#This household hates Terfs
elliedearest · 7 months
Do you take requests?! If so.. Imagine being a student of professor snape's (or fellow teacher if you're not comfortable with that) and always being a bit cheeky such as chucking in innuendos during class, leaning in really close to him, cornering him in dark hallways to ask 'educational related questions' and one day when you're both alone you basically end up just jumping each other's bones? Thanks!!
I meant to answer this with a story when I first received this request, but roughly afterward JK showed her true colors and I lost all interest in writing anything for HP.  However, I didn’t want to delete it because you took the time to request this and I felt guilty.
So I thought I would share how I would have handled this request. 
I’d make the reader a fellow teacher and set during the Triwizard Tournament so they’re a foreign teacher. I’d think it’d be hilarious if the reader was from Beauxbatons because, after the dancing display, he might write them off as silly and frivolous and not worth any attention. Though to be fair, he doesn’t like Durmstrang either. 
The reader is friendly and flirts as frequently as they breathe and hardly mean anything by it.  If they can flirt with Dumbledore, they can flirt with anyone. This, of course, doesn’t win them any favors or good opinions from Snape but the reader doesn’t know. He’s not really on the reader’s radar until a random day in October when the reader is having a lovely conversation with some of the Hogwarts staff when they tell the reader about Snape being notoriously hard to make smile or even seduce. The reader is intrigued but doesn’t think much of him until they actually have an encounter with him.
He’s not condescending which would have immediately made him enemy number 1 in the reader’s eyes, but he was slightly rude. There was something amusing about the Potion Professor’s attempt at showing decorum (Because McGonagall will kill him if he ruins relations with the schools when she coordinated most of this with the Ministry) but also showing his disdain. The reader casually throws him a flirty line to see what he would do and they’re amazed at how quickly his face blanks like an unused canvas. 
And then he walks away. 
The little interaction was amusing but the reader moves on with their life because they have students to take care of in a foreign place. They do, however, wink or flutter their fingers at him when they pass each other in the halls but the reader doesn’t approach him again.
The reader, however, is put in a situation where they need a potion done for a class and while they have most of the ingredients and are fairly decent in potions, it requires an advance and steady hand. They go to Snape. As payment, the reader brings a cactus to him(a cactus is great for many medical potions from detox or purifying the air to lowering blood pressure and cholesterol). Snape does it for them and the reader cannot resist flirting with him a bit. Snape gives them a sharp but witty reply that has them laughing.
This moment opens the floodgates for the reader. They decide to actively flirt with Snape. Not necessarily as a challenge but the reader wants to see what kind of response they’ll get the next time. It goes on for weeks. The reactions range from eye rolls, acerbic quips, a blank stare, a glare, etc. etc.  During this time, they do end up hanging with each other more and more first out of necessity (there’s a lot of potions needed for what the reader does and the carriage is not the best place to do them in so the reader uses the potion room) and then out of a tentative comradeship.
The student body and the professors quickly become aware of the crazy wixen that is flirting with the Potions Professor. The Weasley twins have monetized on the situation and are making a lot of money from students guessing how this would end. Some think Snape would hex them when he got tired of the Beauxbatons professor, most think he will humiliate them so badly that the professor will head back to France.
No one thinks Snape will flirt back. Except one. 
People were expecting something to happen at the Yule ball, but the two professors didn’t interact at all. Snape spent his time prowling the courtyards, ruining make-out sessions. While the reader was stuck in their room, finally succumbed to sickness because of the harsh Scotland conditions.
He visits them later, once all the children are in bed, with potions to help alleviate their symptoms. The reader is grateful. He’s slightly uncomfortable with the gratitude and tries to leave quickly. The reader stops him asking if he would stay for a bit. They hadn’t seen anyone in two days and they were growing bored of sleeping all day. Snape begrudgingly stays.
The reader asks what he had done at the Yule ball and laughs when Snape informs them about being forced to dance with Trelawney. He accidentally mentions the students he caught messing around and prepares himself to be flirted with, but the reader doesn’t take it. Instead, the reader asks if he was using the cactus they gave him. Snape is surprised but tells them about the potions he’s working on and the thief he has this year who keeps stealing his potion ingredients. The reader tells him they’ll keep an eye out. 
The reader decides to stop flirting with the guy after they hear a conversation between Snape and Dumbledore. The reader never wanted to make him uncomfortable now that they consider him a friend. So, they stop. They’re still friendly and still hang out with him in his potions room, but no more romantic undertones. 
Snape is completely thrown off by this and sends him into a spiral that he doesn’t understand. He should be happy but he’s not. It goes on for weeks and he’s starting to miss it. 
They’re in the staff room. The reader is grading papers while Snape is trying and failing to read his book. Snape approaches them and asks if they want to play chess with him when they’re done. The reader immediately agrees, wanting to take a break from grading, and joins him on the other side of the room. He attempts to flirt with them midway through the game. 
At first, the reader doesn’t register what’s going on, but then he does it again with this look in his eyes, and then, the reader understands. They’re completely floored. And flustered. Snape is smug by this. Doubly so when he also wins the game. 
Snape decides to turn the tables on the reader and finds it intoxicating and fun how flustered the reader gets. He ends up kissing them in his storage closet when they suggest a dark and barely legal spell to track whoever has been stealing from his closet. 
“If I’d known it only took listing dark spells to you to get this kind of reaction, I would have done it so much sooner,” the reader said breathlessly, before pulling him into another kiss. 
And they live happily ever after!
Until the Dark Lord rises.
(As for the bet, all the students and staff that took part lost, except for Dumbledore. He bet that Snape would return the flirtation.)
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0pin0n-custard · 2 years
Harry Potter is an ftm trans, panromantic, polyromantic, asexual person of color send tweet
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samwisethewitch · 6 months
Homemaking, gardening, and self-sufficiency resources that won't radicalize you into a hate group
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It seems like self-sufficiency and homemaking skills are blowing up right now. With the COVID-19 pandemic and the current economic crisis, a lot of folks, especially young people, are looking to develop skills that will help them be a little bit less dependent on our consumerist economy. And I think that's generally a good thing. I think more of us should know how to cook a meal from scratch, grow our own vegetables, and mend our own clothes. Those are good skills to have.
Unfortunately, these "self-sufficiency" skills are often used as a recruiting tactic by white supremacists, TERFs, and other hate groups. They become a way to reconnect to or relive the "good old days," a romanticized (false) past before modern society and civil rights. And for a lot of people, these skills are inseparably connected to their politics and may even be used as a tool to indoctrinate new people.
In the spirit of building safe communities, here's a complete list of the safe resources I've found for learning homemaking, gardening, and related skills. Safe for me means queer- and trans-friendly, inclusive of different races and cultures, does not contain Christian preaching, and does not contain white supremacist or TERF dog whistles.
Homemaking/Housekeeping/Caring for your home:
Making It by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen [book] (The big crunchy household DIY book; includes every level of self-sufficiency from making your own toothpaste and laundry soap to setting up raised beds to butchering a chicken. Authors are explicitly left-leaning.)
Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair by Mercury Stardust [book] (A guide to simple home repair tasks, written with rentals in mind; very compassionate and accessible language.)
How To Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis [book] (The book about cleaning and housework for people who get overwhelmed by cleaning and housework, based on the premise that messiness is not a moral failing; disability and neurodivergence friendly; genuinely changed how I approach cleaning tasks.)
Rebel Gardening by Alessandro Vitale [book] (Really great introduction to urban gardening; explicitly discusses renter-friendly garden designs in small spaces; lots of DIY solutions using recycled materials; note that the author lives in England, so check if plants are invasive in your area before putting them in the ground.)
Country/Rural Living:
Woodsqueer by Gretchen Legler [book] (Memoir of a lesbian who lives and works on a rural farm in Maine with her wife; does a good job of showing what it's like to be queer in a rural space; CW for mentions of domestic violence, infidelity/cheating, and internalized homophobia)
"Debunking the Off-Grid Fantasy" by Maggie Mae Fish [video essay] (Deconstructs the off-grid lifestyle and the myth of self-reliance)
Annika Victoria [YouTube channel] (No longer active, but their videos are still a great resource for anyone learning to sew; check out the beginner project playlist to start. This is where I learned a lot of what I know about sewing.)
