#and eating those little lemon candies all the time
in light of me being a little silly, a little sillier, and finally reaching my silliest peak, I would like to introduce my favorite cringefail loser and give you headcannons about him
- Lester still had slightly purple veins after the possession. it was barely noticeable, but his blood, and therefore his veins, were a little darker. he just never points this out
- Lester had a little bit of a scuffle trying to get to California in the burning maze, and he literally never told anyone. just as a little silly. this is why he wanted maple lemon cronuts. he got in a fight at some random bakery (beacuse he wanted to get food for everyone) and he managed to snag food for everyone but himself
- Apollo visits Sweet on America, the place Sally used to work, and he'll get different candies his kids like, or he thinks they'll like. he is surprisingly successful at this, and now he keeps candy on his person at all times, like a grandma does
- Lester's complaints about memory loss were valid, for one. but the second thing? just for a lil spice, I think trying to access those memories hurts him just a little, enough for the brain to try and block those memories out. that's why his memory is super faulty. his brain is literally working against him
- Lester is checked over by Meg after every fight they have after The Big Stab™️, and she feels extra guilty when she finds out how tarquin was turning him into a zombie
- Lester was separated from Meg in a crowd once, while they were getting to the Tower of Nero. he flipped his ever-loving shit and proceeded to yell her name so loud he broke a window. Meg never got separated from him again
- Meg will do this thing where she will mispronounce words on purpose beacuse she knows that it annoys Lester. Lester eventually uses those mispronounciations in multiple haikus, and presents them to Meg in a written and stage performance. Meg has never been so annoyed and so touched in her life once she remembers that those were her mispronounciations. she then demands financial compensation for her words being used in said haikus
- Apollo (post ToA) does actually help herophile start some game shows. he gets her a nice setup and everything, and she soon becomes well known for her successful shows, both on normal channels and Hephestus TV.
- Meg eventually goes out and sees the ToA books on some bookstore shelves, and buys the entire series. she gets a lot of secondhand embarrassment due to Lester sometimes, but she enjoys re-living some good memories with her dummy. plus she likes hearing what the Arrow of Dodona actually had to say.
- Conversely, Apollo literally shrivels up in a ball when he finds out that Meg read the entire book series. he just lays there with his hands over his face while his kids swarm Meg to get her to show them the books. Apollo does not want to live through that, but he stays as they read the entire story. they all end up in a massive cuddle pile by the end
- Eventually, Artemis meets Meg. she kinda likes her by the end, but is somewhat jealous of the sibling relationship she has with Apollo. Apollo just likes seeing his two sisters get along. Meg, however, is a little conflicted as well. This is her annoying dummy, and someone else telling Apollo that, even in jest, grates on her a little (unless he deserved it. then she adds on)
- Apollo really likes fries. The big reason is they are cheap, and he would get a meal with the money they had at some gas station or fast food place, and give Meg the meal and just eat (and share) the fries. He did this right up to The Burning Maze, but only beacuse Aloe Vera kinda snitched on him to Grover. Aloe Vera only found out when she saw him climbing back down into the maze to eat the strawberries.
- Meg was super upset when she found out about the fry thing. Apollo insisted he was fine, and that he didn't need as much food as her, since she was still growing. She was a little more mad when she realizes she had been growing food that was meant to help in combat, and Apollo had to double back to get some, or he went hungry.
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copperbadge · 2 months
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Hey look, it's a little Post Office Bounty!
@janedrewfinally sent me some postcards and some snacks -- three flavors of chips, daikon hard candy, and "corn chocolate" which is basically rice krispy treats with puffed corn. I'm trying to be better about actually tasting and discussing the flavor of foodstuffs people send me, which I have not been tops about in the past, so have some tasting notes!
The deep dish pizza flavor was pretty great -- not what I think of as typical pizza flavor for chips, which are often really heavy on tomato and oregano -- these were more like a mild garlicky version of cheddar cheese lays. I had to be a little careful with the Kyushu Seaweed flavor, because when I bit into them I got a hint of the same flavor that companies use to make sweetcorn flavored crisps and pretzels, and something in it gives me stomach upset, but I can eat a few once in a while and be okay. Very nice otherwise -- it does have that mineral tang of seaweed, which is a flavor I very much enjoy.
The citrus flavored crisps (on the right, with the lemon on the front) worried me, I won't lie :D They were fine, but very, very citrusy -- like eating a lemon bar with a potato chip crust, which actually is kind of a nice salty-sour combo.
The corn chocolate bars are pretty awesome, I won't lie, especially since I don't normally much like puffed corn. The daikon candy has a nice flavor but very strong -- I may need to take those to the next party I go to and share them around, I don't think I can eat very many. They smell nice too, though!
So all in all, a package of deliciousness, if a little strong at times :D Thank you!
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TWST Cast Food Order Series - Coffee Shop
Idk it seems like fun and I want to do their subway orders eventually so if you have a req drop it. Also, gonna update my tags Eventually, but this will be the first post that refers to Jack T., Che'nya, Najma, Neige, Falena, Rollo as 'twst side characters'
Riddle Typically, Riddle has a lot of rigidity regarding food and drink, and what he will or won't allow himself to have. However, as he starts to work through it all he eventually gets to the point where he feels comfortable ordering a small London Fog (Earl Grey Latte basically, with vanilla syrup) and a cake pop if he's feeling indulgent, though usually he just asks Trey for them. Even farther into the future, he'll indulge in getting himself a small white hot chocolate with 2 pumps of strawberry syrup because then it's basically drinking chocolate-covered strawberries....it just takes him a while to get there. (He always spells his name out when the barista asks, he learned after getting Ridelle on his cup)
Trey Whenever he makes candied violets, he also has violet syrup. He tends to carry a small vial on him when he goes out because if he's going to pay for tea, he's going to make sure it turns out perfectly. He typically gets a medium iced lemon herbal tea and he adds his syrup to it for just the right touch of sweetness. (Always gives a name like. Batman or some shit, especially when his siblings are around)
Cater Coffee connoisseur. You might think he's a basic bitch, but to me a basic bitch still means he's getting some sort of sweetener in his drinks and he is Not. Cater cannot STAND drinking a lot of drinks that go viral because they're so damn sweet. That all being said. Yeah, he's getting a large iced latte with skim milk. He won't have normal milk because of the fat content, but the other milk alternatives tend to have a sweetness to them naturally. He could get an iced black coffee or cappuccino, but he likes the ratio of a latte better. Iced black coffee is reserved for exam week LMAO it keeps him awake in more ways than one. Those spicy drinks that circulated at Starbucks? He definitely tried one. Didn't finish it. (Has had his name spelled as Carter. So. Many. Times.)
Deuce He likely won't have gone to a coffeeshop until he's at NRC so he's a little overwhelmed by the menu and what to order. I think he would go for a small frozen hot chocolate because it's familiar enough that he thinks it sounds good, but it's still something new and he doesn't know how to make it himself yet. Once he starts going more regularly though, I think he would really like REALLY sweet frappes. Like large cookie frappuccinos whether it be chocolate crumble or sugar cookie it does not matter lskjdfhlksdjf (has had his name spelled as Doose)
Ace Having a regular latte does not satisfy his sweet tooth, though he'll have one here and there. Ace likes trying lots of different drinks, but the one he always comes back to is a large iced white mocha, no whipped cream. (In relation to my MC, the no whipped cream thing was a change he made because he knows she likes eating the ice and he drinks slower than she does, so by the time she finishes the ice in her drink, he gets to pretend like he didn't time finishing his drink just in time to let her have the ice 'like a fucking weirdo, but okay' but the whipped cream always leaves a weird fatty residue on the ice that she hate). Ace is also a sucker for peppermint hot chocolate when it's in season. (Straight up had his name written as 'ass' on the cup which is the ONLY reason he doesn't tease Deuce about his spelling)
Savannaclaw (just assume pup/cubcups are implied LMAO)
Leona Ugh this pretentious bitch /lh. Flat white is too boring, lattes are the basic bitch drink, this has too much 'coffee flavour', this needs more milk YEAH I'M SURE IT DOES KITTY. Anyways, when he's alone, he gets himself a small cup of just steamed milk, with like a half pump of (sweet) vanilla syrup. When he's around other people he gets a Cafe Cubano, which is an espresso shot prepared with brown sugar. It's a small enough portion that's sweet enough he can get over not having milk in it, but he's not Jazzed about it LMAO he just doesn't want to get the milk in front of other people my poor baby man. He sometimes gets a Cortado, but he can never remember what to call it. (Refuses to give a name, just goes by the name of the order, or he's just called by his title)
Ruggie My man works so hard. He and coffee are best friends. He and Silver bond over coffee sometimes. It's beautiful slkdjfhlksdjfsdf In the mornings, he tends to make himself a large double-double coffee, which for non-Canadians means 2 milk, 2 sugar in drip coffee. In the afternoon, around 2pm, he makes himself a small iced dulce de leche latte. When he goes to coffeeshops, he goes because he wants something he can't make/imitate at home as easily....which would be a vanilla coconut cashew smoothie. (Vanilla ice cream, coconut milk, cashew butter and protein powder). He would have a fresh fruit smoothie, but he can't enjoy fresh fruit without feeling like he should share it with his siblings because it's a hot commodity, it's a luxury for them. Frozen fruit is cheaper and easy to make into smoothies, so he makes them a lot at home. Of course, if he's at a coffeeshop, he's going to get a donut too. (Has never paid attention to the spelling of his name, doesn't care)
Jack He cannot handle caffeine my poor baby, he would be so jittery and anxious. He is a fresh fruit smoothie guy, and also he cannot stand matcha (Vil made him try it at one point). He likes blueberry-acai banana smoothie with greens, yogurt, and protein powder. Otherwise, Jack will just get a small chamomile tea with honey as sweetener. (His name is always right and his tail wags when the barista throws on a happy face next to his name.)
