animentality · 6 months
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sky-larking · 5 months
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otakubimbo · 2 months
Miguel isn't good at flirting, but that should be obvious shouldn't it?
 Miguel’s first attempt at flirting with you was actually the first time the two of you met. He had arrived in your dimension because there was an anomaly there, but by the time he had appeared, you had just finished capturing the sandman anomaly. He was impressed, to say the least by your skills. The way you webbed through the air, you were graceful yet powerful. It was as if nothing could stop you, the calculation of your attacks the sandman didn’t stand a chance. He barely even registered your speed as you came down in front of him.
“And you are?” You ask viewing him with reasonable wariness, you could tell that he was at least somewhat like you.
“I am the head of the arachno humanoid poly multiverse” He states matter of factly as if you should have already known that. The sentence almost makes you giggle.
“So, you mean the spider people multiverse” You take your mask off, shaking your coils out now realizing that he’s probably not a foe and really is just like you. “That’s cute”
At that Miguel almost becomes a stuttering fool if he could even speak, you were beyond beautiful. Your smile gave a brightness that could rival the sun.
“Well, that could be said in layman's terms but I’m more technical.” He finally gets out after feeling like he wasn’t able to breathe, de-digitizing his mask so you can see his face. You giggle at that; he was very handsome but he seemed a bit awkward. Miguel knows that he may never want to hear anything else besides that for the rest of his life.
“Yeah, I see that so what are you doing here, in my universe?” you question, putting a hand on your hip. You had already assumed it was for whatever you just took down, he kept calling for people that you had no clue about.
“Well, if you must know,” He begins “This is a sandman anomaly which seems to not be a cannon event in your universe. And it is our job as the arachnoid humanoid poly-multiverse group that take care of these types of situations. This is why I am here to take this one back, so the multiverse does not collide. It is essential to keep the universe safe” he goes on and on about the society he created.
His appearance didn’t give the type of man to ramble on like this, but. The idea was actually something that you wanted to get behind and when you questioned if you could join, Miguel thought his heart would stop. He assumed he was wooing you with his words but truthfully, you just had a big heart, and it broke yours to think about the loss of other universes.
And that is how you ended up in the spider society, working extremely close to Miguel because once he found out that not only were you a skilled spider fighting wise, but you were also absolutely brilliant. You had such a mind for science that rivaled his own and your enthusiasm had him captivated when you talked about the research you were doing on society’s behalf.
Everything about working for the spider society brought you joy. Expect, for one thing, Miguel. At first, you thought working with him was going to be amazing. He was smart and driven, you could tell his passion from the moment you met him. But now every encounter with him is insufferable. Any given moment that the two of you are working on something he always makes a note to mansplain everything, as if he didn’t himself ask for your assistance. Initially, you thought it was just adjusting to working alongside someone else; everyone in the society was surprised that he even asked for your assistance. As time went on though, it was as if he doubted your intelligence which pissed you off and confused you since he would constantly ask for your opinion or assign you tasks that he would usually take on himself. Every task he assigned you was completed expertly, and every repair he asked you to manage, was done efficiently. And yet, when it came down to you working on things he would make his way over without fail to over-explain everything to you. You didn’t know how much longer you were going to be able to take it.
Now here you were eating lunch with Jess, rubbing your temples from the headache that Miguel gave you earlier from explaining how the multiverse works AGAIN.
“I truly don’t know what his deal is, Jess” you groan putting your head down on the table hoping the cold metal will relieve some of the tension from your head. “Why ask for my help if he is going to micromanage me the whole time?! And according to everyone, he doesn’t even ask people for help so why ask me?!? Next time I am just going to tell him to do it himself.”
Jess just giggles at your frustrations, causing you to groan. She was finding humor in your suffering. The two of you had grown close to each other since you first entered the society, Jess seemed to be one of the few people Miguel put his trust and faith in which wasn’t surprising at first until you saw how he interacted with everyone else. He held her to such a high regard, and you felt lucky to work with her. Now the two of you were friends since she was always the first one you went to complain about Miguel and your friendship blossomed from there.
