#a superhero comic
grooviestsadpapaya · 4 months
I know this won’t get much interaction bc this is a Zelda blog mostly but LOOK AT MY SUPERHERO OC LOOK AT HER. Her name is Carmen and I love her, her superhero name is Boomslang and she Loves Monstrous Freaks
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toonstarterz · 5 months
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I found out japanese fans are calling this the "american comic book-style marcille"
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amorkuku · 5 months
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bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
Situation where Clark has formed a tentative working relationship with Batman, but somewhere in that time, Batman acquired Robin and, naturally, didn't tell him.
Clark finds out about Robin's existence when a ten year old Dick Grayson in full Robin gear breaks into his apartment at two in the morning and shakes him awake because Batman's missing and Alfred's away and Bruce taught him that, in the case of emergency, Superman was one of the only people he could trust. Bruce just didn't think to tell Clark that he was, by all means, his son's emergency contact.
Clark: -wakes up to a small boy that he's never seen or heard of before in a cape and a mask with lenses that reflect light like a cat's perched on the edge of his bed in a pitch black room-
Dick, calmly: Hey, Batman's -- stop screaming -- Batman's missing. I need help.
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spongebobssquarepants · 7 months
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prokopetz · 2 months
The thing about superhero comics fandom is that you can't really usefully deploy the They Would Not Fucking Say That meme for any of the big names. The problem with writing a character who's nearly a century old and has been written by seventy-odd different people – and that's just counting the ones who had the IP owner's official blessing – is that they would, and most likely they did.
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dailyflicks · 2 months
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THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017) dir. Chris McKay
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bbbbbbbbatman · 3 months
Headcanon that Bruce doesn’t give the shovel talk to his kids’ partners because 1) everybody in the caped community knows what Batman’s capable of and how protective he is of his children so shovel talks feel redundant and unnecessary, and 2) the constant prolonged fear of a shovel talk that never comes is almost more effective than an actual shovel talk
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andstuffsketches · 1 month
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finally watched Reign of the Supermen
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amorkuku · 3 months
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bats-and-the-birds · 3 months
Green Lantern: You know, most Superheroes are cornered into the job by moral obligations because of how powerful they are, but... aren't you just like, a normal guy? Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you gave up the vigilante life to just take it easy?
Batman: Well--
Nightwing, suddenly vaulting into the conversation from across the room: No, no, NO, the last time we pretended to be a normal family for an hour, we played Trivial Pursuit and it ended with an arrow through the living room TV. None of us even fight with arrows. We're freaks that need to fight crime, don't take that away from us.
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bixels · 5 months
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Rewatched 1978 Superman and remembered how much of a total dreamboat Christopher Reeve is, both as Clark Kent and Superman.
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jonjaydami · 3 months
How hilarious would it be if there was a superbat timeline or fic that was just all the kids thinking that Bruce and Clark were dating for years but just lived separately due to work and how stubborn they both were. Cause it's not like Bruce could move in with Clark in his tiny apartment.
But they also know Clark is a man with values and knows he wouldnt just want to be a "trophy" husband so they full on believe for the sake of everything they were already married in private and full on treat them like a couple and the beautiful idiots they are just play along cause they think the kids are joking. They are not.
"B-but Bruce! I already told Steph I was going to go on patrol tonight"
Bruce sighs. Pinching his brows together.
"Tim you broke your wrist I can't let you go out"
"Well...I'll just ask clark!"
"No you can't"
Tim already calling him.
Clark: hello?
Tim: I want to go out on patrol. Can I?
Clark: what did Bruce say?
Tim: *pouting cause he knows he won't get away with it* he said no
Clark: hand Bruce the phone
I think the opportunities here are limitless. The shenanigans the bat family would commit and not to mention the artificial cherry on top is superbat. Someone can use this as inspiration to write it out or maybe I will write a one shot about it later. But if someone would be open to debating this idea or even dropping more onto dm me!!
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ckducky · 2 months
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it seemed like a good idea at the time...
inspired by this panel in Action Comics 1067 (2024) art by Eddy Barrows, Cian Tormey, and Danny Miki
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dommnics · 27 days
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I got carried away with this Diana doodle while I was taking a break from doing work hehe
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prokopetz · 5 months
The real top five causes of major character death in mainstream superhero comics:
Marketing stunt where it's clear that the writers put a lot more effort into figuring out how they're going to bring them back once they've milked all the drama they can out of their death than they did into figuring out how to kill them off in the first place
Publisher convinced themselves that the best way to establish credentials for their latest villain-of-the-week was to have them randomly murder a popular character, having failed to learn from experience that this literally never works
Big-name writer decided to end their tenure on the character's title by breaking their toys on the way out, thus ensuring that they have the final word on the character's development, and in their hubris they believe they're influential enough that it will stick (hint: it won't)
New editor with nostalgic brain rot wanted to reset the status quo to how they remember it being when they were a kid, and the easiest way to do that was to kill off every character introduced more recently than 1987
They just had rancid vibes
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