#Wayne Lai
moviemosaics · 8 months
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Visible Secret
directed by Ann Hui, 2001
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la-panda · 1 year
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thief-of-eggs · 7 months
Damian: *storming into the den* Faaaather, Drake called me a rude word-
Tim: For the hundredth time, I said you were acting like Dick, not acting like a dick!
Jason: *not even glancing up from his book* That’s debatably worse
Dick: *exaggeratedly wounded gasp*
Damian: *pulling a knife* You take that back Todd-
Bruce: *as chaos ensues* …I’m out
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frownyalfred · 1 year
things all the robins were ready for when they began crime fighting: guns, getting shot at, being held at gunpoint
what none of the robins were ready for: 220+ lbs of one Bruce Thomas Wayne jumping on top of them and shielding them whenever bullets start flying
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bluerosefox · 3 months
BREAKING NEWS! Youngest Wayne's Secret Lovechild?!
Teenage Ellie taking care of deaged Danny and moving to Gotham to hide from Vlad because Lady Gotham offered them sanctuary and will keep Vlad out.
Chaos is set into motion when during a Rogue attack, Damian Wayne (not as Robin at the moment) saves him and returns Danny to Ellie...
The internet/news happen because of course it did.
And people mistake Danny as his kid and Ellie his baby mama.
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sully-s · 8 months
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Space And Earth Chat
Bruce: Will you watch when the sun swallows the earth? Clark: Bruce, that's in five billion years Bruce: ... Clark: No Bruce: I would Clark: Morbid Bruce. Bruce: I understand why you wouldn't- Clark: I wouldn't becuase I won't let it happen. Bruce: It's physics Clark, you can't stop it. Clark: I can. Bruce: How? You're going to feed it more hydrogen? Clark: Sure, why not. I am a farmer's son.
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solivigantkaiba · 9 months
Bruce, going over case notes behind the sofa.
Dick: "Bruce, can I have chicken nuggets?"
Bruce: "*grunt*"
Dick: "Yeah, but I'm little, I can't reach the freezer and I don't think I'm allowed to fry anything by myself."
Bruce: "......*chirp*"
Dick: "Ok."
Bruce makes his way to the pantry, grabs a stepstool, places it by the cabinet, and trips over it.
"B? Are you ok?"
"I don't think the floor is that comfortable."
A tiny Grayson moves to lay by his incapacitated guardian, "oh, wait,.....maybe"
15 min later
"Master Bruce, Master Grayson, is there a particular reason I must inquire as to why you are laying on the linoleum floor?"
"B and I were gonna make nuggets, but neither of us know how.................so the floor it is."
".......I see, well if the young sirs would permit me, I can get started on those chicken nuggets and what say you a bit of a ceasar salad to accompany?"
"Yeah, that sounds good Alfie. B wants to know if we can have apple juice?"
"Of course."
Alfred steps over them both, Bruce in his embarrassment won't be moving and Dick has become very comfortable at his side.
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banghwa · 4 months
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 6 months
There's something about Tim that has always slightly unnerved Bruce.
That's not to say he doesn't truly love him, the little Robin who dragged him kicking and screaming from the edge, who reminds him everyday he has to be better.
Yet something in his eyes always makes him hesitate.
Watching him solve cases connect dots that even Bruce at his most able couldn't hope to understand.
Watching him fight it's calculated every move planned but executed with a grace that would make ballerinas jealous.
He couldn't identify it the greatest detective stumped by his own son until one day when he walked down to the cave.
His eldest sparing with Tim it was beautiful moves that he could never replicate they worked as if they were one. Escrima quickly blocked by a bow staff, every single move perfectly executed.
It felt like for once he could see clearly the thing that had made him so uncomfortable brought forth a fear that was so instinctual.
It was Dick.
The same moves, the quiet grace the deadly motions, even the anger.
A perfect copy a clone couldn't even hope to achieve.
He stays so still almost frozen afraid to catch the predators attention.
As Tim ends it heading to the showers his eyes drift meeting Dick's.
A smile that before he would call kind he can't help but see almost a sadistic undertone like a animal playing with it's food.
He breaks first, hair standing on end as he heads back up into the manor.
