#and i wanna look at everyone's content and make things but i don't think anyone even cares anymore this many hours later
heybaetae · 2 years
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k3n-dyll · 2 months
maybe because not everyone has to cater to black and brown readers? if i feel excluded then talk to ur black and brown writers bc why tf would (for ex.) white writers write black readers when…when they aren’t?? yall aren’t victims write ur own shit if u care so much like idk what to tell u but not everyone has to bow down and write the way you want them too.
The fact that this is what you got from me saying that POC feel excluded from fandom is...insane.
I hesitate to even answer this because you sound stupid as hell, but since I think other people need to get this shit through their skulls as well:
If you are a writer, and you claim to be writing an "x reader" fanfic for a character you like, the general consensus is that "reader" in this situation should be neutral for the most part. Sure, there's different versions of that ( "x fem reader", "x masc reader", etc.") , but generally, the idea is that "reader" in this situation could be anyone, yes? A lot of writers on this app and others, write "reader" as if tiny white women are the default.
And you know what?
If you wanna write that way, fine, but say that. If you so desprately want to write about Abby Anderson fucking a 5ft nothing white girl with blonde hair and green eyes - write that. But don't call that shit an "x reader" when you know its a self insert meant to exclude everybody that doesnt look like you. Dont claim to be a safe place for all readers if when POC say they feel excluded from the things you write, you say stupid shit like what this anon just did. If your shit is labeled "x reader" with no other warnings, one should be able to assume that they arent going to see any specifics about body type, hair textures, skin color or eye color - but no. Thats not the case.
I swear, every time we bring this shit up you bitches act like we killed your fucking grandma. If you dont wanna write in a way that everyone can consume, fine, but dont make it seem as if petite white girls are just the default human in every scenario. Theres a content warning over every fic, if you dont want to see how problematic it is to write as if whiteness is the default then the least you could do it leave a big fat warning in that little "CW" section to let us know that you didnt write this with the existence of people that dont look like you in mind.
Oh, and I do write my own stuff btw. Don't ever come in my inbox with this bullshit again. Pissing me off first thing in the morning😒
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Hello, don't mind me, I just need to vent for a second.
First off, I just wanna say, as an aroace person on the ace-spectrum, feel free to ship Alastor all you want. Ship him with anyone. Have fun with it. Sex repulsed. Non-sex repulsed. Grey-ace. Demisexual. Pure unadulterated smut. Whatever, have at it. I love that shit.
Just please do it without infantilizing ace-aro people.
The amount of art, fics, and takes I've come across that's so patronizing to Alastor and his sexuality. Thing's like Alastor venting to Rosie about his feelings for a character with the caption "Alastor feeling love for the first time." Or Alastor wanting to have sex with a character and having feelings about that, and someone commenting "That's called a boner, sweetheart. That means you like them 🤭"
Like??? Like do ya'll not see how patronizing that sounds? Being ace-aro doesn't mean you don't know your own body. It doesn't mean you don't understand the functions of your body.
It doesn't mean you've never experienced intense emotions. It doesn't mean you've never experienced love before.
And, look, I know these are meant to be jokes. I know. People are joking. I laughed at the first few I came across, too. It's not meant to be harmful or condescending; no one means it that way. But there's been so much with such...bad takes recently, and I don't know about any other ace-spec people (I don't speak for all ace-specs. Hell, there are probably other ace-spec's who don't mind, enjoy it, or are making content like it themselves. I just speak for myself) but GOD it's getting uncomfortable.
Alastor is in his late 30's-early 40's in human years. That is the established age range we have for him. Do you really think that he'd go that long without ever experiencing "love?" He went through puberty just like everyone else, do you think he doesn't understand his own body???
Being asexual, or sex-repulsed, or touch-repulsed doesn't mean you automatically don't explore these parts of yourself. It doesn't mean he's never, once in his life, touched his own dick, or pussy, or whatever genitalia you're giving him. He can still very well be a "virgin" (which in and of itself is a social construct) while also knowing his body and confidently handling any "sexual needs" he has.
Do you really think he doesn't know what a boner is? That in all the years he's been alive and dead (on Earth and in Hell), he wouldn't have experienced these things once? (And you know what? Maybe he hasn't! Perhaps there are ace's out there like that! But you're telling me he doesn't KNOW what that is??? Really???)
Ah, no, it's all because he just hasn't found the right person yet, right? It's not until Lucifer/Angel Dust/Vox, whoever found him, and they gave him these feelings, and oh no, poor Bambi is feeling twitterpated and horny for the first time, isn't that romantic!
Honestly, not really. It just sounds like the same, stupid shit ace-aro people hear from family, friends, and acquaintances about their sexuality. You know, the tried and true: "Oh, you just haven't found the right person yet. You'll want all that eventually, you'll see😊"
Do you not see how frustrating that is?
Look, I am all down for Alastor exploring parts of himself. I want him to navigate different relationships, feel them out, figure out what kind of relationship he wants and what he's okay and not okay with doing. But there are ways to do that without treating him like a little UwU silly baby boy who doesn't know his own body, or his own emotions, or his own relationships with other characters. Like he needs someone to teach him about himself.
How about instead, he finds someone he feels comfortable exploring these elements with? Instead of them "teaching" him how to fuck, or masturbate, or whatever the hell you want to call it, they're giving him the room and safe-space to explore it at his own pace??!!
It comes across as someone who isn't on the ace-spectrum "teaching" an ace-spec character about their own sexuality which puts such a gross taste in my mouth. Or, at least, that's how it comes across to me.
And the thing is, I know people aren't going to stop. I know they're going to keep infantilizing Alastor and his aro-ace identity, and I wasn't originally going to make this post, because you can't control what people do in fandom.
So this is mostly just a post to say: HEY! Hello! Ace-aro person here! I hope you all are having fun and I love that you're exploring Alastor's asexual/aromantic identity! Especially those who may not be in the ace-spectrum themselves, as you're learning about us and our experiences! That's awesome! Can we just do that while also treating Alastor like the adult he is? Can we do that without being infantilizing and patronizing about his sexual identity? Please?"
That's all I really wanted to say. I just needed to get this off my chest instead of letting it fester. This isn't an attack on anyone, this is just the perspective of an Alastor multi-shipper who loves exploring his relationships with other characters (sexually and non-sexually) and deep-diving into the dynamics of the show.
Thanks for reading.
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luvkyu · 1 month
my love, i still ( mark lee )
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mark x male reader
someone from mark's past makes a quiet return.
content : 1.5k words, angst, kinda fluff at the end ??, idol!mark, manager!reader, ex-relationship, reader mentioned with a facial piercing, also features a little riize !!
( a/n ) this is song inspired :D from my love, i still by i'll <3 i was gonna make this heart wrenching angst but i got stuck with the ending so i changed it and it actually ends somewhat happy now. thinking about a part two, we'll see.
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"did you guys hear y/n's back in town?" jaemin asked, looking around at his group members.
"yeah. i don't know if he's working here again though," donghyuck answered.
the few of them were currently stretching and warming up before dance practice. only mark, renjun, and jisung were missing among them.
"i hope he is," jeno said, "i miss him."
"if he is working here again, he probably won't work much with us."
"i heard he's gonna be working with riize," chenle said, making the others' heads turn instantly.
"oh shit, really?"
chenle nodded, "that's what shotaro told me and jisung the other day. he's supposed to start as their manager today i think."
"i wonder if mark knows," jaemin muttered.
"if i know what?" mark questioned as he entered the studio with renjun and jisung in tow.
the others freezed, a bit uncomfortable now. mark and y/n's break up wasn't an easy subject, not when everyone knew mark was still not over him.
mark's brows furrowed at the sudden silence of his members. he looked around, waiting for some kind of answer.
"..if you know that y/n's back," jeno finally replied.
mark stopped for just a slight second before shrugging his bag off his shoulder and acting as if it didn't matter.
"yeah, i know."
the other dreamies looked around at each other. mark always got quiet and sulky when y/n's name was brought up, which is why they tried to avoid it most of the time.
"and you're okay?" jisung spoke up.
mark looked at him, smiled unconvincingly, and pat his head. "of course i'm okay," he assured. "now let's start practice."
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"do you guys wanna go down to the cafe before heading back to the dorm?" jeno asked.
as everyone agreed on the idea, they began bee lining down the hall toward the elevator.
"oh shit," donghyuck mumbled. mark looked up from his phone as he walked, moving his gaze to where donghyuck's was.
the elevator opened on their floor to reveal a couple workers, including y/n. he had his phone to his ear with furrowed brows while clutching some papers, clearly distressed. when he saw the dream members now in front of him, his eyes widened and his body stood still for a split second. but he had to keep up with his rushing coworkers. y/n gave the group a small bow and a gentle smile as he kept walking and speaking on his phone.
mark felt as if his heart plummeted to his stomach. he wasn't prepared to see y/n out of nowhere, but he couldn't stop his eyes from following him. y/n looked different after the year that had passed. his hair was back to it's natural color instead of dyed, and he had a piercing added to his face now.
"what if i kidnap him," jeno whispered.
"shut up," renjun snickered, filing into the elevator with the others.
"i miss him," jeno whined. "best manager we've had, hands down."
mark smiled to himself bittersweetly. jeno wasn't wrong. y/n cared about all of them more than anyone had. after their first few months as group and manager, he and mark grew much closer than they should've. but once other staff started to find out, y/n's position as their manager slowly fell apart. he resigned quietly after he and mark ended things. y/n was offered a position in japan for a year instead, which he took in high hopes of healing.
"actually guys, i'm just gonna go back to the dorm. i want a nap."
"are you sure? i can come with you," jaemin offered with a small frown. mark smiled and shook his head.
"pretty sure napping is a one-person job, jaem. i'll just see you guys later."
jaemin frowned as they all watched mark press a separate button on the elevator.
"it's a two-person job if you're doing it right.." jaemin muttered.
donghyuck sighed and flicked his head, "do you ever shut up?"
"no, not really."
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a couple weeks passed and mark had yet to see y/n for more than two-second intervals, let alone talk to him at all. he wasn't telling anyone how much it hurt him to see y/n around the sm building and not speak to him at all.
mark adjusted his earbuds into his ears as he walked. he could feel the sore muscles in his legs after a very long practice in anticipation for dream's next comeback. he was planning on going straight home, taking a long bath, and going to bed.
he pressed play on his phone, hearing the music begin to flood his ears. he was on his way outside when he stopped and saw some familiar faces by the company's vans.
riize was outside, filing into the vehicle with y/n leading them. they seemed to be goofing around, lots of smiles and distant laughter. mark could see y/n patting a couple of their heads as if he was counting to make sure he had all his children. sohee was the last to climb into the van, giving y/n a small hug before settling in next to anton. y/n smiled at his cuteness and walked around to the driver's side. before mark knew it, the van was out of sight, and he was staring at nothing.
mark cleared his throat and stared at the ground now. his chest felt heavy. he didn't know how much longer he could keep doing this.
"you okay?"
mark jumped at the voice beside him now. he took one of his earbuds out and looked over at jeno.
"i'm fine."
"hm," jeno hummed. he didn't believe mark at all, but he decided not to push it. "c'mon. let's go home."
a few hours went by, and now mark was sitting outside looking blankly at his phone. when he got home, he ate dinner and took a hot bath. neither of those things seemed to matter much though. nothing really did anymore.
it felt like time was standing still as he stared at the screen beneath him. his finger hovered over the call button of y/n's new phone number that he'd asked shotaro to send him. he didn't want to make things difficult for y/n by calling him, but he felt like he desperately needed to finally talk with him. he didn't know if he was looking for closure or another chance with y/n. maybe he'd know once they finally exchanged some words.
mark closed his eyes and quickly pressed his thumb against the screen. lifting the phone to his ear, he waited.
mark gulped. he hadn't planned on what to say, but now that he heard y/n's voice, his heart sank. a couple tears that had built up over the last few minutes finally trickled down his cheeks.
"..hello?" y/n said again.
"y/n?" mark's voice was barely audible. he knew y/n heard him though, he could tell by the way it stayed quiet for a moment on the other line.
"please, let's talk." mark could hear the other take a deep breath.
"okay.. what about?"
