#all Danny's clones' names start with D
juria9090 · 2 years
So yeah this idea has been bugging me and all shiz. Remember the picture I last posted of Danny having the Ring or Rage and Crown of Fire but not being the Infinite Realm's King, Prince or even heir?
Yeah. Imma dive into that.
The day Danny died, The Incident Day, The Day an opening and rip of reality causing The Portal to open, a sudden shift in reality happen. Remember the Dan incident? Phantom being separated from the body. One being turns into incomplete two halves of a whole. One being killed another and fused with the ghost half of Vlad Masters. The Danny that died, the human half, did not turn into a ghost. No. He turns into something beyond the power of fate and all shiz. When Danny defeated Dan and trapped him in the thermos. Dan became a being that exists out of a timeline that has been destroyed. His timeline did not exist. Nothing. No home to go back to. But, in the dead timeline, there is one being still waiting there for Dan.
The human half of Danny is supposed to be dead. He is still waiting for his other half to come back home so he could apologize to him. To say he is sorry. He is a being born of misery and sorrow. The ghost half of Danny is full of hatred, and madness and he is really angry. He is angry about being rejected. He is angry because the core is unstable. There is no core now.
No core.
Not even half a core.
The human half has been waiting for Dan for so many years. The day he 'died', he spend his time unable to interact with Dan or even his half side anymore.
Danny is supposed to be a being of both death and life. The one walk in between and on the line always. The balance have been broken the day the human half 'died'. He exists out of the plane. Even Clockwork, the ever-knowing, does not know of the human half's presence.
My theory is why most ghost weapons do not work on Dan but on Danny's (the dog) timeline, there is (and probably more) invention that WORK on Dan is that the human half has been protecting him. Danny's human half has spent years in loneliness and eternal sorrow. He WANTS to be reunited back with his ghost half. He is devastated by what happened in his timeline after his ghost half fused with Vlad's ghost half. No rules applied on Dan's timeline 'dead' Danny's human half. Nothing.
When Dan is trapped in the thermos, the whole timeline disappeared leaving only a void. There, the 'dead' human half exists and gains a body. He knows of clockwork, he knows of The Observants, he knows of everything that happened in the OG's timeline. He knows how to find Clockwork easily. He can create a portal between reality, time, space and dimensions. He is an eldritch abomination. He did break into Clockwork's tower without even the Master of Time knowing of it.
The 'dead' human half is tired of waiting and being in pain as well as unable to be reunited again. He steals the thermos that contains Dan from Clockwork's tower and brings it into the dead timeline. He released Dan.
Dan, upon being released, at first was very pleased but he was stunned and alarmed at what he sees when he look around. It was nothing but black. A void. And in front of him is the supposed dead half of Danny Fenton. But something is wrong with the human half. Something eerie. Something beyond comprehension. Something that made him, the monster, creeped out and afraid.
The human half SMILE at him and said that he will now separate Dan into two beings again so he could talk with his other half. Dan was very angry and well, you know the rest. He tried to fight him but nothing lands. No punches, blasts or even his wail affected the being in front of him.
Every blast, every hit and every attack seems to only sadden the 'dead' human half. But then, something unexpected happens, the being thrust his hands into Dan's chest and pulls. The pull rips Dan into two PAINFULLY.
The ghost half of Danny appeared and was still angry. The ghost half of Vlad howled and screamed as he dissipated into nothing else. Only the human half knows what happens to Vlad's ghost half.
Both halves have a long talk. Their talk was spent for a very long time. They do not know how long has it been because time did not exist there. The ghost has eventually mellowed out a bit and started feeling guilty about what he and plasmids half have done when they fuse into another being.
Both halves tried to fuse but they can't. They are unable to. There is no balanced. To fuse, the human half needs to be 'alive'. Both get the same idea of going into the OG timeline. So, the human half called Niel created a portal and pull the original Danny Fenton that defeated Dan and trapped him in the Fenton thermos into their place.
Things happen and they talk. Like a lot. Phantom and Niel fuse with Danny and let's just say it levels up Danny like he is isekaied but not really. He is reborn as himself but as another whole new person. He escapes from the dead timeline and found out that not even a whole minute has passed. Danny gains a new set of power and all this happens before Urban Jungle and after Forever Phantom.
You see, Phantom and Niel from Dan's dead timeline did not fuse with the OG Danny from the main timeline, no, they became a part of Danny's powers. They live in Danny's core, protecting it from harm and became Danny's 'Guardian Angels'. Danny can summon them whenever he needed to or use their powers. They boost Danny's powers too.
I did not believe in ice core Danny but I believe in flexible core Danny. His core may shift into whatever suits the situation. The presence of Phantom and Niel only strengthens Danny's grip on his core's powers.
Sam and Tucker do not know of Phantom and Niel's existence because both of them insisted Danny kept them a secret. Only time will reveal itself. Danny agreed on one condition that they will train him. They agreed.
The Urban Jungle happen and Undergrowth was met with Danny's summoned 'Guardian Angels'. Danny was just like :
Danny: Niel! Lien! Come forward.
Niel : (appeared out of thin air looking like something that came out of the void)
Undergrowth: Alright, WTF.
Phantom (name changes to Lien) : (appears much like a white being from void)
Undergrowth: WTF???!!!
Amity Park: Did- Did those things come out of Phantom's chest????
Jazz and Tucker: Danny??!!
Undergrowth got beat down by both Niel and Lien and both returned to Danny's again. He has some explaining to do and Clockwork just so happens to realize that there is something otherworldly happening in Danny's timeline. The timeline has completely changed. These Niel and Lien presences changed everything and Clockwork can't see their origins or future and neither could he sees Danny's future. Danny has a long talk with his friends and sister after that.
D-stabilized happened and Dani is stabilised by Danny's core. She did meet Niel and Lien. Both of them are introduced as Danny's summons. That day, both of them discovered that Danny's bedroom door can lead them to Danny's lair. It happens because Danny wants to find somewhere safe for Dani to live and a place that is easy and near for him to access and check on Danny. Danny opens his bedroom door and boom! The lair. He closes the door and opens it again after wishing for it to be only his room and found his room is there like normal. Both of them think they went insane and Danny closes the door again thinking it must be a joke or something. Turns out, Danny's lair appeared much like the room of requirement we read and saw in Harry Potter books and movies.
Danny gives Dani a Fenton phone so they could communicate with each other. They have tested out wherever place Dani is, as long as she still has a connection to Danny, Danny can open the door from inside his lair and the door would lead him to Dani's location. Like from Howl's moving castle. It's convenient.
Time passed by and we will ignore Phantom Planet never happen. Danny somehow finds himself with the Ring Of rage around his neck and The Crown Of Fire on him. Well, it's too big for him to wear on his head so it hovers like a ring. Like how the rings circle their planets. It tips the balance inside Danny and overwhelmed him. Clockwork finds him and put the blood blossom flower crown with the veil on him saying it was a gift from the Infinite Realm itself to help Danny overcome the Ring of Rage and Crown of Fire's overwhelming power.
Danny finds out he is immortal and that the other clones that he believes have died and melted are alive and in the Ghost Zone hiding from other ghosts and predators in their ghost core form. Danny collects them and lets them rest inside his lair. He heals them with his core. The blood blossoms flower crown did hurt Dani and other ghosts if they come close but it's a gift special for Danny so only a selected few people can approach Danny without getting hurt. Dani can be in his presence for a long time but it still did hurt. Danny always heals her if she gets overwhelmed by the flowers.
Before, Danny has one clone that still lives. Now, he has five. He gives them names.
Tiny clone - Dean
Bed sheet clone - Dale
Monster clone - Dylan
Prime clone - Drew
Yeah, they don't want to start far from Danny's name. His name is like comfort for them. Lien felt left out because his name starts with L. But then considered it back, he do not want his name to stray far away from Niel's name. After all, his name is Niel only backwards. All of them always stayed by Danny's side. They feel calm around his presence and not afraid. Sam, Tucker and Jazz are unaware of the changes and the news of Danny's status and the other clones.
Only Dani and Drew ever leave Danny's lair. The others stayed behind.
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brothebro · 2 years
Okay so dp x dc because I’m hyperfixated af.
Danny, at his mid twenties probably, living in Gotham after having left Amity Park forever because of the GIW and working in Wayne Enterprises as an engineer. He has Tucker forge an ID for him of course, and he choses as his last name his birthparents surname. Aka Grayson. Yes, that Grayson family. Let’s say they gave Danny up for adoption when he was little because they couldn’t care for him or whatever other reason.
Okay so, we have one Daniel Grayson looking identical to one Richard Grayson working for the Wayne Tech department. What could possibly go wrong am i right? Except of course, a lot can go wrong, or rather, a lot of misunderstandings can happen. So, that’s how we have almost everyone in Wayne Tech thinking they are working with Dick Grayson — especially if Danny’s work id thing just says D. Grayson— and Danny is happily oblivious if mildly confused as to why everyone seems to be walking on eggshells around him. (He knows he can be intimidating as the Ghost King but hey, he’s just nerdy Danny at work, his aura can’t be *that* bad, can it?)
Ah, also let’s say it’s everlasting trio too, and Tuck works as a software engineer for Wayne Tech too and Sam is probably working for an unrelated non profit about the environment or something and all three of them are living together (are married? Maybe?)
In any case, it starts from Wayne Tech but spreads to the rest of Gotham that Brucie’s eldest got married in secret and is apparently working in his father’s business.
Cut to the one and only Dick “Nightwing” Grayson who lives and works in Bludheaven hearing the hot gossip about himself. He thinks it’s absurd. He thinks it’s crazy and then he stops and properly *thinks*. Okay, okay, he might have to look into it further because clones are a thing and if one has infiltrated Wayne Enterprises they could be in deep shit.
Bruce, meanwhile is hurt that Dick didn’t invite him to his wedding. He thought that of all of his children likely to get hitched in secret, Dick was the least probable one to do it.
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evilminji · 3 months
We all know how Vlad likes to make clones of Danny and then get rid of them when they don't work out I'm just imagining a entire crack filled idea Ra is one of those clones I just got accidentally into a dimension.
Ra got thrown all the way back in time in a different dimension and is incredibly pissed at Vlad for creating him and worried about Danny if Vlad making more clones like Ra
Out of spite not only does Ra come immortal and try to do glad when it comes to doing shady things to make Danny proud aka the best mother of all times he's also trying to make the world a better place he got the weird balance of Danny along with Vlad obsessions. 100 years into making the colt and being alive Danny finds out about Ross existence as the ghost King and decides you know what I support all my children as a mother even when they are starting coats or planning world domination, and destruction. In the straight up tells Ra don't kill too many people you make mom's job harder and anytime you need something call me I'm proud of you for at least waiting to make the world a better place. Like on the scale of good and bad Danny placed him right in the middle Ellie wants to be a hero and a traveler so if she's in the top when it comes to the good skeleton in the middle scale is Ra cuz does he own a cult yes but he also wants to make a world a better place, and Dan is at dead last for just wanting destruction sometimes but he's working on it he does clay art now.
Ra also inherited Danny's ability to make things chaotic without even trying. I just see Rose dropping to Talia and Damien sometimes while your great/grandmother was country but other than I don't think we have any more races mixed with us.
