#Nothing against hurt/comfort stories where he breaks down for once and gets comforted but he generally isn't defenseless or shy c'mon
Looking back into the Death Note fandom in 2022 after not really looking into it since 2017/2018 where I was completley fixated is so fucking wild because so much changed.
Not everyone is basically worshipping L like the most used to do back then and a lot people now love Misa Misa even tho everyone hated her back then, people are literally defending her ( Yeah I felt sorry for her at the end but it was her very own fault and a lot have to accept this), people realized that everyone in the series is morally grey and L isn't pure, L doesn't get babied as much as back then anymore for which I am thankful and suddenly there is a poly ship between Mello, Matt and Near which kind of soothed the small fight between the fans who ship Matt/Mello and those who ship Near/Mello.
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tacticaldiary · 11 months
hi hello, if you have the chance, could u write a ghost x reader of an overworked/ burnt out reader who faints or something. just stressed out overprotective ghost to warm our hearts <3
thank you so much xxx
Bone Tired
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort ; Fluff
Ghost knows she's been pushing herself but he didn't think it was this bad. She nearly gives him a goddamn heart attack by collapsing right in front of him.
"Don't make me tie you to the bed."
"Jokes on you, I'm into that." She snickers at the long-suffering sigh he lets out.
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Just because they weren't deployed on a mission didn't mean things were any less busy for them back at base. Drills, morning runs, training, paperwork, and more; there was always something to keep them busy.
"Focus." The low timber of his voice snaps her out of her thoughts, dragging her back to the present. "I would've incapacitated you three times by now." Ghost says with a frown. Or at least she thinks he's frowning under that mask. He sure sounds like it.
"Yeah, sorry L.T." She blinks, widening her stance and dragging her tired mind to attention. Everything just felt...off. Her clothes were too itchy, the bright fluorescent lights hanging from the room were too prickly, and the training mat under her feet felt difficult to get her footing into. Maybe she was catching a bug? She'd been feeling mildly feverish the past few days, after all, sporting a headache she opted to power through with painkillers.
Grunts and groans and jeers echo around them as others take their turn to spar with each other. She'd already lost against Gaz once, a rare outcome in itself, and now she was pretty sure Ghost was going easy on her. She's surprised she isn't face-first on the mat right now, actually.
Blinking away the knowledge that her arms feel like lead and her mind foggy, she lunges at him with her fist, an attack easily parried and side stepped by the man.
In all honestly, she's known for a while that she needed a proper break. A few days to herself full of nothing. The last op she'd been on had been long and gruelling, a solo one at that, weeks' worth of trekking through a mountain range far south in the cold to get to an isolated camp where their target had been laying low. It was a success, but she swears she can still feel the snow bite into her flesh if she thinks too hard about it.
The moment she'd got back there had been debriefings with Price to attend, files to be reported to Laswell, all the while keeping up with her usual routine and drills...
Her eyes widen as she's spun around, an arm circling her throat and pinning her in a hold.
"You're sloppy." Ghost clicks his tongue from behind her, and if she were any less exhausted, maybe she would have felt a shiver go down her spine.
Here, they were just soldiers, but in private? That's a whole other story. Their relationship had to be kept under wraps for a multitude of reasons, but Simon was one of the best things that had ever happened to her. Having someone who understood her work, who shared the experience and knew exactly what she was talking about, who knew the best ways to comfort and listen and advise her...it was rare.
A rare and beautiful thing, that's what they had. They helped each other grow, made up for the others weaknesses and blind spots.
But they weren't in private right now, so after she taps his arm to concede, he pushes her away, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"Are you ill?" He asks tightly, eyes going up and down her body as if he could detect whatever was making her pause. She'd seemed fine the last time he saw her, but clearly something was wrong if she was this...dazed?
She shakes her head. "Just didn't sleep well last night." She lies through her teeth. She couldn't afford to be sick right now, couldn't afford the luxury of wasting time resting. She still had to report to Laswell, attend a meeting on what the next steps were to reach their targets close contacts. Then she promised Soap she'd hit the shooting range with him, and then Gaz asked her to help him with that paperwork he had to fill out...
Taking a step back, she stumbles a little.
It all bubbles up inside her, overwhelming and insurmountable, a mountain of work that keeps piling up to reach new heights and-
Was Ghost talking? She blinks, trying to get the ringing out of her ears. It was loud and annoying, and it made the headache she'd been sporting since yesterday stronger.
Ghost's eyes widen. He's definitely saying something. She hopes Simon knows she wasn't ignoring her on purpose. She was always good at reading him, so maybe if her vision would stop spotting and focus, she could actually see his eyes properly and figure out what was wrong.
In the end, the roaring in her ears becomes deafening, to the point where she squeezes her eyes shut. How easy would it be to just...stay like this. Just for one moment. To revel in the nothingness of the dark, where she got just one second of silence away from the list of things she had to keep doing.
Just one more moment.
Another step back, an unsteady sway.
She hits the ground hard, the last thing she hears being the yell of her name from that familiar, rough voice.
                                  · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Bleary eyes blink themselves awake, squinting against the warm glow of the lamp by her bedside table. Groaning, she attempts to sit up, only to widen her eyes in alarm when a hand firmly pushes her back.
Instincts kicking in, her hand flies up to latch onto the wrist in a weak grip.
"It's just me." The low voice has her relaxes instantly, hand falling away onto the bed.
"Simon." She says, surprised when her voice doesn't come out as more than a whisper. "Where...what happened?" She winces at the throbbing in her head as she takes in the scene. Simon settled down in a chair next to her, a book laying open faced on her side table.
"You passed out." He says, plainly worried. "The medics said you fainted from exhaustion. Ain't that something to explain, love?" Now that he's ditched the mask, she can see the creases of worry in his forehead, the downwards quirk of his lips. "Damn near gave me a heart attack."
"Passed out?" She echoes, trying to remember. "I...guess I did."
She sure feels like it. Her body feels like lead, as if it's doing everything it can to ensure she stays in bed. Shivering slightly, she looks around for another blanket. When she reaches for the fluffy duvet folded at the foot of her bed, it's immediately snatched out of reach by Simon.
"Give it." She demands, reaching a hand out.
"You have a fever." Simon shakes his head, holding the item out of reach. "It'll break quicker this way."
"I'm fine." She protests, managing to sit up this time under his unimpressed stare. "I'm alright, Simon. Can't afford to be sick right now."
"That's not how it works." He sighs, standing up. "I thought I'd hurt you for a moment." She watches him walk towards the small table near the opposite wall, fiddling with something there while he talked. "Damn near took a year of my life away with how you crumpled onto the mat."
"It wasn't you." She assures him quickly. Some of the tension visibly drains from his shoulder in what she can only assume is relief. Needless as it is, she feels a little guilty. How long had he been thinking her passing out had been his fault? No, this was on her, on her busy schedule and-
Wait, what time was it?
Dread curls up in her gut as she slowly turns towards the small window. The lamp was on when she woke up, of course it was night.
"I was just tired is all." She says, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. "But I'm as fresh as a daisy now, and I've got so much shit to do." She lets out an anxious, long breath as her brain kicks in, charting how much time she'd lost, how quickly she'd need to work to get it all done-
"I have that meeting with Laswell...I wonder if Price thinks I just didn't show up to his office..." She doesn't realise she's been muttering her thoughts aloud until Ghost cuts her off.
"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." He declares over his shoulder. "Get your ass back in bed."
"I can't, there's too much I have to do today." She protests. "And I've already lost half the day-"
"I wasn't asking."
"Simon-" He turns around and she finally sees what he's been doing.
"Don't make me tie you to the bed." His threat is much less effective when he's holding one of her mugs that says 'Bad Bitch' in obnoxious neon pink calligraphy, the phrase surrounded by a flowery border. She'd got it for him as a gag gift for his last birthday and had cackled at the dead, unimpressed stare he fixed her with. It had remained in his room for a while before she'd snatched it, claiming she'd actually appreciate it.
"Jokes on you, I'm into that." She snickers at the long-suffering sigh he lets out. Her laughs morph into a deep chest-rattling cough that wipes the smile off her face and leaves her wincing.
Sitting next to her after tossing the pillow onto the mattress, he brings the warm mug of tea up to her. "Easy does it." He mutters quietly when she grabs it from him and takes a drink.
"Thank you." She sighs, handing it back.
"Talk to me." He orders, not unkindly. Simon wasn't someone who was all lovey-dovey, but he loved just as hard and much as the next person. Just because he didn't choose to flourish it with pretty words and smiles doesn't mean she felt any less cared for.
He was a man of action, through and through.
Little touches throughout the day, silent glances checking in with her. Staying by her side during missions, working in tandem and recognising when she needed space versus when she needed him near.
He was her other half, and it had been eating away at him that he didn't fucking realise she was this unwell until the consequences caught up with her.
Ghost won't admit the primal flash of fear that struck through him when she'd crumpled to the ground like that. He thought he'd hurt her while sparring, that he'd done something to make her pass out like that. Even after the medics cleared her and he carried her here, tucked her in and everything, there was still a nagging worry of 'what-if' in his mind.
The relief of hearing her confirm it wasn't him was tainted by the knowledge that he hadn't noticed her pushing herself.
After a moment of deliberation, she gives in, tucking herself back into bed and thinking for a moment. She tells him everything, tells him how she hasn't had a second to herself in these past few days, telling him about the load she has on her shoulders and the crushing time limit ticking down in her ears for every task she had.
He listens quietly, to his credit, doesn't interrupt her even when she trails off, having to muster up the energy to keep going.
The fact that talking tired her out to this degree made his heart twist uncomfortably.
"I didn't think I had a choice but to take it all head on." She finishes, stifling a yawn. She looks up at him for his response when he doesn't talk, finds him staring at her with a half-lidded gaze, a furrow in his brow.
"Why didn't you ask me?"
"Ask you what?" She asks, confused.
"For help."
That was...a good question. It takes her a second to come up with a sheepish answer. "I...I didn't think of that." She admits, drawing out another quiet sigh from him.
"You're going to be the death of me." He grumbles, but she can't complain when he's gently tugging her to the side and climbing in with her under the covers. "I've sorted things out with Price and Laswell. Do whatever else you need to when you're capable of not face planting into the mats again."
A warm feeling of gratitude washes over her, her heart warming with the kind gesture. It was so...it was so Simon.
When he tangles their legs together and tucks her into his side, she wrinkles her nose. "I'm all sweaty." She tries to argue, tapping at his shoulder half-heartedly when he lays down with her, a strong arm around her waist pulling her in.
"I've had your blood on my hands before, I don't think sweat is going to be a problem." She can hear his voice rumble low in his chest, right under where he head rests, and she hides a smile in the fabric of his shirt.
When he runs a hand through her hair, she practically melts against him.
Eventually, her shivering stops, replaced with a bone-deep warmth that nothing could chase away. Simon. The warmth of him, of his care, of his love. She'd take it over a heatpack any day.
His arms around her make her relax. Nothing would nag at her, drag her away to chain her to a desk under Simon's watch, that much she knows. Safe. Protected. The feeling was rare living the life she did with her job, but Simon made it so easy to believe that she was untouchable as long as she was with him.
Before she knows it, her eyes flutter shut and her breathing evens out, because goddamn did the bastard know exactly where and how to touch her to get her all sleepy and relaxed.
"Thank you." She mumbles against him, words half incoherent.
"Always, love." He rumbles back, brushing his lips over her head.
Requests Are Open! Reblog, Like and Comment!
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Would you be open to doing a Dad!Husk with daughter reader but nobody knows (except Alastor ofc) until she gets drunk with Angel after seeing a similar scene from episode 5 with Husk and Alastor and starts crying because she’s afraid of losing her dad, and everyone puts the pieces together when Husk starts comforting her? Sorry that it’s super specific 😅
First off, oh my gosh, thank you for your request!!!
It’s all good! I love this prompt! I know that you said reader ends up getting drunk but the story took a bit of a different turn and you just end up going to the bar sober.
I hope that I still did this fic justice though! 🖤
rating: PG
genre: angst and fluff
characters: Dad!Husk x Reader
warnings: abuse, soul owning, panic attack from reader
You knew that being in Hell came with a price. Your dad had tried to shield you from the more… fucked up parts of Hell. But he couldn’t save you from everything, which is why when you were younger he made you promise to never tell anyone you were his daughter. So, you were a kid he found and was taking care of, his assistant, apprentice, a bar back when he was bartending. Which was how you ended up at the hotel.
You knew that your father’s soul was owned by Alastor, who had been nothing but pleasant to you, but there was still a bitterness in your mouth when you looked at him or talked to him. It was at the point where you could forget the fact that Alastor owned Husk’s soul. There were times you were reminded though and reality crashed upon you rudely. Like when both you and Husk were summoned to the hotel to help, and you became a trusty bar back and bartender in training, keeping the secret of Husk’s relationship to you.
This night though, your dad had gone off to find Alastor and Angel had been at the bar asking about different drinks. You couldn’t remember what actually went into Angel’s drink and neither did he saying, “It’s something Husk makes… special. Ya know?”
You sighed and just explained you’d go find Husk and get the ingredients, muttering about getting a recipe book for the bar. You were walking the halls when the lights started flickering. You ran to the hall where it was the worse, seeing Alastor conjure the chain that wrapped around your dad’s neck. Watching as the Radio Demon transformed into his demonic figure and your dad crouched on the ground.
“If this happens again, I’ll make sure you and every other disrespectful wretch knows exactly who they are messing with. Understood?” Alastor says, his voice low.
“Understood.” Husk said as Alastor went back to his normal self.
“Good man.” Alastor whistled as he walked away and you stood there around the corner clutching your chest. Your breathing too quick and tears in your eyes.
‘He wouldn’t actually kill dad, would he?’ you thought to yourself, the reality of Alastor owning Husk’s soul crashing down upon you. You quickly leave the hallway, not wanting your dad to see that you had been there, as you got back to the bar. Still trying to calm your breathing, Angel’s words asking if you got the recipe sounded like they were underwater. You nodded your head to whatever he said, and tried to start making his drink with whatever you thought went into it. Thinking you were doing a pretty good job at not showing how close you were to breaking. Until Angel came behind the bar, grabbing your shoulder and spinning you around to face him. His eyes widened.
“What’s wrong toots?” He asked, his hands gliding over your arms comfortingly and giving you a once over to make sure you weren’t hurt.
“I-I-He-And I-“ And sobs just crashed against your lips as you fell against Angel. Angel freezes in shock, and holds you, trying to calm you down. Charlie and Vaggie hear and come over seeing you a wreck. Your sobs not quieting and now all three are consoling you and attempting to get you to calm down enough to actually understand what’s wrong.
Husk finally comes down stairs, sighing and sees a crowd around the bar, normally crowds and bars are synonymous but not at this hotel. He walks over, his ears picking up your cries, automatically going into protection mode. He brushes through everyone and sees Angel consoling you.
“What’s going on?” He asks and before Angel can answer, you launch yourself at Husk. Still crying, but settling down as you feel him in your arms. Your hand going to his wrist where you could feel his heartbeat and feeling that calms you down further.
“What happened?” He murmurs to you, his arms and wings wrapped around you.
“Angel’s drink-And I didn’t know th’ ingredien’s-Went to find you. And saw you and-and-Al…” You trailed off and buried yourself in Husk’s chest.
“Oh sweetheart.” He murmured. His head dropping to rest on top of yours. “I’m so sorry.”
Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie all look at each other.
“So, that’s not just some bar back, bartender in training you got off the street?” Vaggie asks.
“Yeah, you’s both seem a little familiar with each other.” Angel adds. Husk sighs.
“‘m sorry.” You say lifting yourself off Husk.
“You don’t have anything ta be sorry for. I should be the one apologizin’.” Husk says, his hand on your cheek.
“Not at all.” You shake your head at him.
“Oh shit.” Angel says now looking at you both. “Is that your daughter Husk?” You look wide eyed at Angel and then your dad.
“Yes, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, meet my daughter, Y/N.” Husk says, gesturing to you.
“Hi!” You say waving, looking a bit sheepish. “I’m so sorry we didn’t say anything before. It was just safer this way because-“ Husk interrupts you.
“I’m sure they understand, sweetheart.” Husk looks at all of them and all nod. “And I’m sure this isn’t information that will be getting out either.” Husk looks at all of them again. Again everyone nods.
“On my word, this will stay between us.” Charlie promises.
“Not a word.” Vaggie says. Angel just makes the motion of his lips being zipped and throwing away the key.
“Now, who was wanting a drink?” Husk says, stepping behind the bar.
“Oh, that was me!” Angel pipes up and sits down.
“O’ course it was.” Husk mutters as he starts making the drink and Charlie steps forward more.
“Can we ask questions? I have so many.” She says, looking at Husk then you. You look back at your dad and he motions you forward. You smile and sit next to Angel as Charlie and Vaggie sit down too.
“What do you want to know?” you ask.
The rest of the night was spent around the bar as Charlie, Vaggie and Angel got to know you outside of what you had just been telling them and you had fun poking fun at your dad at times, recounting times like how he taught you to count with poker chips. The laughter bled into the night and marked one of the happier nights that you could remember and for the first time, you were happy to be at the Hazbin Hotel.
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lexii282 · 6 months
Hi hi!! ✨
This is my first short story maybe? That I’ve written and posting! And of course it's about Mr. Burrow himself because good lord 🥵
It is not proof read so this is your warning. If you see anything lmk! I don’t mind constructive criticism.
Go easy on me and hope you enjoy 🫶🏼
Warnings; none
I woke up to the feeling of something trailing along the inside of my thighs as I lay there asleep. At first, I don’t realize what it is until I force the sleepy haze aside and concentrate only to put the pieces together. I'm in the hotel room that he rented and It’s his lips pressing against my skin gently just enough so I could feel it and wake up. His hands moved softly up and down my hips to my sides. Slightly massaging the parts he decides to stop at.He finally decides to stay focused on my hips just where the waistband of my underwear lay at and start to pull them down only to be stopped by my hands on top of his.
“And here I thought you had enough last night Burrow” I let a small smile grace my lips
He pops his head up with a smug smile and kisses his way up my body to finally land right next to my lips. Bringing my hands above my head trapped by his holding them down and finally says
“If you’re tapping out sweetheart that’s all you gotta say. Just tell me how you can’t take anymore and need a break” A small laugh bubbles out of me
“Joey please you and I both know we can keep it going but we both have places to be and people to see”
“And none of them are you in this bed dressed like this so I don’t care (y/n/n). He hovers above me with that same smug expression that I’ve grown to love in the past couple of months.
I stare back up at him
“Easy there. You’re starting to sound like you actually might have a crush on me”
He rolls his eyes and lays beside me and I turn to look at him.
“I like having your presence around. There’s nothing wrong with that.” he shrugs.
“Mhm. Just remember the deal okay? I don’t want anyone getting hurt lover boy”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head sweetheart I’m the last one you need to worry about catching feelings.”
I smile. “Good. Then I’m getting in the shower.”
“Can I join??” He asks as I was shutting the door
“Nope!” I hear his laugh right after
I stand under the shower head letting the hot water ease my muscles. The stress of the past couple of weeks catching up to me after leaving it behind for a few hours last night.
When you’re chasing your dreams you never truly believe everything they say about how you’ll miss the calm and stability you had in your life before you got everything you wanted. I guess that’s where Joe comes in for me. Since really being in the spotlight I never felt more alone and like no one understands. Of course, I love what I do but I just could never imagine how lonely I would feel.
Joe Burrow the QB for the Bengals. We met at a mutuals party one night when I was in town visiting my family and we hit it off. The conversation flowed and we had a lot in common. I felt like I could be myself for once and didn’t have to hold back. Eventually, too many drinks were consumed and we made our way back to his place via Uber because drunk driving? I could never.
We made it up to his room and I made myself comfortable on his bed while he had to go get something. Presumably a condom and finally when he comes back in the room hyped and ready just one look is all it takes to kill his mood. Why you ask?
Well, I would love to answer that question (hint the sarcasm). I had fallen asleep. One of the most embarrassing things I could have done and I did it in front of the Joe burrow. I’ve had a crush on the guy ever since he started playing for the team and I finally get my chance and I go and fuck it up. He made sure to tell me all about it the next day and loves to still bring it up to this day. We’ve since made this a recurring thing whenever we’re both in town or free to fly wherever the other one may be. It’s been easier meeting up with me being on a break but eventually, it’s going to come to an end with me going back to recording this new album.
Just a few months ago I had finished my arena tour and decided to take time off to really take everything in. All the accomplishments I was able to achieve just like I’ve always wanted and of course, I just wanted to take time away to spend with my friends and family. It’s been hard but it’ll be worth it.
“Hey, I need to head out. I’ll see you later though right?” Joe says opening the door not to mention scaring me a little. I almost forgot where I was so lost in my thoughts. I poke my head out while using the shower curtain to keep the rest of my body covered.
“Uh, what’s later?”
“Some of the guys are meeting up at that club. Ya know the new one they just opened a few weeks ago. I was telling you about it last night. “ He comes closer to me jokingly pulling on a string of wet hair. I slap his hand away before saying
“Riiight. I don’t know Joe. Don’t you think it might be weird that we’re there together? You know how the media is not to mention the fans.”
“Why would it be weird unless you make it weird (y/n/n). We’re friends. Nothing wrong with that. Don’t make it a bigger deal than it has to be” He shrugs
“I’m not. But we said when we started this that nobody would know about us hanging out. I think being spotted together at a club of all places will raise a few questions.”
“Listen it’s a new place and we both by coincidence wanted to check it out on the same night. I don’t think it would be all that weird. Just don’t get jealous when you see all the ladies around me yeah?” He lets a smug smile form.
I roll my eyes. Cocky asshole.
“Shut up and get out of my bathroom Burrow. I don’t have time for your games. He lets out a laugh. That sound has quickly become one of my favorite sounds.
“If I recall correctly I paid for this room so therefore it’s my bathroom sweetheart.” He pauses and then continues.
“Just don’t think too much about it alright? Go out with your friends get a couple of drinks and oh look! Quarterback, Joe Borrow is here. He's hot maybe we should go say hi”
“Do you think your head will explode if it gets any bigger?”
“Nah but I’m sure you’d like to think it would.” He leans down and kisses my cheek and starts walking out.
“I’ll see you later sleeping beauty”
“Jerk!” I yell out. You fall asleep once during a hookup and you never live it down. Unbelievable.
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can i request an angst/comfort where bkg and reader get into an argument where reader is jealous and frustrated of his coworker who is obviously flirting with him, but he doesn’t notice?
tw: physical fight, jealousy, bad words
It’s the way she throws her head back to laugh at every moment Katsuki blows up as Kirishima explains about the time they snuck out of the dorms to sneak off to the red district— blah, blah, blah, you’ve heard the story a million times. It’s not that funny, it doesn’t require the little intern from Katsuki’s agency to howl like a hyena as the story unfolded. She definitely didn’t need to pat your boyfriend’s chest to calm him down.
“You okay?” Shoto asked, nudging you with his elbow. You were glaring hard, the drink in your hand almost shattering at how hard you were holding it.
It’s when the little intern laid her head on Katsuki’s chest as she held her stomach as Kirishima concluded the story, that’s when you had enough.
“Oh I’m about to beat this bitch up,” you declare, moving towards them and quickly pulled the chick off Katsuki by her hair.
Of course the fight (could you call it that if only you fished out the punches?) didn’t last long with all the heroes at the little kickback in Izuku’s backyard.
Katsuki had to pull you away, his arm like steel across your abdomen as he hauled you off the intern who was now on the floor, bleeding and crying.
You didn’t feel bad. You didn’t feel anything but anger. Now that the threat was gone, you turned that anger towards your boyfriend.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
Katsuki was mad too, and he looked like he had no idea why you just beat up the intern.
The whole thing made you laugh .
“You sicko, you liked having that little girl all up on you? What is she? Barely seventeen?”
You try walking back into the party but Katsuki moved to block you.
“Don’t tell me you got into a fight because of a little flirting from the intern?” Katsuki just knew how to piss you off.
“You fucking knew she was flirting with you in front of me and you did nothing? Wow, real piece of shit you are.” You were beyond livid.
“Enough,” Katsuki ordered but you didn’t want to back down. The drinks in your stomach and the jealousy in your heart wouldn’t let you.
“Let me guess, you’re fucking her?” Katsuki rolled his eyes at your cheap dig.
Much to your annoyance, he was quick in pulling you into his chest and smacking your ass hard, making you jump and hiss in pain.
“Shut the fuck up, you know I only dream of your pussy,” Katsuki mumbled against your closed lips, eager to make you break and kiss him back.
Tears, stupid tears of fear and rejection made your eyes sting but you blinked hard to stop them from falling.
“Oh baby.”
All teasing ceased once he heard you sniffle. Hugging you to his chest, Katsuki placed a brute kiss on your forehead.
“Im sorry, I should’ve said something.” He sighed, swaying your body to help calm you down.