"i don't know. anything. i can't keep pretending like i don't know you when i see you around work. i can't-" mark went silent for a couple seconds, "i can't do this anymore."
y/n didn't know how to respond. he felt his throat begin to close up as he fought his own tears.
"i'm sorry.. i wasn't sure if i should talk to you guys at work."
"you can. please do. the others miss you a lot."
mark could hear the smile in y/n's voice now. it lightened his mood a little bit.
"yeah. jeno wants to kidnap you i think."
"not surprising."
the pair laughed together before it went quiet again.
"could we grab a coffee together sometime or something?"
"you don't drink coffee, mark."
"i'll just watch you drink it then."
y/n chuckled and inhaled as if he was accepting some huge offer.
"sure. we can get coffee."
"great," mark replied happily. y/n could tell mark sounded relieved; it made his smile linger a little longer on his lips.
"and, um," mark began again, "i know things have been off with us. but i just want you to know that i still care about you a lot. nothing's ever gonna change my love for you."
y/n looked down at his hands and cleared his throat. he didn't want his voice to give away the fact that he was two seconds away from crying. the soft and sincere tone of mark's voice didn't make it any easier, either.
"that's actually really comforting to hear. i love you too, mark."
mark smiled and let out a long exhale.
"okay well i'll let you get some rest, i know it's late. sleep well tonight, and i'll see you later."
"okay. g'night."
"night." mark's grin continued to tug at his lips. he gently tossed his phone aside and rubbed his face. a weight had just been lifted from his shoulders, he felt like he could breathe for the first time in a while.
"thank you, y/n." he whispered softly.
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taglist ★! :
@kssyivo @jaemmphilia @vkooksupremacy @haocovr @astrozuya @themiddlefingerinthesky @dontwannaexsist
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game; part eight of sore loser ⋆ masterlist
summary: patrick doesn't understand the game you're playing | content/warning: explicit language, light angst, arguing, and everyone being shitty lmao | tags: @midwestprincesss
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"Do you ever think she's just using us?"
Art makes a questioning sound, muffled by the mouthful of donut he had all but shoved into his mouth. He chews and swallows it quickly before speaking up again. "What do you mean?" he asks.
Patrick sinks a little lower into the plastic chair, the sun catching his face before he sits upright again. "I dunno, like," he thinks a moment before continuing. "This thing we have, whatever it is," he says, gesturing between the two of them, "it just kinda revolves around tennis."
"It's like some kind of weird pavlovian response she has," he continued, eyes trained on the blue clay of the turf. "Like as soon as she starts talking about tennis, it gets her going."
"Kinky," Art joked with a playful scoff. Patrick shook his head, his body sinking back down into the chair. "It's kinda fucked up," he added softly. Art only hummed as he thought the situation through, his hand wiping across his mouth absent-mindedly. "Maybe it's better that way," he says, "I mean, she knows you're not serious—"
"Who says I'm not serious?" Patrick asked, looking at Art, who in return had a incredulous look on his face. "C'mon, Pat," he started, "you're in a new city every week, she's doing good for herself, moving up the ranks. I mean," he shrugged.
Patrick scoffed, sitting upright once again. "Why do you sound like you're trying to protect her from me or something?" he asked with a laugh lacking any humor. Art stayed quiet, his eyes now also trained on the blue turf, and just in time to see you emerge from the locker room, the giant bag hanging from your shoulder.
Patrick's eyes followed you for a moment, watching the way your tennis skirt swayed with each step before he suddenly stood up and moved through the grumbling people wordlessly.
When you scanned the crowd, you found Art sitting in the fourth row, a small smile on his face when your eyes finally met his. You returned the gesture with a wave before you noticed the seat next to him empty, no Patrick in sight. Your stomach churned with something uncertain as you started warming up.
✰ ⊹ ˚.
You lost, and horribly at that. Your opponent was still fairly new and the fact that she had managed to beat you inflated her ego by a hundred and made you want to throw the tennis racket at her head to wipe that smug look off her face. You should've been able to beat her, but you didn't, and now Sarah Joy Anderson had ended your winning streak.
You were in a foul mood after that, not even waiting around for Art and immediately making your way back to your dorm. A piping hot shower later, and you now sat quietly in bed, finally working on your assignments as the small radio on your dresser softly played.
A knock at your door startled you a bit and you had to gather all your strength to face anyone considering the mood you were in. You got up with a grunt, taking a moment to take a few calming breaths before opening the door.
It was almost funny how fast the initial calmness seeped right out of your body at the sight of Patrick standing in front of you, a matching scowl on his features.
"What kind of game are you playing here?" he asked, voice soft but still demanding of an answer. "I don't wanna do this right now," you said, ignoring his question as you moved to slam the door shut until he effectively stopped it with an outstretched arm. "I'm serious," he said, eyes staring you down and filled with so much unidentifiable emotion you almost folded. "What's your plan? Why are you doing this?" he tried again.
You were quiet for a few moments, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You were angry at him, angry at losing to fucking Sarah Joy. Angry that he thought he could come here and confront you like this. "Why weren't you there today?" you asked, a small smirk forming when you could physically see the frustration expression deepening, his hands moving to rub over his reddening face. "Because I don't want to play your fucking game anymore," he answered in a frustrated breath.
"Choose," he said suddenly, catching you off guard. "What?" you questioned, recoiling when he moved closer to you, almost in your face. "Choose," he repeated, "me or Art."
"No," you said, watching that sickening smirk stretch across his face. "C'mon, is it really that hard?" he laughed. Actually laughed. "Fuck you," you said with so much venomous anger you felt lightheaded once the words left your mouth. "Yeah, you've been trying to for months."
The sound of your open palm hitting his face was loud in the quiet hallway, echoing through the area and through your body. The bright red hand rapidly imprinting itself onto the side of his face almost made you smile if it weren't for the look on his face.
You both were quiet, the realization sinking in as you stared at each other. It was a blur after that, as cliché as it sounded. All you remember was him pulling you closer with a force that had you practically falling against his chest and his mouth on yours. And as messed up as it was, you could feel the anger pouring out of you with the way he was gripping at you and the way his mouth moved against yours almost angrily.
✰ ⊹ ˚. part nine
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doobea · 8 months
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synopsis: Your boyfriend doesn't realize how important little things are to you until it's a bit too late.
contents: established relationship, slight hurt and comfort??, slight jealousy, sfw, nagi struggling trying to process emotional needs of others - what else is new, also nagi centric, college au, mentions of fraternity formals, gn!reader, idk i hc'd nagi to be a compsci major but up to debate ig word count: 1.6K a/n: title is based off of tyler the creators song hehe its my fav from his album and omg thank u nagi for breaking me out of this writer's block, inspired by @celestair for the idea!!
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Nagi hadn't really expected you to get so excited about attending his chapter formal. Hell, he didn't even know that they were going to have one in the first place if it weren't for Reo bringing it up in a passing conversation last week in your dorm room.
"We should go!" You said, and he remembers you hopping out of your seat, abandoning your assignment, and dashing immediately towards your closet for an outfit.
"Should we?" Nagi questioned, a frown creeping its way to his lips.
Reo slumped his arm over Nagi's shoulder, tugging the male slightly into his chest. "C'mon, why are you even paying the dues if you don't attend our events?" Reo sounded annoyed.
Nagi shrugged and went back to his phone, resuming the level of whatever popular gacha game that was released for that month. "Because you said it would look good on my resume or something." He answered flatly.
Of course, Nagi knew that he couldn't say no to this. As much as he would love to, once you and Reo were both set on something it's almost impossible to try and coax you two out of it. Nagi is pretty sure that this formal is going to be the bane of his college existence and that his computer science classes are, arguably, now the easiest part.
"It's too loud in here." Nagi wanted to go home the moment he stepped out of his best friend's rented limo. He feels too stiff with the suit he's currently wearing, the cologne is starting to overwhelm his senses, and he really didn't like the fact there's already a fuckton of people inside the venue.
Everything feels too congested.
The three of you take a seat at a table shared by Nagi's other 'brothers' and their dates. He really doesn't remember anyone's faces aside from maybe one or two from his classes, so he's confused when a handful of them start greeting him with fist bumps. All of which he awkwardly returns. Something about long-living brotherhood? Nagi didn't quite catch what they said.
"Do you guys want anything to drink?" Reo shouts over the music as he starts to get up.
"A cranberry vodka would be nice." You gently tug on Nagi's sleeve, attempting to break his unyielding attention from his phone. Reo had set a rule before they left, and it's a mobile game and social media app ban at the table. So, naturally, Nagi is stuck analyzing the weather app. "Do you want anything, Sei?"
Looks like tomorrow there's going to be a slight chance of rain which is pretty awesome, he thinks.
"Hm? Oh, whatever you're having, I guess."
Nagi misses the way your smile fades. "Um, make that two cranberry vodkas?"
"Ah," Reo stumbles around with his words for a bit before nodding away. "Sure, be back in a minute."
"Sei," Your voice is closer this time, lips almost pressed up to his ears to minimize the booming music in the background. "Wanna go on the dance floor later?"
Nagi pauses his thumb, hovering over a random European map, and he's already internally shrinking from the idea. "Do I have to?"
You laugh, it sounds a little forced. "Only if you're up for it."
He shrugs and eyes the surrounding area. The dance floor looks semi-packed at the moment and everyone looks equally semi-buzzed. Sitting at the table sounds better in his head. "I think I'll stay here but you can go on ahead."
"Oh," You exhale through your nose and laugh again. "Okay, if that's what you want!"
"Mhm," He hums back and settles his head down at the table, feeling almost exhausted despite not having to do much today.
Nagi doesn't notice that he's alone at the table until the DJ starts signaling everyone in the venue to pay attention to a couple on the dance floor. He only looks up when he hears Reo's name getting called out and starts to straighten his back when he sees you dancing hand in hand with him. The sight leaves Nagi gnawing the insides of his cheeks.
"Hey," Nagi turns to see two of his fraternity brothers looking at him with a bit of concern and he's not sure why that's making him feel uneasy.
"You good there?" Isagi asks, careful to sound casual, but Nagi picks up on it.
"What?" Nagi frowns, connecting the dots together. "It's fine. I don't really care about them doing stuff together anyway." It's a vague statement. Maybe purposefully vague.
"Eh? You sure about that, Nagi?" Bachira presses.
Nagi frowns again, tips his head down, and is in deep thought. "I'm actually not sure." He finally admits. Nagi is currently fighting off a weird feeling in his stomach. Maybe it's just the drink he had earlier.
He's always been fine with Reo keeping you company whenever he isn't in the mood. Whether it be eating with you in the dining halls, attending movies together, going to the mall, and so forth. Dancing isn't off the list either. He's seen the two of you dance before but isn't sure why this is setting him off. Maybe it's the thought of you being happier without him in your life that is eating him away.
"Shit, he's walking over."
"Waah, let's go!"
It doesn't occur to Nagi that Reo's in front of him until his best friend clears his throat. Reo puts a hand on Nagi's shoulder and gives him one of those looks. A look that insinuates something big that he can't place a finger on but knows it's full of negative nuance.
"Don't be an ass right now," is all that Reo says.
"An ass?" Nagi echoes.
He allows Reo to tug him out of his seat and Nagi almost feels lethargic from how long he's been sitting down. A final push towards the edge of the dance floor is when he catches your sullen figure.
"I'm surprised that you haven't caught on," Reo continues after a while. Nagi recognizes the tone. He doesn't say anything more, and Nagi appreciates it that much, at least.
It's funny how much his mood is able to shift. First from feeling annoyed, to borderline sleepy, to determined. Nagi thinks he's finally learning how to read his relationship with you.
It's only when he's inches apart that he realizes that you're on the verge of tears. Nagi instinctively reaches out his hands and softly cups your cheeks, rubbing his thumbs across in his attempt to calm you.
What's wrong, he wants to ask but he already knows the answer to that. He feels bad for complaining all week, but he feels even worse for essentially abandoning your needs for god knows how long.
Nagi chews on his lips as a new idea starts to brew. It's an uncharacteristic idea. An idea that pushes him to become a new version of himself—the person he wants to be but struggling to understand.
