#Polka Goes To The World
czgif · 1 year
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Petr Kostka in Polka Goes to the World (Polka jede do světa) 1965, TV, dir. Václav Krška IMDB
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laurrelise · 11 days
someone talk with me about an AU where delores is a real girl who somehow survived the initial apocalypse and spends it growing old with five and keeping him sane
someone talk with me about delores being five’s age when he discovers her body in the rubble and thinks she’s dead before he notices the small rise and fall of her chest before he pulls her out and desperately tries to help her breathe normally again and watches the life fill her eyes with tears in his own that he’s finally no longer alone
someone talk with me about delores being an only child to parents who she wasn’t close with leading her to become dependent on herself until she meets five and learns to trust other people before finding out about his huge family and doing everything in her power to help him not only because she cares about him and wants him to be happy but also because she wants to experience the family she’s never had
someone talk with me about how delores never had powers but survived for the 40+ years in the apocalyptic wasteland of the future due to her seriously genius mind (and five’s help) and lives to help five figure out how to save his family
someone talk with me about young five and delores searching for anything they can find to survive before they stumble upon a half-broken mannequin with a surprisingly intact polka-dotted blouse that five says would suit her so she puts it on out of boredom from looking for materials before five looks at her with the most genuine, in-love eyes she’s ever seen and she decides to keep it just for him
someone talk with me about five always making sure delores has a comfortable place to sleep, to rest, to eat, etc
someone talk with me about five explaining his childhood so nonchalantly one day once he realizes that he can trust delores to her surprise, and she asks why he suddenly had the strength to tell her and he looks her in the eyes and says “believe it or not, you’re stuck with me, and i’m stuck with you, and i want you to know who i am when we’re kicking this apocalypse in the ass”
someone talk with me about teenage five teaching teenage delores how to defend herself with the training he was given during his childhood but reassuring her that he’ll always be there to protect her if something were to happen (to which she reminds him that she appreciates it, but knows she can defend herself with the spite and sheer willpower she has to survive)
someone talk with me about five and delores having a makeshift wedding and five’s vows being along the lines of “even if the rest of the world was alive, i don’t think i could ever hope to find someone that makes me as truly happy as you do, and i will be eternally grateful that of anyone i could get stuck in this goddamn apocalypse with, it was always you, and it will always be you”
someone talk with me about the handler showing up from the commission to recruit five as a temporal assassin and delores as a case worker because they’re both dangerously smart and incredible at surviving in harsh conditions (also, the handler approached them separately to see where their loyalties lied and they both firmly explained they wouldn’t go anywhere without the other)
someone talk with me about delores getting fed up with the handler repeatedly making moves on five despite him clearly being uncomfortable until it bubbles to a climax and she punches her square in the jaw, which results in an ER trip and zero regret (plus five falling even harder in love with the woman who endlessly sticks up for him)
someone talk with me about five and delores plotting an escape plan to get back to 2019 which all goes well, except five had once again messed up the math (or so he thought) and he and delores are placed back in their 13 year-old bodies, but she confesses that she doesn’t mind seeing the boy she fell in love with all those years ago once again
someone talk with me about delores learning to trust and love the hargreeves just as much as five, as they learn to love and trust her just as much
someone talk with me about five always keeping track of dates and specifically remembering the exact times of significant events for himself and delores, like the moment she looked at him for the first time, the moment he knew he was in love with her, and the moment they decided they were going to stop at nothing to keep each other alive and stop the world from ending
someone talk with me about five and delores, the 58 year-old couple that they are, snuggling up on elliot’s couch together because they can’t fall asleep without the other one there to remind them that they’re safe and out of harm’s way (mostly)
someone talk with me about how delores has never been the type to step down, and she continues to stand her ground and be brutally honest when shes upset or wants five to listen to her, and he admires her bluntness (and frankly, needs it) due to his impatience and expectations of honesty at all times
someone talk with me about delores knowing exactly when five needs his time alone and stepping away to help his siblings as much as she possibly can, usually by encouragement or (again) brutal honesty hidden behind a kind and genuine smile
someone talk with me about five reminding delores of his love for her whenever it’s too quiet or he thinks she’s gone too long without him showing it, in every way he can think of, like letting her know that he would’ve lost his mind in the apocalypse without her (which.. he kind of did?), finding little things that remind him of her and bringing them to her, and holding her hand whenever he sees frustration or discomfort bubbling behind her eyes
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
Merry and Bright - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish story
Collaboration with the marshmallows to my hot chocolate @munson-blurbs 💝
Summary: It's Eliza's first Christmas, and even though she may not have a clue what's going on, the rest of the Munson family have fun introducing her to their traditions.
Note: Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, and have a safe and cheerful whatever it is you celebrate!
Words: 4.3k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eliza’s usual 6am feeding has you and Eddie awake before the boys on Christmas morning for the first time ever. Their 11-week-old sister has them beat for the earliest riser this holiday. 
Both of you sleepy-eyed as usual, you and Eddie slip into your daughter’s nursery and close the door behind you so her cries don’t wake her brothers. As soon as she sees you, she calms down because she knows the routine by now. You show up when she cries? Eliza gets food. 
You walk over and peer into her crib, Eddie stepping up behind you and slipping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. Eliza’s tears dry as she stares up at you and her father, her eyes wide like his. 
“Merry Christmas, Eliza,” Eddie says. 
“Happy first Christmas, sweetheart,” you echo. 
She clearly has no idea what you’re saying, but the way she’s looking at you makes you think that she’s thinking: Why are you just standing there smiling at me? Did you not hear the crying? Do you not know what time it is? Where is my food, lady?
You pick her up, clad in her green pajamas dotted with snowflakes and Santa Claus on them. The very same pajamas you, Eddie, Ryan, and Luke are all wearing. When you came up with the idea of matching family pajamas, you weren’t entirely serious until the boys backed you up. Whether they were truly into it or were just going along because they knew their dad would hate it, you have no idea. But Eddie grumbled and agreed, and once it’s just the two of you, declared that you are the only person in the whole world that he would do this for. 
Eddie goes to the window and pulls back the pink curtains with the white polka dots while you settle into the rocking chair with your baby. 
“Wow,” Eddie says as he looks outside. “It must’ve snowed the whole night. Everything is white.”
“Hear that, Eliza?” you coo as she begins to drink. “Your very first Christmas is a white Christmas. I think your brothers are going to have some fun outside later. Maybe we’ll go out and join them.”
Eddie looks over his shoulder at you. “Does she have enough clothes to layer up and go outside in this?”
“Enough clothes?” you ask with a chuckle. “Between the baby shower, Max and Nancy giving us some of their old baby clothes, and what we and the boys bought? I think she has enough layers to look like the Michelin Man.”
“Oh, but look at those rolls,” Eddie says in that baby-talk that’s pretty rare for him. He grins and kneels down next to the two of you in the rocker. “She already looks like the Michelin Man.”
There’s no denying Eliza’s rolls around her wrists and knees and ankles are absolutely the most adorable thing ever. And there is most definitely a long list of adorable things about Eliza. 
Once Eliza is done eating, you burp her—and she gives you one her father is quite proud of—and change her diaper, then you head out into the hallway and it’s time to wake the boys. 
Eddie walks into Luke’s room and heavily plops down on the mattress, making the ten-year-old bounce. He’s usually a pain to wake up in the morning, but Christmas is an exception. 
Luke rouses with a sleepy laugh and rubs at his eyes. “Present time?” he asks.
“I dunno,” Eddie casually replies, shrugging his shoulders as though the thought hadn’t even occurred to him. “You think Santa came this year? I haven’t checked the tree yet.”
“And why wouldn’t he come?” you ask from the doorway, holding Eliza. Luke glances over at you and grins; you return his gesture in a silent I’ve got your back. 
Eddie, meanwhile, is dead set on provoking him. “Oh, come on,” he scoffs, “Luke had to have made the naughty list.”
Luke playfully lunges at his dad, who catches him and swings him over his own body to let his son land on the floor. 
“Nice try,” Eddie says. “But you’ll never beat me.”
When you let out a snort of laughter from where you’re standing, Eddie raises his eyebrows at you. 
You innocently raise your shoulders and walk across the hall to Ryan’s room. He’s a bit easier to wake up than his younger brother, though he’s started to fit the teenage stereotype of sleeping in late.  
“Oh my God, it snowed! A lot!” you hear Luke shout from his room, which makes you chuckle. “It’s like Antarctica!”
You can practically hear Eddie playfully rolling his eyes. “Yeah, bud. We’ll see a penguin waddle by in a sec.”
Ryan is already awake from all the chaos. He’s slightly grumpy from his unconventional wake-up call, but he smiles as soon as he stumbles into the hallway and scoops Eliza from your arms. 
“Merry Christmas, baby sis!” he coos. You notice that his pajamas barely reach his ankles even though you’d only bought them a few weeks ago. “You ready to see what Santa brought this year?”
As anticipated, Eliza says nothing, but you unanimously agree that she’s excited for presents. 
The five of you head to the family room to see multiple gift piles under the meticulously decorated tree. 
Luke points at the biggest pile near the front, blue eyes wide. “Who’s that for?”
“Eliza,” you tell him as you ruffle his curls. “Mostly from you and Ryan, I’d wager.” 
The boys had wanted to spoil their new sister with heaps of presents; you had to continually remind them that she’ll quickly grow out of any clothes and won’t be playing with toys for a few more months. Eddie had to keep reminding them that they were technically spending his money on the baby. He’d found it nearly impossible to say no to them, his heart swelling with pride that he’d raised such thoughtful—if not rambunctious—young men. 
Luke and Ryan get down on the floor, while you and Eddie sit down on the couch with the baby. 
“So, this is how we do it, Eliza,” Luke tells his sister, as if she will grasp any of what he’s saying. “Ryan picks up a present, reads who it’s to and from, then he gives it to me, and I give it to whoever’s it is.” It’s a tradition they’d started before Luke learned how to read, but it’s stuck throughout the years. 
Eliza lets out a few puffs of air that Luke takes as confirmation that she understands.  
“She gets me,” he says simply.
“Or,” Eddie teases, “she can’t tell which one of you is Ryan and which one of you is Luke in these ridiculous matching pajamas.” 
The four of you take turns opening Eliza’s presents for her. Each time a new one is opened you try to get her attention to show it to her, but she rarely cares. Eddie’s curls start to be more of interest to her than anything anyone else is doing. 
Whenever Luke or Ryan open them for her, they get really excited and hype their sister up about whatever it is that she got.
“Wow, Eliza! Look at this dress!” Luke says as he picks it up and shows her. “It has Princess Ariel on it! I bet you’re going to love the princesses.”
“Ooh, Eliza! Look at these!” Ryan shakes the oversized keyring with the pastel-colored plastic keys hanging from it. “You can drive Dad’s car with these.”
