#Pregnant headcannons
annahxredaxted · 9 months
puhhhleasseeeeee David x Angel pregnancy headcannons 😫
of courseeee 🙇‍♀️
•afab reader— with gn pronouns
• pregnancy
david knew before they told him, he could smell it on them.
angel thought they were doing a good job hiding it before they told him.
after they did and noticed he was completely unfazed they were very concerned/confused
david was very excited but he was also nervous he’d be a bad dad.
very over-prepared, he started setting the nursery up maybe 3 weeks after they told him.
david will pass by things for babies in the store and discreetly put them in the cart, but when angel realizes he did they get all gushy and emotional.
very upset angel had so much morning sickness in the beginning, he would ache to see how much they were hurting.
^ he does not care how stupid it may sound, if angel woke him up at 2am asking for beef fucking jerky you already know he’s up either in the kitchen or grabbing his car keys.
david rubs their belly all the time. sittings down? hand on the belly. in bed? belly rubs. in the car? belly.
david gets VERY upset if someone touches their belly/them at all if they don’t want to be touched.
^ will yell in the middle of a walmart/family gathering/in public etc,
foot massages, back massages, legs, back etc. if he can ease angels pain even a little bit he will not stop at mediocrity.
if angel is feeling insecure about their pregnancy body it actually makes david almost angry. not at them of course, but it’s the mentality of “your growing a kid, and you think i’m gonna be upset about a little more to love?”
david goes to every doctors, very attentive, asking a bunch of questions, writing things down, making sure angel does everything the doctor recommends.
^ he will and has cancelled meetings/ jobs to be at an appointment.
legitimately was panicking when their water broke, angel was just sitting there like: 🧍‍♂️.. while he was: 😱😧😦
he collected himself eventually to drive to the hospital
held their hand the whole time, he was a bit queasy by the end of it.
cried when baby shaw was born, held the baby close and did skin to skin almost immediately (like took his fucking shirt off)
he was scared to have sex for a while, he didn’t want to hurt angel, and they probably waited 4ish months, but even then he was extremely gentle.
in the beginning david refused to let angel get up when the baby cried
david cried when he had to go back to work for the first time since baby shaw.
spent the whole day after work with the baby(made dinner, did dishes etc with those things that wrap the baby to his chest)
that’s all i got rn🤓🤓
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fleurriee · 4 months
oh my god i need a-z alphabet of aemond or whatever it is. foaming at the mouth for this man fr
inspired by @moralesluvr & their a-z
again, more than likely ooc aemond but aren't most fics of him??
this was written over a period of months at sporadic times & i haven't read it through so...
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affection — how affection are they? do they show affection?
aemond is not an affection person - i mean, do you know how he was brought up? the only affection he's ever really been shown is when his mother stood up for him that night he lost his eye. so, it's definitely safe to say that affection & aemond do not go together. until he met you, at least.
you're not overly affectionate yourself, but there were certain things you'd do that would make him tense up a little - like, stroking his arm, touching his hand, giving him little compliments, etc. at first, when you'd do these to him, he'd want nothing more than to run away and forget it ever happened... but, the more you did it, the more he got used to it, and the more he craved it.
of course, when you finally get to a point in your relationship where aemond started showing affection back to you, he would only ever do so in the privacy of your chambers, when only those in view were the two of you. it wasn't that he was worried he would come across as weak - he didn't want people to know you were his upmost weakness.
eventually, too, both his mother and heleana are allowed to see these little special moments between the two of you, but that’s all.
bye — what do they do when they need to leave? how are they feeling?
aemond is a busy man, especially when his older brother takes the throne. so, more often than not, the two of you need to part, which is something he hates. he hates not knowing where you’ll be, what you’ll be doing, who you’ll be with — and it’s not a possessive thing, it’s a worried thing. he always worries something bad might happen to you, someone might do something to get back at him.
the first thing he does is reassure you that he’ll back as soon as he possibly can, worded in a way that doesn’t allow him to promise that he won’t be long, because he knows he will be. he takes your face in his hands when he utters these promises to you, looking straight at your eyes so you can see the sincerity. he places gentle kisses all across your face, smiling a little to himself when he hears your giggles. that sounds alone is enough for him to go on.
cuddles — do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?
aemond cuddles in a way that keeps you safe. when you’re in bed, he’ll lie on his back with you lay right next to him, arm draped on his front whilst his goes behind your head. he likes to way he can play with your hair between his fingers, combing it through and soothing you; he likes that he can feel you moving with his every breath as you lay upon his chest. it constantly reminds him that you’re there, that you’re real.
there’s also the times when the two of you have a somewhat free day, spending it together in the silence of your chambers reading your separate books. more often than not, you’re sat apart, trying to concentrate, but then there’s the moments when aemond just needs you that little bit closer. he’ll be sat in his chair, unable to focus with his mind constantly drifting back to you, so he gestures you over. the position isn’t exactly a completely comfortable one, but you’re close, and that’s all you care about. you’ll be sat on his lap, both arms around your middle as he carries on reading, you head on his shoulder. it just makes the silence all the more beautiful for him.
domestic — how domestic are they? do they want to settle down?
aemond can come across quite domestic, but maybe that’s just because he knows eventually, the two of you will have no choice but to be so. and, he tries, at least more than his brother did with heleana. it’s always the little things — holding your hand in a gentle grip when leaving a carriage, making sure you don’t lose your step; pulling out the chair for you and pushing you back in at feasts.
like i said, it’s his duty, so he knows he wants to settle down. but, there was a time when he never thought he would because he couldn’t find anyone who would want to settle down with him, something he attributed to his missing eye. and then, he met you, and you didn’t care he had something missing. in that moment, he knew he was ready to finally begin his duties.
equal — how much effort do they put into the relationship?
aemond likes to give back as much to you as he can possibly try. of course, at first, he didn’t know how to properly do what you do to him — how is it that you’re able to make him blush when he’s never done so before; how is it that you’re capable of causing his heart to beat at rapid pulses?
aemond simply wanted to make you feel as loved as you made him feel. what type of husband would he be if he couldn’t do that for his very own wife? so, until he could finally figure out what got your heart racing, he’s definitely thinking of different ways to make you fall more impossibly in love with him.
fiancé — how are they in an engagement?
when aemond finally warms up to the idea of possibly being in a marriage alliance that could make him happy, he somehow turns it into the perfect betrothal.
he makes sure to spend as much time with you as he possibly can whenever he’s free, learning all your likes and dislikes, what your favourite hobbies are, etc. not only does he want to know everything he can about you, but it also helps to know how to best make you smile.
if he learns that you like to read, best believe he’s spending time with you in the library, the both of you talking about your favourite books; if you like to embroider, he’s definitely asking heleana if you can join her, making even sitting in silence with you as you converse with his sister.
aemond wants to make your life as easy as he can, and he knows that by reassuring you during your engagement that you’ll be safe and even potentially happy with him is just the first step.
gentle — how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
how is it that aemond can be both gentle and aggressive? to anyone looking in from the outside, he’s a rock, as hard as stone and the only expression you’ll find on his face is a smirk. he’s willing to prove himself to anyone — show how much of a warrior he is now that he’s practiced almost as much as he’s breathed.
but to you, behind the privacy of your chamber doors? it’s almost like he’s trying to handle a butterfly. he’s so nervous that maybe his rough, calloused hands will be too harsh on you, that his attempt at a smile might look a little too like a smirk. but, he tries, and that’s all you can ask of him.
hugs — do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?
aemond is not a hugger. he finds it almost too intimate, too uncomfortable. when you first tried to hug him, all he felt was tense and stiff. none of it felt right.
now, he’ll give in to a hug on certain occasions, like when you’re upset — especially when you’re upset. the moment he sees your teary eyes and quivering lips, he’s instantly wrapping you in his embrace, forgetting all about the fact that on a normal day, he’d hate it. but, he knows you need comforting, and he’s willingly to do just about anything to make you feel better.
aemond’s hugs, despite not being used to them, feel like a protective circle, more so when you’re in need of comforting and he’s using the tightest grip he has on you. it’s like he needs you to know that he’s there, that he’s close by, that his body is always going to be entwined with yours.
i love you — how fast do they say the words?
it takes aemond forever — i’m talking years. again, though, can you really blame him when he’s not even sure what love actually is? he wasn’t shown barely even a smidge growing up — how’s he supposed to know that’s what he’s feeling every time he looks at you?
