#also rose i SWEAR i clicked all the same buttons.
rainkays · 29 days
girl please i am on my knees give us another rain x reader the fics are running drier than the sahara desert on this app
at ur service 🫡🫡 (also so sorry for the inactivity ik ive been taking forever to answer asks but i PROMISE im getting to them rn ily) SPOILERS BELOW !!
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SYNOPSIS: separated from rain and facing certain death, how far is she willing to go to save you?
WARNINGS: (mentions of blood/death, swearing, kissing)
NOTE: this is gonna be a rain x fem! reader & will be slightly au with reader taking kay’s place during the scene where she’s being chased by the xeno, hope u enjoy <33
everything went sideways faster than you ever could’ve imagined. it was already off to a rough start when navarro had come rushing into the cockpit, frantically searching for her bag before you’d handed it to her.
never in your wildest dreams could you ever have imagined what you witnessed. the sound of a cracking ribcage and blood splatter all over the ships walls were the last thing you could remember.
you weren’t sure how long it had been when you woke the next time, head pressed against the grates on the bottom of the ships floor. smoke rose around you, the sound of the ships alarms blaring as you pushed yourself off the ground. you had to hold back your tears as you passed by navarro’s body, lifeless on the floor.
it was deathly silent, save the alarms, the sound of electricity crackling as you walked through the hull of the ship. you didn’t know where you were, the ship having crashed at any part of the station as far as you knew.
it was only a few steps before you saw what looked like some sort of snake skin on the floor, the sight sending a chill up your spine. you spotted something you couldn’t even begin to explain growing out of the wall, a step closer before you were pulled backwards.
your scream was silenced quickly as you whipped around, turning to face bjorn. you silently exhaled at the sight of him, glad to finally see someone you recognized. he shushed you, removing his hand from your mouth as he looked over at the wall.
he walked closer to it, lightening prod in his hand, the same one you’d seen him grab from the station earlier. you held your breath, your heart beating faster as you watched him turn up the current on the weapon.
it was over nearly as quickly as it started, the loud sound of electrical cracking and smoke as he attempted to kill the creature in front of you.
you could only stand still, frozen as the creature began to burn him, his hand pointing you towards the door. all you had left to do was run.
your hands shook as you made your way to the door, repeatedly pressing the unlock button and failing. your comms were somehow still functioning, static crackling in your ear as you turned it on in hopes of anyone hearing you.
rain had never felt like crushing suspense weighing on her chest before. she walked through the room, quiet as humanly possible, the clicking sounds of the same creatures that had attacked navarro all around her.
she could’ve sworn her heart nearly fell out of her chest at the sound of static over the comms. it was you. it had to be you, right?
it quickly caught the attention of tyler and andy, both turning around to see what was so urgent.
“please, please, somebody help me. there’s some fucking- i don’t know what to do, please.”
the voice was distorted, but she would recognize it anywhere. she could practically hear the tremors in your voice over the comms. she quickly put the headset on, speaking into the microphone.
“where are you, what’s going on?”
“oh, jesus christ. thank god, rain. i’m at some door, the ship crashed in this hangar and i can’t fucking get it open.”
“there should be a key somewhere, okay? just look for a key, there has to be one, that’s the only way to get it open.”
there was a moment of silence, rain attributed to your search of a way to open the door.
“i found it, i found it.”
she exhaled, hearing the sound of the door hissing open, before the static crack of the comms cut off your voice again.
she shot a look to tyler, the 3 of them picking up their pace as he tracked your heat signature. there was only a glass door separating you, the relief that washed over both your and rain’s faces evident.
“oh thank god. please, open this fucking door. there’s some kind of security clearance on it, and i can’t get it open.”
rain turned around, ushering andy toward the door as she walked closer toward the glass.
“we’re gonna get you out of there, okay? just trust me, you gotta trust me.”
rain spoke, head against the glass as you glanced over your shoulder. your heart thrummed against your chest as you watched andy stand still, both rain and tyler pleading with him to open the door.
“guys, please. please, what are you doing? come on, open the door. open the fucking door! please!”
you felt the blood drip from the wound on the side of your head, the sound of metal creaking altering you of a presence behind you. you watched as the color in rain’s face drained, andy’s face stoic.
“rain, please open the door, please. please, you have to help me, okay?”
“you’re gonna be fine baby, we’re gonna get the door open, okay? just keep your eyes on me, don’t look away.”
your chest rise and fell rapidly, the sounds behind you growing closer. you watched as rain’s fists gripped the collar of andy’s suit, pleading with him. his eyes looked between the two of you, your hands pressed against the glass.
andy walked closer to the door, looking at the keypad. you turned around, no sign of anyone in the room with you.
“andy, please, please. please, you have to let me in, please.”
rain looked up at him, her hand on his arm as he reached for the keypad.
“fuck, thank god.”
the door hissed and slid open as you squeezed your way through the crack as it did. you fell into rain’s arms, the sound of the door beginning to close once more as something smashed into the glass.
“i got you, i got you. you’re okay.”
rain spoke into your ear, hands smoothing over your back as the two of you fell to the floor. she pulled the two of you up, hands steadying on your shoulders. there was ringing in your ears, the sound of your heartbeat destroying her words as she spoke.
she grabbed your hand, leading you to the elevator. she silently thanked god that andy opened that door for you. she held onto you, hands gripping the material of your t shirt. she wouldn’t let you go again.
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Home (E.P.)
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Summary: Emily wants to go home, but she doesn’t know how. In her search, she stumbles upon her ex’s doorstep. Request: Emily shows up at Reader's door, begging for comfort. A/N: I hope you all enjoy my first Emily fic! I cried the whole time. Couple: Emily Prentiss/GN!Reader Category: Comfort Content Warning: Self-hatred, exes, crying, kissing Word Count: 2.4k
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Why is it always snowing at times like this?
Emily pondered the question quietly. Her lips fought the bitterness to try to smile.
A bit cliche, isn’t it?
But it’s beautiful.
The nighttime snow blanketed the district with a rare kind of serenity. Soft, fluffy flakes hung in the air, lazily traversing between the skyscrapers to find a place to rest.
The woman, however, felt hopelessly lost. The streetlights attempted to keep her company in the cold but flickering bulbs were still shy. The gentle beams were hesitant to touch her.
The snowflakes were not. They lingered on her skin, maintaining their sharp crystalline patterns. How long had she been wandering for a place to find rest? Long enough for pink cheeks to turn cold.
But the sting of the occasional wind was almost welcome. Its cruel kisses reminded her that she was still alive.
Alive… and alone.
It was a familiar feeling. At one time, she might have dared to call it comfortable. On nights like this, though, she was acutely aware of the heaviness of her heart. She wanted to stop, to fall to her knees and feel the peace the others always spoke about.
But her treacherous feet would march on. They would lead her through untouched snow, leaving a violent mark on the otherwise pure.
She was relieved when her feet stopped at your doorstep, albeit terrified by the reason why. She stared up at the apartment building and shivered for the first time since the cold started.
She shivered not from the wind, but from the memory of warmth.
It had been months since you last spoke. It had been her decision to leave.
Yet it had also been her decision to press the series of buttons to ensure your answer. She had decided to stand there, steadily growing heavier from the weight of weary snowflakes until something changed.
The buzzer was loud and harsh, but the latch was quiet when it clicked open.
After a moment of shock at the sound, Emily made another series of decisions.
She pried open heavy metal doors and stepped into the light. She trudged through the building with the company of soot-polluted snow on her shoulders. She didn’t even bother to brush it off when she got to your door.
That was how you would find her.
As beautiful as the day she’d left.
You said nothing. You stared at her, instead. You bit down on your tongue so that it wouldn’t give away any clues of what you might want to have said.
You waited, the same as the snow. You waited for her to explain away her unexpected visit. You tried your hardest to hide the fondness behind a veil of false rage.
You are so happy to see her, but you are devastated by the state in which she came.
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go,” she whispers.
The sound is small but sharp. Like the expert marksman she’d always been, her words struck you with the force of three bullets to the heart.
You shook off the pain. It was a familiar feeling.
“Why did you come here?” you asked.
You knew that she wouldn’t answer it unless you asked.
She didn’t answer it, anyway. The words rose in her throat just to be swallowed. She bit down on her lip the same way you cursed your tongue.
Because are the closest I’ve ever been to home, is the simple truth she wouldn’t give.
“God, why is this so terrifying?” she choked.
You watched her. Your eyes traced trembling lips the way you wished your fingers could.
Eventually, you move back to her eyes. From that angle, on that doorstep, you find no warmth in the brown. But there is a longing; a faint memory of a time when her eyes shone like bittersweet molasses in the sun.
“I swear I’m not trying to avoid answering the question it’s just… I look at you, and I realize I don’t know the answer,” she whispered.
Your eyes begged her to continue. Your heart begged her to stop hurting you like this. To stop being so pitiful when she had been the one who left.
But then she spoke, with her voice crackling like a dry fire, and your heart set aflame alongside it.
“I don’t know what to tell you except that… I’m really scared.”
Your mouth opened at the sight of tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. Your hands shook as they turned to fists to try and stop yourself from doing what you knew to be inevitable.
“I’m terrified that who I am, who I’ve always been, is something broken. Something that can’t be fixed,” she spat.
Each word laced with the self-hatred that had always stood between you.
“But then you look at me and…”
For the briefest moment, just when red-rimmed eyes met yours, the hatred stepped aside. Behind it, you saw the shivering, terrified teenage girl inside her who’d never stopped begging someone to show her mercy for not having all the answers.
She allowed herself to keep crying because at least then she could remember what it felt like to be embraced.
The tears streaming down her face were the warmest thing to have touched her all night until you.
You reached out a hesitant hand.
She winced.
You paused.
It took her a moment to remember that you had been the only person to hold her without hurting her. Not like the others, anyway.
Your hurt came from the tenderness with which you held her. It was the sweetest torture to feel a warm palm against frozen cheeks. Her nerves fired wildly; her mind rioted against reality.
You were not going to hurt her like the others.
Your fingers were gentle as they swept tears away. That kindness only made them fall faster.
“I think I just really wanted you to look at me,” she said, finally finishing the forgotten thought.
“Oh, Emily,” you sighed through a lopsided smile. “Come in. You’re freezing.”
She accepted the offer. Although she moved slowly and was careful not to brush against you or the doorframe, she moved with purpose. She stepped into your home and allowed herself to bathe in the warmth.
Her eyes were closed when you passed her by. She listened to the soft shuffling of your feet as you walked towards the kitchen.
She stayed there, just past the entrance, the whole time that you prepared warm beverages. From there, she could still smell the familiar scent of domesticity.
Old memories resurfaced. The hissing of the faucet and the crinkling of packages called to her the same way it had when she slept in too late.
She joined you in the kitchen just in time for you to leave. Still, you appreciated a second set of hands. As you handed her the warm mug, you wondered whether it would burn frozen fingers. You knew she wouldn’t move it even if it did.
Emily required guidance back to the couch, no matter how many nights she spent there. You provided it happily. Your hand rested against the damp back of her jacket and, eventually, helped remove it.
Without the weight of soaked wool fabric, she collapsed.
Words started flowing faster than you could capture. She told you about her life since she left. She never spoke about the heartbreak of you—only the ones that followed.
Thankfully, she spared you the graphic details of violence when she spoke about work. The same couldn’t be said about her personal life. But those ghosts were familiar to you.
Yet… the rage you felt had never changed. The fury at the world that hurt her never waned. It burned as strongly as it always had.
Emily had always loved your fearlessness in the face of evil. She had always assumed it was why you weren’t afraid of her.
When she had properly broken herself, the night’s silence returned. You looked at hair now dripping with melted crystals and wondered, as you always did, why she never wore it like it was.
‘It looks like a mess,’ she would say.
‘But it’s beautiful,’ you would answer.
“Can I be blunt with you?” you asked.
Emily’s attention turned up at the question.
“Of course.”
“Even if they’re nice words?”
That time, she needed time before she could answer. Hesitantly, though, she nodded. Tears that had dried up welled anew at the thought of what you might have to say.
You knew that cruelty would be kinder to her. You were still unwilling to wield it.
“The world isn’t out to get you, Emily,” you sighed.
She laughed. The sad noise sputtered from her lips while she tried to stymy insistent tears.
“These are the nice words?” she croaked sarcastically.
“Just wait,” you laughed.
That time, she sat up straighter in anticipation. Like the proud scapegoat she had always served as, she steeled her features and appeared stoic in the face of criticism.
But the tears still came. One at a time, sprinting like falling stars over the night sky of her.
“The world isn’t out to get you… You are.”
Her features fell at the thought. Her shoulders faltered and her hands gripped tighter to the mug in her hands.
“You’re so resigned to the feeling that you’ll never be enough that you just refuse to believe anyone who says otherwise.”
You knew because she’d never believed you.
“You’ve always seen the beauty in everyone. Even people with very little to love.”
Your mind ran through every one of her memories that you’d had the honor to hear about. You thought about—and cursed—every iteration of evil that had helped itself to a part of her.
Her heart, her empathy, the core of who she was, must have felt so dwarfed by their lies. The untruths they had to cling to in order to justify the horrors they inflicted on a young woman, a lover, a girl.
A girl who just wanted to be good.
A girl who had always been good.
“I just… I wish you could give yourself the same grace,” you said quietly in the hope she would listen harder than she ever had before.
Her mug hit the table without any sign of grace. She steadied it with both hands, holding tighter for a few seconds to steal just a little more of its warmth before she turned back to you.
Her arms wrapped around herself first. She bit down on her lip and looked at you just to look away again.
She couldn’t face you as she tried to ask for something she’d convinced herself she didn’t deserve.
“Can I…” she tried.
You set down your mug. Your trembling hands were also unsteady. Yet that didn’t stop you from pressing them against her face. They were weak and gentle, but sure when they made her face you once more.
She fought the heaviness and tried to smile. She almost made it, but the effort was thwarted when she spoke through a resistant throat.
“Can I hold you?” she whispered, “Just… just for a minute.”
Implicit in the words was the hope that you weren’t going to count.
Of course, you wouldn’t. Of course, you wrapped your arms around her and held her tightly against your chest.
Again, she collapsed. She scrambled to get closer, to fall into your arms and steal the warmth from you the same way she had the mug.
You gave it to her freely. You held her the same way a mother might hold a crying child. Not out of pity or obligation, but because she was scared, and she was human.
And she was beautiful. Beautiful in the way that others might never see if they are willing to stop looking where it is convenient.
Her vulnerability, rarely offered and almost never earned, would stoke the fire to ensure that neither of you succumbed to the cold.
Her tears were still warm. Inside her, there was still a heart beating, begging her to accept shelter. It sought out every reminder that she was not dead.
She was alive. She didn’t have to be alone.
That was why she had come to you.
“I miss you so much,” she sobbed.
“I miss you, too, Emily.”
Her arm curled between you, clutching her chest while she fought herself for air.
“I don’t understand why love has to hurt like this,” she whispered under struggling breath.
As you pulled away at the thought, she let you go. She practically pushed herself off you with a palpable regret.
You looked at her, both horrified and enraged at the thought.
“Emily, love isn’t supposed to hurt.”
You stopped yourself. Biting down hard on your lip, you looked away so that the anger in your eyes wouldn’t scald her in its search for the ghosts in her head.
“It can be confusing or exhausting o-or frustrating, but…”
You wiped your own tears. She watched with morbid curiosity as your own mask cracked and fell away.
You let her see it. You ran a hand over your face and took a deep breath. Then, when you were composed in your broken pieces, your hand held her face again. You imparted the healing warmth of compassion into now rosy cheeks.
She didn’t wince that time when you touched her.
“Love is never supposed to hurt, sweetheart,” you whispered back.
Her eyes closed and released a few more tears. She took a deep breath, basking in the warmth of your grace before she found that her quiet complacence wasn’t enough.
Her fingers were barely cold when they pressed against your face. They were only shaking and shy as they pulled you forward.
When your trembling lips met, they tasted the same as they always had. The bittersweet softness, the cruelest kindness one could give.
You kissed her back. The harder she pushed, the more that you gave. Her insistence, innocent and stumbling, bred laughter in tired lungs.
She was so soft, so warm, so endlessly human.
The two of you nearly toppled off the couch before she was willing to part. When she did, she laughed along with you. You fixed her hair, brushing it aside wherever it had fallen to hide the beautiful, messy state of her.
She leaned into your palm. Her cheeks felt warm.
“Thank you,” she said.
For always showing me what it means to be loved.
For letting me believe, even just for a moment, that I could do it, too.
“You don’t have to thank me,” you assured her, “I’m so happy you came home.”
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(Tell me what you thought about this fic here!)
Looking for more Emily Prentiss fics? Check out my friend @foxy-eva's Masterlist for CM Women, including Emily Prentiss, Tara Lewis, and Alex Blake!
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Complete Taglist (All Works): @cynbx , @emsma11 , @mediocre-writerrr , @fightingdragonswithwho , @andiebeaword , @jayyeahthatsme 
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softietrait · 1 year
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ROSE QUARTZ 4 ROSIE: a bachelorette challenge! ;
rosalie, or rosie as most call her is in search for her soulmate. spiritually guided, she wants to find who her divinely guided partner is. she realizes that she won't ever be able to find her match by looking in the same spots she always does - maybe her life parter is somewhere far away. and that's where rose quartz for rosie comes into play. ten sims from all around the simniverse have been randomly chosen and divinely guided to the town of willow creek where they will meet rosie. what brought them here and why did they decide to ultimately click that submit button on the rq4r secret form? rosie can't wait to meet and connect with other sims from all over the world and to finally meet the one she's destined to be with. is it you? i don't know, but the guides do.
rosalie forrest. she/her. 24. pansexual
aspiration: self-care specialist || traits: horticulturist, daydreamer, loves outdoors, outgoing and neat || likes: socializing, blankets, baths, lo-fi music, wellness and deep conversation (+more) & dislikes: egotistical sims, naps, snacking, metal music, swearing (+more)
two little facts: she has a guppy fish named asparagus and a hedgehog named pudgey!
submission deadline is april 21st (4/21), no more deadline. as soon as i have 10 sims submitted, this will start!! feel free to mention me in your submission post, tag it with #rq4r or both!
9/10 submissions
under the read more will be what is needed for submission!
first and foremost, rosie is pansexual - all sims as long as they are of YA or older are able to apply! editing to say this though i probably shouldn't need to... trans sims are also accepted!! right now, i'd rather say no to occult sims, though. only because they make things difficult for me in game (occults hate me for some reason lol)
that said, things your sims needs in their application: of course, the basics: name, pronouns, all that goodness aspiration, traits (if you do not have the 5 traits in cas mod like i do , please add 2 more traits in the application that you'd like me to give them when i put them in my game)(please no romantic traits - everything else goes! , likes & dislikes. feel free to give a lil background too! and some facts! go all out &lt;;333 & some other things to keep in mind... for their outfits, they will need at least 2 formal, 2 party and 2 sleepwear (1 'normal' sleepwear and something a lil sexier just in case ';]]) other than that, feel free to add as much else you want!
i will only be accepting ten(10) sims in total as i will have this set up way different than my last bc challenge. &lt;;33
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rainbowr0ses · 5 months
Okay part 2 of the protocol journey, idk why I’ve decided to do this, but I’m continuing until I reach the end or run out of motivation. 
This is what I do instead of sleeping (silly… for the most part) if any of this sounds like- off-? Or more unhinged than I usually am? Blame it on my time zone 
(This is after-watching Roses, this episode does talk about serious topics, so I recommend checking the content warnings before listening!)
oh hi Jonny! You’re starting the episode this time? 
Oh hi Alex! Jonny usually does this part, doesn’t he?
Spooky intro! 
Oh that’s a spooky title, knowing the tma/tmp series that is
The SFX my beloved <3 
Dracula-? Hi-?
This categorizing system is so silly to me-
Hahahah she got it wrong!
I love the sounds- it’s so different from the tape recorders
This is gwen right? Cause Alice’s voice is deeper.
I was right! The voices so far are easy to differentiate 
Or maybe I’m just better at it
Damn Gwen 
Alice is so real for that. I say that on a daily basis-
Oh- new scene! 
Oh that’s funky
I- that voice- I recognize this voice
Oh I know that tone from therapists. Mmmm
Whoever you are kinda mystery lady, you are right
Okay, that’s a good way to speak
I should not have laughed at the “deep trauma that your itching to unpack”as much as I did-
We love our artists. All forms of artists, but in this case we’re talking about a visual artist
I’m sorry- is #makeupfree An actual hashtag-? (I don’t use a majority of social media, because you know (:  )
Good for you? Feeling more comfy in your own skin?
That’s not a good silence, I know that silence. That’s the thinking silence that means your brain is producing thoughts that aren’t good. Those thoughts are treated respectfully, and those that have them are welcomed in the household, but not the thoughts themself. (Guys I promise I’ve studied psychology-) I paused the episode for this
Daria! Such a pretty name
Ah, makeover is a good term
Oh? Tattoo time?
A generic witchy-alchemist character-? I wanna know who cause that’s so silly. Oh wait it’s generic, would it even be a specific character?
Ah so this is the ink5oul thing
I swear I saw ink5oul x bonzo somewhere. Or maybe it was needle?
I can see this tbh (I’ve never watched ink5oul-)
Oh-? I love tattoos like that 
Does ink5oul actually exist-? 
I love when people are so spooky and use they/them pronouns
Diversity wins! The tattoo artist who is also an influencer that is causing you excruciating pain is referred to with they/them pronouns!
I unpaused the episode at wasp stings- flash backs to the Jane prentiss statement (🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱)
Heartbeat noise!
Oh passing out from pain is such a trope
Not the mediocre dubstep-
Oh that’s so aesthetic!!
Tbh I wouldn’t complain if that was my tattoo
yeah go get your eeps Daria!
I have no idea how you spell Daria’s name-
Oh yay!! She’s having a good time! I can’t wait for it to be ruined
Oh here It goes
I see where this is going
I- oh dear- 
oh goodness not “perfect”
I’m speechless
Oh fucking dear
I. The wording of this is- AAAAAAAAAAAA
This is going to go so so so so so so wrong
Oh? Valid? 
You see, this is what a therapist should do. 
Valid point, valid point, from the lady who tried to remake herself into something perfect by carving it out on a painting. 
That’s a normal painter people thing probably-
oh clicking buttons
Alice. Okay Alice and Tim share the same vocal slot in my brain now
That’s so fair actually Alice-
“Paid to not care” I can make so many Political jokes rn-
Camera time!
Alice and Gwen interaction!!
What kind of question?
Oh government stuff
Fucking Alice- I love you so much 
Gwen is my favorite 
I think I like Bouchard characters-
Elias, and not Gwen-
I love one sided conversations, but only when I can understand what’s being said though, but I can get the gist from Alice
Oh she went silent-
Click click click
I love band names-
I mean. 👀
The computer must be so disappointed
The aggressive beat after its so- quiet? Always jumpscared me (I’ve heard it twice)
Woooo credits!! We love crediting people!! 
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hiyaa hru hebi? :D its neru here! your summer event looks so cute!! i was actually contemplating for a while about which prompt to pick,,, i was stuck between the arcade theme and the rose theme… so… I SPUN A WHEEL! i can’t make decisions for the life of me i swear- ANYWAYSS IT LANDED ON THE ARCADE THEME!! which is perfect because i absolutely love them!! i’m pretty decent at them! if it doesnt go in after 3 tries i’ll definitely be the type to bang on the glass ^^; do you like arcades hebi?
sorry for ranting so much, but may i request ichiro and a romantic scene at an arcade? (👾) being the big dork he is, i can already imagine the chaos 😭
btw i saw your little game about who we would ship you with! i’m not too sure who your fav is, but i’m sure your bright personality will be more than enough to make your fav like you! :D
have a great day or night hebi!
