#and i mean.. yeah thats falling apart now I have to get a job like now maybe 2
jackalopefreckles · 2 years
Yeahh idk this years been bad for me i was hoping it was gonna get better but it?? Doesn't look like it
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junipers-archive · 1 year
And They Were Roommates
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Word Count: 1k
Includes: Fluff, fluff, some more fluff and a kiss? You confront Spencer about your relationship status after Penelope informs you of everyone's belief of you being more than roommates :)
(Prompt from this challenged by @imagining-in-the-margins)
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You were at the coffee shop nearest to the apartment, desperately trying to find a pick me up. It was 6:30am...a new record for you. Seeing as your roommate and best-friend Spencer hadn't alerted you that you guys ran out of coffee at home, you were now standing in what you deem the longest line in the world you'd ever seen for coffee.
Then again it was one of the first times you'd been up this early to see people who actually got up early. It'd only been 10 minutes but you swore if you didn't get your daily caffeine boost soon you'd start to shut down.
The line was moving at snail pace so you decided to see what the problem was, only to catch a Penelope Garcia with 8 coffees in her arms, trying to balance her way out of the crowd.
Fortunately for her, Spencer had introduced you to the team a few months ago after they'd wanted to see where he lived and he was essentially peer-pressured in showing them by Derek. You'd been given a 5-minute notice at the late hour of 11pm and to this day are still making him pay on movie-nights where you got to choose the film.
You were torn between helping Penelope and staying in your spot in line, but seeing as you remembered how kind she had been and she was about to drop all that coffee, you took pity. Rushing over and calling her name,
"Penelope, you need some help there?"
"ah!-oh hi Y/n, sorry you scared me for a moment! And yes please."
You took one of the trays of coffee from her, holding her purse around your other arm. "Not that I mind helping, but why all the coffee?"
"Well" She was now wobbling over to a table that was just freed up by a couple, talking to you while placing her many belongings on it,
"Sometimes, I like to get up really early and get coffee for the team, cause you know the coffee at work sucks and I'm sure Spencer's already alerted you, but someone's been stealing the curate cups from the kitchen!"
You now placed the tray you had been carrying on the table as well,
"No...uh Spencer doesn't exactly talk about his job much, we usually just talk about other stuff"
She looked surprised at this, "Really? I thought he'd be more open about what he does with his girlfriend. But I guess thats just Spencer."
Now it was your turn to be surprised. "I-I'm sorry, did you say girlfriend?"
"Well, I mean yeah, you live together, he talks about you all the time, and when we went over you two just had so much chemistry we all just assumed-" she stopped talking as she saw the growing disbelief on your face, "I-I just- I'm sorry are you not dating?"
You were speechless. Absolutely speechless.
I mean sure you liked Spencer, he was one of your best-friends and you did live together and yea maybe you had feelings for him. But could other people see it too?
I mean, it made sense, now that you thought about it, you two were practically never seen apart, having roomate-movie-nights, going on consistent 'friend-dates', eating almost every meal together and getting each other gifts for holidays, even sometimes falling asleep in each others beds when you both got black-out drunk on occasion...
Were you dating?
Penelope had taken your silence as her cue to leave, gathering her things, but you had another idea, one that wouldn't leave you overthinking for the rest of the day.
"Wait- I- I'll help you! I mean you can't carry this all yourself!"
"Thank you" she smiled " but you're sure you don't have anywhere to be?"
"Not a place in the world." You would just call in sick today, you thought.
On the drive to the BAU as you talked to Penelope who you found was alluringly talkative, you also realized you might not even be able to get into the building. When you asked she waved her hand, shooing away your worries it seemed as she explained that as long as you weren't a spy you'd be fine for staying a couple minutes since she had clearence.
The topic of Spencer didn't come up again.
Once you got there and helped Penelope up to the office you caught sight of your roommate sitting at his desk. Excusing yourself, you began walking over, It was more decorated than you assumed, containing his adorable action figure favorites and small trinkets you'd given him over the years. And as you got closer you even found he had a picture of the two of you posing at a theme park you'd forced him to go to with you.
He saw you before you were closer, standing himself up as well.
"Y/n? What-What're you doing here?"
"Are we dating?"god you needed to get a filter, but you were really curious.
He sputtered at that, which admittedly made you smile, "I-uh-Who-did Garcia?-What?"
By pure instinct you grabbed his face so he had to look at you now, as he had a habit of looking down when nervous.
You asked him once more,
"Doctor Spencer Reid Are you dating me?"
You could feel him blush against your palms as he answered,
"Uhm...do you want me to be dating you?"
You don't know what had gotten into you that morning, but the next thing you did surprised both of you, pulling him closer as his hands circled your waist hesitantly and you kissed him.
It was soft at first, almost gentle in the way the both of you were nervous, but eventually he deepened it, grabbing one side of your face, the other circling your waist completely now as you arms came to rest around his shoulders.
When you both had to finally come up for air you breathed out your more than obvious response, "yes."
And while you both grinning like idiots at one another, Penelope was adamantly taking photos of the two of you for your wedding which she had already informed Spencer was to be on October 31 of next year.
You never even noticed you didn't get your coffee, knowing you were now with the Dr.Spencer Reid was enough of a pick-me-up to last you a lifetime.
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Reblogs and Comments appreciated!!
Update: Part 2
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Walk the line
Trigger warnings: domestic fights,talk about addiction, suicide mentions. Loss. Alot of cussing.
Carmy Berzatto x reader
A/n: I love carmy bro - but yea, this is uh..a passion project, honestly. I haven't wrote in a hot minute. But..I feel confident. Btw. This story will focus alot on addiction, not the Reader specifically, though. But her dad.
Slow burn/angst/comedy
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The sounds of furniture falling and glass breaking behind the door as it Slams open and her face is red and her chest rises up and down quickly as the man behind her on the floor his cheek red from the hit he received from his daughter as his wife stands beside shocked, unable to move the only sound was them getting their stuff and leaving before making their way out the door they looks back and points their finger at the man who's cheeks are red his left a bit bloody
"Dont fucking talk to me unless you've been sober for a year. you hear me?" They breathe out as their mom calls out to them as they turn their back to their parents and rush away. Only leaving the cries of their mother and their father left on the floor as the sound of the ambulance gets closer and closer. 
That was a while ago.
Since then, i think i've done well. Maybe. Got a job at some restaurant,the boss is cool. The coolest boss I might have had Honestly. Micheal Berzatto, AKA… Mikey, I've known him about… maybe a few months now? It's been a while since I've been "away" from home, anyways yea. Been working at this cool joint called the beef. Everyone feels like one big friend group. Yeah, it's really nice. I got a nice apartment, too. Well, " nice" is better than any other house that deadbeat ever got us.
 Anyways, yeah. I hope you've been well ma. I sent you money with this. Don't try to send it back. And don't let that asshole see you with it.
I'm doing good, So don't worry.
With much love. 
"Hey,speaking of assholes, what's the big deal with this brother?" You ask, looking down at the piece of onion you were cutting as mikey cooked behind you. 
"Asshole? Ooh you mean my brother carmy? " He replies, keeping his gaze on the meat. 
"Well there's a lot to say about him " he breathes out but a smile can obviously be detected in his voice 
"Well then tell me about him genius" 
"hes not your type " Tina chimes in as the rest laugh,
"Thats not- Okay, maybe that's why i asked. But if you really say so, " you reply, shrugging and putting the knife down and leaving the onions to grilI as - you turned to look at him. But he kept his back to you as he began to speak.
"no yeah- Carm… little brother Carmen. he's a chef in some fancy restaurant, nice right? " He admitted, watching the knife gliding through the meat smoothly.
"for real?" you gasped out looking at his back,
"for fucking real."
Remembering when that had happened. Mikey had a smile on his face when he spoke about his brother. Later on, you learned the two weren't on speaking terms. A part of you cursed yourself out of even having the gall to ask about a slightly  sensitive topic, but another part of yourself felt...good to know at least he didn't hate his brother, Who'd want to hate their own siblings? 
You knew better than to intervene.
It was february 21st, as you gathered your sweater, in the corner of your eye, you noticed Michael sitting in his office looking at a small white envelope. 
"Hey, mikey," you guy, as you knocked lightly before entering his office, and he looked up his eyes, meeting yours.
" hey- " he coughed  " hey whats up? " he said, rubbing his nose with the tips of his fingers. 
" I should be asking you that '' you reply, putting on your bag.' You okay ? You've been… out of it these past few days. '' You say, tilting your head slightly.
"Im good" he mumbles out his hand over his mouth as he nods. 
" Okay … if you ever need anything, just call me. Okay?" 
" Gotcha," he says as you nod and make your way outside.
"hey uh be careful " he yells out as you heal out the door and the leans against his office door frame as you turn your head back to look at him.
" Yeah you too mikey" 
Hey ma, me again. It's been a hot  minute since I sent you a message. in terms of like… talking. i just wanted to check up on you. Make sure everything is okay, y'know? i'll be honest. I haven't been doing so well. if were being honest…  I lost a friend. a good friend. Mikey, he Uh… Comitted  suicide. and i don't know how to feel. Well,I feel sad. I spent… all week crying. 
Yea i have brothers, but Mikey felt like the brother I never had.
due to moving so much as a kid, i didn't have any friends.
no girlfriends, boyfriends.
i didn't want any if i'm honest.
but Mikey changed that.In terms of friendship I mean.
i remember when i first met him, i was about to blow him off because he was pestering me about his  restaurant. i mean, i was working for Petes sake. But he was loud,
and i gave in.
after that he let me into his family, albeit made of people working in a restaurant.
you know that thing when Companies say their employees are family and it's usually bullshit??
Yea,Mikey always meant that shit. 
Ritchie told me his brothers were coming to take over. I'm not sure how to feel about it . The asshole didn't even come his funeral. Anyway, yeah, that what has been up with me. Sorry for suddenly dumping all of this on you.
i lost a good friend. 