but, even when he finally figures it out, you best believe he’s keeping that secret to himself for a while longer. the idea of you not feeling the same way, of you feeling repulsed, of you laughing at his face for even thinking such a way is such a terrifying thought for him, he’d be to worried to ever confess.
when he eventually does, however, he’s not even aware he’s saying the words until his mind fully focuses on the expression you’re giving him. the two of you were in bed, you lay on top of him, your finger mindlessly running circles on his chest after spending your time intimately together. you were telling him about your day, how happy you’d been to spend it with heleana and how she always manages to make you feel young again, when the words just flew through him mouth.
needless to say, after that moment and the way you so lovingly reacted to it, aemond loves to whisper it in your ear.
jealousy — how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?
aemond doesn’t like to admit, but he gets jealous more often than not. he’s fallen far and hard, and the idea of you ever falling for someone else, or someone trying to, it scares him.
he keeps his cool as best as he can, clenching both his jaw and his fists, hoping that the lord who offered you to dance at the feast won’t try to pull anything that will make him want to break his neck.
and, he’ll just stew in his jealousy until the whole things over. he’ll never take it out on you, because he knows you couldn’t exactly say no when a lord asks you to dance. and, he knows he’ll never have to courage to do what they can — he can’t dance with you in front of everybody, but he sure as hell can when your in your chambers, and you’re always there to reassure him that you’d take him over any lord for the rest of your life.
kisses — what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?
for the longest time, aemond’s kisses are just pecks, and only across the back of your hand. when he started to get bolder the closer your relationship became, he’d peck your cheeks, your forehead. he was scared when he first kissed your lips, again just a peck, but after that first time, his hands cupping your face in such an intimate way, he couldn’t help himself. his kisses are still soft, but there’s a greediness to it, one that shows how starving he is for more of you.
aemond fucking loves it when you kiss his scar — he’s never felt so much love in his entire life. the way you never try to pressure him to take the patch off, your thumbs stroking soothingly against the white mark before placing such a gentle caress of a kiss against it? god, he’d do anything for you when you do that to him.
little ones — how are they around children? how many do they want?
aemond isn’t the best around children, never really know how best to act, or what to say, or worried he might come across as some monster just from the sight of him alone. but, when heleana had the twins, something in him changed. he cared for them unconditionally, allowing them to pull on his hair and climb on him just because they were bored. being an uncle made him realise that maybe one day he could do the same with his own children.
he would want as many kids as you would allow him — he’d definitely want to be the next jaehaerys when it comes to all his heirs. he couldn’t think of anything better than having a big family with you, uncaring as to whether they were all boys, all girls or a mixture of both. aemond would want boys for the longest time, teach to be fierce warriors and have them protect your family, but as the time got closer, he’d secretly start wanting a girl, who he’d raise the same and love all the more.
morning — how are mornings spent with them?
mornings with aemond are rare. more often than not, he’s unfortunately called for some business or counsel meeting he really couldn’t be bothered for, having to leave your warm embrace for a cold welcome somewhere else.
but, on the rare occasions where he somehow managed both the old gods and the new to allow him a free morning, you spend it stuck against one another, allowing yourselves more time to sleep in.
night — how are nights spent with them?
nights with aemond are either spent with the two of you wrapped in bed, on the chairs by the fire — but, either way, the two of you are full of conversation. it can be spent with whatever you’ve done during that day, or how you’re thinking of spending the next one.
aemond always makes sure someone has your fire going and a bath reading before either of you arrive there. he likes it when you have baths together, facing the window as you just look out at the sky. you could be spending it in silence for all he cares, as long as it’s just the two of you, he doesn’t care.
open — when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait to reveal things slowly?
it would take aemond so long to open himself up to you, even when it came to the little things about him.
in order to do so, he felt as though he needed to know more about you first — about whether you would even be worthy of nothing all the ins and outs of him. and even then, when he finally understood you completely, it was nerve wracking for him, coming clean and being vulnerable with anyone.
aemond definitely took his time opening himself up, too, in the sense that he wouldn’t unload everything onto you at once. he would just subtly mention something he hadn’t told you before whenever it felt right in the middle of a conversation — and one thing he loved about you, was that you never made a big deal out of it. you just took the information in with a small smile on your face and carried on.
patience — how easily angered are they?
like i said before, this man gets jealous easy, and the same goes for his anger.
we all know what aemond is like and the shit he's been through, so is it really any surprise?
but he's good at hiding it - he does that smirk of his and his eyes narrow dangerously. to anyone else but you, they'd just think that was his resting expression.
however, when others take it just a little too far?? with you?? yeah, they're dead, the blood of the dragon comes out in him for sure.
he tries not to maim them too much for your sake, but he's definitely fed a few people to vhagar because they insulted you.
quizzes — how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or forget everything?
aemond remembers everything.
he doesn't talk much; her prefers to listen, so he's very attentive with you. during your courting days, when you were getting to know one another more properly, he'd learned everything about you and made sure to keep it all locked within a little safe in his mind.
he'll remember all dates you consider important so he can do something special for you; he'll remember your favourite book so he can make sure you always have a spare with you; he'll remember your favourite flowers so he can spoil you rotten with them.
the list is simply endless with this man.
remember — what is their favourite memory of your relationship?
the day he finally revealed his sapphire to you.
it was one of his biggest worries; you'd not long been married, and you were getting along so well, he was terrified that the moment you laid eyes on it, you were going to run.
he couldn't stand the idea of you leaving him, of thinking him less than because of his scars.
but, it happened in the spur of a moment type of way - you'd wanted to see all of him for a while now but you didn't want to push him, and whilst the two of you were kissing heatedly in your rooms, one of your hands repeatedly got stuck between his eye patch and his hair. without even realising what he was doing, aemond took it off.
the silence was deafening as you gazed upon him, all of him, and aemond swore he could feel his heart in his throat.
all of that changed when you smiled at him as you always had done, filled with such love and admiration, and you carried on like nothing happened.
aemond knew from that moment on there was no other explanation other than you were put on this world just for him.
security — how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?
aemond targaryen? protective? they're basically synonyms.
fr though, all aemond is thinking about is where you are and whether you're safe, but not in an overbearing, possessive way. he just knows that you're his biggest weakness, and it's probably painfully obvious to everyone else.
when you're apart, aemond always makes sure you have at least 3 of his most trusted guards with you at all times, even if you're only spending the day in the library.
when you're together, aemond's protective in the little ways. it's important to him that you're always on his good side, allowing him to see where you are and who else is nearby in case they try anything; if you're a little bit in front of him, he'll have his hand on the small of your back, for his sake more than yours, but if you're standing next to one another, he asks you to put his arm through his, the comfort of your presence giving him ease.
aemond knows you're not an overly protective person, but he absolutely adores it when you stand up for him, defending his honour when you hear someone slander him, be it for his looks or his demeanour. he loves how angry and protective you get over him, and he wouldn't want you to do anymore than that.
try — how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts?
aemond's a 50/50 guy when it comes to stuff like this.
you mean a lot to him, and he'll do almost anything to put a smile on your face, so long as it's just between the two of you.
he won't want to do anything too extravagant or adventurous; the most it's gone has been when he took you flying on vhager for the first time.
he likes to keep it kind of low key. he make sure you have several bouquets of your favourite flowers in your rooms for you; the cooks have prepared your favourite breakfast, dinner and deserts; and he'll make sure he spends the entire day with you, clearing off anything else he needs to do and shoving it away for another day.
ugly — what are some bad habits of theirs?
aemond is big on silent treatment.
he didn't talk about any of his feelings when he was younger, and unfortunately, it's something he ended up taking with him as he grew older.
you know he tries his absolute hardest to not give you the silent treatment, but when it's been engrained within your brain your entire life, it's easier said than done. he knows you hate it, and it's something he's definitely trying to work on for you.
another thing would be his anger towards others. with you, he never gets angry, because how could he ever get angry at his sweet little wife? but with others, he's brutal.
it's another thing you hate when he does, the way he so callously beats and maims others for something you wouldn't think deserve such a punishment.
vanity — how concerned are they with their looks?
aemond's not exactly concerned, but he is cautious.
when he looks at you, all he sees are the stars in your eyes and the goddess far above within your features. and standing next to him, he knows it has to be such a sight.
he's always been one to take care of his hair - it's just his eye.
he doesn't like the way it stands out so brutishly against your shining figure, dark and cruel.
of course, the start to changing his way of thinking happens after he reveals his eye to you, and he realises that it only matters what you think, no one else.
