#and in normal dnd that’s fine of course!
stacy-fakename · 4 months
Rat Grinders:Don’t do anything to the Bad Kids until antagonized, and it’s later revealed that their bad actions were a result of being groomed by one of their teachers for years and then murdered and possessed.
Intrepid Heroes:Fuck you, sending you to hell and you can’t be revived.
#I love the Intrepid Heroes#but I feel like they’ve been confirmation biasing their way into dealing the Rat Grinders#just because Kipperlilly was a little bitchy after their response to her calmly introducing hersel was to be racist towards her#I love this season but it really is starting to feel like the season of missed points and lost potential#the bits are amazing#the fights are amazing#the NPCs are amazing#and the Intrepid Heroes are at the top of their game!#but I feel like they’ve repeatedly sacrificed the long term quality of the plot for bits and running gags#and in normal dnd that’s fine of course!#but this is a serialized tv show that you’re making for profit#idk if this made sense#but yeah#still one of my top seasons of D20#but the Rat Grinders especially have so much potential that has been missed#just for a running gag about how they suck#this is not meant to be hate btw! just constructive criticism of the show#I feel like the moment it all started missing for me was when Kristin signed up to be president#that whole scene just reeks of missed potential#Riz’ entire arc feels incomplete without it#same with Kipperlilly#and the whole mirror match thing is thrown off entirely#also Kristin being focused on the presidency means we lose out on a lot of her religion building arc#and her need to take on actual responsibility and do the “uncool shit#I love the season characters and players so much#but I can feel lighting in a bottle waiting just around the corner and I’m sad we missed it#dimension 20#fantasy high#fantasy high junior year#d20
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mik-arts · 1 year
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so, we fought a wild magic sorcerer where if you were within range when he got a spell off, we had to roll on the wild magic table, and it turned Flora blue 💀
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AITA for not wanting to play DnD with a teenager?
So I (22F) am in college and after classes I like to play DnD with four of my friends, Ricky (21M), Tara (21F) Lola (22F) and Julie (20F)
Well recently Tara's little sister Ashley (15F) has been hanging out at Tara's apartment, where we usually have our game sessions, after school. Like for about two weeks now. Tara says its because her mother got a new job and doesnt get off work until 7pm so Ashley stays at the apartment from 4pm till about 7:30pm when her mother comes to pick her up.
4 pm is when our game sessions start most of the time (depending on if any of us have night classes that day or not) which means we now have a literal child watching us play. And because of that Tara has asked that we tone down the game sessions to be more "appropriate" and we also cant get drunk until Ashley leaves (which is stupid because Julie is under 21 and we can drink around her just fine but whatever) frankly I didnt mind the constant audience since Ashley was far more interested in watching us play than watching TV or playing on Tara's switch.
Well apparently just watching wasnt good enough for the brat because when i got to Tara's apartment for a game, Ashley was sitting at our table, excitedly filling out a character sheet while chattering nonstop with Ricky and Lola (Julie wasn't coming this time she had the stomach flu)
I naturally asked what she was doing because she normally just watched. Ashley gave me a confused look and said that she was joining our game like we had apparently talked about in our groupchat the night prior. Ricky and Lola both backed her up and showed the groupchat.
I had seen the messages but I thought Tara was joking about adding a literal child that doesnt even have a learners permit to our game that we had been continuing for three months now. I naturally went to go confront Tara.
She said that I agreed to let Ashley join in and if I didn't want to play with her I could've just not come.
Is she fucking serious?
What kind of sane person would want to play with a literal child and its edgy as fuck character (like the character was a wolf necromancer dressed in all black with two random scars across its chest. You could smell the hot topic radiating from this cringefest)
Tara refused to listen to reason and instead insisted that Ashley can play just for tonight and if i didnt like it I could leave.
I had no choice to stay and play
It was so fucking miserable.
The brat was constantly making stupid mistakes and dragging the whole party down with her. We constantly had to stop so Ricky (our DM) could explain things that should've been obvious because Ashley was too stupid to actually figure it out. My character was having to bail her's out near constantly. It was getting to the point where I just wanted to legitimately slap Ashley. I didnt because Tara would absolutely murder me but oh the temptation was strong.
And the worst part? I was the only one who seemed to be upset that our game was being completely thrown off course. Ricky, Lola and Tara took all of Ashley's many many fuck ups in stride and actually seemed to be enjoying it.
I have no idea why, that game was a train wreck
After an hour of hell Ricky called it quits for the day.
Which was weird because we usually go well into the night most of the time. Once the game was over Tara grabbed me by the arm and led me to the kitchen.
She asked me what the hell my problem was because it was apparently MY fault the game went so poorly and not the literal child's.
So I let her have it.
I told her it was a stupid idea to let her dumbass sister play with us, that Ashley shouldnt be playing with adults and its stupid to expect us to bow to the whims of a fifteen year old. I told her I never wanted to play with stupid bitch ass of a sister ever again.
I left the apartment after that.
This morning I was removed from the groupchat and all my friends have blocked me
Except for Lola, who has been going off on me in dms all day, calling me a horrible person, transphobic, a bully and a bitch. Every name in the book. None of them are talking to me and Julie, who wasn't even there keeps calling me an asshole and says i should apologize
AITA? I dont think i did anything wrong but everyone else thinks I did
What are these acronyms?
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remuslupingf · 1 year
Dustin, whose your friend? II
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Eddie Munson x shy!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: fluff, shy reader, anxious reader, nice eddie, dnd
Part I
You hear Eddie before you see him. You just have time to give yourself a once over in the mirror before you open your door, and hop down the steps to your house. Eddies sat there in his van, waiting for you. When he sees you, he grins and jumps out. He runs to the passenger side to open the door for you.
“M’lady,” he says, while bowing you into the van. You smile and pat his head while climbing up into your seat.
Eddie had been teaching you how to play dnd and tonight was the first time you would partake in a real campaign. With real players. With people you know. You were beyond nervous.
“It's gonna be fine baby! They were all first timers once! And we never judged them or made fun of them. We're gonna have so much fun.” He says while smiling at you.
“Okay, if you say so.” You answer quietly. He takes your hand and kisses it, making you smile. He knew you could get in your head about things. That was fine, as long as he could bring you back out to him. Only he knew how to talk sense into you.
You arrived at the school, and he hopped out fast so he could get your door for you. He loved doing that. Being able to do things boyfriends do for their girlfriends. He was the kind of guy who took pride in being a real gentleman. Someone who you could brag about to your girlfriends. 
“Hey guys!’ You hear behind you. Of course Dustin is here early to set up. 
“Hey Dusty! Are you excited? The start of a new campaign should be pretty epic.” You gush to him, hoping that you don't sound like an idiot.
“I know! The guys and I are so excited you're gonna play with us. It's gonna be legendary.” Dustin smiles at you, while helping Eddie unload some of the equipment he would need for the campaign. Apparently Eddie has spent some money on some new props. 
You help them bring in the boxes to the drama room. What the hell was in here? They were so heavy. You set down your box as soon as Eddie had unlocked the door. You were starting to get more nervous than excited. What surprise did Eddie have in store? No one knew.
“HOLY SHIT” you hear Dustin yell. You whip around, to see him with an open box in front of him. Before you could think, Eddie was behind him, holding his hand to Dustin's mouth.
“Dammit henderson. You weren't supposed to open that. Do not tell anyone. Alright?” Eddie says, while slowly dropping his head.
