#TW self hate
ed-recoverry · 2 months
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser(s) were never punished.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser is living a normal life.
Shoutout to everyone whose allegations were immediately dismissed.
Shoutout to everyone reported their abuser to the police and nothing happened.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser was able to get out of significant legal punishment.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser is generally seen as a good person.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser is a “pillar of the community.”
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser has lied about you.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser has framed them.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser threatened them into silence.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser discouraged them from reporting.
Shoutout to everyone who lost friends after reporting and or exposing their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who lost family after reporting and or exposing their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who received backlash for reporting and or exposing their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who has created a rift in their family or friends by reporting or exposing their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who is terrified to tell anyone about their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who never had the opportunity to talk about their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who feels like talking about their abuser is worthless.
Shoutout to everyone whose case was dismissed by the court.
Shoutout to everyone who faced backlash after their abuser was put in jail.
Shoutout to everyone who faced backlash for testifying against their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who still has yet to be believed that they were abused.
Shoutout to everyone who knows their abuser will never be punished.
Shoutout to everyone who knows their abuser will never face backlash.
Shoutout to everyone who knows their story will be dismissed by loved ones.
Shoutout to everyone who spoke out about their abuser, but wasn’t believed until something happened to someone else.
Shoutout to everyone who spoke out about their abuser and wasn’t believed until they seriously harmed you.
Shoutout to everyone who has been mocked for trying to speak out about their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who has faced social repercussions for speaking out or exposing their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone who has suffered financially for speaking out or exposing their abuser.
Shoutout to everyone whose abuser has admitted guilt, but never faced justice.
Shoutout to everyone who knows they were abused and are punished for it.
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l4long-winded · 3 months
So this is somewhat inspired by the other anon about Carmy with the girl he can’t believe chose him. Maybe on a bad day, he’s just asking her why she’s with him and hes listing his bad traits and after every one she’s saying“I love you” until he stops. My man needs love, I want him so bad 😭😭
it's a culmination of it all. the piling stress from work, from this incessant need to prove himself, grief he has yet to fully process, capricious thoughts vying for his attention, exasperated expressions continuously staring daggers his way as if he's not running around without a sense of what he's doing, despite his brain instructing him this is the right path, while his heart isn't in any of it. he's having trouble breathing, to which you're there because you're always there for him at times like this as he's grasping at his chest, protecting it, and shielding it in case his rapid heart pounds its way out of his ribcage.
when he turns his head and observes the concern in your face mixed with the calming energy he really doesn't fucking deserve, his world tilts. the onslaught of it all shifts into his doubts, his insecurities, pointed at him with veracity he believes is consuming him the longer he stares. overwhelmed with emotion and panic, his fears surrounding you bloom full on his skin, thickening petals and branches crushing into the crevices of the veins in his arms and neck.
you could do better. so, so much better. you're not supposed to be here with carmen. he's kept you to himself, a caged bird he can't bother to let go of when you'd sing with access to the sky and new horizons ahead.
"i'm-i'm a fuckin' mess," he blurts, "what are you doin' here? with me? out of everyone?"
it's hard to decipher how heavy his words are when he's panting and his voice is close to cracking. it's as if he wants the answers to his question, but he's far too afraid of confirming the vicious betrayal of his doubt. he's convinced he doesn't sound ridiculous.
"because i love you."
"i-i-i fuck things up. i'll fuck you up. m'gonna ruin you and and and y-you're gonna hate me one day, n'won't blame you for a second-" he sputters, his words mashing together, strings of linguistics that don't sound like proper english. his mouth keeps opening and closing to release these incoherent ramblings, his ears bubbling with alarm bells.
"carm, i love you."
"i'm not right. i'm not fuckin' crazy," he gasps, "but i'm no good f'you. for anyone. not for my family, or, or, or my friends, if i fuckin' even have any at this point." his throat is tightening up, eyes shutting, the memory of you planted firmly behind his straining eyelids. he can't breathe.
"bear, listen, i love you so much."
"fuck, fuck, fuck this, fuck me, fuck everything, fuck the fucking restaurant, fuck, fuck, f-fuuuck it all—"
carmen flinches feeling your warm hands steady themselves on his cheeks. his lips and eyelids part, meeting your gaze. you're standing there in front of him, the combination of concern and calm remaining, as well as an affinity he will never, ever be able to understand. something about it soothes him, his breathing still ragged, but he inhales and exhales steadily out of the habit of this. it's not the first time this has happened, where he's so out of his mind that only few can pull him out before he's drowning in it. he shifts his face towards your palm, opting to press his lips against it. he should focus on breathing, but this action grounds him, muffling his worries, smothering them with the scent of your body lotion and the soft texture of your skin.
"i love you, carmen," you whisper. he hears you this time. the roar of his head dwindles down, fading in favor of hearing those words come off your lips again. he suddenly realizes how long you've been saying it while he was busy berating himself aloud with the secrets he buries deep inside.
he thinks he's going to say more shit if he tries to respond. this kind of thing has always been hard for him. pressured into it at times by his family, their defensive nature yanking it out of him by cutting at him and having it bleed out instead of nurturing it until it slips and that's all he can think about like it does with you. it spills like an inkwell. dripping over his skin. more permanent than the tattoos he's accumulated.
he nods. it's a slow and gradual thing, but he's accepting it. he wants desperately to say it back, but his lips shake with the threat of spewing more of the poison rattling in his lungs. he just keeps nodding, eventually hiding his head into your neck, lulled by the repetition of those beautiful, pacifying words.
