#all you need is fresh fish and it can be any kind
jasminesilk · 2 years
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Nox has finally maxed their fabrication skill!
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nil-the-glitch · 6 months
actually yknow what, no. this is not being limited to discord, yall get it too.
some general cooking tips (in which there is a brief senshi posession):
moisture is the enemy of crispy skin. pat dry with paper towel, and if you have the time and spoons, give a thorough but even coat of baking powder and let sit uncovered in your fridge overnight. this will dry out the skin nicely. for pork belly, create a tight foil boat so that only the skin is showing, and cover in salt to draw out moisture, repeating a couple times if necessary.
furikake seasoning, for the fellow rice lovers, is just nori (seaweed), sesame seeds, sugar, and msg/salt. you might have most if not all of these things already in your kitchen.
chai spice mix is just cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, & allspice.
pumpkin spice is just cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger.
to cure your own bacon, you only need water, white and brown sugar, and a non-iodized salt - himalayan pink salt is not iodized, if you cannot find butchers curing pink salt. from there, you can add any seasoning/flavoring you want.
the truly adventurous may cook their rice in green tea for a fresh clean taste.
you can tell if a fish is truly fresh by their eyes - clear and bright is fresh, while cloudy is older or potentially has been frozen.
it's cheaper to buy a large block pack of ramen from your local asian market and repackage the bricks into sandwich bags, than to buy a box of individually packaged ones such as maruchan or top ramen.
when buying meat, look at it's fat content - more fat marbling usually means more tender + flavorful.
you can save onion skins and other vegetable scraps to make your own broth with. you can also save bones for this. mix and match ratios to create your ideal flavor.
bay leaf will always make a soup or broth taste better, but Watch Out (they are not fun to bite into on accident).
msg is, in fact, not The Devil, that was just a racist hate campaign against the chinese and other oriental races. it's literally just a type of salt. it is no more dangerous to eat than any other type of salt.
washing your rice is important because it not only improves flavor and texture by removing excess starch, but it also helps reduce any residual pesticides or dirt, or even insect fragments (please remember that rice paddies are essentially giant ponds that all kind of things live in and swim around. you should also be washing all your produce in general.)
please salt your cooking water for pastas, it just tastes better and you will be happier for it.
boiled potatoes are also improved by salt water.
if you hate vegetables, please consider trying them fried in butter or perhaps bacon grease. it is healthier to eat them fatty than not at all.
healthy food does not in fact have to taste miserable. thats a lie. they are lying to you. free yourself from your blandness shackles. enter a world of flavor.
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coco-loco-nut · 12 days
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
summary: meeting your soulmate in the paddock isn’t unusual for F1 drivers, but oscar’s certainly leans on the unusual side
a/n: sorry if it’s a bit of the mess! i’ve been trying to write my way out of writers block
masterlist part two part three requests open
You are crazy, you have to be. At least, that’s what Oscar thought when he watched the mark on his arm change for the third time that day. You put yourself in more danger than he does, and that says a lot. It wasn’t always that way, not until five years ago when it became more and more frequent. The shared talent he gets from you is no help. Analytical and multilingual, you could be anyone. Based on how often you are in danger for long stretches, he is a little sure that you are a mobster. Being able to speak Russian and Italian fluently doesn’t help with the whole mobster thing.
You didn’t know what to think of your soulmate. At first you assumed he was a criminal, the meter on your arm only shifting to danger for a relatively short period of time for a few weeks. However, it has become regular, throwing you off. Maybe a weekend adrenaline junkie? No, probably organized crime. Besides, you are skilled at driving fast, and what adrenaline junkie has a talent for fast driving.
“We have intel that there will be a deal made at the Belgian Grand Prix. Both parties are guests of Sauber as to not draw suspicion. Everything you will need is in this file, a car will pick you up tonight, good luck,” you anxiously sit through your briefing.
You have been tracking a crime ring for the past year and a half, putting yourself in all kinds of compromising positions just to get information. Formula One though, that’s new to you. You have seen some things from former partners who followed it, but you weren’t interested.
It isn’t uncommon for crime groups to use large events for “networking.” It is under the guise of their shell companies. You studied your character ruthlessly, knowing your cover inside and out.
The race approached much quicker than you’d like. The situation isn’t helped by a weird feeling in your stomach. Not nerves, but something else. You shake it off, the mission is what is important. The paddock awaits, and you have a limited striking time.
Oscar was on edge. Something felt off, even though he went through his race routine like always. He did have a questionable pastry, but there wasn’t any mold, so it was okay. He slides his sleeve up, looking at the meter on his arm. Lando doesn’t miss how his teammate’s face paled.
“You okay?” Lando asks, trying to catch a glimpse of the meter on Oscar’s arm.
“Yeah, just realized I forgot to call my sister,” Oscar lies. He’s a little scared for the day he meets you. What kind of mobster commits crime on a Sunday? Maybe you got taken by an enemy, got caught sneaking around. Logan always told him that he was crazy for assuming his soulmate is a criminal, but all signs point to it. Some fresh air is what he needs.
“Why don’t we take a walk?” your target says as you flash a charming smile, anything to get information. It helps that the conversation is in Russian, adding to confidentiality of everything.
You feel a deep pull, like a yearning, as you agree to the walk. You brush it off, the mission is top priority.
“Can you provide some more benefits of the… investment,” you are a little unsure of what to call it. You are keenly aware of the weapons strapped to the side of your target. You weren’t expecting to be meeting with an enforcer, making the job trickier.
“Perhaps. I will if you can answer this question,” you feel your anxiety spike as you keep a calm and cool demeanor. The pull increases and it takes every ounce of will to keep yourself focused. You got most of the information you need, but you need to fish for more. You don’t really notice the target turning you into a quieter part of the paddock.
Oscar lets his feet lead the way, a little out of it. He doesn’t really notice you ahead, tucked in a relatively secluded alley of the paddock. He’s always been able to sneak around, a blessing in times like this.
“Who invited you to the meeting,” he asks, and you internally breathe a sigh of relief. Your team scanned through the information to make sure there was nothing included to trip you up, and this is something that was deemed clear.
“Peter,” you say a little too confidently, and that’s when you notice him reach for the knife on his side. You also notice the civilian looking at his soulmate meter rather than where he is walking, and at that moment it spikes further into the danger. The brief distraction is enough to put you at a disadvantage. You shove the stranger behind you, getting him out of the way as you. Sparks fly as you touch him, but you don’t pay any mind to it. Eyes trained on the target, you do everything you can to avoid being stabbed as you pull out your own knife.
Oscar feels a twinge on his arm and slides up the sleeve, looking at his mark. He feels himself get yanked, and he turns his attention to the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. He takes a few steps back into safety and watches. Every alarm bell in his mind tells him to run away, but he can’t seem to walk away.
You kick the knife away, quickly working to disarm the target and press him against a wall, your own knife to his throat. You subtly activate your tracker, getting discreet backup.
“Tell me who runs the operation. Now.” you snarl in Russian, slightly putting pressure on his neck with the knife. The target spits beside you, you press further. “I recommend you don’t mess with me if you want to be alive.”
The information you want comes flowing out as you take a little pleasure at the fear in his eyes.
“There, happy? Let me go,” the target says and you smile wickedly. Dropping your act now would only hurt you, so you let him think you are part of a rival crime ring.
“Not quite,” you flip him around so he is facing the wall. You sheathe the knife, using your weight to brace him to the wall. “It’s a shame I couldn’t spill some blood, oh well,” you play your role, speaking in a bored yet maniacal tone. Your backup arrives and takes over for you, arresting the target.
As the adrenaline fades, you remember the guy lurking behind you. You feel the heat of anger flare up. Couldn’t he see you were dealing with something dangerous? Why wouldn’t he turn around and walk away.
Oscar can’t help but feel happy that he finally has your attention, and if the pull he feels and the danger levels that his arm displays is any indication, he just met his soulmate. Plus, you speak multiple languages, who else would he get that from that’s in the immediate vicinity. He opens his mouth to speak but you cut him off.
“Are you stupid! What are you doing walking in on that? And sticking around? That was a very dangerous situation, you know,” you fume, not looking at him, too busy firing off angry texts to your commander.
“I was right, my soulmate is a criminal,” Oscar says, a little shocked.
“That guy was your soulmate? Tough luck,” you can’t help but laugh a little. You look at him for the first time and feel your heart beat quicken as every instinct is drawn to him.
“No, you are,” Oscar says as your eyebrow quirks, as if you don’t believe him. And you don’t believe him, it isn’t in your nature.
“Well, I’m not a criminal. Sorry to break it to you. Besides, I know that my soulmate is a criminal, so unless you have a dark side, you aren’t him,” you brush it off, still ignoring the intense pull towards the brunette who is creeping closer to you.
“Look, I gotta go,” you quickly take a once over of him, ready to look him up when you are back to safety. You disappear almost into thin air, leaving Oscar confused.
“Oscar? What are you doing here? Is that blood?” Logan stares at his friend.
“I think I just met my soulmate,” Oscar says, a little flabbergasted. Now he knows where his talent for being stealthy comes from. He wonders if you got his driving ability.
“Right. That doesn’t explain blood. You know what, you need to get ready for the drivers parade,” Logan shakes his head, helping his friend get back on track.
Oscar Piastri. That’s who Google tells you that you encountered. He’s handsome, you will admit that. A quick research tells you everything you need. Your soulmate, in fact, was not a criminal. A minor win in your mind.
After your paperwork and evidence submission, you know you can’t return to Sauber, so you choose to walk around instead. A change of clothes and hairstyles helps to hide your identity.
You easily slip into the McLaren motorhome, it is a little sad how easily you have gotten past Formula One’s security. You wait in Oscar’s drivers room for him, feeling uncomfortable and nervous. You don’t like the feeling.
Your job is too dangerous for a soulmate, you’ve seen how devastating it is for those whose soulmate never returns from a mission. You couldn’t do that to someone, so why do you find yourself needing to see Oscar again.
Oscar feels the now familiar tug as he gets out of his car, and he’s never been happier to get P4. He makes his way to his room as quickly as possible, rush in through his post-race procedures.
“You’re here. How are you here?” Oscar sees you leaning against the wall of his drivers room.
“It is embarrassing how easily I can get past the security here,” you have a hint of a smile on your face.
“So, if you aren’t a criminal, who are you?” Oscar swallows, a little nervous. His only knowledge of you is that you are highly dangerous and semifrequently in danger.
“I can’t tell you that. Brilliant race today, maybe I will actually watch one for once,” you walk towards him, and he feels his heart leap in his chest. You slip a card into his hand as you head to the door. “Oh, and thanks for the driving skills. It’s gotten me out of quite a few situations,” you smirk, disappearing once again. Oscar looks down at the card in his hand.
Y/n L/n. Special Services.
In neat penmanship you wrote down a series of numbers, and a note to burn the card after saving the number. Oscar races to the window that overlooks the only exit of the building, but you had already disappeared into the crowd.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
your shark mer 141 and mer remora fic is one of the only things keeping me sane during finals week so please please please dump all of your thoughts on us because your writing style is so good and i can’t get enough!!!!!!!
thank you!! i sincerely hope finals are going/did go well for you! you should treat yourself with a little something if/when you're finished :)
and the shark mer 141 are always happy to be of service <3
37 / 1k / part 2 of shark mer Ghost tolerating remora mer reader
"But I'm fine!"
“You’re not. Look at you. You’re half-asleep.”
You’re not tired, you’re hungry. You shift against him, listless and unable to voice your needs. It's not that you're unwilling to do so--it's that you can't. It doesn't occur to you. Your kind doesn't survive by acting needy around a host.