Dustin slowly nods, mouth agape. “I won't tell, but how they hell did you pay for those?” he asks.
“Just renting them for the campaign, they gave me a deal too, they know Wayne.” Eddie says smugly.
You take a step closer, trying to sneak a peek at what is in the box. Before you get any closer, Eddie has you by the shoulders, spinning you around. “Let's go look over here angel, I’ll let you sit on my throne.”
Now that Dustin knew about the secret, he got to help set up the surprise and you had to wait in the hallway. Before you knew it, the other members started to show up.
“Hey! We didn't know you were staring tonight.” Garett said when he and Jeff walked up to the drama room.
Before you could reply, Jeff pointed to the door, “Is Eddie not here yet? I have a spare key so we can get in.” He says, starting to take his backpack off so he can grab the key.
“No! Eddie and Dustin are setting up a surprise so we have to wait for them to let us in.” You tell them. They lean on the wall with you, making small talk. Some more members showed up, while you and Garett explained why the door was closed.
The collective group were all curious and excited for what was to come. Some had guesses, none very realistic. You explained whatever it was, had fit into 5 cardboard boxes. Before the group could start theorizing, the door creaked open. The lights were off. That wasn't normal was it? You look at Garett and he looks just as confused as you feel.
He pushes the door the rest of the way open. There's a break in the dark light. A deep red is emanating from Eddie's throne. Suddenly the floor fills up with smoke, where the hell had Eddie gotten a smoke machine? But that wasn't it. Once everyone was through the door, a menacing sound came from unseen speakers. Holy shit. Is this what hellfire was always like? 
As the music rose, the lights got brighter, and Eddie stepped out from behind his throne. He was grinning like a maniac. Once he sat, everyone raced to their designated seats so they could start. You found an empty chair next to Dustin. You smiled at him and sat down, pulling out your folder that Eddie helped you work on. You were so excited to see what was going to happen. It was comforting that you had the help of your party.
Throughout the campaign, the music flows with the energy of the campaign. How had Eddie orchestrated this so perfectly? He was an amazing Dungeon Master. There came a point where your character was the only one who could save the party. This was up to you to save them. You stood at the end of the table, facing Eddie. You were shaking the D20 in your hands, praying that you got enough to take down the thessalhydra that had attacked your group. 
You looked around the table, at your friends who were counting on you. You looked at Eddie, who was staring at your hands. Usually he would stare down the saviour of the campaign, but he wanted you to do well. He needed you to. Because if you didn't, would you still want to go to hellfire permanently? 
You let go of the die, crossing your fingers. You couldn't look. What if it wasn't enough to save the party? Would the campaign be over? It would be all your fault. They'd never invite you back-
“FUCK YEAH” Garrett screams while everyone cheers and celebrates. You looked down. You had just taken down the monster, saving the party, and ending the progress of the campaign for the night. 
You stood there shocked, with your mouth open. You turn to look at Dustin, who is mirroring your expression. You both stare at each other. “FUCK YEAH” you both yell while putting your arms in the air. You did it!! Everyones cheering for you. The party has a group hug, with you in the middle. You get a glimpse of Eddie, who is smiling from ear to ear. 
After all the commotion had died down, the group rushed to Eddie, asking him if they could rent the lights, smoke machine, and speakers again for next week. Eddie pretends to think about it, before yelling out “Of course we can, are you kidding me? That's the best session we've ever had.”
The magic of the night had affected them all. They had all been playing for years, but this felt like dnd reinvented. It was like they all fell in love with it for the first time again. It was magic. And Eddie had created that. They worshiped him for it. 
Before you knew what you were doing, your feet carried you to Eddie's throne. You threw your arms over him and kissed him. Eddie was shocked. Was he that good that you kissed him in front of EVERYONE? He didn't think much more than that because his brain literally stopped working.
You broke apart, instantly getting shy. What did you just do? It was only your second date! What if he thought you were easy? Before you could think much more, Eddie pulled you in for another kiss. Pulling you out of your head and back to him. 
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ubernatural · 24 days
Due to the overwhelming majority of positive votes on my poll, this is a small snip of my as of now unnamed destiel fic. Please please please talk to me about how I can improve or what you liked about it <3
Cas was alone. Again. His roommate had fucked off, predictably, and left him to stew alone in their half unpacked room right before his first classes of the year. Normally, he’s fine being by himself. Thrives in it, really. But after the way he left things with his family, he’s craving human contact more than ever.
His parents will tell you he “ran away,” but, really, he just never told them he got accepted into KU. He just packed his bags, and left for the fall semester. He had been working jobs since he was fifteen and had saved every last cent of his pay, so he had some money to help with tuition. He also got one mean scholarship, so all he really needs are the books. But that won't stop his parents from calling him “selfish” and “entitled” when all he really wants is to live his life not being constantly squished into the image of the perfect son that hasn’t fit him in a long ass time.
It also doesn’t help that they are super religious and did not support him coming out as gay. They insisted it was a “phase” and “would pass.” But Cas had known for years that he was into men. He knew it before when he picked a girl in class to “like” just so he would fit in. He knew it in Senior year when Hannah, a girl in his school, invited him over to her house to study, or so he thought. She said she was going to change into something more comfortable and he figured that meant pajamas, but apparently that meant buck ass nude. He was embarrassed and, frankly, grossed out. He made a speedy exit, and avoided her for the rest of the year. His parents, Chuck in particular, kept asking him what ever happened to “that lovely Hannah girl.” Well, now they know why they never saw her again.
Pushing away the thought of his family, he rises from his bed to get ready. He throws on a pair of worn dark wash jeans, a black shirt, and pulls a battered gray zip-up over it all. He grabs the old messenger bag he was able to snatch from his father before he left, and fills it with the books he’s going to need today.
The walk to class was pretty uneventful. It was a nice day, and Cas only got lost once. He quickly asked for directions, and was relieved that he wasn’t even that far off course.
He was still pretty proud of himself when he got to the lecture hall. It was relatively full, but not so that it was hard to find a seat. He ended up picking one close to the middle next to a small redhead with glasses. They shared a polite smile before she reached her hand out for him to shake. “Hey there. I’m Charlie.”
Cas tentatively grasped her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Hello, Charlie. My name is Castiel.”
“Oh, that’s so cool! I might have to steal it for my new DnD character,” she playfully shoots back.
“Yes, well, you would be too late considering it’s already the name of mine.” His lips tick up in a smile as he sees her face brighten.
“Dude, you should totally come over and play sometime! I’ve only got one other friend who plays, and his younger brother who’s usually our DM.” Her eyes widen a fraction before she continues frantically, “I mean, obviously you don’t have to, and this is kinda weird since we know basically nothing about each other and-”
“I would love to join you, Charlie.” He cuts off her rambling before she can talk herself out of his invite.
Her face splits into a wide grin, and she’s beaming again. “Did we just become besties?” she asks.
“Yes, I believe we did,” Cas amusedly answers.
The Queen: handmaiden, come quick
emergency dnd meet in my room
and bring the good popcorn
Dean gets the text as he’s finishing his last class for today. He’s pretty drained from all of the “introduce yourself” and “get to know you” chats that he was forced into all day. The sun’s setting, and all he really wanted was to curl up in bed and maybe watch Tombstone for the millionth time. But he loves Charlie, and he can’t refuse his queen. He shoots off a text saying he’ll be right there, and heads for his room to get the requested snack.