"i love you, it's okay, breathe for me, i love you."
you love him. he's a mess and you love him. he's convinced he's going to hurt you, but you love him.
his arms tighten around you. he's positive you're capable of being better off without him, but he's not letting you go. he loves you too much to do that. he'll tell you later when he can breathe and when you inevitably render his thoughts into mush, replacing them with devotion, reassurance, and structure. yeah. yeah, he can do that. even if it's painfully obvious to everyone and you already know.
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formulapookie · 3 months
Under the cut to read on tumblr, here to read on Ao3 <3
I'll commit your every scar to my memory rosquez, 6k words
(set 2025)
Marc has been looking at himself in the mirror for twenty minutes now.
Inspecting for every micro feature which signaled he was getting older.
He doesn’t want to get older, he can’t.
All his career, his success had come when he was a kid and he had been nicknamed “alien” for it goddamnit.
youngest pole sitter, youngest podium finisher, youngest winner, youngest champion.
key word being young. 
he doesn't feel old, but older, god yes. Everyday.
A new source of pain coming out, an old one resurfacing, the fear of falling behind, of not fitting in anymore and of running out of time.
All present and heavy on his body, which took the hit every time.
Why he thinks that, he isn’t  sure.
But he feels like he must get everything now or it will all have been useless.
It’s been one year now since he and Vale reconciled, and nine months since they made their relationship official, but only to intimate friends and their families, since Marc was still a target in the paddock, and they both knew that having a gay relationship wasn’t exactly the greatest thing to share in a sport like theirs.
And while the respective families had reacted well (except for a bit of skepticism on Alex’s side) the Academy had been more bitter, especially Uccio, but it was to be expected since he is so obviously in love with Vale since the dawn of time.
The mirror in their room at the Ranch keeps reflecting his toned and muscled body, along with his freshly shaved face and regrowing curls.
If he has to be honest he isn’t the one who brought up the aging thing.
First Vale, at his birthday, after he was officially a Ducati factory rider for that year, telling him he was “growing up”, getting closer to 35.
And it terrified Marc.
Then his brother, joking about him retiring so that he could be the only Marquez on the grid “haste que tu y Mr doctor creéis un hijo con magia y aterroricen a MotoGP” (Until you and Mr Doctor will create a son with magic and terrorize MotoGP) 
And finally Bezzecchi two weeks ago.
He was talking to Celestino, to which he seemed glued to the hip, almost symbiotic, as if they only existed one attached to the other.
“Sta invecchiando comunque, magari Vale con i gusti per i più piccoli che ha se ne trova uno più giovane e meno sfasciato” (He’s aging by the way, maybe Vale with his taste for younger people will find a younger and less broken one) 
“Sei un coglione Marco dai” (Marco you’re a dickhead come on)
“Dico la verità, magari tra una settimana ci porta un ragazzetto di 20 anni che lo guarda con gli occhi a cuoricino e che non sia mezzo pieno di cicatrici” (I’m saying the truth, maybe in a week the he’ll come to us with a 20 year old boy who looks at him heart-eyed and who’s not half covered in scars)
“Immagini? Tanta fatica e poi se ne sbatte un altro”
(Can you imagine? So much trouble and he ends up fucking another guy)
“Sarebbe karma” (Would be karma)
Marc had been hidden behind the door throughout the whole conversation, and a wave of nausea and vomit overwhelmed him, causing him to rush silently to the toilet and throw up.
Maybe they were right. 
He was getting older, Vale had said that himself, joking about his smile lines.
He had started exercising even more, buying more products for skincare and trying to act like he was 20 again.
And suddenly he didn’t feel pretty anymore, he just wanted to ride a couple laps on the dirt track and forget about it.
He looks at himself one last time, not failing to notice the faint line of a wrinkle in the corner of his eyes staring right back at him, menacing.
He puts on his gear, ignoring everyone in the kitchen and heading straight for the track, grabbing the bike with the bright orange “93” plastered on front.
It’s the best way to shut his mind off, it’s just him and the track, the bike being a direct extension of his body.
He completes ten, twelve, fifteen laps then he slips, bike flying out of his hands and his body tumbling down in the dirt.
His arm hurts, but his brain aches more.
Finished finished finished.
He goes to grab the bike to climb on it again when he feels a pair of arms around his body. Vale.
“Are you ok Marc? Do I need to grab your painkillers? I’ll help you back on the bike if-” the older one gets cut off harshly by Marc, who has pain in his eyes
“I can still do things Valentino you know?”
He's angry, his tone bitter and his words harsh.
He’s not like that and Vale knows, he’s tender when they speak, they’ve hurt each other way too much already to be cruel to one another now.
Vale has a concerned expression painted on his face, his eyes quickly running to Marc’s right arm, then to his face again.
“Let me get up”
“Ok but-“
“I want to do some other laps let me do them” 
it’s not a plea, or a begging, his voice is resolute and firm.
