#also may if you do see this please don't judge me i am just having fun :)
rosecoloredtease · 5 months
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just a little sneak peak bts shoots for later this month ▪️◼️◾⬛
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icyg4l · 4 months
PAC: What Do Your Passed On Loved Ones Admire About You?
Hello beautiful people! Today's reading will be a lot more serious than normal so this is a warning for those who will get emotionally triggered. Your passed on loved ones are with you always! I am simply just passing on the message. My condolences to those who have lost a loved one in their lifetime. If you are interested in this reading, please don't be afraid to dm me so that you can book with me! Be sure to refer to my guidelines and dm me if you have any questions. Without further ado, please pick the image that resonates with you the most.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-6)
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Pile One: Tenacity and strength are the first characteristics that come to mind. Your passed on loved one wants you to know that your childlike innocence is a gift not a curse. This could be your uncle. You are someone that can get the truth out of everyone simply because you know what to say. There’s not a lot that you have to say either. You’re quite the persuasive being. They also admire how level-headed you are. Some of your loved ones were more on the fiery side and because of that, they wish they could have been more balanced with their temperament when they were still here. However, this does not mean that you back down to a fight. You know when to open your mouth to protest against the injustices of the world. You have an undying love for humanity, nature and animals. You are so sensitive and precious to your loved ones. You also know when you’ve made a mistake. Your passed on loved ones see you as their Princess Diana. You’re kind and loving to all, but you fight when your back is against the wall or when others are being judged.
Cards Used: 6 of Cups, 7 of Wands, The Magician, 9 of Discs, Princess of Discs, 3 of Discs.
extras: blue ribbon ice cream. no limits. satisfaction guaranteed. mild. “there’s a lesson in everything.” monthly visits. crown. like mike (2002). lesbian. learning accommodations.
Pile Two: “You’re so cool” is the first thing that I heard. You are someone who is the standard. You are the Beyonce of your family. People try to impress you because you’re just that girl/guy/enby. You are an angel on earth. I feel like some of you were bullied when you were younger and this person came to your defense. This could have been an older sibling/cousin, maybe your mother who was younger than most. But you did not let these traumatic events harden you. You grew into a beautiful person. This pile as a whole went through a lot of back-to-back trauma in their lives but your passed on loved one wants you to know that they admire your peaceful approach to life. You are someone that is easy to bond with. I feel like you choose not to drink when the opportunity is presented because you have a bit of a temper when drunk. Your passed on loved one could have been the same way. You also have a fair way of viewing things. You try not to be biased when shown two sides of the story. You consider everything. You value the truth and the moral of the situation. Your integrity matters, Pile Two. Your passed on loved one wants you to continue to be this way.
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, Temperance, The Moon, 4 of Swords, Death, King of Swords, 6 of Discs.
extras: wet shirt. pushya moon. water sign. effervescent. sniffing flowers. moniker. “grown man.” glow. party pants. amazon. purify. NBA roster. sims 4 gaming channel. kawaii.
Pile Three: You are so humble, dear. Your passed on loved ones really admired your ability to talk to anyone. You never felt like you were above anyone. You treat everyone with the respect they deserve. You have stripped yourself down to the point where everyone can see through you clearly. You do not have to depend on material things to make up your self-concept. Your vulnerability is beautiful. It’s not a level of self-awareness that everyone can achieve. Some people may try to make you feel bad for where you come from but you carry yourself with nonchalance. That saying about sticks and stones is personified. Your passed on loved ones admire how you stay out of the way. “This is a crazy world” I heard. It feels like this is an elder talking to you. They believe that you will do big things in this world despite how little you have come from. You were not set up for failure. You have the tools to improve your situation.
Cards Used: The Star (RX), 6 of Cups, The Hermit, The High Priestess, Princess of Discs, Wheel of Fortune.
extras: neck tattoo. “kiss the ring.” ring around the rosie. martian. elephant in the room. malleable. solar system. troubleshoot. best buy. filled gas tank. empty condom box. snoring. aaliyah.
Pile Four: Your passed on loved one admires you in totality. This is your lover, could have been your fiance/fiancee. This also could have been your best friend. They miss your scent. They miss being in your presence, period. They love the shape of your eyes. They love the way you smile and tilt your head downward. You have this unexplainable quality about you that lights up the room. They know that life is different without them but they want you to keep going. Your go-getter, flirtatious nature is admirable as well. You have this lust for life that everyone should have. Your lover misses your physical touch. Your ability to get up every morning and go to sleep at night makes them want to come back down to Earth temporarily. Your person could have had some egotistical qualities about themselves but they love that you loved them with all your heart. They see you as their other half. They want to reunite with you in another life. This story is to be continued, my love.
Cards Used: Princess of Swords, 9 of Wands, 4 of Cups, King of Wands, 2 of Cups, The Lovers.
extras: eartha kitt. purr. austin powers costumes. chapell roan. meeting in college. musical.ly.
Pile Five: You take pride in your appearance. You stay in the gym to keep your figure right. You get your nails and hair done. You pick out the right colors for your wardrobe. You stay on top of your shit. But you also have this side to you that is in tune with the world around you. You have the perfect amount of both feminine and masculine energy to them. Are you a lawyer or social justice advocate? Your passed on loved one wants you to know that you can do all. You’re living proof that anything can happen. This feels like a male’s energy. He was a dominating force in the household and he was young. This could be your father or older brother. They are smiling down on how you have manifested everything that you two talked about. They were there in spirit when you made history/reached a milestone. They also admire how you keep in touch with family even after their death. They admire how you keep your promises even if it’s something that you don’t want to do. You need to learn to ask for help though and stop being so stubborn. They appreciate the altar you dedicated to them. If not, you need to. It would strengthen the relationship between the two of you.
Cards Used: Ace of Cups, The Emperor, Queen of Cups, Justice, The Star, 10 of Wands, 10 of Cups.
extras: quen blackwell. new workout plan (2004). ari fletcher. olivia pope. kpop bias. fallen curtain. sweeping feet.
Pile Six: When I pulled for you, I thought of the movie ‘Paid in Full’. Whoever your loved one is, they lived a dangerous/risky life at some point. But they admire how cutthroat you are. You get stuff done. You keep stuff moving. Your passed on loved one says that you have their swag. You have a lot of mental energy. You’re smart, both book and street smart. Your loved one says to stay safe and live life to the fullest; but also live it the clean way. They like how you stay outside in nature with the wildlife. I feel like you are the breadwinner or you at least have a lot of money saved up. You are attempting to gain financial stability at a young age and I can hear claps because of that, lol. Along with your practical side, they admire your outlook on life. You try to be as fiscal as possible but you also try to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You will party with a lot of people. I feel like your person was kind of uptight. I feel like you never miss a chance to make money. You’re a “hustler”, just like your loved one. This person feels like an uncle, a cousin, maybe your father.
Cards Used: King of Discs, King of Wands, 2 of Swords, King of Swords, 7 of Swords, Queen of Discs.
Extras: “keep it in the family.” “no one knows.” pork rinds. round glasses. beeper. shady business. groupme. “out of line.” solo dolo. throwback. paying tribute.
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sirenjose · 1 month
Characters' Wishing Stars
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(Updated to include every character's wish, then added more thoughts about more of the other wishes. Thoughts on Norton's/Fool's Gold's and Jose's are at the end)
Part 1 - Wishing Stars
Lucky: I wish for good fortune for everyone! May the lucky star bless all!
Emily: May all be endowed with wellness and joy. May sickness be but a distant shadow in this world.
Freddy: I've made some mistakes, Martha, but I've never regretted loving you.
Kreacher: Set adrift toward the yonder, and let everyone know: Kreacher's ambitions shall be made manifest! Mark my words!
Emma: Father, Mother, are you well? Do you, too, gaze up at the stars this evening?
Servais: I wish to one day stand on the grandest stage of magic! That day will surely come.
Kurt: To live in this beautiful world is a blessing, and in the future, I hope to pursue adventures in higher, farther, and grander realms!
Naib: Will this lantern reach the rivers of my homeland? If so, I wish for it to tell her I'm doing well.
Martha: May each soul find sanctuary, never to lose oneself, never to drift astray.
Tracy: Changing the world might be too lofty an ideal, but I at least want to invent things that bring happiness to more people!
William: Someday, I will be acknowledged! Victory is the domain of the brave-those who defy adversity!
Helena: The night sky must be beautiful, just as it is in my imagination. If possible, I'd like to see this wonderful world with my own eyes someday.
Fiona: Mother, do you see? I've taken another step closer to the truth of this world.
Vera: Vera, I wish you well. It was all worth it.
Kevin: They say the departed become stars.. Even now, I still remain shamefully illuminated by your light.
Margaretha: In the not-too-distant future, there will surely be a stage as brilliant as this starry sky meant solely for me. This is my wish.
Eli: Stars, rivers, flowers. This is a beautiful dream I never anticipated, so please let this dream last a little longer.
Aesop: May this lantern find tranquil shores, as may I.
Norton: I want to live a better life.
Patricia: May fate judge all wrongdoing.
Murro: Well-being to all! I hope someone, somewhere, will remember Murro.
Mike: I wish to bring joy to more people and help everyone forget their troubles!
Jose: May all my loved ones embark on their own journeys, and may lighthouses guide them to safe harbors.
Demi: Brother, are you well? Are you admiring this starry sky too?
Victor: To whoever sees my letter and lantern, know that Victor wishes you eternal happiness.
Andrew: Though I cannot gaze directly upon the sun, this eve, I've beheld the most resplendent darkness. I am grateful for this night and for those who accompany me.
Luca: Those who march toward science and truth will not regret it. One day, I will prove everything.
Melly: What a beautiful night. I hope all those little lives be cherished, as they rest beneath the grass and leaves.
Edgar: The shifting starry sky hides endless beauty and mystery, and we mortals, mere chroniclers of this splendor, stand and gaze, as do I.
Ganji: I wish the people of my hometown healthy and prosperous. At least, tonight, I'm looking at the same sky as you.
Annie: May every child grow in peace and happiness. May every little toy cradle your grandest dreams.
Emil: I often forget the past, but from now on, every day shall brim with bliss. I wish that everyone could remember only happiness.
Ada: I wish for Emil's good health. May we all cherish the present and the love of others.
Orpheus: Fate pens the finest tales, so I hope everyone's story holds fewer regrets, twists, and at least, more favorable conclusions.
Memory: The stars are exceptionally beautiful tonight! I also wish to be a kind, loving person who brings happiness to everyone.
Weeping Clown: One day, when the audience watches Joker, they, too, will wear a genuine, satisfied smile.
Professor: I don't have any wishes, save for this lantern to journey far, far away.
Qi: May old companions fare well.
Frederick: The night always brings to mind fragments of the past and chaotic whispers, yet from such whispers, countless great inspirations arise.
Alice: Alice, follow the path you believe to be true, for earnest living begets serendipity.
Charles: Stars, please tell me - should I hold on a little longer?
Lily: I shall alter all through sheer endeavor, Simon.
Matthias: Will the moonlight shine on me… on Matthias?
Florian: The bright yet warmthless stars evoke memories of childhood Christmases.
Evelyn: Are you still searching for your destination.
Leo: Lisa, may you grow up healthy and safe.
Joker: Come on! I wish for everyone to share in the madness and mirth with me!
Jack: Should I wish for clarity, or pray to forever bask in this enchanting night…
Bane: May no creature suffer harm. May the heart of humanity awaken to conscience.
Violetta: Oh, beautiful stars… I wish everyone well! I hope… I hope everyone can be loved.
Michiko: Love is bittersweet, and time ticks on without a care. Gazing at the moon always brings to mind those no longer with us.
Hastur: (There is no writing on the wishing star, but it shows signs of having been soaked in water.)
Wu Chang: May you be well, may the years be kind, and may lovers remain together in love.
Joseph: Does moonlight hold the power to turn back time? If such a thing were true, I'd wish to return to the time when you were still here.
Burke: It's too late for me to start making any wishes. But if everyone else is safe and happy, this old soul can rest easy.
Yidhra: (The wishing star is blank, but a fierce night wind blows upon beholding it.)
Robbie: I want a songbird that can fly to where my parents are and sing to them.
Luchino: Rather than making wishes, I believe humanity ought to strive for advancement through diligence.
Mary: The illusion of opulence has been shattered. Given another beginning, I'd choose to be the master of my destiny.
Bonbon: It's been a pleasure knowing you! Bonbon!
Ann: I'm lucky to have found a purpose in life. I hope everyone's kindness and faith will not be in vain.
Antonio: My violin bow, please play the most exquisite, unbound melodies.
Galatea: Stars above, please grant me more inspiration and opportunities to create beautiful works.
Percy: (The wishing star is unmarked, save for traces of motor oil, resembling a moon perhaps?)
Polun: We want money! Wealth! Fame! Of course, we want our dear father and mother too!
Grace: I wish for no one to be lonely. I wish that you could all be happy. As for me, I can't think of any wishes.
Philippe: If my sister and I could gaze at this starry sky together, my wish would be fulfilled.
Nightmare: Congratulations, you've glimpsed the writings of the "Nightmare" in this wondrous dream!
Keigan: I wish for this world to have more justice and rationality. That should be enough.
Alva: May more forsake the folly of human nature and choose to approach the truth.
Ithaqua: Mother, if possible, I wish to at least dream of those moments in the woods and snow at night.
Sangria: Burn once more, for I still seek to prove my worth.
Fool's Gold: I've already dug my way out of fate's mine. Haven't I?
Ivy: (The paper is scribbled with 2 little girls holding a wishing star lantern together.)
Part 2 - Thoughts
In general, all of them are pretty good and I definitely think helps paint a better picture of each character, who they are deep down, and what their priority/goal is.
Quite a few few of them though are fairly sad, including (to me) Freddy, Naib, Helena, Kevin, Murro, Ganji, Charles, Violetta, Joseph, Burke, Robbie, Philip, Ithaqua, Fool's Gold, and Ivy. I have to say, the ones that made me feel the worst were Kevin and Burke (especially the latter. Can you not make me feel like I wanna cry?).
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Freddy's I quite like as I think it tells a lot about him. He admits he's not perfect, he admits even things he did weren't right, but for good or ill he still loves Martha Remington. To me, it's that admission of his mistakes I like the most.
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Naib and Ganji both simply wishing to be home, with their families, but because they can't they just wish that their loved ones are happy and sufficiently taken care of. Despite how they may be depicted in their games, they both have a lot of sorrow in their heart and have been through quite the ordeals, all while being far from home and any chance to return is slim or difficult to acquire. Everything they do matters little compared to their longing to return home and move past all this.
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Helena's wish I to see the world one day, for obvious reasons, is quite sad considering how she lost her eyesight when she was young. As a result, she can only imagine and dream of seeing the sky. The fact there's little chance she'll regain her sight somehow (unless something happens in the future) is what makes this line hurt the most.
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Murro's wish is only for someone to remember him, which honestly is quite the implication of how he feels about himself and how he thinks others' feel about him. He's been through so much, losing his parents, then his ill treatment and abuse while he was kept by Bernard, to the point he simply wanted to get away from people and just be with his partner. It's that feeling he's given up hope, and the idea that this is all he thinks he's capable of hoping for... It's like he already thinks he has no future and nothing much to look forward to.
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Wishes of people like Charles, Robbie, Joseph, Philip, Ithaqua, and Ivy are focused on the loss of those close to them, some of which are consumed by the guilt at their role in that loss or inability to prevent their death. Joseph especially has devoted the rest of his life to attempting to revive Claude, and has been incapable of ever having a single moment where he isn't thinking about his twin. It makes me think about what Michiko said regarding the bittersweetness of love, and how time marches on whether or not those we love are left behind. The important question being whether a person is capable of moving forward or will be stuck looking back, which is the whole theme with Orpheus.
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Violetta's wish hurts me due to me reading into her line and feeling like she's referring to herself. And the idea that she's wishing there was someone out there who will love her, as her being abandoned by her parents, taken by Max who treated her like an object to attract attention to his freak show and earn him money, but once she no longer did, he disposed of her, leaving Violetta feeling unwanted. Despite what she's been through, she is still a kind and positive person, but even she has moments where she can't help but let slip hints about her true feelings.
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Kevin of course has been and still is a very sad boy. He, like Joseph, has his thoughts forever stuck on the loved ones he lost. He is incapable of moving past Angelina's death, further compounded by his guilt regarding Angelina's father and the tribe. He is trapped by his guilt. It's the fact that Kevin refuses to forgive himself, blaming himself for everything that has happened, is why Kevin's wish hurts me so much.
