Hi, I have a request. I was hoping if you can do a one-shot or short story of Alastor x reader with telekinetic powers that's similar to Carrie White? It can be romantic or platonic, which ever fits better is up to you.
It can go something like this; the reader fell into hell because they did something really bad with their newborn powers, and it was during extermination day. When the exorcist angels were going to kill the reader, they use their TK powers to defend themselves against the angels and manage to kill one before getting away from them. This was caught on news and immediately caught the attention of all the sinners in hell to see the reader has telekinetic powers and manages to fight off the angels. This even caught the attention of all the overlords, including the three Vee's, the Hazbin Hotel crew and Alastor.
That was honestly all I got 😅, I'm sorry if it sounds confusing, but I was hoping you can do something like that, if that's OK with you, because your work is very amazing to read.
Welcome to Hell! - Alastor x reader
Helloo!! I’ve decided to keep this as a one-shot for now since I want to focus on finishing my ongoing stories. However, if inspiration strikes, I might dive deeper into this idea in the future! In the meantime, it was a wonderful request, and I hope you enjoy it! ❤️ A/N: I was supposed to post this tomorrow but I accidentaly clicked post instead of schedule so... here you have it. Warning: Not proofread!
Words: ~2300 TW: none.
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Your hands were shaking.
What had you done?
Your heart was racing, your breathing erratic.
You’ve killed someone again.
You only wanted to protect yourself… you always had!
You're a monster.
The golden blood splattered all over you, all over the ground, awakening memories. It happened so fast, so quickly that you still believed it was all a dream. They attacked you, didn't they? It wasn't your fault. You just wanted to survive. Doesn't everyone?
What was this place? Why is everyone so panicked? Why are these beings attacking you?
The sound of a bell rang across the strange city you woke up in, the weird beings flying in the sky. The streets echoed in screams and cries, grunts of pain and suffering sending shivers down your spine.
Once the panic subsided, creatures surrounded you, whispering and watching with wide eyes.
"You... You killed an exorcist?" one of them asked.
"What?" you couldn't understand. What was happening? Was this a joke?
"We're gonna die!" another screamed.
"What? No, I-" You tried to protect yourself, but fear overwhelmed you. You noticed them approaching you, your eyes falling on a nearby wrecked car.
A loud noise echoed as the car blasted through the crowd, giving you a chance to escape. Corpses of these things surrounded you, and blood splattered all over the streets. What was this place? What happened here?
You felt threatened, like prey running from unknown hunters in unfamiliar territory. What was happening? Were you dreaming?
Am I dead?
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"Welcome back to 666 News, the premiere station for all things Hell! I'm Katie Killjoy with today's top stories!" Katie's voice echoed through the TV in the hotel's lobby, mere moments after Extermination Day was over.
"Extermination day has just ended, and as usual, demon parts and blood litter the streets of Hell, as clean-up crews get to work."
Charlie watched the news, Vaggie's hand slowly caressing her shoulder. "You want me to change it?" she asked her.
"No... I need to know the damage..." Charlie said, sighing, clearly distressed about her people getting killed once again. Vaggie hugged her tightly, knowing how painful it must be. She'd erase that smile on Katie's face if she could - always so happy to announce the death of other Sinners every year.
"But the news doesn't end there! As it turns out, a newcomer has been reported for recently killing an Angel - using telekinesis, no less!"
They both watched with wide eyes, as Husker joined, his curiosity getting the best of him too. The images of you blasting a car through the car appeared on the screen, screams of people echoing through it.
"Holy shit!" Vaggie said, not quite believing what she was seeing. "They must be confused."
"And what a hell of a start..." Husker said, not phased by the events.
The doors of the hotel burst open, Angel frantically looked around as he tried to catch his breath. "We... We need- Oh, shit..." he tried to say, but running as fast as he could all the way there surely took a toll on him.
"Angel, what happened?" Charlie asked.
He took a deep breath, trying to let the words come out. "We need to take that sinner... I've heard Vox and Valentino talk... They want them!"
"No! If The Vees have them, especially with that power..." Charlie said, worry on her face. It would've been a catastrophe. Having someone like you, powerful and confused controlled by The Vees... It couldn't happen.
A laugh echoed in the room, as everyone's attention shifted. Alastor appeared in the room, shadows emerging everywhere, the smirk on his face wider than usual. He clearly heard what happened, lurking in silence for the perfect time to make his presence known.
"My, my... What an interesting little situation we've managed to find ourselves in! It seems our new arrival has made quite the impression." he said, excitement filling his tone.
"Alastor, you need to help us-" Charlie pleaded, only to be cut off by Vaggie.
"Hold on, Charlie... I don't think Alastor is the best to handle this situation."
"Let me disagree, my dear!" Alastor intervened quickly, stepping closer to them. "I think my skills in... persuasion must be of good help, don't you agree?"
"Manipulation, you mean," Vaggie said harshly, making his eye twitch a bit.
"Ah, that's such a negative word, my dear... I think my term is a little bit more friendly, hmm?" He pushed her aside, wrapping his arm around Charlie's shoulder. "Now my dearest Charlie, let's think about this for a moment, shall we?"
"Charlie, no!"
Charlie fiddled for a moment, thinking about it, but as much as she hated to disagree with Vaggie, Alastor was right... He always managed to convince people to do different things, and right now, having the newcomer come to the hotel was all that mattered. She sighed, turning to face Vaggie. "I think we should let Alastor try..."
A small chuckle escaped Alastor's lips, his smile growing even wider as he heard Charlie's words. "Excellent choice, my dear Charlie! I promise not to disappoint you!" He clasped his hands together, his eyes sparkling happily as he was clearly enjoying this.
"Ugh, fine..." Vaggie groaned. "But if you fuck up"
"No need for threats, my dear! I assure you there's no need for you to worry!" his eyes turned to Angel, a glim of mischief into them. "Now, where do I find this little dearie of ours?"
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You walked the halls of the huge building that the demon took you, still shivering from the... unconventional way you were brought there.
"Ah, I truly apologize for my assistant's... way of bringing you here." The TV demon, who presented himself as Vox, said, resting his arm on the small of your back as he guided you from one corridor to another. "I specifically told them that shoving people in that... black van is surely not the best idea." he laughed a bit nervously.
Your heart was beating so fast, a knot in your stomach as you didn't know what to expect. You took a moment to gather your thoughts, confusion still washing over you.
"Am I in Hell?" you asked, things starting to make sense.
"Yes, you're unfortunately in Hell darlin'," he answered, his voice smooth and almost melodic. You weren't surprised to be here, not after what you've done. Not after how many people you've hurt. "But don't worry, you're safe here with me." He chuckled a bit, his clawed hand brushing slightly on your back. "Now, I don't want to pressure you into anything, but I do look forward to finding out more about you. I think we could really help each other."
"I guess..." you said, realising it was better than roaming around this strange city without knowing anything.
Your eyes fell on your reflection whenever you would pass the big windows. You didn't look much different from your human self, but you seemed to resemble a rabbit, rather than anything else. A reminder that you'll always be what you've been your whole life - a prey, something meant to run and hide, in order to survive.
Vox eyed you closely, humming to himself as a smirk slowly formed on his screen. "Looks like you've figured out what you are," he said, his arm still resting on your back. "A rabbit, huh? Cute."
You blushed at his words, trying to hide your face. You felt so cornered right now, so vulnerable to him, not knowing if he was really going to protect you or give you a much worse fate.
"No need to be so shy, doll," he teased lightly, his arm gently tightening his grip around you. "I promise you're safe here. You're under my protection now, after all."
You watched as he unlocked a door, keeping it open for you. You swirled inside, taking in the huge apartment, looking rather luxurious. Vox followed you, shutting the door behind him. The apartment was lavish and spacious, with large windows at the end of the room, and the city lights glowing underneath it.
"Welcome to your new home," he said, his voice slightly echoing through the empty space. "Make yourself comfortable."
"Is this all mine?" you asked, still not believing.
"Yes, darlin', everything in this apartment is yours," he answered, watching as you looked around in wonder. "Consider yourself lucky. Not everyone in Hell gets to have a place like this." He stepped a bit closer, pride lingering inside of him as he watched your reaction. "Velvette will take care of your attire while you're here, so really no need to worry about anything."
You turned to face him, a bit puzzled by this entire situation. "Why are you helping me?"
Vox’s smile widened as he leaned casually against the wall, arms crossed. "I'm a businessman, sweetheart," he said, his tone almost playful. "And I always have an eye out for potential investments. As for you..."
He walked toward you, striding over to you. He slowly trailed a finger along your chin, making you look up at him. "You're something... special. I couldn't let such a precious little thing get lost in this shithole of a city."
Your cheeks burned. You weren't used to being treated with such kindness, a warm feeling settling in your soul. He looked at the watch on his wrist, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration. "Ugh, have a meeting to attend to," he explained, moving away from you. "Settle in and think about my offer!"
"What about Valentino?" you asked, recalling the man you’d encountered upon your arrival, unbeknownst to Vox.
"What about Valentino?" He repeated, chuckling nervously.
"He said he has an offer for me too..."
You watched him sigh, his screen glitching slightly. "Just... don't. Ok?" You nodded, not sure if you should ask more questions or just keep quiet. Vox left, leaving you alone in your thoughts, a lingering sensation of loneliness filling your soul once again.
You walked around a bit, looking at how neat and beautiful everything seemed. You didn't expect to be like this and you surely didn't expect to be met with kindness, not here at least. With small steps, you took in the sight of the city. Was this how you were going to spend eternity? Was this all real?
"Impressive." a voice echoed behind you, making you jump. Your heartbeat quickened as you watched a demon that resembled a deer stand in front of you, his eyes fixed on your figure. "I have to admit, Vox really outdone himself with this one."
"Who are you?" you asked, your voice coming out more weak than you expected. Your ears flattened against your head, as you tried to distance yourself from the stranger, only to be met with the cold glass.
"Quite the frightened little bunny, aren't you?" he teased, a low chuckle echoing in your ears as static accompanied his voice. "My name is Alastor, it's a pleasure to meet you."
You just stood there frightened. In a moment, you made a lamp fly towards him, a frail attempt to protect yourself without making a big mess again. But just mere moments before hitting him, the lamp disappeared into a portal, nowhere to be seen anymore.
He chuckled, taking another step closer, almost towering over you. Alastor watched you from head to toe, clearly evaluating the situation and you. "Very interesting."
"I... Are you Vox's assistant?" you asked, feeling cornered by the deer demon.
He raised an eyebrow at your question, letting out a huff. "Well, of course not, my dear. I am actually here to make an offer." he crouched down to your level, his smile sending shivers down your spine. "You made quite a show for your first day... Those powers of yours..." he seemed almost lost in his thoughts, the possibilities you might offer pleasing him, but first, he had to make you leave Vox. "I know a place where you'll be safe, my dear. And perhaps..." he paused a bit, your ears perking up a bit in curiosity. "... perhaps even leave this place forever..."
Your face lit up for a moment. "Leave... Could I leave Hell?"
"Well, of course!" he said, getting up, his tone cheerful once again. "Is that something that you'd want?" You thought for a moment - you didn't think it was fair for you to end up in Hell... all you did was protect yourself, but... having the chance to go to Heaven? He smiled at your hesitation. "I take that you'd be interested, hmm?" he offered you his hand, helping you get back up.
"But... What about Vox?"
"Oh, don't worry about him. He just wants to use you to his advantage, dear. I can actually help you!" The static in his voice grew slightly when he spoke.
"How can I trust you?" you asked, making him sigh at the question, clearly frustrated by your questions.
"How about a deal, my dear, hm?"
"A deal?"
"Well, yes. I always respect my deals! You come with me and I guarantee you that one day, you will go to Heaven." he raised his hand, green flames engulfing it as you looked at it. "What would it be?"
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"The fuck you mean she left?!" Vox asked, slamming the door to the apartment open.
"I told you, Vox! I came in, and she was gone!" Velvette protested. "I told you we can't trust the bitch!"
Vox walked around the apartment, his screen glitching from time to time. He was so angry, it felt like he was about to crash. "Ok, ok.... We can find her..." he tried to calm himself down, but his eyes fell on a little piece of paper on the counter. He quickly grabbed it and as soon as he read it, his screen almost overheated and froze.
"Maybe you should try harder than that, old pal."
"Um... Vox?" Velvette asked, a bit afraid he might have a short circuit again.
"I'm... gonna... kill... that fucker..."
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Tags: @ratsematary @littlebluefishtail @xghostnuggsx @vxllys
@ustulia @n0tmentallystable @ohmylovewhereartthou-blog
@alastorthirsty @l3rittany @catticora
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hella1975 · 7 months
you city types are insane i was up at 6am listening to 'fox screaming (1 hour extended version)' this morning. worst shit i have to deal with in the sticks is like. a cow mooing sometimes
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fairyhaos · 2 months
how seventeen act with their writer s/o
requested by anon ^^
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he is begging. he is on his knees BEGGING you to pls let him buy you a new laptop because the one you use is literally on its last legs and makes ominous sputtering n whirring sounds like a dying cat stuck in a vent every time you start it up. you don't let him tho bc “no cheol the memories :(((“ cuz you've had it for years but he is nearing the end of his tether and who knows. in a few days ur laptop may mysteriously disappear forever and you'll be forced to let him buy a new one
he's like the pet cat you don't own who likes to slink into the room and make inquisitive noises as he watches you work. drapes himself over your shoulders and makes distressed huffs when you try to dislodge him. he's never usually noticeably clingy, but when you try to write, the clinginess always springs out and you can't go five minutes without jeonghan poking his head into the room to check up on you and see what you're up to
your biggest fan. buys every single novel you write, puts on his glasses, and reads them very seriously in one go on the very evening it's released with the lamp on beside him. he looks so serious every time, but he'll always peer at you over his glasses and then give you a big grin, telling you how much he loves it. gets you to sign a copy for him and brags to everyone he knows that he has your signed novels with special messages just for him that no one else can have
he's your personal general knowledge bank. when you're searching up obscure things and slowly losing hope on finding an answer, just ask junhui and he'll either a) know the answer or b) knows someone who knows someone else who knows someone else else who knows the answer. don't ask him how to spell words tho bc he's like. hopelessly bad. blinks at you going “what's an [insert word]” before you give up and google it yourself
alwaysssss wants to know what you're working on right now. gets all whiny when you get possessive of your work and refuse to show him before it's finished bc come on, it's surely perfect already, why are you trying to hide it from him?? loves helping you do, like, the non writing stuff. writing out plot? nooo. building fantasy maps, figuring out political systems, getting lost on a tangent on figuring out the price of beans in the 1800s? hell yeah sign him up!!! 
knows all the grammar rules in the world. you can ask him stuff like “hey wonwoo can i put a comma here or no” and he'll amble over to peer over your shoulder and tell you whether you can or cannot, in fact, put a comma there. helps you curate all your writing playlists for the different moods you have. gently reminds you to get back to writing whenever you end up scrolling on instagram for too long
you're even more of a workaholic than he is when in the zone, so he gets to realise how unhealthy it is to be sat in front of a computer for hours straight with no break. you get to act as each other's “let's act like a normal human being now” reminders, depending on which of you is going through a work fixation. you guys both go on runs together in the mornings even though it kills you bc at least it gets both of yo brains kickstarted to spend a day being all creative in ur respective fields
you value his opinion above anyone else's. above your beta reader's, above your agent's, even above your editor's bc those are more like advice, not opinions. but knowing that minghao likes your work, and knowing which parts in particular he really likes, is so important to you because ultimately, you want the person you love to also love the things that you create. 
brings up the fact that you're a writer in every conversation he has with anyone ever. “oh my god look, this menu has writing on it. speaking of writing, my s/o writes actual books as a job!!!!”. your agent made him sign a contract similar to an NDA bc he just keeps yapping about your books even when they haven't been released yet. loves the noises you make whilst you're writing. thinks it's the cutest thing ever when you make overjoyed “AHA!!” sounds when you finally realise what the plot is doing
more than willing to be your rubber duck and let you talk at him until u figure out your own plot holes. he could be in his room scrolling on his phone but the minute you call for him, he's leaping up and bounding over to you and pulling up a chair in an instant, more than willing to let you bounce ideas off him. sits there doing nothing but looking all pretty as you talk at him and work out the tangle you've gotten yourself into. beams and gives you a big kiss when you manage to figure it all out. 
he buys you a biiiig wheely whiteboard and a bunch of coloured board pens to help you plot your novels. when you get stuck, he comes over and stares at the board with his hands on his hips, very gravely considering your dilemma and what would be the best way to get you out of it. you two talk about plot holes like it's the most serious thing in the world and he just nods like a proud father once you both find a solution
at this point he's like. a professional tea and coffee and biscuits supplier due to the amount of snack runs he does for you. has walked in on you lying face down on the floor during a meltdown one too many times to bat an eye anymore. also great at helping you block out actions during scenes like. he's the perfect doll. lets you maneuver him into the weirdest positions in the world with zero complaints. he just loves helping you however he can, really. 
reads through your drafts whilst you're in the middle of writing, accidentally gets hooked and is begging you every day to finish the novel bc he really wants to know what happens next. he's the best at spotting inconsistencies and plot holes in ur writing so before you even send it off to your beta reader, he gets to have his hands on the manuscript to check for any changes needed. also bc he needs to read the ending asap otherwise he'll probably combust. 
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @suraandsugar @pan-de-seungcheol @dokyeomkyeom @melodicrabbit @bananabubble
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SSR Malleus Draconia - Tsumsitter Vignette
"A Moment with Malleustsum I"
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[Main Street]
Malleus: Hmph… I have a suggestion. It came to me while I was on a stroll.
Malleus: If you are unable to join the other tsums, then I shall extend an invite to you instead.
