#also to make myself feel better at some point like i know my parents don't give me shit at all so. might as well make my own fucking gifts
culmaer-sideblog · 2 months
please forgive me, but I need to complain and over-share or my brain is going to explode please feel free to ignore
#I'm not doing well.#the last two places I worked (in a tourism-adjacent sector) closed. broadly speaking due to post-lockdown financial issues#for the past year at my current job I've been earning less than half what I used to. this was the only offer I got at the time and#I haven't found anything better since. this is not sustainable I'm barely making it each month...#I live with my parents and cancelled my health insurance I don't know how else to reduce my budget. it's depressing tbh#the solution is obviously to find a better job but that's just not happening and I'm beginning to feel discouraged.#I hate being negative it's a very unattractive character trait but I just feel myself slipping and spiraling#I know I should be taking short courses or volunteering to boost my cv but like when ! and how !#I can't afford to work less but I get home at 20h so even evening courses are tricky. I work every other saturday too so weekends are out#and like I do need to rest at some point you can't be depressed and burnt out that's a terrible combo#was looking at a dtp/typesetting short course and 1) I'll need a new computer that can actually run design programs#and 2) the course itself is like 2 month's salaries which I cannot realistically save right now#and yet I'm still ''over-qualified'' for entry level positions because I went to uni. well maybe that's just a polite excuse#because as interesting as my humanities degrees were they didn't equip me with any practical or marketable skills#besides being good at reading and writing. but AI can do that for free now so that's not helpful#I always thought I was reasonably intelligent but I cannot solve this puzzle. there must be a creative solution that I'm missing#but i feel so stuck and trapped#and at least once a week some poor soul stumbles in to the office practically begging for a job so I feel bad for complaining#a little truly is better than nothing#but thank god we elected more pro-business capitalists into government that really is going to be great for us workers (sarcasm)#also I should acknowledge#I am getting some déjà vu. I feel like I've vented about this topic before#the difference is. back then it was a potential concern. now the concern has materialised into reality and rendered the situation desperate
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vilelittlecritter · 6 months
"hey! I think I found my footing in life!"
*proceeds to have the most earth shattering and perspective changing months of his life*
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prettycottagequeer · 6 months
ok maybe I'm a little late to this BUT I'm gonna do a to-do list motivation thingy because I've had the worst two weeks since I started college :)
SO these I should start on asap:
50 I make the snack I really want but I haven't had the motivation to make
100 I clean my dorm. another thing I've been meaning to do for a week
150 I do the presentation about mid-victorian fashion I've been putting off (due Monday)
200 I start memorizing the monologue that was due a week ago (now due Tuesday)
these can wait longer:
300 I spend time outside. It's so nice but I'm getting stuck scrolling because I feel like shit. vicious cycle ect
500 I start setting a better weekend routine (aka getting up before noon)
1k I start working out again. I was doing a routine to get more masc and build muscle and I liked it but life hit me like Crowley driving the Bentley and I've missed like 3 weeks
2k I buy my first binder. I've been coping with sports bras for almost a year now and I haven't been able to justify spending $50+ on a binder even though I know I'd love it and use it everyday.
Do I tag people? I don't know but I'm going to. @the-globe-theatre-maggot @weirdly-specific-but-ok @howmanyholesinswisscheese
here's just some context if you want to read, feel free to skip. some of this I've talked about in the maggot server, some I haven't, but I really just need a place for this to go that's out of my head. tw homophobia, transphobia, car crash(??)
How I Have Been Run Over By The Bentley Going 90 In Central London What Feels Like 50 Times In The Last Two Weeks
I'm going to college about 4 hours away from my parents, and it's been really nice. They.. suck, to say the least. transphobic/homophobic ect, super traditional conservative catholic, racist, all of it. so i tried to move somewhere where I wouldn't have to think about them and I could be myself and do what I can to be happy. March 1st was the start of my spring break, which meant going home because the dorms close. I was already not excited, but I was prepared. the problem with being away from home is I forget just how bad they are. My optimism gets the better of me and I think maybe this time they'll be better. so I decided to not hide my septum piercing.
that was a mistake. it starts a whole fight where they say we know you're trans, you're actually a girl and you always will be, we have the bones argument, they think I'm being influenced by demons or something (if only they knew about crowley) because I want to change my name, and they tell me that going on t will completely ruin my body and give me cancer and other things. They're also mad about my dyed hair, septum, and general style, and say I'm setting a terrible example for my (5) younger siblings and make it a point to tell me just how much of a disappointment I am. I think I'm pretty cute and fun but y'know, whatever. very fun time. I lie so much, don't give them any more details about my identity, and say I'm not planning to go on t to save my ass. which is all on instinct which makes me feel worse because if I'm really trans I should be able to stand up for that, right? maybe I'm faking the dysphoria.
the next morning I wake up really sick, and spend the rest of the week sick and feeling like shit because I'm home and back in the same place and situation I was a year ago that I thought I escaped. at one point I pretty much lose my voice but also kind of get gender euphoria from it. it's weird.
On Friday it's time for me to drive back 4 hours to school, and I make it about 3/4 of the way when google maps takes me on a random gravel road and I crash my car, really crash my car, like sideways-in-a-ditch-windows-broken-crawling-up-out-the-door crash it in the middle of nowhere. (I was fully paying attention to the road, it was raining and super slick) I call my parents because I have no one else to call and I sit in a Subway for 3 hours while they drive to get my car. when they get there they're (understandably) really mad, and they tell me that I'm not mature enough to be going to school so far away and I need to get my shit together and stop depending on them. which. is probably true. but made me feel even more stupid about the fact that I crashed my car. I get back to school and I'm still Very Sick with no energy or motivation to do anything. So I've spent the last week trying to get better and honestly to do anything. it hasn't really worked. I'm a lot better health-wise (Not emotionally), still sick but I have a lot of work due, so I really need a push to get started
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moogghost · 2 years
idk when it'll happen bc i don't have that much free time this winter break somehow but. remind me to draw something with my los celebrating kwanzaa because i. am tired of christmas getting shoved down my throat as someone who doesn't celebrate it sorry lmao
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afreakingdork · 4 months
Deep Dive: Rise of the TMNT Donatello's Bad Boy Persona, His Cute, But Mean Type, and Why He is None of These Things
I made this presentation to delve into my take on Rise Donnie!
It was a power point, but I'm going to break it down here. I do want to preserve the first slide though because...
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Did you know Black dahlia's aren't actually black? They're very dark red and in flower language they represent dishonesty!
Apropos, let's get into it...
Donnie is a Bad Liar
We see this throughout the show
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“No? No… Of course I did… n't.”
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"Uh, nothing. Just having a typical normal mystic free day."
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"We are just typical, normal humans who got lost in the middle of our normal, everyday human lives. Nailed it."
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"Oh man. Uh. This hurts me. Uh. I'm very sad?"
He has all the characteristics of a terrible liar. He sweats, his pitch warbles, his eyes dart, ect, everything you would expect.
Sarcasm! The Perfect Cover?
When Donnie does go for the use of sarcasm, he almost always points it out.
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"I feel better already," he said without a hint of sarcasm."
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"Oh, sure. Let me just load my tap-into-every-security-camera-in-New-York app. I'm sorry if that sounded like sarcasm, it wasn't. I am in."
Point Out the Obvious Much
However, when he doesn't point out the sarcasm, he also can't help but make mention of the oxymoron. We see this a lot, especially in Donnie vs. Witch Town.
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"Oh yes very cool says Donnie as he quietly lets something go."
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"Ooh, fireworks. Science never would have thought of something it was originally inventor of."
So basically, if Donnie tries to lie; he gives himself away. If Donnie tries to fudge the truth; he's compelled to make note of it.
I bring this all up to specifically tackle this sentence:
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“So unfair. Although it is a boost for my emotionally unavailable bad boy image. “Y’ello.””
Why do I do so? Let me remind you of my first slide...
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But how can that be? We just established that he's a bad liar. In the 'bad boy' line, he's not falling for any of his tells. He's body language gives no indication of lying. He doesn't make any note of sarcasm. No one after this line makes a face or corrects Donnie and he doesn't point out any discrepancies.
How could this be a lie?
Because Donnie himself doesn't know it's a lie.
Let Me Take You Back
Things I Did Unironically as a Teenager
Added Japanese honorifics to the end of my friends nicknames (-san, -chan, -kun)
Had my friends help me wrap myself up in caution tape for my birthday, but told people they made me
Wore a dog collar with a dog tag that had my name in Romanji on it
Had screen names like RubyBlueSango62 and blahweeblah626
But That’s Just Personal Experience!
Things Donnie has Unironically as a Teenager
"Ah, yes, so in this case a game of bask-eh-ball."
"Prepare to eateth thy words."
"Oh, hey guys. What’s the haps? Huh? Oh, oh this? I didn’t realize I had it on. This is my sweet new purple satin jacket- Got it from being a bit of a tech wiz. Purple Dragons. Members only. No big deal. Mm-hm. Well, you better grab some toast, fellas, 'cause you are all jelly!"
“It's Bootyyyshakker9000. Capital B and three Ys in booty.”
I believe it's a universal experience for teenagers to push boundaries. For so long, most parents decide everything for you. With hormones and growth, you want to experiment, but since autonomy is new, you try to break from the mold and do it uniquely. Anything that is outside your norm, especially things that swing wildly from what you once new seems especially exciting. From embellishing speech, to wearing specific clothing items, and even your first screen name, you don't know boundaries! It may be 'cringe' in the future, but when you first do it, it seems like the coolest thing ever! It's something that wholly represents you. This online space you. This you that is ungoverned! I'm an only child so I can't imagine, but I bet you especially want to do this when you have siblings. Where the shame in that?
I mean... Kat Haynes agrees with me on this...
Low Empathy
Now to get a little more serious. Alexithymia is a term that describes those who have difficulty feeling emotions. While not always associated with autism, it is more common in individuals with it. About 1 in 5 people who have autism also have alexithymia.
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As already stated, it is clear the Donnie suffers from alexithymia. Most Donatello-centric conflicts in Rise have nothing to do with Donnie being emotionless and instead often deal with him lashing out due to his confusion or insecurities. We see this a lot especially in Witch Town where he is grappling with himself the entire episode. He's insecure about how he doesn't understand mysticism and he doesn't know how to process it or his place on the team. He's not emotionless, he's insecure when he doesn't understand something.
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"Yes, feelings. Hot, cold, sleepy, hungry…"
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"I don't normally feel things, but that one got through!"
Emotions on his Metaphorical Sleeve
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Nothing about alexithymia says that you don't feel emotions. Instead, it's characterized by not understanding them. Donnie feels his emotions big and large just like Mikey does and especially if something is important to him, you'll see those reactions dialed up to eleven.
All Talk
While many think of the classic "semi-lethal" line and the "Speak for yourself" when Mikey says they aren't savages in regard to Donnie, he's not really the bad boy he plays himself up to be. When the theatrics are set aside, most of Donnie’s snap judgements are the altruistic kind or he thoughtfully plans out ways to not only take care of his family, but actively ensure their safety (to varying degrees of success, but that's not what we're saying here):
created devices which both counteracted his brother's flaws because they were getting them hurt
Used himself as a shield for Mikey on multiple occasions 
Risks his own safety and bodily harm especially in Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man and Breaking Purple
Builds Escape pods for everyone 
Enters a sensory nightmare for the sake of the world
Often asks, especially Raph, if he's okay and looks out for the oldest brother
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Yet the Presentation Continues?
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Why yes, because there is another line of Donnie's that I want to tackle that I believe falls exactly in line with the 'bad boy image' one...
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"Oh, you’re so cute, but so mean. Why do I always go for your type?"
You know what I'm about to posit again...
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As touched on previously, Donnie is insecure. He's insecure about his emotions. He's insecure about his place on the team. He's insecure about anything he doesn't understand and his insecurities are exceedingly personal in nature because he ties them intrinsically to his personality.
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"The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful, and I really hope you like it, ‘cause if you don’t I will just be crushed!"
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"This’ll teach you to compliment my work and give me my first positive reinforcement from a parent aged adult, ever!"
Speaking of parent aged adults... i wonder where this could stem from...
