#and (to me!!) the whole point is that actually Jason you can’t see it because it looks a certain way but your death mattered it
mrdogface · 2 days
So I finished Birds of Prey (1996 - 2009).
known unrepentant homophobe Chuck Dixon accidentally wrote a pretty incredible bi sapphic story during his tenure on Birds of Prey, although much of the queering does come from the artists working on the books. We all know the “call me Barbara” moment – apparently, after the audience reaction to that, Dixon started leaving notes for artists like “be careful and make sure the audience doesn’t misinterpret this scene” lol. 
imo, the realization of Helena Bertinelli’s arc happens in the Birds of Prey. She is finally removed from an environment where she needs and is actively craving Batman’s approval, and she ends up thriving, infiltrating the mob and earning the “good work” from Bruce. Personally, I would’ve preferred if her character moved completely away from Bruce’s opinions of her, and it kind of does, but Gail SImone does close that arc off by giving it to her. 
Gail Simone uses the series as a who’s who of women in DC, showcasing a number of minor and often underrated women, from returning classic characters like Ice to giving Zinda Blake / Lady Blackhawk a second chance at comics relevance (Lady Blackhawk’s best story in the Birds of Prey, imo, happens under Tony Bedard, concluding the character’s arc from her 1950s roots). 
Infinity, introduced very late in Bedard’s time on the team, is a severely underrated nonstarter superhero and it is criminal she never went anywhere. Weird ambiguously Australian ghost girl? Hello??
Barbara as a character who learns to accept her disability. A lot of people, including Dixon and Simone, tend to point out that Barbara learns to be a superhero in spite of her disability, but that’s not the interesting part imo. I think the more interesting story here is that they almost accidentally cobbled together a very genuine character arc of Barbara initially being insecure and doubtful that she’ll be perceived as an equal, as romantically desirable, as a real leader in the superhero world, all this stuff, due to the chair. What we end up seeing is her growth into someone who realizes she’s accepted within the bubble of people who are relevant to her, and that the bigotry of people who aren’t can be made irrelevant simply by building one’s life without them. Her disability isn’t written as saccharine inspiration porn (I think it actually veers too far in the other direction at times; at its worst, it’s a point of grimdark melodrama lol) and it isn’t something she “overcomes” in the classic superhero sense of getting a magical wheelchair or psychic powers, and imo in the superhero genre that’s rare and valuable. The execution isn’t perfect but for me it’s very close. 
Chuck Dixon makes Barbara and Power Girl do an accidental war crime lmao. dw, both DC editorial and the fanbase ignore this and the less said about it the better.
Dixon really likes James Bond, Indiana Jones (surprising because Indie keeps beating up his friends) and other travel-adventure stories, so throughout his run Black Canary keeps ending up in exotic locations… and judging the people there, before doing some insane “World Policing.” The racism is uhhhhhhh
Simone ties the Birds into the wider DC universe and it does, frustratingly, hit a point where you need to be either really up-to-date with other books or cracking open google to know who a lot of characters even are. This is kind of just how DC works in the mid-2000s, frustratingly. She’s also forced to work with a lot of off-screen deaths, like Ted Kord’s death should be an enormous thing for Barbara, but we have deadlines to keep and we can’t be certain people have been keeping up with Jaime Reyes, so gogogogo
Misfit and Black Alice. They never worked for me. I hate Misfit’s whole archetype of zany comics fan who acquires powers. Making her Jason Todd-adjacent by giving her the sad homeless backstory did not sell me on her and felt like a cheap attempt to make a nonstarter character function. Black Alice’s whole thing devolves into a “stay on your meds, emo kids” PSA. Just very clumsy 30-somethings-writing-teens material. 
the last arc, set in DC Silicon Valley, kind of sucks. The Calculator isn’t an interesting villain to me. The chemistry between characters after Dinah leaves never feels right. 
it all ends with Barbara believing she's lost her edge, writing a signed note, peacing out, and dumping her adopted homeless kid friend on Helena after getting her ass kicked by the Joker. The last page: Ganthet lamenting that she's in a wheelchair, "to be continued in Oracle: The Cure." oy.
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redpasserines · 11 months
me personally I think Jason is crucial to the DC universe both in and out. RIP to y’all but I’m different
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
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How’d they react to you calling them bro or dude whilst in a pre-established relationship…(platonic/romantic)
Dick: he’s insulted.
He will try to give you the silent treatment for such a shameful thing but ultimately fails as he ends up being the one pawing at you for attention.
‘Do you still like me? Or did you just run out of cute nicknames to call me?’ He’d say one night as your both cuddling in bed together. ‘If it’s the later then I can help you find something, just please spare me and don’t call me dude or bro anymore.’
He’d rather you call him Richard-wait, no he hates that even more because to him you’re not meant to use his fully name, only cutesy nicknames that’d make a grown man sick to his stomach. Nothing else would suffice other than Dickie bird, handsome, babe, hunk, honeybun or anything that wasn’t his name.
He’s go mad or would act delusional and say that everything was fine when everyone could tell that it wasn’t. People who know him have personally came to you and begged you to stop calling him dude/bro because he kept talking their ears off about how his beloved partner is torturing him, which ends up torturing them even more upon hearing about his relationship issues.
Dick would even consult Hayley on what he did wrong, only for Hayley to look at him with those big, big eyes of hers. This was not her level of expertise unfortunately. (Head empty, no thoughts. She can’t do her abc’s guys it’s a real tragedy.)
Jason: ‘I just had my tongue down your throat just now and you had to go and ruin the mood by calling me bro. What the fuck.’ - Jason at some point.
It’s a whole mood killer for him to be honest.
He’s calling you things like chipmunk or sweetheart but here you were calling him dude and bro. He knows for a fact that he’s well and truly out of the friend zone because the shit you’ve done together isn’t platonic in any sort of way.
Thinks Roy had set you up to call him dude or bro behind his back. (He hasn’t)
Jason is petty and will get his own back by referring you as ‘just a really good friend’, ‘buddy o’ mine’ or even worse than both of those; ‘chum.’ 💀
When you go low, Jason was more then willing to go to the depths of fucking hell to the point it had become a game to see who’d call out just how stupid this all was, and at the both of you for ever thinking that this was an excellent idea in the first place.
You’ll probs get punished…I’m just going to leave it there and let your minds guess what that ‘punishment’ was exactly.
As much as Damian hates it when you call him Dami, he hates it when you call him dude or bro even more, if that’s even possible.
Damian hates it when you call him dude or bro. He’s not your dude or bro, he’s your partner and he expects no less then darling, my heart or my beloved.
So you calling him dude or bro is more than enough reason for him to give you the silent treatment.
‘Until you learn that I am your partner, I won’t want to be anywhere near you if you’re going to keep calling me your bro or dude. It is a disservice to who I actually am to you.’ He says with a huff and beckons Titus to follow, only for the Great Dane to be left confused as to why his human parents were at a disagreement over something silly.
Also Titus, Ace, Jerry, Alfred the cat, Goliath and BatCow are children of divorce because I said so.
So it’s bests that you apologise while you still can because Damian can hold a grudge unlike any other. Even if you didn’t, you’d still crack first before Damian and quickly put an end to calling him dude/bro.
He just thinks being called a dude/bro when in a pre-established relationship is an insult.
He can take a joke but not when it’s aimed at his relationship. He’s well and truly devoted to his relationship -if we’re to completely ignore the whole being Robin thing- that it might as well be an insult towards him too at this point.
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gilverrwrites · 8 days
The Best You Ever Had
Jason Todd/Reader, 1.7K
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A/N: Welp, as promised here’s that self-serving, mildly fucked up Jason Todd/Reader scenario I mentioned earlier. I’m working on I don’t fall, I fly chapter two I swear, but I had to get this unhinged Jason idea out of my head if I’m gonna concentrate. I don’t remember the exact details of the plotline I’m branching off of here 100% so if it’s inaccurate sue me. Warnings: Darker portrayal of Jason. Unhealthy relationship to slightly less unhealthy relationship, non-graphic mentions of death, grief, dub-con, manipulation, abuse of authority kinda, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, swearing, size difference, hair pulling.
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Right so, remember when Jason went balls to the wall on absoloutely fucking ruining Penguins’ life after finding out he was responsible for the death of his birth father?
Okay, now imagine you’re working at The Iceberg at the time, as a waitress, a card dealer, dancer, whatever you fancy, it’s mainly just a cover for the fact that you’re actually Ozwald’s sugar baby.
You’re practically attached to his hip. Sure, he can be a bit much at times, a bit mean, but he’s real sweet on you. There isn’t a thing in this world he wouldn’t do for you, no clothes or gadgets too expensive, no jewels too well-guarded, 'cause you’re his favourite gal. At least you were until you watched Red Hood shoot him in the head on live TV.
Ozzie had paid your rent, your bills, everything, he’d showered you with gifts, but he’d never dealt you actual cash. Without his bank account to fund your checks, you have nothing, not unless you sell off your material possessions. So, not only are you grieving, but you’re forced to pick up as many extra shifts as you can in order to afford to keep up your lifestyle.
Being at The Lounge only reminds you of him, which makes your sorrows worse. You were never bad at the cover job, in fact, it’s how you got your foot in the door. But your emotions are affecting your performance, and when your new boss, Jason Todd, calls you into his office for a performance review, you’re pretty much resigned to the fact that you’re about to be fired.
However, Mr Todd is surprisingly chill. Understanding even. He doesn’t grill you; he just points out that your performance as of late does not match up with Cobblepots files and asks why? What can we do to fix it?
You feel comfortable explaining that you and his predecessor were close, and so his sudden death has hit you hard. You need time to mourn but can’t afford the time off.
When a tear rolls down your cheek you start to feel self conscious until he rounds the desk, crouching in front of you and presenting you with a tissue. He offers you the weekend off, paid, and promises to look into amending the shoddy bereavement policy Oz had enforced. But for now, commiserating may help, and he’s happy to listen, to be a shoulder to cry on.
So, you take the tissue, dabbing up all the tears that fall as you tell him about your arrangement. How Oz had done so much for you, got you out of a pit, how no matter what your friends and family thought, Ozzie really did have your best interests at heart, you swear. Mr Todd nods along, offering a polite laugh when you tell him a funny story, or pulling faces when you recall some of Oz’s less-than-savoury moments. His disapproval makes you feel validated in your distaste for some of the seedier things you’d let Oz get away with because he loved you.
After a while, you move from the desk to the conversation pit which sits beside a floor to ceiling fish tank. You can’t help commending him for keeping on top of looking after the fish and their habitat, it’s a lot of work. He tells you it’s one of his favourite things in the whole building and you agree, recalling how you used to spend hours watching the fish go about their existence when Ozzie would call for you only to spend the evening ignoring you whilst he dealt with 'business'. Jason says that you’re more than welcome to come see the fishes any time you like.
He's so much kinder than you’d expected. Which is why you don’t move when you feel his hand on your back, drawing you closer with strong arms until the warmth of his breath brushes your neck. It’s been weeks since you’d gotten this close with anyone. You hadn’t realised how much you’d craved the intimacy until it was handed to you.
And shit, he smells good too. Looking into his undeniably handsome face you’re struck with guilt for having enjoyed the company, the touch of another man and can’t help the second? third? who knows, wave of tears.
The tissue he’s given you is too sodden to do anything, so he reaches up with his long, surprisingly coarse fingers to wipe up your tears, and you let him.
Your weeping soon starts to ebb after that, but the few droplets that fall regardless are dried by his lips as he boldly presses kisses to your cheeks, and again, you let him.
“You shouldn’t waste your tears on that asshole.” The way he stares into your eyes as he speaks, it almost feels like he’s daring you to challenge him. “You’ll be better off without him.”
Out of respect for Oz, or maybe to defend yourself you bite back at him. “He’s not- he wasn’t an asshole! Not to me.” But you both know it’s a lie.
Before either of you say something you’ll regret, you decide to do something you’ll regret instead. In sync, you both crash your lips together, and Jason all but forces you onto your back with his body weight, his tongue pushing between your lips as his hands work at your uniform.
He’s nothing like Oz. His hands are strong and deft, free of perspiration as they pop your buttons with precision and knead at your newly exposed skin. His mouth, while steeped with a hint of beer, tastes clean. He looks at you with a reverence you’d never experienced before as he draws back to look you in the eye.
“Let me treat you the way you deserve, the way a real man should.” He begs, and when you nod, he practically starts tearing at his clothes. You work on his belt while he pulls his shirt and waistcoat over his head, too impatient to bother with his own buttons.
Your eyes bulge, heart plummeting to your stomach when he pulls down his boxers, exposing a dauntingly large erection.
“Bet you’ve not seen something this big in a long time.” He suggests with a smirk.
“No, I’ve never seen anything that big.” You offer, shuddering when he teases the tips between your slit, grazing your clit. “I don’t think I can take something like that.”
“You will.” His confidence goes straight to your already hungry centre. “Don’t worry. I’ll make it easy on you.”
You gasp when you feel friction at your entrance, and Jason chuckles into the crook of your neck, gently fussing in your ear as he slips a single finger inside you. True to his word, Jason makes the whole thing (mostly) painless and effortless, working his fingers into you one at a time, scissoring his digits and massaging your sensitive clit until you're stretched out and cumming all over his palm, staining the sofa beneath you. Purring to you all the while about how tight and plush your pussy is, how fucking good his cock is gonna make you feel, how he can’t wait to make you forget all about Cobblepot by making you gush all over his dick again and again.
When you’re partly lucid again, coming down from your first orgasm Jason lifts you with ease. He sits back against the couch, settling between your legs so that you’re straddling him. Guiding you onto his cock, thrusting from below, drawing a sinful cry from you as he fills you in one quick movement. It wasn’t unbearable, in fact, you’re a little flustered by the ease with which your pussy sucked him up, but your walls still throb from the final stretch of him buried in the depth at which his impossibly long fingers hadn’t been able to reach.   
His hands grip and caress and pinch every part of you, soaking in every inch as you ride him out, grinding your hips against his, using his body to chase your second release. His lips latch along your torso, sucking and biting his mark into your skin. This time, once you've successfully fucked yourself to climax on his dick, he doesn’t wait for you to come back down. Flipping you over and pushing you forward, he puts you on your hands and knees, presented for him on the coffee table so he can pound into you from behind.
