#Jinx x therapy
ptlxser · 1 year
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jinx or powder? who’s ur fav? (personally i love jinx she just needs a hug)
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gay4tiddies · 1 year
Painted Hearts
Part 5
This is part four of a Jinx x female reader series, in which the reader ends up in the Arcane universe and winds up getting involved with the plot. Starting just around where series main plot begins
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It often feels like a person cheats time in the hours between closing one’s eyes and opening them come morning. This void of space can be filled with dreams, some of which you may or may not recall, some of which may have been reoccurring since you were young enough to recall them. Dreams can be joyfully lucid, crushingly depressing, often times they exist as a vault of unexpressed, unpredictable, and unprecedented emotions.
Today your dream was foggy, vision distorted as you’re stumbling down a seemingly endless tunnel. There’s a figure ahead, you can’t imagine their identity, but you cannot help but chase after them.
Luminous, vivid blue was a colour that you saw only at night, hidden under the lids of your eyes. A stark, bare colour that seemingly filled you with only the most overwhelming emotions. You always remember these dreams - whether your entire dream was stained monochrome blue or even if you catch but a mere flicker of the captivating colour. You’d always awaken, heart racing, gripped with frustration as you fail, continuously, to envision that unmistakeable forget-me-not blue.
Perhaps it was for this reason that you chase the figure so desperately, the familiar braids flowing behind her, dancing almost tauntingly at the very tips of your outstretched fingers.
Only when your hands clasp empty air does she finally still. You could have sworn she spoke, her voice indistinguishable, smothered and muffled by the fog.
Your mind wanders aimlessly as your gaze settles fixedly upon the intricate designs mapping her back, pondering why this person was running from you, lightly tracing the swirling clouds. Her skin was icy to the touch, yet you felt an indescribable, content warmth settle around you both.
Twin braids swing rhythmically as she turns, ghosting her own fingers over your bare skin, before gazing unflinchingly into your eyes.
Eyes of an unmistakable, addictive colour mirrored your bewildered stare. Immediately, you were enraptured by the bliss of her presence - immensely, overwhelming smitten with this intoxicating stranger. Her touch littered your arms, collarbone, neck, every brush somehow hitting you like static. Yet gradually the air around you felt smothering, suffocating. As if those sparks of static had set your body alight.
You take an unsteady step backwards; her hands fall to her sides; her caress has left you smouldering. The fog surrounding you now felt like thick, painful smoke, swallowing your breath in a ghastly cloud.
Her expression was one of desperation as she reaches out towards your retreating figure, now acidic pink eyes pleading for your return. But you don’t want to burn with her, you don’t want to go up in flames, melding together into twisted effigy.
You wrench yourself away, staggering into a sprint.
Yet it was as if you were running through quicksand, limbs moving in slow-motion, never gaining so much as an inch of ground.
Airy laughter grazed your ears as you felt lithe limbs embrace you, torso pressing flush against your back, warm breath ghosting your neck as she purred sweet, possessive nothings into your skin.
It was almost comforting, that groggy, sinking feeling her clasp now had upon you – like a warm cup of chamomile laced with a lethal dose of nightshade.
A slow, soothing way to die.
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Awaking to the familiar bite of cold air, you cringe into the warmth of whatever material is covering you. Even worse, everything ached, you expected that this was how someone would feel after ascending a mountain - whilst carrying a sack of bricks in tow. You didn’t want to open your eyes and acknowledge this fucked up situation you’ve found yourself caught in, however you force yourself into consciousness.
Immediately you’re fully awake.
It only takes a couple of seconds for you to register that you’re suspended in mid-air, having been sleeping far too comfortably upon a make-shift hammock. Rope netting, of which you recall being hung around the fan blades, has been hastily wrapped in thick swathes of dark fabric, the same slightly rough material you’re covered in. There’s at least a thirty metre drop beneath you, of which you are not going to risk, leaving you unable to so much as attempt to escape.
Of course, she’d have made sure you had no means of escape - it’s not like she’s going to trust you, even after your embarrassingly desperate pleads to survive.
You call out awkwardly, to which there is no response. Assuming you’re alone, you exhale and fall back into the swinging bed. Whilst it might be a way of keeping you from running off, it was strangely accommodating. Although, the sheets most definitely weren’t actual bed covers, maybe curtains or merely raw fabric, and smelt slightly floral. Below you could see a few lights illuminating the workspace, the occasional splashes of neon colour reflecting off the florescent glare. It was just as you had seen in Arcane, eerily exact.
Letting yourself relax, your mind wanders for some time until you hear the distinct sound of a door opening and wet boots trekking across the fan beneath you.
Peeking over the edge of the hammock, you find the figure of a forlorn looking pyromaniac. Her arms are wrapped around herself, clothes positively drenched. You can assume that the scene in which Silco evil-baptises her has just occurred. As if feeling your gaze on her, she glances upwards, eyes immediately finding yours. A manic grin twists her previously solemn features as she waves her arms around excitedly.
“Mornin’ toots- missed me much?”
You were about to reply, negatively, however she didn’t stop to hear your response.
“Y’know how cold underground water is? It’s freaking freezing! How was I supposed to know to bring a warm change of clothes - if all I got was some foreboding message to meet Silco at the lake??”
She was pacing back and forth, a visible trail of water puddling across her path. Stopping occasionally, she’d throw her hands in the air or harshly whisper into the air beside her.
“Oh yeah- don’t worry about the specifics of how I know Silco. He’s sort of like my adoptive old man, also still a very dangerous drug lord – but I haven’t told him about you yet… So, make sure not to get us caught glowstick, cuz he might actually kill you ahaha…” She’d trail off, leaving you debating your own safety.
You still can’t seem to get a word of response in, as she continues to chatter mindlessly to (presumably) you as she walks around the fan blades. At some point she’d begun to strip off her wet clothes, talking nonchalantly in the process. You turn your gaze away from the near nude woman in embarrassment as she walks in and out of sight, twisting various levers as she goes. Hearing a metallic squeak alongside the sound of a tap running, you faintly recall seeing a bathtub in the series setting. How Jinx manages to get hot water up here, you cannot imagine - although she’s certainly smart enough to have fixed that up for herself.
Laying back, your hands cover your face as you groan in frustration, listening to the idle chatter for what seems like hours before you hear her leave the water.
“Y’know that lake water was dirty too- l swear Silco forgets I’m a girl sometimes. Like, I might be a slightlymanic, gun-wielding terrorist- but I’m still a woman who likes to stay outta dirty water and smell clean!”
You feel faint amusement at this, listening to her rant to you as a frustrated daughter of a single parent. It was so strangely mundane, enough to feel at ease with.
“I’m surprised he doesn’t understand, seeing how much hair you have.” You exclaim genuinely.
“Precisely!” She cries out, “I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall when I bring up anything- anything… feminine with him!”
A smile plays at the corner of your lips.
“Anyhow- Let’s get ya down from there.”
Your stomach momentarily drops as you feel the hammock jerk downwards; your knuckles turning white as you immediately grip the netting.
“Whoops! Sorry ‘bout that toots, may or may not have over-oiled this lever last night.”
You bite back a catty remark, choosing not to snap at the woman lowering you from a fatal drop.
The netting stops descending after a short time, suspended a few metres from the blade, in alignment with the faded green sofa. Taking this as an invitation, you clumsily clamber off the make-shift-bed and onto the sofa below, sitting awkwardly as the blue-haired captor waltzes back from wherever she’d been. A stained, somewhat wet towel is then dropped on the cushioned surface beside you, to which you wrinkle your nose at in slight disgust.
Jinx now stands over you dressed in her usual attire, bar her shoes, hair roughly styled into wet braids. You note that her usual fringe is absent, imagining that it appears when her hair dries, and braids loosen. You can smell something faintly floral and sweet in the air near her.
“That” she points at the abandoned towel, “is for you.”
Halting your observations, you raise an eyebrow in question.
“Look- ya kinda smell toots, like you’ve been rendezvousing in sewers kind of smell. There’s a tub over there, so use it before you stink up my workshop.”
You can feel your cheeks heat up in angry embarrassment at the blunt comment, now feeling incredibly self-conscious under her gaze.
“Fine.” You huff, snatching the towel up as you tread briskly towards the forementioned tub.
You’re met with a faint surprise, now seeing that Jinx had stacked a flimsy wall of wooden crates around the bath to allow you for some form of privacy. For at least this you are grateful, shimmying past the wall and into the small enclosure.
The bath itself is hideously stained; splashes of vibrant colours overlap into off-putting, dirty greys that disappear under the sheen of soapy bubbles. You dread to know what colour the water is beneath the foam, nevertheless, you strip and hesitantly slide into the warm bathwater. Beside the tub is a small, wooden table, on which sits an array of seemingly random bottles, jars, and flasks filled with hell knows what. You can only eye the label-less jars with the necessary suspicion they deserve.
“I forgot to tell ya-“ You startle as a blue head peers over the wall, hurriedly ducking under the colourful bubbles. “don’t go using any of those greyish greenish liquids - they’re definitely not for cleaning.” Jinx proceeds to then throw her arms in the air, mimicking an explosion sound to accompany it. This is then followed by a muffled, amused snicker.
What’s the point of putting together a privacy wall if she was just going to evade it anyway?
You furrow your brows, exhaling shakily in attempt to keep your wits about you. “Right, cheers for that - Can you please leave me to bathe alone now?”
She pauses, shadowed eyes briefly narrowing before shrugging dismissively, disappearing behind the crates. You sigh in relief, sitting upright to separate the green and grey liquids from the huddle of glassware. For further safety you discard all yellow and blue liquids too. Ultimately, they result in green too - right?
Finally, you take a hesitant sniff of a pinkish bottle, a clear liquid that smelt refreshingly non-toxic. Honey and begonia, a scent you now recognise Jinx having smelt of earlier. At this you deem it safest to use, going through plenty of the soapy liquid to scrub through the layers of grime you’d accumulated over the last twenty-four hours or so. You certainly smell far better, even if of begonias. These particular plants bloom into awfully pretty flowers; however, in the past a bouquet of begonias was sent as a warning to beware of bad omens. How eerily fitting.
Quick to leave the lukewarm water, you eye the somewhat cold, damp towel hesitantly before roughly drying yourself off with it. Beside it lays a neat pile of heavy-duty, practical clothes, seemingly a mix-and-match of your choice. The colours consisted of surprisingly neutral earth tones, material decidedly layered and of an almost military or dystopian style. Yet the beneath, the inner linings were decorated with familiar, neon drawings. It would almost seem sweet, yet you sense that there is most definitely an underlying meaning – perhaps in how these signature doodles can be seen to mark a certain ownership over what Jinx would deem as her property. A constant reminder that you’re not here to live as her roomie, but as her personal project.
But at the same time…
Trailing your hands over the material, you can’t help it as your lips tilt into a gleeful smirk.
