#also two weeks for such a big event feels way to rushed
uwu-twistedthorn-uwu · 9 months
Still absolutely baffled by the fact we're getting a halloween rerun in fucking August
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bweirdart · 2 months
#mARTch 2024
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text version (with more info!) under the readmore! please check it out if you're confused about anything <3
do i have to draw every day? no!!!! there are skippable days built into the event, please use them whenever you need them! i really don't want anyone getting a wrist injury!
can you share my art? yep! i try to share entries to @bweirdevents daily during the event!! the tags can get busy tho so i might miss some posts OTL sorry
what are the tags? #mARTch is the main tag, but this year you might find posts in #mARTch2024 too!
wait, i'm confused about a prompt... full breakdown of all the prompts below ↓ with helpful hints if you're stuck!
this week is all about your artistic identity ... technically, you don't have to draw anything new this week if you have some art that already fits. the starter days are:
1 ⭐ self portrait who are you? it doesn't have to be you IRL .. if you feel more comfortable drawing a fursona or mascot, that's fine too! if you don't wanna draw, you can also just share old self portraits today and talk about why you drew yourself that way!
2 🤍 inspirations see how this day doesn't have a star? that means it's optional and you don't have to do it at all! but if you really wanna- tell us all about what inspires you to create art! this could be anything from the people that inspire you, the shows you like, the pins on your big messy pinterest board, or concepts that you're drawn to! you can draw something about it, talk about it, or just post your inspirations! anything is fine
3 ⭐ fav thing to draw what do you like drawing most? backgrounds? animals? one specific animal? bust of your oc facing left? cars? the same anime boy over and over and over? no judgement!! show us :)
this is the week we actually start drawing from reference! polished art is not required at all, quick sketch studies are fine! please don't burn yourself out
4 🤍 plant
5 🤍 body
6 ⭐ animal
7 🤍 object
8 🤍 food
9 🤍 face
10 ⭐ hand
these ones are pretty self explanatory! you can do them as realistic studies, or adapt them into your own art style, it's all fine! you can reference from your own photos or from resources on the web.. have fun!
this is the week for playing with palettes and working on your colour theory skills! if you're really struggling with these ones, don't worry about drawing scenes or characters, you can just have fun splashing colours around on an abstract canvas!
11 🤍 RGB a set or primary colours typically used in digital/screen art - red, green and blue!
12 🤍 CMYK a set of primary colours typically used in traditional/print art - cyan, magenta, yellow ... and key (black!)
for both of these days ↑ you can add in black and white. and feel free to combine the two days into one, if you're struggling with a three-colour palette! use all six!
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13 ⭐ WARM COLOURS the warm side of the colour wheel, reds oranges and yellows!
14 🤍 MONOCHROME monochrome doesn't mean black and white ... it means one colour! that can be any colour at all- shades of red, shades of purple, shades of green .. or yeah, grey if you really want!
15 🤍 COMPLIMENTARY complimentary colours are the ones opposite each other on the colour wheel! they're kinda married
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16 🤍 YOUR FAV COLOURS pick any palette that works for you! where's your comfort zone? what looks nice to you? what colour combos do you always go back to?
17 ⭐ COOL COLOURS the cool side of the colour wheel, purples, blues and greens!
this week is all about vibes! try to create something that matches the mood of the prompt .. they're vague on purpose! don't overthink it, just draw from the heart!
18 🤍 SMALL you could draw something that's really small, like an ant .. or draw on a canvas that's really small .. or use a really small brush .. get creative with it!
19 🤍 DANGER try to capture the adrenaline .. the rush .. the fear that you associate with the word danger!
20 ⭐ SOFT soft colours, soft textures, soft vibes ... whatever makes you comfy!
21 🤍 MIDNIGHT darkness and secrecy .. spooky witchy vibes .. the tranquility of a forest at night .. the fun of a late-night party .. there's lots of ways you can take this!
22 🤍 POWER what does this word make you think about? superpowers? control and oppression? literal electrical power? something else?
23 🤍 CHILL chill as in calm? or chill as in cold? who knows .. it's up to YOU!
24 ⭐ LOUD try to draw something that feels LOUD! BRASH! IN YOUR FACE! how can you convey sound through art?
this week is just for enjoying yourself! take it easy and have fun! also .. another reminder! there are skippable prompts! if you're tired and struggling to get to the finish line, please don't hesitate to skip a day!!! or multiple days!! as many as you need!!!
25 🤍 TRY A NEW ART STYLE copy the art style of a show you like, ask a friend if you can try their style, draw the eyes a new way, develop a totally new style on the spot... whatever you want!
26 🤍 DRAW WITH YOUR NON-DOMINANT HAND righties, draw with your left! lefties, draw with your right! ambidextrous nation ... our time to show off!
27 ⭐ DRAW WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED don't peek! try to draw something without looking! if you really want, you can colour it with your eyes open after you draw the lines/sketch with your eyes closed... but please try not to cheat with the actual drawing part!
28 🤍 RE-DRAW SOMETHING OLD find some old artwork you like, or something you feel like you can do better on now, and give it another go!
29 🤍 RE-DRAW A MEME find a silly picture on the internet to redraw .. do you have any in-jokes with your besties?
30 🤍 DRAW A GIFT FOR A FRIEND create something for someone you love <3
31 ⭐ FREE CHOICE final day! you can draw anything you want today! show off your skills! draw something you've been meaning to draw! whatever!
please refrain from reblogging this post after march ends - next year's prompts will be different, thank you! if you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an ask!
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shdysders · 4 months
the fallout
pairing: jenna ortega & female reader
summary: in which you and jenna unexpectedly run into each other after a long complicated time, which makes things take a big turn for you.
word count: 4.8k
warnings: 18+ heavy topics; depression, suicide, unhealthy weight loss.
authors note: my longest imagine so far, but also the darkest one i would say. please tell me if it’s too confusing bc i feel like it might be. the ending is a little rushed, so tell me if you have any questions about it.
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The weird thing about relationships is that they have a way of defying expectations. Just when you think you have it all figured out, love throws you a curveball, leaving you both bewildered and amazed. Especially when you're in a relationship that's all out in the public, everybody knows about it and is all up in your business. Not that any of that mattered if were deeply in love.
Although the lack of privacy and a judgmental crowd could ruin som parts of it, you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Your girlfriend Jenna, was everything you had ever wanted, not because of the fame, nor the money, but because she was the epitome of your dreams. She embodied everything you had ever hoped for, ever since you were a little girl.
When the news about the it-girl's new girlfriend got out, the whole media was astonished. The movie star had never shown any interest towards girls publicly, or any romantic feelings at all for that matter.
After the surprising information about your relationship with Jenna, you guys quickly became a huge favorite among the fans and admirers, known for being the biggest love-birds on the internet. Every paparazzi picture that was ever taken of the two of you contained heart eyes full of admiration while the two of you looked at each other.
Everyone made it their goal in life to find love like the two of you had.
The life in the spotlight was a whole new experience for you. You had no clue about what it was going to be like til you got pushed into it in one day. But you didn't complain, thanks to the relationship with your girlfriend your dreams of becoming a musician came true, and before you knew it; you were known as one of the biggest rising stars in the music industry.
To say your life was complicated would've been an understatement.  Considering both of you had very different careers, you guys barely made as much time for each other as you did before.
Jenna was barely home due all of the big jobs and interviews she was assigned for, which obviously hurt your relationship more than it should've. It felt like every moment she got the chance to be home with you, was about her being filled with anger and stress; taking it out on nobody else but you.
In other words the American 'it couple' wasn't as perfect as the public thought, they had painted up these perfect expectations that they were sure you guys lived up to, and that was one of the main reasons on why the media was aghast when the news about the thing leaked out.
The break up.
The separation shocked the whole audience, mainly fans that had followed you guys since the beginning, but also people that barely knew who you were. Everything happened so unexpectedly, nobody could ever see it coming.
For some reason, the break up almost became more known than the time you were actually together. Mainly because news leak out rather quickly, but also because nobody could figure out the reason for it, and Jenna's ignorance did not help when it came to solving the mystery.
Only one week after the incident Jenna was back at set, doing interviews and events, acting like nothing had changed. Which the media found extremely strange, some people even thought the break up didn't happen at all.
They didn't have much information about the reason for the break up, only a discreetly taken paparazzi picture of you leaving Jenna's apartment in full on tears; that was quickly leaked on the internet with all sorts of captions and headlines.
That was the last picture the paparazzi could ever take of you before you disappeared from the spotlight completely. Nobody knew why, not even you.
The day Jenna broke up with you, was the day your whole life fell apart. She was everything you had, due your parents always being neglecting or gone for work trips. Jenna was the only thing you were living for. That's why you went home that day, and barely went anywhere else.
You wallowed in your small apartment for days, eventually the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months, and the months turned into years. You would go a long amount of time without eating or drinking, and you couldn't remember the last time you had gotten a proper night sleep or eaten a full meal.
This was a big deal for the media, what could've possibly happened that made the next rising music star disappear completely? Some people actually thought that you and Jenna didn't break up at all, just that you decided to keep it private.
Some tried to convince the public that maybe the singing career wasn't for you and that you might've just started working as something else, but nobody believed that considering the fact that Jenna had said you looked happier than she had ever seen you when you were on stage. Well, that was in an interview when the two of you were still together. Nowadays you could never catch the actress talking about you.
It was never revealed why the separation happened or who was responsible for it. The only people knowing about being you, Jenna, and your families.
Jenna had broken up with you just a few weeks before your birthday. She claimed that both of you had completely different goals in life, that you were heading in different directions and we're holding each other back. You tried convincing her that all you would ever want in life was her, even if it meant dropping everything you had. But it didn't work.
After hours of pleading and crying, Jenna had instructed for you to go home. To your "home" that in your mind wasn't nearly close to a home, it wasn't somewhere you wanted to be. You wanted to be with her, in her apartment, like it had always been.
That's when the photos were taken of you, but the tears in your eyes and panic feeling in your throat stopped you from noticing. So did your depression from seeing the news and articles about you.
Time passed, and you still didn't get better. You didn't try to get better either, seeing no point if your future wasn't with who you wanted to. You tried telling yourself that you would wait for her to come around, she would realize how much you belonged together and would eventually come back to you. That was worth living for. The only thing worth living for.
Since the depression made time feel like it just flew by, you weren't really surprised when already two and a half years had passed since the break up, and the more days that passed, you were starting to doubt that Jenna was ever gonna come back.
In your mind, Jenna was thinking about you every day, trying to find the right way to come back to you, but whether it was true or just your brain trying to start a war with you, you didn't know, nor care.
But what you also didn't know; due to the lack of time you spent checking the news or social media. Jenna's life had changed way more than you thought and imagined.
She had met someone new.
Walking down the busy streets of New York was basically a part time job while living there. Jenna was an expert about it if anyone, and in her state right now, it was even tougher to make it through, like an intense workout.
Finally making it to one of the calmer streets, she made sure to catch a breath; like the doctor had told her if anything felt too heavy while moving, she was carrying extra pressure after all.
Walking through the city, carefully sneaking glances into the shops she passed, curious to see who was in the different areas today.
After for what felt like hours she finally made it to the library, where she was supposed to borrow some books for herself to keep her entertained for all the following weeks were she supposed she would just lay at home, waiting for something to happen with the growing thing inside of her.
The bell above the door greeted her with a ring as she opened the door, the librarian giving her a small smile before going back to her work at the front desk.
Jenna returned a small smile, trying her hardest not to let out a loud sigh from all the walking as she held her stomach, her footsteps making the carpeted wooden floor creak as she walked.
The library looked fully empty, it usually was considering it was a pretty small one, not one of the best looking either; smelled like dust and looked like it was something from the early 2000s. But it was her favorite one, it always had the books she was looking for available.
Looking through the different shelves, trying to find the right one she was looking for, letting out a few grunts when she had been standing still for too long, flipping through the books. She heard a creek of the floor coming from the other side of the 'corridor' in the small library. 
Carefully directing her head towards the sound, she noticed a slim figure standing there, delicately flipping through the pages of a book in her hands.
A recognizable feeling ran through Jenna's body as she watched the person. The hair gracefully draping over the shoulders, exuding an aura of elegance and charm, as if it were a scene from a captivating book.  
But when she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her side profile and the wide eyes curiously scanning the text on the pages of the book. Jenna's eyes could process who it was, and the sight made her throat feel thick and cold sweat beginning to form on her body. Despised that, she still couldn't stop herself when she walked forward, calling your name.
"Y/n?" Her voice creaked out.
The voice calling your name quickly made your head turn to where she was situated. And when your eyes met hers, you could swear you felt your heart finding a place in your stomach. She looked just as the day she broke you, although her face was a little bit more swollen than the last time.
You wanted to smile, you wanted to hug her and tell her how much you had missed her. But your body didn't move. Did she search you up? Did she come here to take you back?
Your eyes were filled with admiration as you inspected Jenna's face. You couldn't say the same for her eyes, they were filled with worry and was scanning your whole body.
You barely looked like yourself. Your eyes that was once bright and full of life, was now replaced with tired ones with a red waterline, the wrinkles that used to be visible under your eyes from smiling so much, was now replaced by dark eye bags that told her that you hadn't slept for ages.
Your body didn't look the same either, the clothes you were wearing practically swallowed you whole, your face had sunken a huge amount and the exposed part of your collarbone showed that you had lost a ton of weight.
"Jenna..Hi." You almost shuttered out, unsurely moving your hands to put them in the front pockets of your pants.
She tried pushing the worry of your current state to the side as she tried to start a conversation with you. "Hi.." She smiled, noticing that you were trying so hardly to smile back at her.
"It's been so long, I– It's so nice to see you again." Jenna spoke almost eagerly, being quick to break the silence that tried to sneak through the two of you; knowing that silence was not something you loved as much as she did.
"How have you been doing?" She added to the conversation, when she in reality should've walked away the second she saw you. But she just couldn't, you had always had the ability to get her captivated by you, no matter what the situation was.
You swallowed thickly, trying your hardest to get your voice to sound normal. "Fine.." You spoke lowly, nodding a little receiving a small nod from her as well.
"Great, actually." You tried again, wanting to sound more confident this time. Because maybe there was a bigger chance she would take you back if she knew you were doing good.
"Yeah?" Jenna nodded bigger this time, smile growing bigger on her face. "What about the music? How's that going?" She asked carefully, hoping to receive that sparkle in your eye that she would see every time you got the chance to talk about your music.
But who was she trying to fool? She knew exactly what had been going on with you. She knew you weren't playing anymore, that nobody had seen you ever since your last concert almost three years ago.
Jenna would be lying if she said she never searched your name up incase there had been any news about you, because she did it every day.
She had been trying to text you a few weeks after the blow out, even trying to wish you a happy birthday when the day arrived. But she was never surprised to see that you hadn't answered any of the text messages she had written whenever she had the time.
And sure, the guilt was getting to her, basically everyone knew that the reason for your downfall was her, her mainly or her only, it didn't matter. Knowing that she might've been the reason you looked like this, made her heart fill up with a deep ache.
Her thoughts came to a quit when she noticed you ashamedly directed your head down, finding your shoes interesting. But Jenna didn't stop, she wanted to see that spark so badly that her mouth moved faster than she could process.
"Y–you're gonna have to tell me of you're having having a concert or something... It would be so much fun to see you again." Jenna spoke, the words falling out of her mouth before she had the chance to think them through.
You were now looking at her again, a mix of emotions painted on your face. But Jenna could see the forced smile that made its way up on your face.
But you were starting to grow impatient. Did she come here to take you back or not? That's why you softly tried to ask her the question you so badly wanted her to ask.
"Would you like to grab a coffee some day?" You felt your heartbeat quicken at your own words, even more when you saw her face lit up with a smile.
But the sentence meant totally different things for the two of you. For you it was a date, but for Jenna it was a friendly request, basically telling her you wanted to keep going as friends.
"Yeah I–I'd love that.." She nodded, almost laughing while talking, making her stomach feel heavier than before, which made her caress it carefully with one of her hands.
And then it came, the sparkle in your eyes she so desperately wanted to see again. It appeared in your eyes for a split second, making her breath hitch as she carefully watched you with a smile.
But your happy expression with sparkles in your eyes was quickly exchanged with a crushed one when your gaze followed down to where Jenna's hand was placed. Tears almost immediately filling your eyes as you looked down at the bump on Jenna's stomach, along with the diamond placed on her ring finger.
Jenna immediately noticed your change of emotions, almost feeling ashamed as she watched your breathing stop for a split second. She bit her lip nervously, trying to figure out your next move.
"I–I uhm.. I have to get home." You hurried out, quickly wiping your eyes before the tears had a chance to fall. 
Jenna could feel her mouth open trying to say something, but nothing came out. She sadly watched as you quickly walked away from her and out of the library, making herself feel like she made a mistake by even walking up to you.
She didn't know you weren't aware of her pregnancy, because she thought you did, technically everyone knew about it. The whole world was in shock when the news about the pregnancy of the new it girl came out; posting it everywhere as soon as it was revealed.
But what Jenna didn't know was that you had deleted all social media platforms from all of your devices, not taking any chances of seeing fake news about yourself or headlines about Jenna being happier than ever; when you were about to let your bed swallow you whole.
You couldn't hear Jennas voice calling your name when you hurried out the store. The high pitched beep and the loud voices in your head taking over your thoughts.
She didn't come to take you back, she didn't plan to find you at all. She doesn't want you back in her life, she's moved on. She didn't think about you every day, she had someone else to think about now.
Your legs were moving so rapidly that you could barely feel them, the tears in your eyes refused to fall no matter how close to the edge they got. You didn't blink, you didn't think, nothing was worth it.
The quick steps turned into slow ones as the thoughts disappeared from your mind. Now that you got the confirmation about the things you prayed weren't true. There was nothing to live for.
If you were going to live a future without the person you had thought about for three years straight, there was no point.
The day at the library had been clouding Jenna's mind for two days straight, never leaving her alone no matter how hard she tried.
She couldn't stop thinking about your crushed face; that she could only see for a second before you rushed away. It reminded her way too much of the face you wore when she ended things between the two of you; the face that she had nightmares of for months.
She had tried to leave messages and calls to your number; she wanted to talk things out. She wanted to still know you, and based on the person she saw a few days before, she couldn't anticipate how difficult that process would be.
She didn't know who you were anymore, and the pain of not knowing the person that was once the most important individual in her life was eating her alive. She weren't in your life anymore, so that's why she was surprised to see your mother's name and number appear on her phone screen.
Both hesitation and worry filled her veins as she answered the call from your mother. You had never had a close relationship to your parents; they were gone for work trips the majority of your childhood.
Jenna tried to greet the woman on the phone, but quickly shut her eyes in embarrassment as she heard how shaky and questioning her voice sounded.
But your mom didn't seem to notice. "Jenna! Hi.." she sighed out of relief. Jenna could almost hear her sniffling on the other line, making her brows furrow out of confusion. "How have you been?"
"I've been great.." Jenna answered, uncertainty lacing her voice, "Sorry what is this about?" She tried to cancel the dry talking, feeling her worry growing bigger every second that passed.
"Oh yes of course.. sorry." She sniffled again, making the concern in Jenna only growing stronger.
"I uhm, I'm calling to say that..." Your mother paused, like the words that were about to come out of her mouth were poison. "Y/n is no longer with us.." She finished, a muffled sob leaving her mouth.
Jenna felt like her heart took a plunge, sinking into the depths of her being. "What?" She managed to breath out.
"She killed herself last night.." Your mothers shaky voice explained, followed by quiet sobs.
The whole world felt like it stopped. And for a second, Jenna could almost hear your laugh fill her eardrums, your smell filling her nostrils, your smile filling her eyes and your touch roaming her body.
This couldn't be true, there was no way. She was just about to make things right with you.
Jenna couldn't find her voice, it was like it had fallen the same path as her heart. Her mouth opening but nothing coming out, mind only focusing on you.