Make, Sew, and Mend by Bernadette Banner [book] (A very thorough written introduction to hand-sewing, written by a clothing historian; lots of fun garment history facts; explicitly inclusive of BIPOC, queer, and trans sewists.)
Sustainability/Land Stewardship
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer [book] (Most of you have probably already read this one or had it recommended to you, but it really is that good; excellent example of how traditional animist beliefs -- in this case, indigenous American beliefs -- can exist in healthy symbiosis with science; more philosophy than how-to, but a great foundational resource.)
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer [book] (This one is for my fellow witches; one of my favorite witchcraft books, and an excellent example of a place-based practice deeply rooted in the land.)
Avoiding the "Crunchy to Alt Right Pipeline"
Note: the "crunchy to alt-right pipeline" is a term used to describe how white supremacists and other far right groups use "crunchy" spaces (i.e., spaces dedicated to farming, homemaking, alternative medicine, simple living/slow living, etc.) to recruit and indoctrinate people into their movements. Knowing how this recruitment works can help you recognize it when you do encounter it and avoid being influenced by it.
"The Crunchy-to-Alt-Right Pipeline" by Kathleen Belew [magazine article] (Good, short introduction to this issue and its history.)
Sisters in Hate by Seyward Darby (I feel like I need to give a content warning: this book contains explicit descriptions of racism, white supremacy, and Neo Nazis, and it's a very difficult read, but it really is a great, in-depth breakdown of the role women play in the alt-right; also explicitly addresses the crunchy to alt-right pipeline.)
These are just the resources I've personally found helpful, so if anyone else has any they want to add, please, please do!
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voidpacifist · 11 days
potter-verse headcanons that I choose to view as canon bc fuck jkr <3
*I redid these bc james' lineage was pointed out to me in a previous comment and I don't wanna disregard it so I tweaked a few things to keep it true to the lore while also spiting the terf
this will be very long btw
starting with the marauders era (sorry this is basically an essay now)
adding onto that, I just would love to see his inner conflicts and hopes and ambitions and dialogue more flushed out, because I really don't think him being rejected by an old flame is at all cause enough for him to suddenly just hate children. even his rivalry and bullying with/from james doesn't feel like the push that comes to shove idk
severus snape is not an abusive man. in my opinion, the way that he's written makes him seem like a very cause to effect character without much complexity to him other than that he was in love with lily evans. in my mind, he's lily's closest friend and defender for most of their growing up together at hogwarts, especially after he begins unlearning blood purist ideologies. he tries to protect her from james potter, who's antagonistic of blood purists by nature, and also a massive troublemaker. thinking it will get lily hurt is what ultimately fuels his hatred of james (that and the fact that james is just kind of a dick to him the whole time they're at school together)
an earlier commenter pointed out to me that james' grandfather invented fleamont's hair potion, so the inheritance of that success would make james' family quite well off. and while he grows up with a very good home life and very loving parents, I imagine james also feels quite stifled sometimes, being that he's an only child with a lot of room in his house and a lot of legacy to carry. it's not like he has a complex about it, but he's sort of a steve harrington-esque kind of character. he's not a complete asshat, but he does experience a lot of growing pains and contentions to his worldview on multiple levels when he first becomes acquainted with lily and severus, and even when he first meets the other marauders. it adds a lot more interest than just making him the charming class clown, and james being desi adds another layer of complexity to him too. (I'm quite curious about how desi metaphysics are practiced, and how that would be a shift for him going from eleven years of his own household magic to hogwarts magic)
adding onto that, it's why he and sirius become such fast friends - sirius feels estranged from his own family, and james' only family are his parents and grandparents. they're closer than sirius and his own brother are. this does certainly make things strange and angsty when regulus takes an admiration to james that sirius notices, when sirius himself is constantly being compared to his more "ideal wizard archetype" younger brother his entire life
in fact, regulus' admiration of james starts as more of a scientific sort of reverence - he wants to understand how a pure blood can be so defiant of the ideas that suggest he's more worthy of practicing wizardry, let alone a pure blood who has come from so much. he learns quite a lot about james through sirius, and when he actually meets him for the first time, he's nothing like the troublemaker prince charming that everyone expects him to be. it's the first time reg experiences real endearment to someone who isn't in his own family, and even that kind of love is conditional at best (shout-out to walburga and orion black for their a-plus parenting)
it makes it that much more painful when he sees that james, while kinder and more considerate than he seemed at first, only thinks of him as sirius'-younger-brother-who-isn't-actually-that-terrible-perhaps; when he sees that james only has room in his heart for lily evans, who by black family standards isn't worthy to have any knowledge of the magical world, let alone belong in it. and he's trying to be better and to understand, but even the kindest blood purists are still blood purists, and it will take him years after this heartbreak to rectify that mindset - even as he's defying voldemort himself
lily grows up in scotland, and while her parents love her and petunia very much, they're constantly fighting. she and tuney often spend time together, and when lily's magical talents start to emerge, she at first asks her big sister, her protector, her closest friend, to keep this secret from their parents. so imagine the heartbreak when lily's owl comes in the mail, and instead of the magical announcement being a complication for their parents, the evans' are overjoyed. imagine the betrayal that petunia feels when, after years of borderline neglect to the both of them, lily leans into the praise and attention she's now receiving. and she tries to make it up to tuney - she even grows a flower in her own hand hoping to make peace with her only real role model in life, only to have it shut down by being called a freak. things only get worse as tuney is left at home with quarreling parents while lily gets the privilege of being away from all of it. the number of letters she sends to dumbledore begging to learn magic, then simply begging to see her little sister more than just during christmas, should be enough to convince the old man to have some leniency, but dumbledore doesn't
now let's talk about peter pettigrew. we all blame him for the downfall of james and lily that kicks off the tragedy of harry's childhood, which we should. but the why of it feels important to me, so personally, this is how I see his psyche playing a role: what if he grows up in a religious household? now I know how that sounds, but hear me out. peter grows up in a religious family because his parents carry some sort of shame surrounding their magical lineage. maybe it's because their squibs, maybe it's because of other trauma from being discovered by muggles, etc. regardless, he grows up discouraged from using his magic, but instead of suppressing it and developing an obscurus, he learns how to hide it. he practices his abilities in secret, until he's a very good liar with the worst case of people pleasing. so when his owl comes with his hogwarts letter, his parents are less than happy about it. he's sent to live with his aunt when he's not at school. in the meantime, he hides as much as he can about his family from the marauders. remus has his lycanthropy to worry about, and sirius already has an even rockier home life to begin with. so it's no wonder that peter latches onto james - ironically, james becomes a secret keeper of sorts for him. but peter is never close to him the way sirius is, or even remus. he's forgotten by his friends, disregarded by his parents, and written off as soft and submissive by his other peers and even the teachers. it makes him all the more suggestible when he's sought out by voldemort, who promises him a place of belonging, which is all that he's ever wanted since he was a child. he's hidden things from the people closest to him once before, so he can do it again, right?
until of course, voldemort actually physically manipulates him with an imperius curse. and all it takes is one curse for the dark lord to convince peter that his friends can never take him back, not when he's killed and maimed and cursed and destroyed lives as much as he has. "not when you're my most trusted servant, wormtail." in short, peter pettigrew is and always will be remembered as a coward. but before he was a coward, he was in pain. and voldemort used that pain to turn him against his only friends before his only friends could turn on him
speaking of other death eaters, let's talk about regulus again for a moment. in an audience-sparing plot, regulus lives. in an angst driven plot, regulus drowns. so for the sake of compromising realism for emotional lenience, let's say nobody actually knows what happens to him. there's all kinds of rumors about the missing black brother, but the truth is that regulus doesn't drown. he's badly hurt in his attempt to destroy the locket, because not only is that thing messing with him psychologically, it's also a pain in the ass to try and get rid of. brutally injured and looking for a place to hide, he enchants a supply cabinet in a muggle cafe to expand into his own flat, which looks to non-magic users like any old closet, even if they try to open it. kreacher is left the locket along with regulus' note, because he doesn't want to be found (great opportunity for him to make a sneaky little appearance in the first half of the deathly hallows though, when the golden trio are debriefing in a muggle cafe...)