Or he just drops I'm not laying tally I have the sleeping normally my mother was 14 when he had my siblings in me and mother described it as going to do with excruciating hell.
Talia has been tired argument with Ra after he accidentally just straight up says well great grandfather was grandmother's uncle he did go to school with mother's parents and was best friends with mother's father.
Tim is so confused and all he wants his answers in the background .
I can just see Ra comparing Damien's fearless his old mother's fear illness he will mention of nowhere mother fist fought father when they first met or mother can break a wall with a single hit of their head.
Talia is going to be so confused when they find out that only is mother a crazy batshit person he's also the ghost King.
Talia staring at Grandma who is the ghost King: father did you not think this was important to tell me sooner.
Ra: I have mentioned this before in one of my conversations about mother you just weren't listening Talia.
Danny in the background frelingover his kid and his grandchildren along with great grandchild.
Ra full name is Ra Al Ghul 'Dirgham' Fenton Master
Danny says they had to keep with the cycle of the names no matter where they are in the name.
(This is also my secret chance to finally Vlad Masters as Arabic you can pray that out of my cold dead hands Danny American-born Chinese who who has a very strong country accident because of his father)
Any who don't have to write this I just hope you had a good laugh form my stupid writing I really do love your work hope you have a fun time reading this ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯\⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
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Not stupid! I got my first Ficlette! :D this is amazing and thank you! I did enjoy it!
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twilightangel83 · 5 months
Little more fic planning (decided to jump over here instead of clogging up that post with my thoughts and questions XP).
So, my fellow Shout lovers, Shout is gonna need a non vigilante name. Cause. Yeah. And of course it’s gonna have to start with D.
I’m slightly considering Danyal and rolling with the Demon Twin/sibling AU, but I’m not sure if I wanna go that route and am open for suggestions. The fic series is gonna be kinda around he idea of Danny getting a big family. He’s gonna have Shout, Dani (Ellie), Dan, Jazz, his parents, Tucker, Sam, Frostbite, Pandora, and Clockwork. Plus I’m strongly considering adding in the various other clones that Vlad made. Danny has all the babies (though might be a bit later in the series when those lot come out of their cores). And maybe the bats.
@plotwholls @thekrazykitsune @enderlovescake @freelancerofthetriforcekeyblade @a-starl1t-k1tsun3 @bet-on-me-13
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phantomposting · 1 year
My mind is jello please excuse spelling errors and grammar mistakes I haven't slept much lately due to issues with insomnia. Either way I hope you guys have been enjoying the silly little writing prompts I make :D I like day dreaming when I can't fall asleep. Sorry in advance this one is a bit long.
Trigger Warning: injury, dissection/vivisection
This is another Danny and Damian are twins au. In this AU we got the there can only be one heir thing and Damian is the one to come out on top due to how protective Danny is of his sibling. So Danny ends up in Illinois and goes down the path to becoming Phantom.
Eventually Danny's parent's discover he's Phantom and try to study and dissected him and Danny has to go on the run deeply injured physically and emotionally. His running leads to him being homeless and hiding in Gotham. He's super paranoid and trusts nobody trying to keep his distance from people so he hopefully doesn't get caught and dissected molecule by molecule.
One day Alfred is out grocery shopping when he spots the terrified injured teen in an alleyway and it's the weirdest thing. This kid looks almost exactly like Damian except his eyes are an icy blue and the poor kid is skin and bone. He looks to be about the same age as him aswell.
Alfred tries to offer the injured child some help but the kid vanishes. The whole situation is baffling but he was never one to give up that easily and he can absolutely tell the kid is in a dire situation and really needs help. So he decides the best course of action is to take it slow and try to slowly earn the kid's trust.
Every day Alfred goes "shopping" he goes to the grocery store and leaves a meal and supplies for the kid. He can't really tell the others especially Bruce due to how paranoid the bats can be. All signs point to possible league activity but Alfred can tell the kid isn’t dangerous just terrified. If he had to guess he would guess the kid was going to be used in some league plans but managed to escape. He knows Bruce would be far too harsh with the kid and that's the last thing someone so terrified needs right now.
So Alfred's secret meetings with the kid continues slowly gaining the kid's trust more and more until eventually he gets the kid to talk to him. He learns Danny's name and Danny thanks him for the help and kindness. Everyone can see Alfred is acting a little cheerier after that and nobody knows why. They won't really question it though the man is baking cookies more than he used to and well his cookies are worth staying in the dark for.
One day though Danny doesn't show up to their meeting. Alfred begins to worry something feels wrong. He decides to contact Barbra and ask her for help locating the child. He trusts her to not overreact and he knows she's the best person for the task.
Barbra can absolutely see why Alfred kept this a secret once she locates Danny. This kid's resemblance to Damian is scary the only thing that makes her believe this might possibly not be a clone is the ice blue eyes. Locating Danny reveals he's been heavily injured and Alfred rushes out to aid him.
Upon arrival he realizes this is a bit more than he himself can manage especially in some dirty Alleyway and with the possible league ties he knows he can't take the kid to the hospital so he has to give in and tell Bruce about the situation. Of course at first he just starts with a call saying to bring in Dr. Thompkins which makes Bruce anxious as hell.
Danny is brought into the batcave out cold and Bruce of course is his paranoid self. The rest of the family is quite curious about the odd child that Alfred brought in and is hovering around. Damian doesn't understand why the others are so nosy that is until he catches a glimpse of the kid and realizes it's his dead twin brother.
Damian has his guard up majorly after that. The doctor helps Danny and the Y shaped wound from his run in with his parents is discovered and its not doing so great so this kiddo is gonna need a lot of bed rest aside from the odd burns.
Turns out Danny had a run in with the GiW they located him in gotham and he barely escaped. He's out for a hot minute tho so that leaves all the family to speculate. Bruce is being super paranoid and a bit hostile with the kid but Alfred vehemently defends him.
Damian is deeply conflicted he doesn't feel his brother could possibly want to hurt him. He knows how protective Danyal had been. He knows Danyal gave his life to make sure he would live on, but there's no way Danyal can be alive without the League's involvement. Damian refuses to leave Danyal's side until he knows for sure what is going on, of things will be safe, and if Danyal will be alright.
This leads Bruce to question him and thats when everyone discovers Damian and Danyal are in fact twins. Bruce is heartbroken he never even got to know about his 2nd son and this stirs conflict between Damian and Bruce. This also makes Bruce want to believe that Danny is safe and would hopefully join the family, but this also makes him far more anxious about league involvement and makes him raise his guard.
Eventually Danny wakes up and is forced to explain things though he tries to leave the half ghost stuff out and everyone can see he's hiding something making paranoia grow within the batfam members but everyone also tries to give Danny a chance. It could just be processing trauma after all and if he was really after something he would have made a move by now right? The only one fully trusting of Danny is Alfred whom has become rather close with the child. Alfred is happy to have another grandchild to bond with.
Eventually Damian forces the whole truth out of Danny since Danny's ghostly obsession makes him desperate for family and he deeply doesn't want to risk losing Damian again. Damian promises to help keep Danny's secret but tries to reassure him that it's okay to share it with Bruce and that they'll help keep him safe but Danny's fears make it very hard for him to do so.
Eventually the truth forcibly comes out when the GiW comes knocking down the front door for Danny. Danny runs for it absolutely terrified and Alfred threatens them with a gun. We all know Alfred isn't afraid to kill in order to protect his family. Eventually the bats are able to sneak in and knock the agents out but Danny is missing.
The bats bring the Agents to the cave and interrogate them and Damian goes looking for his brother. The Agents tell the bats Danny's secret and demand they hand over the "Ecto Scum" the Bat's are pissed with the agents and now understand why Danny was so secretive.
Damian eventually locates Danny and is able to comfort him and get him to come back to the manor with him. The family doesn't tell him they know his secret. He gets to share it when he feels safe enough to. They do however work hard and get the anti ecto acts repealed.
Eventually Danny gets adopted, the Fenton's go to jail, and Jazz, Tucker, and Sam are reunited with Danny and Danny gets to have a healthy life in Gotham with his new found family. Eventually becoming a Gotham vigilante and getting back on track with things in school. Basically everyone gets a happy ending :D
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cartoonmeangirlbracket · 11 months
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Here are our first round mean girl match ups!
Voting starts July 15
Names below
EDIT: Voting continuing August 1. (Thank you for your patience while I dealt with computer trouble)
Group A
Alakshmi Verma (Kaijudo) vs Alejandro Burromuerto (Total Drama Franchise)
Amity Blight (The Owl House) vs Andrea Davenport (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Angelica Pickles (All Grown Up) vs Arcangelo Correli (Neo Yokio)
Ashley A (Recess) vs Bonnie Rockwaller (Kim Possible)
Boscha (The Owl House) vs Brandy Harrington, of the Florida Harringtons (Brandy and Mr. Whiskers)
Brandy Silver (Detentionaire) vs Brit Crust (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Brittany Boviak (Llyod in Space) vs Brittany Wong (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Callie (Cleopatra in Space) vs Charmcaster (Ben 10)
Group B
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Cleo (Clone High)
Darcy (Winx Club) vs Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Duchess Swan (Ever After High) vs Eliza (Craig of the Creek)
Elodie (OK K.O.) vs Fakir (Princess Tutu)
Faybelle Thorn (Ever After High) vs Heather (Total Drama franchise)
Icy (Winx Club) vs Julia (Total Drama franchise)
Kimmie McAdams (Detentionaire) vs Kimmy Mysner (Symbionic Titan)
Lacienega Boulevardez (The Proud Family) vs Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Group C
Mami Yagihara (Blue Flag) vs Mandy (Totally Spies)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) vs Marion Hawthorne (Harriet the Spy the Animated Series)
Melissa O'Malley (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) vs Mina (Droners)
Mindy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Miranda Killgallen (As Told By Ginger)
Motoko Minagawa (Fruits Basket) vs Muffy Crosswire (Arthur)
Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Nanette Manoir (Angela Anaconda)
Nina Harper (Braceface) vs Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Paulina (Danny Phantom) vs Praxina (Lolirock)
Group D
Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls) vs Quinn Morgendorfer (Daria)
Raquelle (Barbie Life in the Dream House) vs Rue (Princess Tutu)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) vs Sheena/Tigress (Carmen Sandiego)
Sierra McCool (The Replacements) vs Sissi Delmas (Code Lyoko)
Stephanie Knightleigh (Edgar and Ellen) vs Stormy (Winx Club)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Tammy Larsen (Bob's Burgers)
Tiff Crust (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs Tricia Holmes (6Teen)
Trixie Tang (Fairly Oddparents) vs Veronica Lodge (Archie/Archie's Weird Mysteries)
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asa-akiblog · 3 years
It's stupid when you doing your assignment and suddenly the idea just pop up! I'm really not good at writing but I can't get out of this.
So anyway, I believe there is a crossover story where Dick and Danny are siblings or twins. As usual, we know how Dick's parents died and how the story goes. I am not sure if anyone knows that the true history of Gray son. In short ver, Dick has a great grandfather who wants his grandson to become him aka The Talon of Court of Owl. The Haly Circus is the key of the ultimate Talon born.