Writer's corner: Hey, Neru! I'm so glad and happy to hear from you! My summer vacation was great. I'm so happy that October has started, actually, so I will come back to have a proper daily routine and won't spend my days going around my house without knowing what I have to to xD♥ It kinda makes me feel so empty inside! (Also I'll turn 20 soon and I can't wait to spend my birthday dedicating my time completely to myself!)♥ Btw, I have never been in an arcade, actually! Planning on doing it with my friends soon enough! Also thank you for requesting and, omg.. I can relate about the spinning wheel stuff! That's something I usually do myself!♥ Please, enjoy what I've written for you, and feel free to tell me in case you want me to fix or change anything!♥
mc's pronouns: THEY/THEM (GN!mc)
Warnings: sfw, nothing bad here♥
☀️𝐈𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨☀️𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐆𝐍!𝐦𝐜
👾: At the Arcade with them (R)
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☀️All that people around can hear was mc's laughter at Ichiro trying to shot some cans in the arcade. He looks so focused, yet he can't really win that game and it seems very funny to mc, who has already played a round and managed to hit three cans, winning a small plush. The rapper has promised them to win the game and getting a cute plush for them, yet he is still there trying to hit a single can. He laughs too and after a while. After realising that his round has finished, he starts laughing more. He looks so terribly clumsy yet so energetic mc can't help but joins his laughter. "Oh, well.. I tried!", he says happily.
☀️Ichiro then decides to try another game there at the arcade. He takes mc's hand and they both walk to the next game they want to try. Ichiro looks very happy, more than before, maybe because he knows he has more chances of winning with the next game they both are going to try. The game was called "Rhythmic Microphone", and it is a rhythm game where the gamer has to find a word that rhymes with the other one. It looks pretty chill, especially in the first rounds. Mc and Ichiro decides to try it and play against each others. Both are having fun, and as the rounds go on, they have to find more words each time and in less time per round.
☀️"Noo..! I lost!", mc laughs and Ichiro joins their laughter, patting their head softly. They are having a good time for real! "Don't give up, honey! Let's do another round together!", he supports his sweet mc and clicks the button on the screen to start a new round. As the game go on and it starts to be each minute harder, Ichiro looks very focused on the screen while the words are passing on it. Mc cannot help but turns their head and look at his face, those sparkling eyes of his. He looks so cute but handsome at the same time that mc can feel their heart beating faster suddenly.
☀️"Huh..? Honey...? It's your turn!", he laughs and mc gets startled and blushes heavily, looking at the screen and thinking about a word rhyming with the one on it. They have just started staring at him and getting lost in their thoughts! Ichiro chuckles and then he moves his hand. Mc doesn't notice him but as they are about to end their turn, he soon moves his hand on the back of their head- through their hair- and pulls them closer to him. Their lips touch and mc gaspes softly in surprise. They kiss him back slowly and blushing more, feeling the warmth of his hands through their hair and their hearts beating together. Soon enough on the screen the word "you lost" appears. "Ichi..!!.. I lost again, oof! It's your fault!..", mc chuckles and pouts. The black-haired guy smiles and soon his lips touch mc's ear:
☀️"You might have lost this game, babe... but you won my heart anyway..."
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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simpingfortheages · 3 years
Ms Venable x Fem Reader
Gallant and the reader seem too close to each other for Me Venable's liking. Something ignites in Ms Venable and she doesn't like it . Not. One. Bit.
Outpost 3 was a prison. It was the same damn routine everyday- wake up, get dressed,go to lunch and then join everyone in the common room. It's sickening but bareable. It's bareable only because of Gallant. Over the past 2 years we have become quite close to each other, if someone didn't know that Gallant was gay and I was a full blown lesbian . One would swear we were a couple.
Everyone was all currently gathering in the common room, either ready to read a book or simply gossip about the secret affair that has been taking place being the back of Ms Venable between the two greys. What did you expect? There's not much to do in this hellhole anyway . As I made my way towards the common room, I spotted Gallant, who was currently sitting on the couch talking to Coco about the next style he would like to try on her hair. I sauntered my way over and took a sat right in his lap, his hands automatically wrapping around my waist,not bothering to stop his conversation with Coco as my arm nestled upon the back of his shoulders. I unknowingly brought my hand up and played with Gallant's hair while I daydreamed about the leader of Outpost 3. Ms Venable. The intimidating, prestine,squared shoulders leader. She really is a sight for sore eyes, the way she carries herself is quite attractive. From her perfectly painted dark lips to the shape of her sharp eyebrows. The click of her cane the against the concrete floor doesn't fail to have a cold tingle run up my spine. Yes she scares me,I gay panic around her all the time that's why you would never catch me breaking her rules. Lost in my dazed state I failed to hear the click of her cane as she entered the dimly lit common room. "Ms Y/L/N, do you not know where the seats are located?" She seethed between her teeth. Out of shock I snapped out of my daydream and quirked an eyebrow in her direction, " I'm sorry What?" I asked. " I am sorry what Ms Venable" she corrected me with annoyance dripping in her voice. "Why are you sitting on Mr Gallant' s lap? Can't a daft moron such as yourself see that there are multiple areas elsewhere?" Ms Venable snapped. Her response stirred something inside if me. I didn't realise but I scoffed outloud at her question. " Ms Venable I don't see why it's such a problem I'm not breaking your rules. I am in the outpost, I referred to you as Ms Venable and Gallant's dick isn't inside me for us to make a baby." I snarled,not before mumbling silently ," not that I would want that anyway..."
Me Venable's hand tighten the grip she had atop her cane. I am pretty sure they were digging into her the skin of her palm ,leaving indents. Her chest rose with anger and the slight flare of her nostrils didn't go missed as well. Without hesitation she said 2 words, " bring her". I went without a fight as the Iron fist dragged me from Gallant's lap. Everyone was arguing and yelling, but no one dared to pull me from the Iron Fist's hands. That was a no no. It would result to them getting the same punishment as me. I couldn't help but whince at the thought of getting whipped I've seen the aftermath from Gallant's back. It was gruesome ,they took aleast 2 months to fully heal, but of course he still had the scars. I wasn't going to cry and give her the satisfaction of knowing how much she scared me. She was a sadist. An evil yet hot sadist,either way what she was doing is wrong. While being dragged, Ms Venable stopped and whispered some thing in the Iron Fist's ears to which the fist only grunted in reply. There was confusion painted on my face as we began to pass the Outpost's turn to head into the basement. Where was she taking me? Am I getting thrown out, all for sitting on Gallant's lap?? Fuck! Fuck! I closed my eyes tight in hopes that I passed out before they could do my anything . The only thing I felt was me and my dress being dragged across the dingy floor of the outpost. After a few minutes of being pulled by the Iron fist. I heard the opening of a wooden door,before I could register what was going on. I was roughly thrown against the ground. The adrenaline that was coarsing through my veins , numbed my fall. The door was slammed closed and locked???, she locked the door? Why'd she do that ?...momentarily I was lulled into a false sense of safety and lonliness, that was until I heard the click of her cane again. I struggled to get onto my feet since the wind was also knocked out of me. Ms Venable was making her way to sit behind her large oak wooden desk. I paid attention to my surroundings as i stood up...the realisation dawned on me . I was in her chamber, which was the furthest room for the common room. She could shoot me and the thick stones and great distance will also cover the sound. I was so fucked. There I was standing, infront Ms Venable,trying to dust off the dirt that accummulated on my dress.
The sound of my dress crinkling bounced off the concrete walls. Too intimidated to even look at her, when I was done. I just twiddle with my thumbs. Ms Venable peirced the silence in the air, " Come here." She snapped coldly. I swallowed thickly and moved turtle pace towards here. "Hurry up Ms Y/L/N" her voice now filled with impatience. I hastened my steps and stood on the opposite side of her desk. As I looked at her face, there was a scowl that made its way to her plump lips. "Not there. I meant here" she stated. Her sentence was accompanied with the movements of her gloved hands. She was gestering to the floor. I maneuvered my way around her desk and stood before her as she swivels her chair to face me. The distance was miniscule. My ruffled dress was now brushing against the material her clean dress. Ms Venable's growl was low and guteral. "On your knees." She commanded. I was shocked at her words "Excuse me?" I commented. "You heard me" she replied quickly. A nervous chuckle escaped my lips. Out of fear, I submitted I looked away from her gaze and proceeded to get on my knees. As I did so, Ms Venable parted her legs. I couldn't help but blush at the act, this however didn't go unnoticed by her. All for sudden Ms Venable grabbed hold of my wrist, digging her sharp manicured nails into my skin. She managed to rip small whimpered from me. "I know the truth Ms y/l/n . I see the way you react when I enter a room. How hot and bothered you are right now kneeling for me like the filthy slut you are." She stated in raspy voice . Not listening to her words I was consumed with embarrassment. She knows, she knows, she fucking knows! I tried to yank my wrist away from her grasp but her hold was stronger. She sunk her nails further into my skin. "Ahh please Ms Venable." I begged in a pathetic manner. "Hmmm this is new? Where has the big bad attitude gone." Ms Venable said with a smirk tattooed on her face. I stayed silent. "Strip." Was all she said. My eyes opened wide with at her words. Out of reflex I stumbled back murmuring the words no repeatedly. What the hell is happening? I needed to get out. She is insane. What was I thinking? Having a liking to this woman. I made quick notions to shift away from her, only for my actions to be stopped . She was stepping down on the back of my dress with her black boots. "And where do you think you are going?" She questioned in a condescending manner. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. My throat was parched. " your punishment didn't even start." My eyebrows knitted together in fear of what she has planned. I grabbed the back of my dress and yanked on it, freeing it from the soles of her boots. I bolted making my way to the door to escape I don't know where but I wanted to be anywhere. Just anywhere but here. The atmosphere was stifling and heavy, which made the air hard to breathe. " Oh my Ms y/l/n I won't just do that... we wouldn't want to have Mr Gallant's scars renewed. I am sure you remember how long to took for him to recover." My movements were halted,my back was facing her . I slowly released out a very audible shakey breathe. I turned around to look at Ms Venable,only to see her motioning me to come to her with her finger in a beckoning gesture. Unwillingly I made my way back to her,tears pickled in the corner of my eyes. " now strip" she recited once again. I faced the floor as I slowly began to unbutton the top buttons of my dress. "No i want you to look at me while you do it" she demanded. I summoned all the courage I had to meet her piercing brown eyes. She was taking my dignity and she knew it. She enjoyed seeing me crumble .When i was done, I stood in nothing but my underwear. I quickly covered my breast with hands,which Ms Venable didn't like. She yanked my hands away and shamelessly roamed her eyes all over my body.
"Hmmm" was all she said while biting her bottom lip. This felt like forever, like all of time stopped,dragging out this moment. " bend over my desk" Ms Venable said. I didn't even bother to rebel against her anymore. Just get it over with Y/N and I can lock this memory away. I slowly bent myself at the waist and pressed my breast against the cold desk. My hands rested beside my head against the bare desk . I squeezed my eyes closed once more trying to control my breathing. " you will get ten and for each one you will said please again Ms Venable." She said. Ten What??? I thought. Without thinking I nodded my head against the desk in confirmation to whatever she meant, she didn't like my lack of words so she grabbed the sides of my hips ,digging her nails once more into my skin. " Yes yes okay Ms Venable please I will" I cried out. She laughed lowly at my reaction. From the corner of my eyes I saw her grab her cane. "Wha- Ms Venable please that will hurt me, please not that"i pleaded. My cries fell on deaf ears. She didn't care. She flashed a smiled lipped smile at me.
*WHACK* the pain I felt on my rear was immense,my knees almost gave out at the sharp and lasting pain . Yet i managed to spit out the words " again-...ple-se Ms Venable". After 15 minutes of prolonged torture the tenth lash was bestowed upon me. My voice raspy and almost gone from pleading ..." thank you *sniffle*Ms *sniffle* Venable". Suddenly I felt a pair of hands groping my ass, massaging it in a pleasant way. I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of both the pleasure and pain. My legs twitched at the feeling. " I know you liked it Y/N" she whispered. My breathe hitched at the fact that she used my first name. Ms Venable stood even closer behind me and pressed her entire clothed front fully on my ass. Ms Venable was grinding against me. A mewl escaped my lips at the feeling. " didn't you like it y/n?" She asked. To embarrassed by the truth, I shook my head no. Ms Venable yanked me by my hair causing my back to arch and my neck to tilt backwards. She then leaned over and pressed herself against my back. I could have felt how erect her nipples were through the fabric. She was getting off on this. "Don't you dare lie to me now my little one" she whispered into my ear,as she did so Ms Venable licked a strip up the cartilage of my ear. I shivered at the action. " The slick dripping from between your legs says otherwise."I could hear the smile in her tone. She roughly pushed my head forward causing my head to jerk forward . She returned to her chair and waited until I turned around to face her. "Come here little one" she said again. I began to kneel once more,only for her to say "No I meant here this time" . This time she was referring to her lap. The colour of pink covered my ears and my chest. I was flushed. With maintained intense eye contact Ms Venable rolled up her dress revealing her smooth shaved and toned legs. I could have seen her purple lace underwater peaking right at me, where she stopped her dress. "You want somewhere to sit ? You want to sit on someone's lap little one? Sit on mine." She scowled. With shaking legs I gently straddled her thighs. I hovered over her thighs with my knees holding me up in either side on her lap. Ms Venable found her hands on my hips and pulled my down onto her left thigh. I jumped at the contact. My clit was swollen and throbbing. I was heavily aroused. Out of reflex I tried to move, but Ms Venable didn't allow it. "No no little one" she cooed at me " you're gonna take it." She finished her sentence with a smile. I whimpered and nodded in reply.
The outpost leader began moving my hips against her thighs encouraging me to move. Out of desperation I started to grind against her thighs faster,ready to relieve the ache that she created. "Slow down my little one..." she tightened her hold on my hips making me slow my movements. " Hmmm that's it, ride me baby" my breathing got heavier as did hers. The smell of Ms.Venable' s perfume and my arousal that was currently coating her leg was the only scent that invaded my senses. It was intoxicating. A foreign feeling began to build in my lower stomach,my eyes were struggling to keep open as they were going to roll to the back of my head any moment. My hands held on to her shoulders to stable myself. "Mmm Ms Ven-ohh Ms Venable can hmm I cum?" I struggled to get out . "No" was all she said. " hold on a little longer. I enjoy seeing you like this" . My face twisted in pain and pleasure. The knots in my stomach was tightening, ready to burst at any second. Oh but Ms Venable knew that. She fed off of that. After 3 minutes I begged again,"please please oh fuck Ms Venable please can I??? can I cum for you?". "No you don't have my permission,but you are oh so close aren't you?" She mocked me. I sob in sexual frustration at her mockery. Ms Venable leaned her face closer to my ears and began nibbling at the tip. While her other hand was removed from my hip and found it's place on my erected nipple. She twisted and pulled until I watched against her." Break my rule you little slut. Break this one rule. Cum without My permission"she teased. I shook my head side to side . I was going to be good and show her. Ms Venable admired me for such an act. But she wanted to see me crumble. She removed her hand from my nipple and slowly made her hand reach my clit. Her talent slender finger, slid in between my folds with ease,applying pressure and rubbing me. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I came without her permission. She wanted that. She wanted me to break her rule. I soaked her thigh with my fluids. As i looked down I saw her remove her hand from my clit. I whimpered at the loss of contact. Her hand and my clit were still connected by a string of my arousal. Ms Venable locked eyes with me as she took her 2 fingers and sucked off my cum. I moaned at the sight. She then removed her fingers with a loud pop. After she did so, she took her same wet fingers that were now covered with some of my cum and some of her spit and held them up to my mouth. I parted my lips and I accepted her slender fingers. All the while keeping eye contact.
This was a distraction that she did. While I took her fingers into my mouth. Ms Venable lifted her thigh,pressing my clit directly to her thighs that were covered with my slick. I squealed at the sudden pressure on my already sensitive overestimulated clit. I tried to move away but she tore her fingers away from my mouth and returned her grip on my hips,"that's it baby take it,take your punishment like my good filthy slut" she praised. I nodded in response and proceed to grind against her thighs . It's didn't take me long to get worked up again. She could have seen that i was holding back. Feeling sorry for me this time," Cum all over me baby. I am here" she cooed softly. My back arched against her chest, my sensitive nipples rubbing against the front of her fabric. As i threw my head back, Ms Venables's lips found my neck. She sucked and bit my pulse point. I released and whimpered as i came the second time . She kept marking me as I came down from my high. I then rested my head in the crook of her neck as i tried to regulate my breathing. I almost dozed off if it wasn't for Ms Venable grabbing my face by my jaw. I looked at her with hooded eyes, her face milimeteres away. My lips were slightly parted as the warmth of each of our breathe were felt on our faces. Ms Venable then stuck her long tongue out and slowly licked my lips. I shuddered at the action. As I go to close the gap, the slim finger that was once coated with my arousal was press against my lips.. With confusion etched on my face, Ms Venable opened her lips and spoke," now will you sit on anyone else's lap?" She asked. "No Ms Venable "I replied . She smiled," who you belong too now?" She questioned. "I belong to You Ms Venable" I said with a voice thick with lust and tiredness. " that's my good girl." She praised me once more. Ms Venable then slowly removed her finger and leaned into kiss me. As we both did so, I couldn't help but repeat her words "....your good girl."
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beccascribbles · 4 years
omg I LOVEDDD your manager omegaverse fic, 100000/10 (also an atsumu simp so loved that for me) I was wondering if you could maybe do a similar one with Semi (he does not get enough love) whose mate goes into heat but goes to a different school and he goes to pick her up to take care of her with maybe a dash of harassment from a stranger and he goes sicko mode >< although I understand if this is too similar to the last prompt! anyways, love your writing sm
a/n - ahrgjfofh i’m glad you liked it!! honestly had so much fun writing it mainly because of how much i like the omegaverse dynamic (kind of one of my favourite things to read) and inarizaki. not too similar at all! hope you enjoy (and that you don’t mind i made her a manager for karasuno!)
warnings - harassment (unwanted touching)
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Sometimes you were jealous of the couples you would see on your walk to school. While you acknowledged that your situation wasn't the worst (you still lived in the same prefecture), most of the time you felt your relationship was long-distance. It was rare to see Semi during the week, both of your after school times being taken up by volleyball, him as a player and you as a manager. There was the occasional late night meet up, though these were rare (and had not happened recently) as you often fell into a deep sleep as soon as your head touched the pillows on your bed. You looked down at your lock screen, a grin pulling at your lips as Semi's face stared back at you. He was leant against the foot of your bed, his guitar resting in his lap, a notebook open in front of him. The love in his eyes was clear, and it made your heart clench. You missed him, craved his scent, the feel of his arms wrapped around you, more desperately than you ever had before.
"y/n!" yelled a voice, snapping you from your thoughts. You turned to see Sugawara barrelling towards you, his bag hanging loosely from one shoulder. "Wait up. We can walk in together."
You stopped, allowing your friend to catch up. Sugawara grinned over at you, taking note of the distinct purple jacket you were wearing over your uniform. He gave you a playful nudge. “I’d take that off before Kageyama or Hinata see you. They’ll throw a fit, call you a traitor.”
In response, you simply shrugged, wrapping your arms around yourself and inhaling deeply. Semi’s scent was faint, almost non-existent. Sugawara’s scent was more prominent, making a small frown form on your face. It wasn’t that Sugawara didn’t smell nice. In fact, his scent was one of your favourites, calming you when Semi wasn’t present to do so. But Sugawara wasn’t Semi. He wasn’t your mate.
“Hey, earth to y/n!” yelled Sugawara, waving his hand in front of your face. This effectively snapped you from your thoughts, and you shot him a glare.
“What was that for?” you hissed, a low growl escaping from your lips. Looking rather sheepish at your sudden anger, Sugawara avoided your gaze, preferring to gaze at the approaching school gates. Briefly, he considered using his pheromones to soothe you, but something about your glare told him it wouldn’t be appreciated, that the only scent that could do anything was your mate’s.
“You were ignoring me,” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head, eyes frantically searching for a familiar face that might help diffuse the situation. He perked up, waving his arm in the air and calling out, “Daichi! Asahi! Shimizu!”
The group near the front of the school building stopped, turning around and raising their hands to acknowledge his greeting. Sugawara jogged forward, slinging his arm over Asahi’s shoulder. He murmured something to the group, likely a warning, and jerked his head in your direction. Kiyoko seemed to understand the fastest, being an omega herself, and headed towards you, her approach calm.
“Are you feeling okay, y/n?” she greeted, voice gentle and soothing. Her scent was also soft, washing over you pleasantly, easing your tension. You felt yourself relax, and a soft whimper escaped you.
“No,” you breathed, stepping forward and resting your head against her shoulder. Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill as the longing for Semi hit you again. “I hate it. I just want to be near him. It’s so unfair.”
She reached up, giving your back a reassuring rub as she felt tears dampen her shirt. You let out a sob, your scent souring. A small hiccup escaped your lips and you sniffled, pulling away. Kiyoko held out a tissue for you, her next words a comfort. “Skip practice tonight. Go and see Semi. We can manage without you and I’ll tell you anything important that you miss. The coaches will understand.”
You nodded, a smile brightening your features as you wrapped your arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug. “Thank you, Kiyoko.”
Despite knowing you were going to see Semi later, the longing you felt, the desire for him, didn’t decrease. As the day dragged on, it got worse, your pheromones spiking at random intervals as if trying to call him to you. Your attempts to dampen your scent were increasingly weakening, to the point where a teacher asked you to meet them outside.
You rose from your desk shakily, legs wobbling. Beads of sweat formed at your forehead, and you swiped it away dismissively. You tugged at your collar, feeling suffocated. The teacher held the door open for you, giving you a concerned look before following you out into the hallway.
“l/n,” she began calmly, “when is your next heat cycle?”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to recall the information. It had been a long time since the date had any significant meaning to you. You glanced at the teacher, quietly asking for permission to check your phone. She nodded in response, watching as your eyes widened and you breathed out a quiet, “Shit.”
The teacher’s assumption had been correct, and she could hardly berate you for swearing when the most important thing was to remove you to a safe place. She instructed, “I’ll go into the classroom and collect your things. Do you need my help to go to the medical room or will you be able to go there yourself?”
“It’s only down the hall so I should be fine,” you replied. Your heat had not fully started yet, your head still clear enough to enable you to make decisions, though you were slowly losing the ability to reign your scent in. It filled the hallway, causing the teacher’s nose to wrinkle. She quickly disappeared into the classroom, returning with your things.
“Call someone who can help you on your way there,” she commanded before stepping back into the classroom.
Hands shaking, you clicked on Semi’s contact, immediately pressing down on the call button. He was the only one you wanted to see now. Even if he was in class, you knew he would answer. He would understand it was an emergency. It was an unspoken rule to never call during the school day unless that was the case. The phone rang.
“y/n?” came Semi’s voice through the phone, rich and deep, “are you okay?”
“Eita...” you whimpered, leaning back against the wall, fingers convulsing around the phone. “Eita, I need you.”
“What happened?” he demanded. You sounded desperate, like the only thing you truly desired was him.
“I’m going into heat.”
He froze then, letting out a breath. It had slipped his mind that it was time for your next heat, evidently having slipped from yours too. Dread filled him at the thought of you, alone and defenceless. Anything could happen. His voice was tight when he spoke again. “Where are you? Please tell me you’re going somewhere safe.”
“I’m in the hallway,” you sighed. He let out a low growl at your words, not directed towards you but whoever might come across you. “I’m going to the medical room now.”
“Good,” he said. Through the phone, you could hear him running down the corridor. “I’ll see you there.”
The phone went silent, and you slumped against the wall, a pout on your face. He could have at least said goodbye. Hanging up so abruptly, though the meaning behind it was clear, still made you feel unwanted. The irrational part of your mind insisted that he didn’t want you, and you let out a pitiful whine, beginning to shuffle down the corridor. A tear dribbled down your cheek and you wiped it away angrily. The rational part of your brain knew you were being ridiculous, that Semi had hung up so abruptly to get to you quicker. You reached for the jacket you had folded up and placed in your bag, burying your face in the material and sucking in a deep breath. His scent was faint, but in your heightened state, it smelt more prominent than it had in weeks.
After a few more deep lungfuls of air, you began to shuffle down the corridor towards the medical room. A sudden pungent scent caused you to snap to attention, head jerking to the side as your eyes fell on a young alpha hovering in a doorway. Their body was tense, their gaze fixed on you. You froze under the attention, attempting fruitlessly to reign your scent back in. The alpha’s nostrils flared and they took a step forward, eyes shining with desire. Your whole body went tense, dread creeping up your spine. As you took a hurried step back, you felt your legs buckle, barely managing to catch yourself on the wall.
The alpha lunged forward, hands hitting the wall either side of your head as they leaned in, taking in a deep breath. They leaned forward, letting out a low growl as their nose traced the scent gland at your neck. You stayed still, breathing shallow, as their face buried into your neck, hoping that if you remained still they would lose interest. It was foolish of you to entertain this idea, knowing that the scent of an omega in heat was intoxicating, made weak and young alpha’s lose all sense of reason.
