#I’m trying so hard for that redemption arc y’all
bigtreefest · 5 months
Jimmy Dobyne? More like Jimmy Do-bane of my existence
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elfiaa · 2 years
12:00 A.M
[sleep is for the weak. How will the twisted boys spend their late nights with you?]
A/N: Established relationships, but can be platonic if you squint 🧍🏻 Just general sleep headcanons :) some are more crack than others though…sorry if you were expecting something more serious 😅 first part of a (maybe..?) series, so first years gotta be..well first! Another A/N at the end <3
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A. Trappola
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
Ramshackle is a second home for him
And no, I don’t mean it in the sweet way
Man is over here at 11:00 PM knocking on the door bc he was hungry
Y’all can’t catch a break 😭
Whenever you do eventually let him in (instead of letting him succumb to the freezing air outside ☺️) he makes himself comfortable on your bed
He’s probably kicking his feet and getting all comfortable, half guessing you’d just hop in💀
Did he do this on purpose?
Is this his greatest achievement?
Is def a cuddler, but in the way that in the morning, your sheets are half on and the duvet is nearly off the bed🧍🏻
You guys carelessly skip through children’s channels and the TV to quench the boredom
But then a second later mans is snoring loud af
Grim does not appreciate his bed buddy being stolen
I’m sure he’s sleeping on the floor to prove a point, only bc Ace tried to convince him to sleep in the middle
Ace is not superior 🤨‼️is what grim is probably thinking as his half conscious body is clawing at the sheets
Maybe that’s why they were half on…
Other than the time ace is a breathing rock, he’s relatively chill when awake
If you provide him with some snacks by the bedside, he’ll make sure not to bother you too much
Maybe the occasional 3:AM thoughts
And when he’s ESPECIALLY groggy from staying up late
He’s an angel 😍
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
When sleepy, ace is a completely different person
Def against his own will too
He can’t help it! Even though he’s in a less mediocre bed than in his dorm, he finds your company very soothing
Please just ignore him acting more clingy and mushy
If you tease him in the morning he will ignore you
Until Riddle almost collars him, and he’s back asking for you as Housewarden of Ramshackle to pls give him a pass !!
His pajamas are probably hella atrocious.
Atrocious in the sense he probably never washes them unless he has a stain on it
Greasy af..
If you’re the motherly type or just naturally care for your friends by tucking them in, or humming a soft tune, he’ll tell you to cut it out! But not rlly stop you either..
Indulge him this once!! He promises that he won’t bother you for the rest of the week !
Well…that’s a bluff, but you’d let him get away with it too, wouldn’t you?
Anyways 6/10: he’s a pain to entertain, but you love him so the score had to be above 5 🙄
D. Spade
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
Look, the only reason he’d ever be awake is because of ace 💀
Ever since his redemption arc of becoming a model student, he’s probably been going to bed at like 8:00 sharp. 9:00 if he’s cramping in some late work, but nothing more!
If he is awake and it’s late, it’s just another weekday of him being dragged to do late hw 😔
Like ace, he becomes very groggy. Usually when he was younger, he’d just walk off the drowsiness, but he’s a new person now!
He probably asks you to pinch him awake if you see his eyes start to droop.
Is probably shocked for a few seconds, but it helps keep him awake, and a bit motivated seeing you trying so hard to help him. (He promises your help will not go in vain !!!)
He wants to keep up with you!!
If in the case, he ISNT up because of work, he’s definitely being babied
He’s getting the midnight snacks. He’s getting the random bedtime stories, he’s getting cushioned in all the right pillows, and he even has the classic button up pjs to fit it!
He gave up his dignity a long time ago when he met you
This means he’s totally embracing the pampering 💀
Tuck him in, give his a goodnight smooch before he nocks out, and he’s all yours
But this doesn’t erase the fact that he’s still a little embarrassed
He adores you tho!! So he basically can’t deny you
He’s very grateful for the treatment and makes sure to stay awake as long as you do.
Probably treats you to lunch
His mama raised him well 😭💕
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Like I said previously, if you pamper him, he’ll love you forever
His mother def approves
When are we scheduling the family reunion???
If YOURE the one who goes to bed before him…woo boy…
He almost cringes at himself for all the cheesy stuff he does
I said almost
Even though he’s turning as bright as a peach, he can’t really hold back his emotions when they’re on overdrive 😭
Hell nuzzle into you, comb your hair, and sometimes, if not mostly, he plays with your fingers
To him: embarrassing
To you: actions of a true jolly good best man
Has sleep ambiance music, and ONLY the ones with rain softly playing in the back
If you ever bought him a matching set of Jammie’s, he’s in love
Warm soothing drinks will get this boy to melt into your arms!!
He just wants to be held for a bit 😭 then he’ll get excited and want to hug you too
Goofy little Deucy TuT <3
10/10: I don’t make the rules around here. He’s the goodest man in this group (next to Jack ofc, we’ll get into that in a sec)
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J. Howl
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
Is conflicted between keeping up his routine, and helping you
Then again, it’s you…
He’s running to ramshackle as we speak 🥰
If it’s homework your having trouble with, it’s no problem! He’ll grab some pillows and stay up as long as you need him to
If it’s the lack of sleep you’re struggling with.. I’m afraid he’s not very skilled in the matter
Will definitely do some research for you though. He’s dedicated to keeping you healthy and cared for despite your heavy workload.
Almost ends up being your pillow ( and Ik u know what pillows I’m talking abt🤭)
On the weekends, he’s less strict about his schedule. After he had gotten rid of his lone wolf attitude, he almost found it difficult to not stay up and goof with his buddies :)
You are no exception to this. He’s definitely more lax and is more likely to goof off with you as the evening gets later and later 😌
Will watch movies and shows from your world like Up, Over the Garden Wall, etc.
Definitely cries when carls wife dies. Firmly denies that ever happening to this day.
Is still a provider, so if you’re in need, he’ll help!
Getting cold? Gives you his biggest, warmest jacket (that you DEF didn’t steal from him :))
Getting bored? Let’s switch the channel. How about a bit of video games?
Feeling hungry? Is unboxing the brownie mix that was hidden behind the pounds of protein powder he keeps in ramshackle. Even then, he insists on doing the work for you. He wants you to be as comfortable as physically possible <3
As you chew on your freshly baked brownies, Jack is definitely contemplating how much space he has in his schedule to do this again
But when you lean into his collarbone and tell him he’s beautiful, he kind of just…reboots.
He’s definitely making more time for these sleepovers.
Nighty night Jack 😁
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Don’t even get me started
I know he sleeps in only shorts cause it’s hot af in savanaclaw 😔
That being said, when he goes to ramshackle, he’s your own personal heater.
No need for a generator ☺️ you alr got one purring next to u (or snoozing? He’s not a cat…..but he sure acts like one when he’s tired)
Is against the idea of sleeping in his wolf form until you asked him.
The first time he did it, he was deep in the crush department with you, so how could he say no when you asked to nicely??He reluctantly transformed, and in came you, flooding into his soft fur. In jacks brain, he could keep his wolf form up until the next morning. No biggie !!
That was a lie
The next morning you were cuddling into this man’s deliciously defined Hawaiian bread style 6 pack
(Can’t even control yourself when ur asleep prefect 🤨??)
Thought he committed a sin or something
He just got tired and couldn’t keep his magic up long enough to stay fluffy 💔
Pls reassure him that it’s not his fault, tell him u had a nice nap, he’ll get over his mortification soon enough.
And that’s how me and ur father met 😄!!
All jokes aside, he’s for sure very affectionate with you when drowsy
As a beastman, he has a lot of siblings, and with younger siblings comes the hugs, and the bedtime stories, and sweet kisses goodnight!
Well he’s gotten so used to doing it for his siblings, that he’s gotten into the habit of doing the same to you :)
He’s overall a very caring lover when it comes time to sleep
He’s holding you, whispering affirmations into your ear, rubbing that one sore spot on your back
How’d you hit the jack-pot ?? (Pun intended)
Don’t feel like you have to repay him for the back rubs and hugs though, to him you’ve repaid enough !
Every hug, kiss, and smile you send his way has his tail wagging so hard he starts flying.
Also denies that, but whether or not he admits it is no concern of yours.
Overall you guys are just over here chilling
8/10 : 2 points off because he probably smells like protein powder…
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E. Felmier
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
He is a grown ass kid acting like he’s 13
YEA he’s still a man…now stfu and lets sing California Girls 😡
So yea
He ISSSS technically breaking Vils bedtime regimen, but he can’t really be punished if he’s over at ramshackle 😄
Was and probably is still an avid Avril Lavigne fan, so expect to have yet another night of rest griped from u as you wordlessly mumble the lyrics to Sk8er Boi with a hyper Epel and a hair comb microphone :)
He rlly wanted to be her skater boy..
