#adhd friendly witchcraft
fluidity-stupidity · 2 months
Random Witch Tips
Just a few things I've learned from being in a practice for over five, going on six, years now:
Sigils are a lot more powerful than everyone really knows, they're a beginner friendly spell waiting to be had.
Scroll Spells: Putting a sigil on a piece of coloured construction paper tie it up with a (preferably) different colored string, seal the string in wax, is the easiest spell to ever do. (Kind of inspired by Naruto)
Speaking of Naruto: I have little Pop Funko key chains that I've picked up at travel household guardians. I also have one of MCU Loki that the Norse Deity Loki has taken an offense to (ping me or send me an ask for a storytime)
Divination can be used and done everywhere, the little sayings on Stevia packets, having your phones wallpaper change different colors are base it off of the colors, music (shufflemancy), are all just little ways to use divination.
Making altars not just for divine individuals. I have an altar set up for the zodiac sign of Scorpio (my stellium is set in Scorpio and Sagittarius) and an altar set up just for self-care. (Please remember the differences between altars and shrines.
Baking ingredients are an underrated spell jar ingredients, sometimes you just don't really feel like kitchen magic and/or in a tough bind for time, energy and just want something a bit more big and powerful than a scroll spell.
Scrying mirrors were always a bit of a hassle for me, it hurt my eyes and I had to get the angle just right, having to sit in one position for too long was a wreck on my unmedicated ADHD self. I learned how to do open-eye scrying by relying on my snow vision, having 3D glasses was able to help me out as well.
Speaking of the 3D glasses: any common every day object can be used in your practice. Using that limited edition Sprite Cranberry would be a good spell ingredient or even as an offering for a deity/divine individual.
Divine individuals will ask you to put things like jewelry or keys on their altar so that they know whenever you go out on a drive or out with friends. Especially if you don't go out very often. They just like hanging out with us sometimes, they're not just here for fun and games however, you have to put in the work and have the motivation to get better for them to get more comfortable with you.
Divine individuals have a life outside of witchcraft, their own society and workload outside of our physical plane. Please keep this in mind. They are not always here with us. Lucifer has paperwork, Poseidon has a kingdom to rule over, An Morrigan has children to take care of, make certain to respect these.
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orbitalsockets · 1 year
Friendly reminder that you can accommodate things to make witchcraft easier. The only realm where it would be difficult to do so is high end ritualism, but for my pals with ADHD I don't recommend that route because the intense planning makes my executive dysfunction kick into overdrive. There's a reason Hundreds of cultures around the world have different practices requiring different effort across hundreds of years - What may work for one society may not or will not work for another, and that same practice applies to witchcraft on an individual level. With that, I want to share the biggest thing that's helped my brain:
I keep my grimoire digitally. I cannot tell you how many journals dedicated to the Occult I've kept over 10+ years and I have never completely finished one. I get too in my own head about how it should look, how I should format the pages, if I want to be more artistic or more plain in my pages, and I get so overwhelmed with choices and the fear that I'm somehow keeping it "wrong" that the journal ends up sitting on my shelf. Digitally, I use Evernote and keep my grimoire as a separate Notebook. My spells and tinctures/balms are kept as recipe cards, my notes are kept however I feel like doing them in that moment and I have the relief of knowing that if I want to change it, I don't have to start an entire new page or journal. I transcribed all of my journal pages over to the app and the sheer relief I've had in being able to have a more forgiving format of keeping my grimoire has made me feel so much more comfortable in my practice.
"Keeping a journal is more personal" so essays written in Word about deep rooted personal experiences aren't personal because they were written digitally? Of course not, that would be absurd. I comprehend that keeping a physical journal is supposed to hold more power and symbology for witchcraft, but you drain yourself of your power by repeatedly plunging yourself into stress over your Grimoire. Not to mention, if you're in the broom closet it's infinitely safer to go digital than to have a journal - Something that would have saved me a lot of grief as a budding teen witch had I not been convinced that I was less than others if I kept it on my phone or laptop.
With that being said, I don't think digital is better than physical journals or vice versa - I know what works for me may not for someone else and I don't judge that. I just know what's best for me and my brain and I've finally decided to listen to that instead of insisting to myself that it needs to be like everyone else despite no other part of my practice being held to the same standard in my mind. Do what's best for you, not what the internet is saying is the Only Way™ to do things.
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shirefantasies · 5 months
Am I too late to join in on matchups? If so please just ignore this ask and know that I'm sorry
I'd like a male ship please. I'm an autistic girl with adhd and a couple chronic illnesses like joint pain especially in my hands and dyspraxia so I'm super clumsy. I'm 4' 10" tall with long wavy auburn hair, glasses, pale skin that's covered in freckles and moles and a petite figure. I'm very friendly and bubbly but I can also be kinda asocial and don't actively seek out interaction much. I enjoy writing, drawing (recently I've been getting really into MS Paint art), video games, reading, hiking and researching things that interest me. I'm very intelligent and also witty, I'm actually pretty good at making people laugh! I work as a librarian and am hoping to become a linguist someday too. Thanks!
