#Jason ruining the holidays for criminals
theodorecanaryhood · 2 months
The coffee shop guy & the Red Hood: part X
Jason Todd x Male! Reader
Arkhamverse Jason Todd
Warning: some language and sexual references.
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Marriage was far from Jason’s mind when he first reached adulthood, marriage was never something Jason was aware of the would get.
Alas, here he is sitting with a silver band around his left ring finger. You smiling slightly opposite him as you saw the waiter coming with your food.
‘Babe, foods here’ you announced as Jason snapped out of his day dream.
Jason was day dreaming a lot lately, mostly about you. Jason never admitted that you were constantly on his mind, but he knew that you are aware.
Truth be told, Jason is on your mind all the time too.
‘Gosh, you remember my ex boyfriend Zach?’ You asked, Jason feeling venom in his eyes.
The shithead that was too worried about his pretty face getting ruined when you were held at gunpoint, Red Hood saved your life and changed it that night.
‘Y/n, his name is like nails on a chalk board’ Jason remarked, sarcastically.
You chuckled as Jason grabbed his fork, tucking into his dinner.
‘Well, he has a new boyfriend apparently. Both as snobby as each other’ you revealed, Jason shot an eyebrow up.
‘Surprised he could get his dick hard if I’m honest’ Jason whipped back, his words were quite harsh at times.
You never said anything as you knew it wasn’t directed at you, Jason spoke poorly of people he didn’t like. Jason is stubborn like that, if he doesn’t like you, no changing his mind.
There was a lot about Jason you grew to love over time, Jason was never vicious toward or about you. He just didn’t sugarcoat stuff and always spoke his mind.
The grocery trip was busy, you put it down to school holidays. Jason was his usual on this trip, disappearing down aisles from getting distracted.
‘Sir, please stop putting stuff in my cart’ Jason remarked to you, jokingly making out you didn’t know each other.
‘Is that a joke? This is my cart’ you replied as the older woman in the aisle watched.
‘You’re harassing me’ Jason joked again, you laughed as you nudged your glasses up your face.
Jason leant over and kissed you as the woman looked confused, you chuckled.
‘We’re married, Jason just likes to play pretend’ you commented.
It was usual Friday tasks as the night turned late, you slept deeply next to Jason as he snored away.
It was the dim early morning light when Jason woke up, it was a slight chill as Jason stirred awake. No reasoning behind it, but he smiled sleepily as he saw you.
Your bare back toward Jason as he moved closer to you, pecking the back of your neck as he ran his hand down your back.
The warmth of your skin made Jason tingle as he wrapped his arm around your waist, burying his face into your hair.
‘What time is it?’ You asked groggy as you barely opened your eyes.
‘Early, go back to sleep babe’ Jason whispered back, not sure if you were actually awake or not.
Dreams filled your sleeping head as you lay next to Jason, your breathing stayed relaxed, Jason fell back into a sweet sleep.
The shower filled your skin as you rubbed your face, your damp hair dripped water down your face and neck, Jason stood at the sink with his razor in his hand.
‘You ever thought of growing a beard?’ You asked Jason through the shower curtain.
Jason laughed a little, shedding his skin of stubble, thinking for a second about his answer.
‘Nope, maybe when I’ve got some grey hair to show off’ Jason replied.
You swung the shower curtain open as your towel tied around your waist. Your bare body on show as Jason almost dropped at the sight of you.
‘You look great without clothes you know’ Jason stared at you through the mirror.
‘So do you’ you winked as you kissed Jason’s back.
The day was filled with usual chaos of a Saturday, Jason had a few nights off to spend with his husband, so patrol was overdue.
Red Hood bombed down the streets of Gotham as he fought the criminals roaming the streets.
Usual ending for the night as Jason greeted the GCPD officers, standing at the cars with the lights flashing.
‘Nice upgrade’ an officer complimented as Red Hood thanked him.
Red Hood had a new helmet and an upgrade to his gear, a suggestion from you as you’d had your few brushes with criminals. You wanted to ensure that Jason was safe.
The days seemed a blur but as long as Jason was with you, he didn’t care much.
Jason held your hand with pride as the two of you walked through the City, your skin like Velcro to Jason’s, he couldn’t help but stick to it.
‘Shall we try here next date night?’ You asked as you pointed to the new Japanese restaurant that had opened.
‘Sure thing baby’ Jason agreed as he swung his arm a little, holding your hand in his.
The two of you ventured to the movie theatre, taking the escalator up to your floor, Jason barcoding you with his arms and body. Never failing to make you feel safe.
Seated next to each other for your movie screening, Jason wanted to see it in 3D but figured it wouldn’t be nice to make you watch something in a glasses over glasses situation.
‘Fuck, that was violent’ Jason commented once the credits rolled.
‘That main guy was hot though’ you replied, walking down the steps with Jason tailing behind you.
‘Nah, he isn’t my type, that Morgan guy was hot though’ Jason said as you gave him a weird look.
‘Really?’ You questioned as Jason smiled and nodded.
‘Not as hot as you y/n, you’re fucking gorgeous’ Jason sleazed as he slapped your butt.
‘All right stud’ you side smiled as Jason pulled you in for a kiss.
It was a deep, passionate kiss as Jason’s hands roamed. Yours did too as Jason slipped his tongue in your mouth.
‘Let’s get home first’ you panted as Jason sunk his teeth into your neck.
‘Shit, I’m gonna bust right here darling’ Jason whispered into your ear.
It was a nice journey home, Jason carried you in his back most of the way home. Playing the patient game, you knew Jason would destroy you the second the two of you got inside.
You were correct in thinking that, Jason didn’t give you a chance. He liked the door and threw you on the bed.
Candles lit the room dimly as the light music played in the background, a playlist Jason had for your bedroom activities.
Your hole was filled generously as Jason never stopped for a second to make the two of you feel good. Your hole filled with either Jason’s tongue, finger or manhood.
It was a night of love and raw passion, Jason make you feel things a man had never made you feel before.
Jason let you spill your seed that night plenty of times too, as well as fill you with his.
Jason’s heartbeat was soothing as you lay your head on his chest, Jason’s muscles held you in place. Your eyes drifting to a close as Jason continued listening to the light music in the background.
It was calming as Jason felt so happy to have you in his arms. All those times he stared at you in the coffee shop and now, you’re his. And he’s yours.
The room went dark as Jason blew the candles out, silence soon followed as he turned the music off. Sliding back into bed as he held you all night, a sleep well needed as Jason hummed slightly.
Satisfied from being emptied so many times as Jason kissed the top of your head, and you tucked your head a little more into Jason’s chest.
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Bruce Wayne x Bat!Mom
Title: A snowman, a nosebleed, and the Wayne’s
Warnings: None, the typical bickering, and silliness with the Waynes
-Christmas Special-
Prompts used are in bold and credit goes to: @dialogue4urocs
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Christmas Eve and Christmas day were your two favorite days out of the year. Two whole days with your boys; no Batman, no fighting criminals, just two days doing fun holiday things with the boys.
It was snowing and the ground was already covered, and it was deep. You decided to make the boys put on coats, beanies, gloves, and their boots, so you all could enjoy the snow day. 
Before the six of you could make it out the front door, Jason and Damian were already shoving each other. “Boys stop it.” you scolded them, and they had surprisingly stopped.
“Are we going to have a snowball fight?” Dick asked and Tim followed his question with, “I think that would be fun. Is that what we are doing?”
You shook your head, “No. Last year we did that, it was a disaster. Jason ended up with a bloody nose, Damian got lost in a snow drift, and Dick slipped on a patch of ice, and we had to take a trip to the ER. Tim was the only one who didn’t end up hurt or lost.” you said, and Bruce laughed.
“I forgot, we almost had to get a search party for Damian.” Bruce said, and Damian huffed. “I did NOT get lost. I just--- couldn’t get out of the snow drift.” he said, and Jason laughed at his brother. 
Damian rolled his eyes, “What are we going to do, mother?” he asked, and you picked up a basket that had a carrot, a hat, and a scarf. “We are going to make a snowman.” you said, and the boys started laughing. 
“Mom, we fight criminals at night. And you want us to make a snowman?” Jason questioned, and Bruce folded his arms. “Jason, we are going to make a snowman, and we are going to do it together as a family.” Bruce said, as he pulled you to his chest. “It’s the least we could do. Your mom hardly gets to spend time with us, let alone a full day. It’s only right that we do this one thing together.”
“Thank you, honey. Now, let’s get busy.” You said, as you started out with a small ball, and the boys joined in.
After what seemed like three hours, a big snowman was in the front lawn. Bruce picked up the top hat from the basket and put it on Damian’s head. You smiled, “Awwww come here, Dami!” you exclaimed with opened arms. He walked up to you, and you embraced him in a big hug. “You’re my favorite little snowMAN!” 
“Don’t call me little, Mother...” he said as his cheeks turned red. 
“Oh come on, you are so cu-”
“Don’t call me that either. You are going to ruin my reputation.” he muttered, and Jason snickered. Dick had already put the scarf, the rock eyes and buttons, onto the snowman. Then Tim put the carrot nose on the snowman, and he smiled, “There, all done!” 
Damian glared at the snowman, “Wait a minute-” he said as he approached the snowman. ���That’s my scarf! Mother, why would you use my scarf and put it on this dirty, pile of snow?” he asked, gesturing at the pile of snow. 
“Well, you never wear it. Great Grandma Mary made it for you, and I recall you saying: It’s itchy, and it smells like mothballs.” you say, and Bruce shook his head. 
“For your information, mother, I would like it to be taken off.” he said as he folded his arms. 
Jason took it upon himself to remove the scarf from the snowman and wrapped it around Damian’s neck. “WHY’D YOU PUT THE SCARF STRAIGHT FROM THE SNOWMAN ONTO ME?! THAT’S COLD!” Damian screeched.
Jason, Dick, and Tim started to laugh at Damian’s dramatics. “You said to take it off the snowman because it’s yours. So, I figured you wanted it.” Jason said with an eyebrow raised.
Damian ripped the scarf from his neck and threw it at Jason’s face, “You could have let it warm up at the very least!!!” Jason grabbed the scarf and threw it back at Damian, and then all hell broke loose.
It all happened in a flash, Damian lunged at Jason, and he had the scarf in one hand, and a snowball in the other. Damian somehow placed the ball of snow on Jason’s neck and wrapped the scarf around him. 
“Let go, Demon Spawn!” Jason shouted, and Damian grabbed another snowball and threw it at Jason’s face. Blood stained the snow, and Bruce had to pick Damian off of Jason. “Can’t you two go one day without bickering?” Bruce questioned, and the two boys stared at each other. You helped Jason up off of the ground, and pinched his nose, “C’mon, let’s go get a tissue.”
When everyone had gotten inside, the fireplace was on, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas was playing. Everything was just right, a hot pizza was sitting on the coffee table, and for once, the boys were sitting on the couches quietly. 
Bruce took you to the kitchen and fixed you a glass of red wine. “I’m sorry if the boys put a damper on your ‘quality time’ together.” he said, as he rubbed your lower back.
“They didn’t ruin it. It’s not a Wayne family holiday or activity unless one of the boys get into a fight.” you say as you took a sip of your wine. “Well, I should say, it isn’t a Wayne holiday or activity without Jason and Damian getting into a fight.” you say, and Bruce laughed. 
“Damian, he is like angry toddler. A very intelligent and feisty toddler.” Bruce said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “And Jason--well--Jason too, acts like a toddler. But it amazes me how much his nose bleeds.”
You chuckled and the two of you went back to the living room where the boys were sound asleep. All was right in the world, and even though building a snowman turned into an act of violence, you were happy you, your husband, and boys were together.
This was short and I hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!
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scaryscarecrows · 5 years
Up on the Van Top
AN: I HAVE BEEN SITTING ON THIS. FOR MONTHS. MONTHS. I hope you appreciate the self-control that required.
* * *
Bruce isn’t sure what he’s expecting when Gordon calls him with a curt, “You need to come to the Iceberg Lounge.”
It isn’t this, he’s sure. Nobody could expect this.
The Lounge is fine. It’s been decorated for the season, glistening baubles all but cackling about being bought with money obtained through illegal activities. It’s suspiciously empty, though that could be explained by the presence of GCPD.
Or not.
Oswald Cobblepot is tied from ankles to head in what appears to be ribbon. A big, sparkly red bow sits atop his hat. A…ball of reindeer socks…has been crammed in his mouth. He looks furious. It doesn’t help that there’s an envelope with ‘Batman’ scrawled on it taped to his chest.
