#I’m more than happy to have Tim show up in my dreams though! Tim is great!
northwestofinsanity · 5 months
To what do I owe the pleasure for having not one, but *FOUR* different rock stars, from four completely different bands show up in my dreams throughout my sporadic sleep last night? (Not counting that light sleep and waking up every hour was probably what made me so aware of my dreams.)
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callsign-dexter · 9 months
Late Night Confessions 18+
Request: Oh my lord you do Tim Bradford imagines ? 🥺 Now I love you even more than before !
My bday would also be next week, so I might wanna send something in, but only if you have time. No problem if you don't want to ❤️ 
You being Tim's new neighbor and you both seem to be secretly catching each other's heart, but you don't think you'd stand a chance with a handsome police officer like him. One time after shift you call him over for some help at the house and he gladly comes to help you. Then you insist that he stays over for dinner as a thank you and later as he's about to leave you kiss him. Instead of pulling away he grabs you and you end in bed ? 💗🍀
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Evers!Lawyer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, smut
A/N: Happy birthday/belated birthday to the annon who sent this in! Prepare yourselves @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms.
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 You had just moved to LA and were currently moving into your new house. You had just broken up with your boyfriend after you found him cheating on you with his secretary and you were looking to move when the perfect opportunity opened up. You were a lawyer and a new position opened up in LA and you took it even before your boss could even ask you if you wanted it, you just wanted to get out of Florida. This was also a chance for you to be with your older brother and his wife, who you loved so much. You could’ve asked your brother for help to move in but you didn’t want to inconvenience him so you said “Fuck it, I’ll do it myself.” Even though your brother had told you to wait until he got there to help and he could bring a dolly but you were stubborn which helped you in court a lot and had won many cases and some major cases.
It was a Saturday and you had closed on the house a week ago but you needed to sort some stuff out back in Florida. You sighed and looked at all the boxes you had still yet to unbox but then you got to work. You had unpacked the majority of the light stuff but now it was on to the heavy stuff. You got most of the boxes in but you were struggling with one and you tried multiple of times until you set it out down with a huff. You put your hands on your hips and glared down at the box “Why do you hate me so much?” You asked it like it was going to answer you.
You were going to try to move it again but a male voice was heard “Need any help?” They asked and you looked up at the voice and saw two guys were heading your way. One was handsome tall and the other was a little bit older and you smiled they looked trustworthy.
“If you don’t mind that would be great. I just have a few heavy boxes and my bed to move and that is it.” You said “I’m Y/N.” You said and held out your hand for them to shake and they did as they introduced themselves to you.
“I’m Tim Bradford.” Tim said and you could’ve sworn you fell in love right then and there and then you let go of his hand and turned to the other male that started talking and smirking.
“I’m John Nolan.” Nolan said and you smiled and shook his hand and then let go and then you turned and pointed to the box on the ground.
“If you one of you don’t mind moving this one, it’s being stubborn. It goes into the kitchen.” You said and they chuckled you were funny and they liked you.
“Of course.” Tim said and he bent down and picked it up with ease and you watched his back flex and you wondered what he would have looked like without a shirt. You stared at him and watched him walk into your house when John’s voice shook you out of your day dream.
“What else do you need moved?” He asked politely and you smiled. You pointed him to the truck.
“I’ll show you.” You said and he nodded and then you both got to work. It didn’t take long and everything was unloaded and all that was left was your chest of drawers, bed, couch, and table, you had already unloaded the chairs. The three of you got those unloaded and situated. “I’m sorry if you making you spend your Saturday like this but I really appreciate it.” You said feeling guilty especially after looked down at your watch and saw the time.
“Nonsense. We were happy to help. Tim actually just lives next door so it wasn’t a bother at all.” John said and you perked up at that and smiled. “I have to ask why you moved to LA.” John asked taking a sip of water from the water bottle that you had given them once you all were done.
“I’m a lawyer. I got an incredible offer and I took it also my boyfriend cheated on me with his secretary. Plus, I’m gonna be closer to my brother.” You said and they nodded listening “What about you guys?” You asked.
“We’re police officers for LA Police Department.” Tim said and you smiled.
“Well thank you guys so much. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing each other a lot. I’ll find a way to repay you as a thank you, I would offer you something to eat or make you something but I don’t have a stocked kitchen yet.” You said looking down.
“You really don’t have to do that.” John said and you looked up and shook your head.
“I want to. I’ll get it to you somehow.” You said
“No seriously it’s fine. We’re always happy to help out a beautiful girl like you.” Tim said and you blushed and looked down.
“Ok.” You said
“We’ll let you settle in. If you need help, I’m just next door.” Tim said and you smiled.
“I won’t hesitate to ask.” You said and he smiled and nodded and then they were on their way. You walked them out and shut the door and leaned against it. All you could think about was Tim and how handsome he was but you pushed it to the back of your mind because there was no way you could be with him. He was handsome and you thought you weren’t he could have anyone he wanted and you weren’t going to stand in his way.
The next day Tim and Nolan went to work and Tim was nonstop smiling and in a really great mood and this creeped most of his coworkers out. Nolan knew why but wasn’t going to tell anyone else. Briefing went off without a hitch and before they knew it, they were out in the streets doing what they need best. When lunchtime rolled around, they met at their normal spot. Instead of them splitting up like they normally did they actually sat together but that was probably because all the tables were full. “So, Wesley and I are having a welcome party for his sister.” Angela said as she took a bite of her food.
A collection of “I’ll be there.” And “Count me in.” were heard from the group. They didn’t fail to notice the friendly interaction and smiling Tim and Jackson had to ask the question everyone was dying to know.
“What’s got you so happy?” He asked and Tim looked at him.
“What do you mean? I’m always happy.” He said and a few scoffs were heard from the group and he looked at them all “What? I am.” Tim said.
“Sure.” Lucy said and taking a bite of her lunch.
“He met his new neighbor that we helped move in yesterday. He’s in love.” Nolan said not able to hold in the news any longer. Everyone smirked now that they new what was going on they now had something to tease him about.
“I am not in love.” Tim said and everyone rolled their eyes but smirked but they were saved by a call coming in and splitting up their little group meeting. Tim was certainly in love and he knew that but he wasn’t going to admit that.
You had just made it through your first day at work and now you were meeting with your brother for lunch. You had agreed from him to come and pick you up when you saw his car you smiled and walked over to it as he got out and opened the door for you. You got in and he shut the door “How was your first night in LA?” He asked as he pulled out onto the street.
“It was good! I met my neighbor and he helped me move everything into the house.” You said as he stopped at a stoplight.
“That’s great! I’m glad you’re fitting in and loving LA.” He said as he pulled up to a small cute café that everyone raved about. He parked and killed the engine and then the both of you got out and walked in. You walked to the counter and ordered and then went and sat down to wait for your food. “So, we’re throwing you a welcome party.” Wesely started and you gave him a look “Before you even start. We’re doing it and you can’t say no.” He said and you huffed.
“Fine.” You said
“Love you, sis.” He said and you rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Love you too, bro.” You said then your order was called and he walked over to get it and then walked back to you and you both ate and caught up on everything you missed in each other lives.
The rest of the day went off without a hit. Everyone was really nice and friendly and valued your opinion. You went home with a smile. You had just pulled into your driveway, parked, killed the engine, and got out when you saw Tim’s truck pull into your driveway. You smiled thinking about how nice he was but knew he would never fall for a girl like you and as you thought about that the smile turned into a frown as you walked to your mailbox. Apparently, Tim had the same idea because he was doing the same and when he saw you, he smiled “Hey Y/N.” He said and you looked up at him and put a smile, one that didn’t meet your eyes.
“Hey, Tim.” You said sounding a little defeated and he frowned not liking the tone or the smile that didn’t meet your eyes.
“Everything ok?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yea, just a little tired from the first day. Also, my brother is making me go to a party.” You said and smiled.
“Well, I hope you have a nice time while there and have a little fun.” He said and you smiled.
“I will. See you later.” You said and he nodded.
“See you later.” He said and then you both went into your houses and you got ready to head over to your brother’s and sister-in-law’s house.
It was time for you to leave. You looked yourself over and then you were off to their house. You walked out to your car and frowned when you didn’t see Tim’s truck in the driveway but you shrugged and got into your car and turned the engine over and headed off to their house which was only 15 minutes away. When you got there you raised an eyebrow when you saw Tim’s car in the driveway and several other cars. You pulled up next to Tim’s truck and killed the engine and got out and walked over to the house. You walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds later your brother was opening the door smiling. “Y/N! You made it!” He said.
“I hope I’m not late.” You said and he shook his head.
“Nope. Right on time. Now come in. I want to introduce you to some people.” He said and you followed him in. Instantly you spotted Nolan and smiled.
“Hey, John!” You said and he smiled when he looked up and saw you and walked over and hugged you.
“Hey, Y/N! What are you doing here?” He asked releasing you from the hug and before you could answer Wesely came over and threw an arm around you.
“This is my sister. How do you two know each other?” He asked
“He and Tim helped me move in when I arrived.” You said and then just then Tim walked in from the backyard along with your sister and 3 other people that you had yet to meet.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Tim asked and you smiled and walked out from under your brother’s gaze and walked over and hugged him.
“Hey! I told you my brother was making me come to a party. Wesley is my brother.” You said as you released each other from the hug. Then he turned to Angela.
“Wait, Y/N is your sister-in-law that you were talking about at lunch?” He asked and she nodded and then the three other people introduced themselves as Talia, Lucy, and Jackson.
“Food is about ready. So, make yourselves comfortable and it’ll be here before you know it.” Wesley said and you nodded and smiled, your night just got even better. Everyone mingled about and ate food when it was ready. As the night was dwindling down most people were leaving and slowly you helped clean up despite being told you didn’t have to but you weren’t the only one there, Tim was there as well. In no time you were done and Angela and Wesely were thanking you profusely. You both ended up leaving at the same time and when you arrived in your respective houses you both said goodnight and you both headed in for the night ready to settle down and get another day started.
A few months later and you had gotten to know everyone very well and you loved everyone and they loved you. You had practically become family and had everyone’s numbers and they had yours. You had the day off whereas everyone else had to work. You had just gotten back from the store after getting groceries for dinner. As you were starting to get ingredients together and went to turn on the water in your sink it sputtered and then stopped at all together which you thought it was weird because you know you paid the utility and water bill and your shower had worked this morning. You sighed you didn’t have the tools and were about to give up and order out when you heard Tim’s truck pull up into his driveway. It seemed like he just got off of work and you hated to do it but you needed help. So, you grabbed your phone and went into your contacts and hit his. It had rung 3 times before he answered.
“Hello?” He asked and you smiled.
“Hey, Tim. I hate to bother you but I need your help.” You said biting your lip.
“Everything ok?” He asked
“My sink in my kitchen just went out and I don’t have the tools to fix it.” You said
“Well, I think I do. I’ll be over in a minute.” He said and you smiled.
“Thank you so much.” You said
“It’s not a problem.” He said and then you both hung up.
Just like he said a minute later he was at your door ringing knocking and you walked over and opened the door and smiled and let him. “I don’t know what happened. It was fie this morning.” You said as he bent down and got under your sink and you had a good view of him and you couldn’t help but bite your lip.
“I see your problem.” He said “It looks like a pipe had come undone.” He added and then a few twists he was tightening it and you watched his arms flex. “There.” He said and came out from underneath your sink and turned on your sink and it shot out water at first but it was working.
“Thank you so much.” You said as he turned off the water. “You should stay for dinner. I was just about to start cooking but the sink decided to be a bitch to me.” You said and he chuckled.
“Ok, I’ll stay.” He said and you smiled.
“Great! I’m making steak fettuccine.” You said filling the pot with your now working sink.
“That sounds good. Anything I can help with?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nope.” You said popping the ‘p’ “You already helped me with my sink. Now it’s my turn to repay you.” You said and he sighed.
“Fine.” He said with a smile and watched you work around the kitchen with ease. “Where did you learn to cook?” He asked generally curious.
“My mom mostly but Wesley and Angela and I trade recipes a lot. Wesley actually taught me as well.” You said as you strained the noodles and checked on the steaks which was almost done. The two of you talked while you finished cooking and then you two were plating up and sitting down to eat as you grabbed some beers from the fridge. You both talked throughout the dinner and laughed both of you secretly falling more in love with each other.
“Dinner was delicious.” Tim said as he put his plate in the dishwasher after dinner was done.
“Thank you. It’s my signature.” You said and put your plate in the dishwasher. He took the last sip of his drink and then turned to throw it away.
“I better get going.” He said as he turned to face you and you knew it was now or never and so you said ‘Fuck it.’ To yourself and stepped closer to him and smashed your lips onto his with your hands on the side of his face and it took him a second but he kissed you back and grabbed your hips and pulled you closer. You two only pulled apart when air was needed and you two looked at each other both of your pupils were blown and your lips were back on each other’s. He patted your thighs signaling you to jump and you did so and you wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He started walking into the direction of your room, which he knew where it was because he had helped you move in. With each step you could feel his erection through his jeans and it was rubbing you where you needed it the most which caused you to moan in his mouth. When he got to your room, he walked you to your bed and gently laid you down without breaking the kiss. You once again broke apart when air was needed.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile now.” You said and he smiled.
“So have I.” He said “May I?” He asked when he put his hands on the hem of your shirt and you nodded and he carefully pulled it up and over your head to revel your lacey navy-blue bra. He started to unbutton your jeans and he slowly slid them off as he kissed down your sternum to the top of the you matching underwear. He hooked his thumbs in them and slowly slid them down until they were off and you made quick work of getting rid of your bra.
“Hey, you have to many clothes on.” You said and he chuckled and he slowly but quickly shed his clothes and you were right he was built and just the way you had imagined. His erection sprung up and hit his abs. Your mouth watered and you clenched around nothing.
“Like what you see?” He asked and you moaned and nodded.
“Yes, I do.” You said and he smiled and then he got back on to the bed and spread your legs and slowly kissed the inside of your thighs all the way up to where you need him most. You were already soaked. He licked a broad stripe up your soaking core and you moaned. He ate you like you were his last meal and he was wanting to savor it. Your hands clenched your bedspread and your head was thrown back. “Tim.” You moaned out. He licked you up and down and tongue fucked you and then when came up and paid attention to the bundle of nerves that made the rubber band start coiling up. What did you in was when he pushed a thick finger in and started to finger fuck you and then he hit you g-spot and you were cumming screaming his name and he was just licking up your juices. As you were coming down from your high, he was sitting up and you could see your juices on his chin and then he slowly pulled his finger out of you and then put it in his mouth licking it clean and the sight of that made you moan.
“You taste so good.” He said and then he was crawling up and kissing you letting you taste yourself. Tim then moved down to your neck. He pumped himself and then positioned him at your entrance “If you need me to stop just tell me.” He said and you nodded as he pushed himself in. He stretched you in ways you haven’t been before and none of your past lovers/boyfriends have done before. “You’re so tight, baby.” He said and he stilled letting you adjust.
“Move.” You moaned out and he nodded and started to move and it was heaven. He filled you like nobody else had before and hit you in all the right places. “Oh, Tim.” You moaned out and he smirked against your neck and he gently bit it and that made you moan. Your hands went to his back and your nails dug into his shoulders creating indents from your finger’s nails. “Faster, baby.” You moaned out and he did so. The rubber band in your stomach was coiling back up.
“I’m close.” He said looking at you in your eyes and you nodded. Sweat had covered the both of you and the room smelt like sex and sweat. Both you guys’ breathing was heavy.
“So am I.” You said and then his thrusts started to get sloppier.
“I’m gonna cum.” He said
“Me too.” You said and then he stilled and painted your walls white as the rubber band snapped and you came for the second time that night. It was a good thing you were on birth control. He slowly slid out of you and laid on the other side of you. You curled up on his chest as he wrapped an arm around you and you drew shapes on his chest as his other hand came and rested on your hand which was drawing shapes on his chest.
“You were amazing.” You both said at the same time and you chuckled and looked up at him as he looked down at you.
“I’ve been slowly falling in love with you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you.” He said and you smiled.
“It was the same way with me when you agreed to help me move in.” You said He leaned down and kissed you. “It’s late. You should just stay the night.” You said and he nodded once you both pulled away.
“I think I can do that.” He said and kissed your forehead. You pulled back to the covers back and the both of you worked easily and effortlessly to get underneath them. You cuddled up against him again and both of you fell asleep with a smile on your faces. Boy were you glad that your sink decided to break and that he lived next door with the tools you needed.
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fuumiku · 6 months
Chilcille huh... ngl I was a little suspicious. like why would you do that, huh... hope youre not mischaracterizing anyone in your weird and wacky ship. a little weird. but then you said they both had flat asses and you know what? I salute you and your perfect characterization
The fact you seem to think you managed to not make this ask insulting is baffling. What the hell. Fuck off.
If you actually care to be open minded about the ship, I talk about marchil on my sideblog 24/7. Funnily enough I’m currently 4k words deep into an analysis of their character arc together in canon, but that’ll take some more days to get done. Some notable posts:
Of course without counting the analyses of Chilchuck on his own I’ve made, like my masterpost on his family situation. Or better yet you could also read my fics for them, see how weird and wacky they are here.
Wanna talk about mischaracterisation? They’re literally a comedic duo who interacts 24/7. Marchil is crazy bc ppl are like "did those shipper read with their eyes CLOSED?? They have no chemistry!" Meanwhile canon is like: "She’s obsessed with knowing everything she can about him and she reads him like a book." In her eyes he’s like that extra rare and hard and shiny unlockable dating sim character, that brooding mysterious character trope that’s thrilling to crack open and typically is at the center of the plot. The wife roleplay???? "Hey, did you know his type is blondes. Hey did you know he likes his women pretty and blonde. Hey did you know he likes her hair. Hey did you know that he teases her 24/7 and it’s one of the few things that consistently gets him grinning because he finds her reactions cute." Like a schoolyard bully pulling on the pigtails of the girl he likes.
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It’s not like they have any thematic narratives or relevance. It’s not like she’ll live to 1000 and has existential dread about it while he’s logically gonna be her next friend to die at 50 and wether it’s romantic or platonic it’ll terrify her to lose him. It’s not like it’s fear of death x fear of rejection so they’re both obsessed with the thought of loss looming, past and ongoing. It’s not like it’s half-elf x half-foot and there’s an inherent journey that was and still is to dispel prejudices and truly come to see each other. It’s not like he’s painfully real and raw and flawed but still a good man, that he’s not the figure of prince charming that she’s always dreamed of while still being virtuous and worth fighting for. Or you know, her hair being golden and it being the epitome of beauty to him, and his hair turning silver and it being Marcille’s worst nightmare.
Just a weird wacky ship who means nothing but shallow things to people who have weirdo reasons for liking it. Like can you not. If you’re not imaginative enough to think of reasons why this ship may have an appealing dynamic that’s not my issue. But yes, yes, they’re both flat asses to me, thanks.
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hippolotamus · 8 months
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Tagged by my love @disasterbuckdiaz (with a super hot snippet) @daffi-990 (with a whole lotta feels) @tizniz (with a super cute new fic 🦖) @buddierights (with a sweet fic of V-day past) thank you lovelies 💖
Today I bring you two snippets because Fuck It, amirite??? The first is because I was rewatching Fellow Travelers last night and a moment in Episode 2 hit me like a freight train.
