tacagen · 1 year
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
You know what would be funny? (If you’re still taking requests) the batfam meeting caveboy Danny’a family and friends
I can just imagine them being confused but at the same time going “this explains so much”
Unfortunately, I don't plan for the Bats to meet anyone from Danny's dimension. It falls out of what I planned to have happened but if they did then they would be shock that Thomas and Martha Wayne wouldn't be the medical doctors they though but instead Meta researchers (they think ghost means meta) and highly intelligent but accident prone.
They act like Bruace fake public personality (Brucie Wayne, playboy himbo) but actually make insanely cool gadgets.
"So this is what the bloodline would become if we were poor" Damian would say
"Is it weird how much I love their guns are made from house hold items" Says Jason
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theblue6ook · 7 months
The Young Years PT 3
Summary: This is a prequel to "Shit Interview" in the "Out of My League" series. Read about Bruce and Y/N in their troubled teens. What about their past makes them work so well together? You'll find out. (Hint: they've both been through major struggles.)
Pairing: Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
a/n: Death and blood. Also, Bruce is all the drama. [Eventual slow burn with Bruce]
Caught [B(19) Y/N(17)]
First, it was selling illegal car parts. Then, it was modifying cars illegally. Then, it was racing. Y/N didn't have to worry about money anymore, but she still kept appearances up at Dorthie’s Flowers with Carrie; she didn’t want to look suspicious. The house was paid off, the utilities were paid, and she started saving money for her brothers' school funds. She was set, and even better, she was a winner.
Ronnie taught her how to properly drive at 13. The lot for the mechanic shop was pretty big, and honestly, there were barely any cops in this part of town. The only rule was don’t go past the narrows. Once she hit 14, she was starting to get good. After modifying cars, she’d head out and watch the races, watch the different moves people made with their cars, recreate them on cars they were working on, and if they got fucked up, she’d fix them before anyone knew. 
By 15, she was in races. By 16, she was coming in second. By 17, she was dominating. The money she had saved was insane, but there was one problem. The races were moving out of the narrows, and the cops were cracking down, particularly Don Colley and his partner Jim Gordon. All she had to do was keep her head down. She should have stopped. She had money saved, but the rush was so addicting, and the money was so rewarding. In her eyes, as long as no one knew who she was, what was the damage?
Getting caught. Getting caught was the damage. 
The last race she was in was over by Gotham Harbor. She was in first, per usual, when the police swarmed. She was on her way out, swearing and huffing, when one of the drivers, trying to make a break for it, spun out and crashed. She didn’t even think. She stopped the car and ran out to help, but it was too late. It was a horrid scene. The airbags didn’t go off, and his car had smashed him into the steering wheel. His chest was caved in, and there was so much blood everywhere. It smelled like gasoline and death. There was no mistaking it, the driver that passed was David Colley, the Comminsioner’s son, and oh did he blame Y/N. She was caught on the scene and the only one he had to blame. Boy, did he fight hard when she went to court, lucky for her, Jim Gordan saw right through it, and so did the judge…
“You were a part of the Martha Wayne Foundation?”
“Yes, your honor.”
“You say you were doing this to provide a good home for your brothers after your mother left? Help your father pay the bills?” 
“Yes, your honor.” Y/N felt the sweat on her temple, and her heart was beating so quickly. She felt fucked. She felt like she ruined her life, but the judge only hummed and thought quietly. There was a pregnant pause before he spoke, and the entire courtroom was on the edge of their seats.
“Despite having the wrong motivation, I think you have a good head on your shoulders. You’re young,” he continued, “I don’t want you to throw your life away in jail. So, here’s what I’m going to do. Not only will you return the money won to the court, but you will also complete six months of community service. Pay two fines, each $1000. One for the drag racing conviction and the other for the illegal gambling. Is that clear?”
It didn’t go over well with Don Colley. He ended up stepping down from the position of commissioner as Jim Gordon stepped up…it didn’t go well with her father either.
“What are you doing with your life?!” he covered his face with his hands. “You know what, it might have been easier if you were in jail and not wasting my money, my time-”
“Your money?!” Y/N interrupted. “Who’s been running your business? Who’s been providing? You haven’t even stepped out of the house in years!”
“Will you shut up! Do you not understand you are ruining your life-”
“Oh, so now you want to be a parent?” Y/N was up in arms. After years of picking up after him, providing, and putting food on the table, this is what she gets?
"You know what, go fuck yourself. You don't want me as your parent? You can get the FUCK out of my house!"
“The house I paid for? The house I clean and cook in and drag your ass into when it’s snowing. That house!?” she shouted until her throat hurt. Maybe she shouldn't have, she knew she fucked up, but she was so tired. So tired of taking care of other people. Every sentence she punctuated with a step closer to him until she was up in his face. 
"You're unstable. You're not good for me. You’re not good for the boys. You need to leave," he looked into her eyes. 
"I may be unstable, but you've always been a shit father." That seemed to be the last straw.
“GET OUT!” he grabbed her by the hair and shoved her out the screen door. He had never in her 17 years ever put his hands on her. He had always been silently grateful. Silently watching as she keeps the house running. He had never shoved her the way he did now. 
“What the fuck-” she said, stumbling down to the ground.
“You don’t live here anymore. Tell Carrie to pick up your things.” He went to step inside but paused, looking over his shoulder. "You can't live here until you get your act together, and I can't live with you until I get my act together."
Her father stepped inside. She heard her brothers through the door asking what was happening and where she was. Y/N sat out on the concrete steps and said nothing. Was there anything to say? Slowly, she stood and made her way down the block.
Bruce wasn’t sure what to consider his position here. Was he a prisoner? Would they let him leave when the time came? At least they were training him. They’ve been training him for the past two years. 
It wasn’t hard for him to leave Gotham. When he was fifteen, he received his diploma. He had skipped enough grades to get it and had enough credits through online courses. That was the deal with Alfred. You can go and travel, but you’re going to be officially educated. He traveled with Alfred for some time. Moving to different places, training with different people, learning different languages. Then, things went sideways. He was recognized. He was robbed. He could defend himself at this point, but not from twenty people. That’s ridiculous. In the end, he ended up in a Bhutanese Prison. This is where he met Ras Al Ghul. A strange man who had broken him out of prison and asked him what his plans were. Bruce didn’t really have a choice, so he told him. Now he was here, but honestly, where was he? He had no clue.
He had learned so much. He would continue to learn so much. He would solve his parents' murder, and he would solve Gotham. That was the plan. If he can survive here, he can survive anywhere.
He looked up at the ceiling of his bunk. He was bunked with many other soldiers and assassins; he wasn’t sure who they were. He had thought about Alfred. What he might be doing? What he did do after Bruce had been taken? The door to his bunk had opened, and there was the strange man who had found him.
“It is time,” he said. Bruce stood and followed him out to the training grounds. He sparred with different soldiers, at some points, several at a time. Another trainee was sparring as well. Eventually, they were tasked with sparring with each other. Bruce moved flawlessly, and his master smiled. He fought easily and used his opponent's faults against him until he had him on the ground.
“That’s good,” he grinned. “Now kill him.”
Bruce’s blood went cold. He looked over at the man, startled. “I can’t - I can’t kill him. He did nothing wrong. We were just training.” 
“Training is to prepare you for real-life situations. You may have to kill someone, so it’s best to do it now. Kill him.” 
Bruce held his breath, and his sword rose to strike. Training. That’s what it was. If I want to clean up Gotham, there has to be sacrifice. I have to do this- 
You really think this is what your father would have wanted? You going to prison for the rest of your life? To kill someone? 
The sword came down hard and swiftly, puncturing the ground. His master turned toward him, angry. He grabbed Bruce by the shoulder, shoving him to the ground as he dug his own sword into the struggling trainee on the ground. “Is this what you’re so afraid of? Death. These are the necessary sacrifices we must make for the good of the world.”
Red stained the snow around them, and the smell of blood lingered in the air.
“Well, that’s not the way I’m going to do it,” he stood stubbornly. 
“How do you expect order? How do you expect to deal with the chaos?” 
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Few days until the Wayne cousins have to attend their crazy cousin's grandson's Bar (not bat) Mitzvah, but they do not want to be the only members of Martha's family to attend, so they call someone who might go
Beth Kane, formally Alice and receptionist at the sanitarium she was a patient at, laughs erratically on the phone for a solid two minutes.
Bruce and Kate, sharing the same amount of annoyance, wait for her to finish. Kate turns to Bruce, her left eyebrow raised and she points at her phone.
Kate: Thanks for the suggestion on asking if she wants to join us.
Bruce shrugs.
Bruce: How was I supposed to know she'd laugh like the Joker? I don't focus on this side of the family. For good reason.
Kate rolls her eyes and returns to the call.
Kate: You done, sis?