Anyhow, makes you go through the battle that is his skin care routine (bc rook would snitch in the shadows if he didn’t 🤨)
And you (un) surprisingly…enjoyed it?
You must be a strong soldier…
Epel salutes to you
Other then the impromptu concert in the middle of the night, he’s pretty chill when he’s staying up.
Grim is kind of regretting giving you his consent to date Epel-
He’s probably wearing the ugliest set of pjs you’ve ever seen
He brought dad joke T-Shirts into a silk and satin pj fight 🙄
You and vil are perplexed at how he snuck out without the fine ass jamies Vil bought him.
Ig being in the dorm with the hottest dorm leader will do something to you 😔 (sorry, I’m projecting )
Will try and bake for you to show how independent he is, and almost sets the house on fire for the second time this week
Will watch some analog horror to set the mood, and manz has lost his sense of sight, hearing, taste, touch & smell after the shit he just watched 😟
Believe me!! He wants to be strong for you
Meanwhile you’re coming through his hair, calmly reassuring our wheat eating southern peach that no one’s under your bed that isn’t already grim or the ghosts.
Going back to the pjs..
The ugliest thing I’ve ever seen
Probably had someone print his favorite meme onto a shirt he never washes 😭
Or on the off chance, he may or may not be wearing matching onesies w/ you out of his own free will
In that case, cherish the moment while it lasts, cause it won’t ever get this good again ☺️
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Snores loud af
Is a blanket hogger, so if you’re planning to sleep together, you have a better chance at sleeping in a freezer than suffering the cold next to him ☺️
Is also a bed hogger, and not by choice 😔
He’s trying so hard, believe me. He loves cuddling (& is always big spoon, you have no say in the matter), but you are guaranteed to meet the floor in the morning
I swear he’s trying not to 😭
Other then that, he’s a real sweet hugger, and an even sweeter partner :)
He says he doesn’t like doing all that skin care or hair care stuff, but will proudly wash your hair and scrub your face because he likes seeing you well :)
Definitely likes to pamper you by doing the little things
Brings you home goods from his family farm as you guys just giggle abt silly things. Is telling the whole family tree of how the sleepover went :))
Sooner or later you’ll get a call (unbeknownst to Epel) inviting you to his family’s next gathering. That’s how you know they’re already planning the wedding 😭
You will both brush or braid each others hair. I don’t make the rules
He loves threading his hands through your hair. To him, it’s more intimate than a kiss could ever be (not saying they he doesn’t love them tho, pls don’t take his kiss privileges away)
Will, and ik it sounds crazy, jump on ur roof to look at the stars.
He knows that u both know it looks clique or a bit cringe, but the experience is sweet and something he’ll never forget
Remembers eating the baked goods he almost burnt with you, talking about whatever comes to mind. Is very fond of the memory :)
In the morning, he has you swear that everything that happened at ramshackle will not be heard by Vil or Rook
He’s just trying to survive y/n 😔
7/10: he’s better than ace, but he put you under a lot of pressure memorizing those Avril Lavigne lyrics
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S. Zigvolt
𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗛𝗖
He doesn’t sleep
Is too busy dusting his malleus painting :)
Feeling like he also has dragon or bolt pj’s?
If not any of the two, he wears a traditional night gown
I see we’re getting studious up in here 🤨‼️
I imagine sebek being extremely embarrassed when you proposed a sleepover
He thinks it’s marriage y’all, give him a sec.
Sees you do sleepovers with the others and gets sad ):(
Now he’s the one inviting you
Is super giddy but doesn’t want to seem to excited
(I thought we were dating, what’s with the reactions bae 😟)
At first he finds it inappropriate to even sleep in the same bed, but like I said, he gets lonely man </3
So a minute later he’s staring at your rolled up side hoping you get the memo T_T
Ofc you do, and he can get the attention he deserves 💪☺️(yes white boy, yess!!)
Being half fae half human, he understands the idea of a sleepover, but not much of what to do in one, so you’re gonna have to lead this one y/n :/
While he’s bound by his own set of rules and limitations, he’s surprisingly open to trying out new things with you !
So here comes you, introducing him to the classic sob story movies from your world, making rainbow loom bracelets to pass the time while your homemade pizza is cooking
When you get over the whole Malleus fixation, he’s actually very domestic :)
Takes care of his room to make you as comfortable as possible.
Also a pamperer, but in the more reserved embarrassed way
Will cry while watching the Notebook
*Blows aesthetically into a lace handkerchief*
Rages at the Titanic
(S: There was room for both of them on that raft?!
y/n: yes- but that’s just how the story goes seb-
S:??!?!.@$! )
Has never touched a spatula in his life
All the cooking and baking is helped out tremendously by you
Enjoys it quite a bit! (Don’t let Lils find out, he’ll get depressed 😔)
Is tuckered out after all of the fun though
After dark, he turns into mush in your hands. Practically a cat from how he rubs his head and thumb over you
𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽𝘆 𝗛𝗖
Is a stiff hugger in bed
He’s not the best in affection, but you best believe he’s trying his best 😭
Tbh, his cuddles are more protective than comfortable
I’m sure he’s caging you between the mattress to make sure you don’t get stolen or something 💔
He has good intentions tho, I swear ToT!!
Literally scrambles out of the bed when you twirl your fingers through his hair
Thought you were trying to mess with him, but the situation quickly comes to one of learning when you reveal your true intentions of the endearing act
Tries it for himself. Is infatuated with it.
He’s playing with your hair in the shower, when you study, when you need to fall asleep faster. He’s gotten addicted to the affection. That being said, he becomes shy, and a bit defiant once you start doing it. He’s too prideful to let you see this soft side of him (were you not cuddling to my side in the last paragraph seb 😔??)
You just have to rub a certain spot on his head to earn a blush. I’m telling you, cat behavior !!
He’ll sleep calmly, and ever so softly whispers a thank you into your ear.
We all know he’s a man of huge stature, so he’s practically cradling you into his chest
As he’s sleeping, you can make out some words from his sleep talking, as well as the soft and warm breaths he takes near the nape of your neck
Rub his back. He’s fast asleep.
Is rolling with joy at the affection he is receiving.
Will he tell you that? No, but at this point in time you fully understand what he’s feeling, so hess. not going to try to
The aftermath has you waking up on top of the green eyed boy (nice Sebek!), but your awoken by that Briar Valley Anthem (boy what)
Thank god it’s the weekend! He’s definitely not letting go of his grasp on you
As we speak, he’s glaring at his phone, alarm still blaring through the room.
(Soft seb supremacy whaaaat😭‼️‼️)
Anyways 9/10: point taken off because he has the Briar Vally anthem as his morning alarm 😭
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆*:.。.☆*:.。. ☆*:.。. ☆*:.。. ☆*:.。. ☆*:.。.
A/N: Aaaah. As I’m posting this, it is 10:20, so don’t cancel me 😔
I’m hoping to make more of these, but seeing how long they took me to write, I’m not too sure if it’ll be consistent😅
And before some of you come after me, I’m sorry to all you Ace and Deuce fans out there,
ik I made theirs extremely short and brainrotted on the rest. Forgive me!!
