#and I have a super long day with new and difficult students
manwithoutaspleen · 1 year
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
how to be a whole new student this school year (A MASTERPOST)⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀📔
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TAKE ADVANTAGE. take advantage of extra credit opportunities, make sure to advocate for urself and take advantage in any way that u can. by simply doing ur homework you'll have a much better grade in the overall class which gives u wiggle room to make a mistake. but if ur slacking off on ur homework, ignoring extra credit opportunities AND doing bad on tests then ur basically setting urself up for failure. and by doing the opposite then ur setting urself up for success.
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something i've noticed (and im guilty of this too sometimes) is that i spend so much time making my notes aesthetically pleasing that i forget to actually go over them which defeats the whole purpose of notes. theres nothing wrong with having fun and creative adorable notes that spark joy and happiness but PLEASE actually use them, trust me you'll love them more…💬🎀
furthermore understand that getting good grades isn't as daunting and difficult as u may have imagined. just remember to always do ur homework, take advantage of extra credit, projects are an easy test grade, and get things done as fast as u possibly can.
the best way to stay motivated is through ROMANTICIZATION. when u learn to enjoy going to school, your going to be motivated to do well in school. because school is so IMPORTANT not only for ur education but also ur future. so take school seriously. and if u wanna become an academic weapon for the long term the best thing u can do is learn to make the best of, and enjoy it. some ways to romanticize school include ->
♡ create a school playlist that embodies the school vibes that u wanna have : i have lots of new jeans in my school playlist : i rly like the songs cookie, ditto and hurt for when im at school
♡ creating a study blog or study group to hold urself accountable in a fun and healthy way
♡ ur appearance : if u go to a school where u dont have to wear uniforms, i strongly recommend getting dressed and getting ready meticulously bcuz when u look good, u feel good, and therefore u perform well. if u do wear uniform, wear accessories or hairstyles that make u feel and look pretty. i wear leg warmers with my school uniform and my signature is hair clips and barrettes.
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♡ read at school : i always walk around with a book bcuz i like to read a lot but if reading isnt ur thing, listen to a podcast about something that interests u (i rly like true crime)
♡ take pride in ur notes : invest in cute stationary! i swear, sometimes i dont feel like studying but since my stationary is super cute and pink i get motivated to study just by looking at it lol. invest in quality stationary that u love and make ur notes look pleasing to you, and also effective. effective + aesthetically pleasing.
♡ doing homework/studying in the library : or at least changing the scenery and location that u do ur homework from time to time. do yk how boring it is to do work in the same place every single day? give urself a break from the places u see all the time and spend time studying or doing homework outside of ur home. in a cafe or in the library, inside or outside, just change the scenery a bit
♡ start a video diary : i started a little video diary with my friends so that we can remember our school memories. i just think its rly cute and a great way to bond with ur friends, make memories, and romanticize school.
try and formulate a PASSION for learning as a way to cultivate the school romanticization attitude. be passionate to learn and be an academic weapon…💬🎀
in my next point i talk about the importance of routines but its also important to change little things about ur routine. dont go and change the whole structure of ur school routine but make sure to add little changes to spice things up and not keep urself like a hamster on a wheel. i find when i do this i just feel a lot better and its easier to romanticize.
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make a pretty basic routine to stick to, to make sure that u balance school and personal life. having a routine can make falling into line and following through with tasks a lot easier. its easier to do things personally when u MICROMANAGE urself. at least from my own personal experience.
every single day study (at least for a little bit) ofc this will vary depending on ur personal schedule but the goal is to do a little bit of studying everyday, and if that isnt possible, designating 3 days a week to a thorough studying session.
the way that i divide my time with a study session is 40 minutes of work time and 20 minutes of downtime. during the 40 minutes of work time u need to LOCK IN. lock in on whatever assignment needs to be complete or lock in on whatever material it is that ur studying. ofc this'll differ between all subjects but dont study all subjects in one night!! thats ambitious, but i find it'll just burn u out so stick to studying for 2-3 subjects max.
♡ get off ur device. literally put the phone down. 9 times out of 10 the burn out that ur feeling is just the dopamine detox and laziness
arguably, the most important aspect to prevent burn out is ENERGY management. when ur burnt out u can literally feel ur energy tank on zero, so regardless of all the study techniques, however effective they may be, if u can't even muster up the energy to do them then they're useless…💬🎀
♡ get PRODUCTIVE rest. what is productive rest? scrolling endlessly on tiktok is NOT productive rest. productive rest is actually letting ur mind and body REST. like, taking a nap, indulging in self care, or whatever relaxes u.
find a tool and stay ORGANIZED. i personally use notion. and on my school notion i create a space for me to write my own notes, a calendar to put important academic dates, resources like passwords and logins, and a to-do list where i can put down some of my assignments. keeping everything organized is so so important. its non digital as well, make sure to keep ur desktop space organized, ur supplies and physical notes organized also. the more organized the better.
how to get good grades without excessive studying - by yours truly
ways to romanticize school - @4theitgirls
studying methods + tips - by yours truly
youtube channels to help u out this semester - @4theitgirls
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creating a study schedule and routine - @prettieinpink
how to study like rory gilmore - @itgirldiary
my studying plans as an accounting major - @iluvprettygirls
citation resources - @workitgurl
how to get good grades without excessive studying - by me
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google scholar - research
google calendar - organization
notion - organization
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lizardaggro · 11 months
on the flip side (twst bully!au) pt 3
here we are, the long-awaited (it was literally like 1 day) part 3!! i wanted to declare on one of the actual chapters since those get seen by the most people that I DID NOT MAKE THIS AU, credit i believe goes to @azulsluver. i swear i don't hate you guys, leaving everything on a cliffhanger, but the good news is i have a lot of time on my hands due to chronic illness so i can update super often. also i gave up on the purple theme on posts bc tumblr hates me and always leaves the end of the word count black.
part 1 part 2
genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, mild yandere (will be escalating throughout the series, but no non-con) word count: 1246
You couldn’t really afford to space out and think about it though, not when he was right in front of you. Riddle tapped his foot impatiently, clearly irate at your lack of response. “Well?” He asked. “Do you not even have anything to say in your defense?”
Oh dear. However were you supposed to get rid of him when he was so intent on getting some sort of answer out of you? You had no idea what he wanted! He was more difficult to threaten, too, since you’d made up your mind that you didn’t want to be like your tormentors and completely ruin others’ lives. No, your end goal was just to make them leave you alone. After everything you’d been through, you really didn’t want to see them again.
It might seem strange to some people, that you weren’t dead set on destroying any semblance of normalcy they once had. You had all the ammunition you needed, of course. The Overblot victims would be the easiest to topple, considering what they’d done in and leading up to that state. But you didn’t think you were a particularly vengeful person; at least, you didn’t want to be. Crowley had always said that you must’ve been sent here to get his precious students to work together, so clearly you weren’t like them.
“I never asked for this, Riddle. Any of this. So if you think somewhere in your fucked-up mentality that you’re doing me some sort of favor, you’re dead wrong,” you intoned. Indeed, even though you just wanted them gone, you missed the days when you were all friends. Back when you thought everyone had your back no matter what. Oh, if only you knew what they’d do for you. It wouldn’t be hard at all to push some of the more unstable students over the edge. Those who felt they didn’t have anyone else. Much like a certain dragon fae who never did seem to get invited to things.
Riddle looked like he was about to say something, but before he could, he was drenched by a great torrential rain. Where did that come from? Didn’t the forecast say it was supposed to be clear skies and sunny for the rest of the week? Your question was soon answered, as you had two more visitors.
“Silver? Sebek? What brings you here?” You inquired, not at all amused. When those two showed up at the same time, it could only mean one thing, and it wasn’t good. Riddle looked like he had caught on as well, since he stepped in front of you, as if that would do any good.
“LORD MALLEUS REQUESTS YOUR PRESENCE!!” Sebek boomed. You’d made progress on his volume in the past, so you were sure he did it just to annoy you. Silver just stared. He always stared, you felt like. Sometimes you swore you could feel his eyes on you even when he was nowhere to be found.
“Oh, gee, I wonder what that’s about,” you snarked. “Poor little princey-poo doesn’t want his embarrassing little secrets getting out? Well you can tell him to fuck off.” You must’ve been feeling especially brave, since normally you knew that defying Malleus Draconia was as good as a death sentence. He wasn’t even that bad, compared to some of the others. He just… locked you in his room and made you listen to him talk, with no room to get a word in edgewise. He’d go on and on about one thing or another for HOURS, with no regard for your schedule or your bodily needs. Clearly fae had a different sense of time than most.
It was the loss of control over your own life that you hated; that, and that if he really still considered you a friend, he never bothered to do anything about your bullies. You knew he was more than capable; you’d witnessed his strength firsthand on multiple occasions. You didn’t know what his endgame was, and frankly you were too scared to find out. He could trap you there forever and you wouldn’t be able to do a single thing about it.
Sebek was not amused. He raised an arm, likely to strike you, but Silver placed a hand on it, effectively stopping him. “Don’t. You wouldn’t want Lord Malleus to see a bruise on them,” he reasoned. You didn’t get it. Since when would he care? Sebek roughly shoved Riddle out of the way, despite all his objections, and nonchalantly slung you over his shoulder.
“What the hell?!” You screeched, pounding your fists on his back. “Put me down! I’m not going!” You weren’t sure why you were objecting so vehemently; this time wasn’t any different than the others. But something about the dark gray clouds pouring rain on what should’ve been a lovely day just told you that this was not going to be good.
But alas, your plight was ignored. The three of you made your way to Diasomnia in silence. No one bothered to stop and stare in the halls, as you being carried off by people was somewhat of a normal occurrence. You could swear Savannahclaw and Diasomnia even had some sort of twisted capture-the-flag game going, for whatever reason.
When you entered the gothic-style castle, you were greeted by none other than Lilia. Much like Malleus, he’d never bothered you too terribly, only engaging in less-than-welcome pranks. You knew he was far older than he let on, so you supposed he didn’t see the point in such childish endeavors. There was, however, one thing you feared about the man: his cooking, which he tried to shove down your throat at every opportunity. How Silver grew up healthy you’d never know.
And so, of course, you were greeted by a plate of… well, goop, to put it nicely. “Here, have a seat, dear, I made lasagna,” Lilia offered with what you assumed was supposed to be a warm smile. To you in that moment, with the fumes starting to reach your nose, it looked like a shit-eating grin.
“I’ll pass, thanks. That is to say, I’d rather die than eat that shit, because it looks and smells like it’ll send me straight to hell,” you deadpanned. Sebek let out an unholy screech and started ranting about how dare you refuse Lord Lilia, even though you knew he wouldn’t want to eat it either. You did your best to tune him out. Silver looked relieved, surprisingly enough. You supposed he was able to empathize since he grew up eating the stuff.
Luckily for you, Lilia just sighed and walked off, taking his culinary abomination with him. The three of you who remained shared a look. “How are you still alive after all these years?” You asked Silver. He shrugged. If even he didn’t know, you’d just call it a miracle.
“SILVER, QUIT FRATERNIZING WITH THE ENEMY! LORD MALLEUS IS WAITING!” Sebek practically screamed in your ear. You really wished he would stop doing that. But you had more important things to worry about, like your impending death by dragon fae. Once you arrived at Malleus’s room, Sebek set you down and pushed you inside. You heard the lock click behind you. You gulped, feeling the pressure of being alone in a room with a presumably angry and very powerful mage. You looked up to see a pair of emerald eyes staring you down. Oh boy, this was not going to be fun.
taglist: @twistedcece @slxt4h1m @teawhere @pleasehugmeaether @reivelmin @aoiyx
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
Hello!! May I request a monster high x Fem!reader, who's a new student. She ran into some students, and she looks like a human, so everyone thought she was a normie, but she turns out to be a monster with powers. She can turn into a human form or a monster form, so shes still the same person, but she can change her looks, she can change her looks to a human or her monster form.