"Hey," Nagi calls out your name slowly. "Can I dance with you?" You open your mouth—probably to say it's okay and you'd rather not make him uncomfortable—but Nagi continues before you can get a word in, before your tears start falling. "I'm sorry, I should've paid closer attention." He says in a whisper.
You fall silent and Nagi is wondering if he's said something he shouldn't have. He quietly peers over at Reo who's aggressively nodding his head, throwing a thumbs up across the room. You shift awkwardly in place before giving Nagi a faint smile.
"I would like that," You sound a little hesitant, but surprisingly welcoming to the suggestion. "I mean, if you're okay with it?"
"Don't worry about what I think, you've done plenty for me already." And he means it.
Nagi migrates his hands from your face to your waist as the music shifts to something slower, more tender, and sweet. It's obvious to everyone in the room that you two are a little nervous and it's almost laughable. He's been dating you just shy of a year and has never once offered to dance with you. It comes as no shock to him that you're growing shy under his touch and movements, despite being together countless times. This feels different to Nagi, and he's positive you're thinking the same thing.
It takes a while, maybe because you're both getting used to this foreign feeling, but you eventually wrap your arms around his neck and hug closer to his body. Somehow, that short circuits Nagi's brain and he freezes in place.
"Sei, is everything alright?"
There's a wave of guilt that washes over his eyes. This act is weighing Nagi down, more than he wants to admit, and he has to pull away. Eyes glued to the ground because if he looks at you he'll start to feel nervous, confused, and small.
"Sorry, I'm... trying my best."
"Sei, it's okay." It's your turn to rub your hands across his cheeks and he doesn't realize that he's flushed in the face until you comment. "You're warm."
"Sorry," He doesn't know why he's apologizing again. For being flustered? Not knowing how to dance? Or afraid of disappointing you again? He thinks it's a mixture of all three.
"Hey, as long as you're trying then I'm proud of you." You reply with ease.
You're always kind to him. Most times, you don't push him more than what he's willing to give and maybe that's why he's comfortable around you. Even if he does know you're silently judging his actions but it's okay, because it's you. But he also knows that he's been taking advantage of this trait and it sucks having to find this out tonight.
Nagi nods. You're right, he doesn't need to worry about anything else but you in this moment.
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r1pp4r · 10 months
hi lovelies!! work has been busy <333 i’m working on requests but in the mean time have some simon “ghost” riley headcannons :))
- i also bought a ps4 and have been playing cod so… more content hehe 🫶🫶
anyway!! here’s the headcannons :)) slight NSFW warning!!!
- 🫣
• simon isn't a physical touch man unless youre in private but it takes a little bit. he won't be all over you when the two of you are out in public, especially on mission. but he'll do discreet little touches here and there (i.e put his hand on your upper arm, brush your shoulder, your knee, thigh) he'll even grab your pinky (he LOVES finger holding you cant change my mind)
• while simon would be absolutely infatuated with you, he'd also be terrified of you. he loves the thought of having you wrapped in his arms at night but the thought of him crushing or possibly hurting you shuts the idea out almost completely.
• this one is sad but he's hurt you before sleeping. he was definitely having a night terror, he's pushed you out of bed sometimes or woken up screaming. you didn't get to see that until farther along in the relationship though, he probably wouldn't physically sleep with you for maybe the first 6months to a year. it depends on ur dynamic :))
• as much as i know everyone thinks he'd be some mean, aggressive brute in bed... bro. he'd literally be so sweet. he'd take his time and make sure you felt loved. he likes to use his hands and mouth more than his yk, it just makes him feel like he's violating you less? idk how to explain it but he doesn't like receiving TOO much, like he won't ask for it every time but if you ever wanna really get him goin.. 🫣🫣🫣
• simon loves to take care of you, and the thing is you'll argue over it. (at least imc) but he'd definitely try and be the main caretaker of everything and i mean EVERYTHINGGGG, but he also likes ur independence :)) so u have your own job n your own money, he just likes to take care of the big things you pay for groceries n shit (when he's not looking)
• this man LOOOOOVES ur thighs. he loves just feeling his head squished in between the warmth. he loved feeling the skin squish between his fingers as he grabs your legs... esp when it jiggles after he spanks u. ANYWAYYYYYYYYY
• he loves cuddling whenever youre the little spoon in any shape or form. simon is ALWAYS holding you. his arms are wrapped around your form like a cocoon and he makes sure you're all cozied up against him. he also likes to make sure you're protected and one of the only ways he can do that is with his arms around you. he feels the safest with his arms wrapped around you, as do you.
• playing off that.. this man will literally murk a motherfucker if they LOOK at you wrong. (obviously not he'd just stare.. at them. very intensely) but if anyone ever put their hands on you in any sense of malice... i don't think for a second simon would hesitate.
• also... playing off sense. simon 100% knows when someone's bullshitting, or he can call anyone out within a minute. he's VERY good at reading people and truly can figure out their intentions quickly (obvs they can change or he can be wrong but like.. he's not 85% of the time.)
• once simon is comfortable enough with you, he'll come to you whenever he's having a moment and will allow you to basically cradle him until he doesn't need it anymore. he doesn't like to be squeezed tho (besides during ... but we knew that 😸) he just wants you to hold him and run ur fingers through his hair
• he talks a LITTLE bit more with you and his tone is a lot different and his voice is softer but he still doesn't talk a LOT. you do most of the talking but he prefers it that way because he loves listening to your voice. (he 100% calls you on missions whenever he can rather than text, he HATES texting)
• simon has cried to soap and roach about how he wants to love you but feels like he can’t. 100%.
• he only likes to be called simon when they’re at home, or in the bedroom. sometimes you’ve slipped up and he doesn’t mind :)
•bonus simon loves ur hands :~)
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bsdawgz · 5 months
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「 ✦ Cruel ✦ 」 Bungo Stray Dogs, Port Mafia: Dazai Osamu
a/n: follow-up from this fic, i hope i did ok! i really like writing pm dazai... also i wanna thank everyone who has followed me/liked/reblogged my posts. i really didn't expect to get any attention at all, so it means so much to me T_T and i will def get to writing ab the other characters soon~
genre: angst. so much of it. and the nasty.
content warning: f!reader. unrequited(-ish) feelings (but not rly). toxic ass relationship (like, RLY unhealthy), dependent relationship... i hope you don't find MC deplorable because personally i find her real af
MDNI! rough sex, choking, fingering, degradation both from dazai and self (bitch, slut), humiliation, trauma, bj (facefucking). dazai is rly rough with main character and not very communicative beforehand, but he checks up on character during. sex is consensual, but main character continues to force herself to do things she doesn't want to for the sake of wanting to please dazai (there is no pressure or coercion involved on dazai's part, to clear that up). if there's anything else you think i should add, please let me know.
summary: after failing to stop sleeping with the port mafia executive, dazai osamu, despite your unrequited feelings, you've come to terms with the fact that you can't bring yourself to leave him behind. but dazai's determined to show you there's nothing in him worth fighting for.
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this place is all too familiar to you.
you’re bent over dazai’s desk and he’s towering over you from behind, pressed up against your body. there’s a haughty grin on his lips as he’s rucking up your skirt, grabbing your ass roughly and making you wonder when you began wearing short skirts all the time, if you’ve started doing it for the sake of easy access. after all, how many times in the past year that you’ve known this man has dazai actually taken the time to properly get you out of your clothes before fucking you, let alone gotten completely undressed for you himself? you could probably count it on one hand.
the thought makes you feel somewhat ashamed, knowing that you’re having routine sex with someone who won’t often do something as simple as strip naked for you. somehow the simple act of undressing feels all the more intimate, which makes you feel all the more distant from dazai, making him feel that much more removed in these fleeting moments you share. but of course, you don’t dare to mention it to him – not now, not ever. just let dazai’s hands roam where they wish, because more than anything, you want to please him. more than anything, you just want him to want you – whatever that might mean.
the last time you saw dazai, you had resolved to leave him for good, determining that your relationship was going nowhere. you were well-aware that dazai was only using you for sex, and that you were in the throes of an unrequited love with one of the most dangerous men in yokohama. but staving yourself off of a man like dazai, who could bring you in and out of heaven, was like trying to quit an addiction. you’ve never found yourself more attached to anyone in your life. it wasn’t long until you found yourself sleeping in his bed again. it was futile trying to fight it now.
“i said to look me in the eyes.” vicious words interrupt your thoughts, followed by an exasperated mutter of, “stupid bitch,” as you feel a few light slaps on your cheek. hands that once traveled up your skin so gently, caressing you and handling you like a fragile object, are now grabbing your neck and squeezing its sides, forcing you to meet his arrogant gaze. this is a different dazai than the one you know, a more cruel, more callous one. “ah, there’s my good girl,” he whispers coldly with a smirk, your jaw caught in his slender fingers as you now properly meet his gaze. “now, open your mouth for me… good. see how much prettier you are when you shut up and stop asking so many questions?”
he slips his thumb into your mouth, wetting it with your tongue before swiping your own saliva across your puckered lips.  “good… suck my fingers like the slut you are,” dazai murmurs erotically into your ear, his hot breath tickling your neck as he dips his fingers in and out of your mouth.  “this is what you want, right? what you keep coming back for.”
his words are mean tonight, like he’s punishing you for trying to get too close to him. vengeful, almost. although it’s quite typical of him to get impatient and even indifferent, dazai’s not the type to bring this kind of demeanor into the bedroom… at least, he’s never shown this side of himself before. but tonight he is more than determined to bare it all to you, to show you what he is really made of – and teach you to stay away from him, for good.
as he looks into your big, trusting eyes, which have never gazed at him with malice, he bitterly reflects on his decision. the vastness of those eyes of yours have never held anything but pure intentions and righteousness. they represent everything that he is not… and they hold the same values that got odasaku killed. you are a mere civilian who threw herself into the port mafia’s radar by sleeping with one of its infamous executives. at this point, your name has snaked its way into the mouth of dazai’s underlings; his enemies have readied themselves at your door. dazai was selfish to think he can keep you all to himself, his precious little treasure.
this was bound to happen, anyway. better that it ends now.
before you fool yourself into thinking a man like him can amount to anything more than a killer.
before your hands get soiled with blood.
before you’re shot dead…
… and before he’s convinced himself that he has a right to any of this. a right to see you, a right to hold you, a right to one day love you.
that’s why tonight, he’ll push you to your limits until you cry out in pain and pleasure; and when you’ve had enough of him and tell him to stop, he’ll leave wordlessly and never return, so you’re left only with the memory of his callousness and utter disregard for you.
gazing into the expectant eyes that are staring into his, dazai hikes his hands up your shirt to palm your breasts only to be surprised to feel nothing but bare skin. “no bra? you really are a slut, huh?” he shakes his head with a dry laugh as he tugs your shirt over your head, discarding the article of clothing on the floor. “always so desperate to be fucked.” nipples hardening at the brush of his hand, you bite back a sinful moan as he teases you with fleeting touches that send pulses to your core. the sight of you so vulnerable in his arms makes him hard; you feel his erection pressing into your back as he plays with your nipples. before you know it, those beautiful fingers of his are reaching for where you want him most – between your thighs, pushing aside your panties and sliding between your slickness.
he gasps mockingly as if he’s surprised you’re wet for him, an arrogant smirk forming on his lips. his hands know you well, his fingers finding the spot that makes you feel the best and rubbing in agonizingly slow circles. you can’t help but let his name roll off your tongue and let him know who you belong to, a quiet prayer on your tongue. succumbing to his touch so easily feels almost like a sin, but if it’s dazai, you’d do it in a heartbeat every time. even if it meant going to hell for it.
intoxicated by his cologne and blinded by his touch, when you feel his lips traversing your neck, you’re thinking to yourself like a fool: yes, this is how it should be. dazai’s awfully gentle now. this is how it should always be. you’re starved for him, begging for him to want you.
begging for him to love you.
but this man will never love you.
because this man is the devil.
