lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 2 - Thriller
@wolfstarmicrofic July 2, word count 989
CW- Blood, guns, gunshot, open wound
Sirius darted down side streets and into alleyways. He gasped for breath, his chest heaving as it dragged oxygen into his exhausted body. Pounding footsteps approached. He ducked down behind the small rubbish bins, clamping his hand over his mouth, so his rapid breathing didn’t give him away. 
Multiple footsteps ran past his hiding place, but one set lingered, turning into the alleyway. Sirius took a few steadying breaths and tensed his muscles, ready for action. The person came closer, kicking the bins out of his way. There was only one bin left between them. With all his remaining strength, Sirius kicked the bin, knocking his pursuer to the ground. He launched himself over him, catching a glimpse of his face on his way past. The man’s mask had slipped. It was Regulus. Fuck! Sirius took off running the way he’d come, the others long gone. A shot rang out behind him as he sped around a corner. It just missed him, ricocheting off the wall right where his head had been a second before. Regulus never missed. What was he playing at? Sirius didn’t hang around to find out.
He laid low until he could get to the safe house. When he finally felt it was safe, he made his way there, making sure she wasn’t followed. A grizzled man was waiting for him. He held a gun to Sirius’s temple while he searched him and took the flash drive from his pocket. 
“Congratulations, Black. You managed to not fuck up an assignment or get killed doing so,” Moody grunted at him. 
“Regulus was there,” He told him. Moody took a deep breath and growled. 
“Did he make you?” He spat through his teeth. 
“I don’t know. I threw a bin at him and ran. He took a shot, but he missed and you know he never misses his target.” Moody grumbled something under his breath that Sirius didn’t catch. 
“We’re going to get you a partner for your next mission. Ah, no, I don’t want to hear it, Black,” He said when Sirius tried to protest. “If Regulus is caught up in this then it’s too dangerous to send you out alone. He knows how you think, how you move and how you fight. You’ll be a liability we can’t afford to have.” Sirius gritted his teeth, but he knew it was for the best. 
“Who do you have in mind?” He blew out. Resigned to his fate. 
“New lad. Ridiculously smart. Calm in a crisis. Perfect balance for you and your chaos.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“Has Mr Perfect got a name then?” 
“Remus Lupin,” Moody grinned a toothy smile. Sirius felt a chill wash over him. 
Remus Lupin turned out to be a tall, skinny, well-spoken man who shouldn't have been anywhere near all this.
 Moody had them train together. “I want you to know each other inside and out. Shut up Black, that is not what I meant and you know it.” Sirius bit his tongue to keep from smiling. “You need to work together or no assignments. Do I make myself clear?” They both nodded.
They trained together for weeks, learning how the other moved and thought until they flowed around each other, predicting what the other was going to do before they’d even thought about it. 
The other side had a plan for something terrible and it was their job to infiltrate and find out what was going to happen. 
Sirius watched in awe as Remus expertly picked the locks on a small side door and they slipped into the dark building. 
It was freezing inside. Sirius shook it off, getting his head in the zone. 
They made slow progress up the levels. Riddle would be on the top floor, with his second-in-command on the floor below. That’s where the information would be. 
He couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was too easy. Why hadn’t they met any of the grunts lower down? 
He gingerly pushed open the door to the floor they needed and crept into the large-decadently-styled open room. Remus sped across the room to the computer and began trying to find the information. It was taking too long, and Sirius felt the panic setting in. 
“Hurry up, Remus,” He hissed, his gun trained on the only door in or out of the room. A hidden door on the far wall opened silently. 
“Tut tut, brother of mine. I don’t think you’re supposed to be in here, are you?” Regulus drawled, his gun pointing at Remus. “Call off your man and I might let you out of this building,” Sirius froze and turned to Remus in horror. 
“Come on, Reggie, you know it’s me you want.”  
