#I went years not writing anything
gayhoediaz · 2 years
private chef au 👀 i’m intrigued omgg any details you can spare on what you have in mind for it?
Well… 💕
Buck is a celebrity and Eddie is the private chef that he hires (because Eddie can canonically cook now and we need more fics that incorporates that imo).
I think it’s going to be entirely from Buck’s POV, and at first he’ll be so busy and there will be so many assistants and other people coming in and out of his house, so he doesn’t actually have any time to talk to Eddie. But he’s intrigued (read: attracted) so eventually he asks Eddie to teach him how to cook, and they start having cooking lessons every week.
I think it’s gonna be like 30-40k. Probably a single chapter. Not too much angst, mostly just pining in a cozy atmosphere. (I see the cooking lessons taking place in Buck’s kitchen late at night after everyone else has left.)
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scarletfasinera · 19 days
Like no, it isn't problematic to like Magneto, and no, most writers actually don't write Magneto with intent of him being a Zionist or based on a Zionist, and no I don't think Magneto is a Zionist in the present day. But it's impossible to separate Claremont's intentions from that era of the character's history, when he EXPLICITLY STATED that he based his characterization of Magneto on Menachem Begin and was inspired to do so while he himself was living in Israel, especially when that particular era was what popularized Magneto as a character and is the most well-known version of the character. You can like a character and examine the problematic aspects of a character's history. And we all know Claremont has shitty politics that he incorporated into his writing all the time, I don't understand why it's beyond the realm of belief that this would also apply to his writing of Magneto...
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blindrapture · 2 months
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In 2011, I started writing a thing, on a whim. In 2013, I finished it. A lot of people seemed to love it? Then over the next decade, I put a lot of work into expanding and editing it, with plans for a complete physical book release that didn't happen. Well, here it is again. As an internet novel. A finished novel, this time.
I will start posting the story on May 21st, 2024. May 22nd will be a day of rest. And then, from May 23rd until October 21st, every day will see a new chapter-- a new log. ("F-Five months?? How long is this novel?" Oh yeah, good point. That won't actually get us to the end. There may be another eight, ten days of chapters afterwards. It is important, however, to emphasize the May 21 - October 21 model.)
I will make sure to put the bulk of the contents under "Read More" breaks, so each log won't clutter your browsing experience.
The logs will have art in them. Not as much as in the original draft, but there will still be some. As of May 1st, I expect art by Rappu, RealaChao, Wiratomkinder, and Vis.
I plan on supplementing the logs with the occasional post talking about the making and intention of the story. I dunno, it's gonna be a five-month distribution period, I'm gonna get antsy during that and am gonna want to ramble. That'll be separate content, though.
And when the story is fully and completely posted on tumblr, I will release the full novel on my Website, where I like to keep the rest of my creations. Both the tumblr novel and the Website novel will be free reading, forever. I reserve the right to try again at a paid physical edition afterwards.
So! That's it. Rapture is coming. OH GOD THE RAPTURE IS BURNING is coming.
Trigger Warnings: Sex, Gods, and Rock & Roll. (violence. some swear words. teenage angst, cringe. death. insects. surrealism. symbolism. unpredictability of what will be explained and what won't. sexual acts with dubious consent-- you will be able to skip that part. religious iconography. and so much prog rock.)
Get ready for it.
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housecow · 1 month
i always wonder what it’ll take for how fat i am to get acknowledged. the only time ive ever had it publicly or privately called out (besides in kink situations) was in 9th grade. i didn’t go to anime club because im not into anime (im still not) even though i told this dude i would be there lol.
he was pissed at me the next day and just mouthed the words “you’re fat” in the hallway like that would mean anything… i’ve never rlly been insulted for my weight or had it poked fun at. is it weird i want to get big enough for that to happen??
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yuraimi-lee-bunny · 4 months
OK, seriously, it's been 5 years of keeping this with me, but I think it's been too long and I need to get it out:
Gray isn't white skinned. Gray isn't a "white guy".
Whithe person is Tigress, Maelstrom, Paper Star, Chase Devineaux, Julie Argent, Zach and Ivy.
But Gray isn't. Gray has a "beige" skin tone, it's an almost orange skin tone. He isn't as white as other characters that if you put them in the light they almost shine like a Twilight's vampire.