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A/n: I really like writing for this series, honestly. Please tell me if you guys want more :]
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bisexuallsokka · 1 year
ok hello i have found that i have no choice but to introduce you to my "divorced zukka but slightly to the left" headcanon for a modern au. basically, a pre-transitioned zuko and sokka have a one night stand at the end of their senior year of high school, and never speak again. roughly six years later, sokka is starting his job at an elementary school (not a classroom teacher, like technology or something) and meets izumi, who is so sweet and cute and i swear thats the face katara makes when she's annoyed, and one day happens to see her dad pick up and huh he looks and AWFUL lot like that person i went to high school with and OH GOD some quick math brings an idea to mind.
So sokka attempts to confront zuko who is very much NOPE DO NOT TALK TO ME, but finally breaks down after a series of shenanigans that def do not involve mild stalking. but only to admit that yes, izumi is sokka's biological daughter, and would like to leave their interactions at that, except sokka has NO interest in SIMPLY leaving it at that because!!! he has a kid!!! that he knew nothing about!!! for six years!!!
zuko very much would like to continue living his life without sokka bc being a single young parent is hard enough but he has a good routine and good relationship with his daughter and he doesnt need this, this, SPERM DONOR to just come in here and mess everything up! the guy hasnt been there the last six years, there is absolutely no reason for his to get involved now!! BUT sokka absolutely would have been there if zuko had only TOLD HIM, but how was ZUKO supposed to know that, and did zuko really think so little of him?? except it was a one night stand and zuko didnt even realize he was a boy until right after and he originally wasnt even planning to keep izumi, and HOW could he have just given up their CHILD without ever even telling sokka about her and given him a CHANCE to take her, and WE WERE JUST KIDS AND HE WAS SCARED-
its complicated. and involves a lot of trying not to shout around izumi, who is just over the moon that her dad and her favorite teacher know each other outside of school. and there's a lot of heartache over sokka having to come to terms with the fact that yeah, hes not izumis parent, and there's only so much he can do without stepping on zuko's toes, and he only wants what is best for izumi, and zuko seeing that maybe sokka really does want to be all in for izumi even if zuko thinks sokka really doesnt fully understand what that means, and would it be such a bad thing? not that either of them are going to admit this to the other.
so it starts with small things, like sokka being allowed to pay child support (which hes been begging to do since day one), and maybe it turns out that zukos new coworker is sokkas friend and they end up at the same party where they can really see each other interact with izumi, and a chunk zuko's summer child care plans for the summer fall apart so sokka offers to babysit since his summer job is remote which feels BIG but also reallyyyyy too convenient to reject,
and then something bigger happens where izumi gets hurt at school and while sokka is blaming himself he's also panicking bc the hospital wont let him stay with her bc hes not an emergency contact so he steels himself and later tells zuko he wants to make his relationship to izumi legal. hes not going to have a custody fight, he would never ask for that, but he wants his name on her birth certificate and wants his name on her list of emergency contacts, and its the first time zuko understand that sokka 100% knows what he's getting into here and is willing to be in this 100%.
So maybe sokka moves into this "uncle sokka" role, because zuko still refuses to tell izumi that sokka is her other dad, and yeah that hurts, but sokka would rather have part of izumi's life if he can't have all of it. and sokka gets a better look inside their lives and discovers that its HARD being a young single parent, why would zuko have risked everything he worked for to mix in some guy he barely knew who might decide that zuko wasn't good enough and take izumi away? and zuko sees the pain sokka has from missing out on so many key moments of izumi's young life, and the more sokka is proving himself as a second parent, the more guilty zuko feels. they go through some shit together and its more and more evident that sokka doesnt just want to be that fun uncle, but he's ready more than willing to be a PARENT even when it means being the bad guy.
and maybe they start falling for each other a little, because they are starting to have this LIFE together and its not just about izumi anymore its the way zuko rolls his eyes and gets the new fancy ice pack out of the freezer when a limping sokka brings izumi back from the park, and its the way sokka makes zuko genuinely laugh after a long day at work, and its like their lives are getting fully intertwined-
except that they arent. and they couldn't. because if sokka decides its too much. because if zukos good favor runs out. if it didnt work out between them. they couldnt do that to izumi. what they have is good, its fine, (even if its not enough) they dont want to risk anything that could disrupt izumi's life. shes the priority. and sure, she's already asking questions about the two of them, but what if they don't work right in a real relationship? the way things are now, either of them could back out, and everyone would eventually be ok. maybe. except every time they think about the possibility, it seems like they are already too intertwined, and either of them trying to untangle would just be a disaster, so imagine if they HAD to untangle, and-
so they just end up in an awkward stage of sad pining. because theres no way it would actually work out. because it would hurt all of them. and their life has never been better, but it's never hurt this much either.
ok so i didnt realize i could still write this long in an ask, but essentially i am not a masochist like you, and they do figure it out in the end. this could happen a number of ways, such as izumi just announcing that yeah this is my dad and his boyfriend, or zukka doing the "pining make outs that we never talk about until one of us snaps and we decide to let ourselves be fucking happy", or a very funny "we both snap and bone for one wonderful night to get it out of our system and then we dont talk about it" which leads to an accidental second baby where sokka and zuko both laugh and say whelp it must be fate lets do this the right way this time.
the most important thing is that they both forget to tell izumi that sokka is her biological father, so teenage izumi is very shocked and upset that shes just had to learn this from something totally mundane like applying for a passport, and sokka and zuko do the spider man finger pointing of "i thought you told her" "no, you were supposed to tell her" "did we really not tell her?" and its absolutely disgusting how cute they are
thanks for coming to my tedtalk
i love every single thing about this! sokka wanting to be a part of izumi's life and help zuko out....zuko being reluctant to accept but eventually seeing how sokka is proving himself.....the limbo period where they are both afraid it could end any moment....TOO GOOD! i love every single option for how they could get together for real like this is my favorite take on modern au divorced zukka by far!!!! <3 <3
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firefly--bright · 2 months
ur probably kinda sick of writing for th b99 au but can I request some fluff hcs pleeeeaaaseee I need something to balance out the angst
IM NOT SICK OF IT detective kirstein brainrot
- it's become like a tradition for the two of you to spend your dinner time together. it could be a really simple meal, sometimes some boring takeout but it would do, considering that almost the whole day was spent apart. soft music would be playing in the background while jean washed and cut the veggies, you'd boil some stock and get started on the noodles, you saying "she ramen on my soup till I noodle-" "she ramen on my noodle till I soup." "right, sorry, my bad." "yeah. get it right." and sometimes Connie crashes and then soon enough sasha and marco are also there and you're watching those terrible horror movies with cheap jumpscares. jean is a fucking crybaby about it you cannot convince me otherwise
- he's sitting beside you on the couch and Connies making fun of the ghost, sasha remarks on how bad she must smell which starts a whole debate between her and marco about if the outfit that people had on when they died was the same outfit that they'd have to spend their death days with, and jean is fully immersed in the movie, clutching a pillow and you try not to laugh at how he shifts closer to you. "it's fucking freezing in here." he says. "are u sure you're not just scared and want my protection?" "I'm. a grown man I don't know what you're talking about- FUCK." the last bit of his sentence was interrupted because the main character saw two glowing eyes in the corner or smth. grown man my ass. he holds you extra snuggly while falling asleep that night
- which is crazy considering his profession but it's so personal to me actually
- anyway, going back to the last post - he gets so pouty and clingy when he gets an unserious injury. like imagine he gets a cut on his thigh because he scraped it against a railing while chasing someone and he's exaggerating the story SO MUCH. "yeah and so I did a BACKFLIP-" "oh you can do those?" his chest puffs up, "yeah. duh. i can do a lot of things. and then I chased him down this alleyway and there was this grandma in one of the windows that saw me handcuff him and cheered for me." "I'm the grandma." you said, to which he replies, "yeah I like older women anyway." "WOW."
- he's arguing with eren on the job ALL THE TIME. back to when you two met, eren was looking around your appartment Just In Case and jean was SUPPOSED to be asking you relevant questions like "where were you yesterday morning?" to which you answered "I was in my room, getting ready for the day." "oh? I'm sure you looked great-" "oh." "i mean, like, I'm sure - like, you look great right now too. i mean, you. yeah. you're 👍" "thank you, detective." and eren has to butt in, "sorry, my partner usually just mouths off without thinking- "I do NOT." "thats why we call him hors-" "KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING BIRD."
great introduction, jean. he's kind of surprised that you even acknowledged him, IN PUBLIC CAUGHT IN 4K because he was so sure he blew it (he kinda did but it was really amusing and you kinda just wanted to talk to him because seeing him flustered was really funny and cute)
also!! bonus texts ;)
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(final hc - he listens to the most cuntiest songs while solving stuff. like he's filing paperwork while listening to 360 by Charli xcx)
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dirtybitfic · 1 month
Company pt5
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(last part to this series)
The next morning we had woken up and spent most of the day going to different wineries and vineyard tasting many different flavors and soaking up the sun and the beauty of France.
Me and Matt have grown so close over this trip and i'm so happy but I still have that small voice in my head telling me that this relationship is wrong and that it's not going to last.
The last couple of days we had left of our trip were spent lounging around on the beach , going on boat rides, eating delicious food at there most beautiful restaurants, amazing sex like A LOOOT of amazing sex , and deep conversations about life and past things we've been through .
Today we are headed back home and honestly i'm sad , if I could stay in France for the rest of my life I would . We're are settling in on the jet when I get an email from the producers of the campaign video . " Matt come here I just got an email from the campaign producer" I say patting the seat next to me. " That was pretty fast" he says kind of shocked how quickly they had pieced it together. " I know god I don't know why i'm so nervous to watch it " I say as I play with my necklace nervously. " It'll be great now come on I wanna watch my girl look beautiful in a commercial" he says making me blush and smile .