Malleus: Tsum, come to the party that I will be hosting.
Malleus: It will be a grand party, and all Diasomnian students will be in attendance. You will attend, won't you?
[happy tsum noises]
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
Malleus: Now, Tsum. We've returned to Diasomnia.
Malleus: We must prepare for the party posthaste. Sebek, could I request you to prepare the venue?
Sebek: Please leave it to me! As your faithful servant, I will put my all into decorating our lounge!
Sebek: Your Tsumness, I will not be long!
Lilia: Lucky little tsum, hm?
Malleus: I shall also prepare for the party. I must fulfill my duties as the host.
Malleus: Tsum, this is a party in your honor. You should allow yourself to relax until it starts.
[Malleus leaves, the tsum looks content]
Lilia: Okay then, maybe I'll show off a bit of my cooking prowess for the tsum.
Lilia: Oh hey, it's Silver and Silver-tsum. I see you're finally back from the forest.
Silver: Did you see me out there? If only I could have been awakened…
Lilia: Don't try to give this old man too hard of a task…
Silver: I heard we are to be throwing a party for Malleus-sama's tsum… But where have they gone?
Lilia: Malleus went off to prepare for the party. And the tsum should be…
[the tsum is nowhere to be found[
Lilia: …It's not here.
Silver: …?
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Hallway]
Malleus: Now, then. Next, I'll bring the plates.
Diasomnia Student A: A-Ah, sir! Please let us do this for you! This isn't anything worth you to worry yourself over, Malleus-sama!
Malleus: I do not mind whatsoever. The magic necessary to carry plates and candlesticks is mere child's play to someone of my caliber.
[loud crashing sound]
Malleus: …? What was that noise just now?
Diasomnia Student A: Was it an explosion of some sort…?
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[magic extinguishes the fire]
Malleus: Whatever is the matter?
Diasomnia Student C: Th-that is…
[tsum hops in distress]
Malleus: Tsum? This couldn't possibly be your doing, is it?
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"A Moment with Malleustsum II"
[Diasomnia Dorm – Hallway]
Diasomnia Student C: My sincerest apologies! I tried to stop it, since the microwave is old and a danger to use…
Diasomnia Student B: But we failed… We were not capable of stopping your great tsum.
Malleus: I see. So as a result of the tsum activating it, there was an explosion…
Malleus: Although, why are you in the kitchen in the first place? I believe I told you to rest yourself, Tsum.
[tsum looks sad]
Malleus: Why the long face…? Ah, I think I understand now.
Malleus: Tsum, were you hoping to assist with the party preparations?
[tsum nods solemnly]
Diasomnia Student B: Oh, I see…! It must have tried to help after hearing us talk about needing to heat up some food.
Malleus: However, can you truly not use appliances to this degree, Tsum? Even I do not have as difficult a time as this.
Malleus: Heh, I made sure to read through the appliance instruction manual and therefore was able to obtain a good understanding of the features and buttons.
Malleus: After that, I only needed to be conscious of the amount of strength needed, and now I am able to use it without issue.
Diasomnia Student C: You had to… control your strength?
Malleus: Does that pique your interest? Just as well, I will show you what I mean just now.
[Malleus magicks the machine fixed]
Diasomnia Student B: Amazing, Malleus-sama! Only you would be so capable of fixing an exploded microwave with magic to like-new quality in an instant!
Malleus: First, it's imperative to know that a microwave oven is not the optimum device for heating eggs or dehydrated foods.
Malleus: Essentially, there is a risk of explosion or fire. Review the manual, you will see as such.
Malleus: Now, when it comes to its usage…
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Malleus: Finally, close the door… And press the "Start" button.
[the microwave runs, beeps when finished]
Malleus: And see now how it has finished warming the dish.  Do you understand?
[a dish is taken out of the microwave]
Malleus: The dish has been successfully warmed up. I'm sure you will cause no more explosions in the microwave oven anymore.
Malleus: …
Malleus: Right, you as a tsum cannot use magic. Then it would behoove you to learn basic appliance functionalities.
Malleus: This is a good opportunity for you. I shall explain how to use other home appliances as well. Follow me, Tsum.
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Malleus: This is a washing machine. Open the lid and insert the clothes you wish to wash. Watch your strength when opening the lid or the water valve.
Malleus: Press the start button, and a little time after the basin starts spinning, there will be an indication as to how much water will be used.
[thump, thump...]
[the tsum watches, but falls off the machine]
Malleus: Add detergent and fabric softener relative to the amount of water, and close the lid. Now it should start to spin even more.
[thump, thump, thump...]
Malleus: Good, it is working without issues. Have you grasped how to use it, Tsum? …Where did it go? It should have been sitting right here on top of the washing machine…
Malleus: It wouldn't have fallen inside… Would it?
Malleus: What is the proper procedure to open the lid mid-wash…? I have no time to be reviewing the manual. I must open the lid immediately…
[crack, snap!]
Malleus: Tsum? It doesn't seem as though it's inside. If it hasn't fallen inside the machine, then…
[tsum shakes from behind the machine]
Malleus: Ah, I see, you fell between the machine and the wall. I'll fetch you from there now.
[Lilia appears with magic]
Lilia: If you press the pause button once, the lock on the lid will release. Don't break the lid by force next time, Malleus.
Malleus: Ah, yes, I do believe the description said something of that sort. It would do me well to read the instruction manual once more.
Lilia: Kufufu, I guess the lid to the washing machine is just as brittle as a cookie to someone like you.
[Lilia magicks the washing machine fixed]
Lilia: Okay, now that the washing machine is all fixed up… Malleus, Tsum, time to head towards the lounge.
Malleus: Oh, are the preparations for the party complete? Our students do work diligently.
Lilia: Kufufu, it's all because you asked for it. Come on, don't dawdle. Everyone's waiting for you.
Malleus: Heh, I see. We should hurry and join them, Tsum.
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"A Moment with Malleustsum III"
[Diasomnia Dorm – Hallway]
Malleus: The party venue is just beyond these doors.
Malleus: Before we enter… Tsum, I'd like to bestow this upon you.
Malleus: This is a pin signifying your status as the guest of honor. You must have this on you to join the revelries.
Lilia: Kufufu, what a refined gesture.
Malleus: Hmph. This should be the norm when inviting a guest. Come now, the venue awaits.
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
[the students of Diasomnia populate the party]
Sebek: Ah! Your Tsumness! This way, please!
Malleus: Sebek, and Silver, thank you for your hard work. The decorations and dishes look sublime.
Sebek: Thank you very much! I prepared all of the wall decorations!
Silver: I assisted the students who had been charged with preparing the food.
Malleus: Right. And the spread looks divine. You should all eat as much as you wish.
Malleus: Now, let the party commence. Everyone, allow me to once again introduce to you, this party's guest of honor… This Tsum!
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Diasomnia Student A: Tsum-sama, we've come to give our greetings. Aah, you have such a dignified look about you…!
Diasomnia Student B: Ah, oh, Tsum-sama…!! Could I be so bold to request your hand for this dance!?
Diasomnia Student C: Hey, I was trying to find a chance to ask that too! Tsum-sama, please dance with me as well…!
[tsum is pleased]
Lilia: Ohoo~ You're pretty popular, Tsum!
Sebek: There's no way I'd allow them to steal it away! YOUR TSUMNESS! PLEASE DANCE WITH ME!
Silver: Weren't you just bragging to me earlier nonstop that you had been blessed with a dance with it already, Sebek?
[tsum runs to Malleus]
Malleus: Oh, you wish to dance with me, Tsum?
[tsum nods]
Malleus: I see, so this would be a collaboration between the guest of honor and the host. In that case, it would be rude of me to decline.
Sebek: Ohh… My liege will dance with his lookalike tsum! This is a spectacular sight…!
Silver: A dance for the two of them, hm… We need to prepare the perfect song.
Lilia: Sounds like a job for me! I'll get everyone whipped up into the heat of things!
Lilia: Silver, Sebek! I need you to set up an impromptu band! Can you play the guitar and drums?
Silver: N-No… I can only make random sounds.
Sebek: Similarly, I can only strike a drum without any proper rhythm.
Lilia: That's good enough! LET'S GOOO~!!
Malleus: Take my hand, Tsum. I shall lead our dance.
[sounds of revelry in the Diasomnian dorm, as Malleus and the tsum dance]
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Malleus: I found you, Tsum. I see you found your way to the far edge of the lounge after dancing with the dorm students one after the other.
Malleus: I'm sure I have no need to ask this of you based on how satisfied you look…
Malleus: But would you say you've crafted good memories at today's party?
[the tsum happily hops]
Malleus: Heh, you seem to be in high spirits. It was absolutely the right choice to invite you to this party.
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Requested by @sakurakudo.
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soriseerakyra · 10 months
TW: Sick child, and bodily fluids
He is so small and so pale. You don’t remember the last time you’ve seen anyone that gray, let alone a child. A gray cast to his skin makes the rosiness of his cheeks stand out, even in the warm orange light of the room.
You feel childish, stupid even. Not only because you are peeking into a clearly private moment. But also, because five minutes ago you sat in the foyer of your date’s home, heel tapping in annoyance.
You were so sure of yourself too. It had been just another time that he was going to cancel you. Even worse, you were waiting in his home, and he hadn’t even bothered to come down and greet you when you arrived. Alfred did, with worried eyes and a solemn frown. Irritation had flashed down your spine so quickly that you didn’t even bother to question the look on the man's face, sure that he would simply give you another excuse on behalf of his employer.  The first few times you’d communicated with the man he had seemed just as annoyed as you were with Bruce.  But he didn’t commiserate with you tonight, and now you can see why there was a touch of worry on his brow.
Your date was on his knees, large shoulders hunched in exhaustion next to the small pale boy. His large hands gripped the boys’ smaller ones. Kneeling next to the bed it is a bit absurd how much larger he is than the boy. And yet he feels small. Almost broken.
His normally teasing blue eyes are sunken, with dark circles and harsh lines marring his face like paint. You know that look, the look of a parent in distress. Your mother often had the same one when you would get sick.
You knew about the boy, though he was mentioned more by rumor than his actual father. You understood that though, the need for someone in his position to protect his son. The gossip rags had cruelly stated that he had only taken the boy in out of pity and you had imagined that put a bitter taste in Bruce’s mouth. You weren’t surprised how hesitant he felt about introducing to the boy to you.
A strained huff turns your attention back to the small frame quivering in the bed. His breath seems stilted for a moment, a pause that goes on too long for his father.
“Dick?” The man questions as he shakes the boy’s hands slightly.
Then the boy, Dick, begins to cough. The harshness of it makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. It’s a deep, raspy sound, one that shouldn’t be able to come out of a body that small. You can hear the spasms of his lungs as air tries to force its way out of his mouth.
Bruce moves to soothe the boy, a hand laying on his chest for comfort, an attempt to make the delirious child aware of his presence. But that’s all he can seem to do. His mouth turned down in a frown and his eyes were wide with a panic. It dawns on you that he has no idea how to help a sick child.
The coughs show no signs of slowing down, if anything, the hacking seems to get worse. And the feeling broiling in your stomach coaxes you into motion.
You can’t just watch.
You palm the door, slamming it open much harder than you mean to. The noise causes both bodies to startle, but only one pair of eyes rises to meet yours. The large man is on his feet quicker than you can blink.
He looks at you with wide eyes and clenched fists. He looks like a predator, caught off guard in his own home. His blue eyes are black as he looks you up and down. It takes little more than a second for him to recognize you and for his hackles to recede.
“Excuse me,” you say pushing your way between him and the boy.
Bruce is surprisingly easy to move as if he is easily surrendering to your authority on the matter.
You take your place next to the boy quickly.
“Hi Dick,” you start with a friendly tone, you don’t want to scare the boy. Although you doubt it, he cares at the moment.
He can only pause from his coughs for a second. Long enough for him to squint one baby blue eye open at you in greeting. It’s closed almost immediately after, as strained coughs once again wrack his tiny frame.
“Can you put your hands above your head for me,” your voice is firm and gentle. In the back of your mind, you briefly realize how much you are mimicking your mother’s dulcet tones; you aren’t even sure how you’re doing it.
The boy responds. Small arms rise above his head, bent at the elbows, one pinker than the other from having been under the warmth of his comforter.
Your hand finds his back and you rub a soothing circle before beginning to pat rhythmically.
“What are you doing?” Bruce asks from the corner of the room.
You acknowledge him with a small sharp glance, but your face relaxes when you take in the worried furrow of his brow.
“Got to loosen the mucus, otherwise he won’t be able to breathe.”
You are careful not to hit the boy too hard, the idea of even the hint of a red mark on his skin makes you shudder, but better than him not being able to breathe.
“Does he have asthma?” You probe.
“I don’t think so.”
“Has he been sick like this before?”
“I don’t know.”
Your eye twitches with annoyance and you bite the tip of your tongue to keep from making your feelings known. You can feel the worry dripping off Bruce in waves, that usually composed steady tone of his not wavering, but he has an unmistakably worried look in his eye. Even if he did know that boy’s medical history, he probably wasn’t in the right state of mind to recall it.
“Can you get him some tea, with honey and lemon, please? You try to be polite about it, but your tone conveys an order rather than a request.
He hesitates, again. Eyes flickering from between you and the boy once again. And then something changes. As if he’s resigned himself to the fact that, at the moment he can’t help. He gives you a nod, his eyes no longer clouded with fear but with a newfound trust. Trust in you.
“And some mentholatum or Vicks if you have it.”
If he has questions, he doesn’t ask them.
In the next seconds, you are left alone in a room with a boy you barely know, and one you aren’t even sure knows who you are.
Time passes slowly, every second feeling longer than it should as the boy shakes in your arms, and you continue to hit his back.
Finally, the cough changes. It becomes less dry, and more heaving. Your eyes find a box of tissues on the nightstand. The moment you press the cloth to his mouth he begins to heave into your palm. You suppress your slightly disgusted shudder as warm sticky liquid is coughed into your hand.
“It’s okay,” you soothe both you and the boy. Dick’s arms come down as he hacks more into each successive tissue offered up to him.
It’s not long until both the cough and the boy are exhausted.
It’s at this moment that Alfred comes in. He pushes a small rolling tray that has a small kettle, spoon, and cup. Honey and lemon are placed in small dishes on the side.
He looks at the pair of you. The boy collapsed on your chest and you with a small awkward but proud smile on your face. You can see a small outline of a wistful smile on his face.
“Anything else, ma’am?” The butler asks as he pushes the cart next to you.
“No, thank you.  I think we are alright for right now, Alfred.”
Something twinkles in his eye, and leaves you with the child, like it was only natural for you to be there.
He feels odd, childish even. He was snooping in his own house. But he needs a moment to collect himself. On the way home from the nearest drug store he had been dreading coming back to the manor and hearing the echoes of a miserable sick child tumble through the house. Instead, he returned to a home at peace. And as he picked through the bedroom door, he could only hear the soft sounds of breathing.
Dick, his son he must remind himself, is pressed to her side, head resting on her chest. Like some kind of painting. His mouth is open making soft noises, nose is too stuffy to breathe properly. She too is resting eyes closed as she rests her back against the headboard, her nails raking through the boy’s dark hair soothingly.
It’s absurd, how fitting she looks there, how fittingly they look together. She’d removed her strappy heels, stretched the form-fitting skirt of her gold dress to its limit to make Dick more comfortable, and her perfectly coifed hair had fallen slightly flat; small streaks of sweat dried at her hairline.
Something alerts her to his presence, and her eyes open sharp, the sternness only seems to accentuate their beauty. Her lips are pulled down in a slightly disappointed pouting frown, as if she knows that he’s been standing there.
A heat runs through him.
She looks at him expectantly.
“You, have it?” She asked arm outstretched, presupposing his answer.
He rustles in the small bag that he got from the store. Nearly fumbling for the right box. He’s slightly embarrassed that he can’t immediately produce what she’s asked for. He’d gone overboard in the store, buying all the cold medicines that he could get his hand on. So much so that he almost forgot the cream she asked for.
“Open it for me?”
He does as she asks and is ready to plop the jar in her hand, but he stops. He can see the cogs in her head turning as she looks at him with examining eyes.
“Sit on the other side,” she commands.
And almost reflexively he does as she asks. His weight causes the mattress to dip slightly, and the boy shifts slightly in her arms, straining to keep himself in nestled into her. She takes it in stride, pulling Dick closer to her so he can be comfortable.
“You’re going to rub it on his back, we lay him down, then rub it on his chest.”
“It’ll help?” He questions. He hates how unsure he sounds. Earlier he tried his best to hide it, but the long hours of worry have made his resolve shake. This worry is a type of ache he’s never experienced before and he’s still in the midst of training himself to beat down the feeling and get himself to think rationally.
“It’ll help.” She assures with a chuckle. The looking in her eyes is gentle, and her soft hand guides him to administer the slightly tingling balm to the boy's back.
Bruce’s heart flutters.
The deed is done. The tiny boy in your arms is medicated, rubbed down, and fast asleep.
The only problem now is that you are trapped.
The tight embrace of a sleeping sick nine-year-old has you chained to the bed and this strange situation.
And you weren’t the only one leashed to this child’s bed. Every so often Bruce’s hand would come up and rub the child’s back, as if he was checking that he was still stable. While he wasn’t locked in the vice-like grip of his son he was just as attached to the mattress as you were.
“He’ll want to thank you,” he murmurs, breaking the warm silence that had settled over the room. “He’ll be a little embarrassed, but he won’t let you go without saying thank you.”
“It doesn’t look like he’s planning on letting me go anyway,” You quip.
You both share a chuckle.
“I should find a way to get going, though.” You didn’t wear a watch, but your internal clock was telling you that it was very late into the night, bordering on morning. You weren’t sure just how long the pair of you had been watching the boy.