"Hey sweetie, here's my additions for my matchup description! Thanks so much for taking the time to do all these ships, you're a true saint. I hope these don't conflict with the draft you have set up already
🪆 I’m both very level-headed and very stubborn, and I can also be quite fierce and even argumentative but that’s fairly rare. I just don’t tend to back down easily, and I’m a very resilient person
🪆 I can be a bit of a homebody, especially since I’m disabled, and I get very attached to wherever I happen to be living. I like having a garden whenever possible too, even if it's an indoor one.
🪆 I’m very friendly and sweet, but I also like messing with people a little. This is especially fun because I have unusual interests like botanical poisons or the science of decomposition. I can tend to be pretty morbid without even realizing it. That being said, my friendly side is no facade and I genuinely love taking care of people.
🪆 I especially love cooking for people and trying to recipes for others
🪆 I enjoy working out but am still very skinny. It’s actually funny how my large arms contrast with my Disney Princess-esque waist
🪆 I like to take relationships very very slowly and develop a solid friendship before considering dating someone, so I really don't want someone who takes things too fast. I'm also not a fan of overly flirty people, even if they're completely loyal to me I just get turned off by over the top displays of affection. 
🪆 I have legendary pain tolerance and tend to laugh off injuries more than anything
🪆 I’m addicted to buying new books, particularly on witchcraft and botany
🪆 I know a LOT about different types of spirits and deities, especially as a witch. I could go on and on about spirit lore for hours
Thanks, have a great day!"
Not too late at all! & I was really early on in it so this is fine! I can kind of work to combine them in fact 😁 They just take a long time lmao 😅 hope it’s ok I went LoTR because your man is…
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You aren't used to being approached while you work; quite the contrary, in fact, many passersby almost seem to treat you like you don't exist at all when you appear in the peripheries of their vision hunched over your books and scrolls. Which, admittedly, is suitable to you as your work is quite consuming. Quenya translations do not come without focus, after all. So when a voice sounds at your back, your clumsy side emerges as you startle, almost overturning your ink pot before a small, pale hand darts out to catch and right it. “My apologies,” you hear from behind you, “I was just curious what form of Elvish that was.”
Turning around, you see a hobbit, dark-haired and blue-eyed and shyly smiling at you. He is clad in a white shirt and brown pants and something about the navy vest he wears gives him a studious air. You smile. “Quenya, very old. In fact this book,” you motion over the tome you’ve been comparing against the ancient scroll, “is a chronicle of the witches of old. Quick different from anything we see these days.” A mixture of teasing and apprehension crossed the hobbit’s visage. “And what are you doing with a book like that?” “Looking for a way to raise my undead army,” you tease back, leaning forward toward him in your chair. At that, both of you laugh and exchange introductions. His name is Frodo and it would seem his uncle is quite a student of languages as well, teaching Frodo newer, more practical forms of Elvish and studying some Khuzdul himself. In fact, he is only there outside the Shire to have an old book of his uncle’s appraised.
You can’t help the wave of distraction that overtakes you after you offer your own skills, though; adjusting your spectacles and pushing your chair back, you cannot resist asking Frodo about his Shire. He pulls back a chair of his own, taking up a spot at your side with a smile you can only describe as lovestruck. Stubborn as you can be, you give no fight to the derailment of your work as Frodo speaks of rolling green hills, warm hearths and sunny gardens and flowers hung upon fences. You understand his expression completely, a sigh escaping your own lips at his vividly gorgeous words. "We may know little of your witchcraft or translations in the Shire, but it's home. The greatest home I could ask for." He had you at sunny gardens. "I would love to see it," you reply, setting your quill down. "He isn't always fond of guests," Frodo chuckles, folding his arms on the table, "but I think someone with your knowledge and spirit would quite amuse him. Come and visit us. I will have Uncle Bilbo convinced by the time you get there." "Oh, he needs convincing, does he?" "Perhaps you could put a spell of some sort on him."
The older hobbit you quickly learn is Frodo’s uncle Bilbo still looks surprised by your presence at his nephew’s side, but he gets a glitter in his eyes you expect to be quite characteristic once you bring up your meeting with Frodo. You end up talking to Bilbo as much as his nephew at dinner, in fact, sharing many glances with the proudly smiling Frodo as you hear the most amazing tales of dwarf-song and dragon fire and even time spent alongside Lord Elrond himself in the great homely house. Bilbo chuckles at the way your eyes light up, your questions about the magic woven around Rivendell and how different it is from the small spells you’ve attempted. That certainly gets the old hobbit’s eyebrows shooting up! At the end of it, you agree with Frodo’s assessment of the Shire’s warm hearths and have continued invitations to see your friends.