Ghost notices your silent resistance. You’re weak--too tired, too hungry, too used to taking care of yourself--and still stubborn enough to keep your mouth shut anyway. He bites back a growl of irritation. It would be easier to fight. At least then he could shout it out of you. But no--instead you’re a tired lump in his hand, and your silence doesn’t give him anywhere to push back.
He's got one arm looped around you and both of your hands grasped in one of his. He only carries you like this, holding you by the wrists, when you accompanying him isn't up for debate. When you're being particularly fussy about it, he drags you by the wrists as if your arms were leads.
You don't relish that thought right now. You finally just bow your head, tucking it against his chest in submission.
He feels the change in your body language when you surrender to his control. He notices the way you go almost limp against him. Good. That almost puts the hungry, prowling animal in him to rest. Almost.
It’s a hard thing to explain--the gnawing dissatisfaction he felt watching you comb through the sand, small and alone on the ocean floor. The protective, possessive feeling that took root in his stomach.
It made him want to bite you all over. Not just to punish you, but to warn any other lurking thing who might confuse your loneliness for attainability. Not that he'd ever express the impulse to do so.
"Are you coming back to hunt again?" you ask him.
“Why? Do you miss me that much?”
You huff. "You didn't eat enough."
His fingers tighten around your wrists. You either have an inappropriate sense of humor or no self-awareness whatsoever.
“You're in a mouthy mood, huh?” he remarks tersely. “Must be even more tired than you look.”
He’s not stupid. He knows why you invited yourself along on his hunting trip. But he’s not going to coddle you while you shy away from the issue.
He glances up towards the coral reef, considering. If he brings you straight home, you'll just go back to ignoring your obvious needs. But he won’t let you wander the sea floor like some starving bottom-feeder. And he knows better than to hunt for you—you always refuse fresh kills.
The ones Ghost offers, at least. You seem willing enough to take fresh kills from Gaz.
Pisses him off.
You open your eyes when Ghost changes course and heads for a small cove carpeted in sandbanks. He dumps you unceremoniously into the soft sand. You look around, then at him.
"Stay right here." His tone brooks no argument. He swims off with an irritated lash of his tail before you can ask him why. You're left alone, moonlight curling across the surface of the water far above you and across the sand at your fins. Watching it makes your eyelids grow heavy.
You wake with a start when he returns. He holds in one clawed hand a fish. A live one.
He comes to rest on the edge of the sandbank. He doesn't speak, merely watching with a critical eye as you shake the sand from your scales and rouse yourself back into full consciousness. Then he holds out the live fish to you.
You frown but reach for it. Right as you lay your hands on it, it darts away. You jump in surprise, but one look at Ghost's face tells you he expected exactly that to happen. He can’t stop a small, satisfied smirk from curving his lips. That was exactly the reaction he wanted, and now you’re staring at him with six different accusations on the tip of your tongue.
His eyes fix on you with that smug, condescending look in his gaze. "Didn't Price teach you how to hunt for yourself?"
"Yes," you snap. You push yourself off the sand and dart after the fish, catching nothing but water again.
“Clearly not well.”
You strike out again. And come up empty. Again.
He huffs a laugh. You turn on him. "What's the point of this? You're the one who was going hunting."
He leans back, propping his weight on his elbows as he eyes you. Every failed lunge and dart bring him more satisfaction. "The point is that you should be able to feed yourself," he retorts. "You're too dependent, sweetheart. You’d starve in a koi pond."
You’d love nothing more than to tell him where exactly he can shove his stupid fish, but it’s far too mentally taxing for you to refuse outright. Instead, you cross your arms in a way that just as clearly says I'm not doing that.
Ghost’s eyes glimmer. He isn’t having it.
He pushes himself off the sand and swims toward you, pushing you back against the bank when he crowds himself over your smaller frame.
"You know” —his expression is downright patronizing— “refusing an order is a bad move. Bad things happen to disobedient pets."
"It didn't sound like an order," you mutter, avoiding his eyes.
He grabs your jaw and forces eye contact. "Sure as hell wasn't a suggestion, sweetheart. If you're not gonna ask for food when you need it, you're gonna learn to hunt." His eyes are hard, and that smug, self-satisfied demeanor is buried far underneath. "You learn or I make you learn. What do you say?"
You swallow. "Thank you for catching me such a nice practice fish?"
"Good pet." He releases your jaw.
He moves back onto the sand, propping himself on his elbows once more as he leans back. His black eyes linger on you, and you feel a chill.
"Now go."
part 1 / [part 2]
more mer au / more Ghost / masterlist tag
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obsessedwithceleste · 1 month
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You’re Not Everyone Else
Lorenzo Berkshire x reader
Based on this request🫶🏽
Summary: Enz thought he knew everything there was to know when it came to wooing pretty witches, but it will take a lot more than the botanical gardens to win you over.
word count: 4.4k
©️ obsessedwithceleste. all works posted here belong to me and should not be reposted or copied in any way or form.
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You glare menacingly at the offending bundle of flowers propped up perfectly against your pillow, practically glowing as the sunlight streams onto them through the window. As if it were a sign that the flowers were bloody heaven sent.
Daphne’s mouth is practically on the floor as she watches you dump the fresh bouquet of expensive looking tulips directly into the trash can.
The flowers had been waiting for you on your bed when you came back from class, and you didn’t need to read the note attached to guess who they were from.
You can tell that she wants to protest, but you cut her off before she’s able to even get a word in.
“Don’t. You know how I feel about Berkshire. It’s not going to happen.” You sigh, rolling your eyes at the mere thought of Lorenzo Berkshire actually managing to weasel his way into your heart.
That boy was no good. He had a pretty face and the charisma to go along with it. He was nothing but a womanizer and you had heard all the stories to prove it. In fact, there was probably an alphabetized list of all the girls that had fallen victim to Lorenzo Berkshire floating around somewhere. He practically had his pick of the litter when it came to the Hogwarts dating pool, and yet for some reason he had landed his sights on you.
You could remember the first time Daphne had brought you to the Parkinson estate, introducing you to all of her friends. He had been their. Young, but charming as ever. He had been kind then. And sweet. But that was just to lure you in. By Christmas that same year you had heard all about his escapades and wanted nothing to do with it.
Daphne, to her credit, had tried to dissuade you, vouching for her friend, but you could never quite see past the swirling whispers that seemed to damper the boy's shine. He was her friend. Fine. He had been her friend first after all, but that was all he'd ever be. A friend of a friend.
But it had been years at this point, of flowers being left in your dorm room, chocolates, even soppy love poems declaring his affection for you, but you were having none of it. And it seemed the more you pushed the boy away, the more determined he was to make you his.
“It’s so romantic though,” Daphne protests, looking like she’s debating fishing the flowers out of the trash can. It was the third bouquet this week. And it was only Tuesday.
“Pft. Manipulative is more like it. He only wants one thing Daph, and you know it,” you reply, collapsing onto your bed with an annoyed huff.
Your friend is silent for a moment, mulling over her words.
"You liked him at one point. You told me so," she says finally.
"Sure, when I was thirteen. He's only after me now cause he likes the chase. He'll get bored," you reply, rolling your eyes slightly and brushing off the girl's comment.
Your roommate lets out a sigh, wringing her hands as she takes a seat on her own bed across the room.
“Oh I don’t think Enz would do that to you. I’ve known him since we were kids. He seems so serious about this.” Daphne replies.
You’d heard Daph say that same thing what felt like a million times over since this whole thing started.
“Yeah, well. It’s going to take a lot more than the botanical gardens to win me over.”
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Lorenzo Berkshire was infamously known around the halls of Hogwarts for his flirtatious tendencies. It didn’t bother him much, even though half the things being said about him weren’t true in the slightest. But really what was denying any of it going to do?
Let people think what they want was what he always thought. Only one person’s opinion really mattered anyway. Yours.
Lorenzo had always been the romantic of the group, not that there was really any competition for the title, but still. From the day he met you, he knew that you were the one. You were perfect. Funny, and smart, and kind, always playfully bantering with your friends.
He remembered the summer after third year when Daphne had introduced you to the group. All of you gathered at the Parkinson estate. You had swept Theo in chess and Lorenzo had just sat there staring at you. Completely mesmerized. After that everyone seemed to love you, and you seemed to get along with everyone too. Even him. At first.
The first few months were bliss. Lorenzo loved making you laugh, seeing you smile. He knew then that he was down bad. But then, halfway through your fourth year, it was like a switch had flipped. He didn’t have the faintest clue as to why you suddenly seemed to have a certain level of hostility towards him. But he knew that he missed you.
“What in Salazar’s name could I have possibly done wrong?” Lorenzo groans, head falling back, face in hands as he leans back on the common room sofa. “I thought I was doing everything girls want. I send flowers. I send sweets. I even wrote her heart felt poems about how I feel about her!”
“That is disgusting. Have some dignity,” Draco snorts from his spot across from Lorenzo who just sticks his tongue out at the blonde boy in response.
“Oh hush Draco. I think it all sounds perfectly reasonable,” Pansy remarks, giving Enzo a nod of approval.
“Well it would be perfectly reasonable if it worked! She won’t even give me a second glance. She’s so nice to everyone. Bubbly and sweet and talkative. But as soon as I’m around she clams up! Did you know she’s helping Mattheo with charms right as we speak? Bloody traitor he is.” Lorenzo laments.
To be fair, you had had an upstanding tutoring session with Mattheo for weeks now, instituted my Professor Flitwick, but minor details.
“Well she is pretty talented when it comes to charms,” Daphne says awkwardly, lips pursed as she shifts uncomfortably in her seat, trying not to be noticed.
Pansy squints at her friend, squirming and fidgeting. It was entirely unlike her. She was usually the one with her head screwed on correctly.
“Hold on Daph. You know something. What is it?” She demands.
Daphne looks at the raven haired girl in alarm, shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders not daring to utter a word.
“Daph, come on, look at this man. He’s utterly pathetic,” Draco adds, gesturing towards the distressed brunette. Enzo glares at his friend.
“Just spit it out,” Pansy orders.
“She thinks you’re just trying to use her for sex!” Daphne blurts out, crumbling under the pressure.
Lorenzo blinks once. Then again.
Daphne just shrugs once more rather helplessly as the group just stares at her as if she would solve all of Enzo’s problems.
“To be perfectly fair, there are a lot of rumors about you that have been circulating for years. I think, you just might be coming off a bit- ah, disingenuous perhaps?” Daphne says finally.
She could practically see the gears working in Lorenzo’s head as he takes in her words. She’s a bit worried she’d broken him when he remains silent for what seems like forever.
“I have so much work to do,” he announces finally, standing up and marching off to his dormitory, a look of fierce determination sketched onto his face.
“Oh now look what you’ve done Daph,” Draco groans, looking at the retreating back of his friend.
“She’s the one who made me say something,” Daphne protests, pointing an accusatory finger at Pansy.
“Shush Draco. None of us wanted to hear him monologue about his undying love again anyway,” Pansy retorts.
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To be quite honest, you were feeling a bit ambushed as none other than Lorenzo Berkshire plopped down beside you on the sofa that you had claimed in one of the rather abandoned corners of the library.
“Afternoon love,” he chirps happily, shooting you one of his famous smiles. The kind that normally made girls melt at the mere sight.
“Hello Lorenzo.”
“You never responded to my note,” the boy chatters on, ignoring your clear disinterest in his presence. You really weren’t sure if the boy didn’t notice, or didn’t care.
“What note?”
The boy blinks at you. “The note I sent with the tulips the other day?” He replies, as if it should have been obvious.
“Oh. I threw those away.”
“Oh, you threw them aw- what?” He asks, apparently caught off guard by your nonchalant answer.
“I threw them away, placed them in the trash can, sentenced them to eternal damnation. Do try to keep up Enz.”
