shamelessexplosions · 7 months
What I've learnt about the Batfamily from Tumblr
I know nothing about Batman - I have never read a comic, I have never watched a Batman series or cartoon or movie with him in it (except from that one scene at the end of wonder woman). This is what I have learnt about the members of the Batfamily entirely from tumblr and other social media.
1. Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne is Batman, and his superpower is being richer than God.
He lives in a mansion in Gotham, which is basically a city entirely made up of psychos
He cannot stop adopting children
Like I'm pretty sure he sees a child on their own with a vaguely traumatic backstory and has to adopt them.
Probably carries adoption papers in his utility belt for that very purpose
I'm not entirely sure how many children he has but that's okay because I don't think he knows either.
When he's in the mask his voice is really deep and he keeps saying "I'm Batman"
When he's not he acts like a complete idiot but probably tips a waitress by paying for their collage tuition
His parents are dead and this is very important - in a world of orphans, he is THE orphan
2. Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne's oldest adopted son
He was in the circus as an acrobat until his parents died in front of him
I think they were murdered
He was the original Robin
Then he got bored or something and moved to somewhere called bludhaven which honestly sounds Norwegian, and renamed himself Nightwing.
Has extreme big brother energy
3. Jason Todd
Robin #2 because apparently there's a second one
I think he met Bruce after stealing the tires off Batman's car (the batmobile?) and then hitting him with a tire iron which is such a power move, especially for some random kid
He died but it's ok because he fell in a pit and got better
He renamed himself red hood and became a mass murderer for a bit
I think it was just a phase?
He was trained in the way of murder by someone called Talia. He either slept with her or was adopted by her.
I hope it's the second one because I know Bruce slept with her
Likes guns
4. Tim Drake
I think he stalked batman until he found out he was Bruce Wayne
In other words this random kid did what no megalomaniac with a grudge against the furry that routinely beats them up could
But then I think he was Bruce's neighbour pre-adoption so maybe he just noticed batman flying out from under the mansion each night, which says something problematic about his secret identity
He became robin too like how many robins does one city need?
Jason refers to him as 'replacement' which seems cold given 1. He himself was a replacement and 2. tim got replaced as well
I think he's Red Robin now, so clearly not too interested in change.
5. Damien Wayne
Bruce's biological son with the aforementioned assassin/murder trainer Talia.
Was in something called the League of Assassins but left to find his father, which given the name is the League of Assassins sounds like a smart life choice
Talia may have sent Damien to Bruce so she didn't have to deal with a teenager, but it also sounds like he left after an argument with his grandfather and League head-honcho Ra's so not sure whats going on there
Also Robin but I think at this point someone is taking the piss - possibly Batman
Feral Child(tm)
Likes swords
6. Cassandra (Cassie/Cass) Cain?
Maybe her surname is cain? Or maybe it's not?
I'm really confused because I'm pretty sure there is both a Cass and a Cassie in the Child-soldier Justice League and I think one of them is a bat-family member and one of them has something to do with Wonder Woman and they may or may not be the same person
Was an assassin involved in the same organisation as Jason and Damien
Is this where Bruce Wayne is finding his kids?
Was a Robin too (yay for feminism, boo for originality? Get some other names for your feral murder children Bruce)
Now called Spoiler and likes purple
May have at one point been batgirl?
7. Duke ???
Honestly I have no idea, I've just seen his name a couple of times
He was probably Robin at some point - they all appear to have been Robin at some point
I think he likes the colour yellow
8. Stephanie Brown
Another person that I have only vaguely seen the name of
She might have dated one of the batkids, Tim maybe?
May or may not be a batkid herself
May be batgirl, or maybe that was Cassandra, or maybe both. There have been so many robins nothing would surprise me
9. Barbara (Babs) Gordon
Daughter of a police commissioner
Her father may or may not be aware of her extracurriculars, but Commissioner Gordon has a massive flashlight for summoning batman when he needs help with a case so I don't think he has any room to talk
Goes by Oracle
Not a proper batkid but I doubt that stops her being on the family Christmas card
May have at one point been a Batgirl?
But at this point I'm just guessing everyone was batgirl
Maybe Duke was batgirl!
May use a wheelchair but I'm not certain
10. Alfred Pennyworth
Indeterminate age, may be immortal
Bruce's bulter
Raised Bruce Wayne, but still calls him 'Master Bruce'
Also refers to the batkids as 'master xx'
May or may not be sarcasm
English, ex-army and all-round exceedingly polite badass
Correction, he's English, I can say with confidence it is sarcasm
That is all the people I can think of, sorry if I missed anyone
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0verseer-o9 · 11 months
I hope that people don’t stop talking about the genocide happening in Palestine
There’s been a lot of times where people pay attention to stuff like that for a week or so before they completely forget about it
I hate how people see movements about people’s rights and lives as “trends” that can make you feel better about yourself for reposting and boycotting for like a week before going silent and back to supporting brands that contribute to the deaths of the innocent
Don’t shut up about Palestine and don’t treat it like the trend
Also a link for more information about Palestine
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raointean · 27 days
Just got done reading @ruffoverthinksthings series about religion on the Isle of the Lost, which ended with Jay's first real encounter with Islam.