You, you radiated joy like a sunbeam, brightening everyone's day with your infectious laughter. Your magnetic personality pulled people in without hesitation, like a bees to a field of blooming flowers. Your heart was full of sunshine that spread warmth and happiness wherever you went. Your effervescent spirit bubbled over, filling every room with laughter. People were drawn to you like a moth to a flame, captivated by your vibrant and lively presence. And now you were gone.
The person she saw at the library just days before, was nothing like the person she once knew you as. She didn't know what destroyed you like that, but something did, and she felt the need to know what.
Jenna stared at the steam that was flying from the big coffee mug. She felt as if she was teetering on the edge of sleep, her eyelids heavy and her body yearning for rest.
She didn't get a single wink of rest that night, tossing and turning throughout the whole hours of darkness.
The tiredness was quick to disappear when she heard the sound of the bell ringing, signalizing that somebody walked in. She rapidly turned around to check who it was, careful not to make herself dizzy due the exhaustion.
When she saw it was your mom who walked into the coffee shop, she tried shooting her a tired smile, but it quickly disappeared when she saw your mothers state.
She had messy hair, red waterlines and faint eye bags under her eyes, but they were no where close to the ones she saw on your face three days before.
Jenna rose to her feet, ready to shake the woman's hand, but to her surprise your mom just walked straight into her, embracing her with a warm hug.
Your mom slowly pulled away, keeping her hands in a soft grip on Jenna's shoulders and looked into her eyes with a tired smile, almost inspecting her face.
Your mother had asked Jenna if she'd liked to meet up somewhere, just to talk. She accepted without hesitation, feeling like it was a must in their situation.
She was nervous tho, she hadn't seen you or your mom for about 3 years, and she didn't know how much you had told her about the break up. But your mom didn't seem to hate her like she would've thought, she didn't have a single look of hatred in her eyes when she looked at Jenna.
"So Jenna.." your mom sat down in the chair in-front of her on the other side of the table. "Do you have any new projects coming soon?" She smiled, picking up the coffee mug from the table and taking a sip.
Jenna couldn't help but feel at home, a smile creeping up her lips. "Yeah..Yeah I do actually. I have a few." Making your mom nod with an even bigger smile.
And she did, she did have a few coming out soon, but she didn't have any projects that she was currently working on. But she couldn't say that, because then your mom would ask her why, and she couldn't answer that. She couldn't say that she was pregnant when your mother had just lost her daughter. That's why Jenna wore a black coat, trying her best to cover it up; it was just for the best.
"We actually watched one of your most recent projects a few weeks ago.." She kept the conversation going, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. "And I really liked it. You're a very talented girl.."
Jenna could feel herself blush at the compliment, but it quickly faded when she realized that was what you used to call her. She was your talented girl, and you were hers.
"Thank you.. Thank you that means a lot. You're too kind."
Your mother smiled sadly, "Y/n loved it a lot as well." She tried, but maybe it was too early to talk about you.
The sound of your name falling out of your moms mouth made a thick layer of silence fall between them. Jenna felt like the room turned smaller, making it harder to breath. She gulped, but the woman in-front of her didn't seem affected by the words; her tired expression didn't change. But she looked down towards the coffee on the table as she started to speak.
"Y'know.. I thought she had gotten better since the.." Your mom abruptly halted her words, as if they were toxic and she couldn't utter them. "Her last attempt." She sighed out, rubbing her temple gently.
Jenna furrowed her eyebrows, her mouth opening before she could even think. "What?"
Your mom returned the furrowed brows, not understanding the younger girl's confusion. "Her last attempt." She repeated, suddenly in a much more questioning tone than last time. "Last year." She tried to explained further.
Jenna's posture that she had previously straightened now fell, a small 'oh' falling from her lips. She didn't know about that, but what did she expect? You hadn't talked to each other in over three years, of course she didn't know about that.
"It was so nice of you to interrupt your filming just to check up on her." Your mom was now smiling at Jenna again.
It felt as if her entire being was in a state of disarray, with every fiber of her being unsure and bewildered. "Check up on her? Wha– I didn't do that." Jenna stuttered like a messed up vinyl on a record player.
Maybe it was rude to admit such a thing, and in such a confused tone as well. But Jenna couldn't help it, she had no idea what the woman was talking about.
Your moms smile faded as a confused expression took over her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but Jenna broke her to it.
"Mrs L/N, me and Y/n have been broken up for three years." She hesitated while speaking, unsure if it was the right thing to say. Maybe she already knew?
But based on the shocked reaction she got showed that she didn't til now. "Three years?" She questioned, not sure if she had heard it right.
Jenna just nodded as a response; her mouth too dry to say anything more. The grimace on your moms face made her nervous, not having a clue on what was going to happen next.
Your mom didn't lash out like Jenna thought she would, she just put a hand over her mouth, tears almost visible in her eyes.
Jenna began to panic, did she ruin it all? Is your mom going to hate her now? All kinds of questions flashing through her head, you had clearly not told your mom the whole story, how much did you tell?
Without having to ask the question herself, your mom spoke up, like she could've read Jenna's mind. "She told me you guys broke up three weeks ago.." The tears almost fell from her eyes, nothing but confusion and sadness pooling in her eyes.
Jennas mouth opened and closed like a fish in the water, not knowing what to say at all. Why would you lie?
"And she called me the night before, rambling about how she saw you and that you wouldn't want her back like she had wished. I didn't understand what she was talking about.." Your mother spoke rapidly, almost too quickly for Jenna to recall what she was saying.
Jenna's mind went blank, her ears shutting your mothers voice out as she continued talking. The last part she heard was that you had told your mom it was your first time going outside of your apartment in months; aside from going to your therapist.
That's when it all clicked; it was her fault. She was the reason you had flipped and didn't want to live any longer.
You had spent all of your three years waiting for Jenna to take you back, and she didn't. Instead she found another man, got pregnant and engaged to him.
You had waited for her the whole time, but your anticipation was left unappreciated, by her and her only.
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yumeka-sxf · 18 days
I try to stay away from negative topics, but after hearing talk on social media yesterday and seeing this post from @such-a-downer, I just had to give my two cents about the complaints regarding yesterday's chapter being "another short mission" and that Endo is somehow being "lazy" or whatever.
I honestly don't understand this mentality of criticizing manga-ka, or any artists really, because they aren't delivering by whatever standards you personally think are appropriate. To me, it just seems like entitlement because Endo has no obligation to cater to any specific fan's wants. This is his story to tell the way he wants, and his characters to develop at the pace he deems fit. This isn't a business contract where we're paying him to deliver content we want every two weeks without fail. If I'm consuming the fruits of someone's creative labor for free, I certainly feel no right to complain if sometimes their content isn't what I wanted or expected. I'm fine with that because 1) I know it's what they (the creator) wanted/needed at the time, and 2) even if a particular chapter wasn't my cup of tea, I know other fellow fans out there somewhere are enjoying the heck out of it, and that's cool!
We also have to remember that SxF is basically a one-man show. If Endo is busy or sick or whatever, it's not like he can have someone fill in for him to write and draw the series. That's what a hiatus is for, that's what making a short chapter instead of a longer one is for...that's how artists should be treated so they don't get burned out and stressed. Plus, art shouldn't be rushed. Any artist knows that there are times when you have trouble coming up with ideas and maybe need a little extra time to develop a more complex section of the story. To immediately jump to conclusions that he's lazy or doesn't know what he's doing is ridiculous. Maybe he didn't feel good for a few days, maybe he's been busy with other SxF events, maybe he just needed more time to get a particular future arc developed, or maybe he just has basic IRL obligations to take care of like we all do...you don't know what's going on in his life, so don't make assumptions.
Another thing to keep in mind is that it's literally impossible to please every fan. One of the comments I read for example, someone was ready to drop the series because we haven't seen much of Yor in "a while." All I could think of was "didn't she just have a pretty big role only four chapters ago when they went to the ski resort?" Plus she was the star of chapter 91, which was less than ten chapters ago. So according to this person's standards, four chapters without seeing a particular character is "too long"? What if it was only three chapters, would that be acceptable? It's not right to push our own personal standards of a series' pacing as the "correct" way: some people want to see more of character X while someone else wants to see more of subplot Y, so should both complain that the manga-ka isn't doing right whenever they focus on something else? I'm not saying you shouldn't make criticisms of a manga-ka's work, but the criticisms should come from within the narrative itself, not superficial things like chapters focusing on subplots/characters you don't want to see or not having enough "plot-advancing" content when it's not a plot-focused series.
People who have read SxF up to this point should know the general flow of the chapters: mostly slice-of-life episodic, with more plot-heavy, intense arcs once in a while, like the cruise arc and bus arc. It's an ensemble series that spends most of its chapters focused on at least one of the Forgers, but occasionally other characters here and there. That's how the series has been for years and will likely continue to be. So if you keep complaining because you only like the dramatic story arcs and not the "nothing happens" episodic chapters, then maybe the series just isn't for you. It's totally fine if that's the case, but don't act like Endo is doing something wrong because he's not providing the particular thing you want in his story.
To summarize, Endo has no obligation to cater to particular fans' standards, just as we have no obligation to keep reading his work if we don't like it. But being a fan to me means respecting the creator's pace and vision even if it's not always what I personally want. I can find something to enjoy in every chapter because I'm a fan of SxF, not a fan of one particular aspect of it. But I also will not complain every time my tastes aren't being catered to and will simply occupy myself with other things while I wait. What's the big hurry, after all? I'm in no rush for SxF to wrap up its plot and I'm glad Endo isn't rushing either.
And that's all I'm gonna say about this topic, lol. On a happier note, I'm going to finally see Code White on Thursday! 😁 More to come later~
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jester-lover · 1 year
What about dorm leaders with Morticia-like s/o?
Friday, I'm in Love
the dorm leaders with a morticia-like s/o
cw- fem! reader, fluff, mentions of the boy's insecurities, reader being literally the hottest woman alive (author is a goth and loved this)
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He’s wrapped around your finger and he doesn't even know it
This man sees you for the first time, elegant and refined, and he comes barging towards you
Tries his best to maintain all the manners his mother taught him, but it's so difficult considering just how beautiful and smart you are
Loves dancing with you, especially if you end up guiding and taking the lead, he’ll be absolutely enamored with your confidence
His most favorite thing to do with you, however, is to show you how much power he has over other students, he thinks it’ll make you like him if he’s all big and strong
Honestly you couldn't care less
Tea parties certainly run smoother with you around, because the freshmen don't want to embarrass themselves around a cool and calm young woman like you
In terms of fashion, Riddle appreciates your monotone, sleek wardrobe, even if he desperately wishes you’d wear lower heels so he could appear taller
Riddle’s fiery ambition, and your cool, motherly personality is a combination no one expected
But the two of you know better, the differences in your personality only highlight your individual achievements, pushing you ever closer together
“Dear, you look absolutely exceptional, but perhaps refrain from adding spiders to your hair?”
Leona loves tough, strong women
(he also lowkey loves women who scare him)
He was first attracted to your confidence, how you turned heads just by strolling past, head held up high and heels tapping
He felt a sense of nervousness he hadn't ever felt before when he tried to ask you out
The two of you are both just so relaxed and aloof, with a hidden romantic side
He puts a considerable amount of effort into your relationship, more than he’s probably ever done for anyone, because you're the most special person in his life
Leona has a deep inferiority complex, and he wants you to know that he can provide for you and be the man you need
You have a natural deadpan sense of humor, and the casually dark things you say often make him laugh
He feels genuinely very calm around you, leading to a lot of afternoon naps
“Why don’t we continue our necromancy discussion after a quick nap?”
 Azul is an appreciator of smooth, sleek and professional aesthetics like yours
By this, I mean he most likely cannot make eye contact with you until you approach him
Your first date is probably a ruinous meal at the Monstro Lounge where he spills his drink all over himself, he gets so humiliated, but you find it adorable
The way he stumbles over himself trying to impress you is so cute, you ask him for another date
 The way that this boy worships your every step is noticeable, especially by the tweels, who consistently tease him
The similarity between your clothing is one of his favorite things about you, and he’ll always appreciate your sublime, elevated sense of fashion
“I decided to wear my black tie, to match your dress of course.” 
Sun x Moon couple, proving once again that opposites do attract
He definitely just saw you one day, thought about you for a week straight and asked you out straight up
Kalim had a bravery other boys didn’t possess, this deeply intrigued you
You tend to make deadpan and dark jokes around him, and he’s never once understood any of them in the moment
He gets it in about 3-5 business days
You give him a sense of order and peace, with your calm demeanor and relaxed attitude, while he gives you excitement, a rush of serotonin you can't find anywhere else
Kalim will complement any new accessory he sees on you, a big smile adorning his face
You two often do your makeup together before events, he usually finishes up first, and watches you because he loves to see the process of your look
“I absolutely adore the clips in your hair, I should buy a pair so that we can match!”
Power couple
Literally the both of you are so beautiful, everyone on campus turns their head around whenever you walk by
Vil thrives off of attention and compliments, so your affectionate and caring nature is much appreciated
He definitely asks to do your makeup and styling, but backs out when he realizes how iconic your look is, and how he really can't add much to perfection
He will however, help you shop
Anything you want, just tell him, he’ll buy it, he’ll just never admit he’s absolutely whipped for you
The sheer radiance and powerful energy is so much within you two
The jokes and humor you engage in almost break his perfect poised persona, he’s usually not a sucker for comedy, but you bring out his inner comic
“Darling, your red lipstick looks absolutely divine.”
Was the only one here genuinely afraid of you at first
I mean, you sorta look like one of the villains from his favorite mangas, and he all but avoids you
You find yourself intrigued with the quiet boy, and manage to find his room
Idia is literally about to cry why is a woman in his room??? This has never happened before??? The matrix is crumbling???
You two have a very hushed discussion, and he learns to fear you less
As a boyfriend, he still acts very reserved around you, he fears he might come off as annoying
Just gently ease him into talking about himself and his interests a little more, and you’ll have him ranting about his newest fixation in no time
The fact that you encourage him in his pursuits is something he’s never had before
Idia is actually so amazed by your beauty, he literally pauses and stares at you sometimes
We all know how cool his more formal clothes are, so when he’s inevitably forced to leave his room, he knows he has you to keep him a little more calm
“Everyone here is looking at us, c-can we go home now?”
The two of you are an absolutely regal couple, and he knows you are absolutely fit to be his queen
Malleus is attracted to you because of your vast intellect, your cunning nature and your refined taste
(and also because you genuinely enjoy his late night talks about gargoyles)
He makes sure to treat you with the utmost respect and dignity, reserved only for a woman of the court, guiding you gently with his extended hand, dancing with you to slow music, and of course helping you trim your thorns
Our dragon boy knows how to treat a lady, but he might have some trouble picking up on your deadpan humor, and he often just thinks your being serious
Your aesthetics match completely, allowing for the two of you to swap clothing and trade accessories
He knows what he wants in a partner, and you manage to fit completely
Malleus knows people often find him creepy or unnerving, and he knows it's the same for you, there’s a bond formed through your societal isolation
Malleus also makes sure you know he’s in love with you every day, through his kind words and his kinder actions
“Keep me in your thoughts dearest, so that I may become yours forever.”
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leeknowlover99 · 3 months
Sweet tooth
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pairing: Jake x reader
synopsis: friends (idiots) to lovers - where everyone can see they have feelings for each over except for them - coworkers au, set in cute coffee shop/bakery
word count: 8,7k
warning: fluff, mentions of anxiety and insomnia, swearing, kissing making out, eventual smut (pretty vanilla), slow burn, one bed coach trope, they’re both a bit silly, no mention of protection 🫣
A/N: this was so much fun to write, the way they are both in denial 🙈 hope you enjoy it 🫶🏻
Jake has always smelled sweet, like vanilla and cinnamon. like a hug from comfort person. but ever since he started working at his uncle’s cafe it intensified. now it was more like cake frosting but with a hint of roasted coffee beans. you wondered if you smelled the same after working there with him for over two months. little cafe became your safe space quickly. escape from stressful uni life. Jake and the rest of the cafe workers were always kind and gentle to you. even during the rush hours it felt like time slowed down here. but the thing you loved the most was hours after closing when you cleaned up and tried new recipes with Jake. you were not much of a baker but you always were good with art so your job was taking care of the visual presentation of Jake’s new creations.
however today both of you were too exhausted to stay up. you cleaned up in a hurry and closed up. you were both heading to the nearest bus station as cafe was quite far from your apartments.
“i’m sad that summer is ending. evenings are already so chilly. aren’t you cold y/n?” Jake looked at your sundress concerned.
“a little bit” you admitted. “i didn’t expect for the temperature to drop so much.”
“let’s walk a little bit faster then” he said wrapping his arm around you. “is this okay?”
you nodded and snuggled into him. he emanated pleasant warmth and that sweet scent you loved so much.
“how’s uni?” you asked.
“it’s already starting to be busy. so many assignments, i will probably have to take less shifts at the cafe.” Jake was majoring in
“yeah same for me. i’m so jealous that this is your last year.” you still had two years left.
Jake laughed and his voice sounded so melodic, every time you heard it your mood elevated instantly.
“it will pass fast, you’ll see. look your bus will be here in 1 minute, lucky you” he pointed at the live schedule at the bus stop as you approached it.
“thank god, i actually started shivering” you commented.
“i hope you won’t catch a cold. drink some tea with honey when you get home.” Jake insisted. it was sweet how caring he was.
“i will! when is your next shift?” you asked before getting in the bus.
“Monday! see you Y/N!” Jake screamed and waved through the bus window.
you waved backed as the bus started moving and soon Jake smiley face disappeared from your sight.
you met Jake in your home town - Busan when you were both in middle school. your mums started working together in the office and quickly became close friends. when summer came barbecue parties in your garden became a weekly event. Jake wasn’t always coming by with his parents, usually he would visit every two or three weeks. at first it felt a little bit awkward as you were complete strangers without much in common. Busan was a big city and you attended different schools and hang out in different friend groups. Jake was also one year older than you. but despite all of this you quickly started to get along well, exchanging stories and interests. however you never kept in touch between those parties. when warm summer days ended replaced by cold and dark days your parents started meeting less often and usually Jake wouldn’t come, too busy with studying. your bond always strengthened over the summers. when you were in high school you started your tradition of stealing some beers from the fridge and sneaking out to sit on the beach and talk drinking the liquor. you always cherished this moments, knowing they will soon become the past.
after Jake graduated high school he moved out to Seoul and you haven’t seen him for two years. you graduated next summer and also decided to continue your education in the capital city. you moved out with your best friend and started your major in chemistry. during summer after first year of uni you got a text from Jake asking if you would be interested in part time job in his uncle’s cafe as they needed new people immediately. you were actually in the process of looking for a summer job so you gladly accepted the offer without thinking too much about it. soon you fell in love with the little cafe and rebuild your bond with Jake, spending multiple hours working together. now you could say you went back to being friends, even closer than ever.
it was already 10 pm when you arrived at your dorm, you were sharing a room with your best friend Hari. you both got in the same university and moved to Seoul together. you were glad for having her in your life as she was the only person keeping you sane through all the hardships and stresses.
“hi cupcake” he greeted you using the nickname she gave you in primary school connected to your love for sweet things.
“hey there” you said back with a sigh, you were exhausted and although weekend was starting you knew it won’t bring you any rest, only more work.
“you’re early. you and jake didn’t bake today?” she asked stretching out on her bed.
“nope, we were both too tired.”
“oh and i thought that maybe you had some trouble in your paradise” she giggled. Hari was shipping you and Jake ever since you started working together and getting closer again. as she claimed you two were destined to be together.
“please don’t start” you plopped down on your own bed too tired to even change your clothes.
“i’m not starting. but just saying. i’m waiting until one of you finally will realize that you have feelings for each other!”
“but we don’t, so there’s nothing to realize. we’re just friends.” you and Jake had a sort of special bond but it wasn’t anything romantic. sure you noticed how handsome he was, how his blond hair completed his pretty face and how bright his smile was. you also knew he was a great, kind and gentle person. but that was something everyone could see about him. you were only objectively noticing his good qualities.