whole — would they feel incomplete without you?
oh, yes.
beforehand, aemond never wanted a wife, he never wanted a family, he just simply wanted to protect his family like the dutiful son he was.
but once you've fallen into his dark embrace and he's finally gotten a taste of what marriage life is supposed to be like, aemond can't imagine anything any other way.
xtra — a random headcannon for them!!
aemond loves it when you take care/pamper him.
it's something he struggled to admit to himself, let alone to you, but once you're past that barrier, it's one of the things he looks forward to at the end of his day.
you'll have a bath prepared for him, dismissing the maids because no one takes care of him like you do, and you'll help wash him sensually, cleaning his hair and massaging his shoulder of all the knots built up.
he loves it when you play with his hair - washing it, brushing it, stroking it, you name it.
it just makes aemond feel so loved.
yuck — what are some things they wouldn’t like, in general or in a partner?
when your courting started, one of the most important things to aemond was that you got on with his sister, heleana.
he wasn't entirely bothered if you didn't get on with his mother because he knows she can be intimidating sometimes, and he definitely didn't care when it came to aegon.
but with heleana, he needed it to happen.
for aemond, it spoke a lot about the other person. if they didn't like heleana, for whatever excuse they may come up with, there had to be something wrong with him, they had to have been a bad person somewhere inside.
definitely off-putting for him.
zzz — what are their sleep habits?
he's a light sleeper in every sense.
he feels the wind coming through the open window? he's awake. he hears a rustle from outside his doors? he's awake. he feels you move slightly against him in your sleep? he's awake.
aemond is never really fully asleep, but it does get better once you start to sleep next to him.
he's always made sure you sleep the furthest away from the door, a habit he'll never get rid of for your safety.
he likes to have you as close to him as possible, wanting to feel your skin against his own for his comfort, no matter if it's the hottest summer known to man.
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indecisive-capricorn · 7 months
Headcanons to Miguel O'Hara x Pregnant Reader:
WARNINGS: There will be a bit of angst, grief, mentions of child loss, but loads of fluff.
SUMMARY: Getting pregnant is one thing, but how will your beloved partner, Miguel O'Hara, react to it when he finds out? And how will he be like throughout your pregnancy?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I have been noticing that for the last few months, the Miguel O'Hara imagines are decreasing and I am still very high in my reader phase for him, so in an attempt to feed my fellow still on high Miguel O'Hara lovers, I'll be posting several imagines or headcanons for him. Apologies if it's a little rough, been some time since I made a headcanon.
MASTERLIST: Feel free to check out my other works! :)
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When you first found out you were pregnant, you were quite unsure what to do. It wasn't as if you were afraid that Miguel might abandon you or anything, but because of what had happened with Gabriella, you knew children was a very sensitive topic for him.
You had talked with Miguel in the past about children and he considered the possibility of having children with you in the future but he didn't feel as if he was ready for kids yet. He was still grieving over Gabriella and you didn't blame him. She was his kid and no parent should ever have to endure the feeling of losing their child, but he has to and it was a scar that he would bring along with him throughout his life.
That was the reason why you are quite nervous to tell Miguel the news and you actually tried to keep it hidden from him for some time. You managed to do a good job at it but it also made you accidentally distant yourself from Miguel too.
Miguel was quick to catch on that something was wrong. Look, you can be the greatest liar in the world and he will still manage to find out your deepest secrets without needing you to tell him any of them. But even before you distant yourself from him, Miguel was able to sense the changes your body was going through. He wasn't precisely sure what it was but he knew something was different and you could blame it on his spider senses for giving him the ability to know that.
Miguel thought you were on your period at first and needed space, but he grew suspicious when your behaviour still had't changed after a few weeks.
And that was when he decided to confront you about your behaviour. He missed your light touches, your cuddles and your daily kisses, especially the cheek kisses you usually give him every morning before going to work or before going on a long mission. He missed pulling you into his arms while sleeping in bed with you, only to have you scooting to the far side of the bed the last few weeks. He missed you so much and he was hurt by your actions as well.
Even with how nervous you were, you didn't want to hide the truth from Miguel any longer, so you told him about your pregnancy.
Shock was an absolute understandment to describe Miguel's reaction to the news. Like, all the signs of your pregnancy the past few weeks came up to him in large capital letters. He should've known from it all but then again, even if you were already displaying a small baby bump, Miguel would only believe it once you actually said it to him.
Miguel would be happy next and he'll be kissing your cheek. He'll say that it is a wonderful news and would ask you for more details about the pregnancy and the baby's health. He'll be quite joyful about it but you knew that there was more to it than that.
You knew your partner better than anyone in the multi-verse and you knew for a fact that while Miguel was more than happy and excited about the news, you also knew that Miguel felt very scared. He was scared that he might fail to protect you and the baby the same way he failed to protect Gabriella. He would swear to you on that day that no harm would ever come to you or the baby as long as he's alive, but it still didn't vanish the fear inside him.
It is something Miguel can't control. Ever since Gabriella died, Miguel had closed off almost everyone in order to protect himself from losing more loved ones. It changed when he met you. You had slowly but surely began to tear down his walls, and encourage him to fight his fears.
His fears continues to stay in him, but you are always there to assure and remind him that you and the baby will be with him for a very, very long time.
After he has gotten over his initial worries and fears, Miguel will be celebrating the news with you. It could be going to your favourite restaurant for dinner or even something as simple as going to the park for a walk and get ice cream. It didn't matter how they celebrate it as long as his beautiful baby mama is happy.
Miguel is the type of person who reads every pregnancy book he can get his hands on. He'll also be taking notes of every word the doctor says during your pregnancy and Miguel will be the one to ask the doctor lots of questions in each appointment. The doctor might think you love to chat and talk about the baby but boy, Miguel could be bringing a whole damn book filled with questions about the baby and your pregnancy, and that wouldn't even be enough to stop him from asking. Miguel is actually tempted to get a personal doctor for you. The guy is filthy rich after all, but you protested against the idea and he decided not to. Of course, he'll secretly have a personal doctor in his contacts and if you ever found out about it, he'll just say it's a precaution.
Speaking of being filthy rich, when it comes to buying things for you and the baby, there is no budget. Before you were pregnant, you still somehow managed to convince him to give a limit when it comes to spending his money, but after he finds out you're pregnant? Yeah no, Miguel will be spending a shit ton of money because it's the love of his life and the mother of his child we're talking about here! He's not paying attention to the price tags, just paying attention to the quality because Miguel only wants the best of the best for his family.
One of the things Miguel knows is really important is quality time and throughout your pregnancy, he tries to be less at work. Miguel can't be out of work completely since the multi-verse needs him, but he can find people to cover his work while he's away to spend time with you.
Miguel is overprotective of you. He has always been protective and perhaps a tad possessive before, especially when there are other guys around, but he is much more protective when you're pregnant. Miguel knows you're not fragile. Hell, he worked with Jessica while she was heavily pregnant and she could have still easily beaten his ass. But there's this instinct that keeps on urging him to just be on guard all the time and because of it, Miguel is always on guard, unless you two are at home alone together.
Miguel adores your growing baby bump. It could still be a small one and Miguel would already be in love with it. He is always touching your stomach, either caressing it gently or leaving several kisses, and this continues on as it grows over time. Miguel's eyes will shine brightly whenever he feels the baby kick.
With that being said, every wish you make is Miguel's command. He will do anything and everything to make you as comfortable and relaxed as you can be. Swollen feets? Miguel's there to massage them. Late night cravings? Miguel's already on the way to the grocery store to buy the ingredients. Suddenly bursting into tears because of your hormones? Miguel's immediately there to comfort you.
Miguel doesn't usually like to take pictures but he tries to take some pictures of you throughout your pregnancy and put them all in a single photo album. He'll also put in the pictures that he had kept of each ultrasound appointment into the album. He does this so that one day when the baby is finally born and has grown much older, Miguel wants to be able to remember all the times of your pregnancy. The photo album is definitely one of his most cherished things and he'll be adding more pictures to it once the baby is born.
Overall, Miguel will be a little scared at first but he will always be very supportive of you throughout your pregnancy and try to be the best partner he can be to you and be the best father to your baby.
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hcsiqs · 2 months
Kate and reader talking about baby names?😫
| i could be a good mother
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• pairing: kate martin x pregnant!reader
• summary: ^^
• warnings: zerooo
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Kate’s hands had pushed up your oversized shirt so that they could lay against your pregnant belly. You were due in only two months and still had yet to decide on a name for the little girl in your stomach.
