#Lucius doesn't just forget
aucoba · 11 months
It's the fact that every messed up thing that happened before is actually addressed now that everyone's back in the ship. The story feels so freacking compelling to me because the characters remember what they've been through. Never do they just "move on" no, they work their asses off before they remind everyone how they got hurt before going on. There's no traumatic experience that's just shove off to come back later in a petty way : it's immediately put out in the open and dealt with. And yet it's not dragged on and on for ever. The healthiness of those pirates gets me
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 6 months
If there is at least one thing I can credit FE for doing better than Tales in localization, it's not trying to actively go out of their way for an entire game to avoid subtext or direct text between two men that is romantic or implied romantic. Funny when it's so present that the attempt doesn't even work; infuriating that it was attempted to begin with.
So as much as I often have issues with some of FE's localizations, at least they have a leg up on loc Tales for that.
#DCB Comments#imagine changing entire sentences and vocal tones just to try to avoid it#if anything I'd say at least in FE the locs just... keep what's there like#they could've toned Soren and Houses Yuri down and they didn't. they just kept their lines or in some cases#especially with Houses Yuri I'd say leaned into them#have to specify bc Houses Yuri got to keep his bi agenda. Vesperia Yuri had the unfortunate issue of#the loc not wanting to keep his gay and trying reeeeally hard to avoid it#including altering entire sentences to avoid any woe is them misunderstandings about men having feelings for each other#meanwhile Houses Yuri is free to call men cute and lo and behold everyone loved that for him#they removed and altered a LOT of Vesperia Yuri's personality traits#(including any ability to express real sadness or fear bc woe is them if he's not a cool edgy man)#but they also really changed his tone toward Flynn PLUS some of what they say to each other#and twisted it to make it sound like Yuri was either angry or wasn't actually emotional abt him#forget the way they brought Grant George in for the DE release and made him sound just completely DEAD with zero personality#like. I can tolerate playing Houses dubbed despite my gripes with it (story based stuff)#it didn't feel like they were trying to alter LBGT+ aspects and they even for some rly leaned into it#basically if you haven't played Vesperia Yuri is... really gay coded. the loc pretended not to notice#in fact he's queer + gay coded bc and doesn't fit male gender norms and the gacha games LOVE that with his hair/outfits#Rays mind you is JP only bc it was shut down very quickly in the west and Vesp Yuri's story in Rays is uh#basically it centers around Flynn he loses his shit to protect Flynn and they do the usual like#don't-admit-it's-gay-outright in fictional media by using the ''Yuri's important person'' shtick#but he activates a special power in the middle of utterly raging to get Flynn back from their enemies#funny thing? that game never made it to that arc. I was told in about five months the western ver would've gotten that#but in some way I'm glad it didn't bc who knows how they would've tried to spin that#It's BAFFLING to me how you can get characters in Tales like JAY but the locs shake in their boots at the idea of queer gays#but given how allergic fictional media is to admitting a male character is gay -gestures to Ike and Vesp Yuri-#I'm not surprised I'm just actually angry that the locs try to censor homosexual relationships as much as possible even when they barely ca#if anyone does know Vesp Yuri and is confused on why I'm calling him gay coded despite what the dub did with Judith feel free to ask#bc I do ship them a little bit myself! but I just recognize that canon wise I really can't see him as anything but gay-demiromantic#but again at least FE locs don't shake in their boots anymore abt same sex pairs including men (side eyes Lucius/Raven)
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wondersinwaynemanor · 9 months
Does Tim forget he's officially a Wayne now? That, or his mind is too full with many ideas and he's easily distracted from one thought to the next. I think it's all of the above.
During a board meeting at Wayne Enterprises, employees try to get his attention cus sleep-deprived Tim is analyzing stock markets and investments, and planning on what he should to Mr. Freeze tonight because that bastard almost blasted Damian with his freeze gun, and he's wondering what country he could explore with Kon on the weekend.
When Jason asked, "How do you handle everything, Timmy??" Tim answered, "It's quite easy." Dick worries for his younger brother's mental health. Bruce constantly checks in on Tim on how's he doing with his different responsibilities and if he needs to step down as CEO for now and let Lucius handle it for him. But Tim is full of determination and intelligence- Bruce admires that about his son. Those traits are very present in his family.
Employee 1 - Mr. Wayne, what do you think of this project? Do you think it can benefit us?
Tim - ..... (on his mind - "I'm gonna rip that suit from Mr. Freeze till he apologizes for what he did to Damian. I'm gonna kill-").
Lucius - Mr. Wayne. (he doesn't usually call Tim this way but they're in a professional setting right now so it's a given).
Tim is fnally out of the trance from his own mind - Yes, Mr. Fox. Sorry, my apologies. That project is amazing... (and he continues to speak about the project like he didn't just get lost there).
And the board of members continue to be impressed by young Timothy Wayne.
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simplyreveries · 7 months
I noticed that you opened the requests. I wanted to ask related to staff (separated) with mc/yuu who had daddy issues in their world and who sees them as a father figure
i love this sm,,,, TY<3
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dire crowley
he is…. interesting- he does mean well but he just does a poor job executing that sometimes. he was never expecting to feel such a sense of protectiveness and being overly doting to you. it started when he couldn't help but feel pity for your own situation and watching you adjust to this world is tough.
you’ll find him randomly popping up out of nowhere in school and he’ll ask how you’re doing. a way as a check up on how you’re handling this world and school life so far, he’d tell you if you ask him. as soon as you ask him about home… "oh! is someone is calling me?" and just literally disappears.
In this case, I feel like his reluctance to figure out a way to bring you home stems from the fact that he really does care for you and doesn't want to lose that. so, let's just say, it'll take him awhile to figure that out. crowley seems to be trying to convince you how amazing, twisted wonderland really is! you could thrive and live so happily here! (minus the overblots… terrifying magic… creatures and more) he tells you how great it is for you already have a home, a whole dorm for yourself, as he’d say: “for i am so gracious!” that he’s done such a generous thing for you.
the first time you tried to give him a hug as thanks for something he was completely confused and didn't know how to react. he laughed and gave you the awkward pat on the back but once again, he means well i promise.
divus crewel
you have blatant favoritism from him… he seems a little less strict with you and if a student asks he’ll deny and tell them he doesn't do that or that he has to be since you’re not even from this world. he wouldn't expect you to know how to do certain things after all.
but still, ace and grim could groan because they got in trouble for forgetting homework or assignments but if you did he’d sigh and be like “bring it in tomorrow” and they are always so UPSET. it's also rare to get some compliments from him, but he seems to point out something well you did and give you a little “good improvement” and such. It's so obvious how he seems to care for you.
divus is literally the epitome of judgment when it comes to anyone having eyes for you or you tell him about even liking someone yourself… he is too protective and feels like any boy at this school is undeserving of you. he sees any attempt during class of one of them flirting or anything as them simply bothering you. If you mention someone like floyd he’d give you the most concerned look and be like “oh… him, how troublesome”. he doesn't really say what he thinks, unless you really ask for his opinion. he more so listens to you talk and he does genuinely try to give you some advice, even if it's a bit blunt.
mozus trein
now despite his strict and sternness, he can be a very calming person to be around and talk to. he will be pretty quiet, but he can become someone you just find if you need to talk as he listens and grades assignments, doing some work. if you really need to take your mind of certain worries and stresses, like finding a way back to your world- he'll offer you some tea and maybe even offer to play a game of chess with you (as he does with divus sometimes!)
trein is a father himself, he was very close to his daughters- so it actually is quite easy for him out of all of the staff members to develop a familial like relationship with. he enjoys having that feeling of looking after someone again and being someone, you could look up to in that sense. he would eventually notice that you do see him in such a way, he wouldn't say it, but it does warm his heart.