“Wha- why?” He splutters, genuinely looking a bit hurt.
You look at the boy raising an eyebrow. "I throw away all of your flowers."
"All of them?"
"Are you daft?"
Lorenzo's jaw is practically on the floor, his ego clearly being knocked down a peg or ten.
"Yes- I mean no- I mean- why are you throwing away my flowers?" He splutters.
Growing increasingly more frustrated, you glare at the boy.
"Can you quite down? And if I can be quite honest Lorenzo, I'm not exactly your biggest fan. It's nothing personal of course, you understand," you sigh, trying to get back to your reading.
Enzo is having none of it however as he tries to replay every interaction he could think of between the two of you. He simply doesn't understand. He thought he'd never been anything but a gentleman to you.
"You don't like me? Me specifically? But- you like everyone!"
It was true. Lorenzo had never heard a bad thing about you from anyone. Not even Draco had a bad word to say since you seemed to go out of your way to show kindness to everyone around you.
"Yes well, you're not everyone else Lorenzo."
Lorenzo's mind races as he stares at you in shock. You looked awfully lovely today. Damn it, stay focused. He just wanted you to see him. Was that too much to ask?
"I'm not just trying to use you for sex!" he blurts out, immediately slapping a hand over his mouth, staring at you wide eyed. Real smooth Berkshire.
With a groan, you snap your book shut, closing your eyes in frustration as you realize that you're not going to be getting any reading done with Lorenzo sitting next to you.
Taking a slow inhale, you turn to get a good look at the boy beside you. Fluffy brown hair, warm, earnest eyes, only marred by the subtle pout adorning his lips.
“Let’s just say I were to give you a chance-“ you start.
“You won’t regret it. Pick you up at 8 tomorrow!” He replies, jumping in, the widest smile gracing his face.
Looking at the boy was like looking at a golden retriever puppy. You knew he was anything but, but how could you say no to that face?
“Alright Berkshire. One chance. Then, I never want to hear about this again.”
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He was not going to blow this. He simply wouldn’t allow himself to. Everything that he had been working for these past months was leading up to this, he just couldn’t let it slip through his fingers. Enzo was giddy with anticipation as he lead you carefully down the cobblestone path.
“You better not be leading me out to the forest to murder me,” you call out to the boy behind you, his hands firmly in place over your eyes.
You were only half joking.
Before he even needs to respond, Enzo drops his hands and you’re immediately hit with bright sunlight.
“Where are we?” You ask in shocked amazement, staring around at the garden before you. It was straight out of a fairytale really. Bright, glowing green leaves, flowers of every color. There were even little, glittering sprites dancing about the flora.
“Hogwarts gardens. You never been?” Enzo asks, walking over to a spread on the lawn that you hadn’t even registered yet.
It was clear that he had put in some effort. The soft blanket laid out on the grass was littered with fruits and pastries, even a variety of little sandwiches.
“Didn’t even know this place existed,” you mutter, allowing the boy to guide you to a nice, sunny spot on the lawn.
“I’ve been working out here with Sprout for years. My favorite place,” Enzo tells you offhandedly, popping a strawberry into his mouth.
Under the warm sunlight, he looked unreal. Like an ethereal creature who took a wrong turn and somehow ended up sitting in front of you. You really could see what all the fuss was about when he was staring intently at you, a soft smile gracing his lips.
Snapping out of your thoughts, you realize you’d been staring as well, but Enzo doesn’t seem to mind.
“I think Daph mentioned that you were some herbology buff,” you say in an attempt to recover a bit of your dignity.
Enzo smirks. “I suppose that’s one way to put it. I am top of the class.”
“I thought that honor went to Longbottom,” you reply, picking at the food in front of you.
Lorenzo's face turns to a grimace.
"He could be real competition if he weren't a such pyromaniac. Sprout is still giving him the cold shoulder after he almost burned her prized Cobra Lily. Thing deserved it though. Always hissing at me."
You don't know why, but you can't help but let out a laugh at the thought of the Lorenzo Berkshire having an ongoing feud with a plant.
"Haha, yeah. You laugh now, but that bloody plant has been antagonizing me for weeks. I'm one hiss away from dropping the damn thing off of the astronomy tower." He responds sarcastically to your laughter, only causing you to fall into a further fit of giggles. The brunette boy just sticks his tongue out at you in defeat.
"Oh come on now, that's no way charm a witch," you tease, pulling yourself together as you grin at the boy in front of you.
"Yeah, well I've tried every other way I can think of, so it was worth a shot," Enz replies, his joking smile not quite reaching his eyes.
Your grin falters as Enzo's eyes drop to the grass surrounding the both of you and you take in the sudden silence of the gardens.
"It's hard to believe someone actually likes you when you're just another face in the crowd," you say finally, not willing to meet the boy's eyes.
"You don't have to believe me now. I'll wait."
It was a moment of sincerity that you weren't expecting out of the boy. Usually he was all jokiness and smiles. Not a bad quality by any means, but you were never sure when you could trust the boy's words. You felt like you could trust him now though, in that moment.
After that, you find yourself quite enjoying your afternoon. You had forgotten how easily the two of you actually got on when you weren't avoiding the boy like the plague. He had so many stories about the gardens, and it quickly became apparent that the particular spot he had brought you to was his sanctuary. It was nice getting to hear him talk, without all the extra noise and whispers, and off-putting looks from your classmates. You had missed him.
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In the days following your garden excursion, Enzo keeps his word- backing off a bit from his pursuit for your affection. He was still around of course as you shared a friend group, but the excessive love poems had stopped and the next bouquet of tulips that appeared in your dorm was addressed to both you and Daph which she was thrilled about.
Over the next few weeks, it did not go unnoticed by you that your eyes had seemingly become magnetized to a certain brunette boy, quietly observing. He'd caught you watching a few times, tossing you one of his famous, dazzling smiles.
Slowly, you find yourself seeking the boy out on purpose as you found that you rather liked the way he had been able to make you laugh so easily that day in the garden. You had forgotten how much fun he was to be around. How warm and happy you felt when he looked at you. And he was rather sweet when he wanted to be. You had known the boy for years at this point. You thought you could read him like a book, but he still managed to surprise you.
In fact, you were as surprised as anyone to find yourself seated next to the boy in your astronomy class. It was a relatively new seating arrangement, but you found that he made the late night class significantly more tolerable. You didn't know what time it was now, but it was late, and you were tired.
"If you fall asleep, I'm not going to catch you if you fall out of the tower," Enz whispers in your ear as you fight to keep your eyes open and trained on the night sky.
"Yes you would, you’re too obsessed with me to let me fall," you respond, still able to feel his breath on the back of your neck.
You couldn't remember when the two of you got so comfortable with one another, but it had happened so quickly you almost didn't realize. Almost.
He hums in response, backing away and scribbling down the name of some constellation before gazing out at the sky once more.
“Whose idea even was it to let sleep deprived teenagers take a class at midnight in a tower without railings. They’re practically asking for a student to fall,” you grumble, slumping against Enz dramatically.
He lets out a soft snort of laughter this time as he continues to chart different constellations onto his parchment. You had finished the night's assignment ages ago and now had nothing to do but watch him quietly, resting your chin on his shoulder as he draws perfect little stars.
“What’s that?” You ask, reaching over the boys shoulder to pull something out of the notebook.
The soft pink color had caught your eye, peeking out of the pages, and a gentle tug reveals the petals of a tulip, followed by a green step. The flower isn’t as vibrant as it should be, and is flattened like a book page.
Enzo pauses, looking at the flower carefully.
“That’s from the first time we met.” He says, trying hard to sound casual. He continues to stare down at his notebook, but the stiffness in his arm makes it clear that he isn’t focused on stars anymore.
You scrunch your eyebrows in confusion.
“Pansy doesn’t have tulips at the estate,” you reply, suddenly feeling more awake.
“No. But the greenhouse here does.”
Feeling even more confused, you tilt your head, waiting for Enzo to go on.
He carefully plucks the flower out of your hand, tucking it safely back into his notebook.
“The first time we met was in second year. We were learning the Herbivicus charm and I just couldn’t get it. But you got it so quick. You helped me, and that’s the flower we grew.”
You don’t know what to say. You don’t even remember that day. It seemed so insignificant to you at the time.
“And you kept it?” You ask, your confusion amplified by your sleepy haze.
“I liked you,” is all you get in response.
You’re quiet after that, watching silently as Enzo scratches away at his parchment. His eyes flickering over to you nervously every so often. It was strange seeing him without his usual confident smirk.
As class eventually wraps up, the two of you slowly make your way down the winding staircase, quickly falling behind the other students who were racing off to get some much needed rest.
Your feet reach the final step with a muffled thud as you come to a hesitant stop. Normally this is where you and Enzo would split off for the night, but looking up at the boy, rays of moonlight glowing across his face, you can’t find it in yourself to move away.
With a sudden wave a confidence, impulsiveness, and probably a fair bit of deliriousness, you find yourself grabbing onto the collar of Enzo’s shirt, pulling down, and crashing his lips onto yours.
It takes a moment for realization to fully hit Enz, but you quickly find yourself back against the cold stone wall, Enzo’s lips still firmly on yours, deepening the kiss as he boxes you in. He moves against you with sheer lust, years of pining pouring out.
You vaguely feel his hand moving up your thigh, gripping tightly at your waist before moving up to cup your face, thumb brushing against your cheek softly tilting your head up further as his lips move against yours.
It’s hot, and dizzying, and just, right. You’re not quite sure how to describe it.
When Enz finally pulls away, you can feel his breath against your lips from his soft pants as he looms over you.
“I think a like you too,” you murmur, lips just barely brushing his with every word.
That’s apparently all Enzo needed to hear before he’s practically carrying you back to his dorm.
It’s a blurry haze as you find yourself pulling him onto the bed, lips connecting once more as your bodies move methodically against each other. It’s as if you’d simply turned off your brain, any worries or doubts scattering to the winds as Enzo’s warmth overtakes you.
The next morning a wave of icey cold fear washes over you as you realize what you’d done. What had you been thinking? All these years of avoiding him and for what? Rolling over in the tangle of sheets, Enz is still fast asleep, bathed in streams of sunlight peaking through the curtains. He really was gorgeous.
“Mornin love,” his voice shaking you from your thoughts.
“Hi,” you reply cautiously, turning to meet the boy’s eyes.
His eyes shine as he grins contentedly at you, pulling you closer so your noses are practically touching.
“I can tell what you’re thinking. Stop it. You’re stuck with me now,” he says, pressing a quick peck onto your lips.
Your face grows warm as he continues to pepper your face with kisses.
“I don’t ever want to leave this moment,” you sigh.
You can feel Enzo’s smile.
“I’m that good am I?” He asks cockily.
You snort. “Don’t want to have to admit to Daph that I can actually tolerate you for extended periods of time.”
“Aw, c’mon now love, don’t be like that,” Enz chuckles, tapping your nose lightly with his finger.
You can’t help but let out a small laugh as you feign annoyance, batting his hand away.
“I’m going back to sleep. I don’t want to deal with you anymore,” you tease, rolling over.
Enz just laughs, snaking his arm around you and pulling you close, pressing a kiss on the back of your head.
“Now that I have you, I’m not letting you go,” he murmurs as you allow your eyes to flutter shut once more.
“Wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”
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Did I start writing this way back in April? Yes. Do I remember what the original plot was going to be? No. Is this edited? Also no.
Anyway, Live Laugh Love Lorenzo Berkshire🤪
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lady-ashfade · 5 months
saw u were taking yan!fallout requests so..
lucy maclean meeting r first time headcanons?
