#They'll say it was actually resolved
localguy2 · 1 year
Zane and PIXAL get bored so they decide to play chess together
It ends up going for 17 hours and no one is able to checkmate the other
So as to ease the bordem they take it to the Sam-X cave and set the board down next to a broken mech
And let's say Zane moves a piece, now he gets up and starts fixing the mech until PIXAL moves a chess piece herself, in which case PIXAL gets up and starts fixing the mech while Zane thinks about his next move
Eventually the mech is fixed and they move on to building new vehicles, WHILE THIS DAMN CHESS MATCH IS GOING ON
So the days ends and everyone goes to bed, but upon waking up the first thing Zane and PIXAL do is immediately go back to the chess board again which is STILL THERE WITH THE SAME PIECES FROM LAST NIGHT
And the only times they stop is when the others need them for something like a mission or cooking or cleaning, etc
Eventually they take this to a whole new level when they decide to continue the chess match while on missions
The ninja get captured?
"Fuck gotta wait for rescue, in the meantime please excuse me and PIXAL, we're gonna continue our chess match" Zane randomly says while they're all in a cage
So he just sits next to PIXAL and connects with her and they continue the chess match in their own heads
And when they get back to the monastery, they go to the chess board and set the pieces exactly the same way they left them when they continued the match in their heads
It's now been 6 months and the match is still going
Everyone is this close to losing it already with these 2
Meanwhile Zane and PIXAL are genuinely really interested in this and they're having way too much fun
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polyphonial-old · 2 years
sorry i didn't respond. i was doing hot guy shit (got shadowbanned)
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marinonso · 3 days
oh no, no no no no no i just said some very personal things to a friend
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thelibrarian1895 · 1 month
Contingency plans
So we're aware that the Bat has a plan to neutralize basically anyone and those plans with varying levels of applicability and success potential. Over the course of his training and trauma, Tim Drake aka Red Robin has also developed his own contingency plans for a considerable number of people, very likely more than just the one screen that we saw.
I'm going to suggest that the rest of the bats have their own plans, some more nebulous than others.
Let's say that putting one or more of your family members on your contingency list might be both an insult but also a compliment. You acknowledge that your sibling is so capable and dangerous that some safeguards might be a wise idea and you know that when/if your sibling ever gets their head on straight, they'd probably regret their actions while under an evil influence or whatever. You also don't want anyone else to run the risk of hurting your brother/sister/parental figure. They are your family! What if the someone else hurts them more than necessary!? Also the other option is letting Bruce handle their sib who's gone off the rails! Letting Bruce handle them is worse than having no plan at all!
(Tim leaves Dick off his own list because if Dick crosses a line and goes too far, Tim knows he'll be right there beside him. Dick hasn't realized this yet.)
When Jason reaches a point that he'd be horrified at someone hurting one of his sibs if they're being mind controlled, he comes up with his own plans. Same for Damian after he comes to accept more than just Bruce and Dick as his family. Steph has some nebulous ideas. Cass maintains her training with a particular edge to ensure that she's always capable of taking down any of her family as efficiently as possible. Duke learns of all the times family has been mind controlled or otherwise manipulated to be "evil" and quietly has his own countermeasures. Barbara has her plans all on hard copies rather than on any database. Steph's plans involve glitter as an extra deterrent for whoever gets mind controlled or goes to the dark side.
This comes out when let's say B's latest bout of being mind controlled. No one outside of the Bats and the person who did the controlling ever learns that it happened because B's children neutralized him so quickly thanks to their myriad of plans. After he gets out of the mind control, B actually tells his kids he's proud of them, reinforcing the contingency plan idea to all of them.
So, Bats having their own contingency to neutralize one another becomes a compliment and something they'd want to do out of love. Tim is annoyed with Damian because now he has to readjust his plan for the brat since Damian can counter Tim's contingency now that he knows it. All of them are annoyed that they have to come up with new plans to neutralize B and resolve that next time they'll just go with one of their plans.
All of them become low key offended that their non bat friends don't have some sort of real contingency place for them. Don't they think them capable of mass destruction? Don't their friends love them?!
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ferie-anon · 3 months
Things moon signs have done or said
*Based on my experiences, may or may not be true to everyone 🥸*
🐏Aries moon: I’ll always be praying on people’s downfall *them constantly when someone offends them*
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🐂Taurus moon: the concerned one when their friends describe their chaotic life or decisions
“Interesting but are you okay? I don’t think that’s a good idea”
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👯‍♀️Gemini moon: mentions something random to their friend in the middle of conversation of what they saw online or remembered from another day
Or enlightens their friend with random knowledge or info in the middle
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🦀Cancer moon: embarrasses themselves* its ok! I’m fine at least *dies internally*
*also has the most relatable reactions and moods irl*
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🦁Leo moon: I love life! *Next minute* I hate life. Let me recharge I need to do self care.
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👸Virgo moon: Plays it cool after having a internal meltdown over catching feelings, worrying about their work and holding it all together. If their friend asks them if they're okay, they'll say yes and then no.
Virgo moon: "I'm actually not fine, but I looked like everything's normal right?"
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⚖️Libra moon: uses doja cat, nicki minaj, pop culture memes on presentation slides and gives daily tea and update on their crushes
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🖤Scorpio moon: I don’t need anyone by my side. Also them lowkey: “I want someone who can show affection and respects me, whys it so hard getting someone loyal, passionate, and shows love without me asking 🙄” *Also them when someone wants to be with them* Scorpio moon: "Not you."
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🏹Sag moon: I know this is a bad idea but I’m still gonna do it and see if it is as bad as it seems :o
*Does it* Sag moon: Nevermind this was a very bad decision, why did I do it 💀🥸
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🐐Capricorn moon: Calmly thinking and then comes up with goofy jokes or stories, ranges from dorky relatable jokes to dad jokes
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⚡️Aqua moon: *someone texts them asking how they are after 2 weeks of being on seen* Sorry I forgot to reply, I thought I replied but it was in my head 🥸. "Oops."
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🐠Pisces moon: I can’t help but get really emotional over a lot of things, people, animals, and my own self.
Pisces moon: If only I could resolve all of these feelings 🥺
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yukipri · 14 days
Some thoughts on Cara
So some of you may have heard about Cara, the new platform that a lot of artists are trying out. It's been around for a while, but there's been a recent huge surge of new users, myself among them. Thought I'd type up a lil thing on my initial thoughts.
First, what is Cara?
From their About Cara page:
Cara is a social media and portfolio platform for artists. With the widespread use of generative AI, we decided to build a place that filters out generative AI images so that people who want to find authentic creatives and artwork can do so easily. Many platforms currently accept AI art when it’s not ethical, while others have promised “no AI forever” policies without consideration for the scenario where adoption of such technologies may happen at the workplace in the coming years. The future of creative industries requires nuanced understanding and support to help artists and companies connect and work together. We want to bridge the gap and build a platform that we would enjoy using as creatives ourselves. Our stance on AI: ・We do not agree with generative AI tools in their current unethical form, and we won’t host AI-generated portfolios unless the rampant ethical and data privacy issues around datasets are resolved via regulation. ・In the event that legislation is passed to clearly protect artists, we believe that AI-generated content should always be clearly labeled, because the public should always be able to search for human-made art and media easily.
Should note that Cara is independently funded, and is made by a core group of artists and engineers and is even collaborating with the Glaze project. It's very much a platform by artists, for artists!
Should also mention that in being a platform for artists, it's more a gallery first, with social media functionalities on the side. The info below will hopefully explain how that works.
Next, my actual initial thoughts using it, and things that set it apart from other platforms I've used:
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1) When you post, you can choose to check the portfolio option, or to NOT check it. This is fantastic because it means I can have just my art organized in my gallery, but I can still post random stuff like photos of my cats and it won't clutter things. You can also just ramble/text post and it won't affect the gallery view!
2) You can adjust your crop preview for your images. Such a simple thing, yet so darn nice.
3) When you check that "Add to portfolio," you get a bunch of additional optional fields: Title, Field/Medium, Project Type, Category Tags, and Software Used. It's nice that you can put all this info into organized fields that don't take up text space.
4) Speaking of text, 5000 character limit is niiiiice. If you want to talk, you can.
5) Two separate feeds, a "For You" algorithmic one, and "Following." The "Following" actually appears to be full chronological timeline of just folks you follow (like Tumblr). Amazing.
6) Now usually, "For You" being set to home/default kinda pisses me off because generally I like curating my own experience, but not here, for this handy reason: if you tap the gear symbol, you can ADJUST your algorithm feed!
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So you can choose what you see still!!! AMAZING. And, again, you still have your Following timeline too.
7) To repeat the stuff at the top of this post, its creation and intent as a place by artists, for artists. Hopefully you can also see from the points above that it's been designed with artists in mind.
8) No GenAI images!!!! There's a pop up that says it's not allowed, and apparently there's some sort of detector thing too. Not sure how reliable the latter is, but so far, it's just been a breath of fresh air, being able to scroll and see human art art and art!
To be clear, Cara's not perfect and is currently pretty laggy, and you can get errors while posting (so far, I've had more success on desktop than the mobile app), but that's understandable, given the small team. They'll need time to scale. For me though, it's a fair tradeoff for a platform that actually cares about artists.
Currently it also doesn't allow NSFW, not sure if that'll change given app store rules.
As mentioned above, they're independently funded, which means the team is currently paying for Cara itself. They have a kofi set up for folks who want to chip in, but it's optional. Here's the link to the tweet from one of the founders:
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And a reminder that no matter that the platform itself isn't selling our data to GenAI, it can still be scraped by third parties. Protect your work with Glaze and Nightshade!
Anyway, I'm still figuring stuff out and have only been on Cara a few days, but I feel hopeful, and I think they're off to a good start.
I hope this post has been informative!
Lastly, here's my own Cara if you want to come say hi! Not sure at all if I'll be active on there, but if you're an artist like me who is keeping an eye out for hopefully nice communities, check it out!
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Would love to see a TR Drabble or one shot about Draken having a little sister, and Mitsuya falling head over heels for his twin dragons sister. Just imagine how annoyed Draken would be at first until it’s brought up he’s dating Mikey’s little sister ☠️
Touché {Mitsuya Takashi}
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A/n: that was such a cute idea ngl. Hopefully what I wrote is to your liking! Thank you for your request 🥰
Pairing: Miysuya x fem!reader
Tw: none just pure fluff
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Draken should have known. All those random visits at the brothel with the excuse of 'being here to see my best friend', Mitsuya always carrying an extra cardigan whenever you were out with them... Not to mention all the clothes he would give you 'just because he made them to see how his design would look like'.