Once he’s coaxed another orgasm out of you there, he carries you to his desk. He fucks you over and over. Revelling in every heated orgasm he rips from you, eating up your sob. He takes you on every surface. The floor, the walls, the window. He even presses you face first against the fishtank, making you watch your reflection in its mirrored back, and you are a pornographic sight to behold; lips dark and swollen from his kisses, hair tangled in his fist, tits pressed against the glass as he pistons in and out of your twitchingly overstimulated, cunt. Every thrust is slick, punctuated by the wet slap of your hips coming together. By this point, Jason’s unending strength is the only thing keeping you upright.
“That bird creep ever fuck you this good, baby?” He grunts into your ear, dark eyes glaring at you through the glass. From this angle you can see how his body practically engulfs yours; the reflection showcasing how his massive palms seem herculean when pinning you. All night he’d been throwing you around, bending and posing you to his will like a doll in his sturdy arms. Something Oz could never do.  
“No, god no Jason!” You whine. Drool spills from your lips as you try to speak. It catches on the glass, smearing back on your face but you’re too utterly fucked, too cock drunk to be embarrassed. “Nobody… never been… fucked like…”
When you don’t finish your sentence Jason laughs, it almost sounds cruel and sends a shockwave to the clit you long thought had been abused to numbness. “Am I the best fuck you ever had?”
“Yes! Yesyesyesyes.” You chant. Completely oblivious to the fact that your sugar daddy, Oswald Cobblepot is not dead. He’s very much alive, and very much not well as he watches Jason Todd fuck the brains out of his best gal from his prison on the other side of the one-way mirror. 
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lilislegacy · 7 months
an analysis: piper calling percy unimpressive
(warning: i wrote this at 1 am)
so basically
remember how we all despised piper mclean when she had the audacity to call our beloved percy “unimpressive” and we all lost our shit on the inside a little bit?
i truly don’t think she meant it in the way we think she did. i think we’re all just defensive of our boy.
piper clearly states that she is comparing percy to jason. first of all, jason is her boyfriend, so of course she’s biased. second of all, hera was manipulating piper to be obsessed with jason. so other guys and girls are automatically unimpressive to her.
and here’s the big thing: piper does not call him unattractive. she does not call him ugly. she simply says he’s not her type. piper is clearly attracted to the “good boy” look. jason is literally your all-american boy. he’s tall with light skin, a sturdy build, neat blonde hair, and blue eyes. part of why annabeth doesn’t trust him is because she is unsettled by his “perfect” appearance. jason is also obedient and well-mannered. he’s your standard good boy.
and the fact of the matter is: percy looks like a “bad boy”. and often, he acts like one too. him and jason are contrasts of each other. a symbolic representation of this: their features. percy has a darker complexion, messy black hair, unique green eyes, and a “sarcastic troublemaker smile.” he’s muscular, but in a leaner and more trim way. he’s tall, but he’s not a towering muscleman by any means. not that jason is either, but don’t forget, percy is a whole one. inch. (GASP) shorter than jason (which to me isn’t even noticeable, so her pointing it out as a flaw just proves that she’s so incredibly biased towards jason.) their other big contrasting feature: their personalities. jason is respectful and well-mannered. very obedient and under control. percy, however, makes jokes during inappropriate moments, talks back to people of power and authority, gets angry quickly, and loses control easily. i mean, literally right after she says this, percy starts insulting the roman god Bacchus and rapidly escalates a situation because of his natural instinct to be disobedient. piper is horrified by him doing this, especially because jason would never. does it make US all love percy very much? yes. but piper isn’t us.
THAT SAID, even she can’t actually call him unattractive. she even went as far to state that she can see why annabeth likes him, which means even her magically-obsessed-with-jason brain can still recognize his attractiveness and see why girls find him appealing. she calls him “cute in a scruffy way,” meaning she thinks that he’s got a disheveled attractiveness to him. she also once said that his pleading eyes are like a cute baby seal’s - even she can’t deny that his eyes are wonderful. so even though piper calls him unimpressive, i think rick put in a lot of clues here showing us that she acknowledges him as a conventionally attractive person, even if she’s not personally attracted to him.
let’s sum it up, shall we?
what does it say about percy? absolutely nothing. piper calling percy unimpressive is an inaccurate and unreliable source when it comes to analyzing percy’s physical appearance, especially if you don’t consider the context. this was rick’s way of showing piper’s clear preference towards jason, just like annabeth has a clear preference towards percy. and even though she said this, rick also made her give us several hints that percy is handsome, just not in a way she’s inclined towards. rick wanted love triangles to be completely out of the question with these 4. he wanted to make it very clear that annabeth had no interest in jason, and that piper had no interest in percy. so since piper is so drawn towards jason, percy had to be very different from him in her eyes.
jason is your a superman, percy is your batman
jason is your captain america, percy is your iron man. some even say spider man.
so put yourself in piper’s shoes: after hearing percy jackson’s name non-stop for 6 months, hearing him compared to jason, hearing of all his accomplishments and how heroic he is - i mean, the guy was literally honored on olympus and offered godhood - she was expecting a stereotypical good-boy hero. a hercules. a superman. your standard muscular blinding-white-teeth-smile hunk. the conventional, well-mannered good boy. and instead she got a wild and untamed, trouble-making bad boy. percy has an edge to him. he’s intimidating and unpredictable. he’s sarcastic and witty. he just looks like he’s up to no good. she wasn’t expecting any of that. that’s not what we’re taught a hero is supposed to be like or look like.
jason is appealing in a “he’d be a respectable and sturdy husband” way.
percy is appealing in a “he’s gonna fuck up my life but i so badly want him to” kind of way. (even though once you get to know him, you see he’s literally the world’s best boyfriend. piper even gets jealous of how loving he is towards annabeth.)
she had this exact idea of what he would be, and he wasn’t that. hence her calling him “unimpressive.” but it says nothing about his attractiveness.
i rest my case, your honor.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
disclaimer: i am not saying percy is actually a bad boy or a bad guy. he is a sweetheart. he has the biggest heart ever. he’s a cute little cinnamon roll. i am simply talking of first impressions from outsiders, and how he appears if you don’t know him.
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bomber-grl · 9 months
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Leo Valdez x Child of Apollo ✶ ₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn!Reader
A/n: I’ll probably do a child of Apollo one where they’re the opposite of the stereotype lol
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Honestly if you’re a child of Apollo then you’re more likely than not extroverted and more into the arts
So going off of that you’re definitely outgoing and pretty much the personification of sunshine
That’s what Leo notices about you when he first sees you
And seeing that people who are out of his league are his type, it’s an automatic attraction
Most likely introduced to you through the infirmary
Will and your other healer siblings were busy with more injured people and Leo was there due to some invention gone wrong
So when Will leaves after settling him,the last thing he expected was to see you
You began helping him and he wouldn’t be too surprised if you pointed out his drooling
Your gentle touches and soft voice, plus your patience and upbeat attitude really just made him simp even more lmao
After that he was practically begging annabeth to officially introduce him but that never really ended up happening cuz she’d just shoo him away
That however, changed when he was shown around and given a chance at handling other weapons
Once he got to the archery part of it he was absolutely terrible
He was pretty bummed out but when he noticed then switching out helpers, much to his surprise you were actually there
Once again handling and gently guiding him even when he failed terribly
He decided to shoot his shot (haha get it?) and he made the worst joke/pick up line known to man
He was so embarrassed especially since it came out half assed and said through his stutters
Then you laughed
You were so gorgeous and just honestly so attractive that once you left, Jason and Piper had to drag him away because of how mesmerized he was
Of course the two of you share more interactions, even before you got together
But once you do make it official? He’s honestly just the best and and likes watching you heal others (even if it comes off as uncomfortable or creepy-)
Plus he uses you to secretly heal his injuries without getting the backlash of being scolded
+ he gets to spend time with you
What really makes him confess to you, if he hadn’t already-
Would be pretty stereotypical and kinda cringe but please bare with me
So it all happens when at the nightly campfire and your siblings- in traditional Apollo spawn fashion, decide to sing some songs and play some instruments
- which isn’t exactly a rare occurrence
Apollo children get many talents in the arts and you just happen to be one of those people-
Once you finish Leo is so mesmerized that Jason had to shake him out of it
And if his jaw was on the floor, he’s guilty as charged
He’d probably confess by doing something spontaneous and would probably accidentally confess in front of your whole cabin
🚶‍♀️honestly can’t even say anything since you agreed to be his s/o
Most times he’d probs just love to watch you heal others and just be in your presence
Even if it could come off as creepy or uncomfortable sometimes….
Anyway, he’d definitely love to ask you to heal him especially in secret so he doesn’t get scolded
—And then he ends up getting scolded by you too …
Well not only were you seen as kind in his eyes by your always help with whatever you could: arts and crafts, music and other things you could lend your guidance
Because of how much you tend to be nice - it def left him shook when you suddenly got a little attitude
And ofc it’s when he decided to sneak in your cabin, wake you up, all cuz he wanted to do a nighttime rendezvous
I meannnnn who are u to decline??
So you do, yknow half unconscious basically being dragged along and Leo ended up learning his lesson to not interrupt your beauty sleep
Especially when it’s morning and he asks what that was all about
Then you’ll go on to explain during night just isn’t the ideal time of day for an Apollo kid
Plus add a “never do that again “
And he never will 🫠
Mostly out of fear
He learned his lesson
We all know how Leo is
He uses humor to cover up how vulnerable and sensitive he truly is
And he was admittedly afraid to pursue a relationship especially because you have to be open
And being open with his emotions would mean having to be basically stripped naked and seen at his core for who he really is
It’s only when you accept him and comfort him when he’s insecure -
That he realizes that maybe he was silly for thinking that way in the first place
Ofc you still have to bare with him and his shenanigans, plus the injuries he gets from them
You still love him at the end of the day ofc despite how often he gets hurt
Then you just cuddle and hope not to be ripped to shreds by harpies 🫠😭
Atleast you can heal him and go back to bed immediately LMAOO
Because of how upbeat you are, your reassurance and comfort to Leo really helps him out
I mean how could he be so pessimistic around someone so optimistic and energetic
So of course he returns to his charming and ridiculously cringe self
He’s really just grateful to be dating you
Especially for that fact you’ve never snitched when he would sneak out and stuff
If you were to ever make him a poem or anything he’d probably fluster/cringe
I mean you probably know it’s cringe which is why u even showed him lol
However, the day Leo mentions haikus you tell him to please shut up before you here the familiar voice of your father from afar.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
Random Damian head-canon because why not: ~
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✮ first of foremost he’s a cat person.
✮ yes he loves animals, even going as far as going vegetarian because he can’t stand the thought of having an anime be slaughter for a meal, he just likes them a tad bit better. He still loves all his pets equally tho.
✮ he uses Dick as inspiration when he draw because dick so flexible. It helps him practice his anatomy better. But if word got out he’ll 100% deny any of it and probably burn the evidence too.
✮ actually does enjoy chick flick movies. He thinks their stupid but they draw him in with the conflict.
✮ Likes horror/ thriller movies. Is the type to watch them by himself in his room, in the dark with a bowl of popcorn. But some of the chilling music that’s played right before something happens give him goosebumps.
✮Speaking of horror/thriller, I think he’ll be really into the whole ghost/demonic spirit type shit. Y’know like communication with the dead and stuff. Him and Jon definitely explore places that are hunted.
✮also really into watching documentaries about killers or documentaries about unsolved crimes. (He tries to solve them but gets no where 💀)
✮ he’ll listen to anything music related it just depends on the rhythm and lyrics. He’s not really picky but he most definitely listen to genres like pop, alternative, hard/rock. Be he normally just listen to Britney Spears and lady Gaga because Jason has him listening to them 24/7 🙄🤚
✮spends most of ‘his’ money on art supplies. But he doesn’t really care on how much he spends bc it’s not his money but Bruce’s.
✮hates politics/politicians. He is not a political person and doesn’t want anything to do with them. Unless they are advocating something that catches his eye like animal rights. if not then you probably won’t see him in a voting booth ever.
✮ he reads manga. It’s cannon. Specifically Shoujo Mangas 🙄
✮really hates the summer. Prefers Winter and fall.
✮vents to Alfred a lot, to the point where if he sees Damian walking into the kitchen he already has a set of cookies in the oven.
✮ Dick is his favorite person
✮gets really lonely when he’s alone in the Manor so he talks to his pets as if they were real people.
✮is a loner. His only friend is Jon Kent.
✮ if he was raised by Bruce instead of Talia then he would have had an emo phase. Don’t come at me it’s true 100%
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This is just for fun, please don’t get mad 😭
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jasntodds · 2 months
Penance [4]
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 7,682
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, a little bit of angst, some fluff, mentions of death, some blood, panic attack (jason), bits of ptsd, some violence, hurt/comfort
Summary:❝Thesus: Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend. Herakles: I fear to stain your clothes with blood. Thesus: Stain them. I don’t care.❞
It’s been a month and a half since Crane’s reign of terror was stopped, leaving Gotham to finally return to normal. But, what is normal? After everything Jason and you have been through, it seems normal might be some unobtainable dream state. But that’s not going to stop either of you from trying and maybe, you’ll get lucky in the end. At the end of it, the two of you have suffered enough, right?
A/N: I might have gotten this idea from 911 but that's fine lol I hope you guys like it!! You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary  and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
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As the next day comes around, it takes Jason some time to convince Tim not to go looking for Venta if they’re going out later. Tim is thrilled to be helping with the Penguin to the point Jason finds the whole thing a little funny. Jason was always excited to go out as Robin. It was the coolest thing ever but Tim really is over the moon about it. Jason doesn’t think Tim has ever been happier about it and it actually worries him.
As much as Jason is happy for him, he is worried. He’s worried Tim will put his all into Robin and lose himself in it, just like Dick and Jason did. Robin was never something they got to do. It was given to them as a way to cover up their grief. It was a way to weaponize their grief rather than work through it. Jason hopes that won’t be the case for Tim. It doesn’t seem that way. It seems he just wants it for the greater good and he’s just excited. And the way he’s excited is still very serious like he knows he can’t let that excitement out onto the field so he lets it out now where it’s safe. It’s something he knows he has to take seriously. Jason worries but he hopes it’ll work out because he can tell that Tim will be a good Robin.
You meet the boys back at Jason's around midnight, a case in hand with your suit. You're pretty excited to go out on a mission with not only Tim for the first time, but also Jason. You really miss that stuff with him. But, with Tim, it’s new and you're excited to see how he does. No one can’t stop him from being Robin and being out there, so you might as well embrace it and that’s what you're doing even if you're terrified of it.
“Really gonna take down the Penguin.” Tim says almost in awe once you're dressed and back in the main corridor downstairs.
“Pretty sure we’re not taking him down, really.” You nod your head as Tim moves his staff around with pent-up energy.