Azul Azul tends to drink Milky Oolong tea, because of the health benefits. Does he like the flavour. Debateable, I don't know I haven't had this drink I can't tell you if I think he does or not. Probably. I read somewhere it kinda tastes nutty or like Danish cookies. When he goes to an actual shop though, he tends to get an Americano. (Assule, Asul, Azhoole, he tends to spell his name out for people now too)
Jade Not a coffee or sweets guy. We know that he's fascinated by the varie-tea (badum tss and I immediately get hit in the head with a chancla) that tea has to offer. I think Jade has had caffeine once and like. You know how humans. kind of have exposure to caffeine as kids even in small amounts, like in chocolate, or in stuff like certain sodas. Mers don't get that. They don't get that exposure at all. Jade on caffeine was a terrifying experience for any and everyone involved and he is not allowed to have more, nor will he allow himself to have any because dear great seven he swears he saw God and he doesn't even know who that is. That being said, Jade likes Jasmine herbal tea, while he prefers it piping hot and just a touch sweet, he isn't opposed to having it iced. His favourite blend is good either way, as it has rose hips, hibiscus and orange peel. He also enjoys Chaga mushroom tea. (His name is generally spelled correctly)
Floyd Like I said. Mers don't get that exposure to caffeine that other species in TWST do get. However Floyd, to me, has ADHD. And what does my ADHD do to me sometimes when I drink caffeine? I pass the fuck out, orrrr I'm finally able to focus because caffeine is a stimulant and makes everything better!! (This is why I would down an extra large iced vanilla latte right before exams LMAO) Floyd doesn't care so much about the flavour than he does it's effects, so he generally just asks what drink has the most caffeine and gets that, usually a large nitro cold brew, and he tells the barista to surprise him with a flavour just NOT salted caramel flavour. (He gives a random name every time)
Kalim ADHD 2.0 but addiction is just a general worry for his family, so Jamil makes sure he only makes herbal teas, and smoothies. That being said, left unattended Kalim would order whatever tea a barista recommends. Otherwise, he gets a mango lassi. He also often enjoys any flavour of lemonade, carbonated or otherwise.
Jamil Aw man. This guy. Needs so much caffeine, and as much as he enjoys tea, Kalim only serves herbal tea, but Jamil doesn't mind too much how sweet he makes it. When he's in the mood for it, Jamil will make his own chai blend. However, when he wants caffeine, he'll consume it in a way that would make Rollo think he's a demon. He will order a nitro cold brew, and a 2 bags of green tea on the side. He will then microwave the cold brew to make it hot and steep the green tea in it. Using Starbucks as a baseline, a large nitro cold brew has 345 mg of caffeine. One bag of green tea has anywhere between 30-50 mg of caffeine. A 'safe' amount of caffeine to consume in a day is considered 400 mg.
Vil We already know that Vil's favourite food is homemade smoothies- So when he goes out of his way to go to a coffeeshop, he's not going to pay for a smoothie, unless it's right after a run with Jack. Vil's order fluctuates with the weather and time of day. If he's getting something in the early morning (5:30am-7am) and it's cool outside, he's getting a flat white with soy milk. If it's warm out, he'll get an iced Macchiato with soy milk and cinnamon. If it's mid-late morning (8am-11am) and it's cool out he gets a medium americano, though if he's feeling indulgent he gets a honey vanilla tea latte with skim milk. If it's warm out, he gets a medium vanilla oat milk cold brew or a strawberry acai lemonade if he's again, feeling indulgent. He won't consider drinking anything until about 2pm, which, if he needs something caffeinated he goes for an iced matcha latte with oat milk regardless of the weather. In the evening, (4pm-6pm) he avoids caffeine and will either drink a small decaf iced lavender latte with oat milk or decaf green tea. Once in a while, Vil will try ordering something new. If he ends up liking it, that time of day is associated with that drink, so that would be the time of day he orders it again. the Vil in my head is telling me just how hard he has to mask when a coffeeshop doesn't have the thing he wants to order and how some of these orders. he doesnt even like. but he knows that they won't be out of the ingredients because it's Just the coffee and a milk alternative. So They Can't say they Can't Make it so he doesn't have to worry about needing to mask.his day is ruined if it's a day he wants to be indulgent and they dont have the ingredients but he has to try and hide like he is crying on the inside and he feels stupid about it because its just a drink I cant tell if it's OCD or Autism but there's a little something funky going on/lh
Rook He is well aware of the effects caffeine has on him. They aren't bad per ce, but he doesn't particularly appreciate the gastrointestinal consequences. He also doesn't really find the appeal in super sweet drinks. Most of the time, Rook just wants iced lemon water, though on nights he struggles to wind down enough to go to bed, he'll brew himself or order rooibos tea with a splash of milk. The smell is the most comforting thing about it, he remembers his sister used to make it for him.
Epel He says he's not a snob, yes he is, if you don't have apple cider, you suck, if you do have apple cider but it's a 'bad brand' you still suck, just a little less. That being said, a lot of coffee shops don't have apple flavoured drinks, and he likes making apple cider at home anyways. When Epel is out and about, he likes to order a large iced decaf maple latte. He always whispers the decaf part like it's a bad thing he can't actually have caffeine or else he turns into the squirrel from Hoodwinked. (Get's called Apple a lot, also Elle once or twice)
Idia Do you seriously think this guy goes to a coffeeshop? No, it's 3am, he's on UberEats/CarriageBites, he's put in an order for a bunch of energy drinks and some of those iced coffee bottles, he throws an energy drink and probably a salted caramel cold brew in one of those SUS slushy cups, makes it slushy and downs it in less than two minutes. Get on his level. Noob. I say this as someone who drinks a near liter of an iced vanilla 'americano' in less than two minutes.
Ortho Is worried about his brother. He also loves the smell of cinnamon coffee cake.
Malleus He's so lost in a coffee shop. He will spend a moment to read over the menu, realizes he needs to research the different kinds of coffee drinks before he feels comfortable ordering one, only for him to decide on having a coffee frappe. The caffeine has no effect on him so he drinks it purely for the taste.
Lilia Who do you think taught Idia to be a fucking caffeine gremlin. This motherfucker isn't even affected by the caffeine he just likes the taste of his abominable combinations and accidentally got Idia hooked. The only step Lilia doesn't do is the slush, he prefers his energy drink-coffee combo to be room temperature. Freak \lh
Silver He has Lilia as his father. Jamil and Ruggie as his peers. And Cater Diamond as a fellow coffee fanatic. This boy tries so hard to use caffeine to keep him awake, his coffee order scares the barista. (This was based an actual order I got from some guys FRIENDS because this poor dude was studying for engineering finals week, we were told not to worry about the price because they were willing to pay, and we had to give them like. Four warnings about the caffeine content. It ended up being 12 shots of espresso over ice in a 24 oz cup) He wants the biggest cup they can give him. He wants it filled with just straight espresso shots. Let me just iterate - one ounce of liquid espresso typically has about 63mg of caffeine. 12 espresso shots, using 63 mg caffeine as a baseline is 756 mg of caffeine. I don't know where that college student is now but god bless. I hope his friends took away the coffee at some point.
Sebek He doesn't like black coffee, I do think he likes particular types of coffee. Like the coffee that doesn't taste like coffee. However, his go-to order is still just a piping hot cup of hot chocolate. Also pleeeease give him the steamed milk art/latte art, he loves it more than he'll admit.
Jack T. Jack has a running joke on Ace where he only drinks black coffee in front of him, each time claiming some sort of delicious or exotic flavour just for Ace to fall for it every time when he offers it and it's just black coffee...but every once in a while, it's magically cloaked Vietnamese iced coffee, but Jack won't tell Ace the name just to piss him off because Ace really likes it but he can't place what's different about it from normal coffee with sugar and milk.
Che'nya As chaotic as our favourite purple cat is, I think Che'nya is partial to a rich, thick French vanilla. I think he likes the smell more than he likes drinking it, but yeah, it's just a yummmmmmmmy drink. He gives his full name out and just. :3 at the barista.
Falena He has a latte macchiato, much like Leona, he likes his coffee to be milk heavy lmao
Najma She doesn't usually drink anything for caffeine, when she does though, it's usually her brother's chai LMAO, but she'll make it an iced chai latte. Unfortunately, I HC her as iron deficient so this isn't always. The Best Choice. When she wants a coffee flavour, she gets it in the form of ice cream or in a mocha.