The signs had always been there, so why on earth was Draken so surprised when Mitsuya told him that he liked you? Maybe it was an attempt to protect you, his sister. But why was he angry?
"You're acting like a child!" It was the first time you had seen Mitsuya argue. And after a few glances between you, Yuzuha and Hakkai you were sure that outside of the battlefield they hadn't either.
"Surely they'll resolve this like two calm twenty year olds." Yuzuha sighed and continued walking.
"I sure hope so because once we meet with Takemitchi, Chifuyu and Emma whatever those two are fighting over will be on the news." You laughed, reaching out to take a handful of chips from Hakkai.
"I think this is the first time I've seen Taka so... confused." Hakkai turned to face you and Yuzuha.
Noticing that your attention was on them, the two boys lowered their voices almost immediately. For the next ten minutes, none of you could even eavesdrop on what they were saying.
"They're been at it for like a day now." Yuzuha and Hakkai's eyes widened at the new piece of information.
But you weren't lying. Yesterday morning, Mitsuya had texted Draken. Your brother had been exercising nonstop to let off some steam after that. It was strange. Really strange. Mitsuya and Draken were the twin dragons of a once glorious Toman. They had never fought with each other.
"Oh I get it!" Mitsuya's voice rose once again out of frustration. Neither you nor the Shiba siblings turned around. "It's fine when you date Mikey’s sister but I can't even ask out yours!"
Was it possible for someone's eyeballs to fall down just like that? You weren't sure but by the looks of it you were going to find put pretty soon because Yuzuha's, Hakkai's and your eyes were as wide as they could get.
But it wasn't Mitsuya's sudden confession that made you turn around. No. It was the fact that Draken hadn't actually come up with a comeback.
"Touché." The three of you muttered along with Draken. "And a good one at that." Your brother sighed.
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fatkish · 1 month
Hey, it's me again!
I have another request if that's ok. If not, I understand.
Pro heroes (All Might, Aizawa, Hizashi, Midnight, Ryukyu, Fatgum) Mirko who adopted a child with a dangerous quirk that's hard for them to control and is scared that they'll end up hurting people because of it. The kid being only around 3 years old
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Pro Heroes x Nezuko Reader
(I know I already did this but I just love Nezuko and it’s the only thing I could really think of that would work. That’s also why Aizawa isn’t in this, because he was in the previous one)
So the narrative is that the police got a call from civilians saying that a child just got their quirk and is out of control. The police alert the heroes and the following is how I believe each person would handle the situation and how they would help the child if they’re the one who answered the call. Each one of the heroes gets the reader a muzzle for them to wear after they adopt the reader.
All Might:
Was shocked at how strong you are in your adult demon form
Gets a bite taken out of him and while their teeth are in his arm, he hits their exposed neck knocking them unconscious
After that he asks one of the police for help and manages to fashion a makeshift gag/muzzle
The reader’s parents were unfortunately killed by the reader in their transformation induced hunger and rage
All Might decides to adopt the reader since he fears what AFO would do if he found the child and stole their quirk
When you wake up and learn what you did you end up crying and he holds you in his arms as he laughs and shows you that he’s fine
Present Mic/Hizashi:
Was slightly scared by how strong you are in adult form
He handles the situation similar to All Might
Although he does get bitten a lot more, he refuses to use his quirk on the reader
Seeing as the parents are il-equipped to handle the reader, he decides to adopt them and help them
He helps the reader fight off their hunger for humans
Likes to play games with the reader and helps them learn how to control their quirk
Isn’t too scared of your strength since she barely saw it
Midnight puts the reader to sleep and has the police help fashion a makeshift gag
Seeing as the parents are too scared of the reader, she adopts them
She loves dressing the reader up in cute outfits and the reader loves having Nemuri do their hair
She teaches the reader restraint and helps them fight their hunger for humans
Is amazed by how strong your quirk makes you and knows you’ll get even stronger
She manages to subdue the reader until the police can put a muzzle on them and quirk restraints
She tries to find the reader’s parents at the scene but later finds that the parents abandoned the reader and don’t want them
She takes the reader in and teaches her how to get used to their new life with their quirk and helps them fight their desire for human blood
Is surprised by your strength and how powerful your quirk is especially for someone your age
Uses his fat to subdue the reader and puts quirk restraints on the reader
When he discovers that the reader’s parents are villains he decides that he’ll adopt the reader since their parents are locked up anyway
He helps the reader overcome their hunger for blood by making sure they have plenty of alternative food to eat, no eating people
He loves cuddling with the child and helps them learn to navigate their new quirk
Knows that your strength will make you a great hero someday
The only one who actually has to fight the child in adult form
Does get bitten but doesn’t mind
Like Midnight, the parents reject the reader saying that the child is a monster so she adopts the reader
Teaches the reader to put their hunger into their resolve to not eat people
Teaches the reader how to fight and use their quirk
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So, say you have a story idea. The development is going well, you have your characters, etc… but when you try to actually start your outline, it’s like it all suddenly turns to static. It suddenly just isn’t understandable and you can’t get it out of your brain and onto paper - and you’ve tried all sorts of methods to outline before. You can’t figure out the plot fully if you can’t get it out of your head which is proving to be a frustrating task. That’s the issue I’m having right now, and I’d love some suggestions or ideas on how to combat it.
Struggling to Outline Story
You have a story idea... and you say "the development is going well" but all you mention is characters. You might have a general premise, developed characters, and a fleshed out setting... but do you have a plot? Does your plot revolve around conflict? Do you know the goal your characters will have to reach in order to resolve that conflict, the plan they'll follow in an attempt to reach that resolution, what obstacles they must overcome along the way, and who/what is responsible for putting their obstacles in place? Do you know what plot points are typical in the type of story you want to tell?
If you don't know all of the above, that's probably why you're having a difficult time outlining.
Here are some previous posts that should help:
Plot Driven vs Character Driven Stories Understanding Goals and Conflict How to Move a Story Forward Basic Story Structure Finding a Story in Characters and Setting
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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overandundertarot · 1 year
Glimpse of a Cute and Comforting Moment Between You and Your Future Spouse.
Let's take a sneak peak into a moment between you and your future spouse that will bring you some comfort right now!
Piles 1-3
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Pile 1
Cards; 5 of cups reversed, The magician, 10 of cups reversed. Ouuu pile 1 this moment may come after a fight or just an overcharged, intense situation. Your future spouse would be feeling so emotional but you would be calm throughout, offering comfort and guidance. You are an optimistic person, you'll be thinking of how to make the best of what's happening. You may also have short hair. You could also try brainstorming with them. To them, it feels like anything can workout as long as you're by their side. They'll be thinking; damn! I'm so glad i have them on my side. They just think you're so dependable and honestly you're their emotional support. I'm getting that after this moment they might feel like they were underappreciating you before and become determined to cherish you properly going forward. A lot of whats coming forward is how your spouse feels for you and views you, they adore you! And in this moment they're feeling the full force of that adoration, even though they may not have realised it themselves before this. I'm seeing you two sitting down, close together; could be cuddling, but definitely holding hands. It would be a silent moment and they would just be staring at your face so hard, trying to comit it to memory. In this moment you give them the strength to go on, you're their comfort. For some this could be before you enter the relationship and this moment is what's going to endear you to your future spouse and make them start seeing you in a romantic light! They'll be freshly out of a breakup and think that the perfect person for them was here all along, im sensing that you may intuitively understand this as well and also start persuing them. You were waiting for a chance! You're quite sly pile one lmao.
Pile 2
Cards; 8 of pentacles, 5 of swords reversed, Justice. You and your fs are very much partners in crime. You work very well together. This moment is at a time of success for both of you. For you pile 2 though, you may be feeling a sense of loss, kind of like this success is bittersweet. The journey to where you are at the time of this moment was not easy, but you were determined to get through. It feels like because you were hurt in the past, you were worried about the situatuation but your future spouse is more practical and they're telling saying something like; "If you put in the work of course you'll get the results." Lmao, they may be quite stern faced and a no nonsense kind of person. Either way, it's a moment that you'll share with your community as well as one that you will both be absolutely engrossed in. You won't be thinking about anything else. I'm getting that you both are very involved in the welfare of others and this may be connected to both of your careers, like a philanthropist couple. For some, this could be a proposal amongst friends and family and you'll be so surprised, bursting into tears saying something like "I can't beleive this!" and your spouse would be disgruntled because to them it was very obvious that a quality relationship was built and that you were the one for them. It will feel like things are clicking into place for both of you. Confirmations/signs for this pile could be aries or leo, air signs and birds, law, mesmirising eyes and the night sky.
Pile 3
Cards; 4 of wands, 8 of wands, knight of cups. This is a pivotal moment for the expansion of your relationship. It will feel much worse in the moment than it will actually be. Your future spouse is so playful pile 3. They may appear unserious and withdrawn meanwhile you get jealous and insecure because of this. To be honest, both of your attitudes are quite different from the outcome of the situation. This may be a misunderstanding that resolves itself through sheer luck and coincidence. Your spouse is a dreamer, someone who loves to keep their head in the clouds but are afraid of attachment, meanwhile you feel too much and don't know how to translate that properly to other people so your feelings can come off as too much or simply not sincerely. Despite this you still end up in a successful relationship together and hold on strong. Regardless of that, this is a moment of separation. Your spouse may be interacting with someone which makes you jealous. It's clear that in this moment you decide to move on, your fs may attempt to chase but it just brings about a bigger misunderstanding. There's so much pining between you two, it's unreal. Your love story is filled with twists and turns. It's like evrytime you try to seek comfort from your friend as about your relationship they may be thinking,"What happened NOW?!" This is a moment that you both look back on, later in your relationship and laugh about. "Gosh, we were so stupid!" Confirmations for this pile are birds, all the cards I pulled for this pile had birds on them.