Vale is visibly worried, but lets him.
He looks as Marc gets back on the bike and restarts, the corner of his eyes caught by Bezz and Celin giggling between themselves.
Marc gets off the bike after one hour, when his body cannot take it anymore and his brain is foggy enough with thoughts about breaking, turning, speeding.
He leaves the bike in the garage, stripping out of his leathers, the only clothing underneath a sleeveless adherent black top, half dirty from soil and grass.
And just when he was convinced to have sedated the thoughts for at least a good few hours his eyes trace the outline of his scar, dead tissue on his arm.
He goes to their bedroom bathroom quickly, to avoid more sensations to overwhelm him, getting into the shower and turning the hot water on, letting it rinse away scenarios where he’s not present in Vale’s future. He spends at least twenty minutes under the water, washing himself carefully and almost trying to clean away the scars littering his body, obviously without succeeding.
As he gets out of the bathroom he’s only wearing a towel around his hips, and he inevitably meets his reflection staring back at him from the mirror.
He wants so desperately to see the 20 year old wonderkid he used to be, but that’s his past. Marc knows time passes for everyone, it takes from you, sometimes more than it should, sometimes it’s harsher on your body and sometimes on your soul.
He isn’t fucking eighty he knows that but still. He’s grown. He’s not the starstruck kid Vale first met and with whom shared many nights during their rivalry.
He’s a grown man now, he looks different, he can see the tiredness in his own eyes, pain sometimes so much it eats his body whole, the same pain which has him stay awake some nights.
And he knows Vale is older than him but Vale is also Vale and no one in their right mind would ever question his capacities or greatness, not even if he was 90.
And like Bezzecchi said he had a taste for youngsters, full of life and ready to do whatever he said as if it was a command.
He used to be one of those, but now…
He hears his name getting called downstairs for dinner, yells back he’s getting dressed and will soon be there.
He avoids the mirror while changing, his body feels wrong every time he tries to look at it, his face transpires the worry sleeping in his chest.
They all eat together, Pecco is there too, he’s getting used to sharing spaces with his future teammate which is good, but Bezzecchi is there too, casting funny glances at his best friend making them both giggle while sometimes looking over at Marc. He speaks maybe four words during the whole dinner, his brain feeling like it’s underwater and needs to be saved from drowning into the abyss.
As they finish eating he helps clean up the table and when he’s proposed to stay and watch a movie he fakes a headache, heading upstairs and leaving the academy to enjoy their time. 
Not even two minutes later he’s in his boxers under the sheets, back turned to the glassy hell his mirror has become.
He hears the door opening and quiet steps making their way to him.
“Ei amore, everything ok?”
Vale’s tone is tender and caring, something which only surfaced once they reconciled, a side of Vale making him humane, not the cold and distant concept of a God Marc still had in the back of his mind.
It was good in a way, but on the other hand it made him feel weak, like he needed to be spoken softly otherwise he would’ve broken like glass. 
“Si, I’m a bit tired and have a headache, can we just…can we just sleep?”
It was the most obvious of the answers, the fakest one, and yet the only one he could give him at that moment.
Valentino nods, taking off his shirt and pants and climbing into bed, Marc laying his head on Vale’s stomach, feeling the man’s hand stroke his curls gently.
Valentino is tired too, he had to follow an event all day and close a contract for VR46, he falls asleep in a half hour, while Marc has his eyes wide open in the darkness of a night lightened only by a pale moon in the distant sky.
He hears his mind speaking again, telling him how he’s not himself anymore, he’s not what Vale wants and he’s not the best Vale can have, because afterall he is THE Valentino Rossi and everyone wants a piece of him and Vale could feel entitled to request a piece of every one just because of who he is.
You’re not the one Vale deserves.
He could have them younger, prettier, faster, better.
He could have someone he can be seen with, with someone he could bring to races and shit like it was normal to do.
He could have someone who didn’t try to fight him so hard back then.
A new rookie maybe, fast, magnetic, idolizing him.
Vale would have every right to just let him go to find someone who doesn’t look so broken, who doesn’t risk getting more and more broken every week.
Perhaps he wants children.
And well for how much you can adopt kids maybe, no surely, Vale wants his kid to look and be like him.
Marc doesn’t cry, but just because he’s too afraid of waking Vale up, and surely seeing him acting so pathetic would be the last straw Vale would need to leave him and go find someone else.
So he doesn’t, he cries a lot internally, he tries to trace every mole on Valenitno’s body because he’s so afraid that in a matter of time he’ll be unable to see him like this again.
or feel the heat of his body next to his own.
Afraid to wake up without the smell of his shampoo or go to sleep missing the pair of arms that are holding him at this moment.
He manages to fall asleep after more than an hour, thoughts feasting on his brain like worms on a carcass, the same word echoing endlessly in his mind.
He wakes up to an empty bed, no sign of Valentino in the room whatsoever, and he imagines his life could become like this in a matter of time.
He doesn’t understand how those little comments managed to get under his skin so much, he had never been the one to take those things to heart because…
because he had never actually believed any of that shit talk before.
But now he’s the first one to think that, the first to indulge on it. 