But then the skit starts.
Caroline and Carlos, dressed in a suit and skirt respectively, playing as a couple having dinner at home. Caroline sits at a small table while Carlos stirs an empty pot of imaginary soup.
Even though it’s all pretend, the whole scene is so terribly, achingly domestic. A reminder of an unattainable dream. Within seconds Tim feels as though he is submerged, drowning in heartache. It fills his lungs, taking up precious space where air should be. Every silently jagged breath burns as he tries to take in oxygen, but only receives more pain. He doesn’t know how he’s not making a spectacle of himself, attracting attention to the way his heart cracks, just short of breaking completely.
It is a relief when Carlos approaches him, holding out the wooden soup spoon. The gesture is silly but provides a much needed reprieve. Tim finds it in himself to be able to laugh again as he’s fed the invisible offering. A bright feeling that bursts forth, genuinely happy as it displaces his gloominess.
When Carlos and Caroline have bickered and teased their way to the ending, they bow and curtsy as the group claps and cheers. Some even call for an encore. Instead Caroline insists Mary put a record on so everyone can dance.
A lesser version of Tim’s earlier distress settles over him like a thick fog. It blankets him in loneliness while he watches Mary and her lover sway to the music, holding each other close with their cheeks pressed together.
Snippet #2 is noticeably more zesty (any guesses from the banner???) but with no fewer feels. Find a bit of honey, when you call my name under the cut 😏 Hoping this one will be posted very soon.
“You okay?” Buck’s face is etched with such concern and care it makes Eddie’s chest tight. A squeezing around his heart that makes him wish he could pull it from behind his ribcage. To clutch it in his palms while he shows off all the places Buck’s mended and healed for him. A way to prove that Eddie is more than okay, and only improving as they continue to intertwine their lives together.
“Yeah, baby. I’m good.” Eddie lifts his head, angling his neck so he can kiss Buck again. He pours all of his gratitude and overwhelm into it, hoping the message is clear. That their unique brand of silent communication applies here as well.
It must because Buck continues to slide in, albeit slowly. He goes inch by inch, periodically checking in with a questioning look that Eddie returns with a small nod until Buck’s fully seated. And it feels… unusual. Not in a bad way, but an altogether different sensation than the times he’s fucked himself with his fingers or a toy. Of course it would be, because it’s Buck. It’s novel and precious and life changing. An event that Eddie would scribble in his diary if he had one. But at the same time — it’s Buck. So it’s also an inevitable homecoming, like being able to finally set down his burdens and breathe a sigh of relief.
“So good, Buck,” Eddie tells him before the question can be asked, because he knows it will be. He can see it in the infinite blue staring back at him, sparkling with affection and love.
Buck dips his head down, brushing their noses together, and Eddie doesn’t miss how bright, sunny blue turns darker, like dusky twilight.
“Gonna move as soon as you say so,” Buck murmurs against his lips. “‘ve wanted to fuck you for so long.”
Eddie’s belly swoops and his muscles clench in anticipation. Because it’s a two way street and this has been years in the making for both of them.
“Oh, yeah?” Before Buck can answer he tacks on, “Do it then. You’re not the only one waiting here, y’know.”
He’s rewarded with a mischievous smirk just before he feels Buck pull back. A moan — closer to a growl — rips out of him when Buck thrusts forward again, making him feel so, so full and whole. Complete.
no pressure tagging @wildlife4life @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @jesuisici33 @diazsdimples (I know you have something to share by now!) @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @monsterrae1 @buckaroosheart @indestructibleheart @thewolvesof1998 @loserdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @elvensorceress @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @apothecarose @barbiediaz @chaosandwolves @eowon @giddyupbuck @heartshapedvows @hoodie-buck @ladydorian05 @lemonzestywrites @statueinthestone @singlethread @the-likesofus @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @watchyourbuck @your-catfish-friend @vanillahigh00 and anyone else who wants to share
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centralperkchenford · 8 months
Chenford + Tim finally knows how Lucy got the nickname 'hot pants'
Chenford + Tim finally knows how Lucy got the nickname 'hot pants'
I hope you like this 🤭🤣
But I love you so
Tim doesn’t know why he’s here especially when he could be at home with Lucy. But Lucy insisted that they go out with Noah because this was his last day of freedom before he went on an long undercover op.
Tim didn’t mind Noah, he really didn’t and he definitely wasn’t jealous. The guy was kind of nosey though and he kept calling his girlfriend hot pants. He watches as Lucy laughs at something Noah says and she leans into Tim a little bit. Tipping the beer bottle back and taking a sip.
“So Hot Pants.” Noah says and Tim feels himself tense a little bit. Lucy squeezes his knee and he relaxes but only a little bit. “Why aren’t you doing undercover ops? You are so good at it. What’s holding you back?”
This time Lucy tenses and Tim rubs her shoulder a little to help her relax a little. She does and her hand goes back to Tim’s knee where she keeps it.
“Nothing is holding me back.” She tells Noah a little stiffly. “I just—” she glances back at Tim a strange look on her face. He licks his lips nervously, undercover work is a sore subject with them or rather it’s one they never brought up. He trusts Lucy immensely and knows that she would listen to him if he ever sounded the alarm. But he still worried, his biggest fear was he was going to lose her and he couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t survive it, he loves her more than anything and losing her would mean losing himself completely.
“Well I for one think you should go for it Hot Pants. You deserve to show off your talent.” Noah says. “Maybe we could work a few cases together. Like at UC school, we were a good team.”
Tim bristles at his words and he feels Lucy squeeze his knee again.
“I don’t know.” She says her eyes on Noah. “I don’t—”
“Bradford will be waiting for you when you get back.” Noah says cutting her off. Lucy squirms against Tim. He’s not wrong, he would always be waiting for her to come back. He would always wrap her up in a hug, just happy to have her back with him.
“I know that.” She says sitting up a little straighter and narrowing her eyes at Noah. “It’s not that. I know Tim loves me and will be waiting for me. It’s just…” She trails off and looks back at Tim again before she’s taking a deep breath.
“I don’t think I want to do undercover work anymore.”
“What?” Noah and Tim say at the same time. Tim’s heart clenches a little bit. This is her dream, it’s something she loves. Why would she want to give it up? And why hadn’t she said anything to him?
Lucy sighs and nervously tucks some hair behind her ear. “It’s just that—after the Frank Teska case where I was almost shot and Tim had a gun pointed at him.. I realized it’s not worth—”
“Baby, you love undercover work.” Says Tim softly. “You can’t give it up because of me.”
Lucy turns to face him and shakes her head. “I’m not. I just don’t have the heart for it anymore. I don’t want to leave you or Tamara or anyone at the station. That one week away from you was one of the hardest weeks of my life. And having to turn into someone else… I don’t know. I just don’t want to live in constant fear. It just not what I want to do anymore. I can be a detective and not have to go undercover.”
“Right.” Tim says softly. “Are you sure Luce? Because I don’t want you giving this up and then you regretting it later. You love undercover work.”
Lucy smiles softly at him, reaching out to touch his face. “I do.” She says. “But not as much as I love you.”
Tim’s stomach flutters a little bit. “I love you too.” He whispers and she smiles and squeezes his knee again.
“Wow Hot Pants.” Noah says and Tim bristles at his words again. “I get it. I mean I don’t but I respect your decision.” Lucy looks over at Noah and smiles.
“Thanks Noah.” She says. “I appreciate it.”
Noah nods and looks over at Tim who just stares at him. “Okay just ask it Bradford.” Noah says an amused lilt to his voice. “I know you want to know what Hot Pants means.”
Lucy huffs out a laugh, and Tim rolls his eyes. “What does Hot Pants mean? And why do you keep calling my girlfriend that?”
Noah laughs a little and nods at Lucy. “She always came in hot, like she did that one night. She was always ready to jump into character and do what she had to do. Like I said she’s good at what she does.” He says. “So I just started calling her hot pants and it kind of stuck. I was called The Middle child since I was always stuck in the middle.”
Tim just stares at Noah half in amusement, half in disbelief. But he gets it, Lucy is hot and she is good at what she does.
“That’s right!” Says Lucy looking back at Tim and the at Noah. “He was literally always in the middle and sometimes he would get ignored by the instructor.”
Tim laughs and he relaxes a little against the seat and Lucy falls back into him. He rubs her shoulders, knowing they will talk more later but right now he was content on listening to her laugh and talk with her friend.
It was exactly where he was meant to be, with Lucy even if it was in a dark bar with her undercover friend. There’s no place he would rather be.
“Do you really want to give up undercover work?” Tim asks her later that night. They are in bed and Lucy is laying on her side facing him. He can see her face in the pale moonlight shining through the windows. “Because I support you Luce. Whatever you decide to do I will be there.”
“I know baby.” She says reaching out to cup his face. “And I love you so much for that. But I meant what I said. My heart isn’t in it anymore. And I don’t want to do something half heartedly. I want to love what I do. And I know I will find it.”
Tim smiles and kisses her, slotting his leg in between hers. “You will find it Luce and I know you will be incredible at it.”
“I love you.” She says. There’s a pause before she speaks again. “Are you happy you finally know what Hot Pants means?”
Tim rolls his eyes. “I just didn’t like another man calling you Hot Pants. It was weird.”
Lucy laughs scooting closer to him. “Yeah well. It’s just a nickname from UC school. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Hmm.” Tim hums pressing his lips against her forehead. “Well you are hot.” He says making his voice low in the way he knows drives her crazy.
“Care to show me how hot you find me?” She asks. Tim growls and flips her over so he’s hovering above her.
“It would be my pleasure.” He says and she giggles as he surges down to kiss her. And he realizes it doesn’t matter where he was, as long as he was with Lucy he would be okay.
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For the headcanons about au's post:
Batkids and Superkids Young age au
Okay, heads up that if there’s select characters that you wished to see which are excluded for the Headcanons I have in mind at the moment, I offer my apologies in advance.
That being said,
First, for at least two of the Robins;
Dick (10 years old) and Tim(my) (3-4 years old)
- Often times, whenever little Timmy ends up getting nightmares or just can’t sleep in his bed for whatever reason, he goes to Dick’s bed, sneaks into his big brother’s arms and listens to his heartbeat to be lulled back to sleep. Dick can’t help but smile in his sleep when Timmy comes to him
- One of Dick’s favorite things to do with Timmy is laying on his back on the carpeted floor and gently lift his baby brother in the up air with his two feet. Timmy feels like Superman when Dick does that for him
- Timmy’s favorite show to watch every Saturday morning is the Crocky Show. Dick and everyone else can always expect Timmy in the living room clad in footie pjs and holding a plushie no doubt Crocky themed for the occasion. It’s something of a tradition by this point
- Some nights, especially on weekends, Dick and Timmy would no doubt build pillow forts and play as Batman and Robin respectively
- During a class project in Timmy’s class in which they write a small paper on who’s their favorite real life superhero, Timmy picked Dick but kept it as a surprise until he read it (despite his stage fright) to said class and their parents and siblings. After he was done, Dick came up to him. Timmy asked “Did you like it?” Dick, with some happy tears forming in his eyes and a big smile on his face replies “I loved it. And I love you too, Little Wing” the two then hug 
And now for two of the Kent kids;
Chris (6 years old) and Jon (4 years old)*
- Chris first arrived to Earth from the Phantom Zone in an experimental pod that crash landed in the heart of Metropolis, with Superman catching it to soften said landing. After some STAR Labs testing that indeed confirm his Kryptonian nature and Government related shenanigans which Clark had to first free him and then clear all it up with them (with no doubt help from Oracle), Chris arrives into the Lane-Kent home, almost immediately meeting with their firstborn yet technically now younger son Jon.
- Little Jon took to an almost instant liking to his newfound Big brother though Chris, while liking him and feeling welcome, was a bit shy to decide Jon being a little brother outright, due to still feeling like an outsider to this newfound family and felling like he can get sent away at any moment. Not helping of course are his memories of his time in the Phantom Zone under the iron fist and tough parenting of his birth father General Zod starting to reform once again in his head, in particular in the forms of nightmares he gets
- While he might not fully understand and grasp what make Chris sad in his sleep just yet, Jon sometimes wakes up overhearing Chris’ fearful shaking and cries in his sleep, guessing correctly that his dreams are scaring him. Little Jon would then sneak some cookies and milk for the both of them for the night, something to help making Chris comfy enough to go back to sleep
- Over the course of the next few weeks and months, the two bond ever so closer. Even though little Jon at the moment doesn’t have superpowers in contrast to Chris, he’s not jealous about it. While he says superpowers are awesome, little Jon would be more of a ‘maybe when I’m a big boy than I can fly around like Daddy and Chris do, so I can wait’ type
- Chris is given the second slice of the cake at Jon’s 5th birthday because Jon insisted that he does since, in his words ‘he’s my big brother and I love him forever’. Chris almost immediately hugged little Jon as a result before finally taking his cake slice. Lois and Martha got photos of that moment still saved in their family photo albums
* For these headcanons, they are very likely how events transpire in my ideal version of DCU continuity, in particular for The Superman books
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pokeythegreat123 · 1 year
Season 3 wasn’t so bad actually.
I mean, I don’t like that Tim died, but it wasn’t a surprise. Daisy was certainly interesting, so it’s sad to see her go too.
bUT THEY KILLED MICHAEL! AND GERRY! TWICE EACH!!! and the other Michael. And ALMOST Jon, but he’s thankfully not dead.
I’m really glad we got a full grasp of what entities there are, and why, that just makes me happy lol. The more I listen to this the more convinced I am that I wouldn’t mind this job TOO too much. I probably wouldn’t, y’know, SURVIVE, but I think I’d be good at the rest of it. I also really liked getting to see all the different characters, like Trevor, Julia, Gerard Keay (r.i.p. v_v), and Helen once she became the Distortion. I can’t believe she literally asked Jon for help and he was just like “gEt OuT”, like SIR. STOP PICKING FIGHTS WITH ENTITIES THAT DON’T WANT TO KILL YOU!
I gained some healthy respect and admiration for Elias this season but while I appreciate how absolutely killer the man is, hE MADE MELANIE AND MARTIN ***CRY*** AND THAT IS **NOT** OKAY WITH ME!!! I loathe that he was like “well, if I had more time I’d tell you about how your crush despises you and break your heart THAT way, buuuuuuut since I’m a very busy man I’ll just go with shattering your entire sense of self-worth instead. :)”Watching Martin snap at people is probably one of my favourite things though because yes bby, stand up for yourself! Stop taking shit from people! You have a right to be angry and optimism is not a bad thing!
Oh my gosh though, when Jon was in Georgie’s house and all the lights went out and Nikola came in and talked to him I almost died. My sister had showed me TikToks and YouTube Shorts that she liked, usually cosplayers, using the audio of “You don’t sound Russian??” “How can I sound ANYTHING, silly? I’m Plastic! :D I don’t even have a vOiCe BoX, I had to bOrrOw this one!” And she’d literally shown me one like, THE DAY BEFORE, and I have no idea how I didn’t pick up on Jon’s voice, but once the scene was playing on the episode and then hit that part I was like OH MY GODS NO WAY ITS FROM MAGNUS ARCHIVES NO HEKKING WAY!! I played it for her and she got the exact same look on her face, though since I started the scene earlier than most audios do (for context) she already had the look because she recognized the voice lol.
But yeah, pretty good season overall. Listening to Basira and Melanie go “oh my god nobody has ever had a bigger crush than Martin has on Jon” was absolutely brilliant, I couldn’t stop grinning for a solid minute. Then Elias made her CRY but that’s not the point here. I also love that they invited Martin out for drinks, and that Jon is a Cat Person(tm).
I’m excited to see what season 4 does with Jon’s essentially-a-coma-but-he-has-no-actual-vitals and dreams, and whatever the ritual for the eye is, since that was supposed to come after the Unknowing. I can’t remember what Gertrude called it, but I know it had to do with crowns.
Anyways, thank you for listening to my rambles, luv you so much, and enjoy the beginning of yet another school year! :D <3
AHHHHHH season 3 my beloved. Also you may judge me but one of my favourite scenes is Elias making Martin cry because the two things I love in this world are Elias Bouchard and angst. Season 3 is so much fun bc u get to meet so many cool people. I love Daisy sm, she’s such a cool character. I’m very excited I think you’ll love season 4. Anyways have fun I’ll probably see you tmrw <3
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holdingontoheadache · 2 years
Hi, Doly! I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
It’s definitely my longest save! I’ve not played it in awhile though! But I do love my house in it from what I can remember. As you said, cheers to shit memory, I truly forget things so often and easily. It can be a bit frustrating. I love a lot of games! I tend to really like story based games but usually I’ve not played them but watched creators play them because I don’t/didn’t have the consoles to play them! Like I really enjoyed watching people play Firewatch, it’s such a beautiful game and I liked the story. I also like games like Until Dawn and The Quarry! I think decision based games like that are very fun especially when you have to make quick decisions and it effects your story. I have a switch lite so I tend to play just stardew, Minecraft and animal crossing because I feel like a lot of the games I’ve listed aren’t great to play on switch annnd I’ve got pretty bad drift. Other games I’ve watched people play that I enjoyed were: It Takes Two, A Way Out, Twelve Minutes also a classic The Last Of Us and so many more I just can’t remember them rn! What games do you tend to enjoy?
You definitely have to show me when we get the chance, I’d love to see! I don’t think I have a collection of like one singular character or anything like that. I think I just collect weird knickknacks and vinyl honestly! But I do want to collect more things, I almost started collecting carebear memorabilia earlier this year!
I’m very excited for Niall’s new album and I’m also very excited for his friend Lewis Capaldi’s new album next year!
I hope it’s feeling like the holidays where you are, unfortunately for me the weather makes it hard to feel like it’s even winter! It was 81F today!!! That’s outrageous for December! But I did recently help decorate the house for Christmas which was very nice, it’s the first time my family has put up a tree in like six years! I have my own mini one but it’s nice having a big one. Have you decorated for the Christmas holiday if you celebrate?
Okay, speed round!!!
What does your dream home look like? I think mine would be like a house from the 70s I just loved the aesthetics. I would kill to have some kind of conversation pit in my home and I’d have a whole area for my record player set up and I lose my mind when I see houses that have atriums!! How cool is that?! I think it would be filled with posters, knickknacks, rugs, blankets and just weird stuff! Also mid century is very good too if done right, I hate when people flip older homes, they get rid of the character and style and turn it into a boring all white like chic farmhouse and it’s just awful to me.
Do you think different types/brands of water taste different? I definitely think they do!!
What’s your favorite snack? I tend to like any kind of hot chips and I’m not the biggest sweets kinda person I think? I like very specific sweet stuff! I’m more of a spicy/salty snack person than a sweets one.
What’s a weird side of YouTube you think you’re on sometimes? For me, my dad and I fell down this weird hole of this guy exploring abandoned homes in Canada? It’s truly amazing to me because some are what he calls time capsules where people have just left everything behind and others are very expensive homes left behind and a lot of the time I think what happened? Why did they up and leave? But most of the time I’m just in awe of some of the houses and the stuff left behind like family photos in some! Also I just enjoy seeing weird/extravagant homes completely empty.