If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes, or just things you think I should add, feel free to tell me :)
Have a wonderful day readers <3
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
I’m honestly 80% convinced that when Hazbin comes out, most of the show as a whole and those “character arcs” Viv is always talking about that she has “planned”, will mainly all revolve around drama or relationships, rather than what the actual show is supposed to be about, which is redemption. I know that Viv has said that Hazbin is “story driven”, but with how scrambled Helluva has become and how Viv has proven to me multiple times that she has no idea how to be a storyteller and a proper show runner, I find a hard time believing her. I mean, look at Helluva. It’s clearly a story driven show, especially since the characters themselves never move the plot along and are only written inconsistent or dumbed down to FIT the plot and make it happen. I obviously can tell that Hazbin clearly seems to be gearing towards big events, having villains and all that, but judging by the sneak peak gifs we got, I feel like the show will more be like “The office”, where it’s mainly just the main cast bouncing off one another and getting into shenanigans and relationships drama, rather than Charlie working to rehabilitate them all and the characters actually learning and growing as people. It’s clear she didn’t make this show because she was passionate about the concept of redemption, she made this show to show off her Oc’s and her world. I’m know I’m speaking too early and will just have to wait and see until the show comes out, but y’all can’t blame me for having doubts on everything Viv says regarding Hazbin due to the train wreck that is Helluva Boss. This is the same person who had said that Helluva is a show where the characters aren’t looking for redemption and is more about the relationships between said characters, except it clearly IS or why else would the show call out Blitz and Stolas for their shitty behaviors and then want to make you feel bad for them too. It’s trying so hard to be this deep morality show, everything that Hazbin SHOULD be since it literally revolves around characters trying to redeem themselves, but for some reason Vivzie went “Nah let me make ANOTHER emotional serious story driven show about characters and all even though I just created a show that’s perfect for that!”-
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lunalivvy · 1 year
everyone being mad at gwen was funny at first bc she got on my nerves a bit in atsv too but now it’s getting annoying bc i’m starting to realize y’all weren’t just disappointed in her like i was y’all straight up just don’t understand her as a character 😭
it’s annoying when people lack media literacy but it’s even more annoying when y’all r so loud about it
first of all gwen was basically disowned by her dad the only person she had left, and was easily manipulated (obviously) because of the state she was in. she still cared about miles, she was just doing what she thought was right because that’s what she’s been told. not only that, she’s been to all of those universes, she’s seen all of those “canon events” play out (her death being one of them, hence the whole “in every other universe gwen stacy falls for spider man//it doesn’t end well” bit) so of course she’s, i wanna say, nihilistic almost? imagine seeing all of that happen on top of being disowned by your father and leaving your universe, you’re not really gonna try that hard to fight against the inevitable. in gwen’s eyes, it was probably miles’ dad or miles’ whole universe potentially and losing him as well.
and “gwen better redeem herself” etc. are you dumb did you not watch the last like 20 minutes of the movie where gwen realizes she was wrong and goes to help miles ??? wym you “hope” for a redemption arc, it already started ????
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leonscape · 1 year
critiquing + ranking the ikepri outfits this year
although no one asked, i just wanted to give my thoughts on them. i’m not a fashion student or anything so perhaps i shouldn’t be writing this but it’s an opinion piece so whatever. also my feelings about the character won’t affect my thoughts, this is just about the outfits. with that said, just know that i don’t really like camouflage; it’s very hard to pull off and too much of it looks a little meh. nobody in the fandom agrees on who looks the best but it’s okay. this is not meant to hate, i am just giving my opinion, feedback if you will. the artists and everyone working on this worked hard and i appreciate their work.
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anyways let’s get into it going left to right
first we have gilbert
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he’s not the worse offender, but it’s still hard for me to look at and say i like it. the camo is hidden under the layers which i think is nice because it’s more a little more subtle but still central. i don’t get the blue jewels tho is he trying to match with silvio? did he steal it from silvio? anyways i also cant hate the mesh jacket. i was thinking that it should be plain but now i think that his outfit as a whole would look too plain if it didn’t have the designs on them.
i’d honestly rate his outfit a 6/10
next we have clavis leopard guy
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idk man this ain’t it. i don’t get their obsession with animal print like i get that it’s their animal crest and whatnot but it’s just ugh😩 it’s a personal thing but i think they’re kinda ugly. bro looks like it’s 2015 and he got that leopard print shirt from forever 21. the purple and the camo together just ain’t it either, despite him having the least amount of camo. i do like that his accessories are cohesive and he’s keeping his multiple belt aesthetic. he said “emma’s showing tummy so im showing tummy too” but overall, the outfit just kinda looks awkward.
it’s gonna be a solid 3/10 for me sorry
chevaliers outfit deserves to be burned im sorry
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the worst offender. go to jail do not pass go and do not collect $200. y’all did not just layer animal print with camouflage. in my opinion the prints clash because camouflage is already a busy print with multiple colors. you add that to the tiger print and it just doesn’t make sense anymore. i think maybe it would’ve been more cool if the vest was camo and the lapel/cuff parts were black? or that gold color that’s already on it? i do like the jewels on his cropped jacket tho, it matches his accessories and adds a bit more flavor to that cream white.
-10/10 just no
i’m doing emma this time and i don’t like this outfit
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genuinely don’t know what’s going on here. i’m very confused. is the blue parts supposed to be denim? why are there two different animal prints attached to her hip? and why fur? nothing is working together it’s like they were all assigned a group project but everyone misunderstood what they agreed on and they started to work on completely different things and when it was time to present, they just mixed it all together and hoped that it would work. i do like the denim x camo thing tho i think that could work
4.5/10 i think…
next leon
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slayed. the camo isn’t in your face obnoxious and it doesn’t clash with the other elements of the outfit. this is definitely leon redemption arc from last year’s outfit. i like that the camo is able to stand on its own! his white sleeveless turtleneck provides a sort of canvas for the camo and i think it’s great. however i don’t really like chunky jewelry/accessories so the chains don’t really do it for me i think it would’ve been cool if they did dog tags or something because they went with a military kind of vibe with the camo.
you know what? 8/10 it was good it’s easy to look at and hard to hate also it’s a big step up from last time.
up next we got licht
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i’m not sure how i feel about his blue with the camo. emma’s blue denim thing she has going on looks more grunge and that kinda works with the camo imo. but licht just looks like he could be a university student? there’s a lot of layers and i wonder if he’s getting hot in there 😹 when i first saw it, i was talking to a friend and i said he looks so boxy, he looks like a transformer about to say “autobots roll out” and then transform into a radio or something 💀 also why is he wearing an attach-on fur tail?
there’s some color clashing layers going on and he’s like an onion with all those layers 5/10
finally we have silvio and im tired of this camo theme
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at this point i don’t even know what’s going on anymore. there’s so many shades of blue and im not sure i like it. y’all got dark blue, turquoise, and teal, and even his hair is like minty blue? i guess that’s just his aesthetic his color palette. his jacket is sparkly already but he had to add some sparkly jewels too lol. the square patch of camo just feels kind of slapped on there? i know they love their animal prints but maybe swap the Dalmatian print dog collar for a camo bandana? he can wear it around his neck like how dogs do 😹 it also switches it up a bit because literally almost everyone is wearing necklaces and you’re running out of ideas because leon is already doing the chunky layered chains.
4/10 that’s all
also i feel like if they wanted to have some color, they should try some colored camo
so in conclusion:
1. leon
2. gilbert
3. licht
4. emma
5. silvio
6. clavis
7. chevalier
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
Have you seen the new season 2 stills of dumbmyra where daemon looks like he wants to slap her? 🤣 daemyra is going to be over 🥳 I think that they’re going to ruin dettles as well and go for the narrative that daemon could never love anyone and Rhaenyra will try to protect nettles or some bs to make her look good 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 I really hope I’m wrong but I’m not very optimistic
Lol, it doesn’t look too promising for them which is why Dumbnyra stans are only celebrating Netty potentially being cut this season and not their couple's alleged epic romance.
In terms of Dettles, yesterday was not the best, but I have hope. As long as Nettles is included in the show it will be very hard to screw over Dettles.
Yes, they screwed over Daemon and Laena, but it will be harder to screw them over. As much as I hate saying this(and I don't think she's just a plot device), Laena unfortunately is a stepping stone.
Nettles is Daemon’s final arc. She's his redemption.
Daemon choosing to save Nettles is the thing that makes him disobey Miss Maegor's orders and leave Maidenpool to fight Aemond.
She's the reason we get this iconic line:
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It would be near impossible to flip this and have Missy Anne end up looking like the good guy when she literally signs Netty’s death warrant.
What will they have him do? Choke Nettles out too then change his mind and say leave🤣 Hire a barely legal young-looking actress and de-age Nettles that way she's 12 so Daemon really looks like he's a pedo. Have Mysaria forge Missy Anne’s signature and frame her for the murder plot(I’m surprised Dumbnyra stans haven’t already come up with something like this; y’all are slipping).
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I'd like to see them try any of the above justify it🤷🏽‍♀️Either way Daemon preventing her from being murdered blows everything else out of the water.
And I highly doubt they’ll have Daemon being a nun in s3. If they have him sleeping with random (white) maids to avoid him being intimate with Nettles that will look hella suspicious. (By that I mean it will straight up look racist if they refuse to have Daemon be intimate with a Black woman).
Basically, the only way I can see them screwing over Dettles is if they cut Nettles. Hell, that’s why Dumbnyra stans want her cut. If she’s there canon will canon. We have nothing to fear anon so long as she hasn't been cut.
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j0kers-light · 1 year
Hello again, soldier 🫡
Uhhh random question time, who are your top 5 fictional men?AND what’s your hair routine, like what product do you use? Cuz I’m trying to change mine up a bit.