“yeah yeah just friends my ass. friends don’t look at each other the way you do or have this dreamy eyes when they think about the other person” she wiggled her eyebrows at you.
“i’m just tired, it’s my tired eyes” you defended yourself a little bit annoyed at this point.
Hari could talk all she wanted. you knew there was nothing between you and Jake besides old good friendship. you cut her blabbering by disappearing in the bathroom to take a shower and putting on loud music. you needed some time to yourself to rest and get ready for tomorrow. you had two assignments and tone of studying to do. and if you’ll be lucky maybe you’ll have enough energy to go to one of the weekly frat parties. you were dying to finally let loose and have some fun.
somehow you managed to get on top of your productivity and complete everything from your Saturday’s to do list. moreover you actually had a lot of energy left, only one last thing was left - get wasted - as you scribbled in your journal. Hari couldn’t hide her enthusiasm when you informed her that you’re going out today.
“it’s been so long! finally the best party duo will be back in town!” she put on taylor swift and insisted on doing your make up. “please y/n i have the greatest idea in my mind, it will look beautiful on you i promise.” you could only agree so now you were patiently waiting for her to be done so you can pick your outfit.
“we’ll go to house party at Kappa” Hari informed you. “sunghoon told me he’s going to be there, i hope we’ll get to talk.” she shared, Sunghoon was Hari’s crush since forever but just recently they finally started talking and things were slowly starting to get serious between them.
“girl we need you in that pink dress tonight! he’ll lose his mind when he sees you in it” you suddenly remembered the dress you bought her as a birthday gift. it complimented her figure perfectly and cool shade of pink was bringing up her features.
“yess, it will be perfect!” she clapped excited. “by the way i heard Jake is hanging out with Sunghoon a lot recently. so there’s a chance he might be there too.” she winked and you rolled your eyes. but your stomach twisted at the possibility of spending time with Jake outside of work. despite you two being pretty close now you rarely texted or talked besides the cafe. you didn’t even follow him on any social media, only have his number saved up.
“it will be nice to see him outside of work.” you commented keeping your face straight.
“sooo what are you going to wear now that i gave you this precious piece of information?” Hari asked.
the final choice was made after the long debate that was also be the reason of your late arrival to the party. but the way white lacy corset and denim skirt you wore was totally worth it.
“girl you’re going to have all the guys falling to your feet” Hari giggled as you entered the frat house. the place was loud and crowded but nothing over the top. you found your usual squad consisting of an odd mix of art and chemistry students occupying one of the large coaches.
“ahh finally you made it!” Jungwon greeted you with a broad smile.
“the queen is never late, everybody else is early” Hari announced loudly.
“she’s not even drunk yet” Ryujin laughed and went for a tight hug with both of you.
“it’s good to see you, i was worried that you’re overworking yourself y/n but here you are looking hotter than hell!” Ryujin definitely had few drinks already. you giggled at her compliments.
“i’m going to check out the kitchen.” you informed them leaving Hari space to say hello to Sunghoon.
you wondered into the large kitchen, where all the counters were cluttered with liquor and snacks. you checked out your option and went for good old ponch. you wondered if Jake is going to show up as it was already pretty late and he was nowhere to be seen. you didn’t know why you even wanted to see him today but you felt bitter taste of disappointment. but you didn’t let yourself grieve too much. you came back to your friends with two drinks, one for you and one for Hari. she was already gossiping with Sunghoon so you just handed her the drink and plopped down between Jay and Yeji. soon alcohol started buzzing in your veins and you got invested with loud conversations with your friends. it was nice to catch up after a long time and hear what’s up in other people’s lifes. however after some time pleasant buzzing in your head turned into a slight headache, the effects of insomnia and being overworked. you excused yourself to the kitchen, but this time only purred yourself a glass of water. you took a sip and felt better immediately. you leaned against the counter with sigh.
“are you alright?” voice startled you. the voice you knew all too well.
“jake? hii” you light up. “yeah i’m alright, just a bit tired after the week, you know how it is” you muttered to stunned by him.
he was wearing simple white shirt but left few upper buttons undone and his firm chest was exposed for your eyes. he fixed his messy hair and looked at you with pink cheeks. he must’ve been pretty drunk you thought.
“you look gorgeous” he whispered and looked down immediately, if you didn’t know him you would think he’s frustrated. but this wasn’t really in Jake’s character.
“thank you” you blushed, deeply happy that he liked your outfit. all that efforts did not go to waste.
“do you want to get some fresh air?” he asked suddenly and you sent him a confused look.
“i don’t mean smoke, just walk around? i’m a bit overwhelmed here” he explained.
“sure let’s go. i’ll join you at the door in a minute” you agreed without hesitation.
you stopped by Hari to whisper to her that you’re leaving with Jake only for her to wiggle her eyebrows furiously at you. “have fun” she screamed at you when you were leaving and you poked your tongue at her.
Jake was waiting for you with his denim jacket in hand.
“wear it, i don’t want you to get a cold” he said while putting it on you.
“but aren’t you going to be cold?” you asked concerned.
“don’t worry, this shirt is pretty thick.” he dismissed you but you weren’t going to give up so easily.
“at least button it up a bit” you scoffed and reach out to help him. you realized what you’re doing when your fingers made contact with hot skin of his chest. it was probably alcohol making you bold as you usually weren’t the type to be touchy with your friends. you buttoned two buttons of his shirt and looked up. Jake was averting his gaze and you could swear his cheeks were more pink than before.
“all done. we can go.” you said and opened the door.
for first couple of minutes you walked around in silence, emptiness and quietness of the streets being the nice contrast to the loud party. sky was clear tonight leaving a perfect view of constellations. here in seoul they weren’t visible as good as in busan but still astonished you with their beauty.
“what are you thinking about?” jake broke the silence first.
“i’m thinking about the stars. do you remember when we used to watch them during summer nights sitting on Songdo beach?” you asked looking up.
“life was easier back then, i felt in peace during those nights. i miss the beach. i like seoul but busan will always be in my heart.” he responded.
“did you ever think about coming back after graduating?” you turned your gaze towards him.
“yeah it crossed my mind, but i don’t think so. at least not just after graduating. maybe in the future.” he kept eye contact with you.
“same for me. i won’t have same opportunities there.” you agreed.
“these are some serious topics for a party night” he laughed out of the sudden and it reminded you that he was way drunker than you.
“sorry, didn’t want to ruin the mood” you reflected yourself.
“no, i didn’t mean it like that” he quickly protested grabbing your arm. “you didn’t ruin anything. i just would rather escape this topics today.” his touch burned you.
“sure, i understand.” you smiled gently at his worried face. “let’s get back to the party.” you proposed.
“i think i’m gonna head home already. it’s late and i need to rest a bit” Jake yawned and stretched out.
“sure, i think i’m gonna get going too, Hari has company and i could use some sleep too.” you decided.
“i’ll walk you home. it’s dangerous to walk alone at night.” Jake said. your dorm was about ten minutes away and you were sure you’re going to be fine but didn’t decline the offer. you liked Jake’s presence more than you wanted to admit. “by the way what’s up with Sunghoon and Hari? are they a thing now?” he asked as you were walking towards your dorm.
“ohhh so Sunghoon didn’t share any details?” you asked surprised. you thought they were close when Hari told you they hang out a lot.
“nah he’s pretty reserved and i didn’t want to push him. but i definitely noticed something is going on.”
“well Hari on the other hand is not secretive at all.” you laughed. “i think they’ll start dating officially soon. Hari liked Sunghoon since forever and well she can be very persistent. i guess her efforts paid off.” you explained.
“oh but Sunghoon definitely had an eye on her too. but good for her that she did not give up.” he commented as you crossed the street getting close to your building.
“oh she never gives up. can you believe she still didn’t stop shipping us?” you blurted out and immediately regretted it. you were grateful that it was night time because your face turned red instantly. you always said too much after drinking. Jake turned towards you surprise evident in his wide eyes.
“she is shipping … us?” the way his eyes switched between you two made you even more embarrassed.
“yeah, no matter how many times i tell her that we’re friends she keeps insisting” you brushed your hand through your hair nervously.
Jake’s expression was unreadable, but you saw him watch you intently.
“sorry don’t know why i brought it up, she’s being annoying with it.” you started talking to deal with awkward silence between you.
“it’s fine. i was just surprised. i didn’t know that.” Jake reassured you but you could tell by his eyes that he was confused.
“let’s forget about it. we’re here, i’m going to get going. don’t want to stop you anymore.” you quickly blurted out, in a rush to get away from Jake and die out of embarrassment in the comfort of your apartment.
“have a good night y/n and see you on monday” Jake smiled.
“wait your jacket!” you remembered and started to take it off.
“you can keep it, i’m fine. you’re the one who’s always cold.” he said and proceeded to walk away.
“good night!” you shouted back at him after a few seconds of shock.
after he turned around the corner and disappeared from you sight you hidden your face in your hands. you cringed at the whole walk with him, first you started too serious conversations and later you started talking about shipping you together. you seriously needed a ban for alcohol. you hugged his jacket around yourself tighter and his scent hit your nose, the sweet scent you loved so much. you went back home to go to sleep and escape from embarrassment.
you actually managed to get some rest throughout the sunday, you pushed all the thoughts about Jake away and Hari was too busy talking about Sunghoon to keep questioning you. however now as you were on your way to cafe after classes you felt anxiety creep up your spine. you hoped Jake was too drunk to remember and care. at least that was what you wanted to believe in. you opened cafe door with your head high and smile on your lips. „hi!” you greeted Mina, your other coworker, who was just ending her shift.
„hi Y/n! so glad to see you. and you look so pretty today!” she smiled at you from behind the counter.
“thank you” you beamed at compliment. “i’ll go change. is Jake here already?” you asked.
“no, he actually called and said he will be a bit late today. i can stay with you if you want” she proposed but you could tell she was dying to go home.
“no, it’s fine. it’s not busy today” you looked around. not even half of the tables was occupied.
you got ready and started evening shift alone. it felt nice to stop thinking and focus on all the tasks, you didn’t even noticed when an hour passed. you realized when you looked at the clock above the door when Jake run inside with messy hair and pink cheeks.
“i’m sorry, i had to stay some extra at labs” he started explaining immediately but you stopped him.
“hey, it’s okay. no need to be so dramatic. here have some water” you purred him a glass.
“thank you” he said breathing heavy and taking a sip. his adam apple bobbed and you couldn’t help but find it attractive when he was a flushed and sweaty. “i know you’re fine on your own but i just hate being late, it’s all in the head” his voice broke you out of the haze.
“i know. you don’t have to be so hard on yourself you know” you instinctively reached out to rub his shoulder in comforting manner. you were about to withdraw your hand after you realized but he actually leaned into your touch and put his big hand on yours. your eyes met, softness in his gaze making you smile.
“thank you. i’ll go change now.” he said finally.
“how was your sunday? did you get some rest?” he asked later on when you were sorting the cups in dishwasher.
“yes i finally did, felt so good. i can tell i started the week with good energy” you responded. “and you?”
“yeah i got some rest in the morning but then i was out again.” he chuckled.
“ohh our social butterfly” you joked.
“yeah, i had a date” he suddenly admitted.
“oh” you could stop the sound from escaping your lips. “how was it?” you corrected yourself quickly. you were surprised. Jake never mentioned his love life to you before and he didn’t seem like the person who was looking for relationship now.
“it was nice, i had a good time” he said.
“that’s great! so happy for you” you tried to make your enthusiasm sound honest, but your insides twisted a bit.
“well actually i was already on few dates with her” he scratched his head while looking down. you steadied yourself against the counter. “at first i had hope for something but the more we met the more it became obvious that it’s not working out. i couldn’t really feel anything towards her. i think something was stopping me. like i kept thinking that’s not it..”
“excuse me can we get another cinnamon roll?” women’s voice interrupted your conversation.
“sure, coming” Jake responded and went to grab the cinnamon roll from the counter.
your mind was spiraling from all the information he gave you. you didn’t understand why he suddenly shared so many details with you, but maybe he just needed someone to vent to. you gritted your teeth unconsciously and went back to work. when Jake came back from the table he did not continue the conversation and acted like it didn’t happen so you you did the same.
“can we schedule baking for friday? i’m too exhausted today and i think friday is our next shift together.” he asked towards the end of your shift.
“sure, friday sounds good, we won’t have to hurry” you agreed. you were too drained today too.
“perfect! you can go already, i’ll take care of the closing. we’ll be even for my delay today.” he proposed.
normally you wouldn’t agree and stay with him but today you wanted to escape his presence as fast as possible so you just nodded.
“thanks it would be great.”
you felt relief when you walked out of sweet cafe into the fresh air of the night. coldness of the wind wasn’t bothering you this time but bringing much needed refreshment. you didn’t know why lately all your interactions with Jake were so awkward. you blamed Hari for waking up weird ideas in your head and hoped this odd feeling will disappear till Friday.
Friday came suddenly, this week felt like a breeze and you were full of energy. you were looking forward to baking with Jake. it’s been a long time since you’ve done it and new season was just around the corner so you needed to make some preparations. technically this wasn’t part of your job, but the owner being Jake’s uncle made cafe feel like a family business and you both really wanted to help as much as you could. and combining your talents always brought back the best results.
tonight was super busy in the cafe so you decided to close an hour later than usual and were left with ton of cleaning to do but neither of you wanted to cancel your plans, you worked quickly in silence and managed to finish daily tasks around 11 pm.
“okay let’s get to work now, it’s already so late” Jake scratched his head.
you put on some quiet jazz music in the background and put on the apron.
“so what are you doing tonight chef?” you asked with a broad smile.
“we need something new for fall menu. i was thinking about trying something we’ve never made here before- pumpkin cupcakes with dark chocolate and cinnamon.” he started telling you all about his idea while preparing ingredients.
“i’m already hungry at the thought of it.” you licked your lips and you noticed Jake smiled at you. “so what size are they going to be? do you want the decorations to be in fall vibe as well?” you asked him for more details.
“here are the forms” he showed you medium sized forms, cupcakes would be about a size of his fist you thought. “i was thinking that we may even go more for spooky Halloween decor. what do you suggest?” he asked.
“sounds like a plan. let me think for a while” you said already picturing all the possible options. you picked out your journal from black bag and sat down ready to draw. while Jake started working on pumpkin dough you scribbled few ideas down. after giving it a thought you crossed out the ones you didn’t like and went to show Jake some options.
“i did few spooky ones and one with fall vibes.” you explained showing him your doodles. “for spooky ones spiders web is a must, here look at that design, it will look like it’s melting down the cupcake. second one i have are this little ghosts, they are spooky and cute at the same time, i got inspiration from the little ghosts from ghibli movies. and for fall ones i was thinking about white cream and little pumpkins from frosting. here take a look.” you were focusing on describing the drawings while Jake watched you with silent adoration and admired your talent. you only noticed when you finally stopped talking and your gaze met his eyes.
“i love all of them. but will you be able to make that pumpkins out of the frosting? it seems complicated.” he questioned.
“i’ll try but i’m positive about it” you reassured him, you already had a plan in your mind.
“great, always the best ideas in that pretty head of yours” he ruffled your hair but you were too focused on the fact that he called you pretty to care. it never happened before and you felt yourself blush at the sudden compliment. you looked away.
“let’s get to work then. i’ll prepare the cream and frosting!” you smiled and started your job.
you were silent for the next hour, enjoying your company and focusing on the things you loved, there was some kind of comfort in all of that. dim lighting of the cafe and sweet scent of your baked goods making the night even more atmospheric.
when you finally finished baking and decorating you were dying out of the hunger. you took some pictures to capture your creations and then you let yourself get the taste.
“oh. my. god. Jake. that’s so delicious” you complimented him mouth full of delicious cupcakes. sweet taste of pumpkin was perfect with combination of bitter dark chocolate and cinnamon. “that’s the best shit you ever made.”
“i’m glad you like it” he laughed throwing his head back. “i have to admit i love them too” he said taking another bite. “but the decor is what makes them top tier. you’re really so talented y/n. i’m sure they will sell out so fast.” he continued.
you ate way too many cupcakes than you should and lazily cleaned up the kitchen.
“ah i’m exhausted but at the same time i feel so rested after our baking session” you shared.
“it’s like the comfort thing, just like our evenings on the beach in Busan. we found a worthy substitute here in Seoul.” Jake smile warmly at you.
“you’re right. let’s get going, i think we’re done with everything here. what time is it?” you asked collecting for stuff from around the cafe.
“oh shit” you heard Jake whisper.
“what?” you asked concerned.
“it’s past 1 a.m already. i have no idea how it passed so quickly.” he said frowning at his phone.
“fuck. i don’t think we have any buses left.” you cursed out.
“i’ll check kakao taxi.” Jake said and started scrolling on his phone. “you’ve got to be kidding me!” he exclaimed loudly few seconds later. “i’m not paying fucking 400,000 won to go back home.”
“oh my god” you agreed. you were already on the budget and couldn’t afford any unnecessary spendings.
“i’m sorry y/n i didn’t know it’s so late” Jake started apologizing you, guilt painting his eyes.
“hey we both got lost in time.” you reassured him. “let’s think what are our options.”
“hmm i guess we could stay here until the morning buses. when do they start? i think around 4 am. it’s only 3 hours then” he started thinking out loud pacing around the cafe.
“that’s not a bad idea.” you agreed. “we can just crush here. we have the couch and blankets.”
“okay then.” Jake grabbed some blankets from the storage room. “you can take the coach, i’ll settle down for one of the armchairs.” he said. space of the cafe wasn’t big so there was only one big coach.
“i think we can both fit here if you don’t mind, should be enough space” you examined rearranging the pillows. “you’ll be uncomfortable on the armchair.” you didn’t mind sharing the space with Jake and you felt bad that he’s always sacrificing his comfort for you.
“if you are fine with it then sure. coach is definitely better.” he laughed and plopped down. “i’ll set the alarm for 4 o clock, is that okay?” he asked and you nodded in agreement. he fidgeted a bit on the coach and got comfortable. you lied down next to him and threw a blanket over your bodies, there was enough space for both of you on the coach but your limbs were touching. at first you thought it will be awkward but it actually felt good, warmth of Jake’s body was giving for comfort. you didn’t even know when you drifted away to sleep.
Jake was fucked. you were laying next to him asleep and fidgeting, you must be dreaming about something. he tried to fall asleep but your scent and warmth was distracting to say the least. his body burnt in places where your limbs were touching. he shouldn’t agree to sleep with you on the coach. he knew it wasn’t normal for a friend to feel this way towards you but he was also well aware he crossed that line a while ago. he realized when his heart skipped a beat whenever you would smile at him. he tried to deny it, explain it. he justified the ache in his heart, everybody would feel intimidated in the presence of someone as nice and pretty as you right? but deep down he knew. oh and when he saw you in that dress on the frat party. he needed some fresh air immediately to calm himself down. but then you started talking how Hari is shipping both of you. and you were looking so cute with his jacket on, like you were his. he was so embarrassed but at the same time he wanted to ask you “would it be so weird for us to be together?” but of course he never did. he just laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing ever not his dream. he didn’t know why he mentioned his date to you the next day. it’s not like it meant anything to him, it was a failed attempt to forget about you. he wanted to die when you were looking at him with big confused eyes when he was talking nonsense about it. he knew he couldn’t with for you to feel same way about him. you deserved so much better, someone who was brave enough to confess, someone who would always keep in touch with you, not disappear from your life like he did many times. he was always a coward.
now his heart was pounding as you turned to your side your back making contact with his chest. you sighed in your sleep and went still. maybe it was time to finally start acting on his feelings, being someone who’s sure and confident. in a sudden wave of bravery he put his arm around your waist and pulled you closer burying his face in the crook of your neck. he closed his eyes and tried to steady his breath enough to fall asleep.
sharp sound of the alarm woke you up and your body jolted. however you couldn’t get up as there was a weight holding you down. you blinked your eyes open and noticed Jake’s arm holding your waist and you realized that your bodies are curled up together. you stopped the ringing of alarm and turned around in Jake’s embrace to look at him.