These clothes are fucking cool, apocalypse-core type of hot.
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Strangely satisfied, you push a few crates to the side, sliding through the make-shift room and into open space, immediately coming face-to-face with consequence of your bad karma.
Had she been standing there this whole time? You’re tempted to ask her; the feeling of discomfort having been growing in your gut since the moment she’d opened her mouth. But perhaps accusing the manic, schizophrenic pyromaniac of flaunting her disturbing behaviour isn’t a bright idea.
Meanwhile, the said pyromaniac merely looks you up and down, nods and then proceeds to scamper off towards her central workshop, to which you slowly trail after her.
Perhaps it’s because she’s never really hung out with anyone her own age?
It hits you – this might just be the first time she’s ever allowed anyone in her sanctum besides Silco, yet alone having someone living here with her.
So not only are you a living project, but going through some sort of deadly social experiment on the side?
Mothertrucker dude.
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If the current situation wasn’t so decidedly inhumane it would almost be attractive, the whole being pinned down and then non-consensually having your blood drained to keep yourself alive thing. You hiss as a deceivingly delicate hand holds your arms down, not too gently inserting a needle into your wrist.
“Blimey toots, you sure writhe around for someone who volunteered for this.”
You shoot her a scathing glare, to which she grins snidely, pinching your cheeks with an eerie fondness of a sort.
“Ouch, that look could do with some ice.”
“Well perhaps if you hadn’t pounced on me out of nowhere then the whole experience would have been a whole lot less like I was being mugged.”
She rolls her eyes, chuckling as she releases your limbs, climbing off of you.
“Look, I thought that ya wouldn’t be up for it unless I made it more fun!”
You groan frustratedly at the sheer inability to communicate that this woman possessed. You hadn’t even been given time to dry your hair before she’d jumped you. And now here you are, left wired up to some sort of make-shift trima machine, slowly filling sandwich bags up with your bioluminescent blood. Just to further help the situation, you can clearly see a few test tubes of your blood already sitting at Jinx’s workstation. Paired with the scattering of bruising pinpricks left in your alternate wrist, it’s pretty clear that she isn’t so much as trying to hide the fact that she’d already been draining you.
This must be what it feels like to wake up in a motel submerged in an ice bath with one of your kidneys missing.
Not to mention how utterly boring the task that had been forced upon you is, all you can do is glare at the woman slouched over a table, clearly completely fixated on perfecting the Hextech crystal. Music blares from the vinyl beside her, deafening any of your attempts to catch her attention.
And then it felt like you were watching through a screen again, blue sparks erupting from the workstation. You simply can’t take your eyes off of Jinx, braids dancing around her rhythmically, an expression of prideful extasy cast over her features. Shimmering specks drifting mesmerizingly from every direction.
The piercing sound of glass shattering snaps you out of your trance, almost as if reality was slapping you around the face as a reminder that you too are present in this situation. Surprised, Jinx skids to an imminent stop, leaping from her chair instinctively as broken viles of your blood seep over her desk and dissolve into the spiralling crystal. The result was immediate, as another wave of raw, galvanised magic bursts from the device, a pulse powerful enough to send the flimsy device attached to you flying into your chair. With a strangled yelp from you, the needle is haphazardly torn from your arm, and almost like a swarm of bees, the sparks descend upon you.
Static, all you can seem to disconcert are sharp, electrical pinches. Neither painful nor discomforting, they felt strangely natural. Warily cracking open your eyes, you’re met with a surge of light, of which you can barely squint through. Lifting your bare arm up, you’re quick to observe the sparks seemingly multiplying at the touch of your bare skin. A figure soon enters your field of vision, hands clasping her own face in giddy excitement.
“Oh toots, you’re blue- like literally glowing iridescent!” She swoons, gushing over your newfound condition in fascination. You feel the all-too-familiar bite of nails digging into your skin, already kneeling besides you to trace the map of glowing veins exposed across your arm.
“Wow, I didn’t even notice.” You drawl sarcastically, already feeling the threat of an approaching migraine. It would be so hideously cliché of you to faint twice. Must be these god-awful lights, and the god-awful company.
Snickering, Jinx glances up, gappy front teeth biting over her lower lip.
“You’re practically a power up… An enhancer- D’ya know what this means?”
“…That I’m lucky to not suffer from epilepsy?”
She giggles, gripping your chin tightly as she leans in, eyes never once leaving your own.
“It means you’re one hell of a valuable asset Glowstick.”
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Ughgffg sorry for how long this took, I had writers block and a gazillion hugeass assignment deadlines to meet this last term. Made a longer chapter to make up for the wait tho so hope you guys enjoyed aha
The style of clothes I was portraying are seen in Hamcus clothing. The designer of the brand Tuff Leung shows absolute individuality in his designs, the concept of which focuses not so much on clothes as on characters from sci-fi movies and video games. Each collection is dedicated and presented as a separate race, which is already unique.
Tag list: aglist: @imaginewriting @jarofmace​ @amelies-a-simp​ @earning-my-love @i4cosmic @lewwz @keijustbeingsimp @xxmadxlovexx @daughterofposeidon1342018​ @pinkroulette​ @pinkrose1422​ @screechcat​
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redtsundere-writes · 4 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mmafighter!sukuna ryomen x coach!reader
Part 2. The New Coach.
Beginning | Next →
Sypnosis: Sukuna Ryomen is a fighter with anger issues. Beating his ass once won't stop his shitty attitude. The training session is on. Contents: Jinx AU. Fighting. Cursed words. Sukuna is always angry. Itadori and Sukuna are brothers. Reader and Sukuna have top energy. Word Count: 2972 words. Author's Note: So I posted this in AO3 like two days ago, and I forgot to post it here lmao. Sowwy uwu
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When Sukuna said he wanted to start immediately, he wasn’t joking. He ordered me to follow him to start right away. We returned to a gym full of confused fighters, witnessing the strongest fighter dragging his new coach by the arm. Nanami scolded him, telling him that he should be more careful around me, but Sukuna didn’t give a shit about it. He was really a tough one.
“You are not doing the sit-ups correctly. Don't bend your back,” I ordered as I watched Sukuna's posture like a vulture. His breath was shaking with each sit up, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and he was focusing on doing the exercise correctly. At the end of the day, he is a boxer, it is understandable that he doesn’t like leg workouts. He was visibly upset, but if he doesn’t want to be defeated by a floor fighter, he should start training and thinking like one. 
The secret to becoming a great floor fighter is flexibility. Using your legs in your favor will always lead you to the good path. Being a floor fighter requires being intuitive, and sometimes, creative. Most fighters are often used to only using their upper body to defend themselves and use their legs just to move fast, Sukuna is one of those. I needed to change his mindset. 
The sight of one of the fighters caught my attention. He must be one of the younger fighters in the gym. He was a thin, black haired boy with curious blue eyes. I didn't pay him any mind because maybe he was just a fan of Sukuna, and he was watching him and not me. 
I ordered Sukuna to do stretching exercises. Trying to reach for your toes sitting down is something that sounds easy in theory, but it's pretty hard in practice. I saw him struggling to even reach them with the tip of his fingers. Sukuna groaned under his breath, trying to do the exercise right. His black tribal tattoos stretched, following the flow of his tender skin. 
“I know you can do it,” I cheered behind him, pushing his sweaty back with my palms to make him reach further. 
I felt around his back with my curious fingers to learn his anatomy. His shoulders were wide, his shoulder blades; sharp, and his back was super tensed. It was like I was feeling a giant brick wall. My hand traveled to his shoulders, being careful enough to not tickle him. I squeezed the curvature to inspect them. 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” He yelled at me, abandoning his posture to look at me. I slapped the back of his head. 
“Look forward!” I yelled back. He squeezed his teeth to avoid saying something else, focusing again on the stretching exercise. “Can you just relax? You are tenser than a suspect of murder.” I said, pushing his shoulders downwards. 
“Sukuna is always tense, it’s in his nature.” A woman behind me said. A brunette with deep eyes and clear skin, aside from her tired violet eye bags. “My name is Shoko Ieri, I’m his physiotherapist,” she introduced herself. I introduced myself as well. She looked like a very serious and observant person. Even though she didn’t have a friendly face, I could see that she took her job very seriously. 
“Sukuna has a therapy session now,” she said. Sukuna sighed and stood up. Without seeing me or saying goodbye, he went to one of the healing rooms. I ground my teeth upon the lack of consideration, I had to remember myself who I was working with. Apparently today’s training was done. 
“It looks like you will accept the job.” Nanami approached me while I was putting away my stuff in my bag. His face was more relaxed than in the morning.
“I've wanted the job since I entered,” I answered, unwrapping the bandages off my hands. 
“Really? You didn’t look like it,” he said. 
He was right. There was an explanation for it. Last night I researched everything I could about Sukuna. If his manager told me that he goes all out to get rid of his coaches, I need to go all out as well. I had to make sure Sukuna could see that he needed me so he could maintain his champion title. 
“The key of a good coach is to make the trainee see the clear power difference. As a light heavyweight champion, Sukuna struggles to see that difference,” I explained with a wise voice. I knew what I was talking about from experiences. I was a woman in the middle of a male dominated world.
“You were planning to fight against him from the beginning?” He asked curiously. I just nodded. This was my only way to make him see and know what will be the result of his next fight if luck isn’t by his side. 
Nanami led me to his office, so I could sign my job contract under the conditions we previously talked on the phone. I had fixed schedules, which allowed me to continue teaching jiu-jitsu lessons on the weekends. The pay was excellent and made me feel like I was in the UFC again. I was happy everything went according to plan, I just needed to continue having Sukuna under my wing. 
Also, Nanami let me know that Sukuna had an upcoming fight in two months, so I had to be really strict with him so he could be ready. When I heard the name of his opponent, I knew I had to take things to the next level quickly. 
“It’s so nice having some time away from that brat,” Gojo said as he stretched his arms while sitting on the office couch. “I was praying for this day to come.” 
“What day?” I asked. 
“The day somebody kicked his ass. His ego meter has gone through the roof. I didn’t know if I could handle him anymore,” he explained, visibly irritated. 
“You don’t seem to be too fond of him,” I commented. 
“Don’t get me wrong. Sukuna is great, an amazing fighter, but he is just too stubborn,” he said. I thought the same way. His technique, adaptability, and strength were obvious. Yeah, he was an asshole, but a very impressive asshole. 
“How long have you been training him for?” I asked him, curious about how he got the job. Did he have to do something like I did?
“Sukuna and I went way back, I was his first coach. I met him when he was 12 years old.”  I knew Sukuna was 26 so that meant he had been coaching that little shit for over 14 years. 
Gojo must be a saint by this point. I bet Sukuna was one of those brats with too much energy and time on his hands. I could picture him bullying his classmates and running around the dojo while Gojo tried to give the lesson. 
“He was always like this?” 