“get on your knees, pretty girl.” there are those sweet words of his – ‘pretty girl.’ that term of endearment that he’s whispered affectionately against against your neck when his arms are wrapped around your waist at night, when it’s too dark to head home and you find yourself tangled under the sheets until daytime – those words that have confused you, that have left your brain a muddled mess, that offered you a glimpse into the gentleness that could be. tonight, there’s not a trace of kindness in his unyielding voice – nothing to confuse for kindness. his hands are rough, reckless. tossing you over, he faces you with a look that’s condescending and rotten. “get on your knees, and remind me why i keep you around in the first place.”
you’ll take it.
you’ll take it all –
– even if he’s hitting the back of your throat and gripping your hair so tightly that you can barely breathe, that tears are welling in your eyes, that you’re choking on him. you can hardly keep up with his pace, hands clawing at the floor in a desperate attempt to steady yourself. you’re a distraught mess, lips swollen from his shoving himself into you, saliva dribbling down your chin, an undignified whore. but you’ll take it. you’ll take it all, if that’s what it takes to keep him even for a moment more. you’ll squash the feeling that this is so, so wrong, the awareness that he’s fucking you like an object, the knowledge that you’re nothing but a piece of meat to him.
if that’s what it takes to keep him, even if just for a little longer –
– you’ll take it all.
but when he sees those tear-stained eyes of yours, he just can’t bring himself to do it anymore. he pulls out of your mouth completely, leaving you coughing uncontrollably and desperately gasping for breath. a wave of guilt washes over him, knowing that he put you in this condition in the first place. “come here,” he says harshly, trying to keep up his façade as his fingers dig deep into the flesh of your hips. he tosses you onto the bed, the spring mattress squeaking under your weight, then you feel his body against yours from behind as he covers your eyes with one large hand until you see nothing but black. “don’t tell me you still like this?” he asks in a serious tone. he’s so close to you that you can hear his soft pants against your neck, feel the heat radiating from his skin; he must still be worn out from before.
but you say nothing, nothing at all, your lips sealed in a tight line.
he scoffs at your silence, his grip on your body loosening. “use your words. aren’t you going to tell me to stop?”
you turn to look at him, and your gaze finally meets his once more. your eyes are clouded with tears, your cheeks flushed, your lips trembling. but your eyes are unwavering. that grotesque look that he just can’t stand – those big eyes, still full of devotion, unconditional resolve. eyes that are full of nothing but righteousness. he’s the source of your pain, and yet you look at him with nothing but kindness. you look at him as though he can offer you some sort of salvation —
but this man can’t even save you from himself.
“i’m… i’m not.” your voice is meek, a sob escaping you.
you find your body shaking frantically, suddenly hyper-aware of your nakedness and the fact that dazai’s practically completely clothed.
he takes a seat next to you on the bed and wraps a blanket around you, deep brown irises staring into your eyes dubiously, as though he can’t believe a word that you’re saying. then, reaching out to cradle your face gently in his hand, he strokes your cheek with his thumb. his tender caress makes you sick to your stomach and you feel bile rising in your throat – you wish he would go back to fucking you senselessly and calling you names, if only just to make this cruel fantasy go away.
“don’t touch me like that anymore!” you suddenly blurt out of spite, shoving dazai away angrily. “don’t you know how confusing you’re being right now?” you cover your face in your hands like a child just to keep him from seeing you break down, as if you could possibly hide your stifled cries and the tears streaming down your stained cheeks.
“i see,” he says in a quiet voice, hesitating as he retracts his hand. there’s a grimace on his face as he withholds his words, resisting the urge to say something, anything, to ease the pain. but he knows there’s nothing he could say to take back all that’s been done. a tension hangs in the air, disrupted only by the sound of your shaky breath as you heave into the palms of your hands, pressed firmly over your mouth to silence your heartbroken cries. bending over in pain, there’s an empty pit in your chest as you crawl into his lap like a kicked-down dog. dazai makes no movement to get up, just lets you fall against him and hums softly to comfort you, stroking the tendrils of your hair like a wandering ghost.
when your tears finally subside, leaving nothing but your shattered memories, you glance up at him only to find he’s been gazing at you the whole time. on his face, there was a pained expression. something like regret for the past, or maybe even the future.
he looked as though he had been crying, too.
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(c) BSDAWGZ Don't steal or plaigarize cos that's mean... and if you enjoyed the fic, please share! Remember, likes don't share my work, reblogs do! ^^~ Beautiful dividers by @ v6que~!
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lowkeyremi · 6 months
Hello Maya! Before I start my request, I just wanna say, I love your writing!!! I've been reading your things for a few weeks now (I'm new to tumbler) and I'm hooked!!
Anywho- I was listening to "Enchanted" by Taylor Swift and it gave me the idea of fem!reader meeting Satoru at some big event for sorcerers and falling hopelessly in love with him
heyyyyyy thank you for reading my stuff and i'm really happy you made a request, i've been hoping someone would bc i want to write ideas other than my own. i'm not huge on taylor swift so i had to listen to this song lol its pretty good :) you ask and i shall provide!! also i'm sorry if this isn't what you had in mind :')
Enchanted S. Gojo x fem!reader
wc: 1.1k
content: fluff, meeting and getting together
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The night hadn't been going so well. You spilled some of your drink on your dress. That was borrowed from your friend might you add. Three guys that showed any potential interest were already with someone and their dates angrily pulled them away from you.
There are whispers about the oh so famous Satoru Gojo, and how he's finally made an appearance with his long time friend Nanami.
You've heard plenty about him, he's the famous sorcerer from Jujutsu High that has six eyes. He can solve any problem and he's said to be very hot. Honestly you're kind of a hater, you think people are gassing him up for no reason.
You've never personally met him but his description makes it hard to miss him if you see him; white hair blue eyes, but he'll likely be wearing an eye mask.
A sigh escapes your lips as you walk toward the bar for another drink, you would have invited your best friend but she's not a sorcerer and would not get it at all. "Hi, sorry for being back so soon, but could I get a strawberry margarita?" The woman behind the bar nods.
Before she can walk off though, a silky, carefree voice makes a request with your order, "Me too! Never tried strawberry margarita. Sounds pretty fruity." This day is already bad so you turn your head to see who just made it even worse-
A pretty white haired man stands by your side, piercing blue eyes peaking through sunglasses that look down right ridiculous at such a formal event. "Why are you wearing sunglasses indoors??" Is the first thing you ask, no 'Hi how are you?' or 'why are you ordering drinks on my tab?'
"Cuz I could make everyone faint with my pretty blue eyes." He smirks, confidence evident in every word.
You look confused and he finds it cute. A foreign feeling stirs in your stomach. "Just kidding. I'd waste my power if my glasses were off. Actually, I was advised not to wear them, but I didn't wanna wear my mask for this event. I have it in my pocket just in case though." He's so light and bubbly you almost forget what you were fuming about.
"You're Gojo right?" He smiles and gives a quick nod.
"And you must be 'girl with a stain on her dress', huh?" You fight the urge to roll your eyes.
"Woo that was a good one, almost made my stomach hurt from laughter." You counter sarcastically; the moodiness coming back to you.
"Haha, my bad. Anyway when we get drinks I'll find us somewhere to sit and I'll make you laugh for real." That confidence is still there. You love funny people, they're exciting to be around.
"I'm holding you to that. I need a good laugh." His smile consists of all his pearly whites and is enough to make you, or anyone around you melt.
He goes to pay for your drink, and even hands it to you. "I have to say you are way less selfish than people make you out to be."
The man in question shrugs and smirks at you, "I am very selfish about certain things, childish even. It's only the first date though so pretend you don't know about that." He waves his hand dismissively. You couldn't even care about the fact he admitted to selfishness, you're stuck up on the part where he said this is a date.
"Who said this is a date?" He notices you're trying to play it cool, but he can see right through you.
"I did. I mean if you want, we can think of it more as a blind date since it wasn't planned." Something about him doesn't rub you the wrong way or make you angry at all. He's definitely an odd ball, but he's able to make you feel something in your gut that you haven't felt in a very long time, maybe not ever, actually.
"I- what- you can't just-" You cut yourself off, lost for words, trying to comprehend what he'd just said.
He intertwines his fingers with yours. They're cold to the touch, long and slender. He does that thing where you rub your thumb across all the other fingers. On top of that he gives you that love struck gaze. You're all kinds of confused because why is someone like him trying to flirt with you??? He could literally have any other pretty sorcerer but he's walking you over to a fancy table to sit and talk.
"Ugh, you're supposed to have warm hands to contrast my cold ones." He complains, and if you weren't already stunned then you definitely were now. He's swinging his arm back in forth, with you mirroring it because he's holding your hand.
"I can't help my hands being cold, maybe you should be the one with the warm hands." He shrugs at your response. The swinging stops when you two reach a table big enough for four and pulls out your chair for you.
"I normally don't do this but you're definitely worth it." a lopsided grin covers his face.
As nice as all of this is you look around for cameras. Your mind is telling you he means no harm, but you can never be too sure.
"Okay, is this some kind of joke or show?? Where are the cameras because this can't be real." The white haired six foot something giant's face contorts into something very (ugly) funny. His face scrunches up at your words.
"I can't believe you'd suggest something like that! I'm serious, I just want to be a normal guy and have a normal encounter with someone. So, can you just pretend I'm a normal date and not Gojo Satoru?" He's telling the truth and for the first time tonight you fully relax.
"Okay, hi normal guy. What do you like to do?" You ask playfully feeling enchanted by his charismatic presence. He makes you feel a sense of freedom like you never have before.
The rest of the night the two of you goof off and talk about all kinds of things. Eventually he's being dragged out by Nanami because of how drunk he is. He'd given you his number, "Call me!!!" He whines loudly while being led to the car he arrived in.
"Okay! When I do, don't forget everything from tonight." You yell back to him.
"Like hell I will!" And he was telling the truth because about two hours later when you were winding down for bed you get a call from an unknown number. Usually you wouldn't pick up but you have a feeling that the person on the other side was none other than Gojo normal guy.
"Hello?" You don't get a response for a few seconds, your stomach drops thinking you had miscalculated...
"I miss you already, when can I see you again?" He asks sleepily.
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discodreaming · 7 months
could we get some sting eucliffe x m! reader relationship headcanons?
characters: sting eucliffe x male!reader
genre: general fluff, general headcanons
content warning: sting counts as a warning bc he's a menace to society ( and our hearts )
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hear me out okay, mans is prime golden retriever boyfriend
he looks super intimidating to people bc he kind of is at first look, but really he's like just super excited when it comes to you.
like he could be doing his job as guild master and he sees his boyfriend come in????
he's done, he's rushing over and hugging you and giving you a big kiss
he's here hugging you close no matter what size
you could be taller than him and he's holding onto you
smaller? you're getting scooped up
same height? his head is nuzzling into your neck
oh my god sting who loves it when you two lay together though, constantly touching perhaps
mayhaps hear me out even taking turns being the big spoon and the little spoon
but if he's the big spoon, his arm is wrapped tight around you, keeping you close to his chest because he feels the need to protect
it could be his dragon genes that make him possessive but who knows sips
he's always hesitant to being little spoon
it leaves him really vulnerable and he only will do this once you guys have been dating for a while i feel
sting also gives the vibe of like holding your face and checking you over in panic
also lector?? seeing how happy you make sting?? you're cool in his book, as long as you keep his best friend happy
now sting will always see you as his equal, bc i think he'd believe n more of a partnership.
he's so god damn cheesy too, like you guys would def go on a date for everything
if he's not busy as the guild master ( i don't think that'll stop him either way tho )
you think the girls are the only one into matching?? like i said he's cheesy, he'd have something matching with you
it could be descreet or it could be nice and loud
and if yyou're apart of a different guild?? he's still making time and place to come see you just to see how ur doing
also please forgive him if he forgets your guys' dates sometimes, sometimes u gotta go to him and see him swamped
he's doing his best
but also he loves to plan surprise dates for you, always making sure you're enjoying yourself ( he most def always pays attention to what you like and don't like )
he has fumbled a couple times but he's getting there
i also wanna add a bonus marriage one for you but it wouldn't matter who you are he's gonna cry and call you so fucking handsome and i can see him just be so awestruck
he always has some kind of butterflies when it comes to you
he's always so excited to tell you things about what's happened on missions and vise versa, his attention on you as you go on about your day and what happened on the missions
and if you're ever sad, he's going to come out with hands rated e for everyone
oh my god he's also gonna constantly BRAG about you, to anyone who will listen
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a/n: i honestly could keep rambling about sting ( and laxus ) like i just holds him gently like hamburger
also whispers def hold his hand and link your fingers together he'll lose his mind
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
I'll Come With You - P.G
¡Hola! I'm back with another Gavi fic! And just like my last one is TikTok related. I don't even like TikTok but my Youtube feed thinks otherwise and I end up watching some!😅🤣
You guys can send requests, if you'd like. I'd love to do some! Or if you just wanna talk about anything, there's the I'm here✨ Talk to me little button. I'm friendly!😂
Anyways, I'll leave you to read the fic in peace. Hope you like it! Please, let me know what you guys think of it.