remus grows up in a really good home, but like james, he feels a sort of isolation. not because of his class status but because of his condition. as his body begins to mature in his teenage years, his lycanthropy also "matures," taking a bigger and bigger toll on his body until by the time his third year starts at hogwarts (between growth spurts and growing pains and the intensity of his transitions), he can't walk without using a cane. he's pretty sickly as a child anyway to begin with, so more often than not, he spends a lot of time in his bed in the gryffindor common room. this means when a lot of the pranking and troublemaking is happening, he's either in the background unable to do much more than try and dissuade his friends, or he isn't there at all. it isn't until a little way into his fourth year that he begins actively participating in marauders shenanigans, including helping with the construction of the map. I imagine he and sirius both have feelings for one another during this time, but these feelings cannot or do not go acknowledged until the later years (like, year six or seven)
when it comes time to meet sirius' family, sirius has already been disowned by his birth parents and is extremely distant from his brother and cousins. all of course, except for his cousin andromeda, who reaches out to him after the news of his erasure from the family tree makes it to her. this is actually how remus meets tonks in my mind - because during the whole "meet the parents" thing, he meets ted, his wife, and their daughter nymphadora
that's all I've got for now from the marauders era but the golden trio era is a whole different ballgame (and probably way longer sorry in advance)
let's start with harry. petunia is not near as strict with him as vernon is, but they're both abusive to him in ways that are physical and psychological. dudley, of course, is given everything by his parents to the point of spoiling, while harry is forced to feed off of the leftovers. and while he definitely inherits his father's "fuck around and find out" personality, he's a lot less likely to fuck around with the dursleys. in fact, he's much more quiet until he gets to hogwarts and blossoms. I also think his scar is much more noticeable and does much more alteration to his face. because it's the aftermath of the killing curse, it makes him much more likely to die just from a physical standpoint than from simply a plot device standpoint. voldemort is obsessed with killing him, and incidentally, he's a very easy person to kill
however, this doesn't make harry a weak wizard by any means. his magic is incredibly powerful and he's incredibly cunning with it. it's why the hat finds it equally appropriate to sort him into slytherin, other than the obvious connection that he and voldemort share. but this does mean that other people's perceptions of him are that he is weaker. draco thinks he can easily manipulate him. ron underestimates his understanding of the wizarding world and how to defend himself. hermione even has her moments, though hers are more a concern for his well-being as a target of all sorts of evil wizardry. even still, it's a shock and a half to go from being consistently neglected and abused to being coddled and handled with kid gloves all the time. it's no wonder his "fuck around and find out" attitude we see in the books and films also comes to life due to the way he's being mistreated - whether that's with good or ill intent
ron is not only his first friend, but also the first person harry is formally introduced to. he's harry's gateway to what the wizarding world looks like outside of school. of course, molly weasley immediately decides this makes harry her son as well as ron, and it's nice for ron to have a brother his own age. but as the youngest son in a family of seven kids, with one of the honorary offspring being famous in the wizarding world, it's easy for him to get swept up in the idea that he's the afterthought of his friends and family. as a result, he tries emulating harry's attitude towards the world, but whereas harry's is built up by his upbringing and those around him, ron's is built up out of spite. it creates resentment when they're horcrux hunting together, because ron not only hates that harry is refusing to be taken care of - he also hates that nobody's taking care of him
it's why I think he and luna lovegood make an excellent pair. luna is an uncommonly kind person by nature, and we already know in the books that she takes a shine to ron. I wish we'd seen more of them in canon, so it's my personal philosophy that they should have been together instead of ron and hermione. luna really softens the resentment in ron, because she takes so much in stride that it sort of rubs off on him. and ron brings out something very protective and fiery in her. if she weren't a ravenclaw, she'd make an excellent gryffindor, though honestly she's such a multitudinous character already that she'd do swimmingly in almost any house, in my opinion
more on luna: she and hermione were actually quite close as first years, but grew apart because while luna was accepted for her neurodivergence, hermione was singled out. there's not much difference between the two of them other than the two factors that luna doesn't mask her traits, and is a pureblood. at the time that they're both eleven, I imagine eleven-year-old blood purist logic would muddy a friendship rather quickly, especially when you're trying to seek acceptance from your peers. this isn't to say that luna is a cruel person by any means - it's just that hermione has to work harder for her fitting-in-ness. naturally, being in different houses and different circles of peers along with all the other factors, they grow apart. four years after they've met, luna is simply "looney lovegood" to hermione
hermione's parents are very eager muggles to integrate hermione into the wizarding world. the two of them meet in college, when both take an interest in metaphysical studies and the history of witches and witchcraft. though it starts as a scientific fascination, hermione's father turns out to be a rather superstitious man in the first place. when their daughter receives her owl, both of them are overjoyed at the possibility of there being a world where their fascination with magic and the occult is real. the only reason they both go into dentistry (and together at the same office, no less) is because they're ridiculously in love with one another and want hermione to have a stable childhood
snape ends up being a very protective teacher over harry. the reason he hides it is because he knows dumbledore is on the hunt for power and control, however much the man tries to disguise it as working for the greater good. the headmaster simply believes harry is the perfect conduit to attain those things, and rather than view him as a threat, dumbledore views him as a tool. snape is desperate not to see harry become a pawn, the way he did, but he also sees so much of james in him that it's hard for him to reconcile any outward respect for him. this makes snape a very cold man for harry to cross (and he's already cold enough for several other reasons), but in my personal opinion, it does his character a disservice to make him outright abusive. he's dismissive and intense and extremely aloof, but never does he use it to punish harry himself. snape's only seen as a shifty, mean person by harry because of how similar he is to petunia and her dismissal of harry at home so by god do those trust issues jump out between these two. it's by no means a father + son dynamic, but it's certainly a begrudging guardian + clueless guardee dynamic, if that makes sense
in fact, when snape realizes draco is also dealing with abuse in the home, he makes it a goal of his to do what he can to make sure their time in his class is as easy as possible. of course, true to severus snape fashion, he does this in such a way that it seems like he's going to single them out when in reality, he's only breeding an environment where draco and harry start having a tentative, mutual respect for one another. this is at first very confusing for hermione and ron, as well as draco's circle of friends. but these two are nothing if not stubborn, which means cycle breaking is what they're destined for
this paves the way for draco and hermione to be in each other's circles. mutually indifferent to one another at best. detestable to one another at worst. very much enemies to lovers, until hermione bests draco in a dueling practice and draco gains some respect for her. he learns that she is a very well schooled person when it comes to traditional witch traditions and rituals; that she recognizes the holidays that christmas and halloween are bastardizations of; that she does in fact "respect her betters," because she respects her magic as the sacred gift that it is. at that point, does it become allies to lovers. and when the second wizarding war rolls around, he does everything he can within his power to play the roll of double agent. snape becomes his mentor in that regard in more ways than one (he has to kill dumbledore and he has to outsmart voldemort, homeboy is stressing)
hey speaking of pairings, the only original pairing that I tend to keep the same within the golden trio is ginny and harry. it is the sole good pairing that jkr brought to the table. I still have a few notes on it — I just wish there was more development with them. I wish there was more canonical tension than "brother's famous best friend," because while ginny is a wonderful character on her own, she doesn't seem the type to be besotted by someone because of their fame. in fact, an enemies to lovers hinny would almost make more sense to me. they're both incredibly stubborn, it's a wonder they don't butt heads more during canon events, with the fact in mind that ginny is quite soft spoken around him. she's very do-no-harm-take-no-shit, and I wish we saw more of that in their interactions. in my head, their pipeline is as follows: younger sister figure -> academic rival/enemy -> allies during the order era -> confidants -> lovers. if this makes sense. I know it's similar to the canon pipeline for them but please I need tension I need depth I need conflict