“I’d let her drive it before I let either of you two menaces behind the wheel.”
Eventually, Eliza’s pile is depleted, and the boys open their own presents. Ironically, they were more enthused for Eliza’s, though their new Game Boys are an absolute hit. There was eventually a gift that Eliza seemed to be enthralled with though. The only thing that really caught her attention was the shininess of a new watch that Eddie got from Luke. She wanted to put it directly in her mouth, but Eddie stopped her as Luke warned that he wasn’t sure if it was water proof or not. 
Once presents are done, Eddie cleans up the variety of wrapping paper while you dress Eliza in her Christmas candy cane outfit. This outfit Eddie picked out. It seemed only fair since you practically forced him into the pajamas. 
It’s nap time for Eliza, so you settle her down while the boys go through their new gifts. The clothes they received only got a once over while the toys and video games were more heavily scrutinized. 
After Luke makes his rounds through his toys, he notices how much snow has built up on the ground.
“Whaaaat?” Eddie mimics as he walks in the room.
Luke walks over and gives his dad an over the top smile—a telltale sign that he wants something.
“Wanna go play in the snoooow?”
Eddie pretends to consider the question even though he’s been waiting for one of the boys to ask all day. He’s still a kid at heart and has been dying to get out there and mess around. 
“I guess I could go for kicking your asses in a snowball fight.”
“Luke and I can take you, old man!” Ryan says.
“Two against one? Huh. Babe? Wanna come be on my team?”
“Sorry, hot stuff,” you say as you stroll in from the kitchen. “Then who would be here to get little Miss Eliza up from her nap and get her all bundled up for the snow?”
Eddie suddenly looks a bit more serious. “She’s going to have to have a lot of layers.”
“Really? Because I was going to bring her out in just her diaper.” You can’t help but chuckle at Eddie’s protectiveness and lean up to press a kiss to his lips. “Don’t worry. She’ll have so many layers she’ll look like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.”
The three men get all layered up and you get comfortable in a cozy chair near the window with a mug of hot chocolate to watch their shenanigans unfold. The boys go to one side of the yard and start making snowballs while Eddie goes to the other side. Your husband makes a little snow barrier that he can crouch behind before he starts making his snowball supply. 
“Teach these kids to call me old,” he mumbles to himself. 
Eddie quickly throws a snowball that hits the back of Luke’s head before he ducks back behind his wall. Eddie tries to control his laughter, but it keeps coming out in hot puffs of breath that he can see float away from his mouth.
“What the?!” Luke shouts, looking all around. “How’d he do that?”
Eddie chuckles to himself as he creates more ammunition. These amateurs. 
You look on in amusement as the three of them commence in all-out war. Eddie clearly gets the better of them, which you can tell he’s secretly proud of. Or not-so-secretly as he sticks his tongue out at them and taunts them. You’d swear you were the one in this relationship who is older by a decade, not him. 
After a while of running around, your sons and husband fall into a pile in the middle of the yard, obviously tired from so much exertion. You giggle as you watch them try and catch their breaths; Luke literally reaching up with his gloved hands to swipe at the condensation his huffing and puffing is causing. 
Luke is the first one up and starts tugging on his dad’s coat sleeve to pull him up too. Ryan is the next one up, then finally Eddie. It takes you a couple of minutes to figure out what they’re doing at first. It looks like they’re just moving piles of snow around with no rhyme or reason. 
Just as you’ve put together that they’re trying to build an igloo, you hear Eliza’s cries coming from her room. You get up from your warm cocoon on the chair and wander into Eliza’s nursery where she’s whining for attention.
“What’s all the fuss about?” you ask as you scoop her up. “It’s Christmas. Didn’t anyone tell you there’s no crying on Christmas?”
Eliza’s only response is a tiny sneeze that makes you giggle.
“God bless you. Now, let’s see how many layers of clothes we can put on you before you’re as good as bubble wrapped.”
When you open the back door, both you and your daughter bundled up tightly against the cold, the igloo looks like it had some architectural issues. Eddie pushes himself off the ground and comes over to the two of you. 
“Look at my girls. So cute in all your layers.” He presses a kiss to your nose, which gives you a shiver.  
“Your lips are freezing!” you exclaim, scrunching your face. 
“What do you expect?” Eddie asks with a laugh. “Igloo construction is very serious work that can only be done in these dire weather conditions.”
A few snowflakes fall onto Eliza’s pale pink coat, and she blinks at them in confusion before they melt away. 
“How is the construction crew doing?” you ask, nodding to the boys and their building, snow stuck to their gloves like Velcro. 
“Some structural problems,” Eddie shrugs. “Definitely inhabitable, but I don’t have the heart to break it to them.” He brushes his gloves onto his jacket and holds his arms out towards Eliza. “Come here, you.”
He takes her, snuggling her to his chest, and walks over to where the boys are working tirelessly. Crouching down, he lets Eliza’s legs hang down so her booted up little feet are on the snowy ground.  
“Hey, ‘Liza,” Luke chirps. “We’re making a house out of snow.”
“It’s not going too well,” Ryan adds under his breath. 
His brother scowls. “She doesn’t know that!” he hisses. 
Eliza’s eyes track the snowflakes falling down around her. 
“You like the snow, huh?” Eddie asks her, kissing the tiniest sliver of exposed forehead beneath her fuzzy hood. 
A chunk of the attempted igloo comes off in Ryan’s hands and he lets out a defeated sigh. “You wanna try some snow?” he asks Eliza just as you walk over to join them. He breaks off the snow into a small chunk and holds it up near Eliza’s lips. She only stares at it for a second before Eddie helps her lean in and she opens her mouth, just as she does when she’s trying to eat. 
The moment the coldness touches her lips, Eliza turns her head and curls her hands towards her face, making the rest of you laugh.
“Cold, huh?” Ryan chuckles, tossing aside the snow that Eliza hasn’t consumed. 
“All right,” Eddie says as he stands up, shifting his daughter in his arms. “I don’t know about you boys, but my butt is pretty numb. What do you say we head inside?”
Both boys whine, even though you can tell by their chattering teeth that they’re getting a bit cold themselves. 
“How’s hot chocolate sound?” you add.
That gets both boys up and headed towards the back door. Eddie walks ahead of you with Eliza, and you shuffle towards him so you can whisper in his ear. 
“If you can’t feel your ass, maybe I could feel it for you?” Your lips curl into a smirk. 
Eddie turns to face you. “Why, Mrs. Munson, how very naughty of you.” His kiss lingers in a way that tells you to expect a special gift the moment you two are truly alone. 
It takes a few minutes for everyone to peel off their wet clothes. Eddie and Ryan work on throwing the snow-soaked pants and socks into the dryer while you recruit Luke to help a freshly warmed Eliza into her swing in the living room so you can make hot chocolate. 
Luke buckles the straps over Eliza’s red and white outfit and turns the swing on the lowest setting. It gently sways her back and forth from left to right, which is usually her favorite thing in the world, but her tiny cries warn that she is not amused. 
“Hey, what’s the whining about?” Luke asks, frowning at his fussy sister. 
Eliza squeals and throws her little arms up as much as she’s able to as though purposely acting in defiance. 
Luke immediately springs into action. “No, no!” He scrambles for an idea. “Here, watch me, Eliza!”
He starts to do an overexaggerated jig in front of her and sings I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.
“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. I don't want a doll, no dinky Tinkertoy. I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy!”
Eliza stops her crying and just stares at her older brother as he continues his impromptu performance. 
“I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs. Oh, what joy and what surprise. When I open up my eyes to see my hippo hero standing there!”
Watching the mini concert from the kitchen, you notice that Eliza is mesmerized by her brother; the look on her face reads, “what the hell are you doing?”, but you’re not going to question whatever it is that’s quieted her down—even if it means being subjected to one of the most irritating holiday songs in existence. 
“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas. Only a hippopotamus will do. No crocodiles, or rhinoceroseses. I only like hippopotamuseses. And hippopotamuses like me too!”
Successfully distracted, the baby makes spit bubbles and flaps her arms. Luke feels that he’s done his job, and he gives a small bow. 
Luke finishes imagining the applause his baby sister so obviously wants to give him when Eddie comes into the living room carrying two mugs full of steaming hot chocolate.
“Hey, Timberlake. Here’s your drink.”
You and Ryan are right behind him as you carefully balance your own drinks, giggling at each other as you check on one another’s progress from the corner of your eyes. It’s almost a game to see if one of you will spill a few drops before the other.
Luke plops down in the chair you had been sitting in while watching the boys outside and Ryan settles in on the loveseat. You take advantage of your husband sitting alone on the couch to cuddle up to his side. Eddie settles one arm over your shoulders and brings his Metallica mug to his lips with his other hand. Taking care to hold your “Meowy Christmas” mug dotted in adorable kittens in both of your hands, you rest your head on his shoulder. Your eyes admire the cup that Luke gave you last year for Christmas before they drift over to your daughter comfortably rocking in her swing. 
Her large eyes move from family member to family member, as if wondering what you’re all doing. You imagine her holding her own little mug-shaped bottle to join in with the rest of you and you let out a soft giggle at the thought.
“What, baby?” Eddie asks softly.
“Nothing,” you say with a shake of your head. “Just look at our little girl. Watching all of us.”
Eddie smiles when he looks over and his daughter’s gaze locks on his. He feels as if one more ounce of happiness was pumped into his heart it would explode. The room is still and quiet, but Eliza continues to look on as the four of you warm up by drinking the confectionary delight. 
By the time the four of you have emptied your mugs, Eliza is fast asleep in her swing. Eddie presses a kiss to your temple, and you take his empty cup as he rises to his feet. He walks over, slowly stops the rocking, and scoops Eliza up. She lets out a little sigh as Eddie resituates her in his arms; her classic sign of contentment when she knows she’s safe in her daddy’s care. He carries the sleeping infant into her room and lays her down in her crib. 
“Sweet dreams, sweet pea.”
An hour later, the buzzer rings. 
Wayne’s on the other side of the door, two pizza boxes in hand. Since Eliza is still so little and requires almost all of your energy, there isn’t a fancy meal this year, but no one seems to mind. 
The Munson patriarch sets the food on the table, opening the boxes to reveal pepperoni & green peppers atop each pie. “Christmas colors,” he announces proudly. 
Eddie pops a Christmas album into the CD player as you all gather around the table and eat. By some miracle, Luke and Ryan manage to take their slices without fighting over the bigger one, and you thank your lucky stars. 
No sooner do you sit down and lift your own slice to your lips, Eliza’s cry bleats through the baby monitor. You instinctively start to stand, but Wayne puts a gentle hand out to stop you. 
“I got it,” he assures you, walking into the room where Eliza lays in her crib. 