He should do something, but he can't whatever monsters that are his sons he decides to turn a blind eye.
To let the tigers play he knows he is beaten that if he were to try anything his blood would stain his eldest's chin.
But a darker deeper part of Bruce recognizes the same look he ignores in the mirror.
The look that both Jason and Damian try so hard to replicate.
He has never consciously favored his children but as he erases contingencies and allows full access to a network he had never shared with anyone before he can't help but feel a tide changing.
Sitting the next morning at the table secrets smiles shared between him and his sons. Jealously crossing theirs brothers eyes he wants to cackle, scream but it's time he returns the loyalty that they have bled.
After all what's some secrets between Kings and crowned princes.
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haloabove · 7 months
Im such a sucker for Clark “heals in the sun” Kent and Bruce “burns in a storm” Wayne.
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takethelx3 · 19 days
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Golden hour or something,,, angel baby (Troye Sivan) was on loop the whole time I was scribbling.. 👉👈
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la-panda · 1 year
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silusvesuius · 1 year
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drac & pongorma ^_·^
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bepoucorp · 10 months
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THEYRE KISSING! fanart for @sabaldax 's fic "Spinning Around (an error that I create)"
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Phantom stared at the monitor with baited breath. He had been alerted by the computers beeping and came to see what was going on.
Could this really be happening? After all this time alone in his lair, waiting, hoping for any sign that his last remaining friend was still out there, his ecto-signature finally showed up on his radar.
This had to be a trap.
But...what if it wasn't? What if Robin was really there? What if he was hurt and waiting for Phantom to come rescue him? The thought made his stomach drop. He knew what his birdy had gone through when he was still alive and he would rather feed himself to a pool of ghost piranhas than let Robin believe for a second that he had been abandoned again.
Grabbing the essentials and shoving them into a bag he rushed out of his lair. It had been years since he had seen his birdy and even longer since he had been in Amity Park or any other variation of the Living Realms. But this was for his best friend. For him he would do anything.
Which apparently included fighting his besties adoptive dad in the streets while he was in a full Gothic fursuit-Robin what the heck- Robin himself wasn't helping, he was just cheering Phantom on from the sidelines and giving him tips.
Phantom managed to get away from the bat and his other birds- how many did he have???- and had an emotional reunion with his best friend which included a lot of tears, mostly from him.
Okay, entirely from him. He was worried out of his mind for his birdy, sue him. Robin was mostly confused, saying he didn't remember disappearing, only that he felt more and more strange before he just...blanked. The next this he knew he was standing over this prone figure of a guy with a leather jacket and a full faced red helmet. Batman looked at him odd and Robin didn't hesitate to mock the man he once viewed as a father.
They fought for a bit with the younger vigilante using all the powers Phantom taught him along with his furry training to beat up the man who abandoned him to the mercy of one of his rogues.
Speaking of which. The very next thing Jason did was find the Joker and do everything the deranged clown did to him. Karma. It was on one of his later confrontations that Phantom appeared. Now the darker dynamic duo are running around Gotham being ghostly and more or less doing whatever they want.
Bruce was spiraling mentally. His second son lay in the batcaves infirmary stuck on life support because somehow, some way, his soul was knocked out of his body.
They needed to find some way to put it back in before that other teen "took him home" and Bruce really hoped that didn't mean what he thinks it means.
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laythestar · 5 months
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B. Wayne;
🦇 Coming Soon!
D. Grayson;
Dick Grayson Headcanons
J. Todd;
Doll you're bad, bad news
I'm just a Supernova;
T. Drake;
Tim Headcanons
D. Wayne;
Just let me love you, my dear
I'm all yours darlin'
You're mine, sweetheart
Don't try to run away my love
You made me know how true love is
Damian Wayne Headcanons
Bucky Barnes;
Thinking about us;
Peter Parker;
Somebody to love
When Peter falls in love
James Potter;
She's so pretty I might drown
Honey don't you get it? I love you
Embrace me, my muse
Pouring my heart into letter for you
Sirius Black
We're just having a good time darling
The star that follows the sun
Sirius Black Headcanons
Remus Lupin;
You bewitched me, sweetheart
You make me feel whole baby
Maybe I just want to be with you
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