Beth: Yes, I'm done. Whew, I thought I was the traumatized comedian, but you are funny as well. You want me to go to crazy cuzzo's ANYTHING. I wouldn't go to her house if she paid me. Her funeral though, invite me. I can wear a nice red dress.
Kate: Can't you leave the sanitarium for this one?
Beth: Hahahaha! No! Linda will pester me about my criminal past and that makes me have insane people thoughts and you do not want me to repeat what I did to Bruce to her at that lake.
Bruce, alarmed: What?
Kate: She... May have pushed you into the lake when were children.
Bruce: She fucking what?!
Kate and Beth: We were kids, get over it!
Bruce, angry: Maybe she shouldn't go with us!
Beth: Good looking out rich cuzzo! Can you send me another grand, by the way? I got some vacation plans and I need some extra spending money!
Bruce: ...
Kate: Stop brooding and send her something.
Bruce: For fucks sake-
Bruce grabs his phone and sends Beth money.
Beth: Aww thanks. On a serious note, I would attend with you guys. I know how Lenny can get with his insane conspiracy theories and I can silence him without the lake, but I have an anniversary date with my fiance.
Beth in a cutesy girl voice: So sorry. Don't be mad at me. Okay?
Kate sighs.
Kate: I'm not, I get it. Wish us luck.
Beth: Of course, I'll even pray to... Somebody. Have fun you two and remember... the lake.
Kate: Yeah bye.
Beth (singing): Byeeee!
Kate ends the call.
Kate: Call her, she'll say yes, you guys are actually siblings. That's what you said.
Kate glares at Bruce.
Bruce: I didn't say it exactly like that.
Kate: Do you get why I couldn't call her though and why I usually go alone?
Bruce: I do, but I'm glad Beth is doing better mentally.
Kate: Thankfully. They have good doctors there, but hiring her as a receptionist was surprising.
Bruce: I sent in a recommendation.
Kate: You... You did that? I thought she falsified your signature.
Bruce: No. I wanted to help her.
Bruce pauses mulling over Kate's words.
Bruce: How many times have you both been forging my signature?
Kate: You remember I needed that yacht for a art house party? Yeah that.
Kate puts her hand up to ignore her cousin's rant.
Kate: They needed a benefactor's name and they wouldn't take mine don't worry I paid for it that time.
Bruce: That time?!
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We Should have Stayed in Gotham ch1
(Almost every Maribat fic I read has the akuma class going to Gotham. But tell me which is more likely, a class touring the city of crime, or a class touring the city of lights? So here it is, the Daminette fic that only I asked for, where Gotham goes to Paris, and the poor students have to grapple with the fact that they have competition for the most dangerous city in the world. I wonder what will happen?)
The Gotham students stepped out of the airport and immediately had to squint against the sudden bright light of the mid-morning sun. Already the differences between Gotham and Paris were making themselves known causing every single Gothamite to scoff, laugh, and shake their heads at the Parisians' apparently unwarranted paranoia. There was absolutely no way Paris was more dangerous than Gotham. And yet for some strange reason the Parisian administrators of the International Friendship Conference petitioned to have the conference in Gotham? It was pure insanity.
Even the smallest child knew that having over a dozen schools from five different countries gather together in one place was a recipe for disaster in the city where the opening of a new bank could be the precursor for a terrorist attack. And yet Paris was insistent, that Gotham take its turn hosting the celebration, saying that it was “Too dangerous.” Everyone had laughed at that, literally. There was not a single Gothamite who had heard the news and not laughed. Even now driving the buss to their first location, even Damian “Ice Prince” Wayne was fighting an amused smirk and a soft chuckle, as his peers laughed at the naive and clueless Parisians walking the street below.
In Paris, the sun was shining. In Gotham, the sun barely ever broke through the smog and the rain. In Paris, pedestrians chatted amicably while walking at a leisurely pace. In Gotham, if you didn’t rush to your next location with your head down then you were asking to get mugged. In Paris, police directed traffic and waved to children. In Gotham, the police were always running from one armed robbery to another. Damian scoffed. Paris was like Metropolis, shiny and clean. Gotham was dark and dirty.
“It was probably a prank,” one of the Gotham High students said to his fellows. “You know a joke to get on our good side!”
“Ha!” one of the Gotham Academy students scoffed, “They should know that unlike Two-Face we don’t have a good side.” The bus was filled with laughter, and even Damian’s smirk twitched into a brief smile at the words.
It was no secret that the class divide in America's most dangerous city was as wide as the Grand Canyon. In fact, the only reason the students from the public high school were able to afford this trip was because of the Thomas and Martha Wayne Scholarship Foundation, which—among other opportunities, provided money for Gotham High Students to attend international trips with Gotham Academy. Damian could appreciate the elegance of the arrangement. The spoiled brats, that were unfortunately his peers, could jet off to Paris for the weekend whenever they wished and cared little for school functions where they could not display their wealth. But students from lower income families would probably never leave the city. So why not have them tag along on one of the prestigious rich school field trips where half of the students would opt out of going anyway?
Now, usually this meant that the trip was split into two very distinct groups with each side antagonizing the other, while Damian scowled in the middle. But whenever anyone said anything bag against their shared city, the class divide vanished. Suddenly they were one group united against the outsider who dared insinuate that Gotham was anything but superior in every way. So at that moment the bus was filled with rich and poor laughter as another student said,
“Can you imagine what would have happened if these people had actually come to Gotham!”
“They would’ve folded to Condiment King!”
Damian saw that even the chaperones were smiling softly at the front of the bus. They were probably predicting their easiest trip yet, and Damian found himself agreeing with them. He liked Paris. He had gone here on a mission with his mother. It had been one of the more pleasant ones, considering he had not had to kill anyone. And it was a beautiful city full of art, culture, and history, and since the class seemed to be united, Damian predicted a nice relaxing vacation with no troubles whatsoever. He found himself actually a little excited.
Eventually their laughter was cut off by the fact that they had arrived at their destination. Collège et Lycée Françoise Dupont was the host school for the conference, and they had requested that all of the attending schools participate in a brief assembly with their corresponding classes before going to their hotel and seeing the city. Damian’s class filled into a large classroom with teared desks facing a chalkboard with a projector in front of it. Two teachers were waiting for them. One was a stern looking woman with sharp features and sharp eyes, and the other was her exact opposite. One look and every Gothamite silently agreed, the second woman would not last two minutes in their home, while the first might last long enough to run screaming.
Damian found his way to the back of the class and glared at anyone who got too close, but he needn’t have bothered. The GA students knew him too well, and the GH students were subconsciously separating themselves from the “rich kids.” Once everyone settled the soft teacher cleared her throat and spoke in a sickly sweet voice that made all of the Gothamites cringe against the unfamiliarity of such a tone. No one in Gotham spoke with that level of cheer, unless they were brainwashed…or a villain…or a brain washed villain.
“Greetings everyone!” she said in English, “I am Mme. Caline Bustier, and this is Mme. Mendeleiev. We are the French chaperones for this trip. For the next week you will be partnered with our advanced English Class as you tour the sites and participate in other Conference activities. But before we begin, our class representative and her co-representative have prepared a little presentation to ensure that your time in Paris is as safe and as enjoyable as possible.”
The Gothamites snickered quietly as three girls entered the room each carrying a stack of binders which they stacked on the teacher’s desk at the front of the class. Damian narrowed his eyes at the three girls and found them…strange. They were just too different from each other and yet they moved together with familiarity. It didn’t make sense to him. First there was the blonde girl dressed almost entirely in yellow and black. With her perfect posture, designer clothes, and her narrowed eyes looking down her nose at everyone, she could easily fit right in among the Gotham Elite. Damian assumed that she would take the presenters position, but all she did was narrowly examine everyone with too knowing eyes and scoff, before sitting on the teachers desk and pulling out a nail file.
The second girl who entered the room, had all the appearance and attitude of a lacky. The first word that popped into Damian’s head was lapdog. But the demure girl with auburn hair and round glasses simply giggled at the first’s antics and took her position in front of the teachers with a confident yet shy smile.
That left the third girl. However, Damian did not get a good look at her before she glanced around the room, blushed, and promptly tripped over nothing sending all of her binders flying. The Gothamites snickered as the second girl rushed to help the third. Damian internally groaned at the blatant incompetence. But everyone was silenced by a sharp, “Hey!”
Everyone’s attention snapped to the first girl who was now glaring at them with the intensity of Poison Ivy when someone touched one of her plants. “If all you can do is laugh at someone when they fall, then you wont survive two minutes in Paris. Now apologize to my friend, and—”
“Chloe,” the third girl said and despite her flushed face and her nervously darting eyes her voice was clear and calm, and almost commanding despite the fact that it was also soft and melodic. “It’s ok. I’m not hurt, and it wasn’t their fault. It was an accident. Just take a breath, and help Sabrina pass out the binders. Please?”
