baby on the screen. Yours and Calum’s baby. Calum squeezes your hand a little tighter and Luke smiles as all of your eyes are glued to the screen in front of you. The doctor asks if any of you want pictures from the ultrasound to take home with you even though you can’t see much. The three of you nod your heads almost simultaneously which makes her smile and she grabs them for you and tells you about the prenatal supplements you should start taking along with explaining what you should expect from now until the next time you are in her office.
On your way home from the office, Luke asks if he can ride with you. You are about to say you don’t think that is the best idea when Calum gives you a Luke that basically tells you to hear him out. You sigh but decide to listen to Calum’s advice assuming that it would probably be easier on Calum anyway to have some alone time without Luke for once. You walk to your car with Luke trailing behind you as you tell Calum you will meet him back at your apartment. You open your car door and sit down before Luke sighs and starts his lengthy apology.
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iamnotbrianmay · 5 years
(English is not my native language so umm sorry for any occurring mistakes? > <)
*shuffles awkwardly* Hi dear I come bearing writing prompts? *nervous laughter* I swear initially they were meant to be short descriptions BUT EVERYTHING GOT TOTALLY OUT OF HAND BY THE END. MY GOD THEY’RE SO DAMN LONG NOW. YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU DON’T WANT TO (you could take all of them, some of them, one of them or NONE OF THEM ok? Totally fine!) so please don’t feel pressured? :) And you’re welcome to put your own spin on the prompts, pass them onto other writers if they’re interested or to collab with someone else! :D
But seriously though you can also just treat them as littles “stories” from me (aka. your humble little anon fan) to you, intended for your amusement instead of writing requests alright? Sorry to bombard you so suddenly with all this LOL. BTW you’ll see mostly they’re Brian’s POV because that’s just how my brain is wired lol it’s been like that since day 1 I CAN’T HELP IT.
BTW the “His Majesty, KING!” series by chateauofmyheart (I think she’s most known for the Queen + Rare Words series and her Tumblr blog is chateauofmymind) is THE fic that completely changed my perspective on gender swap themes. After reading that I was fascinated by how good it can be in the hands of brilliant writers. Hence all you’re reading right now ahahahaha it’s like a floodgate been opened LOL.
Alright? Here we go with the first one - Modern day!AU, Poly!Fem!Queen(King) with supernatural elements? (I’m still gonna use male names and pronouns here to avoid confusion but at the same time it’s also because of I wanna see what female names you’d bestow upon them! Surprise me then? :D) Brian always has a connection with the “spiritual side” since he was a kid, sometimes he sees auras, energies, spirits and even on very rare occasions, deities. But it’s not as glamour as it sounds and he has learned the hard way to keep this solely to himself since no one will believe him. And to pretend to be “normal” is very important since not everything he sees is harmless, he has to find ways to avoid being haunted by evil beings, but it doesn’t always work; More often than not his health or mood is affected or he’s chased and stalked and has terrible nightmares hence the insomnia. By the time he got to college, though things still got really bad every once in a while but it felt like he has finally beginning to have situations under some semblance of control. Strangely, all these seemed to largely improved right after he became friends with Roger, Freddie and John, BUT inconveniently started pining after them real quick. His usual tactics were to keep his distance from the people around him but this time he’s drawn to them, feeling oddly alone when they’re not together; How sad is that? Falling in love for the first time in his life yet knowing there’s just no way it’s gonna end happily, but they don’t need to know that it’s fine he’s used to being the outcast. Although his first meetings with each of them does feel a little unusual? They sure are a weird bunch for example, who would own so many of candles? And why so many talismans as well? (Very beautiful though all seems to be handmade perhaps they’re just into DIY stuffs and craftsmanship?) Also the look they gave him? Gleam in their eyes akin to excitement and awe, almost predatory in a sense? Not to mention all those cryptic sentences and meaningful glances shared between the three. It sounds crazy but sometimes they gave off such strong “witchy” vibes as if they’re actual witches like the ones in the movies or something (NOT the Harry Potter kind but more like, The Craft? But in a good way?), that being said Brian does have this distinct feeling that they’re in on some kind of secret which he’s not a part of and it makes him feel a bit sad and left out, but he hides his feelings well(me: or so he thinks haha we’re all familiar with this trope yeah? MOVING ON LOL). These three are lovely together, but Brian’s afraid of screwing things up so he kept his mouth shut