Are you the kind of person that needs something on to fall asleep, or nothing at all on ooorrr can you do both? I think I always need something on. My go to sleep aid sound is harsh rain on a window, I swear I could sleep through a hurricane the way I sleep though the rain. I tend to fall asleep with something on the tv.
I’ll cut it there for today, I hope you’re doing well and having a relaxing weekend! Sending lots of love and happy times your way! Talk to ya tomorrow! ❤️
Hello, lovely!! Hope your weekend is treating you very well!! ✨sending all the positive vibes back to you, hun!! 💕
We are literally the same person when it comes to video games and idk how to take that lol. Love that for us!! I tend to watch other “let’s players” play the really well know games on pc/console cause I just don’t have the skill/patience to learn such skill to play them!! Plus, I find it more enjoyably to just sit back and watch them go through the struggles of the game rather myself raging through it 😅. I remember back when Markiplier played firewatch and I was just in utter awe of the aesthetic/story of the game!! I have to rewatch him play it sometime! Some of the games I’ve watched that I absolutely loved have to be God of War, Resident Evil franchise, The Last Guardian, Papers Please, Cuphead, Little Nightmares, Undertale, The Last of Us, the list truly goes on!! Decision-based/fast-paced games are my bread and butter!! I feel strongly on the “early pc strategy/time-management games (dinner dash or equivalent) to farming games” pipeline to be very strong lol. If it has any of those premises, I’m all in 100%!! I’m also a huge fan of the Pokémon franchise and their games, so I’d say I fall into that as well. I’m open to all games within that particular category.
I used to be obsessed with Care Bears!! That’s so valid!!
81°F?!?? Oh my! The highest in my area today had to have been maybe ~50°F. Because I live in the northeast, I find that to be relatively warm in comparison to what I’m used to for the colder months. Hopefully you’re finding ways to stay cool in the heat! And yes, I did decorate for Christmas!! Not as much as years prior cause my parents and I are headed down to Puerto Rico for the holidays!! I do celebrate Christmas, but not necessarily in a religious way. We do participate in the gift-giving aspect and getting together and all that, but that’s relatively it.
Speed Round Answer!! Dream home? For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived within the city! And while I have a love/hate relationship with that, I would love to be able to live in a rural area and, just, have my own space. I don’t have any particular look that I’m looking for in a house, just as long as I have a room that I can convert into an art studio!! I would also love to have a proper vinyl setup where I can play/display my records comfortably!! And maybe a decent sized yard for the pets to run around and enjoy themselves!! Does water taste different? Oh, absolutely 100%!! I am a Dasani hater lol. Dasani tastes like sink water!! Smart water, in my opinion, is the best!! But in all reality, water tastes like water. I tend to buy the generic store-brand bottles of water and I don’t have any complaints about it lol. I would just rather drink sink water than Dasani!! Fav. snack? I tend to lean more to sweets when it comes to snacks, but also depends on the mood I’m in!! I really enjoy those Chex Mix bags that are cookies and cream flavored that you can get at gas stations or wawa/sheetz (idk what the equivalent would be in your area if you don’t have either of these franchises lol). I don’t get them often, but I would say that!! In terms of salty snacks, I’m a basic person and either pick up a bag of Cheetos Puffs or Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream chips 😬. Weird side of YouTube? Hmmmm.. lately, I’ve fallen on the side of YouTube where people explain the complexities/obscurities of very niche topics. Like, the other day, I found this YouTuber who talked about the lore of Martha Speaks/Word Girl. Another one was the rise/downfall of club penguin and rating very obscure movies/books they’ve read. It’s great, honestly! I recommend it lol. Sleep Habits? I feel like I can fall asleep relatively quickly, but I can’t sleep without the fan being on or else I feel like my body is static. Sleeping in utter silence is my villain origin story!! It also has to be almost completely dark! I used to be able to sleep with the tv on, but even that has to be off. Someone can be calling my name and I won’t budge, but once the sunlight or anything like that brightens the room, I’m up!! 🎄✨
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astradella · 2 years
My thoughts on Solar Opposites season 3!!
Wow I loved this season! Plenty of funky family hijinx, that’s why I watch it!
Speaking of family, I liked how they addressed that stuff a lot more, like Jesse calling Yumyulack her brother, Terry and Korvo referring to each other as their husband, and even the pupa being a delinquent teenager
I’ll keep saying it; having a funny family-centric show where the parents are two men and nobody makes it a big deal ever IS IMPORTANT!!
The line episode was perfect, especially the bit with the intro
The Wall was a pretty good side plot, as always. Pezlie was really cute, I feel bad about what happened to her and Cherie
Also, I hope Halk isn’t actually dead. I can’t remember if it showed his dead ass corpse or what, but I actually liked him unlike a lot of other wall characters
I’m a little disappointed that the bulk of the wall subplot turned out to be a dream, but also, fuck Tim, he didn’t deserve forgiveness anyway
My favorite episode was probably the mountain lodge episode, I couldn’t figure out the ending at all. I was so scared that the twist would be that the government was going to capture them or something like that. Any time a show w monsters or aliens does that it’s always a bummer (Kid Cosmic, TAZ Amnesty, etc)
On that note, the Silver Cops thing was so dumb, I hated every second of that. I don’t care about these cops we saw once in the schlorpian ships episode, or the asshole who’s car Terry bumped into, and that plot line just turned out to be gross and weird anyway. Boo.
The finale was great, I really love how the Pupa is talking in full sentences now. And he’s got a cute voice, I like how he sounds like a real kid now and not a baby anymore. That episode was a good commentary on parenting and how your actions affect your kids more than you think.
It ended kind of depressing though, I hope that they can find a good way to balance their earth and sci-fi life stuff, instead of going all in on one or the other. I’m glad the pupa is happy, though. He’s living his best iPad kid life
Rating the subplots this season:
Terry and Korvo: 10/10 so happy for their marriage, and the fact that they have sex a lot, I guess??
Jesse and Yummy: 7/10 nothing really stood out to be except maybe Jesse’s crush on the back of the guy’s head
The Wall: 6/10 would be higher for Pezlie but the dream part threw me off too much
Silver Cops: 1/10, nasty and weird
Pupa: 8/10, their boy is growing up and the con-man segment was hilarious, it reminded me of season 1 a lot
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bluebellhairpin · 3 years
In the Life of
Batfam X Batmom!Reader
A/N: Behold, my latest Batmom braindump. - Nemo
Summary: A collection of goings-on’s of Wayne Manor, some dating back to... a while ago. 
Warnings: Kidnappings. Jason’s death mentioned. It’s mostly a crack fic though ngl there. 
Listening to: ‘You Might Think’ by The Cars - ‘You might think I'm delirious, the way I run you down. But somewhere sometimes, when you're curious, I'll be back around.’
Series Masterlist 
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Damian only calls Batmom ‘Mother’ when something is wrong, otherwise it’s Ummi and Ummi only. 
Mind you, ‘something wrong’ can range from ‘this gala is boring, Jason’s getting on my nerves, and I seek your comfort until we go home’ or ‘I’m on a livestream ‘cause I got kidnapped and I’m worried about my wellbeing and the wellbeing of the other with me’. 
Reading the context is often rather useful. 
Dick has a cereal box collection hidden in his wardrobe. He likes trying new brands and flavors, but only his favorites get saved into his stash so he remembers that he thought they were ‘exceptional grains’. 
Only Alfred and Batmom know about it. 
One of Jason’s favorite games to play when he visits is seeing how long it takes Tim to realize he isn’t re-topping his coffee mug himself and that it’s actually Jason. 
The record was gained with the help of Damian (duelly noted in the whole household as the longest one time they got along), and it took him almost twelve days to realize. 
Bruce was happy Jason stayed for so long at once. 
Batmom wasn’t happy at how much coffee Tim drank. 
Tim doesn’t actually like coffee. 
Batmom gives Alfred nights off cooking. She cooks dinner and Alfred doesn’t know what to do with himself for a few hours ‘cause she banned him from stepping or loitering near the kitchen. 
Jason often helps. It’s prime mother/son bonding time and Jason is very pleased that Damian hasn’t figured that out yet. 
Tim often sits near the door on guard duty on these nights just to make sure. Alfred is one sneaky butler.
Most family members have rather normal names for each other in their phone contacts. Not Jason. Jason is different. Here’s some of them;
Trust Fund Middle-Aged Man - Bruce
The Exorcist - Dick (’cause of a unmentionable reenactment the spider walk scene)
Megamind Kinnie - Tim
Demon Spawn - Damian (duh)
Angel on Earth - Cass
Ma (with five heart emojis on either side) - Batmom
My Dream Father - Alfred
When Cass joined the household, everyone took it differently. Like there were thoughts about how things changed, and then how they actually were. 
Dick thought he’d get someone to gossip with. He did not. 
Jason and Cass made a book club. It mostly consists of Jason babbling about plot holes and Cass pointing out her favorite lines. 
Tim got someone to keep him company when he stays up late. It makes him feel guilty and he hasn’t gone to bed later than 2 am ever since. 
Damian got a ‘worthy’ sparring partner. He was quite surprised the first time he landed on his back. 
Bruce got a ‘daddy’s girl’. A nice fifth shadow to add to his collection, and just to prove it she is very good at sneaking up on people. 
Batmom finally got a girl. 
Alfred was also shocked at Bruce bringing home a girl. He thought Batmam only had boys, but he was much too happy to be proven wrong. Even if he is a little protective. 
Batmom used to be very close the the Gotham City Sirens, and the Birds of Prey. They still go out of ‘Ladies Nights’. 
It was only until after Damian showed up, and he asked when she went that they actually found out about them. 
Bruce had never asked, and the others never knew. 
Except for Alfred. 
Alfred always knows. 
Jason was very jealous when he found out about it. Getting to spend time with more than one badass woman at once? He can only dream. 
Duke and Steph - they’re not a permanent member of the household, even though Batmom literally offers every time either comes and visits.
Bruce wonders why, mainly because he’s the one who adpots the children in this family, not Batmom. 
‘Up you game Wayne, I’m just getting in before you for once.’ - Batmom
Steph says no cause of ‘independence’ when really she just kinda doesn’t want to be around Tim. For reasons. 
Duke doesn’t know why he says no. Some underlying fear of becoming a Robin like all the other Wayne kids maybe? 
Batmom and Selina Kyle have unresolved and unspoken tension. 
It’s common knowledge that Batman and Catwoman had a thing going for a while, but Batmom always had a thing with Bruce Wayne. Still does and that the difference. 
Either way, they don’t let something as trivial as a man get in the way too much. They know their strengths, and if push comes to shove they work together. 
They make an eerily good team, and it scares Bruce to think about what they might’ve done to him if they were closer friends and he treated them any less than he did. 
It’s obvious by now that each member of the Batfamily have a corresponding 'super’ best friend.  
Bruce and Clark Kent. Tim and Kon El. Damian and Jon Kent. Dick and Wally West. Jason and Bizaro? 
Batmom had to resist mothering Bizaro the first time she saw him. 
Alfred also has one, he gets along rather well with Martian Manhunter and no one knows why. 
Birds of the feather flock together, and Batmom and Diana Prince are also rather close. Batmom often jokes to Bruce that if the offer came she’d leave him for her. 
Jason’s death has been - to date - the cause of the biggest rift between Bruce and Batmom. 
After Bruce came home that night, Batmom suck around for a little while, long eough for the funeral, before she went MIA. 
It took weeks for Bruce to track her down, and months before he was able to coax her back. 
And then that was only per Dick and Alfred’s added request.
The time she was gone, Bruce was worried, since before she left she expressed her newfound rage towards the Joker. Even though her time away was spent tracking down the Joker in an effort of vengeance, she was unsuccessful and ended up coming home. 
It was almost her Batman Villain story. 
Only once Tim entered the picture did things start to go back to normal between them both again. But they ended up coming back stronger than ever. (Aw) 
Tim has a list of which people are most useful in a tough situation. There are multiple lists, for a number of these kind of situations. The general list - the list for ‘we don’t know what’s happening but this person is who I want with me’ - goes as follows. 
It only has the batfamily members that are usually on-hand. 
Batman is first. 
Rather obvious, but Bruce is an all-rounder. He taught them all most of what they know. 
Red Hood is second. 
Jason spent a while on his own hence can handle himself very well, he’s still got connections, and compared to everyone else he’s built like a tank. 
Red Robin is second. 
This is out of Tim’s thoughts, but he’s smaller, got the glider wings, and he’s the smartest out of everyone. 
Nightwing is fourth. 
Flexible. Experienced. Team player. But he’s not as brutal as Bruce or Jason can act and that can be a drawback. 
Valentine (Batmom) is sixth. 
She hasn’t worked in the field in a long time, but she’s kept up the training. Lack of field work is the only downside seen, except for ‘that’s my mom’. 
Robin is always second last.
Tim and Damian do not get along in day-today life, and even if they do put that aside in the field, it’s still not good for tight spots. 
Alfred is last. 
Not because he isn’t useful. Alfred has no alter-ego and Tim hasn’t confronted the butler about it yet. 
Bruce got Alfred flowers on Fathers day once. 
Not only did Alfred tear up, but so did Bruce. And Dick. 
Dick ran outside and grabbed a handful of daises and brought them in for Alfred too and they all defiantly cried after that. 
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Series Taglist; @natatawa-ako @marvelous-glims @padfoot-siriusly-approves​ @princesscornbread​ @eternalharry​ @mysticchopshop​ 
Taglist is Open! 
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writing-blog-iguess · 3 years
Harley Quinn
Summery: The batfamily hears three stories about batmom and Harley. How they met, how they started dating, and how they ended.
Warning: fluff, angst.
A/N: This bish is 4847 words. I did not mean to write that much.
Man, the amount of love I got from Stories...I'm so happy people enjoyed it. So, I hope you enjoy this one just as much.
Feedback is welcome! And feel free to let me know who or what kind of story of Batmom you want to see next.
There were only two weeks left of summer, and she wanted to move onto campus as soon as possible. But her friend, Selina, had made it a little difficult for her. On the first day the campus was allowing their students to come, Selina had come over and stopped her from packing. And they spent the day together shopping, seeing a movie and eating. Selina ended up crashing at her place after they had binged a show.
When she started packing the next day, Selina did the same. But after a promise of hanging out when she was settled in her dorms, Selina conceded and helped with the packing. And after some whining and pizza, Selina came with her to campus to help as well.
Struggling to keep the heavy box in her hands, she made her way towards her dorm. “You can help me, you know,” she grunted, shifting the box as it was slipping out of her arms.
“I am,” Selina said, holding up a couple of garbage bags full of clothes. “My hands are just full to help you carry your box.”
“You’re funny,” she deadpanned. Selina flashed her a smile, to which she returned one of her own.
“And that’s why you love me.”
“No, no I don’t think that’s it,” she mused, looking at each dorm number. “I think I love your cat more. And that’s why we’re friends.”
Selina gasped mockingly, and bumped her shoulder. “I knew it!” She laughed just as she found her dorm room.
Fishing out her key from her pocket, she handed it to Selina and waited until Selina opened the door. The minute she walked through the door, she was eloped in a hug. It caught her by surprise that she dropped the box she was holding.
“Hiya! I’m your new roommate!”
“And they were roommates,” Dick gasped out, interrupting the story.
“Oh my god, they were roommates,” Tim finished, and three out of the four boys burst out laughing.
“You two are hilarious,” she said, slumping into her chair. They had just finished dinner when the boys started bombarding her with questions about her and Harley. And after teasing them a little about which story. She started with how she met her ex-fiancé.
“Are you two done?” Bruce asked, and the laughter slowly downed a little. Until they caught each other’s eyes, and it started again.
Damian rolled his eyes, and turned to his mother. “I didn’t know you and Selina were in a relationship,” he said, and that had caused Dick, Jason and Tim to stop and look at her.
“No, no we weren’t dating,” she answered, shaking her head. “I didn’t know my sexuatilty until I started dating Harley.”
“And how long did that take?” Jason asked, rolling his cup on the table.
She blew out a puff of air and sighed. “When we were twenty-one. Even then I needed help.”
“I don’t think I’ve heard this one,” Bruce said with a smile. She flushed in embarrassment and looked away before recalling the story.
“Pumpkin,” her roommate sang from the other side of the room. She hummed, blinking at her homework trying to keep awake. She was currently laying on her stomach with her chin sitting on her hand. “Maybe you should take a break. You’ve been at it for hours.”
“Pft, I’m fine,” she answered, though the words were starting to blur together. “Hey!” she said, as Harley yanked the book from her. “I need that.”
“And you need a break,” she pressed, closing the book with a snap. “Come on Pumpkin, let’s get something to eat.”
She pouted trying to grab her textbook. Harley giggled and held it out of her reach. “Harley,” she whined, “the test I'm studying for is supposed to cost half of my grade.”
“You should know that taking care of your body is more important than school, doctor,” Harley teased. She stuck her tongue out, causing Harley to poke it. “Come on, we’ll go to your favourite café.”
She lit up and quickly got out of bed, almost tripping on her feet doing so. Harley laughed and tossed the book onto the bed. “You gotta be more careful, pumpkin.” She made a face, and grabbed her stuff before the two of them left their apartment.
She looped her arm through Harley’s as they walked. Talking about everything and nothing that came to mind. On occasion, she would check her phone, hoping for any messages from Bruce. But there were none.
She hasn’t spoken to Bruce since the last time they hung out, and she wondered if it was something that she did. Though the thought was ridiculous. They’ve only met up a handful of times since he’d been back. And even then, she couldn’t think of a reason why he was avoiding her.
The only thing she could think of was their first conversation they had together. But that was back when he first arrived in Gotham.
Bruce had found the apartment she was sharing with Harley, and decided to pay her a visit before the tabloids caught wind of him being back.
It had caught her by surprise when Harley called, saying there was a billionaire holding pizza. Confused on what she meant, she rounded the corner to find Bruce Wayne standing in her hallway.
After giving him a hug, and a little catch up, the three of you spent the night hanging out. And it felt like nothing had changed between the two of you.
It wasn’t until Harley had gone to bed, that Bruce told you everything that happened since leaving Gotham when he was fourteen. He told you how his training had gone, and all the people he’s met.
It was one thing reading about them through Bruce’s letters. But it was a different experience hearing them from Bruce. When he had finished, he told her it was time to start fixing Gotham his way.
With a sigh, she had hoped that he had changed his mind. Instead of talking him out of it, she suggested waiting a little bit before doing so. Make Bruce Wayne into a public figure, or more then he already is. And then have his second persona make an appearance. Only so people didn’t connect that the two were related.
That had been two months ago. And sure, she’s been busy with school and midterms were just around the corner, and Bruce was busy running a company and….well, being a playboy from what she’s read in magazines. She didn’t read the articles, it hurt a little reading them.
And he was also busy with being Batman. She laughed at the name the media had dubbed him, it almost made her call him up just to tease him about it. But she refrained from doing so. She was unsure where she fit in his new life, and at this point she was too afraid of the answer to ask.
When they arrived at the café, she found a table for them while Harley ordered.
Harley looked over the rim of the coffee cup in her hand when her friend sighed again. “You’re in love with Bruce!” Harley accused.