The rich girl, Chloe, grumbled under her breath but obeyed (even if she slammed the binders in front of the students who had snickered). As this was happening, the clumsy girl brushed herself off and took her place in front and center. Now that Damian could examine her, he found that she was even more different than the other two, and he could not comprehend how she could have possibly commanded this Chloe. She was small, with black hair pulled back in pigtails like a five-year-old. Her bright bluebell eyes and blinding smile screamed innocence and naivety. Every single Gothamite thought the exact same thing,
“She would have died in Gotham.”
But despite her earlier clumsiness and the thoughts of the visitors, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Damian stared in fascination as a change came over the girl. Her posture straightened. Her shoulders squared. She lifted her head, and when she opened her eyes, there was nothing but confidence and clarity in them. Damian huffed in consideration and leaned back in his chair suddenly very interested in what this girl had to say as the other one, Sabrina placed his binder in front of him with a smile.
“Hello,” the girl up front said in near perfect English. “My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I am the class representative for Lycée Françoise Dupont Troisième Class. Or as you would say, sophomore year, same as all of you. This is my co-representative Sabrina Raincomprix.”
“Hello!” Sabrina waved as she took her place at the front of the class. “It’s nice to meat all of you. By the way this is our friend, Chloe Bourgeois. She’s a little overprotective.” Chloe just huffed and retook her seat on top of the desk, electing to ignore everyone else.
“Any way,” Marinette continued with that same blindingly bright smile. “Due to the current state of Paris, we felt it only fair to walk you through a ‘How to Survive Paris Crash Course’ before the conference gets into full swing.” The Gothamites stared at the small Parisian girl in astonishment. She wasn’t serious was she? Didn’t she know who they were? Where they were from?
Apparently she was because she ignored their incredulous stares and pulled up one of the extra binders and presented it to the class. “You were all handed a Paris Survival Guide made by the student council for the conference. In it you will find everything you need to know about our villain, our heroes, and the protocol for surviving their battles, including a map to the akuma shelters near the conference’s various locations, and a list of apps that you will be required to download in order to ensure you and your friends safety. Now if you all open your guides, I will briefly go over the most important information before turning you back over to your teachers.”
“You can’t be serious!” Damian saw Chad, one of the GA students, stand up and stare at the girl in amused disbelief. “All this for a villain? Singular? You know we’re from Gotham right? We can handle whatever cutesy little trouble maker you throw at us. We have the Joker.”
 While no one particularly liked Chad, Damian thought he was an idiotic prick, the students couldn’t help but mutter and nod in agreement. But Damian only raised his eyebrow as a change came over every single Parisian in the room. They all stood up straighter, their shoulders tense. They watched the Gothamites with a mixture of fear, frustration, and annoyance. But before any of them could speak, Chloe leapt from the desk and stomped up to Chad.
Everyone fell silent, before the fire in her eyes and the fury in her step. She slammed a hand on his desk forcing him to flinch back in his seat so that she was looming over him in a storm of black and yellow. “Oh, you think you’re so clever, huh? Oh we have the Joker! We can survive anything!” she said mockingly, “Well Monsieur ‘I’m from Gotham,’ I wish we had the Joker. Do you know why? Because—”
“Chloe!” Everyone snapped back to Marinette. Her voice was suddenly as sharp and as cold as her expression as she glared at her friend. Damian unconsciously flinched at how closely this small girl’s ferocity resembled his father’s patented expression. And everyone recognized the quiet command she held, as even those who had continued to snicker at Choe and Chad were silenced into rapt attention.
“Take a breath, Chloe,” Marinette said a bit more gently. And Damian watched in amusement as the other girl visibly relaxed as she made her way back to her friends. Once her view was unobstructed, Marinette studied the Gothamites and sighed. She set down her binder and fell into a more relaxed posture as she leaned against the desk. She then turned her gaze on Chad. From his position behind the other boy, Damian saw yet another thing in the girl that threw him into confusion. Exhaustion. “What would you do,” Marinette asked Chad calmly, “If the Joker was robbing a bank and you told a tourist to avoid that street, but they just laughed and continued walking?”
“Um,” Chad said, his eyes searching desperately for support, “I would wish them a speedy death, cause that’s all they deserve for being so stupid.”
The Gothamites chuckled, and Marinette nodded with a soft, understanding smile. “Exactly,” she said. “In your city, you respect you villains and the danger they pose, and you ask everyone to do the same. All we ask is for the same curtesy. Is that too much to ask?”
Damian found himself impressed as he watched his peers silently straighten in their seats, and begin fingering their binders. With one question, she had gained the attention and the consideration of an entire group intent on mocking her. Now she was in complete control, as she nodded and straightened. She turned, opened her binder, and said, “Now, Paris only has one villain and his partner, however, he is probably the worst villain you will ever encounter outside of Gotham. The reason is simple, he enslaves people.”
Everyone jerked up, confusion filling the classroom as Sabrina picked up the thread, “If you will all turn to page one under the section marked ‘Heroes and Villains,’ you will see the latest picture of our villain, Hawkmoth, as well as a list of his powers. On page two you will see a picture of his partner, Mayura. The rest of the chapter is a list of the heroes currently fighting them.”
“Right now Paris is at war,” Marinette said, her calm seriousness perfectly contrasting with Sabrina’s light lecturing. “But the soldiers are not willing henchmen and crooks like in Gotham. They are people, normal people just going about their lives, until Hawkmoth strikes.”
“The magic item he wields allows him to create akumas,” Sabrina said over the sound of pages turning. “Akumas are magic purple butterflies that possess Hawkmoth’s victims transforming them into villains that will do his bidding. But do not be alarmed, in order for Hawkmoth to possess you, certain qualifications must be met.”
“Negative emotion,” Marinette said, her exhaustion seemed to seep into her words as she said it. “Anger, sadness, fear, pain. These are the thoughts and emotions that Hawkmoth uses to possess his victims. Should you at any moment feel any of these emotions then you are at risk of being akumatized. And once that happens you will only care about two things. The first, will be the thing that caused the negative emotions. Be they a person, or an action, you will become obsessed with fulfilling the need the negative emotions created. The second is obeying Hawkmoth’s will without question or choice.”
“Section two in your Paris Survival Guide,” Sabrina said with unwavering cheerful professionalism. “Has a list of the most common akuma, their negative emotion, and the actions that created them. Section three has a list of self-calming techniques, as well as meditation apps, and the number for the Self Care Hotline in case you need immediate assistance. If you do not have a phone, one will be provided for you curtesy of Wayne Enterprises.”
Damian felt all eyes glance at him, but he ignored them as Marinette continued. “Akumas vary from person to person. The only thing they really have in common is bad fashion sense. But you never know how dangerous they are going to be. Some will only cause a traffic jam. Some…some will make you think the world is ending.”
“A complete list of every akuma to ever appear,” Sabrina declared, “Is listed on the website miraculousparis.gov, as well as on the only hero approved blog, SpotsOn.com. On both sites, the akumas are organized by their danger level. The weakest being a level one, the strongest being a level ten. On both sites there is also a list of protocols to survive each akuma, which can also be found in section four of your guides.”
“Your going to want to download the Akuma Alert App,” Marinette said with an almost bored air, “It is the most efficient way to avoid and survive akumas since it will alert you of their location, threat level, and which protocols to follow. Teachers, you are required to have the app, and to report on it whenever one of your students are akumatized.”
“Due to the number of visitors here for the conference, and Hawkmoth’s patterns,” Sabrina said her cheerfulness giving way to something akin to sternness. “It is very likely that we will be experiencing at least one akuma a day. Our calculations have predicted, that at least one of you will be akumatized before the end of the week. All of you will be caught in at least three akuma attacks, and since you’re from Gotham, should any of them be higher than a level six, then at least half, if not all, of you will die.”
All of the Gothamites dropped their jaws on the floor before Marinette continued with a half-amused smile, “Try not to worry too much about dying though. If you look at our main hero, Ladybug, on page three you’ll see that one of her powers is the Miraculous cure. She reverses any damage done during an akuma attack, and yes that includes resurrecting the dead. But still, do try not to die. Dying sucks, and you will remember it. If not when you’re awake, then at least when you sleep, and nobody wants a nightmare akuma, anytime soon. They suck!”
All of the Parisians stared at nothing, as they nodded in unison, before Sabrina continued in her chipper tone, “At the back of your guide there is a list off all of the apps and websites we just mentioned. We recommend you study them thoroughly before you begin your tour of the city this afternoon!”
“But please,” Marinette said almost pleadingly, “Above all else remember this, the people who are akumatized, are not the enemy. They are the victims. They will do terrible things to anyone who get in their way. But they will remember none of it. No matter who they hurt, or what they destroy, they will never remember the things they did while akumatized. It does nothing to blame them except create an opportunity for another akuma. They are not at fault no matter what happens. The enemy is Hawkmoth and Mayura. They are the villains of this city. The only villains. Please keep that in mind, and do your best to be kind and respectful to others. You do not want to be the cause of an akuma.”