Ten minutes later, he’s standing outside Charlie’s dorm with the half cheesy, half caramel popcorn that she likes. He knocks once and is utterly unprepared for what he sees when he lets himself in.
“Hey, Charles-”
He stops in his tracks as he takes in the scene. Charlie and some guy are sitting on the floor as Charlie is very animatedly ranting about something or another and the guy is just sitting there, softly but excitedly smiling at her. Upon second glance, the guy is hot. He’s wearing a shirt that hugs his shoulders perfectly and matches his messy black curls. The guy also has a straight nose and full lips. When he looks up at Dean, he’s struck by just how blue his eyes are. Blue enough to drown in. Shut up, brain.
Their impromptu staring contest is interrupted by Charlie springing up from her spot on the floor and practically yanking him all the way inside the room. “Dean,” she says, “this is Castiel. We have English together and he mentioned he plays DnD, so I invited him over to see if we could coerce you and Sam into getting a game started.” He raises a quizzical brow and her responding look says “just go with it.”
“Uh, hey, man,” he says, transferring the nearly forgotten bag of popcorn under his left arm, reaching the other out for the guy to shake.
“Hello, Dean.” And damn, if he hadn't thought this guy was hot before, he definitely thinks so now. His voice is whiskey smooth yet still has a gargling gravel quality to it. His handshake is strong, too. And just as he realizes that fact, he also recognizes that he’s held this guy's hand for a beat too long and was staring again.
He clears his throat and extracts his hand, trying to control the flush he’s feeling. Judging by the small smirk on this Castiel guy’s face, he’s failed miserably.
Turning back to Charlie, resolutely ignoring the self satisfied smile on her smug little face, he extracts the popcorn from under his arm and offers it to her with a small bow. “M’lady,” he recites.
“Why thank you, handmaiden,” she says liltingly, and pats him on the head.
“Anything for you, my queen,” he says as he straightens.
He throws a glance back over at the guy, who is doing a comically adorable squint-tilt of confusion. He sniggers a little to himself. Where did Charlie find this guy? “So, Cas,” he starts, “are you a sweet or salty kind of guy?”
The squint deepens until the whole look smoothes out. “Well, I prefer sweet to salty snacks, if that’s what you’re asking. Although I do believe that opinion is almost entirely based off of my older brother sharing his sugar addiction with me.” His face turned contemplative and almost yearning.
“Well, that’s good since that half and half crap she has me pick up is more 70-30 on carmel to cheese. Now it works out,” he grins, “you two can split the 70 and I’ll get the 30 all to myself.”
“That’s… agreeable.”
His smile widens much more than the comment earned, but he can’t help it. He’s swooning and the man only said two words. “Great, I’ll get Sammy on the phone. Charles, why don’t you and Cas set up the game?”
Sam picks up on the third ring, predictably still awake and not trying to ignore his big brother. “Hey, Dean. How did your first day go?”
“Ah, it was alright, Sammy. Met some people, found some classes, nothing real eventful until now.”
“Until now? What does that mean?” He sounds equal parts concerned and cautious.
“Nothing bad, you can relax. Charlie found herself a new bestie, and we were just wonderin’ if your dungeon master skills could be brought out for a quick game.”
There’s a large sigh on the other end of the phone before he inevitably relents. “Fine. Put me on speaker, I’ll go get my notes.”
“Yes, Sammy!” he shouts excitedly “This is why I love you.” He puts his phone on speaker and flashes a thumbs up at the other two in the room who had looked up at his outburst.
“There’s gotta be more reasons than that, jerk,” Sam replies petulantly.
“Why don’t you come over here and find out, bitch,” he throws back.
There's grumbling and shuffling on the phone, and Dean grins triumphantly, even though the comeback didn't make much sense. “Ok,” Sam pauses, “am I on speaker?”
“Yeah. Hi, Sam!” comes Charlie’s reply.
“Hi, Char. And, uh, hi, Charlie’s new bestie?”
“Hello, Sam. My name is Castiel. It is good to speak with you.” Dean could listen to Castiel read an organic chemistry textbook and never get bored.
“Hello, Castiel. It’s nice to meet a fellow nerd,” Sam jokes.
Cas laughs and if Dean likes his voice, he loves his laugh. He could bottle it up and get drunk on it each night. God, when did he turn into such a sap?
They stay on the phone with Sam through a two hour adventure that he found lying in his notes. Afterwards, it’s pretty late, but they stick around and chat for a bit. They find out some random things about Cas, like, he’s 20 (just a year younger than Dean), his favorite animal is a bee (”But that’s not an animal, Cas, It’s an insect.” “And insects are a type of animal, Dean.”), he has one older brother, and apparently is in a band.
“No way, dude! That’s so cool! What do you play?” Charlie practically bounces off of her perch on the edge of her bed in excitement.
“Well, I play guitar, but I also sing, sometimes.” He shrugs, “We’re very flexible with who takes the lead, though. It usually comes down to who wrote the song and what they want to do with it.” He then smiles shyly, “Then again, most of the songs are mine as well, with more than a few written by my friend, Meg.”
Charlie nearly chokes on her own spit. “Wait, Meg, as in Meg Masters?”
The squint-tilt is back. “Yes. Megara Masters. Do you know her?”
Charlie scoffs, “Know her? No. Know of her? Hell yes. What kind of lesbian would I be if I didn't know the hottest gay in school?”
“Hey,” Dean protests, “the hottest gay is obviously that Aaron guy.”
She reached over and gently laid her hand on his cheek, “Oh, sweetie,” she said pleasantly, “you keep telling yourself that.” She pats his cheek lightly before she withdraws her hand. The whole exchange leaves Cas more than a little confused.
The topics ebb and flow however it wants, and soon they’re debating the merits of each Hogwarts house.
“I don’t care what either of you buffoons have to say, I gotta back my girl Harmionie,” Charlie yells.
“We’re not talking about characters, Char, We’re talking about the house itself!” Dean yells back.
“But if we were talking about characters,” Cas chimes, “That would give Hufflepuff a point because of Sedric.”
“Oh, yea?” Charlie snaps. “And where’s Sedric now, Cas? That's right, he’s dead,”
Dea narrows his eyes, “That was a low blow, Char.” No one disrespects Sedric and gets away with it.
Cas is about to speak, presumably to come to Dean’s aid, when his phone chimes. “Oh dear,” he says.
“What is it, Cas?” Dean asks as nonchalantly as he can, but if the look Charlie shot at him is anything to go by, it didn't work very well.
He laughs breathily at his phone and begins tapping away, speaking distractedly as he goes. “It looks like it’s much later than I thought, and Gabriel seems to have been trying to contact me for quite some time now.” He bites his lip thoughtfully before he starts typing again. Dean tries not to let his gaze snag on the gesture.
“If you gotta go, man, that’s cool,” Dean relents.
“Yeah,” Charlie chimes, “we should all probably get some sleep, anyways.”
“Yes I think I might do just that,” Cas answers. Just then his phone starts buzzing in his hand. “I have to take this, but it was lovely meeting both of you, and I hope we can possibly do this again sometime?”
“Of course, dude,” Charlie answers and goes in for a hug. Cas is a bit awkward, but he’s smiling, so it can’t be too bad. “We nerds gotta stick together!” she declares.