Role Model
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Who do all the turtles model themselves after, but their own father? Whether they knew it or not, Lou Jitsu was someone they all strived to be like. They commited to learning all the lines from his movies. They fought like him outside of the training course Splinter sets them on. Heck, Donnie takes his hero worship so far that his character defining brows are exactly Lou Jitsu's! Babies start learning how to establish social and emotional relationships around 18 months. We have Splinter, a despondent, but loving care giver who unfortunately did not give Donnie the validation he craved. This manifests in his insecurities where he bends over backwards to get the attention he craves. He wants to be seen, again compounded by having three rowdy mutant-powered brothers, and so he ends up tying his worth into his ability.
Now, while for a majority of the series, the turtles don't know about Splinter's past or that he dated Big Mama, but it wasn't as if Splinter hid that part of himself away so obviously. In fact, because he himself is still mourning his lost humanity, he ends up feeding his son's a hardy diet of his life's existence. The boys are secondarily raised by Lou Jitsu movies in place where Splinter is not always present. Obviously, Lou Jitsu seemingly disappears, but Splinter's feelings on the matter don't. He openly still cares about Big Mama in the present and this I don't think it's a stretch to say that he would let these feelings leak in a similar way to how he presents Lou Jitsu in the boys lives. Big Mama is a attractive, albeit manipulative woman. This is awfully close to a little line someone says, especially when we consider that he models himself after this man.
Also, if we're taking models into account. Something we know for a fact shapes teenagers. Something we know for a fact that Donnie does. Something that is equally canonized in the show, then we have to talk about.
Donnie’s True Canonical Idol
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That's right. You know her. You love her. You believe that Donnie is a thigh man because of this Lass' existence. Donnie says flat out that Atomic Lass is his childhood idol. He goes to great lengths to dance with her, smashing Leo out of the way. He then even goes so far as to ask if her and Atomic Lad have split up because his intention to date her is so clear. Now she was obviously a mutant in a costume, but that didn't matter because he loves Atomic Lass that much and Atomic Lass?
She's a heroine.
Only cute and mean in the context of the episode, this is not the Lass he fell in love with. The Lass he loves is a comic book hero that travels the universe doing good.
Ron Corcillo Agrees With Me
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A staff writer on Rise, I apologize I can't show the origin tweet because it was deleted, but it was a dual question that asked both about the Turtles meeting Spider-man and about Donnie's preference. Now you could say he's forgotten a line that may not be as important to him, but doesn't that in and of itself say something? It says that it could have been a one-off joke or that it wasn't something that was necessarily intrinsic to the character.
To Recap:
Donnie doesn’t always know himself
Donnie is a cringey teen
Donnie is insecure
Donnie has difficulty understanding emotions and himself
Donnie isn’t actually an 'emotionally unavailable bad boy'
Donnie doesn’t actually like the ‘mean’ type
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes:
Mystic Mayhem
Donnie's Gifts
Pizza Pit
Hot Soup: The Game
Shadow of Evil
Donnie vs. Witch Town
The Mutant Menace
Breaking Purple
Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man
End Game
Repo Mantis
Mascot Melee
Donnie's Gifts
Bug Busters
War and Pizza
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Lair Games
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie
lactoseintolerentswag's post on Rise Characterizations Pt. 3!!!
skulltrot's Donnie (Rise of the TMNT) | Autism Representation in Media video
Ron Corcillo's tweet from Cartoon Brew's Feb 10, 2024 AMA
Alexithymia | Autistica
earthytzipi's post not understanding why people characterize Donnie has hiding his emotions
hyperfixatinator's post about ROTTMNT Theory: Donatello's Hidden Role
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miltonbarbie · 6 months
hiiiiiii can you please do Kokichi, Kaede, and Shuichi (separate) with a fem!s/o who needs help feeding themselves? Like at home one of their older siblings or parents has to help them bring the spoon to their mouth and/or spoon feed em because they're so nervous about eating? I have OCD type ARFID and I'm always really scared of eating to the point I need help feeding myself and comfort from my favorite characters might help 😭 im so sorry if this makes you uncomfy
No its alright! I dont mind at all <3
Kokichi, Kaede and Shuichi spoonfeeding their s/o (fem!y/n)
He'd think about it for a moment, pretending as if he's against the idea but it's just to tease you, he'd feed you every day if he was asked to.
He loves being able to feed you because not only is he being helpful, but he feels good about himself knowing he can take care of your needs.
Definitely starts giggling every time you open your mouth to take a bite.
Like I'm not even joking, sometimes he'll drop it before he can even feed you because he's kicking his legs too much.
You'll raise a brow at him because he's starting to twirl his hair, and now he even insists on calling himself your wife.
"Kokichi wtf are you doing?" "Shhh.. Let wifey take care of you... Blinks eyelashes aggressively"
But the first time when you asked him to, it wasn't that he was uncomfortable, but you could've sworn he started to sweat and his hand was shaking the whole time.
When you ask him if he's okay, he'll "Nishishi~ Don't worry about it!" it's off but he's trying to make sure that he doesn't hit your face with the spoon or something.
Also he does a taste test before he feeds you. Just to make sure that it's not poisoned, yk? Totally not because he wants to see if the food is yummy.
Imagine if you look inside your bowl because for some suspicious reason, the spoonful's aren't even full. They're just tiny portions. And the bowl is like, 80% empty because your stupid boyfriend ate everything.
It's a disaster, but it's out of love.
REALLLLLLYYY shy about it.
He wants to so badly but it's like he can never get used to it. Not when you look so cute whenever you let out a little "aah" before taking a bite.
He'll short-circuit halfway through putting the spoon in your mouth.
Apologizes for EVERYTHING.
If even a bit of food was on your lip, he's gonna give you a thousand apologies, and he's not gonna stop until you tell him to politely shut up 😭
"IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN T-" "Shuichi.. It's okay.. You can stop now.."
He's a clever boy, when you asked him to feed you because you needed help, first thought was just to do what you asked for because it was probably for something important.
He's not the best at it, but much better than Kokichi. At least he doesn't eat your food..
Insists on giving you seconds because he wants to make sure your satisfied and healthy.
If you're eating or munching on something unhealthy like ice cream, he'll probably sneak a few bites though. Not because he wants to actually eat your stuff, but he just doesn't want you getting diabetes or smth LMAO
Anxious little baby, and it's obvious too
Hands down literally the best most caring sweetest girlfriend ever it's baffling.
Even if you don't ask to, she's still gonna feed you because she loves showing that she cares.
She's smiling the whole time and it makes your face get all hot every. single. time.
Starts humming in the middle of it
When you're finished, she washes all the dishes, and plays some piano for you afterward.
It gives you baby fever because she has that motherly kind of care to it.
When you asked her the first time, her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she didn't even ask any questions about it either.
"Hey Darling? Could y-" "Of course cutiee!~"
She makes sweet little comments while you're taking bites like "Awh your eyes are so pretty!" or "Have I ever told you how perfect you are?"
She always blows on the food before giving it to you so you don't burn your mouth.
If you're eating soup or having something messy, she'll tie your hair up first so nothing gets in the way of you enjoying your meal.
She's such a romantic it makes me wanna melt.
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antisocialsharky · 8 months
ASPD: The Desire for and Run from Intimacy
This post will only contain my personal opinion and experience. It may not be applicable to all other people with ASPD and may likewise be relatable to people who do not have it.
I am only going to be talking about emotional intimacy, but this post is definitely also applicable to the other type of intimacy!
I'll make myself pretty vulnerable in this post, by discussing my personal experience, so you better not make me regret that!
ASPD = Antisocial Personality Disorder
ASPD is a disability caused by prolonged childhood trauma (with many possible variations), that develops in order to protect the brain from said trauma, or rather to help the brain deal with it in some way!
While the consequences of this in the context of intimacy, look different for every person with ASPD, many do report: a difficulty with developing bonds, having problems trusting people & giving away control, losing feelings for people quickly and abruptly/getting "bored" of people, responding extremely to arguments, having problems dealing with peoples emotions/ problems with being close to people etc.
This may be due to a variety of factors, but does often tie back to having no or few positive experiences with intimacy, having not learned how to exist in relationships properly/a lack of being socialized, not having the necessary prosocial emotions and mechanisms to deal with it and other similar things.
While this causes some people with ASPD to develop a brain, that does not have a need for emotional intimacy at all, others develop a brain, that craves the emotional intimacy it has been denied, but which will also fight said intimacy at every turn.
Thats as much generalized info as I can give you, as the exact representation of this is highly individual, but I will offer my personal experience on the following slides!
What you need to know is that I was accidentally neglected for huge parts of my childhood and teens and did not get my emotional and social needs met most of the time, while also knowing that my parents were theoretically capable of that, as they were giving everything I lacked to my sibling.
This caused me to grow up with a burning desire for intimacy, while being disappointed by people time and time again, failing to actually develop the things needed to experience this intimacy and partially growing to resent it and viewing it as "weak" and "bad".
Ever since then I have been stuck in what I like to call the "ASPD stages of running". Theres different points in getting close to people (in any nature of a relationship), that'll send me running and feeling like I am "weak" for wanting it, or as if being close to people is the worst thing that could happen.
The stages (simply put) are:
1. Desiring/Daydreaming about my dream relationship
2. Looking at peoples relationships/Looking at people with the intent of getting closer to them
3. Talking to people (online or irl)
4. Getting closer / being friends with people
5. Being friends with people for longer
6. Getting so close that a romantic relationship may happen
7. The moment of getting in the relationship / the days after
8. Being in the relationship for a bit
At any of those stages, I'll very likely have one or multiple moments where my ASPD will try to get the better of me and will try to convince me to just run away, drop contact and never talk about it again. Even just admitting to this and talking about it is hard as fuck, because it is so deeply ingrained in my brain to see emotional intimacy as a weak and dangerous thing.
What this will look like exactly really depends on the person and situation, but things that have happened in the past were:
• blocking the person and everyone I am friends with and pretending I am no longer alive
• my brain fixating on their faults in order to give me a good reason to hate them so I don't get closer to them and can hold them at arms length
• responding less often/more dryly or ignoring messages entirely
• not replicating the energy of the conversation/relationship
• staging an incident so I ruin the relationship
• running at the first signs of a disagreement
• avoiding people when they are emotional
• feeling uncomfortable around people as a whole => isolating
• beating myself up about letting it happen again
• impulsively bumping the relationship to another stage, just to immediately regret it (in a "fuck that has consequences" way)
• shutting off all my emotions, dissociate or otherwise make sure to stop the feelings (or just lose them automatically)
To put it in a shorter and more simple way, I'll usually either get the fuck outta there, or make sure to change the relationship/my personal position in the relationship to a more comfortable and less vulnerable and intimate level. This may also just look like me shutting off, becoming distant, or seeming mad, when all I am is overwhelmed by the intimacy and grossed out that I actually need and desire that.
As you can possibly imagine, that is not the most useful thing, as it causes issues in relationships, cuts friendships short and makes dealing with people a lot harder!
The most frustrating thing about this for me though is, that even if the most perfect friend or partner came along and even if the relationship would work at first, I am very very likely to crash it against the wall, simply because my brain cannot handle having the things, that it needs and desires.
It desires a hug and runs from the one who offers it.
It needs help and bites the hand that does.
It needs love and gets grossed out by whoever offers it.
It wants attention and can't handle it when it gets it.
It wants gifts, but doesnt know what to do when it gets them.
Whatever it wants, it can't have, so it keeps wanting, keeps yearning, keeps desiring and has to watch itself be unable to accept any of it.
And if that sounds painful, thats because it is.
Its a vicious kind of pain when you have to watch yourself ruin yet another thing, because your brain can't handle it, while you scream at it in frustration to get its act together, because it also is everything you desperately need.
ASPD sucks when it comes to intimacy and it especially sucks when it comes to talking about it, or being honest about these problems. It developed to protect me from being too "weak" to deal with the trauma and now its practically preventing me from showing any "weakness" or seeking out what previously hurt me. Which wouldn't be this bad, if I didn't still have this kid in me that just wants to be loved and daydreams about all the things, the ASPD hates.
When your shell disagrees with your core and you're not strong enough yet to break your shell, what does that really leave you with, other than curling up into a spiky ball and letting the shell do its job? I know I still need the protection, but I wish it wasn't actively preventing me from learning to live without it.
First posted on my instagram (same @)
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memoria-99 · 1 month
My answers to "What do you think about dating this guy in real life?"
The "prince you would date" poll ended with Leon 33.9% Clavis 19.5% Yves 16% (Act 1) and Rio 39.9% (Act 2).
The "prince you would not date" poll ended with Jin 31.1% Chevalier 24.6% Nokto 20.2% (Act 1) and Gilbert 64.9% (Act 2).