“Nah, he was worse. His little brothers were the ones who got the nice genetics from his father.” Gojo pointed to the window to another pink-haired boy, he was with the black haired boy that caught my attention earlier. They were running on a treadmill while chatting. He had a bright smile and a friendly vibe. “A great kid. He works really hard, but Sukuna is on another level.” 
Exiting the small sports office, I made my way to the elevator to go home, but the boy with black hair and Sukuna’s little brother caught my attention again. Now, they were discreetly looking at me, whispering things to each other. I needed to know what they were whispering about. 
“Can I help you?” I asked them as I got closer to them. They looked at me with a spark of surprise in their eyes, as if I caught them in the act. 
“Hey, my name is Yuuji and my friend, Megumi, wanted to ask you something,” the friendly pinky said while pushing his friend to step forward. Yuuji seemed to be someone genuine and friendly. On the other side, Megumi was reserved and poker-faced. 
“Hi Megumi, what can I do for you?” I asked like he was a new student in my gym. 
“I saw the fight today, you are very talented,” Megumi complimented me. I didn’t know if he was being genuine or not because his voice was monotone. “I was wondering if you could give me some fighting advice,” he asked. I checked the time since I wanted to go home, but it was pretty early. I was still in the mood for some training, plus these two can be a lot of help because they knew more about Sukuna than I did. 
“I’ll do it if you buy me a sandwich later on,” I asked with a smile. They looked at each other in excitement before accepting. 
Training Megumi felt completely different to training Sukuna. Sukuna was a fierce beast with a destroyer punch, while Megumi was a strategist with a quick wit. His posture was great, his punches were connecting well, and his moves were well thought. He was punching my gauntlets with precision, following my pattern of moves. It was evident he spent a lot of time training.
“You are doing it great,” I said while attacking him with the gauntlet so he could match my speed. “But this is mixed martial arts, not fake wrestling.” 
My left gauntlet was supposed to move horizontally, signaling that he needed to dodge. Instead, I slapped him across the face and he dropped to the floor. Yuuji covered his face so as not to see his friend flop against the thin mattress under our feet. Megumi grunted, struggling to get up from the surprise attack. 
“You are talented, kid. You just need to act more by instinct and not mind, do you get it?” I asked. Megumi nodded, getting back on his feet with grace. “Let’s go. One more time,” I prepared myself with the gauntlets.  
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Sukuna asked me angrily, standing outside the area we were practicing in. Apparently, his therapy was over.  
“We are in the middle of something, don’t you see?” I asked, not paying him any mind. This wasn’t enough for him. He stomped closer to me and grabbed my wrists, trying to take my gauntlets away. I squirmed around to release from his tight grip. His hands were bigger than mine, so it was hard to get away. “What the fuck are you doing?!” I asked. I pushed him away from me with my elbow to keep distance.
“Who gave you the right to coach someone else?! You are my coach and only mine!” He yelled, catching the attention of the surrounding fighters. I scoffed as I took the gauntlets off, I wasn’t in the mood to train anymore. Megumi tried to defend me, but I stopped him. 
“My contract stipulates that I can’t coach other active UFC members and fighters. Coaching Megumi doesn’t interfere with my contract,” I explained, keeping my cool. 
“This is my fault, brother. It’s just a one time thing,” Yuuji said to Sukuna, trying to calm him down, but he was still throwing daggers at me. 
“I don’t give a shit what your contract says. If I say you quit training this little shit, you stop!” He screamed once again. 
“Megumi is a rookie and falls two weight classes under yours. He is not a threat,” I defended him. 
“But he is the son of my next opponent, you stupid bitch,” he groaned. 
This caught me by surprise. I looked at Megumi looking for answers, but I just needed to take a good look at him. The resemblance was so obvious, how I didn’t see it before? He was a compact version of Toji Fushiguro, Sukuna’s next opponent. 
I have watched Toji’s fight live and on TV, and he was a real menace in the heavyweight weight class. He fights so naturally, fighting for him is as normalized in his body as walking. He always looked so calm and bored while fighting that it was scary. 
“I only admitted him in the gym because he is Yuuji’s friend, so stop playing around and focus, or you’ll lose your job on your first day,” Sukuna threatened me. 
“Fine,”  I scoffed. Sukuna passed aside, pushing my shoulder to get back to his training. Yuuji followed him to keep trying to change his mind. I wanted to punch him so badly for the insult, but he knocked me out successfully. I humiliated him, and he humiliated me. We were even.
“I am so sorry, I should have told you before,” Megumi apologized. 
“Don’t worry, I should have noticed before. You looked like your father,” Megumi’s face softened when he saw that I wasn’t mad at him. 
“Everyone says that, do you know him?” He asked, taking his boxing gloves off. 
“Not personally, I used to train in the gym he started training in,” I explained. “He is an excellent fighter, why don’t you train with him?” Megumi shook his head at the idea. 
“He told me that if I wanted to ‘be better than him’, I should train away to get experience,” he explained. I could get behind that logic. 
“Well, I hope my advice today will help you to achieve that goal faster.” Megumi thanked me and continued with his training alone. 
A month passed by, and every training session with the champion was a challenge. Sukuna is not the type of person who likes to receive orders whatsoever, so I had to adjust my sentences every time I had to ask him to do something. For example, I have to say “Let’s do some pushups” instead of “Give me 50 pushups.” Sukuna is just a big brat waiting for a reason to throw a tantrum. I sometimes needed to remind myself why I was doing this in the first place. 
“A good kick is not just about strength, it's about precision and speed. It’s about focusing on a target.” I told Sukuna, who was focused on my words. “Show me your best kick.” I asked him while patting the punching bag. 
I stepped aside so he could have the room to himself. He breathed deeply and did a standard kick so powerful that it made the punching bag swing. It was quite impressive, and he was quite proud of himself. I applauded him for his execution. 
“Did you like that?” He asked me with a smirk. 
“Yeah, I do like it, but it was too slow. Anyone could dodge that with an arm block. You are better than that,” I said as I made him step aside from the zone. “I want a quick swipe.” I said before kicking the bag as fast as I could with perfect form. The bag barely moved, but it sounded way louder than Sukuna’s. 
I heard someone clapping behind me and I thought it was Sukuna, but I was totally wrong. It was a tall man with long, raven black and deep, piercing eyes. I could tell from his clothing that he wasn’t a fighter or a coach. He was wearing a maroon turtleneck with black pants and nice boots with a cross body bag. 
“That was a great kick,” he complimented me. 
There was an aura of mystery around him, a sense of depth that beckoned to be explored. He was like a riddle wrapped in an enigma, his heart guarded by walls built from his complex past. Yet, there was an undeniable warmth there, a flame that could ignite with the right touch. He was so hot. That aura was ruined by Sukuna of course. 
“What the fuck do you want, Choso? Can you see I am in the middle of training?” Sukuna scoffed at him. Choso’s aura completely changed from this cool, mysterious guy to a poker-faced boy who doesn’t want to deal with the king of the ring. 
“Where’s Yuuji? He asked me to bring him his lunch,” he explained as he pulled out a well wrapped lunchbox. 
“I don’t know. Maybe he is training, grabbing some water or fucking Megumi in the locker room, I don’t know.” Choso rolled his eyes and then looked at me. 
“You must be his new coach. Yuuji told me about you,” Choso greeted me with a respectful bow, which I reciprocated. 
“Oh, I see. Are you his friend?” I asked. Choso was about to answer, but then Yuuji came running up to him. 
“Hey, bro! Thanks for bringing my lunch, I was starving.” He excitedly said with a bright smile as usual. Choso smiled back at him and then checked his watch. 
“I should go back to work. It was nice finally meeting you,” Choso said goodbye and gave me a warm smile. After that, he quickly left the gym. Yuuji followed him on the way out. I followed them with my eyes until they got to the elevator. 
“I hate when people just distract me from training,” Sukuna scoffed as he practiced the kick that I showed him. 
“He was cute, who is he?” I asked him curiously. Sukuna smirked at me. 
“You are joking, right?” He asked. 
“Why would I be joking?” 
“I am not man winging my brother with my coach, hell nah!” I gasped as soon as he said that. 
“What? Your brother?” I asked in disbelief. 
“He is the middle one. Yuuji and him are pretty close,” he said before replicating my kick almost perfectly. Sukuna was a complete asshole, but he is an incredible fast learner. 
“You are not close to them too?” I asked him as I watched him prepare himself for another kick. 
“They are just another distraction,” he stated before kicking the bag perfectly. He is so insufferable sometimes. 
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mar3ggiata · 3 months
professional help, c2. 'The urgency.'
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs, eating disorders, depression.
song to listen to when reading this: The Chain, Fleetwood Mac.
abstract: this is Jude, this is a little bit of information about me since you care so much, I don't even know you… anyway yes, I really like being mysterious, what you gonna do about it, punch me in the face? I'm not even real, grow the fuck up. see ya.
Sometimes, she just fucking hated her life. She supposed it was normal like that, it happened to everyone to absolutely fucking despise their lives, no? She wakes at the same hour everyday, does her makeup. Not too much, not too little to show she was sleep deprived and got high last night. Her identity was concealed under eyeliner and blush. She looks like a doll. She likes her makeup, she's quite good at it. She plays with her hairstyles, sometimes a bun, sometimes braids, sometimes loose with a headband, depending on the mood. She walks her dog and cleans his poop. Jinx, a 5 month old Belgian Malinois she adopted when she moved. She found him at a shelter for abused puppies, he was the last one to get adopted. She decided to take him, she planned to move to the countryside soon anyways. Gaining his trust was one of her biggest accomplishments, now the dog had a bit of an attachment issue, but they were working on getting better together. She drives to work with the same 4 playlists playing in her car. Old rock, Frank Ocean, some Italian songs here and there.
She always comes in dressed in dark colours, dark red, dark blue or black. She has 10 male patients and 8 female soldiers. Some of them are combat medics, some snipers. Demolition experts. She works 'till lunch time, eats alone, sometimes skips lunch just to make her body feel something and indulge in disordered eating, then goes outside to smoke and comes back in. After the afternoon sessions, she sometimes has groups together for some group therapy. Then she usually goes home and smokes weed while she cooks her dinner, she acts like she's in MasterChef, puts on music and pours herself a glass of wine 'Quando sei qui con me' she sings to her dog, 'Questa stanza non ha più pareti, ma alberi'. Jinx doesn't even know Italian. Two times a week, she teaches ballet at a local dance school. 13 year old is not old enough to be on point shoes. It's her favourite time of the week though. She gets to finally have control of a situation, she gets some respect. 13 year olds, a fucking nightmare… She gets to tell them what to do and correct their arms, their feet, their posture and they listen! They do, and they like her, they say thank you Alba, see you next week! They learn her choreographies, they follow her lead when she explains a new variation. They even like the songs she chooses for warm up. Mostly Abba.