and just took whatever he can get. Plot twist LOL one night after a horrible near-death incident (caused by a horrendous curse aimed directly at him and much later on he learned that somehow it was powerful enough to break through the “protection ring” which Roger, Freddie and John had cast around him, WTH?!), he’s eventually saved by the other three and now he really wants some answers and perhaps the truth. It turns out that they’re all actual witches with different abilities and incredible powers including the oblivious Brian, Roger, Freddie and John had known this their entire life and all had proper training except for Brian who isn’t from a witchcraft family. Basically the other three have being protecting and guarding him ever since they’ve met (even though he doesn’t know a damn thing about his own gifts, they were very adamant that he belongs to them and their own “coven”). The four of them actually formed one of the most powerful witch coven ever and the curse was cast by another malicious one that’s jealous and afraid of how powerful they’re going to be once Brian realizes his own gifts, so they tried to get rid of him first. Cue a happy Poly!Fem!OT4 ending and a love confession + getting together yeah? :D And they all work on helping Brian to develop and harness his own powers. Love youuuu. (BTW I’m “obsessed” with Gothic aesthetics and vibes. This seems to be the perfect universe for this type of element to shine right? :D Literally everything ranging from character styles to witchcraft tools could be incorporate with it but I don’t think I did a good job in describing. Orz)
And off to the second prompt now! Shall we? :) Modern day!AU, Poly!Fem!Queen(King)? (Or no gender swap is fine too! Again I’m still using male names and pronouns here same reasons as above), It’s around 20:00 when Brian exited his plane. This past one month period of astronomy conference had been an opportunity of a life time and literally one of his biggest dreams. It’s a huge honor for him to be able to participate but after being away from his three lovers for so long, he does miss them terribly; The schedule of the conference is quite hectic and irregular with very little down time though the four of them do try to facetime or skype each other as often as they can, it still is nothing like being with each other in person, not to mention they’re all busy and more often than not had to resort to just texting in their group chat. His heart now flutters happily thinking about home and them. Just as when he’s about to call for a taxi someone’s hand came up around his waist – it’s John! And apparently John had arranged in advance for some people to come and take care of Brian’s luggage, Him however, remains firmly tucked by Brian’s side. Though they’re both not too keen on PDA Brian finds the urge to kiss him incredibly strong right now. John seems to be the same considering the heat in his eyes and if his smirk is anything to go by - “Wanna go for a ride? Our new car’s pretty neat.” “The one that Roger picked?” “Yeah.” “He agreed that you can drive it?” “Well he’s going to have to since the car keys’ being nicked.” “Oh my god John you stole Roger’s car keys?!” “It’s OUR car so technically it’s not stealing.” TBH John’s expression right now is kinda turning him on okay calm down deep breath they’re still in public god damn it. John proceed to guided Brian towards their ride and it is indeed a beautiful car. While John drove Brian asked Roger and Freddie’s whereabouts and got a mysterious smile and a vague “you’ll see” instead. It’s getting quite late and there’s not much traffic on the road so John might be speeding up a bit to enjoy the thrill. Normally Brian would fret over this but now he’s just happy, content and relaxed after coming home and reuniting with his lovers. He even let out an excited little shout and rolled down the window a bit to enjoy the night breeze when John sped up, which John beamed at him. “This isn’t our way home?” “We’re not going home yet.” “And are you gonna tell me where we’re heading?” “You’ll see.” Again with that cryptic-John-smile. They continue to drive up and deep into the mountains and eventually stoping at a lovely camping site with an elegant looking villa, John explained that they’ve booked this whole area exclusively for the next couple of days; They’ve missed him and all wanted to spend some alone time with each other. The weather is nice so it’s a clear starry night sky above and there’s a small bonfire crackling along with Roger and Freddie’s laughter, who are currently sitting beside it. Brian leaned over to John, planting a chaste kiss on his lips and whispered his thanks but apparently John had something else in mind. As soon as Brian began to pull back John shot out his hands and tugged on Brian’s hair just the way he knows how he likes it, that forced a surprised whimper out of Brian’s mouth and John took the opportunity to practically devour him with hungry kisses and tongue. Things heat up fast and Brian’s soft moans quickly became louder as John wasted no time opening up his shirt, caressing all over his chest and pinching his nipples. Brian let out a high-pitched yelp as John bit on his earlobe suddenly and at the same time