he'll let you play and pet lucius, it's just part of your special privileges. surprisingly, the cat likes you and always tries rubbing against you. since trein trusts you though, you will be given the duty to buy lucius cat toys from sams shop with money he gives you, he says its "in compensation" haha.
if you happen to be causing trouble with grim or some student in class, he'll scold you. but through it, he will remind and tell you he knows you're a good kid and doesn't want other bothersome students tarnishing your potential.
ashton vargas
oh poor you if you dread fitness or sports because he's always booming so loud, excited and pumped to get you involved more. even if you don't want to do something with others, he loves initiating one on one games with you and challenging you. he will not go easy though and laughs proudly whenever he wins. he'll still pat you on the back and tell you "nice job, kid!" or something of that sort. he's very supportive even if hes overly competitive at times.
sometimes you do have to hear his tangents on how he became so fit and strong... especially his "advice" on how great it is to consume raw eggs... this guy . he tries telling you it'd benefit you.
lowkey makes a big deal if you got hurt and needed to go to the infirmary. he always tries to keep a special eye on you in case and tries his absolute best to make sure you're alright. even after getting help, you needed from the nurse, still!!
he tends to keep a watchful eye on you... he would much prefer and even offer, saying you'd be perfect to be working beside him at his shop. he wouldn't want you resorting or going somewhere like the mostro lounge really. but other than that, he is a very carefree guy who you could easily find yourself talking to about problems or issues you're having. his attitude and approach to things can be a good help.
also, if you're in general in need of something from his store, because you're extra special to him he'll sometimes just give you heavily discounted or even be like take it, ("it wasn't selling anyways"). hehe. he cares. especially when it comes to like snacks or food he'll have, he'll claim it's your "employee benefits!" if you're working there.
sam is pretty much in the loop with anything interesting happening at school or things he may have overheard from students. you can easily get gossip out of him, just saying. but sometimes that just turns him into trying to discreetly warn you about certain students at nrc.
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dotster001 · 2 years
Headcanons of what if the reader accidentally called the staff members dad?
A/N: Gn! Reader. Hope this is what you're looking for, anon/hope you're still here cause I take forever on these 😂
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"Azul asked me to bring you this paperwork," you said, handing him a stack of papers.
"Excellent, prefect. You've been incredibly helpful lately. In my generosity, I have decided to give you the next week off, and take you to a beach house!"
"Really? Thanks dad!"
Preens. You've made a huge mistake. Good luck to you. You will now be smothered by an overexcited crow.
He hasn't touched up his nest in a while. As headmaster he has no time to think about a family. But now that you called him dad, he is going home and touching up his nest so that his little chick will be comfy. Crow's like to keep their babies in the nest, some of them for years at a time. You're gonna have to tell him at some point that no, you will not be staying in a nest, you will be staying in Ramshackle to finish your education. (This will not stop him from subtly directing you in the direction of said nest)
He's picking at your hair, and straightening your outfit. He does that mom thing where he licks a handkerchief and tries to clean the dirt off your face. If you tell him to stop, he'll say something like, "now now, let papa help." God, I don't envy you.
He buys you shiny trinkets that have no value. But  he can't help his genetics. It's how he expresses affection.  You and Grim may trip over them sometimes, cause he just will drop them in the most random of places. (ex. The middle of the floor)
If you ever try to take it back, whether it's out of pure desperation or annoyance, he will sob. He will sob so hard. He's not trying to manipulate you. He just doesn't see what he did wrong.
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He'd invited you over to dinner. 
"Yeah, I don't really have plans for the summer holiday yet, because, well, you know.."
He cut a piece of his steak, and said, "You can always stay with me. My daughter's are all grown, so they're rooms are empty. Plus they've been wanting to meet you." He gave you a soft smile, the kind of smile that made you feel safe.
"Sevens, that sounds great dad," you said with a sigh. Both of you froze.
He already knew you felt that way about him. But having you say it out loud fills him with fatherly pride.  It's been a while since his kids were young enough to spoil, and he's definitely missing it. Now that you've opened the box, he has all the permission he needs.
He'll act like everything's totally normal though. He still expects you to get your classwork in on time, and strongly discourages you from getting into trouble with your friends. But it somehow seems more insistent? Like when he sees you going to hang out with ADeuce, and he says to stay out of trouble, it sounds more like, "Dear god, please don't do anything stupid!"
He offers to help you with your homework a lot more often now. He had already offered from time to time before, but now it's a lot more often. Like calling him dad was giving him permission.
He gives you presents every once in a while. Expensive presents, wrapped in a neat box with a perfect bow. He acts like it's nothing. When he hands it to you he says how he just was passing through the store, and saw it, and thought it was something you needed. No biggie.
Lucius follows you around a lot now. You have no idea why…
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"You were almost correct here. You need to add mustard seed, or it won't work," Crewel said as he looked over your homework with you. 
He definitely didn't have to go over your homework with you line by line, but you definitely appreciated it. 
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" You made a note so that you wouldn't forget later.
"Not a problem. Anything for my favorite pup. Don't tell the others though," he gave you a playful wink.
"No problem, no one has to know, dad." 
Oh? He might raise an eyebrow, or give you a smirk, but he won't say anything. It'll be like it never happened, and you can convince yourself he didn't hear it.
But he definitely did. He heard it. He goes home to his dogs that night, and picks them up, and cuddles them close, and keeps telling them, "they called me Dad!" 
Like I said, you can convince yourself he didn't hear it. But every once in a while he'll slip and do something that makes you wonder. Like he'll gently rub the top of your head. Or he'll tell you he understands if you don't get your homework in, just don't let it happen again. Or when your idiot friends drag you into a scheme, he'll get you an exemption from the detention that inevitably follows.
Crewel has a habit of adopting students already, without realizing it. Vil's your brother now, by the way.  He'll invite both of you to dinner in the guise of "checking up on my most studious pups" but it's really to just spend time with his little found family.
You won't know for sure he heard it, until after you graduate, when he offers to sponsor you through whatever you want to do. Cosign leases and loans, transportation to an interview, purchasing a uniform, letter of recommendation…. he'll do whatever you need, and when you're like, "Sir, I'm not sure how to repay you!" He'll say, "It's a dad's job to help out his pup." That's when the memory of that fateful day comes rushing back to you.
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Sam let you work weekend shifts with him for extra cash. You didn't know how he always knew, but whenever the shop was closing, if you hadn't bought anything to eat that day, he'd get you something and have you eat it while he did closing tasks.
"I can eat this later, Sam. It's no trouble!" 
"You've done enough work, my little imp. You're no use to me if you starve to death," he laughed. "Plus your health is important to me, even outside of you working here."
"God, dad, you're just the best!" 
You've known him long enough to know that if he didn't hear it, his "friends" certainly did. No matter how embarrassed or flustered you are by the mistake, you know that he knows. And he won't easily forget it.
On the whole, your relationship doesn't change. To him, you saw him as Dad already. So that's that.  He doesn't need to change, and you don't need to change.
That said… now that the words have been said…he has his friends specifically watching you at all times. Just in case. If you've ever started to fall, and felt someone catch you, but when you turned around you saw no one there…that's not your guardian angel. That's your dad's shadow.
Okay…not everything stays the same. Merch from your favorite things are always in stock at the store from now on. Neither of you addresses it…but deep down you both know.
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"You wanna be as tough as me, right? You need to do at least ten more pushups!"