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Burke... I don't even know what to say. This was the 1 that I think hurt the most for a bunch of reasons that I don't quite know how to put to words. Netease, please stop trying to make me cry.
As for other wishes that caught my attention:
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Mike's simple wish to bring joy to people and help them forget their troubles was curious, as I think it really helps give a better idea about him, considering he's someone I sometimes find tricky to figure out. His deductions depict him as pretty mischievious, especially with things like using rocks or nitrogen in his tricks. But then we get to the tragedy, and all we don't really get any more ... good descriptions from Mike himself as to how he is internally. Except for hints based on how he went to the morgue to confirm who was dead and who was missing. And then with his suspicion of (and disgust for) Margaretha, as well as Joker. His last deduction and backstory really emphasize that his singular goal is essentially revenge. Yet we learn in through the letters that he was unable to do so even when he's given the chance. This is why I at least personally appreciate this little detail about his interest in people's happiness and desire to fix all their problems. It helps put everything else in better perspective.
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Vera's was mainly due to how she says it was "all worth it". This seems to confirm how she feels about her actions, despite the sorrow she describes in her 1st letter due to her own actions, and despite the reality of what she did. She continues to reason with herself that, despite the cost, it all worked out in the end. It could show just how broken she's become due to how she grew up due to her father and everyone looking down on her and treating her the way they did. It could show just how hard her heart has become as a result. But it's also possible to read this line as trying to convince herself to not regret. To not dwell on what she's done. To try to tell herself that it's ok, it's ok, it's ok. If this is true, whether or not she actually fully believes this attempt to reason with herself is a separate question.
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Margaretha's further confirms the type of person she's in and the life she's interested in. She's still interested in luxury, she's still a bit vain, just like her personality info in-game states. However, what I was focused on was how she talks about having a stage "solely for me". This to me reads as she wants to be able to move forward and survive on her own without having to rely on others, like she did previously with Sergei, or how she's "exploiting" Joker. Which I think is a good development on her part, as I think it shows growth. It's something that may take time, but she's expressing determination to achieve this goal.
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Martha was primarily of interest to me as, similar to Violetta, I read it as she was essentially referring to herself. It's a lament over the fact she has no place she sees as "home", and she doesn't even know who she is anymore. She's taken on too many identities, and gone through so much that she isn't sure who is the real her or if even if she does remember if it'll actually feel right to her anymore. She's lost and doesn't know how to find her way back on to the path. Her wish is a warning to others the way I see it, which is imporant considering what we learn happened with her in her game.
Sangria's I find curious as I never really thought about her like that, the idea that she wants to "prove [her] worth". It can make sense considering her backstory and deductions emphasize how badly she was treated by her father and the fact she was viewed as "less than a toy", as well as make sense based on whatever happened between her and the lady to cause Sangria to later ask to "get back on stage". I feel like this wish could potentially help understand some of what happens with her in her game...
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Then there's Nightmare. Which to me feels... the strangest and almost out of place of any of the wishes. I'm still not quite sure about the real meaning behind it yet but it does make me think...
On that same tangent, I'll go to Orpheus next. Similarly, his line is quite interesting and will take me some time to really digest. The fact he speaks of wanting to reduce other people's regrets and give them "more favorable conclusions" to me is strange. Some of the stories he writes don't exactly feel like he's trying to give the people it's based on better "conclusions", nor does it feel like he's doing that with the participants of each of his games. Though looking at a different place, what he seems to be doing to Kevin in his 4th letter does feel like he's trying to manipulate Kevin's memories to make him think Angelina isn't dead. The entire truth of the goal of Orpheus' experiments and actions is still something I don't think we fully grasp yet. It's possible more is happening to the participants than we know (especially with how of them, or at least their bodies, are missing, and I still wonder about Yidhra's and Joseph's involvements, considering the Dreamlands or Joseph's photo world could potentially present Orpheus an opportunity to maybe give individuals a happier story if they are trapped there, especially with the memory drugs, but I'm still unsure about so much...).
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Norton's wish is such a great but simple enough summary for his character. He's not asking to be rich. He's not asking for gold despite that's what he searched for in Golden Cave. He's not asking for anything in particular. All Norton cares about is having a "better" life. Something more than being trapped in poverty, with a job that could kill him at any time, and especially over time the longer he has it. He wants to not have to worry about starving all the time, or worry if he'll have a place to shelter for the night, or worry about cruel coworkers or employers, any other necessities he needs. We've seen that he isn't asking for anything fancy. He eats simple bread, and spends what little spare money he has on books and knowledge. He just wants enough so he'll never have to worry about going back to that life again.
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Which is interesting when considering Fool's Gold's wish: "I've already dug my way out of fate's mine. Haven't I?". This to me sounds like he's trying to convince himself. He's desperately hoping he's finally escaped the mine, which he describes as "fate's" mine. This referencing his "fate" as a miner due to his father also being a miner. The fact he describes it as how he "dug my way out" is a way of showing how he's done everything himself. He was the one who's fought tooth and nail to get out of his situation, who's spent all his blood, sweat, and tears to originally just work hard enough to earn what he can, and then when that didnt work find another way, and when he was trapped in Golden Cave, how he literally dug his way out (which shows how badly he wants to live). "Fate" being a "mine" also has the symbolism of Norton originally seeing his fate as somethin dark, made by someone else who forced him into it, a place with little room to move full of many dangers, surrounded by many people who either treated him badly or only cared for themselves, and the only path forward led further and further down. This was why Norton wants to escape his fate, and why he's been so desperate to do anything he can if it means a way out. He wants a brighter fate, one not trapped underground, but a fate out in the open world where the sky is the limit. Unfortunately though, as we can see from the ending of Fool's Gold's wish, Norton isn't entirely convinced he's completely escaped his fate. Which is curious and I wish I could see the reasoning behind his thoughts. Is it because he's afraid he'll be caught for what he did? Is it because he's afraid he'll have to go back to the mine if he is unable to find any other way of making a living? Is it because of whatever happened while he was trapped in the mind that he's continuously referenced but never explained, that's lead to him being so deathly afraid of the place? Or does it have something to do with his current situation with Orpheus and whatever the order was in his 2nd letter? Considering this is the 2nd time we've seen Norton trying to convince himself but failing to do so completely by the end (the 1st time being in Norton's 2nd letter where he tries to convince himself to go through with the assassination order), I wonder if it's possible these 2 things could be related. Maybe he feels like or is starting to feel like his current situation is not any better than it was before when he was still a miner, or when he was trapped in Golden Cave. Which is curious as that seems to reinforce how we can't be completely sure what Norton will do in the final game, or what the full truth of his relationship with Orpheus, Alice, and the others is. It's also interesting this line comes from Fool's Gold, who also appeared in Norton's backstory trailer, before he causes Golden Cave to collapse. He's holding his head, and seemingly fighting with himself over whether he should do it or not. Hunter Norton seems to be a way of showing Norton's internal dilemma, his war with himself, with how Hunter Norton is likely symbolized in Norton's 2nd letter, and now again here when Norton's trying to convince himself that he's escaped his fate. But unlike the 1st time in the mine when Hunter Norton managed to win out and cause the mine collapse, these other 2 times haven't ended with a certain winner, which could show how Norton's changed or how he may not be willing to do the same thing again. But maybe I'm thinking too hard.
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As for Jose, I wish I could understand him better. Despite how his father treated him, despite how he only cared about fame and fortune, despite how he was only ever concerned about looking good for the Queen and everyone he deemed important, Jose still wishes his "loved ones" to stay safe essentially. Who that would be besides his family I'm not sure. We never learn about his mother, and there's really no one else that could be outside of maybe some people he was friends with, though he specifically says "loved ones". We don't know if he was friendly with those on his crew, though we know at least some were of the same type of person as Jose's father based on Jose's deduction 7, while others died either when Jose's father vanished or during deduction 4. We now know he's tied in some way to Sam Bourbon but not the specifics of that relationship (how friendly were they?). Therefore, it's most likely he's referring to his father here. I wish I knew more about Jose's feelings and relationship with his father, considering deduction 7 and 8, as well as other bits don't exactly make Joaquin out to be a good person or see his son as anything but an object. But it's possible it was because Jose's father was the only family he ever had, and he simply wished he could've stopped him from doing what Jose didn't agree with and/or helped change him for the better.
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done-with-the-shit · 1 year
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->Relationship Headcanons<-
Chuuya x Reader
This is the first time I write headcanons so it may not be very good.. Also English is not my first language, please keep that in mind while reading! Ty and enjoy♡
Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara
Note: GN!Reader
I imagine that after an eternity of denying his feelings, he angrily confessed to you without even realising he did😃
Like you'd be minding your own business and he just randomly comes to you screaming in your face about how he hates the fact that he loves you or something...
After that he will most likely lock himself in his office and regret his life decisions😕
But you will go to him and also confess your undying obsession love for him so it's all fine!
Anyways as for when you two start actually dating he would be such a lovely boyfriend♡
Very romantic for sure~
Like definitely buys you flowers 'cause why not?
He'd also spoil the hell out of you.
He works for the mafia after all so money isn't a problem for him😉
If you are taller than him please don't tease him!! (my man's only 5'3🤭)
After all he is still growing!
Lots of PDA.. that's all I'm gonna say
He enjoys taking you out to fancy dinners, but he also loves spending nights in, just watching TV and maybe drinking some wine with you~
You are the only person who can wear his hat and coat^-^
He secretly likes to see you in his clothing but you didn't hear that from me~
Chuuya is very good at cooking😌 so if you can't cook he will do it for you... he may even teach you if you want!
He also loves all the affection you give him!!
Even if you just hug or kiss him he will be melting in your hands literally
Being his usual self fucking tsundere he won't admit that he likes cuddling with you, but don't be fooled, he very much enjoys being spooned and loved by you!
Chuuya needs to be the little spoon! My boy deserves all the love you can give him!! (Just don't tell Dazai 'cause he won't stop bothering our chibi about it😔)
He's also secretly scared of hurting you with his ability, so he's super careful around you.
All in all he is such a softy with us🥺
Anyways.. let's get to the interesting stuff~~
Let's be honest this boy is a fucking switch😤
So I imagine him as a soft dom and a braty sub (don't ask why though👀)
And he is definitely open to trying all your kinks you nasty whore😒
But who am I kidding I have no right to judge..
Anyways.. I bet he has a knife and bandage kink
I mean just imagine yourself all tied up with this small man on top of you!!
Or the other way around😏
He enjoy biting you.. (that's all I'm gonna say)
I personally think that he only dom's in two occasions..
First being if you had a rough day and he just wants to make you feel better~
Another reason for you to let him dom is when he is angry at something or someone.. yk to help him relieve stress (if he doesn't ask you to fuck him instead😉)
All the other times?
Oh this boy will be begging you to fuck him while explaining how he is still the one in control denial
I mean as a said earlier he is pretty much a tsundere so..
Because of that you'd have to be someone he really, really trusts for him to let you take control
But once you get his trust? Oh boy you are in for it I'm telling you😩😩
He is going to be such a brat and would love to push you to your limit~
But don't worry he is actually pretty easy to handle
Just pin him beneath you and he will shut up..
And if he doesn't just tug at his choker! What else would he wear it for!?
Oh boy do not forget that beautiful hair of his😍
It's just made for pulling~
Do I really need to say more??
Loud? Yes..
His moans are so incredibly loud like he doesn't hold back😩😫
Edging and overstimulation?
He loves hates it.. And will not tell you otherwise
But his favourite part is the aftercare~
Baby is so tired he needs your help!!
Take him to the bathroom and give him a nice warm bath (he deserves it for being such a good boy for you😖)
Loves it when you give him a lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards~
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Stephanie's reluctant rival:
Spoiler patrols around Gotham, alone when she hears a familiar irritating voice.
Kite-Man: Hey! Hey Spoiler! It's me, Kite-man!
Spoiler glances to see Kite-Man on top of a building, having spotted her. She walks off quickly.
Spoiler: Nope, nope, I saw nothing. Nobody.
Kite-Man uses his kite suit to fly down and follows Spoiler.
Spoiler: I'm not Spoiler, I'm a cosplayer!
Spoiler runs.
Kite-Man: Come back, I wanted you to meet my fiance.
Spoiler stops running and turns around.
Spoiler (shocked): She said yes?!
Kite-Man: I know right? I'm even surprised. Glider, you can come down.
Golden Glider glides to the ground with her ice skates.
Glider: Hi.
Spoiler (amazed at the woman's beauty): That's her?!
Glider: Oh my gosh, I'm basically aren't I? A lot of people are surprised when they see us. He can do better than me, but he gave me a shot.
Spoiler: Oh my God, she's the humble one. Focus, you swore you wouldn't rob any more banks when you got engaged!
Kite-Man: It was only the last two, I was trying to cash a check I got from a friend, but no bank would cash it and you know how tough it can be with people judging you.
Spoiler: I can't... I have literally never been through your situation!
Barbara (on the communication device): Well.
Spoiler: Oracle, I swear to Christ, stay out of this!
GG: She's using her bluetooth?
Kite-Man: Yeah... babe you remembered? This is why I love you.
Spoiler: Oh God Almighty you're cute together.
Spoiler hits her fist on her forehead.
Spoiler: You're trying to convince me that you only robbed two banks out of five?!
Kite-Man, innocently: Yes.
Glider: He's telling the truth, honestly at the third one we were just trying to add funds to our shared bank account. We have one now. The Lord has blessed us with many great things.
Spoiler: Oh Christ you're Uber religious too.
Glider: Yes, Lord is my first man, but Kite-Man is my second. I hope to one day grace the world with our children.
Spoiler: That seems like a mistake. Um, continue on.
Glider: Well we even tried going in civilian clothes, but my stud likes to wear his kite-man outfit.
Kite-Man: And I couldn't deprive my future wife of not rocking her golden attire.
Spoiler: Oh jeez... look I want to arrest you. I should arrest you, honestly Batman will be pissed if I don't, but and I don't mean to fully insult you, you're not dangerous enough at this time. I'm sorry, why am I apologizing?!
Glider: He's warming up to you, he says he loves being your rival.
Spoiler: Maybe I should've stayed with my dad. Not that insane... there's also the factor that the banks you went to have been robbed... every other week. Like Bane has robbed the second one. So, um, while it pains me to do this... just go off on your honeymoon. I'm giving you a... pardon. This time.
Kite-Man: Rival, good looking out.
Kite-man hits his chest, to show his appreciation.
Spoiler: I regret my life at this point. Please leave.
Kite man and Glider: Kite man and Gliider out! Peace!
Spoiler facepalms, wondering how she got dealt the weirdest villain as a rival, then presses her communication device button.
Spoiler: Oracle, how much did he hear? I just want to get an idea of how fricked I am.
Oracle: I let him hear the entire thing. He's not mad, disappointed, but not mad.
Spoiler groans and kicks a trash can in her anger. She immediately picks up the trash reasoning she was already in enough trouble.
Spoiler: Isn't there a villain he lets walk free?
Jason (chiming into the comm conversation): Fucking yes!
Spoiler: Oh, yeah the Joker.
Barbara cackles this time at Batman.
Barbara: Now he says he's mad.
Spoiler: Mad and hypocritical. I don't like the guy, he's not my freaking rival, but he's happy. I'm doing a good deed that I may or may not regret down the road.
Barbara agrees as she claps.
Spoiler: Thank you. I'm going home for the night. I'm too annoyed to do anything else.
Story so far: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
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kyoghurts · 8 months
Idk if requests are close but
Rayne Ames knows the problem already, but wants to make the reader(gn!) like to accept or confess to him about the problem. Like he wants to hear it and won't judge you
safe space. rayne ames
content. hurt/comfort. one swear word rayne blurted out. vague mentions of self-loathing (i don't know what you intend for a problem anon but this is what i came up with) nothing too specific. rayne is just so caring and tender will forever write him extra soft til my last breath.
i may or may not write what u wish for bc of how vague this req is but know i tried 😭
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there are problems that bite your skin enough for you to attend to it immediately.
immediately as in rayne will always be the first person you turn to and that he'll be the one to soothe you and your skin, to be able to feel like it's not just yours to manage. because with rayne, it's never just about you. it's always a we, an us problem.
but there are problems that doesn't fit this description. sometimes it's a problem stuck to the wall but never quite noticing, only etched into the back of your mind. so close and yet so far.
as if you're hiding your skin, and that adds another layer of problem for rayne ames.
it’s not that he doesn’t understand—because he does. always loving you in places you’re wounded, of wars and storms breaking within you, it’s his own battles too. always we. always us.
your back is facing him in the harshness of the night, it’s frigid cold, he shifts position and stare at you. hoping you’ll notice the ache dwelling in his eyes, the space between you bellowing the emptiness that shouldn’t exist first and foremost.
you’re so close and yet so far.
there is a notion forming in the backdrop of his mind that's half-baked. but he gets you, and he'll never stop trying for you. because things can hurt and rayne doesn't have the words in him to describe how much it affects him as well.
he already gave you space for days, but it seems like you're stretching it far too much.