“Anything else you need to know is in your guides and on the sights mentioned,” Sabrina said closing her book with a snap.
Let me know if you want to be tagged, or check out this fic on Ao3!!
“Welcome to Paris!” Chloe said with a scoff, and with that, the girls left.
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leechlets · 29 days
omg im here asking about the 2019 show pennyworth i never watched it but i did watch Gotham and i loved that? what was your favorite thing about pennyworth?
i am so excited to hear you say this.
it's "allegedly" a gotham prequel, but unless lucius fox is immortal and some very wild secrets are being kept it's not really.
it''s like gotham as a spy drama. i saw someone refer to it as "if james bond had a kid with austin powers, also alfred keeps fucking heads of state" which is wholly accurate.
my favorite thing is how much of a fucking lunatic everyone in the show is, and how much you can tell the writers love batman. genuinely you can just watch a few scenes of martha, thomas, and alfred interacting and can almost visualize bruce through them. it's so fascinating.
also the fact that bruce wayne just has a sister that nobody ever mentions is a lovely fun addition and makes it being connected to gotham make even less sense but it makes it so fun. i've never had as much fun watching a batman show and I truly feel like it captures the insane fun kooky stuff the comics have in a way most batman adaptations refuse to.
all the relationships are well written and thought out, and the writers are amazing at using subtlety and hinting at things. it's such a shame that it was canceled, but honestly, they would've gone where I wanted them to so I can now create an ending.
(they were cowards who would've never added john constantine in despite him being 16 and also in london in s3)
once I read up more on certain comic characters to get them accurate i'm going to be writing a fic that you don't have to watch pennyworth for but is still based on it.
anyway you should watch it. :)
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
I have the first chapter of the Civilian AU done, it's just going through beta slowly, and I decided I wanted at least half of chapter 2 done before I posted since it's gone from 3 chapters to 4 somehow TT
But! In the meantime, do you remember the multi verse AU aside? Where canon or Canon adjacent BatFam meets Civilian AU BatFam? Well, currently I'm thinking about the reverse, for full Drama (tm).
A villain attacks a fancy gala event, a fundraiser for children's literacy programs in Gotham, planned by Tim, at Gotham oldest hotel, in the ballroom. The villain takes the building hostage kind of situation, but a child there is a meta kid whose powers of time and space manipulation, and manages to transport all 173 people to a new universe, where there is a hero named Red Robin.
Batman responds with Superman since a whole building being consumed by light and suddenly being replaced by a similar building, one without any snow and whose lights are all lit. He ends up calling Diana and Superman, plus a few other league members because he quickly realizes there's multiverse travel involved.
News channels abound by the first hour, interviewing scared guests, alternate versions of Gotham's elite and some underprivileged children and their parents. Among them is Bruce Wayne and a strange woman none of them recognize on his arm with a baby on her hip.
The woman is beautiful despite being chubbier then most socialites, but would be just curver anywhere else. She does wear the Wayne Family jewelry however, a keen Vicki Vale notes, cornering her while Superman talks with this new Bruce. And then she manages to get one of her most viewed clips
"Tim Wayne, but Mrs. Wayne is fine Ms. Vale."
"And who finally tamed Bruce Wayne? What's your maiden name, Mrs. Wayne?"
"Drake, Timothy Drake." And so the world (mostly gotham, goes fucking insane." Oh, of course they find out Tim was just his secretary but it calls everything else into light. New light is shone on Red Robin and Bats both in and out of cape, while people keep trying to save Tim Wayne from his bad situation. Jason Wayne is also there, trying to defend his step mom and Dad, while everyone else thinks they're like in a cult or something. The cult of Bruce as it were.
Red Robin is so into DILF Bruce and his wife and soon gets seen making out with Mrs. Wayne of course 🤭🤭🤭
-Lady Lilac aka ♡♡♡
😍😍😍😍😍!!!! i LOVEE canon-verse/canon adjacent interacting with the multiverse!!!!!!!!!
i love the idea that tim in the civilian secretary au is a real martha wayne type socialite! because even in red robin and batman's universe this sort of expected way that married socialites are supposed to behave and act. no matter how progressive society becomes high society very much has deeply patriarchal values and failing to adhere to them gets you excluded, shunned, and bad mouthed. so everyone, bruce too, needs to adhere to it. and as much as the whole 'playboy' thing may have been entertaining and funny for much of high society, the older he got meant more than a few people started...wondering why he wasn't settling down. it's not like he was short of choice. and him turning down their daughters and such would be alright with them if he brought around women of equal or better standing but instead he'd bring about the likes of miss....selina kyle. well then at that point more than a few people start getting offended. angry even. bruce has a lot of money and has done a lot of work to make sure civilians never perceive him as more than a harmless idiot and that's great. that helps a lot for his work as batman. but it damages the work he can do as bruce wayne. bruce's actions are seen as disrespectful towards people with very deep pockets, deep pockets who can do a lot for the city. while the batman of one universe has a lot of charitable endeavors and does well...he doesn't do nearly as well as the batman of another universe. a batman who got married to a wonderful, darling little wife. who had plenty of rosy cheeked babies that all the wealthy grandmamas at galas and balls would coo over and pinch. a batman who managed to not step on any toes with tim there to apologize for him and grease squeaky wheels, who worked with him as a well oiled machine to make sure every ambitious goal they had in mind for the city came to fruition (because it turns out that bruce is more at ease at those events if he has someone holding his hand). tim takes the reins of the good will and projects for a 'better gotham of tomorrow'. being held in high regard means more solid connections, ones that bruce doesn't have the luxary of like of the newest mayor who is listening very intently over hor d'oeuvres about improved city planning so all those abandoned factories that are all around the city can re-enter production (sure it will make some people are a lot richer than they need to be but it will also ensure that a boom of jobs occurs in gotham with it's struggling market). so tim has his "little projects" that the other wives and ergo their husbands attend.
because tim is VERY well received by high society and all its stuffiness because he plays dutiful, loving wife who supports his husband.
tim and bruce's eldest child is just starting elementary school and it brought out stories from jason about his first day in first grade and about how he'd been one of only three kids who had been able to read a handful of words by the end of the year. and tim...well he thinks of all those children in his step son's place who still don't have the resources. the gotham media eats up how tim always has a new project coming out. a few of the crueler journalists make a joke about how he almost pops out as many charities and benefits as he does kids. that particular online newspaper gets blacklisted from all WE events.
tim does a good job and its the first of his projects he's undertaken with jason helping him on. having jason around helps especially since tim is very far along with jason's latest baby sibling. the program for literacy is a success. it's also the biggest task they've undertaken since in their research they realized a significant portion of adults from the lower income bracket in gotham were also illiterate. jason is the one who comes up with the idea for making the program run on a tv channel. unlike when he was a kid, nowadays most people had tvs. and since there were no playgrounds or places to play that didnt have broken bottles or dirty needles lying around that meant most kids watched tv.
having the kid's program be on tv meant that other information like job resources, night schools, and other programs could be spread to the parents of the child who were either in the room or watching with them.
it's a success. jason is the happiest that bruce has ever seen him as he gets ready for the one year celebration at a nice vintage hotel that is popular with the older crowd of socialites. normally jason hates these events but he's more than willing to shake a few hands in order to see the looks on kids from his old neighborhood's face when they see that the night's goal for the benefit is converting some of those condemned apartment buildings into a multilevel afterschool care center.
damian is relieved he doesn't have to go and has volunteered to stay the night with his younger siblings (no one mentions about how dick is upstairs and could easily babysit).
tim is cooing to their sweet one year old that they're taking (with them because the baby can be a little fussy) and beautifully filling out the silk halter dress he's in. their poor baby is whining and pawing at his mother for milk even though they're trying to wean him.
bruce is happy and content to accompany his wife and sons to the event. that changes very quickly when some masked gunmen show up because of course something has to happen when they're doing something for the underprivileged part of gotham.
jason is furious and carefully shielding tim and his baby brother across the room while bruce is in agony having to watch them as they're ordered on their knees with their side of the room.
but then...something pops.
there's no other way to describe it. it's like a big shiny soap bubble in his ears inflate and...pop.
bruce recognizes the sensation. it'd be hard not to recognize the sensation of dimensional travel though....he doesn't recall it ever happening with such a massive group before. in fact it might be the whole building because the front doors suddenly let in a gust of icy gotham winter wind even though bruce knows for a fact it's july.
normally bruce would be on alert. an entire building of people suddenly appearing must've set off every large energy monitor in the cave. if there's a batman in this dimension then...he must already be on his way.
the lights in the ballroom cut out for a moment but flicker back on. the gunmen are hunched over alongside many other guests who are in pain from sudden popped eardrums. many of the young children are crying including bruce's youngest child who is sobbing and burying his face in his mother's neck. the lights flicker again and bruce's knuckles throb from knocking out the gunmen as he crosses the ballroom to reach his family.