... So, here's my opinion about dating them.
Jin: He'd be a good older brother. I don't think it's totally impossible to date him though.
Chevalier: NO. I mean, the relationship itself won't make any sense. I'm no good at breaking the ice and this guy won't talk at all. Well, I like reading too, so I could make some connection through that but... what if he gets annoyed and points his sword at me?
Clavis: With him I'd encounter tons of weird stuffs and troubles, which would probably stress me out... But at the same time, he's fun. Also, I'm pretty free-spirited myself, so I think I could get along with him quite well?
Leon: Perfect boyfriend material for everyone including me. Though to be frank, I'd be kinda shocked when I find out he's not real him but pretending to be one.
Yves: Boy who can cook, is a gem. He might be a tsun but he'd care for me a lot. And he's cute. But on second thought, cuddling him as younger brother would be nice too.
Licht: Sorry, I know he's a good boy but his trauma is too much for me to handle. And I don't wanna find my boyfriend dead in his room one day. So yeah.
Nokto: He's charming. I'm more than aware. But in real life, I can't guarantee if he's really liking me or just hanging out with me a bit longer than his ex-partners before moving on to other girls.
Luke: Haven't thought much but I'd prefer him as a younger brother.
Sariel: Stick up his butt type isn't my cup of tea. Nagging about my laziness is enough with my mom.
Gilbert: Honestly I'm not sure. He has a cute side, so maybe he'd be better than many would think, but first of all I'm sure I'd be terrified if he suddenly points his gun at me, and second of all I fear that my flesh won't last if I'm with him.
Keith: Ummm... Whose drum am I supposed to dance to the beat of. Would feel like I'm dating two guys at once.
Silvio: I think he'd be surprisingly okay if I get used to his hellish tongue. I really would wanna punch him sometimes though. Still, he won't leave me alone, which would be quite fun... I assume?
Rio: Loyal and devoted, without any parental issues. Realistically the best boy.
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raythekiller · 1 year
Hi, I've been reading your works and I'm envious. Your scenarios and headcanons are so cool :D I was wondering if you could make a headcanon for the creeps living with a Latina recruit who is sassy but caring to the point she (or they) will aggressively take care of someone if they aren't feeling well. Hope it isn't too much out of your comfort zone. Have a good day and take care
🗒 ❛ Sassy But Caring Latinx! Reader ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky
#Notes: as a dad friend sassy latino myself this one was right up my alley ty
pronouns used: none
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
You definitely give him a lot of shit. When you first arrive he's all cocky thinking he has a new victim, but then as soon as you opened your mouth, boom, he got dragged. Since he's quite the troublemaker, you'll probably be screaming at him a lot.
"¡Jeff! ¿Que chingado estás hacendo?"
"Slender, the new recruit is speaking tongues again!"
Secretly thinks it's kinda hot when you speak Spanish. The rolling r's just do something to him. While he's absolutely not gonna try to learn it, he ends up picking up a thing or two just from hearing you and the context of the situation. Can't speak it to save his life, though. Still, he makes fun of your language all the time.
"What, you forgot English already?"
Also, he's like, terrible with self care. Not as bad as Ben, but still pretty bad. Doesn't shower for days and hates drinking water. You'll have to threaten him with a chancla to get him to actually take some care of himself.
"¡Jeffrey Woods, chingada madre, limpia tu habitación!"
"You can't fucking make me!"
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Little mister Hasn't Showered, Slept Or Eaten In A Week over here. I swear, this guy is helpless. Spends all his time cupped up in his room playing videogames and eating nothings but trash like some kind of fucking raccoon. You'll have the hardest time trying to take care of him.
"Ben, how long has it been since the last time you showered?"
"Uhmm... I don't know, about 9 days?"
" *sighs in spanish* "
Genuinely terrified of you when you get mad and start cussing in Spanish. He'll clean his room, he promises, just please put the chancla down!
Will actually be really happy if you make him Hispanic food. Not only does it taste good, but you made it for him because you care about him, and that means the world. He can't handle spicy stuff though, so be careful.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Not too bad in general when it comes to taking care of himself, but he does just... Forget to eat. All the time. He will just suddenly get light headed and remember he hasn't eaten a bite of food in the last 3-4 days. Another one who loves if you make him Hispanic food, but unlike Ben, he likes his shit extra spicy. Probably one of the only creeps who will try to learn Spanish to understand you better, even if you're fluent in English.
"H-hola, Y/N. Como- como estás?"
"Estoy bien, pero no necessitas hablar conmigo en español, chulo."
Yes, you call him "chulo". He will also listen to the music and just try to learn more of the culture in general to make you feel more welcome. Overall, genuinely puts in an effort in taking better care of himself so you don't have to worry about him as much.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
I'd be surprised if he didn't know Spanish already, which was probably a bit of a shock to you, but a good one nonetheless. He's not normally into gossip, but there's something extremely funny about talking shit about someone while they're right there and they have no idea what you're saying.
"Jeff es tan jodidamente estúpido."
"Sí, ¿verdad?"
"The FUCK you two talkin about?"
You won't have to worry about him much, he takes basic care of himself unlike most of the others. If anything, he's scolding rhe others WITH you. You're basically the parents of everyone else at this point.
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Has the biggest fucking crush on you and will forever be mad about it. I said this in the ideal S/O post - he needs someone who gives him shit but also looks out for him and the others. The fact that latino people are extra hot is just a bonus. Unfortunately, this also means he's extra mean to you.
"Tienes que dejar de fumar. Te va a joder los pulmones así."
"Sorry, doll, I don't speak 'freak'."
Like Jeff, secretly thinks it's hot when you speak in your language. Hates when you scold him, loves it when you scold others, especially if you get extra mad and start cussing in Spanish. It's just amusing to him. Plus, you make things easier for him now that he's not the only one parenting these weirdos and he's genuinely glad you came along.
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soccer-love · 11 months
Trouble maker
Magdalena Eriksson/Pernille Harder/Fc Bayern women x reader
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"Hello, sis." Magda greets me as I walk out of the airport, she pulls me into her arms and gives me a tight hug.
"Hey." I say and let myself rest in her arms for a few seconds.
"How was your flight?" she asks as she grabs my suitcase.
"Oh wonderful, never had a better time then when I got send away by my own mom." I answer and Magda sighs.
"You know that it is for your best, now come on, Pernille is waiting over there with our car."
We walk around the parking lot and I spot Pernille leaning against a silver car, she waves at us and also pulls me into a hug as soon as I am near her.
We drive to their apartment and I bring my stuff into the guest room, I stayed her many times, when I visited my big sister Magda, but never for so long.
I unpack my stuff, call our mom to tell her that I am fine and eat dinner with them before going back into my room.
After some time I hear a knock on the door, I expect it to be Magda but it's actually Pernille.
"Hey, can I come in?" she asks and I nod.
"It's your apartment." I say and pull my legs up to my chest so she can sit on the bed too.
"How do you feel?" she sits down next to me.
"Thrown out." I say, referring to my situation with mom.
"I know love and I also know that everyone told you that it is for your best, but it's true. You should give it all a chance." she says softly.
I stare at the wall where, someone - Magda? - hung up a few pictures of our family, me, our parents, her and Magda.
"When did mom tell you about what happened?"
"The same day, she called Magda and told her about what happened. I was out with some friends but she told me about it when I came home, you know we've been together for a really long time now and I can tell when something scares her and she really was. She knew that you would probably also won't have a good summer since most of the guys live in your neighborhood. So we offered your mom that you could stay with us." she explains.
Mom never explained it to me like that, at the last week of school she just told me that I will be staying with my big sister for the summer.
"And I like having you here." Pernille adds and I look at her.
I've known her since she got together with Magda, at first I was a little curious about them, not because I didn't like it that they where gay, hell no that was super okay with me, but because I loved my big sister to pieces and I was scared that a relationship would break our bond.
But Pernille was so sweet with me and never tried to get in between us so quickly it felt like she was also my big sister.
"I'm coming with you two, to your training right?" I ask and she nods.
"Yes, but don't worry we're not gonna drag you everywhere with us and we wanna make some day trips with you, but don't tell your sister I said that." she says and stands up.
"I won't tell anything." I promise and she smiles at me.
"Great, good night."
"Good night"
She leaves my room and I change into my pj's before laying down in bed, I read a couple of pages but then decide to call it a night and sleep.
"You can sit there." Magda points to a couple of benches where she also drops off her stuff. She explained to me that the first part of training they have todays is based of on there positions.
So while Pernille goes to her own training, I follow my big sister around like a lost puppy.
I notice that some of the players are looking at us, but they're to far away from us so that they could ask me who I am.
As Magda walks over to them, I pull my book out of my pocket and start reading.
A couple of times I took a break to watch them play but not for long.
"Uh what a surprise that Magda didn't put you on a leash." I hear Pernilles voice and look up, she and a couple of other players, the midfielders I suppose, are walking towards me.
This morning when we left their apartment, Magda said that incase I tried to run away during their training she would send Georgia to tickle me down.
I know that she was only joking but I also knew that she wouldn't be amused if I just went off without telling her.
"I think she realized that I am not a dog or a toddler." I answer and close my book.
Some of the other players are looking at us and then at each other but Pernille also notices it.
"I am sorry for my girlfriends bad manners, this is Y/N, Magdas little sister, she is staying with us for the summer." Pernille introduces me and some of them wave at me.
Most of the defenders Magda trained with also came over and hear Pernilles last words.
"Uhh, you sure can tell us some good stories about your sister." a women says and sits down next to me, her accent also sounds kind Scandinavian but she is defiantly not form Sweden, I would have known her from the national team.
"No she cant Glodis." Magda says to her, shaking her head.
"There are defiantly some, if you tell me I promise I protect her from you." Glodis whispers to me, but loud enough so everyone else can hear it too.
"Yeah there are some but I wouldn't be a good sister if I share them." I excuse myself and Magda nods proudly.
"That's right."
"Let her be Glodis, you also wouldn't share our stories." another women says with the same accent, she looks quiet younger than most of the players but not less sporty.
"I would never." Glodis answers, smiling at her.
And something between them, the look they share, is the same like between my sister and Pernille.
"Okay girls, let's get back to training." A man, I identify as their trainer Alexander Straus, says and they get up again.
This time I watch them and don't even notice when a women sits down next to me, she has a splint around her leg and is dressed in some normal cloths, not the usual FC Bayern cloths.
"I'm Caro." she says, looking at me.
"Y/N, I'm Magdas sister." I say also making clear who I am.
"Cool, normally I would also be a defender like her."
I look at her splint "What happened?"
"ACL, only a month ago, something every player is scared off." she explains and I nod.
"I am sorry."
She laughs at me "Don't be, I am fine."
I stay silent, not knowing what to reply to that.
"I don't wanna be rude, but why are you here? Spending the day watching some people playing football doesn't really seems like something, you want to do all summer long." she says, I look at Magda on the pitch.
"I got into some trouble in school and they didn't want me to get into any during the summer so I am here now." I explain and she nods.
We sit there watching them until the training is finished and then wait until they get out of the shower and go with the team to grab a late lunch.
After that I drive home with Magda and Pernille and they show me a little around their neighborhood.
Most of my days from them look like this, they have training and I come with them, sometimes Caro is also there and we talk a little, but most of the time I read.
Before or after their training, they show me around town, on our first weekend we go to a lake and go for a swim.
"Can I ask you something?" Caro says, sitting down next to me, it's a Monday, the sky is grey and I'm pretty sure that it will rain later.
"Sure." I say, putting my bock down and taking a sip from my water bottle.
"I think in the last two weeks I've got to know you really well, and to be honest, I cant imagine that someone like you would get into any trouble."
I look at the players.
Magda, our mom, my teachers, even Pernille, all of them asked me what happened.
"I punched a boy in the face." I say, that's what I told everyone, but never the reason why.
"He...you know that Magda and Pernille are pretty open about their relationship."
Caro nods but doesn't say anything.
"In our neighborhood, practically everyone knows everyone and some boys in my school, apparently weren't so okay with their relationship and they know that she's my sister so they started annoying me."
I pause, remembering the face of this asshole when he felt my fist hitting him.