“I’ve been watching you, Sirius. I know exactly how you feel about him,” Sirius swallowed. Remus typed furiously on the computer. He gasped and met Sirius’s eyes. He’d found something. Remus suddenly jumped up, a flash drive in his hand.
Regulus cocked his gun.
“You don’t think you’re going anywhere with that, do you?” Regulus held out his hand. “Give it here, Lupin.” He swung his gun to Sirius, who’d started inching towards Remus. “Ah, ah, Sirius, no sneaking now. Hand it over, Lupin!” He repeated, pulling back the hammer on the gun. “Final warning, give it to me!” 
The gun went off and Sirius dove in front of Remus. 
He felt a strange pressure, he looked down and saw a small hole just below his heart, red liquid dribbling out. 
“Oh, shit,” He breathed out. Remus rushed to his side and grabbed his hand, pressing it into the wound. He screamed. 
“Keep your hand there and don’t move it,” Remus grunted as he threw Sirius over his shoulder and fled the building. 
He woke up in the hospital, somehow alive, Remus holding onto his hand and all he could think was Regulus never missed. So why had he for a second time?
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(jegulus this, regulus with someone that. have we considered perpetual bachelor regulus with no partner and a fancy house and all. his friends drinking fancy whiskey until 2am on a Wednesday because they can and going to work and living his best life unattached.
and having breakfast at sirius's on weekend mornings and sirius has a baby strapped to his chest and a handsome husband and reg is like "wow thats so nice for him, I'm going to buy my nephew a horse and watch sirius's head explode")
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bloodbruise · 9 months
the bitches traumatized by saltburn would never survive the fics in my ao3 history
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elilelibeli · 2 months
The first time Regulus kissed James they were rudely interrupted, by an annoying beeping sound.
Regulus did try to ignore the sound but he had to stop when James suddenly took his hands from Regulus’s waist and hid them behind his back.
“James what’s happening” Regulus looked behind James’s broad shoulders.
“Nothing” James answered shaking his head accompanied with the same annoying beeping sound.
Regulus raised his eyebrow and with one swift motion grabbed James’s arm. James looked at him defeated and quickly put his hand in front.
“It’s my watch, okay?” he answered looking a little embarrassed, “the sound is to let me know when my heart rate is too elevated when I work out” he continued red creeping up his cheeks.
“The heart rate..” Regulus mumbled while examining the watch on James’s wrist, playful smirk appearing in the place of his pursed lips full of confusion.
He quickly pecked James’s lips, slowly moved from his lips to his jaw, while glancing at the watch on his wrist start with the sound of beeping again.
Look of embarrassment, torture and excessive blushing were covering James’s face when Regulus looked at him and giggled. His giggle turned into a full blown, head thrown, beautiful laugh as the sound of the beeping from the watch became so loud and so quick it could surely be heard from down the hall.
James, his watch and his heartbeat were in serious trouble surrounded by the most beautiful sounds of Reggie’s laugh.
this is based on a twitter post screenshot (which I can find anymore) i saw like months ago but can’t stop thinking about cause it’s just so so cute
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adh-james-version · 11 days
Reg calling James “Jamie” is my equivalent of cocain
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fiasco95 · 5 months
James: Look what I caught!
Sirius: What?
James: A stray cat!
Sirius: That’s Regulus.
James: Stray cat!
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wild-flowerhoney · 10 days
jegulus might not be canon but have you considered that canon sucks
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courfee · 10 months
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christmas season at the wolfstar flat
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venus-sqturn · 11 months
dilf james where every mom at harrys primary school is just uncomfortably flirting w/ james and one day regulus picks harry up instead and every mom is like “what happened to james, where is he??” “why is there another man picking up harry??” to the point regulus is just like “lmao im james husband”
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adharastarlight · 11 months
Reg sneaking into his dorm at 2am, uniform a little dishevelled
Barty, turning the light on and stroking a cat like a bond villain: why hello, you're out awfully late
Reg: ...uhm-
Evan, appearing in the shadows next to Barty: it's dreadfully strange how the light affects the colours of ties
Reg: merde
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 8 - Silk
@jegulus-microfic May 8, Word count 486
Previous part First part
James finished what would have been his final loop of the quidditch pitch, before he went back to the changing rooms, when he spotted a figure clad in green rising to meet him. 