P.S: This will start to get annoying for all of us but English isn't my native language, so I'm sorry if there's any misspelled word.
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You've seen a lot of times around TikTok these little prank, girls often do to their boyfriends, where the guys are doing nothing important and when it's really dark outside, they come up to their guys and say something among the lines of "I'm gonna jog around for a bit" or "I'm going to the store really quick" sort of thing to see their reactions.
You couldn't help but wanted to try it with Gavi, both of you were around the same age, but he definitely had a protective nature when it comes to you, his girl.
No matter who they were, what it was, nothing and I mean absolutely nothing and no one could hurt his girl or even think of it, because, just like he protects his teammates with a strong passion, he does the same with you. Or maybe more.
And he will not hesitate to get in a fight for you.
You knew it. And that's why you wanted to try it.
Gavi was currently on the sofa, watching a lil HBO series, Pedri told him to watch; you decided to start your little prank seeing him so relaxed, you didn't recorded a thing from it, you just wanted to know his reaction.
You pulled the hood of his black hoodie up to your head and went straight to lay on top of him
"Hola tú" He said welcoming you in his arms as you hide your face in the crock of his neck wrapping your arms around his torso, leaving a kiss in his neck.
You smiled feeling Gavi hum at your touch
"Hola" You said softly, you took your face out watching his profile
"Do I have something on my face?"
"Mucha guapura" (A lot of beauty) You joke around watching his smile slowly appear on his face
"That's what I used to make you fall in love with me"
"The ego just entered the conversation" We laugh lightly "I actually wanted to tell you something"
"Something's wrong?" You shake your head 'No' with a soft smile
"I'm not really tired, así que saldré por un ratico, you know... Walk it off" (I'll be out for a lil while) "Maybe jog around for a bit, 'til I grow tired"
"Okay, amor" He said nodding "Although, I have in mind something that can make you tired as well" You hit his arm
"Pablo Páez Gavira!" He laughed hard
"Ten cuidado, ¿Sí?" (Be careful, okay?) He gave you a kiss on your hairline and you slowly stood up walking towards the corridor where the principal door was
"¡HEY, ESPERA, NO!" (Hey, wait, no!) You heard his voice yell making you laugh lightly but tried to play it off when you felt him approach you
"What's up?" You asked
"You're not going anywhere alone, young lady" He said "It's too late for you to just 'Walk it off' all alone" He said putting his shoes on "So, I'll be going with you. We can walk around 'cause I also know you don't like jogging"
"Baby, no. It's alright, I can go on my own, nothing will happen"
"No, Y/N. I'm coming with you"
"Gavi, I'm-"
"I'm not letting you go out alone, amor. Look at you, you're beautiful, any guy would love to have you as his and I'm that fucking lucky guy and I'm taking care of you. I don't want you to be kidnapped without me knowing"
"What?" You asked in between giggles
"In fact, if anyone te secuestra, that would be me. I will not stand it if it goes otherwise. Imagine, me sitting here at home switching channels and the news be like: After a call from the police we can confirm, young lady Y/N got kidnapped. And I'll be like WTF?! It would give me a heart attack! And definitely not a good one"
"Who would call the police?! And after half an hour?!"
"I DON'T KNOW. But if you're gonna act this way with your kidnappers, I'm pretty sure they pay to bring you back here, I will accept you, gladly"
"So, en resumen... We'll both go out, just in case, I can't allow anything like that happening to you. Not to you and not to my little heart... And if it rains? Dios mio, if it rains you can get sick and that means I won't get besitos for at least tres días!" (Three days) "No, señor, that's even worse. So, it's better if I just go with you"
You were laughing so hard, you were tearing up a bit
"¿Pero de que te ríes? No es gracioso" (But why are you laughing about? It's not funny)
You didn't replied to him, you just went ahead, grabbed both of his cheeks and gave him a kiss on his lips.
"Eres precioso. I'm not going out, it was just a prank, baby"
"Mentira" (Liar) He said after a while making you laugh again
"I just wanted to see your reaction of me going out alone at night" You laughed even more "Kidnapping... What the hell, Pablo?"
"I don't know, ok!? I was worried about you. I don't want anything bad happening to you, I'm sorry" You laughed while kissing his cheek "I don't even know if that made sense"
"Half of it, didn't" You said, lips still on his cheek and laughing "It's okay, I love you and I also love how much you care about me" You whispered against his lips, kissing them repeatedly
"I love you too" Pablo whispered before kissing you once more while wrapping his arms around you and bringing you close to him
"Is that thing that you had in mind a few minutes ago, still on?"
"For you? Always" He said making you laugh once more before picking you up and walking you through the house
°°° °°° °°° °°°
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Characters at a Ball
A/N: I am a SUCKER for Victorian era balls. This is largely based on historical romances! In this, MC is in the pining phase with each character!
Characters include: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Garreth Weasley, Leander Prewett, Amit Thakarr, Poppy Sweeting, Natty Onai.
Warnings: Kissing
Reader: Gender Neutral
Sebastian Sallow:
This man is the life of the party.
Okay he is so sweet though? Like he asks every woman to a friendly dance if they don't have a date.
He can dance relatively well, nothing to boast about though.
But oh man, he realizes you don't have anyone to dance with. So he asks you to dance, knowing you wouldn't think of it as anything more than he had asked the other girls.
Yet when you accept and he leads you to the dancefloor, his heart starts pounding. Man's is BLUSHING
He holds your waist so firmly and takes the gentleman's lead.
It's more of a fast energetic dance, and he can't take his eyes off you as he twirls you around the floor. It's not graceful either, you both laugh as he crashes you into Prewett.
When you're done dancing he leads you away on his arm. He grabs you punch and is just BEAMING because he's so proud to have someone as gorgeous as you on his arm!
He stops being nervous quickly and soon you're both cackling as you step on each other's feet, stumbling into each other.
Towards the balls end, he leans in to kiss you but is interrupted by Ominis asking him what instruments were enchanted to play.
Seb is angry but hey. By the way you're rubbing circles on his hand, he knows you feel the same as he.
After the ball he walks you back to your common room, and like a cliche he kisses you goodnight.
Ominis Gaunt:
He surprisingly is just enjoying the atmosphere! Of course he isn't joining, but he's content with standing in the corner and listening to everyone have fun.
This man drinks like half the punch and eats more pastries than he should, all because he's a nervous eater and you've been sitting there without a dance. Well, unless you count Sebastian.
He wants to ask you, but you look so happy laughing with Poppy and Garreth! He doesn't wanna distract you. So he settles with lounging in his corner, holding small conversations with people who come to talk to him.
About halfway through the ball he works up the courage (and not without Sebastians help) to ask you for a dance and LO AND BEHOLD his face is red. So is yours but like he doesn't know.
He's a good dancer I think, his family hosted and went to many balls as a child. But he's so nervous that he's shaking slightly. You don't notice.
He holds you so carefully but so close? Closer than the other dancers on the floor. His thumb rubs circles on your hip and he doesn't even realize it.
After a couple dances he relaxes and even cracks a few jokes. He's enchanted by your laugh already so it just lights up his world. This man is enamored!
When your feet start to hurt he takes a break with you, sitting down and still talking about whatever came to mind. You hold his hand and surprisingly, he doesn't break. the night put him at ease and he simply kisses your hand when thanking you for the dance.
Garreth Weasley:
he is so excited for the ball!! Probably asked MC for a dance before the thing even started. He's thinking of it as a friendly, no strings attached dance even though he wishes for more.
When he sees you in your gown or suit, his night is made. Like his whole face lights up and he can't even blush because he is amazed. You're just so amazing!
He tells you such with a breathless smile and extends his arm. You look amazing on his arm! At this point he doesn't even stop to consider his next move, he's just acting in the moment because you make it hard to think.
Almost immediately he asks for a dance. He's awful, but neither of you care. If you're wearing one, he steps on the hems of your dress and feels awful!
You accidentally spill punch down your dress or your robes and are devastated. He gives you his coattail to button up over the front to hide the stain. It smells a little like gunpowder and a lot like a stupid fancy cologne that he no doubt put on to impress you. You love it though, and both of you pretend not to blush.
About three quarter of the way through the ball, Garreth is leading you out of the great hall. You're both laughing as you tear through the courtyard, ruining your clothes with mud. It's okay though, he stops you at the green house.
It's there that he kisses you, breathless and passionate. Holding your face between his hands and smiling so hard into the kiss that teeth gnash together.
Leander Prewett
Honestly, he didn't even ask you to the ball. Garreth was teasing him about not having a date and, well, you were right there.
"actually, MC and I are going together!"
Not that you minded, but no more words were spoken about it. Not until the day before the ball and Leander asks for conformation that you still would like to go with him.
Like bestie you never said you did in the first place, but SURE YOU'LL GO WITH HIM!
and he dies when he sees you in your dress or suit. I mean full on stuttering, bright red, goofy ass grin. It's honestly really sweet.
He walks into the ball with you on his arm and his smile is just...so proud.
Honestly he hadn't been nervous at all, but when the first dance comes, Garreth has to give him a pep talk into dancing.
Your feet will be bruised by the end of the night, the hems of your skirt or dress robes will be ripped, and somehow your hair gets caught on the stupid collar connected to his robes.
Despite this, you had a great night. He brought you a corsauge to match his dress robes, and payed for your picture to be taken if you wanted it.
At the end of the night he walks you back to your common room. He really, really wants to kiss you but Garreth advised him not to. Instead he kisses your cheek and asks if you would like to eat breakfast with him the next morning.
Amit Thakker
He's so cute
He asked you before the ball to accompany him, and asked by leaving a note on your telescope.
Before the ball he comes to your common room and gives you a brooch to wear in place of a corsage. It's enchanted to match the color of your robes or dress, and is in the shape of your favorite constellation
Honestly, Amit probably wouldn't ask you if you guys weren't already dating. So when he comes to pick you up, he smiles so big and gives you a gentle kiss. He tells you how astonishing you look.
Okay he CAN dance but he lowkey hates it. But it is a ball, so he offers you one or two dances. They would be so romantic but he's in your ear talking about the night sky on the ceiling of the great hall. His nerdiness interrupts the pure romance and honestly, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Normally Amit doesn't do pda. Yet he kisses you on the dance floor. It makes both of you turn bright red and both of your friends are whistling in the background.
He is so embarrassed because he totally didn't think about it beforehand!! It's okay though, he hides his face in your neck while he blushes.
After the ball, you invite him to your dorm so you can give the brooch back. After all it takes three layers to take off before you can unclasp it. He ends up falling asleep in your bed and the two of you sleep in the same bed for the first time!
Poppy Sweeting
Listen Poppy is an odd duck, and she knows it.
She doesn't skip a beat in asking you to the ball. It's with a poppy that she asks you, because she thinks it's rather ironic that it's the first flower she could find.
You're sitting on a bench in your Vivarium when she comes up behind you. "MC!" And when you turn around she thrusts a Kneazle into your arms. It has a poppy attached to it's collar and a packet of your favorite candies. She asks you nonchalantly, as if asking you what your favorite color was.
Of course you guys get ready together!! She comes to your dorm in her dress, but helps you do your hair and or makeup if you wish. Really she just wants to appreciate you without the stares of everyone at the ball.
And when you walk in together, arm in arm, she is smiling and waving at her friends. Poppy doesn't consider herself a proud person, but SHE HAS THE DAMN HERO OF HOGWARTS AS HER DATE
Almost immediately she is dragging you to the dance floor. Honestly she doesn't care for traditional waltzing. You guys, much like Sebastian, are spinning and dancing to your own beat.
Some students there for an actual dance get annoyed but who cares? You're having a blast.
Her face is so red from the exercise and you can practically see the happiness glowing around her. She's just so damn happy to be with you!