He can feel a sense of inadequacy crawling in bed with him, wrapping his hands around his throat and slowly depriving him of the chance to breathe.
It’s burning and it hurts like hell, it’s ugly.
He scrambles to the bathroom, throwing up bent over the toilet, coughing and sniffing like during the worst hangover of his life.
He can make out rushed steps coming to the door, Valentino crouching down to level himself with Marc, stroking his hair and back, worry painted in his eyes.
“Marc, do you want me to get you something? Are you ok?”
Weak, undeserving, not enough
That fuckin voice doesn’t shut up goddamnit, it haunts his mind and poisons everything coming in close contact with him.
What if it can poison Vale?
What if by standing so close to Marc he’ll end up being corrupted by this voice?
No no no, he’d rather suffer alone and watch Vale be happy with someone else rather than seeing him hurting.
Because that’s what Marc is when it comes to who he loves.
Selfless, adoring and ready to let go, because he knows he’s not an easy person to put up with so he never pushes.
“No I’m ok I just didn’t digest dinner well that’s all”
“I told you it was yesterday’s dinner Vale, I’m already feeling better, see?”
And he smiles, the fake PR smile Vale has seen hundreds of times, he could recognise Marc’s true smile in a crowd full of people, his laugh in a room filled with clowns and most of all he could recognise Marc hurting in a massacre.
His eyes are lifeless, a veil of something trapping the joy and happiness inside, not letting them see the sun.
“Marc tell me what’s going on because you’re not ok and I am not letting you leave the room until you’ve told me what’s happening”
“I decide if I can get out of the room or not Vale, you’re not my mom, I told you i’m ok so let me go thank you”
Vale wants to stop him but he knows it would be worse, Marc would shut down and respond robotically to questions he dreads to know the real answer to.
“Marc. I won’t force you ok? But please tell me what’s going on, you look-”
“I know what I look like there’s no need to tell me”
Marc thinks of old, spent, expired, outdated. 
All different words to mean only one thing.
And weak.
He fucking threw up in front of Vale, he almost had tears in his eyes, he had to come up with his fake smile he knew Vale would recognise, he’s so fucking stupid god how can he act like that and hope to still have a chance in keeping Vale.
He gets past him, putting on a pair of joggers and a short sleeved shirt of his and walks out the room, grabbing his biker boots and protective jacket by the entrance and putting them on, ignoring the boys sitting in the living room looking at him with curiosity.
Probably he yelled before, and they heard him.
He slams the door shut behind him and goes to grab his street bike.
Once he’s put the helmet on he’s alone. 
Truly alone.
No other voices or sounds, not even the one in his head.
It’s quiet, like one of the earliest nights he remembers sharing with Valentino, the one in Aragon perhaps, or the many in between races when they could wander off in one of Vale’s secret spots and share everything, even the silence.
He starts the bike and goes for a ride, a long one, he didn’t bring his phone with him so he doesn't know how long precisely.
He comes back home once he’s hungry and beginning to feel tired.
Once again he doesn’t dwell on the academy boys watching him, he can only imagine what they’re saying.
He doesn’t let the thoughts come to him this time though, he just heads straight for the shower and gets ready for lunch.
Vale is an amazing cook, he prepared something that smells delicious, but Marc can’t eat more than half a plate before already feeling nauseous.
He eats everything anyway, he doesn’t want to upset Vale more, so he forces every fork until he clears the plate.
“Vale” it’s Bezzecchi’s voice, he has a strange tone to it “how’s Pedro? didn’t you say he should come to the ranch soon? To see what he’s capable of off track?”
Marc doesn’t want to suppose things, but the way he says the last sentence sends shivers down his spine
20, fast, starstruck by Vale, not half covered in scars.
Check, check, check, check.
The qualities Bezzecchi talked about a few weeks prior are all part of Pedro.
Marc excuses himself from the table for the second time in a row, feeling bad about doubting Vale but also not holding him responsible if that came up to be the case.
He had said it himself he was now the past of MotoGP, and Pedro the future.
Bezzecchi cackles from the table, Celestino elbows him in his ribcage, earning a harsh stare from his friend.
Vale just sits at the table, looking in the direction Marc had disappeared to, trying to understand what was going on with his boyfriend, because he truly has no idea and is scared something had happened outside of the peace of the Ranch, maybe someone finding out about them and threatening Marc to reveal their relationship to the public.
He decides to leave him alone for a while, maybe he’s just not used to having all these people around all the time and needs his space, a moment alone to quiet down his brain.
He spends the afternoon with the boys, racing around the track, checking and analyzing data and talking about Bezz’s newfound harmony with Aprilia.
The clock hits eight pm and they’re all hungry as hell, so the boys quickly make their way to the bedrooms to take their showers and change, since they also decided to go out tonight for a party held by one of Bezz’s DJ friends.
Meanwhile Marc had stayed in the room the whole time, spending half of it crying his eyes out because he couldn’t stop thinking about what if Valentino actually decided to break up with him again and the feeling of emptiness he would feel eventually.
The other half he spent it trying to understand how to make himself look younger for Vale, which clothes to wear, how to act, to talk, to lie when his arm hurt while they were having sex.