“You’re the cutest candy cane I’ve ever seen!” you hear him exclaim as he lifts her to carry her back out to the kitchen.
He takes his seat next to Luke, who holds his slice in the baby’s direction, a glob of sauce plopping onto the floor. 
“Eliza, you want some pizza?” He pretends to bring it to her mouth before he pulls back and cackles. “Aahh, just kidding!”
The tiny baby manages to stay awake for the entirety of dinner, but by the end of dessert, she’s starting to get cranky again. 
When it’s time to clear the table, Eddie stands up and stretches his arms high over his head. And so what if your gaze drifted to the pale expanse of his stomach that it showed? 
“Come on, men,” Eddie says. “Let’s get this place looking ship-shaped.”
“You sure you weren’t the one in the military?” Wayne asks with a husky laugh. He hands you the baby who is only getting fussier by the second.
“I think it’s time for some jammies,” you say as you hold her against your chest. Her whines and whimpers in return sound like a disagreement, so you can only imagine what her backtalk will be like when she can speak. 
“Not fair,” Luke says with a huff as you move to leave the dining room. You turn around and raise an eyebrow at him.
“What’s not fair?” you ask.
“You don’t have to clean,” he says as he picks up the bowl of mashed potatoes that is now so empty it looks as if it’s been licked clean. It wouldn’t surprise you if it was, honestly. 
“Do you want to try and get Miss Crankypants into her pajamas? Then to bed?” you ask.
“No,” Luke admits with a groan and brings the empty dishes into the kitchen.
“That’s what I thought,” you say to Eliza as you carry her down the hall to her room. 
It’s time for the annual tradition of watching Charlie Brown’s Christmas, but Eliza still hasn’t gone to sleep. You’re not sure how long you’ve been trying to soothe her to sleep, but it feels like it’s been hours. You tell the guys to start watching it without you as you start to walk throughout the house with your fussy daughter in your arms. The rocking motion of walking tends to have a calming effect on her. Hasn’t worked so far, but it’s worth another shot.
“Come on, sweetie,” you beg her. “You had a big day. You must be so tired.”
She continues her protests, so you hold her closer to your chest, her green elf pajamas soft in your hands. On your fourth lap of the house, you pass by the living room again but there’s music coming from the television this time.
Eliza stops her fussing at the sound. The scene ends and Eliza starts to act up again, so you take another lap around the house. Once more back at the living room, there’s music and again she calms down. 
“Hmm…” you hum to yourself.
Testing your theory, you sit at the edge of the couch and keep your firm hold on Eliza. The music continues as Eliza calms all the way down. This time, she’s calmed enough that you can sit back on the couch and enjoy the show with your family. Every time a scene with music comes on, Eliza gets happier and even gives you a smile that you’re pretty sure had nothing to do with gas.
“You like the music, huh?” you ask your daughter softly. 
“Making her daddy proud,” Eddie says, throwing a wink your way. 
Not much later, Eliza falls asleep, and it allows you to watch the rest of the program with your family. When it’s time for bed, the boys each get up and press a soft kiss to their sister’s forehead. Once they’ve gone to brush their teeth, you bring Eliza into her room, Eddie right behind you. You gently lay her down and Eddie snakes his arms around your waist from behind. Both of you look down at your daughter, her little pink lips parted as her chest moves up and down with her steady breathing. The soft downy hairs on her head are starting to get a curl to them and you smile at the thought of her having hair like your husband.
Eddie presses a kiss to your cheek and rests his chin on your shoulder so he can look down at the sleeping girl as well.
“We made a cute baby,” Eddie says softly.
“The cutest,” you agree. 
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subskz · 7 months
what kind of feminine panties would each member wear, and mtl likely to wear them?
i feel like felix would love frilly, floral, lacy, cutesy ones hehe. like especially pastel pink ones with small polka-dots and the little bow at the top and lacy trim.
jisung would definitely wear a g-string. or lacy crotchless ones, but i mainly see him as a g-string type of guy. he likes the aspect of it barely covering anything, and how it would be pretty easy for you to rip them off of him since it’s only a thin piece of string. he probably wore one of those candy g-string panties (https://images.app.goo.gl/DTc849PLjwbjk8pU9) once for shits and giggles, but actually gets pretty turned on when you start eating the candies to slowly reveal his cock
what a delicious question ♡_♡ for mtl i think it’d depend on a few things but here’s my tentative ranking!
felix -> jisung -> binnie -> jeongin -> hyunjin -> chan -> lino -> seungmin
felix in smth frilly and cute just feels so right, esp w a pretty silk bow just like you said! maybe long pretty ribbons on the edges or one right in the center over his bulge <3 i think he’d love a lace trim bc of the delicate, angelic quality it has, but he’d also want it to have a cute twist for an element of playfulness! maybe even sanrio-themed underwear or those panties that have a cute skirt attached to the waistband
jisung in a g-string 😭 i agree he’d love anything that gives you easy access and the panties being so tiny would make for a great visual of his dick peeking out or leaking through the material~ the edible candy one you mentioned would definitely turn him on an embarrassing amount lmao by the time ur done eating it he’d be seconds away from cumming untouched. i also love the idea of him in a garter belt for that tiny waist
binnie goes back and forth between being insanely shy and awkward abt it, to feeling so good abt himself that he’s harder than ever. you can see how giddy he gets when you fawn over him it makes him feel like the prettiest boy in the world, he’d definitely not-so-subtly show himself off just so you’ll keep praising him. i think he’d like either black lacey panties that have a dark, sexy look or the most ridiculously cute, girliest pink pair that you can imagine w a bunny/heart pattern, there’s no in between 😭
given how innie seems open to experimenting w more feminine styles like skirts/dresses i think he’d be very into it despite how embarrassed he might get at first bc he feels like a lil bit of a perv. but he cares a lot abt aesthetics so once he feels comfortable you’re in for the giggliest baby boy ever. i think he’d like smth kinda cute and trendy, in a bright color like pink or purple with some frills! he’d love having to look in the mirror while wearing them while you compliment him
god hyune would look gorgeous in literally anything but he is a little shy which makes him hold back a bit. he has such a natural sensuality to him but funnily enough he’s kinda awkward abt trying to be sexy. i think he’d lean for smth a bit less revealing since he’s not one to like showing off his body too much. lace seems a lot like his style, it’s seductive but also pretty and elegant at the same time, it makes him feel sexy n refined and satisfies his need for artistry in everything <3
i fully believe channie secretly loves to feel feminine and pretty, the only problem is he’s already so easy to fluster on a normal basis so wearing cute underwear would probably make the poor boy short circuit. unstoppable force (channie’s babygirlism) vs immovable object (channie’s shyness) he might like smth simple to start, maybe silk/satin panties bc he he can’t get enough of how nice the material feels <3 he’d go crazy if you snapped the waistband against his skin to tease him and he’d probably say smth like “is it *giggle* is it supposed to be so tight here?” (subtle way of drawing attention to his ass)
lino…do not be fooled by his placement on this list, when he’s in the right mood he’d very much enjoy wearing feminine underwear, esp once he learns how crazy it drives you. i think he’d like the kind w a garter belt attached to stockings/socks, a whole set to accentuate his gorgeous thighs (with cat ear cuffs of course!!!) he’d always prefer to wear thigh highs with his panties or smth sheer that covers a lot of skin bc he’s also kinda conservative abt showing off his body, he doesn’t like to feel too exposed
i’m kinda cheating w this one bc it’s not exactly feminine panties but ever since pink brought up the idea of seungminnie prefering lace boxers over traditional lingerie i have never been the same i cant get it out of my head 😭 i think it’s the perfect balance of pretty and delicate, but still boyish and not as revealing for our modest puppy seungmo ♡ he’s very shy and i think his embarrassment might overpower the thrill of looking pretty for you, so he might not be as into it as some of the other boys
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Backburner 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is easy going until he’s not. 
Characters: Sam Wilson, this reader is known as Dizzie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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“Diz,” Sam strolls up to your desk, startling you so your chair tilts dangerous, “what are you doing tonight?” 
Your lips open and you blink, turning your dumb expression into a weird smile. You sputter, surprised by the question. You take a breath and fix your posture. 
“Drinks,” you blurt out. 
“You asking me out?” He tweaks a brow and smirks. 
“Oh, no, me and the girls. It’s cocktail night!” You can’t help but clap your hands. 
“Cocktails? Get an appletini on me,” he says. 
“I’m more into mimosas,” you say sheepishly, “is there--” your smile twitches, “is there something tonight? For work? Did I forget--” 
“No, I was curious. Was gonna offer you some tickets to this hockey game. I’m not much into it but a vendor sent them.” 
“Mm, no, I’m not very sporty. I did play badminton in high school but I don’t really know about hockey or whatever,” you shrug, “sorry.” 
“That’s fine, I’ll ask Marty. I think he’s a Habs fan. Go figure.” 
You nod and wait until he strides away to go back to your work. Well, you were playing solitaire when he walked up but it’s been a very dull day. You sigh and check your phone. You’re still on for tonight. The girls all seem jazzed for it. Except for Izzie but she’s living her life up in some confidential location. 
You piddle away the day. Sam can’t seem to sit still as he comes in and out of his office several times to chat or just to ask you the same questions over and over. Admittedly, it’s a slow day. When at last you’re free, you’re eager to get home and get into something cuter. 
Your commute goes quickly as you listen to a podcast about animal facts. You get off at your stop and hurry to your building. That feathered sweater is going to look so cute with your mini skirt. You put on the loud red top over the primary blue sheath and pick out your platform loafers. You’re a bit topsy turvy and a few mimosas won’t help that but you’re ready for fun. 
You get to Retro’s at the same time as Rosie and jump her with a surprise hug from behind. You giggle as you enter and give your reservation to the hostess. She remembers you from all the other times and gets you seated. The 80s hits bop from the speakers as you wiggle in your seat. 
“I love Whitney,” you vibe along. 
“You’re silly,” Rosie chides. 
“Come on, get funky,” you clasp your fingers through each other and do the wormy thing with your arms. 
““Hey, guys,” Missie appears in a cluster of polka dots and frills, “how’s it going?”  
“Miss Missie,” you greet her with a giggle, “waiting to get the party started.”  
“Ah, yes,” she sighs and rubs her shoulders, “after today, I need a double! My boss... well, let’s leave work at work.”  
“Izzie’s not coming,” Rosie says.  
“Yeah, too bad. I can’t remember the last time I saw her,” Missie tuts. “Excuse me, I gotta hit the bathroom.”  
Missie walks off and you and Rosie chatter about the new knitting pattern she found on pinterest. She shows you on your phone as the din fades into the back of your mind. You’re a bit too talented at blocking out the world.  
“I feel better,” Missie proclaims as she sits down, “been holding my bladder since work.”  