"hey." rayne slices the silence, soft and pleading, a hand presses gently on your back, moving in slow circles. "i know you're still awake. talk to me."
the blanket falls loose on your upper arm, so he draped over until he notices that you're shaking. and it's not because of the cold atmosphere, but because you're holding back the tears brimming in the corner of your eyes, trembling breaths clasped against your hand. he sits up, alert coursing his veins. "hey, hey, what's wrong? shit-" he inhales deeply, calling your name. "come here, talk to me please."
he lifts you up, and you shake your head wearily, a contrast to your winter drenched hands clinging to his shirt as he pulls you in. tears streaming down your face, your attempts of pushing him away are futile. "i'm sorry i'm so—" you choke back a sob, piles of words burning on your throat. "i'm so sorry"
"what are you sorry for?" he tells you to breathe, letting you cry it all out. it takes a while to calm down, but when you do, all that he thinks of is that he can finally feel whole again, to bask in knowing it's not just him, not just you, but problems of us. of you and me.
"it's..." after a long pause, your voice cracks the darkness kept in you. "it got loud again. i'm sorry."
it's no longer skin. it's a bone-deep cut that you have in which rayne rarely sees, but he knows its there. a wallpaper in his subconscious. he swallows the guilt down too hard that it's noticeable, the bob of his adams apple against your shoulder and the prompt squeeze as he cradles your head. you're not able to get a glance of his expression, but you may as well feel it's one in pain. it hurts you just as much as it hurts him.
and that's why you're apologizing, for having him to see you this way. in a place of the broken and bruises. in a place you thought you have crawled yourself out a long time ago.
more quietly but also securely, the words seem to reverberate down to your skin, to your bones, "don't apologize. especially for this." eyes turning a little misty as he reassures you, nothing but genuine care he has for you. "never."
he fetches you a glass of water (a kiss to the back of your hand that have warmed up by now before he can go) and once he plops down beside you, you mumble. "thank you."
"of course."
he meets your gaze and within them, all forms of loving exist; loving you at your best and loving you at your worst. this one's the latter, but that it's almost the same as to the former. because he never sees you any differently, and that's something you want to keep in the special lock of your heart.
when you both get ready for bed as he enwrap you in a world of closeness, removing any possible distance that eats his insides, it feels like home again. he brought you back to where you truly belong.
"you may not understand this, but believe me," rayne plants a loving kiss to your forehead. "i'm proud of you, so much."
you bury yourself in his neck as a response, holding his waist tightly. this is what he has been teaching himself just for you, to construct words that encompasses how he feels. and every day, it blossoms continually.
"thank you" you sniff. perhaps you'll teach yourself to fall more freely into him. because your battles are of his own, even the ones that you thought are better left alone—always we, always us.
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notes. this is so flowery with all the poetic metaphors but haha can't help myself. i clearly projected here a little.
taglist (open!) @seneon
© kyoghurts. ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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enthusiasticharry · 2 years
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the one where YN gets a job as Harry's maid and his occupation comes as a shock to her - he writes erotica.
author's note: i'm back! (please don't kill me, i'm sorry that it's been so long <3) this is something that's been in the works for basically over a year now, but it's finally coming to life! it's also got a lovely lil' flash-forward at the end (which you all know i love) thank you all for sticking with me and i hope it won't be as long the next time.
word count: 13.2k of scandalous smut, fluff, 1800s society and harry being a sexy man of the house erotica writer.
let me know what you think of desire here. love u all <3
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London, 1817
YN didn’t have a single shilling to her name. 
As well as not having a single shilling to her name, she was currently homeless and squatting in dark alleyways. Her start to life hadn’t been the best, and her skill set wasn’t full of attributes that may help her in her quest of finding employment. As for a family, YN didn’t necessarily have one. Being the sixth child in a household, one that wasn’t surviving with five children it already had, meant her life wasn’t as black and white as it looked. She has spent the last few days, after finally deciding to pack up and leave home, looking for any sort of job and she truly meant any. So far, she hadn’t found anything, and she was running out of the food that she had stolen from the kitchen back home and that meant she was running out of time. 
It was the fourth day in her quest when she found something. She hadn’t necessarily thought she would find anything when she had picked up the newspaper that morning (or rather stolen it from the bag of a newsboy) but there it was in black and white. The advert was four lines at most and gave relatively nothing away. It asked for a female maid, who had experience in household chores. So far, all the boxes, YN could tick. The next asked that she’d be able to live on site, in the house she would be working in. If anything, that was better for YN than having to find somewhere to live. The last line gave the address of the house, and the preferred times for visiting. 
YN thankfully saw a man walking past with a pocket watch and politely asked him the time, to which he replied that it was a quarter to two, meaning that YN still had two hours to hopefully find the house and herself a job. The side of town that the house was on YN had never been to, in fact she’d never even been a mile in the vicinity of it, so she did have to ask a few people. YN wasn’t easily intimated, but when the people she had to ask obviously had money and were quietly judging her dishevelled state she struggled. 
She didn’t know the time, and YN struggled to figure out how much time had passed usually, and all she could do was pray that she hadn’t gone over the time stated on the newspaper advertisement. When she arrived at the house that she believed to be the right one, she felt thankful when she could see a man gardening just by the gate – a person she could ask to affirm that she was in the right place. 
“Excuse me, sir,” he seemed to sigh as he dropped his trowel and turned to look at YN, “Is this the Styles residence?” 
“It is,” his accent wasn’t what YN expected, she hadn’t met anybody before that wasn’t from London, “How can we help you, miss?” 
YN cleared her throat, “I’m enquiring about the advert you placed in the newspaper. The one for the maid role.” 
“I’m sorry, miss,” he sighed, finally standing up and wiping his hands on his trousers, “You’re too late, Mr Styles has already interviewed all of the candidates.”
“Oh,” the smile faltered on YN’s face. All of the excitement she felt about the advert had left a pit of disappointment in her, “I’m really sorry, sir, it’s just that I had to walk from the other side of town, and I don’t have a watch to tell the time.”
“I am sorry, miss, but there’s nothing that I can do. Mr. Styles will already be making his decision.” 
“Well,” she sighed, placing the newspaper in the pocket of her jacket, “I’m sorry to have disturbed you sir, I’ll let you get back to your gardening. Is it possible to just ask you directions on the quickest way to get back into town?”
The man seems to hesitate for a second. He looks down at his gardening, and the back up at YN before sighing and wiping the sweat off his head. She felt slightly out of place and stood waiting for his response for a few seconds. 
“He might be in a good mood,” he mutters, “Please come in, miss, and I’ll go check with Mr. Styles. Even if he says no, we can get you a nice cup of tea.” 
YN couldn’t be ever more grateful. 
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The closer that YN made it towards the house, or should she say mansion, she could almost feel her breath catching within her throat. Even though it was now highly unlikely that it would be the case, there was still the thought in the back of her mind that she could end up living here. She followed the man inside the towering door, her body feeling incredibly out of place in the grandeur of the house she was now in. 
If YN was honest, this house may possibly be the biggest house that she had ever seen, never mind stood in. The exterior of the house certainly didn’t do the interieur justice at all. The house was immaculate, and YN wondered if there was already a maid on site. The man she was following stopped in front of one of the doors by the main entrance and opened it. 
“You can take a seat in here,” he motions to the seating in the middle of the room, “I’ll go and check if Mr. Styles would like to see you. Can I take your name, miss?” 
“YN. YN YLN.” 
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss. YLN,” he beams, “I’m Mr. Towers.”
“A pleasure to meet you too.” 
The door slammed shut behind Mr. Towers, allowing YN to finally take in a deep breath to release the tension within her body. Looking around at the room, YN was shocked at the size of the parlour she was in, as well as the large bookcase filled to the brim with books. One of the things that YN prided herself on, which allowed her to find this opportunity in the first place, was her ability to read. It wasn’t usual for a woman of her status to know how to read, but she had met a kind gentleman at the market once and he spent his Sundays with her, teaching her how to read. 
YN stopped in front of one shelf that seemed to have books from the same author along the entirety of it. H.E. Scott. It wasn’t a name that was familiar to YN, but she couldn’t help but want to reach out and pick them up. Just as her finger was about to touch the cover, the door swung open, and YN flinched away from the bookcase.
“Miss. YLN,” She immediately dropped her hands down by her side, “Mr. Styles will see you now.”
“Thank you, Mr. Towers.”
Following Mr. Towers out of the room, YN was led up a grand staircase that she could only dream of owning one day. YN had no idea about the architecture of houses, nor as to what wood complimented each other or anything like that – but she knew what appeased her eyes and everything about this house appeased them. YN held the banister with one hand and lifted her skirt up with the other and followed Mr. Towers.
At the top of the staircase, a corridor spilt up to the left and to the right. YN couldn’t help herself, and all she wanted to do was to explore and see every single corner of this mansion that Mr. Styles calls home. She followed Mr. Towers all the way to the last door on the left.
He knocked on the door and after the “Come in,” from the other side, Mr. Towers opened the door.
“Good luck,” Mr. Towers smiles.
The door shut behind YN once she stepped in, and she slightly jumped at the sound. There were few things in life that could make YN nervous, but the way that her heart was about to beat out of her chest she honestly thought that she was close to a heart attack.
She hadn’t known what she had expected of Mr. Styles. Her main instinct was an old man, close to his death that needed extra help around the house because his wife had passed. What she hadn’t been expecting was a man whose age was like hers, with dark brown hair that framed his entire face, and hard features that she was having trouble drawing her eyes away from. There were few people that intimidate her (her father being one of them) but she had a feeling that she was going to be adding Mr. Styles to that list.
“Mr. Styles,” YN shrugged all of her worries and walked towards him with her hand outstretched, “I’m YN YLN.”
He didn’t stand up, and he didn’t shake her hand. He didn’t even take his eyes away from whatever piece of paper he was reading. She nervously gripped the sides of her dress as she walked towards him, the heels of her shoes hitting the floor with a tap every step she took.
“I’m…” She hesitated slightly, not exactly knowing what to do. Did she sit down? Did she remain standing? Did she wait until he spoke to her? She hadn’t a clue what to do, and she was truly starting to panic, “I’m here for the job as the maid. I know I’m a little late, but I came from across town and-”
YN watched as he lifted his hand up, as though to shut her up. It did. He didn’t even look up at her, just continued looking down at the heaps and heaps of paper that were sat in front of him.
“Do you know how to clean?” YN’s eyes almost widened in shock at the sound of his deep, coarse voice. It was as though he hadn’t spoken in years, or that he had been speaking too much and that it needed a rest.
“Uh… yes I do.”
“Are you sure about that?” His reply came quick, but he still didn’t look at her.
“Yes,” YN nodded her head, “I do know how to clean.”
“Do you know how to cook?”
“You’re hired,” Finally, he lifted his head up from his papers and looked directly at her, his green eyes boring into YN’s. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, “Speak to Mr. Towers about the details, you shall start immediately. You’re dismissed.”
“Thank you,” YN nodded her head and turned to walk out of the room, unable to hide the smile that danced across her lips.
“Clean up and get changed before you start,” She stops in her tracks at the sound of his voice again, “You’re filthy.”
“Of course, sir.”
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“Your room is down here, by the pantry,” Mr Towers explains as he walks her towards her room, “There’s a uniform already in there for you, along with a pot of water ready to boil for a bath.”
“Thank you, Mr. Towers,” YN nodded her head at the older man.
“Don’t thank me yet,” The older man threw the door to her room open, “It’s only tiny, but you have a bed and a fire, so you won’t be cold.”
“It’s…” After stepping into the room, YN couldn’t help the smile that beamed over her face. The room itself was the size of the room that she shared with her entire family growing up – and it was all to herself, “It’s perfect.”
Mr. Towers looked at her with a puzzled look on his face but shrugged his shoulders, “If you say so… Mr. Styles expects his dinner by seven weeknights, and eight on weekends when he has his guests over.”
“Is there anything that Mr. Styles prefers to eat that I could make for him? To say thank you?” She asked, placing her bag down on the bed.
Mr. Towers laughed and shook his head, “Mr. Styles has groceries delivered to the house every day. It has what he wants to eat in plenty, and we eat whatever is left in a broth.”
YN nodded her head. She had never known anything like it, and she couldn’t believe how much money and power Mr. Styles seemed to have.
“Thank you, Mr. Towers,” YN nodded with a polite smile, “I shall see you later.”
“Good day, Miss. YLN.”
Mr. Towers shut the door behind him, and once she had heard his footsteps growing lighter, she dropped backwards onto her bed with a laugh. It was almost as though she was sat within her own fever dream, where she had finally found herself a room, a bed and a job all at the same time.
Looking up at the small clock that sat above the fireplace, YN saw that it was just past three and she decided that it was probably time that she washed herself and made sure that she had plenty of time to prepare Mr. Styles’ dinner. Seeing that the pot of water was sat by the floor next to the fire, she made quick haste hanging it over the fire to heat up. It was at this point she saw the tin bath in the corner of the room, as well as her lavatory pot. A small mirror sat on a small cabinet, that once she opened, she saw contained a button up shirt, skirt and apron that she guessed was her uniform. She placed it neatly upon the bed, along with the fresh towel in the drawer and stripped of her current clothes.
One thing that YN always struggled with was the sight of her body. It was dirty and grimy, and malnourished to the point where it was sometimes painful. She was hoping that having control over the meals she ate meant that she could gain more strength and finally be happy with herself. The first step in that was getting into the bath, a thing that she hadn’t had in months. The feeling of the warm water on her skin, and the grime leaving her skin and the feeling of freshly washed hair was something that she could get used to. She left her hair drying in its natural state as she dressed, enjoying the feeling of new clothes on her skin also.
There wasn’t much that YN could say that she enjoyed in her life, but these small little luxuries that she’d never had before were certainly things that she enjoyed. She couldn’t believe her luck if she was completely honest, and that was made even more clear when she stepped into the kitchen. It was bigger than the entire house that YN grew up in, and it was filled with all the luxuries that she could have only dreamed of.
She saw some fillets of beef, along with vegetables and potatoes that she knew could be made into a divine meal. She got started right away, peeling and boiling the potatoes, cutting and preparing the vegetables and even cooking the beef until it was perfect all the way through. It seemed that her skills in the kitchen, albeit very basic ones, were coming in handy in more ways than one. With everything that was left after she’d plating Mr. Styles’ up, she made into a broth and left to simmer on the stove.
YN had the food prepared five minutes before it was ready because she knew that in this mansion that Mr Styles called his home, she would have to find the dining room. She hoped that whatever he liked to drink was there, because she couldn’t find anything in the kitchen that he might want.
She passed the room that she had waited in earlier in the day but knew that wasn’t the room that she was looking for. It was the room across from that, which had its door opened slightly, showing a large dining table which made YN realise that was the room she was looking for. Nerves bubbled in the pit of her stomach when she realised that Mr Styles was already there and waiting for her.
YN wiped her slightly sweaty palms on her apron and knocked twice on the door, waiting for Mr Styles to say that she could enter before she did. It didn’t take long before he was taking a few steps into the room and closing the door behind her. Whilst he wasn’t sat in his study anymore, he still had a stack of papers that he was reading in his hands. YN wondered what he was reading.
She took rushed steps towards him, being sure to make haste so that he couldn’t say anything to her. She was on time, and all she could hope is that he was happy with what she had produced for him. YN placed his plate down in front of him, and he finally looked up from his papers at it. He didn’t say anything to her but seemed content enough to place the papers down.  
“I expect a glass of whiskey poured with my meals.” He says to her, picking up his cutlery to start his meal.
“Of course, Mr. Styles.”
It didn’t take YN long to spot the bar cart in the corner of the room and make her way over to it. She picked up a glass and turned it over so that she could pour the drink into it. She hadn’t ever tried alcohol before, let alone know what whiskey was but she guessed that it was probably the one that looked the most loved. She poured the drink so that the bottom of the glass was about a third full before walking back over to Mr. Styles and placing it in front of him.
“Is there anything else I can get you?” She asks, and he shook his head.
She began to walk towards the door when Mr. Styles spoke to her again, “I’ll be having guests over tomorrow, so I’ll expect a full dinner service. There will be three of us.”
“Certainly, Mr. Styles.”