dipped his hand into his underwear. Then Freddie showed up knocking disapprovingly on the car door window: “Tsk tsk starting without us already? That’s rude darling!.” Hearing this John let go of Brian’s lips, beamed at Freddie and opened the car door but didn’t retrieve his hand. Brian, now flushed and disheveled, looked up and gave Freddie a sheepish smile but abruptly let out another whimper as John started moving his fingers. He bit his lips in embarrassment, trying to contain his noise but quickly released them as John growled, demanding to hear his voice. Seeing this Freddie smirked and quickly bent down, grabbing Brian’s face and pulling him into another round of passionate and possessive kisses, full of teeth and tongue. “Oi! Stealing my car now John?! Wanker.” Roger appeared scowling but John just laughed and so does Freddie, letting go of Brian’s lips. Brian blinked a few times, willing his now distracted brain to focus on locating Roger and wordlessly held out his hands, beckoning him closer. Roger moved nearer and hummed his appreciation at the current sight on display, taking hold of both of Brian’s wrists with one hand, ran his other one over Brian’s exposed chest and suddenly pinched his nipple perfectly in time with John, who’s fingers just did something amazing inside Brian’s underwear. Brian moaned loudly and arched his back, feeling his orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast but soon let out a confused whimper when he felt John retrieving his touches. Roger laughed, nuzzled behind his ears and growled, “Only if you beg prettily enough.” Then he tugged him up and gestured towards the villa. “Let’s go and make good use of that giant bed.” Freddie nodded, agreeing with Roger, eyes drinking in the sight in front of him and licked his lips. “I’ll put out the bonfire then. Don’t start anything fun without me!” He kissed Brian once more, heatedly and full of promises of more to come, bit his lips playfully and quickly head towards the fire. “I was gonna make him come once before we go inside but your idea is quite tempting.” John smirked at Roger. “Will you do as Roger says love? Beg prettily for us? Should we allow you to come at all?” “Pleasepleaseplease.” Brian could only whimper, already feeling the familiar heavenly float that could only come from being cared for by his lovers. “Good boy. We’re gonna take such good care of you now, you can let go.” Roger began running his hand through Brian’s hair alongside with John, waiting for Freddie to return. Cue a steamy, sexy and loving Poly!Fem!(or not fem)OT4 night yeah? And there may or may not be a huge jacuzzi in the villa that they all made good use of. <3333
Okay now prompt number 3 is the standard type that one usually gets in their askbox if a writer is open for requests - Your take on in the Poly!Queen universe how would Freddie persuaded/convinced/forced?(XD) Brian to play harp for Love of My Life (and why Brian specifically? Besides all the rational reasons for him to be that person, you might be able to come up with something that’s outside the box? :D) and how the whole “Brian eventually constructed the song from piano onto acoustic guitar for live performances” business came about? Do you ever wonder why it’s not Freddie on the piano playing and singing like what he’s done with other songs? Or why not Brian on the piano while Freddie sings like the beginning of their live performances for Save Me? (AGAIN besides all the rational reasons behind it I’m still interested in your take. :P Have you read that Brian’s interview in which he says he thinks Freddie sees him as his own personal Jimi Hendrix and basically said that they’re gonna do this together? And those early year interviews regarding their album A Night at the Opera in which Freddie said he’s gonna make Brian play the harp until his hands drop off LOL and how Freddie describe the harp as the big thingy that angels play? Yeah Freddie we know that Brian’s your angel and SOUL BROTHER ahhhh I’m making myself emotional now QQ)
Ready for prompt number 4? Last one for now haha I think my brain is drying up lol. It just shows how amazing writers are! I salute you! You are wonderful. <333 Poly!Queen? Hot Space!Era (AUish)?, starting with them having a really rough time in the studio and it had been going on for quite a while (Prenter’s presence and words definitely didn’t help. It only gets worse and for some reason Brian has this feeling that he’s been singled out as target) and a particularly nasty fight broke out one day and even more unfortunate is that the fight got personal. And of course it has something to do with the infamous diss track: Back Chat (the fandom seems to think this song is aimed at Brian? though we will never know the truth ummm), Brian left the studio in the end (bitterly he denies the voices in his head calling him a coward for running away. He just wanted some fresh air, and maybe some alcohol in a bar that his bandmates do not frequent so he wouldn’t be found). Somehow, a band that’s also on the rise of fame managed to track him down while he was trying to numb himself quickly by getting plastered. They then offered a pretty sweet deal of him leaving Queen (“Since they don’t seem to love you