I also have got to talk about cho because first of all, what the fuck kind of name is "cho chang" for the only visibly asian character in a franchise? said it once and I'll say it again: fuck jkr. she didn't put thought or depth into this character even one bit other than making her ditsy and boy-obsessed and I hate that shit! with all my heart! in fact, all of the POC women in this series she writes specifically to be obsessed with harry, and that makes my blood absolutely evaporate because they could be so much more than one dimensional figures. I digress
as I see it, "cho chang" isn't her real name at all. it's chao-xing zhang, and the first name means morning star. she hails from a family where her father is chinese and her mother is irish. if I had to give her a middle name, it would be siobhan. she grows up with strong roots in both her irish and chinese heritage, and she's the pride of her family, since she's the only child her parents are able to have. when she arrives at hogwarts, she is quite shy and reserved. but she's brilliant, so of course she's in ravenclaw. but it's in an atypical sense that she is brilliant, not in the I-come-fom-an-asian-family-so-I'm-clever kind of way (I think giving her the gift of clairvoyance would add a really good layer to her arc). she tries to fight off visions of harry potter dying, but she cannot shake them, so instead she vows to fight with him, especially after voldemort kills the first person to show her love and affection for who she is, not for the "cho chang" that her peers think she is. it's only natural for her to take a shine to harry when he's the one who saw cedric diggory murdered
while we're on the topic of horseshit naming, parvati and padma aren't called parvati and padma in my personal mindscape of the potter-verse. they're instead named drisana and salena, meaning "daughter of the sun" and "moon" respectively. not only are they fraternal twins, they also have entirely separate personalities and magical gifts. they're as different as the sun and moon are different, but they also both reflect each other's gifts quite well, just like how the full moon is an expression of both itself and the light of the sun. of course they're both enamored by the boy who lived and his best mate, and of course they say yes to them when they need dates for the yule ball. but to say either of them are actually in love with or interested in either of the boys isn't true by a long shot - salena much prefers her own company and drisana has been eyeing the pretty ravenclaw, chao-xing, for as long as she can remember (I also think they would take harry under their wing and help him reconnect with his desi culture because I can't imagine being raised by the dursleys gave him too much opportunity for that tbh)
now onto more world-buildy types of things
in fact, I'd say the only stereotypical twins at hogwarts are fred and george, and even then they only play into it for the bit. they think it's wildly funny to confuse anyone who doesn't know them well enough to tell them apart, which is a very small number of people (I mean come on, even their own mother doesn't always manage to tell them apart). one of them is probably just a little bit fruity, and the other one is either none the wiser or not the least bit surprised. they pretend like they're carefree people, but they both feel the pull of the war on their morale, even before the war truly sets in motion with the death of dumbledore. they don't have any older sibling figures present as far as we read until bill becomes part of the plot, but I like to think he and charlie are the ones they go to when they're needing someone to talk to about the state of the world. even then, they have to be careful about it in their correspondences.
and while I like to think that molly and arthur are all very present in the lives of their children, I also believe that arthur's work in the ministry keeps him quite busy, and molly can't always be there for each individual child without totally burning herself out. long story short, the weasleys are there for one another as much as they can be, but mainly as a whole. and of course, every weasley brother would level london for ginny if the need arose for it, since she gets little sister treatment (as she should, we love her for it)
it is in my humble opinion that each house has some elemental magic attached to it. some of these are more obvious, for instance, gryffindor would likely have many ties to fire magic, whereas with hufflepuff's patron being the badger, they'd have many ties to earth magic. ravenclaw and slytherin were a little bit harder for me to parse out, but a raven for me would signify air/weather magic while a reptilian, cold blooded patron would be symbolic to water. and while of course, any magical student can have a proclivity for any element of the four, many gryffindors will have a higher aptitude for fire magic. it's why (in my opinion) seamus finnegan is so talented with pyrotechnics in the first place - it's no accident that gryffindor is where he was sorted with that level of fire magic
so then, liv, how does that explain dumbledore's weird water orb and voldemort's fire serpent featured in the order of the phoenix film? actually that's a quite easy answer - remember how I said not every gryffindor has fire magic tendencies? this is actually referenced with neville longbottom's talent for herbology. if anything, he's more inclined to work with earth magic. we don't see a lot of deviating from house elements at all in canon, but aside from the main main characters, jkr also doesn't divulge much on it to begin with. even then, neville still has the inner fire of a gryffindor. and even though voldemort's raw magic takes the form of a serpent on fire, we see his former self most comfortable with the basilisk, who lives in the dank underbelly of the hogwarts plumbing. water snakes, anybody? dumbledore's is a little trickier to explain, but I do think in his conquest to be more powerful than voldemort, he also ended up mastering all four elements. he does certainly favor fire though, considering his animal companion is a phoenix, and his raw magic is displayed with fire in the half blood prince film during the sea cave scene
beyond the elements and patrons of each house, there's also astrology, runes, divination, etc. basically magic that isn't necessarily assigned to an element, but the elements can be present in each practice. for instance, astrology is a very planetary practice, and it relies on the position of the earth itself in relation to the stars and other celestial bodies (or vice versa). the moon oversees the tides (water), the sun provides warmth (fire) as well as nurtures greenery and living things (earth). all three interacting in different manners affects the weather (air). runes can be written or carved anywhere, but are best written either with something fluid like water and inked, or etched into a solid surface such as wood or stone. divination, particularly scrying, is best done with a reflective surface, however tea reading involves some herbology when it comes to making the tea itself. I digress, the point is, different aptitudes mean some students will have a higher proclivity for one practice than another outside of their "inner element" or which element works best with them (also jkr why didn't you include something for the crystal girlies?? for the fellas who love the pretty rocks???)
onto the topic we all love (said sarcastically) the most: wizard racism. rowling really thought she could paint a complex narrative about blood purity and the differences thereof when her own writing is inherently racist? miss me with that horseshit, anyway here's my personal take on the whole blood purity smorgasbord:
the only difference between muggleborns and regular old muggles is that some have the aptitude and skill for harnessing magic, and some don't. I don't actually know the science behind it. maybe the stars aligned just right. maybe it's a distant genetic thing. regardless, muggles have a very whimsical view of magic itself. we have our holidays like christmas and halloween and easter, and our cutesy packagings of the aesthetic for each holiday. but the holidays that they originate from, such as yule and samhain, have been celebrated by pagans and witches long before this christ-ifying of them, and even longer before making them palatable to a consumer culture. meaning it is real culture that has been taken and warped and accepted by society as normal, when it doesn't credit the original practicers in the first place
and considering the salem witch trials and other witch hunts (some of which are still happening in places around the globe, mind you), it's no wonder that, taking the canon of harry potter into consideration, purebloods (in this case, those from pagan families who have kept the practices for hundreds of generations and have only married within magical bloodlines) are at least mistrusting of muggleborns. does it excuse the blatant mistreatment and alienation of muggleborn witches and wizards? absolutely not. does it at least explain the disparity? yes it does
it gives salazar slytherins perspective of only allowing purebloods into his house an entirely new layer as to why. if only he didn't go about hatching an ancient bloodthirsty beast to hunt down the muggleborn students!