YN still had no idea what Mr Styles did for work, or what type of guests he would be having over to his house. Saying that, it was only her first day, but it would be nice to have some sort of incline as to who she was working for. As she walked out of the dining room, she remembered the books she had seen in the room across the hall earlier.
There was no sign of Mr. Towers, and she knew that Mr. Styles would be eating his dinner for the foreseeable and decided that she had plenty of time to make her way over to the sitting room. She took small steps, trying not to make the sound of her shoes on the floor too obvious to the rest of the house. With one last glance behind her, she slipped through the door and closed it as quietly as she could.
If there was one thing, she could say about Mr. Styles, it was that he certainly knew how to decorate a room. His entire house was so beautifully decorated, but so minimal at the same time. Every wood matched, the accents of the rugs and curtains matched in each room, but this room was the one that YN was the most impressed with so far. It wasn’t the rugs, or the chandelier in this room that impressed her, but more so the grand bookcase that covered two walls of the room.
Her feet almost moved automatically as she made her way towards the middle shelf again, ones covered to the brim with books from that same author, H.E. Scott, the author that YN had never heard of. She hadn’t seen such a collection of books before, and she was curious about every single one. Why were there so many? Why did Mr. Styles enjoy this author so much to have what seemed to be every single one of his books?
YN couldn’t help but reach out and take one. It was the third one she decided upon, revelling at the hard backed emerald book with gold lettering on them.
From the Dining Table, H.E. Scott
Nothing about the cover, or even the name gave anything away and that became even more obvious when she opened the book. She skimmed over a few pages, only taking in a few words from each page but it was blatantly obvious that it was a romance novel. It was only until YN was about two-thirds through flicking through the book that she figured out what it was.
Darkness covered his eyes as he looked at her. She had never seen anybody with eyes clouded by such a fierce lust before, and she had never suspected that those eyes would be piercing directly at hers.
His barn, only lit by the flickering oil lamp in the corner was silent, so silent that the void was filled by the pattering of the rain on the roof. The same rain that had caused her clothes to be sodden and clinging to her, showing him every rise and fall of her chest.
“Do I make you nervous?” One little shake of her head and he was taking small and slow steps towards her. She thought that it must have been possible for him to hear the whirring of her brain, and the quicker beating of her chest, “Are you positive about that, kitten?”
“I am,” As he took small steps towards her, she was taking small steps back. That was until she ended up right upon his dining table. Her hands dropped upon the table behind her as his hands spread her legs so that he could stand between them.
“Tell me what you want,” He whispered, moving closer and closer until she could feel his breath upon her skin, “I want you to tell me what you want, kitten.”
“I want…” She whispered back, trying to not make it obvious that the feeling of his lips hovering above her neck, “I want… you.”
“And how do you want me?”
“I want you here.”
“What are you doing?” YN had never slapped a book closed faster in her life.
Seeing Mr. Styles stood there in the doorway, with one of his hands in his pocket looking upon her with a sneer of his face that she hasn’t seen on anybody’s face before in her life knocked her. She was that invested in the book that she obviously hadn’t her the door across the hallway open, or Mr. Styles’ footsteps on the wooden floor on the corridor, and she didn’t hear the door open in front of her.
“Mr. Styles…” YN tried to find the right words, but none were springing to mind, “I was just…”
“You were just what?” He takes one step towards her, and she automatically took one step back, “You were just snooping? Looking through things that don’t belong to you.”
“Mr. Styles… I’m sorry,” YN stood there fumbling on her words, still with the culprit in her hands.
“Don’t let me catch you again,” YN nods and places the book back on the shelf, “I’ll need one of the guest bedrooms prepared for my guests tomorrow. Preferably make it the one opposite my office.”
“Yes sir.”
By the time that the door had slammed behind him, YN didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or scream and what had just happened. One thing that she did know was that she was hungry and had a broth waiting for her in the kitchen that would hopefully fix all of her problems.
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After waking up the next morning, YN had spent the day cooking breakfasts and lunches and cleaning bedrooms and dining rooms and sitting rooms. It had been a lot of work, but it was the first day in a while where YN hadn’t even glanced at the clock and prayed for the night to come. She was that busy that when seven rolled around, and the doorbell rang YN was just about ready for it.
As Mr. Towers opened the door, YN stood just behind him to the right waiting to greet the guests and prepare them some drinks. YN hadn’t seen Mr. Styles all day, and after the situation yesterday she decided that was probably the best thing to happen. She knew that she would have to see him tonight during the dinner service, but that was work and she couldn’t do anything to make him that upset, could she?
“Welcome, it is lovely to see you both again,” Mr. Towers greets the couple walking through the door.
YN wasn’t used to the glitz and glamour of high-end London socialites and that became very apparent when Mr. and Mrs. Williamson walked through the door. Mrs. Williamson was petite, blonde and insanely gorgeous stood in the hallway in the most beautiful deep blue gown that YN could only dream about. Mr. Williamson stood next to her; his hand rested on the small of his wife’s back.
“This is Miss. YLN, she’ll take you through to the parlour and get you some drinks.”
YN painted her prettiest smile on her face and led them through to the parlour watching as Mr and Mrs. Williamson sat down upon the sofa.
“Mr. Styles has brought a red wine that he would like to two of you to try,” YN picked up the bottle to show the two of them.
“Then try it we shall,” Mr. Williamson spoke, sharing a laugh between himself and his wife.
YN moved over to the bar cart where three of Mr. Styles’ best wine glasses sat. She poured the first two but hesitated on the third just because she didn’t know when Mr. Styles would be joining the party. She didn’t have to wait very long.
“Well, it seems as though this party has started without me!”
As YN watched Mr. Styles greet Mr. Williamson with a ‘man hug’ and kissed Mrs. Williamson on the cheek, she made sure that she’d poured his wine and walked over to pass it to him. He didn’t look at her, and he didn’t even acknowledge what she had done.
“That’s all,” He still didn’t look at her, “We’ll be in the dining room at eight for dinner service.”
YN nodded in his direction, even though he wasn’t looking at her and left the room. YN didn’t know what kind of meal this was going to be, whether it was business or pleasure, but she knew that snooping to ask questions probably wasn’t the best point of call at this time.
For the first time the whole day, whilst she was finishing off the dinner that she had been making the entire day, she was clock-watching. Her eyes were always placed upon the clock making sure that everything was ready in time, and that she wasn’t late. As the hands clicked towards eight, she made sure that all three plates were ready, and brought them all to the dining room. At that point, Mr. Styles and the Williamsons were making their way over. Laughter rattled around the walls of the house, and it was the loudest the house had been since YN had arrived.
She placed Mrs. Williamson plate down first, followed by her husbands and then finally Mr. Styles’. Mr. Styles and Mr. Williamson were still entrapped in whatever conversation they were having in the parlour, and Mrs. Williamson was listening with a polite smile. YN made sure that all their glasses were refilled, and that she gave Mrs. Williamson a little more than the men which she seemed to appreciate with a look that was sent her way.
“Is that all, Mr Styles?” She asked, addressing Mr. Styles for the first time since last night.
“Yes, that is all,” With a fleeting glance and a slight shake of his hand he dismissed her, and she left the room. The second she was out in the hall she didn’t know what to do with herself.
YN could have some food, but she wasn’t hungry. She had cleaned everything in the house from top to bottom, and there wasn’t anything else that she could sort. One thing that she could do was turn down the guest bedroom ready for Mr. and Mrs. Williamson. She started by walking in the room and lighting some of the candles that were necessary for people to see. Next came turning down the bedsheets and airing them out so that they were ready for the couple when they decided to come to bed.
Once she was happy with the room, she decided that it was probably time to go check on them and their dinner and see if they needed anything. As she opened the door, she was shocked to hear footsteps ascending the stairs. Instead of walking out of the room straight away, she poked her head around so that she could just see the end of Mr. Styles and the Williamson’s walking up the stairs. She knew that she would have to step out of the room if they turned in this direction, but they didn’t. Instead, the couple and the man of the house started to walk towards Mr. Styles’ room at the end of the hall.
YN didn’t know what to think, and she didn’t know what to do. Her eyes almost fell out of her head when he saw Mr. Styles smiling at the couple, especially when they kissed each other. Maybe they were just walking Mr. Styles to his room? Maybe that was it?
YN knew that wasn’t the case when the two of them walked into the room, and with one fleeting glance in YN’s direction, and with what YN could only describe as a dashing smile at her he followed the couple inside his room.
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YN didn’t sleep a wink that night. She had no idea what she had witnessed the night before, but she knew that it wasn’t to the standard of high society, or at least not what she knew high society to be like. Whatever happened in that room was unknown to her, and whilst a part of her wanted to know, she also didn’t want to know at all.
The Williamsons had left about an hour ago, and YN had spent the morning washing the linens from their room (which they did use later in the night) and washing Mr. Styles’ linens (at his request). YN didn’t find anything suspicious within the rooms, but she didn’t look for anything.
It was mid-afternoon at this point, and she had finished all her work for the afternoon and was just waiting for the time that she needed to start preparing and making Mr. Styles’ dinner. As she now had this spare time, she decided that it was the perfect opportunity to sit outside with some bread and butter and enjoy her favourite book – Jane Eyre.
She reread the book every so often, even though at this point she knew it word by word. She had been given the book by the man who taught her how to read when she was younger, so it was very well-loved and quite tattered, but YN didn’t care. She found a secluded spot by a tree, near to the back entrance of the house into the kitchen just encase Mr. Styles needed her at any point.
YN was about a third into the book when the back door opened, and out walked Mr. Styles with a cigarette and match in hand. YN hadn’t known that he smoked but seeing him stood there it was something that he had done before. When he turned to the right and saw her, she immediately looked down at her book, as though she hadn’t been looking at him and that he hadn’t caught her.
She heard his footsteps, but she didn’t look up at him. If she looked up, she didn’t know what she would find, and she didn’t know how she would deal with it.
“What are you reading?”
“Jane Eyre, sir,” Her eyes still never left her book, even though she wasn’t reading.
“You obviously like to read.”
She finally looked up at him, confused to see him leant against the edge of the house a few metres away from where she was reading her book. YN thought that she would be greeted by a look of malice, but there was nothing of the sort.
“I do, sir,” She offered him, “It is one of my favourite things to do.”
“I suppose it is,” He nodded his head in her direction, “Seeing as though I caught you snooping in my own collection not long ago.”
“I’m very sorry about that, sir,” She wasn’t, but she had to keep appearances up with the man that employed her.
“No, you’re not,” YN opened her mouth to speak but Mr. Styles shook his head, “You don’t have to be.”
“But they weren’t mine, sir,” A small smile, “I shouldn’t have assumed that I could do such a thing.”
“You can, if you want,” Not a smile in her direction, but more so a less harsh glance than before, “If you would care to borrow a book from my collection you can, but it must be placed back once you’re done.”
“Thank you, sir,” She nodded.
YN was in shock, but she was not going to let him know that. After the way that he had spoken to her a few days prior about the event, she thought that he would never let her touch anything of his unless to clean it or serve it to him.
“Don’t thank me,” He shrugged, “Just let me know what you think of it, once you finish. I assume you’ll be finishing the book you started?”
“Most likely.”
He laughed. A proper laugh. She couldn’t help the small smile that crossed her lips, watching his stern face break out into a smile, dimples in his tanned cheeks showing and everything.
“I look forward to it,” Still smiling, this was new. Then it dropped, “I also want to discuss what you may have seen yesterday, upstairs with my guests and I.”
“Rest assured, sir, I didn’t see anything.”
“You did, we both know you did,” A small lift of his lips, “It is okay, I know it must have been quite a shock to you. But I just want to let you know that it is my work. Or, well, part of it.”
“Sir, you don’t need to –”
“I know I don’t,” He shrugged his shoulders, “But I fear I must, for the sake of my work and yours. What you saw is sometimes a frequent occurrence in this house, and I expect you to take a blind eye to it. If you cannot, then I don’t believe that this is the job for you.”
“Mr. Styles, rest assured I didn’t see anything, nor will I see anything.”
“Good,” He dropped his cigarette on the floor and stumped it out with the sole of his shoe, “Dinner at seven, let it be prompt.”
“Yes sir.”
With that, he left her. YN continued through the evening on autopilot. All she could think about was that once her work was finished, and Mr. Styles was fed and either in his study on in bed, YN could go to the parlour and retrieve that book and continue what she had been reading. She wanted to know what the book contained, and why Mr. Styles had so many of them. She knew that by reading the book one of her questions would be answered.
“I’ll be retreating to my study,” Mr. Styles spoke after YN removed his empty plates, “You won’t be needed for the rest of the night.”
“Thank you, Mr. Styles.”
He walked out of the room before her, and she followed a few steps behind him. As he ascended the stairs, he threw one fleeting glance back at her and continued walking up. YN doesn’t think that she had ever washed plates and cutlery so quickly in her life. Once it was finished, she rushed into the parlour, retrieved the third book on the shelf and rushed back into her room where her oil lamp was waiting for her.
YN knew that she could start the book from the start and try and understand the story before rushing to the part that she had read the last time she had this book in her hands, but it was no use. YN flicked through the pages until she was right back where she was the days prior.
“Your wish is my command, kitten.”
It was the first time that they had kissed, with her sat upon his dining table, soaked from the rain and him stood in between her parted legs. As their lips touched and moved in a rhythm too profound to the blind eye, his hands started to dance the length of her legs. Moving upward from her stocking to the flesh of her thigh that was exposed underneath her skirt.
As his coarse fingertips moved up her smooth skin at a pace that was too slow for her liking, she found a heat pushing over her body that she needed to be put out. It was so fierce and burning so far in the pit of her stomach that she had no idea how he would put out the flames.
He removed his lips from hers, only to move further down her neck until his teeth began to nip and explicit sounds escaped her lips. Everything seemed to be going so slowly, but then it was though a switch turned within him and everything became sort of feverish.
His hands moved from her thighs towards her bottom, where he grabbed the flesh and pulled her even further towards the edge of the dining table. He lifted the material of her skirt up so that it was around her waist and reached for her bloomers, in an instance ripping them straight down the middle until she was exposed to him, all of her was exposed to him.
“May I?” At this point, he was down on his knees, face to face with the heat that was threatening to explode out of her.
“Please, please do it and never stop.”
That was all it took for him to reach out and touch. He used his hands to spread her thighs apart once more and wasted no time to start devouring her.
YN slammed the book shut. Closing her eyes, she tried everything to regulate her breathing, but nothing seemed to help. Her heart was beating out of her chest, and the heat that the lady had been describing within the book seemed to have enlightened within her. This was a feeling that YN had never felt before in her life, and she had no idea what to do with it. So, she decided to read on.
YN read the book, from start to finish in that entire night. YN knew about the relations that took place between a man and woman, but she had never read them in such detail, especially not in such a way between a lady of the house and her groundskeeper. This sort of relationship would be known as a scandal – something that would ruin the lady forever. In the book it was something sensual, and something to be desired. The only word that came to YN’s head after reading that book was desire – the desire to feel like that with somebody.
YN had no idea how to shake herself of that feeling.
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“What did you think?”
It was early the next day, and YN had just placed Mr. Styles’ breakfast in front of him along with a serving of tea. Normally, breakfast is silent and after the sleepless night that YN had prior, she was excited for a silent breakfast, a speed through of her chores and then possibly a nap. What she hadn’t anticipated was Mr. Styles striking up a conversation with her.
“What did I think about what, sir?” YN didn’t know that she was going to be playing it as though she hadn’t a clue what he was going on about them.
“The book, Miss. YLN,” He wiped the corner of his mouth with his napkin, “I noticed this morning that from the dining table wasn’t in its usual spot. A good choice, if I must say.”
YN couldn’t draw her eyes away from the small smile upon his face. It was as though Mr. Styles was plaguing her, and by the look on his face he knew that he was too. She had no idea how to respond to him, or even how to obtain the words to answer his question.
“It was…” She hesitated, and he raised his eyebrows at her. Was he shocked that she seemed to have no words for him?
“Ground-breaking?” He wiped his mouth with his napkin one last time before placing it on the table and standing up, “Scandalous?” He took a step with each word that left his mouth, “Romantic?” Until he was stood directly in front of her, so close that she could almost feel his breath on her skin, “Sensual?”
YN stood planted to her spot, trying not to crack under Mr. Styles’ gaze but it was a little too difficult. She opened her mouth to speak, but she had no words. It was almost as though he could feel how nervous she was and knew exactly what strings to pull to make it worse. Her breathing was ragged, and she almost felt as though she was turning a little light-headed.
“Yes, sir.” YN nodded her head, swallowing to reduce the coarseness in her throat, “All of those things.”