“good morning” he muttered slowly waking up.
“hi, did you sleep well” you swallowed and asked in the whisper highly aware of his proximity. his firm and hot body pressed against yours making you feel dry at your throat. he kept his arm around you, caressing your side.
“yeah, i actually slept amazing. and you?” he asked.
“i did too. definitely better than expected.” you responded.
Jake’s fringe was messed up, loose strands covering his pretty brown eyes, you wanted to look at them without distractions. the urge was so strong that you reached out and fixed his hair gently. however after you didn’t withdraw your hand, just kept it tangled in his golden strands. now you kept eye contact, his pupils were dilated and eyes squinting slightly. you felt his breath fasten and saw his eyes flick down, you also averted your gaze towards his plump pink lips. you didn’t even noticed when you got closer to him and tagged at his hair lightly, it was all your bodies doing. now you were breathing heavily too, chest rising and falling visibly, cheeks flushed. tension was high between you two and Jake was the the first one to break it.
“can i kiss you?” he basically moaned.
you didn’t respond verbally just smashed your lips against his and finally tasted him. you started the kiss rather gently, carefully discovering the feeling of his lips. Jake returned the kiss immediately and you felt arousal in your stomach at the simple movement of his lips. they were perfect and the kiss quickly became less shy. Jake licked your lower lip asking for permission and you granted it immediately, your tongues curiously meeting. you felt him groan in your mouth and pull your body closer. you moaned at the sensation, your boobs meeting his hard chest and feeling of his boner pressing against your abdomen. you tagged at his perfect hair and grinded against him, throwing your leg over his hip to gain better access. Jake’s hand travelled to your ass, squeezing the soft flesh and pushing you against his hard on. you moaned and your lips disconnected for the first time, a string of saliva between them.
“what are we doing?” you asked breathless, Jake looked stunning like that, with lips swollen from your kisses and dark eyes filled with lust.
“something i’ve been wanting to do for way too long.” he said, his voice raspy. his words send another wave of arousal straight to your core. you thighs clenched uncontrollably and he definitely noticed, you saw him gulp.
“do you want to keep going baby?” he asked and you melted hearing the nickname. you didn’t know how much you were craving him, both physically and emotionally but now you have realized it, you were in love with Jake. “babe, can you give me an answer?” he asked you for the second time gently caressing your face. you leaned in his touch.
“yes Jakie, i want all of you.” you said and added “please” just to see him fold.
“fuck, you’ll be the death of me” he hissed and kissed you again. this time it was much rougher and full of urgency, you sucked on his tongue and he bit your lip all while trying to get you out of your clothes. when your shirt and bra were gone he moved down and captured your hardened nipple with his mouth, flicking his tongue around it and pinching the other one with his hands. the sensation was making your head spin. you needed him bad. when he moved up to suck on your neck your hand found his belt and unbuckled it to slip underneath his pants and palm him. his length felt thick and hard beneath your fingers. Jake bucked his hips in your hand.
“needy are you?” you giggled.
“you don’t even know.” he whispered. “but you’re no better i’m afraid” he teased slipping his palm into your panties, wetness immediately meeting his fingers. “fuck you’re so wet.”
you moaned when he found your clit and started rubbing circles around it. “Jake i need you” you pleaded too impatient to cherish the moment, you needed him inside now.
“i know baby, i know. i’ll just warm you up a bit okay?” he asked inserting one finger inside your warm pussy. you were starving for anything but finger did not feel enough.
“need more” you urged him.
“be a good girl” he scolded you.
“please” you moaned when he added second finger and fastened his moves. “i’m ready.”
Jake couldn’t resist you anymore, not when you pleaded like that. he was hot and needy for you, his precum leaking in his boxers. you got rid of the rest of your clothes and Jake settled between your legs, his dick so pretty you drooled at the sight, perfect length with red tip and one vein slightly visible. you wanted to taste him, but not now. he started rubbing his leaking tip against your wet core. “are you sure?” he asked one last time and when you nodded he pushed the tip inside. you were so wet it slid right in, you both moaned at the sensation. Jake was so lost in the feeling that he unconsciously started thrusting not giving you anytime to adjust but the slight sting disappeared almost immediately replaced with pleasure. his thrust were fast but not too rough, his tip perfectly abusing your sensitive spot, you knew you’ll cum fast. but it was the same for Jake, seeing your pretty tits moving with every thrust, your lips slightly opened in pleasure and hearing your moans was enough to send him over the edge within minutes. you came in the same time connecting your lips in messy kiss. you clenched around him and your vision darkened, sparks travelling through your body. it was one of the best orgasms of your life. Jake peppered your lips in kissed once you both came down from your highs and caressed your face gently.
“y/n i love you” he whispered eyes wide with adoration. “i’ve loved you since forever.” you melted after hearing his confession.
“i love you too” you responded overwhelmed with the sweet feeling.
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bbina · 3 months
picture perfect confessions ── p. wonbin
synopsis: in which after a painful series of unfortunate events, wonbin decides the right time to confess is when you are caught off guard genre: fluff, fluff and FLUFF warnings: wonbin being a pussy its almost intolerable, anton being a little shit, literally based off riize-wonderland word count: 5.2k... i did not expect this at all notes: i literally got carried away what the fuck
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the long awaited trip to an amusement park planned by seunghan has commenced. the gang is all here to celebrate a long exhausting week of work and the such
"i haven't been in an amusement park for so long!" seunghan cheers as you all enter the gates of everland. twirling around to show his excitement
you laugh at his enthusiasm as sohee joins him and spins around
"hush children, let's calm ourselves" eunseok walks over to the youngsters in attempt to calm their excitement to which of course they boo and call him an old man for his lack of enthusiasm (earning a small smack from the older male in retaliation)
"soo.." you start, catching everyone's attention. "what's the plan?"
everyone gathers in a circle to discuss what everyone wants to ride first, taking all suggestions into consideration. seunghan, being the head planner of it all, firsts suggests that everyone goes to T-express which was a big rollercoaster as a little wakeup call for everyone
sungchan then suggests you guys should play carnival games first to "check gambling off the list first" so you guys could properly get rid off the feeling to waste some extra cash
but shotaro claims that carnival games should be played in between rides to keep the adrenaline going
you were just laughing along when you noticed wonbin a little quiet than usual. he usually was a big talker but for once, he was quiet. maybe a little too quiet for your liking
"you okay there, bin?" you ask, walking over to him to put your hand on his seemingly tensed shoulders.
wonbin freezes for a second before relaxing. he smiles sheepishly as he waves you off
"yeah. it's just its been a long time since i visited here" he says, a bread smile on his face as he attempts to hide his nervousness from hearing all the suggestions from the group
"well is there anything you want to do first?" you gestured to the the guys who were busy trying to one-up each other on what to do first
wonbin simply shakes his head no and keeps to himself
'weird' you thought to yourself but you simply brush it away. he was probably a little tired from the long subway ride which was totally normal
you go back to the circle who looked like they were drawing lots as a fair way of deciding.
"what are we deciding on?" you seamlessly jump into their conversation. seunghan wraps an arm around your shoulder and suddenly yells that you were gonna be the tie breaker between T-EXPRESS and DOUBLE ROCK SPIN
wonbin could feel his eyes pop out of their sockets hearing the two extreme ride suggestions but he wasn't just gonna admit that out loud. he was a pussy but he's not just gonna show that to everyone (mostly to you because the guys know damn well what a scaredy-cat he was)
"oh shit that's a tough decision" you can feel the adrenaline rush through your veins. the six guys look at you with excitement in their eyes. you can tell they were excited as you were
"T-EXPRESS all the way baby!" you cheer, jumping with your hands up in the air. everyone also cheers with your decision. "then we should do DOUBLE ROCK right after!" you continue, furthering the excitement of everyone. everyone minus wonbin who just felt like his soul is leaving his body
how was he gonna get out of this now?
you all rush to the line of T-EXPRESS but thanks to anton little treat of treating everyone to express passes, you lot were the first people in line.
as the rest of the guys were lining up, eager to get stamped on to get onto the ride, you see wonbin who seems to be kicking rocks by your peripheral vision
"binnie, you're not going?" you ask, voice laced with concern. again, he sheepishly shakes his head no
"i'm feeling a little nauseous from the subway ride from earlier. you guys can go ahead while i wait here" he says, straight up lying through his teeth.
you frown at this, expecting everyone to be hyped to ride the rollercoaster.
eunseok senses the weird atmosphere and reads wonbin like an open book. he laughs to himself seeing wonbin plead with his eyes to save his ass for now
"he probably slept for an hour again, y/n. don't worry he'll ride with us as soon as he gets over his motion sickness" eunseok asserts the situation. winking at wonbin who sighs in relief. he was gonna thank eunseok after the ride ends
wonbin does the same bread smile he did earlier and mumbles a little "sorry y/n"
you pout but let it go regardless. "okay, i understand. but could you hold my stuff for me please?" you say, giving him your purse. "i have some anti-nausea meds in my little emergency pouch inside. you can have some" you instruct wonbin who just nods and scurries you away since it was your turn to get stamped
"enjoy" you hear him say making you smile. you give him a thumbs up as you catch up with the rest of the group, leaving wonbin behind
"where's wonbin hyung?" you hear sohee ask, looking for wonbin among the sea of people. you sigh and explain that he feels a nauseous and opted to sit this ride out
at the mention of his "nausea" anton's ears perk up and giggles.
"ah wonbin's just sca–" anton gets interrupted by shotaro by clearing his throat. a little signal that you were in ear shot. he wasn't just gonna let bro be done dirty
you look at the two of them all confused. wonbin was what?
"y/n sit by me!" sohee exclaims, already claiming a seat at the cart he chose which was in the middle. to which you happily oblige. the seating arrangement was seunghan and sungchan, followed by you and sohee then shotaro and anton and finally eunseok who got to seat with a random stranger
and the ride starts briefly after
wonbin on the other hand, was waiting by the exit. your purse hanging off his shoulder as he watches the rollercoaster start to move up.
he grimaces at the thought of being on there in the first place but that thought is quickly overthrown by the thought of sitting next to you
how he wishes he wasn't such a scaredy-cat that he gets to experience something like this with you. not that he'd ever admit that though. he'd rather live through hell than to admit to his little crush he has on you (that of which the group knows about and teases him non stop)
but wonbin being wonbin, he takes the liberty of fishing your phone out of your purse and takes some aesthetic shots of the tall rollercoaster and the pretty sky blue sky. not forgetting to snap a couple of selfies of himself of course
he starts to hear the people on the ride screaming happily of joy as the rollercoaster goes on about its obstacles. he shudders at the mere thought of just being there.
after what seems like forever, the ride ends and the seven of you all walk out all jumbled up from the wind blowing everything out.
"holy fucking shit, holy fucking shit" shotaro chants, jumping up and down like a child
"you should've seen the look on eunseok's face. he was still like a stone" you double over laughing. remembering the look on eunseok's face just all straight and nonchalant
wonbin smiles at the sight of you enjoying yourself. his worries all washed away just by seeing you smile and happy
that is until, you announce that it was time to go to DOUBLE ROCK
wonbin has like 5 minutes to rack up another excuse on why he can't ride that. he was so engrossed with the thought of coming up with a plausible excuse that he didn't even hear you calling his name
"wonbin" you called, shaking his shoulder as he just stares at the ground with a blank face.
he instantly snaps back to reality a little "huh?" coming out of his lips
the rest of the guys all laugh seeing this interaction. how can he be so obvious and how can you be so oblivious
"i said sit next to me on DOUBLE ROCK" you beamed, linking your elbows together as you all walk to the next ride
wonbin can only gulp and pray to all the gods that are watching over him that he can find a way to excuse himself out of this little entanglement
by the time you get to DOUBLE ROCK, the operating manager announces that they need 7 people left before the ride starts
hearing this, wonbin can smile in complete bliss that he found a way to opt himself out of a ride.. again
"you guys can go on without me" he says abruptly, catching you by surprise.
"again? but you didn't ride with us on the first ride" you tried to reason, all you wanted to do today was enjoy the time with all your closest friends but how could you enjoy if one is left behind?
before wonbin could reply, the operating manager makes his final call for 7 people or else he was gonna find other people who are willing to fill those spots in
"i swear it's okay. i'm fine with being out here again. i'll make it up to you guys. scouts honor" wonbin reasons, looking at your face for a reaction.
the rest of the group all look at the wonbin skeptically as you begin to frown and huff
you simply sigh and leave wonbin behind as you tell the operation manager yourself that the 7 of you will take the seats. leaving wonbin behind all dumbfounded with your cold reaction
"oof that's gotta sting" sohee blurts out with you out of earshot earning a little smack again but this time by sungchan.
"sohee!" he scolds as he looks at wonbin with a worried expression.
all wonbin can do is just stand there all wide eyed with what just happened.
"how do i know if i just ruined my chances" wonbin says feeling dejected, totally not expecting that from you
shotaro, being the eldest and being the closest with wonbin daps him up and encourages him that he still hasn't technically ruined his chances with you
"i'm saying this now for good measure but you haven't ruined anything yet but if y/n is literally giving you the opportunity of your lifetime to be with her.. take it" shotaro advices, rubbing wonbin's back in attempt to cheer him up
wonbin can only wince at his advice and ushers him to get onto the ride since you guys were all waiting for him. he catches anton mouthing "man up" before the operators buckle everyone onto the ride
wonbin finds himself again alone by the exit waiting for everyone to finish. he's lowkey beating himself up for being such a pussy.
"god why am i so stupid" he cringes as the memory of you literally going past him like he was just a spectacle of dust replays in his head like a broken record
at the same time, he looks up to see where you guys were at and the ride was literally going in circles. just watching the machine go around and around is making his insides hurl
all he wants is to not embarrass himself in front of you
wonbin hears the machine go quiet indicating the ride was over and watches the crowd make their way to the exit. he waits patiently for the rest of you guys to come out
without another word, you silently grab onto the strap of your bag and sling it off his shoulder and carrying it yourself. walking ahead of the group to find the nearest food stall, completely ignoring wonbin
seunghan and sohee can only make "oooh" sounds as they watch wonbin walk miserably beside them
"couple fight.." anton comments, making eunseok and shotaro laugh.
"shut it" wonbin hisses, eyes following your frame. you had a straight face on which was a solid indicator (at least to wonbin) that you weren't in the mood to talk
seunghan then slips his arm over wonbin's shoulder, giving him a little side hug as his way of being encouraging to his friend. "it's not the end of the world yet, hyung" he says
"with the way you're saying, it probably is!" wonbin sasses, side-eyeing seunghan who just laughs loudly
"did she say anything though?" wonbin hushes, his mood turning a whole 180
sungchan who was listening the entire time butts in the conversation. "nothing. just grumbling on why you're such a killjoy" he jokes, making wonbin even feel worse than he already was
"am not!" wonbin tries to defend himself but he just looks like a sore loser. in retrospect, he kinda was a killjoy and he hated how he just ruined your good mood
after riding two extreme adrenaline filled rides, everyone was obviously hungry for some snacking. you all find yourselves in front of a food stall that sells corn dogs and churros.
you're sat next to eunseok and anton with wonbin in front of you who looks like a puppy who just got kicked. everyone eating silently with the occasional "can you pass me some ketchup?"
wonbin simply munches on his hotdog as he waits for you to talk to him. he honestly looks so miserable that it's killing everyone
anton who finds all of this hilarious has a little idea in mind.
"y/n, do you wanna share this churro with me? i'm kinda full" anton offers oh so innocently, handing you his barely eaten churro.
wonbin raises his eyebrow at this. what the fuck was anton doing
he doesn't miss the mischievous glint in anton's eyes as he smirks in front of wonbin
like a pawn being drawn in. you of course cheerily say yes and take the said churro from anton.
"thanks tony. you're so sweet!" you chirp, happily munching on the churro.
wonbin just felt like he got shot. how dare anton do this to him. how dare anton tease him like that.
"jesus christ.." eunseok mutters, face palming at the whole ordeal
something in wonbin just snapped. he wasn't gonna take this shit much longer (he can't take this shit anymore)
"who wants another corndog? on me" wonbin proposes, in attempt to win you over anton and his half eaten churro.
and like a pack of wild hyenas who just preyed on some innocent animal, the group all raises their hands. all except you
"me wonbin hyung!"
"two corndogs and a churro please hyung"
"me! i'll accompany you"
"was waiting for someone to buy another one finally"
the group all talk over themselves but wonbin is fixated on you and your request (if you even had any)
hearing no response from you, wonbin decides to call your name
"what about you y/n? want anything?" he asks, hopeful you'll talk to him
but to his dismay, you simply shake your head no and motioned to churro anton gave you in hand.
wonbin just felt the remaining pride he had in himself dissolve into thin air. he just wants to air everyone in the area out to get himself out of this painfully awkward situation
"oh.. uh... okay..!" wonbin stammers, getting up from the bench and going to the stall to order the food his friends all asked to get. the worker eyes him weirdly as he shakily hands in his card to pay for the food. this day cannot get any worse than this
after he pays, he calls out for someone to get the food back to the table. sohee, sungchan and shotaro offer to help while the rest stay at the table with you
"what's up with him today?" you ask outloud, not caring who hears your question.
seunghan and anton could only laugh at your question. you make a confused sound at their reaction. what was so funny?
"just wonbin being wonbin" eunseok remarks
"that doesn't answer my question" you retaliate. not liking the feeling of the uncertainty of eunseok's answer
"i'll answer that! wonbin hyung–"
before anton can even finish, wonbin slams the tray of food at the table, startling you and anton in the process
"we're back! here's the food. enjoy." wonbin sounds like he was gritting his teeth as he glares at anton who was obviously enjoying every single moment
not up for this weird shit much longer, you shrug and drop the subject as you wait for the boys to finish up eating
after having a hearty meal, you all walk around the amusement park to let the food digest as you decide which ride to go to next.
you all pass by some little carnival games and decide to splurge a little. even having a competition on who could get you a stuffed animal from the prizes
but of course being the little losers (your losers at that) that they were. they didn't win you any big flashy prizes. it was wonbin who won you a little keychain as one of the consolation prizes
"here" wonbin says, attaching the keychain he won with his hard work on your bag. he smiles as the keychain makes a little bell sound as it jingles around.
still feeling a little upset at him for being such a killjoy and sitting out on two rides, you only give him a half-assed smile. "thanks"
you don't miss the frown that flashed on his face for a second before he walks over to sungchan to argue about something.
now you were beginning to feel a little bad for your attitude. he did say he was feeling nauseous earlier but in your defense, you just wanted to spend the day with him by your side
you were about to apologize til shotaro says he sees a haunted house up ahead and he wanted to go which excites the group as they were feeling a little bored and wanted to go on another ride
wonbin gulps and feels a little lightheaded when he stares at the haunted house ride right in front of him. now that you were all rested and ready to go on another ride, he can no longer excuse reason out on why he can't go in since all you had to do was walk through the maze
sungchan being the matchmaker he was, proposes an idea that everyone takes turns in pairs to go insde so you guys wouldn't cause much ruckus as you were fairly a large group. he quickly groups people into two. shotaro and eunseok being the eldest, him and seunghan, and of course the youngest consisting of sohee and anton
which leaves you and wonbin left to be the pair
"dude you're a genius!" seunghan pats his back, sensing the little plan sungchan had in mind
you reluctantly go up to wonbin, already expecting that he was gonna tell you that he wanted to sit this one out.
"gonna sit this one out too?" you raise a brow at wonbin, ready to hear his excuse for this one. you watch him open his mouth and you were ready to hear the words "you guys can go" but instead you were met with,
"nope. i'm joining you guys this one" wonbin declares, putting on a brave a face hearing gasps from everyone, but you. he instantly feels a little better seeing how your face lights up
"finally! i was literally gonna call you a killjoy this time if you were gonna sit this one out" you gushed, feeling excited that wonbin was finally gonna join in the fun.
with the way you said that to wonbin, he feels like he got punched in the gut but quickly dismisses the feeling. he looks around to see the knowing grins and smirks from his friends
he turns to sungchan and mouths, "i owe you big time" to which of course sungchan gives him a thumbs up. sungchan can be nice sometimes and those times are now
you guys draw lots again to see who goes first and goes last and of course you and wonbin had to go last. not that you minded, its the thought of finally enjoying a ride with wonbin that counts.
the youngests go first and you can hear anton's screams of despair inside, causing all of you who were outside to crack up. after the youngests go, it was sungchan and seunghan then followed by shotaro and eunseok and finally it was you guys' turn
"you ready?" you ask wonbin behind you who was as pale as a ghost.