it does also add a very archaic level to slytherin house culture, though - they're not only the most cunning house (and most misunderstood), they're also the most observant of traditional paganism. dumbledore is so dead set on the belief that slytherin breeds evil wizards and witches, however, that his favoritism to his patron house (which happens to have the opposite mascot and element, mind you) creates an environment where slytherins are either feared or outright disrespected by the other houses. here's a hot take: dark and light magic can exist within the same space and still not have any moral attachment to them. crazy, innit
which means that not only is dumbledore a more "accepting" headmaster of muggleborns - they too, are a means to an end in this vendetta he has against tom riddle; a vendetta he's had against a child since he realized this child (who mind you, was already isolated as an orphan and a wizard growing up surrounded by muggles) was the heir of slytherin. and while yes, this made him a threat to the safety of muggleborn students, dumbledore also ensured the creation of the thing that which he vowed to overthrow. his mission in life as a wizard with great power and responsibility was a self fulfilling prophecy
(enough said about albus dumbledore. I hate that man. no wonder jkr paints him as such a hero figure in the series though like damn)
more world building! I think it should be canon that a modified obliviate spell exists so that trans witches and wizards can erase the memory of a dead name from the minds of anyone who isn't them. use this headcanon how you must, it may be the biggest fuck you to the author I could come up with <3
phew! that was a mouthful, but on that note, those are all my thoughts/headcanons/other things that I've conjured so far. some of them may be based off of headcanons I've already seen (like, we've all basically confirmed james is desi at this point), but I did wanna drive a little deeper into those existing ones as well as add thoughts of my own. I am planning on using most if not all of these to write my own rendition of the potter-verse canon, but feel free to use any of them you see in here! I'd love to invite more dialogue, particularly about more thoughtful name changes (like seriously if y'all have anymore suggestions on that front please send them to me, I don't want to be totally ignorant or off base so any feedback is super appreciated)
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rab-moonbeam · 2 months
i love jegulus & haters can suck it
saw this reddit post from last month and got really heated and then this rant came to be
it's crazy to me how people who are in the mauraders fandom (specifically more canon-mauraders fans) have such a strong hatred towards jegulus. first of all literally please grow up it's a fucking fictional world about wizards first and foremost. IT'S NOT REAL ANYWAY. but like y'all are shitting on people having fun with people creating characterizations for a character(s) that in all honesty, jk rowling only used to further her plot to help the good guys and were nothing more than black and white bad guys or random names of people who were friends but didn't matter enough to be anything more than names.
the fact that the one main issue some have with jegulus is that there is no way that regulus and james would never have interacted with each other which is honesty, truly a stupid take. even during harry's years we see him interact with people who are in the years above and below him so to think that james never interacted with regulus at any point during their time at hogwarts is ridiculous. not only would he have met regulus during his second year because honestly to think that sirius would not have introduced his younger brother to his friends is kinda dumb and you obviously don't have a good sense of who he is as a character in my opinion. sirius would still have treated regulus as his little brother, would have wanted to share his friends with him. i don't care how they differed later on, it didn't happen over night and it probably didn't happen until after regulus started at hogwarts and got more and more indoctrinated with the other slytherins.
now later on when regulus starts to get involved with the death eaters, and as he goes through his time in slytherin yeah they probably didn't interact much. BUT again, who is to say they didn't end up in the library at the same time, they didn't interact with each other through smack talk about quiddich, weren't in similar clubs, hell weren't in prefect meetings together. you truly act like they will never have seen each other ever, that james and regulus will never have said a single thing to each other.
another point jegulus haters love to try and make is that sirius hated regulus and that regulus (barty and evan too) are bad people. in canon they killed people, they were death eaters. first of all again it's fanfiction, it does not have to have a damn ounce of whatever is in canon. second is that there is not one time in the entire series that sirius says that he hates regulus. he says that he was naive and believed everything his parents said. THAT is canon. THAT is what can be literally found written by the terf herself. also to reduce regulus (and again barty and evan) to their actions like "they killed people" and that's all there is to say about that is dumb. yes in canon, they killed people. evan and barty are confirmed to have killed people. regulus with the fact that he was a death eater most likely killed people. that is not anything we negate as people who like jegulus. what we do though is take that and create characters who are able to fucking have more depth than the bad shit they did after having been indoctrinated into a cause that they were made to believe was the correct way of thinking since literal birth and then continued to get hammered into them for years and years at school and at home. like yeah they were kinda shitheads, but let me be honest, barty is always portrayed as a shithead, he's a little crazy, gets into trouble, might have some messed up morals, he's also got a shit home life, his dad kinda sucks and that doesn't mean he can't be a good friend, doesn't mean he can't love someone, can't be loved, can't be silly, can't be smart. the exact same thing happens for evan. he's the same as regulus raised in a pureplood slytherin household. like what else was he going to think? but again does that mean he can't have more depth, doesn't deserve love? can't be a good friend? can't be silly? then we've got regulus. yeah he can be cold, take no shit, be kind of pretentious, but you know what he can also be babygirl. he can love, he can have love, he can be anxious, he can change his mind after learning that the way that he was brought up was shit. they all can need comfort and need their friends and ride or die for their friends. like none of that negates either point.
now the biggest thing that gets to me and makes me really heated is when people shit on jegulus and say it doesn't make sense then have the gall to like drarry but then say the paralle between jegulus and drarry is wrong.....how the actual fuck does that makes sense. regulus and draco are so much like each other. not only because narcissa is someone regulus grew up around and was also bought into the same bullshit he did and married someone who was just as in deep if not more into the whole volemort love fest, but you think they aren't the same? they don't have the same ideals? they didn't have to go to the same type of pureblood parties and dinners? like draco wasn't around people who were death eaters from the jump? like even more than regulus probably was given the time he was born. like no the only difference between draco and regulus is that one had actual loving parents who cared about him and the other was born into a family where his parents were cousins and definitely only had kids to carry on the family name and nothing else.
my last thing is that people act like regulus doesn't have any redemption in what he does with the locket. like yeah fine he probably only went after voledemort because of what he did to kreature but like okay and? he obviously wasn't indoctrinated as much as y'all love to claim he was the same way lucius wasn't as loyal as everyone thought either bc they knew that that loyalty only ran so far. this man hurt someone they loved and THAT meant more to them than this war and pureblood culture. like so i think regulus had some room to actually become like fanon regulus where he's able to see a different side of things. he's able to get away from that deeply ingrained prejudice. you know the same way draco does at the end of the series. but like y'all can only care and love and vouch for draco bc he's still alive god forbid we want to see a character that was killed off at 17 trying to destroy the one thing that he could to get revenge and hurt voldemort.
all in all let's be real clear it's fucking fiction. you guys are allowed to hold dear something that has meant so much to you for years because of course harry potter has meant a lot to a lot of people and still does despite jk rowling being a terf and bigott. but that doesn't mean you get to police or shit on how other people interact with that content because they find are also finding solace and fun and enjoying shit the same way you are and that means something to them.
please just just let people ship and enjoy what they want. it doesn't have to make sense to you. it doesn't need to be your cup of tea. if you and others aren't being genuinely hurt by it shut! up!
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themainspoon · 10 months
Terfs don’t hate masculinity bc gender is fake they hate male people lol bc they are the oppressors ❤️
Hmmmm yes, Emmett Till and other black men like him who were lynched because of White Women’s tears were definitely oppressors, and not for a single second the oppressed.
This is an intersectional household, get the fuck out and take your shit with you. Your own ideology reduces you to a powerless womb on legs, you force women out of your movement and actively perpetuate their oppression. You are actively the antithesis of real modern feminism.
Trans women are women, trans men are men, non-binary identity is real, gender diversity is real, the previous statements are objective scientific fact. You are on the same intellectual level as flat earthers and anti-vaxxers.❤️❤️♥️💙💙💗🖤💜💜💛💞💖💗💛💞💔💓❣️💞💚💖💓💖🧡💝💘
All TERFs shut the fuck up and fuck off, you’re not welcome here.
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fae-sodapop · 1 year
Fae's DNI list
Hi, I'm Fae.
Do not disrespect my identity just because it may not follow your views.
1, DNI
Transcrum, Transmeds, anti queer, anti queer marriage, queer phobic, anti queer parenting, TERFS, racist, colorism, right wing, conservative, have conservative or right wing views, support anti queer establishments, ableist, N@zi, P€do, z00phile, n€cr0phili@c, using your religion as an excuse to hate/shame queer people, use slurs of any kind, force religion onto others, refuses to respect someone's religion, denouncing others religion/god(s) if they conflict with your own. Anti poly couples, anti poly house households, anti poly parenting, A chaser, Fetishizing people for their race - disability - gender - sexuality - or biological sex.
2, No pro shippers. DNI if you ship incest, p€dophiliac ships, abusive ships.
3, If you genuinely support cringe culture, not as a bit but as a genuine excuse to dunk on people for existing.