"At first it where only some mean comments that weren't even about her, more like nerd or freak, a couple of weeks before summer, he said that I should write an essay for him or else he would tell everyone my sisters little secret. I didn't know what he meant, he never met my sister, so I refused and walked past him when he said that my sister was a whore and would burn in hell for having a relationship with a women, I asked him to repeat that because I could believe what I was hearing and he did. He said it again and some other things I won't repeat. Something inside me got so mad and before I could do anything, I punched him in the face."
Caro looks at me in shook.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I hear a voice and turn around, it's Magda, the other players behind her.
"You would be all freaked out about it, mom too, so I didn't say anything." I say, she walks up and sits down next to me.
"I am sorry that you have such problems because of me." she says but I grab her hand.
"Don't, there is nothing wrong with being gay, I know that, he is just not smart enough to understand something like that." I explain and she nods, wrapping an arm around me.
"That's true and if loving a women, means that we will burn in hell that I can live with that, because I already experienced haven in her love." Lea says, and comes closer.
I smile at her words, behind her I notice Glodis looking at Karo, Magda told me her name a couple of days ago.
"I'm proud of you for defending us, even though violence is not an answer." Magda says and hugs me softly.
"PARTY." Georgia screams and everyone looks at her confused.
"I mean we need to celebrate that, someone standing up for those who cant stand up for themselves, like...." she searches for the right word. "Like Wonder Woman, you are Wonder Woman."
I laugh and Magda shakes her head smiling.
"I agree with Georgia. Y/N only got punished for what she did, we should celebrate her." Klara agrees.
The team decides to meet up for Pizza tonight and have some fun, including me.
Later when we drive home, I lean towards Pernille who is sitting in the passengers seat, quietly humming to the song that's coming from the radio.
"I have a question." She turns towards me,
"Karo and Glodis." I say and she nods.
"Are they a couple?"
"YES I TOLD YOU THEY HAVE A VIBE!" Pernille screams and I need a minute to realize that she meant Magda.
"Unfortunately not, but I thought that too, the way they look at each other is just so gay." she says towards me.
So I wasn't the only one to see it.
"Maybe yes, but they need to figure it out on their own, nobody should make assumptions about someone else." Magda says and I laugh.
"Amen." I answer.
"But don't punch anyone if they look at them for too long." Magda fires back and I act offended.
"I would never." I say and make her laugh.
"Yeah, but I am still very proud that you stood up for us."
" I did it because I love you, you both." I look at Pernille for a second. "I know that violence isn't right, but nobody gets to say anything bad about my sisters."
"And I always thought that as a big sister I had to protect you but I guess it's the other way around me." Magda says, she stops at a red light and looks at me.
"I love you too sis."
"Me too, I love you both." Pernille adds "I love you to the moon and to Saturn."
"And the Taylor Obsession is coming trough." Magda says rolling her eyes, but smiling at her girlfriend.
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panlight · 3 months
hi!! i’m so sorry to keep sending you asks (if you get sick of it please just let me know and i’ll shut up i promise!! 💕💕)
so this is re: the cullens being in high school, as per the ask you answered a couple days ago! i also always thought it was super weird, and i’ve been thinking for a while now that a MUCH better cover story would for them all (even carlisle and esme) to be grad school housemates (i say this as someone who has now spent two years in grad school and is about to be there for another five at least lmaoooo)
here’s why i think it would work:
1. the age weirdness wouldn’t be as obvious bc people of all ages go to grad school (i started when i was 22 and had classmates in their 40s)
2. related to age, the visible/physical age also wouldn’t matter as much since some of my classmates (me included 😭😭) looked like we could still pass as high schoolers while others gave off huge “kids and a mortgage vibes” even if they were just like a year older
3. the whole looking “off” and tired thing is just like. the grad school Look™️. the shadows under the eyes and general gaunt-ish appearance honestly wouldn’t stand out that much and if somebody said something about them looking “off” or whatever, they could just be like “late night studying” and the other person would be like “lmao so true bestie”
4. if they pretended they were all renting space in the same big house (and carlisle and esme just acted a little less parental), the whole “dating each other” thing wouldn’t be that weird at all. i feel like it’s not that uncommon for couples who get along to rent different floors or sections of a house, and if they didn’t pretend to be one big weird family situation and instead just acted like they all met each other at school, i don’t think people would even bat an eye
5. people go to grad school forever. like. for so long (i vaguely knew of someone who was in the eighth or ninth year of her phd). esp if they picked something like a big state school where the “kids” could go to undergrad first, they could realistically do four years of undergrad, maybe a two or three year masters, and then a phd of indeterminate length (usually at least five). that would allow them to stay in the same place for at least 11 years
and this is not an official point, but i will note that for carlisle to still do his whole doctor thing, i think it would be perfectly reasonable for him to have already “graduated” or whatever, but continue to stay with his “friends” for financial reasons, or just bc the living situation worked for everyone
anyway, i’m so sorry this was so long, and honestly i bet someone has already said this somewhere before, but it just struck me when reading the “why tf are the cullens in high school” post that grad school would be such a great cover story for them
haha anyway thanks for putting up with my ramblings and thank you for all the lovely work you do on the blog!! 🥰🥰
I've definitely seen "just put them in college!" before (and I have made that argument myself) but I don't know if I've seen the grad school cover story specifically before!
It would allow Esme and/or Carlisle to be the 'peers' of their children rather than some sort of guardian or parental figures. They could, as you said, all be renting a house together and Esme could be studying architecture or getting a PhD in art history or whatever while the kids study who knows what. Maybe there's a medical school as well and Carlisle can go back (it still makes zero sense that Edward and Rosalie go "to keep him current' like how is that supposed to work? They come home and just recite from perfect vampire memory everything that happened in calls? Wouldn't Carlisle be keeping current by like, idk, actually being a doctor, reading journals, going to conferences, and continuing education?).
A group of friends renting a house together as a bunch of couples makes way more sense than two parents barely visibly older than their foster/adopted kids who all date each other.
And, honestly, it's probably a better use of their time to get actual advanced degrees rather than stopping at undergrad? I know because of secrecy how they use their knowledge and skills is somewhat fraught but like, publish papers under a false name or let someone else take the credit or something and you can still contribute to the world of academia.
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daintyys · 10 months
in sickness and in health
fem!reader x remus lupin, 648 words, VERY LIGHT swearing
tw for throwing up and other sick stuff. also in this the daughter is named gracie!
Your daughter was a germbag, and you knew that, but as a mother, of course you had to take care of your baby. So when you got sick from her, it was no surprise to you or your husband Remus.
It started with a cough, which Remus immediately pointed out.
"Love," He said as you walked through the front door hacking loudly. "how long have you had that cough?"
You cleared your scratchy throat and shrugged. "Woke up with it, probably just allergies." Hanging up your scarf, you felt two strong arms snake their way around your waist.
"Hi handsome." You breathed, turning to look up at Remus. He smiled, his curly hair falling over his eyes perfectly.
"Y/N, I really don't like the sound of that cough, you have the same one that Gracie had." He looked worried, and you didn't like that.
"I appreciate your concern, Remus, but I'll be alright. I'll run a bath and maybe that'll help clear my lungs." You kissed your husband's lips quickly and made your way upstairs.
You ran a hot bath, and tried to relax. It was working until your daughter Gracie burst into the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. Remus ran in after her, trying to pull her out of the bathroom. "Gracie, Mama needs some quiet. Can we please just go read in your room?" He pleaded.
You stayed quiet, not wanting to make the situation worse, until you were suddenly overcome by nausea. "Remus, please get out with her right now." You squeaked, grabbing your towel.
"What's wrong? Oh-" He began as he watched you run to the toilet.
You hated vomiting, and Remus knew that, so he immediately called your parents to come pick up the kids.
"Good thing Gracie doesn't have school tomorrow." He whispered, rubbing your back and sitting with you next to the toilet. You let out a small laugh, and then immediately vomited again.
"My beautiful, sick, lovely wife," Remus cooed, pulling your hair back. "I am so sorry for you." You turned your head toward him, with a slight grin on your face as you proclaimed: "You're next".
After finishing up in the bathroom, Remus lead you to your bedroom. "What pajamas do you want, baby?" He asked, going through the drawers of your dresser. "The fluffy white ones." You sighed, shivering profusely.
"I love these on you," Remus said as he helped you get changed. "you look like a polar bear in them."
"A polar bear who feels like shit." You groaned. Remus laughed, grabbing your hairbrush. He brushed your hair back into a bun and helped you into bed.
"I can do this stuff for myself, you know, but I'm not complaining." You giggled, cuddling up in the blankets. Remus smirked, laying down next to you. "I love being at your service." He purred, kissing your cheek.
"Oh don't do that! You'll get sick too!" You gasped, pushing him away slightly. He gasped dramatically, and pulled you closer. "If getting sick means I get to spend more time with you alone, then I'm all in." Remus professed, gently playing with your hair.
You couldn't fight him on it, so you let him stay, and when you woke up in the morning, he was already out of bed.
Along with waking to being alone, you now also had an awful headache, and a stuffed up nose. You jumped a little as the door opened and Remus walked in, shirtless and holding two hot mugs of tea.
You blushed, still feeling that girlish crush for him even though you were married. Remus noticed, and laughed quietly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
"How are you, Y/N?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you took a mug from him.
"Well, much better now that you're here." You said, kissing him tenderly.
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atxxzist · 10 months
sweetest lies | c.s (02)
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prev // next // series m.list
pairing: choi san x f!reader
word count: 7.3k
warning: not any i can think of
a/n: not much drama but lots of trips down memory lane
in all honesty, you can't remember when the line between respect and infatuation started to blur when it came to yunho.
you met him at the age of twelve, just as you were about to enter junior high. you had found him crying outside the choi's residence one afternoon, and was shocked by the news; both of his parents' passing and that he was now one of them, because the choi only had one son and he was nothing like the sweet and obedient boy in front of you.
despite him being younger, you had a lot of respect for him because he was smart and treated everyone he ever came across with only nothing but kindness.
yunho wasn't only well mannered and pleasing to the eyes, but he was hardworking--a trait that made him incredibly easy to like, although you did felt bad at times because you were afraid he was pushing himself to meet the expectations of those around him.
but he was never fazed by any of it--the hard work, or the efforts he had to go to. he simply did it because he wanted to.
by the time he finished high school, he had enough trophies, medals, and certificates to fill his entire room.
yunho💕: can we please talk
the sigh that leaves you is both the contrasting combination of irritation but also relieved, because you weren't sure what was gonna happen after last night.
if you were gonna have to be the one to go out of your way to settle things or whatever they are at this point.
you leave him on seen just long enough to be petty, until another text comes.
yunho💕: i'll come to your workplace after you get out?
y/n: 👍
yunho is there and waiting for you just like he said he would, the moment you catch the other's gaze, you think he must've swallowed down some tension. he usually isn't one who's ever nervous about anything.
it's a lot of awkward fidgeting and humming under breaths until you two agree on a bench just outside of the office, just about when the area's cleared of most of your coworkers.
it's like an air of dreaded silence, considering you've never got into a fight with yunho before, the moment feels never-ending.
"h-how are you feeling?" he asks, everything about his voice to the question surprising you.
a part of you wishes he had said something else, or at least for the delivery to come out meaner just so you'll have another reason to get over him and not think about the million others why you can't.
"how do you think i'm feeling?" you reply, a little snappy in nature that yunho almost wants to be surprise by the tone, but he knows better than anyone that that's just how you are.
you have a way of showing emotions, often times flip flopping between vulnerable and cynical, the latter of which he always believe to be a defense mechanism.
"sorry..." he mumbles, like the word falling out of defeat. "i should've told you sooner. i mean... i was going to."
you can't help the scoff that slips despite yunho doing his very best to make the conversation as tame as a situation like this can be. but you suppose you also hold some rights to complain and be a bitch about it.
"yeah, but you didn't. i had to walk in on you and my own sister myself."
yunho recoils from the sentence, your delivery poking at something he's not sure what is, but he knows he don't like it.
"i didn't know you were coming," is all he says, calm in his voice but also ominous to a degree.
you cross your arms, continuing to stare ahead. the entire time, the both of you haven't looked at the other once.
"i was able to get off early and texted you like a bunch of times."
"i don't always have the constant need to check my phone, so i'm sorry."
he's apologizing, but there's an impatient edge to his voice that if you just continue pushing it, he will burst; at least it feels like it, the undertone of his response not sitting well with you.
a moment of unpleasant silence passes before you speak again.