And I have never understood why some call him "white man" because throughout the entire series it's very clear that he isn't. Yeah, ok, he's not brown, but he isn't white either. In Spanish we have a term called "apiñonado" (a middle term between white and brown, which people who are a mix between an indigenous person and someone with white skin tend to have. You know, the consequences of miscegenation)
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Which has sometimes led me to think that Gray is a person with Aboriginal roots (that's another topic. And although I have no proof, I have no doubt either.)
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Even here I leave you the best proof. In a place with little light. Chase and Gray. Chase is white, not Gray!
And well, I could put more proof, but I think these are the clearest. I'm not mad at anyone, but I'm not going to understand why even Gray's wiki says "Skin: white" when it's VERY obvious that it's not, and there have always been other terms to describe different skin tones, not just "black and white"
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Hi Becca! I would literally die for you blog. It’s my go to any time I need some good self care😉. You’re incredibly talented!
But I’ve had this idea bouncing around in my head. It boils down to just Bucky and cock warming. Like the reader is on him begging for more but he is just having way to much fun playing with their clit to start moving. Making them cum on him with out thrusting once.
Just an idea I thought you might like. I love you work, have a great day!!
I'm really glad you've been enjoying my stuff so much!! That's so sweet!💗 and I keep getting told I can get ✨filthier✨ so I'd love to mess with this is little bit
Because I love the thought of Bucky making you start off with a dildo that's just a little bit smaller in size than he is. Maybe one of those dildos with a suction cup on the bottom so it's stuck on a wooden chair.
"Good girl, take it all." He encourages, kneeling between your legs, watching your cunt greedily swallow the toy. It's a sight he doesn't often get to see and he's really not sure why he doesn't make a point of watching it more often.
You whine quietly, feeling the toy bottom out. Your ass makes contact with the cool, varnished wood beneath you and you can't help but roll your hips a little, enjoying the feeling of the tip rubbing against your velvety walls.
"If I wanted you to fuck yourself on that, I'd tell you to. Did I tell you to?" Bucky's voice has a sharp edge that almost knocks you out of your daze.
"N-no... But-" You begin, trying to justify your movement but he cuts you off.
"No. So don't. I want you to keep your cunt stuffed and take what I give you." He watches up at you as he presses your knees apart, keeping his eyes on your face until he can't bare it anymore.
You gasp quietly at the feeling of his hot breath on your exposed, slick sex and there's nothing you can do but whimper at the feeling of his tongue gently grazing your clit.
Fuck, it's good. It's not long before he's licking you like he's starving, lapping and sucking gently on your clit before forcing your legs wider apart to lick your arousal from the base of the toy.
"Bucky, please. Please let me move." You didn't mean to sound so pathetic but with each lick, you get closer and closer to an orgasm you won't be able to stop. An orgasm you've been warned you're not allowed to have.
You're almost surprised he takes pity on you, giving you permission to get off the toy. He removes it from the chair and sits down in it's place, offering his cock as a replacement.
You sit back down as you had earlier with your back to his chest but you can't help but feel amazed at how much better his dick feels. He's slightly bigger and while that's nice, nothing beats the way he throbs inside you and the hot, breathy groans against your ear at the feeling of your body taking all of him.
"Such a good girl." He smirks against your neck, littering your skin with kisses between his soft praises. You feel one of his hands on your chin, gently directing you to look to your right, over in the direction of the full length mirror.
The reflection you're looking at makes your walls flutter involuntarily because fuck, you really are stuffed full of his cock and he's making sure you're not able to fully enjoy it yet.
With one hand still holding your head in place, making sure you keep watching, Bucky's free hand trails down between your legs, flicking and rubbing your clit again.
"Oh f-fuck." You whine, watching Bucky's smirk widen. You can't sit still. You just can't. You want to grind your hips and take what you need and in that moment, his pleasure and all the instructions he's given you come second. You need to get off, consequences be damned.
"Don't even fucking think about it." He warns, delivering one harsh slap to your clit. It's not overly hard but it's enough to shock you. "You know you're not allowed to cum. I want to feel this pretty pussy dripping first. Don't worry though. Once you're wet and messy enough, I'll fuck you stupid on the carpet, right in front of the mirror. Want you to watch yourself cum so hard you forget your own name."