“And how did it make you feel?”
YN looked down at her hands, and then back up to Mr. Styles. He had a devilish look in his eye, that same look that he had when she had seen him walking into his chambers with the Williamsons. It shook YN to her core, but she had to stand there and answer his questions, even if she didn’t have a single thought in her head that could help her with that.
“It made me feel,” She hesitated for a moment, but said the only word that was coming to her head, “Desire.”
It was the same word that she had mulled over last night when she had finished the book and closed it. After more thought last night, she not only had the desire to feel that with somebody, but the desire to read all the books like that she could. In her entire life she had never read anything which such a scandalous tone, but here she was with a desire for more.
“Desire,” He nodded his head with a smile, “That’s a good one. What did you feel desire for?”
YN cleared her throat, “A desire to read more.”
“Well, there’s a full bookcase of other books in the library for you to fulfil that desire,” He leant one of his hands upon the top of his chair next to him, “But what did you really feel desire for?”
YN felt stuck. In all honesty, she felt as though he could read every single thought that was whirring through her head – she hadn’t a single idea about how that could be possible.
“Mr. Styles I –”
“No, Miss. YLN, I want you to tell me exactly what you felt after reading the book.”
YN nodded, “I felt a desire to feel like that, to be –”
“Kissed like that?” YN nodded, “Touched like that?” Another nod.
“Yes, Mr. Styles.”
He nodded his head and looked her up and down, as though he was figuring out his next move. YN honestly felt as though she was trapped by him, and by the way that every hair on her body was standing up and her body felt as though it was on fire, she couldn’t decide whether she was enjoying herself or hating every moment.
“Miss. YLN, once you have finished your chores for the day, I’d like you to read the first book on the shelf, Sign of the times, and when you’re done, I’d like you to come and find me.”
“Yes, Mr. Styles.”
“Good,” He turns to walk towards the door, “I’ll be in my office, and I do not want to be disturbed until you’ve finished the book.”
With that, he slams the door shut behind him.
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It had taken YN just above an hour to finish all her chores, and once she had finished, she rushed to the library with the book in her hand to replace and ready to pick up the one that Mr. Styles had chosen for her. Once she had picked up the book and made her way towards the tree that Mr. Styles had found her reading beneath she sat down and started reading straightaway.
It was a tale of lavish lifestyle, complete with balls and luxury and husband in a manor which had an eye for his wife’s lady’s maid. It was becoming more and more obvious why Mr. Styles had asked her to read this book, and it was making her quite hot under the collar.
It was about halfway through the novel that YN was starting to feel so uncomfortable within her clothing. Her dress felt scratchy against her skin, and her corset felt too tight in all the wrong places. YN was truly captivated by a chapter that takes place within the husband’s office, with the lady’s maid sat upon the desk having only the most scandalous things done to her.
The feeling that she was talking about with Mr. Styles was back. For this book, however, it was certainly more of a desire to feel the way the lady’s maid felt in the book. Compared to the first one she read, there was something so real about this one. She didn’t know if it was because she had so much in common with the lady’s maid, or because the husband had so many characteristics that resembled her employer who was waiting for her to finish the book.
It took her a few hours to finish the book, but she had always been a fast reader and that really helped her do that. Once she had finished the book, and still felt hot under her collar and nervous bubbles in the pit of her stomach at the thought of the next conversation she was going to have.
It felt as though she was acting automatically, walking up the stairs and towards Mr. Styles office without actually telling herself to do so. It wasn’t until she was stood outside of his door, with her hand hovering over the door to knock that reality was kicking in.
With one deep breath, she knocked on the door twice and waited for Mr. Styles to call her in before opening the door.
“Finished already?” YN was surprised that he was the first one to talk, and she was also surprised about how much paper Mr. Styles had piled up on his desk.
“Yes, Mr. Styles.”
“Please, come in and take a seat,” He motions to one of the empty seats in front of him, “And shut the door behind you.”
“Yes, sir.”
Under his intense stare, she felt as though everything else that was happening within the world didn’t matter. The way that he was looking at her, sat behind his grand desk in a suit that complemented his frame in a way that YN had never even thought of until reading those books. Whilst she hadn’t seen much similarity between the husband in the book and Mr. Styles, but the situation was becoming more and more like reality – especially now that she was sat within the walls of his office.
“Now, I want to know what you thought,” He says, leaning forward with his elbows on his table, “I want to know the truth, no trying to hide it.”
YN knew what he was doing, but the problem was that she had no idea how to describe how she was feeling to him without speaking so scandalously to her employer.
“Sir, it was… unlike anything I’ve ever read before,” YN couldn’t help herself. If he was going to ask her for the truth, then she was going to give it to him, “Both of the books were.”
“In a good way, I’m guessing?”
“I’m not too sure about that, Mr. Styles.”
He raised one of his eyebrows at her, “Is that so?”
“It’s just sir, I’ve never read anything like that before in my life and I hadn’t ever thought that a book could be so enjoyable and scandalous at the same time.”
Mr. Styles laughed; a full belly laugh that showed those dimples that YN only managed to see in a blue moon. There was no doubt in her mind that Mr. Styles was a handsome man, and that the books hadn’t sparked something in her that she hadn’t ever thought of before reading them. Every single time she watched the man run his hand through his hair, she wanted to be doing that exact thing whilst his head was in between her legs – just like the scene on the dining table in the first book. It was a scandalous thought, and it made her cheeks flush.
“I take it that you enjoyed it, then?” As scandalous as the book were, this conversation with her employer was seemingly more scandalous.
“Yes, I did sir.”
“What if I told you that I wrote them.”
YN felt as though she was shocked all the way to her core, “Sir, you –”
“I wrote them, yes,” He nodded his head, “I take it that this is a shock to you.”
“Just a little, sir.”
“Did you not wonder what I spent hours and hours doing with all of this paper every day?” He asked, as though he was sort plaguing her for her opinion on the matter.
“I did sir, but I never thought that – you were – doing…”
“That I was writing such scandalous things?”
“Well, yes.”
“Well, that is completely understandable,” YN nodded at his words, because it was very true, “I understand that it is such a shock for you, but without these books there is no house, and no job for you.”
“I completely understand that sir,” YN nodded, not wanting to push any buttons that could end with her losing her job.
“Good,” He nodded his head and tapped his finger on the table, “Now I have a proposition for you.”
YN’s eyes widened at his words, “For me.”
“Yes, there’s nobody else in the room is there?” YN laughed at his joke, even if it was at her expense, “I have a proposition for you to be my editor.”
“Your editor?”
“Are you going to repeat everything I say?” It could have been malicious, if it wasn’t for the smile on Mr. Styles’ face.
“No, sir.”
“Good,” He nods his head, “The main reason I am asking is that my editor has been indisposed and I have a deadline for my next book, and I know that you won’t be shocked by the content anymore.”
“Sir, I haven’t edited book before.”
“I know that,” He stands up and moves as he talks, before resting himself in front of her on his desk, “But it needs to be someone I can trust, and that I know won’t be scandalised by the content.”
“Sir, if I may, just because I have read the content doesn’t mean that I wasn’t scandalised by it.”
“Really?” This seemed to shock him, “So you were scandalised by the book.”
“I think it to be improper if I wasn’t scandalised, sir,” YN was truly shocked that he didn’t think that she would be. Did she come off as an improper girl? “The content you write, that was something that my mother told me was only between a man and a woman in the marital bed.”
He nodded his head, “You can always say no, and just continue to be my maid.”
“I never said that sir,” YN was maybe a little too enthusiastic with her response.
“So, you’ll do it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Great,” He turned around and picked up a large pile of papers and passed it to her, “This is what I have so far, and I can give you a quill and some ink to edit.”
“Okay,” YN was trying her best to balance the papers that she had been given, “Thank you, Mr. Styles.”
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YN and Mr. Styles had been working together for the past couple of weeks, with Mr. Styles writing chapters upon chapters and YN editing every single one until they were ready for publishing. They were about a quarter of the way through the book when Mr. Styles hit a block, and YN ended up sitting in his office whilst he paced around the room.
“I need it to be more… pleasurable, I need it to be about her,” YN was nodding her head, flicking through the paper that he had just written, “But I don’t want it to be too similar to the things that I’ve already done and written. I want it to be new.”
YN understood exactly what was being said, and as she was reading, she was trying to have some sort of ideas come to her as to what she could do. This was different to what she had read of Mr. Styles’ books before, and that was a few now. When she had started edited his books, she decided that she would read more just to see how he liked his books to be edited before they were published.
“What if she was the one to take control?”
Mr. Styles stopped his pacing and turned to look at her, “What?”
“Well, you said that you wanted it to be new, and about her,” YN repeated his words, placing the paper down on the desk and turning to look at him, “Why don’t you let her take control? Let her be the one to make the decisions. That hasn’t been shown in your work before.”
He nodded his head, as though he was coming to his senses with what she was saying. It wasn’t too much of a stretch, but Harry so far has written the majority of his characters where the male is the one to take the lead, why couldn’t the female? (YN knew exactly why in some of the cases the female didn’t, but it would be fun to try.)
“It’s a good idea,” He nods his head, finally sitting back down and stopping the pacing that was driving YN a little up the wall, “But I don’t know the perspective, I don’t know what a woman would say in that situation.”
If he was asking her opinion on this situation, then she had nothing to offer him. YN had never been in a situation even remotely close to the ones in his book – all she knew was the conversation she had with her mother when she was younger and everything that she had read within his books.
“Don’t you have any friends that you could possibly ask?”
“It isn’t exactly a conversation that you bring up over dinner, Miss. YLN,” There was a little maliciousness behind his voice, but YN had spent enough time with Mr. Styles over the past few weeks that she knew to take everything he said during his ‘creative process’ with a pinch of salt.
“What about the Williamsons?” A little timider now, but she had to ask, “Couldn’t you ask them?”
“They came to me with their problems, YN,” Mr. Styles explains, “They’ve been my friends for years, and they know what I do. They were having issues in that aspect of their relationship.”
That made a lot more sense now, and whilst YN hadn’t a clue what had gone on behind those closed doors weeks ago, she had a feeling that it maybe was and wasn’t what she was thinking all at once.
“I understand, Mr. Styles.”
He stood up again and started pacing and YN felt as though she was a second away from rolling her eyes, “Maybe you can help.”
“Mr. Styles,” Normally YN’s tone was shocked at his ideas, but this was a complete shock, “You can’t be serious.”
“I’ve never been more serious,” He stops right in front of her, leaning on the desk behind him with his arms crossed, “We don’t have to, but if you want to, you could help me.”
“And how could I do that?”
“YN, if we could get you to experience that pleasure and tell me exactly how you would take control and want that control to be portrayed.”
“But sir, how am I supposed to do that?”
“I would help,” Mr. Styles said, without any hesitancy, “I can help, if you’d like.”  
“Sir, thank you, but I just… I don’t know –” YN looked at him, looking at her as though she was his only option, “I’m sorry.”
Walking out of the room, YN didn’t know what to do. All of that desire she had been feeling to feel like the women in the books was laid out to her on the table, and she ran. She couldn’t say that she hadn’t imagined Mr. Styles in that way, but he was her employer and that would be drawing a line in a way that she hadn’t before.
Instead of Mr. Styles pacing around the room, it was YN. She was pacing around the entire house, cleaning everything that she could and doing everything that she could. By the time that Mr. Styles’ dinner was ready, she had placed it down and left the room before he had even gotten there, and she waited until he was done before going back to clean up.
Once the house had gone quiet, YN’s thoughts were whirring around in her head. She can’t help the heat that had coursed through her entire body at what Mr. Styles had offered all day. It was a little unbearable, to the point where she couldn’t lay still and couldn’t think about anything but his offer.
What would be the problem if she went through with it? He could fire her. She would be scandalised forever. But she didn’t have much going for her anyway, and she had given up the idea of marriage long ago. What if this was her last chance?
YN didn’t know the time, but it was late, and with a candle clutched in her hand she walked out of her room and upstairs. Her feet carried her towards Mr. Styles’ room. She thought that he would be long asleep, and she would be going right back downstairs but at the sight of the light flickering from underneath his door she knew that wasn’t the case.
“Mr Styles?” She knocked on the door, waiting to hear something before she came in, “Are you awake?”
YN heard shuffling from the other side of the door, before it swung open to reveal Mr. Styles stood there with only his trousers on, his suspenders laying vacant by his sides revealing his entire chest to YN. She couldn’t help her eyes wander down to his chest, and across his arms.
“Miss. YLN,” He seemed shocked, but there was also a bit of concern laced within his voice, “Is everything okay?”
“I was just thinking about what you said earlier… about what you offered,” She cleared her throat slightly, “And I would like to help you, if there’s truly no other option.”
“YN,” It was the first time that he had used her name since she joined him. YN didn’t even know what Mr. Styles’ first name was – he wrote his books under a pseudonym, “Are you sure that this is what you want?”
“I am,” She nodded her head, “I promise.”
That was all it took for Mr. Styles to lean forward, grasp her head between his hands and place his lips directly on hers. YN was a little shocked by it, seeing as though she had never been kissed before, but the second that his hands slipped into her hair that had dissipated. It didn’t take long for her to stumble into his room, where he moved his hands down her body until they were underneath her thighs.
“Jump,” YN did as he said, the words that she seemed to understand when he mumbled them against her lips.
With a swift move, Mr. Styles had his hands underneath her thighs and her legs wrapped around his waist. He pushed his door closed behind and walked her towards his bed. This wasn’t the first time that YN had been in Mr. Styles room but kissing him whilst having her legs wrapped around his waist in only her slip was certainly a different experience then cleaning the room.
Mr. Styles placed YN down on the bed with such ease and light touch that shocked YN if she was completely honest. She was nervous, and truly didn’t know what to expect from this but so far nothing was making her feel too scared.
“Are you still sure about this, YN?”
When he mumbled that against her lips, she didn’t know what to do so she just nodded her head and mumbled a, “Yes,” against his lips.
Mr. Styles’ soft lips removed from yours and started to move down the soft skin of her neck, and every once in a while, she could feel his teeth scratching against the skin and also his tongue grazing every once in a while.
He continued planting kisses down her body, across each part of her skin even over her slip. As he continued moving further down her body, he used his hands to push her slip up. It was almost as though he was asking permission to push it further up and reveal herself to him. With one quick nod of her head, he was doing just that, pushing it up until he was face to face with her. It was the first time that anybody had seen her pussy, and there was no time in her brain for her to be scandalised by the thought.
“Are you okay up there?” He asked, moving his hands lightly up and down her thighs.
“Yes, sir,” She nodded her head, “Just… I’ve never felt like this before.”
“I know you haven’t,” He smiles and places a few kisses along the soft skin of her thighs, “I’m going to start now.”
It only started at first with a soft kiss around where YN needed it the most. It felt as though your entire body was going to combust at any moment, and that Mr. Styles certainly knew what he was doing as she was completely dripping for him. She wouldn’t be surprised if she had dripped right onto the bed beneath him.
Within one blink of her eyes, he was kissing directly on her clit. It was a sensation that she’d never felt before, and she didn’t know whether she’d feel it again. He then moves from kissing to licking right up and down her slit, collecting her arousal before bringing it up to circle her sensitive clit.
“Oh, Mr Styles!”
“Harry,” He mumbles against her, sending shivers all the way down her spine, “M’names Harry, say my name.”
“Harry!” It was the first time that he had told her his name, and now that she knew it, she didn’t know if she would every stop saying it.
He smiles against her before continuing to pleasure her. The feeling of his tongue against her pussy had her almost panting. The fact that he knew how to add the exact pressure onto her clit that have her squirming and moaning his name was unbeknownst to her, but he did. Every small sound that she made had him grinning against her, and he must have been enjoying himself them.
He changes from rhymical laps to her clit to teasing it with the tip of his tongue. It was only when he started to gently suck on it that she started to feel a tightening in her stomach. YN’s legs started to shake, and her breath got caught in her throat.
Harry can tell that YN is getting closer and closer, and knowing that he brings fingers under his mouth until he can sink one of them inside of her. It was almost instantly that she started clenching around his finger. YN immediately reaches out and grabs the blanket that screwed up on the bed behind her. When Harry notices, he immediately reaches out his free hand for her to take – which she does with a lasting squeeze. The intimacy of holding Harry’s hand whilst he does this to her is something that she’ll never forget. The squeeze that YN has on his hand is something that keeps her feeling slightly grounded even though she feels as though she’s truly only a second away from exploding.