Pinned post
Will be updated as things change! Enjoy yourselves!
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Howdy! I am thinking of coming back to this blog because I feel like it was important to me. Will be using it at least for a little while.
About me:
Primarily worships the Theoi (Hellenic, or Greek, gods), with a few additions
I am not a reconstructionist. I take my religion seriously, but I take my cue from the gods, not internet randos or even tradition 🤷🏻‍♀️ I've have never had an issue when approaching the gods without having washed my hands or face (and I generally forget, even when I did decide to incorporate it into my practice) or such like that. I do follow guidelines for core things, like not offering blood, etc. But I play pretty fast and loose with the rules, so you've have come to the wrong place if you are looking for a resource on reconstructionism. If you harass me about not adhering strictly to tradition and ritual structure, I will block you.
I worship the gods, not work with them. I am not a witch at all! I occasionally do divination (which is not witchcraft) but that is it!
Gods I Worship:
Interested In:
Jesus (in combination with Dionysus, specifically)
Agathos Daimon (household spirit)
I'm am for sure forgetting someone, but brainfart lol
Some Personal Views:
Fuck terfs! The gods love trans people!
Fuck nazis, fuck white nationalists, fuck folkists! Hatred has no place in this community.
Fuck mythic literalism. Please pick up a book and stop lying about Persephone and Aphrodite hating each other. The Theoi don't have irl beef, you can worship any of them with each other—they are a *family.* Additionally, gods were often worshipped together *because* of their beef in the mythos. Persephone and Aphrodite, Athena and Poseidon, Athena was given Pallas' name as an epithet even though she killed her (though they were admittedly friends/adoptive sisters)
The gods aren't going to smite you. This is mainly from a hellenic perspective because I'm am most educated about it. If you don't give an offering in a long time or something similar, you don't have to grovel and beg for forgiveness or offer an extravagant gift. Just give them an offering, talk to em/them, and don't worry about it. Kharis can always be reestablished. An exception to this would maybe be if you broke an commitment to a god. THEN asking for forgiveness and giving a nice offering would be appropriate. But they won't kill you or anything. People've who've have done this have mentioned that the blessings gifted to them by the gods were simply revoked, maybe added some additional misfortune. Which is pretty easily rectified, from what I understand. You can make amends. The gods are deeply accepting, understanding, and forgiving. They are not human. We don't live in a myth, and you do not need to fear any real harm from them (*especially* physical)
Related to the above, you cannot offend the gods on accident. If you learn later that you did something that they would rather you not do (in relation to your interactions with them), that's okay! You can do better now, the gods won't hold it against you if you didn't know ^-^ Now if you INTENTIONALLY try to piss them off, disrespect them to spite them in a fit of anger, then it is apology time.
Finally, no DNI. Just don't be an asshole and we're golden.
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bugtistic · 1 year
Hi! I’m kevin, I’m 24, Autistic+ADHD. I use xe/xem/xyr pronouns (structured like they/them), and am the host of an OSDD system (though this blog will only be ran by me). Icon is of my old T.Albo, Peaches. (rip)
You can find my personal carrd here!
Entomology is one of my biggest special interests! Please feel free to ask me for bug facts, habitat and care information, and potentially bug IDs (with photo submission and general location provided, ie, state or province). I can also provide information on how to remove household pests and infestations, as I have pest control experience.
Please understand that I am not a trained professional! I do not have an entomology degree. I know a lot of shit but at the end of the day I’m just an autistic guy! I may not always be correct.
I’m here to spread joy and love for all bugs! I will not accept bug hate or slander on my page.
(Bug, on my blog, includes all insects, arachnids, Gastropods, and isopods)
I block TERFS+SWERFS, Truscum+transmeds, radfems, anti mogai, anyone against neopronouns, anyone against mspec gays and lesbians (hi! Pan gay man here!), and general bigots on sight
I do not tolerate discourse and will block anyone who tries to spark any
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witchy03 · 13 days
Hello, Tumblr! You can call me Asriel; I'm looking into witchcraft, as my current religion isn't...really doing me much good. I have a lot of religious trauma that I'm working through, and I get good enough vibes from witchy stuff that I'm interested in trying it. This Tumblr is basically to help me connect with the community, and learn more about it to see if this path is the one for me.
I also have an otherkin/alterhuman blog, for those interested, @feathereddragonkin . Just read the dni before interacting. If I ever have a wrong idea about something, feel free to correct me. All I ask is that you're kind about it. I grew up in a strict Christian household, so all of this is very new to me. And if any seasoned witches have some starting advice for me I'd greatly appreciate it!
I'm a huge Greek mythology nerd, and in my research I feel a strong connection to Dionysus. Still deciding what to do with this information, and I'm hoping to figure it out here.
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DNI List!
Nazi, pro-Israel, misogynists, anti furry/otherkin/agere/Petre blogs, hate blogs, terfs, NSFW blogs, religious fanatics, homophobes, transphobes, ped0s, political, ableists, anti-witchcraft, ect.
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scarletspider-lily · 1 year
Rules and about me
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This blog is meant for anyone to stumble upon, but I still hold firm to my beliefs and won’t censor myself for people. If you take issue with my tone or posts at any time, block me ! ALSO: i queue all my posts so me posting does not mean im online- most of the time i'm not.
I cater to exvangelicals (people who have left evangelical Christianity) first and foremost. I try to open up the convo to other religions, but my personal experiences make me talk about Christianity more.
I do not respect TERFS and radfems, please do not interact :)
This blog is strongly anti censorship and anti purity culture. I don’t get into ship discourse but if you know what I mean and have a problem with this, simply block or DNI
religious people are free to interact with my blog, as I think they can learn about atheist and ex religion viewpoints, but any proselytizing and preaching in the comments will result in a swift block!
atheists who hate religion are valid, but I do not support or encourage anti theist fascism :)
i don’t support islamaphobia, antisemitism, or racism (there is a difference between criticizing religions and partaking in that bigotry)
don’t police my tone, I will criticize and generalize not just christians but other religions frequently here! I’m aware religious people are not a monolith but I would like to avoid having a disclaimer on everything in this blog, when i already clarify and censor myself irl every second of the day.
I talk about other topics here and shout-out queer media and other media often.
if I make a mistake please call me out respectfully. i understand im capable of actually being disrespectful or saying something bigoted.
I dislike the term “culturally Christian” because of how it is used here, and other reasons. If you call me that I’ll still engage with you but don’t expect me to keel to that term politely lmao. Also specify how I am “culturally christian” if you insist on calling me that
VERY IMPORTANT: I reblog posts from random people sometimes as well as people who are controversial on this site for a number of reasons, or are just very well known. I do not agree with everything someone does if I reblog from them. My policy usually is that if I like a post and want it on my blog I’ll reblog.
about me:
I’m a queer Asian American woman in a not so great evangelical household. I'm an atheist who is sort of spiritual (when it comes to nature). This blog exists to call out Christo-fascism/Christian nationalism plaguing America, support atheists and people who left their religions, and for me to be authentic and honest away from prying eyes of people who may know me. I accept asks and confessions, as long as they are not malicious. Currently, I really welcome tips for those in toxic Christian households.
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sealpup9 · 2 years
I feel like a lot of queer discourse would be solved if everyone in the lgbtqia+ community just watched RENT once.
Its an amazing musical first off but it is so Unapologetically Queer.
If you're questioning or maybe you arent out yet. Or you haven't interacted with a lot of other LGBTQIA+ folks irl, it's such a great musical.
The first time I watched it, I was uncomfortable.
I was raised in a christian household, and i wasn't even thinking about coming out to anyone, but was trans and a baby gay™ and I had an amazing friend who was and who's father was so outwardly supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community that it was jist kindof this shock.
I thought wait, they can do that? Wait, we have movies with gay people and trans people that are just existing like this? Wait, this is what happened in the 80s?
I was in HS and I had little to no experience with the queer community.
And the musical made me uncomfortable.
But then I started thinking well why. Halfway through I'm sitting enjoying this music and just so shocked about the open speech, so unapologetic, so outwardly queer in this space that they just are and they just exist these characters are just that. Queer.