Alba is not her real name, but they don't know that. A gift from Laswell, when she started working for her. A sparkly new identity, English ID and nice documents that prove she's an English citizen, born in Southampton. She's not. Kept a little bit of Italian in the fake name. She hasn't been in Italy in close to five years. She went on vacation alone in Tuscany once, just to feel her country again for a second. She is not in contact with her family, last message from her sister was three years ago, it went 'I hope you're alive.' Her mother taught her violence. To be in power. To be beautiful and kind. To never ever trust someone who wouldn't give their life for you. Her mother taught her loyalty, respect. She used to never cry as a child. She loved to know stuff, to read about planets. She would kill lizards in the backyard with her little brother, who died young. She saw her first gun at 13. Now, her name is not Alba and it sure isn't Jude. Or Judy, as some patients call her. They know it's a callsign, a code name, everyone has one, especially in the task forces. Hers is Jude. 'Jude looks like an angel, but her words have thorns'. That's what Billy Lunette had to say about her. Billy had been her favourite patient for the whole of 2021. He had PTSD, he had night terrors and was in a mental hospital for schizophrenia symptoms for a while. He wouldn't take his medication, he would smoke, he was a mess. He listened to her though. She was the only one who visited him in the hospital. She showed him he could trust her and he completely lost himself in her. He would call her at 3 in the morning, drop by her office too many times per day, developed a bit of a codependency, but she was able to help him through his pain. He would do research about the treatments, the medicine, cognitive behavioural therapy. Billy was happy now. He was grateful to have had her and she was grateful that Billy had been a great patient. Big challenge. Billy was her biggest accomplishment, and proof of the fact she wasn't completely useless in the army.
She didn't work for the entirety of 2022. She had an accident with one of the patients, classified information. She survived, but man was it hard to live after that day... Spent time with her dog, visited a friend in San Francisco, taught ballet. Price and Laswell felt so guilty they continued to pay her even if she wasn't working. Why she decided to come back she really didn't know. She thinks the truth is she likes helping people, makes her feel good. She likes the crazy stories and that she had a reputation at the base, she was starting to be respected. She craved that. And it really started to bore her, the routine. Until Arash. Seeing Arash so frighted and tense was new, he was a calm and polite gentlemen. She saw an invisible string tying his story and his damned pilgrimage book to the mission she knew had failed in the Middle East. Now, it was a little bit of a stretch. So she did her little research, put her Sherlock hat on, lit a cigarette and started digging.
She had fun, until things really started clocking. He was missing his doctor appointments on purpose on specific dates, to go do what? Call someone? She couldn't steal his phone. Send letters? She tried the post office but found out nothing. The bank really did give her his statements, which was pure luck. He had set his personal security questions as his birthday and his mother's name, which she knew, because he told her. She knew everything about him, even his social security number. Arash really trusted her and she had an incredible memory for unnecessary details. Also, he left his wallet on the couch in her office countless times, it’s not that she looked, it was just there and she remembered. When she saw him stressed and fidgety she knew he was hiding something. She kept a straight face, 'Arash, we can really talk about whatever you want, you know' and he would interrupt her 'You don't understand. The urgency!', he continued to say. She really didn't want to tell Price herself, she would have preferred for Laswell to do it. She took extra time in the morning to get ready that day. She was going in a separate area she knew very little about, and nobody knew who she was. Sometimes people mistook her for someone's wife, or daughter. She chose her outfit accordingly, she wanted to seem professional. She wore a sports bra. There was nothing to look at anyways. She didn't put on lipstick, not even the nude one. She was used to being underestimated, and being looked down at. She was also used to raising her voice and presenting herself as stoic and cold. She knew perfectly how to be violence. She noticed a familiar face once she opened the door of the briefing room. A familiar face mask. The skull guy, she had seen him before. Was he the guy…
She could't get distracted. Her little mission went smoothly. She always knew Price liked her and feared her at the same time, and when it came to his little soldier boys, she really didn't care what they thought. The guy from the day of her accident even spoke to her. Poor thing. She was really amused no one told him about the reason why she didn't want to go home alone. He did really good that night, she remembers him well. He didn't try to speak too much, he sounded gentle. A gentle giant. Unfortunately for him, no one was gonna tell him about that day. When she left the room, she went straight home. She doubted someone would ever contact her again about the situation, they would handle it themselves, and probably very badly. She was driving to her ballet lesson, still thinking they all looked so confused by her words. They were probably gonna do a stupid interrogation, or rather do nothing and wait for the next mission to be a shit show. Imbecilli.
'Alright girls, one more time please!' At least she had her little ballerinas to cheer her up. She had them warm up, she usually did the warm up routine with them. She walked between the four rows of kids at the barre, delivering her corrections. Jennifer usually had stiff hands, and she was tense in her shoulders. Kyla had a beautiful turnout but she often confused her arms positions. The jetes routine, they always forgot that one. 'It's three in front and switch… guys I'm not gonna repeat myself'. She thought she sounded rude sometimes, but 13 year old American girls were a nightmare to work with. Last month, she even had to deal with poor Gemma being bullied in the changing rooms. 'I'm gonna say this just once, three in the front, switch to the back.' she liked demonstrating, felt like she was taking lessons herself. 'Ta-ra, ta-ra, ta-da. And we're gonna hold here' she lifted herself on her toes and attached her right pointed foot to her knee. She let go of the barre, holding her balance on one foot. 'Passè.' she said. The girls groaned. 'The more you complain the more I'm gonna make you stay like this girls. We're gonna do one minute.' She went to the side of the room, to play the music 'From the top.'
notes: translation of the song: 'Quando sei qui con me' when you're with me, 'Questa stanza non ha più pareti, ma alberi', this room doesn't have walls no more, it has trees.
notes: Alba means something specific!
translation: imbecilli, means imbeciles.
notes: let me know what you think !! <3
love, mare.
@ummmmmwat @ghostlythots @sweetfemmefatal @natxpat @chavarriakeren647 @ravenmoore14 @farther-than-pleiades @internallyscreamings @hwromi @atoxicrat @cuti3maddi3 @deafeningkittenblaze @its-celeste @serene-hills @lexidoll12 @poohkie90 @lunatiquess
@warmedbythebody @katzykat @iristhemuse @azkza @keiraslayz @abbyandermine @jennyjencakes @dest-nai @corset-briefs @nutze-kekse @ilytsukiw @b3anspr0ut
@pondsblog @missyouzoe @fallenkitten @bigauthorrascalturkey @bethtay @angelynn-nicole @starluv @stargirlisworld @giyuuslittleslut @impossiblecupcakelight
@rkrivees-blog @ghosts-hoe @kam1snotverysmart @gauky76 @freyjaaasstuff @spicyspicyliving @scottpilgrimvsmyfists @courtney0-0 @shinchanboi @darling006
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Connor Rhodes Masterlist
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Connor Rhodes x Reader
Pink - Connor recalls meeting you for the first time.
You’ve Been On My Mind All Day (NSFW) - Connor misses you whilst you’re away.
Don’t Leave (NSFW) - Connor asks you not to leave.
Jinx - Connor considers himself a jinx.
Space - Companion Piece to Jinx - Connor agrees to get therapy. 
Unworthy - You remind Connor he is worthy of love.
Final Words - Connor calls you after an event at Med.
Last Christmas - Connor knows your his real gift.
More - You and Connor discuss the status of your relationship.
Kismet  - Connor believes in Fate
Complicated - Connor has to work through some complicated feelings.
Communication - Connor has never been good at communicating his needs.
Petals - Connor and you come home to discover a surprise.
Gun To Your Head - You have a permenant reminder of what happened with Ava.
In the Dark - You find Connor sitting alone in the dark.
Choose - Connor has to make an impossible choice.
Wake Up Call - You always sleep on the left side of the bed.
Tulips - You’re the only person who has ever bought Connor flowers.
2am - Connor receives a call from you at 2am.
Nothing’s Changed - Connor reassures you that nothing has changed in your absence.
Love You Well - Connor could love you well, if you’d let him. 
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Eyes On Me - Sub!Connor (NSFW) - Connor needs you to take care of him.
Peppermint Candy - Sub!Connor (NSFW) - You taste like peppermint candy.
5 Sentences
“I’ll give you one chance, walk away.” 
Kiss you in a crowded room
❛ i shouldn’t allow myself to get this close to you. ❜
"I wish people came with a warning label about how exactly they'll fuck you up. And you know what's wrong with me? I would've read yours and still chosen to tag along."
“You’re worthy. Yes, you are.”
❛  if this is the end , i’m really glad i get to be here with you.  ❜
For you, I would cross the line
Not Enough
Body Worship
Connor’s NSFW Dirty Alphabet:
Not Yet
Sleepy Sex
Yes Master
First Time With You
Ethan Choi x Connor Rhodes
No More, No Less (NSFW)
Threesome (Ethan Choi x Connor Rhodes x Reader)
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prompts-by-anjali · 1 year
prompts masterlist
*smoothly turns around in swivel chair, petting a kitty in my lap* oh, hello. i didn't see you there. all the same, thanks for dropping by. i hope this little side blog helps you with some character inspiration and dialogue. else, try petting the kitty. it always helps me. *kitty jumps over to you for pets*
if the feline isn't the fix, requests are open. feel free to request dialogue prompts, an overly specific character archetype, or submit your own :)
✨ overly specific character archetypes ✨
the unhinged character
the wholesome fangirl character
the “i am shit” or “i am THE shit” character
the pure adrenaline character
the coward character
the villain-turned-mother-hen character
the reluctant villain
the well-meaning jinxed character
the polite rogue character
the tone deaf character
the infinitely armed character
the unassuming genius character
the “never hurt kids” character
the parent figure character
the himbo character
the comic-relief-turned-tragic character
the “ray of sunshine with a dark backstory” character
the “light among shadows” character
the broken ace character
the secret heir character
the gentle giant character
the “it’s all about the presentation” character
the “hopelessly pining” characters
the character who clearly needs therapy and a hug too probably
the "horror movie first kill" character
the extremely prepared character
the character who finally snaps
the character who breaks away
the "exponential gratitude" character
the "harem magnet" character
the character who will fight for your honor at all costs, even if you don't need them to
the character who appreciates culinary artistry
the "boy cried wolf" character
the "save the world" character
the "screw the world" character
the withering ace character
the parentified child character
the masked ace character
the "well-read by no bedside manner" character
the "sixth sense" character
the olive branch character
the wilted ace character
the "bridges have been burned" character
the "peacemaker in the battlefield" character
the "can only trust one person" character
the "soulless avenger" character
the "needs to take their own advice" character
✨ dialogue prompts ✨
that was a bust
i assumed you'd be disappointed
this isn't where we're supposed to be
i trusted you
do i know you?
i love you
why are you staring at me
and that's another case, all wrapped up
you had everything
you don't understand what i've been through
i never thought i'd see you again
i need your help
you love me?
i can, y'know. patch you up good
how long have you been spying on me, you pervert
go get out
i've wanted to ask you this question
you're three minutes late (princess x commoner)
what are you hiding
i can't believe you did that
and don't say fake-out make-out
can you not get killed so much
i'm not going to let you do this alone
these are how fights go
this isn't what i signed up for
i thought you said you had a plan
you're not too bad at this
dude! you just saved my life
that was a mouse
why don't you ever stay dead?
don't leave me here. please
i told them the ransom and they asked me for a discount
you're not real
i would do anything for you, your highness
oi. can you stop crying so loud
don't give me the silent treatment
you did this
we survived!
i could kiss you right now
will you not scream in terror now
get it over with
i'm home
that's it. im leaving
how have you not left yet
you're hurt, human
it's always been you
hey (meet disaster)
here to make fun of me?
you're so cute when you struggle
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c0n-fus3d · 2 months
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starsinmylatte · 2 years
It’s alright. I’m here
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Alright, folks, this is the Protective!Silco piece I referenced when I was planning my next set of fics. There are some warnings and general info I need to cover about this fic, so please pay attention to the author's note and trigger warnings. As a general reminder, the Witchy!Reader x Silco fic will be up next.