"God, you're the worst, dad-"
Oh man. You've made a huge mistake. (Part two) the conversation will go as such. "Dad huh?" "Uh, I-" "Ha ha ha! Well,  you're gonna have to bulk up! Just trust your old man, he knows what's best! Fifty squats! Go!" God, you're fucked.
Wakes you up in the morning with a booming laugh, and a green smoothie of unknown origins. Once you chug the smoothie, with indiscernible flavor profile, it's time for your three mile jog. He'll go slow for you. If you complain he'll say, "Dad knows what's best for you! If you want to be as fit as me, this is only the beginning!" If you continue to complain,  he'll make you do a plank until you give in and join him on the run.
You can't look at this man and tell me he doesn't give the best hugs. Before you dropped the d word, his affection was expressed with a pat on the back. Now, when he sees you, he scoops you up in a bear hug. I don't care how tall or short you are, your feet are off the ground when he hugs you. 
Surprisingly? He's the most gung ho about who you want to date. Gym teachers see students at their worst and most desperate. He's seen Azul try to con his way out of flight class, Leona get flaky and take a nap, Cater attempting to split card his way out of laps…none of them are worthy of you! Besides, they can't even lift, bro! You're not from here, how are any of them supposed to protect your magicless, muscle less body? Now that he's dad, he's way more vocal about his opinions. Good luck.
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thegoldenhoof · 10 months
After reading multiple metas on all sides, I think the biggest problem with OFMD, specially Season 2 is that it is almost entirely built on tell don't show. Worse sometimes it is hint, don't tell or show. This is not great writing in itself but it is made worse when the POV characters are all shown to have a rather unstable relationship with reality and memory.
Stede is self-centered enough to just not acknowledge or even notice things around him that don't actively interact with his focus which is mostly just Ed. He is self-centered to the point of being delusional about other people and reality of circumstances. Season 2 sees him doing better and his rescue of the crew is his highest point. But we see this even through Season 2 in his interactions with Lucius and during Ed's apology his interactions with Zheng Yi Sao.. Basically anyone not Ed.
Ed is shown to have a negotiable understanding of truth - seen with his Ed/Blackbears/Kraken split, his "I didn't kill them, the fire killed them" dissociation with his own actions, his rewriting of the context of his own memories (Knife parade) or just straight up forgetting shit (Talent show). And yes all of these are trauma responses but that does not dismiss the fact that his perception is far from objective.
Izzy is straight up shown to be lying in his first interaction with Ed regarding Stede. He is aware of his surroundings better than Stede and Ed but he is also supremely blind to himself and his interpersonal relationships. Where Stede is delusional about the world he can be interpreted as delusional about himself.
We as the audience ofcourse can put context to their words from their actions and this worked ok in season 1 (not always but mostly and that becomes important later) But Season 2 leans much more heavily on tell without show. (Yes yes budget cuts...but that doesn't change the final product).
Where season 1 added some flavour of back story with tell dont show, Season 2 expects dialogue to do all the heavy lifting (none more than Izzy's death speech) without this dialogue being backed up by action. Worse (or better) this dialogue isn't exposition which makes the scene better but which also means more often then not it is merely hinting at a meaning.
So we have half explained dialogues, sometimes with dubious context, used as a substitute for action given to us by characters with established unreliable perspectives. The heavy lifting of understanding the meaning of these dialogues, their significance and weigtt, has then been shifted to the audience interpretation. This interpretation is of course done per individual interest and bias. This is not bad in itself but remember this has been happening since season 1. Which means the new interpretations are being built on older interpretations. Those little flavour back story hints have now become the lens through which the entire season 2 is meant to be understood.
We are all watching a different show in a sense and that us not a failure of the audience. It is, rather, an accidental byproduct (and a failure) of the show's design because of the combination of all the above factors which was (made worse by the budget cuts leaving less time/space for action)
The show then unfortunately comes down to whose POV are you accepting (and certain fans have turned this into an exercise of moralizing self righteousness.) and to what extant.
A true understanding, imo, can only be by accepting that none of their perspectives are absolutely true and trying to center the objective narrative between all of them in a way that best fits all their perspectives AND accounts for all their blind spots, rather than lift any one POV as the absolute uncritical truth. (And fans on all sides have been guilty of this)
(P.S. I think this may also have worked positively towards making this show so huge is season one because it left enough ambiguity for us all to project on it multiple complex and sometimes contradicting interpretations creating an Illusion of much greater complexity that was more in our collective heads than in the actual show.)
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jellybeanium124 · 1 year
OFMD characters as drivers
Ed: passenger princess. he can drive but someone always drives for him
Stede: obeys traffic laws until he doesn't. hits curbs. doesn't know what any of the lights mean on the inside of his car. pays for premium gas no matter how many times Ed tells him it's a scam and his car doesn't need it. probably gets a new car every year.
Izzy: the worst backseat driver and then drives like a fucking maniac. Yells at you if you don't hit the gas the second the light turns green. Gets into an accident at least once a year. Road rage. Probably had his license revoked.
Jack: chill ass awful driver. He's hotboxed his car so many times just breathing in there for a few minutes can get you high. cigarette butts everywhere. don't look in the glove compartment, it'll be something you wish you hadn't seen.
Olu: a good driver!
Jim: speed demon
Lucius: passenger princess, but unlike Ed he can't drive. never got his license. doesn't need it though
Pete: average kinda shitty driver who forgets to use his turn signals
Buttons: only takes the bus everywhere and is known to bus drivers and passengers citywide. some say he created the bus system
Roach: really good driver but will break the law. probably got emt training so he can swerve through traffic like no one's business when he has to
Frenchie: doesn't trust cars. Or buses. Walks, bikes, or trains everywhere. Whenever he has to get in a car he doesn't like it. the streets are full of evil
Wee John: idk what to say about Wee John. probably a normal driver
The Swede: can't drive. Not a passenger princess though. always has to ask for rides very shyly and usually ends up in the middle seat.
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forestdeath1 · 5 months
do you think james bullied snape because he was poor? do you think it had anything to do with classism?
Nope, I don't think so. When I first heard this version, I was really surprised. I think it comes from fanfiction? Some authors use the detail that if a child is rich, they will always bully the poor. That's not true.
We don't see any evidence that in the relationship between James+Sirius (why do they always forget about Sirius? He was very harsh verbally towards Snape and did it without much reason in his head) and Snape, there's anything related to Snape's poverty.
Here are a few reasons:
1. Sirius doesn't like the trappings of his family's wealth; he despises it. He's intentionally shown as the complete opposite of Lucius Malfoy (even their appearance, black and white, the most rebellious of purebloods and the most sycophantic, the one who values wealth and money and the one who despises it). Do you think he would love and be friends with someone who bullies others because of... money?! No way. It's actually pretty demeaning for the person themselves to brag about how much money they have. Considering how proud Sirius is, I doubt their bullying had anything to do with Snape's poverty.
And I think this Sirius's pride is partly seeded by his family. Because…
2. I think the Malfoys narratively were a bit the opposite of the Blacks in general. Their moneyed arrogance and bullying from Lucius and Draco - that's a pretty specific case, very similar to how some people think their money solves everything and defines who they are. The Malfoys are raised like that —they believe just having money makes them better than others. If we're talking about the old style upper class —it's not about thinking money makes you better, it's about how you're raised, what family you're born into, how you live, how you grow up – that's what makes you upper class, not your money. For wizards – their blood purity and loyalty to pureblood ideals. They might not even have much money, but they'd still be proud. Meanwhile, you might become rich, but you'll never become upper class. And it's pretty odd for this "class" to bully others based on money. The way the Malfoys do it is pretty crude and demeaning for themselves. In canon, it's well shown that the Malfoys are fixated on money. Whereas the Blacks aren't about money, but about their status. For the Blacks, it's all about status and primarily about blood purity. The Malfoys marry half-bloods, while the Blacks disown their children for wrong marriages.
