#Ship fics
familyofpaladins · 2 years
Saw a poll thati implied people only read fanfiction for shipping. And I KNOW that's not true. but now I'm curious to what the ratio is
Ship fics are referring to any fic that is about two or more characters and their romantic/sexual relationship, where the story revolves around that relation ship, or takes a good chunk of the story
Gen fics refer to any fic where the main plot/story is NOT focused on the romantic/sexual relationship between two or more characters (gen fics can include ships, like if there is an established relation ship, but the fic is not focused on the ship)
The main point though is, do you go looking for ships, or other reasons
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fallenneziah · 2 months
GhostSoap but they're in the punk scene and used to date. A few years later their new bands meet at a convention/festival and the now exes are forced to be in close proximity together and work through their unresolved shit slowly through unethical means. Whether that be fighting, flirting, or aggressive eye contact for no reason.
Yeah, it's enemies to lovers, yeah it's rekindling exes, and yes, there are moshpits, rock bands and hate fucking.
And yes this is a fic I'm writing 🙃 Its my first long form fic in a while so I'm riding the hype of it coming together.
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you're not saying you're in love with me (but you're going to)
❤ ao3 link in replies ❤
ship: kageyama tobio/hinata shoyo
words: 2,173
tags: Present Meets Future, Prophetic Dreams, New Year's Day
Shoyo meets a version of himself that has yet to come, and has a lot of questions.
“Wanna meet me at the shrine?” Shoyo types, as he watches the sun rise on New Year’s morning. It’s orange and a little foggy, and he’s bundled in blankets upon blankets to resist against the January chill. He doesn’t expect a reply immediately - Tobio doesn’t usually bother with the sunrise - but he gets one, the signature beep-beep-bzzz quietly interrupting his peace.
“Sure,” Tobio responds. He’s always been a dry texter, but this on its own makes Shoyo smile; he has only just started joining Shoyo on his suggested outings, after spending years of refusing on principle. Third year came with changes, Shoyo knew that, but his favourite was finally being closer to his - his - setter.
They walk together, the air still cold, Shoyo breathing out puffs of condensation. He remembers being young, only eight or so, pretending to be a dragon for his baby sister - he takes a hefty breath just to recreate that moment, and swears he sees a smile on Tobio’s lips.
Tobio is so beautiful. He’s tall, even with the inches Shoyo has gained - his skin is pale, with a yellowish tint. It seems as if his skin is preparing itself for a tan, but it hasn’t got one, like olives waiting for summer to ripen or sand waiting to be washed over by the waves. His hair is black, inky black, cut short so it doesn’t fall in his eyes anymore - Shoyo misses when it was longer, when his fringe brushed the bridge of his nose and the strands would flutter when he jumped. Staring at them made Shoyo feel fuzzy inside. Back then, he didn’t understand why.
Long fingers poke out of his sleeves - how on Earth did he manage to find a sweatshirt too big for him? - reminding Shoyo of the old white hoodie Tobio gave him back in first year. He’d grown out of it, he claimed, and Shoyo looked cold, and don’t read into it because that’s all there is - and Shoyo didn’t read into it, as he slept in it every night, wishing it still smelled like him.
This time next year, they’ll be on opposite sides of the world. Tobio’s managed to get himself picked up by the V-league fresh out of high school, because of course he has, and he’s got a guaranteed place with the Schweiden Adlers. Shoyo hasn’t been so lucky. His fate rests somewhere in Brazil, a trip set up by a family friend, where he’ll practise his jumps on sand instead of solid ground. Sometimes, the other side of the net felt like they were continents away, but Shoyo has come to realise that this is going to be more than the ache of his hands against the ball. It’s going to be total abandonment. 
The shrine is busy. They’re lucky they got there as early as they did, but even with their haste it’s packed - people, couples, families swarm the grounds. Young women are here, holding hands with their lover, looking up at him with adoring eyes - Shoyo’s tummy can’t help but turn at the sight.
Tobio closes his eyes to make his wish. His eyelashes are so long, so dark, stark and contrasting against his pale skin. He looks peaceful, like a statue, like a petrified angel, like a hero carved in stone. Shoyo feels his heart sink into his chest, and himself fall deeper and deeper in love. He wants to tell Tobio, wants to tell everyone, wants to scream it from the rafters and yell it from the balconies and let the whole world know how he feels - but he’s not going to. Not yet.
His resolve hardens as he stares, like he has for years, at Tobio’s sloping nose and high cheekbones. This year, just this once, he’ll be selfish.