Trigger warnings: Attempted SA by an unnamed character, canon-typical violence
Pairing: Silco x AFAB!reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, attempted SA, this does end with comfort
Summary: You are having an incredibly mundane day, but things take a turn for the worst as a creep attempts to corner you. Thankfully, help is closer than it seems.
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Author's note: I can't find the post to link, but a few weeks ago, I made a post about wanting to write a Protective!Silco one-shot based on a scary experience I had. This was the experience. I have been assaulted twice, and this piece directly pulls from a combination of those two experiences. I am in therapy and doing fine, but I needed to write it out. This was both extremely cathartic and very painful to write, and I almost didn't share it because it is difficult for me to re-read it. So, I couldn't edit the work as thoroughly as I normally do and it may not be my best work. Fair warning. However, I wanted to share it in the hopes that it can be helpful to another survivor. This should go without saying, but If you leave me a rude or hurtful comment, I will block you immediately.
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It had been the most uneventful day. Silco was away on some kind of business, but all the mundane chores at The Last Drop still needed to be taken care of. Inventory needed to be ordered, supplies needed to be stocked, and someone eventually had to make the bar countertop slightly less sticky. Usually, that would be grunt work, but you took some pride in the place; way more pride than some random underling would. 
The relationship you had with Silco was almost an unspoken one. Of course, the two of you had discussed it at great length, but only two other people were privy to the finer details. Jinx, of course, and Sevika because the full extent of her protection had to cover you as well. To anyone else, you were simply the lady Silco trusted to care for the less shady side of the business in his absence. Anything more than that was pure speculation. Some simply thought you were a very devoted assistant, and some had theories so scandalous you and Sevika had to discuss them over drinks. 
The bar countertop was the first chore on your checklist today. The job wasn’t without satisfaction, and every inch of clean countertop only served to spur you on to the final goal. The cloudy haze of sticky syrups and exotic flavored liquors slowly lifted from the bar with each pass of a rag. Even though your fingers began to ache, the wood underneath started to shine, and a hum of contentedness passed your lips. One final pass with a different cloth dipped in a lemon-scented polish finished the job. 
You were so engrossed in your work that you didn’t register a presence beside you until it spoke. 
“Not many people woulda helped with that. Thank you.” Chuck’s familiar voice rang out in the room, startling you out of your concentration. 
“Don’t mention it. I used to bartend, so it’s second nature to me. Besides, I’m not the one who has to be behind here all night.” You dismissed the thanks with a lighthearted wave. 
Chuck hummed in agreement. The job paid well, and tips were great, but the constant flow of rowdy customers always constantly demanding more would wear anyone down. 
You wiped your hands on the cloth tucked into your skirt's waistband and bent down to stow some of the cleaning products back under the bar. When you finally stood back up, Chuck was toying nervously with his hands and staring at you obliviously. The second your gaze met his, his cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment, and he immediately glanced away. “You know, you’re always welcome to work behind the bar with me.” 
You laughed to yourself. Chuck was adorable, but he was one of the more clueless men that you worked with. Besides, he was far from your type. “I’d love to, but that's not what Silco pays me for.”
The syrup bottles still needed to be cleaned, so you continued wiping down the ones you could reach. Chuck picked up his own rag and began to clean a few glasses. You worked quickly and silently. After all, you had a schedule to keep. The silence between the two of you was comfortable, and the time flew by. Eventually, it was time for you to head out and run a few errands. 
You packed up your things and finally broke the silence. 
“Hey, I’m on my way out to run some errands and pick up another thing of bitters. We used way more last night than usual.”  
There was no response. You turned back around to find Chuck lost in deep thought and polishing the glass like he was in a trance. Clearly, he didn’t hear you. You waved to grab his attention as you walked out from behind the bar, and it was his turn to jump slightly. 
Chuck leaned back against the bar and tilted his head as if he was considering something. Then, finally, he found the right phrasing. “If you don’t mind me asking….. What does Silco pay you for?” 
With the most deadpan expression you could muster, you turned to look directly at him as you headed for the door. “I bury the bodies.” 
Chuck’s face instantly paled, and he dropped the glass he was cleaning. You turned around and walked quickly through the door before you lost your composure.
As soon as you shut the door behind you, you instantly doubled over in a fit of laughter. After a few minutes passed, you glanced at your watch as you wiped the tears from your eyes. Shit. I’m off schedule. I only have an hour before the shop closes. 
Would Silco care? No, of course not….. but you would. The world would keep turning, but he worked so hard, and running these mundane errands was the absolute least you could do to help ease his load. Besides, you were only headed to one store to pick up a few extra bottles of cocktail syrup and bitters. 
You rolled your eyes. The homemade syrup was infinitely better, but customers at the bar dropped a pretty penny for the stuff imported from topside, so it found its way into a wide variety of drinks. People paid to feel fancy. 
On the bright side, the shop wasn’t even that far away from The Last Drop, and the walk was rather pleasant. Of course, the undercity had its problems, but it was the only home you’d ever known, and you truly loved it. You waved to some people you recognized on the street, and before you knew it, you had arrived. 
The door to the shop jingled as you pushed it open and an unfamiliar man behind the register waved at you. 
Oh, It looks like they hired someone new. 
It was really not a problem. They should have the usual order stocked and ready to go behind the counter, and all you had to do was grab a few extra things and pay for the additional items. The bell jingled again behind you, and you barely even registered it as you walked around an aisle. You wandered a bit, taking time to look at the new stock and think of new drinks to try. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a man following you through the maze of shelves. He was tall and skinny, and he seemed to be watching you. As soon as you glanced in his direction, he hurriedly turned down a different aisle. 
Weird. Maybe it was someone who was too shy to say hello earlier. 
You didn’t start worrying until he returned. The people of the Lanes were your family, but some of them were undeniably dangerous. Part of growing up on the streets was learning when you were being followed or watched, and the man was undoubtedly doing both. 
The seconds seemed to stretch on for hours and the hair on the back of your neck prickled. Someone following you down one aisle was nothing unusual, two was a coincidence, and three was unnerving. Your heart started to beat a little faster, but thankfully you reached the aisle with the bitters. You grabbed a few bottles and ducked back around the corner. The man seemed to vanish into thin air, and you let out a low sigh of relief. You didn’t even realize you’d been holding your breath. 
He’d have to be stupid to try something in front of the worker. 
Suddenly, you felt someone brush past you. You flinched at the unexpected contact and sharply twisted around to see what happened. The creep who had been following you around the store was leering down at you. He was towering over you and so close you could feel his disgusting breath hit your face. The man was messy and disheveled, but that wasn’t what frightened you. No, the scariest thing was his aggressive body language and the rapacious glint in his otherwise cold eyes.
His piercing eyes trailed over your body as he sneered down at you. His gaze was possessive and dark in a way that terrified you. You felt frozen in place, suddenly too afraid to move. The man grinned lasciviously as his predatory gaze raked over the swell of your hips and breasts. Your breath caught in your throat. You were too scared to breathe. Scattered thoughts flew around your head, and time screeched to a halt.
Leave me alone. 
Why can’t I move? 
I want to get away. 
Help me. 
Time started flowing again, but everything seemed to happen in slow motion. You could only watch in terror as the man reached out to grab your forearm. You desperately turned to the register, hoping to grab the attention of the worker behind it. But, to your horror, he was already looking at you, watching the scene unfold and nervously toying with his hands. His face had an apologetic, anxious look that screamed, “What do you expect me to do?” 
You fucking coward.
The worst possible thoughts flew through your mind. 
He’s going to grab me. Right here in the middle of the store. 
As you flinched away from the man, your feet moved on their own, and you hurriedly looked for a way out. He was backing you into a corner of the store; there was no way to escape. The man directly blocked your path to the door, and you had no hope of overpowering him in your frazzled state. There wasn’t enough time to think, but you couldn’t just act blindly. You looked up at him desperately, prepared to bargain or plead if you had to. Honor was far less important than survival. 
His smile was nothing more than sharp, bared teeth as he stalked toward you. However, the last thing you expected to see when you looked back at his face was a fist colliding with his head. 
But…. there was nobody else in the store.
Your brain hadn’t even registered the jingle of the shop’s door opening again, but there was undoubtedly another person standing directly behind the creep. He stumbled at the sudden blow, but before he could recover, a glint of silvery steel flashed through the air as a knife materialized against the side of his throat. 
Your tunnel vision dropped just enough for you to see light reflect off the gold filigree on the sleeves of the man holding the knife. There was only one person it could be. You scarcely believed your luck as you raised your gaze once again and sucked in a shaky breath. 
Silco stood behind the man and held the pervert in a vice-like grip. One of his slender arms was snaked around the creep’s chest from behind, his hand hooked into his shirt collar and pulling it so hard his knuckles were white. His other arm crossed over the front of the man’s chest, wielding the knife. 
There was no doubt that the kingpin of Zaun had the man pinned against him, stuck completely in place. Almost as an afterthought, a single, thin line of scarlet trailed across the man’s throat in the wake of the knife. The knife was so sharp you could barely see the cut itself, but you could certainly see the thin trickle of blood. Silco’s aquiline nose was almost pressed into the man’s temple as he snarled into his ear, his ruined eye glowing with hatred. “Now…. just what did you think you were doing?” 
Silco was normally an imposing man, it came with the territory of being a kingpin, but you had only heard stories of how terrifying he could be. It was never something you had witnessed in person. His temper was legendary, and few people survived seeing him in his worst moods…. and many times, the ones that did probably wish they didn’t. Now, you very much understood why. 
The man had the good instinct to begin shaking in fear. He couldn’t see who had him, but he didn’t need to. He knew that he was completely and utterly fucked. Silco’s signature deep, drawling voice was as unmistakable as his scarred face and wickedly cruel eye. 