But she's also
When everyone though she was a normie some actually though she was the best looking normie they've seen before, but obviously chosenot to say and wouldn't admit it. But when they found out she was a monster, (half monster half normie) when she turns into her monster form she's even more beautiful🥹💕
Everyone's jaw would probably drop🤭
Monster high x beautiful half normie and half monster Fem!reader.
Can it be a oneshot please?🥺 If you want it to be a headcannon or something, that's also fine, but can you also include the characters such as the Frankie and the ghouls, and the guys too, like heath, Holt and etc in the oneshot/headcanon.
Sorry this looks long, it's probably cause of how much I wrote-
Anyways thanks and have a good day/night!!
Monster High Request:
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Human Form: When the two of you first met, it was when you and your human friends were trying to save their monster friend Holt. The two of you got along really well and shared similar ideas when it came to saving their friend.
When her eyes landed on your form, her heart stopped unlike the way it usually does and now butterflies were in her stomach making her feet heavier than before. You were like a god/goddess in her eyes and she didn't know what to do. When you felt eyes on your back, you turned meeting her gaze which led to her blushing profusely and popping her hand off to cover her face.
Monster Form: You tried your hardest to hide your monster form, afraid of what everyone might have thought but it was bound to be revealed sooner or later. You slipped up one day when transforming late at night and assuming everyone was sleeping, but a photo was taken and soon spreaded around about your true identity.
When she saw the picture a clear confusion was on their face, but then admiration and adoration took over and their heart began beating faster. Frankle thinks both of your forms are super cool and they're fine with you being in either one. They make sure to help figure out who took your picture and spreaded it, refusing to stand this hatred against you and your monster identity.
Human Form: You met the vampire from Frankie who introduced you to their friends wanting all of you to get along and become great friends as well. At first, you were afraid, never having met a vampire before, but when you got to know the pink vampire your fear faded away. You got along with her well and always had sleepovers together, laughing and enjoying your time with each other.
It was hard for her since she thought her feelings were for Clawd, but when the two of you began hanging out more and more new found feelings began to form. She's gone through the pros and cons of dating both of you, but everything seemed evened out besides the fact that you're a human…
Monster form: She saw the photo and didn't believe it, unsure if the photo was even real, totally believing that you were full human without a single scent of monster in you. Her skin grew darker with a blush when seeing your gorgeous looks on your monster form as well making her choice now even more difficult.
Human Form: When the two of you met, it was strange. The two of you didn't talk much besides when one of the others were around and helped start the conversations. The two of you were basically mutals that had the same friends.
You weren't that close with her until the group went to Paris and she had you model one of her outfits. In the moment, when she saw your form in one of her outsides shining in the moonlight, her mind went blank with only you in her thoughts. She couldn't help but think how good you looked with the moon shining onto your skin and the outfit that fit your body perfectly, hitting everything correctly just like how she had planned.
Monster Form: When her eyes landed on the picture, the same thing from Paris occurred with your mind going blank and only you in her thoughts. She then felt anger knowing someone took your picture without your permission and revealed your secret that was clearly hidden for a reason. She was quick to come and comfort you making sure that everything was alright. (She won't admit it, but she also went to see your monster form in person and you looked even more exquisite in person)
Human Form: You met the werewolf from his sister and his crush, which wasn't a great idea because now he was facing one of the greatest choices of his life. For the past month, he's been seeing Draculaura, but when you showed up his heart and mind haven't been the same and he liked it. His feelings for the vampire were still there but he now also had feelings for you as well.
Monster Form: You had shown him and when you did his eyes widened instantly seeing your glowing complexion and soon the air felt like it was taken out of him. You made him nervous and he didn't know what to do, making things even worse for his relationship as you also started getting closer with the vampire. He knew deep down that he had to do the right thing, but something else held him down.
Human Form: You met him when trying to save his counterpart from the other humans who thought all monsters were bad, which wasn't true at all. You were shocked when seeing him going through the same thing you were. When attending monster high, the first thing you did was look for him and show him your form wanting to show him that having two sides wasn't always bad.
Monster Form: When he saw that you were just like him, his heart fluttered knowing he wasn't alone in this world of being human and monster. You became great friends with him spending most of your time at monster high with him talking about the strange things the two of you have done with your abilities. When news about your transromation became known, he stood up for you making sure no one treated you the way they treated him for being human and monster.
A/n - Sorry I couldn't do all of the characters. this was already over two pages and would have been more. If you want I can do a part 2 with more characters :)
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kitty-tea · 2 months
Why do you hate me
Severus Snape x reader
Wc: 5.1k
Here’s the second and finale part. Requested by multiple people here and ao3. I’m so happy I finally got around to writing it!
Warnings: Super angsty, crying, age gap, physical violence, mentions of abuse, some spiciness, but no actual smut because I’m trying to keep the entire story pg-13 in the romance department
Link to masterlist
Link to part one
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Why do you hate me? That question didn’t stop plaguing Severus Snape’s mind as he left you in the corridor after he… did something you weren’t expecting him to do. He wasn’t expecting himself to kiss you either. Ever. It was an impulsive decision that he had to run away from as soon as he had sobered up from the intoxicating taste of your lips. It wasn’t just the taste he couldn’t get out of his mind throughout the day, it was how soft they were as you kissed him back. Even though you showed no signs of resisting him, he still felt guilty about kissing you without your permission. He knew he stepped over the line he should never have crossed. He couldn’t just get through the rest of the school year and look at you without being reminded of that kiss. He felt awful that it had to be him who kissed you and not someone who deserves you more than he did.
His solution was to avoid you in order to get himself away from the guilt. He knew he should’ve apologized for how he had treated you in the past, but he didn’t think you’d ever forgive him. How could he deserve your forgiveness?
For as long as he’d known you, it never made sense to him why you were placed in Slytherin when you couldn’t be any more different from the rest of them. He supposed your pure-blood lineage had something to do with it. He also knew who your parents were. He met them when he first became a Death Eater, and not that much long after, he became your teacher.
As his student, he never shied away from treating you with the same distaste as he did with students from other houses. What irked him the most about you was how kind you tried to be to everyone who was supposed to be seen as being beneath you. He saw that as a sign of weakness.
It wasn’t difficult for him to figure out your parents were the same Death Eaters he met as a young man even though they never mentioned having a daughter. He could only assume that they didn’t like you which made sense considering how different your personality was from theirs. You still had their last name, and you looked like them.
He thought after you had graduated that he’d never have to see you again, but that night Dumbledore introduced you as a new teacher, he was shocked at how wrong he was proven to be.
He couldn’t believe it was you sitting next to him after not seeing each other for years. This time you were his equal. During those three years, Snape noticed you… changed a lot. Except for the happy personality you put out. He also hated how his heart skipped a beat in front of you for the first time at the moment you smiled at him.
After that, every time he’d see you around the school, that same feeling kept coming back inside him, making him feel like he was being lured in by a siren until he broke out of your control that you didn’t even know you had over him. Every time you were in a room together, his eyes were magnetized to wherever you were. His attraction towards you was growing at an alarming rate, and he wasn’t pleased at all.
You were the complete opposite of him: gentle and kind while he was cruel and callous, something he’d gotten used to everyone seeing him as.
Another thing he didn’t understand about you was how you never grew to act bitter and resentful like him after everything he put you through, especially with how he had passed on to you the anger from the trauma he had experienced in school and at home.
Maybe fate had a reason to bring you two together again, to make him recognize the regret he should’ve felt for how he treated you. And he did, which was why he felt like he couldn’t be in your presence anymore after he had kissed you.
Not only was he filled with regret for how he had treated you, but he was also filled with regret for kissing you. It’s not that he didn’t enjoy it because he did. That’s what made him regret it in the first place. It was too overwhelming for him to think about.
What was a relief for him was the fact that he had managed to successfully avoid you for the rest of the school year, even if you had to be in the same room together, you were never alone with him. He didn’t know what he would do if that happened.
No matter how much he tried averting his gaze, you were always that temptation that burned a hole in his peripheral vision. He could feel your eyes on him, a curious gaze, nothing malicious, but making that hole burn deeper.
Every time he had accidentally become trapped in your gaze, he could read the endless questions you had in your eyes even without using magic: why did you kiss me? Why are you ignoring me? Am I that horrible?
No, you weren’t horrible. It was he who was horrible. He had always been too harsh on you. You were clearly too pure and innocent to be associated with someone like him.
As soon as the school year was over, Snape felt relieved that he was guaranteed to never see you again. Or so he thought.
You didn’t tell your students why you were leaving, but Snape had to take a guess that it was because the remaining Death Eaters who weren’t imprisoned had likely tried coercing you in an attempt to join them, scaring you off.
It wasn’t until after you graduated from school that your parents had officially acknowledged your existence to him long after he was able to connect the dots of your relation to them. In short, the less than savory things he read about you in their letters only confirmed his suspicions about them acting as if you didn’t exist earlier. At first Snape didn’t know if he should empathize with you; you were treated worse by your parents as a child than he had been by his. In the end, when he reunited with you as a teacher, he decided to continue to treat you the same as he always had, a reflection of his bitter self he couldn’t let go of and grow past.
After the school year, Snape thought that not seeing you was enough for him to get you off his mind, but he should’ve realized that your parent’s letters to him were a constant reminder of your existence for the past three years since you left his life for the second time. He now had to dread the inevitability of seeing you again after being summoned by your parents to your family home. He wasn’t sure if you were hiding out there, but he liked to think you were somewhere far away with a new life, away from him.
He hoped for your sake that you had made a new life for yourself in a place that was happier and more suitable for you, unlike the gray, dreary living room he was seated in with your parents sitting opposite of him.
Apparently you had not done that because as soon as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, he turned his head and saw you.
“Mother? Father? What are you doing here?” Snape wondered how on earth you could look and sound so chirpy to see such dreadful people.
“Professor Snape?” He cringed at how you seemed to shrink back a little as if being hit by the pain he had caused you three years ago. “I didn’t know you and my parents knew each other.”
He saw your parents roll their eyes.
“Yes. As we understand, he was also your teacher in school, then your colleague.” Your mother looked at you as if she were talking to a non-sentient creature that she wanted to shoo away.
“How have you been? I haven’t seen you since I said goodbye to you on the train before my first year at Hogwarts! I hope you’re happy with how the house has been. I’ve done my best to care for it.”
Snape almost choked on his own spit. He couldn’t believe it. Did he just hear in other words that your parents left you at the train station and never bothered to check in on you or take care of you during the holidays? That you were left with no family? At least his own parents made sure that he was with them during school holidays even if his situation at home wasn’t the best.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” You said. “I wasn’t expecting to see you when I woke up.”
“That’s because we just got here now.” Your father scoffed.
“Oh… Well, there’s so much to catch up on! I was sorted into Slytherin! Just like you and Professor Snape! Isn’t that wonderful?” You sounded so proud and hopeful that they’d be proud of you in turn.
“Why have you come back? I missed you.” You said. How could you sound genuine and sincere towards them?