Fucking pathetic
He wishes he could tear his brain outside of his skull, anything not to hear that sharp voice commenting his every move and look, he just wants the world inside his mind to shut the hell up and leave him be, at least for a few hours, just that.
A few hours where he doesn’t have to worry about being abandoned by the one person he loves more than life.
A few hours where he can love himself again.
But his brain doesn’t concede him neither those few hours, it’s a machine programmed to drive him insane, unstoppable.
Vale knocks on the door, he recognises their passcode, never changed during all those years spent together.
“Dinner is in five minutes, are you coming?”
“Yes yes, just let me get dressed and I’ll be there”
“Ok, see you downstairs amore”
It cuts deep, the bug whispering in his ear the word amore is just a way to keep him close for need, not driven by real feelings.
He comes down two minutes later, a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt he stole from Vale not so long ago, still smelling like him.
He smiles softly at the man, sitting beside him, across Pecco, who greets him with a nod.
The boys eat in a rush, not speaking a word, apparently they were supposed to meet some other guys by nine and they’re never going to make it on time.
They practically absorb their food and are out the door in twenty minutes, in Luca’s car off to the bar they set as a rendez-vous point.
And so he and Vale are left alone.
He doesn't know how long it’s been since the last time they were completely alone, not even that annoying guard dog of Uccio staining the environment.
“You’re really beautiful tonight amore”
“My shirt looks really pretty on you, makes you look smaller”
He doesn’t actually like it
“Want to go upstairs?”
He just needs a release, not you.
“Yeah sure” he’s convincing, Vale doesn’t seem to notice his body twitching when his fingers touch his arm.
They reach their bedroom, Vale guiding Marc towards the bed, hands running under the stolen shirt to go catch on his abs, fingers looking for a strong grip.
They share a sweet kiss, nothing like the ones shared after their battles on track, quick, charged and filled with need.
 Marc knows Vale wants those back, not these ones, too plain and domestic for him to ever like.
So he tries to pull the switch, biting at Vale’s lip, pressing himself against him, backing up until his body is caged between the wall and Valentino, who looks rather surprised at the sudden change of attitude.
“Fuck me Vale come on” it feels dirty, demanding, but that was exactly like he was back then, and he so desperately needs to feel like that again.
Vale’s lips are on his neck, biting and sucking hard, matching Marc’s tone.
It’s not what he wants, it’s what Vale wants.
And that is enough for him, he’ll just try to enjoy what was probably going to be one of the last nights together, and he didn’t want Valentino to resent him for it too.
He’ll just have to relax, think about Vale’s happiness and take it.
After one particularly harsh bite he winces, but so quickly Vale cannot register it while dragging him to bed.
The grip on his wrist is strong, possessive, needy.
It’s what Vale wants, stop being fucking selfish and let him have it.
The voice is right, he cannot be selfish and wish for Vale to stick around out of pity.
He needs to earn his lover back, who cares if he has to do things he doesn’t want to do?
In the end it’s all for love.
He lets Valentino undress him, sharp teeth attacking his nipple, making him moan loudly, he’s exaggerating a bit his actions but it’s for a good cause. 
He keeps repeating to himself this is ok to do, he really wants to please Vale, it’s not bad, he used to like the sharpness and rush of adrenaline that came with battling on track so why should this be different?
He feels Vale’s hand cupping him through his boxers and he thrusts his hips up, eyes closed and hands gripping both on Vale’s hair and back, keeping him there.
“You smell so good Marc, never going to let you go”
And that’s where Marc loses his battle with himself.
He tries to keep it in but a sob comes out anyway, a tear rolling out of his eye and ending up on the pillow underneath his head.
And Vale knows Marc. He knows the difference between a sob due to pleasure and this.
This is not Marc enjoying it so much he cries, this is Marc not enjoying it at all.
He stops, getting up and sitting in front of Marc who has his eyes closed, hands balled into fists and his mouth shut in a rigid and thin line.
He’s fucked it up, he let his own feelings ruin everything again.
He doesn’t want to look at Vale, to see the disappointment and displeasure which surely the older has in his eyes right now.
He can’t bear to see how pathetic he is in Valentino’s eyes.
You ruined it for him, good job.
His head echoes with this thought, he was almost there, so close to faking it perfectly but he had to fucking cry.
He didn’t even cry in front of Vale when he told the world he hated him and he should be off the sport, but he cries for this.
“Marc?” Valentino’s voice is filled with something, it sounds like concern, fear almost.
“Marc, would you open your eyes?” no he can’t he fucking can’t because they’re filled with tears that are just going to spill out if he does, he doesn’t want that, he doesn’t want Vale to see him weak and scarred and broken.
“Amore please, what’s going on? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry if I did just please open your eyes and tell me”
There, now Vale even thinks it’s his own fault, amazing, really fucking amazing, another step towards separation.
Vale is so fucking worried right now, Marc is practically crying in front of him, trying to hold his tears in to seem tough but his body is shivering and his lips already trembling.
If he seriously went overboard and hurt him he’s going to punch himself in the face, he would never want to wound Marc.
“Amore?” It sounds like a plea, and it is, he’s begging for an answer, because he has to know what he’s done wrong.
Was he too harsh? Too demanding? Did he hurt his arm? How many possible things may he have done wrong? 
