my-autism-adhd-blog · 6 months
Autism & Irritability
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bunnighost · 1 year
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remyxavier · 2 months
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You can leave your halo at the entrance.
Woke up irritated as all fucking hell this morning. I think I hate this part of bipolar the most. I'm so volatile on these types of days. I either have to stay high the whole day or keep headphones on constantly and avoid everyone. So inconvenient.
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autismcultureis · 7 months
Autism culture is feeling like you're horrible because you're extremely hypersensitive w/ emotions and that leads you to having anger issues 🥲 like I don't wanna be angry like that but I can't fucking help it.
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sibnonconomgfrfr · 5 months
Ever feel aroused but incredibly irritable for NO reason and hating everyone and being unable to release ANY TENSION!?
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mynameisakissi · 10 months
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beautifullymacabre · 4 months
why do i bite?
why do i snarl at your outstretched hand,
tail between my legs,
a beaten dog?
i'm not violent.
(ignore your blood on my teeth.)
why do i bite?
this beast inside,
is it trapped there,
or is it me who's caught in its jaws?
a fruitless line of questioning,
i am the beast.
to separate us would be to pull my bared teeth
one by one.
blood drenched pearls
fetch the highest price,
even if they come from a dog that bites.
(especially then.)
wine stained opals,
jewels in the crown of a bitch who doesn't know what's good for her.
why do i bite?
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thecouncilofidiots · 5 months
Oh ho ho! I forgot how very irritated and on edge I get whenever we don't sleep... -Ace
Every sound makes me want to peel our skin off
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wayti-blog · 2 years
In today's rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being.
Eckhart Tolle
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I saw this useful Infograph about the signs of sensory overload from neurodivergent_insights on Facebook that I wanted to share.
Signs of Sensory Overload
Feeling a wave of fatigue over you
Feeling wound up and stimming
Restlessness and discomfort
Extreme irritability
A sense of panic or desire to escape
Urge to block incoming sensory signals (cover eyes or ears)
I’ll leave the post below so you can check it out if you’d like. I hope many of you find this helpful and informative.
Sensory Overload
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etlu-yume · 2 years
Trying to warn someone we've gone into "irritable at the drop of a hat" mode. Except my brain tried to reword it.
As at the drop of a spoon.
Which you know what, that's probably pretty fucking accurate? Because it's like I'm running with a single spoon of frustration tolerance but every stupid fucking question costs 3 and I'm scrambling to find anything to make up the other two but all I've got is half-spoons and maybe a spork.
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remyxavier · 12 days
I woke up so fucking irritated. I wanna fucking rage. Ugh.
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yuri-puppies · 1 month
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comic translated by laikabu original post inspiration
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thombyxbe · 1 month
Unique Symptoms in Men with Fibromyalgia
While fibromyalgia shares many common symptoms across genders, research suggests that men may experience some distinct or different symptoms compared to women with the condition. Here’s an examination of these potential differences: 1. Pain characteristics: – Men often report more severe muscle pain and muscle weakness. – They may experience more localized pain rather than the widespread pain…
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themagothyriverdragon · 2 months
I don’t know if, for me, this is an autistic burnout kind of thing or a depression thing (because irritability can be a symptom of both) or something else, but do you ever get so irritable that literally everything is annoying? Like, to the point that you can’t even eat because even food is annoying? Is it just me?
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meucaosdiario93 · 2 months
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4° Irritabilidade...
Um dos meus sintomas que odeio é me irritar com tudo e com todos, principalmente quando eu estou sem remédios, que é o caso de hoje 😩 mas tem dias que nem eu me aguento, esse é um sintoma que eu gostaria de tirar pq já ajudaria muito!
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