Hey hi Captain 🖤✨
Top five?! Put me on the spot will you. Like of all time? Oof that’s tough. Okay, y’all better not judge a hoe.
1) Ulquiorra “Bamboo” Cifer from Bleach. He’s my first for a reason and I’ll love him unconditionally no questions asked. He can rip out my heart and I’d thank him for it wow I love that man 🖤
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2) Zuko from Avatar The Last Airbender. Purely platonic because I’m a Zutara shipper but when I first saw Zuko I knew. “He a good one.” and he hasn’t failed me yet. His redemption arc go crazy and Dante’s rent was due when he voiced Zuko. Just an amazing character all around like all hail Fire Lord Zuko in this house.
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3) Joker from the DC Universe. You know him, you love him. What else is there to say? It doesn’t matter what version (yes it does🤭) The Joker is an ionic character that I’m always attracted to. I’ve always loved the villain in a story so Joker, someone who is evil incarnate, just does it for me. 🖤
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4) Sesshomaru from Inuyasha. I’m taking it back old school! He’s my brother in law (inside joke and I ship SesshKag) I absolutely love his character in the show and movies. He was the ‘villain’ in the story but overtime we got background stories to prove otherwise plus his redemption arc went bonkers and his fanart is always🔥
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5) Undertaker from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) I just wanna marry him and suck his dick. I am not ashamed. I haven’t seen not one fanart I didn’t love and his character within the show is 🤤🖤
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Now! Onto hair routine 🥴🥴😆
Girl I’m a low maintenance girl with 4c hair. Nine times out of ten, I do a silk press because my hair texture is so annoying. Think of tiny coils compacted into a cotton ball. Ugh I hate it.
If I don’t detangle five minutes after I wash, it mats up automatica. So I use Design Essentials since it does the hard work for me. Black owned and they have all natural products for all natural hair.
I use their Agave and Lavender Blow Dry collection in tandem with their Detangling shampoo and Anti-Itch shampoo. Yes three shampoos, ya girl has needs.
I rinse with the blow dry collection’s conditioner and it’s game time. The clock is ticking and my hair is a beast to detangle. I prime and protect with a thermal serum to each section of my hair and use the products to help detangle with a wide tooth comb before blow drying.
By that time it’s an electrocuted Afro but it’ll revert back to curls if left untouched. So either I’m too tired to continue and I leave it as is or I move onto pressing it.
I use either my TYMO straightener or their flat iron to press my hair or use both if it’s a humid day. 
Other than that I wrap it up and my hair stays under a bonnet majority of the time. I’m not one for elaborate styles and stuff and I only unwrap the silk if I have a work meeting or if I’m leaving the house for longer than an hour.
My silk press on average lasts me a month or longer.
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ladyelain · 2 years
I feel like some people need to hear and accept that it’s very reasonable for casual readers to dislike Elain and Nesta after the og trilogy (and later on, but especially pre-acosf).
It’s a writer’s job to give their readers a better understanding of the characters they’re creating. If they don’t, there might be reasons, it might be due to lazy writing. Anyway, it’s only natural people have a hard time relating to one-dimensional characters. As a reader, I’m not obligated to create headcanons for each underdeveloped side character. I do it for fun, if I feel like it. I’m also not obligated to agree with other people’s headcanons.
Personally, I wasn’t a big Nesta fan prior to acosf. I felt like she was overhyped, I knew she was going to get that big, relatable redemption arc, but I couldn’t imagine it would explain her attitude. What can I say, Nesta Archeron owns me today and I’m completely fine with that. Opinions change, characters evolve, it’s the whole point.
I just can’t stand the way it has now become a thing to pull the uno reverse card and hate on the popular, less polarizing characters without valid arguments.
Feyre is bathing in her mate’s money and Gwyn has no story / isn’t involved with the IC whatsoever…?
Do y’all realize how pathetic that sounds? People will defend Nesta or Elain until their last breath, yet dare make up such things about other female protagonists. It’s so cringe, I can’t even. Those same exact accusations have been made against Elain and Nesta for years and now people are channeling their anger and try to shoot back, just, it misses the point because Feyre is the one carrying this whole entire series since book one and Gwyn has never done a thing wrong in her life.
You don’t need a reason to dislike a character, but if you don’t have one, stop making rants with no substance. It’s only backfiring on you.
Not everybody needs to see potential in your fave. People are absolutely right to question Elain’s purpose in the Night Court and the series in general because we haven’t gotten much to read about her yet. And people are right to think Nesta is a viper before getting into acosf. Stop taking everything on here personal… it’s literally just opinions, most people really don’t put that much thought into what they’re saying.
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
major 🤡 alert!
Hey, HELP A GIRL OUT PLEASE i’m stuck in the love triangle with Suresh and Alfie. I KNOW! I’M DOWN BAD BUT hear me out. I actually really liked Alfie in the beginning and wasn’t even thinking about Suresh (hated him to be exact) but we all know what happened how the season progressed. Plus i’ve been reading y’all’s theories and everything on here and yeah that resulted in this. I literally tried to make myself hate Suresh over the past two months so bad but god dammit i just can’t do it 😭Every damn time when i was finally like okay there’s no way i’m taking him back (especially after i found out about Gabi coming in, their relationship and him switching to Lulu from the scripts) i open tumblr AND IT’S BACK AGAIN. Alfie looked like a way better option to me even after kissing Kat but recoupling with Meera after Casa was my last straw. Suresh on the other hand… we know damn well what was happening in the last 2 months. We all figured that in this season we simply gotta pick the least bad option so i feel like they’re both as bad as each other and i just don’t know who to go for. Plus their routes are literally 👏mirroring👏.These theories about them feeling like they don’t deserve MC break my heart even though they did her well dirty. Final recoupling is probably about to be next week and i’m over here on the biggest fence ever. I know it’s probably not a good idea asking this here (where a lot of Suresh stans are) but i would be beyond grateful if you could look at it objectively and try to find some advice 😭coz i’m dying over here. Thank you so much for reading this, have a nice day! <3
OK girly i'm going to try soooo hard to be impartial but I'm so not an Alfie girl so this may prove difficult for me 😩😬.
I also want to preface this by saying that when I was coupled with Alfie I took full advantage of that coupling to make Suresh jealous and I actually did start to like him. I found him super endearing and I felt bad that I was going to break his little heart...that is until he Cherrygated me 😡. And look did I kiss Suresh? Yeah I absolutely did! But Alfie wouldn't even wait two seconds to hear me out. And I've seen other girls post on here who did NOT kiss Suresh and when you didn't kiss him you had an option to tell Alfie nothing happened and he still didn't hear you out. BOO!!! I just also feel like with Alfie some of his words and actions don't line up. He tells you one day he wants to take things slow and the very next day is asking to do bits? He tells you two days in row he wants to end the summer with you, you're his only girl but then he kisses Kat and 2 days after that brings Meera back and is suddenly all about Meera. IDK for me... There just hasn't been enough of a redemption arc for Alfie like there has been for Suresh. And I'll get into his misgivings now. Suresh comes into the villa incredibly unapologetic and extremely cocky. It's clear he thinks that he's got this in the bag and he's going to win MC back, that these guys have absolutely no chance. But MC proves to be a bigger challenge than he originally anticipated and he's forced to deal with ALL of his demons. Suresh thinks he's changed before Arlo comes in but he obviously hasn't hes still acting the exact same way he was before. MC kisses/flirts with Alfie? He does the same with Arlo. He flirts with MC while with Arlo, which in it of itself is a dick move to both women (I mean I loved it...but im being impartial here It was a dick move) Then the whole casa speech. We all loved it but then NOTHING. We were all left scratching our heads confused like WTF happened to this man?? We all came up with theories to explain his odd behavior after Casa but then this week he confirmed our suspicions that he was hurting, he was struggling hard, but most of all he was SORRY. This man has never been this apologetic, this self-loathing without wanting anything in return. this man has properly changed, there's been growth and character development (I mean as much as there can be for a pixel game). I just dont feel like we see the same for Alfie.
But again take this info knowing I am not an Alfie girly. You may find an Alfie girly out there who will give you 845 reasons why he's redeemable and has had growth. 💖
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littlerosetrove · 2 years
To anyone who is worried about the Buckley parents getting a redemption arc. I’m confident that is not what the writers are doing. Allow me to dump my thoughts in bullet point format, and in no particular order. 