Dean sticks his hand out for Cas to shake. It’s firm and strong and lasts a little bit longer than a normal handshake, but Dean’s probably just imagining that. He also probably imagined when Cas’ eyes seemed to flick down to his lips. He had to have imagined it. No way would this guy be interested in a sack like Dean.
Cas seems to come back to himself abruptly when his forgotten phone starts buzzing again. He answers swiftly with a sort of fond and annoyed look that belongs to most younger brothers. “Gabriel, ya kak raz sobiralsya pozvonit'. Chto vam nuzhno?” He casually shoots them a wave, and closes the door on his way out.
Dean and Charlie are left staring after him in shock. Was that Russian?
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pinkrifle · 1 year
hear me out
reader is a girl n she meets princess kenny and she knows it’s just kenny, a guy but she constantly battles her sexuality over it—but eventually giving in and asking princess kenny out on a date, disregarding gender,, :3c this is gnn be a series cuz “ i aint writing allat” and nobody’s gnna read an entire 3 pages worth of this (realistically)
— tags: @trevvylovesspence
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— ✦ heart to heart ♡
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i stepped up to kingdom Kupa Keep to meet the newfound princess, princess kenny—never expecting her to be so majestic, beautiful, stunning, adorable.. what other words could i possibly use to describe this girl? it only makes sense how she was selected princess. boy do these people have taste,,
i started to play this new game with my class and my best friends, stan, kyle, cartman and kenny. so far i find it nice! i mean it’s kind of a better DND. but not for super-nerds. just regular nerds.
walking up to the *very beautiful* majesty i bow my head down slightly towards her, making sure i never took my eyes off (who would want to anyway :3) “hello, dear princess kenny!!” i greet her, smiling at her—fixing my hair to make sure i don’t look like a bum in-front of this adorable babe. “huhu! hello! i understand you know my name, but yours is?”
“ooh! im [namey name ;3] im sure evryone has told you, but your so elegant!” i remind her, staring into her beautiful deep purple eyes. i notice her brush off her dress, scoff and a tiny blush spread across her hooded face. “wh- well thank you! i actually don’t get that a lot, so i appreciate that :)” she retorts in an even softer tone from her normal confident and wavy voice, cupping her left cheek with her left hand.
“[namey name], why don’t you come over to my palace for some tea, if you wish?” princess kenny proposes a brilliant idea, i assume that’s a regular thing <3 “of course! i would be more than happy to spend an afternoon with Kupa Keep’s princess. :3” i silently-shriek out loud, watching all the people of the fellow kingdom stare at me in envy. “well for now, why don’t we take a walk?”
her big eyes bat her eyelashes and before i can answer wit an exaggerated yes she carefully gets up off of her throne, taking my hand in her soft, gloved, hand. i stare at her in awe and start gliding my feet along with hers across the ol backyard we stood in, i feel amazing with princess kenny with me.
it’s something i havent felt before, is it a lovely envy? is it admiration? it can’t be love, no way,, i just met this girl! i remind myself. the word girl stains my mind… girl girl girl girl. why am i feeling like this if we’re both girls? you know what.. that’s the least of my concerns, as far as i know it’s just kenny, not a real girl.
but why am i upset that he isn’t a “real girl”? i thought that if i let myself realize princess kenny was really a boy, my worries would set aside, but i only got more and more upset, confused :( i stare at the ground as i feel my body tug—“[namey name] is everything alright? what was with that sudden stop is the weather too cold?” she questions me, cara mia! how i love hearing her say my name. it’s like angels have come down from heaven and had graced me with their voice.
“oh, yeah i’m alright!i just had to think about a little something for a sec, we can continue now &lt;3” i reassure her, telling her she had nothing to worry about and i was fine with walking with her, hell i knew so well i was more than fine walking with her. “well i hope that something wasn’t making you upset! we can always do something else if you wish, you are the guest after all :)” she stops me in the middle of the sidewalk, taking my forearms into her hands—staring at me with innocent eyes. “wha?! of course not! but i would be open to do anything you want to!” i bluff. it was practically love at first sight with this girl! i couldn’t tell her how i feel right now..
as we keep walking we chat up a storm, playfully grabbing each others hands, giggling, blushing, looking away.. <;3 “huhu— [namey name]! such a flirt! who would have known a lady like you could be so charming!” she’d compliment me from time to time, making my cheeks heat up. “well look at you! who wouldn’t wanna charm such an eye candy of a prin,,,,” i’d wanna retort, but get cut off by elves swarming infront of us. “GET THE PRINCESS FIRST” i hear one of them yell, without a thought in mind i swoop princess kenny off her feet, bridal style and begin darting down the way we came.
picking up the pace i take my wand out of a pocket in my cloak and cast some spell at the top of my head, it knocks the elves back and i keep running with the maiden. huffing and almost out of breath i get back to Kupa Keep and alert the people that elves were coming to wreak havoc. setting the princess down behind a rather large tree as i hide with her i assume someone’s keeping watch of the stick. i yell to everyone that sit infront of us, rather far away from our hiding spot that the elves are coming.
“oh thank you, thank you [namey name]! for i could have gotten much more than hurt back there,,” she clamors, very faintly shaking with some sort of fear. “we’re gonna be alright princess, i promise you. these slimy elves can do nothing to your glowing kingdom.” i hesitate to say your, as i want to say our. but how could i be thinking of love in a striking time like this? who wouldn’t wanna think of loving a beautiful princess in a striking time like this.
as i hear one final shriek before the backyard goes silent, i look at princess kenny as she looks back at me. i nod and smile as i hold her even tighter, emerging from the tree. watching as a final elf gets dragged out, i set princess kenny down and we cheer in unison as everyone else in the kingdom follows along. princess kenny settles everyone down as she takes a hand and places it in my direction.
“everyone, i don’t think we would have gotten this done as fast as we did without the help of my lovely mage, [namey name].” she announces, and everyone looks at me as i have a short smile on my face, waving out to the kingdom.
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UHHH THSI IS PART 1 MUEHEHE… I HOPE UUY GUYS ENJOYED!! i am so excited i finally got yhis out YIPEEEE
update log (u can ignore idk)
pdate one [writing]: 11:38 pm 6/4/23
upd8 two [finishing, publishing] 1:47 pm 7/4/23
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metalmonki · 9 months
The Dating Odyssey: Eddie
Eddie Munson/Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Jim Hopper/Jonathan Byers x fem!reader
3.5k word count
fluff, idiot reader, reader who can't say no, choose your own adventure-ish
Part 1 / Steve's Ending / Jim's Ending / Billy's Ending / Jonathan's Ending
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That night you had a fitful sleep. You couldn’t stop thinking about who you would choose and how you were supposed to let the other guys know you weren’t interested. You gave up trying to get any decent sort of sleep at 4am. You instead choose to hop up and get ready for work. You showered, dressed, had breakfast and your morning coffee and waited for the time to roll around for you to go to work. When they time finally rolled around you collected all the essays Carol left you to mark and packed them into your bag. A smile playing on your face. You couldn't wait to see her reaction when all her students got A's it was also a great distraction to the current situation. You grinned as you made the quick walk from your apartment to your car. The whole drive to Hawkins High you kept glancing over your bag. If Eddies plan worked and this landed Carol in hot water you would have to find a way to thank him. When you reached the school you quickly grabbed your bag and hurried through the doors. You had not taken 5 steps inside when you were stopped by a voice behind you.