“Please,” you whimpered, hands going up to press against their chest, attempting to push them away from you. They simply growled, pushing closer to you, one hand bracing the wall while the other wrapped around your waist, fingers digging into skin. “Please let me go.”
It was pathetic, the way your heat made you weak. What was more pathetic was the way something as simple as an omega’s scent could make an alpha lose all sense of reason. As the alpha released their pheromones, the scent weakening you, making you dizzy, all you could do was whimper.
“Eita,” you whined, voice high-pitched and breathy. The desperation was clear in your voice, clearer by the way you weakly struggled against them. Your leg kicked out, landing a feeble strike to their shin. Still, they didn’t pull away. “Help me.”
It was those two words that filled Semi’s ears as he rounded the corner, slightly out of breath and panting from his run to Karasuno. The first thing that hit him was your scent, the second that of the alpha who had found you. He scanned the corridor for you, eyes immediately falling on your cowering figure. You pleaded helplessly with the alpha in front of you. The alpha wasn’t listening, ignoring the slight sourness to your scent, the wretched edge to your voice.
Semi’s lips curled upward, baring his teeth as a growl ripped from deep within him, the sound loud and threatening. His pheromones exploded outward, launching through the air and assaulting the younger alpha’s senses, causing them to release a choked groan. The other alpha’s head turned towards him, fighting against the more powerful alpha’s scent and growling in return.
“I found her first,” they declared. To punctuate their point, they placed a kiss to the scent gland in your neck, their teeth grazing the sensitive sink. You flinched away, fixing Semi with a helpless look, your whole body shaking with despair and disgust. Another alpha had dared to touch you in such an intimate way. The act was audacious, ignorant to the way you’d called for another alpha and the intimidating presence of that other alpha at the end of the hallway. It was this act that caused Semi to snap, his whole world focusing in on one point. It was the alpha in front of him.
He lunged forward, tackling them to the floor as his hands wrapped around the other alpha’s neck and his legs pinned the other alpha to the floor, keeping their arms trapped. He pressed his weight down on their wrists, a satisfied smirk overtaking his face at the slight cracking sound. As his hands tightened around their neck, the smirk widened, finding a sadistic delight in the choked grunt that escaped the young alpha’s mouth.
“Stay the fuck away from my mate,” he growled, shaking their limp body slightly. “You fucking piece of shit.”
Their mouth opened uselessly, attempting to speak even as they struggled to draw breath. Semi lifted their head up, slamming it back down on the floor with a loud thump. His voice was sharp as he spat, “Keep your fucking mouth shut. I don’t want to hear a word from your filthy mouth, you pathetic excuse for an alpha.”
He finally released the alpha, his hands imprinted on their neck in a ring of red. He stood up, leering over the alpha. “Get the fuck out of my sight.”
They scrambled upwards, taking off down the corridor, their scent reeking of the bitter tang of fear. Semi didn’t spare them another glance, immediately crossing the distance between you and pulling you into his arms, pressing your head to the scent gland in his neck as he brushed his wrist up and down your body. You pressed yourself firmer against him, arms wrapping around his slender waist to hold him tighter. He felt tears dampen his skin, letting out another low growl.
"Fucking piece of shit," he grumbled, holding you closer. His hands slid down to rest at the top of your thighs and the slight squeeze he gave them communicated what he intended. Semi lifted you up, your legs locking around his waist and arms around his neck. A distressed whine escaped your lips as you nuzzled in closer, taking comfort in his scent. "It's okay, y/n. I've got you."
He wanted to berate you, anything to ease the tension that still locked his muscles together. He couldn't do that to you though. While you should have been aware of your heat, it was also his responsibility as your alpha to be aware of this information. He could hardly scold you for what had happened in the corridor. That was the fault of that other alpha. The very thought of it made his blood boil, and he pressed his nose into your hair, drawing in another deep breath of your scent. It reassured him that you were there, that you were safe.
"Want to go home with you," you mumbled, hot breath tickling the sensitive skin of his neck. He knelt awkwardly, keeping his balance as he picked up your bag from the floor, slinging the strap over his shoulder.
"Okay," he soothed, voice gentle as he strengthened his own scent to stiffle your own, hoping to avoid attracting any other foolish alphas. "I'll take you home."
"Don't leave me, Eita," you whimpered. "Need you."
"I would never leave you," he said, brushing a gentle kiss to the top of your head, thumb rubbing calming circles into your thigh. A pleased purr rumbled through your body at his words, and a satsified smile took over Semi's expression. "We'll be home soon, okay?"
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slasherbastard · 3 years
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(gif credit: pearris2swine)
Warnings: implied sexual stuff, angst, swearing Word count: 2047 Notes: i am so uninspired sorry
Another day in Ambrose. You adjusted your dress and stared at your reflection in the mirror and sighed in slight annoyance as the ends of the black dress rode up your legs, you hated dresses and even though it was all for show you still couldn't help but feel gross. You hated the eyes that raked your body and the compliments from the male victims that made you want to vomit but hey, that's just business - and it wasn't just a one person job, Bo took care of the girls and you took care of the guys (and a few girls, which you like to hold against Bo). Of course Bo had to find you the skimpiest looking dress for his mother's funeral, it was amusing to you but sad at the same time. You took a bobby pin off the sink and swiped some hair back and pinned it in place before going back to touching up your makeup when the bathroom door opened and Bo came in.
"Babe? We're going to be late-" You stared at Bo in the mirror and turned to him, he looked stunned. "Oh your body does wonders for that dress." He smirked and walked up to you and place a hand on your side as he pulled you in for a kiss. Before the session could get heated you swiftly pulled away and placed a finger on his lips and smiled. 
"We're going to be late." You mimicked his southern accent and laughed as you walked past him, the sound of clicks against tiles followed you with those uncomfortable heels Bo forced you to wear. You made a bet that he was checking out your ass as you walked out and when you glanced back at him, sure enough he was. He followed you out and downstairs. 
You both exited the house and got into Bo's truck. Usually the two of you would just walk but you were already late enough and Bo being Bo blamed Lester for the such short notice - even though it was Bo who decided to check his voicemail half an hour before the victims would be arriving. Bo sped down the hill and parked a few buildings away from the church, jumping out of the truck without bothering to lock it before grabbing your hand and practically dragging you through the church doors. The church looked the same as ever, it wasn't like anybody besides the two of you occupied it a few days every month when newer victims entered the town. Bo turned on the stereo and got into place, kneeling down beside his mother's wax covered corpse as you stood beside him with a hand on his shoulder and looked down into Trudy's hazy lifeless eyes, a shiver ran down your spine but you ignored it and continued staring at her just waiting for the church doors to open. 
And they did. You and Bo turned around in unison and stared at the shocked face of a girl who quickly shut the door. "Well, that's our cue." Bo stood up and you followed him out to 'greet' the victims, the girl who ambushed the funeral and a guy who looked looked really pissed off. The girl began apologising profusely as you and Bo walked past. 
"Look, we need the mechanic guy that redneck told us about." 
"That mechanic guy? Well, I'm that mechanic guy but we're in the middle of a funeral-" 
"Look, if I pay you extra will-" The man didn't have time to finish before Bo had slammed him against one of the church walls, a tight grip on his shirt as he got close. 
"Look buddy, I'm really not having a good day so you're going to wait until this funeral is finished then I'll think about fixing your car. Got it?" The man nodded and held his hands up. Bo let go and walked back up into the church alone while you checked to see if the man was okay. 
"I'm sorry about him, he just lost his mother and hasn't been himself lately." 
The church doors opened again and Bo stepped out with a more sincere look on his face. "I'm sorry. How about we get that car looked at?" You passed a look onto the man that could be read as 'I told you so' and the four of you began walking down to the station. "So where were you guys headed?"
"Florida, we got family there." The girl spoke in an upbeat voice with a heavy accent, definitely not American but neither you nor Bo could place it. "Our mother's birthday is coming up and we got her the best present." She was really excited, it almost upset you because you knew that she wasn't leaving this place alive. "Oh we never gave you our names! I'm Dakota and that's Matt." 
The four of you approached the garage and Bo unlocked the door and the two soon to be wax figures stepped inside and started looking for whatever parts they needed while you and Bo watched them, you were leant up against the wall with your arms crossed over your chest with your eyes on Matt who was stealing his own glances from you with a subtle smile that Bo caught on to as well as you.
While Bo was paying attention to Matt's movements and looks, Dakota was practically staring Bo down like he was the last meal on Earth. When Bo had finally caught on he just winked at her and tried to approach her but she shook her head and pointed to her brother who wasn't even paying attention to what was happening right next to him. She mouthed to Bo something along the lines of "Let's get out of here." 
Dakota then walked past and Bo furrowed his eyebrows as he watched her approach the bathroom door and push it only for not to move. "Yeah it's out of order, a'ven't gotten around to fixing it yet but the one up at my place works just fine if you're desperate." Dakota didn't hesitate and nodded. "Alright, won't be too long you two." As Dakota and Bo exited the garage he gave you a small nod and dropped a key into your hand, you looked over at Matt who wasn't really paying attention as he grabbed something off the shelf and drop it, idiot. 
You rolled your eyes but walked over. "Let me get it." You knelt down and began picking up the part he dropped. "Be glad this isn't valuable. Bo would've killed you." Matt looked down at you and smiled, awkwardly running a hand through his hair. 
"Bo's your boyfriend or something?"
You laughed, a little over exaggeratedly but it could've just come off as you being embarrassed. "No, no, he's my brother in law." You picked yourself off the floor and put the part back onto the shelf and dusted your hands off. "Well, ex-brother in law I guess. That funeral was for my sister, his wife." 
"Oh, sorry. I was just wondering because you're really hot." 
You really wanted to punch this guy but this was the crap you had to put up with whenever you met the victims, although, you didn't expect to mark "tell-me-about-your-trauma-then-i'll-sleep-with-you" off of your 'Stupid Shit Victims Say Bingo'. So instead you got closer and didn't fix your dress as the fabric began to bunch again, it was so uncomfortable but you knew this all meant nothing so you were good. 
"You think I'm hot?" The sentence fell off your tongue with a purr, a part of you realised that those acting lessons and improv classes you took before coming to Ambrose actually meant something. "You know, Bo's gonna be a while. It is quite a walk up that hill." You reached for the buttons on Matt's shirt and he looked over at something before watching you. 
"Does that bathroom have a key?" Heat rose in your face as it definitely turned a bright ass red, you could be seductive but you couldn't control exactly how you responded. You broke away from the man and pretended to look for a key as you quietly set the key down on the bench beside you - Matt didn't see you do this, he was busy "messing" around with the buttons on his shirt. 
You picked up the key and glanced at Matt before spinning around and holding it up. "Found it-" He was already on you, he'd picked you up and sat you on the bench and a furious make out session began. The key fell out of your hand and disappeared somewhere on the floor but neither of you cared as Matt's lips left yours only to reconnect with the skin on your neck. You didn't want to admit it but he was really good, so much more passionate than Bo but also a lot softer but who cares about Bo right now?
You're only doing this because of Dakota.
Matt began getting adventurous, a hand went up your dress while the other one slipped the sleeves down your arms. You felt devious but you were also worried about how Bo would react since you've never gotten this far with a victim before - and as if time wasn't on your side, you heard the door to the garage open while Matt was too distracted by you to notice Bo was now standing a few feet away from the two of you. 
"What the fuck is going on here?" Matt jumped back and you pushed yourself off the bench, readjusting your dress while Bo stared at Matt even more furious than you've seen him before - and that's saying A LOT. 
"L-Look man-"
"Don't you fucking L-Look man me!" Bo grabbed Matt by the fabric of his shirt and slammed him into the wall, Matt tried to fight back but Bo just slammed him into the wall again. "Open the fucking basement door, now!" He yelled at you, oh, he was pissed. 
You didn't waste a second before opening that door and neither did Bo as he pulled Matt down. You followed behind him and tried to help with keeping Matt down but Bo just pushed you aside as he tied Matt up within seconds. Matt screamed, screamed for Dakota, screamed for anyone who could hear him in this ghost town. "Scream all you want, nobody's gonna hear 'ya." He leaned in close to Matt and smiled before he turned to face you. He didn't say anything, he grabbed you and dragged you out of the cellar and closed the door. 
You tried to talk to Bo but he didn't listen. You didn't know where he was taking you and a part of you didn't want to know, you began to struggle as his grip got tighter and you tried to pull yourself away from him and at one point you were successful. Bo looked furious as you pulled away from him and stared up at him with glassy eyes. "What the fuck was that? I leave you alone with a guy and next thing I see is y'all fucking!" 
"We didn't have sex! We were just kissing and it went a little too far."
"A little? That's what you call a little?"
"Well you and Dakota were eyefucking right in front of me!" Bo just stared at you before turning away. 
"You're jealous." He laughed before raising his voice. "You think that the shit they say to you don't make me jealous either?" 
"This was all your idea! You're the one who said that seducing victims would work!" You sighed, taking your time to contain yourself before speaking again. "So where's Dakota now?" 
"Vincent's handling her now." Bo paused and stared at you for a second and you swore you saw the light bulb that replaced his brain - if we're being completely honest here since he's got 0 thoughts - light up as he suddenly got close to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "You know what has to happen now, right?" Bo played his unfair game with you and you lost, either you were about to get punished or you were going to have to watch Bo torture this guy you had no feelings for.
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cotccotc · 4 years
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genre/s: felix x barista!reader (gender neutral), fluff, angst, coworkers to lovers au, bakery / barista au (feat. baker / bff!minho, (strict) manager!chan, barista!jeongin, and baker!seungmin)
wc: 6.9k 😎
warnings: many mentions of food (specifically sweets such as cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc.), some swearing, arguing, probably very poor editing oops <3
a/n: this is part of the @districtninewriters​​ “dear skz, with love” event :D THIS IS ALSO THE LONGEST FIC I’VE EVER WRITTEN AHHH i’m really really proud of it !!! i hope u love it besties !!!!!!!!
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it was a frostbitten february evening when you met the boy at the bakery.
you were seated upon the counter, back turned to the deep brown door through which you’d first entered months ago, eager to apply for a barista position. minho sat across from you on the cashier stool. he was always better with the baked goods. you were a great team. the two of you were bored; a familiar feeling that accompanied weeknights at the bakery-cafe. people tended to arrive either in the morning time or late in the afternoon, and very seldom later. plus, your manager trusted the two of you enough to lock up on your own. and so, the two of you would be left to your own devices for a few measly hours a night per week.
“i bet you couldn’t make a batch of sugar biscuits without instructions,” he teased with a snarky grin. he was right. that was more his thing than yours.
so, you retaliated. “i bet you can’t do the same with a mocha frappe. or even simpler: an iced americano.”
“oh yeah? step right up, biscuit boy,” you retorted with a giggle, gesturing to the coffee maker that sat beside him. there were multiple in the shop, and truth be told, he had no idea which was used for what types of beverages.
confidently, he grabbed a cup from the stack on the table behind him, striding over to one of the machines. he then took a look at all the knobs and buttons, clearing his throat. you chuckled. with his finger ghosting over one of the buttons, he turned back toward you to check for your reaction. “not even close,” you remarked. he clicked his tongue, turning back toward the coffee maker. “just a hint,” you added, “the first step isn’t coffee.”
he simply looked up, bewildered. he turned back toward you, dropping his hands to his sides and parting his lips into a circular expression of disbelief.
suddenly, the sparkling tone of the door chime behind you caught both of your attention. peculiar. nobody was usually around at that hour. as minho put his cup back on the table, you hopped off the counter, turning toward the front of the store.
in walked one of the most strikingly handsome boys you think you’ve ever seen. if not the most handsome. an angular face; fair, slightly pink-tinted skin decorated with the most endearing assortment of freckles. they were almost reminiscent of the chocolate sprinkles minho used to top off the cupcakes situated inside the glass counter case. his hair was a vanilla blond and long enough to delicately cascade over the side edges of his face. cherry red lips that parted upon his arrival, chocolatey brown eyes staring right back at yours. he was astonishing.
“how can we help you?” minho asked him, stepping forward. he couldn’t help but notice the way your eyes seemed to be bugging out of your head. he had to stifle a chuckle or two.
the boy’s eyes lingered on yours for a moment. or maybe you dreamed it that way. regardless, he walked up to the counter, inquisitively placing his hands behind his back and bent over to glance at the contents of the case. “hi! uh…” he seemed sweet, though his voice was much deeper than you’d expected. it was unique. he was unique. and in quite a rush, as well. “...shit,” he cursed under his breath. he seemed to have startled himself with his expression. he looked back up at you, then at minho, a tight-lipped smile and strawberry-pink blush appearing on his face. “sorry,” he said.
minho finally let out a chuckle. “no worries. what’re you looking for?” he was always so good with the customers. smooth yet considerate, witty, yet firm. you always aspired to be a little more like minho when it came to customer service.
“do you have any of the salted caramel cupcakes left? they seem to be gone.”
“ah, we seem to have run out of those. could i interest you in a peanut butter cupcake instead?”
the boy shook his head. “no… she likes caramel.”
she. there was a she.
“may i ask what the occasion is?” minho asked.
“it’s my mom’s birthday, and she’ll be home from work soon... hopefully. i would’ve made my own gift to her but i didn’t have the time…”
“enough said,” your coworker assured him. “does she like chocolate? we have a few salted caramel brownies in the back.”
he almost gasped. “that’s perfect!” he paused. “um… how much is that? i-is it more than the cupcake, or…?”
minho glanced through the glass at the tag beside the brownie tray. “nope. less, actually.”
the boy let out a short sigh of relief. “great. thanks so much.”
“ah, it’s nothing. one sec,” minho said before walking into the kitchen to grab the brownie from the fridge. an awkward silence ensued between you and the boy.
“a name for the order?” you blurted. dumbass, you thought to yourself.
“i’m… the only one in the store…” he replied.
heat rose to your cheeks. “i… um… it’s protocol-”
“felix.” he cut you off before you could embarrass yourself further. he could tell you were nervous.
a unique name as well. of course.
“coming right up, felix,” you murmured, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. both of you chuckled.
minho came back out to the counter holding a small blue box with the cafe logo on top. “you’re all set! that’ll be…” he pressed few buttons into the cash register before continuing. “ten thousand won.”
“perfect.” felix grabbed his wallet out of his coat pocket. he pulled out a few bills from the black leather case, handing them to minho with a small smile. he was excited to surprise his mother, and happy that it wouldn’t cost as much as he’d thought it would. and you found it adorable.
minho took the money, ringing felix up and inserting the bills into the register. he handed felix the box, which made the boy’s face light up even more. it was hard for you to suppress a similar countenance. “i hope she likes it. have a good night!” minho said, closing the register. he crossed his arms and leaned on the counter as felix waved to the both of you and began walking back toward the door.
“thanks so much. you too,” he said, giving minho a small bow.
with his hand on the door, he glanced back at you once more. you smiled. he returned the expression. and just like that, with a brief gust of cold air sweeping through the shop, the boy was gone.
“you, uh… you know we only take names when there’s a line, right?” minho teased as the door shut, the chime letting out what seemed to be a pitied laugh. 
you held your hands up to your forehead. “ugh, i know! i’m such an idiot,” you replied, letting your nerves go with a chuckle. he patted you on the shoulder, laughing with you.
in between laughs, he remarked, “he really made you that nervous, huh?”
“you could tell?! oh, great… wonderful!” 
the two of you carried on for a moment, making light of the otherwise mortifying exchange. but finally, minho glanced at the clock and asked, “would you mind locking up tonight? i’ve got a date.”
“ooh!” you cooed, taunting him. “a date... who’s the not-so-lucky lady?”
“what joke book did you get that one from, hm? i had no idea you even knew how to read!” you gave him a playful punch in the arm for his sarcastic dig, causing him to giggle. yet, he answered your question, saying, “it’s a girl i met on the train home from school the other night. chaeyoung.” he looked off to the side, seemingly entranced. “she’s really witty and smart… and gorgeous. like... gorgeous.”
“ah, yes… so gorgeous that it causes men to leave their posts… and friends…”
“if i bring you back some takeout, will you quit being an ass?”
you pondered the question for a moment. and, while you’d be bored as hell in his absence, closing up the shop wasn’t much of a hassle on weeknights… and, well, you could always go for a free meal. “...pleasure doing business with you, lee minho.”
“thank you. as with you,” he commented in return. he took off the periwinkle blue, involuntarily worn apron which you’ve both been made to wear, revealing what you hadn’t even noticed was a dressy outfit. well, dressier than usual. he’d opted for a pale blue button-up shirt, tucked into black skinny jeans, all tied together by a chic black belt and a pair of black loafers. not to mention the small silver hoop earrings and matching necklace. you had to admit, he did look dapper.
he quickly strode to the back of the kitchen at which there resided a small storage room where you and the other employees usually dropped off your belongings. he grabbed his backpack and put on his long black coat, quickly making his way back up to the counter and walking around to the front of the store. “catch you tomorrow! thanks again.”
“takeout! don’t forget!”
“i couldn’t even if i tried,” he retorted, opening the door. the two of you waved to each other before he took his leave. 
moments later, the door opened once again. you figured minho must’ve forgotten something. looking up, you began to ask, “what’d you forget this ti-”
it wasn’t minho.
it was felix.
he paused in his footing, little blue box still in hand. you jumped just a little. he noticed. “s-sorry… i just, um…” he looked off to the side. “i guess this is a bit of a long shot... considering the two of you seem to be more than enough staff… but…” he paused again, taking a moment to straighten his posture and scratch the back of his head. “is there any chance you might be hiring… any time soon?”
the answer was no. undoubtedly. he was right in thinking that you, minho, and the other employees were perfectly capable of handling the cafe. though some mornings and weekends were a bit tight, the team made it work. if this was anybody else, you could’ve easily said no.
yet, he persisted. “i can bake! i like to think i’ve been getting better at it… and i can clean as well.”
you couldn’t turn him down. you simply couldn’t. not with those kind eyes locking themselves with yours, the enthusiasm in his deep voice, or the hastening beat of your heart. “i’ll talk to my manager!” you affirmed. you smiled, causing a similar reaction out of him. an idea popped into your mind. if only for a moment, you thought it was the best you’d ever had. your eyes averted themselves to the pale yellow note pad and ballpoint pen on the counter, used to take orders from seated customers. “here,” you said, reaching for the pen and paper and handing it to felix. “if you’ll give me your number, i can text you with any updates.”
he walked back up to the counter for the second time that night, taking his number down on the pad. as you watched him intently, eyes fixated on his concentrated face, you silently praised yourself for being so brave. especially after the whole name debacle. your heart was at its wits’ end. “there,” he said, placing the pen down on the counter and sliding the notepad back to you. “i really appreciate it.” he sounded so genuine. he flashed you another smile. he had such a grand, bright, toothy smile. it would stay in your memory for days, weeks, even months to come. you can still recall it now.
“it’s no problem,” you responded. “...i really hope your mom likes the brownie.”
“thanks. i’m sure she will.” he turned to walk toward the door. you almost turned away as well, excited to examine the style with which he’d written on the pad, until he spun back around once more. “oh! one more thing… can i get your name as well?”
the question came as a bit of a surprise. you nodded to him, letting out a short giggle. “y/n.”
he grinned again. it was smaller that time; a bit more subdued. effortfully so. “ah. well…” he began walking backward, eyes connected with yours as he headed toward the door. “goodnight, y/n.”
“goodnight, felix.”
and thus, your pursuit for a job offering began.
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your manager, chan, was reluctant to accept your proposal for him to give felix an interview. however, you made note of how eager he’d seemed that night and the skills he’d mentioned having. you also mentioned how he’d been so enthused to find out the price of his order. and so, after a couple days’ worth of mulling it over, chan finally gave in.
you weren’t supposed to be at the cafe when felix was being interviewed. however, your saturday afternoon shift had just ended, and the place was essentially empty. well… apart from you, chan, felix, and then jeongin, who wandered in from the storage room to find you eavesdropping from behind the wall separating the kitchen and the dining area. 
“y/n?” he asked. “what are you-”
you inaudibly shushed him, motioning for him to come closer and hide with you. he did so.
“chan’s interviewing someone,” you whispered to the boy.
“ah…” he responded, his tone hushed. “so why are we hiding?”
“because we’re not supposed to be listening.”
“so why are we doing it?”
“because i want to know how it’s going.”
“so why can’t you just-”
you shushed him again. he obliged, covering his mouth with his hand.
from the other side of the wall, chan asked, “so felix, do you have a resume?”