“I don’t like her like that,” he continued. “She was drunk and I was worried she’d fall over and Kirishima just kept talking —,” Katsuki shook his head.
“I didn’t mean for you to get hurt by that.” Katsuki said, softly. “I’m sorry.”
All the high emotions were gone and now you just felt small but Katsuki held you for a bit more as the party continued on like nothing ever happened.
Kissing Katsuki and promising no more fights, you walked hand in hand with him back to where the party was held.
“Go on,” Katsuki was back to teasing and he loved the cringe look on your face as you went to go apologize to the intern. You’d only given her a small bruise on her cheek and she seemed more than happy with all the attention Kirishima was now giving her.
After that awkward conversation and the promise that as long as you kept your distance, she wouldn’t press charges, you returned to your boyfriend.
He was sitting in a lawn chair, sipping on a beer and patted his thigh for you to sit in his lap.
“Crazy bitch,” Katsuki kissed your neck, squeezing you into a hug with his chest to your back. You opened your mouth to argue but Katsuki squeezed you.
“I wouldn’t trade you for anyone else.”
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lightupmyass · 3 months
The Reaper and The Angel
Pairing: Shuji Hanma x Tetta Kisaki's older sister (Unmei or reader)
Warnings: slightly dark themes (ie. light stalking), possession, first time, mentions of death, size kink, praise, multiple rounds, unprotected sex
Summary: Since he was a teen, Shuji Hanma had been down bad for his friend's big sister. But, after years apart, would he finally be able to make her his after so much had changed?
A/N: Hello everybody! I wanted to post this yesterday but I was at work all day so I didn't finish it, but it's finally done! This has a bit more story than my last two, it's definitely a bit longer, but I like it a lot and I hope you do too. I'm trying to post at least once a week, mainly on Wednesday nights, but with two jobs it kinda makes things a little difficult. Anyways, here you go! Enjoy! 💜
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Shuji Hanma never thought he’d be the kind of guy that could be tied down. He never thought he’d be the kind of man to love so hard it hurt. Love wasn’t something he thought he was capable of. That is, until the first time he went over to the Kisaki household.
Sixteen years old, full of rage and hormones, he felt like he was on top of the world, that he and Tetta would rule all of Japan together, maybe even the world, without anything standing in their way. “Just sit wherever you want, but if you break anything, I’ll kill you.” Tetta warned, shedding his jacket off and organizing a bit. Shuji had made himself comfortable on the bed, acting as if it were his own and lounging against the pillow. It was super neat and organized in there, but he’d expect nothing less from his friend. The dull, seemingly ordinary teen had filled his life with color, brighter than any circus. He thought life couldn’t get better than this, more exciting, so imagine his surprise when the door opened and he was blinded by the sun.
“Tetta! Mom said it’s your turn to do the dishes, you were supposed to do them right after school. I’m not gonna get bitched at because you didn’t do your part. Go get them done.” Hanma’s smile faded as he sat up, staring at the beauty in the doorway. She was short, jet black hair with blue underneath, busty chest that spilled out of the little black tank top and showed off a tattoo of flowers above her heart and shorts so short Hanma was sure if she turned around he’d see part of her ass. Fuck, was he in love?
Tetta groaned loudly, slamming his fist on the desk. “Dammit, Mei, I just got home! And I have a friend over! I’ll do it later, just get out!” He shouted. The intruder sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes, popping her hip out. “Little shit. Does it look like I fucking care? Get your shit done before mom gets home or I’m kicking your ass.” She huffed before slamming the door closed, Tetta growing in frustration. “Fucking hell, can’t she get off my back for a single fucking second? Dumb ass bitch.” He grumbled, organizing things aggressively now. “Who is that?” Shuji whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed excitedly now. “My bitch ass sister, Unmei. Be happy you’re an only child. Can’t stand her.” Tetta explained. “Hey, why don’t y-hey, where the hell are you going?” He asked, turning around to find Hanma already heading out the door.
His feet were carrying him before he could think, searching all around for her. Hanma’ caught a glimpse of the long hair turning the corner, the tall teen jogging after his new obsession. He followed her all the way to a bedroom, staying at the door while she slipped out onto the patio. Shuji watched as she sat on a chair and lit up a cigarette, feeling his knees get weak. Did he just meet his dream woman? “What the hell are you doing?” Tetta came up behind him, grabbing his shoulder. The smaller teen peaked out from behind his friend, seeing what had him in a trance and scoffing. “What is your problem? Why are you staring at her like that?” He snapped. Hanma’ sighed dreamily, smiling like a fool and resting his head against the door frame. “Kisaki, I don’t know how to tell you this but…I’m gonna fuck your sister.” Hanma clapped, Tetta not even having time to respond or stop him before Shuji was out the patio door.
Unmei looked up at him annoyed, but Shuji had a big stupid smile on his face, crossing his arms and leaning against the door to stop Tetta from sliding it open. “Can I fucking help you?” She asked, the sassy tone giving him butterflies. “Ah, you looked a little lonely out here. Thought I might come out and give you some company, beautiful.” He tried to play it cool as Tetta banged on the door. Unmei grimaced as she looked him up and down, scoffing as she took another drag of her cigarette. “I don’t need any company, shitbag. Go bother someone else.” She told him, looking at the parking lot. Hanma laughed, not one to give up as he turned to look at Tetta, giving him the finger and walking backwards to lean against the railing. “Aw, c’mon, you ain’t gotta be like that. Just tryna strike up a friendly conversation. I’ll even smoke with ya.” He insisted, Tetta crossing his arms and tilting his head to watch what unfolded patiently. Hanma lit his own cigarette, Unmei watching him blow the smoke into the air as he draped his arms over the railing. “I didn’t know Tetta had a sister. Gotta say, you definitely got the looks in the family. Why don’t you and I ditch ‘im and go for a ride? Could show ya some real nice spots.” He wiggled his eyebrows and licked his lips.
The way she looked up at him with a cocky little smirk tugging at her pretty plump lips had him thinking he had it in the bag. When she curled a finger to beckon him closer he moved instantly, leaning down in front of her and blatantly staring at her chest. Her pretty manicured fingers grabbed the collar of his shirt, tugging him down so they were face to face, Shuji feeling her breath on his lips and feeling himself tremble. Her smile faded, her pretty hazel eyes staring right into her soul as she grit her teeth. “Get. The fuck. Out of my room.” Unmei grumbled, breaking his heart as she let go of him. While he was still bent over in front of her she took another drag, blowing the smoke in his face. Before he processed it all a car door slammed from the parking lot below, Unmei looking around him and huffing out a sigh. “Unmei Kisaki, what have I told you about bringing those dangerous hoodlum boys around my house? And are you really smoking right now?” A shrill voice screeched, Hanma standing up to see a woman stomping towards the building. “I didn’t bring him, mom! It’s Tetta’s friend! They’re out here bothering me!” Unmei shouted back, getting up and pushing him back with a hand on his chest. “You liar! You! Get out of my house this instant and leave my no good daughter alone! I swear, you are a disgrace, Unmei!” Their mother started ranting as Hanma opened the door, letting Tetta hear everything. The younger muttered under his breath and stepped out, waving to the woman. “She’s right, mom! This is my friend, he’s just over so I can tutor him!” Tetta lied, their mother instantly relaxing. “Oh, alright, sweetie. Sorry about that, love! But, you should stay away from Unmei, she’s a bad influence. And put that damn cigarette out, young lady!” She called out, Unmei rolling her eyes and puffing at it again.
After that day, Hanma found every excuse he could to come over. But, it was easy to realize who was the favorite child. Tetta constantly complained about how over bearing his parents were, always encouraging him to get the best grades and always do school work. Unmei, on the other hand, was the problem child. Not that she really did anything bad, she just didn’t get good grades and hung out with some shady people sometimes. Shuji noticed she was forgetful, and she had the mouth of a sailor, but every time he was around her he fell more and more in love with her.
Their relationship never improved, he was always her little brother’s annoying friend, but he was sure he’d change that eventually. That is, until the Tenjiku and Toman fight happened. After Tetta died, he felt a hole in his heart. His life lost the color, becoming dull and boring once again. Of course, he was also a fugitive, so he couldn’t exactly make an appearance at the funeral. He did show up, though, dressed in a black hoodie and staying towards the back to avoid being seen. Of course, his eyes were on Unmei most of the time. Her long hair was pulled up out of her face, a nice blazer and skirt on as she sat behind her parents, who were sobbing. Her face was neutral, though, not a tear in her eyes as she started at the ground with a frown.
After the ceremony he’d followed her outside, seeing her sitting by herself on a bench with a cigarette. He wanted to go up to her, to say something, apologize for the part he played in the tragedy, say anything. But, he stayed back as her mother came stomping out, standing right in front of her with her hands on her hips. “Are you serious right now? Are you really smoking at your own brother’s funeral? How could you be so inconsiderate?” She yelled, slapping the stick out of Unmei’s hands. The young woman stared at the ground, face never changing. “I cannot believe I was cursed with such an ungrateful, belligerent, disappointing daughter! Y’know, maybe if you were a better influence on Tetta, none of this would have happened! I swear, you are the worst, Unmei!” Her mother cried out, turning on her heels and balling her fists at her sides. “He had so much potential. He was such a good, smart, respectful kid. It should have been you.” With those last words, she walked away, leaving Unmei to sit there in silence, remaining the same as sadness filled her eyes.
Unmei knew it was true. Of course, as much as she bickered with her brother, she loved him, and she wished she was a better influence on him. Maybe if she had done better, was closer to him, none of this would have happened. It should have been her. She’d been repeating that since it happened. But, she felt so empty, she couldn’t even react. So, she lit another cigarette and walked out, heading home to pack her bags and leave home.
Even years later, nothing had changed. She still felt nothing. She’d made ends meet at a dead end job, enough money to get her own place and buy basic things, like some food and plenty of alcohol. Day in and day out she woke up hung over, went to work, came home and ate a light meal, and drank herself to sleep. She had no friends, no aspirations, just loving day to day like a zombie, doing the bare minimum to keep herself alive even though she wanted nothing more than to die.
Shuji saw all of it. He couldn’t stop himself. The first time he visited Tetta’s grave after the incident, he promised that he’d make sure Unmei stayed safe. After that night…
“God, I hate you!” Tetta shouted as he slammed his door shut, huffing in frustration as Hanma laughed. “Mei Mei troubles again?” Tetta rolled his eyes at the little nickname he’d given his sister, plopping down onto his desk chair and tossing the bag of chips at him. “She’s so frustrating. Mom’s pissed because she doesn’t want to go to college, because she doesn’t think she’s smart enough, but I keep on telling her if she’d just apply herself and put in even the smallest effort that she could go far in life. She’s not stupid, she’s damn smart, she’s just so lazy and doesn’t believe in herself at all.” Tetta complained. “Weeeeell do you think maybe that’s because your mom always calls her a dumb piece of shit? Could be a possibility.” Hanma pointed out. “Mom only says that because she’s lazy and doesn’t want to do anything. Maybe if she acted as smart as she is, there wouldn’t be a problem. I just wish she’d start believing in herself a little. I’m worried she’s gonna end up on the street or in some shitty relationship relying on a man because she doesn’t think she can do anything on her own.” Tetta sighed. Hanma grinned wickedly, rocking side to side and laughing. “Aaawww, you wuv your big sister, don’t you?” He teased, Tetta’s face flushing red as he got embarrassed. “Shut the hell up! I’m tried of your dumb ass.” He huffed as he threw a half empty water bottle at his friend.
Shuji knew how much Tetta actually cared about his sister, so his first visit to his grave he promised to keep an eye on her. And he did, a close eye on her, even if she didn’t know. He made sure she got home safe every night, kept guys away from her, even got her the job she had after “convincing” the owner. She never had any boyfriends, he made sure of that. None of the guys he saw her talking to looked good enough for her, so he made sure they didn’t think they had a chance. Did he think he was good enough? Absolutely not. But, he’d be damned if she was going to end up with someone that didn’t meet the standards her brother had for her.
“God dammit.” Unmei groaned loudly as she poured the last of her whiskey into the can of Pepsi. She didn’t realize she was almost out, which meant if she wanted to get wasted tonight she’d have to go out and get more. Reluctantly, she shrugged on a jacket and slipped her shoes on, grabbing her keys and heading out the door. It was a simple walk, not too far away and one she did often. The liquor store was only 3 blocks away, but of course she kept her knife in her bra, always keeping it on her just in case. Unmei was always paranoid, always thinking someone was watching her. Whenever she was out, whenever she went home, at work, even at home, it felt like the eyes of the world were fixed on her, watching her every move.
She paid the man at the counter, bottle in a paper bag in her hand as she stepped outside, looking everywhere to check her surroundings. The night air slipped it’s way down her jacket, giving her a shiver as she bundled up with her free hand in her pocket. It wasn’t that far of a walk, she could be safe at home in about 10 minutes if she walked fast enough. Behind her, she jumped as she heard the sound of men laughing and giggling like school girls, Unmei looking over her shoulder to see the group. It was about 5 of them, maybe just out of high school. One of them was looking right at her, nudging his friend in the gut to get his attention and whispering to him, bringing all of their attention to her. Her body ran cold as her chest tightened, her feet moving faster as she tried to rush home.
Footsteps behind her got louder and faster, Unmei panting as she began to sprint down the street, hearing the laughing and calling out to her, telling her to stop and slow down. She was terrified, her heart racing as she ran. There was no telling what could happen if they caught up, she was incredibly outnumbered and outmatched. Tears spring into her eyes as she prayed she’d make it home okay.
The loud engine from a motorcycle came roaring down the street, Unmei watching the headlight get closer and closer as she hoped whoever was driving would notice. The bike came to a screeching halt right in front of her, Unmei stopping in her tracks as the tall figure dressed in all black revved the engine. “Unmei! Get on!” The deep voice called out to her, the footsteps behind still approaching. She didn’t have time to think, the man getting off and helping her sit down before he turned to the group, who had now come to a stop and began chattering amongst themselves. Unmei frowned as her savior let his hood fall down, the long black hair confusing her as he cracked his knuckles. Did she know that voice? And this bike, hadn’t she seen it before? Where did she know it from?
Hanma chuckled as he stepped closer to the group, the one in the middle stepping forward. “Look man, he ain’t mean no trouble. Just wanted to talk to the girl.” The young man insisted, putting his hands up in defense. Unmei watched as the bike owner swung without a second thought, knocking her pursuer out in one hit. The next few minutes were a blur, Hanma moving fast and quickly taking them all out while laughing, having more fun than he had in years. His light was back in his life, the long and dark night had ended the moment she looked at him, his sun rising above the horizon once more. As soon as they were all laid out on the ground he rushed back to his bike, getting on behind her and feeling how small she was against his body. “Grab the handlebars and hold tight.” He told her, Unmei tucking her bottle between her legs and doing as he said. His large hands engulfed hers, Unmei’s eyes going wide when she saw the tattoos, her heart skipping when she realized who it was while he revved the engine. “Shuji?” She whimpered quietly as he sped away.
He brought her back to her place without even asking, Unmei getting a sinking feeling in her gut when he parked. “You alright? They didn’t touch you, right?” He asked as he turned off the bike, helping her off carefully. Unmei was panting still, looking up at him and having the tilt her head all the way back. The golden eyes she knew so well looked down at her, long blond bangs framing his thin face as he tucked his hands into his jacket pockets, keeping her between him and his bike. “Shuji? Hanma? Is that really you? I-Its been so long, I-I don’t…” She whispered, shaking her head as she tried to process his presence. Hanma laughed, the sound giving her tingles all over. What was that feeling in her chest? “Its me, Mei Mei. It’s been a while, I know. You’re not hurt, right? Did they say anything to you?” He asked, pinching her chin to examine her face and make sure there weren’t any marks. “N-No, but…where the hell did you come from? How did you…how did you bring me home?” She asked, looking around her parking lot. “Your home? You live here too? I gotta friend that stays on the fourth floor, I was just driving by and saw you getting chased so I figured I’d help out and bring you back to a safe place. That’s all.” He lied. He lied through his teeth, so quick he even surprised himself. There was no way he could tell her he was watching her, that he knew how to get to her house from anywhere in the city. And of course she would believe it, because what other explanation would there be? “Oh, really? Wow, what a coincidence. I live on the third. I was just going to pick something up from the store, but when I left these guys started chasing me, and I was so scared. I’m glad you showed up, Shuji.” Unmei smiled at him, her first genuine smile in years. It blinded him, his heart melting as he smiled back. “Me too. I’m glad you’re okay, Mei Mei. Well, I should probably get back upstairs, my friend is waiting for me. See you around, yeah?” Shuji knew what he was doing. He was acting cool, nonchalant, knowing exactly how she would react.
As he turned on his heel, Unmei felt her heart drop, her breath hitching as she reached out for him. “W-Wait!” She gasped, grabbing him by the back of the jacket and keeping him there. “Hey, um, do you…maybe…wanna come over for a bit? It’s been so long, there’s so much to catch up on. Besides, I just got a new bottle. Have a few drinks with me?” She asked, her voice sweet as honey as he slowly turned around. Hanma looked her up and down, admiring her up close for the first time in years. She’d let her natural hair grow out and cut off all the dye, the dirty blonde hair falling in waves just barely pushing past her shoulders. The golden frames of her round glasses sat on the bridge of her nose so elegantly, she was looking more and more like her brother every day.
Hanma let out an exaggerated sigh, looking behind him at a random door. “I dunno, my friend’s been waiting for me for a while. Probably wondering where I am.” He frowned, looking back down at her and seeing the absolute disappointment on her face. How cute. “B-But…it’s been so long since I’ve seen you…and there’s so much to catch up on. Ever since we found out what happened and that you left I’ve been so worried about you, I didn’t know if you were alive or not, it scared me. I’ve missed you, Shu.” Unmei whispered. Hanma felt like he was on cloud nine as she looked up at him with those pretty doe eyes, knowing he was still wrapped around her finger. “I don’t have any friends, never had a boyfriend, my parents haven’t talked to me since the funeral, I’m so alone.” Her body began to shake, the weight of it all taking over her as her eyes filled with tears. She was alone, she had no one. But now, there was someone she wanted around right in front of her, and he wanted to leave too? It was too much for her to handle, just the thought of not being wanted by him anymore sending her into a downward spiral. She always knew that he had the biggest crush on her. At first it was annoying, but then it turned kind of sweet. Then, everything happened and he disappeared, so by the time she was willing to come to terms with the fact that she had feelings for him, he was gone, supposedly forever. But now he was here again, and she had to beg for him to stay, she couldn’t let him leave.
Shuji smiled, stepping closer to her and gently placing a finger under her chin, tilting her head back to look at him properly as he towered over her. “Well, looks like you could use some company, beautiful.” He whispered, Unmei feeling her knees get weak as she smiled and giggled, remembering when they first met.
She led him up to her apartment, her stomach swarming with butterflies this whole time. It’d be a lie to say he didn’t get hotter. When he was young, the stupid up-do of his annoyed her sometimes, but the first time she saw him with his hair down after he’d taken a shower at their place, she realized maybe he wasn’t so ugly after all. But now, he was so much older, and the shoulder length hair was definitely working for him. Of course, the bags under his eyes an obvious sign he wasn’t sleeping well and making him look years older. Where was he even staying? Did he work? She had so many questions, but she couldn’t find the words as she kicked her shoes off. “Sorry, it’s not much. You can make yourself comfortable though.” She told him, setting the bottle on the counter and grabbing some glasses. Hanma looked around, interested to finally see the inside of her place. It really wasn’t much, just a kitchen that lead to the bedroom/living area, and a door he assumed lead to the bathroom, but it was cozy. It smelled nice as well, and it was pretty clean.
Unmei felt him move behind her, his hand resting on her hip as he pushed past her, making her toes curl as her body heated up from just having him so close. He heard her breath hitch, smiling to himself as he let his hand drag across her back before he made his way into the other room. It was decorated to the bare minimum, just a small dead plant in the window and a few manga on the shelf next to the TV. Very basic, but still cozy. He made himself comfortable on the floor, leaning against the bed and waiting for her to come in with two glasses and the bottle she just bought in here hand. “I hope you like whiskey, it’s the only thing I really drink.” She laughed nervously, setting it all down on the kotatsu and sitting down. Hanma laughed, smiling at her to relax her. “Whiskey is my favorite.” He told her, grabbing the glass she set in front of him and holding it up so she could pour into it.
It was silent for a bit, an awkward tension filling the air as Unmei looked around anxiously, unsure of what to say. One drink in silence turned into two, then by the third Hanma finally spoke up, tilting his head and smirking as he looked at her. “You bring me up here just to drink or did you wanna talk about something?” He asked, Unmei sitting up straight with wide eyes and gulping. She did wanna talk, she really did. “Sorry. I just…I don’t know what to say. Still kind of in shock you’re actually here. How…how have you been? Where have you been? What are you doing nowadays?” She asked, crossing her legs and bringing them to her chest. “Ah, this and that, been all over. Still on the run, y’know. Just keeping a low profile.” He sighed, twirling the glass and making the ice clink. “Right. I’m sure you’d probably get a lot of time for what happened. Our parents couldn’t believe Tetta played a part in what happened to that girl. Shima? Sora? I don’t remember. They dismissed it like it never happened, even when the cops insisted he did it.” Unmei said sadly, hanging her head low. “Sano. Emma Sano. And, don’t put the blame on him. Her own brother’s the one that made us do it. It wasn’t Tetta’s fault.” He lied.
The words made Unmei’s bottom lip quiver. Was that really true? Did her brother die from being someone’s puppet? “Who was it? Who made him do it?” She asked, looking back up at him as her breath shook. She saw his eyes darken as he frowned, the man letting out a deep sigh. “Izana Kurokawa. He was the leader of the group we were in. He died that day too.” He told her. Unmei could feel the world crash down around her. So, not only was her little brother used by this guy, but he was dead, so she couldn’t even get revenge? It hurt, she had no outlet for her anger. “Fucking shit. Why did he…why did it…fuck…” Unmei’s voice cracked as she felt a rush of grief for the first time in years. Every day had been dull and boring and emotionless, but now everything she’d pushed down the last few years instantly came flooding back, overwhelming her as tears spilled down her cheeks.
Hanma lunged forward, wrapping her up in his arms and gripping her hoodie as she gasped loudly, surprised by his embrace, his warmth. Was this what it really felt like to be hugged? It’d been so long, she forgot what such a touch felt like. “Its alright, beautiful. I’ve got you. You can let it out.” He cooed, Unmei whimpering as her lip quivered again. She wouldn’t have been able to hold it back even if she wanted to. Her arms wrapped around him as her face buried into his shoulder, muffled sobs and cries breaking his heart while her nails clawing at his back to keep him close made him feel other things.
“I know, baby. I know. I miss him too. But it’s not your fault, no matter what anyone says. You’re a good big sister, he loved you a lot.” Hanma whispered, hearing her wail and stroking her hair. How would that make her feel better? It just hurt more, her heart breaking into pieces. She loved her brother so much, why did he have to die so young? He had so much potential, he could’ve done amazing things, and this is what fate had in store for him? He could’ve been successful, he could’ve had a family, she could’ve been an aunt. But now all of the dreams she had for him were gone, any hope to see the boy she helped raise grow up washed away. “It should’ve been me. It should’ve been me. He was so much better than me, so much better.” She cried out, Hanma pulling back a bit to look at her properly. Her face was completely red, soaked with tears and bangs a mess from being smashed against him. “Darling, no. Can’t think like that. You shouldn’t die either. Tetta would’ve been crushed if you did. He had so many big plans for you, so many dreams. He wanted to see you grow up and be happy, get a good job and meet a nice man, have a nice family. If you died instead, he wouldn’t have be able to live with himself. He’d have been broken.” Hanma explained, cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears away. Unmei stared at him in shock, her pretty lips parted as he wiped at the corners of them. “He…had dreams…for me?” She whispered, grabbing at his jacket and balling the fabric up in her tiny fists. “Of course. He wanted you to have the world, Unmei. Told me all the time how much potential he saw in you. He knew you could do great things, he wanted to see you thrive in life.”
The words hit her so deep. All of these years she wanted the best for her little brother, he wanted the same for her, and what did she have to show for it? If he was still alive, he’d be so disappointed, she knew that. Hanma saw her about to lose it again, shushing her and grabbing her by the waist. He tugged her onto his lap, holding her tight with a hand splayed on her back and the other tangling in her hair. She was so in shock from the action she didn’t even cry, her eyes like saucers as she sat in his lap, straddling him as he held her like his life depended on it. He was so big, so warm, his embrace completely surrounding her and giving her more comfort and safety than she’d ever felt in her life. “I know. I miss him too. So damn much. Everyday I wake up and think ‘I should’ve been with him’. ‘It should’ve been me’. It’s just not fuckin’ fair.” Unmei let out a shaky breath as she felt his body tremble against hers, his deep voice cracking as he gripped her hoodie. She never even thought about it before, but Shuji was the best friend Tetta ever had, he was there when it all happened. Why did she never consider he might be hurting just as much as she was, maybe even more? She frowned as she slowly reached up, stroking his long hair as his face buried in her neck, the quick, shaky breaths that fanned over her skin making her weak. “I know. It’s okay now. You’re here now, Shuji. Don’t have to feel alone anymore.” She cooed, brushing his hair out with her fingers.