“We’ll discuss that later. We have company. Go put on something… other than that.” Your mother scrunched up her nose in a way that made her look both disgusting and disgusted as she pointed at your outfit which consisted of a hoodie, leggings, and bunny slippers. Snape hated to admit to himself that even in plain Muggle clothes you still looked beautiful.
After you went upstairs he realized how hollow he felt without you in his presence. He hadn’t recognized the light you brought in wherever you went until you were gone.
He drowned out your parents’ conversation as his thoughts drifted over to you. It was as if the more he tried to stop thinking about you the more the opposite happened since the day he kissed you.
“Ugh. What is taking that wretched thing so long?” Your mother groaned, tapping her foot impatiently. “Severus, go make sure she has listened to my orders. Tell her to come down. First door next to the stairs.” She commanded him.
He didn’t say anything as he simply stood up, letting his cloak trail behind him. Any excuse to get out of the boring conversation would do.
He swore he wasn’t thinking when he turned the knob of the door and found it unlocked.
“I… apologize. I should have knocked.” The sentence came out of his throat sounding constricted.
He shouldn’t have looked either.
His breath caught in his throat as he saw how perfect and elegant you looked in just your black lingerie. There was nothing you could do to hide the bright redness of your cheeks as your eyes met each other through the mirror of the vanity you were sitting in front of. There was nothing he could do as well to prevent his own eyes from shamefully devouring the sight of your exposed skin he couldn’t stop dreaming of running his fingers over. Feeling guilty for thinking that, he harshly turned himself around, his heart racing in his chest.
“Your mother sent me to check on you.” Snape said after he was by some miracle able to come to his senses. Even though his back was turned towards you, he couldn’t stop thinking about how you looked and how he felt seeing that much of your skin exposed in front of him, with only the bare minimum covered with the flimsy lace fabric.
There was no way he’d ever be able to convince himself that he only saw you as the same student from all those years ago now that he knew what you looked like in… such a revealing state. Not to mention the way you looked at him in turn. The innocence that you projected in your eyes chipped at his cold heart, crumbling it until guilt speared through his conscience.
“Sir, could you… give me a hand?” You called out in a shaky voice.
He didn’t say anything as he turned back around, making sure to keep his gaze away from you at a respectable enough distance.
“I need help putting this on. Please?” You held out a black velvet choker with some sort of a dark colored jewel pendant attached to it. He never recalled seeing you wear such elaborate jewelry before. He wondered if you’d gotten it from some other man that had caught your affection. His heart ignited with jealousy at that thought. After all, what man wouldn’t be smitten with you? You were too beautiful to not be spared a second glance from any stranger.
He heard you shiver as he gathered your hair, his fingers brushing the delicate skin on your neck. He could still feel your eyes on him through the mirror with every movement he made as his nimble fingers clasped the necklace.
Suddenly, snippets of your last conversation together fogged his ability to think.
Your tears running down your cheeks as you begged for answers that one day.
Him not being able to say anything, instead crashing his lips against yours.
Your soft lips moving in sync with his.
How he hated the feeling of being so drawn to you.
Why was your beauty even more irresistible to him after spending years without you? The answer was because he was a depraved man. There was nothing that could satisfy his depravity more than a beautiful, innocent woman in front of him.
He couldn’t hold himself back. With each caress of his fingers over your skin, he felt that same hard exterior melt away, and he did not care. He was done caring.
You let out another shaky breath as his fingers trailed below your ear and down the back of your shoulder blade. He dared to take a look into the mirror to see your eyelids flutter, and your teeth biting your bottom lip, pleasure written clearly all over your face.
He really wanted to see you make that face again in… other situations. What was he thinking? That wasn’t right. He almost felt guilty about letting those other thoughts about the things he could do to you slip into his mind. Almost. He swallowed a huge lump that had formed in his throat at that idea.
With his free hand, he placed it onto the vanity next to where yours was, laying unassumingly. His thumb inched its way to your pinky finger before running along the length. It was a hesitant movement, one that he decided he would retreat from if you voiced any discomfort or showed any signs of it. Except you didn’t. In fact, you were the one who took it further, placing your entire hand under his and intertwining your fingers together.
With this unexpected move from you, Snape had confirmation that you wanted more of him as much as he did from you.
He noticed that there were no words exchanged between you for several minutes. Not that there needed to be.
As he forgot about your impatient parents downstairs, he debated his next move. You were still turned towards the mirror, looking into his reflection demurely, soft lips pouted. You didn’t seem to know what to do, leading him to make the assumption that you didn’t have much experience with men in these situations. It was up to him to take the lead.
Still hesitant with his movements, he brought up his other hand from its spot along your hair, back to your neck, this time caressing the soft skin once again. He smirked a little at the little noises that left your mouth. He knew he could find the right places to touch you to get you to whimper, acting like you were so shy to reveal this part of yourself, the part that enjoyed being pleasured by someone else.
He looked to where your choker pendant sat around your neck, imagining for a moment that it was his hand wrapped around you instead, holding onto you like a delicate flower, too precious and fragile to dare to crush. He had committed many heinous acts with those same hands, tortured, beaten, and much worse. He didn’t deserve to touch something so virtuous after all that he had done. It was wrong. So why did touching you feel so perfect?
Worst of all, because you had no knowledge of his past activities, he was dreading the time you’d find out which he knew would be very soon.
But all that was thrown out the window as soon as his fingers found their way under your bra strap without him having any memory of them moving there. He wanted to see your face as he let it fall off your shoulder. How much more beautiful could you get?
Even if he wanted to resist (which he didn’t anymore,) he wouldn’t have been able to stop himself as his lips found their way to your skin. Except they didn’t.
“Severus! What is taking her so long?! Make sure she comes here… At once!” Your mother’s shrill voice was what broke whatever spell he was under.
“You heard your mother. You should get dressed.” Just like that, he was instantly back to the stoic man you always knew him as. He didn’t have time anymore to think about what he had just done or how far he had almost taken things with you.
He regretted looking back at the mirror to see your disappointed face, frowning with a far away look in your eyes.
Snape didn’t bother explaining to your parents anything as he came downstairs, ignoring their annoyed sneers. He assumed you weren’t that far behind.
“When we tell you to do something, we expect you to do it efficiently.” Was the first thing your mother scolded you when you entered the living room.
You were wearing the same color as the pieces of clothing Snape had last seen you in, a black dress with sheer sleeves and a cinched waist.
“I’m sorry… I-” Your eyes flicked over to Snape’s, cheeks bright red presumably thinking about what had happened between you. Unlike you, he was much better at hiding his emotions, barely sparing you a glance. “I couldn’t find something suitable much quicker.” You finished.
“Apologize to Severus. You kept him waiting too long.” Your mother scolded you again.
“Sorry I kept you waiting too long.” You looked down, not daring to meet his eyes.
The next few moments came at him too fast in a blur. Your mother grabbed your arm and spun you to face her and your father’s sneering faces. Her palm connected to your cheek, the slap making you stumble back but not enough to make you fall over.
She leaned over to your height, and said in a low voice that sounded threatening, “You are and always have been insufferable. Now go and make dinner. We have more guests coming.” She gave your arm another painful looking jerk before letting go.
Without a word or a glance, you held your cheek as you turned away and walked into the kitchen.
Snape stood in shook, blinking at the open space where you had been. Out of all the horrible things he’d seen, none of them could come close to a parent hurting their child. He didn’t even know he still had it in him to feel shocked at something like that.
Your parents had to be on another level of evil to treat you like that in front of other people.
That was one of those moments that involuntarily made him dig up memories from even before his dark past as a Death Eater and his days as a student at Hogwarts, back to his childhood. He thought he had buried those memories of his own family deep enough not to be revisited.
From what Severus Snape had seen, your parents treated you more like a House Elf rather than their child to care for. On top of that, they had no problem showing off their disdain for you in front of company as much as other parents would show off their child’s achievements. There was obviously no way you didn’t think this wasn’t normal. You just didn’t know any better.
As you sat next to him at the dinner table you never spoke unless spoken to, which wasn’t often in the conversation. Remembering what your parents had asked him to do, his heart was shaking inside his chest as his eyes kept darting to your face, to the red welt on your cheek.
There you sat at the table with several other Death Eaters, completely oblivious to the turmoil inside of him, as much as the other guests were to the longing glances you were giving him. It was like you didn’t care or know how to hide your feelings.
You were too innocent to be caught up in the types of people similar to your parents. Unfortunately for you, your innocence only made your parents even more eager to find ways to break you, something Snape didn’t wish to see anymore, but only after he stopped denying his feelings. That still didn’t make him a better person, nor did it make any of the things he’d done to you acceptable. Maybe he was too far gone to ever truly become a better person for you, himself, or anyone. He should never have treated you so harshly in the first place from the moment you stepped into his classroom.
After what seemed like forever, he felt as if he could breathe again as he saw people leave the table one by one and migrate to the living room until it was just him and your parents who remained while you walked around, collecting the plates.
Meet me inside the guest room at midnight.
You picked up the note that was written on a piece of napkin under a plate. You knew exactly who wrote it even if he disguised his handwriting and placed it at a completely different seat than where he sat. He was also the only person staying at the house. Why he felt the need to hide his identity even though you were obviously the only person who would see the note, you had no idea.
You just hoped you’d have your first proper conversation in three years. Your heart pounded faster at that thought. You might’ve been naive (which you had often been accused of being) but you weren’t stupid. You could tell Professor Snape had gone out of his way to avoid you for the rest of the school year after he kissed you that one day. You wanted to get more answers out of him, but at the same time you knew you shouldn’t be pushing him, so you gave him space. You started to wonder if he thought he had made a mistake. Were you really that horrible?
However, you couldn’t deny the way had started to look at you with those piercing black eyes that had made you blush back when you were still his student. You didn’t exactly understand why you had to develop a crush on him out of all people. Why couldn’t it have been someone your age? You wished you could control who you were attracted to, then maybe you would feel the way you should feel about him, and not get butterflies in your stomach in his presence.
You were so distracted by your thoughts that you almost dropped the plates into the kitchen sink. You stopped your movements and blinked before getting sidetracked again.
You sighed, remembering the fiery feeling along your skin that trailed beneath his fingers making a thrill run through you. That wasn’t all that he did.
Even though it was midnight, your parents and the guests were still talking, leaving you confused on why Professor Snape instructed you to meet him in the guest room. Maybe he wanted you to go inside and wait for him so that your parents wouldn’t see you. The note did say “inside” after all.
You opened the door, and quietly shut it behind you before leaning against it and letting out an exhale. You were still wearing the same clothes as earlier since you hadn’t bothered getting changed.
Wondering what Professor Snape wanted to talk about, your mind rushed with theories of your own that were accompanied by a feeling of dread that crawled through your chest and stomach. What if he was coming to tell you that this whole thing, whatever was going on between you two was a mistake?
You pushed yourself off the door and paced around in small circles, keeping your head down until you heard the door open.
Your head jerked up as your eyes met his black ones. He was already so close to you, and you had forgotten how much his taller frame loomed over you.
You weren’t able to control the speed of your breathing, and you didn’t care about how scared you looked. He always knew you were scared of him anyway.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered, not knowing what else to say, not that you ever did in front of him.
He didn’t say anything. He only took out a piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to you.
From the moonlight outside the tall window, you could barely read it.
Make her join us or kill her.
“What does this mean?” You looked up at him. You didn’t know if you were confused, shocked, or both. “Wh-who wants you to… kill me?”
You didn’t know you had started crying until you felt a thumb sliding against your wet cheek.
“I received this note from your parents earlier.” He said. In contrast to you, he showed no emotion.