bruce is right about there being a batman in this universe and it appears this batman has wisely requested the justice league come help. and he does arrive. but not as fast as the gotham media who descend on this event like bloodhounds.
a few guests make calls on their phones, which apparently still work, asking for ambulances because a few of them panic at the blood leaking from their ears. ruptured eardrums are hardly something to panic about but bruce's heart aches at the sound of his baby sobbing. jason is helping comfort the other children while bruce carefully checks over tim, pressing firm fingers to tim's soft, pillowy sides.
bruce pulls himself from tim's side for only one reason and its at the sight of superman. his family might have thought he's turned into a softy ever since tim entered his life but if this is a universe with a hostile superman...well he'll deal with it.
it's not. clark is just as he remembers him. despite his firm voice in questioning and wary gaze as bruce approaches, dodging other reporters, there's a...softness...a relaxed sort of fondness that bruce hasn't seen in a while.
things had been awkward for a while after bruce married tim. and although clark may have come around there was an awkwardness between them. clark may not have said lois disapproved of their continued friendship- and maybe he did it to spare bruce's feelings but...he knew.
with this clark, once he figures out bruce isn't a threat by listening to his steady heartbeat, there's no...tension. no small lines of stress between his brow.
it's while he's talking with clark that the batman of this universe shows up and starts harshly interrogating him in low tones, quiet enough that surrounding guests being interviewed or attended to by paramedics don't hear. it's while theyre occupied that vicki vale makes her move.
bruce really shouldn't be surprised by the sharpness and readiness of the media. especially vicki. after all, it was those drama ridden articles she published about him and tim that was what landed her a talk show spot on good morning gotham.
the clip is circulating barely three hours later but within minutes of vicki finding out tim is his wife other reporters similarly descend and bruce has to leave the conversation to protect his wife from all their probing while dismissing their questions with tense words that they're frightening his wife and child.
jason swoops in for a rescue but grows hostile at the accusational questions about bruce and his and tim's relationship.
jason's harsh demand that they leave his mom alone elicits even more buzz. elicited and bloodthirsty buzz.
it reminds bruce a lot of how the media acted right after his surprise wedding announcement.
bruce is stuck dealing with a repeat of that so that means that fixing the whole dimensional mess falls to the batman and justice league of this world. thankfully keeping track of the guests is easy since they're in a hotel that had been on the decline for awhile and there are plenty of open rooms to house all the guests and families that attended.
turns out that in this universe this hotel was boarded up and shut down ages ago. that at least lightens concern about the hotel that is now in bruce's dimension.
it's been a while since bruce was enveloped in a media storm but thankfully, once they get over their shock, this dimension's batman and the justice league start gathering all the reporters up, trying to limit their probing into the situation given that the average person has no experience with alternate dimensions.
bruce appreciates it even if he catches a few of their grimaces and pursed lips. a few of the bats remain at the hotel to oversee and monitor the situation.
bruce recognizes all of them except one dressed in red and black wearing a cowl.
he catches the name. red robin. but can't quite pin the name to the suit.
until a few reporter photograph open windows and both he and the rest of gotham are treated to the sight of red robin and his tim wetly making out. black gloved hands squeeze his tim's plush waist and full tits and oh how bruce would recognize that pretty blush painting the visible part of red robin's face anywhere.
and well...bruce must admit he's only human. and given the stress of the situation he's certain that he's allowed a moment of weakness.
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starkandthewaynes · 8 months
Bengal & Lynx
Ch. 1
"Kyo, I think this final is gonna drive me insane." Lennox says to her cat, who looked at them and then just bit their laptop. "I know, you don't like it either." Lennox says as they get their phone out for a picture. They quickly took to Insta, but just shook their head.
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Jason was right only 3 more days until Kyo and them were on a plane to Gotham City, New Jersey. They couldn't wait. Last time they had seen Jay, he hadn't died. When he did die, Bruce hadn't known what to do with Lennox so he shipped them off to boarding school in London, England. Yeah, that hadn't been a fun time for anyone. Dick had reached out several times, but it had turned into more of an annoyance than a help.
And when Jay did return to the land of the living, and re-joined the family, Lennox had also changed. They had always been able to see shades and ghosts, but when they moved to London, it had gotten worse, and this side of the pond the best person they could call was John Constantine. That had been a fun phone call.
"No way kid, I am not teaching you magic, I didn't even teach your brother, I ain't teaching you." John had said on the phone, but then they'd replied with; "Uncle Johnny, please, I keep seeing shit in the teacher's lounges. I need help." Who knew Johnathon Constantine, Hellblazer, Laughing Magician, Conman had a weak spot for kids who had supernatural gifts.
Lennox shook their head, thinking about the past was not going to help them study for their last final, or help them pack for summer. Luckily they didn't have to pack up the whole flat, Bruce had bought it for them. Nah, they were just heading to Gotham for the summer, before they came back for their senior year of college. Sure they were graduating early, but they had a plan for after school. They we're gonna help run the Bengel & Lynx foundation, a subject of the Martha Wayne Foundation that helped impoverished areas get help for local theatres and libraries. It's why they were triple majoring in Theatre, English, and business, while also minoring in art and history. Or They will once they pass these finals then two more semesters.
Lennox was checking everything to make sure they had everything. Kyo was already in his little bag ready for the flight. He was so cute and ready. They took a picture. They couldn't help it, their Instagram page was practically dedicated to Kyo, at this point they really should just make it his page, but then all the press would get uppity. The only bad thing about having Wayne attached to Pierce was the press.
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Lennox laughed. They had met Steph when she, Duke, and Cas had come over to London with Tim on a business trip. Or at least that was the official public story. The real reason was Spoiler, Orphan, and Signal had a joint case. It was still a fun trip where Lennox had gotten to meet their older sister and younger brother and pseudo sister.
Lennox took a cab to the airport, just because their family had money doesn't mean they needed to use the private jet. As soon as they were through security and on the plane, they could finally relax. They pulled out an old warn copy of Treasure Island, a comfort story.
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Lennox liked Jay's, duke's and Tim's tweets as they picked up their bags, and looked around for Jason. They heard a loud engine and saw a pretty badass bike show up. They driver skided into park, got off and held up a sign. Lennox couldn't help but cackle as they read it. In Jason's chicken scratch blown up were the word's "Welcome Home, Lynx!" They loved and missed their twin so much. They couldn't help it when they ran into his arms. "Bengal!" They shrieked as hepicked them up, careful of Kyo, and spun them around. "I missed you so much, Lynx." He whispers as the two just stand in one another's presence. "By the way, do you know how to ride a bike?" Jay asks, grabbing their bags. They chuckle. "Yeah, Bengal, I know how to ride a bike; Dickie made sure of it." So did working with Cinstantine, made for quick getaways. Lennox adds in their head. "Right." He says, handing them a spare helmet.
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"You totally forgot Bruce had all of us on twitter, didn't you?" Lennox asks, Jay, Dick and them are in the family room. "I tried getting him to stop, but he was being Jason." Dick whines, as three of the oldest Waynes sigh. "How long you think we got?" Lennox asks, as Dick looks at his watch. "Well, Bruce tweeted that 30 seconds ago, so I think we got probably-" "Twins! Dick! Study now!" "Now, we got until now." Dick sighs, getting up. On the way there they passed by the others, who were snickering. They weren't in trouble.
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"You three wanna tell me something?" Bruce asks, as the three kids rock back and forth on their toes. "I'm graduating next winter?" Lennox tries, as the three men stare at Lennox. "You have been working hard huh?" Jay asks as they shrug. "Got myself a plan Bengal, and Tim's been helping me get a jump start." Lennox says, as Bruce nods. "I wanna hear when we're done here, Lynx." Jay says as Lennox nods. "
Yes, well, firstly I wanna know how old you all were." Bruce says as Lennox smiles. "Well, Bengal and I weren't here that's for sure." Lennox says as Jay turns wide eyed. "What are you doing?" He hisses as Lennox just smiles. "What?" Bruce asks, as Lennox nods. "Yeah, it's what happens when you grow up in the Alley, cigs are just apart of the ambiance. So yeah, Jay bought us our first pack three days before you picked us up, we we're celebrating that we had gotten ourselves a job." Lennox says as Bruce stiffens up, just like Lennox knew he would. Bruce doesn't like to be reminded of how hard some of his kids have had it. They walk out of the study, and all their siblings are staring. "Check Twitter." Is all Dick says
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Yes this is another new batfam smau I need to spice things up sometimes leave everyone on their toes (PS if you saw this earlier no you didn't)
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gotham time feat. special guest Phoebe
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what's up everybody, time for a special liveblog featuring the cat who I'm currently babysitting and subjecting to my awful taste in television!