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Lucy Maclean x Reader
╰・゚✧☽ you have no idea how much I am in love her. She is so pretty, so badass and sweet. Let me marry her please?
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: slight spoilers for the show, fluff, survival and wasteland content, short and fluffy.
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Meeting lucy for the first time, you’d probably have to be a hero or nice person of some sort for her to trust you a bit at first.
For this lets say you are a trader. But not just any trader….The trader.
You have a small area and have barricaded and set up terminals all over, even a few robots you built (programmed) to defend if anything were to happen.
You had a house inside the walls, along with ones for guests when they come around. It’s a market for other wondering traders do set up shop. It’s a place you pride yourself in for safety of others.
But not only do you sell, you go out and find. You’ll hunt for days for things to bring back, which is why you get so rich.
Anyway moving on, this is how Lucy come across you.
You’ll be searching some old buildings for supplies and happen to come across a vault dweller in need of some help from mole rats. And lucky for her you helped.
After all is send and done you are hesitant to let her roam.
“Look lady, you seem like a fresh fish out of water. And you sure as hell don’t belong here, I suggest you find another place to raid.”
She smiles nervously and tells you she has no interest in hurting you or stealing anything from you…She just wants directions and information.
She’s been tricked, hunting and tortured but you ask her to leave peacefully. She could tell you weren’t a true monster.
“My name’s lucy,” she reaches out her hand slowly
When you take her back to your small settlement she is overjoyed by the kindness you show her. No one around is trying to kill her, and the food and water isn’t as good as her vault but she’s glad she can be safe.
If you offer anything to help her on her journey…She becomes smitten so hard. Yes, she was already interested in you when you saved her and brought her back.
But being a badass and kind human was rare. And boy did she find it hot on you.
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sweetcyberangel · 6 months
Baby, I'm yours
Bouncer!Abby Anderson x Reader
> part two Synopsis: When your friends leave you stranded at a club you find yourself in the helpful hands of the club's bouncer, who - by the way - is super hot and definitely your type. tags/Warnings: Alcohol, reader throws up, Abby rides a motorbike (she's so hot kms), she smokes a cigarette, both reader and Abby are a lil’ awkward (sapphic pining aww), maybe a part 2??
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The bass reverberates through the floor, the bright and colorful lights match to its beat. The alcohol in your system dissipates any self-consciousness you’d typically feel as you dance among the crowds. The world around you is a spinning blur of colors and sounds, if it wasn’t for your earlier taken shots masking it you’d have a killer headache. You look down at your empty cup and furrow your brows, you didn’t remember drinking that so quickly… ah well! Time for another drink!
As the night wears on, the once bustling crowd dwindles, it’s almost 2am now, the club won't be open for all that much longer. When you turn to tell your friend you are going to grab “one last drink” your lips fall into a soft pout realizing they're not dancing behind you anymore. You stand on your tip-toes, scanning the club but drop back down when they're nowhere to be found. Wandering around for a moment a small panic starts to settle in your mind, they were your way home. You’d spent all your paycheck on rounds of shots and drinks for yourself and your friends. Reaching into your purse you fish around for your phone, it's cool against your palm as you lift it to your face, squinting to try and make sense of the messages on your screen. Oh… 
‘Sorry bae, heading home with someone tonight ;)’
Your head starts to spin with worry, your eyes staring blankly at the bright screen of your phone. Your stomach aches with worry and alcohol. You take a deep breath to try and steady yourself, but it only makes your head spin. The air in here is stuffy and warm and smoky, you can’t hear yourself over the music and your eyes are starting to ache from the bright screen of your phone. You need to get outside.
You stumble towards the front doors of the club, barely in control of your body. The doors swing open and walking into the cold, fresh air soothes you more than you could have hoped… Until all the drinks you’d had that night come right back up onto the grass. 
On your knees, alone, heaving up rounds of drinks at the front of a soon-to-be-closed nightclub was definitely not on your itinerary for the night. 
“Oh shit..” You hear from somewhere around you, blocked out by the sound of blood rushing through your head. . A gentle hand finds its way into your hair, pushing it back from your face.
Mascara-filled tears are staining your cheeks as you desperately try to catch your breath, the gentle hand releasing your hair and patting your head in a soothing rhythm. Whether it's in an attempt to neaten your now messed up hair or comfort you, you're not sure, but you’ll take any comfort you can get.
"Hey, you okay now?” You turn around to face the voice and are met with the most attractive woman you have ever seen. She is tall and all defined muscles and broad shoulders. Her hair is braided behind her and you can tell from her clothes that she must be some kind of security. Well shit, that's one way to sober up. You want to crawl into a hole. You think you might ACTUALLY die of embarrassment. Parts of you wish you would.
“Hello??” Her confused tone brings you out of your pity party, “o-oh, sorry! Uhm… yeah. I'm okay,” Your eyes well with tears again remembering the situation that brought you out here in the first place. The woman's eyebrows scrunch in a worried manor, obviously not believing you. 
“You should probably head home, clubs about to close,” she flicks her head in the direction of the building behind you both. “Here, let me help you up” she says softly as she reaches a hand out, your eyes running over her muscular arms peeking out of her folded up sleeves. You place your hand on hers (and feel butterflies swarm in your stomach at the size difference, but that's besides the point). 
“How’re you getting home, sweetheart?” Sweetheart?? Your eyes widen at the pet name, and you wonder if it's her or the alcohol making your brain go empty right now. Wait, she asked you a question… What did she ask?? You look up at her and she chuckles at your reaction before repeating her question (minus the nickname this time, sadly). 
Your eyes look down at your feet and you play with the ends of your dress, not knowing how to tell her ‘oh my friend ditched me and I was too drunk to realize and I have no money and no other way home so I guess I'm just sleeping out here tonight!’.
She watches your face drop and reaches into her back pocket to fetch some keys, “hey, my shift is over, if you need someone to take you home…” You look back at her in surprise, feeling slightly guilty at the idea. As if she can read your mind she quickly adds “it's no issue,” her expression warm and genuine. She looks down at you expectantly, it's starting to get cold and you can feel goosebumps rising on your skin, so pushing your guilt and embarrassment aside, you nod your head. “I’d really appreciate that”.
Her hand is on the small of your back, gently guiding you forward until you reach a sleek, black motorbike. She reaches into the small storage compartment under the seat and pulls out a leather jacket, handing it to you to put on before speaking again, “you ever been on one before?” she asks, nodding towards the bike. You softly shake your head “alright, that's okay. Jus’ sit behind me, keep your arms nice ‘nd tight around me, okay?” Her voice is gentle, reassuring, and you nod in response. She hands you her phone and gently asks you to type in your address before placing it in a small holder on her handlebars.
She effortlessly climbs onto the bike, offering you her arm to hold as you settle in behind her. The engine hums beneath you as she revs it, and you wrap your arms around her, following her instructions to hold on tightly. As she pulls away, the wind whips against your face, the cold biting at your cheeks, so you resort to resting your face against her muscular back.
She smells like pine, it's sweet and earthy and makes your head spin.
She drives fast, skilled hands guiding the bike between cars and filling you with adrenaline. You’re sure she’s even more reckless when she is alone. The idea makes your cheeks go warm.
You take a deep breath, letting yourself sink into her warmth and the feeling of the breeze rushing past you. Your eyes fall closed and your mind clears for the first time in a really long time.
You went to the club to forget your problems, to have a single night where you wouldn’t have to think about all of the shit going on in your life, and yet this woman you don’t even know the name of has eased your mind more than any amount of drinks or loud music or partying. 
You almost whine when you see your street materializing around you, but the idea of a shower and warm food is a momentary distraction from the sadness pooling in your stomach at the knowledge you might never see the woman taking you home again. The sense of comfort that surrounds her is one you know you’ll be longing for. One you already have been, for a long time.
Turning into your driveway, she kills the engine, climbing off the bike and reaching out to help you off. You look up at her and find your words caught in your throat. “Let me walk you inside?” She smiles gently, voice hopeful and nervous. You nod your head gratefully and her hand is on your back again. It sends a shiver down your spine.
When you reach your front door you turn to face her, “thank you… I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t found me” You giggle nervously under your breath. “yeah, of course”. Her voice is ever gentle, soft and reassuring. It stirs something within you. It's a way you’ve never been spoken to before. It makes you ache (both in the heart and between your thighs).
As your hand grazes the door handle, she hesitates, her voice tinged with nervousness as she speaks again “Feel free to tell me to fuck off if I read this completely wrong but- can I give you my number?”
You fight off the urge to squeal in excitement, but can’t fight the smile that grazes your face. The blonde girl in front of you feels her heart thump at the sight, and then thump even harder when you hand her your phone. "I would like that," you reply, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of seeing her again. 
She hands your phone back and you finally take a step inside your home, turning back to bid her goodbye. “Get home safe” you smile softly at her. “Sleep well, sweetheart” She flicks a few fingers up in a wave goodbye
You gently close the door, glancing out the window and watching as she lights a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the night air. Your teeth graze against your bottom lip, pushing down a grin as you recall the night. Glancing down at your phone you feel your heart race at the name ‘Abby <3’ shining back brightly.
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wh1msic4lwasab1 · 30 days
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𝑲𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑲𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒚-!! ≽^•⩊•^≼
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synopsis: L&Ds men interactions when you get a cat!
tags: fluff, nothing suggestive very cute and wholesome
a/n: rare blue moon occasion where i write fluff LMAO but this was toooo cute of a request
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Gets a little too jealous.
You’d never seen him like this, especially over a pet.
When you got pet fish he never batted an eye, even offering to feed it or get some decorations for your tank.
But with your new kitty, he thinks you spend far too much time with it.
Insisting it needs to “learn how to live” by itself, but when you tell him the same he pouts.
When you end up falling asleep on the couch, circled up with kitty on your lap, he’ll scowl; trying to slowly place himself behind you and nap alongside you, quickly getting hissed off. The cat could definitely feel Xavier’s resentment.
You walked into quite the spectacle the other day, hearing mumbling coming from your living room while you exited your bed.
As if Xavier was talking on the phone, but it was the cat…
You lurk behind the wall, seeing him seated criss cross on the floor, dancing a treat infront the cats mouth, “Alright…today you’ll leave us alone okay…and more treats…” he whispers, repeating over and over as if its interested in anything but the treats.
He took it like how you thought…you’d wake up too many times to see him crawling over you to the other side of the bed if your kitty slept near him.
Always wondering how you’d let such a “beast” sleep next to you while in a most vulnerable state.
When you were in be shower you thought you heard an entire crime scene go down.
But when you exited the bathroom, hair wet and soap still dripping down your legs with a towel around you…It was Rafayel calling for you.
“It’s- It’s licking me! Make it stop- You monster!!! No don’t go near the paint- Y/n-!”
He’d spend time lecturing the cat as if it could understand him, arms crossed and all…what a drama queen.
He pampers it like it’s your child. He was “annoyed” at first, he likes cats maybe even more than the next guy but he believes they’re predators who can fend for themselves, and deserve respect for their resilience.
All that chatter yet you find your own cat with a collar that costs your entire paycheck. Matching bowls, toys, scratching posts, and even a self cleaning litter box.
You found that Sylus likes to spoil everything he likes.
When you took him to the supermarket to buy treats for the kitty, you tried to make sensible but generous choices, picking up a pretty good brand according to some internet forums.
As you held it in your hand you saw Sylus look at you with a face of disgust. He took it from you slowly, pinching it from the top like it was disease ridden, “…What kind of garbage is that….we can’t feed this them this?” He says, opting for the most expensive bag of treats you layed your eyes on. “We should just have the chefs make fresh treats next time…”
So now you and your cat are both resident sugar babies.