“Ah Miss y/l/n just who I wanted to see”
“Of Principle Higgins sir how can I help you?” You turned around facing him
“I need you to cover Miss Perkins English classes today she has come down sick and can't make it”
“Oh I would be delighted to sir” You smiled a little too excited
“Okay well her classes rotate with yours so you should be fine let me know if you need any help” Principle Higgins walked off towards his office
Taking Carols classes meant you weren't going to be leaving early today like a normal Monday but at least you could pull off Eddies plan without Carol knowing until it was way, way too late to change anything. You were so going to have to track him down after school let out to tell him though, he was going to freak out. You headed off to your classroom to begin setting up for the day. You knew you were going to need to use your time this morning as well as recces and some of lunch to make sure all the classes went smoothly. The bell rang at 8:30 and most of the students filled into your room. Actually it was almost all of the students except of course the usual suspects Lucas, Dustin, Mike, Will and Max. About 5 minutes into your lesson the classroom door slammed open and all 5 of them came crashing into the class tripping over each other, yelling and screaming.
“Oh hay y/n, uh sorry we're late we all kinda slept in” Dustin spoke up
“You all slept in? I find that hard to believe” You crossed your arms trying to be serious but at the same time wanted to laugh at them
“Yeah, we were playing DnD at Eddies trailer like all day yesterday and it got super late so Eddie let us stay because his a really nice guy like that and anyway as I said he let us stay overnight and we all really slept in and it's like extremely difficult to wake Eddie up cause he sleeps almost completely naked and none of us really wanted to go wake him so we had to flip a coin and Mike lost but he was way to much of a wuss to go into Eddies room so...”
“Dustin, Dustin, ssh just take a seat and see me after class, way to much information dude geez” it took all your strength not to laugh and the image of an almost naked Eddie wasn't helping either.
The party apologised and took their seats while you resumed the lesson. Today's lesson was a practical lesson. After you re-explained the instruction everyone broke off into their lab groups to do the experiment. Many of the other students where whispering amongst each other about Dustin using your first name and the casualness between the group and you. The obvious concern was if their all friends with the teacher does that mean the teacher will give them an easy pass. But just because they were your students and you guessed your friends doesn't mean they were going to get an easy pass. Senior science passed quickly but before you could move on to Eddies plan you needed to speak with Dustin and the others. The group remained seated and waited for all the other students to file out of the classroom before saying anything.
“Hay we're really sorry for being late to class it wont' happen again” Mike spoke up when the last student left the class
“I don't care about that” You said “Just try not to make me almost burst out laughing in front of my class again”
“We can do that” Lucas smiled
“Great whose class do you have next?”
“Carols english class” Dustin rolled his eyes
“Oh sweet so I'm teaching her class today so I won't have to write you guys a note, I just have one quick guestion”
“Sweet best teacher her” Max cheered
“Whats your question?” Mike asked
“Where does Eddie live?”
“He has the trailer across from Max out at the trailer park” Will spoke up
“We're headed out to Max's after school if you want us to show you?” Dustin offered
“Yeah sure I'll drive yous but uh someone may need to sit on the floor or the back seat will be very crowded”
“Oh Eddies going to pick us up so we can split between the cars” Dustin said
“I am so going with y/n I am not getting in the back of Eddies van again” Max said
The kids slung their bags over there shoulders and you all began walking in one large group to the next class room. Once they were seated you retrieved the large pile of essays from your bag. As you called the roll you had them come up and collect their essays. Whispers broke out all over the classroom as students started to realise they all got As. You had a small giggle at their excitement before calming them down and explain the class for the day. It was simple read the next few chapters in the book they had been reading and answer a simple question for homework or they could do it during class if they had time. When the recces bell range you were super excited about the rest of the day and how the rest of the students would react to their As. Recces was spent preparing for your next science lesson and picking chapters and questions for the next 2 English classes. The science lesson went by in a blur due to your excitement to get to the next English lesson. You may have been more excited and moved faster then your students when the bell rang to signal the end of class. Normally this is the point of the day where you would be headed to the staff room to finalize your paperwork for the day so you could leave at lunch time. But instead you had 3 more English classes all of which you decided to keep simple. Read the chapters answer the question. Most of Carols students wouldn't be taking home homework tonight if they worked fast enough. You took a seat at the teachers desk called for silence and began calling names and handing out essays. Just like before the As were met with excited whispers. Rinse and repeat until the last bell of the day sounded. A smirk broke out on your face as you raced to pack your bag and get out of there for the day. When you entered the hallway you were met with a commotion.
“Excuse me! Coming through! Move people move!” Dustin's voice rang out down the hall
Soon the group of misfit teens stood before you Dustin in the lead.
“You lot ready to go” You laughed
“Been ready to leave since I walked in this morning” Dustin threw him arms around in over exaggerated movements
“Great I just need to drop some stuff in the office and we'll be good to go if someone wants to go let Eddie know the plans” You looked between the kids
“I'll go” Dustin said running off
You shook your head at the boy and started towards the office with the others trailing behind you. They all apparently wanted to go in your car because they didn't trust Eddies driving, not to mention his van didn't have any seats in the back. You made your way quickly to the office, dropped all your paperwork on your desk and left before anyone could pull you up. You quickly made your way to the school parking lot the group still chatting away behind you. They always seemed to have something to chat about. You'd even noticed them passing letters in class but you never pulled them up on it because the always done there work and it didn't really seem like much of a distraction. You opened the doors to the parking lot to find Eddie conveniently parked next to your car. Dustin had already climbed into Eddies van and was impatiently yelling at you all out the window. You and the kids basically jogged over to your car. You opened up the car from them before quickly turning to Eddie who was standing patiently beside his van.
“Hay Munson” You smiled
“Hay y/l/n did the plan work?” Eddie had an evil smirk
“Thats for me to know and you to find out, now get in that death trap and lead the way” You laughed climbing into your car.
Eddie quickled climbed into his van and roared the engine to life. He speed out of the parking lot, leaving you to curse and try to speed to keep up with him. The last thing you needed was a speeding ticket or worse to be pulled over by the sheriff. But you made it to the trailer park without incident. Eddie brought his van to a stop outside what you guessed to be his trailer. You pulled up alongside the van. The teens immediately started falling over each other to get out of the car. Once out they ran screaming at each other to a trailer almost directly across from the one you were park outside of.
“I'm guessing that's Max's place?” You said to Eddie
“It sure is, and this is my castle” Eddie stretched his arms out while looking at his trailer “So sweetheart is there a reason you wanted to know where I lived?” Eddie smirked at you
“Oh well I wanted to come tell you how your plan worked out”
Eddie motioned to the front door of the trailer. He went first holding open the front door like a gentleman. Someone had really raised this man right. You stepped into Eddie trailer and couldn't help but look around. You found yourself stood in Eddies open lounge and kitchen area. The walls where decorated with mugs and caps. His uncle Wayne's he told you when he noticed you look. He guided you down the hallway that stood just off the kitchen. The hallway was small and had only two other doors in it. One lead to a tiny bathroom and the other was Eddie's room. And it was exactly what you thought Eddies room would look like. The guitar he played the other night hung on the wall next to a mirror that was almost covered in everything heavy metal. He had heavy metal band posters on the walls and a recorder player with a large pile of records and cassettes next to it. The room was a messy, the bed unmade. It truly matched the man that lived in it.