There are two possible reasons for this, and Bruce is doubting it’s some new, holiday-themed vigilante introducing themselves, which leaves…
He reaches forward and plucks the socks free. Cobblepot makes a face reminiscent of an enraged terrier Bruce once saw on the internet.* He breathes deeply for a few seconds, nose wrinkling, and finally snarls, “Control your brats!”
No, it is not a new holiday-themed vigilante. Part of him dies a little inside.
Where did I go so wrong?
Bullock swallows a snicker. Gordon has a little more tact.
“Come on, Oswald. Let’s go.”
“Go? Go where? I have done nothing to warrant being attacked by that--that festive fiend--”
Gordon holds up a flash drive wrapped in polka-dotted washi tape.
“I got a present, too. Let’s go.”
Bruce tugs the envelope free before stepping aside. Gordon cuts the ribbon and guides Cobblepot towards the door. Bruce will follow in a few minutes-he has to know, now, what happened here-but first, card. Alfred’s stringent rule of ‘card, then present’ is deeply ingrained. He’ll know if Bruce ignores it--what’s that?
It’s a small box, wrapped nicely, with ‘Agent A’ scrawled on it. Ah. He’ll deliver that, then.
The card is blue, with a little silhouette of Santa’s sleigh going across it. The inside, on the other hand, is filled with that spiky writing he remembers so well.
I gotcha an angry bird, B! :D  <3, J.T.
Bruce has never been good at leaving things alone. Even things that he’s probably going to regret. So, of course, he follows Gordon to the police station, arranges for a private interview with Cobblepot, and swallows the Parent Voice that he used to use for parent-teacher conferences when he says, “What happened.”
* * *
Earlier that evening…
Honestly, this is probably the biggest spur-of-the-moment thing Jason has ever done. Or at least one of them. But…well…he was hungry. That’s how this started.
He’d been standing in the Circle K, looking for food. All they’d friggin’ had was Hot Cheetos, and honestly, after the Hot Cheeto Disaster of ’08, he’d seriously consider starving rather than touch one ever again.
(Oh, God. After everything, that incident still held the power to make him shudder.)
And then it was there, on an endcap, surrounded by candy canes and snowman-topped PEZ machines, that he saw it. Somewhere, Alfred wept. Dick felt a warm sense of…maybe pride. Bruce was probably suddenly stricken with the need to sulk on a gargoyle.
…well, a bigger need than usual. A primal urge, if you would.
And that’s why Jason now has a Santa hat and beard on over his helmet. It took a bit of superglue to get them to stick, but he did it, in the end. So here he is, crouched on a crane by the docks, empty bag in hand.
Penguin is late. The guys he’s meeting are here, but the man himself, petty bastard that he is, is nowhere to be seen--wait.
He hears a van. It’s a clunky, crappy sound. He knows that sound.
Ho, ho, ho, motherfuckers.
He straightens up, stalks to the edge of the shipping crate he’s settled on, and waits for the van to sputter to an almost-stop before stepping off the edge--
--and landing on the hood with a nasty-sounding CRUNCH! The driver blinks at him in confusion before things come together for him and he hollers, “WE GOT A PROBLEM, BOYS!”
Jason waggles his fingers at him, hops to the ground, and saunters towards the back, smacking his palm against the side of the van on the way. There’s shouting inside. He doesn’t hear Penguin, but to be fair, he didn’t expect him to show up in this piece of crap. Oz has self-respect.
Or. More self-respect than the suckers he hires.
He stops a foot or so away from the doors and waits. Now that the pounding’s stopped, it’s quiet in the van. Well. Almost quiet-there appears to be a hushed argument over who has to open the door.
Well? Come on! Are you men or mice?
Silence from the van, broken only by a whispered, “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot--I hate you. I hate you all.”
“Get out, bitch.”
“Screw you,” the first man snarls, and then he straight-up kicks the door open like this is some 90s white-man-learns-karate movie. “Come on, Red Hood!”
“Someone’s on the naughty list.”
Apparently figuring go big or go home, Naughty List shoots at him. He misses, because no Gotham Goon can shoot straight, but he tries. Which means, of course, that anything Jason does to him now is in self-defense and absolutely legal in every way.
Even though the bullet would have missed him by a mile, Jason decides to boost Naughty List’s morale by hurling himself to the side...and hopping on top of the van. It’s like popping a pimple; there’s yelling, and then a stream of men spill out. Now that they’re all out, he grapples away to get a better look.
And also to scare them shitless, because what’s the fun in being nice?
“Is he gone?”
“Maybe he’s gone.”
“Holy shit, you scared him off.” Pfft, nah. “Dude, I’m sorry I called you a bitch.”
“Eh, no offense taken.”
Well, isn’t that nice. He resists the urge to give ‘em his Tiny Tim impression (probably not so good, now) and swings to the roof of the little office overlooking the dock.
“Check the area to make sure,” somebody says. “F’we bring his head to Penguin, we might get bonuses.”
Yeah, they might. Penguin’s got it in for him, a little, even if he did...sort of...apologize for asking about the bottle in his eye.
Sorry, Oz.
Well, if they’re gonna be all gung-ho about it…
He throws a smoke pellet into their midst and when they start screaming (and one of them is crying, Christ), leaps down after it.
“Doncha know the song, boys? Sing it with me, now...you better not pout, you better not cry, you better not shout, I’m tellin’ you why…” SCHWING! A head rolls and he has to dive to grab it and shove it in his bag. “Santa Hood is comin’...to toooown!”
By the time the smoke clears, there are three headless corpses, two crying mooks, and one horribly bloody machete. Jason tosses the machete to the ground and looks at the survivors. They’re unarmed. One of them is literally unarmed, meaning that his arm is lying on the ground, and the other one is bleeding from the side. Huh. He doesn’t remember doing that.
“I’m feelin’ the holiday spirit tonight, boys,” he says. “So tell ya what. You tell me where your boss is, and you can run right along to the emergency room.”
To the shock of none, the, uh, unarmed one rolls over immediately.
“He had a meetin’! With Dent, they’re at the Dos Amigos club downtown!”
“‘preciate that,” Jason says sincerely, hefts the bag over his shoulder. “You might wanna get that checked out. Looks like it hurts.”
Now. He has a present to give to Penguin.
*Tim sent Bruce a video of Mr. Bubz. Ask and ye shall receive the same.
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phantomchick · 3 years
List of wips - aka struggles
Call Me A Jason Todd fic I started two years ago and still go back to poke at longingly, will the second and final chapter ever be posted? Who can know for sure.
I tell myself that I don't need Anyone (But the truth is no one needs Me) Another Jason Todd fic I haven't completed, posted two years ago for whumptober, it was the only day of whumptober I participated in, intended to be full of Captain Atom and Jason Todd interacting during the fall out of Bludhaven getting chemo'd but he doesn't show up in the first chapter and have you ever tried to read Infinite Crisis? It's a fucking mess. With this wip I have a close to justifiable excuse in that I refuse to write without knowing the canon, and reading through all the canon that's relevant is A Task.
The Monster in The Man A Merlin fic floating around my drafts, currently at a good bit over 5k wherein Merlin gets POSSESSED by an old enchantment gone mad. Written because a Merlin fic I read ended on a horror style cliffhanger and I couldn't handle it so I charged my way through the first 2k of a sequel and I've been adding to it ever since. Angst with a hopefully happy ending, if I ever frikking finish it.
The Dragon Lord In the aftermath of his father's death after Merlin inherits his father's dragon lord abilities he notices some minor changes to his interactions with his friends, the thing is that Merlin is a dragon lord and unusually what he hoards is people, things might just turn out the better for it.
Maelstrom A Naruto time travel fix it fic that wouldn't leave me alone until I got the first chapter out, ironically it has left me entirely alone since I finished the first chapter and I have no idea if inspiration for it will ever return or when that will be.
You Don't Know Anything Long long ago in a land of asks and a time of legend @paradise-runway sent me a fic request for "one where the other Bat boys find out the circumstances of Jason's death and resurrection and their reaction?" it has been lingering in my drafts haunting me ever since, someday, someday I shall fulfill what has been promised.
Of Curses and Covenants A longfic exploring the magical underbelly of Gotham's history, focuses on the intertwined relationship of the Wayne Family and the Zatara Family brought about by how often Waynes through the generations have ended up being cursed. I have an index of all the curses ready, the problem with this one is the plot and the story.
Vicki Finds a Bat (temporary title) Vicki Vale stumbles upon a still alive young adult Jason Todd at a wafflehouse on the way back from snooping into Cobblepot's latest criminal schemes. Convincing the young man to go back home to his loving father might prove more of a challenge than she thinks however. (will have a happy ending if I ever fucking finish it, for now it looms in my drafts like an unhappy gargoyle)
Hug Deficit A fic about Jason being touch starved and his family fixing it, hurt/comfort all the way, post resurrection.
Stephanie Brown and The Mansion of Man Pain Robin Era Steph, she and Alfred have pumpkin spice lattes together, it's their thing because I say it is. Includes, Alfred raised 5 boys counting Bruce, he's not sure how to handle a little girl and Bruce trying to dad plus Steph trying her best. Would be a lot easier to write if I was any good at comedy.
Another Time, Another Place Some twenty years or so after their death, Martha and Thomas Wayne appear in the middle of Wayne Manor's ground floor parlour room, the major problem with this? Not only are Bruce and Dick away, Alfred's on holiday in England! Which is why Jason as the eldest has been unwillingly nominated by his younger siblings to deal with the situation at hand. Martha and Thomas in this are heavily inspired by @unpretty's amazing portrayals in her fics with them.
- Queen Blackfire and the Lazarus Lord An au with Soulmate identifying marks: Jason Todd was having an okay time as de-facto leader of The Outlaws, a band of misfits and rebels with hearts of gold (or at least silver) saving the world the best they could and filling in the gaps the more straightforward heroes tended to miss while they were at it. Then he found out he was soulmates with the Alien Warrior Queen bent on declaring war on planet Earth if the Justice League didn't find her soulmate for her. Things with his friend, team mate and potential future sister in law Kori just got super awkward and the only good thing he can find about this situation is how angry (and protective? But maybe he's just imagining that) Bruce seems over the whole thing.
Side note: Kommand'r freaked out during the years Jason was 'dead' and accidentally brought peace to a huge chunk of space and intergalactic society via building up her empire after throwing herself into work to escape the grief.
- To Grasp The Hand of a Fox Naruto and Kurama travel back in time to save the world but unfortunately they land in the same moment that Kurama's just been put under a genjutsu by Madara Uchiha, Naruto has to make his way to Konoha and wake Kurama up before the villagers seal him away inside Mito. Can he save his friend in time to save them all?
Those Winter Sundays Mcu fic. Snapshots of Tony working hard for the avengers and no one noticing. Civil War Team Iron Man.
- Salvation Rides a Solar Wind Iron Man fic in a Science fiction / Western style fic where Tony's presence is described through the eyes of the aliens he helps. Au where the war with Thanos goes very differently. The type of fic that needs like 5 multi chapter fics in a single series to truly shine, hence why I will likely never finish it.
And We Break Away Again Jason goes back to Talia after Damian is brought back from the dead by Bruce. It's not that he begrudges his little brother his resurrection, the opposite, but he can't ignore what Bruce did to him by taking him to the magdala valley and he can't ignore what Bruce doing for Damian what he didn't do for him, (do for Dick, do for any of them besides the blood related one) means. So he decides to go back to the only person who ever seemed to understand why he wanted to avenge himself in the first place, the only person who seemed to agree that he had a right to be angry that he'd died at all, the only person he can trust to hold him together while he feels like he's falling apart that won't judge him against the heroic mold while they're at it. Not sure if this will be a oneshot or a series but we're going good Talia with this one regardless, DC's been ruining her lately but through fanfic all things are possible so fuck them.
Fan The Flames In the aftermath of a magical fire taking hold of the Daily Planet in Metropolis, Superman is missing, can Batman and the rest of the Justice League find their friend as well as the identity of the evil arsonist before Lex Luther does it first?
In a Whisper (In a Wish) Ichigo Kurosaki protects people, it's not just who he is, it's what he is, down to the core of his very soul. The only problem is, that a few weeks ago he sacrificed half his soul to protect the world. It aches inside where he knows something important used to be. When everyone he cares for is avoiding him and he's starting to feel more like a shadow than a person, that aches at him too and he can't help but wish, quietly, privately, painfully, to himself if no one else that things were different, that he wasn't so broken or so alone. But if wishes were fishes they'd fill a whole sea (just be careful not to whisper them within the hearing range of the Hōgyoku).