Harry pushes another finger inside of her and starts to thrust them in and out of her pussy, coaxing something from the pit of her stomach that she had never felt before in her life. It was as though YN could see stars, and as though she could feel everything on her body more and more. YN can feel just how firm his tongue is, every ridge of it and how warm it is. The feeling to YN was indescribable to her, but yet she had read a scene within one of Harry’s own books that describes it. The only thing that YN could say is that the books definitely do not do the feelings justice.
“Harry…” YN started to squeeze his hand tighter, as she was worked closer and closer to a point that she had never felt before, “Harry, its –”
“I know, love,” He mumbles against her, “Just feel it.”
Seconds later, YN does just that. The feeling of her orgasm on Harry’s fingers and tongue was something that had her mouth opening, her eyes falling shut and her back arching. He doesn’t stop as she reaches that point, he continues working his fingers and his tongue and bringing her past that point.
Once she was coming down from her high, he doesn’t stop his fingers all together just slows them down until she pushes him away due to the sensitivity that she was feeling. He laughed and moved further up until he could kiss her again. Her entire body felt numb, but the second she felt his lips on hers she was brought back down to reality and to the feeling of what had just happened.
Once her breathing calmed down, Harry dropped beside on her on the bed on his back. His chest seemingly seemed back to normal as well. YN didn’t know what to say, and she didn’t even know what to think. For some reason, not knowing what to do she couldn’t help but laugh.
“What?” Mr. Styles said, and she could hear the smile on his face.
“Nothing, Mr. Styles.”
“What did I say?” She turns to look at him, and he looks at her too, “My names Harry.”
“Nothing, Harry.”
“You’re cooking something up in that head of yours.”
“No,” YN shakes her head, “No, I’m not.”
“Yes. Yes, you are.”
The only sound that can be heard is YN’s laughter as Harry starts to kiss her neck again.  
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YN had spent the last week or so splitting her time up between cleaning and cooking, editing what Mr. Styles was writing and laying between the sheets of Mr. Styles’ bed. It certainly wasn’t a conventional way of living, but YN had never been happier. It was the same for Harry, YN thought. In the few months that she had been with Mr. Styles, she hadn’t seen him as happy as he was now.
Before, he normally kept himself hidden within his office, only ever coming out when it was absolutely necessary that he did. But now, he was always coming out of his office to find her, kissing her and touching her in ways that she craved for more.
The first time that they had sex was a few days ago now, and YN hadn’t wanted to stop. They had been doing it all over the house, in the kitchen, on Harry’s desk, on the dining table and even on the stairs (even though YN would never admit it.) There was even the one time that they did it under the tree that YN had become very fond of in the course of her employment, and Mr. Towers walked around the corner and received the shock of his life. YN didn’t speak to Harry for a few hours, but when he started to attack her neck whilst she was making his dinner, she had no choice but to talk to him.
YN had been planning this for the past day now, and now that he was working in his office, she saw it as the perfect opportunity. It was taking a lot of courage for her to do this, but she knew that she had to do it – for the sake of the book that was.
YN walked up the stairs towards Mr. Styles’ office with purpose, and when she reached his door, she didn’t knock she just walked in. He was sat at his desk (like he always was) with a piece of paper in his hands, obviously reading through something that he had written. At the disturbance of YN walking in, he looked up and at the sight of her just in her slip he couldn’t help the smile at her.
“Is it night-time already?” Unable to stop himself from poking at least a little fun at her.
“No, it’s not,” YN shut the door behind her and started making her way towards him at his desk, “But it is time for something.”
“What is it time for?” He leant back in his chair, allowing for space for her to drop down onto her knees in front of him.
“Do you remember when you first proposed this?” He nodded his head, pretending not to be distracted by her hands working the button on his trousers, “Do you remember what you didn’t know? And what you wanted to know?”
He nodded his head, not being able to think of anything to say as she wrapped her hand around him.
“How would a woman take control?” She teased, running her finger across his tip, “What she would do? And what she would say?”
He moved his hands down, attempting to thread them through her hair.
She tutted and shook her head, “No. Hands by your side.”
He did what she asked, and she decided to finally stop teasing him. She started by just a few kitten lips to his tip, before placing her whole mouth around him. His eyes fluttered shut as she started to take more and more of him in her mouth. Her other hand was cupping his balls, massaging them gently.
“Fuck, YN,” The explicit word just slips out of his mouth, his body completely overridden by the pleasure he was feeling, “You feel so good.”
His hands were gripping the side of the chair he was sat in, so hard that his knuckles were turning white. His breathing was becoming more and more shallow, and she knew exactly what was coming next. This caused her to pull away and for him to moan at the loss of her lips around him.
“Not yet,” She shakes her head and stands up, pulling up her slip until she was bare for him. There were few things that could get her dripping like Harry does, “I didn’t say you could, did I?”
“YN!” His hands come to grasp her hips as she stands up, straddling his waist and lining herself up with him. He watches down between them in anticipation as she sinks down onto him. One of her hands lifts up to grasp her neck, squeezing lightly as she leans down to kiss him. Once he was comfortably inside of her, she started to grind her lips on him.
“Jesus, YN,” He whispered against her lips.
“Feel good?”
Harry opens his mouth to speak, but the only thing that comes out of his lips are another moan. YN continues to lift her hips and drops them back down on him, allowing her head to rest on his shoulders as she does so.
“Do you want to touch me, Harry?” She asks, leaning forward to catch his ear between her teeth.
“Please,” Harry almost begs her to let him touch her, all he wanted to do was touch her and take over.
“Well, I have not decided that you can yet,” YN continues to bounce, leaning back slightly. Her breasts bounce as she moves, and Harry wants to do nothing more than to reach out and touch or take them between his lips.
“YN,” Harry whines, “Please let me touch you, please let me kiss you. Let me take control.”
“No, did you not hear me?” YN continued to bounce up and down, bringing the both of them closer and closer, “You wanted it from my perspective, and that is what you’re getting.”
Harry felt as though he was going to combust. The waves of pleasure were coursing through his body, and he felt as though he was going to tipped over the edge at any second. YN knew that she wasn’t going to have to make him wait much longer, as she was already feeling her own peak closing in on her.
“Are you close, Harry?”
“Yes,” He leans forward to capture her lips on his again, “Please, are you darling?”
“I am.”
“Don’t stop, darling.”
“I am not going to stop, Harry, don’t worry.”
The second YN reaches her peak, Harry does too, and he spills inside of her. YN takes one look at him, with his eyes closed and his head tipped back, hair all over. YN couldn’t help but smile at him, pushing his hair back off his face. Once he opens his eyes he has the biggest grin on his face, and YN can’t help but kiss it off him.
“Was that, okay?” YN mumbles against his lips, and he grins again.
“Okay?” He laughs and pulls her closer, “That was more than okay.”
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One Year Later
“YN!” The door slammed shut not that long after the call of her name. She had been sat in the parlour, curled up with a book but at the sound of Harry entering the house. He had left earlier that morning to go into the city centre and YN hadn’t been expecting him back for a while, so she was shocked when he walked through the door.
“In here!” She closed the book that she was reading (not one of Harry’s which may come as a shock).
Harry came bursting through the door of the parlour with the biggest grin on his face that YN had ever seen. He was obviously hiding something behind his back, and YN was positive that she knew what that was.
“It’s ready!” Harry exclaimed, showing her that it was a book that he had been concealing behind his back, “After one long year it’s finally done!”
He walked towards her and sat down next to her on the lounger, passing the book to her so that she could see. Once she had the emerald, green covered book with the gold lettering with the title and the name in gold embossed lettering, YN honestly felt as though she could cry. They had put blood, sweat and tears into for over the past year. But then again, lately anything was making her cry.
“Oh, Harry,” Her eyes did start to water up as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling him closer to her chest, “It’s beautiful.”
“It is,” He places a kiss against her cheek, and she leans into his touch, “I want you to open it. Look on the inside.”
YN opened to the first page, where she saw that there was a dedication page.
To the person that showed me what Desire is,
this is for you, my Mrs. Scott.
“Oh, Harry,” That was it, the tears had truly started to fall down YN’s cheeks now and there was no stopping them, “I love it.”
“I know that it’s a shame that we couldn’t write Mrs. Styles, but for the sake of the book you are my Mrs. Scott.”
“And you’re my Mr. Scott.”
YN closed the book and turned her head, pouting her lips for a kiss from her husband. He obviously obliged, not wanting to upset his wife.
“And soon we’ll have our baby Scott,” Harry smiled against her lips, moving his hand so that it was laid across her protruding stomach.
The pregnancy hadn’t been a shock to either of them, especially since they hadn’t been careful before they got married, but even more so when they did get married, seeing as though the scandalous part of their relationship had gone.
The most shocking thing that happened was the night that they finished the book completely, it was all written and ready to be sent off and Harry got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. YN was more shocked than she could believe to the point where she pinched herself because she didn’t believe it was true. YN never thought that she would even know anyone that she could even see spending the rest of her life with, but Harry was that.
It was a little stressful at first for YN to leave maid mode and move into wife mode but once she fell pregnant it became easier. They also hired a new maid, Dahlia, who came from a very similar situation to YN herself, but she was nice enough and did her job as well as they would like her too.
The thought of Harry even looking at Dahlia the way he had looked at YN hadn’t even crossed her mind. The only way that YN could describe Harry since they were married, and even more so when they found out that she was pregnant was that he was completely and utterly armoured by her.
“This baby is a Styles, Mr. Styles,” YN rolled her eyes at his comment, to which he laughed at her, “This baby isn’t going anywhere near the books.”
“That is true,” He nods his head and placed another kiss on her cheek, “You’re right Mrs. Styles.”
“Have you not noticed that I am rarely wrong?” He laughed and kissed her cheek again.
Even though their relationship came about in a very unconventional (and very scandalous way), YN had never, ever been happier and she had Harry to thank for that – and she would for the rest of her life.
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apocalypticvalraven · 5 months
Delicious in Dungeon in The Kitchen
So... I was struck by the thought that I kinda wish some food nerd would go through the Dungeon Meshi dishes and analyze them and sort of give a "this is the real world thing they're making" run down.
And then I realized I'm a food nerd that can do research.
We're gonna try this out, starting with Volume 1. I don't promise that I know everything about cooking. I don't promise I'll always be able to make the thing I'm looking at (I am broke, and I don't have my own kitchen). But I can at least look at a dish and figure out what they're doing and how to replicate it, at least sorta.
Dungeon Meshi Volume 1-- Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hot Pot
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The two main components of this dish are the Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom.
Walking Mushroom
Looking at the images in the manga, Walking Mushroom seems to just... be a mushroom that can walk around. There are no organs, the interior seems pretty uniform in substance...
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Like, literally, that's exactly what sliced mushrooms look like. Senshi cuts the mushroom into ~4" strips (judging by their size next to the small cabbage-like vegetable, and comparing those plants to his hand in the image of him gathering them. I am assuming dwarf hands are roughly the same size as human hands).
There's a variety of edible mushroom that is probably as close as we're going to get to the size of a Walking Mushroom, growing a cap up to 3' wide, but it seems to only grow in termite mounds in a very specific part of the African continent (please forgive my USAmerican, White education leading me to not being able to identify the specific region), so... if you can get that at all, it's probably crazy expensive (as it should be, unless you're literally getting it from the mounds or local markets yourself). Portobello or similar large culinary mushrooms are probably just fine. The Mushroom Feet are literally just mushrooms, so no worries there.
Huge Scorpion
Ok, so... there is a difference between arachnids and crustaceans. As a start, arachnids have book lungs and crustaceans have gills. Arachnid guts are different from crustacean guts, just because of environment. Hell, crustacean limbs grow differently from arachnid limbs.
That said, everything I see in Dungeon Meshi implies that, from a culinary standpoint, Huge Scorpion is a crustacean-
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So, really, it's just a big lobster. Take a lobster, cut off its legs, antennae, and the tail fluke, and you're going to see something that looks pretty similar to the huge scorpion in Dungeon Meshi.
Next is seaweed, which... is just a thing, but also kind of an imprecise term, I think. Basically, "seaweed" just refers to any marine algae that is multicellular and macroscopic (big enough to see). Arctic Moss seems to be a real thing which refers to a couple things- the aquatic moss Calliergon giganteum and the terrestrial lichen in the genus of Cladonia, which includes Reindeer Lichen.
Reindeer lichen is edible, in a number of ways, but it's also not seaweed. So we look at Calliergon giganteum. I cannot get an answer as to whether this particular variety of moss is edible. So... fuck it, say Senshi used Reindeer Lichen, at least we know that's edible.
"Star Jelly" is... I don't know. The main result I find when googling it is that it's the sort of general term for various slimes that show up on lawns and other vegetation, etc. Which means it could be anything from amphibian spawning jelly to who the fuck knows what.
However, one thing it could be is a cyanobacteria known as Fat Choy, a commonly used "vegetable" in Chinese Cuisine:
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Looks like jelly? Yep. Looks weird enough that you might imagine it comes from a star? Yep. Edible? Yes!
(I mean, maybe don't eat a ton of it, or get it from irreputable sources. At least some Fat Choy contains a toxic amino acid which may or may not have negative health effects, but I'm not a doctor, so all I'm saying is "be aware of this." It's an expensive delicacy, which means that it is a particularly lucrative target for counterfeiters, and China does not have strong, or strongly enforced, food safety laws).
The Hard Stuff
So that leaves "Invertatoes" and "Dried Slime."
Neither of which seem to have a good direct analogue to the real world. Well... sorta.
Invertatoes seems to refer to the plants. The name calls to mind potatoes, and potatoes do indeed grow in the ground and are starchy. It's probably fair to just use any kind of starchy tuber as the "invertatoes." Maybe cassava, since those are large enough that it's at least somewhat believable that "Fantasy Land Cassava" could look like that (although that doesn't fit the "these are normal plants that grow upside down" unless we're being really generous).
The problem is that it's sort of implied that the cabbage-like vegetable seen in the hot pot comes from the same plant, and everything from a potato plant other than the potato itself is toxic. They also don't look like that.
I literally don't know what those cabbage/lettuce-like leafy vegetables are. They're not seaweed, because the two varieties called out definitely don't look like that. They're not, so far as I can tell, the greens of any kind of starchy tuber--
So, I was taking one last look at tubers to see if I could find something that seemed to match, and I think Invertatoes could be likened to something similar to chicory. Particularly endives. I never knew endives were related to chicory (ie, "that thing that I'm aware is popular as a coffee substitute in the South, but I don't have much desire to try it, and I wonder if it even has caffeine..."), but, apparently, yeah. Endives are a member of the chicory genus.
So, yeah, lets say that Invertatoes are a sort of fantasy plant similar to the various members of the chicory genus. The trunk can be replicated with chicory root, and the leaves with endives.
That leaves Dried Slime. Dried Slime makes up the noodles in the hot pot, which implies that the noodles are gelatinous, and probably low in gluten. Senshi's explanation of the slime makes me want to think of it as a macro-unicellular lifeform, but... I'm not sure that's accurate.
While it's definitely not an accurate way to describe a jellyfish, I could definitely see a non-biologist describing jellyfish in a way similar to the way Senshi describes the slime. I could also see some fantasy terrestrial jellyfish thing hunting in a similar manner to the slime. Moreover, there are edible varieties of jellyfish, and they're processed in a manner very similar to what Senshi describes for processing slimes. And one way of preparing edible jellyfish is to thinly slice it into noodles.
Hot Pots
I... think this is using a very specifically Japanese sense of "hot pot" (which makes sense), because in Japan, hot pot can refer to a dish called nabemono, while in general, hot pot refers to a particular kind of dining in China where you get a pot full of boiling stock/broth and a bunch of raw ingredients, and you put the stuff you want into the broth at the table. Nabemono is more of "put a bunch of stuff in a pot, and cook it. Serve it boiling." Which is to say, it's soup.
Senshi puts the scorpion meat and mushroom into a pot on its own, and lets it start boiling-
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Then, while it's boiling, he goes and finds other ingredients, coming back with the invertatoes and the slime. The two are prepared simply-
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Seasoning isn't included in the ingredients, but I can understand this as a choice for presentation. We do see Senshi add something to the broth after tasting it, and I think it's fair to assume it's one of soy sauce, mirin, fish sauce, or similar. I think it's actually really interesting that we see Senshi add seasoning, but we're not told what it is-
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Because... that's cooking. You can follow a recipe, but ultimately, you need to taste your cooking and make your own decisions. Senshi lets the soup cook, tastes the broth, decides it needs something, and gives it a bit of time to let the flavors meld before serving it up.
