#and 'the whole universe is in you'
meimi-haneoka · 3 months
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Do you know where Cosmos flowers get their peculiar name from?
Yes, it's a reference to the other type of cosmos...
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Spanish priests found this flower in Mexico and were struck by their beautiful & orderly arranged petals, reminding them of the beauty found in the order of the cosmos.
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...And of course, I can't help but think about the reason why Lilie named her daughter like that.
The most obvious reason is of course the meaning that the name takes when written in Japanese. 秋桜, a "cherry blossom of autumn".
As to indicate the inevitability of Akiho and Sakura's meeting, the power of hitsuzen, and how much they would influence each other's lives, as each other's counterparts. Spring and Autumn. Similar warmth, and yet distinct.
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Lilie of course knew all of this, so she didn't miss the chance to name her daughter after the most distinctive flower in autumn. (Curious fact, Akiho is born on September 18th, when technically in the northern hemisphere it's still summer for 3/4 days! But going by meteorological seasons it's already autumn)
And yet, I also want to think that Lilie chose that name for its intrinsic meaning too.
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I'm pretty sure that the moment Lilie saw her, she knew the baby girl would've never developed any magical power. Lilie was that powerful, she certainly knew. She might have already known from her foretelling dreams, although I'm not inclined to follow this theory.
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So I like to think that she, actually both her parents wanted to bestow on her a name that could tell her in every moment of her life "you are beautiful and perfect as you are, to us. Everything in you is orderly and exactly as it's meant to be", exactly like the universe and the flowers that were named after it.
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Cosmos are also resilient flowers that can grow beautifully everywhere, in most conditions with little care and little water. They grow very tall and if you cut the spent flowers they re-bloom stronger than before. The only thing that can kill them is frost. And I can't help but associate it with the ice cold brought by the loss of the most important person, indicated in the story itself with the final part set in winter. (Clamp themselves confirmed that the change of the seasons in Clear Card follow a certain change in the plot itself)
I honestly can't think of a more perfect flower for Akiho.✨🌼
(top images courtesy of ポムの蒼。@ pomu_iyashi on Twitter)
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nipuni · 4 months
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Silence in the library
A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on february 1st!
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rustchild · 9 months
desperately craving weird surrealist arthurania. Knights with no faces wandering through the mists. Seams between Christian and pre-Christian Britain gaping like open wounds. Beafts and visions. Maybe a monk. Maybe the monk is gay
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emo-batboy · 7 months
A Wild Battinson (Social Media AU)
Part 43 (Masterlist)
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(Part 44)
Me, to myself: I just think the series was better when I posted several times a week because the pacing felt more natural, and it translates better when people binge it.
Also Me, holding two jobs and a bat: If you try to post once a day again, I will disconnect your head from your shoulders—
@bruciemilf guess who’s back
Anyways, folks! :D So I'm thinking of a new upload schedule where I spend a bit preparing the next ten or so parts then post it all in two weeks? I think that would be fun (and much better for my creative process.)
I’ll be posting the next part very soon :) But it's going to be drastically different from what I've done before. Let’s see if anyone can guess why.
Yada yada don’t die LOVE Y’ALL
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quantumshade · 1 month
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can anyone explain to me at what point rose tyler was "unbelievably stupid". was it when she was inventing transdimensional travel
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cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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400% sure he would love steven universe
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notherpuppet · 2 months
Yall be like “MORE” and “it’s over!?” like I didn’t tell yall it was gonna be 4 parts!! Lolll
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emilyschnallart · 5 months
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Soup comic #4: Happy Eyes
Support my work on ko-fi ❤️
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gunstellations · 4 months
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In the world I love
In a different world
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hyunpic · 2 months
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seance · 10 months
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If you were truly as evil as you like to paint yourself, you would've done that. Nah. That's the trouble with you lot. You don't just see things in black and white. Sometimes, you've just gotta blur the edges.