"y-yeah. ready as i'll ever be" he breathes out, his heart beating faster than ever.
the guys all wish you a good luck with a little comments on how the ride is oh so scary that wonbin might carry you outside (they mean the other way around)
and thus you two enter the horror house.
not even fully inside the house, wonbin starts screaming as some air blows on his face.
"wonbin!" you laughed, totally not expecting this from him and his cool guy image he always had.
"what? oh the scream? i was just scaring the ghosts away" he says shamelessly, attempting to cover up the fact that he was 100% scared shitless right now
you guys carry on further and further into the house. you try to block out wonbin's little outbursts sometimes when the people working inside were scaring you guys
when you reached the hallway where it leads to the makeshift morgue, a scary thing pop outs and literally scares wonbin. so much that in reflex, he reaches out for you and hugs you tightly
by then you feel him shaking. you look up at him to see his eyes closed tight. you almost wanted to laugh but with the way he was quite literally trembling, you can't help but feel worried for him.
"it's okay bin. it's not real" you try to reassure him but he can only whimper in response
you took it upon yourself to guide the two of you out of this horror house.
luckily for you guys the morgue seems to be the last obstacle left inside the ride so you wrap your arms around wonbin as you guide him to the end of the line.
the boys outside were busy chitchatting on the state of wonbin inside knowing damn well what was bound to happen
"do you think he's okay in there?" sohee ponders outloud, imagining the different outcomes.
"ehh so and so" anton comments, giggling to himself
"how much are we betting that y/n is the one wearing the pants and holding him" seunghan proposes to the group, stifling in his laughter
"double it and give it to the next person" shotaro adds, making the group laugh
"i think he can manage" sungchan adds, "his pride is literally on the line"
"guys they're done" eunseok says, seeing you waving your hand with wonbin in your arms
what finally feels like forever, you find yourself out of the horror house with wonbin still holding onto you for dear life.
"bin, we're out. you can open your eyes now" you say softly as you pat his head. wonbin takes a peak and lo and behold. you two were out of that hell hole! barely even noticing your arms wrapped around him
"wonbin hyung.. i thought you were better than this" was the first thing he hears and of course it had to be from anton. wonbin fully opens his eyes and starts to register everything
you were holding him
you had your arms wrapped around him.
you, y/n, his crush, is holding him, park wonbin.
wonbin short circuits as he jumps from your touch. "woah! careful there" you say, catching his arm as he steadies himself. he can't believe that you caught him lacking. the mere fact that you had to hold him til you were out of the house sends him over the edge. he just wants a hole to swallow him whole
you watch as wonbin turn red. you could only laugh to yourself while thinking how cute he was. you never wanted to take care of him more than now
without another word (aside from the boys' teasing wonbin for being such a pussy) you all were on your way to the gift shop as the day is about to end
everyone was busy looking at all the souvenirs they wanted to buy. you were by the stuffed animals section when you feel someone next to you.
it was wonbin
you smile at him as you continue to touch the toys in front of you.
"ooh this one is so soft and cute" you comment, hugging a big black cat plush. you take a good at it before showing it to wonbin.
"it kinda looks like you" you giggle, eyeing both wonbin and the cat plush. wonbin takes a quick look at the plush and copies the face making you laugh
"do you want it? i can buy it for you" wonbin says, checking the price tag by its tail. his eyes widened at the price which was ₩20,000. seeing his reaction you shake your head no
"no, it's probably a little expensive and i can order one online" you say, putting the plush back to the shelf you got it from
wonbin mentally facepalms with the way he reacted. he shakes his head and gives himself a pep talk about money will always go back but shit like this doesn't
"no it's fine ! if you want it i can buy it for you" he reasons, grabbing the plush again to show it to you. even making it dance
you honestly didn't want wonbin spending a lot on you and you hate the feeling of owing someone something but the plush was too cute and who knows when you'll be back here in everland with wonbin again?
"i'll let you buy me that if you let me buy you something too!" you propose to which wonbin agrees with.
you two wander around the gift shop til he decides what he he wanted to get. in the end he wanted to match headbands with you. wonbin chose a bunny headband and with that you two go to the counter and pay
the rest of the guys sees this and whistles at your matching headbands and the big plush wonbin was carrying.
"hey why are you two the only ones matching?" sungchan asks, knowing damn well why you two were matching.
"bunny headbands are taken go look for something else" wonbin counters making you laugh.
"dude chill" seunghan has his hands up in defense making the rest of the group laugh.
"yeah. that's what i thought" wonbin sasses, nudging your shoulders and grins at you
the guys carry on and buys their own headbands before heading out of the giftshop
"wait can we go to that photobooth?" you suggest, seeing a big 'life4cuts' sign. the guys chorus "of course!" before you guys rush over to the empty photobooth (after paying of course)
you guys take lots of pictures before printing them out. it was 4 pics in one and you thought it was the cutest thing ever.
the group was about to move on to the last agendas inside the park before wonbin pulls you aside.
"do you.. perhaps... wanna take another photobooth picture again.. but just the two of us....?" wonbin asks, hesitating a bit as he thinks of 299792 ways this could go. you could reject him, you could call the guys again, you could–
"i would love to" you smile, feeling a little blush creeping up your cheeks.
"i'm gonna go to the bathroom for a bit. you guys can go ahead!" you yell over to the boys who had no idea you and wonbin weren't walking behind them
with that out of the way, you and wonbin sneakily go back to life4cuts to take your pictures
"so how do you want our pics to go?" you ask as you input your money while deciding on what frame you should use
"we can do a normal pic then we can do whatever for the rest?" wonbin notes, mentally preparing himself for what he was gonna do. he was gonna confess his feelings to you
you hum in response, liking the idea. you opted for the default white film strip option so you could place it on the back of your phone case.
while waiting for the machine to process your money, wonbin speaks up
"i'm sorry for being such a pussy today" wonbin apologizes. "i know i ruined your mood earlier and i feel really bad i'm just scared of the rides and i didn't want you to see that so i'm sorry"
you turn around to see him pouting. how can you ever be mad at him?
"i realized that along the way and i'm sorry too.. for ignoring you earlier. i should've known better." you also apologize which causes wonbin to panic
if anything it was him who feels the need to say sorry. he can never be upset at you too
"then we're both sorry then" he jokes, "turn that frown upside down" he says with his infamous satoori accent and pokes your cheeks making you smile and blush
"you're so cheesy, wonbin" you laugh, hiding your blush from him
wonbin suddenly feels like its hot as fuck at the moment. especially with the close proximity. this feels intimate, maybe too intimate.
the machine dings and a timer pop up at the screen meaning the photos were about to be taken.
"it's starting!" you say all excitedly as you lean closer to wonbin to take the first picture.
"say cheese!"
the camera flashes and captures the first photo. looking good so far. now it was time to take a wacky picture.
you both watch the machine in front of you for the timer to pop up but it seemed like it was lagging. wonbin takes this as an opportunity to finally confess
"i have something to tell you"
you hum, waiting for what he was gonna say
you look up at him since he suddenly turned quiet. you see him looking down at you with the softest gaze you've ever seen.
"i like you"
and you hear the camera click. that was the second picture.
"i've been waiting for you to say that" you breathed as you jump to hug him. just in time for the third picture to be taken.
"what?" wonbin says in complete utter shock. you like him too?
"yes wonbin. i like you too" you professed, pulling back a bit to look at his shocked face.
wonbin hears the timer ticking and asks, "can i kiss you?"
you smile widely and nod your head yes, without wasting another second wonbin crashes his lips against yours just as the camera flashes. taking the fourth and final picture.
he pulls away just in time for the photos to print out. both faces beet red and breathing heavily. too stunned to say anything
let's just say you two walk out of that photobooth with hands intertwined with a matching photostrip at the back of your phones.
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"what's taking them this damn long" eunseok taps his foot impatiently. they were just outside the carousel ride, waiting for the two of you to come back from the bathroom
"did wonbin hyung take a post fear clarity shit" anton wonders, earning a hefty laugh from sohee who found the way he said 'shit' so hilarious
"maybe they got lost– oh my god ARE THEY HOLDING HANDS?!" seunghan spots you and wonbin walking towards them hand in hand with the biggest smiles on your faces
you skip towards the 6 guys waiting with wonbin behind you.
"sorry we took a while. we got lost along the way" you try to lie but the smile on your face says it all. they also don't miss the little photo strip on the back of wonbin's case
"i'm taking this as a sign that wonbin finally manned up" shotaro teases seeing that you two were now holding hands
"it was picture perfect!" you expressed, showing off your phone case that had the pictures of you and wonbin. the boys all gasp and made gagging sounds when they see the picture of you and wonbin kissing.
"i'm expecting a big meal after this" sungchan rubs his tummy to which wonbin rolls his eyes and mutters a string of "yeah yeah i know now all of you shut up!"
"we didn't even say anything!"
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ebullientheart · 9 months
roomies. spencer reid x reader
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content — fem!bau!reader. injured!reader. fluff. anonymous request. brief injury description. reader uses conditioner. making out.
when you no longer need your live-in doctor, you find you desperately want him to stay.
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you were absolutely fuming when the unsub shot you. just one, clean through the shoulder, that caused you to fall in a twist down the stairs, spraining your ankle. the chances of both of those events occurring had to be low, and spencer assured you of the statistics to back that theory up. just bad luck. fuming.
unfortunately, it also meant your life was substantially difficult to navigate while healing. you could barely shower, cook food, unlock doors, get changed. in fact it wasn’t ‘barely’, you just couldn’t. so the natural solution was to have your best friend move in with you while you were out of action entirely.
“it’s no big deal.” he shrugged. your best friend that you harboured secret feelings for, shrugged. no big deal.
there were some challenges.
“spencer,” you huffed for the tenth time that morning, “i am not swallowing those gross fish vitamins.”
he tutted at you, “they’re cod, and they’re going to help your sprain recover. valid studies have shown-”
awkwardly, you stood and used your uninjured arm to jab him in the chest, “i don’t care if they would grow me a whole new bone, they’re gross.”
it was weeks like that, when he wasn’t on cases. harmless bickering as he fussed over you like a newborn. but despite your teasing, you were not looking forward to the day he’d be moving back into his own apartment. it was nice, having someone to come home to. it took the sting out of the loneliness you felt, and you weren’t delusional for thinking he felt that way too. as your casts and slings were eased off, the both of you looked rather dejected, confusing the nurse tending to you greatly.
spencer nudged your good shoulder, “now you can help me box up my things.”
you’d gotten used to his things, though. his aftershave in the bathroom, his chess set by the couch. even his supposedly mobile library he’d moved into your apartment. you knew how empty it was going to feel.
in fear of that emptiness, you blurted it out on the car ride home from the hospital, “maybe you should stay a bit longer.”
“yeah?” he briefly took his eyes off the road to raise a brow at you, “you think you still need help?”
“i don’t need it.” you mumbled, picking the skin around your cuticles nervously. spencer noticed, and flicked your hands apart as a silent way of telling you not to do that. still taking care of you.
he didn’t push your declaration, just nodding, “okay. how long were you thinking?”
somewhere between a bated breath and a rush of words, you pushed out, “like, forever?”
this time, both his brows jumped and he had to clear his throat to stop his voice from cracking, “really? like roommates?”
no, like lovers, “yes, like roomies. nevermind, it was a stupid idea.”
“i don’t think so. i’d love to be… roomies.” the word sounded strange, too informal, coming from him, and it made you laugh. which made him smile.
after that very spencer-esque conversation, he moved the rest of his material belongings in, and put his flat up on listings. it sold fast, and you had to wonder why he’d agreed so rapidly, considering his place was notably nicer than yours. you had to wonder why he agreed at all, though it didn’t come as a surprise to anyone else that you hadn’t been able to separate. and the rest unfolded like one of the rom-coms you forced him to watch.
you no longer needed him to wash your hair over the side of the bath, which had at first been annoying because he did not wash the conditioner out properly. but now you missed it; it had become almost a bonding experience. that became true of a lot of things you’d adjusted to in the past months. him helping you into bed, you playing the wounded card to make him watch your shows on tv.
one thing that hadn’t changed was the sheer amount of card games you two played. you knew spencer was always going to win, but you tortured yourself with it anyway. one night, you were splitting the deck as you announced, “i’ve got a new game. it’s called rummy version two.”
before he could explain all the deviations rummy had from its origin over the years, making your game not a second version but at least an eighth, you rushed on to outline the rules. you were completely making it up as you went along, and continued adding to it as you played. it was impossible for you to lose, and spencer quickly figured out that you were bullshitting. for a profiler, you had a terrible poker face.
“you’re making this up.” he stated, putting his cards down.
you leant over the table, now able to rest pressure on your arm, and challenged, “prove it.”
there was a thick tension that had arisen suddenly between the pair of you, though the more you thought, the less sudden it seemed. maybe it had been building for a while. like the blush steadily rising to his cheeks as you got slightly closer to his face.
he smirked, “you’re winning.”
“rude. that doesn’t mean i’m-”
what it didn’t mean, spencer never got to hear, because it was at that moment he surged forward to close the remaining distance between your lips. you almost fell when you two collided, but his grip had attached to your upper arm to steady you. his kiss did not relent, demanding and speaking of all the impatience he’d felt recently. you responded likewise, threading your hands into his curls as soon as you got your balance, barely breaking for breath.
spencer’s skin on yours was something you had thought about more than you cared to admit, and with the fervour he was kissing you with, you thought he might’ve experienced the same. he was almost desperate against you, hands trailing to smooth over any section of exposure he could find, before one rested on the side of your face, and the other on your thigh.
“spencer,” you gasped, pulling away to catch air in your lungs, “need to breathe.”
he nodded as though he’d forgotten that, mimicking your heavy breaths, but not taking his hands off you. you rested your forehead against his and blinked. it was starting to sink in, the line you’d just crossed together.
“do we have to tell hotch about this?” you suddenly asked.
spencer frowned, “why are you thinking about hotch right now?”
you laughed and kissed him again, quickly this time, “you’re right, let’s just…”
thank god he agreed to be roomies.
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atinyniki · 3 months
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!bangchan x f!reader x idol!lee felix
genre: angst, fluff
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, proposals, insecurities, crying, mentions of sex but no smut, suggestive jokes, lots of kissing, y/n is neglected
authors note: omggg my first fic for the 'making @miuracha happy' event !!! i really hope you love it <3 this fic really spoke to me because i guess... its just people being people. relationships have problems, but communication is so so important in order to keep it alive ! this has a happy ending, dw... this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1771
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atelophobia - the fear of imperfection.
“baby? we’re home!”
you quickly check the time from the clock above the stove, cursing yourself for not finishing earlier and rushing to the door to greet them. “hey loves…”, you smile tiredly. they share a look before wrapping you in a hug, dirtying their clothes from the contact with your messy apron.
you relax in their warmth for a bit… its been a long day. “missed you, my baby…”, chan whispers. felix hums in agreement from your side, leaving tender kisses across your cheekbones. they finally pull away from you, and you assess the damage done to their clothes.
you don’t mean to make your frown so noticeable, but it’s inevitable. “what's wrong love?”
before you can answer, you crouch down and use your hands to dust off the rice flour from their clothes, apologizing profusely for ruining them. the truth is, recently, it’s felt like you’ve only made things worse for everyone. it’s thrown you into this bad mental state, thinking that your boyfriends deserve so much better.
“hey, it’s really not a big deal. we’re gonna wash up soon anyways, yeah?”, felix shoots you a tired smile.
you nod, standing back up and smiling sheepishly. “um… dinner will be ready soon. it should be done by the time you’re out.”
the both of them nod, making their way into the bedroom and then the bathroom. you rush back to the kitchen to check on the tteok, but you frown once you realize you must have boiled it for too long. the rice cakes look a little too mushy, but you hope that it’ll taste good in the tteokbokki.
about ten minutes later, you hear the two giggle as they walk into the living room. “gosh, i thought you’d have more stamina baby…”
he rolls his eyes playfully, placing another kiss onto chan’s lips. regularly, you’d be happy about it. it’s nice to have a loving relationship and be able to see their love progress alongside them, but the sight of them now makes your heart clench. 
it’s different now than it was a week ago. you feel undesirable, unwanted. why can’t you ever be intimate with them? why don’t they kiss you like that? the questions run through your mind at a sickening pace, and it takes everything in you not to cry.
chan turns his head to look at you, but you look away before he notices you staring. “gosh what are you making? i’m hungry as hell…”, he giggles.
“i’m sorry… it’s taking longer than i expected”, you mumble out. felix is the first to notice your uneasiness. “no y/n, i think he just meant… because it smells so good, you know? don’t apologize, there’s no need to rush, yeah?”
you nod, smiling at him and turning back to the pot of simmering tteok. only a couple minutes go by and you’ve plated all the food nicely, setting their meals down onto the kitchen table. “food’s ready!”
the boys rush to the table, smiling once they’ve seen the food. it pushes you further to your breaking point, seeing them smile so widely at the food, but never at you. you regularly don’t need constant reassurance, but right now it feels as if everything’s breaking apart in front of you.
to make things worse, they sit opposite to you around the small circular table. your body seems to be betraying you, your bottom lip slightly quivering, and you quickly bite it to hide your pain.
they each take a bite of their food, quickly eating due to their hunger. you smile at their eagerness, finding their puffy cheeks adorable, until you see their faces go red.
“oh my gosh… what did you put in this?”, chan asks incredulously. he obviously doesn’t mean it in a rude way, but it seems that way due to everything else that’s been going on.
“i- im sorry…”, you whisper.
you pour him some more water, and refill felix’s too. “it’s so fucking— augh —spicy!”, felix groans.
“i’m sorry.”, your voice gets even quieter with every apology, the tears brimming in your eyes. “i can’t even eat this…”
“i said i’m sorry!”, you yell.
and you break.
the tears brim over your lash line, now spilling over your cheeks, and the boys finally look up from their plates and at you. the way their cheeks are filled with water makes them look incredibly stupid, and yet it doesn’t make you laugh like it normally does.
instead, you cry even harder, knowing that you’ve put them in pain. you cover your face with your hands, not wanting to show how truly vulnerable you are.
“baby…”, chan gasps out. the two of them stand up, immediately rushing to your side. the burn of their tongue can’t even compare to the pain in their heart at this moment.
“my pretty girl… what’s wrong?”, felix coos at you. you shake your head, “i’m okay, i’m sorry…”
you feel chan’s breath ghost over your neck while he whispers in your ear. “can i touch you?”
you nod, and you’re immediately picked up by chan and set down onto the couch in felix’s lap. “what’s wrong, love? did we do something wrong?”
“i just… i don’t know. i guess the feelings have been there for a while now, but it’s never gotten this bad.”, you sigh out. the boys share concerned looks, only making you want to cry even more.
“i’m fine, really. i don’t need to be babie—“
“tell me what’s wrong, y/n.”
“chan i- it’s not that simple… there’s a lot.”
you hear felix sniffle from above you, and you pry your eyes open to look at him. you feel upset, yes, but nothing would prepare you for this guilt. “how long?”, he rasps out.
“how long have you felt like this? you don’t have to keep it from us… you can tell us everything…”
“i just…”, you sigh, covering your face again. chan grabs your wrist loosely, running his lips over your knuckles. “don’t hide from us, baby, please… tell us what’s going on.”, chan begs.
“i just… i don’t feel like your girlfriend anymore… i just feel like a roommate that you occasionally kiss at this point. you and lix have been out so much more than usual and you… you never bring me anywhere. i just want to be loved… i want to cook with you guys… and i want to sit next to you while we eat. i want to be intimate with you like you are with eachother… and i know that sounds crazy… but i just feel so… out of the loop.”