Dungeon Meshi Lobster and Mushroom Hot Pot
So, we're looking at something like this for the "Huge Scorpion and Walking Mushroom Hot Pot"--
Lobster- ~5 lbs or more (a 1 lb lobster yields about 4 oz of actual meat, which is a single serving), cut into large slices
Portobello- 2 mushrooms large diced, 2 left whole with the caps scored
Reindeer Lichen and Fat Choy- to taste
Chicory Roots- ~1 cup, diced
Endive greens- ~2 cups
Jellyfish, thin sliced- as much as you like
Add lobster and mushrooms to water, and allow to boil. While it comes to a boil, prepare the other ingredients, then add to the water. Let the soup come to a full boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes to an hour (can simmer longer, but this will affect the texture of the ingredients. Longer simmering will result in more melding of flavors, but also degraded solid parts).
Taste the broth. It will likely need salt and acid, which could come in a variety of forms, such as kosher salt and lemon juice, soy sauce and mirin/rice vinegar, oyster/fish sauce, or something else. Go with your gut and your taste buds..
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etherealfishyfeelings · 9 months
Synastry Notes: Sun/Moon
Disclaimer: these are just my personal experience with sun moon aspects in synastry. This is also essentially a rant.
Another Disclaimer: the conditions present in the natal chart such as signs, aspects and house placements can radically alter how one person experiences synastry aspects from another. As well as how developed someone is. I have moon conjunct mars and squared to chiron and widely squared to pluto personally. And it's in the 12th house. Please keep that in mind, I really don't like things poking at my moon. Also I am very sorry that this was so long. I did not think that I really had this much to say.
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The Conjunction: I have a love/hate relationship with this one. I thoroughly enjoy being the Sun person in Sun/Moon aspects in general. But with the conjunction as the Sun person I really tend to feel strong sense of protective care over the Moon person. I tend to take their emotions very seriously, it may not show up that way though since its in Aquarius but internally I feel a very strong pull to ensure their comfort and support their emotional needs. However, as the Moon person, i don't really tend to like it. All that attention on my Moon in the 12th? Ew. I feel really exposed and I often feel like the Sun person just seems to have no comprehension that they are trodding all over sacred ground. It isn't all bad though, I often feel like the Sun seems very accepting of who I am(no matter how weird or wacky) even if they do kinda feel like a bull in a china shop. I find that they usually do mean well, and they tend to be very good listeners, I feel very heard when talking to them about my feelings and thoughts.
The Opposition: Also a love/hate relationship I love being the Sun person but I genuinely loathe being the Moon person here. As the Sun person it feels very similar to the conjunction, I take the Moon persons feelings very seriously and go through great lengths to give them comfort and keep them entertained. Lots of gift giving?? Now that I think about it. Like LOTS OF GIFTS now that I'm really thinking about it. However there were times where I really felt like I was missing the mark and I didn't really get the Moon persons reactions to things. On the other hand as the Moon person, just no. I felt like the Sun person constantly rained on my parade, and they often required me to explain myself, like a lot(Virgo vs Pisces at its finest). I felt very judged and boxed in. Very uncomfortable for me, and for them from what I could see.
The Square: This one really depends. As the Sun person(in Aquarius) here I really tend to struggle with Scorpio and Taurus moons. They tend to find me fickle and I really, I mean really struggle to understand their emotional needs and even the ones I do sort of understand are so foreign to me that I am left baffled anyway(like I get it, but I don't get it. Like I get why doing XYZ is nice for you but I would never do that for 6 hours day, especially if I was ???sad???) and any attempts I make to have fun or do anything really are usually seen as threats to their person security. This aspect is REALLY loud for me. Especially because I have Saturn in Taurus. It's almost like I am uncomfortable with how uncomfortable I seem to make the Moon person just by being me. And if you live with them it's basically arguments galore. And getting a lot of the silent treatment. When I'm the Moon person it's sort of better, mostly because it's between mutable signs. Gemini and Sagittarius are light enough in their demeanor that I can ignore most of the friction but this also means that their Sun Squares my Mars and its very evident here, esp with the Sag suns. Like waaay more evident here than in the opposition for some reason. Like there is a general sense of interest in just meandering through the world together, like it's quite explorative in the physical world and in thought but most of the Sagittarius Suns that I've interacted with said they thought I was a bit of a bully(and I quote, "Do you even care about anything? Why do you always have to be so rude? And loud?") and too aggressive for their liking(I did ask why every time, I never really got a clear explanation so I cannot confirm the exact reason. My interaction with Sag Suns generally tend to be goofy and nice if it's kept short but long term its just goofy and confusing). And the Gemini Suns were great, had a lot of fun with them but ultimately it just fizzled out after many of the big clashes between us became evident. Overall as the Moon person the aspect wasn't too loud. But I prefer these two signs as moons signs.
The Trine/Sextile: actually pretty neat? Like both ways, especially with the trine. Takes me a while to notice the serenity of them but when I finally do take notice, I am hooked. Being the Sun is similar to being the Sun in the conjunction, just far less intense and more playful. And this is the only Sun/Moon aspect where I thoroughly enjoy being the Moon person. I love how light and almost airy it is, even when I'm dealing with a Scorpio Sun. Which seems crazy but it really works fine.
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whysojiminimnida · 1 year
Remember When I Said Taehyung Might Not Be As Gay As We Thought?
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Don't judge a man by his milfy wardrobe, he looks goooood.
It was... awhile ago. Maybe as far back as 2021 although I do not feel like link-searching it. It's in the archives if I didn't kill it.
Granted, there was a lot going on, then. There's still a lot going on and until now I had no desire to ever - EVER - return to this hellsite. Because Taekookers are fucking weird, yo. And some of y'all got a lil bit up in my shit too as I (fuzzily) recall. Which: it's whatever. I'm extremely unsocial, don't even answer my own DMs. And it's not personal, so I get it. I don't need or want to defend myself, but I will protect people I care about. With my absence, if necessary.
OT: I also totally kicked the big C while I've been out so that was nice. Yoongi the cat is pleased that his noms will continue uninterrupted. I will be in wigs for at least another year. It's all good. Oh LOOK at what we have here. Don't come at me for publishing this, I will explain.
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I got it from actual media days ago, okay, and also: there was no expectation of real privacy. Keep reading. Or don't, I'm not telling you what to do.
ANYWAY. I had to come back, mainly to say TAENNIE IS REAL I TOLD Y'ALL IDK WHY NOBODY EVER BELIEVES ME BUT HERE WE ARE. I'm gloating. Honestly, it's so rude, I'd apologize if I cared. But I am rude and snorfling into my cheerios about this. Tae just made me so damn happy, is all.
LET THE MAN BE BI OR HETEROFLEXIBLE OR EVEN STRAIGHT IDC. Jennie clearly makes him happy. Look at his "I'm going to Paris to see my girlfriend" face!
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And in that very specific jewelry look, no less. Foundrae. Again. Still. Hm.
Here's what I can tell you based on my limited third hand no sources no receipts this is probably utter bullshit usual disclaimer: It's a soft open, kids. This whole "oopsie we just so happened to get caught taking a lil walk in public with our managers in tow during which date at least one of us signed several autographs, what a surprise" is in fact a soft open for what will likely be a public confirmation PRETTY DAMN SOON. It might happen before I get this thing published, actually, depending on when I get it up. If it's before May 22 at noon my time, no idea. If after, well. Guess we'll see. Jennie's supposed to show up at the screening of HBO's The Idol that day, screening at the Grand Lumiere at 10:30 CEST. One wonders if she will arrive alone, or bring a plus one. It's a big ask, and if he does it they're probably getting married, that's how big a deal it would be. So I'm not holding my breath, but.
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This seems like a reasonable prospect for a plus-one viewing. Might not be the only one but... Jennie's IN IT so.
I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS GONNA HAPPEN. I think it would be a fucking POWER move if it did, but I also do not necessarily expect that it will. It COULD. It... MIGHT. It might not. Either way they're a thing, I'm telling you. They are, have been, a thing. For awhile. And it is apparently quite serious - like up to and including talk of engagement serious.
Remember when a bunch of folk thought that one gummy bear dude was going to jail for "hacking" Jennie's phone only there's been no actual movement on any "investigation"? Yeah. Trickle truthing, they call it. Give 'em a little bit, let them deny it and yell and chew on it for awhile before you give 'em a little more. But c'mon, nobody's wearing half the love-themed couple pieces at Foundrae for no damn reason.
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Seriously they got the whole collection almost and both have been seen wearing them almost exclusively. For a year.See airport pic above.
Look, I don't have inside info on Taehyung. I do not. I ain't hang with his friends and I don't know him personally. Never met the guy. But I know a PR move when I see one and this is exactly that.
We all know how toxic stan culture can be. Some ToadlicKKers (and a few of us house elves) are certifiably bonkers, if stan twitter is anything to go by. And the guys, the company, they expect a whole meltdown. They know this is not gonna make half their fans happy. I mean the tkkers have a point in that it looks like they wanted to be seen. BECAUSE IT'S A SOFT OPEN. What Taejen/Taennie/Jenhyung and the companies also know is that based on historic shipper behavior, this is gonna come back on Jimin, Jungkook, maybe Rose' and Lisa. And by extension, the other members. Maybe not as much due to their respective distance, but still. I bet by the time I finish this it will have already started.
Oh look there it is. Fuck those bitches, really.
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Good LORDT. I'm not adding the audio, if y'all are that hungry for psycho hose beast Jimin hate hie thee to stan twt.
But, totally off-topic kinda...
... wouldn't it be cool if Jennie, who speaks great English, was hanging out with Troye Sivan and was like "so you know my boyfriend tells me that his bffs..." I'M JUST SAYING NETWORKING IS COOL AND FRIENDS OF FRIENDS GET THINGS DONE OKAY.
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You know that girl has the scoop. If Tae knows it, she knows it. Oh heeeeyyy Troye.
Also OT: I love that Taekook have been hanging out a little more lately. It's refreshing. I genuinely think having Jennie in his life has been good for Tae in several ways. And you know, I'm kinda surprised Taennie has lasted this long. I didn't honestly think they would. It warms my decrepit, sad old heart a bit. Turns out I have a lot more to say so IDK IDK, if I feel okay about it I might be back. Right now I'm just waiting for the official Taennie nod and the continued total meltdown.
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months
Heyy this may come off as a weird question but,
Since Ive gotten a boyfriend I haven’t brought the whole tumblr Matt Murdock stuff and idk how well he’ll take it. My ex was pretty much weary about it so idk how accepting your partner is or if you have tips on how go handle that talk jsjsj
Hey, friend! I don't mind answering though I'm not sure how helpful this will be, but I'll try! And I'll also put my response below the cut because it got long!
So in my previous relationships I never mentioned writing and reading fanfiction in the past. When I was in my teens and 20s, fanfic was basically nerdy and cringey and it's not something you really told people you took part in. So I always just wrote and read it in my free time and never announced it to anyone. But from what I've been gathering lately, that's a bit different nowadays.
Personally, I don't view reading fanfic as anything different than reading a book. In some instances a smutty, filthy book, but hey, it's not like those don't exist and aren't published. In my view, if it's not somehow negatively impacting your life or the relationship then there's nothing wrong with it. I can't speak to what issues your ex may have had, but I honestly don't see why enjoying silly fanfics for fun or an escape from reality because of a crush on a fictional character is something to be weary about.
For me, my husband and I have known each other since high school and I have always been open about wanting to be a writer. We lost touch when he moved to Alaska for college, but 5 years later when we reconnected and began dating again one of the first things he asked was if I was still writing. I've been fortunate to be with someone who knows how incredibly passionate I am about my writing and he sees me participating in fanfic as no different than writing a published series (which I'd like to someday do). He's also quite secure in our relationship and isn't jealous of fictional characters, and my interest in them doesn't have any negative effects on our relationship or my personal life. If anything, it's an escape and sometimes therapeutic for me to write out different stories. So he really doesn't care and is just supportive of me writing.
Long story short, I feel like it's up to you if you even want to disclose your hobby/enjoyment of fanfic. Personally, I don't think it's anything you should be judged for from a partner. Is it wrong for someone to love reading a ton of books in a particular series? Or who loves binging a TV show because they enjoy the world and they love the characters? Because I don't think so. I don't see how fanfic is any different even with a crush on a fictional character.
Hopefully this somewhat helped, but if anyone else has any thoughts or suggestions/tips to add on to this, please feel free! 💕
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archivalofsins · 2 months
For Futa Jackalope really did just turn to camera and say chicken says what. Like he called the audience cowards. Too afraid to judge Futa because it would mean judging themselves.
Jackalope was on it. This end of trial report he hit all the right notes- He was in all the right places. He saw the audiences weaknesses and he hit them over and over.
He said you had your fun sowing lets chat before the reaping starts and he went in.
Like damn no remorse.
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"Or……maybe you just couldn’t bring yourself to find him “guilty”, because he reminded you too much of yourself……I’m just blabbing."
Even down to highlighting the faceless Futa showing that he could easily be any of us as he said it. Jackalope said,
"I take no prisoners; you will see an ending before the end. It will be shaped like every door you did not open and every life you did not live. Then in the face of your doubts you will keep walking forward because where you came from no longer exists. Time has an insatiable appetite and we are all on it's menu. Hahaha I'm such a kidder."
Back to what he really said and the thing that intrigues me the most. Jackalope throughout the second trial report kept highlighting that despite finding Kotoko guilty we proved through our verdict that her actions do work.
By finding everyone who she attacked/threatened Innocent. This continues the trend of Kotoko jumping on any sign of agreement to get to the conclusion she wants to end up at. That being her methods are correct. So just because we found her guilty doesn't necessarily mean we found her methods wrong.
The way Jackalope interprets the guilty prisoners change in verdict may be exactly how Kotoko will view it herself.
"But, to put it another way, if this is because he showed remorse, you could also say his “innocent” verdict was thanks to the actions of Kotoko Yuzuriha, right?"
Cuz think about it…….who knows how he would have acted without the pain, right?
Q.04 Would you make the same mistake again?
Futa: I don’t think so. I don’t think I could take this kind of pain again.
Q.07 What have you been into lately?
Futa: Finding a way to distract myself from the pain.
Well next up Kazui~
He’s a self-admitted liar, have you been able to solve the mystery?
Well given the little amount of information provided in contrast to Jackalope's statement on Yuno... I would have to say we haven't. Instead Jackalope just reiterates things that Es brought to attention in Kazui's second voice drama.
Not mentioning anything about cheating or marriage in the slightest.
Again very interesting in comparison to Yuno who Jackalope admits told us what she did herself without ever really honing in on what part of what she told us should be considered.
Just stating,
"She said it herself, so her crime became quite clear, hasn’t it? And that crime didn’t raise to the level of murder to you, I take it. Interesting. I guess that’s how it is in your era."
Yet in Yuno's second trial interrogation she said a lot of things. Including dismissing the audience previous judgments on her and the guards desire to project a sob story onto her.
Yuno Second Trial Interrogation
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This situations bothersome-ness has won out./I won't be bothered.
"So, I am extremely cooled off." (-273.15°C) "That is all."
"That’s the real Yuno Kashiki, you could say. Cold and logical. Practical and unromantic. Getting her to interact is gonna be a heavy lift, I’d say."
"You want to make clear the truth...huh? Fu... Haha!"
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"The result of doing looots of sugar-daddying: ...abortion."
"That's probably my murder. Well, please go ahead and partake of the truth."
"How is it? Satisfied? Then, can we be done already?"
"You don't surprise much, do you? As I thought, you knew it from the song extraction."
Cold and Logical
Well, yes. As one possibility, I thought it was likely. That, going by Milgram's scope of interpretation for murder, it was possible.
"I'm sure. Well, I generally got the sense that that's how it was. I could feel it."
You could feel it...you say?
"I can hear it, while I'm in Milgram. It's probably the same for everyone else."
Practical and unromantic.
"Voices peeking in, digging around, and discussing my sins."
Interesting that she uses sins plural here not singular. Didn't note this previously but probably should have.
Something like that...
"Are those not the thoughts you were having? Not that I would know."
But you get my point Jackalope's end of trial report on Yuno confirms that what she said in her second interrogation was in fact the truth and nothing but it. However, he speaks very little on how we interpreted what we were told in contrast to other prisoners.
Just making a sweeping statement,
Interesting. I guess that’s how it is in your era.
But he does ponder an interesting thing,
"I wonder though, what decides the worth of a life?"
Playing on the abortion debate that her trial turned into before plainly asking,
"……don’t tell me, did this murder seem smaller to you than the murders of the other prisoners? Thought-provoking!"
Again playing on the idea the fans have ran with that Yuno should not even be here because she hasn't committed murder like the other prisoners. He says a lot and not that much while discussing Yuno but Jackalope's statements on her can be used to further scrutinize what's not said about Kazui.