"so it's true what san told me? all this time, you've always had someone else? and you've never thought of telling me any of it?" that same hurt and betrayal multiplying by the second just bringing up the reminder.
you add on, "and of all people, that someone is my sister? just when exactly did it even fucking happened?"
yunho opens his mouth to say something only to retreat with a sigh instead, waiting for just long enough in order for the appropriate words to strike.
"it just kind of happened naturally, i guess."
naturally. it stings more than it should, the visual in your head of the progression day by day as your sister's smile or small quirks catches the interests of yunho to the point he falls for her, and she falls in return.
that he sees what everyone else sees, and it's the part you hate the most.
the attraction toward one another built on a foundation similar to gravity where one cannot help but to be pulled toward each other. unlike you and yunho. even if you were magnet, he most likely still wouldn't stick.
no matter how much you try pushing the thought away; know that you're being immature and unreasonable, bitter is a feeling you've always acted on.
consumed by the jealousy and rage that your sister once again, took something from you.
"oh... i see," you murmur, yunho could've missed it if he wasn't next to you, but he can hear very clearly how your voice drops after, following with a dry chuckle that makes him turn head.
"tell me, what is so special after her?" you hold his gaze, your head now tilted as the mean and mocking look in your eyes says everything. "what made you fall this hard when i was the one who was actually by your side?"
now you're starting to really push it, yunho doing his best to contain the brewing temper but you have such a way with words that knows how to hit exactly where it hurts.
"she's really that fucking good, huh? that you--"
"--stop talking about your sister like that!"
the outburst takes you by surprise, your body flinching at the sudden crank of volume, yunho sounding and looking the most angry you've ever seen since almost 11 years ago when a group of boys were picking on you.
"can you for once, leave your sister's name out of your mouth?"
his heaving chest and stern look on his face is something entirely new. you didn't even think yunho could ever be this pissed off about anything before.
it leaves you speechless, your mind scrambling for something to say in return just to make yourself feel a little better.
"this is exactly why i couldn't tell you," he says, now calming down but still serious as he runs a hand through the front of his hair. "i knew you wouldn't be able to face the truth."
“because he didn’t want to hurt you,” he unveils, much to your stunned reaction. “he knew you’d lash out and act exactly the way you did when you saw them back at the party.”
"and what would that be?" you push, really setting yourself up for all the hurt and pain that's about to come because yunho is absolutely right.
"that me and your sister love each other."
his words sink in like a bad ache, your brain still refusing to accept the pain receptors but it's all very real. the heavy and uncomfortable sensation running through your chest and the curling of your grip as they tighten.
you don't wish to hear any more of how perfect they are for each other, or more specifically, how more perfect she is for him than you.
"but i love you, too."
it's awful and cringe and makes you regret it the second it comes out, but you literally couldn't think of anything else.
"no..." yunho talks under his breath, shaking his head. "i'm not sure you've ever really loved me."
you draw back slightly, the puzzled expression on like he's accused you of a crime you didn't commit.
"i don't think you love me," he finishes off.
yunho didn't want to tell you (just yet) for numerous reasons. the fact you wouldn't be able to accept the truth is one thing, but he mainly held it back for this long because he didn't want to hurt you.
no matter how frustrating you can be at times, often than most acting on impulse and letting the unreasonable voice in your head get the better of you, he didn't want to be another someone who had let you down.
disappointed you and tossed you away; and for your sister of all people.
he grew up with you and watched as you go from a somewhat lively and carefree person to the one you are today.
how, you actually used to love and care for your younger sister, always by her side to protect her and fend off anyone who thought any less of her.
he's watched and sat through dinners and social events of family members comparing the two of you, able to vividly recall the both embarrassed and sad look on your face when they'd all praise her instead.
how much prettier, smarter, and better she is than you.
and he was definitely there when your parents sidelined you for your sister's accomplishments, over the years also a witness to the relationship that soon turned sour and leaving a huge wall between you guys.
he can't remember the last time you two even spoke to one another without all the lingering tension and bitterness up in the air.
so he more than anyone knows how much of a sore spot just talking about your sister is, the prolonging of the revelation one that is to protect you from the hurt he knew you'd undoubtedly experience.
but he's afraid that it's been going on too long; the need to tear the band aid right off and tell you everything for what it is.
"of course i love you, yunho." your soft tone rips him from the thought and to the desperation in your eyes.
"if you love me then you would be happy for me."
you've never been shy of letting such a thing be known, whether saying it outright or making implications of it. yunho always well aware to the fact that you've been silently hoping he'd take matters into his own hands one day and ask you the long awaited question or say those three words.
but truth be told, even if it wasn't your sister, it would've been someone else.
not because he don't think you are wonderful and worth loving in your own little ways, but because ever since he turned 18 and graduated high school, his cognition much more developed and refined, he was sure of a suspicion he had quite some time ago: that you don't actually love him. at least not for the right reasons.
"how can i be happy for you when it's her of all people? you know how she makes me feel!"
that all or most of it is just to one-up your sister, this twisted game having turned into obsession and masked under the pretense of love, succeeding in convincing yourself to believe it as well.
"i know that you've spent all your life being compared to her, and i understand... but don't you think it's time to grow up a little and start facing those issues?" his voice turns a serious, reprimanding tone without coming off too harsh.
"i'm not some trophy to be won over to prove who's better, and just because i like your sister doesn't make you any less. i'm sorry that the adults were so awful to you growing up, but it's time you start loving yourself. not look to someone else for validation just to feel better temporarily, but i want you to be happy..."
he pauses to catch his breath, an empathetic expression washing over before closing it off.
"i should've told you sooner, i'm sorry. i was a coward. but i don't want to carry any more baggages or be responsible for someone else's entire self esteem. let's free ourselves... from each other."
you stay quiet and yunho's not sure what to make of the lack of reactions, but although he's said everything he's always wanted to, the guilt blooming in his chest weighs heavy; it's always been too easy to sympathize with you.
another reason he's sure made you cling onto him as hard as you did, was because he was really the only person to accept you for who you are.
yunho never asked for anything, or for you to change.
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if someone was to tell you that one day, you'd go out of your way to look for san, you would've laughed and told them to go fuck themself.
but you're standing in front of the door to his condo--somehow surprisingly able to recall the location just from the trip earlier today, and silently going over everything currently wrong with your life and how you have no one else to talk to about your problems but san.
the one person you swore up and down to that you wouldn't even give the time of day to if you and him were the last people on earth, but now seeming like the only option.
you place a few knocks but for all you know, he might not even be home. he could be back at his parents' place or fucking off somewhere else.
the door comes apart when you were least expecting it, san's figure standing before you with his black shirt, sweatpants, and hooded beanie.
his rather dull pair of eyes turning a wide one when he sees it's you. it's not everyday that you'd come waddling through the front of his doorstep. or at all.
"i thought christmas is still a month away," he remarks lightheartedly, the comment honestly slipping before he can even fully process the strangeness of the situation, or the fact you obviously look like you had been crying.
"can i come in?" you ask, the soft, vulnerability of the question takes san a step back because he most definitely expected a snide comment in return.
"yeah, sure..." he replies hesitantly, widening the door and moving aside but unable to help but be suspicious that at any given moment, you just might come clear it’s all just a cruel joke.
you stay still in position, gaze fixated on the interior that you saw this morning until you hear the shutting of the door and snaps around.
"missed the place already?" he lets another one slip, a smirk at the corner of his lips that prompts an eye roll from you.
but he might just be doing it because he's not sure what to make of a conversation if you're both not spewing hateful things to each other's faces, or that he just remembered what he said to you this morning and feels just the slightest awful about it.
the complete and utter silence from you makes the scene both uneasy and unsettling, he lingers in the awkwardness for a few more seconds before opening his mouth, only for you to beat him with words that's been dying to get out.
"i'm uhm... i'm sorry," you utter lowly, sounding and appearing ashamed by the way your fingers fiddle with each other at your front, san almost can't believe it.
"i'm sorry, about this morning."
because all it took for you to realize how pathetically nonexistent your social life is, or that you practically chased off anyone who has ever given the slightest fuck about you, is that other than yunho, you're not sure who else to confine in.
who can stand you and listen to your problems; and now that he's the cause of it, the lack of a support system you have is quite eye opening in a depressing sort of way.
"oh," he says, sounding similar to a whisper and eyes downcasting to the floor for a quick second. "it's fine, really. i didn't think too much of it."
not of what you said because you've definitely spewed worse things before, but he did think a lot about what he said and how carried away he got.
you might've called him a manwhore and told him to fuck off more times than he can count, and he'd retaliate with sensual remarks bordering offensive, but there seems to be some kind of unspoken ground rules between the two of you and he might've broken it.
he still grew up with you nonetheless and holds some weird, sentimental value over the fact.
you just nod, both of your body language so unusual and the atmosphere oddly pleasant.
he breaks the silence with a rather heartfelt apology, "i'm also sorry. that was a really mean thing to say."
"no." you shake your head to rebut. "you were right. i was just in denial."
your mind races back to the departure not even two hours ago, like you can almost hear yunho's voice through the flashback.
"you should probably start heading back. it's cold out here," yunho says, the swift glance at your attire makes him wonder how you're not shivering just yet.
"i can walk you to your car," he adds.
"i'll be fine."
your cold, cut-throat tone stops him dead in his track, yunho only able to stare as he tries to predict your next movement.
"you can go."
the words die in yunho's throat, a tiny protest on the horizon but he knows it's best if he leaves you alone for now. take the time to dwell in your own emotions as you try to process the changes, and eventually and hopefully, accept them.
he nods, clearing his throat the same time he stands up and takes one last look at you, giving into the last thing he wants to tell you.
"i hope you won't think of it as a loss, but instead, i want you to see it as an opportunity to find yourself."
"also, thank you for looking after me last night. if you didn't, i most definitely would've ended up on the news, or worse."
san's stoic expression soon morphs into a somewhat cocky smile at that, one eyebrow raising to complement it.
"this day cannot get any weirder. i mean, not that i'm complaining." he shrugs, and it makes you want to yell at him for ruining the moment.
"no, really. thanks to your stalkerish behavior, i was able to wake up in one piece," you snark playfully, half expecting him to be offended, but it has the opposite effect with his smile growing even bigger.
it's not the first time he so shamelessly takes pride in the fact.
most of your greetings or first words upon seeing him always within the line of "did you follow me?" given ever since your parents got acquainted with the neighbors next door and forced you kids to get along, choi san has had a knack for following you since the mere age of nine.
you still remember his much smaller figure back then trailing behind you and around the entire perimeter of the gated community, annoyingly pleading for you to play with him or else he's gonna wipe his boogers on you.
he was very much a kid of his words and had done exactly what he said he would when you told him to get lost, smudging your new shirt with what he'd call "shrek" because he was a disgusting nine year old boy who liked to name his boogers.
it was the first out of many that you made him cry, retaliating with a hard push to his shoulders that sent his frail body to the cement, and in turn, got you in trouble.
(if you try that now, you'll get it handed to you)
it was the start of your dislike for him that only seemed to grow the older you two got. because san went from being a defenseless little kid whose most threatening act was to tell your parents, to a middle schooler with wider, meaner vocabularies, and by the time he entered high school, you practically had no chance against him.
if he wanted to corner you in a room or put another of his snot on your new shirt, you were just gonna have to put up with it.
"how do you, by chance, always know where i'm at?" you ask genuinely, thinking back to all the instances he just so happened to be there.
"you're predictable," he simply says, making you raise an eyebrow in response, wondering if that's the case or if he just pays way too much attention to you, which, you never fully understood.
you both existed to piss off the other person, but san always knew more about you than the other way around.
"hmm," you dismiss it with a hum, followed by a pretentious act of checking the surrounding because you have a big favor to ask him, and your lips at the moment feels like they don't want to cooperate.
"san," you call even somewhat sweet-sounding, it might be the calmest you've ever said his name, watching as some kind of amusement takes over him and he reacts with a head tilt, hands shoved inside the pockets of his pants, replying with a cool, "yeah?"
"can i stay over? just for tonight?"
you almost expect him to crack a snarky comment, something in the fashion of how he's been waiting for this day where you practically get on your knees and beg for his help, but where you're predictable, san is quite the surprise.
he doesn't drop any smart comments or take the very tempting chance of rubbing your helplessness in your face.
he just nods and proceeds to state, "but you're gonna have to tell me why you're here."
you scoff.
"you literally already know why i'm here."
you think you're gonna go crazy if you have to retell (and relive) yours and yunho's 'relationship', and how disillusioned you were in all of its expectation.