“Mmm what about Siren?” you asked, knowing Kate would absolutely hate it.
The blonde stayed silent for a moment, almost as if she was debating on what words should leave her mouth. “That’s pretty,” she struggled to say, her eyes never leaving your stomach. “But maybe as like a middle name or something?” she suggested as a compromise.
“Don’t worry, I’m kidding,” you giggled, your hands coming to Kate’s hair to brush a few strands from her face.
Your wife let out a deep breath that she had been holding in, “Thank God. I don’t think I could have a little baby Siren running around.” You laughed in response to her sign of relief at you only joking about the baby name. “What do you think of Faye?” she asked, her blue eyes looking up at yours.
“Maybe,” you turned your head to the side before looking down at your own stomach. “I’m just scared we’re gonna pick a name and then it’s not gonna fit her,” your lips turned into a slight frown as you ran your hands up and down your stomach.
“We can always decide to change it once she’s born. Nothing has to be final until the day,” Kate smiles attempting to reassure you. “But, Faye Martin is a pretty cute name.”
You nodded your head. You couldn’t be more happier to be having this baby with the girl in front of you. You knew she was going to be the perfect mother for your children and you couldn’t wait to share all the moments of motherhood with her.
You hummed, brushing some of your hair out of your face, “How do you feel about India Faye?”
Kate smiled before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss, “I love it.”
“India Faye Martin,” you smiled down at your belly. You were so excited to meet your daughter and now that you two have a good idea of what her name could be, you were even more excited. “Hi little India,” you cooed to the baby.
“Your moms can’t wait to meet you India Faye,” she smiled before placing a kiss to your stomach, and receiving a small kick from the kid. “I think she likes her name.”
“Me too.”
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allie’s corner
someone please have her child! she’s literally gonna be such an amazing mom
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moonstarrr · 3 months
𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐩𝐭.𝟐
𝐄𝐯𝐚𝐧 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐱 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭�� 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐛 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐫
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫 : 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 :)
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You hoped that the sounds of the machines beeping around you would have distracted you at some point but it was no use. Constant hours of pain and every hour a nurse coming to check you too see how much you have any improvements on dilation has become more and more annoying.
It was now midnight and the time to finally meet your baby still seemed so far away. You were laid on your side holding on too Evan’s hand as another contraction hit you. He wrapped his arms around you and leaned into to you rubbing your back slowly and giving you kisses on your forehead.
“There you go baby, it’s almost over” He said with pity tracing his voice. Evan hated seeing you in any kind of pain at all. He would want nothing more than to give you some kind of relief but even knowing that he wasn’t capable of that hurt him even more.
A deep sigh left your lips and you loosened your grip on your husband’s hands slightly. Tears filled your eyes. The pain became more and more unbearable.
You were already too far in to even have an epidural and it killed you.
“I can’t do this anymore” you say with your voice shaking as you look up at him.
“Yes you can you’re so close just a little while longer”
As you were about to try and turn on your back you heard a knock at the door . You look up at Evan and you both shared confused looks. You weren’t expecting anyone to come by and see you.
He walks over and opens the door and he lets in Maddie, Chimney, Hen, Bobby, Athena, and Eddie.
Maddie gave her brother a quick smile and quickly passed by him making him stumble a little bit and quickly made her way over to you, she didn’t waste any time by giving you a hug.
The rest of them followed behind her and each of them giving you hugs and smiles.
“I wasn’t expecting you guys here” you said with a smile.
“Well once Buck told us you were in labor we had to stop by and wish you good luck” Hen said . You looked at Buck and raised your eyebrows, you didn’t think he was gonna tell them when you went into labor you thought he was gonna surprise them after the fact.
Maddie sat on the edge of the bed and placed one hand on your knee and looked up at you her eyes full of excitement knowing that she will soon become an aunt.
“So how are you feeling love?” She asked
“The pain is terrible I just want it to be over” you say with a sigh.
“I know how you feel girlfriend bringing a whole child into the world isn’t easy and you want to know the worst part”.
You say up even more thinking she was gonna say that there was more pain to come.
“They don’t have to experience any of this, ain’t it crazy” she said while pointing to all the men in the room. The room erupted with laughter.
After a couple minutes of conversation with everyone and jokes being said the nurse and doctor came in and told them to kindly exit the room because you had to start pushing. They waved goodbye to you and Evan wishing you guys luck.
As soon as they left that’s when things began to become more serious and fear took over you. You heard so many stories of things that have gone wrong during birth and you were praying for a smooth delivery.
“Evan I’m scared” you said while grabbing his shirt pulling him even closer to you . You didn’t want anyone close to you or anyone touching you if it wasn’t Evan. He was the only one that could provide you with comfort and stability during this time.
“Babe look at me I promise, you and baby are gonna be fine and nothing will go wrong just listen to doctors and I’ll be right here the whole time”. He says wrapping one of his arms around your shoulders and the other holding your hand.
He watches as they place your legs in stirrups. He feels his own self becoming anxious and excited but he tries his best to be the partner that you need.
“Okay on the next contraction you can push” the doctor says.
You look up at Evan and he looks back at you with pure love in his eyes. He nods his head at you and places a quick kiss on your cheek and whispers to you “you can do it”
When you start to feel the contraction you hunch forward and close your eyes. You hear the doctor counting but your drown it out only focusing on the sweet nothings Evan is whispering too you only for you to hear.
After 2 more pushes the sound of strong cries fill your ears and you open your eyes to see the doctor resting your baby girl on your chest. The nurses quickly try to clean her up, you look up to Evan and see the tears falling from his eyes and big smile on his face.
The baby you guys have been waiting for has finally made her presence and he couldn’t be happier.
You place your hand on her back and look down and take in her features and beauty. Evan placed his hand on top of yours and leaned his head on your taking in everything.
He couldn’t have been happier. It’s all he ever wanted.
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g-xix · 1 year
Pregnant | Harry Lewis
Hey girlies, here's a Harry oneshot for the W2S girls, requested by someone on Wattpad... Ik Whoetoshaw has alr done way longer + more in depth sort of oneshot for this so creds to her ofc. Here's a cute pic of Harry to prepare you tho:
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Very fitting!!! Anyways: Content: Pregnancy scare, female hormones, 2k wordcout CW's: Pregnancy scares + mentions of abortion
The two bright red lines glared up at me angrily. 
I couldn't believe it.
Slapping a hand to my mouth, I felt as though the life around me were distorting, those bright two lines indicating the new life forming in my stomach.
"Y/n? You all alright in there?" Georgia's voice called from outside the bathroom. I felt my hands shaking, I couldn't comprehend it was really true. Tears began burning in the corners of my eyes, distorting the dizzying LED's around me. There was commotion around me- a door slammed open, a familiar face with a look of horror as they looked at me- lay across the bathroom floor- I couldn't tell you what happened in the space of ten minutes, but before I knew it I was sat opposite Georgia in the kitchen- steaming mug of tea in my hands.
She looked at me sombrely, a hot mug in her hands as well.
"So, when are you gonna tell him?" She questioned, raising her mug for a sip. 
Oh God. I had to tell Harry. Boyfriend of five years, best friend, considerable soulmate.
And somehow the thought of telling him still made me pale inside.
We'd never talked about babies before... Pregnancy or even babysat for a friend! And having a baby meant a lot of responsibility we hadn't considered. We both had far too much on our plates. I had a nine-to-five, he had all of his YouTube biz, and we barely even had time or thought for holidays together, anymore.
"Soon." I gulped, palely.
"We're going out for drinks tonight- Mia and Faith coming along as well, you wanna come?" Harry mentioned casually,
"Oh, yeah sure I-" I choked on my breath as I remembered, coughing and burning my lungs as I hacked up a bit of inhaled saliva. Harry's hand found my back, slapping it as though he were trying to hit the cough out of me. "O-on other notes, I think I'll pass."
"You're not one to pass on meeting up with the girls, you got a bit extra work?" Harry questioned, face showing concern as he tried to read my expression.
I turned my back to him, facing the fridge to avoid eye contact as I responded dejectly. 
"Yeah." I spoke shortly. I could feel the burning in my lungs slowly sinking in my stomach and sitting like a volcano getting ready to erupt. Every morning, throwing up had been getting worse and worse. It felt as though no matter what I ate (or didn't eat) for dinner, every morning the sickness hit with the same knee-weakening magnitude. I was sure Harry was asleep most mornings when I threw my body over the toilet bowl, given I woke at 3am with the sickening urges. 