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last time I was babysitting Phoebe and made her watch Gotham with me she tried to smother herself to death in the couch, so I really can't wait to see what she thinks of season 5.
Gotham 5x07
I am actually going to stay mad about how stupid it is that Barbara somehow knows she's pregnant like a week, tops, after she and Jim had sex
the passage of time in this season is in shambles. like it's never been a particularly solid timeline, we are infamously NOT running a tight ship over here on Gotham, but come on
whatever compliment sandwich: sweet young David Mazouz really mastered the Bruce Wayne tendency to stand hunched over a series of maps looking stoic and haunted in a black turtleneck
this episode just casually drops that Bruce's parents were murdered on June 27th and I'm so glad that I'm watching this episode today (June 24th) instead of three days from now because I probably would have been so unnerved seeing the real date reflected back at me from this show that I'd like. I don't know. start believing in angel numbers and crystal healing or something.
Barbara asking Lee to be her obstetrician is actually like. insane 4d chess flirting. yes I still think they should hook up I don't care they've both done worse (Jim)
is Lee even qualified to be an obstetrician.
anyway I don't believe for a second Barbara wouldn't abort that thang for the love of god the city is a smoking crater
this is what happened when Oswald hoards all the Plan B (a joke exclusively for @dykerory and I)
Cameron Monaghan's Jeremiah look is so fugly but that purple (???) lip is kind of cunt cunt serve
once again begging for literally any information on how old the Valeska twins are supposed to be as Jeremiah becomes more and more of a yandere to our little teen Bruce. for those of you just joining us Jeremiah is played by a mid-twenties Monaghan but is old enough to have had a very successful career in architecture prior to becoming basically the Joker, so. truly anyone's guess.
in conclusion: why is he obsessed with this teenager.
sorry maybe I should clarify that the main Bruce plot of this episode is tht Jeremiah has kidnapped and brainwashed a.) Alfred and b.) two randos who have been given plastic surgery to look like Thomas and Martha so that he can force Bruce to relive the night they were murdered BUT with Jeremiah there this time because he's upset that he wasn't there for one of the most important nights of Bruce's life. they're currently having dinner in the Wayne Manor kitchen while Jeremiah breathes heavily at Bruce about how intimate this is.
what I'm saying is that this would all be deeply and upsettingly erotic were one participant not almost certainly too young to vote
like I said the timeline is SO funky and they're so careful to never tell you how old Bruce and Selina are but David Mazouz is 22 RIGHT NOW four years after the series ended. so.
"I've realized if we can't be friends then we can be connected in... other ways" Jeremiah I'm calling the cops
how were the first six episodes so nothing and then this episode has literally everything happening all at the same time
okay so Wayne Manor just got blown to kingdom come
they literally have Ecco zipping around fighting on roller skates... you wanna be Harley soooo bad
honestly love to see the #growth of Oswald not immediately offering to suck off anyone who helps him anymore. Alfred just saved this little bitch's life and Oswald promptly told him to go fuck himself, which rules extra hard because you all know I hate Alfred
man this part in the movie theater is like that part of Joker War in the movie theater if Joker War didn't fucking suck
wanting to kill Bruce's father figure and going after Jim instead of Alfred is so disrespectful jesus christ
also god there's never been a Leslie Thompkins who is LESS of a mother to Bruce get out of here
wait oh my god Selina had a whole thing last episode about how much she hates herself for being too selfish to help when she (at 12 years old) saw Bruce's parents get murdered but she's going to come in now to help him stop Jeremiah from recreating that night with Jim and Lee... I see the vision I GET IT
this is like a freshman level plot to thread the needle on but that's really impressive for Gotham
oh my god Jeremiah fell in a vat at Ace Chemicals that's crazy. I'm sure that'll stick he's definitely dead.
they even managed to cram the Riddler in this episode jesus christ. pengriddler are fighting about Oswald homosexually naming his dog after Ed if you were curious. Oswald would like it to be noted that this was a compliment because he's VERY fond of that dog.
left off on Pengriddler deciding to make nice again and then promptly cuts to Oswald leading Ed into his house... this close to inventing m/m sex in the Gotham universe if Barbara hadn't interrupted
the Riddler has like 9263 unpleasant and unnerving traits but being able to look at a woman who's three days pregnant and instantly clock that she's expecting just rocketed to the top of the list
honestly. honestly. Emmy for Cory Michael Smith's delivery of "it's a submarine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯."
Barbara can't... kill people anymore... because she's pregnant... okay...
if we don't get the rogues throwing a baby shower literally what's the point of anything. this will all be for nothing.
genuinely thank god I'm only doing the one episode tonight this is SO LONG
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lynxbatics · 2 years
I may... have gone insane and started writing a fanfic with Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent at the aftermath of the Wayne family murders. (We need more Bruce and Harvey being best friends content)
Like all comic book writers, I kinda messed with the timeline a bit and made it so that Harvey knew Bruce before his parent's deaths. Bruce and Harvey are supposed to be around eleven years old here.
Anyways here's what I've written so far!!
Alfred could not imagine a more horrible thing.
The Waynes... Martha and Thomas, whom he loved so dearly - gone. He could hardly bear to think of the two of them gunned down in an alleyway, with Bruce unable to do anything to stop it. An awful death for the two people that least deserved it.
The police had arrived much too late, finding Bruce huddled on the ground of the alley, tears streaming down his face and hands gripping his mother's clothes, unable to let go.
They had told Alfred that Bruce was unable to say anything about what had transpired. He hadn't said a word since they had found him.
But Alfred had heard his sobbing at night and that was all he needed to hear.
Rain soaked streets.
The exiting of a theater.
Blood and pearls scattered in the night.
Carried by the rain into the sewers of Gotham.
Gone, just like Bruce's mother and father were.
Alfred shook his head, hoping to clear away the images his brain conjured up at the thought. He did not want to dwell on what Thomas and Martha might have looked in their final moments.
But the Wayne family murders seemed to be the only thing anyone else wanted to talk about. The paparazzi outside of Wayne Manor was proof of that. Dozens of people making camp outside of their home, hoping to get the first look at little Bruce after the tragedy.
It was awful.
It seemed like, to the paparazzi, Bruce Wayne was no more than a character from a film. One who you could watch from a distance. Separate from reality.
Heaven forbid that he was an actual person with feelings, who would be affected by a dozen strangers camping out on his front lawn, asking how he felt about his mother and father having had their brains blown out.
It had gotten so bad that in between the phone calls offering their condolences there were some from reporters hoping to talk to the last remaining Wayne.
Alfred could not fathom how some people thought calling for that was a god idea. The nerve.
He had already disconnect most of the phones. One was left connected, in case of emergencies, but everything else remained unplugged.
It so happened that said phone kept ringing. It angered Alfred greatly. He had already hung up without bothering to check who it was around five times already.
The phone rang again.
Alfred stared at it for a moment, realizing that it would be better to get the phone call over with. He picked it up, trying not to let his irritation show.
"Oh good!" The voice was distorted but relieved, happy to finally have someone pick up the phone. "I've called like a million times already! You kept hanging up!"
"I'm sorry, who is this?" Alfred replied, as dry as possible. His finger hovered over the phone's hook switch.
"Alfred? It's Harvey!" the voice said, disbelieving.
Embarrassment crept into Alfred's cheeks. How had he not recognized Harvey's loud and bombastic tone? He cleared his throat, "Ah, yes, I'm sorry Harvey. What can I do for you?"
"It's alright," Harvey mumbled, "I was calling to ask... well, about Bruce."
He paused, as he prepared to make his next question.
"Is... is he alright?" he asked, voice softer. The question was absurd. Of course Bruce was not doing well. But Alfred realized that Harvey was genuinely worried, but didn't know what to say.
"I... I heard the news. On the bus." Poor boy, Alfred thought, what was a best friend to do in a situation like this?
"Do you think I could talk to him?" Harvey asked.
"I'm sorry, I don't think that would be a good idea. He's not in the mood to talk to anyone."
"Maybe I could come over?" Harvey prompted, "I could just... be there. He wouldn't need to talk."
Alfred glanced at the hallway, which led to Bruce's room. He wondered wether he would appreciate Harvey coming. He had not been very responsive to Alfred's attempts to coax him out.
"I'm afraid that would be wrong. Bruce's upset and grieving."
"Please. I need to see him." Harvey's tone grew desperate. "I want to be there."
Guilt clawed its way up Alfred's throat.
He heard a rush of air breathed into the phone's receiver. "Thank you Alfred!" He heard muffled talking as Harvey held the phone up to his chest to silence a conversation he was having with someone. After a moment, he spoke, voice clear again, "I can be there in a couple of minutes."
"I'll be on the lookout," Alfred replied, "Careful with the reporters."
He moved the phone away from his ear.
"Reporters?" He heard Harvey's voice rise as he hung up.