While the Court of Owl is late to take Dick as their Talon, they get a sample of DNA from Mary and John Grayson to make their own Talon. The process is pretty much like how Damian was born but...there is a twist the Court of Owl making more clones of Dick Grayson and most of it failed (due to their training)
While they were busy with the training of Dick's clones, the Court hire of Fenton family because they interest in their work. The Fentons were really happy that someone appreciates their work but then they realize the truth behind it. For example, they saw a boy age around 10 or younger doing intense training. If he failed they received a horrible punishment. Some of them are dead. Fentons know they are clones but seeing this kind of torture reminds them, their daughter. (their son not born yet)
Fentons reject this project and...of course the Court not let them go. If not they gonna threaten using their daughter or they will receive consciousness. As usual, they force to do it. It's painful and sad to them. Seeing the boy cry, beg, and help to stop. They do nothing just clench their fist and closed their eyes hope the nightmare is gone.
Several years later, the Court noticed the project become downhill. The result becomes unsatisfactory. They want a strong Talon and they threaten Fentons if the project is not successful by the end of the month. In that year, Maddie pregnant and she become more stressed and worried about the baby. Their daughter begs them why they do not spend time with her but the projects. Dick already quit being Robin and start as Nightwing.
At the end of the month, the Fentons finally success create the Court's wants. The boy (who age around 14 same years as Jason) who has a power of half-ghost and half-dead is finally born. The boy doesn't have a name and called him D-1141425. Fentons name him Danny because the code number translate him into a name.
Danny likes Fentons and they treat him as part of their family. He only spends them few weeks and the Fentons have to leave. He sad that the person he loves has to leave and the Court train him the emotions is the tool of weakness like all his clones (or brothers in Danny POV)
The Fentons want to take away Danny (become part of their family. They don't care Danny is a monster or meta. Jazz is really happy if she has another additional sibling) from them but they are afraid if they haunt them. Danny's life becomes duller and no emotion (or Idk insert anything dark/angst life )
Around Jason's death and Tim becomes a new Red Robin the Court wants to test D-1141425. They send several high social class to assassin them. First the Gotham and then the outside city. Bruce notices the changes and goes to investigate this matter.
Skip time and event (cuz I lazy af) Dick always being kidnapped by the Talon aka Danny(his age same like Jason. Also Jason come back to life) He know who behind the mask but he always denial because afraid the truth. Until the Red Robin (the smartest one who can't switch off his detective once in while) tell truth who was it.
And BOMB!!! Dick's life goes downhill quickly.
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Regarding My Good Vlad AU (Re-imagined Timeline! FINALE ~ Part 1!)
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I split this into it’s own section since the final two episodes in the series are critical, especially since the last one is a literal trashfire by itself. I don’t think there’s much worth saving in it but I’m going to give it a shot anyway!
Also, I kinda forgot I tried to salvage Dani’s existence in this AU too so I’ll be writing two different takes on what may have happened to her before getting to the overhaul of the series finale. And just fyi it looks like I’ll have to split this yet again too into one more part since the latter isn’t even half-way through a story arc and clearly needs its own dedicated post. But we’re nearly there now and then maybe I can get this out of my system for a while.
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Good Vlad AU Timeline: https://thesoulspulse.tumblr.com/post/661878830618771456/regarding-my-good-vlad-au-alternate-timeline
Part 1: https://thesoulspulse.tumblr.com/post/667945950680104960/regarding-my-good-vlad-au-re-imagined-timeline
Part 2: https://thesoulspulse.tumblr.com/post/668078084027727872/regarding-my-good-vlad-au-re-imagined-timeline
Part 3: https://thesoulspulse.tumblr.com/post/668277176759664640/regarding-my-good-vlad-au-re-imagined-timeline
Alright, with that out of the way here’s Danielle’s portion of the series finale!
D-Stabilized (Dani Already/Being Adopted)
Ok, so to fix forgetting about trying to add her in this AU I’m going to back track a little and say that Vlad’s been hiding Danielle from the GIW and THAT’S why they trashed Vlad’s last mansion in Wisconsin during this version of “Eye for an Eye.” So this time the tip was that both Vlad and Danny’s family are accused of harboring a ghost fugitive, which is ironic since Vlad technically is since Danielle is a half-ghost clone created by a rogue agent.
So now, when Vlad decided to move to Amity Park it’s also to hide Danielle right under the noses of the GIW agent while also waiting for his chance to expose their crimes.
That said, in this version of events Danielle is probably getting restless and sick of hiding so she’s taken to sneaking out without Vlad’s knowledge to help her cousin fight ghosts. However, eventually she starts actually feeling sick and does her best to hide it from Vlad until it becomes clear something is seriously wrong.
Vlad of course runs some tests on her and finds the problem, she needs a mid-morph sample from Danny which shouldn’t be too hard to get. Unfortunately, since Danielle wasn’t home at the time Vlad couldn’t tell her this in person and is angry/concerned of course to find she’s not in her room.
What Vlad doesn’t know is that Danielle’s been discovered by her creator but only left alone until he can trap her and Danny at the same time. Not only that, but Valerie has made a bit of a name for herself in the ghost hunting community so this rogue agent reaches out to her and asks for help with a special mission.
Thankfully Valerie has gotten over most of her lingering issues with Danny Phantom and usually leaves him alone, so the agent has to play the part of “I’ve mended all my ways and want to help this poor unfortunate soul, but I’ll need help capturing her so we can give her the medical care she needs” to convince her to work with him.
Reluctantly she agrees if only for her dad’s sake since the guy promises a large enough reward that it’ll get Valerie and her dad out of their crappy apartment since Vlad was only willing to do so much for them when his main concern is Danny and his family.
What Valerie didn’t expect was to find out that Danielle is a ghost AND a human and after capturing her she says she can’t let her go for her own good and promises that the Guys in White are trying to help. Obviously Danielle panics and tries to convince Valerie how evil that guy is and that she needs to get back to Danny since he’s the only one she can trust because Vlad’s still kind of a stranger to her despite all he’s done for her plus she’s worried about exposing him because of his important job in this town.
While Valerie isn’t strictly Danny’s enemy, something compels her to challenge him for the first time in a while so she pretends to go along with Danielle’s request. She has no idea her upgrade from Technus has ghostly side effects that have slowly been making her more hostile towards ghosts again, especially Danny Phantom.
When Valerie springs her trap, something snaps her out of that weird battle lust when Danielle faints and falls right out of the sky, thankfully Danny catches her just in time. Angrily he demands to know what she did to Danielle but Valerie gets defensive and tells him “I didn’t do anything ghost punk, in fact, I let her go since I figured another ghost would know how to help her more than the Guys in White. I’m missing out on a nice reward thanks to you so you’re welcome. Now hurry up and help her before I change my mind and capture you both!”
Nodding, Danny reaches down to pick Danielle up when the Guys in White surround them which is really bad news. The guy from before does the whole “thanks for leading me straight to them” thing before ordering his men to move in.
Going against everything she stands for as a ghost hunter, Valerie defends the two ghosts and tries to give them enough time to escape, only to get arrested by them herself for assisting ghost fugitives.
Danny manages to get back to Vlad and explains the whole mess, insisting they need to rescue Valerie but strangely enough Vlad refuses, explaining, “Don’t be a fool my boy. That’s exactly what he wants you to do! She’s clearly being used as bait and right now we need to focus on stabilizing Danielle. They can’t do anything to Miss Gray since she’s a human and a civilian so as soon as I’ve finished coming up with a plan we’ll rescue her the old fashioned way. Until then, you’re not to do anything reckless.”
Infuriated Danny snaps, “Oh that’s rich coming from you fruitloop! We wouldn’t even be in this mess if you had taken better care of Dani! It’s your fault she ran off!”
Showing his angry eyes, Vlad replies coolly, “Do you think I haven’t been trying to keep her happy this entire time? I’m a busy man Daniel, and you and your family have always been my top priority. That’s the main reason why I accepted your request to welcome her into my home in the first place. But ultimately, if she refuses to acknowledge my efforts then I don’t see the point in wasting my time. And if Danielle is that unsatisfied with my care then she’s free to leave at any time. I won’t force her to stay with me if she’s that tired of me...” he seems hurt by the last part and then snaps bitterly, “If it has come to this then I’m not going to bother getting my hopes up that either of you will ever see me as more than an ally when all I want...is to be loved and to be part of a family. But I guess that’s too much to hope for, isn’t it?”
At a loss for words, Danny leaves Vlad alone in the lab for a bit without realizing Danielle was awake and heard the whole thing. She feels awful for making Vlad feel like she didn’t appreciate everything he’s done for her over the past few months but like this, there’s nothing she can do.
Meanwhile, distracted by his guilt for being a jerk to Vlad too, Danny is caught by the Guys in White and locked up in the same cell as Valerie after they discovered her battle suit has ghost tech integrated into it. She’s obviously scared, angry, and confused by all of this but that only gets worse when the room their in short circuits Danny’s powers and his secret is revealed.
They talk things out and Danny ends up telling her everything, even about Vlad since he’s the only one who can save them before anyone else finds out their secrets.
Despite feeling unsure about Danny now that she knows his secret, they team up to find a way out of this mess together.
Off screen, Vlad and Danielle have a heart to heart and team up too once she’s stabilized to rescue Valerie and Danny. There’s a big fight between them and the other GIW agents as their leader fills Valerie and Danny’s cell with some kind of gas to make them more...agreeable and get Danny ready for transport to a more secure location for further study, maybe even to make a better clone than Danielle ever was.
During all that, Danielle reappears in top form now thanks to Vlad’s help and she kicks that rogue agent’s sorry butt. The rest soon follow and the rescue is successful. Valerie is carried out by Danielle, and Danny is carried by Vlad and they regroup at his mansion.
Once the sedatives wear off Danny apologizes for being a selfish brat and thanks Vlad for everything, especially for saving Danielle. Meanwhile, Danielle admits she’s been selfish too and needs some time to find herself now that’s she’s stable, thanking Vlad and calling him dad before saying goodbye. He seems to understand though and hugs her, saying she’ll always have a place to return to there.
As for Valerie, she says she needs some time too to come to terms with all of this and Danny says, “For what it’s worth...I never stopped caring about you Valerie. We’ve fought a lot, and you used to drive me nuts too in a way...but you know, I still think you’re pretty amazing.”
Danny seems to be directing that at Vlad too who just smiles at them and adds, “I couldn’t agree more. While my intentions for making you a ghost hunter were admittedly rather selfish at first too, I truly believe you’ve exceeded my expectations. As such, if you’re willing I would like to officially offer you a job as Axion Lab’s official ghost hunter, I’ll give you an advance on your first paycheck even to help you and your father move into a nicer apartment. How does that sound?”
With a heavy sigh Valerie nods, “Fine, it sounds like a better deal than working for those government losers anyway. But lets just keep this professional ok? I need time to process that not only are you two half-ghost like Dani, but I might not be so human myself anymore...so I guess we’re not really that different after all.”
D-Stabilized (Dani NOT Adopted Yet)
Not much changes from the canon episode except that the rogue GIW agent hires Valerie to capture Danielle but this time pretends he’s trying to save his daughter that was “kidnapped” by an evil ghost.
Instead of being restless from being cooped up, since she flew off into the sunset in this version of the timeline after the events of “Kindred Spirits” Danielle eventually makes her way back to Amity Park and is searching for Danny to help her escape the replacement character for Vlad since he’s not evil.