“The others on their way?” Elfie asks as she appears behind the other girl. You flinch in surprise, ripped back into reality.  
“Georgie’s running behind,” Rosie says, “she just messaged. And Billie’s been quiet today.”  
Elfie sits and you all reach for your phones in unison. You open up Izzie’s video message and show the table her recording of a parachute jump. Wow! You wouldn’t mind trying that one day.  
Billie shows up shortly after as the chatter around the table continues. You sit with Rosie and Georgie joins you soon after, looking defeated as she explains she’s going away tomorrow. It all sounds so exciting. Izzie’s jumping out of planes, Georgie’s going to Barbados, and Billie got a new position. Your job is so boring. As fun as Sam is, he’s predictable. 
You get into the music again, swaying and bouncing, as Billie gives you the side-eye. The waitress approaches with a full tray but you don’t remember ordering. Elfie crinkles her nose, “I don’t think that’s for us.” 
You eye the bright green drinks in stemmed glasses. 
“Some gentlemen sent them,” the server nods over her shoulder. 
You sit forward to see through the crowd and a hand waves over the heads. You stand slightly as a few other girls raise themselves up. The waitress hands out the appletinis and Billie mutters about her tequila. 
“Who is that?” Rosie asks. 
“That’s my boss,” you exclaim and wave back at Sam. 
“What the hell is he...” Billie starts then quickly turns around and hides. “Shit, he’s with my boss!” 
“Your boss?” Elfie wonders. 
“One of them,” Billie growls. 
“And... is that... Mr. Rogers?” Rosie utters. “What are the odds?” 
You purse your lips and look down at the glass. Well, you did tell him you’d be there so you’re not so sure of the coincidence. You’re not going to tell them though, Billie looks ready to fight. 
“It’s so nice of them to send some drinks though,” you say. 
“Yeah,” Rosie agrees. 
“But why?” Elfie wonders. 
“I won’t deny a free drink,” Missie slurps and her cheeks pinch, “oo, sour.” 
Georgie drinks silently and checks her phone. She quickly tucks it away and takes another deep gulp. Elfie doesn’t taste hers, staring at it in disappointment. Well, you’ll enjoy yours. It’s about time you switched it up. 
“Should we buy them some drinks?” Missie suggests, “it only seems nice.” 
“No, it’s girls’ night,” Billie insists, “that’s just an invitation and I think we can all agree, we’re done with bosses tonight.” 
“Here here,” Elfie raises her glass for a cheers, “fuck work.” 
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rainbowbarnacle · 1 year
I was kind a late bloomer when it comes to liking clothes, but I've learned to love dolling up! And it took me forever.
I didn't want much to do with clothes at all growing up because I wasn't really allowed to go see what I liked, and so I just kind of lived in jeans and t-shirts because that's what was comfortable. When I did try and see what I liked, mom would pull out the excuses.
"You can't wear that top, it's not your color." (Note: she never told me what my colors ever were, just what they weren't.) "You can't wear those colors, you'll look like a clown." (OH NO NOT THAT) "You can't wear that tank, it shows your arm flab." (?!?!?!) "I know you like that dress but why would someone like you wear it? You don't go out." (I WANNA WEAR IT SITTING A LOUNGE CHAIR READING A BOOK, MOTHER.)
It wounded me. Just. Holy crap. She told me these things as though it was some obvious, awful rule that I just didn't get. To hear her talk, you'd think that everyone else was already aware of my fashion sins and whispering about them, and (worst of all!!) it embarrassed her so much.
The alternatives to my choices were sooo depressing too. Khaki capris. Piles of denim, especially these weirdly stretchy uncomfortable bell bottoms that always got soaked in rain puddles? Cardigans. Nothing joyful.
(This is not to say that bell bottoms and cardigans and capris can't have their uses, and I am not questioning or judging anybody who likes these things, it was just miserable being shoved into them like a doll because This is What People Wear According to Mom.)
I was taught I should HATE plaid and paisley and polka dots, and to this day I have to shove an instinctive feeling of shame away when I look at my closet, because guess what, it turns out I have a looot of paisley AND I LOOK NICE IN IT. 8)
And just. Oh man. If I could tell tiny!Aud about how I get to match (or contrast) different colors with the blue dye in my hair? Or how I have a closet full of long skirts and headscarves and pretty shirts? Or the joy of finding jewelry that POPS? I bet she would be so happy. I never imagined myself looking like me when I was little, I always imagined myself looking sort of like mom.
Anyway, the whole point of all this blathering is that it took me an absurdly long time to figure out that clothes were FUN because the only person who should be making those kinds of decisions about them is meee. Once I figured that out, it was like a whole new world opened up.
And that goes the same for you. Go wear that Thing you like with joy. Embrace your favorite colors and patterns. Wear a biker jacket, wear a mini skirt with those long socks you like, wear that one shirt that is Incredibly Gender. WEAR ALL THREE AT ONCE.
Wear what's YOU because it's YOU.
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dellalyra · 1 year
satoru with little megumi and tsumiki is so cute!! i also can't stop thinking about how funny the reader and Satoru would be juggling trying to have "that conversation" (sex) with the two of them, i swear in my head this scenario was very funny
A/N: OMG this was so fun to write, I had such a giggle writing it THANK U SM also thank u all sm for ur requests, expect them posted throughout the week!!! Ily all
CW: SEX, sex talk, sexual content, mom and dad are cringe and try to talk to the kids about the birds and the bees, talks of sexuality and bodies etc, mdni, I’m bi so I asked my amab gay pal for help writing some parts so I hope I did okay!!!
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Family Formations - Birds and Bees.
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“SATORU” A yell sounds as you come crashing through your bedroom drawer.
“Y/N!” The white-haired man currently lounging on the bed replies.
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Then you start rambling so damn fast that even he can’t keep up with the speed of your words.
“Princess. You’re gonna need to start that again. Maybe throw in some breathing this time round.” He smirks.
“Satoru. Tsumiki - she’s gotten her period. I’ve explained it to her but ‘Toru - we’ve never given them THE TALK. The birds and the bees.” You scramble to sit on the bed with him.
“Baby, they know what birds and bees are,” Satoru says, completely confused as to why you think they need a nature lecture.
“No, ‘Toru. THE TALK. The horizontal tango, matrimonial polka, a bit of how’s yer father, squat thrusts in the cucumber patch, creaming the twinkly.” You stare so seriously at him, his hands clasped in yours.
He just blinks at you.
“Y/N, are you okay? Are you like… malfunctioning?” He asks, genuinely concerned.
“Jesus ‘Toru! Sex!” You say, shaking his shoulder.
His eyes light up.
“Hell yeah, just lock the door.” He says as he begins to unbutton his jeans.
“No! Well, yes! But later! Satoru – we’ve never spoken to the kids about sex, that kind of talk! They’re 12 and 13! They’re gonna start hearing things in school, and they’ll have questions about their bodies – I don’t want them to have an unhealthy relationship with sex! Or their bodies! We’ve spoken to them about the basics, they both know about periods, what boobs are, how to keep yourself clean, what touch is good and what is inappropriate, and that they can say no to someone wanting affection. We’ve done all the basics, but what about like – the sexual parts, like they know what sex is, we’ve talked to them about the physical side of things, like what goes where –” You were just babbling again, you and Satoru were only 24 – how the fuck do you parent teenagers?
“Oh my god, I’ve never explained wet dreams! He’s gonna think he’s dying!” Satoru has realised that this is an issue.
Maybe in 10 years, you’ll realise how badly you’re both overreacting.
But probably not.
“Tsumiki knows there are 2 separate holes – I taught her that when her first period came. Megumi knows what a period is, we’ve never hidden any bodily functions from them – they know the logistics of everything. Wait, what else do we tell them?” You were so close to ripping out your hair.
“Condoms!” Satoru exclaims, and points at you.
“Condoms!” You agree.
“Do we have any? We need a banana – or maybe a cucumber?” He begins searching the bedside tables.
“Satoru we’ve never once used a condom, I’ve an IUD! Oh god, we’re such bad role models.”
This frenzy goes on for another hour before you both have a basket of stuff, and you call the kids into the living room. You already know that you might have to pin Megumi down, so he listens. You both decided that there were no questions off limits, 12 and 13 were tricky ages, and you both decided you wanted them to go into the world armed with healthy, positive information instead of keeping things secret and them finding out stuff from friends or porn.
“Is everything okay?” Tsumiki smiles, as she takes a spot on the cosy sofa.
“I was reading – what do you both need?” Grumbles Megumi – those teenage hormones reminding you why you’re here.
“So! We wanna talk to you guys about, drumroll, please… BOINKING!” Satoru says, with jazz hands for panache.
“What the hell is boinking?” Megumi asks, already disgusted.
“Exactly why we’re here! Your mom and I want you both to know all about the human body and the delightful pleasures it can bring. Your bodies are growing and changing, and soon enough you’re going to start feeling some funny things!” Satoru has sat on the opposite loveseat, with you beside him.
“Oh. My. God.” Tsumiki’s mouth drops open.
“What?” Megumi asks, suspiciously.
“Oh no. Why? Why me? Why today?” She laments.
“Can someone tell me what’s happening?” The young boy grumbles.
“They’re giving us the talk.”
“Oh, please God no.”
“Yes!” Satoru smiles, slapping his knee.
“Guys – I know how much you two are gonna hate this. I hated it when my mom did it too, but this is us keeping you two safe okay? Plus, wouldn’t you rather have all the facts, Megumi?” You knew that appealing to Tsumiki’s emotions and Megumi’s practicality would at least make them sit for a while.
“We’re not getting out of this, are we?”
“Make it quick.”
“Okay! So you guys know what sex is – two people expressing emotions, physically. If between a man and a woman, it can create a baby. But there are loads of types of sex, and it doesn’t have to be between a guy and a girl.” You start.
“Yeah! Like your mom and I are both bisexual, so that means we’ve both – too personal, point taken” Satoru was cut off by both of them glaring.
“So if a man and a woman are having sex…” You begin the explanations of what goes where, the changes that will happen once they start to get older, the science behind things, the fun stuff – masturbation is okay – and healthy! Then that sex can be lots of different things, never feel rushed to do anything with anyone, a quick (and very painful for the kids, possibly scarring) demonstration from you of how to put on a condom (thankfully, you had bananas), different forms of contraception and safety.
All in all, you and Satoru thought it went great
By the end of everything you could think of, Megumi had a pillow on his face and Tsumiki’s eyes seemed glazed over. That means it sank in.
“Okay! So if you guys have questions, never get scared to ask us! Believe us, we’ve probably done way worse!” Satoru says.
“That’s very true! And if you guys don’t wanna ask out loud you can write us a note, maybe?”
“Oh! Important! Megumi – you don’t just gotta ask me, you can ask mom too because believe me she knows her way around a male –” You slap your hand over his mouth. His big, idiotic mouth.