So happy in fact that when you take a break to catch your breath, she stands on her toes and brings you in for a quick kiss.
You aren't even surprised, both of you drunk on the atmosphere. Not one moment goes by in the evening where the both of you aren't having the time of your lives.
Instead of going to your dorms when the dance is over, you guys sneak out to go feed the mooncalves. The stars are beautiful and oop! You guys are kissing again
Your night ends in Poppy's arms, surrounded by animals and heart full.
Natty Onai
Honestly, Natty asked you to the ball as friends. I mean neither of you had a date, and why not?
But as she is waiting for you to finish getting ready, she quickly realizes she wishes it was more than friends. Maybe you took it that way?
She conjures a corsage of bright red roses to match her dress and tries not to blush giving it to you.
She has on a floor length red gown and her hair is down and wow, if you didn't have a crush on her before, you do now.
Natty is so sweet when asking you for a dance. Like offers you her hand and asks "may I have this dance?"
her mother is one of the chaperones so Natty can't get too close, but she keeps smiling at you! She has a beautiful smile btw.
The perfect lady honestly. Brings you punch if you look thirsty and when you are tired of dancing sits and talks with you while you regain energy.
When her mother isn't looking she gives you a tight hug that lingers a little longer than a friendly one would.
it's during a slow dance that you let your head fall to her shoulder and she just m e l t s.
After the ball, Natty offers to walk you back to your dorm, but is stopped by her mother. She needs Natty's help cleaning up. So Natty slips you a note to read in the morning saying how much fun she had and how she needs to talk to you about something. (HER FEELINGS BTW)
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Hey I hope your doing well! I just wanted to say that I loved how you wrote my Request, and I’d like to show the boy some more love so can I Request First Date for Lego Monkie Kid Macaque? Have a fantastic day btwsss👋🏼👋🏼✨
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First Date: Macaque.
Word Count: 2494.
Rating: Fluff.
Content/Trigger Warnings: N/A.
Authors Notes: Say.less. This came out way longer than I expected yet left rushed? Hope you enjoy it!
“You're here early,” the voice scared you… it felt like a déjà vu moment, but you shook it off and focused on him. 
“I didn't wanna be late,” you looked at the emo monkey boy in human form and smiled a bit. 
He wore his usual puppet master outfit, but something about it this time seemed more… well-kept? Groomed, even? Right now, he had the hood down. Like last time, he looked a bit weird to you since you were more used to seeing the emo monkey boy and not emo human boy. He was handsome nonetheless, though.
“You look gorgeous,” he said as he got a look at you and you to him.
“So do you,” you said without thinking and smiled nervously. “I mean, handsome, you-”
“It’s okay,” he cut you off with a chuckle. “Thank you.”
“R-right… so, what do you have in store for me tonight?” you smiled up at him. He just stared at you with a small smile of his own before his mind finally caught up to him.
“Right, well,” he chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, you said that you wanted it to be a shadow play… so, I, um…” he cleared his throat. “I made one for you.”
“You… made one for me? Like from scratch?” you asked in both shock and curiosity.
Your entire face felt hot from the blush that took over when he said that. You’d never expect that he or anyone would make something like a play script just for you, granted this would be the second time he did. It was definitely unexpected and most flattering if you were being completely honest.
“May I?” he asked. You looked at his hand he held out for you, that charming yet mischievous smile made your heart race as you placed your hand in his.
“You may,” you replied with a small smile.
“Are you scared, (Y/n)?” he mused a bit.
“Me? Scared? Pft- don't be ridiculous,” you waved him off, which made him chuckle as he led you inside.
“Date never killed anyone,” he chuckled.
“You haven't watched enough horror movies,” you teased him. 
The theatre room was empty as he led you to and sat you down front and centre. Before you could question him on whether or not he rented out the room for just you two, he put his hood up and the lights dimmed a bit.
“Ladies and gentlemen… tonight, you're all in for a treat,” you looked at him in question before you noticed there were people in the room; you were the only one in the front. You were sure it was empty before, though, but you shook it off and zeroed in on Macaque.
“This story was made for the gorgeous creature in the front row,” he gestured to you with a grin, which made you shift a bit as people watched you. You gave him the ‘I'll kill you later’ eyes, but his grin only grew wider as his head lowered to cover his face except his mouth.
This story had everything you loved: action, mystery, tragedy, romance. It felt unlike him, but at the same time, how he told the story was breathtaking and had many on the edge of their seats. The main character was a heroine who fell in love with the villain and changed him… only for the villain to lose his life while saving her. 
The story had ended with the heroine marrying the villain who had actually faked his death in order to keep her safe from his enemies. It was an entire rollercoaster of emotions and maybe because it was written for you that you were more invested in the story than you normally would be. He took your breath away and his smile when he saw how much you were enjoying it shone brighter than Wukong. 
“Did you like it?” was the first thing he asked once everyone left, and he walked over to you.
“I loved it,” you smiled up at him. “I never would have thought that the Six Eared Macaque would be this good at writing,” you teased, which successfully made him all bashful and shy.
“I'm glad you liked it,” he chuckled a bit and sat to your left as he shifted back to his emo monkey form. “To be honest… I kinda made up the last part.”
“You mean you killed off the villain?!” you gasped dramatically and nudged him playfully with your shoulder. “You monster… how could you,” you said dramatically, which made him laugh a bit.
“But I saved him, don't hit me for that,” he chuckled as he put his hands up in mock surrender. 
“It was still pretty good, though,” you smiled, looking ahead at the stage. “You must really enjoy doing these.”
“It’s just a hobby,” he shrugged a bit. 
“Don't think you can try to be all indifferent now,” you looked at him with a smile and nudged him.
“Fine, fine… it's a hobby that I really like,” he admitted. “Especially now that I have a fan,” he looked at you with a small smirk.
“Oh really? And who said anything about me being your fan, hm?” you teased as you folded your arms.
“I had a pretty good hunch,” he said confidently. “You wouldn't have suggested our date be a shadow play if you didn't really like it… so you're obviously a fan of mine.”
“Fine, maybe I think that your shadows are pretty cool,” you smiled a bit to yourself. “I really like how well you use them to tell your stories.”
“I appreciate that,” he looked at you. 
Your smiles never seemed to disappear when you were around each other. Neither of you had ever smiled so much at anyone, especially Macaque. Yet, being with you like he was now… it brought him an odd sense of peace and made his insides and outsides feel warm and fuzzy, I mean, forgetting that he is fuzzy.  
“What do you wanna do now?” you asked without even thinking.
“Well, I could show off a bit more,” he said as he let a shadow clone appear on your right, which scared you at first. 
“Do you get cold easily?” you asked.
“I'm covered in fur, (Y/n),” he mused.
“Touché,” you shrugged as you stood up. 
You tried to ignore how cool you thought the clone was so as to not fill up his ego by letting him know how cool you thought it was. Sure, you'd seen Wukong’s clones a lot before, but that never meant that you always thought it was amazing every single time! I mean… they made clones! Yes, you have abilities too, but this wasn't about you.
“Did you want to go somewhere?” his voice brought you back to reality.
“We can go for a walk to the park, there was a full moon out,”
“Do you like the moon?” he asked with a small smile. You were too adorable for words.
“A lot,” you grinned a bit.
“Let's go for a walk, then,” he made his clone disappear into the dark void before he stood up and opened his hand again for yours. “(Y/n),”
“Yes?” you asked softly.
“Can I hold your hand while we walk?” he asked in a gentle tone that made your heart want to explode.
“Mhm,” you nodded. 
That was all you could get out as he took your hand and led you out through the back exit. Your insides were on fire, but he wasn't any different. He didn't know where that courage came from, but he was glad that he asked. Your hand was small, but it felt so warm and though it wasn't very soft. It was between smooth and rough, which showed you were a hard worker and he loved that about you.
The walk down the alley to the streets was as quiet as the night before when you waited for the others to arrive… which they never did, by the way.
“Be honest with me, Macaque,” you glanced up at him.
“Sure,” he gave a nod, curious of what you wanted his honesty on.
“Did you do something to MK and the others to make them not show up yesterday?” you raised a brow. He laughed a bit and lifted your hand he was holding to kiss the back of it.
“Guilty,” he confessed, which made you laugh a bit, not minding the hand kiss even though your heart never seemed to slow down.
“What’d you do?” you asked in amusement.
“Let's just say… I called in a few favours,” he grinned at you.
“You didn't!” you laughed. “No wonder Wukong was so pissed off.”
“Well, when I heard you were coming too, I wanted to take the chance to talk to you in private,” he confessed as he looked at you. “Of course, you know that if our buddy Wukong was there, he’d have made sure I was in another theatre entirely.”
“Point taken,” you smiled a bit. “Were you really that desperate to get me alone?” you teased.
“Talking to you in person is way better than talking on the phone or texting,” he stated.
“I guess,” you chuckled and shook your head. “Such a trickster.”
“Guilty again,” he chuckled as he let go of your hand and instead wrapped his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. “This okay?”
“Y-Yeah… it’s fine,” you said softly, face bright from all the blood rushing to your full cheeks. He smelled so good, like pinewood and some amazing cologne. His body was so warm and the fur on his wrist tickled the skin of your arm.
“You were shivering a bit,”
“No I wasn't,” you looked up at him with a smile.
“Guess my eyes aren't what they used to be,” he joked.
“Real smooth, emo boy,”
“Emo boy?” he mused.
“Yeah, emo boy,” you looked at him with a slight grin.
“If you're calling me that, then I'm freely calling you plum,” he shot back.
“Macaque,” you said, which made him chuckle.
“Nah, I'm still calling you plum,” he stated with a slight shrug before he pulled you closer to him.  
“Fine,” you sighed softly. If he was anything like Wukong, he wasn't going to stop calling you that. 
“Wasn't as long as I thought,” he smirked, referring to when you told him having nickname rights would take a long, long time.
“Hey, look,” he leaned down to whisper in your ear. “It really is a full moon,” he said and pointed to the empty sky.
You didn't know when you got to the park, mostly distracted by Macaque and his voice and his body close to yours. The view of the night sky from the park was breathtaking, you mentally thanked yourself for suggesting it. 
The rest of the night was spent with his arms wrapped securely around you to ‘keep you warm’ even though it wasn't exactly cold out. You didn't want it to end, but he didn't want to keep you outside too late. 
“I don't think I can teleport…” you glanced away with a small pout. Macaque smiled a bit at your adorable behaviour. 
“Oh really?” he mused. “Do you want me to teleport you, then?”
“Yes, please,” you looked at him with an eager grin and a childish glint in your eyes.
“I don't know, plum…” he tried to play hard to get. “It might be dangerous~”
“Danger is my middle name!” you declared, which made him laugh.
“Alright, alright, I won't make you beg,” he chuckled. “But, this transportation isn't free,”
“Oh, really?” you mused as you folded your arms. “What's the fee?”
“One kiss for one portal,” he said as he looked down at you with a small smirk.
“W-What?” you stuttered slightly, not expecting it but not surprised either.
“What? I'm sure a beautiful woman such as yourself has kissed someone before,”
“Of course I have! But that isn't the problem,” you said defensively. Sure you've kissed people in your long life… but this felt different for some reason.
“What is the problem?” he raised a brow, his smile never wavered.
“Well…” you trailed off, not really knowing what to say.
“How about… since it’s our first official date, I give you a small kiss,” he suggested. “Sound good?”
“Okay,” you nodded, you were sure you hadn't stopped blushing since he asked to hold your hand back at the theatre.
“Great…” he held that same hand while his other hand held your chin. “Can I kiss you, (Y/n)?”
“Yes…” your voice was soft, your eyes locked onto each other like you were the only beings in the universe.
“Alright,” he smiled a bit before he leaned in close, placing a kiss on your forehead before he pulled back and let your hand go. You were… flabbergasted. You never expected that… 
That tease!  You thought to yourself as you looked at him as he stretched and cracked his knuckles.
“It’s really late,” he looked at you with that cocky smirk. “I’ll need your address.”
“Oh… right,” you nodded and gave it to him, you were surprised that he knew the area.
“If you're scared, I can go with you,”
“Nope,” you shook your head as he opened the portal. Your heart was beating too fast all night for you to think about him being in your home… Alone with you. 