As long as he can remember, all those memories past, he’s wished for other people’s, his loved ones’, prosperity. Since the first time he did this, this old tradition from generations ago, he’s asked for his sister to grow up happy. Two years ago, he begged for his mother’s health to improve. Last year, he told the universe that he needed Tobio to grow into the man he always wanted to be. This time he changes his tune.
"I need to know how all this ends,” he prays to whoever is listening, silent but passionate, despairing but eternally hopeful. He wants the confusion and the fear to stop. He wants to know that the risk that he’s taking, moving away and leaving the man he’s sure is his soulmate, is all worth it. He needs - before he needs health before safety before riches - he needs certainty that this decision is the right one.
When his eyes open, Tobio is staring at him. His wish must’ve been much briefer than Shoyo’s - he assumes it must be something like, “please give me extra time to play volleyball. Thanks.” 
He waits for Shoyo to finish, and they leave together, hands interlinked and buried in Tobio’s pocket.
They don’t talk about their wishes.
Sometimes they touch each other in ways they touch nobody else. They hold hands, sometimes, when Shoyo drags Tobio along - they linger in hugs and, once or twice, they've shared kisses.
They never talk about those touches.
It's a situationship, more than anything. They kiss sometimes, to relieve tension, but they aren't together - people who are together talk about the kisses, why they happen, when they want them. For Shoyo and Tobio, they might as well be secrets.
When they get this close, it’s just a transaction, and Shoyo tells himself that he’s content with that. Shoyo tells himself that there’s nothing more to it.
Shoyo lies.
His bed sheets are clean, dry, warm from his body heat. Stretching himself out, Shoyo yawns, his eyelids heavy, and pats over the left side of his bed. There’s a human-sized space under the blanket there that’s never been filled; he’s saving it for someone.
He doesn't feel the peace wash over him, like he thought he would. He's not instantly comforted, believing in the future or cosy in the uncertainty. He's the same as always, the same dusting of freckles on his nose and the same stuffy bedroom and the same longing ache that never seems to leave. He’s the same as always; he wonders if this is the result of his New Year’s Wish.
Shoyo isn’t sure when he drifts off, into his usual fervent sleep, his legs starfishing out underneath him, but he soon works out that he’s dreaming.
The walls around him are almost unseeable, sterile white and concrete. Leather seats, black and uncomfortable, sit in rows that never seem big enough, and the sounds of jet engines and chatter and tannoy systems fills the air. Before he deciphers where he is - an airport, he assumes, but he’s never quite sure which one - he sees the crowds, hundreds or even thousands of people rushing from one end of the lobby to the next, pushing through strangers and paying unimaginable costs for duty-free snacks. There are people in heavy trenchcoats, briefcases by their sides, checking their watches like a ritual - and families of five or maybe bigger all huddled in circles, sharing body heat and flight details.
Shoyo doesn’t know these faces; he knows he's seen them all before, and that he’ll never see them again. They're strangers, as they always have been; people he's passed in the street, shop clerks and train passengers.
When he sees himself, he has dainty hands. His wrists are small, and his legs are skinny - he's twelve, in his old favourite t-shirt. It doesn't fit anymore - bulking up will do that - but he kept it for the memories; he never thought he'd see himself in it again.
One of the strangers walks up to him, and he's familiar - he knew this stranger once, or perhaps he has yet to know him.
The stranger isn't much taller than he is - he's got a broad chest, tanned skin, brown eyes. He smiles and there's something in his grin that feels embedded in Shoyo’s past. His hair is short, but it's clearly been a while since it was last cut - it gets in his eyes slightly, sweeping over his freckled ears and curling loosely at the base of his neck. His hair is unmistakable - it's hair Shoyo knows as well as his own, sees in the reflections of puddles and storefronts. Shoyo knows for certain that this hair is his, and yet the man in front of him - bulky arms, thick thighs - is someone he has never met. He knows Shoyo, though, and such a thing is evidenced in the crinkles by his eyes.
“...what will happen?” he asks the stranger. He has a feeling he knows, better than anyone - he’s certain that this is his one chance to know the truth. “How will it all end?”
“It won’t be easy,” confesses the stranger, who isn’t a stranger at all. “You feel… like you might just break. You'll go about your routine - one foot in front of the other. You'll jump high and you'll make stupid jokes and start stupid fights. It won’t feel any different, for a while.”
And then the stranger - the friend, really - says something Shoyo knows.
“You can fly even higher."
"I know," Shoyo responds - Tobio told him that in first year, and he internalised it, wore it as both an achievement and a challenge. He remembers that day, hearing those words, and longing to fall into Tobio's arms. "But will I?"