“I thought you said your Uncle lived here too?” You said
“Oh he sleeps on the couch, his never really home anyway his always working” Eddie shrugged “Now how did our plan go?”
You gave Eddie a big grin before jumping at him. Eddie despite being taken by surprise was able to react fast enough to catch you wrapped his arms under you butt to hold you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
“It worked perfectly Eds!” You giggled “And guess what Carol wasn't even there today so she had no idea what's just happened”
“Yeah Henderson wouldn't shut up about his A” Eddie chuckled
You stopped giggling and moved back from Eddie. He placed you gently on the floor but kept you in his arms. One of his hands came up to move a stray hair away from your face. Before you could react his lips where on yours. The kiss was full of love and passion. You found your hands moving back around Eddies neck and coming to a rest in his wild curly hair. His arms where wrapped around you waist holding you firmly against him. You never wanted that kiss to end. There was something in that kiss, something that seemed to make your decision for you. Your heart wanted Eddie but your brain was screaming at you that you couldn't go into a relationship with Eddie built on lies. You needed to tell him about the other dates. Steve was right they all deserved to know. You broke the kiss. You pulled back and looked up at Eddie.
“I'm sorry I couldn't help myself” Eddie blushed
“No Eddie I'm sorry” You sighed looking down to the carpet not wanting to face the man in front of you. The man whose heart you were probably about to shatter.
“You've done nothing wrong” Eddie placed a finger under your chin forcing you to look up at him.
“I lied to you Eddie” Your eyes started to fill with tears.
“Lied? About what?” Eddie tried to chuckle
“I did go on a date with Jonathan” You said “And with Steve”
“Shit, shit, shit” Eddie put his hands on his head and turned away from you
“I'm sorry Eds, I also went on a date with Billy and Hop over the weekend too” Might as well give him the whole picture you thought
“4 other dates, Jesus Christ!” Eddie was trying to keep his voice down but he was now pacing his room “I...I need time to think”
Eddie took off out of his trailer leaving you alone. You heard his van roar to life. The sound tear your heart to shreds. You fought back the tears that were about to fall and left Eddies trailer. You walked across the road to Max's trailer. You could see the teens peeking out a window clearly interested in what was happening between you and Eddie. But when they seen him speed off and you come walking out on your own they quickly ducked away from the window clearly not wanting to get caught. You knocked on the door of Max's trailer and she was super quick to answer.
“Oh y/n your still here” Max tried to act like she hadn't just seen you walk across the road from Eddies
“Yeah, uh, I'm actually about to head off and just wanted to see if anyone here needed a lift home” You said trying to sound happy
“No we're good here, Steve and Nancy where going to give us all lifts home” Dustin called out
“No problems, see you at school tomorrow” You called back
You waved to Max and made your way back to your car. You made the drive back to your apartment slow. So slow in fact that you got pulled over by none other then the sheriff himself. You cursed silently to yourself and wiped at the tears that had stained your face. You pulled the car over safety, Hop pulling in close behind you. Hopped climbed out of his car and walked towards your face head down not paying attention writing something in a note book. He only looked up when he got to your car.
“You do realise you were driving way below the speed limit right?” He said looking up “y/n what are you doing all the way out here?”
“Breaking hearts apparently” You sniffled
“Oh hay honey what's the matter?” Hop opened your car door and kneeled down beside you
“I just told Eddie Munson that I went on dates with not only him but you and 3 other guys this weekend” You spilled out before you could stop your self.
“Oh well that's impressive” Hop chuckled
“Your not mad”
“Oh I'm fricken' furious” Hop stood up “But ain't much I can do about it, just try to go the speed limit” Hop slammed your door a little too hard before walking back to his patrol car.
You sat in silence for a few minutes gathering your thoughts before starting on your way back home. Just as you pulled into your parking spot out the front of your building it started to pour down. Just what you needed you thought. The weather was just as miserable as you. You sat in your car and watched the rain run down the windscreen. You left your umbrella inside and you really didn't feel like getting wet. The plan was to wait for a break in the rain then make a run for it. You sat in your car for almost an hour with no signs of the rain stopping. It was then that you spotted a familiar mop of curly hair. Except the usually wild bouncy curl's where now soaked and flat clinging to the face of their owner. Eddie Munson was running through the rain and right to your door. He didn't see you sitting in the car. Instead he ran straight past and under the small amount of cover the front awning of your building provided. He rang the buzzer for your apartment and waited. You sat in shock, your brain racing to process what your eyes were seeing. Eddie pressed your buzzer a few more times but when there came no answer he dropped his shoulders and walked back out into the rain. You couldn't let him leave, you needed to apologise for everything, you needed to try to make things right. In one swift movement you were out of the car and standing on the side walk. Eddie had his back to you, walking slowly away.
“Eddie!” You shouted
Eddie spun on his heels. He jogged back over to you while you stood frozen in the rain. It was like a scene from a sappy romantic movie.
“You didn't answer the door” Eddie said coming to a stop in front of you
“I was sitting in my car” You said pointing to your car
“Look y/n I'm so sorry for everything” Eddie grabbed your hands “I love you, you drive me crazy in all the best ways, I want to be with you, I want to be yours and only yours forever, I spoke to Steve, Jonathan and Billy, I told them what you did and I told them I wouldn't force you to pick and they shouldn't either. It should be up to you. I don't know why you choose to go on so many dates, I don't know if you even liked any of us to begin with, I don't know if you love me as much as I love you, or if you want to be with me or if you've chosen someone else. All I do know is I couldn't let you go without tell you exactly how I feel”
You didn't know how to responded to Eddies speech. You didn't think there was any words good enough to say to something like that, so you did the one thing you knew would get across what you were feeling. You wrapped your arms around Eddie neck and pulled him into a kiss. Something Eddie accepted without delay. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you flush against him. Your lips moved perfectly together like two pieces of a puzzle. You were both completely soaked by this point but neither of your cared. Anyone walking past would think you were trying to completely every romantic cliché ever invented. You eventually pulled apart trying to fill your lungs with much needed air. Eddie smiled down at you still holding you in his arms. This all felt so right. You knew you found the one for you.
“Do you want to come inside and have a hot shower?” You asked
“That would be wonderful it's freezing out here” Eddie laughed as you ran to the front door of youe apartment.
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Halloween with Eddie
Eddie takes Halloween very seriously. From the second those first leaves of the year start falling from the trees, he’s ready to go. As his girlfriend, you have the honor of partaking in what amounts to a month-long celebration of all things spooky with him. 
Normally, he’s not much of a planner, but he’ll carefully create a schedule to fit in all of his favorite activities during the month of October. 
First is of course decorating, which happens promptly on October 1st (or, if Wayne allows it, sometimes even earlier). The Munson’s don’t have a ton of decorations, but Eddie finds a way to make the most of what they do have (when you two move into your own place, he’ll definitely become the kind of person that goes all out building super intricate scenes in your front yard every year). The pumpkin patch is also a must, so you can pick out some good carving pumpkins. Eddie always comes up with some elaborate design for his. A creature from DND or a metal band logo. It takes a lot of work, but it always comes out looking incredible. 
Obviously, Haunted Houses are a favorite. Eddie likes to play big and tough, promising that it’s not scary, he’ll protect you, until something actually pops out at him, which will undoubtedly elicit a terrified shriek. If you mention it to him afterwards, he’ll insist that he totally wasn’t scared. Speaking of being scared, horror movie marathons are a big tradition, too. You love that particular activity, if only because it gives you an excuse to cuddle up to him extra tight if something “scary” happens. 