Alfred wondered wether he had made the right decision. He knew that Harvey always managed to get Bruce's spirits up, and if there was someone who could get him to talk it was him. Still, he worried that he wouldn't be able to handle it. The Waynes had been like a second family to Harvey. Their death had surely affected him.
He looked at the phone for a moment, wondering if Harvey would actually show up. He figured that he had to be at school, given the hour. Perhaps he had been talking to the principal, asking for permission to cut class.
Alfred shrugged, he had to give him credit for his persistence.
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thisislizheather · 2 years
Trip To Las Vegas
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Above Photo: View from the Rio Hotel, Las Vegas
Back in September, I took my third trip to Las Vegas and I’m finally recapping it now, forgive the lateness. The first time I went was when I was 21 and it was beyond depressing, the second time I went I did way more things that I wanted to do (and wrote about that time over here) and this time was even better.
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Above Photo: Baby Dog poolside at the Rio, Las Vegas
Also, Baby Dog went to the west coast! If that doesn’t seem insane to you, well, it should. She’s a tiny little dog who was abandoned and now she’s strutting through casinos - a success story for the ages. Nathan was doing shows at the Rio for the week, so we made a trip out of it. Tip: a week in Vegas feels like a month, the ideal time to stay is 3-4 days max. Highlights below!
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Above Photo: “I’ve made it.”
I went to The Sahara to have dinner at Bazaar Meat by José Andrés. I got the patatas bravas, the spanish meatballs and the cotton candy fois gras. Everything was delicious and perfect. I. love that man’s food. Later that night I headed to The Palms to get a drink at Ghost Bar on the 55th floor. And yeah, the view is nice but it wasn’t anything too special.
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Above Photo: View from atop Ghost Bar, Las Vegas
The next day we went to see David Copperfield (who was wonderful) and then I went to see Nathan’s show at the Cellar, which was great. And then we played some KISS mini-golf inside the Rio, which you definitely should do if you’re anywhere near the Rio.
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Above Photo: David Copperfield statue
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Above Photo: Nathan, pre-Copperfield
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Above Photo: KISS Mini Golf, Las Vegas
I also got to eat at Martha Stewart’s new restaurant The Bedford, which was good but definitely overhyped. Of course my expectations were high because 1) I love her and 2) she’s never opened a restaurant before. The servers are extremely well trained (which is wonderful, I love this detail) they have even been taught to say “cheers” in Polish. The attention to detail on the decor of the individual tables as well as the entire space is perfection, even the temperature was just right. However, there had to be cons. All burgers should have round buns, what reason is there to mess with that simple fact? The smashed potato (which is smashed table-side) is an incredibly stupid idea and almost seems like a joke on the white people who would actually enjoy it. Small side orders of sauces should absolutely never cost $9, that’s ludicrous. The fries were wildly overcooked in overused oil (how does one mess up french fries?) and the prices, sure, they were outrageous but that fact tracks since it’s in Las Vegas. The homemade mustard was really tasty (maybe because you never come across homemade?) and her béarnaise sauce was perfect. The oysters Rockefeller were good, if only a little bit chilly. All in all, it was an experience. One that I’ll happily never have to have again. (The Times has a great piece on it, if you care about all things Martha.)
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Above Photo: Oysters Rockefeller at The Bedford
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Above Photo: Burger at The Bedford
The real highlight of the trip was going to The Neon Museum, which features signs from old casinos and other famous Las Vegas businesses displayed outdoors. I took the nighttime tour and I promise you - this is the tour to take. Almost all of the signs were lit up in all their glory and it was incredibly to see. I talked about it in way more length on this Instagram highlight reel.
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Above Photo: The Neon Museum, Las Vegas
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Above Photo: The most beautiful sign at The Neon Museum
Some things I would maybe want to do on my next visit:
Eat at Capriotti’s and get The Bobbie again (it’s a Thanksgiving turkey sandwich that will melt your brain, it’s so good)
Find the art-o-mat (takes $5 bills) at The Cosmopolitan
Brunch at Eggslut
Eat at Giada’s at The Cromwell
Find Wayne Newton’s star on the walk of fame outside The Paris
Get the steak frites at Mon Ami Gabi (or white chocolate bread pudding)
Go to the Shelby Heritage Centre to see old cars (free)
Visit The Golden Nugget again and The Plaza (this is the inspiration behind Biff’s Tanner’s Pleasure Paradise in Back To The Future II)
Visit Red Rock Canyon (this is a MUST)
Visit a pawn shop
Also the view from the plane ride back home was breath-taking. I was glued to the window.
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Above Photo: The view from the plane as we left Las Vegas
And a tiny small sidenote? I love that there are still thriving TCBY stands in airports across America. Goddamn, it really is the best frozen yogurt out there.
Such a great trip!
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tacagen · 1 year
✨Just The Two Of Them ✨
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distort-opia · 2 years
i think youve talked about something similar before, but do we get to see proof of batman genuinely caring for joker? and not having an excuse of "oh im doing this because i need joker to be fine so i can save other people".
sometimes i get paranoid and think that the whole batjokes thing is just my shipper brain speculating and i have to look at all the evidente again so i dont think im crazy lmao 😅
There's plenty of instances of Bruce caring about Joker, and yeah, I've talked about various aspects of it in different asks. There's a more extensive response I posted a while back as part of an interesting Batjokes discussion, in which OP argued that Bruce does not reciprocate, and I disagreed; you can find that here (though fair warning, that whole chain of reblogs is loooong). I also answered some asks about Bruce finding Joker funny here, and about Bruce constantly saving Joker's life here, and made a compilation of some of the best times Bruce got incredibly unhinged over Joker here.
But I'm assuming you mean... Bruce blatantly spelling it out that he cares about Joker, with zero alternative excuse? Since Bruce is so repressed and caring about Joker is something he cannot easily admit to himself, these moments are rare. But if I were to point some of them out, I'd say the ending to Batman: The Killing Joke remains to this day one of the biggest.
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No matter how you look at it, Bruce telling Joker "You needn't be out there on the edge anymore. You needn't be alone," right after Joker shot Barbara in the spine... is something that’s difficult to explain away. Not to mention Bruce laughing alongside Joker -- maybe you could argue that Bruce offering to rehabilitate Joker is just something he'd do with all his villains (which isn't actually true, Bruce hasn't had a moment like this with anyone else), but the joined laughter has no possible "excuse" on Bruce's side. It's commiseration, plain and simple.
Then there's Batman: Endgame, and the insanity that is the ending of that comic. And leaving aside the heart-shaped pool of blood, the sheer suggestiveness in the imagery of their fight... Leaving aside Bruce choosing to die alongside Joker, literally pleading with Joker to stay with him as he dies -- there's this:
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Batman calls Joker a friend. This cannot be understood as anything else but what it is; Bruce allowing himself to admit he cares about Joker, at the end of the road. Arguing otherwise ignores the context of the story and the writing that came before and after it (besides indicating a worrying lack of media literacy).
And hey, have some Batman and Joker canonically kissing, in Flashpoint: Batman -- Knight of Vengeance:
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Yes, it is Thomas Wayne who's Batman, and it's Martha Wayne who's Joker, but I think that's plenty. There's a Universe in which Joker is Batman's wife. The sheer fact this is a thing that exists inevitably implies that Batman and Joker have romantic potential.
But I'll leave you off with the beauty that is Bruce being directly called out on his Joker bullshit in Injustice: Gods Among Us -- Year 1, by his best friend:
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Eyy! If you're crazy, Clark (and Alfred, and Tim, and Selina, and Barbara, and many other characters who have explicity remarked on Bruce's unusual attachment to Joker) are too!
I hope this answer helped! <3 But either way, leaving aside the fact Batjokes objectively has plenty of canon support, my advice would be not to stress yourself out by caring too much about evidence. Shipping, and fandom in general, is supposed to be fun. We're in control over here, and we do what we want. So even if you were crazy, that'd be perfectly fine, as far as I'm concerned.
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So, I’ve been listening to an SCP podcast lately. I’m no expert on the SCP world or anything, buuuuut I had the idea that “what if Wayne Enterprises contained some of these top secret facilities?” I mean, a multi-billion dollar company could easily hide and fund such a thing. And Gotham being Gotham, it kinda makes sense? Gotham would be like a breeding ground for this kinda stuff lol.
Like could you imagine Arkham Asylum being a sorta sentient building sending out mindless orderlies/guards to kidnap people who are driven insane by the building? It lets people go to wreak havoc upon the city and ultimately bring more people in, ‘cause how else are the inmates always getting out??
Idk, I just think it’s a cool idea.
And, of course, being the Wayleska/Valeyne lover that I am, I’ve had to connect the two. Soooo, under the cut is a little concept fic I wrote just now about it.
"Oh, Bruce." That voice. A whisper in the noise. A bellow in the quiet. A melody in their dreams. A shriek in their nightmares. Like honey and silk. Like ice and chemicals. Familiar and strange.