Thanks for participating in this pick a pile reading! Any feedback would be awesome :)
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banggyu0308 · 10 months
Berry Sorbet // Huening Kai
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huening kai x fem!reader
summary: in which you share one of the five senses with your soulmate, and the taste of your lipgloss is on Kai's tongue all week.
genre: soulmate au, uni au, slight reincarnation au, non idol au, fluff, humor, skippable smut (will be marked by blue borders) (for your convenience, it is still sfw a little bit after the first border, just in case you don't see it. it is also slightly sfw before the last border, in case you don't scroll far enough)
warnings: cursing, both their friend groups are VERY annoying, some suggestive dialogue from said friends in friend groups (and a reference to taehyun being a tutor and occasionally making out w the people he tutors), some texting scenes, alcohol consumption, both kai and reader are idiots when it comes to their feelings, both kai and reader are very touchy-feely, mentions of kiss-like birthmarks, slight nudity (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY AT ALL. you'll see when you get to it...)
word count: 9k
🎶 - LIP GLOSS (the boyz) + i don't understand but i luv u (seventeen) + watermelon sugar (harry styles)
an- happy twenty-first birthday hyuka ❤️ + if your name is Madelyne and you're a Tyun bias, i'm telepathic and this is for you
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Kai's late. Or- almost. Sliding into his seat at the last minute was not what he had planned to do today, but it's what's ended up happening. His professor shoots him a sharp look over the other students heads, but turns back to the class without a word at his tardiness.
He puts his face in his hands and lets out a slow exhale, opening his notes to focus on the lecture instead of the thoughts running inside his head. His pencil scratches against the paper, his eraser squeaks slightly when he moves to get rid of a word, and the thoughts pause momentarily.
The girl seated in front of him raises her hand with what both Kai and the professor assume is a question, but is actually her CORRECTING what the professor has just told them. Kai expects the professor to get a little more than frustrated at being told she's wrong, but instead she's calm addressing the student. "Thank you for your contribution, Yn. I was unaware that this was a recent development of this topic, and I will further research and fact check it at a later time."
Yn looks up at the teacher with a smile. "I could email you my sources, if you want."
To Kai's surprise, his professor returns the smile, says, "Thank you very much," and continues on with her lesson.
He tries to focus again on the professor's words but a slight fruity taste settles on his tongue. That's strange- he didn't have any fruit today that he can think of.
Lunch break rolls around and as he takes a bite of his store-bought sandwich, he finds that instead of the sandwich's taste, it's the same fruity flavor that takes over his tastebuds.
It's subtle, but it's there, and it's a little annoying. Kai forces himself to finish half of his sandwich with a groan of annoyance, laying with his head in the crook of his arm once he's done.
He sits up to look around after a moment. The cafeteria is loud, but he can pick out some of the voices closest to him. There's Beomgyu, of course he's the loudest. Yeonjun's sitting next to him- they're arguing about something. Kai smiles slightly and shifts his gaze. They'll resolve whatever they're fighting about later. It's almost always something stupid.
Soobin meets Kai's gaze when it shifts to him instead, and without a word, stands and joins him at his table.
"Why are you sitting all alone?" He jokes with a soft smile. Even the small twitch of his lips sets off his dimple, and the expression makes Kai smile back.
"Just wasn't feeling it today. Here, try this... does it taste normal to you?"
Kai holds out the other half of the sandwich and Soobin takes a bite, food shifting to his cheek as he chews. He hands it back with a shrug. "Tastes normal to me."
"Not... fruity or anything?" Kai raises a confused eyebrow and Soobin shakes his head.
Kai stands and tosses the sandwich in the trash, lips pursed in frustration, and sits back down to pull out his phone. The situation is weird enough that he decides to google it, because his friend Soojin had been complaining about a weird taste in her mouth just weeks ago.
The first few articles are about food poisoning, of course, but the ones a little further down are almost all on the same topic, and suddenly it clicks in his brain.
Of course. Didn't Soojin tell him just last week that she'd found her soulmate, a girl in their class named Aurora?
You get linked to your soulmate at random times. Kai knows this. He just hadn't expected it to be, well, now? He's only twenty, he's still in college for pete's sake.
And now he has to figure out the next thing.
Who in hell was eating so much fruit???
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You sit down with a sigh in the front of your classroom. You're early- punctuality is important.
Obviously, the boy sitting behind you doesn't know that. He's seated a split second before the bell rings and you resist a disapproving look his way. His bleached-blonde hair is grown out slightly, mussed in the back like he just rolled out of bed. Jeez, your class isn't even that early...
He's quiet all throughout class, something you notice, although it's not a surprise. If class participation were a grade, he'd fail. You're pretty sure you've only heard him talk once.
The sweet taste of your lipgloss is still slightly unfamiliar when you swipe your tongue over your lips, and you apply another coat with one slick movement. The girl next to you looks at you with a question in her eyes, and you show her the lip gloss tube momentarily before turning back to the lecture.
The class ends with only one incident: a case of misinformation, which you swiftly correct. Lunch is next, and your lipgloss smears pink on your napkin when you wipe it off. Your mouth still tastes like it slightly when you bite into your apple, but it's fine.
You've packed yourself a normal lunch and when you finish, you check the time. Aw shit.
You almost run to your next class, which luckily goes by like a flash; it's one of your easiest ones.
Your next class is one you've just started and you're unfamiliar with. Both the classmates and the actual concept itself are new to you, and you look up from your notes to find the teacher's paired you with the boy from earlier. Instead of your look of annoyance from before, you send a small smile his way.
It's received and returned, and he finds his seat next to you. "I'm Kai," he says, a slight nervous note to his voice. You smile again.
"I'm Yn, nice to finally meet you for real, Kai."
You've been aware of him, of course. One of your best friend's is practically obsessed with one of HIS friends, Taehyun, which means you've spent many a lunch break observing the group, all for Madelyne's sake.
When Kai leans over you slightly to look at your notes, you catch a slight scent of something that almost smells like baby powder. You smile to yourself- it reminds you of your family.
It is strange, though, the way the smell of him lingers even after your numbers are exchanged, after the class ends, after you go back to your room for the day...
And still there when a text from him lights up your phone.
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huening project partner 📖🖊️ i forgot to ask this but, could you send me a copy of your notes? i'm not good at remembering things without looking at them
You laugh slightly at this, take a few photos of each one of your sheets of notes, and send it to him.
you is that all you need?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ yes, thank you 🙏 well... no.
you what else? the punctuation is scaring me
huening project partner 📖🖊️ wait really???????? taehyun usually does, the smarty-pants he is (can't be normal like the rest of us...) but it makes him seem like a really dry texter 😭
you exactly why we DON'T most of my friends are already dry asf when it comes to texting punctuation makes it worse
huening project partner 📖🖊️ i'm sure your friends cannot be worse than taehyun-
you BIANCA IS SO BAD AT IT ISTG like over here you and i are having a conversation and i don't just think you're sitting on the other end like an npc
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ... you're welcome?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ YOU'RE WELCOME!!!! and thank YOU!!!!
you oh my goodness i cannot breathe right nowwww 😭 madelyne is looking at me like i'm CRAZY
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ...is she wrong though....
you HEY!!! YOU'RE NEW!!! YOU DON'T GET TO DISS ME LIKE THAT JUST YET but tbh takes one to know one 🤭
huening project partner 📖🖊️ exactly, you idiot/lh sorry that was mean 😊 goodnight now, i don't even remember why i was texting you in the first place, no way i'm doing homework at 1am 😭
you well, me neither, even though i am right now goodnight kai :) i think i'm going to enjoy being partners with you
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You're cleaning in a rush, throwing things into bins, under your bed, under MADELYNE'S bed, but to be honest, who cares right now??? You'd known Kai'd be over today but it didn't hit you until this morning, THIRTY MINUTES BEFORE HE SHOWS UP, and now, rightfully so, you're in a panic.
You're shoving the last thing into your drawer right as there's a knock at the door. "Coming!!"
You take a moment to dab at your sweaty face and smooth your hair in the slightest. You reach a hand and turn the doorknob, swallowing the little anxiety crawling its way up your throat. "Hello hello!!" You grin at him, taking him by the shoulder and leading him in. "Welcome to my humble abode."
In any other circumstance, you'd be joking. But your room was quite literally the definition of 'humble', even after you cleaned up slightly. You'd done the best you could when you first moved in, adding dainty, pastel curtains that reminded you of fairies, other little details to your bed and side table, but it was hard to cover up the fact of how old this room really was.
Kai cracks a small smile and bends to take his laptop from his bag. You do the same. He joins you on the edge of your bed a moment later and it's all but silent, the only sound the clicking of your keyboards. Not that you mind!! You know the best way to get things done is in silence, for you at least.
He breaks it a moment later, leaning slightly to point at your screen. "I was thinking we could put this over here?"
His chin is practically on your shoulder and you nod slightly, dragging the text box to the other side of the screen. You look up to a loud bang, jumping slightly, which knocks your face into Kai's just as Madelyne walks in.
"OH-!" Her face is a devious grin when she looks at you two. "What do we have here~?"
You quickly shove yourself away from Kai, face hot. "This-" You gesture pointedly at him. "Is my partner on a project for school. Kai, Madelyne. Madelyne, Kai."
"Hey," Kai says. Other than a slightly embarrassed smile on his face, he doesn't look uncomfortable otherwise, and you let out a small breath of relief. The last thing you needed right now was your partner uncomfortable with you.
You stand and push Madelyne away, not leaving room for silence, and say, "Alright, goodbye now!"
Once she leaves again with a backwards glance to you and a "It's my room too," you flop back onto the bed.
"I'm sorry she's like that," you apologize, face buried in one of your pillows.
"No, it's alright, I really don't mind. My friends are the same way. Taehyun's a tutor, for crying out loud, we all know what he gets up to."
A wry grin is sent your direction when you lift your head again, and you have a split second thought of 'I should sign Madelyne up for Taehyun to tutor.' She'd love you forever if you did.
"Thank god," you smile back, settling back in front of your computer, a little closer to Kai this time.
Introduction to your best friend: check.
Maybe this whole project thing won't be so bad.
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Kai is surprised when you sit next to him during your Monday class, and even more surprised when, halfway through your lesson, you lean over to invite him back to your room soon.
He barely processes the words coming from your mouth. He's too focused on the fact that now that you're this close, he can smell your lipgloss, and it's all too familiar to him. It almost exactly matches what he's been tasting on his tongue for almost two weeks.