An Honest Conversation (Is A Bitter Thing To Crave) Jason kidnaps Bruce but things don't go as Bruce expects. First of all the reason Jason was able to kidnap him was because Stephanie of all people was his insider, why would she support someone Batman knows she's only met once. And second of all the reason he's been abducted - So that Jason can drug them both with the same substance. And when Bruce asks what he's doing this for Jason only responds, "We don't trust each other enough to have a truthful conversation otherwise" and refuses to say anything more while they wait for it to kick in. What will be revealed by this forced honest encounter on both sides? -
carrying the world on thin shoulders Midoriya Izuku deserves better from literally all the adults in his life so this is part whump part hurt comfort part fix it fic that sprawls out from time to time but it's pretty bad tbh, at some point I'll probably make it neater and give it something resembling a coherent plot. Hopefully. -
Trust Issues HP fic. Harry gets dosed with a potion that's supposed to reinforce your strongest survival instinct, the person who drugged him might've intended to be helpful but said potion happened to be at extra strength and he was given what would be a normal fix for the regular version but for this one is twice the recommended amount. Great.. The biggest problem about all this - beyond his internationally wanted godfather Sirius endangering himself by hiding out in a cave near Hogsmeade against all rational advice, his best friend Ron hating him, everyone in school besides his other best friend Hermione also hating him or avoiding him and the entire Goblet of Fire problem - is that he can't bring himself to trust anyone enough to tell them what's wrong.
Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies A post marvel avengers story, thor pov probably, made because I like to dive into a pool of thor & loki sibling feels sometimes: Starts off as Thor regales his new human shield brothers with the story of his banishment and return to Asgard ending with Loki falling into the Void and the Avengers have some questions, questions Thor had not thought of, remarks on things that Thor doesn’t know how to explain away.  After he goes to Loki’s cell and asks him some things he becomes more and more angry despite having no one he can punch > Gets drunk and criticises Sif and The Warriors Three after they try to calm him down > mention of Loki still being underage by Aesir standards during Thor 1 seeing as Thor was being crowned due to being of age in the movie > heavy inspiration drawn from queen regnant by peaceheather. “For while the Treason I detest, the Traitor I love still.” Currently just an outline.
Separation Split personality disorder Red Hood and Jason Todd, alternatively, Red Hood is a demon/parasite latched on to Jay. A lot of work necessary considering right now it’s currently just an idea inspired by a cool tumblr fanart.
A Trinity of Head Wounds The dcu trinity in the aftermath of a fight against some alien invaders (or something along those lines), whump, hurt/comfort, starts with them arguing, ends with them bleeding on each other in a friendship way, whole thing should take place in a single room on the watchtower and be a oneshot so it's gotta be a short and sweet one-two gut punch with the feelings which is difficuuult.
A Stark in The Stars an mcu fic, a really over complicated mcu fic, mostly because of Steve Roger's timeline fuckery, Tony's alive but he's not supposed to be, but so are a lot of people who were dead but aren't now you might say what with the snap and the blip. The thing is that Steve's timeline fuckery is making it so that everyone keeps getting confused between the two different timelines of events, obviously more confused the more that their characters were connected to the films/the events that were altered, the punchline of this particular fic though is that Tony's still alive and he's unaware of the timeline of events where he died. And as he's currently in space he's also unaware that everyone on Earth thinks he's dead (because why wouldn't they? he died in endgame after all). That makes this fic super tough to write because like ultimate unreliable narrator right here and not sure how to tie in the whole 'oh wait actually everyone on Earth thinks I'm dead because of the canon timelines' thing in or at what point of the story to do that at. The fuckery of it all gives me a headache. Plot is hard. Also all of that's basically background to the actual focus of most of the fic thus far which is Tony travelling around space in an Iron Man suit up until the point where it won't be background.
Magic Chained Merlin au. When you put magic restraining cuffs on Magic himself you don't just bind him you bind all magic the world over. It is therefore, infinitely lucky that Uther Pendragon never became aware of this fact.
A Child in The Cold bnha Midoriya deserves better also Recovery Girl and Aizawa have shit to answer for as far as I'm concerned.
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bat-famzine · 5 years
Happy Thanksgiving to our followers in the US! We hope you can enjoy some hearty food and fun time with friends and family. 
How does the Batfam celebrate Thanksgiving? What are their favorite foods? Check out the incredible @preciousthingsareprecious‘s take on a Batfam Thanksgiving celebration below the cut! Don’t forget to preorder a copy of the  zine here to read more of her work, as well as amazing art and writing from our other contributors!
Jason’s attention was split. A small speaker rested on the counter behind him, the rising and falling voice of a narrator flowing from it as they read The Andromeda Evolution to the room. Below him on the counter he worked dough, kneading it with growing confidence. His apron, the counter, and the floor were all dusted with flour, spread in a mess he was not looking forward to cleaning up. 
As the narrator moved into a long technical explanation Jason’s mind wandered back to the dough under his palms. It had been a long time since he’d made rolls from scratch, or any bread beyond quick easy ones-- like those that were just a batter thrown in a loaf pan and baked-- so he’d been nervous when he’d decided that if he was going to do this, he’d do it right. Still, his hands and arms remembered the repetitive push and pull of working the dough, even if the last time he’d done it was when he’d been a kid. 
When he’d lived at the manor, it had become somewhat of a tradition for Jason to help with the rolls. He figured Alfred set him to them because kneading took such energy, but he’d loved it all the same. He loved cooking in general. More than that, he’d loved that it seemed to bring everyone together. He and Alfred, and then on holidays where there was much to be done, Bruce would join them for the easier tasks and chatting. 
He smiled at those memories, holidays had been much quieter when he was Robin than what he was expecting today. The family had grown so much since then. 
His smile turned down and he rolled his eyes, they were all still idiots though, nothing would change that. If not, he’d be in the kitchen at the manor helping Alfred cook and not settled into his own apartment with far too little counter space for all his needs. 
The narrator moved from their technical description back to the team in the jungle and Jason let thoughts of family past and present fall away as he listened. He rolled the dough into a loose ball and moved to get his greased bowl, depositing the dough into it, and covering the whole thing with a towel before setting it aside to rise. 
As Jason set it down, the doorbell rang. He tapped pause on the app playing the book and wiped his hands on his apron before moving to the door. When he opened it a burst of chilly air washed over him. 
“Heya, Squirt.” Jason said to a somewhat anxious looking Damian standing at his doorway. 
He scowled at the nickname, anxiety falling away as his obligation to be irritated with any name beyond his given taking precedence over worries. His arms were crossed across his chest against the cold, making him look small and alone in the doorway. 
Jason stepped back, smiling at the kid, “Come on in.” 
Damian hurried inside, and stopped short, looking around the apartment utterly bedecked in pumpkins, leaves, and crackling candles. Jason let his grin grow at Damian’s surprise. 
“What, did you think I’d invite you over for Thanksgiving and not roll out the red carpet?” 
Damian turned on him, “I was under the impression that most people do not decorate for Thanksgiving.” 
Jason shrugged, closing the door, “I’m not most people. Besides, it’s not every day I’m the one having family over for a holiday.” 
“Then you did not only invite me?” It was a question, sharp enough to say he knew the answer. 
He wagged a finger at Damian, and moved back towards the kitchen, calling over his shoulder, “Come on, I didn’t have you come early so you could loiter at the door.” 
“Todd.” Damian demanded, stomping after him, “What kind of plan have you cooked up this time?” 
Jason was already busy, pulling an assortment of fruit out of the fridge to set on one of the counters, “I’m going to need to you slice all of this into bite size bits for the fruit salad.” 
It was the use of his name, and the worry in Damian’s voice that made Jason turn his full attention onto his youngest brother. The anxious look Damian had on his face when he’d been at the door was back, more obvious this time than last. 
“If you have invited everyone then I will not be able to--” 
“Stop that.” Jason said, interrupting him, “This is why it’s me hosting this year, because you lot all got it in your heads that it would be better if everyone celebrated without you.”
“You lot?” Damian asked, brows knit, “Do you mean to say that I was not the only one to have claimed alternate plans to Father?”
Jason nodded. He’d called Alfred a week ago to confirm Thanksgiving plans and see when he was expected to arrive and learned that everyone had mysterious ‘other engagements’. A few calls later and Jason had learned that each and every one of his siblings had opted out of the holiday festivities in an attempt to make the day better for someone else, leaving Bruce and Alfred alone. The lot of them were self sacrificing to a fault. On Thanksgiving of all days. The idiots. 
“Thanksgiving is about family.” Jason said, tossing an apple at Damian, “Peel those before you slice them,” he added three more to the growing stack of fruit on the counter, “Family and time spent being thankful you’ve got them in your life, and I’m not letting any of you skip out because we’ve all got the conversation skills of rocks.” 
Damian still hadn’t moved, apple cradled in his hands, “If I had known...I did not wish Father and Pennyworth to be alone.” his voice was tight, slightly strained like he was fighting with emotions. 
Jason moved over to him and put a hand on his shoulder, “It’s alright. It’s sorted and everyone’s coming over.” he grinned at Damian, “Alfred and I will make sure of that. I’ve got the adults bringing stuff, so pull your weight and help me out.” 
They worked in tandem, Damian following Jason’s instructions as he gave them, and showing a lot of promise in the kitchen. Jason made a mental note to have the kid help him more often when the opportunity presented itself. To avoid too much silence Jason switched the book on his speaker to something he knew Damian was interested in. They listened and worked together as a new voice filled the room, spinning tales of fantastic events. 
When another knock at the door resounded above the narrator’s voice, Jason paused it. 
“That’ll be Dick. Get the door for me?” he said, checking on now risen dough. 
He smiled to himself as he heard Dick’s surprised exclamation and rolled his eyes at Damian’s playful complaints of being “worked to the bone”. The two chatted with animated voices while Jason finished rolling individual rolls and setting them aside for their second rise. He turned just in time for Damian to lead Dick into the kitchen, the man carrying a large bowl of mashed potatoes. 
“Now I see why you told me to bring enough for ten.” he said, grinning, “What’d you do, team up with Alfred to plot all this?” 
Jason grinned at him and winked, making Dick choke on a laugh, “I should have known. Careful or you’ll be hosting every year.” 
It was a warning Jason wasn’t sure he’d heed. Even with the few of them there, the feeling of the day was warm and comforting. He found himself looking forward to the chaos sure to fill his little apartment in a way he hadn’t looked forward to anything in a long time. 
Everyone else filtered in slowly after that. Tim, Cass, and Steph came together having bumped into one another on the way bringing drinks and stuffing. Then Duke with a casserole looking much like something Alfred had made. 
People milled around, Tim hijacked Jason’s speaker and started playing music, and Damian (now protective of the kitchen and his place helping) shooed out anyone trying to sneak an early bite of dinner. It was a tight fit in Jason’s apartment, but comfortable. And everyone was smiling, despite all the worries of “If I’m here I’ll fight with them” and “It would be more peaceful if I did not come”. Jason fully expected some kind of spat to happen at some point, but what was a family gathering without a little bit of mess?
Jason left his youngest brother stirring the gravy to greet Bruce and Alfred when they arrived. Each carried one of Alfred’s famous pies. Alfred had a delighted twinkle in his eye and Bruce looked startled but happy. 
“I never doubted you for a moment.” Alfred said, patting Jason on the shoulder before taking Bruce’s pie from him and moving to the kitchen to leave them together. 
When they were alone Bruce cast his eyes around the group, “You got everyone together?” 
“Alfred helped.” Jason said. 
“But you spearheaded it.” 
Jason shrugged, at a loss for words. Which was silly, it wasn’t like he’d done anything huge or dug them out single handedly from rubble or something. He’d just tricked everyone into coming over for Thanksgiving dinner. 
“Thanks.” Bruce said, and tugged him into a hug, “It’s good to have everyone together.” 
“Don’t get me wrong, Old Man.” Jason said clearing his throat of the sudden tightness there, “Alfred threatened not to bake at all if the whole family didn’t come.”
This made his dad laugh, “Nothing motivates like Alfred’s pies.” 
“We should try bribing criminals with them.” Jason said. 
“Todd!” Damian’s head poked from the kitchen, his nose was smeared with what could be either mashed potatoes or whipped cream, “Your assistance is required in the kitchen.” his eyes caught onto Bruce, “Oh, hello, Father.”  
“Damian.” Bruce nodded, “You’ve got a bit of uh.” he motioned to his nose. 
Damian’s eyes just about crossed to look at his nose before he wiped a hand across it, “It is Drake’s fault. Both of you come, or the whole meal will be ruined.” 
Jason waved him back in, and turned back to Bruce, “That’s our cue, ready to go save the day?” 
Bruce nodded, “Lead the way.” 