As @homerforsure already stated in their post, this fussing over Buck while he’s injured is not new behavior. (their post)
Through subtle writing and from the acting, I think particularly from the actress who plays Margaret, Margaret has been showing that she doesn’t approve of things in both Maddie and Bucks lives. Like, it’s clear, for example, the she is putting on a front, a facade. Her comment about loving the backsplash in Maddie and Chim’s house, when Maddie new she wouldn’t like it? Yeah, the acting gave away that no, Margaret doesn’t like it, but she’s playing nice. Why is she and Phillip playing nice? Well thankfully @extasiswings already wrote an awesome meta post about the role the Buckley parents are playing. Please read their post in full, but the tl;dr is that the Buckley parents do not want to take accountability for the wrong they’ve done to their kids, Maddie and Buck. All they want is a do-over, a clean slate, with Jee-Yun. And someone, though I can’t remember who, said that Margaret is only seeing Maddie as a uterus machine to give Margaret more grandkids. Fucking ouch, but I think that’s true. 
The fucking couch metaphor!! Even Oliver has talked about Bucks couch in 1-2 interviews (that I’m aware), and yeah folks, the couch is a metaphor for Bucks romantic relationships. So! Margaret is going to buy Buck a couch? We all know it’s not going to fit or work for Buck, because Buck needs to choose the right couch this time (re: the Eddie of it all, and Eddie is the right fit for Buck, and these two are getting there. we all need some patience). 
Speaking of Margaret trying to buy and decorate her children’s places. So Margaret wanted to buy flowers to decorate (liven up??) Maddie’s place. If Margaret offered something else, I can’t remember at the moment. Sure, luckily for her, Maddie seemed on board because Jee-Yun loves colorful things and flowers.   Back to Buck, Margaret wants to buy Buck a couch, and then threw in “you need a rug” or something. For now Buck is just rolling with it (because it’s been “nice.” Bucks used that word twice. “nice.” hmm seems like Buck hasn’t quite let go of this family fantasy he has with the Buckley parents in particular, but I think given a little more time, that bubble will break), but particularly when it comes to Buck, this smells to me of Margaret “subtly” trying to get Buck to conform to what she wants. Trying to show Buck “this is how things should be done” and “you should follow this path.” You feel me? 
Don’t even get me started on Margaret calling Buck a “miracle baby.” 🤨 That was screaming to me that she still only sees Buck as spare parts. 
Yo, in Bucks coma dream? Now we know everything was in Bucks head, it was all his subconscious. But! There was a lot of truth in his dream. Like the fact that Buck knew that his parents accepting him was off, wasn’t right. Margaret in Bucks dream was “subtly” dropping hints that she doesn’t approve of who and how Buck is. For example the ferris wheel decoration? Margaret didn’t like, and she straight up told Buck she didn’t, even though it was something Buck picked out and liked.
You could SEE on Margarets face when Buck showed the sonogram, that she... oh man, didn’t think Buck can be a dad. Was scared at the thought. So many things. But at the same time just jumped to the conclusion “oh! Maddie you’re pregnant? It’s a little soon, but this is wonderful!” Anyone else side eye this moment? Hard??
Oh yeah, and who was absent from Bucks room when he woke up? His parents. (remember, what is and isn’t shown can speak volumes) 
I may be missing some examples and whatnot, but I think y’all get it. I do not believe the writers are in any way giving the Buckley parents a redemption arc. There’s too many hints that they are in fact keeping it “real,” which is that the Buckley parents suck ass and won’t change. 
Now what Buck, in the end, decides to do with his parents? That I’m not certain of just yet. My biggest wish is that he (fucking) finally cuts them out of his life completely, because I truly think that would be the best thing for him, but we’ll have to wait and see. But again, I don’t think people need to worry about the Buckley parents getting a redemption, because I do not see that playing out before us. 
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pagerunner-j · 2 years
No one ever plays along if I post ask memes and that just gets depressing, so…fuck it, I’m pretending somebody cares and living in my own delusion for a few minutes.
CRITICAL ROLE ASK MEME ANSWERS THAT NOBODY ASKED FOR (except for me, and I’m in charge here)
1. Character you don’t particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons.
Orym. I have…issues…with Liam’s inability to let go of his dead character’s girlfriend, because not even counting Vax, we’re on character #3 who has something to do with or a deep interest in Keyleth. Wee little bit suspect, my dude. But if you ignore the matter of backstory, Orym’s just a little guy who likes pie, loves his friends, and is trying his best to do the right thing, and he’s an absolute kick-ass fighter. I’m enjoying him in combat more than anyone else on the field right now. Most importantly for this question, he is not boring just because he’s good or because he isn’t wearing all of his trauma (okay, a little bit of his trauma, but not ALL) on his sleeve. I really gotta wonder sometimes about all y’all folks who can’t get invested in anybody who actually has their head screwed on straight.
…welp, apparently I’m in a mood. Okay then. Onward:
2. Favorite unhinged shopkeeper.
There are so many candidates. It’s still hard to beat Victor, though, and Matt embodying him on screen that one Halloween only solidified it. LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES!!
3. Minor character people in the fandom are obsessed with that makes you go “them? why?”
Kynan. Let’s review: hero-worshipping nerd boy with stars in his eyes but no sense gets his ego bruised by being (sensibly) rejected for the adventuring life, and takes it so poorly that he runs off, attaches himself to an ascendant supervillain instead, and is there at her side when she murders one of our heroes. Then half the fandom (and, to my dismay, Matt even made comment about liking the idea) decides that he deserves not only a redemption arc (okay), but also to be handed Cassandra as a romantic partner and, I don't know, fucking consolation prize (NOT OKAY). Again, let's review: she's the traumatized sister of the guy he helped murder, who was abused and tortured in large part by the lady he decided to work for.
(remainder of this rant redacted because my first outburst was not kind.)
4. Minor character you are (correctly) obsessed with.
I thought about this for a while, drew a weird blank, and then my brain provided me with the Shadow Baker just because the name is so fucking funny. I would go to the Shadow Baker any chance I got. I want delicious shadow pastries. Shadow breads. Shadow cookies. Fruity, chocolatey, shadowy tarts. Shadow everything. Dusted with powdered shadow sugar. 
And now that I said all that, I hope there’s also a Shadow Dentist.
5. Meta you would write if you did not fear people would be SUPER weird about it. This is also an invitation to write that meta and block the haters.
I…think I might’ve already done that. *looks upward a couple paragraphs*
6. NPC you would most like to see as the subject of a Tales of Exandria series.
I’d say Cassandra, except what I actually want is novels, and I want to write them. 
7. Alternate outcome in a main campaign that you don’t necessarily wish happened, but that you wish you could see played out in an alternate universe before returning to ours.
The Sunken Tomb going differently,* i.e. with Percy ending up with the Raven Queen’s armor. I also would have color-shifted it. Somewhere in my head there’s an image I can’t shake of the gun-wielding White Raven, blood artistically spattered across his otherwise pristine feathers, because that dude still and always deserves to be as anime as goddamn possible.
*P.S. Since I keep tripping into rant mode anyway, here’s another: I hate dungeon design so damn much, and I have infinite sympathy for anyone who doesn’t think to check for traps on every possible object. A: No real thing is ever actually built like this. It’s just in games because GAME LOGIC. B: I’ve done enough time as a rogue to be bored to tears and dissuaded from ever playing the class again because I'm so sick of having nothing to do but check for traps every five steps. I have a hard time blaming Percy and/or Taliesin for any of what went down. Also, anyone who tries to add that Vex was being greedy is going to get an intimate introduction to my fist.
8. You may personally require that Liam O'Brien plays a non-core four (ie, not a Rogue, Wizard, Cleric, or Fighter) character for at least 10 episodes - he cannot in any way be one of those classes, even as a multiclass. If you like Orym, assume this has no impact on him. What class or multiclass do you have him play?
I want him to take a page from Imogen's book and go wild magic sorcerer. I want it to be as chaotic as possible and to fuck with him seven ways from Sunday. I want uncontrollable Polymorph. I want him to be beset with sudden hordes of flumphs. I want him to hit himself with a fireball like Caleb gone wrong(er). I want him to become a potted plant. I want Liam the prankster to prank the hell out of himself simply by existing.
9. Location in Exandria you’d like to see in a possibly canonical one-shot/EXU but with non-main campaign characters (as in Song of the Lorelei/The Darrington Brigade)
Mostly I’d be interested in places we haven’t been before. There’s a lot of Issylra that we still know nothing about…
10. Favorite and least favorite Matt Mercer Original Subclass. (edit mine because like I said, I'm in charge here. And also I read it wrong the first time. Oops.)
Blood Hunter kind of occupies both slots. For reasons.
11. A common stance within the fandom you would most like to eliminate on the specific grounds of hypocrisy/self-contradiction.