“Kind of.” Tim defends.
“We’re just securing the guns and turning them over to Babs.” Jason reminds him as he walks in now in his Red Hood suit, the helmet on his hip. “Not taking out Penguin, he’s not even supposed to be there this time.”
“The fuck he is doing that he’s not gonna be at his own shipment?” You question, your stare directly at Jason and you can't help but feel maybe that's a bit weird.
“Fuck if I know, Penguin things.” Jason lets out a scoff. "Could think we wouldn't come for him since we haven't." Jason shrugs casually, it's not the first time Penguin hasn't been around so he isn't too concerned about it.
“What a weirdo.” You let out a sigh, shrugging the uneasiest from your bones with the ease of Jason's voice.
“Yeah.” Jason chuckles softly. “Alright, let’s get going. Tim, you ride with her.” Jason hands Tim a spare helmet. Jason heads for the exit, the two of you right behind him. “And just make sure you do what we say.”
“Got it.” Tim nods.
“Then, let’s get out of here.” Jason nods once as the three of you exit the building.
The three of you ride over to the warehouse near Harbor that Penguin is using. The three of you get to a roof, laying down to look over the edge as the three of you closely watch as the shipment is taken from one of the boats and moved into the warehouse. Penguin isn’t here it seems and only a handful of his goons are. That’s a red flag, Jason and you can both sense it. You exchange a glance but you're already here and you gave Babs a heads up. It'd be a little hard to leave now so you just keep watching, hoping this won't cause too many problems.
Once the lot is cleared of goons, the three of you make your way to the roof of the warehouse, Tim trailing along well. On top of the roof, there's a skylight where you can see the crates in the center of the room with the goons armed and looking around. This isn't anything you and Jason haven't done before so you both give Tim a quick rundown of a plan. Tim gets two goons while you and Jason will take out the rest and if he's in trouble just call out. Once Tim seems to be up to speed, Jason and you break the window first, using your grappling hooks to lower yourselves down quickly, Tim right behind with his own grappling hook.
You take your own four goons with ease while Jason takes the other four, leaving Tim with just the two. You and Jason find yourselves looking over your shoulders to make sure Tim isn’t laid out but every time you both check, he seems to be holding his own pretty well. By the time you and Jason have your goons down, Tim has his down, a proud smile on his face.
“I got them.” Tim says breathlessly. “Wasn’t so bad.”
You look over to Jason with the roll of your eyes. “Okay, Robin.” You nod once before you let out a breath.
“Let’s make sure everything is here and we’ll put in the call.” Jason says as the three of you start opening the crates finding several automatic weapons.
“What’s he doing with all of them anyway?” Tim asks, standing beside you.
“Penguin things.” You and Jason say at the same time.
“Right…” Tim lets out a breath.
This has gone pretty well so far according to you and Jason but that is what's not sitting right. Nothing with these guys ever goes exactly according to plan. That was one of the reasons Jason wanted to bring Tim so he would have to learn to adapt but nothing else is happening. Penguin isn't here and his goons barely even put up a fight. You need to get out of here, this isn't right.
“You didn’t think this would be that easy did you?” A nasally voice says from the platform above the three of you.
The three of you turn to see Penguin with his right hand right next to him. He looks a bit too excited and happy to be here. Jason wants to bang his head against a wall and you're nearly rolling your eyes into the back of your head. This was too easy and for Penguin to seem awfully pleased with himself, this is about to get very bad.
“We can take your goons all night, man. Or you can just walk the fuck away.” Jason offers as he crosses his arms.
Penguin tilts his head back and laughs. “That won’t be necessary. The two of you really are some replacements. And you even have your own sidekick!”
“Hey!” Tim yells, taking a step forward.
You grab his arm with a tight grip. “Shut up.” You grit your teeth at him. "Sounds like you could use a sidekick or two though." You quip back to Penguin. "Planning this with the Bat to of town? What? You scared or something, Penguin?"
“I'm not scared." Penguin says it so casually it sends a chill down your spine. "I knew you’d get in the way which is why I prepared for that!” Pengiun chimes. "You really should know something about that, Red Hood." Penguin mocks before he pulls out a detonator.
A bomb. Of course, it’s a fucking bomb.
“Have fun.” Penguin smiles at the three of you before he presses the button and immediately starts walking out.
You and Jason exchange a stare as a ticking echoes around you. You won’t have time. Penguin planned this so you wouldn’t have time even with his warning. There's no time to find the bomb and disable it, there's not even enough time to get out of the building. How did you both miss this?
It's all going in slow motion as Jason can see the panic wanting to stretch over your face, Tim looking petrified right beside you. There isn’t time to even reach you. And even if there was, what’s he supposed to do? He can’t catch a building. There’s only one thing to do and it’s as if you share the exact same thought that he does in that single second.
Jason and you turn at the same time to run towards the exit, you grabbing Tim by the arm to drag him along. The ticking quickens from above you. You’re out of time. You’re out of time and there’s nothing else left to do. The ticking echoes and echoes and in a split second, Jason is running behind a pillar and you grab the edge of your cape before wrapping it around Tim as you tackle him to the ground.
And the bomb goes off less than a second later.
The warehouse rumbles and vibrates as Jason is tucked into a ball behind the pillar, his hands covering his neck as if waiting for a tornado to hit. The rumbling shakes his bones and it’s so loud. Every rumble and echo shatter through his bones. His eyes are slammed shut as the warehouse fills with smoke as the roof starts to collapse. Jason’s chest starts to burn and it shouldn’t.
The mask has a ventilator. His chest shouldn’t hurt but it does and he thinks his ears are bleeding. His bones are stinging. Why are his bones stinging? Why is so hard to breathe? His eyes burn and sting even with them closed. Not again. This can't be happening again. Panic spreads itself over Jason like an itchy weighted blanket. He doesn't want to die again. Dying is terrifying and the building is collapsing around him. A part of him thinks he can hear the crude laugh of the Joker echoing somewhere through the shattering concrete. It all feels too much and he can't breathe. Every part of him is shaking as he's been left out to the elements in the middle of February. This can't be happening.
And then it all falls eerily silent.
Jason's breath is quick and uneven as he tries to ground himself. It's silent, the collapsing is over. It takes him a few minutes to try to gather himself, desperately trying to pull his mind away from the edge of terror. This is the first time something like this has happened since the Joker. Jason thinks the fear isn't any better the second time around.
He thinks it's worse.
But, he finds it in himself to finally slowly pull his hands away from his neck, his arms feeling like warm jello as they shake. He slowly sits up partially, looking around what was the warehouse. It’s cloudy, filled with dust and smoke. It’s hard to even see a few feet in front of him but he looks over to where you last were with Tim and he can’t see anything. The dust is too thick and he can’t help but let the panic start to flood his blood again.
He has the helmet. His eyes are protected but what about yours? Your mask has a ventilator but what if it doesn’t work? Do you even communicate enough with Bruce to make sure your equipment is working? And Tim doesn’t have any eye protection or a ventilator. It doesn’t matter if you're on your own, you and Tim are Jason’s responsibility. He’s the most experienced. He should have known this wasn’t right. Something should have went off in his head. He should have fucking known. Why didn’t he know?
The dust starts to dissipate with every passing second and Jason gets a better glimpse where you and Tim last were. He swears he’s going to be sick as his heart stops beating as it shoots into his throat. There’s a pile of cement from the ceiling. A long pile where that part of the ceiling collapsed and there is no sight of blue or red. There’s not yellow or black. It’s just brown and grey.
Jason gets to his feet as fast as his legs will allow him and he sprints over to the cement. Not you. Not you. Not you. It can’t be you. He grabs one of the cement blocks and starts trying to pull it away to make a hole in the pile. He can feel the panic taking over again.
It’s been better. It’s been better again since he started seeing Leslie again. He can feel the panic sometimes but it’s better. He can fight through it usually and it doesn’t cause him as much distress out in the field. But, now it’s coming back like a wrecking ball. It’s been easier because he hasn’t had someone to look out for. It’s been easier because he hasn’t had to worry even if he always does. It was always fine if he had to eat it. But, being here and digging through a pile of cement in hopes you’re both alive, that’s different.
If he had to die again, that'd be fine as terrifying as it is. But, the thought it being someone else, being people that he actually cares about, that's an entirely other story.
“Blue!” Jason yells as loud as his can, his voice is raw and he hates the sound of it in his ears. It sounds desperate and scared but he is both of those things. Not you. “Robin!” He calls after, this time stronger, hoping he’ll hear one of you yell back.
The thought of seeing you crushed brings instant tears to his eyes and his stomach twist. He thinks about how you haven’t talked in a month and that’s such a waste. Why the fuck didn’t he just call you? He should have fucking called you. He’s panicking and he hates it but seeing you dead is his greatest fear today. He knows what it’s like to die and to die scared. You were scared. You don’t deserve it. It can’t be you. Please, not you.
And he knows Dick is gonna kill him if Tim dies on his watch. Tim just started and he volunteered for this. He can't be punished for wanting to do something for the greater good, for just wanting to help. It can’t be Tim either. Somehow, you both need to be alive under this pile.
Jason’s teeth grit before he rips the helmet from his head, annoyed by the vision of it. And he gets to work on the cement again. You both have to be alive. There is not another option. You have to be. And then he gets a glimpse of a bright blue fabric.
Jason forgets how to breathe and he works faster, pulling the concrete away as fast as his muscles will even allow. He’s able to make a big enough hole in the pile to reach you and just as he looks into the hole, there’s movement. He still isn’t breathing as he waits to see who it is and not a single part of him can even think to hope who he wants it to be because it has to be both of you.
And then you look up at him.
Jason lets out a breath.
Your eyes are wide and your face is covered in dust, a stream of blood falling down the side of your face. But he can tell by the softness in your eyes that you're relieved to see him, too.
The building fell on you and Tim. The building fucking collapsed on you and you have no idea why you thought your cape would help but it was something you could try. And then you got pinned. You think you’d normally start to panic because you were practically entirely on top of Tim and you couldn’t move. You both could have been trapped there but you know Jason has a habit of living through some fucked up shit. Something in you knew if he made it, he’d be there. He’d never let either of you rot under a pile of concrete. You knew he’d come.
Jason always comes.
And then Tim looks up, too.
Jason shakes his head, looking down for a second to gather himself before he offers a hand. You take his hand in yours as Jason pulls you out. He’s careful but deliberate making sure you don’t slip. Once you're on solid ground, he wastes no time in looking you over, his hands coming to your cheeks.
Besides the blood coming from a small cut near your hairline, Jason doesn’t see any other visible injuries. It doesn’t bring him much relief because internal injuries are still a thing and he thinks you should all go to the Batcave and do some scans. For all he knows, it's a lot worse than a small cut and you have to get out of here quickly just to make sure. He just needs to make sure.
“Are you okay?” Jason asks quickly, still looking over you.
Your hands shake as they come to his hands on your cheeks. “I’m fine.” Your voice is soft as you answer him, your thumbs running over his hands. He looks absolutely terrified. You aren't sure you've ever really seen this look on his face before. “I’m okay.” You nod against him as you watch a small part of his face dissolve into relief as his eyes meet yours.
You feel okay though very shaky and weak. Your limbs and back are sore, your ribs feel a little achy but nothing feels wrong. A part of you feels a little out of body and terrified anyway, like there's leftover panic still running through your veins. Being crushed by a building wasn't something you thought would happen and it definitely wasn't something you were prepared for. Gong toe-to-toe with bad guys with guns and knives and fists is the easy part. The uncertainty of a bomb and a collapsing building is a bit horrifying. But, physically, you think you're okay.
“We gotta do some scans at the cave, alright? Make sure there’s no internal bleeding or some shit.” Jason keeps his eyes on yours, trying with everything in him to control the panic in his voice.
“I’m fine—“
“No.” Jason cuts you off. This is one risk he's not willing to take. Your life is the one risk Jason will never take no matter what you want to argue. “You don’t know that, okay?”
Suddenly, it's as if you're back on Amusement Mile that night. It was dark and gloomy, nothing too unusual for a night in Gotham City. But, it felt colder and it all felt wrong. The pit in your stomach gnawed and begged you to turn around. You remember knowing with the very sight of the yellow on the Robin cape. You remember how terrified you were walking up to his body, waiting for the confirmation of your biggest fear. You're thinking you might have shared a similar look to the one Jason is giving you now.
“Okay.” You agree with a gentle nod.
Jason sucks in a breath, his brows still pulled together with worry. "Good."
“Yeah, uh, a little help, please?” Tim calls from behind the two of you.
The two of you drop your hands and immediately turn around.
“Fuck, yeah sorry, man.” Jason rushes.
“Sorry!” You call as the two of you rush back to the hole in the pile Jason made to help Tim.
Once Tim is out of the pile, Jason and you look him over quickly, making sure he isn’t missing a limb and nothing is deformed.
“I’m fine.” Tim assures the two of you, not missing the worry between you. “That was crazy though.” Tim looks around with ease, almost like he’s unbothered. You and Jason give him a confused look. Why is he so fine? “We caught a zombie Deathstroke and are fighting a few demons. I was also shot and killed by Scarecrow.” Tim shrugs casually, already growing used to seeing his life in danger which is not nearly as reassuring as he thinks it is.
“Alright.” You roll your eyes, wishing he'd give some insight on how he's able to handle things well.
“Sure, man.” Jason nods his head, unsure if he's completely convinced someone can just walk away from major traumas perfectly fine. “We’re still doing a scan. Let’s get outta here.” Jason jerks his head towards where he threw his helmet.
“You, too.” You state as Jason grabs his helmet and starts walking towards the exit.
“Me, too what?” Jason asks, adjusting his helmet on his hip.
“Scans.” Tim adds in as him and you start to follow Jason. “If you’re forcing us, you have to, too.” Tim states, thinking that's probably a good idea for all of you anyway. Jason's limp doesn't go unnoticed by Tim and Tim can feel his shoulder starting to ache. He knows you took the brunt of the force.
“Aww, you’re learning." You chime.
Jason lets out a groan, swearing he's the one that's fine. He was not crushed by a building but he's not in the mood to fight with either of you. “Fucking fine.” He doesn’t bother protesting knowing damn well you will get what you want. You will win. You always win when it comes to him.
The three of you get on your bikes and head out of the city and to Wayne Manor, something Tim is very excited about. He wasn’t really going to complain about getting any scans done. Getting scans means going into the Batcave again and this time, it won’t be taken over by Crane. Getting scans means getting to actually hang out in the Batcave this time. Tim would never turn down the opportunity now.