“y/n… that’s not—“
“felix… please… i just- just a little love is all i ask for… hold me, hug me, spend time with me… just don’t make me feel invisible.”
“i… i’m so sorry…”, he whispers. you open your eyes to stare at chan, who’s basically bowing on the floor, looking away from you so that you can’t see the pain in his eyes. 
“there’s no reason to—“, before you can finish, he pulls you up from his lap to wrap you in a hug.
“there's a reason, y/n. you don’t deserve that from anyone… and definitely not from your boyfriends. you mean the world to us, you really do… we were just… dealing with some things.”
“then tell me felix! i don’t mind that you two love eachother of course, i want you to. i want you to be in love with eachother and care for eachother but i just want to be in the picture. so tell me… am i still in the picture?”
“you will always be in the picture, my love…”, you hear chan whisper from beside you.
you turn your head towards him, and you almost jump when you see the dark red velvet box. his head is hung low in shame, and all you can hear from felix and chan are harsh sobs.
he flicks open the box, the three gorgeous trio rings glimmering in the light. “chan i- i—“, felix interrupts you before you can even get another word out.
“we wanted to make it special for you… that’s why we were out so much… so excited and happy all the time. it’s because of you.”
your voice gets caught in your throat, your tears suddenly fading away. the weight on your heart seems to be lifted, and yet it’s like these two are acting like the entire world is falling apart.
but that’s because it is. you’re their entire world, and they’ve hurt you. “we don’t need a special proposal, y/n. we just need you… so what do you say?”
felix pushes you up closer to his back so that you can feel his heartbeat against it. “will you marry us?”
you clamp a hand around your mouth, trying your best to suppress your sobs, but you can’t. you nod frantically, unable to say any words. nothing could have prepared you for this moment.
chan slides the silver band onto your finger, leaning over to kiss away your tears. “oh baby… don’t cry…”
“i- i didn’t mean to ruin it… i’m sorry.”
“you don’t have to apologize, my love. i’m sorry for putting you through so much pain.”
chan finally makes space for himself on the couch, pulling your legs over his lap. he lightly strokes them up and down, felix threads his fingers through your hair. all of a sudden, your stomach starts rumbling, eliciting giggles from the boys.
“you hungry baby? we can go back and eat”, chan smiles.
“i’ll just make something else… it won’t be too long, i—“
“baby, listen. it doesn’t taste bad i swear… it’s just… so spicy.”
he kisses over your eyelids, trying his best to soothe you. “it’s okay…”
“hey… we love you, you know that right?”
“i love you both too…”
you hum in satisfaction at the feeling of their hands on you. even when it’s not in a sexual way, there’s something so grounding about their touch. “eat later… i missed you guys”
“awh baby… you’re so cute. i guess we can wait a bit, yeah?”, felix coos. you lean up to leave a peck in his cheek. a simple gesture, and yet it’s so innocently sweet. 
chan leans over to swipe another tear away from your cheek, and that’s when you know you’re okay. they care about you. you don’t have to be perfect for them to love you. they want you for the person you are and nothing else. 
and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with them.
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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Finished! Hope you enjoyed this short, very rushed comic. It is actually a scene that is very dear to my heart, and I discovered in horror, 5 days ago, that the way it was interpreted by the actors in the audio drama was very different from how I pictured it in my head. Therefore, I couldn't resist, and had to do this before next week (because of other incoming events). It seems like among readers, the interpretation of that scene is rather unanimous : WKX, for all his ridiculous and over the top fake flirting, does feel a need to express at least some form of honesty; maybe because of the grief, maybe because he knows that his decision to stay with ZZS despite him being condemned will bring suffering. His best friend is going to die, but being with him is still worth it. I think... especially after the open conversation they have before the scene I decided to adapt, that it makes sense for WKX to want to express his deeper feelings -which he may not fully accept yet, given his "It's a good thing I'm not in love with you yet" quote from two chapters before. Sometimes, some words have to come out, and they're just a bit too much to fully take responsibility of. And thus, he backtracks, because now is not the time, because perhaps when seeing ZZS' expression, he feels like he'd rather not make this an honest statement yet. In the AD, the whole speech is played as a joke, including the final "confession". I guess it works, but for the emotional flow and rythm of the scene, I am more interested in a visible shift in WKX's delivery. On top of that, I find ZZS being left speechless afterwards to make more sense. He's used to WKX making outrageous declarations, why would this one be different? It also gives more intensity and contrast to the "Gotcha" moment at the end, which is a bit less convincing when it's already an obvious joke. It makes it a bit sadder, too, in my opinion. Maybe it's a bit tropey, maybe we've seen it before (=the honest confession that is then retracted), but I do think that it works well in this context. Additionally, I like how it reinforces the "Are you sincere?" scene, at the end, since ZZS would still be marked by how he did buy WKX's confession until WKX himself made fun of him for falling for it. That's it! Thank you for reading and then reading some more. Additional thanks to WenBuXing and Xuxunette for their translations, and to the DZZS creative chat for cheering on me. Big, big shoutout to Bichen, who I hope will like this version of that scene.
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itzgruvia · 27 days
Gruvia Week 2024
Day 6: Apathy.
type: Hurt/comfort, soft, happy ending.
characters: Gray Fullbuster/Juvia Lockser, Cana Alberona.
this fanfic is also available in AO3.
The Guild’s entrance doors were open with so much force that it almost came off from it’s hinges, the rowdy ambience was quiet down immediately once they saw the ice mage’s scowly face, not that he wasn’t grumpy all the time but he looked furious.
He looked at Cana who was drinking from her big barrel of wine, but stopped once she took the appearance of Gray who was marching to her.
“Hey, Gray” she said wearily, Cana never gets on Gray’s bad side but once she does, she prefers to avoid him as much as possible because he can be a bit hot headed.
“Is something wrong?” 
“What did you and Juvia drink in your mission?” he said sharply, crossing his arms as he looked down at her.
“Um..” she began to think and tried to connect the events of their journey yestereday.
Cana dragged her blue haired friend on a mission to find a burglar in a village, they accomplished it with no sweat and the villagers were more than happy to offer them a meal and some wine which Cana really had her fill.
 There was also a village woman who lived alone and offered to stay in her inn since no one really goes by their village, her hospitality was kind.
“I think wine?” she said hesitantly, her mind grew black after enjoying her party with the villagers.
“Be sure Cana! What did they give you in that village?!” Gray snapped, his tone was harsh and probably scared.
“I don’t remember! What’s wrong with you?” she replied, bothered by his sudden outburst; he breathed in, and pulled his black hair up with his hand.
“Gray, why don’t you tell us what’s happening first? Then we could try and solve the problem” Mirajane suggested gently, Cana nodded next to her, Gray can’t blame her for something she doesn’t know or wasn’t aware of.
Gray breathed in, and took a moment to answer.
“Juvia is not herself today” Cana’s heart dropped, did she miss something yesterday? But she was completely fine, they were talking and laughing with each other on their way to Magnolia.
“She seems emotionless, like nothing is making her happy or sad or mad” Gray continued as he sat down in the stool next to Cana, his fist tighten and his shoulders were tense.
“She doesn’t smile at all, it’s like when she was in Phantom Lord but worse” 
The guildmates were circling him now, Gajeel was frowning with concern, his arms crossed.
“There must be something she drank Cana, you have to remember.. Please” Gray pleaded, his eyes were frightened, of course he will be, Juvia is very dear to him and to see her emotionless suddenly will make him panic.
In fact, she currently feels scared for her friend’s wellbeing. So she sat straighter, her mind was still woozy with her endless drinking but she is confident she can track the events of their previous encounter.
“Okay i do remember a woman who owned an inn, she didn’t look suspicious or anything but her place was empty, we thought maybe because the village didn’t have travellers to walk by, it was very windy and we didn’t want to face a storm in our way so we got in” she explained.
Everyone was murmuring amongst themselves, it is very clear that the village woman had  something to do with it.
“Did she offer you something?” Lucy asked.
“Yeah, like two bowls of potato soup and wine, she gave me two of those big barrels but Juvia didn’t want to overdrink herself so she just gave her tea” Cana suddenly gasped, it finally made sense, the tea was the cause for her friend’s issue.
“ That bi-” 
“Let me go find something about this tea, she could have fused it with something” Levy suggested while she went rushing to the library.
“I’m coming too” Lucy added, she squeezed Gray’s shoulder as a reassurance before she left.
“ and we will find this witch and break her spine” Gajeel said, cracking his knuckles, Lily already on top of his shoulder ready to fight.
Noticing his friend’s silence, Cana put her hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked. Gray sighed and closed his eyes and shook his head. 
“I can’t go with Gajeel, i have to stay with Juvia” 
“I wasn’t even asking you” Gajeel opposed him with his usual gruffness, and left without a word.
Cana rolled her eyes at his attitude.
“I have to go back home” Gray said, getting up from his seat as he sighed, he was stressed, Cana can see it in his frown, he is stressed and worried about her.
“I am coming with you” she added, abandoning her sweet alluring drink aside, which Mira’s eyes widened with surprise.
“You don’t have to” replied her friend, his gaze was understanding and tired as he looked at her. It twisted Cana’s heart, she hates seeing Gray like that, it made her guilt eat her up.
She should have known better, an old woman in an abandoned inn, what worse could happen? 
“ no i want to, it is kind of my fault anyways” she hooked her arm with his and dragged him to the doors, she didn’t want to waste her time arguing while Juvia is alone at home.
Gray smiled lightly, she can tell that he was grateful for her company, on their way out he received a couple of back pats and support, they know that Juvia will come back the way she was again.
“I’ll send you a message to your Lacirama once Levy and Lucy find something” Mira called out, and they waved back in response.
Once Cana stepped foot into their house, she felt a sense of coldness, it was an unusual feeling, Juvia and Gray’s house always had warmth even if it’s residence was an ice mage. It was unsettling.
“Juvia, I am home” Gray said their usual greetings, but it was met with silence. All Gray could do was sigh.
Once Cana was led to their living room she was shocked at the state of her friend, Juvia looked so broken, her face was blank, her mouth was hanging open slightly, and was her face paler than usual?
“ Is it just me or does her face look blue?” she asked, her eyes still locked on Juvia’s frozen posture on the coach.
“No, she does look more blue” Gray replied, her worry grew worse.
“Hey Juvia, do you remember Cana?” Gray approached her, and gently gripped her shoulder.
“She doesn’t remember us?!” she asked, and he nodded sadly, Cana was bewildered, how come a single witch affect her friend’s memory like that? 
Juvia didn’t answer.
She slowly walked over to her and bent down to her knees, she rubbed them gently, and all Juvia could do was just glance at her, emotions were long gone from her blue eyes, now she looked soulless.
Cana felt disheartened, no wonder why Gray was desperate, she felt disgusted that her friend was deprived of her own emotions..
“Don’t worry Juv, you will be alright” Cana assured, giving her a smile. There is hope for her friend, she will come back and act like she used to. 
She hopes so.
Gray wrapped his arms around her from behind the couch and put his head on top of her, caressing her arms. He didn’t care that Cana was there, nothing mattered to him anymore except for Juvia.
This all feels surreal to him, once he realised that she wasn’t moving this morning he began to panic, he thought some kind of bug crept into her head and messed with her system, she couldn’t even get up without him leading her.
Stripped from her own emotions, not even sorrow was visible in her eyes yet all Gray saw was grief.
Juvia was trapped inside a spell, and all Gray could do was wait, and he hated that he couldn’t do anything to bring his Juvia back, her enthusiasm, her smile, her love, her dramatic expressions.
It’s not fair, she worked so hard to get to where she is now, and they took that from her, they took it.
They took it.
Gray had to calm down, he could feel his anger creeping inside of him like hot boiled water, he wanted to break something, he wanted to hurt something, he wanted to kill.
Kill that witch.
But Juvia needs him the most, everything will be dealt with later, he swallowed down his feelings and breathed in the air to calm his nerves.
It took 3 hours for Lucy and Levy to dig out a clue, it turns out that the spell that made Juvia emotionless was called ‘Apathy’, once a person drinks it, he will feel like his senses are leaving him slowly.
It made Gray’s stomach churn with the idea that Juvia felt every emotion leave her mind and heart, it means that she was also scared, terrified that she could not feel anything.
It took a day to find a cure, but by the end of the day, Juvia finally had her senses back slowly, it started with fear. Juvia didn’t what’s happening to her or how it was happening, she was anxious, stressed and terrified.
It was very hard for Gray to try and comfort her every time, she always felt like something was trying to get her, his heart was broken in pieces but that didn’t stop him from being there for her.
And then sadness, and gradually she got her emotions settled and stable.
Gajeel came back after successfully ‘smashing her head with his iron fist’ which made the master question him if he really did that or if he was overreacting.
It turns out he didn’t kill her but he did knock her out.
Much to Gray’s disappointment.
“Juvia, you really don’t need to do this” 
His partner has been cooking plates of food and dishes with extra desserts, and Gray is grateful for it, he won’t deny any of her meals if only she gives herself a break from cooking everyday.
“This is the least Juvia could do because of what she did!” she refused to budge from her spot as she stirred a pot of chicken soup.
“That was not your fault” Gray sighed when she didn’t reply, hyper fixated on the pot in front of her, her ears were deaf.
He can already feel a headache coming. But he could have her screaming and yelling her love for him than having her sitting in a chair staring in the void like she was dead.
The warm hand on his arm snapped him from his circling dark thoughts, Juvia’s gaze was worried.
“Gray-sama, are you alright?” she asked.
Gray smiled warmly and brought her to his arms, she immediately reciprocated , giving him a tight hold of her own.
“Yeah, I just want you here for a while” he responded, enjoying the gentle warmth of Juvia’s body against him and living in the moment of blessing.
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begginmonty · 2 years
being alison's younger sister and seeing the ghosts:
(this is a fem!reader but lmk if you want gender neutral stuff too, also this is rlly long sorry i got so carried away)
(what event that led you to die for a bit and come back alive is up to you - car crash, falling over etc)
seeing ghosts is something that you’ve always dealt with ever since the accident but you've never told anyone, in a fear of being seen as unfit or crazy, y’know? so you’ve always kept it to yourself 
and that is until you move into alison and mike’s big home after some money troubles (which you’re ever so thankful for) and as soon as you get out the car you see a group of people from different ages behind alison in the doorway
you’re trying ever so hard to ignore them when seeing alison again and her welcoming you in, but it kinda slips when you look towards thomas who has made some sort of romantic comment towards you and both alison and you look to him but alison catches you and is like ?!??!?!
“y-you can see them too?” alison asks and you really don't know what to say, there’s a silence before you just nod and you’re like “yeah. yeah i-i can, yeah” and then you explain everything to her and she tells you her story
when mike finds out you can see the ghosts too, man poor guy feels so left out and is like this is so unfair :((
a week or so pasts and now everyone knows each other and you’re all friends :D
alison is now happy and more comfortable as thomas no longer directs his comments to alison but now you, which you really don't mind at all and sometimes you’re honestly quite flattered
the captain quickly becomes one your best friends and he likes to be around you a lot as you listen to him and all his war stories and never shut him out, you enjoy his company and he really loves your company (he will never admit it though) but he feels comfortable around you
you like to go on walks around the grounds with him and just listen to him speak about whatever and such, just enjoying his company. you know he’s got a lot of feelings all bundled up inside and you catch onto his secret quickly, you let him know you’re always there for him if he needs
you always join in on the ghosts meetings or the talks they have set up for everyone - kitty always makes sure you sit next to her
kitty loves you a lot - often when doing your makeup or painting your nails you ask kitty what colour goes best and sometimes you even pretend to paint her nails or do her makeup telling her how beautiful she looks
people dont include humphrey a lot but whenever you do find his head you talk to him for a while and ask if you can do anything for him. sometimes you wish you could pick him up and carry him around, and keep him company more but you can't :( but he always appreciates when you sit with him for a bit
one night you find him on the roof and so you sit with him for a bit, looking at the stars and just telling him about your day and such
there’s one night where you are just having a horrible day feeling horrible about yourself and the way you look, and you’re sat staring into yourself in your vanity mirror. you’re a bit teary and just pulling yourself apart and thomas is suddenly in the doorway, and he’s like “if i may, have i told you how beautiful you are today, my dear y/n?”
and instead of jokingly telling him to go away, you smile at him, speaking softly “thanks thomas” he smiles back at you before walking off again.
but you quickly get out of the seat and rush to the corridor, “thomas” and he stops walking, his hands behind his back and looks at you before you walk closer to him, “i’d…i’d like to hear more from your poetry i-if you don't mind” 
you two spend the next hour or so walking, just listening to thomas speak and the other ghosts just kinda look on at you two and are like aweeee:(( (my heart)
falling in love with ghosts is really a not a good idea
that time where alison and mike host a party and you are all completely drunk out of your mind, and even the ghosts are dancing with everyone, well just beware because julian will be dancing with you - mostly behind you but perhaps you don't hate that.. : )
whenever you come home from work, everyone is always excited to see you and they each wanna tell you about their day etc
alison and mike go on holiday just for a week, as an anniversary gift from you, so you’re basically left to babysit everyone for the week
its an interesting week, robin nearly burns the house down, you all lose humphrey (both his head and body) for a few days and cant find him, pat hosts a song competition,,, and well one ghosts proclaims their love for you and somehow tries to kiss you well yeah we can all guess probably who
fanny often complains about your outfits and how short some your skirts or whatever are and she just follows you around the house and is like, “THAT IS NOT APPROPRIATE! NO ONE SHOULD SEE A LADIES ANKLES!”
and your simply just trying to make a cup of tea, and alison gives you a sympathetic look as fanny is following your every move
the only ghost who doesn't mind you swearing is julian. sometimes his tory-ass will annoy you and you just give him the finger and tell him to f off, and he either laughs at you or is like “what did i do?” 
the ghosts all support you in whatever hobby you have and always end up distracting you and asking you questions about it
and basically these guys are your best friends :))
if u want a part two let me know! or any request ideas for any ghosts i am down!! <3 
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somber-sapphic · 11 months
Hi! Can I request 1, 35, and ill timed with Yelena and sick reader? Love your writing!
Old Wives' Tales
This is my first Yelena fic! This is also unedited! Mostly because it's 2am!
[[Summary]] Most of the avengers would kill to get out of a press conference. Not you. You would do whatever you could to make sure you got to go. (yelena x reader)
You had been looking forward to the press conference all week. Most of the others absolutely hated dealing with the media. Natasha voiced her hatred outright and had even recruited Clint and Wanda (who were clearly only supporting the assassin because they were dating) to boycott any sort of press event. Fury had shut it down, insisting that it was a part of the job and that people needed to view all of you as a unit. 
Tony loved the attention, Bruce didn’t really care about any of it as long as the big guy didn't come out, Cap was, of course, all about the people, Strange enjoyed showing off his intelligence in any way that he could and Thor always looked bored. Yelena only went because she had little choice. Natasha decided that if she had to go, so did her sister. 
You, Tony, and Cap were the three who truly loved the conferences. It was fun for you, it was some of the only times that you could snap back at the public for the way that they saw some of you, mainly when it came to the three women. For some reason, they were more okay with the men destroying cities than with the rest of you accidentally knocking down some statues in a battle. Calling them out on it and watching faces go red was quite entertaining. 
Imagine your dismay when you woke up three hours before the conference with a blocked nose and full sinuses. Your throat felt like someone had force-fed you gravel and your body was unnaturally heavy. Damnit. You were sick. You hadn’t been sick in years but could recognize the feeling anywhere. It went without saying that you were no longer looking forward to dealing with reporters. 
With a hacking cough, you heaved yourself out of bed, swaying when your feet hit the floor. All of the blood rushed from your head, leaving you dizzy and vulnerable. You fell back onto the bed and clutched your head in your hands, groaning quietly. This was going to be an incredibly long day. Suddenly the idea of sitting under harsh lights and arguing with misogynists sounded like a nightmare. 