The two of you enjoy the rest of your lunch together, leaving the frustrating topic of Miguel behind. It helped you calm down a bit, he really had been working your last nerves with all his commentary on your assignments. But you were going to stick to your word, the next time he had something to say you would just tell him to do it himself. And now you are working diligently on fixing some of the watches that other spiders have damaged. They were easy fixes that most spiders could have done on their own, but Miguel has designated you to be the one who fixes them. He claims it is to ensure that it was done right, but who knows? Everything was going well, up until your last one when your Spidey senses told you that someone was standing in the doorway of your lab and all your other senses screamed that it was Miguel. As you resist the urge to audibly groan at his presence, you continue with your work as if he wasn’t even there. You wish you had worn your headphones instead of just playing music from your speaker so you could really ignore him but you weren’t that fortunate. Your spine tingles as you feel him approach you, attempting to think positively that maybe he won’t over-explain how to fix what you’re working on as if he again wasn’t the one who made you the go-to for all gizmo repairs.
“Hey, you know…..” He starts and it’s as if you see red, he begins to explain how to fix the damn gizmo that you were literally already fixing. In frustration, you slam your tools on the desk standing up quickly, surprisingly this takes Miguel back almost making him stumble.
“What the hell is the point of assigning me shit to do if you’re always going to come in and explain to me how to do it like I already don’t fucking know how to do it.” You almost yell, gritting your teeth, and your face scrunches up in frustration.
“What” he asked, a stupid stunned expression on his face as if he hadn’t done anything wrong and couldn’t even imagine why you were upset.
“Literally every single time you assign me anything or I do anything here you are to explain to me how to do it. What is the point of assigning me shit Miguel if you’re just going to come and tell me how to do shit every single fucking time? Just do it yourself then, stop asking me! It’s like you don’t even trust me!”  At this point you were yelling, talking with your hands, and most likely making a scene that any spider with sense would stay away from. You were absolutely heated, and Miguel just looked at you wide-eyed and confused. “Why the fuck are you looking at me like that?!?!”
“Because I don’t know what you’re talking about. I trust you more than anyone, that’s why I ask you to do all of this.” Miguel speaks softer than you think you’ve ever heard him which quells your anger a bit and now you’re confused.
“Then why do you always come and try to explain everything to me then?!?” Your voice is lower than before but you’re still slightly yelling.
“Well because”
“Because what Miguel”
He looks almost…. Nervous? You don’t think you’ve ever seen him nervous before. Yeah, when you first met him he was a rambling mess but you just assumed that was just the adrenaline speaking, ever since then he’s been this calm, collected, calculated man who despite his instinct to explain things to you, you may have grown fond of him.
“I do trust you to do your job. I wouldn’t give you the task if I didn’t think you would be able to accomplish it without my assistance.” He deflects from your question, which starts to bring back up your irritation.
“That doesn’t answer my question, Miguel. I’m so close to just going back to my universe and being done with this honestly.” Your frustrated threat makes Miguel even more confused about what is going on. He thought you liked being here, he thought he was impressing you with his knowledge.
“I was trying to impress you” He states matter of fact as if it was obvious.
“Impress me?? What???” Your temper is still up, and it comes out harsher than you mean it to because now you’re the one confused.
“I was attempting to show you my knowledge and understanding of things. You know to impress you and show you how intelligent I am” he gives a huff in a really cute pouty way for a man his size, and this confession brings a smile to your face as you start being thrown into a fit of laughter.
“I don’t see what’s so funny about any of this.” His voice is stern, he is obviously upset at your laughter, arms crossed over his chest in frustration. He was cute, he was too cute and now all of it was clicking for you. Miguel O Hara had been trying to flirt with you, in the worst way imaginable. “Has it not been obvious how fond I am of you?”
You catch your breath, as your laughing fit subsides, “No, Miguel you were actually really pissing me off.”  He frowns at the realization that his attempts at flirting have actually been doing the opposite of its intended effect.  “I know you’re smart, you literally developed most of this technology by yourself. There wasn’t anything you had to prove to me.”
“Well I-“Miguel stutters, the great Miguel O Hara stuttered. “Well, then how was I supposed to show you?”
“Show me what”
“That I am fond of you.”
“Fond of me, you mean like you like me?” Your head tilts in the most adorable way that has Miguel flustered, the brown hue of his face getting deeper as a blush crept up his neck.
“Not obviously actually.” You smile gently at him, thinking about all the times you have been so frustrated with him, and he was just trying to flirt with you.