anymore.” One of them murmured softly to him and hearing this is like been stabbed through the heart.) and joining them instead, not just as the song writer and lead guitarist but also as the lead vocalist of the band, basically saying that he could have everything; Strangely, it turns out that they actually had some “inside information” regarding of what’s been going on in Queen and had been following for a while, all of them keen on taking Brian’s side. Through the drunken fog in his brain his heart sank. Queen has already established the reputation of being a tight unit especially after their success, generally people respect their close bond with each other so there hasn’t been any “headhunting” propositions for a VERY long time; The fact of it appearing again now out of all times only brought out senses of dread, thoughts immediately heading to a dark place in which all the worst-case scenarios resides: is this actually his bandmates asking him to leave through a third party? Are they so fed up with him that they couldn’t even stand to break the news in person? Is this them breaking up with him? He’s suddenly so cold and dizzy that he started swaying unsteadily, the band then quickly offered to bring him back to their own brand-new recording studio for a tour and maybe some rest. Feeling drunk and resigned Brian just watched silently with half lidded eyes as they maneuvered him out of his seat. As they were about to usher him out of the bar suddenly all motion stopped as the band abruptly came face to face with Roger (eyes narrowed and fists balled, obviously fuming), Freddie (seemingly nonchalant with raised eyebrow but his coiled muscles as if ready for a fight totally says otherwise) and John (his face somehow even more unreadable than usual, eyes glinting ominously). Sensing the atmosphere shift, those who were around Brian all collectively took a step back and for some unknown reason, a few guilty looks appeared on some of their faces. Brian started swaying again without the support and Freddie quickly appeared besides Brian, wrapping tightly around him and helped carrying his weight. However, still feeling angry and devasted Brian tried to wriggle out of his embrace but found himself drunk and too slow and did not have the strength at to pry open Freddie’s “iron grip” at all (yeah how could he forget that Freddie is in fact a damn good athlete and a boxer, John also joined him in the gym these days these two often had great fun together). Sensing Brian’s struggle Freddie only wordlessly tightens his hold; Brian eventually gave up trying to get free after a few attempts instead just bit his lips (nervous habit kicking in now) and looked away, unwilling to face his three bandmates and lovers. “Where the hell do you think you’re taking OUR guitarist to?” Roger snarled, also coming up besides Freddie to help supporting Brian. After a quick check up on him, he frowned when he found that Brian’s skin is cold and clammy. “It’s great that you guys want to look out for OUR Brimi, but we’ll take it from here now.” There’s a storm brewing behind Freddie’s eyes, dismissal clear in his voice. Yet in the same time he’s very mindful of the drunk Brian now stiffly resides in his and Roger’s arms, careful to not cause him anymore physical discomfort. “It seems that a certain rat has been feeding you all kinds of information on us? Things that he’s not supposed to pry and definitely not supposed to blab about?” With a dark edge to his voice, John stepped forward, staring down at the few guilty faces in front of him, smiling cold and sharp. “Well he’s not around anymore, make of that what you will.” Slowly Brian blinked up at John through his drunken haze in surprise, it has to be Prenter that they’re talking about, right? But how— “Let’s get back to the hotel, Bri’s not feeling so well.” Roger grunted, tugging the other three out of the bar impatiently, his hold on Brian is steadfast and unwavering. “Come on guys, get in the car.” “Please come back with us Brimi? We know that you’re still hurting but I promise you, we’re gonna get through this together, alright?” Well now that’s just unfair, Freddie’s bringing out his nickname now in that soft tone AND looking at him like he’s something precious, really not fair at all. Brian could only nod, not trusting his voice yet but Freddie beamed brightly at him. “I’m sorry, baby. We’ll all have a long talk and fill you in on the details of Prenter after you get some rest okay?.” Now that’s just cheating. They’re in the car now and John’s petting his hair oh so gently, expertly lulling him to sleep. Cue the OT4!boys have a long hard talk about EVERYTHING and their relationship that involves lots of shouting, bitching, bickering, crying, apologizing and making up! HAPPY ENDINGS HELL YEAH and the other three explained how the whole Prenter thing came to light and with evidence, they fired him immediately. Also John may or may not have “convinced” (“I’d say threatened is more like it.” Roger snickered.) the other band’s manager to give up the location of the bar that they had sooo enthusiastically called him from, exclaiming Brian May’s about to quit Queen and join them and that they were trying to bring him back to the studio now.