Going back it really, really was a major part of my introduction into the queer community. Because if we aren't loud and unapologetic, we risk being wiped out, forgotten, treated as sub-human.
We are human and we are Queer.
And that's just some reasons why I think RENT will ALWAYS ALWAYS stand out as a great piece of queer culture. If you haven't watched it yet, please do!! The music is fantastic! The movie was made with a lot of the original cast from Broadway! It's a great movie night movie!!!
I'm not saying that this is going to fix the TERF issue or make aphobia go away. I'm just saying that a lot of the discourse revolves around tearing down other members of the community.
At the end of the day, we stand together or we die.
And I do mean that. No anti-gay laws are going to care if your partner is trans or ace.
Discriminatory laws don't make exceptions to their rules simply because you identify as something else or you are into something else. Discriminatory laws will discriminate against anyone they deem sub-human, or anyone they can put into a box.
We're already under that one label: Queer, right?
Tearing our own community members down will only make things so much worse. Infighting is the last thing we need, and discourse revolving around transgender people not belonging or asexual people not belonging is a moot point, they've already grouped us together. It doesn't matter in their eyes. We are not better than one another, just like we are not inferior to people who are cis and straight.
The world is heteronormative. We throw a wrench in the "heteronormative ideals" that hate groups have by simply existing. Terfs, nazis, aphobes, biphobes, panphobes-- Just existing is enough to upset these people.
So live unapologetically.
Don't throw hate around.
Fight for the rights and needs of fellow humans. No one is better than any other person.
Oh, and watch RENT
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wolfram-petanu · 10 months
new intro post because i hate the old one woah here we go
hii my name is Wolfram, but i also go by Ted, Rat, Will or Dell
I use he/him and ve/vim, and am a proud aroace+agender goober
dni if you're a HP fan, think being a natzi is cool (in this household we celebrate punch a natzi day (all year holiday baby)), are a terf
this blog is mostly sfw, if i do reblog some goofy stuff I'll tag it as "#nsfw" (i won't reblog stuff that's too bad tho because sexual stuff personally makes me uncomfortable)
i also have side accounts!:
my art blog: @wolfram-but-art
and a blog for spamming about blorbos: @wolfram-blorbos
stuff I'm into (please talk to me about it):
-JRWI (riptide)
-TF2 (!)
-Metro series (2033-'35)
feel free to blow up my inbox woth notes btw, I don't really care. (sending asks, mass liking, reblogging, following me, messaging me. all welcome mate, come talk to me)
if you're a new account reading this, make sure to customize your blog. PLEASE make yourself look like a real person don't force me to block you
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs JK Rowling
So let’s talk about JK Rowling for a minute. Yes, I know that you’re probably sick of hearing about it for one reason or another. I get it. I just ... have a distinct need to vent here. So I’m sorry for bringing it up again, whatever side of this argument you’re on. Just ... come on. Hogwarts Legacy comes out on my fucking birthday. The only thing that’s saving my birthday at this point, given the mess the internet’s going to be Friday over this, is sushi dinner and a little Legend of Vox Machina watch party.
The summary basically goes as follows: JK Rowling is a TERF and a horrible human being, and she underlines that fact every time she opens her virtual mouth, and now Hogwarts Legacy is coming out and it’s been an internet slap-fight ever since. The reactions I’ve seen so far have been as follows:
“I’m buying multiple copies to own the libs!”
“I’m buying a copy but I’m donating twice as much to trans organisations so it’s fine, right?”
“It doesn’t really deprive her of that much money anyway given how rich she is, so a boycott is pointless.”
“I’ll just pirate it and you should too!” (bonus points for talking about the cracker who’s making it a point to crack Denuvo over this, and that’s about the one good thing coming out of it because Denuvo is bullshit)
And then there’s me. I’m trying not to ascribe hateful intent to anyone who wants to buy Hogwarts Legacy. I really am. The only reason I can manage it is - and I’m sorry to put it this way but there’s literally no other way I can phrase it - US news is basically the centre of the media universe and a lot of people only hear the very basics about how JK Rowling is a TERF and a horrible human being. You combine that with nostalgia goggles and it’s a recipe for what I can only really call quasi-deliberate cognitive dissonance in people with the best of intentions. Sorry for doing this; I just need to pull this apart.
We’ll start with the nostalgia goggles. I mean, I was a ... sort of a fan when I was younger. Looking back on it, I can see why “more or less average kid from a household that treats them unfairly is suddenly elevated to popularity, wealth, a stable emotional support network and ADVENTURE!” had appeal. Thing is, looking at it with a more critical eye? It was racist as fuck. Not that much better on the sexism. Not any better on the antisemitism either. Apologetic of slavery (”No it’s okay because they like being slaves!” my entire oversized ass). Don’t even get me started about the “lycanthropy as AIDS” thing that she actually admitted to, and literally highlighting how she killed her gays when she stated that Dumbledore was gay after the last books were already out instead of actually showing any of that in the text. On top of all that, I can’t say with any honesty that it was even that well-written. While I don’t think a lot of people are forgetting that book 7 epilogue any time soon, the rest of it ... just ... doesn’t hold up to me. The wizarding houses that sold a few billion pieces of merchandise were just an excuse to legitimise bullying within the text. Her portrayal of Snape had her confusing “doomed love” with “incel”. Dumbledore was sold as a benevolent sage but came across to me as a fucking maniac and a horrible educator. Most of all, half of this series was held together with plot glue, communication fail, and having a non-omniscient, highly distractable POV character throughout. I have things to say about the pacing, particularly as regards the introduction of the Horcruxes and the Remus / Tonks relationship (which, given the “bad man spreading this AIDS-analog to people deliberately” the still somehow existing view of AIDS as “a bad gay’s disease”, and Remus’ bond with Sirius, feels like an attempt to “de-gay” Remus somehow, but all that did was code him bi and she killed him anyway, apparently to tug on heartstrings in a really clumsy-ass way, so eh). But we’ve got colourful houses coded by desirable personality traits (EXCEPT SLYTHERIN, like cunning and ambition are somehow inherently evil) and Quidditch and Every-Flavour Beans, so that’s fine, right? Egh. Sorry; I was never one to hang onto the nostalgia goggles for very long. I love poking the Jenga Tower of Logic too much.
(Also, frankly, if she’d taken Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them and turned them into a Steve Irwin-type nature series instead of the racist imperialist pile of garbage that series turned into, she’d have been a lot better off. Though I’m not sure I like her rooting around in the cultural heritages of others because she handles this shit like a moose handles a Ming vase.)
Of course, Hogwarts Legacy is a different kettle of fish. It’s not in the modern era or anything so it can’t be that problematic, right? It’s set in ... *checks* 1890. So the height of British imperialism. Oooooooh yeah that’s going to be a Thing, isn’t it. Let’s see ... Super Special Student thrown into Hogwarts in their fifth year, Possessed of Ancient Secret Magic ... Chosen One. Got it. Wikipedia won’t even go into the full plot but what I seem to recall is “Evil (and Jewish-coded) Goblins Attempt Wizard Genocide”. So that’s nice. And its lead designer is ... Troy Leavitt, Gamergate supporter and creation of such videos as “In Defense of Cultural Appropriation”. Which, given Rowling’s history with same, is on brand. So how about we not go too far into the “But SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPERS!” argument? This man does not need support; he needs a good swift kick in the balls.
So, back onto Rowling, because I really can’t talk about the game much as it’s not technically out yet. Yes, TERF and horrible human being, but there are examples of this that go beyond the shit she spouts on Twitter. As far as the TERF shit goes, here’s an example: a little while ago, the devolved Scottish Parliament wrote a law - only applicable to the Scots, incidentally - that said that people age 16 and up should be able to decide what gender to put on their identity documents. It’s called the Gender Recognition Act. Now, the UK government at Westminster didn’t like this at all, and - in a move they’re not actually supposed to make - blocked Scottish Parliament from being able to enact that law within its own borders. This kicked the Scottish devolution movement (already pretty heavy because of the end results of Brexit) into even higher gear, because fuck the English government wanting to uphold their terfitude so much that they’d dictate what Scotland can do in its own borders. Rowling is on the English government’s side here, and is very against Scottish devolution. The money she has doesn’t only go to that LGB Alliance that leaves out the T so very deliberately; it also goes to blocking Scotland’s attempt to unstaple itself from this hellscape, just because she agrees with blocking the rights of people to choose whether an M or F goes on their official documentation instead of basing it on their assigned gender at birth.