“Why? I don’t understand. Why would…” You never thought your parents would ever want any harm to come to you. They were your parents after all. They were supposed to love and protect you like how any other parent should.
Your former professor took a deep breath. “I would never let anyone hurt you. Do you trust me?”
“Of course.” You answered after wondering why he would doubt you trusted him.
“Haven’t you had your life threatened by someone before?” He asked shakily.
“Well… yes.” You thought about the time you received letters from the Death Eaters who weren’t imprisoned, telling you the horrible things they would do to you when they found you. Luckily, you left your teaching job at Hogwarts before they could reach you.
“I will explain everything. Eventually, you’ll find out the truth. I can protect you. From everyone, even your parents. I promise I won’t let them hurt you.”
“Why did you kiss me?” You blurted out. Professor Snape blinked at the change in subject.
“It was a mistake.” He set his mouth in a firm line.
“It didn’t seem like it…” To your dismay, your eyes were starting to water again, but you were able to blink the tears away. “I didn’t think it was.” You looked into his night sky-colored eyes.
“You don’t understand.” He said. You instinctively leaned in a little as the backs of his cold fingers traced along your heated cheek before he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I wasn’t lying to you… about what I said that one day.” He continued. He took another deep breath. “Which is why I can’t allow things to go further. It would be selfish of me. Because… of the things I’ve done.” You could tell he was having a hard time getting his thoughts out. You wanted to tell him it was alright and that he could tell you anything, but at the same time, you didn’t want him to take it the wrong way and think you were pushing him to tell you more than what he was comfortable with.
“What will happen with us, then?” You asked.
“I told you that I was going to protect you, and I will.”
Damn it, you were making things so difficult for Severus Snape and you didn’t realize it. On top of acting as a double agent for Albus Dumbledore, protecting Harry Potter, fooling the other Death Eaters, and his teaching job, he didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up, whatever “this” was. He really did care about you, and revealing his feelings for you was a mistake.
For a moment he envied you. Everything was so simple to you. You tried to look for the good in everybody, even the people who obviously didn’t deserve it, such as him or your parents.
And now, you were in danger thanks to your parents and Voldemort’s return. Snape hoped that the day would never come where you would directly face that danger. He truly wished for your innocence to be protected.
“Are you alright, sir?” Your sweet voice broke him out of his own mental prison.
He looked down to where you placed your hands into his. You slowly intertwined your fingers through his, making them look like a tangled mess, reminding him of what his life had come to.
“You didn’t really mean it. Did you?” He didn’t know what you were talking about at first. “It didn’t feel like a mistake… Especially after what almost happened earlier.” You added in an almost whisper. Even though it was mostly dark, he could still see the blush in your cheeks.
He had dug himself into an even deeper hole when he walked into your bedroom without knocking (which he shouldn’t have done,) and took things that far with you. And he would have if he wasn’t interrupted. That’s what scared him, how much he wanted you, how lovely it was to see you, kiss you, touch you in ways he could tell you hadn’t known you liked to be touched.
“You’re right. I… didn’t. I was only lying to myself.” He confessed. He wanted to tell you so much more, like the regret he felt for everything he did to you, but he couldn’t. Because he realized you weren’t the one who was weak, he was. He didn’t know how much more difficult he could make his own life.
He couldn’t stop his eyes from hungrily gazing at you. The moonlight made you look ethereal, highlighting your beauty, tempting him, telling him to come closer and get a taste of what he wanted: you.
Your eyes shined brighter than the stars, pulling him into that siren-like trance you always had him in, but this time he let himself get pulled in. He didn’t want to get out, he wanted to stay where he was, with his lips locked onto yours.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
ProHero taking custody of a reformed young villian
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ EraserHead, Fatgum, All might ]
[ My hero academia / Boku no hero academia ]
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Unofficial dads 😈 hehe
By young I mean their student's age
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Summary: After being captured for the heroes, they determinante that you are no longer a threat, and, for being so young, they put you in a reformation program under the watch of a ProHero
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Shota Aizawa (EraserHead)
Its not like he wanted this, but now he's trapped in this situation . He read the police report about you to know everything he need to know
Since the first moment he makes sure you understand that he is the autority and you're no free to do whatever you want
If you're the rebellious type this will annoy him for a while, becoming a constant fight with him. If you're more the quiet type then this going to be more easy, but will still be watching you. If you're more energetic he will treat you like a child
Soon you two form a dynamic to live together that work for you two, and with time you stop treating yourself as a ProHero and a ex-villian, now you start treating you like friends or even family
He's not exactly interested on heard your backstory, but if you want to share it he's open to listen. If you became a villian becouse you didn't have another option he will feel sympathy and will try to comfort you
If you show that you really want to change or even regret for what you did he will go more easy on you. Ones he notice that you're really changing he will be proud of you, also after this he will treat you different (no more wary and more like a parental figure)
We know probably some people won't be so accepting of your change, so if you have problems with others for this he will let you handle it, unless this truly affect you (like is making you feel depressed) or you're trying to solve it in violent ways (either fighting those people or letting them hurt you) he will step in
It would become a habit to eat together at least once at day and talk about your day (more like complaining)
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Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
When he gets the news of this mision he gets super nervous, he don't know if he will be able to take care of it
He will try and have a friendly approach when meeting you, he won't want to make you feel threatened or anything, you want to change, so he will give you a chance
If you're more the rebellious type he will gets even more nervous and will scold you in a serious manner. If you're more the quiet type he won't know how to treat you, but won't take him long to get used to
He always treat you with respect and like the young one you are!
If you show that you really want to change he will so happy and will encoure you to do so. If you feel regret about what you did as a villian he will comfort you! You're trying to change and do things better and thats what matter!
He's really interested in hearing your backstory, but won't ask you to tell him right away, he will wait all the time you need until you feel ready to tell him
If is the case that you became a villian because you didn't have another option he will feel so bad, Toshinori is a kind sould and storys like this sadden him a lot, especially seen how much affected your life (there are chances that he will even feel guilty for don't being able to help you back then)
It won't be difficult to warm up with Toshinori (even if you try to), so soon you two will ended up having a family dinamic to live together
After a while it will be noticeble the change in you, and Toshinori couldn't be more proud of you! He congratulates you and even offers to celebrate!
If you have relatives he will help you look for them if you want (unless they were abusive)
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Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
If you're the rebellious type he wont mind too much, will just brush it off. If you're more the quiet type its fine with him. If you're more energetic then he will match your energy. But in neither case will he let you take advantage of it
He's convinced that you have a great potential to becoming an amazing person, so he will encoure you to try other things (more healthy and less illegal)
Taishiro always try to treat you as an equaly, as a civilian, never like a villain. He will always treat you in a friendly manner too, so won't take long to you to see him as a friend too, someone you can trust
Most of the time he ended up treating you like a child, he isn't trying to disrespect you or something, he just thinks you should live (and enjoy your life) as the kid you are. Taishiro knows pretty well that you've been through a lot and that life isn't exactly easy, so he's trying to give you the peaceful life he believes you deserve!
He's really interesed in your backstory, even ask you, but if you don't want to talk about it he won't force you
Taishiro always invite you over to eat together, and always make a friendly chat over it (don't mind if you don't talk much). Also, he has a really cheerful personality and will try to make you laugh all the time
When he notice the change in you he feels so proud of you! He will even take you to a special diner to celebrate!
Also, Taishiro will love to take you over his agency and present you to Tamaki and Kirishima!
If you ever get problems with other people talking bad about you for your past he will stand up for you
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olivegardenhunter · 4 months
The sannin as normal childhood friends who have sleepovers and play games in the forest and bond over liking "gross" animals
anon thank you SO much for this mental image. you have made my very miserable assignment-filled day. I have many thoughts about the sannin and baby sannin being inseparable best friends who were just normal kids make up about 90% of them. here's some hc I have about that (sorry for the massively long post, I'm a yapper at heart)
yes absolutely. I like to think of the sannin as misfits who never fit in anywhere else except with each other. there's so many different reasons for this. we know they became genin at age 6. if this makes them the exception, rather than it being the normal practice for a village in tumultuous times, then this must have meant each of them were prodigies in their own rights in the academy (yes, even Jiraiya I'd say, though I'd suspect his was more a case of recognised potential rather than showing any obvious prodigal talent from the get-go). this is further reinforced by the fact the third hokage became their sensei. I doubt the hokage would've taken up any random group of genin as his students. if this is the case, can you imagine how difficult it must've been for them to make friends with others, their age or otherwise? not only would it be hard to relate to their other peers cause of the age and probably ability gap, but I'd imagine people would've found them downright intimidating! all this, along with all their individual personality which, if their 6 year old selves were anything like their 50 year old selves, would've meant the little baby sannin would not have been anyone's first choice of friends.
so I'd imagine each of them being a bit of loners in the academy. then they get put in a team together. recognise they each stick out like a sore thumb from everyone else, but have all of the above common ground. their personalities are difficult for each to get used to initially, but once they do, these three super super super quickly become absolutely inseperable. to call them family would've been a serious underestimate of their relationship imo.
anyway this is all a long winded way of saying YES they're absolutely those regular childhood best friends who have sleepovers and hang out and play games. I imagine that tsunade grew up with a massive family in a massive loving home. direct contrast to orochimaru who's an orphan and, I imagine jiraiya is an orphan too (hence no canon last name). therefore, the senju compound is typically the designated sleepover venue.
the senju compound has mito, and nawaki, and depending on what your hcs are, would have tsunades parents, and I'd think they'd still effectively live like royalties even if the first and second are dead. (hashirama and tobirama wouldn't be around anymore by the time the three became genin I think, because (and someone correct me if I'm wrong) hiruzen would've already been hokage when he took on the three of them as his students, meaning tobirama would have already passed)
jiraiya and orochimaru just being at awe at the way tsunade lives and just how lively her house is and tsunade is just happy to have kids her age at home with her that just gets her cause her parents always nag her about training and chores, mito still treats her like a baby even though she's already a Shinobi that can take care of herself damn it!, and nawaki is so young he's so boring and sometimes gets annoying. so she always convinces her fellow teammates to come over to her house to practice and train, to babysit nawaki with her, to be the test dummy for try out this new jutsu or technique she's learning, and anything else that she insists she cannot do alone and needs them to be there with her
until suddenly it's already dark and oh her teammates can't possibly walk home all alone at this hour and besides my mum's making dinner and it's your favourite jiraiya and she'd scold me if I didn't offer some to you guys and orochimaru, mito found some sort of old scroll that uncle tobirama wrote about a new jutsu that she wants your thoughts on and besides, we have to meet sensei soooo early tomorrow for our mission and the training ground is closer from my house anyway, and you guys are just trying to get out of the bet we made and that's cheating y'know! and and and suddenly the senju compound just so happen to always have a few sets extra clothes and pyjamas that just so happened to be orochimaru and jiraiya's size and hey oro, raiya, look! it's got toads and snakes! and it matches mine! and the adults always just so happen to have two extra plates set at the table during meals, and the house just so happens to always be stocked up with both her teammate's favourite snacks, and orochimaru and jiraiya can suddenly enter the senju compound at any time of the day, with or without tsunade, and are greeted joyfully by the household's residents who had started nagging at them about training and chores and picking up after themselves, and mito is treating them like babies even though they're fully trained shinobis! and nawaki is being sooo annoying today and damn it, why isn't tsunade home yet? we agreed to train at 3!