When he gets out of class, his mind is still running with thoughts tripping over themselves. WHY would he be tasting your lip gloss? When he didn't even know you? And why, the same day he does, does he get partnered with you for your project?
He plops onto his bed with a small sigh. His phone is alight with multiple messages from Yeonjun, asking where he was.
kai well... yes. sorry?
yeonjun 🙄/j You SHOULD be sorry, you meanie >:( WHAT is so important that you would forget????
kai what does it mean when you can taste a girls lip gloss but you've never kissed her or another girl with the same lipgloss?
yeonjun 🙄/j you're not making any sense i don't think it can be the same lipgloss then, or even lipgloss, if you've never kissed or anything
kai yeah... i guess that makes sense sorry for bothering you XD
yeonjun 🙄/j no no it's alright!! who's the girl?
kai you know yn..? super smart, takes a few classes with me, has the friend who's infatuated with taehyun?
yeonjun 🙄/j OH HERRRRR OMG yes i know her!! do you like her?
yeonjun 🙄/j because...?
kai nothing
yeonjun 🙄/j you totally like her.
kai i don't
yeonjun 🙄/j mhmmmm anyways, are you gonna meet us or not?
kai not i've got work to do
yeonjun 🙄/j fine.
yeonjun 🙄/j and one more question... do you have her number?
kai yes...?
yeonjun 🙄/j can i have it?
kai why?? do YOU like her?
yeonjun 🙄/j no i don't can i have it?
kai fine...
kai shared a contact: yn
yeonjun 🙄/j thought you didn't like her 🤭
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You have no idea what just happened.
First of all, WHO added you to this group thread? Why are you here??
And second of all, Kai was one hundred percent right. Why does Taehyun text like that????
unknown added yn
unknown HIIIII
you who. the FUCK. are you?????
unknown beomgyu, you know you're just the same. 🙄
you okay, so i know ONE person here, i guess... WHO ADDED ME????
unknown me!! the one who said hi first..?
beomgyu 🐻 that's yeonjun
you see, that's all i needed FUCKING NAMES
unknown you never think.
you that is totally, 100% taehyun
unknown ... correct. and scary.
taehyun 😏 i feel nervous now.
you dont be kai told me abt y'all so :D
huening project partner 📖🖊️ i did huh?
you oh HIIIII is soobin here too then?
unknown that's me <3 hi yn
you hi soob!! now, WHY am i here? and why does yeonjun have my number?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ that's my fault jjun asked ;-;
you and OFC you had to give in, because it's yeonjun, right? 🙄
huening project partner 📖🖊️ he's hard to say no to i didn't think he'd do this!!
you it's fine it's fine so. how is everyone?
soob soob ❤️ im good!
taehyun 😏 eh. could be better.
jjun 🙄 he's being dramatic, he's fine so am i
beomgyu 🐻 im good too!!!
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ... bad :D
you whats wrong hyuka? :((
huening project partner 📖🖊️ yeonjun :D
you ah, i see we should just get rid of him, shouldn't we?
jjun 🙄 you can't just get rid of me??? i MADE the gc therefore, by law, i CANNOT be removed!!
you i'm sure you thought this through beforehand ;-;
soob soob ❤️ he totally did
jjun 🙄 i did NOT so anyways :D yn, how is your project w kai going? 😏😏
huening project partner 📖🖊️ the emojis are SO unnecessary
jjun 🙄 that's why i used them, kai
beomgyu 🐻 he is nothing but unnecessary
beomgyu 🐻 i've always thought you match my energy :D let's do it :D ... if huening doesn't steal you away...
you he wouldn't dare >:(( would you, kai?
huening project partner 📖🖊️ ...no?
taehyun 😏 LMAO.
soob soob ❤️ kai needs to be reminded he doesn't own yn
huening project partner 📖🖊️ I do NOT?????
jjun 🙄 mhm sureeee 🙄
you i feel like *I* should be the one who's scared here...
huening project partner 📖🖊️ NO YOU'RE FINE
beomgyu 🐻 we're completely normal :D
you that was the last straw the grinning emoji says otherwise GOODBYE-
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'hey, it's kai... was wondering if we could spend some study time in the library together sometime soon? just to do a little extra research, plus it's quiet and that way neither of us need to worry about hosting and cleaning and stuff. call me or text me when you get this. bye.'
You put your phone facedown on the table after listening to the voicemail. It's not that you don't WANT to study with him, in fact you probably NEED to, it's just that you hadn't planned for it. Today or any day. But honestly, today would probably work best... so, you text him back.
you i could do today!! project's due in a week anyways, so it's probably a good time to finalize some stuff and practice presenting.
huening project partner 📖🖊️ okay!! I'll bring my stuff in 15?
you sounds good!! see you then
You grab your books and your computer, shove them in your backpack, and make your way to the library. It seems as if Kai's borrowed your punctuality today- he's there when you show up.
That's new, but he doesn't bring it up to you, only waving you over to his table. "Alright, so, we should divvy up the actual presentation bit, and then I can double check the slides I'm working on, and then you can do the ones you are?"
You smile and nod, logging into your computer and opening the shared Powerpoint.
The two of you are working peacefully in silence, side by side at your desk, until you hear whispered giggling. Now, usually you'd roll your eyes at the disruption and ignore it, but the giggles sound too familiar.
Except... it wouldn't make sense for that to be the laughter you hear. There's more than one voice, and it sounds a lot like Beomgyu, Yeonjun... and Bianca and Madelyne??
Two more voices who, until then, had been unheard, grow louder to shush the others, and you place who they belong to when you see two sets of dark eyes and dark hair peeking from behind a bookshelf.
Funny that Soobin and Taehyun are trying to be the ones to keep the others quiet, but are also the ones that get them seen.
You duck your head and try to ignore them. You don't alert Kai to exactly what his friends are up to, or the fact that your friends are with them too... how the heck did that even HAPPEN??? You bet Madelyne's feeling VERY happy right now, you can tell everyone's pushed up against everyone behind that bookshelf.
One whisper cuts through the others, louder than the rest. "Guys, they look kinda cute together..."
Your head jolts up at the sound and Kai looks over at you in concern, but you shake your head. "Nothing, thought I heard something..."
When he turns back to his computer, you side-eye him, scanning him in a way you hope is subtle. Your gaze catches on a scattering of moles across his neck, a few on his cheeks too, but the ones on his neck catch your eyes the most. It almost seems like there are lip-stick marks on them, and you feel something that almost feels like jealousy in the pit of your stomach. Someone's obviously gotten to him recently and done exactly what had flicked through your brain a second ago.
But then again... When you lean closer, pretending to itch your leg, you notice that said marks are faint and almost match his skin tone, which throws you off. There are a few just like that smattered across your own body too, and they've been there since as long as you can remember.
Now you're curious.
"Kai?" You ask, facing your computer and whispering out of the corner of your mouth.
"Are those birthmarks? Around the moles on your neck?"
He looks at you quickly, a faint blush on his cheeks. "They are, actually... most people assume they're like, hickies or something? They're not, though. So."
You smile at him, tugging the collar of your shirt down so he can see the few on your own neck. "I have some other places too. My mom says they're where your soulmate kissed you most in your past life, which makes me a little suspicious of my soulmate's preferences." Your smile turns a little wry, and then you look away.
"Mine too, actually," he smiles to himself. "A lot on my moles, which are a lot of places, so..."
Your eyes widen at both the whisper of "they look like they're gonna kiss..." coming from the bookshelves and the thought running through your head of wanting to press your own lips to his moles, regardless of their placements. His soulmate was one relatable bastard.
You stand quickly, shoving your things in your bag, and murmur a small apology of your quick departure to Kai. No doubt he'll think he'd driven you off with his confession, but that works for you. No need to tell him the real reason.
You hear multiple groans of annoyance when you pass the bookshelf your friends are behind, and you slam your hand against it for a quick second, sending a glare to whoever's eyes you meet on the other side.
You'll be having words with them all later.
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WHY couldn't they let you have your words with them????
Madelyne inviting Bianca to your dorm the next day was practically the perfect opportunity to chew them both out. You'd already gotten mad at the others on the group chat (you're sure Yeonjun regrets adding you).
But!! Before you can even open your mouth to say something, they're both pulling open your drawers and closet doors, throwing clothes at you. You're stunned into silence until a sock flies into your mouth, which you spit out, and yell, "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?????"
They both pause and look at you with confused expressions. "Did you not get our texts? We've sent, like, thirty in the past 10 minutes," Bianca says. Her hands are full with a few of your skirts that you've shoved in the back of your closet, and you snatch them from her.
"OBVIOUSLY not? What did you say????"
When neither respond, gesturing to your phone, you open it and read through. "I am NOT going to a party. No way. I've got things to do!"
Madelyne rolls her eyes. "Yn. This is your second year in college and you haven't been to a single party."
"I have!!" you protest, moving to shove your clothes back in the drawers.
"Katie Milewicz's birthday party does not count."
"Whether it counts or not, I'm NOT going to this one!"
"What if we told you all the guys will be there and you can bash them about the library incident?" Bianca's smooth voice chimes in with Madelyne's, and it makes you look up momentarily.
"Fine. It'll be fun to do it in person." You sigh in defeat, then grab one of your pairs of jeans and a T-shirt. "But I am NOT dressing up!!"
"There we go..." They both grin at you and wait outside the bathroom as you change and do your hair. Taking your hands and dragging you to the dorm where said party is being held, you press your lips closed in frustration.
When you open the door, it feels like a wall has hit you. A wall that is far too loud, smells like alcohol, and feels like a heat wave.
"On second thought... I might just stay out here." You turn from the door, a little overwhelmed, but Madelyne tugs you back to it.
"I promise it's not as bad when you get inside, okay? And we can find you a corner you can hang out in, with a drink or without."
You take a deep breath, making sure to let it out as a frustrated sigh, but you allow them to bring you inside.
Almost every face is unfamiliar to you, and you suddenly understand the meaning of the phrase 'this is not my crowd'. Remembering Bianca's words from earlier, you peer around for Kai and his friends, but the room is so filled, you have no hopes of spotting them.
You grab a coke and retreat to a corner, so close to it that your hip is pressed right where the two walls meet. Even in your little solitary area, you're bumped up against every now and then.
You hate it, you hate this.