I open the email reading over it . The producer said it's almost fully done but wanted to get our input before finalizing all the details and releasing it . I watch in awe as Les filles desir by Vendredi sur mer plays through the speakers . We both watch as the video plays out , the scenes look so perfect I still cant get over how I actually pulled it off but I couldn't be more happy with how the commercial turned out. It ends and we both look at each other smiling " wow that was..." I say shocked " Yeah I mean wow its amazing" matt says and I nod in agreement . " I honestly have no feedback its perfect" I say and he nods " Yeah me neither I think its as perfect as can be" he says and I smile "great ill let them know its definitely ready to go" I say as I shoot and email back to him and thanking him for being an amazing producer.
We both fall asleep through the flight watching a movie . When we land we get our bags back into Matts car thats waiting for us and drive back to my apartment . The second I get in we both throw our bags down and I hop onto my bed laying down on the plush comforter smiling as I sink into it. " Im exhausted " I say as I yawn . " I know this jet lag is going to kill us both" Matt says as he flops down next to me . I look over at him smiling and he smiles back. " I really enjoyed being in France with you Matt it was truly an amazing experience " I say and he smiles wider " Im glad you enjoyed it and i'm glad we got to spend time together you're an amazing woman" He says and I blush burying my face in the comforter. " How about I order some food and we can watch some movies we won't be working for the next week so we can realign our sleep schedules " he says and I smile and nod " That sounds perfect" I say as I get up and start unpacking
Skip 8 months
Me and Matt are now fully dating , Ive sadly stopped working as his assistant strictly because of company rules and policies that would be effected and broken by our relationship. I've moved in with Matt and have a night job working as a bartender at a club . Matt said I didn't need to work because I mean obviously he has more money than he'd ever know what to do with but I said I needed something to keep me busy . I enjoy bartending its fun especially the people watching . I work with one of my best friends Ella which definitely makes it more enjoyable , we just fuck around and talk while working .
I just got off a shift when Matt pulls up in the parking lot opening my door for me to get in. " Hi gorgeous how was work ?" he asks I smile "Good my feet are killing me though these heels may look good but they definitely don't feel good" I say as I slump into my seat . " I'll give you a deep massage when we get home how does that sound?" he asks and I nod my head quickly " Yes please , but how was your day?" I ask and he shakes his head " My new assistant fucked up a couple of my meeting schedules today and it was a mess so I had to fire her " he says and I shake my head " i'm sorry I mean no one is ever gonna be as good as me you know" I say jokingly and he laughs " Your not wrong about that" he says making me smile .
We get home and take a long hot shower before we're in bed and Matt is rubbing oil on my body giving me the best massage Ive ever had. He slowly makes his way up to my thighs really working at the sore mussels . The higher he gets the more wet and horny I get for him. "Someones getting a lil excited " Matt jokes as his finger ghost over my soaked pussy. " Fuck sorry it just feels so good " I say and he smirks "Don't ever apologize for getting wet for me " he says before he slides two fingers into my entrance making me gasp . He finger fucks me as I hold a tight grip on his bicep moaning and whimpering in pleasure . I release on his fingers before he's shoving into me fucking me so hard I see stars. I could never get tired of this . Having Matt forever would be amazing I mean if he asked me to marry his tomorrow I would in a heart beat.
*skip 6 months
Today Matt and I are leaving for a 3 day trip to France . Im so excited I can barely sit still . Were going back to the place we stayed for the campaign shoot and i'm over the moon.
We land and i'm practically sprinting out of the jet to take in the beautiful scenery i've missed so much . I see the older man standing with a large smile on his face watching me practically bust my ass from excitement . " James its so lovely to see you" I say as I greet him in a warm hug. " Ahh belle fille ( means beautiful girl) i'm so happy to see your face again" he says as he places a sweet kiss on my cheek . James and Matt greet each other happily and talk to each other in French sadly I cant understand a word they are saying .
We makes our way up the penthouse suit and set our bags down and take a quick power nap before getting ready for a surprise Matt says he has planned . I just finished my hair and makeup when Matt comes waltzing into the bathroom holding up a beautiful dress . " wow matt that dress is beautiful " I say as I get up and glide my hand over the shiny material. " It'll look even more beautiful on you especially with these" he says holding up a pare of beautiful of jimmy choo heels." Matt ... my god these must have cost a fortune" I say in shock . " I would spend every cent I have on you , you know that" he says making me smile endearingly up at him . I give him a hug and thank him before I get dressed and walk back out into the room grabbing the last things I need and slipping them into my purse.
We hop in a car and the driver takes us to a helicopter. I look over at Matt who's just smiling and ushering me out of the car. " Where are we going?" I ask in excitement since he's been keeping it a secret all damn day. " You'll see , come on" he says smiling widely at me and ushering me into the helicopter. " Bonjuer" the pilot greets and I great him back. Matt helps me buckle in the gets himself buckled and then were off . Ive never been in a helicopter mostly because it always seemed so scary but its actually pretty amazing.
As we fly over the beautiful scenery we get closer to the ocean and i've never seen anything more beautiful . Matt grabs my hand and point over to something in the distance . I follow the line of his hand and look out to see what I think is and island . " Thats where we're going " Matt says and I smile . The closer we get the more I can make out home beautiful the island is . " Wow" I gasp as we get to the spot we're landing in. " Welcome to lies Lavezzi island" the pilot says and I smile and thank him for taking us here . I get out with matts help and he takes my hand leading me down further on the rocky train to a cliffside by the water. " Its so beautiful " I gasp as I let go of matts hand and look around at the crystal clear water surrounding us . I get confused when he doesn't say anything so I turn to look at him .
I turn to see Matt down on one knee smiling at me . I gasp as I out my hand over my mouth and tears start to form in my eyes.
" Y/n , when I first met you the day you walked into my office I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen . As time grew I slowly started falling for you , I knew it was unprofessional but I just couldn't keep you out of my head . The last time we were here I finally got to have you and ever since then I've known I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. Every second I spend with you I find new reasons I love you and never want to let you go ... so y/n will you marry me ?"
The tears stream down my face as my entire body shakes with joy and my head nods so quickly it might fall off " yes yes yes matt " I say smiling as he gets up and slides the beautiful ring on my finger. He hugs me as we look out at the water smiling like the happiest people on earth. I take a look at the ring on my still shaking hands . " Do you like it?" he asks and I nod " I love it , it's beautiful matt" I say as I smile up at him and bring him into a kiss .
*skip 7 months
Our wedding was beautiful , having our family and friends all in one room was amazing . Ive never been this happy in my life , as I look around at everyone smiling and talking , having drinks and dancing the smile that spreads upon my face is so big my cheeks hurt. " Mrs. Sturniolo , may I have this dance?" Matt asks smiling I nod as I take his hand " Wow Mrs. Sturniolo ... I cant believer thats me " I say as we both laugh and dance close together to the slow song . " I love you so much" I say as I rest my head on his chest " I love you more" he says as he places a kiss on my head .
After a long night of talking , dancing and drinking . We're are finally off to our honeymoon . I chose Greece and our first destination so thats were we are headed . We sleep on the jet and once we finally reach the end of the flight I buzzing with excitement. We take a car into Skopelos , I watch out of the window taking in the scenery , I specifically chose this part of Greece because of my love for mama Mia and this is where they filled it. As I kid I dreamed of going to Greece after watching mama Mia , its crazy to actually be here it all feels so surreal.
After a lovely week in Greece filled with amazing food , people , boat rides and swimming we are off to Matts pick of a honeymoon destination Paraty ,Brazil . I was overjoyed when he chose Brazil since its so beautiful but especially Paraty becauseee one of my favorite movies was filmed there . It was specifically in the second to last Twilight movie when they were on their honeymoon .
The second we reach the house we will be staying at my jaw drops at how beautiful it really is here . The house is on a secluded part of land and we can walk right out onto the beach from the back porch .
We spend most of out time tanning , swimming , having a lot of rough veryyy rough sex and just enjoying spending our time with each other somewhere so beautiful.
We are finally heading back home today and to be honest Im sad but i'm ready to get back home and get back into the groove of things . Matt has insisted I stop working and this time I obliged , I love working but honestly I don't mind being a stay at home wife but only because Matt makes so much money on a daily bases that I genuinely do not have to work .
*skip 2 years
Today is our daughters first birthday , I've never felt so filled with joy and contentment . Our daughter is the light of our lives . Seeing Matt with Sage makes my heart flutter every single time . She got his eyes and nose, two of my favorite features on him but she got my wavy/ curly hair , my thick dark eyebrows and tan skin . She is truly the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and I cant wait to watch this family grow.
Crazy to think that my hot boss is now my husband and father to our beautiful baby girl but I couldn't ask for a better life .
The end.
( I know this shit has been long overdue trust i've been so busy this summer I haven't found much time to write but i'm getting back into the groove )
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lilyrizzy · 1 year
maybe not the usual but.. daniel/michael
(sorry, i love the drama of a long term relationship break up)
man don't care - JME & Giggs (for the Spotify shuffle prompts)
sorry i'm so maxiel otp i had to make this a friendship break up, i hope thats cool!
Daniel can feel Michael's eyes on him. Insistent even though there's like, at least twenty cameras pointed in their direction. Or, Daniel's direction. Everyone wants a piece of him now he's back.
"Yeah, I'm happy to be driving," he says, for what must be the thirtieth time in just as many minutes. Ignores the prickle the creeps up his spine. "The break was good for me, but now- I'm ready."
He's more than ready. He's going to be fucking triumphant. Just needs Maxy to keep Checo eating his rubber for a few more races, and then he's going to get everything that was promised to him when he was twenty-five. A championship winning car. A real fight.
It feels closer, within just the stretch of his fingertips in a way it never did back then.
"Danny Ric is back, baby," he grins, and lets the clatter of camera clicks wash over him.
Afterwards, in the coridoor Michael corners him. Daniel glances over top of his shoulder, desperate for some sort of escape or excuse, but there's too many prying eyes to brush him off completely. Unless he wants some bullshit, speculative article being written about it.
"Hey," he says with a tight nod when Michael just puts a hand on his shoulder and doesn't say anything. Ignores all the early mornings spent panting into his yoga matt it reminds him of, Michael correcting his form.