“You could stay,”
“I don’t know-.”
“Here with us.”
The statements are smushed together between you, each cutting the other off before you can form a complete thought. Nervous energies smashing against each other. Both knew, that if you stayed that night, something would fundamentally change.  Not that it already hadn’t, his son was clinging to you like you were his lifeline.
Your mouth turns dry, underneath Bruce’s stormy gaze. There is a certainty there you had never seen before, at least not when it came to you. When he could make your dates, he was always attentive, but never present and committed. A distance in his eyes that you didn’t know how to close. It’s gone now.
“If you want to,” he adds.
Only for your benefit, you are sure. And for a moment you’re stuck. Wondering to yourself if this is something that you want. The commitment and consideration of feelings of not just the pair of you but the small child whose soft snores are ringing in your ears. And as sudden as it seems, you can’t deny the warmth that’s resonating through your form at the thought of the three of you eating breakfast together.
“I’d like that.”
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Part 2 of mean ghost
Content: Simon being mean (again), non-con touching (not sexual), established kidnapping
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You do this thing when you think you’re alone. Stretch out nice and slow - back arched, arms up, head back. You make a little noise in the back of your throat and then sigh nice and long as you relax. Sometimes even catch a yawn, rubbing at your eyes to fight off a wave of sleepiness.
You do it after waking from naps, cleaning, showering, even just sitting still for too long. If he interrupts - or you think he’s going to - you shrink down again, take up as little space as possible and try to work through your limbs one by one. Try to remain unnoticed, unobtrusive.
His stealth has never been so handy.
The most tempting is when you’re on the couch. You’ll lie on your stomach and stretch, ass tilting up like an offering. Then you’ll flop out all limp and satisfied, arms folded under your head, ankles crossed prim and proper. He wants to sink his teeth into the plush fat of your thigh.
You squirm; Simon’s having none of it, pins you with a harsh hand on the back of your neck. You yelp in surprise and discomfort, going still only because you have to. Unhindered, he continues to yank your joggers down over your ass, peels them to mid-thigh.
No bite marks.
“Fuckin’ mutt,” he grumbles to himself. “Doesn’t know how to play with you right.”
You make a high-pitched, distressed sound, hips shifting uneasily.
“Hush up,” he tells you absently.
You whine again, quieter this time, hands balling up into tight little fists by your head. He stares at the bare skin of your thighs, smooth and unmarked. Is sorely tempted to touch. Bruise. Bite.
Yanks your pants back up again instead and lets you go.
You scramble to the far side of the couch, curl up with your knees to your chest. Stare at him with big wet eyes.
“Wh-what…?” you breathe. “Why?”
He tilts his head. Your hair is all mussed up now, cheeks flushing with color and paling at intervals. Body not knowing how to react.
“I-I was just… sitting there,” you say like you’re trying to rationalize it to yourself.
“Because I wanted to,” he replies. That’s really all the explanation you need.
You sniffle a bit, blinking rapidly. Lashes already wet and sticking together with unshed tears. The light glitters in them.
“Was that scary?” he asks, taunting.
You sniffle again and don’t answer, pressing your lips together to keep them from trembling.
He rises onto the couch, still maintaining the distance you made. Stares as your eyes drop to your fidgety fingers, twisting and rubbing together to self-soothe. Keeps staring as you wrestle your breathing under control. Tuck your elbows into your side, compact. All set to hunker down until the predator loses interest.
Your head snaps up, breath hitching.
“Who the fuck else?”
You lick your lips nervously, uncoiling a bit in a bid to buy yourself time.
“Y-you want me… over… there?” you say it like translating an unfamiliar language.
“Told you to c’mere didn’t I?” he rumbles. “And what’d I say ‘bout repeatin’ myself?”
“S-sorry,” you say, hands up as if in surrender. “Just… I just wanted to make sure I understood.”
“Thought I made myself pretty fuckin’ clear.”
Your silence and darting gaze disagree; he gives you a pass only because you scoot a bit closer. Within arms reach again. His hands twitch on his thighs. Your eyes dart down to the movement instantly, so hyperaware.
He flips his hand, curls a finger, beckoning you closer.
Your expression twitches, a complex amalgamation of the stages of grief. Then swallow and inch just a bit closer, as much as you seem able to stand. The tiniest sliver of heated air separates your bodies now, yours angled towards his with his weight on the cushion.
Fidgety hands again, and biting at your lip. About to shake out of your skin.
“What do you call me?” he asks.
You blink, head popping back a bit in genuine surprise. “Um… could you — what do you mean…?”
He narrows his eyes a bit, parsing your expression. If it were Johnny, he could make the biggest, saddest, wettest eyes in the world and Simon would know he’s being a fucking brat. Asking questions just to poke holes in his paper thin patience.
You, however, seem to be asking out of an abundance of caution. A desire to please him on the first try rather than risk failing at all.
“If you needed my attention,” he says slowly, watching a nonverbal I-would-never cross your pretty, vulnerable face, “how would you call for me?”
You tilt your chin down a bit. Tongue and teeth for weights and measures.
“I-I’d say ‘excuse me’,” you begin slowly. “Or, um, I guess if… if I was in another room…”
A longer pause this time. Long enough that he’s about to bark at you to spit it out.
“Mister lieutenant Ghost… sir…?”
He stares for a second. Feels the corners of his mouth twitching beneath the mask.
Makes his voice deep as he growls, “You call me sir or mister. Nothing more nothing less. Understand?”
You nod quickly. “Mhm.”
He narrows his eyes. You blink in return, notice he’s expecting something. Fidget again.
“Um, th-thank you,” you offer.
He huffs. Christ, what’s Johnny been fucking doing with you all this time? So polite and quick to learn, you just don’t know your manners yet. Haven’t been taught.
“Thank you, what?” he prompts.
“Oh,” you say as it clicks. “Thank you… sir?”
“You’re not sure if you’re grateful now?” he tsks.
“No!” you put your hands out quickly, trying to placate - still so, so careful not to touch. “I-I mean yes… um, yes sir. I… uh, thank you, sir.”
He considers you. Waits until you swallow thickly, leaning away as far as you can without scooting away again. Get that pretty gleam of tears again.
Clicks his tongue. “Off you go, then.”
You don’t ask where, just dart off the couch.
“We’ll work on it.”
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griffonsgrove · 8 months
Hi I saw your request for Hazbin Hotel I watched it and I'm simping for Alastor and was wondering if you could do Alastor x fem or gn reader where Alastor uses his radio static like white noise to calm down the reader when they have sensitivity overload or a panic attack or just to destress sorry if this is worded bad
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Radio Static || Alastor x GN!Reader
a/n: Hiya!! This was a super sweet request to make! I myself get easily overwhelmed, especially with big groups of people, and it's comforting to finally get away from all the noise and interactions! Please enjoy this cute little oneshot! Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Wordcount: 691 Cw: minor hazbin spoilers
It had nearly been a week since Sir Pentious was welcomed into the Hazbin Hotel, by none other than the princess of hell, Charlie. She had decided to throw a small little get-together to celebrate. The princess had such an eccentric, bubbly personality, it was hard to ever say no to her. You were never one for parties, your sensitivity to the constant noise, the vibrant colors, and the chaotic atmosphere sometimes became too much to bear. It was during one of these moments that Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, noticed your distress.
You had retreated to a quiet corner, trying to find solace in the midst of the infernal commotion. Alastor, ever perceptive to the emotions swirling around him, followed you with a keen interest. Seeing the subtle signs of your discomfort, he decided to offer an unconventional remedy.
Alastor approaches you with his trademark grin, his red eyes gleaming with an unusual warmth. "Why, what seems to be the matter, my dear?" he inquired, his voice holding that dazzling charm he always seems to have. You struggled to find the words, but the overwhelmed expression on your face spoke volumes. Sensing your need for relief, Alastor's grin widened, with the wave of his hand, he quietly motions for you to follow him. "Come now, don't you worry. I have just the thing for such occasions." He abruptly turns on his heel, delving deeper into the depths of the hotel.
You’re skeptical at first, but willing to try anything at this point, you decide to follow him. He leads you down a series of hallways, the sounds of the other patrons begin to slowly fade away as you walk. He stops in front of an intricately carved door; you didn't have much time to admire the craftsmanship before he opens it. You tilt your head to the side to peer over his shoulder. It seemed to be his private den. There's a little sitting area, in front of a small fireplace, which was adorned with all sorts of knickknacks, the most notable being a large rack of antlers mounted on the wall above, but what caught you off guard completely was the other entire half of his room, it was a swamp! Literally, the wood flooring splintered off into lush grass, and numerous cypress trees can be seen looming in the distance, the trunks covered in a thick moss. 
Alastor steps to the side, politely gesturing for you to enter first. With slight hesitancy, you step inside quietly, taking note of all the framed pictures that hung on the wall.
His voice cuts through the silence "Sit, my dear. Allow me to ease your troubled mind," he motions to one of the empty padded chairs. You oblige, sitting down on the plush cushion. With the snap of his fingers, He conjures up his vintage radio, the static already emitting a soothing white noise. For a moment he fiddles with the dial, adjusting the frequency. Soft static filled the air, drowning out the overwhelming sounds from earlier. At first, it seemed odd, but as the white noise enveloped you, a surprising sense of calm washed over.
Alastor sat across from you, his eyes never leaving your face as he observed the way you slowly sank back into the padded chair. The radio static acted as a protective cocoon, shielding you from the sensory onslaught. His presence was oddly comforting, and you found yourself relaxing under the influence of the unusual but effective remedy.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence. You weren't entirely sure how much time had passed, minutes? hours?, the static acting as a barrier between you and the chaotic world. Alastor broke the silence with a soft chuckle. "Remarkable, isn't it? The power of a little radio magic."
You managed a grateful smile, genuinely appreciating the respite he provided. It was an unexpected yet strangely effective solution to your sensitivity overload. As the static continued its comforting hum, you felt a sense of gratitude toward the Radio Demon who, in his own peculiar way, had offered you a moment of peace in the midst of the Hotel’s pandemonium. You remind yourself to apologize to Charlie later for leaving the party so abruptly.
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hazbinhotelxreader · 7 months
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Protective Carmilla x fem blind reader!
“Stay Away From Them”
(Requested by PoosayDestroyer on AO3)
A/n: I hope this isn’t disrespectful towards blind ppl since I’ve never wrote about them before-
Summary: reader is blind, and some perv tries to upskirt her, and Carmilla is there to protect the reader
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Noises, noises, noises. That’s it. The only thing you could ‘observe’ was noise. Reason for it? Your blind. You’ve been blind ever since you entered hell. The sinners in hell are based off of their insecurities, their deaths, and things they hate. You? You were always called ‘blind’ because you were so oblivious to a lot of things..and hell decided to ‘gift’ you with that.
It wasn’t all bad though. Hell did give you something that you don’t regret having, your lover Carmilla. She never minded that you’re blind, if anything she compliments you and appreciates you, even if you can’t see. And even if you can’t see her, you can just imagine how gorgeous she actually is, she sounds gorgeous too.
The weapon armer has always been so carrying and sweet for you. She’s basically your eyes. She helps you get dressed if you struggle, helps you get to places without bumping into anyone, and explains everything that’s going on that you cannot see. You really love her. Another thing she does for you is keep other demons away from you, she’s pretty darn protective.
Currently, you and her were walking around Pentagram cities streets in hell. She was with her daughters, and you, helping them out with orders in this part of town since she believed it was too dangerous for young girls like them to be alone. You decided to tag along because you just wanted to help and support.
While walking, she holds your hand to help you navigate through the streets and avoid demons. "Careful my love...there's.." she looked down at a dead sinners body that has been brutally gored by an exorcists spear, deciding to not tell you that theres a dead body right below your feet. "..a stump" she corrects and lightly pulls you around it.
"why's there a stump on the sidewalk?" you ask questionably, your head turned towards where her gorgeous voice was, trying your best to show your paying attention to her even if you can't see her.
Carmilla chuckles softly, she always found it cute when you weren't aware of many things, even if it was worrying too. "Oh well, it is hell afterall..something is going to be unexpected." she responds with a softer tone rather than her usual stern one.
"I guess your not wrong" you smile a little at her words and tone, oh god how much you'd do to see what she actually looked like, you know shes gorgeous. Odette and Clara came to a halt up ahead, Odette holding her clipboard as she checks off the territory, and Clara pulling an angelic spear out of a dead sinners body, lucky for you, you could only hear the spear pop out of the sinners side rather than see it.
Carmilla held your hand, then lead you over to a wall. She gently placed your hand on it, and told you to stay right there and to not let go. She wasn't going far, maybe 5 feet away from you wince her voice was pretty clear. She was talking to her daughters about some of the areas in the town they'd go to collect more of the angelic spears. You stayed quite, but also unaware. Lets just say today, wasn't the best day to wear a skirt.
While you were unaware, and obviously not paying attention to anything you can see-well, because your blind..a middle aged small imp approuched you. He was about half your size, maybe to your hips. he had a perverted smirk on his face as he sneaks up on your unaware and oblivious state. You gasp a little when you feel your skirt get lifted a little, there was no wind, so why..? Then you felt a hand on your rear, you jumped and spoke up "hey!" you exclaim with a gasp, catching your lovers attention.
Carmilla's head shoots over to your direction when she heard your distressed cry, and saw the hellborn, fury filled her eyes as she walked over and gave him a push, grabbing your hand to let you know your okay, as she glared down at him. "you little twit..touching girls? Do you really have nothing better to do with your pathetic little life?" the overlord threats with a dangerous look on her face, she would not tolerate such an act of disgust. "You have thirty seconds to run before i send a bullet through your retarded brain." she said calm, stern and intimidating with her arms crossed as she looked down at the quivering imp. The imp nods and scurried off fast, its safe to say he won't be coming near you again. Carmilla's tone and epression softened with concern laced with it. "Mi amor? are you alright? he didn't hurt you right?" she asked, both of her hands placed on the sides of your head as she tilted your head from side to side to check on you.
You let out a soft, shaken chuckle at her actions. "yea..im fine. Just a bit shaken.." you say softly, moving your hand up to hold one of her hands that were on your cheek, you looked in her eyes, even if you couldn't see her. "Thank you my dear..i probably would have been forced into something if you weren't here.." you say in appreitation.
"Anything for you my love.." she chuckled softly and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead while holding you close in her grasp. "Now lets get going, this town is already unsafe for the girls, and now you too. I don't feel comfortable putting you three in danger." she states worried, calling her daughters back over to you two as you both start to walk.
"fine by me.." you say as she takes your hand, leading you and being your eyes once again. Yes, being blind has its cons, you can't see, bumping into things are often, and you won't be able to observe things the ways others do...and it makes you feel left out. But, it also has its pros, its advantages, and sometimes the best thing that happened in your life, and for you, that Carmilla. No doubt about it.
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signanothername · 2 months
Can we have a more in depth look into how you think Dream and Nightmare experience autism and how it affects them?
Ok before we start this ramble, I’d like to emphasize how important the time period Dream and Nightmare grew up in, it was a time period in which anything mental health related was immediately connected with “demons” and “possession”
I like to say that the twins are masked Autistics a lot, but in truth, I like to think they both started off without masking their Autism at all, they never saw anything wrong with the way they behaved (cause there indeed wasn’t anything wrong), they were comfortable with who they were and how they behaved, it was their normal in a world that saw it as abnormal, but it was when the villagers started getting in the picture that problems started
Nightmare experiences his Autism through his special interest in learning new things and reading books, hyper empathy, isolation, avoiding eye contact, semi-repulsion to touch if he wasn’t the one to initiate it, understimulation, extreme difficulty in understanding his own emotions (and by extension, difficulty in expressing them), generally being blunt, brutally honest and direct, and selective mutism, Nightmare mostly stims by repeating certain sounds or phrases and humming
Dream experiences his Autism through his special interest in nature (especially flowers), precious stones as well as sewing, difficulty understanding social cues, selective mutism, extreme sensitivity to bright lights (he has a love/hate relationship with the sun) and loud noises, overstimulation, low empathy, and learning difficulties especially when it comes to language, Dream tends to stim by flapping his hands or stomping his feet
Both the twins perfer to follow a routine, however, Nightmare tends to plan his days carefully, and finds any change in his routine extremely distressing to the point it can cause him to experience a meltdown if he couldn’t think of a quick solution
Dream finds a change in his routine distressing too, but his reaction is a bit milder, he tends to get anxious and starts stimming to calm himself down all while he works on a way to get his routine back on track
Speaking of meltdowns, whenever the twins are extremely distressed, Nightmare is more likely to experience a shutdown while Dream is more likely to experience a meltdown, that doesn’t mean the opposite can’t happen sometimes, but it really depends on the situation
Then the villagers came and abused Nightmare into masking his Autism, using his Autistic traits as an excuse to demonize him, made comments about how he must be “possessed”, meanwhile they abused Dream into masking by making sweet tainted mean spirited comments about any behavior he exhibited that felt “abnormal” to them, they’d say things like “honey, it’s rude not to look someone in the eyes when speaking to them” or how he should “use his words” when Dream felt like he couldn’t
Both Nightmare and Dream internalized such comments deeply, and started subconsciously masking their Autism, they were children at the time after all, and especially after the apple incident, Nightmare truly believed he might be a demon or at least possessed by one for centuries after, cause for so long Nightmare couldn’t find a logical explanation in his beloved books for why he behaves the way he does
The word “Autism” never even existed back then, Nightmare spent years of his life researching for any logical explanation only to hit a dead end each time, and now that he’s out in the multiverse seeing how many people don’t really exhibit the same behavior he and his twin do, he was trying desperately to reassure himself that he can’t truly be a “demon” considering Dream exhibits the same “abnormal” behaviors (it rarely made him feel better about himself), even as an adult, the thought of being a “demon” distresses Nightmare so much that he sometimes experiences a meltdown cause of it
Nightmare eventually gives up trying to understand himself and instead starts consciously masking his Autism, he starts forcing himself to look people in the eye when he speaks or spoken to, he stops himself from stimming, he forces himself to speak when he’s overwhelmed, he starts hiding his love for his special interest (he has an entire big library of books yet he’d force himself not to spend most of his time there), he stops isolating himself and forces himself not to avert from anyone touching him, all to appear “normal”, all while it’s physically painful and emotionally draining to him
Same thing with Dream, except Dream never consciously masks, it’s all subconsciously, he forces himself to make eye contact, he stops stimming when people are around, he forces himself to act “normal” when he’s overstimulated, he forces himself to speak even when he feels like he can’t, he hides his special interest and puts on a mask of empathy even when he can’t truly understand/ tune in with the pain or feelings others experience but rather only able to understand their pain in a logical manner (and it makes him feel so damn guilty, cause Dream loves to help people, he thinks that he should be able to feel sad when others do), he pretends to understand social cues when in reality he only mimics how others act in social situations, he blames his learning difficulties on “time constraints” and how he simply doesn’t have the time to sit down and learn
Sometimes both the twins’ masks slip away when they’re extremely overwhelmed, other times, they let their masks slip when they’re alone, and it only adds to their stress cause they feel a sort of fucked up guilt and shame over not acting in a “normal” way, other times it’s a guilty pleasure, they almost reached a point in which they think their Autistic traits are some sort of privilege, punishing themselves if they mess up by not giving themselves the relief of letting the mask slip when alone (like forcing themselves not to stim)
The fucked up truth is, their masks also really impairs them socially, cause sometimes they get anxious thinking about being normal, that it might distract them or cause them to lose track of things
And even when the centuries passed by and science developed and changed and the idea of demonic possession became outdated and mental health became more prominent, and the word “Autism” came to be, neither twins really know they have Autism, neither of them even know what Autism is, Dream doesn’t have the resources to understand what it is, and Nightmare gave up trying to understand himself a long time ago to realize he’s not demonic for it
Will they eventually know about it, understand themselves better and get the support they deserve? It’ll probably take as many years to undo the damage done but I like to believe they do
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A kinda part 2
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
I saw you're taking Hazbin hotel requests so I thought I'd shoot my shot! So reader is a young boy who also died around Alastor's time(Early 1930s) . He's so confused and overwhelmed by how fast everything is progressing. So when he hears Alastor humming/singing a song from the 1930s he feels a sense of comfort and familiarity. Bonus if it also happens to be their favorite song! Take your time and you're amazing!