“That’s true though, just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t answer your questions, and the same goes for you Tsumiki with dad, okay?” You softly smile at them, you’re aware that pretty much everything you and your fiancé do is utterly chaotic - it’s in both your natures, but you hope that maybe – them both knowing that you guys are also absolute messes will make them feel better about coming to you. Because no matter what, you’re their mom and dad.
“Do you guys have any questions?” You ask.
“No holes barred! Ask away!” Satoru chimes in.
“I do. Ehm… can you get pregnant from a toilet seat?” Tsumiki asks.
“No – you can’t. It’s gotta get right up there.” You reply.
Tsumiki giggles at this and proceeds to ask a ton more –very clever, questions, ranging from who grows hair where to do boys have a clitoris.
Tsumiki then excuses herself to the bathroom, and you glance at a squirming Megumi.
“Nothing off limits, ‘Gumi. Promise.” Satoru smiles at him.
“Um… if a guy does… that… with anyone guy – how do they know who, oh my god I hate my life, howdotheyknowwhoputsthepenisinandhowhasitinthem.” He couldn’t have spoken faster. Physically.
You take a second to try and decipher his words.
“Well, that’s an individual thing! It depends on the couple, it alternates sometimes, and sometimes there’s one person who prefers each type of feeling. The best thing to do is just ask and communicate and read the situation.” You speak.
“It’s different for every couple kiddo – and that’s what makes it all fun because what you will have with each person is gonna be unique. Just talk shit out, and see what the vibes are like. Explore different things too.” Satoru says, leaning back on the loveseat, this is a side of Satoru you absolutely cherish – you love all of him, but this vulnerable, soft, honest side is reserved for those he loves the most.
Tsumiki comes into the room. Her face was white as a sheet.
“You okay, ‘Miki?” You ask.
“The sound. The banging sound I heard, when we were on vacation. That wasn’t the pipes hitting the wall, was it?” She asks as if asking if the ghost in her room was real.
You couldn’t help but laugh, because no – it wasn’t. Your rooms in your cottage were all soundproofed, the hotel in Okinawa, not so much.
“So you see Tsumiki – when a mommy and daddy love each other veryyyyyy –” Satoru says with a huge evil grin on his face and you laugh yourself into knots beside him.
“No! Shut up!” They both run like the wind down the hall.
“Parents boink too, Tsumiki! It means we love each other so much we just –”
“STOP PLEASE STOP!” You hear coming from the kid’s rooms. That was them locked away for the night.
Maybe the teenage years will be kinda fun, if you get to keep messing with them. The title of embarrassingly in love parents fits you guys after all.
“So you know earlier… I said ‘later’?” You turn to your fiancé, resting your hand on his thigh.
“Yeah, princess?” He smirks, tilting your chin up with a long index finger.
“It’s later.” You giggle, grabbing his hand and running down the hall with him to your – thankfully – soundproofed room.
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phantom-z0ne · 6 months
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Chapter 2: Impressions and Investigations
CW: Minor Character Deaths, Corpses, Disfigured bodies, Cults, Blood
Damian was missing and Dick was going crazy.
Damian hasn't responded to any inquiries of his location since he missed his scheduled check in time. It had already been two hours past that and they still didn't have any clue where he was. Last they knew, he was heading towards Chinatown. Damian knew a couple of the locals and regularly visited some animals, mostly cats and dogs but occasionally a bird or two.
They would have been able to track him with his comm, but Damian had modified it so that it was untrackable unless it was being used. Unfortunately, they hadn't learned of it before today. If they were to track him through his comm, they would only have a short time to triangulate his position. Damian stated that he wanted his privacy, likely so he could disobey orders without them realizing. They had allowed it because they trusted his judgment, not to mention they all had their rebellious phase, but now it was coming back to bite them in the ass.
It was unfortunate they didn’t have Barbara helping, she was off on her own mission with the Birds of Prey and not in Gotham. Finding Damian would have been way easier with her help, she was an expert in navigating the surveillance systems around Gotham.
Dick could tell he wasn't the only one concerned about their youngest, the others were worried in their own ways. Jason fidgeted with his gun, which Bruce was just barely tolerating, as he paced the rooftop while Tim ran the diagnostics multiple times, his fingers flying on his wrist hologram.
Cass and Bruce’s unease was less noticeable, the only reason he caught it was that he knew them for such a long time. Bruce double checked his trackers and flew across the roofs in search of Damian. Cass was tense and alternated standing near each of them, subtly clenching her hands into fists as she did.
“Robin, come in.” Bruce demanded, Dick felt the desperation in his voice although it was hidden well. He didn't want to lose another son while Dick didn't want to lose another brother. 
There wasn’t a reply, only the sound of static filled their ears.
Dick sighed, running his hands through his hair. They needed to find Damian quickly. The longer they didn't locate him, the longer his captures had to smuggle him out of the city. If Damian was taken out of the city, it would be infinitely harder to find him. 
He couldn’t let that happen, especially to Damian. He’s already had a tough life, what with how he grew up. His integration into the family was difficult on everyone, B was gone and Tim had chosen to pursue a theory he had thought of at the time insane. Jason wasn’t on talking terms with them at that time and Cass had her own responsibilities across the world. Steph was also busy with juggling her hero and civilian lives, though her attitude towards Damian did turn around in the end.
The comm crackled, faint sounds coming through. Dick jolted, jarred out of his thoughts from the abrupt opening of the comm. Both Cass and Tim’s hands went to their comms as Jason stilled. The shuffling of cloth was most prominent, though he could hear a quiet voice.
“Robin, report. What is your location?” Bruce asked, hope underlying his words.
There was the sound of shuffling before a young, unfamiliar voice sounded, “Is this comm trackable?”
That was not Damian. Did he kidnap Damian and was going to ask for a ransom or gloat? Another also kidnapped alongside Damian? Or perhaps a concerned civilian who had nothing to do with Damian’s disappearance?
“Who are you?” Bruce demanded, treating the unknown as a hostile. It was understandable, this was a stranger who possibly abducted his son.
“You can call me Polka. I'm not sure of the location but Robin is unconscious. We are in a warehouse.” The voice responded. ‘You can call me Polka?’ Was he implying that Polka wasn’t his name or the only one he goes by? Dick’s siblings crowded closer to Bruce as if they couldn’t hear out of their own comms.
The good news was that they now knew where to search. Most warehouses were either near the docks or the Warehouse District. That meant they had two areas to search if Tim didn't triangulate where Damian’s comm was during the short conversation. He could see Tim hunched over, one hand typing swiftly in his wrist hologram. 
“Stay where you are, I’ll be there shortly.” Bruce said curtly, his cape snapping as he turned to Tim and asked if he captured the location of the comm. Tim gave him a thumbs up and sent the coordinates. 
They piled into their own vehicles and sped their way across the city, heading towards the warehouse Damian was held in. 
They surrounded the warehouse once they arrived, Bruce entering first before they snuck in from different entrance points. Dick shivered slightly as he situated himself behind the boy who Damian was laid out on. His siblings spread out and surrounded the boy from all sides.
The warehouse was a mess, blood pooling from the disfigured bodies laying every which way. Dick could faintly spot a chalk circle underneath a pool of blood. Another cult, he surmised grimly. There have been too many cults running around lately for his liking, though it looked like this one had fallen victim to their own summoning. 
There wasn't much he could tell about the boy from behind, his baggy clothes hiding his frame. His hair was what stood out the most, cropped silver hair. It seemed to almost glow in the dark warehouse. Dick’s attention went back to Bruce who stepped out from the shadows and addressed the boy after taking Damian back into his custody, though he kept an eye out on the boy.
“None, I just happened to find him. Who are you?” The boy asked, standing. That was interesting. Everyone from Gotham knew who Batman was, and even if you weren't, Batman was still a famous figure.
Bruce answered in his signature low voice, obviously gearing up to interrogate the boy. That was his cue to step in. They’ve done this routine before, good cop and bad cop. It was surprisingly successful.
“Happened to find him?” Dick questioned, rolling down from the support beam he was perched on and revealed himself. The boy turned to him, his hair fanning across his face. A black stripe cut into his silvery hair. It was the inverse of Jason’s hair, Dick thought absently. 
The boy’s face was blank, unsurprised to see another vigilante popping up behind him. Dick’s eyes were drawn to the scar on his neck. It spanned most of the neck and would be most definitely fatal if it was deep enough. The boy was 15, 16 years max. Where would he have gotten a scar like that? Not to mention, he was too calm in this situation. Blood and viscera surrounded him and all he seemed was bored. 
Slight motion to the right made Dick’s eyes snap to the plush on the boy’s shoulder, almost certain that it moved on its own. “How exactly did you find him? We can't be sure you weren’t the one who abducted him, after all.”
The boy took his time to answer, his face slightly scrunched in thought. Faint sound of movement emerged from his comm but he showed no signs of hearing it.
He pointed to the body of the cultest then to the mound that Dick hadn’t paid much attention to as he answered, “They kidnapped Robin, me, and a couple other kids. They killed the others. Who are you?
Dick heard a sharp inhale, likely in reaction to the dead children. It looked like they were thrown there uncaringly, Dick thought angrily. They were piled on top of each other, some of their limbs bent unnaturally. Most of the injuries were from a slit neck, but there were signs of other injuries. These poor kids were likely tortured first then slaughtered. 
He could see Bruce soften after the boy answered, likely thinking the same things as Dick.
Dick sighed silently, sheathing his escrima sticks as he walked to stand closer to Bruce and Damian. “I’m called Nightwing. Can you tell us why you and Robin are unharmed?”
“They already summoned the God of the Dead, or Corpse God, by then. It wasn't needed.” Jason cursed. They were too late, for both the kids and the summoning. Not to mention the ominous name of the being that was summoned. Just what were these cultists planning for summoning such a being? Probably to ‘rid the world of impurities’ like every other cult he came across.
Bruce asked for confirmation of the being, pulling out his ‘victim voice’. It was significantly softer than what he usually spoke as Batman. The boy nodded, affirming their suspicions on the being. Though, where was it? Usually, summoned being raged and caused destruction in their wake, especially ones with such ominous names. There was no sign of this one.
Dick pasted on a smile and bent closer to the boy, “Did you see where the God of the Dead went?” 
The boy nodded as he bit his lips, visibly nervous. It was a bit strange to see such an expression on the child when he was blase for most of the conversation. He leaned forward as the boy cupped his hand over his mouth and whispered, “He’s still here.” 
Dick felt a shiver race down his spine, one of his siblings sucked in a breath. That was… not good. Was this a trap? Had the God of the Dead been lying in wait and observing them since they had arrived?