He doesn't have time for small talk, or whatever this is. Who'd have thought, that even without being his trainer, Michael would still be able to wind up that tight coil of tension inside him.
"Are you really happy?" Michael asks eventually, when most of the room has cleared out.
And that's some fucking nerve coming from him.
"I don't know, Mikey," he says after a beat of disbelief. He brushes his hand away roughly and steps back. "Maybe if you picked up the phone once in the winter break, you'd know, huh?"
Michael's eyes dip to the floor, like he's ashamed. Good, Daniel thinks, viciously. Where the fuck where you when I needed you?
"Mate, come on," Michael tries anyway, though his voice is hardly louder than a mumble. "You know we were a little toxic by the end of last season."
Toxic. Like Daniel is another client looking for 'mental health coaching,' and not someone who used to ride his bike to the beach with Michael when they were 13. Daniel scoffs.
"Oh you mean when I started being shit and lost my job?" He asks with a hollow laugh. "When my whole life was falling apart? Yeah mate, sorry if I was a little less than gracious to you around that time."
You're being unfair, some traitourous niggle at the back of his brain tells him. Knows that 'less than gracious' doesn't even cover it, but- But fuck Michael. None of it stopped himself getting a cushy new job lined up, coming out on top while Daniel found himself fired at thirty-three.
Michael looks at him again, daring to look only halfway apologetic.
"I wasn't your punching bag," He says firmly, like he's already found his second wind. Like he can read Daniel's mind, and after years spent in each other's pockets, he probably can. Can smell cracks in Daniel's resolve from a mile away, like some blood sniffing shark.
I know you, Daniel finds himself wanting to yell, though it wouldn't even make any sense.
Not today. Daniel isn't that guy anymore.
"No, you were my friend," he says, giving the wall next to him two hard slaps with the palm of his hand. "But fuck me I guess, for needing you. Won't make that mistake again."
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art-of-mathematics · 8 months
i need to rant again (sorry in advance).
I feel very sad right now.
As I concretized what aspects I suffer under the most: it is primarily isolation and having nothing to do all day.
so i searched for volunteering opportunities.
(i want to volunteer) but seeing the offers for volunteering work almost being entirely a social volunteering activity made me very sad and frustrated.
and although i find that things like soup kitchen for homeless people are important and i value them - i do not know how i could integrate myself in there to do any activity where i would not just be entirely overchallenged by all social interactions stuffs. while also being bored of the tasks one could do here.
I searched further for any regular or any activities for autistic people or people with huge social inabilities- and it makes me so sad and angry... finding just the few scarce options i have also heard of already- occupational therapy, "work" therapy (which is very similar to occupational therapy), and then thats it for regular options.
for less regular options there is also very few options...
for volunteering work one also needs to be merely self-organized. and damn...
i just wish i had a job that i at least enjoy half of the tasks to do - and anything to do.
i hate being in this shitass huge city and having the same options as someone living in a damn tiny village... or forest.
//sarcastic: in a forest there might even be more options for me to engage with my environment than in this shitasshuge city of additional sensory torture...
it makes me so sad.
it feels futile.
like literally. the isolation and having nothing non-pointless to do make overcoming the shitty trauma far more difficult.
What can I do?
Talking with myself is an option I find even more depressing than just talking to no one for days.
its not even that i slightly like the isolation.
i hate it. i dread it! i prefer to live with some people in a shared flat. but this isolation chamber. i cannot take it.
but i mean: i am extremely privileged for living on my own, renting an apartment solely for myself. But I do not want to live for myself. It is isolating, debilitaing so. In a shared apartment there at least happens social interaction randomly, and I could even do the tasks I do already and would help someone with what i do. But this way its depressingly futile and lifeless.
I feel useless and like a damn burden.
This apartment I am living in is like the final storage facility of radiocative substances: its far away from any engagement places, on a mountain on the outermost edge of the city, with the only function to store and isolate the trash for many years and decades so it will finally fall apart one day, and does not annoy anyone with its existence.
damn. i feel so sad. i have very huge trouble sleeping since a week. i am tired. i am exhausted. breathing shallowly. cant focus. just mind fog. just shittt
am tired but cant sleep
can only complain.
i hate this futile attempt to "pull myself up by my own bootstraps". it is not only seriously energy-consuming, but also futile. But what else can i do?
fuck it. i am tired. yet cant sleep.
and dat thought circle now repeats itself 1000 times until i either get so angry or stressed that whatever might happen - or i might be able to navigate my fucked up mind into a different semi-disturbing thought topic.
i am tired.
yes, you are tired? tell me more about it. does it feel as if u got bread as brain?
yeah. totally. the bread is crumbling.
and what do we want to do with the crumbs now?
perhaps collect da crumbs, put it in a bowl (but not a holebowl) and then insert a liquid and stomp it very hard multiple times until it becomes dough again.
yay. we bake a tiny new brain bread now, dont we?
yeas, we do.
at least in our imagination it is that easy to get into a slightly better mental space - for few minutes - but that is a topic for another chapter.
no seriously. i have to come up with this kind of nonsense all the time because if i confuse myself with this kind of silly nonsense the shitty thoughts, feeling and memories get swirled around - and then they are less painful.
swirling the awful brain crumbs makes them feel as if they are disappeared - but only for the moment when i swirl the shit around. if the brain crumbsmsettle again it all starts to be unbearable again.
seriously this is exhausting. and why? damn why do i have to do this?
arent there more helpful/functional ways to deal with it?
if someone of you humans reading this knows a realitistic other functional compensation method, please feel free to tell me.
I am "am Ende meines Lateins" as that German saying goes. I have approached the end of having clues/ideas. Perhaps I have to accept I approached the invitable: the last station to Burnout and Boreout all at once!
the ring of running in a hamster wheel closes itself as the hamster approached light speed and time began to stand still.
as time stood still, all that was existent was the dead hamsters haunting memories,
still haunting him after he already succesfully died in one of his recursive nightmares.
but uhh. recursive nightmares are of a special kind... i assure you... but dont be sure about anything, thats for sure...
.. and that, my dear human beans, that is true irony.
at least i can laugh about it - somehow. anyhow. whatever.
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richardsphere · 7 months
Leverage Log: The San Lorenzo Job
OK, we're really switching to season-long setups now with the return of Manticore as a Plot-point. Not really a fan, I personally like shows where stuff can actually stand on its own to stay that way. It feels unfair to suddenly rely on the audience to start taking notes from previous episodes when you've trained them not to.
So now we know that there are 3 things to be stolen this episode: The Election/The Country itself (stuff the ballot boxes or hack the machines, possibly a Sophie Thing, grifting not a Person but a Country entirely), His Backup Gold and Diamonds (Big Parker Moment?) and the Manticore Servers (cause Leverage Consulting is not stupid enough to let that thing go out on the open market a second time. They learn from their mistakes. )
I guess there's a small chance they don't steal Manticore? In that they could also say "the servers will go on the open market after Moreau's take-down, and we'll just buy it with the money we steal from him" like he bought it after they stole it from Duberman, But that doesn't feel like how the Leverage Crew operates.
The Italian makes another appearance, "Damian Moreau will never leave San Lorenzo". Clearly a case of Exact Words 101, So of I'm right they're gonna turn his Shelter from extradition into his prison.
OK the heroes have all touched all the TV's in the electoral command center, which means they're now all Hardison-ed. Compromised, don't trust anything a TV shows in this episode.
So they're compromised (definitely not intentionally no-no this show would never make the bad guy think he knew what was going on to make the bad guy overconfident. They'd never do that /s)
But are you telling me Hardison hadnt hacked the stuff yet? Thats like the first thing he does? Normally... Normally its the first thing he does, i forgot about Manticore didnt I.
"How is a campaing promise different then a lie", come-on writers, tell us how you really feel!
What scandal could be worse then Sex or Corruption? Animal Cruelty, Puppies... You can tell the writers loved coming up with this as a plot.
Love the way that their chosen stooge absolutely despises them. Like Nate is not a nice guy and this is a genuinely good person forced to work with Nate at his sober-est.
The way that Sophie tells the poor guy exactly how she's gonna manipulate him with the handshake, then proceeds to do it.
And the team is back at what they do best biochemical warfare, Nothing these guys cant accomplish by drugging the heck out of some people.
--- Oh jackbooted thugs with face concealing masks, in a show where the heroes are always disguising themselves as anyone and everything, shoot Shophie on camera? Yeah that was the plan, make it look like democracy is falling apart to get them in trouble with the UN watchdogs. Tell the Current President he can simply frame Moreau to clean his own hands... give him a nice retirement package... I can see Nate's angle.
So yeah, play your enemies against eachother, steal an election, Sophie's face is going to be on the money now. Sophie grifting so hard she makes a president feels like a good enough Big Sophie Moment. So they didnt steal Manticore, just imprisoned the owner and then had it become a San Lorenzo Government Property (which is now an actual democracy).
No big parker moment... kind of sad, but having Parker steal all his gold off-screen feels like the most Parker way to steal. the simple "yeah she's good enough we dont even need to show the audience" is Parker enough for Parker. even if the 2-part finale didnt give her a "moment" the finale didnt need it.
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Λοιπόν για το ask game θέλω να ξέρω για την Reagan. Έχω όμως περιέργεια για την Christine Daae, θέλω να ξέρω εντυπώσεις
Reagan Ridley 🧪
First impression: oh so this is one of those characters thats specifically catered to my interests huh. Cool.
Impression now: Yeah of course she is my favourite. No surprises here. I have a type.
Favorite moment: ... that moment in the final episodes where the camera zoomed into her missing finger, the deadlines on her calendar, her meds and brett immediately went from telling her how sad he would be if she left the company to pretending that he wasnt sad at all because he knows how much she is suffering here and he only wants the best for her. Even if it means never seeing her again. Also EVERYTHING about Appleton tbh. God. Also that time she kicked her dad out of her house??? Queen.