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
I find it really funny that Dazai has, if my memory serves me right, has swore only two times in the whole manga (he seldom swears even at his enemies, he an annoyingly polite boy) and both times coz of Fyodor... like this man made Dazai-annoy-everyone-around-me-to-death-Osamu go WTF at his antics
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I bet if Fyodor drops his mask of the perfectly-in-control mastermind and let loose, he's gonna be weirder than Dazai + Gogol combined. Sigma hasn't seen the worst of this gang yet...
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melon-official · 2 months
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She wails as though a part of her has died.
oh man. i picked up the sidestory to @just-a-carrot's five-arc horror epic a couple days ago and i'm so glad i did. i'll probably be talking nonstop and/or drawing about it for days
there's a handful of whiteboard doodles with other characters under the cut, but rly i just wanted to pay a homage to the scene that hit me the hardest... enjoy
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arctic-hands · 1 year
My best advice to sick and disabled kids, as someone whose been sick to the point of disabilty since I was four, is to pick up a creative hobby. Learn to draw, take up knitting, learn the guitar if you're strong enough to hold one and take up ukulele if you're not. Do something that will stimulate your brain and give you the satisfaction of creation, as well as distraction.
My parents' idea of occupying my time thru appointments and infusions and hospitalizations and sick days was just piling me with books and video games. Which is fine! Great escapism, fun to do, saves you from boredom. But sometimes you don't need to escape, sometimes you need to create, and not knowing how or where to start fills you with a feeling of frustration and helplessness. Reading gave me a fantastic imagination and I created worlds in my head that I had no way of getting out to share or saving for posterity.
My parents had hobbies of their own. Mom's a fiber artist and dad's a musician, and I asked them repeatedly over my childhood to teach me what they were doing but they always waffled on it and never did. Hell I didn't even learn how to cook until I was eighteen. So I was left with books and video games and no sense of satisfaction in my ability to do anything.
I took up art in my mid twenties, mostly by watching YouTube tutorials or checking out how to draw books from the library. They say the best time to start is yesterday, but the second best time is to start is today. I don't create art every day. I have more pain and exhaustion days than I do creative days. But when I can create it feels empowering, and power is something I don't have as a disabled person.
And I'm not saying take up a creative hobby so you have something to sell to fall back financially when you're too sick to work (obvs if you want to you can, but that's not the point of this advice). Paint pictures just to hang up in your bedroom. Crochet clothes for your dog. Write songs with lyrics that only make sense to you. And if no one is willing to teach you these skills, seek out resources and basically teach yourself.
I don't know how to end this post, but I am begging every sick kid (and sick adults too, for that matter) to not just wait for your life to end, distracting yourself solely with passive hobbies like books and games that have been scripted out to have pre-determined endings decided for you. Find an outlet you can do to create, for your own sense of satisfaction if nothing else.
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larkspurglove · 25 days
Maybe if I cope hard enough song 21 or 22 is Man of the House-
#epic the musical#odysseus#queue’d#there’s a 50% chance it’s bc it sounds Hamilton-y but I love Man of the House#it’s such a bop#ik it’s scrapped but like IF I COPE-#anyway my reasoning as to why it could be song 21 or 22 is bc epic the musical as a standalone adaptation#is REALLY missing some Odysseus backstory content#bc if you went into the musical without knowing anything about the odyssey or Greek mythology here’s what you’d know#1. he’s been at war for 10 years and really misses his family#2. he really really loves and misses his wife#3. he’s the king of Ithaca#4. when he was younger Athena saw him kill a boar and was like ‘yo this kid’s cool I’m gonna mentor him’#< also I’m not even sure if point 4 is accurate to the actual Greek myths but regardless#outside of Warrior of the Mind there’s not a lot of Odysseus backstory#like you can function on these points alone but I think it would be fun to get more ody backstory#also imagine act 2 opening with Man of the House#it’s a hopeful pick-me-up from Monster and the Underworld Saga in general#and not to mention illustrates what’s at stake plus starts to introduce the ‘we’ve been on this voyage for a bit too long man’ element#plus it would introduce the ‘where is he’ motif and the ‘time is ticking it’s running out time to be the man of the house’ motif earlier#and I could write a whole ‘nother wall of tags about how those motifs would affect the story in this scenario#I mean Jay’s probably gonna introduce those motifs somewhere else outside of The Challenge and Odysseus/King so yeah#Man of the House you’re not a cut song to me <3#epic the thunder saga#lark rambles
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korperlos · 10 months
someone please flush my brain, change my battery, or whatever, i just want to be able to fully focus on things again and feel some energy in this strange body i inhabit, i want to be able to enjoy things
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onebizarrekai · 8 months
*bangs my fist against the table*
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thedreadvampy · 9 months
I tried listening to Olivia Rodrigo and I'm sure this is really good for its target audience of Teen Girls Going Through A Breakup but has she actually ever put out a song that isn't about a guy cheating, breaking up with her and moving on to someone else?