“Suit yourself,” he struggled with a chuckle. “If you're scared, you can close your eyes and jump in,”
“Okay…” you nodded… only for him to move it below you. “Jerk!” you yelled before you fell in and, thankfully, landed on your couch. You stared ahead and cupped your heated cheeks. “Stupid emo monkey,” you puffed your cheeks a bit before your left hand moved to touch where he kissed…
That dork… you smiled a bit to yourself.
He teleported you to your place with a smile, but when the portal closed, he frowned. He held up the hand that held onto yours most of the walk and narrowed his eyes at it. It felt cold now, his body felt cold, and he hated it. He mostly hated himself for opening his big mouth and sending you home. He hated himself for being this hung up on you… but he would never trade the feeling you gave him for the world. He wanted to be selfish and let you stay with him till the sun came up…
His fingers lifted to touch his lips and a small smirk formed. The warm touch of your skin still felt tingly against his lips, he wished he’d kissed your lips, but that was for another time. You were so nervous, and he didn't want to do something that would make you uncomfortable. He had to be patient with this and go slow… thankfully, he was a very patient emo monkey.
Silly plum…  he mused to himself.
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littlxpxtal · 26 days
TYRANTS || STORY MASTERLIST PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader WARNINGS: MDNI 18+ Content, swearing, sexual content, drug and alcohol use, violence WORD COUNT: 2.4K
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I wanna do bad things to you
I wanna make you yell
I wanna do bad things to you
Don't wanna treat you well
December Continued
The sound of male voices echo throughout the backyard as Kelce, Topper and Rafe make their way around the back to meet us. I pulled out chairs for them with blankets on each chair.
Topper is carrying a case of beer while Kecle and Rafe follow behind them.
“So this is where the party is.” he asks, a little too loudly for how quiet the neighborhood is.
“Smells loud.” Rafe says, crinkling his nose.
“Hope you got enough for us,” Kelce chimes in, greeting me and Sabrina with a hug. Topper hugs us next and Rafe takes the seat next to me, not acknowledging either of us. I glance at Sabrina and she shrugs her shoulders. 
I light up the joint from before, passing it to the boys, while Topper passes out the beer he brought with him.
“So how was Carissa’s” Sabrina asks. Rafe shrugs his shoulder while taking a drag with one hand, cracking open his beer with the other. I watched him from the corner of my eye. He was wearing a dark green hoodie and black jeans. His hair was a mess, probably from him running is fingers through it too much. He passes me the joint and I bring it to my lips.
“Was alright. Ratio was off to begin with. Then some dumbasses got on her roof and her mom called the cops.” Kecle responds
“Yikes” I say, exhaling the smoke into the air, passing to Sabrina. 
“Noah was there.” Topper says with a wink. I can practically hear Rafe roll his eyes. He adjusts in his seat and pulls out his phone. 
“Whats with you two.” Kelce asks taking a sip from his beer.
“Literally nothing.” I snap. “We studied this week for calc and everyones makin a big deal about it.”
“Jeez Y/N just a question.” Topper says, raising his hands in defense.
“Jus annoying that everyone has something to say. I hang with Pogue’s and everyone talks about me. I hang with kooks and everyone talks about me.” I huff, taking a sip of my beer. 
“Seems like thats all anyone is like here in the OuterBanks.” Kelce says, taking a drag of the almost gone joint.
“Can’t wait to get the fuck out of here.” I say under my breath. 
“I’ll cheers to that” he says, holding his drink up.
“Yo Y/N can I use your bathroom?” Topper asks. 
“Yea me too” Kelce chimes in. Sabrina perks up 
“I can show you guys where it is.” she stands and guides them through the back door, leaving me and Rafe alone.
“Did you have a good time at Carissa’s?” I ask without looking at him. He adjusts in his seat again, turning towards me.
“Nah. Shes fuckin annoying.” I roll my eyes and make a face.
“What?” he asks, inching closer. 
“Nothin. Just thought y’all were friends or somethin.” I say, remembering the way he brushed her hair back behind her ear in class and all the times I’ve seen her stand at his locker this week. 
He shakes his head in response and stares at me. I feel my face flush and I turn back to the fire. 
“I like you without makeup.” he finally says after a few moments of silence. I immediately become self conscious, forgetting that I was literally in my pajamas.
“Thanks” I mumble, not looking at him. I feel his eyes still inspecting my face. 
“Is Sabrina spending the night” he asks. I finally turn to look at him and shrug.
“Not sure we hadn’t really talked about it. Shes been here since like 7:30 but she lives right down the street so it’s up to her.” he nods in response and faces towards the fire. My eyes are locked on the way his jaw clenches and releases as he thinks. 
More moments of silence pass before I hear the footsteps of our friends returning. Sabrina has her bookbag on his shoulders and shes stumbling.
“Hey Y/N think ‘m gonna go home.” I gulp and stare at her.
“You sure you can walk home like this?” I ask, concerned that she would end up going trying to get to Derek’s again.
“Top and Kelce are gonna walk me home.” I raise an eyebrow and look at the two boys hovering behind her.
“Rafe you can come or just chill here, up to you man. I gotta get up hella early for my study group” Kelce says groaning. Top shoves his shoulder and they play fight while Rafe stays staring into the fire.
“I’ll catch up with you guys tomorrow” he finally says. Topper nods his head and slinks his arm around Sabrina, holding her up steady. 
“Text me when youre home okay Sab?” I say, standing up to give her a hug.
“You’re such a good friend.” she slurs into my neck. I laugh and kiss the top of her head.
“Get her home safe boys.” I say sternly, giving them a mom look and they salute to me
“Yes ma’am” they say in sync. 
I watch them as they walk around the side of the house to the front. 
I start to pick up everyones blankets, folding them into squares and putting the chairs back to their appropriate places.
“Lemme help” Rafe finally says, grabbing a hold of the large stack of blankets I just folded. I shut off the fire in then guide him through the back door and point to where the outdoor blankets live next to the extra patio furniture corner of the basement.
“You like Game of Thrones?” I ask, breaking another awkward silence. He finally cracks a smile for the first time that night.
“No but I take you as a girl who loves that fantasy porn shit.” I laugh at his condescending remark and walk over towards my bedroom. He follows silently behind and closes my bedroom door behind him. 
The only lights on in my room is the lamp on my nightstand and the glow from the TV. I slip off the hoodie and sweatpants I put on over my pajama set, setting them on my vanity chair.
I crawl onto my bed and Rafe stands at the edge watching me before deciding to take his own hoodie and shoes off, sitting towards the edge. I press play on the episode I left off on when Sabrina and I decided to go outside. 
“Alright so this is House Stark, Bran, Robb Arya and Sansa are all children of Catelyn and Eddard Stark. Then Jon Snow is the bastard son of Eddard Stark. They rule the North” I explain as the characters appear.
“Okay buts what with the incest freaks?” he asks, staring intently at the screen.
“Thats Cersei and Jamie Lannister. Technically Cersei is married to King Baratheon but she is in love with her brother, the King Slayer.”
“Why do they call him the King Slayer?”
“He was in the kingsguard for Aerys Targaryen. Swore an oath to protect him and the kingdom. But the king went insane. It was so bad they referred to him as the “Mad King” and Jamie killed him.” his eyes widen and he turns back to the screen.
“This is fucking derranged.” I laugh at his curiousity. 
“I knew you’d like it” I said smugly. After a few more scenes Rafe scoots back on the bed, resting his back on my headboard. 
Heat raises along my skin at our proximity. I can smell a faint hint of his cologne lingering on him. I stare down at his hands, a gold ring on his index finger that he occasionally plays with. My eyes follow up on his arms, veins protruding on his forearms. His biceps bulge out of his blue shirt. As my eyes make my way up to his face, I find him already looking down at him.
He extends his neck down and gently places his lips against mine. I lean up into the kiss, grabbing his neck with one hand, using my other to push myself up on the bed. He grabs my hips, pulling me onto his lap, my legs straddling the sides of him. I push him into my headboard, our lips moving at a fast pace, heavy breaths exchanged between the two of us. 
His hands slip up my top, fondling my boobs with both hands. I groan into the kiss, rutting my crotch against his.
“Whaddya want pretty girl” he whispers into the kiss. I whimper lightly as his fingers pinch my nipples. He takes my open mouth as an opportunity to stick his tongue in, circling erotically around the inside of my mouth. I pull alway to catch my breath, my forehead resting against his.
“I want you.” he smirks at response, pulling my top above my head with a swift motion. We undress each other between kisses and I find myself under him, completely naked.
“Do you have a condom?” he asks.
“What you dont carry them with you? Thought you were at Carissa’s earlier” I say with a snark expression. He rolls his eyes and brings his hand up to grab my face, squeezing my jaw with his hand.
“Answer the question.” My pussy throbs at the feeling of his hand squeezing my face and I shut my eyes.
“Nightstand. Bottom drawer” He releases his grip and leans over the bed opening the drawer.
“Nice toys” he remarks. I internally cringe, feeling embarrassment radiate through my body. “And you have lube. Guess your not as much of a prude as I thought.” 
I scoff and lightly push his shoulder.
“What did you think I was a virgin or something?”
He smiles down at the packet and opens it with his teeth, pouring a tiny drop of lube on the tip, rubbing it down his shaft. I watch him intently and he looks back at me as he adjusts himself at my entrance.
“Nah just didn’t know you fucked all like that.”
“I dont” I state, my arms gripping his biceps as he pushes his tip slowly in, stretching me out.
“Fuck” I hiss.
“Obviously not cus you’re tight as fuck.” he groans, dipping his head down to the crook of my neck. He readjusts his angle, lowering down to his forearms, before pushing his entire cock inside. I moan out, louder than I would’ve liked and he chuckles into my neck.
“You feel fucking amazing” he whispers before sucking harshly onto the side of my neck, slowly thrusting himself in and out of my pussy. I wrap my legs up around his waist, nails digging into his arms.
“Fuck Rafe fuck” I cry out. His hand snakes up behind my head, grabbing a fisful of my hair, pushing my head up to meet his, our mouths colliding with passion as he starts to quicken his pace. 
The room is filled with the sounds of his skin slapping against mine, my uncontrollable moans and whimpers, his occasional grunts and the TV show in the background. 
Our lips disconnect as he pushes himself back up and he pulls my arms off of his, putting them above me, his other hand trailing up to wrap around my throat. He applies light pressure before going back to thrusting inside of me. My eyes roll back, a string of ah, ah, ahs escaping my lips.
He squeezes my throat tighter and leans close to my face.
“Keep your eyes open” he commands. My eyes snap open to meet his, blown out and filled with lust. His tongue is slightly jutted out between his swollen lips, just like he does when hes concentrating in class. I whimper underneath him as I feel myself reaching my climax. 
“Rafe ‘m” 
“I know pretty girl I can feel you clenching around my fucking dick. feels fuckin awesome.” he says between his heavy breaths. “Go ahead and let yourself go, wanna feel you cum on me.”
 Within seconds I let myself come undone beneath him, His hands release from around my neck and he lowers himself down to interlock lips again. I gasp into his mouth as I unravel beneath him, his climax following soon after. We exchange moans between kisses as he sloppily thrusts, riding out his high. I go limp underneath him, in a blissed out daze, watching his face overcome with pleasure. 
After regaining his composure, he pulls out and I whimper at the absence of him inside of me. He gets off the bed, throwing the condom into the trashcan and making his way to my bathroom. I watch him as he cleans himself up, just like last time. He wanders around the room looking for his clothes.
“So was this your plan all along?” I ask, pulling my own clothes back on.
“What do you mean?” he asks, pulling his t shirt on.
“Having Top call Sabrina and crashing our girls night.”
“No, my end goal of tonight was not to fuck you.” he states simply, sitting at the edge of the bed to put his shoes back on. “Tops just fuckin obsessed with Sab.” he says in a ushed tone.
“I knew it.” I said, perking up on the bed. “They’d be cute… I think?” I say, pondering the thought.
“How’s that feel, both of your best friends dating the same dude” Rafe says with a sarcastic tone.
“Sarah and Top barely dated. That was like forever ago.” I say, standing up, walking towards him. He grabs his hoodie and scans the room.