Idea for a story: haven't had any concrete story ideas about my girl reagan sadly 😔 i should get around to reading some inside job fanfics, get some inspo.
Unpopular opinion: nothing comes to mind really. I haven't interacted a lot with the inside job fandom to know their popular and unpopular opinions tbh.
Favorite relationship: god.... Bret and reagan besties 4ever. Also! I was shocked by how much i liked her relationship with ron?? I usually hate it when my fave characters get a love interest half way through a show. Like HATE IT hate it. But honestly when they first started dating i couldn't help but wonder HOW she was going to fuck it up. Like this is Reagan we are talking about, she cant be happy for more than a few episodes in a row so i was hooked waiting for their relationship to fall apart somehow and holy shit????? Their ending was literally so much better than everything i could have ever imagined??? I was sobbing my eyes out god bless.
Favorite headcanon: this woman is bi sorry i don't make the rules. But honestly i feel like i don't have a lot of headcanons about her sadly.
Christine Daae 🎵
First impression: just an average girl character from a century old book. Nothing too wild.
Impression now: oh this girlie is INSANE insane. Ive seen it. I enjoy it. Impressive case of daddy issues. Beautifully kind and determined. She wasn't even in love with the phantom my girl thought she was being visited by the angels sent by her dead father. Good for her. Honestly the phantom is WAY closer to what i usually consider My Type when it comes to fictional characters when compared to Christine. My love for her completely blindsided me, she was one of those characters i didn't expect to be my faves.
Favourite moment: "wishing you were somehow here again" for the musical and everything about her insane "talking with the weird gremlin man who lives in my walls and pretending he is an angel" era for the book. Also the cemetery scene in the book? My girl is delusional.
Idea for a story: none tbh. I haven't read this book in years im not as obsessed with her as i was back then but she still holds a special place in my heart.
Unpopular opinion: idk i never had a strong opinion on the whole phantom - christine - raoul love triangle thing and i feel like the people fighting over this are a little insane skksks. Like. I don't think she ever fully loved erik even tho she sympathized with him? Also fighting over who Christine should choose reminds me of the people who used to fight over who katniss from the hunger games would choose. Like peeta is Katniss' chance to heal while gale is still at war and raoul is the light while erik is the night!! Of course she chose raoul in the end like cmon. Now, that doesn't mean that i can't appreciate the fucked up insane relationship between a basement dwelling sewer man who kills people just because and a grief stricken woman who searches for divinity in everything that surrounds her.
Favourite relationship: probably erik and christine solely for the fucked up factor. Also her relationship with her father even tho he is dead before the book starts and we barely know anything about him. Its pretty obvious that his death affects her a lot.
Favourite headcanon: cant really think of anything tbh. Once again its been a while since i last read this book. But also i feel very strongly about this woman being a brunette for no particular reason.
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scknight05 · 2 months
And the hits just keep coming…
Bit of a life update: one of the local mechanics was finally able to get my car to look at it last week (they were originally supposed to come get it last Monday but it ended up being Friday). At this point I’ve now been driving my dad’s truck to work and it’s close to falling apart itself. Not to mention that the AC doesn’t work and we’re having some really high temps/heat indices.. and only 2 of the 5 windows work. So yeah when we’re moving and have airflow it's somewhat okay. But when were stopped, thats a whole different story.
But back to my car: apparently it needs a new engine. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ And of course with it being a slightly older car (2013), there was no warranty or anything. My dad did look into one of those aftermarket warranty things thats supposed to help with things like engine troubles. So that was the news on Friday.
Then today's hit… I work for people who do seasonal jobs: fireworks and Halloween. We just wrapped up the summer season and was about to start the transition over to Halloween at our typical store. A few weeks ago we were told that store was going to get a facelift before we started setting up everything for Halloween. Well it just so happens that apparently last minute, the owners decided to sell the store location that flips back and forth and couldnt find another suitable location on such short notice in the area and so there wont be a Halloween store for us this season. Meaning I now have to go on the hunt for a new job soon that can help me pay bills until mid November when we start getting my other store ready for New Years.
With the two stores that are strictly fireworks that I work at, theres some inventory stuff coming up soon that will give me a couple weeks worth of work for now but after that, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I've got some personal stuff Im working on in the mean time that could help but there's no way it will fully supplement my income. Gonna start looking into places by the weekend hopefully. I totally didn't need this..
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marcusoseman99 · 3 months
Songs of the isle pt. 26 
Leander: It isn't *sigh* i thought the way you did once never again.
Vick: What happened?
Leander: Well you see little Arawn I trusted one and it got people killed.
Vick: Fuck um, I'm sorry.
Leander: Its fine old wounds.... has been decades.
Vick: What how old are you?     
Leander: About 3000 ish years time has started to blend. 
 Vick: what- how can you say that so casually. 
Leander: Sorry I forget that you have been shealtered from this stuff
Vick: Do you know why I was kept from all this.
Leander: Honestly from what I can gather I think that decision went to your parents but when your magic showed then It was no longer a choice. 
Vick: I just wish I got told sooner.
Leander: I mean I agree but i belive they just wanted to protect you.
Vick: Yeah still feels like I.... I dont know I missed out on so much.
Leander: How about this then.....stand up and we will go through some of the basics of magics.
Vick: Really?
Leander: Yeah kid it’s the whole point of us coming out here. 
Vick: oh yeah sorry. 
*The Scene goes back to Apollo in the forest with Dionysus he walks behind Dionysus till then reach a giant tree with a scorch mark on it, Dionysus place their hand upon the mark and the tree tears itself apart spiting down the middle to show its blacky blue glowing insides*
Apollo: I can’t believe I need to take two portals to meet a man that can run across continents. 
Dionysus: Don’t blame my brother you know he is quite busy even these days.
Apollo: Yeah but he could just run over to the fort to check up or something.
Dionysus: Does that invitation extend to me?
Apollo: if you are good. 
Dionysus: Then thats a no, my sweet boy now have a good meeting I think he is in a good mood today.
*Dionysus starts walking back*
Apollo: You say that every time. 
*They both laugh a little before Apollo walks through the tree into the black twilight then comes out onto a stone platform, in the middle of that platform is a black wood desk with a giant white tent behind it with the opening of the tent is directly behind the desk
Apollo walks towards the desk and as he walks he looks off to the side to see that the platform is surround by people stacked and passing through one another their bodies a pale blue slug, with their hands and legs being used as leverage to push to the top only to see no escape and sink back to the bottom and the cycle continues*
Apollo: Guessing that this place is cheap or something as this view is Gods how do I put this.....shit.
*Apollo reaches the desk and sits on the chair that is facing the tent*
Apollo: where the hell is this cun-
*Before Apollo can finish a man in a black and blue suit appears with a giant blast of wind with him*
Herms: Oh hello Apollo.
*Apollo jumps out of the chair*
Apollo: motherf- *sigh* I can’t believe I keep falling for that. 
Herms: It’ll never get old.
*Apollo smiles while flipping off Herms*
Herms: Guessing this isn’t a social call though. 
Apollo: Yeah sorry I need supplies.
Herms: But you should be fine for another couple of months, right?
Apollo: We were until........something burned them.
Herms: *sigh* Are you and Reegan ok?
Apollo: We're alive.
Herms: Fuck- ok but I dont know what i can do things are tight right now.
Apollo: Please for the love of fuck just tell me why your not giving me a job to pay for more supplies.
Herms: Fine I do but you look like a homeless corpse and I need this handle by a professional 
Apollo: I really look that bad?
*Apollo asks this as he is standing in a dirty and ripped pair joggies and a hoodie with blood for multiple sources on different parts of his clothes, his face covered with burses with a black eye, his long hair is greasy and his facial hair only growing into a neck beard*
Herms: You look like a shit took a shit.
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Hey I gotta agree with the other person plz get away from ur mother. Ur honestly too talented and capable to let someone drag u down like that. I rlly believe you’ll be so much better off away from her. Half of your problems are literally directly caused by her and the other half are propagated by her. I wish you the best bc this world is so already hard to navigate and ur mom is making it way worse than it needs to be.
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Aw thank you sweetie that honestly means so much to hear 🥺 and honestly I had childhood trauma so I've always kind of had mental health issues but sometimes I just sit and think of things she said or did to me that arguably directly contributed to specific complexes I have and behavioral issues
Like I used to say "I'm sorry" all the time, and kinda still do, when other people would tell me bad news they were going through and like to this day I feel some sort of personal guilt when I can't help someone, because like, I would be an actual child and I'd be in the car with my mom while she was driving and she'd be venting and I was "the rock" I was "the least difficult child" I was "the mature one" and she would basically use me as friend and therapist a lot and she would be going on and on for significant amounts of time about things I literally didn't understand and wasn't really appropriate to tell me
"--and I'm so tired of my coworkers, they whisper to each other sometimes and I JUST KNOW they're talking about me, I swear some of them are only there to fill quotas, and then this bill ran through early and my check bounced and my account is overdrawn"
"I'm really sorry mom :( I don't know what a check bouncing means though"
"Oh well it means--" bitch ya shoulda stopped right there like she literally told me about adult issues and adult financial problems that were quite literally beyond my understanding and I would feel helpless that I couldn't fix or help all these problems she had and I felt BAD and I felt GUILTY and I would just apologize all the time to the point I had friends kind of get mad I apologized so much
I would repeat conversations I had with her to other people sometimes even professionals like therapists and they'd tell me she was wildin out and I'd get mad and tell her "yeah well my therapist that you like so much and you think is doing such a good job told me it's unrealistic to expect you to change and I should just try and work around your behavior" "yeah well thats only because he heard one side of the story, if he spoke to ME he would be on MY SIDE" and repeat that 'one side' argument infinitely until I still never know if I'm just an overdramatic whiny little baby or if my feelings are valid (and I do legitimately have emotional issues and stuff so, yeah I can sometimes have issues, and those never really got solved either, just mocked I guess)
I'm just like. Afraid to turn my back on her because every other day its a new problem. The other week I hear her on the phone, she's saying she didn't realize it was still around, was it gathering interest, how much is it now, and afterwards I ask her and it's an old car she had some sort of payment or whatever on and she now owes, what I assume to be thousands. And she's had several cars since that one and even our current car is falling apart. It's at the point she makes a small mistake and I'm in instant rage mode because it's like GIRL CAN YOU EVEN DO ONE THING FOR ONE WEEK WITHOUT-- like I'll literally want to actually shake sense into her but like she's 58. She's like this forever.
