#and hes just like ''what i have not heard from my sister in years''
fxckadoodledoomunson · 16 hours
A Heart Divided -2-
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|2| Finding a new sanctuary…
Summary: You try your best to focus on your studies and training for the upcoming swimming competition, but with Eddie and your sister making it difficult for you, you’re left with no choice but to turn to Steve for help.
Warnings: swearing, Eddie and your sister being arseholes.
Tagged: @somethingvicked @ali-r3n
As soon as you heard your parents were home, you immediately went back to your place so you could ask permission to stay over at Chrissy’s.
When you stepped inside, you heard your sister ask your father in a babyish voice, “Daddy…”
“No!” Your father sternly interrupted.
“But you don’t know what I was going to say,” your sister whinged, as she followed him to the kitchen, where your mother was unpacking the groceries.
“Well whatever it is, the answer’s still no,” your father retorted.
“Come on, honey,” your mother said to your father. “Just hear what she’s got to say.”
Your father sighed, before asking your sister, “Well, what is it?”
“I need to borrow fifty bucks,” your sister replied.
You rolled your eyes at the word borrow. You knew that what she meant was, “I need fifty dollars from you for my selfish gain and will not have any intention of returning it.”
Thankfully, your father wasn’t stupid to fall for whatever your sister says. After he declined to give her any money, she started to throw a tantrum, “But Daddy, it’s not fair. I’m supposed to go out with Roxy and Diana to this new club tonight. How am I supposed to go without money?”
“Simple, get a job like the rest of us, and not lounge around all day,” your father sternly told her. “Or better yet, not drop out of college in the first place.”
Your parents started to argue about your sister. After a year at college, your sister had decided to drop out as she felt it was more tiresome to study than go out and partying all night. While your father had always gave discipline, your mother on the other hand, coddled her. As your shoes squeaked against the kitchen floor, everyone stopped arguing, noticing you.
Your father quickly smiled, as he greeted you, “Hey pumpkin, where have you been hiding?”
“I was over at the Cunningham’s,” you replied.
Your mother approached you, as she asked, “Darling, why’s your face red? Have you been crying?”
“Let me guess, over a boy?” Your sister snidely asked.
“Enough from you,” your father scolded her.
You wanted nothing more than to snitch on her for being with Eddie, knowing how your parents felt about him, despite him always being polite to them when he used to come over for the tutoring. However, you didn’t have the energy to do it. So instead, when your father asked if it really was over a boy, you lied to him, “No Dad, it’s not. I guess I’m just a little overwhelmed, with finals coming up and the final two swimming competitions…”
You deeply sighed, when your father put his arm around you, comforting you, as he said, “You just do your best. Even if you get third place in the competitions, I would still be proud of you.”
You gave him a small smile, as you thanked him, before hugging him, ignoring your sister’s sour faced expression.
As your father let go of you, you began to ask him, “Actually Dad. I was wondering if I could stay over at Chrissy’s tonight? She’s asked me to help her with her homework.”
You figured that your father would say no, but instead he replied, “Sure pumpkin.”
“Well, are you still having dinner with us?” Your mother asked. “I’m making vegetable lasagna.”
You politely shook your head, before telling her, “Chrissy said that I can have dinner with her and her family.”
You then excused yourself from the conversation, so you can gather your overnight stuff and your sleeping bag. You were about to go upstairs when you stopped and told your father, “Oh by the way, I had to leave work early today, so I need to work an extra couple of hours to make up for it.”
“Of course, pumpkin. Do what you need to do, just don’t overdo it, okay?”
You nodded, before rushing up the stairs, overhearing your sister complaining about you, “That’s not fair, why does she always get what she wants, but I can’t?”
You got the guy I wanted, you thought. Isn’t that enough for you?
Meanwhile at Gareth’s place, Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin were rehearsing for the next night. While everyone was in the zone, Eddie found himself distracted. He thought about Chrissy’s sudden change in her demeanour when he saw her.
After noticing that Eddie was messing up the chords, Jeff raised his hand, prompting everyone else to stop.
“Eddie,” Jeff called out, making Eddie stop and turn to him. “What’s going on with you man?”
Eddie huffed, as he took off his guitar strap, placing his guitar in its case.
“It’s Chrissy,” Eddie spoke, as he scratched his head.
“What about her?” Grant asked.
Before Eddie could answer, Gareth exclaimed as he pointed at him with his drumstick, “I knew it! You’re secretly dating her, aren’t you?”
“What?! No! Of course I’m not!” Eddie denied.
Suddenly, the other two boys chuckled when Jeff mentioned, “Well, you’ve been really friendly with each other since the end of the semester.”
No longer tolerating their teasing, Eddie stomped towards them, as he angrily said whilst showing his index finger, “First of all, we’re not dating! She’s a client and a friend. And secondly…” He showed his index and middle finger, as he blurted, “I’m already seeing a woman.”
The rest of the boys’ faces fell, hearing Eddie’s confession, which led them to ask so many questions…
“Wait what?”
“You’re seeing someone? Since when?”
“Why didn’t you tell us?”
“Is she hot?”
“Who is it?”
“How far did you get with her?”
Having enough of them bombarding him with questions, Eddie bellowed, “SHUT UP!”
The boys became silent, not wanting to piss off their leader.
Eddie took a deep sigh, before answering them, “I’ve been seeing her since spring break, and yes, she’s like super hot…”
“Super hot like Phoebe Cates?” Gareth asked.
“Way hotter than her,” Eddie pointed out.
The boys excitedly exclaimed, before Jeff asked, “So, who is it?”
Eddie smirked, as he crossed his arms, before revealing it was your sister.
The three of them stood still, as their jaws dropped, before repeating your sister’s name.
Eddie nodded gleefully.
“No way, she was like the hottest girl in the school,” Jeff commented.
“Not to mention rich,” Grant said, before asking if your sister and you were neighbours with Chrissy.
Eddie nodded, before revealing that after he went to see your sister, he went to see Chrissy and asked if she wanted to watch the band rehearse. “It’s weird,” Eddie told them. “Today at school, she was friendly with me, but when I went to visit her, she gave me the cold shoulder.”
“Did you say something that might have pissed her off earlier?” Grant asked.
“Of course I didn’t, I don’t think so anyway. Although…” Eddie then mentioned that Chrissy glared at him from her window earlier after saying goodbye to your sister.
The boys glanced at him in confusion, wondering why Chrissy changed her attitude towards their leader when Gareth exclaimed as he banged his cymbal, “Aha!”
“What?” Eddie asked.
Gareth scoffed, before asking him, “Dude! Isn’t it obvious?”
Before his confused bandmates could ask, Gareth told them, “She’s jealous.”
Jeff and Grant disagreed while an astonished Eddie furrowed his eyebrows.
“There’s no way she’s jealous,” Jeff told Gareth.
“Plus, she’s with Carver,” Grant mentioned.
“So?!” Gareth retorted. “Just because she’s with that douchebag, it’s doesn’t mean that she still wants to be in a relationship with him. Maybe,” he raised his drumstick, as he continued. “Just maybe…she’s finally come to her senses and wants to leave the dark side.”
Eddie raised one of his eyebrows at the drummer, thinking about his theory. He couldn’t lie, he did once have a small crush on Chrissy when they met at the middle school talent show, but that faded over time. Even when they reconnected during the first deal, he didn’t feel that way again about her, especially as he actually liked…
“I’ve just realised something,” Grant spoke up as he interrupted Eddie’s thoughts.
“What?” Jeff asked.
Eddie shifted his attention to the bass player, as Grant asked Eddie about you.
Eddie huffed, crossing his arms, as he asked “What about her?”
“Well, weren’t you like into her?”
Jeff and Gareth faced each other in realisation, before commenting that they remembered that Eddie did once comment how amazing you were for helping him get his grades up and how happy he was to see you watch the band at the Hideout.
“So?” Eddie retorted, as he glared at them.
“So what’s changed?” Grant asked. “I mean, you gave me a hard time earlier for acknowledging her. How did you go from her to her sister?”
Eddie rolled his eyes, as he exhaled in frustration, before telling his bandmates, “You wouldn’t believe me even if I tell you.”
“Try us,” Jeff replied.
Eddie shifted his attention between the three boys before revealing why he chose your sister over you.
Staying over at Chrissy’s house was something you definitely needed. Although you were still upset about Eddie and your sister, Chrissy did her best to cheer you up after you helped her with her homework, as you both watched both Grease movies and listening to your favourite songs to lift your spirits up.
When the next morning came, you were dreading, not only potentially bumping into your sister as she would go out to see her friends for morning coffee, but also going to school and seeing Eddie.
You clutched your backpack, feeling nauseous when Chrissy placed her hand on your shoulder, as she assured you, “It’s going to be okay.”
You nodded at her, thanking her before heading to your front yard to grab your bike when you heard a vehicle horn honking. You turned around, worried that it was Eddie’s van. Instead, you sighed with relief as you saw Jason’s jeep parked.
You heard him call out Chrissy’s name, as he greeted her, before asking her if she was ready.
Instead of answering him, Chrissy turned to you and suggested, “Come to school with us.”
“Well…” you hesitated. “I don’t-“
“Please?” Chrissy begged.
Unable to resist her puppy eyes, you accepted Chrissy’s offer, which made her smile.
As you headed to the jeep, Jason raised his hand, stopping you getting in. “Woah!” He exclaimed. “What do you think you’re doing? After what you treated my girlfriend-“
“It’s okay, Jason,” Chrissy interjected. “We’ve talked things over and we’ve made up.”
Jason turned to his girlfriend, before shifting his attention to you, as he huffed, whilst signalling you to get in.
You thanked him, as you and Chrissy got in the vehicle.
Throughout the day, you avoided any form of contact with Eddie. You even reluctantly acknowledged the rest of the Hellfire club, as you didn’t want to aggravate him any further. Whilst you avoided him and the others, you were unaware of the cold expressions on the older boys’ faces as they watched you walk past without acknowledging them.
As you headed into one of the classrooms, Jeff commented to Eddie, “You were right about her. She doesn’t even have the guts to look at us.”
Meanwhile, Jason gave Chrissy a peck on the cheek, before heading to his next class, leaving Chrissy to walk alone to the next class she shared with you.
As she walked through the hallway, Eddie called out to her, as he waved at her.
Instead of waving back, she silently glared at him, before stomping to the classroom.
“Dude, she is definitely playing hard to get with you,” Gareth told Eddie, as he patted his shoulder, while Eddie glanced at the door, wondering if Chrissy is really jealous and wanted him or if she just genuinely dislike him.
Later on before your shift ended, you were packing up and getting changed in the staff room when you heard the door bell ring.
You then heard Steve say, “Welcome to Family…Oh, hey Chrissy.”
You popped your head out of the door, seeing Chrissy dressed up in a baby pink dress with matching sneakers. You smiled, as you greeted her, “I’ll be right out.”
You went back to the staff room, to collect everything as you were listening to Steve and Robin talking to Chrissy.
After sorting yourself out, you rushed out in your black jeans and your Iron Maiden shirt, as you told Chrissy, “I’m ready. How are we getting there?”
“Well, Aimee said that she and her brother Tony can drop us off,” Chrissy replied. “But I’m not sure how we’re getting back.”
Before you could respond, Steve interjected, “I can take you two home. Robin and I going later anyway, so we can all go home together.”
Chrissy beamed, as she thanked him, earning a wink from him, which made her giggle. Suddenly, you heard a car beep from outside. You and Chrissy turned to see her fellow cheerleader, waving outside the car window. “Oh, that’s Aimee,” she exclaimed, as she grabbed your hand, and pulled you. “We better get going.”
After you said goodbye to Robin and Steve, you and Chrissy started walking out when you overheard Robin and Steve bantering.
“What?” You heard Steve ask.
“You’re gonna tell me why you winked at the head cheerleader?” Robin retorted.
“It was just a wink. You know, a friendly wink.”
“That was so not a friendly wink.”
You stifled your laughter, as you caught up with Chrissy.
A few moments later, you and Chrissy got out of Tony’s car, as you thanked him for the ride.
“I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Aimee called out.
You and Chrissy waved as Tony drove off, before you turned around and faced the entrance. In that moments, your body froze.
“I don’t know if I can do this, Chris,” you mumbled, wanting to turn away. However, Chrissy stopped you, and held your hand, as she said, “You’ll be fine. If Eddie says or does something, we’ll just leave, okay?”
You nodded, and started walking into the building, as she placed her other hand on your back.
As always, the Hideout was filled with a crowd of five drunks. You looked over at the stage, finding Corroded Coffin performing, before swiftly turning away, trying to avoid being noticed.
You and Chrissy headed to the bar to order your drinks, as your fight-or-flight kicked in. You clutched your chest, as your breathing began to increase. Chrissy noticed this, and placed her hand on your back, as she said, “Deep breaths.”
She inhaled and then exhaled with you until you felt better.
“Thanks Chris,” you replied, as the barmaid placed your drinks on the counter. After Chrissy paid, you both grabbed your drinks and headed to one of booths, further away from the stage. As soon you two found the booth, you heard feedback from the microphone, before Eddie announced, “Are you ready to rock again, Hawkins?!”
After a few claps from a couple of drunks, Eddie announced, “The next song we’re gonna play is Fire Shroud.”
As the band started to play, you couldn’t help but bop your head to the music, realising how much you missed hearing them play.
However, you stopped enjoying yourself when you noticed your sister’s friends, Roxy and Diana, were sitting at a table close to the stage.
If they’re here, then that means… you thought when you noticed your sister coming out of the bathroom.
“I should’ve known,” you grumbled.
“What?” Chrissy asked, not hearing what you said.
You swiftly turned away, avoiding your sister and her friends. Chrissy turned to you, before shifting her attention back to the stage, realising that your sister and one of her friends were heading towards stage to dance together. Chrissy gave you a sympathetic gaze and squeezed your hand , as she asked, “Do you want to go?”
Before you could respond, the last voice you wanted to hear shouted over the music, “Well well well.”
You turned to find your sister towering over you two , as she leaned against the table, continuing to snidely ask, “What do we have here? Shouldn’t you two be at home playing My Little Pony or something like good little girls?”
You took a sip of your drink, trying to ignore her, whilst Chrissy glared at her.
However, your sister kept trying to push your buttons, as she asked you, “Why are you even here? No one wants you here.”
Before you could answer back, you realised that the band stopped playing, as you watched Eddie and the rest of the band heading towards your booth. “Hey, what’s going on, princess?” Eddie asked your sister, as he wrapped his arm around her.
“Well, I was just saying to my baby sister that no one wants her here,” your sister smugly replied.
“It’s a public place,” Chrissy retorted. “You can’t ban someone because you don’t like them.”
“True,” Eddie replied. “But like she said…”
He then glared at you, before finishing his sentence, “No one wants you here.”
You quickly stood up, as you angrily retorted, “That’s bullshit! It’s you two that don’t want me here-“
“Actually,” Gareth coldly spoke up, which caused you to turn to look at him. “Neither of us want you here.”
You gazed at him with confusion, as Jeff told you, “Eddie told us, so don’t try to deny it.”
“What are you talking about?” You asked Jeff, before asking Eddie, “What have you told them?”
“Figure it out,” Eddie coldly told you.
You shifted your gaze at everyone, before turning to Grant, who avoided eye contact with you when you asked, “So, you don’t want me here either Grant?”