And then there’s her most recent book, written under her (ironically male) pseudonym. Yes, it’s a TERF manifesto with chapters, but it’s more than just “Evil Mass Murderer Hides Behind Woke Transgender Propaganda To Gain Access To Women’s Bathrooms And Murder Them”. That book also includes a “poor influencer accused of being ableist being murdered by disabled people because they consider said influencer too ableist to be condoned” plot. Fibromyalgia is mentioned (dude, I have fibro and even if I wasn’t a decent human being, I hurt too much to be able to actively murder someone). Also autism, which is pretty telling when you consider that she also says that “poor confused autistic girls are being forced into gender conversion because they’re too autistic to understand what they’re doing”.
If you honestly want to own anything with this woman’s name attached, that’s fine. That’s your prerogative. I am probably going to judge you, though. It’s not the money, or at least not just the money - it’s the platform this is giving her, and the validation. Even piracy says “I don’t care about your behaviour because you’re giving me what I want”. Not even need; want. I don’t get why anyone wants it, but people are allowed to have different tastes, so that’s a whatever-thing. But I live in the country where her voice has the most influence on things that aren’t entertainment. She is defended by so many of the wealthy and powerful because she thinks the same way they do. And the more she’s lauded for anything she does, the more they’ll point to her as something good about this country. She is not a good thing about this country, and no amount of flying broomsticks and jelly beans that taste like earwax can change that, in my mind.
(Also, I’ve seen some of the preview pictures - the game looks like hot garbage anyway.)
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R. Bloem
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"Bloemen verwelken... en schepen vergaan..."
Name: R. Bloem Pronouns: she/her :) age: 28 forverer but a 100 something in total Nationality: Dutch (she's mixed race tho) Species: Vampire (VTM) Clan: Toreador, Volgirre Sect: Second Inquisition Location: Changes A LOT as shes stationed at different bases Personality: Kindhearted bootlicker :( Partner: @rural-panoptes (not public knowledge tho) Sire: Miss Valerie who is luckily DEAD. Notes: Bloem is not a good person! she is incredibly kind hearted and general speaking hates violence and the pain and suffering of others. she is also volgirre and sometimes that shows. she is loyal to the second inquisition first and foremost. she IS a hunter. she is also OP and a mass diablerist... her kill count is HIGH.
There are no specific rules for interacting with my blog! Just dont be fucking racist or a terf etc cuz ill feed your kidneys to the dogs :)
THINGS ARENT TAGGED SO BE WARNED OF GORE BLOOD AND ALIKE! you can of course ask me to tag certain things I will appologize because I may very well forget orz plz do remind me. Bugs are tagged simply under #bug :3 be safe yall
More rambles under the cut off
first of all Hi! Im birdy, 24 years old, a black trans animator from the netherlands. I do da drawing and da makin of da gaymes. I stream on twitch you are always free to reach out to me here in DM's or else on discord The-Nerdy-Birdy#0918 <- JUST BE AWARE I was terrible social anxiety and I may be slow to respond THAT'S NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU PLEASE KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU Im just silly :3 and have my moments. I promise ya tho I love to talk and ramble.
now with that out of the way
Bloem is my babygirl I love her dearly. she comes from a very strict and religious household circa 1910-20 her father and mother were incredibly abusive towards her. its where she learned to be so obedient. or atleast where it started. her friends tried to pull her outta it but it didnt work.
she studied to be a nurse in rotterdam and worked there for a bit in the hospital until the war reached the netherlands and rotterdam got bombed. she then started working wherever med care was needed which included in the field and house visits for people in hiding.
mid hunger winter of 1945 is when Valerie her sire snatched her up for embrace. it was not pretty and the amount screaming bloem did ruined her vocal chords forever. Valerie then blood bonded her and basically made her work in her "club". Valerie was unkind and bloem doesnt like to talk about it much.
after about 20 years of service to valerie the dutch SI named LIGHTHOUSE busted down the club killing vallerie in the process. its how Bloem ended up with the SI still shaken from the snapping of the bond but also so so so thankful to be freed.
ever since shes been working with the SI. being their honeypot as well as heavy fire in battles. though she hunts smaller targets as she primarily lives of vitae and is a bit addicted to it.
SHE WILL ALWAYS TRY AND BE KIND. AS SHE DOES NOT BELIEVE SUFFERING WILL BRING ANY GOOD IN THE WORLD BUT HER VIEWS ARE SEVERLY FUCKED UP AND HER BLOOD DOES NOT HELP WITH IT. shes smart but not great with people and walks into traps if people are just kind to her. she has such a need of authority and guidance its sad.
i hope she will get better eventually. she was... so kind. she deserved better.
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bearlyloved · 1 year
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18+  .Indie    .    Mutuals    Only.   FANDOMLESS OC, MAMABEAR,  by  S𝔞v𝔟𝔢𝔞𝔯    .    Established    1st    of    December   2021
Highly    Selective    &   sometimes   very intense themes      .    Crossover    &    OC    friendly
 main original verses & verses  include;  ORIGINAL MAIN VERSES , AU VERSES & CROSSOVER VERSES & HUMAN VERSES
EXPLORING: aerial arts/circus, vintage dolls & the 1950s
OTHER BLOGS INCLUDE: @funbonded & @moralpuppet
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dash bio/dash rules undercut for more please see my carrd
tw: terminal illness & child death 
˗ˏˋ ♡ dash bio Mamabear was created by Arthur Velvetine, a middle aged man who was desperate to give his dying daughter, Sarah Velvetine, the female role model she never had growing up. Everyday Sarah's terminal condition slowly got worse and her father made it his mission to fill her last years with love and happiness. After years poor Sarah didn't make it, leaving Mamabear's creator distraught and unable to look at his creation. She was then passed from household to household until the RUSHTOWN CIRCUS  found her. There she would learn to be a professional trapeze artist. Mamabear has always been romantacized by those she comes across, she has never truly felt love. She was only ever useful to others. She still seeks to find herself and be treated just as others are. Still craves to be seen as something other than an object. Even though she adores being a trapeze/aerial artist, the celebrity side of things has only amplified the objectification of her being. She longs that one day people will see beneath the faux fur and stuffing.
˗ˏˋ ♡ dash rules ♡ One. FIRST AND FOREMOST. General rp etiquette applies. / I am not my OC. Likewise I do not condone or romanticise any of the darker themes explored on this blog.  Two. DNI / I don't engage with people who are problematic or present problematic behaviour such as proshipping/pedophilia/ or you are a terf/ableist/racist or you show any kind of hate to anyone like that . If you see me interacting with someone problematic likely I haven't been informed yet and shall deal with it accordingly as soon as I am informed. I don't support anyone who does any of that nasty behavior and I never will and if you know you engage in such behaviors then please refrain from interacting with me. You're not welcome. Likewise don't bring drama onto my blog. If you see someone problematic here just message me privately. I won't be reblogging callouts. Three.  FOLLOWING. I'm selective. If I haven't followed back please don't take it personally. If we are mutuals and you decide to unfollow then soft block please otherwise I will see you on my Dash and still think we are mutuals and I don't really want to have to browse a list of followers to check every time I go to interact. Four. DON'T STEAL MY OC OR MY GRAPHICS. Some art used on the blog is my own others have been so lovingly created by chainsxwsmile, ryuniiis, candyeco and machopie Five.  TRIGGERS Warnings for you: This blog can be very gorey I also require you to be 18+ for this reason. Please do not follow if you're a minor. death, abuse, terminal illness Six. SHIPPING only romantically with muses who are also anthros/dolls/toys. Mamabear is also a lesbian please respect this.
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