Three little words. How much of his life, the friend wonders, has been ruled by the strife of these words. It’s three tiny words, but it makes the friend falter - he sees insecurity, strife, the worries of a boy who daren’t stop shining.
“You will soar.”
There are three more words that Shoyo needs to hear, but not from the friend. There’s someone else who needs to say them.
As for the friend-
“Brazil,” he starts, “is warm at night.”
“And the beaches-”
“You feel the sand beneath your feet. It’ll make your wings stronger.”
Shoyo’s spine starts to tingle, as if arching black wings will sprout from them any moment. He pauses; there’s one more thing he wonders about. The friend - a man who may even be a brother - knows just what he’ll ask.
“Tobio is stupid,” he responds, before Shoyo even opens his mouth.
“I know.”
“Even more than you think,” the brother barks a laugh. “You’ll text him sometime soon, it may even be tomorrow - you’ll tell him, and he won’t respond.” A frost forms in the brother’s voice, but he continues: “He’ll see you at practise, but he won’t say anything. You’ll… hate it. You’ll think he hates you.”
The brother is welling up. This isn’t what Shoyo needed to hear. 
“Those moments will be some of the worst of your life.”
“Does he feel the same?" Shoyo rushes, infuriated that the brother is so cryptic. Just tell him, dammit, don't make him wonder.
The brother smiles, and it seems to be confirmation. “Yeah, and he’ll tell you, so hang tight.”
Heaving a breath, Shoyo tries to relax, but the brother starts on a tangent. 
“The day you return to Japan-" he says, "he'll meet you at the airport. His hair will be messy." He sounds like he's recounting a memory, and his eyes glaze over. "And he'll put his hands around your waist."
"And his hands are big. Strong. You won't remember them being as strong as they feel in that moment. He lifts you up, and," he sounds dreamy, "kisses you then and there. Everybody is watching and it doesn't matter at all."
A kiss other people can see, thinks Shoyo. He's never been kissed that way before.
"He puts you down and holds you close. You feel his hands on your back and breath on your neck."
Shoyo sharply intakes air. He's not sure he can still breathe. Whatever the brother describes next, Shoyo thinks he might just faint.
"And then?"
"He kneels... and you know the rest."
"What? No, tell me-"
The stranger, friend, brother, all of these things at once, looks Shoyo in his brown eyes. Eyes that he shares. Eyes that belong to him, because the stranger is him, has always been, down to the creases in his palms.
His hair is stark orange, fluffy, longer than Shoyo’s - and he shows his hand. A golden band, simple, probably engraved, lies around his ring finger. He gives a parting smile that feels like safety.
Shoyo's alarm wakes him up, and he's not in his bed - he's sprawled across the floor, having kicked off his covers, and he's confused, disoriented, asking himself the time.
He thinks of the future.
He may not remember the dream - but all of a sudden, he knows for sure that he’ll be okay.
He grabs his phone, opens his messages, and decides today's the day.
"Hey Kageyama," he reads aloud as he types. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
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oneawkwardwriter · 9 months
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Welcome to my masterlist! Here, you can find all completed fics, oneshots, headcanons and writing prompts. I'm open to requests, so if you have an idea, let me know! (read this for instructions)
Check out my character list to see who I already write about!
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Marauders List:
James Potter Fics
So High School
Regulus Black
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Marvel List:
Peter Parker Fics
Just Hold Me
Blast From The Past
Tending Wounds (TASM)
Loki Laufeyson Fics:
Got Here First
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Stranger Things List:
Steve Harrington Fics:
Surprise Visit
Make Belief
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Criminal Minds List:
Spencer Reid Fics:
Meddle About
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Miscellaneous List:
Bedtime Tales (Willy Wonka)
I See The Light (King Caspian)
Prove Her Wrong (King Caspian)
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Writing Prompts:
Writing Prompt #1
Writing Prompt #2
Writing Prompt #3
Writing Prompt #4
Writing Prompt #5
Writing Prompt #6
Writing Prompt #7
Writing Prompt #8
Writing Prompt #9
Writing Prompt #10
Writing Prompt #11
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givemeureyes · 1 year
day 1 without ao3: i have gone through all 5 stages of grief multiple times and have invented a 6th. i will not disclose what the 6th stage of grief is.
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fanaticartisan · 5 months
Out of curiosity
And put the fandom its from in tags if you like reblog for sample size yadda yadda
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urfriendlywriter · 5 months
20 angsty romance prompts part 2
(feel free to use <33 tag me when yall writeeee)
crying in your lover's arms
^ face buried in their chest, while their heart breaks at your every sob :(
"i wish i loved you less." but it is spat at the other person angrily, immediately being regretted after the words leave their mouth.
watching them cry and not knowing what to do (ouch-)
"why do you love me when you know i can't- shouldn't love you back?"