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cowboyguts-moved · 5 years
how would your ocs get into the halloween spirit ?
wow what a great question (: 
sooo Lewis my baby always needs help with halloween especially around the time that he’s new in mystic overhang which is the fictional town part of our ocs live in. he needs help because he isn’t accustomed to the ways of halloween! he’s never celebrated it before he was 18 because of the very conservative and abusive way he grew up in his commune… so chris, his boyfriend will take him to stores to look at decorations and thrift shops for costumes and explain something about halloween that he hasn’t already gone over and lewis is really excited about it because dressing up for no fucking reason sounds weird and like it could be made up almost but he’s easily swayed into believing stuff because he’s a liiittle gullible, and he tends to go along with what other people want to do because he has trouble thinking for himself. so chris will suggest costumes until lewis likes the sound of one (he goes as frankenstein’s monster the first year he’s in the town in 1989 even though he doesn’t know what frankenstein is (: HFJBSFDJ it’s a simple costume and he loves the thought of being painted green and having cute pants with patches on them. and his hair at that point is already really short and PURPLE so (:) basically what he does the first few years is follow chris’ lead in costumes, decorating, candy buying, and going to parties and mistakenly drinking spiked punch!!! there’s also an annual mystic overhang halloween festival they go to that some people mysteriously disappear at (: that’s cause their town has a lot of dark secrets and happenings and something Peculiar is going on within it ha ha…. 
let’s see. church’s favorite holiday is halloween!! he’s a very morbid dude and he’s obsessed with the occult and aliens. i think he has specific music that reminds him of halloween from his childhood that he always plays… he loves music and i have a whole playlist for him (for chris, lewis and mikael as well) so he locks himself in his room at the trailer he and his brother live in and he blares it while he eats a hotpocket and stares at his ceiling that’s crossed with banners and streamers for halloween and theres a big ceiling light shining down on his face but he’s sleepy and content and the weather coming in from the small open window is cold and pushing the decorations around. he probably has books that get him in the mood too and he’s an avid reader, anything from bigger college books to Goosebumps really he just loves to absorb that stuff. church is a fly by the seat of his pants kinda boy, his plans are made On halloween night. he’s pretty cool and people like him and he gets invited or welcome to everything and it’s likely cause he smokes weed there HHHSDFHJ and that always gets you friends at those things. church is very dedicated to halloween though its important to him that it feels right and he follows his own traditions and some from being a kid. the right foods, the right decorations, music, books, pumpkin carving, summoning spirits in the living room and the like. after a few years he doesn’t put energy into much because he’s a generally SUPER depressed person and very cynical and angry but i think he always tries at least a little with halloween. uhh when tristan drew him in a halloween costume months ago he was a clown (: big surprise that i wanted him to be that
tan the man ie tanner works at a haunted house on halloween and amiyah, his gf does his makeup. he works there with other hockey players, his friends and does it all through mid september to halloween, i think he kinda has to? because he’s in hockey… but he loves it. he looks all bloody and decayed and carries a fake axe and he has overalls on its very cute (: but he’s very cold. i think in general tanner loves halloween especially how it revolves around the stuff he loves like d&d, lord of the rings, other nerd shit because there’s halloween themed stuff and editions of things etc that he’s apart of. and he also likes witch craft because his mom does and i feel like they have SUPER weird halloween traditions his mom makes them do but tanner secretly loves, i can’t even think of any right now except maybe salt circles where they all (him and his siblings) sit and hold hands and make mixtures for the pagan god and goddess. but there’s many others and he’s done them since he was a damn Baby so he loves it. 
tristan answered for his boys and girl (:
okokokok so fuckhole chris has lived in mystic overhang for his entire life so he’s always been aware of the strange happenings in the town and he Loves it. he’s always loved spooky things like that, so when halloween comes around it’s important to him not only to celebrate it but to Feel it and Experience it within the creepy town that they already live in. he obviously spends it with lewis, and he helps lewis find what he wants to wear and be and i think thats his favorite part. but when it’s His turn, he really gets into it and he goes full out whether its dressing up in drag and being a naughty nurse with his puffed out curly wig and ruby red lipstick and the prettiest red pumps….. or even if it’s just a simple grey shimmer dress that cuts off at his mid thighs and shows his asscheeks a little because hes a whore and he likes that with little pink lace undies underneath so that he can flash lewis his grade a tuck job from across the room. he loves to decorate, too, i think. he likes to listen to certain records that remind him of october as well, dancing to them in his basement with lewis. and he loves to go to the parades with lewis too and the parties just to get drunk off his ass on bad beer and kisses ( the chocolate, too (: )
HAHA okay now mikael, chris and lewis’ friend….. likes to get high. he loves to get high on halloween and dress up as serial killers! like jason and freddy and michael meyers. he likes to scare kylo a lot, and especially ben because ben gets so tense and spooked on halloween night which mikael thinks is FUCKING hilarious (kylo nd ben are their other friends we love them). he enjoys halloween, but i don’t think it’s his favorite holiday. he does visit church during, though, (church and him have a thing (; ) and i think he’s the one who always invites him out because he wants to go places with him during the cold candy filled night and smoke weed and eat kitkat bars under a bridge that has three homeless dudes playing flapjack under it. he enjoys seeing everyone’s costumes, i think because it reminds him of his foster home and when he’d gaze at all of his foster siblings in their own costumes ranging from princesses and angels to zombies and mad scientists and everyone had smiles on their young faces. 
amiyah LOVES to go all out for halloween, starting october 1st. she decorates her house and ignores the protests from her father, spiderwebs in the kitchen archway and pumpkin baskets full of candy on every surface that a hand can get to. she loves to take her brother out trick or treating on halloween, too. tanner joins her (and i think they did this even before they dated) and they all three go door to door and get candy. amiyah usually dresses up as some mythological or medieval thing, like elf princesses and witchy warlocks. shes also kind of a nerd when it comes to those things, but she’s much more quiet about it than tanner is. her and her brother watch a lot of scary movies together, too, to get into spirit. i think each year they have strict guidelines retaining to the movies they watch so that they HAVE to watch one each night of October or else it ruins the tradition.  criminal, their pet raccoon, will join them in their endeavor obviously. sometimes amiyah dresses him up too, no matter how many times he’ll try to hiss and bite at her (:
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iamchrissi · 6 years
When in Rome...
My entry for the Batfam Week 2018, prompt Vacation. Jason just wants a holiday, but Tim has other plans.
Also on Ao3
A bullet buries itself in the wooden door behind Jason, and he curses. His gun's empty, he knows it, but his ammo is somewhere in the back of the room, so he can't even shoot back. And where is the Replacement?
A goon storms towards him, stupidly not using the gun he has in his hand to shoot him, and Jason uses his gun to hit the guy on the head. He goes down with a satisfying howl, so there's that.
Then there's a commotion at the door, and Jason allows himself a moment of relief. But only a moment. Kid shouldn't think Jason would miss him or something.
He sneaks towards the distracted men, taking out two before they even know what's happening. Then Tim's on the floor next to him, handing him his back of ammo, which is kind of nice, but they're also outnumbered 15 to two now, and surrounded on all sides. No way to go.
“This is totally your fault!” Jason hisses, eyes wandering over the goons surrounding them. They're not Gotham level thugs, of course not, but quite respectable European organized crime people. Considering the much stricter gun laws Italy has, it's kind of surprising how well they're armed.
Then again, Jason didn't have that much of a problem squiring a gun and ammo either, so...
“It's not my fault.” Tim hisses back, grasping his staff tightly. Idiot brought the full outfit, complete with the cape and everything. It looks kind of stupid in this old city, but at least it had somewhat distracted the goons. At least in the beginning.
“So is!”
Twelve hours earlier
There's someone in Jason's room. He can hear the door click, and then some foot steps, soft but with purpose. Not good. He rolls over to grab his gun.
His gun is not there. His hand hits something smooth and cool, and Jason opens his eyes in terror. Where is... where is he? He knows every single one of his safe houses by heart. This isn't any of them. This is...
Right. Right. This isn't any of his safe houses, because he went on vacation. In Rome. Which is also why he doesn't hear the tell tale sounds of sirens and cars and distant screams that seems to be omnipresent in Gotham.
“Did I wake you? Sorry.” Tim. Freaking Tim Drake Wayne is standing in the door to his room. The kid does look kind of sheepish, but only kind of. It might also be the exhaustion. Tim doesn't look as though he's slept in the last 48 hours, but that's just the usual.
“What are you doing here?!” Jason growls. It's not his most impressive growl, but he's tired and he's on vacation and this was supposed to be a time without any family. Just him, his books, and the eternal city.
“I tracked a recent shipment of heroin here. That's what you're doing too, right? Going after that gang?” Tim is looking at him kind of expectantly. Jason shakes his head slowly.
“No? I'm on vacation?” Drug ring, seriously. There's enough of those in Gotham.
“Vacation?” Tim raises his eyebrows. Obviously, he's never heard of that concept.
“Vacation. You know, peace, quiet, a bit culture, a bit reading? No fighting gangs or tracking criminals or meddling family?” He should have pretended to go to... Siberia. Or pretended to still be in Gotham. But then Alfred would have wondered why he missed their weekly dinner, and Jason can't lie to that man.
“Huh.” Tim says, and Jason sighs.
“Americans!” A burly man sneers. From what Jason can ascertain, he's the boss of those specific goons. With the cheap suit and the cigarette, he looks so much like a stereotype, Jason is kind of offended.
“You need to work on your insults.” He quips, and then he dives to the ground while Tim jumps up. The synchronicity of their movements distracts the goons long enough for Jason to reload his gun, and then Tim throws a smoke grenade. A bat product, Jason can tell from the taste of the smoke. Absentmindedly, he wonders how Tim even smuggled that through airport security.
The first goon he reaches is chocking on the smoke, so Jason just knees him in the groin and then kicks him in the head so he stays down. The next one is wildly waving around his gun, but he doesn't appear to really see what's going on. He shoots him in the knee and picks up his gun.
Tim whirls through the smoke to kick two goons at the same time, and Jason takes the time to shoot the one who was sneaking up on the kid. Tim goes with it seamlessly, taking on a guy close to Jason. They work well together. Bats always do.
The head goon is standing with his back to the wall, but he's grinning. Jason curses. Bad guys only grin like that when they've got something up their sleeve.
“Duck!” He screams, but he's not sure if Tim heard him over the sounds of the fighting. Then the room caves in.
Six hours earlier
“Moving the drugs through Europe from here is easy enough. There usually aren't any border controls within the EU, so reduced chances of getting caught.” Tim iterates, staring at the blackboard he organized from … somewhere. He definitively wasn't carrying it when he invaded Jason's room and vacation this morning.
“So the only question is how they get the drugs here.” He says. Tim looks up to him, and damn it, there's that vaguely hopeful look that always makes Jason feel like a kind of shitty big brother. Which he is, but still.
“I thought you weren't going to get involved in this.” Tim says, but it sounds like a question.
“I'm not. I'm on vacation. I'm just saying.” Jason tells him, resolutely looking away from the blackboard and into his travel guide. He had planned to go to the Colosseum this morning, but then with Tim... if he goes this evening, he might still make the time table.
“I'll go looking for info tonight, if you want in.” The kid says, and Jason does not look at him.
“You do that. I'm on vacation.”
Jason blinks, trying to see through the smoke that fills the room. It's not the bat smoke, but something else, something he is not accustomed to. It distracts him so much he almost misses the guy sneaking up on him. Almost.
He puts a bulled in the thugs arm and knee, and then he gets to his feet. He has to find Tim.
The room is chaos. Debris is everywhere, only the wall where the head goon stood seems unharmed. The goon himself is long gone, of course, but the joke's on him, because Tim and Jason already got all the data they needed.
Jason only needs to find Tim. He curses under his breath, a move he immediately regrets when it just starts him coughing again. He doesn't know where Tim was when the roof crashed onto them. Kid could be trapped right under there. Jason is almost surprised by the sharp sting of worry that laces through his gut at that thought. He's still not really accustomed to caring.
Damn, he hopes the kid is okay. He doesn't want to explain to B why his precious genius died buried under debris so far away from home. He's only just gotten back to really communicating with the old man.
And okay, maybe he'd miss the kid.
Movement to his right, and Jason raises his gun. But the hand that pushes at the rubble is gloved in black, and Jason quickly holsters his gun to help lift the debris of Tim. The kid looks pretty okay, all things considered, dusty and exhausted but alive. Jason does absolutely not sigh in relief.
He pulls the kid up, checks him over to make sure he didn't miss any serious injuries, and then he glares.
“This was my vacation.”