And that is definitely how you see it for quite some time, after all you work with Bilbo as much as you run around the Shire woods with Frodo, dodging his cousins plucking up mushrooms and trading botany facts and tips with Samwise, Bag End’s gardener, while Frodo looks on with the smile you’ve grown to love. Suspicion that he is just teasing you rises one day when he looks at you fondly, half-asking, half making a statement to you. "You really have fallen for the Shire, haven't you?" Of course you have. The hobbits admire your strength, at least for the most part- those that poke at you about big folk disturbing the peace or the Bagginses stirring things up again risk your comebacks, after all, the bite of your wit tearing perfectly back against the bore of their lives and personalities. Every time you swivel from such interactions, there is Frodo and that fond smile that suddenly you aren't so sure how to respond to. You don't know what to do when he takes your hand to show you something or catches you when your feet slip out from under you, hands about your waist. You don't mind, especially given Frodo's knowledge that your hands get achy and cold and somehow his find them right as it sets in, and beside that he was nothing but a gentleman to you. That in and of itself seems to be the sudden source of your hysteria right up to the moment Frodo rises onto his tiptoes and presses his lips ever so gently to yours. He's told you again and again over your compared translation notes, over twisting little charms and flower crowns together, over even blood and bandages and your laughter over the way your dear hobbit frets while you feel next to nothing.
You are lucky in the gift of Frodo as you frequently tell him, as you make known when you take his arm on a hike and share in that fond smile he gives you. Frodo is a gentle soul, affectionate but not so overt in his advance as to deter you. To put it bluntly, Frodo is not a sexual person, so the nature of your relationship as it is and the love you share in your spent time are plenty to satisfy him. Forever you have someone to bring you tea and a kiss to the crown of your auburn head as you pore over documents, someone to bake for and an uncle who laughs heartily at every insistence of yours that he needs to take you to Rivendell to study their wards, throwing in the Lonely Mountain for good measure. Between the three of you, Bag End fills with books in no time, but you certainly cannot complain when some of them are quite ancient indeed, teasing challenges by your favorite hobbits, one of whom sees himself in you and the other who simply sees the beauty in you while you work. Even if sometimes you work a little too hard and he has to help you back into your now-shared hobbit hole to rest your back after a little too long sketching, weeding, and planting in the garden you are beautiful, shining with sweat and dabbed with proof of your connection to the earth. You certainly are the best thing Frodo has brought home on an errand.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @kilibaggins @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs | Reply/Ask/Message to join 🥰
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nova-alien · 5 months
🌴〖️ 𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘! 〗️🌴
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🌴〖️ 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕞𝕖 〗️🌴
💙 hii, i'm nova! i'm a 21+ year old SFW pokéfur artist and character designer, however i specialize in ferals! i also write stories, do poetry, compose and play music, design OCs, and other creative stuff :3 most of it is for my personal enjoyment but if we're friends i might info dump to you!! don't be afraid to reach out and say hi to me!!
✨ i am transmasc (any pronouns), aroace, biromantic, and ambiamorous. i am also part of a polyfragmented HC-DID system and have autism, ADHD, C-PTSD, psychosis, and BPD on top of being physically chronically ill, so please be patient! i'm doing my best and may not always be active, or i might have a hard time responding quickly!
💙 i'm a jewish ukrainian israeli american, 420 friendly, and am into witchcraft, trauma healing, and self improvement. please remember that identity does NOT equal political belief! your ignorance and/or bigotry about my identities will not be tolerated here! if you have any issues with any parts of my identity, please kindly see yourself out. this is my safe space.
✨ this is my main and personal blog, and i will be using it to post stuff about self improvement, healing, spirituality, mental health topics, pretty aesthetics, furry art, shitposts, and maybe some fandom stuff sprinkled in here and there. feel free to stick around if you like any of that stuff! i WILL NOT engage in ANY discourse, and i DO NOT want endo systems on my page due to past trauma!
💙 more info about me, BYF, and DNI here!
✨ more info about my system here!
💙 follow my partner @mstudi0s!
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🌴〖️ 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕚𝕕𝕖 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕤 〗️🌴
💙 rant blog: @nova-alien-rants (18+ only)
✨ art blog: @nova-alien-art
💙 multifandom blog: @nova-alien-brainrot
✨ jewish blog: @nova-alien-jewposting (jews only)
💙 system blog: @nova-alien-sysblog
✨ aesthetics blog: @nova-alien-pretties
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🌴〖️ 𝕞𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕤 〗️🌴
💙 main carrd
✨ personal carrd
💙 ko-fi
✨ main twitter
💙 instagram
✨ toyhouse
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🌴〖️ 𝕞𝕪 𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕩𝕖𝕤 〗️🌴
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renders by @dennybusyet!
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
If you don't mind, could I please get a Lotr matchup 🥺 I saw that your requests are open and got really excited. I'd like a male ship please! I'm a 21 year old autistic girl who uses a lot of names and aliases. I also have ADHD and am chronically ill with things like asthma, joint pain and both (mild) kyphosis and scoliosis, but I still keep surprisingly active despite it. I'm known for having pretty legendary pain tolerance too, haha. Though because I'm still disabled, I tend to be a bit of a homebody and am very attached to my home.