Is often very fond of it, but sometimes there’s mild jealous. he’s not the jealous one, nor is the cat…
It seemed a little odd to you, how Zayne would sit on the other end of the couch and keep it company during your movie nights.
He’d feed it, pet it, bathe it even!
The cat was basically his now…
One time you called Zayne, frantic and scared thinking she ran away.
He assured you that she was actually just at the hospital with him…for some odd reason. He claimed the cat wouldn’t let him leave your home that morning without coming along.
When you tried to coerce the kitty to come back with you, you thought you’d bring her “favorite” toy.
“No- no she doesn’t like that one…”
And then- he pulled out a rattling toy from his office desk to entertain her with.
This cats got good taste in men you suppose.
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whimsic4alwasab1 ™ - do not copy, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own.
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roosterforme · 11 months
The Younger Kind Part 38 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You and Bradley spend some family time fishing on the boat, followed by some private time just for the two of you. But after a dreamy afternoon, you want to return to the lake house and see Noah before bedtime. Then you get distracted by what you see on Bradley's phone.
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, smut, pregnancy talk, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley had never seen anyone get so happy about an earthworm before. Noah thought they were hilarious, and he made a mess on the floor of the boat, playing with them while everyone else was fishing. 
"Hey, Bub, can I have one of the worms to use as bait?" Bradley asked him when he checked his hook to see that it was empty. There were a few other boats out in the middle of Big Bear Lake, and it was just a beautiful day to spend with everyone. 
"Here," Noah picked one up and handed it to Bradley. "Feed the fish, Daddy."
"Thank you," he replied, bending to kiss his son on the head and accept the worm. 
"I need one, too," you said, holding out your hook for Bradley. You were not as delighted by the worms as Noah was. Bradley knew he'd be the one cleaning up the mess later, but it didn't matter. Amelia was sunbathing, Penny was reading, and Mav was the only one catching any fish. But everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Once Bradley got you set up with fresh bait, you stepped a little closer to him and whispered, "Thanks, Daddy." And it was like he was back in bed with you. The way he wanted to touch you right now as you ran your fingers along his thigh was indecent. You were wearing the tiniest dress he'd ever seen with your bathing suit on underneath it, and Bradley slid his sunglasses down to look at you. 
"I need you to behave," he replied softly enough that nobody else could hear him over the radio playing. "You'll get it later."
You whimpered softly. "That's your Daddy voice."
"Later," he told you firmly with a smirk. He knew what he was doing. Amelia, Maverick and Penny already offered to take Noah back for an afternoon nap so you and he could have the boat alone for a bit, and then he would do anything you wanted. The two of you could watch the sun set and drink some of the weird seltzers you packed. Bradley could hold you on his lap just the way he liked where you looked at him and talked to him like you'd never need anything else but him. 
Then he felt something tugging his line as he started reeling it in. "Noah! I got a fish! Come help me!" Noah scrambled over to where Bradley was sure he had hooked a fish, and he placed Noah's little hand beneath his own so he could help reel it in. 
"Did it eat the worm?" Noah asked, his little arm pumping as fast as it could with Bradley's. 
"Maybe," he replied as you knelt down next to them to cheer them on. Even Amelia came over to see how big it was as it came to the surface, wiggling around all over the place. 
"I don't know if it's a keeper," Maverick said as he reached for his measuring tape. 
Noah was cackling as the fish splashed water up on his face. "It ate the worm! It ate the worm!" 
"It's not big enough," Maverick confirmed, and Bradley handed you the rod so he could take the fish off and return it to the water. 
"We can't keep this one, Bub," Bradley told him as he untangled the hook. "Sorry." He dipped the fish back into the lake and then let it swim away.
Noah's eyes suddenly filled with tears. "We can't have a dog or a fish?"
Now you and Noah were both looking up at him with the saddest eyes he'd ever seen. "We just want a pet," you whispered, kissing Noah's chubby cheek.
"Good Lord," Bradley muttered, and you cracked a smile. "Noah, that's not even the kind of fish you can keep as a pet. It's too big to have at home. Pet fish are like little goldfish from the pet store."
"Maybe we can get him a beta fish for his room?" you asked as everyone else returned to their previous activities. 
"Maybe," Bradley grunted. "Jesus, I think I'd rather have a dog than have to keep flushing fish and trying to find identical looking ones to replace it with."
"Yay!" you chanted, picking Noah up and instantly making him smile. "I think it's working." Then you pulled the wet wipes out of your bag and cleaned him up before letting him sit up on the top part of the boat and eat his sandwich. Bradley made a mental note to look up which dog breeds didn't shed.
You sat on the plush bench and waved to everyone else while Bradley slowly pulled the boat away from the dock. Amelia and Penny were holding the empty cooler. Noah was perched up on Maverick's shoulders wearing his aviators and shouting, "Bye, Mommy! Bye, Daddy!" You blew him a kiss and watched them start walking back up to the house.
The afternoon sun was hot on your skin but the rush of air was keeping you cool as you leaned back and closed your eyes. You weren't going to be able to hide your desire for Bradley, your body was already thrumming with need. When you opened your eyes and pulled your legs up onto the bench so you could undo your sandals, your eyes caught on Bradley's broad back and shoulders. The wind was whipping through his hair as he stood in front of the captain's chair and steered the boat to a quieter, more secluded part of the lake. 
When he eased back on the throttle and the engine noise quieted a bit, you stood and wrapped your arm around his waist from behind. Bradley tucked you against his side with a smile before sliding you to stand right in front of him. "Why don't you steer for a while? I got some other things I want to do."
He guided one of your hands up to the wheel and placed your other hand on the throttle, and then his big hands found their way to your body. He swayed behind you to the motion of the boat as you steered along the shoreline on the far side of the lake where there were fewer houses. Bradley bunched the fabric of your dress up in both of his hands as he squeezed your waist through your dress. "I love you, Princess," he murmured against your neck and bare shoulder. 
You leaned back into his warmth and asked, "How do we stop the boat?"
Bradley covered your hand on the throttle with his and eased it all the way down until the engine died, his lips never leaving your skin. And now you felt warm everywhere as the sun beat down on your bodies and glittered off the water. The boat drifted gently along toward the middle of the lake as Bradley murmured, "I can't believe you have me considering getting a dog. What have you done to me?"
You spun in his arms and laughed. "That was all Noah."
"Nah, it was you, too. And you know it."
"You're just a big softie for us," you whispered as a bead of sweat trickled down your back at the same time you felt goosebumps on your legs. Bradley reached down for the hem of your sundress and started to guide the fabric up to your hips. 
"If we have a baby," he rasped, "it'll just get worse. I'll be outnumbered three to one."
"Four to one if there's a dog involved," you added, nodding helpfully. 
"Four to one?" He pulled your dress off, leaving you standing there in your purple bikini that didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination. "Can't I at least have the dog on my side?"
"You can try." You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "Good luck with that."
"Well shit," he grunted, pressing himself against your belly. He was already hard, but you were enjoying the way his fingers were trailing slowly down your back like he wasn't in a rush. "Looks like I'm just a big softie after all."
You nodded solemnly. "There's nothing that can be done for you, Daddy. But at least you're hard where it counts." He smirked when you squeezed him through his bathing suit. 
"That's just for you, too." You could feel him untying the knot in your bathing suit straps along the middle of your back before bringing his rough hands around to cup your bare breasts as the top hung off of your neck. "And these are mine."
"Yes, Daddy." You tried to return his kisses, but your head tipped back, and you moaned as he teased you. He stroked the undersides of your breasts so gently before bringing his thumbs up to pinch your nipples and then soothing them. "Oh god," you moaned as he pinched you again. 
You clenched hard around nothing as Bradley leaned down to run his nose and mustache along your jaw. "You're always so sensitive for me. You gonna make me beg for this right now?" 
"You don't have to beg," you moaned as his right hand came up to stroke your cheek before he untied your suit bottoms and let them fall to your feet. You could feel his fingers press against your clit before sliding down to your opening, and his lips met your ear. 
"You're such a good girl."
You could barely think when he talked to you like this and touched you just right. He'd spend all day working you up and getting you off if you told him you wanted him to. You knew he would. You knew he'd take care of you in every way. You knew he loved you. You'd never had anything even close to this, and now you'd never want anything else. 
On shaky legs, you managed to push him back onto the captain's chair and scramble up onto his lap. "Daddy," you panted softly before pressing your lips to his and rubbing your soaking wet pussy on his hard cock through his bathing suit. He'd reduced your vocabulary to just that one word. "Daddy."
Bradley seemed to understand that you needed him as he lifted his hips up and pulled his cock free, and you were sinking down around him before he was even seated again. "Oh, yeah," he groaned as he carefully untied the last knot at the back of your neck and let your bikini top join your bottoms. "Mine."
His hands on your hips only let you move at the slowest pace that left you a little dizzy as his mouth found your breasts. So you ran your hands up his strong arms to his shoulders and held on as he took everything nice and slow. You could barely focus on your surroundings long enough to determine if anyone was closeby to see the two of you fucking. 
"What if somebody....?"
He released your nipple with a pop and said, "They can't see us, Baby." Then he kissed his way up your chest to your neck, and he groaned as your pussy squeezed around him. "Fuck."
"Feels good," you whispered, still rocking at that deliciously slow tempo as he brought his lips up to meet yours. Playful kisses and nibbles led to the soft sweep of his tongue against yours as you played with his hair. Every few strokes of his cock left you fluttering around him. "Oh. Oh!" you gasped, a little surprised and bashful at how your orgasm was creeping up on you. And about how strong it was. 
Bradley broke the kiss so he could watch your face in awe as you suddenly keened loudly, rolling your hips. Rolling. Squeezing. He was hitting every sensitive spot inside you with his pretty cock, and your clit rubbed his coarse, trimmed hairs until you were shaking. Your toes curled. Your fingers shook as you tried to hold onto him. Your head lulled back as you came and came. 
And those big hands on your hips guided you through the whole thing.
"Princess," Bradley groaned, his eyes squeezing shut in pleasure as his forehead creased almost like he was in pain. "Oh, fuck. Baby!" He pushed himself deeper up into you as he filled you with cum, and you let your cheek rest on his warm shoulder, unable to hold yourself up any longer. 
He held you tight as he panted, stroking his fingers down your back and making you shiver. Your name was a whisper on his lips as he told you he loved you, and he kept himself buried inside you like he needed to feel close. No, you'd never want anything else. 
You were a little sweaty and sticky from his cum dripping down your legs as Bradley helped you stand up. "I have an idea," he murmured, brushing his fingers along your shoulder and kissing your forehead softly. You looked like you were still in a daze as you glanced around in every direction to make sure there was still nobody else around. God, you looked like he'd just fucked you to within an inch of your life, when in reality he'd just led you through a slow-build orgasm that left you practically screaming for him. 
He kissed your cheek one more time before he stripped out of his swim trunks and climbed up onto the edge of the boat, jumping into the crystal clear lake. The water felt freezing on his overheated skin, and he laughed as you finally seemed to snap out of your daze.
"You coming in?" he asked as he pushed his hair away from his forehead and started to tread water. 
"Is it cold?"
He kind of shrugged and said, "Feels great. Would feel even better if you were in here with me."
Bradley watched you climb awkwardly up onto the edge and scream as you jumped in, your gorgeous body fully on display for him. He watched you go under and then come up sputtering. "It's freezing, you liar!"
He chuckled and swam over to you, and then he wrapped you in his arms and kissed your fingers and your purple painted nails. "We'll get out in a minute, and I'll wrap you up in a towel and snuggle with you on the bench."
"Yes," you agreed immediately. "I want that now."