"yes, but i'm gonna need to know how you managed to piss off so many people for you to show up here of all places."
you didn't have many friends growing up, san recalling you being tough as a nail and frightening most of the kids away, girls and boys.
most of the time, if you weren't busy sniffing yunho up who was right by your side, you were alone at a table ripping stickers from sticker sheets and decorating the journal he's seen you with since the first day he got moved to the same school.
he still doesn't know what's in it, but he knows you gave a kid a black eye once when they tried to steal it.
the only other people he's ever seen you with besides yunho, were hongjoong and seonghwa.
it was during his first ever college party, an invitation by a fellow classmate and now friend, mingi.
he might've had far too many drinks that night and a small makeout session that left his shirt wrinkled and neck stained with kiss marks that he just needed to find a restroom and get cleaned up; it being the first party and all.
that was how he winded up near the hallway of you and two males, one of them leaning on the wall with a drink in his hand, and the other debating with you as both of your voices fight to become the dominant one.
none of you guys noticed him as he quickly slipped into the found restroom, too entirely distracted by your own interests.
he assumed they were sophomores just like you, and he was right.
he wasn't as surprised that you were even capable of making new friends, but more so at the fact that yunho wasn't there.
probably the only instances he'd see you at a social or public event without yunho was when you were with them, sometimes even using either hongjoong or seonghwa to locate your whereabouts because you were whatever they were at.
his and your friend group even started banters on the occasion and just do stupid party shit together sometimes.
but by the time you were about to graduate and leave school, you stopped hanging out with them for some reason he never dared to ask.
it was a bummer for sure because san's never seen anyone just click with you as much as they did.
"it's complicated," you tell him when he finally brought up the question, seated across from you on the single sofa while you take occupancy of the big, modular one.
similar to how you've dealt with most of your problems, you don't like talking about it or reopening wounds of the past. but if you're gonna be using san as a getaway, you figure you owe him at least an answer.
something about his current state and attentiveness a telltale sign that you can trust him. though to be frank, you never felt threatened or endangered with san having so many knowledge of you in the palm of his hand. oddly.
you tell him of the last conversation you had with hongjoong before the both of you declared you two were better off without each other.
the conversation a heated one, but neither about stupid politics or gross food combinations.
one that ended nastily and with a lot of bad feelings that leaves enough grudge to fill an entire room, unable to bear the sight of the other for more than a minute at most.
"tonight. at chan's party. he said he can hook up some equipments and i can just bring my laptop. so it's like a reveal party or whatever," hongjoong informs over the phone.
"oh shit, tonight?" you repeat, pacing around your room to find something to wear.
"i uh... i can't," you break the news, catching yourself in the mirror and recoiling almost immediately because you know how much of a shit friend you're about to sound. "i promised yunho we'd catch a movie. i'm actually getting ready right now."
the silence from hongjoong's end makes you nervous, but it wouldn't be the first time you blew him and seonghwa off for yunho.
you realize that day, you have a limit, and it would only be fair that so does others.
"it's just a movie. can't you reschedule?"
the shift of tone going from cheerful and excited to impatient takes you by surprise, having to scramble quickly for what to say in response.
"i can't. yunho's gonna be busy for the rest of the week."
"okay? so am i. it's probably still gonna be in theaters for the next couple of weeks or so anyway."
"i already said i'm going and we're leaving in like 20 minutes," you say, the annoyance in your voice very clear to hongjoong.
"it's a fucking movie, y/n," he states, the more careful tone from before all gone, unable to believe you. "you're acting like it's not gonna be available online a month or two from now."
you fume through your nose, time running shorter as you spend it arguing with hongjoong over the phone.
"and it's a fucking song, hongjoong. show me on your laptop or send it some other time. beside, i already told you i'm not going to another college party for the rest of the year. they're always so filthy, filled with stupid people, and i always end up making bad decisions."
hongjoong scoffs from the other side and you don't miss how dry and sarcastic it sounds.
"i'm asking you to come listen to a song i've been working on for almost two years, not for you to come snort some fucking coke."
"well it's too late. you should've called earlier."
"maybe i should've, but i also thought you were gonna be better than this and not leave your friends for a guy who barely gives a shit about you."
granted, you both did say a lot of fucked up things that day that neither can take back, and you were, undoubtedly, furious at the time (and especially at that comment) and only thought of how to hurt him the same in return.
the guilt passed with time, but you wouldn't ever tell him that you knew you were in the wrong. everything all your fault because you always placed yunho above them despite knowing that deep down, the two cared for you and treated you like family.
they always looked out for you at all parties and never pressured you to do anything you didn't want to. all the stupid, bad decisions were by your own choice because you were too sad and depressed and didn't want to hear any more of your sister's acceptance to one of the big three universities, nor read another email from one of your professors about withdrawing the class before you'd most likely end up with an f.
but you're too prideful, selfish, and a bit ashamed, you won't ever admit it to hongjoong's face. especially not after all these years.
"that's it?" san exclaims after you finished.
"well, yes."
"if you know you were wrong, you should just apologize. nothing good about prolonging some bad blood. especially when it could be easily mended."
you admit the scene is a bit bizarre; san giving you advice and you sitting calmly as you try to digest his words that doesn't trigger a nerve, because for once, it actually sounds somewhat reasonable, though unrealistic (according to you).
but you suppose it's what this night is gonna be all about.
"it's not that easy," you counter, "a sudden apology all these years is... weird."
san chuckles, picking up the manner in which you curl your hands together in your lap as you said that.
it's hard to take your tough act seriously sometimes, because he can see the guilt or fear in your eyes and that you just want to give into it.
"yeah, and look at where that behavior got you," he says, not mean or intending to hurt. if anything, he actually takes sympathy on you "stuck talking to someone you don't even like."
you twitch an eye for a second at that.
"but i'm not having too bad of a time so far."
"hmm," he hums, quick to move the topic along. "i suppose you haven't eaten?"
"i had lunch... a couple hours ago."
well, it was more a snack that you had gotten from the vending machine because there was no time this morning.
"i could probably whip up something real quick."
you watch as he stands up and trails to the kitchen, opening and closing cabinets left and right before a smile quirks up on his lips.
"buldak or shin ramen?" he waves both of the packages as he awaits an answer.
"shin ramen. i don't feel like destroying my stomach tonight."
he nods it off with a light snicker, your lips puckering from the silence after and deciding to throw in a lighthearted tease.
"i thought you were gonna be making steaks or call for delivery."
he looks up from the pot he was washing and sends a smirk your way, completely unfazed.
"i'm a 23 year old guy, of course i don't know how to cook. but if you want to call for delivery, suit yourself."
"if you're gonna be living by yourself, it would be beneficial to learn how. but i'm good with just ramen for now," you reply, eyes moving away to wander the area before fixating on san again.
"you have any extra towels?" you ask.
"should be in the bathroom."
"okay. then i'm gonna head in for a quick shower while you do that."
you can see his nodding from where you're at, stopping as you have the bathroom door halfway open and looking over your shoulder to bother him with one last question.
"uh, do you have any extra shirt and shorts i can borrow? just for tonight. i'll return it by morning. i've just literally been wearing this thing for almost two days now," you refer to the red dress, not as satin or clean as it was yesterday.
your boss almost went into cardiac arrest when you showed up with it, considering the strict dress code, but he took pity of a story you made up and was honestly just relieved you even showed up at all—though you did get a written warning for the late arrival.
"i should. you can go to my room and pick them out for yourself."
you're a tad taken aback by the freewill but thanks him anyway before going into his room and taking the first black t-shirt and shorts you see because it feels wrong in every way even if it isn't.
you catch the sight of him humming a tune under his breath and rocking his head to it before you disappear off into the bathroom, releasing the giggle you've been holding.
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"this is definitely overcooked," you pass the comment while examining the soft, mushy, yellow strands of noodles in front of you.
"i might've gotten distracted," san explains, sitting in the stool beside you on the kitchen island where he might've been for a while, it makes you think back to the soft call of your name after you finally got out of the shower and stuffed yourself into his clothings.
"i gotta give it to you. it takes a real lack of skill to mess up something as simple as ramen," you poke fun at him, the words more casually sounding than anything because you're used to putting him down, but still taking a sip of the broth nonetheless because he worked hard on it--more or less.
he smiles it off, and even while guzzling down the noodles, you don't miss the way his gaze lowers to your chest, and then legs, prompting you to cower just slightly because it's just you and san in a big, almost empty condo.
san's good at making you feel a lot of things, but nervous and flustered usually weren't the cases.
"you look good in it," he says casually, your heart bursting in relief because you have no idea what the hell you thought he was gonna say.
you look down at his shirt you're wearing before meeting his eyes again, mustering an unnatural sounding, "thanks."
you return to your food and let the thought die, but san's gaze burning the side of your face makes you snap back.
"what's wrong?" you ask, and you can see him tensing up from the question.
"so what after this?" he breaks it clear and direct, though filled with joy just sitting and talking to you, the air never this nice and pleasant before, he's also curious to an extent. about you and the steps you're gonna take.
you shrug, releasing the spoon and chopsticks in your hold before engaging in a silent stare-off with him.
"i haven't given it much thought. i was kind of busy burying my relationship with yunho, whatever that is."
he lets a quiet hum of acknowledgement coast by, figuring it's fair enough you would need time, only for you to start talking again.
"but there are things i've always wanted to do, too," you tell him a little shy, because it must sound crazy that you also have your own dreams and wants beside yunho's attention.
yunho was many sources of your happiness, but he also held you back in many ways. not he the person, but the ideals and expectaions you've built for him.
you've had a lot of chances and opportunities to better yourself, and you threw them all away for a fantasy in your head.
true friends, ambitions, some sort of true calling that you're not existing just to exist--you don't have any of those at the age of 24.
"yeah? and what are those things?" he asks, so much enthusiam, you want to believe he actually cares what you have to say.
"it's not that big of a dream or goal," you say with a chuckle, like he might find it ridiculous. "i just want to... travel."
you await his reaction, your heart wrapped in a foreign warmth when he just smiles.
"a dream is a dream. no matter how small or big," he comforts you, "but traveling is definitely not anything small. where do you want to go?"
"everywhere," you answer, "i want to go to many places... but preferably anywhere but here."
he cranks an eyebrow.
"you're not planning on running away, are you?" he questions, the delivery innocent enough but also slightly concerned because he thinks there's a chance that might be exactly what you plan to do.
"no," you reply, giggling only shortly.
"i hope you won't think of it as a loss, but instead, i want you to see it as an opportunity to find yourself."
you're still mad at yunho and hate how he chose your sister over you, but if anything, you hate how reasonable and logical he still managed to sound amid all of it.
that you pretty much placed everything else on the backburner just for the hope that his reciprocated love would fix the sorrow and unhappiness you experience on a daily basis.
"just brainstorming," you assure, "thinking about what i can do, now that i don't have to consider yunho and leaving him."
leaving him for your heart's desire, so afraid that you would let the chance slip right through the palm of your hand if you did. but now, there's nothing left to lose and you suppose it's a conflicted and warped up feeling of freedom.
san nods to it, snapping himself out of the trance and catching just how immersed he was to every word that you said.
"i should probably finish the noodles before it gets cold," you say, once you realize how long it's just been sitting there while you two talked.
you get two gulps out of it before you're pulled away by a question.
"why do you care so much about what others have to say about you and your sister?"
he's aware it's a bit blunt and inappropriate considering how well it's going, but he doesn't say it to be mean but because he wants to understand you.
he's been there and has seen as much as yunho have, watching you throw nasty glares your sister's way or growing irritated at the drop of her name.
he knows there's psychology behind how all of this works (that he's unfortunately lacking of knowledge about), but he wants to hear it from you. why you always put yourself down and chooses to live in your sister's shadow when you're as equally capable.
"you wouldn't understand," you mumble, refusing to look him straight in the eyes although he isn't shying away from it one bit, going to pick at the noodles with your utensils.
"if you tell me, i might."
the shift of atmosphere is heavy, the air no longer lighthearted but now serious as silence fills it briefly.
"is it because you're insecure from always being pitted against her?"
you still don't answer, instead taking a bite out of your bowl and hoping he'll just let it pass because you're aware in some ways that you're gonna sound unreasonable, childish, and petty.
just an older sister jealous of her younger one because she's better in every way.
but you've always been one to sit and brew in your own emotions and anger until they eventually turn into something much worse.