“uh…” felix stammered. you could hear the nerves in his voice.
“let me put it this way,” chan offered instead. “do you have any prior working experience? at another cafe, another store, a completely different place...?”
“oh! yes. i’ve bagged groceries at the supermarket on third street for the last few months. that’s where my mom works. but i’d much rather work here, if i’m honest...”
“ah. okay.” chan nodded, jotting down some notes in his notebook. “so y/n told me you could clean...”
before chan could finish, felix proudly exclaimed, “i can! i do a lot of cleaning at home.”
the interview went on for a few more minutes. jeongin let out a few silent chuckles every once in a while, mocking your state of concentration. but who could blame you? you just wanted to make sure felix got the position. he seemed to need it.
you totally weren’t in it for his smile… the freckles… the adorable creases that formed at the edges of his eyes when he grinned with that sweet, genuine, toothy grin of his… no, not at all…
nevertheless, he got the job.
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“i love this apron,” felix had said to you on his first day. he was quite fond of your uniform. everyone else in the shop hated them; what, with the pale blue color, white pinstripe pattern, and the ‘one-size-fits-all’ design. yet, in every sense of the phrase, it fit felix perfectly.
“i’m glad someone does,” you replied. he laughed.
“when i got the cleaning job, i wasn’t sure i’d get to wear one. but i’m happy i do.” he smiled at you, his pearlescent teeth on full display and face aglow with joy. 
after about a week of training, felix became a natural at his job. though it wasn’t much, he took great pride in his work and enjoyed taking any opportunity he saw to do a little extra sweeping, some more dish washing, and even some dusting here and there.
he also fit right into the employee dynamic. every once in a while, you’d find him playing hand games with jeongin. or, sometimes, minho would discuss baking with him, as he often noted his affinity for it.
“have you ever tried using oats in your chocolate chip cookies?” felix asked. it was monday night. and, as per usual, the shop was devoid of customers.
minho looked puzzled. “oats?”
“yeah. it adds a little nuttiness. it’s really, really good.”
“huh… i’ll have to try it out sometime. i like to add a bit of coffee grounds to the flour when i make mine.” then, he leaned in to whisper, “don’t tell chan, though.” felix let out a nervous giggle.
“don’t worry,” you said to him. “minho’s only kidding. i’d never let him touch my coffee grounds.” this made all three of you laugh.
after the laughter died down, felix looked at the clock. it was four in the afternoon. “well, my shift is over,” he said. you were disappointed. hanging out with felix had become a bit of a highlight for you. he always carried himself so kindly. he had a bubbly soul, and a pure twinkle took residence in his eye whenever he smiled. you couldn’t help but feel light and airy while around him.
“hey, i’ve been meaning to ask,” minho started to felix. “do you bike here?”
the other boy was confused. “no. why?”
“oh… then, do you walk?”
“yeah. it’s only a few blocks,” felix responded, shrugging.
“do you need a ride?”
felix paused to think. “don’t you need to stay here? to lock up and everything…”
“i’ll come right back.”
you chimed in, suggesting, “i can close tonight.”
“you sure?” minho asked you. “i don’t have any food to bribe you with this time.” you both chuckled.
“it’s fine by me,” you said.
minho thanked you, stating once again that he owed you. the amount of times you’d done this for him was countless. but you never seemed to mind. and so, off they went. you were glad felix had integrated into the friend group so well. you supposed that he was just that loveable.
when it finally came time for you to close up shop having not received any other customers for the night, you waltzed into the storage room to grab your things. however, you noticed something strange sitting atop one of the shelves that hadn’t been there that morning.
an envelope. with your name on it. and a tupperware container filled with a single slice of what looked like chocolate cake.
your heart flinched. you were shocked. flustered, flushed. confused… but endeared. you hesitated. shakily, you tore open the cream-colored envelope’s seal, careful not to rip too much. you wanted to preserve its crisp smoothness.
“y/n,” the note said...
“a gift to you,
a chocolatey treat,
a token of thanks
for being so sweet.
~ me”
your heart fluttered. you ran to the kitchen, opening the container and grabbing a freshly-cleaned fork from the metal sink. you dried it off on your apron before excitedly digging into the dessert. it was more of a brownie than a cake, you realized, with melted chocolate chunks stuffed inside. it tasted amazing.
you began wondering who this mystery gifter could’ve been. it couldn’t have been minho… it simply couldn’t have. the two of you were much too close. and he was always more confident than anybody you’d met. if he liked you, you would have already known. besides, things seemed to be going well with him and chaeyoung. no… this had to be someone else. jeongin, perhaps. he did always made such high praises about your cappuccino-crafting abilities. you looked to your left and right, peering around the kitchen for signs of life. but alas, you were all alone in the cafe. 
then it hit you.
of course...
you recalled the first time you met. when you had him jot his number down on the piece of paper. you remembered his handwriting; the way some characters curled on the ends, the rounded shape of his letter e, the squiggly line he used before he signed his name… it was felix. it had to be.
and you were ecstatic.
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the next day, you entered the shop to find a full house. it was a saturday morning, after all. you enjoyed the breakfast rush, mainly because you got the chance to show off your coffee-making skills. you made your way to the kitchen, greeting jeongin at the counter on your way in. you said hello to minho and seungmin as well, who were busy stand-mixing and hand-folding various types of batter. they were a great team, especially on mornings like those. though they tended to bicker about ingredients and proportions, the sweet treats they’d concoct always turned out excellently.
finally, felix emerged from the storage area, duster in hand. when he saw you, however, he froze. with his eyes wide and cheeks beginning to flush, he greeted you. “h-hi, y/n… good morning!”
you let out a bit of a giggle. does he know that i know? you asked yourself. granted, the mysterious gift giver signed off as ‘me,’ so you couldn’t say you were positive… but this reaction told you otherwise. “morning!”
he nodded, smiling nervously. he gestured to the storage room. “the shelves in there are all dusted now.”
“great! i think i’ll… um…” you pointed to the room, slipping past him to stash away your belongings and put on your apron.
“yep! you… do that…” he muttered as you walked away.
however, when you walked in, you found something peculiar displayed upon the shelf.
another envelope. and another container.
you turned back toward the door to find felix peeking in. you chuckled. “so it was you!”
he stepped to the side, coming into full view. “how’d you know?” he asked.
“i just… had a feeling.” you grinned.
he paused, a tight-lipped smile spread across his face. “well, open it.”
you placed your coat and bag on one of the shelves below. you then opened up the envelope just like you had the previous night: meticulously, yet enthralled. it read,
“another dessert
for a person so sweet
will you honor me kindly,
and go out with me?
~ me”
once you looked back up at him, felix commented, “you were supposed to circle one…” he then began rambling. “i thought you didn’t come in until later. you don’t have to say anything right now, or at all, and-”
though you thought it adorable, you cut off his nervous prattle, stating, “yes.”
his eyes grew even wider, his strawberry tinted lips forming a circular shape. “you mean…”
“i’ll go out with you, felix,” you confirmed.
his face lit up. and yours did, too.
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thus, one date became two, two became four…
by the end of february, you were officially a couple.
you were a perfect match. each of you complimented each other so well, rivaling the bittersweetness of a good cappuccino when paired with a light and fluffy slice of cake. like minho, felix’s baking abilities and knowledge never ceased to amaze you. you explained the ins and outs of coffee brewing while he told you all about how he bakes his tasty treats. he even showed you some of the recipes his mom handed down to him from generations past.
his mom sounded so wonderful… yet, a part of you felt so sorry for her. felix’s dad left when he was young, and she’s always had to fend for herself and her son all on her own. however, when she was let go from her office position the previous year, things began to spiral. she took up two jobs: one at the local grocery store and another waitressing at a restaurant in the next town. she was always so busy. but felix understood. he tried helping out, especially by working at the supermarket with her that fall. nothing seemed to get any better. 
that is, until he landed his job at the cafe.
felix constantly thanked you for helping him out. chan paid him a considerable amount more than what he’d received at the supermarket, which helped him and his mother out greatly. anything would. aside from telling how lovely, smart, witty, and gorgeous you were, felix’s mission in life was to remind you how you’d saved it.
one monday, you entered the storage room on your break to find a sight all too familiar. a handwritten note and small sliver of baked loveliness, all wrapped up in a metaphorical bow of allure and intrigue. nevertheless, however, you were still just as giddy as the first time you’d received one of felix’s treats. suddenly, you felt a finger graze along your shoulder, moving your hair to the side as an arm wrapped itself around your waist. two warm, pillowy lips made contact with your cheek, gently pecking the skin. felix.
you let out a giggle. “is this for me?” you asked, facetiously.
“of course,” he muttered beside your ear, his tone low, entrancing, and chill-inducing. he kissed your cheek again, holding you close and swaying you from side to side. “it’s another brownie. try it,” he suggested as his chin settled upon your shoulder.
you did as he said, biting into the small slice of fudgy goodness. to your surprise, chunks of melted caramel oozed out of the dessert, cutting through the rich chocolatiness of the brownie with a tangy edge. you hummed in satisfaction. “a salted caramel brownie,” you noted, swallowing your bite.
he chuckled. “i figured i’d finally try it out, maybe give some to my mom… do you like it?”
you placed the sweet back into its container and turned around in his arms, wrapping yours around his neck. you smiled. “i love it, lix. thank you.”
he grinned back at you. pulling you closer by the waist, he sealed the space between his lips and yours with a kiss. his lips were always even softer and more captivating than the texture of his confections. sweeter, too.
after his lips left yours, he gazed into your eyes, holding you close. “open the note, love.”
you excitedly spun back around, doing as instructed. opening the crisp white envelope seal and pulling out the folded sheet of paper, you read its contents.
“a caramel kiss
for you, my love.
i can’t give you the world.
but i hope i’m enough.
~ felix”
you paused. you were puzzled. visibly so, you figured, since when you turned around the look on felix’s face shifted.
he took your hand in his, rubbing small circles into the skin with his thumb. he kept his head down as he spoke. “i wish i could do more. i wish i could take you out to nice places, bake you batches of your favorite sweets, get you real gifts…”
a sharp pain struck your heart. “lix…” you murmured. “i don’t need any of those things. and as far as i’m concerned, these are ‘real gifts.’ they come from your heart. that’s as real as it gets.”
“i know, love, but…”
you placed a hand on his cheek, guiding him to look back up at you. “you don’t even have to do this stuff for me. i know that you care.”
he gave you a forced, shy smile. “okay. i’m glad.” he placed his own hand on top of yours, warm fingertips pressing gently against your skin.
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“felix! y/n!” chan called from the kitchen. it was saturday night, and the last of the day’s customers were taking their leave. you were standing by the coffee-makers, in the middle of telling felix about the time you’d bested jeongin in a macchiato-making contest during a breakfast rush. 
both of you turned toward the kitchen door, concerned. chan poked his head out. “can you come here a minute?” he looked serious. something was wrong.
nevertheless, the two of you obliged. holding hands, you made your way to the kitchen, led by chan to the cooling racks. “what’s up?” you asked.
chan cleared his throat before shoving his hands into his pockets. “i have reason to believe that one of you, or both, has violated protocol.”
you quickly grew confused. felix’s hand tightened around yours. you glanced at him, noticing how his face flushed pale. “uh…” he stammered. 
“early this morning, seungmin pointed out that we’re low on cocoa powder. now, that’s odd, especially considering we had three cans of it yesterday. now we only have two.” you both nodded at him, following along. “...so i took a look at the camera footage.”
felix let go of your hand. “c-cameras?” he stuttered. you were even more confused.
“yeah. the cameras,” chan confirmed, looking felix dead in the eye. “i watched the footage from yesterday. and the day before.”
felix gulped. “you… you did….”
“what the hell is going on?” you asked.
chan let out a bit of a sigh. “y/n. were you aware that felix has been taking ingredients from the kitchen?”
your heart dropped.
you glanced at your boyfriend. he glanced back at you. he then bit his bottom lip, averting his eyes down to the floor. you looked back at chan, calmly answering, “no… i had no idea.”
“is that true?” chan asked.
“yes.” you then turned to felix, face ablaze. “it’s true.”
“then in that case, you can go for the night. i’d like to talk to felix. alone.”
after one last unreciprocated look at your boyfriend, you quickly rummaged through the storage room, collected your things, and left. you stood outside of the cafe, waiting for whatever might happen next. your stomach was doing flips. you couldn’t possibly believe what you’d heard.
minutes elapsed. it felt more like hours. all you could think to do was lean up against a lamp post and watch the gloomy clouds shift overhead. the sun was close to being fully set, casting a deep purple tint over the whole street landscape. and it looked as though it was about to rain.
after what felt like an exorbitantly long time, felix emerged from the shop. the door closed behind him as he bolted down the steps and onto the pavement, that familiar chime sending a chill through you. it sounded almost eerie that night. out of place. taunting.
“lix,” you called. you walked behind him, despite his quickening pace. but he wouldn’t stop or slow down. “lix,” you exclaimed again. no answer. finally, you grabbed his arm, realizing his apron was gone, and shouted, “felix! slow down.”
he scoffed, stopping dead in his tracks. “he fired me.”
you stared at him, blankly. once again, you couldn’t believe it.
“i tried to do something nice, and he fired me.”
“do you think it makes me feel any better?” you asked. “you getting yourself fired so you could make me little brownie experiments?” you paused, taking a deep breath. you were outraged. more so with yourself. you should’ve asked how he was finding the time or the resources to be doing what he was doing. you should’ve known. “i thought you needed this job. when were you gonna tell me you were a thief?”
“a thief?!” felix’s eyes seemed to be bulging out of his head. he was surprised at your verbiage. he’d never seen you upset like this. “y/n, i’m not a thief.” you rolled your eyes. his cheeks flushed crimson. a prickling sensation began around his eyes. a stinging, almost. tears. he looked down at his sneakers. tattered white converse. the same ones he wore every day to work. the same ones on which he’d splattered a few droplets of brownie batter during his latest attempt at making you a gift. now, it just looked like a stain of mud. “i didn’t just take cocoa powder. i took eggs… some milk… a couple cups of flour here and there… my mom got demoted at the restaurant. she works the bar now. she thinks i asked for the stuff. so yeah, i did need this job! i do need it. i just fucked up...” under his breath, trying not to give into the tears that prodded at his eyes, he remarked, “‘little brownie experiments’... that’s all they ever were to you? little brownie experiments...”
you realized what you’d said. of course that’s not all they were to you. they were everything to you. but that isn’t what you’d said. “lix… i-”
“you know what, you’re right,” he muttered, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet, hands clasped behind his back, and eyes rapidly blinking to avoid the inevitable. “they probably weren’t even all that good.”
you took a step closer to him. a drop of water fell onto your shoulder from above. “no.. no, that’s not what i-”
but, as quickly as you approached him, he stepped back. he locked eyes with you once again. his eyes were glossy; tainted with the aftereffects of a broken heart. suddenly, a steady stream of drizzling rain began to fall from the night sky above you. felix’s lip quivered. yet, with a furrowing brow, he continued. “you know what, maybe this was all a mistake.” his voice cracked a bit; frayed at the edges. “maybe i should’ve gotten a different job. at a place that would pay me enough to be able to buy my own shit and pay my mom’s bills.” the rain fell harder now, coating his hair and dragging it down over his face. you didn’t even feel it as it completely drenched you as well.
seeing him like this affected you just as much as your words did him. guilt. the panging, crushing weight of guilt laid heavily upon your heart. “felix…” you whimpered, tears of your own beginning to cloud your line of sight. though, you could still see clear enough to watch him shake his head, turning around and beginning his ascent up the avenue. clear as ever. even despite the pitter-patter of evening gloom.
sopping wet, you marched back into the shop. you ripped off your apron, throwing it down upon the counter. you then walked back behind it to start preparing to close up for the night. all you wanted was to go home.
that is, until you spotted an envelope tucked beside the cappuccino maker.
a creamy white envelope, with your name and a heart inscribed on the back. and a tupperware container. a single teardrop descended from the corner of your eye, resembling the droplets of rain that covered your form. you carefully took hold of the envelope. you gently tore it open, making sure not to rip it, just like you’d done the very first and subsequent times.
“another present
for my love;
my dear y/n,
sent from above.
~ felix”
a drop of rain fell from your hair onto the page, dampening his name. the black ink began to run, the letters seeping into each other.
you could no longer control your tears. you took a seat on the floor, back resting against a leg of the table upon which the coffee makers stood. the metal was cold. but you paid it no mind. with your head on your knees, legs bent and arms wrapped around them, you cried. audibly. you couldn’t believe how you’d spoken to him. you should’ve known that he didn’t have the money to bake you these little presents on his own. you should’ve realized from the moment he confirmed it was him. at least, that’s what you thought to yourself as the tears expelled themselves from your system. 
he just wanted to make you something special. yes, he broke the rules. yes, he stole from the cafe. and yes, he knew it was wrong. but he just wanted to make you something special. it was the only way he believed he could. and you wish you’d seen that. not just so you could’ve prevented it, but also so you could’ve appreciated it even more. so you could’ve seen that not only was he working overtime to make you something you might enjoy, but that he was risking his job for you and his mother. it wasn’t a perfect gesture - not by a long shot. but he meant well. he always did. and you didn’t even give him the chance to explain.
you loved him.
after a few moments of solitude, you regained your breath. you sniffled, looking down at the note. you then stood back up, taking hold of the container. its contents looked delicious. but you couldn’t consume it. not even if you’d been hungry. so, you dumped it into the trashcan beside the table. and, with a deep, shaky breath, you ripped up the letter and envelope into tiny pieces. it was a bittersweet feeling, letting go. but you had to do it. and so, home you went.
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a week passed. things never really changed at the cafe once felix left. weeknights were still as slow as ever. maybe even slower. you missed him.
minho emerged from the kitchen one evening to find you wiping down the cappuccino maker with a coffee-stained rag. it was the third time you’d done it that day. twice more than you were getting paid for. and of course he noticed. “how’re you holding up?” he asked.
you barely glanced up at him, busy rubbing the same spot on the metal machine over and over. this stupid stain just wouldn’t budge. each time you’d gone over it that day, you couldn’t seem to make it go away. it plagued your mind, infiltrating your subconscious when you least expected it until you finally decided to go back to it for the second time, then the third. it was a real mood killer. though your mood hadn’t been very lively when the day began, either. “‘m fine,” you replied through gritted teeth, brows angled inward as your focus remained on the task at hand.
“are you?” he questioned, playfully. he leaned on the counter behind you, crossing his arms and watching you scrub. “you’ve been going at it with that thing for hours now. what’d it ever do to y-”
“i’m fine!” you interjected. you then paused, both in speech and action. suddenly, you were aware of how fast you’d been rubbing the machine. as well as how loud your voice had raised itself. you turned around. “...sorry.”
he gave a pitied smile, crossing his arms. “it’s ok. i’m fine,” he replied, mimicking you. it made you chuckle. he was glad it did. “is, uh… is this a bad time to ask you to lock up? i’ve got a.. uh…”
“a date?” you supposed, unfeeling.
he cleared his throat, glancing between you, the clock above you, and his shoes. “yeah,” he confirmed. “with chaeyoung. would you mind?”
“not at all.”
“you sure?” you nodded. “alright… i owe you one… or ten...” he joked, untying his apron.
“no you don’t,” you murmured, eyes drifting to the side. you almost turned back around, heart set on getting to that stain, until you felt his hand on your arm. you glanced at each other for a moment. he looked sad. sorry. he pitied you. and you hated it. yet, as he took you in his arms, wrapping you into a tight, benevolent hug, you became a little less tense. a little less angry. you hugged him back, burying your face into his shoulder. this was the first time you’d ever engaged in such a gesture with your coworker. sure, you were friends. and sure, you’d talked about some deep stuff on nights like these with nothing better to do. but this was different. meaningful. sweet.
after a moment, minho remarked, “you know i miss him too, right?” he sounded mockingly peeved. “he was your boyfriend but he was my friend.”
you looked up at him, confused. “you’re not still friends?”
he chuckled. “no! he’s avoiding me the same way he’s avoiding you.”
laughing with him, you responded, “shit… i’m sorry, minho.”
“you have nothing to apologize for.” he let go of you, hands remaining on your sides for a moment. “you both messed up. it’s not all your fault.” you nodded to him, a reluctant, close-lipped smile upon your face. he glanced up at the clock again before pulling his apron off. “i’ve gotta go. thanks again for locking up, y/n.” he walked past the counter to the front of the store. “i’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” he added, pointing at you while striding backwards toward the door.
“see you tomorrow,” you replied, waving to him. “have fun.” you still sounded a bit bitter. you couldn’t help it.
“thanks,” he said. the chimes twinkled as the door closed. it haunted you.
and with that, he was gone. nothing but you, your rag, and that unnerving coffee stain for another half-hour’s time.
you heard the opening and closing of the door behind you once again. with a sigh, not even bothering to turn around, you blurted, “we’re about to lock up for the night.”
no response. odd. maybe they didn’t hear you. you tried again, raising your voice a bit but continuing your attempts to clear up the stain all the while. “i apologize, but we’re closed for the night-”
“one salted caramel brownie, please.”
a familiar voice. a familiar, low-toned, nostalgia-inducing voice. the voice that, at one time, softened for you… close enough to your ear to make your stomach tie itself in knots. the voice that made you giggle, the voice that called you “love”... the voice that cracked when faced with the realization that it was never to be heard by you again. you spun around.
a familiar face, too.
his eyes gazed into yours. somber, silent.
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tags: @magglesx, @crscendoforsung, @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @skzctnightnight, @serenityswords-main​, @childofthecosmos, @changbinniee​, @kpopscape​, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @ncityluvvs, @vera-liscious (send a 🍓 in my ask box to be added for skz !)
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
Okay so first off, I love bears! 😭 they’re so cute! I would have one as a pet if I could. How do you think the pillarmen would react to their s/o finding a bear and immediately becoming friends with it? Doesn’t matter that it’s literally a wild animal. It saw s/o and was like “this is my friend now” and it follows her everywhere. But the bear is “submissive” to her. It doesn’t attack at all and does that thing where it shows it’s belly to her all the time. The bear likes the pillar men, but not as much as it loves s/o.
Ahhh! My dear Anon, this is is such a sweet idea! 🥰🥰🥰 I have the very same feelings about keeping a Fox as a Pet ❤ I very much would if I could! 😌
This started out as a few simple headcanons buuuuut~... 😅 I got carried away and turned it into a full fic! 😘😇 Please “bear” with me and enjoy! 🐻🐻🐻
The Pillarmen’s s/o brings Home a Bear...  (A bit of a long fic; Under the cut for length!)
(I’ll stop making bear puns from this point on, I swear! I just couldn’t pass up the chance to use this picture. in any case... Please do not attempt anything that your read here with a real life Bear or any woodland creature that is dangerous for that matter! If you happen to find a lost little Bear in your travels, do the responsible thing and contact a forestry! ~FunBun)
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  "What," Your head snapped up as someone spoke from behind; your eyes trailing up a most familiar muscular torso to eventually meet the disapproving gaze of Kars looming over you. The Pillarman's eyes were wide and his face unreadable, "is that?"
There you were, sitting on the front porch which was not an abnormal occurrence as this was your house and you did as you pleased...
Except for, of course, the fact that you were cradling a LIVING BABY BEAR in your lap and hand-feeding it a peanut butter sandwich!
"...A Friend." You said after a long moment, blinking up at the behemoth of a man. The Cub in your arms grasped at your hand with two huge chubby-toed paws as you pushed the last chunky bit of sandwich into its awaiting mouth; happily chewing away as if it didn't have a bother in the world.
Kars let out a long sigh, his barreled chest heaving as he reached up to pinch the space between his painted eyes with a forefinger and thumb.
"Why?" He questioned.
It was really the only thing he could say in that moment as thousands of questions rolled through his head like flotsam and jetsam. The Pillarmen struggled to keep a hold on himself, trying to give you the benefit of the doubt first before giving you the scolding he so wanted to.
He and the others knew very well you loved animals, which pleased the Pillarmen as they were Men who valued nature and precious life; Kars was no exception. They were most especially aware of your specific fixation on Bears but Kars never so much as gave the love for the creature a second thought.
However, right now, while you held a living Bear in your lap he was beginning to wish he had thought to tell you not to do something as foolish as take one in.
"Hey! I didn't do anything!" You defended yourself, allowing the Bear Cub you cradled to lick the remnants of the gooey sandwich from your fingers. You know exactly what he was thinking; he thought you deliberately went out and took the Bear!