3. I don't think wizards really have classes based on wealth.
(Also it’s pretty obvious but just in case, wizards don't have aristocracy in the traditional sense. After the introduction of the Statute of Secrecy, wizards don't have titles. Titles are purely a Muggle construct. Before the Statute, they existed, we know the Malfoys came with the Normans and were given lands. We know about the Bloody Baron. But there's no indication in canon of these aristocratic arrangements among wizards after the Statute (which, by its nature, implies service). The only lord among wizards was Voldemort. Because he called himself a lord. The fact that wizards deliberately don't use titles, even though the Malfoys had it, speaks only to one thing — the very idea of calling yourself by such titles is abhorrent to pure-blood wizards. It's a connection to Muggles and Muggle royalty. And being an aristocrat isn't just a privilege, it's also a duty.)
I think their upper class is pure-blood wizards. Their nobility is blood nobility. Their nobility was based on blood purity and loyalty to blood purity. They have a book called "Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy." So all their nobility — it's natural, inborn, blood, or rather pure-blood. But it's nowhere regulated, except in the minds of those pure-bloods. Their society is inequality in minds, where some consider themselves better than others.
Your mother was Muggle-born, of course. Couldn’t believe it when I found out. Thought she must have been pure-blood, she was so good.” (Professor Slughorn)
Even "not-biased" Slughorn was biased against muggleborns
They take a very harsh stance against "blood traitors". And true blood purists are much more tolerant of poverty if it's truly loyal to pureblood ideals (even families like the Gaunts). Blood is more important than money. The Black family tree has many marriages to different families, but not all of them are wealthy; it's impossible in their small society. I think, given how small wizarding society is, only three families were truly wealthy — the Blacks, the Malfoys, and the Lestranges. And I believe the Malfoys mostly gained their wealth from dealing with Muggles. Pure blood and being on the "Sacred 28" list doesn't make a family rich. Why if someone's in Slytherin, they're rich? Where did this wealth come from? In the Muggle world, this is understandable (but that's not always true either). But in the wizarding world? So it's a pretty weird trope that all Slytherins and pure-bloods are rich.
Wealth itself also doesn't make someone a member of the "upper class" in the wizarding world. No matter how wealthy you are, if you're a blood traitor or Muggle-born, then this pure-blood upper class won't accept you into their society.
Therefore, I believe bullying Snape had nothing to do with Snape being poor and classism.
There aren't that many rich people in the wizarding world.
Not everyone in Slytherin was wealthy. Their "upper class" is not related to wealth.
Sirius certainly didn't show any interest in wealth or judging people based on their money. The Blacks probably thought their blood was more important than any money.
James didn't show that either. Remus and Peter probably weren't rich, and they all got along fine.
All we know about James and his attitude towards money is this:
James was amused by Vernon, and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to patronise James, asking what car he drove. James described his racing broom. Vernon supposed out loud that wizards had to live on unemployment benefit. James explained about Gringotts, and the fortune his parents had saved there, in solid gold. Vernon could not tell whether he was being made fun of or not, and grew angry. 
I don't see anything here that suggests James was intentionally trying to flaunt his wealth. It was a response to Vernon's assumption that they live on benefits. That wasn’t bullying. Sirius would hardly have said so, but James obviously didn't think talking about money was something embarrassing. But it's not bullying.
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lucius-morningstar · 4 months
You Ruined Them For Me, Forever!
This is taken as more of a joke but I couldn't get this out of my head, and wanted to share it for both humorous reasons and gross reasons. Let's just say Lucius ruined one of Charlie's favorite treats for her. ----- Charlie: You.. Do not talk to me for awhile! Angel: Hey toots what's got ya upset? Charlie: *Points to her brother.* Him, he-He's disgusting! Lucius: Wow what happened to not judgin- Charlie: After what you did today, be thankful that's all I said. Lucius: You gotta get over it Charlie. It's the truth and you have to face it. Charlie: Fuck you! Husk: Woah. Angel: Damn, you really pissed her off. What'd you do? Lucius: Well- Charlie: Do not say it again! Lucius: I am not having them bug me all night until I tell them so either go to your room or get over it. Charlie: *Growls* Lucius: Down gir- Husk: Can ya just tell us what the fuck happened. Lucius: We went to cannibal town, alright and I've been there loads of times and what Charlie didn't know is that I have actually eaten there too and yes while not frequent it's not bad once you get use to it. Charlie: You're gross. Lucius: Let me finish. Okay so we went over to Rosie's and she offered us eyeballs, Charlie turned it down and it's bad etiquette for guys to turn down food so I ate one. Charlie; *gags* Lucius: Oh grow up. Charlie: I'm the same age as you! Lucius: Then act like it. Angel: So she's bein this way because you ate an eyeball? Lucius: ..No, it's more what I said after I ate it. Charlie: Ugh.. Husk: What'd you say after? Lucius: Okay so she gave me a "What the fuck?!" look so I said "it's not so bad, it's basically just like gushers but they're salty and she gave me that look-..*Points to Charlie.* That look!, right there. All because I said that. Charlie: You ruined Gushers for me. Lucius: Charlie not only we're gusher's ruined the moment they came into existence but that is the best description I could have given you! Charlie: That was the worst one and also don't insult them more then you already have. They're amazing! Lucius: Well deal with it. Besides gusher's suck who wants to eat something that sweet anyway. Charlie: ..How dare you. Angel: I mean I'm sure Vaggie eats something that sweet all the ti- Lucius: Angel don't be gross. Husk: Speaking of, where was Vaggie in all of this. Charlie: She was like super tense during it all and real quiet on the walk back home. Husk: Uh Princess.. Vaggie did not come through those doors. Charlie: ..Shit, Lucius this is your fault! Lucius: How is it mine, you're the one who flipped out over the eyeball. Charlie: I wouldn't have, if you had just declined i- Vaggie: *bursts through the doors.* Thank you for leaving me there. Charlie: Vaggie, I'm so sorry. It's his fault. Lucius: it is not. Vaggie: Lucius why did you even compare them to that. Lucius: How else was I suppose to explain it and why are you on her side. She's overreacting, seriously stop being bias cause you're dating her. Angel: She's doin more then da- Lucius & Vaggie: Shut up Angel! Vaggie: Regardless You ate an eyeball in front of us and compared it to a Gusher. I'm not siding with you on that. Charlie: I'm never going to enjoy them again... Vaggie: Come on Charlie. Let's leave the guys alone and get you to bed. Lucius: Bias bitch. Vaggie: What was that? Lucius: Nothing, forget it. Vaggie: Good. ----- Angel: ..So we're they bad. Lucius: Nah. I'd give it a five outta ten if you don't mind things gushing in your mouth. Angel: You know I don't. Alastor: It's not too bad with the right drink too. Lucius: *jumps* Dude where'd you come from. Alastor: Not important, so enjoyed a snack at Rosie's did we? Lucius: Yea but I ruined it for Charlie. Alastor: Always next time, next time ask if she has any whiskey, it doesn't taste bad with it. Lucius: Hmm, I just might actually, Thanks. Husk: Ugh.. I think I've lost my appetite.
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shiny-jr · 2 years
I saw you were allowing us to toss in ideas for the platonic!yandere staff for TWST and I'm overjoyed, haha. A thought I had: How willing would they let you be around the actual main cast, seeing as how you have to get into shenanigans with them as demanded by the plot but it puts you in possible (and actual) harm's way? Would they allow it, confident they can step in and handle things? Would they refuse to let you go near them at all to keep you safe? Who just. Automatically bans Deuce and Ace from going near you.