"you messed me up, you fcked me over and what- how dare i? how dare fckn you!"
"i am sorry. i am so so.. so.. sorry. please.. let me go."
"don't you dare do this to me- No! No, no, no, no- nono, hey, please!!"
"... why can't.. anybody see--that... I'm tired?... " (if written write, this wud traumatize me)
"I'm done waiting for you, [name]."
them literally on their knees, "please, please--just please trust me! Why is it so hard for you to believe me once?"
^ "how many times do i have to get hurt by trusting you!!?"
"i am not sorry that i don't love you. I'm sorry that you don't love yourself."
"i loved you, believe me. i did. then you turned into someone else, someone... scary."
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP HURTING ME? why--why am i the one.. always losing everything..?"
"listen to me-" "No, no!" "my dear, i swear, that isn't what i meant." "oh yeah? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there."
"so.. you're just going to.. give up on me." "that is NOT what i meant-" "you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, [name]."
hands trembling while holding their pale, bloodied face, "k-keep your eyes open, for fucks sake! PLEASE-please please, talk to me."
"promise me you'll be okay, and that you'll keep living. moving on, even without me." "only if you do the same." (this happened irl yall)
"you saved me then killed me all over again."
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mizukkay · 5 months
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gremnda · 7 months
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Hello Ethubs nation :]
no text version
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fallenneziah · 11 months
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Hey, I'm Fallen, welcome to... Chaos. Figured I would make a navigation post for this blog so I, and you, can get around easily. I'm active in the Call of Duty, Transformers, and Marvel/X-Men fandoms (poolverine). I am multi-fandom so you may see something random in between there as well!
I started this blog off of ships and I will be trying to get it revolving around ships a lot more again, because I personally like them more than the current dynamic.
My AO3 is NotSoPassivelyAggressive.
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Requests are open! I will write for Reader of any gender and (most) sexual orientations. I will write ship fics as well.
Come bug me with absolutely anything, I write for most characters from the Modern Warfare trilogies. Most Transformers characters (except humans).
If you're a minor please don't interact with me in any way as it does make me a bit uncomfortable to see you skulking around. Blank blogs that follow me will be blocked. (No name, no photos, no age etc)
Down below the cut there will be a list of all the current fics, drabbles, and AO3 links on this blog so you can skip right to reading!
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How they are in bed pt1 (all)
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Alpha!Ghost x Omega!Reader pt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Christmas specials. König, Ghost, Soap, Price,
AO3 fics:
GhostSoap powerplay
PriceGhost aphrodisiac smut. (Trans Ghost)
GhostRoach smut.
Puppy Soap in a rut with his fwb Ghost. (Trans Ghost)
Making it official - OptiRach.
Work arrangements - MegaSound.
Talk dirty to me - WaveWave.
Wants and needs -CrossDrift.
Cowl on, Hood off -Poolverine.
You with me? -Poolverine.
There are 18 fics currently in my AO3 and the majority of them are Transformers. So this is an example of ships you'll find there. Enjoy!
A mile high In hopes. (Aviation pilot Simon)
No name challenge. (Not smut)
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
Trans Simon Riley, 1, 2, 3 (Male reader)
Man whore Riley test out.
Johnny likes to share. (Johnny/Simon x reader)
Zombie Ghost breeding.
Serial Killer/stalker blurb.
Friends with benefits
Ghost x Virgin Reader
Virgin Ghost x Reader
Sharing is caring - (Ghost/Price x Reader) (Sharing Price's wife)
Zombie Ghost x Reader
Ghost x New hotshot recruit.- (Ghost is determined to make you cum)
Warm welcome - (Ghost comes home to an unsuspecting Reader)
Keep still - (Can't stay still, stuck in a closet with Ghost)
Desperate Ghost drabble
Poly 141 drabble - Poly 141 full fic (pt1?) (all 141)
No gag reflex drabble.
NSFW alphabet -Simon Riley.
Throat of a man. (Throat kink ig?)
Beauty standards. (Not smut)
Omega!Ghost x Alpha!Reader drabble.
Making out in the rain (not smut)
Christmas lights and stuffing.
Trans Simon Christmas special.
Cuddles after top surgery. (trans reader)
Captain John Price:
Price's voice lines drabble
Honorifics in bed.