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crazyw3irdo · 11 months
okay, i think any time anyone asks what superpower we’d like to have most everyone on this website would say shapeshifting but what kind of shapeshifting would you like
type 1- wild shape, you can turn into any animal, real or fictional
type 2- mystique, you can turn into any real person
type 3- cosplay, you can turn into any humanoid fictional character
type 4- jake the dog, you’re super stretchy
type 5- character creator, you can alter your own appearance- like changing voice hair length texture color, changing height and weight, transing gender, etc, but you can’t add anything non-human (ie horns, wings, claws, etc)
type 6- additional features, you can add things like snake eyes, horns, cat ears, tail, claws, wings, mermaid tail, but you remain humanoid overall and can’t change things like height or gender presentation or hair color. you can still change your voice tho
type 7- were-wolf, we all know what a werewolf is, lads. can be any kind of animal. can be straight up wolf or more monstrous wolf form that’s up to you.
type 8- furry, you just become your fursona. or any kind of fursona really you can change between them
type 9- antman, can become small or big
type 10- other, say what kind ya want
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confessedlyfannish · 7 months
DP x DC Writing Prompt #8
The day Bruce Wayne knocks on her apartment door Sam knows it's going to be a doozy.
"Mr. Wayne, I really do hope no one saw you," she says, ushering him in. "And for the record, a text ahead of time would be appreciated."
"I parked the car a few streets away," Bruce says, sticking a finger in his heel to peel his polished leather shoes off. Sam raises an eyebrow. "It's a sedan, not a Lamborghini."
"You own a sedan?"
"Taught Dick to drive in it...after he crashed the Lamborghini."
Sam snorts despite herself. The charm Bruce Wayne exhibits would usually rub her the wrong way, too reminiscent of wealthy men that feel comfortable placing a hand on the small of your back at a crowded gala, but Bruce is honest enough about his playacting that she has come to find its insincerity comforting. She's actually sought him out more than once, leading to several annoying headlines that can't seem to decide if she's aiming to date him or one of his eligible sons. None of whom are eligible by the way, as they are a) taken, b) legally dead, c) practically a minor, and d) an actual minor.
Sam's generational wealth is peanuts compared to Wayne Industries, so naturally her parents have been thrilled and rooting for option c.
"I also didn't want Danny to see I'd texted you. Or force you to lie to him."
Sam doesn't quite tense, but it's a near thing. She does slide to the other side of her kitchen island, under the context of finishing prepping her feta fried eggs, laid on a bed of smashed avocado and warm tortilla. She pulls a bottle of crunchy garlic oil out of the fridge and drizzles hot red crisps across the runny yolk. She takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully, not so much as offering him a glass of water.
"You realize, Mr. Wayne, I have no intention of lying to Danny now?"
Bruce sits at the stool on the opposite side of the island. "I understand. And if you want to ask Danny to return home before we continue, I'd understand that as well. I didn't mean to discomfit you--"
"Please do not lie to me now, Mr. Wayne," Sam says, rolling her eyes. "By your own admission you showed up at noon without warning knowing my superhero boyfriend wouldn't be present. If I am discomfited, all the more likely you get your information, right?" Golden yolk runs down her fingers, and she sacrifices it to the napkin rather than lick up her arm in front of her boss, with no small amount of resentment. The yolk is the best part.
"Get to it then," she demands.
Bruce straightens in his stool, chin raising and firming in a jawline she most often sees under a cowl. His eyes attempt to pin her in place, but Sam has stared the Master of Time in the face and demand he reschedule so she is built. different. She takes another bite of egg taco.
"I was not aiming for you to feel threatened, and moreover, I doubt you could be."
Except a smart person should always feel threatened by a threat, no matter their capability of handling one. It keeps them alive.
"Can you tell me how I'm not like all the other girls after lunch? You'll spoil my appetite."
Bruce clears his throat. "I'll get to the point--"
"Thank you."
"--Danny has been exhibiting paranormal behaviors beyond his baseline. We welcome all biologies; human, alien, and paranormal alike, but I have observed actions unlike what he had previously established as his, for lack of a better word, 'normal'
"I want to make sure he is not experiencing any unwelcome outside influence. Or, if this is merely a facet of his evolution, I'd like to know if this is something we or his family should be monitoring."