Someone's hand finds your waist momentarily and that's it, you're out of here. You have to finish your project anyways, both you and Kai are counting on you for this.
Turning from the wall to find the doorway, you're met with the first familiar face you've seen all night, the person said face belongs to moving some dude away from you.
"Hey," Kai says, slightly breathless, and he leans against the wall next to you. Your heartbeat spikes at his proximity, and you swallow slightly, moving backwards away from him just the slightest.
He looks just as out of place as you, but the one thing that catches your eye is how someone's angled their colored phone light just right so that it somehow catches Kai's hair, making it look like a blue halo. You giggle slightly at it, and you double check your cup to make sure you haven't accidentally given yourself something that's not coke.
A smile crosses Kai's expression and it makes your heart flutter again, moving a little closer to him.
"So." You say in his ear, loud enough that he can hear but no one else can. "How'd you get here?"
"Do I really look that out of place?" He says in your own ear, lips brushing against your skin, and you swear you feel an actual spark. You feel a sudden need to have him closer, but you ignore it, smiling up at him. "One hundred percent. So who dragged you here?"
"Two guesses."
"Hmm... Yeonjun and Taehyun?"
"Close. Yeonjun and Beomgyu."
"Damn. Maybe me and Beomgyu are less similar than I thought."
"Maybe you're more similar to Soobin... it seems like the two of you get along well."
The way he's looking at you makes you feel like you've done something wrong, even though you know you haven't. What IS that?
Whatever it is, it renders you completely tongue tied, and Kai can tell. "Should we get out of here?"
You can only nod, and when he takes your hand to drag you out, you definitely feel something stirring inside you this time.
He stops just outside of the room, close enough that if someone came looking for you two, they'd be able to find you. You both slump against the wall and slide down it, sitting on the floor. Your sides are pressed close, and the writhing under your skin is only growing the longer he's touching you.
"What were you saying?" You ask, and now it's your turn to sound breathless.
"Oh, nothing... Something about you and Soobin getting on?"
"Oh, yeah. We went to middle school together. It's not like we were ever close, but it's like we have one familiar face from our childhood, you know?"
Your hand feels like it's moving of its own accord, playing with Kai's hair when he leans his head on your shoulder. "I get it. Me and my friend Soojin's girlfriend, Aurora, are like that. She was in my eighth grade class."
You nod slightly, your eyes shutting, and your hand slips farther down to his back. You can feel where his waist dips to his hips through his t-shirt and you press your fingers right there gently.
Your mind feels so fuzzy, you swear you feel like you're drunk. You don't know what possesses you to kiss Kai, but you know the moment you do that there's no way you can ever stop. His lips are soft, pressing against yours so perfectly, it's like you were made for each other. You're giggling into the kiss, eyes wide open, and you know that's a weird way to kiss someone, but you don't want to miss a single thing about his expression right now. His hair tickles your forehead and you can feel his breath on your cheek, along with his eyelashes, but it's perfect.
It's absolutely, 100% perfect.
When he breaks the kiss, forehead against yours, you don't allow space to say anything, tugging him back into the dorm and to the bathroom. You have him against the wall, lips against his, against his neck, the bit of collarbone that peeks from the collar of his shirt... there's a primal need deep inside you to have your lips on his and it's insatiable, tugging you back to him for more more more, and the way he's responding you can tell he can feel it too.
Kai lowers his head to press soft kisses against your neck, one after another, and someone pounds their fist against the door after attempting to turn the locked knob.
You only giggle, and a voice follows the knock. "Are you screwing in there?"
Kai lets out a surprised and amused breath at the incorrect assumption. One last kiss to your jawline that does nothing to quell the need of his lips and he's dragging you back out of the bathroom and to his room, and let's just say... there's no need to worry about him not kissing you tonight.
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The sun is too bright.
That's your first thought when you wake up with a splitting headache, in a room that is very unfamiliar to you. You feel so horrible that you'd think you'd had at least three drinks last night.
You look around the room to find Kai asleep on the floor in a tangle of blankets. With his tall frame, the sight is almost funny. But it's also your only relief about what the last night consisted of, because waking up in his clothes had put more than a few running thoughts inside your head. At least now you can have a feeling nothing happened.
But looking at Kai and knowing what you did last night, what the both of you did... you have to get out of here. You can't change out of the clothes, but you grab yours and your shoes, and you quietly leave the room, heading back to your dorm.
Madelyne and Bianca are waiting there, surprisingly sober, although they look a lot like they hadn't slept at all last night. Bianca's usually perfectly-picked afro is smushed on one side and not the other, like she'd laid on it all night, and Madelyne's makeup is smeared all over her face.
"Oh, thank God you're okay!" They both fling themselves up from the bed and into your arms, then pause and take in your current state. "Are you okay?"
You nod quickly. "I just slept over at Kai's."
Bianca looks at Madelyne with a sly grin, then back at you. "Mhmmmm..."
You roll your eyes, then head to the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Did you guys get any sleep last night?"
"Not a wink."
Madelyne seems almost proud to admit her commitment to worrying about you, but it only makes your heart hurt. You were so busy with Kai you hadn't even sent them a text to explain.
"Guys... I'm sorry, I should've told you I was leaving. It won't happen again."
You look down at your feet while you say it, cheeks hot with embarrassment, and Madelyne pulls you into a hug by your arm. "Hey, yn, it's alright, okay? We're fine, you're fine, everyone's fine."
"That's true." You smile a little, then take a sip of your water. "I'm gonna lay down, okay? Let me know if Kai texts, I may have left without telling him..."
You're not afraid of leaving your phone with them. A, because they don't know your password, and B, because they're your best friends in the whole wide world and you trust them.
The water helps your headache go down and you're nodding off to sleep when your friends barge in. "He texted!!!"
You groan and fling your arm out for your phone. "Gimme..."
Bianca puts it in your hand and giggles slightly, bumping hips with Madelyne.
huening project partner 📖🖊️ hey, just wanted to check in after last night since you didn't tell me you were leaving... is everything all right? text or call me when you get this <3
You put your face in your hands with a sigh, and drop your phone on the side of the bed. "Not right now. Too much thinking involved in responding."
"He sent you a heeEeEeeEaaRrrT!" Madelyne giggles, raising her eyebrows repeatedly.
"Because. We kissed. And kissed again. And again. AND AGAIN. And now I don't want to talk to him because I don't have the emotional capacity, so please leave me alone right now."
You pout at them at your last sentence and then roll over in your bed, signifying the end of your conversation.
You'll text him later, of course you will. You just need to find a way to think with your brain, not your lips, because there's an actual ache inside you that needs him next to you.
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You don't text him later. It's not your fault you slept for hours, and then went to eat lunch and go to an arcade and then got dinner and went back to sleep!! But you forgot that your presentation is tomorrow, and now, standing next to Kai at the front of the room, it's more than a little awkward.
You can see a littering of kiss marks on his neck and wonder how they even showed up like that. But that's not the point right now. The point is that you need to recite this presentation but your mind is blank. It's like every time Kai steps closer to you, something from him makes you go dizzy and numb and unable to form normal human words.
It doesn't seem like he's fairing much better... he keeps looking behind him at the presentation, which is bullet-pointed to keep it small, instead of the full paragraphs you were supposed to memorize.
Finally ending the project, you're more than a little relieved. It was not good, at all. You'd be surprised if you got anything higher than a B. You're more frustrated than mad at the result of your work. You both worked hard on this, you know you did. Things just happened at the wrong times and messed everything else up.
You're ready to leave at the end of class, but the teacher stops both you and Kai. They lean over their desk to whisper to you, even though the rest of the class is gone, and their dark silver hair catches the light just so to make it look like it's sparkling.
"Yn, Kai... I don't know what happened today, but I trust that it was something bad enough to cause this, because I am genuinely surprised at your outcome of this project. I saw the two of you working on it together. The Powerpoint was done very well. But the actual oral part of your presentation... was not. And for that, I can't give you any higher than a C-."
They look genuinely apologetic when they usher you out of the room, and when Kai tries to say something to you, you brush past him and head to your room. Thank god that was your last class of the day... you have no idea if you could've handled having any more after that disaster.
You're not necessarily... upset, so to say. Right now, you just feel in shock. Shocked that you let something as stupid as making out with your partner on this project give you a C-.
Your plan is already in action when you fall into the comfort of your bed: let it sink in, cry, sleep, eat, sleep, sleep.
You're just getting comfortable, tucking yourself under your covers and wrapping them around you, when a sharp, burning sensation on your neck makes you hiss through your teeth. You swat at your neck. Is it a bug??? When you feel nothing there, yet the burning doesn't cease, you groan and get out of your bed, trudging to your bathroom.
You look in the mirror, tug down your shirt's neckline, and-
"What the fuck is that???"
You have lines of bright red kiss marks on your neck, like some sort of fucking rash, and every time you touch them they start stinging. The sting must be getting to your head because the first thing you think of is, 'does kai have some sort of weird poison on his lips???'
You giggle at your own thoughts, take a photo of your neck, and send him a text saying just that.
huening project partner 📖🖊️ funny, i was just thinking the same about you can you come over, please? it's really really important
You almost type no, but then the sting turns to an ache that you can feel in the pit of your stomach, and you hit send.
you yes
The moment you open the door it feels like the ache is tugging you towards Kai by a string, like you're some sort of puppet. The moment your palm meets his shoulder, the burn on your throat ceases and a small gasp leaves your lips.
"This is not normal," you mumble, pressing a kiss to his lower lip.
"Not at all," he agrees, lips finding yours when you part.
Your gaze drops to his neck to find the remnants of your kisses from the night before. "So then... It's been happening to you too?"
He nods, one hand on your cheek, and when he kisses you again, it feels like your heart is being wrenched from your chest. In a good way.
"I- please, do that again?" You whisper, chest pressed against his.
He complies with no protest, his breath shaking against your skin.
The burn is less, but still there, and you remember something you've read. "Kai?"
"I think... I think you're my soulmate."
He smiles at you and kisses you again. "Yeah, I've been figuring the same thing. It hurts, doesn't it?"
For a moment, you think he's talking about finding out who your soulmate is, but then you realize he's referring to each of the kisses burning against your skin. "It does.. do you know what we're supposed to do?"