Grant continued to avoid you, as you turned your attention to Eddie and your sister, with tears brimming in your eyes. Without saying another word, you grabbed your belongings and stormed out, ignoring Chrissy calling out to you.
Chrissy turned to Eddie, and angrily told him, “I don’t know what’s going on with you Eddie, but you’re being a real asshole, and as for you…”
She then turned to your sister, and scolded her, “How could you be like this to your own sister? What did she ever do to you?”
Your sister blankly looked at Chrissy, before retorting, “Exist, that’s what.”
The next thing that no one anticipated was Chrissy slapping your sister across the face. Before your sister could retaliate, Chrissy grabbed both drinks and threw it at both Eddie and your sister, which made her gasp, before whinging that her outfit was ruined.
“You two deserve each other,” Chrissy spat, before running off to find you.
While your sister ran to the bathroom with her friends following her, Eddie grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket and dried his face off, as Gareth blurted out, “I guess Chrissy’s not into you after all.”
Eddie turned to silently glare at the drummer before heading for the door, giving you and Chrissy a piece of his mind.
Meanwhile, you and Chrissy were sitting on the ground, as you sobbed while Chrissy comforted you.
“I don’t understand it, Chrissy,” you sniffled, unaware that Eddie was eavesdropping. “I mean, I’m sure that I would get over their relationship one day.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, thinking that you were pulling the poor me act when he heard you ask Chrissy. “But what did I do to make Eddie hate me so much?”
Eddie furrowed his eyebrows, confused by your question. At first, he thought it was just an act, but then he wondered if you were being genuine. But then, he shook his head, as he thought, No, I’ve seen enough to know how she actually thinks about me and everyone else.
Before he could step out, he noticed Steve’s car parking near the building.
Not long after, Robin and Steve came out and rushed over to you and Chrissy, checking if you were okay.
After Chrissy explained what happened, Steve immediately said, “We’ll take you guys home.”
As Robin and Chrissy put you in the car, Steve noticed Eddie lurking by the doorway of the bar, and shook his head at him, before getting in the car and drove off.
You silently sat in the backseat with Robin and Chrissy, as both girls comforted you.
“Everything will be okay,” Chrissy quietly told you, as she squeezed your hand.
Everything will be okay.
That was easier said than done. Although you’ve managed to avoid the Hellfire club at school, you couldn’t avoid Eddie and your sister at home. Every time you tried to do your homework, they always had loud music playing from her bedroom, drowning whatever they were doing. You wanted to go over to Chrissy’s place as it was a sanctuary to you. However, thanks to your sister snitching on you both to your parents and Chrissy’s mother, you were no longer allowed to go over, which drove you to go to the basement just so you can finish your studies in peace.
But what aggravated you the most was that you had a swimming semifinal competition coming up soon, and you needed to practice. However, you couldn’t even practice properly as Eddie and your sister decided to make out whilst lounging by the pool.
But the final straw was when the two of them decided to jump into the pool, preventing you from practicing all together.
Having enough of them splashing around, you aggressively splashed the water towards them, as you growled, “That’s it!”
You swam to the ladder and climbed up, as you heard your sister mock, “Aww, can’t handle a little competition?”
Without thinking, you grabbed your sister’s radio and threw it across the yard, smashing it to the ground.
As you stomped back inside, you heard your sister call you a bitch, which made you flip both of them off, no longer caring being called that.
As you were getting changed in your room, you were trying to decide how to practice without interruptions. You couldn’t go to Chrissy’s as you were banned from going over. And you weren’t allowed to go to the school swimming pool after hours without a teacher supervising you. Also, the community pool wasn’t great for practice if it’s crowded. The only solution was…
“Harrington,” you muttered, as you finished getting changed, you packed your spare swimsuit and goggles, before calling Steve at work, asking him if you could stay at his place for a while so you could practice.
“Sure, you know where the spare key is,” Steve immediately told you. You thanked him, before hanging up, so you could call your father to let him know that you were going to Steve’s to practice.
You thought that he would say no. But knowing that how much the competition meant to you, as well as getting the scholarship, he decided to let you go, before telling you, “But don’t stay out too late.���
As soon as you got to Steve’s house, you found the spare key under the flowerpot and let yourself in. You had managed to get a good half an hour of practice when you heard the door slide open.
You turned to find Steve coming through the door, as he greeted you. “Not interrupting you, am I?”
“No, I managed to do thirty minutes so far,” you replied, before continuing to swim up and down the pool, checking your lap time on your stopwatch.
Suddenly, Steve walked towards your stopwatch and picked it up, as he said, “I’ll time you.”
“Okay. Thanks,” you replied as you swam to one end of the pool, while Steve sat one of the lounge chairs.
After Steve started the countdown, he shouted, “Go!”
At once, you swam as fast as you could, back and forth for about five minutes, until Steve called out to you to stop, as he pressed the button on the stopwatch to stop.
You swam towards the ladder and got out of the pool, before grabbing your towel, as you asked, “How did I do?”
As you wrapped your towel around you, you sat in front of him when he showed you the lap times. You grabbed the stopwatch and sighed with relief, as you managed to break your record.
You looked up at him, as you said, “Thanks Steve. I wouldn’t have been able to practice today if it wasn’t for you.”
Steve smiled, before asking, “So, why did you ask me if you could practice here? Is because of your sister and Munson?”
You lowered your head down, facing the ground, not wanting to cry as you thought about them ruining your week.
You heard the chair creak, as Steve moved to sit to you. “I’m sorry,” Steve apologised. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
You shook your head, telling him, “Don’t worry about it.”
You lifted your head, and sighed before telling him, “I wouldn’t have minded them being together if they weren’t such arseholes. But…I don’t know what I’ve done to Eddie to make him despise me.”
“Hey, I’m sure that you’ve done nothing wrong, okay?” Steve wrapped his arm around your shoulder, as he said, “Whatever his problem is, that’s on him. The same goes with your sister.”
You leaned against his shoulder, as you said, “If only I wasn’t born in the same family as her. It would’ve made things less complicated.”
Steve had a sympathetic expression on his face, as he lightly ruffled your dampened hair, which made you smile a little bit. Suddenly, you both heard the phone ring.
“I better get that,” Steve said as he moved away from you, getting up on his feet, before heading inside to answer the phone, leaving you alone to pack your stopwatch in your bag, before taking out your diary and started writing…
No longer tolerating with the so called valour bard being seduced by the succubus, and being banished by the acrobat’s wicked mother from seeing her friend again, the mermaid swam to the other side of the island to find a new sanctuary where she found the young fallen king. Despite his former status, she got on well with the king, and he was willing to help her any way possible, even if it was to talk about her problems. There were times that the mermaid wished she was a part of the king’s family and not have a sibling like…
You stopped mid-sentence when you heard Steve call your name.
You looked up, as you closed your diary.
“It’s your dad,” Steve informed you. “He wants you home right away.”
You felt deflated, hearing the word home. With the way things were at the moment, it didn’t feel like home.
You sighed as you shoved your diary back in your bag, before grabbing your dry clothes and ran inside to get changed.
Shortly getting changed, you immediately ran for the door, as you shouted, “Thanks Steve. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye,” Steve called out, as he raided his fridge when he turned to find you left your bag behind on the lounge chair. He rushed to pick it up and ran out of the house, as he shouted, “Hey, you forgot-“
By then, you had already gone. Steve shook his head, before going back inside to get his car key.
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chlobliviate · 1 day
Wolfstar Microfic - Dementor
Words: 982
Remus couldn’t sleep. Something was wrong. He rolled over, taking in the vast empty space on the other side of the bed. He’d known Sirius for ten years. He could be impulsive, arrogant and sometimes even just mean. What he also was, though, was loyal. To a fault, sometimes. Remus just couldn’t recognise the man that he loved in the accusations lodged against him.
Something was very wrong.
He got out of bed, wincing as his bare feet hit the cold floor. If Sirius had been working for Voldemort, there must be something in their flat to verify that. He started in the spare room, which had originally been Sirius’ room until they realised that he hadn’t slept in there for three months, at which point it became the spare room. It still had a lot of Sirius’ stuff in there, though. In boxes under the bed and the wardrobe. There was a lot to go through.
He started under the bed. He found twelve photo albums, which he couldn’t face looking through, and a box full of very racy-looking romance novels. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, but what was the alternative? Just accept that the man who had kissed him on the forehead and told Remus that he was his whole world two days ago had conspired against them and been responsible for the death of three of their closest friends?
The next box Remus pulled out made him stop. In it was a small black chest with an inscription on the lid.
‘This chest, much like mine, will only open for you, Moons.’
Remus choked back a sob as he lifted the chest onto the bed. He ran his finger across the inscription and heard something click within. He was able to open it. He took a deep breath before looking inside. There were several photos of the two of them that Remus was quite glad that Sirius hadn’t put in a photo album and two envelopes.
He opened the first envelope. It was a contract. A contract that passed the role of secret-keeper from Sirius to Peter, and it was dated four months prior. Remus’ head was spinning. That was Pete’s signature, and he could tell from the paper that it had been magically signed too. He needed to take this to Dumbledore, or the Ministry. Someone who could tell if this was real or not. Then he noted the signature of the witness to the contract. Dumbledore. He knew. This made no sense.
He opened the second envelope, hoping for a miracle.
20th September 1981
Dear Moony,
I assume that if you’re reading this, then it’s likely something has happened to me, or maybe you’re just nosier than I thought you were.
I think Pete is the traitor. He became Prongs and Lily’s secret keeper back in June (see attached contract) because he convinced us all that I would be the obvious choice and Voldemort would never suspect him.
Since then I’ve noticed that anything that Pete knows quickly becomes used against the Order. Pete knew that Marlene and her sister would be with their parents last Friday. Only Pete, Dumbledore and I knew that. I certainly didn’t tell anyone, and it would surprise me if Dumbledore did. So that leaves Peter or a very lucky guess from the Death Eaters.
He’s also been in my ear about you. He’s been saying for months how suspicious it is that we aren’t told about your missions in meetings, and how many meetings you miss. I know you, as I hope you know me, and I know that you would never do this.
I have expressed my worries about this to Dumbledore, who knows that Pete is the secret keeper now. He told me that I was being paranoid and that J, L and H are perfectly safe. I hope that’s still the case when you read this.
If something has happened to me, look into Peter. I don’t think Dumbledore will care, so see if Moody will.
I hope I get to see you again.
I love you.
Remus didn’t hesitate before apparating to the Aurors offices.
Alastor Moody got on well with Remus and when he showed up looking distraught in the middle of his night shift, he leapt into action. He took the information from Remus, verified the magic signatures on the contract as belonging to Sirius, Peter and Dumbledore, and left the room. Remus sat in the offices for what felt like weeks, but the sun hadn’t even risen yet. Kingsley had sat with him for a while, telling him what Moody was working on, but Remus couldn’t take much of it in.
Moody appeared after several more long hours. “Remus. We’ve done magical trace tests on the finger we found at the scene. He did that to himself.”
“What are you saying, Alastor?” Remus asked, not wanting to hope too much.
“I’m saying that your man is being released from Azkaban as we speak. The dementors don’t like it, but it’s not their decision. This never should have happened. Shit. He should have had a trial, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how we missed this.”
Remus shook his head, “Dumbledore knew the whole time.”
Moody nodded, “I know. That’s something I urgently need to look into, but I needed to right the wrong first. He’s only been there for a day and a half, but the dementors…”
“I know. I’ll look after him.” Remus said as the fireplace glowed and two men stepped out. Sirius looked pale and his eyes were unfocused. Remus stumbled to his feet and pulled Sirius to him.
“Moons?” His voice was hoarse.
“I’ve got you. You’re alright.” Remus whispered into his hair. “You’re safe.”
“It wasn’t me.”
“I know, love. I found your letter.” Remus kissed the side of Sirius’ head. “I never believed it was you.”
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starlightscarsyt · 7 hours
Arturo & Felicity's Relationship - An Analysis
Smol Arturo & Felicity relationship analysis just based upon what DT Dev has said about Felicity + what we've heard of them from Chapter 2.
•Felicity is confirmed to be 3-4 years younger than Arturo. Even though Arturo thinks he's 18 right now, he's mostly likely in his 20s. But let's go off the basis that he was 18 when Felicity had died. That means that she was roughly 14-15 when she committed suicide. On top of that, it was mentioned that she was very insecure of herself and adored Arturo a lot. This might mean that Arturo was her only source of comfort in this world.
•The Giles family, from what we've gathered from Arturo, is very clearly unstable. Arturo spent the last 6+ years of his life studying plastic surgery, and honestly, his parents might be the reason for it. Because no 12 year old would willingly put themself in that position. With having an unstable environment, Felicity clinged to Arturo heavily, because he was the only safety she had left in the household. She probably wanted so desperately to stay with him. Because their parents terrified her. She felt like she was always in danger…except when Arturo was with her. With Arturo, he says "How is it my fault that I wanted to live my own life?!" which indicates that he didn't feel safe in his home either. He wanted to leave so badly. He wanted an escape. And for whatever reason…he couldn't/didn't take Felicity with him to have her escape too.
•While we can't say for certain how Arturo truly felt about Felicity, since it seems like his feelings are sort of sporadic, from can be gathered is the following. He probably did love her. Because the secret of "Your sister committed suicide because of you. You never should have left." never would have made him so angry and upset. The guilt is eating him alive. He doesn't want to believe it. And even with J mentioning that Arturo wanted a brother instead of a sister, we don't know how true that is. It could have been his admiration for J & Mariabella taking over. It could've been the trauma he was trying to repress. He doesn't want to remember Felicity.
Because he doesn't want to remember the state he saw her in.
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britcision · 3 days
Technically it’s not Wednesday anymore and technically I should only be writing the next chapter, not several chapters down the line, but Jazz grabbed me by the throat so y’all get a rough draft on something that’s gonna be like, 2-3 chapters away 👀
Maybe 👀
Dan’s lips curled into an unpleasant snarl, pointed fangs suddenly more prominent.
“Oh, really, Danny. Did you think this was going to work? Some stupid illusion and I’d fall to my knees, sobbing for reconcilliation? Or did you bring me the real thing so you could watch me kill her in front of you this time? It might not stick but I’m sure I can try.”
Part of Danny nearly lunged forward, Obsession throbbing down to his core… but he held it in check. After all, this wasn’t the Jazz Dan had known; she wasn’t just a teenager anymore.
And she certainly wasn’t impressed.
“Daniel James Fenton, you know better than to talk about someone when they’re standing right in front of you,” she snapped, her hip cocked out and arms folded in an entirely done big-sister posture that only got scarier with age. “If you have something to say, say it to my face.”
And Dan… froze, for a moment. And Danny knew he’d been right in that second, that microsecond of hesitation. Of inactivity.
Sure, Jazz might be well past six feet tall herself now, but she looked like their mom enough to make his Vlad severely uncomfortable. More than that though… Danny had never gotten over the thought of her dying. Dan had broken the world about it.
And he couldn’t bring himself to look her in the eye.
It was covered up a moment later, in bluff and bluster as he scoffed and glared in her general direction.
“What, are you going to psychoanalyze me? Tell me how sad and tragic I am too? Give me a break, I’ve got some lovely coping mechanisms,” he snapped, aura flaring in a burst of green fire.
But Jazz had never been scared of Danny’s aura, and frankly? He was the Ghost King. Dan’s was a drip in the bucket by comparison.
She marched straight up to him, ignoring the flames completely, and grabbed him by the chin. Forced him to face her, even as his eyes widened, face freezing.