Skipping this one because stuff like this melts my brain. Except maybe for my rant above, I guess.
12. Best ship of the literal seafaring vessel or skyship variety.
The Joyful Damnation. …wait, wrong D&D show. (but please watch Oxventure it’s great okay moving on)
I think I’m cheating and just saying every skyship BECAUSE SKYSHIPS. Insert picture here of Scanlan and Percy romantically pining over the idea of having a skyship of their very own.
(I mean romantic in a general, conceptual sense. Not in a shippy way. Except that it’s actually about ships. Scanlan/Percy/Skyship platonic OT3.)
13. Favorite D&D PC (guests & EXU included but must be a PC) of ? 
Brain still melted, sorry. THIS IS A LOT OF CLASSES TO COVER OKAY and so let’s just go to:
14. Describe the art you would most like to create or commission if talent/money were no object.
See above re: the White Raven. Also, someday I am going to put my meager artistic talents to the test and attempt to draw a single tarot card: Caduceus as the King of Cups. My friends, there is life beyond the Major Arcana. Please try to remember that the entire fucking rest of the deck exists and it’s symbolically interesting too so crack open an analysis book sometime and learn something please and thank you and I’m stopping there before I go any further into a run-on tarot rant that, again, nobody asked for.
I’m not sure what happened to my commas tonight. Sorry. It’s been a day.
15. Favorite one-on-one conversation (can be between two PCs, or a PC and NPC).
I can’t even begin to narrow this one down. Percy and Vex in the Feywild. Caduceus reading Trent for absolute filth (respectfully). Imogen and Laudna just…always. Jester and Beau talking tarot. Tary and Pike and the flashcard scene. (Oh, god, the flashcard scene.) Grog and Craven Edge. Fjord awkwardly but sincerely wooing Jester. Percy and Vax in the bathtub, mostly for what happens after (sorry, Liam). Keyleth and Percy talking legacy. Jester and the Hag and Laura Bailey winning D&D. Jester sending messages to…anybody. I’m forgetting, like, thirty-seven things. You can probably tell who most of my favorite characters are, though… *awkward cough*
16. Favorite group (all/most of the party) conversation.
Two-parter: the blazing row when Scanlan left, and later in that episode when the rest of the group met Tary. Absolute whirlwind of emotion and a masterclass in character from all concerned. Plus well-deserved Nerf-dart chaos and Laura ineffectually hurling wads of Kleenex. Can’t top it.
17. You know that post that’s like “I wish you could filter in ao3 on ‘attitude towards a canon event’?” In the world of imagination, you can! What’s the event or attitude?
Mostly I avoid this problem by avoiding whole damn characters, I’m not gonna lie.
18. Share one unpopular opinion but it must specifically only pertain to Sam’s ads.
They didn’t deserve to get crucified for the Wendy’s one-shot. (It was a sponsor, he DMed, it counts.) It’s not actually much worse than any other sponsored event or ad partner, and just because people decided to get all high and mighty about worker rights for this one company doesn’t mean that there isn’t just as much bullshit of a different flavor happening at other companies that they’ve happily partnered with and which none of you objected to at the same scale, or, for that matter, at all.
*side-eyes the fuck out of, oh, I dunno, let’s start with Blizzard*
19. You can swap one subclass (not class) for any one main campaign main cast PC. Which character, and what’s their new subclass?
*blanks out completely while staring in the vague direction of the PHB* I’m…claiming amnesty on this one. Sorry. T i r e d .
20. What non-D&D TTRPG would you most like to see Critical Role run a one shot in?
Blades in the Dark. Please, please, Blades in the Dark. We got close when Aabria started seeding in bits of it for EXU. I want more. It’s such a good system.
21. You can eliminate one ship that did not become a canon, reciprocated relationship from the fandom’s consciousness. It is entirely gone - no fics, no posts, no doctored out of context gifsets inexplicably claiming that Travis ships it, no anon hate, no drama. Your blocked tags list becomes several entries shorter. A weight is lifted from your shoulders, and you take the deepest breath you’ve taken in a long time. Anyway, now that you’re feeling relaxed and inspired, what do you think Bertrand Bell’s fighter subclass was?
Caleb/Mo……oh. Um. Bertrand. Right. I wish I knew, but as I have already proven, D&D minutiae makes my head hurt and I am tired and sad today and very smol so let’s go on with —
22. Assume that every single non-multiclassed wizard PC OR significant wizard NPC (includes EXU Calamity) are in a battle royale, and all are level 16. Who would you bet on as the winner?
Rincewind because he’d run away to safety before anyone could hit him.
…I don’t care if he’s not a CR character, I said what I said.
23. You can guarantee that Vax lives at the end of Campaign 1. However, you must trade his permadeath for the permadeath of a different PC who was dead for more than a minute. Your options are Percy dying permanently in 1x68; Scanlan dying permanently in 1x83; or Laudna dying permanently in 3x34. Do you choose to do so, why, and whose death do you trade?
Vax stays dead. Listen: Vax had a STORY. He had stakes, he had joy, he had sorrow, he got conflict and resolution and dramatic payoff to some of his deepest personal storylines, he got a bittersweet romance, he got his heroic sacrifice, he got the gentlest possible ending anyone could possibly have asked for under the circumstances, and all of it makes for an arc that has completed and is done. Everyone else would just have been interrupted before their story got where it needed to go (like, even though you didn’t mention him, Molly). Scanlan dying there would have served no narrative purpose at all and would have paid off nothing, and it would have deprived us of SO much good stuff in the fallout. Percy actually did get to a point where if he’d stayed dead, I would have been sad as hell but would have understood it, because the way that story built up, it made sense and it wasn’t cheap. It’s still much better that he came back and got to complete the character development journey he was on (somewhat despite himself), though. And Laudna just absolutely does not fucking deserve dying, not now and not for a long time yet. She’s just barely getting the chance to live for herself at all. Let her stay.
And for the love of fuck, let Vax go.
24. You can guarantee that one Evergreen Question you write is pulled on 4-Sided Dive AND that the four cast members you most want to answer it are on that month. What’s the question, and which cast members answer it?
What’s your favorite type of evergreen tree and why is it the Douglas fir?
….actually, that’s just me answering the question. Because #CascadiaNow.
(We have a flag.)
(The tree is on it.)
(*waves flag*)
25. What class do you most want to see Matt play if he is in a future EXU campaign as a new (not Dariax) PC?
I want to see Matt play a class invented by somebody else at the table. I’m thinking Sam and Liam should collaborate on this. (Liam because he can probably crunch the mechanics best of anybody, Sam to bring the chaos.)
26. You must swap one nat 1 die roll with one nat 20 die roll. They must both be from the main campaigns, but can be cross-campaign. Which are they, and why?
I’m having a hard time thinking of any I’d want to change. Sometimes the failures are too interesting to mess with. (Grog falling over dead in the snow, I’m looking at you.)
27. Pick one character, ship, or party; and one song you associate most with them, and explain why. This song cannot be on an existing playlist from the main cast. It also cannot be We Have it All by the Pim Stones nor Dust Bowl Dance by Mumford & Sons; I love those AMVs but please think for yourself.
- the whole party
- any party
- “We Like to Party”
(I am bad at character playlists, okay? ONTO THE VENGABUS WE GO)
28. Think back to all weird or bad opinions (pertaining to Critical Role) you’ve seen but which were not elaborated upon. You get to make one, and only one, person have to provide an honest response about what the fuck they were thinking. Which opinion do you receive the honest explanation for?
I have done my best to strategically delete these from my memory and am not going to attempt file recovery.
29. You can give any PC a Staff of Birdcalls. Who do you give it to?
Jester. This isn’t even a question. Just give her one now, please.
30. What is your favorite theory or headcanon that has absolutely no bearing on the plot and isn’t important at all, but which is completely compliant with canon?
The entire notion of getting that invested in headcanon mostly just wears me out, and I’m saying this as a fic writer, which I acknowledge makes very little sense. Yet here we are.
31. A really weird fey entity grants you the following boon: you can magically make it so that whenever people try to draw Imogen with glasses, the glasses magically disappear. All you need to do is hit the DC. The DC begins at 15, it is a simple d20 die roll with no modifiers/additions, and you can reduce it by one for every month you live with canon, pre-episode 2x26 Mollymauk Tealeaf. You do have your own room, but the walls are thin. After 15 months you automatically succeed and Molly disappears as though he had never existed. How many months do you live with Molly?
