#Into the Brighter Night
Summary: When an unknown enemy threatens Robin, Gotham's vigilantes come together to keep him safe. Unfortunately, they're protecting the wrong Robin. Or: Tim Drake plans his own rescue. Things get complicated.
Author: @shoalsea
Note from submitter: Whenever I read a Batfam fic where Tim is a major character and no one from Young Justice shows up or is even mentioned, I am filled with rage at the disrespect. This fic is my happy place
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thatthirdtriplet · 3 months
Friendship - Relationship Family - Relationship Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne
Tim Drake Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson Jason Todd Damian Wayne Cassandra Cain Stephanie Brown Alfred Pennyworth Cassie Sandsmark Kon-El | Conner Kent Bart Allen Duke Thomas Cissie King-Jones Greta Hayes Anita Fite
Additional Tags:
angst and shenanigans Batfam angst young justice shenanigans Tim Drake Needs a Hug Tim Drake’s Missing Spleen everyone fails at communication POV Alternating
When an unknown enemy threatens Robin, Gotham's vigilantes come together to keep him safe.
Unfortunately, they're protecting the wrong Robin.
Or: Tim Drake plans his own rescue. Things get complicated.
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ryuubff · 1 year
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you ever think about how much strain is prolly on the mc … although you think you’re somewhere familiar, with people whom you know and love. they don’t actually know you like You know them … and you only have one person who you truly do know and trust.
extra mimir sleeping peacefully:
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i got brainworms of hc that perhaps mc getting terrorizes by nightmares and going to solomon about it sicne theyre prolly. A. Little fucked up from whats been going on esp when it happened outta nowhere 😭😭😭😭😭 like the new card got me thinking abt how maybe solomon has comforted them before….. SORRY SOLOMON ALSO GOT ME FUCKED UP!!!!
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wildstar25 · 3 months
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MiqoMarch Day 14 - Dark
They say even in pitch darkness a moon keeper can see clearly, making them formidable hunters during night hours.
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thelolarahaii · 12 days
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30 seconds? Yup, a 30-second ghost story. And...go.
EVIL 4x02 | "How to Train a Dog"
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minoukwrites · 2 months
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Stranger Days, Brighter Nights Lily 💛
Read her story on AO3
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deathberi · 10 months
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bokatan · 11 months
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Started working on Kingsport Lighthouse to use as an ✨aesthetic✨ settlement for screenshots + art backgrounds, so here’s some WIP photos! This one is intended to be a home base for one of my OCs, but the outdoor layout + overall size isn’t quite what I was going for so I’m not sure if I’m using this location in her actual storyline or not. Either way, I’m keeping it for screenshots/art and purified water lmao
don’t mind the random bloodstain in the kitchen i can’t get rid of it and it’s kind of funny
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mer-se · 1 month
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I could cry
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dracomeir · 9 days
Burnout Remake
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firestorm09890 · 9 months
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“Surely you knew this would happen.”
Day 1 of bending the khtober prompts to my will and just drawing the same character every day this month - Destiny Islands
Remember when I said having an artistic muse is all fun and games until you can’t get yourself to draw anything else? Yeah. I figured I might as well lean into it. I’ve never made it longer than a week in an October drawing challenge so let’s see if I can make this work with the power of sheer brainrot
Your bonus fun fact of the day is that this is actually a screenshot redraw (with a few liberties) of Xion's weird fever dream from 358/2 Days, not of the scene as it actually happened in Chain of Memories. The Re:CoM version looks like this lol
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segasys · 7 months
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playing around with some nightcat/inv designs, partially inspired by @faelingdraws and @dieselpvnk's designs
also i really like plural nightcat/inv by faeling, so im adopting that for them if you dont mind, but if thats not ok please tell me!!
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ssunshowerr · 5 months
annabeth in ep 5: oh wow look at that
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Ooo but can you imagine sea monster fl with a Fisher type darling
Like they give him snacks when he comes around to their boat and they can play too🥺
i am LOVING all this Sea Monster Foul Legacy brainrot oh my goodness mermay is amazing
i can imagine Foul Legacy carefully clinging to the side of your boat, head just barely peeking out of the water as he says hello, silently asking for permission to come aboard. when you nod he trills happily and hoists himself up, his long tail hanging off the side, scales glittering even if the sun isn't out. you're always very careful not to accidentally catch one of your hooks on him, teaching him what every lure looks like so he doesn't curiously bat it in the water, so he's not afraid at all when you cast your line into the sea, merely watching in awe. if you're alright with it, he'll shift so he's leaning against you, head nestled into your chest and tail leisurely splashing in the water
he loooves trying any snacks you might have, nudging against you and chirping when you pull them out- he won't eat all of it, just a bite! there's just so many interesting foods on land!! and of course if you decide to go for a swim he'll jump right into the water with you, fins fluttering in excitement. Legacy curls his tail around your legs and pulls you close, negating your need to swim as he purrs and snuggles his face against your neck. and if you can deal with your eyes stinging from the salt, he'll dive underwater with you, doing his best to show you lovely, interesting things- although for you, he's the loveliest of all <33
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imekitty · 8 months
I had a nightmare early this morning where it started raining knives. Like it started out with just one knife and then a couple more and then suddenly a downpour of knives just falling from the sky at such speed that they stuck in the ground. And everyone was trying to get inside this building but the people that couldn't get in were just torn to shreds by these raining knives.
And in my dream I was like "wow if I were Danny Phantom I could just turn intangible and not worry about this."
Like here I was having this bad dream and I still had fandom brain.
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minoukwrites · 4 months
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Just another silly Jily fic.
But i'm actually really proud of it... Read the full first chapter on AO3
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