(the three of them never quite notice that jiraiya or orochimaru's unannounced visits to the senju compound never trigger any of the seals that are activated by the presence of non-senju, non-family chakra in the compound. they never quite notice that the anbu guards at the front never give jiraiya and orochimaru any of the trouble or scrutiny that any visitors or guests to the senju compound are always subjected to, and the guards merely let them in with a slight bow of their heads, the same way they would to tsunade, or mito, or her parents.)
the only other times the sleepover isn't at tsunade's place is when there's a thunderstorm and orochimaru insists he needs to spend the night at his apartment because he tells them that last time the storm was this bad, lightning had struck a branch that smashed through his apartment that, if he wasn't already there and was even a little slower, would have destroyed the very few things his parents had left him that he so carefully keeps in a chest and he cannot ever take the risk that that would ever happen again he lost his power and his food went bad in his fridge, and c'mon tsu, you know oro not-so-secretly has a fear of thunder! don't you remember what happened last time at that mission where we were camping? we can't possibly let him spend the night alone at his house!
(later on when they're older, they'll come to find that jiraiya's new jonin apartment will become the new designated sleepover venue as jiraiya begins bringing back questionable sake from his missions that they were definitely too young to be having that he could not have possibly obtained that legally, and mito started banning them from playing card games at the senju compound when she noticed her granddaughter's tendency to lose her entire pay packet in a single game was becoming a bit too familiar to her... like a certain husband of hers' gambling habits that she had tried so hard to make sure wouldn't get passed on to the grandchild who the man had unwittingly taught said card games to at the age of 4. jiraiya started to call his apartment the degenerates' club then, much to the other two's dismay. though they couldn't quite protest when he correctly pointed out they were absolutely behaving like degenerates, even if princess tsunade and the leaf's once-in-a-generation prodigy felt like they were above those sort of disreputable behaviour.)
jiraiya and orochimaru fight tooth and nail that the massive forest that makes up the backyard of the compound, created by the shodaime himself of course, is the only reason they choose to hang out with tsunade at the senju compound, because princess tsunade (dammit oro stop calling me that!), the shodaime hokage seemed to have left so many fascinating things in this forest, there's so many secrets to discover. I don't think I've seen any of these species anywhere else in Konoha. I believe the secrets to some of his jutsu or techniques lie in this forest... oro you're such a nerd. and besides, Princess, the snakes here really seem to like oro for some reason and I think the toads are about to make me their king, I'm sure of it! and also, me and oro are the only people who don't find the fact you use the slime from those slugs in your potions or whatever absolutely disgusting, so we're the only friends you have to play in this gigantic forest with in the first place (it's not potions, it's a new medicinal gel I'm creating! and can you two just shut up? hide and seek is supposed to be a SILENT game and right now, you both really suck at it! I can literally locate you without even moving!) ...hey tsu, is mito-sama going to make those cookies she made last time again? she told me yesterday she would cause hiruzen-sensei told her we did a good job on our last mission.
the three of them knew everyone in Konoha had started calling them the 'Hokage's brats' behind their backs. but none of them realised that, particularly among the elders, this didn't seem to just be in reference to their sensei... there were other, more hushed whispers going around that if they had tried to listen to, would've sounded something like the adopted senjus... or lord first and second's legacies...
(these rumours may or may not have started when people started noticing tsunade's parents went from talking about their two children they adored, to their three rascals plus sweet little nawaki. or when mito kept comparing jiraiya's antics and personality to hashirama or orochimaru's brooding nature and hunger for knowledge was like tobirama's, or how tsunade's own hot temper and tenacity but also mischief was like her own's and the many Uzumakis that came before her, and that all three of them together balanced each other the way she, hashirama, and tobirama had. or when hiruzen constantly raves about his students and how much he sees his senseis in each of them and how the will of fire burns so brightly in them that he knew lord first and second would be extremely proud to see. in the end, though tsunade may have been the only one who shared a name with the senju founders, everybody couldn't help but see hashirama and tobirama and everything they had been and everything they had stood for in all three of the legendary sannin.)
#why yes i AM supposed to be doing my assignment right now#thank you anon for the ask and my apologies for taking your idea and absolutely RUNNING with it to the hills#as you can see i have a lot of thoughts when it comes to the baby sannin#with everything we know about the senjus (so not much) and all their stuff about the will of fire and the village being their family#there is absolutely NO WAY that they see tsunade's beloved teammates that she wont shut up about and see that theyre both orphans#that are in need of a little bit of love and family#and not immediately decided to adopt the two of them whether they like it or not#i absolutely believe that soon after they became a team the senjus started considering jiraiya and orochimaru as family#without even a shred of doubt in their mind#for as far it matters to them oro and jiraiya were one of them and were family no matter what#cause thats the kind of teachings that hashirama would've passed down#and cmon orochimaru had to learn tobiramas techniques somehow#i doubt these techniques were public knowledge#and jiraiyas proximity to the senjus could also be how minato learnt tobiramas technique too#but these hc just make what happened after the second war with the three of them so much more tragic#anyway anon i take your childhood friends sannin idea and raise it with inseperable unbreakable found family bond sannin#they mean everything to me#sannin#nart#meta#hc#tsunade#jiraiya#orochimaru#senju clan#mito#the legendary sannin#tsunade senju#naruto#naruto meta
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hismercytomyjustice · 1 month
I feel like I should issue a blanket apology for anyone unfortunate enough to have to deal with me over the next few days (and the past few) because I’m out of Adderall and the ADHD is running fucking wild.
Please keep my piano teacher and therapist in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult (for them, HAHAHA) time, as they also have ADHD and two people alone in the same room with ADHD is a dangerous combo.
…as evidenced by my chitchatting with my piano teacher for almost half an hour after my lesson yesterday…
IN MY DEFENSE, he started it! I just…did not finish it… BUT I DID WARN HIM!
I think most of his students are literal kids, so he gets to hardcore geek out with me about music (though most of the time he leaves me in the dust). He plays trombone and trumpet and piano and is super into jazz and I’m super into classical, so we get lost on a lot of tangents.
I did manage to rein in the impulse to go hardcore into true crime territory tho. I feel like I should get a non-participation trophy for that lol! BUT, AGAIN, HE STARTED IT. How is your response to me telling you some of my favorite local restaurants to bring up a murder at a local restaurant??? *checks notes* Ohhh, the ADHD strikes again…
SIR. I cohosted a true crime podcast for two fucking years because I could not shut the fuck up about the subject!
Bad news tho, my therapist is super into true crime. And we are also TERRIBLE about tangents. Especially when it comes to talking about the research and stuff behind OCD and ADHD and all.
Christ, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been off Adderall this long and I forgot how all over the fucking place my brain can be. Just playing hopscotch in my noggin I guess. Or the floor is lava. Maybe both at the same time!
BUT. It has also been an impromptu experiment of sorts because FUN, *checks notes* CORRECTION NOT FUN, FACT! ADHD meds can exacerbate OCD symptoms! Because WHY WOULDN’T THEY?! Can’t make my life too easy, now can we!
God knew I would be too powerful if I were mentally stable… ╭( ・ㅂ・)و
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horror130 · 1 year
So, the reader was dead and instead of like going to the afterlife, she walked into a bright light thinking it was, heaven but then, when she went into the light, she woke up in her bed, a few days before the kidnapping started, remembering everything.
I hope that answers your question, sorry i suck at explaining things
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(Hello!!! Thank you for the request and sorry for the delay, school is taking up all my time, I didn't understand your request very well so I'm sorry if the headcanons are not to your liking and feel free to make another request BYE♥️ )
The black boys x femele reader (I didn't specify the gender much so it can be seen as a GN reader)
Summary: you save the ghostboys from the grabber and this is their reaction.
Finney- Finn had lost all hope he thought he was going to die in that damn basement but luckily you show up and save him so saying that Finn is grateful that you saved him is an understatement, when Finn returns to school he is determined to find you and with Help from Gwen Finn manages to find you he thanks you for saving him and you become friends and don't worry it won't take long for Finn to fall in love with you.
Robin - Well you have definitely earned this boy's respect, because you saved Robin now he feels indebted to you so you can prepare yourself with a robin always near you (and probably a Finn along with Robin) when you guys start dating Robin likes to tell other people that his girlfriend saved him from a pedophile serial killer. People are disturbed by the story, but Robin finds the story romantic.
Vance- Well, it's a bit of a complicated situation, as Robin, Vance feels like he's in debt to you and Vance hates being in debt to someone, don't get me wrong Vance is definitely happy that you saved him and I'm proud of him messing with him But hey, look on the bright side, now you practically have a guard dog with you, and it's kind of difficult to make friends with him, but since Vance is determined to stay with you until his debt is paid, you can get there.
Griffin (platonic) - After you save Griffin he starts to see you as his super hero, just like Finn when Griffin returns to school he is determined to find you he asks all the students and teachers if they know where you are and when He thinks you're Griffin, he doesn't really know what to say, he can only thank you, luckily you're more social than Griffin and you manage to become friends, congratulations my friend, you have a new little brother.
(Sorry for not writing for Bruce and Billy, I can't come up with ideas to write them and I hate having late orders, I hope you liked them the same♥️)
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simplysedusa · 7 days
My Main WIPs
The Best Years of Our (Resurrected) Lives
After a hostage situation gone awry during a field trip, many of the Townsville citizens agreed to have the beloved Powerpuff Girls taken out of public school to ensure the safety of their peers. From the ages of 9 to 15, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup Utonium were homeschooled by Professor Utonium. With many of Townsville's most notorious villains locked away indefinitely, crime in Townsville has managed to calm down (mostly). This leaves the girls' main concern to be one of their toughest arch enemies ever, The Rowdyruff Boys, who the girls haven't had a run in with since they were seven years old.
Unbeknownst to the girls, the Rowdyruff Boys had their own troubles. With Mojo being a permanent resident at Pokey Oaks Penitentiary, and HIM disowning the trio, the boys were truly on their own. Desperate, starving, and weak, Brick, Butch, and Boomer managed to literally fall onto someone else's doorsteps. Years after living in a group home and completing their house arrest, their caregiver, Marie, pushes the boys to integrate into society by enrolling them at Townsville Central High.
A year later, Principal Green invites the girls to TCH in an attempt to pacify the concerns of students, staff, and loved ones who still feel unsafe around the boys. Forced to face one another, the six super-powered beings make amends, all while dealing with regular, human high-school issues, former and new enemies out for their blood (in both a figurative and literal sense), and uncovering the corrupted underbelly of Townsville's politics and how it all connects to some of the major villains to have ever roamed the streets.
Main Ships: Lowkey still don't know tbh but I'm thinking either Bluegrass (Bubbles x Butch), Cotton Candy (Blossom x Boomer), and Christmas Ornaments (Buttercup x Brick) OR Blues, Reds, and Greens (or I might just post two very different versions of the same story lol).
Also, the boys might get two moms and Princess Morbucks redemption!
All Grown Up (Kinda)
The City of Townsville has had its ups and downs, but without the superhero sister triplets, The Powerpuff Girls, the city would be left in ruins. Thanks to the construction of Townsville's newest, tightest, and strictest prison, TBA, many of the severe, repeat offending villains can be forever detained, leaving the other reformed villains to live amongst the innocent. Mini Dynamo robots invented by Professor Utonium take on the tougher, more difficult jobs for the cops. So where does that leave the girls? Retired. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup's main concerns now are their own personal problems. Blossom's in grad school, still somewhat unsure of what she wants to do after and struggling with her serious, long distance relationship. Buttercup, a former Olympian, had recently been barred from competing after her cheating scandal, which also resulted in the loss of her brand deals, forcing her to move back home and take a teaching job at their younger sister's middle school. Bubbles, while the most secure in her personal identity outside of her sisters, overworks herself with her activism and charity and her entertainment gigs, with barely any time to herself. Or to spend with her sisters, only God would know how long it's been since the three have been in the same room for longer than five minutes (without arguing).