The atmosphere was thick enough to cut with a knife. Everyone was tense and ready for battle. Of course, that was when Damian began to stir, calling out to Bruce once he opened his eyes. Bruce adjusted his hold on Damian, beginning to answer Damian before he was cut off by the boy.
“Can I go now? I was with my friends before this. They’re probably worried.” Dick most certainly couldn't let a key witness, and a most definitely traumatized child, wander off without supervision. 
“Sorry, you’re coming with us.” Dick said apologetically. 
The boy did not like that. He crossed his arms and gave them an annoyed look. “Why?”
Jason, Tim, and Cass took this as the perfect time to reveal themselves. They hopped down from their respective posts and gathered near Bruce. Tim, however, aimed for the cultists as he responded, “We need more information and to verify your story. And for your protection.” 
The boy's eyes lingered over Cass and Jason before focusing on the latter, his expression curious. Jason obviously noticed but didn't pay it any mind, more interested in fussing over Damian who wasn’t having it, swatting Jason’s hovering hands away. 
“Won't that be kidnapping? Since I don't want to go to a secondary location with strangers? Kidnapping is illegal, you know.”
Jason answered as he finally relented from teasing Damian, “Well, it's a good thing the law is more like suggestions to us.” This did nothing to stop the boy from looking apprehensive. Good job, Jason, Dick thought tiredly.
Tim interrupted the boy when he stated that the cultists were, in fact, not dead. It blindsided Dick. Many of the cultists were in pieces as others had bled enough to be six feet under.
Damian looked mildly curious as Bruce and Tim questioned the survival of the cultists, likely thinking over the logistics of how they still lived. Eventually, Bruce asked Tim to alert the hospital and GCPD. They wouldn't be arriving in a long while, it was still Gotham after all.
Dick walked over to them as they discussed the boy and the cultist, hearing the tail end of Tim’s suspicions. 
“—clearly up with him. Despite the situation he’s in, he is unusually calm.”
That was true, not many kids were so nonchalant about almost being ritually sacrificed. Or seeing mangled bodies and pools of blood laying around.
Dick glanced at the boy—he really should be calling him Polka by now, since it was the only name he was given—seeing him grow red-faced as he spoke with Jason. 
The almost silent crackle of a radio signaled their time was up, they needed to leave before the police arrived. 
Herding Polka out of the building and out of sight was easy, all they needed to do was avoid cameras and stick to the shadowed side of the alley. Those who saw the group were quick to run away.
Losing Polka, however, was not something Dick expected to happen. They all were hyper aware of their surroundings, and in turn, the kid. How he managed to disappear under the scrutiny of six highly trained vigilantes, Dick didn't know. 
They had to admit defeat after searching the area and beyond for an hour and a half, Damian being sent back for an examination despite his objections early into their search, and trudge back to the cave unsuccessful. 
Dick watched Jason walk into the infirmary—jokingly nicknamed the “batfirmary” by Steph— and remove his helmet from his seat next to Damian’s cot. Steph walked in after him, plopping down on the end of the mattress next to Jason and ignored Damian’s hissed demands for them to get off. 
Cass slunk in a moment later, Tim behind her. He was still typing on his wrist computer as he sat on the opposite side of Damian. Cass leaned on the arm of his chair, gazing curiously at the screen.
Off to the right, through a sliver of the thick cloth that blocked the med bay, sat Bruce. The light from the Batcomputer illuminated his bent figure. 
Dick pursed his lips, not liking the expression that crossed his father’s face. Whenever there were children involved, Bruce always got into a mood. It wasn’t that the rest of them didn’t, but Bruce’s mood was always the worst. He wouldn't accept any food or comfort until he solved the case and got justice for the innocent children. 
As his child and fellow vigilante, Dick couldn't let Bruce neglect himself like that, least of all when it wasn’t his fault the children died. He stood, walking over to Bruce and laid a hand on his shoulder. He gently squeezed, offering all the comfort that was allowed. Bruce gave him a weary smile.
“You should join us.” Dick said, retracting his hand to cross his arms. “It does you no good just sitting here. Damian needs you right now.” 
“I know.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I just… I need to give those children justice.”
“Bruce, they aren’t going anywhere. You need to focus on the child in front of you.” Dick winced at how that came out. “I mean, Damian should be your priority right now. He’s recovering from being kidnapped!”
“You're right.” Bruce sighed, straightening his back slightly. “They aren’t going anywhere.”
Dick walked back to his seat, pleased with the sound of Bruce’s footsteps behind him. He watched as Damian’s face brightened when he spotted his father, and the subsequent haughty look he made to cover it up. 
“How are you doing, Damian?” Bruce asked, sitting on the cot. 
“I am fine, Father. It was just a scratch.” Damian answered, lifting his chin then frowning. “I didn't need to be hauled to the infirmary. I could have helped track down the boy.”
“We had to check if the cultist had done anything else to you. Would you rather not know if they had? And how did they manage to even snatch you anyways?” Tim intervened, crossing his legs as he looked up from his wrist computer. 
“They used defenseless animals against me.” Dick almost cooed at Damian’s pout. He was always glad to see Damian act his age. 
“What kinds of animals?” Steph leaned forward, her eyes gleaming. 
“… Kittens.” Damian admitted quietly.
“They lured you in with kittens?!” Jason said hysterically. Muffled snorts came from all around, Dick himself wasn't exempt from laughing either. Everyone but Jason quickly pasted on an innocent face when Damian furiously glared at them, he didn't bother covering up his laughter. Even Bruce seemed amused, his eyes darting between them with a fond look on his face.
“Do you remember what happened?” Cass signed. Dick could tell she was still worried about Damian, the sides of her eyes were creased and her lips held together tightly.
“I passed out after I was hit over the head.” Damian began, the bedding clenched in his fists. “I remember waking up a couple of times but it wasn't for long. The last time I awoke, the boy was there.”
Bruce put his hand over Damian, his lips pursed. He clearly didn't like how his son was treated, and looking around, none of them were. “Did he do anything?”  
“He told me to rest.” Damian said simply, brows furrowed.
“And you did?” Tim asked, dumbfounded. Dick was just as confused, Damian barely took orders from them that he deemed unnecessary, so him listening to a random civilian? It was unheard of.
“That was the strange thing. The moment he told me to, I was overwhelmed with drowsiness. I couldn't help falling asleep.”
A magic user? Dick thought speculatively. Or perhaps a meta? There were many abilities that could cause someone to fall unconscious with just a word, and just as many with aftereffects. Dick prayed that there weren’t any lasting effects on Damian, he wasn't sure what he would do if there were.
“I knew there was something up with him!” Tim announced, jumping up from his seat. “The fact that he was so calm in such a bloody environment was the first clue. Why would he be calm, let alone stay in that warehouse, when he was abducted and watched others be sacrificed? Plus, despite telling us the Corpse God—or God of the Dead, whatever— there was no sign of the being other than the cultist’s dismangled bodies. Why did he lie?” He paced back and forth, letting his theories flow like water.
Cass knocked on the wall, gathering their attention. She signed, “He didn’t lie.”
“He didn’t?” Dick questioned, understandably confused.
She shook her head, “He was truthful the whole time, but was he hiding something.” 
“He could have been misleading you.” Steph crossed her arms. “He was being pretty vague in the recordings I watched. Plus, some of his words could have been taken in a different way.”
“That's true. The way he slipped away from us wasn’t something a civilian could do. Even a meta would be hard pressed to disappear from right under our noses.” Jason spoke up, a thoughtful look on his face. 
“I’ll call Zatanna.” Bruce sighed, getting up from his seat. “Get some rest, we’ll have a long day tomorrow.”
“He’s right. We need to conserve our energy for interrogating Polka tomorrow.” Dick ushered his disgruntled sibling towards the staircase leading to the manor.
Once he was sure they were in their rooms, Jason deciding it was too late to go to his own safehouse, he returned to the cave. Damian was unsurprisingly still awake, his stubbornness fighting against his weariness. 
Dick dimmed the lights of the cave and headed towards the infirmary. Giving his brother a quick peck on the forehead and tucking him in, much to Damian’s displeasure, he grabbed a tablet and wrote up a report next to the cot. He made sure to include his sibling’s theories in the notes margin.
Soft muttering sounded off to the side, behind the infirmary’s curtain. After making sure Damian was asleep, Dick crept towards the sound. Around the corner, Bruce’s frustrated voice spoke. He ended the call a minute after he spotted Dick leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.
“Zatanna was busy.” Bruce ran his hands through his hair. He was clearly tired after the eventful day, but Bruce would continue working despite his complaints, Dick bitterly thought. He shook his head, now was not the time for those kinds of thoughts. 
Dick hummed and walked towards the Batcomputer. He sat down, Bruce a couple feet away typing away on another monitor. He transferred his half finished report to the computer in front of him, finding a keyboard easier to write with than a tablet. 
He let out a yawn. He had been up for more than twenty four hours, most of that time spent patrolling and studying cases in the Batcave. He laid his head on his arms, a quick nap wouldn't hurt, would it?
Distantly, he felt a heavy weight cover him. He let out a murmur of thanks for the blanket and fell asleep, not hearing the whispered response. 
The insistent buzzing of the tablet woke him. He stretched, his back popping, before unlocking the tablet. A gasp escaped him once he laid eyes on the screen.
“Uh, B? You’ll need to see this.” Bruce looked at him in question before rolling closer, eyes widening slightly once he read the article.
In strikingly bold letters, the headline was “JOKER MAULED BY THE UNDEAD”.
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Wrote a large chunk of this months ago and just sat on it since I didn't know how to write batfam interactions. I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out :)
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<< Chapter 1 | Masterpost | Chapter 3 >>
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ellena-asg · 1 year
There is a scene in 2x01 where Danny is driving Max's car and Steve, after he escaped from prison, is hiding in the back seat.
We see Danny talking on the phone and there's a line "You are a monkey in a polka dot dress and I love you". Of course it's about Gracie cause 1) she's his Monkey 2) she wears dresses 3) he says "I love you" and she's his only girl in the world. So, it's just a daddy-daughter little talk.
I rewatched this episode today, in Polish. What's happening in Polish version? Well...
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Danny says "You're my beloved honey bear". And then camera immediately goes to:
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Yeah. Mr Beloved Honey Bear, I bet 😀
What a difference!
Canon: Danny tells Gracie he loves her and thanks to "monkey" and "dress" it's all 100% about her.