Danny had never heard her voice so cold.
“Is that supposed to be scary? Am I supposed to be impressed, Danny? Honestly, I’d like to say that must be the Fruit Loop’s influence, but you’ve always been a drama queen.”
And then she twisted him into a headlock, all 6’9 mountain of muscle like he was still a ninety-pound twink, and noogied him.
“You’re such a fucking dork, Danny.” She sounded almost fond now, exasperated, a tone Danny was painfully familiar with. Even knowing she wasn’t talking to him-him, the cringe was automatic.
Dan sure as hell had no idea what to do about it, panic flaring madly across his face and his aura, trailed by a lacklustre attempt at anger.
“Get your hands off me,” he roared, turning intangible and going to jerk himself away… and then Jazz’s eyes flashed teal and she reached after him, her own hand changing to pull him straight back into the noogie.
Something about that broke Dan completely, his entire body suddenly limp and held up only by Jazz’s continued grip on his head. He seemed almost catatonic, completely zoned out… which Jazz completely ignored, grinding her knuckles into the top of his head.
Danny was pretty sure he knew why though; it was the one thing which had always been able to calm him down, back when he was approaching his twenties and the possibility of Dan started giving him panic attacks. Jazz had snapped him out of it in a much gentler way, but it amounted to the same reminder.
Jazz was his big sister. His beloved mentor, his voice of reason, his rock. And after living in Amity Park for almost twenty years, directly on top of the Fenton Portal, she was liminal as hell and about one near-death experience from a halfa herself.
There was just no way he was ever going to lose her, until she decided she was good and ready to move on. It wasn’t possible, and a little thing like dying wasn’t going to slow Jasmine Fenton down.
If it happened before she graduated, Danny was pretty sure she’d rise before Finals Week even if she died the night before.
(And given her self-care habits, he did occasionally worry about it actually happening… but she promised her ghost-envy days were long behind her and she’d never get that bad.
Belief: pending.)
Danny wasn’t actually fully sure if her ghost-grabbing abilities extended to anyone else or if she could just always wrangle him, but he and Dan were the same person; enough so that it sure as hell worked on him.
Dan wasn’t going down without a fight though - Danny was almost a little impressed with how quickly he fought past the blue screen (it might have been Vlad’s influence, given the sudden haughty tone) as he began to shove at her arms, quickly working up to a shout.
“Get your hands off me! Do you have any idea who I am! I am the great destroyer, breaker of worlds, and you will not treat me like a small child!” He bellowed, struggling viciously against her grip.
If they were in the real world, it’d probably have worked. If he had access to any of his ghost powers, it wasn’t a fight Jazz could possibly have won.
But this was a dream, and either Nocturn had a damn good idea what’d happen to him if anything happened to Danny’s big sister in his realm… or he just plain liked Jazz better.
(Most people did. Danny was fine with it.)
Because the more Dan struggled, the more Jazz began slowly increasing in size, getting bigger and bigger until she entirely dwarfed him and had him cuddled like a doll under her arm. Watching him struggle at this point was just a little embarrassing, actually, and Jazz finally took pity on him.
And settled him on her hip like an unruly toddler, grinning down at him.
“Now, do you think you’re ready to actually talk to me?” She asked him gently - and if she found the sight of this full sized man so relatively tiny as funny as Danny did, it didn’t even show.
Dan glowered up at her.
“You may be favoured by the fool who runs this domain, but you will never be my equal in anything but dreams,” his snarled viciously, his anger apparently stoked by indignation.
(Danny made a note. Still definitely some Vlad tendencies.)
Jazz just chuckled softly, bumping him up to give him a kiss on the forehead.
“Oh, baby brother, you know that’s never going to be how it works,” she said brightly, then paused, glancing around. “Uh… Danny, we never talk about this again, alright?” She asked, squinting down at him.
Mildly offended that he was about the height of her ankles, Danny raised both hands in immediate surrender.
“Dude, I am not letting anyone try and get freudian on me for Jumbo-Jazz. My lips are sealed from self preservation alone.” And he’d have to make sure to emphasize to Nocturn just how valuable his own silence would be. Vital to survival, even.
Apparently satisfied, Jazz nodded, sitting carefully cross legged and settling Dan in her lap, her chin on top of his head.
“So… you told me about your future once, y’know?” She said slowly, while Dan struggled and once more surrendered to the indignity. “And Danny told me some more later. And, obviously, we all actually know that taking over and destroying the entire world isn’t actually a healthy way to process grief…”
“Fucking spare me,” Dan growled, looking about a minute away from taking a bite out of her hand.
Jazz ignored him.
“But… in spite of all of that…” she paused for a moment, leaning back and smiling down at Dan, who couldn’t quite help craning back to look at her… if only to know where the next attack was coming from. “It’s… really sweet to know that you’d break the world for me, Danny. I just really wish it hadn’t broken you, too.”
And once again, Dan froze… and for the first time, Danny could feel a crack in the impenetrable wall around his core. Between all of the performative rage and theatrics and what he really, truly felt.
Even his rally only managed to produce a vaguely sulky “I’m not broken!”
Jazz sighed softly and turned him gently in her arms, lifting him to hug tightly to her chest. She might have been shrinking now, either by Nocturn’s will or her own, but she held him close anyway.
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itendtothinkalot · 2 days
confession 3.0
Summary: reader has suppressed her feelings for huening for so long, believing that she could manage without confessing. sooo how will she react when she discovers that kai had gone on a blind date.......
Genre: fluffy
Characters: huening kaix f!reader
Words: 6202
a/n: suUuUuper busy at work rn but i managed to write something rly quick today! i didnt rly proofread or edit this so i'm sorry if thrs errors! also stream #ggum!!!
Completed (oneshot)
Kai, It’s hard to find the right words when I’m about to say something that could change everything between us. But here I am, thinking maybe, just MAYBE, you would feel the same way. (Though, I’m on my period, so maybe I’m reading too much into it.) We’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember. You’ve always been my rock, through every high and low. Maybe that’s why it’s taken me so long to see you as more than a friend. But now, I think I’m ready to face the truth. I like you—probably more than a friend should.
It’s been two years since you wrote that letter. You and Kai had just graduated. Maybe it was the adrenaline from graduation, but you wrote it the night he kissed your cheek after you were named valedictorian.
“THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!” you heard him yell from the seats. You rolled your eyes as you walked up to get your diploma, but you couldn’t ignore the look in his eyes as he mouthed the words, “I’m so proud of you.”
“The letter’s collecting dust,” Beomgyu teased, lying on your bed, reading the letter you wrote for Kai all those years ago.
“You come to my house, rummage through my memory box, and take out this hellish letter?” You glared at Beomgyu, who knew you were getting irritated. “What are you trying to achieve? If you want me to cry, just call me dumb. I’m on my period anyway.”
“TMI, but I’ll let it slide since I am a huge female supporter.” He chuckled, “But here’s a thought! Give him the letter.”
You snatched the letter from him. “And why would I do that?"
"Why not? It's cute!"
"In what way?" You asked.
"It has like words. And stuff." Beomgyu paused. “Besides, you two belong together! Plus, I need some drama in my life. Ever since Soobin and Yeonjun went to study overseas, things have been so boring.”
"Are you insinuating that Kai, Taehyun, and I are boring?" you asked, deadpan.
"I'm not insinuating. I'm literally telling you that," Beomgyu chuckled, draping his arms over your shoulders like he hadn’t just insulted you.
"You’re an idiot," you scoffed, shaking your head. "Besides, I’m perfectly fine with how things are."
"Oh, you mean staring at him lovingly while he’s eating?" Beomgyu teased, widening his eyes and pouting dramatically, doing his best imitation of you watching Kai.
“I could kill you.”
“But you won’t.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, knowing he was right. It was cruel—the way you felt about Kai. Almost comically so. Falling in love with your best friend felt like a cosmic joke.
“Do you think he likes me back?” You sighed.
“How would I know?” Beomgyu rolled his eyes.
“Well, for starters, you three have guy’s nights.”
“We talk about games. Football. You know, guy stuff. Do we look like the kind of people who talk about feelings?”
“Kinda. Yeah.” 
The living room was filled with high pitched screaming (mostly from Beomgyu) as the four of you—Beomgyu, Taehyun, Kai, and you—were completely absorbed in a random game Kai had discovered in a video he had seen somewhere.
Taehyun, with a mischievous grin, leaned back on the couch. “Hey, did you guys hear the news?” 
“What news?” Beomgyu asked, his eyes still locked onto the TV.
“Kai has a girlfriend~” Taehyun sang, before getting elbowed in his stomach.
“Dude!” Kai said, his eyes shifted to you and then to Beomgyu. “It was just a blind date my sister set me up on. It was stupid.” 
Your fingers froze. You glanced over at Taehyun, still grinning as he played, and felt a sudden surge of jealousy. Your hands fumbled with the controller, struggling to keep your composure as your heart raced. You shot a quick look at Kai, whose focus wavered as his eyes were still locked onto your every movement as if waiting for a reaction.
"Why would you bring that up when we’re about to beat the last level?” Kai sighed, his brows furrowing in mild annoyance as his hands tightened around the controller.
Taehyun smirked, leaning back lazily against the couch. “Would you have preferred I brought it up on the first level?” he teased, eyes gleaming with mischief.
Kai rolled his eyes, exhaling in frustration. “It wasn’t a big deal,” he muttered, his voice casual, but there was a slight tension in his posture as if he wanted to brush the subject away quickly.
“So it did happen?” Beomgyu exclaimed, freezing his character mid-air on the screen.
“A couple of days ago,” Taehyun said casually, his attention still on the game. “I was surprised too. He didn’t mention anything about it, I only happened to walk past his little date at the cafe I frequent.”
Kai shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Yeah, it was just a setup my sister arranged. It was... fine.”
You felt a pang of jealousy and frustration, struggling to ignore the growing lump in your throat. You shifted in your seat, trying to refocus on the game, but your movements became increasingly erratic.
Your fingers pressed random buttons, desperately trying to regain control, but it only made things worse. The game character on the screen flailed aimlessly.
“Stop dying! You’re pulling us down!” Taehyun yelled, clearly exasperated with your lack of focus.
The criticism hit a nerve, and you snapped, unable to keep your frustration in check. “Oh, sure, blame it on me, Taehyun! Maybe if you hadn’t brought up Kai’s stupid blind date, I wouldn’t be so distracted!”
Taehyun looked taken aback, his eyes widening in surprise. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“It’s just... annoying!” you shot back, your voice sharp. “I’m trying to focus, and all I can think about is how—”
You suddenly noticed the three boys staring at you with wide eyes.
Realizing you’d let your frustration get the better of you, you quickly backpedaled. “I mean—sorry. I was just distracted,” you said, your voice trailing off awkwardly as you tried to recover from the outburst.
Beomgyu, ever observant, immediately noticed the shift in your demeanor. He shot you a sideways glance.
“Hey,” he said quietly, leaning in a bit closer so only you could hear, “I know you’re upset. Just take a deep breath.”
You met his gaze and saw the empathy in his eyes. 
“Thanks,” you murmured.
Meanwhile, Taehyun was still chatting away about the date, completely oblivious to the tension. “So, how did it go, Kai? Did you have a good time?”
Kai shrugged again, looking a bit uncomfortable. “It was okay. We talked, had dinner. Nothing special.”
You clenched your jaw, trying to mask the jealousy. You had no right to be upset, but the idea of Kai with someone else was expectedly hard to handle.
Like you said, curse.
It had been a couple of weeks since you last hung out with Kai, and you'd been avoiding him, using work as an excuse. You hoped everyone bought it, though Beomgyu didn’t seem convinced. But you didn’t care. You had already turned down Friday night dinners twice in a row, and there was no way you could get away with skipping a third time. So here you were, back at their place, feeling a knot of nerves twist in your stomach.
You wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you were terrified it’d be awkward with Kai. Ever since you found out about his blind date, your feelings had been gnawing at you relentlessly, making every thought of him more painful. You feared how being around him might make those emotions harder to suppress especially since you almost gave yourself away the previous time.
But when you arrived at his house, all your worries evaporated the moment Kai pulled you into a tight bearhug. "I missed you so much!" he exclaimed, his voice warm and genuine. You found yourself melting into the embrace, forgetting every ounce of awkwardness and jealousy. For a brief moment, all that mattered was the familiar comfort of his arms around you, and everything else faded away.
You loved being in his arms. Kai felt like a giant teddy bear, soft and comforting in a way that made you feel safe. You had thought about it many times before—if comfort could take the form of a person, it would be him. His hugs were the kind that melted away stress, and being close to him felt like home. No matter how anxious or upset you were, being in his arms always made you forget, even if just for a little while.
“I missed you too," you fumbled out, your voice softer than intended.
"God! It's been two weeks, but it feels like a year!" he laughed, pulling you over to the sofa. His excitement and warmth made you feel like you’d never been away. 
"I knew you were busy the last couple of weeks," he said, reaching for his phone and opening the notes app. "So I made a list." He grinned, scrolling through it. "Here are just some things you missed during our dinners."
"You wrote them down on your notes app?" you giggled, genuinely amused by the thought of him keeping track of everything just for you.
"Of course," he replied with a playful glint in his eyes. "I can’t leave you out."
You don’t think he realizes just how sweet he is—or how incredibly frustrating it is that he's constantly this sweet. You're pretty sure he has no idea how much you want to scream every time he makes you feel this way. It was maddening, really, how effortlessly he could make your heart race with just a few words or a simple smile.
It had been about an hour since Kai filled you in on the events of the past two weeks. From what you gathered, Beomgyu sharted in his pants when he had diarrhoea from eating at a place down the street and Taehyun got drunk and wasted $500 sending TikTok gifts to Yeonjun during a live dance stream.
It seemed plausible enough. You missed them. Two weeks had passed, but it was more than enough time for you to fully feel their absence. Sure, they checked in on you every day, flooding the group chat, but you didn't respond—afraid you'd accidentally reveal your feelings for Kai. You weren’t about to make that mistake.
Still, you were starting to realize that avoiding them felt incredibly immature. You had forgotten just how much you loved your friends—and how much they loved you. Every part of you wished they wouldn’t change, not even a little. You wanted them to stay exactly as they were, unchanged and constant.
It was possibly why you were so adamant about keeping your feelings for Kai to yourself. The thought of confessing felt risky, one wrong move and the most precious friendship you’ve ever had could shatter. You couldn’t bear to be the one who ruined that.
Still…you wondered, how long you could take before you finally cracked.
“Do you think… we’ll still be friends when we’re older?” you asked, your voice soft and a bit uncertain.
Kai tilted his head, considering the question. “Like Yeonjun old or like my dad old?”
You laughed, trying to clarify, “Like, y’know, further into our adulthood.”
“Like when we have kids?” he asked, his tone casual but with a hint of curiosity.
“We?” Your heart skipped a beat, suddenly racing. The idea of him envisioning a future with you was both exhilarating and terrifying.
“Yeah?” He paused, looking at you with a thoughtful expression. “Like when you have your own family and I have mine.”
You nodded either way.
Kai looked at you with a genuine, reassuring smile. “Why wouldn’t we be?” he asked, his eyes warm and sincere. “We’ve been through so much together. Why wouldn’t we stay friends?”
Sure, you took some sort of comfort from his reassurance but there was a part of you still grappling with the realization that your feelings might never align with his. 
You took a deep breath, forcing a smile as you met his gaze. “Mhm.”