She dropped her bagel on her plate and stared at Harley in shock. “I am not!”
“You totally are! You keep checking your phone like your love sick, waiting for someone to call you.”
“I am not in love with Bruce,” she stuttered out, “why would I be? He left to go to school abroad, and shows up eight years later! And so what if I thought about him during those years, and was worried about him. That’s what friends do, they worry about them. It’s not like I noticed how much he’s changed or dream about holding his hand or...or kissing him or…or...” she trailed off as she thought back to all the times her heart hammered in her chest when he smiled at her.
Or all the times Bruce made her blush. She thought back to how she smiled when she saw Bruce’s letter in the mail, or how happy she felt as she read them. Or how relieved she felt when she saw Bruce in her apartment or how hurt she was when she saw him with different girls every night.
Then she thought about all that when she was with Harley. Could she be in love with Harley too? But she quickly dismissed it, thinking it wasn’t possible.
She slumped into her chair as Harley set her mug down, and smirked at her in satisfaction. “Holy hell, I’m in love with Bruce Wayne.”
“There it is,” Harley said, giggling as she received a glare. “You’ve known Bruce since you guys were little, how is it only now that you're realizing this?”
“I don’t…” she trailed off, hands picking up her cup. She twirled it around the table as she tried to come up with the right words, “I’m not...when I can’t pick up the cues when it comes to stuff like that.”
“So someone has to tell you that they love you. Like your parents loving you,” Harley mused, she shrugged.
“I know they do and I can see that they love me. But for whatever reason, when it comes to romantic feelings, I have a blind eye,” she explained, letting the cup go in favour of pulling apart her muffin. She huffed out a laugh. “It’s funny. Back in high school there was this guy who asked me out on a date. But he didn’t use those words, he used ‘wanna hang out?’
“I said yes. It wasn’t until he kissed me that it was starting to click. Even then I didn’t fully understand. Selina told me what it was that I knew. I was so embarrassed I couldn‘t face him. I feel like there’s something wrong with me.”
Harley leaned over and took her hands, she stilled her hands and her eyes flitted up to Harley. And her heart stuttered as Harley looked at her. “Nothing’s wrong with you pumpkin. People process things differently, you just happen to need someone to tell you.”
Relief washed over her and she smiled. “Thanks, Hars.” Harley hummed and leaned back, letting go of her hand. She missed the warmth of Haley’s hands, but didn’t think anything of it, especially when she noticed a twinkle in Harley's eyes.
“So, are you going to tell Brucie?” Harley teased, she made a face and shook her head.
“No, I will not,” she said.
“But he might love you back!” Harley exclaimed, “pumpkin, I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He looks at you like you hung the moon every night.”
“Even if that’s true, I don’t think it’ll work. At least not right now,” she mumbled, and quickly added when Haley gave her a confused look, “he’s not interested in anything serious right now.”
Harley nodded in understanding, and she looked away when she saw pity in Harley's eyes.
That weekend, she found herself in the school library with Harley and Jonathan doing homework. Harley had just left for drinks, leaving the two of them alone.
Jonathan looked up from his homework and studied his friend. She hunched over her books and tapped her pencil on her head as she was going over a question.
“Are you and Harley dating?” Jonathan blurted out. She froze and lifted her head to look at him in surprise.
“Excuse me?” she asked.
Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her reaction, and stifled a laugh. “I think you heard me.”
“Oh I heard. But what made you come to that conclusion?” she clarified, squinting her eyes at him.
“The way you two act around each other,” he explained, “you're all in love and shit. It’s a wonder you haven’t kissed yet.”
“I don’t….but I can’t….” she trailed off. The words weren’t coming and she wasn’t quite sure if she did or not. “Friends can act like that platonically!”
“That’s true. But with you two, it’s hard to tell. You both have heart eyes every time you either talk about each other, or just being in the same room.”
She stayed quiet, she didn’t have anything to say.
“You know, when Harley told me you process feelings differently than most people, I thought she was joking,” he mused, this time chuckling.
“It’s great to know you talk about me,” she deadpanned, setting down her pencil.
“But I’m serious, do you like her or not?” he asked, and she let her head drop on her textbook and groaned.
“I don’t know. The other day, Harley helped me discover I’m in love with my childhood best friend. And now you're making me question my feelings for Harley.”
Jonathan held up his hands in surrender, though she wasn’t paying attention. “Wasn’t my intent, I just figured you needed to know.”
“Thanks,” she said dryly, and lifted her hand and flipped him off. He laughed and gently patted her head.
“I’ll ask a question or two, maybe it’ll help.”
She nodded but kept her head on the table. Jonathan's smile grew wider, enjoying this a little bit too much.
“When you see her, what do you do?”
She took a moment to ponder the question. “My heart starts to beat faster and I can’t help but think how pretty she is. And I get all flustered when she gets really close or she gives me a compliment. And when she’s happy and smiling and laughing, and my butterflies explode in my stomach when that happens because I did that. And sometimes, when she’s pouting or just sad, I just want to pull her into a kiss.”
Jonathan raised an eye at her statement, and had no doubt that she was blushing. “What about Bruce?”
“The same thing! He winks my way and the next thing I know I’m a blushing mess. And when he gives me a certain look, it’s like I gave him everything and I melt and just want to kiss his stupid face! And I hate him for that, but not really and….hhhhh!”
“Damn,” Jonathan huffed out, staring at her. “You have it bad for both of them.”
“But I can’t love two people at once!” she exclaimed, getting shushed by other students. She paid them no mind, head racing on what she should do.
“Who says?” Jonathan asked, and she paused to think about it. “There's no rule saying you have to like one person at the time,” he continued when she didn’t answer. “Now the question is who are you going to pick? Bruce or Harley?”
“What if they both don’t love me?” she whispered, lifting her head up slightly. “What if it’s all in my head and they laugh if I tell them?”
“I don’t know about Bruce, but Harley won’t,” he answered, going back to his homework, “trust me.”
She spent the next week pondering over her conversations with Harley and Jonathan. And there were a few things she’s discovered.
She’s bisexual.
She’s really bad at feelings and seeing them for what they are. Though this wasn’t anything new, still she hated that she needed help when it comes to emotions.
If she did choose Bruce over Harley, it wouldn’t have worked out. Not only because of him being Batman, but because she didn’t see it as a long term relationship. And she didn’t want that.
And if she chose Harley over Bruce, she didn’t want to make Harley feel like she was second pick. She didn’t want that either.
By the weekend, she still doesn’t know what to do.
Sighing, she fell on her bed. She stared at the ceilings and groaned, pressing her palms to her eyes. “Why is this hard?”
“I don’t know pumpkin, maybe I can help?” Harley suggested, startling her. She sat up quickly and turned to see Harley leaning against the doorframe.
“Help me with what?” she asked, nervously laughing. Harley smiled and walked further in the room.
“Whatever you’re having trouble with,” Harley answered.
She sighed and fell onto the bed again, she took a pillow and hugged it to her chest. “I don’t think this is something you can help with,” she mumbled, closing her eyes.
She felt the bed dip, and felt Harley shift around until she stopped. “I could listen to you rant about it?”
She hummed, but shook her head. “It’s something I need to figure out.”
Silence fell around them as she thought. Harley brought her hand over her face and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. She tensed at the sudden touch, but soon relaxed into it.
“Does it have something to do with what you and Jonathan were talking about last week?” Harley asked after a moment.
Her eyes flew open and she stared at Harley, panicking a little. If Harley knew, there’s nothing she could say that wouldn’t be a lie.
“But I…did he tell you?” she asked, Harley nodded. She groaned and stuffed her face into the mattress. “Damnit.”
Harley giggled and slowly moved her face so they could look at each other. “If it helps any, I love you too.”
She flushed, and looked anywhere but Harley. “But I don’t want to make you feel like a second choice. I don’t want you to resent me because you know I love Bruce too.”
“Hey I won’t,” Harley reassured. Biting her lip, she shook her head. Harley sighed, and moved to press her forehead against hers. “Can I tell you a secret? I loved you before I knew you loved Bruce, and I still love you knowing that. I just hope you can give me a chance.”
She studied Harley for a moment before closing the distance and kissed her.
“Ew! Mom! Gross! We don’t need to hear about that!” Dick interrupted. She looked up to see her boys looking at her in disgust. Jason and Tim gagged mockingly as Dick shuddered.
“What? It was just a kiss,” she answered, amused.
“Yeah but you kissed Harley. And that means you’ve done more than kissing,” Jason said.
“You knew this when your father told you I was engaged to her.”
“It’s one thing thinking about it, it’s a whole different thing to hear it from you, Mom,” Tim said, leaning back into his chair.
She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Shrugging, she picked up her glass and took a sip.
“So Harley figured out you loved me before you did? And this after meeting me once,” Bruce asked, amused. She felt her cheeks burn and looked away.
“Wasn’t my proudest moment, but yes she did,” she said with a shrug.
“And she was okay with it?”
She nodded, smiling a little at the memory. “Yeah. She didn’t seem to mind too much about it. But I didn’t spend too much time being hung up on Bruce. I was too busy with Har-”
“Ma!” Jason exclaimed, stopping her from finishing the sentence.
“I wasn’t even going to say anything bad!” she defended.
“You went to school with Crane?” Damian asked. She turned her attention to the youngest and nodded.
“We had a few classes together, and Harley just sort of adopted him into the friend group,” she mused.
“What I can’t get over, is the fact that Crane had to tell you about your feelings for Harley,” Dick put out.
“Like I said, I have a hard time deciphering emotions. Especially when it comes to romantic feelings. But once I know, then I’m okay.”
“How long were you together before getting engaged?” Damian asked, though it was still hard to believe his mother had someone before Bruce.
“And who popped the question?”
She looked at the clock and back to the boys. “Doesn't the patrol start soon?” she asked. The boys looked at Bruce with their best puppy eyes. Well, Dick, Jason and Tim did, Damian seemed indifferent but Bruce could tell he wanted to hear the story as well.
“If it’s okay with your mother, we can listen to one more story,” he said, and she raised an eyebrow at her husband. “What?”
“And I thought I couldn’t say no,” she said with a mumble.
“Shut up,” he said, but smiled slightly.
“So Ma, what’s the story?”
Her hand went up to her necklace and started playing with it as she thought back. “We’ve been together for almost eight years before I asked her.”
She fell on the couch once she got home from the hospital. It had been a taxing day, and all she wanted to do was curl up with Harley and sleep until the morning. But they had dinner plans they needed to get to, and if everything turned out as planned, she and Harley would be engaged.
Over the years of dating, conversation of marriage would come up. Whether it be just then asking about it, or their friends. They both wanted it, but they silently agreed that they wouldn’t take it seriously until they both finished school.
Harley had already finished her last year of residency, and she was one you last year. Granted, she still had a month left, but she figured it would still count.
“Pumpkin, I’m home,” Harley called as she walked in.
“Living room,” she answered back. A moment later, Harley walked in the room and plopped beside her. Harley laid her head on her lap and sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Tiring day?”
Harley nodded and closed her eyes. “I know we had plans to go out, but can we stay in? Arkham really took me out.”
She scrunched her nose, her hands stopped moving. “I thought you didn’t start there until next week?”
“I did, but something happened with the inmates,” Harley answered.
“And they needed a psychiatrist?”
“Apparently some of the inmates needed help and they couldn’t wait until next week,” Harley said, and sighed happily when she resumed playing with Harley’s hair. “So can we stay in?”
“Yeah, we can. We can order take out and watch a movie or something,” she mused, trying to think of a new plan. “What do you want?”
She smiled and reached over, grabbing her phone and ordering food. Once finished, she set the phone before turning back to Harley. She stared at her loving, watching as Harley was slowly falling asleep.
“You’re staring,” Harley mumbled with a smile.
“I can’t help, you’re just too gorgeous to look at anything else,” she teased. Harley blushed and snuggled into her legs.
“Shut up.”
Thinking it’s the perfect time, she went for it. “Marry me?” Harley’s eyes flew open, and she quickly sat down and looked at her.
“Marry me,” she repeated, smiling at the bewildered look Harley was giving her. “I know we talked about it a few times. And since I have a month left of residency, I figured why not. So, marry me?”
Harley looked at her for a minute before smiling widely, and threw her arms around her, laughing. “Of course I will, pumpkin!” Harley said, kissing her all over her face.
And just like that they were engaged.
As the months went by, they planned a wedding. They had decided who was going to be in the wedding party, where the venue would be, and who was going to cater for them. They just needed to book everything, but they weren’t going to do so until they picked out the wedding day.
And for a while everything was perfect. Up until Harley started seeing Joker as a patient. She didn’t see it, not a first. She took it as Harley having bad days or long tiring days at Arkham. And with doctor patient confidentiality, Harley couldn’t talk about their problems.
But Harley could tell her how the day went. If it was bad, she’d drop it and offer to make Harley's favourite foods.
Then Harley started to become distant. She would come home later than normal, and would snap for no reason. She had tried to get Harley to talk to her, but she wouldn’t. She kept saying she was fine and it had been a long day. It was worrying.
All at once, it stopped. Harley stopped talking to her, and stopped coming home.
She was out of her mind, worrying for Harley. She hoped her fiancée would come home. It was to the point that she went out and looked for Harley.
But Bruce had stopped her before she could leave the apartment.
She had found him waiting in her living room after a long shift at the hospital. It had startled her seeing Bruce dressed as Batman standing there, he cowl down.
She was about to greet him, but the sad, pitied expression Bruce had stopped her. “No, don’t…don’t say it. I don’t want to hear it.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, taking a step forward, she stepped back. “But something happened to Harley.”
She shook her head frantically, covering her mouth with her hands. “Nononono, she can’t have…please,” she begged, as Bruce wrapped her into a hug when he was close enough.
“I’m sorry, but Joker got into her head,” he started, tightening his grip as she choked back a sob. “Convinced her that they were meant for each other. Made her fall in the chemicals he fell into. She’s alive, but she isn’t Harley anymore. Not the one you knew anyways.”
She broke down crying before Bruce finished his sentence. She clung to him like a lifeline as the words sunk in.
She expected to hear that Harley died, that someone had killed her. Not this. But this? This was so much worse.
A heavy silence fell once she finished. She was clutching the ring that was threaded on a chain. It helped keep the tears at bay. She didn’t want to cry, not now, not after so many years.
“The next day, Bruce told me the full story,” she whispered, and grimaced as the fight flashed before her. “We fought. Okay, I yelled and he just took him. I said some things I shouldn’t have and I avoided him for a while.”
“I remember that,” Dick said, leaning onto the table. “Bruce looked heartbroken during that time. And every time I tried to ask what happened, he shut me down. Even at gala’s when you were there, he looked like he wanted to go and talk to you.”
Bruce looked at him in surprise. Dick was only eight when that happened, he didn’t think he was paying attention.
On the other hand, she felt guilt crawling in her stomach, and slouched into her chair. She hid her face in her hands when Dick continued.
“That falling out thing happened for a few years, didn’t it?” he asked. She opted to stay quiet, letting Bruce answer the question.
“Three or four years, yeah.”
Tim was about to ask what had happened, but Jason nudged him and shook his head. Tim gave him a look, and Jason gestured to their mom, practically saying I don’t think she wants to talk about it.
“Sorry for bringing up the past Ummi,” Damian said softly. “We didn’t know.”
Rubbing her face to get rid of stray tears, she dropped her hands onto the table. “That’s okay sweetie. I wouldn’t have told you anything if it still hurts.”
“So, how’d you fix your friendship with Bruce?” Jason asked. She shook her head and stood.
“Bruce can tell you,” she said, stretching, “I have the night shift tonight. And I need to get ready.”
With that she left her boys staring at Bruce, waiting.
“It’s time for patrol,” he gruffed out and followed his wife. The boys groaned, saying that wasn’t fair.
“Are you okay?” he asked when he reached their bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe, watching her quickly change and grabbed her stuff before pausing. She clutched her keys and sighed.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” she sighed, dropping her shoulders. “After ten years, it still hurts. Not as much as it did, but still.”
Bruce nodded, and pushed off the frame and wrapped his arms around her. Holding her close. “I’m sorry again for everything.”
“You know I don’t blame you anymore, you don’t need to apologize for it.”
“Feels like I have too. You don’t deserve to have gone through that.”
“No one does but life sucks that way,” she said, giving him a smile. “I have to go.”
Bruce frowned, tightening his hold a little. “I wish you didn’t.”
“I’m a doctor Bruce, but I’ll be careful,” she said, reaching up to kiss him. “You be careful too tonight.” He nodded and dropped his arms and watched as she left the room.
“I love you,” he called. She popped her head back in and smiled.
“I love you too.”
Running out of the manor and to her car, she didn’t notice a figure standing in the distance. Harley signed as she watched, glad that her ex-lover found happiness again. And promised she’d do whatever it took to keep it that way.
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
I mean, I don’t believe in the predictive power of dreams, obviously, but still, it’s a deeply unsettling thing to find. I had Tim look into it, as I don’t entirely trust the others not to have written it as a practical joke and slipped it into the archives. - Episode 11, Dreamer
Jon stares down at the paper in his hands.
He’s had many an unkind thought towards Gertrude, his predecessor, the woman responsible for this mess and the current bane of his existence. She’s been the topic of most of his grumbling as he sorts through piles of nonsense and decaying cardboard boxes. He’s got no love lost for her, but that doesn’t mean he’s happy she’s dead. Or, specifically, to have a statement apparently predicting it through the medium of some prophetic dream. Ridiculous. He wants to feel detached, unaffected, but he can’t help the sickly sense of dread that creeps up his spine and lingers in his throat. 
It was your face and the expression upon it was far more fearful than any I had seen in eight years of wandering this twilight city.
Jon doesn’t know Antonio Blake and has no reason to believe him. But he’s known something’s wrong for a long time now.
He’s never admitted it aloud, never within his assistant’s hearing range, but he can feel it, as foolish as that sounds. This miasma of wrong, of being watched, of becoming...something else, that happens every time he records a statement. Despite the academic detachment he aspires to, he does attempt to empathize with each statement-giver and get into their mindset. But what he’s doing here...it’s different. He can visualize it so perfectly, the terror in their words sticking in his throat and setting his own heart pounding, as if he were the one experiencing it and not just regurgitating it to an ancient recorder. He’s always had an ‘overactive imagination,’ as his grandmother would say, but this is relentless in its manifestation. The fear is real, not imagined. Each statement draws him further and further away from the safety he used to cling to, where the only real cases were few and far between and the most sinister things lurking out there in the world were books and the monsters within them.
And as much as he wants to linger on the false accounts and take comfort in tearing them apart, his hands automatically seek the real ones, the right ones. It’s frightening, the ease with which he finds them nowadays. Perhaps he’s a better archivist than he thinks. 
She died and you’ll be next, something whispers to him. He’s being dramatic, as he’s wont to do, but it feels true. Every statement that doesn’t record correctly, every follow-up he has to qualify with an ‘I would dismiss this, but-’ is starting to add up. His nights have become restless. He often lies awake regretting that he ever took this job, that he left the relative safety of research for a position he’s not sure how to fill, his only reassurance Elias’s occasional emails that he’s ‘moving in the right direction,’ whatever that means.