Oooh! Fourth Alastor request and I am having such a great time with this! This man is so fun to write for! After I finish here, I am gonna go cook some Jambalaya then pop it into my pentagram and summon Al so he can cook me!
Alastor- Night & Day
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Like the beat, beat, beat of the tom tom…
when the jungle shadows fall
like the tick, tick, tock of the stately clock
You don’t recognise anywhere you are… this place. It’s hot, dark, dangy and uncomfortable. There’s nothing here resembling Earth and it’s shaking you to your core. Not having the strength nor confidence to move anymore from the alleyway you were just dropped into upon arriving here from the pentagram in the dark sky. Everyone is too much for your young mind… well. Other than that best, those lyrics and that voice
As it stands against the wall
Like the drip drip drip of the raindrops
When the summer shower is through
So a voice within me keeps repeating you, you, you
That song is a symbol of comfort for you. Night & Day by Cole Porter. Something your mother use to sing to you every night before bed, the sound of pretty rain hitting your open window as that beautiful sweet woman would sing over and over again, all without it growing repetitive, until you fell asleep. Having wonderful dreams all the time
Even though you’re scared out of your mind, you begin to walk out to the streets. Packed to the brim with all kinds of weird-shaped adults but you avoid most of the them, weaving through this thick crowd to find the source of the soothing lullaby of your whole life and the voice singing it. It sounds dapper, transatlantic, if not an old radio. Is it coming from a radio?
Night and day, you are the one
Only you beneath the moon or under the sun
Whether near to me, or far
It's no matter, darling, where you are
I think of you
It felt like a game of cat and mouse. Running around to find where that wonderful singing is coming from and it feels like the person is constantly teleporting, no adult should be this frustrating to find. Or, you’re just too overwhelmed from being dropped into literal Hell to even realise your coordination skills are as dropping as you did. Your mind is racing to come to terms with what’s going on
This isn’t New Orleans at all… and not a single trace of your parents around. Are you alone? No. No. You don’t want to be alone, you’re too young to be alone. Is everybody here too evil to care about a literal child Sinner being stuck on his own and having to fend for himself in ways he doesn’t know how to…
By all the unholy gods. Somebody help
Day and night, night and day, why is it so
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
In the roaring traffic's boom
In the silence of my lonely room
I think of you
The loud noises of talking, of the wall of built-in weird flat devices screeching and echoing, the patter of footsteps. It makes you want to hide away and sleep to try shake off all the distress and overwhelming feelings you are being tormented with but that song is way too recognisable and comforting for you to ignore so you just keep pursuing it
Maybe, it’ll be pointless and the singing source will be from a Radio of your year but it almost feels like the song is organic and from a person. That means there is an adult of your time here. A man from the 1930s, Hell, he may be somebody of your family! That’d be wonderful and your hopes are high that when you do find the source, it’s somebody you’ll get to embrace and talk to
Day and night, night and day
Under the hide of me
There's an oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me
And this torment won't be through
Until you let me spend my life spreading love
A flash of bright red crossed your eyes when you finally had managed to shakily but stubbornly and determined, pasted through the big careless and if not almost hypnotised by the running TVs crowd, and continued down the road in half sprints. Following a array of melodically humming, recreating the beat and rhythm of the song as it seems the source is quite invested in such a song
It felt like forever following a mere sound across the city’s streets but there he is. The source of the singing, he’s so close that you can finally reach a arm out and take his hand to catch his attention
Day and night, night and day—
The man instantly mutes his singing. He is tall, in a nice fancy coat with long hems at the bottoms, with a pair of what seemed to be tall deer ears on the top of his head and his pale face branded with a permanent toothy grin, he looked both menacing but yet friendly. Turning around to face the nine-year-old Sinner running around the Pride Ring’s own Pentagram City’s streets to chase the source of a song of familiarity and now has chased and caught his hand, Alastor reacted rather friendly and understanding to be presented with a child of his own era
Leaning down to be kneel before this young confused on-the-verge-of-crying boy, the Radio Demon says smooth and curious with that same radio effect almost overlapping his charming transatlantic accent, placing his free hand on your little shoulder
Something about Alastor reminded you of a popular figure from New Orleans you’ve met before
“Greetings there, young man… tell me, where are your parents?”
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shinobushaori · 3 months
Hey! Idk if u do take requests but if you do-
Can i request a female reader who's usually loud, confident and bold? kind of like rengoku friendly in a way. But when it comes to shinobu she gets visibly timid? and shy then shinobu gets confused by this because she sees reader act the opposite with everyone else and this makes her wanna know more about it and yeah It's ok if you don't take requests. Thank you, have a nice day. 🥰
A/N: I do take requests!! and I was kind of shocked that someone actually did. There's a bit of lore in the beginning, just for the build up! Also, I definitely made this deeper than it should be but it was so fun! What a cute idea btw, hope it's as you envisioned it. Featuring Jealous Shinobu if u squint bc why not hehe. I believe in oblivious Shinobu supremacy too >;3
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kocho shinobu x female! reader
warnings: thoughts of suicide (in a freaking out, idiotic way), otherwise none.
word count: 2.3K
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Shinobu blinks at the sound that entered her ears. The triplets' laughter echoed throughout the huge estate and she was ecstatic to hear so. Typically, it would be the groans of injured slayers, blood and misery resulted by vicious demons and she was glad, for once, that the noise came from something so pure and positive.
As she rounded a corner, a sight welcomed her. The three girls happily circled an individual she didn't recognize.
A smile, an actual genuine one she couldn't hold, stretched her lips seeing the innocent interaction.
"[Name]-san! [Name]-san, did you save the kitty?" Naho spoke out, giddy on her place with both Sumi and Kiyo nodding their heads.
The female, who was notably lacking the uniform to identify what specific employment she's in, simply raised her arm to flex. A smug expression on her face, "Of course! Climbing the tree was easy enough. Kitties are usually unfriendly when in distress but if you remain calm, they will too!"
Shinobu couldn't help but giggle hearing the declaration and she was instantly discovered, seeing how four heads snapped her way.
"Shinobu-sama!" She smiled and patted the girls' head respectively when they came crashing towards her.
"Good afternoon, girls. I didn't interrupt, did I?" Kiyo immediately shook her head, "Of course not, Shinobu-sama! We were just chatting with [Name]-san. She was looking for you but you were away an hour ago, so.."
"Oh!" Shinobu averts her attention to the oddly quiet woman and sees her frozen in place.
"My apologies, I didn't make you wait too long did I?"
Suddenly, this made you quickly stand up on your spot. A flushed red tint, one Shinobu assumes to be embarrassment, entirely covers your (s/c) skin. You bowed, "You did not, K-Kocho-sama!"
You fully straighten yourself afterwards, rather stiffly. "If anything, I should be the one apologizing for my sudden disrupt appearance.."
Shinobu tilts her head as you take a deep breath, "M-My crow was left injured and unable to deliver the letter but Master insisted to talk to you personally, so.."
"Oh my, that's unfortunate," She claps her hands but the sight of you flinching due to it confused her, "..but if that's the case please don't fret. It must be urgent if it was Master himself that said so. We can have tea in my office?"
"I see.." Shinobu spoke as she brews her tea, seemingly in deep thought. Truly your story was unfortunate.
"Oh uh, yes. I may not look like it.. but my sister was a healer back in my village. Although, she wasn't a professional, I learned a lot from her. She treated the others in our village until no one could treat herself. Although, in the end it was all futile because of the demons.. Still, I respect her as a doctor."
Shinobu smiles at your words, she sets down her tea aside before facing you. "And you too, are respectable, [Name]-san. I appreciate your act of wanting to help out."
You perk at the mention of your name, the existing blush worsening on your face. "Ye-Yes! Thank you, Kocho-sama!" Then you deflated on your seat, "But.. no pressure of course! I could be a kakushi if you don't want me here as a helper. I originally wanted to be a demon slayer but.."
Shinobu watches as you frown, looking down at your bandaged palms. "..Master recommended the opposite. Although my months of training would be a waste, I think he's right that my path isn't for demon slaying."
Shinobu hums, staring at how you stiffen on your seat when your eyes catches hers. You've been doing that a lot the time the two of you were conversing.
".. You're a great person, [Name]-san. Seeing how you've already bonded with our girls, it's safe to say that you belong here, in the Butterfly Estate, with us."
And seeing the teary eyed look on your face, she pulls you in a short hug. She feels your head nod.
"Thank you, Kocho-sama.."
She hoped you wouldn't be uncomfortable around her anymore.
The weeks passed, months later on and Shinobu wasn't wrong on her judgement. You really did fit with the Butterfly girls, as if you've been here for so long and she couldn't be more happy.
You're friendly, warm and passionate. An earnest person she couldn't help but adore.
You fit perfectly with the triplets, interactions often than not leading to a hearty conversation about your journey. With Aoi, you complimented her brooding personality. A, "Lighten up, Aoi!" leaving your lips everytime she kicks out you for stealing food. With Kanao too, who you often converse with. Albeit, one-sidedly but that didn't seem to dull you at all, it motivated you to talk more even.
With your lively presence, you absolutely lightened up the already hearty estate. Laughs and shouts often echoing and the burden of chores were lessened as well. You were helpful and more than eager to do chores for other people. And she could see the girls, herself included, appreciated you a lot.
That said, it isn't the same with Shinobu at all.
"U-uh!? Kocho-sama, I-I'll take care of it!"
"O-Oh, uhm. I suppose you're right. H-Have a nice day, Kocho-sama!"
Like at all.
Did she do something wrong? Everytime you were talking to someone else, you seemed like yourself. Happy go lucky, loud and bold.
And yet, everytime Shinobu appears near you, all your personality is thrown against the wall and all left is a timid, soft spoken person and this frustratingly bothers her to no end.
She did find this odd side of you cute, if it wasn't for the possibility that this is your way of being uncomfortable around her.
She takes notes that with authority, one could appear intimidating but she makes out herself anything but that. And this theory is debunked when..
"Kyah!! [Name]-chan!!"
The thuds of familiar footsteps were difficult to ignore, much less the squeal she could clearly hear and recognize.
It suprised her how you were particularly close to her fellow Hashira.
The sight of the strong and beautiful Love Hashira hugging you tightly, your feet dangling on the air, weirdly irritated Shinobu. Maybe she just didn't like her workers in an uncomfortable place?
"Wahh, Mitsuri! How have you been!" The wide smile on your face as you hugged the woman back is definitely far from uncomfortable though.
A vein popped out of Shinobu's forehead.
Mitsuri, who plants you back on the ground turns around feeling Shinobu's presence. She, bless her heart, visibly brightens up at the sight of the smaller woman and runs up to hug her as well.
"It's been so long, Shinobu-chan!!" The dark aura around Shinobu scattered, sweatdropping at her friend's tight hold. "Yes, yes it's been a while." Mitsuri finally lets go of her while the purple eyed woman scans her being.
"Are you badly injured?" The question seems to bring Mitsuri to reality as almost immediately, tears swell up her eyes. She took both, you and Shinobu's hand, with her left hand and held you both as she cried out in pain.
"Wahh.. this mean demon definitely purposely made me fall! I thought I already beheaded him but! but! suddenly I fell to the ground and broke my armmm!!!" She whines loudly and Shinobu hums seeing the poorly done makeshift cast.
Mitsuri pulls you closer, "[Name]-chaaaannn, I missed you so much! You were always there to patch me up everytimeee!!"
This definitely took Shinobu's attention, she tilts her head with a smile. "Ah?"
You, who were consoling Mitsuri heard Shinobu say. Sweatdropping you explain, "Uh, my trainer's estate was close to Mitsuri's and uh- we became friends. She gets bad cuts often."
Shinobu simply hums in understanding. She watches as you reassure the Hashira that you will help and make her an actual cast.
And suddenly, for some odd reason, she goes on her day absolutely irked.
You jog into the kitchen, clearly tired. Consoling Mitsuri is usually easy enough but not when there's other whining patients as well. You sigh as you slip inside, before smiling at the variety of delicious food.
You salivated on the spot and just as you were about to secretly take something- Aoi, who was always there, spoke out. "Do you want to wash the dishes for five hours straight again?"
"Aoi-chaaannn, stop being so mean!!" You whine with a teasing smile.
She loudly sighs and gives you a plate of brewed tea. "You'll have your lunch only if, you deliver this to Shinobu-sama first. Be polite, she was somehow mad the whole day."
You felt your legs seemingly transform into jelly and that hot, familiar feeling settle itself in your stomach unwillingly. Heat and blood transfers into your neck and ears at the mere mention of her name.
"A-Aoi! I-I- the girls should be able to easily do it! Why me?!"
Aoi raises a brow before scowling, "Because you're an idiot! Stop acting pathetic and move on from your crush on Shinobu-sama if you're not gonna act on it!"
"Guh!" You spit out blood hearing her harsh words. Setting the tea aside, you quickly try covering her mouth to shush her. "Stop! Someone could hear you!"
She rolls her eyes and push you away, "As if anyone with a brain can't see that you practically fall on your knees around her."
"Aoi!" You tremble at the thought of anyone, Shinobu out of all people, hearing Aoi's loud declaration.
"Just go! Or no lunch today!"
She kicks you out of the kitchen and you sniff, you can't do this! You don't even know where Shinobu is!
"She's in her room, by the way!"
And with Aoi's last shout, you wanted to bury yourself alive.
Her room! Not the office, nor the engawa she's usually on- Her private room! No, you'll fucking die before you can even knock on her door! Actually, you'd very much prefer to die.
Alas, the rumble in your stomach was too hard to ignore. This could go smoothly if you just.. be calm. Yes, exactly. Just knock, greet, then leave.
So easy.
Knock, greet, leave.
Knock, greet, leave.
You fasten your pace until you were standing in front of her room. The plate on hand trembling alongside your sweating arms.
Knock, greet, leave.
Quick! Raise your arm!
Knock, greet, leave. Knock, greet, leave. Knockgreetlea-
Shinobu suddenly appears. "Oh, [Name]. Good afternoon, do you need something?"
"KNOCK." You hand her the plate.
"GREET." You bow before-
"LEAVE." You immediately ran out of her way.
Shinobu watches this all with widen eyes. She calmly places the plate down, a dark smile on her face before she, herself, runs towards the direction you went to.
"Fufu, let's see if you could run away from me this time, [Name]."
You huff and pant, clinging onto the roof of one of the warehouses. You absolutely bombed that simple task! How the hell are you gonna face her now!?
"I'm gonna kill myself.." You mutter as you hugged yourself.
"Oh my, I'm not gonna approve that, my dear~!"
"Huh?" You blankly stare at the fluttering familiar haori as someone's feet landed in front of you.
"Am I hallucinating?" Shinobu giggles, taking your arm before you could escape as you squeak at her hold.
She leans closer to your head, your face erupting into different shades of red but Shinobu ignores this and stares at you. "[Name].."
Your breath hitch.
You know she's waiting for your response. So, you gulp and answer with your trembling voice. "..yes, Kocho-sama?"
"Be frank with me, will you? Why.." You follow the movement of her fingers as it sets itself on your cheek, tapping it.
You basically melt at her touch when you hear her giggle.
"Why are you always avoiding me, hm?"