Like I said he basically confirms Yuno was in fact telling the truth throughout her second voice drama but doesn't mention any of what was brought up in Kazui's outside of reiterating Es' points.
Of Kazui being a liar and self-pitying going as far as to call him emo and even praise us for being so accommodating to him despite his woe is me routine.
Jackalope even comments that he can't bring himself to be interested in Kazui,
"It all feels very emo and I can’t bring myself to be very interested in him, but the fact that you’re so accommodating to him, is commendable."
However, he reiterates another point one that he brought up from the beginning that directly contradicts a statement that Kazui made in his second voice drama,
"He’s the only one who has the strength to fight off Kotoko and Mikoto after all."
Kazui states in his second voice drama that if Kotoko and Mikoto were to team up that would be the end of him and Milgram. Contradicting Jackalope's statement in Es' voice drama that if Milgram were an all out brawl then Kazui would come out victorious.
So Jackalope basically goes he's still lying have you figured out what the lies are and then just goes here's one of them for free.
Now onto the other interesting one- Amane.
Amane's is interesting because Jackalope basically goes her life would be this way in and out of Milgram. Showing that his focus with Amane is not us being tricked into going easier on her because she's a child but a desire for the audience to go harder on her because she is a child.
Coddling isn't going to prepare her for the real world but neither is being unnecessarily cruel to her either. Even admitting that he himself doesn't know what made the audience find Amane innocent this time around and stating he's curious about the judgement.
Despite how vocal people said Amane fans were being- This again highlights that no, they weren't. Amane fans weren't pushing super hard or really loud. They weren't going around shouting at people to vote her innocent or bribing people to. Hell, the staff couldn't even write a decent bit for her part of the video because they don't know what caused this.
"I remember feeling a sort of awe at your resoluteness to your duties, being a kid didn’t mean you couldn’t be “guilty”, right? So, what was it that made you choose “innocent” this time? I’m very curious. Is it her, or her beliefs, or her birthright, or her fate…."
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Whatever the circumstances may be, she is the one that has to bear the blame. That’s just how it is. Both in and out of MILGRAM, isn’t that right?
They were wrong for highlighting the tasing scene like this again. They went I'm about to make you feel bad if you voted this kid guilty fucking suffer rip to you I guess- you are the problem. Like there was no joking here Jackalope looked at the camera and went,
Jackalope: This is just how it is everywhere. Your vote won't change that. It won't lessen the weight of the blame on her shoulders. In or outside of Milgram.
The “It can’t be helped”, from the scum that can’t be helped. That makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY.
Then just went to Mikoto like that shit was nothing like it didn't just destroy my soul.
That concludes my fucked up things from the end of trial two report.
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tarotwithdanise · 2 years
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༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
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rules, disclaimer and notes ☆
[ 1. ] just a quick disclaimer : this reading was made for entertainment purposes only. this is obviously a general reading so takes what resonates and leave when it doesn’t, you don’t need to force your energy to read this and leave such a bad comment just to say it doesn’t resonates with you at all because the answer is very obvious! i don’t own any these pictures i collected them from pinterest so credits to the rightful owners.
[ 2. ] please ignore any grammatical errors on my reading since english is not my first language, thank you for understanding!
[ 3. ] third to the last one, if you are not an avid fan of this kind of readings and not totally 100% agree about the outcome of this pac please just ignore this post and don’t engaged anymore. however, we have different type of being hot, it's not all about being sexy or having muscles and abs.
[ 4. ] lastly, be happy and enjoy reading my works — feedbacks, comments, likes, reblogs and follows are really appreciated by the reader. (that’s me, lol :3)
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for tips, donation, masterlist and paid readings ☆
[ ♡ ] check out my second account @danisetarot.
SOURCE AND CREDITABLE : all of the pictures are collected and downloaded from twice instagram account, i don’t own any of them but credits goes to the rightful owner however edits goes and belong to yours truly. i use the editor tool ibispaint for the header, divider and piles pictures.
color code : #BC728D
sizes : piles pictures 768x768 | dividers 4096x50 | header 4096x550
(?) deck used : the light seer's tarot.
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You felt overburdened and muted from your past and now you are trying and learning to stand and speak up for yourself and for others whom you think reticent to themselves. In your past you are a people pleaser and tend to say 'yes' at everything they wanted you to be, you'd finally realized that we only live once so, you think what you can do and what is good for yourself because you think in this lifetime that the only matters is only you and not how do others perceive you, you are doing this in a healthy and good way. You are seeing the light while you walking through your own path now. The pressure that your past given to you makes you who you are today where people find amazingly about you. With the ace of swords, I think you wanted to widened your throat chakra more, where you will able to communicate and speak well to other people.
You may good at least in choosing right words when communicating to other's and if not, in singing! You are aiming to speak up for yourself and loved ones with the truth and holding it as if it's already possession into your inner voice. I see people find incredibly hot about the most is the quality of you being so intellectual individual, you are this type of person who can truthfully says "don't judge a book by it's cover", you wanted to study, read and get to know more about that specific book before giving and leaving your judgement, i mean sometimes you can kept this principle of yours frequently but you tend to tried your best to atleast have that inside your mind. I also think that there's someone here that always saying to you that you are intellectual but yet you don't even believe to them, you are doubting this capability of yours but you know inside yourself, you can do everything and you know you are creative and talented person.
Somehow, you vision all of this. You already have a clue about this, you are continuously completing your healing and improvement. You are making a progress now, expect a reward coming at your way throughout this journey. Overall, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are intelligent, creative, brave and talented.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
People who chose this pile are jolly where if they'll enter a dark room, you are the light and center of attraction there. You liked to show this traits of yours, where you are very childish and happy to others but somehow they're curious to know you, they found you incredibly mysterious and sometimes may act as a cold person perhaps you have this jolly side that you always show to others. This mysterious side of yours where these people often notice about you is the most attractive part of you. They're curious to know you more and maybe you are very private individual, which makes their curiosity to activate and somehow check and stalk your socials and backgrounds. They wanted to know you more but you tend to cut them off of what they can get know about you.
Well, i can't blame you though, you have a high intuition and tend to know what is their intentions and want to you and maybe you have a psychic abilities. I also see here that you are kind, generous and gentle but somehow you may have or might experiencing sadness. It's also hard for you to trust others, it make a lot of time to trust and rely yourself to others so you tend to always make it alone or all by yourself. I also think that you have a long curly hair regardless in what gender you are.
Furthermore about you is that you are fond and big fan of galaxies, stars, planets, forest and night so it makes also sense that you might be an astrologer. This last part may not resonate with everyone but for some, you might have a new buy crystals or new collection of crystal and decks.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Okay, people find incredibly hot about you is that you are very sexy and attractive. You have a lot of admirers pile three, I also think that you like to wear the color of red and black which makes you stand out with your circle. You are very friendly, you have a big social circle; a social butterfly indeed. I also see here that you've the prettiest smile or eyes. You value your family, you are someone who is a family oriented. If you literally have a current they see you as husband or wife material or if you are single, you consider yourself as husband/wife material.
I also here that you have a problem right now where you wanted to tell and discuss with others but fear and insecurity comes in. I think you are perfectionist individual. Some of this people fantasties you being tied on their bed or you might into BDSM kind of things. Are you good at dancing? Maybe this is one of the reason why people find you attractive. You are very confident about your talent. While, if you love kids like hanging out with them, playing with them. They find this cute and lovely about you.
Thank you so much for reading, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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© daninixx ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work.
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changingplumbob · 22 days
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I've seen several great responses to this but am going to do my best to go over the points I think are important.
Follow people. This may be obvious but you can't join the community if you don't find the community. There are many different simblrs around, you're bound to find ones you enjoy. You'll be inspired by their work and likely find other people to follow through what they reblog.
Interact. I too fall in the trap of simply liking posts when I'm tired but giving someone a reblog or a comment can make their day (it makes mine). Sometimes you'll find simblrs that don't appreciate conversation but they are few and far between, most of us love talking about our characters and creations.
If your story isn't sparking joy for you, it's okay to abandon it, or put it to the side. It's also fine to play around with your editing or writing. Your posts are allowed to evolve, likewise they're allowed to stay the same. If you have a process that works for you and you love, it's fine to stick with it.
Participate, it's a great way to met people. See who is doing bachelor/bachelorette challenges and make a sim to join the fun. Check out some CAS challenges, build challenges or legacy challenges. The creators love to see others participate.
Cite your sources when it makes sense. We are not going to judge you as a lesser simmer because you got that amazing house off the gallery or you got your beautiful sim from a sims dump. Give credit to the creators and have fun! Also DON'T use the cc tags if you don't link to actual cc because it drives people who have very little time to browse up the wall.
Be kind. It's easy to think fast and type stuff you really shouldn't. Remember that behind each profile is a person. Have adult discussions when there is a problem rather than just terrorizing the anon ask boxes. The block button is there for a reason.
Protect your mental health. If you have subjects that trigger you consider putting them in blocked tags. You can still choose to view the post if you wish but you'll have a heads up about the subject matter. If you followed someone that you are not enjoying anymore, you can unfollow them. I've had people unfollow me and my world hasn't ended.
Look out for others. Is that an okay font for low vision readers? Is the text on your pictures legible rather than simply in style? Do you have a transcript of character conversations somewhere if it isn't? Most importantly please tag your triggers! Some of us can handle when death or miscarriages come out of nowhere and for some of us it is upsetting to see it on the dash with no warning and can ruin our day. Consider also adding tags for other topics such as addiction, abuse or violence. Your story doesn't become "less cool" just because you think of others before posting, I promise.
Finally, be yourself. Don't try to imitate the works of blogs with larger followings just because it appears trendy. By all means grow your skills but post what you want to post, things that you've enjoyed creating. Remember it will likely take time for you to find your people on here, but there really is something for everyone on simblr.
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always---wrong · 8 months
Okay, so I wanted to discuss the situation with Alastor, his canonical sexuality, and fans.
I have seen the two sides alot.
So one side ships Al with numerous characters and sees this as casual fun.
And the other thinks this is disrespectful cause he is ace, or Aroace.
(I believe that he is Aroace. His va said so, his character has shown no interest in romance, and Viv may have confirmed it at some point)
Now, I am sex repulsed ace and I'm aro. And I have strong opinions. Alastor is my favorite character in Hazbin Hotel, he is also the FIRST confirmed ace character I've seen. (This doesn't include subtly implied characters) Because Al is the first and I care for him he is very important to me.
My opinion is really mixed because on one side it's; yeah, it is a fandom, and fandoms ship. It's what they do. Its also kind a rude to judge someone for their favorite pairings and stuff, in my opinion.
On the other side though I'm hurt. I am a queer person with basically no rep. And I hadn't realized how upset I was by this until I saw discourse over this character. I had FORGOTTEN that it was possible to have confirmed canonical ace characters. I had gotten so used to that just being a head cannon. And not only just an ace character but also an Aroace character. And not just that but a seemingly non sex favorable ace character. I would even argue he is sex repulsed.
My real problem with all this is:
Yes, I KNOW ace characters can have sex. But do you know who else can? Literally every single allosexual character. I KNOW aros can date. But you know who else can? Everyone else. The appeal of ACTUALLY having characters with the same sexuality as me is that they would be like me. Cause I and other aces like me never, ever get stories like that. So many times in media I would be enjoying a character who had shown NO interest in sex/romance and would suddenly be partnered up with another just for the heck of it. This has happened SO many times it's not even funny. It's incredibly frustrating.
So, the point I'm trying to make is that; YES, there are aces who have sex. HOWEVER, a large number of us do not. And it's like everyone forgets that. Your not writing Alastor having sex with Angel cause your showing the vast spectrum of asexuality. Your most likely writing it cause it's sex between two hot characters. It's simply maddening.
(One thing I wanted to say was, despite the fact that Al is ace i don't think it's bad to find him attractive. He is very pleasing to look at so I understand allos finding him hot. However I'm not sure where I stand with people sexualizing him. I think I'm leaning towards, 'please don't do it'.)
Now, the worst thing though is when I'm looking for content to enjoy. When I found out Al was canonically ace I was so happy and excited. I'm pretty sure this situation wouldn't make me nearly as frustrated if it weren't for the overwhelming amount of sexual content for Al. Some would be fine. I could just scroll past it if this were the case. But it is not. Content for Al is MOSTLY sexual. That's why I don't believe people when they keep saying they aren't invalidating aces because almost every time I go looking for a fic I have to scroll for HOURS just to find few non ship fics.
I can't even use the Asexual Alastor tag because all that does is bring me to a bunch of fics where the author is like 'he's ace trust me,' then proceeds to write smut.
Why can't I even use a tag made for aces without being drowned in smut. It's so frustrating! Like I'm getting to a point where I wish the authors would stop using the tag and openly admit they made him not ace for the story. Like I know your trying to not throw away his canonical sexuality but I mean at this point I think it'd be better if you did. And if someone is going to write sex favorable ace Al then please leave it to the aces. I trust us to at least weave it into his character instead of stating it and acting like it's there when it's not.
So basically: I don't mind if you ship him, just don't say he's ace or Aroace if your neither of those in ship/smut content. I'm sick of trying to find content that isn't sex/romance in Aroace tags!
I don't want to judge people for liking a ship. But I'm really tired.
ON A DIFFERENT NOTE, I would love to see content with Al and Lucifer. Like them hating each other to like frenemies. It would be so funny.
Anyone have any platonic content with Al and the rest of the cast???
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 2 years
Dark!Xavier Thorpe
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Pairing: Dark Xavier Thorpe x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
WARNINGS: Toxic/Abusive Relationship; Manipulation.
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Also, I haven't finished Wednsday so don't give me spoilers 😂 But idk if I'll write more about him or not.
Xavier is disappointed with himself, why is he like this? He’s clearly taking advantage of you, it’so obvious even to himself. But it’s not for you.
No, you are completely and entirely oblivious to his disgusting behavior. 
“How about I sneak into your dorm tonight to kiss you goodnight? I know boys aren’t allowed but don’t worry, no one will catch me.” he takes one of your hands into his, bringing it to his lips, eyes trained on your hesitant expression.
You really can never say no to him, can you?
No. For you, he’s nothing but a good loving boyfriend. In your eyes, Xavier can do nothing wrong. He loves you and love doesn’t hurt people, am I right?
But that doesn’t stop a shallow regret in the very back of Xavier’s mind, but he explains to himself that it’s better it’s him and not another person taking advantage of you. He can’t stand the possibility of you being with someone that not him, the mere thought of that making his stomach churn. 
“Why do you talk so much with that normie guy? You’re not trying to leave me for him, are you?” Xavier glares at you, eyeing the scared way you gulp.
You frantically shake your head, muttering apologies and he instantly feels a warm sensation in his chest, proud that you’re so submissive to you.
“Good, cause he doesn't really like you, he only wants to make fun of you. To use you, to ridicule you.”
You see the world through hopeful innocent glasses, too trusting for your own good. You blindly believe and accept everything that comes out of his mouth, your beautiful eyes twinkling with adoration as you look at him.
“Shh, it’s fine. This is what couples do to make it official, you know.” you bite your lip at that, still reluctant and Xavier presses another intense kiss on your lips, his hand moving your own towards his hard cock and he sweetly smiles at you.
“And I only want to show you how much I love you. So take me, take my love and take my cock, baby. Let me make love to you, baby.”
Even when you have your ephemeral doubts about him, you always look so conflicted, lower lip catched between your teeth as you stutter to find the courage to protest, to argue against him and in those moments, Xavier feels so much love for you.
You’re such a fragile thing, unable to even stand up for yourself, so sickeningly weak. 
“I-I just want to hang out with her, so why can’t I? She’s like us, she won’t hurt me.” you shyly protest, fingers nervously picking at the material of your skirt. 
Xavier doesn’t bother acting nice, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he stares at you, not a trace of the frequent sweet smiles he offers you.
“Cause I said so. You’re not good at judging people, are you? But I am and I’m telling you she’s trouble. So no.” you look conflicted, but something in his expression must’ve warned you that Xavier won’t budge.
You pout and sulk, but he already knows that you’ve submitted to his decision. Good girl, he thinks. 
That’s why you need him. Xavier can protect you way better than you ever could, he’ll fight for you as if his life depends on it. And truthfully speaking, it does. He can’t possibly live without you.
To him, you’re more precious than oxygen, you’re the only thing he truly needs to survive. Without you, he’d be nothing. 
“I love you.” Xavier mutters, pressing a kiss to your wrist, eyes locked with you. You smile, your face lightening up with joy. You reach towards him, pecking at his lips. 
“I love you too.”
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