Jon assumed he’d be more removed from the dangerous aspects of the job that research entailed- following up, going to locations, field work. And it’s true, he has assistants to do that for him now. Dependable, for the most part. And while he should feel safe in his tiny office with nothing but dust and paper and cobwebs (good lord, the cobwebs) he feels more unsettled and exposed than ever. He once joked he’d die of old age before getting the archives in order. But now a stroke sounds much more pleasant than whatever happened to Gertrude. If it’s true.
Perhaps it’s a joke, he thinks. Planted by one of the others, designed specifically to unsettle him. Well, it worked. 
It wouldn’t be surprising. He’s...not had the best start. The promotion was a surprise, but not wholly unexpected; he knew he’d been on Elias’s radar, though he wasn’t expecting it quite so soon. He’s young and unfortunately, it shows. The way he stutters through department meetings, talking about digitization while the others, all of whom have at least a decade on him, shoot pitying looks. He stays later and later, the desire to show some sort of progress even as he discovers more mess by the day. The permanent scowl that now graces his features becomes his armor as he walks the halls and feels himself becoming the uptight, unlikable curmudgeon everyone believes him to be. The one time I measure up to expectations, he can’t help thinking.
A joke. There’s a comfort in that. At least it’s familiar.
But it didn’t record to the laptop, his traitorous mind supplies. It's a bit sad he would prefer it to be a mundane attempt at bullying rather than a real expression of the supernatural, but he supposes it’s par for the course. There were many nights as a child he wished for the same thing, for that boy to go back to taking his lunch money and the occasional beating or two instead of…still, he dismisses it from his mind. You don’t know there’s a correlation. Follow up. Disprove it. 
He’s interrupted from his musings by a knock on the door and the vague outline of Martin through the frosted glass. “Come in,” he calls, attempting to inject some irritation in his voice to cover up the shakiness. “Did you need something?”
“Ah, I finished my write up for the Herbert case, was wondering if you had anything else for me?”
His hand hovers over the statement on his desk. He opens his mouth but then closes it, thinking better.
“Can you send Tim in, actually?”
“Sorry boss, I couldn’t find anything on this Antonio Blake fellow- well, at least with the details he provided, which were next to none. Proper spooky, though.”
Of his assistants, he trusts Tim the most with this sort of thing. 
On a surface level, it wouldn’t make sense to some. Tim can be loud and gregarious: the typical, charming extrovert. But he’s not unkind and he’s a hell of a researcher, especially when something grabs his interest. He digs into statements and doesn’t let go- not unlike Sasha, though he’s a bit better at empathizing and handling things...sensitively. Easily attuned to Jon’s moods, Tim’s always been willing to lend an ear whenever he gets too in his head about cases, helping him talk things through or on several memorable occasions, go down the rabbit hole with him. He’d taken the statement from his hands with an easy smile, though his face grew serious with the nervous look Jon shot him.
And if Tim couldn’t find anything, well. Maybe it was a prank after all.
He sort of wanted it to be true, frightening as the implications were. Because then it would mean this terrible, heavy feeling on his shoulders was real, and not just the byproduct of his own mediocrity. He doesn’t want to be scared, he doesn’t want to be in danger, but at least it would provide a real reason for panic, and not just his own inability to measure up.  He doesn’t want to prove them all right, collapsing under the stress of a job poorly done and so easily crumbling at a stupid, made-up statement, targeted as it may be. 
“A joke, then.” Jon says, rubbing a hand at his temples, trying not to let the hurt seep into his voice. Tim makes a commiserating noise.
“You know how people are, the institute isn’t exactly popular. You remember last Halloween, when-”
“Yes, I don’t need a reminder.” Jon sighs. He’d rather not relive that day, stressful as it was. “But that wasn’t quite what I was thinking.”
Tim stares at him for a moment, uncomprehending. Jon continues, attempting to make his hands busy as he pointlessly shuffles papers.
“It’s rather pointed, isn’t it? I doubt someone off the street would create such a detailed account of the death of an...archivist as opposed to the usual ghostly drivel.”
A look of pity flickers in Tim’s eyes and Jon has to turn away. “I don’t really think anyone here would-”
“Really? You don’t?” Jon lets out a mirthless laugh, rubbing a hand across his face as he stares down at his desk. “I’m not blind. Or deaf.” The derisive snorts if he goes off on ‘needless tangents,’ how Rosie pretends to be busy whenever he approaches Elias’s office, the way his name badge still reads ‘researcher’ after months of asking for a new one. He’s basically become a pariah.
“Jon, did someone say something to you?” The words are carefully chosen and he’s leaning forward now, making as if to stand up and god forbid, do something comforting. It’s not that Jon doesn’t want the comfort; he craves it more than anything. But he’s gone without for so long he doesn’t trust himself not to break at the gentlest of touches. Being on the receiving end of Tim’s protective streak is nothing new, but he shouldn’t need his assistant looking out for him like he’s some sort of helpless infant. 
He snorts derisively instead, covering up the insecurity and hurt with a sardonic, self-effacing smile. The kind he knows Tim hates. “They don’t need to. I’ve walked in on conversations, I’ve seen the way people go quiet, the looks they give me-”
“Hey,” Tim’s voice is low, like he’s dealing with a frightened animal. Jon wonders how he looks, if Tim’s going this soft. “Don’t listen to them, alright? You inherited a mess, we all did- but we’re doing our best, yeah? Study and record, like Elias said.” Jon doesn’t dodge the hand that finally lands on shoulder, and he’ll deny to anyone that he leaned into it. 
“Study and record.” He repeats listlessly, slumping back down into his seat. He’s let himself get too worked up, acting like a child instead of a boss. He’s not sure when he started wearing his heart on his sleeve, but Tim’s always been good at reading him. Though he’d rather people think him an arrogant ass than the seething mess of insecurity he truly is. 
“Atta boy.” The pat to his shoulder is purposefully light, devoid of Tim’s usually friendly force that sends him stumbling forward. “Now get out of here at a normal time, alright? We can grab lunch tomorrow. Just the two of us, if you like.”
Jon makes a noncommittal grunt, though the thought is nice.  He entertains the idea for just a moment, remembering their occasional outings back in research. Tomorrow he’ll make his excuses. He hasn’t been much of a friend as of late, and he’s not sure he deserves the kindness of company.
“And if there’s anyone that needs a stern talking to from me, I-” Tim wags a finger and Jon rolls his eyes, ignoring the pang of warmth the words send through his chest.
“Don’t, please. It’s fine.” It isn’t. “But...thank you, Tim.”
“Course.” A wink and a sloppy salute to lighten the mood, and Jon feels the tension in his posture ease minutely as Tim shuts the door behind him. 
He lets out a breath and reaches for the tape recorder. He’s wasted too much time already.  
Be careful. There is something coming for you and I don’t know what it is, but it is so much worse than anything I can imagine. At the very least, you should look into appointing a successor.
Good luck.
He fights a shiver as the man’s voice leaves him and the last vestiges of that twilight world fade back to his dimly-lit office. In his follow up, he tries to play it off as a joke. A bit of hazing for the new boss. And yet the uneasiness still creeps into his voice, and he ends another tape on a stilted, half-believed note.
If this is genuine…
Jon prays that it isn’t. 
And like most of his prayers, it goes unheard and unanswered.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32165071
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butgilinsky · 4 years
someone will ache for your soul // np
warning; a lot of language i’m sry, argument btw best friends, talks abt a shitty ex bf but there’s nothing explicit
summary; in a world where you acquire tattoos across various parts of your body once you fall in love with someone, you have to hide yours from your best friend. 
word count; 6.7k+
a/n: kind of a soulmate au but not really i guess? i saw this prompt somewhere online and idk where it’s from so the general idea of gaining tattoos from those you fall in love with is not mine but the rest of the fic is. okay thx bye(:
add yourself to my nhl taglist!
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When you were younger, you loved it. You loved looking down at your ankle and seeing the small butterfly just beside your ankle. You’d had it your whole life, though you still weren’t entirely sure how a tattoo grew up with you, but you accepted it. After all, it’s all that you knew. 
Everybody’s born with a tattoo on their ankle, a small tattoo that has theirselves embedded into it. However, the older you get the more you realize that it’s not the tattoo you’re born with that makes the biggest impact on you, it’s others’. Every time you fall in love with somebody, your skin makes room for their tattoo on it. Your mom’s tattoo, a small star on her left ankle, shined bright from its place on your father’s wrist, somehow separate from the couple tattoos he collected over the years. 
You remember the day you found out about the tattoos, perched in your mom’s lap and listening to her talk to your aunt about it. You remember tracing their tattoos with your small fingers while they told you various stories about their loves and how they grew up collecting tattoos on their skin. You were scared, asked your mom what happened if you never got any more than your single tattoo on your ankle. She told you that you would, that anybody would be lucky to collect your small butterfly somewhere on their body. 
You remember the day you got your second tattoo, the paper plane that sat on the back of your left shoulder that now held the role as a painful reminder of your first love. You loved Cory, but the time for the two of you had come and gone. The paper airplane, though never in your line of sight, was still a painful reminder of the times you shared with the boy and how he broke your heart at the end of it all just before moving to college. 
You had to go through senior year alone, newly broken up with and with your best friend hours away from home. You couldn’t blame Nolan, not when he was out doing the thing he loved so much. Being in Brandon was good for him, it was all that he wanted, and it wasn’t all that far away from Winnipeg anyways. You still drove out to see Nolan’s games, even if it ran up the miles on your car and had you spending late nights driving back home by yourself. You would’ve done anything for Nolan, and it truly showed during your senior year. 
Nolan’s draft day was a rude awakening for you. You jumped up when his name was called, hugging him as tight as you possibly could before hiding your giddy expression behind your hands. You were excited for him, even if he was going all the way out to Philadelphia. You wanted him to be happy, and you could tell within seconds of his name being called that he was going to do just fine in Philly. 
You didn’t notice until you got home and your heart sank into your stomach. Your adrenaline high had worn off, and the reality of everything around you began to sink in. You knew what it was the second you laid your eyes on it, black lines etched into the skin of your sternum. You thought it was an odd placement, though it was hard to miss it when you stepped out of the shower and it stood tall and proud and ready to be found. 
You knew what it was, you’d seen the shape etched into Nolan’s ankle far more times than you could count. It mocked you, the snake coiled up the same way your memory sketched it out in your brain, and now it was imprinted perfectly into your skin. You touched it, rubbed it, tried to wash it off. You had just taken a shower, just washed the day off of you and down the drain and now you were standing in the middle of a hotel bathroom, rubbing at the spot between your breasts mercilessly. This couldn’t be happening, not to you, not when Nolan was about to move thousands of miles away from you. 
But it was happening, because the black line that followed no real pattern never faded, despite the skin around it turning raw from your insistent attempts at washing it off. It was here to stay, no matter what happened in your life down the road. It didn’t matter that you had no heads up, no warning that you were falling head over heels in love with your best friend. 
You knew it wouldn’t wash off, but that didn’t stop you from trying. These tattoos were forever, you knew that. You learned from a ripe, young age about obtaining your love’s tattoo. You learned about it growing up, you talked about it with friends and family, hell this wasn’t even your first tattoo that wasn’t your own. You knew the drill, you knew the routine, but that didn’t make it any easier to deal with. 
You were 18, watching him sign contracts and make agreements of his big move in a few short weeks. You couldn’t believe it, that you were losing him in a time like this. It made dropping him off at the airport all that much harder, cheeks wet and eyes bloodshot as you clung to him for dear life. You knew his parents wanted to say bye, that his sisters were waiting patiently while you cried into his shoulder, but you couldn’t let go.
He didn’t know about the snake on your sternum, nor did you plan on telling him. You couldn’t drop a bomb like that on him just before he moved to a different country, finally living out the dream he’d had ever since you could remember. Nolan wasn’t Nolan without hockey, and you were aware of that. You were painfully aware of that. 
So you didn’t tell him. 
You spent too many nights curled up in your bed, clinging to your pillow to muffle the whimpers and whines that pushed through your lips and out into the air. You tried to ignore the sinking feeling in your chest at any given moment, and you did everything in your power to keep everything under wraps. You couldn’t tell anyone, no matter how bad it hurt to be in love with your best friend that now lived so far away from you. 
It was hard, hiding it. You had to hide it from your family and friends, and sometimes that was easy. During the cold months you were seemingly off the hook, but when summer rolled around and your friends dragged you out to the lake every chance they got, you were in a bit of trouble. You had to carefully choose what bathing suits you wore and had to make sure nothing slipped or faltered throughout the day. 
You’d made it three years without a slip up. Even on nights when Nolan came home and you were mere inches away from him, you couldn’t find it in you to tell him. Even when he was curled up into your side and holding you against his chest in the most comfortable way, you couldn’t say anything. You couldn’t make a move on him. 
And now you were in Philly, standing in an arena that had you shivering but smiling brightly from the opposite side of the glass. You smiled every time Nolan skated by, even more when he assisted Travis in the first goal of the game and scored one of his own late in the second period. You were buzzing, adrenaline pumping and excitement shining deep in your chest. Watching Nolan do what he loved would never get old, not when the smile he wore was enough to wash away any fear or worry you’ve ever had. 
You remember nights when you couldn’t sleep and Nolan would hold you. You remembered nights when you were crying over the phone to him and he snuck out of his room and into your own. You remembered fights you had and the way he made you walk home one night after one of your bigger ones. 
You were walking out of TIm Horton’s, mere feet away from Nolan’s car before you tumbled into an argument you’d been trying to avoid for a few days now. You were dating Cory at the time, and Nolan couldn’t believe you were telling him that you couldn’t go to his game on Friday night, regardless of the fact that you’d promised him for weeks now that you’d be there. It was hard for you to catch games during the week, but this one was on a Friday night with plenty of time for you to finish the school day and drive over to Brandon. 
But now you were telling him that you couldn’t go, and no matter how sorry you were, Nolan couldn’t forgive you. He said you’d blown him off for Cory more times than he could accept anymore. You had to call your sister, figuring she was the only one that would pick you up and give you a ride home without threatening to leave you in the parking lot in favor of beating Nolan to a pulp. 
None of that mattered though. None of it mattered when you were faced with the boy you’d fallen in love with doing the thing he cherished most. When he left the locker room with a smile brighter than any of his teammates had seen in a long time that was directed straight at you, you knew none of it mattered. 
Your feet left the ground, hanging in the air while your best friend clung to your frame tightly. He thanked you for coming, told you that he scored the goal just for you, that he scored every goal for you. You figured it was the adrenaline talking, that he was just basking in the big win against their biggest rivals. That plus the fact that Nolan could barely come to terms with the fact that you were here all for him. 
You’d been in Philly before, had visited Nolan a few times over his years with the Flyers. You’d met practically everyone there was to meet and had gotten fairly close with his closest friends by default, seeing as they were always around when you were. Everything was going well this time around, everyone was having fun and getting along and it almost seemed like nothing could fall out of place. 
You were standing in the kitchen with Nolan and Travis when Nolan’s name was called, beckoning him out into the rest of the house while you and Travis rallied drinks for the group. He tried to ignore them, tried to help you pile up on wine and beers for the rest of the group but Travis practically kicked him out of the kitchen. Travis said he could help you, that the two of you didn’t need Nolan’s help and that someone else clearly did. 
It took all of five minutes for Travis to spill red wine all over your shirt. Thankfully for him, the few glasses you’d thrown back throughout the night washed over any sense of anger or annoyance you’d usually pick up and you simply laughed it off. He felt so bad, begged you to forgive him and let you buy him a new shirt, but all you did was insist that he find you a new one for now and that you could figure out the rest of it when the two of you weren’t tipsy and surrounded by your friends. 
Travis ducked out of the kitchen for a second before turning back up and leading you into a hallway on the other end of the house. He told you that Claude never really let them wander his house without a little supervision, claiming that they break everything that they touch, but this was a special case. Claude loved you, and he wasn’t going to let you walk around with a wine stained shirt for the rest of the night, especially when it’s Travis’s fault in the first place. 
You laid back on the bed in the room you were unfamiliar with, smiling up at the ceiling and humming to yourself while Travis dug through Claude’s closet. 
“I know Ryanne has a stack of those shirts somewhere.” he spoke gently to himself, refraining from throwing clothes all over the room and instead digging for one through multiple piles. You laughed to yourself, not even sure if he knew that you could hear him. 
“Just pick one, Teeks!” he huffed and chucked one at you, laughing loudly when it landed directly on your face. 
You whined and sat up, reaching for the hem of your shirt without much thought surrounding the subject before peeling it off. All you could think about was how sticky your stomach had gotten from the red spot. 
It was the small gasp that got you, the one that brought you back down to Earth and tore you out of your wine-induced haze. It was Travis’s eyes locked in on the spot in the middle of your chest that triggered every panic siren in between your ears. 
“Is that-”
“TK you can’t tell him.” you rushed out, pushing yourself to stand up as you pressed a bright orange Flyers shirt against your chest. Your hands were shaking, and Travis’s eyes were glued to the spot of the tattoo even without being able to see it anymore. He knew what that snake was, he knew it all too well. He’d known Nolan for a long time now, and he’d seen the snake enough times to commit it to memory. 
He was sure you had Nolan’s snake in the middle of your chest, and now Travis knew you were in love with Nolan. 
“Trav, I’m serious.” he shook his head, trying to clear himself of the intrusive thoughts and nodded gently. He couldn’t tell Nolan. He wasn’t entirely sure how he was going to keep that from him, especially when he had been looking for your tattoo on Nolan’s skin for years now. 
Travis wasn’t dense. He saw the way that Nolan looked at you, heard the tone he used when he talked about you. He saw how excited Nolan got when he knew you were about to fly into Philly, and he saw how upset Nolan got when you left. He might not have been the brightest bulb in the box, but he knew that there was something lying under the surface of you and Nolan’s friendship. 
He tried to have this conversation before, had tried more times than he could count at this point. The only difference now was that there was hard proof, there was evidence that he was right all along. But now he couldn’t use that evidence, not when you were looking at him with wide eyes and begging him to keep it between the two of you. 
“Fine, but we’re talking about this before you go back home.” you nodded, figuring that it was good enough for you if it meant he never told Nolan about it. 
Except, there was one small problem.
The door swung open, dark and narrowed eyes landing on you and Travis, less than a foot between the two of you with you topless, a single shirt held between your hands and in front of your chest. 
“My best friend?” the disappointment in his voice tugged at your heart and punched you in the gut simultaneously. The guilt hanging in your chest was barely justified, given this was one large misunderstanding, but the look on Nolan’s face was enough to have your shoulders falling. 
“Nolan, it’s not-”
“My best fucking friend? Of all people you had to choose him?” his eyes were wide and glued to yours, anger mixing with disgust in the back of his mind. He couldn’t believe you’d do this to him. 
“Pat, you don’t understand-” 
“Fuck you.” Nolan spoke slowly and clearly, shooting Travis the sharpest glare he could produce. His voice sent a chill down your spine, unsure if you had ever heard him speak with such malice. “Both of you.” 
Nolan spun on the balls of his feet and left the room, but you didn’t let him get far before you were following him. You tugged the shirt over your head, not even bothering to turn back to Travis to apologize before you were running after Nolan, calling his name down the hallway. 