You still want to protest but you saw the worry over Jason’s face. You feel fine besides a headache. But, you aren’t going to take the risk for Jason’s sake. You think back to the times you said you’d die for each other and you think that’s easy. You’d run in front of a bullet for him even today. It doesn’t matter but making sure you're okay enough to live feels harder. You don’t want to die or anything but maybe you’d normally brush this off and then that might be it. But, Jason looks at you with all the love his heart could muster and you can’t do it to him. You can live for him, too.
Once you’re at the manor, the three of you use the tunnel to enter the cave immediately. Jason and you go to the changing area, Tim following right behind you. There are always extra sweats there, just in case in a variety of sizes. You grab some for you and Tim while Jason grabs himself a pair. The three of you go off into different changing rooms and get changed before you meet out in the med area of the cave. You go for the scan first just to get it over with.
Tim of course sits beside Jason as they watch the imaging load. It was something Bruce taught him to look for when Jason first got hurt as Robin. They look for internal bleeding, broken bones, swollen organs, anything they can't see from the outside. They can’t just go to the hospital every time they’re hurt. That would raise some questions so they do the scans here. If something is serious, they can go. Which has yet to happen in Jason’s time as Robin. But, he takes what he learned from Bruce and he passes it onto Tim.
Once your scan is over, you join the boys, sitting beside Jason. The scan doesn’t take much longer to load and it seems everything is okay. It's a relief for all of you even if Jason isn't totally sitting with ease over it. It's a relief but there is something still making him worry anyway. But he keeps it to himself while Tim jumps up, ready for his turn. Once Tim is ready, Jason gets the scans going.
With Tim is the machine, that leaves you and Jason to yourselves and Jason can't quite keep his stare on the computer. You've been hurt before and he hasn't felt like this. Once you get confirmation you're fine, it starts to fade away but tonight, it's as if he's run out of places to dissolve his worry and paranoia. He's not sure what he'd do if something happened to you.
“Let me help.” Jason points to the cut on your forehead before he gets up and grabs some of the supplies.
“Oh, uh, yeah, okay.” You nod before you sit on the counter.
Jason takes out the alcohol pads and carefully wipes some of the blood, you hissing in response. Jason mumbles a quick apology but continues working. It’s not bad. Jason doesn’t even think you need stitches and he thinks you're lucky. You though, you're just watching him carefully. So much has changed and yet this feels like nothing has changed. It feels like it did that first night after Jerry. Something about him moving carefully, gently, but a little rough. He doesn’t say anything and he dodges your eyes. And you think your stomach is swirling and bubbling just as it did that night.
“What’ve you been up to?” You ask quietly, eyes looking right at him.
Jason pauses, looking at you before he goes back to cleaning the cut on your forehead. He shifts slightly, the feeling of being exposed starting to fade right over him. “Usual.” Jason answers. “Taking out dickwads, reading, researching, helping Babs.”
You looked in the mirror after you changed, the cut wasn't bad. He should be done by now but he's taking his time. He's still dodging your stare and he's minding his right leg. His mouth is pressed into a straight line. He's seemed okay besides tonight, happy even. You really hope this doesn't set him back because he should be happy. It's what he deserves. And you wonder if it was all just some sort of facade because Jason hates people knowing what he's thinking. Maybe it was just an act for Tim or for you for some reason.
You hope not.
“Are you happy?” You whisper to him, hoping he'll be honest if he's not and hoping he really is happy with the life he's making for himself.
Jason freezes.
Maybe in the grand scheme of life he is. Generally speaking, he thinks he’s happy most days. He isn’t miserable. And his relationship with Bruce is getting better and his relationship with all of the Titans is getting better. Molly is still one of his best friends. He likes what he does. But, he can’t quite bring himself to say he’s happy. It’s the ache in his bones he can’t shake and the white streak of hair that won’t go away. The Y scar that stares back at him when he looks in the mirror after a shower. The way his leg still fucking hurts sometimes and the nightmares. The panic attacks sometimes that seem to hit him like a freight train out of nowhere. The fact that he feels lonely.
He was so fine being alone for so long and then he was comfortable not being alone. Now, he’s just lonely. He lives alone and he spends a lot of time alone and it’s just lonely. His heart feels like it’s contracting in his chest while a lump finds its way at the base of his throat. And he misses you. Maybe he could live with that choice if it weren’t for everything else. But, he thinks he could live with everything else if he didn’t miss you so much.
“I don’t know.” Jason answers, not wanting to give the real answer but not wanting to lie entirely. “Are you?”
You think you're happy most of the time. You live with Molly so you aren’t alone and you're eternally grateful for that. And you have movie nights. You even have movie nights with Gar and Tim over FaceTime. You and Rachel talk a lot now and you’re on good terms. You love what you do and you love helping Babs. Bruce doesn’t want to kick you out of Gotham. Things feel like they’re getting better. The nightmares have gotten a little better even if you wake Molly up sometimes screaming. But the guilt always comes at night, weighing down every bit that could make you happy. The guilt of everything that happens just chews away part of your happiness as if you aren't allowed to be happy. And maybe you could live with it, if you didn’t miss Jason like you need oxygen. You miss him more than you could ever miss anything.
“I don’t know.” You answer the same way as if you understand and Jason feels seen so he shifts his feet, tossing the alcohol pads into the trash under the table. Jason presses his hands on the counter, resting them beside your thighs as he leans in slightly. He doesn't even fully realize he does it. “You deserve to be happy, Jay.” You keep your voice quiet as Jason’s brows pull together as if he’s in pain.
“So do you.” Jason nods once.
“What would make you happy?” You ask and aren’t sure why you did. Maybe you hope he’ll even jokingly say you and then that’ll give you a reason to tell your guilt to shut up and take a backseat. And you think he might say it because his eyes finally lock on yours and the pain in his face starts to fade.
He thinks it’s you.
“I don’t know.” He answers anyway because admitting it seems unfair to both of you. You’ve been here before and yeah, you both know. You both know it shouldn’t have been the way it was then but it’s different. He isn’t pushing to self-destruct. He just wants to be ready if he tells you and he isn’t sure he is. “What about you?” Jason asks, thinking if you say it, he’ll say it anyway.
You think it's him.
“I don’t know.” You echo and you shake your head before you lean forward, pressing your forehead against his. You feel him relax and you almost want to cry. Jason's hands slowly move onto your thighs and he wants to burst at the seams. You making the move tells Jason everything he needs to know. And Jason relaxing with his hands on your thighs tells you everything you need to know. It's still him and you. “Happy you’re here though…happy you were there tonight.” You say honestly.
“Me, too. Happy you came along tonight.” Jason says back as he pulls away but he keeps his hands on your thighs.
"Thanks for coming to save us." You offer him a subtle smile.
"Of course." Jason nods his head softly. "You and me?" Jason offers the same smile.
Your hand comes to his cheek, running a thumb along the skin and his shoulders relax. “You and me.” You echo.
It’s silent for a few seconds as if you’re both wanting to see where this will go. Unsure where you want it to go. Before, you both knew. You knew you wanted each other so you’d jump the second you could. But this isn’t that. You want each other but there is so much caution in it. You’re both terrified of overstepping boundaries and ruining whatever you’re trying to rebuild. You’re terrified of hurting each other again. You're both worried you aren't ready for something again. So as much as you both want each other, a part of both of you almost feels okay with waiting to make sure it’s right this time. For each other even if you both want to explode.
And then Tim clears his throat.
“Uh, so…am I gonna die again?” Tim quips making you and Jason pull apart.
“Yeah.” Jason answers immediately, glancing at the screen and earning a light tap from you which makes him laugh. Jason actually takes a second to look over the scans before finishing his sentence. “Eventually but not tonight. You’re fine.” Jason finishes.
“Shithead.” You mutter with the roll of your eyes but a smile finds itself across your lips.
“Babe.” Jason grins.
“You two are weird.” Tim mutters as he walks up to the two of you.
“Your turn.” You tap Jason on the shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, alright.” Jason pulls in a breath and makes his way to the scan.
Once Jason is situated, you get the machine going before you look over Tim. The scans are clear and he seems fine. He actually looks really happy which you know is because he's sitting in the Batcave. He's still looking over the Batcomputer, his eyes wandering around the cave every so often. You can't say you blame him really but you're surprised and relieved he's handling things well.
"You can explore if you want, ya know?" You suggest.
"Really?" Tim's eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
"Yeah? You are Robin." You let out a soft laugh and before you can even say another word, Tim is out of his seat.
“What’s going on with you guys anyway?" Tim questions as he makes his way over to the case holding Jason's Robin suit, the blood still staining it. "Looked like I interrupted something.” Tim glances back at you and then the suit before he moves on.
“No.” You shake your head, keeping her eyes on the screen. “Catching up a little bit.”
Tim rolls his eyes and lets out a scoff. “You guys forgot I was crushed by a building." Tim defends, making his way over to the training area.
"I said I was sorry and so did he." You defend even though you know you'll be feeling guilty about that for awhile. "Don't tell Dick though."
"Wasn't going to." Tim chuckles softly. "Seems like there's something going on." Tim states as the cave falls silent. He looks over as you glare back him, very clearly unamused by his observation. "I'm just saying." Tim states as he shrugs his shoulders, going back to looking at the variety of knives Bruce has.
You let out a sigh and decide maybe you will ask Tim for his input. Everyone else knows so much about you and Jason, not just as a couple but as vigilantes. Tim, on the other, doesn't know that side of it. This is the first time Tim is actually even hanging out with Jason for more than a few minutes. He might actually be the perfect person to talk to.
“Alright, listen, can we talk about it later?” You ask. “I do honestly have a headache and to dig into that right now is not what I want to do. But we can talk about it later.”
“Alright.” Tim sighs as he starts making his way back to you.
“Any word about Bernard?” You ask as Tim takes his seat back beside you.
“No change.”
“I’m sorry, Tim.” You say softly. “You guys will figure it out. He’ll be okay.”
“Thanks.” Tim mutters as he leans onto his elbow.
Jason’s scans finish a few minutes later allowing him to rejoin the other two of you. You look over the scans, feeling relief come over you. You figured he was fine, Jason usually is. But, it is nice having actual confirmation he's okay even a part of you will still be glancing him over and watching him carefully just for extra security. Scans can be wrong.
“So?” Jason questions with a knowing look, knowing he is fine.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re fine.” You wave him off with eyes wide to mock him. “Just to be safe.”
“Yeah.” Jason pulls a breath into his lungs and he knows.
He wonders if you’ll always be more worried about him. With not talking now and the whole shit with Crane before, he hasn’t had too much time to even think about it. And you were so worried that whole time because of Crane and because he had just died. But, he wonders about now. Now that some of the dust has settled and you've been away from him. He can tell by how you're still glancing over him as if expecting him to start gushing blood from an invisible wound that you're worried. And he thinks you're more worried than you normally would be. A scan and a look over would usually be enough but not tonight. He wonders if it’s because he died. Maybe you’ll always be trapped in a spiral of worry knowing it might happen again.
Jason thinks that sounds like torture.
He wants to find a way to assure you he’s fine but he’s not really sure what he could possibly do. He’s not fine since dying. It’s hard to walk every day with that kind of weight around his chest but he is physically fine and he wants you to know that. He breathes today and he did yesterday. Before, he thinks he would have made a joke and then kissed you. It’s what he always did and it always calmed your nerves. You would have slept together and if he were injured, you would have known. It was always harder hiding any type of injury from you because either you’d see it, you’d catch him slipping, or he’d flinch when you laid down together. He can’t very well do any of that now. And he can’t possibly say anything because Tim is right here and the last thing Jason wants is to further expose himself to anyone else. So, he just bites back his comments and shrugs it all off.
“We can head back out if you guys are ready.” Jason suggests.
The three of you grab your things before you head from the Batcave and go back to Jason’s place. It’s quiet in your comms. Tim chalks it up to being tired, the adrenaline wearing off for all three of you. Jason just wants to get home and shake the night from his spine. You find yourself wondering if the gravity of vigilante life will ever wear off when something like tonight happens. You love it and you swear you do, it’s just really hard sometimes and you haven’t quite found the right way to cope with it.
You could have died tonight which is a reality most nights and it never seems like too big of a deal to you because it’s you and the person with a gun or a bomb or a knife. It’s just you. Not talking to Jason or seeing him has made it a little easier not to think about him doing the same thing. But tonight, the weight of loss collapsed your shoulders the second that roof fell. Jason pulled you out of the rubble. You heard the way his voice sounded, the tremble and the fear etched into his windpipe. You saw the look on his face when he pulled you out.
Panic. Relief. Panic. Terror. Anger.
And something else you don’t want to touch with a ten-foot pole.
Something about the idea of him suffering in the way you did makes you want to turn the bike around and go as far as you can without looking back. And you think about how he could have been hurt again. You and Tim were trapped easily. What if he was, too? What if the roof fell on him and he died? You aren’t so sure you’d be able to survive the loss of him again. Even as you are today.
When you get back, Tim says a quick goodbye to you before disappearing into the building. Jason takes his time though, watching your brows pinch together as your stare falls anywhere but on him.
“You alright?” He asks carefully.
You nod and offer him a fake smile. “Yeah, all good.” You chew the inside of your cheek and you just don't want to go home. Going home sounds scary and like maybe it won't feel quite like home this time.
Jason nods back. “What’s wrong?”
He keeps his distance from you. He’s standing three feet away from you and he’s thinking that’s for the best. You aren't normally quiet after missions like this. It's as if talking always reassures you that you're both fine. But, tonight you were quiet and you look uncomfortable in your own skin. Jason doesn't want to overstep. He doesn't want to move closer and that be the real problem. You got a little close in the cave and Jason knows how you are with that. He's betting you still like to run so, he keeps his distance for right now.
“Nothing, why?” You ask and you keep your stance from him.
You want to kiss him and tell him you're glad he’s okay. You said it but you want to kiss him until he knows fully. Jason has never been one to take words at face value. He responds better with action and the only way you know to show your love for him is by touch. But, that's not fair to either of you. You would give anything to go back to how it was even if it's just for one night. You wish you could both forget everything that happened, pretend none of it happened. It would be so much easier that way.
“I always know when something’s wrong.” Jason sucks in a breath and he didn’t think he’d be the one pulling for answers from you.
You shake your head and lying to him never came easy.
You swore you’d never lie to him.
“Scary.” Your voice is so small and Jason almost closes the distance between you to engulf you in the tightest hug he could manage without hurting you.
But he cements his feet to the ground below him.