Bradley let you swim back to the boat, and he helped you push yourself out of the water so you could wrap yourself in a towel. But he swam a few laps around the boat as he thought about your cum-filled pussy and what that might mean for him if he kept it up. It brought a smile to his face every time he thought about making the other bedroom into a nursery. You were teaching Noah how to read, and pretty soon he might be practicing reading to his baby sibling. Bradley loved the idea of all of it. Even the goddamn dog. 
When he pulled himself up into the boat, you reached out and handed him the other towel. "Thanks, Baby," he said, and you snuggled back sheepishly into your oversize towel on the bench. He walked to the cooler, dripping water along the way as he wrapped the towel around his waist. "What's wrong?" he asked, digging around for the snack he brought. 
"Nothing," you murmured as his hand closed around the bag. 
He plopped down on the bench with a foot of space between your bodies. "Sounds like something."
You bit your lip and said, "It's embarrassing."
"What is?" he asked, setting the bag down and focusing on you. "What could have embarrassed you?"
You rolled your eyes and looked up at the sky which was turning an array of colors as the sun approached the horizon. "My response to you. I know I don't have as much experience as you do, but you pretty much always manage to make me come... and you had me practically screaming just now. And we were barely moving."
"Hey," Bradley whispered. "That was the fucking hottest thing. Nothing to be embarrassed about." When you didn't respond, he said, "It's not just you. Yeah, you're sensitive for me, and I love using that to my advantage. But you make me wild like nobody else ever has."
"Really?" you asked, lowering the towel from your face a few inches. "I do?"
"Baby, you almost made me cum in my pants last week. And the first time you gave me head? I thought I was going to pass out or potentially die. That's how turned on I get."
"That's good," you said softly, grinning. "I like being on an even playing field with you."
Bradley reached for the bag of Skittles and said, "I have some more bait."
"You're going to try to catch more fish right now?" you asked, shifting on the bench. 
He shook his head. "I'm not here to catch a fish right now. I'm here to catch a Princess."
"You already caught one," you replied with a laugh.
Bradley held up the bag and shook it gently as a bright smile filled your features. "Just to be sure...."
"Yeah," you whispered as he tore the bag open, "that's the right kind of bait." You crawled across the bench and climbed onto his lap. He welcomed you there as you straddled his thigh and parted your lips. Bradley groaned as he shook a yellow Skittle out of the bag and ran it along your bottom lip before gently setting it on your tongue. You were young and beautiful which was exciting, but you were also smart and strong and loving. And Bradley wanted to take care of this connection with you so it would always be here. 
He kissed you as you slowly chewed your Skittle. "That's a good girl. Take the bait," he said with a laugh, repeating the process with a red one and a purple one. 
"And that's your Daddy voice again," you whispered as he fed you more candy.
"Just practicing for when I'm your Daddy and Noah's Daddy and another little one's Daddy."
You ran your nose along his as you smiled and whispered, "Don't forget about the dog."
The sun set with you wrapped in your towel on his lap and your head on his shoulder. You chewed up the last piece of candy just as Bradley whispered that it was getting dark and you needed to head back. He helped you slip your dress back on, and he steered the boat back to the dock with you nestled against his body. "I kind of want this forever," he murmured.
"Me too."
You and Bradley finally made it back to the dock in the semidarkness. It took you a few times to tie everything down correctly as you laughed. You felt like you were on a bit of a sugar rush from the Skittles, and you giggled when Bradley said, "Holy shit. We almost forgot your bathing suit."
He jumped back onto the boat from the dock as you held up his phone flashlight so he could see. "It wouldn't have been the end of the world if we left it here."
"Yes, it would," he replied, bending down near the captain's chair to retrieve both pieces. "What would you spend all summer sunbathing in on our deck at home?"
"Nothing at all," you said, and he dropped your bikini top and had to pick it up again. 
"Shit," he grunted while you laughed, and your fingers slipped on his phone. You gasped and caught it in both hands, accidentally opening up his web browser which was filled with open tabs to diamond engagement rings. Your jaw dropped as you looked at rings more beautiful than anything you'd ever seen before. Bradley had apparently even taken a quiz titled Which engagement ring is perfect for my future wife?
Future wife. He'd talked about it before. Mentioned a ring and a future and security. You were in his will. He let Noah call you his mommy. He wanted to get married. But you almost dropped the phone again when you noticed a tab that said baby girl names.
"We almost forgot our trash, too," Bradley said as he climbed back onto the dock, holding up the Skittles wrapper along with your bathing suit. 
You were in a daze as you murmured, "Don't call Skittles wrappers trash. They serve a very important role by delivering delicious treats to princesses."
"Oh, you're right. I'm sorry," he said with a bit of an eye roll as he squatted down in front of you and helped you buckle your sandals for the walk back to the house. "It's not just common trash. It's a symbol of royalty."
"That's right," you whispered. You had his face partially illuminated by the flashlight as you scrolled through some of the baby names before closing out of the browser. He was taking all of this very seriously. You should have known he would; as soon as he'd deleted that dating app from his phone, he was all in. All yours.
You handed him back his phone when he stood, and you launched yourself into his arms. He kissed you and rubbed your back through your dress. You could hear his stomach growling which made you smile even more as you kissed your words against his lips. "I love you."
His response was a deep, soft rumble at the back of his throat. "I love you too, Princess."
"Let's go eat dinner and see Noah." He seemed to like your response, rewarding you with so many kisses on the short walk back to the house. But when you arrived, it was later than you anticipated. Maverick was asleep on the couch next to the Christmas tree, Amelia was eating Christmas cookies, and Penny was reading the end of her book. 
"Noah's already asleep," she whispered. "I gave him a bath, and then he was closing his eyes before his head hit the pillow. We grilled dinner. Grab some leftover burgers and hot dogs from the kitchen if you want," she added with a smirk.
At least she didn't comment on how messy Bradley's hair looked or the fact that he was carrying your bathing suit in his big hand when you used to be wearing it under your dress. "Sounds good," you whispered, and Bradley followed you into the kitchen. You watched him eat a handful of cookies while you heated up some of the leftovers from dinner. Then he inhaled two burgers and a hot dog while you ate one burger. 
"You were starving," you said with a laugh, noting that he looked very relaxed although tired. 
"I was," he groaned, eating another cookie. "Sun, sex and boating. Oh man. Wiped me right out."
"You're a simple man," you said, pushing him down the hallway toward your bedroom and the ensuite bathroom. "Let's take a shower."
You let Bradley wash your body with his big, soapy hands as he hummed his favorite song against your skin. Your belly was full and your senses were overwhelmed by his voice and the lemon scented soap and the steamy shower. You were yawning as he carried you to the bed, your skin still a little damp as you climbed naked under the covers with his body at your back. He was impossibly warm, fingers laced with yours, legs tangled together. 
"Love you," he murmured, kissing your shoulder. 
You thought about his phone as you brought your hand along with his to rest against your belly. "If we have a baby," you asked softly, "do you think you'd want a boy or a girl?"
"Mmm. Don't care," he replied right away, and he sounded like he was already starting to fall asleep. "But a girl would be nice."
The way I want to live in this chapter. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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pressureplus · 1 month
Ah hi there Author-San! Just saw your ask box open so I had to request this prompt which is bugging me forever
The reader is female, but looks exactly identical to Sebastian when he was human, hair, eyes, face, everything. Like identical twins, except for the gender change.
Like one fine day our foish guy is chilling in his shop waiting for the expendables when the reader comes through and open her helmet, causing Sebby to go through five stages of confusion like a washing machine.
Hi there, author here, and I LOVE this idea! Hope you don't mind me running a bit wild with it!
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Pairing: Sebastian Solace x Fem!Reader
Au: Classic
Warnings: N/A
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You broke through the water, hands grasping the metal in front of you with a huff. A bit of a struggle to pull yourself up and into the room, but you managed anyway. Laying flat on your stomach for a moment to try and catch your breath. Any moment to spare that wasn't spent looking over your shoulder for an angler was a good one. You felt yourself begin to relax, but that didnt last long at all as the light in the room mysteriously flickered on. A more golden color than the other rooms you've been in, and higher too? You sit yourself up only to freeze, panic rushing through your veins like shards of ice. There, sitting taller than any of the previous creatures you've encountered, was what you could only describe as some kind of fish man. His fins flick back and forth as he tilts his head. A smile on his face as his upper set of hands clasp together.
“Welcome, welcome! Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you.” His voice is smooth and calm, an unfamiliar playfulness that you'd have never expected of a creature down here ringing through.
“Despite what you may have seen, heard, or been told. My name is Sebastian, your only friend.” You aren't particularly fond of the way he says only. Something about it makes your stomach churn and your anxiety build. You can't tell if that's to say he isn't really your friend, or if that's more to the effect of saying there's more things looking out for you down here. You don't like either option. You don't want anything watching over you, mostly because you don't trust it. You've only ever heard this name spoken by the higher ups in whispers, like he's the boogeyman or something. His voice on the intercom talking about the mess he's made of all the operatives sent down to dispose of him. Its a little hard not to be intimidated.
“There's no need to be so tense, I'm not going to bite. Look. You have data, lots of it. All that data you've been collecting doesn't really have a use to you, now does it? Now I have all sorts of things you might need, medkits, batteries, and the like.” He shifts his tail forward just a bit, allowing you to get a good look at his wares.
“For the price of that data that you certainly have no need for, you could have something actually useful to you down here. Isn't that nice?” He hums out as you stand up. Your hands coming up to your helmet to tug it off with a gasp. A nice deep breath in of the oddly fresh air in here leaves you a bit more relaxed as you shake your head. Your hair falls into a messy heap more so than anything particularly pretty or graceful. Imagine if you could have that kind of hair care routine down here? A girl can dream, right? You lean over to get a good look at Sebastians things, but the fish doesn't say a word. His entire body seems tense, gaze locked on you.
“Uh- everything okay?” You ask, but he seems to almost be staring through you.
“Whats your name?”
“Y/N? Why?” You attempt to ask but he’s already leaned his face close to yours, leaving you both tense and uncomfortable. His third hand falls to your hip to tug you in. One hand pushing your hair back, and the other cupping at your cheek. His eyes bright as they flick around your face. His breath comes out oddly shaky, its hard to tell if that's fear or anger or what. Still he releases you all at once, staring you down like you'll stab him while his back is turned. He seems shaken up, like one of those small puppies that gets lost in rooms that are too big.
“You alright? You're acting really jumpy for a man that was talking so smooth just a moment ago.”
“Where did you get that- why do you look like that?”
“Ouch? I can't exactly help the way I was born. You didn't have to be so rude about it. That's a real fucking mean way of calling me ugly.”
“No- no you're not- that's not-” He attempts to correct himself but really just devolves into confused choked noises.
“Is there something specific about my face you don't like or? Like, should I put the helmet back on?”
“NO! No I just…haven't seen a face like that in a while. You remind me of someone is all. Someone I miss.” You hesitate for a moment before allowing the defensiveness to wash off you. He’s grieving, maybe? I mean seeing someone that looks like a loved one you can't see anymore must hurt, right? Especially down here. You're certain that if you'd been trapped down here as long as he has and saw someone that looked identical to a loved one on the surface, you'd probably freak out too.
“Can- Can you see them again?”
“No. They…They've been dead for a long time.”
“Im sorry for your loss.”
“No, no it's fine. Seeing you was just a bit shocking is all. Never mind that- is there something you wanted to buy?” He tries to carry on, but now, every time you step into his shop. He can't help but let his eyes linger on your face.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt for 🦄; Billy adopts Conner and it actually goes pretty good! (( chrono || non-chrono ))
They take the cookbooks into the kitchen together and page through them, leaving Tawky on the couch to read, and Billy compares some recipes with some other recipes and also with what’s in the kitchen, and Lynn spends most of the conversation frowning and not really saying much, like, definitive stuff. But also Lynn doesn’t know what about ninety-nine point nine percent of literally all food in existence tastes like, so Billy’s not really surprised by that. Cadmus taught him how to cook, but didn’t teach him how anything actually tasted. 