And I didn't want him to see me throw up all over the kitchen after missing out on an opportunity to see Faith and Mia again.
"You want me to stay? I don't mind staying in tonight if you wanna spend some time-"
"God's sake, shut up Harry." I snapped "Just go without me- I've never stopped you before, have I." 
An uncomfortable silence settled between us, tension in the room thick enough to cut with a knife. 
I didn't mean to shout at him- I don't know why I snapped. 
"S-sorry." He softly spoke, voice filled with downcasted sadness. His voice only made my heart ache more, and I turned to try and meet his eyes- babble an apology- but as I turned to try and meet his soothing blue eyes, I was instead met with the door closing behind me.
The pull on my heartstrings making the tears well in my eyes was clearly too close to the stomach- as I felt my inside swirling, bile building in my oesophagus.
Before I knew it I was back at the toilet bowl, hands clasped around the lid with my knuckles going white as I had whole body shakes. My eyes squeezed shut, throat burning as I coughed up residual acid that lingered in my throat, spitting out all that amalgamated, nauseating fluid in my mouth.
And then after the coughs, it all began dawning on me again.
No more going out for drinks.
No more spontaneous planning.
No more irresponsibility.
Those coughs began developing into dry heaves, tears trickling down my cheeks as my breathing became erratic, broken cries and raw sounds coming from a throat I couldn't even believe was my own. 
My body shook with each cry- weak and unstable- and only trembling more as I realised I wasn't just shaking myself. That tiny life form- a consequence of my carelessness- shook with me with each choked sob.
A vibration from my pocket was pulled out with quivering fingers, spotting Georgia's name.
I swiped on on the accept button, lips sealing together as I tried to zone into Georgia's voice.
"Hey girl, you doing alright?"
"M-maybe... Why, has s-something happened?"
"Not really, just wanted to know- have you told Harry yet or are you still-"
I felt that anger building inside me again. It wasn't her fucking problem- easy for her to pressure me- try and advise me and tell me I ought to tell him despite having zero fucking knowledge on what it feels like-
"GEORGIA, FUCK OFF I DON'T NEED THIS SHIT-" I threw the phone out of the bathroom door, hearing it hit one of the bedroom walls. "FUCK. OfF..."
My voice breaking was the last straw before I began losing it hysterically once more. My throat burnt as more acid crept up my oesophagus and found its way into the toilet, tears streaming down my face like a river now- chest rapidly rising and falling as I clutched at my head- everything making me light hearted.
The lights went off after that.
Pulling the pulley down, the lights went off. I didn't want to be seen. I want to see the reflection of a broken woman who I knew was myself. I cried in the dark instead of facing myself and what had happened.
Until I lay back flat against the cool tiles. I had gone through the motions. Dramatic sobs until there was no more liquid and I could only dry heave- to now- simply staring up at the ceiling, eyes tired and breathing steady with the exception of an occasional erratic choke. 
It could have been just a few minutes, or a few hours that I just lay there.
Head empty, stomach empty, body feeling completely light. As though I weren't even alive.
I felt like shit.
I shouldn't have snapped at Harry.
I shouldn't have shouted at Georgia.
I shouldn't have thrown my phone.
I'll tell him when he comes back, Georgia, I spoke internally. Promise. For you.
My mind flicked through the variety of ways he could respond to hearing it. Eventually I filtered it down to a few.
Best case scenario: He's too drunk to understand it and just falls asleep, unable to comprehend what I'd said.
Worst case scenario: He completely sobers up and tells me to leave. Get out, blocks me on everything, does everything in his power to never see me again. 
Of course, there were also a few alternatives:
Maybe he would start packing and get ready to spend the night at a friend's to sober up- not believing what he'd heard.
It was a possibility he might pass out from the news.
Or he could agree to support me, but only if I agree to abort it- him- her- whatever it was.
That final thought was sickening. I couldn't abort it. Of course - I physically could have it aborted... But I couldn't do that to something living. A part of me. I didn't like the thought of something growing inside of me- but that didn't mean I was going to be cruel enough to kill it. No matter how poorly Harry reacted.
A jangle of keys outside the door was enough to get me onto my feet- rushing back into the bedroom as I heard the front door opening.
"Y/n?" His voice called from the front room.
I jumped onto the bed, finding my phone and running my finger over the dent it had left in the wall. That would need fixing as well.
"Y/n? You around?" Harry's voice peeked around the door, finding me sat on the bed. Hands held in lap, phone clasped between shaking fingers. I looked at Harry's head, hair scruffy, and the smile on his face sincere. And the lack of redness in his eyes and cheeks gave me the impression he hadn't drank - or at least he hadn't drank much.
"You don't look like you've gone out." I commented on Harry's appearance. He smiled as he entered the bedroom, shutting his door behind him.
"Decided to skip." He responded, leaning his back against the door, holding a plastic baggie in his hands. 
You should tell him. The voice spoke in my head. I knew I should. And there was not better time than now to tell him. 
"I have something to tell you." "I have something to tell you."
I lowered my head and chucked slightly as the two of us let out laughs, our synchronisation amusing despite the fact it felt as though my heart were going to explode in my chest. 
"I'll go first," Harry offered, though I shook my head.
"No, I want to-"
"I can- I don't mind, I mean-"
"No, seriously, Harry. I've got something more... uhm, important."
I could feel tears welling in my eyes as I went. The dip in the bed and the heavy arm that made its way around my shoulder indicated Harry at my side. I couldn't hold it in as again, I felt a choked sob make its way from my lips.
"I'm pregnant, Harry-"
I cut myself off with another pathetic sob, my head burying into Harry's shoulder as he wrapped his other arm around me, cradling and rocking us back and forth. My head ached as I let myself cry onto his hoodie shoulder, my hands weakly grasping onto the soft material as the second batch of tears for the day slipped down my cheeks.
I wiped my nose, pulling away to look at my boyfriend after the worst of the sobbing was over, my tired red eyes meeting his own pacifying blue ones. 
"I know." He softly spoke, his lips curling up slightly with a small smile as he watched my expression drop to blank slate instantly. 
"W-what?" I stuttered, the words not resonating as I suddenly felt so light it were as though I weren't even there. His eyes curved into little crescents as he giggled. 
"I know, Y/n, I know, I know, I know." I closed my eyes, breathing in and out deeply, wanting to pinch my arm. Was I even awake? 
"Please explain what the hell is happening," I asked with a short laugh, still not really processing what was happening. 
"I figured, Y/n. After all the morning sickness-"
"I thought you were asleep during that?"
"I heard the end of your throwing up and toilet flush in the morning... I feel worse I always woke up too late to help you through it. But I noticed your morning sickness, not coming out to drink, the unusual mood changes..."
"Yeah, sorry for snapping at you." I chuckled, and he just rubbed my back. "So... what now?"
"Well, I went out and I got some things for us- sorry, for you." He pulled the plastic Tesco's bag from the side of the bed, digging through it. "I got you some Häagen-Dazs- the praline flavour because I know it's your favourite- and these flowers because Faith advised to get those on the phone- oh, and also-"
He pulled a fluffy piece of clothing and gestured for me to take it. I couldn't tell what exactly the item was, but as I pulled it apart, I realised it was a tiny little baby one-piece, so small it was barely the side of my head. 
It was perfect. He was perfect. My boyfriend, my baby daddy, My Harold. I felt as though I could cry again, but refrained as I turned to face Harry.
"So you're... okay with having a baby?"
"...Yeah." He began nodding his head in self-support. "We can do this."
"You aren't mad or anything?"
"Mad?" He looked aghast at the thought. "Bloody hell, no! I'm actually kind of... excited."
I couldn't believe it. A laugh fell from my lips, realising there wasn't any problems. That Harry was fine with all of it. And he supported it. Me. We were going to be fine.
"Fuck, I love you Harry."
He connected his lips with mine and I couldn't have felt happier as the fireworks in my stomach exploded, lips curling into a smile as I realised:
Maybe it was all gonna be okay.
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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luvv4j4ybe11 · 8 months
I can’t stop thinking about how neteyam n lo’ak would be with pregnant reader☹️ like they’d be the best mates ever, holding your stomach when it gets too heavy, giving you food and water, giving you scalp massages, bathing with you, whatever you need they gotchu.