“You’re okay, though. So, is Tim.” Jason assures, his words careful.
“Yeah…” Your voice is still so small and Jason takes one step closer to you, knowing you and Tim aren't your full concern.
“I’m fine, ya know? Like…all good.” Jason keeps his voice level as his eyes scan over your face, looking for any change.
“No, I know.” You nod softly, your voice bigger this time.
You're worried he isn’t. The scans say he is and he says he is. You know he wouldn’t lie to you with you being worried. You know but you're worried anyway. He gets a second chance and he deserves it. He deserves it so much and you just want him to be happy and healthy. You want him to be able to live as the Jason Todd you fell in love with. You don’t want him to have any more trauma to try and bear. You aren’t so sure he could bear it anymore.
You think what would have happened if you didn’t get lucky tonight.
No part of you has to guess how it would go.
He’d blame himself. He’d torture himself inside and out just like you did.
“Just…” You shake your head. “Can you promise me something even if it’s not very fair?” Your eyes finally land on his.
“What?” Jason asks.
“If-if, uh, something happens to me…like anything, c-can you, uh,…not blame yourself, please?” You ask. “I-I know how you are and I saw the way you looked at me tonight. I know what it’s like and…” Your voice trails off.
“What?” Jason pushes, trying to wrap his head around the question. Of all the things you could be worried about, you're worried about how he'd react to you dying.
“I don’t want you to suffer for it.” You state. “You’ll torture yourself, I know you will. So, if something happens to me, can you promise me you won’t do that? Because I would never blame you.”
“What if it is my fault?” Jason scoffs. “Tonight--”
“It won’t be.” You cut him off entirely with so much certainty, it freezes Jason. “I know, despite it all, you would do everything to make sure I was okay. You, uh, you have always just, uh, j-just tried to keep me safe. So, if something happens, I know it won’t be your fault.”
“Nothing’s gonna happen anyway.” Jason answers back, digging his feet in because even a hypothetical question sends his head into a panic.
“But something did happen, Jay!” You yell back in desperation. “Something did!" Your eyes water before your voice comes back down. "I don’t want you to be like me.”
You nearly beg him and Jason is so thrown by what you say, he has to pause and try to understand. He swears you're the best person he has ever met. He loves you. He knows that it got messy but he also knows between those lines, him dying changed a part of you. It led you into a guilt you can’t shake and that he feels is on him. The least he can do is make the promise and try to keep it but he swears nothing can happen to you. He can’t let anything happen.
“Then you have to stop fucking blaming yourself, too.” Jason states back. “I died. That’s not on you." Jason says it so bluntly you nearly choke on your own heartbeat. "I promise but…you gotta promise me then you’re gonna stop blaming yourself, too. There was nothing you could have done.” The words are sour and bitter on his tongue. Knowing it was his fault he got himself killed is one of the hardest pills for him to swallow.
You nod your head softly and you can’t make the promise but you can promise to try. “I promise to try.”
“Good.” Jason states and he watches you tug your sleeve down over your wrist. Maybe he is very worried about you, too. Tonight was heavy and a lot to handle even if it all worked out. It almost didn't. Maybe it’s stupid but he doesn’t want to be alone tonight and he’s betting you don’t either. “Did, uh, did you wanna stay tonight?” Jason asks.
“W-what?” You stutter, the question catching you off guard.
“Did you wanna stay here?" Jason asks again, this time trying to make his voice sound far more casual than he's feeling. "Look, it’s not like we haven’t done this shit before.” Maybe he’s worried the scans are wrong, too and he just wants to look out for you. He misses you. “Just friends.” Jason assures you.
You were really hoping he'd ask.
“Can you, uh..."
“Of course.” Jason finishes before you get the chance to finish because he already knows. “I get to pick though, you picked the last three books.” Jason says with a tender smile and he gets one in return.
“Okay, Jay.” You nod as you take a step forward. “Thank you.”
“You and me.” Jason offers her his signature smirk with the casual shrug of his shoulders.
You stick your hand out and Jason takes it with ease. “You and me.” You echo while Jason pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders before the two of you walk into the building.
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farshootergotme · 19 days
Can I just say thank you thank you. 👏👏👏
I grew up with the 2004 Batman cartoon and I have thought Dick and Bruce had a parental relationship whether it be father/son or Big brother/little brother it depends on the adaption.
I have just recently got back into Batman and into comics in general and I was honestly a bit shell shocked to see so much well adopted family incest which is just wow but I’m just numb to the internet at this point so nothing surprises me anymore.
What I can’t stand is liars, I swear these people who ship dick and Bruce together are just straight up in denial in some places just accept you’re shipping something taboo. Don’t lie to me about how much they hold a place in queer history which is greatly exaggerated given how it happen based on a lie by a quack and his horrible book note the beds were separate I checked the infamous comic panel it’s just draw really badly but given how tight the deadlines for comic back in the day were I will forgive that poor artist. Also another book they source from the 2000s book written about the queer coding of Batman and Robin seems to really like to leave out the fact that Dick is a child and is written as one. No matter what gen he was written as young lad with hobbies similar to that generation and time period mostly.
Like yes at the time it was done because homophobia but don’t pretend there wasn’t another issue aka it would be the grooming of a minor like for context homosexuality was see as connected to pedophilia. Like seriously when I was looking into this topic, it honestly felt like telephone because how much the original context of the panel was lost like seriously does no one check sources anymore.
Another thing they don’t bring up is how in the 1940s adopting was very uncommon and seen as weird to many it wasn’t as accepted back then which is why ward was used because that was more acceptable back then. It’s also the reason why Jason was adopted by Bruce because it was more acceptable when he was created. Also it was such a non issue to the writers at the time that even though technically Dick wasn’t adopted by Bruce on panel he still treated as one by the writers mostly before Marv Wolfman decided it make for interesting story to have Bruce not adopted Dick and have Dick have a whole hang up on it and is confused by why Bruce didn’t at that time.
Like literally I am tired of people claiming Dick doesn’t want to be adopted by Bruce or that he never wanted him to his father to him it’s simply just not true although it is complicated. Like Dick won’t call Bruce dad but in his eyes as he got older he saw Bruce as a father figure as well as his second dad and Bruce has always seen Dick as like a son and to his actual son blood or no blood for crying out loud he bloody raised him along with Alfred for over ten years like how could Dick not develop a parental bond with him and Alfred ahh. He may not be father of the year but he still cared and look after him all those years like no wonder Dick felt hurt in the original Marv wolfmen story when he wasn’t adopted.
Now, I will say in the early adaption of Batman and Robin and even the silver age to an extent. Did betray them as brothers because well the age gap was closer in 1966 version and late 70s cartoons of them so I can see why older fans can see it that way and the silver age mostly do a big brother little brother dynamic with them. While golden age seems to flip flop and if they were father/son or Big brother/little brother and the Bronze Age they went to father/son by the end because that was probably more interesting to write. Like a son repelling against his overly critical and overprotective father figure was probably relatable to lot of teens and young adults reading Dick stories at that time. Then the rest of eras after that just settled with them being Father/son duo mostly. We don’t talk about Devin weird ass takes in their relationship I swear she is just inserting herself in some characters just to be creepy towards Richard and well she nearly destroyed Oliver character by writing him being weird about Richard when he was Robin which was just yikes.
I also just find it so gross how she took a very reserved and very ace coded character like Dick Grayson and sexualised him, like making his exotic and making him overly sexual is just huge yikes to me and making him Romani because circus is such a huge stereotype and quite harmful. I have such mix feelings about Richard being romani because of how it was done and Tom Tyler has done a poor job in my opinion as well. Like originally Dick was just pure American then his mother became european notable french in one of them which makes more sense to me. I don’t know, I will eat my socks when it’s done well which would be wonderful but right now it’s just no to me. Also, why Richard like what just because he’s sexy Devin and he is romani because circus. Like my ass is as white as snow but even I know that is a weird ass take and honestly fetishy in nature I feel.
Which leads to me being so weary of people who do use it because like yes some people do it so well take notes writers at DC. But others well… I feel just sexualise him for the sake of it and I get very suspicious of people who make draw Dick overly feminine or straight up make him the wife in the relationship. It just makes my trans man heart nervous because usually they also ship Richard with older man (Bruce with him as well probably…) which in Canon he has called creeps and acts super uncomfortable around them. Like whatever ship your taboo ships just keep a safe distance from me okay. It just sadden how Richard is written as overly sexual and slutty like that is not my boy. 😭
I think the reason it also upset me so much is Bruce in a lot of ways is like my dad when he is written as a well meaning father figure. I relate to Dick being the eldest of many siblings and also my Dad is my stepdad but he has raised since I was nearly one. I know it’s not the same but to me he is my father and nothing will change that. It’s why I can’t stop people who act like Bruce and Dick aren’t father/son because well he’s not adopted by law so it’s doesn’t count but to Bruce already is and honestly I just wish in modern adaption just get adopted as a early teen at this point. Like even modern DC doesn’t hide or exclude Dick Grayson is Bruce Wayne eldest son and I’m so happy for that. (Even though he has been adopted by law but as an adult but I digress.)
I will shot myself mentally if I see another person claim it is DC heteronormative doing their relationship like shut up. You who says this bs you clearly don’t care about queer history or adoption history in general and it’s so harmful how people try to undermine adopted families like that. Like seriously ship what you like just don’t pretend it isn’t taboo as all hell. 😤 Also, anyone who claims this don’t you dare call young queers homophobia because they’re saying how it is. You don’t see people defending pedophilia and incest in Greek mythology do ya.
(Then I think in my head how strange it always the ace coded characters that get sexualised or made the secretly horny seductress/playboy type food for thought.) 🤔
Oh apologies for the kinda rant there but this honestly this has been bothering me about the bat fandom. I will say I’m still a noob when it comes to comic book history and I haven’t read most of Dick and Bruce books but I have done my best to do my homework on them and the rest of Batman history and it members. I have honestly only read modern books like world finest and short teen titans spin off book. I’m currently pre order Mark Waid latest book Batman and Robin year one which I am so excited for truly he is saving me given me some good Father/son moments with Dick and Bruce. Also maybe the new Nightwing which I hope will be good, I read TT run online free because I’m poor :p and it was so boring, Richard just feels so bland in that book. Like I will give TT credit their some good panels and moments but that’s just it. My inner Dick Grayson fanboy is showing ha ha. 😅
Anyway, sorry my rambling but honestly this fandom baffles me sometimes.
I have nothing to add—you said it all. Loved the rant and I agree with all of it! Thanks anon!
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anangelinthepit · 2 months
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Bruise my Bones but Leave my Heart Alone
Hello my angels please enjoy part 4. This chapter was a little long so I apologize for the ending. Personally it made me laugh a little. Special thanks to my bestie @reyadawn for helping me with the fun part 🥵 of writing this story. Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️ here comes the warning this story had very sensitive topics and ain’t meant for all audience. Please be advised ‼️ domestic abuse, small amount of sexual tension, swearing, and etc.
As always with love -Magenta 🌹
Part 4
Noah picked me up once again and threw me over his shoulder, I wasn’t able to fight back anymore because I was so exhausted. The number of times I’ve been tossed, hit, and have been talked to like I was dirt finally put me at my breaking point.
He opened the door and brought me into the sleeping area. Everyone was on high alert since I decided to make a great escape, the one thing that got me was how Jolly and Nick were standing behind him. They looked like tiny security guards next to this giant aggressive ass man, who clearly can’t handle a 5’5 girl. I couldn’t help but smirk and giggle to myself.
“Something you want to share with the rest of us Ms Y/N?” Nick asked
“No Mr Nicholas,” I said mockingly while rolling my eyes.
“I don’t think you understand what that little stunt you pulled almost cost us,” Noah said digging in a bag
“I didn’t fucking pull anything. I could barely tell her what was going on due to the fact I don’t have a signal here” I protested
“Y/N, the lying is gonna stop here. I need you to understand that this isn’t a game for any of us. Not to mention, we heard the whole damn conversation you were having. Sounds like to me you got pretty good service.” Nick claimed
“Again, lying is only going to make this worse for you,” Noah said, still digging through his duffel bag
“You know the fucking passive agreese attitudes you guys keep giving me is pissing me off. Can you fucking assholes stick to one attitude?”
“Passive aggressive? We are trying to be nice to you, but to be honest, you are making ng this very difficult. That phone stunt almost made us take things into extreme measures. Shit like that will not happen again” Jolly said, glaring at me.
“Well, it’s not like I can do anything else considering someone just smashed my phone into a billion pieces,” I said crossing my arms
Noah completely ignored the fact that he went from 0-100 within seconds. Smashing my phone was a bit overboard and I wish he would realize that.
“What are you even looking for anyway?” I said starting to become annoyed
Completely disregarding what I just asked Noah kept digging through his duffel bag and under his bed. While he was moving about I got to see all his beautiful artwork that trialed his body. Knowing he picked me up and my cleavage was against his skin made me feel dangerous. I know he felt it too because when he put me down guess where his eyes went. I know I’m a pretty girl and he keeps calling me HIS. I started to wonder how far I could take this whole thing. He already thinks I’m his, if I play the game I could earn his trust and then drop him like a hot piece of the tin, once they let me go. My heart started fluttering when I noticed he was still sweating. The way the sweat made his tattoos shine, bringing out the color in them this man was a work of art. I would be lying if I said I didn’t find this man attractive. I actually found all of them very attractive.
”holy fuck this man is beautiful.” I thought to myself
Liquid heat pooled around my clit through the thin cotton panties I wore. I haven’t had sex or made love that felt good in such a long time. Especially since Jason ruined sex for me altogether. As I stand here looking at this man that god brought in my path I wonder if the pleasure he would give me would satisfy this feeling I’m having. Laying me down on the bed as he looks into my eyes and caresses my face in his strong hands. Then passionately kisses me with those sweet as-honey lips.
“HEY SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT Y/N you will NOT fall in love with the guy who kidnapped you.”
I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts, this is no time to think of sex with a handsome man. “I need to get the hell out here”.
I looked to my left and saw the door was wide open leading into the front lounge that is empty. I could make a quick run for it and hit the woods, I saw the highway into far I good hitch hike easy.
When turned I back around to Noah I saw that he had pulled a black rope out of the duffel bag. My eyes popped out of my head with flight instincts kicking in.
“Fuck that,” I said
I pushed Noah into Jolly and Nick as hard as I could, watching them fall into each other gave me enough time to start running. I ran into the front lounge where Folio appeared out of nowhere. He tried to grab me but I was able to push him down with sheer adrenaline. I made my way to the front door and busted out of the tour bus. I tripped on the one step making me land on the gravel knees first. I knew my legs were bleeding, but that didn't stop me from making my great escape.