Neige Doesn't drink caffeine because it's an addictive substance. Yes Vil has mocked him in his bedroom at some hour in the morning hate listening to an interview with him in it. Fucking. Golden Child. (lh) When Neige goes to a coffeeshop he usually just goes to pick up a pastry and tip the barista. He sometimes has chamomile tea before bed but with enough sugar to rot your teeth.
Rollo Every once in a while he treats himself to a decaf con panna and madeleines on the side.
----------------------------------------------------- Rapid Fire OC Orders Vizzie - Iced white mocha, no whipped cream, or iced vanilla americano/latte
Aspen - matcha latte with lavender foam and honey
Oisin - Bicerin with cinnamon on top
Cory - Romano (weirdo) /lh ----------------------------------------------------- Taglist: *DM or send an ask if you'd like to be added @fluffle-writes
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lyrakanefanatic · 11 months
Tig character hcs except this time it’s not their kids and just them!!
- I just KNOW the hawthornes made vines, and then Nash would have to be the one to edit and record them all 💀💀
- max used to make taylor swift music videos and then have her brother record them (yes, she has a brother that’s mentioned like once in the first book 💀💀)
- Avery is taller than libby by like 🤏 much
- Jameson “hates” cats but pets every cat he sees
- Libby used to make baking tutorials when she was 12
- Xander met maxs parents once and then was traumatized by them ever since (he’s scared of them)
- grayson has a 7 step skincare routine
- Xander once tried to surprise tackle nash but accidentally gave him a concussion so he was banned from doing that for a couple months 💀
- avery and Jameson have movie marathons that consists of eating Libby’s desserts and binge watching classics (or horror movies)
- grayson has a light blue skincare fridge
- when xander was little he tried to smuggle candy so he could eat it late at night and then they got maggots living in his room after that 💀
- Tobias was soooo mad
- libby has fed more cupcakes than she would like to admit to tiramisu
- thea used to have “fashion runway shows” in her bedroom, which meant wearing 748248 different pieces of clothes ontop of one another, and somehow managed to convince little xander to do it with her
- he still has the photos to haunt him to this day
- Grayson will NEVER EVER EVERRR admit it, but he likes rom coms. So sometimes, when it’s late at night and everybody else is asleep, he will binge watch a romcom or two. It’s his guilty pleasure and as much as he pretends to hate them and gaslights himself into thinking they’re cringe, he still loves them
- Rebecca never really got much attention from her mother, but sometimes Tobias would spend the day with her and show her cool puzzles. She would always look forward to those days, as it’s the one time she doesn’t have to worry about pleasing Emily (💔)
- Nash definitely had a girlfriend when he was 13 and when they broke up he started wearing all black and turned emo for two weeks. When his little brothers started catching on and asking Tobias what happened, he would just say “nash is going through a phase 😇”
- before Jameson learned Latin, he learned all the bad words and then started saying them to EVERYBODY (Tobias shut it down pretty quickly, but then they had to actually learn Latin so there wasn’t much Tobias could really do about it 💀)
- max almost died once because she decided to go ham on the pills that her parents had on the top cabinets
- Avery watched every single chipmunks movie about a million times because her mom used to think they were HILARIOUS
- when Gigi was little, she was sooo clumsy and would break everything, so it got to a point where even when Savannah would accidentally break a vase or something gigi would still get the blame for it 💀
- Grayson chased Jameson around the house with a knife once
- when they were little the Hawthornes would take April fools sooo seriously, which meant multiple things exploding, whipped cream being thrown in peoples faces, and just so much more chaos
- xander was a slime kid when he was little. He would have sooo much slime and would be constantly making it, and he also tried to do those “making slime without glue” things 💀
- when Avery was born and Libby saw her as a baby, she was so happy and was crying because she’s always wanted a little sister 💖💖:(
- max had a dream one time where Xander cheated on her so she called him crying at 2:54 AM while being half asleep and shouting about how he could do this to her
- she hung up not long after that and went back to sleep, but when she woke up she realized it was a dream (she still gets made fun of for it by xander to this day)
- xander asks libby if she can make him blueberry and lemon scones because they’re “better when she makes it” 🫶🫶
- when Rebecca and Xander were little, they tried storing WILD ANIMALS under xanders bed because they wanted a zoo 💀
- one of the animals ate through the walls, so that’s how Tobias found out
Okay I think that’s all!!! Lmk if u want me to do more, bc it’s actually rlly fun lmao
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b3llasdears · 5 months
"sweetest girl"
Ares/leonidas x goddess of sweets! Reader
I had a vision and I had to execute it (*´∀`*)
English is not my first language so excuse me for any mistake!
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● Let's face it, this man has a sweet tooth.
● haven't you seen the amount of candy there is on the tables from where they watch the fights?!
● so yea, you are basically his dream come true
● i mean, a beautiful, sweet, loving woman, who loves him even if he is a crybaby, and that can create in massive quantities one of the things he enjoys most in his immortal life?!
● Finally a higher being took pity on him and let him be happy?
● For your part, it always seemed ironic to you that the god of war was such a sweet guy, that was one of the things why you were attracted to him.
● the fact that you started to get along was a complete coincidence, one day Ares was eating a sweet and you appeared and told him that you really liked that type of sweets, and there you stayed talking while he listened to you
● although the truth is you like all kinds of sweets
● the relationship between you two RADIATES sweetness, not only because you are incredibly affectionate, but also because you are always eating sweets when you are together.
● your favorite date (and the only one you have if we're honest) is sitting at a table in the garden of Valhalla while eating sweets and drinking tea.
● the sweets are running out? no problem! a movement of your hand and there's more
● the best part of all this? you are gods! no diabetes, no fat
● well, maybe a little fat, but at least you didn't care, you are a goddess of sweets, what did they expect?
● in conclusion, your relationship is as sweet as a chocolate cake, and your dear Ares is sweeter than an entire table of sweets (phrase you used to make him blush) (it worked)
● He is like an intermediate, he likes sweets, and he also likes salty things, he likes both.
● although between us he definitely prefers salty things
● thing that makes the relationship between you a great irony
● you try to get him to try more sweets, but he rejects each time, making you sad and he ends up eating so that you are not sad
● He knew from the beginning that you were a goddess, so he was somewhat hostile at the beginning, but over time he grew fond of you.
● thank his army in part for that, those men loved you from the moment they found out that you could create sweets with magic and you also liked to bake
● you felt a little guilty when leonidas made them do extra exercises because they were gaining weight thanks to you feeding them all the time
● For his part, he sees you as a sweet and innocent woman, someone who needed protection even being a deity
● on your side, he is a serious and somewhat grumpy man, But in private he was a sweet Man who loved you
● Leo still remembers when he met you, or rather, the first time he saw you, he was passing by and saw you with a little girl who was crying for some reason, and you were trying to calm her down. suddenly you turned around and made a hand movement making a lollipop appear, giving it to the girl making her stop crying.
● that day he realized two things, 1. you were definitely not human 2. you were kind
● I feel that he is not as affectionate as Ares, but he is still affectionate, kisses and compliments from time to time, things like that
● thanks to you he discovered that he had a taste for sweets that contained lemon, They are sweet, but not too sweet, that's why he likes them
● but he doesn't eat them much , let's remember that this poor man is still human and gains weight
● in conclusion, Leonidas is like a lemon pie, sweet and sour at the same time, and you are his whipped cream, you make him the sweetest!
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Is it necessary that I add Leonidas to all of my works? Yes, next question
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who1ssheesh · 6 months
Fluff Xanxus promts
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From prompt list by @novelbear
Notes: I love his so much I wanted to cry while writing this. He is OOC and I’m not sorry, I truly believe big scary characters have the softest souls.
Warnings: OOC, not proofread at all, English is still not my native language (maybe one day idk I way told you gotta drink a potion for that), sweating as always, a droplet of sadness
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⋆ Always giving the other the first bite of their food
You think Xanxus is bitching again. Maybe it’s all about an almost shoe cook for the reason your man himself couldn’t explain, but who could be sure. He is creaking the plate with a fork messing his untouched meal, and you swear to god are trying to be patient.
You mutter under your nose and get back to your phone, leaving Xanxus alone with his mood swings.
Until you feel something touch you cheek - too hot and too good smelling to be his lips or tongue.
“The hell are you doing?”, with a confused gaze you look at Xanxus holding out some steak piece on a fork.
“Shut the fuck up and eat”, he doesn’t sound irritated as usual though, more like…passive. Even calm you could say, but Xanxus is never calm, right?
“Is my man pampering me?”, you cannot help but smile, especially pointing out those words he oh so much likes, and shake your head coquettishly.
“Just making sure my food isn’t poisoned, brat”, Xanxus answers with a slight smirk that doesn’t go past your eyes.
⋆ Keeping a few of their favorite snacks in the house for when they visit
Xanxus is not domestic at all. A bit whiny cat that comes by your house from time time for the longest time. At least that’s what he thinks, after some times you notice ок is around your apartment more times than he is absent, which allows you to find out some of his habits. Sleeping on a specific side for example. The way Xanxus keeps bumping your leg when he wants you attention or…him having the sweetest tooth in the world.