Marc gathers what little forces he has left and props himself up, sitting on the bed and opening his eyes, but he doesn’t look at Vale.
He wouldn’t be able to see him even if he wanted to, tears clouding his vision and falling on the bed.
Vale grabs the shirt he discarded earlier on the bed, the one with a wrinkled 46 printed in front in a now not so bright yellow font.
“You’re shivering Marc put this on, you’ll get sick if you don’t” he lets Vale dress him, he feels like he doesn’t have control on his body and it makes him go insane.
He always needs to have control, otherwise how can he handle reality?
He finally manages to look up at Vale, and the man can see the pain rooted deep into his stare, and he aches.
He aches because how could he not notice how much Marc was truly hurting? His eyes look like the ones he had back in 2014, after the press conference where he first broke his heart.
God that stare, the haunted gaze he had that day, it will haunt him forever.
A kid, he was a kid and he managed to kill him.
And now he looks like that kid again. Confused, hurt, crushed and dead.
“I-I’m sorry I ruined it Vale, I didn’t mean to I-” he stops, a hiccup interrupting his words “I can’t I’m not what you need right now and I get it” What was he saying? What does he mean not what Vale needed? He is everything Vale needs and way more than what he deserves.
“I just…I thought I could at least still let you have this but I can’t even fucking bring myself to ignore myself for this while”
Vale is so confused right now, because he doesn’t understand. Why is Marc talking like he’s going to fucking die in a minute? Why should he ignore himself? 
He has so many questions but he cannot even pose one, his lips sealed by incredulity.
And Marc on the other hand feels like he isn’t even deserving of an answer, he wants to scream and cry and beg Vale for a chance, but he doesn’t.
Finally Vale manages to speak up, the feeling of instability being suppressed by the need to understand what was killing Marc’s mind.
“Marc, what are you saying? let me have what? you didn’t ruin everything and what’s with the 'I'm not what you need’ thing?”
It looks so real to Marc now, the concern and the preoccupation radiating from Vale.
You failed him, you just had to shut up and endured and you fai-
For the first time this week he manages to shut the voice up, sending it back to the hell it came from long enough to be aware of the fact Vale really cares about him.
He breaks down, crying in front of the man he loves for the first time.
It’s ugly and messy, and he’s fuckinging exhausted, he wants to hold Vale, he wants to be held by him, he needs to feel at home.
And even if he doesn’t say that explicitly Vale gets it, he throws his arms around the boy, keeping him there for a while, not bothering to check how long, he places him on his lap, Marc’s ruffled hair tickling his neck as he continues sobbing into his collarbone, shoulders shivering at every sound.
He gets his head up from Vale’s neck, and fixes his gaze on Vale’s.
“Please Vale promise me you won’t leave me for someone younger and prettier, because I know you could do that anytime if you wanted because you deserve it but please don’t, I know I’m not beautiful like before and that I’m broken now and that you should be with someone who doesn’t hurt himself every week and I know I can’t do what I did before in bed but I swear I’ll try to do it again, and and I get it you could have anyone because you’re you but I only want you please please I love you I can’t let you go I need to be with you I know it’s so pathetic and dumb but I beg of you don’t leave me”
He rushes his words out, one attached to the other not caring anymore if he sounds weak, his face is now completely wet with tears and Vale’s shirt is soaked as well, but he doesn’t care, it feels like he let go of an enormous weight and is finally free.
Vale's answer comes like a helping hand to a drowning person, the hand that grabs yours and drags you out of the angry waves keeping you underwater, your lungs burning.
“Marc I- I don’t even know where to start I mean…why would I ever leave you if you’re the best thing I ever got the chance to have in my life? Why would I need someone younger when I have you and how could I want someone prettier when no one’s more perfect than you?
You’re right you’re not as beautiful as before, you’re far more breathtaking now, and you’re everything but broken, do you think that just because you fell and injured yourself you aren’t attractive to me anymore? Those scars symbolize you never giving up. They are one of the most attractive things you have, amore.
Marc I don’t care if we cannot have that rushed sex we used to have when we raced together, I love what we do now, I adore it, I feel much more connected to you, back then it was adrenaline and desire, now it’s love and need, I wouldn’t trade it for any sum on money in the world you must know this, I would never want to hurt you or force you to have sex with me if it hurts you, ok?
And I don’t fucking care I am who I am, or the fact I could have anyone else because 
I. have. you. 
And you’re the only one I want or need or dream about sharing my life with, you get it?
I love you Marc Marquez and I’ll be damned if I let these thoughts get to you and make you act like that.
I’m never going to leave unless you want me to, because I already left once and I hurt you and myself and I cannot go through it again. 
It was the worst period of my life because I looked for you every night and you weren’t there, because of me.
I should be the on worrying about you leaving me because of what I did, never never never the opposite” 
And now Vale is crying too, his eyes holding onto Marc’s gaze like his life depends on it, like he needs an answer to breathe again, because he too feels like he’s drowning and being brought to safety by his lover.
“You still love me? You swear?” It sounds so feeble and desperate Vale wants to open his chest with his bare hands and gift Marc his heart as proof of his love, because the only way he could doubt his love for him would be Vale not showing it enough, not doing everything the boy needed to feel loved.