You took a final deep, bubbling breath and stood up again before shuffling to the bathroom to get ready. Despite knowing that there would be someone to do your makeup you applied a small amount, simply enough to make yourself look less like a walking zombie and more like a semi-living human. 
It was difficult to do proper makeup with shaky hands and blurry vision, but you pulled it off with minimal screw-ups. You’d thought for a moment that you could handle doing mascara and eyeliner but after accidentally drawing a dark black streak on your cheek. Then you’d had to do the makeup again, leading you to give up on doing anything close to your normal look. 
You threw back a shot of cold medicine and chased it with two Tylenol tablets swallowed with a gulp of water. Your throat burned and you coughed into the sink, wincing at just how much worse that made it. The fever you could deal with, but the sore throat was really getting to you.  
There was this old wives tale that you only vaguely remembered, but you knew that it had something to do with salt water. After a quick Google search, you found yourself in the kitchen mixing a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. The internet had recommended less salt, but your logic said that more would make you feel better faster. 
You took a sip and nearly gagged as you attempted to gargle with it, the salt burning your throat even further. You only managed to keep it in your mouth for a few seconds before needing to spit it out. Wrinkling your nose you did the same thing with the rest of the glass, managing to keep the disgusting water in your mouth for longer each time. 
When it was gone you rinsed your mouth with clean water and took a big sip, thoroughly annoyed when you found that your throat seemed to hurt even worse than it had before. So that had failed. Of course, it did, why would it have worked? Why couldn’t it just make you feel better?
You checked your phone and sighed, wondering what you were supposed to do for three hours. If you had thought it over better you may have waited to do any sort of makeup and instead set an alarm that would let you sleep for a little bit longer. But no. Now you had to figure out what to do with yourself. 
Then, it came to you. Some people swore by exercise to cure minor illnesses and you needed to train anyway. Screw the makeup. You made your way down to the gym and changed into a tank top and leggings, pulling your hair up in a tight bun before you entered the actual training area. 
You made your way over to the punching bags and began to hit one, growing tired after only a few seconds. That didn't matter, it was good for you. It would be good to sweat out the germs and you’d get in a bonus workout. 
Twenty minutes later you had moved onto the obstacle court and were drenched in sweat, struggling to avoid said obstacles. You had fallen on your ass twice and there was a fresh bruise on your cheek which would of course hurt much worse when that was the only pain that you’d have to focus on. 
“Y/n! What on Earth are you doing?” You stopped and turned around to find Yelena stalking toward you, wearing a nice dress and a scowl. You opened your mouth to respond when the blonde’s expression turned to one of worry and you felt something slam into your back. The breath was knocked out of you and you fell to the ground, curling up to protect your head. 
You stayed in that position until you felt calloused hands on your shoulders, coaxing you out of your protective ball. 
“Idiot.” The young widow grumbled, pulling you to your feet. She held you steady and glared into your eyes, her face softening as you felt yourself wanting to cry. She could tell, of course, she could. There was no bullshitting Yelena Belova, especially when you didn’t have the energy to put on a mask. 
“The germs aren’t leaving.” You complained, your voice a mere whisper. The woman raised an eyebrow and nodded, pressing her hand against your forehead. You whined and pulled away, swatting at invisible bugs as you did. 
“Okay weirdo, you sure are delirious. Come on, let's go.” She ordered, wrapping an arm around your waist. You sniffled and put your head on her shoulder, nearly letting the tears fall when she pulled you closer. 
It wasn’t often that Yelena would show affection where others might see the two of you, it simply wasn't the kind of person she was. But in private she was incredibly loving and attentive, she was an absolute sweetheart who would quite literally kill to keep you safe. Well, she may also kill for fun. The woman had a violent streak. 
“We’ve gotta go, Lena. We have-”
“Shut up.” You shut up. It just wasn’t a fight that you would win, nor a fight that you wanted to start. You’d rather just let her do what she wanted and maybe she’d cuddle with you. She’d definitely cuddle with you, it was a matter of whether or not you’d get a lecture about neglecting your health or not before the cuddles. 
Yelena half-carried you to your shared bedroom, not complaining about how much work you were making her do. It wasn’t intentional, but it seemed that forcing yourself to train had sapped every ounce of energy that you had left and you were struggling to make your body move the way it was supposed to. 
Your clear lack of strength came to a head when your knees gave out under you and you found yourself crumpled on the floor of the hallway containing everyone’s rooms, Yelena unable to keep you standing any longer. 
“Damnit, Y/n, are you alright?” The Russian woman asked, maneuvering out of the tangle of your combined limbs. That was it, that was all that you could take. You had been doing such an okay job at keeping yourself steady, making sure that your illness was on the sidelines, hyping yourself up for the press conference that you had been so excited for but now you were starting to break down. 
Tears slipped down your cheeks and you hung your head, body beginning to shake as you let yourself give up. Yelena cupped your face in her hands, her striking emerald eyes searching every part of your face for anything that could tell her how to help. 
“Hey, hey why are you crying?” She murmured, quickly rearranging the two of you so that you were leaning against her instead of the wall. You knew that your nose was running and that you looked absolutely disgusting, you were amazed that she was willing to be so close to you. She usually shied away from sick people. 
“Talk to me kotenok. Tell me what’s wrong, let me help.” Her kind words just made you want to cry harder. Rather than forcing you to answer Yelena held you tighter, pulling your head down onto her chest. She pressed her lips into your hair and whispered to you in Russian, promising you that everything would be alright. 
“I-I don’t f-f-feel good.” You finally managed, speaking into her shoulder. 
“I know Y/n, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this sick. But that’s why I’m here, I get to help. Even though you’re kind of an idiot.” You let out a waterly laugh and smiled, sniffling thickly in an attempt to get rid of some of the snot. Gross. 
“Gross.” Yelena echoed your thoughts and pulled a tissue from her pocket to wipe your nose with. Where she had gotten a tissue and why she had one you didn’t know, but you were grateful. 
“Thanks, baby.” You mumbled, giving her a weak smile. She snorted and kissed your forehead, rolling her eyes at you. 
“Alright germ bag. Ready to get up again?” The blonde helped you back up and the two of you went back to stumbling down the hall, your tears subsiding slightly.
Maybe you could convince Yelena to let you join the press conference via Zoom. Then at least you’d get to be a part of it. If not though, at least she was there to remind of you of your bad decisions all while making you feel like the most loved human in the whole world.
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A Comforting Quiet Day in the Bunker
Summary - Part 56 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends), Garth x Bess, Sam x Eileen
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N: Another slow-ish fluffy chapter this week. I think we’re getting close to wrapping this all up soon. I’ve loved this story so much and love all of you who have been reading along too!
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You wake up to a cold empty bed, which at first is a shock but you quickly accept it. You know Dean never really sleeps well with Destiny in the bed with you. He’s such a light sleeper and she wriggles so much. You also know that with the events yesterday, he would never complain. You pull yourself out of the bed just as the door swings open.
“Morning, Mamma Y/N,” Destiny says as she jumps up on the bed. Dean follows quietly behind her, his hands full with a tray stacked with pancakes, fruits and coffee.
“What’s all this?” You ask as you sit back down leaning against the headboard. Dean carefully joins you both, placing the tray gently in the middle of the bed.
“Just showing how much we love you,” Dean says as he leans past Destiny to peck your lips. He then hands you a mug of coffee, made exactly as you like it, before placing a mug of his own on his bedside table. “I spoke to Bobby this morning. He thinks we’re overreacting. He doesn’t know of any hunts in our area nor of any hunter families with two young girls. Plus, few hunters would dare mess with the Winchesters.”
“Oh, I’m glad I’m a Winchester then,” you reply.
Destiny looks at you hopefully, “Am I? Am I a Win… Chester?”
You look at Dean questioningly. He nods. “Yeah. If you want.”
You smile as you dig into the delicious tray of pancakes and fruit. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
After breakfast, Destiny runs off to her room to play while you and Dean stay in bed a while longer. You know he can’t have gotten much sleep last night and you’re in no rush to leave his arms, so you enjoy being cuddled up in his embrace.
“I ever tell you I spent time at a boy's home?” Dean asks softly.
“No? What was that like?”
“I’ve never actually admitted it to anyone, but it was some of the best months of my life. That was the last time I truly let myself believe I could get out of the hunting life. I told Sam it wasn’t for me, but in truth, I wanted to stay. Baby, I really wanted to stay. I had my first real crush there, was gonna go to my first real school dance. It was great, I was able to just be me. Not a hunter or a killer, just a normal teenage kid.”
“So, why’d you leave? I know how strong you are, if you wanted to stay you could have found a way.”
“The night of the dance…Dad came back, said he had a job. The guy that ran the place, Sonny, he said he was willing to stick his neck out for me, tell my dad to go jump, you know? I almost took him up on it too. But…” Dean sighs and leans his head on yours. “But I heard the car horn and I looked out the window. There was Sam, so young and innocent, leaning out the back window playing with this toy plane and I couldn’t help but smile. I ended up in the home because I stole bread to feed him, how could I leave him alone with dad and all that crap? It’s always been my job to protect Sammy. That was the role given to me at four years old. I’m his big brother…” 
You feel a tear drip down into your hair. “Dean, Honey.” You turn around in his arms and cradle his face. You place a soft kiss on his lips as your thumbs wipe away his tears. “I’m sorry. It must’ve been so hard to experience all that and then give it up. You’re an amazing brother, but you’ve paid such a high cost for that.” You kiss him again softly. “You know I love hearing stories from your past, but I gotta ask: what made you open up now?” He shakes his head and shrugs. You let him rest his head on your shoulder as you hold him close from your place in his lap. “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk, we can just cuddle. It’s alright.”
After a while, he lifts his head and says, “It’s just everything. This new glimmer of hope. The new house. Adopting that little girl into our little family. Considering going back to my original dream career…When I was at the boys home I told this girl that I would have loved to work with cars when I grew up. I think a lot of that inspiration came from Bobby, but it was a passion of mine.”
“You do love that car. I’ve seen how happy and proud you are whenever you wash her or fix her up.”
“Yeah, but it’s not just Baby. I also loved working on that red car for you. You know how I feel about planes, so to me, cars our our key to the world. And they’re just so interesting.”
You smile, loving seeing him so happy and passionate. Dean sighs. “I also told her I wanted to be a rockstar…”
“Dean? Have you been holding out on me all this time? Can you play the guitar?”
“If I had a guitar Dad would’ve broken it down for a weapon or firewood. I wouldn’t mind learning now though, since we’re gonna have more time on our hands.”
“I think I could handle being married to a rockstar…”
Dean smirks and takes hold of your waist as he kisses you deeply. He then trails kisses down your neck as he grinds his hips against yours. “Yeah? How about a sex god?”
“You have an awfully big ego there, Mr Winchester. I hope you can back it up.”
“Is that a challenge?” His now dark lust-filled eyes meet yours briefly as you wink at him. “Oh, bring it on, Mrs Winchester. I hope you’re ready.”
Dean takes his time teasing you; kissing down your neck, his hands roaming over your body, his hands and lips paying special attention to your breasts once he frees you from your shirt. He leaves a trail of wet kisses down your stomach on the way to the waistband of your pants. He pulls the elastic between his teeth and pulls back, but as he does a knock on the door startles you both, causing him to growl. The elastic slips free and snaps harshly against your skin causing you to let out a soft groan. 
Dean drops his head so his forehead is resting on your stomach. “I can’t take much more of this, Baby. I need you…”
“I know…” You quickly sit up and pull your shirt back over your head as you call out, “Come in.”
The door swings open to reveal the taller Winchester. Dean looks over his shoulder briefly and shoots daggers at his brother before dropping his head back to your stomach with a groan. “You have exactly five seconds to close that door before I come over there and kill you.”
You smack Dean’s shoulder. “Ignore him. What’s up, Sam?”
“You know, Dean? You guys came home in the middle of my date so you can go screw yourself.”
“If you don’t hurry up and close that door then I’m going to have to!”
“I really don’t feel bad, sorry Dean.”
“Alright, that’s enough from both of you!” you say flatly cutting them both off. “Sam, we had a damn good reason for interrupting and you know it. And Dean, it’s just sex, you’ll survive. 
Dean lifts his head to glare at you. “Just? Just sex? Really?”
You shake your head at him before looking back over at Sam. “Anyway, what do you need, Sam?”
“Eileen caught a case, I’m gonna go with. Just wanted to let you know. Oh, and…Your daughter’s hungry and the fridge is almost empty. But anyway, you guys have a great day. I’ll be back in a few days.”
Dean growls, “Bitch!”
You shake your head and roll your eyes at their childish antics. “Be safe, Sam.”
“Always.” He closes the door behind him and you listen as his heavy footsteps retreat down the hall.
“I can’t wait to move into that house where he can’t interrupt us anymore…” Dean sighs.
“Alright, Grumpy. Sounds like reality calls. Let’s go have lunch and then go get some groceries. Maybe we can even stop by the place and start getting measurements for new furniture.”
“Fine…” Dean grumbles but gets up with you and gets dressed in his normal attire.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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makeupbychio · 2 years
you kissed her?! // e.m x fem!reader
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader.
Summary: Steve kissed you for a really good purpose and Eddie lost his good temper.
Warnings: Jason and his group, reader being bothered by them. Fights. Mentions of Chrissy and Fred's deaths. Mentions of guns, the ones Jason has. Mentions of smut and making out. Angst bc Eddie's worry but with happy ending.
Words: 3.7k.
a/n: I dreamt this a couple of days ago so... also, I put fem!reader just for the pronouns. Credits to gif's owner.
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"What else?" Steve asked you when he placed in the cart the beers Eddie asked for. You walked down the liquor aisle. 
Your boyfriend was the only one who asked for alcohol to calm down his nerves of the recent events. And he asked for a big amount, he thinks he’s never going to be able to leave his hiding spot.
You didn’t argue because he’s very upset right now and also, Steve was paying for everyone’s supplies.
“Don’t forget about the cookies the kids asked for” you pointed at the list they gave you. The cart was full, food for at least a week for every meal of the day and other things you might need while you all stayed at Rick’s trying to solve whatever is going on now on Hawkins. 
You also remembered what Robin asked you, girls stuff. “You go get the sweets and I’ll be in the personal care aisle” you told Steve leaving his side with the cart heading to the other side of the local market.
You were looking for the ones your friend asked you when you felt a weird feeling on you. “Y/L/N!!” Jason and his group rushed to where you were. 
Fuck, you muttered to yourself. A huge horror inside your guts because they are known for being dangerous now that they are hunting Eddie, your Eddie. You are scared that they are going to hurt you right now in front of everyone just because you are relative to Eddie.
You tried your best to act casual, with your best poker face in their presence but the truth is that you just wanted to run away. You were mentally preparing to throw fist at them if they dared to put their hands on you.
“What?” you asked them with an annoying look at them. Acting fool like they were not about to ask you the obvious question. 
“Where is Eddie, freak?” Jason asked you with bloody eyes, he looks like he hasn’t slept or taken a shower in days. 
The whole town knows you two have been together since your last year of high school. But you left Hawkins to go to college, you were back for the spring break that far now it’s been like trash with the mysterious murders. 
A thousand thoughts rapidly ran in your mind trying to give him a good excuse to leave you alone. Fuck, you love Eddie so much that Jason is not going to believe what you are about to say. Also, where the fuck is Steve to help you out of there?
You looked down at Jason, since he’s shorter than you. You tried to intimidate him with your height difference and also your badass attitude you were also known for. 
You are not an innocent sweet girl, and during your school years you remembered how many times you shouted Jason’s mouth with your sarcasm at his mean words towards Hellfire Club, where you belonged. But not gonna lie, right now knowing that they have tons of weapons and guns somewhere you are scared of them. 
“Eddie? Why should I know that?” you looked at him deep down in his eyes. Trying to put a spell on him to believe you all the things you were about to tell him. “I don’t know where he is”.
He frowned his features, confused as hell. There is no way you and Eddie broke up, everyone knows you two are meant to each other, even Jason knows that despite that he hates both of you. 
“Don’t bullshit me right now, Y/N” he took a step closer to you, “I’m going to ask you one last time and you better tell me the truth, where is Eddie?!” He raised his voice a little due to his annoyance. 
Oh no, he did not just threaten you. He chose the wrong person. Just when you were about to read him, you felt an arm around your waist. 
“There you are, babe” Steve smiled at you, putting your body closer to his side. You looked at him with surprise, his hand touching your exposed skin between the waistband of your pants and your shirt. “What’s up, guys?” he asked the basket team with his cool attitude he always shows to the rest. 
Of course they changed their temperament, now they are speaking to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harington and not some freak from Hellfire.
“We are talking to her, Steve. We just want to know where Eddie is” Jason told him very politely, like if he were speaking to a super star. Well, Steve used to be the king of that school and Jason has respect for him just for that. 
“I told you, I don’t know where he is! I broke up with that asshole before I left this town” you kept lying to them. It hurted you to refer to Eddie with those words. 
Steve cheered on the inside that you understood what his escape plan was. “I’m with Steve now” you looked up at Steve, trying to figure out your next move so they would leave you in peace. 
It doesn’t make sense to Jason, a few days earlier he saw Steve with a girl at the game. If Steve was cheating on you, he didn’t want to get involved in a couple's problems so he let that slip.
“Good for you, Y/L/N. Good news that you realized that freak wasn’t for you. I always told you that, remember?” Jason pointed at you. He and the rest of the team considered you a really beautiful girl to be with Eddie the freak, and Jason told you that a lot of times when he tried to flirt with you but always got a punch on his guts instead from you.
“That loser? He can’t even graduate” Steve scowled. He went too far but you let that pass just because this was urgent. “Now guys, if you excuse us, we need to go”. Steve took the cart to leave.
“Hold on, Harrington” Jason stopped the cart from moving. Hands gripping tight the metal. “Why all this stuff?” he asked, looking down at the huge amount of things you were trying to buy. They were also looking for all of the rest of the Hellfire Club and this looks exactly like you were about to feed a lot of people. 
Steve froze because he just thought about the fake relationship with you, he thought that would be enough. “This? Mmhh this is for…” Steve scratched the back of his neck. 
“This is for a party we are going” you interrupted your friend looking at him, for his turn to follow you. 
“Yeah yeah, exactly. We are going to a frat party and you know how much alcohol we need” Steve looked at them knowing the parties they have at the abandoned diner. 
“Yeah, I just came back for spring break to see MY Steve and have a proper time together” you placed a hand on Steve’s chest. 
It was now or never, Steve thought. You didn’t see that coming but the next second Steve grabbed your face and kissed you eagerly. You opened your eyes wide at his action but returned the kiss while he closed his to keep kissing you, trying to finally shoo the group. 
Steve now understands why Eddie is obsessed with his girlfriend, her soft and plump lips felt so good to Steve but he’s taking that thought to the grave. Your cherry chapstick all over Steve’s mouth, he envies Eddie now a little bit more. More because just like with Robin, he never paid attention to you when you two were in high school. He used to be a real asshole, not like Jason but Steve was not a nice person to the ones who were not in his circle of “friends” and also he was, still, so obsessed with Nancy. Of course you found him handsome back in high school, and had a little crush before you started dating Eddie. 
Eddie knew about this crush, because you told the group once and always teased you when he got the chance when you both were friends before becoming the coolest couple after Nancy dumped Steve and started dating Jonathan. 
Now Steve regretted being a total douchebag, because he would have had really good friends back then in school if he would have been a little bit nicer to you, Robin and Eddie.
“We gotta go, guys”. Steve grabbed you by your waist again while you took the cart. “We don’t have time for her ex” he tried to sound jealous at their retirees questions.
You finally found what Robin asked you to buy for her and also spotted the condoms section next to it. You were not lying about this when you grabbed two boxes of condoms. The boys around you looked at you with astonishment. You hate people that act like prudish, or you just don’t have shyness when it comes to this topic. Even Steve was shocked at the ones you picked. Now, he is jealous of Eddie. God, he needs a partner asap. 