I'm still mad about that pill thing that happened. She took tons of pain meds without even really counting or leaving space in between doses "oh because i just wanted the pain to stop" to the point where I called poison control and they said she was lucky to not be getting sick and then i get off the phone and she. Doesn't even care. "I knew what I was doing, you're overreacting, you need to be on medications for this" like, it. It makes me want to scream because she's constantly trying to force me to have pity for her, years and years of venting and complaining to the point I WOULD TELL HER TO HER FACE I DIDNT CARE AND SHE WOULD STILL KEEP TALKING, but then when I actually bring up legitimate concerns or issues like her almost POISNING HERSELF she has the fucking NERVE to say that to me???? I have an actual completely valid legitimate concern and you have A LICENSED PHYSICIAN TELLING YOU DIRECTLY "yeah I'm extremely surprised you're not in significant digestive distress and throwing up" and she tells me I'm OVERREACTING???
Like. I sit and I think. So much of my life involves her SILENCING me? I'll try to have an adult conversation to fix our issues because unlike her I've actually had therapy and she'll just "im done talking about this, every day you're nasty, you don't get to speak to me like that (even if I'm being nice and just pointing out her issues), what about all the times YOU did XYZ" like to feel like I could literally hand her a glowing hot pink chemical "this will literally give you cancer" and she would reply "no I had a friend in high-school who says this is a multivitamin" and she'd drink it. You can have EVIDENCE and multiple people telling her she is wrong and she either SHUTS YOU DOWN AND REDUSES TO TALK AT ALL or she just outright tells you you're stupid and wrong and emotional and have issues. Like. No wonder I don't trust myself. No wonder I have anger issues that are getting worse. She will literally NEVER listen to me. She will text me on my phone to fetch her water just because she had a headache but I can literally be so congested I'm struggling to breathe and she LET THE LITTERBOX ACTUALLY MOLD WHILE WAITING FOR ME TO RECOVER SO I COULD DO IT like. I love her but I hate her and I'm embarrassed and ashamed of her. But she also IS competent in the sense she kept me and my sister alive as a single mom but I mean, she also gave both of us huge issues and I kinda wish she had put us up for adoption
And it sucks because she has her old childhood trauma and mental health issues too. But I can't help but wish that my father had never lost custody. He may have had some ups and downs over his life but he was at least able to maintain better than my mom. Like for example he blew through a lot of his savings by getting a hobby racing cars at a racetrack and now doesn't really have anything, but like, at least he had that money to spend to begin with. My mom has to dip into a 401k whenever she actually has one. She will basically have to keep working until she can't sit in a chair anymore. I fear becoming her, or at least, more like her than I already am.
Just. Oof. Trying to take things one step at a time, but also considering other options for the future, and of course I have nice people like yourself offering advice and support and that's helpful in of itself ❤️ hopefully all of us can have some personal peace in this wild hectic world of ours 😩
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Twisted wonderland dorm leaders and vice leaders with a mc who is like a childe from genshin impact?! Like they do some shady stuff, wants to fight everyone and everything, is a walking wallet and name they introduced themselves with isn't even their real name
Dorm leaders + Vice dorm leaders with a Childe!MC
note: the things i wrote for the characters might be short KSKSKS im sorry😭
You're a manipulative individual that enjoys fighting and improving yourself. You're feared on the battlefield for your skills and unpredictable behavior. You also took pride in your skills in the battlefield and often see the people around you as weaker than yourself.
Despite that, you're a straightforward person who enjoys the most simple things and is not into complex schemes of manipulation. You're a family person and have a protective side to your family, mainly siblings.
collared u every. single. time.
well it may have stopped the hydro vision or electro delusion(?) but it won't stop these fists‼️
that sentence sounds familiar for some reason. pls do forgive me if i accidentally copied someone
literally watched u beat up pelple with the collar on ur neck
if he could, he would collar u a second time
but he can't so he settles on giving u other punishment like chores etc
finds out how good u are at household stuffs and go🤨⁉️how the hell🤨⁉️
oh well i mean
at least you're good at smth other yhan fights?🤔🤔he supports this side of u very much
he smiles and walks away
he does not wish to be apart of this
*5 minutes later*
he is now apart of this:(
he didn't even mean to. u just randomly saw him and dragged him into the fight
for no reason really, u just wanna be a menace
so now he's dragging YOU to stop fighting and all the way to the heartslabyul dorm
why heartslabyul u may ask? bc he can watch u better than way
probably bonded abt siblings
he have sibling, u have siblings
he's the big bro, you're the big sibling too!
listens to u rant abt ur siblings excitedly and he just go :) /pos
probably made u help with him chores LMFOAOAOAOA
being his friends comes with a helping with chores package, sorry not sorry🙏
picked a fight with each other💀
you know the thing in book2 where leona was abt to knock our teeth out? yeah u were probably excited when he picked a fight with u
Leona seeing ur excitement: what the hell🤨⁉️
probably what made him lowkey hesitate bc what sane person would be excited abt getting their teeth knocked out?
probably didn't like him as much for his schemes💀
which he told u to just suck it up bc nrc is not for goodies two shoes
which makes u sulk💀lmao u big baby
Leona doesn't care❌that's what u get for falling into a world full of villains‼️
you're one of the 11 most powerful in ur job back in ur world??
and you're... rich?
practically giggled like a schoolgirl and ran up to u with a contract in hand
its nothing bad do not worry😘he would never do anything bad /lies
u seemed to be the type to hate how he's not being 100 honest with his intentions when making a contract
he sometimes go🤔at that bc uh, you're not being completely honest yourself either??
look at the name u introduced urself with😡yeah thats right fucker, he got u now huh
doesn't really care that you're picking fights left and right, as long as it's not in his lounge, u can pick fights as many times as u want
probably didnt like him as much either LNFOAOAOA
jade doesn't really care
you're bland anyway🙄like u magicless??? damn how bland can u get
damn jade no need to be so harsh</3
but he quite enjoys seeing u beat people up with that... hydro blade of urs?🤨polearm🤔?
as long as u don't pick a fight with him, hes fine with anything u do
probably lowkey encouraged u to fight people for shits and giggles💀
two menace in a room, what could go wrong?
i sure do hope the school is at least prepared🤔
sweet kalim will never get into ur bad side
and you're more than happy to spend time with this guy just bc of how he's so clear with his motives and is so genuine and u really love that in a person!!!!!
bonded over ur siblings together too
he have MANY sibling and you have MANY siblings too
literally two big siblings talking to each other with fondness in their voice abt just how cool their younger siblings are and just how cute they are and how much yall missed them
now the whole nrc sees u two hang out most of the times and if trey isn't busy, he'll join
as the big siblings committee‼️
and honestly? kalim lowkey encouraged u to fight people too HELPPP
but he helps the people u beat up AND u after to the infirmary🙏
in this house, we stan and love kalim💞
probably didnt like hin at first too
he himself doesn't like u at first
at least the feeling is mutual yes⁉️
u don't like how sneaky he is and he doesn't like how troublesome u are
so now yall have this tension😡😡
which quickly got resolved by Kalim bc he just wants his new best friend to get along with his other best friend that he grew with
now y'all have to act like yall like each other for kalim
no hesitation in making u help him with the chores around the dorm every time u went to visit
which, may he add, that you're really helpful in
and he is very thankful bc hey!! he finally got some rest:D!
so ty to u ig:D?!
believe it or not, u guys got along quite well
vil likes the way u always look for ways to improve urself
even when it's mostly for battles, he really likes and respects that
he himself thinks that its important to improve yourself everytime u had the chance to
idk when did i turned serious but i think im slowly turning into a vil stan that im being this serious
actually gave u tips on self-improvement on anything u asked for
beauty? physical strength? maybe even ur emotions? HE GOT U🙏‼️
on the other hand, he sometimes warned u not to get into TOO many fights
well its like one thing going into ur right ear and left ur left ear bc just as he said that, u got into a fight 5 mins after
he scolded u
its ok he offered to clean up ur appearance‼️
(insert french words), YOU'RE JUST SO ADMIRABLE😍
loves watching u
its not creepy he swears💞
he just LOVES your passion for the battlefield that he needs a chance to see it upclose all the time!💞
u probably know he's there and actually surprised him by doing an uno reverse card
like he was supposed to stalk u but what is this? u disappeared? where have u gone to-
"hey! i noticed you've been watching me for a while!" u said from behind him
now its like love at first sight with rook💞 /JOKE
u can never get rid of the french man now
he is always lurking with full of admiration😍💪‼️
you're one of the reasons he avoids going out
nope. NOPE. he is NOT going to be associated with someone like u
*got involved with u anyway
he now stare at himseld in the mirror everyday asking what had he done wrong for him to accidentally be involved with u
and then he looks at ur cat in his lab(?) and goes yeah💀i did this to myself💀
experienced fighting with foul legacy u
he got the first row ticket and he surely was not having fun
i mean come on⁉️u grew in size and ur skills kind of improved⁉️
and how come u suddenly use electro now🤬🤬why is the world making hik fight against a UR character⁉️
challenged him to a fight the moment u heard hes THEE malleus draconia
him, who's just there to watch a performance: :)?
the people around u hearing u challenging him to a fight: D:?!
u: ›:)
more than happy to fight with u and is actually greatly entertained
and kind of relieved and happy bc hey not only do u not fear him but you're also bold enough to ask him for a duel💔he may just cry on the spot
he won but u seemed to be happy and declared to challenge him to another duel after u improved urself
and he lets u be bc yey!! new friend that he can spar with without fearing he'll accidentally kill them?! count him in!