I hope these brightened your day? Maybe if I’m lucky enough they could inspire you a bit? Perhaps they could be accepted as your writing prompts? :P Anyway I love you! Have a beautiful day and life hon. <333
Gosh thank you so much for submitting this anon! I really like them and I feel like we could add a lot to them if you wanted to speak to me about your ideas, so shoot me a private dm, yeah?
Also, you have a surprise coming for you in the next few days so stay vigilant of that!
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deaky-disco-queen · 5 years
(English is not my native language so umm sorry for any occurring mistakes? > <)
*shuffles awkwardly* Hi dear I come bearing writing prompts? *nervous laughter* I swear initially they were meant to be short descriptions BUT EVERYTHING GOT TOTALLY OUT OF HAND BY THE END. MY GOD THEY’RE SO DAMN LONG NOW. YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO (you could take all of them, some of them, one of them or NONE OF THEM ok? Totally fine!) so please don’t feel pressured? :) And you’re welcome to put your own spin on the prompts, pass them onto other writers if they’re interested or to collab with someone else! :D
But seriously though you can also just treat them as littles “stories” from me (aka. your humble little anon fan) to you, intended for your amusement instead of writing requests alright? Sorry to bombard you so suddenly with all this LOL. BTW you’ll see mostly they’re Brian’s POV because that’s just how my brain is wired lol it’s been like that since day 1 I CAN’T HELP IT.
BTW the “His Majesty, KING!” series by chateauofmyheart (I think she’s most known for the Queen + Rare Words series and her Tumblr blog is chateauofmymind) is THE fic that completely changed my perspective on gender swap themes. After reading that I was fascinated by how good it can be in the hands of brilliant writers. Hence all you’re reading right now ahahahaha it’s like a floodgate been opened LOL.
Alright? Here we go with the first one -
Modern day!AU, Poly!Fem!Queen(King) with supernatural elements? (I’m still gonna use male names and pronouns here to avoid confusion but at the same time it’s also because of I wanna see what female names you’d bestow upon them! Surprise me then? :D) Brian always has a connection with the “spiritual side” since he was a kid, sometimes he sees auras, energies, spirits and even on very rare occasions, deities. But it's not as glamour as it sounds and he has learned the hard way to keep this solely to himself since no one will believe him. And to pretend to be "normal" is very important since not everything he sees is harmless, he has to find ways to avoid being haunted by evil beings, but it doesn't always work; More often than not his health or mood is affected or he's chased and stalked and has terrible nightmares hence the insomnia.
By the time he got to college, though things still got really bad every once in a while but it felt like he has finally beginning to have situations under some semblance of control. Strangely, all these seemed to largely improved right after he became friends with Roger, Freddie and John, BUT inconveniently started pining after them real quick. His usual tactics were to keep his distance from the people around him but this time he’s drawn to them, feeling oddly alone when they’re not together; How sad is that? Falling in love for the first time in his life yet knowing there’s just no way it’s gonna end happily, but they don't need to know that it's fine he's used to being the outcast. Although his first meetings with each of them does feel a little unusual? They sure are a weird bunch for example, who would own so many of candles? And why so many talismans as well? (Very beautiful though all seems to be handmade perhaps they’re just into DIY stuffs and craftsmanship?) Also the look they gave him? Gleam in their eyes akin to excitement and awe, almost predatory in a sense? Not to mention all those cryptic sentences and meaningful glances shared between the three.
It sounds crazy but sometimes they gave off such strong "witchy" vibes as if they're actual witches like the ones in the movies or something (NOT the Harry Potter kind but more like, The Craft? But in a good way?), that being said Brian does have this distinct feeling that they're in on some kind of secret which he's not a part of and it makes him feel a bit sad and left out, but he hides his feelings well(me: or so he thinks haha we’re all familiar with this trope yeah? MOVING ON LOL). These three are lovely together, but Brian’s afraid of screwing things up so he kept his mouth shut and just took whatever he can get.
Plot twist LOL one night after a horrible near-death incident (caused by a horrendous curse aimed directly at him and much later on he learned that somehow it was powerful enough to break through the “protection ring” which Roger, Freddie and John had cast around him, WTH?!), he's eventually saved by the other three and now he really wants some answers and perhaps the truth.