He nods, and lowers his lips to your neck again. You smile to yourself at the fact that he knows, and quickly tug your shirt off, followed by your shorts, and he follows suit. Moments later, you're laying side-by-side in his bed, and, just as everything you've read has promised, when his bare skin meets you, the burn disappears completely.
And, well, with that taken care of, you go back to kissing him with a small giggle. You're more than a little surprised at finding your soulmate and you can tell Kai is too, his heartbeat fluttering under your palm.
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His skin is smooth beneath your fingers, and you barely process when your lips lower to mark it, sucking splotchy purple hickeys across the broad plane of his chest. Kai shudders slightly when you do, and you look up at him, nervous you made a mistake.
He shakes his head the slightest, closing his eyes briefly. "I'm just... getting used to how it feels when you touch me."
Your cheeks grow hot. You thought it was just you who noticed, the way everything gets a little warmer when his body is touching yours.
The burn under your skin returns when you move away from him slightly, and when you gasp, Kai tugs you back down onto him, a little smile dancing across his face. "I think we're gonna have to stay like this for a while..~"
There's a teasing note to his voice that wasn't there just a second ago, and it makes you do a double take to be sure this was the same shy boy who smelled (and still smells) like baby powder. "I don't think I'll mind~"
His cheeks go pink, like he hadn't expected you to flirt back at all. It makes you laugh, the flustered look on his face that makes it seem like he's forgotten that you're in his bed, practically naked.
You press your forehead to his and leave a small kiss on one of the moles on his cheek. Kai's hands move to your hips, moving you just a little bit so you're situated on his stomach, and the way he looks up at you through the pieces of hair in his face makes your breath catch. This man right here wants you, needs you, and it's so blatantly obvious from the look in his eye that you have no idea if he's messing with you or not.
You tentatively move your hips back so you're straddling him, and run a slow hand down his torso, and when he closes his eyes, you can feel the emotions radiating off of him in your own body. That's new.
His emotions feel so warm, like he's happy just being here with you, and he almost feels like he's mentally nuzzling you when you run a hand through his hair. "I think I like this..." you murmur, laying down on top of him and looping your arms under his back. You note the way his head falls immediately to the crook of your neck, not to give you any more kisses, but just to breathe you.
He whines when you sit back up, but the moment your lips meet his again, you can feel him go fuzzy, like he can't quite think straight when you're kissing him, and... well, you're almost completely sure that he can feel you feeling the same way.
"Kai, I..." You try to catch your breath when he breaks the kiss, but he chases your lips so desperately that you can't help but fall back into him.
A soft whimper from him surprises you, and, if even possible, you feel his mind go even fuzzier. Dizzy too, almost. Like his head has gone underwater and everything he's hearing has gone muffled, along with everything he says, too.
"Wan', please?" he hums, lips finding your neck again.
You almost ask what he wants, but you can feel it, and your cheeks grow hot before you oblige, your hand slipping beneath his boxers to take him in your hands. His tip is dribbling clear precum when you tug his boxers down, and when you stroke him once, you can feel the pleasure coursing through his body.
The achy burn is back, a little more fervent, like some sort of primal animal instinct, and it needs him closer, more, this close is nowhere near close enough, and before you can even comprehend it, you're whispering in Kai's ear and he's nodding and you notice that the burn only goes away completely once he's inside you.
Oh fuck.
It's not like you haven't done this before. It's not like you haven't enjoyed doing it before. But nothing has ever come even close to this. You can feel him, not just inside you but around you and with you and everything else. It's like every other time you've had sex all pushed into one thing and multiplied by ten.
And it's not just your experience you're feeling, it's like you're in Kai's head and not only feeling what you're feeling but also what it feels like to him. How it feels to be inside you. The same experience, backwards.
People have told you how much better it feels with your soulmate, but you just scoffed. How is something going to feel better with some random person you have a connection with?
But now you understand.
It's not just some random hookup with some random person. Nowhere near that at all. It's with someone who feels both new and familiar because you've crossed lifetime after lifetime together and now you've finally found each other again. It's like kissing someone that you know you can give up all control to, and they'd still hold you and take care of you and it just feels right.
You can tell Kai's new to this. His body is at an awkward angle beneath you, his arms looped over your legs, and his eyes are squeezed tightly shut. You can hear his shaky inhales and exhales, and his lips curl into a soft smile when you press a small kiss to them.
"Good?" You ask, and you can tell without him answering that yes, he's feeling very good, indeed.
"Very... 've never before, didn't know it felt like this..."
You giggle, which comes out wrong with how fucking breathless you feel, the burn of the kisses on your neck replaced by the burn in your thighs. "Trust me... doesn't usually feel like this."
He laughs, a quiet sound, his hips rocking up against yours. "'M I that good?"
"Ah, I don't know about that..." You tease, licking up the side of his neck. You smirk when his hands find purchase on your ass, moving you up and down in time with his thrusts, but the cocky look on your face slips when you feel him hit that spongy spot inside you, gummy walls tightening around him desperately.
Kai hisses through his teeth, then smiles up at you. "What were you just saying~?"
You smack him on his shoulder. "Shut up."
"What was that? Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sounds you're making~" He gives you a shit-eating grin that reminds you oh-so-much of his friend.
"You're acting like Beomgyu. Maybe I should take your favorite plushies and give them to him, considering you've swapped personalities today."
He feigns a shocked expression. "You would never!!!"
"I would!"
"You know... I could totally take my dick out right now and make you go back to your dorm.."
Contrary to his words, he only quickens his pace, repeatedly hitting the spot that makes your breath hitch. "Please don't."
"Hm? What was that~?"
"Don't stop, please, 'm so close, Kai..."
"Thought you said I wasn't good..." He catches your earlobe in his teeth briefly before his face falls to your neck, breathy pants against your skin betraying his facade.
You pull away from him and he whines slightly, looking up at you with a pout. "I think you should stop talking and just make me cum, Hyuka."
"I thought, ah, you liked when i- fuck- when i talk..."
"Mmm... debatable." You smirk down at him and the cocky smile plastered on an otherwise fucked-out face. The poor boy has tears wetting his lashes from your combined pleasure, his cheeks flushed.
"However, I do like this," you add, hands gripping at his upper arms. "I like this a lot."
"If you wanted me to shut up, then w-why are you talking to me?"
"I decided that actually, I'd rather hear you try to talk to me while you cum."
His eyes go wide at that, blonde hair plastered to his forehead with sweat. "I- I, ah, I-"
"'I, I, I,'" You mock, pursing your lips into a pitying pout. "Are you even trying?"
He nods pathetically, hands tightening on your hips. "I can't, I, feels so, so-" Kai cuts himself off with a whimper, hips twitching up against yours in a desperate attempt to pull himself closer to the edge.
"How does it feel, baby?" You coo, looking at him with wide, innocent eyes.
"Jus', ah, just wan' cum, 'm so close, feels so good, yn..."
A wide smile spreads its way over your lips, and your eyes narrow, almost like you're a predator looking at its prey. "See, baby? Wasn't that easy? That's all I wanted..."
He nods quickly, a watery sob pulled from his chest, and you press a soft kiss to his awaiting lips. "Doing so good, alright? Making me feel perfect, so so good."
Kai nods again, his breath shuddering in and out against your neck, his torso tensing up before his warm cum spurts inside you, cutting off whatever words you were about to say because holy shit, you can feel it. Not his cum painting the walls of your cunt, but the sheer ecstasy in his body from the force of his orgasm.
It's so overwhelming that you feel as if you might pass out when your own high washes over you. You go limp against Kai, cheek against his chest because all you can feel right now is exhaustion.
His arms lazily wrap around you, holding you close, and you roll off of his dick and onto the bed next to him, still panting. "So."
You smile up at him, left hand running through his hair. "That was fun, right?"
"Very fun. I don't think I'm gonna be able to recover for another few hours."
You laugh, nuzzling into his neck. "I don't think so, either. If ever. I think I get the hype behind finding your soulmate now."
"Yeah? Did your super-awesome-amazing-boyfriend-slash-soulmate convince you of that?"
"Who said you were my boyfriend? Maybe I just fucked you because you're cute and you're my soulmate and now I'm going to ditch you for Soobin."
"Why is it always Soobin??? What obsession do you have with Soobin???" He looks genuinely hurt, and you stifle a laugh.
"I'm not obsessed with him, you idiot. I'm obsessed with my super-awesome-amazing-boyfriend-slash-soulmate who convinced me to enjoy having him as a soulmate."
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This is new to you, unfamiliar territory. You've never walked into class holding hands with anyone, let alone your soulmate. Madelyne and Bianca are hovering behind you both the whole time, squealing and giggling and occasionally whisper-yelling their brand new shipname just for you and Kai.
And as for SooTaeJunGyu... when you happened to let a casual message to Kai slip out in the groupchat, they were quick to pick up on it and even quicker to realize you two were not just dating, but soulmates. (You still regret them finding out this way.)
Beomgyu's been the most annoying, as expected, posting whiny messages about how you spend all your time with Kai, and remember what you said about hanging out with him?
Of course, you haven't forgotten... it just so happens that every time you're away from Kai for more than a few hours, his most recent kisses start to burn again. Which means, wherever you go, Kai goes if you're going to be there for longer than two hours.
Kai gives your hand a gentle squeeze, still unsure of how much PDA you want, but when you give him a quick peck on the cheek, he goes slightly pink.
Your professor only smiles at your linked hands when you enter the classroom. They'd had more than an inkling of your connection, which is exactly why they paired you two together for this project. Obviously, they hadn't expected you to almost fail the presentation, but, oh well, things happen.
Should you thank them if you ever find out? Yes. But will they ever tell you? No way, at all, ever. There's no reason for you two to ever know.
The most surprising occurrence today is most likely lunch, when you wipe off your lipgloss to take a bite of your lunch, and Kai has one request for you.
"Can I taste your lipgloss real quickly?"
The tips of his ears are red, and it's so endearing that the question doesn't even faze you. You smirk lightly, applying a fresh coat just to kiss him on the lips, and when he swipes his tongue over his lower lip after you pull away, you can't help but giggle at the surprised look on his face.
"Soobin-hyung, Soobin-hyung, I figured out why my sandwich tasted weird the other day!!"
Soobin looks up from his own lunch to catch the tail-end of Kai's sentence. He chews for a second, then speaks. "Hm?"
"My sandwich, remember???? The one I had you try and you said it tasted normal???"