For context, in that series of posts, Jafar is a major heretic and hates anything having to do with Islam (and religion in general) and would HATE if Jay started following it.
Building off of that last one where Jay visits the rundown mosque on the Isle, he goes leaves and thinks about what he was told. The rules don't make a lot of sense to him, but the sheer contrast between the order and goodwill of religion vs. the chaos and backstabbing of the Isle... piques his interest.
He goes back on a Friday a few days later, not because he's looking to convert, he's just curious (or so he tells himself). He hides in the back corner of the men's section (not that it does much. There's only about a dozen people there) and just watches.
After the service, Mhira talks to him and ends up offering to help him with his Arabic. There's not a lot of Arabic texts on the island, so Jafar mostly taught him with handwritten stuff when Jay was a kid. By the time he's in his teen years, he's out of practice and has forgotten half of it.
Next thing Jay knows, he's at the mosque every Friday and the things they tell him are starting to make a lot more sense. He formally converts to Islam when he's 14.
He's not a super strict follower (as in, he doesn't follow all the rules all the time), mostly because it's just not practical. Praying makes you vulnerable if you're alone and he'd like to not die, thank you very much; also, if Jafar knew, he'd be a dead man anyway. Mal and the gang don't really understand it, but they do watch his back when he's praying sometimes.
Fast forward to Auradon, he doesn't bother trying to find a mosque the first few weeks. They're just going to get the wand and get out anyway. It doesn't matter. (He's definitely not feeling any guilt about helping to unleash the villains on an unsuspecting Auradon. Nope. Not at all)
He does still pray, though. Luckily, he has lunch period during dhuhr so he just slips out and finds an out of the way spot with a closable door. One day, he's setting up and the door opens.
Turns out, Aziz's usual spot is taken, so he came to his backup spot. He doesn't know Jay very well at this point, but he had always assumed he'd be like his father: either with crazy ideas about Islam, or just a total atheist.
They eye each other for a few seconds, one wary, the other simply surprised, before Aziz goes and sets up next to Jay. They pray together quietly and leave without a word to each other, but Aziz makes an effort to be nice to Jay (and the other VKs by extension) after that.
He also calls his parents that night like, "You will not BELIEVE who I ran into during Dhuhr today!"
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ray-the-art-demon · 6 months
Can you draw Evil death pact again
Evil death pact again are alt versions of DPA
Evil Fanny loves stuff instead of hating
Evil Pie has anger issues instead of being calm and mellow
Evil Remote is mean and nasty
Evil Marker is clean and snobby
Evil Tree is Scottish instead of British
Evil Black Hole is a white colored vortex
Evil Lightning has no arms only legs
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Here ya go!
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Y'all out here arguing about canon ships meanwhile we out here shipping Hobie with everything single one OC I come across.
I'm serious. So uhhh here's
Hobie's Beaus - Hobie x Fandom!OCs Headcanons
[headcanons about my OC and other OCs who are emotionally involved with Hobie being besties]
It's not even like 'Oh him and Diane have a separate storyline universe-'
No they all have a unique and separate relationship with him. No they're not poly. Hobie is just everywhere where he needs to be. Even if it means being two places at once.
Hobie doesn't believe in logic.
Ansi sleeps in his bed nearly every night. When Mariah is there she'll take the couch or floor and they'll have a sleep over but Ansi is there way more and it's not unusual to hear Ansi in the background when Diane calls Hobie on the UniPhone (phone Hobie made her so they can talk across universes) or Ansi being the one to pick up the phone.
When Mariah and Ansi have bad flares the same day they lay around the boathouse and Hobie becomes the residential maid for the day.
It usually ends up with them watching The Princess Bride, the First Star Wars, or Halloween (the last two being Mariahs comfort movies)
Diane goes to Hobie's shows and vice versa - but he also hours to Josephine's show every Friday, and picks her up after practice when he can.
When Asa's kids run up to Diane asking for their mommy Diane knows that means they need Hobie
Wade Ansi and Diane be sitting on Hobies bedroom floor gushing about him and how cool he is then Hobie comes back in the room with the pizza like 'what are y'all talking about'
And they're like 'not u. loser...as if' because they all love him to death but they all think he's a dork
Diane standing next to Maitreyi at the food court and catches her looking at Hobie and she loudly goes "You have a crush on Hobie???!!! Me too 😄 You should join our Hobie fanclub!! For people who have LOVE him and crushes on Hobie-"
And Maitreyi is probably like "sis keep it down before he hears you PLEASE 😭"
His place is DROWNING in their stuff. Jo's ballet gear and pointe shoes on his dresser, Diane's makeup COVERS his bathroom counter. Maitreyi goes all out for Diwali on the boathouse.
They all hang out together and it's a SWELL ASS TIME.
Diane and Jo are both performers so sometimes they use the training rooms as dance practice rooms and run into each other.