Just like in the canon episode, Valerie is shocked to find out Danielle is half-ghost but still captures her anyway since he dad is trying to save the human girl she supposedly is overshadowing. Danielle tries to convince her otherwise, saying he’s lying and both parts of her are one person and the subject of Danny Phantom is brought up.
Before she can find out anything the Guys in White track her down and take Danielle into custody but something feels wrong about all this so Valerie decides to confront Danny Phantom about it before anything bad happens to the ghost girl.
After finding him and fighting briefly, Valerie stops when she remembers why she went looking for him to begin with and tells Danny his ‘spooky cousin’ was taken by the Guys in White and demands to know what’s going on between him and the government.
Of course this news freaks Danny out and he blurts out that she’s in real danger and they have to save her. Valerie points out that it could be a trap though but Danny doesn’t seem to care...
He does the smart thing though and tells Vlad what’s going on in a message, but the sad thing is it turns out his phone was bugged and the rogue agent hits the jackpot after hearing that Vlad Masters is a halfa too!
So then it becomes one of those scenarios where Danny is forced to choose between saving Danielle or saving Vlad’s secret from being exposed. Or it was going to be until Valerie realizes these agents aren’t trying to help anyone but themselves and takes Danny and Vlad’s side, tipping the scales in their favor since she believes Danielle is just a kid and didn’t do anything wrong, so it doesn’t matter if she’s a ghost or not.
Vlad also brings the ecto-dejecto Jack made and uses it to save Danielle since there’s no time to worry about getting a mid-morph sample from the original Danny which would have been a painful process anyway.
When the dust settles, their secret is safe from Valerie but she’s not thrilled about what the Guys in White seem to be up to and reluctantly agrees to work with them to put a stop to this once and for all.
As for the rogue agent, he totally underestimated how powerful Vlad is with his connections and his ghost powers and Vlad gets the man fired as a government agent and he loses all of his authority and leadership over like-minded agents who want to use ghosts as weapons of war.
Too bad this has the opposite effect and only motivates this former agent to try even harder to gain control of Danny and Vlad and to destroy Danielle for her treachery. Or better yet...now he wants to find out how they became half-ghost instead. Dun Dun DUN!!!
Meanwhile, Danny finally tells Vlad everything and asks if he’ll take Danielle in since she has nowhere else to go and he’s the only person who can keep her safe from the government. Of course Vlad agrees without hesitation and welcomes her home like a daughter so all’s well that ends well...for now!
And the best part is, Valerie and Danielle sort of develop a bond and decide to team up to fight ghosts from now on too on top of that.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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Don’t Go Running Off Into Danger, Even If I Do pt 2
So, I have no clue what a publishing schedule is. So here, have more of this dumb fic at 11 pm. FUCK SLEEP! SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!
Chapter 2
Danny and Jazz managed to finish just in time to put everything away before their parents got home. He’d actually managed to have a ghost free night. But the peace wasn’t going to last. And this wasn’t about ghosts. He got slammed into his locker.  “Hey look, it’s Fenturd. What’s with the dumb picture of Phantom? You’ll never be on his level,” Dash said and laughter broke out. Danny groaned. At least they didn’t know he was trans. He’d be beaten twice as much if they knew. The locker door closed and locked.  “Seriously Dash? I have to get to class!” He yelled through the metal.  “Whatever Fentina. No one cares! Oh hey, it’s fresh meat!” Dash went away from Danny’s locker. Danny had found out a way to make it so he could open his locker from the inside without it being outerwardly compromised. He jumped out. It was those kids from last night.  “Leave them alone Dash. They haven’t even been here for a day yet. The rules are that newbies get a probation period,” Danny crossed his arms.  “I don’t know Fentoenail. Would you like to take their beating?” Dash mocked him. Danny sighed. He’d have to do this.  “Any day,” 
Danny regretted everything. Dash had hit him twice as hard as normal and his locker trick wasn’t working. Everything hurt. He was going to miss Lancer’s class. At least his ghost sense wasn’t going off or something. Lancer wouldn’t miss him. Suddenly, his locker opened and he tumbled out. He yelped. “Are you okay?” The girl twin said.  “No worse than what I’m used to,” Danny brushed himself off.  “You didn’t have to do that,” The boy twin told Danny. “Yeah, I kinda did. The probation period is sacred. Dash knows that,” “Probation period?” The boy said. “A rule we made up last year. If Dash really wants to break it, I take the beating instead. Fenton gets to take the beating so the new kids don’t have to,”  “That’s not fair. You should report him,” “Nah, he threw like four perfect throws last night and is exempt from punishment,”  “Football?” The boy gave Danny a knowing look.  “Danielle- I mean Daniel Fenton to the main office,” The loud speaker said. “Oh come on! At least it was probably just a misread,” Danny was fuming. The beating plus being deadnamed was getting on his nerves. “We have to head there too,” The girl said. Danny shrugged and let them follow him.
Lancer called them all in at once. “Sup Lancer. Can I help you?” Danny leaned against the wall. “Mr Fenton. You and I both know that you need to show me more respect. W-what happened to you?” Lancer looked up from his papers. “Just a certain football star. Nothing I can’t handle. He broke the probation period,” “That’s a rule between students. I have no need to enforce it,” Lancer sighed. “I have no clue why you of all people were chosen for this, but you are too be Mr and Ms Pines guide around the school,” “Jazz not good enough for you? Had to pick the ‘slacker’ Fenton?” “Daniel, mind your tone. Jazz is our top student,”  “We all know I’m destined to fail in life. Can I get their timetables?” “Yes of course. Listen Danny, both you and I know you’re capable of better grades. I don’t understand why you don’t try,” Danny wasn’t in the mood for Lancer’s pep talks.  “I’ve got more important things to worry about,” Danny grabbed the papers and stalked off with the Pines Twins on his heels.  “Why didn’t he do anything about Dash?” the boy asked. “He has no reason to. Not like I’m about to ask,” Danny handed them their timetables. He’d seen that the girl was named Mabel and the boy Mason. “We’ll start with your classes Mason,”  “I prefer Dipper,” “I’m not calling you by a dumb nickname. Let’s go,” Danny growled.
Just as he was about to lead Mason to his first class, a royal pain in his ass showed up. “Daniel! I require your assistance, little badger,” “It’s bound to be another plan to get in my mom’s pants. Go away,”  “Now, don’t be like that. I’m the mayor after all. You should be honored,” “Plasmius, shut your goddamn mouth. I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck,” Danny said so that only Vlad could hear.  “Well, something’s got you in a tizzy. I’ll ask later. I should tell you though, it’s about Danielle,” “What did you do to Dani?” Fury. Wait, he had to get the kids to class.  “Nothing. It wasn’t me. You should ask your ghost hunter girlfriend,” Vlad grinned. Fucking Valerie.  “Come on kids. You’ve got to get to class,” Danny ignored Plasmius. Valerie was going to die. 
At lunch, he purposefully turned into Phantom and waited for Valerie on top of the school. She took no time at all. “What. Did. You. Do. To. Dani,” He glared at her.  “I didn’t do anything to her! You’re going down ghost!” “Am I really?” Danny was pissed. She wasn’t getting any mercy today. He teleported behind her.  “What the... HOW?” “Where is she?!” He growled. “What do you care? She’s always off on her own,”  “Does it look like I care Valerie?!”  “How did you know?!” “I know more than you seem to think. Tell me where Dani is. NOW!” He froze her feet. She looked terrified.  “What’s wrong with you!? Why do you care so much about her? Ghosts don’t have feelings,” Danny lost it at that point. The laughter was dark. Hollow. Horrible. Val’s terror was visible.  “Don’t have feelings? DON’T HAVE FEELINGS? FUCK YOU! I’M SO TIRED OF ALL THIS!” “Phantom, calm down,” Val was terrified. Danny wasn’t done. The rings were threatening to come down and expose him to her.  “So you admit this is real? Would you like to know how it feels to die Val? How it feels to live on the line between life and death? Wait, I can’t do that! You don’t have a deactivated portal in your basement that I can make you turn on while your inside. I don’t have a stupid jumpsuit with your dad’s face on it so I can take off the that sticker. You don’t have parents that threaten to rip you apart molecule by molecule for just exsisting! You don’t have to see a future where you become evil because you cheated on one test and your family all died! Can you even begin to comprehend what I go through? Ever been cloned? And forced to do something incredibly painful so that one clone can get fixed and watch another get lied too? And that’s just the brunt of it Valerie. Keep telling me how I don’t feel. How I’m nothing!” Danny screamed at ice engulfed their feet. Val’s eyes went wide.  “D-Danny?” She said quietly. “Congratulations! You aren’t as niave as the rest of Amity Park! How does it feel?” He’d snapped. “Calm down! I’ll tell you where Dani is!” She shrieked. That hollow laugh came back. But instead of an angry rant afterwards, he just sunk to his knees and screamed. It wasn’t a wail. It was a scream of pain. Of being done with the world.  “I can’t do this anymore,” He sobbed and the rings went down. All that was left now was a beaten, broken Danny Fenton.  “You should change back. I’ll take you to Dani,” Danny nodded and followed her.  “Sorry I broke down. I’m just sick of people telling me that I can’t feel. That all ghosts can’t feel. You don’t even bother talking to us, ya know?” “Ghosts lie,” “And so do people! I’ve talked to the ghosts. Listened to them. Heard their stories. I protect people, but I protect them too!” “How do you know those aren’t just acts?” “Cause they make sense. I’d have the same response if it was me. If my parents burned down the place I was in because I got caught being gay,” “I’m confused,” “Ember. I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone. But you need to know that they all have reasons for being the way they are. Skulker’s family was hunted, so now he hunts to prove his strength,” “Maybe we should talk to you more,”  “Maybe you should. No one asks to die,” “But your parents say that ghosts don’t remember their lives. They’re the leading experts,”  “That’s like putting a ten year old in a room of babies. They’re the expert by default in that situation, but an adult would be the expert the moment they walked in,” “Why don’t we know about that,” “Dying is traumatizing. Even half dying is traumatizing. It’s taboo to mention it unless you’re told. No one explains it until they’re ready. And talking about a life before that is almost wrong,” “How did you learn?” “Skulker told me during the Christmas Truce. Ember told me one day when she just wanted to be left alone, but I did too. I guess things end up working out in weird ways,” “The Christmas Truce?” “On Christmas Eve and Christmas, ghosts have a truce. No one is allowed to fight anyone that day. The Ghost Writer broke the truce and Walker got to haul him off in just means,” “We really know nothing about ghosts, do we?” “No, you don’t. They even have a party. I got invited last year. Skulker let me make the star! It took me weeks to get it right,” Danny smiled at the memory. He’d made a scale model of a blue giant that went through it’s life stages.  “So there’s a whole society?” “A government. Systems. Main rules. Taboos. Just cause we’re ghosts, doesn’t mean we don’t have a system,” “I’m sorry,” “What?” Danny nearly froze. “I’m sorry that I made so many assumptions. I never should’ve chased you or any ghost like that,” “Keep them out of Amity Park and send them back to the Zone. Most ghosts forget that living is dangerous, so they just rampage. I keep trying to talk sense into them, but they’re pretty stubborn,”  “What about the dog?” “Dog? You mean Cujo? I was trying to stop him from trashing Axiom. He was trying to get a toy. I’m sorry that recked your life Val,” “My life? Wrecked? When compared to you, my life is a dream. It’s not like I died,” “I guess you’ve got a point,”
Thanks for reading. I just like fics where Val finds out, and this one seemed like an okay place to stick it. Dani is fine. I’ll fill you in on that next chapter, but I should get some sleep.