Personality-wise, I'm simultaneously extremely level-headed and stubborn as a bull; I make my choices wisely, but I'm also quite fierce when I feel the need to be, and I don't give up easily. I've been called wise before and I tend to give good advice, though I can also be a bit of a hermit sometimes when I don't feel like talking. I'm a weird mix between very scholarly and very active, I love working out and getting strong but I'm also addicted to learning new things and reading. I tend to collect books on witchcraft, herbalism (both for healing and poisons) and cooking. Speaking of which, I love cooking, baking, sewing, gardening, caring for horses and I work as a librarian at the moment.
My personality tends to throw people off a little, mainly because I'm very sweet and friendly but also a little off-putting. Both because I come from a family with a morbid sense of humor, and because I do genuinely enjoy messing with people a little. I'm a solid true to chaotic neutral. The kind of person who would joke about poisoning people but given that I know so much about plants you might actually get worried that I would, despite me being very friendly to you just five minutes ago. I'm just that kind of person, I guess, I like to keep people on their toes. That being said, my friendly side is no facade, and there's little I love more than helping people, I actively go out of my way to do it. I especially like feeding people and making new recipes for others to try. I'd say my major flaws are that I'm stubborn, I don't forgive easily, and I can be a little sassy and passive aggressive when I get tired or upset.
As for my appearance, I am very very short and very skinny, though I'm moreso lean since I enjoy working out. I actually have decently large biceps but it's contrasted with a Disney princess-esque waist which I find kinda funny. I have very long wavy reddish-brown hair (I describe it as “strawberry brunette”), and I wear glasses. I like to take relationships very very slowly and develop a solid friendship before considering dating someone, so I really don't want someone who takes things too fast. I'm also not a fan of overly flirty people, even if they're completely loyal to me I just get turned off by over the top displays of affection.
Alright I think that's about it! Sorry if this is too long! (Btw I think I might have requested a matchup from you before but I love your writing so much that I want to get one again, I really hope that's okay ;-;) Have a good day!
Hello! Welcome back! No worries, you can request as many matchups as you want! <333 I hope you like the matchup this time too :)
Lord Of The Rings;
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✨ You met Faramir with Gandalf and Pippin, unfortunately, Denethor doesn't really like the three of you, that's Denethor for you; but it wasn't long until you got to meet Faramir - the younger brother of Boromir, and for some reason, you both felt a connection between the two of you
✨ During your stay, you and Faramir got to know each other more, taking walks when possible and talking about your interests and even bonding over shared interests - when you told him about your collection of books on witchcraft and herbalism at home, he was impressed; you told him that one of the reasons you joined the Fellowship was because you were a good healer (other than that, you loved adventure, and could do and few spells here and there)
✨ After Faramir got shot by that arrow though, you stayed by his side the entire time, and only then - realizing how close you were to losing him - did you come to realize that you had grown incredibly fond of the young man of great quality; whilst he was in his little healing coma though, you would sit and read to him
✨ Once he had finally awakened, he was surprised to have found you by his bedside - his heart went (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ - and soon, you both found yourself courting; you would often bring him little baked goods, and Faramir would sometimes gift you books on new, interesting topics when he finds them
✨ You and Faramir are very similar to each other - being passionate, caring, and intelligent - you both are very much never gonna give each other up, or let each other down, or run around, or desert each other
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thewitchfarhan · 1 year
Introduction (About & DNI Below):
Hi everyone 👋
I am a 24 y/o white, disabled (hard of hearing), neurodivergent (ADHD +), queer transman (he/him) - and witch.
You can call me Farhan 🧙🏻
I was raised Roman Catholic by my Catholic mother and Methodist father - but left The Church at the age of 13.
Around this same time I began a solitary Wiccan practice (under the guidance of works by Scott Cunningham📗). Over the past 11 years my practice has evolved and grown, and can no longer fit into any one label or school of witchcraft. But I would describe my practice as being inspired and influenced by Wicca 🌙 (specifically the works of Scott Cunningham 🏳️‍🌈), Hellenic Paganism 🏺, Hinduism 🕉️, and Buddhism ☸️.
This blog will act as a place for me to work on and post about my personal practice - as well as my thoughts and opinions on religion, spirituality, and history.
If you’re interested in that sort of thing, feel free to follow!
DNI (Do Not Interact):
- If you’re not LGBTQ+ friendly and/or a TERF.
- If you’re racist, colorist, or xenophobic.
- If you’re a minor (18+ only please and thank you).
- If you’re a Christian.
- If you’re a conservative/republican or apolitical.
- If you’re gonna trauma dump in my asks/inbox.
- If you believe only women can be witches 🙄
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cuddlyfawn · 8 months
I figure if I’m making a new account, I should make a pinned post.
✨ Hi, I’m Fawn ✨
22 years on this weary plane of life.
Nonbinary She/They (I use them equally). Lesbian in the sense that I don’t date cis men, or men strictly on the binary. Also demiromantic and polyamorous.
I am AuDHD (Autistic + ADHD) - I am very friendly, but struggle to communicate with newer people, and get really uncomfortable with smalltalk. If you want to talk, come to me with a conversation of substance or a goal in mind, or even just to talk hyperfixations/special interests.