Kai’s smile widened, and he playfully nudged you with his elbow. “C’mon. We’ll still be annoying each other, like always.”
You laughed softly, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
"We won't change."
As you looked over at him, your eyes began to well up with tears. You looked away, pretending that you weren’t actually about to sob. 
Kai’s gaze softened when he noticed the glistening in your eyes. He placed his hands gently on your thigh, as if sensing that something was troubling you, though he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was.
“I promise,” he said softly.
“Right…sorry..I’m just–”
“It’s fine. I get it.” He nodded, cutting you off. “You don’t have to explain.”
You often wondered how someone who knew you so well didn’t have any idea that you liked him. The thought was both comforting and frustrating. 
“Anyway, there’s still like 3 more things on my list.” Kai said, showing you his notes app.
You nodded, “All ears!” 
Despite enjoying Kai’s animated recounting of the ridiculous things Beomgyu had done the week before, your mind was a tangled mess of thoughts about his recent blind date.
You tried to focus on the present, nodding and laughing along, but the image of him with someone else kept intruding.
You hesitated, your fingers nervously tracing patterns on the armrest of the sofa. You took a deep breath as you waited for Kai to finally finish his last story. 
“Hey, Kai, can I ask you something?” you finally managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper. Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for his response.
“Sure, what’s up?” he replied, still looking relaxed and upbeat.
“So, about that blind date your sister set you up on…” you began, your tone more serious now. “How did it–um– go?”
Kai’s expression shifted slightly, and he leaned back, thinking for a moment. “Oh, that. It was... okay. We had dinner and talked a bit. It was nice, but nothing special.”
You tried to mask your disappointment, nodding slowly. “I see.”
Kai looked at you with a hint of curiosity. “Why? What’s up?”
You shrugged, forcing a casual tone. “Oh! Nothing. I was just–uh–curious!”
“Well, to be honest,” he started, “the date was actually kind of fun. She was really nice and pretty. We had a good time talking and hanging out. She’s been asking me out on another date, but I’m not sure if I should go.”
You felt a wave of jealousy bubbling inside you, but you tried to keep your voice steady. “That’s nice!” you said, forcing a smile. “You should go.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you winced inwardly, realizing the absurdity of what you’d just said. Here you were, encouraging the guy you had feelings for to go out on another date.
You looked down at your hands, trying to hide the flush of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks. “I mean… it’s your choice. Do what you think is right,” you stammered, trying to backtrack.
You tried to shake off the discomfort, but the conversation with Kai had left you feeling unsettled. As your phone rang, you seized the opportunity to shift focus.
“Hey, Beomgyu. What’s up?” you answered, trying to sound casual.
“Hey!” Beomgyu’s voice came through the speaker. “Just wanted to let you know we’ve got a busted tire. We’re going to be home 2-3 hours later than usual.”
“Shit, you guys okay?” 
“Yeah, we’re fine,” Beomgyu replied, chuckling. “Taehyun’s totally losing it with his insurance company. It’s kinda hilarious. I’ll send you a video in the group chat.”
You heard Beomgyu laughing, and then Taehyun’s distant shouting.
“Fuck. He’s coming over to yell at me to delete it,” Beomgyu added quickly.
“Yeah, okay,” you said, trying to ignore the awkwardness from earlier. “I’ll see you guys later.”
You hung up and looked over at Kai, who was watching you with a curious expression.
“Well,” you said, attempting to lighten the mood, “looks like it’s just us for dinner tonight.”
Kai grinned, clearly unfazed by the earlier conversation. “Perfect. More time for us to catch up.”
Whatever he had just said did nothing to quell the storm of emotions swirling inside you. You couldn’t help but think, Curse you, Huening Kai, you perfect son of a bitch, as you watched him move about the kitchen, completely unaware of the effect he had on you. 
“Can you pass me the salt?” “Hey…” “Dude!”
You suddenly felt a flick on your forehead and snapped out of your thoughts, turning to Kai, who had been trying to get your attention for a while.
“Oh! Yep. You should!” you blurted out. “You should totally try a new hairstyle.”
Kai laughed, the sound warm and reassuring. “We’ve moved on from that topic.” His expression softened as he leaned in, gently placing his hand on your forehead. “You alright? Are you feeling sick?”
His hand was surprisingly warm against your skin, and if his touch lingered even a moment longer, you were certain your cheeks would be hotter than the soup you were drinking. You nodded quickly, trying to brush off the heat rising to your face.
“Are you sure? It feels like you’re getting warmer,” Kai said, his voice tinged with concern.
Embarrassed, you pushed his hand away, the warmth of his touch still lingering. “It’s probably just the summer heat.”
“You sure?” he asked, still looking worried.
You nodded again, trying to sound more convincing. “Yep.”
“Hold on, you have a little…” He leaned in and gently used his thumb to wipe a small crumb from your lip.
The unexpected touch of his thumb against your lip sent a jolt through you. Startled by the sudden closeness and the tender gesture, you fumbled with the bowl of soup. In your flustered state, your hand slipped, and the bowl tipped over. 
You abruptly stood up, wincing as a sharp, stinging pain shot through your foot. “Fuck,” you cursed under your breath, your voice tinged with frustration.
Kai’s face immediately filled with concern. He hurriedly rushed over to your side of the table, reaching for the spilled food and trying to help you clean up. “Are you okay?” he asked, his tone anxious.
“I’m good!” you said quickly, trying to push his hands away. You didn’t want him to see how flustered and embarrassed you were. His touch was warm, but right now, you just wanted to avoid any more attention.
You noticed a flicker of hurt in his eyes before you shook your head, trying to reassure him. “I didn’t mean to—I just—I should go get this cleaned up.” You quickly made your way to the bathroom, your heart pounding as you tried to escape the situation.
You heard Kai’s footsteps follow closely behind you. As you entered the bathroom, he called out, “The first aid’s under the sink.” There was a sigh in his voice, a mixture of frustration and concern. “You sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you through the closed door. “Yep,” you called back, trying to sound more confident than you felt.
Silence continued between the two of you as you carefully bandaged your scalded thigh. The faint rustling of Kai’s movements outside the door made it clear he was still there, waiting.
Then, you heard him whisper, almost too softly to catch, “There’s something wrong between us.”
You stayed silent, not trusting yourself to respond.
A moment later, his voice grew a bit louder as he repeated, “You sure you’re okay?”
“Yep.” You replied.
“You sure we’re okay?” Kai’s voice softened.
You didn’t answer, letting the silence stretch between you. Each second felt like an eternity, your mind racing as you tried to gather your thoughts. You could hear the faint rustling of Kai’s movements outside the door.
Finally, you took a deep breath and emerged from the bathroom, the bandage awkwardly wrapped around your leg. Kai stood there, looking at you with a mixture of worry and something else you couldn’t quite place.
“Sorry about that,” you said, forcing a smile. “It’s just a minor burn. Nothing to worry about.”
Kai’s eyes softened, though he still looked concerned. “It’s not just about the burn, is it?” He stepped closer, his gaze searching yours. “Something’s been off for a while now. I can’t help but feel like you’re distancing yourself from me.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, the vulnerability of the moment making it hard to speak. “It’s complicated,” you finally admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve been dealing with a lot of emotions lately, and I didn’t want to drag you into it.”
Kai’s expression shifted from concern to understanding, and he reached out, gently touching your arm. “You don’t have to go through things alone. If something’s wrong, I want to be here for you. I care about you too much to let things stay this way.”
His words struck a chord, and you felt your resolve begin to crumble. The warmth of his hand on your arm, combined with the sincerity in his eyes, made it hard to hold back your feelings.
“I—” you started, but the words caught in your throat. You looked down, struggling to find the right way to express what you were feeling. “I just… I didn’t want to make things awkward or complicated.”
Kai shook his head slightly, his gaze never leaving yours. "Please,” he whispered. “Just let me share the pain you're going through."
You met his eyes, finally allowing yourself to be vulnerable. “I… I care about you a lot, Kai. More than I thought I could.”
Kai’s expression softened further, and he took a step closer. “I care about you too.”
He didn’t get it. He didn’t understand the implication of what you were trying to say—that you liked him. That you cared about him differently from how you cared about Beomgyu and Taehyun.
You forced a smile. “Thank you. Let’s get back out there.” You nudged his shoulder.
He shook his head. “No.” He gently pulled you back, stopping you in your tracks.
“No,” he repeated, his grip firm but gentle, careful not to hurt you. He guided you to the wall and leaned you against it softly. “I don’t want to leave it like this. I don’t know what this is, but I don’t feel like we’re okay.”
“We are.”
“You’re lying,” he sighed.
“I’m not—”
“Your eyes,” Kai said softly, “they tell me everything I need to know.”
“Are they telling you anything else?” you asked, your frustration clearly showing. “Since you know me so well, can you read anything else in my eyes?”
“Why are you getting mad at me?” Kai asked, his voice getting slightly louder, confusion and hurt in his voice.
“Because!” you snapped, your voice rising with anger. “Because!”
“Because what?!” Kai shouted back, his own frustration surfacing. “It’s like you don’t even want me around anymore!”
“And who said that? Stop assuming everything about me!” you yelled, your voice trembling with emotion. “Stop acting like you know everything about me!”
“Don’t I?!” he exclaimed, frustration evident in his tone.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “You’re always going on about how much you know me, but do you really? You can’t even—” You paused, the words caught in your throat.
“Can’t even what? Notice that you’re avoiding me?” Kai’s voice was tinged with hurt and confusion.
The room was charged with tension. Your heart raced as you faced each other, your eyes locked with his despite your desperate urge to look away. His voice dripped with anger, and his eyes shimmered with a deep, wounded hurt. 
“Have you or have you not been avoiding me?” Kai asked, his voice dropping to a deeper, more serious tone.
“I wasn’t igno—”
“You’re lying.”
“I wasn’t intentionally ignoring you,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper, filled with apprehension.
Kai’s shoulders slumped in defeat, his voice cracking with vulnerability. “W-why? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong? Listen, whatever I did, I’m sorry—”
"You didn’t do anything." You sighed, burying your face in your hands.
"Then... why have you been avoiding me?" Kai gently pulled your hands away from your face, lifting your chin so you’d meet his gaze. His eyes searched yours.
"You don’t think I’ve noticed? How you've barely been texting me, or the group? We used to talk every day. And now, for the past two weeks, it’s just been me... constantly asking about you. And the only person who seems to know anything is Beomgyu. Not even me." His voice cracked with frustration. "It used to be us. Just the two of us against everything. But now—"
“I—I’ve been going through some things on my own. You don’t have to know everything about me, Kai,” you said, your tone sharper than intended.
It almost felt ironic, and just as infuriating, that he stood there acting as if he truly understood you, when he didn’t even realize the most important thing—your feelings. 
“We’re supposed to be best friends. What happened to being friends till we grow old?” Kai’s voice cracked, as if the weight of the words would somehow pull you back to him.
“Some of us don’t want that,” you snapped, your self-restraint finally shattering. The words left your lips before you could stop them, sharp and unforgiving.
Kai froze, staring at you in disbelief. The hurt in his eyes was unmistakable. Slowly, the grip he still had on your arm loosened, his hands falling to his sides, as though the very act of holding on had become too heavy.
“Kai—” you sighed, realizing your words had gone too far.
“No. I’m—I—” he cut you off, sighing heavily as he pushed his hair back. “I’m an idiot.”
“Kai—” you tried again, your voice softer, unsure of how to fix what had just happened.
He stayed silent, inching away from you slowly. Then, without a word, he knelt down to look at your injured leg. “Feel better,” he murmured, gently tracing the edge of the hasty bandage wrapped around your thigh.
He stood up to walk away, the silence between you growing heavier with each step. But just as he turned, your frustration finally boiled over, pushing you past the breaking point. You couldn't hold it in any longer.
With a voice raw and desperate, you shouted, “I LIKE YOU!” Your eyes were wide and your chest heaved with the effort of the outburst. The words seemed to crackle in the air, and your hands clenched into fists at your sides, trembling slightly as the intensity of your emotions took hold.
Kai froze in his tracks, his back still turned to you. The air between you crackled with the weight of your confession, the echo of your words hanging in the silence. You stood there, heart racing, unable to believe you had actually said it.
Slowly, Kai turned to face you, his eyes wide with shock and something else you couldn’t quite place—hope, maybe? Confusion? Possibly.
You swallowed hard, “I—I didn’t mean to shout,” you stammered. “But I’ve been holding it in for so long, and I just… I didn’t know how else to say it.”
Kai’s expression softened, his brows furrowing as he processed your words. “You like me?” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he wasn’t sure he heard you right.
You nodded, “I just thought if I kept my distance, maybe it would go away… but it didn’t.”
He took a tentative step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I was scared,” you admitted, your voice trembling as you spoke. Your hands fidgeted, fingers twisting nervously. “Scared that it would ruin everything between us. Scared you wouldn’t feel the same. And the blind date that Taehy—”
“It wasn’t even that serious to begin with, my sisters were just sick of hearing me complain about–well about you.” he interrupted, his tone gentle but firm. He took a step closer, his expression softening as he reached out, his hand almost brushing yours.
Kai let out a breath, his shoulders relaxing as the tension between you began to fade. “I never knew,” he said softly, taking another step closer. “But… you didn’t have to be scared. I—”
He hesitated, his voice catching in his throat, before finally meeting your gaze. “I like you too.”
“Yeah. Oh,” Kai mumbled, awkwardly scratching the back of his head, clearly unsure of what to do next.
You laughed, the tension breaking slightly. “No one ever tells you what to do after… a confession.”
Kai chuckled softly. “I figured Beomgyu might know what to do. He’s been egging me on to tell you how I feel.”
“He has?” you asked, surprised.
Kai nodded, and a brief silence settled between the two of you, heavy but not uncomfortable. Finally, he spoke again. “I’m sorry.”
“What? Why?” you asked, confused.
“I should’ve told you sooner, when I had the chance. I didn’t realize that keeping it in would hurt you, and that was never my intention.” His voice softened, regret evident in every word.
“That makes the two of us,” you giggled shyly. “Well, I wasn’t exactly broadcasting my single status and going on blind dates, but still—” you teased playfully.
“For the record,” Kai said, scratching the back of his head with a sheepish grin, “my sisters were only sick of me complaining about how much I like you and how much of a coward I am for not telling you.”
“Oh. What exactly have you been complaining about?” You teased.
Kai’s cheeks pinked, “N-nothing. Nothing important.”
“Really? You do know I have Hiyyih’s Insta. I could probably just ask her myself,” you said with a mischievous grin.
“You wouldn’t.”
You nodded, a playful glint in your eye. “I absolutely would. So it’s either you give me a summarized version and keep the details to yourself, or I get the 100% detailed account from Hiyyih.”
“It’s not even—I just… you have to promise me you won’t laugh. Or make fun of me.”
“Promise.” You said, pretending to zip your lips with a playful wink. 
Your eyes were filled with genuine adoration for the man standing before you. His vulnerability was written all over his face, and it only made your heart swell. Your gaze softened, allowing the affection you'd kept hidden for so long to shine through. After years of bottling up your feelings, you could finally show them, even if only a little.
“Well, uh… this is so embarrassing,” he mumbled quietly to himself, taking a deep breath to steady himself. “I’d tell them how… uh… pretty you looked every time we went out together,” he said slowly.
“Uh-huh…” You nodded, encouraging him to continue.