It was almost poetic how the situation had turned around. You had felt absolutely powerless in the situation that perverted bastard had forced upon you. Now, he was the prey, and he was in the claws of a predator more dangerous than he could ever dream of becoming. His mouth opened and closed repeatedly, but no words ever came out.
“Come now. There’s no need to be shy about it. I saw more than enough.”  Silco pressed the knife in harder, and he yelped in pain. The trickle of blood turned into a steady but small stream.
“I…. I t..tried to grab her.”  
“So, he can speak.” Silco’s tone was mocking, but it was as cold and sharp as his blade. 
A tear rolled down the man’s cheek, “Please, please, sir. Let me go. I’d- I’d never have tried- I’d never have touched her if I knew she was yours.” 
“That’s the problem.”
Silco shifted the knife, so the tip rested against the man’s chin and used it to tilt his head to look directly at you. “It doesn’t matter whose she is. She did not want you to touch her, and yet…..” 
His pause was pointed enough for the man to realize his arm was still outstretched in your direction. He tried to lower it slowly, but a low, displeased hiss from Silco immediately stopped his movement. 
“Now, I’m going to tell you exactly what you’re going to do.” 
The man was still shaking pathetically, “Anything, sir, anything. I swear it’ll never happen again.” 
The corner of Silco’s scarred lip twitched like he was about to laugh. A damned bloodthirsty grin flashed across his face, and he practically snarled, “Oh, I know for a fact that you won’t. Sevika.” 
She materialized at his side and looked directly at you. Her eyes flashed with worry as she registered the tears in your eyes and how panicked you looked huddled in the corner. The man let out another pathetic sob, and you saw her eyes frost over and turn cold and hard. Every ounce of Sevika’s concern for you turned into a frigid, biting rage directed at the man beside her. 
She took one look at the man’s outstretched arm and turned back to her boss with a savage smile of her own. Sevika grabbed the man’s wrist and upper arm. In a tandem motion, Silco kicked the man to the ground. The creep barely had time to shout in surprise as Sevika brought her knee up to connect with the middle of his outstretched arm. 
The sickening crunch of bone and an agonized shriek filled the air. You had closed your eyes instinctively, and from the sound of the man’s screaming, it was a good choice. A second later, you heard the sound of his body hitting the floor. 
Silco calmly spoke over the man’s wailing, “No one is going to help you fix that, or they will find out just how creative I can be. You will live with the pain you earned. You should also be very thankful that I don’t have more time to spend with you.”
He snapped his fingers, and the sound of wailing faded into the distance as the man’s body was drug out the door. In the distance, you heard the worker pleading with Sevika, but his words fell on deaf ears. She took poorly to men who abused women, and those who enabled it were no different. 
A familiar set of slow, measured footsteps approached you, but you couldn’t open your eyes. You were afraid that you’d open them and Silco wouldn’t be there. Somehow, you feared that the rescue was a hallucination. Once you opened your eyes, the pervert would still be there… and you’d be all alone. Another tear slowly trailed down your cheek, but a slender hand tenderly wiped it away. 
Instantly, you knew it hadn’t been some fucked up dream, and your eyes flew open. He was there. 
Wordlessly, Silco pulled you into his arms as you sobbed. The ferocious kingpin had melted away, leaving the man who loved you more than life itself. You crumpled in his arms, but he gently caught you and lowered you to the ground. Once again, he pulled you in close and you wrapped your arms around him. 
You sobbed into his chest, listening to his heart's strong, steady beating. His signature scent enveloped you. Cigar smoke and the deep leather and wood of his cologne soothed you. Silco’s long, slender fingers stroked your hair as he murmured comforting words into your ear. 
“Shhh… I’ve got you. It’s alright. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. That sick bastard can’t hurt you anymore. Nobody will ever hurt you again.” 
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randoimago · 11 months
Question: Who's your favorite character in each fandom you write for? Good luck deciding
You're the bane of my existence anon /j
I did cheat on this a bit where if there's a sequel or smth then I added an extra character 😅
(this Link is to a full list of my favorite characters)
Favorite Character in Each Fandom (I regret it already)
Attack on Titan - Reiner (needs hugs and therapy) (Jean is an honorable mention)
Danganronpa - Kaito (Chihuro, Chiaki, and Shuichi are honorable mentions)
Demon Slayer - Kanao
Detroit: Become Human - Connor (Ralph is an honorable mention)
Dragon Age - Alistair (Origins), Fenris (DA2), Varric (DAI) (Dagna and Krem are v honorable mention)
Durarara - Shizuo 🥰🥰
Fruits Basket - Hatori (hugs and therapy)
Haikyuu - Bokuto 🥰 (Iwaizumi is an honorable mention)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Mista
Jujutsu Kaisen - Nanami (I can't wait for Shibuya, you guys)
K Project - Kusanagi (if I had a nickel for every blond bartender...)
Magi - Jafar 🥰🥰🥰
My Hero Academia - Ashido (my child)
Naruto - Rock Lee (my baby)
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kasanoda
Sk8: The Infinity - Joe
Video Games
Ace Attorney - Apollo Justice
AI: The Somnium Files - Date (Ryuki is my fav in Nirvana Initiative)
Fable - Reaver 😔
Fallout 4 - Nick Valentine (Hancock is a dishonorable mention)
Final Fantasy 7 - Reno 🥰
Fire Emblem Three Houses - Dedue (the sadness this guy made me feel 🙄)
Fire Emblem Fates - Kaze (I restarted my whole game for this fucker)
Fire Emblem Awakening - Stahl
Genshin Impact - Noelle (my child)
Hades - Daddy Dionysus
Kingdom Hearts - Axel 🥰🥰
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Link, but specifically in the Gerudo costume
Mass Effect - Tali (Garrus and Wrex are honorable mentions)
Monster Prom - Liam 😒
Nier: Automata - 9S (hugs and therapy pls and thank you)
Persona 4 - Kanji
Persona 5 - Ryuji (Akechi is a dishonorable mention)
Pillars of Eternity - Xoti my love
Pokemon Swsh - Raihan 😔 (Leon is also there too)
Pokemon ScVi - Larry 🥰🥰🥰
Skyrim - Serana
Stardew Valley - Penny (hugs and therapy pls)
Spy x Family - Franky
Yakuza - Majima 🥰🥰
Zero Escape - Sigma (ZTD Junpei is fantastic tho)
Nevermore - Morella
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint - Lee Hyunsung 🥰🥰
Surviving Romance - Jihyeon (my baby)
Unholy Blood - Euntae
Arcane - Jinx (my baby needs hugs and therapy)
Batman Universe - Jason Todd 🥰
Critical Role - Vax (C1), Caleb (C2), Laudna (C3), Dariax (ExU)
Young Justice - Dick Grayson
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undercity-princess · 8 months
Kinktober 4
SFW prompt: non sexual age play
Jinx X Akali
They had talked about it. With the therapist, with each other, even with Vi. They all agreed that it would be a healthy way to cope for Jinx, at least during therapy.
They still didn't know when it would happen. So Akali sat and watched, always keeping some things at hand to help her girlfriend. Also no one could say, to what age Jinx would regress. Probably before her life went to total shit, which was around age five.
Akali had immediately accepted the role of her caretaker, with the option to call in Vi if she'd ever need help.
Today, something was up. Kali saw it in the way Jinx slouched on the couch and played with a shark pillow. In the way she wasn't constantly talking or humming. In the way her eyes flittered around the room aimlessly.
Jinx eyes landed on her
"You ok?" A shake with her head.
"Wanna talk?" Another shake. Nonverbal it was. She was ready, she had read everything she could find to support her love.
"Wanna drop?" She asked cautiously. Jinx thought for a moment, then nodded.
"It's ok, I'm right here with you. Are your clothes comfy or do you want sweats?"
The little pointed to the pile of unfolded laundry.
"Sweats it is. Can you get your pants off for me?"
Jinx pulled a little less coordinated at her belts but ultimately got everything off so Akali could help her step in fluffy pink sweatpants. She pulled out a colouring book and some crayons and put on 'cat in the hat' on TV.
Taking the book and the pencil, the bluenette dropped on the floor and started colouring .
Akali send a quick text to Vi, telling her the first drop had happened.
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gay4tiddies · 2 years
Painted Hearts
Part 3
This is part three of a Jinx x female reader series, in which the reader ends up in the Arcane universe and winds up getting involved with the plot. Starting just around where series main plot begins.
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Jinx despises when people enter her sanctuary – her laboratory, a place she had somehow modelled into a perfect representation of herself. Perhaps it had been the recollections of a spaceless room, a bunk and a bed pressed up against wooden walls, the memories of nights spent in a comforting, warm embrace. Perchance it had been the shattering of this, and as that small world fell apart, as it crumbled it exposed a gaping space filled only with cold, scattered fragments of what had once been.
Besides, she liked it this way and unsurprisingly, she wasn’t much of a people person. Powder never liked the streets crammed with passers-by, the constant chatter, and the deprecating stares. However, Jinx knew now that these streets could be cleared at just the pull of a pin, and even the mere mention of her presence was enough to empty a tavern. Not that she’d frequent them often, many a time preferring the solace of her own company.
She was never truly alone anyway so what was the point?
They were always with her, voicing unending, persistent reminders of her imperfections, of what she had done. Of course, she’d tell them to shut up, telling them that she, Jinx, was perfect - fearless, strong, without any faults. Yet somehow, they’d always find a way to slip through the cracks, to torment her, to remind her of the imperfections she thought she had left laying at the bottom of the well.
It was worse some days, and today had been one of those days.
She had been so certain that the Hextech Crystal would work for her. I mean, sure she didn’t quite understand the math-y, magic-y, heebie jeebies topside had been messing with – but she sure as hell knew a possible weapon when she saw one. Besides, she’d gotten into all that fantastic trouble acquiring it, failure was simply not an option… that was until failure had indeed happened. The crushingly familiar, powerful wave of blue, fizzing energy had engulfed her mind in a hailstorm of repressed memories. She’d clutched her temples, limbs knotted around her torso, anything to try and block out the blaring voices.
That was until an unfamiliar voice had cut through the screaming silence.
At first, she had suspected Mylo was messing with her, yet that awkward humour was definitely not something he could have conjured. You were a whole new person, she noted that you were also not in fact a figment of her unorderly imagination, as she had peered over the fan blade at your waving figure. Her resolve had been firmly recognised when she had clasped your unmistakably real, warm hand – furthered as you had both been sent flying over one another. Her mind had been reeling with the possibilities of who you were, what you were doing in thisplace, and most importantly how you had managed to get down there. Opening her eyes, your expression had displayed both shock and wonder, yet not even a hint of unease or terror towards the notorious criminal splayed beneath her. Having been thrown off by this, she had taken a moment to look at you, to really look at you. From the paint adorning your every limb, to clothing that one could almost expect to be seen Zaun if not for the impracticality, finally settling on your awe-struck, [e/c] eyes.