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britesparc · 3 years
Weekend Top Ten #470
Top Ten Films to Watch on Star on Disney+
We’ve been watching a lot of Disney+ lately. This is partly due to the fact that our family movie nights have become, almost accidentally, a quest to watch every bit of Star Wars content on the service; so far, we’ve watched the entire Skywalker Saga and are now moving onto the spin-off movies. The younglings have become addicted: Daughter #1 is getting stuck into The Clone Wars, whilst Daughter #2 is demanding we jump straight into The Mandalorian. As for the Princess to my Scoundrel, well, she and I have been thoroughly enjoying WandaVision, which by the time you read this, will have finished. Sob! Nothing to do but gird our loins until the arrival of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier in a couple of weeks! At least this excellent TV programme appears to have whetted my wife’s appetite for watching more of the MCU movies. Maybe soon I can make oblique references to Mary Poppins, y’all, and someone else in the house will actually know what the hell I’m on about.
Well it looks as if there’s going to be even more use out of our Disney+ sub as the months roll inexorably on, what with their new Star channel. This is where they’ve shoehorned all the mucky films they bought from the naughty boys and girls at Fox; sweary adult dramas, sexy bits, and scenes of explicit wrist-slapping abound. So now we have this toybox of grown-up content to savour! What to watch? What not to watch? I’ve already started at the most obvious place by diving into some vintage Arnie with Commando, one of the funniest action movies ever made. It did not disappoint.
So where to next? Re-watching semi-forgotten classics, films I’ve not seen in literally decades? Or checking out things that slipped me by (there’s an entire list to be made of “films I read about in Empire in the ‘90s, got really excited about, but never saw”). Do I watch the crappier Die Hard films, or cheesy action movies (er, like Commando, I guess)? Or dive deep into prestige fair? Or just watch Spy Hard for the Weird Al theme tune, practically the only bit of the film I remember? The options are virtually endless.
So that’s what this week’s list is: ten films I intend to watch on Disney+ very flipping soon. Or, y’know, just play Zelda until Falcon starts.
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9 to 5 (1980): there was a lot of talk of Dolly around the New Year, and my wife and I even watched a documentary about her. As a result, I had a scoot around to see if it was possible to buy 9 to 5 as a birthday or Valentine’s gift for my better half; it’s a film neither of us have seen in years if not decades, and we’re both big Grace and Frankie fans too. Alas, it’s a difficult film to get a hold of; there doesn’t appear to be a Blu-ray readily available. Praise be, then, that it’s now on Disney+; a terrific comedy film, with a nice bit of feminist bite. I’m not sure if it’ll feel dated or – post-#MeToo – oddly prescient. But I’m really, really looking forward to watching it again.
Crimson Tide (1995): I do love a good tense thriller, and I seem to remember this as being a particularly great tense thriller. This feels like one of those “they don’t make ‘em like this anymore” candidates; a claustrophobic two-hander with no real action, almost a theatrical chamber piece, but made with huge stars and a big-time director (the late, great Tony Scott). I saw it once, on video, when it came out, so it’ll be great to revisit.
The Color of Money (1986): another minor classic that I’ve not seen for decades, and a film I remember even less well than Crimson Tide. It’s cool to revisit (or discover for the first time!) films by great directors, and this is Scorsese we’re talking about. Cruise as a freshly-minted movie star, still taking risks; Newman as a great elder statesman. I’ve genuinely no idea what it’s like, it’s been so long, but I’d love to see it again. Just wish The Hustler was on D+ too!
Quiz Show (1994): I’d mentioned before that there are loads of films from the ‘90s that I read about as an eager young film fan but never saw; this is one of them. An apparently-great drama about corruption at a hugely popular TV show in ‘50s America, with Ralph Fiennes in a very early Hollywood role. I think I’d enjoy it.
Looking for Richard (1996): another of those ‘90s films…! This fascinated me as a teen, and I’d love to see it: a documentary about Richard III, made by Al Pacino, featuring people talking about Shakespeare (got a lot of time for that) and also scenes of the play performed and filmed. It’s a real curio; also weirdly came out around the same time as McKellen’s Richard III. Maybe something was in the water? We’re due another big Rich in my opinion.
Jennifer’s Body (2009): a follow-up from Juno writer Diablo Cody, a horror centred around high school and female sexuality, this has always seemed like it might be a dark, delicious delight; it wasn’t very well received at the time, but has grown in cult status; as has its star, Megan Fox, who I’d argue has not had the easiest time within Hollywood. Anyway, I really like the look of it, and it’ll be cool to check it out.
Tombstone (1993): I love a good Western, and I seem to remember that this is a very good Western. A story of Wyatt Earp that goes beyond the famous gunfight, my memories of this are very vague; I know that there’s a very good Val Kilmer performance as Doc Holliday, and of course Kurt Russell as Earp himself. I might try out that “watch along” feature and watch this, remotely, with my dad.
Romancing the Stone (1984): I probably haven’t seen this since the eighties so I’ve got no idea if it’s really any good, but I do remember enjoying its Indy-inspired adventurism and – in particular – Danny DeVito’s bad guy. Douglas is always great value as a leading man, although from what I’ve since read this is really Kathleen Turner’s show. It’ll be interesting to see if it holds up, but hopefully it’ll be a good stop-gap until they finally get the Indy films up on the service.
Good Morning, Vietnam (1988): another film that I want to revisit, even if I remember it a little better than others on this list. My memory is that it’s utterly fantastic, a really stark look at the realities of Vietnam during the time of the war, and also a phenomenal, very human performance from Williams. Also I remember it being very funny when he does let off some steam (sorry, bit of Commando creeping in there). And really, it’s Williams I want to see again; that earnest, real, pained but beautiful Williams we get in his very best performances. It’s very likely I’ll cry just watching him on screen. God, I miss him.
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016): I needed some crappy sequel to talk about, and here it is. I can’t overstate how much I loved the first Independence Day in ’96, so the (apparent; I’ve not seen it) terribleness of this sequel hit me like a sledgehammer. It can’t be that bad, can it? Is it not at least so-bad-it’s-good? I mean, the trailer made it look atrocious, and it’s killed off Will Smith – the best character! – off-screen, so odds are not good that it’s a hidden gem. But I’ve got to know.
This was actually a pretty tough list, and I had to knock off some films that I’d love to rewatch (Conan the Barbarian, The War of the Roses), as well as stuff like Idiocracy and Office Space that I’ve never seen. Also Kingsman: The Secret Service, which is a fairly recent release that slipped me by, and I’m not sure why I’ve never gotten round to seeing; I blame the kids! Also, there was going to be some xenomorph or xeno-monkey action on here, but frustratingly all the Alien (and Predator!) movies are missing, and the recent Planet of the Apes trilogy – which I’ve also never seen! – is only served by its middle instalment. Yeah, I can watch the seminal ‘60s original again (and I may!) or the indecipherable and strange Tim Burton version, but what about, y’know, the trilogy that everyone raves about? I assume this is due to pre-existing deals keeping the films elsewhere (elusive…), but the sagas of Alien, Predator, and the complete Die Hard package are – I believe – being kept until most profitable (mark my works: Die Hard at Christmas). Anyway, it’s a bit frustrating, that, as I’ve never seen Covenant or The Predator, and I’d love to watch the whole lot from the start anyway.
I guess I can console myself by also watching the one Die Hard film I’ve never seen, namely the critically-acclaimed A Good Day to Die Hard. I mean, I’m assuming it’s critically acclaimed. I guess I’ll find out.
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Okay so I had a real wack idea and that is: Jekyll and Hyde but in Danny Phantom AU. Basically it would be like an episode where Dr. Henry Jekyll becomes a new teacher at Casper High and right after he arrives a new ghostly menace (Hyde) shows up to terrorize Amity Park. I’ll put more info under this if you’re interested in my ramblings. 
Okay so basically, when Henry Jekyll was in college he got in an accident that  involved a homemade/really shitty ghost portal that he and (Hastie? Robert? Maybe something else?) Lanyon built. Lanyon and him had a fight over it and after Lanyon leaves the room to calm down Jekyll says “fuck it yolo” and decides to start up the machine himself. It blows up in his face giving him a scar on his right cheek and turns him into a half ghost. His halfa form appears younger than Henry and seems to have a bit of a mind of its own (due to the shoddy construction of the ghost portal). He calls himself Hyde because his first instinct was “HIDE” when security, medical personnel, and other assorted people on campus run to the wrecked lab. The name Edward comes later mostly as a personal “Ooo I like that name” kinda thing (if anyone has a better idea for this please share because im a dummy and can’t think of anything). Jekyll comes back and since he has the scar on his face Lanyon thinks he caused the explosion on purpose and whoop there goes their friendship. They end up both getting the blame but it’s less of a “you tried to blow up the school” thing and more of a “you really fucked up on your experiment and must have really miscalculated” thing. The school has their families pay for most of the damages (which is a-okay because they both come from wealthy families) and it just ends up becoming sort of an on campus joke. 
Years go by and Hyde ends up getting more and more of his own personality. At first he was almost completely influenced by Jekyll but now it’s become more like Hyde is a separate ghost possessing Jekyll. This becomes a problem when, as Jekyll is working in his lab, Hyde decides he’s bored and takes over. Jekyll ends up developing a chemical to control the transformations (HJ7) and put him back in charge of the situation. It works for a while but then Henry starts seeming black out for times, and what he hears about his actions as he’s blacked out makes him realize that Hyde is taking control/possessing his human form (basically green eyed Jekyll type scenario). This freaks Henry out, so he decides he’s going to find professional help. Low and behold, Amity Park, the town where some of the most famous ghost hunters live in, has a job opening for a new chemistry teacher at the local high school. Jekyll easily gets the job and starts working immediately. 
Henry soon becomes the teacher everyone either totally loves or totally hates. He’s very passionate about chemistry but knows a lot about other scientific fields and will talk to students about their favorite studies. Because of his passion for chemistry though, he grades very harshly and does not tolerate disruptions such as talking during lectures and arriving tardy (without a good excuse). This is what causes the great divide on the students opinions of him. Everyone stands on one side or the other. Everyone except Danny Fenton. Danny is the child of scientists, the local ghost hunters Jack and Maddie Fenton, and is very passionate about astronomy and wants to work for NASA when he grows up. The problem is he’s always either missing, tardy to, or sleeping in class. He also doesn’t really seem to grasp the material. Dr. Jekyll is torn because he can tell that Danny loves science and he has had really great conversations with him about astronomy but he’s just upset at how Danny is in his class. He ends up deciding that he will take the boy under his wing and tutor him to help him pass. This will also get him closer to Danny’s parents who he thinks can help him with his Hyde problem. 