When it comes to dressing up, Eddie doesn’t mess around. This year, the two of you decide on a couples costume of Aragorn and Arwen, and Eddie makes it his mission to create the best Lord of the Rings themed costumes Hawkins has ever seen. You two end up finding generic knight and princess costumes, which will simply not do for Eddie. He spends hours with paint and sponges reworking the plastic armor so that it looks appropriately battle worn. He convinces some friends in the drama department to hook you up with prosthetic elf ears and hand makes you a circlet out of wire and a cool gemstone he found by the quarry. Not a lot of people fully understand the reference, but even they have to agree you two look awesome. 
Once the festivities are over, your Aragorn takes you to bed, and the two of you spend the night cuddling. He can’t actually offer you Gondor and Arnor, but snuggled up next to him, you think his room in the trailer will do just fine. 
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
So I've been having random thoughts and ideas (as one normally does, except most of those get scrapped 5 minutes later), and I think I finally found a concept that I can share here.
Now hear me out: A YGO college AU, but with a twist. It's a funny little game club- however, instead of starring the protagonists...
...it's all about the main antagonists.
History major Bakura, who founded the club just to play Capsule Monsters, and ended up with a group of weirdos after several Duels and DnD campaigns and nights of wailing about assignment deadlines. His sharp and creepy demeanor tends to be offputting, but it belies a lonely nerd who only knows how to communicate his feelings through a round of games.
Goth guitarist Yubel, the one nobody knows anything about other than their banger heavy metal music and penchant for weird humor. Rumor has it they've been held back for several years now, but given their oddly low profile, nobody can say anything for sure. Pretty chill player for the most part... but lord help you if you destroy anything on their field by card effect in a Duel.
Engineering alumnus Z-ONE, who has never ever said his real name in the club, and acts very much like a grandpa despite only being 29 (which earned him the affectionate title of Peepaw). You'd think someone of his occupation would be well-studied in their interests and hobbies, but the poor man loses 8/10 Duels simply because he refuses to change his Deck out of sentimentality. Power of promises made to late friends, or something like that.
Security officer Don Thousand, real name Adonis, father of seven and saltier than the dead sea can ever be. This man holds so much spite it's actually impressive, and his only proper vent for it is playing card games with weird teens when his shift ends. He tends to wear a perpetual scowl when out and about -that would explain his generally unapproachable vibe- and yet, for some inexplicable reason, he seems to be a lot less gloomy when it's time to visit the club. Quite curious, indeed.
Fine arts major Zarc, the one theatre kid of all time. Don't let the sweet smile fool you; the guy has an uncanny affinity for villain impressions, and he puts it to good use in all games- with a dash of dramatic flair, of course. That said, this is the same kid who goes all sparkly-eyed if one mentions even a peep of card lore in his vicinity, and melts into an excited little puddle whenever a new set or lore book is released. Thus is the duality of the Supreme King, apparently.
Computer science major Ai, the shiny new freshman on the block, who works at the college cafeteria and already has a (secret) fan club. His natural charisma is just about enough to cover for his crippling lack of social intelligence, and so it comes as a surprise to most that he's a huge tabletop game nerd, despite not looking the part one bit. Please don't tell him that Master Rule 4 was a mistake, though. He literally Will Not Shut Up until he proves you squarely wrong.
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twistedroseytoesy · 2 years
Could I request Vil and Scarabia with a necromancer reader?
Of course! This is a fun idea! Love me a good dnd necromancer! Going to have them be a normal human with some cool powers.
an unfortunate accident happened when you had been casting an ancient spell that you had found in a lich's tome. A mispronounced word or a missing ingredient maybe, but now you found yourself being pulled out of a floating coffin by a strange cat monster. You easily used held person on the creature and learned where you were transported to. uou enjoy the different magic system in this world and how they too have limits. This blot is a fascinating topic for you. You learn of idias connection to it and are fascinated by the non human/cursed folks of the school. Your magic is very different but luckily you still had your spell book so you could participate in just about everything anyone else could. Despite your magic the mirror could not place you saying your magic was similar to a void a deep darkness that requires its own house. Many are wary of you and your dark aura and the rumors of you raising the dead to do your errands.
Kalim: this ray of sunshine balances out your dark aura. You two are opposites get work together surprisingly well. He teaches you lighter forms of magic and tries to help you stay away from darker more deadly magics if he can. His whole mentality is that you’re really cool and that “I can fix them” meme. He truely believes your cool zombie powers could be used for good if people whose bodies you are using said it was fine. Poor sweet soul just doesn’t understand. If you ever introduce him to any zombies/skeletons of yours he will be a bit scared but try to find a silver lining. During the whole scarabia book you could tell something wasn’t right with him and when you were locked away you summoned a zombie to your aid. When Jamil overblot end you were able to add to your little army with some extra skeletons you found under the sand.
Jamil: please stay away. As interesting as your magic is to him he does not trust you in the slightest. Does wish to know how to summon his own minions at some point but rather not using those who have already passed. That’s a bit too gruesome for his liking. Tries to keep kalim away from you. Also keeps you at least 6 ft away from himself when possible. During the whole scarabia incident he tried to mind control you and your minions. It only worked for a few seconds. Found that really annoying. When you created your own little army of skeletons to fight him he laughed at it. But the skeletons were able to hold him back quite a bit for the others to hit him enough. Was a bit awkward afterward. But eventually during the SDC you two connect over more scary or feared types of magic usage. He tries to share some of his hypnosis abilities with you and you share some spells from your book with him. Now closeish friends and the banter between you two is crazy. If anyone dares to mess with kalim, let just say that mc is found with a relatively new zombie minion.
with special guest
vil: as a master of poisons he understands how some magics are frowned upon due to their power being too much and far to scary for the public. He doesn’t like how ugly your minions are and gives some tips here and there. If your minions are skeletons he would recommend you paint them to make them work somewhat with your aesthetic. Gets you lots of dark clothing and such. Also bossed around your minions when in your house for the SDC. Rather impressed that once you found out about his poisoning ability you always had your minions try your food to ensure nothing bad happened to you. During Vil’s overblot he melted your minions and saw you truly pissed for the first time. Saw that you weren’t powerless without your minions. Once he’s been defeated he and you connected over some darker magical subjects and you both are incredibly strong despite how weak you are compared to your magic abilities he hopes give you some tips. He also demands you always clean yourself after you make new minions. Also clean them and he provides some clothes for the more zombie like ones. he is fairly proud of what you can do.
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bluestockingbaby · 26 days
if you feel like talking OCs i would love to hear more about brighid! the lady knight posts i have seen you tag her in before are *chef's kiss*
Brighid Tanner, my first dnd character! I miss her; it’s been a while since I’ve talked about her or played her. She’s a human Oath of the Ancients paladin (Neutral Good), and she’s a blonde freckled farm girl of average height. She eventually gets some scars on her face and body, but always radiates the warmth and steadiness and joy of the sun.