Hell, nobody had ever looked at Jinx that way before, which made you all the more of a frustrating abnormally to her. Thereby, she felt comfort at the familiar vision of fear and confusion that clouded your eyes, as she raised the gun to your temple.
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Holy shit.
You’re in an animation.
Holy shit.
She’s got a real gun.
“…Holy shit.”
She’s the real Jinx.
“Profanities ain’t an answer toots.”
Immediately, you’d close your mouth, which was previously opened by the sheer shock now resonating in your head. The cool metal pressed against your temple was barely felt, as your mind spiralled with the possibilities – were you dreaming? Had you OD-ed and died? And if you were in fact dead, then why in the flying fuck was thisthe afterlife? Terror flooded over you, terror towards the sheer embarrassment stemming from the idea of your body being found, drugged up in some grimy sewage hole.
A sharp, rhythmic tapping lured you out of your flash theories, as you slowly located the sound as you were met with lengthy, painted nails strumming the metal floor impatiently. Not daring to move your head so much as a millimetre, you pulled your eyes away, hesitantly following the lanky, yet toned, arm until your [E/c] eyes locked with a calculating, dark azure gaze. Your breath caught in your throat as the muzzle of the gun was nudged harder into your skin. The girl beneath you was growing impatient, and your silence wasn’t going to keep you alive for much longer.
“Well?” She piped as her lips part into a sweetly sinister grin.
“Uh- …uhhh, well you see… -uhhh.” You’d jumble together a slur of confused noises, still too stricken by the situation, rendering you unable to form so much as a coherent response. Besides, after practically Alice in Wonderlanding your way down here, you’d barely been given so much as a second to process events.
The pointed nails had stopped their tapping, as you now felt them digging brutally into the thin fabric on your shoulder. You had to come up with something now, and it sure as hell can’t be the truth.
Come on… think, think, think thinkthinkthinkthink-
“-A tunnel!” You gasped out.
Her eyes narrowed as you blurted out your rushed improv.
“I was being perused- found an entrance and… and- it was my only option. It was accidental I swear, I only followed the pipeline-“
A finger was pushed harshly against your lips, silencing you.
“So ya just so happened ta get here through one of those ol’ tunnels?”
The gun left your temple and a hand settled softly over your shoulder. Hesitantly, you now nodded in response, an awkward chuckle leaving your lips. What spooked you truly was the airy giggles Jinx let out next, her head tipping back onto the floor as you begin to stiffly laugh with her.
Until she ceased her laughter all together, hands gripping your shoulders as she pulled herself up to face you. A chill of horrible foreboding trickled down your spine as furious, sapphire eyes burned into your (presumably) terrified expression.
“Bull” she paused, “-shit”.
As you flinch, she snarled and you barely had time to register her legs shooting upwards, clamping over your waist. You were suddenly rendered weightless as she twisted and rolled you both, before you were being thrown down heavily, back against the cold, metal floor.
Now gazing up at the manic inventor straddling you, face inches from your own and teeth bared in an almost lupine grin, you truly realised how fucked you were for not taking this seriously. You never have seen Jinx through a rose-tinted vision, however whatever assumptions you had made when first assessing her psyche were hideously wrong. 
Eyes you had only just begun to admire flitted across your face, wide, bloodshot, and deranged; spittle flecked her lips, as you’d expect to see on a rabid street animal; and there was something next to grotesque in the way she hunched over your frame, like she was preparing to maul you.
Fan-fucking-tastic. You avoided Pennywise the dancing clown and got Jinx the homicidal nutcase instead.
Flinching as a painted finger flicked your forehead, you let out a yelp at the sudden pain. Yet you were unsurprised to see her expression had done a full one-eighty upon reopening your eyes. Her previous, unstable state had settled swiftly into a playful, intent stare, tied together with a toothy, cheshire grin.
“shut up Mylo-“ she hissed, frustratedly swatting at the air behind her, before suddenly jolting back around to face you.
“There’s no way she could be a mole- I mean, look- “she hurriedly cupped your face.
“-at how defenceless she is! HAh-!”
She rapidly fell into a fit of laughter, hands now squishing your cheeks fondly as you can only stare up at her deceitful amusement, just waiting for a gasp of laughter to hitch into a snarl.
She’d pout at your wary expression, pinching your now sore cheeks dejectedly.
“Why don’t ya look at me the way ya did first?” She’d mutter under her breath.
Your brows crease in confusion “Huh?”
She exhaled exaggeratedly, frowning down at you. Feeling the warmth of her breath over your face, you turned your face to the side in response to the closeness.
“Ya know.. you don’t smell like a Piltie- nor like ya from down here.”
Focusing on anything but her, you’d observe the mess of scattered tools and burn marks decorating fan blade you were pinned to. Biting back a cruel response, you replied tentatively.
“Do you smell every person you meet?”
She raised a blue brow, silent for a moment before her expression betrayed her. Biting her pouty lip, she held back a snicker.
“Only the cute ones.”
It was your turn to be let down by yourself, as you felt your cheeks warm at the flirtatious comment. Thank goodness your cheeks were already pinched pink, covering the apparent blush you now felt for the woman you had just witnessed come close to murdering you in a fit of insanity.
Instead, you’d chuckle uneasily. “Bet you say that too all the gals you find under giant fans.”
This time she snorts.
“M’ starting to wonder again if ya really are real toots- everyone tends to be sorta- y’know-“
You’d shrug at her suggestion, no way in hell were you so much as hinting your recognition towards her. You caught up in deep enough shit already.
“Ughhh- but ya look real enough- feel real enough-“ She exclaimed insistently, giving your upward facing, abused cheek yet another pinch. “Even smell real for Zaun sake!”
“I think that we’ve already clarified my realness.” You’d huff, only continuing to distract yourself with observing whatever junk was laying ahead of you. Jinx’s incoherent muttering only faded into the background as you attempted to identify the objects dispersed around you.
Metal junk, creepy doll, metal junk again, something concerningly limb shaped- oh wait, it’s some junk made of metal. This was the general gist of what you were finding until your gaze settled upon a glowing, hastily assembled metal contraption.
Wires wove around the circular mechanism; these were further encircled with loosely hanging chains that almost resembled a boxing ring. You were able to identify finer details thanks to the glowing, electric blue light emanating from the notorious Hexgem which was sat, still smoking from recent use, at the centre of the device. You swear you could almost feel the static in your very skin.
Hell, you’d just missed a major plot event by a few measly minutes.
Taking this into account and thinking back, you recognise the redness you’d seen in Jinx’s eyes earlier was likely from crying… or rabies. You didn’t want to put a label on it just yet.
But this was beside the point.
The small detail of you having crashed into Jinx’s life at her one of her vulnerable moments in the early plot. No wonder she’s half manic right now.
Your eyes widen, recalling this fact.
She’s half manic right now and you’re not even paying attention.
The murmuring had stopped, and silence had enveloped the both of you, which only made the feeling of dread sink further into the pit of your stomach, as you stiffly turn your neck.
Thank Lucifer you were dehydrated from sweating buckets at the rave, because you suspected you may have otherwise pissed yourself when being met with the most intense, burning gaze yet.
“What ya looking at toots? C’mon, look and tell.”
You’d gulp dryly. There was no way in hell you were not getting away with bullshitting your way out of the truth this time, her gaze told you enough.
“Tell me.” She demanded, teeth grinding as she began to murmur the phrase repeatedly under her breath, hands snaking up your to your wrists constrictively.
She knew you recognised something you shouldn’t have.
And therefore, you let slip the first thing that came to mind, desperate to wriggle your way out of a death sentence.
“That light- the blue light brought me here.”
Jinx let out a hiss of breath, eyes finally breaking away from yours as she leaned back slightly.
“I’m not lying- I swear-“ you’d reason insistently, “I know I can’t prove it but-“ You’d bite back your next words as the grip at your wrists tightened.
Her expression had changed yet again; however, you were greeted with neither the snarling bad cop, nor the giggling alternate. This time disbelief shaped her lips into a small ‘o’, focused in what you can only call a dazed fascination.
“oh- Oh don’t you worry toots-I… I believe ya…” She’d trail off.
Now you knew something was wrong, because there was no way in hell that she’d believe you just like that. Expecting the worst, you’d crane your head to follow her gaze, but you’d soon see something was in fact very wrong.
Something was very wrong with you.
Jinx’s had your arm outstretched over the metal floor; nails having dug so deeply into your wrist to have drawn a trail of blood. Or what you could only assume to be blood, hesitant as to the fact that what leaked from your arm wasn’t the usual crimson, because what was dripping over Jinx’s pale fingers was a shimmering blue.
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Sorry p3 took so long lmao, I wasn’t sure how I wanted to present Jinx in this fic and ended up settling to portray her in a more realistic light (or what I hope to be) in homage to the show’s presentation of her.
I’m too lazy to proof read so take this raw besties.
Also, as requested, I’m starting a Tag list from now on so lmk if you want to be tagged!
Tag list: @imaginewriting​
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writingforfun0714 · 2 years
Ok so I was thinking about this crossover idea I had of Arcane x Bad Batch. Spoilers for both shows.
*Contains headcanons*
I’ve been rewatching both shows and realized that Star Wars and Arcane have some similarities.
—Adopted dads
—eye color changes (Sith/Shimmer)
—Jinx/Vader parallel
—Silco/Palpatine parallel (they both lie about Vi/Obiwan respectively)
So the main idea would be Vander and Benzo are Jedi Masters (Silco is a Sith). While it’s generally against the rules of the Council to have more than 1 padawan, Vander has 4 b/c they need as many trained Jedi as possible. Because he has 4 padawans, Vander does not have a clone battalion. Instead, they work closely with Clone Force 99, aka the Bad Batch. All the kids (Vi, Claggor, Mylo, Powder and Ekko) are all jedi padawans (Caitlyn is mandalorian).
Order 66 coincides with the accidental explosion in ep3 of Arcane (where Claggor/Mylo/Vander dies). Instead of robbing Jayce (in Arcane), the kids have all passed their crystal trials. Kyber crystals are the hex crystals (Act1 version).
For the Batch, Crosshair still turns and goes after the padawans. Crosshair’s turn happens right after Vander and Benzo are taken/killed. He goes after Vi and Ekko until Hunter knocks him out. He manages to convince Vi to go back with him (mentioning Powder), but not Ekko. Ekko runs off/escapes (like Caleb).
Vi regroups with the other padawans and tells them Master Benzo was killed and Master Vander was taken (by Silco). Vi still tells Powder to stay behind while the others go after their master/father-figure. Powder still has a mental breakdown etc. But instead of remembering an accidental explosion (Jayce’s apartment) she remembers that Huang (lightsaber droid) told them that the crystals are incredibly powerful, leading to the monkey bomb scene in Arcane ep3. That whole scene would be the same. Mylo/Claggor die. Silco’s saved by Sevika, and Silco’s partner, Singed, a mad scientist/doctor still gets caught in the explosion. Instead of turning Shimmer-monster like in Arcane, Vander turns Sith but chooses to save Vi, dying in the process (still tells her to take care of Powder too).