The gang will be in a random disagreement about something like whether you put ketchup in the fridge or not and they'll call Asa to be the tiebreaker
Maitreyi may not be the most friendly but neither is Hobies MJ Mariah, so Mariah tries to be friends by sitting in silence with her. Chilling.
Mariah and Wade are both talkative as HELL so the two of them will talk up a storm and Hobie can hardly get a word in
All the SpiderBeaus eat lunch together with him and once a week they all have dinner on the houseboat with Wade and Mariah
There are no shipping wars we have ascended. All of this at once in my head
[OCs mentioned:
Disco-Spider Diane, Mariah-Janet Waters Earth-138
@spidey-bie's Ansi
@qirarey123's Josephine
@autisticarach's Asa
@thewolfsoul's Wade
@hobiebrownismygod's Maitreyi
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helianthus21 · 5 months
the queen of tears director who also worked on Vincenzo be like a sibling relationship for Kwak Dongyeon that isn’t toxic simply isn’t interesting💁🏻‍♀️
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duhsty1 · 1 year
pov um uhhh um @moonliched
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FIRST ATTACK EVER WOWOOWOWOWO @chaireem you are next I am looking at you
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For context
Restoration Architect: Restores historical buildings to look like they originally did.
Research Architect: Focuses on researching architecture and exploring alternative methods.
Historical Conservation Architect: Not so much about restoration as it is about preventing old buildings from deteriorating altogether.
Urban Architecture: Designs neighborhoods and houses.
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thee-emerald-star · 2 years
when ben schneider said “will i ever be forgiven for the crime of my life? will it haunt me til i die?”and when he said “heaven wont let me in, i don’t know why, no one ever loved half as much as i” and when he said “where would i go and would a lone soul miss me? if i leave in the night i’ll only be running with the weight of the world at the tips of my fingers” and when he said “where can you go when it’s all in your head?” and “what does it mean if it all means nothing?” and “i stare into the endless sky and the sorry tale of my life goes by. i drift into the great unknown and i really don’t know where i’m going” and “there are many more flames when mine is gone, they will build me no shrines and sing me no songs” and can’t forget when he said “way out here in the void is the loneliest place to die when everything you loved is a lie” and an honourable mention is “i got along for a while, i guess, but it took everything i had. i gotta find a way out of his mess, im in trouble and it sure looks bad” oh almost forgot when he said “gonna fly through my life til i crash into the ending” and “i feel i should know this place as the road winds on into a wide open space. the wind plays a haunting tone as i make my way through the night all alone” and last but not least remember when he said “may you live until you die”?
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How does the reproductive cycle of a leafcutter ant work?
Well, Each year Mature leafcutter ant colonies will produce Female and Male ants that can mate. These are called the Alates, they have wings. These Alates then fly out of the nest, the female Alates will carry some fungus from the fungus gardens with them to grow their future garden.(Little attaphilia roaches latch onto their backs aswell). The female Alates mate with multiple Males and when the males mate, they die shortly after. The female alates lose their wings and dig nest chambers to try and start their own colonies (they place down the fungus and take care of the garden while they wait for their first workers, the nanitics). A Female alate only mates in one day and then she will never mate again. She will use the sperm in an efficient way (using only 1-2 sperm per egg. This way The female can fertilize up to about 500 million eggs and sometimes more)
Unfertilized eggs become male ants.
Once the colony is mature enough, the cycle starts again.
Here's a website you can use for more info:
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sketchyface · 2 years
Cannibalism isn’t actually illegal, just the means to get a living or dead person to eat (ex. grave robbing, murder, desecrating a corpse etc are crimes). So under very specific circumstances where you don’t commit any of those crimes, it would be completely legal.
Idk why I wrote this, I’m about to fall asleep and needed to just share this with someone lmao
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What profession did you practise in the real world? Or did you still go to school?
I am in my last year of high school!
- IO :)
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I’m eating lunch right now and there’s a news report about how the current senator of Florida wants to block a potential high school class about black history.
When they mentioned that they’re trying to show a complete history, the good and bad, it reminded me of something I heard about Japan.
Idk if this is still a thing (or if it ever was a thing, but I’m 99% sure it’s real), but in Japanese schools, the students wouldn’t be taught about Japan’s role in WWII and the horrible things they did, such as an event referred to as ‘The Rape of Nanking’ (idk if I spelled that right, sorry).
The difference, however, is that Japan felt immense shame over these events, and don’t talk about it because of their honor (I think? Pls be nice to me, I learned about this ~5 years ago.). American Republicans, however, don’t seem to feel shame over the horrible past treatment of black people/ other poc.
Is Japan in the right for hiding this part of history? No. Do I understand why they do it? Yes. It’s a different culture with different ideals and values, and, like I said, there is shame.
The US isn’t able to use an excuse like that. There is no American culture/ideal that everyone follows, because of all the different people from different places with different cultures that populate it.
I have so many feelings about this, but I don’t know enough about these topics to give a full, accurate explanation of it, not to mention how horrible I am at fully explaining my feelings. Anyone more knowledgeable in these topics, please help???
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pencilmint · 15 days
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Sunset in Shinjuku
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partyigloo · 4 months
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mahjong night
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thetisming · 4 months
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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