“And I’d tell them how you didn’t deserve the guys you were dating. How they were all assholes,” he went on, his voice growing louder and more passionate as he gained confidence with each word.
“And I’d tell them how much you deserve someone who genuinely loves you, someone who knows how funny you are, how quiet you get when you’re overanalyzing something, how loud you become when you're passionate, and how loving and protective you are to the people who matter to you.” He gulped, his voice shaking with emotion.
“How… much I deserved you,” he finished, his gaze searching yours.
You stood there, feeling a rush of warmth flood your cheeks. Your mind raced, but no words came. All you could manage was a soft, hesitant “Umm…”
Kai’s gaze was fixed on you, a mixture of hope and apprehension in his eyes. Seeing your struggle to find the right words, he took a deep breath and gently took your hands in his. 
You hated to admit it, but Kai seemed to be winning the confession game you had inadvertently started.
As his words settled, you found yourself slowly leaning in, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Kai’s eyes fluttered shut, and he met you halfway. His lips gently brushed against yours, the kiss starting soft and tentative.
Your hands gripped his, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. You felt Kai’s arms wrap around your waist, guiding you gently against the wall.
“God, I like you so much,” he whispered into the kiss.
Just as you were losing yourself in the moment, the abrupt sound of the door slamming open ruined the moment the two of you had.
Taehyun and Beomgyu burst into the room, their eyes widening in disbelief as they took in the sight of you and Kai locked in a kiss.
“What the—” Taehyun’s voice came out as a high-pitched yelp, his hand flying to his mouth in shock.
The room was filled with a jumble of screams—your and Kai’s shocked cries mixing with Taehyun’s and Beomgyu’s high-pitched shouts. The noise was deafening, with each of you trying to out-scream the other. 
“DO YOU EVER KNOCK?!” Kai yelled at the two of them.
“Enough about us! What the heck are you two doing? Spit-swapping in front of us like that?” Taehyun yelled.
You and Kai stood there, red-faced and speechless, your hands still intertwined but your mouths firmly shut. The embarrassment was palpable as you both tried to avoid eye contact, your cheeks burning with the sudden realization of being caught.
The two of you glanced at each other, then back at Taehyun and Beomgyu.
“Spit it out!” Beomgyu rolled his eyes, clearly impatient.
“We like each other?” Kai managed to fumble out, his voice trembling slightly.
At that moment, the room erupted into a new kind of chaos. Taehyun and Beomgyu, now visibly relieved and overjoyed, screamed with happiness.
“FINALLY!” Taehyun shouted, his voice a mix of triumph and excitement. “I KNEW IT!”
“Oh my god!” Beomgyu exclaimed, clapping his hands together in delight. “We can finally sleep in peace!”
“No more emo Huening Kai nights!”
“No more sad songs!”
Beomgyu and Taehyun grabbed each other’s hands, jumping in circles and celebrating for reasons you couldn’t quite grasp.
“Emo Huening Kai nights?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Every time you went out on a date with someone, Kai would come home with this sad look on his face,” Taehyun explained. “He wouldn’t want to play any games or do anything fun.”
“He’d just pout, act like a baby, order Chinese takeout, and then moan about how the guy you were dating didn’t deserve you,” Beomgyu continued, trying to hold back his laughter.
You looked at Kai, who was now blushing deeply and rolling his eyes in mock annoyance. “Well, that explains a lot,” you said, chuckling.
“When you both explain it like that, it makes me sound pathetic,” Kai said, shaking his head.
“But it was pathetic?” Beomgyu asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think it’s cute,” you said with a smile.
“Gross,” Beomgyu said, scrunching up his face in mock disgust. “Wait, does this mean we’ll have to see this more often? GROSS!”
“I can’t believe Huening found a girl before us,” Taehyun sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.
“It’s possible that the two of you lack a certain charisma,” Kai replied with a teasing grin.
“Oh, and you have it?” Taehyun laughed, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, I do have the world’s greatest girlfriend,” Kai said, glancing at you with a proud smile.
“Girlfriend?” You teased, your eyes twinkling with mischief. “Who said anything about me being your girlfriend?”
Kai’s face turned a shade redder as he stammered, “Well, I—I just thought—”
“Thought what?” you interrupted, a playful smirk on your lips. “That I’d be your girlfriend even if you didn’t ask? I’m not that easy.”
“I’m sorry,” Beomgyu interjected, “You’re a little confident right now. Aren’t you the same girl who messaged me about how Kai looked like he had the most pillowy, kissable lips you’d ever seen?”
Your cheeks heated up. “CHOI BEOMGYU!”
“Oh, and also that cute little private TikTok you did after you cried over Kai…? Really cute,” Beomgyu continued, his grin widening.
In a desperate bid to stop him from revealing more, you clenched your fists and lunged at Beomgyu. You jumped onto his back and covered his mouth with your hands, muffling his voice before he could spill any more secrets. 
Taehyun and Kai erupted into giggles, but Kai's laughter suddenly faltered as he realized, “Wait… what TikTok?”
“She did a TikTok where—” Beomgyu started, but you quickly shoved your hands over his mouth, pressing down firmly to silence him.
Unfortunately, Beomgyu was way stronger than you. With one swift move, he had you slung over his shoulder, your legs flailing as you tried to wriggle free.
“Fine. I won’t tell. Yet,” Beomgyu said with a mischievous grin.
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changingplumbob · 2 days
Foster Household: Chapter 9, Part 6
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Carson didn’t want to go inside so he decided to call Onyx about what had happened with Ariadne.
Onyx: Oh damn, and you didn’t kiss her?
Carson: Well I wanted to but- like I don’t even know if it was a date or just hanging out. Why does romance have to be so confusing. Oh shoot, Nyx I gotta go, I’ve got another call
Onyx: Talk to you tomorrow, don’t forget the homework!
Sighing Carson flicked over to his other call.
Reece: Hey little bother
Carson: The hell do you want
Reece: Touchy. Look tell mum I can’t do the BBQ tonight. Samir and I can do later in the week but-
Carson: I’m not your errand boy, tell her yourself
Reece: Well I would but she’s not picking up her phone is she, must be in her painting flow
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Carson: And what reason am I meant to give for your unreliability
Reece: If you must know my partner is a werewolf and is going to have to transform in about an hour
Carson: *sighs* Sure he is. I stopped believing your pranks years ago
Reece: Just tell her, dad wasn’t picking up his phone either and you know how they get if we do news via text
Carson hangs up without saying bye and goes to tell Kayleigh all about Reece’s pathetic excuse but... she seems unbothered.
Carson: But Mum he’s clearly lying to get out of it
Kayleigh: We’ll just push it for later in the week. The accolades are on tonight after all, they’ve been inviting me for years. Could you let your sisters know it’s cancelled? Thank you dear
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She speeds off leaving a confused Carson but there’s no time to properly explain that Reece was indeed telling the truth. She’s got a formal outfit to throw together. She may not get nominated for accolades for her paintings but as a four star celeb she is well known. She gets there with minutes to spare.
Bob: Welcome welcome welcome to another Starlight Accolades. I’m your host tonight, Bob Pancakes. You probably recognise me from my cooking videos or as a permanent fixture in your local diner. Strap in folks because we have plenty of awards to get through
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Kayleigh was approached by a blonde that she felt she should know but could not place.
Dan: Mrs Foster? Big fan!
Kayleigh: Thanks...
Dan: I’m Dan from Dan the Man, it’s a reality show. So where do you reckon they seat us celebs that aren’t up for awards
Kayleigh: I’m not convinced they ever seat anyone at this so I always take the front row
Bob: First up we have our music awards. For best streaming artist we have... Joaquin Bolton! Where are you?
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Kayleigh clapped along with the audience. She hadn’t heard his music but recognised him as a neighbour of Keira’s, he’d been tending some mushrooms last time she stopped by.
Joaquin: Ahh! Thanks guys. The love you have shown my latest DJ track has been rad. Of course I couldn’t do any of it without my main support Ginger! I’m just kidding, she’s my cat. Marjorie, Sergio, I love you two! You’re the best spouses a guy could dream of. Put the coffee on because we’re staying up late tonight!
Bob: Yes well... congratulations. Now the next category-
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As the awards continued the audience members shuffled around and Kayleigh found herself by an out of breath Cassandra Chopra.
Kayleigh: Hey you, you alright?
Cassandra: Just whoever is in me is pressing on my bladder
Kayleigh: Charlie said you were expecting again, congratulations. And don’t listen to what the people say, if you want a big family then you have a big family
Cassandra: Thanks Mrs Foster. I don’t know how many are on board but if it’s just one they may not be our last
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Bob: And for the first time we do not have separate awards for actor and actress. Thanks to a campaign within the industry we have merged them into best actor where sims can be nominated regardless of gender. Our first recipient of this award is.... *opens envelope* Devin Villareal for her performance in Pirates of the Aegean
The room applauds and an excited Devin takes the stage.
Kayleigh: I can still remember when you three girls were playing dress up in the yard
Cassandra: *laughs* Charlie always played the male parts so she didn’t have to wear a skirt
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Devin: And that is why you should always wear a life-jacket
Bob: Congratulations again Mrs Villareal. Okay folks, five more awards then we can leave, I don’t know enough of you to be comfortable in this setting
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When the ceremony was over Kayleigh headed back to Sulani and got painting. All the incredible people had inspired her and she finished another masterpiece for her collection. She also contemplated moving house. While she had loved the tall walls when they moved in they could feel a bit much sometimes. She'd ask Harvey.
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vaugarde · 2 years
i’m very off and on about whether or not i wanna go through with pokemon protagonist headcanons bc i have weird ideas but never really feel like drawing them out bc i dislike drawing humans. but gen 5 thoughts are tempting me...
#i did have a ton of hcs for all the bw protags when i was like 13 but like. i shipped n and hilda at the time#so u can imagine that theyre not very good. and i feel embarassed bc i actually did put em out in the open in a fanfic once#(long deleted dont ask)#and i mean they were weird btw like i explained hilbert having no impact on the plot in the original games#by... having him be hilda's dead twin brother that followed her around as a ghost andfor some reason could still be seen by everyone#i think i was inspired by those middle school books by james patterson? i forget the name but the one where the protag#had a twin brother that died when he was a baby and he coped by imagining him as a ghost that gets him to do pranks#and i was like ''wow thats so deep im gonna do that w pokemon characters''#im rambling but like obviously id do it differently now. altho now that i think abt it i kinda dragged aspects of that into natch/wisp lmao#consistently my idea for hilbert is just that he hangs out in the battle subway and comically has no idea whats happening outside#and the harmonia sisters travel and see him there and they were like ''oh your sister defeated our king are you proud''#and hes just like ''what i have not heard from my sister in years''#(note: i do not know if he hasnt seen his sister in years)#hilda is obv the main protag is what im getting at and im still gonna have em be twinsbut idk what their current relationship would be#shes known bianca and cheren since preschool tho and theyre extremely tight knit#echoed voice
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moe-broey · 2 years
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#fire emblem#aughh..... i gotta finish the last book. 🙃#it's like really good. think i stopped after the iconic 'i killed him and now i'm gonna kill you' alfonse moment#and that really tender and sweet moment right after w sharena.#i feel like sometimes i get so deeply attached to something that i just have to freeze it in time.#preserve it in amber. ect ect#also i'm still refusing to accept bruno's death. yeah my man has been surrounded by death flags since day one.#but like bro i feel like this counts as cruel and unusual punishment for a gacha character. like.#was introduced as like a Main Character but has never been a playable unit base form has been absent from the story for years#has One (1) playable appearance in an alt and now he's fucking kilt. after what was it again??? five fukcing years??????? my man.#i'm really bummed askr dies so shortly after being introduced too like. bro.... you are the god of askr.......#there was. so much. that could have been explored. maybe. idk. all this is second hand. he's also just warm and friendly and hot. huge L.#but yeah i fucking get it this is War The Game people Will Die. could bruno at very least have survived tho. escape the narrative a bit.#i was also just really scared of any. developments. but i heard from my sister it's fine and vero has really nice character growth#(i am so against alf/vero as a romantic pair it's UNREAL and i think i'd have to kill if they were endgame. sorry. except not really.)#but yeah new book!!!!! yippee!!!!!!!! i do miss him........... i wonder if summoner will be present for this one.#fe alfonse
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popcorn-plots · 14 days
Siblings being annoyingggg
My sister, sobbing in the pantry: he [our brother] got really mad at me, shook me really really hard, and tried to steal my flashlight
My brother, sitting on his stairs: she was being super annoying and I told her to knock it off and that she was treading in dangerous waters but she didn't stop because she's the little sister. I'm tired, I've had a long day and I'm at the end of my rope and she's a spoiled, ungrateful little brat and she deserved it
Me: ...........
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harmcityherald · 5 months
The turtles got their new food and they seem to be liking it well. They had been using the sandbox all night in and out so it looks like I will be building a much bigger sand unit onto their enclosure. My other tank got a very expensive cleaning last night for peppermint and foremost. I also was able to get them an air stone. I also bought anything to vacuum out their tank and so last night they got quite the cleaning which will be finished this morning. I was also able to get half of my cutting done in my garden yesterday so my garden is finally taking off as well. Hopefully today I can put it in a little more work and bring my garden a little bit closer to being started. Artemisia is very watchful that I don't overwork myself because sometimes I have a tendency to where my garden is concerned. So the coffee is made and I'm sitting outside and enjoying it right now other than the fact that all my dinosaur buddies are sitting here in a circle looking at me in the trees bullying me to give them more food but we of course has suspended operations because of the bird flu. Sorry little guys but I think I know better than you I can read the medical journals you can't. So until I feel like it's safe again you guys are on your own I hate to say that. I guess I will offset that by giving my inside buddies a little more attention than they've been getting. The little tank is looking a lot better. Foremost loves the air stone much more than peppermint does. I think our reading let us to the correct decision that the snail needs an AirStone and that is exactly what she got. I also scraped off the six masses of eggs that she laid around the top of the tank, luckily I don't have a female to fertilize them all or I would have a million snails like I'm afraid I'm going to have a million Turtles before it's all over with. I won't be able to release them in the wild if it actually happened but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I love my critters and my critters love me.
I would add more tags but they only allow me a certain number so I should end it there. Or else I'll talk myself right into a bad mood. And that's not fair to my little buddies is it?
Mark my word, we are all going to live to see the day to read about that man doing something incredibly stupid. I'm not going to try to lay any future or philosophical View on what that could be. Trust me, he's a pedophile with an arsenal of ghost guns. And it's a situation that I'm too old to try to help and solve. My other two grandchildren the one being autistic and the other being transgender make me want to reach out and help them and yet the transgender child is under extreme brainwashing by him. One time he even told her that he would fuck the lesbianism right out of her, and for me that's not something that should ever come out of a father's lips to a daughter ever no matter what the situation is at all. And yet that same transgender child, under his pristine Direction, hates my very guts. The only one in the family who would actually call you by your real name and would refuse to use your dead name and yet I guess the fact is that Alan loves his father and any concessions that meat had makes for her must make her feel at least somewhat accepted. But because of the Meathead Saga I do not get to see those two sets of grandchildren anymore. Because I'm a deep state leftist, if you can actually believe that's a reason to hold your children back from someone. That's very sad to me I have seven grandchildren all together. It is only two that I get to react and deal with everyday living here with me and I'm so thankful of that. Many people would say it's a financial burden I should not subject to myself to. But I've always been a firm believer that you never throw kids to the wind ever. Especially not in this fucked up world the way it is now. If you throw your kids to the Wolves you're no better than a Spartan throw in your baby off the edge of a cliff. And that's not how I was ever taught that parenting was done. I have never raised a hand to a child ever not in my whole life. I've always gotten so much more from children when you talk to them and treat them like people the people that they no doubt are.