Sam has been an eco-consultant with Wayne Industries and unofficially, the Batfamily, for half a year now and this is the most she's ever heard the man speak in one sitting.
"Wow," she says. "How long have you been rehearsing that one?"
"A while." Bruce grunts, voice finally taking that final drop into Batman's gravelly rasp. "I see you're not surprised by any of this."
"No, not really," Sam says. She pours him a tall glass of lemon water from the pitcher, freshly sliced that morning, and he takes a polite sip.
"So what can you tell me?"
"Probably a lot. And Danny would probably prefer that I do, knowing him, the big baby," Sam sighs. "Listen Mr. Wayne, I can appreciate that you came here from a place of caution rather than intrusion. And if Danny was undergoing something negative or from an 'unwelcome outside influence' that would be the right call, and I, albeit begrudgingly, encourage you to do so in the future."
"But he's not."
"He's not," Sam confirms. "And in fact, I think he could really use someone to talk to about it. Outside of his family."
"I see..." Bruce says, shifting.
"If you want to tag team this one with one of the higher EQ players, such as Superman, I give you permission." Sam does not think she's imagining that slight sag of relief.
"Thank you," Bruce says, sliding off the stool. "I don't suppose you have material we could consult...?"
"Actually yes, I happen to have a pamphlet right here. 'So your ghostly body is changing, and how.'"
"You're being more sarcastic than usual."
"You interrupted my lunch, Mr. Wayne."
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static-radio-ao3 · 11 days
@jegulus-microfic // may 22 // prompt: control // words: 1169
“We should eat soon. Do you have any preference?” James asks as he glances into his rearview mirror.
“No, I'm easy,” Regulus replies. He swipes at his phone again, mindlessly opening the calculator before closing it again. He's been alternating between the calculator and the weather app for the better part of an hour no, nothing else to do on his phone and a deep reluctance to have an actual conversation with James.
He looks up at James when there’s no response. It takes a second for his own words to register and with a sigh he adds, “I meant easy to please.”
Again, the double meaning snatches James’ attention. “I'm just not picky,” Regulus grounds out.
“Yeah,” James scoffs. “I can tell.”
Regulus drops his phone on his lap, turning his head to give James his full attention. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” But evidently it is not nothing, because James waits barely a second before continuing with, “It’s just that you barely waited for the bed to get cold.”
“Excuse me?” Incredulity bleeds into his voice.
“I heard that you went out a lot.”
“With my friends.” Late nights wallowing on the couch were only accepted for so long until they started tugging at him with impatient hands, dragging him out of the house and into this club, then that one.
They told him that the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else, but Regulus never did take anyone home. Any pair of hands that didn't belong to James made his skin crawl.
“And we all know how your friends feel about you,” James says harshly.
“Okay, seriously, what the fuck is your damage, James?” Regulus twists in his seat, staring holes into James’ side profile. His messy hair and wire-frame glasses. His cheeks are flushed with anger, but Regulus doesn’t think James has anything to be angry about.
“What's my damage?” James asks, eyes flitting over to Regulus. “What are you, twelve?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
Regulus laughs, short and joyless, before dropping back into his seat. His eyes fall shut as he lets his head thud against the headrest. “And I remember, suddenly, why this didn’t work.”
“Yeah? Was it your incessant need to be in control?”
“No, actually. It was your complete and utter inability to listen.”
“Oh, I think I hear you loud and clear,” James scoffs, and Regulus resists the urge to just crawl out the car window. He’s slight enough, he thinks he could fit. As a matter of fact —
“Stop the car.”
“You heard me, stop the fucking car.”
“Regulus, you're not walking all the way to Sirius' house. We still have three hours to go.”
“I don't care. Stop. The. Car.”
“What's your damage?”
“My damage is that I'm stuck in a car with you with nowhere else to go!”
It's silent for a beat. Then two.
“Well, I'm sorry you feel that way,” James says eventually, before harshly turning the dial to turn up the volume.