Danny goes after school for tutoring (surprisingly there were no rogue ghosts attacking today) and waits for Dr. Jekyll to show up. And waits. And waits. Then his ghost sense goes off and he just can’t wait anymore. Danny grabs his bag and runs into down the hall to the boys room where, with a quick “I’m going ghost!” he’s off to fight the ghostly menace of the day. When he spots the spirit, he sees this is one that he’s never fought before. He’s tall and quite lean with bluish skin, venomous green eyes, green hair pulled into a flaming ponytail, and a nasty scar across the right side of his face. The ghost takes notice that Danny’s there and a fight ensues. And then it ends when Danny gets yeeted through a wall and the ghost disappears. At least Danny was able to pick up that the new ghost’s name is Edward Hyde during the fight. He goes home to work on his homework go to sleep. He just crashes right into bed and sleeps till the next day. 
When he gets to school, Dr. Jekyll comes up to him and apologizes that he couldn’t make it to the tutoring session and that an emergency had come up that he had to attend to. Danny was like no biggie and continued on with the day. He talked with Sam and Tucker about this new ghost. They go over where he may have come from, if he’s working for Vlad, and all the other possibilities including that it could be that Dr. Jekyll may be a halfa like Danny and Vlad, but that got brushed off as wrong (”That ghost did not seem like the kind of guy who’d have a PHD. He’s a MR. Hyde at best, not a Dr. like Jekyll”). The school day ends and Danny’s off to learn the ways of chemistry. This time Dr. Jekyll is there and the lesson goes according to plan. At least right up until Danny’s lesson is about over. When the topic of talking to Danny’s parents about his tutoring (and the possibility of them helping out with Jekyll’s halfa problem) is brought up, all of a sudden a change comes over the good doctor. He starts saying nasty things and acting like real bitch. That’s when Danny notices that Dr. Jekyll’s eyes are a vibrant shade of green. Seeing this as a sign that Jekyll has been possessed (hopefully by that Edward Hyde ghost from yesterday, Danny wants a round two with him) Danny goes ghost (because it’s not like Dr. Jekyll will remember anyway he’s possessed. 
This freaks the shit out of Hyde because a. he thought he was the only halfa there was b. holy shit this little scrawny kid is that ghost that nearly kicked his ass yesterday c. he thinks he’s been found out and d. holy shit this little scrawny kid is that ghost that nearly kicked his ass yesterday. Since he’s so freaked out, he slips a little and Jekyll comes to for just long enough to be punched in the face by the kid he thought would be his favorite student. This “little” punch shakes up Jekyll but acts as a snap back to reality for Hyde who makes them go ghost. When Danny sees the rings go around Dr. Jekyll turning him into Edward Hyde, he realizes he fucked up. A fight ensues which ends with an agreement between the two (three???). Basically Danny will leave them alone and not tell his parents as long as a. Hyde doesn’t forcibly take over Jekyll and when he’s out he doesn’t cause problems and b. Jekyll doesn’t try to destroy Hyde.
(when Danny tells Sam and Tucker about all this Tucker yells “HAH! I told you!”)
I think Hyde still gets up to mischief but he’s not a real villain just more of a pest. The real villain is Jekyll who goes to Vlad Masters for a side job (cause teaching don’t pay nearly enough as it should) where he ends up helping to develop ghost weapons. I’d actually see him being able to get close enough to Vlad that he learns a lot of his little secrets, just not the one about Vlad being a halfa. (I think Jekyll might be brought in to help with cloning Danny.)
And that’s pretty much all I got. I might make a fic if anyone wants it but there’s no real guarantee on the quality since I haven’t taken a creative writing class in over 4 years.
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To save my followers from an onslaught of separate pics, I’ve decided to compile my miscellaneous Phantom Phoenix works into a single post because A Lot happened. =P
(Info about each pic is under the readmore)
1+2- Top ten photos taken before disaster (aka, Danny didn’t know he needed to tell Phoenix that it’s not a free for all game where the last one standing “wins”).
3- A scrapped title card idea for the plot where Danny and Joker fuse. I decided that while I really like the body horror angle, there were a couple of problems with this version. Them being things like how it wasn’t “actiony” enough to work (the title cards often featured something “happening”, such as a character outreaching their arm or Danny running away from a figure). I’m not sure how I could make it so that both Joker and Danny face towards the screen (another staple; I’ve only found one title card with a character facing backwards and it was Livin’ Large) and have it feel like there was movement at the same time. That and I felt it wasn’t nearly horrific enough; some of the actual show’s title cards are just freaky man.
4- just some practice on Akai/Phoenix bird nerd
5- I recalled @shinyspooks​ and some others coming up with a plot (though not necessarily for the Phantom Phoenix AU but ya know) in which Danny’s parents have found a dangerous artifact/treasure from the Ghost Zone that they plan on studying- one that multiple phantom thieves have set their eyes on. So in order to keep himself from going mad in trying to stop a dozen thieves from breaking into his house to take it, Danny decides to take it first. The one issue being that because his parents are ghost hunters, it’s entirely too dangerous to do as Phantom with all the anti-ghost measures up and running. So Danny enlists the help of Joker (who gets something in return for helping; and if not the treasure, perhaps some Fenton tech?) to learn how to become a phantom thief ASAP in order to take it first. They mentioned Danny picking a terrible name to use and I was wondering what he’d pick that would make for a goofy reference to his being Danny Phantom. And then I remembered… Invisobill    As for the design, I went with Danny’s non-inverted jumpsuit because he probably has spares to use as a human, he was on short notice, and orange would have been too suspicious. He’s added some tech both for the heist, and Just In Case ghosts happen, as well as some goggles and a bandanna to hide that it’s him (he was also asked about “being obsessed with jumpsuits” by Joker, to which Danny responded, “You got a problem with jumpsuits?”)    (Sam made him the logo btw)
6- The Box Ghost gets on both Danny’s and Akai’s nerves with far too many appearances. Even taking turns shoving him into the thermos isn’t doing much for their tolerance levels.
7- I remembered Dani existed a while back and instantly began debating just what might happen with her in the Phantom Phoenix AU. I’m not sure if having her become an apprentice for adopted by Joker is the best move, but it was certainly the one that gave me the most warm fuzzies!      (Joker gets super attached to the smol sassy ghost girl, Hachi gives her lots of food, and Danny doesn’t exactly know if he should feel okay with Dani learning how to become a Phantom Thief. Akai wasn’t around when Dani first showed up, and Danny forgot to tell him about her, so when Akai discovers another human/ghost hybrid is living with Joker he just HAS to show Danny because “wow that’s so cool and Danny would think so too!”)
    (Joker and Hachi found her on the Sky Joker after a heist. She had taken a rest unknowingly on the airship, was discovered, and it was a rude suggestion from Joker to just kick her off over the ocean that got him berated by Hachi (Joker would have regretted it later anyway)).
8- The double edged sword that was the definitely-not-adoption. Because Dani is using less of her energy and getting plenty of food, she destabilizes a lot less quickly. Unfortunately when she does start melting, she tries to hide it for as long as she can so she doesn’t worry Joker and Hachi… which just makes things worse. Eventually she winds up collapsing in front of them and both can’t figure out what’s wrong with her so they agree that Danny would be the best help they could get (poor beans felt so bad). Of course Vlad still attempted to get his clone back and the Valerie stuff still happened too. But now there’s an addition to the event in which Joker publicly embarrasses human Vlad at a conference with a completely over the top prank after the fact (Hachi fully supported this decision, for once).
9- I for one, am split on whether or not I like Danny having ice powers or not. They feel a tad more gimmicky than his other powers, but at the same time. They’re just so cool. Regardless, if he were to develop them in the Phantom Phoenix AU (maybe it’d just be without the Undergrowth ordeal), Akai wouldn’t be very happy with the sudden amount of clinging Danny would do to the Nearest Warmest Object (him).
10- Phoenix may not be a ghost, but his species carries enough similarities for ecto weapons to affect him. The Fenton Thermos just kinda sticks to him though (he doesn’t like it, Tucker took a video, and now the group teases Phoenix over the assorted bird noises he made).
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
In Who’s World Is This Normal? The Fenton’s That’s Who - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @trainernick Prompt: Meet Danielle - Danny decides after D-Stabilized that Dani needs a home, and his is the right fit. He just has to convince his parents. Summary: A brand new Fenton appears
Warning: mentions of clone death.
“Alright, you wait right here, ok?”
“Sure Danny”
Danny pushes open his front door, “hey mom! Hey dad! What you up to?”
“Just finishing up supper sweetie! Your father’s finishing up some changes to ghost gabber, again”, Danny can’t help but snicker and shake his head. Walking into the kitchen he eyes his parents a little nervously but knowing that what he has to say needs to be said. He won’t risk losing her again because of nerves.
“Hey, Uh. I know you guys are doing your thing right now but, there’s something I kind of need to talk about. Preferably now”, Maddie near instantly drops what she’s doing and spins around to face him. Worried at first but relaxes when she sees that while he’s clearly fiddling with his hands, he also has on a lose warm smile. Jack is only a beat or two behind his wife, nearly shoving the invention off the table. Danny’s always glad for the reminders that family comes before hunting to them, there’s no way he’d be doing this if family didn’t come first.
“What is it sweetie?”, Maddie won’t lie and says she’s not ecstatic at her closed off son actively wanting to share something with them.
“Is it a whole bucket of fudge kind of thing, or just a fudgesicle?”, Danny can’t help but snicker at that too, effectively loosening him up a bit.
“Try three buckets, dad. But the kind eaten with a, probably confused, smile. It’s nothing bad, just weird”, Danny almost laughs when his dad actually gets a bucket of fudge.
While his mom sits down with a sigh, “well, sweetie. I’m not sure I’d expect it to be anything but weird. I’ve heard nearly everyone in Amity refer to you and your friends as the “weirdo trio”, including the three of you. Weirds not bad though”.
“Of course it’s not mom. But I’m definitely the weirdest person in Amity, even if Tuck constantly gives me a run for my money. Sometimes literally”, Danny sits down and shuffles a bit. Hands clasped and in his lap, “anyway, there’s someone I want you to meet and before you ask, no we’re not dating or anything and that would be really gross if we did. For a lot of reasons, which I’ll get to. But more importantly, I’d like her to come live here, with us”.
Maddie looks rather frazzled as Jack speaks up, “oh yeah this is at least one bucket of fudge already. Who is she and why would she need to come here?”
Maddie finds her voice at this, “oh god, does she not have anywhere to go? Sweetie, we’d be glad to let a friend stay if that’s what you’re asking”.
Danny smiles awkwardly and rubs his hands together, “friend’s not really the right word and she’s never really had a home, at all”. Maddie looks utterly crushed to hear this but Danny continues, “this is where it starts getting kind of weird though. Her name is Danielle or Dani, with an I, for short”.
Jack can’t help but laugh good maturely at that, “her names nearly the same as yours Danny-boy! That has to be confusing”. Danny nods and laughs a little, “Oh it is, especially when someone is trying to get one of us’s attention. It’s a good thing she’s got a good sense of humour otherwise all of Tucker’s nicknames would probably offend her”. Danny shakes his head remembering that time Tucker called her “gooey Dani”, even he thought that was mean and he makes jokes at the expense of his own half death.
Being more serious he looks straight at his mom, “with what I’m asking, I’m not seeing it as a for the moment kind of situation. But rather permanently, to be part of the family”. Maddie’s eyebrows raise as far as they can go and Jack shovels ice cream in his mouth.