Polish translators: Ah yes, Grace is on the other end of the phone but you know *cough cough* Danny is not only talking to her, he's also very worried about Steve. Danny's mind is full of Steve. Danny's eyes want to look at Steve. Monkey in a polka dot dress? Oh no, dear! We are giving you beloved honey bear so you can't be sure. Is it about Grace? Is she a bear? Or maybe it's... *boom! zoom on Steve*. Beloved honey bear. Honey bear. What will you, watcher, choose? *oh of course we're implying that honey bear = Steve*
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From Urban Dictionary. In Poland we sometimes use "honey bear" for kids but MOSTLY we use it in a romantic way. And please, this "beloved honey bear" and boom! Steve's face. It looks like Polish translators are McDanno shippers 😉 I'm very grateful for these extra vibes heh ♥️
By the way, Danny also says "I love you", "Danno loves you" and "All right, babe. All right" (both in canon and in Polish version) and now I'm wondering to whom he says this 😉 Cause seriously, he may be talking to Grace (I mean, to the phone) but Steve is so much on his mind so... 🤔 What if in the beginning Danny talks to Gracie ("you're my monkey...") but soon he (instinctively) starts talking to Steve? 🤭 What if he says he loves Steve no matter what and he assures him that "all right", it will be all right? He is Steve's Danno too, not only Grace's. Danno loves you, Steve. Danno is here and won't let anybody to hurt you. Danno will hide you, Danno will help you to be free again.
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megamuscle885-blog · 4 months
So, warhammer fantasy? Plus Worm. Lets brainstorm a bit. A non-exhaustive list of who would become champions of chaos, or be chosen by the chaos gods to become their heralds, in no particular chronological order.
Khorne: The Butcher XIV aka Quarrel.
I can see The Butcher turning rabid one awful night. Howling about an infinite ocean of blood. Slaughtering the unpowered members of the Teeth. Killing those who try to reason with her. Infecting others with her madness somehow. Most of the Teeth capes flee north to Boston and Spree's clique when they're told to run by those Teeth that were there for the slaughter. Of those that were present, maybe half maybe more, flee to the New York Protectorate, begging refuge, begging Legend to kill The Butcher before she breaks free, something like that. Incoherent babbling about how she's slathered herself in blood and is killing indiscriminately - Villains, Heroes and civilians alike - piling the skulls of those she beheads in one spot and sits upon it like a gory throne. The Teeth are reforged in The Butcher's charnel house, quenched in blood. The World Eaters. She aspires to wash the entire east coast in blood, a massive sacrifice that will bring daemons through in their millions, and she'll begin in the largest city in north america.
Nurgle: Nilbog aka The Goblin King aka James Rinke.
A particularly terrible winter's night, cold and frigid in Ellisburg, NY, James is holding one of his favourite creations, Polka III, as she dies from disease. He's trying to tell a bedtime story to the rest of the creatures, all sharing their body warmth as best they can, but the cold is making his puppet shiver and he's constantly interupted by a cough that rattles his ribs and won't go away no matter how much he clears his throat. He's in tears over the sorry state of his garden. A like-minded figure sympathizes with his plight. He begs the empty air for something to save them. Something comes. The acrid, infertile land around Ellisburg, stripped of nutrients to create his fantasy creatures suddenly begins to spring to life all around him. Strange and fantastic new fruits and berries curl out of the ground. Caramel-sweet rivers start to form. Everything is verdant and green and hot wherever he walks. His cough doesn't seem to go away, but it doesn't bother him much anymore. Polka III is alive and well. And he's suddenly struck by so many new and wonderful ideas. He goes to the carcass pits and begins to create and create and create. And his Grandfather looks on with paternal joy.
Slaanesh: Jack Slash aka Jacob Black, the Slaughterhouse 9.
This might not click for some people. Personally, I think a man for whom every new terrible torment needs to be more thrilling, more horrible, more impactful than the last fits perfectly here. I'm not entirely sure how to write his first moments though. Broadcast nudges him one way, Slaanesh nudges him another. He starts to indulge more and more. A little less careful. Broadcast's balancing act starts to slip as Slaanesh's prodding throws the relationships of the Slaughterhouse 9 into new dynamics. I might have to come back to this one, but it was one of the first I thought of.
Tzeentch: Taylor Hebert
Now who else would like to see Skitter but with birds? Fucked up mutated birds. Introducing the Raven God and his new magical apprentice. I feel myself running dry here, but I think as our nominated protagonist, Tzeentch is able to lend quite a bit of weight to Taylor's character, and her eagerness to grab onto an escape from her wretched life with both hands and take it to its extremes. Though one thing I will mention is that one of Tzeentch's aspects is as a God of Hope, and that'd be fun to play with I think. Though that's an aspect of his Fantasy version, and I tend to think of the Fantasy versions of the Chaos Gods as more interesting tbh.
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froggityboingerrr · 3 months
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Itft spoilers below!
So, before episode 6, me and my friend ( he doesn’t have tumblr 😓 ) had the theory of clock’s mind or maybe soul being trapped inside the tv, and having things he remembered from the real world come into the tv.
They could have watched a ton of reality tv and his brain developed that into his environment.
In one the of the episodes, he gets confused when No Way is just a pendagon, seeming to regignise the shape. But he acts as if he knew a pentagon, so that could be him remembering something from before he and the tv fused.
We also noticed that in episode 6, the thing flying through the sky at the end could have been refil station, as they fell through polka dot and weren’t seen again.
Also the real world appears to be my 3d, so Wind Up Toy appears to have gone to a different show when falling through Polkadot.
Okoko so our current theory summed up is Clock’s mind/ soul is trapped/connnected to the tv and bringing stuff from the real world into the show, and vise versa.
HSHDBDBD this post is so chaotic- sorry I’m trying to sum up everything and remembering the stuff we had at random times.
Also Clock getting unplugged could represent them either being freed from the show, or even letting go of reality itself. Though I think it’s more likely to be the first option. Cause we see more of non 3D clock in episode 5 and 6 ( after getting unplugged)
and we’re pretty sure there will be 12 episodes- CAUSE LIKE HOW A CLOCK ONLY GOES TO 12 HOURS AND STUFF. Plus we noticed that they tend to have trouble saying numberscover 1200
^ not really important to our theory but eh it’s still something we discussed on our call.
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czgif · 1 year
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Petr Kostka in Polka Goes to the World (Polka jede do světa) 1962, TV, dir. Václav Krška IMDB
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fuckmeyer · 8 months
How do you imagine the Cullens and Bella dressing like in your book?
similar style but slight adjustments.
Bella probably goes through the biggest change. she starts off In the Afterlight wearing jeans, band tees, chunky sweaters, & very eclectic pieces (bowling shirt ABSOLUTELY exists). in Come Nightfall she changes - she 1) won't wear anything she stole from Edward (i.e. sweaters and flannels), 2) does so much activity outdoors she's wearing exclusively athletic wear, and 3) is forced to hide her scent later on so objectively dresses WORSE with stained, mismatched thrift-store clothes. doesn't own a khaki skirt. in By Starlight, now that Edward's home, she's back to athletic wear. Edward likes this very, very much.
Edward has the same style with more color. NO sleeveless white button-up because what the FUCK. when he's hunting, he's a jeans and flannel shirt kinda guy - he'll often wear clothes he hates when hunting. (ofc, now that Bella wears his flannel shirts, he's rethinking his tastes.) otherwise, day-to-day, he's a loose slacks, undershirt, & suspenders kinda guy (think 1950s or 20s). nice button-ups and dark fitted sweaters in deep, dark colors like navy, burgundy, phthalo green. extremely lame in a cute way. light spoilers for future chaps, but this man is literally always trying to hide his body.
i picture the Cullens dressing mostly in timeless outfits and styles.
Esme adores dresses and skirts à la Audrey Hepburn. classic, chic, evergreen. she would wear neutrals the most day-to-day but adores flowing prints and polka dots when she feels in the mood :) definitely wears ratty skirts or jeans when gardening.
Rosalie's casual/business casual style has some Princess Di influences with some modern trends mixed in (thanks to Alice). keeps some greasy old jeans and overalls for her mechanic work.
Carlisle really misses wearing embroidered brocaded waistcoats & frilly shirts. thinks modern men's fashion is boring. slacks and button-ups for this man. CARDIGANS ALL DAY. misses wearing ascots, but likes scarves. god, he hates modern men's fashion.
Jasper actually loved his 90s grunge/punk era and never really left it. army boots/doc martins (with the coded laces OFC), ripped jeans, plaid shirts, band tees, beanies, leather jackets with handsewn patches.
Emmett is jeans and tees all day. James Dean kinda guy with the boots, slacks/jeans, nice white tee, bomber jacket.
Alice is a freak. she's following every trend. she says it's to keep the Cullens in the modern world (true - to their dismay, she WILL go through their closets and add/subtract items). but really, it's her way to stay connected to the present day. she has ofc rare commissioned pieces from different designers, beautiful pieces from eras long gone that she can't bear to part with (because ofc everything comes back in style), weird pieces from niche trends... but she absolutely DOES dress like she's straight from a 2000s-era issue of Seventeen. for better or worse.
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paradisepoisoned · 1 year
I'm drunk, and work is consuming my life, so I give you the Death Note tattoo AU no one asked for.
-L was a world-famous tattoo artist, but no one really knows what he looks like except his clients and disgruntled employees, but his work is well recognized. Moved to New York to open his own tattoo shop but he's kinda a mystery in the industry and he's one of those owners that doesn't really show up to his own business anymore he rarely tattoos and when he does its only things he wants to do. Will fuck off to Cambodia for a month or something and then randomly show up to collect money and sleep there for a week.
 -L has only ever took two apprentices and they were Mello and Near. He took them on at the same time and it was a complete disaster. L refuses to take on an apprentice ever again
-Near specializes in sacred geometry, mandalas, and all that tedious crazy shit. Line work is impeccable. I feel like he'd be great at lettering and that fine line bullshit that everyone else hates. No one takes him seriously as an artist cause he looks like he's fucking twelve. He has amazing work but is absolutely horrible with clients due to his non existent social skills.
-Mello is the black and gray guy. He's one of those guys who just whips out a 23 mag and goes to town and bangs out a half sleeve in a few hours. I can see him doing crazy horror shit and those big crazy religious pieces like praying hands statues and all that good shit. He doesn't do color and doesn't like anything with a lot of linework. Looks scary but kinda a softie. 
-Near is great at linework. Mello is great at shading. They compete and fight on a regular basis. They have an ongoing silent war stealing each other's supplies,clients, etc. (They're secretly in love tho, deal with it)
-Matt definitely the anime bruh I could see him doing some super colorful new school anime type shit he's a street shop kinda guy at heart tho hell do the dirty jobs no one else wants to do and he's FAST he can bang out your little infinity symbol butterfly feather clusterfuck matching finger tattoo with your 13 friends no problem. He wears goggles while tattooinglmaoaoa idk why, but he also gives me big piercer energy, lol 
-I'm sorry but I can't leave out Linda. I feel like she's the color girl. Specializes in cover ups and botanical tattoos but shes well rounded and can take mostly anything that walks in. Probably the most organized artist out of all of them and keeps the shop from falling apart on a daily basis. I feel like L also trusts her to be the one to manage the shop while he's not there since the others are all completely unhinged, lol. Shop mom 100%
-Matt and Mello hit the bar at least once a week after work and talk shit till 4am 
-B Specializes in trash polka fucking fight me on it.