Really, you hadn't done anything! Well... not this time anyways.
It all started when you had gone out for your morning walk in the woods, you happened to enjoy the crisp Spring air this time of year and it was a good way to get out of the house for a bit and away from the noise of the Four Pillarmen you adored that were living with you.
It was only when you were halfway down your usual route when you realized there was a little black Bear Cub following right behind you.
At first, you had feared the worst. Normally where there was a baby, there was a Mother not very far behind and despite your love for Bears you REALLY didn't want to have an encounter an angry Mother Bear that was searching for her lost baby and happened to think you were the one that took it. You did your best to avoid the baby Bear, walking fast and pretending not to notice it in hopes that it would simply give up tailing you eventually and go on its own way back to where it came from, despite the tugging of your heartstrings.
After some time of attempted avoid and evade the Cub didn't leave your side, ambling close at your heals and beginning to cry out for your attention. It became obvious to you it was all alone and even more obvious that it was hungry; as soon as it saw you it thought to remedy both those things.
Always having a big heart, you just couldn't bring yourself to leave the poor thing all alone out in the woods; especially not when it was clinging to your leg and looking up at you with those big honeyed eyes pleadingly...
You weren't supposed to get caught. You had planned to keep him a secret for at least a little while.
You had lead the baby back to the house and left it outside to its own devices on the doorstep for just a moment. Meanwhile you slipped into the kitchen to make, not one, but two peanut butter sandwiches to feed it. You really didn't have anything else to give it, you hadn't been expecting to feed a hungry little Bear anytime soon and there was nothing in it that would hurt the Cub anyways as it was mostly protein.
Your early return from your walk had gone unnoticed by the others (at least at first).
Thankfully, Santana hadn't been in the kitchen raiding the fridge like he normally did this time of morning and had been in the Livingroom with Esidisi instead, too invested in the video game they were playing to hear you come in.
Wamuu was out back chopping up more firewood to burn, as the nights were still very cold; the Warrior too far away to hear you and unable to see you with the house in the way.
Kars was supposed to be up in his study, up to his elbows in papers and practically dead to the world but of course (just when you wanted him to be working for once) he wasn't.
Somehow, he just always knew when something was amiss.
"Peanut followed me here," you explained, peering down at the squirming black fuzz ball in your lap that was still happily licking the peanut butter from its chops.
Kars clicked his tongue, "Peanut?"
He seemed even more displeased you had already named it; if you named something, it became hard to lose it. That was a rule many people followed through ancient times.
You let out a shaky laugh, ignoring the chunky paws inarticulately grasping at your clothes as a little pink tongue darted out from a tiny chestnut muzzle, dampening the glistening black button at the very tip.
Peanut was giving you a thorough sniff, making sure that he had consumed all of the delicious food you had brought him and that he hadn't missed a single morsel.
"It fits." You told him, smiling pathetically as you shrugged your shoulders.
Ruby eyes drifted down to the little creature squirming in your lap for more than a beat before he let out another sigh; this time it didn't sound as stern and disapproving as the first but it still sent a shiver down your spine. His lips pulled into a sympathetic frown as he closed the distance between you two, crouching at your side.
"Dear one," he spoke, using the tone he typically reserved for when he was trying to comfort you or give you some advice. "We cannot keep Peanut."
Immediately, you felt your heart quiver at his words; the pulse of the muscle stopped all together as you looked up at him. His eyes, normally the epitome of inhuman and predatory, now softened.
You knew very well he would have this talk with you, albeit much sooner than you anticipated originally, but it didn't change the fact it was making your heart clench painfully in your chest.
"Why?" You questioned. Now it was all you could really say in that moment as everything else that tried to come out got jumbled up in your throat.
You really didn't need to ask such a question however, as you already knew the answer.
"My sunshine, he's a wild Animal; a predator. He may be a small creature now but Cubs like Peanut grow very quickly indeed." He explained gently, wrapping one muscular arm around you. "And as he grows, his appetite will grow; you won't be able to feed him simple sandwiches forever."
Your lips scrunched up as you peered down at the now quiescent black ball of fuzz cradled in your arms. Peanut, his belly now full and all the peanut butter thoroughly cleaned from his paws and face, had closed his eyes and was slowly falling down into a most comfortable mid-morning nap.
He was so cute; so damn cute you wanted to cry. A hand absentmindedly reached up to grasp one of his paws, your thumb tracing over the squishy pads of his feet and feeling the sharp little claws sprouting from the chubby toes like thorns from a rose.
All your life you loved Bears, no matter the kind; Panda Bears, Koala Bears, Grizzly Bears, Sun Bears, Polar Bears, even Black Bears like Peanut... and now here you were, holding one in your very own arms! Hugging it close to your body like one would an everyday Teddy Bear! A real life Bear had just waddled up to you in the forest, clinging to you as if appointing you as its new Mother and caregiver, cuddling in your arms like a loving pet and cooing as you fed it an icky-sticky delight.
It was a dream come true... and now Kars was asking you to wake up and cast it aside.
"But--... But--..." the quivering of your lip made it hard to find a foothold in this dispute.
"And there is also the matter of his behavior." Kars continued softly, one massive palm gently rubbing up and down your back as he spoke. "Bears can grow to be very territorial and temperamental creatures. Their maximum strength can out lift 10 Men and their maximum speed is faster than any vehicle you can drive."
By now your eyes were watering, the fuzzy spot in your arms no longer seemed so very fuzzy as the world around you blurred behind tears.
Kars, of course, was making sense as he always did and you didn't like it one bit.
The living God's frown only deepened as the glistening of the water pooling in your eyes caught his. Truly, he hated to see you cry. Seeing tears in your eyes was something that made him weak in places he never felt such weakness prior to falling in love with you... but your safety was in jeopardy; and that was something he, nor the other Pillarmen who loved you and dotted on you, didn't want to risk over one creature.
"We have to put him back where he belongs." He said; though his words still carried that softness it was undoubtedly an order not to be refused.
"Oh Kars," you sniffed, your nose crinkling as tears began to fall. "I can't do it!"
You turned more fully towards him, presenting the sleepy Cub; practically thrusting him into the Pillarman's arms.
"Just look at him!" You cried. "He's so small and he's all alone! I don't know what happened to his Mother but she's gone and... and..."
One massive hand found your cheek as the tears came harder, a calloused thumb swiping the raging rivers aside.
"Please Kars... I can't give him up... what if he--?...." you wimpered, unable to finish that thought. You were fully aware you had already lost for today as he shook his head sadly.
Your tears did nothing to sway him when he knew what he had to do.
His free hand slipped under the sleeping Cub, Peanut did little more than fill his palm, scooping him up and cradling him close to his chest as he stood.
Your arms had never felt more empty.
"I'm sorry, Beloved. It has to be done." He told you as you stared up at him with a crestfallen and teary gaze. "Chances are, his natural instincts will kick in and he will learn to take care of himself despite the absence of his Mother. Abandoned Cubs are more common than you think. Peanut needs to go back to the woods."
That was all that could be said, the Pillarman disappeared in one blinding flash; taking the Bear Cub with him.
You were left there sitting on the porch, scrubbing at your cheeks with the sleeve of your sweater until the sensitive skin was raw in the cool Spring morning air. You managed to pull yourself together enough to not raise suspicion and headed back inside to make some coffee.
The morning passed quietly, when Kars made his eventual return to the house (sans Bear in hand) you didn't even look him in the eye.
You didn't deny that Kars had done the right thing, Peanut was in fact a wild Animal and belonged to the wilderness, but you still felt strangely bitter over it. So inexplicably angry it almost felt childish as you couldn't stop yourself from glaring at his back as he passed the kitchen table.
More time passed, your only half-drunk mug of coffee had long gone cold and your grief for the little Bear you knew that was left all alone somewhere in the woods had managed to ebb somewhat. You were just about to get up to go get a start on some chores when all of a sudden, Wamuu came through the door.
"Shoo! Shoo!" The massive Pillarman swiped his hand as he backed himself through the door, "Go on! Go back to your Home, small one."
You tilted your head, watching the unusual display. "What's wrong?"
The blonde turned his head to look at you with a frown. "I was trying to finish up my morning task when a Bear came out of the woods." He explained, finally closing the door with a sigh. Your gasp went unnoticed as he peered through the window of the door, his frown only etching deeper. "It's too small to be a juvenile. Just a Cub. I did not want to find out if there was a Mother lingering so I came back to the House. However, it seems to have decided to follow me..."
The Warrior blinked as you were suddenly out of your seat, squeezing past him to squish against the window of the door to see for yourself.
"Peanut!" You cried, your heart fluttering in your chest as you too caught sight of the little round ink blot sitting dejectedly on the porch.
Wamuu barely had a chance to react let alone intervene as you yanked open the door again, the sounds of the crying Bear hitting your ears.
It was Peanut alright, every feature similar right down to the whiskers of his muzzle. The Bear was plopped down on his rear, feet sticking out under him like he were a simple Teddy Bear sitting on the shelf of a toy store, and staring up at the door he knew you were behind. The squeaky wailing of the Cub fell silent as soon as he caught sight of you and realized he was no longer all alone, it seemed that he missed you just as much as you had him.
Wamuu stared in disbelief, watching with wide eyes as the little Bear rolled onto his back to reveal his soft tummy and stubby paws to you.
"Peanut?" The blonde questioned, one thick eyebrow raising as he looked between you both.
This was a wild Animal and yet you greeted it like some sort of pet!
As your leaned down to give a loving rub to the exposed tummy of the Bear, cooing at it as contentment spread across its features. You intended to recount this mornings full story to ease Wamuu's obvious confusion, however, you didn't so much as get the chance to get a word out before Kars was standing in the room.
He had just been about to head upstairs and absorb himself in his work, when he caught a snippet of what was happening in the kitchen. The Pillarman's crimson eyes wide as he approached, needing to see what was happening for himself.
"Look Kars!" You beamed, grinning up at both gawking Pillarmen as the Bear grasped at your petting hand, playfully trying to gum on your fingers with blunt little teeth. "Peanut came back!"
Kars all but shared in your glee, the pinching of his brows and the drooping of his lips gave away his irritation.
He had dropped Peanut off safely somewhere in the woods, not far from your usual walking path. When he had left, the Cub had still been sound asleep, completely none the wiser to being left behind, and the Pillarman had honestly thought that would be that.
It would seem the creature had imprinted on you more than he anticipated and it only added on to his previous fears.
"I'm afraid I'm in need of an explanation, my Lord..." Wamuu spoke up, tearing his gaze away from you and the Bear Cub you were most happily playing with.
Kars swooped in, taking the Cub away from you for the 2nd time that morning, much like an Eagle dropping from the sky to snatch up a mouse. Peanut pawed at his hardened chest, becoming squirmy in the massive mans hold as he let out a couple of little grunts.
It was as if the Bear knew exactly what Kars intended to do.
"I'll explain it to you in full when I return, Wamuu." He sighed as he begun carrying the squirming woodland creature away from the House towards the woods where he deemed it rightfully belonged.
You waved at the baby Bear as it watched you from over one muscled shoulder with those big honeyed eyes, feeling a little disheartened again but the fact that the Cub came looking for you still made a sweet warmth bloom in your chest.
It would be far from the last time any of you saw Peanut.
Late morning turned to afternoon and the day bloomed into something warm and lovely, like a watered down Summer day. Linens and towels came straight from the washing machine and were headed for the clothesline to dry in the sweet air.
There was absolutely nothing better than falling asleep in bedsheets that had spent all day out on a line in the breeze.
Always happy to help you around the household, Esidisi volunteered to put them out for you as you were already busy doing other things around the house.
He had only turned his back for 2 seconds to hang the first sheet, humming softly to himself as he went, before turning to find a baby Bear making himself at Home in the laundry basket he had carried out. Peanut was rubbing his scent all over the damp linens as he rolled in and pawed at the clean sheets; inevitably dirtying them again.
Esidisi found the whole ordeal hilarious, most especially when he was fed the full story of the morning by you who had come out to see what was taking him so long with his chore.
Kars, on the other hand, didn't find it so very funny.
He especially didn't see the humor in it when he found the two of you playing with Peanut in the yard, entertaining yourselves and the Cub by draping a sheet over him and prying it off like a parachute over and over.
Peanut was taken back to the forest a 3rd time; this time much farther into the woods.
Late afternoon rolled around and Santana finally left the house to go outside; having the sole intention of taking a nap in the fresh air via the hammock that had been recently strung up in the backyard.
Unfortunately, the youngest Pillarman got sidetracked when a little Bear came out of the woodwork and crawled into the hammock with him, mewling and demanding his immediate attention as he was hungry once again.
Kars, the one and only, spirited Peanut away before you and Santana had a chance to make more sandwiches to feed it.
This happened over and over and over again.
It seemed like every time the Pillarman dumped Peanut somewhere, no matter how remote or how far from your Home, the little Bear inevitably found its way back sooner or later; ambling up to you or the others with a mighty hunger and a carefree nature unmatched.
Peanut appeared on the doorstep next morning when you were about to head out for a walk.
Peanut was found digging in the trash bin when Kars was taking out the trash.
Peanut clung to Wamuu's leg as he went out to mow the lawn; the Warrior didn't so much as bat an eye, unhindered, as the Cub held onto his ankle while he worked the mower.
Peanut approached Santana when he was eating chips on the porch; the Pillarmen didn't seem to mind the company nor the fact the Bear ended up upside down in the bag.
Peanut followed you around like you were its one true Mother while you tended the yard and carried out chores.
Peanut sat contently at Esidisi's feet as the man was Barbecuing supper in the evening; the Bear watching him and waiting for supper to be served as if he were the guest of Honor.
Each time, without fail, Kars brought him back to the woods and each time, without fail, Peanut came back.
It was only frustrating him further and further.
Eventually, one quiet and rainy morning Kars went out onto the porch to sit and read; he always enjoyed the sound of rainfall and the fresh earthen smell of a Spring downpour. He had barely been there 5 minutes, not even enough time to get truly immersed in his novel, when suddenly a very wet and cold ball of hair climbed up into his lap, actually making the Pillarman yelp at the shock of the sensation of a freezing cold Cub pressing against his bare skin.
Kars was big and dry and comfortable, like a much bigger and hairless Bear, a place Peanut deemed perfect enough to sit out of the Rain and warm up.
The purple-haired man frowned down at the chubby bundle taking up residence in his lap, Peanut grunted contently as he made himself comfortable. His normally downy soft and dandelion puffed fur was now patterned down and awry, radiating with a dank with a heady, musky Bear smell due to being soaking wet.
It was not at all a pleasant smell to anyone's nose, most especially to a Pillarman's as they were creatures with extra sensitive senses.
Kars, now feeling that this was the final straw, was just about to scoop the creature up into his arms and carry out their usual pick up and drop off routine; this time he intended to take Peanut all the way down river to the farthest side of the forest and leave him there.
He stopped on a dime when two big pools of honey locked onto glimmering rubies.
"Don't look at me like that..." the Pillarman warned, feeling his heart quiver strangely in his chest. The command didn't come out nearly as firm as he intended it to be.
Kars treasured creatures big and small and this creature was so adorable, so small it made his arms itch in ways he hadn't felt since the time he had taken care of the two infants that grew to be Wamuu and Santana. Peanut rolled in his lap, squishing his face against the Pillarman's abs and nuzzling softly; his fur stuck to bare skin in an almost icky way and made his loincloth feel very damp and uncomfortable due to the run off of water.
The Pillarman pursed his lips, forcing himself to bring to mind all the logical points on why this Bear (this nuisance, this danger, this predator) had to go.
Peanut opened his mouth and let out a little yawn and a sneeze, probably just as hungry as he was cold and damp.
Kars' huge hands balled into fists at his sides, his jaw setting tighter and tighter as he felt himself and the walls of his determination crumbling, hating every single millisecond of it before eventually, after an internal struggle that lasted seemingly millennium... he sighed.
Peanut was scooped into his arms and, this time, taken into the House.
"Really?!" You cried in disbelief, hands going to your mouth as it pulled into an impossibly huge grin.
Esidisi, Wamuu and Santana just sat there, expressions ranging from shock to disbelief of their own.
Surely he couldn't be serious... could he?
Kars let out a long breath, "Yes, dearest." He groaned, still cradling the tiny dampened Bear in the crook of his arm as it clung to his bicep. "We can keep Peanut."
Immediately, to everyone’s amusement but Kars', you were in his lap just as quickly as the Cub had climbed into it. You didn't care one bit that he was a little damp and that some of Peanuts musky stink had rubbed off on him, peppering his face with thousands of kisses as you threw your arms around both the Pillarman and the Cub.
"Oh Kars! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" You squealed between your line of kisses.
Nobody had expected Kars to cave in this matter; they honestly expected this to go on and on for some time until Peanut was forced to be the one to give up on finding his way back to the house.
However, despite the fact all of them were pleased and ready to take on this idea of having an actual living Bear around, there came the next matters to attend to.
The ground rules.
"But he cannot stay inside the house." Kars said, that firm nature of his making its return. Peanut had managed to wriggle out of both of your holds and was now ambling around the Livingroom, sniffing everything and everyone in sight. Esidisi was following him around to ensure he wouldn't break anything or get himself into more trouble while Kars was feeling so generous, smiling indulgently as he scooped him up and presented him to the others.
"Ok." You hummed, that part was only to be expected.
But you wouldn't deny that somewhere in the back of your mind you had fantasized about cuddling up to a giant fuzzy Peanut in bed or on the couch.
Kars took in another deep breath and the atmosphere changed, it was as if the temperature dropped in the room. The mans eyes were serious and his features became even more stonelike than the masks he crafted as he pulled you closer to him in his lap.
"I want you to listen to me, dear one." He began, his voice was low and something akin to fridged; it only sent shivers dancing down your spine. "If Peanut grows to be an aggressive creature or too much a hassle to handle, even if he gives any of us the slightest reason to fear he would harm you in any way, shape or form... we'll have to be rid of him. Permanently."
His words hung in the air, making your stomach sink like a rock falling helplessly to the depths of the ocean. A lump was starting to balloon in your throat.
You knew very well what that meant.
The Pillarmen weren't men who took any form of pleasure out of killing Animals; Kars especially... but you knew that he would not hesitate to do so for your sake. His words spoken to you prior on the porch when you first encountered the Cub rang around quite deafeningly in your head.
"Do I make myself clear?" He asked you, his pupils burned absolute holes into your heart as he held your gaze; not unlike a strict parent after giving the scolding of a lifetime.
The best you could do was nod, praying the day you all feared would never come at all or at least not very soon; the latter was perhaps your best hope.
For now, however, you planned on celebrating the day by making a peanut butter sandwich for the newest, and perhaps hungriest, member of your little Family.
Time passed, as it did for everything, and Peanut grew and grew. He grew from a small and clumsy little Bear Cub into a bigger and gangly Juvenile Bear by mid Summer.
Sometimes the Bear would disappear at night into the woods, just after supper of course, but there were also times he would just sleep close to the house; most specifically by the front porch. Peanut still followed you around outside as you did anything, always greeting you with a grunt as he flopped onto his back to reveal his belly and were always more than happy to rub it when he did.
His appetite did indeed grow and the simple peanut butter namesake was no longer truly fulfilling to him; nothing more than a sweet morsel to lick up as a treat.
Peanut had to be shown how to properly hunt for himself and that was something you and Esidisi decided to tackle together, taking him down to the river on the hottest days to teach him to to fish for himself. Those days were filled with much laughter on your part where you sat on the bank to watch the Pillarmen wading out in the raging waters with the Bear, hunched forward and making a grab for a slippery and wet flying fish with his hands as they jumped from the water to properly demonstrate.
Eventually, after much trial and error (not to mention Esidisi falling right into the river a handful of times) Peanut was able to catch all the fish he wanted to eat.
Wamuu was a big help in burning off the major energy that came with Peanut growing into an adult Bear. The Warrior often spent hours out in the yard playing with him, going so far as to push and wrestle with the creature, playing simple games like throwing a giant ball around or to even take him on a run through the woods to tire him out.
Sometimes you even tailed behind the pair on your 4 wheeler to get in on the fun and play.
Santana found himself spending his days playing with Peanut too, more often content to help you take care of the beast. You and Santana tried to bath Peanut at least once every 2 weeks to fight against his stinky Bear musk, lathering him up nicely where he sat contently in an old kiddie pool in the yard and hosing him off. Santana would spend a lot of time with Peanut as the Bear napped, scratching his back and finger combing the knots out of his fur; even plucking annoying ticks from the Bears body when he found them.
You found it quite disturbing, and more than a little gross, as to how Santana could hold the bloated insects between his fingers and pop them upon finding them. You swore you could hear the red-head chuckle lowly each time you let out a disgusted gag when he done it.
And Kars, he found himself dotting over and spoiling Peanut with affection just as much as you did.
The Pillarman would deny any claims that he snuck the Bear peanut butter sandwiches between meals or even peanut butter straight from the jar but you knew the truth. It was hard to miss as it seemed Peanut would immediately give Kars a good sniffing upon seeing him, obviously checking for any delicious treats he happened to be keeping concealed.
By late Fall, Peanut was a fully grown Adult Bear.
In fact, he had swollen to such an immense size, he was something of a rival to the Pillarmen; by that time it was something of a relief he was a gentle giant. He was still a wild Animal but he was also a loving pet to you and the 4 Pillarmen.
One day, Peanut stumbled out into the woods and didn't return. Snow came not long after and then the brutal and fridged season of Winter truly begun.
Peanut had disappeared but you knew he wasn't far in the woods, hopefully holed up in a cave and hibernating.
Winter passed slowly, more slowly than it ever had before. As December ticked away to January and eventually February, the others didn't miss how much you missed your Peanut; he was all you could talk about somedays! You weren't the only one who missed him however, not missing the wistful looks passing over the faces of the others upon seeing a segment on Black Bears airing on National Geographic or opening the fridge to find the jar of peanut butter sitting there; untouched and almost begging to be eaten.
March went bye, then April and the snow had long melted away due to the heavy rainfall but still, Peanut did not make his return.
You were seriously starting to worry by this time. What if he hadn't been hibernating all along? What if a Hunter had gotten to him? Or what if... he forgot about you?
The Pillarmen could only console you so much, trying their best not to give you false hope by saying things along the lines of "I'm sure he'll be around!" and make things worse as they really did not know of Peanut's fate either...
It was well over a year since you had first taken in the Cub and now there was no sign of him anywhere.
But just when you were starting to give up all hope of seeing your prized Bear and companion again, you opened the door one morning as you prepared to go on your morning walk to be met with shock.
You just about jumped out of your skin as an earth rattling roar hit your eardrums, sending a jolt of fear striking through your body like lightning and screaming in primal terror at the sight before you. A Black Bear that was larger than life stood on its haunches off the porch, its maw open and its breath showing like hot puffs of steam as it growled out into the cold Spring air; asserting its presence for miles.
For one terrible and too long of a moment, you thought you would be slaughtered on your own doorstep by your most favorite Animal on Earth.
Your terror was short-lived however, as the monstrous beast you feared would devour you whole suddenly flopped onto its back and turned its belly to the sky.
"PEANUT!" You cried, spreading your arms wide as you ran to flop on top of the creature; your friend and pet.
It wasn't long after when all 4 Pillarmen were standing out on the porch, your screech having been heard from inside the house.
"Look Kars!" You beamed, rubbing the gargantuan tummy with a wide grin; eliciting a content grunt from the Bear. "Peanut came back!
Kars could only smile this time and shake his head.
Peanut had come back again, without fail; just as he always done and the Pillarmen were quite happy he was here to stay...
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Heir To The Throne
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Chapter 4: Two Can Keep A Secret If One Is Dead.
There comes a day where all fathers pass their business down to their children. This was no ordinary business, this was the mafia. You were the sole heir to the throne and you didn’t want it. Your father’s right hands Derek and Aaron are tasked with convincing you otherwise, the last thing you expected to do was fall in love.
Mafia AU
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader, Derek Morgan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, killing and death, guns and use of, injuries, swearing, alcohol and the consumption of, almost confessions of love, death of parents and sibling 
Word Count: 4.7k
Author’s Note: I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get this up lmao also this one is wild, so much happens loool 
Masterlist /// Chapter 3 /// Chapter 5
All he could think about was you. 
Aaron bolted out of the room, he didn’t give Emily a second glance on his way out of the room. 