Anyway, Meatheads brand of ineffectual terrorism doesn't really scare me in any way. I have no idea why I'm really on this this morning. Perhaps the youngers are arguing last night reminded me of the tension in the house when Meathead was here pretty much destroying everything in his path. We're trying to destroy everything in his path which included me. I had six police officers and four doctors all together bum rushed me in the room to convince me that I needed to press charges. I told him if I pressed charge does that means I won't be able to get them out of my house and the only thing I want is for them to be out of my house like tomorrow so I didn't press charges against him, which I'm sure he walks around in his own little tiny house Castle now Vindicated somehow that the cops wouldn't touch him when really it was me that kept that from happening. Trust me if it had been any other situation I would have made sure he got every little bit of punishment he deserved for it but it was more important for me to clear this place out and have a nice calm place for my Artemisia and our wonderful youngers
#my turtle chronicles#my critters#turtles#fish#a snail#two kitty cats#and all my plants Aquatic and otherwise#gardening#spring has sprung in rannyland#Cthulhu is coming up I will show a picture of him later he is my Herald of spring and he is coming up and that makes the third year in a ro#Happy Coffee to all my little listeners and all My Little Critters are determined that it's going to be a good day#better just make sure you make artemisius coffee the right way#the youngers had a fight last night and it looks like one of them didn't come home so I'm a little worried about that#but I didn't like the way I heard my granddaughter being talked to and although she's upset today maybe it's for the better#he giving her a hard time for going out with her cousin while every time he goes out with his friends he ends up with a goddamn charge.#but I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing as a pop pop I'm there for her for whatever she needs#I love my grandkids more than life itself#them and my Artemisia make me so thankful to have been allowed to be part of their family and so grateful to get to be the grandfather#I think more parents should feel that way instead of feeling burdened or some idiots who like to run their house like a army base#we all remember the Meathead Saga don't we?#he is on the bus idiots who has to sit at the top of the dinner table everyday and make his children sit in front of him#like some idiot from a Twisted Sister video#there was no wonder he and I did not get along#not to mention he was trying to squat and steal my house and then he tried to take my life#somebody that's one family member I'm not to enamored of having#and I've also made it very very very clear that he is no longer welcome here and that I will have no more talks of that anything with him#I think that every family has at least one person in it who is under the completely wrong assumption that they are a master manipulator#everybody's got the narcissist#maybe yours is a parent mine was a middle-aged asshole who thought he was a parent and is still failing miserably at that fact#you know he actually convinced the state to pay him to stay at home to care for his autistic son which sounds really good on the outside
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voidandradiance · 2 years
ANDOR: Ahem. I have heard that the greatest persuasion is nothing more than telling the truth, so I speak in the voice given me by my mother, Freya. I make no grand overtones or guttural whispers for dramatic effect. 
(MARKET VENDOR: More flavours! Come and drink away your sorrows!)
ANDOR: I am only Andor. My voice trembles.
(MARKET VENDOR: More flavours! Come and drink away your sorrows!)
ANDOR: I have come to ask my father a question. Will you listen? Father, I know you're listening too.
LIEUTENANT AL: Prince Andor!
ANDOR: Haven't you noticed? Do these wings look like the product of some frivolous magic? Whom do you suppose the statue at the bridge represents? Not Mianite. I am an acolyte of the wounded goddess; I always have been. We worship Ianite.
LIEUTENANT AL: I have found evidence of a rebellion against Mianite! And I will have to arrest you, Prince, for leading this rebellion!
[With each syllable from Andor's lips grows a surrounding gust of wind, which halts the Lieutenant's advance, despite his best efforts to subdue the awakening acolyte.]
ANDOR: While you have governed this port city and allocated its resources to the glorification of your "one true god," I-
APOSTLE HELGRIND, interrupting: You no longer have a place in this town! During my time away, the truth of the one true god has only become clearer.
ANDOR, speaking louder: I have been chiseling Ianite's likeness into your stones and penning her mantras into your paper. Her teachings have been with me all these years, guiding me towards a day of peace and unity-
LIEUTENANT AL: You will never…!
ANDOR, now shouting: -while you have winced at the thought of our hope and stooped over the corpses of the lost.
APOSTLE HELGRIND: Lieutenant, seize Andor and take him to our Lord.
ANDOR: If you had but journeyed with me! I am at the threshold. Soon, Ianite will rise! And my mother and sister's spirits will rise with her.
ANDOR: I hear your voice, father. I hear your anger. 
ANDOR: Do what you will with me. But first, know this. If your god is just and blameless, with flawless integrity, then fear not. Your battle is already won. But if there is the smallest fracture in Mianite's armor… then the crevice will widen. The shell will corrode. And Mianite's sins and yours will seep through. All the false glory you have built will be wiped in preparation for this world's restoration and rebirth. I do not know why you begrudge Ianite, for our family's death, nor why you hide your wounds, father. But I do know that healing is available to you. It is the greatest gift anyone can receive, greater than a shield, greater than a sword. 
ANDOR: Greater than your perfect, made-up world. If it is your wish, see this to its end. Do everything in your power to create the world you so crave. I cannot stay your hand. I raise no sword. I wear no armor. I have only this boomerang, given by a true friend. You could stop this. We could go to the docks, and throw it, just like old times with Mom. We could. I invite you.
[ANDOR collapses from exhaustion. The protecting wind subsides, and he is immediately seized by LIEUTENANT AL.]
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corkinavoid · 27 days
DPxDC "Pick Me Up"
The stream goes live on the first day of the school year. It's the usual song and dance - mad laughing, threats, poor jokes, terror, and about thirty kids huddled together in a classroom behind Joker's back. Tim recognizes it as one of the Gotham Academy classrooms. Dick can't imagine the horror those kids' parents must be feeling right now. Jason jokes about middle school traumatic experiences. Damian is feeling very justified for skipping classes today.
Bruce, all suited up in his Batman garb, is making his way to the Academy as fast as he possibly can. Those are kids.
Gotham is once again anxiously kept on the edge of their seats, watching as Joker decides to interview the kids on their learning experience so far. Something about leaving a good first impression on the new generation or some other bullshit. Most kids stutter over their words - it's true that Gothamites are way more composed when facing life-threatening events, but those kids are only fourteen or fifteen for the most part. They are not old enough to keep their cool in the face of a murder clown.
That is, until Joker points his camera at one of the girls. Black hair in a high ponytail, blue eyes without a trace of fear, a slightly displeased, even bored expression on her face. She looks straight into the camera, not even waiting for the laughing madman to finish his question, and deadpans:
"I don't think I like school. Pick me up, please."
Joker sputters.
"Not so scared, I see," he sneers, and, in the next moment, a comically large gun painted in purples and greens is pointed to the girl's forehead, "How about now?"
The girl scrunches her nose and makes a so-so gesture.
"It's kinda meh," she admits, "Like, yeah, points for style, but you know, size doesn't matter. It's all in the technique."
Dick snorts over the comms. It's a bad time for laughing, sure, but the phrase caught him off-guard. This is not what you'd expect to hear from a teen, and definitely not something you'd expect anyone to say to the Joker. Jason's comms are muted, but Barbara knows he also laughed a little.
"Technique, you say?" Joker hisses, pressing the gun closer to the girl's head, and she winces, leaning away from it, almost as if she is disgusted by the touch.
"Yeah, I mean, guns are not that scary anyway. What are you gonna do with them, blast my brains all over the floor? Been there, done that," the girl shrugs, "Kinda nasty, but overall, it's just like slime, only sticky." She pauses and looks to the side, seemingly lost in thought, "Huh, maybe we should have added Borax to it. Or was it baking soda?.."
"Listen here, you little brat," Joker's fingers catch the girl's chin, and his voice becomes sickeningly menacing. Bruce is almost there, just two more minutes. Tim is already grappling onto the wall.
But none of them get to finish.
"Put your dirty fingers away from my sister," a low, cold, and even in a way that speaks of barely contained fury, voice comes from out of the screen.
The camera spins, like whoever is holding it turned really fast, and everyone watching the stream sees a fairly normal guy standing by the window - a turtleneck and ripped jeans, same black hair as the girl, same blue eyes... Wait, they are not blue.
And that's not a guy.
The camera falls down to the floor, and there are a lot of panicked screams coming from the broadcast now, but none of them sound like children's voices. It's the screams of adults, of grown-ass men, and later, someone even claimed they heard Joker's scream among them, too. The picture on camera glitches a few times, and the angle is awkward, but everyone still gets to see how shadows in the room morph into eyes, wide open and green, and how the darkness grows sharp teeth, countless grinning mouths that don't belong to any faces.
Screams turn into gargling and then to quiet whispers, filling the ears of all those listening with countless words in languages they don't know.
Red Robin turns off the recording and looks to that same guy from the levestream, sitting across him on the couch. The guy - Daniel, or Danny, as he introduced himself - looks him in the eyes and raises an eyebrow.
"Okay, and?"
"How did you do it?" Tim asks for the third time this evening. Danny blinks.
"Did what?" He asks, completely incomprehending. Tim groans. He's been trying to get his answers, any answers at this point, from the guy for thirty fucking minutes already. So far, he's got nothing. Danny, whoever the fuck he is, proves to be the most annoying human being on Earth.
"Seven people in a coma, including Joker himself, with no physical injuries and none of the children remember a thing! How?!" He demands, and a girl's face peeks from around the corner:
"I remember!"
Tim snaps his head at her, "What do you remember?"
The girl pauses, blinks, and looks to Danny. Then shrugs, "My brother picked me up from school."
Tim drops his head down and breathes out in frustration. He can't force the information out of civilians, he is a vigilante, not a mafia.
"Would it make you feel better if I promise not to do it again?" Danny asks, and his voice is way too innocent for Tim to believe him. He raises his head to look the guy in his shameless, amused eyes.
"I hate you."
"Thanks," Danny grins.
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hadersversion · 2 months
but daddy i love him!
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“no, i’m not coming to my senses. i know he’s crazy but he’s the one i want.”
pairing: rafe cameron x innocent kook!reader
word count: 5.8k
warnings: smut, minors dni!!! dry humping & fingering. corruption kink of sorts (rafe and an innocent reader has taken over me fully i apologize). parental violence/verbal abuse. fighting. rafe showing his true colors but quickly hiding it from the reader because rafe is a big softie for them. pet names (sweetheart, honey, darling, baby, pretty/good girl). aftercare. let me know if i miss any!
mood board!
rafe cameron was bad news.
anyone in the outer banks could tell you that.
he was a fighter, a shit-talker, a guy who you couldn’t trust.
but there was something so intriguing about him that you just couldn’t turn away.
from the day you moved to island almost 10 years ago, you haven’t been able to get him off your mind. you would see him at parties, the country club, when you would hang out with his sister, around town on his motorbike with his buddies. but you had to push that crush deep down because no one in their right mind would go after that boy.
except you.
you stretched yourself on the court, waiting for your dad to come out with drinks before your tennis match. that’s when you saw him and his friends making their way to the locker room. they had just got done their round of golf, you could tell by their bags. you tried not to stare, but your eyes seemed to have a mind of their own.
“hey, y/n.” you heard him call, with a smirk painted across his face.
your face blushed and you waved to him. “hey rafe.” play it cool, play it cool.
you can see him look you up and down, staring at your legs. “nice skirt.”
you looked down at the new, white tennis skirt your dad had bought you for your report card. your fingers found a loose thread, beginning to toy with it to deal with the embarrassment you felt. “t-thanks.”
he nods before looking behind you. “mr. y/l/n.” he nods with a quick wave. you turn around to see your dad with two waters and a stern look on his face. “enjoy your game.” he says before going inside.
your dad stands over you as you sit, handing a water bottle over. “that cameron boy…” he lets out a deep sigh.
“what?” you question, getting up and brushing your legs off.
your dad pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes. “he’s not the kind of guy you want to be friends with, sweetie. he’s a bad seed.”
“but how do you know that?” you question, trying not to sound too suspicious.
your dad picks up his racket and makes his way over to his side of the net. “i know ward cameron. and i know how rafe is just like his dad, thinks he can get anything he wants. thinks there is no consequences to life. but there is. there always is.” your dad shakes his head. “i saw him beating up some kid here not that long ago. sure, he was a pogue but doesn’t give rafe the right to walk around like the king of the outer banks. but until someone stops him, humbles him, things’ll never change.”
you stand there, uncomfortable. all you wanted to do was defend rafe, though you weren’t close like that. but your dad is a one way street. it’s his way or no way. so all you can do is nod. “oh…okay.” you say simply, getting ready for the match.
“just promise me you won’t get mixed up with the likes of that boy, please?” your father looks sincere.
you bite your lip and look down at your clean, white shoes. “yes sir.”
“good, now watch me beat you in tennis.” he says with a laugh. i fake a smile, getting on with the game, but still have rafe in the back of my mind.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
you didn’t see rafe again until the night of a house party at topper’s house.
your friends and you walk in, buzzed from the pre-game. they immediately all go their separate ways, looking for drinks, boys, or both. this leaves you standing awkwardly by a table, talking to some people from school. they talk about prom, their grades, and teachers, making you mentally check out from the conversation. that’s when he catches your eye, he is talking to topper and kelce with a red solo cup in his hand. you watch his every move, how big and veiny his hands are, practically cover the entire cup. how he constantly pushes his hair back while he talks, almost seeming like a force of habit he has. he also licks his lips a lot, sending a very graphic image of rafe between your le-
he looks up, meeting your gaze. a blush forms on your face as you try to hide your embarrassment but taking a sip of alcohol from your cup. you give yourself some time, staring into the cup before looking up again. but when you look at him, he hasn’t stopped staring at you. the blush you fought so hard to keep away makes your face feel like it’s on fire.
you watch as he excuses himself and makes his way over to you. this has to be a dream? or some prank, right?
“hey there, y/n.” he snaps you out of your spiraling thoughts. every person who you are talking to looks over to rafe then back at you. “didn’t know you were coming.”
you awkwardly shrug. “last minute choice by my friends.”
his eyes burn holes into your body as he looks you up and down. “well, i’m glad you’re here.” you nod at him, offering a shy smile. “looks like you need another drink, come inside and i’ll get you one.” he nods his head towards the kitchen door. the group you're with is watching this conversation like it’s a TV show. you make my way through them and stand next to him. he automatically puts his hand on your back and leads you inside. the feeling of his touch sends chills down your spine but it almost feels like his hand is meant to be there. like his touch is the missing piece in your life.
you get into the kitchen and he heads towards the fridge, grabbing juice and handing it over. “you strike me as a vodka and juice, girl.” he says with a smile, making my insides melt.
“and what makes you say that?” you ask, putting your hand on my hip, playing into his little game of flirting.
“well, you’re sweet and you seem to play it safe. you don’t really drink a lot but when you do, you’re never blacked out.” he admits with a laugh, giving his diagnosis. “juice is sweet and vodka is the safest way to get a little drunk, in my opinion.” he stares at your face, waiting for a response.
“you’re good, rafe cameron. a little too good.” you admit, grabbing the juice and filling up the cup. he stands over you, giving me the vodka next. “didn’t know i was that easy to read.”