Unmei felt so small in his grasp, Hanma slightly worried if he squeezed any tighter she might break. He always dreamed of holding her like this, to be so close and feel her warmth, smell her perfume, or cologne more like. She smelled amazing, like lavender and musk, but in a way that wasn’t overwhelming, it fit her perfectly. Everything fit her perfectly. She was perfect. There was nothing he wanted more in the world that to hold her forever. Even his guilt didn’t stop his heart from pounding, the gentle thrum of her own pulse beating against his temple. He wasn’t alone. He was with her. Neither of them would ever be alone if he had a say in it.
He pulled back a bit, his face hovering next to hers as time slowed. She could feel his hot breath, the goosebumps that formed on her skin as he turned his head, nose nudging against her cheek. Unmei pulled back to look at him, her eyes scanning his face as he leaned in closer, their lips almost touching. It felt like the world stopped, all of their grief and anguish melted away as a fire burned brightly between them, tension rising. “Not alone anymore…because I’m here with you…all I’ve ever wanted…” He whispered, moving his hand from the back of her head to her jaw, cupping it gently and brushing his thumb over her cheek. Her entire being melted, unable to help the whimper that escaped as she looked into his half lidded eyes. “Shu…I…you…” She whispered. Her heart was racing, chest heaving and body aching, for his touch, for his warmth, for all of him. She’d never felt need like this before, never had the desire or passion. All he had to do was look at her and nothing else mattered, all she cared about was that he was finally there with her, and that’s all she needed.
Nothing was going to stop him now. He had her exactly where he wanted her, in his arms, under his finger tips, and he was never going to let go. The moment he leaned in, he felt his heart beating like a drumroll, years of waiting and craving all leading up to this moment. He’d never wanted anything in life as badly as he wanted her. Every morning he’d wake up wishing she was beside him, every minute that passed of the day he wanted to be by her side. Every night he dreamt of her, holding her close, touching her all over, feeling her soft skin under his calloused hands and tasting her everywhere. She’d consumed his mind without even knowing it, the thought of her being with anyone besides him eating away at him day in and day out. From day one she belonged to him, he knew it in his heart and in his soul. Unmei was his, and now the time had finally come where he would give his all to her, and take everything she had in return.
The moment their lips touched, Unmei felt the years of loneliness and suffering wash away like a waterfall pouring over her. Everything that Shuji was flowed through her as he moved his lips, Unmei becoming worried. She put a hand on his chest, pushing him back gently as he begrudgingly let their lips part. “What’s the matter, baby? Going too fast for ya?” He asked, a little out of breath. “No, no it’s good. I just…I don’t really know how to kiss. Only kissed one person before, and that was years ago. Scared I’m not gonna be good enough.” Her voice was small as she confessed, her head turning away and eyes fixed on her bed. Fuck, how did she not know what he was doing to him? Just the thought of her kissing someone else sent him over the edge, his body moving before she could react. He picked her up with ease, sitting on her bed with his back to the wall and his hand on her hips as he pushed her down onto his lap again, grip firm as she squealed. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll take care of everything. Just do whatever feels right for you and I promise you’ll feel good. Alright?” His lips curled into a smile, her toes curling while his hand trailed up underneath her hoodie, rough fingers trailing over her back and tracing up her spine. She let out a soft sigh, her head rolling back and showing off her neck to him, Shuji just picturing how pretty it’ll look once he’s covered her perfect skin in his marks. Unmei nodded, looking back at him and cupping his cheeks while giving him a sweet smile. “If it’s you, I’ll do anything. Just wanna be with you, Shuji.” She whispered to him, her radiance blinding him.
With that, she leaned in again, initiating the kiss this time but letting him take over instantly, Hanma guiding her and easing her into it. A million thoughts ran through his head, all the ways he could take her, claim her, make sure she never thought of anyone else besides him. Maybe he was being selfish, but he honestly didn’t think he was. It’d been a long time coming, and he knew he loved her from the very start. He'd been so good the whole time, keeping his distance, making sure he didn’t make her uncomfortable, respecting boundaries. Okay, well, the last part was a lie. The boarder line stalking could be a boundary cross, but she didn’t know about it, so was it really that bad? He was only protecting her, he was doing a good thing, right? Whatever, it didn’t matter, because she was in his arms now, kissing him with so much passion and need, he could barely tell she was a beginner. She followed his lead easily, catching on quick and moving against his lips gently. His hands roamed her body, fingertips grazing all over her back and sides as she trembled, letting out a shaky breath while her hips bucked against him subconsciously.
Hanma was aching, dying to feel her more each time she grinded over the tent in his pants. She might not have even known what she was doing to him, the effect she had. The roll of her hips stuttered as she moaned softly, her toes curling and head falling back. Shuji thought the was a perfect opportunity, needing to hear more of the pretty sounds. Every night he’d dreamt of what she might sound like when he’s making her feel good, if she was a moaner or a curser or a whiner, maybe all three. The soft gasps now were good, but not good enough. The desire to hear more tipped him over the edge as he moved her to straddle his leg, pushing her down onto his thigh and rocking her against it as he licked a long stripe up her neck.
“Ny-ah! Fuck!” Unmei squeaked, gripping his shoulders as she shook on top of him. It made his brain and heart melt to hear her like this, the sound so cute to him. He tugged on her hips, pressing his thigh up into her as he moved her while licking, kissing and sucking all over her neck. It was driving her wild. Unmei didn’t know how much she’d like neck kisses, but they might become her favorite thing. Especially when the tip of his tongue flicked over a particular spot just under her jaw like a snake, her hand moving to the back of his head. “There. Right there feels real good.” She moaned, Shuji wiggling his eyebrows as he nipped and sucked at the spot. Her hips bucked sharply, his thigh pressing up into her again as pleasure surged through her Unmei moaned loudly, losing herself while grinding on him. His leg was on the skinnier side, but it was firm under her, and even through their pants it was more friction than she’d ever felt before. It made her head spin, face turning pink as she leaned back to look at him with a sultry face that was almost porn worthy.
Shuji smiled, his thumbs tracing the bottom of her bra. “Feeling good, pretty girl?” He asked, watching her hips roll. The nickname made her heart flutter, an adorable smirk forming on her pretty lips as she nodded. “Really good. Don’t wanna stop.” She admitted breathlessly. “Good. Don’t stop. Feel good, baby. Lemme see how pretty you look when you lose your fucking mind.” He encouraged, slipping her hoodie up over her head and making quick work of her bra, staring shamelessly at her chest. “Fuuuuck…god you’re so fuckin’ beautiful. Better than I dreamed of.” He whispered, almost to himself. But, Unmei stopped for a moment, staring at him with her lips parted. “Dreamed of? You dreamed of me?” She asked softly, Shuji looking up at her as he groped her breasts. “Every night, doll. Always been my dream girl. Drove me fucking crazy, would probably get embarrassed from all the things I dreamt of doing to you.” He chuckled.
Something inside of her snapped, a cord splitting apart as she whimpered, remembering all thee things she wanted him to do to her. All the nights wanting his hands on her, the fantasies of him being buried inside of her instead of the toy she had. Wondering if he was bigger, if he’d be better, if he’d be able to make her feel better than she did. Her hands moved without much thought, stripping him out of his jacket before lifting his shirt up, tossing it wherever hers ended up and running her hands over his bare chest. It was so warm, so firm under her dainty fingers, she couldn’t help but whimper as she imagined how much stronger he was, how he could probably manhandle her. Their size difference was definitely one of her favorite things about him, her mind wandering to how easily he could pick her up, pin her down, it made her hips move again just thinking about it. “Would it be bad if I said I thought stuff about you too?” She asked softly, doe eyes looking at him with such innocence he thought he’d lose his mind. “Yeah?” He hummed, putting a large hand on the small of her back to help her with her movements. “Like what?” Hanma asked, desperate to know. Unmei smiled and giggled, her hand moving to the back of his neck and twirling his hair around her finger. “Whatever you want.” She told him teasingly, watching his eyes darken as his smile faded.
Within seconds Unmei was on her back, Hanma nestled between her legs and pressing her hard into the mattress. His breathing got heavier, Unmei squirming and staring up at him with her chest heaving. “Do you want that, sweetheart? Want me to have my way with you? Gotta warn you, I’ll go easy, but it won’t be gentle. You sure you wanna try and take me on?” He asked, his tone dropping as his fingers traced up her arms, hands moving to lace with hers and pressing them into the bed. She looked so pretty under him, all of his fantasies in the palm of his hands, so close he could almost taste it. But, he wouldn’t do it unless he knew she wanted him just as bad, as long as he knew she knew she belonged to him and only him. When she nodded how knees almost gave out, the little smile making his chest tight. “Want you, Shuji. Always wanted you. Just make me yours already, I don’t care what you do. Just, please, hurry. Aching for you, almost hurts.” Her voice cracked as her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him down to grind against her. Hanma groaned loudly, eyes screwing shut as he pressed hard into her, letting her feel all of him and dying to feel her wrapped around him. A dark smile spread across his lips, making her heart skip as he looked down at her. “Don’t worry, Unmei. I’ll give you everything you need. Gonna make you mine.” He grumbled, giving her goosebumps as his lips hovered over hers.
He kissed her again, grabbing her by the jaw and prying her mouth open to slip his tongue inside, swallowing her moan and using his other hand hiked her leg up, fingers digging into her thigh as he rocked his hips. His head was already dizzy, her soft and tiny body under him giving him such a wild sense of strength and power. He got the go ahead, he could do what he wanted, and what he really wanted right now was to see how she looked when she came, even if it was just from a little dry humping. She was almost too innocent, moaning and whimpering like crazy from the steady, firm movements. It made him wonder how loud she’d be when he filled her up, how tight she’d be when he finally slipped inside. Could she handle his rough thrusts? Would she scream his name? How many times would she have to cum before he broke her mind? He’d find out soon enough, apparently.
Unmei was already feeling the warmth bubbling in her tummy, nails scraping at his biceps as their tongues swirled together. Just the feeling of the bulge rubbing against her had her seeing stars, vivid colors splashing over the back of her eyelids as she drowned in him. She wanted to lose her mind, to only think of him, be his completely. Nothing else mattered to her. Years of loneliness, longing and worrying for him, it all washed away, only the tidal wave of pleasure consuming her as he moved faster. He bit her bottom lip as her old bed began to creak, her whole body moving from the sheer force of his grinds. “Mmnah, Mnu…ni…mnood, mm fuh…” She babbled between the heated kisses, her hips bucking up against him as her chest heaved. He could feel her shaking, toes curling against the back of his legs as his cock twitched in his pants.
He pulled back from her lips to get a good look at her face, her eyelids fluttering open as her eyes crossed slightly behind her glasses, lips hung open for bated breaths and soft whimpers to spill out. “So pretty, baby. Cum for me. It’s alright. C’n cum like this, then I can stretch you out real nice, get you ready to take my cock. Want that? Wanna feel these insida you?” He asked, holding his long fingers in front of her face. They were almost twice the size of hers, her heart and pussy fluttering at the thought as she nodded. His fingertips tapped at her bottom lip, her tongue sticking out to graciously accept his middle and ring finger into her mouth as her lips wrapped around them, sucking and swirling her tongue around them while she moaned. Hanma was afraid he’d cum just from the sight, burning it into his memory. Her innocence was slipping, being completely destroyed by him so quickly as she turned into a lewd mess, tits bouncing with each thrust of his hips.
Unmei felt the build up, the snap, her legs squeezing around him as the ecstasy flowed through her like a big wave, swallowing her and mind turning to mush as she crumbled. Her body twitched and shook as her mouth hung open, a loud moan echoing through the room while he rocked her through it, Hanma’s eyes fixed on her beautiful face. It was the best thing he’d ever seen, watching her completely lose herself almost sending him over the edge. But he couldn’t, not yet. He had to hold back, keep his own desire under control until he was inside of her, until he could fill her up so full he’d never doubt his ownership over her. Slowly he eased up, only stopping when her breaths slowed and her body relaxed, kissing her over her neck and collar bone as she came down. Unmei let out a breathy laugh, a big smile on her face as she takes her fingers through her hair. Shuji sucked at her neck, feeling her press her body against his before he pulled off with a pop. “Ready for more, baby?” He asked, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Unmei giggled and nodded, pushing his long hair behind his ear as she admired his features. He’d definitely changed since she last saw him, his baby face changing and becoming manlier, cheeks hallowed a bit more and jawline sharper. She was in love, she could already feel it. There was nothing she wanted more than all of him. “’m ready. Want more, Shu.” She agreed, making him smile.
He kissed down her body, licking and sucking and leaving marks in his wake as he grabbed the waistband of her leggings, slowly dragging them down the length of her legs. Her legs closed from embarrassment as her cheeks reddened, gulping hard as she suddenly became nervous. Sure, she wanted him, wanted to be his, but she was still self conscious. No one had ever seen this much of her before, so of course it’d make her anxious. Hanma rubbed her calf as he sat back, looking her up and down and feeling a deep, feral urge to ruin her bubbling inside of her. Like a little bunny at the mercy of a ravenous wolf, he was salivating as his hunger for her became insatiable. He chuckled darkly, moving his hands up and down her legs. “Don’t get shy now, baby girl. Want me to give you everything, lemme see all of you.” He cooed, tilting his head curiously as she turned hers to the side. Unmei took a deep breath, hiding behind her arms as she let her legs spread, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.
Lucky for her, Shuji wasn’t looking at her face. When she opened up for him his eyes were fixed on her glistening core, tongue poking out to lick his lips as he let out a shaky breath. He dropped onto the bed, face hovering over her as he put her legs over his broad shoulders, Unmei gasping when she felt his hot breath on her skin. She sat up, seeing the hungry look in his eyes and gripping the sheets. “W-What are you doing? Why are you so close? It’s embarrassing.” She whined. She earned a sharp, warning look from him, making her squirm. “Embarrassing? Baby, you’ve got the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. Don’t be embarrassed. Can’t wait to be all the way inside of…here.” He hummed, slipping his middle finger knuckle deep into her, watching her head fall back as she moaned. It was a new and strange feeling, Hanma not waiting to begin pumping it in and out. She’d tried to finger herself, but her fingers were so small it never felt good enough. The depth he reached, the way he curled it, she was losing herself already.
Hanma stared at her hole swallowing his digit, feeling her tight walls pulse with her heartbeat as he felt all around. It was hypnotizing, addicting, his mouth salivating at her essence soaking his skin. She was a mess just from the little friction, drenched and inner thighs glistening as she clenched and twitched around him. He was so hard it hurt, so he was going to have to make quick work of this so he could finally get some release. He slipped another finger inside, curling against the perfect spot that had her back arching and thighs trembling around him. “Fuck! There, feels so good there. Fuck, don’t stop, Shuji.” She moaned so pretty, egging him on as he dipped down and flattened her tongue over her clit.
The feeling was indescribable. Every nerve in her body tingled as he swirled his tongue around her sensitive bud, her hands instantly flying to his head as her legs curled up. If she cared enough, she would be worried the neighbors could hear how loud she moaned. But, at this point, nothing else mattered except the pleasure she felt coarsing through her body. “Ah! Oh my go-ahd! Fucking shit!” Unmei squealed, pushing his head down and keeping him in place as her hips bucked. That’s exactly what he wanted, for her to give into her desires and feel good. He lapped and sucked at her clit, slipping a third finger in and stretching her out, the sloppy, messy sounds filling the room almost as much as her moans. Her body ached, chest tightening and she felt that build up again, coming faster than she expected as she felt herself teetering on the edge. He was moving fast, too quick for her to even grasp what was happening as he pulled his fingers out and wrapped his arms around her legs, holding her tight against his mouth.
She tasted better than any sweet he’d ever had, he couldn’t help but lose his composure as he ate her like a mad man, slurping up every drop she gave him and tongue fucking her fast, loving the way her legs squeezed around him and her fingers tugged at his hair. Unmei looked down to see his tatted hands wrapped around her thighs, his head shaking side to side as he looked up at her for a moment, catching her gaze and winking up at her. She whined, her heart melting as pleasure and love swept over her too fast for her, her body coming undone a second time as she shook violently. It was more intense than before as his wet muscle continued to squirm around, drawing circles into the pulsating nub. Of course, he had to spell his name on her clit as she came. Would she really be his if he didn’t? Even if she was gasping for air, even with her toes curling against his back and her voice cracking while she tried to push his head away, he took his time and traced out every letter from the H to the I. Only then was he satisfied, giving her soft kisses everywhere as he finally let her relax.
Unmei was relieved once he stopped, her hips still circling as he gently licked her clean and kissed all over her inner thighs while rubbing her legs and hips soothingly. Hanma gradually kissed his way up her body until he was hovering over her again, his lips and chin glistening with her essence. “Fuck, you taste so good, angel. Wanna spend the rest of my life buried in your legs.” He chuckled breathlessly. Unmei whimpered and rolled her body again, desperate for more while Hanma dipped down, brushing his nose against hers. “Want something else buried in ya now though, don’t ya baby? How bad do you want this?” He asked, grinding against her sensitive cunt. His jeans were rough, making her cry out from the friction as sweat began forming on her hairline. She only nodded, trying to tug him closer and nails scraping at his back as she panted. Hanma laughed tauntingly, grabbing her by the jaw and keeping her head still as her lust-blown pupils stared up at him pathetically “Don’t tell me you lost your words already, little one.” Shuji teased, pinching her cheeks together and watching the light in her eyes shift. Her body trembled as the nickname did something to her deep inside, setting a blaze in her as she completely melted under him. He saw it, he knew it, and he was going to toy with it.
“Oh? What’s that look for? Don’t tell me you like that. Got a size kink or something?” He hummed deeply, letting go of her face and dragging his large hand down her torso. Unmei bit her lips shut, turning her head to the side out of embarrassment, unable to find the words. She didn’t have to admit it, it was obvious he was right. “You do, don’t you? Dirty little girl. My teeny, tiny baby.” He whispered, leaning back down and smiling as his lips hovered above hers. He felt her shaky breaths on his skin, running his hands up and down her body as he completely engulfed her, mind wandering to how they must look from above. In his head, all he could see was him and her legs helplessly wrapped around him, the thought alone sending him into overdrive. “Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. I like it too. So tiny, could just pick ya up and fuck you on my cock with no effort. Honestly might not even be able to fit inside, little pussy probably can’t even handle me.” His hips grinded again, Unmei feeling the outline of him and thinking he might be right. But, she was more than willing to try. “No, wanna try. Please, Shu. Need you. Please.” She begged breathlessly, her fingers tangling in his hair as her bare chest pressed against his. The need in her voice told him it was time, neither of them could wait any longer. “Alright, alright. Gonna go slow, though. Tell me if you need me to stop.”
Hanma sat back to unzip his pants, grabbing hold of his length and groaning loudly. After all this time enjoying her, he was aching, leaking and twitching from his own touch as he throbbed. Unmei watched with her lips parted, tingles spreading through her body as she wondered how she’d ever be able to take that. He was huge, of course, long and thick, the angry red tip intimidating her. He was going to break her in half, but the thought kind of excited her. Precum coated the palm of his hand as he stroked himself, looking down at her with hungry, hooded eyes. “You ready for all of this, baby?” He smirked, Unmei’s heart skipping a beat, throat tightening as she swallowed hard. “W-Wait. You’re gonna use protection, right?” She finally found her voice, looking up at him nervously and closing her legs a bit. He was afraid this would be an issue. Welp, time to be a little toxic.
Shuji frowned, putting a hand by her head and giving her puppy dog eyes while leaning over her. “Unmei, I’ve been waiting for this for so long. Never been with anyone else before, only ever wanted you. Now that I finally have you, now that I can make you mine forever, I don’t want anything getting in the way of feeling all of you. Don’t you want that too? To be completely one and have nothing separating us? Don’t you want me?” He asked, sounding heartbroken with his voice slightly cracking. Unmei gasped, Shuji playing her heartstrings like a harp. “Of course I do. Want all of you, Shuji. But I just…what if something happens? I don’t think either of us are in a position to deal with the consequences if I got pregnant or something.” She pointed out, draping her arms around his broad shoulders. Hanma sighed, cupping her cheek and kissing her forehead. “Don’t worry, that won’t happen. I’ll pull out, I promise. Please, Unmei?” He begged. How could she say no to that face? Unmei pulled him down into a kiss, sighing sweetly into his mouth as he crumbled for her. “Okay. I’m okay with it. Just be careful, okay?” She smiled, Hanma overjoyed. He laughed and kissed her back excitedly before pulling back and looking at her with hearts in his eyes. “Don’t worry, Unmei. Gonna give you everything, make sure you feel amazing. Just take deep breaths and relax for me, yeah?”
He held himself in his hand again, looking down to watch her spreading her legs further for him and guiding himself to her entrance. His tip rubbed along her folds, the slickness making his breath hitch while Unmei squirmed. He’d never felt happier, the excitement and anticipation drumming through him as his heart beat faster and faster. Years of waiting, imagining, dreaming of this moment, and it was finally here. So much work he’d done to protect her, keep her safe and pure and his was finally paying off, but he had to make sure he didn’t let the joy get the best of him. Patience was key, and even though he wanted to pound into her more than anything, he had to get her used to him, let her stretch to take him and ease into it. The moment he popped his tip inside, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to hold back. Unmei cried out, back arching off the bed as she grabbed the sheets, the stretch from that alone almost splitting her open. “Fuck! Breathe for me, baby. It’s alright.” Shuji groaned, grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers as he pinned it down.
She was gasping for air, eyelids screwed shut as her head trashed side to side. “No no no no no, too big, too much, I don’t think I can do it.” She whined, tears filling her eyes from the heartbreak. After all this time, all the years of saving herself and keeping herself pure for the one she loved, it hurt to know that she wouldn’t be good enough for him, that she couldn’t even take him as he already stretched her to her limit. “Ssshhhh sh sh sh sh, relax, Unmei.” Shuji cooed, kissing her cheeks and jaw as she choked on a sob. “’m sorry, Shu. I’m so sorry. I-I don’t think I-“ “You can do it, I know you can.” He encouraged her, nudging her nose with his. “I promise, you can take it. Don’t be sorry. Just keep breathing for me. Nice and slow.” He pushed in just a little bit further, Unmei wrapping herself around him and clinging onto him for dear life while her head pushed back into the pillow. Hanma was holding back so much, he didn’t even know he was capable of being so cautious. But, in all honesty, he wouldn’t be able to push all the way in yet, even though he wanted to so bad. She was so damn tight, even though he played with her. Her walls were squeezing him like a vice grip, just barely letting him give her shallow thrusts to ease into her bit by bit.
Unmei tried to control her breathing, to slow it down and stop crying. She thought after using her toy for so long, it might’ve made it easier. But, he was way bigger than that, so her preparation had been fruitless. Nothing could’ve prepared her for this, and she was scared and excited at the same time, tears dripping down her temples. She was completely wrapped around him, legs locked on his waist and arms around his shoulders. Shuji’s face was buried in her neck as he groaned and gripped the sheets, steadily pushing in just a bit further. “Doing so good for me, gorgeous. Half way there. Takin’ it like a champ. ‘m so proud of you.” He praised, lips pressed to her skin. Unmei choked on a sob as the pain and pleasure bubbled together. It hurt, but it was such an amazing feeling as well. The heat radiating off of him, every ridge and vein on his cock rubbing through her walls with every shallow thrust, she couldn’t help but giggle, grabbing his attention. Hanma’s eyebrows furrowed as he pulled back, a confused smile on his lips as he watched her little giggle fit. “What’s got you so giggly, sweetheart?” He asked stroking her cheek with his knuckles. “’m sorry. Just really really happy.” She admitted with a small, sweet voice. Shuji’s smile faded for a moment while he stared at her face, her big beautiful eyes looking right at him with all the stars in the universe, lips curled into the biggest smile and soft cheeks rosy pink. She was everything he wanted, always and forever, he wasn’t going to let her slip through his fingers ever again.
Shuji laughed, peppering her entire face with kisses and making her giggle and squirm, her inner walls massaging him as he stayed still, enjoying the feeling. When he reached her lips it took her breath away, the giggles switching to soft moans. He pulled back and dragged his hands down her body, sitting up and smiling. “I’m happy too, Unmei. Never been happier. And look, you’re more than halfway there. See?” He pointed out, bringing her attention to where they were connected. The sight make her brain numb. His thick length nestled inside of her, his abs, hands on her thighs, it was the most lewd thing she’d ever seen. “Oh, fuck…” She whispered, licking her lips as her hips circled, unable to stop the heat pooling throughout her body. The pain had started melting away, and when he gave an experimental thrust, she knew what she wanted, she felt ready.