“I’m free,” I said with tears streaming down my face. The air was cool and felt amazing hitting my face.
I knew it was only a matter of time before they all got up and came after me so I booked it into the woods. I kept tripping over tree branches and stumps, the only running through my mind was finding the fucking road. I swear I saw it over this way when we came into the venue. I saw some lights and ran towards them, only to be met with more fucking your busses.
“Fuck it, it’s not like they’re all in on it,” I said
I ran up to this one bus that looked like a house on wheels and began banging on the door.
“Please can someone help me!” I said with tears streaming down my face and pounding on the door.
A tall man with long black hair opened the door with an extended annoyed look on his. Annoyance turned to concern within seconds, I didn’t know what I looked like but judging by his face I must have looked like hell
“Sir I’m sorry but I need your help. These guys snatched me and they injured my boyfriend. I need the police here immediately! please! ” I said in a scramble between deep breaths and sobs.
“Woah take it easy young lady, we’ll help you but first come inside it’s starting to rain.” He said guiding my hand into their bus
When I walked in I was met by 7 other scary ass looking men. I should have taken my chances with a stranger on the road. These guys were creepy as fuck.
They all shared an equally concerned and confused face. I wanted to look in a mirror to see how bad I looked because they all made it seem like I was a fucking ghost. I sat down on the couch while the guy who helped me was on the phone. It didn’t sound like the police but then again I was listening because it dawned on me whose bus I was on.
Motionless in Fucking white…
“Do you need any medical treatment?” Chris asked looking at his phone
“No, I’m alright just shook up.”
“You said you were kidnapped. Are you gonna be able to give? A visual of who tried doing this? The police are gonna ask.” Ricky said chiming in while lighting his cigarette.
The smell of that started to give me flashbacks and I almost passed out.
“Yes. Though I’m not sure if they’re still here or not. It was some bullshit underground band.” I said holding my head trying to catch my self from falling forward
“Bullshit underground band, huh?” Angelo said, raising his brow and laughing
“Listen I know it sounds crazy but theese guys snatched and possibly killed my my fucking boyfriend,” I said with my face in my hands.
Jesus and I dreaming because it even sounds crazy when I say it.
“well you can relax now. The police are on the way,” Chris said
There is an awkward silence that needs to be broken. I was wondering how all of them were so calm while I was telling them what happened. It’s almost like this is something they hear every day. My stomach started to turn and some red flags were rising in my head. I wanted to get away from them and also clean my face off from all the sweat and makeup, so going to the bathroom was the best excuse right now.
“Thank you, is it okay if I use your guy's restroom I need to wash my face off?”
“By all means. Right down the narrow hallway, pass the sleeping quarters.” Chris said
I got up and made my way back in the direction Chris said to go. I noticed he was right before me, and it wasn't until he bumped into me when I realized how close he was. That made me nervous but I wasn't judging. I was a young girl with bizarre
When I got to the mini hallway, it was pitch black, but I could still make out a silhouette sitting on a chair.
“Nope.” I said while turning around to make a run for it. Chris had other plans for me, though, shoving me to the ground and flicking on the lights
“You know for such a beautiful young lady, you don’t make the brightest decisions,” Noah said as he got up from the chair and started walking towards me with rope in hand.
“Thanks for helping out man, this one right here is a fighter,” Noah said nodding to Chris
“No problem man, she’s got a kick to her,” Chris said laughing
“Are you fucking kidding me,” I said with tears rolling down my face.
“What can I say? I got connections, my love.” Noah said smirking
In a quick movement, Nah tossed Chris some of the rope, and he began tying it around my legs while joag got my wrist. I tried to fight them off, but I was broke down to complete exhaustion. I couldn't hide it anymore. It was written all over my face and body.
“What's wrong beautiful? Too tired to fight? You can rest once we get to the bus baby.” Noah said
This guy is fucking psycho. How can you be evil at one point and then nurturing the next? He picked me up bridal stop and carded me out. The cool rain began to hit my face, I gave up because no matter what I did they were determined to keep me here with them.
I think I fell asleep because I woke up to the cool air and sunlight hitting my face. I guess Noah’s arms did bring me comfort in some way. Still wearing the same outfit I wore yesterday I realized I seriously needed to shower. Trying to get up I remembered my arms and legs were tied so that wasn’t happening. I rolled over and fell off the damn bed, I’m gonna have so many bruises these next couple of days.
“Morning beautiful, good to see you’re up and ready to start our day. Noah said rubbing his face and getting out of the same bunk I was in.
I said nothing because I just fell off a bed that was two bunks high. Kind of knocked the wind out of me. Noah helped me get up and walked me into the front part of the bus where everyone was waiting.
They all greeted me with smiles and food.
“There’s our girl. Good morning Bunny” Folio said
I put my hands on all of them last night, yet they still greet me with smiles. Am I the problem here? No, no fucking way they are playing last night off.
They all greeted me with smiles and the pet names I was given without my knowledge. Bunny, princess, babydoll, and angel. Cheesy ass names for a cheesy ass band
As annoyed as I was, this morning was actually kind of pleasant. They're still assholds but it was kind of cute seeing them like this in the morning. I went to go move my hands, but once again, I had a reminder that I'm a prisoner and have rope around my hands and feet. Noah sat me down, and Jolly finally untied me. Bruises were already forming on my wrist, Jolly noticed too and rubbed them gently after placing a bowl of fruit in front of me
“Thank you,” I said with a weak smile. I can’t fight them I’m gonna have to join them and just “be good”. Like I said know how to be obedient. It was just nice to be rebellious while it lasted. Imagine if you pulled this shit with Jason, he would have killed you.
“You’re welcome, angel.” He smiled
I began eating but it was hard because my lips and face were so bruised. I could only imagine what I looked like and I became a little embarrassed.
“I feel like now is a better time to talk since we are all calm,” Nick said
“I agree,” Folio said while stuffing a pancake in his mouth.
“Well let's start with the fact that we all had a talk about last night and decided to still let you go out of the bus. Under one condition, one of us has to be with you at all times. If one of us can't be, then you will have to be here on the tour bus and wait.” Noah said
I shook my head in agreement. I think he's the one running the show, so negotiating with him is obviously not the way to go. I could probably try with the others, but this one is gonna be a tough nut to smash.
“Next thing is we are heading back over to the West Coast in two days. You’ll be coming with us. To live with us. Noah said looking at me.
Again all I could do was shake my head in agreement. Talking was painful, eating was painful, and thinking was just too exhausting.
“I know it sounds scary but you'll have everything you need plus some. If we miss anything all you have to do is ask.” Nick said
Me wanting to go home was clearly not an option at this point, so I hope a shower is
“Is there any way I could take a shower? I’m extremely sweaty and I know my makeup is all over my face.” I said
“By all means love. We’re going to a hotel tonight so you’ll be able to take one.” Noah said
We finished up our breakfast and the band started to get ready to perform their last show for this tour. I asked if I could just stay on the bus because I was so exhausted from these last two days. Jolly stayed behind while everyone went to go set up. Something about being a nest freak, he said.
I walked out of the bunk area and was met with such a sweet and peaceful man.
“Hi Jolly,” I said with a weak wave
“Hello, my lilla ängel. Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m okay but I have to ask you something,” I said
Jolly sighed and stopped cleaning. I looked up at me with tired eyes. He probably thought I was going to beg him to let me go, but that wasn't the case. Many things have happened that still don't make sense.
“My friend Delilah. I did tell her everything last night and she never showed up? Did…. Did you guys hurt her?” I said with tears filling up my eyes
“Oh no ängel we didn’t I promise. Noah will kill me for telling you this but we had Jason's old phone and texted them making some excuse.” He said comforting me.
I felt a little better knowing that she was alive but also hurt because she never came for me. Why? Was Jolly just telling me this out of comfort?
Jolly must have felt bad because he pulled me in for a big hug, I was surprised but I’m willing to fall for any type of affection at this point. I looked up at him and he lightly ran his thumb over my lips. Reminding me I still have a busted-up mouth.
“You are too beautiful to be crying, you know that? I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much these last few weeks. I promise we will try to make things better from here on out.” he said while putting his chin on the top of my head
I didn’t say anything, I just wanted to be held. I went from one person having control over my life to an entire group of random ass guys. What the actual fuck.
“I have to go now, someone will be back to check on you. Okay?” I just shook my head and sat down.
There was plenty of food left from breakfast so I ate something else. One pancake and a bowl of fruit did NOT sit well with my stomach, so I laid down and watched Netflix. 3 hours went by, and Noah came to check on me.
“Hey beautiful, you doing okay?” He said grabbing a towel and cleaning his face.
“Yes, I’m alright. just tired.” I said while watching the TV
“I bet. we got a long week ahead of us.” He said walking over towards me
“Am I really going to California,” I said looking up from the TV screen.
Noah looked at me and shook his head.
“I promise Y/N. You’re gonna love it. We’re not far from the beach. The beautiful Cali sunset shining on that pretty face of yours. A change of scenery will do you some good. I promise ” Noah said smiling
I gave a weak smile back. I accepted my circumstances but kissing the East Coast goodbye is terrifying. I’ve been here my whole life, am I ready to leave this place? Well, I guess I don’t exactly have a choice.
“Is there anything I can do for you? I know it sucks being cooped up in here. Maybe, you could come out and get some fresh air?” Noah said kneeling in front of me.
I wanted to but again I haven’t looked in a mirror and genuinely don’t know what I look like. If my face is as battered as it feels then my ass isn’t going anywhere for a while.
Noah’s nurturing voice pulled me from my thoughts.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore. This cat-and-mouse game is over and no one will ever hurt you again. We’re gonna protect you. I promise.” Noah said grabbing my hand.
“I’m sorry I just have something on my mind,” I said looking down
“You can talk to me,” Noah said looking into my eyes
“I just want to say I’m sorry for hitting you guys and hurting you,” I said while looking down
Noah hugged me and kissed my forehead. He smelled like heaven even though he was outside sweating. His arms held me so tight I didn’t want to let go. I’m falling for him, I can feel it. He may be an assholes, but something about him is pulling me in. I started to wonder if I was going to try and escape again tonight. Noah's phone rang, and he pulled his lips away from me. The cold that brushed over my face was enough to make me want to latch onto him forever.
“Okay I'm coming. I gotta go beautiful. We’ll all be back tonight and head towards the hotel so you can finally get a shower and some rest. Okay?”
I shook my head in agreement and with the slamming of the bus door, I was by myself. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Most people who witness murder end up dead along with the other victim. These guys are keeping me captive but also treating me with care.
I drifted into sleep once more and began a dream that slowly turned into a nightmare.
I was back at home with Jason and we were sitting on the couch. I could smell his cigarette burning, this scent caused my stomach to turn because every time he was smoking he was beating on me.
“You thought one slit to the throat was gonna keep me away from you,” Jason said while looking at the tv
“Jason I-“
“You thought wrong. I’m back baby and I’m coming for you. Those pussy ass boys can’t protect you forever. I’ll make sure of it.”
Jason stood up and I could see where Noah slit his throat. He charged towards me and that was the end of my dream. I shot up out of sleep gasping and sweating, Nick ran to my side comforting me.
“It’s okay. It's okay. It was just a dream Y/N..” he said trying to calm me down
“Where’s Noah? And his the hell did I end up on a bed!” I asked in between gasp
“Well we got to the hotel and you were fast asleep, we didn’t want to wake you. I told Noah I would stay behind while they went out to bring food back, so I carried you up here. I know you wanted to shower and haven’t got much sleep so I got you up to a room ASAP.” Nick looked so shy telling me all of this. I felt bad because he had to carry my heavy ass
“Oh. Well, thank you so much,” I said, grabbing his hand.
“You’re welcome.” He said, smiling
Nick pulls his hand away nervously. Did I make him uncomfortable?
“Well let's get you into that shower, yeah? I think you'll feel a little better afterward.
He dug through a bag and handed me sweatpants and a very long T-shirt. These are either Jolly’s or Noah’s because that shirt is a freaking dress. It made me giggle.
I walked into the bathroom to take a shower while Nick waited outside. I was only able to shut it a little, “Noah’s rule” Nick stated. It's not like there were any windows I could escape out of. I didn't protest this time. My shower was the only thing on my mind. I sat my clothes on the counter and turned on the hot water. When I took my shirt off, I was horrified at what I saw.
“Oh my god,” I said
When I looked in the mirror, I could see all the bruises and marks that were left on me.
“Oh my god,” I said with a shaky voice. I could feel my legs about ready to give out. I was such a pretty girl what the actual fuck did I let this guy do to me?
“Y/N? Are you okay?” Nick asked in a concerned voice
I dropped to my knees and it all came out. I never realized how much shit my body went through until I saw all the scars. Cigarette burns, knife cuts, ring scratches. I let that man put me through pure hell because I thought that was love. I threw my brush and screamed.
Nick busted through the door and was horrified at the state I was in. Laying on the floor crying my eyes out he picked me up and held me close to him.
“Why did I let him do this to me? Look at my body!” I said showing Nick.
He either couldn’t say anything or didn’t know what to say. Holding me was the best he could, which was more than enough. I cried and screamed into his chest, Who's gonna want me when I look like this? Jason knew what he was doing to me.
“ I fucking hate what he did to me, Nick,” I said crying into his chest
“I know I'm so sorry Y/N,” he said, holding me tightly.
After comforting me for almost 6 minutes, We both realized I was naked. Nick jerked up and faced away from me. My god, I can’t believe I just fell into him like that.
“Un there’s soap in the bathroom, it’s guy soap, but it’ll do till we can get you your stuff,” Nick said, scratching his head
“Th- thank you,” I said, embarrassed, and covered my breast.
“I’m gonna go ahead and shut this door. We can break the rules together just this once.” Nick chuckled.
Nick closed the door and I finally got to take a shower. Feeling all the dirt fall off of me was amazing, I might smell like them, but at least I’ll be clean.
Nick’s POV
“Noah is gonna fucking kill me for hugging his girl while she was naked”
I love you all ❤️
@reyadawn @thisbicc @dreamstyles @hurricanesfollowyou @bloodylullaby @fadingintothegrey
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igotanidea · 1 year
Species relationship (Cinnamon rewritten) : werewolf!Jason Todd x werewolf!fem!reader
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Yes, I think this is way better than previous one. :D
„Where’s Jason?”
All the batfamily has gathered in the batcave, the only one missing being the wayward son, the black sheep.