Two days later
“I still don't understand what I'm doing here.” Tim complains, trying to sneak a look at his phone. Jason glares at him.
“You ruined my vacation with case work. So I ruin your working with vacation.” He says, checking his travel guide for directions. He'd memorized the street map of Rome, but after their little... adventure, they'd had to leave rather quickly. And so Jason is dragging Tim through Paris despite not really being prepared for it.
“That doesn't even make any sense.” Tim says, but he lets himself be pulled towards the Louvre, and Jason made sure he slept at least six hours last night.
And he's got someone to carry his stuff around, so... win.
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sweetwriting · 7 years
Tim Drake Week 2017 - Day 4: Enemies / Family
Category : Gen
Genre : Angst / Fluff / Family
Fandoms : DC Comics, Batman (1940), Detective Comics, Young Justice (1998), Robin v4 (1993), Superman - Batman (2003), Teen Titans (2003)
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary : Tim always wanted a family but things aren't that simple. Or are they ?
Author’s notes : This one's a little longer than I expected (I try to do less than 1000 word each) I hope you'll enjoy it.
Word Count : 2251
To read it on AO3
There were many Rogues in Gotham, but each of its vigilantes had their own nemeses among them. Well Tim only had one. One whom, strangely, none of the other members  of the Batfam had ever gone against (and while they were all competent he was a special breed which would be hard to overcome for anyone other than him, Bruce or Barbara, well even for him it was hard), two if you added Ra's Al Ghul on the list after Ulysses but Tim wasn't sure whether to call him a nemesis or a creepily obsessed stalker (he had sent him a woman to bear his heir and if this wasn't a creepily obsessive behavior then what was). Well and King Snake but it was a whole can he'd rather avoid opening.
But Tim had held his own against them all. And especially against the Joker.
Sure the Joker wasn't the worst of them all really (honestly in Tim's mind Scarecrow, Ulysses, and the Riddler were on top of the list), but he was the one who had murdered Robin and seeing Robin back, well…He might have developed a bit of an obsession too even if, weirdly he never seemed that tempted to act on it aside from their first encounter.
His first meeting with Scarecrow (who was Dick's own Gotham nemesis) had been quite something too since it was thanks to that encounter that Batman had allowed him to become Robin. Though now that he was older and more -or less depending on how you see it- emotionally stable he was trying to remember if the hallucinations he had seen were due to a bit of the gas reaching him or not (he had thought Conner was another hallucination back in Paris after all).
And of Course Two-Face, the first time he met Bruce and Alfred…How had they never realized Tim wasn't alright is beyond him now that he's started introspecting on his life as Robin since the very beginning.
Finally, the Riddler. He may not have faced him much but Tim would be lying if he didn't admit that, despite the lives hanging in the balance, he couldn't help but enjoy trying to solve those riddles (to this day his favorites were the ones on baseball and that time he had to team up with Wally).
Of course he had face them all but, some like Penguin were a real pain but they weren't that important to him. Others like Selina or Ivy were different because Selina had, at least partially settled down (and was usually pretty nice to him even if she loved mocking him) and he couldn't help but feel for Ivy's crusade.
The biggest one though had been Jason Todd (and Damian Wayne). Because Bruce was still so attached to him and Tim had tried, he had freed Jason because he chose to let his own issues go and give Jason a chance. What a bad idea that was. Apparently the pit Madness was still present. Even if it had lessened.
Now. Now however Jason seemed to have slightly settled. And Tim still felt the guilt for letting him go too soon but he had still let go of most of his resentment toward him. So sure Jason wouldn't be his family (maybe one day but at most Tim believes they'll be cordial to each other), but at least he and Bruce were making progress and really that's what matters even if… Tim had always wanted a family. It was easier to admit now that he had finally mourned his father, but he never really gave him one. First he and his mother kept leaving him behind, then Jack was forced to stay and still had the reflex to leave him behind when he wanted to -even if for lesser lengths of time- and got angry when Tim had to cancel at the last minute. Tim now realized the depth of the hypocrisy his father had shown back then. The anger he always directed at Tim for simple mistakes. Tim realized it now, because he followed some courses on parenting to be of at least some use to his Neon Knights Program (also Conner had convinced him to see a therapist who treated the few heroes who admitted they needed the help and seeked resolution. Bruce had, of course, verified all their references before Tim could even think about it, after all if they had been helping Kon they were probably good -and Conner seemed to feel so much better). He realized now that his parents had been neglectful and that his father managed to be both neglectful and verbally abusive (and physically violent even if it was never directed at Tim's body, it was still only directed at Tim's stuff).
So he wanted a family and when he was 9 he started projecting on Dick, because Dick had hugged him when he was still pretty much a baby and he had been so happy and Dick was Robin, and he had been taken in by Bruce Wayne, by Batman and he seemed so happy. And not long after this Jason joined and, well Tim didn't know him so he mostly focused on him as Robin.
And then he really met them and, of course they weren't a family. It was a job and Tim still wanted his parents to be the ones taking care of him. Still he and Bruce got closer, especially after his father became comatose and his mother died. Because there was no way to know when he'd wake up and Bruce and Alfred took care of him and, sure it was more like going to your grandparents with your uncle than anything else but it was the closest Tim had had to a real family since he had been 4 or 5. And Dick. It took about a year but Dick became Tim's big brother, and oh how he loved him. Dick was easily one of the most important people in Tim's life, the one person (with Conner and Bart) he thought would never hurt him. Of course he ended up being wrong but he still loved him so much and Tim shouldn't feel so betrayed for one little mistake but he couldn't help himself (according to his therapist though he should have a talk with Dick because apparently it wasn't just one simple mistake but, Tim didn't want to ruin the fragile status quo they had reached. Of course he knew his therapist was right but he just couldn't do it).
Now Dick was obviously the biggest influence on him, but one shouldn't forget Alfred Pennyworth, who was the one person everybody loved and no one could refuse him anything. Alfred loved everyone so much and they all know it. If there's one thing that they knew it was that.
One of the thing that surprises Tim the most is the number of sisterly figures he gained : Barbara who was like a mom sometimes, whom he shared a passion for computers with, one of the rare people who was more intelligent than him. Helena who was one of the first people he teamed up with and who had become a sort of on and off sisterly figure to him (who allowed him to raid her fridge), he only partially trusted her on the field, but if you put aside her murdering streak she was genuinely one of the most compassionate people he met (as long as you weren't a criminal). Finally Cassandra Cain who had just come back to Gotham had really intimidated him at first, not especially because of her skills and efficiency (though there was that) but because of her kind heart and strong will which made him ashamed of his own. But he got past it and things weren't always good but he loves her so much, she's one of his favorite people in the world. And he's so glad he accepted to see a therapist because she convinced him to *force* a little reconnection with them and they're all amazingly supportive.
He misses Harold, who was great company when he was around despite his lack of speech. He misses Ace, the Bat Hound who was the only pet he was ever allowed to have (he could hep but be jealous of Damian's zoo as he was never even allowed to keep a cat for a night and he had never dared ask his parents for one before, at least not since he was a kid and decided they wouldn't be able to take care of a pet and that they didn't want to take one and have to take it back if Tim grew bored…He couldn't help make a parallel now and it's one of those times he wishes he had never gone to that therapist). He misses Steph even if he now realized how unhealthy they were being. It might have been better if they had been friends (if he hadn't tried to run from the drama with Ariana), according to his dear therapist one of their biggest issues was the imbalance in power due to Tim mentoring Steph at the beginning, maybe now they could work on that and start being friends. Not to forget Dana, his sweet step-mother. She was still in a mental institute but Metropolis was a lot better for her health than Blüdhaven was (not that it was a surprise) and he had -finally- introduced her to some of his fellow Titans. She of course fell in love with Bart and Kon who were "sweet and thoughtful". One day she even took them aside and they discussed something that none of them ever revealed to him, but whichever it was, it obviously made them all happy (and really as long as they were happy he didn't care that much what had happened). He and Damian still didn't get along but they did have a sort of truce now (mostly because Damian's pets liked it when Tim petted them and it probably did more for Tim's cause than anything else ever could. On his side Tim had admitted to himself all the progress Damian had done and it was easier to not see him as a threat).
Then there were his friends. Young Justice had felt like a holiday camp sometimes, it was mostly fun and Tim couldn't help but wish he had been able to be himself completely and not just the Robin part of him. Back then it felt like they were all a bunch of (un)disciplined siblings and cousins. Then Donna died and…Well things got hard. Cassie who already had anger issues became worse and… he still can't believe they dated when they never really saw each other as anything but siblings (it says a lot about what Conner's death did to them and…Well he only started on this part with his therapist but at some point, they had had a weird knowing smile that felt slightly out of place). He loved Cassie but not in a romantic way and he felt honestly disturbed every time that week-end wass brought up. Bart was like a little brother whom he had mentored for a while, he was a true and tried genius when it came to engineering and computer programming. Tim would be jealous if he wasn't so proud of everything Bart had accomplished (or simply happy that Bart was alive), some of the Titans usually joked that Bart was the Baby friend to Tim's Dad Friend Trope and to Conner's Mom Friend one (they didn't know that Tim and Conner had done it long ago and he never realized how right he was).
And of course Conner. His best friend still loved to mock him (and it went both ways, Tim never missed his shot), but they were even closer than before. When he died Conner had been away for a couple of weeks and refused his calls because he felt guilty for breaking his arm (and other things which...honestly were too big to start thinking about). But before that he had been one of the rare people able to convince Tim that he wasn't a bother and that he should talk to him/them when something weighted him down (of course he still needed a push but he accepted it gladly). And Tim knew that, likewise, he was one of the rare people Conner felt comfortable talking about his harshest fears and issues with. Despite this, or maybe because of it, Conner was probably the healthiest relationship Tim has ever had with anyone (even Bart and Cass) because they didn't hesitate to talk about things that were wrong between them (not that there were many to begin with) and they actually dealt with them and that before even going to a therapist, they had even gone to a session together once, they had joked that it was couple counselling and the therapist told them that a lot more friends should do it because whether it's romantic or platonic every relationships need work. But, apparently theirs didn't because they naturally (or not, apparently it's mostly thanks to an advice Conner got from the then supergirl that they started having healthier reflexes) dealt with their issues. So yeah lots of love and support there. It was nice to have at least one person he could entirely trust and rely on.
And Tim couldn't help it but, it gave him hope for the future.
Author’s Note 2 : Hope you enjoyed it. As most of my works it was unbeta-ed.
For the physically violence toward Tim's stuff, I don't remember the number of the issue but there was at least once when Jack broke Tim's TV because Tim was distracted by it. (if I remember correctly it was after Jack grounded Tim because he refused to listen to Tim's explanation after Ariana's uncle called him and Tim was stuck in his room so he was watching the news which are, admittedly slightly more important than his father coming to explain to Tim how it was his fault that Jack ended up reacting this way...A++ Father Jack)
1 note · View note
horizonreviews · 7 years
Top ten best “Batman the Animated Series” episodes
While Batman has undergone numerous reiterations on its legendary 78-year run, few installations are as memorable or encapsulating as Batman the Animated Series. This episodic collection drew inspiration from previous stories, as well as reinvent several concepts for the lore. While many in production were hesitant to keep this series running, it proved to be one of the most iconic and valued additions to the Batman world. Out of all 85 episodes, there are a handful of gems that deserve high recognition for their ingenuity, originality, or ability to make Batman their own. Before we continue, I want to stress that these are heavily analytical reviews of each episode, and so we will be approaching spoilers. So SPOILER ALERT. Without further ado, let’s dive right in and see (in my personal opinion) the top ten best installments of Batman the Animated Series.
10) Over the Edge
“Over the Edge” proved to be an exemplary use of cliché. While many episodes of this series failed to get off the ground because they were clinging to recycled plots and chose safe plot points, this episode took the cliché of “it was all a dream” to the edge. After that, it jumped off of the edge without hesitation.
The episode opens with the unthinkable, the death of Batgirl. After defeating Scarecrow, the dastardly figure manages to escape, and Batgirl follows him to the roof. A struggle ensues, and she falls into an oncoming car…Commissioner Gordon’s car. Gordon rushes to help the fallen heroine, and discovers that it was his daughter all along. This makes Batman a public enemy and he is soon hunted by the same law enforcement officials he’s worked with for years.
Under normal circumstances, a premise like this would be answered with the phrase “this can’t be real.” Whether it’s a said in a state of unimpressed disbelief or profound shock, it holds true. But the ensuing events only make the payoff more effective, and it stands to reason why.