“Just do it, Shu. Go all the way, I can handle it.” Unmei whimpered, grabbing his wrist delicately. His eyes widened, heart skipping a beat. “You sure? Don’t wanna hurt ya, now.” Hanma cooed, rubbing circles into her hips with his thumbs. But, she was positive, she wanted it, no matter what it felt like. She wanted all of him, as fast as possible, or she was going to lose her mind. “I’m sure. Please, Shuji. Just do it. Like ripping a bandaid off.” She nodded assuredly, making him smile. “Alright. I’ve gotcha. Just hold my hands, okay?” He agreed, locking their fingers together. Unmei took a deep breath, focusing on the stretch and the pleasure of his pulsating cock, the beat matching the pounding of her heart.
Hanma could barely contain himself, eyes locked on her core as he prepared mentally. In one fell swoop he completely shoved himself inside of her, bottom out as their cries filled the room. Shuji toppled over and pinned her hands it the pillow as Unmei screamed, body convulsing as an orgasm unexpectedly washed over her. “Shit shit shit shit shit!” Shuji spewed, trying his best not to cum yet. It was so hard, her insides practically milking him as she shuddered. It was pure bliss, feeling him so deep inside, completely filling her up. It was impressive that she managed to handle it, the pleasure beyond words, incomparable to anything she’d ever felt before. Her breathy moans slowed down as her eyes glazed over, Unmei taking off her glasses and setting them on her nightstand as he stayed still. “You alright? Feel good?” He panted. She nodded and smiled, still blissed out and relaxing back into the mattress. Unmei grabbed his hand again and brought the back of it to her lips, kissing along the dark marks. “Fucking amazing. Keep going, baby. Fuck me like you mean it.” She smirked, not knowing what her words were doing to him.
It made something click in his brain, the need and desire taking over. A wicked grin spread across his thin lips, the kind that’s scare the biggest and baddest, but only excited her more. “Like I mean it, huh? Don’t get too cocky now, little one. But alright, I’ll give you what you want. Brace yourself, baby.” He chuckled, grabbing her hips tight and lifting them up.
Nothing could’ve prepared her for what he had in store. In one quick move he pulled out all the way to his tip and slammed in again, Unmei screaming loudly as her body lurched from the force. Hanma moaned, throwing his head back as he did it again and again, his tip easily hitting the deepest spots. The way she squeezed and massaged his cock was heavenly, silky walls welcoming him into a vice grip as she arched and squirmed in his grip. “Fuck! Shu! Ah, god, fuck!” She squealed, her toes curled and fingers gripping the pillow as the bed creaked violently. She could practically feel all of the thoughts in her head melt away as nothing but pure ecstasy flowed through her like a tidal wave. Each snap of his hips had her seeing stars, the sounds filling the small space downright filthy.
Shuji moaned and groaned, grunted and growled. Watching her body move was like art. Plump pink lips parted for her sultry moans to spill out, eyelids fluttering as she stared at him, tits bouncing and tight cunt coating the length of his cock in her listening slick. Nothing in the world could compare to how breathtaking she was, and his mind just kept going back to the first time he saw her, the moment he knew he was in love with her. This was everything he’d ever wanted and more. When he felt the fire burning in the pit of his stomach, he knew he couldn’t stop. He had to distract her, had to make sure she wouldn’t notice what was about to happen. Maybe if she came again too, it’d cover up his own release. So, that’s exactly what he aimed to do.
He pounded ruthlessly, grabbing the back of her legs and folded her, Unmei’s eyes going wide. She gasped when he gripped her calves tight, forced to watch his cock sink into her sensitive hole over and over again. Her head was spinning, mouth salivating as drool seeped from the corner of her lips. It felt like the whole world was spinning, her body weak to the abundant pleasure as she laid helpless beneath him. Her moans got more high pitched, mixing with the lewd squelching of her cunt. Hanma could feel himself tipping over the edge, hips beginning to lose their rhythm. “Fuck, fuck fuck fuck! Doing so fucking good for me, baby. Pussy feels like heaven. Wanted this for so fucking long. God, I fucking love you.” He moaned, letting one of her legs relax over his shoulder so he could grip the headboard.
Unmei stared up at him in shock, feeling the tears well in her eyes again. He loved her? He really loved her? She wanted to point it out so bad, but no words would form in her throat. The only sounds she was capable of were moans and whimpers. But, it was the thought alone that had her seeing stars. He loved her. Shuji Hanma told her that he loved her, to her face. It pained her that she couldn’t even say it back. The only thing she could think to do was show him. So, she grabbed his face in her small hands, pulling him down and crashing her lips onto his, surprising him as she licked into his mouth. It was deep and passionate, he could feel every hair on the back of his neck as a chill ran down his spine. That was the snap, his cock pulsating as he released without warning, letting the waves crash through him. At the same time, he felt her clamp around him, thankful his plan worked as she moaned into his mouth, her fingers gripping his hair tight and legs wrapping around him.
But, he couldn’t stop. Even if he was sensitive, even if he knew it might be too much for her, his body wouldn’t let him stop. He only pulled out long enough to flip her over onto her stomach, Unmei’s face buried in her pillow as she put her ass up in the air, having enough brain power to know what she needed to do and what was coming next. She hugged her pillow tight, swaying her hips as he liked his tip up again. It was like second nature for her, all of the videos she’d watched and things she’d read, all of the wild fantasies she’d had preparing her for this. However, Hanma was frozen for a moment, seeing the ink etched into her back. Pretty wings decorated her skin, a low groan rumbling in his throat. That wasn’t there before. “Oh fuck me…” He whispered to himself. It was too much for him to handle, and he pushed inside of her once more, pounding to his base once again and letting his brain slip away. All he could think about was how good she felt, how he was going to feel this every day for the rest of his life, and how he never wanted to stop. It was like he was 16 again, humping his pillow thinking about her, picturing this exact thing in his head, but a million times better. “Fuck, Unmei, so fucking sexy! Love watching you, so tiny and pretty and perfect. Feelin’ good, baby? Tell me you’re feeling good, fuck! Please say it, angel.” He choked, doubling over and slipping a hand underneath her, hand splayed across her chest and lifting her up a bit.
Her eyes were crossed, jaw slack as she gasped and moaned. She’d never felt anything from behind, always very basic and flat ok her back while using her toy. It was driving her wild, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Please tell me, baby. Wanna hear your voice. Need ta hear ya.” He begged, voice cracking as his strong and cool demeanor slipped. He needed to know he was doing a good job, that she was feeling as good as him, that she felt the same way. If not, everything he’d worked so hard for, waited for, would be for nothing. Eventually, Unmei started babbling, realizing she could probably spit something out. “Good! Fuck! Shu! Don’t stop! Down!” She cried out, Hanma gasping and dropping her back down onto the mattress. When she was bent over again he hit the best spot, her hips bucking up to help him hit it again. “There! Ri-ah-there!” She screamed, hugging the pillow again as she rocked back, meeting him thrust for thrust.
Shuji grabbed her hips tight again, watching, mesmerized by her fucking herself back on his cock, the bend of her spine, the intricate tattoo, the jiggle of her ass cheeks. Unmei’s brain was turning to mush, chasing the high as it bubbled up in her again. Her clit was aching, so she reached down to rub it in fast, tight circles, desperate for the little extra push. It made him smile when he felt her spasming around him, her legs shaking and moans getting louder. He picked up the pace a little more, pushing down on her back to arch it even more. “Fuck! Shuji! G’na cum! Harder!” Unmei squealed. He could do that. The snap of his hips grew harsher, going deeper as he slammed into her. His grip kept her still as he abused her cunt, sending her over the edge again. It hit her so hard her legs gave out, knees slipping out from under her as she collapsed, a convulsing and spasming mess. Hanma lowered himself on top of her, and kissed her shoulders and neck, his cock rubbing against her ass cheeks so he wouldn’t lose the pleasure built up. Her pants and moans slowed, Unmei turning around under him to smile up at him. “You good? Not too tired yet, right?” He chuckled, kissing her forehead. She shook her head, licking her lips as her chest still heaved. “One more. Please, just one more. Like this again.” She whispered, wrapping her arms and legs around him again, letting him completely mesh against her. “So I can tell you I love you to your face while you do it.”
Shock froze him, his body as still as a statue as he stared down at her. “You…you what?” He croaked, thinking he heard wrong. Unmei threw her head back as she laughed, fingers gently trailing up and down his biceps. “So you can say it to me but get surprised when I say it back? I said I love you, asshole. Do you need to clean your ears?” She teased, poking his temple.
She loved him. She loved him. She loved him. It kept playing on repeat in his head, over and over again. She said it. It was real. He wasn’t imagining it. “Say it again.” His tone dropped, Unmei getting butterflies as his stare intensified. “I love you, Shuji.” She repeated, giving him a soft smile. “Again.” The command made her quiver, spine tingling. “I lo-ah!” before she could even get the words out he pounded into her harder than ever, the movement firm and possessive as his eyes stayed fixed to her blissed out face. “Don’t stop, Unmei. Keep saying it. Wanna hear you say it.” Shuji breathed out, muscles tight as he started a heavy, deep pace.
Of course, she did as she was told, repeating the phrase as much as she could while he took her completely. Body, mind, soul, heart, it was all his, completely and utterly. “That’s it. That’s my girl. Keep it going. Love hearing you say it.” He cooed, feeling her tighten at the praise. If she kept doing that, he knew he’d cum again, needing to feel that sweet release. “My good girl. My pretty girl. My little baby.” He moaned over her chants, hearing her squeak and gasp. “Like that, dontcha? Feel you clamping around me, my pretty little girl likes praise, hm?” A smile spread on his lips when she nodded, watching her lips form into a focus pout as she closed her eyes, letting the feelings he was giving her take over. “So fuckin’ cute, baby. Don’t worry, I’ll keep tellin’ ya all the sweet things, as long as you keep taking my cock and tellin’ me ya love me. I’ll do anything for ya. You’re mine now, always gonna be mine, forever.” It was a promise he intended to keep. Now that he had her, nothing was going to tear them apart. He'd die before he sees her walk out of his life again.
Unmei started tearing up again as she crumbled around him, knowing she couldn’t take much more. Her body was weak and aching, her heart was racing, and her words were coming out slurred and jumble as her mind slipped away from her. The only thing she could think about was how much she loved him and how good it felt to have him on top of her, inside of her, claiming each and every inch of her for his. His voice, his touch, his kiss, it broke her, but she was beyond thrilled. Whatever he wanted was his, she didn’t care about anything but him. She’d never have to be lonely again, would never have to try and fail to find love, because she found it, in the man she always knew would be her one and only. The broken pieces of her life and heart were finally coming together in the best possible way, at the most unexpected time.
He felt her body behind to tremble and shake, her nails raking against his bare skin as her head thrashed from side to side. Luckily, Shuji was getting close too, wanting to fall over that edge together. “Look at me, sweetheart. Want you to look me in the eyes when you cum around me. Show me how pretty you look.” He grunted, going faster and harder. He wrapped one arm under her to hug her tight against him while the other cupped the back of her head gently. Her eyelids fluttered open as her moan softened, staring into his eyes through hooded lids as she panted. The end was approaching fast, too fast for her. A whimper erupted in her throat and a tear rolled down her temple as she clamped her legs around him, never wanting him to pull away. “Shu..I…lah…ahve…you…oh!” The words panted out before he completely let go, Unmei choking on a sob. Wave after wave coarser through her veins as she released, feeling something leaking from her hole and down onto the sheets. It wasn’t as violent as the other ones, not fireworks or explosion, but a very soft and sweet release of pleasure, drowning her as she sank into the feeling of ecstasy.
The sloppy sounds got even louder and messier as her little hole squelched around him, sucking him in and opening up further all at once, making it easier for him to pound into her until he fell into oblivion. His hips stopped as he still inside of her, head falling into the crook of her neck with a low growl. Unmei panted under him and traced small patterns into his hot skin, letting him relax and too blissed out to even realize he never pulled out once. Shuji pressed kisses to her neck and shoulder, slowly making his way up to her lips. It was slow and deep, full of passion and love, better than she’d ever thought. It was torture when he pulled away, Hanma chuckling when she whined. “Fuck, I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this.” He muttered, pushing her hair back and tucking the strands behind her ear. Unmei giggled and did the same for him, the long black and blond locks surprisingly soft. “Probably longer than I have, but I know what you mean. So glad you’re here with me now.” She whispered.
He pulled out and they moved around to lay together, Unmei cuddled onto his side while Shuji kicked his pants off and pulled the blankets over them. Her hand rested over his heart, desperate to feel the best of his heart and the subtle rise and fall of his chest. “So, is your friend still waiting on you? Are you gonna have to leave?” The heartbreak in her voice was evident, the reality of it all crashing over her. He did say he was staying with a friend, would he have to leave her? What was next? What was this going to lead to? They loved each other, but he was still on the run, hiding from the law. How would this work? He felt her shaky breath fan over his chest, her body trembling in his hold. “Hey hey hey, don’t do that.” He cooed, cupping her cheek and lifting her head so she could look up at him, seeing her eyes glistening with tears. “I’m not going anywhere. Fuck him. Got my baby now, not gonna leave when you’re right here.” He assured her, wrapping both arms around her and pulling her on top of him. Unmei sniffled and laughed, leaning down to kiss him over and over again. “Good. Don’t want you going anywhere. Can even stay here, if you want. I know its not much, but if you want to…” She trailed of, a blush creeping over her cheeks as she looked to the side. Hanma smiled, playing with her hair as she looked back at him. “Only if you don’t mind. Its not easy harboring a fugitive. Hope you know what you’re getting into.” He teased. “Baby, if you keep dicking me down like that, I’ll hide you from the cops forever. I’ll be your ride or die, just keeping lovin’ me and I’ll do anything for you.” She replied.
Of course he was going to keep doing that. He’d do anything for her, and if that’s all she asked of him, he’d go above and beyond. There wouldn’t be a day in her life she wouldn’t cum on his cock and fall asleep in his arms ever again. This was a promise he made to himself and her. No more beating people into giving her things, no more keeping guys away from her, she belonged to him, now and forever, and he’d be damned if he ever let her forget it for a second. “You got it, angel. ‘m yours forever.” He cooed, letting her fall into his side again and relaxing into her embrace.
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whumpinthepot · 2 months
Hamster Interactive Story
Chapter 12. Decision
Prev - Masterlist
Content: Giant/tiny, tiny whump, pet trope/whump, kidnapping, cages, loss of mobility aid (prosthetic leg), solitary confinement (non descriptive), manipulation, power dynamics, fear, female cast
Ashley’s Pov
Poll winner: Let Hamster decide what to do with Soap Scrub. 
A row of ideas fills your mind on what to do with this pest. Just as you’re thinking of chucking the whole jar out, you look at your little girl's face. Hamster’s eyes are full of worried tears and it dawns on you to get her input on the matter.
Placing the jar with the tiny man inside in a different room, you return to converse with Hamster. Admittedly you sway the options in your favour when speaking to her. Picking her up, you wipe her tears and brush back her curly hair. “Do you want him gone sweet pea? I can get rid of him for you,” you roll the words slowly, “Or, would you like a new friend?” A careful smile spreads across your lips while you rub her back gently. “I think he could warm up to us. He could be a new model for our blog. Who knows, if we got rid of him he could get hurt again. He would be safer with us don’t you think?” 
Hamster frowns slightly with pressed lips. You can only guess her worries and reassure her. “Don’t worry honey bunny, I would never let anyone hurt you. Ever. If he’s not nice we can make him go away after all.” 
Hamster hums and then nods her head. She smiles some, and dare you say she’s starting to get excited by the idea. You give her a little kiss on the cheek and explain that it might take some time to become his friend. She’ll have to be patient with him. You also tell Hamster that she gets her cast taken off in the next few days, giving her more to look forward to. 
Once that's settled, you go into the room where the pest was left alone. He’s there in the jar with his head slumped against the glass. He becomes alert when you get closer. 
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You rest your arms on the dresser with your face close to the jar to talk to him. “I know it was you who scared her before. Tell me what happened.”
The man reacts exactly how you want, and goes rigid. “I- I never hurt her. Ask her. When she fell off the counter a mouse was going to attack her, and I scared it off.”
“And then?” You raise a thin brow. 
“And then, what? That's all that happened,” he defends quickly. 
You watch him for a second as his eyes dart around, then break the news to him. “I’ve decided to keep you. It's that or I sell you and who knows what could happen to you then. I won’t hurt you as long as you never upset Hamster. M’kay?” 
“You have to be kidding me…” Tears well up in his eyes and he cradles his bandaged hand. “Can’t we make some soft of deal? I- I can do what ever you want if you let me go after. Then you’ll never see me again, I swear.”
Furious, you pull the jar closer just to startle him, who does he think he is trying to negotiate as if he has any leeway. “That is the deal, little boy. You’ve caused a lot of stress to my pet, and now you’ll pay it back to her with nothing but kindness. Do that and I’ll make sure you’re comfortable, well fed, and I won't hurt you. If you don’t, well… I’ll sell you and who knows where you’ll end up. Snake food? Some kids live Barbie doll? Neglected, starved, forgotten in a tiny. Little. Jar?” You tap the glass with your long nail between words. “The choice is yours.” 
The man is left speechless with his mouth gaped open and his hair sticking out everywhere. You take a second to breathe deeply to calm down. The thought that you're taking this overboard clouds over you - but he really did cause a good amount of grief for you last week. "So, tell me your name or I'll come up with one." You smile, feeling just slightly sadistic. "Maybe Rat, Pest, or maybe Hamster can choose."
“It’s Soap.” He chokes out in a tiny voice.
You snort at the strange name, but wild pets are usually an odd bunch so you don’t hound him on it. 
“It's nice to meet you, Soap.”
The next few days you set things up as a precaution. Making sure there are no other wild pets in your home, getting Hamsters cast off, setting up an escape proof cage for Soap, and isolating him just enough for him to crave the company of yourself and Hamster. On the fifth day of leaving him in the dark alone, you enter the spare room to check in. He’s sulking, hidden under a toy that you’ve given him in his cage. 
“Soap?” You use a softer tone than the last time you two spoke, “Are you ready to come out? What would you like to do?” You give him a few options to choose from and offer to give him his doll leg back if he cooperates. 
(Multiple options may be used depending on the top poll winners)
Thank you @alittlewhump for looking over my chapter <3
Tag list: @frogkingdom @verkja @whumpsday @octopus-reactivated @marvel-gt @rsitb-second-account @fallen-grace-smd @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @kyp-the-spacekiwi @ilasknives @hollowgast1 @redd956 @zobodahobo @alittlewhump @blackrosesandwhump @angst-after-dark @sandygarnelle @coppercoyoti @kim-poce @mayisreallygay @smoll-stace @demondamage @vickytokio @whump-in-the-closet @sunshiline-writes @coyotehusk @cypresscove @shadowsnowdapple @whumpy-wyrms @re-whump @whumpninja
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Keep Your Judgement
Chapter Three
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: Journeying to the Little Palace, you manage to evade the patrolling soldiers and find some books that might help you understand the General’s condition.
Warnings: mentions of canon level violence and Grisha persecution.
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist
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The floorboards creak beneath your feet and you wince at the sound as you walk through the deserted hallway. It had only taken you a few hours on horseback to reach the Little Palace and now that you’re here it doesn’t quite seem real.
The last time you walked these halls was when you escaped during the raid by the First Army, soldiers rounding up Grisha, cutting down anyone who put up a fight.
With Grisha on the run, fearing for their lives, the Little Palace has been made redundant, its original purpose as a safe space for Grisha is now tarnished by the hatred of the otkazat’sya.
As you hovered along the treeline surrounding the grounds, you had seen a few soldiers patrolling, but there wasn’t enough of them to ward you off.
Now that you are inside, heading towards the library, you feel much more comfortable. If there are guards walking the hallways, you don’t feel too concerned about alluding them, after all, you are on home turf now and you know plenty of the Palace’s secrets to help you avoid detection.
Dressed in a dark cloak and simple travelling clothing, you remain cautious nonetheless, sticking to the shadowed nooks whenever you hear a sound nearby. Once you reach the library, you breathe a sigh of relief.
A lot of the Palace had been damaged during the attack and the days after when stray soldiers had looted the place. Whilst the library appears to have been ransacked at a first glance, books hauled from shelves and dumped onto the floor, there doesn’t appear to be too many missing as you begin your search.
Merzost has never been studied before, so the majority of books about it merely theorise. But theories are better than nothing, any information you can get your hands on might help the General. Every day he seems worse. He hides it well, issuing orders as he has always done, striding through the halls of the Sanctuary with his head held high.
But you have heard him coughing, his lungs rattling with each frantic breath, when he thinks no one is around to hear his struggling.
Yesterday, when you had brought him a new batch of Vladim’s tonic, you had noticed the red handkerchief he always carried with him, soaked with black blood.
The sight of it had convinced you to journey to the Little Palace, in the hope of finding something that might help him.
When you had lived at the Little Palace, the library had been your refuge. Whilst the bustle of the materialki workshops was comforting, you had often sought the quiet solace of the library where you could read and think in peace. Seeing your safe space in such a state of disarray breaks your heart a little.  
The bag you had brought with you is almost full of books, though you manage to reorganise them to slot a few extras in. The weight will be uncomfortable to carry but hopefully it will be worth it.
Just as you’re surveying the vacant shelves and piles littered over the ground, you spot a deep blue book with intricate silver embellishments. Ravkan Folklore: A Collection of Short Stories.
Every book you have retrieved so far is practical, surely it wouldn’t hurt to take one for your own enjoyment. The book is thin enough to barely add to the weight of your bag, so you slot it among the thicker volumes filled with research and academic theory.
As you’re pulling on the drawstring at the top of your bag, the sound of a door opening has you freezing in place. Moving slowly, you press your back against one of the wooden columns, heart hammering in your chest.
The sound of someone entering the library, footsteps moving leisurely over the dust covered wood of the floor and you remain frozen.
Concentrating on the other side of the library, you seek out a familiar material, one you had walked past hundreds of times over the years. A delicate porcelain vase, with gold layered over the rim.
It is just at the edge of how far you can reach with your power. Holding your breath, you step slowly through the shadows, closer to the man. Hands clasped in preparation, the vase enters the scope of your power and you ready yourself.
Sending a mental apology to the owner of the vase, you nudge the gold with your power, sending the vase toppling onto the floor. The sound of it shattering echoes through the library and footsteps hurry in that direction.
Taking advantage of the distraction, you rush through the nearest door, hurrying down the corridors until you reach the servant’s quarters.
Breathing in a deep sigh of relief, you press your hand to your chest, feeling your heart beating wildly against your palm. Ears straining, you listen for any sounds in the vicinity.
Heaving the bag up onto your shoulder, you walk quietly towards the stables with the intention to leave undetected by anyone else who might be in the building.
The door out into the courtyard is locked, but the mechanism is easy enough to shift and soon you’re walking out over the cobbled path, heading towards the treeline where you left your horse.
David eyes the books with curiosity, fingers twitching eagerly as you list the titles, placing each book down onto his desk in a pile.
Once you’ve finished, he opens up two books, nodding appreciatively as he lies them over his desk and flicks through the pages, thoughts already consumed by the information he’s reading.
Such a familiar sight, David buried in his work, brings a smile to your face. The look of relief on Genya’s face when he had arrived safely at the Sanctuary had given you a spark of hope.
Perhaps things would turn in your favour, allowing you and the Grisha to return to the Little Palace. Perhaps you wouldn’t lose anyone else to this war.
As you circle around to Vladim’s desk, you hold out two books towards him.
“I thought you might like these.”
He looks up at you, glancing between your face and the books. Vladim hadn’t grown up in the Little Palace like you had, and you wanted him to feel like he belongs with the Grisha.
His skills as an alkemi are a little unconventional, due to his lack of training, but he seems to share the same curiosity as the other materialki. 
Taking the books from you, his eyes skim over the titles, before he offers you a small smile. Books are often a rarity in the smaller villages in Ravka and he tucks them protectively against his chest as he nods in gratitude.
“Thank you.”
Thoroughly pleased with yourself, you head out of the workshop with your bag, planning on returning to your rooms to find a safe place to stash your book of folktales. 
At the sound of your name being called, you turn to face the General as he strides down the hallway. His face is drawn and pale and his dark eyes scour over you. The shadows around him seem to shift, coiling in wait for his command.
“You’re not wearing your kefta,” he states. It’s almost a criticism, or perhaps an accusation.
“I was out scouting. I didn’t want to draw attention, or risk someone following me to the Sanctuary.”
He hadn’t ordered you to remain at the Sanctuary, but you weren’t officially considered one of his scouts either.
“Scouting.” He raises a brow at you before he steps forward, towering over you. “Where exactly?”
Hesitantly, you meet his gaze. He will know if you’re lying, so you decide on the truth.
