skell-core · 1 year
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twstgarden · 3 months
✿ ❝ 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ❞
━ lilia vanrouge x gn! reader (reader can be yuu or an oc/twstsona)
━ you were once his light in his darkest days, but since then, he has not seen you and still yearns for your return, yet he wonders if he is just deluding himself into thinking you're still here.
this work may contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia's arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
ko-fi here if you want to support me, commissions are open
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silver and sebek were in lilia's room, aiding him in tidying up his items as they tried to distract themselves from the fact that their beloved father and mentor had dropped the bomb that he was migrating elsewhere.
in the middle of their packing, silver came across a photo album that he had not seen before. sebek also saw the photo album and spoke, "is that yours, lilia-sama?"
hearing sebek's query made lilia turn his head before realising that his son held the photo album, and with a smile, he replied, "yes. go through it if you wish."
and so they did. silver sat on lilia's bed with sebek standing beside him as they went through each page of the photo album together. they were filled with pictures taken during their younger days, and one even had the photo that lilia took on silver's birthday with malleus and sebek.
as they moved on to the next page, they came across a photo of lilia in his prime general days with a person smiling next to him. they looked ethereal, the very definition of beauty and grace. they looked gorgeous and breathtaking, and yet they had never seen this person before.
silver took the photo and examined it with sebek as the former asked, "who are you with in this photo, father?"
lilia looked at the photo in silver's hand and his eyes widened a little in surprise. 'oh, they found it,' he thought to himself. as he tried to keep a smile on his face, lilia responded, "someone very dear to me... however, i don't know where they are now."
"a lover?" questioned sebek as he and silver looked at one another in surprise.
"i had not realised that father had a special someone before..." mumbled silver in surprise.
lilia laughed a little at their statements, "what's that supposed to mean? i am the charming little fellow! is it such a wonder that i have a fair lover in mine arms?"
silver and sebek were about to respond until lilia continued, "ah, but... that was in the past." he then took a seat beside silver, taking the photo from his hand as he looked at it once more, gently caressing the image of his love - the only remaining piece of memento he had on them.
"...it has been over 300 or so years since i last saw them. i don't even know where they are until now," muttered lilia, "they were the charmingly funniest person i have met. quite shy, but definitely can sense danger."
"what are you doing in here?" the sudden voice made you jump out of your seat as you looked around your garden in a cautious stance, wondering who had just spoken when you were peacefully sitting alone in the lovely garden of your cottage deep in the woods. "who's... who's there..." you muttered to yourself, uncertain if you should even ask. a rustle was then heard nearby and in a blink of an eye, you were caught in a chokehold. you tried to pry free from whoever was holding you, but they had a strong physique. "i won't ask again. what are you doing in here?" "i live here...!" you quickly answered. hearing this made the perpetrator raise a brow before looking around and noticing the cottage, "...here? deep in the woods?" "yes!" they then stared for a while before sighing and unhanding you. you then got a good look at them. it was a fae, standing at 158 cm tall, with a mask to cover his face yet his uniform gave away his occupation. "...an imperial guard...?" you muttered. "a human?" muttered the fae as well, "living in the woods... hah! good joke." you raised a brow at his words before speaking, "um... i do live here, though..." feeling threatened, you quickly backed away from him, making sure you were getting closer to your crops. he thought nothing of it, but he sure did sense your weariness. nevertheless, he spoke, "you shouldn't be here. no human is supposed to live deep in these woods. do you live under a rock? if other soldiers stumbled upon you and this cottage, you'd be dead in no time." "and here i stumbled upon a soldier..." you remarked. he took a step closer as he spoke, "i won't say this again. lea——! wha— hey!" before he could complete his sentence, you grabbed a bunch of your tomato crops and threw each of them at him while yelling, "go away! i won't hesitate to throw more tomatoes at you if you try to kill me!" the fae clicked his tongue and groaned in annoyance as he shielded himself with his arms from your tomatoes. "stop it!" yelled the fae, "cease this tomfoolery at once, human!" he eventually got close enough to you and grabbed your wrists before you could throw another tomato at him. with a glare, he spoke, "what do you think you're doing, throwing tomatoes at a faerie - a general at that? do you have a death wish?" once you registered his words, you blinked owlishly and eventually brought your hands down, letting your other tomatoes fall back to the ground, "...general...?" 'i'm done for.' with a sigh, the fae dusted off some tomato residue on his clothing before glaring back at you, "i was only giving you a warning and you already threw tomatoes at me. do you really think that will help you when others - especially with bad intentions - come over and attack? really, this is the first. attacking people with crops. horrendous."