“I believe he’s with that girlfriend of his….” Damian muttered with the roll of his eyes.
“Yes, father… a fellow female…. Ugh… I don’t understand that concept either….”
“Was it like a good hm or a bad hm?” Dick chimed in. “I swear your grunts are sometimes so hard to decipher, Bruce…..”
“Who is she?”
“We don’t really know…..” Dick threw up his hands “He’s very…. protective over her….”
“Is she…..?” Bruce hesitated. Sometimes it was still hard to admit that werewolves and all the supernatural occurrences to come with it were real. Yes, Bruce had an open mind when it came to technology and reality, but accepting the fact that his second adopted son could transform into a hairy beast was… a lot. However, if there was anyone who could pull that thing off, it was definitely Jason with his 6.0 ft height and 225 Ibs weight.
Imagine the heart attack Bruce would get if it was tiny Damian with such skills…….
“Is she what Bruce?” Dick teased “come on, say it… you can do this….”
“Is she…..a werewolf?” Bruce hissed through clenched teeth.
“Good job, Bruce!” Dick laughed
“She is.” Tim answered, trying to mitigate the situation before someone does something regretful. “A pretty one from what I heard….”
“Who is she Tim?” Bruce turned to his third adopted son.
“How would I know?!”
“You have access to all the Wayne Technology and you’re you. Don’t tell me you haven’t googled her”
“I did no such thing! That would be a gravy invasion of privacy!” Tim made an innocent face that no one bought.
“What?! I’m serious. You can’t just go and spy on people….werewolves… whatever. “ Tim said it with so much belief that Dick couldn’t help it and burst out laughing.
“I’m not sorry Bruce. You’re definitely wasting your comedian and acting talent, Tim.”
“I’m being serious. She’s just a girl. A girl who turns into a giant animal every full moon and then sometimes…. It’s not her fault she imprinted Jason…. I won’t be searching for that poor unfortunate soul.”
“Imprinted?” Damian and Bruce asked in unison.
“No.” Dick says sternly. “Just no.”
“You’re too young to hear about it Damian.”
“I’m 11 years old, Grayson!”
“Precisely my point.”
“You will tell me everything……” Damian reached for his katana, but before he could actually do something, Bruce held him back by the cape. “Let me go father…… this is humiliating….”
“You will now go to your room Damian.”
“I got some things I need to discuss with your brothers.”
And with those words and Bruce stern expression Dick and Tim knew. They were toasted.
 Regardless of what was happening in the batcave, Jason couldn’t care less. He was in fact meeting Y/N, but to say she was his girlfriend or that he imprinted her would be too much. There was something happening between them, but they never really put a tag on it. Besides, the whole concept of finding your soulmate just by looking at them was a false ideology blown by movies like Twilight and Jason scoffed (both internally and externally) every time one of his siblings (or honestly anyone) came as close as even suggesting it.
They felt good with each other, sure, but neither of them were fully convinced whether it was because of the fact that there weren’t really that much werewolves in Gotham and it was nice to have someone to go through the same struggles or whether they liked each other as humans.
Not that they had many opportunities to see one another in that shape.
Werewolf form was… comfortable. It was easier to hide oneself in all that fur and muscle and avoid unnecessary emotions. Being human meant vulnerability, awkwardness and too many words and feelings.
And Jason was not good with feelings. And, to say the truth, he never trusted them.  He was rather used to teasing, deflecting and covering that side with snarky, harsh humor.
At least until he met Y/N.
She was working at the little bakery in Gotham. The only bakery. Maybe that was why it was so easy for Jason to figure out her true identity.
It was not even a challenge considering the fact that as a human, she was always covered in flour and her wolf fur was a mix of tawny and white, almost as if someone sprinkled that ingredient all over her. And what was more, her signature dish was an apple tart with flavoring, and she always smelled of cinnamon. And wolf senses never fails, especially when it comes to nose.
What he didn’t realize what that Y/N was not only a simple baker girl.  And it was amazing what a smart head could do with the access to the Internet and some dot connecting.
Let me repeat: there weren’t many werewolves in Gotham.
For months it was their tradition to meet at the meadow on the outskirts of town to run together or hunt together or just do anything together. He used to swing by her place by the end of her shift, always as a wolf and let her tag along (of course he was not going to admit that he wanted her company. He was an alpha after all. ). So the surprise he felt one day when he showed up at the bakery seeing her as human, not ready for the unwinding was beyond words.
She was just sitting on the threshold of the shop, reading a book, but it was pretty obvious there was something going on in her mind. Again: wolf senses never fails and he could literally smell how distracted she was.
“I know who you are.” She simply said looking straight into his animal eyes.
Jason shook his wolf head. She couldn’t …….
“Jason Todd….”
“Wasn’t really hard to figure.” She shrugs. “You should cut on smoking it’s not good for your health and you reek of cigarettes.” It might have been the first time since they knew each other that he heard her laughing.
The way she acted was… doing something to him. For the hell of it he couldn’t figure why that light reproach made him feel…. Guilty. Chastened. Maybe it was unfair. He knew her identity, maybe he should have told her sooner? It was actually pretty funny that a giant, predatory animal let out a whimper and hung his head in shame in front of a girl, so much smaller than him. It was like at that moment, she got some power over him. A beta!
“Can I?” she asked reaching her hand for his fur and holding back before touching it. Only when he nodded, she tangled her fingers it his silky pelage. “It’s ok, Jason. I know it’s hard to reveal yourself…. Been there, done that… But you’re not alone anymore.” She cooed, caressing his back lightly. “We’re the same kind…..”
In any other circumstances, he would never let anyone touch him like this. But she was… different. The way she talked and comforted him… but surely it was only because of the wolf in her calling to the wolf in him. Kind of a “species relationship”, nothing more.
Definitely nothing more……
So why did he felt the sudden urge to nuzzle her and actually acted on it?
Just a species relationship……
It was month ago and their acquaintance developed.
He learnt that while being a little messy human in her wolf form Y/N was full of grace and gentleness. Acting like one of the Aristocats, even if the werewolves were in fact.. dogs. When she was hunting it was never bloody. She always took care to be clean of the mud, to avoid unnecessary dirt and to choose the nice paths to run in the woods. Each and every of her move were careful, thoughtful and intentional.
Absolutely opposite of Jason who was the perfect definition of running wild and free. But even with her queen-ish attitude she never complained. And he really appreciated that, since Y/N was so different from all the members of his family, who were constantly trying to shape him, tell him what, how, why and when to do (or nor).
With her… he could just be himself.
Just a species relationship.
And after a long night of patrolling he was searching for that freedom he felt with her.
Just like he was doing at that point, escaping the batcave, leaving Bruce, Dick, Tim, Damian and all his Red Hood shit behind, running to the bakery just to spend some time with that beta.
It was purely coincidental that of late she’s been working night shifts, finishing in the very early morning. Her boss found out about the little ailment of her which was hypersensitivity to light. To put it simply, working during the day was nearly impossible for her since she was becoming half-blind, getting clumsy and ashamed of said incapability. But still, she was the best employee, letting her go was not an option, hence the work schedule alteration.
Pretty lucky work schedule alteration.
Pretty lucky work schedule alteration that gave them opportunity to spend some more time together.
But still it was just the species relationship.
Nothing more.    
And his wolf heart definitely did not start beating faster when he saw her turned into that majestic animal, waving her tail awaiting his arrival.  When she senses him approaching she tilted her head playfully, imitating the way she used to do as human when something got her attention and her eyes sparkled.
Jason let out a single howl as a form of greeting. Of course, he had to show off. He was an alpha and had to underline his presence and position. And it scaring the shit out of Y/N’s coworkers came in pair with that, he was more than willing to tease those people a bit. Even if his werewolf female friend shook her head in disapproval and was definitely going to tell him off later.
He knew better. He knew she liked him being like this and her every action was only proving that theory.
However, at the moment they were just looking into each other’s eyes. Two giant animals in the middle of the city, lost in the connection they had. Just a for a second though, because Jason got a bit scared of what Y/N may see in his mind if they were standing like that for too long and started running, signaling her to follow him. 
She just couldn’t ignore the calling of an alpha. Her alpha. It was too strong to disobey so she followed right after him, keeping safe distance to avoid getting hit with the dust he raised. She was a lady after all.
Soon enough, with their speed, they reached the meadow in the forest. Their spot. Their place for relaxation and sleeping after a hard day (night) of work.
Jason just tumbled to the ground not having a care in the world, but Y/N took a few turns to make a proper place for herself and settle down. The sun was about to raise and she needed a spot in the shadows to avoid extensive exposure. Even  if in her wolf form she wasn’t really prone to the light sensitivity, it was a bit of a habit now. Not every human instinct was turned off during transformation.
Unfortunately, the place she choose was too far from Jason for his liking as he raised onto his paws and moved closer to her, laying close enough that if they were humans they would be cuddling. And this time she couldn’t care less about his dirty, messed up fur.
It was Jason.
It was her alpha.
And she was the part of the pack. She had to obey.
Obviously only because of that she let him approach her and lay his head next to her, their noses almost touching, their tails waging happily at the presence and warmth of one another.
Only because of that she felt comfortable and safe enough to close up her eyes and enjoy that fuzzy feeling inside her. 
Only because of that she let him shift his position slightly so that he laid in a way that would give her additional protection from the light. Just in case.
Only because of the pack thing they let their guards down, slowly drifting off to sleep, away from all the people, away from reality, lost in one another. Protected by one another .  
Species relationship, my ass.
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tetrakys · 4 months
As a close friend of Chinomiko, how does your conversations go when it’s about mcl new gen, I’m pretty curious 🤭🤭 Because she probably can’t you stuff, so when you talk about your theories about each episode, she just sits and listens? heheh I wouldn’t be able to be her friend, I would probably beg her to spoil me!!
Ahah funny you say that because it's kinda the opposite, she knows I don't want to be spoiled in any way when it comes to plot or illustrations so no I don't discuss theories with her at all, that's what the fandom is for. We have often worked side by side on our own things and I'm not even tempted to snoop, I want to enjoy the games.
Of course it would be disingenuous to say that we don't talk about the games at all. We chat a lot about the characters, their personalities, not only New Gen but all her characters and OCs (her elf thief Thael? You'll see, he's going to be my Lance 2.0 😭💕😭💕). We also read the same books and talk about romance in general, tropes, things that people like and don't like. I do bring a player perspective when we chat about possible themes, and of course not everyone has my tastes and I absolutely don't act as if I'm representing the whole fandom, but I've been playing for so long that I can give suggestions on things I know the majority of players would hate or like.
For example, people were super scared that one of the LIs could possibly cheat at some point in the game, and I know for sure this is never going to happen because we've talked about this kind of things a lot. She miiiight create drama and make the MC and players think this is happening, just because she likes to torture her characters (and us all), but it won't actually happen. So, I guess in a sense I do have a different perspective on things, just because I know her and her tastes and opinions.
About New Gen, I honestly know nothing about what's going to happen, other than the fact that we will have more personal interactions with Jason starting the next episode, and that the story in general is kinda light hearted, there isn't going to be any real drama or deep plot. We should see it more as a sitcom than a drama, if we compared it to a tv show. And that's pretty much it 🤔 I'm trying hard to think if there's anything else I know that you guys may not know by this point but I can't think of anything. I do know she's many episodes ahead, but this isn't a secret, it was said many times even when working on other games, that the Bees are always at least one year ahead of us, so everything we see was planned a while ago, they can't really incorporate current feedback.
Would you really ask to be spoiled anon? I know it's tempting but I want to be surprised while playing the game 😌 I need to slowly fall in love 💕
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
For steddie prompts, what about….Eddie introducing Steve to the band!
Maybe they’ve been quietly together for a while and Eddie finally feels ready to be more public. BUT he’s dating “king” Steve. How will his friends react?
Feel free to skip if you’ve written something similar ❤️
Ooh okay I LOVE this idea. Please keep in mind I know nothing about the band or how to do their voices so. Like I’m only 84% sure it’s Gareth, Jeff and Freak. Whom I’m naming Frank. Also I don’t remember who coined Emerson as Gareth’s last name but yes you are correct and I’m stealing it please and thank you.
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“Hey, uh, guys?” Eddie coughs, turning around to face the rest of the band. “Listen, you, uh. You’ve been really cool, about the whole framed for murder thing, and the whole…” he wiggles his fingers, signifying everything he can’t talk about. “All of it. And, uh. There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
Gareth shares a look with Jeff. “We know, man. You’re seeing someone.”
Eddie blinks. “How?”
“You smile, like, all the time, dude. It’s kinda concerning. Your face is gonna get stuck like that.”
“Fuck off,” Eddie says, but he’s laughing. “Shit, man. It’s that obvious?”
“Kinda,” Jeff agrees.
“At least it is to us,” Frank adds. “We know you, man.”
“Listen,” Gareth says. “Whoever this person is. Do they make you happy?”
Eddie pulls a piece of hair across his face. “Yeah,” he murmurs.
“He’s blushing!” Jeff crows. Eddie flips him off.
Gareth flaps his hands at both of them. “Shut up! Children, both of you! Eddie!” He grasps Eddie’s shoulders. “They treat you well?”
“Better than I thought I deserved.”
“Goddamn,” Frank mutters. “Where do I find someone like that?”
“Right here,” Jeff croons, batting his eyelashes and leaning in. Frank, unimpressed, pokes his forehead with a drumstick.
“I work with children,” Gareth mutters, which is funny considering he’s the youngest in their ragtag group. Eddie chooses not to mention it. “Listen, man, we’re not gonna care. Man, woman, somewhere in between, as long as they make you happy.”
“Exactly,” Jeff adds. “As long as it’s not, like, Jason Carver or some shit.”
“Or a kid,” Frank points out. Eddie makes a face.
“God, no, never. To either of those. Listen, just. He’s changed, alright? Can you trust that?”
Gareth and Jeff share another look. Jeff steps closer. “You’re the best judge of character we know, Eddie. If you say he’s changed, we’ll do our best to listen.”
“Okay,” Eddie says. “Because he, uh. He’s gonna come pick me up today.”
Frank hits the hi-hat, letting it rattle. “You’re shitting me. We’re gonna meet him?”
Eddie nods, pulling another piece of hair in front of his face.
“Oh, man,” Jeff says. “You’re gone on this dude. Can you tell us anything about him?”
Eddie bites his lip. “I mean, you’re about to see him. But during the whole… everything. He saved my life more than once.”
“Then we owe him a whole lot,” Gareth says seriously.
Eddie smiles at his friends. “Thanks, guys. Alright, back to practice, Frank, count us in!”