Thinking about that, Billy is very, very strongly reminded of them teaching Lynn how to read, but not ever telling him any stories. 
He does kind of wonder why they taught Lynn how to cook and drive, though. Reading makes more sense, if they wanted him to be able to file mission reports and read mission briefings and stuff like that, but cooking and driving don’t really seem like . . . well . . . 
A weapon wouldn’t need to cook or drive, right? They’d just be . . . supplied, or deployed, or . . . like, they wouldn’t get taught how to do anything that they could do to take care of themself, or live outside a lab, or . . . 
Yeah. That’s a little weird, now that Billy’s thinking of it. He wonders if . . . well, he’s not sure what he’s wondering, exactly. 
But he’s wondering, he guesses. 
Lynn sorts through all the meat in the fridge by its expiration dates, which is really smart, Billy thinks–though Lynn gets embarrassed again when he says so–and then sorts the vegetables by what should last the longest, apparently. Then he takes out the salmon and asparagus and some little red potatoes and puts it all on the kitchen island and–hesitates, sort of, and glances at Billy. 
Billy kind of wishes it weren’t so obviously a question, but at least they’re communicating better, he figures. 
Or hopes, anyway. 
“That looks good,” he says, peering at the food, and a little bit of tension leaves Lynn’s shoulders. “I don’t think I’ve had salmon before. Is it hard to cook?” 
“. . . I don’t know,” Lynn says stiffly, looking away. Billy blinks, confused, and then realizes–right. Lynn knows how to cook, but he’s never actually done it. 
“Oh, okay,” he says. “Well, we can try it and find out, then.” 
Lynn frowns a little, then glances back at him. 
“You’ve never had salmon?” he asks skeptically. “. . . do you not eat at all, then, or . . . ?” 
“I mean, I do,” Billy says, trying not to sound awkward or defensive about it. Lynn’s just asking because he doesn’t know, after all. “Just not a lot, I guess.” 
Is salmon a weird thing not to have eaten before? He’s more used to, like, fish sticks and breaded haddock and stuff like that. Just whatever frozen stuff the latest fosters bought in bulk and popped in the oven, basically. So really he guesses he hasn’t eaten much fresh fish at all, actually. Not since–
Well. It’s just been a long time. That’s all. 
. . . a really long time.
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ageingfangirl2 · 1 year
We Belong Together Sanji (OPLA)
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Sanji takes an interest in you after finding out your dream. Sanji x Female Reader.
Every month for the past year you'd come to The Baratie to deliver fresh fish since your home was only an island away and you'd taken over from your older brother who was looking after his family. Fishing ran in your blood, you could spend hours on a dock watching the waves. Zeff the owner had been looking for a new fish supplier and your family came highly recommended.
It was hard at first to be taken seriously as the youngest child and only daughter, but you could stand your ground and not take crap from anyone who tried to barter a lower price.
Your boat docks and you stare at the odd restaurant in the middle of the sea, knowing full well what waited for you on the inside. A particular blonde in a suit who'd taken an interest in trying to charm you for the past year. At first,' you thought he was trying to flirt his way to a lower price and shut him down, but after a couple more months you realised he was just a flirter.
You didn't really have time to date guys due to your family business, but you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't like the attention Sanji gave you even if he did it to every girl who walked through the door.
'Okay boys, unload and take the stock around back!' you call out tp your small crew, as you head off the ship to settle up with Zeff.
At this time of day the place was quiet, minus the staff getting ready for dinner service. Zeff comes out of the kitchen grinning, 'did you bring us the big ones y/n?'
You nod, 'only the best for you Zeff.'
He laughs before heading back into the kitchen and you follow him. As soon as you step foot in the kitchen, the main hub of activity you spot Sanji at a station and wave at him. You walk into Zeff's office where he already had your payment waiting, and some paperwork for you to sign.
'I don't know what that boy is up to y/n, but he's been preparing for your arrival,' Zeff speaks up.
You smile and put the berries and paperwork in your satchel, 'thanks for the heads up. Same time next month.'
Zeff waves you off and you head into the kitchen, seeing your guys unloading crates of fish. Sanji appears in front of you naming you jump a little.
'So, I asked around and everyone thinks I'm a great catch and would be perfect for you y/n,' he says proudly, and his accent was more than enough to sway you.
You hum, 'who exactly did you ask?'
Sanji blinked a couple of times before running his fingers through his hair, it was safe to say you made him a little nervous not falling for his charms, 'err like everyone. You and I are meant to be together y/n, I just know it.'
Sanji showing vulnerability surprised you, this was a new side you kind of liked and admired. You motion towards the main door indicating the two of you should head outside if you wanted some privacy.
Once outside you tilt your head towards the blonde, 'tell me why then.'
Sanji bites his lip, 'because I found out we share the same dream.'
'The All Blue,' you whisper.
Sanji nods and closes the space between you, taking your hands in his, 'One day I'll leave this place and I want you by my side y/n.'
'It's not that easy Sanji, what about my family business? You ask and squeeze his hands.
'You've said to yourself your brother and his family can take over. I'm a cook but I need someone to fish for me,' Sanji replies, adding a little humour at the end.
You smirk and meet his eyes, stand on your tiptoes and peck his cheek, 'took you a year but I'm down. When you decide to leave come and pick me up.'
A blush appears on Sanji's cheeks after your brief kiss, 'I guess I'll be seeing you then y/n.'
You nod, 'No sweeping any other ladies off their feet until then, you promise? I'll be back in a month with the next delivery.'
He bends down and kisses your forehead, 'I'm a man of my word y/n.'
Little did you know he'd come calling before the next delivery, and the two of you set sail to The Grand Line to find The All Blue together.
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lvrcpid · 2 years
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your eyes fluttered open as the sun peered through the entrance of the mauri. your body ached in all different spots, the feeling almost dreadful.
“you’re awake, how are you feeling?” a voice called from behind you. it was tonowari. wasn’t he the olo’eyktan? why was he here with you?
noticing your confusion, the metkayina man smiled down at you and lifted you up slowly, minding your head in his hold.
“my wife and daughter went out to gather more herbs for your medicine, i offered to watch you until you woke up.” a small smile spread across your face as your looked up at him “thank you..” you spoke softly as he stood up and gave you a curt nod.
“here child, you need to eat” he brought over a bowl of soup for you. you took the bowl and set it down, your appetite not really setting in just yet. tonowari noticed this and sat down in front of you, taking your hands into yours.
“what’s on your mind child? you seem troubled” you hesitated for a while, you didn’t know if to trust him or not. you haven’t had a stable male figure for basically your entire life, you didn’t know how to open up to anyone.
“well i uh..” you stopped yourself, catching your breath before sighing. you had only met tonowari a few times, and those times were genuinely horrifying, he was a big scary man, you didn’t know he could be this kind hearted.
“well it’s my family..” you started, staring down at the bowl , refraining from eye contact. “i was under there for 4 days before they realized i was gone..they probably would’ve gone longer if we’re being honest” you began to choke up. the thought of their betrayal running circles in your mind.
“it’s been like that my whole life..when neteyam was born it was fine for a while, of course he was a baby he needed more attention .. then came lo’ak..then kiri..” you sighed and looked up at him, his eyes softened as he listened to your troubles, the man took pity on you. you were just a child. no child should go through this
“my parents were more worried about them..my brother was to train to be the next olo’eyktan and kiri to be tsakarem..my parents didn’t believe that i was good enough to do any of the important stuff, they wanted me to stay the hunter of the family..so they gave them all of the attention.”
you pulled a small beaded string from your hair and showed it to the man in front of you. “the last time something was added to my songcord was when i was 3, i had to add things myself..like when i completed my right of passage..alone..or when i caught my first fish..alone” you sighed, reminiscing over your childhood, how blank and bleak it seemed.
tonowari listened to it all. all of your troubles, all of your struggles. he was fuming. you were such a beautiful soul, so innocent and curious, how could your own family treat you like this.
you both didn’t notice ronal and tsireya return. the pair both shared a pitiful glance before carefully sitting at your side. ao’nung was standing there the entire time, he hadn’t left for the morning just yet. at first he didn’t like you, you were some forest freak who came intruding on their land, but after hearing your life story, the male felt for you, he felt bad for you.
he sat next to tsireya as they all began comforting you. the feeling was uncomfortable to say the least, but you weirdly felt safe with them, like that lonely void was being filled little by little.
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after the conversation, ao’nung came and sat next to you, offering his hand “i know my mom said you shouldn��t leave just yet..but you need some fresh air, i know it can get stuffy in here sometimes”
you hesitated. didn’t he JUST try to fight you not even last week, now he’s being a sweetheart? you thought for a minute, hesitantly taking his hand as he raised you up, walking with you outside.
“hey uh..im sorry about last week and..your entire family, nobody deserves that..even if you are a forest freak” he smiled at you. you rolled your eyes at his last comment but smiled anyways, appreciating the apology.
“hey nung!- woah (y/n)?! where have you been?!” you turned your head to see neteyams friend rotxo, he had been there the day you all had arrived to awa’atlu.
“you know..died..came back to life you know, the regular” you joked. “come on not funny (y/n)” he said. your face went serious “oh no im not joking see?” you pointed to your chest and he almost fainted. “man you’re such a wimp” ao’nung laughed and pushed his friend back up on his feet.
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soon eclipse fell onto awa’atlu, the sounds of the ocean waves and forest critters filled the air. you were back in tsahìk mauri with ronal checking up on you.
“you know you don’t have to go back home..you’re more than welcome to stay here with us” ronal spoke, breaking the silence.
“no im okay..i don’t wanna intrude into your family” you spoke, your bones still sore. “nonsense child..it is clear your family has..forsaken you..” ronal trailed off, attempting to be careful with her words. “you are only a child..you need a place to stay..now im not asking..i am telling..” she finished, standing up and looking down at you.
“ao’nung and tonowari will retrieve your things tomorrow..from now on you are staying with us..as a family..i need to keep an eye on you child..” she bent back down and cupped her 4 fingered hand on your cheek.
you felt her warm hands turn into an embrace. you weren’t sure if it was because she was the tsahìk or what but her embrace felt motherly, something you hadn’t experienced. she smelled of flowers and the ocean. a welcoming smell. you held back tears as you softly returned the embrace, mumbling out a quick thank you before breaking the hug. you didn’t want to go back home, you didn’t want to be with that family anymore.
they have the other kids, they’ll be fine without me. i’m pretty sure they don’t even care
when tsireya and aonung heard the news , they were over joyed! ao’nung was finally glad to not be the oldest anymore and he seemingly enjoyed your presence after the day. tsireya was over the moon, she finally had someone who she felt comfortable enough around to tell anything. ronal and tonowari were just as happy, your smiling face after seeing your tearful expression with your family made them happy. they silently promised to eachother they were going to give you the best life you could have.
you finally had a family. a place you were accepted and loved. no matter the conditions.
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when news broke to the sullys, they were truly distraught. you felt bad as you stood in their mauri, head hung low as tonowari stood tall behind you.
“you can’t just take our child!” neytiri yelled, walking towards you and attempting to pull you into her embrace. you shook her off and sighed “they aren’t taking me mom..i’m going willingly” the family fell silent.
jake furrowed his eyebrows before moving to a now sobbing neytiri as she attempted to open her arms to you. you moved back harshly as you turned away from her.
“(y/n) you can’t just leave! we’re your family!” lo’ak shouted, stomping up to you and grabbing your hand. you quickly shoved him away and hissed at him. lo’aks face dropped. you never hissed at him before.