“Nolan, please-”
“I don’t want to hear it, honestly.” he threw over his shoulder, but you weren’t accepting that. You weren’t going to let him walk away right now, not when you didn’t do anything wrong. 
“Just listen to me!” you stopped walking, stopped running. You stood in the middle of a hallway that had pictures lining the walls around you. Smiling faces and cheery laughs suffocated you in a time where you stood toe to toe with your best friend, the same one who was looking down at you like he’d never known you. “You don’t get to assume things and just walk away!”
“Yeah, well you don’t get to come out here after not seeing me for six months and sleep with my best friend! You don’t get to do that to me! You don’t get to use me to sleep with professional athletes.” any words you had swimming through your mind halted at his accusation. They fizzled out, unable to produce a coherent thought after you heard your best friend accuse you of using him. 
“After all this time, you think i’m using you? You think that I came here to sleep with Travis?” 
“You want to know what I think? I think you’ve always used me. You used me to escape your awful boyfriend in high school and you used me to leave home when things got bad. You used me to get over your shitty boyfriend when he left you in the fucking dust and here you are now, using me to sleep with my best fucking friend.” you were in shock, lips parted and throat constricting as you tried to let his words sit. 
“If you wanted to whore yourself out to NHL players, you should’ve just said so, puck bunny.” The nickname weighed heavily in your chest, bringing you back to a time where Nolan went on and on about how much puck bunnies got under his skin. It brought you back to a time when Nolan would never call you that, would never even put you and the name in the same conversation.
“Patty!” Nolan’s eyes left yours, casting over your shoulder and locking with another pair that he might have been more furious at. Sure, he was angry at you. He couldn’t believe you’d do something like this, not after growing up with him just a few houses down. He couldn’t believe you’d stoop this low, but Travis? Travis knew how Nolan felt about you. Even if he didn’t admit it, even if he’d never say that was all true, Travis knew. He knew better than anyone how Nolan felt, and that made it all the more worse. 
“Don’t talk to her like that.” you bit down on your bottom lip, hard enough to sting slightly but you couldn’t look away from where your eye level left you. You couldn’t look up at Nolan, not when he was this angry at you, and you surely couldn’t look at Travis. You knew that’d only make things worse. 
“Now you get to tell me how to talk to her? Does that mean the two of you are a thing now? That’s funny, seeing as you have a girlfriend, Teeks. Didn’t know you were into home wrecking, y/n.”
“Fuck you.” you spoke softly, not even sure if he had heard you before he looked down at you with a puzzled look stretched across his face. 
“So I can pick up TK’s sloppy seconds? No thanks, angel.��� you shoved him then, shoved him hard. He didn’t move much due to the way his feet dug into the ground and he had muscle on you, but you got your point across by the force delivered to his chest. 
“You’re a dick, you know that? You walk into a room and think you know everything that’s going on, but you don’t, okay? You don’t know what happens when you’re gone. You don’t know what happened in there or what happens at home when you’re here. You don’t know anything, okay?” 
“That’s bold, given that I just walked in on you topless, seconds away from kissing my best friend, y/n-”
“Is there a reason you feel the need to keep reminding me that Travis is your best friend?”
“Because I need you to know that you’re not.” 
The world titled on its axis then, the rude awakening you’d walked into becoming all too much for you to handle. With the realization that Nolan wanted nothing to do with you, you nodded once and walked around him so you could leave. It was only then that you noticed the audience you’d gathered, the better half of the Flyers roster circled around the room with a few of their significant others. You flashed everyone a pained smile and thanked Claude and Ryanne for inviting you before leaving the house. 
You weren’t even down the driveway when your lungs gave way, gasping for air while tears streamed down your cheeks. Your heart hurt and your stomach turned, and you knew it was going to be a long night. 
“You really are a dick.” Travis was going to walk past him, was going to avoid the lot of people and follow you outside. He knew you didn’t know where you were, nor did you have a way to get to or from anywhere else. You could order an uber to Nolan’s, but then what? Kevin might let you into the apartment but where would you stay? On the couch in a living room you weren’t welcome in? Not likely. 
“I’m the dick? You know how I feel about her!”
“Nothing happened!”
“Bullshit, TK! I know that look on your face and I know that she sure as hell looked embarrassed-”
“I spilt wine on her shirt, you fucking idiot! I knocked into her when we were in the kitchen and I made her entire glass of wine spill down the front of her shirt, so I went to get her another one. I didn’t want her to sit in a soaking wet, stained shirt for the rest of the night so I went to get her another.” 
“And she changed in front of you because-?”
“Because she was drunk and knew I wouldn’t make a move on her. Because she knows that I respect you and care about you far more than I care about making a move on her. I don’t look at her that way, Pat. You know I would never do that to you.” Nolan sucked on his teeth then, casting his eyes away from Travis’s and looking down at his feet. 
“Do I?” Travis scoffed then, not bothering to give Nolan a response before walking past everybody else and out to his car. 
After a few minutes of driving around, he found you at the park just down the street, leaning against the chain that supported the swing you sat on. He couldn’t see your tears from his car, but he could see the way you flinched when he shut the car door behind him. 
“You okay?” you shook your head, eyes filled to the brim with tears that blurred your vision and broke Travis’s heart. 
“I’m in love with him, Teeks. I love him more than anything in this entire world and he thinks I’m using him. He t-thinks- he thinks I-” 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Travis pulled you onto your feet and into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you in order to attempt to calm you down. 
“He thinks-” your sobs rang through the air, piercing through Travis’s heart and resulting in him squeezing you tighter, letting you get all of it out while no one else was around. 
“He doesn’t think that. He knows you’re not using him, he just can’t bear to think about you with anybody other than him.” you shook your head, not allowing yourself to believe Travis, even though he knew Nolan pretty well. If there was anything to know about Nolan, you or Travis would know about it. 
“He loves you, okay? He loves you more than he knows how to handle and he can’t handle losing you before he’s even had you.” you flinched when a car backfired, jumping inches off of the ground and making Travis laugh gently from beside you when you let out a shaky breath of relief. 
Your eyes found the familiar car drive by, slowing down the slightest bit by the park only to take off towards the entrance of the neighborhood quite quickly. You knew it was Nolan, you knew that car by heart. 
You ended up on Travis’s couch the night, wrapped in a warm pair of sweatpants that Travis threw in the dryer for you before giving them to you. You tied the drawstring in a tight knot so they’d stay up and pulled on a hoodie that he offered to you shortly after. He listened to you reminisce on all of the memories you had with Nolan. He learned more about his best friend and who he was growing up, but also learned a fair amount about you as well. 
He felt for you. He couldn’t believe Nolan said all of those things to you, but he also knew that Nolan must not be doing well right now. He texted Kevin when he got back to his apartment, saying that you were safe with him, and that he’d text Nolan but didn’t for obvious reasons. Kevin assured Travis he’d let Nolan know you were safe, despite Nolan not asking about your well being. Not that he hadn’t thought about it, but he figured if he asked he’d be left with a less than likable answer. 
Nolan didn’t sleep well that night, replaying how bad he fucked up over and over again in his mind. He didn’t believe you at first, didn’t even believe Travis when he told him what truly happened. He did, however, believe his captain when he said that Travis asked him for a shirt for you just a few minutes before it all happened. Ryanne brought out your wine soaked shirt after the two of you had left, and despite Nolan coming to terms with the fact that he was wrong, he couldn’t forgive himself for the things he said to you. 
He couldn’t believe he accused you of it all before going on to accuse you of using him for your benefit. He knew it was stupid, since you’d been around far before the NHL. you were there when he got drafted, you were there when he was named captain of the Wheat Kings, and you were there when he almost quit hockey when he was younger. He remembered having you by his side through everything growing up and even now, even while living so far away from each other. If he called, you answered. If he needed help, you helped him. Hockey had nothing to do with that. 
He looked down at the butterfly on his thigh, the one that took residence right beside another one of his tattoos, one that he had to keep hidden from you for well over two years now. He traced his finger over the small image, let his mind wander over all the possibilities of where yours could be if you had a snake somewhere inked into your skin. It’s a thought he often had, wondering where you’d want it, if you’d want it. 
By the time Nolan came to his senses, it was too late. He’d already gotten through an entire practice and by the time he got back, by the time he got home, he realized you were gone. Your things that were piled into a corner of his room were gone. The jersey he’d given you for the game against the pens was folded up nicely on the pillow of his bed and a sticky note with your unmistakeable handwriting on it left a hole in his chest. 
I’m sorry I ever made you doubt me. 
He couldn’t reach for his phone fast enough, couldn’t call you enough times to break your voicemail box. He called Travis, pained to hear that you were already on a flight back to Winnipeg. He wanted to leave, wanted to drive to the airport right this second and catch a flight back home to tell you he’s incredibly sorry, but he couldn’t. He had a roadie in a few days and a game tomorrow night and he couldn’t just leave. 
He did his best to contact you, tried to call every person in your family and was disappointed every time. Even when both of his sisters sat down and called him to collectively tell him that he was the biggest idiot either of them had ever met. Nobody could believe Nolan blew you off like that, not even Nolan himself. 
He knew he fucked up, but he hadn’t realized how bad he fucked things up until one of your friends from back home posted a picture of you on social media a few months later. It had been at least four months since he’d spoken to you, since he saw you. It had been too long of him having nothing but the sliver of content he got from social media. He hated that his friends had chosen your side in the thick of it all, though he guessed it was easier to do that with him in Philadelphia and the rest of you in the same place. 
But it wasn’t until a picture of you with a wide smile and a new bathing suit popped up on his phone that he knew the true weight of the situation in front of him. There you were, in a baby blue bathing suit that showed the same shape between your breasts that he’d grown up with beside his ankle. His tattoo was committed to memory, ingrained into his brain with no room to forget about it, especially when he saw it on you, etched into your skin the same way it had been etched into his. 
He thought back to the paper airplane on your shoulder, the mark that had haunted him for years. He hated your boyfriend, hated the sight of his tattoo on your skin. He hated everything that had to do with the sheer thought of you with somebody else, even if he didn’t know how to deal with that. And now, with his thumb sitting on the butterfly on his thigh and his eyes on the snake on your sternum, he knew he had to fix this. He knew he had to fix things because these tattoos, though permanent themselves, didn’t guarantee him a life as your boyfriend, nor your husband. 
Nolan remembered a time when he thought these tattoos were stupid. He remembered when he thought it was a thing for soulmates and you told him that thought was wrong, that it just reminded you of a love you felt, even if it was eventually lost. He remembers you telling him that you were scared you’d never be loved forever, that you were scared to only be loved momentarily. 
But that wasn’t the case. Nolan would never stop loving you. He couldn’t forget about the way your laugh brightened his day without question, or the way your nose scrunched when you laughed. He couldn’t forget about the way you bugged him for ice cream on a bad day, or how good you looked with his name and number stretched across your back. 
He couldn’t remember a day he wasn’t in love with you. 
So Nolan flew to Winnipeg the second the Flyers’ season was over. He didn’t bask in getting knocked out of the playoffs like some of the other guys, didn’t dwell on the loss in the sixth game of the series because he couldn’t. He couldn’t dwell on a loss when he was so focused on trying to prevent a second one. 
He had called everybody he could think of once he got off the plane. Some didn’t answer, some didn’t know the answer to his question, and some just flat out refused to humor him. You weren’t home, he knew that much by the absence of your car in the driveway and your sister telling him that you weren’t there, and that she wouldn’t let him inside even if you were. It wasn’t until he rounded a familiar corner after a phone call he’d been thankful for. 
Jordan told him where you were, unable to lie to his childhood friend when you were hanging out with everyone. You were wearing a bathing suit again, though it didn’t matter for a while. The sun was high in the air and you weren’t the only that had shed yourself of your coverup earlier in the afternoon. You were playing basketball with Jordan, oblivious to the fact that he’d given you up just ten minutes prior to the gate door swinging open and Nolan letting himself into the backyard. 
Your eyes found him easily, as if he was a magnet you could never repel. Your shoulders fell for a moment, your instinct of wanting to comfort him seeping in before you could tell it not to. Of course you kept up with his team, watching every game you possibly could until the very last one. You knew he’d been knocked out of the playoff less than 48 hours ago, and you had no idea he was coming home. 
You hadn’t realized the weight of the situation until you noticed his eyes locked in on your chest. You folded your arms over your chest in an attempt to cover the snake, but it didn’t make Nolan look anywhere else. 
“Who told you I was here?” your voice was soft. You knew he didn’t drive around the entire town looking for your car, though you weren’t sure it was something too far out of his reach. Nolan would do just about anything to get something if he wanted it bad enough.
“Bo did.” you glared at the boy not far from you, the one that you shouldn’t have trusted with something like this in the first place. You should’ve known Jordan would do something like this. 
“Patty, what the fuck?”
“Just shut up, Bo.” Jordan rolled his eyes and tossed the basketball to Nolan who smacked it away and into the grass. 
“Well, I don’t want to talk to you.” you tried to stand your ground, even with Jordan giggling to himself before walking over to your friends not too far from where you currently stood. 
“Just give me five minutes.”
Nolan’s eyes bore into yours, the same pair of bright blue eyes that you had been avoiding for months. You wanted to answer every call and every text, but how could you? How could you pick up the phone and listen to his voice through the speaker after all he’d said to you in front of his entire team. And then on top of it all, he left you stranded in Philly, in the middle of a city, country even, where you had nobody to turn to and nowhere to go. 
“I know you don’t want to talk to me-”
“Then leave, Nols.” he shook his head, taking a step towards you. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“I know I hurt you-”
“You’re right! You hurt me! You hurt me so bad Nolan and I can’t go through that again so if you’re here to let history repeat itself, then can you just go?” he shook his head, firmly planting his feet into the ground and refusing to move. 
“I know you don’t want to see me or listen to me or give me the benefit of the doubt but I need you to hear me out.” you sighed, letting your arms fall to your side. You weren’t sure how he seemingly broke down all of your walls without even lifting a finger. You watched his eyes flick down to the image on your chest, you even let him raise a finger once he stood in front of you and trace the shape of the snake. “It suits you, y’know?”
“Did you really come all this way to tell me that this suits me?” there was a hint of amusement in your voice, enough of it to bring a smile to Nolan’s lips. 
“I know I fucked up-”
“Big time.” you cut him off, shooting him a gentle smile and nod that told you you’d stop interrupting him. “Sorry, continue.”
“I know I fucked up and I said a lot of shit I didn’t mean and that’s not an excuse but- look, I know i shouldn’t have said all of that shit. I should’ve believed the two of you. I should’ve believed you when you told me nothing happened and I shouldn’t have said you were using me. I know you’re not using me. There was no way you could’ve known that I was going to be in the NHL, and you wouldn’t have stuck around all this time just to be a puck bunny.” 
It wasn’t like you to forgive all that easily. You drew lines in the sand and refused to let someone fuck you over twice. You weren’t big on second chances, especially when you thought people didn’t deserve them. You were a straight shooter, no bullshit. But those walls cracked for Nolan, they fell for Nolan. None of your boundaries were drawn in place with Nolan in mind. He had broken down every wall, overstepped every boundary since the day he met you. You couldn’t block him out, couldn’t lead him out of your life. 
As much as you hated to admit it, you needed Nolan Patrick. You were in love with Nolan Patrick. 
And the little butterfly on his thigh told you that he loved you all the same. 
Your lips turned up at the sight, your eyes locked in on the place where his shorts had ridden up and the small image danced happily on his skin. 
“How long have you had that?” you pointed down at it, barely noticing the way his eyes stayed trained on you through the entirety of the situation. You were looking at his tattoo, but he was looking at you. He was always looking at you, which only made it that much more surprising that he hadn’t picked up on the snake on your chest. 
“Since before I got drafted.” he spoke softly, hitting you with a force you didn’t know existed. You were floored by the realization, somewhat thinking that he’d only had it for a small bit of time. You’d seen his thighs, seen his tattoos and you’d never seen the small butterfly etched into his skin. 
“How long have you had that?” his finger traced over the snake one more time, sending a chill down your spine that you had felt more times than you could count when you were around Nolan. It was a feeling that was never expected but always welcome. 
“Draft day.” you breathed out, feeling the weight of the world lift off of your shoulders. You were finally admitting it, finally letting the love of your life know just how long you’ve been a mess for him. Little did you know how much of a mess he was for you. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n.” 
“It’s okay.” you spoke softly, a smile gracing your lips at the realization that things were falling back into place, even after all this time of not talking to him. 
“It’s okay?” you nodded, taking another step toward him so you were chest to chest. 
“As long as you don’t fuck it up again.” he let out a small laugh, his hands finding the sides of your face just before pressing his lips to yours. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
italics mean it wouldn’t let me tag you!!
nolpat tag list; @extratragic​ @babytkachuks​ @teenagekook​ @stfukie​ @kiedhara​ @sadcupofcoffee​ @sidscrosbyy​ @rebel-without-care @baby-cat-nol-pat​ @creator-appreciator​ 
tagging the himbos as well; @bricksatlandyswindow​ @damndunner​ @anxietyandtacos​ @sortagaysortahigh​ @dmonchld​
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visionofhope04 · 3 years
Memories and Dreams
Tim Drake x Reader
Requested: no
Ages: You and Tim are both 18
Prompt: Your dreams are your soulmate’s memories. (You can’t hear anything, you can only see.)
Quick note, I wrote this in April so it might not have my best writing. Also I'm trying to get part 5 of neglected out as soon as I can. Hope you enjoy this!
You were looking through someone else’s eyes, seeing everything from their perspective. It seemed as if they were chasing down a group of people. They had been chasing them for about 20 minutes now. You hadn’t been able to get a good look at their faces, but you assumed they worked for Black Mask.
Ever since you were 5, your dreams had been your soulmate’s memories. You knew all about them from their parents getting murdered to them being a vigilante. You weren’t sure which one, since you had never seen their appearance but you knew they wore a cape which got in the way of their sight quite often. They were also obsessed with coffee and barely slept.
You assumed he was a boy. He was still chasing the gang when suddenly, they took a wrong turn and ended up at a dead end. The men turned around to face the vigilante. He extended his bo staff and began to fight them all off. During the battle, other vigilantes arrived and aided him in battle. The vigilantes were Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, and finally Robin.
He hadn’t been aware that a thug behind him had their gun aimed at his chest. Just as he turned around, a shot rang out and he dropped to the ground. You instantly shot up and out of bed, panting and covered in a layer of cold sweat. This worried you since it was new. You hoped he was okay and still alive. You weren’t too worried though, because if he died, you wouldn’t be seeing his memories.
Glancing at the clock, you noticed it was 6 am. You usually woke up around that time, so you decided to get ready for the day. You completed your normal routine quickly with half an hour to spare. Deciding to head to school, you exited your apartment. You had lived alone since your parents lived in Metropolis and you had earned a scholarship to Gotham’s top school.
As you were walking to school, you noticed there was a coffee shop. Since you were early, you decided to stop by. You walked inside and waited patiently in line. Once it was your turn, you ordered a black coffee. You had thanked the barista and sat down at a table near the door. You were casually scrolling through your social media and heard someone sit in front of you.
You looked up and saw one of your classmates, Tim Drake. This confused you as he never really bothered to talk to many people. You had interacted with him once or twice and he seemed nice. You thought of him as an acquaintance. He was known as the smartest kid in class. He always knew the answers to every question.