"if you want some help, you need to talk to me. i understand you might not want to, but i promise i won't run off with the information or use it against you. i'm much better than what you give me credits for."
you swallow and drop the utensils, facing him on and releasing a sigh.
"yes," you say, "i care so much about what others have to say about me and her because i already know they'll just talk down on me."
"and why would you assume that?" he asks.
you scoff, as if he's making you state the obvious.
"because i always fall behind on everything. even small things like socializing and making friends comes so much more naturally to her," you say, strong at first but tapering out eventually. "but it's not as easy for me... i-i find it hard talking to people or trying to make friends."
and even when you do, you seem to have a habit of driving them away.
san takes a deep breath and stares at you in pity.
"but you shouldn't be measuring your worth based on your sister's accomplishments or setting her as the standard. comparison sucks, i understand. and i know it's easier said than done, but you're great in your own ways. trust me."
you don't say anything back, not because you don't want to, but it's how your heart takes a dive and leaves you speechless hearing san tell you that.
a light pink blush makes an appearance on his cheeks but he's quick to move it along with a clear of his throat.
"what i meant to say is, i've been there before. you really think i was spared any of it when yunho of all people is my stepbrother and i'm the biological son?"
you suppose if she was your stepsister instead, it might be a lot worse.
but with san, he's always been nonchalant like nothing ever bothers him. it would be a lot easier for him to dismiss it.
"well if only i could be as carefree as you," you mumble.
"it definitely bothered me at first, but i didn't see why i should be losing sleep over it. me and yunho are two very different people after all who does our own things. i'm proud of what he's achieved so far, and he's always had my back when needed."
when the night drags on and you're both getting too tired for overwhelming conversations, you go to bed in the spare bedroom after helping him clean up and let today's event sink in. so many things to process at once.
despite all of yours and san's history and indifferences, you can admit that there may be a thing or two you can learn from him.
so unusual seeing his irritating and cunning self turn so much more soft and empathetic, you're starting to feel bad for all the times you've cursed his name over simple mishaps.
thinking back to what he said earlier and being surprised he even had the kindness to do so.
"comparison sucks, i understand. and i know it's easier said than done, but you're great in your own ways. trust me."
that san would be able to make one of your worst days into something a lot less worse and even comforting.
then you think about yunho, wondering if he's right about the fact you never loved him, before drifting off.
when san wakes up in the morning, he almost forgot you had stayed over until he makes way into the kitchen and the yellow sticky note plastered on the front door takes his attention.
thanks for letting me stay the night :) you're kind of pleasant to be around when you don't think with your dick. btw i left your clothes in the laundry basket. see you around i guess - y/n
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heavyhitterheaux · 5 months
Church Girl, Don't Hurt Nobody Part 2 (Slight NSFW)
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Synopsis: The time has now come for you to confront your mother about your relationship with Jack. Your mind is already made up, and the last thing that you would ever do is ruin your happiness. It doesn't go as planned, and you are left with a lot to think about.
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Read Part 1 first
Requested by: so many of you lol so I had to run it back
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You currently had both of your legs on your boyfriend's shoulders as his face was between your thighs with the sunlight peeking through the floor length windows.
This had been going on for close to a week since you were hiding out from your parents for as long as you could. You knew that you were going to have to face them sooner or later, but later was beginning to sound better and better. 
After Jack had found out from his friends the truth about you as well as your family, he was obviously upset, but could understand from your point of view why you did it once you had explained everything to him and had a few days to think about. He was lowkey still upset about it, but didn’t want to let you see it since now everything was out in the open and he knew your mind was on overdrive. He had lost track of how many times you had cried about it.
You were scared shitless of what was about to happen when you went home and was putting it off for as long as you could. Of course that night even though Jack was clearly upset with you, he wanted for you to stay with him. In the back of his mind, even though he initially said that he was probably going to break up with you because you lied to him, he quickly changed his mind after hearing your explanation and the bottom line was he didn't want to be without you.
Your phone had been going off nonstop since the picture was posted and you hadn’t answered anyone. You were actually surprised that not once did your mother call you and you knew that she was pissed. But at this point, should you even care what she thought about you? Your fate was sealed anyway.
After the picture was posted the two of you were sitting across from each other in silence. You knew he was mad at you and you were trying to create a plan in your head for the both of you to get through this with no harm done, but you were coming up short.
You were always so careful when going out at night and the one time you weren't, someone snapped a photo of you. 
Wanting to give your boyfriend some space (if he was still your boyfriend at that point for that matter since you didn't know) you didn’t even say anything and had gotten up to start making your way to the door but as you went to open it, you saw Jack's hand come from behind you to close it.
"Where are you going?" Jack asked from behind you and when you didn't answer him, he turned you around to face him with tears in your eyes and a trembling lip and knew they were about to fall down. 
"I… just… you're my escape and my peace from everything that goes on around me and it's just why can I never do anything for myself? Why can't I do what I want? I am 27 years old, still sneaking out of my parents house to see my boyfriend. And I'm sorry for dragging you into this. I should have been honest from the beginning and I'm sorry for that.”
"Dragging me into what? I don't regret asking you to be my girlfriend so don't you think that for a second."
He wanted to be with you for the long haul and this was just something that the two of you had to face together. He was going to do his best to protect you to the best of his ability from the world and also your parents.
“Talk to me in a week and we'll see if you feel the same way.”
“The way I feel about you isn't going to go away in a week so I know that my answer is going to be the same.”
“I don't even know where to begin to fix this.”
“Let me ask you this. What exactly needs to be fixed? We're together like we want to be aren’t we? So what's the problem? You know that they already don't approve so fuck it.”
"Damn, baby it's like Niagara Falls down here." Jack said as he looked down at his fingers.
"You want a side of eggs with that?"
"Pussy juice, side of eggs, that's my breakfast." You said while repeating Jack's lyrics to him and giggling. 
All Jack did was smirk and laugh at you.
"Nah, I don't need the eggs. This is enough to get me full." Jack said as he grabbed your legs to pull you towards the end of the bed and you let out a yelp.
Jack then leaned down to kiss you and you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer to give him several more. When he finally pulled away, he began to place kisses all over your face making you laugh.
Next thing you knew, you felt him slide into you and you immediately gasped since you had been caught off guard.
He was going at a slow, even pace taking his time to give you as much pleasure as possible to take your mind off of everything going on around you.
You then wrapped your left leg around him wanting for him to get as deep as he possibly could. 
You were now laying on Jack's chest as his arm was wrapped around you in a comfortable silence and Jack was the one to break it. 
"Baby, as much as I want to, we can't hide out in my condo forever. I have to promote this album and I've already done what I could to push it back for a week to make sure you were okay.”
"I know and I appreciate you for doing that for me because you definitely didn't have to. I'm not okay in the slightest, but I know that I just have to deal.”
"I would do anything for you. You know that. And I'm going to make sure you get to the point where you are okay." Jack replied as he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"I just… don't want to face them. My mother more than anyone else."
"I don't like how she has it where you're actually scared of her." 
“I… it's not the fact that I'm scared of her. I just know that no matter how perfect I try to be, that it will never please her and that I'm always going to fall short. All of my siblings don't care for me either except my big sister Eden. Because I'm the only one that will somewhat challenge my parents. It's always been this way.”
“Just know that I only want the best for you and want you to be happy. You deserve that and not be stressed out all the time over what someone else might think about you.”
“I know.” You quietly answered, but your mind was still running a mile a minute.
“You think that you'll be okay when I leave later tonight? I'd rather you come with me. I just don't want to leave you here with them.”
“I don't really have a choice. I have to face them sooner or later. Even if I don't want to.”
“Look if anything happens, anything at all. Say the word and I'll come and get you.” Jack said as he moved a curl out of your face and lightly kissed your nose.
“You're going to be busy and the last thing I want to be is a distraction.”
“Baby, I can promise that you won't be. I would rather have you with me instead of people who upset you on a daily basis. Because how is that a good thing? You don't need to be in that type of environment.” Jack replied as he started playing with the bracelet that graced your wrist that he gifted you.
“She's probably never going to let me sing again.” You quietly said as you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes.
“Why do you need her permission to do it? Just because she might not want you to sing there, doesn't mean you have to stop altogether. Still not over how amazing your voice is and how well you hid that from me.”
“Trust me, it wasn't easy.” You said while laughing.
“No more secrets. Promise?”
After you had helped Jack pack all of his things and the two of you decided to have a quick dinner together, it was time for you to make your way back home as much as you didn't want to while Jack was set to go to New York.
He had given you several kisses, but you were still holding onto him for dear life not wanting to let him go just yet. 
“You know you can come with me. The offer still stands. Because now you are definitely stalling.” He said while looking down at you. Jack knew your mind was made up, but he didn't want you going back there at all. If your mom is as bad as you had told him, he wanted to keep you far away from her. 
“As much as I want to, I have to do this. I don't want to drag it out longer.”
“Tell me when you get there and what happens when you two talk. I just have a strong feeling that you are about to call me in tears and that is the last thing that I want. If I have to protect you from your own family, then so be it.”
“It might go better than we think.” You said trying to reassure him.
“Babe, are you trying to convince me or yourself?”
“Hmm, maybe both? But I promise to call if something happens.”
Wearing one of Jack's hoodies and a pair of your black leggings, it was around 10 at night once you had slipped through the entrance to your part of the house. 
Once in your bedroom, you turned on the light to see your big sister Eden once again staring at you.
“For future reference, if you are trying to hide out with your boyfriend, turn off your location. Even though you only share it with me.”
“You have got to stop sneaking up on me, Eden!”
“Not a chance. I let you have your fun but now I'm about to yell but this is only out of love and concern.”
You simply nodded as you took a seat next to her on your bed.
“Now you know you can tell me anything and I will never hold it against you. Being in this family is hard enough and you are my baby sister. If you would have come to me, I would have helped you to tell them.”
“I… so many times I wanted to. But I was just scared. He's really important to me and I didn't want anyone or anything to ruin it. Not that I think you would, but everyone else. What did they say when they found out?”
“That was the first time I actually heard your mother cuss if that explains anything. And she was on Google looking him up for about two hours.”  Eden replied and you couldn't help but to laugh.
“And dad?”
“He simply shrugged and said if she's happy, then I'm fine with it.”
“I figured that he would be the one to say that.”
“And she was also upset that you have been M.I.A. obviously.”
“Why does she need to know my every move? She needs to get over herself.”
“You let me know when that happens. Anyway, tell me EVERYTHING. He's really cute and I'm definitely not surprised you two are together. A good match if I do say so myself.”
“Well we met at Taylor's birthday party a while ago and we've been talking ever since. It was only recently that he asked me to be his girlfriend. I've already met his parents and his brother and I absolutely adore them. His friends I only met at the album release party, but so far so good. He's funny, sweet, caring, always putting my feelings into consideration and I just love being around him. I know that you and dad would like him. I really don't care about anyone else.”
“And you shouldn't. He makes you happy and that's the important part and all that matters. As long as he is treating you right, we won't have a problem. Now did you even tell him about…?”
“No, he didn't know and I believe his friends told him and explained it to him which he was mad about and I can understand that. I wasn't honest and I should have been. He forgave me and we're just moving forward. I told him everything including how I know she hates me.”
“I can only imagine the look on his face. And I don't think she hates you. She hates that she can't control you.”
“Yeah, and then the picture didn't help.”
“Did anyone else know about you two? Perhaps, Tania?” Eden asked while eyeing you.
“Yes and she was sworn to secrecy. Just her and no one else.”
“Soooo, when can I meet him?”
“Well he's going to be busy promoting his album, but I'm sure if I bring it up he'll make time for it. I talk to him about you all the time.”
“I don't think I've ever seen you this happy and I hope the two of you stay together for the long haul.”
As Jack was sitting on the plane and playing with his phone, Urban came and sat next to him and simply eyed him.
“Uh, Urb? Can I help you?” Jack asked as he laughed. 
“Are you and Y/N okay? Did she talk to her parents yet?”
“We're fine but not yet. She said she would tell me when it happened. I already told her that I feel like she's going to call me in tears. I wanted her to come with me but she said that she just wanted to get it over with.”
“I hope she'll be okay. It seems like she's never been able to do what she wants.”
“She hasn't. But Neelam told us both not to say anything about it for now hoping that it would eventually blow over. The last thing I wanted to do was leave her in Louisville, but her mind was made up.”