Speaking of hyperfixations -
My general interests consist of: Original characters, animation, dnd, deer, witchcraft/paganism, history, mythology, theology
My ‘fandom’ interests consist of: Bambi, She-Ra, The Owl House, Spirit, The Dragon Prince, Hilda, Helluva Boss (critically), Golden Shrike webcomic, Steven Universe, and probably several more I’m not thinking of.
I’m sort of kinky, but not into much if any hard stuff. I don’t like pain or threats or anything of the sort, nor do I like hard domming (giving or receiving). I’m a big-time switch. I like being treated softly, firmly, and with trust, and giving the same back.
Please DNI if you’re a minor, cishet man, terf/transphobe, homophobe, or bigoted in any sense.
Yeah, that’s all I have for now, thanks for reading 💖
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imaginarianisms · 10 months
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#IMAGINARIANISMS. an independent, private & selective multiera, multigenre, multifandom, multimuse, multiship & multiverse aesthetic, worldbuilding ask/rp blog featuring both canon & original characters of naruto, gangsta., a song of ice & fire/game of thrones/house of the dragon, the walking dead, & more. predominantly headcanon & exomemory based with both canon divergency & canon compliancy. sporadic activity; predominantly discord based & mutuals only. non-spoiler free. 15+ years rp experience. alternate universe, crossover, group rp, canon compliant, canon divergent, original character & fandomless character friendly. previously dominusornatum; originally established in 2019, archived in 2020 & restarted in 2023. haunted by angel / arcana & the imaginarians galaxy system.
a 𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖉𝖞 on abandonment, trauma, madness, the nurturing of others when one never received it for oneself, gender, queerness, indigeneity, disability, neurodivergency, alterhumanity, plurality, what makes a monster & what makes a human, indigenous spirituality, coming of age, young adulthood, indigenous pessimism, indigenous existentialism, indigenous psychology, holy eldritch abominations, enlightenment, apotheosis, witchcraft, occultism, prophecy, quests, dreams of the future, legacy, kings & lionhearts, messiahs & machiavels, whatever our souls are made of yours & mine are the same, family horror, platonic lovers, psychosexual tangles, unholy soulmateism, doomed by the narrative, cannibalism as tenderness & love, love is hunger, the divine within the profane, knighthood, queer chivalry, flower language, gods & monsters, coming back wrong, collective rage & grief, raw passion & power, the art of dominance, submission, trust & eroticism, sexual exploration, found family, troubled youth, children forced to kill, the corruption of youth, the face of love's rage, women in power, sex workers, cults, human exploitation, god loves you but not enough to save you, all the eyes on you, colonialism, intergenerational trauma, indigenous historical trauma, having faith in humanity despite everything, all my relations, the lengths you're willing to go for the ones you love, wars in the mind, hedonism, glamour, pleasure, desire, wrath, survival, vengeance & justice, undying devotion & unconditional love.
angel / arcana / ansale'wit / ᐋᓐᔐᓃ • 24 • poc; indigenous "canadian"; mixed native & jewish • predominantly transmascfem genderfluid two spirit & intersex bodied • bi; omni; bi/omni vincian/lesbian/enbian; aspec; ambiamorous • any but indigenous & plural pronouns preferred • disabled & neurodivergent; autism, adhd, cfs, pots, stpd, bpd, cptsd, did, etc. • future ambulatory wheelchair user & multipurpose psychiatric service dog handler • multigenic hc-did system host
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• Please be 20+ to access any of the content here, ty!!✨
• Absolutely no discourse, bigotry nor fakeclaiming of any kind is tolerated here, nor are any debates or drama or callout posts. This is our& personal space. Do not waste our& time.
• Affiliated with @creolejesus & @familiarblood / @stillgcod & @loyalpromise & @doedsdans & @velcryons / @brokcncrowns & @scndor / @prodigum / @cregcn / @krakened & @lcerys / @jofreys / @burninghils & @lary5trong !!
main focus : daenerys targaryen, jon snow, misa amane, helaena targaryen, aemond targaryen & alys rivers.
current writing level : medium.
𝐁𝐘𝐅 . . .
• Predominantly beta editor & dashboard user; i'm& still working on the finer details of everything as in actually setting up things but please feel free to inquire about our& muses, we& have plenty! <333 • Read rules before interaction please & thank you! • This blog deals with heavy, triggering themes & has many problematic characters from problematic families from "problematic" fiction & we& have 0 intention of softening them! • This blog is run by a system of color, please be respectful of all of us& & understand that because of this the overwhelming vast majority of our& roster are muses of color, specifically indigenous muses of color & that I& mostly rp with other muns of color but I'm& not opposed to writing with white muns as long as you're respectful, this blog is mostly run by me& but there will be times when my& system members post or possibly even rp as themselves, so if you believe we are faking having did or our plurality as a whole & our& experiences around it, if you do not enjoy any of our& presences while you may do with another or mine&, if you ignore my& system members just to only speak to me& or you are not comfortable with us& often making posts / mentions relating to did, plurality & each other, block us& & move on. our& traumas & copings for them are just as real as we& are, & everyone in the system deserves to & should have the equal amount of respect, love, dignity, honor, care & undivided attention. we& will not tolerate any bullshit from anyone, so if that's something that intimidates you i& suggest you either check your internalized ableism & pluralphobia & learn to do better or leave!!