"Brucey, darlin'." A deep, raspy mimic of the other. Louder, grander, with discord in the melody. Instead of ice and chemicals at its core, there was fire and electricity.
"Long time no see." Together, a harmony luring you into a trap. To your doom.
And the boy they worshipped and put up on a pedestal made of rotting flesh and bone, grown so much from the time they first met, stood frozen at the sounds of their voices. Eyes wide with images of ginger hair, freckled skin, and wide smiles. With memories of knives and blood, mazes and generators, shared hugs and kisses and tears. Conversations and promises made what seemed a lifetime ago echoed through his head. Until he crumpled under it all.
Ecco, fighting off her own memory-filled trance, fell to her knees in front of Bruce, pulling his quivering body into her arms. Huddled together, hiding their faces, clinging to one another, blocking out the world, she chanted the same old lie: "It'll be okay."
I may expand upon this, but there’s so many things already lol. The basic idea I have right now is just: Thomas and Martha’s deaths were SCP-related, and Bruce is devoted to containing and learning about every anomaly he comes across. I can’t really decide if the twins should be like humanoids from the very beginning, and now they’ve built this deep connection so Bruce can’t let go. Or if the twins died because of some entity that now taunts Bruce with the memory of them. Or maybe I’ll leave that all ambiguous, who knows? I don’t.
This is just a concept I wanted to share and can’t promise I’ll do more with. I would like to! But idk if it’ll ever happen. I’ll probably get lost in my research of the SCP world and never get around to writing anything. ‘Tis the way of life, I’m afraid.
Please let me know what you think!! <3
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Prompt: Literally anything that combines Batman with TMMM
Maybe Lenny taking Ethan, Esther, and Kitty out to a comic shop
Or maybe a crossover where Midge & Lenny get invited to a Wayne Gala
Or Bruce & Selina go see Midge perform
Or all of the above? (If u have time ofc)
"Marti, this house is still insane, I have no idea how you deal with the upkeep," Midge says as she hooks arms with her old friend.
Martha Wayne chuckles as she leads Midge through to the ballroom. "I don't. And if I tried, I'm pretty certain Alfred would lock me in my powder room."
Both women laugh as they enter the gala. They haven't seen each other in quite some time, but now that Midge isn't married anymore, and she doesn't have to worry about Joel being deeply uncomfortable at Wayne Manor, she can actually show up for a party or two.
Martha Kane had been a dear friend and fellow Jewish girl at Bryn Mawr, and a consistent pen pal after. They'd been in each others' weddings as bridesmaids and sent each other very lavish gifts when they'd given birth.
Ethan and Bruce are both seven now, upstairs playing with Bruce's toys, and likely having a very good time.
"God love him," Midge giggles. "It's so good to see you, Marti. You look good."
"Why thank you, you look good, too," Marti smiles. "How is divorced life treating you?"
"Honestly? Better than I thought it would," Midge says honestly. "The comedy is going really well...and...and I'm seeing someone."
Marti gasps and nudges her. "And you didn't bring him? How dare you, you've robbed me of my chance to judge him and deem him not good enough for you."
Midge laughs. "He's out of town, touring. His name is Lenny. He is very handsome, very smart, very sweet, and very, very good in bed."
"Why, Miss Weissman, I never," Marti smirks. "Good for you."
"How are things with you and Thomas?" Midge asks as they step up to the bar.
Marti takes a breath and lets it out. "They're okay. He's been so busy lately I forget he exists sometimes. And Bruce is noticing, too, you know? He's a very smart boy."
"Maybe some of that will rub off on Ethan," Midge jokes.
"Miriam, be nice to your son."
"He's just not progressing in school the way his teachers think he should be," Midge sighs. "He'll be fine. I know he will be. He's great. He's just..."
"Not as smart is you. Cut him a break."
"Fine." She orders their drinks and then turns back to Marti. "So? Thomas is pulling disappearing acts."
"The hospital needs him," Marti shrugs. "He's too good at what he does."
"God I'm glad I didn't wind up marrying a doctor," Midge mutters. "Tell him you miss him."
"You think so?" Marti asks.
"I know so," Midge grins. "Talk to him."
Martha huffs and nods. "You were always full of good ideas." She reaches over for their drinks and hands Midge one, lifting her own. "To communication."
"To opening your fucking mouth," Midge agrees as they clink glasses.
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void-writing · 2 years
You have not revealed much about Gothi yet, but I can't help but imagine in some way that she's Gotham's mother. Maybe she didn't start out that way or maybe she always held a soft spot for her every inhabitant who she saw as her children. Especially with the recent fanart that she has Martha Wayne's hairdo and wears a pearl necklacke. I wonder if Bruce would've seen his mother in her?
She kind of is like Gotham's mother! I have some vague plans of writing some extras surrounding Gothi in case I don't manage to fold it nicely into the current story because I think there could be some interesting points of exploration with her. We'll see. If more aspects of her story don't make it into the fic-proper, then there'll be some fragments in the Extras.
As for her design, the one you saw in the fanart was @doodlesforfics concept and I do love it insanely much but Gothi has existed long before Martha was even born, so her "canon" appearance wouldn't actually bear much resemblance to Martha (though, again, I love love love doodle's design). The pearls in Gothi's dress though were indeed a direct callback to Martha's death given that it was a very significant moment that lead to the creation of her Knights. Mostly I just put that there as a fun little tidbit. I have my own design that I'm working on and I might post it along side chapter 7, so keep an eye out for that!
But Gothi was not Martha. I do have plans for Thomas and Martha to show up though (because of course they do) but that's not for a while yet.
I do like to think that Gothi did have a motherly relationship with the Spirit!Batman & Robin, though, and one of the extras I'm noodling on involves Gothi meeting them for the first time (though as I'm thinking on it now, Gothi was probably very different pre-Batman and pre-Robin than she was when Danny encounters her. Darker and harsher mostly. After all, she was Gotham itself and Gotham was not a nice place pre-Bats & Birds so...).
Also! Unrelated to your ask, anon, but while I'm thinking about it, a lot of people have been speculating about other spirit manifestations of the Batfam, specifically the other Robins, and right now my thinking is that Spirit!Robin can just physically split into...like...mini versions of the past Robins (and I am including Steph as a former Robin). I'll draw it later, though I haven't decided yet if Spirit!Robin's "facets" appear as the past Robins or as their current identities or if they switch depending on some factor I have yet to come up with.
As for the rest of the family, I haven't given too much thought towards them yet, but I think there might be a Spirit!Batgirl, Spirit!Batwoman, and a Spirit!Signal rattling around. There might not be a Spirit!Oracle though, because since Oracle is a "girl in the chair" support hero, she doesn't make physical appearances and maybe only a handful of people have overheard the Batfam address her on comms, though if I decide that there is a Spirit!Oracle, she's going to be a swarm of floating eyes as a nod to Oracle's seeming omnipotence in Gotham.
Spirit!Batgirl will probably work in similar ways as Spirit!Robin in that she primarily takes the form of the first Batgirl because she has the most solid mythos (essentially, she's the most mysterious and has excited the imagination of the people of Gotham most and what most Gothamites would think of first when they hear the name "Batgirl"), though rather than "splitting" like I'm imagining for Spirit!Robin, Spirit!Batgirl kind of...morphs into the other Batgirls. She probably doesn't have as much "presence" as Spirit!Batman & Robin, but she's around.
For Spirit!Batwoman, I'm imagining something similar to Spirit!Batman but with a shock of red hair and a lot spikier. Because I imagine that in some circles, Batwoman is considered scarier than Batman (Idk if that's true for canon, but whatever. My canon now). And much like Kate herself, Spirit!Batwoman doesn't show up as much, but when she does...oh boy. Pick a god and pray. They may not be able to save you though.
As for Spirit!Signal, though, I don't honestly know a lot about Signal aside from that he's a teen, meta with light and shadow powers (and maybe precognition? and immortality??), his parents were (maybe) Jokerized and that's how he came to live with Bruce, he might have an uncle who takes him in later (idk), and he's Gotham's daytime vigilante. So for Spirit!Signal, I'm imagining something similar to Spirit!Oracle: amorphous and only vaguely human shaped, though that being on account of how "new" he is rather than there just not being a lot to go off of, as is the case with Spirit!Oracle, or just how people think of him as with the Spirit!Batman and Batwoman. So for Spirit!Signal, I'm thinking he's just made up of light and shadow, like that black-and-white graphic art or those shadow/light puzzles in The Evil Within. Or maybe he switches between the two, like sometimes he's a blindingly bright mass of light that physically hurts to look at, and other times he's a Loony Toons shadow person slinking around on the walls. Idk yet, but I do think that "daytime hero" and "the solitary meta!Bat" (at least prior to chapter 6, lol) will be the largely informative to how Spirit!Signal manifests.
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