Your brain froze and seemingly got clogged. Inwardly, you prayed to whatever existing god to kill you via heart attack in this exact moment.
Actually, with the most breathtaking girl cradling you? That might just be possible.
Not wanting to make her wait, you respond. "I-I don't.. know what you're talking about!!" Your widened eyes look away as you spoke.
You hear her purr and take you by your chin, forcing you to make eye contact. Her purple eyes makes your stomach drop and heart skip.
"Didn't I tell you to be frank with me? It's an order from the head of the house!" She chirps and leans closer, her breath warmed your steaming face as you finally gave in.
Shinobu blinks, tilting her head and leaning away. She watch as you cover your face between your hands.
"You're too pretty to face, Shinobu-sama!"
Shinobu's own face and neck heat up at your words. "What?" She couldn't believe what nonsense you were saying.
You peek out of your fingers shyly, "You're so pretty.. everytime I'm around you, I can't seem to think of a singular coherent sentence. It's absolutely embarrassing.."
"Eh?" Shinobu feels the warmth creep up more.
"I-I'm sorry if it seemed like I was avoiding you! I wanted to keep a strict relationship with you because it felt like I was taking advantage of your kind gestures!"
You sigh, fists forming itself. "I understand if you don't want to talk to me now. I know, It's especially weird since we're both girls-" You look up at her and stiffen seeing the bewildered plus flushed look on her.
Shinobu raises her hand, successfully shushing you. She looks everywhere but your eyes and for the first time, you see her usually chirpy and sometimes flirty demeanor take a shift.
"How about we.. start fresh.."
She looks up at you and your heart beats faster. "..with tea, perhaps?"
Blinking, you pinch yourself to see if this is all just an absurd dream and yet it wasn't. It absolutely wasn't.
Not wanting to make her wait than you already made her, you nodded with a shy smile.
"I'd love that."
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dinodaweeb · 1 month
Can You Not?
Deadpool x Gn!Reader x Wolverine
summary: You’re supposed to be Althea’s caretaker ever since Wade hired you. Too bad for everyone because you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed.
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“Well, it’s you and me, Al.” You put a hand on your waist.
“Hell no.” She responded.
“Yeah, I'm really glad Wade and Logan hired me but…” Rubbing the back of your head. “I’ve never done this kind of stuff.”
“Just don’t kill me.”
Your jaw hung low.
The first thing Deadpool and Wolverine noticed when they entered their home was the unmistakable sound of something large and metallic clanging against porcelain. The scene that greeted them was something neither of them had ever expected.
Deadpool, ever the optimist, rubbed his hands together with a mischievous grin. “Looks like someone’s having a bit of a rough day.”
Logan, ever the pragmatist, simply sighed and tried to make sense of the chaos. He followed Deadpool’s lead, heading towards the source of the noise. They found you stuck halfway inside the oven, with only your legs and feet visible as you frantically wiggled to get free.
It was a sight to behold.
“Uh, hey there, sugarplum. Need a hand?” Deadpool asked, struggling to suppress his laughter.
You looked up with wide, confused eyes, somehow managing a smile despite the awkward predicament. “Oh, hey! I was trying to get the… uh, cookies out, but I think they might’ve… escaped?”
Logan shook his head, muttering something under his breath as he approached and tried to pull you out. “Why on earth were you in the oven? What’s going on?”
“Well, I thought I’d give baking a shot, but then I… um, forgot the timer. And now it’s… well, sort of an oven mess.”
“Help me?” You asked sweetly.
The two shared a look and Wade rolled his sleeve up.
“Maximum effort.”
His grip on your legs was harsh and he really did try to pull you out. It sucked that your hair was stuck on a piece of the oven.
“AH— wait.”
Wade side eyed Logan. “A little help, peanut?”
Logan groaned, ripping you out from the oven.
You stumbled out with a sheepish grin. “Thanks.”
Deadpool peered inside the oven and groaned. “You’ve got a burnt lasagna in there and—are those… marshmallows?”
“Yeah, those were supposed to be for s’mores. I got a bit distracted.”
Logan’s brow furrowed as he examined the kitchen. “This place looks like a disaster zone.”
You nodded vigorously. “Oh, it’s been a bit of a day. I think I might’ve accidentally blown up the toilet earlier, too.”
Deadpool looked alarmed. “What do you mean, ‘blew up the toilet’?”
“Well, I was trying to clean it and used way too much cleaner and we ordered taco be—” You started to explain before being interrupted by a loud whoosh from the bathroom.
Logan, facepalming, grumbled, “What now?”
You shuffled over to the bathroom to reveal a very unhappy, very dirty toilet and a cloud of cleaner fumes that were just thrown in there. The scene was nothing short of disastrous. “Oops,” you mumbled.
“I think we’ve seen enough for today,” Deadpool said, trying to regain his composure. “Maybe we should help Al and then figure out how to get you out of trouble.”
You were just about to agree when the sound of wood splintering from the bedroom caught their attention. Deadpool and Logan rushed to find the bed in ruins, you sitting amid the wreckage with a distressed look on your face.
“I was just trying to fix the bed,” you explained, “but I might’ve used the wrong tools and, uh, now there’s a lot of splinters.”
“And broken bed.”
Logan couldn’t help but chuckle despite himself. “You know, it’s impressive how you manage to get into so much trouble with the simplest of tasks.”
Deadpool, ever the same, added, “You should really consider writing a memoir or something. ‘How to fuck everything, 101.”
“Probably. That’s what my mother always used to say.”
“Don’t compare me to your mother! I am your love interest in this. Call Logan your mommy instead.”
You gave a salute. “Got it, boss.”
Just as they were starting to clean up the mess, you decided to help with the repairs. You grabbed a nearby broom to sweep up the splinters, but in your enthusiasm, you tripped over a mug on the floor, sending it crashing to the ground.
“Oops!” you exclaimed, stumbling and accidentally knocking a cup of coffee into Wolverine’s lap. Now it looked like if he problems with peeing because it seemed like brown piss.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry, Logan! Maybe, you can borrow my pants?”
Logan growled, and before he could react, a puff of smoke billowed from the nearby fireplace. You had unwittingly knocked a can of lighter fluid onto the logs, and now Wolverine was on fire!
He still looked hot though. Maybe even hotter since he was on fire!
“Wait, is that… oh crap!” Deadpool shouted, rushing over with a towel to smother the flames. “Not the flaming Wolverine!”
Logan rolled his eyes, trying to pat out the fire while glaring at you. “Seriously? You set me on fire, bub?”
“You’re alright now!” Deadpool said, grinning despite the chaos. “Let’s just move on to…”
Before Deadpool could finish, you tripped over the broom you’d been using, falling face-first into a potted plant. Dirt and leaves covered you as you lay there, looking completely bewildered.
You blinked once and then twice.
“I, uh, think I might’ve made things worse,” you said, emerging from the mess with a dirt-streaked face.
Logan sighed deeply but a small smile stayed on his face. “It’s like every time we turn around, you find a new way to cause trouble.”
Deadpool tried to stifle his laughter, though he was clearly failing. “You’re like a red flag at this point!”
“So are you though?” You spoke.
Logan snorted.
After hours of cleaning up and attempting to salvage what they could, Deadpool and Logan finally managed to get everything back in order. Blind Al, who had been observing the entire spectacle with a mix of amusement and exasperation, shook her head as she sipped her tea.
“Thanks for the help,” Al said dryly. “And for not setting the house on fire.”
You, still covered in a mixture of dirt and embarrassment, nodded. “I’ll try to be less of a disaster next time.”
Deadpool clapped you on the back. “It’s all part of the adventure. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? Condoms, hopefully.”
Logan, though exhausted, managed a small smile. “Here’s hoping it’s a bit less eventful.”
“So, I come here tomorrow too?”
“No you’re fired.”
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a/n: me writing for the both of them bc I don’t find any for this 😭🙏🙏🙏 where r the chefs cooking?
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the-sunflower-room · 10 months
✧ to die by your side ✧
dazai x fem!reader
☆ genre: angst, hurt/comfort
☆ wc: 9.5k
☆ summary: dazai’s girlfriend is kidnapped by a revenge-seeking enemy and must count down the agonizing minutes to her death. dazai and the rest of the ada race to save her before time runs out.
☆ warnings: kidnapping, violence, language, mentions of blood/torture/drugging, dazai-typical suicide mentions, brief mentions of throwing up, self-loathing dazai, panic attacks, etc- overall just pretty angsty! slightly canon divergent with the way i wrote dazai’s ability. i also threw in some comfort at the end as a little treat <3
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Pain. Blinding pain.
That was the first thing Y/N noticed as she slowly regained consciousness. Her skull felt like it was on fire, her temple throbbing and wrists aching. A heavy weight sat on her chest and made the simple act of breathing difficult. A faint but persistent beeping noise seemed amplified in her ringing ears, worsening her pounding headache while the heavy scent of blood in the air made her stomach churn.
What was going on?
Confusion persisted until her mind began to register the other noises in her surroundings.
A man’s voice she didn’t recognize.
The soft beep of a video camera starting to record.
Something about the agency.
Dazai’s name.
Her body broke into a cold sweat at the sudden mention of her boyfriend.
Realizing her eyelids were too heavy to even open, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder what the hell had happened. The last thing she remembered was kissing Dazai goodnight outside of her apartment, then quietly getting ready for bed once he had left. What could have possibly happened between then and now? Whose voice was echoing around her? Why did her body feel so heavy, and why were her thoughts so incoherent? If she could just get up-
Her wrists were bound behind her, the rest of her body anchored to the chair she was sat in by chains of steel. There was something large strapped to her abdomen emitting a beeping noise every few seconds.
Her heart nearly stopped beating in her chest as she slowly put together what was happening in her hazy mind.
“-Pay for your crimes by letting her die. This pretty little thing only has three hours left,” the gruff voice continued, sounding much clearer and much closer than before. Her panic increased tenfold as she realized the mystery man was directly behind her. Before she could fully prepare for it, a large hand suddenly grabbed a fistful of hair on her scalp and yanked her slumped head upwards. The pain forced her eyes open and she was greeted with a camera pointed at her, along with a room full of armed men. Her eyes slowly widened in terror and clarity as it all finally clicked in that moment, no matter how much she didn’t want to admit what was happening to her.
I’ve been kidnapped as a means to get back at the agency.
There’s a bomb strapped to me.
I have three hours to live.
The tears started then. Even though she could vaguely recognize that she was being recorded for the Agency’s viewing and it would only worry Dazai more if he saw her in so much distress, she couldn’t help her panic. No matter how strong she wanted to be for him, this was terrifying. Her life was suddenly on the line and she would die at the hands of these men if the agency couldn’t find her in time.
“Please,” she cried, squeezing her eyes shut and feeling pathetic as she let out a choked sob. Her voice cracked from disuse and she felt like she might hyperventilate. “Please, no. I don’t want to die.” The room filled with cruel laughter at her naive pleas, and she could only sink further into despair as the gravity of her situation became painfully evident. These were ruthless killers who were happy to see an innocent woman die for nothing more than the sake of revenge.
“Hear that, detectives? She’s begging for her life. What are you gonna do about it? The clock is ticking,” The man behind her sneered, grabbing her face in his calloused hand and squeezing it. She weakly attempted to yank her head away from his grasp and maintain her last shred of dignity. He was taunting them with her, the bastard.
Weaponizing their good nature and care for her. Trying to break them; trying to break her sweet Dazai.
Oh god- Dazai.
The more she thought about him, the more her tears flowed. Dazai, whose greatest fear was putting her in danger with his line of work. Dazai, who had lost so much more than a person should. Dazai, who loved and cared for her more than anyone she had ever known. The mere idea of him sitting at the agency headquarters, watching in horror while these unknown men teased him with her life, was too much to bear.
Through her cries of terror, Y/N could just barely overhear the man saying something else into the camera before ordering one of his subordinates to cut the footage. Dread filled the pit of her stomach as they turned their full attention on her and she realized she was truly alone with these psychopaths.
She had no way of knowing if the ADA was coming for her, or if they would be able to get to her in time. Hell, she didn’t even know if they would be able to diffuse the complicated bomb even if they did manage to reach her before it was set to detonate. She certainly didn’t want them to risk their own lives just to save her, even if the thought of dying in an explosion shook her to her core.
She felt her hope drain away with each new tick of the bomb, her body shaking with fear. Three hours was an awfully short time.
Please, Osamu.
My time is running out.
Dazai had never felt a rage quite like this before.
He knew that something was wrong the moment the agency had received a video from an untraceable source and Y/N hadn’t texted him about her day. That didn’t stop his heart from dropping clear to his stomach when he saw her on the monitor, chained up and bloody with a bomb on her chest.
No. Not her.
He avoided the nervous gazes of Atsushi and the rest of the agency members as he stared at her unconscious body on the screen, jaw clenched unimaginably tight and hands gripping the wood of the conference room table. The man standing in front of her was droning on about how Dazai had personally wronged his pathetic organization —something about putting a stop to their human trafficking network with the help of Kunikida— but he couldn’t bring himself to listen or even care.
He was attempting to keep his composure by focusing on the facts of the case. Namely, the extent of her injuries and her location.
Blood was dripping down the side of her face from her temple, some of it dried and caked in her hair. The bastards had likely hit her with some sort of blunt object to knock her out. His fury only grew at the thought of her being treated with such senseless violence. She still seemed dazed and confused as the man forced her awake to face the camera, a sure sign of a concussion or even drugging to further subdue her. She had a few more bruises and bloody cuts on her face, and he knew by the way the metal chains cut into her skin that they would cause serious irritation at the very least.
He couldn’t help but screw his eyes shut and let out a shuddering breath as her weak and desperate pleas reached his ears. The complete and utter terror in her voice as she begged her captors for mercy was nothing short of gut-wrenching to him. Even worse, the man was taunting Dazai with her pain. Smugly showing off her broken body like some sort of prize. She’s suffering because of you, a small voice in his head spat, making Dazai grit his teeth even more. No. Focus, you idiot. Focus on where they’re keeping her.
She looked to be trapped in some kind of metal room, potentially reinforced with anti-ability precautions to keep them from easily reaching her. The cell was dingy, dark, and silent, leading him to wonder if she was being kept somewhere underground. That would be a likely spot for these despicable cockroaches to hide. There were just over a dozen guards surrounding her, although they wouldn’t be an issue in the grand scheme of things; the ADA could certainly handle a few thugs with guns. What concerned him most was the bomb strapped to her chest.
There were plenty of geniuses among their ragtag team, but bombs were tricky. There could be dozens of triggers on it, or someone could detonate it remotely if anyone got too close to her. A single misstep or miscalculation could immediately cost Y/N’s life, and that was a risk Dazai certainly wasn’t willing to take.
He was furious at himself for letting this happen. He was so careful- always keeping tabs on her, steering her away from involvement in ADA antics, keeping an ear to the ground for trouble in the Yokohama underworld. He was constantly calculating and preparing for every outcome, always several steps ahead of his enemies with his dizzying plans. And yet, somehow, this measly organization he could hardly remember had managed to snatch his girlfriend out from under him with almost no trouble at all.
She was in mortal danger, and it was all his fault.
“Snap out of it, Dazai, I can hear your thoughts from all the way over here,” Kunikida piped up from across the room, his voice sympathetic but stern as he glared at his partner. “You need to keep your head on straight if we want to get her back.” He could tell just by reading Dazai’s expression how much inner turmoil the man was going through. How much he blamed himself for Y/N’s capture. But if they were going to rescue her before the three hours were up, there was no time for wallowing in self pity.
“Kunikida’s right,” Fukuzawa’s booming voice spoke, causing Dazai’s distant gaze to snap over to his boss in an instant. The fact that he was involved in the case at all revealed just how seriously the entire agency was taking her kidnapping. “Time is not on our side. We must be swift and rational if we are to have any hope of getting to Y/N and disabling the bomb in time.” Their words struck Dazai to his core. It was hard to remember that the other ADA members also cared deeply for his girlfriend, and they were willing to go so far as to put their lives at risk to help him get her back. Their unwavering support seemed to snap him out of his stupor and focus on the task at hand.
Get her back from those sorry motherfuckers.
“Right,” he nodded curtly, his expression suddenly devoid of all emotion as he turned to face the team with renewed focus and determination. “Ranpo-san, what’s the plan?”
The raven-haired detective, who had been quietly perched on the window sill and shadowed by the deep orange sunlight filtering into the room, suddenly jumped down from his seat and whipped out his pair of glasses in a flash. His trademark smirk spread across his face as he placed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, poised to activate his ability.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Fifteen minutes.
That’s what the little timer read—from what she could tell, anyway. Y/N’s heart felt like it would burst out of her chest. She was drenched in sweat from the overwhelming fear taking over her body, despite her cell being practically freezing. The men had left her alone a while ago, but not before roughing her up for good measure. She now sported a throbbing bruise under her eye and a few new cuts on her face and neck, but she had blocked all of the pain out. All she could feel was pure panic as the countdown to her impending doom grew shorter and shorter.
She had no idea if Dazai and the rest of the ADA were even close to figuring out where she was, and her hope was beginning to run out. How could they possibly find her and disarm the bomb in a mere fifteen minutes? It didn’t seem at all possible, no matter how skilled they were. A single tear ran down her cheek as the reality set in. She was really going to die.
Trying to find some form of comfort as the seconds ticked away and she neared what she assumed were her last moments, Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and forced her mind to go somewhere else—anywhere else—to escape this hell.
Dazai’s soft laughter filled her ears.
It was a lazy Sunday morning- the couple’s favorite time to lay in bed for the whole day and forget their actual adult responsibilities. They were tangled up in fresh sheets, warm sunlight streaming through the windows as Dazai playfully teased her about her refusal to let him get up.