Towards the end of practice, a car pulls up. Eddie doesn’t notice, he’s got his eyes closed, focused on what he’s playing. Jeff and Gareth give each other another look.
Steve Harrington steps out.
Frank misses a beat.
Eddie turns around, brow furrowed in question, then turning back to the front and grinning when he sees Steve walk up.
The song’s barely over before Eddie’s putting his guitar down and practically launching himself at Steve, who laughs and wraps his arms around Eddie. “Hey, Eds.”
“Stevie,” Eddie murmurs, hugging him tighter before just as suddenly releasing him and turning to the rest of the band. “Steve, these are the guys. Gareth, Jeff and Frank. Guys, Steve.”
“Nice to meet you, Steve, Eddie’s said literally only good things about you. Today.” Gareth offers him a hand, and he accepts, laughing.
“Yeah, we’ve been wanting to tell you for a while, but he never did it. I finally realized I’d have to actually come up here if he’s ever gonna do it.”
Jeff frowns, cutting his eyes over to Eddie. “You wanted to tell us, though?”
“Yes, definitely! It was my idea, actually, just. You know how my brain is about things sometimes.”
Steve frowns, poking Eddie’s head. “Be nice.”
Eddie pretends to bite at Steve’s retreating finger. “To who? I am!”
“To yourself,” Steve laughs.
“Oh,” Eddie says, then grins slyly. “Why would I, when I have you to do it for me?”
Steve grins back. “Because if you don’t,” he starts, finishing by whispering something in Eddie’s ear that has him gasping.
“You wouldn’t.”
“See, that’s your choice, isn’t it?”
Eddie frowns. “You’re mean.” But he leans into Steve’s side anyways.
“Eddie,” Frank says, “how in the hell did you get together with your high school crush?”
“Aw, you had a crush on me?” Steve says happily. “How embarrassing.”
“We’re dating, Steve.”
He just shrugs. “Still.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “To answer your question, Frank…” he locks eyes with Steve, and they both start giggling. “Threaten him in a boat shed?”
“Try to get him back with his ex?”
Eddie groans, hiding his face in Steve’s shoulder. “Are you ever gonna let that go?”
“Probably not.”
“Somehow I have more questions now than I started with,” Frank says, “and I’m scared of what the answers might be.”
“Hey,” Gareth says suddenly, loud enough Steve and Eddie jump apart. “What the hell are you thinking, man?” He addresses Eddie, walking past them to the mouth of the garage. He doesn’t miss the way Steve angles himself in front of Eddie, trying to protect him. Good. He shuts the garage door. “You know how nosy my neighbors are, man, you can’t just do whatever you want! If people see-”
“Shit, man,” Eddie says, relaxing. “You’re right. Sorry. Thank you.”
“I’m happy for you,” he says, noting the way Steve’s shoulders go down. “But you’ve gotta be careful, man, we just got you back.”
“I know,” Eddie says. “You’re right.”
Gareth smiles, then. “Let’s go inside. You know my mom made lemonade, and I think we all want to hear how exactly this happened.” He smirks, gesturing at Steve and Eddie.
“You guys go ahead,” Eddie tells them. “I’d like to say hi to him first.”
Gareth rolls his eyes, moving towards the door. “I’m coming back out here in two minutes,” he warns.
He gives them ten.
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a-god-in-crime-alley · 8 months
So I’mma do a quick rant on Tim and the whole “forever 17” thing people are always going on about.
Disclaimer: some of this is based on my own experience with how I changed as I got older and comments from people that I went months and years without seeing.
I’m AFAB so it’s not quite the same. But I’ve never been one to remember a skin care routine and have relied on good genetics and good hygiene to make this point.
When doing some calculations for another post (you’ve probably seen that post I reblogged about the batkids ages) it hit me WHY it doesn’t look like Tim has aged.
Sure it might just be a style choice because DC wants to keep a chokehold on their Teen audience with Tim. (Even though Damian is RIGHT THERE!!! DC stop making Damian look like Tim for the love of GOD!)
A lot of people don’t actually CHANGE that much from ages 16-24 as long as they are keeping to the same exercise routines and diets. With the exception of Tim’s Brucequest, he kept to a fairly stable routine for Years!
The reason most people change so much early on is because they drop off their usual exercise (gym class) and repetitive diet (school or packed lunch). So you see people’s weight fluctuating (this can have an effect of visible face shape) hair either thinning or thickening and skin either clearing or getting more acne.
Add this to Tim probably having pretty good genetics (his mom looked like she was maybe pushing 30 when she died but was probably closer to mid 40s. Both Janet and Jack were around 10 years older than Bruce, who would have been mid 30s at the time.)
Tim not showing any signs of facial hair can also be down to genetics. Some cis men just NEVER get more than a single chin hair, maybe a max of 5 sparsely scattered along their chin. Those guys usually just pluck them out. They never actually have to shave. Though I think we Have seen Tim shaving again one point. Can’t remember when.
Either way, it makes sense for Tim not to actually look his age in any more than muscle mass. He’s noticeably built compared to how he was when Damian was introduced. (When the artists are going for a more realistic art style.)
Then considering his most recent dimensional adventure to save Bruce after the shit with Failsafe, you see just how much older he looks next to his mother (from that universe) and she didn’t seem that surprised with how he looked. Meaning her version of him is probably around the same age, and anyone who read that issue can see she looked pretty young.
Add all this to the fact it’s Canon that Jason is 23! He’s only at most 3 years older than Tim but is probably closer to 2 years older. (With Jason being 15 going on 16 when he died. And Tim was 12-13 by the 6 month mark after Jason died and Tim became Robin.)
So in conclusion, DC needs to stop acting like Tim’s still a Teenager and acknowledge that he’s a lot closer to 21 (hell, if we go by proper calculations he SHOULD BE 21).
What I’m saying is give us Tim going out for drinks with his older brothers. Have him show up at Jason’s after something bad happens and ask if he’s still up for that drink (in reference to that one time Jason offered to get a 16 year old Tim into a bar.)
Give us Funny Drunk Tim shenanigans to balance out that Dick is a miserable drunk! Have Jason get stuck babysitting both of them because he’s the only one that can actually hold his alcohol. Have the Girls be watching and laughing from across the bar because they unintentionally had their Girls Night and the same place the guys had their Boys Night.
Please DC, I am Begging you!
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redaliveviolation · 4 months
Am I a bad person for laughing when I heard that Jason got killed off again? No, here’s why and how I think he should die instead:
This is gonna be a long one so strap in folks. I have sort of been cherry picking this whole run just because the writing has been so wishy washy, so much so that it’s genuinely made me lose an interest in DC. Comics lately have been pulling the weirdest things just for shock value, because they can’t write a half decent story line or character anymore. Their characters will have some growth and then it immediately gets destroyed a couple of issues later.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before (because we all agree) but there’s no real consequences in comics anymore. Characters get killed off at the end of an issue just for them to be revived within a few issues or if we’re going with Batman 148, literally the next one. There’s no legitimate stakes because everything that happens gets “fixed.” Tim gets shot through the throat? Eh he’ll be fine, he can walk it off and be up and running within an issue or two. Bruce starts acting erratic/insane (again)? Oh don’t worry it’s not actually Bruce it’s his alternate personality Zur-En-Arrh. Which, side note, is the stupidest fucking name/concept I’ve seen in a while, truly baffling.
Honestly, the only part of the run that I’ve seen so far that’s even a little bit interesting is Bruce literally changing Jason’s brain chemistry so that whenever adrenaline hits he has a fear response so bad it shuts him down. Let’s start off with, hey Bruce what the fuck? If he’s had a machine that can legitimately rewire a person’s brain in that way to make him incapable of killing, why in the world would you not use it on the rogues? And yes, I understand that some of them either don’t react to fear, embrace it, don’t care etc etc but if you have the technology to change their brain whos to say you can’t make that machine do whatever you want? It doesn’t have to be specifically fear. Maybe force their motor neurons to not respond whenever they experience an adrenaline rush so they physically cannot move and kill their prey. Moralistically, it’s not the most correct, obviously, but that’s just an example of an extreme. There’s a lot more acceptable things it could be used for and Batman never does. Having that as a plot point makes no sense logically when applying it to Bruce in any way. Even though he’s been written as straight up brain dead these last few years based on his decisions, Bruce is a very smart man and could absolutely find both a morally correct and smart/safe option using the machine. It doesn’t even make sense for him to have it seeing as he would have used it already and cut down on about half of his Gotham related problems. “Oh, but red! That would mean that we’d have to get rid of the Joker because the machine would have taken care of him.” GOOD, I’m sick of his ass, there are so many better rogues to pick from as a new arch enemy. The Joker is bland, predictable, and I could not give less of a fuck about him, he’s not compelling in any way.
Secondly, as fucked up as it is it could actually (unfortunately, I don’t like giving them any credit nowadays) be an insanely good way to kill off Jason and make it stick. Or, at least I think they should make it stick because again, actions have consequences and comics need to go back to that. Anyways, to sum it up it would most likely send Jason into cardiac arrest. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) controls both the adrenaline and fear responses the machine would be “regulating.” The SNS triggers the fight/flight response and sends epinephrine (adrenaline) throughout the body, elevating heart rate and blood pressure. As soon as higher levels of epinephrine are produced the machine will kick on the fear response to “suppress” this, but instead of shutting off the flow of epinephrine and/or producing acetylcholine to lower heart rate, when the fear response is kicked into motion even more epinephrine will flood the system. It becomes a never ending cycle fueling itself, never ending fear. Your heart working that hard and fast for such an extended period of time would absolutely give out on you.
Personally, I think that would be an insane wake up call to everyone but for this he would need to stay dead and to stay dead for a while. As in several years at least. As stated earlier, long term consequences do not exist in DC (or at least Batman) comics anymore, everything gets turned around with not great writing or retconned or generally not accepted as canon. But a death like this would mean something. It wouldn’t just be death for shock value, it would be Jason Todd, one of Batman’s alleged greatest mistakes being put down like a dog and Bruce having to live with it. How would Bruce’s morals shift and change because of his death? Would he reconsider how he deals with rogues, would he retire, would he leave? How would his children react and retaliate? How would the rogues react seeing Batman inadvertently cause the death of his child in his pursuit of Justice?
The effect of Jason’s death was extremely significant on many characters and their development the first time it occurred, would it be more or less so this time? So many routes to pursue, it’s a horrifying concept when you think about how it would actually affect Jason which is why they’re never going to do anything about it. If you’re going to use a character death as a plot point it has to actually mean something, not a mindless death that’ll be cured quickly and with an incredibly inane line of “I’ve had practice dying.” Wow, you’re so original. I’m pretty sure I read that in some b-rated fic by a 14 year old two years ago. Also, maybe stop acting like Jason is the only one who has died and that he’s the most special because of it? Outside of Tim (because he’s never legit died in canon, only offshoots) practically everyone else in the family has died at one point. His personality is not just his death. It’s irritating and it’s poor writing.
TLDR: I’m right, DC’s wrong and their writing is shit. If Jason dies it needs to have an actual literary purpose and it needs to stick for it to mean anything.
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
yk when I started reading toa I was kinda disappointed at the lack of power that apollo / lester had, bc pjo and hoo had their main characters be basically op, and this is literally a (former) god. apollo in tho made me cringe and reading his perspective was like looking at pills in an orange prescription bottle. but he was the whiny teenager that felt like an out-of-depth teenager more than the actually lived for years-in-teen-numbers, because they were more heroes and soldiers than teens, like they were supposed to be. he is simultaneously whiny child and responsible adult.
the moment I really latched onto him was when he basically dropped everything and tried to dive into the forest to go save his kids. bro wasn’t actually a selfish idiot like he kept making himself look like. bro was an emotionally constipated loving loser (affectionate) and loveable. he would risk the wrath of styx to save these kids. positively skrunkly
oh and his power! look guys the former protagonists always had some power to back them up, some good strength. this guy? first not demigod protagonist and he goes from straight up zero to launching a guy to the clouds with his bare hands. and tfw he uses his voiceTM. BEGONE SNAKE! and he acts so pathetic lol and if you look through whatever sunglasses he’s wearing and you look at the things from 3rd person pov dude what is he doing. he just flew off a road driving a car, and puts himself in front of the gremlin child to face one of those creepy zombie things that scream FOOD!!. bro straight up stabbed himself. bro sings the most heart wrenching song that even giant ants that don’t even understand what he’s saying get the point to the extent that they go catatonic with depression.
and holy cheez-its what kind of pain tolerance does this guy have?? dude??? you fell from the literal sky above the Empire State Building which like literal greek heaven (ouch) straight into a dumpster and then gets beat into unconsciousness by a pair of thugs under Nero like??? and with broken ribs, injured nose, hurt shoulder, etc. he walks up the stairs, runs through the woods insane. dude is literally insane. he gets flayed alive, forgets his other half, trapped in place by molten chains all at once and still trying trying to walk wth like this guy’s pain tolerance is beyond ouranos. idk how he does it I can’t even tolerate a hot summer day.
bro gives advice to a lost gremlin child who betrayed him anyway, helps her defeat her abuser the way he never could. and he grew, like everyone around him, to something better, something hopeful. “you’ve changed” heck yeah!! we love to see it
and humor?? like random mentions of things no one else in pjo would give you like playing the zither at 2am, godly toilet seat, ares roundhouse kick, waking up in Argentina. I love that they’re so offhand but they’re so funny and random
the haiku. they’re hilarious, works of art.
the characters. Chiron. Chiara. Damien. Austin. Kayla. Cecil. will. nico. Rachel. Lavinia. emmie. Josephine. heck even Commodus. lityerses. Abelard. Diana. frank. Jason. piper. the trogs. lu. reyna omg. meg. aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA I love them so much! just how they fit in with his own journey of self and how they grow with him, like a garden, like an orchestra building its crescendo together, in unity. little things like reading frank’s admiration of apollo first in hoo, and now we get apollo’s side of it, and he’s so cute. Reyna’s whole journey of “finding the one who will heal her heart”. (gods I loved that thank you rick.) and will’s “dad!” and making apollo literally weep and meg: “the beast is dead. I killed it.” and taps her head and I'm just so proud of them.
“YOU ARE NO GOD!” he isn’t the same god who fell to earth in the winter. he likely won’t be ever the same ever again. ‘cause he’s gonna work to being better. he’s saving the world, but he’s also having a journey of his own self, rediscovering himself, building onto himself like everyone else, they’re all gonna be a better version of themselves.
k one problem: not enough content. I am starved for content. please feed pet. ty
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