“I went back to the Little Palace,” you admit. “I managed to find a few books that might help us understand your… affliction.”
He stares at you for a long moment, but you force yourself to remain unwavering. After all, you had done it for him, because seeing him in such a state for the sake of you and your fellow Grisha hurts. Whatever reprimand he decides to give you for your recklessness, you will accept. 
“I want you have an amplifier,” he says. You certainly hadn’t expected that. “Not through merzost or Morozova’s experiments like the others. A real one.”
Vladim has been working on creating amplifiers using the notes and diagrams in Morozova’s journal.
At the Little Palace, only the General’s most favoured Grisha received amplifiers and as a result you hadn’t thought you would benefit from Vladim’s experiments. The thought of not only receiving an amplifier but being able to claim one for yourself is almost unfathomable.
No doubt the General is somewhat aware of your shock, as he continues to speak in a low voice.
“There is talk of a fox that lives in the woods north of here.”
As you realise you haven’t given him a reaction, you nod quickly, searching through your memories and the book of Ravkan folktales feels heavy in your bag.
“It’s where the story of the Too Clever Fox comes from,” you recount.
He nods, tilting his head with that assessing glimmer in his eyes once again. Then he leans closer.
“I think such a creature would be well suited to you.”
His tongue darts out to wet his lips and your eyes are immediately drawn to the motion. There’s something between the two of you, thickening as you hold one another’s gaze.
Then a door slams down the end of the corridor and you take a small step back from him. The General looks away from you, eyes drifting over the fraying curtains hanging beside you.
“I’ll look into it,” you say quietly, giving him a nod as you move away. “Moi soverenyi.”  
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
KYJ Tag List: @tartiflvtte @weepingwitchofthewest @theghostofshadows
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actual-changeling · 9 months
202X, London, Soho, Aziraphale's bookshop
"I never noticed that one."
Crowley gives a non-committal hum, too caught up in the soft rhythm of Aziraphale's fingers carding through his hair, and pushes his face further into his soft stomach. His shirt has ridden up while he has been teetering on the edge between dreams and wakefulness, and Aziraphale has never been able to resist a patch of bare skin.
While he technically does not need to sleep, let alone nap, slow afternoons like these are a simple pleasure in themselves. Two cups of hot cocoa, his head in Aziraphale's lap while he reads one book or another, the comfort of knowing that they're safe and free in the bubble they have created. He fully intends to drift back off, his eyes fluttering shut once more, when an odd pressure on the side of his ribs catches his attention.
Twisting his head as far as it will go, he watches as Aziraphale traces a long, jagged scar running almost parallel to his spin, although several inches to the left of it. Crowley cannot feel the touch itself, there are no nerves left in the scar tissue, but he senses the gentle brush of his fingertips right next to it.
"What happened?"
He blinks up at his angel and sighs, adjusting himself; it is not a pretty story, yet he knows he won't regain his peace until Aziraphale gets his answer.
"Remember Edinburgh?"
"Of course, but I don't—oh."
The second Aziraphale realises what he is getting at, all air leaves his body, his hand stilling, and Crowley can practically taste the pity rolling off of him in waves.
"My lot don't send rude notes, angel, and doing that much good all at once, well, let's just say Beelzebub wasn't pleased."
In the silence that follows, he absently considers simply falling asleep and leaving Aziraphale with his more than shortened summary of the events that followed their night at the graveyard, but a sudden rustle of paper and fabric tells him said angel has other plans.
Now pressing both his palms against Crowley's back, Aziraphale quickly bends down to kiss his hair before asking, "Does it still hurt?"
"Aches in bad weather, but no, doesn't hurt. Stop fretting, angel, it's-"
"If you say 'fine', Crowley, I swear I will- "Yeah, yeah, I won't."
It is fine, but he swallows the end of his sentence, and allows him to send low pulses of ethereal energy into his cells, smoothing over as much of the old injury as he can. Admittedly, it does feel nice after all these decades of distant pain, although it is entirely unnecessary. Once Aziraphale is satisfied, he kisses the back of his head again and tugs down his shirt, wrapping his arms around him and ignoring his book to hold him instead.
"Do I want to know what caused it?"
Crowley hisses contently and buries his face in the warmth of his stomach.
"No, but I guess you wanna know anyway."
"If you don't mind."
Letting out his second defeated sigh of the day, he tilts his head just enough to speak.
"They do this thing where they break your wings and send you down a chute to, eh, fall, for however long they want. I refused to show 'em my wings at first, Beelzebub threatened to rip out my spine, left the scar."
It's an incredibly condensed version of events. In reality, there has been a lot of blood, screams, and torn skin, but Aziraphale is already clinging to him like the earth will swallow him whole, so he decides not to elaborate. There is nothing one can say in response to that kind of confession, and Aziraphale doesn't try. Instead, he finally continues the drag of nails along his scalp. Crowley hums and closes his eyes.
"Can I please nap now?"
"Of course, whatever you want." Aziraphale pauses, and then, because he simply always has to, continues.
"I love you, dearest."
"Love you too, angel."
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cozzzynook · 16 days
I would die for a more long form rodi mpreg story. He's just made for getting preggo
He is. He really is made for getting sparked.
I have a long Roddy mechpreg story in my drafts but its incomplete and its angsty with hurt/comfort.
But i will say in this moment that Rodimus getting sparked would crush him.
He’s terrified to carry, terrified of the what the mech’s he frags will say if they find out and he’s terrified of fragging up his own creation.
He doesn’t feel safe in his own frame, he doesn’t feel safe on his own planet and he barely feels safe on his ship after onlining every solar cycle.
Rodimus definitely cries static tears with every moment he’s alone and he hides himself a lot when he realizes he’s sparked.
He doesn’t come out to the brig on his regular shift, instead he chooses the dead shift where nothing happens and its completely quiet. He stays in his hab all day not bothering to talk to anybot on board because he’s frustrated his two baffles failed him and that he may need more in the future.
He doesn’t even want to see a medic yet because the crew is nosey and they’ll talk and he wants this to be kept secret for as long as physically possible. He knows thats not going to work since their kind carry for years on end but he’s hopeful he won’t a sparkling bump early on yet he knows his frame and he knows he can feel the tiny press of his protoform against the layer of metal on his tanks and he feels himself crying all over again because this means he either has a lot of sparklings gestating or he’s been sparked longer than he’s been aware of.
He knows he can’t realistically not have a medic look at him on the off chance he’s wrong and it’s something else so he has First Aid take a look at him on his break during the dead shift and he breaks down almost going into a spark flutter flux if not for First aid sedating him.
When he onlines he’s thankfully back in his hab with First Aid telling him he was excused of his shift with a doctors note and that Rodimus wasn’t actually far along in his carrying when First Aid checked. The medibot gave him the run down of his carrying process.
His frame was sensitive to carrying and wouldn’t take well to a new spark removal. His own spark was dysfunctional which is why he started having a spark flutter flux even though he’d taken his medication earlier that cycle. First Aid informed him that his carrying would have to be closely monitored since he had a dysfunctional spark especially if he wasn’t getting an occasional transfluid donation.
His frame was built to carry sparks all on its own without the constant need of transfluid like typical bots would require. Most bots merged sparks to result in a sparkling, some with plug arrays would remain inserted in one another with their sparks out to result in sparklings. Once the sparkling could survive the transfer of their carriers spark to their protoform that the sire builds from the raw unfiltered materials of their home world. Of course there used to be hot spots that would appear and deliver the spark of a bitty, the bot who decides to become their creator would dig near the hot spot until the bitty’s frame was found and then it would be placed inside.
Those were all typical, normal types of carrying for cybertronians. Mechs and femmes have been keeping their species alive for billions of years through this method. So it was only natural they found carriers who could gestate from merged sparks that dropped into their tanks or transfluid alone that built a sparkling in their tanks as abnormal and a disgusting dysfunction that should be snuffed out and wiped from their history.
Cybertronians have a history of disliking organic species and means and while Rodimus isn’t fond of certain organic traits like parasites that need a host or how easy it is to kill them.
For a while he hated organics because he knew he could never carry a sparkling like his frame wanted during his heats. He never spent them with any mech. He simply hid himself and was able to play it off as intense frame exhaustion due to speedsters needing a lot of rest. He also could play it off as his spark flutters becoming intense with the war brewing before everything kick started. Once war emerged everyone had a spark baffle put in but since First Aid knew about his dysfunction he put in two because tank carrying bots were extremely fertile and neither could risk the harm it would potentially cause his spark.
Of course with war going on stress was a norm, so the risk was ten times higher. But now that war was no longer happening and his spark was no longer under constant duress there was significantly leas risk. Sparked at war would’ve offlined him but now sparked on their quest that truly became forever, his risk was in his normal danger zone.
“Rodimus..I’m sorry but..you know I can’t remove the sparkling…its no longer in your spark. For normal bots that wouldn’t be a problem since its still so early but since you carry like an organic and have spark flutters…it could kill you. If we were on cybertron I could do it…but…”
There was no way they could return to their home world. Not when they all petitioned and pulled so many strings to keep themselves on the lost light and be allowed their freedom to roam. Well, they technically could return to cybertron…so long as the emergency met the guidelines placed for a necessary return. But their captain wanting to get rid of a new spark that was forming in his gestation tank is not one of them.
“Fuck,” he sobbed turning his helm to look at the empty space where he finally noticed a tray where two large array sized protoform silk linings were exposed.
“No…no no no no,” he began to sit up and panic again. Everything was all too real now. His specialized baffles were gone and sitting on a med tray where he could see them and his array was numbed from the gel First Aid used on him to remove them.
There was a heavy gauze binding circled around his tanks to read the vitals of his sparkling and the monitor plugged into his arm line began to steadily pump out calming fluid.
“Rodimus please you have to calm down. I know this is something you never wanted but its here now and I know you’re afraid but we can figure something out.”
“Figure something out?! There is nothing to figure out! I’ll be kicked off the ship for this! No one likes a bot that has an organic trait! No one! No one will want me or the sparkling cursed to come from me! I’m fucked!”
He had no choice but to drop his whole frame against the nest of his berth when the drugs kicked into his systems and First Aid held him down the moment he gasped in pain.
“Fuck,” he sobbed into his servos, shoulders shaking and spark flickering. First Aid immediately gave him a heavier dose of calmer. He was beginning to feel himself slip into recharge when his hab door was opened with the override code and a blurry flash of Drift and Ratchet trying to rush into his hab before First Aid pushed them out left him to recharge fitfully.
“What’s going on First Aid? Whats wrong with Roddy?”
“What happened to the kid? Was his exhaustion that bad?”
“Patients rights I can’t divulge anything,” the worried and rushed tone he used didn’t feel right to the two. If it were something as simple as speedster exhaustion First Aid would’ve been able to tell them. But that wasn’t it, this was something more.
“Was it his spark flutters again?!”
That made Drift panic. He always panicked when it came to Rodimus’s spark condition and try as he may Ratchet couldn’t help but feel frightened as well.
It hasn’t been long by their species standard of knowing Rodimus had a dysfunction with his spark. A few hundred years isn’t much since they’ve all known each other for four million.
Rodimus was adamant in only letting First Aid work on him especially when they started sleeping together on and off during the war before coming to the lost light. It was during the lost light Rodimus truly joined their relationship and even then he was still secretive about his health much to their dismay.
“I’m sorry but I can’t tell you. Patient privilege.”
That was not something either of them wanted to hear and since neither had begun conjunx ritus with Rodimus they couldn’t get the status of his condition.
“First Aid! Damnit you know we plan to court him just let us see him!”
The words are forceful and low in tone as Drift struggled to remain calm. Ratchet understands. He does. But he also understands First Aid and Rodimus need for privacy. The mech was not open like many believed and the flame speedster was so easily scared away and frightened when it came to emotional matters a little worse than himself and Drift when he was Deadlock.
Though he had to give the kid credit because they were all still hard at letting others in.
“Tell us when he wakes?”
He sets an arm around Drifts waist and pulls him to his frame and the action gets the sought out reaction of silence.
“If he wants me to.”
First Aid looks between both of them and slips back inside Rodimus hab facing them before putting in the medical override lock so none can enter in.
The action makes Drift’s engine and cords growl, his servos are just itching to unsheathe his claws and Ratchet has to remind him, “First aid is on the other side with him. He’s a capable mech I trained myself. If it gets to be too much and he needs assistance he will reach out to myself or another medic. Rodimus is safe. I prefer him under our care but…First Aid is just as good.”
“But Ratty—”
“I know, Drift..I know..”
And Drift can’t argue because the bond they share feels the exact same. They’re both worried about Rodimus and while Drift is showing his emotions openly Ratchet is keeping them beneath the surface as usual.
“I hate it when you’re right.”
“So do I.”
Things were tense for a couple of days around the ship.
Rodimus’s text commed announcement of working the dead shift permanently along with working from his office and hab essentially switching himself from being front and center co captain to having Megatron be the front center co captain was not something they ever expected. Drift and Ratchet were completely thrown off and ready to barge into their speedsters room to have a word with him and demand what was going on with him.
Megatron himself was floored by this sudden change in position as well as his conjunx Minimus who both were able to use their positions among the crew to finally learn the secrets their friend and captain were hiding.
It was no longer a secret among them that Rodimus had a spark condition but it was shocking to learn he was sparked and the type of carrier he is.
Understandably they knew why Rodimus and even First Aid were adamant on keeping Rodimus’s current condition a secret. They were all online for the era of organic type carriers being labeled a dysfunction and deemed a necessary eradication until most left off world or were offlined.
They were familial with their crew but even family can turn on you once you possessed something they deemed filth or unsightly.
“You cannot remain in here and our office for the remainder of your carrying Rodimus. For the sake of your health and the sparklings you need to roam. You must stretch your pedes and go off ship even when you begin to show more than currently.”
Rodimus hated how right Minimus was.
“My love is correct Rodimus. Your fears are more than sound but so is my love and First Aid who has already filled us in when you were recharging. I don’t know the current status of your relationship with Drift and the medic but I’m quite sure they love you enough to protect and defend you as we will in such a vulnerable state.”
And that…that had Rodimus leaking from his optics and covering his face plates.
Minimus gave his conjunx a worried glance that turned to him resting a servo on Rodimus’s shoulder plating. The action made the berth bound mech shift away a little but where Minimus backed off Megatron did not.
“As your friend…let the two in..I doubt they’ll turn you away. Not all of us believe in the draconian thinking of our old society. They wish to conjunx you Rodimus, let them.”
His sobs didn’t lessen and his outlier was sparking at his flux of emotions making small flames spurt from his pipes and intake as he showed his friends and First Aid his pathetic state.
“But..if me and my spark are proven wrong, which I highly doubt, if the medic and Drift do not defend you and the sparkling. Then I’m more than certain my arm canon and previous history will more than deter any bigot mech aboard the ship.”
“The sentiment is most certainly shared,” Minimus easily declared as his red optics gazed towards the door.
“I believe we have company.”
That made Megatron turn frame and stalk towards the door with terrifying silence a mech his size shouldn’t be capable of.
He rushed the door open to reveal a worried Drift and Ratchet who were trying to override the medical code. Well, Drift was trying to override the code, Ratchet was about to knock so when Drift overrides it they can at least give Rodimus a small warning.
Seeing the large mech blocking Rodimus and the two bots they can feel inside makes the two nervous but neither back down.
“Enough. Let us through to see him.”
The edge in his tone was quickly shifting from Drift to his former days as Deadlock.
“Unless Rodimus deems it, I won’t be moving.”
And Drift is practically ready to fight his old boss when a voice so unlike the mech they’re used to sounds from behind the hulking wall of steel that was a mech.
“I’ll..I’ll talk to you guys later, okay?”
“Kid…whatever it is..let us help.”
“Let us in Roddy. I promise, whatever it is you’re thinking..we won’t turn you away..we’ll never turn you away.”
That made the mech sob with a fresh bout of tears springing from his optics and he hated it. He knew it was both himself and his emotive field hopped up on excess feelings and neurons because of the sparkling and it didn’t make him feel any better. He just wanted this to be over and to stop crying.
“Please Roddy? Stop shutting us out.”
“We’ve long forgiven the past kid. You don’t have to do whatever this is alone because you think you deserve to suffer in silence. You don’t kid.”
It feels like theres more Ratchet wants to say and the fear of hearing any more sweet words come from either of the mechs only to be crushed at them hating him for something he cannot control and it breaks him.
On the off chance their words are true and he caused them more pain than they ever deserved..he didn’t want to be complicated and make things hard. So maybe.
“You can let them in…can we get a moment alone?”
Minimus was reluctant to leave Rodimus, he hated to admit it but the mech so often pulled on his carrier instincts he was glad his conjunx placed a servo on him and ushered him gently to the door.
“Comm us if you need anything.”
He wasn’t going to give Drift or Ratchet dirty looks nor was he implying anything. He just couldn’t help but be concerned for the younger who was probably still lost inside his own mixture of sparkling flare of emotions.
A quiet but deeply appreciative thank you from Rodimus and the two were gone.
First Aid was busy checking over Rodimus and the wrap he wanted kept around Rodimus.
“I’m going to be in the med bay. Your vitals are on my reader and if anything happens I’m coming straight back.”
“I’m right here Aid,” Ratchet was gruff but they could tell he was nervous.
First Aid rolled his optics behind the mask and it helped break the tension a little.
“Its fine,” the mech finally rubbed his face plates, glancing at them looking more tired than they’ve ever seen him.
“Roddy whats going on?”
Drift was not one to beat around the bush or feel weird getting close in Rodimus space holding onto him.
“I uh..my spark is fine,” he spoke to which First Aid nodded and walked off heading to the med bay to most likely get some much needed rest.
An optic ridge raise from Ratchet and Rodimus was looking to the side. He wasn’t entirely in the right frame of mind to see it coming but Drift gently turning him so they could hold optics was a surprise but frighteningly more than welcome.
He felt soft callous servos touching his chassis and he didn’t protest when the protectant was opened enough to reveal his spark and with careful inspection still held by Drift who was not planning on letting him go anytime soon, Rodimus let the silence stretch and consume him.
He was more than wiling to stay like this so he didn’t have to tell them the inevitable truth but Rodimus knew just looking at the two who were careful about touching him, keeping him close so he can’t run off—not that he could even try they’d grab him and it would he a while before his valve and modesty platings healed from the baffle extraction. He owed it to them, the truth of his frame and who they seek to conjunx.
“Your spark is strained kid, lay back, try to vent. Thats it, easy,” Drift helped lower Rodimus back into the pillows on his berth. It really did feel good to relax into the warmth but he felt more vulnerable here. He never liked being viewed as soft metal.
“First Aid did a good job of fixing you up but I’d like to take a look at the work he did to your panels and tanks,” Ratchet shook his helm at Rodimus’s fright filled optics.
“It’s okay kid no need to lie to me. I won’t judge and if you don’t want me to look I won’t.”
Drift looked frightened and it was something Rodimus couldn’t handle seeing on the beautiful mechs face.
“My spark is fine, its just from the stress my frame is in and emotional distress,” he was looking away from them and Drift turning his chin so he would look at them made him want to cry which pissed him off all over again.
“Roddy you already,” a hand on Drifts shoulder has the swords mech quiet and Ratchets solemn gaze tells him to listen, so he does.
“My frame..is the problem..its not..I was forged a little different..the wrong kind of different..”
The two looked ready to tell him he was wrong when he shifted his optics off to the side.
“Aid had to take both of them out. Its why my panels and tanks are covered. For my frame putting it in the arm wouldn’t work. It had to be directly inside to make sure nothing would take.”
The silence stretched on and he closed his optics to get it over with.
“He had to go inside my valve to take out my sparkling baffles…they were um…they were a worn down. I have high fertility so one in the arm isn’t enough. I needed two, one in my valve and the other in my forge to keep from getting sparked. Its why my panels and tanks are wrapped…”
There was a dawning realization happening on Ratchets face plates and Rodimus wished he hadn’t made optic connection.
“Turns out I need more than two or maybe its because they were worn or my frame just hates me.”
“Roddy..are you,” dawning realization was gripping Drifts face plates and Rodimus was afraid to see the rejection he feared.
“Kid, are you sparked?”
“Yeah…I just knew. When my frame didn’t feel right and everything just felt..more? I knew then I was sparked. I held out for a while in telling First Aid but after a while when my plating shifted out I knew I needed full confirmation. Just in case it was something else..I was hoping it was, but.”
He felt his frame grow hot and he refused to shed anymore tears no matter how much they fought against him.
“I’m so sorry..This was never supposed to happen..”
“Kid..” the out of ventilation huff that came from Ratchet made both the speedsters look towards him. Ratchet slid onto the berth pulling Rodimus into a tight hug.
“Kid you didn’t..you never…you haven’t done anything wrong. You aren’t wrong. They were wrong. Those functionalists. Not you kid. Not you.”
Drift was putting the pieces together and he hated what he found.
Ratchet understood, of course he did.
He was there when functionalists told them to report all bots with tanks that housed sparklings. Deeming it unnatural and a terrible biomechanical detriment to their species. When in reality it was just another form of reproduction that could’ve saved them from the lack of new sparks long before the war even began.
He kicked off any mech and femme that accepted such archaic thinking and found ways to send tank carrying mechs and femmes off world so they wouldn’t be offlined.
Ratchet understood his fear, his tears, the reason he was so hesitant beyond regular carrying fears. He had a right to be. All those bots sparks snuffed out due to idiotic and hateful thinking. He hated it and he hated he never knew Rodimus had to live with this for so long without having anyone to turn to.
“Oh roddy..”
He knew his conjunx would feel the same as he did.
He shifted so himself and Drift could wrap Rodimus in their frames and em fields. The swords mech had seen plenty in his life and the medic had no doubt he was more than aware of why Rodimus feared telling them.
“Nothing could ever stop us from loving you,” Drift spoke in a tone neither had heard before. It was vulnerable, afraid, pushing the rage beneath the surface so he didn’t retract his claws out of anger. He wanted to hurt the people who made Rodimus have to fear alone. He’s reminded all over again why he chose the decepticons at the beginning of the war and it makes him upset all over again that they had to find peace by leaving their home planet on a ship.
“I didn’t…I’m sorry,” Rodimus sobbed frustrated, “I can’t stop crying and I didn’t mean for this to happen. I never wanted you to find out I was this dysfunctional. First aid can’t get rid of them, not without us being on cybertron. But we can’t go back unless it’s an emergency. I didn’t mean for this to happen..oh my gosh I’m gonna have a sparkling and they’ll be hated just like I was for this. Fuck.”
Rodimus wishes it would stop hitting him like this, the reality of it all.
He was going to have a sparkling and his sparkling would be different, just like how he was different. No one would want to touch or play with him when he was a bitty growing up because he came from a tank much like his sparkling would. He didn’t grow up with his creators past a certain age but he does remember them being red and a different build than him.
He remembers his creators color scheme. Red, black and gray with servos so calloused and warm they instantly put him into recharge. He never knew his sire but he remembers feeling like all he needed was his carrier who made sure he got enough energon even if it meant them going without. He remembers hiding some and slipping it down his creators intake when they were asleep. He tried to take care of his creator too but mechs he can���t remember took him away while his creator cried on his knees reaching out to him.
“I don’t..I want them so badly..but I’m so scared. I’m so scared someone will take them away like they took me. What if they emerge like me? With a fragged spark and carrying in the tank? What if someone offlines them because they hate how they’re emerged? Someone on board could kill me before I even have them. Frag, I should’ve never opened my panels.”
There was a sharp grip on his cheeks and chin as soon as the words left his dermas.
He expected Drift to be outraged by what he said not Ratchet.
“Shut up.”
“Rodimus. We won’t let any bot in this universe or the next touch you or our sparkling.”
The growl coming from Drifts throat and Ratchets engine had him startled.
He was hoping desperately neither could tell he felt charged by the spark felt primal display and emotions before him. He shifted his legs a bit mindful of his sore and tender valve and plating that urged him to stop moving as slick gushed onto his bandages.
‘Stupid neurons chill out.’
“We won’t let any harm come to you or our sparkling Rodimus. You aren’t alone anymore. We’re not going anywhere.”
Rodimus couldn’t remember the last time he heard Drift say his designation but he remembers how much he likes it.
“It’s a surprise but not an unwelcome one. We wanted to court you first kid. Go through the rites and conjunx you before sparking ya. We wanted sparklings for a long time now, judging from some of your words you do too. And now, thanks to you, we all finally have one.”
The smile on Ratchets face is small but its sincere. Its the same he gives Drift and its the same he’s been giving Rodimus for a very very long time.
He can see he was just too clouded to fully see it.
“You’re okay with this? With me?”
“Always Roddy,” “Always Kid.”
He shut his optics and leaned his helm against Drift and Ratchets shoulder plating for just a nano klik.
He felt the two shift and soon he was laid back down with both of them carefully laying besides him.
He gave Ratchet permission to check his panels and the condition of their sparkling. He figured everything was fine since First Aid hadn’t come back and he was proven correct after Ratchets assessment.