“Oh hi.” You decided to start a conversation.
“Hi, you’re name’s Y/N right?”
“Yeah it is, you’re Tim right?”
“Yeah. So what brings you here?”
“Oh nothing much, it’s just that we have about 20 minutes until we actually have to be at school.” You stated.
“Yeah. I understand. By the way, have you figured out who your soulmate is yet?”
“No, but I do have my suspicions. What about you?”
“I have an idea of who it may be but I’m not sure yet.”
“Well it looks like we’re in the same boat.”
“Haha yeah.”
“Anyways I’m going to head to school now. Feel free to come with.”
“I’m fine. I’ll see you later, bye.”
“Bye.” You threw your drink out and headed to school.
(Time skip to the end of the day brought to you by my hate for school)
School went well as always. You hated school but knew you had to learn somehow. You were heading home as usual until you saw a disregarded newspaper on the floor. It was talking about the vigilantes in Gotham, specifically the Batfamily. Then something clicked. Your soulmate was Red Robin! He used a bo staff, had a cape, and was the only one you didn’t see in your dream.
You were shocked. What would you do now? You can’t just go up to him and be like “Hey, I’m your soulmate so wanna get to know each other?”. If only it was that simple. You came up with some ideas on how to find your soulmate. Idea number one chasing him down which was immediately crossed out since you weren’t about to be desperate.
Idea two was to try and figure out his real identity so you could confront him that way. Idea number three was to just wait. Since waiting would probably be the best option, that’s what you decided to do but also decided that attempting to figure out his identity would help. You were excited to meet your soulmate, you wanted to know everything about him. You weren’t obsessed, you were curious.
As you were walking home, you looked forward to sleeping that night. You hoped whatever memory you were going to be in wasn’t a traumatic one. He had some rather pleasant memories. Others, however, not so much. The worst thing that has happened to you was getting a bad sunburn, while he had evaded death more times than you could recall.
You had finally arrived at your apartment. Placing your bag down and digging through it, you began to complete your mountain of homework and eventually, time started flying by. By the time you had completed all of your homework, it was 12 am. Even though you had missed dinner you weren’t hungry.
You placed all your things back into your bag neatly and shut off your laptop. You made your way to your room and began to prepare for bed. Once you finished, you laid down and got comfortable. You closed your eyes and let the darkness take over.
You were currently in his memory. Your soulmate was in a huge house that was like 10 times the size of your apartment, possibly more. He then ran into Bruce Wayne?! Wait, what? You were bewildered and then everything clicked. Bruce Wayne and his whole adopted family were vigilantes!
How’d you know? Well, every time there was a new addition to the Wayne family, a new Robin showed up either a bit before or after that. They also had the same height. Well, your soulmate isn’t Dick since he already found his soulmate. Jason is a no because your soulmate is short and it’s not Damian because he’s a baby. So that means your soulmate is Tim Drake or rather Red Robin.
Your theory was proven to be correct once his memory had shown him walking into the coffee shop you both met at. You didn’t really know how to feel about it. You did know that you had to tell him though, and you preferred sooner. So that’s how you ended up confronting him at school the next day asking to meet at the coffee shop you both met the previous day.
You were pretty anxious since you weren’t sure how he’d take the news. He could either be okay with it, happy or extremely irritated by it. When you saw him enter the shop your anxiety was amplified. You kept telling yourself to remain calm. He was in front of you, coffee in hand and stared at you.
“Okay so I don’t really know how to say this but I’m your soulmate.” You said quickly. He didn’t seem shocked by this so you assumed he knew as well.
“Yeah, I wanted to tell you too. I found out last night.” He stated.
“Okay so uh want to get to know each other a bit?”
“Sure that sounds nice.”
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 7
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When I originally finished the chapter, I was surprised at how far I was able to reach in writing it but I had barely even begun to start writing the good parts. Anyhow, thank you for all the support on this story! It makes me happy knowing that people actually enjoy reading it. Also this is another one of the shorter chapters Ig, sorry.
The TV showed a peaceful and quiet Paris, not like the one you would expect if it were labeled under 'critical'. Tim was so confused he began to type a message but noticed that Damian had signed off. Dick, seeing Tim's confused nature, came over to look at the computer. "What was he referring to? What the hell is going on?"
Alya had examined Marinette's nature the whole day, taking mental notes along the way. As the end of school neared, Alya recounted all of her mental notes. 'Cheerful but not trying to be not the centre of attention, In a dream state but not zoning everything out and I'm sure I heard her making plans out loud. Yep this girl's got a crush but I still have zero idea who it is' the aspiring reporter sighed while recounting the conversation she had with Kagami last night.
"That isn't what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to find out is who does she is love now?"
"Well I also want to know but isn't that her private information?" Kagami asked.
"Wel- Yeah but- What I'm to say is that what if the guys a bad person? What if she's really in love with this guy but too scared to ask him on a date? Us girls got to stick up for each other, girl!" Alya replied.
"When you put it that way" The bluenette then cracked her knuckles. "I wish to duel this boy, to see if he's worthy of her love"
"Great! I'll try to find out more tomorrow!"
True, she had discovered many things but nothing about the boy's appearance or name. Alya sighed. Marinette picked up the fact that her best friend was dismayed, through her sigh and her negative aura. The bluenette discovered that there was other people who could sense auras but it was incredibly rare to bump into one, Marinette had been one of the lucky few. Though since she was the true user of the Ladybug miraculous, she got a boost. "Alya is something wrong?"
The girl then realised that she didn't have a proper excuse with the way she's acting so she just made one right there on the spot. "I'm just tired" Alya yawned. 'I'm tired of tryna find out who your crush is girl! Since when could you keep secrets so well?'
"Well you should get some rest when you get home then"
"Alright, are you free today? We're gonna go get ice cream from André" 'If there's anyone who can give information it's André. Please say yes girl'.
"Well I have to go somewhere first but I'm free after that" the bluenette said, oblivious to what Alya had in mind.
'Thank you universe!' "Great! We'll meet you at 4:30?"
"Sure!" Alya was more excited than she wanted to, she didn't want to stalk her best friend but she wanted to be more supportive than needed. This trip would tell exactly what this certain boy was like. "Oh who's coming?"
"You, Me, Nino, Adrien and Kagami"
'Looks like I'm gonna be the third wheel...' "Ok!" Marinette said enthusiastically.
Marinette had dropped off her designs at her uncle Jagged's hotel room and was ecstatic when Jagged said he had a surprise in plan just for her to say thank you. She still had no idea what it is and Jagged said he would text her the moment he got approval. Right now she was on her way to meet up with her friends, and to be the third wheel. If Damian wasn't busy, she would probably be in his hotel room. She blushed slightly at the statement, if it were taken out of context she would be under suspicion by her friends. "Tikki do you think they suspect me now?"
"I have no clue Marinette" the voice from her bag said. "But it would make sense if Alya was already onto something"
Marinette sighed. Soon her friends came into view, Kagami was showing Adrien some better stance in fencing while Alya was quietly discussing something with Nino but stopped when Marinette came into view.
"Hey girl!" Alya shouted, gaining the attention from the rest of the group. "Wanna get ice cream now?"
"Sure!" First Alya and Nino went to get their ice cream. They got the usual. Next was Kagami and Adrien. Kagami and Adrien got their ice cream, Kagami and Alya exchanging a glance, the bluenette was oblivious to this. Then Marinette went to get her scoop.
"Ah! Marinette! You having ice cream by yourself are you?" André asked with something in mind.
"Yep, I'm just here to watch the lovebirds really" Marinette whispered the last statement to André.
"Well how's this? A scoop of dark honey, a scoop of lime with dark lime zest and a scoop of rose ice cream" he said proudly while scooping each flavor and onto a cone-cup for the bluenette.
"Sounds great André!" Marinette exclaimed. She had never tried those flavors before and they all in some way reminded her of Damian.
"I know everything Marinette, I believe I have finally found a perfect blend for you" he whispered.
"T-thanks André!" She said with a slight blush in her face. She then sat on the edge of the Seine. Marinette sat by herself, Adrien sat next to Kagami with Alya on her side and Alya sat next to Nino. Unbeknownst to Marinette, Kagami and Alya were whispering to each other about what her ice cream flavors meant.
"So the rose means he can be romantic right?" Alya whispered to Kagami.
"I thought that meant he could be flirtatious but sure. I think the lime means he has green eyes" she whispered back.
"Yeah that makes sense what about the honey flavor though?"
"It was dark honey, it's known to have a much stronger taste but it's still sweet" Kagami stated in a matter-of-fact way.
"So he has green eyes, he's strong but still very nice and he's romantic/flirtatious. Doesn't that all point to Chat Noir?" Alya whispered to Kagami.
"I guess it does but he never struck me as his type, also, since when do we know so much about ice cream flavors?"
Alya thought for a moment. "I have no clue"
Marinette had smirked at the lovebirds before waving goodbye to her friends. She had asked Damian via text if she could come over which he said it was fine. "Do you have any idea what Uncle Jagged has in mind, Tikki?"
"I'm still stumped Marinette" the small kwami said while chuckling. The kwami then noticed a notification on her user's phone. "Marinette you might find out, Jagged Stone just sent a message!"
"Really?!" She scurried for her phone and took a deep breath before reading the message.
Uncle Jagged: Nettie! I got everything ready. Wanna record a bonus track for my new album?
'Oh god'
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Summary: Consumed by your grief over Jason’s death, you track down the Joker on your own. Only you end up finding some... thing very different.
Warnings: vampires, violence, depression, fluff, angst
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Dick Grayson x Reader (Platonic), Jason Todd x Reader (Platonic), Tim Drake x Reader (Platonic)
Word Count: 6,113
A/n: Enjoy
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You heaved heavily hunched over the bathroom sink. Your fingers grip the edge of the counter top, knuckles turning white. Your eyes are screwed shut as you try not fall apart for the millionth time that week.
It’s only been a month since Jason died and you felt as if you saw his freshly dead body a few hours ago. Your dreams are riddled with nightmares. You can’t even escape the thoughts while awake.
All you can think about is Jason’s beaten and burned body. You can hear the Jokers mocking laugh when you and Batman found him after Jason’s death. Bruce refused to kill him and stopped you from doing it yourself. Batman turned him into Arkham and like everyone could predict, the pale bastard escaped.
Slowly, your eyes open. You look at yourself in the mirror. You try to push back the tears as visions of Jason plague your mind. 
You were Bruce’s daughter. You were a few years younger than Dick but a few years older than Jason. You and Dick had a rocky friendship the first couple of years but you managed to work it out. With Jason, however, the connection was instant.
The both of you had tempers. Tempers which the other knew how to calm. The two of you just had an understanding. You became close quickly. 
You didn’t want to believe that Jason was dead. You didn’t want to believe that Bruce just let Joke get away with it. You wanted your brother back, you wanted Bruce to avenge him.
“I’m sorry, Jason,” You whisper. You wished you could have been there to save Jason. If only you had gotten to him sooner. Just 5 minutes would have made all the difference.
Your anger bubbles up to the surface all at once and before you know it, your punching the mirror until it’s all broken in the bathroom sink. Ignoring the stinging pain in your hand, you march out of the bathroom.
You storm out of your room and head toward the Batcave. You didn’t have to worry about running into your father. He’s either hiding in his room or out capturing other bad guys that have nothing to do with Jason’s death. Because apparently everyone else mattered while you, Dick and Jason were expendable.
Not to you, however. Your brothers were not expendable to you. They’re your world and the fact that you couldn’t protect Jason killed you. If Bruce wasn’t going to avenge him then that responsibility fell onto you.
You changed into your Sparrow uniform. By the time your pulling your mask on and making your way to your motorcycle, Alfred is entering the cave. You ignore him but he isn’t a man you can just ignore.
“Ms. Y/n?” He questions. You adjust your getup and swing your leg over the bike. Before you can turn the bike on, the man you’re closer to than your own father appears before you. “Where are you going?”
“Out,” You answer. He gives you a look but you don’t back down.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” He advises.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not asking for permission,” You snap. “Why don’t you go tend to daddy dearest and let me do what needs to be done?” Alfred looks even more concerned as you turn the bike on. You don’t allow yourself to feel guilty for being rude to Alfred. You have to stay focused.
You speed away from the manor and toward Gotham City. The Joker could be in a number of places but you knew who to ask to narrow down his location.
Before Jason’s death, you weren’t as ruthless as you were now. You were a happy medium between Bruce’s temperament and Jason’s. But now, you didn’t even recognize yourself anymore. 
You wanted blood.
You interrogated bad guy after bad guy. You left each of them in the streets, inches from death like the scum they were. You felt no sympathy for them as they struggled to breathe. You ignored their pleas for mercy and for help as you walked to your bike to find your next target.
You were so consumed on what you were doing and your goal to find the Joker that you didn’t realize you were being watched. And Bruce wasn’t the one stalking you.
“Where’s the Joker?!” You shouted before slamming your fist into the guys face. “Tell me!” You screamed. He grunted when you resorted to breaking his rips with your foot. You kicked him before he rolled onto his back prompting you to switch to stomping on his chest.
“Oh, you poor child,” A voice sounded from the shadows. In an instant, you whip the gun you had stolen out of the thigh holster and point it into the dark blindly.
“Show yourself,” You demand. You listen to the steps before a tall man comes into the moonlight. “Who are you?” You ask.
“Someone who can help you,” Your head tilts. “You can put that gun away, it cannot harm me.” He states.
“Who. Are. You?” 
“As I said, I’m someone who can help,” He says, sauntering closer to you. Your eyes narrow at him. “I know where the Joker is, I can take you to him,”
“Where is he?”
“I’ll tell you, but that information isn’t free,” He shakes his head.
“Tell me or you’ll end up like this deadbeat,” You motion to the man on the ground that’s slowly choking on his own blood. The man in front of you looks at him and smirks.
“You surely have potential... and you certainly have anger. Oh, so much anger,” He whispers coming forward. “You live on the need for vengeance. I can give it to you and so much more. All I want is to make a deal,”
“What kind of deal?” You ask, tilting your head. 
“I give you the Joker, and you give me your allegiance,” He says, stepping up to the end of the barrel of the gun. If you pull the trigger, the bullet goes straight through his heart.
“My allegiance?” You ask, slowly.
“You get the chance to finally sate your need for vengeance and you work for me.”
You stare into his eyes for a few moments before lowering your gun to the holster. He smirks and scoops you into his arms. Before you can ask a question he’s running at a speed that could outmatch the Flash.
“What the fuck?” You gasp when he comes to a stop and sets you down. “You’re a metahuman?”
“Not exactly,” He smirks. “I’ll explain everything once you’re finished. Inside is the Joker along with a lot of his friends. If you survive, you’ll be an excellent addition to my collection,” He states, prior to running off.
“Who the fuck is that guy?” You mutter to yourself. Sighing, you turn towards the building. A moment later, people start coming out. Large men in suits. They stop and look at you. A few draw their weapons. You smirk. “Who’s first?”
It took you a half an hour to reach the Joker. You’re not sure if you killed anyone, although it’s highly likely that you have. By the time you reach the pale skin fucker you’re covered in blood and bruises (maybe a bullet hole or two). Some of the blood is yours but most of it isn’t.
The Joker talks. He’s taunting you. Yet, you don’t really hear what he says. As you look at him, your mind is filled with images of Jason’s dead body. You stalk closer to him. 
You put your weapons away and pick up the crowbar you had found on a lower level. You had set it down in order to take care of the goons in the room quickly. 
But now you had the Joker right where you wanted him. You weren’t going to make this quick. Every time you brought the crowbar down on him, he only cackled loudly. Every strike just fueled your anger. 
You continued to beat him. At some point, his skull caved in but you continued to swing. You scream, tears falling down your face but you hardly notice. You just swing and swing until you collapse on the ground.
You let out one large, loud scream that echoes throughout the entire building. When you quiet down, your body curls into a tight ball and you begin to sob.
“Easy now, little one,” The inhuman man whispers, kneeling before you. “I’ll take your pain away,” He promises, picking you off the ground. “Rest now, I’ll look after you,” He whispers, racing you out of the building seconds before Batman shows up.
You don’t know how long you’re asleep, but when you wake up everything is different. You sit up from the unusually comfortable bed and look around. You don’t recognize where you are but at the moment it’s the least of your worries.
You never had absolutely perfect vision but now you’re eyes were acting like binoculars. You could see a far distance out the window and everything in clear detail that’s around you. Hell, you could even hear the cars going down the road miles from the house you’re in.
You move closer to the window but stop at the sound of the man who had taken you. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” You spin around toward him. You frown your eyebrows and look back to the window. You didn’t understand what he was warning you about. 
You soon find out when you step into the sunlight and find your skin heating up until it begins to burn. You gasp and speed to the other side of the room.
“What’s happening to me?” You whisper, watching your skin begin to blister. 
“Here, drink this,” He tosses you a bag. Your reflexes catch it. You want to ask what it is but your instincts take over as the smell reaches your nose. Within a minute, you have the bag drained of it’s liquid. 
When your done drinking, you look at the man. He nods to your arm and your eyes widen. You see your arm heal until there’s no trace of what had happened.
“Come, we have a lot to talk about,” You follow him down the hall. “My name is Vladimir but you may know me as Dracula,”
“Dracula?” You deadpan. “For real?”
“What? You do not believe that vampires are real? Even though you are one?” You stop walking. He stops as well and turns to you. “You are the daughter of Bruce Wayne, The Batman, you should be able to connect the dots,”
The blood, the enhanced senses, the vulnerability to light. You didn’t know how it was possible, but it was true. You were a vampire. You had made a deal with the devil... But oh, was it worth it.
“Whe-where am I?” A pale, redhead whimpers.
“Vicki Vale,” You state from the shadows. Your voice echoes off the walls making it impossible for her to pinpoint where you are. “So, you’re the one that’s obsessed with my father,” You growled. For a long time, the woman in front of you reported on both Bruce Wayne and Batman. She wrote article after article about him.
“Who are you?” She asks, in a shaky voice.
“Oh don’t worry, it’s not me you have to worry about,” You assure her, a smirk dancing on your lips.
“Alright, Y/n, that’s enough,” Vlad says coming into the room. Vicki gasps and turns to him. “Oh, you are beautiful,” Vlad whispers. “You will work perfectly,”
“Wh-what?” She whimpers, shying away from him.
“Y/n, leave Vicki to rest in peace, we have things to discuss,” Vlad calmly orders before turning to leave the room. You come out of the shadows, smirking when you startle her.
“So, she’ll work?” You ask him, the two of you walking toward his office.
“Yes, but we must move quickly. Your father and brother are causing trouble,” He tells you. Your head tilts at the information.
“They’ve killed more of your vampires?” You ask him.
“They found a way to cure them,” Vlad corrects you. “I need you to end them. I can’t afford to lose anymore vampires and I will not let them stop me from bringing Carmilla back,” He growls.
“Don’t worry, master, I’ll stop them,” You promise.
“I don’t want you to just stop them,” Vlad says, moving closer to you. “I want them dead and I want you to bring me their bodies. Do not fail me,” He growls.
“Have I ever?” You ask, smirking.