They drive to the roadside restaurant in silence. Or well, as silent as can be with the music playing loud enough that Regulus can’t hear himself think. Just as well. He wasn’t thinking anything nice.
James makes the executive decision to pass by a drive-through, probably to prevent having to spend more time in each other’s company than strictly necessary. Regulus can’t say that he minds.
No words are exchanged as they eat, but when Regulus reaches for his drink in the cupholder, James speaks again.
“Do you still like vanilla milkshakes?” He inclines his head toward the cup in Regulus’ hand. James always teased him about choosing the most boring flavor, but vanilla is a classic and Regulus stands by it.
Regulus has the urge to make a snide comment, but he swallows it down. Glances over at James, tense in his seat, both hands on the steering wheel. It unnerves Regulus a little, seeing James like this. He is supposed to be loose limbs and easy smiles. Not… this.
“Yeah, do— do you still like those cherries?” Regulus asks, holding out his cup for James in case he wants the maraschino cherry that sits on top of the whipped cream. James plucks it out of the swirl with ease, like they never stopped doing this.
“Do you still go to the diner down the street?”
They used to go often. The 24/7 diner, red and white tiles on the walls, cracked leather in the booths. They spent late nights there, when studying took priority over cooking and everything else was closed. Appearing again on a Saturday morning, soaking up the alcohol that still lingered in their systems. Salty and sweet kisses shared next to the jukebox.
“No, it—” Regulus catches himself before he says something embarrassing like it hasn’t been the same without you. “It’s been a while,” he says instead.
“I see.”
Regulus squeezes his eyes shut, black spots swimming in his vision. Then, before he can chicken out, he asks the first thing that comes to mind.
“Does your mom still collect those novelty plates?”
James laughs at that, the sound of it comforting and familiar, and he seems to relax in his seat. Even if just a little.
“She’s actually moved on to novelty shot glasses. My dad had to get rid of five plates he’d bought in advance. I still have them, though. I just know she’ll return to the plate thing soon enough.”
They pass the time like that, dragging up memories and habits, questions flowing between them. Regulus finds that he likes it. He’d missed James’ easy nature, his way of telling stories. He also finds that he is secretly relieved that James hasn’t changed a lot in the time they spent away from each other.
Do you still? Say yes, say yes.
Do you still forget to clean your glasses? Do you still keep a picture of you dad in your wallet? Do you still like your coffee the same way? Do you still—
Say yes, say yes.
“I got the internship, by the way,” Regulus says at some point. He’s not sure how much time has passed, but stretching fields of green are slowly giving way to houses again. “The—”
“—one at the publishing house?” James cuts in excitedly. His head whips to the side to look at Regulus, joy evident in the little crinkles around his eyes. “No way!”
Regulus’ heart stalls and stutters. A heavy beat in his chest. Say yes, say yes.
“I can’t believe you remember that,” he breathes.
Silence stretches between them and for a moment, Regulus thinks the conversation has died down again. It was nice while it lasted.
But then, so soft like he hoped Regulus might not hear, “I remember everything about you.”
Do you still? Say yes, say yes.
“James. Stop the car.”
“Stop the car.”
Say yes, say yes.
Thankfully, James doesn’t need to be told a third time.
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lolottes · 8 months
Dani just wanted to visit Danny…that ended with Danny being captured by the GiW
She needs help, after all she is NOT a hero.
Fortunately, she unlocks a new ability that allows her to escape; pass through the veil by liquefying
…and to say that he hasn't had an hour, Danny tells her how he had learned a new ability perfect for winning the fight in which he was stuck and she was making fun of him for the very lucky timing
Now she's in the ghost zone and needs to find help…but the only ghosts she's sure will help can't leave their lair because of ~responsibility~
…she doesn't have to be helped by a ghost in fact? just a heroic person! AND the zone is glue between ALL dimensions!!!
This is how a lazarus green puddle randomly forms in DC and then comes together into a strange little girl who has a mission tm
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casxsunshine · 11 months
“He died, saving the world.”
he the world
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