It started with a cheesecake. You didn’t pay much attention, because eating everything in your house and leaving is pretty Xanxus, to be honest here. But then you see that only certain sweets disappear, it feels as if a very big scary bulky mafioso visits you just to steal candies. He, it seems, enjoys something on a lighter side, not too sweet - cakes with fruits for their little sourness, bitter coffee flavored chocolates. He does indeed enjoy pastry and “fancy” patisserie goods but hates caramel, to this day you wonder why.
You have to admit, getting cakes almost on a daily for Xanxus does bite your wallet - just imagine, this almost two meter high thick man eats twice as much, if not trice, as you.
“You like lemon cheesecakes, huh?”, he occasionally asks while passing by. “You ass gonna become fat”, he threatens you with his finger, and you smirk at his humor despite him having a deadpan usual face - you just feel when he is in a frisky mood.
“You like thick ass, don’t you?”
Xanxus barks a laugh in return
“I think I want to try a matcha cake roll from the new bakery nearby”, you nonchalantly add, smugly looking at his broad back.
“I think you want a rosemary lemon one.”
“What makes you think so?”
“Cause you like the taste, idiot”.
You look at Xanxus checking his gun and getting ready to leave and can’t help but smile way too fondly for your liking.
“Yeah, I think you are right”
Xanxus used to have caramels as a child - very rarely, and his poor mother surely tried her best despite her condition to find at least a couple of them hoping to make her son happy just a little. She used to hide them all around their place, and Xanxus didn’t even realize it was her, being proud with his detective work and annoyingly sniffing around. It didn’t feel the same with Nono, maybe the blood and tears spoiling the taste despite the unthinkable about of money his father could and would throw his way. But it’s…funnier with you. Because Xanxus can again play a smiffing all around detective and find a delicious prize there. You are not dumb and certainly catch something with your foxy witty eyes and mischievous smile and jokes here and there but keep playing along. This small game puts Xanxus” torn soul…at ease.
But you shouldn’t know any of that, he will selfishly keep memories of his dear mother to himself the same way he did with those caramels, and sometimes he can feel pouty because you will never understand how much this small gesture from you means to him.
He doesn’t eat caramels though. Brings back bitter memories.
⋆ Kisses. on. the. tip. of. the. nose.
⋆ Zipping or buttoning their jacket for them
Xanxus is already a pain in every place possible and he makes sure he is the biggest one all the time. It’s not easier in the slightest when he is injured and getting angry because of his lack of autonomy.
You look at his swearing - which is feting louder every second - and thin your lips, not sure what to do. Yes, he has said some rude words to you. Yes, you know that your feelings matter, but realizing where Xanxus has his mood come from softens you.
You sigh in defeat, looking at his pathetic attempts to button up his shirt while having one of his arms is broken - even putting in on was a sight to see, to be fair. You don’t say a word and don’t even look up at your partner, buttoning his shirt with a frown but being so delicate, as if you can hurt one of he most dangerous people around.
Xanxus doesn’t object a bit, patiently - which is an achievement for him - waiting for you to finish, and here you both are just silently standing here and not moving anywhere.
You look up at Xanxus and he rolls his eyes in return as if not to look at you on purpose.
Your heart sings just by looking in his eyes and you cannot help but stand on your tiptoes and cup his face. Kissing the tip of his nose, you smile at his wincing face and leave one more kiss. And more. And more. Until you finally leave your butterfly touch on his lips.
⋆ Waiting until they safely reach the front of the door or get inside before driving off
Xanxus has been trying to show he’s serious, starting with driving you himself instead of sending a chauffeur, and you are glad he sis this. Both of you feel comfort in a shared silence, his hand rubbing your hip or even nipping sometimes so you don’t fall asleep, is so hot to the touch it almost burns your skin. Xanxus doesn’t like when you get to your house, because he doesn’t want to let you go, and he doesn’t give a shit you have certain needs…like sleeping at night.
Every time you walk out of the car, he does so too, and you never understand why since he’s not the one to give a hug as a goodbye - making out in the car is pretty much enough.
“Why are you keep standing there when I go home?”, you ask one day.
You get out of the car, and Xanxus does so too again. He puts his hands in his pockets, no cigarettes visible anywhere and knowing his shitty humour you are certain that was one of those dumb jokes.
You go to the building and turn around before entering and you see Xanxus drilling a hole in your back with an intense gaze.
“Hey, my house could be very dangerous too, you never know”, you start, and he lifts his brow. “Maybe you just start staying overnight?”
Xanxus grins.
⋆ Doing their makeup for them
Sleepy Xanxus is a sight to behold. His dve is still wet from the water - he hasn’t even used a towel after washing his face and even cuter you find him unable to even open his eyes, wrinkling his nose and muttering some curses with a hoarse voice.
You cant help but smile and squish his cheeks - non-existent basically because he has pronounced masculine cheekbones but you are she with the amount of candies he is going to get those eventually - and Xanxus growls.
“I will murder your family.”
“Love you too, babe.”
With a loud growl Xanxus buries his nose in your neck while you try to understand how his feather accessory is supposed to be attached to his hair.
You are not sure, but by the time you finish you think he has fallen asleep again. You just kiss the back of his head and entwine your hands around his shoulders.
Before shaking him violently with all the strength you have.
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mrplantfr · 19 days
(TW: Mentions of religion, murder)
*Was diagnosed with ADHD/ Autism at a very young age, but it took a really long while since he had to constantly write stuff in pen instead of talking.
*Has hated pens since he first learned to write because his shaky hands write terribly in pen.
*Despite not being able to talk, he can laugh, scream, and hum. He really likes stimming by laughing because it feels like the one chance he gets to sort of talk. (That felt really sad-)
*Grew up in a Christian household, and even though he isn't religious now, when he's really scared he'll pray just in case. (I'm really sorry if that came off as disrespectful or anything, please let me know if it did I'm not Christian so I wouldn't know that well)
*Has really noticeable eye bags due to his lack of sleep, when he was a teen he used to put some of his mom's makeup on that specific part to cover it up but stopped after he got bullied for it.
*He was definitely a mama's boy and still is, he visits her weekly to take care of her and Emails her often to talk with her.
*Is a workaholic to a dangerous level but can never keep a job as he always murders someone in the end.
*His special interest is knifes, he has a lot for cooking and eating, along with to kill people. He always looks for new ones whenever he can, like a kid in a candy store but he limits himself to only buy 2 at a time. He also looks up facts and articles about them a lot, it feels very comforting to him.
*Speaking of knifes, he cooks really well! Ask him to make anything and he'll be amazing at it to a whole new level. He has at least 2 cabinets filled to the brim with spices and herbs and tea packets. Whenever Argos comes over he likes to bake some new treat he learned how to bake and insist he tries it. (They're usually French or Italian)
*He has a Funk Pop Keychain he got in High School of Deadpool and pirated all the movies with it and read all the comics as a kid. He knows the second one word- for- word and summarizes the movies and stuff when he's bored.
*He has very good hygiene to an impressive level, and he still has one of those hand sanitizer rubber things from a few years back. He has a weird habit of carrying around tooth picks despite not being able to open his mouth.
*He'll grab onto Argos' hand and just start squeezing it out of nowhere. Don't ask why, not even he knows. Not like he could answer anyway.
*He watched Aqua Teen Hunger Force as a kid (if ykyk) and his favorite was always Master Shake because of his voice and risky humor.
*When he uses a computer he always minimalizes tabs, never keeping an unnecessary one open because he gets really frustrated at computer lag. He also plays music on one tab when he wears headphones. And his favorite game to play on it is Yandere Simulator because he likes to make all the characters really upset at his answers. (Took inspo from Ashur Ghravi there)
*He always picks at his fingers when he gets stressed. He tried a picky pad but he hated the noise the beads made and the texture of the silicone so he threw it away along with his other failed attempts at stopping the habit. He gets really insecure when people talk about his hands, he always thought they were too boney and cold for anyone including himself to like them. (He cries when they leave him alone after)
*When talking music his favorite artists are John Leher, Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson, and Lemon Demon. (Don't tell him he has to pick just one.) He really likes music from the 70s - 90s music, old- times music always brings him nostalgia from his parents and grandparents playing it when he was little, it brings back memories to playing around in the summer heat and relaxing at home.
*He enjoys dressing simple a lot because it feels like he doesn't have to worry about dressing himself too much. But he ADORES looking at really stylized outfits, the more complicated the better! He watches Rupaul's Drag Race so he can judge the outfits along with the actual judges (But who doesn't???)
*He's grown really good at slow dancing over the years. But he always waits for someone (Argos) to ask if he wants to dance because he doesn't want to seem like he's showing off. But when I tell you he feels like a brand new person, swaying along with the music, taking in every word and step and tap while he dances, I mean he feels like he could become the next background dancer for Mitski. And he feels so proud of himself for that!
*Hes definitely a salty over sweet kinda guy, with sugar he can only take so much of it before he has to be excused. Yk? Thats why him and Argos always go to the same place, because he feels like when he knows what he can get each time he can prepare himself more for what he will eat. (In other words, safe food) And when I tell you he gets picky about food, I don't mean he only eats a handful of things and refuses anything else. No. I mean he's a.. Selective eater. Like, he loves trying new foods and he's willing to try anything. But for example, let's say that he hates mustard (same) and you give him something with mustard. Now, he will eat it and be nice about it, but that doesn't mean he'll enjoy eating it. Got what I'm tryna say? Okay.