Gonna be rating them on a scale of one to five. One being would straight out ban students from seeing you (if they could), five being you have the most freedom to see other students.
Crowley is a 4/5. Although he would like to think that he's a little stricter, he's not. He claims that it's due to his benevolence that you are allowed to see your friends, but really you know it's because he's far too careless and actually busy (sometimes). But when he spots any students getting particularly close to you, he doesn't even have to do much. All he has to do is mention it to the rather stricter... staff members. But after a dangerous event like an overblot, he tries to limit your interactions with them, he really does try, but he’s far too soft on you and can’t say no to your wishes for long. 
Divus is a 1/5. Forget your friends and the school, he has tried to take you out of the school, multiple times actually. If it were up to him, he’d have you homeschooled or at least placed in an educational institution where there aren’t so many reckless and hazardous individuals. The only reason he hasn’t taken you out of Night Raven College is because the other staff members refuse to let him just take you. If Crewel just took you, you’d always be with him and none of the other staff members would get to see you everyday like they do now. And the only reason he hasn’t straight out told students to get away from you, is because he would then be in hot water with the school board. But he’s literally this close to imposing a ban on certain individuals. 
Vargas is a 3/5. He’s a bit more relaxed, but he’ll take any threat to you seriously. And if that threat is from another student, he’ll run them ragged during his class so much so that they won’t even have time to even think about interacting with you. After his class, they’ll be so tired that they won’t even have the energy to talk to you. This is one of those times where he’ll work cooperatively with the other staff members, with them providing a list of individuals that need to be worn out in order to stay away from you. Vargas trusts you to be able to defend yourself, after all, he’s taught you the best! But he doesn’t trust these brutes. 
Trein is a 2/5. Thankfully, he isn’t as strict as Crewel, but he still is pretty strict in his own right. During his class, he keeps a close eye on students, watching to see if they try to whisper to you or even so much as glance in your direction. Once he spots them doing something like that, he’ll call them out, and in their surprise he’ll throw the hardest questions at them until they get one wrong and lower their head. When you’re away, he’ll allow his familiar Lucius to trail after you and report anyone else to Trein so he could add them to the very lengthy list of names he’ll be submitting to Vargas in the afternoon. Perhaps he’ll assign them even more work, just to be doubly sure they do not have the time nor the energy to pester you.
Sam is a 5/5. You have the most freedom with him by far. He doesn’t tell you who you should or shouldn’t talk to, of course he has his own list of names but he doesn’t divulge that information. Yes, he trusts you, but like Vargas, he doesn’t trust all the students. But he does trust himself and his helpful shadows. Sam is pretty cunning too, so he’ll utilize this freedom he gives you to earn your affection and favoritism. It’s something he regularly flaunts during staff meetings, about how you go to him more often instead of the other teachers when you’re looking to hangout with friends. But all other students know by the look in Sam’s eyes when you’re back is turned, to be very cautious of what they do.
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izzyspussy · 3 months
i actually think somewhat slightly opposite-ish of this post.
ed wants to show off. he absolutely does love having proof that he's desirable, wanted, and loved. and taken, in multiple senses of the word lmao. and he's definitely not shy, not embarrassed, doesn't particularly want to be private about it, or any of that. but i think he's very aware of the fact that he is not great with boundaries, that he can - as they say - Forget Himself. and while he and stede know each other a lot better now and are more honest with themselves and each other, no longer seeing each other as or trying to fit into the perfect idealized shape of Gentleman and Pirate (either one in either role), there are still some lingering clingy little holdovers from that. so on that hand, ed is not sure how much showing off is Too Much. if stede will be off-put or embarrassed by him if he crosses some invisible line from tasteful into trashy. and i also think there's this other hand where ed wants to show off, but just ever so slightly more than that (in the context of his relationship), he wants to be shown off.
meanwhile, stede has always been put down for not being good enough or strong enough or masculine enough and he was married to a woman who didn't want him and who he was at least something of an embarrassment to, and he's used to being passed over and belittled and neglected, and to having a lot that he doesn't want and nothing that he does, and being shamed for both. and! at the same time he's still every bit as up himself as any other wealthy white guy lmao, and he's deeply, deeply, apocalyptically theatrical lmfaooo. anyway, point being. now that he has something to brag about that actually really does stroke his ego, rather than just being the only thing(s) he's got to try to make people respect him (in the only way he was brought up to understand "respect"), he will absolutely take literally any opportunity to do that. put together all his measuring-up issues, the fact that he fully and completely believes ed to be the most beautiful and gorgeous and sexy and impressive and perfect and very best man to ever live, his eagerness to make ed believe that too or at least believe stede believes it now that he knows that's an issue, the fact that ed's blush and ed's smile and ed letting him dress him or change his hair or put his hands on him makes him feel more powerful than god, his indelible smug richboy attitude, and his own utter lack of boundaries, and you get a man who cares not one whit what marks on him are showing but will go completely out of his way to make sure everyone sees the marks he's left (or any other clear indication that ed - yes that ed, that one right there - is his).
so, in my head, the scene in front of lucius and his iced coffee goes more like stede dressed completely normally and ed with his hair partway up and his collar tastefully open, clearly trying to show off a little bit but trying not to overdo it (which is just as clearly not coming naturally to him lmaooo). and then stede saying something or other about ed looking uncomfortable or having a hair out of place in a voice that could not possibly be more disingenuous, and reaching over to pull ed's hair all the way up and brush his fingers improprietously over the marks on ed's neck he's purposely revealing on his way down to undo a couple more buttons on ed's shirt, then turning to lucius with vanity so palpable it crunches (as if lucius isn't also in a loving and committed relationship with someone he's just as attracted to, because obviously no one compares to ed and everyone but stede has had to settle at least a little) while ed stares at him like he hung the sun, moon, and every star in the sky.
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berglietz · 4 months
Seasons Greasons: A Meta Analysis based on Caspar's Culinary Palate + Return Gift For Shez's Whistle
AKA: no one should ever 'jokingly' challenge me to write a meta to my irl face. take these 1k words now
May 6th, Baltimore Inner Harbor. It was a lovely day—by which I mean the sky was grey and gloomy and decided to start spitting a fine mist down from the clouds as soon as Lucius and I stepped out of the light rail and started our trek toward our destination. Our destination being a birthday celebration for Erica, which obviously made the day lovely regardless of the weather. At this point we had already gotten past the 'hello's and reciprocal 'oh god you really are shorter than i remember's, and had settled into our table at the cafe. Inevitably, the conversation quickly turned to Fire Emblem. We are who we are.
Playthroughs of Warriors: Three Hopes entered the scene, and then discussions of the Merc Whistle mechanic. "I haven't given mine away yet." I said. "Don't they give you a return gift that you can wear as an accessory to use their special ability?"
I pulled out my phone. I learned that Caspar's return gift to Shez was called Seasoning Set. Across the table, past the strangely shaped flasks of hot water and growing number of drained shirley temple glasses, N "Njamin" Von TOAmod smiled at me and said "I expect a meta post about Caspar's seasoning set on the dash by [due date]*" *I do not remember the exact phrasing, nor the initial due date. I am going to say it was 'next month', that way I don't get any of my extremely real roleplayer points docked for tardiness.
And thus, I was committed to the bit. Straight up married to it. Welcome to the wedding. The reception is catered, obviously, and we'll be serving—
Well. I'm getting to that.