𝐃𝐍𝐈 𝐈𝐅 . . .
General DNI criteria, just... basic things like minors, bigots, racists, -phobes, ableists, sanists, antisemites, if you're going to drag us& into any kind of discourse, y'all get it. hopefully.
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mintyeels · 11 months
Call me Splat or Scissors. I go by xe/god/slime/it. I prefer masculine language.
Alright fuckers, this is my honesty account! Im gonna be keeping this separate from my mains for a good fucking reason because like fuck am I losing all my damn moots and shit for this <3
I am (or we are) a polyfrag multigenic system with npd, bpd aspd, and possible hpd along with several other mental illnesses. I experience psycosis, I have adhd and autism, and I have several controversial special interests. Get used to that if you stay here.
I will not censor my thoughts here. If you wanna be friends then you should know im a two-faced cowardly bitch who loves attention and pushing others away. I do not fucking trust you <3
That being said if I say something bigoted or unjust, lmk. I’m incredibly aware of my potential impact on others, and I pride myself on being helpful, non-harmful, and using progressive language. I am physically disabled.
(That is to say, in non aspd language: pls lmk if I say smth offensive. I genuinely want to learn and become more aware, as its important to me that im not harming others with my language or actions. Call my bullshit out (politely!) and I will be more than willing to accommodate and adjust!)
I am currently in an environment where I cannot safely seek treatment or therapy for my personality disorders & systemhood at the moment, however I am educated on mental health, mental illness, and psychology (self researched). I also plan to pursue a career in social work or psychology.
With that context it should be clear that I DO NOT self-diagnose myself lightly. I am not making light of, purposefully demonizing, or making a bad name for people with these disorders. I am simply being honest about how they affect my life and outlook on this blog.
I have been medically recognized as a system, and don’t give a fuck what you think of my origin or pronouns. Mind your fucking business and shut your fucking mouth.
Self diagnosis is valid. Endogenics are safe and accepted here. Introjects are real (I cant believe I have to say that). I refuse to call source memories/exomemories “psuedomemories,” as it is invalidating imo.
My proper BYF is much longer, but here’s the gist. [late addition, im anti-sexual age-regression (CGLG/LB [squick] or CGLG/LB agere [immoral imo]), and pro-nonsexual age-regression. sfw regressors are welcome here, though please be aware that this blog is not always child/little-friendly!]
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My spins (special interests are):
Shifting (scientific interest)
Dsmp (dream sucks.)
Slimecicle cinematic universe
Video games
Categories of suicide and/or muder
The sorry boys
Mental health
Personality disorders
Marble hornets
Indie Horror
The forest
Poppy playtime
Resident evil
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vivisected-angel · 1 year
About me :3
There is no requirement to read this before interacting, however, consider that this may have important information to consider when interacting with me. I will block you if you make me uncomfortable regardless of if you knew you would or not.
As mentioned in my pinned, i use the names Angel and Jupiter.
I am currently 17.
Feel free to call me by any neopronouns, or my primary set of pronouns which is he/it.
I identify as AlloAro and Homosexual.
I am a Hellenistic polytheist who occasionally participates in spiritual practices such as witchcraft. I worship Apollo and Dionysus specifically but i show appreciation and communicate to various deities.
I have diagnosed social anxiety, I have self-diagnosed after extensive research and consideration with EDNOS, Autism, and ADHD. I may mention my disorders or my struggles with them, however, if i believe the post to be triggering it will be tagged appropriately.
I suspect I have BPD but don't feel comfortable self-diagnosing due to risk of symptom overlap and the difficulty with self-image this disorder causes. That being said, I may re-blog posts about BPD i find myself relating to.
I experience psychosis and am unsure of the cause.
Please consider this information when interacting with me.
I am Autigender, meaning that my interpretation of my gender is directly influenced and can only be explained by the fact that i am autistic. I am incapable of perceiving societal norms like gender in a typical way.
Because of this i am what i call a "gender hoarder" and tend to identify with a very large amount of xenogenders and identities. I also do all coining of my own terms on this blog atm.
I am otherkin/alterhuman, and i specifically identify as divinekin, with a clear strong connection to angelkin and deitykin. I lack too much knowledge on my own origins to narrow down my kintype more at the moment but i hope to understand my otherkin identity more with time.
While i am not fictionkin I also have a strong connection to the character ame-chan/kangel from Needy Streamer Overload and identify with her a lot as a coping mechanism, as i relate a lot to her character.
I use substances and am highly interested in drug culture and harm reduction. While i probably won't post about this myself often for my own comfort and safety, I may interact with some related content.
If mention of drug use triggers you I would not recommend following this blog. (I will always do my best to remember to tag it, however.)