“But...but what about her parents? Oh god Danny, what happened to her?”, Maddie looks downright horrified now and Danny grimaces. Which doesn’t make Maddie feel any better. Even Jack has slowly put his spoon down, sensing that this is not a good time to be eating anymore.
“What happened is, yes, why I want her to come live here. With us. And this is where it gets really weird, the bad kind. As far as parents, she doesn’t really have them in the traditional sense”, Danny can’t help but look a little bit angry and Jack instantly hates what or whoever could make his kind-hearted son angry at just a thought.
“to put it frankly, her technical father, who will not be called such because he’s a piece of shit, tried to melt her down. Simply put, he almost murdered her three days ago”. Maddie brings her hand up to her mouth, a bit teary-eyed, while Jack clenches his fists and stares down at the table.
“Son, that is absolutely evil. Please tell me the cops have this man”, neither of the two are happy when Danny sighs and shakes his head. Maddie’s about to speak up as he shakes his head at her.
“The cops don’t know at all, about anything and they can’t. Legally, Dani doesn’t exist. I said he was her technical father for a reason. She was created, in a lab, by a mad man. Along with four others, all of whom are dead. Melted down, because they weren’t “successful”. Their genetics weren’t stable”. Danny sighs and shuffles, “Dani herself is only stable because I figured out how to fix her before she fully de-stabilised. Which you guys actually helped with, unknowingly but still, so thanks for that. Technically, the right word for her is “clone” but she doesn’t exactly like that and neither do I”.
Maddie nods, feeling a bit numb, “you-you’re right, Danny, sweetie. This is weird. I can’t even imagine cloning someone and I swear we-we will not call her that. I’m glad you were able to help her, you really always are good to a fault”, Danny doesn’t even have to wait for Jack to make his opinion known as he almost aggressively nods his head repeatedly. “Son, this seems mostly like the bad kind of weird”.
Danny rubs his neck awkwardly, “yeah for only being around for half a year or so, her life hasn’t been the greatest. She’s mentally and physically around 12 though”.
“Well that’s changing right now!”, Danny almost jumps from his dad’s unflinching resolute tone. Maddie nods rather sadly, “yes, of course. She really is welcome to stay, unusual “birth” or not. We’ll have to see how she fits in though, Danny. We Fenton’s are rather strange”.
Danny smirks and chuckles, “oh I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that. This might make more sense if I just bring her in. You guys ok with that?”. At both his parents nods he gets up and walks to the door, as they stand and busy themselves with trying to look happy and welcoming.
Sticking his head out the door, “hey you. So this has been an interesting reminder in how weird and kind of screwed up both our lives are, to more normal people”, Danny smirks as Dani giggles into her hand.
“You’re such a mess, cuz”
Danny rolls his eyes at her but smiles goofily, “just remember, no ghost shit for now, they don’t know about that quite yet”. Dani slugs him in the arm as she smirks, before hopping out and goes to walk in the door; Danny in front of her.
Danny barely suppresses as laugh and Dani fails at doing that completely, as Jack and Maddie look back and forth between the two of them rapidly.  
“Danny-boy!? She looks-she looks just like you?!”, Danny nods as he rubs his neck a little. “Yeah, this is sort of the weirdest part of the giant circle of weird”.
Danny doesn’t get to finish as Dani speaks up, with a goofy grin on her face, “yup! Genetically, he’s my daddy!”.
Danny’s face goes beat red, facepalming as he mutters into his hand, “what happened to calling me cuz?”
“Right now daddy is funnier. And it is technically more accurate”, Danny clearly sees her fingergun at him through his fingers.
He can’t help but smile and laugh, smirking at her, “you’re awful”.
“If I'm awful, then so are you”
“Have you heard my puns? Me being awful is well established”
“Well, I think they’re spooktacular. In that awful I want to beat a rubber chicken up to hear it scream, kind of way”, Danny snorts loudly at this.
Jack and Maddie watch the conversation still rather stunned, Maddie’s the first to find her voice, “wow, you really are cut from the same cloth. I, um, it’s nice to meet you”. Jack’s eyes go wide with a realisation and he claps his hands excitedly together, “this means you already are a Fenton! Danny-boy was right! There can’t be anything to worry about if you’ve got Fenton in you!”
Danny smiles and smirks at Dani, “told you”. Dani just sticks her tongue at him and runs into the kitchen, waving at Jack and Maddie as she goes.
“In case it isn’t obvious, her social skills aren’t the greatest”, Danny shrugs just as Dani shouts out from the kitchen, “got any pancakes! I could literally eat my whole arm! I haven’t eaten all day!”.
Jack and Maddie both notice how Danny looks instantly worried and heads into the kitchen, “you could have said something you know? I would have bought you something”.
“I don’t want you spending your little money on me. You need it”, Danny rolls his eyes at her as he serves her some of the, now slightly burnt, supper soup. Dani doesn’t seem to care that it’s not fluffy batter circles, as she stuffs her face.
Watching Danny doting on her, Maddie leans over and whispers to her husband, “I think Danny might really see her as his child, at least subconsciously anyway”. Jack nods and smiles warmly, “I’m certain you’re right, Mads. And this is certainly the most Fenton way to find out you have a granddaughter”.
Any remaining tension is obliterated when Dani bumps the ghost gabber as she asks for more soup. And, “my tiny fearsome body demands more soup! Fear me!”, is blurted out of the little machine. Everyone but Dani bursts out laughing, as Dani pokes incredulously at the machine.
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lonely-bored-writer · 5 years
Is Everything Okay? Ch. 15
273. Two Hundred and Seventy Three miles. That's how long he was able to fly before he found himself crashing back to earth. He kept his exhausted and bruised body in the small crate in the earth. His fall was anything but graceful, but luckily his wounds were already healing. Something he couldn't say about the bleeding gash on his leg. It was worth it, he didn't need the GIW knowing where he went. He's never been so glad to have mastered cloning until now.
Sometimes Danny just didn't know what to do. He thought everything was going to get better but it wasn't. Nothing was looking up for him. The fatigued teen pulled himself out the crater, sighing at the realization that he had shifted without meaning to. He needed to find a place to rest, he was to hurt and tired to be able to pull his ghost form back out. A groan escaped him when he concluded that he would have to walk.
A loud grumble filled the soft woodland air, Danny's eyes shifted quickly through the trees when a blush dusted over his cheeks. A sigh left the teen as he patted his stomach, looking around for any idea where he was. Missouri. He flew all the way to Missouri. Danny shook his head, walking off towards the Welcome to Missouri sign for a hope to find food.
Regardless, Missouri was better than anywhere in Illinois and Wisconsin.
A relief filled smile slide onto Danny's lips at the sight of a small cafe, the darkness of the time made it clear that the time of night would leave the area for the most part. The teen glanced down at his leg, the jean around the gash that was in the process of coagulating. Danny was glad he chose black jeans that morning the blood soaking the material was hard to notice unless you were looking for it.
He tugged the hood of his dark red hoodie over his dead, his hands slipping into his pockets, his legs carrying him towards the entrance a crossed the road. He clenched the wad of cash stuffed inside it, a small smile slid on his face. He remembered when Sam had chastised him for even making a ready-to-go bag in case the GIW ever found out his secret and he needed to run, much like now. Tucker had been for the idea, he knew the risk and the fifty-fifty that everything would turn out okay if he's secret got released.
He had kept a small plain black school bag filled with necessities in case he ever needed to run. It was mostly clothes and money. Danny knew if he hid any food in there, the rats in the walls would have probably gotten to it or the food would have expired.
Danny stepped into the cafe, surviving the area. Two men sat together in one booth, three people sat at the counter, one female, one male, and his daughter. Shifting his was he sat in the corner of the cafe, away from the the other occupants. Taking his seat, he reached over and opened the menu sat already at the booth. He couldn't get anything to expensive, he had to keep his cost as low as he could.
"Hey sweetheart, I'll be your waitress for tonight. I'm Jess, what can I get you?" A bubbly blonde greeted him. She had blonde curls that rested lightly around her face, her green eyes stared at him kindly, she wore plan black jeans with a white polo, and a pouch tied to her waist. She rested both her hands on her hips, tilting her head slightly and gave the disheveled teen a smile.
"I'll have the bacon burger with a side of tatter tots. Also a tropical twist" Danny answered, slipping his hood from his head. She gave him a smile and headed off. The teen slouched in hid seat, tuning in to see what everyone was talking about.
"Nah, look the buck was a good kill! Wasn't even that earthy either."
"Dude, the thing was alive well after the shot!"
Danny smiled and shook his head at the presumably brothers arguing about an animal they hunted.
"Dad can we get pie?"
"It's like midnight, you don't need that sugar high."
"I'm seventeen! I'll be fine... I could always by it myself..."
"Ugh fine, this is you B-Day midnight 'snack'.'
A sad sense of nostalgia filled him at the sound of the father/daughter conversation. The daughter reminded him a lot of his dad, and the father much like his mother. His dad that he...
"Here ya go." Jess laid out his burger and drink. His eyebrows furrowed when a slice of apple pie was placed next to the pie, his questioning gaze was met with a pleased grin. "Well, you've kept my cousin safe, so I figured I owe you one." Danny's eyes widen in shock.
"You know me?" Danny questioned as the blonde placed herself across from him.
"Of course I do! Don't worry I'm not with those assholes parading around in white." Jess held her hand in defense. "Chris has been keeping me updated on everything. When he told me to keep on eye out for you, I never would have thought you'd drop down in this lousy diner." She waved her hand in the direction of the diner, which now only had one person in it. Danny mentally chastised himself for not realizing the diner was almost empty.
"Wait... Chris?"
"Yup, He's my baby bro. You know it was great to hear about the kid that somehow became friends with his train wreck of a person." She shook her head, the smile that spread on her face gave away her fondness of the teen. "Hey, I promised him if you popped by that I would help you out. So, you are coming home with me and I'll be giving your fugitive ass a bed to sleep in."
Daniel blinked, eyes wide at the woman before him. His mind running a mile a minute. Somehow he had been lucky to enough to stumble upon his friends sister... But how could he be so sure? So sure that she was the sister and not come lying GIW agent?
"No, nope. Don't even think about it." Jess shook her head, plopping her phone in front of the paranoid teen. "I will call Chris right now. There is no arguments. I'd rather not have him out for my head because I didn't help his friend out."
"Okay." Danny swallowed, ignoring his paranoia for a moment. Releasing a breath, Danny gave her a small, shaky smile. "If we talk to Chris, then I'll go. But I'm paying, even for the pie, and a great tip."
"That's what I want to hear." Jess grinned, sliding her phone over to Danny. Danny's eyes landed on a contact named "D. Darko", he would have been confused if it weren't for the photo of a certain purple haired teen standing next to the hyper blonde before him. Danny couldn't stop the smile, hope rising in him.
Looks like he wasn't sleeping in the gutter tonight.
"How did two siblings turn out like polar opposites?" Danny questioned, taking a drink of the soda she handed him. There was a small pause, before Danny shook his head. "Never mind, look at my sister and I." The two laughed as Jess sat down next to him.