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(This is a crunchy screenshot that I cropped myself from my own Switch. Forgive me)
The details of note to me are:
Clarifying that you have matched your bestie/S-support equivalent's sentimental gift with something you "don't need" is so rude LMFAO. I'm glad he is keeping up the same behavior from his story about a girl trying to ask him out to the Goddess Tower in Three Houses where he seems to totally misread a situation and make an ass of himself by dismissing the person/not matching their energy. Really beautiful stuff.
Multiple spices, you say? Looks like I have to come up with more than one. It's not just salt in there.
They are bad. He has a big red downward-facing arrow next to his face in the list of candidates for cooking together in Three Houses. If you choose to let him cook anyway, he tells you his pitfalls himself:
"All right! Leave it to me! I'll fry it, grill it, and try not to burn it!" / "Sorry for making you do all the work, Professor. I mess up the ingredients every time!"
With this info, I am taking the text saying "he forgets to use spices" very literally. The impression I get is he gets so overwhelmed by multi-step cooking processes that he loses track of ingredients. He does like some spices in his food and drink, though, so I will presume that the spices in his seasoning set are ones that he would enjoy putting in his food if he ever remembered to toss them in.
The easiest spice choice comes directly from his favorite type of tea.
Ginger Tea: "The sharp spiciness of ginger laces the body of this tea, unforgettable and brightening."
Bam. Right there. We can put ginger on the list. For the rest, I'll take a look at the dining hall dishes he likes that fall under the Spicy category.
Sauteed Jerky: "Jerky aged in the monastery and sautéed for a delightfully salty flavor. A perfect snack to go with your favorite drink."
The description doesn't give me any seasoning beyond salt, but according to the resources on serenesforest this dish is counted as a spicy one! When I think of spicy jerky (and look up a few recipes to confirm my memories) I think of a peppery sort of sensation on the tongue—black pepper and cayenne (or other hot peppers).
Sauteed Pheasant and Eggs: "Thin slices of bird meat and shredded cabbage, mixed with scrambled eggs and sautéed with spices. Invention of a certain noble."
This one gave me no hints as to what types of spices. RIP. I relied much more heavily on googling for this one, and settled on interpreting this dish as a take on anda bhurji, maybe?? (literally 'scrambled egg'. it's an Indian scrambled egg dish). Online recipes for this one gave me spices such as turmeric, coriander, red chili, and ginger.
Just to have it all in one place, here's all the hypothetical seasonings I've thrown out all put together:
Black Pepper
Ginger (mentioned x2!!)
Cayenne/Red Chili (or whatever Fodlan equivalent capsacin-haver there might be)
Go forth, Shez. Make a delicious spicy scrambled egg dish. Perhaps you can share it with friends for brunch. That'd be a beautiful way to bring things full circle, don't you think?
I just think it's so fucking funny that he hates every seafood dish. Look at this list of foods he hates.
Grilled Herring, Fish and Bean Soup, Small Fish Skewers, Spicy Fish and Turnip Stew, Onion Gratin Soup, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté, Fruit and Herring Tart, Cheesy Verona Stew, Fish Sandwich, Super-Spicy Fish Dango, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Two-Fish Sauté, Gautier Cheese Gratin, Cabbage and Herring Stew, Bourgeois Pike, Fried Crayfish
Only three out of this list don't have something referencing fish/seafood right in the name, and two out of those three do have fish in the ingredients if you go looking:
Onion Gratin Soup: "Onions stewed with white trout and baked with a layer of cheese on top. Will warm you up from the inside out." Cheesy Verona Stew: "A rich dish consisting of verona and sautéed Teutates loach. These ingredients are boiled and served with two kinds of melted cheese."
Maybe there is something he dislikes about gratin, though, since he dislikes Gautier Cheese Gratin as well. A texture problem, perhaps? Either way, it doesn't feel as prominent a dislike as his thing with fish—the guy also hates the Fishing Float gift. Caspar is a certified fish hater. This makes his participation in the fishing tournament even funnier to me: he will straight up make an exception for his seeming disdain for fishing if it's turned into a competition he can try to win. Definitely no way he was eating his catch though. Maybe he fed it to his cat friend from his supports with Ashe, lmfao
Anyhow, I'll leave off with this silly indulgent little meta here. Thanks for playing along! ilu toa ❤
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chipsncookies · 10 months
Have you ever thought of making an Explorer oc or explorersona?
Ok so this is not really my oc or sona, he exists in the show (but I'm sure he's actually different than what i designed so i think this counts as oc..?) recently i made a fan design for gibeon!!
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Yes you can tell based on his hair i headcanon he's amethio's father lol.*
I think as a leader, Gibeon is, well he always seem cold and calculating, and he and Amethio are related to Lucius' friends** so he wants his son to continue whatever his/Explorers goal is (assert his right as descendants of Lucius' friends? Money? Power?) meanwhile as a father maybe he cares for Amethio but he's too caught up in his own ambitions that he forgets/doesn't realise his expectations for Amethio is putting pressure on him.
I headcanon he distances himself from Amethio in an effort to not coddle him, because he wants Amethio to grow on his own + not want to show favoritism among the Explorers members***, but he makes sure Hamber reports to him about the boy (we see Amethio communicates with him a lot). Even though Gibeon is not harsh with Amethio - removing him from the mission but did not scold or berate him like i expect a villain team leader would do - Amethio still feels the need to measure up to him. Which is made worse because he's in his emo teenage years (just look at him in the new op)
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He doesn't have a good role model, he doesn't have people to confide to (well actually he has Zir and Conia but he doesn't talk to them about his feelings) and the rest of the Explorers are not really friendly with him either so he's kinda stuck, he feels he had no choice but to do things on his own.
I like to think that their family ties will be tested one day, with Amethio questioning if he's really worth to be a successor for Gibeon. Since episode 1 fans have noticed the different dynamics between amethio-explorers and liko-rvt, the former is cold and formal(?) meanwhile the latter is more organic and found-family like, therefore many people speculated amethio will join rvt and find that they treat him better (im in this camp and i want him to sing the pokerap)
*This is mainly based on my interpretation of Amethio's behaviour, how he really wants to get the pendant no matter what, it could be caused by him wanting to gain approval from his father. And during the first Explorers meeting, Amethio was physically present, suggesting he was near their headquarters compared to the others who joined virtually - suggesting closer ties? He's also not afraid of breaking rules by continuing to pursue the pendant even when gibeon officially removes him from the mission and he's not punished for it, compared to how Hamber (the butler) is more strict with Sango and Onyx.
***Also Amethio has his own personal grunts and a submarine meanwhile other members don't really have those (spinel only has a van lol).
**Hamber pretty much confirmed that Explorers have ties with Lucius (they were his friend), and Terapagos had a strong reaction to Amethio specifically??
This turned out really long im so sorry anon I'm obsessed about Explorers especially Amethio but thanks for asking!! 💖💖 I'm pretty sure a lot of these will turn out wrong but it's fun to speculate lolol
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hpdrizzle · 11 months
🌈 HP Drizzle 2023 Reveals🌧️
✨ The day has finally come! Reveals are happening right now! Hold onto your umbrellas and don't let the storm of applause for our talented creators blow you away! ☂️
HP Drizzle 2023 has some lovely numbers for you. We had:
⚡ 26 Fics ⚡ 6 Arts and Crafts ⚡ 1 Collab ⚡ And 1 Podfic
🌈 Which adds up to 34 lovely and mind blowing works!
A big thank you goes out to everyone who participated this year, and everyone who read, commented and sent kudos. A fest doesn't work without every single one of you.