THAT WHOLE HEART-WRENCHING SCENE STILL HAPPENS (with Powder sobbing/repeating that she only wanted to help to Vi slapping her and telling her she’s a jinx). As Powder pleads, sobbing, begging for Vi to come back, Hunter manages to find her and take her back with them. Vi’s still taken but instead of Marcus, she’s taken by clones.
The Batch+Powder return to Kamino and they still meet Omega. The rest of Bad Batch ep1 still happens (training room scene/Saw Guerra/going back for Omega/Crosshair getting separated from the rest of the Batch/Inhibitor Chip increase). Omega sees Powder as a younger sister and helps her get through the lowest point in her life. So the main differences would be O66 clones instead of shimmer-monsters and Powder ISN’T raised by Silco. Also the Arcane timeskip doesn’t happen (follows BB episodes mostly).
Idk exactly how everything would line up (especially with the other storylines in Arcane: Jayce/Viktor/Mel/Heimerdinger and Caitlyn) but the main idea would be the Batch adopting Powder and Omega seeing her as a sister (Powder would def have problems with ‘sister-relationships’ and through Omega’s help, gets healthy therapy and begins to trust).
This was just an idea I’d been playing around with for the past few weeks. The inspiration came from YouTube channel CW Edits and their ‘What Could’ve Been’ video of Anakin and Obi-Wan. If you haven’t seen it, YOU HAVE TO SEE IT! Their channel is amazing and their SW vids are *chef’s kiss*
Is anyone interested in this?? Please be honest. Lemme know what you all think! Thanks!
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satorusgetos · 2 years
my favorite ship in arcane is jinx x therapy.
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teyamsatan · 10 months
Okay ! Arcane Update 😌 Yes It was me again 😅 Pls don't blame me bb I was shy to admit that shit. But not now noo !!
Uhm women ?! Wth I melted and I am now a ressurected bi 😬😇 I don't really recognise it and probably don't have the guts to date a woman yet but.... I am definetely attracted to women f*ck
Though I have to say that her teenage version hit me harder 😏😥 Maybe because I had already seen her adult one before watching or just because I am not mature enough lol
Like her hairstyle in the first three episodes looks better ? That's just my (unpopular) opinion.
Anyways ! Hope you are okay 🥺 I experienced a farm fire ones and I thought I was gonna die
I know how scary it can be🫂
P.S : I rarely interact on tumblr anymore I'm so sorry 🥺 But know I am still there 💕 My request you wrote was good x)
Lastly, Jinx is SICK. We can't blame her though. Poor thing
nah bb you don't have to be sorry, but you should know that you should never be shy especially around me and especially not about vi thirsting.
also, i think vi is singlehandedly responsible for turning every woman bi/gay, she just has so much power, she was made for the girlies for sure. i love her so much, so i 100% understand you!
i'm happy you are enjoying arcane and yes, my poor baby powder needs the biggest hug and a lOT of therapy haahhha
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mar3ggiata · 2 months
professional help, c3. 'The conversation.'
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, italian, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: The Fruits, Paris Paloma.
abstract: Simon here, I saw Jude again, she's still going on about her theories, whatever. it's not even funny anymore and she has some weird secret I want to find out… still, she's a fucking menace to society. idk what's wrong with her probably got dropped on her head on purpose as a kid. don't blame the parents.
In the end, she did hear back from Price. An email. 'Scherzi!' She shouted out loud in her apartment. She sat down on the couch and Jinx hopped on with her, sniffing her laptop. An email from the captain, an invitation to a briefing. To discuss the situation. Tomorrow after your last session at 5pm. 'No vabbe, me fa parià…' she mumbled and wrote back that she would be there. They wanted her help on the situation, she had to come prepared. She was good, she did good. Look at her, who would have thought. She was in America all alone in her little apartment. She moved away when she was 18 and never turned back. She had worked in the most awful places with the most awful people to pay her studies. She hadn't been home in years, she had no friends, she was paying her bills, she had a car (she was still paying for it every month), she had her job and now higher ups were asking to speak to her about her take on a difficult mission! A life or death situation, she would solve the case and save the lives of millions of Americans. A fucking tidal wave. If my mom could see me now. She looked at her calendar on her laptop, she had sessions from 9 to 12 the following day, then from 3 to 5pm. Then the briefing, then ballet.
She did some research during the evening, she took the dog on a walk and then showered. She ended up smoking a little too much, she was nervous. She woke up early the following day. She stalked, or better, did research, on Arash's social media, along with his family's and friends' to gather any information that could help her. She looked up 'The Pilgrimage' author online, looked through his other publications. Not very famous writer. She kept thinking about the meeting all morning, she wanted to make a good impression and be useful to the captain. She was so nervous she nearly spaced out during therapy with a Sergeant with severe anxiety. She didn't eat lunch. When she knocked on Price's office door and heard him say to come in, she was a little surprised to see the captain wasn't alone.
Skull guy stood next to the desk in the middle of the office. He looked at her. He took very seriously the mask thing and skeleton theme, he had a black mask on, like the cotton Covid ones. Maybe he was just insecure. 'Jude thanks for coming on such a short notice' said the captain, signalling to sit down in front of him. 'This is Lieutenant Riley, Simon you met Jude.' She took a step in the direction of the Lieutenant, she wanted to shake his hand. 'Nice to meet you,' she said. He took her hand without making a sound, he just nodded slightly. His hands were cold. She sat down and so did Price. Simon was still standing. 'So, I wanted to update you on your patient. We spoke with him and three other soldiers about joining us to the next mission in Al-Jareena next week but he refused. Well…' he stopped, rubbing his beard in clear distress. 'He got up and came up to me saying his injury is not fully healed and he will not be able to be deployed. So I told him we needed him and he started to get nervous and left the room.' She listened without intervening. 'I know you have an appointment with him one day before we leave. I was wondering if you could maybe let me know if you find out something about this, he's required to leave with us, otherwise we'll have to report him. His doctors cleared him.' He showed her a piece of paper, sliding it across the table. It stated Arash's hand healed to full recovery. She read the statement before looking up at Price.
'Correct me if I'm wrong' she started. This wasn't gonna end well. 'He's supposed to leave the base and go on his little trip for one hour the day before you leave, the day before the mission, let's say to alert Khorram's men.' She quickly glanced up to the Lieutenant who was still standing silent with his arms crossed. He looked like he could crush her skull with a finger. She wasn't scared, she even found it kinda funny, his little costume. 'We could follow him. He could be updating the troops on your next movements and we could… catch him in the act' she said.
'Too risky.' It was Simon that spoke. He was British, his voice was deep. He had been debating on intervening in the meeting from the moment Price asked him to be present. He asked him cause he trusted him, and valued his opinion. Jude could have been informed and educated with her little theories and stories, but she didn't know how things worked in the army. This wasn't Cluedo. She had the same attitude when she walked in the room, maybe a bit less stiff. He took his time exploring her. Her pretty green eyes, her nose, her neck. She wore a blouse this time, with grey trousers. She still had those shiny high boots. She had her hair up, a blonde ponytail. He looked at her jaw. She had a mole on her cheek. He shook her hand, he could smell her deodorant. Her skin was warm, soft. It reminded him of untouched snow. He wanted to take her hand and look at it up close, hold it, feel her slender fingers and her pointy nails. He looked at her thighs pressed together when she was sitting. The curve of her hips. Her voice still sounded rough and serious. When he spoke to her she looked at him offended. 'Too risky' he had said. 'He would notice, he already suspects we're onto him.' He explained.
Hum…fuck you? 'Well if he's not guilty he will have no problem talking to you' she replied, still holding his gaze. She was brave. She was probably a few years younger than him, she had her little moment and now it was time to get back to reality. Yet, she still wouldn't listen. 'He doesn't have the doctors excuse anymore, he knows things are moving. You saw his m.o., he'll get out for an hour and…' she tried to convince him, she looked at Price for his approval, but he stopped her. 'Then we'll catch him when he comes back' Simon spoke without waiting for his captain. 'We can wait for your session and see if he says anything, or just force him into confessing.' Her lips formed a straight line. She didn't like his plan, maybe because it wasn't a plan, it was just sitting and waiting. He had dealt with much more complicated things than this, she could relax. 'You want to interrogate him and accuse him of what? Skipping his doctors appointments? You're wasting an opportunity to see where he's really headed when he sneaks off base', she quickly replied shaking her head in his direction. She had slightly turned her body towards him. 'You're the one who accused him first.'
'And I gave you proof, didn't I?'
He liked talking to her. Her voice still sounded weird, he couldn't pick up a particular accent. He understood she would't let it go.
'I think you're waisting an opportunity'
'I think you're thinking too much about it.'
I think I want to break your neck. She was mad now, he could see her, he could feel it. The air was cold around them again. She had the same expression as the first time he ever saw her a year back. She wasn't confident, or powerful. It was the look of rage. 'The nightmare that hunts you for the entire week' look. Fortunately, Price stopped them from discussing it further. 'Jude, do you think you can get him to talk about the mission? I will put down his name as one of the soldiers in the team, so he will know he's coming with us.' She was nervous at this point, but tried to keep her breathing stable. Could she get him to talk? She couldn't do it last week or the week before, he stopped listening. 'Yes, I will do my best.' She replied. 'Good, thanks. You'll let me know as soon as you finish, if everything goes to plan, we bring him with us and he complies to his duties, everyone is happy.' It wasn't going to go this way, she could feel it. They were making a mistake. 'If you feel like he's suspicious, you tell me and we'll keep him here and interrogate him, we'll see what's going on. Sorted?' He asked. She didn't respond for a few seconds, but nodded. I already proved to you he's fucking suspicious, what more do you want. They weren't listening.
She stood up and thanked the two for inviting her to the meeting, she assured them she would keep them updated. Her smile was fake, she still wanted to be polite even though she thought they were both fucking stupid. Ghost didn't feel guilty for going so hard on her, he looked at her leave while she was trying to hide her anger. He said what he really thought, that was what he had been trained to do. 'What's her deal?' he asked the captain on his way out. 'Jude?' the man looked up, then shook his head. 'She's a good counsellor. She has… she is a strong woman, I think she's good at what she does, I've always trusted her.' He said. You're lying. That's not enough, and it's not a fully honest answer. They were hiding something from him.
notes: translation: 'Scherzi!', you're joking! 'No vabbe, me fa parià' Naples dialect for having fun. I gave you an hint to where she's from <3
notes: are they making a mistake? also, what's the deal with Jude hu?? reblogs and replies are highly appreciated!
love, mare.
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