Jim Gordon hunts batman relentlessly, Nightwing is arrested, and Robin is told to turn himself in. These events stack right on top of one another, and leave no room for the audience to catch their breath. Yet for all the speed these events rush at the viewer, the plot never feels overstuffed. If anything, it acknowledges the fact that Batman lives a life that is being held together by a thin strand of self-righteousness and self-deception.
Since Jason Todd was never used in this series (given how horrific his death scene was), this was perhaps a necessary substitute. Batman’s adventures seem fun and exciting, but it’s important to realize that a mistake in the field could cost you your life, or the life of your friend. With Barbara dying, all barriers are broken and a lien of dominoes begins to fall. Yet as more continue to collapse, and more lives are ruined, it brings the truth of Batman’s world front and center. He may be a hero, but if the truth ever got out, his life would not be the only one that was demolished.
Barbara wakes up when the plot lines run their course, but the payoff of this cliché is substantial. We look at the collateral of Batman’s world, how thin the line is for disaster, and we also have a touching reminder of how integral Barbara is both to the Bat Family and the Gordon Family.
9) Baby Doll
In one of the more peculiar episodes, we see a young actress attempt to kidnap her old cast mates and have them reenact their glory days. While this seems to be the groundwork for a very forgettable episode, it is in fact one of the most memorable installments in the series.
Mary Dahl is an actress that has been off the radar for a long time. Yet with the only connection to the abductees being that they were actors on the same show, there is little need for Batman to investigate. He does however; remember her from a medical journal. It read that she was born with a condition called “systemic hyperplasia,” a condition that preventers her from growing older. This character seems to be ripped from a Silver Age comic book, given its murky science, and almost comedic nature. But instead of falling down the rabbit hole of cheap writing clichés, it capitalizes on this idea by showing the issue on all sides.
Meanwhile, the cast awakens to find that Baby Doll ahs recreated the set, and demands that each cast member play their roles from the old days. This seems like a desperate attempt to make the audience either laughs or cringes at how corny the situation is. But Baby Doll threatens to shoot them if they try to leave, the make-believe scenario become life threatening. This effect is intensified when Baby Doll recounts her profoundly lonely life after leaving the show. Since everyone else aged naturally, the had their whole lives ahead of them. Yet she was trapped in a life and a career where she was constantly defined by who she was, not who she could be.
This proves to be a brilliant utilization of both comedic and serious elements of the show. Most episodes of BTAS confine themselves to one of three types, each reminiscent with Batman’s many shifts in tone throughout the three ages of comic books. Golden Age short stories, which are quick, deliver on building a myth, and introduce new characters from time to time. Secondly, Silver age amusements with murky science and humorous and imaginative storytelling, and finally, Bronze Age self-analysis. Stories that look very closely at existing characters and ask the question of what made them the way they are. This episode manages to balance all three in tandem, with a massive payoff. The story is perfectly paced, is prone to laughing at itself, but can also make you feel sympathy for the one-shot villain.
Toward the end, Batman predictably defeats Baby Doll, and then chases her into a hall of mirrors. In one, Baby sees the grown-up version of herself, but is brought to tears at how she will never have this. After losing herself in a rage, she is in tears. Batman places a hand on her head, and the episode ends with Baby Doll crying.
For this character being a first-time appearance, it didn’t need all the intrigue of myth support that other villains did in order to succeed. So what makes this one succeed when most others who follow this path fail? As previously, mentioned, Baby Doll’s story is one that balances the three ages of Batman’s comic book history. It’s also humorous and serious, and few episodes can balance their aspects so well. It also comes closer than most episodes in solidifying what makes this series so special. It’s not meant to be campy Batman or brooding Batman, this is Batman. By understating the situation but keeping us grounded in the action, this episode excels with an original creation and makes for some of the most memorable moments in the series.
8) Harley’s Holiday
One of the series’ greatest achievements was creating Harley Quinn. At first riding on the coat tails of the infamous Joker, Harley Quinn soon took the series by storm, becoming a powerful presence in her own right. By virtue of her design, performance, and writing, she was a powerhouse in the series like no one else. Yet for all her successes, she was commonly overshadowed by her Mr. J whenever she cam eon the screen. Every episode Harley is involved in immediately rises in quality, but the influence of the Joker is always felt. Save for one episode where the Joker is never even mentioned and Harley is the focus, “Harley’s Holiday.”
After being released form Arkham on good behavior, Harley is determined to start fresh. Yet for all her efforts, her mannerisms and misconceptions of situations land her in constant trouble. Many of these moments are winning one-liners and are enough to make anyone laugh at the results. However, throughout the entire episode, Harley is constantly painted as a victim of circumstances, and rightfully so.
Harley isn’t trying to please the Joker, commit a crime, or even pester Batman. She’s attempt to live a normal life. This makes her shortcomings relatable, and even garners sympathy. Granted, she goes back to her criminal impulses later on, but she is frustrated that she doesn’t seem to be afforded a chance to be normal.
By the time that the episode concludes, we see her being carted back to Arkham, but not before Batman offers her the dress that she tried to pay for in the beginning. It serves as a touching moment between Batman and Harley, and reminds viewers just how amazing the world of Batman can be. An orphaned boy can become a hero, a troubled girl can start new, and enemies can put down their arms for one day and become friends.
7) Robin’s Reckoning
In this Emmy-winning two-part episode we see Robin as the focus as he tries to get revenge on the man who killed hi parents, Tony Zucco. It serves as an excellent insight into why Robin is so integral to Batman’s world. This episode serves to put their relationship in context, with fantastic results.
The episode opens on Batman and Robin preparing to catch a gang of criminals. A fight ensues on a scaffolding and they emerge victorious. However, most of the criminals get away, save one. At first, he refuses to talk as he’s about to fall to his death. Batman threatens to leave him, but at the last moment, he calls out that he works for a man named “Billy Marin.” After this, Batman says Robin is off the case. At first, it doesn’t make sense. But after some digging, Billy Marin is revealed to be an alias of Tony Zucco, the man who killed Robin’s parents. The sends Robin into overdrive, and his story is soon explored via flashback. The references to Batman’s involvement in Robin’s life have been limited to casually dropped details, and haven’t been explored in depth until now. A man was making Robin’s circus pay protection money, and when the ringmaster refused to pay in full, the man stormed off. Dick soon found that the same man was tampering with the trapeze equipment, and he quickly sneaked off. Despite his protestations, Dick’s parents continued and they died as a result of the sabotaged equipment. Robin was devastated and left without any blood relatives to turn to. Bruce takes him in, and the brief guardianship fills Dick with many questions. Who does Bruce go to see very night? Where does he go? And does he really have to go every night?
The mystery continues to build, and Dick soon overhears Bruce speaking with Commissioner Gordon. Apparently, Zucco is trying to skip town before Batman or the police get a hold of him. The last reported siting was in a shady section of Gotham. Resolved to get Zucco first, Robin takes the bus to this location. Dick does his own detective work and fights Zucco when he is spotted. Just when the fight seems to be lost, Dick is saved by Batman. In the end, a choice must be made of whether Batman will save Dick or apprehend Zucco. He chooses the former.
Dick is soon brought to the Batcave and Dick asks who Batman is. Everything becomes clear when Bruce unveils himself to his ward. This cements the history of the duo in stellar fashion, and also makes it clear that the stakes have never been higher. In teaching Robin how to fight, the Dark Knight may have put him in the same peril Batman has always feared. If Robin exacts revenge on Zucco, he may never be able to return to Batman or himself again.
As the episode enters its second half, and we see that Batman is hunting Zucco, the criminal underworld rejects him everywhere he goes. He has no options other than to try and leave town, or take down Batman himself. Zucco chooses the latter, and he is in on the brink of being captured by Batman or Robin. He is also becoming extremely anxious, and is making mistakes that leave a trail of breadcrumbs.
The race to catch Zucco is desperate, and shows how capable Robin is without his mentor. In addition, the flashback sequences that show Bruce and Dick interacting after the great reveal show how much they complement each other. This is especially touching when audiences reflect on how similar these two men are. The emotional roots of the episode take center stage, and show that more is at stake than losing a partner in crime fighting, this could end with a family being broken.
Soon, Batman confronts Zucco at the docks and suffers a side wound. And just when its almost too late, Robin saves Batman and has his hated enemy at his mercy. But Batman makes one final plea, asking for Robin to turn this man in to the police. Robin cries out that Batman can’t know the depth of his loss, and swiftly apologizes. With Zucco captured, justice is served and the duo returns home.
While this may strike some as a cop out, the episodes holds up. Largely because there was a strong middle section and a subdued ending. By acknowledging the importance of the conflict, the influence of the past, and the sense of family with the dynamic duo, the series gains an emotional tipping point it reaches only on rare occasions. At the end of the day, Batman developed the Bat Family to take in those who needed him, or suffered tragedies similar to his own. It exemplifies how human the Dark Knight can be, and how the life of Bruce Wayne is still important to the narrative.
Most works of Batman’s mythology focus on the Batman himself, as his life is filled with more exciting stories. But in this instance, it made Bruce Wayne not only interesting, but more engaging than Batman. We see that we’ve been missing half of the equation of the story for some time. Just as we see the story of Batman and Bruce Wayne, we’re here to learn the story of Robin and Dick Grayson. And in so doing, we learn that the masks makes them legends, but its what’s inside that makes them heroes.
6) Heart of Ice
In this acclaimed episode, we see the character of Mr. freeze become vastly more dynamic. Prior to this episode airing, Mr. Freeze was a typical villain with formulaic plots and was essentially a freeze gun-totting C-lister. But by the end of this episode, the concept of Mr. Freeze evolved from a throwaway villain to one of Batman’s most enduring and sympathetic characters.
Most renditions prior to this episode focused on Mr. Freeze’s theme rather than his personal history. The same could be said for many villains, such as the Joker or the Penguin. But now that the BTAS writers were reevaluating him, and character history was being given a massive amount of gravity (such examples include “Robin’s Reckoning” or “Mad Love”), he was given a story that elicited both heartwarming sympathy and brutal chills.
It’s revealed that Mr. Freeze is a man hell-bent on revenger after CEO Ferris Boyle tried to shut down the cryogenic preservation project that was keeping Nora Fries alive.  Victor Fries did all he could to save his wife, but he ended up exposing himself to the chemicals, becoming immortal.
This changes the concept radically, but makes him vastly more human and multi-dimensional. Anyone else in this position would do anything to save his or her loved ones. In doing so, Batman elects to stop Mr. Freeze before he kills Boyle.
Batman confronts Freeze, and meets with some new challenges. But in the end, comes up with new tactics. He confronts Freeze just as he’s about to exact revenge on Boyle. The battle is intense, but Batman manages to win by pouring hot soup onto Mr. Freeze, and subduing him so the authorities can take him into Arkham. While this method of winning seems more humorous than effective, it’s the reevaluation of existing material that makes this episode one of the best.
In addition to changing the nature of a prominent villain, this episode changed the standard by which the series was seen. It skyrocketed the series into fame, and won an Emmy for Outstanding Writing in an Animated Program.  
Having endured for decades and producing some of the most popular comic book characters of all time, Batman has had an immense legacy. But with this brilliant TV rendition, we see a character commonly neglected become one of the most prominent and perhaps the most human of Batman’s adversaries. It’s a story that has since been engrained in the lore, and left its mark on all mediums, a truly marvelous work.
5) Beware the Gray Ghost
While BTAS has proven to be an impressive addition to the existing franchise, few were episodes have been able to garner this level of acclaim. The story was engaging, the mystery is carefully crafted, but the casting is what really made this episode stand out. Batman enlists the help of a TV actor from his childhood in capturing a criminal before he commits more bombings on Gotham; Adam West, TV’s original Batman, plays this character.
If having the original Batman come to the set of the animated isn’t enough to strengthen your episode, then nothing will. But the episode itself is quite fascinating on its own. Batman is built on the foundation of loss and brooding. Therefore, it’s difficult to find moments of happiness, be it in his current life or in his childhood. All of it seems to be eclipsed by that terrible night he lost his parents. The animates series makes multiple mentions and even displays of that tragic evening, but this episode alone shows Bruce’s childhood as happy and inspiring.
Bruce has long been a fan of “The Gray Ghost,” a crime fighter on TV who bears a striking similarity to Batman. And the recent bombings on Gotham are exactly like an old episode of the series. However, young Bruce fell asleep the night this episode aired, and he cannot recall the ending.
Bruce tries to find a copy of the episode, but it turns out that there was a fire that destroyed the old copies. Pressed for options, Batman must find the actor who portrayed his childhood idol, a man by the name of Simon Trent.
Upon finding him, Batman learns that the aged Simon Trent is desperate for money and can’t find work due to his strong connection to the Gray Ghost. He even sold most of his remaining collection of Gray Ghost memorabilia just to pay rent.