It turns out that they're all actual witches with different abilities and incredible powers including the oblivious Brian, Roger, Freddie and John had known this their entire life and all had proper training except for Brian who isn't from a witchcraft family. Basically the other three have being protecting and guarding him ever since they've met (even though he doesn’t know a damn thing about his own gifts, they were very adamant that he belongs to them and their own “coven”). The four of them actually formed one of the most powerful witch coven ever and the curse was cast by another malicious one that's jealous and afraid of how powerful they're going to be once Brian realizes his own gifts, so they tried to get rid of him first.
Cue a happy Poly!Fem!OT4 ending and a love confession + getting together yeah? :D And they all work on helping Brian to develop and harness his own powers. Love youuuu. (BTW I’m “obsessed” with Gothic aesthetics and vibes. This seems to be the perfect universe for this type of element to shine right? :D Literally everything ranging from character styles to witchcraft tools could be incorporate with it but I don’t think I did a good job in describing. Orz)
And off to the second prompt now! Shall we? :)
Modern day!AU, Poly!Fem!Queen(King)? (Or no gender swap is fine too! Again I’m still using male names and pronouns here same reasons as above), It’s around 20:00 when Brian exited his plane. This past one month period of astronomy conference had been an opportunity of a life time and literally one of his biggest dreams. It’s a huge honor for him to be able to participate but after being away from his three lovers for so long, he does miss them terribly; The schedule of the conference is quite hectic and irregular with very little down time though the four of them do try to facetime or skype each other as often as they can, it still is nothing like being with each other in person, not to mention they’re all busy and more often than not had to resort to just texting in their group chat. His heart now flutters happily thinking about home and them.
Just as when he’s about to call for a taxi someone’s hand came up around his waist – it’s John! And apparently John had arranged in advance for some people to come and take care of Brian’s luggage, Him however, remains firmly tucked by Brian’s side. Though they’re both not too keen on PDA Brian finds the urge to kiss him incredibly strong right now. John seems to be the same considering the heat in his eyes and if his smirk is anything to go by -
“Wanna go for a ride? Our new car’s pretty neat.”
“The one that Roger picked?”
“He agreed that you can drive it?”
“Well he’s going to have to since the car keys’ being nicked.”
“Oh my god John you stole Roger’s car keys?!”
“It’s OUR car so technically it’s not stealing.” TBH John’s expression right now is kinda turning him on okay calm down deep breath they’re still in public god damn it.
John proceed to guided Brian towards their ride and it is indeed a beautiful car. While John drove Brian asked Roger and Freddie’s whereabouts and got a mysterious smile and a vague “you’ll see” instead. It’s getting quite late and there’s not much traffic on the road so John might be speeding up a bit to enjoy the thrill. Normally Brian would fret over this but now he’s just happy, content and relaxed after coming home and reuniting with his lovers. He even let out an excited little shout and rolled down the window a bit to enjoy the night breeze when John sped up, which John beamed at him.
“This isn’t our way home?”
“We’re not going home yet.”
“And are you gonna tell me where we’re heading?”
“You’ll see.” Again with that cryptic-John-smile.
They continue to drive up and deep into the mountains and eventually stoping at a lovely camping site with an elegant looking villa, John explained that they’ve booked this whole area exclusively for the next couple of days; They’ve missed him and all wanted to spend some alone time with each other. The weather is nice so it’s a clear starry night sky above and there’s a small bonfire crackling along with Roger and Freddie’s laughter, who are currently sitting beside it. Brian leaned over to John, planting a chaste kiss on his lips and whispered his thanks but apparently John had something else in mind.