But obviously, they still have duties to fulfill since they’re sons of the olo’eyktan, so whenever they get too busy that leaves you all alone. And when they finally come home, whew. Your clingy ass is all over them. Hugging them, holding their hands while smothering your face into them, whining about how much you missed them and how mean they are for leaving you by yourself.
Neteyam melts at your clingy demeanor, feeding into it with kisses and responses like “I know, babygirl. But we’re here now, do you need anything?” And you would just respond by hugging his large frame, your belly preventing you from pressing up against him more than you are.
But Lo’ak would just teases you, saying shit like “awh, what a needy little baby. Can’t leave our girl alone for a couple hours? Poor girl.” While he places his big hand on your head as you hug teyam. But all that gets from you is a little huff of ‘leave me alone..’ as you shove your face into teyams chest more. And ofc his smart ass js says sum “yeah, we did, mama. And look how that left you.” With a shit eating grin on both of their faces, and even a lil smile on yours.
All bc of this ask😭 ty @aperiraa for sending that in😩
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skymoral · 10 months
OMG!!! I’m so happy I’m the first person you wanted to request!!🥰🥰🥹🥹😭😭💕💕 THANK YOU AHGKDKGLKKD!!
Yes! I would love to do this for our sweet boi💕
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🩶 TOMAS w/ Pregnant F!Reader HEADCANNON 🩶
• You are Tomas #1 PRIORITY! Nothing matters but caring for you and his child in your womb
• if touched or harmed in anyway when you are pregnant. You’ll see that sweet collected person turn into something, people wish they kept locked away
• He dotes on you non-stop and does any and everything for you. Carry you around even, despite you saying that you can walk and your legs aren’t broken
• He showers you with kisses, loves being in the bed with you rubbing your stomach
To ease it in anyway possible, if you are in pain
• Tomas will not let you buy anything, he will fix all your meals to appease your pregnancy cravings. Even if he didn’t know how to cook
Tomas will learn or even read a book on it, or have Johnny show him cooking tutorial videos. ANYTHING! He wants to do it, because when your pregnant he’s skeptical of everyone
• Tomas does ask constantly if you are in discomfort, which you always tell him you aren’t. And if you ever were, then he will be the first to know.
• You are surprised, he’s excused of any missions. When you are pregnant, you never thought Bi-Han to care.
But it seems like Bi-Han cares about you in his own little way as a sister-in-law
• When you can’t sleep because of your cramps, Tomas stays awake with you and does everything he can to get you back asleep.
So then you won’t be the only one with no sleep lol. Couples who can’t fall asleep together stays together
“You didn’t have to stay up with me hun?”
“It is no issue for me Angel, I’m happy you were able to get some sleep.”
• When you have to bathe, Tomas helps you get in the tub. Because it is a mission impossible for you.
Sometimes when you’re not bathing alone, and want Tomas to join you. He’s always behind you supporting you in the tub
• Tomas is a very attentive lover, and handles all your needs. Whether you want him to or not
You are very thankful for your husband’s love and support, along with his family and clan.
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bethsvrse · 10 months
quackity x ready who is going thru their pregnecy? and like, how his reaction is, and how he acts when the baby is being delievered?
PAIRING Quackity x pregnant!reader
A/N sorry it took me so long to come out with this but hope you enjoy!!
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The second you thought you might be pregnant you immediately went and told Quackity
You two prided yourself on communication so it was a no brainer that you would tell him the second you missed two periods
He drove you to the nearest store, you grabbed a pregnancy test
Once you got back you did the test and you both were nervous to see the results
Quackity would be ecstatic to have a kid but with his career and all the drama happening he would be a bit iffy
The second he saw the two lines on the test though, he was jumping around in joy and was 10x happier than you
During the pregnancy, he’d be the type to never let you do anything on your own
He wouldn’t even let you pick up the tv remote
You settled into the plush cushions of the lounge, a large bowl of popcorn next to you, ready to watch your tv show. As you reached for the remote on the coffee table, a hand swiftly intercepted, and you lifted your gaze to meet the concerned expression of your boyfriend. "The doctor specifically said you need to rest, baby," he remarked, his voice laced with worry, getting up Netflix.
With an eye roll, you retorted, "Oh, come on, Quackity! I'm perfectly fine. I've got my popcorn, a drink, and I just want to catch up on my show." You told him
Quackity, maintaining his serious demeanor, questioned, "Did you carry all this yourself?" A hint of disbelief in his words.
you nodded, "Yes! Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't handle anything, love." Which caused him to reluctantly hand over the tv remote.
He’d be so down to try all your food cravings may even make a video about it but remembers that you planned not to tell his fans
When your water broke he wasted no time driving you to the hospital
It was a very long pregnancy and Quackity documented all of it for you guys to look back on
You guys didn’t want to know the gender so when he found out what it was he was so happy
It was a girl, quackity would be a great girl dad 👍
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
Sweet Baby Violet
pairing: harry styles x female reader
summary: you finally have your baby girl in your arms and nothing could take the smiles off your faces
warnings: mentions of childbirth, nothing too graphic!
a/n: i couldn’t help it, i was getting so impatient waiting so everyone meet little violet 🥹😭
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The room was quiet, somewhat gone was the antiseptic smell that had been replaced by the scent of fresh lilies, peonies and daisies. Bouquets from friends, family and connections Harry had spaced out around the private room you’d been given when you came into the hospital the day before. In your arms slept your tiny baby girl, only 4 pounds 5 ounces lay bundled up in a fuzzy blanket on your chest.
Next to you, Harry slept, a cot placed next to your bed so he could stay with you and baby violet, he wasn’t going anywhere while you two were in the hospital. Violet was absolutely beautiful, she had her daddy’s eyes and his nose, you knew right away she’d be a carbon copy of Harry. She had come early almost by a month, so she was a little small but your doctors said she was perfectly healthy, something you and Harry were more than grateful for.
It was 4pm when you and Harry were outside checking on the garden, being away on tour had you making sure to over water your flowers and vegetables that took up a good chunk of the space outside. They started out as small cramps, nothing you were super worried about, but as the afternoon kept going they kept getting stronger.
“Oh ouch, easy in there little bee”
Hearing your discomfort Harry paused, looking over at you
“Everything okay baby?”
“Yeah just uh braxton hicks I think?”
He came over his arm wrapping around your waist, the concern visible on his face, almost like he wasn’t entirely sure he believed you. It wasn’t until your water broke half an hour later that you knew they were indeed not braxton hicks.
Little squeaks caught your attention, Violets eyes opening, her little hands moving almost in slow motion. You were so enamoured with her, it was like you had been given a whole new meaning to life.
“my gorgeous girl, you have a good sleep? hmm?”
She blinked up at you, your fingers stroking her cheeks softly, seeing her in your arms almost felt like a dream, you were so enraptured with her you didn’t want to take your eyes off her incase she disappeared right in front of you.
“you’ll probably be hungry soon huh? yeah been a while since you last ate…”
Within moments she began to whine, a small laugh escaping your lips
“see? mummy knows your little faces and noises already”
Before she could get any more upset you moved your t-shirt up, getting comfortable before letting her get settled, her mouth latching on so she could breastfeed. This was a worry you had originally when you were getting closer to your due date, but Violet had no issues right away with any aspect of breastfeeding and you were so thankful for that.
Groans filled the room, your chest rising and falling, even with an epidural you still felt some discomfort
“I can’t push anymore…i-i can’t!”
Harry who had been holding a cold towel to your neck and forehead was quick to jump into action, his lips pressing a firm kiss to your forehead
“hey, hey, listen to me y/n, you can do this, you’re the strongest woman I know. you’ve spent all these months keeping our baby girl safe and healthy and now we’re about to meet her, just a few more pushes and she’ll be here, you’ve got this baby, you can do it”
Blinking back more tears of pain you nodded, the room once again filling with noises of pain until it was replaced with the cries of your daughter; Violet Anne Styles.
Harry startled in the chair next to you, his eyes opening not long after Violet had made her hungry noises, a tired smile on his face when his eyes moved to look at the two of you
“guess who’s awake baby…your daddy, he was snoring a lot wasn’t he?”
Harry rolled his eyes playfully and you chuckled, making sure not to disturb little bee as she finished up feeding. Harry’s hand coming up to smooth your hair back, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips before stretching, the cot obviously not the most comfortable thing in the world.
“she’s finished eating if you want to burp her?”
Nothing would ever beat the way Harry’s eyes lit up whenever he thought about holding Violet and being close with her. Watching as he carefully and gently picked her up, bringing her to rest on his chest as he patted her back softly, his eyes shining with tears
“i love you, i cant thank you enough for giving us a healthy baby girl, she’s so perfect…i-i just..”