There you stood, Matt laying on the floor in front of you, what looked like a bullet hole in his stomach, the red blood staining the marble staircase. 
You didn’t move, you stood there, frozen in time. 
Aaron stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking back at the window behind him which was directly across from where you were standing. 
“Y/n, what happened?” he asked, you didn’t shift an inch nor did you answer him. 
Aaron walked up the stairs, the sound of people running down the hallway filled the foyer. Aaron grabbed your hands, your entire body had spatters of red, on your arms, on your face, on your dress. You looked at him, but your eyes shifted back to Matt. Luke had come out with Penelope, Spencer and Tara. Aaron looked back at Luke, there was a nonverbal exchange between them, Luke immediately made his way over to Matt as did Spencer. 
“What happened?” Aaron asked you again, your focus was anywhere but on him at the moment. Dave and Derek walked through the foyer, looking briefly at the scene unfolding on the stairs, Derek’s glance caught yours as they passed by. 
“What the hell happened?!” Aaron shook you, finally you looked at him. 
“Uh- I came out to go see Spencer, Matt was on the stairs. I went to apologize and then he got shot. I don't know what happened, Aaron I didn-” 
“Okay, shut up. He’ll be fine. You need to get somewhere safe.” 
“What ? No! I need to find out what's happening” 
You pushed past Aaron, running down the stairs as you followed the steps your father took moments ago, out the doors and into the yard. Aaron ran down the stairs after you, his hand being grabbed stopped him momentarily. 
“What’s going on?” Emily asked him, JJ was beside her. 
“I don't know, I’m trying to find out” Aaron pulled his hand from hers and headed out the door as well.
Outside stood your father along with 20 other men you had never met in your life. You pushed your way through the men, they all had guns out and pointed at whatever was in front of them and that’s exactly where you were trying to get too. Derek stood across from your father, a blond woman was in front of him. His arm around her neck, holding her in place with a gun pressed to the side of her head. She looked oddly familiar, like you had seen her somewhere before but you couldn't put your finger on in. 
“Who are you?” Dave asked, stepping towards the woman. “Wouldn't you like to know?” she spat at him, she noticed you standing a few feet behind your father. A chuckle left her mouth, “I thought I'd never see you again” she breathed, looking directly at you. Derek pulled her towards him, tightening his grip on her, the shoulder of her shirt moving in the process. 
A little red J beside a large rose tattooed on her right shoulder. 
Your father looked back at you, “you know her?” he waited for an answer. You swore to James that you’d never tell.
 It takes two to keep a secret and it only stays a secret if one is dead. 
“Y/n. Do you know her?” Dave asked you rather harshly, you shook your head. “No idea who she is.” turning on your heels, you walked back into the house leaving your father, Derek, Abigail and all the men in the courtyard.
Aaron watched as you walked into the house, he wanted to stop you, to talk to you and make sure you were alright but Emily was right beside him and he wasn't in the mood for a fight with her, there were more pressing matters at hand. 
The blood had dripped down the stairs, pooling by the bottom of the staircase. Your mind flickering back to Matt but you pushed the thought aside and ran up the stairs. Abigail didn’t show up unexpectedly, you knew about her and knew this day would come eventually. She was James’s summer love from Paris. He met her when the two of you took the trip for your 16th birthday. Flipping through the closet for something that isn't blood cover, you recalled the first time James told you about her.  
James snuck into the room around 4am. Your nails tapped against the glass in your hand and his footsteps paused. The click echoed through the room and then the lights turned on, you were staring down the barrel of James’s gun. 
“Fuck,” he let out a sigh “what the hell are you doing in the dark? ” he lowered his hand, the gun re-tucked into the waist of his pants. 
“Where were you ?” 
“Out” the one word answer made you want to throw the glass at his head. The top few buttons to his shirt were undone and there was bright red lipstick on his shoulder. The undone button revealed his shoulder when he moved, a plastic like thing wrapped on his shoulder. “What’s that ?” you stand and pull his collar to the side. James swats your hand away, “stop that, you're acting like mom, darling.” his voice taunting you,  he knew you hated being compared to her because you were nothing like her. 
“Who else is gonna take care of your dumbass if she’s not here?” you ask him, your question making him roll his eyes. 
The shoulder of the shirt was now pulled down revealing a large red rose on his shoulder. 
“You got a tattoo ?” “yeah, do you like it?” you hum, returning to your spot on the couch. “I’m gonna go change. Maybe we can watch a movie or go see anywhere is open for breakfast ?” he kisses your head and goes to his room. A few minutes pass when there’s a knock on the door. 
“J?” you call, opening the door to a stranger at 4am wasn't the smartest thing to  do but James wasn't answering. “James?” you shout and then you hear the shower running. Standing in front of the door, you wait to hear if you hear anyone. Finally opening the door, a woman with blond hair stood in front of you. On her shoulder was a red rose with a J, identical to the one James had. 
“Who are you ?” 
“Could ask you the same thing” she smiles at you, your brother returns to see you at the door with the woman. 
“Abby, what are you doing here?” he asks her, stepping in front of you. 
“I came to see you sweetheart” 
“You need to go. I’ll come see you another time, okay ?” James leans towards her, giving her a kiss and then shuts the door in her face before she could protest. He turns, now facing you. 
“Is that Abby as in Abigail ? As in Vincent’s daughter ?” 
“Before you say anything-” “Are you fucking crazy ?!” you give your brother a shove. “Hey! Stop that! She wants nothing to do with that life. She barely talks to her father.” he tells you, as if that makes a difference. 
“She’s his only child, James. You know how these things go. This won't end well- you’d be lucky if Vincent finds out first and kills you before dad gets the chance” 
You walk away from your brother, leaving him in the hallway of your suite. Not a few seconds past before you hear him shouting for you, his hand on your shoulder stopping you in your place. Turning towards him, he reaches for your hands. 
“Y/n, promise me you won’t tell. You said it yourself, dad will kill me” his eyes find yours, the fear evident in his expression. 
James didn’t fear anything- anything except your father. 
A moment passed, you knew your father all too well- you knew what he was capable of. He wouldn't hesitate to get rid of James for lesser things but sleeping with the enemy’s daughter ? That would be it for him. He’d kill him without a blink of an eye.
“Okay.” you nod, “your secret is safe with me” James pulled you in for a hug, he whispers a thank you before letting you go. 
This was a secret that would go to the grave with you. 
Your father walked into your room. “Who is she?!” he shouted, you turned to face him. “Ever heard of knocking ? I was about to change.” you roll your eyes. 
“Answer my question. Who is she?” he shouts again 
“Vincent’s daughter.” 
“How do you know her?” 
“She was in Paris at the same time James and I went. I didn’t know she was his daughter until after we had dinner with her.” 
“Do you tell her about-” “No, never. James didn’t either.” 
And with that, he left you in your room. You changed and headed back down the stairs. The red blood had stained the stairs, dripping down the stairs and dried the way it fell. Derek was in the foyer by the door, you made your way over to him. “Where is she ?” you ask him, he nods towards the basement. You gave him a smile and went towards the stairs, Derek grabbed your arm. 
“You don’t want to go down there.” 
“Derek, let go of me.” 
“At least let me go with you” he pleads
“No thanks,” you rest for his waist, pulling his gun from his pants and tucking it into the waistband of your pants. “Got everything I need right here” you smile at him and head down the stairs, you can hear Derek chuckling as you go down. Your father stood outside of a room, the door locked but the groaning and hitting loud enough to be heard through the door. 
“What’s happening ?” looking at him, he sighs. “She says she's pregnant.. James’s” 
“What ? No, that’s not-” “That’s what I thought too.”  
“Is she actually, you know, pregnant ?” you turn to the door, he hums “No, Penelope checked the medical records.” 
Dave turns back towards the door, his hand on the handle. Your hands rests on his, “I'll go.” he lets go, letting you step in instead. Abigail sat strapped to a chair, her body blooded and bruised. The two men that were in there, looked to the door expecting your father but were met with you instead.
“Go, I'll deal with it.” stepping further into the room, the men looked confused. “We should stay-” “get out!” 
Abigail looked up at you, a disgustingly wicked smile on her face. She was proud of the chaos she caused. You internally groaned, holding back the urge to slap her. 
“What do you want ?” you spat, words laced with anger. You weren't in the mood for her bullshit.
“Surprised you’re still around” 
“I live here dumbass. Why are you here? James is dead.” 
“I’m pregnant” 
“It sure as hell ain’t James’s kid” 
“It is.” 
“Mkay, say it is James’s. What do you want from us?”
She was really starting to get on your nerves, James was dead and there was no way that baby was his. You indulged her, she had always been a little bit on the crazy side. “For my baby, to have its rightful place here.” 
“Why not with your father ? Why us ?” 
“Because James was your brother. This baby is his, he belongs here.” 
“It’s a boy?” you ask, her statement pulling on your heartstrings. James had always wanted to be a father, especially to a little boy. You couldn’t help but imagine for a moment what it would have been like if he was still here, with a baby on the way. That was just a dream, the reality was sitting right in front of you. 
“Yeah, I was thinking James jr” she says proudly. You let out a cackle, “that’s a fucking ugly name. Anyways, you’re not pregnant and it’s not my brother’s.” 
The door creaked as it was pushed open, Luke standing by the door, his shirt stained red from the blood- Matt’s blood. He nodded towards the hallway, you stepped out and Luke shut the door again, 
“What ?” you look at him, your eyes fixed on his shirt. 
“Abigail- Krystall’s daughter.” he tells you, noticing your gaze on his shirt. 
“What ? Who the fuck is Krystall- Oh my god. As in dad’s Krystall ?” looking up at Luke, he hums. “Yeah” 
“How’d you-” “Penelope.” 
You had no choice but to believe him, Penelope always had accurate information and Luke wouldn't lie to you, he knew better than that. Your eyes were still glued to his shirt, the red was shockingly bright against the white of his shirt. 
“I meant to change” he says, barely above a whisper. You just hum, turning to head back into the room. Luke’s hand wraps around your wrist, looking back at him, “He’s okay,” you let out a sigh, part of you was at ease now, “I’ll take you to see him after” Luke lets go of your wrist, you smile at him before stepping back in. The moment you reenter the room, the smile drops from your face. 
Abigail had passed out in her chair, she seemed peaceful for once. There was another chair in the corner of the room, you dragged it towards her. The sound of the legs dragging across the floor woke her, she groaned when she saw you. 
You sat on the chair, legs crossed as the heel touching the ground clicked against the concrete with each tap. The gun pulled from your waistband, now resting on your lap. 
“Okay, let’s try this again. Why are you here?” the click let her know the safety was released, your finger on the trigger awaiting her answer. 
“I’m pregnant” bang, one shot to her left foot. 
She screamed, the shot was a through and through- some of your finest work if you do say so yourself. 
“Medical records say otherwise, sweets. What do you want ?” 
“For the baby to have its rightful spot as heir.” Bang, the bullet grazed her right arm this time and hit the wall.
“Next one goes between your eyes, and I have excellent aim” smiling sweetly, you looked at her, the fear painted on her face. She swallowed, her face back to normal- no fear, no happiness, nothing. “Try me.” she says, challenging you. 
“Mkay, is it money you want ? Did daddy spend it all on his whores ?” 
“You don’t know anything about my father.” she spat, you watched her face drop when you mentioned him. 
“Awh, did daddy toss you aside for his new girl ? Is that why you ran away to Paris ? Is that why your mother ended up here ?” you obviously hit a nerve, she was furious. 
“Shut up bitch,” she spat again, “What happened between my parents and I, is none of your fucking business.” 
You laughed- a full belly, hunched over laugh. You couldn't believe this girl, you never understood what James saw in her. She wasn't smart, she obviously didn’t take over for her father and clearly, she wasn’t good at lying so what could she really do ? 
Getting up, you walked towards her. your hand gripping her face hard- hard enough to leave a bruise. “You're right, what happens in your family is your business but when you drag my brother into it, it becomes my business. So tell me what you fucking want or I swear to god, I'll fucking kill you, you stupid bi-” the gun was pressed against the side of her head when the door swung open. The force of it alone was enough to get your attention. 
Your father stood there, Aaron beside him. “Let her go,” he looks at you before looking at Aaron. “What ? What the hell do you mean let her go ?” your brows furrowed, the gun still against her head. Aaron walked over, his face calm with no expression per usual and he simply untied her. 
“What the fuck is going on?” turning to your father, he doesn't say anything, instead he steps aside, letting Abigail go. David turned and followed her down the hallway, you were beyond pissed. You were mumbling, pacing the room when Aaron’s hand reached for yours, breaking your thoughts. 
“He knows” was all he said. 
“Now is really not the time to be cryptic, who knows what ?” you looked up at the man in front of you. 
“David knows Abigail is Krystall’s daughter, that’s why he let her go” 
“Are you fucking-” cutting your sentence short, you push past Aaron and he followed you into the hallway, running after you as you ran down the hallway and up the stairs. “Y/n! Don’t!” Aaron shouted as he ran after you. 
“You fucking asshole!” you screamed, the statement was directed towards your father as you had a few choice words for him right about now. He was used to your ‘nonsense’ as he put it so he kept walking. You knew he wouldn’t stop to listen to you. You looked around the entryway, it was mostly empty- a few on the men and your father. Derek was off to a side with Emily and JJ by his side. You seem Krystall hugging Abigail and the sight of them alone made your blood boil. 
The sound of the bullet hitting the chandelier and it falling to the ground was the reason they stopped, your father turning to look at you. “What the hell are you doing?!” he shouted at you, looking between you and the shattered chandelier. That was the last thing your mother had decided on before passing, hence why it was in the middle of the villa for everyone to see. 
“I cannot fucking believe you.” you scoff, shaking your head. “Watch how you talk to me.” your father says causing you to roll your eyes. 
“I can believe that you’d pick them over your own. I’m your own flesh and blood-your fucking child and you overstep me for her? The bitch that you’ve known for all of 2 seconds and her slut of a daughter ?” you huff a laugh. Your father just stood there, not a word or a sound left his mouth- he just listened. 
“You know, I'm not surprised. You never cared. All you cared about was your stupid legacy and making sure you had someone to carry it on. That’s why you never cared about James, not until he was old enough and you never cared about me until James died- until you needed someone to fill his place. You’re a heartless son of a bitch and I swear to you, I'm done. I’m leaving and I'm never fucking coming back.” 
“Y/n, don’t make a stupid decision. What are you going to do ? Run off with Matt ? He doesn’t love you.” your father says plainly. 
“Fuck you.” 
Little did you know, those were the last words you’d ever say to your father. 
Stepping over the chandelier, the glass shattering under your heel as you went, you walked up the stairs, the conversation between your father and Krystall fading as you went up the stairs. Luke was sitting outside of Matt’s room, his head tilted back against the wall and his hand behind his head. 
“Hey,” you whisper, your hand on his shoulder. Your touch startled him, his hand twisting your hand and pulling your down towards his lap so he could see who was touching him. He let go once he saw it was just you. “Sorry” he mumbled, looking at you. 
“Jesus Al” rubbing at your wrist when he let go. 
Luke gives you an apologetic look as you walk into Matt’s room. 
“Hey you” you smiled at him, he was awake and laying on his bed. His shirt was gone but a giant gauze covered a large portion of his abdomen. 
“Hey” he whispers, going to sit up but your hand rests on his chest and you shake your head. 
“Stay still before you hurt yourself again.” Taking a seat on his bed facing him. He looks over at you, a small smile on his face. You return the smile, “how are you? I mean I know you got shot so that’s a stupid question but like, you know what I mean” you ramble out into one sentence. 
Matt chuckles and winces, “don’t make me laugh- I'm fine. I’ve gotten worse ones than this.” His hand finding its way to yours, fingers interlocking. “How are you ?” he looks at you, studying your face. “I heard about the situation down there” 
“Fine considering I cussed out my father and almost killed his whore’s child.” 
“So a typical Saturday for you?” Matt joked, you rolled your eyes. “Ha ha, very funny Matthew” his face scrunching up when you call him Matthew.  The conversation drops, the two of you sitting there in comfortable silence. Your thumb rubbing against his hand, you look up at him- eyes locking. 
“Matt, I lo-” the door opens, causing both of you to turn your attention towards that. A woman walks in, tall with red hair, a beautiful smile and glass in hand. 
“Oh, I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?” she asks, stepping back towards the door. 
You get up off the bed, your hand untangling from Matt's, “No, it’s fine. You are?” you smile at her, 
“I’m Kristy” she looks at Matt, he pipes up. “yeah, uh she’s uh- she’s my-” “his girlfriend” she finishes for him. You hum, looking back at Matt and then at Kristy. 
It made sense, you could see them together as a couple- a normal couple. Matt deserved to be happy, to settle down and have a family. Those were all things you couldn't and wouldn't be able to give him. 
He deserved it, all of it even, if it wasn't with you but nonetheless, you were happy for him. 
“You’re new here, aren't you ? I've seen you around with JJ” you ask, she nods before telling you that she just started her a few weeks ago.  
“You are?”  she repeats your question, looking to you for an answer. 
“Y/n, Rossi’s daughter.” you smile 
“Oh- oh my god, I’m sorry. If you want I can come back if you guys were busy.” she now realized who you were.
“Kristy, it’s fine. I was just coming by to see how he was.” glancing over your shoulder at Matt, you give him one last smile. You head towards the door, stopping beside Kristy, a hand now resting on her shoulder. 
“Take care of him, he’s a special one.” you give her a smile which she returned. Stepping out, shutting the door behind you. 
Luke looks over at you from his chair. “You okay?” he asks, his brows furrowed. 
“I could really use a drink” sighing, you go towards the stairs, you can hear the footsteps beside you, Luke now to your left. Just as the two of you reach the bottom of the staircase, a sound rang through the villa. 
Your head whipped towards the door, the noise coming from outside. You ran towards the door and straight out, Luke right behind you. Your father on the floor, a pool of blood coming from him. Derek and Aaron both had guns out, pointed at Abigail and her mother. Abigail had a gun in her hand, she let it drop to the ground as she let out a sigh. 
You were frozen in place. 
Everything running through your mind. 
Your father was going to die and you couldn't do anything. Your last words to him was ‘fuck you’ and you blamed him for everything that went wrong. Abigail killed your father and she was going to live? No way in hell was that going to happen, over your dead body. 
Without hesitation, the gun was pulled from your side. 2 more shots rang through the deafening silence. Krystall’s body hit the floor with a thud, Abigail looking over at her mother, a blood shattering shriek leaving her lips. She dropped down to her knees, her arms wrapped around Krystall’s lifeless body, you made your way over to her. 
Derek’s hand wrapped around your wrist, holding you back. “No,” you give him a look, your eyes for pleading him to let go as you pull away from him. He didn’t stop you- he knew it was best to let you go. 
Crouching beside Abigail, she looked at you. Her face covered in tears and her body soaked in blood. You sighed deeply, “see, it didn’t have to end this way.”you hum, the gun tilting her chin towards you. 
“You think I don’t know that your father was the one that killed James because he was seeing you?” you tell her, her face drops. 
No one knew that, no one except Abigail, James and her father knew about the threat or so they thought. They hadn't known that you were there that night, in the suite in Paris, just a room over when you heard Abigail’s father, Vincent threaten to kill James if he didn’t stop seeing her. James wanted out of the life so badly that death seemed like a better choice. 
“I- I loved him” she whimpers. 
“Yeah, well so did I. Life isn't fair sweetheart, tough luck ain’t it ? See, here’s the thing. Your father killed my brother and you killed my father. It was only fair that your mother died too, huh ? An eye for an eye, what do you say ?” Abigail looked at you like you were an absolute mad person. You hummed, she didn’t say anything.
The gun pressed to the side of her head and before she could even say anything, your finger squeezed the trigger. The blood spattered across your face and your top. You groaned, looking at your shirt, “there goes another one.” getting up, you see Abigail hunched over her mother. 
Dave was still on the ground, Aaron sat beside him with his hands covered in blood. He looked up at you, “I tried, I did” he whispers, you nod, your hand coming down to his shoulder. 
“I know.” you look up at the men by the door - two more of the men that worked for your father- “Take him inside” you sigh, watching as they pick him up, taking him inside until you could figure out what to do. 
The high heels that adorned your feel clicked against the concrete outside and against the tiles as you entered the villa. Stepping over the chandelier, you make your way into the dining room. The room is empty and quiet, you begin whistling before pouring yourself a drink. 
The chair at the end of the table was empty, your father’s chair, the boss’s chair- a chair that now belonged to you whether you liked it or not. 
Taking a seat in it, you leant back, your feet propped up on the mahogany table. You sigh, taking a sip of your whiskey and picking up the tune when you dropped it. 
It felt good to be king. 
taglist:  @sunshinepower17 @Emilysbau @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @lexieshuntingsstuff @Archiveofadragon @mac99martin  @aaron-hotchner187 @fanofalltheficsx @luke-alvez @iconicc @lieberhers @pumpkin-reads  @ssa-volturi @marshmallows2345 @katexrichardson @sluttytears @thelukealvez @scandinavian-punk @pagetsimp @morcias @shotarosleftpinky @mrs-dr-reid @hqtchner @averyhotchner @willlemonheadsupremacy​ @mggsprettygirl​ @simxican​ 
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
He didn’t hesitate - Dream-ing SMP au
I was one of the people who wanted to see Wilbur blow everything up at the festival, and I also want to see Phil on the Dream SMP, but since he isn’t on the server... what if I mixed these two things that didn’t happen? 
The Dream-ing SMP au is an au where Wilbur, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo join Phil’s Minecraft hardcore world, right after they joined, Wilbur gets a mysterious fever that makes him sleep for three days, while asleep, he dreams about the Dream SMP. So now, Wilbur will have to deal with the feelings and events that happened in the Dream SMP knowing that he dreamt them himself, All while living in Phil’s peaceful hardcore world.
Cw// Jschlatt, Dream SMP festival - Tw// Swearing, TNT, (almost) Drowning, Angst, lots of angst, mention of nightmares?
This is very angsty, just saying, be ready to cry.
“Let the festival begin!” Tubbo exclaimed, everyone wondered why he had said such a line when the festival of Manburg had been going on for almost an hour now, but the line wasn’t meant for them.
From the top of the building he was standing on, he jumped down in broad daylight, running for the back of the hill, “WILBUR SOOT?” Quackity noticed his brown coat instantly, moving the attention of the president to him.
Both Niki’s and Fundy’s screams of his name were drowned by the adrenaline pumping through his blood, he jumped over the fence and dug the dirt covering the room with the button, he looked once more at the sign singing the L’Manburg anthem, sighed, and pressed the button, bolting outside once again, climbing over the hill to get a better view, he yelled “TUBBO, TECHNO, TOMMY RUN!!!” On cue, Techno started up his elytra meanwhile Tommy jumped off the same building Wilbur did.
Tubbo was about to jump off the stage to run towards him, to run in the woods, and finally join him in Pogtopia, but Jschlatt grabbed his arm,” Where are you going Tubbo? Are you following orders from that guy instead of mine?” Tubbo stuttered, Schlatt giggled, “Of course you would, traitor” To the sight of the president of MAnburg grabbing Tubbo’s arm, Tommy turned around and loaded his crossbow, ready to shoot at Schlatt and free his friend, but it was too late.
Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong in that exact moment.
Techno’s wings got shot, making him fall, Niki kneeled down to help him, the explosions had already made the blackstone stage and the seats in front of it disappear and Tommy, at the sight of his friend disappearing in a cloud of dust, froze still, “TOMMY RUN!!!” Wilbur shouted, running back towards a TNT-danger zone, but the blonde boy had also disappeared in the explosion by now, a cloud of dust engulfed the British boy in the brown coat.
Wilbur sat up, sweat, tears, and heavy breathing clouded his mind and plagued his body, looking around frantically, the sober pattern of smooth stone, cobblestone, and oak fences welcomed him to the simple house, purple shulker boxes disposed in a line pointed at a pair of wings and a striped bucket hat, “P-Phil?”.
By the wall of chests, Phil was grabbing materials and mumbling to himself, his name being cried out by Wilbur made him turn around, “Will! Mate! You finally woke- Are you… ok?” The bright smile turned into a more preoccupied expression. Leaving the lists of things he needed on a shulker and sitting next to Wilbur on the red bed, Phil touched his forehead to find out it was boiling and covered in sweat, “You have a fever… that explains it” he mumbled to himself, making Wilbur even more confused.