Back roads. (Christmas car smut)
John "Soap" Mactavish:
Sexually repressed Catholic Johnny.
Sharing is caring (John & Simon)
His Christmas present.
Morning messiness (Waking up between them)
Philip Graves:
Graves x short reader
Conquering Goliath - (your first time)
Christmas dinner distraction.
Dating them hccns
Getting each other's attention - (Ships)
Reader being a passenger princess - (all)
Optimus Prime:
Optimus with a small reader-size kink
Flicker pt1
Flicker pt2
Good boy - (Ratchet x Optimus)
An unexpected spark. (Pregnancy fic)
Soundwave x a vehicon
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iamnmbr3 · 5 months
7 most unhinged canon drarry moments
Harry calling Draco his arch nemesis just a few months after Lord Voldemort tried to murder him for the second time but also immediately thinking that he kinda misses him
Harry getting hit in the head by a piece of luggage because he got so distracted by the sight of Draco changing that he didn’t notice someone swinging a large object at his face
Harry lying to the Order and Magical Law Enforcement to obfuscate Draco’s crimes at the end of sixth year
Voldemort immediately assuming Draco has gone looking for Harry when he goes missing during the Battle of Hogwarts…and being right
Narcissa assuming Harry will know where Draco is and if he’s still alive…and being right
Lucius getting mad at Draco in book 2 because he has spent the entire summer talking nonstop about Harry Potter
Harry forgetting about the time Voldemort possessed and nearly murdered Ginny but remembering every item he saw Draco look at in Borgin and Burkes 4 years previously
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summer sun for you forever
❤ ao3 link in replies ❤
ship: kageyama tobio/hinata shoyo
words: 326
tags: pining kageyama tobio, post time skip
Tobio sends silent prayers to the sun.
Ra, Huītzilōpōchtli, Helios; culture after culture, age after age, through the ruins of empires and the births of nations, people have always worshipped the sun. They worshipped solar flares, the giver of daylight and life, worshipped the people who represented our most vital star.
Tobio, a man of modernity, in concrete cities and neon lights, is no exception.
Older than time, the sun is - it is older than life, than air, here long before us, and it will be here long after we are gone. The sun is as close as can be to eternal, incomprehensibly old and yet, in its scheme, marvellously young, a figure of fate and folklore. The sun, our sun, is as natural to humanity as waking, as breathing, as loving. Truly there is no version of life, of Tobio's life, without it.
Tobio flicks on the kettle, watching the horizon through one of the windows of his Roman flat. Shoyo, his sun, his Ra his Huītzilōpōchtli his Helios, is thousands of miles away. 4 hours behind, he eats takeout in his own living room, and he pines.
Tobio worships the gifts of the sun like no other, as he drinks his herbal tea, preparing for a night of troubled rest.
How long? he thinks - how long until the sun spirit, the love of his life, the bringer of his dawn, is in his arms again?
Indeed, how long. His husband is on the phone, rays coming through the speaker, the roar of Tobio's star stifled by the distance.
"I love you," he murmurs into the night, to the sun that's doomed to set. "You are my everything," he continues, to the sun that is destined to rise again, every morning.
Every morning, for the rest of his life, the sun will rise, and he will worship it. He would give his future to the sun. There is no god - no Ra, Huītzilōpōchtli, Helios - that brings the solar joy of his Shoyo.
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months
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Season 1 Rarijack is really funny
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ghostbsuter · 9 months
"Date? Me?'
Tim nods, milkshake in hand, sitting outside of McDonald's with his study buddy, Danny.
The other teen looked flabbergasted with a firm blush building up.
Tim found him utterly adorable.
"I can't date anyone? I'm property of.the goverment."
Tim Drake-Wayne, aka Red Robin, has various questions to that statement.
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oneawkwardwriter · 9 months
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Note: this list is not finite. If you want me to write about a character that’s not on here, please feel free to request it and I’ll try to write it. Also, a characters age will be changed for it to be appropriate (see About My Blog)
If you want to make a request, please read this first <3
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James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Lily Evans
Barty Crouch Jr.
Evan Rosier
Mary Macdonald
Marlene McKinnon
Dorcas Meadowes
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Peter Parker (all variants)
Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
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Hunger Games:
Finnick Odair
Peeta Mellark
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Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
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Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Jennifer Jareau (JJ)
Aaron Hotchner
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Theodore Laurence (Little Women)
Gilbert Blythe (Anne With An E)
Willy Wonka (Wonka)
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson)
King Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Nikolai Lantsov (Grishaverse)
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just-french-me-up · 2 years
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I'm sorry, cringe culture can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cause it's dead!
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