As soon as Brian began to pull back John shot out his hands and tugged on Brian’s hair just the way he knows how he likes it, that forced a surprised whimper out of Brian’s mouth and John took the opportunity to practically devour him with hungry kisses and tongue. Things heat up fast and Brian’s soft moans quickly became louder as John wasted no time opening up his shirt, caressing all over his chest and pinching his nipples. Brian let out a high-pitched yelp as John bit on his earlobe suddenly and at the same time dipped his hand into his underwear. Then Freddie showed up knocking disapprovingly on the car door window: “Tsk tsk starting without us already? That’s rude darling!.” Hearing this John let go of Brian’s lips, beamed at Freddie and opened the car door but didn’t retrieve his hand. Brian, now flushed and disheveled, looked up and gave Freddie a sheepish smile but abruptly let out another whimper as John started moving his fingers. He bit his lips in embarrassment, trying to contain his noise but quickly released them as John growled, demanding to hear his voice. Seeing this Freddie smirked and quickly bent down, grabbing Brian’s face and pulling him into another round of passionate and possessive kisses, full of teeth and tongue. “Oi! Stealing my car now John?! Wanker.” Roger appeared scowling but John just laughed and so does Freddie, letting go of Brian’s lips. Brian blinked a few times, willing his now distracted brain to focus on locating Roger and wordlessly held out his hands, beckoning him closer. Roger moved nearer and hummed his appreciation at the current sight on display, taking hold of both of Brian’s wrists with one hand, ran his other one over Brian’s exposed chest and suddenly pinched his nipple perfectly in time with John, who’s fingers just did something amazing inside Brian’s underwear. Brian moaned loudly and arched his back, feeling his orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast but soon let out a confused whimper when he felt John retrieving his touches. Roger laughed, nuzzled behind his ears and growled, “Only if you beg prettily enough.” Then he tugged him up and gestured towards the villa. “Let’s go and make good use of that giant bed.” Freddie nodded, agreeing with Roger, eyes drinking in the sight in front of him and licked his lips. “I’ll put out the bonfire then. Don’t start anything fun without me!” He kissed Brian once more, heatedly and full of promises of more to come, bit his lips playfully and quickly head towards the fire. “I was gonna make him come once before we go inside but your idea is quite tempting.” John smirked at Roger. “Will you do as Roger says love? Beg prettily for us? Should we allow you to come at all?” “Pleasepleaseplease.” Brian could only whimper, already feeling the familiar heavenly float that could only come from being cared for by his lovers. “Good boy. We’re gonna take such good care of you now, you can let go.” Roger began running his hand through Brian’s hair alongside with John, waiting for Freddie to return.
Cue a steamy, sexy and loving Poly!Fem!(or not fem)OT4 night yeah? And there may or may not be a huge jacuzzi in the villa that they all made good use of. <3333
Okay now prompt number 3 is the standard type that one usually gets in their askbox if a writer is open for requests - Your take on in the Poly!Queen universe how would Freddie persuaded/convinced/forced?(XD) Brian to play harp for Love of My Life (and why Brian specifically? Besides all the rational reasons for him to be that person, you might be able to come up with something that’s outside the box? :D) and how the whole “Brian eventually constructed the song from piano onto acoustic guitar for live performances” business came about? Do you ever wonder why it’s not Freddie on the piano playing and singing like what he’s done with other songs? Or why not Brian on the piano while Freddie sings like the beginning of their live performances for Save Me? (AGAIN besides all the rational reasons behind it I’m still interested in your take. :P Have you read that Brian’s interview in which he says he thinks Freddie sees him as his own personal Jimi Hendrix and basically said that they’re gonna do this together? And those early year interviews regarding their album A Night at the Opera in which Freddie said he’s gonna make Brian play the harp until his hands drop off LOL and how Freddie describe the harp as the big thingy that angels play? Yeah Freddie we know that Brian’s your angel and SOUL BROTHER ahhhh I’m making myself emotional now QQ)
Ready for prompt number 4? Last one for now haha I think my brain is drying up lol. It just shows how amazing writers are! I salute you! You are wonderful. <333
Poly!Queen? Hot Space!Era (AUish)?, starting with them having a really rough time in the studio and it had been going on for quite a while (Prenter’s presence and words definitely didn’t help. It only gets worse and for some reason Brian has this feeling that he’s been singled out as target) and a particularly nasty fight broke out one day and even more unfortunate is that the fight got personal. And of course it has something to do with the infamous diss track: Back Chat (the fandom seems to think this song is aimed at Brian? though we will never know the truth ummm), Brian left the studio in the end (bitterly he denies the voices in his head calling him a coward for running away. He just wanted some fresh air, and maybe some alcohol in a bar that his bandmates do not frequent so he wouldn’t be found). Somehow, a band that’s also on the rise of fame managed to track him down while he was trying to numb himself quickly by getting plastered. They then offered a pretty sweet deal of him leaving Queen (“Since they don’t seem to love you anymore.” One of them murmured softly to him and hearing this is like been stabbed through the heart.) and