-B and L apprenticed together and were working together when L opened his own shop but B kinda went down a dark path and him and L drifted apart and now have beef so B is the artist no one talks about (except Mello cause I feel B woulda played a big part in his apprenticeship) 
-B also kinda legitimately tried to burn the whole shop down before he left soooooo...
-L has kept B's room open for years, hoping he gets his shit together one day and comes back. 
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Hatsune Miku Birthday Headcanons! 👑 💙 🥳 🧁 🍰 🎁 🎂 🎉 🕯️
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👑 Original headcanons 💙
🥳 Ao3 version 🧁
• When Miku wakes up, an elated smile appears on her face as she knows what day today is.
• Today is August 31st, her birthday!
• While on her computer, Miku smiles and blushes as she scrolls through numerous birthday messages sent to her by her fans.
• When she goes outside, her smile grows as she sees a mountain of birthday cards, letters, and presents at her door.
• The blue-haired pop star is utterly delighted when her Vocaloid pals surprise her with gifts and a vanilla buttercream cake shaped as a leek.
• Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito, and Meiko each take Miku somewhere fun to celebrate her birthday.
•Miku and Rin go to a shopping mall in Koshigaya, Saitama. While there, a montage begins as “Suki Kirai” starts to play. In the montage, Miku and Rin shop in various stores, try on different cute outfits in a changing room, get their pictures taken in a photo booth, get their nails done at a salon, and run and hide from paparazzi. The girls breathe a sigh of relief and continue with their day when they see that the freelance photographers are gone. Later, Miku and Rin are approached by two hyperexcited cosplayers dressed as them. The Miku cosplayer takes out her phone and asks if she and her friend can take a picture with them. Miku and Rin give the two a nod of approval and take a bunch of pictures with them, ending the montage.
• Len takes Miku to an arcade in Akihabara. The two play various games together like Pac-Man, a shooting game, a racing game, a fighting game, Taiko no Tatsujin, and Dance Dance Revolution (In the DDR game, various Vocaloids are shown as playable characters. Miku and Len play as themselves and the songs they select are Vocaloid songs such as “Soar”, “Yellow”, and “Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder”). Before they leave, Len wins a Miku plushie in a claw machine for Miku.
• Miku and Luka head to a cafe in Shibuya to snack on some sweet treats. They bring Hachune Miku and Tako Luka along with them. At the cafe, Miku and Luka cheerily eat sweets that are themed to look like them, while Hachune and Tako have a fun, over-the-top food fight in the background. Miku and Luka don’t notice the utter chaos that their chibis are causing. After that, the four go to a Mt. Fuji Hot Springs.
• Kaito takes Miku to a Cold Stone Creamery in Shinjuku for ice cream. Because it's her birthday, she receives free ice cream.
• Miku and Meiko go see a movie together in Osaka. They then proceed to a karaoke bar located nearby to sing their hearts out. Everything is going fine as the two take turns singing until Meiko decides to have too much to drink and gets extremely drunk. Miku now has to help the older lady sober up.
• At Miku’s birthday bash concert, Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito, and Meiko all perform the song “Birthday Song for Miku” for Miku. The twintail singer tears up with joy and thanks her friends for such an amazing song and performance! For the rest of the concert, Miku sings some of her favorite songs while wearing her 2020 birthday dress!
•The songs she sings are “World is Mine”, “Melt”, “Po Pi Po”, “Ai Kotoba”, “Tell Your World”, “Miku Miku Ni Shite Ageru”, “The Snow White Princess Is”, “The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku”, “Romeo and Cinderella”, “Senbonzakura”, “Rolling Girl”, “The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku”, “Levan Polka”, “Kocchi Muite Baby”, and “Weekender Girl”.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Bad Taste Fashion!? [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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Be more outrageous, or be stylish! Learn the secrets of extreme fashion from the pioneers of the UK rock world
Text: Yoko Shintani
In 2009, Muse became a regular at music events. They have been lauded everywhere, from the Q Awards to BRIT, where they won the prestigious “Best Artist in the World Today” award, to being listed as one of the nominees for “Worst of the Best.” The problem was, of course, Matt Bellamy's fashion sense.
Although he narrowly missed out on the award, he was in the running for “NME Awards' Worst Dressed” along with Liam Gallagher, Ellie Jackson (La Roux), and Katy Perry (the winner was Lady Gaga). While his love of fashion is evident, both on stage and in his personal life, his taste is risqué . His taste for light, red, white, or high-contrast coordinates such as red and white or black and white, tailored jackets, uniform designs, sporty and cyber-inspired details, and thoroughly super-slim shapes……. None of these tastes are weird on their own, but when they all come together on a matte canvas, they present a strangely strong and cloying bad taste, which is a sad state of affairs. Incidentally, at the “NME” Awards ceremony, he wore a black-and-white polka-dot shirt, a silver-grey suit, and a hot black-and-white tweed coat over it. He must have really liked it since he wore the same coat to last year's “Q” Awards ceremony. However, wearing the same coat twice at an awards event is a total no-no.
However, the British rock scene, which has been led by art school graduates, has always had a taste for the kind of sleaze that makes it impossible to determine whether it is stylish or grotesque. Looking back over the past 40 years or so, it goes without saying that the 70s stand out in terms of sheer eccentricity and ferocity. With glam rock and the two stars of the scene, Marc Bolan and David Bowie, the boundaries between men and women quickly blurred, and all the rules of Western male dress were broken down, with hair and makeup becoming completely unisex. Bowie, in particular, actively collaborated with Kansai Yamamoto and other designers to create an even more out-of-this-world image by playing the fictional character “Ziggy Stardust.“ On the other hand, in Roxy Music, which was also a leading glam rock band at the time of its debut, it was not frontman Bryan Ferry but Brian Eno, who was in charge of synthesisers, who experimented with outlandish fashions.
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“Dom and Matthew at the NME Awards ceremony on 24 February 2010. While Dom is neatly dressed, Matthew wears a tweed coat with a slightly different length and broader shoulders, a half-size grey suit, and a polka-dot shirt that is out! The magnetic necklace-like chain and the Aki at the collar are also out of step with current trends. The coat seems to be his favourite, and he wears it to the Q Awards ceremony as well as when travelling to and from the Big Day Out. His hair is a bit flat, and his shoes are a bit off-putting, giving off a sense of carelessness but also a strong sense of commitment. pic: Dave Hogan / Getty Images”
He wore a kimono-like dress that would put Bowie to shame, or was adorned with feathers and lamé, and stood on stage in a manner that is hard to imagine from his recent appearance as a master producer. Speaking of unimaginable nowadays, Peter Gabriel of the Genesis era, who belonged to the progressive rock music genre, was another example. He borrowed his wife's long dress and other outlandish costumes from the neck down, but his head was particularly striking, and his “flower” costume with flower petals surrounding his face is perhaps the most famous. Other than that, he was also good at wearing alien makeup that looked like it came out of a sci-fi movie, or wearing a stuffed fox's head on his head……
Another person who should not be forgotten is Elton John. Although Elton John has come out and is now enjoying dressing up openly, at the time he was venting his repressed sexuality in a fashion that was a comical interpretation of glam. And Queen, who had a huge influence on Muse musically, reigned as the leader (!) of rock fashion in the post-glam era. The late Freddie Mercury, in particular, tried his hand at many risqué styles, such as jumpsuits, ballet tights, bare-chested and sleeveless, etc……
Later, with the rise of punk, UK rock once again became stoic, but regained its splendour in the 80s. The New Romantic & Goth era had arrived. Although the two groups have contrasting tastes in colour, with the former using extreme colours and the latter monotone, they share the same androgynous fashion orientation, with glam rock as their main source of inspiration. From Culture Club and Adam & the Ants to Siouxsie and the Banshees and Alien Sex Fiend, each eccentric artist heralded the end of the century. The visual and sonic tastes of that era are, as we all know, undergoing a major revival, with young pop stars such as Adam Lambert, Lady Gaga, KE$HA, and others all looking to Bowie, Queen, and Boy George as role models. Without them, the world would be a very boring place!
Therefore, Matt's bad taste is also adorable when you look down the lineup of UK rock's most eccentric dressers. And in his case, it is his personality, the reset, the lighting, and the music that is the star on stage, not what he wears that matters so much to his fans. And yet, the discrepancy between Muse's musicality and his solid character, which lacks femininity or campness, and his glittery, watery clothing is truly bizarre, and what's more, the sparkly glitter is also extremely half-baked. The clothes show an extraordinary attention to detail, but the makeup is a complete waste of time, and the haircut is a bit careless. If you are going to do something like this, go for a Freddie-style fashion like Justin Hawkins of The Darkness, or go all out with the long hair and dreads, or paint your face like Peter Gabriel, or work with an interesting designer to provide futuristic costumes that synchronise with the stage direction, go Freaky and go for it. Then we won't be bothered by petty discussions about the worst-dressed. Or hire a competent stylist to help you find a simple suit that suits you. In the meantime, even though Freddie loved it, red-and-white coordination is too difficult and should be avoided. I'm probably not the only one who irresistibly thinks of the uniforms of the Japanese Olympic team……………….
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This is the rumoured ‘Flower Man’, Peter Gabriel's stage costume from his time with Genesis. It's funny because he was very serious about it. After leaving the band in 1975 and going solo, he became very ordinary.
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Brian Eno at the time he was in Roxy Music. His forehead was rising, but he wore a lot of make-up and wore his hair long. All of them wore flamboyant outfits with spacy decorations on their shoulders, etc.
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Sir Elton John, who now wears an ordinary suit and flashy tie, used to take the world by storm with his huge ornate glasses and flamboyant outfits. He is a drag queen in every sense of the word!
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Freddie Mercury, the king or queen of the bizarre = Queen. The familiar full-body tights costumes were originally designed by Zandra Rhodes. From kimono-style dresses with a daring take on Japanese kimonos to cross-dressing, you name it! pic : Koh Hasebe
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Adam and the Ants' Adam Ant pioneered the New Romantic movement of the 1980s and stole the hearts of girls. His unique ‘pirate fashion’, with its elaborate hair and make-up, was imitated by his fans.
Translator's Notes: I do find Matt's taste in fashion to be... quite interesting at times. But in all honesty, I'm neutral to his fashion tastes, given that I use his clothes, accessories, and even his hairstyle to pin down on the correct eras whenever I reblog Muse posts lmao
And also, Freddie's fashion is always 150% fierce AF. As for Adam Ant, him looking like a slutty pirate trying to seduce the Royal Navy to chase after him is just his default appearance since the 80s.
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