*He loves watching old black & white films to try and decipher their 1900s talk to now. He often has to pause the movie to look up what certain words mean, but usually he knows what they're saying and he just laughs along about it.
(WRITER TALKING) Okay, so, thanks for reading this!!! I really hope you liked it! :0 I adore TWOMP so much its ridiculous, but I obviously have a favorite. Mr.Plant is honestly the most relatable character I've ever seen in my life, everything about him makes me go "HE'S SO ME!!!!!" if I'm honest. Anyway, I hope you liked it. Bye. :3
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moonlight-tmd · 10 months
team prime's favorite sweets/snacks?
Bee likes anything sweet. He really enjoys energon candy (its like gummy/jelly bears). He steals cookies and other treats when Optimus bakes them. His go-to are rust sticks with quartz- it's like breadsticks with salt on them. Sometimes he dips them in oil. He likes to do sweet drinks like oil with puffed energon on top and some chemicals they can eat- surprisingly, bleach is kind of good. I guess it's like, mint flavored for them?
Bulkhead is not used to eating sweets but he does like an occasional rust bun with creamy oil and energon filling, he's all about slightly sweet and tasty stuff. (He'll defo like the eclairs)
Ratchet likes snacks with high grade: think chocolates with alcohol-based filling, he likes those the most. He especially loves the little zinc shells sprinkled with quartz with oil+high grade filling. (Think salty caramel with vodka in a way)
Optimus is the main provider of all sweets, he bakes Cybertron's equivalent of pies, cakes, cookies, rolls and pockets; basically anything you can bake. He also got into making candy so Bee wouldn't make their expenses bigger by ordering so much energon candy whenever they make supply orders. His favorite thing to bake and eat so far are the cookies and he enjoys sharing them with his team.
Prowl doesn't usually eat sweets, he prefers basic fuel with little additions. He does like spicy stuff. However when he sneaks out to refuel at night he will steal anything there is in the pantry and eat it. When he gets hungry he's less picky and will eat stuff he might refused earlier- He's like a little rat. One time Optimus was staying up doing reports and heard a sound in the kitchen corner of the main room. He didn't wanna turn on the big lights so he used his headlights- he found Prowl half-inside his baked goods stash(kind of like a fridge) monching on some zinc and copper cookies. They just stared at each other in silence before Prowl dashed into the darkness. His favorite from the stash are the zinc and copper cookies. (It's like chocolate chip cookies with nut pieces in them)
Sari loves chocolate chip cookies and candy. She has a sweet tooth like Bee. She hates anything lemon-flavored.
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nuqclanh · 30 days
For the longest time I have become haunted by a strange curse that I can never seem to dispel no matter how much I try to do so.
You know those little packs of starburst where it comes with two squares, the type that you’d get on Halloween? Every single time that I have opened one of these accursed things in the comfort of my home I have without fail managed for both things of candy to always be strawberry flavored.
That’s it, that’s the curse. I am haunted by goddamn strawberry starbursts out of all things.
I don’t even eat these thing all that often, often times it’s more of an occasional sweet treat to have (plus eating these a lot definitely isn’t good for your health).
“Oh but strawberry is such a good flavor though.”
One who becomes complacent with the absence of diversity is nothing but a doll, eternally ignorant of the alternatives in favor for normalcy.
All this time I could have had cherry, lemon, or orange, but rather than experience the multitude of possibilities that life has to offer I am stuck in eternal damnation that is my own personal strawberry hell.
Every day I ask God, what have I done to deserve such a cruel and unusual form of divine punishment. In what twisted ways was torture crafted? Who was the wicked angel that would be the architect of my suffering? Not even the devil himself would dare for such heinous ways of punishing sinners. So I ask, why me?
But I am once again left unanswered, as I have before and always will be.
And so I sit, tearing open another wrapper, praying that the curse on me has been broken after all this time only to be disappointed yet again.
It’s just another day, another day where I’m afflicted with this strange condition. I eat the candy squares, that familiar flavor being my only comfort yet also my source of suffering as I lament for whatever actions I have done in the past to land me here, to have been hexed with this strawberry curse.
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petitelepus · 1 year
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Summary: You host a scary movie night with the Kitsune brothers and get a little tipsy.
Warnings: Drinking, Kissing
A/N: Female Reader, Kitsune Kyojuro, Kitsune Senjuro, Kitsune Rengoku, Monster Musume!AU
Life went on with you and the Kitsune brothers, but now after your special night during the last full moon, Kyojuro noticed that you were stealing a lot of glances at him. At first, he didn't think much of it, thinking that you just really liked him… Which was true, but you liked him more than he could ever imagine.
So a couple of days passed and you, the fox brothers were going to be watching this horror movie called 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' and you and Senjuro were currently shopping for food, treats, and drinks.
You were excited when you found out that the younger brother seemed to enjoy horror-related stuff just as much as you did! Apparently, he had found your horror manga and despite being a little startled, he enjoyed them very much. So much in fact that he wanted to see a classical horror movie and you thought about the movie with Freddy Krueger as the bad guy, but you couldn't find the original one so the remake from 2010 had to do.
"Big sis…?" Senjuro looked at you and you blinked, realizing that you were staring at the chips shelf like you were in a coma. You turned to look at him and smiled, "I'm sorry Senjuro, what did you say?"
"How scary is this movie really?" He asked and you hummed as you you tried to remember, but it had been a while since you last time seen the said movie so you couldn't be sure.
"I can't remember." You replied honestly, "But not that scary that you would get nightmares."
"But…" The young boy blinked, "It's called 'A Nightmare On Elm Street'?"
"We can watch something else if you want-!"
"No!" He swallowed and put on a brave look, "I want to see it."
"Then, in that case…" You grinned as you looked at him, "You better get some movie snacks for yourself."
"How much should I get?" He asked and you smiled at how diligent he was. "Everything."
"You mean…?" His gorgeous eyes widened and you nodded, "You get to eat all candy, chips, and soda you want!"
"Really?" Oh, those eyes of his shined like stars and you were happy to see him so excited, "Yes! Go wild and grab anything you want. If you don't like something you picked then I think your brother will probably eat it without a problem."
"Alright!" Senjuro ran ahead to look for candy that he found interesting and wanted to try and you smiled as you followed him. This movie-night would be fun… But in reality, it was an excuse for you to get Kyojuro and that magical night the two of you had out of your mind.
As you followed Senjuro, you passed the alcohol aisle and you thought that hey, maybe you could have a couple of drinks? You grabbed yourself some hard lemonade and followed after the young fox brother to the candy aisle.
Soon the two of you were done with shopping and after buying everything you needed for dinner and movie night you made your way back home. The house was empty when you returned, but it was already pretty late so you figured that Kyojuro had gone out for a jog. His missing shoes were a clear clue.
So you and Senjuro put your groceries in their rightful places and got the dinner started. Oven vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli with some lemon pepper salmon. This was a simple dish to make and healthy as heck, so you didn't need Senjuro's help. No, you made him sit on the couch and relax for once. He was always helping you with housework, now was his turn to take things easy.
It took a moment for the veggies to cook properly, but you had no hurry since Kyojuro wasn't even home. Then, when the veggies were halfway done, you added salmon into the oven and while you were waiting you set the table… But soon both dishes were ready and there was no sign of your fiance. You had to take the food out of the oven or risk burning it.
"The food smells amazing," Senjuro said as he joined you in the kitchen and you nodded, but you weren't exactly smiling, "Thank you, but your brother isn't here yet…"
It was getting late… This wasn't like Kyojuro being late for dinner or any time when there was food served. You reached for your phone, ready to call him and ask where he was, but just as you did that, the front door opened and your fiance came back.
"I'm home!" He called and you rushed to welcome him back and call him to join you and Senjuro at the dinner table… But you were shocked when you saw that his clothes were torn and dirty and he looked like he was dragged through thornbushes.
"W-what happened!?" You asked, but just as Kyojuro was about to answer, you rushed to his side in panic and looked around him to see if he was hurt or worst.
"Hm! A little girl's cat was stuck in a tree so I stopped to help the little creature down!" The fox explained and you blinked, "What was that cat, a sabertooth tiger!?"
Your fiance just smiled until you sighed in relief, but just as you were about to scold him for doing something so dangerous he smiled as he sniffed the air while he was taking his shoes off. "It smells amazing here!"
"You're lucky, I just took the dinner out of the oven." You shook your head as you pointed at the toilet, "Go change and wash your hands before joining us at the dinner table."
"But my clothes-?"
"They are torn and beyond saving," You nodded, "We need to buy you new clothes, but these lasted for a good while."
"As my bride says!" Kyojuro nodded and rushed upstairs to freshen up, before joining you and his little brother on the dinner table. The three of you ate happily and once you were done with your veggies and fish, you chased the brothers out of the kitchen so you could clean the place before your movie night.