“Like I said, I came back to have a proper time with my boyfriend” you winked at Steve, and told Jason’s group. But you were not going to use them with Steve, but you had to keep lying to get out there. 
Now for the jocks it was way too much information, finally starting to leave you alone. “Ok guys, sorry for interrupting you. If you see Eddie, Y/N don’t approach him, he’s dangerous right now out there” Jason trying to act like he cares about your safety. You just wanted to punch him in the face. 
“And you guys should slow down with whatever you are doing” Steve said pointing at Patrick who looked scared and was covered in sweat. 
“I think you should look after your friends instead” , your last words to the kids.
Steve took the cart and hurried to the closest supermarket check-out. Thanks to the universe, there was no waiting line to pay. You slowed down him a little bit or it would look obvious that you want to leave the place.
– – 
Back in Steve’s car with all of the grocery bags in the back, you two are quiet. The silence was a little bit uncomfortable. The music of the radio was the only thing that kept the moment tolerable. Steve’s eyes were going from the road to the rearview mirror to check that Jason was not following you. He pushed the accelerator to the floor and was off like a shot in the road. You were outside Rick’s in less than 20 minutes. 
You barely waited for Steve to properly stop the car when you were already outside of it. You took some bags from the back and carried them inside the house. Steve parked where the car was not visible from the road. 
You shoved the door open, scaring your friends who were inside waiting for you. 
“What happened?!” Robin asked you anxiously. You throw the bags on the dining table and run back to help Steve. “Y/N!” she insisted. You didn’t answer until you got everything inside. 
Everyone stood up to help you. “Steve, what is going on?!” Dustin yelled at him. Both of you are looking for something. “Guys! What are you looking for?!” 
“We need something to hide Steve’s car!” you said desperately looking for something similar that could be used.
“Why, Y/N?” Eddie asked you, grabbing your arms to stop your movements. You escaped his grip. “Y/N, stop! Guys you are scaring me” Eddie put his hand on his hips exhausted. 
“What took you so long? Something clearly happened” Nancy told you how they were shitting bricks because the supposed short visit to buy groceries ended with both of you being outside for more than expected. They were having the worst theories and scenarios. 
“We were in the market, only a few things left and with Y/N we separated to make it faster. So I went to grab the cookies and she went to grab other things and once I spotted her, Jason and his group were talking to her…” Steve told the group the earlier events without blinking or taking a breath. Adrenaline is still going through his veins just thinking that Jason could have followed you. 
Everyone sighed at the mention of Jason’s name. Now Eddie was REALLY worried, wondering if Jason hurted you. 
“So I saw how Y/N was about to hit him or kill him with her stare, I don’t know so I assumed he was bothering her. Of course he asked about you…” Steve pointed at Eddie and the boys who are in Hellfire Club. Meanwhile you found a large piece of cloth to hide Steve’s car, and went outside to cover it. Eddie wanted to follow you but he wanted to hear what Steve was saying since he was the only one telling everyone what the hell is going on.
“Of course she lied and gave him the BEST poker face I’ve seen but he still didn’t believe her so she told him that she hadn’t heard about you in months but Jason still didn’t trust a single word so I stepped in and…” Steve still didn’t take a break between words describing everything to explain their entrance and what took them too long, while he took the groceries off the bags and placed them on the dining table.
“I don’t know how but he just left us in peace when we told him that Y/N was now dating me…” Eddie jumped at that, getting way too close to Steve, he didn’t look back at the leader of Hellfire because he was too into getting all out of his chest because he was as scared as you back in the market. “So I kissed her and Jason FINALLY left us in peace and…” 
“YOU KISSED HER?!” Eddie literally threw Steve to the nearest wall and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. You stepped inside the house just in time.
“Eddie calm down!” Dustin tried to pull back Eddie but failed in the try. The tiniest thing was going to upset Eddie because he’s been really fragile since the spooky death of Chrissy. He was freaking out, the last thing he needed was to hear Steve, ‘the king of Hawkins who Y/N used to have a crush on when they were younger’, kissed his girlfriend.
Steve started to get red from his tries to breathe properly. “Man I can explain”. If looks could kill Steve would be dead. He shouted at him that he could take her hand or just hugged her to make it look like they were dating. 
“Eddie let him go, please” your voice calmed him a little bit. He trusted you, and only you in this evil world. “Jason was really getting weird on me, this time I really needed help. It wasn’t like those times in school when I could take him down easily” you explained, approaching your boyfriend to rub the sides of his arms and take his hands off Steve’s neck. You are not afraid of Eddie, it's not a situation of 'look at me' so he doesn't hurt Steve. It's just that he just saw the most scary way someone could die, despite that Dustin told him that they believe what he said, it doesn't make sense to him ANY of what is happening in this shitty town.
“Exactly, exactly. What she says, listen to her. She was in danger, this WHOLE plan was in danger, almost got caught” Steve felt how he loosened his grip a little bit. He never thought he was going to be afraid of Eddie, well, when it comes to fights, Steve never wins. Eddie thought for a moment if he should let Steve go. He gave Steve the last death glare before letting him go.
Robin helped Steve to catch his breath, kneeled down to rest. “First and last strike, Harrington. Do you understand?!” Eddie pointed at him before hugging your figure. Steve nodded at him and muttered a low ‘yes’ to him like a scared puppy, thank God he’s never going to see how the kiss was. 
Eddie is not a violent person or a jealous boyfriend but due to the lately traumatizing events he can’t trust his brain and his temper, especially when it comes to Jason. “Did he hurt you, baby?” he asked you, looking at any sign that Jason put a hand on you. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry” you grabbed his face to kiss his temple. “Let’s go talk upstairs” you took his hand to lead him to the bedroom in the second flor and tell him everything, now properly and not like Steve did throwing the bomb at Eddie.
“I’m sorry, Harrington” Eddie offered his hand to him before leaving the group to be alone with you. Steve told him it was fine.
– – 
You closed the door of the bedroom behind you, “What’s in your mind right now?” you asked Eddie, sitting on his lap and rubbing his back. You know that nothing sweet was going through his head right now, but you are always there to help him. “Tell me, Eds” reassuring him it’s safe to tell you.
“I’m sorry, babe. I just want this to be over. I got worried that you took so long out there, I really thought that I lost you like the ways Chrissy and Fred lost their lives. I know it sounds paranoiac but I don’t know it’s not safe out there, then he mentioned Jason and I can imagine the whole armament he has and it got worse… Y/N I swear to God if he hurts you, I can’t lose you-” and he broke down the tears he’s been holding since you left his side to go for the supplies. He will never forgive himself if something happens to you.
You rested his head in your chest while you let him pour out his feelings. He hugged your figure, holding you tight letting his tears run free. His cold rings against the exposed skin of your back gave you chills.
He kept apologizing for his reaction and for wetting your shirt with his tears but you told him that it’s okay. You kissed the top of his head before you left his lap. You took his hand and lay back down with him in the bed, he hugged you from behind, “Thanks, I’m going to apologize again with Steve later”. Eddie took a scent of your perfume when he laid his head close to your neck, immediately feeling better. You turned around to look and hold his beautiful face, you placed kisses all over it. 
For the first time in days you heard him laugh. “Why did you leave his side in the first place?” Eddie asked you. The first thing they told you and Steve before leaving the house was to always stick to the plan.
“I had to borrow these” you gave him a playful smirk when you took the item that was in the back pocket of your pants. His grin wide, you read his mind. 
“Thank God, I left mine in my room and the ones I had in my van we ran out of it” he informed you. You gave him one box of condoms and you kept the other one. “But right now, I just want to kiss you” he admitted. 
This is unusual of him, since he’s always like a horny puberty boy. But you both always respect your time and space. Right now he needs another type of intimacy. “Of course, baby. Don’t worry, just tell me when you’re ready”. Meanwhile, you both started to make out since the only thing he wants right now is to kiss you.
He placed you on top of his lap, you straddled him and just broke the kiss to take off your shirt. “Can’t believe Harrington kissed those pretty lips” he looked at you. He wasn’t going to shut up about it in a long time. “Who’s a better kisser?” he teased you, he loves grabbing your ass when you are on top of him. 
You smacked his shoulder at his dumb question. "Eddie, come on!" but decided to play his game, “Mmmhhh I don’t know. I think I need more kisses to make a decision” you teased him back, slowly cheering him up to get his spirit back. 
“Okay, I took what I said before back. Now I’m in the mood” he flipped you to lay you down in the bed and now he was on top of you. He quickly took off his shirt and threw it somewhere in the bedroom. You laughed at his cocky behavior. 
You grabbed his face while he covered yours with his kisses, trailing down to your neck to leave a couple of marks, you panted when he kissed your sweet spot. “If he only knew what that pretty mouth can do''. He kept coming down till his motions were interrupted by the piece of cloth in your chest. He quickly got rid of it and left a couple more love bites in your breasts. “What about now, love? Who is a better kisser?'' He didn’t leave his attention from your pretty chest. 
You moaned at the feeling of his lips against your skin, “You are, Eddie”. He’s been the only one that can give you chills all over your body every time he touches you.
"That's my girl. I love you so much" he worships you all the time like the goddess you are. He just wanted to show you how much he needs you to comfort him after the traumatized events by holding you really close to his body and covering every part of you with his sweet kisses. 
– – 
“Do you think they are fighting?” Dustin asked Steve naively, who was helping him with dinner and placing the rest of the things into the shelfs. 
The boy couldn’t hear if you two were fighting or not due to the huge house Rick has. Thank God.
Till this point he should know how his D&D lead master acts when it comes to you. 
Steve gave him an ‘are you serious?’ look, but also he didn’t want to traumatize the boy by telling him the truth and how couples make up these situations. “By the gift Y/N bought Eddie in the market, I think they are going to be fine” he reassured the boy not to worry.
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magicaleggplant · 11 days
extremely belated montreal worlds impressions, part 2
part 1 (pairs and women recap)
finally finishing this a whole month after worlds... i'm traveling again over the next couple of weeks and i've barely recovered from montreal! anyways, here's the (very rushed) ice dance and men recap.
...is a fake sport, but i enjoy the vibes? i don't know a lot about the technicalities of ice dance despite having watched it for many years, so it mostly comes down to whether i like a team or not. overall i enjoyed the event, the free dance more than the rhythm dance (there are only so many 80s RDs i can take...) there were a lot of enjoyable free dances, even in the early groups! i actually enjoyed them more than the final group, in a way. the podium in ice dance tends to be too predictable.
chock/bates: i've never had much of an opinion on this team. i liked them best when they were doing character pieces like the snake charmer fd, but i also found myself enjoying their rhythm dance at worlds. they skated it very well and it was fun and engaging. the free was a bit of a question mark... i thought they had a lot of interesting positions throughout, especially in the lifts and choreographic elements, but the whole program felt a bit disjointed to me. it was fine, it didn't leave much of an impression. the whole did not feel like more than the sum of the parts... their speed was also not the best.
gilles/poirier: i can't remember much from their rd except that piper's costume was amazing, i loved her holographic leggings. their free was a MOMENT, though. wuthering heights has been one of my favorite free dances all season, and it was so good to see it live in front of a home crowd. they are such good storytellers, and when their choreo hits, it really hits. i love when they do something unusual like this program - it doesn't always work, but in this case, it did. the placement of that curve lift was perfect. i will note, however, that they are also not particularly fast.
guignard/fabbri: nearly swore out loud when her dress caught on her skate right in front of me. that was a nerve-wracking few seconds until the end. their free dance was beautiful and suited them really well, i especially loved the choreo assisted jumps near the beginning. their skating skills are clean and precise. i just wish their rhythm dance didn't have such a godawful music cut. none of their RDs have suited them well in the last few seasons.
fear/gibson: no thoughts, head empty, vibes only. in all seriousness, i enjoyed their rhythm dance, it's fun and it's a great fit for them. i did not enjoy rocky. i would have loved it as an exhibition, but not as a competitive program. i can see how it's a crowd-pleaser, though. they were definitely popular with the audience.
lajoie/lagha: probably one of, if not the most popular team with the audience! they are one of the teams i'm most looking forward to seeing in the coming years. i became a fan when i saw them live at last season's skate canada. they skate big and fast, they have good skating skills and both programs were well-choreographed. their rd is a lot of fun - that's how you incorporate a theme and commit to it! i love how most of the dance moves are choreographed into the step sequences instead of stopping and posing. the fd music is a little one-note and i still prefer last season's white crow fd, but their skating quality makes up for it. i'm so glad they were still able to skate at worlds after marjorie's concussion earlier in the season.
carreira/ponomarenko: loved both of their programs, especially their fd. i never knew they could pull off drama so well. their growth in the last two seasons has been phenomenal. it was hilarious that the audience kept getting faked out by the music in the end and clapping before the program ended. i probably would've had them a place higher in the standings.
other notes:
i came out of worlds with an unexpected appreciation for lopareva/brissaud. i never paid much attention to them before, but their skating skills were impressive. i don't think the audience really "got" their rd, but props to them for choosing to do something different. the fd was a snooze, though.
i also enjoyed demougeot/le mercier's free dance. some really interesting choreo moments.
turkkila/versluis: enjoyed their free dance as well, it's a nice look on them.
lim/quan's fd was another Moment! i am super excited for this team and how far they've come in their first senior season. hannah's acting and expressions are god-tier... they need to work on speed and SS, but their fd was gorgeous and one of my favorites of the event.
felt so bad for the taschlers' fall in the rd. i think they were the fastest team in the whole ice dance event, it's so impressive how powerful their skating is. i have questions about their packaging sometimes but i really like this team, and i hope next season goes better for them.
orihara/pirinen's fd was another favorite of the event. they are both SO expressive and fun. in any other team, yuka would outshine her partner, but juho not only keeps up with her but complements her perfectly!
this was the event i was most looking forward to at worlds, and it did not disappoint. as chaotic as i was expecting it to be, i did not anticipate that it would be quite that chaotic. men be menning, as always.
ilia: i wish it were otherwise, but his competitive performances were just not doing it for me. his weaker skating skills were very obvious live when compared to many other top men. i like his sp choreo but i feel like he's put less performance into it with every competition. it was disappointing to see how much he slowed down during the step sequence. (granted, he did have an undisclosed injury at worlds, so that could have been an exacerbating factor.) the free was...historic. i genuinely wish i felt something while watching it, because the audience was losing their shit with every jumping pass lol. and why shouldn't they! like...what the fuck! this is the most incredible jump drill the world has ever seen! who knows when or if he can replicate it again! ...but it's still a jump drill. (side note about how irrationally annoyed the choreo sequence makes me. it's just randomly tacked on the end, the music cut is so abrupt, it has nothing to do with the rest of the program, shae lynn why.) and then i watched him in the gala and he was like a completely different skater. complete 180. the difference was so stark, i could hardly believe it. he can perform! he was giving more in that teenage-angst-ridden exhibition than i've seen in all his competitive programs combined. i can only hope that he brings more of that energy to competition someday, because that's the kind of skating i want to see, that's a skater really connecting with the music and the audience.
yuma: i'm about to heap an embarrassing amount of superlatives on this kid. it was my first time seeing him live, and he was everything i'd hoped for. jumps light as a feather, running edges for days. (you should have heard my ungodly shriek when he landed his 4F in front of me! it looked so easy.) skating skills - sublime, every stroke effortless, excellent speed. but what i'm most impressed with is his artistic improvement this season. he's always been an incredible technician (and i have a lot of thoughts about how ilia is being branded as The Technician and yuma The Artist now, when in fact yuma's technique is just as good, only with lower base value, and his SS are far superior, but i digress) but he has really put in the work to become a better performer and fine-tune everything from his body movements to his interpretation of music. jokes about making me like imagine dragons aside, i think his sp helped him explore music and sharp movements that were out of his comfort zone. loved that step sequence. (the only criticism i have is that he needed more swagger. he needed some more of what adam was serving in his sp, a certain cockiness and suaveness. but yuma has always been a more introverted skater. i think that kind of expression is still difficult for him.) the free was simply glorious. i didn't think i would like yet another rain in your black eyes program, and i was side-eyeing lori nichol for giving yuma this music after she used it for sui/han. but yuma made it his own. there were so many beautiful moments perfectly timed to the music. (ina bauer! spiral! and the step sequence, ahhh) he was so close to being clean, there was an audible groan in the audience when he fell on the 3A, but then they cheered him on until the end, which was heartwarming. what an incredible comeback season from yuma. i'm so excited for his future, i think he has so much potential and many bright moments ahead. now i've written a goddamn novel already, but i haven't even mentioned werther yet. i'll just say that his exhibition is one of the most beautiful programs i've ever seen, competitive or otherwise, and it shows off everything good about yuma's skating. perfect. no notes.
adam: where the fuck do i even start. honestly...if i could only remember one moment from all of montreal worlds, it would be his free skate. it was THE skate of the event. the mounting excitement as he landed all his jumps. the way i said "oh my god" out loud as he set up for the backflip, then landed it in front of me. the audience in complete hysterics. i can't even describe what the arena was like after his free skate. it was. insane. it genuinely felt like there was electricity in the air. the screams were deafening. my heart was pounding. it took me an entire group of skaters to come down from that adrenaline high, lmao. meanwhile, adam sat there in the green room...for hours and hours...and then ended up getting bronze because why the fuck not lmao. it was kind of the perfect conclusion of a chaotic season and a chaotic worlds. yeah, that free skate was THE moment. on another note, i don't actually like his free that much from a choreo standpoint. i think he's one of the most expressive and unique skaters in the field today, and he can pull off a lot of benoit's weirdness, but this free just isn't one of my favorites. it's extremely memorable though, for sure. his sp, on the other hand, was a disaster, but i really appreciated how he kept performing despite the messy jumps. he skated the step sequence like the jump mistakes didn't even happen. that's the sign of a committed performer. i'm very excited to see what else adam has to bring in the future, though i hope he doesn't start throwing in backflips too often - they're only fun when they're infrequent and unexpected.
shoma: shoma has a particular way of moving that is so unique to him. where yuma's skating is springy and light, shoma's skating has weight. it's very difficult to describe, but i mean it in a good way. it's the way everything he does feels so deliberate. he has excellent upper body carriage and his movements really project out into the audience. his sp step sequence was a highlight. he has an innate musicality that is natural to him. truth be told, i haven't liked his programs as much since he moved to stephane, but it was good to see his skating live again. i don't know if shoma will retire soon or keep competing, but if that was his last competition, i'm glad to have seen it, jump issues aside. i first heard of him as a novice skater back when i was first becoming a skating fan. i've been through quite a few generations of skaters' retirements, at this point. still an odd feeling when it might be someone you first saw as a tiny child, though. i also enjoyed his exhibition, it was a different style for him.
i wrote way too much about the top 4, so i'm going to try to keep the rest of this short:
jason: i'm just glad he's still skating. the world needs more of him, for as long as he's willing to give it.
lukas: very fun, i enjoyed him quite a bit.
deniss: finally! a clean short! more of that and fewer quad attempts, please.
kao: ugh. the collective wince in the arena on those falls... i wanted him to skate a clean attack on titan so badly, i love that program for him. he's very talented and INSANELY fast (cannot stress this enough, his speed is mind-blowing) but still lacking in control, and his performance skills need work as well. i hope this worlds was a good learning experience for him.
nikolaj: he's...so tall lmao. amazing lines. good musicality. terrible spins. looking forward to his improvement.
junhwan: the way i put my hands to my face as he fell on the 3A right in front of me... i just hope next season is healthier for him. he's a very, very quality skater and he deserves better.
don't talk to me about boyang
last but not least, shoutout to donovan for those incredible personal best skates! he still needs a lot of work on his SS and speed, but i really hope his jump consistency keeps improving.
all in all, worlds was just...a tornado of emotions. some bad, most good. it was my first time seeing the world championships live, and i'm really glad i had the experience. for anyone thinking of going to worlds in the future, please be aware that the days are LONG. i skipped all the practices and some earlier groups of the short programs in order to explore the city, and i was still completely wiped out after every day of competition. it took me several weeks to recover, lol. thanks montreal! i definitely won't forget that week.
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