“Of course I still love you Marc, I never stopped, and I never will, I want to share my whole life with you, you are my star and I will never let you say those things about yourself again, got it?”
“Even if I’m older now? I’ve got scars and lines and I look-”
“You look perfect. Listen I know I said I don’t believe in therapy and all that shit but I just- it’s just I didn’t like what they told me there and I decided to shit on it, but it actually helped me realize I still loved you and if you need to go there to understand how much I love you I’ll pay for it, I’ll bring you to your appointments and I’ll accept whatever outcome you get from it”
It feels good now, to Marc. It’s like he got dragged out of a stormy ocean onto a tropical beach, sunny, warm, quiet and calm.
No wretched voice demonizing or belittling him, just Vale, the only other presence on his dream beach, so close to him he can feel their hearts beating in unison.
He locks his fingers with Vale’s, a soft smile forming on his lips.
“Yeah I- I want to go, because I don’t want to feel like this again, I need to free my mind. Do you understand me? It’s so full it feels like it’s going to explode”
Yes, Vale knows. He’s gone through it more than he likes to admit, and he just nods, pulling Marc even closer, pressing a sweet kiss on his forehead, feeling the boy relax under his touch.
Marc tilts his head, looking up at Vale, and goes to plant a soft kiss on the man’s lips.
No rush, no lust, nothing except deep love and trust, a feeling of peace hovering over the couple who drifts to sleep together, Marc being able to dream of a beautiful snippet of his life with Vale, them together at the Ranch, not worrying anymore about hiding because Marc is retired and nobody will say anything, Stitch and Shira running after a kid with big blue eyes in the garden, the academy boys discussing who’s the favorite uncle.
Marc and Valentino holding hands, Marc’s head on Vale’s shoulder as they look at the little  girl laughing, playing with the dogs and the grass.
It’s domestic, soft, and quiet.
So quiet.
The only sound being the laughter coming from their friends and families and the dogs panting behind the buzzing girl.
She looks like Vale.
She calls him and Marc picks her up, she smiles, they’re happy.
There’s no need to worry anymore, Vale never left him, Marc neither, they went through Marc’s insecurities together, they didn’t let go of eachother.
In the real world Valentino is smiling, putting Marc to bed, covering him with their sheets, dreaming of the same thing. 
A life, a future with Marc.
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tokintormin · 1 month
scribble comic, not canon, feat. vox, trigger warning.
tw cult, tw death, tw blood, tw negative thinking. tw victimblaming (severe)
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notdelusionalatall · 17 days
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eyeofthechasm · 4 months
again and again. (Act 2->3 transition)
Ok this one has. Lots of warnings.
Cw for: blood, emotional numbness (still don’t rlly know. kinda????), suicide (not written but HEAVILY implied), self deprecation/self hate
> LOOP 33
Your body jolts.
You’re. back.
You’re leaned over the sink, hands on either side of the cool porcelain, staring down into the drain.
Again again again again again!
You did everything right, didn’t you? You got through the House without any road-bumps, helped Mira remember her carrot method, beat the King, talked to the Head Housemaiden, EVERYTHING.
You stare at your reflection. You look so tired. You are tired. You’ve memorized every detail of your face. Every wrinkle under your eyes, every stray hair, the way your choker sits juust off center.
Your expression is blank.
You wish you could be like this more.
Oh, how simple that would be, not having to force your expressions all the time. But no! You can’t! You can’t, because then your friends will get worried! About you! And then you’ll have to start all over again because stars blinding forbid you show anything other than normalcy. Than your laid back, carefree attitude they rely on to keep themselves together.
You’re being far too rude.
They care too much.
Too much for someone as rude and pathetic and incapable as-
The sink. cracks. under your hands. You watch as your blood runs down the cracked porcelain, catching in the newly formed grooves and gaps, staining the darkless surface an ugly shade of lightless.
Oh. You. must’ve been gripping that much harder than you . thought you were.
Oh well. At least it’s at the very start. Not a big deal.
You yank a dagger from your hip hand-
> LOOP 34
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homocidalpotat · 1 month
this isnt a request for attention
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bitchy-bi-trash · 1 year
I feel so ugly, so repulsive that when I let someone even touch me, i feel disgusted for them, it's like I made them commit a sin.
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browneyeddeath · 5 months
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old pics
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rubeslovesthesmiths · 5 months
I'm the most horrible person.
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sugarthebee · 2 months
tw me being a dramatic little bitch
I just want someone to talk to me
someone to look at my characters and say they made them happy
that the things I do for you all are working and I'm not screaming into the void
that I'm not just being annoying by making so many characters like I'm trying to figure out what does and doesn't work
in other words I'm on the verge of a panic attack because people don't talk to my roleplay blogs
maybe my brother was right and I am overreacting
I want to be noticed
I want to be told I'm doing good
I'm getting tired of trying to make other people happy and failing and getting no recognition no matter what I do
I post a drawing and nobody sees it
okay maybe it wasn't good enough
so I post another
and nobody sees it
what am I doing wrong
am I just a bad artist?
am I the problem?
if you people hate me just tell me so I can stop trying to appease everyone all the time
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anulithots · 4 months
What's this? An Anuli snippet that's not cannon (yet)?