“Be quick about it,” Vlad orders. “The sun will be up in a few hours,”
“Viki Vale has gone missing,” Bruce informs Dick and Tim as he enters the Batcave. 
“Dracula?” Dick asks, crossing his arms in his Nightwing costume. His mask resting on the desk by Tim.
“He’s planning something. More and more people are being turned, we have to stop him before we’re too outnumbered.” Bruce says.
“Reports are coming in about a string of animal like murders in the Narrows. Fits vampire descriptions,” Tim says, reading the reports off the computer.
“Can you get a read on how many vampires there could be?” Dick asks.
“Doesn’t seem like a lot,” Tim mutters. “One, possibly two,”
“Let’s check it out,” Bruce orders. Tim nods standing up. He and Dick pull their masks on. Tim and Bruce get in the batmobile while Duke powers up the motorcycle. They both drive to the Narrows to investigate.
You hide in the shadows as the infamous Batman, Robin and Nightwing appear. You glare at the young Robin boy. Of course Bruce replaced Jason. It was typical for Bruce to replace someone. Fury fills your heart but you manage to control it knowing that if you waited a little longer, you would get the opportunity to unleash hell.
You didn’t want to hurt Dick. He’s your brother. But you didn’t have a choice. Vlad ordered you to kill them and that’s what you had to do. You wouldn’t necessarily take pleasure in killing your father and his newest protégé. However, you hoped that with Bruce’s death you would finally feel at peace with yourself.
You killed the Joker but your anger remained. You killed Jason’s bitch of a mother yet storm within you continued to rage. Maybe with the death of Batman you would finally know peace and tranquility. You didn’t blame Bruce for Jason’s death but you hated that he didn’t avenge him. You hated that he replaced him. That hatred mixed with your growing anger consumed you.
“This one’s still alive,” Dick announced, kneeling beside a woman. Bruce moved to kneel beside him while Tim wandered off. You smirked and followed him. You made some noise to draw him further from the others.
“You’re the new Robin, hmm?” You asked. Tim looked around. Technically, Tim wasn’t new. He had been at this for a couple of years now but you aren’t exactly up to date on the world around you. You’ve been training and isolated from the world for a long time. So, while Tim isn’t exactly new, he’s new to you.
He took a defensive stance but it wouldn’t do any good against you. You could kill him with a flick of your finger.
“We can help you,” Tim says, his eyes searching for you. “You don’t have to do this, you don’t have to be a vampire,”
“Oh, but I want to be,” You smirk, walking around him but continued to stay out of sight. Tim looks confused by your statement.
“We have a cure,” Tim states. You sneak up behind him.
“I don’t want it,” You whisper, in his ear. By the time he spins around, you’re out of sight. You grin, loving the sound of his heart hammering in his chest. “Tell me, what do you know about the Robin before you?”
“What?” Tim asks, tensing.
“You’re not Jason Todd,” You growl. Tim becomes increasingly more nervous. “So, may I know the name of his replacement?” You spit. He doesn’t answer you. “Fine, don’t answer, doesn’t matter anyway,” 
Tim tenses as things fall eerily silent. He goes to fall for back up but before he can finish the first syllable he’s lifted off the ground. You hand becomes tighter and tighter around his throat.
“You’re not Jason and you will never be him,” You growl, glaring at him. Tim choke, gripping your wrist but your grip doesn’t falter. His eyes widen a fraction as he recognizes you.
All throughout the mansion there’s picture of you. Dick talks about you all the time. He knows who you are but he can’t believe it. Bruce assumed you were dead, Dick insisted you were just missing. For nearly 7 years Dick worked to find you. Almost every spare moment went into finding some clue about you but you had vanished. 
“If you were,” You smirked. “You would have been able to take me down... You’re pathetic... Weak,” You bring him closer to your face. He struggles to breathe, looking even more terrified when your fangs extend. “And I’m so hungry,” 
Before you can feed on him, you’re knocked to the ground. You let Tim go as you tumble away. The boy collapses on the ground, coughing and struggling to breath in.
“Has anyone ever told you not to get between a vampire and her meal?” You growled, standing up. You turn to the man who had tackled you and smirked. There, only two feet away, is your older brother.
“Y/n,” Dick whispers, his defenses falling.
“Hey, big brother,” You wink. You take advantage of his astonishment and attack. You don’t even realize it but you’re holing back. You’re not going as fast as you could nor are you striking with all your strength. Hell, you’re barely hitting him with 20% power.
“Y/n! Stop! This isn’t you!” Dick shouts but you don’t listen to him. You grab his shoulders and fling him into a nearby wall. He collapses and struggles to breath.
“I’m not you’re little sister, anymore Dickie Poo,” You say, stalking up to him. “And all you are to me is a meal,”
“Then why haven’t you killed me yet?” Dick groaned pushing himself up. You freeze for just a moment but Dick notices it.
“What can I say? I’ve always liked playing with my food,” You growled, trying to cover up your hesitance.
“You’ve always been a shit liar, sis,” Dick teases. You hiss as he stands. “You’ll always be my baby sister, you’re just more of a pain in my ass right now,” He smirks putting up his hands. “And you hit like a bitch,”
Crying out, you attack Dick once again. This time you hold back even less but you’re still not aiming to kill him. It angers you as you hear Vlad’s comment in the back of your mind. Your vampiric instincts are fighting against your humanity. 
Just when you’re about to give into your inclination to follow your masters orders a batarang sinks into your arm. It snaps you out of your instinctual daze. You look at it before following it’s path. You’re eyes land on Batman. For the first time in years you stare into your fathers eyes.
Before anything can happen, something catches your attention. You turn your head and watch the sun begin to peak over the buildings. You’re out of time.
“Wait!” Dick shouts reaching for you but you’re already gone.
You stand in front of Vlad for a solid five minutes. Five minutes of absolute silence. Intense, awkward, silence. You barely have the strength to hold his gaze for these few minutes but know if you look away you’ll look weak.
“I told you not to fail me,” Vlad tells you.
“I underestimated the skill of-”
“You’re a vampire!” Vlad shouts. It takes everything in you to not flinch. “You have the strength of a hundred men! I could possibly forgive you not being able to defeat your father, I failed that as well. However, you couldn’t kill an 18 year-old boy? Or your older brother?” Vlad asks, walking toward you.
“My humanity got in the way,” Vlad backhands you harshly.
“Your humanity,” Vlad says slowly. “For 6 year I’ve been working so hard to perfect you and yet here you are, a disappointment.” He spits.
“I’ll make it up to you,” You promise.
“You will,” Vlad nods, walking back to his seat. “And if you fail me again. I will rip your heart out,” You bow to him. “Wait for my word in your room,”
“Yes, master,” 
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Tim asks, his voice horas. You had bruise his throat pretty good. It was a miracle he was able to talk at all at the moment.
“If anyone is going to get through to her, it’s him,” Dick assures him. Tim presses his lips together and follows his brother into the worn down building.
“How do we know he’ll even help?” Tim wonders.
“Because it’s Y/n,” Dick answers simply. Tim glances at him but says nothing else.
“You’ve got a lot of balls to come here, Dick,” Tim and Dick spin around to face Red Hood. Tim is in a defensive stance remembering the last time they had crossed paths. Red Hood and him fought, Tim barely escaping hospital time.
“Relax,” Dick mutters to Tim.
“What are you doing here, Dick?” He asks, looking around for Batman.
“Bruce isn’t here... It’s just us,” Dick assures him. They stare at each other for a moment before he takes off his red mask. “Jason,” Dick nods. Jason ignores the greeting and walks around them to get to his stuff. “Y/n’s alive,” Jason freezes completely. “We saw her a few hours ago,”
“Where?” Jason asks, keeping his back to them.
“Have you come across any vampires?” Dick asks. Jason turns to them.
“They’ve been crawling around town like cockroaches,” Jason says.
“Y/n’s one of them,” Dick tells him. “She attacked us a few hours ago. She tried to kill us but didn’t follow through.”
“We think that she still has some humanity left,” Tim says.
“I know she’s still in there.” Dick insists. “She could have very easily killed Tim and I but she held back,” Jason looks at the bruise around Tim’s throat. 
“She still mourns you,” Tim tells him. “If she knew you were alive, maybe we can get her back. If we can get her back to the mansion, we can cure her,”
“Everything is in place,” Vlad says. You stand in the background watching him. On the tables in the middle of the room lay two women. One is Vlad’s beloved Carmilla. The other is Viki Vale. The plan was to transfer Viki’s life essence into Carmilla to bring her back to life.
“Master,” A newly turned vampire interrupts. Vlad turns to her. “Batman, Robin and Nightwing have arrived.” Vlad snarls and turns to you.
“They must not stop the transference,” Vlad tells you.
“I will kill them once and for all master,” You vow.
“Kill the Batman, capture Robin and Nightwing. Take them to my office and keep them there,” Vlad orders. You tilt your head but nod.
“As you wish,” You bow and exit the room. You hunt down the three men but only find two of them; Dick and Tim. “I see your stubbornness has only increased with age,” You state standing at one end of the hall while they stand on the other. They look a little worn down but you can tell they still have plenty of energy.
“Guess I spent too much time around you as kids,” Dick shrugs, twirling his batons. 
“You should have stayed away,” You tell them, cursing yourself for how soft your voice had gotten. Your humanity, yet again, was showing. You pushed it back and locked it in a box but the little slip up was enough to confirm to both Dick and Tim that you could still be saved.
“You’ve been gone a long time, little sister,” Dick states. “It’s time to bring you home,”
“This is home,” You hiss. Dick shakes his head.
“This is a prison,” Dick corrects you. You smirk.
“You once said the same about Wayne Manor,” You remind him. You stare at him and your eyes flicker to Tim. “Join me,” You suggest. “We can give you the power you can only dream of,” You say, stepping closer to him. “We can be a family again,” You whisper, your humanity coming up once more. You allow it, for now.
“We can be a family,” Dick agrees. You perk slightly. “When you’re cured and back at the Manor,” Your face turns sour.
“Fuck the Manor,” You spat. “Fuck Bruce and Fuck Batman,” You hiss. “You think he cares?”
“He does!” Tim snaps. You laugh.
“Where did he pick you up from?” You ask Tim. “You must have a past. Bruce never takes in anybody mentally stable,”
“We’re not talking about that right now,” Dick cuts in. “If you don’t want to go to the manor, fine. Come with me,” Dick suggests. “I have an apartment in Bludhaven. You can stay with me... It’ll be like old times,” You’re so tempted to give in.
“I can’t,” You shake your head. “This is who I am now, this is where I belong,”
“No, you belong with us,” Dick insists.
“I haven’t belonged with you in years,” You mutter but he hears it. “I’m happy to see you alive, Dick... But you really should have stayed away,” You said, your voice hardening.
“We don’t have to do this,” Dick says. He and Tim fall into a defensive stance.
“I won’t go back,” You tell him. “Not with you, not with him and certainly not with Bruce,” You growl. “Why can’t you see that you’re not worth anything to him! All you are is an expendable tool! He’ll just replace you when you’re done being useful to him,”
“That’s a lie!” Tim shouts.
“Oh really?” You ask. “Then why are you standing here? Tell me, how long did he wait to replace Jason with you?” You wonder. “You’re nothing to him and when you die, he’ll move on like he always does and not give you a second thought!”
“You’re head is twisted, Y/n! You’re blinded by hatred and anger and grief, let us help you!” Dick pleads.
“No, I don’t need your help,” You growl racing toward them. Tim and Dick put up a good fight but you were done letting your humanity control you. Before they could pull any fancy tricks like they used to stop the other vampires, you knocked them out cold. Grabbing them by their collars you drag them to Vlad’s office. You lock them inside before hunting down your father.
You find him in the transference room fighting Vlad. You quickly join your master. With the both of you fighting against Batman, you’re beginning to overpower him. Until he uses a UV light which causes you and Vlad to scream in pain. When it’s gone, you slowly begin to heal.
“No! No! No!” Vlad screams seeing Vicki has disappeared before the transference  could complete. “NO!” You force yourself to a stand. You gasp when Vlad appears before you and grabs you by the throat. You struggle against him but he’s a great deal stronger than you. “I told you to kill him!” He snarls. You try to talk but he’s crushing your windpipe. “You’ve failed me for the last time,” He goes to rip your heart out when he’s pull away from you.
You fall to the ground and shake the dizziness from your head. You look up and see a grappling hook in Vlad’s chest. A man by the door holds the string and continues to pull Vlad from you until he gets his footing and yanks the man to him. You watch as Vlad throws him across the room.
“You vigilantes are a disease,” Vlad growls stalking toward him. You force yourself to stand. You feel your thirst begin to rise as your healing completes. 
Fresh blood gains your attention. You turn to the door seeing Dick and Tim at the entrance. You figured you had the guy in the red mask to thank for their escape
“Ah, look at this,” Vlad claps his hands. “A family reunion,” The red mask guy pushes himself up, grimacing at the pain in his back. “If you want another chance to live, Y/n,” Vlad turns toward you. “I want you to kill your brothers,”
You turn to Dick and Tim. They’re eyeing you as you eye them. The human voice in your head gets smaller and smaller as your animal instincts and need for blood overcome you.
“Kill them,” Vlad orders. Unable to fight his order, you advance to Dick. You stop when a clunk of stone is throne at your head. It doesn’t hurt you but it gets your attention. Your head snaps to the red mask guy with a growl.
“You on your period or something sis?” Your entire body freezes at the sound of his voice. No, it’s not possible. “You know how you get during that time of the month... I swear you turn into a fucking gremlin,” He raises his hands and takes the mask off. “Or, I guess, in this case a vampire,” Jason smirks.
“No,” You whisper shaking your head. “It’s not possible... You... you’re dead,”
“Didn’t stick,” He shrugs with that arrogant smirk of his. “Amazing what a Lazarus pit can do, huh?” Your breath hitches in your throat. It was possible.
“Y/n,” Vlad says regaining your attention instantly. “Kill. Them.” Your humanity vanished. With a hiss, you turn to attack Jason when Dick’s voice reaches your ears.
“You’re not expendable,” Dick states. You don’t look at him but it’s obvious you’re listening. “You mean so much more to us. We’re here for you and we’re not leaving without you. You’re one of us, not this creature he’s turned you in,”
“You know how much I hate agree with Dickwad,” Jason chuckles. “But on this, I do. Look, we’ve both changed over the years and that’s fine but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re brothers and you’re our sister. You went against father and killed the Joker for me. You beat the shit out of that one girl that cheated on Dick. You’ve stood up against Bruce for both of us on more than one occasion. You’ve always been there but now we’re here for you. It’s time to come home. Come with us,”
“Kill them!” Vlad shouts. Your eyes screw shut as you struggle between obeying Vlad and listening to your brothers. Realization hits Tim like a freight train.
“Don’t listen to him!” Tim encourages you. It finally made sense. All the vampires they came across were unnaturally loyal to Dracula. It was like they had forgotten their human lives and followed him. He figured it was just instinct but it was something more than that. Vampires were connected to their creator, Dracula, on a level they had severely underestimated. Tim theorized that Dracula had gotten to you, changed you, and manipulated/forced you to follow him. You had to follow his orders but that didn’t mean you wanted to.
You showed multiple signs of humanity. Dick and Jason were you’re anchors to your human side. If you could fight against Dracula’s orders then you could sever the connection. If that happened, getting you back to the manor and cured would be much easier.
“He’s the one who doesn’t care! He’s the one who believes you’re expendable, not us! We care about you, we’ll help you but you have to break his hold over you!” Tim said as clearly but as quickly as he could.
“Shut up!” Vlad shouted turning toward him. Before he could attack, Jason launches a wooden stake at him. It doesn’t kill him but it knocks them to the ground. “Kill them, Y/n! Kill them right now!”
You groan. Your hands grip your hair and begin to pull. You felt as if your head was being torn apart. You fall to your knees. A large part of you wanted to kill them, needed to kill them. Yet a big enough part of you didn’t.
“Y/n,” Jason says, softly. He slowly knelt a few feet in front of you. 
“Kill me,” You whimper, looking into his eyes. “I can’t hold myself back for long,”
“You can,” Jason encourages you. “You’re not going to hurt me, Dick or Tiny Tim,” Tim scowls but remains silent. “You’re Y/n Y/L/N. You were turned when you were 18 years old but you’re 24. You’re favorite food is y/f/f and your favorite show is y/f/s. You always let me sneak into your room if I was having trouble sleeping and you always helped me through the bad days just like I did for you. We look after each other, we have since we met each other. That didn’t stop when I died and it isn’t going to stop since you’re a vampire,”
In the corner of your eye you see Dick and Tim going to end Vlad. Something within you snaps. You snarl and before you know it you’re protecting your master. Before you can reach Dick and Tim, something pierces your shoulder. You look down to see a similar grappling hook hooked into you.
You gasp as Jason yank you back. You snarl and struggle but Jason is able to fight against you allowing Dick and Tim to destroy your master.
“No! NO!” You scream. The pain of your bond to Dracula is excoriating. You scream and writhe on the ground.
“It’s alright sis,” Jason whispers, knocking you out with a special tool they used on all the other vampires. “You’re safe now,” He whispers picking you up. “How do we cure her?”
“We have a serum at the manor,” Tim says,
“Bring it to my place,” Jason ordered. Tim goes to argue but Dick lays a hand on his shoulder. Dick nods and Jason nods back.
When you wake up you have the worst hangover known to man. You groan, your hand slapping your forehead. You try to think about what could have given you this feeling but you get nothing. Until everything comes rushing back to you a minute later.
All the killings, Dracula and the whole vampire ordeal hardly phases you. What makes your heart quench is the man you saw before you passed out.
“Jason!” You cry out, sitting up quickly. The motion causes you to groan again.
“Easy, easy,” You’re gently pushed back onto the bed. “Welcome back to the land of the living,” Opening your eyes, you look at Jason. You really look at him. He still has that spark, that anger in his eyes but there’s also relief and happiness. You lift your hand and gently caress his face. He leans into your touch.
“You’re real,” You whisper.
“Yeah, I’m real,” He whispers, tears coming to his eyes. “I thought I lost you there for a second,” He laughs.
“I did lose you,” You whimper. 
“I know, I’m so sorry,” Jason gently pushes you over and climbs into the bed. You instantly hug him with all your might. “I’m here now and I won’t be leaving your side for a damn long time,”
“You saved me,” You whisper. “You, Dick and Tim,” You whimper the tears coming down your face.
“You just got a little lost for a while,” Jason muttered. “You would do the same if any one of us was in your position,” You nod, snuggling into his chest. He rubs circles into your back. “Everything’s going to be ok, now... You’re cured, Dracula’s dead and you’re with me,”
“Can I stay with you?” You whisper, looking up at him.
“I thought I told you that you weren’t leaving my side for a long time,” Jason smirks. “We have 6 years to catch up on and I need my big sis to keep my head on straight,”
“I need you too, Jason...” You whisper. “God, do I need you,” You snuggle back into his chest. He kisses the top of your head and holds you even tighter. “I was so lost without you,”
“Shh.. You don’t have to worry about living without me again,” Jason promises.
“Good... Because next time, you die I die,” Jason smirks.
“We’re going to be one kick ass team,” Jason mutters. You grin closing your eyes. The both of you got the first real sleep you had since Jason died.
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