Thank you for taking the time to read about me! I'm very friendly so feel free to ask me any questions or reach out just to talk at any time! :D
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thatmossywitch · 1 year
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Hello there! The name is Artymess, sometimes Arty. I am a stay at home sensitive Cancer mother of 2 spicy fire signs, as well as married to a stubborn Scorpio. I am also 420 friendly.
I am nuerodivergent as well, so that adds a little extra flavor to my life. Between the ADHD, Executive Dysfunction, Anxiety and OCD - things are pretty eventful sometimes.
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My main hobbies are:
A huge passion for reading, my TBR list is absurdly large but I can't seem to stop adding to it.
Anime! It's a part of my life blood at this point. Some of my tops are; Attack on Titan(Eren is bae idc), My Hero Academia, Fruits Basket, One Punch Man, ATLA, LoK, When They Cry, Arifureta, Bofuri, Black Clover, Bleach and Spy X Family.
Video games with my husband almost every day, some of our favorites include; Assassin's Creed(Black Flag, Origins & Odyssey) Stardew Valley, Deep Rock Galactic, Paladins and I personally love ESO.
Crochet is something I really find peace and enjoyment in. I was taught by a coworker one day almost 6 years ago now, took her 15 minutes to get show me the basic stitch and I had it down after that. Since then my yarn stash and pattern cache has grown immensely huge.
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I am graciously blessed with two absolutely lovable black cat familiars to traverse this journey with me and they are a huge part of me both in and out of my practice.
I found my witch path, Eclectic, during my Saturn Return and never looked back. One of the first things I dove into and learned about was the divination art of Tarot and Oracle cards. I quickly fell in love, with the shuffling, with the feel of a deck in my head, with the wisdom that flew around when I channeled the cards - I fell in love with all of it. I have also found the comfort of working with Freya the Norse Goddess as well as Hestia the Greek Goddess.
As far as my practice goes, I've dabbled in a lot trying to find what fits best.
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Things I include in my practice:
Tarot & Oracle
Animist Magic
Deity Work
Green Witchcraft
Spells & Incantations
Enchantments & Charms
Protection Magic
Candle Magic
Incense Cleansing
Some fun things I've done during my practice so far have been:
Gotten really into plants, in fact my spider plant has had so many babies I'm getting overrun.
Crocheted a blanket for a friend and embedded a rune of prosperity onto it, as they were moving to a new state. (So far they've done really well & they moved to a much more expensive state.)
Made a travel protection jar for my FIL who travels to visit us every few months.
Helped a friend figure out a patron deity, twice, that was seeking to work with them, they still work with one of them today.
🃏 ⋆ 🌿 ⋆ 🍄 ⋆ 🌺 ⋆ 🌟⋆ 🌺 ⋆ 🍄 ⋆ 🌿 ⋆ 🃏
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covenunited · 2 years
Silas Montoya -
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An excitable and nerdy youth from Austin, Texas, who is currently studying for their master’s degree in entomology. Growing up, they always had an interest in insects, arachnids, and everything that most others would consider to be ‘creepy crawlies’, but they also loved sci-fi, old horror movies, fantasy novels, tabletop games, and animes like Yu-Gi-Oh!, Pokémon, and Digimon, as well as the games associated with such shows. In their freshman year of high school, they began to notice patches of their skin turning paler, starting with a patch on their forehead that also turned their bangs white. They were diagnosed with vitiligo, a condition brought about by the bodily stress of the autoimmune system issues they’d been facing throughout middle school. As the vitiligo spread throughout their body, they got bullied more and more, mostly in the form of name-calling and other students avoiding physical contact with them due to their striking resemblance to Rogue from the X-Men comics. They tried to take it in stride, ignoring it in favor of concentrating on their studies, but when that didn’t work, they instead turned to embracing the changes their body was going through, drawing various tattoo doodles on themselves and taking care not to cover their vitiligo patches. Once they got older, the tattoos became more than just doodles, and were accompanied by several piercings, a radical haircut, and a more emo/goth look. They moved out of Texas shortly after graduating high school and coming out as non-binary, wanting to finally escape the judgment of their peers and find a good university to study at, and eventually settled into Asheville, North Carolina. They are fairly new to the study of witchcraft, but are eager to learn and apply what they already know to their practice.
Age: 25
Gender: Non-binary (AMAB)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Appearance: 6’3”, broad torso, lanky frame, pale with vitiligo patches and several tattoos, black painted nails, green eyes, black hair in an undercut with white bangs, wardrobe varies from ripped jeans and nerdy t-shirts/sweaters/tank tops to classy/semi-formal, always wears glasses because they’re nearsighted, has several piercings including lime green gauges.
Personality: Aloof, excitable, loves talking about their interests, tries to be a better friend than others are to them, easily loses track of time, has trouble motivating themself to do menial tasks/chores, but will knock out a long essay in a couple of hours, often procrastinates, friendly but doesn’t trust easily, can be extremely petty, embraces the fact that they are weird and even takes it as a compliment, loud, impatient in certain situations. Diagnosed as being on the Autism spectrum, as well as having ADHD and social anxiety.