“Five more minutes!” Y/N grumbled sleepily, burying her head into the crook of Dazai’s neck and breathing in his fresh scent. He still smelled like the floral body wash he had used in the shower the night before; the same body wash she had bought him when he insisted he loved the way it smelled on her and needed some for himself. Catching traces of its scent on him always brought a smile to her face.
“You said that five minutes ago,” he chuckled, his voice still husky from sleep. His hand absentmindedly massaged her scalp as he held her tight to his chest. “You can hear my stomach practically begging for food. Are you trying to starve me, my love?” Y/N was seemingly unaffected by his dramatic ploy to escape her embrace. “Yes,” she answered simply, burrowing further into his t-shirt to hide her smile that would give away her crumbling resolve. Of course, there was no hiding anything from Dazai Osamu.
“I saw that!” He gasped, playfully poking at her face. “My Y/N does care about me, who would have thought!” She couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped her lips at her boyfriend’s theatrics. He was always blowing things out of proportion, but she would be lying if she said she didn’t love it.
Daring to peek up at him with heavy eyelids, her eyes met gentle brown staring back at her with nothing but warmth and fondness. The lovesick smile plastered across his face sent butterflies rushing through her stomach and she suddenly felt shy. His eyes were so pretty. “If you get up, I’ll be so lonely without you,” she pouted, hands snaking around his waist as she gave him her best puppy dog eyes. She knew she was playing dirty by pulling the pity card, but she also couldn’t stand the thought of being away from his comforting embrace for even a moment.
Dazai heaved a sigh, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as his hand moved to her face and gently brushed some of her hair away from her eyes. “Well how could I ever say no to that? I would rather starve than see my belladonna lonely and upset.” She rolled her eyes a let out an amused huff at his words, craning her neck so she was mere inches away from his face. “So you’ll stay?” She whispered, knowing that she’d already won the minute he hadn’t actually gotten up when he announced he needed breakfast.
Instead of responding right away, Dazai leaned down and planted a gentle kiss to her pouting mouth. She was just so irresistible. “Of course, darling,” he murmured against her lips, pulling her head back into his chest and smiling as he felt her snuggle closer. She truly was his everything. “Five more minutes with you is nothing short of pure bliss.”
Five minutes left.
Y/N thought she might pass out from the sheer terror that consumed her, threatening to pull her under completely. She would never see her friends again, including all of the agency members she had grown to call her family. She would die before saying goodbye to her loved ones- to Dazai. How would he react when he found her body, or what was left of it? How would he cope? The very thought forced a watery sob from her throat.
This is the end.
I’m going to die without seeing him one last time.
Suddenly, a loud bang sounded outside of the door to her prison and startled her out of her despair. It sounded like someone throwing their body against the heavy steel door. She froze, swallowing back her tears and preparing herself for the worst. Maybe the men were back to torture her one last time before setting off the bomb. As her mind came up with the worst possible scenarios, a familiar grunt reached her ears through the metal walls. It couldn’t be. After a beat, she heard the noise again. Then- “Y/N?”
She nearly stopped breathing at the sound of his angelic lilt. “…Samu?” She called out weakly, afraid to let herself be filled with hope in case it was some kind of cruel trick. “Y/N!” He yelled back, a mixture of desperation and relief in his voice as the banging noises continued. It was incredible how quickly hearing his voice had managed to relax her, even if she knew she was still in immediate danger. He always did have a calming effect on her. “Osamu, I don’t have much time left,” she gasped, desperately struggling against her restraints. Now that she knew he was here, she wanted nothing more than to be with him.
“I know, I know. I’m gonna get you out of here, baby,” he assured her through the cold metal door, giving the handle another frustrated jolt. Why couldn’t he have been blessed with a strength-related ability? “Those assholes had some ability users up their sleeve, so the others are busy trying to break through their defenses,” he explained in a rush, throwing his body into the door again despite the blooming pain in his shoulder. He wouldn’t have the help of Atsushi or Kenji like they had originally planned, and that worried him. “I promise, I won’t stop until I get into that room and you’re safe.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” a voice suddenly boomed over a hidden speaker, catching the attention of both Dazai and Y/N as their heads snapped upwards in near unison. Her blood ran cold as she recognized it as the voice of her captor. “Break into that room, and we’ll set off the bomb early. Didn’t you listen to us? This is your penance, Dazai,” he spoke, clear amusement in his tone. The bastard was watching them from somewhere else in the underground facility, enjoying their pain. Using it as entertainment.
Three minutes left.
Dazai grimaced outside of the door, hands balling into fists as a new fear and rage ignited inside of him. There was never going to be a way to reach her without the bomb going off. It was a cruel way to torture him; forcing him to either live with the guilt of leaving her and save his own life, or stay with her until the bitter end. It wasn’t a difficult choice to make.
As Y/N pieced together the new information, she quickly came to the same conclusion as her boyfriend and felt her eyes go wide. “Dazai, NO! Get away from here, now!” She screamed, fresh tears already burning in her eyes. She knew that he was selfless and loved her more than anything, but in that moment she wanted him to turn his back on her. To break her heart and leave her behind to save himself.
Ramming his now probably broken shoulder into the cold, unforgiving metal one last time, Dazai shook his head as he slowly sank to the floor. His hands were raw and bleeding from practically clawing at the wall for a weak point, but he didn’t care. Nothing else mattered anymore but staying with her. “I won’t leave you,” he said simply, leaning his head against the wall. The agony of knowing that she was in that room, alone and afraid, minutes away from her death, was crushing. But if he could offer her even the smallest comfort before that timer hit zero, he would do it in a heartbeat.
Meanwhile, Y/N was on the verge of a panic attack. Tears streamed down her face and she struggled to breathe, completely overwhelmed by what was happening. To have to accept that she really was about to die a horrible and graphic death in a few minutes was terrifying, but to know that Dazai was right outside the door and would also die if he stayed; that was too much. She knew how stubborn he was, but she had to try to make him leave anyway. Anything to get him to save himself.
“Please,” she cried desperately, consumed with grief as sobs wracked through her body. “You can’t stay, Dazai, you have to GO!” Hearing her in so much pain was like a thousand knives to the heart, but despite everything, Dazai couldn’t help the small smile that made its way onto his face. She really didn’t get it. “Go where, huh? There’s nowhere in this world I would go without you,” he spoke softly, shutting his eyes and letting out a small sigh. He seemed strangely content.
She continued to sob, choking on her breaths as the timer reached one minute. He was so stupid and selfless and wonderful- she couldn’t let him die. “Please…you can’t do this to me, you have to leave…you can’t stay,” she whimpered almost incoherently, barely able to yell anymore. Her strength was running out, her body exhausted from all of the mental turmoil. Still, she continued to strain against the chains wrapped tightly around her as if she could break them by sheer will. “Don’t be scared, Y/N,” he called to her, the smile still on his face. “I’m right here with you and I’m not leaving you. It’s gonna be okay.” Through the walls he could hear her voice break as she wailed in agony at his words, the sound blood-curdling.
Thirty seconds.
Dazai thought it ironic that this was the way he was going out; a tragic double suicide with his lover. It was almost funny. Almost. “I love you, darling. My sweet belladonna. Not even death can keep us apart,” he reassured her, opening his eyes and staring at the wall as if he could look straight through the metal and meet her gaze. His heart squeezed in his chest as she let out another horrible, strangled sob. “There- isn’t much time- left,” she gasped in between breaths, her whole body trembling. Why couldn’t he leave her? Why couldn’t he save himself? He was too important to the ADA, to the world, to die. The guilt was eating her alive.
Ten seconds.
“I love you, Y/N,” he repeated, and he was never more sure of his words. She let out one last piercing, guttural scream, pulling at the chains so hard her skin started to bleed. She thought she might faint from the agonizing anticipation as the clock counted down her last moments of life; their last moments. “I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, squeezing her eyes shut in defeat. He shook his head once again. She had nothing to be sorry for. “It’s gonna be okay,” he whispered one final time, placing his bloody hand against the door. Offering his comfort in their last seconds alive.
Silence. A flash of white hot light. A horrible booming noise. Then, nothing.
The rest of the ADA halted in their battle at the sound of the explosion, staring at one another in horror. Smoke billowed out from one of the dingy tunnels, the familiar scent of flames filling the air. There was no way they had failed…right? The couldn’t have lost Y/N and Dazai; not when they had worked so hard to get out of the situation with everyone unharmed.
The sound of cackling laughter echoed through the underground base mere moments after the explosion, drawing their attention to a man emerging from the shadows. They immediately recognized him as the man from the video- the organization’s leader who had personally tormented Y/N.
“The great Dazai Osamu is dead,” he shrieked, his crazed laughter forcing him to double over. The rest of the organization’s thugs began to jeer and laugh along with him, celebrating their victory over the ADA’s elusive genius. Atsushi felt tears welling in his eyes, not just for the tragic and sudden loss of his brilliant mentor whom he deeply cared for, but for Y/N as well. Those pieces of shit didn’t even care that they had killed her too; to them she was just a means to an end. The sweet woman who had shown him nothing but kindness when he joined the ADA and brought so much joy into their lives…dead.
To his left, Kunikida was also fighting back angry tears, refusing to accept that his frustrating but brilliant partner had truly been killed by these incompetent fools. Kyoka and Kenji’s eyes were blown wide in shock while Tanizaki panted heavily, his mouth gaping. It seemed that none of them could actually comprehend that the pair were truly dead and gone.
“You detectives are nothing but a bunch of sentimental fools!” The man cackled, face red and eyes bulging. He looked insane. “I can’t believe your genius was lured and killed by such an easy trap. All it took was kidnapping that little bitch and blowing her up!” All of the ADA members tensed, looking visibly appalled by his cruel, demeaning words. Not only was this man completely unhinged, but he was outright mocking an innocent woman’s death.
It was sickening.
Just as the sinking feeling of dread began to settle in the pit of Atsushi’s stomach, a distant but familiar voice called out from the smoke to interrupt their little celebration. “Ah, you underestimate me…” the voice drawled, jerking everyone’s attention to the smoking tunnel. All of the color drained from the leader’s face as he watched three silhouettes slowly emerge from the haze. “No…that’s impossible!” He screeched, all confidence gone and white as a ghost as he pointed at the trio with a shaking finger. “I watched you die! I-I saw it with my own eyes!”
Dazai, Y/N, and Dr. Yosano appeared at the entrance of the tunnel as the smoke cleared, Y/N leaned against Dazai for support while Yosano brandished her weapon. Y/N looked slightly stunned and shaken up, but the two survivors otherwise seemed completely unharmed, no trace of any injuries on their bodies.
“You did,” Dazai flashed his signature shit-eating grin, eyes flicking over to their team’s resident doctor. “Thankfully we had a backup plan in case you tried anything dirty, like you did.”
Ranpo had luckily had the foresight to bring in Yosano from a different entry point and position her near the cell that Y/N was being held in once they figured out her location, in the event that things went wrong and the bomb went off. That way she was there to immediately patch them up with her ability once it detonated, making it so that the harm was only temporary. There had never been any real threat of death; as long as Yosano worked fast enough, that is.
“You were a fool to play with this woman’s life to get back at an enemy,” Yosano spat, pointing her cleaver at the now trembling man before her. “Those who do not properly respect life will receive the ultimate punishment!” The rest of the thugs glanced around uneasily, sensing a shift in the power dynamic of the fight. Suddenly their main target was alive and well, and the rest of the agency seemed even more bloodthirsty than before.
“I-Impossible! No!” He cried, slowly backing towards another tunnel. The ADA members adjusted their stances and stared him down with what could only be described as murderous glints in their eyes, making it clear that he wouldn’t be getting away without a gruesome fight. He gulped. “Take this as a lesson!” Dazai announced cheerfully, still smiling but now with a terrifyingly cold and emotionless look in his eyes.
“There are grave consequences for those who hurt the people I love. And you’ve stupidly chosen to hurt the person I love most.”
It was a blur after that, all hell breaking loose. Dazai quickly ordered Tanizaki to cloak Y/N with his ability and get her safely to the surface as fighting broke out all around them. She wanted to protest, but the look in his eyes told her that he just wanted to get her out of harm’s way for the time being and that’d he be back at her side as soon as he was done dealing with the room of pitiful men. She certainly didn’t want to stick around and see what he and the rest of the ADA had in store for them. He pressed one last comforting kiss to her forehead before sending her off to escape with the ginger detective, his fiercely protective gaze never once leaving her as she fled the scene.
Covering the two of them with Light Snow, Tanizaki grabbed Y/N by the wrist and rushed her out of the disgusting underground hideout, pulling her away from the violent fight that had broken out. He knew that it would only be a few minutes until the team was done putting those miserable scumbags in their place.
They eventually reached the entrance of the base after a few tense minutes of running through winding tunnels, finding Ranpo and a trusted driver from the agency waiting in a running car. Tanizaki carefully opened the backseat door for her and made sure she was safely in the car before stepping back, flashing a comforting smile. “I’m so happy to see that you’re safe, Y/N. Ranpo will take care of the rest and make sure you get back to the agency safely,” he quickly explained, nodding at the driver before closing the car door and giving her a small wave.
Although she was still shellshocked, she managed a small wave in return and and even smaller smile. “Thank you,” she mouthed as the car pulled away, grateful for his help in getting her out of that hellhole. She was happy to leave the horrible place behind.
“Good to see you, Y/N,” Ranpo greeted from the seat next to her, drawing her attention away from the now small spec that was Tanizaki. Seeing her old friend sitting next to her filled her with so much relief she could hardly breathe. She opened her mouth to thank him for everything, knowing that the elaborate rescue plan was his doing, but the words caught in her throat. Everything had happened so fast that she barely had any time to process it. The bomb going off, practically dying, being saved by Yosano, briefly reuniting with Dazai, escaping the underground labyrinth. She was so overwhelmed with emotion as she realized she was actually alive and safe. Dazai was alive and safe.
We survived…
but we almost didn’t.
She promptly bent over and threw up onto the floor of the car.
Ranpo shrank into the corner of his seat, looking wildly uncomfortable but biting back his usual snarky and tone-deaf remarks. She had been through a lot, and her body had to expel all of those suffocating emotions somehow. “I had a feeling you would do that,” he grimaced, but he nonetheless leaned over and gently pat her back in a small act of comfort. Coughing on bile, Y/N felt hot tears burning the back of her eyes at the detective’s kind gesture. Everyone at the agency had shown up to help her in one way or another, and it was staggering to see just how much they cared.
Even in this very vulnerable moment, Ranpo was offering his genuine support, something that was incredibly rare for him. She would have to buy him a big care package of his favorite snacks later to show her gratitude for all he had done for her.
Eventually the car arrived at the agency, the normally bustling streets of Yokohama quiet and deserted in the late hour. Y/N apologized profusely to the driver for the small mess in the car, thoroughly embarrassed even though she hadn’t been able to help it. He simply dismissed it with a wave of his hand and an understanding smile. “No problem whatsoever, miss. You just take it easy.”
With that, Ranpo carefully guided her into the safety of the agency, leading her upstairs with one arm draped over her shoulder. When the pair finally reached the office, Y/N practically collapsed into one of the couches in the lounge area, letting out a sigh and massaging her temples to try and soothe her pounding head. Being dehydrated and malnourished for nearly 24 hours wasn’t exactly helping her stress-induced headache that had quickly developed in the car ride over.
Once again, as if reading her mind, Ranpo disappeared for a moment before returning with a water bottle, a few snacks, medicine, and a blanket in his arms, placing them on the coffee table in front of her. It was like he knew everything she needed- and he probably did. “Rest up and take care of yourself,” he instructed, his tone leaving no room for debate. “I’m sure Dazai will be here soon to take you home, but in the meantime try to relax and get some food and water in you. You’ve had a long day.” She smiled gratefully, albeit a little tiredly, at the gesture. Yet another rare display of his care.
“Thank you, for everything,” she whispered, trying to convey just how sincerely she meant those words. She wouldn’t soon forget his help. He flashed her a small, lopsided grin before waving her off dramatically. “It was nothing for the world’s greatest detective!” He declared, pointing a finger into the air before turning on his heels and making his way back to his desk, munching on a snack of his own. Just like that, Y/N was alone.
She quietly opened one of the snacks Ranpo had provided her, washing down some pain-relief pills with the water after she’d eaten a few bites. When her nauseous stomach began to protest the food, she forced herself to stop. Although she was still incredibly hungry, she certainly didn’t want to end up with another mess to clean up. Shuddering at the thought, she wrapped herself up with the plush blanket and tried to calm her racing heart. Her mind was still reeling from everything. The constant thoughts of the traumatic events she had just undergone only made her headache and nausea worse by the minute, and her brain felt like it might explode.
She was exhausted.
If she could just clear her mind and close her eyes for a moment…
Without even realizing she had dozed off on the couch, she awoke some time later to the feeling of a slender hand cupping her cheek, stroking her jaw with delicate precision. She didn’t even have to open her eyes to know it was Dazai. “Wake up, my love,” his hushed voice cooed, immediately pulling her from her slumber. Slowly blinking her eyes open, she was met with his comforting smile, but his eyes were unimaginably sad. Her heart ached.
“Ready to go home?”
Nodding sleepily, Y/N slowly picked herself up from the couch, shrugging the blanket off her shoulders and neatly folding it up before placing it back on the coffee table. After gathering her bearings, she realized that some of the other agency members had also returned to the office, likely to fill out paperwork before heading home for the night. She felt a pang of guilt shoot through her as she realized they would have to do extra work because of her. If you hadn’t gone and gotten yourself kidnapped, they would all be home sleeping right now.
A dreadful thought suddenly crossed her mind. Would she have to fill out paperwork and recount what had happened to her? It seemed likely, as they kept track of nearly every incident like this. The very idea made another wave of nausea roll through her.