“you’re not.” he admits, staring down at you while you drink. “i just think i have a special interest in you.”
you freeze in place, there’s no way he’s admitting this to you. right now. the boy you’ve been pining after since the first grade. you can tell you're shutting down but you need to play it cool. “oh really?” you look up at his blue eyes, getting lost in them instantaneously.
“really.” he steps closer, inches away from my face. you know you are not that drunk but your head feels like it’s spinning under his gaze. he leans in a little closer, your noses brushing, when the kitchen door slams and topper can be seen stumbling in. his obnoxious laugh fills the room, making rafe close his eyes and sigh. “what could you possibly want right now?”
topper laughs and comes up beside rafe, he’s clearly fucked up. “i’m just looking for some weed, man.” he hits his chest playfully. “don’t let me get in your way.”
rafe pushes him away, making topper laugh harder at us. he looks at you before speaking. “sorry for being a cockblock.”
rafe narrows his eyes at him. “just get the fuck outta here, top.”
topper staggers into the other room, still laughing.
“sorry about him. when he drinks, he becomes an asshole.” he says, running a hand across his face.
“is he drunk all the time?” i ask with a new found confidence in my voice.
rafe looks at me and laughs. “seems to be.”
you both stand in silence, not moving away from each other but unable to bring the moment back.
“i like you.” he admits.
you stare at him, unable to speak. “w-what?”
“i think you heard me, y/n.” he smiles cockily, looking into your eyes.
you look back at him. “you barely know me, rafe.”
“doesn’t mean i can’t like you.” he sips his cup and nudges your shoulder with his. “i think you could say the same about me.” he gets closer, whispering into your ear. “don’t think i don’t notice how you stare at me when i’m around.”
you feel the air leave your body and you bite your lip. you feel like your cornered and have nowhere to go. “i-i-uh…”
he brushes his finger against your lip, almost like he’s shushing you. but you can’t even fight the way your body reacts to his touch. “it’s okay, honey. i like it. i like it a lot.” he says in a whisper, almost making you forget you aren’t the only two people in the world. it feels like you can read his mind just by looking into his blue eyes. he wants you…screw that, rafe cameron needs you. and you need him. forget what your father says, or the town, or even your friends. this seems to be all you need.
how am i ever going to recover from this? you thought to yourself.
you hear your friend call your name from outside. rafe looks over as they yell from outside. “i’ll see you around, how’s that sound?” you look at him, unable to think when he looks at you like this. his hand brushes against your face before walking back out into the party.
you stand there, still as your friend comes in. “you alright? looks like you seen a ghost or something.” she asks you, laughing a bit.
“all good.” was all you can get out, staring straight ahead at the door rafe just left in.
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ever since the party, rafe found little ways to be around you.
whether it was joining you at the country club while you played tennis or hanging around you when he saw you at the beach reading. he even started knocking on the front door of your mansion to just talk on your porch, something you had to hide from your dad. with these interactions, you had no idea what everyone was warning you about with him. he was one of the sweetest guys you ever met. for weeks, you and rafe had begun a nice friendship.
but the almost kiss at topper's party was never spoken of again.
the two of you sat on your porch swing, the air was warm as summer was slowly approaching. your legs laid flatly across rafe’s lap, looking directly at him. you poured a glass of lemonade for you both, sparking rafe to hit you with a “you sure you don’t want some vodka in this?”
when you’re with rafe, the conversations seem to just flow like you are the oldest of friends. you could talk about anything and nothing at the same time. he went on for the past five minutes about how he used to love playing lacrosse but one injury affected his whole career for him.
“it sucked, ya know? i never felt like i belonged anywhere, or had a close bond with anyone like i did on that team. then one fucking torn acl later and it’s all gone for me. i had college scouts looking at me and everything. i could’ve escaped this place and lived the real college experience.” he looked out into the water that faced your house. he turned to you and smiled awkwardly. “jeez, i’m sorry i just don’t shut up.”
you chuckle at him, loving how he put some of his walls down around you. “it’s okay, i like hearing ya talk. it’s soothing.” you smile innocently at him.
he gazes into your eyes and nods, his expression softening. “really?” you nod and he just stares at you. “you’re one of a kind, ya know?” his fingers start to rub innocent circles on your leg.
“and why’s that?” you ask him.
“i-i don’t know, i feel like i can be myself around you.” he admits. “don’t ever quote me on that because i’ll deny that shit.” he points, gaining a laugh from you.
“don’t want anyone to know rafe cameron can be a softie?” you tease him.
“shut up, i’m not a softie.”
“i think you can be behind close doors.” you say.
he stops rubbing your leg and turns to you. “oh shut up.”
“well, you’re gonna have to make me then.” you say without thinking.
rafe looks at you with a fire in his eyes that you haven’t seen since the party. “what was that?” he cocks his eyebrow at you.
you just stare into his eyes, straightening your shoulders back. a confidence striking you like never before. “i think you heard me, rafe.”
without missing a beat, rafe connects your lips. all of that pent-up tension, gone within that very second. his hands found his way to your face, cupping it ever so lightly like you were a delicate flower he was so lucky to have found. his hands slowly slid down your body, like he was trying to memorize every inch of your skin. "jesus, this is all i've been thinking about." he said breaking away, looking into your eyes.
"then, don't stop." you say breathlessly, climbing on top of his lap, kissing him again.
you can tell this move took rafe by surprise as he let out a soft moan in the kiss. the innocence he once thought you possessed was now all gone. you slowly began grinding yourself against rafe's clothed cock, which was slightly hardening. "fuck, who knew you had it in you, honey." he said as he kissed down your jaw. you never felt so needier in your life chasing a high with rafe that you thought you could only dream about.
your face blushed as you looked down at rafe who was staring up at you like you were a painting held high in the louvre. the more you looked down, the more self-conscious you became. your pace which was rapidly increasing started to falter. "hey, hey, sweetheart. don't stop now. what's wrong? talk to me." he caressed your face so lovingly.
you bit your lip and closed your eyes, still out of breathe. "i-i-i don't know. what if i'm doing this wrong? or it's weird for you? i'm just nervous, i never did this before."
"did what, sweetheart? dry humped?" he almost laughed, pushing hair out of your face.
you shrugged. "well yes and no..." your voice started to trail off.
"yes and no?" rafe stared at you with a puzzled expression, trying to crack the code. you watched as he deciphered your words and the gears started to turn. "y/n, have you ever been with someone like...sexually before?"
you wanted to cry, the embarrassment being too hard to handle. you just laid your head against rafe's chest and sighed. "please, don't think of me any differently. i just...i just haven't found the right person to do all this with, ya know? i used to be scared but with you...i don't know, i feel ready." rafe sat there in silence, his hands falling to your waist and gripping them. you break away from his chest and stare into his eyes, which have seemed to darken. "rafe?"
"you trust me?" he asks simply. you nod shyly, causing his breath to hitch. you can feel his pants grow tighter under you. "i want you to keep going, do you hear me? don't stop until you cum on my pants." it sounds like he is giving you orders. he brings his thumb across your lip and gives a menacing smirk. "you wanna be all mine, huh? you pretty girl. show me your mine."
with his reassurance, you pick up you begin to rub yourself against his pants. your hands grip his shoulders as he holds you down on him. "good girl, keep it going." the material of his jeans feel rough against your clothed cunt but it adds a sensation you have never felt before. "shit, look at how pretty you look on me. can't wait to bury my cock inside you. would you like that? my cock being so far inside you, you can feel it in your stomach?"
you let out a pathetic whine, your head falling back from the pleasure you have building up inside. "y-yes."
"good girl, but we gotta start with the basics, right?" his hands start to trail up your body, stopping at your closed breasts. he cups them with his hands and smiles when you cry his name. "i got you, baby. c'mon, you know you wanna cum."
you quickly grind against him, feeling desperate as you chase your high. with his words of praise and reassurance, you can feel yourself ready to release. with one quick movement, you feel the tension building up in your stomach release as you cum on rafe. tears prick your eyes as you repeat his name over and over again. "rafe, rafe, rafe."
he stares at you in awe as you finish on him. the sight of your teary eyes and his name falling from your lips in such a needy way pushed him over the edge. he found himself cumming in his pants like he was a high schooler all over again.
you both stayed there, out of breathe, not moving once. you felt like a whole new person even though barely anything has changed.
"you alright?" he asks, pushing hair away from your face.
you tiredly nod, not knowing how to form words. your hooded eyes just take in the view of rafe, his face read and sweaty with a cocky smirk painted across it.
he bites his lip and kisses you gently. "there's more where that came from, you know?" he says and your head reels. "i've been waiting for so long to have you to myself, sweetheart. i don't plan on letting go now."
you giggle into his chest and nod. "don't gotta worry about me leaving, trust me. i've never felt so good in my life." the sweet yet sensual moment you two shared came to a halt when you heard your dad's truck pulling up the gravel road to your house. "shit." you quickly climb off rafe, trying to compose yourself.
your father quickly exited the truck, slamming the door behind him. he seemed to race up to the two of you as you sat there. rafe's hand protectively went over yours as your father approached. "the hell is he doing here?" he fumes.
"d-dad, we're just hanging out." you lie to his face.
"yes sir, that's all we were doing." rafe says camly, looking at him in the eyes.
your father head snaps towards rafe. "was i talking to you, boy? no. stay outta it." his attention focuses back to you. "i told you to not mess with the likings of this boy and what do you do behind my back?" he screams at you. "you go around with this...this hooligan! i want him off my property now. acting like some easy girl, i raised you better."
"b-but, daddy." you pout, trying not to cry as rafe squeezes your hand.
"sir, you're being too hard on her. it's not her fault." rafe tries to calm him down.
your father's finger rests on rafe's chest as he gets close to his face. "oh i know that, rafe. it's you and your typical bullshit. my daughter wouldn't act this way if it wasn't for you. look at you, you're probably using her."
rafe's fists clenched as your father talks down to him, no one does this to him and gets away with it. "sir, i suggest you put that finger down."
"or what?" your father snickers in his face.
rafe's whole demeanor shifts, the sweet boy you were just talking to now gone. like he was never even there. it honestly scared you how fast rafe can change personalities. "you don't even want to know." he grits his teeth. you hate to admit the affect this took on your body, clenching your legs together.
your father drops his finger and turns to you. "inside, now." he says, grabbing your arm. before you can fight him off, he's dragging you away from rafe.
"it's okay, baby, we'll figure this out." he reassures as you are being brought into your house. "fuck!" he screams as soon as the door slams shut.
you watch as rafe makes his way to his truck, slamming the door shut and driving away. you turn to your father who just stares at you as you cry. "screw you!" you say before running upstairs and locking yourself in your room.
you finally had him and now you lost him.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
the days past since you saw rafe.
your father grounded you and cut you off from the outside world.
you sat by your window and waited, having some false hope that rafe would be your knight in shining armor and take you away from this place. your father pulled up the driveway and seemed to struggle getting out of his truck.
you met him at the door, ready to deal with the bullshit he would throw you today. when you opened your door, your father seemed battered and bruised.
"holy sh-i mean...what happened?" you asked, holding the door open for your dad as he sat on the recliner.
"nothing." he shuttered. "nothing happened."
you stood there and crossed your arms. "clearly something happened."
he shook his head, seeming almost fearful. "nothing happened, now drop it." you stood there as he turned to you. "you aren't grounded anymore. your phone is on my dresser." he seemed almost defeated.
you stared at your dad trying to understand what the hell is going on. are you in the twilight zone? you knew you wouldn't get an answer out of him so you grabbed your things and raced out of the house before he could change his mind. the sun was setting but you didn't care, you had one thing and one thing only on your mind.
you got on your bike and raced towards tannyhill. when you finally got there, you threw your bike down and almost ran to the front door. with two knocks, wheezie opened the door.
"y/n?" she said with a smirk.
"hey, wheezie, is rafe home?" you say, snooping around the insides of the home.
she rolls her eyes and opens the door. "in his room."
you walk up the stairs and stop right before his door. your fist hovering over it before connecting it to the wood. after a few seconds, rafe stands there in the almost dark room.
"y/n." he says, almost as though he was expecting you to be here.
you quickly jump into his arms, holding onto him by his neck. you missed this. the way he smelled, the way he felt, everything about this boy drive you wild. "i missed you."
"i missed you too, honey. come on in." he lets you into his room. this was your first time being in here. sure, you've seen it through snapchat and pictures he sends but that's it. it's the typical boy room but it felt authentic. it felt like rafe.
you sit down on his bed as he walks around, picking up clothes off the floor. "didn't think i'd be having guests." he doesn't seem like his usual self, maybe you caught him at a bad time? but he invited you in, so you stayed.
you laugh at him. "no big deal, the old man let me off the hook tonight. it was weird, he came home all messed up. i tried asking but he kinda pushed me away. it was weird."
rafe stood there, silently. "oh really?"
"yeah, super strange. he's not usually the fighter type. never has been." you watch him stand there. "you all good?"
he nods and turns to you. "i am, now that you're here."
you smile at him as he approaches you. you open your legs so he can stand in between them, looking down at you. he traces your face with his finger, stopping at your lips. "all mine, sweetheart. all mine." he says before bending down to kiss you. the kiss feels rough, almost as though you are a fresh breathe of air that rafe has been waiting for. he pushes you down onto his bed and crawls on top of you.
you break the kiss and look into his eyes, his room is dark so you can only make out certain features. but you bring your hand to his face and hold his cheek, which makes him wince. "oh, i'm sorry, did i hurt you?"
"n-no, it's all good." he tries to kiss you again but you stop him.
"rafe?" you ask him, making him stop once again. "what's wrong? tell me."
"goddamn! nothing is wrong, okay? i can't miss you." he says, running a hand through his hair. you try to study his face but can't even see him. you reach over for his bedside lamp. "no, no, leave it of-" before he can stop you, the light is on. his beautiful face has a large bruise under his right eye and cheek. his lip busted and knuckles bruised.
"rafe?" you question, sitting up.
"y/n, i can explain." he pleads.
then it all makes sense. your father coming home all battered and bruised, rafe's current state, you being let off the hook too easily.
"you don't even want to know."
"it's okay, baby, we'll figure this out."
his words from that night ring through your head. the way his whole demeanor changed that night into a person you've never seen before.
"d-did you?" you ask with teary eyes.
"baby, look at me. i can explain." he begs you but you start to get up.
"explain what? how you beat up my fucking dad!?" you yelled, trying to grasp the millions of thoughts you had. "h-how could you?" you stand by his door, pacing, with your head in your hands.
he walks up to you, grabbing your hand. "look at me, honey, please. look at me." he begs you, trying to grab your attention.
when you finally turn to him, you see the cuts and bruises again. "rafe, why?" you say with a tear slipping down.
"because i love you, honey. you're my girl and i don't give a fuck who it is, they cannot talk to you the way your own father did. calling you easy, acting like your dumb for being around me. nobody should ever talk to you like that, ever." you stop and he cups your face in his hands. "i just wanted to talk to him, okay? all i wanted to do was talk. but then he started again with how i'm a bad person and how you were being stupid for even acknowledging me. he said he didn't need a guy like me corrupting his daughter and i snapped."
you gazed into his eyes, they looked as though they were pleading with you to see why he did what he did.
"please, say something. please." he states.
you sigh and close your eyes. "rafe, i don't need you going around defending my honor, especially to my dad. it's not worth it."