“(y/n) come on just think this through..we’re sorry okay? just don’t leave..we need you..” neteyam slid over to your slowly, refraining from touching you seeing as though that was the last thing you needed.
“neteyam stop-“ you felt a body attach itself to your leg. you looked down and began tearing up. it was tuk. she was sobbing. “(y/n) please don’t go! i’ll be good i’m sorry just please don’t go!!” she clung to you like glue.
kiri couldn’t stand to look at you, knowing she would cry at the scene.
lo’ak was now stomping over to his dad and looking back at neteyam “dad do something!!” his voice cracked , almost crying.
jake looked at you with pleading eyes, almost saying “please don’t do this to us”. you stared down at tuk, tears glossing your eyes as you softly moved tuk from your leg and stormed out of the mauri, mumbling a quick “im sorry” under your breath.
ao’nung walked inside and gave his father a look before beginning to grab your things , jake having to hold neytiri back as ao’nung began to grab your things and move them out.
“dude come on..mom! dad! do something!!” lo’ak was now sobbing as he attempted to plead with his parents. but there was nothing anyone could do, you were gone, out of their grasp.
ronal was outside of the mauri and had heard everything, taking your now sobbing figure into her embrace, rubbing your back as you sobbed into her shoulder. she felt bad for you. she knew you wanted to leave, but knew it would pain you to do so.
neteyam had been crying before a wave of anger washed over him. they were your family, how could you just up and leave them like that.
he pushed past ao’nung before storming to where you and ronal were, yelling out “we’re your family!! sullys stick together remember!! this is selfish!!” he yelled purely from anger and hurt.
his words trigged something in you. selfish. you? selfish.
your sobbing began to die down as you turned to neteyam, storming up to him and grabbing his braids, tossing him back into the mauri.
“you wanna talk family? let’s talk family shall we?”
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zikadraws · 2 years
An actual question which is pretty popular in the Splatoon fandom, how do you think lings wash themselves? Keep themselves clean. Canonically it is stated that water affects them.
Well I actually think I got a pretty good idea of this one !
I've made a little illustrated guide which pretty much summarizes it all, but here is my thought process beneath it anyways. (Long post buckle up)
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So, while it's true that in my mind their ink is already taking care of most of their dirt, one can only swim into their own body fluids before it starts to reek. Especially while being a(n ink)fish. Besides, enemy ink inevitably creates irritations if not properly cleaned off at least once or twice a day. (Off The Hook advises to clean your tentacles thoroughly after a match canonically.)
Now about the water issue, the main thing to keep in mind is that it's mentioned it dissolves Inkfish, sure, but only if they are submerged in it (because ink is less dense that water). So I think that they can take water drops, although it's also mentioned (in a game dev interview) that their skin actually breaks really easily.
But they CAN clean themselves nevertheless ; they just have to follow a few rules.
Absolutely NO BATHS.
Showers only, but put on the lightest drop setting, to the point the water feels more like drizzle (the type of rain they endure the best), just enough to get them moist and allow them to get themselves clean.
(There are specially designed shower heads on the marketplace for that, although it's the norm to have a shower with multiple options. It's recommended to always test the shower when looking for a new place, and use a portable spawner for the first times to be extra secure. Also, check your water pressure before going for a shower.)
Be gentle with your skin and tentacles while cleaning. Use foamy soaps, preferably, and soft sponges. If you're too rough, you might break the skin.
Only run the water to get yourself moisturized, then to wash the soaps. Not any more than needed.
At any time, if it starts to sting, or you feel weak, cut the water and take a break. Listen to your body.
If you don't have the time to take a shower, if you're not feeling like it or simply don't have a shower, there are always specialized body wipes available anywhere in stores. Fitting different kinds of skins & tentacles, with various perfumes, they are ideal to be used between Turf Wars or for a quick groom on the go. You can even clean yourself integraly this way if you wish, but please if you must do that in public, do so in Swim Form. Be decent.
(However, keep in mind the body wipes may be somewhat cheap and required to be at least recyclable, and also a huge market/job source, they still represent a budget, and important waste. Avoid resorting to these only. Water is in most places paid for by the community.)
In any way, do not neglect your hygiene. Else you may develop irritations, itching, dry & crusty tentacles (especially in choppy tentacuts), infections if nontreated injuries, and of course bad odor, which gets pretty bad as you count as a fish. All of these can get you mocked of and ostracized, as Freshness comes from having your turf and yourself figured out and taken well care of (we like to show that off), and unlike you may think- YOUR PEERS NOTICE.
And, of course, always brush your beak and scrub your tongue at least twice a day. Bad hygiene within the beak is the least tolerable, squiddos <3
And so yeah, those are their golden rules when it comes to hygiene. As you can see, I might have gotten a little overboard with it, but I wanted to make it feel like a legit cleaning guide, as I suspect that's something that is taught thoroughly to young Inkfish.
They have various illustrated child books/notices about cleaning safety, and probably have at least one mandatory class about that when they're in elementary school or younger. Being fresh 'n shiny is pretty important, and they are taught to take care of their turf/living space and of themselves, because they need that so they can then properly show off. So they are taught how to do it properly and safely early on, and they're not kidding about that.
I mean in a social system where the store managers can straight up refuse to serve you if you're deemed not fresh enough, you've got to be a little serious when it comes to your personal figure.
Alright, I hope you enjoyed my explanation ! I had a lot of with it~ :))
(Also before I go, I just wanna add a filter I made of this same guide, to make it look like a poorly taken scientific report picture like in a Sunken Scroll, 'cause I thought it was Sunken Scroll material. Enjoy.)
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(Thanks for asking, bye 🎵 =:> =:> =:>)
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villainousauthor · 6 months
The diver coughed and sputtered for a full minute, gasping for air as the sharp rocks digged into her palms.
"Aww poor human, I forgot how much your kind needs air." The melodic voice didn't sound sorry at all, and the moment she caught her breath, the diver looked at the fantastical and terrifying creature that pulled her down into the murky depths.
A mermaid. Of course, it was common knowledge that they existed, but sightings were rare. She never expected to come face to face with one during what was a normal dive.
"Why...what is this place?" She asked, voice still raspy from the salt water. Looking around, she could see she was in a cavern of some sort. An underwater cave with some chambers of air? Sunlight shone in from a crack high overhead, so she must be above sea level, but water lapped all around her feet.
The creature spoke again, and she could decided that she could put the voice and appearance of the mer as vaguely female.
"This is your new home, silly!" She looked her in the face now, noticing her inhuman appearance. She was beautiful, of course, but the diver didn't miss the sharp teeth, and the flash of a third eyelid when she blinked. She felt herself shudder.
"What do you mean? I don't understand," She sat up, moving the clinging wet hair from her face. "Why did you pull me down?"
The mermaid inched closer, pulling herself up on the bank, and the diver's eyes looked down the long expanse of her tale, noting her scales and sharp looking spines and fins. This was a dangerous creature.
"I always wanted a pet human. Your species is so fascinating! But I couldn't take just any human," She speaks with such enthusiasm, and if it wasn't for her appearance and strange lilt of her voice, the diver could almost mistake her for one of the upbeat girls she went to school with. "I saw you swimming, and you looked so pretty that it had to be you!" She finishes with a flourish, tail smacking against the water.
"I can't be a pet! I need to go back." She demands, voice desperate. "I'll just swim out of this cave."
The mermaid flashes her another sharp toothed grin. "You can try, but these caves are dark and twisty. You might run out of air before you can."
The divers frown deepens. She knows the statistics for underwater caving. She hasn't even been trained for it yet, never having thought she'd need it. Her breathing apparatus was gone too, ripped away by the mermaid as she dragged her down.
"I'll starve here," She tries reasoning, "What good of a pet am I if I'm dead?"
The mermaid brought her sharp claws up as she rested her own head in her hands. She watched as her gills fluttered. "I'll bring you food. I know you humans can eat fish, and I'm a good hunter." She says this with pride, as if trying to impress.
"Okay, but I need water. Humans will die without water." She tries countering, heart racing as the situation starts to set in.
"You're silly. There's water all around us." The mermaid giggles, her expression playful.
"Humans can't drink salt water. We need fresh water." She deadpans, trying to make this mermaid see logic.
Her lip juts out, as if this doesn't make a lick of sense. "I don't believe that. This water is perfectly fine! I live in it, and others live in it, and you humans swim in it."
She leans closer, her cold and clammy hand going to toy with a strand of the human diver's hair, and her heart jumps to her throat at the close proximity of those claws that could tear her to pieces within seconds.
"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you. We'll have so much fun together."
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how do you think feral mutations like logans and creeds impact yandere tendencies?
Okay, okay! Good question! (Also, I hope you saw the post with them and Remy and Reader! It's before this one, okay?)
• Feral mutations and instincts do affect and impact platonic yandere tendencies. We'll be exploring some if those!
• Cuddling; most platonic yanderes will want to cuddle you at some point, but feral platonic yanderes? Oh, they are, and will, cuddle you, but it'll be a bit fluffier, a bit tighter, and they'll be purring and nuzzling you the entire time. They're basically acting like mama cats with their kittens...
• Eating and Food; some platonic yanderes will want to bake with you or learn to cook food for you or will want to go out to eat somewhere somewhere you. Feral platonic yanderes will hunt you almost anything you want, drag it back to you, and will even help prepare it if they're not too deep in their instincts. Oh, you want to try deer? Well, here's the whole thing, let them teach you how to git it and skin it. You wanted to try fresh salmon, not the canned kind? Time for a late night or early morning fishing trip, you're coming, and y'all will have enough to bake and fry and baste and roast and grill, whatever way you want it. You want to try something a bit more wild, like alligator? Okay, that's a challenge, and they'll win it, and you'll have some alligator jerky or in your stew and they'll have teeth to string and wear! (I've tried a bit of alligator before, it's a bit chewy, but hey, it's okay). They take pride in feeding you and catching any meat you eat, but if it's an A/B/O AU, and they're omegas, they will eventually want to nurse you themselves...
• Going Out; the platonic yanderes have mixed reactions amd ideas on you going out. The ferals have a list of where you can go, and if you need one of them with you. You can't go to places that are shady or are clubs alone, let alone to concerts or field trips out of state. You can go to places like a zoo or aquarium or the mall, even to the woods or into town, but you have to have another platonic yandere, or them, with you. They can't be with you, and you're catching on to something? They're spying on you, they're spying on your school/job/college/home/base, and are taking notes on everything they need to know about you amd who you are...
• Feeling Sad; if you're sad, the platonic yans want to comfort you or make you feel better. The ferals take this up a notch. If you're sad about being away from home and/or being stuck with their group, they'll give you space, knowing you're overwhelmed. If you're sad for someone hurting you or bullying you, they're hinting that person down, and they're telling you you're one of a kind, you're clearly the better person, and that they won't be a problem much longer... (Sabretooth might eat the worse people, such as evil scientists or abusers... Logan woukd likely git a few or hint them for sport, paying them back for what they did to you)...
• Clothing and Apparel; any of the platonic yanderes would want you to wear something of theirs, or match with them, or having special pieces picked out for each other. The ferals would make sure to scent your clothes, so others know to back off and leave you alone, and they like when one of their blankets or shirts/flannels/jackets smell like you, because it's soothing. If they can, they like you wearing something that goes with their look, such as a jacket, or boots, or certain jeans and flannels. You like bone jewelry? They're gifting you a whole necklace full of teeth or a jar full of a preserved specimen. If you gift them something, they're sewing it into their jacket or wearing it proudly. (They also do have a few pictures of you and them together, and yes, they keep it close by at all times)
(Those are what I could think of off the top of my head! This was fun!)
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