The Rowdyruff Boys, on the other hand, are doing quite well for themselves. Boomer, a rather populated ghost writer and producer, stars his own subsidiary music label. Butch opens his own gym, while still DJing at the club they all own. Brick owns an apartment complex that doubles as a restaurant on the first two floors, where tenants can work to pay in labor if needed, and also recently opened a theater. Their days of attacking the Powerpuff Girls are over, thanks to the deal they've made with HIM. Every night, once a year, the Rowdyruff Boys must complete a favor in exchange for their freedom and they must not speak of their deal to anyone. So long as they don't get caught, they're in the clear.
Fate, however, decides to have the six reunite. And while the interactions were much calmer and more civil than anticipated, the timing couldn't have been worse. Former, now rehabilitated villains have been found murdered, with messages left behind for both the boys and girls. Now, the six will have to work together to find the culprit, all while learning how to "adult".
Main Ships: Blues, Reds, and Greens
Professor Utonium is also married and has a biological daughter and step-son.
Also, the Rowdyruff Boys might get two moms.
Mean Boys
Elmer Sgloo had never attended a real school after his monstrous rampage through Townsville. But at the ripe age of 17, his parents felt that now was the best time for Elmer to reintegrate with his peers at Townsville Central High. While the Powerpuff Girls are more than happy to show him around on the first day, he catches the attention of the most infamous, dangerous, and out right belligerent triplets to ever live in Townsville; the Rowdyruff Boys. No one has ever had the opportunity to infiltrate their small circle, but after accepting their rather casual lunch invitation, he becomes the Powerpuff's newest pawn to spy on the boys, and investigate their newest weapon, a "Burn Book" crafted from the depths of hell.
Main Ships: Still unsure, I'm almost certain it'll be Reds, Blues, and Greens with Elmer x Julie Bean (she's the Aaron Samuels equivalent), but I think Elmer x Brick would be a cool plot twist (or I'm considering making it one-sided on Brick's end). Idk, it's my newest idea, I'm still working out the details.
Wrapped In A Bow (title pending lmao)
Blossom Utonium's...friendship with Princess Morbucks had never made sense to anyone, not even her sisters. Their intense, competitive nature had led everyone to believe that they hated each other's guts. But ever since high school, the two were peas in a pod. Blossom supported Princess's interest in robotics and was the perfect study buddy, while Princess was the devil on Blossom's shoulder, encouraging her to let loose and have fun.
And once Princess learns that Blossom got into her dream school for grad, she's right at her side in her flying Gucci modded heels, begging for one night out on the town. Clubbing, partying, and drinking were more of her sisters' forte, but Blossom eventually agrees to one night for the hell of it.
What she hadn't expected was a run-in with Brick Keane, another former arch-nemesis of hers, who tags along with the girls.
She wakes up the next morning with articles and videos trending of the three redheads having the time of their lives, and the guilty parties laid next to her naked on her left and right. Possibly dating one former villain was scandalous enough, but two former villains could be quite a handful. Blossom's mostly pristine reputation is now in danger, and if there's anything Blossom cared about, it's about how she's perceived. Could she make this work?
Main Ships: R3ds (Blossom x Princess x Brick), maybe Greens and Blues, but I'm also considering other ships to explore outside of them.
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imwall-e · 7 months
W&TWS || Doubts
Summary : He is a super-soldier of more than 100 year old, struggling to find a place in this new world. She is a young student of 23, struggling with life. But they know they can find comfort and help in each other.
Pairing : Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings : a bit of angst and anxiety, also fluff and always Bucky being the best
A/N : I am back to writing this fanfiction. It is more a journal to me, but it feels good to write like that and to share the story of Bucky and Willow. I hope you love it !
Series Masterlist
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May 10th 2021
The exams had started the week of her birthday. Willow had barely revised, but was still doing her best to answer the questions and write good essays. She had a feeling, however, that it wouldn't be enough, but she was at peace with that. After all, this degree no longer suited her. All she had to do was make a decision: try her luck at the catch-up exams (because yes, she would definitely have to go), or give up altogether.
Strangely enough, her reflections led her to William. They had only been dating a few months, and she had taken just as long to get over what he had done to her. The wound still hadn't completely healed. A new question came to mind: was it a good idea to start a relationship with Bucky?
True, they had only exchanged a kiss, but perhaps everything was still moving too fast? Perhaps she needed to take her time? She wrote down all her anxieties on the paper she'd used for drafts, and promised herself she'd tell Bucky about them the next time they called.
He had gone back to New York a few weeks earlier, and it was difficult for them to communicate. She knew that a long-distance relationship wouldn't work in the long term. Especially in two different time zones.
She didn't want to get too attached like in her previous relationships. But Bucky seemed so kind. So thoughtful. However, bad times in the past forced her to be wary of many things, and many people. Even Bucky.
The teacher supervising the exam indicated that there was still an hour to go before the end of the exam. She glanced at her paper: barely four pages... She sighed, gathered her things, handed in her paper and went home.
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The journey seemed long. Longer than usual. When she arrived, she was greeted only by her dog Dino. Her mother must still be at work. She took the opportunity to relax a little: take Dino for a walk, have something to eat, continue reading a book. Around 6pm, she took a shower and fell asleep a few minutes after getting into bed.
May 11th 2021
When she woke up, it was past midnight. The house was quiet. Her bedroom door was closed, probably by her mother who had preferred to let her sleep in. She reached for her phone and was blinded for several seconds by the brightness.
A few notifications from her group of friends told her that she wasn't the only one who had failed the exam. Dysariel's plan was holding up, which surprised none of them, after all he always got the best marks.
However, it was two other notifications that caught his attention. They were from Bucky:
Bucky Bear At 10.30pm: Hello Sunflower, I hope your day went well and that you managed to pass your mid-term. Give me your availability for tomorrow, I want to call you for your birthday. At 00:00: If my clock in New York is telling the right time for you, it's time for me to wish you a very happy birthday, my Sunflower. I haven't heard from you, so I assume you've fallen asleep. Thinking of you. PS: I also have a surprise for you that should arrive later today.   Sunflower At 00:15: Thank you, Bucky Bear! I'll be available from midday. I don't have any exams in the afternoon. Do I get a hint about my surprise? I'm thinking of you too. Bucky Bear  At 12:16am: Sorry, but if I tell you, it won't be a surprise! I've got to go to one last meeting. Go back to sleep, you need your rest. I can't wait to see you again.
His messages made her smile. He hadn't forgotten her birthday. He was going to surprise her. She had to concentrate on the positives. She wished she could go back to sleep now, but she knew she wouldn't be able to. So she grabbed her computer, plugged in her headphones and started watching videos. 
She was woken up by her seven o'clock alarm, just two hours after going back to sleep. She nearly fell asleep on the train journey to university. 
This morning she had an English grammar exam from nine to noon. However, she already knew that she would get out early because it was the subject she had mastered the most. Two or three exercises were more complicated and she could guess that she wouldn't get all the points. The most important thing was that she would at least pass the subject.
Zephyr, Dysariel, Axel and Ophélia went out more or less at the same time as her. They stayed another hour to eat together at one of the local fast-food restaurants. They talked about everything and anything. And Bucky.
"So," asked Dysariel, "how are things going with your handsome soldier?"
"Fine," replied Willow, blushing. I'm just a bit scared..."
"Of what?"
"That it's going too fast. Besides, the age difference is great, I mean he's over a century old."
They laughed together and all advised her the same thing: they were sure that what was between her and Bucky was special, but she had to take her time and think about her well-being.
Then came the time to go home. Zephyr went first, his parents being stricter about his going-out times. Then it was Ophélia's turn, as she had almost two hours by train to get home. Dysariel had things to do and wanted to revise for the hardest exam on Thursday: US history. Axel and Willow were the last to leave.
They had barely taken a few steps out of the main building when Axel remarked to Willow, "Look who's here." Indeed, Bucky was coming towards them, in a superb black suit. "I've got a train to catch and I think you deserve some time with him. Happy birthday again and see you on Thursday!" Before Willow could reply, Axel had already crossed the pedestrian crossing. When she turned her head towards Bucky, he was standing next to her, a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands.
"Happy birthday, Willow. I hope you don't mind that I came unannounced, I definitely wanted to surprise you." He looked tired but happy to see her again. As for her, she couldn't say a word because she was so surprised. She could only throw herself into his arms.
He held her close. Her long blonde hair smelt of monoi, the scent they both associated with summer. Bucky could already see himself taking her on holiday to the beach, or to New York to meet the people he considered to be his family.
Together they got into the car. "I was thinking we could go for lunch somewhere?" Bucky suggested.
"We've already eaten with the others. Maybe tonight?"
"Yes, of course. Say, I've booked a hotel room for the week, at the park where we spent our first date. We can also spend the day there tomorrow. Are you interested?
"Why not."
Bucky noticed that Willow didn't seem as cheerful as usual. He gently stopped the car at the side of the road, and turned to her, "Is everything all right?" Worry showed on his face and Willow couldn't help crying. There was the stress of the exams, the happiness of seeing Bucky again, the fears that were interfering with her thoughts.
So she told him about all the doubts she had about their relationship. She apologised several times. Bucky took her face in his hands: "Willow, look at me. It's all right, I'm not angry with you. Unless you never want to see me again, we'll take our time. We'll go at your pace. I promise you that. Now, I just want to know if we spend the afternoon and tomorrow together, or if I drop you off at your place?"
"I think I'm scared because of what happened with my old boyfriends."
"Willow, you don't have to tell me about it. Only do it if you want to or if you're ready."
"I am."
"Then we'll talk about it, but let me take you out for dessert. I know when you get really anxious and it calms down, you get hungry right after."
The fact that he remembered little details like this warmed her heart, and a big smile lit up her face. Bucky started the car again, one hand resting on Willow's thigh. Willow put her hand on his. She was already feeling a little lighter.
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I hope you love this chapter, I'm writing the next one ! Do not hesitate to like, comment and reblog if you feel comfortable to do so !
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carcarcraziiv2 · 8 months
Hi! Thank you for my last request! It was amazing! I am so filled with emotions that I wanted to do another request where Reader is Kayn's younger sister. And here's my idea. Reader is still a teenager, but she goes to high school. But like her brother, she has an alter ego. Reader herself is calm and quiet, and is also a pacifist. But her alter ego is her exact opposite. She is very cunning, crazy, and also a skilled manipulator. She can also be aggressive. Once, when Reader was offended, her alter ego brought a kitchen knife with her to school the next day, but she didn't kill anyone, she just scared off the abusers. Because of her alter ego, Reader was nicknamed abnormal. They often say that "she's just as crazy as her brother," but they try to say it outside of Reader's presence because they're afraid of provoking her aggressive personality. Thank you very much!
This is amazingly detailed and a super cool idea, I am excited to write this! Here you gooooo! <3 Thank you so much for your praise on the last one, i was a little nervous about it tbh!
I took a bit more time to actually plan out where I was going with this one. I hope you enjoy it as much as the other one!
CONTENT: Student reader x big brother Kayn. Slight mentions of bullying, seclusion, bringing a weapon to school, mental illness?
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There was nothing you hated more than meeting new people. The past month you had not only done that, but you had moved and ended up at an entirely new school- one with no friends, new teachers, and new classes.