While you cleaned, you listened to Kyojuro tell Senjuro how exactly he saved the cat from the tree and you were reminded just how kind and sweet he was. Just like he was with you a couple of nights ago…
You found yourself reminiscing the night of the full moon when you had pleased yourself on your fiance's thigh and kissed him passionately… And just how kind and patient he was with you and your virgin heart.
Shaking your head, you tried to chase the memories and feelings they brought up away and instead, you went to get the drinks, took out the candy, and poured a generous amount of chips on a bowl before juggling everything into the living room.
"Movie time!" You cheered and Senjuro and Kyojuro immediately grabbed the bowl of chips and drinks from you and placed them safely on the coffee table. Once you placed the candy on the table, you made yourself comfortable on the couch, grabbed the remote, and opened the movie menu, ready to start your scary movie.
"Ready guys?" You asked and the brother nodded excitedly. You put the movie on, but just as it started, you remembered your own drinks. You quickly got up and fetched yourself a hard lemonade and joined the foxes on the couch.
Kyojuro took notice of your drink and got curious. "My Hime, what is that?"
"Ah, a little drink of my own." You nodded and he seemed satisfied with that and the two of you focuses on the movie.
The movie went on just as you remembered, Freddy Krueger haunting and killing teenagers. You weren't sure if it was really as scary as it was gory, but you enjoyed yourself and your drinks throughout the movie.
You took a peek at the brothers here and there and Kyojuro stared at the screen, not one bit scared, but Senjuro looked away during the goriest scenes. You kinda felt a little bad for picking such a gory movie as his first horror movie, but it was a classic, even if it was a remake, that usually had a bad reputation for not being as good as the original.
Once the movie ended, Kyojuro had eaten most of the snacks, Senjuro was a little startled, and you were a little tipsy. You hummed happily, your mind a little clouded thanks to the alcohol and you got up to clean, but your fiance quickly stood up and gently made you sit back down.
"Do not worry, me and Senjuro will clean this up!"
"But I-!"
"Have done enough!" Kyojuro smiled and pecked your forehead, "Rest my beloved!"
You did as he told you to, relaxing, and letting your body rest against the back of the couch. You sighed, letting your body go completely limp as you enjoyed yourself and the little buzz you were having due to alcohol.
A moment passed as you calmly listened to the brothers do what they did in the kitchen. You reached for your phone on the coffee table to check the time and saw it was already a little over 8pm. Huh, time sure passed when you were having a good time.
You hummed thinking about all the things you should do before heading to bed when suddenly Kyojuro popped up and sat across from you. "My Hime, are you feeling alright?"
"Yep, just a little tipsy." You nodded with a grin and your fiance nodded, "Do you need help to get to the bed?"
"I'm not that tipsy!" You laughed a little as you got up and you couldn't help but notice that Kyojuro followed your example, moving right behind you as if you could faint at any given moment and he would be there to catch you.
"Kyojuro, I'm not going to just pass out." You said, but you were also happy because of how thoughtful he was being, "I'm fine, trust me."
"I do trust you!" He nodded with that smile of his, "I just don't trust alcohol!"
"Ah-!" You blinked, remembering that both you and the Rengoku brothers had a bad history of alcoholism in your families. You hadn't even stopped to think how your fiance or his little brother would react to you drinking some.
You frowned as you realized that you might have offended them with your drinking. How could you be this selfish? Kyojuro and Senjuro were always so thoughtful, always thinking of others before themselves.
You turned to look at Kyojuro and cried out, "I- I'm sorry Kyojuro!"
"Hm!?" Your fiance blinked in shock, still smiling but even a tipsy person like you could tell that it was a tight smile.
"I should have asked if it was okay with you guys if I drank anything… I'm so sorry, I was such an idiot, please forgive me-!" You were cut off as you were suddenly embraced. You blinked, shocked, and looked to see Kyojuro hugging you close to his chest.
"Don't apologize when you have no reason to do so," He said gently and you pressed your cheek against his chest, "You're not mad at me…?"
"No, I'm not." He smiled as he petted your head, "It's not like you drank a whole bottle of sake or hurt anyone while under the influence of alcohol."
"I'm still sorry…" You mumbled and you could feel his chest vibrate against your face as he hummed thoughtfully, "And I keep telling you, not to… But I forgive you."
The two of you hugged for a minute, just enjoying each other's embrace… He was so warm and listening to his heart beat in his chest made you realize just how intimate this actually was. It was actually so intimate that you got flustered and had to pull away.
"Okay, so, uh, how about we settle for the night?" You asked and your fiance nodded and just as you got the words out, Senjuro joined you and his brother, "Is everything alright?"
"Yes," You and Kyojuro said in unison and then glanced at each other before smiling.
"I'll head to shower to clean up before bed!" Kyojuro said and you and Senjuro nodded as the two of you headed upstairs and towards your own rooms… But after the stairs and before either one of you made it to your rooms, the younger fox turned to look at you, "Big sis?"
"Yes, Senjuro?" You asked back and he looked a little uncertain, "I… I don't mind it if you drink a little bit if you really want to."
"Oh, Senjuro…!" You smiled a little sadly as you reached forward with your hand and gently ruffled the top of his head, the space between his fox ears, "I'll never drink like that. I promise."
"I trust you," He smiled a little and the two of you wished each other good night as you retreated back to your rooms to get some well-earned sleep. After changing clothes to your pajama shorts and T-shirt, you made yourself comfortable on your bed and peacefully closed your eyes, and prepared yourself for a trip to the dream world…
…Only, you couldn't sleep. One would think that falling asleep while tipsy would be as easy as pie, but you couldn't get even a wink of sleep.
You grumbled as you got up and decided to head downstairs and get some water for your parched mouth. One of the more unpleasant aftermaths of drinking. Once you had gotten your glass of water you felt a lot better. You yawned and headed back upstairs… Only you were so tired you accidentally walked to the first door and stepped into the wrong room.
Kyojuro's room and the said owner of the room was sitting on his bed, reading a book when you suddenly barged into his room. Tipsy and slow as you were, you blinked as you looked around in confusion and slowly you realized you were in the wrong room.
"This isn't my room." You blurted out and Kyojuro nodded as he put his book down on the small table by his bed. "My bride, did you get lost?"
"Yeah, um, sorry, I'll just-!" You were about to leave but the fox behind you called after you, "Come here!"
You stopped on the spot and glanced at your fiance over your shoulder, "What?"
"Come over here!" He raised his blanket and you blinked as your brains tried to make some sense of this situation you were in. Then suddenly, as if you were in a trance, you turned, walked over to his bed and you dove under the blanket…
…Only to find out that Kyojuro slept only in his boxers, but it was too late. It was like he was a venus flytrap and you were the bug lured in by the plant's sweet nectar. As soon as your body touched his bed, he threw his blanket over both of you, wrapped his arms around you, and hugged you tightly against that well sculptured body of his.
You were blushing from embarrassment, feeling his tight muscles press against your imperfect body. You tried to wiggle and get some space between the two of you, but the more you struggled, the harder you were pulled against that body of God's and you soon found yourself being the little spoon.
Suddenly, you didn't feel tipsy anymore. Apparently, nothing sobered you better than complete and utter shock.
"K- Kyojuro…!" You mumbled shyly as you tried not to look straight at him, for you were sure you would faint on the spot if you saw him properly while he was being almost naked.
"Yes, my beloved bride?" He asked as he held you and you felt your ears burning in embarrassment. "I can, uh, I can go sleep in my own room…"
"Too late!" The fox laughed happily, "I have you here in my arms where you belong!"
Ack, how could he say such cute and kinda romantic things like it was nothing!?
"I- if you won't let me go I'll bite you…!" You threatened, but it only made your fiance laugh harder and you pouted, "I swear, I will do it!"
"My bride is the cutest- Ouch!"
You did it, you actually bit his arm that was holding you against his chest, but as soon as he cried out you let go instantly.
"Ah-!" You gasped, immediately feeling bad for what you had done. Without wasting any time, you gently kissed the spot you had bitten, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-!"
"Don't worry my Hime, it didn't hurt!" Kyojuro smiled and he meant it, you had only pinched him with your teeth. No harm was done, but you didn't seem to catch the joke.
"Sorry…" You pouted as you kissed the spot again and the Kitsune tried his hardest not to tease you any further.
"It's alright, my beloved. If you want to sleep on your own, I won't hold you back." He said as he opened his arms and seeing an opening, you jumped out of the bed. You glanced nervously over your shoulder as if expecting him to jump at you, but he did no such thing. He just smiled as he looked at you and you nodded, heading to the door and reaching for the handle…
But you didn't open the door, you didn't even touch the handle. You felt like you were making a mistake. You could feel his gorgeous eyes looking at you, curious about how you hadn't left yet.
"I…" You turned around and blushed, "I changed my mind…"
"Hm?" Kyojuro hummed as he followed your every move as you timidly made your way back to his bed. You could barely look at him in the eyes, and your pretty face was so red when you whispered, "Can I… Can I still sleep with you?"
The fox smiled as he lifted his blanket and this time when you sneaked in, you took a bold step and hugged him. Kyojuro blinked as you hid your face against his pecs, the hair on your forehead tickling his muscles slightly.