"not worth it? sweetheart, look at me." you open your eyes. "you are worth everything to me, you hear me? everything. i would kill for you if you asked me to. i never had someone care for me the way you do, have someone listen to me, or even treat me normally. you mean the world to me, y/n. i love you."
and there it was.
rafe cameron, for once in his life, showed affection.
he told someone they love them.
"i'm sorry it was your dad, okay? sometimes, i black out and can't remember things when i'm angry. i act on my impulses. but with you, i never feel that way." he shakes his head, trying to contain all his emotions. your eyes water again, causing him to wipe the tears. "what's wrong, baby? talk to me."
you smile through the tears. "i just, i love you too." no one has ever made you feel so safe and loved in one moment than rafe has this past month. he's all you could ever ask for.
he beams down at you, shaking his head. "you mean that?"
"with every ounce of my body, i love you." you admit.
his heart swelled as he connected your lips once more to his. you were all his, all he ever needed in life to feel whole.
rafe pushes you against the door, a light moan slipping from your lips as he presses himself against you.
"you like that?" he asks, a satisfied smirk on his face as he kisses your cheek and goes down your neck.
you nod under his touch, like you're cast in his spell. "y-yes."
"you want more?" he asks, sucking on one spot of your neck for a long time. all you can do is nod, already becoming a mess because of him. he pulls away, having you almost whimper from the lack of contact. "not uh, baby, gotta hear some words out of that beautiful mouth of yours. i'll repeat myself, do you want more."
"y-yes, rafe, yes please."
he groans at your begging and nods. "good girl." he pulls you over to the bed and guides you toward it. you feel the bed hit the back of your knees and you sit down, looking up at him. he quickly takes his shirt off and tosses it to the side.
he kisses your lips lightly as his hands find the end of your shirt, lightly toying with the fabric. "y-you can take it off." with the reassurance, he slips the top off and leaves it next to you. his eyes take in your body, your breasts pooling out of a flimsy green bralette. he sucks his tongue and gently runs his fingers over your tits.
"so pretty and they're all for me." he slowly reaches behind your back and unclasps the bralette with one hand, letting it fall down your body. you could swear rafe has tiny hearts in his eyes as they bore onto your half-naked body. "lay down." you follow his orders and lay against his pillows. his bedroom light shines over his features and the cuts from the fight. you bring your hand up to touch them and he gives into your touch. "you okay?"
"more than okay." you tell him.
he kisses your hand then his lips meet with yours once again. he then lets his lips trail across your cheek, jaw, neck, and down to your chest. he stares at your tits before peppering them both with kisses. he then takes one nipple in his mouth, slowly, and grabs your other one with your free hand to give a squeeze. your body instantaneously reacts to rafe's touch, moaning at the sensation of his lips. "you like that, huh?" he almost teases, switching to the other nipple.
"m-more." you whisper out, clenching your eyes.
"what was that, honey? need you to speak up for me." he grins.
"please, i want more, rafe. touch me more." you raise your voice.
"you got it." his hand leaves your tit and trails slowly down your body, resting at the hem of your jeans. he unbuttons them and lets his hands slide down your underwear, his hands automatically getting soaked. "shit, baby, all this for me?" he runs ins finger down your cunt and gathering your slick, bringing it to his mouth. he sucks it off his fingers as you watch in awe. "you're just too sweet for me, you know that?"
he doesn't even give you time to think before he puts his fingers back inside you, swirling your cunt. your hands grab his shoulders, holding onto them for dear life. "it's okay, i got ya, i always got ya." he reassures as he slowly slips one finger into your tight hole. "jesus, honey, with a hole this tight i don't know how long i'll last." he says as he slips his finger in and out of you, his thumb still toying with your clit.
your head falls back as more moans fall from your lips. "more, rafe, please give me more."
he laughs slightly. "cocky little thing, aren't ya? if you insist." he adds one more finger, your hole clenching around him as his finger slip in and out. "look how pretty you look with my fingers inside of you." he says before kissing your mouth, collecting your moans. you're so wet you hear the noises your pussy is making around him. you feel overstimulated as rafe keeps going, not stopping once. tears prick your eyes as you feel your high approaching. his thumb rubs harder as your nails connect to rafe's chest, dragging them down. "my pretty baby, i just love you so much." he says, staring at you.
with those words, you feel yourself being pushed to pleasure. you cum all over rafe's fingers, crying out his name. "rafe!"
he lets you ride out your high before taking his fingers out and putting them in his mouth like he did before. "never gonna get tired of that."
he gets up and heads to the bathroom. you want to talk to him, ask him where he's going, but you're too tired. you've never felt this good, not even from your own fingers. rafe comes back with a towel in his hand, gently, he pulls off your shorts and panties, cleaning off your pussy. the water is nice and warm as he gets you situated. he drops the rag and crawls into his bed next to you, holding you tightly.
"you know, if you want me to go dow-" but before you can finish that sentence he kisses your forehead.
"no need to rush there, honey. i wanna take my time with you, wanna show you how good i can make you feel." your heart melts in your chest as he rubs your back lightly. "get some rest, alright?"
you fall asleep fast in his arms, he holds you there the entire night and doesn't plan on letting go.
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Fallout OC Questionnaire: 5, 11, 17, 25, and 36
[fallout oc questionnaire]
5. What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?
Her full name is Nora Ozetta Navarre.
She has a ton of nicknames, explained at length in this post here.
11. Their biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?
I'd say her biggest flaw is doubt. She doubts herself, and she has a hard time trusting others, even if they've done nothing to earn her distrust. She's perpetually chasing a perfect golden ending that simply doesn't exist outside of having the benefit of foresight.
17. Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic)
Would you believe I've actually never played Pokémon Go? I know it seems out of character for me. I think Nora would be Team Valor.
25. Are they a leader or a follower?
Nora hates being a leader, but she winds up being cast in that role a lot. She doesn't like the spotlight, or the weight of responsibility. So she's often a leader because someone needs to step up, and if no one else will then she will.
36. Their thoughts on power armor?
She really doesn't like power armor. It's cramped, loud, smelly, difficult to maintain, and she feels like she's tied down while wearing it. Unfortunately for her, she has to wear it for a long trek through the Glowing Sea. It's not a fun time for her.
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ghostsangel · 13 days
Totally free to say no but would you be willing to write something about Ghost's girl not introducing him to her family and she gets a little squirrely if the conversation is brought up until Ghost sees an invitation to her sister's wedding and she reluctantly asks if he'll be her plus one. Only for him to find out it's not her being embarrassed of him or not wanting them to know about him, it's because they're fucking awful to her... If you wouldn't mind doing a plus size reader if you do that would be amazing! Thank you! Your writing is amazing!!
omfg i love this concept<3
simon ghost riley x plus-size!reader
tags/warnings: fatphobia, reader’s mom is a bitch, soft and protective simon. no smut in this one! just fluff.
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Simon is a little worried.
You two have been together for over a year now, and he’s never heard you mention your family. He’s told you about his, sure, but every time the conversation shifts to yours, you begin fidgeting in your seat and avoiding eye contact.
“Oh, I haven’t spoken to them recently.”
“We’re not very close.”
“I don’t wanna talk about me. How was your day?”
Simon always thinks the worst—you’re too ashamed of him to introduce him to your family. Part of him understands. He’s a giant scarred man who looks scary at any point during the day. Maybe your parents were mega religious and would think he’s some sort of demon come to possess you.
So, Simon eventually just stopped asking—especially when the last time he asked you, he pressed for more information and you almost broke down into tears. He couldn’t stand to see those crystalline drops prickle in your eyes and your lower lip wobble, so he just tugged you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you until you calmed down.
He dropped the subject.
Until today. He sat on the couch, some cop show playing in the flatscreen you two hung in your living room. He hears the door open, watches you trudge inside, your brows pulled together and a frown on your face.
“What’s the matter, doll?” He asks, eyes running down your body slowly. He loves your body—your big soft tummy and thick thighs that he suffocates himself in. Your large breasts that somehow your bra can’t even contain and your plump ass he loves to squeeze with his large hands.
You sigh, holding up a piece of card stock. Shuffling over to him, you sit on the couch, your legs slung over his lap.
“My sister is getting married,” you mumble, so low Simon can barely hear you.
His eyebrows shoot up, his hands splaying out across your thighs, rubbing small circles into the skin. He says nothing—doesn’t wanna push you for more info.
Your eyes flick from the invitation to his face, taking in the handsomely scarred skin. The scar runs across the whole left side of his face, and it’s part of his beauty. You reach up, running your fingertips over the scar, laughing softly when Simon kisses your fingers.
“D’you wanna be my date to the wedding?” You ask reluctantly, avoiding eye contact in hopes you won’t see how uncomfortable you are.
Simon stifles the urge to light up, sit up straighter. Instead, he nods nonchalantly, quirking his lips up into a half smile. “Sure, baby. Anything for you.”
That’s how the two of you wind up walking into an elegantly decorated villa. Simon thinks you look gorgeous—a pretty emerald dress that clings to your curves in just the right way. He found a suit that somehow fit him, and your eyes graze over his thick muscled figure. He looks sexy.
You’re holding his hand tightly, almost like an anchor, your hands sweaty. It isn’t until you see your mother that your heart starts pounding in your chest and you tug Simon closer.
His eyes flick down to you, giving your hand a squeeze and a kiss on the top of your head as your mother waltzes over. You have her eyes, but that’s all. She’s wearing an elegant dress that clings to her tiny waist, and her eyes flit from Simon to you, a hint of disdain in her eyes.
“Glad you could grace us with your presence,” your mother says stiffly, her eyes rolling down to take in your outfit.
“Mother,” you mumble, clenching Simon’s hand. “This is my boyfriend, Simon.”
“Nice to meet you,” he says gruffly, holding out a hand.
Your mother doesn’t take it, simply nodding at him and curling her lip up at she takes in the sight of him. He lowers his hand, and you feel his body stiffen.
“Really, you’d think for a wedding you would wear something a bit more…appropriate,” you mother spits out, her voice low.
You freeze, unable to come up with a response. Her words take you back to years of verbal abuse—“Do you think you need a second plate?”, “Come on, dear, why don’t you go take a walk with your sister to burn those calories!”, “You’ll never find a boyfriend if you weigh as much as you do.”
“I see you still haven’t lost the weight,” she continues, her eyes hard. “I thought you’d finally make an effort for your sister’s wedding. She looks beautiful, by the way. Size 2 wedding dress. Unlike you—”
“I’m gonna stop you right there.” Simon’s voice is gruff and low. His eyes flick to your face, taking note of the tears welling in them and the way your eyes are glued to the floor. His free hand clenches into a fist, and he understands now why you never want to speak about your family.
“I was speaking—”
“Well, you’re done now,” he says, his eyes dangerously cold. “Don’t know who the fuck you think you’re talkin’ to, but this is my girl. She’s fuckin’ perfect, and if you say one more nasty thing about or to her, I’ll pop out your eyeballs with my fingers.”
Your mother’s mouth hangs open, and you blink back the tears and look up at Simon, grateful he’s there. Grateful he’s in your corner and that he loves you. You squeeze his hand, and he smiles down at you.
“I never have been spoken to like this—”
“Well, someone should.” Simon tugs at your hand, pulling you against him. “We’ll be going now. Don’t expect to hear from us. Have a terrible life.”
He leads you away from your bewildered mother, out of the villa and to his car. He bends down, wiping at your eyes with his thumbs, concern in his own.
“You alright, baby?” He murmurs softly, cupping your face.
You nod, looking into his eyes. “I couldn’t say anything,” you mumble. “Every time she opens her mouth, I freeze. I’m so—”
“Shhhh, love.” He leads you to the car, opening up the passenger side door. “Come on. Let’s go get ice cream and go home. I’m itchin’ to give you some proper lovin’.”
He squeezes your thigh all the way home, the two of you eating ice cream and laughing, Simon trying to take your mind off of the terrible encounter with your mom.
And when the two of you get home, he strips you bare and worships your body until you’re crying out his name.
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noirscript · 1 month
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My Valentine
details: yandere!husband x AFAB!reader | Mentions of female genitalia, detailed sexual scenes, breeding,
note: I forgot where I got the image.
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Despite the questionable setup and job description of your current job, your husband did not question it and even supported your endeavors. He cook your breakfast on the dot and even prepared your lunch and some snacks.
The warm touch of his soft lips against yours as soon as he sees you, somehow made you guilty of what you're getting yourself into. Truth be told, you haven't told him about the entire truth about your job. Only that you work as an agent.
You let him make an assumption about your job. Perhaps you'll never be able to tell him all about your job.
"Are you sure you still want to work there?" he asked while resting his firm hands on your hips. "I can support us both. We can even start our family and live comfortably."
You smiled as you cup his cheeks. "Val..."
He sighed before pulling away. "I don't really get why you're doing this," he said before meeting your gaze. "It's been two years since we've been married, you even begged me to let you enjoy for awhile before starting our family."
"Val, it's not that! I just..." you sighed. "I want to have my own money. I can't rely on you everytime. It... It doesn't feel right."
You looked up and feared what you've seen. His jaw clenched while his hold on your hips tightened.
"Was it my mother?"
Your brows furrowed. "What, no!"
"My grandma? My sister?" He closed the gap between you two. "Who was it, huh? Who influenced your decisions this time?"
You removed his hands from your body before taking one step away from him.
"Let's... just talk later." You tiptoed to reach his cheek before grabbing your packed lunch.
Maybe it's time to submit your two-week notice.
Your husband, Valentin, could get clingy at times. He'll tightly wrap his arms around your body, never missing the chance to feel the warmth of your skin.
It starts with gentle caresses against your skin, then the next thing you knew, you're being screwed and under his mercy for the next hours.
His honeyed voice that you love to hear turns to something deeper as he whispers the nastiest threats you've ever heard from him.
"Gonna make you a mommy... hngg... gonna be round and full..." He buries his face against the crook of your neck as he sensually grind his thick cock against your tight and creaming pussy.
"Pleasepleaseplease... make me cum... wanna cum..." you begged as you claw the arm that's been keeping you in place. "Val... Val... please... cumming..."
"Ah-ah... such a naughty girl." He took a deep breath against your neck before ramming his cock against your tightening pussy. "You don't get to treat me like a toy. I'm not a fucking dildo. You hear that?"
"M'srry... cumming please... please..."
"You're cumming, hm? You're gonna take my cum? All of it? Hm?"
You frantically nodded as you match his movements. It didn't take long until his cum painted your insides.
He nozzles his face against your skin. Peppering kisses against your neck, nipping it at times.
"We're gonna start our family soon..." he whispered while lazily grinding his dick inside you. "You, me, and our baby."
You chuckled. "We've talked about this before, Val..." The sheets rustled as you turn to face him.
"I still want to work. You know, to save up a bit." You pushed yourself up and looked into his eyes. "I also want to spoil them."
"You can spoil them with my card. What's mine is yours too, you know?" He responded while pulling you close to him. "We can have just one child. We'll take care of them. Raise them well..."
"Val... at least give me some time to think about it." You slowly run your finger against his chest down to his abs before barely touching the tip of his erect cock. "Besides... don't you want us to have some more time together?"
You slowly grind your moist pussy against him before he pulled you down with him. He aligned his cock and swiftly penetrated your pussy.
He doesn't hate the idea of getting you all to himself, but still. Your feelings might change once you learn more about him. He's not gonna have that. You're his for eternity, even if that meant having to share you with your child.
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