“Explains what? And why are you here? Why am I here? I’m supposed to be in the Dream SMP Phil!” It was Phil’s turn to stare blankly at Wilbur, “Dream SMP? What are you talking about? Also, why wouldn’t you be here? You came here with Tubbo, Techno, and Tommy a couple of weeks ago now, did you forget about it?” At the sound of the names of his fellow Pogtopians, he asked where they were, to which Phil simply pointed outside.
The two young boys were playing happily with some of the dogs, giggling and running in the morning’s bright sun, a glass building with bees, and a fence full of cows could be seen in the distance.
“Techno left to mine some more netherite for you all, he won’t be back for a while”.
Knowing that everyone was safe made his heart rest a bit, only to get preoccupied with the fact that the older man didn’t know about the SMP “But what about the war? The election?” Phil sighed, getting up from Will’s bed “The fever must be getting to you Wilbur, you are speaking nonsense” Wilbur tried to complain, telling him about Schlatt and how he needed to get L’Manburg back, but Phil simply brought a hand up in a sign for him to stop rambling.
He took a cloth, dipping it into the cauldron and wringing it, going back to the bed, he gently pushed Wilbur down on his back and placed the damp cloth on his steaming forehead, “You slept for three days straight with a fever mate, it’s normal that your mind can get a bit delirious, I’m sure it must have been a pretty intense dream too, you kept shifting and whimpering, I think you cried a couple of times too.” Phil moved away from the bed again
A… dream? The Dream SMP was all… a dream?”
“Here, drink this” he helped Wilbur sit up-right again, giving him a glass of water, he started gulping down the liquid.
But it was all so detailed… he could feel the heat of the sun and the warmth of the other players…  he could feel the pain with each arrow and fall… everything looked and felt so real!
“Not to be a dick Will, but the sweat is starting to dry, if you don’t go wash you’ll start stinking soon” Phil interrupted his train of thoughts, “Plus, the water today isn’t cold, just a bit chilly, it’ll do you good, collecting your thoughts and waking you up… you might want to consider” Wilbur nodded, giving the blonde man back the glass after murmuring out a thanks for the water and the suggestion.
Getting up, the world started spinning, forcing him to sit back down. He waited a minute or so before slowly standing up again and leaning on the wall for support, his body did feel like he had been asleep for three days, his legs were holding him but they shook. As he looked down at them he realized that he was wearing his old skin: white tee, black jacket, and black trousers, it was definitely more comfortable than the L’Manburg and the Pogtopia skin.
Clicking the button to open the iron door, the bright sunlight blinded him briefly, while his eyes adjusted, some cheers in the distance brought him back to when it was just them, right after Eret betrayed them, Tommy, Tubbo, and himself, rebuilding the blown up L’Manburg while goofing around… the sunlight was just as warm.
The ocean surrounding most of Phil’s house was clear, you could see the bottom, the fishes and the sea lanterns.
Thank god in Minecraft you didn’t have to worry about your clothes getting wet, you could just jump in, feel the water on your skin, and be completely dry a few seconds after getting out.
So he did just that, taking a deep breath and inhaling as much oxygen as he could, he let his trembling legs give out and fall into the water.
In a second, everything went quiet, the cool water washed over him, getting rid of stress, sweat, and the effects of the fever, he felt reborn.
Just as he did when Dream gave him the TNT.
His forehead wrinkled, how was it all a dream? Tommy and Tubbo looked so peaceful while playing earlier, there is no way that they would have looked like that if the SMP happened, and Phil didn’t know anything about it? At this point, it had to have been a dream…
So if… hypothetically speaking… the Dream SMP… the wars… the betrayals… the election… the festival… If they were all a dream…
Did he create all of those situations? Did he think about Eret betrayal, all of those explosions, Schlatt winning, him and Tommy running into the woods…
Did he think about killing his friends? About making them fight in combat?
He made them suffer… he dreamt about making his friends suffer!
What kind of person does that?! What kind of friend dreams about those things?!
A faint voice called out his name, but his vision started to get darker… he was out of oxygen, but he was too occupied calling himself a monster… he was terrified of his mind… he was…
In the last moment of consciousness, a shadow covered the few rays of sun filtered by the water while warm arms wrapped around him, pulling him upwards, then everything faded.
“WERE YOU NOT LOOKING OVER HIM??” “No- I didn’t think he would have just sunk to the bottom like a rock! He looked fine!” “Is he breathing?” “If-... He-... doesn’t-... soon-!”
As if a rock fell on his chest, Wilbur gasped for air as water rose up his throat, using his elbow as support as he coughed out the water that ended up in his lungs. He could feel the presence of people next to him, but he was too tired to turn and see who they were.
As he started breathing air again, he collapsed back on his back, the lights shined on the worried faces of Tommy, Phil, and Tubbo who where standing behind the man that was sitting on his knees in front of him, he was also panting and his clothes were also wet, after focusing on his face harder, he was able to see that it was Technoblade.
He gave him cpr...
“Will? Can you-... hear me? See me?” He nodded, Techno sighed in relief, using his hands to help himself up straight, he allowed Phil to kneel down next to Wilbur, sitting next to him up and cupping his face, “What the fuck crossed your mind, Wilbur?! Why would you not swim up to breathe?!”
He wasn’t paying too much attention to Phil, his eyes were focused on Tubbo that was holding his mouth, and Tommy who was hugging him, eyes clearly puffy from crying.
Then, behind the two teens, Technoblade emerged back from the water, with his royal red cape in a hand, and his shiny crown in the other.
Techno jumped in the water without taking his cape off…
The voice he heard calling his name in fear was Techno’s…
Techno saw Wilbur in the water and jumped in without taking his cape and crown off…
At that point, Wilbur started crying, gripping on Phil’s shoulder as hard as he could.
In the Dream SMP Techno did not hesitate to agree on helping Wilbur in his maniacal plan, without fear of his reputation getting damaged or getting his hands dirty…
… Just like he didn’t hesitate to jump in the water, even with the risk of damaging his cape and losing his crown.
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
May I be the first to ask for a reaction of the dorm leaders to a fem!reader dancing erotically/sexy?
I am very excited to start having the first orders for TW. This is the one that caught my attention the most and  wanted to write ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Off with the spiciness!!
Vice Dorm Leaders reaction
Cater/Jack/Floyd/Epel/Sebek/silver reaction
King’s and Queen’s - Ava Max (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj--hAP_Zo0&list=RDRj--hAP_Zo0&start_radio=1)
The tea party was being a total disaster. Dorm members breaking the rules left to right, incompletely painted white roses, lack of control at the tables, a total madness.
Riddle was getting redder and redder, until he reached the same shade as his hair color.
Time to intervene.
“Cater go get your speakers and connect them to your phone with the music I am going to tell you, on my sign you press play. Trey distracts Riddle for a few minutes, lead him to the loung room if necessary. Ace, Deuce, Grimm, get away everything on the main table. NOW NOW NOW”
You ran into the bushes behind the main table and started to peel off your top, leaving you in a red lingerie bra. You ripped the bottom to fit some modern shorts and waited for everyone to be in position.
Show time, press play
With the beginning of the music, everyone fell silent, looking for the origin of it, but only finding you positioning yourself on the table.
Riddle shot out into the gardens, about to go "OF WITH YOUR HEAD" who deigned to put that kind of music. But ... like everyone else, he only found you....starting to dance.
People were crazy to see you dance with fluidity and speed ... a good crazyness. They were deconcentrated.
Ace and Deuce cheering as gay friends
Riddle was bewildered, he wanted to speak but the words didn’t come out of his mouth.
You broke this boy right then. His eyes followed the movement of your hips and hands, unable to avoid thinking of...
Cheers were raised when you stopped at "of with your head" Your eyes locked at Riddle’s and you gave him a...lewd smile.
Ace and Deuce came up to the table to dance with you and all the members of Heartslabyul began to dance in their places.
Cater had filmed everything and had a mischievous smile drawn on his face, just like Trey. May or may not will send it to Riddle late at night
One thing for sure. That day, you broke Riddle in the most erotic way there is.
Theeth - Lady Gaga (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnwLh6CWdUY)
That fucking bet. That damn Ruggie.
He convince you that if you managed to do the challenge without Leona being intimidated, he would do your homework for a whole month.
You accepted without measuring the consequences and without even thinking clearly about the challenge.
Leona, Ruggie and Jack were going to be training magift after class with their teams in their arena. Time to attack.
The game was about to start, each player in his position, when suddenly ... a few blows began to sound.
Music came from the speakers. Everyone was baffled, including Leona, he was going to teach the herbivore who dared to interrupt his training a good lesson.
Before he even raised his voice angrily, he caught sight of Ruggie who was pointing him, with a wicked smile, toward the stands.
You were standing there, slowly going down and positioning yourself on your stomach. It’s when you started moving your hips that Leona clicked.
You’re dancing, erotically.
No dorm member could swear to have seen Leona so expressive before. His eyes wide open, his mouth almost reaching the floor, and ... if they dared to go lower, they could sight a tent in his pants.
In the middle of the choreography, you turned around, and Leona was nope and went to you, grabbed your hips and placed you on his shoulders.
“the show is over, go back to training”
From your escort, you could see Ruggie laughing and waving at you with an evil grin. You lost the bet.
“You want to move your hips? I'll give you a reason to move them”
He spanked you and took you to his room.
Moans and grolws could be heard at the arena.
Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tkfX2phlfE)
It was a disaster.
The person hired to give an entertainment canceled at the last minute. Azul’s throat vein was about to explode.
Customers in Mostro Lounge were getting hysterical, demanding music, dancing, singing, whatever, something.
In desperation he turned to you.
"You need someone for a show, I can help with pleasure"
"Do you know someone who dances, sings, plays an instrument, or tells jokes?"
you gave him a look. Is he serious? You asked him to give you about ten minutes to get ready.
When the lights went down, leaving a dim light directed at you, Azul immediately regretted his choice.
positioned in the middle of the stage, wearing a black top, leaving little to the imagination and tights squeezing your butt, you began to dance a song that he did not know.
“Oh Carp”
The clients, now hypnotized by your dance, began to scream with happiness. Finally the show they were promised.
"The little shrimp sure know how to move" Damn Floyd, don’t make it worse than already is.
Azul felt very uncomfortable from the waist down and felt that at any moment he was going to get ink wink wonk
He asked you to go to the vip room when you’re done to ... discuss your little show in private.
He’ll have to get a few customers to sign a contract to avoid putting their dirty hands on you.
But for now, he's pleased to put his own hands all over your body, and inside you.
O Saki Saki - Nora Fatehi (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohRFMg9OxfU)
I know, I know, it is too cliché to put a hindu song for Kalim, but this choreo was around all over tiktok and I couldn't get it out of my head.
Kalim was fascinated when you told him about your old hobby back at your world. Belly dance
He organized a party at his dorm only and exclusively for you and that you could teach not only him but also everyone your fantastic steps.
He even left you a change of clothes in his room and asked you to tell him when you were ready.
Show time, press play
At first he was delighted, you had directed him to cloud nine and had no intention of going down. But...when your movements started to go down, his happy gaze started to fade away.
He settled into his seat and put his hand on his mouth, trying to hide his obvious redness. Jamil realized don't worry. It was hard not to realize that Kalim’s mood had changed and that he needed to solve a...thing.
When you got to the famous part of the dance, he was controlling himself not to go up to you and take you to his room in front of everyone.
Whe you were done, he excused himself from his dorm members and Jamil, grabbed your hand, and the two of you didn't leave his room until the next morning.
Let's say that Jamil didn’t sleep well that night ... or nothing at all.
Earned It - The Weeknd (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji-l0n6GcnA)
You went to his dorm asking if you could use his ballroom. You've been wanting to dance again for a long time and your own dorm wasn't going to give you the space you needed.
He said yes without problem and left you alone while you practiced.
After a while and intrigued to see your practice, Vil returned to the ballroom hoping to surprise you, but it was he who was surprised.
"Oh ... my, what a view"
His gaze was on your butt, for it round and apple-shaped.
He was intrigued by your dance, impressed by your flexibility and how in those lewd movements, he could find pure beauty.
You were completely immersed in your choreography that you didn't notice Vil standing at the door.
Reaching the end of the dance, you noticed Vil smiling from ear to ear. "Oh no potato, don't stop for me"
You smiled at him and positioned yourself in the middle of the room, turning your back on Vil and looking at him through the huge mirror.
He stood behind you, his hands on your hips. You both waited for the start of a new song.
The two danced together an erotic moves with it’s ending was between the bars and the mirror.
God is a Woman - Ariana Grande (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evlwPF6g-c8)
Idia was playing on his computer when a movement on his camera caught his attention.
You two used to make video calls constantly because of his fear of interact to other people.
When he opened his app, he noticed that you had left the camera and the computer audio on. He was to say something when music started playing.
You appeared in his field of vision wearing only shorts and a transparent black shirt, which left your nipples visible.
“Oh my Aphrodite. What is this? An unlocked Ero scene?”
Seeing you move so smoothly, he couldn't help but imagine his blue lips on your nipples, watch them harden and turn violet when sucked by him.
Ortho had to enter his room with a fire extinguisher when he started to see smoke coming out of his door.
Idia was completely red, from feet to hair and with a serious problem in his pants.
You may or may not have known he was watching from the beginning.
You will have to pay a visit to Ignihyde dorm leader that night.
Buttons - The Pussycat Dolls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E3CgGyPSr4)
Malleus was taking his night walk when he heard music come out of your dorm. Interested on that unrecognizable music, he went to your door.
He was about to knock when it slammed wide, apparently you had forgotten to close it. It wasn't in his plans to interrupt you, but he was completely curious about what was happening here.
His gaze met with your body dancing something he deciphered as erotic.
"my, my"
He was delighted with your movements to the point of bringing out a genuine smile, which disappeared when your top disappeared, leaving you alone in black and green lingerie.
His eyes widened. His hands began to sweat and he had a strange need to get close to you.
At the end of your dance, you had the scare of your life when you saw the tall and horned figure of Malleus on the doorway of the lounge room.
"Sorry if I scared you, it was not my intention to interrupt you while you’re enjoying yourself"
"How long have you been standing there?" "Since the beginning"
He approched you. He put his thumb on your lips and his piercing gaze met yours. You weren't sure if your legs were shaking from the exercise or how hot and wet Malleus could make you with just his gaze.
"Could you dance for me again?"
You nodded, unable to speak.
He kissed you, lifting you up from your hips and heading to your room.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
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fanficparker · 3 years
"The Gates of hell are open night and day, smooth the descent, and easy is the way..." - Aeneid, Virgil
(Frenemies to Lovers! Mob AU! ) Harrison Osterfield x Fem!OC
Word count: 2.17k words
Warning: Swearing, gun violence, car chase, full on action, cool dudes, anxiety and fluff in case you forget to blink ;)
Synopsis: After the sudden death of his uncle and the eccentric multi-millionaire mafia king Lufian Clarke, Harrison Osterfield’s almost decent life is mostly devastated especially when half of what should be rightfully his fortune is transferred to their immediate rival for reasons he doesn’t know. What’s remaining is him trying to figure out how to deal with this collaboration of two rival corporations that don’t belong together and work on the side of the woman he never knew would ever be referred to as his partner in crime while they are dragged into a mess bigger than what they were trained to handle.
A/N: The amount of time I waste on making these moodboards-- (I literally coloured the black and white pictures 💀 )
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A moment passed.
A shallow gust of wind tickled Harrison's left ear, making him squirm. He leaned back, pulling his rolled up sleeves down and buttoning them at his wrist followed by pressing the creases on his shirt—a habit of his, a ritual he can't seem to put away even when there was a sniper aimed at his head.
Worse. All this could be a trick.
Worst. It wasn't.
All in all, time wasn't the currency, Harrison had at his disposal. Yet, he found himself shoving a penny straight into the slot machine.
He cleared his throat in a failed attempt at clearing his foggy mind, "Don't you think, you shouldn't have let go of Tom?"
The more men, the better chances of survival. It worked this way, right?
Sandhya sighed, exasperated, the flicker of the candle animating a dance on her face was seemingly more lively than her at the moment.
"We suspect, at least one of your men were involved in Clarke's murder. Also," She paused, chuckling nervously, "I won't lie, I was expecting something like this to happen but not today, not right now." She referred to the rifle aimed at them.
"I am seriously...uh... ugh..." Harrison didn't know if there were proper words in the vernacular to reply to this. All he could do was grit his teeth.
How long will this day go, anyway? What was it? The solstice? Do solstice last this long?
In his prognosis, if he had one more revelation this day, especially if it had something or anything to do with the dead man, his brain would melt and leak out of his ears. On the non-fictitious scale: He would rip off his hair or empty a loaded .44 magnum into the head of the person closest to him.
But there were his men involved in Clarke's murder? His men?
And their respectable leader, Harrison Osterfield was trapped in a life and death situation, waiting for a can of smoke to allow him to escape? And on top of that, he was taking orders from one of their enemies?
What if it was her plan? What if she killed the old man? She had inherited his fortune— it was enough of evidence for Harrison to draw that conclusion even in its scant or flimsy state. He won't be surprised if she wanted him dead as much as he wanted her to be. Or that the sniper was one of her men. Or everything happening was a part of her bigger plan.
He had a pistol tucked away in his sock, maybe he could catch her at gunpoint?
The instant he glanced at the mirror of her flapjack, she had placed between them, he discarded the idea. No avail. The sniper could easily target him.
He was fucked up.
He could hear his life ticking away.
A click of tin hitting the floor ignited the dying flame in his heart. He felt Sandhya's hand slip over his, delicate fingers tapping against the back of his hand, gliding over his square signet ring that was sitting on his middle finger for ages now, moving further away to feel his rough, wounded knuckles, he never seemed to care about.
She appeared as afraid as him. Or maybe it was part of her plan. Harrison wasn't sure if it was the mutual fear they felt or the gesture, the little ministrations she drew over the back of his hand that had managed to ease his nerves, at least for the time being. His eyes swerved up, locking with hers again, her lips forming the words he was waiting to hear.
"Now!" She screamed on the top of her voice, retracting her hand as the smoke leaked out of the can, suspending itself into the air.
Harrison leapt on cue, ducking below the table. A single shot hits the wood of the chair, he was previously sitting on.
He tried to make the best use of the blindness that the grey smoke offered, pulling the table cloth in a swift motion. The wine and the lit candles fell over the fabric, igniting a fire. The flames and the smoke rose quickly, fanned by the stiff breeze, consuming the Pinterest worthy setting in a matter of seconds as he watched Sandhya's shadowy figure hopping off from the other side of the balcony, her red heels discarded by the decorated flower pots.
In a heartbeat, the fire alarm goes off followed by another shot. The people eating in the restaurant shrieked almost simultaneously as the second shot is wasted, their screams never subsiding as they run around, knocking over things, trying to get the hell out of the building.
Amidst the mist, Harrison grabbed the railing of the balcony, hopping off it, climbing down as promptly as he could, hearing more bullets fire on the place he just abandoned.
His planned smooth landing on the freshly mowed grass goes awry as he stumbles, falling over his knee in an attempt at dodging a shot that went over right his head, almost touching his hair.
There were more gunmen. His expressions were that of horror.
He quickly rose to his feet, pulling the pistol tucked in his sock out, looking around and over his shoulder before squeezing the trigger twice.
A man dressed in the waiter's attire fell from the first floor along with his rifle, hitting the ground, crumbling next to Harrison's feet, presumably dead.
Harrison didn't check. He was sure.
Aim. He was good at it. Way too good.
He paced his way with the pistol pointed downrange, pulling the slide back with his thumb and forefinger to the street full of chaos with people running in all directions, fire alarms blaring in the background. A maroon sedan stopped abruptly in front of him, a quarter of an inch away from hitting him and transporting him directly to hell.
He opened his mouth to swear but the driver was the first to flung the door open. He had red-brown shaggy hair, probably a result of the wind and was dressed in a grey trench coat with the belt undone. His eyes were hidden behind black wraparound mirror shades, hiding most of his face.
The only thing that sparked Harrison's interest was the shotgun poorly concealed inside his coat.
"Get in." Two words, another order. The driver was definitely way older than him, he could tell by his deep, rusty voice. The driver pushed the long barrelled gun in his direction.
Harrison groaned, shoving himself into the passenger seat, accepting the new weapon, discarding the smaller gun and shutting the door behind him.
"Where is she? Where is Sandhya?" Harrison demanded, looking over at the back seat, his frown deepening into a scowl but the driver popped the car into reverse and stormed the accelerator, hard, sending him flying backwards, his back hitting against the backrest.
"She'll meet us halfway." The driver replied, his eyes never leaving the road. Harrison settled himself on the polyester seat, taking a breath before the car took a sharp turn, almost knocking his head against the window.
"Watch out!" The driver warned and Harrison peeked at the rear view mirror.
A black Escalade SUV lunged towards them at a speed higher than theirs. At least four passengers were sitting in it, two of them pushed their heads out of the windows, hands holding shotguns, aiming a shot at the vehicle he was sitting in.
They ducked down, both Harrison and the driver evading the bullets fired at them. The rear windshield blew out with a boom and a crash, spraying glass over the unoccupied backseat.
Harrison slid his window down, ducking again when more bullets were shot at them, before aiming straight to the front tire.
He fired one— two— three shots, one followed by the other. The third one successfully hits the wheel. He watched with a triumphant grin pasted over his face as the attacker's car tumbled, crashing against the telephone pole, now motionless.
But his grin didn't last long when they crossed the intersection. Two more cars emerged from the two sides, the same model as the one he had just shot down.
The panic was real this time. He could even hear police sirens.
What the actual fuck?
"We need to hurry!" Harrison instructed, restless in his seat, watching the black SUVs and the white police cruisers, red sirens blazing on their head, racing behind them.
It was a real chase.
They zoomed through the street, feeling alternately light and heavy as they shifted in their seats, leaning right and left as the roads forked as they sailed through the busy traffic, ignoring the honking cars, even honking themselves. The buildings, streets and the traffic began to blur as they raced down, veering frantically to avoid their pursuers.
A ray of hope: Another intersection. The signal was three seconds into turning red.
"You can do this..." Harrison whispered like a prayer, eyes glimmering with hope, focusing more on the road than the man operating the steering he knew nothing about, except for his remarkable prowess as a getaway driver.
You can do this!
The driver panted, breathing with his mouth as he puts the car into the sixth gear, pressing the accelerator as hard as he could, flooring the sedan through the blinking signal, it turning red the exact moment they tear through it.
The pedestrian cars came to a halt upon the red signal, breaking hard, forming a chain, successfully blocking the way of both the attackers and the cops.
The driver barked out a laugh, the type falling more into the category of a chortle than an actual laugh (not that Harrison cared), taking off his shades, shoving them inside his coat, a proud smile plastered on his face as he weaves from lane to lane, disappearing under a bridge, finally stepping on to the much calmer highway.
"Kevin." The driver muttered.
"Huh?" Harrison responded with a questioning look. The guy was at least fifty-five years old, Harrison could tell now. His natural grey hair stood in contrast with his dyed copper ones, adding to his overall charm. His adventurous demeanour has previously mistaken him for being any younger.
Stretching a left hand, "My name is Kevin," the driver clarified, his light brown eyes meeting momentarily with Harrison's blue ones.
Harrison nodded, putting away his gun, wiping the sweat on his palm over his pants, before taking his hand for a brief shake.
"Harrison," He offered his own name.
"I know," Kevin replied nonchalantly, shifting his focus back to the road.
The blond turned to the other side, head leading against the headrest, glancing out of the window, watching the scenery move backwards, carefree as a lark for once, until the driver slowed the vehicle down, parking at the side, near a divergence where a 91' Accord waited for them.
He leapt out of the car. Harrison followed suit.
Taking the back seat of the switch car, alongside a woman that wasn't Sandhya, Kevin slumped into the cushions, stretching his hands over his head, shutting his eyes, probably tired (of course), taking the much needed break. The woman, on the other hand, was busy typing away on her laptop, wired headphones tucked into her ears.
Another man emerged from the passenger seat, passing Harrison on the way, his face invisible in the dim highway lights, taking the maroon sedan. Harrison replaced him, getting into the switch car, sitting on the front, the only seat that was left unoccupied.
"Welcome back." The voice on the driver's seat greeted him.
Harrison snorted, choosing not to turn his neck to meet her face and rather settling on passing a mere glance at her with a side eye.
She was back to wearing her coat, raven hair whipped by the wind, loose strands sticking over her face, her makeup no longer intact and slightly greasy, except for her bold red lipstick, sitting over her smiling mouth, complimenting her smooth dusky skin.