Familiar: Luna Moth
FC: undetermined
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celestialautifutch · 2 years
Hello friends, welcome to whatever the fuck is going on here! ☄️
Name: Lex/Avery
Age: 31
Identity: nonbinary futch dyke. Don't be a little shit about it, but feel free to ask questions and I can explain
But futch isn't real/it's just a meme: I mean it definitely is real and has been for a long time (search my futch tag, my link broke) but also words are made up to describe our experiences. New words crop up all the time. That's how language works. Butch and femme were once new words, and I'm sure anyone who was told that they were "just made up" wasn't too pleased by that. There are more pressing issues for queer liberation than policing harmless language, my friends.
Random shit: biracial Latine, autistic/adhd, some ailments.
Special interests: music, space, worms, the ocean, witchcraft/magic, writing
Shit that doesn't bother me: people calling themselves fags/dykes/queer, futch (obviously), bi lesbians, transmen who are lesbians, etc. Queer is messy, always has been, and your attempts to put everyone in neat little boxes will never work.
DNIs are pointless, so instead I'll say that if you fit these you really won't have fun here: terfs, radfems, exclusionists, anyone who uses the phrase "transandrophobia truther", people who ignore the intersection of queerness with race, class, religion, etc. the list could go on forever. You get the point.
✨️ some of you are drinking the radfem koolaid while insisting that you hate radfems and it shows ✨️
Last but not least....I'm actually very nice! I'm just thoroughly over the unnecessary infighting that tears our community apart and makes it easier for conservatives/radfems/terfs to target us. But I'm pretty friendly and I like making connections with others. So come talk if you want to! Otherwise I'll be here being weird and occasionally angry.
🔪🔪 Not gay as in happy but queer as in fuck you🔪
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Welcome :)
Some things about me
🐾 Name: Ray 🦈 Pronouns: he/it 🐾 minor (don't be weird please) 🦈 NOT looking for a cg 🐾 I don't know my little age, but it's somewhere between 2-8
🦈 I am aroace and genderfaun (amongst some other labels) 🐾 Probably a canine therian 🦈I am autistic and have adhd 🐾I have lots of interests, including music, art, reading, witchcraft, nature, paranormal things, myths and quite a few fandoms
Fandoms and tagging system below the cut
Fandoms (the ones I mostly engage with only, may be subject to change)
The Magnus Archives ( warning: tho I try to keep it very very child friendly, tma is still a horror show and I may reblog stimboards with themes of unreality (I try to tag it tho))
Marauders (if you are uncomfortable with things relating to Harry Potter in any way, just block my marauders tag (or me altogether, I won't judge you for that)
Percy Jackson (and other Rick Riordan works)
Tagging system
#Rays rock collection🐾 (reblogs)
#Ray posts🐾 (original posts)
#Ray likes [fandom] 🐾 (fandom related things)
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medievalpagan · 2 months
evil pinned post
☆ my name is cian (kee-ahn), i use he/it pronouns and im 21 years old. i have autism and adhd :)
☆ im an eclectic polytheist pagan and this blog is exclusively for reblogging posts about paganism and OCCASIONALLY witchcraft
☆ you can send me an ask or dm me about anything!! even just random thoughts or statements, i love it
☆ i primarily worship: hermes, ares, loki, hades, poseidon, asmodeus, aphrodite
☆ i also worship: hypnos, athena, artemis, apollo, helios, ra, thor, zeus, dionysus, odin
☆ i plan on working with: king hades and queen persephone <3
☆ the tags i use are #positivity, #witchcraft, #altars and just any deity name (ex: #aphrodite)
☆ as for non pagan interests i have SO many but off the top of my head !! baldurs gate 3, dnd, deadpool, skyrim, elden ring, red dead redemption, overwatch, world of warcraft, dragon age, the witcher and cyberpunk 2077
☆ zionists, terfs, ableists, queerphobes, racists, etc. dni !! stay far far away from me !!
☆ absolutely beginner friendly, im a beginner myself so 😭😭
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that-one-munlith · 4 months
This is Lorelai! Or otherwise, Lori ✩
𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐢'𝐬 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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Name: Lorelai "Lori" Calliope Munlith (pronounced Moonlit)
Birthday: August 19
Age: fourteen
Gender: female
Pronouns: any pronouns! But mostly goes by She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Godly Parent and/or legacy: Hecate, Goddess of Witchcraft and Magic (Godly parent), Demeter, goddess of agriculture (legacy)
Mortal Parent: Oliver Munlith
Personality: Awkward, Curious, Creative, Wise, Sweet, Friendly and Polite
Physical Description: Thick brown curly hair, Green eyes, dusky skin
Likes/interests: BOOKS, insects, flowers, birds, nature in general, stars
Dislikes: rude people, bullies, disturbing and disruptive places (mostly the Hermes Cabin), broccoli
Hobbies: reading, bird-watching, walking
Neurodivergence: Dyslexia, ADHD, autism
Fatal flaw: kindness, is too kind
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(General Tag is "Lori is up")
(P.S, purple is in character, normal is not)
Hi, I'm Lori. Nice to meet you :)
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