Grasping his hand you nodded
“I know baby, I know…I love you too so much, i’m so lucky to experience this with you”
Harry had always been more on the emotional side, but seeing him so vulnerable, holding Violet to his chest was a sight you would never get over, he was already the best dad in the world. Of course he still had a tour to finish, but if you were both being honest it was the last thing on either of your minds.
You finally had your baby girl, and there was nowhere else you’d rather be than together, spending this time with Violet, or should we say, little baby bee..
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xotication · 3 months
horny reader who sits on ken’s lap..
ken who only leans back & says “make yourself feel good”
that is all, i fear.
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annahxredaxted · 8 months
saw your Sam and Darlin pregnancy headcanons ....
if you haven't already , could you do Milo/Sweetheart?
theyre so perfect for each other , I'd love to see Milo as a dad/caring for Sweetheart through the pregnancy aww 🙏🏽🙏🏽
OHHH YEAHHHH i mean i did do “dad milo hc” but it’s not really the same… 😏
tw: pregnancy
Milo/Sweetheart Pregnancy headcannons!
he was a little nervous because of his dad but not as much as you’d expect
“really? no fucking shit? your fucking with me! really? like really really? holy shit!”
when they tell him he immediately demands they sit down and relax, he makes them their favorite dinner and cuddles with them for a while
he stopped cussing completely by like month 5 of their pregnancy
“fu— crap i dropped my phone..”
he kisses their belly when he leaves for work
^ “bye sweetheart,” *kiss on the lips* “bye baby..” *kiss on the belly*
milo makes them sit down when their face shows even the slightest hint of discomfort
if you have long hair he will definitely hold it back during morning sickness and rub sweethearts back
he gives them loads of massages and cuddles
definitely wanted to do a maternity photo shoot
when he spoons them at night he holds their stomach
he missed one because of a job and he was pissy for a week
brushes sweethearts hair and helps them do it and stuff
he made very long name lists
sweetheart proposed the idea of a “milo Jr.” and he cried (if it’s a boy)
he makes sweetheart drink 3 full water bottles in a day
he definitely helps them wash their hair and their body and stuff in the shower
sweethearts water broke late at night, they had a few contractions before waking milo up
he didn’t panic and he was relaxed but he was STRESSED on the inside
he grabbed everything all the bags and chargers and pillows and whatever
held sweethearts hand the whole drive to the hospital
“i can turn with one hand relax..”
he didn’t faint! he was really good the whole time
he did yell at a hospital staff for making him fill out so much paperwork before getting them to a room
sweetheart had to calm him down and he felt really bad
“if you guys don’t get your heads out of your asses so you can see that their about to!—“ they put a hand on his arm and he sighed
“nevermind just give me the damn clip board..”
when baby greer was born he sobbed like a lot
“awh they look just like you sweetheart…” he said while sobbing
skin to skin almost immediately putting the baby on his bare chest
“milo give me the damn baby—“
he shushed them and smiled
he took a picture of sweetheart holding baby greer and the two of them were sleeping in the hospital bed and that’s his lockscreen and it probably will be for a while
be considered proposing for a little more security considering they had a kid now
milo has thick curly hair
guess how the baby came out?
with a full fucking head of hair
aw he plays with baby greer all the time, peek a boo and baby things
when baby greer can walk and kinda talk he plays hide and seek
hide and seek makes sweetheart nervous because they like to know where the baby is
awh they have such adorable family photos
he keeps a different picture of sweetheart and baby greer in his wallet
it’s of sweetheart kissing the baby and smiling really widely while the baby���s smile is just as wide if not more
heheheh that’s all :3
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Arthur Morgan Modern Headcannons- Pregnancy
@cantchoosejust1​ This is for you! >:)
Just some modern Arthur and how anything related to pregnancy would work, so Female reader! 
Warnings!: NSFW 18+ themes, probs gonna have a little bit of smut considering ya know, pregnancy.
Lets GO
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Okay straight from the get go, let’s get something straight.
Before you and Arthur are married you obviously had sex
and while you both did your best to be as safe as possible, getting tested, wearing condoms, birth control, the works
there were still some mishaps.
You forgot to take birth control
he got a little excited and so did you so you didn’t really stop to put on protection
There were a couple of times where you two thought you were going to prematurely be parents.
and considering this is before you’re married the two of you get a little nervous.
Not like 
“Oh god we’re having a child out of wedlock” kind of nervous
but like
oh god
this wasn’t the plan
kind of nervous.
in all reality those few scares were nothing more than scares.
Though every time you’d have a scare Arthur was nothing but supportive. Worried he wouldn’t be a good dad, or that he’d mess something up, or hell afraid that you’d have the kid and leave.
He wasn’t completely ready to be a dad, not after everything that happened with his ex and Issac, who sadly passed
But he knew if it was gonna be with you he was gonna be okay.
After you get married
and you don’t have a kid cause the scares were just scares...
The two of you will have to sit down and really talk about it.
How many kids do you want? When should you start trying? 
Do you want kids at all?
When the two of you decide you do want kids
its off from there
you just decide that no matter what the two of you will never be particularly ready for kids, no one is, so it’s best to just let nature take its course, not to try and force it
so the only change in the two of your lives is stopping your pills and you don’t have to spend cash on condoms anymore.
You and Arthur are both really surprised that you haven’t gotten pregnant before.
I mean
the man has
a breeding kink
i mean
One night, you and him go out drinking together, and you go to a small bar in town, hardly any people there, but you went with John and Abigail on their date night 
and my god
Arthur wasn’t dressed fancy by any means
did he look good.
Still smeared with grease from working on cars all day, a tank top on showing off all the tattoos on his arms, and tight fitting jeans that framed those massive thighs of his just right
You literally apologized to John and Abigail and made him take you home.
He was confused at first but when the two of you get in the truck and he starts to worriedly ask you how you’re doing you simply tell him “drive” 
He does and when you hit the road you put your hair in a ponytail and get him worked up.
You were lucky you were on the back roads, that man was swerving all over the road, trying to use one hand to guide your head and the other to drive.
By the time you get home he’s got a stain on his pants and a second hard on
He takes the lead from there 
and let me tell you
after you literally pried him away from a bar to show to him just how turned on you got from him? 
He’s completely overcome
He nearly kicked the door in when you got him, and he carried you to the bedroom, his hands gripping your thighs without remorse. 
And when he has you on the bed 
he’s fantastic
He gets you worked up easy, I mean, you were already, but he makes sure you’re good and ready and then things get hot and heavy.
He’ll fuck you until you’re screaming, begging.
Your legs quivering and tears coming from your eyes
and the whole damn time he’s got that fucking smirk of his on his face, and that deep voice praising you, telling you what a good girl you are.
Not only that but when he’s close to finishing, and you’re close to finishing what has to be like your fifth climax, if you wrap your legs around him so he can’t pull out and tell him to fill you up he’ll bust right there.
The thought of you taking all of him, and he means all of him, turns him on to no end.
To know that a part of him is in you
and hell
when he’s finished if he pulls out and his seed doesn’t exactly want to stay where it’s meant to be, he’ll gently push it back into you, muttering “Atta girl” as you whimper from the feeling.
After a night like that?
You had to be pregnant
I mean
come on
You even did that whole put your legs up to help it move down thing
you were exhausted so Arthur actually did it, holding your ankles with one hand and trying to slip boxers on with the other.
It was very entertaining for your lustfilled mind.
Within the next few weeks
About a month and a half later
you start to get really sick
that good old morning sickness
and the tests had been coming up negative so you’d thought that it hadn’t worked
out of curiosity 
you took another one at work, one that you’d bought on your lunch break, and when you check it and it comes back positive you nearly scream at the top of your lungs with joy.
You’re bursting to tell Arthur when you get home and the whole drive back to the house after work you’re singing with the windows down.
You head straight to his shop, you don’t even think about going home, and you smile happily to see that both Charles and John are also in the shop
He’ll greet you with a smile and a kiss and ask you what has you so chipper.
“Arthur I’ve got news!” 
“What’s that Darlin’? You finally get that promotion?” 
“Uh...A bonus?” 
“Aw shit, I ain’t ever gonna get....Holy shit you’re pregnant ain’t you?” 
“You’re gonna be a dad Arthur.” 
“Holy Shit! I’m gonna be a dad!” 