As if sensing her worry, Kunikida rounded the corner with a stack of papers in-hand, taking in her dead-tired appearance with a single glance. “Just so you know, we will need a statement on what happened eventually, Y/N, but I don’t want you to even think about it until you’re recovered and ready to talk,” he instructed, concern and sympathy evident in his expression despite his no-nonsense tone. He was truly glad to see her safe and back under the protection of the agency. Y/N nodded, relieved that she wouldn’t have to recount the traumatic events until she was ready. At the moment she couldn’t even imagine a time when she would ever feel ready.
Turning his attention to Dazai, the sympathetic look vanished from Kunikida’s face and morphed into one of general annoyance. “Don’t think that you’re getting out of doing the paperwork just because you almost died,” he barked, jabbing an accusing finger at his partner’s chest. “It’s no excuse to be lazy.”
Dazai placed a hand to his heart and looked aghast, as if the very insinuation of him trying to avoid paperwork was ridiculous. “Me? Getting out of paperwork? Really, Kunikida-kun, what do you take me for?” He gasped, earning a growl and a sharp smack to the head with a roll of papers.
Their antics miraculously drew out a soft chuckle from Y/N’s lips, but it was half-hearted at best. As enjoyable as Dazai and Kunikida’s banter was, her eyes still drooped with fatigue and her anxious mind longed to rest in the comfort of her own home. She just wanted this horrible day to be over with. Gaze dropping to Y/N’s face at the sound of her reserved amusement, Dazai quickly noted the weight of her exhaustion and took it as their cue to leave.
“I think it’s time for us to get home,” he announced, glancing back up at Kunikida and sharing a knowing look with him. The blond held his stare for a moment before sighing, giving a small nod before politely bidding the two a good night and moving on to pester Ranpo about doing his work.
Placing a hand on the small of her back, Dazai carefully led Y/N out of the agency and into the streets of Yokohama below, glancing at her every few minutes to make sure she was doing ok. She was quiet during the walk home, her expression blank and her eyelids heavy. He found himself wishing he could figure out what she was thinking. Normally he could read her like a book, always knowing exactly how she was feeling or what was troubling her. Now she just seemed numb. A dark part of his mind feared that she was distancing herself from him because their relationship had nearly gotten her killed.
Would she even want to be with him anymore? Would she leave him to heal the trauma he had caused her? He shuddered at the thought.
Eventually arriving at their destination, Y/N quickly realized that Dazai had led her back to his apartment instead of her own. That’s right. Mine was broken into, and no one’s been around to clean up the mess that was probably left behind. She was grateful for his thoughtfulness. There was no way she would’ve been able to keep her composure if she had walked into her home and seen the evidence of her capture.
Walking into the entryway after Dazai had unlocked the door, Y/N immediately wanted to cry as the warm, familiar scent of his apartment hit her. It just smelled like him, something she thought she’d lost mere hours ago. The familiarity of the space nearly brought tears to her eyes.
It was overwhelming, to say the least.
Noticing her distant, watery gaze, Dazai quickly swooped in to distract her, helping her slip out of her shoes and guiding her to the bedroom to change out of her clothes. Although Yosano had done away with all of the physical injuries on her body, she still felt dirty, the scent of mold and metal clinging to her shirt. It drew her back to that room and the horrible, agonizingly slow ticking of the bomb. The memories lingered in the back of her mind as she discarded her old clothes, slipping into a comfortable t-shirt and a soft pair of shorts that she kept in Dazai’s drawer for the nights when she slept over.
“Better?” Dazai questioned softly when she had finished changing, eyes searching hers almost frantically for any sign of discomfort. He wanted to help her in any way possible, but for once in his life, he didn’t know what to do. The day had taken a toll on him as well and he was struggling to maintain his calm facade. Staring deep into his eyes, she gave the slightest of nods and opened her mouth to reassure him, to tell him that she was ok now. She was home, she was safe thanks to him, she was with him- everything had turned out just fine. But for the second time that night, the words refused to come out.
Instead, she just stared in silence before collapsing into a sudden fit of sobs, knees buckling and sending her falling to the hardwood below. Panicked, Dazai scrambled to meet her at the floor, strong arms holding her steady while she attempted to muffle her pained cries with the palm of her hand. Her sudden tears had him terrified that he had done something wrong. “Hey, hey, what’s the matter, angel? Please, let me help-“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence before she threw herself into his arms, holding him tighter than she had ever held anyone.
Her desperation to feel him and be close to him now was due to the fact that their reunion in the underground base had been so short lived. Y/N was in too much shock, not understanding how she had gone from dying a gruesome death to perfectly fine in only a matter of seconds. She could barely even register Dazai’s arms wrapped around her in a bone crushing hug or the sweet encouragements he was whispering in her ear.
Dazai was used to Yosano’s incredible ability. Having been saved by it countless times, being revived by the dark-haired doctor was practically second nature to him. But Y/N was still reeling from the excruciating pain she had experienced moments ago that had just vanished. It was like it had tattooed itself under her skin, a painful memory of her near-death.
The shock of being revived clouded her mind as Dazai had clutched her body close, kissing her forehead and squeezing her tight. She couldn’t even enjoy the pure relief that normally would have filled her when she pieced together that she was alive and safe in her loving boyfriend’s arms. Before she could comprehend what was going on, he had already helped her off the ground and had begun to walk her down the hallway with Yosano, headed towards the main fight.
Now, on the floor of Dazai’s dark bedroom, her mind had finally registered exactly what had transpired mere hours ago. He sacrificed himself just so I wouldn’t be alone in my last moments. He stayed with me until the very end, and he was the first thing I saw after I was healed by Yosano. He means more to me than anyone ever has- and I almost got him killed.
Shushing her cries of despair, Dazai cradled her head to his chest, feeling tears building in his own eyes. He just wanted to take all of her pain away. “Shhh…it’s alright, darling, you’re safe,” he whispered into her ear, feeling her grip around him tighten even more. She was gasping for breath, practically hyperventilating. It seemed her distress was never ending. “Please, my love…please tell me what’s wrong…I want to help you,” he muttered, stroking her hair and pressing gentle kisses into the crown of her head. Her muffled cries only grew louder and he only felt more helpless.
Eventually, after a few minutes of his hushed reassurances and tight, comforting hold, she managed to catch her breath enough to speak. When she pulled away from his chest and finally looked up at him, her eyes held a sorrow so deep that it broke Dazai’s heart all over again. “I- I’m so sorry,” she rasped, sounding completely broken. “You almost died because of me. I hurt you.” Another watery sob escaped her throat before she hung her head and pressed a hand to her lips yet again to stifle her pained cries.
Her words left him in utter shock. He couldn’t imagine how she could possibly think any of this was on her. Not when the truth was the complete opposite. It was time for him to be honest about his feelings, no matter how terrifying it was. “Hey…will you look at me?” He questioned gently, tilting her chin upwards with his finger to guide her gaze back to his. The smallest of smiles graced his lips when she finally complied, glassy eyes locking on his own. “There you are. It hurts that you blame yourself at all, darling. Especially when it’s me you have to blame for all of this.” When her distraught expression morphed into one of confusion, his hands made their way to her own, squeezing them tight. She absentmindedly stroked her thumb along his wrist in a comforting gesture, urging him to explain.
“…I knew Yosano would be there the whole time we were trying to rescue you. I knew she was waiting for us in case things went wrong, and that she would heal us if the bomb went off,” he began, staring intently into her eyes as he spoke. “But listening to you in there, scared and alone, waiting for it to detonate, was horrible. It was the worst possible scenario that we tried so hard to avoid. And knowing that you would have to endure the god awful pain of the explosion even for a moment, and I could do nothing about it, made me sick. It was just another cruel reminder that I always end up hurting the people I care for.”
His sincere confession had stunned Y/N. Though she and her boyfriend were incredibly close, Dazai was a fairly private person who didn’t often air his deep insecurities. The fact that he was being so vulnerable in this moment told her just how genuine his words were, and it hurt like hell to hear. Before she could say anything to rebut his confession, he continued. “I just feel like…a curse to the people I love most. They’ll always be hurt or worse because of me. And it’s so hard to live with myself because of that.”
Eyes widening, Y/N shook her head in disbelief. She couldn’t even imagine where his horrible self-deprecating talk was coming from. “How could you even say that? You saved me. I’m only here and alive because of you and the agency.” He let out a soft, humorless chuckle at her words, his gaze distant. “I failed you, my love. You were almost killed because of me.” He practically spat the word out, like he was disgusted with himself. His grip on her hands tightened.
“The whole reason those men took you in the first place was to get revenge on me. To force me to choose to live with the guilt of letting you die, or die alongside you. The fact that you had to be wrapped up in all that, traumatized and hurt and almost killed because of my enemies, my line of work…” he trailed off, his voice nearly breaking as his eyes begged her to understand. “No matter how careful I was and how much I tried to protect you, it meant nothing in the end.”
The guilt inside of him was all-consuming. Yes, they had saved her. Yes, they had made sure that the organization would never lay a finger on her or anyone else ever again. But what if something had gone wrong? What if they had been outsmarted, and Yosano hadn’t been waiting in the wings to heal them after the bomb went off? Y/N had been tortured, terrified, in pain because of him. To know that it was his fault that she had been scarred so deeply was his own personal hell.
In a way, the assholes who kidnapped her had won. It was Dazai’s penance, as their leader had called it- still living with the crushing guilt even after he had saved her. Hating himself over and over again for putting her in that position in the first place. Remembering her in the video, bruised and bloody and scared for her life. Constantly reliving her desperate cries for him to leave her in those final moments while he was utterly helpless to save her.
It was torture.
He just felt so stupid for being outsmarted by the lowly organization and allowing his precious lover to get hurt in the process.
“Dazai,” Y/N spoke sharply, effectively snapping him out of his spiral. She rarely called him Dazai unless she was being serious, and she couldn’t stand hearing him blame himself for one more second. “I won’t lie to you and say that today wasn’t one of the worst days of my life. The fear I felt, knowing I’d been taken from my home, having to count down the minutes to my death…” she paused, squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head as if willing away the unpleasant memories. He patiently waited for her to come back to herself, giving her hands a comforting squeeze.
“…It’ll take me a long time to get over that,” she finally admitted after a moment. “But the worst part of it wasn’t being kidnapped, or hurt by those men, or waiting for the inevitable explosion. It was thinking that I was going to lose you too. All I could focus on in those last minutes was you behind that door, too stubborn to leave me. All I could think about was how much I loved you, and how much I wanted you to be selfish for once and save yourself.”
She watched as he blinked back tears, a mystified expression in his face. As if the very thought of someone worrying about him and his life was completely foreign. Wanting to make herself absolutely clear, she kept going, no matter how much it hurt to see him struggling to understand her love for him. “I could never blame you for what happened. Those men did this to us- they caused all this pain and hurt. Not you.”
Her words left him dumbfounded, to say the least. They managed to remind him of why he loved her as fiercely as he did- she was the good in his life. Even after such a traumatic experience, she was incapable of blaming him for what had happened. Her love and compassion for him despite the darkness he brought into their lives was eye opening, forcing him to realize that no matter how much he thought it untrue, he was capable of being loved.
And how lucky he was to be loved by her.
Unable to articulate his complicated feelings any other way, Dazai cupped her face and surged forward, pressing his lips into her own and kissing her with such genuine fervor that it left Y/N breathless. Although she was momentarily shocked by his sudden show of affection, it quickly wore off as she melted into him. This was the first time they had truly kissed since reuniting, and they were each aching to communicate just how much they loved one another. How close they were to losing their other half; the person that completely them.
Her hands raked through his brown curls almost erratically, desperate to compensate for those long, torturous hours spent away from him. He seemed equally if not more hungry for her touch, like he was trying to prove to himself that she was really there with him after their near death experience. His slender fingers glided across her body and gripped her closer to him, nearly feral in his pursuit to feel every inch of her. She tugged at the hair near the base of his head and elicited a low, rumbling moan in return.
“My beautiful girl,” he rasped as he briefly pulled away, eyes roaming over her body with a look of complete infatuation. She was the most perfect thing he’d ever seen—and he’d almost lost her. His arm snaked around her waist to tug her impossibly closer, practically pulling her into his lap. She didn’t mind.
He continued to plant kisses all over her face, her hair, her jaw- anywhere he could reach. His lips ghosted over every inch of skin that had previously been covered in blood or bruises, almost as though he had memorized the exact locations of all her injuries just from watching the video hours ago. Knowing Dazai, he probably had committed all of her injuries to memory.
In between kisses, he muttered gentle praises and affections into her ear, all of which made her face flush a deep red. She would never tire of the way his whispered adorations made her heart race and the feeling of his soft lips against her skin. “My darling. My sweet belladonna. You’re everything to me. Everything,” he breathed, kissing the tip of her nose. “Words cannot even describe how much you mean to me. I’m nothing without you.”
Y/N rolled her head back as his lips trailed up her neck and neared her jawline, sucking in a sharp breath when his hands moved into her hair and his grip tightened. His kisses were becoming more passionate, more anxious to prove to her how grateful he was that she was finally back in his arms. That he would never let anyone lay a hand on her again. She allowed his love the wash over her, happily reciprocating when his lips finally captured her own once again.
He tasted like salty tears and home.
Eventually breaking away from one another to catch their breath, Y/N rested her forehead against Dazai’s and let out a shaky sigh, finally letting herself feel safe after what had felt like an eternity of fear and unease. Just being in his presence was enough to help alleviate some of crushing panic she had felt just hours ago.
“Thank you for being with me. For always protecting me, even when you think you’re not. And for never leaving me behind,” she whispered, glancing up into his big brown eyes that were mere inches away from her own. Although the thought of him almost dying with her in the explosion filled her entire being with dread, his determination to stay with her and offer her comfort until the very end meant more to her than she could explain.
“I wouldn’t dream of abandoning you. I’ll spend every day of the rest of my life protecting you and making sure something like this never happens again,” he assured her with nothing but sincerity in his soothing voice, taking her hands and gently brushing his lips over her knuckles. Her eyes fluttered closed at the gesture. “You are the most wonderful thing in my life. My reason for living at all. It’s hard to wrap my head around what I’ve possibly done to deserve you, but I promise I’ll do everything within my power to cherish you and keep you safe as long as I live.”
Y/N felt herself genuinely smiling for the first time in hours at her lover’s words. She was filled with such utter relief to be back in the safety of his arms. To be home, alive, and in love despite it all. Her heart felt like it would burst from all the love it held for Dazai Osamu.
“I love you,” she breathed, eyes meeting gentle brown once again. She was desperate for him to understand just how much she meant those words. To convey how safe he made her feel, and how much his presence comforted her. That no matter the danger she was in, she knew he would always be there for her.
“I love you too, Y/N,” he replied effortlessly, a part of him melting at the sight of her smile. He would burn the world just to keep that beautiful expression on her face. He made a silent vow to himself in that moment— no matter what it took, he would never lose her again.
The two eventually ended up in Dazai’s bed, practically clinging to one another as they shifted into a comfortable position. There would be no such thing as personal space that night. Y/N, who had been worried that the horrors she had faced would keep her exhausted body awake through the night, was pleasantly surprised to find that she was calm and content in Dazai’s embrace, already dozing off. He chuckled softly as her whole body relaxed against him.
“Sleep tight, my love. I’ve got you,” he mumbled into her hair, his warm breath fanning across her neck. She shivered and nuzzled herself further into his embrace, a soft smile on her face. No harm would come to her so long as she was in his arms.
Though they were both still riddled with guilt and turbulent emotions from the terrible night, they silently agreed to let go of their baggage for the time being and just appreciate one another, falling asleep in each other’s embrace.
Safe and home at last.
☆ note: yeahhhh dazai fic! i literally haven’t written in ages but i’ve been knee-deep in my bungo stray dogs era and dazai is taking up most of my brain capacity at the moment. this feels both rushed and wayyyy too long at the same time lol, i just had that feral writing energy and had to get it off my chest as soon as possible. it might be a mess but i’m exhausted and i’ve reread it too many times to catch all my mistakes lmaooo whatever. thanks so much for reading :)
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damiansgoodgirll · 3 months
period comfort with damian priest?
i definitely needed this request
damian priest x reader
‼️mention of period cramps and blood
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waking up you felt immediately something was off. when you felt wet between your thighs and some lower abdominal pain, you connected the dots, realising your period started a few days earlier.
you scoffed, not wanting to wake up and leave the comfort of your bed but at the same time you couldn’t handle the pain and the acknowledgment of being dirty down there. luckily you didn’t get damian’s sheets dirty but your pajama pants were a dark shade of red, your panties as well.
damian was currently in the gym, finishing his workout and when he realised that it was past 10 am and you still didn’t greet him with a good morning kiss, he knew something was off too. he thought about two options, either way you were still sleeping in or you were sick. he didn’t really think that you were sick as last night you were okay so he imagined you wanted to sleep a little more.
he took his time to take a shower and prepare some breakfast for you. twenty minutes later he got into your shared bedroom only to find you gone.
from the noise that came out of the bathroom, he quickly guessed where you were but it was only when he saw your face in distress that realised something happened. he slowly laid your breakfast on the nightstand “are you okay amor?” he gently asked when he met your eyes.
“that time of the month…” was the only thing you said before coming back to bed with a clean pajamas.
he knew how painful it was for you that time of the month so he always tried his best to make it a more enjoyable for you, at least, he would try to ease the pain and make you feel better.
“why don’t you eat some breakfast i made for you while i prepare your medicine and your hot water bottle? how’s that sounds?” he smiled at you.
“okay princesa, here’s your pancakes and coffee, i’ll be right back” he kissed your cheeks before leaving the room only to return ten minutes later with painkillers and your fluffy hot water bottle “did you like your breakfast?” he smiled at you.