"You… You smell so nice…" You muttered in a mixture of shyness and happiness as you nuzzled closer to him.
"Hm!" He nodded, "It's the soap you bought for me!"
"I like this scent…" You hummed and Kyojuro felt so happy that you had picked him a soap with a scent you would love. As the two of you made yourself comfortable he heard you softly murmur something, "…ike…u…"
"I like you…" You murmured quietly and Kyojuro's fox ears shot upwards in excitement. He wanted to tell you how much he adored you back, but before he could say a word, someone knocked on his door. The fox blinked as he looked at you clinging to his arm in your sleep and then at the door that slowly creaked open.
"Big brother?" It was Senjuro who peeked inside his brother's room. "Are you sleeping…?"
"Senjuro!" Kyojuro whispered as loudly as he dared with you there by his side. "No, I'm awake. What's wrong?"
"That movie…" The shy boy muttered, partly scared and mostly embarrassed for being scared in the first place, "Can I… Can I sleep with you?"
The older Kitsune smiled as he moved you a little bit so he could use his free hand to lift the other side of the blanket as a silent invite and Senjuro quickly closed the door and climbed on the other side of the bed.
Good thing Kyojuro's bed was huge so he could sleep comfortably with all 5 tails of his, and have enough room to have his brother and bride there with him.
"It's not real, right?" Senjuro asked quietly as he swallowed, "The dream demon?"
"No, it's not," Kyojuro smiled, "And as long as you're with me you are always safe. I will not let anyone touch the people I love and care for."
Senjuro smiled, trusting his brother to keep him safe… And then he noticed you, clinging to his brother's other arm. The younger fox's ears twitched as he looked at you and then at his brother.
"Ah, was big sis scared also?" The young fox asked and Kyojuro's smile grew as he glanced at you sleeping so peacefully by his side.
"A little," He admitted, but Senjuro didn't know that you were actually scared of. It would be a secret between you and Kyojuro.
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ragecndybars · 1 year
What do you think SEES favorite cake flavors would be ? Sorry I've been baking like crazy lately and im a little obsessed with cake
ooh okay okay hehehehe
minato: i think minato's the type who will pretty much eat anything, but secretly has a very very VERY selective group of foods that he actually Prefers. to him most cakes are meh, he'll eat them i guess. but i think he likes pistachio cake above all else.
kotone: this is a bit of a cop out answer but i can't not say strawberry. either a strawberry flavored batter or a shortcake/vanilla cake with strawberries on top. i think she would love either of them equally. maybe i am just brainwashed by the pink aesthetic but strawberry cake kotone all the way.
yukari: red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. but it's a sometimes food for her bc its super rich and decadent so she only lets herself have a slice
junpei: pound cake enjoyer. i think he prefers candy to cakes when it comes to sweets/desserts, but if you offer up a slice of pound cake he will hop right on that shit.
akihiko: we know he likes pancakes, but those aren't really cakes in a traditional sense, so i think i'll say a cinnamon or maple flavored coffee cake. pancake-like taste, not super thick or rich, and more crumbly than spongey, so i think he'd prefer them to other cakes.
mitsuru: i am only SLIGHTLY saying this because its just a bougie sounding cake, but... black forest cake. augh. i think she loves chocolate and she loves cherry and if you mix those things together you get her right in the weak spot fr.
fuuka: hmmm i think the obvious option is a "fruit cake" (as in, a vanilla cake with fruit toppings) like the one she makes in her social link, but she strikes me more as a lemon poppy seed cake fan. maybe carrot cake as well.
aigis: poor babygirl is a robot but if not i think she'd like angel food cake :)
ken: says he doesn't like cakes because sweets are for little kids, secretly a huge fan of them. i think he likes plain chocolate cake with vanilla or chocolate icing
shinjiro: says he doesn't like cakes because sweets are for little kids, but if you leave a piece of tiramisu unattended in his line of sight it will be gone the next time you look and he will be licking the plate
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shmowder · 3 months
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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oberthinkin · 9 months
would you perhaps be able to write something with regressed/little Dio and vanilla ice taking care of him?
Dio has a hard time with Vanilla not understanding what he wants. Tsk tsk!
Dio told Vanilla in no uncertain terms that whatever orders he gives while a grownup are more important than whatever he demands while regressed. And if the vampire gets cranky while small, he needs to be put in a supervised timeout. Any form of discipline will only make him behave worse, and Dio doesn't wish to hurt him while throwing a tantrum...
But while small, Dio was enraged at the prospect of not getting what he wanted. Specifically, to go outside in the hot cario sun and get himself some sweets before bed. What could go wrong?!
Well, something stupid. Because stupid grown-up Dio told stupid grown-up Vanilla Ice to not let regressed Dio outside during the daytime!
How dare Vanilla?! And how dare The World not freeze time so he could run out of time-out without being guided right back to the corner! Doesn't his own stand listen to him?! There's a baby with a more obedient stand! It's not fair!
He huffs as hard as he can, throwing a glare over his shoulder at Vanilla Ice. He hopes the servant can hear how upset he, Dio, is with him!
"Dio, do you know why you can't go outside during daytime?" the caregiver calmly asks.
Dio turns around on his heel, staring him down. Notably, Vanilla Ice was already holding a Peter Rabbit book. He's getting ready for bedtime, even though Dio said he wasn't going to bed! Rude! Rude rude rude!
"You're a foozler, ratbag, church bell, and I hate you."
"... I think I understood two of those insults, little prince."
"I don't want to go to bed! It's not fair! I want to stay up! I want to go outside and go back to the markets for sweets!"
"It's already midday, my lord. You can't go outside until it's dark out, or you'll be hurt. And the day doesn't have to be so long if you just come here and rest. I'll read you some fairytales; you like Peter Rabbit, don't you?"
"I don't care! I want to go now! It's not fair!"
The caregiver closes his eyes to think for a moment before he turns to Dio again. "Would you like some of the diabetics? I could have someone fetch them for you."
Dio stomped, sighing as he looked up at the ceiling exasperated: "I don't want to drink blood, I want sweets!"
Vanilla dimmed the lights of the room as he asked: "What type of sweets, little prince? Ice Creams? Cakes?"
Dio sunk to the floor, head in his palms as he mumbled. "Sweets sort of sweets... Obviously... Peppermint humbugs. Lemon drops... Rhubarb custards."
"You want candy?"
"Yes!" Dio sighs, rolling over on the carpet and tossing his hands up! "I've been saying that for hours... I won't sleep unless I get some sweets."
"Fine, little prince. I can get some candies for you from the market-- I won't be more than three minutes. You can only have a few before bed though, and we'll save the rest for when you wake up." Vanilla steps outside the room for a moment, sprinting down the hallway, before exiting the house.
Dio clambers into bed, happy to finally get his way! He's going to get his sweets, his caregiver wasn't mad at him for the misunderstanding, and he's going to get his way! As he always should, after all. The only hitch in the plan was not being able to get those sweets himself-- what a silly rule his grownup mind put into place! And what a silly rule for his caregiver to follow. But no matter: Dio gets everything he wants in the end!
Now, if only Vanilla would hurry up home so he could eat his sweets in bed while his caregiver reads Peter Rabbit!
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big19boss-blog · 1 year
Cale the unlucky bastard
This is a cannon I imagine when the war is over, and everyone is back at their routines buts still have occasional get-togethers.
Albreu's POV
I never imagined that there would come a day in his life when he has taken a day off and he is relaxing with people he can call friends, in his dark elf form and drinking ridiculously expensive wine.
It was Sheritt-nim's idea to host a get-together where everyone can come and have some downtime. We all were too scared to say no to the Dragon Lord and we all love her, so naturally we filial children gather whenever and wherever the invitation says.
Over the years I have come to love these reunions and actually look forward to it. It's a highly secure place where everyone related to Cale Henitus gathers together in one place.
It was a lively day, the teleportation circle had to be redrawn at least twice by Raon-nim. People keep flooding the castle. The kids were running around playing and eating. Some adults were talking, some were in the kitchen helping cook and some were just sitting in the corner observing.
There were people from every conner of the world and some who don't even live in this world. But everyone took out time to talk to Cale for a few minutes and by the end of the day Cale looked like he had eaten a lemon and a candy together.
By nightfall, the kids were all herded to sleep and most of the adults who have travelled from far-far places also turned in for the night.
We had just said goodbye to the last of the guests. And the only wandering souls were a handful of us awake sipping wine as we sat under the night. Cale looked like he had a lot on his mind and so did Eurahben-nim. Patriarch Ron had just left to get another bottle of wine for all of us.
Eurahben-nim was the first to break his silence. "Never in my entire existence did I think that I would have to meet so many humans and beast people at the same time."
The golden dragon sounded more amused than tired and I could understand why.
"It reminds me of my company days." Cale added. He doesn't talk about the past a lot so my interest was peaked.
"How were they like?" I inquired.
Eurahben-nim too leaned in further. He was one of those people who had accepted Cale's truth in the most seamless way possible. He looked like the puzzle in his head finally made sense.
"It was a bittersweet time in my life. Before Team leader and Jung Soo died. I used be soo furstated that I have to haul there asses back home. Each and every time they would get black out drunk and I was the only one sober enough to get them out."