He nearly bursts with joy himself and he grabs Charles and John by the shoulders, laughing with that hearty laugh of his, and then you.
He kisses you so deeply its as if he’s never kissed you before.
He’s never been so excited to call Hosea in his life, he’s practically pacing as he wipes his greasy hands on a towel and grabs his phone 
He’s got Hosea on speed dial and as soon as he picks up the phone he tells him to find Dutch too
He simply
“Y/N’S Pregnant!” 
Then from the speaker phone 
“That’s my boy!”
The two of them argue for a while but in the end congratulate you.
From that moment on, throughout the entirety of your pregnancy Arthur is INCREDIBLY protective over you
I mean
even in the early stages
You aren’t allowed to lift heavy things
you’re two months in 
not allowed to lift anything over ten pounds
Arthur’s rules
If you wanna go out he wants to go to.
If you don’t let him, he’ll understand, but he’s gonna call you at least once every hour to make sure nothing happens to you or the baby
He drives you everywhere if he’s able.
That way if a crash happens he can blame himself for anything that happens to you or the baby rather than you blaming yourself for something happening to the baby
He reads up on anything thats baby related
hospital procedures
the best baby things to buy
the best cribs
pack n’ plays
anything he can get his oily mechanic hands on
he spends like 
95 percent of his time on his phone now doing research and keeping notes
when you’re overcome with morning sickness he’s right there holding your hair and offering you saltines
when your cravings come
no matter how late or how early
hes there
“I want thin mints”
“Ain’t even girl scout season.”
“Arthurrrrrr I want cookiesss.”
*Deep sigh followed by the sound of a very large man leaving his very comfortable bed to get his very hot wife some very good cookies from the nearest open store.*
“Arthur! Can we stop at a Rally’s?”
“There ain’t a Rally’s within like fifteen miles of us, that’s like me takin’ you all the way to Texas Roadhouse Darlin’.”
“An hour ain’t that long of a drive.” 
*Puts on your favorite country music because if you cry he will cry.*
He demands that the baby is gonna be a boy
you think it’s a girl
the joke is on the both of you when you go to your fifth or sixth month check up and
BAM fuckin
apparently somewhere on Arthur’s biological side he’s got twins cause now you do
And it is offical
there’s a girl and a boy
He was ready for one but now two?
you on the other hand
you just think 
“Im already huge im just gonna get bigger”
Arthur nearly slaps you but instead gives you an angry glare
he goes straight back to research, considering he now has an entirely different set of information to understand
all the twin things
now hes gotta buy double of things
His whole family is chipping in too
not just the two of you, everyone is absolutely PREPARED
for these babies
and obviously 
Karen and the other girls throw a shower for you
which you cry at
i mean
ya know
and you end up telling them all how much you love them
and appreciate them and
Literally have so much stuff theres no room in that tiny little ranch house, and it already needed upgraded anyway
Arthur inlists the help of his brothers, and his fathers
Bill, Javier, John, Charles, Lenny, Sean, Hell Dutch even actually lifts a finger and you get to sit back and watch as they build a huge add on to your house
That was a day and a half
it was hot, so you were suffering with a massive stomach 
Arthur was practically stripping for you so that was fantastic
not fantastic for him
because after everyone left you practically jumped his bones
I mean
you couldn’t do a lot
but he got the vibes
he was nervous
i mean
theres babies in there
but like
he’s never seen you so fuckin riled up and the fact that you were pregnant and STILL wanted him??
He couldn’t resist
I mean
You were too big to do the normal stuff but 
You found your ways to be sensual with each other
He found a way
The two of you on your side for slow evenings, behind you with gentle thrusts, very slow, and not exactly hot so much as intimate
He just fucks you from behind.
I mean
you can still bend, just don’t lay on your stomach lmao
Doggie style for the win
He’ll run his fingers over your pregnant belly and tell you just how beautiful you look to him with his kids in there
To him
never been a more beautiful thing in his life
Its on one of these very intimate nights, when you’re heavily pregnant, I mean
nine months
that your water breaks
you’d both passed out, but you woke up with just that
and you shook him awake
to which he responded with
“Darlin’ please, I gotta refill I can’t go again just yet-” With a very groggy sleepy wave your way
only for you to slap his hand gently
“It’s time you dork, I’m having these babies whether you like it or not.” 
literally it takes all of five seconds and he’s slipped off the bed, onto the floor with a thud and then he’s up onto his knees looking at you with his hair all disheveled and eyes wide.
“It’s really time?”
“It’s time.”
He literally wanted to carry you to the car
but you wouldn’t let him throw his back out just because he wanted to do everything
so you waddle to the car and he’s rushing around, grabbing prepacked bags, making sure he doesn’t miss a single one
He grabs reading material
your favorite blanket
the keys to the new minivan you made him get.
and he throws everything in and rushes you to the nearest hospital
he’s cursing the whole time he drives, trying to figure out how to use the newer technology in the van
it has bluetooth for your phone
and he can’t for the life of him figure out how to use it to call 
So he finally says fuck it and asks you politely to call everyone
you just call dutch
because he’s a gossip
and he answers angry at first but then is like
oh shit
3 am
she’s doin the shit
and then he’s like “We’ll be there!” 
and from there he hangs up and he’ll go about getting literally the entire van der linde group rounded up
you get to the hospital easily
Arthur pretty much attempts to get you the best room available
and does everything in his power
hes a little mean to nurses but then immediately apologizes because hes just so nervous that he’s gonna fuck up but all the nurses are incredibly kind and explain that they understand
and that he’s not the worst they’ve seen and thank him for at least taking the time to apologize for his momentary rudness.
Eventally everyone is in the waiting room and Arthur has to run back and forth to give updates
he is running on pure spite, anxiety, fear, and all of the expresso he can get his hands on
he feels so bad
he holds your hand 
and he doesn’t give a shit how hard you squeeze he wants you to be okay
he’d take away all your pain if he could
Every scream literally almost makes him cry
he tells you that you’re doing so good, and that you’re gonna be the absolute best mother anyone could ask for 
and that he’s gonna be by your side for every up and down
So when you get one baby out he’s relieved 
but then remembers that you have another to push out
and that theres still a placenta that you have to push out
and so
He literally doesn’t leave your side
kissing your forehead, squeezing your hand, doing whatever you need him to do
and then
you finally get everything done
you’re exhausted
you’re tired
you have two beautiful children
it took you thirteen hours
but they’re there and it was worth it
the boy
you name Issac, with Arthur’s permission
He literally cries in thank you for that.
The girl you name after your mother, which he was happy to agree to
you think the two look like him
but he swears that they look like you
You can see his nose in them, and his lips
but he thinks that they have your lips
they definitely have his eyes, both of them strikingly blue
they were both born with full heads of hair too, just the same color as Arthur’s 
When everyone else meets them 
it’s just a room full of crying adults
they all praise you for doing such a good job at giving birth and they cry at how beautiful your children are
and eventually Arthur shoos them out 
and the two of you sit and hold the twins, smiles on your face, you finally had the start of your already huge family.
You couldn’t be happier
and Arthur?
That man has never smiled any wider than he did when he was taking a picture of you, his beautiful wife, and his two wonderful twins laying on your chest
Later you see him change his phone screen to that picture, it’s his lockscreen and his homescreen, and your profile picture in his contacts followed my (My love)
He’s sappy like that
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jun1sb0r3d-af · 1 year
Thinking ‘bout..
Husband!Leviathan being more nervous than you when you were giving birth to your first child than he passes out while being in the delivery room w you.. But once he woke up you were done pushing so he rushes to your side and tells you to rest for a while and then waits for you to be the one to wake up.. And as soon as you wake up, Levi is alrdy holding ur child :)).. As soon as he sees you wake up he gives u the baby then asks if u want anything, if you say yes then he’ll be zooming down to the hospital’s stores and buying almost everything in the store, but if you say no he’ll jst stay by your side w the baby in ur hands while he well.. tears up abit😭
Once the doctor comes to ask what the child’s name would be, Levi alrdy suggests a name that’s from a character in a game😃
•You guys decide the name and the gender of the baby, the hair color < 3
•I think Levi as a dad would be cool but I think he’d be WAYY too cautious..
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1jemmagirl22 · 9 months
"We should get you out of the workshop more often."
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Top 23 ships I loved(Or more accurately became obsessed/re obsessed with) in 2023, ranked:
19; Genya Safin and David Kostyk, Shadow and Bone
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soapymess · 1 year
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asks are very much open for mpreg stuff with these fellows and more
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