"they threw tomatoes...?" spoke silver in surprise.
"what kind of defence weapon is that?" muttered sebek in shock before silver spoke, "perhaps it was the only thing accessible." lilia laughed a little as he replied, "well, it did take place in the garden. at least they had the initiative to be resourceful and use their surroundings to their advantage."
"i suppose..." replied silver, "what else?"
"well, aren't you two curious? they're also very sweet and ensure i am taken care of."
"you need to stop throwing yourself at the battlefield so carelessly." you scolded as you looked at his injuries and tried to tend to them, even if he said he could heal them with magic. "i do not need your he— hiss!" "calm down! i can't clean the wound if you keep moving," you scolded once again as you continued to dab the cotton on his injury, "really now. is this a thing with you gents - humans or faeries alike? just throwing yourself at war and getting yourselves injured without a proper plan?" lilia huffed in annoyance at your nagging, but he did not exactly do anything to stop you as he let you clean up his wound. "i do not 'throw myself at the battlefield'. i was merely defending myself." you sighed and muttered, "whatever you say, general vanrouge." after cleaning his wound and bandaging him up, you collected your first aid kit supplies and returned them to your cabinet. "have you eaten?" you asked. "...roasted lizards, yeah." hearing his reply made you freeze as you blinked in shock. though you are aware that faes tend to have a different palate than humans — though they do enjoy a human meal from to time — you still could not believe his version of a "meal" is some random animal he comes across in the woods and roasts it. "...i'll make you some dinner."
"your lover cared for you a lot, lilia-sama," cheered sebek, "how wonderful! this is an amazing love story!"
lilia smiled at sebek's remark as he replied, "...i'd like to think so too."
silver then spoke, "then... what happened, father? why have you not seen them for years now?"
"...i do not know if they're still alive and hiding from me... or..."
lilia did not have to finish that sentence for the two to know what he meant.
"f/n!!!" lilia cried out as he rummaged through the cottage, entering every room and going through every space possible to check if you were hiding. he had just gotten back from the silver owls headquarters and was supposed to be on the way back to the wild rose castle to chase them back and make sure they didn't get to meleanor. on his way back, however, he came across your cottage and saw its dishevelled state. not caring for baul's calls, he got off his grip and ran to your cottage, ignoring the aching pain coursing through his entire body due to his injuries. "shit! shit, shit, shit!" lilia cursed as he looked everywhere and found no one. baul was quick to enter the cottage as he called out to the general, "right general, we must go! princess meleanor might be in danger!" "THEY TOOK THEM!" his loud, wrathful voice stunned baul as he spoke, "right general...?" "f/n! that human i'm with! those bastards took them!" baul then realised who he was talking about. lilia had mentioned a human in the cottage once that he was acquainted with, and baul started to connect the dots. "let's go!" before baul could ponder more, lilia's command quickly snapped him back to reality as they both continued their journey back to the wild rose castle.
"they were kidnapped...?!"
"father, that's...!"
their concerned and shocked faces were not lost on lilia as he smiled sadly, "i tried searching for them everywhere, and i did everything... and yet, nothing came to fruition in my endless search. eventually, i thought... maybe i was too late."
lilia then stood up, looking at the photo before he cast it aside only for silver to grab it and return it back to the photo album once more.
"it may have been centuries ago, but i will never forget the radiant light they shone in my life."
'and now, i don't even know if i'll ever see my light again.'