u can rant abt ur siblings during ur nighty outings! and he will rant abt gargoyles in return:D!!
probably challenged him to a fight and failed miserably
at first lilia was ready to see u go 😫😓🍃 bc u lost
but all he got is u looking at him like 😃✨🤩and declaring you'll get stronger to beat him one day
lilia is amused, he's more than happy to play around with u
the way u fight on the battlefield is quite fun anyway💪💞
and he is more than happy to have someone be on par with him since it's been a long time since he had a great battle with someone
so he quite literally encouraged u💀
like yeah mc!! go train harder so you'll get stronger and beat him one day!! he's waiting for that day!!
he may even gave u some tips just bc of how eager u are to surpass him^^!!
also listens to ur rant abt ur siblings over tea
he may even share his own stories after yours:D!
not abt his siblings ofc, i dont think he have one🤔
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
Can i pls req dream being reader's sugar daddy :O - 🌼
sorry this took a hot sec ive been working on this one for a while cause i really liked the idea, so here you go :)) it ended up being like 2k words so im sorry
You had it all, anything you could want and more. Wanted to go to rome? Done, your plane leaves tomorrow. Dream absolutely spoiled you and you couldnt be more happy about it. It started off as a thing to help you with rent, but the longer you did it the more you enjoyed being able to get what you wanted when you wanted. Today was your weekly lunch with dream, you had both agreed that at least once a week he would take time off to get lunch with you, it made you smile to see him take time for you. As the tease you were, you decided to wear something a little revealing to tease him since he had cancelled your shopping trip with him the day before. You put on a low cut crop top and some shorts that show a little too much before fixing your hair. You hear you phone ding, getting a text from dream,
Daddy dream <3
Hey baby, i'm out front whenever youre ready to go
You smile and put your phone in your pocket before walking out to his car and getting in. you kiss his cheek quickly “hi daddy” you giggle and smile at him
“Hi sweetheart” he looks you up and down before smirking “like the outfit, all for me?” you giggle and nod before he starts to drive to the restaurant, one hand on your thigh. “Do you know what you want? You know the rule, anything you want no matter the price. And after that we can go shopping to make up for my cancelling yesterday.” you smile at him
“I know, and we dont have to dream, we can just hang out. Its been a while since we did that. Maybe we can go somewhere for you to make it up to me instead” he smiles and squeezes your thigh as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant.
“Anywhere you want baby, only the best for you.” you look down and blush, moving over to lean your head on his shoulder as he moves a hand to pet your hair. “Ill take you anywhere anytime and get you anything you want.” you cant lie, at times you had thought about being more than just his sugar baby, having a real romantic relationship, but he was always so busy that it made it seem almost impossible. Sure he took time out to be with you but it was never a lot unless you were traveling. He didnt tell you a lot about his job either, just knew that he had a large following and that he didnt want anything serious and put his partner in a bad situation, but damn if you havent thought about him coming home to you and calling you his.
“Baby? You okay? You zoned out.” he waves a hand in front of your face and you blink back to reality.
“Yeah, sorry i just got a little distracted. Lets go get some food!” you pull away from him and he gets out, walking around to open your door for you and holds a hand out to help you. “Thank you” you smile and take his hand as you step out, he closes the door behind you and puts an arm around your waist, pulling you into his side as you both walk up to get a table. You get seated immediately and he pulls your chair out for you. “Is there a single flaw with you?” you ask genuinely, he just laughs and shakes his head.
“Theres a bunch you dont know about me, sweetheart.” you roll your eyes as the waitress comes back with your mimosa and his water, asking for your orders. He orders for you and him before she walks off to put them in. He always knows what you want and orders it for you. It makes you smile that he likes to take care of you. You shake that thought away and go back to mindlessly talking with him, waiting on the food. It comes shortly and you both start to eat. “Where do you want to go? Japan? Italy? Oh we havent been to paris in a while, maybe there.”
“I think paris would be great, its always so pretty this time of year, maybe we can have dinner on the eiffel tower again!” your eyes light up at the thought of going back to paris. Last time you went was last spring, you both walked around and had the most wonderful time people watching and shopping. You take another bite and he looks like hes about to say something before he stops himself and looks down. “What is it? Is something wrong?” you look at him concerned, scared you messed something up.
“Its nothing darling, dont worry.” you both finish up lunch and he pays before helping you up and leading you back to the car. “I have something id like to ask you when we get to paris if thats okay, its nothing bad i promise its just something ive been meaning to ask for a while is all.” you nod as he opens the door for you and helps you in. “now, a pretty girl like you needs pretty new clothes for the trip, lets go get you some.” he smiles at you as he gets in, resting a hand back on your thigh as he starts the car, leading you both to the mall.
You spend hours in there going to different stores and trying things on, him getting you whatever you wanted without any hesitation. You walk back to the car with armfulls of bags and a couple new suitcases. “Thank you so much daddy, youre the best.” you kiss his cheek and he turns a little red.
“Its no problem baby, why dont you stay over tonight and we can leave in the morning to head to the airport. I can help you pack and we can watch a movie.” you smiles and nod, putting your bags in the back of the car and your new suitcases in the trunk.
“Id like that…” you think for a second about how nice it would be to wake up next to him every day and how nice it is to fall asleep next to him when it happens, even if when you did wake up after he wasnt next to you. The cold bed always made you remember that you would never be more than this, not that this was bad in the least its just sometimes you wish you could be more. He drives you both back to his apartment building and helps you out, grabbing most of your bags, only leaving you to grab the suitcases as you enter the building. He lived on the top floor in the penthouse, expected for how much money he had. You set your stuff down in his room, your new clothes already laid out nicely thanks to him. He walks up behind you and hugs you from behind.
“Youll look so good in all of those baby, gonna be the prettiest one in paris.” he kisses your neck softly before pulling away and taking your hand, leading you to sit on the part of the bed not covered by clothes. “Let me go run you a bath and you can pick out a movie.” you nod and he walks to the bathroom, leaving you alone on the bed. You turn on the tv and start scrolling through netflix looking for a movie, finally deciding as he walks back in and picks you up. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your head to rest on his chest as he carries you to the bathroom. He sets you on the counter and takes your shirt off carefully, leaving kisses down your neck and chest and he moves down to take your shorts off. You lift yourself gently to help him take your shorts off. He takes them off quickly before nipping and kissing your inner thighs, ghosting over your core. You whine and try to move closer to him before he presses your hips down into the counter.
“Stay still baby, dont wanna have to punish you. Daddy just wants his desert.” you nod quickly and stay still, his head diving to softly kiss your clit, causing you to whine. He chuckles and starts to slowly eat you out, almost at a teasing pace. You whine and grip the counter, trying to keep from pulling his hair. He pulls away and smiles, “good girl, being so good and not pulling my hair. Just letting daddy eat you up.” after he says that his hands move down to your thighs open as he starts to eat you out like a man starved. You let out a loud moan and throw your head back, your hands moving to his hair and tugging closer. At this point he didnt care about you pulling his hair, to blissed out by hearing your sweet moans and tasting you. Your cries became louder as he dragged you closer to the edge. as you were almost there he stopped, causing a loud whine from you as he moves up to face you. He looked like heaven like this, face covered in your slick with eyes dark from lust.
“Now my good little girl, i want you to get off the counter and bend over for daddy.” you quickly move off the counter and do as your told. “Such a perfect little girl, i want you to watch as i make you feel good, got it? You look away and i stop,” he chuckles and grabs your neck after you nod. His hand moves from your neck to your hair to hold you in place, making eye contact with him through the mirror.
“Such a precious little pet for me, arent you?” you whine as he lines up with your entrance, teasing you, causing you to press your hips back against him. He smacks your ass roughly and pulls you against his chest by your hair. “Thats not very nice bun, its almost like you want me to leave you all worked up.’’ he smirks at you before pulling you roughly back against him, ripping a scream from your throat. He sets a brutal pace, leaving no time for you to adjust to him. He keeps the pace, your legs starting to shake as he brings you back to the edge of your orgasm before quickly throwing you over it. You let out a cry of his name, trails of tears starting to run from your eyes as he keeps going.
“Pretty little bunny, always so good and tight for me. Gonna breed you so good. Fuck you until i know it takes.” he tugs your hair roughly and starts to bite and suck at your neck, leaving marks in his wake. You whine and cry, moving your hands to tug at his hair. “So close princess, gonna fill you up so good.” he moves a hand to your clit to punctuate his statement, causing a louder cry to come from you as you tip over the edge once again. His hips start to stutter as he fills you up, riding out his high with shallow thrusts letting out a few more quiet moans before pulling out of you carefully. You whine and tug at his hair as he does so. He picks you up carefully as he pulls away.
“i figured we could take a bath and then cuddle before we pack and figure out what time we should leave for the airport.” you nod and he carries you carefully over to the tub, setting you down carefully in it before getting and sitting behind you. He starts to wash your hair as you slowly drift off to sleep. You wake up briefly as he lifts you from the tub and carries you to the bed. He moves the blankets back and sets you down gently before crawling in next to you , pulling the blankets back over you.
“Be my partner,” he says as you turn towards him
“Only if we can still go to paris” you giggle and he nods, kissing the top of your head before you both drift off.