I’m in it for the long haul. I will learn to make my peace with chaos. I will make friends. I will maybe even join in the party. I will enjoy getting more of Molly’s presence and I will do my best not to go crazy in same.
Because fuck those glasses.
(I love glasses; I wear them myself; I give them to characters at the slightest provocation; but canonically she doesn’t wear them, so please just stop.)
32. If the CR main cast were to play the original 7 tombtakers per The Nine Eyes of Lucien (Brevyn, Cree, Jurrell, Lucien, Otis, Tyffial, and Zoren) in a one shot, who should play whom? Assume Matt DMs, but you do not need to have Taliesin play Lucien.
Hate to admit it, but I’m not invested enough in any of those characters to care.
33. You may ask any member of the cast one, and only one lore clarification question. What do you ask?
Mostly I don’t want to nitpick or pry, and honestly, most LORE(tm) as nerddom treats it both irritates and frustrates me. I don’t want to reduce all of narrative to filling out subheadings on a wiki page and then insisting that anything that doesn’t match up bREaKs CaNoN and is BaD. What I want is folklore, not Lore(tm), and there’s a very real difference.
On that note, I want Taliesin to tell me absolutely everything about Melanie de Rolo, and every other specter haunting that place from before his character’s time. Ghost stories for days. Bring it.
34. You meet an old woman in the grocery store and help her with her bags. In return, she tells you she can guarantee that Campaign 3 will be fantastic, and that there will be a Campaign 4 set in Issylra that is also fantastic. However, she warns you, the price is that Marisha and Laura’s characters will never be in a romance together, nor will Taliesin and Liam’s, though there will be significant queer romances aplenty, both F/F and M/M, in said campaigns. Do you take her up on her offer?
In a heartbeat.
and pleading for personal vaidation via smushing your faves together because it HAS to be CANON or else it is a BETRAYAL and PROBABLY HOMOPHOBIC because YOU ARE BAD IF YOU DON’T GIVE ME WHAT I WANT is unhinged
neither of these pairs have to fuck ever
we’ll live
…sorry I think I started yelling somewhere in there
I’ll stop
35. You can set the time and place of the next EXU series, but it cannot be within 100 years of the Calamity nor Divergence. When and where do you set it?
Naples, 1973
36. Every cast member must create a main campaign character loosely based off a character they played in a one-shot not set in Exandria, a la Chetney from Chutney (as a result, Travis is excused from this exercise). Who should they choose? (Please note that Bar Room Blitz is set in Exandria. You cannot pick Jayne and you’re boring for thinking it.)
Because MANCUBUS!!!
37. You have to take a 16 hour road trip with one NPC from each campaign (all at once, ie, three other people). The NPCs cannot shorten the road trip in any way and the road trip must be via driving but you can do it in two 8 hour days and share a motel room if you’d like. Who do you pick?
Tyriok; he’s the map guy and will get us where we’re going. Eshteross to bring delicious cookies. And Iva Deshin to read us passages from her favorite smut books from Chastity’s Nook and keep us all entertained (and Tyriok absolutely scandalized, the poor dear).
38. Assuming that your rent and basic living expenses are paid regardless, nothing cataclysmic happens while you’re there, and your race and class are perceived as completely average and nothing to comment on, which city in Exandria would you most like to live in for a year? You must spend the vast majority of your time there.
Whitestone. I want to get in on their technological boom. The intersection of magic and the mundane, and how those things inspire, leapfrog, and challenge each other, is my absolute jam.
39. Favorite parental figure NPC?
Veth had the best arc here by a mile. It’s hard not to like Marion, though.
39. What named but as of yet unseen character do you most want to see onscreen?
Imogen’s mom.
I want this story, like, yesterday.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
I can only speak for myself but for me I think azula should have a healing arc but not a redemption arc because I want her to get away from everyone who’s hurt her. she doesn’t owe anyone shit after the comics
Hm okay thank you for explaining! I think we are defining words differently & that’s part of where my confusion came in. @queenofthefaces explained it more concisely than I can in the replies. I’m guessing this is what you mean?
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To me, healing would mean that Azula learns that the way she grew up - emotionally & mentally manipulated & taught to idolize her father & turn against her brother - was wrong. This also means she would/should learn that the way she grew up - with the mindset that being Fire Nation & royalty makes her better than everyone else & that people from other nations are below her, & with imperialist ideals - was wrong. If you’d like to stop there, & never have her reconcile with anyone, that’s fine (& imo would count as both redemption & healing), we just disagree on what would make a good story. I’m not satisfied with that ending because it completely separates Azula from the story & the rest of the cast which just isn’t, for me personally, a fulfilling character arc within the context of the show I love so much.
I’m not a fan of the way the comics were written, they were out of character & narratively did not follow up the show well in my opinion & as such they never factor into my analysis. That said, you CAN have a satisfying fan fiction or alternate universe story where Azula separates herself entirely from the cast we know & love & that’s fine - as a lover of alternate universes I have no leg to stand on in terms of being against this, do go & have fun with that idea - but I do think it’s narratively illogical (again, discarding the garbage comics) to do so in the context of canon. If you disagree that’s okay. But my personal opinion is that it would narratively make sense for Azula to reconcile with other characters, especially with Zuko & Ursa as well as Ty Lee & Mai. In a story about friendship, healing & forgiveness where a central theme is the new generation being better than their ancestors, why would you not want the fire siblings to reconcile? It’s the logical follow up in a story where the royal family has always been toxic & feuding & Ozai (& Iroh!) pitted the siblings against each other. It would give Azula a chance at the normalcy she craves & a family that isn’t hateful & toxic. It would wrap up Zuko’s arc of self confidence & healing to recognize that his sister was a victim too. They could find Ursa together & solve that mystery as well as having Ursa tell Azula that she was never a monster. That’s the obvious narratively satisfying ending right there & I’m forever bitter we didn’t get it 😤
Azula forgiving Mai & Ty Lee for their betrayals & understanding why they did what they did to me would make sense as a part of her arc toward recognizing her wrongs in the war. And I don’t see any reason Mai & Ty Lee wouldn’t reconcile with Azula. You could argue she was ready to kill Mai & that’s hard to forgive but idk it was war many of the characters were in deadly altercations including ZUKO VS THE GAANG & MAI & TY LEE VS THE GAANG.
I also think Azula should be friends with the gaang as well - especially / specially Katara, her narrative foil & the one to defeat her. It just makes sense for Azula to learn from Katara, a character with so many parallels to her. And also I think she should reconcile with Aang because he is the Avatar & the one trying to bring peace & balance to the world. Plus a healed & redeemed Azula would be horrified that she almost killed Aang, you can’t change my mind. As for the others, if Azula went on this huge arc & is now friends with Zuko & Katara & Aang why wouldn’t she also get along with Sokka & Toph & Suki? The show itself (let’s not forget it’s a kids show too y’all friendship is in fact at the heart of the story & it’s not a bad thing to have everyone as friends at the end especially if the bad guys have recognized their wrongs) has Ty Lee & Mai as besties with the gaang post war despite them having fought on opposite sides until the Boiling Rock.
In conclusion I don’t know why you wouldn’t want Azula to be redeemed AND healed AND reconcile with her friends & family + make new friends! Unless you count the comics & in that case I just can’t help you sorry
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musclesandhammering · 3 years
Supernatural Opinions That’ll Have Me Burned At The Stake Pt 1.
• John Winchester is more sympathetic than Dean.
• Literally every single angel in the series (except maybe Ishim) had 100% justifiable and understandable motives, and none of them were genuinely evil.
• The demons deserved 97% more sympathy than they got (yes, all of them) because they were literally tortured into being the way they are.
• The hunters on the show are the real villains. The supernatural creatures were just existing as they instinctually should have.
• There was absolutely no reason to bring Mary back at all, and they 100% only did it to provide Dean specifically with more personal Angst. Because everything’s about Dean.
• They did Bela so so dirty and there was no reason at all that 432 other boring ass characters got storyline after storyline and resurrection after resurrection when she didn’t even get mentioned post-death #1.
• Anything to do with Ben/Lisa/Dean was legit just the most boring thing I’ve ever seen, like I literally skipped past those parts cause I cared 0% about any of that.
• Claire was cool at first but they put everything into making her a mini-Dean and she ended up being a whiny annoying rude trying-too-hard-to-look-badass mess (surprise surprise).
• Alex was way more likeable and interesting than Claire, she should’ve gotten the lead storyline in that arc.
• The whole Claire/Kaia thing was nice from a representation standpoint I guess but there was zero chemistry and only like 2 scenes of lead-up and the entire time I was just thinking “what in the hell are they supposedly falling in love for, this feels so forced” lmao.