He was glad to have Drift laying beside him keeping him grounded as Ratchet checked him over. He was actually happy when Ratchet laid down beside him and explained what stage he believed their sparkling to be at. How so far the sparkling was healthy but he needed rest and fluids along with oil because the stress taxed his frame.
He had never imagined he would feel…okay, with his servo resting on his tanks where his sparkling resided.
The moment he moved his hand Ratchet and Drift were diving for a feel and he laughed at how focused Drift’s face was, not to mention how stern Ratchet looked as he rubbed his tanks compared to how soft his em field felt.
He doesn’t remember closing his optics and falling into recharge. He was so exhausted he’s surprised he managed to stay awake as long as he did.
Drift and Ratchet didn’t move from beside him as he slept. They kept their servos on his tanks and their audials tuned to all their sparks as he they too closed their optics lulled to the steady hum and fields surrounding them.
I love a good mechpreg angst.
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bigbadbatch · 16 days
Euclid - A Bad Batch Oneshot
Hunter x Reader /TBB x Reader
Hurt/Comfort- Heavy mental health mentions. (PMDD)
Listening Recommendation/ Euclid by Sleep Token
This fic is very personal to me as I’ve made some of my struggles very open and vulnerable. It brought me some peace to write it, so I hope it helps those who read it.
The room was dark. The blankets wrapped around you felt like an anchor. You hadn’t left your bed in 20 hours. Every move sent the already grinding pain in your back and abdomen into a spiral, but more than that, you had no energy or resolve to move. To turn over in your blanket-nest took all the strength you had. You were hollow. Empty. Too empty for tears though the ache that had made a home in your chest gnawed at you for release. This had lasted forever and felt like it would continue to last forever.
A quiet knock sounded at your door.
“Can I come in?” Hunter’s voice was quiet on the other side. You didn’t have a voice to answer him.
The door opened, and light spilled in. Feeling exposed, like a little kid again, you pulled the covers up over your head and made yourself as small as possible. The mattress at your back dipped as a body at first sat, then lay beside you. It was quiet for a time, but you could feel the heat radiating from Hunter’s body as he lay silent next to you.
“Mesh’la, it’s time to get up. We have to get up now.” He said.
All the others had tried. Wrecker promising pancakes or cookies, Tech with screens of holo-films, Echo tempting with outings. Nothing worked.
Omega had been the first to notice, to your and Hunter’s suprise. It happened every month, intertwined with your cycle. Where other human females had some emotional disruptions, some moodiness or slight pain, you had extremes. A darkness settled over you once the moon waxed full, and it pulled you down into unreachable depths. The first few times it happened with the Batch, the whole crew came together to combat it with you. Hot soups, warm blankets, funny stories. It worked for a time. You didn’t have the heart to tell them that it would get worse, it always did. The latter half of the year, near the Winter Solstice of your home planet, it always became hungry and feral. No matter what planet you were on, even the tropics of Pabu, your body responded to the cold emptiness of your home, and you fell into its hold. A prisoner in your own body.
Hunter’s warm arms wrap around you. “Please my love. Can we just take a short walk? Just you and me? Then we can come right back. I promise.”
You weigh the options. Your bones felt so brittle it was as if they’d break. Your heart a leaden stone in your chest. But Hunter- he would do anything for you, move mountains for you. You could try, not for yourself, but for him.
Without speaking you untangle yourself from your covers, slowly. Everything moved slowly. You sat up, taking a moment. Hunter sat up with you, hand gripping yours as he swung to be beside you. “That’s it, cyar’ika. Almost there.” With his support you stand. You grab the thinnest blanket and wrap it around you for protection, against the outside and others.
Holding your hand, your arm looped through his, Hunter leads you outside. The moon is up, a crescent on Pabu, and the stars sparkle above you. “I thought the light might be too much. It’s quieter out right now. I just want you to get some fresh air, some movement in.” Hunter rambled. You stayed silent. You walked down the stairs to the beach, and made your way down the shore. You legs felt heavier and heavier, though the pain was subsiding. You were just so tired. You came to a stop, pulling Hunter to you. You looked up at him and your first words of the rotation came out in a hoarse whisper. “Can we sit down?” He nods and helps you to the sand, sitting beside you. You instantly lay your head on his shoulder, and he kisses the crown of you. “Almost out of it, my love.” He says. “You’ll be better soon.” Finally, it’s as if the dam bursts, and tears flood your eyes and fall down your cheeks. He holds you tighter, and brushes your hair from your face, petting you as he whispers kind words to you. You sob into him, breaking apart in his arms. “You’re safe mesh’la. I got you. You are so strong, you are so brave. We got this, me and you. We got this, together.” You cry until you can’t anymore. With the gentle sound of waves flowing in and out from the sea, you match your breathing to the tide.
With great assistance, Hunter gets you back to your room, and into bed. Fresh water and a plate of snacks sits on your bedside table, courtesy of Wrecker. Your stomach turns but you sip the water. Hunter tucks you in and goes to leave, a kiss on your brow as he whispers goodnight, but you grab his hand. “Stay. Please.” He does.
Two mornings later you wake and feel… different. Your self comes fluttering to you, weak but warm. You arms and legs ache for stretching, for weight and movement. You take off the covers.
You get out of bed.
You open the door of your room and pad into the living room, where you can hear laughter and the quiet sounds of breakfast being cooked. The room quiets just a little when you enter. Omega stands immediately, “Let me make you a plate!”
And she does.
And you eat.
And with your family at your side you take a deep breath in.
You smile.
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poke-me-with-a-stick · 9 months
Chapter 26 of 'Artificial Wingman!'
For the full story on Ao3, click Here!
Danny hissed as the wire he was soldering zapped him. His fingers healed almost immediately, just the lightest pink any indication that he had been hurt, but the electricity flowed up his arm, making his litchenberg ache. He rubbed his arm before tuning it out, turning back to the gun with an annoyed grumble.
Seconds later the same thing happened again, making the halfa hiss again. His core stuttered at the feeling, making an uneasy warbling sound as the current spread slightly further up his arm. The teen brought his fingers to his mouth, blowing cool air on the tingling appendages. Once they were sufficiently numb, he went back to work.
The wire he was soldering buzzed threateningly as he melded it to it's proper circuit. Finally, the darned thing stopped, it's excess electricity funneling into the board. New wires lit up, popping small sparks as energy flowed through. One such wire right under Danny's wrist, hitting directly on the edge of his death scar.
The teen couldn't stop himself from jerking away with a loud yelp, practically falling out of his seat as he cursed under his breath. "Fuck!" He muttered, rubbing his wrist. His arm tensed and twitched as he tried to massage the pain from it, fingers spasming as his scar buzzed. It took a few minutes for the feeling to pass, and a few longer to flex the soreness out of his fingers. When he could comfortably make a fist again, he turned and leveled a glare at the damned scientific abomination.
His glare faltered after a second, his shoulders drooping in exhausted defeat. "Why couldn't Mom and Dad have been, like, dentists or something?" He questioned quietly. Danny would rather have lectures on proper dental hygiene than have to deal with this. Sighing, he sat back down and pulled the gun towards him again. 'Better just to get it fixed.'
From across the room, Robin stood up from where he had been leaning against the wall. The teen stalk across the space separating them, coming to a stop just in front of Danny. The halfa took his eyes off of his work to look up at him, being careful to rest his hands decidedly away from the live wires. ". . .You good?" Danny asked after a minute of nothing but Robin's intense, searching stare.
Robin stayed silent, giving Danny no warning as he carefully pushed the gun away. Before Danny could ask what he was doing, the teen grabbed his wrist and pulled him up, all but dragging him from the room. It was Danny's turn to be quiet, though his silence was more because of shock and less because of... whatever was up with Robin.
Danny decides that it's too much trouble to try and form a coherent question. Instead, he just lets Robin lead him down the hall, turning and coming to a stop at a closed door. Robin knocks, then takes a step back and waits. Jason opens the door moments later, leaning against the frame as his eyes rake over the two of them.
"What's up, brat?" He asks, his gaze meeting Danny's over Robin's shoulder, conveying a silent question of 'What's this about?'. In response, the teen shrugs, sending back an 'I have no clue,' look. Jason rolls his eyes slightly before focusing his attention back on Robin. "Did you need something?"
"Danny needs to take a break." Robin states bluntly. Danny lets out a protesting "Hey!", but is ignored by the brothers in front of him. "I merely intended to let you know that we are going out. So that you do not worry needlessly about us being gone." With his piece said, Robin began to turn away.
"Hold it, Hell spawn." Jason stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "You just gonna run around in your suit?" When Robin didn't immediately respond, the man shook his head. "Come on, demon brat. I'll give you a change of clothes. It's a miracle that the bat brigade hasn't already tracked us down yet." He dipped back into the room, leaving the door open as he searched around for something for Robin to wear. "Speakin' of which, did you turn off all the trackers in your suit or something?"
"No, I haven't touched any of the trackers." Robin told him through the door. He tugged Danny closer, his thumb feathering over the pulse point of his wrist. Danny let out a sigh at the action, the rhythmic motions chasing the last bit of pain away. "In fact, I had a rather odd experience with my comms earlier this week. They were filled with static when I attempted to use them to contact Oracle. When I was unable to get through to her, I had to retrieve one of the spares from the safe-house." Jason hummed as he returned, clothes in hand.
"You think the same might have happened to your tracker?" He asked as he handed the clothes over. Robin had to drop Danny's hand to take them, and Danny tried not to pay attention to the sad whirring noise his core made in response.
Instead, he turned his attention back to the conversation. "Oh, that? It was probably me." He admitted a bit sheepishly. They both stopped and turned to look at him. When they didn't say anything, he began to ramble. "So, uh. It's kinda a ghost thing? Ecto beings and extremely contaminated liminals tend to radiate ecotplasm, which messes with electronics and, well, technology in general. So, it might be my fault that some things aren't working right?" He let out a nervous laugh, his hand coming up to massage the back of his neck.
Robin was the first to break the silence. "That does make sense." He admitted. "It would explain why we had such a difficult time tracking the Joker's location when you were taken, and why your sister had such an easy time of it finding you when she gave it a try." Behind him, Jason gave a nod, accepting the explanation given, before letting out a laugh.
"Ah, no one in this family ever dates a normal person, do they?" He snorts again before stepping out into the hall and letting Robin into the room.
"Hey!" Danny groaned in fake indignation. "You already knew that I was Spook-tacularly abnormal before this!" Both brothers froze for a minute before groaning themselves at his amazing (horrible) pun.
Reaching out, Jason plants a heavy hand on Danny's head to violently ruffle his already messy hair, electing a yelp from the teen. He laughed as Danny swatted his hand away, pushing the teen slightly so that he stumbled back a step. "We need to keep you and Dick-face as far apart as possible. If you two meet, we're all doomed."
Danny opened his mouth to retort, planning on saying something about this Dick guy having great taste in wit, but was cut off as Robin swung the door open again and stepped out. Turning, he gave the teen's new outfit a look. An old band tee that was slightly too big, a pair of worn jeans that bunched slightly around his calves, a pair of sneakers, and the sunglasses that Danny had gotten for him. All in all, it fits perfectly with the 'average teenager' theme that they're going for.
"Where did you get the sunglasses?" Jason asked, looking the teen over as well. Robin didn't respond to him, instead grabbing Danny's wrist again and leading him to the stairwell. "Be safe you two!" He called after them, "I'm serious! If you get into any trouble, bat related or otherwise, give me a damn call!" Danny glanced back at Jason as he was pulled along, waving at the man as he rounded the corner. The teen couldn't help but smirk at the exasperated look on the man's face as they disappeared from view.
Danny didn't speak as Robin led him down the stairs and through the parking garage. He was content to follow the teen as they continued on, coming out of a maintenance tunnel and stepping into the street. Weak sunlight broke through the ever-present smog, warming the two of them as they walked. It was only when they were about half a mile into this walk that Danny finally broke the silence.
"So, where are we headed?" He asked. Robin stopped abruptly at his question, causing him to bump into the teen's back. "Oof- Robin? Hey, what's-" Danny looked around for what could have made the teen freeze, until something gave him a pause. He looked back at the teen, who was now staring pensively at the ground. A bashful yet thoughtful look on his face. "Oh, I know that look." Of course he knew that look. It was the one Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Dani always described when he did something impulsively. "You didn't plan that far ahead, did you?"
When Robin didn't respond right away, Danny couldn't help but to chuckle. "Glad I'm not the only one who makes split-second decisions." He jokes, smiling at the teen. His smile slowly falls when all Robin does is flinch and frown. "Hey," Danny starts, his playful tone dropping into something more gentle. "It's fine, Robin. I wouldn't mind just wandering around for a few hours." He felt a blush threaten his face as he let a small, mischievous smile tug at his lips. "Especially when I'm wandering around with such amazing company as you."
The cheesy line did the trick, just as Danny was hoping it would. Robin's frown evened out, his expression going back to that look of resting apathy that it usually was, but Danny had spent the past week with him. He could see the slight blush, the way the corners of his lips twitched ever so slightly. He didn't say anything, but Danny could tell that he was pleased, at the very least.
They started walking again, though at a more sedate pace than before. They passed stores, apartments, small vendors, not stopping once but enjoying the calm atmosphere of the city during mid-day. The pair kept away from any alleyway's, though. Just because the city seemed peaceful out in the open, that didn't mean that there weren't crooks and robbers hiding out in the shadow-y, secluded places.
Sometime during their stroll, Robin had loosened his grip on Danny's wrist, his hand trailing down the halfa's arm until their palms were touching. This time, Danny didn't ignore the way his core buzzed and purred at the contact, instead basking in the warm feeling it sent resonating through his chest when their fingers intertwined.
Eventually the two had to come to a stop, their stomachs demanding they find somewhere to eat. The solution to that problem was relatively easy, as they only had to backtrack a little bit to find someplace decent. A Bat Burger seemed to be calling them from across the street, the smell of fast food wafting from the door as it swung closed behind a couple.
Ordering and settling at a booth was a relatively simple affair, and soon they were sitting across from each other once again. Neither of them spoke, neither of them really needed to. Both of them were just relaxed, reveling in each other's presences. They hadn't really left each other's sides since the love potion took effect, excluding certain pesky clowns of course, but something about this time was different than all the time they had spent together before. 'It might be that I'm finally not ignoring everything I feel now,' Danny thought, a smile crossing his face again as he stared at Robing from the corner of his eye.
"Thank you." He said it quietly, but Robin heard him nonetheless.
"For what?" Robin asked, his head tilting to the side.
'Cute,' Danny couldn't help the thought. "For pulling me out of my own head. I can kinda take after my parents when it comes to projects. Especially important ones. My friends and Jazz usually have a hard time convincing me to take a break, so it's kinda nice to have someone not afraid to yank me out by my foot." He chuckles, his hand raising to rub his neck again.
Robin catches it before it makes contact. Bringing it across the table, he places a gentle kiss on the knuckles before setting their interlaced hands down on the tabletop. Danny fights his blush as Robin smirks at him. "You'll find that I am more than capable of interrupting, should it be necessary for you to take a break." Quieter, he mumbled "I's not like I haven't had plenty of practice with Drake and his horrible habits."
Danny perked up, his blush fading as he focused on something else. "Who's Drake?" He asked.
Robin froze for only a second before responding. "Drake is one of my adopted brothers." He admits. "He has the same habit of delving deep into a topic and completely forgetting about the world around him. It takes the whole family to keep him from dying of his own ignorance to his body's demands." The irritation in his tone is tempered by a small amount of fondness, and Danny can't help but to smile knowingly at him.
"Is he really that bad?"
"Yes. Out of all of my siblings, the most self-care rules have been put in place because of Drake. Not that they're followed half the time, but the evidence does speak for itself." He huffed, letting his chin lower to rest on his arm. "If not for our family, Drake would have long since worked himself into the grave."
Danny smirked, sitting up straighter. "You just made a pun!" He accused, his smirk widening into a smile at the look that crossed the other teen's face.
"I did no such thing." He denied, sitting up as well.
"You so did!" Danny giggled, rubbing his thumb across Robin's knuckle. "Don't worry, I won't tell." He winked at Robin, before looking away. "But, back to your brother. That sounds tough."
Robin sighed, but let it go. "Yes, forcing Drake to take proper care of himself can be a very demanding job at times. But, sadly, he's family. And as such, it is my 'moral' obligation to make sure he doesn't perish."
"Yikes. That sounds like a soul-sucking job." Danny tried to tease.
It fell flat when Robin looked him dead in the eye and nodded. "That statement is more true that any of my family would care to admit." Danny choked, his mind wildly trying to think of how to backtrack. Then Robin cracked a small smile, a light and airy laugh leaving him, and Danny knew he had been played.
"Your evil," He grumbles half-heartedly at the vigilante, fighting back a small smirk of his own.
"Trust me," Robin's smile turned slightly devious. "I can be a Lot worse."
Their order was called before Danny could even try to snark back, 'Flirt back? Was Robin flirting with him?', and Robin disentangled his hand from Danny's quickly, hurrying off to get their food before Danny could protest. Leaving said teen to deal with the blush that now encompassed his entire face.
By the time the teen made it back with their food, Danny had managed to wrestle his blush from a full cherry red to a warm pink. Thankfully, Robin didn't mention it, instead just pushing Danny's meal towards him and digging into his own. Danny followed in suite, pulling the wrapper from his burger taking a bite.
They two teens ate in silence, content with the cozy, comfortable atmosphere that surrounded them. But they were only half-way through their meal when the quiet was broken, but not by either of them. A hand slammed down on the table between them, startling both teens. Pausing mid-bite, Danny turned and looked at the hand, before following it up to it's owner's face. Unsurprisingly, it was someone Danny didn't recognize. But a quick glance at Robin made Danny certain that he knew who this was.
"What are you doing here?" The teen growled. 'Yep,' Danny looked between the two, growing wary at how tense Robin had become as he glared at the... Man? He looked a bit young, but he wasn't exactly a teenager, either. Danny was gonna go with guy, then. 'He definitely knows him.'
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why haven't you come home in the past week, or checked in with us at all? Do you know how stressed everyone has been, searching for you?" The guy crossed his arms, glaring down at Robin with that 'Your doing something stupid and annoying' look. Honestly, it was kinda eerie to see that look on someone besides a teacher. "You need to come home, and at least explain what the hell is going on with you."
Robin didn't respond, which seemed to annoy the guy. He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Seriously?" He asked, one hand falling to rest on his hip. "You're just going to ignore me?" Danny glanced at Robin from the corner of his eye and, sure enough, the teen was staring resolutely at the table as he munched on a fry. By all accounts, it seemed like the teen was ignoring the dude.
Danny knew it was an act when Robin caught his eye, tilting his head ever so slightly down. Danny followed, looking down at his hand. The vigilante lifted three fingers briefly, before letting his hand rest on the table, all his fingers flattening out except for one, which he scrunched up almost like he was pointing. But why was he pointing at the table? Was he pointing at the table? Or maybe...
A small tap, so quiet that for a moment Danny thought that he had imagined it. A few seconds later, another tap. It was only when he heard the third tap that he put it all together. Thinking fast, Danny ducked under the table just as Robin surged up from his seat, is fist making contact with the guy's solar plexus with a meaty thump. Danny couldn't help but wince in sympathy as the dude dropped to the floor with a wheezy gasp, but he didn't bother to check on the guy either. Instead, he slid out from under the table, snagging his burger as Robin grabbed his wrist. In seconds they were out the door and across the street, sprinting around the corner.
From behind them, Danny could hear the man stumble out of the Bat Burger, calling after them. "Wait! Damn it, come back!" He yelled. Danny was forced to bring his attention away from the man as Robin took a hard left. The teen yelped as he was pulled into the alleyway and behind a dumpster. His nose wrinkled at the awful smell, but before he could complain, Robin slapped a hand across his mouth. Danny glared grumpily at the teen, but Robin merely pointed towards the mouth of the alley.
Danny watched as the man ran past them, a strange sort of pride bubbling in his core when he heard the wheezy breaths of the dude ass he passed them. Secretly, he wondered if he could get Robin to use that move on him, one day. Immediately, Danny shook the thought from his head. 'This is no time for those kinds of thoughts,' he told himself.
Both of them stayed crouched down there for a bit, just until they were sure that the guy wasn't coming back. Only when the guy's footsteps had faded from Danny's enhanced hearing, did they deem it safe to venture back out. The halfa couldn't stop his sigh of relief to be away from the trash, taking a deep breath to clear his nose.
The walk back to the parking garage was just as quiet as before, but defiantly more tense. Robin kept to side streets, ducking away from lights and sidewalks that seemed crowded. Honestly, after the last time they were out and about, Danny couldn't really blame him for that one. It took way longer to get back, But Danny didn't complain.
In turn Robin didn't protest the way Danny kept close to him, practically back to chest. Occasionally, their shoulders would bump, or their arms would brush, and it took every bit of self-control he had not to grab Robin's hand. Not that the teen would have minded, with the state he was in, but Danny knew this wasn't the right time for that kind of thing. Not when they were trying to get back without being followed, and defiantly not when he was still trying to sort through his own feelings himself.
By the time they made it back, the sun was casting it's last rays on the city's clouded horizon, turning them various shades of purple and red. Once back at the top of the stairwell, Robin split from him, probably to tell Jaosn about what had happened. Danny stood there for a moment, before heading towards the living room. Settling back down, he gazed at the portal gun's tangled wires with a fresh set of eyes.
His gaze flittered over the circuits and plating, freezing on something he hadn't noticed before. There, hidden by a mass of tangled cables, was a little button. An OFF button. Groaning, he slapped his forehead before reaching out and pressing it. With a click and a beep, the wires made one last spluttering spark before falling dormant. "Of course," he scoffed, half bitter and half exasperated. "Why do my parents have the bad habit of putting an off switch in the worst possible place?" He asked the space around him. Only the silence answered him back.
Shaking himself, Danny sighed and focused on the now safe wires, getting back to work. Now that they weren't zapping him every five seconds, he might actually be able to make better progress with it.
- - -
Tim hissed as he shifted the ice pack on his chest, his breath wheezing just slightly. He had been expecting to deflect a knife, or some sort of thrown projectile. He had been braced and prepared for it, too. He hadn't expected the brat to actually punch him. And, like a complete newbie, he had left his torso unguarded.
He was glad that he was alone in the cave for the moment. Dick was back in Buldehaven, negotiating for time off so that he could better lend a hand, both in searching for Damian and covering for him while the kid was still AWOL. Duke was out dealing with the last of Joker's goons wandering around, Jason was back to ignoring all messages that were left for him, so either he had found something and wasn't in the sharing mood, or he was just being his usual, non-helpful self. Bruce had been called away to deal with a League matter, however reluctant he was to go, and was set to get back just before patrol. And Steph was upstairs with Cass, doing 'Girl Stuff' that they refused to talk about.
Part of Tim wondered if Girl Stuff included whatever Cass and Alfred had been working on. He was incredibly curious about what she and Alfred were up to in there, but had left it alone, more focused on their current predicament. He could investigate Cass's... whatever is in there, later.
Readjusting the ice pack again, Tim pulled away from his thoughts and looked over the security footage that Oracle had sent over again. The video played, just a corner of a busy Gotham street, but then it glitched slightly. Static overlays the clip for a few seconds, before clearing up again, revealing two figures on the opposite side of the street. One was obviously Damian, wearing clothes slightly too big for him, and the other was a teenager. Around the same age as the missing vigilante, and just shorter by an inch or two, there was no mistaking the fact that they were walking together. Tucked close to each other's sides, heads tilted close and holding hands, the two looked like a couple. It had been such an unexpected thing that Tim had questioned if Babs had sent him the right clip. But there was no denying that it was Damian in the video. So the question remained, who was the other guy?
When Tim had first received the video, he had posed that same question to Babs. Both Dick and Duke had seen him before, when they had confronted Damian at the mall, but there was no other real record of him. Running face recognition of the fuzzy, distorted images had brought up nothing, not even a slight match. It was almost if the teen didn't exist, which was not all that astounding in their line of work, but usually meant a lot of trouble.
Sighing, Tim leaned back in his chair, letting the video loop again. 'Just who are you, mysterious Snow-White?', he asked himself, rubbing his eyes. Groaning, he stretched as much as he was able with his new bruise before standing, shaking out the purposefully baggy shirt he had slid on to keep the ice from melting on it. He was trying his best to keep his new injury on the down-low, at least until he could figure out how to explain how their usually predictable, unpredictable wildcard of a little brother got the drop on him in the most unpredictable way possible.
Was it kind of hopeless to hope that Alfred wouldn't notice the odd attire? Yes. Did that mean the teen wasn't going to try at all? No, no it didn't. If Tim had his timing right, he might be able to slip right on up to his room, with no one any the wiser about his current physical condition. And with the abnormal amount of sleep he had been getting for the past few days, it probably wouldn't raise any alarms if he didn't come back out for a while.