“i loved it…thank you” you genuinely smiled at him. he was the first boyfriend you had that had no problem being around you while you had your period. your ex always said you were “too moody” or “being too dramatic” so you always suffered in silence but with damian was different.
he’s been supporting since the beginning, always making sure you weren’t in too much pain. but sometimes it wasn’t just the pain making you feel uncomfortable. it was everything else. the greasy hair, the dry skin, your lack of sleep, mood swings, you going from being cold to being hot in just a few minutes. damian learned to deal with your pain as well. learning the difference from when you were just in pain or when your whole body, emotional and physical, was in pain.
“take some pills, they will ease the pain a little bit, you can keep resting if you want” he smiled, sitting on the bed next to you.
“thanks…” you accepted the pills and threw it down without fear “i’m not tired tho…maybe we can cuddle a little and watch a movie?”
“that sounds perfect, do you need me to open the window a little?” he asked, seeing the way you were violently kicking the blankets away.
“please do…i feel burning” you chuckled making him laugh.
it was actually a pretty cold day outside. damian usually didn’t care about the weather, even if it was cold, he could handle it. you, on other hand, couldn’t stand being in hot places and cold temperatures as well so seeing you so desperate for cold air made him smile a little “here you go…tell me if it gets to cold okay?”
“i will, i promise, now come to bed i wanna cuddle with you”
“okay okay i’m coming” he chuckled “here’s your hot water bottle, this should help with the cramps”
“it usually helps…thank you so much for everything dam, i appreciate it so much…i love you” you said snuggling into his chest while positioning your hot water bottle over your lower belly.
“you don’t have to thank me mi amor, i love taking care of you” he genuinely said making you smile.
you didn’t how you found someone like him but you did and you felt like you were the luckiest person in the whole entire universe.
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redr0sewrites · 1 month
CONGRATULATIONS ON 2K!!! wooooo!!! Please may I request prompt 5 with Muzan? f or gn reader please and either sfw or nsfw is great! thank you so so much and congratulations again!
🥀A/n: AAA OFCC!!! hi flameyyy!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
🥀Prompt: "i don't like you- i love you"
🥀Cw: fluff, a little bit of angst, sort of pre-established relationship, first "i love you", Muzan is dramatic and unsure
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the rain was unrelenting, drumming against the roof of your small home, keeping you awake late into the night- nearly 'till morning. while the repetitive noise was usually calming, tonight it only fueled your anxiety. your bed was cold in the absence of your lover, and while it was quite normal for Muzan to travel out late, sunrise was approaching and he was nowhere to be found.
it was strange how attached you had become to him, given that the nature of your relationship was still uncertain. he tolerated you, sure, and prioritized you even over demons like himself, but did he love you? the uncertainty of it all was scarier than anything else, so you stayed quiet.
Muzan never harmed you, always treating you kindly (at least to a degree). he brought you trinkets from his travels that now littered your bedroom, and would occasionally hold you close while you slept, with his gaze trained on your face. he claimed that it was simply to keep watch over you to keep you safe, but you knew better that he, while he wouldn't admit it, enjoyed your company. and you couldn't deny that you enjoyed it too, you felt safer in his arms knowing he was watching over you, keeping any danger at bay.
a strike of lightning momentarily illuminated your abode, followed by a loud rumble from the sky above. the act brings you back to the present, while simultaneously invoking more worries.
normally he'd be back by now.
you begin to fear the worst, imagining all of the things that could've gone wrong. as anxiety begins to overcome you, the loud SLAM of your front door causes you to let out a shocked yelp. you reach for the candle to your left, hastily lighting it and taking a sigh of relief at the sight before you. Muzan stands looming in the doorway, and you can't help but compare his likeness to that of a wet kitten. his dark hair is plastered to his face, and his eyes are narrowed and squinty.
"what are you doing awake, beloved?" his coat was flung to the side, crumpling in a heap on the ground. within seconds, he approached you, and cradled your face in his hands. "a fragile human like yourself should be resting," he coo's, accentuating his words with a light flick to the tip of your nose, smirking as your face scrunches in disapproval.
"i was worried, you came back late."
"technically, it is early. the sun is almost rising- which is why you should be asleep."
"oh, fuck you," you grumble, turning your back towards him. Muzan huffs, and you soon hear the soft scuffles of him changing into more comfortable clothes.
"slide over," he purrs, and you oblige, melting into his embrace. his head tucks perfectly against the nape of your neck, and his strong arms pull your back flush against his chest. his claws tenderly trace over the bare skin of your arm, drawing swirls and makings onto your flesh that you aren't privy to. you should feel comforted by his presence, and yet...
"what's troubling you?" his voice isn't accusatory, but direct, and you let out a tired sigh.
"does it matter?"
"would i be asking if it didn't?"
you grit your teeth, struggling to voice your feelings.
"it's just- you know, im human.. and, you know, we're just so different..."
"your point being?" Muzan sounded slightly distressed, the circles he had been tracing against your arm increasing in pace. he was tense, maybe even irritated, and you know you can't drag this out.
"do you- love me? or even like me?" Muzan stills, and your heart drops. you take a breath, he takes a breath. your just about to pull away when he heaves out a heavy sigh. demons don't need to breathe, so the action must be fully intentional.
"why would you ask such a mundane question? i thought it was serious."
"just answer!"
Muzan growls, but ultimately complies.
"its complicated. nearly everything about my existence is. however i do know one thing. i don't like you.."
your heart stills.
"i love you."
Muzan immediately turns around, pulling away and leaving you staring at the wall. you turn towards his back, your heart caught in your throat at the rare confession.
"i- i think i love you too.." your voice is merely a whisper, but you know he heard you from the soft, responding grunt from his far side. tentatively, you slide closer to him on the bed, close enough for you to wrap your arm around his waist. you expect him to pull away, or reprimand you, but he doesn't. instead, he relaxes into your touch, and turns around to face you. his face is stern, but there's something soft in his eyes that you've never seen before.
"rest," he commands, gently pressing your eyelids shut with two kisses. "i'll be here until nightfall."
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writingforcuteppl · 3 months
i think i’m getting lost
PAIRING: Sanzu Haruchiyo x f!Haitani!Reader
SUMMARY: You never really understood why your boyfriend or brothers killed and found it thrilling until you had to do it for self-defense, and now you’re wondering if something is wrong with you. 
GENRE: Angst, just a little bit suggestive.
WARNINGS: MURDER, mentions of blood, declining mental health, swearing, stalking, sexual assault. Please read at your own discretion. If you think this may trigger you, please forget all of this and continue with your day. Put your mental health first.
WORD COUNT: 2.5k words
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
“For fucks sake, Ran, answer your damn phone,” Kakucho muttered under his breath. He has been in this situation so many times, cleaning everyone's mess after they decided to just kill or mess up with someone they considered a threat to Bonten, but it was the first time you were involved. 
“How is she?” Kakucho asked Sanzu, who was amused by the view. You were in silence. Face, hands, clothes covered in blood. You’ve never looked hotter in his eyes.
You couldn’t stop looking at the body of the man in front of you who lay lifeless. You really didn’t mean it. He wasn’t supposed to be dead.
“Finally, you shitheads. We need you, now.” You couldn’t really understand who Kaku was talking to, but by the club noise coming out from his phone, you could just figure he was speaking to one of your brothers.
“Hey, princess, look up.” Sanzu squatted in front of you and put his hand under your chin, making you look at your boyfriend for the first time since he arrived. You looked briefly into his eyes and then directed your sight to the bat that was lying near the man’s head. You just shook your head and sighed. ‘This is gonna be more complicated than I thought,’ Sanzu thought.
“They are already on their way. I don’t want to move anything until they arrive. Maybe they will be able to figure out what the hell happened.” Sanzu tried his best not to look excited. He wanted to know how his sweet angel was able to fucking murder someone.
“Let’s clean you up, okay?” You didn’t answer, Sanzu. He picked you up and took you to your bathroom to shower and change you. As Sanzu was taking your clothes off, you finally called his name.
“Well, cat didn’t get your tongue,” he chuckled and waited patiently for you to say something else. He was only patient when it came to you.
“He’s been stalking me for months now. I just… I didn’t want to tell you anything because I knew you were going to go violent. But oh well.” you blurted out. Not a single hint of distress or sadness or even panic. You were too calm, even for Sanzu’s likeness.
“He ended up just like he would be if you told me, you know?”
“Yeah, I just thought that I was going to be able to figure out how to fix this myself in a more civil way.”
“Not the best time to tell you this, but god, you look so good covered up in blood,” Sanzu finally blurted out, and you smiled. Of course, he would get riled up by that.
“You think?” You tried to sound playful, but something, which Sanzu believed was fear, made that statement unsettling. He just knew he needed to wait for you to speak, but in the end, you always ended up spilling out everything that was in your mind.
Sanzu was removing the blood from your face with the water that was running down when he could hear a commotion coming from your living room. Your brothers finally arrived.
“Do you think you can finish showering yourself?” He didn’t want to admit it, but he was worried—the type of worry he gets whenever Mikey is too silent for his own liking.
“San, I’m ok. Believe me.” He looked into your eyes and knew you were telling him the truth. "I’m still an adult. I can function normally.” Sanzu only nodded and gave you a little kiss on the temple. You just smiled. He wasn’t the type of guy to get too affectionate, but when he did, you knew he meant it.
As the water continued to fall over your body, your mind started to race. It wasn’t supposed to feel the way it did. Were you actually a bad person all this time? Were you just faking all that politeness? You just remembered the way you saw that bastard’s life fade from his eyes. It wasn’t supposed to feel good. 
As the minutes passed, you just played the events over and over again. All the tension that had been building up for months had been taken out on him. It was his fault, after all. But still, murder is wrong, right? But was it bad if it was in self-defense? 
You knew you had to go outside at any moment. For your own sake and your brothers', you decided to dress up and face whatever interrogation the Bonten executives had for you. You sighed. They cannot see that you enjoyed it. You aren’t like them. You tried to repeat that to yourself, but the more you thought about it, the more you concluded that you may be just like them.
When you arrived at your living room, the body and the bat were nowhere to be seen. Only a faint blood stain on your floor was visible. You couldn’t be surprised even if you wanted to. After all, they are part of Japan’s most dangerous criminal organization.
Rindou was the first to approach you. He hugged you. You expected you were going to cry, but you didn’t. You felt some kind of comfort and smiled.
“Before you ask, I swear I’m okay.” Ran raised his eyebrow at your confession. 
“Care to tell us what happened?” Rindou said while making you move from the middle of the living room to the nearest couch.
“Isn’t it obvious?” You tried to laugh the tension out, but no one believed you were actually that good, not even Sanzu.
“Fine.” you took a deep breath before explaining what happened. “I think Sanzu has already told you this man had been kinda stalking me for quite some time now.”
“Why didn't you tell us? We would’ve fixed this sooner and quicker.” Ran questioned you, and you could tell he was angry. It only took one look from you to make him go soft. “I just don’t understand. You shouldn’t have done this. Not you. You were the good one, the one that was the best out of everyone.” Your face twitched at his words. Your mind was everywhere, and you couldn’t come up with a proper answer. 
“Shut up, Ran.” Rindou was also mad, but mostly because you didn’t trust them enough so they could take care of this, take care of you.
“Ran, let her finish. You are no one to talk. None of us, actually.” You nodded at Kakucho as a form of gratitude. 
“I’m sorry, Ran. I know I should’ve. I really thought that I was going to be able to take care of this by myself, and I did, just… Not in the way I intended.” you stopped waiting for someone to say something else before continuing with your story. When nobody said anything, you continued.
“The thing is, it slowly turned into something more. It mostly started with him following me. I started to see him everywhere I went, too many times to think it was just a coincidence. Then I started to receive presents and packages with stuff that included photos of me when I was outside by myself, photos of me in my apartment, and the last week were photos taken from inside the apartment.” You made a pause, trying to keep calm and not get angry.
“AND WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US?” Ran shouted at you. “You let all of this get more dangerous for you.”
“Don’t you dare to say it was because you wanted to fix it yourself?”
“YOU KNOW WHY? YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO KNOW WHY I DIDN’T TELL YOU SHIT?” now you were screaming back at Ran “BECAUSE YOU CAN ONLY THINK WITH YOUR DICK. HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I CALLED YOU AND YOU JUST SENT ME A FUCKING MESSAGE SAYING “TALK YOU LATER”? Please, Ran, I don’t have to be a fucking psychic to know you were too busy fucking everything that has legs.”
“You don’t get to flip this on me now. What about Rin, or Sanzu?”
“Please, Rin is just as you and Sanzu would’ve done way worse than just killing him. Besides, he only follows Mikey’s orders. I’m not dumb, Ran. Even if he’s my boyfriend, he barely takes things seriously when it comes to anyone besides Mikey.” You said the last thing in a whisper. You looked at Sanzu, and you saw guilt on his face for the first time since you started dating him.
“She’s right, Ran.” Rindou covered his face with his hands. How did they leave you all alone? They were your big brothers. They should’ve been more attentive.
You whipped out some tears that started falling down your cheek. Sanzu, who was on your other side, only took your hand without even looking at you. You didn’t mean to call him out too. It just slipped. But deep down, you both knew what you said was the truth.
“I know we fucked up, but she has to understand. That’s why we are here for.” You sighed. He wasn’t mad because you just killed someone, but because, as he said, you shouldn’t be the one to do something. “I’m sure that fucker deserved it. I mean, you saw how she left him. Barely recognizable.” 
“Damn right she did!” Sanzu smirked, and Rindou only shook his head at him. At least he wasn’t mad at you. 
“Today, when I arrived here, I just knew something was off. It didn’t feel right. When I least expected it, I felt someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. I’m not stupid, but I knew it was him.” You huffed. “He started to…” you ribbed your hands against your face, trying to get the courage to say the following words. “He started to touch me…” you said as you moved your hands around your body so they could get the idea. Your brothers only nodded, and Sanzu was frowning.
“I just knew if I didn’t do something quick, he was going to do something to leave me unconscious. And well. We don’t have to be a genius to know why he was actually here, right? So I remembered that Sanzu left a bat a few days ago here.”
“I bought that as a joke, but I’m kinda glad it helped you.” You gave Sanzu a small smile and continued.
“Well, after that, I just hit him with my elbow on the stomach. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, and he wasn’t as strong as you guys,” you said, referring to your brothers. “I just ran for the bat, and the moment I felt him near me, I just started hitting him with the bat. And the rest is history, I guess.” You tried ending the description of the events as quickly as possible. You omitted the little insignificant detail, which is why right now you feel like going down a hole you will never be able to get out of. Maybe Ran and Rindou didn’t notice it, but Sanzu knew better. Interrogating people too many times made him kind of an expert, and he knew when people were not lying but hiding something else.
You saw how everyone was in silence. Kakucho was the one who broke it. 
“Well, it sounds like it was mostly a self-defense situation. I will take care of it, don’t worry.” You thank him. You knew you were going to be fine if Kakucho was the one who would make sure no one ever linked this to you.
Ran and Rindou tried to come up with an apology, but nothing came out. How can they say anything now? They fucked up big time.
“Hey,” you said, reaching Ran since he was standing near your front door. You knew he was beating himself up for this, so you only hugged him. “I’m okay, I swear.” You tried to comfort him, and he just hugged you in return. 
“We’ll talk tomorrow. The three of us. Right?” Rindou nodded. They always thought that since you were the youngest, they should always take care of you, and this was quite the opposite of what they thought.
“Ok, I’ll see you then.” You knew they wanted to amend things, to at least make it up to you, and they wanted to be able to talk without any of their colleagues listening.
Ran Kakucho and Rindou said their goodbyes, leaving you and Sanzu alone. As you returned to the sofa, you were trying to come up with some kind of apology for what you said earlier. You always knew Sanzu was like that; he was devoted to only one person, and it never bothered you, even if it sounded like that a few moments ago. You never really talked to Mikey, but the few times you’ve interacted with him, he wasn’t mean or anything like that. His presence wasn’t uncomfortable at all. You enjoyed the silence.
“No, let me talk.” He interrupted you before you could apologize. He grabbed your hand as he made you sit on his lap. “First of all, I’m sorry if I made you think I wouldn’t do anything for you. You don’t understand it. I would kill for you, just as I would for Mikey. You are mine, which means I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are happy and safe.” You were trying to hide your smile. After so long, Sanzu was saying the words you’ve only dreamed of.
“Ok,” you didn’t know how to react to that confession. It felt good that you were speechless, so you just started playing with his hair. Sanzu grinned. 
“Good. Now, I’m not stupid. Care to say what you didn’t tell us before?” Fuck. Of course, he would know you weren’t telling him everything that happened. You knew you needed to get it out of your system, and maybe Sanzu was the best option. He would understand, right?
“Nothing important, really. It’s just… I enjoyed it. I don’t know why San, but the way I felt him go numb, the way I saw in his eyes his life fade away… Damn it, it shouldn’t feel like that. I don’t know what happened, Sanzu. I’m actually scared.” you finally started crying. It felt good to finally be able to get it out, but it was horrible at the same time. “I’ve seen you, my brothers, everyone in Bonten, kill, and it is scary. I just don’t know what happened today.” As you were sobbing, Sanzu cleaned the tears on your face.
“We both know I’m not the best person to discuss this. I know what you mean, and…” you saw he was having trouble coming up with words. “I just want you to know that this is the first and last time you will feel like this. I swear on my life that I will take care of all these types of situations so you don’t feel conflicted or scared. I really don’t know how to help you emotionally, angel, and I wish I could help you. Maybe Kaku would be able to help you with this feeling, but apart from that I can help with making you feel safe. I promise.” you started to calm down, not enough to make the crying stop, but enough to make you feel at ease.
“Thanks, Sanzu,” you whispered.
“Anything for you, my angel”
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