“You got any more of those calculators?” he asks, pointing at my desk. I walk over to the desk and pick up the calculator he motioned towards.
“Yea I have two, why?” 
“Can I borrow one for my micro exam?” he asks.
“Um sure. Wait, do you not have one?” he takes the calculator from my hand and shakes his head.
“Nah I always stole Top’s before class but we have the exam at the same time.”
“That exams no joke.” I say, remembering the headache I had exiting the final exam last year.
“Yea I’m kinda fucked.” he says with a frown. 
“Want some of my notes?” I ask, already rummaging through my drawers. “Here, I made this study packet for myself last year.” Handing him the booklet I made for finals. He flicks throught he pages, eyes widening.
“Holy shit you’re a bigger nerd than I thought.” he says, laughing to himself.
“You want to pass or not?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips.
He looks up and smiles.
“Thanks. I’ll see ya later pretty girl.” he says before walking out of the patio doors.
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lilocapoca · 4 months
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part 2 of this
pairing: rockstar!Eddie Munson x fem!popstar reader
content warning(s): use of “fuck”, “shit” and “dick”. sorry but bad writing
Word count: 1536
summary: after your interview, everybody was expecting you and Eddie to be the next big Hollywood couple, but he did not make a move… so you did and invited him to your concert.
notes: the images DO NOT describe reader’s appearance! Only used for aesthetic/clothes
Yes Eddie was a coward.
Every gossip magazine and tv show was talking about your interview. It was all that people could think about. The most rockstar of all rockstars and the cutes of all the cutest pop singers having a crush on each other was so fucking cute.
Your pretty ribbons. His heavy metal chains. Your impeccable gloves. His big rings. You had flawless skin while his own was marked with ink everywhere. Your high heels were so tiny compared to his big black combat boots. You looked like a pure fairy and he looked like a sexy zombie.
Yeah. It was really fucking cute.
But even after everyone approved this possible romance, Eddie could not find himself going to talk to you. You were so perfect, your nickname was "America's Angel". If this was a fairytale, you would be the princess and Eddie surely would't be the hero... at least he thought so.
But since you confessed your feelings on national tv, the guitarrist was suffering from a big problem: he couldn't fuck or date anyone else.
Eddie was used to bring girls backstage after his shows, sometimes even boys. He enjoyed a good fuck or just someone who could blow his dick. But now? Everytime he took someone backstage he just could not do it. He kept thinking about you. Shit, he never even really talked to you. Just some head nods and smiles at award shows, but no conversations ever. 
But at the moment he was holding a note that was sent to him he couldn't belive his eyes.
Well, the thing is, Corroded Coffin was a headliner band of this really big festival, taking on the biggest rock stage of it and... you were one of the headliners of the biggest pop stage of the same festival too. And you both were playing on the same day! which made you send flowers to the band's dressing room, to him.
The boys were really having fun with this. Eddie's face was red and he just could not take his eyes of the note that was attached to the bouquet. White daisies. Just like the name of the first track on the lattest Corroded album.
"Hi honey. I would like very much if you could watch my show tonigth... i'm gonna be looking for your pretty curls in the crowd. I'll be so sad if you can't make it... and you don't wanna make me sad, right?
– your wife"
And a red mark of lipstick at the end that literally screamed you. The pretty handwritting. The hearts on the "i"s.
Oh My God. Tonigth was the nigth a Munson is going to die.
The day was already fading away, the stars starting to shine and you were breathing in and out trying to calm yourself. The crowd was waiting for you. Everybody screaming. And Jesus, you swore you'd never seen an crowd this big. Your manager said that were about 40 thousand people there to see your concert. You could literally feel the vomit coming down your throat, something that happens when you are anxious. But you couldn't do this rigth now. You needed to go on the stage in 1:30 minutes, there was no time for anxiety.
But what if he doesn't come?
Oh my God he is not coming, you are sure of that.
Why would he come? He probably didn't meant that he had a crush on you. Well he could have a crush on you, but that don't mean that he actully likes you...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
You took one last look at your dress. Such a pretty baby blue mini dress. Checked out your white velvet gloves, matching your long white heel boots. Touched your blue ribbon. Okay. Everything was okay.
The next thing you knew was that you were already walking on the stage with a big and enchanting smile, hearing the most high screams ever.
you put his name on the list. His name was in your goddamn list.
The VIP area of the pop stage was filled with the guesses that were on your list. But it wasn't really full, just some people that were probably your friends and some daugthers of famous old singers who worshiped you. The view of the stage was really unique, everything could be seen.
All eyes were on Eddie the moment he crossed the line of the VIP area. He could not care less. Eddie just crossed the room to the front to get a better view of the stage. He smiled at the sight of the gigant crowd waiting for you. The vip area was above the ground next to the stage and the Corroded Coffin front man was so freaking pleased to be there, cause at the moment you were up the stage, he could see your pretty figure: smiling in that beautiful outfit, mic in your hand, ready to rock.
And shit you give a hell of a show. That siren voice was like heaven in Munson's ears and that pretty dances were starting to drive him crazy. You were driving him crazy. He was sure you were born to do this. The people screaming your lyrics and reactin everytime you did something cute or even when you laughed of happines. Cause, c'mon, you're so cute. Sexy and cute. How could you be both? Was what Eddie thought during the whole set.
Ok, the rockstar was falling in love with the popstar.
But when Eddie looked at his watch he realized that he was running late to his own show.
Shit he needed to actully run. But he didn't want to do it. He wanted to stay... to talk to you.
"Hey" he shouted to one of your friends: Daisy Green, the country star that was your best friend. She looked at him with a tired face "can you tell her..."
"I tell her that you came and that you are asking her to see the end of your show and go to your dressing room" she took the words out of his mouth.
"Thanks!" He smiled at her and ran off in the opposite direction.
When you went to your backstage, you were hoping to see that wild curls somewhere. But Eddie wasn't there. the euphoria that took over your body at the end of the show was washing away.
Of course that he would't be there. He was busy, he probably was preparing for his set, he would not even want—
Your thoughts are interrupted by Daisy.
“He is waiting for you" she said rolling her eyes seeing your growing smile.
You see her next to her Mallory Grace, the biggest disco sensation , and one of your besties along with Daisy, givin' thumbs up.
Ok, you never ran as much as you did to get on the rock stage before Corroded show ended. Jumped all the staff and equipment. Legs were burning. That meant you cared? Not at all. Your goal was accomplished faster than expected when you heard the sound of one of the band's biggest hit from not so far away.  And when you hit the backstage, their manager was waiting for you, he guided you to the side of the stage, where you could see Eddie closer than ever.
The way he played that guitar was doin' things to you. Legs squeezing, heart beating fast and wet thoughts. His voice loud and deep, sweaty body and tongue stretched out. God he was hot.
When Eddie saw that pretty little thing still dressed in her show clothes at the left side, he couldn't hide the grinn on his face. So he gave a hell of a concert that would turn out to be the most iconic rock concert in the history of the festival... all cause of you.
So when it ended and Corroded team cheer them up for the amazing work. Eddie came towards you. Well he was trying to do so since he left the stage, but everybody was holding him back, but he shut them up, coming in your direction with the biggest smile ever.
Oh god. He was so pretty like that. Shirtless, wild hair, low waist leather pants and boots. Your heart was goin' to explode. But instead of exploding, you just grinned back at him, waiting for Munson to get close.
Eddie was hypnotized by your angel looks. So delicate and beautiful. It was his mind or he was sweating more than when he was playing?
Jesus, what he was going to say? Was he smelling good? Fuck, of course not. He needed a towel to dry himself a bit? But the guitarrist wanted to talk to you... but you are so gorgeous and untouchable, looking like a fairy. Shit.
Before you both realized, he was right in front of you.
"you came" he said mesmerized by the view.
"why would't i? Needed to be good for my husband" and Eddie was dead. How can you say something like that and expect him to be alright?
"Fuck, princess, you're killing me" and you couldn't help but giggle. The most pretty in his opinion.
Princess. You like that. Could get used to it.
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dixongrimesgirl · 3 months
Rickyl x fem!reader
Content Includes: angst, use of "slut", Alexandria era, pet names(babygirl, sweetheart), hurt, happy ending, suggestive themes
WC: 894
You and the rest of your group had just arrived at Alexandria and the leader, Deanna had decided to host a party welcoming you all. You and Daryl really didn't want to go but Rick convinced you and then if you had to go so did Daryl so here you were getting ready in one of the bathrooms. You felt silly dressing up like this in the middle of the apocalypse. You finished getting ready, emerging from the bathroom in a short, tight black dress with an extremely low neckline showing off your cleavage along with a pair of kitten heels and a little bit of makeup. Your hair was freshly washed and so were you. You spritzed on a bit of perfume before heading downstairs to join your boys.
You noticed Daryl dressed nicely in a blue shirt and jeans sitting on the couch. You look around noticing Rick isn’t there.
“Where’s Rick?” You ask.
“Already at Deanna’s” he replies looking you up and down.
“Ya sure ya wanna wear that?” He questions.
“Yeah, what’s wrong with it?” You ask hurt that he didn’t like the effort you put into your appearance.
“Nothin. Just a little revealing ain’t it?” He replies.
"What are ya saying?" you ask defensively.
"Nothin. Let's go." he says and you head out the door with him behind you.
You arrive at the party and beeline for the table full of drinks. You grab a cup and make your way through the crowds of people. Everywhere you turn is a new face greeting you as if this was just a normal party not some stupid thing in the apocalypse.
You end up in a corner and as you're looking for anyone from your group a guy that you recognise to be Deanna's son walks over to you.
"How are you liking it here?" he asks.
"It's nice. Different but nice" you reply stiffly hoping he'll get the message and leave you alone.
He continues talking and eventually, you zone him out locking eyes with Rick across the room. You don't even notice how Spencer's hand is on your shoulder.
"I should go. It was nice talking to you" you say with a curt nod.
He grabs your arm.
"Got two guys and yet ya gotta dress like that to get attention" he says.
"Let go of me," you say trying your best to sound stern and not scared.
"I could treat you so much better. Fuck ya right" he growls.
"Get away from me!" you say a little louder than you intended to. Immediately Rick and Daryl are by your side.
"She said leave" Rick growls as he glares down the man.
"Woah. Okay. You know where to find me if you change your mind" he says and walks away.
"This is why ya shouldn't dress like that." Daryl rasps.
"Like what?" you ask.
"Like a slut" Rick answers. Your eyes go wide and before you know it your running as fast as you can out of the house. Daryl and Rick try to follow you but Tara and Rosita who overheard everything stop them.
You end up at a small pond and that's when you collapse onto the ground below. Tears pour down your cheeks as you reply their words.
Slut. Is that really what they think of you?
You stay there for what feels like forever until you finally decide to head back to the house that your group was sharing. When you arrived most of the group was there. Daryl and Rick immediately walked over to you but you just pushed past them and went upstairs to change. You look at yourself in the mirror. Mascara-stained cheeks and red eyes. You remove your makeup and change into a baggy T-shirt and shorts.
You make your way downstairs and over to Tara. You lay down beside her and she doesn't question it. You look at her, tears threatening to spill and she pulls you in for a hug. You sniffle into her shoulder and she smooths your hair.
What you don't know is that Daryl and Rick feel terrible about what they said and you not sleeping next to them hurt.
You get no sleep that night and neither do they.
You get up before everyone else and head outside. Rick and Daryl notice and follow you.
You see them and are about to stand up to leave when Rick places a hand on your chest to stop you.
"Don't. Please. We're so sorry for what we said. We didn't mean it. You looked beautiful but we aren't okay with sharing you with anyone else. You meet his eyes and can tell that he is sincere. You then look over at Daryl and see that he feels the same way.
You grab your boys into a hug and start to cry.
"Don't cry, babygirl" Rick whispers.
"We have a little time before everyone else gets up" he suggests.
You pull back and look at them before nodding and before you know it your over Rick's shoulder and the boys are taking you inside the house and upstairs.
You end up in one of the bedrooms and Rick lays you down on the bed while Daryl locks the door shut.
"What do you want, sweetheart" Rick asks.
"Both of you. Now" you demand, which Rick and Daryl both laugh at.
"Anything for you" they both say in unison.
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