Of course, Tim's perfect plan was shattered almost the minute he stepped out of the elevator, to find none other than Alfred himself re-arranging a stack of papers on Bruce's desk. The butler looked to him as he stepped out into the office, his sharp gaze raking over Tim with an intensity most hero's, and maybe even some villains, wish they had. The teen fought the urge to squirm under the man's gaze, and almost drooped alarmingly the minute he looked away.
Hope flared in Tim's chest when Alfred didn't immediately scold him with some witty quip, but it's embers were extinguished just as fast as they appeared when the man simply gestured to the chairs in front of the desk. Cursing mentally, he took a seat, careful of his now aching ribs.
"I would like to assume that you were not attempting to hide an injury from me, were you Master Timothy?" The butler asked, his tone not giving anything away.
Tim shook his head mutely, keeping his gaze fixed on the Superman paper weight they had gotten Bruce for Christmas one year.
"Good. Then I suppose you will have no trouble pulling up your shirt and letting me treat it properly, then?" Tim knew it wasn't a request, complying immediately. The butler let out a "Tsk," before getting to work, poking and probing the afflicted area to make sure nothing was broken before applying a layer of bandaged, then the ice pack, and one last layer of bandages. The cold was now pressed firmly against the bruise, dulling the ache with the cold that it radiated. Tim couldn't really help the sigh of relief that escaped him as the pain eased up.
"Thanks, Alfred." Tim sighed, leaning back in the comfortable chair for a minute before standing again.
"It was no problem, Master Timothy. But please, if you injure yourself, get it treated properly. A poorly placed bandaid will do a broken bone no good." With that, the man turned back to the desk, wiping some dust off one corner.Shaking his head, Tim sighed and left the room, headed for the kitchen. Despite all the sleep he had gotten, and the excess energy now in him, he really just wanted a cup of coffee.
(I know that there are some spelling/grammar mistakes, but it's okay because I tried my best!)
For the amazing person who made the prompt for this story, as well as all the lovely people who follow along!
@halfblackwolfdemon @manapeer @xxwintrynightzxx @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @blu-lilac @academicpurposes @secretdestinywerewolf @passivedecept @naluforever3 @postit-nope @spiteismymiddlename @2t-productions @plague-daisy @feet-achy @bubblecookies16 @thesapphiredragon13 @justwannabecat @magicalcollecter @adeniumdream @amuseofminds @lupagrim @readerkayden @dr-syko-pharm-4 @ladythugs @angelheartgamer @markthespot68 @kyrianclawraith @michikoy-yuki @servasvictoria02 @your-emo-nightmare @vala-dreams @scarlett-green-rose @t1dwarrior-of-earth @charlie-the-frogie @akikoyuii @mysticalcomputerdetective @roseuniverse999 @im-totally-not-an-alien @thefearfullone @weird-droplet-309 @jaytriesstuff @raventao @jacquelynwinchester @dragongoblet @tlise21 @longlivethefallen @the-archer-goddess @temple-of-jalebi @adepresseddwightsblogofjunk @plainly-colorful @the-legalHe-shipper @49saltpeppershakers @igotafewbadideas @tumbling-darkling @sparklygardenbouquet @sarcastic-yami @blueneko9314 @starscreamlover @liedboutmurder @do3y @roze-realm @some-mildly-happy-human @yinari-uchiha @azuera @chaoticmistake @altairsarts @kawaiikenna @heartsong18 @thetoyboxs @tricksovertreats @mnemovoid @lim4b3ans @horribly-lost-and-gay @keimiwolf @dryeraseslime @joey394
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thelovelylolly · 8 months
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Summary : Your husband comes home late one night, but something's off. He may look and sound like him, but he's not your husband. Warnings : Violence and death, fem!reader (gabirella calls her mom, reader is her step-mom), this is all going off of the theory that Miguel killed his own variant to have a family bc i love that theory (please tell me if i missed any!) Notes : Halloween fic! It's not very scary, but I tried to make it a bit creepy
You were reading your daughter, Gabi, a bedtime story when you heard him walk through the front door. The moment the door shut, you could feel something shift in the air, but you pretended like it wasn't. You finished up your book, tucked Gabi in, and left her to get some sleep.
You closed the door behind you and went to find your husband. When you did, he was standing in the middle of the living room, looking around like he had never been there before. He seemed bigger, buffer, different.
"What took you so long?" You asked, breaking the silence and causing him to spin around to look at you. Your eyes glanced down and you noted he didn't have a shopping bag in his hand. "Where's the ice cream?"
"Oh, uh, they didn't have it..." He quickly answered, trailing off at the end.
You watched as his eyes gave you a once over, so you did the same. Aside from being a bit bigger, his hair was messier than your husband would let it be and his eyes were red instead of the dark brown your husband had. You looked back at his hands and noticed how his nails seemed sharper.
Whoever this man was, he wasn't your husband.
But your daughter was in the other room, and you had no idea what this...stranger wanted or why he was pretending to be your husband.
"I'm, uh, I'm gonna go to bed, okay?" He said, walking closer to you. He gently cupped your face in his hands, his eyes darting across your face, before pressing a kiss to your forehead. You felt his sharp nails or claws on your skin, and when he pulled away and smiled, you could see fangs peaking out.
Your eyes widened, and he quickly became confused.
"What's wrong?"
"What happened to your teeth?" You asked, causing him to pull away but you grabbed his hands. "And your nails, why are they like this?"
"What happened to you, Miguel?"
"Let's just get some sleep, alright? You're just tired-"
"I'm not!" You nearly yelled, but you caught yourself so you wouldn't wake Gabi up. You stepped away from him. "Where is my husband?"
"I am your husband."
"You're not him. What did you do to him?" You asked, taking more steps back.
He grabbed your wrist, digging his claws into your skin and leaving little marks. "I am your husband. Nothing happened."
You looked down at his hand gripping your wrist, the marks on your skin stinging as tears blurred your vision. You blinked them away, not wanting to show how scared you were, but this man's eyes felt like they were staring right through you. You met his gaze, silently begging him to let you go.
"My husband wouldn't hurt me," you spat. "Get out of my house, now."
He laughed dryly, his hand leaving your wrist only for both of his hands to grip onto your shoulders. "This is our house, cariño. I'm your husband, Gabriella is our daughter. What is going on with you tonight?"
"You're not him! You're not Gabriella's father! Let me go!" You yelled, trying to escape his grip but failing.
"Yes, I am. Please-"
"Daddy? What are you doing?"
Gabi's tired and soft voice cause you and him to look over at her. She was standing with her favorite teddy gripped against her chest, her bottom lip wobbling as tears filled her eyes.
"You're hurting mommy!" She cried, cutting him off.
He immediately released you from his grip and went to Gabriella.
"No, I'm not. It's just a...misunderstanding."
Gabriella looked up at him, tears threatening to spill. He knelt down in front of her, trying to comfort her with a smile.
"Y-you're not daddy," she said.
"I am-"
"Gabi, go to your room," you quickly cut him off.
She hesitated, but went back to her room. She shut the door and he could hear her lock it. He stood up and turned to you.
"What is wrong with you?" He asked in a low tone, stalking over to you.
"Get out of my house," you ordered, but he didn't listen nor care.
"What will it take to convince you that I am your husband-"
"Nothing will, because you are not him!"
He sighed. "You want to know the truth?"
You nodded and he grabbed you again. You tried to kick him away and fight back, but it was pointless.
"Your husband is dead in an alley way. It was going to happen anyway, it was a canon event. I just sped up the process, but I knew you would need him and Gabi would need a father."
Your heart snapped at his bluntness. This man, this stranger, killed your husband just to fulfill a...canon event?
"I always wanted a family, but I could never have one in my universe. This universe was perfect, and now you've ruined it," he said, forcing your head to the side to show your neck.
You started to shake and breathing became harder. "Let me go!"
He opened his mouth and sank his fangs into your neck. A scream got caught in your throat as your body seized up. He pulled his fangs out after a few moments, letting go of you and watching you hit the ground with a thud. You couldn't speak or scream, your vision started to get blurry and spotty, you were losing feeling throughout your body.
Miguel watched as your chest stopped rising and falling, as your body went limp. He sighed, annoyed he had ruined yet another universe just because a variant of you figured him out. After the first few times, he had a thought that it was maybe his fault, but he kept going because one day, he'll find the right universe.
"LYLA," he said, tapping his watch and opening a portal back to HQ, "clean this mess up."
LYLA popped up and glanced at your body. She glitched next to you, noticing the bite marks on your neck.
"You got it boss," she said, brining up digital screens in front of her and quickly typing away.
Miguel glanced at you one last time, then down the hall towards Gabi's room. He always felt guilty when he had to leave a variant of her behind, but the universes would end up being destroyed anyway.
He walked through the portal, leaving your dead body behind to find another universe.
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sylkiddsey · 5 months
Prompt: “I could’ve helped.”
Set in season 12
She’s frozen.
She’s actually physically stuck in front of the tv in the common room. Stella or Violet is behind her, bracing her shoulders.
She can’t move. She can’t think. Her heart is free falling in her damn chest. The tv is broadcasting a breaking news story about a recent shooting.
A shooting in Portland at a firehouse. The firehouse Matt works at. The station her fiancé went to this morning for one of his last shifts.
The one where the reporter has announced multiple injuries on site. The one a gang member walked into and fired shots.
The voice is muffled by her internal panic but then Severide is kneeling next to her. He looks worried but also confident. “I’m sure he’s okay. He probably wasn’t involved.”
It’s the probably that is tearing her soul. She can’t help but think about the last firehouse shooting at 51. She witnessed him take a bullet, but it was different then. They were friends. They hadn’t fallen in love yet.
Now, she’s the most in love with him (and anyone) she’s ever been. Now he’s the man she’s marrying and building a family with.
She’s white knuckling her phone, willing for Matt to call her back. The second Kidd flagged her down when she got back, Sylvie called him. She called him once, twice, three times and a few dozen after that.
He won’t answer.
“I…this isn’t real,” she whispers, tears filming her eyes. She looks at Severide, then behind her at Stella and the rest of 51. “Right? Tell me this isn’t happening.”
Obviously, no one can.
She doesn’t know if he’s okay. She doesn’t even know if he’s alive. Her head is spinning, and her heart physically hurts.
Mouch places a hand on her back from his spot beside her on the couch. His reading glasses are perched on the edge of his nose as he scrolls on an iPad. “I’m going to find you flight, okay? Just in case.”
Oh god, this isn’t happening. She’s going to pass out.
Severide squeezes her knee. “Boden is making calls. He’ll find something out. It’s going to be fine.”
She appreciates his comfort, but he doesn’t know that. Her voice shakes when she speaks. “Severide, I can’t…”
Lose him.
He nods. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
She’s about to point out the facts but then her phone vibrates in her hand. She almost breaks her neck checking the ID.
She springs from the couch and instantly answers, pushing her way past 51 towards the kitchen. “Matt.”
She hopes it is him and not someone calling from his phone to deliver the worst news possible.
“Hey, I’m okay.”
The sound of his voice breaks her resolve. She lets out a sob and covers her mouth. Her relief, however, worries all of 51. Severide looks panicked from her reaction.
She gives them all a thumbs up to communicate he’s fine. All of 51 looks relieved too.
She’s probably going to be a wreck over this phone, so she wants privacy. She exits the common room and heads towards the locker area.
“Oh my god,” she cries. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he assures. “I’m sorry. I just got my phone. I would’ve called you sooner.”
She’s just glad he’s calling now. She sits on the floor against her locker. “I’m just so relieved you’re alive. I…I can’t even imagine what I would do if…”
“Hey, don’t go there,” he whispers. “I’m perfectly okay.” He pauses for a second. “Well, more or less.”
Now that she thinks about it, she has heard a lot of voices in the background. It doesn’t sound like he’s home.
“Are you in the hospital?”
He hesitates which gives away the answer.
“Baby, what happened? How bad is it? How could you not lead with that? What hospital?”
He chuckles. “It’s nothing. It’s just a graze.”
What does that mean? What kind of graze?
“Did you get shot?!”
“No, not technically,” he says. “I was grazed by a bullet. I’m fine.”
She’s equally terrified and furious. Matt downplays his injuries. She has no idea what he’d define as a graze.
“You’re not fine. You were shot. Where? Has a doctor seen you yet? Have they disinfected the wound?”
“Honey.” His voice is full of fondness. “I’m okay. A bullet grazed my arm. I barely lost any blood and I needed only a few stitches. Now I’m just waiting for discharge papers. I swear to you, miss paramedic, I’m fine.”
She has a hard time believing that but she’s going to try for her own sanity. “Okay. Okay, you’re fine. How is everyone else?”
He sighs. “Everyone is going to make it. The guy who fired the gun definitely isn’t though. We’re all okay for the most part.”
That’s a relief. She’s gotten to know the people he worked with while in Portland. She likes everyone there.
“I wish I could’ve been there,” she whispers, shutting her eyes. A tear rolls down her cheek.
“I don’t. Sylvie, I don’t want you anywhere near that. I’m just glad you’re safe in Chicago,” he replies. “Plus, there isn’t anything you could’ve done.”
She’d argue that.
“I could’ve helped. I’m a paramedic and you’re, you know, my man. I could’ve taken care of you.”
He laughs. “Your man, huh?”
Sylvie grins. “Yes.” She glances down at her engagement ring and blinks back tears. “I just…I really thought I lost you, Matt.”
“Hey, that’s never going to happen,” he replies. “Do you really think I’d let a little bullet get in the way of making you my wife after all these years?”
She smiles because she knows he’s right. He’d fight like hell to come home to her but that doesn’t mean terrible things can’t happen.
“I love you so much,” she says. “And if you were here right now, I’d kill you for doing this to me and Severide.”
“Well good thing I’m in Portland then. I know what you’re capable of and it’s scary as hell.”
He’s such a dork.
“Hey, I love you so much too, baby,” Matt says. “And I’m genuinely sorry I scared you. I’ll make it up to you when I’m back in Chicago.”
She’ll hold him to that.
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rintarousgirl · 10 months
kiss me better, baby - an atsumu miya two-shot
synopsis -
you and atsumu had been living together happily after your marriage, but after conflicting work schedules and bottled-up feelings, the two of you break into a heated argument. now, it's up to the two of you to mend it, maybe with a kiss? | tags: lack of communication, angst, making up, hurt/comfort, toxic relationship.
a/n: for my more dedicated followers (and those of you who simply are curious) i now have a nsfw blog so this blog is now strictly sfw! ofc, i will still post some suggestive stuff but for nsfw requests and works go to @tarousbaby!
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"you look horrible," osamu drawls from the foot of the couch, eyebrows raised. you scoff, shifting so you're upright as you wipe at your red and splotchy face.
"thanks," you mutter, "you're quite the charmer."
osamu rolls his eyes, moving around the couch to sit beside you. he picks up your legs, dropping them back down into his lap as you huff. "why're you here? have you come to apologize on your brother's behalf?" you grumble, resting your cheek against the couch.
it'd been a week, and you'd been so down that you'd called sick out of work. you'd changed maybe once in the past seven days, and you're sure you stink. your shirt has a stain on it, and your hairs a rats nest but you couldn't find it in you to care. there wasn't anybody for you to bother looking pretty for.
"'tsumu told me what happened," he explains, rubbing small circles into your ankle, "though I'd like to hear your side of the story too. i don't trust half of what he says when he's angry."
you frown. you knew atsumu had a bad habit of blowing things out of proportion or simply not caring about them enough that he undermines them. it makes you wonder what story he'd spun for his twin.
"what'd he say?" you ask first, your shoulders hunching a little.
osamu clicks his tongue. "ah, ah, your story first remember? after, i'll make you something to eat, 'kay?"
you nod, partially enticed by the idea of osamu's cooking. falling back into the plush of the couch (which still smelled like his cologne) you begin to share what had occured that night and the events that led up to it.
you watch as osamu connects pieces of your story to atsumu's, and where he finds gaps too. you see his thoughts clear as day on his face, and moments where he judges you and then atsumu as well. at least it was good to know he had a fairly neutral opinion.
you finish of your long rant with a simple question, "where is he now?"
"my place, doing pretty much the same thing you are. he skipped practice too, multiple times. hinata came over once, but atsumu's kind of shutting people out so he left fairly quickly."
something in you aches, and for a moment, there's nothing you want to do more than break down the door and hold him close and beg him to apologize so the two of you could get over this. atsumu's sweet stubborn heart wouldn't let anyone in but osamu, and hopefully you.
but he'd also treated your insecurities as if they were nothing. he pretty much ignored you throughout the day. and when you'd confronted him about it, he'd blown you off. you shouldn't feel bad that he's wallowing in his own self-pity without you, but you do.
osamu stands, reaching above his head to crack his back. it pops, and you follow him as he makes his way to the kitchen. "is he okay?" you find yourself asking to which osamu chuckles.
"he's fine, just pouting. he'll get over it eventually and worm his way back to you," he says whilst rummaging through your cabinets. he finds a few boxes of rice, before turning to your fridge, "you shouldn't do the same. you have a life, a job. he can miss a few practices; you can't miss work."
he's right, and you know it. in the pocket of your sweats, you phone buzzes. probably another text from your co-workers wishing you a swift recovery.
"am i not allowed to be upset over my stupid husband?" you shoot back, despite it all.
osamu hums, and takes a very long very noticeable look at your barren ring finger. "do you still consider him your husband even?"
after that, you can't even find the words to reply.
☆ - - -
going back to work wasn't as hard as you thought it would be. it was easy for you to slip back into a routine, it kept your mind of atsumu.
so, for the next week, you went on with your life. you ignored how empty your hand felt without the comforting pressure of your ring, and how much you missed atsumu's arms around your waist at night.
it was almost easy to forget he existed but then you could look around, see your wedding pictures framed on the walls, smell his cologne on your sheets, see his laundry baskets in the basement.
it made you sick. sick with how much you missed him, and sick with how much you never wanted to see him again.
you'd spent too many nights curled in on yourself in bed, his cologne on your pillow, spotted with your tears.
you wake up one night to a knock on your front door. sitting up blearily from the couch, you rub at your eyes, brushing your hair out of your face. the clock reads 11:37. your tv is still on, some animal documentary lighting up your living room in blue light.
confusion settles in you along with a thick level of wariness. getting up, you try to keep your footsteps light as you approach the door. hovering your hand over the lock, you peek through the peephole and feel your heart skip a beat.
atsumu stands on your porch, hair wet with the rain outside and skin pale and clammy. he looks borderline hypothermic, but his cheeks are still flushed and pink. you stumble back from the door and stand there for a second, jaw dropped.
you move quickly to pull the door open, startling him as he jumps back. he blinks at you, and then he's crushing you.
his arms wrap around you, holding you close and tight and sweet. his face buries in your shoulder, and he lets out a weak pathetic sob into the fabric of your shirt. your hands twitch at your sides, unsure of what to do as he clings onto you.
swallowing a thick lump in your throat, your hands slowly reach up to rub up and down his spine in a comforting manner.
atsumu smells strongly of alcohol, thick and sour. it's clear he was drinking before coming home, and you weren't quite sure what to do. atsumu had never really been a drinker in your years together.
"'tsumu," you mumble, pushing him back lightly. he stumbles, looking at you like a hurt puppy. "let's go to the kitchen...i prefer you sober."
he follows you to the kitchen, struggling not to trip over his own two feet. you prepare him a glass of water and a bowl of food to eat. he digs in happily, small water droplets slipping down his chin.
you watch in silence as he eats, taking in his condition. he looked haggard, frozen, and just overall horrible. and despite all that, he was still just as beautiful as he was the day you married him.
sighing, you walk behind him, and pat his shoulders. "i'm going to set up the couch for you tonight. i don't want you going back out in that storm," he hums, looking up at you with tearful eyes.
“mkay,” he says, slurring his words. he stares up at you with an emotion you can’t quite place. without thinking, you reach out and stroke his cheek, pushing away wet hair that stuck to his face.
there aren’t any words said, but he leans into your touch. even drunk atsumu knew to look for you for safety.
you watch as he finishes his food, before scrambling to his feet to stumble over to the couch. you help him, supporting half his weight as he plops down onto the couch with a drawn out groan.
“thank you,” he says, a little more sober than he’d previously been, taking your hand. “i love you…”
your bottom lip trembles and you lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. his eyes flutter before slipping shut as he falls into a deep sleep. “i love you too, ‘tsumu,” you choke, tears threatening to spill over.
you love him so much.
- - - ☆
you wake up before atsumu does, which you’re kind of relieved about. you were scared that if you slept in, he’d wake up and run back to osamu and you’d blow your chance at a healthy conversation with him.
when you walk into the living room, he’s tangled up in the blankets you’d given him. a small chuckle escapes your lips, and you grab some aspirin from the bathroom and place a glass of water on the coffee table for him.
turning to the kitchen, you begin breakfast. it was a saturday morning, which meant you fortunately didn’t have work. you remember reading somewhere that eggs were good for hangovers so you open your fridge and grab some from the cartridge.
atsumu wakes up not long after that, awoken by the smell of the sizzling eggs and bacon. he sits up with a groan, clutching his temple, and you quickly sprint over to close the curtains to block the sunlight.
“good morning, sleepyhead,” you find yourself saying, the tease slipping off your tongue as easy as water. you catch yourself a second after, and bite your lip.
atsumu looks at you like he’s lost, hurt, and in pain all at the same time which he probably is. you give him what you hope is a comforting smile. “c’mon let’s talk over breakfast.”
you extend a hand to help him up which he takes hesitantly, leaning into you subconsciously. he slides into a bar seat, and you quickly tend to the food for a few minutes before plating it.
besides the stove top, the kettle hissed, letting you know the tea you’d begun to brew was finished. you pour him a cup to have with his food.
he takes it gratefully, but his eyes don't stray from your figure as you make your own plate. "y/n," he calls softly, pushing back his plate. he stands up with a sigh as you turn from the counter, and walks around so you're face to face, only three feet apart.
"i'm sorry," he whispers, "not just for this...for everything."
you watch in silence, swallowing the thick lump of emotion in your throat. he'd said it drunk, but it'd been easy to tell yourself he didn't really mean it then, no matter how much you wanted him to. now that it happened, it almost didn't feel real.
"are you? i mean, like, really?" you end up croaking, eyes darting to the ring glinting on his finger. he brings up his palm and places it over his heart.
"dead serious," he says, before taking your hand. his face falls when he notices the lack of ring, and he brings it up to his face to cup his cheek. he presses a kiss to the inside of your hand.
"i was so stupid, baby. i should've listened to you. i was stressed and couldn't think of anything but myself and that was so foolish of me. when i married you, i promised myself you would always be my first priority and i broke that promise. i am so, truly sorry, y/n."
his eyes are a bit red, but he doesn't cry, and there's a dimple in his chin as he tries to hold back his emotions. your heart breaks and shatters into little glass pieces, spilling out of you and crashing onto the floor.
"oh," you say softly, the wind having been stolen from your lungs. "i...i forgive you, 'tsumu..."
you take a step forward, and his face lights up. you lift your hand from his cheek, and he opens his arms for a hug.
bringing your hand down, you land a harsh smack onto his shoulder, the sound filling the room.
he winces, an immediate hand raising to clasp over his shoulder. "i deserved that," he laughs lightly, and you find yourself smiling back despite it all.
you crash into his arms, burying your nose into the fabric of his shirt.
his arms rub up and down your spine, squeezing you tight. "i promise i'll never disregard you again. i'll listen to everything you say, understand every insecurity. you are apart of me, baby, i wouldn't want to ever hurt you again."
"i love you," you whimper wetly into his shirt, "i always have."
"i know," he replies, "i love you too."
you look up at him and smile. he smiles back, sweet and soft and genuine, and you think it's the most beautiful thing this world has ever seen.
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taglist: (anyone who interacted last post)
@snail-squasher | @yamaguchikinnie | @radtragedyarcade
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69misato69 · 1 year
Genesis (Zhongli x Diluc) ✦ smut, 5k
archive of our own ✦ twitter ✦ masterlist
established zhongluc that never had sex before, diluc loses his virginity, both amab and cis (he/him pronouns)
cw: blowjobs, unprotected sex, ejaculation, overall heavy sexual themes
writer's note: explicit +18 content, please view at your own risk. thank you, have fun !
Top Zhongli x Bottom Diluc
Diluc turns over the page. He’s eager to find out what happens next, drunk on the story that he finds so captivating, and equally embarrassing. Zhongli also seems intrigued by the book he holds, though it is easy to guess that it’s likely a lot different than the story Diluc currently indulges in. 
What will happen next? The couple finally got together after a heated, heartbreaking break-up. With them ending up at the woman’s house, tipsy and filled with the joy of reunion, naturally they are bound to have some intimate moments. 
Intimate moments that Diluc likes reading about even though he has never experienced it for himself. The most he can relate to is the kissing, which he truly enjoys. Pressing his lips against Zhongli’s, how he always cups Diluc’s face gently. 