Soobin shrugs, and Kai sighs, picking up your tube of lipgloss. "It tasted fruity to me. Like berries. And this lipgloss is called berry sorbet, Soobin! Because Yn's my soulmate, and she was wearing this lipgloss!!"
You facepalm at his excitement and Soobin's amused expression. Kai's in such shock, you can only expect to be hearing about this all day.
And sure enough, when Kai's walking by himself ahead of you, on your way to your last class of the day, you can hear him mumble to himself, "Berry sorbet... I can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner..."
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taglist: @isitthemoon @sunnibearr @beomsitez @agustdiv1ne @mixtape-racha @hyewka @dido-of-the-endless @fairyofshampgyu @huckleberrykai @yaekounzn @prodsh00ky @yo-yo-yeonjun @sofiw0rld @strawberry-kirby @certifiedmoa @txtistheloml @shytubatu @sunnibearr @soobhns @beargyuu311 @napofamoon @zeecarus @gyuthmics @ohmahgods @notevenheretbh1 @crispymicrowave @junoswrlld @ningka @5xiang @hyungpo
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breadandblankets · 2 months
how i hc duke's relationships with the other (main) bats
bruce: mentor/friend/weird HS teacher u bond with kinda thing, i think bruce on his end still feels simmering guilt for not being there for duke when he needed him, duke feel simmering resentment towards bruce for being another adult that left him, this will boil over at some point but then they'll get over it, they will never be that dumb nuclear found family thing, i think doug and elaine would like bruce tho so maybe one of those friend of the family situations where u call someone ur not related to aunt/uncle
cass: very very good friends, would probably consider her a sister from another mister if u will, i would hesitate to call her a best friend *gestures at all of war* but i think she's up there, i really love the headcanon that there is some tension on duke's end because cass has the ability to be more efficient but she actively chooses not to, i think for a long time duke is going to be holding some unhealthy and unrealistic standards both for himself and also people around him, like everything else this causes tension then erupts before it gets resolved, cass i think would know about said tension the whole time but have no idea how to bring up the issue or how to even think about resolving it so it drags on
dick: i think duke holds a grudge for the robin war thing, and i think he fucking should iykyk, (the way he just leaves duke on a roof??? with cops????, i was shouting at my fucking comic) idk i think dick would probably make light of it for a while but duke would be real fucking clear that he remembers and won't be forgiving and forgetting any time soon, i think they're acquaintances at best but realistically, coworkers
damian: like cass Extremely good friends, found family if you will, honestly i think they got a lot of their interpersonal issues out of the way before duke becomes signal, so really its a matter of time before they actually become friends and not just acquaintances, they're old man young to me, i think they do old man things like feed birds in the park and play Go together, i think damian is probably one of the only people duke doesn't hold to his standards, he thinks damian deserves to be a kid, making damian be a kid is probably some of the only time that duke is forced to relax by proxy, therefore duke and damian's friendship is strongly encouraged by bruce who is out of his depth for what to do with both of them and throwing them at each other seems to be working (👍 parenting)
tim: i honestly don't think they know each other well, like i think they may have talked once??? so i don't have shit to base their relationship off, generally i think they're amicable if distant, like a coworker you say hi to at the coffee machine
babs: i Need them to interact, honestly it would be really funny if duke meets babs for the first time as oracle and he's just like??? you're my favorite librarian? and babs is like !! we missed you when you stopped volunteering!!! and duke has to be like yeah that was the joker, i think they would have a good relationship, they don't work together all that much cause oracle doesn't run duke's ops and duke isn't usually on the night shift but they know they can call each other in if they need. one of duke's few trusted AdultsTM
jason: i think rocky at the start, duke would definitely have some Memories of the red hood, that would probably be a hill to overcome, but i generally think that jason will eventually move into a more positive position in the city even with the shadows of all that stuff following him ofc. they are absolute Assholes to each other in a way that is clearly affection, jason will let duke get away with anything up to and including murder, duke will never let jason get away with anything, its like a typo in the group chat
steph: re same as tim, and babs practically nothing to base the relationship on BUT i think they would get on like a house on fire, like cass: sister from another mister energy, steph is giving duke the "you just found out ur dad is a supervillain" support he needs, they are the only bats successfully going to college they probably go to events on campus together, idk they have so much potential as the forgotten robins and all that, i think they should bully bruce together that would be so fun.
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meraxesmoon · 1 year
Yandere HOTD Husbands <3
note: im tired of u guys pretending corlys isn't fine af 😭
warnings: yandere content, dark content, mention of pregnancy and having children, so afab darling, darling is called their wife, infidelity, possessive behavior, touch-starved aegon, gaslighting, you guys forget that aemond is not a pookie bear, criston
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♡ He's a mess, but at the end of the day, Aegon just wants to be loved. You can imagine his darling is just miserable with him, but Yan! Aegon is a different case. He just wants his sweet wife's attention on him, and he'll go to whatever means necessary in order to get it.
♤ Aegon has no real use for whores or servant girls anymore now that he has a wife that he craves, but that doesn't mean he won't use his past sexual deviancy against his wife if she refuses to give him the attention that he wants and needs. Aegon can be petty, and he uses the threat of fucking other women against his darling if they refuse him. His mother berates him for his behavior, but it works for the most part, so he doesn't care.
♡ He's extremely possessive over his wife. Aegon never gets any positive attention from anyone, so if he's blessed with a wife who actually dotes on him, he becomes obsessed with their attention. This, however, can become problematic. Aegon isn't keen on sharing his darling with anyone, and seeing his wife shower anyone else with their love makes Aegon delirious with jealousy.
♤ He really is starved for affection, so there's no doubt that Aegon's wife would have at least a few children. Aegon is a very sexual being, and he craves his wife like no other. There will be children. If his wife suffered from infertility, he'd probably just snatch one of his bastards up and bring them to his wife 😭 however, Aegon isn't the best father and just wants his darling wife to be happy with him. His children aren't strangers to Aegon, and he doesn't hate them, he's just focused on other things.
♡ Aegon is the type of husband who gaslights his wife all of the time, too. He's so scared that they'll get tired of him and find themselves a lover that he has to make them believe that he's the only man that could ever love them fully and as they are. He's absolutely toxic.
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♡ Believe it or not, Aemond is even more toxic than Aegon. Both of them are desperate for their respective wives, but the difference is that Aegon is obvious about his desperation, Aemond is not. That's not how he operates within his marriage, and Aemond can get increasingly aggressive when his wife doesn't do their duty to him as their husband.
♤ Aemond is dutiful, over everything else. He knows how to be a dutiful husband due to the way his mother talks about how wives should be treated, but when his wife is stubbornly intaking moon tea every morning, you can imagine his frustration. Aemond wants his wife to be willing to give him children, obviously, and he doesn't quite like the idea of forcing it upon them, so he's stuck in a bad mood until the problem is resolved. That being said, he would definitely tamper with his wife's tea once he gets his hands on the maester who's making it. He has more power within the castle than his wife does, the maester can't refuse him.
♡ That's not to say that he's a completely horribly husband, though. Aemond courted them before they were married, and he's clearly obsessed with his wife. He holds no hate for them, and many say he's a better husband than Aemond's wife could have asked for. He's accommodating, and he makes sure that his wife wants for nothing when they're with him.
♤ Aemond, however, has the soul of a dragon. He has a fiery temper, almost like Vhagar herself. His jealousy is unrivaled, by all accounts. Aemond, in the eyes of Westeros, is disabled and maimed. He went through phases of learning how to work around his lack of an eye, but people still consider him less than other men. That being said, he gets extremely uncomfortable when other men approach his wife. Aemond had to pull some legs for (Name)'s parents to agree to marry them to him, and Aemond isn't willing to share them with anyone.
♡ Aemond's jealousy would definitely cause some arguments between him and his wife, though. These are mostly one-sided arguments because he's rather scary when he's angry, but they leave Aemond feeling empty and insecure in his marriage. Aemond has this habit of locking his wife in their chambers when he's in this kind of mood, despite his mother telling him it's inappropriate.
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♡ He can not actually have a wife, obviously, but the way Criston acts with his darling makes it look like he might actually be their husband. I imagine that they're a lady-in-waiting for either Alicent or Helaena. Maybe they're just a random servant. Criston meets them right after his big blowout with Rhaenyra.
♤ Just so we're clear, he was absolutely destroyed after what happened with the princess, so I can see his darling being someone who he feels safe around. I actually really like the idea of his darling having a motherly vibe, so they coddle Criston in secret. Unlike Aegon and Aemond, there isn't much of a sexual aspect to his relationship with his wife. Criston is sort of averse to the idea of sex after Rhaenyra.
♡ Once he becomes more comfortable around his darling, I think he would dote on them a lot in private. They're so precious to him, and Criston is just so thankful that they exist, so he does everything in his power to make them happy. This may come off as rather smothering, but he's incapable of stopping.
♤ The one thing about him is that he gaslights his wife a lot. He's afraid that they’ll find out that he isn't the white knight in shining armor that he makes them think he is, and that terrifies Criston. He doesn't want his little wife to lose the love they have for him.
♡ He lets his invasive thoughts win sometimes and almost asks Alicent to actually wed him to his darling.
♤ He's delusional <3
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This has been in my drafts for a while, i like the way it came out :)
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fairyhaos · 1 year
how seventeen navigate an argument with their s/o while away
requested by anon : "may i request how would svt react or what they'll do if they're having an argument with their s/o while they were away for work so they can't meet? thank you!!"
notes: i desperately wanted to write 13 different things for my first properly angsty reaction but my brain just said no :((
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seungcheol, joshua, wonwoo, dokyeom
he tries to solve it right there and then, in that same phone call, or on the same day. he hates fighting with you, hates it so much, so if he doesn't try and resolve the issue immediately then it'll plague his mind for ages and cause him severe anxiety. has to make up with you while hearing your voice or seeing your face, though, because otherwise it just feels so impersonal. honestly, he's reluctant to even start fights over the phone, because it's difficult to make up when you're miles away, but he tries to handle it as quickly as possible, because he loves you far too much and doesn't want to be arguing with you for too long
jeonghan, woozi, mingyu, minghao
just . goes MIA on you. partly because he wants to give you time to cool down, partly because he's overthinking everything, and partly because he's a little prideful and doesn't want to say sorry first. really, is it his fault that he's being worked to the bone and accidentally fell asleep before managing to text you goodnight? genuinely needs you to text him first after the argument, needs to hear or see that "we need to talk" line because even though it might terrify him, he knows it means you've both had time to think through the fight with a clear mind, and he hopes that you'll both be willing to stay together enough to get through it. 
junhui, hoshi, hansol, seungkwan, chan
you fight with this man over the phone, you break his heart. because this is him, in the middle of a busy schedule, making time to talk to you, and having to end a phone call feeling sour and bitter is the worst feeling for him ever. will be willing to apologise immediately, even if he wasn't in the wrong, even if he doesn't normally admit his faults, because this is you and he's terrified of losing you especially when he's not actually beside you. it's always scarier, for him, to fight over the phone because there's a certain detachedness that comes with physically being so far away and he would genuinely, genuinely hate to lose you like this. 