“If her mother is as bad as she claims her to be, I know that this conversation that they are supposed to have is not going to go over well.”
“I'm literally just waiting for her to call me.”
“I wonder what they'll even say to her, I mean she's a whole adult.”
“And from the way that she talks about her, that clearly doesn't matter. She still looks at her like she's a little kid and it doesn't help that she's the youngest either.” Jack replied while shaking his head.
“I know she means a lot to you from the way that you talk about her.”
“She does, I'm just trying to let her see that it's okay to do what makes you happy and to not care what anyone else thinks about it.”
You and Eden hid out in your room until the next morning when you figured that it was time to face her. After taking a shower, you slipped on a yellow sundress along with white wedge sandals and straightened your hair. It was time for breakfast, so you started making your way towards the dining room. 
Once you entered the room, all eyes were on you as you took your respective seat in between Eden and Grace. Eden sent you a soft smile while Grace rolled her eyes at you. Matthew and Malachi simply exchanged glances with each other along with their spouses as your mother was burning a hole into you with her gaze. Your dad was simply reading his morning paper as he always did and sent you a small smile. You knew when it came down to it, the only people that you could truly count on in your family was your dad and Eden.
As the breakfast spread was placed on the table, your mother was the first to speak.
“Y/N, you have some nerve showing back up here like you didn't do anything.”
“I haven't done anything wrong and the last time I checked, I lived here.” You responded while piling your plate high with eggs, hash browns, and fruit.
“You call a night on the town with a well known rapper nothing? Where people saw the two of you together?”
“Adalaide….” Your father said to your mother in a warning tone, but she simply brushed him off.
“When you leave this house, you are representing this family, and so far this week, you have been nothing but an embarrassment.”
“That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I am a grown woman who can do anything she wants and I don't need your approval. I have been under your thumb since the day I was born and have been in control of how I dress, who I talk to, my hair, my makeup, and my career path. It's time that I take control of my life without having you criticizing me.”
"No daughter of mine is going to serve the Lord and then be spreading her legs wide open for her rapper boyfriend. And don't even lie and say that you haven't. You look like the type to give it up to any man who ever glanced your way. And of course you think he loves you because he's told you exactly what you want to hear!" 
“MOM!” Eden exclaimed while looking at her in disbelief but all she did was take a sip of her tea.
"You don't even know him!"
"I know enough and I don't care to have you in my sight any longer. It's clear that you have chosen him over your family. So do me a favor and get out. Leave your house key on the table in the foyer. If he loves you so much as you claim he does, go live with him. And I for damn sure better not see you at my church singing for the Lord on Sunday."
“Adalaide, that's enough! If that's who she loves, who are we to stop it? We want all of our children happy and he obviously makes her happy." Your dad said while shaking his head at her.
“Then she can go and be happy with him and not be under my roof taking up space.”
“Now that's taking it a little too far.” You heard Grace say which you were surprised by.
“She's literally not hurting anyone and always did what you wanted her to do. Why are you ruining the one thing she's done for herself?” Your oldest brother Malachi asked and she rolled her eyes.
“What I said still stands. I want her out and if all of you have a problem with it, you can go and follow her. You better be out of my house by midnight and don't bother showing your face here or at church ever again. As far as I'm concerned, I only have two daughters now.”
A collective gasp was heard at the table, and all you could do was laugh to yourself before saying anything.
“Y/N, don't you get up from this table. You are a part of this family as much as anyone else.”
“It's okay, dad. Trust me, it is. I know how she feels about me.”
“This is entirely uncalled for.” Matthew said while looking at your mother who waa unfazed. You simply turned towards her before speaking.
“Keep in mind what you just told me and don't you dare crawl back to me later and try to apologize. If you want me out, fine. The next time I see you will be at your fucking funeral and not a moment sooner. I'll prove to you that I never needed someone like you in my life to begin with.”
“Y/N!” Grace called after you as you pushed yourself away from the table and made your way into the direction of your room.
You held your head high and was determined not to let the tears fall. You finally stood up to her and didn't regret saying what was on your mind.
Grabbing your phone, you facetimed Jack who immediately answered and could tell that something was wrong from the look on your face.
“She literally just disowned me.”
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which turtle do you think can handle spice? lol i made some spicyx2 ramen for dinner and both my parents asked me if this was food or nuclear war fare, they got scared of how red the ramen broth was lol
Spicy Food (Headcanon)
A/N: The lucky wheel decided on the 03 boys for this one, so here we go💚 I myself am very bad with spicy food, like it's really bad. Like, if the food does as much as touches anything spicy, I can’t eat it. But I think the guys generally would have a way better time handling it💚
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Leo does pretty well with spicy food. He’s used to Splinter’s spicy noodle soup, and was always the angel that ate everything his father made for him, without complaining. Not that he ever complained. According to his taste buds, all of Splinter’s cooking was amazing.
When Mikey started taking over in the kitchen, Leo could not help but find the food a little… What is the right word? Uhm… bland? But don't get him wrong, Leo loves his little brother’s cooking, but he did prefer his father’s addition of spice to the food. It just that feeling in his mouth that reminded him of childhood.
Although Leo is a terrible cook, and has been ordered by his whole family to never touch the stove or the oven, Leo did know how to use the kettle for tea, and the microwave for making leftovers. But he also knew how to make instant cup noodles as a snack, often finding himself gravitating towards the extra spicy once. But even then, he often finds that they aren’t spicy enough, and adds a little more himself.
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Raph has a love hate relationship with spicy food. On one hand he loves spicy snacks, but on the other he isn’t a big fan of warm and spicy meals. As a child it had almost caused several meltdowns at the dinner table, back when Raph didn’t have the words to clearly explain to Splinter that the noodle soup was causing him middle discomfort.
Raph could not explain it. It was as if the heat from the food made the spice so much stronger, to a point where he just couldn’t eat it. Even as a teenager and as an adult, he would let the soup cool down for a bit, before finally feeling comfortable enough to eat it.
But funnily enough, Raph LOVES spicy snacks. Chili chips or at least some kind of spicy dip with his chips, and this guy would be happy.
Raph once shared some of his chips with Casey, not thinking they were so strong. But neither Raph or April had ever seen someone run so fast to the fridge for milk, giving Raph a hint that his snacks may be spicier than he first thought.
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No one knew for sure, but there was this theory in the Hamato family, that Donnie’s taste buds were immune to pain. Donnie did not seem to care if his food was spicy or not. The important thing for him was that it tasted good, and that the texture didn’t make him run for the hills.
Leo had long speculated that it came from years of caffeine addiction, but that did not explain how seemed to have shown the same behavior, years before he even tried coffee for the first time. Spicy food just didn’t bother Donatello.
With that being said, it’s worth mentioning a time where Donnie’s spice tolerance really came to show. One day, an absolutely sleep deprived Donnie had made himself a cup of coffee, but in his sleepy state, he had added hot sauce to his drink, instead of the milk. The horror on his brothers’ faces when he took a sip, and went as far as to say that it even tasted better than usual, before he went back to work in his lab.
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Mikey had never been a picky eater, but if there was one thing he couldn’t stand, it was spicy food. It had been like that since… pretty much forever. Sure, Mikey could eat mildly spicy things, but he just had a taste for more sweet things.
Mikey’s food making was therefore obviously less spicy than Splinter’s. But just because his food was less spicy, it didn’t make it any less good. Mikey’s cooking was amazing, even if Leo seemed to miss the good old days, where his mouth was about to burn off.
But Mikey’s mild intolerance for spicy food, gave Raph a great opportunity for a prank. One day while Mikey wasn’t looking, Raph added one of his spicy chips to Mikey’s already opened bag of salty chips. The scream that followed when Mikey then unexpectedly bit into that one chip, was so loud that people on the street above looked around in confusion. It was no surprise that all of Donnie’s milk suddenly disappeared after that, having been drunk by a hysteric Mikey that desperately tried to kill the fire in his mouth.
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agirlwithglam · 5 months
Hi!! I hope I'm not disturbing you but I wanted to ask how do I work hard. Because when I was younger I got really good marks without trying and now the subjects are hard and social media is distracting but I can't seem to delete it. This is also why my grades are even low then before and I'm really afraid to disappoint my parents (being the eldest daughter doesn't help). So can you please just give me some pointers on how can I actually study and not just cry because I don't know how to. Have a great day!! <3
literally omg. is this past me asking me a question?? like actually u have no idea how much i relate and understand this. the "gifted child" who always got good grades without needing to study now finds things more difficult. i know many people have said this, but i actually have been through this not too long ago. i hope these tips help <3
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how to work hard + actually study (realistic)
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forget hard work. at least do the work! (its so funny because i literally had a post about this all ready in my drafts about to get posted, so i'll keep this short and link the post.) stop focussing on doing hard work like studying 24/7. just put in the basic necessities you need to get a better grade. hard work post link
use the disappointment and embarrassment as fuel. (basically find a very strong why) (mini story-ish thing coming up, skip to the blue text for the actual advice) i still remember the day i got such a bad score on my math and science test, i was FURIOUS at myself and i cried about it! telling it to my parents was one of the hardest things i had to do and feeling their disappointment was even worse. but that became my turning point. i was so ashamed of myself and i resented me so much that i basically just told myself "i dont freaking care what you feel *with distaste*. you brought this on yourself you failure" (a bit very harsh, yes i know) but the way i studied that week- i studied more than i every had before! also doing this doesnt really lower my self esteem a whole lot, but if it does with you, please be gentle with yourself. : so what i'm trying to say it; use that feeling of shame and disapointment as a fuel, a motivation. The big “why”.
ALTER EGOOOSSSS. this helps SOOOO MUCH its so underrated. embody the energy of your fav people who are the academic inspiration you wanna be! example: rory gilmore, paris geller, elle woods, blair waldorf, etc etc! not only is this so helpful but it also makes it so much more fun and easier!!
parent yourself. i used to tell myself to do stuff like "go study now!" or "get up lazy-butt" but in my mind. but what if you tried to say those stuff out loud to yourself? it just creates a whole new level of real. So start telling yourself to do stuff out loud.
honestly just start. stop letting yourself think about how "uncomfortable" and how "annoying" it will be. All you need to know is that you need to get it done. Right? Ok. So now what’s the next smallest step you can take to getting to do the unwanted task? It may be taking out your material, opening your book, etc.
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( !! tough love, but very important rant coming up)
You privileged brat. Your parents gave up EVERYTHING so you could have the education that you are having. They worked so so hard for YOU. So YOU can have the life you want. And all for what? Just for you to throw it all away and say “oh im lazy”. HELL NAH.
And also, do you realise how fortunate you are to be even living in such a time/ era where you have access to basically EVERYTHING? You’re stuck on something? You could easily search it up!! And whats more is that you can further learn. You can search up and find out more about the thing that you’re studying, become the smartest person in your class, get so ahead in life. I hope you realise that if you do use all the resources and materials and help that’s been given to you, just imagine how far you could go! Further than Albert Einstine, Elon Musk, etc. you may be like “what! No that’s gonna be too hard!” But did they have the tools that you have right at your hand? No! They made it all the way with just simple stuff and having to work super hard. But you live in a time where you can do TWICE as much without working as hard!!
And one more thing, QUIT WHINING. “Oh school is so hard!” “Oh school is so boring!” Like whattt???? You are so FORTUNATE and LUCKY to be even getting access to such education! MILLIONS of kids out there would kill to be able to learn what you are so easily dismissing right now. So TAKE ADVANTAGE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. Put your ALL, your very BEST into studying and getting good grades because THAT is whats gonna take you so SO far in life.
Thank you very much, *mic drop*. (i still ly pookie)
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dealing with social media:
put the screen time widget on your phone home screen. i did this, and i became so embarrassed by the amount of screen time i had in one day (*cough* 12 hours *cough*) that i made certain to stop using it as much.
screen time limits. this may or may not help you, bc i know that when i knew the screen time password, it didn't do a lot of help but when someone else did (like parents or someone you trust), then it definitely worked. this is probably only best if you're a child around under 14 ish bc thats around the age when most parents put screen time limits + after that age you're gonna be a lot more independent.
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more *extremely* helpful resourses:
tips to decrease your phone screen time by @imbusystudying
how to reduce your screen time in the digital age? (an article)
studying tips from a straight-A student by @universalitgirlsblog2
how to study like paris geller by @4theitgirls
more blogs i recomend:
@elonomhblog @mindfulstudyquest @study-diaries @thatbitchery
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xoxo, vanilla
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