The intensity, however, is still far from what he reads about. It can only match what happens before events escalate, and the duration is much longer. They kiss for hours, lazily lying on the bed, sitting at the dinner table, cuddling on the couch. 
But then, nothing happens. 
Either they fall asleep or one of them has to leave, something comes up before Diluc can muster up the courage to attempt more, and he knows Zhongli won’t initiate anything before he does, knowing that Diluc is not only inexperienced but also insecure about many aspects of his body. 
Zhongli cherishes the fact that Diluc feels comfortable enough to open up about his issues and his lack of a sexual history, but to him, the fact that Diluc never aimed for something more is concrete evidence that he isn’t fully comfortable yet.
Zhongli doesn’t really see it as a ‘wait’, considering the possibility that it might never happen, which he is fine with. The things that made him fall in love with Diluc are far from physical reasons, they will always be there, and Zhongli will always feel lucky to exist in the presence of such light and beauty. 
Despite all that, how Diluc slowly wiggles his legs extended onto Zhongli’s lap is a bit suspicious, especially when he fully retracts them and abruptly places the book facing down on the table. 
“Are you alright?” Zhongli asks without looking up from the page. 
Diluc clears his throat, “Yeah.” 
He stands up, heading out of the room.
“Do you want anything?” 
This time Zhongli does look at him, with a soft smile that forms on his lips involuntarily at the sight of Diluc’s baggy shirt, wrinkled pyjama pants and messy hair.
“No. Thank you, dear.” 
Diluc hurries to leave, even faster when faced with Zhongli’s expression. 
He stares at the book Diluc left on the table, still open at where he just left off.
Would it hurt to take a peek? 
Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Master Diluc fights an opponent that is awfully difficult to rival. 
A fire in his belly that should ideally go away, but refuses to do so. He tries to clear his mind of the filth he has just read, but it is a futile attempt. It infects him as much as the feeling of Zhongli’s legs under his own and the smile he just struck at Diluc. 
On the contrary to what Zhongli assumes, Diluc is ready. He feels ready, but being inexperienced at an age such as his undeniably creates an immense amount of pressure, sending him spiraling into a state of anxiety. 
Maybe today is the day he finally leaves it behind. He hopes, for it is getting harder and harder to restrain himself. 
When he makes his way into the living room once again, a loud gasp escapes him. 
Zhongli is leaning forward, holding Diluc’s book in his hand this time. 
“Hey!” he protests, to which Zhongli slowly leaves it back on the table with a gentle thud. 
“Oh, apologies.” 
Diluc stands by him, looking down with arms crossed at his chest and brows slightly furrowed. Zhongli looks up at him innocently, as if he hasn’t just seen the most vulgar and explicit sentences ever written. 
“Were you reading it?” Diluc raises one brow, trying to read his expression but failing to do so. Zhongli leans back again, his back meets the couch as Diluc stands between his parted legs. 
“Just a few paragraphs, yes.” he admits. 
“What do you think?”
Zhongli places one hand on his chin, pausing with a hum before elaborating, “It’s certainly very captivating. A bit unrealistic at times, but I believe that is necessary to an extent while writing erotica. It is someone’s lustful fantasies, after all, so I could overlook that.” 
Seeing how he only speaks on the form and avoids saying anything about Diluc reading this obscenity, the redhead settles next to him. 
He opens his mouth, then closes it again. A few more times, he knows Zhongli is patiently waiting for him to speak up. 
“You know how to do all that, right?” 
Curiosity eventually gets the best of Diluc. 
“How to give a blowjob?”
Zhongli asks so casually, as if it is so inconsequential, as if it isn’t already making Diluc’s cheeks heat up. 
“Yes.” he avoids looking at Zhongli. 
“I believe so.” 
Diluc nods, “Okay.” 
But Zhongli doesn’t pick up his own book again, and neither does Diluc. There’s one more thing he wants to ask, and Zhongli is almost certain that the question is coming even though he is unaware of its content. 
They sit side by side, their outer thighs barely touching, but Zhongli still can feel how warm he is.
“Would you…” 
An almost unnoticeable pause, it’s too late to swallow it now.
“...teach me?”
Out of all the things he expected, Zhongli certainly hadn't seen this coming. 
“Of course.” he hides his surprise.
Diluc scoots closer to him, which signals to Zhongli that it’s not a plan into the future, Diluc wants to learn now, right here. 
He turns his head to face the redhead, smiling at how close they already are. 
Staring at Zhongli, Diluc always realizes how much he has missed him. Even when they are in the same room, spending most of their days together, reading on the couch with Diluc’s legs over his lap, it doesn’t erase the never-ending yearning from his heart. 
Diluc has heard the term 'honeymoon phase' before, referring to how couples can never get enough of each other during the first few weeks or months of their relationship, and he has waited. Waited for it to go away so his heart could stop sinking whenever Zhongli had to leave his side. 
But it doesn’t. 
Looking at him now, Diluc can’t focus on anything but the urge to press forward, so he does. He closes the gap between their faces, pressing a kiss onto Zhongli’s lips hesitantly. His confidence grows as Zhongli presses back, leaving gentle pecks on Diluc’s lower lip. 
But then, the kiss deepens. Diluc can’t put his finger on it, but he feels his breath go shaky under Zhongli’s lips. It’s different from the comfortable, lax nature of their kisses. Diluc can feel the weight of it, and soon enough, Zhongli’s tongue slowly slithering into his mouth. 
Diluc holds back a gasp and parts his lips, his chest heaves with excitement, unsteady breaths failing to catch up to the surge of adrenaline that roams his veins, until a hand reaches out for his, intertwining their fingers together. 
Zhongli’s palm kisses his as his thumb brushes against the back of his hand soothingly. 
Zhongli is comfort and safety, exuding warmth in a drastically different way from Diluc. 
Diluc finds his own flames destructive, frivolously impulsive at times, ready to devour all in his path, sometimes ripping out beloved things from his heart as well. 
The damage he inflicts is irreversible, unpredictable and dangerous. Bright flames that burn all to ashes and then burn the ashes themselves until there is nothing left. 
Nothing left to bloom, even the soil fried away with unbridled rage. 
Zhongli, on the other hand, his warmth only ever comforts Diluc. Compared to himself, Zhongli is like the sun. His rays shining down on you from afar, too gentle to hurt. He lights up the path, uncovers the unknown, conquers all that one might fear. 
As strong as Diluc’s flames, but instead dissipating in the air, entering all with the intention to nurture, to preserve. Seeping into the deep cracks inside Diluc’s heart, he fills them with love and light, patching up all his wounds and restoring the sparkling pupils of his broken smile. 
Diluc feels so weak against him, but so strong with him. 
He crumbles under Zhongli’s movements, how he holds his face and roams the inside of his mouth with his tongue, tugging at Diluc’s bottom lip with his teeth teasingly. 
When they’re both out of breath, Zhongli pulls away, the two pant into each other’s mouths lustfully as Diluc’s heart thumps on his ribcage. 
Zhongli tangles his fingers in the silky, crimson red locks, “It's important to prepare your partner mentally, first. The body responds faster than the mind when it comes to these matters, at least based on what I have observed.” he explains in an impressively level-headed manner. Diluc doubts that he could put two and two together, let alone speak this eloquently while the strange yet beautiful sensation invades his mind. 
Zhongli’s hand travels down to his neck, then over to his chest and his tummy. Though, with no grip, only fingertips brushing against Diluc’s clothes and eventually stopping at his lower-abdomen. 
“May I touch you?” he asks over a kiss he places right below Diluc’s ear, sending a shiver down his spine. 
Diluc would slaughter an entire Fatui camp on his own for Zhongli to touch him. Well, truth be told, he would also slaughter a Fatui camp for fun. 
He nods, and Zhongli lightly palms over his erection. 
“Please stop me if you feel uncomfortable.” he presses another kiss on Diluc’s lips. He feels more than comfortable, fighting the urge to grind up into Zhongli’s hand as his fingers move over the outline of the thin fabric. 
“You ease into it. Because it feels pretty selfish when someone else is doing all the work. So they should feel that…” Zhongli’s lips hover over his neck, “...you're excited about it as well.”
He leaves a wet trail with his tongue, gently sucking and brushing against the sensitive skin with his teeth. 
“That you don't see it as a chore, and you wish to please them, truly.” Zhongli’s hand finally slips inside his underwear. 
Diluc already feels like he could release at any moment, his jaw clenches, yet a sharp hiss escapes from in between his teeth. Fingers that are cooler against his burning skin, wrapping around his core that desperately, hungrily begs for attention. 
Zhongli slides forward and back, pushing his thumb into the slit, eliciting muffled noises of pleasure between Diluc’s erratic breaths.  
Zhongli perfectly feels how flustered he is, working Diluc out until he’s close and then slowing down purposefully. Compared to his usual self, Diluc is much easier to read now that he squirms and pants under his touch. 
Even with his attempts to silence himself, Zhongli can expertly calculate an ideal course of action. It is a situation he wants to handle as delicately as possible, but with Diluc turning into a sweaty mess with every passing minute, Zhongli doesn’t want to let him go. His heavy-breathing is music to his ears.
He retracts his hand, getting ready to settle between Diluc’s legs as the redhead tugs on his shirt. 
“What’s wrong?” Zhongli kneels down on the floor, looking up at Diluc when what the motion indicates is already clear. 
“Take it off.” 
Diluc immediately regrets speaking up. His voice is so hoarse, so needy, it even cracks a bit towards the end of his sentence, yet he notices the sparks that light up in Zhongli’s eyes. 
He hums, swiftly removing and folding the shirt as Diluc hurriedly tosses his away. 
With a look of confirmation, Zhongli rids Diluc of his pants and underwear as well, leaving him completely naked on the couch with precum dribbling down his tip. 
“You can also lay on top, but I personally find this angle more comfortable. It’s easier to move around since your head isn’t weighing down.” Zhongli continues the class calmly as the vibrations of his voice send a twitch into Diluc’s cock. 
More comfortable. How many times has he done this, Diluc can’t help but wonder. 
“There's no need to rush, take your time and start out slow.” 
With his last piece of advice for the moment, Zhongli leans forward, one hand stroking Diluc’s thigh and the other wrapping around his base. He licks off an incoming drop of precum forming at the slit, swirling his tongue around the tip at an excruciatingly slow pace.
Diluc can’t tell what he feels, a sensation that could easily make him cry if he wanted to. 
Zhongli’s beautiful eyelashes flutter, looking down as Diluc watches him intently. He grips tightly to his seat when Zhongli begins to work his way down, tongue slicking Diluc diligently. 
But just as he expects Zhongli’s lips to close around him, he pulls away. 
“It is pretty sensitive, and your mouth is warm and soft, so as long as you keep your teeth out of the way, it can't be too bad.” he smiles while Diluc shuts his mouth tight to hold back a whine.
“You conceal them with your lips and ideally flatten your tongue, and there should be plenty of space.” he explains and then illustrates the desired shape with his lips. 
“Understood.” Diluc replies, in hopes that it will help him get back to it as swiftly as possible. 
Luckily, Zhongli doesn’t waste another second before entertaining his silent request. 
Soft lips engulf him, inch by inch. Diluc freezes, static as a statue except for his heaving chest and the drops of sweat trickling down from his forehead. 
It feels absolutely heavenly when Zhongli reaches the base, bobbing his head back and forth while attaining a slow rhythm. 
Diluc moans, glued to the seat. He can't peel his eyes away from Zhongli. Diluc wants him to look up, to see his face clearly while his lips are stretched over his cock. Unfortunately, his state isn't quite ideal for speaking. As if he can read Diluc's mind, Zhongli suddenly looks up, pushing himself all the way forward until the tip is captured by the back of his throat, an area so tight that a few drops leak from Diluc as he stops himself mid-orgasm. 
A sharp pain settles on his groin, a groan from Zhongli's lips vibrates around his cock when he finally gets a taste. Diluc's resolve is impressive, but Zhongli is dedicated to break him down. He gags again, this time staying out for longer and swallowing loudly so that his throat contracts around Diluc. 
Too much to handle, especially as Zhongli looks up at him daringly. Diluc's head falls back, gaze now facing upward while he tries to steady his breaths to the best of his ability. 
Zhongli doesn't hold back, choking and gagging, somehow very elegantly, until he pulls away, out of breath with his cheeks flushed, “And of course, take breaks when you get tired.” he advises, one hand wrapping around Diluc’s cock so that he doesn’t suffer from a lack of stimulation. 
Only this time, even his hand is enough to drive Diluc insane, oversensitive and slippery with Zhongli’s saliva. 
“What do you like?” he asks softly. 
Diluc feels his limbs freeze once again, too shy to gaze down at Zhongli so he keeps watching the ceiling trying to understand the question. 
“Anything that stands out?” he rephrases. 
Diluc can’t think of a non-vulgar way to phrase it, and realistically he is enjoying all that Zhongli has been doing up to now. “W—why do you want to know?” he asks abruptly, making Zhongli chuckle. 
“Well, it can serve as a guide, trying things you like on yourself when you're with a partner. You don't have to tell me, of course. But coming up with an answer might help you out as well.” 
Diluc takes a deep breath, neck still resting on the couch. He truly wants to tell Zhongli, solely for having him do more of it, the thing Diluc has taken a liking to almost immediately. He wants to tell Zhongli what it is, to let him know how much it riles him up, to beg for more. 
“I like the thing where you... When it was... deep and you... gulped.” he sloppily gets it off his chest, sounding a lot less distinguished than he originally planned.
Zhongli hums, his warm breath hovers over Diluc as he pushes him all the way back into his throat without a warning. 
“Fuck.” Diluc gasps, incoherent moans and pleas involuntarily leave his mouth while he trembles and fights back the tears of pleasure forming on the corners of his eyes. 
“Keep doing that. Zhongli—I'm gonna—hah…”
It’s his most successful attempt to form a sentence, cut-off again, not because of Zhongli, but because of his own hips spasming intensely as he spills down his throat. Though Diluc can’t see, he can feel the abnormal amount he produces, a heavy load that Zhongli silently drinks up. 
When Diluc is finally done, Zhongli pulls back, leaving gentle, soothing strokes all over his thighs to help him come down, “Was that helpful?” 
Diluc lets out a long, relaxed exhale, gaining composure once again.
“Very much so. My turn, now.” he slides off the couch onto the floor.
Zhongli’s eyebrows raise, in awe of how Diluc wants to go on despite his spent and drained body, “Oh, you're going to... Now?”
“Well, how can I get better without proper practice?”
Zhongli smirks, an eager scholar, he is pleased to find out. 
They switch places, Zhongli’s pants are lowered to his ankles quickly. Diluc places his hands on his thighs and raises to meet his face.
He rubs his cheek on Zhongli’s neck lovingly, like a grateful cat he snuggles over his chest, knees already aching over the hardwood floors. 
Zhongli’s fingers run through his hair as he leaves the crook of his neck to face him.
“I'm not saying this because of what you said earlier but, I really do want to do this. The books are... something I have indulged in ever since I was a teenager, I don't think much of them. But now they… make me think about…” 
Diluc falters. 
“What I mean to say is that I find myself imagining—”
The words stay put in his throat no matter how much he wants to push them out. How he wants to tell Zhongli that all he can think about while reading those novels is him. Usually not the story behind it, as he doesn’t particularly enjoy the tropes, the miscommunication, occasional cheating, the unhealthy dynamics and the fights.
His reality is so much better than those poor characters suffering, but as soon as things get hot and heavy, he can’t help but picture himself under Zhongli, moaning and writhing.  
“Imagining us?”
Zhongli finishes the sentence for him, hoping to put an end to his misery.
Diluc nods, abashed of the thoughts that cross his mind. 
“I'm embarrassed to ask, but… I really want to—learn how to please you.” he settles on the floor fully without looking up, eyes lingering on Zhongli’s lean muscles, his beautiful hands that rest over his thighs. 
Excitement and sudden confidence runs through Diluc’s body, realizing how close he is to touching Zhongli, to tasting him for the first time. 
He looks up, “It’s a book after all, so I can’t hear it but—how would you sound? I would like to hear it.” 
“I would never deprive you of it, my dear.” Zhongli replies sincerely. 
Diluc gulps. He wants to see this man euphoric, wallowing in lust, having the best time of his life. He wants to make Zhongli feel as good as he does him, not right away of course, but over time. 
Diluc wants to find out every little thing that makes his heart skip a beat. 
But, even a journey of a thousand miles starts with a step, so he takes it. Slowly, wrapping his tongue around Zhongli, trying to emulate it the way he did. 
Seeing how hard he is helps Diluc build more confidence. Zhongli almost fully erect just from sucking him off, an enticing sight. 
After a few, long drags with his tongue, he envelopes Zhongli within his lips, moving down carefully not to hurt him. He tries to go off of what he knows, even though he has no experience with this, Diluc masturbates occasionally. Not so frequently when they are together, but a slightly concerning amount when Zhongli is away. 
Despite being very intelligent, Master Diluc fails to notice the pattern.
What he knows for sure is the existence of a few sensitive spots that drive him insane, so he tries to simulate the movements of his hand with his tongue, sucking on experimentally at those areas, until he hears a grunt. 
He stops, then laps his tongue over Zhongli’s base again to receive a similar reaction.
An experiment.
To see if it was an accidental noise, yet it arises again.
Diluc looks up, he gazes deep into Zhongli’s eyes and repeats the motion one more time. 
His eyebrows, even if it’s for a split second, create a desperate look of pleasure before settling into their original places. 
Delicious, something so miniscule but enough to make Diluc grin mischievously.
He continues, generously abusing the weakness he has stumbled upon.
The side of the couch squeaks, Diluc doesn’t need to take a look to know that it’s Zhongli’s fingers squeezing the fabric tightly. 
He now feels more confident about taking him in even though he struggles to go all the way, but watching how Zhongli’s amber pupils light up motivates him. 
Until Zhongli tenses up with a sudden hiss, “Teeth, Diluc.” 
He pulls back anxiously, noticing how he was slipping up.
“I’m sorry.” 
Zhongli cups his face as the sharp, momentary sting vanishes, “It’s okay. It’s a bit hard to adjust.” he coos, “You’re doing great. Are you tired?”
“No. Can I go on?”
Zhongli smiles, who is he to say no when Diluc asks with that flustered expression?
“Of course, I’m all yours.” 
All his. 
Diluc wants to feel it in a different way tonight. He yearns for Zhongli to claim him, to hold him close and utter his name in lust. 
It encourages him even more, so he slides forward until the tip of his cock reaches the back of his throat. 
Zhongli gasps, caught off guard since it isn’t the most beginner-friendly technique. It is a bit sloppy, how he fails to close his mouth properly due to the intrusion, but it is such a tight space that Zhongli can’t help but groan. 
Diluc repeats the motion a few more times, continuing regardless of the gagging and choking he has to suffer through. Primarily because he finds the feeling of fullness a lot more enjoyable than he anticipated, and also because he doesn’t want to stop drinking up the sweet sounds that spill from Zhongli’s lips. 
Diluc reaches for his hand, dropping it at his hair as Zhongli latches on. His movements are a bit weaker, turning slapdash as he gets more tired. Zhongli takes over, seeing that he wants to continue but is too exhausted to do so.
He slides Diluc’s head back and forth, impaling his throat with every thrust as their moans fill the room. Though, when Zhongli feels close, he pulls the redhead away. Even if he’s doing alright so far, the taste is less than pleasant.
Diluc doesn’t protest. He watches, mesmerized as Zhongli gives himself a few harsh tugs and releases down Diluc’s chest. The rush is unmatched, hearing low grunts and watching Zhongli shut his eyes tightly as warm liquid drips down Diluc’s skin. 
Both out of breath, they spare a few moments to calm down before Zhongli leans forward to clean him up with his shirt. 
He holds Diluc by the neck, pressing a loving kiss on the top of his head as Diluc holds onto his wrist. He raises his face up to Zhongli, longing for their lips to touch with an unchaste gaze. 
But they don’t until Diluc slowly climbs up to his lap, sinking with a sigh as his own saliva wets his thighs. Zhongli’s arms wrap around his waist, admiring his beauty, kissing at his blushing cheeks and pulling him even closer. 
Diluc sloppily traces his lips with his tongue, pushing it into Zhongli’s mouth zealously. 
His body trembles and melts under Zhongli’s touch even when he’s barely doing anything. 
One of his hands trails down, brushing lightly against his entrance. 
Diluc breaks away from the kiss with a laugh, ticklish at the smooth touch. Zhongli smiles, the sound of his laughter that he absolutely adores. He’s the only person granted the opportunity to hear it everyday, and he holds that blessing near and dear to his heart. 
Zhongli adjusts his grip, pressing a finger more firmly against his hole, careful not to tickle him, “Better?” 
Diluc hums, eager to have him inside. And when Zhongli finally pushes in, a sensation Diluc only knows from his own fingers, turns into something that makes his entire body jolt instantly. The silly smirk lingering on his face leaves its place to eyes veiled with desire. 
“Beautiful.” Zhongli coos, retracting his hand and pushing forward again. 
“Zhongli…” Diluc wavers, its intoxicating, lighting a spark of greed in his lower belly.
“You are.” Zhongli holds him in place by the waist, “The prettiest one I have ever laid my eyes on. Inside and out.”
He adds another finger, seeing how Diluc is already grinding down at his hand, “I am truly lucky.” 
Diluc buries his head in Zhongli’s neck, inhaling the sweet, oaky scent, allowing his fingers to stretch him out.
He loves Zhongli, and he loves being loved by Zhongli. For once in his life, Diluc feels deserving of someone’s affection. 
“I love you.” he breathes out. 
This time, his declaration is feral, not only from the heart but also from between his legs, kissing up at the man that overwhelms him with pleasure, whispering in his ear how much he needs him. 
Zhongli pulls his fingers out, jerking himself a few times before lifting Diluc’s hips and lining up under his quivering hole. 
Diluc hisses at the intrusion, eyes widening at the girth as he second-guesses whether he can take it all in. His muscles tense up, it gets gradually harder for Zhongli to work his way through. 
“Breathe.” he brushes the sweaty red strands away from Diluc’s face, “We’ll stop if it’s too much.” 
Diluc submits, clearing his head, taking a deep breath and releasing the strain on his lower body. Eventually, he feels himself become more spacious, allowing more to slide inside with ease. Soon the pain vanishes, leaving only waves of pleasure that ripple through his body. 
Sounds and expressions that Zhongli only recognizes from the battlefield, only when Diluc is consumed, but now without his brows furrowed with rage. A complete lack of fury and an abundance of passion, a rare occurrence for Master Diluc. 
Zhongli pushes him all the way down, brushing against his prostate experimentally, but Diluc remains undisturbed. He growls for more, now assisting the movements with his hips as well. 
Zhongli leaves kisses on his chin, happy to notice a look of pride on Diluc’s face, "Knowing what a rebellious spirit you are, should I be flattered that you're so obedient with me?" he jests, voice so raspy that it makes Diluc’s insides squirm. 
"Simply because you have more experience in the field." 
Diluc feels his hips get raised again, but the plunge he anticipates doesn’t follow. Zhongli tilts his head slightly to the side, keeping only the tip inside. 
"Ah. So when you're well-versed, you'll be ordering me around?" he brushes his nose against Diluc’s as the redhead cups his face.
"Would you like that?"
"Oh, absolutely. Command suits you, my love." 
Zhongli’s eyes darken, a bright light flashes across his pupils when Diluc attempts to wiggle his hips down. 
"Then you should teach me well." he hisses, prayers answered in a more aggressive manner than expected when Zhongli harshly slams him down, tip digging into his prostate viciously. 
Diluc’s eyes widen, a shrill cry at the pleasure and pain and the brutal stretch as Zhongli splits him open. 
"Good enough?" he licks at Diluc’s parted lips. 
Diluc’s heart drops all the way down to his stomach, his limp body collapses onto Zhongli, yet he holds on tight.
“Keep… going…” he whimpers, allowing Zhongli to fuck him senselessly while his own bodyweight further facilitates the intensity of his deep thrusts. 
Zhongli holds him close, proud of his beloved for handling it so well. So tight for him, inviting and warm. Daring and cheeky. Shy. All facets of Diluc he witnesses during daily life, packed into one moment. 
“I’m glad to be your first.” Zhongli can’t help but remark. 
It’s a sentence he never expected to utter, considering how the concept of virginity matters so little to him compared to mortals. But it is important to Diluc, being able to open himself up, lucky enough for it to be with a person who has cherished him deeply for years, someone who has never passed down judgment on him even during his darkest hours. 
Seeing Diluc comfortable and content, Zhongli would sacrifice his all for such a noble goal. 
Diluc wants him to be the second and the third, the hundredth and the thousandth. He wants all of Zhongli, and he wants nothing but him. No one else wrapping their arms around him, no one else running their fingers through his hair. 
“Be my last, Zhongli. Promise me.” 
He watches a glossy layer set over Zhongli’s eyes before warmth overtakes them both. 
“I promise.” 
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