The first few weeks were a nauseous display of meet and greets, teachers trying to understand where you left off at your last school, and you trying to get used to all the new overall.
And the students... your peers... everyone was so difficult and different to the people you had been used to where you lived previously. The stress of everything had been getting to you, and the day you dreaded finally came.
It was a normal Tuesday at first, sitting alone in the library at lunch while reading a horror novel you had found shoved behind some dumb teenage-proof books. Your day had gone smoothly up until then, even though you had felt a tad irritable since waking up.
A girl, one who you could have sworn belonged on the cover of a teen magazine, walked up to you and plopped down. She was loudly chewing gum, ripping her books out of her backpack and slamming them on the table. Unfortunately for you, she saw your glare.
"You don't own the library, you know," she spat at you, flipping her long straight hair over a shoulder.
It was a simple statement, really. You were always so quiet, so reserved.
When her words penetrated your ears, you felt yourself go numb at first. It hadn't happened for so long, you almost forgot what was happening. It was like someone turned you off, your eyes rolling back in your head and a deep breath cascading into your lungs. When your breath released and your eyes reopened, you weren't you anymore.
You were her.
She slammed her book onto the table, standing so abruptly the chair underneath her flew backward.
"Who told you to sit here, of all places?", her- your- voice was loud. Louder than it should be in such a place. You gestured to the multitude of empty tables surrounding the two of you, eyes wide with a craze you felt permeating through your blood, heating you up. "Look at all of those tables! Why here?"
"Jeez, I just sat down somewhere, I didn't think about it," the girl huffed, scooping up her backpack and books without bothering to put them away as she walked to a different table. Your gaze followed her the entire way, hands still flat on the tabletop.
When she sat down and looked at you briefly before turning her attention to her phone, the flip switched again, and you were yourself once more.
A blush rose in your cheeks as you realized what you, no, what she had done. That disgrace that lived within you, the same one that affected your brother.
Your other half, unfortunately. The ying to your yang. The chaos to your neutrality.
You tried to steady your heartbeat and your breathing as you leant down to shamefully pick up the chair and shove it back under the table. Quickly gathering your belongings you scurried out of the library, calling Kayn to pick you up early for the day.
When he arrived, his face was twisted into an expression of concern, eyeing you closely as you hugged your bookbag to your chest and climbed into his shiny black car.
"What happened?" he asked, eyebrows knitted together. You shook your head no, refusing to respond. Holding back your tears was no easy feat as you kept your focus on the school building slowly passing by while Kayn began driving.
You did your best to maintain composure the next few weeks until in passing period you heard two teachers talking about stories they had heard about Kayn from friends at your previous school.
Great, you had thought, apparently even the teachers gossip.
"Two of the same, him and his sister. Is she in any of your classes?" One voice said.
"Yeah, she's so quiet all of the time. I'm certain she will snap at any moment. Didn't you tell me Kayn got into a fist fight with his gym teacher?"
"That's what Sharon told me. What a little freak. I wouldn't be surprised if he's locked up now," you couldn't take it. Naturally you wanted to defend your brother. You could feel through the tension in your body that she did too.
You had to go.
Certain any little thing may trigger her to come out, you shoved your earbuds in with shaky fingers as you made a b-line for the exit.
On the walk home you couldn't stop your thoughts from racing a mile a minute.
Was Kayn really that bad?
Am I going to fist fight somebody?
Please don't come out... Please.
That night went by fast- too fast. Every little thing was upsetting you. It wasn't until you were laying in bed falling asleep while deep in thought that you felt her coming out.
No! You cried internally. But it was too late. Before she had any chance to do anything, your body was already asleep.
The next morning was a blur. Through blinks of haze you saw your hand reaching for a kitchen knife, putting it in your backpack, and getting on the bus. The knife handle was just a little too long, sticking out of the zipper of your bag.
You reached your school, the whole-time sobbing, begging inside your own head to regain control. You just couldn't.
She had consumed your entire being.
You knew she was plotting something nefarious, since the knife was in your bag. You didn't want anything bad to happen, so you tried to focus and regain any sort of your standard conscience.
Before you knew it, you were sitting in the principal's office, the SRO leaning against the wall beside you with his arms crossed. As soon as the teacher saw the handle of the knife in your bag, she dragged you to the principal.
Through the blur, Kayn came in the room. He took one look at you, into your eyes, and spoke to the SRO for a moment. She didn't dismiss the sideways glances from the few teachers in the surrounding office area as you and your brother exited.
"Fuck off! Who do you think you're looking at like that?" Stop! Please be quiet!
Kayn just grabbed your wrist roughly, dragging you along as your other half fought and yanked to go lay your hands upon those giving dirty looks and whispering amongst themselves.
He basically had to throw you in the car to get you to shut up, shoving you in and slamming the door. Your body plopped onto the rough seats and you crossed your arms with a huff, staring out the window as he climbed in and drove away.
"Y/N, you need to come back to me. Can you do that for me, sis?" Kayn's voice was soft, contrary to the stern and somewhat annoyed look on his face. She rolled her eyes in response.
"Why should I let her come back? She is a pushover who would let anyone and everyone talk bad about you as well as herself. Doesn't seem like she can handle the world the way it is," your- her- voice comes out snarky, all the while gazing at the blur of buildings and trees as Kayn drives.
The drive was long, you had to assume he was taking you back to the city you lived before, Kayn pulled onto a remote road right after the city limit sign that led towards a place you were all too familiar with.
The beach.
It was the beach he always retreated too when he couldn't get his other half, Rhaast as he called him, under control. You felt pride in your heart even as your counterpart huffed in annoyance.
Kayn didn't say anything as he put the car in park and walked down the sandy beach toward the oceans waves. For a moment, you felt calm, and you knew she was bound to leave soon.
"I don't want to go," she sighed, fiddling with the hem of the sleeves on your jacket.
Okay... you thought. Maybe we can try and make a deal. We each get our time with boundaries or something... Since we are kind of one in the same.
"Fine," she said, gazing out towards the water where your brother was sitting, his hair flowing in the wind. You felt your heartrate quicken for a moment as your eyes fluttered closed, and you returned to yourself.
You couldn't help it, hyperventilating for a moment before rushing out of the car towards Kayn. You plopped down on your knees in the sand beside him, burying your face into his shoulder as you cried.
He sat in the same position as he was, your head boney on his arm as you sobbed. After a moment he lifted his arms and pulled you into a hug, rubbing your hair with his hand.
"Hey, hey. It's okay," he tried to soothe you. "If you want, I can teach you some tricks to keep her under control."
"I- I- I think I need to do it on my own," you stuttered in response, and he pursed his lips and nodded once.
"If you ever need to breathe, or let loose, let me know. I'll help you, okay? I always come here when I need to think or cool off or just reset in general. Think you can do that, sis? Let me know?"
"Yes, yes," you replied, wiping your nose with the back of your hand as you began calming down. "I don't want anything bad to happen to people. How am I supposed to face everyone at school tomorrow?"
"Oh, yeah. About that, you were kind of... expelled?" Kayn said, a grimace on his face as he weighed out your reaction.
"Fuck," was all you could reply. Kayn rolled his eyes and nodded.
"Don't worry, I'll tell mom and dad I offered to homeschool you," he laughed and you snorted.
The two of you joked around the rest of the time on the beach, taking breaks here and there to just stare off into the crashing waves.
You silently thanked the Gods for your brother. If he wasn't there, what else could have happened?
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lamemaster · 8 months
I Dropped College to Become a Dark Lord
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Genre: Crack, Modern guy in Middle Earth
Pairing: tbh
Summary: At first look, Melkor’s form seemed to be devoid of any sort of essence. A chill ran through the Valar as they considered the possibility of his escape. Tulkas and Orome had almost packed up for their adventure to Middle Earth. But then they had felt it. A sudden surge of life.
AN: I think I am kinda funny. Nothing more.
PART 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
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“So, am I the bad guy?” Derek asked. They had somehow managed to reign in the emotions that ran wild in everyone’s mind. Introductions had been made and Derek got to know that Melkor is the name of the body he currently finds himself in.
“Yeah, no shit Melko- “
“Mandos!” the sky bluish light, who he had come to know as Manwe exclaimed.
Much to Derek’s dismay both the Vala switched back to the horrid Valarin. For beings who were the very source of music, one would expect a language calming, soothing, and sweeter than any other. Valarin…was horrendous. It stung in his ears like the noise of thousand nails scratching a blackboard.
He could understand it but trust him it was not worth it. It was the worst culture shock…worse than finding out his body’s origin.
Melkor, the body he entered, is none other than the ultimate bad boy of this world. A criminal who just barely got his parole on nepotism basis at that. Too bad he isn’t here to rejoice or anything. Derek wondered if the dark lord died or the worse possibility, Melkor switched bodies with him.
It was an amusing thought to imagine the dark lord as an engineering student. If there was anything worse than the endless void, it had to be the dark alleys of STEM. Well, he was glad that the report due the next day was not his problem now.
A distant, saner, part of Derek’s mind was still in the midst of processing the fact that he might indeed be dead in his world. His parents, his siblings, or roommates would find out and they would grieve for him. Or if they would delight in the chance of meeting his dark lord version.
The name Illuvatar had remained in Melkor’s memories, the only name that remained. All else was gone with him and so Derek tried it. ‘Umm…excuse me…Illuvatar are you there?’ Derek tried to talk to the possible god and his creator in this world. He had to be the one who must have had any idea of the stupid situation. ‘Am I still Derek? Or am I truly Melkor with an identity crisis or wait am I future Melkor and I time traveled back here. I mean it would be quiet a fall for Melkor to end up as an engineering student but hey it is a possibility.’ he tried asking, only to ramble and sound stupid in his inner monologue. None replied. Head empty no thoughts.
Well damn. This one’s got to have some daddy issues for sure. Derek wondered as he telepathically tried leaving a message for Illuvatar (don’t ask him how. He’s new to the whole thing. Trust the process).
‘ To Illuvatar, I do not know if this is you or not, but I must tell you I am not Melkor. Like I am in his body and it’s super weird. I don’t know if your feral son is dead (if he can die…) or not. I am just kind of in his body. I hope you can like tell me something about this all.’ P.S.- it's kinda urgent.
Hanging up the metaphorical phone Derek became aware of the quiet room. Manwe was staring at him again. It was the same look. Those puppy dog eyes just screamed of younger sibling energy. The look that siblings got seconds before they burst into tears. A precarious look for any older sibling ever.
Manwe was…bright. It was difficult to imagine how he was related to Melkor. Long white hair, glimmering blue eyes, and blue robes to maintain the angelic aesthetic. Manwe was pure innocence and uncorrupted power at the same time.
Melkor on the other hand. Well… Derek kinda could see himself without a mirror or anything. It was a Valar thing. A perk some would say. Just closing his eyes and he could see his form. He had almost screeched at his own reflection.
Melkor was…handsome. Sexy in the ‘I’ll be your fall from grace’ way. Dark black hair, the darkest there could be. Eyes bright like Manwe’s yet, there were glowing golden with the fervor of molten lava buried in the depth of the Earth. And contrasting such stark features was the palest skin ever. It was unlike Manwe’s healthy and flush tan. No Melkor was the supreme edge lord.
“Brother can you still not hear it?” Manwe asked. Derek, who had zoned out, realized that the focus from the previous quarrel had shifted back on him.
“Hear what?” Derek questioned. Was he supposed to hear something? Oh shit! Did someone call Melkor? It was hard remembering to respond to people when they called someone else’s name. Plus, he wasn’t that keen on the idea of discussing this weird possession with the guy who quite literally was a major simp for his brother. The idea of Manwe finding out his brother’s soul was gone was something scarier than Valarin.