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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uwusayssnake · 5 months
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makshu · 2 months
New JSHK art ✨️
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This is the art of chapter 116
(I swear I thought it was Tsukasa-)
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ladychaos · 3 months
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Main Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery
Myrtle didn’t have words for what she discovered in the lab. A monster? No. A creature? Maybe. It could talk. Well, she could hear it speak to her… In her mind. Myrtle ran away. She ran as fast as her old and tired legs allowed her to. What was she doing? She needed to stop, and think. She went back to the motel. When she saw all the familiar faces she grew fond of these last two months, her heart slowed down a bit. She felt some peace and joy inside her, just for a moment. She decided to take a shower and get changed, and then headed to the roof of the motel. Some of the residents were having a movie night. Myrtle was determined to ignore the purple sky and the spores floating around. She couldn’t think about what this meant without feeling nauseous. She sat down. “Oh, how I love them,” she thought to herself while listening to Juno complain about losing one of her fake nails in the pool, Leonel awkwardly attempting to invite Maureen to a date and Peyton asking everyone to shush because she was trying to watch the movie.
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cinamun · 1 year
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The Community Piano | Next
(The scandal in question)
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sapphiccanadian · 12 days
Me: *realises I'm enby*
The closet: Welll, welll, look who's inside again :)
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movietonight · 1 year
Jojo Rabbit 🤝 Look Who's Back 🤝 Inglorious Basterds
Anti Nazi Satires that also managed to give me goosebumps at least once
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moremaybank · 1 year
hi my loves 🤍 i know i've been gone awhile, so i'm here to clear things up (me saying this as if people are waiting on me LMAO).
i definitely wasn't planning to be gone this long, this was all supposed to be a short break from socials so i could clear my head in an attempt to cure my burnout. then, a few weeks ago, i found out my grandmother's cancer came back, so i've kind of just been dealing with that. i also lost my aunt to cancer pretty traumatically a few years back, so this whole ordeal is just bringing up a lot for me.
anyway, i never intended to be away for this long, and i'm sorry if i've let anyone down. i love talking to you all so much, and i want to be there for you as much as i can. please bear with me while i try to make my comeback!
i love you all. thank you for sticking around <333
also i'll go through my inbox soon i SWEAR i've just been overwhelmed 😭 anyway send me some asks letting me know how y'all are, what you've been up to, all that! i'd love to hear from you :)
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clairehadenough · 5 months
What a day to come back to Tumblr❤️
Loved the Variety article giving us such beautiful stories of Renner having fun and enjoying life less than a year after he almost died!
Also I wasn’t disappointed looking at Captdelulu’s blog after, I don’t know, months, only to find this😂⬇️
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What silence? You literally made a post to talk about how you are still right (😂😂😂)
Also for someone who is an expert in everything on earth and in the universe, I’m amazed at how stupid you are playing the NDA card.
We all know the NDA is about details of the wedding. Details that anyone who wasn’t physically there wouldn’t know about. Which is exactly what’s happened since. They (Chris and Alba) are controlling what to share and what not to.
Saying that someone at a wedding was celebrating is hardly a breach of an NDA😂
Ah, good to know that stupid is still stupid and that for them RDJ is also getting paid to “push the narrative”😂😂
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tomato-turn · 1 year
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Dtiys entry in Instagram.....!
Ranpoe in an aquarium!
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picturesofthearsenal · 7 months
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Jurrien Timber of Arsenal at Sobha Realty Training Centre on March 03, 2024 in London Colney, England. (Photo by Stuart MacFarlane/Arsenal FC via Getty Images)
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meepsthemiqo · 9 months
Hi there!
Hi! Hello, I am Midd, better known as meepsmun. Writer for my ffxiv oc, Meeps Ior and her family.
About the Mun
Some things about me before you interact:
I’m 30+, so please, do not interact if you are a minor.
Happily married to Mr meepsmun.
I have often debilitating depression and anxiety.
I’ve had issues in the past interacting with people outside of my blog due to my personality, so interact at your own risk.
On to Meeps...
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Some basic information about Meeps:
She is currently 33 years old.
She is 4’9”.
She was born Fae Ior, hence the name of her son being Fae'a Ior.
Her favourite food is fish paste cake. 
Her white highlights are natural.
Despite showing all the signs, she is NOT a Warrior of Light. Her “blessing” is not from Hydaelyn.
She has a golden carbuncle named Vauthry that eats meol kibble.