Batman realizes that Simon won’t be easy to convince, and so he asks for a copy of the episode in question. Simon gives him the copy, and is left in a state of contemplation. Bruce watches the episode, and it’s revealed that a toy car was used to set off the bombs.
Batman soon encounters Simon again, only this time, he has resolved to be the hero he portrayed years ago, and he dons the mask and cape of the acclaimed hero one last time. Batman and the Ghost go to the Batcave, and he takes the time to show Simon a small shrine dedicated to the man who inspired him to be a crime fighter. It is an inspiration for Trent, and the two share a moment before continuing their investigation. It turns out that eh toy collector Simon sold his items to, a boy named Dymer, is responsible.
The two confront Dymer, and he reveals that he’s been bombing the buildings so he can sell the Gray Ghost materials at top dollar. They apprehend him, and the remaining bombs destroy Dymer’s store. Shortly after, the incident is reported and Simon becomes a hero. His Gray Ghost character experiences a resurgence in popularity, and Bruce visits him while he’s signing autographs. He says, “the Gray Ghost was my hero.”
This episode serves as one of the most engaging, by virtue of its casting, delving into Bruce’s history, and the overall solidarity of the episode’s significance in a larger body of work. While the villain of Dymer is rather weak on his own, the underplaying of his involvement in the plot made him a genuine surprise later. It’s also important to note that a look into Bruce’s past had never been done before, as it wasn’t needed. But with new information, Batman becomes extremely relatable. Just as Batman was a fan of the Gray Ghost, the audience adores him. It’s a brilliant work of mirroring to fans that has not been achieved with Batman, before or since.
4) Two Face
Toward the beginning of the animated series, there was a strong emphasis on building the formula for each episode and showing numerous villain origins. The creative license proved to be a double edged sword in that many possibilities were available, but the foundation of the show needed to be perfectly established. There were many episodes that were easily forgotten, while others made a shocking impact. Few episodes were as effective as Two Face.
Harvey Dent was a character that had already been present in previous episodes. He was a friend of Bruce Wayne’s, an upstanding District Attorney, and a man of the people. By all accounts, he was one of the few morally white characters among the cast.
Yet it all came to a boiling point when Rupert Thorne, a known crime figure had his men caught in a police raid. The arrest went smoothly with Batman and Gordon involved, and Harvey said he would not rest until justice was served. A disgruntled thug then splashes him, and Harvey goes wild. Everyone is shocked, and Harvey is extremely embarrassed. This marks the first time he’s made a public outburst, and the first time the audience has seen him act this way. Even if viewers were familiar with Two Face in the comics, the sheer intensity and laser focus of the scene is enough to make your skin crawl.
The situation intensifies when Harvey hears of Thorne’s men getting acquitted and he admits he’s not sure he can do this alone. Therefore, his fiancé tells Bruce in confidence that Harvey’s been seeing a psychiatrist. Bruce says he’s proud of him, and that he’ll keep his secret.
Soon, we see that Harvey is committed to getting to the bottom of this, and that Thorne is looking for any amount of dirt to blacken Harvey’s good name. Harvey makes some progress, and we learn that he’s struggled with his anger for some time. But in suppressing it for the greater good, he’s created a volatile personality, one that is coming to the surface even now.
But just when Harvey thinks he’s got it under control, Thorne tries blackmailing him when he learns about his “Big Bad Harv” personality. Harvey meets with Thorne in person, and when Thorne demands him to look the other way, this puts Harvey over the edge. He attacks Thorne and his men, and they intend to do him in. Batman saves Harvey, but not before he is exposed to a massive explosion. The result is horrific facial scarring and a rage that refuses to subside.
This marks the ending of the first half, and we see a great deal of turmoil coming form all sides. As Harvey’s world falls apart, we can’t help but sympathize, and it feels rushed in the course of one episode, and it’s precisely the speed at which its delivered that makes it so powerful.
Harvey was seen as early as the pilot, flipping a coin and conversing with law enforcement. Therefore, the reference is made the instant he appears, and is by no means milked over time. In fact, any reference to Harvey in the show is understated right up to this point. You can identify him by name or his coin from the comics. But his cool nature in all other occurrences make the shift as surprising to the viewers as it does to the characters on screen. By the end, he seems lost, and we can’t help but wonder how he got there.
As the second half begins, Harvey has embraced his fallen reputation and new resources. He uses all of his efforts to defeat Thorne, and relies entirely on his coin to make decisions. It’s no longer a prop or a gimmick; it’s the cornerstone of his world. Harvey managed to best Thorne and become the new kingpin in town. Batman tries to stop him in the name of his friendship as Bruce, and his partnership with him as Batman when he was District Attorney. But in the end, Harvey’s scarring, both physical and emotional, is too much to recover from. Batman manages to defeat Two Face by throwing mess of coins into the air, throwing Two Face’s world on its head. There should be a sense of victory, but the episode is concluded by a profound sense of defeat, the kind where a man loses a friend and gains an enemy.
This is a truly incredible episode because it utilizes the understating of several previous episodes, not just the action of this one. Even if you’re viewing this episode alone, the performance is enough to set it all in context, and to put you in Bruce’s position. An upstanding man is met with horribly unjust circumstances and must suffer as s result of trying to do well by him and others. And it reminds viewers that Batman’s struggle for justice is not just to avenge his parents, it’s to put right the wrongs of the present day. But even Batman is helpless to stop some tragedies. The episode is essential to the series because it captures the tormented nature of a secondary character and makes his struggle viewers can feel in excruciating detail. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the Bat or a casual viewer, you still feel the pain of a man who tried to do right, but lost his way.
3) Mad Love
When Harley Quinn first appeared in “Joker’s Favor,” she was immediately acclaimed by fans and reused by writers. No one was expecting her to become so popular, and this made it all the more challenging ot develop an impressive backstory for her. After all, there were several facets that needed to be addressed. Who was she really? How did she get involved with the Joker? And who does she keep coming back to him? The series had already amassed a great collection of backstory arcs. But with so much on the line, and with few episodes left in the series, a great impact had to be made. And it blew everyone away when the truth was finally revealed.
After a botched attempt at dispatching Gordon, Joker and Harley retreat to their lair. Harley is rebuffed by her Mr. J, and she reflects on how her life got to this point.
She was a psychiatrist at Arkham that tried to learn the Joker’s secrets. But her sessions grew more personal, and even romantic. She would have done anything for him, and one night after Batman had returned Joker to Arkham, she was resolved to help him escape for good.
It’s a story that answers all of the audience’s questions, and puts the entire relationship in context. More impressive still is that the Joker’s mind warping capabilities surpass those of even his doctor. This makes the relationship a twisted one built on Harley’s good intentions, and shows just how skewed the foundation of it all is. However, Harley is never depicted as foolish. She’s shown to be intelligent, capable, and caring. It’s the Joker’s manipulation of Harley’s affections that make her so dedicated to him, and how he has such a hold on her despite all he puts her through.
As the episode continues, Harley believes that Batman is the key to her misery. With Batman gone, she’ll be free to settle down with her Mr. J. She therefore sets out a carefully laid out plan, and pleads through videotape that Batman protect her in exchange for turning state’s evidence. She manages to meet Batman on the docks, and tricks him into being sedated. When he wakes up, he’s suspended upside down above a piranha tank.
Harley tells Batman her motive, and the thought of Harley and thinking the Joker could love her makes him laugh. Batman reveals that the Joker has been manipulating him like this for his whole life, and that she’s just hired help to him. She refuses to accept this, and nearly lets Batman die. But he convinces her that Joker must witness the death to believe it occurred.
Harley calls the Joker, and he rushes to the scene. But on arriving, he’s not pleased, he’s furious. He claims that this can only end with Joker killing Batman. Harley insists that it’s still the Joker’s plan, and she explains why it works. But this angers the Sadistic Jester further. He exclaims that by explaining how this joke works, she’s ruined it. He follows up by pushing Harley out of a nearby window.
Batman and the Joker have a final battle atop a train and it ends with Joker falling to his supposed death.
Harley is soon returned to Arkham as a patient, where she resolves to never get involved with the Joker again. But before she can finalize her personal oath, she looks inside her cell and sees a small flower, and she knows two things for certain. Joker is still alive and that she loves him still.
This proves to be one of the saddest and most effective episodes of BTAS. With Harley appealing to so many viewers, she needed concrete backstory. This was worth the wait. The view of the Joker’s relationship with Harley is a take on abusive relationships in general, and makes us sympathize with her immensely. The episode does raise several questions as to what kind of message is being exposed to child viewers, but instead of acting as an informative PSA, it is a brutally honest take on a character who is imperfect and likeable. In the end, we can’t help but wonder why Harley is still hooked on Mr. J.
2) Trial
In one of the more self-analyzing episodes of BTAS, we see that Batman’s villains remain in Arkham and are on the brink of hatching a dastardly plot. But as to what that is, we are uncertain.
Janet Van Dorn, Gotham’s newest District Attorney has been taking the city by storm, and her take on crime and punishment differs greatly from the Dark Knight. She believes that Batman has no regard for the legal system and is not only deserving of jail time, but is single handedly responsible for creating these super criminals that plague Gotham’s streets.
This is a highly engaging episode, as it focuses on answering a long-held fan question: are Batman’s actions causing more crime than he is solving? This question has been probed several times over the course of the series, and is usually self-fulfilling. In “The Man Who Killed Batman” for example, Joker refuses to follow through on a jewelry heist because Batman doesn’t appear. This among other examples has drawn the motives of several villains into question, and viewers finally get to see their theories tested.
Batman is apprehended by thugs and taken to trial, and an intriguing challenge is posed. Joker is to be judge, Two Face the prosecution, and Batman is to be defended by the District Attorney that opposes his ideals. If he wins, then they’ll be let go. If not, Batman will be dealt with as the jury sees fit.
This launches a small series of cross-examinations of villains. Most of Batman’s rivals and enemies are present in the room, and this leads to a wide variety of examples you an choose from. The Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn are among those chosen. When questioned, Mad Hatter claims that Batman took Alice away from him, and that he had no choice but to take criminal action. This proves to be a weak excuse, as he claims that instead of respecting Alice’s wishes “I would have killed her first.” With this shocking revelation, Janet Van Dorn begins to see a correlation.
She continues her interrogations, and this time questions Poison Ivy. The botanical beauty claims that Batman is a threat to her plants, and she makes him out to be single-handedly responsible for her actions. But instead, Janet begins plucking the petals from a flower in front of the witness. Poison Ivy demands she stop, but when Janet continues, a fight ensues. The more the criminal testimonies line up, the more Janet is convinced Batman is not the cause of their actions. So far, a madman refused to take the responsible course of action, and vile villainess cares more for plants than people.
And finally, there’s Harley Quinn. After an extended series of jokes and affections between her and Judge Joker, Janet insists that the Joker twisted Harley Quinn’s mind. Harley insists that Janet is jealous, but Janet reveals that the Joker ratted Harley out to get time off of his sentence. Harley inquires, and when the Joker doesn’t deny it, she goes wild.
The last testimony proves to be more humorous than relevant, but it shows that out of three statements, none of them can tie Batman directly to their actions. Instead, it seems that these super criminals project their shortcomings and motives onto Batman as an excuse. Therefore, Van Dorn comes to the conclusion that instead of Batman creating these criminals, these criminals have created Batman. This proves a shocking twist, and one that deserves special attention. There are other cases to consider, as there is only so much room for testimonies when the episode must run under thirty minutes, but it provides a unique insight into a complex issue.
By the end, the criminals declare that Batman is not guilty, but they proceed with their judgment on him. Just as they’re about to unmask the Caped Crusader, Van Dorn throws a stray batarang at the light fixture, and this gives Batman the chance he needs to escape. The fight ends, and Janet makes her peace with Batman just before dawn. They both hope that some day, despite their differences, they’ll achieve a world where Batman is no longer needed.
As this episode comes to a close, it offers a fascinating insight to an issue many fans have speculated over Batman’s extensive history. By reacting to criminal activity, it provides a motive on its own for Gotham’s Rogue’s Gallery. While some comic book writers have attempted to delve into the psychology of their villains (especially in the Bronze Age), Batman sets itself apart by making the psychology of each villain the dominating factor and drive that keeps readers coming back. However, with psychology acting as the primary focus, it’s easy to make judgments about psychology pertaining to the hero as well. Batman feels the need to fight crime because he failed to keep his family out of harm’s way that one night. It’s a simple solution, and one prone to over-simplicity.