With a barely concealed wince, Manwe replied “Do you not hear the music? The song of Arda? What about Illuvatar can you sense him?” Yikes, am I supposed to Derek wondered? To say or not to say, that is the question.
“I think don’t he can Manwe.” Another one of the Vala spoke instead of Melkor. If Derek remembered correctly, he was Ulmo. The Vala of seas, oceans, and rivers was visible in every facet of his personality and looks. Dark blue hair in the very predictably wavy in the fashion of waves, not that Derek disapproved of it. His first impression of Ulmo was that of the quiet kid who actually turns out to be really smart. The quiet kid you should not mess with. ‘Poseidon, Aquaman,’ Derek’s brain unhelpfully listed.
By the looks of it, Ulmo’s words did not sit well with Manwe. “I mean it is not difficult to see Manwe.” Mandos, the Vala who hated Melkor the most, added in support of Ulmo. It was surprising that even Derek felt the heavy animosity. And Derek was nothing if not dense.
Manwe continued to ignore Mandos and Ulmo collectively. “Can you truly not hear it Melkor?” he asked with an uncomfortably consistent eye contact. From his peripheral vision, Derek could see Varda take a step towards them.
“No,” Derek replied. “I cannot hear music or the song you speak of,” and the air in the room stilled. Everything fell silent as Manwe nodded in acceptance. However, Derek was not done. It was time to rip the bandage.
“I don’t remember anyone. I don’t know you or as matter of fact myse- “
“YOU MORON! WHERE IS MY MAIA?” before Derek could have completed his sentence he interrupted and was then promptly strangled by an unseen force. He truly had not seen it coming.
Put back the bandage he distantly wondered.
The room erupted in Chaos as Varda jumped in to save Manwe, who jumped in to save Melkor, who was attacked by Aule who was simultaneously being pulled away by Yavanna.
Chaos came to Valinor. Yet not the chaos that rained destruction but the chaos that mingled with the order to retain the world.
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“He…he has returned.”
In the darkest canopy of unvisited forests, a voice whispered with a trace of hysterical joy. The sole existence of those woods. A shadow that lamented in unlit lands.
Once glazed eyes caught the first reflection of the light they once held. Ashen gray hair ignited as if a fire rekindled. Hair that now changed into the blistered red shade of flames. Gone was the lament and mourning.
Mairon had come to life.
“Master Melkor returned,” the silent trees of bleak woods shivered with fear as the fire captured them in its grasp.
With a crazed smile, Mairon wondered if it was time to go get his master back to their lands. Utumno would be rebuilt, and order would be restored.
So, it began as Mairon started making his way to Valinor.
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habken · 9 months
oh my gosh fellow animation student !! I love learning about other people's art school experience, if you'd be willing to share? I think the diversity of assignments and teaching styles and focuses is cool 🩷 love your art as well !!
Yeah I can share a bit ! I’ve really enjoyed the program so far, I think I’ve learned a lot and I’ve gotten the chance to use programs I wouldn’t have access to usually!
First semester I had 9 classes (I’m counting story lab + lecture as two separate ones) and it was honestly pretty difficult to keep up with the workload, especially because I was still finishing up zine work. I had so many assignments, there were many weeks I’d have something due everyday, sometimes multiple things in the same day, so time management was a big struggle and I ended up having to sacrifice the amount of drawing I did for fun and for socmed </3 I think that was the biggest bummer cause it meant I lost both what helped me relieve stress and something that made me happy :/
While the work was intense and time consuming, I really did enjoy what I was making for each class. My favourite classes were character design, storyboarding, and animation. I felt like they were the ones I did best in and I realized loved my animation teacher her classes were really fun and I laughed a lot lol. I also really enjoyed my life drawing class, I have a lot of respect for my teacher, he marked harshly but I learned so much under him and my life drawing skills have improved a lot since september. He also collects bones and brought them in and it was super cool. He told us all the stories of were he’d picked them up, like asking farmers or finding roadkill and cleaning them.
Overall in each class, I really appreciated the critique I’ve gotten and I feel like I’ve really improved! I actually dropped out of art school before and one of the main reasons was because I felt like I wasn’t really getting anything out of the program. My stuff was nowhere near perfect but I was one of the better students so teachers used my stuff as an example rather than see me as a student that also was there to learn. I hated that so I left, and I’m really happy I don’t feel that way in the program I’m in now!
What I will say though is one of the hardest lessons to learn is that you can’t go 100% on every single thing, it’s just straight up impossible unless you don’t take care of yourself and get no sleep. It sucks because you want to do your best and be amazing at everything, but an assignment that’s half assed is better than handing in nothing at all and also better than permanently hurting yourself because you push through the pain and don’t allow yourself any rest.
One of the things that sucked the most assignment wise was my bone portfolio for life drawing, I had so much planned out and I really wanted to do amazing, but I had to cut a lot out to get it done on time, and so the finished project was lacking a lot. I got a decent mark for it, but personally I know it could’ve been so much better, and I just have to live with the sacrifice I made so I could get all my work done on time lol
I don’t want to share too much more about the assignments I did, but I was really proud of my work in my character design class and also my last storyboard assignment, where we took part of a script and made new boards based on it. I got a lot of compliments from the teacher about my attention to detail with subtle and human actions. I’m happy cause that’s the kind of stuff I love portraying and love seeing in films haha.
One other thing is I was so close to failing layout, the last two assignments I left until the very end and almost didn’t get them in one time before teacher’s grades were due, and without them I would’ve failed the class. As it stands, I got over a 90 average so the two assignments made a big difference lmao.
Sorry this was so long lol
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natreads · 6 months
Ramblings about uni and the future
I'm trying to make a difficult decision. Since I've spent the last five years trying to break into the publishing industry and mostly failing (I'm freelance but can't get a full time job), I've been thinking very seriously about going back to uni to become a librarian instead. It's not really a career I've ever thought of, or wanted, but the same can be said for publishing. I decided I wanted to go that route when I already had a my bachelors degree. It felt like the "right" path, but I wasn't aware of how difficult it would be. The industry is so closed off, and I'm not very good at putting myself out there, so I've been struggling a lot. Not to mention people keep getting fired left and right so even if I do get in who knows how long that will last. I guess part of deciding to study something else, despite already having a masters degree and over six years of uni studies behind me, is that I feel like I need to essentially give up this dream, which would make the past five years feel like a waste even though I don't necessarily think they are. But I will have to give up the identity I have built around the industry. But I also feel like going another route won't mean I can't one day make it there too. But I also don't want to get another degree just to still be focusing on an industry that's this unattainable. I will have to focus on making it as a librarian instead and the idea of having to properly give up publishing makes me so sad, but I also know it will bring me relief once I actually do it. I need to study something where I will actually find work.
Another issue is that I really really REALLY don't want to study for another three years lmao. I talked to some people and there's a possibility that I COULD skip one semester due to previous studies, but I feel like it will be complicated and also not necessarily set in stone to manipulate the degree like that. I also got the tip to go take a masters instead which is two years, but here are the pros and cons to all of this:
Three year undergrad:
The school I did my BA at, so it's familiar
Since it's undergrad I'm not worried I will fail
Close to home (even if I move)
Unfortunately it's three years
It feels "silly" to get another BA when I could get an MA immediately instead
Two year masters program:
It's only two years
It will probably be hard
Could be done online, but I don't know if I have it in me to sit at home for two years again
It's in another city, but only takes an hour by train to get there
Unfortunately the train (pendeln) SUCKS and is super unreliable
And I would have to pay a bunch each time
But I like the idea of experiencing something new, since I both like the city (it's a college town) and don't think one hour is that bad
Another problem is that we'll be doing lots of group work so I might have to be there a lot which will be annoying
If I knew just HOW often I'd have to go I feel like it would be easier
I'm gonna be moving soonish to an apartment in the city here in Stockholm so I don't wanna move to Uppsala and do student housing, but my lease will only be one year so maybe I COULD during second year. I've never expeirenced student life like that before
Do I really wanna write another fucking masters thesis omg
I like the sound of two master degrees tho lmao
One semester will be dedicated to writing my thesis so I will mostly only have to commute for 1.5 years I guess, which makes the student housing in year two maybe unnessecary? But my lease will be up anyway soooo. In an ideal world I would be doing student housing my first year and then move into the other apartment after, but I can't do that and I don't wanna give up on a great opportunity
We'll be visiting libraries and whatnot and if it's in Uppsala (I kinda assume it is) I will have to figure out the public transit looool
Essentially, I think the undergrad one is safe but longer, while the MA is shorter but scarier. If I do the MA online I will be more comfortable, but also probably lowkey go crazy. Maybe if I knew if and how much I would be working at the bookstore after the summer I would pick the online version, since work would get me out of the house, but none of us know how needed I will be.
I know I need to change lanes, since I'm getting older and I need stability. Working in a library is the next best thing I can see myself doing after publishing (I kinda wanted to do marketing but I've realized it unfortunately goes against a lot of my morals and libraries are ethically the one and only place I stand 100% behind).
Idk if anyone has any insight or advice please lmk I'm so torn
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piracytheorist · 8 months
Tagged by @priscilla9993 a couple days ago but I forgor 😅 so here it comes now!
1. Named after anyone? My grandfather. Here it's super common for parents to name their kids after their own parents (even by using the opposite gender version of a name whenever applicable), though a lot of people nowadays may choose any names they like for their children.
2. Last time you cried? I think it was around mid-November. Stress from moving away and from my new job eventually caught up with me.
3. Any kids? Nope, and don't want any.
4. Sports played/playing? I liked volleyball when I was at school, but now I'm not really that into sports. I'm slightly disabled too so that makes any sporty activities difficult.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes, though I don't like that I do. Working with young people teaches you that not everyone appreciates it.
6. First thing you notice about people? Their eyes usually, and if I'm close enough, their teeth. Kind of an instinctual reaction, that one XD
7. Eye color? Dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, as much as I like the angst before them. Life is too much of a shitshow for me to want more horror and tragedy in my fictional media XD
9. Talents? While I'm still getting used to teaching music in general, from the very beginning it was super easy for me to concentrate whenever I taught and conducted a choir. Now whenever I have a rehearsal I can concentrate on it with my 100% and even forget stuff like headaches, period cramps, lack of sleep, stress, etc. It's funny that the students complain whenever I ask them to get up to sing for a few minutes meanwhile I'm around the classroom standing up for the entire nearly 90 minutes that each lesson lasts.
10. Where were you born? Greece.
11. Hobbies? Uhhh aside from choirs, writing and daydreaming fanfic I guess. I'm not a very interesting person besides that XD
12. Pets? None right now because I'm renting a furnished apartment and don't wanna risk any damages. Otherwise I'd be so into adopting one of the very many stray cats that roam the place I live in.
13. Height? 1.60 (5'2''). My height has been the first and for a long time only trait of my appearance I had absolutely no self-image issue with.
14. Favorite subject in school? I went to a music school, so harmony lessons were what clicked for me. As for general subjects, I think I'd choose math.
15. Dream job? Choir director. I kind of am doing that now, it's just that I have to teach other music stuff in order to fill my schedule. The conditions are pretty bad for a lot of reasons but at least I like the subject I teach. If I can get to a school closer to my hometown and also one with better conditions I'd probably settle for life.
Tagging @fraddit, @killian-whump, @wyntereyez, @jollysailorswan, @buf309, @maimaktes and whoever else is into this, but no pressure!
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