“Well then how would I show you?” He asks genuinely, more awkward than you have ever seen the confident man.
“You could ask me out on a date, you know like a regular person.”
“Okay, so would you like to go on a date with me?”
You smile at him, and Miguel thinks his heart just stopped, “Yes Miguel I would, just tell me where and when” He does a curt nod, not knowing exactly what to say as his brain racks for ideas on where to take you turning around to leave your lab.
“Oh, and Miguel, by the way,” you stop him before he can “You don’t have to try and impress me, you already do.”
And the way you smiled at him after saying that he had to do everything to hold his composure as the stoic man he has tried to portray himself as but he can’t help the small smile that graces his face at your comment.
“You’re really gonna go out with him?” Jess asks the next time the two of you hang out, as you tell her about your last interaction with Miguel.
“Yes, yes, I am. You don’t understand, he was so cute when he was telling me that he was trying to impress me. He even BLUSHED.”
“Such a 180 from wanting his head on a spike” she chuckles.
“I know I know I know I know. But really you don’t understand how cute he was after I basically did put his head on a spike.”
“I could have told you that he liked you”
“And why didn’t you?” You huff, crinkling your nose at the fact she let you sit here frustrated with that man’s behavior for MONTHS.
“Eh, not as fun” she laughs at you, while you roll your eyes at her.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
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onnahu · 1 month
I love Jason but he's the 'uhm actually-' guy. He will mansplain forever, but the best thing is he will manspain only to men.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
me, telling a family anecdote: -so my grandmother was an interior decorator in the 1940s and 1950s, back when even that was a male-dominated field- like cooking or sewing, since, you know, it's fine for women to do as housewives or at lower levels, but heaven forbid we make decent money at it -and she-
male housemate: hmm :) I don't think that's true actually :)
me: [experiencing the ancestral exhaustion of This Fucking Man(TM)]
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facts-i-just-made-up · 4 months
Did the term mansplaining come from a supernatural live journal fic?
Actually, mansplaining is a portmanteau of "Man" which refers to men and "Plaining" which is the use of a mechanical tool to remove layers of material from an object, or in this case, a man. So whenever a man is flayed, cut apart, or otherwise reduced mechanically, that's mainsplaining.
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hippyfem · 1 year
Boy logic is when a woman has a degree in a subject and a man who has just watched a documentary on it thinks he knows more than her.
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existennialmemes · 6 months
Mansplaining: thinks the problem is you
Works from the assumption that I know so much more than you, and you could simply never comprehend This Topic on your own, so I must explain it to you, for I am so wise.
Neurodivergent Over-Clarifying: thinks the problem is me
Works from the assumption that I am a trainwreck and am doing a terrible job of expressing myself, so I must continue to explain what I meant, hoping to successfully convey the thought in my head.
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indigofyrebird · 6 days
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"Omega, you haven't forgotten the blurrg milk, have you?"
"I will clean up the kitchen, obviously the most important part. Make sure you do not burn the pie."
"That looks...delicious."
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thegoodmorningman · 4 months
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Man, I can't believe you're making me 'splain this to you again.
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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oldguydoesstuff · 25 days
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Mansplaining linked lists.
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The article was written by a man, which is probably 0% surprising to most of y’all. Love that men feel the need to mansplain what women think about using baseless sexist stereotypes. (Also I highly hypothesize this is an indirect outcome of the cancerous girl dinner, girl math, history and science explained for the girlies tiktok trend…)
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hugewoman · 6 months
🗣️ Mansplaining: when a male obliviously goes to great lengths describing something to an adult female that is common sense/knowledge/that it should have been assumed she would understand
👨🏻‍🦲 Rogansplaining: when a male mansplains something despite knowing that the female has some level of qualifying understanding of the subject, when he himself has only perhaps read a non-scholarly article/watched a tiktok/seen a tweet/listened to a podcast about the same matter
👴🏻 Dr Philsplaining: when a male inserts himself into a serious intellectual discussion between women and tries to mediate their conversation as it if were about their emotional relationship (less common but I’ve witnessed it first hand)
🐷 Porksplaining: when a male mansplains or rogansplains or drphilsplains something so egregiously that it successfully convinces the female who has been subjected to it that all men are in fact pigs and she should give serious thought to joining a female commune
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