• Metatron was my fav even before his big redemptive scene, I stanned one petty weirdo full-stop all the way through his dicking around with Cas and everything, y’all simply do not have Taste.
• Same with Amara. Loved her even when she wanted to destroy the known universe. Stanned her. Supported her, even. And also she had an incredibly heartbreaking and sympathetic and dynamic storyline, but some of y’all couldn’t see the substance in her cause you were too busy being pissed that she flirted with your trash monster (Dean).
• I’m very sorry, but Charlie was annoying as all shit.
• Not only did Dean abuse Cas, but Dean abused Sam literally throughout the entire show, from the very first scene.
• Speaking of Sam, he’s probably the most caring, kind, empathetic, genuinely good person on the entire show. He’s an actual cinnamon roll, and every single person that holds him even 1% accountable for the leaving for college thing, or the demon blood thing, or the not looking for Dean in purgatory thing… y’all can eat my shorts.
• Cas was better friends with Sam than he ever was with Dean. They have more of a profound bond too. He was ordered to rescue Dean from Hell and had an army of other angels with him, but he chose to rescue Sam and went in completely alone. If that’s not more profound idk what is.
• I like Balthazar better than Gabriel, fight me on it.
• Hannah and Cas were actually hella cute together. And so were Cas and Meg.
• The Winchesters did not deserve Crowley. They also didn’t deserve Rowena.
• Sam and Dean aren’t actually heroes at all tbh because 75% of all the major apocalyptic problems that have happened on the show was literally their fault. And they almost never solved said problems themselves. They coerced supernatural beings into doing it for them.
• I liked the angels way better in season 4, when they were terrifying mythical beings of eldritch proportions that even the demons were scared of. Held more gravity, I think.
• After Bobby was killed off, the whole vibe of the show kinda fell apart. Like the team/family feeling was just never quite there after that, and it sorta killed it for me tbh.
• Chuck being a mega douche wasn’t the mind blowing plot twist they thought it was. Like that was predictable. It would’ve been more meta and more unsettling and more profound if, instead of being a raging narcissist, he had been portrayed as they described him in season 4/5- an actual father/creator that was jaded with his creation. He still could’ve been absent and all, just not a total heartless jerk.
• I didn’t even watch half of seasons 7-8 like wow that was not interesting in the slightest.
• Season 2 was also dull as hell, but it gets bonus points for the gritty midwestern horror aesthetic. 10/10 immaculate vibes.
• Anything past season 10 I just picked out the Cas episodes to watch and I didn’t even really love those :/.
• I don’t like how the storylines started getting too big for their britches around season 11 or so. Like purgatory and heaven and hell and the apocalypse, ok sure. But alternate dimensions? Heavenly extinction? God’s literal sister? Babe you’re just a cute lil country show from the CW go back to drunks killing vampires.
• This whole series actually started being trash less than halfway through, and the only reason it stayed on so long was because die-hard fans were invested enough to subject themselves to mental and emotional torture week after week just to stay loyal to their old favourite show.
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
When people try to give Jiang Cheng a redemption arc it just feels so cringe. They always choose to redeem him when he’s already done a lot of problematic shit and I’m just like why can’t y’all choose to develop him when he’s 15 and at the Cloud Recesses or something as long as he’s not around/not near his mother. That’s probably the only time (for me at least) where I could see and put up with any sort of redemption arc for JC happening. I still have mixed feelings on that though but do you think JC could’ve been redeemed back at Cloud Recesses?
No. I don't think jc could've been redeemed back at cloud recesses. I elaborated here before. He's already snide and self absorbed. He lets WWX get punished by himself then berates him for not behaving. jc isn't different in the Cloud Recesses he just hasn't been truly tested yet by hard times. Everything jc became was already there in his nature. At the archery competition (pre indoctrination camp) he's annoyed WWX is helping Wen Ning and berates him even though WWX is the best archer in YunmengJiang. By the time the indoctrination camp rolls around jc tries to stop WWX from offering help to LWJ or Mianmian. I mean he was nine and he told an orphaned, traumatized kid he was going to send dogs chasing after him bc he knew that was his biggest fear. He doesn't "become" like YZY because he's raised by YZY, he just is like YZY from the start. She died and he still lived his life the same way and repeated everything she said and embraced all her world views and ignored everything his father had tried to teach him. Some characters, like some people, are just assholes. Some characters are fun! assholes. So I get the drive to give them some sort of happy ending. But jc is an annoying little shitbag. The only way he'd be slightly less irritating is if he had died in the end. Like this he's just somone w power and privilege skating by with minimal consequences for the shit he pulled.
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haleigh-sloth · 4 years
I’m convinced that people are actually just so mad that the villains are being set up for saving/redemption and now are grasping at any straw they can to make Endeavor not that bad, and Touya as bad as possible. And quite frankly try to make the heroes not seem bad either.
Everything that has needed to happen in order for the villains to be saved and NOT be in prison by the end (why are y’all so obsessed with prison, it doesn’t even work in real life) has ALREADY HAPPENED:
Exhibit A: the villains are viewed as people who need help
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Exhibit B: Society is falling apart, and the villains were pretty much right about many pro heroes.
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Exhibit C: The prison system has failed. And oh it’s okay, the heroes will help put the villains back in prison! Oh WAIT!
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Can’t put villains in prison if there is no reliable prison. Also can’t put villains in prison when there’s nobody TO put them in prison. ALSO can’t put villains in prison when the rest of society is about to basically hit reset and start over, to an extent, and everybody—and I mean EVERYBODY—will need to pitch in and help build a better hero society. I mean, the set up is there. It’s here, it’s happening. Idk why people are mad about it, just go with it. Anybody who truly believes this is simply a “heroes defeat the villains and the villains DIE AND ROT IN JAIL” kind of story is ignoring a HUUUUGE underlying message that’s being told here—save everybody, even if it’s hard. I’m not ruling out the possible redemptive deaths of the main three villains, but given that Deku wants to save everybody, and dead does NOT equal “safe”, I’d like to say that it’s very unlikely that they will die. EsPECIALLY Touya, since he was already “dead” once, and it would be repetitive to kill him again. You don’t have to hate the villains if you like the heroes. The heroes are always going to win in the end, they’ve won every time in this story (except the war arc which was more of a stalemate). Your precious class 1A kids aren’t going to die, this isn’t that kind of story. It’s hopeful, optimistic, and it’s about SAVING EVERYBODY—as stated many times by our main character.
Like, why do y’all hate redemption? Why do you not want them to be saved? Is this your first shonen manga? Get with the program. Redeeming murderers is par for the course!
Anyway goodnight y’all.
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ellesliterarycorner · 3 years
What Should You Outline?
Ah, good ole outlining, people either love it or they hate it. As y’all know, I love outlining. Even though I am learning a little more how to let my outline go, there’s no way I would ever be able to start a project without an outline. But, for all the pantsers out there and even for us plotters, outlining can be a real pain in the ass. It takes forever, especially if you’re someone like me who tends to plot way too many little details. Sometimes, though, you don’t want to outline the full story, and that’s completely okay! Honestly, it might be better that way! If you’re trying to figure out what you need to outline and what you can just come up with, I recommend starting with these four things!
The Beginning. Believe me, having a starting point makes writing everything after so much easier. The beginning needs to hook your reader and inform them about your world without having too many info-dumps. It’s hard to write, and from my personal experience, I’ve spent so much time trying to get the beginning of my story just right. Having the beginning outlined can help you so much!
The Ending. Just like having the starting point makes writing everything after easier, having the ending makes writing everything before easier as well! With the beginning and the end you have the beginning of the tunnel and the light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing how your story ends and what becomes of your characters can help inform any choices you make and help you sow the seeds of any plot twists. Even if you don’t plot anything else, I highly recommend plotting the ending! 
The Climax. The Climax is probably one of the most important moments in your story and you want it to feel that way. Everything builds up to the climax and knowing exactly what happens or even just having a vague idea of it, can help you so much when you’re writing. I’ve found that knowing what my climax is has helped me not have a sagging middle and helped me cut word count a little bit because everything is building up to one particular point, so I’m not just rambling on about nothing for five pages.! 
Character Development Arcs. Honestly, this might should be number one! Character development informs so much of your story. If you’re going to have a corruption arc, a redemption arc, or any kind of major character heavy plot arc, you probably need to plot that out. Even if you don’t want to plot out every single detail of your character arcs, which does boring and sometimes tedious, I would recommend plotting out the middle and the end, just like with your story. Knowing who your character starts out as and who they become are two of the most important things to know about your characters!
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