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reactions tags:
@jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @nakedgrapes @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @butiluvu @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Dirty Water
Steve Rogers x deep sea mermaid!Reader
Prompt from this dirty ask game with our pairing from the Sun, Salt, and Shield series.
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Summary: After a very long (but unofficial) courtship, where Steve is too shy to bring up your anatomy and his compatibility, a cultural misinterpretation quite literally sinks his resolve.
Warnings for smut (I'm gonna have to call this what it is and just say it's monster-f**king, or the one where Steeb gets maybe-CNC-boinked by a 'monster.' Sorry, babes. Ro's dipped a toe into the darkside for a smidge.) MINORS DNI. Poorly--or rather, not--edited and I have no idea the word count...
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Steve swallows harshly and tries not to nervously splash his feet in the pool.
"What?" he chokes out.
He can't think of anything more articulate to say, not that it would matter when so much is lost in translation.
All you did was ask about the singing outside the doors of your 'room'--the retrofitted gym pool at the Avengers compound, the one is the basement without windows for your highly sensitive eyes--but he...could never have predicted why you were so curious.
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"They're just enjoying themselves," he'd chuckled, shrugging like it was no big deal. "Do you sing?"
The look on your face, jaw slack and head tilting in contemplation, it should have warned him. You unfurled from your relaxed posture, the stance where your arms cross behind your back and fit atop the swell of your--he'd say tail, but it's more like your ass--rump, the rest of your body bent in a curve until your fin nearly touches the surface, and inched closer to his feet in the deep end.
"Yessssss," you hissed slowly through three rows of sharp teeth, crawling up his legs, out of the water, dripping over his lap as you braced large, webbed hands on either side of his hips.
Even in the very low light of damp room, he could see the lavender of your stare drop to his crotch.
"You sing too?"
Steve's an idiot. He didn't understand yet, so that dumbass actually began humming 'You Are My Sunshine' because nothing else occurred to him.
Then he noticed your tail glowing beneath the scales.
Then he realized you were pressing yourself to his legs.
Aaaand then Steve Rogers looked down your body to witness his knee disappearing in a spongy spot where the armoring swelled apart.
Oh god.
"What?" he now asks like an frightened teen seeing boobs for the first time.
"I make you sing?" Your broad green lips turn up in a smile. "Show me."
Suddenly, Steve's forgotten more english than you've learned. "Huh?"
Your flowing, textured hair, shapely even out of the water, sways when you cock your head to the side, looking through your lashes at him.
"How Stevie sing?"
He shivers for the first time in the cool water and lets an involuntary grunt leave his lips.
He's tried to stop himself from imagining your body and how it works to...ya know, and how he might...oh god, he's going to hell, but apparently, you've already been imagining that humans are either masturbating or fucking outside your door at all hours all the time--
--and oh shit, that means you sing as a part of sex.
He turns his head to the almost black ceiling and fails to think of anything else as the light from your body reflects in waves on every wall. He whimpers when he feels a ripple of muscle through the wet cotton of his jeans.
"Doll make Stevie sing?" Your voice is hoarse, and just as quickly as you say that by his throat, you flip back into the water. You can only breathe air for so long without hurting your throat and lungs.
He thinks he's off the hook, praying the tightness in his pants dissipates faster than they'll take to dry, but he lowers his head to find you peeking from the water, intent as ever on learning his ways.
He should be ashamed, so very fucking ashamed, of how badly he wants to take himself out of his pants and watch the wonder of those pretty eyes as he comes at the thought of you, but Steve's drowning in the hope that he can have you. It's been so long that he's wanted this, even in the most innocent ways.
Your final plea bubbles to the surface.
Steve inhales sharply, running a hand through his hair and licking his lips.
This is wrong, he thinks. You should not be doing this.
Yet he does it anyway because he wants to; he wants to so badly.
He sits up straight at the edge of the concrete, popping the button of his jeans and aches as he lowers the zipper. He can't meet your eye while he pulls out his semi-hard cock and fists it harshly.
You're so long that even looking away leaves your shimmering tail in sight, and he thinks he sees you rattle in excitement. It makes him shiver again, and the vibration shakes the moan escaping his tight chest.
Yikes, it does sound a bit like he's singing...
What the hell are you even doing?
Of course, he knows he's touching himself and he knows well enough how to do that, but he shouldn't be doing this in front of you, much less enjoying it. His blood is running so hot beneath his skin, though, the chilly pool feels soothing over his shins where he rolled up his pants (to no avail).
The heat floods his veins and mind to the point rational thought quiets, and Steve's eyes slither up your demure form.
Your eyes get wider and wider the more noise he makes, and his rampant imagination feeds off the sight of that gap in your scales visible as it undulates in the refraction beneath his feet.
He leans his head back and closes his own eyes at just the wrong moment.
Mid-whine, he misses the splashing sound that would have warned him you were coming, and instead Steve is pummeled by the end of your tail and topples into the pool, shocked and sputtering salty water until his body is pinned to the flat of the concrete wall he used to be perch on.
As he scrambles to toss his arms over the ledge, he feels claws dragging his jeans farther down his legs, and the fabric hangs like an anchor while the silky-slick webbing of your fingers glides up and down his thighs.
Then your tongue runs the length of his cock, making Steve moan embarrassingly loud and thrust his hips forward. If he weren't in the water, he'd be a puddle.
Pleasure races up and down his spine, fighting for dominance over the feeling of cold when he slips from the ledge and submerges briefly.
He barely registers the loss of your tongue and your quick lap of swimming before you're backing into him again.
It's on your ass, too, the soft entrance like you rubbed against his knee, but he could not have imagined what it could do--what you could do--how you could manipulate your muscles inside your tail.
He has no brainpower left to describe it. Steve just lets go, trusting your body to hold his weight as one hand grips the mossy softness of your waist and the other hand spreads over your lower back. Out of instinct, he tries to get leverage to push himself in and out of you, but that's useless.
There's a strong ripple of muscle that pulls him in, and in, and in, delicately tight on his sensitive cock and wide enough to slowly suck his balls into the massaging cavern.
Steve's eyes roll far into his head. He's going to pass out if this keeps up.
"Doll," he gasps, but it's too quiet in the slosh of the water. "Please, I'm--"
A clear, high note crescendos from the deep below, something disturbingly pure and paralyzing, and Steve can't move. He can only feel and experience a siren's song in action.
His body twitches violently before his cum is milked sensually, desperately, methodically from his cradled and ravaged pelvis, and never in Steve's long life has he ever been so fucking spent.
He whimpers when your cunt releases him, only faintly aware that he's propped on your back by his elbows as you swim to the shallow end and let him 'stand' on his shaky legs.
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The screeching hinge of the door startles him.
"Cap," the junior agent yells over your hiss from the bright light spraying in, "everything okay? I heard..."
Yeah, I couldn't describe it either, Steve thinks.
He spits water from his mouth. "Fine," he huffs back, "we were...singing, and I fell in."
"Oh. Alright. Sorry to disturb you, Miss G." The man nods his apology at your hand-covered eyes and leaves.
Steve can't help but laugh like an insane person, laying to properly float in the water, uncaring what you're up to until he gently hits the stairs leading out of the pool.
Your head rises out of the water hopefully, and he cups your cheeks, still chuckling. He has zero words to describe...anything at the moment, but he can show you a human tradition of affection in return.
Shifting as easily as a feather in the water, he pulls you two together and sweetly presses his salmon lips to your seaweed pout, letting your long locs fall over his own shoulders.
Soon, he's gasping for air again, yet just before you dunk below the surface, you grin and coo at him.
"Stevie sings lovely."
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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what...the hell have i done. *hits post before final two braincells protest*
@fandom-has-taken-me-hostage @leah2901 @blogbog710 @supraveng @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @brandycranby @buckysprettybaby @ellethespaceunicorn @late-to-the-party-81 @rogersbarber @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @jamneuromain
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Austim question from an autistic person: I am definitely a person that experiences the black-and-white thinking part of autism. i experience a lot of anxiety about rule-following (this is partly trauma-related) and what's legal and what's not. i've made a lot of progress in fighting what i call my inner cop, and i definitely have a lot of control over how it impacts my external actions, but it still causes me a lot of stress internally. i don't think we should have cops!!! so i don't want one in my head!!!!!!! i'm pretty good at not caring about laws and regulations and rules that i morally disagree with, but it's still very-much an ongoing process (as is life, i suppose). i've been reading your writings since 2019 and they've often been very helpful in challenging the rigidity in my head (so thank you!!) do you have any advice for rule-oriented autistics in overcoming our internal cops?
It sounds like you have honestly come a very long way. And it also sounds like you can distinguish between the cop in your head and your actual beliefs, and not let the cop influence your real-world behavior. You may hate hearing this but... consider that this is the farthest it will ever go! You have already conquered the cop in all functional ways! It doesn't rule your life and you don't equate the cop with yourself, it just exists in the back of your brain, annoying you. I think a lot of Autistic people will always have a ruminative, anxious, annoying voice in their heads like that. Maybe removing them isn't the point. Maybe making some degree of peace with the fact that they'll always be there but that you don't let them take the wheel is all that you need.
I've tried quieting my anxieties and resolving my neuroses in all kinds of ways, but I think ultimately I've had to do enough Shadow Work (non sexy version) to acknowledge that it's a core part of my experience on this earth, and that's okay. I'll always have some insane man in my head saying unhinged shit and making up totally fake rules. That's okay. I can have a worthwhile life with them there.
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