"After they...... left, it was a little bittersweet here I was wishing that I had them again beside me. But on the other hand, it was refreshing to see the new teammates, relax and have fun because they have been working their ass off."
Cale grew silent after that. And so did Eurahben-nim and I because somewhere along the lines even we had felt that. The bittersweet feeling of letting go of people and traditions and making a place for new ones instead. It feels like you are betraying the memory of them.
However, we forget change is the nature of life. It's okay to move on. To make places for new stuff. To sometimes forget old memories, not that Cale can forget anything. It's okay to live again.
We pretended like nothing happened when Ron came back with more wine for us. But I didn't forget to wrangle Cale into an extra tight hug when I left the next morning. And I am pretty sure Eurahben-nim patted his head secretly. Because deep down we all respect Cale Henitus for what he had survived.
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OHSHC and the kind of cafe/restaurant the members would run 
Mori: An animal cafe - “what kind of animal?” “Yes” (seriously, what else could he possible want?) He would go all out on having each drink and special pastry treat in the shape of an animal with a cute little name. You’re telling me there’s NOT going to be a lemon cookie called “Lizzy’s Lemon” that’s name after a lizard? (Fun fact: Mori had a pen in hand, about to sign a contract, when he realized that Rainforest Cafe doesn’t actually have live animals. :( He tore up the contract and used it as bedding for his chickens.)
Hikaru:  One of those Karen cafes where the wait staff yells at the customers. He gets adored to be a menace in the host club, so obviously he’s going to love being paid to be a menace at a restaurant. And the worst they are, the better the ratings? Hell yeah.
Tamaki: ... okay, a French bakery, no duh, but if everyone pushed back and wanted him to think outside the box... what would he do? What matters most to him? What was something he always craved and had to fight to achieve for? A family. And when is a popular time where an entire family can get together, talk about their day, share stories, and bond? Meal times. Tamaki would want a restaurant, with a new type of cuisine every three months. It’s French food, then Japanese, Italian, Mexican, etc. There are no TV’s in this restaurant, because Tamaki wants families to sit together and enjoy the company of those around them. It is a popular location for little kid birthday parties, old grandparent birthday parties, and a nostalgic get together location for friends who haven’t seen each other in many years. He takes “when you eat with us, you’re family” to a whole other level.
Honey: Am I going to take the obvious way out again and say a sweets shop? Absolutely. But his sweets shop is of the “build your own” variety. You choose the type of cake, an option of frosting colors and flavors, and then you get little bowls of all sorts of candies and treats and ways to decorate your cake. There’s also boba, and boba plus all the cake? You’re more likely to fall asleep at the mattress store next door than actually make it home.
Haruhi: When/if you were a student, was there ever a restaurant/cafe you loved to study at? Haruhi is very pro “a quiet place to study” and food that tastes like a loved one made it. The food Haruhi’s restaurant sells might not be the fanciest food in the world, but it is good food, it’s the kind of food that warms your entire body and leaves you content and at peace. It’s affordable, large portions, and the tables are the perfect size for textbooks and laptops. You do need to take a study break when eating, because breaks are important, but due to the “library rules: shhhhhhhhh” sign on the front door, this is the perfect place to get some major work done and still be well fed. 
Kaoru: Ngl, I’m struggling here. I could see him running a fine dining, ball gowns, champagne, fancy tea, aristocracy inspired restaurant... and then I could also see him running a food truck with a friend, and serving whatever kind of food he is interested at the time. He travels all across Japan, meeting new people, experiencing life on his own, growing independently of his brother and family, getting into trouble, figuring out how to get back out, swimming in waterfalls, hiking through mountains, serving cold noodles and warm alcohol, breathing fresh air, and realizing that even though he’s traveled all around the world, there is always more to explore.
Kyoya: Kyoya isn’t interested in running a restaurant. He doesn’t want to deal with Donald’s fries being crispy when he asked for extra crispy. He is interested though in owning restaurants. You could make a drinking game and be plastered in minutes walking downtown if you took a shot, or even just a goddamn sip for every restaurant you passed by that he owns. From the fastest of foods to the most obnoxiously bougie of restaurants, he owns, or at least partially owns, a vast majority of them.
Renge: A Maid/Butler cafe. She almost went with a strict anime cafe, but then she couldn’t decide on which anime. But then a lightbulb - “why not both?” If she does a maid cafe, she can do all the themes, thus Renge’s Rainbow Girls Maid Cafe was born.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
i know how much u love theo soooo im gonna request the entire fragrance headcanon prompt list for theo! go wild have so much fun!!
- @bebbie-bilinski
🍂Little Theo Fragrance Prompt Headcanons 🍂 ➢ event masterlist
a/n: I didn’t use two of them (rose & jasmine) cause I just don’t think they apply but otherwise I had a ton of fun with this!
warnings: talk of pre-canon/the dread doctors, non verbal!theo
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1. Lavender: How do they calm down in moments of major stress?
- physical touch is a great way to calm Theo down if he’s upset! one of his caregivers picking him up or laying with him on the couch should help a lot
2. Vanilla: What is a food or scent that carries a lot of nostalgia for them? How do they feel if they smell it now?
- those sandwich’s you can buy at grocery stores for a few bucks are super nostalgic for Theo, he ate a ton of them while he was still with the dread doctors and now it’s a 50/50 if he likes them. occasionally he’ll want one while regressed and eat it just fine but when he’s big he steers clear of them as the smell can make him gag
3. Bergamot: What gesture of kindness made the biggest impact on them, and why?
- when Stiles apologized for being so cold towards Theo after he was revived. It wasn’t a huge gesture or anything, just a simple conversation, but by the end Theo was a teary eyed mess & regressed and running full force into Stiles to hug him (stiles ofc reciprocated & maybe got a little misty eyed himself)
4. Mint: What is their sharpest sense, and how does that impact their life?
- his sense of smell. It was strong when he was a kid anyways and then when he became a chimera it only got stronger. It can cause a few issues while he’s regressed, normally he can handle all the scents around but while small he doesn’t like how strong everything is
5. Lilac: Of all the new beginnings in their life, which one was the most important to them? How did they celebrate it?
- becoming a part of the pack was a really big step for Theo and he eventually when they found out about his regression it became an even bigger deal. he likes to celebrate the date that he was “officially” committed to being part of the pack, the pack of course find it adorable and all agree to host a movie night or something every year
6. Cinnamon: What’s their favorite fall tradition?
- trick or treating!!!! as a kid it was one of the only holidays he could celebrate without upsetting the dread doctors, he’d scrape together a costume and take a pillow case to go out and fill it with candy! and even now as a teenager he really loves the holiday, especially when he’s regressed and can tug Scott or someone else from the pack along to get candy at houses (even Derek gets roped into it and he definitely doesn’t flash his eyes at the people hesitant to give Theo candy, nooo not at alllll /sar)
7. Lemon: What is something seemingly inconsequential that can put them in a bad mood for the rest of the day?
- the sounds of drilling. It instantly takes him back to the experiments the dread doctors would preform and all Theo wants to do after hearing it is curl up into a ball. most times his caregivers will catch on and be able to cheer him up, but if he’s alone he gets pretty scared and can fall into a non-verbal state
8. Musk: What do they usually smell like, or what does their home usually smell like?
- the detergent he uses is un-scented and made for sensitive skin, as is his body wash, so his scent isn’t strong at all. It’s mostly a mix of faint pine cologne that Scott uses as he’s at his house a lot, and the vanilla that Lydia always smells like. anything harsher gives Theo a headache, especially when he’s little, the pack are all sure to dial back their perfume/cologne use when Theo’s going to be around
9. Berry: What makes them happier than perhaps it should? Do others know about it?
- head pats/head scratches, he blames his wolf side but he adores getting his hair played with or genuinely just getting pet. especially when he’s little, he often full shifts when he regresses and it only heightens his love for head scratches. I think a few people in the pack know. Scott, Malia, Lydia & Liam definitely know and play into it alllllll the time just to see Theo blush a little
10. Patchouli: What sort of outdoor activities do they enjoy most? Do they get the chance to do that activity often?
- hiking/runs. he loves to run around trails or just freely in the woods! Malia goes with him quite a lot, and if they’re regressed they’ll probably talk Scott or Stiles into watching over them as they do (because going alone wasn’t the smartest idea when they both got lost trying to get back to theo’s truck) Theo gets to go out running a lot, even if he can’t make it to the woods he likes to run on the sidewalk before school for a few miles, most of the time it’s Derek that acts as Theo’s caregiver during those times as he’s the only one awake that early & willing to run that much
11. Peony: What is the best gift they have ever received from a parent, material or otherwise?
- Melissa got Theo a fleece throw blanket, it’s a light brown color and Theo cherishes it. he only lets Lydia wash it, she hand washes it and uses some fancy detergent that smells like soft vanilla and Theo loves it. he also has a stuffed blue bunny that Tara gave him before she died, it’s not in the best condition as it was dragged all over creation when Theo was still with the dread doctors, but it means everything to him. Lydia is also the only one who can wash it, she also stitches it up when it’s ripped or the past patches start to come undone, Theo can’t thank her enough each time
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