like babe he's not coming back it's been 2 years you gotta find something else in your life
#red said#it's not to my taste. tbh#content aside pop music is going through a very early 2000s breathy oversinging phase#hated it with xtina and alanis hate it with ariana and olivia sorry#it's a personal taste thing but to me however hard you go with the backing track that kind of soft pretty vocal style kind of#drags it back into midtempo sludge for me#also tbh it's just extremely normal music. like i went over to her yt bc people were talking about how Weird vampire is#it's not though????? it's super not????#anyway the only one I've got anything out of is good 4 u cause she sounds more involved and less self-pitying on it#every other Olivia song I've heard sounds kinda the same bc they all have the same earnest self-pity vibe#which is what a lot of people need out of music! music that makes them feel the depth of their anger and sadness!#but idk it's never done it for me i like there to be something of a tongue in cheek or a hysterical edge#i think most of the songs I've heard from her are just too controlled and polished for them to not sound to me#like she's the person who sees you crying cause your partner is in hospital and goes YEAH I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL#MY EX CHEATED ON ME 5 YEARS AGO AND IT REALLY TRAUMATISED ME AND I'M STILL NOT OVER IT and then you have to comfort her#like i recognise she's a 20 year old making music for teenagers so that is. appropriate.#but i struggled with the wallowing then too. were i a Teen at school with Olivia's character i would be so desperate to tell GROW UP#and it's not the lyrics it really is the music#heartbreak is a perfectly good theme to write on but oh my god not every song about it needs to be a mouthful call to arms
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the urge to start writing fanfiction but i have never written a piece of fanfiction ever and haven't written creatively outside of school projects in years 😭😭😭😭
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gayrogues · 1 year
there is no fucking way that tom king's shitty oneshot, featuring the most out-of-character riddler known to man and a batman who breaks his no kill rule and waterboards people, got nominated for an eisner award...
#i hate the riddler issue of one bad day so much it's unreal#1. why write a riddler comic if you're gonna be like 'actually he HATES riddles and puzzles and won't be using them anymore'#now he's just some guy who kills people#2. i don't think i need to explain why i hate the concept of batman breaking the no kill rule or waterboarding people#3. trying to make the killing joke relevant again after 30 years? to say that ed was the mastermind behind it?#4. the plot is just. incredibly silly and not in a good way like you're telling me once the riddler stops using riddles he#becomes powerful enough to take over the entire city and batman can't do anything about it except kill him?#and i'm not talking taking over the city like in zero year where there was an actual plan#in one bad day everyone just gets sooo scared of him and his massive brain that they fall in line#5. that is not his fucking backstory#that's like. the complete opposite of it. keeping only the part about him having a shitty dad#he was never a prestigious prep school kid under immense pressure to be the smartest#he was just some kid who went unnoticed by everyone and that's why winning that puzzle contest was so important to him#and then his dad refused to believe he was smart enough to win the contest without cheating and you know the rest#he has a very ordinary backstory that explains a lot about him#meanwhile i feel like tom king was like 'oh shit this series is called one bad day'#'i need to give ed a pivotal moment in his life that made him fucked up and evil'#'how bout i write all this stuff leading up to him brutally killing his teacher at the age of like 15'#and it just sucked ass#i feel like there was more stuff i hated that i'm forgetting but i am not gonna re-read this comic to remember! at least the art was good#oopsie daisy these tags turned out to be much longer than i was expecting - i don't even care about the eisner awards i just saw the#category pop up on the library app that i use and i was like Why is This in here#ransom.txt
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Me: Aw, I'm sad, I haven't really been engaging with fandom at all these past couple of months. Am I not doing okay?
This blog: 🤨
The 1200 word meta I'm going to post later tonight: 🤨
All the meta posts in my drafts: 🤨🤨🤨
The extensive tags in my reblogs: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
My notes app with random snippets of ideas for GO fanfic: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
My folder of 32 more fleshed out GO fanfic drafts: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
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