By the same token, many of the villains have suffered numerous tragedies. The Riddler was swindled out of his earnings for a game franchise, the Penguin was treated like a monster, so he became one. And Clayface was morphed into a monstrosity, and Scarecrow’s obsession with fear morphed him into becoming a criminal. Yet for all these complex and varied backstories, one must wonder if criminals would bother taking to the streets if there was no challenge. Would Gotham be safer without Batman? Many are inclined to say yes.
However, Batman was born as a result of someone else’s criminal activity. Joe Chill (in the original and dominating storyline) killed Bruce’s parents and disappeared into the night. This left Batman in a state of psychological trauma that drives him even to this day. So perhaps it’s right to say that one man’s criminal activity caused Batman to be born, but can this be generalized to the entire Rogue’s Gallery?
Each criminal has a reason for starting out that is completely divorced from Batman. By not being able to cope with their grief, resentment, or trauma, they became an identity on their own. With such narcissistic and obsessive figures, it’s no surprise that they’re looking for someone to blame for their misfortunes. When Batman impedes their criminal progress, they immediately latch onto him, claiming that if it wasn’t for him, the game wouldn’t have the same appeal to them. But in the end, the roots of their damage go well before Batman. He just happens to be their current struggle. So therefore, it makes sense to say that they created Batman. In the same way that many of the Rogues became a monster they thought they were, Batman became the hero that he thought people needed. Any lingering resentments are built on soft foundations, and need to be redirected elsewhere. Thankfully, these villains focus on crime and give readers and viewers riveting stories that will last a lifetime.
If there’s anything to be learned from this episode it’s that snap judgments or projection of guilt never leads to a successful conclusion. Blaming others only renders someone unable to move on. Therefore, that pain should be used as a catalyst for the greater good, just like we see Batman do every night.
It appears that there are two kinds of people in Gotham, those who let their trauma define their lives, and those who let trauma drive their ambitions. So which will we be?
1) Almost Got’im
While there have been many stories that have captivated audiences throughout the course of this series, few are as recognizable and worth watching repeatedly as “Almost Got’im.” This serves as a laid-back, well written, and captivating story that balances five villains at once. Each tells the story of how they almost defeated Batman, and all of this is done amid the atmosphere of a poker game.
The episode begins with the villains gathering in underground club, each of them trying to hide from the Caped Crusader. The roster includes the Joker, Two Face, Penguin, Killer Croc, and Poison Ivy. The poker game begins, and the question is raised as to who has come the closest. In an attempt to answer this lingering question, each tells their story.
Poison Ivy recounts how she nearly defeated Batman with exploding pumpkins the previous Halloween. Two Face tells the story of how he apprehended Batman and how he flipped him on a gigantic coin. Penguin recalls his “Aviary of Doom” heist, and Croc recounts how he once threw a rock at Batman. Each story is confined to a short runtime, and is reacted to by the other villains in a casual, yet humorous fashion. Joker claims that he has the best story of all, and claims it was attempted just the previous evening.
Joker tried to electrocute Batman during a televised event called “Late Night Gotham Live.” He tied the Dark Knight to an electric chair activated by laughter. He then filled the studio audience with laughing gas, and he was nearly bested. But Catwoman saved Batman, and the Joker’s plan was foiled. The story seems to have ended, but Joker claims that the story isn’t over. As he tried to escape, Catwoman caught up to him, and Harley knocked Catwoman unconscious when she was distracted. Croc asks if that was the end of it, but Joker says the punch line is yet to come. He has Catwoman in a pet food factory. Harley is going to push the infatuated feline into the meat grinder, and will send a case of cat food to Batman.
Croc stands up, and says, “I don’t think so.” It’s revealed that Batman was really disguised as Croc all along. The Rogues presiding over the poker table say Batman is outgunned, but its revealed that all other patrons of the underground club are in fact police. Batman hurries to the factory, and stops Harley from disposing of Catwoman.
That night was a great victory, but Catwoman says that perhaps there’s a chance for her and Batman in the future where they won’t need masks. Batman smiles at the possibility, and Catwoman attempts to kiss him. She is distracted for a moment, and Batman flies off into the night. To which she responds “almost got’im.”
This episode is structurally and artistically sublime. While most episodes focus on one villain at a time, this venture had multiple villains all in one room. Yet the plot ever feels overstuffed or convoluted, because there are several short stories that are given enough time to react to. The insistence that everyone’s story be heard to judge its brilliance also keeps the plot (or multiple plots) moving. The episode is effortless in its pacing, and the chemistry between villains is not only rare, but supremely enjoyable. The ability for Joker to poke fun at Penguin, or Ivy to reference having dated Two Face makes for a laughable and enjoyable dynamic.
By the end of the episode, it turns out that all of these efforts to prove who was the best was leading to a satisfying conclusion. The addition of another twist isn’t convoluted or forced, but rather speaks to a profound sense of self-awareness. As great as it is to hear the villains shoot the breeze, each episode should be able to tell a comprehensive story with a rewarding takeaway. By having Batman present the entire time, a whole new plot develops in the course of a single line, and makes for an excellent payoff.
This episode is a joy to watch from start to finish. Plus the ability to use a plot twist and casual conversation to their fullest extent make for an incredible level of writing. This is BTAS at the peak of its powers, and this is the surest of itself that the series has ever been. With so many facets of the story working seamlessly, it makes us feel like we’re sitting at the table without favorite baddies. And what’s more is that we’re not afraid of them for an instant. They’re not demonized, overlooked, or undervalued, they’re not even acting like villains. They’re surprisingly human. Half of the power of Batman comes from him, and the other comes from whoever he happens to be facing in any given panel, episode, or film. With so many of these iconic villains gathered in one place, and with all of them at their most human, it’s one of the most cherished occurrences among fans to this day.  
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With many July 4th shows canceled, officials fear a spike in amateur fireworks accidents
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. — With nearly 10,000 people suffering fireworks-related injuries every year around the July 4th holiday, Jason Rhodes with the Overland Park Fire Department has an annual refrain he finds himself repeating.
“We just tell people to leave the shows to the pros,” Rhodes said.
But in the year of the coronavirus pandemic, that advice could be a hard sell for many.
With many municipalities canceling their annual fireworks demonstrations for Independence Day (Overland Park being one exception), first responders fear emergency rooms will see more than the usual uptick in burns and injuries this year.
It can leave a sting on your criminal record as well.
“If you were written a ticket in Overland Park for illegal fireworks, that fine can range from $200 to $500, and there’s probably going to be a mandatory court appearance attached to it as well,” Rhodes said.
Laws covering amateur fireworks vary in towns and cities across the metro. But in larger cities like Kansas City and Overland Park, they remain illegal.
On top of a permanent injury, Rhodes reminds me people that a fireworks accident can also lead to financial ruin.
“One of the things we tell people: Don’t buy your neighbor’s house,” Rhodes said. “We’ve had cases in the past where folks were shooting off fireworks, and their fireworks caught the neighbor’s house on fire. Well, that homeowner’s insurance company came after whoever lit the fireworks, and they ended up being on the hook for that.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/news/with-many-july-4th-shows-canceled-officials-fear-a-spike-in-amateur-fireworks-accidents/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/06/24/with-many-july-4th-shows-canceled-officials-fear-a-spike-in-amateur-fireworks-accidents/
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jasonheart1 · 6 years
Elderly man arrested due to decades-old warrant
DENVER – A 69-year-old retired bus driver sits in a Denver jail this Thanksgiving holiday awaiting extradition back to Indiana following his arrest Tuesday in connection with a 34-year-old case that Indiana officials told him he’d completed his sentence for more than three decades ago – a situation that a Denver attorney says reminds him of the Jim Crow era of America.
“I got a panicked, freaked-out phone call, as one would expect, from the family on Tuesday saying that they’ve just taken our grandfather who hasn’t had a brush with the law in more than three decades,” said Denver civil rights attorney Jason Flores-Williams, who is representing Theodell McGowan in the case.
According to Flores-Williams, Denver Sheriff Department deputies showed up at McGowan’s home Tuesday as three generations of family members prepared for Thanksgiving and arrested him in front of his family.
“It’s been terrible,” McGowan told Denver7 from jail Friday. “I had planned to have Thanksgiving dinner with my daughter.”
Deputies told McGowan and his family that they had a warrant for his arrest out of Gary, Indiana from 34 years ago for allegedly violating the terms of his sentence at the time.
According to Flores-Williams, McGowan received an 18-month sentence at a halfway house in connection with a car theft. According to a writ of habeas corpus filed by Flores-Williams, McGowan was told at the time that he’d completed his sentence and could move out of the halfway house, which he did.
“He was doing his time at a halfway house in which he would go to a job every day away from the halfway house, and somebody told him at the halfway house that he had done his time,” Flores-Williams said. “He had paid his debt to society and so that he could leave, so this is technical.”
McGowan has spent the past 30-plus years in Colorado, where he worked as an RTD bus driver and bus driver for Denver Public Schools for 20 years before retiring. He regularly attends the New Beginnings Church in Aurora.
McGowan said Friday that he went through multiple background checks for his jobs as well as a Secret Service background check when he drove buses during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver and the warrant never showed up.
“I did the most extensive background check you can do … this ain’t ever come up,” McGowan said.
Flores-Williams says that someone in Indiana doing paperwork issued the warrant despite what McGowan says he was told decades ago and living a life free of criminal charges since then.
“Somehow, someway, somebody – without thinking – in Indiana saw this technicality and issued a warrant for his arrest, which Denver had no choice but to comply with,” Flores-Williams said.
After McGowan was arrested Tuesday, according to Flores-Williams, Denver sheriff’s deputies forced McGowan to sign a waiver of extradition without allowing him to consult with attorneys or his family. Flores-Williams says that McGowan was not allowed to retrieve his dental plate before he was brought to jail and that he has had a hard time eating without it.
“I led a stable life, paid for a house, bought a new car … I had a stable life and all of a sudden this comes up from 30-some years ago and they say I owe them eight or nine more months,” McGowan said. “It’s totally unfair to me because it’s a risk to me losing everything I’ve accumulated in the last 30 years.”
Now, Flores-Williams says that prosecutors in both Denver and Indiana say they are unsure what to do with the case. He says the writ of habeas corpus filed Friday in U.S. District Court of Colorado was denied because Denver does not have a case.
“The Denver courts – their hands are tied. I’ve spoken with the Denver district attorney and friends there, and they don’t even have a case for the guy,” Flores-Williams said. “I’ve called Indiana. The DA in Gary, Indiana isn’t even aware of the case, so this really comes down to somebody in some office not thinking about the consequences of their actions.”
Flores-Williams says that he’s been trying to convince officials there is a “more humane way” to handle the situation “rather than wasting the resources, and all the time and energy” of putting McGowan behind bars.
“It’s completely inhumane, and at the end of the day what it really is, is a miscarriage of justice,” Flores-Williams said. “We as a society have no interest in seeing this man, who’s been an asset to his community, behind bars right now.”
McGowan said he doesn’t think he’s being treated fairly but said he would do what officials are telling him to do if it’s necessary.
“There should be a benefit to turning your life around and trying to do the right thing and becoming a productive, taxpaying citizen. My life is totally different,” he said. “If I really gotta do it, I wish they would let me do it in Colorado around my family, because I’m not connecting to Indiana in no kind of way no more.”
And after having big Thanksgiving plans earlier in the week, McGowan said Friday he didn’t eat on his Thanksgiving spent in jail because he has “no appetite for the kind of food they serve up in here.”
 “I’m 70 years old. I’m too old for this,” he said.
McGowan, who is a father, grandfather and great grandfather, says he feels embarrassed by the situation.
“Embarrassed, and tired and old. But I’m also embarrassed because I think I’m disappointing my family because they look up to me as a role model,” he said. His fiancée, Helen Allen, called him a “very loving person” who is loved by both her and his children.
Flores-Williams compares what he says is happening to McGowan to the Jim Crow era.
“It reminds me of something out of the Jim Crow era, where there’d be some ridiculous charge, some ridiculous technicality, and because somebody decides to call in from Indiana, an older African-American gentleman’s life is basically ruined because he’s thrown behind bars,” he said.
McGowan and Flores-Williams are still waiting to see what happens next. But McGowan said he feels that he is being penalized after doing everything he could to change the man he used to be over the past three decades.
“What I want [people] to know is not really happening to me. I would like for them to know if you turn your life around and do all the right things, that should be recognized,” he said. “Not if you do the right thing, they reach way back in your past, constantly coming up with your past and using that to penalize you. I’m not no threat to the community. I’m not no threat to nobody.”
from Local News https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/elderly-man-spent-thanksgiving-in-denver-jail-after-indiana-warrant-issued-three-decades-later
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