Please enjoy the works below, and make them timeless classics as many Drizzle works before 💜
The mods of 2023 say thank you and good bye @crazybutgood @curlyy-hair-dont-care @ladderofyears @candybarrnerd @gnarf
🌈 HP Drizzle Art 🌧️ 
☔ Right Path In The Rain [T, Digital Art ] @burnedwithpointlesspurpose
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Ginny Weasley 💧 Weather: Rainy  ☔ Summary: Draco's been working hard on keeping things on the right path. It's been years since the war and he's fought to find himself through it. Part of the disovery being he has absolutely no problem sharing his umbrella with one Ginevra Weasley, and everything that comes with it.
☔ What to do When it's Sunny Outside [G, Digital Art] @shiaya21
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy / Theodore Nott 💧 Weather: Sunny ☔ Summary: Theo and Draco has a very different idea on what to do when it's sunny outside. Digital Comic.
☔ [ART] summer slipped us underneath her tongue [T, Digital Art] @getawayfox
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Sunny ☔ Summary: It’s a tropical paradise until Harry forgets the sun cream. Draco is not impressed.
☔ Forgotten @acydpop
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧 General Audience, Traditional Art: watercolors, inks, acrylic, and colored pencils on 7.75" x 9.95" mixed media paper. 💧 Weather: Sunny ☔ Summary: Before, I used to be your whole world, now, I’m nothing more than a stranger in your eyes. Why have you forgotten me and not anybody else?
☔ Dark [G, Digital art] @smr7k4
💧 Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy 💧  Weather: Cloudy ☔ Summary: They've always been able to look up and see the constellations that bore their family's names moving in constant patterns across the sky, but tonight, there are clouds. That's definitely a metaphor for something.
☔ Things we don’t mean (we say it outright) [Not Rated, Digital Art] @legendrarry
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Sunny, Rainy, Stormy ☔ Summary: While on a stakeout, an accident causes Draco's mood to connect with the weather, which then leads to mild panic infused rain, anger fueled thunderstorms, white lies and blooming flowers, and heated words clashing against rainbows that gives fourth to all that Draco Malfoy is, and all that he hides behind his facades. Harry's a whole lot endeared by it, and just a little bit in love as well.
🌈 HP Drizzle Fic and Art🌧️
☔ Thunderstruck [E, 8653, Digital ] @andithiel @fictional
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy  💧 Weather: Stormy  ☔ Summary: Professional Quidditch players Malfoy and Potter have been at each other’s throats since they became teammates. When things get ugly during a thunderstorm, their captain is so fed up she’s ready to kick them off the team if they don’t solve their differences, by any means possible.  There’s really only one way this can end, right?
🌈 HP Drizzle Fic 🌧️ 
☔ You are here [G, 1092] @evadne01
💧 Pairing: Ginny Weasley & Percy Weasley  💧 Weather: Stormy ☔ Summary: Percy was on his evening patrol when he heard someone crying.
☔ Rainfall Reverie, or Toad, the Wet, and a Locket [T, 5379] @astridastrolabe
💧 Pairing: Oliver Wood/Ron Weasley 💧 Weather: Rainy ☔ Summary: When a rain inconsistently causing amnesia settles over Aberdeen, Oliver Wood finds his cozy life with his partner, Ron Weasley, turned inside-out. A story of trust, of discovery, and being loved for who you are.
☔ Here Comes The Sun [G, 1905] @miss-grimwood
💧 Pairing: Narcissa Black Malfoy/Lucius Malfoy 💧 Weather: Sunny ☔ Summary: Narcissa Black was a ray of sunshine. Then she grew up, and became cold and withdrawn. She never expected Lucius Malfoy to melt the ice.
☔ A Summer's Day [T, 1,817] @midnightstargazer
💧 Pairing: Andromeda Black Tonks/Ted Tonks 💧 Weather: Sunny ☔ Summary: A love story that begins on an artificial summer's day in January and ends with a tearful farewell beneath the unforgiving August sun.
☔ In Their Winter Den [T, 2,899] @sandervansunshine
💧 Pairing: Theodore Nott/Blaise Zabini 💧 Weather: Snowy ☔ Summary: Theo aimed his wand at the wall and gathered more lights around the twinkling little bear. “Do you want a story or a song?” “Surprise me.”
☔ Snowflakes [E, 21,097] @orange-peony
💧 Pairing:  Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter 💧 Weather: Rainy ☔ Summary: The first time Sirius meets Remus, it’s in the wrong place at the wrong time. The second time they meet, it’s two weeks later. Two weeks that Sirius has spent thinking about green eyes and elbow patches and that charming smile that he wishes he had captured on camera, because he’s starting to forget it and it’s killing him.
☔ Hooligans [T, 3082] @patriceavril
💧 Pairing: Molly Weasley & Gideon Prewett & Fabian Prewett, Molly Weasley & Weasley family 💧 Weather: Snowy ☔ Summary: Molly plays in the snow with her children and remembers her brothers.
☔ Letters In the Rain [G, 3274] @theblinddreamer215
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧 Weather: Rainy ☔ Summary: Harry Potter’s always hated the rain, though perhaps certain events make him change his mind.
☔ Unbuttoned [E, 2402] @ashiiblack
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧 Weather: Rainy ☔ Summary: Due to the change in weather, Snape starts leaving a few top buttons on his robe undone. It drives Harry crazy.
☔ Weathering Malfoy [T, 6,806] @drarrymyheart
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Rainy, Stormy ☔ Summary: The war is over and all Harry wants is a normal year at Hogwarts. But he hadn’t counted on hanging out with Draco Malfoy and liking it. Not to mention Malfoy’s bizarre obsession with the weather. Or is there something else behind Malfoy’s odd behaviour?
☔ Scream If You Wanna Go Faster [E, 21,458] @lagerloutfic
💧 Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/James Sirius Potter 💧 Weather: Sunny, Stormy ☔ Summary: James leaned forward to blow out the candles and for a brief moment their eyes met. Scorpius felt it like an arrow to his chest. His breath hitched as people cheered and the smoke from the candles climbed to the ceiling. “You’re going to ruin him.” Albus said, nipping at Scorpius’s shoulder. Scorpius sighed, “It would be fun to try.” Scorpius and Albus are determined to have one last hurrah before their summer ends. Featuring, ratbag twinks, progressive parenting with Harry Potter, the homoeroticism of sportwear, the dance floor as a love language and birds.
☔ A Work Trip to Spain [E, 1443] vitruvian8008
💧 Pairing: Victoire Weasley/Blaise Zabini 💧 Weather: Rainy, Stormy ☔ Summary: Victoire Weasley had been looking forward to lounging on the beach during her work trip to Spain. When a thunderstorm strikes, she ends up at the bar spending the evening with Blaise Zabini. Little did she know how it would progress.
☔ Worth It [M, 1392] @goddess47
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape 💧 Weather: Snowy ☔ Summary: Winter was hard. Harder than he ever expected. He was used to being alone. He never expected to be lonely.
☔ Weak In The Eyes [E, 7724] @burdenedwithpointlesspurpose
💧 Pairing: Ron Weasley/Harry potter 💧 Weather: Rainy, Stormy ☔ Summary: Setting out for a night on the town, Harry was happy regardless of the possible hang ups which included torture and weather. He wanted to spend some time with his boyfriend that wasn’t just hanging out at home like the mates at heart they are. It’d been a while since they’d done something special, work dragging Ron down into a low state of mind. Thankfully, it does turn out special. Whether that’s in a good or bad way, he supposes is left up to interpretation and mood.
☔ Blame It on the Heat [E, 1500] @maraudersaffair
💧 Pairing: Scorpius Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Sunny ☔ Summary: Scorpius can't handle the heat. He also can't handle seeing Harry Potter parading about without a shirt.
☔ Try, Try Again [E, 5353] @hey-flynn
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Hugo Weasley  💧 Weather: Stormy  ☔ Summary: Hugo confesses his love to Harry twice, on very similar nights. The results, however, were incredibly different.