She pulled the gear, pressing on the pedal, putting the car in motion, its engine roaring for a full minute, her right hand on the wheel, left hand ceaselessly turning the dial of the radio back and forth, till Blinding Lights echoed from the speakers. She kept the volume low, possibly because of the other woman busy on her laptop, definitely because of the man dozing off, sitting behind them. But that didn't stop her from mouthing the lyrics or sway her body with the tunes.
Harrison looked away, outside the window, head slightly out, chin pressed against one of his hands he had kept over the window edge, feeling the cold air hit his face harder when she shifted the gear, speeding off the vehicle.
A ghost of a smile flickered over his lips, the upbeat music filling his ears.
He had different plans...
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gretavanbitch · 3 years
Tangled up in blue- 5
Warnings- swearing, drugs (the usual)
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After the first night, the adrenaline rush of the tour slowed to a constant drawl in Penny's mind. Her heart constantly at a slightly hazy pace compared to its resting pace. She blinked slowly, rubbing sleep out of her eyes as the dull light of the morning flooded into the stuffy bus. The only sounds to be heard was the steady breathing of the band and rain pattering softly against the windows. Her hair was spread across Josh’s bare chest and rose and fell with every breath he took. She got up as carefully and slowly as possible, being careful not to wake anyone. She flinched slightly when the bathroom door opened with a creak. Her eyes were slightly sunken and smudged and her lips were still swollen from the abundance of love that was present last night. She reached to her neck and lightly caressed the marks still present from Josh’s kisses, remembering the feeling of his lips on her neck. 
Brushing her teeth and hair, Penny exited the bathroom and made a large pot of coffee for the boys, the mornings were never easy for them and alcohol made them even worse. Knowing it would take some time for everyone to get up, she made herself comfortable on one of the couches on the back of the bus, separate from the bunk area. She sipped her coffee, reading a book Jake had recommended to her. Surprisingly, Jake had very good taste in books, better than Josh in fact. Josh was a very visual person, he could sit through a four hour movie, but never read a book for four hours. The pages breezed by her eyes, in what seemed like minutes she was halfway done with the book. It was a thrilling tale of two lovers, a classic trope of a peasant and a prince. She was a sucker for cliches. 
Through the curtain she soon heard the sounds of the boys stirring from their sleep, one by one waking up. She pushed the fabric of the curtain open softly, leaning against the frame. Jake was pouring three cups of coffee, rubbing his eyes harshly. Sam was in the bathroom, probably releasing the demons of last night from his stomach. Danny sat on the edge of his bunk, stretching his long arms and waking up. Josh on the other hand was now lying face down on the bed, soft snores coming from his frame. His hair was a curly mess and he only had on his boxers. She chuckled to herself, of course he was the last one to get up. 
“Mornin’ everyone,” she muttered softly, pattering over to Josh. Sluggish responses followed her. She sat on the edge of Josh’s bunk, running her hands softly down his back. She admired the way his lips parted slightly in his sleep, eyes fluttering in REM. She leaned over his frame, kissing his cheek softly, causing his eyes to blink open softly. He smiled out of his sleep, turning over onto his back and pulling Penny down onto his chest. 
“Good morning mama,” he rasped, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. 
“Good morning handsome, want some coffee?” He groaned a yes in response, still holding Penny tight. She felt the steady thump of his heart on her chest, not wanting to move in a million years. He felt so warm and alive, hands wrapped around her frame and legs wrapped around each other. She sighed, knowing there were actual things needed to be done with the day, and removing herself from Josh reluctantly. 
“What's the plan for today?” she asked Jake as she poured a cup of coffee for Josh. 
“We are stuck on the bus for the majority of the day, heading to Washington for the show in two days,” he responded from his seat across from her, looking up from his phone. “Emily and the other girls are going to meet us there too, so you won’t be stuck with all us boys anymore.” He noted, referring to the other girlfriends joining them on tour. She nodded happily, she got along well with all of them, and texted them pretty consistently. Although she was closest with Carly, Sam’s girlfriend, Emily and Dana were both her friends as well. 
Once Josh had coffee in his system, the bus slowly stirred to life. Sam was nursing his hangover, Jake was texting with Emily, and Danny was playing guitar softly in the corner. Their manager had come in as well, delivering bagels for everyone and announced that they would hit the road in 20 minutes. 
Penny dressed herself in something comfortable, knowing her limbs would become sore from sitting on the bus for hours. She was now clad in a long sleeved linen dress that had buttons down the front and a seam in the middle. Her hair was loose down her shoulders, and birkenstocks on her feet. The rest of the boys were in their usual attire, Josh in a grey hoodie and tan pants (of course). 
The bus was now officially on the road after a sluggish morning. The state of California soon passing by Penny’s eyes in a haze. She was sat on a couch at the back of the bus with Josh directly to her left and Danny to her right. Josh had one earbud in his ear, sharing the other with Penny, and a bagel in his hand. His head nodded along to the song as he chewed. Penny smiled, leaning her back into his frame and putting her legs on Danny. Neil Diamond filled her ears as she closed her eyes, inhaling Josh’s sent. He always smelled the same, like patchouli and cinnamon. It was almost hypnotizing. 
“We should go for a hike when we get there,” Sam announced, breaking the comfortable silence of the bus ride. 
“I want to go thrifting too,” Josh added with his eyes closed, head swaying to the music. Everyone silently agreed and went back to whatever they were doing. 
Northern California passed by with images of tall looming trees and thickening forests. Josh’s playlist ranged from The Fleet Foxes to Phoebe Bridgers, just because he knew Penny had a soft spot for her. When Scott Street came on shuffle, her eyes lit up and she craned her neck, looking up at him smiling. He laughed, kissing the top of her head. Penny had never felt so at home. The comforting smell of Sam’s incense wafted through the backroom of the bus, and Josh’s warmth made her head dizzy with love. She hummed as she softly toyed with his fingers mindlessly. 
After a few hours, the bus stopped in the middle of Oregon. Everyone was grateful for the opportunity to get snacks and stretch their legs. Penny stepped out into the midday breeze, breathing the fresh air in deeply. The group then entered the small gas station, Josh holding the door for her like the gentleman he is. 
“fuck I need another coffee,” she sighed, making her way to the coffee station and pouring herself a hot coffee. Josh bought himself a water and some granola bar. Sam, Jake, and Danny got themselves an assortment of junk food, dumping it in front of the cashier with a smile. Once everyone payed, they sat on a curb by the bus for a few minutes, not wanting to get back on the road quite yet. Penny was grateful that she grabbed her camera, because the cloudy light and light breeze was picturesque. She took her bottom lip between her teeth and scurried in front of the boys quickly, kneeling on the ground to get the shot. They all looked dramatically off into the distance while the shutter clicked. 
“alright now smile for me boys,” she laughed. They obliged, looking at the camera now and smiling brightly. 
“beautiful.” She sighed, returning to her spot next to Josh. 
“I don’t know how you do that,” Josh said, looking off into the distance as he spoke. 
“do what?” Penny answered, sipping her coffee. 
“Just see the world around you and turn it into something so beautiful.” Her heart jumped, it always did when Josh talked about her photography. 
“It’s easy when I’m around the most beautiful person in the world.” 
He laughed, meeting her eyes. She shook her head, still relishing in the compliments. 
“alright time to go boys...and girl,” their manager announced, sticking his head out the bus door. Penny huffed a laugh as she took Josh’s hand and once again entered the bus. 
The rest of the trip came in a dreary haze of naps and Josh’s playlist filling Penny’s ears. He never played a bad song. The bus had now parked outside the venue, Penny silently thanking the universe that they wouldn’t be sleeping in the bus for the next two nights. The boys had agreed to rent and house in the suburbs of Seattle so they could have some privacy and not be confined to a hotel. They also rented a jeep, stuffing their bags in it hastily so they could have some fun with the afternoon. Since the group got such an early start, they still had the remainder of the day to explore and shop. 
Sam entered the driver’s seat of Jeep, Jake shotgun, and the rest of them stuffed in the back. The drive was relatively short and rowdy. Jake playing Steven Stills on aux, while arguing with Sam over which album was better. Danny and Josh were talking about the set list for the tour, still tinkering on which songs to include and which to leave out. 
“Yeah, but I think we should do Stardust Chords after Black smoke it will be a good lead up,” Danny suggested calmly. 
“Ooh yeah, and we should do light my love after that,” Josh agreed. Penny sat silently, relishing in the banter surrounding her. They soon reached the house, it was a small bungalow on the edge of a hill. 
Josh opened the trunk and took out his and Penny’s bag, carrying them both up to the door and unlocking it with a key he found in the mailbox. The interior was just as lovely as the outside. A small living room and kitchen were on the left with a five person dining room table on the right and the stairs in the middle. Josh then jogged upstairs with the bags in hand, wanting first pick at rooms. He chose the one closest to the backyard with a view of the woods. 
“Mmm good choice babe,” Penny sighed flopping down onto the bed with a thud. He smiled, placing the bags down on the floor and laying down on his back beside her. 
She turned on her side to face him, he did the same. The room smelled of wood and clean linen. Her eyes drifted to Josh, he was smiling at her stupidly with his hands tucked under his chin. 
“what?” she laughed, poking his shoulder. 
“nothin’ I just love you baby,” he spoke softly, blinking his eyes. 
“I love you too Josh,” she said, loving the sound of saying it. 
Then he kissed her, softly capturing her lips with his own. She sighed into the kiss, running her hand down his jawline. Before the kiss could become too heated she pulled away with a stupid grin on her face. 
“lets go get something to eat then we can go shopping,” she said, pulling him up off the bed with two hands. 
“whatever you say mama.” 
The streets of Seattle were damp with the constant flow of soft showers. Josh’s hair was slightly less curly due to the climate, and it made him look even more 70′s, it was beautiful. The group got lunch at a nice sandwich spot on the wharf then split off into groups to do some shopping, planning to meet up at the house for a late hike. 
Josh and Penny were on the hunt for a thrift shop, hand in hand wandering the streets. After about thirty minutes with no luck, Penny spotted a bright neon sign a few feet ahead of them reading “vintage”. 
“fucking finally,” she said, tugging Josh’s hand hurredly into the store. Good thing they kept walking because this place was a gem. Josh’s eyes lit up as he scanned the rows of clothing and records. They then began searching through the rows, looking through every piece of clothing incase they found anything good. 
“Ooh babe you would look stunning in this,” Josh said excitedly as he held up a dress. It was a dusty red with a deep v-neck and ruffles down the chest and sleeves. 
“holy shit,” she smiled “I need it.” 
After about an hour, Penny had a substantial haul piled in her hand and Josh had found a few good pieces as well. He had a few necklaces that he loved and a vintage woodstock t-shirt. Now they were running late, of course and had to rush back to meet the boys. 
They were greeted with unamused expressions when they returned to the house, rushing up to the room to change quickly. Josh changed into a white t-shirt and black windbreaker, Penny wearing his grey hoodie and leggings. 
“let’s go mama,” he smiled, pecking her on the lips and leading her down stairs. 
“fucking finally,” Sam got up from the couch, Danny following suit. Jake then entered from the kitchen, trail map in hand. 
“Ok well we don’t have that much time before it gets dark so we should bring headlamps,” he suggested as his eyes scanned the map. Penny nodded, stuffing some water bottles into her bag as Josh wrestled Sam on the carpet. 
“Hey dickheads, the owner said there’s a trail through the backyard to a waterfall lets go,” Jake said loudly, shoving Sam and Josh as he spoke. The group made their way through the backyard, following the clear trail into the woods. The trees were some of the biggest that Penny had ever seen, they towered over them, making the light a faded blue. Jake led the group, confidently stepping over branches and rocks as he walked. Penny and Josh were at the back of the group, taking their time to admire the scenery, walking hand in hand. 
“It’s so pretty here,” Penny said, looking up into the treeline that was illuminated by the dusk light. 
“yeah it’s beautiful,” Josh said, only he wasn’t looking at the scenery, his gaze was fixed on the blonde next to him. A familiar smoky scent soon wafted into their noses from in front of them. 
“Sam, I know you aren’t lighting up right now,” Penny laughed. 
“what? I want to take in the nature,” he spoke through a hit, coughing slightly. 
“well share the wealth,” She reached out her hand as he passed the J behind his back. She took a few hits, before handing it off to Josh. She watched has he held it between his fingers, bringing it to his lips and inhaling deeply. The rest of the hike was peacefully silent, the light slowly fading into the sunset. They reached the waterfall after thirty minutes of walking, finding some rocks to rest on by the water. 
“Josh, stay still for a sec,” Penny asked, taking out her camera quickly. He nodded, not moving from his seat on the rock on the edge of the water. His head was turned towards the sky, knees facing the water. As always, he looked beautiful. The waterfall itself was also beautiful, the water cascaded off of a cliff into the pool below, misting the group slightly. 
“guys i’m hungry wanna head back?” Josh spoke up after a few minutes of silence. Everyone responded with ‘yeas’ gathering up their belongings slowly. The walk back was quiet, relishing in the earthy smell of the woods and fading light of the day. The backyard appeared quickly, and the grouped collectively plopped down on the couch. 
“lets order pizza, Sam and Danny go get alcohol,” Josh suggested as he lay his head on Penny’s lap. She toyed with his hair, nodding along to his suggestion. Sam and Danny agreed, grabbing the keys to the Jeep and heading out, Jake ordered the pizza. 
“alright mama, lets go make a big ass bonfire,” Josh said, reaching for her hand to lead her outside. 
“alright loverboy,” She laughed. 
Hey babes! this chapter felt so long, maybe because it took me so long to write lol. 
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daydream-believin · 4 years
The Never-Ending Roadtrip (kmart’s haunted)
Summary: (part 1) Reader has joined Douxie on the quest for Nari’s safety. He’ll need company. (part 2) - Missouri 1     (part 3)
Warnings: swearing, very light spooky?
Word Count: 2245
A/N: so we’ve established that Doux wasn’t the one who burnt the bookstore, but they don’t know that. look, have you been in a Kmart recently? its apocalyptic. also, you know that post about people repeating their default work greetings by accident? yeah
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“Do you want me to split the bill or?” The waitress asked, not sure if the group at the table was a young couple and their child or just three college kids hanging out. It was kind of hard to tell. On one hand, that one kid was so small, wearing a little deer costume, and had been helped to order. The other two radiated the energy of an old married couple and talked mainly to each other. But on the other hand, college kids are just like that sometimes.
“Nah, I got it.”
“What? No. I’m paying for us.” Douxie insisted.
“I have the cash, Doux.” (Name) turned to the waitress. She put some honey in her voice. “Just bring us one bill, please.” The waitress nodded nervously before heading off.
“No. I don’t want you paying for too many things while we’re traveling. You’re unemployed.”
“And who’s fault is that Mr. Mephits-Are-Vulnerable-To-Fire? You fucking burned down the store and put us both out of work here.” Nari was squirming at the negative vibes going on. It helped that she didn’t exactly understand what was going on.
“It was magic fire!” Douxie interjected in outrage. He looked so cute when he got defensive.
“Yeah, okay, sure.” (Name) shook her head, looking up to the ceiling. She let out a huff, “look, I invited myself onto this trip, Douxie. I want to pull my own weight. You’re going to have to let me pay for something eventually.”
“We’ll see about that, Love,” he said as he grabbed the ticket from the waitress’s hands as quick as lightning, tucked his card in and gave it right back before (Name) could further protest.
“Ugh! FINE! Then I’m getting the tip.” She pulled out a tenner and slapped it onto the table. She glared right back into Douxie’s hazel eyes. He glared right back into hers with a matched intensity. Nari looked back and forth between the two and whimpered. (Name) broke the standoff to assure Nari that they weren’t actually angry at each other so she shouldn’t be worried. That seemed to ease the forest child a bit but not by too much. She could still feel the weird aura they were putting off.
“Okay! So here’s your check back and here’s that lox bagel you ordered to go.” The waitress handed (Name) a doggy bag.
(Name) took the bag gingerly. A big fake smile spread across her face as she was momentarily possessed by that good spirit of customer service. “Thank you! I hope your experience was spellbinding! Have a magical day!” (Name) said on autopilot in that high-pitched voice and winked exaggeratedly. It was like she was an NPC and her talk button had been accidentally pushed. The waitress laughed forcibly and scurried away to the kitchen. Douxie cracked up.
“You do know that when I told you to say all that stuff after ringing people up, I was hazing you, right?”
“Oh yes, I am completely aware, Doux. Did you think I’d not pick up on how ridiculous that sounds? But I still say it to spite you.”
He shook his head. “Of course.”
Archie scarfed down his bagel sandwich with almost disturbing speed. It was like watching the void consume, well, a bagel sandwich. It just disappeared. Down his furry maw and out of existence. Being a dragon works up an appetite, after all. (Name) was a bit baffled and asked him if she should go get him another bagel. He assured her that the one was just fine and said something about trying to catch some birds later. She leaned back on her elbows against the boat’s railing, trying and failing to not think about the details of that.
Douxie cleared his throat. “So,” He folded his hands together for emphasis, “Since the subject of money came up earlier, I think we should also discuss the topic of our accommodations.”
“Well, you two obviously cannot afford lodging every night.” Archie snarked, flicking his tail.
“Thank you, for that, Arch. No, I was thinking more along the lines of a tent.”
“A tent?” the cat asked incredulously.
“Oh, that could work.” (Name) pointed at Douxie animatedly, “keep us close to nature for Nari. And also could keep our possible property damage bills down. Good idea, Doux.”
“Thank you,” Douxie puffed up, “see Arch? Someone appreciates my ideas-”
“Wait. That’ll be a short-term solution. We’re just barely into September. It’s going to be much, much colder in about a month. By October it’ll be too cold to bear. Even if we all huddle together like penguins.”
Doux looked away to hide his blush at the suggestion. “That is a problem. Okay, um-”
“Maybe we could just cross that bridge when we get there? Who knows what could happen between now and then. We could find so temp work in a little town somewhere.” (Name) shrugged, smirking at Doux. She didn’t want to admit that ‘we could be dead by then’ was also definitely a possibility on the table, so she tried to further distract from that thought. “Maybe we’ll find a creepy abandoned cabin in the woods we can squat in. Maybe some nice trolls will take us in as novelty pets. Maybe my rich Aunty Josie could just suddenly die under some ‘mysterious circumstances’ and leave her lavish fortune to her beloved niece,” she smirked at Doux, “I dunno, just spit ballin’ here.”
“I’m electing to ignore that you just suggested we ice your aunt because you were onto something there.”
“I was?” Her tone was a mixture of sarcasm and disbelief.
“Yes! New Jersey!
“New Jersey?” The wheels turned. “Oh! New Jersey!”
Nari looked confused. “What is special about this ‘New Jersey’?” she asked
Both Douxie and (Name) turned to her, “Trolls.” They said in sync.
(Name) stood there with her hands in her pockets. Somehow this Kmart was still standing, out here in The-Middle-Of-Fucking-Nowhere, Missouri. She was standing here, in a Kmart. It might as well have been 1986. There was barely anything on the shelves. Half the shelves themselves were missing. The floor had a layer of grime to it, in spite of the wet floor sign along with the shiny patches that said that it had clearly been mopped recently. The air smelled like something (Name) couldn’t quite place, but it was nostalgic. A strange scent that took her back to her childhood. Or at least she thought it was her childhood. It had to have been. Taking deep breaths, she couldn’t quite get enough of it.
Continuing that vibe, a muzak 80’s tune played over the speakers. Funny enough, despite (Name)’s brain seeming to recognize that it was playing a song from the 80’s, she just couldn’t quite put her finger on it as to which. Every time she thought she’d figured it out, she’d hear a few notes that would somehow change her mind. It was a pop song at least, to narrow it down. It’d been going on for about six minutes now. Must be one of those extended tracks.
She’d ask Douxie what he thought the song was. She turned her attention to him and noticed he was still just staring at that same shelf like he had been for, what, ten minutes now? Even though this fucking Kmart barely had any shelving in it, by some miracle it not only had exactly what they were looking for but an entire aisle of them. How lucky was that.
Douxie was taking very careful consideration into this tent purchase. This was going to be their new home, after all. He just couldn’t decide which one was best. They all had fancy camping terms on the packages that meant nothing to him. He’d been trying to decipher the code. The secret outdoorsman code. Nari shifted uncomfortably in the basket.
“Hisirdoux, you should maybe, hurry this along?” She sounded strained.
But she was right. He should just pick one already. It’s all a gamble anyway. He decided on a dark green one that boasted a water-proof material. Good natural color, not easily spotted, and it wouldn’t soak through with rain. That should work well enough, he figured.
“I’ve hurried along. Sorry Nari.” He casually tossed the box into the cart next to her. She sniffed the box and nodded to him.
Now that they had their goal item, the quest party started for the checkouts. Douxie could have sworn that it had been on the side of the store they were in. They had passed it when they came in. Now it was completely across by the other door. Did he get turned around? Or maybe they did come in from that side of the store. He actually couldn’t remember.
As they walked, a few things caught (Name)’s eye. They passed a display of dark leafy plants in oddly shaped pots, a table stacked high with various books and a clearance sign, a knife case that had been left open, a candle display with a few that had already been lit and were dripping wax, a bargain bin of CDs, and lastly a sad box of no-longer-in-season pool noodles. There was a sale on bloodmeal apparently. Perfect for perking up those roses after the summer heat.
They arrived at the checkout after what felt like an endless journey. (Name) hadn’t noticed any other customers the entire time they had been there, and yet the line for the only check open had seven people in it. She grabbed a couple bags of red licorice from the impulse shelf to add to their cart while waiting.
Nari was really interested in that checker. (Name) took her in. The teen was taller than most and had very, very long blonde hair that cascaded down her back like a shiny golden waterfall. Her cheeks were slightly sunken in. Must be going through a diet phase. Poor girl.
The young woman was obviously not one for small talk. Name couldn’t blame her. Retail sucks. Her perfect red fingernails clicked against the keys of the register in a practiced beat. She turned around and told them their total in a bored monotone. As Douxie fiddled with his wallet and payed, (Name) found herself staring right into the cashier’s eyes. They were such a light icy blue, they were almost white. It was striking. (Name) was almost in a trance. It was broken as the cashier turned around swiftly to rip off the receipt off the machine, and, in an uncharacteristically cheery voice, told them to have a nice night. Night?
They returned the cart back to the stack, grabbing their one singular shopping bag and helping Nari out. Of course Nari could easily just jump out herself, but that wouldn’t be something a human child could do. They didn’t need to draw any unnecessary attention to themselves here. They made their way to the automatic sliding doors that lagged so that they didn’t open until you were standing right in front of them. This allowed Douxie time to catch a glimpse of the reflection in the glass. The reflection of the store was completely devoid of people. Not even the checker was at her station. He sucked in a breath. After walking through those first doors, he stopped. He took a moment to turn back. There she was, right where she should be, checking out another customer with three more in the line.
Douxie hurried along the doorway to catch up to (Name) and Nari. It was darker outside than he expected, and he was taken aback. He found them right outside the store, waiting for him. In one hand, (Name) was holding Nari’s, in the other, the plastic shopping bag. Her head was tipped up to the sky, transfixed by the moon. He came over, grabbing her shoulder as he pulled her along, in an attempt to urge her away from this place. She looked back at him, eyes wide with distress. He tried to convey that he understood with his eyes. All three of them instinctually knew not to say anything more why they were still in this parking lot.
It had barely been half past noon when they had started this little Kmart side quest. It was now at least seven by the looks of it. They had spent six and a half hours in a Kmart? How had they spent six and a half hours in a Kmart. There went their entire travel day. But no time to dwell on this, they needed to get back to Archie and the boat as soon as possible.
As they walked back towards the ship, (Name) and Douxie both took one of Nari’s hands so that she was in the middle, like how those couples walk with their children. The streetlights glared up at them in the slick pavement. Apparently, it had rained while they were in shopping limbo. Poor Arch. (Name) let out a puff of air.
“Well. That sure was something.”
Douxie nervously chuckled, “If we had stayed in there any longer, I think we might have died.” (Name) mirrored that nervous chuckle.
“Oh, no, dying would be much simpler than what would have happened to us.” Nari said sweetly, like what she was saying was somehow better. Nari liked being helpful. (Name) put on her best fake smile.
“Thank you, Nari.” She tried her best to sound as sincere as possible to spare the veggie lady’s feelings.
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