(Written in the future, also it doesn't have Anuli's usual pretty prose because it was supposed to be a quick idea.)
Featuring an Anuli and Sitara interaction! Woah! Is that even possible!?
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"How's your unrequited love going?"
"What?! Why would you... Anuli, you can't just ask that."
I flicked the half-finished doll with the others. "My apologies. I cannot discern subtext. Subtext is critical for understanding. Understanding your story... tis quite the predicament."
"How does that explain anything?" Sitara flopped into place beside me. "I'm not a story."
"Mhmm." I curled my antennae in a spiral. In and out. Forever the same. Never learned. "But you do have tropes, do you not? Patterns. Arcs. Stories are only... explorations of such things."
Sitara giggled. "Please explain that in a language I understand."
Don't say anything. Anuli, you've already ruined thi-
I yanked my antennae. "Stories copy 'real life'. 'Real life' in turn copies stories. Each predicts the other... understandable?"
Something rotted. Important no doubt. The smell of decay nested in my neck, in the hopes of gnawing the stray flesh that tore at itself. Raw from too long bleeding. Bleeding for so long it didn't bother to heal itself, rather, the numb escape tempted my body away. Away it went.
The villain. Left alone. Devoid of all sensation. That ending fitted Anuli the antagonis-
I startled.
Sitara sighed. "My 'unrequited love' is going fine. Why'd you ask?"
Some reason, villianous and dumb and Sitara should've left already.
Oh Anuli, don't you let yourself leech on faer words for longer than nessecary - not that any of this is. The fact that you asked at all....
Add another trait to remove: asking dumb questions! Dumb, antagonistic questions that only got others upset, waster their valuable time on something so rotten. Sitara regretted this already, no doubt. ANd as the side character with a friendship side plot-
Did I- I've been quiet for too long.
Ah Anuli, at first we'd only bash one hand, now it shall be both. Both hands, close to broken and bruised - made sure you find a sharp enough rock - with blood that splatters all over your disgusting face -
"Your story is of the side-plot trope. Side-plot of friendship, to be exact.... although if I were to be minutely precise.. I shall identify the subtype: One character hopes and leaves the audience in near agony until either a confession or communication." I released my antennae with a 'boing!', "My preference is either a confession scene - as long as the plot did not drag of for too long - where it fully explores the character dynamic OR one in tragedy," my ears swirled in a green blur, "Like if one of the characters dies unfulfilled and the longing only grows worse and the story could explore the full depths of desires that continue to worsen and continue on and on, forevermo-"
"We're.... we are still talking about stories? Right?"
I blinked.
Shall we add on wringing our arms?
Shall we continue on our rampage? With no one to contain Anuli the antagonist?
Imagine! The antagonist stole away time and care from everyone else and got away with it. How unsatisfying. AND dangerous! For if the antagonist continued, well, the plot would've deteriorated from there.
With wrung arms and bashed in hands, Anuli remains thwarted for yet another day.
"It's okay," Sitara shifted, "If you want to talk about... gruesome things... but, um... that's not your prediction for me... right?"
It will be if I keep blabbering. I let myself go unchecked. Tch. I never learn.
"Yours needs a confession scene. For it dangerously teeters over the precipise of dragging on and on and on...."
"Alright, alright. I get it." Sitara laughed. "I'll ask faer to be friends... soon..."
I shall claw my neck, so the blood pools around my feet.
"Characters convince themselves out of things if the plot has too many distractions... perhaps another scene or so. Each scene needs narrative significance after all."
"Okay! Anuli wins!" Sitara stood. "Today it is... but you're coming with me!"
I tilted my head.
No. No. No. Too much. And after all the warnings too. This ends the same. As they all would. Let the villain have their fun and this is the result? Shameful, truly.
We may need a larger fabric to soak up the blood once we're done.
Or we could tear apart the dolls....
How about that?
And any associated story dies too?
There. That works. Wonderous isn't it?
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That's about as far as I got!
Fun fact: Anuli threatens faerself in order of least to most value. Faer body, then faer stories, then faer memories.
Other notes: I'm not sure if Sitara seems mean in this snippet? THat wasn't really the goal, fae's just very 'speak faer mind and loud'. Plus fae 'died' when fae was little, so both Sitara and Anuli act childish in different ways. Anuli and Sitara have contrasting personalities, but I'm not sure if they compliment each other.... I'll see when I get to this point.
@waitingforthesunrise @sm-writes-chaos @holdmyteaplease @full-on-sam @osbob-the-existent @awleeofficial @clearcloudlesssky @gummybugg @sleepy-vix @starryeyeddarlings @sea-dwelling-wizard @snowpoet123
lmk if you'd like to be added or removed <3 🌿
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justabaddreamm · 10 months
Guys look! They’re so cute!! Which one should I use first?! 🩷
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ask-eyefestation · 1 month
Wrong answer, what do you see?
*Still pointing the mirror at her*
"A failed experiment."
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thtfailedartist · 1 month
Depression and hyperfixation got together and now I have Harlan Ellison in my head telling me I don't deserve warm water while I shower
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No one should hate me actually. I hate myself enough for everyone, like they don’t need to add to that. </3
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