☔ With This Ring [E, 13370] @nightfalltwen
💧 Pairing: Sirius Black/Nymphadora Tonks 💧 Weather: Rainy ☔ Summary: A lineage spell on 12 Grimmauld requires one thing. To continue the line of the house of Black. That needs to start with a marriage to make the line legitimate.
☔ Post-war roses [T, 3.500] fast_brother
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/ Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Stormy, Rainy ☔ Summary: Draco is going to Azkaban tomorrow.
☔ Fall on the Earth [Explicit, 13,622 ] @dodgerkedavra
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Stormy ☔ Summary: Harry Potter hates being separated from Draco Malfoy. Not because he's in love with him, for Merlin's sake! Because they're Auror Partners. One time is all it takes for Draco to be attacked with an illicit potion. Until it wears off, Harry's job is taking care of his partner. Harry thinks the effects of the potion can't possibly be as serious as Robards says. He thinks wrong.
☔ The Doe Between Us [G, 11468] @shewhomustnotbenamed
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter  💧 Weather: Rainy, Snowy  ☔ Summary: Draco's teaching career is taking off alongside his friendship with Harry Potter. The rain that had endured all of summer time turns to snow as the winter solstice comes nearer, and the two of them spend a few chilly nights in the Forbidden Forest.
☔ Right as Rain [E, 12674] @maybebabyplease
💧 Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy 💧 Weather: Rainy, Stormy ☔ Summary: For Harry Potter, post-war life is boring, lonely, and insomnia-inducing. When Professor Trelawney makes another prophecy, this time about his love life, Harry dreads going out in the rain for fear of running into his soulmate. He'll weather the storm, though, every time he can find a good reason to visit Draco Malfoy at the potions shop where he works. Malfoy's practically always in that potions shop, safe from the rainy English weather. Will they ever run into each other outside, exposed to the elements? Maybe even...in a rainstorm?
☔ Down to the Wood [G, 3079] @nanneramma
💧 Pairing: Severus Snape & Luna Lovegood  💧 Weather: Foggy  ☔ Summary: There is something about the early morning light that is good for revelations: Severus and Luna might have more in common than he'd thought.
☔ Hermione Granger and the Year of Events [T, 2268] @caiti-creative-corner
💧 Pairing: Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott  💧 Weather: Sunny, Rainy, Windy, Snowy  ☔ Summary: Hermione is getting ready for her wedding and she's having it at Hogwarts after watching her friends deal with the unpredictable weather.
☔ Take This Heart (And Make It Whole Again) [T, 12,974] @mugsdontlie
💧 Pairing: Dudley Dursley/Gregory Goyle  💧 Weather: Snowy  ☔ Summary: A few years have passed since the Battle of Hogwarts, and Gregory Goyle has been trying to be a better person every single day ever since.  When he’s forced to take a holiday trip north to prevent burnout, he meets a mysterious stranger who helps him open up and let some happiness into his heart again.  Or: two former bullies being snowed in together
☔ Who we are when no one is watching [T, 15216] @uncannycerulean
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter  💧 Weather: Rainy  ☔ Summary:  Draco Malfoy has a good Ministry job, a bad reputation, and an even worse office. The latter is much improved when he stumbles upon a magical window. But much more than just giving him an office with a view, the window forces Draco to confront his own life choices and step out of his comfort zone.
☔ May All Your Christmases Be White [T, 16725] @slyth-princess
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter  💧 Weather: Snowy  ☔ Summary: It is impossible for Draco to deny the inherent festivity that Christmas brings. From Yuletide carols to fairylights, evergreens festooned with baubles in a rainbow of colors to pub nights with friends wrapped in their warmest coats. There is a level of hope that the season always seems to bring, even when life is at it's darkest. All around him are the things making the spirit of the season. People are happy.  At least, that's what he assumes. At this point, he doesn't know. For him, the holidays have not always proved to be a merry season.  What Draco does know, without any doubt, is there is one thing Christmas always needs to feel like the holiday has truly arrived. And that one thing is snow. Although, over time, he realises there is one other thing that he has begun to associate with Christmas, something he needs for the holiday to feel real. Harry Potter.
🌈 HP Drizzle Podfic 🌧️
☔ Only Happy When It Rains by Pineau_noir - a Podfic [T, 1:29:25] @cailynwrites
💧 Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 💧 Weather: Rainy ☔ Summary: Weather-Be's, the up-and coming business of Draco Malfoy, guarantees* perfect weather for your event! If you need warm sunshine, Weather-Be's will provide it. If you want atmospheric fog, we can make that happen. We have a 100%** success rate at giving you the weather you want. *guarantee invalid if Harry Potter is in attendance **success rate drops to 97% when Harry Potter's attendance at events is counted
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thewinter-smolder · 11 months
i was stuck in traffic for a long time and it gave me the time to let my "once upon a time i used to write fanfiction before capitalism killed my soul" self loose for a while so i'm just gonna pretend i've been granted the gift of vision
because it was weird they took the time to show us how the blackbeard outfit sank to the bottom of the sea (mind you, for the amount of light in that shot, i'm gonna assume it wasn't that deep, also it was like 5 minutes before Izzy said they docked so they were near land after all)
it was also weird to see how ed gets rid of the outfit because we see him on the preview for the season finale wearing it -i mean, actually emerging from the sea with it.
so what a coincidence it is for ed to be a fisherman now (don't get me started on "the fish is whatever" discourse because i'm 100% siding with stede on this one), because they will either show us another fisherman pulling out blackbeard's clothes from the water just as Ed decides to go back to land and check on Stede or
he's about to jump again into the water (just as we've seen him do before to rescue stede) and, with the power of gay, he will cross upon his clothes that are not just drifting through the sea: they are tied in a net and under a cannon ball to keep them down below.
so you might ask: mmmmm have we seen that image before? and i'm gonna say HELL YES.
because hornigold tied ed to a rock and then threw said rock off the cliff to make ed sink, and die, and be forgotten.
but then merman stede came to the rescue.
and now it's time for merman ed to show up (was i dreaming or did max australia confirmed that the title of the season finale was "mer-men" or something like that?). not necessarily to rescue stede (he probably will, afterwards) but to rescue blackbeard who is now drowning.
because if stede appeared to ed as a sign of hope, a sign of light, this new ed is also that for the blackbeard who shelters under the kraken persona.
for years, ed has believed that he was a monster for killing his father. but he forgets that killing his father meant his mom would be safe (and if that makes you think of black pete turning around lucius' situation to let him see that, yes, he almost got killed, but he also LIVED, well congrats because i did too)
the kraken was born the day ed killed his father saved his mother and will be born again (the symbolism of him emerging from the sea, man, what a time to be alive) now that the love of his life stede and izzy and fang and frenchie and lucius and jim and pretty much the entire community that made him feel be part of something over the years need to be saved.
we're about to come full circle and see blackbeard's swan song, when he makes peace with the kraken and sees him not as a monster, but as a guardian. and can be at peace with the idea that he is both and he doesn't have to kill a part of him, but to embrace it and
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maraudersarethebest1 · 5 months
Ok i just rewatched sirius hitting lucius malfoy in OOTP and I had a thought. Did sirius just punch people in school if they pissed him off? I think we can all agree that he was super protective about his friends like James was like imagine Snape making a werewolf joke around the marauders after he finds about remus and sirius doesn't say anything just walks up to him and punches him in the nose. Or James and Remus forgetting wands exist and beating the shit out of anyone who called Sirius a bloodtraitor.
Help I need Rowling to write a prequel about the marauders soo bad
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