[A Link to the current list of Ships]
[Random Meeps headcanon #1] [Random Meeps headcanon #2] [Random Meeps headcanon #3] [Random Meeps headcanon #4] [Random Meeps headcanon #5] [Random Meeps headcanon #6] [Random Meeps headcanon #7] [Random Meeps headcanon #8]
Mini fics
[Dawntrail Mini fic - Meeps x Koana] [Endwalker Mini fic - Meeps x Estinien] [Stormblood Mini fic - Asahi]
More Meeps info below~
Meeps' Children
She is the mother of two beautiful children: Fae’a (currently 11) and Marie (currently 6). They have different fathers.
Fae'a Ior
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Fae'a is Meeps' oldest child. He is currently 13 years old. Fae'a was born before the events of ARR. His father is Elidibus.
Marie Ior
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Marie is Meeps' youngest child. She is currently 8 years old. Marie was born post-Dragonsong war. Her father is Charibert.
Past Relationships
Meeps has had two past relationships: Charibert (it’s complicated) and Elidibus (it's extremely complicated). Elidibus is the father of Fae’a, Charibert is the father of Marie.
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Meeps meets Charibert during A Realm Reborn, when the Ishgardian Inquisition becomes involved in the investigation into heretics at Camp Dragonhead. There is a spark between them, but nothing happens and the two part ways. 
They next meet during Heavensward, when Charibert had become a member of the Heavens’ Ward. The spark is reignited and the two begin an affair. Meeps was very much in love with Charibert at the time and outwardly, Charibert appeared to be the perfect partner. Yet, in the end, it turned out to be a lie. Charibert had been using Meeps as a means to get information on the Scions. Meeps gladly spoke to him, trusting him and seeing it as him taking an interest in herself and her companions. 
By the time the truth was revealed to Meeps, she was already pregnant with Marie. Meeps chose not to tell Charibert of her pregnancy and so he died without knowing he had fathered a child.
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Meeps’ relationship is, simply put, extremely complicated and sadly, one of tragedy. To explain it fully, we have to go back to ancient times, to Amaurot. 
In the world unsundered, Meeps was an ancient by the name of Selene. Selene was the wife of Elidibus. The two were very much in love. When the time came for Elidibus to become the heart of Zodiark, he fused a part of his soul with his beloved Selene, so that they would never be separated.
It is this shard that gives Meeps her “blessing”, which gets her mistaken for a WoL. It is also this shard that allows Elidibus to recognise her. Except Elidibus never sees Meeps as Meeps. He recognises her as his wife, Selene. He is convinced that when the rejoining is complete, she will become the woman he loves once again and remember the life they once had together. Despite this, Meeps has his son, Fae’a, tying the two together even more. 
Following his death, Meeps begins dreaming of her life as Selene, showing her the past life Elidibus desperately wanted her to remember.
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nightsongsrandomness · 2 months
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL I'm gonna be in every fandom by the end of the summer I have watched Inglorious Basterds, Downfall, Look who's back, I'm watching stranger things, I'm watching The rising of the shield hero, and I am just WAITING for The Monuments Men to come out.
(Edit: THE MONUMENTS MEN CAME OUT LIKE 10 YEARS AGO DUMBASS!!! Good job not seeing the play button...)
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coquettebiich · 10 months
Chciałam iść dzisiaj biegać ale chyba coś mnie rozkłada. Właściwie zawsze się nabijałam z osób, które mi mówiły że gdy czuję się źle powinnam to wybiegać. Teraz po zerwaniu z chłopakiem mam w sobie tyle gniewu i żalu, że gdyby nie wysiłek fizyczny (nawet głupie spacery) chyba bym odeszła od zdrowych zmysłów. Oczywiście doceńmy skutki - spalanie kalorii 🙄✌️
Polecam jako (nie)dojrzała niezależna silna lala
~ trzymajcie się laleczki 🎀
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will-iam-graham · 8 months
There's nothing more difficult than coming back after a long hiatus.
I see I have some new faces around, and I'd like to greet everyone. Thank you for subscribing, I hope you won't be disappointed but let's face it, you hope in one hand and... well, the things you do with the other one vary.
If you want some interaction, don't hesitate to pop in my askbox, messages, whenever you feel like it.
I'm a nice person, just give me a chance. I'm working with a theraphist, you know :)
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