Regulus smirked at him as he flew closer.
“Going in already, Potter?” He drawled. James’s heart was pounding, and it wasn’t from the exercise. “Fancy throwing the quaffle around for a bit? I never get the chance normally.” He said as though he wasn’t bothered either way, but James had the feeling he really wanted James to say yes. 
“Sure,” He furrowed his brow. “This isn’t some clever ploy to take out Hogwarts’s best player is it?” Regulus’s face flushed red and his eyes widened in horror. 
“What—what do you mean?” He stuttered. James furrowed his brow further. 
“Is this a friendly practice or are you here to make sure I can’t play next week?” Relief washed over Regulus’s face and his patented scowl settled back in place. 
“Scared, Potter? Do you think I need to incapacitate you for my team to win?” A wicked glint flashed in his eyes as he suddenly sped towards James. James didn’t have time to react as he watched Regulus spin upwards at the last second and sail upside down over his head. He was so close his hair brushed against James’s forehead, it felt like silk. Soft and smooth and not yet drenched in sweat like James’s was. 
“Oh, it’s on!” He said to the wind and spun his own broom over and chased after the Slytherin seeker. 
“So has my brother said anything to you yet?” Regulus asked when they’d finished racing each other and were lazily tossing the quaffle back and forth. 
“No, not yet,” James replied. Should he say something about himself now? He felt rather nervous about voicing it and absent-mindedly chewed on his bottom lip. 
“What’s eating you?” Regulus asked when James hadn’t thrown the quaffle back. 
“Doesn’t matter.” He shook his head, “I’m quite tired, think I’ll call it a day, if you don’t mind.” He tossed the quaffle to Regulus and slowly descended to the ground. 
As he jumped off his broom, a hand grabbed his sleeve. He looked over his shoulder at Regulus. 
“What’s the matter?” If James didn’t know better he would have thought that Regulus was actually showing concern. He just shook his head again and tried to pull away, but Regulus had a vice-like grip. “Tell me what’s wrong.” 
James spun. The movement dragged Regulus against his chest. Regulus looked up and James stared right into his eyes, pouring everything he had into them. His chest was heaving with the effort. Regulus let out a gasp and his hand dropped from James’s sleeve. James felt his heart crack. 
He jumped on his broom and raced as fast as he could make the broom go back to the castle, leaving Regulus behind on the pitch.  
Next part
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likeprongstostars · 4 months
some fem jegulus art ive been collecting over time + special cherry regulus for @messymoony
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swimmingclass1978 · 4 months
What if reg was an animagi and he could turn into a duck.
Imagine walking down the hogwarts corridor and you see james and sirius being chased by a duck with a wand in its mouth.
Idk just something about fussy duck reg sitting on top of james' head quacking at everyone
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incandescentwarmth · 5 months
Virgin James who's so eager and the first thing he wants to try is eating Reg out. He's a total mess but incredibly eager and determined. Reg gives him directions which he listens to but he gets so into it that he forgets to follow instructions and keeps pressing closer and trying to taste as much of Reggie as possible.
Virgin Reggie who James offers to go down on. Reg doesn't know what to expect but the second he feels James's breath on him his body relaxes and his muscles go slack handing his body over for James to control and pleasure.
Both of them who are virgins and are completely lost but James convinces Reggie to sit on his face because he can't imagine a better position and Reg ends up grinding against his tongue until he comes in James's mouth.
In conclusion James lives to give head
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willsolace-loml · 2 months
never underestimate the power of a teenager and the fandom they found in their tweens that altered their brain chemistry that they still think abt every day
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thelegitcasper · 6 months
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regulus to james
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