"Your sister's Jazz right?" Jess asked, receiving a nod. A laugh left her and she shook her head. "Can you believe when my bro first started there that she tried to be his 'therapist' for her senior project? I couldn't believe it when he told me about it."
"Sounds like Jazz" Danny chuckled, looking around the room. "She's going to Princeton or MIT for psychology. She uses her psycho-babble on me a ton"
"Must have been a hoot." Jess smirked, sipping on her drink. "You'd sleep in the guest room, that's were Chris normal stays when he visits."
"Awesome. You don't even realize how much this means to me." Danny smiled. Jess paused for a moment before moving to speak. But she didn't even get one word out. Instead a loud, and slightly haisty, knock rang through the room causing the duo to jump. The two shared a look before Jess stood slowly, motioning to for Danny to stay still and on the couch. She walked towards the door, cursing that she never but in a peep hole. Taking a deep breath, Jess pulled the door open. Her mouth dropped open and eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"What the hell are you doing here!"
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lilaclily00 · 5 years
Sunsets and Stars
Valerie Gray meets her clone.
(DannyMay 2019 Day 5: Sunset)
This is somewhat a recap of "Kindred Spirits" in the D/V roleswap!AU. Dani's appearance is based off of this post. This is for you, @goinggoblin​ and @pigte​!
AO3 link
Being Phoenix was exhausting. Valerie felt like she could barely function as she trudged home after yet another ghost-troubles-related detention.
“Ugh, I just wanna nap,” she muttered to herself as she came up the stairs and to her bedroom doorway. She dropped her backpack from her shoulders, flicked on the light--and was suddenly wide awake, instinctively crouching into a defensive stance. Someone was on her bed.
“Who are you?” she demanded, eyes narrowed and heart pounding. The figure pulled down the magazine away from her face and Valerie blinked at how... young it was. It was just some girl maybe a couple years younger than her, with big gray-blue eyes and freckles dancing across her bronze skin.
“I’m Danielle,” the girl stated with surprising confidence as she folded down the corner of the page to mark her place. “Do you have something I could eat?”
Valerie reasserted her stance; there wasn’t a real reason yet to let her guard down. “Not unless you tell me why you’re here and how you got into my room.”
Danielle placed the magazine beside her--it was a random copy of Vogue from Valerie’s collection in her closet--and folded her legs under herself. “I walked through the door.” She pulled a grin, which shrank when Valerie didn’t smile back. “I ran away from home, and... well, you’re the closest family I have. Distance-wise.” She sheepishly rubbed at her neck, beneath her black, wavy hair. “We’re, like, third cousins once-removed.”
Valerie inched closer. Third cousins once-removed? Strangely remote relationship and specific. “We don’t know each other. Why would you come to me instead of one of your friends?”
Danielle flinched, and Valerie sighed. Something about that reaction told her what she needed to know--no friends. She loosened her stance, standing up and watching the girl with crossed arms for a few seconds. Danielle watched back, fidgeting under the stare, but she held the gaze.
“Alright,” Valerie finally said, motioning to the door, “let’s go start making dinner.” Danielle’s eyes lit up as she ran back out the room, Valerie following. It would take receiving a few more answers before she could trust this strange girl, but so far, she didn’t seem so bad.
Valerie startled awake at a sound, which was immediately followed by whispered apologies. She fought her grogginess away to focus on Danielle’s face hovering by her blanket-bundled self. The girl was standing next to her, much closer than she anticipated. Valerie scooted back, then sat up. “Ugh, what time is it?”
“Time for you to--eh, that one’s overused.” The younger girl hunched her shoulders up. “Sorry again, didn’t mean to interrupt your nap. I was trying to get over you to look at the sunset.”
Valerie frowned, then turned her attention to the window hanging over her bed. Oranges, pinks, and purples painted the sky outside, tinting wisps of butts and a weaning moon already peeking out. She slowly relaxed into a small smile, even as Danielle messily climbed onto the bed beside her. The girl’s face glowed in the gentle light, her expression filled with childish awe.
“Sometimes I forget how pretty these can be,” Valerie mused aloud.
Danielle began to bob her head, then shook it to disagree instead, beanie nearly falling off. “I just don’t get tired of them. I can’t. It’s like the sky is on fire! But in a good way!”
“Hey, I’ve thought the same thing!” The girls looked back to each other, considering each other, twin grins on their faces.
Danielle was the first to turn back to the window. “Would you get mad at me if I stayed up to look at the stars too?”
Vlad’s ugly blue face leered at her with triumph. “Good afternoon, dear girl.”
Valerie snarled at him, then her gaze diverted to the computer screens behind him, playing clips of her transforming. Her glare renewed. “Why am I not surprised?”
“Because you are intelligent, just like myself.” Vlad swished his cape behind him as he turned to type commands into the computer.
Valerie wished so, so badly she was not trapped so thoroughly so she could sock him for that comment alone. “I am not like you, you psychopath!”
“Oh, I do believe we’re alike, not just with our shared powers.” He stood straight in the air, chest puffed out, as he watched the computer do some analyses on the video clips. “You also keep using that word, but I don’t believe it means what you think it means.” He floated back over to her. “You say it as if it is synonymous with ‘crazed villain’. I am neither a psychopath or a crazed villain. All I ever wanted was happiness.”
“At the expense of everyone else’s,” she spat, but he paid her no heed, instead merely pressing a button on the wall. A chamber to the side began to open, hissing with released pressure.
“Yet you and the Fentons refuse to let that happen. Maddie and Daniel will not become a family with me, and you have denied my offer to become my apprentice time and time again. You have all forced my hand to get what I want in a different way.”
Her jaw dropped as she watched the chamber reveal a replica of... herself, her ghostly half, limp and connected to tubes.
Vlad continued, “The good clone is the product of many months’ work, and is close to completion--it is almost ready to accept your DNA.”
Valerie’s brain hurt with how fast it was moving. This was far beyond espionage and sabotage and even outright obsession. He had been creating clones of her--presumably to have a half-ghost child and apprentice of his own. “So those ghosts--”
He apathetically watched one of those very ghosts from earlier that day drift to his side, long white hair and red boots dripping ectoplasm. “Yes, the bad clones, the failures.”
She thought back to Danielle--and her betrayal. Calling Vlad her father. A stone settled in her stomach. “Is Danielle one of them?”
Vlad narrowed his eyes at her for a second. “She’s actually my most successful yet. I had thought the problem was the instability of your DNA, and added another person’s DNA to help, which worked, but not quite enough.” Alarm bells rang in her head, but he didn’t give her a chance to think on that more. “Turns out what I really need is a mid-morph sample from you.”
“And you think I’ll just give that to you?!” Valerie screeched, struggling in her trap.
“I wish you would, but alas,” Vlad sighed, snapping his fingers, prompting one of the clones to action, “that is an unrealistic expectation.”
She heard nothing after that except for her own screams.
“I know you can’t beat me,” Danielle declared, squeezing her fists tight at her sides. Her white, curly ponytail floated and her eyes glowed green.
Valerie slowly worked at standing up, lightheaded and trembling. “You’re right, but I’m not going to fight you. It’ll hurt you more than me.”
“You heard him, I’m the most stable clone!” Danielle began forming an ecto-blast, then stopped as she realized her body wasn’t handling it anymore--ectoplasm bubbled off her feet. She bit her lip, then said, “If you don’t give him your morph DNA, then I’ll always be like this. He needs it to save me!”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s true.” Valerie had successfully stood all the way up, keeping her distance, tired eyes set on the smaller girl. “He said you’re the best one yet, but he also said you’re not good enough. He’s using you, just like he’s using Danny and so many other people.”
She suddenly remembered why Danielle looked so different compared to the other clones. She had DNA from someone else, too, and it really wasn’t terribly hard to guess who on her name alone. Vlad’s ability to do messed-up things was truly unprecedented.
“You--you’re lying!” Danielle shot at her, horror setting into her eyes. Valerie had just barely managed to put up a feeble shield, yet she still got knocked back a foot. Determination settled back into the younger girl. “He cares about me too much.”
“He doesn’t care about anyone, not really. He doesn’t know what real love is!” Valerie’s chest ached, not just physically, and before she knew it, she was shouting. “Look at me--look at this situation! Look at what he’s done! I’m only fourteen!” She looked into Danielle’s acid green eyes, nothing like her own, yet strangely reminiscent of the girl’s namesake. “Danny’s only fourteen, too, and--and he claims to love Danny as a son, then goes and creates you out of him? What do you call that?”
Danielle stepped back, doubt making her every move difficult. Valerie regretted her words a little; she didn’t want to watch the girl go through so much pain. Finally, in a small voice, Danielle said, “It feels like he just bosses me around, and... he’s cruel to the other clones.”
Valerie hesitantly walked towards her. Her clone gave no indication that she intended to fight anymore. “I don’t want him to start being cruel to you, too. I know it’d be hard to leave, but anything’s better than staying with Vlad.”
“Where would I even go, though?” she whined, holding her head in her hands.
“I think our bigger priority right now is just getting out of this mansion, but... well, we are family,” Valerie began, amazed by the words coming out of her mouth. She’d become incredibly attached to the girl, even thought it’d only been one day. “We’ll figure it out.”
Danielle gaped at her, hope shining through, and Valerie just had to hug her. The girls melted into their embrace. The moment was brief, though, as they remembered where they were, and both looked down to the floor, as if gazing straight into the basement.
“We need to destroy the equipment, don’t we?” Danielle stated.
Valerie added, “And beat up Vlad.” She breathed into her nonexistent lungs, then back out. She already felt a little better than just a few minutes ago. Ghostly healing really was something else. “But just enough to do the job; I don’t think either of us have the strength for more than that.”
“Deal.” Danielle grinned at Valerie, and Valerie grinned back before both went intangible and flew down through the floor--together.
Danielle disappeared right after the fight, and Valerie agonized over whether to go looking for her or head home. She ultimately picked the latter, flying out before Vlad got to recover. Danielle had still been in... okay condition, at the last sighting, and she knew where Valerie lived, if she planned to go back there as well.
Valerie sat on the roof of her house that same night, watching the sky fade from orange to black, when Danielle made her appearance, popping into visibility right next to her. “Dang it, the sunset’s almost over.”
The elder girl didn’t even flinch. Instead, she gnawed on her lip, picking her words. “Were... you thinking of staying here?”
Danielle curled herself up into a ball. “No, I think I shouldn’t. I don’t want to make you or your dad take care of me.”
Valerie’s eyes widened. “You’d rather be out there all on your own?”
“Well, like you said, it’s better than being with my father--uh, Vlad, still.” The girl shrugged a little to herself, hugging her knees closer to herself. “And I know I’m not all alone. I still have a friend.”
Valerie scooched over to wrap her arm around Danielle. She could see her point--if she were in the same situation, she’d be sick of people pretending to be parents, too, even if their intentions were good. She wasn’t sure her house would be the best setting for Danielle, anyway, if both of them were going to be hiding so many secrets from her dad. She still didn’t like the idea, but maybe she could trust that her clone would be okay out there, and find someone she was comfortable living with when she was ready for that.
“So I take it you came to say bye?” Valerie asked, eyes focused on the fading sunlight.
“Yeah, but I wanted to watch the sky a little longer first.”
She smiled. “Okay.”
The stars slowly appeared, and Danielle vanished once again.
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