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gegewrites · 2 years
mr.whites daughter  8-binding link
Jesses pov- End of rehab-
(y/n) didn't visit me during the last month of my rehab. I didn't know why, she didn't call or anything. Mr.white came and picked me up, we didn't go to his house, but instead to a condo. "Having a temporary switch in residency." He said and pointed to the couch,"that's yours." "Great." I dropped my bag next to the couch and sat down,"you hear from (y/n)?" "No not really." He shook his head,"a lot has been going on." I nodded and he raised his brow. "I thought she visited you quite frequently." "She didn't come at all this month, didn't hear from her." I shrugged my shoulders. "She's been pretty busy trying to keep a lot of things in our family intact right now." He admitted and I nodded. "Why? Why does it fall onto her?" "Well..."he shook his head,"I honestly Don't even know. It just somehow has." "Cause she's the oldest and is the binding link to it all?" I raised my brow. "I guess so." He nodded,"last time k spoke to her she said Saul has had her working a lot of overtime at the office." "Overtime, that's one way to put it." I muttered and rubbed my face. "What do you mean?" "Just forget it man." I shook my head,"I'm gonna go get my car and swing by my aunt house." "Where's your car?" "(y/n)s apartment." I stood up,"her place is like...a 20 minute walk from here you know right?" "I actually Had no clue." I nodded. "Aight man, do you have my money?" I stood up. "Saul has it, but ur not getting it unless you're clean." "Yo I just did three months and rehab and listened to how the director or whatever killed his 6 year old daughter cause of his addiction. I'm staying clean, I'm not usin again." He nodded and gave me a smile. "Good, good."
(y/n)s car wasn't at her apartment, but I was able to get my keys since she put them in my trunk. I went to my aunts house and found out they were fixin it up and were gonna sell it. My dad wouldn't even let me inside or really even look at me. So I went to sauls office right away. I pushed the glass door open and walked to the front desk. "Saul free?" I asked the lady and she called into his office. "Okay." She hung up the phone,"he's currently on a phone call but said you could go in. I walked away and to the door. I opened it and he was walking around his office on a call, he had one of these earpieces In. I closed the door, (y/n) wasn't in here. "How come I'm the one paying you? You should be paying me at this point." His back was turned towards me,"okay well thats true," he chuckled,"I'll see you soon." "Yo." I said as he pressed the earpiece and hung up the call. "If it isn't the Prodigal himself! Out of rehab and a whole new person with a buttload of cash!" He chuckled walking to his desk and picking up my duffel bag,"how you been?" I didn't answer him as I unvelcrode the peice that held the leather handles together,"how was rehab?" "Fine." I said as I moved a stack of files off of the table by his couch and sat down. I unzipped the back and started counting. "You're looking better, I'll give you that." I glanced up at him and went back to Counting, stacking the bars of cash. "I got a job." "For me?" "Yeah for you, my parents are selling my house, and i want it back." He nodded. "Sounds only fair." He shrugged his shoulders and the door opened. It was (y/n). "If you send me out to get you another fuckin latte during mid day traffic again, I will fuckin shoot you." She handed him a Starbucks cup, she didn't realize I was there till he cleared voice and motioned towards me with his head. "Holy shit." She was in a red pencil skirt and a black button up long sleeve. "Yo." I smiled, I couldn't help it. "When the fuck did you get out?" "Like an hour ago, your dad picked me up." She nodded,"so you gonna help me buy my aunts house or what?" "Definitely." He smiled as i put the cash back in the bag. "Wanna leave the room for a second (y/n)?" I asked and she looked at Saul and he nodded. "Alright, sure." With that she walked out and I walked past the table and to Saul. "I wanna make one thing clear with you right here, right now." I stoped a foot away from him,"leave (y/n) the fuck alone, alright?" He raised his brow at me,"you put a Fuckin finger on her, or make one move towards her from this day on. That Ditch Mr.white and I brought you to when we first met...you'll be staring at the stars from 6 feet down while bury you alive. Understood?" He gave me a smug look and took a step towards me. "I'll make sure to ask her what her opinion on that is."he smiled,"your not the first guy to come in here and threaten me and you sire as hell won't be the last." "Yo Anything under that shirt and skirt you bought her, that's mine, alright?" "Again, I'll her about what she thinks. Then again, its her choice." He walked past me and to the door and opened it,"I need you to get me in touch with the realestate for his aunts house." "I'll get on it." She smiled and looked at me,"you need somewhere to stay till then?" "Fuck ya, I'd prefer to crash on ur couch and not ur dads." "I'll meet you there after work then." She smiled and k nodded. I walked over and grabbed the duffle and gave one last look at Saul as he smiled at me. "Drive safe and walk the right path kid." "Whatever you say man." I smiled and left the room.
I met up with (y/n) at her apartment at 5. I was sitting in the stairs, smoking a cigarette when she pulled in. "When did you get here?" She asked closing the door and locking it. "A few minutes ago." I stood up and she walked up the stairs, gotta admit, her ass looked great in that skirt, probably why Saul bought it. "Gonna have the meeting tomorrow with the agent and your parents." She unlocked the door,"he's gonna make sure you get that house." I tossed the cigarette into the grass and picked up my bags as we walked in. She closed the door behind us and locked it. "I gotta question." I put my bags down, and she hummed,"you gonna keep Fuckin him?" "He asked me almost the same thing before I left." She walked down the hall and to her bedroom and I followed.
"I told him I'd have to thing about it." She sat down of the edge of the bed and took her heels off as I leaned on the door frame,"and I though about it in the ride here." She stood up and started unbuttoning her shirt,"and I came to the conclusion that..." she shrugged her shoulders,"I wasn't sure." "What do you mean?" She turned around ss she untucked the shirt from her skirt and took it off, her bra was red, and she pointed to the zipper on the back of her skirt so I unzipped it for her even though she could've done it herself. "We'll, your fresh out of rehab." She looked over her shoulder at me and stepped out of the skirt and tossed them in the hamper,"maybe it's to early for us to get involved with each other." "If you didn't wanna get involved with me, then like why I am here?" I crossed my arms as she turned around. I swallowed as she walked over to me, in a full, dark red lace set. "Because I need you to change my mind." Her face was a few inches away from my, my arms uncrossed my hands hands found their way onto her waist and I pulled her onto me. "You want me to change ur mind?" I smirked and she nodded,"so smudging that lipstick snd making ur mascara run is gonna do that?" "Maybe." She whispered,"it might not." "Did you like it when he fucked you? Treating you like some whore that he could have at the snap of his fingers?" I raised my brow. "Again that's why I need you to change my mind." "Because you enjoyed it?" She took a deep breath and nodded,"and now it feels...what wrong?" She moved away from me and sat down on her bed. "I mean, I liked it, I-I consented fo everything it wasn't like I was being forced-" "He's not what you want." I walked over and sat down,"he was like a temporary fix." "Yeah." She nodded. "First thing we're gonna do," I used my index and middle finger to make her look at me,"fuck his outta you, Then go through your closet, snd put all that fake business clothing deep in your closet, and get you back." "But the money is so good." She whined. "But this Dick I'm bouta give is gonna be so much better." Mu tongue swiped over my lip and she moved to straddle my hips and pushed me down, my hands found their way back to her hips as she lowered down, holding onto my shoulders. "But the money." She winced. "Forget the money and think about what's right." I smirked,"my Dick is forever, his cash? Temporary." "With how much I have right now, I won't even be able to spend it all by the time I'm 40." She laughed. "Exactly why you don't need his money." My hands moved back to her ass and I pulled her closer to me,"I'm all yours, so have me...Please." She lowered down and placed a kiss on my neck. "All mine?" "Bitch if you don't make me yours right now, I will make you mine." She kissed along my neck, I couldn't wait to see the stain her red lipstick made once we were done. I could feel Myself getting harder and harder each time her hips moved the slightest and she caught on and started grinding lightly. I felt her create that mark over my pulse point and I groaned. She sat up after she placed a kiss on it. My hand slid up her back and pinched the clip of her bra and she pulled it down her arms. The piercings she had in where plain with red gemstones in the shape of hearts. I ran my hands up her waist and to her boobs as she placed a soft kiss on my lips so I caught them before she could pull away. The kiss was slow, passionate, everything I've missed in these 3 months. I sat up as my hands moved to hold her so she didn't fall, her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled away. "You're wearing too much." I cupped her cheek and used my thumb to wipe away the smudged lipstick with I knew had to be on my lips to and she laughed and confirmed it. I grabbed onto the bottom of my shirt as she let of me and I took it off, I used it to wipe away her lipstick and I used it to wipe away whatever was on my lips away. "That's better." I smirked as she bit her lip and I threw my shirt away from us and kissed her again, harder time and she didn't fail to respond. At some point when the kiss for pretty heated, I felt her hand creep into my hair, using it to pull my head back as she went back to my neck. She was making me hers.
She slowly slid down my lap, kissing my chest, my ribs and my stomach till she made it to jeans. She looked up st me through her lashes as she undid my belt, unbuttoned Smd unzipped my jeans. Then her phone rang, she looked towards the door like she was debating grabbing it, and well she stood up smd walked oit. I kicked my sneakers and socks off and slipped oit of my jeans as I Walked out of the room.
When I heard her talking, I was no longer horny, the feeling being taken over by concern. "I- mom. Mom. Mom! I can't pick a fuckin side between you both!" She sat down on the couch,"I know nothing about him making meth I swear to god." My brows furrowed in confusion and worry,"I've already told you, I had no clue that dad was- I was not withdrawing on meth it was Cocaine I've told you this a lot of time already." I leaned against the wall by her counter as she rubbed her face and bit her lip,"I'm done with this bullshit, alright? I'm really Fuckin over it. You, dad, and junior are constantly calling me about this shit, I'm not Fuckin doing it anymore okay? Im done. D-o-n-e. Done." She hung up the call and flipped her phone close. "Your mom knows?" I asked and she looked up at me and I watched a tear fall down her cheek as her eyes flooded. "He Fuckin told her." Her jaw tightened,"and now I'm supposed to fix it all apparently." "Your dad mentioned that earlier." I said as i walked over. she grabbed her cigarettes out of her purse and slid one out and grabbed her lighter off the coffee table and lit it. "It never Fuckin ends." I sat down next to her and she moved to lean into me and I wrapped my arm over her shoulder as she took a drag. "That's why you didn't come this month, huh? Staying at the office so you had an excuse to not answer their calls, working overtime." "Bingo." She exhaled with a nod. "Your dads smart, he'll work something out with her." "I can only hope."I stole the cigarette from her fingers and took a drag,"I'm sorry, that completely my mood." "It's fine, don't worry about it." I shook my head and saw her look at me so I looked down at her,"wanna go get some food?" "That's be great."
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