joining them instead, not just as the song writer and lead guitarist but also as the lead vocalist of the band, basically saying that he could have everything; Strangely, it turns out that they actually had some "inside information" regarding of what's been going on in Queen and had been following for a while, all of them keen on taking Brian's side. Through the drunken fog in his brain his heart sank. Queen has already established the reputation of being a tight unit especially after their success, generally people respect their close bond with each other so there hasn’t been any “headhunting” propositions for a VERY long time; The fact of it appearing again now out of all times only brought out senses of dread, thoughts immediately heading to a dark place in which all the worst-case scenarios resides: is this actually his bandmates asking him to leave through a third party? Are they so fed up with him that they couldn’t even stand to break the news in person? Is this them breaking up with him? He’s suddenly so cold and dizzy that he started swaying unsteadily, the band then quickly offered to bring him back to their own brand-new recording studio for a tour and maybe some rest. Feeling drunk and resigned Brian just watched silently with half lidded eyes as they maneuvered him out of his seat. As they were about to usher him out of the bar suddenly all motion stopped as the band abruptly came face to face with Roger (eyes narrowed and fists balled, obviously fuming), Freddie (seemingly nonchalant with raised eyebrow but his coiled muscles as if ready for a fight totally says otherwise) and John (his face somehow even more unreadable than usual, eyes glinting ominously). Sensing the atmosphere shift, those who were around Brian all collectively took a step back and for some unknown reason, a few guilty looks appeared on some of their faces. Brian started swaying again without the support and Freddie quickly appeared besides Brian, wrapping tightly around him and helped carrying his weight. However, still feeling angry and devasted Brian tried to wriggle out of his embrace but found himself drunk and too slow and did not have the strength at to pry open Freddie’s “iron grip” at all (yeah how could he forget that Freddie is in fact a damn good athlete and a boxer, John also joined him in the gym these days these two often had great fun together). Sensing Brian’s struggle Freddie only wordlessly tightens his hold; Brian eventually gave up trying to get free after a few attempts instead just bit his lips (nervous habit kicking in now) and looked away, unwilling to face his three bandmates and lovers.
“Where the hell do you think you’re taking OUR guitarist to?” Roger snarled, also coming up besides Freddie to help supporting Brian. After a quick check up on him, he frowned when he found that Brian’s skin is cold and clammy.
“It’s great that you guys want to look out for OUR Brimi, but we’ll take it from here now.” There’s a storm brewing behind Freddie’s eyes, dismissal clear in his voice. Yet in the same time he’s very mindful of the drunk Brian now stiffly resides in his and Roger’s arms, careful to not cause him anymore physical discomfort.
“It seems that a certain rat has been feeding you all kinds of information on us? Things that he’s not supposed to pry and definitely not supposed to blab about?” With a dark edge to his voice, John stepped forward, staring down at the few guilty faces in front of him, smiling cold and sharp. “Well he’s not around anymore, make of that what you will.” Slowly Brian blinked up at John through his drunken haze in surprise, it has to be Prenter that they’re talking about, right? But how—
“Let’s get back to the hotel, Bri’s not feeling so well.” Roger grunted, tugging the other three out of the bar impatiently, his hold on Brian is steadfast and unwavering. “Come on guys, get in the car.”
“Please come back with us Brimi? We know that you’re still hurting but I promise you, we’re gonna get through this together, alright?” Well now that’s just unfair, Freddie’s bringing out his nickname now in that soft tone AND looking at him like he’s something precious, really not fair at all. Brian could only nod, not trusting his voice yet but Freddie beamed brightly at him.
“I’m sorry, baby. We’ll all have a long talk and fill you in on the details of Prenter after you get some rest okay?.” Now that’s just cheating. They’re in the car now and John’s petting his hair oh so gently, expertly lulling him to sleep.
Cue the OT4!boys have a long hard talk about EVERYTHING and their relationship that involves lots of shouting, bitching, bickering, crying, apologizing and making up! HAPPY ENDINGS HELL YEAH and the other three explained how the whole Prenter thing came to light and with evidence, they fired him immediately. Also John may or may not have “convinced” (“I’d say threatened is more like it.” Roger snickered.) the other band’s manager to give up the location of the bar that they had sooo enthusiastically called him from, exclaiming Brian May’s about to quit Queen and join them and that they were trying to bring him back to the studio now.
I hope these brightened your day? Maybe if I’m lucky enough they could inspire you a bit? Perhaps they could be accepted as your writing prompts? :P Anyway I love you! Have a beautiful day and life hon. <333
First off, you don't have to apologize for any errors, english isn't my first language either and I didn't even notice any errors; your english is completely fine
Second, those prompts are lovely and I might write something for them once I have access to my laptop again (so far I'm only writing on my phone and while that works, it's not ideal) because it would end up a bit longer than what usually write for snippets.
Thanl you so much for this lovely, I really enjoyed this!
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