Once upon a time, there was a farm town called Rachdale near an old forest and the castle of Baron Glivren (think Christopher Lee). In that town, a young girl named Brighid Tanner grew up in a large loving family who were the tanners and leather-workers of the town. She had a fairly normal childhood, except for something that happened when she was six. She wandered too far into the forest, and was lost for the whole afternoon. At dusk, a mysterious fairy gentleman in fine clothes brought her back to her parents, and commissioned a set of intricate and beautifully tooled leather bracers, pauldrons, gorget and greaves of deerskin. He paid a significant amount of gold for it and told the parents to save the money for Brighid, as she would need it later. Her parents assumed that it was for a dowry or for an apprenticeship. The fairy gentleman never returned for the armor, so the family kept it in case he ever came back.
Some years later, there was a really long drought, the herds were failing, and the people were getting angry at the baron for not giving them aid. The baron, instead of working with the people, spending money, lowering taxes, or anything else, decided to make a show of commitment to the old gods of the forest, and to sacrifice a prisoner on Midsummer’s Day and hold a celebration in return for their favor. The people were a little shocked by this, since most of their worship was based around home shrines, herbalism, charms, and other traditions-- they might have animal sacrifice but certainly not human. They decided to go along with it since the prisoner was a cattle thief who was supposed to be executed anyway. As Midsummer came closer and nothing improved, the people seemed to grow more and more hopeless, tired, and vicious, and even became eager for the sacrifice. The day before Midsummer, a now fourteen-year-old Brighid was walking in the woods to get some water when the forest spoke to her, telling her that this sacrifice would be unacceptable, and that she was to go back to the village and stop it.
Brighid promised, but asked why they would listen to her, and the forest promised that if she would use her power to help the forest, it would make her powerful. Brighid agreed, swore the Oath of the Ancients, and became a Paladin of Silvanus. This changed her, Her back split open and her insides became like a mossy log-- she was no longer completely human. The forest showed her where the tomb of a dead king under a barrow was, and told her to take the great-axe as a sign and a weapon. Brighid went back to the town, great-axe in hand and speaking with the voice of the forest, stopped the sacrifice and killed the Baron in the town square instead. She had to leave the town right away of course, but the town was grateful to her and the baron’s son (possibly a vampire, but certainly in thrall to the powers of evil like his father) didn’t pursue her as strongly as he could have, because he was now the new baron. (At some point she’s going to return to set that right and maybe turn into an oak tree once her life of adventuring is over-- who knows!). She had to leave and become an adventurer to search out the answers to save her home and serve her gods, taking little with her but an old suit of chainmail armor and the leather pieces the mysterious gentleman had commissioned, a small leather-workers kit, and the gold pieces that had been set aside for her. Her holy symbol is the face of the Green Man, Silvanus. So that’s how she became an adventurer!
In-game, she has a tendency to make amazing entrances, like killing 2-3 enemies at once on her first rolls in battle (and then immediately falling into a pit trap once right after). Zero stealth though. People tend to underestimate her and think she’s dumb or unsophisticated at first, but being idealistic, physically strong, loving a laugh and a song, and being raised on a farm don’t make her either of those things. Her common sense and cunning carry her pretty well through a lot of situations, but there are also times when she gets in over her head.
On her adventures, she does have a couple of courtly situationships. They’re courtly in the sense that she’s dedicated to a higher power above all else and called to a live of adventure and service to her gods and not going to have a normal relationship because of that, but chastity is certainly not required. The two loves of her life are Riccardo, a shrewd Lord Vetinari type who is willing to throw her at problems in the city and Brighid goes along with it because she determines that he’s the lesser of a few evils, but her steadfastness and nobility ends up influencing him for the better and he starts to have ideals and feelings again. The other is Francisca, the daughter of traders who often came through her town on their travels. They were best friends/almost girlfriends as children, and when Francisca grew up she became a privateer and captain of her own ship. Brighid and she eventually meet again as grown-ups. Brighid totally has a thing for morally-ambiguous dark-haired people who balance her out, but she might be unaware or in denial of that.
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sunflowerxthoughts · 2 years
Here - Rockstar! Eddie Munson x Actress! Reader
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Summary: Eddie and Y/N meet at a party. Just a very fluffy ficlet. Might turn this into a series.
a/n: Hi. This is the first fic I post in here. Be nice please! I will be posting a few fics, both Eddie Munson and the Marauders. Please feel free to request things!
Eddie Munson is many things. He is loud. He is a rockstar. A freak according to Hawkings. He is a friend, a nephew. But at heart, Eddie Munson is a kid who grew up with nothing and suddenly had everything.
And some times it got a bit too much. Everyone is all over you, you stop having privacy. Eddie needed, sometimes a little peace and quiet. That's where he finds you, outside of a party full of people neither of you really know nor care about.
You have been known for a little while now, a bit more than Eddie. With a promising career everyone is looking at. You don't completely hate it, but you'd rather keep to yourself most of the time.
You are smoking, music blasting in the background of your thoughts. The moment Eddie sees you, something inside him clicks. Something about the moon in your eyes has him already hooked.
"Overwhelmed?" He asks, making you jump a little.
"Oh! Oh no, it's just not really my scene." She shuffles to the side so he can stand next to her in the balcony. "Don't get me wrong I love a good party I just know no one here."
"Well, now you know me I'm-"
"Eddie. You're Eddie Munson, right?"
"Just Eddie for you, sweetheart. And you're Y/N Y/L/N. Aren't you?"
Of course, when you are this famous, you know no one yet everyone knows your name. If makes you feel weird.
"So, wanna get out of here?"
He's grinning at you. And it's so bright you can't say no, he looks like a kid who just got a new bike for Christmas. His hand aches to hold yours and even though you've just met, he thinks he just wants to really know everything about you.
"Eddie, my agent-"
"Just dinner, it won't even be a scandal."
"But the pap-"
"It's publicity?"
"Not a good excuse, Eddie."
"Listen, we can just go for dinner, eat inside at a booth. Nothing fancy, even if it's just fries. And if tomorrow there's pictures so what? We can always keep the date a secret and act like we're just friends!"
"A date?"
"Unless you don't want it to be...?"
You decide to give it a shot. Eddie is nice and he's handsome. And if it all went down, you had at least made a friend in a very lonely industry. He is such a bright person, dragging you to the door and running to the car. Of course he still had his van, but sometimes going to these parties with it wasn't a good idea.
You don't even realise it but it's been hours. You and Eddie are sitting laughing in some greasy dinner, sitting in the same side of the booth. He's told you all about Wayne and his friends back home. He tells you about DnD, how Dustin is like his little brother and meant to go on tour with them for a bit.
And you tell him all about your life, too. He makes it all so easy, he listens to you like you are explaining the meaning of life to him. You feel seen, you feel understood and you feel normal. Eddie just looks at you with bright eyes making little comments here and there.
"Thank you Eds." You smile shyly at him all of the sudden. "I haven't felt this normal in so long."
"Well" he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "Even if you don't want a second date, which is completely fine, we could do this once a month. Just meet up and talk about life like regular people."
"Who said I didn't want a second date?"
Eddie's breath catches inside his throat for a moment. You agreed to a second date with him. He stills for a second, staring at you. He needed one night only to decide he wanted this, he wanted you. You see the way he has frozen so you continue to talk."
"How about in a couple of weeks, same booth."
Eddie and you start inching closer. His eyes go to your lips and back to your eyes, and you nod, closing the space between you two. And of course it's fucking magical. His hands tangle in your hair and you just can't help but to smile into the kiss, loving every damn second of it.
Of course the next day, there's pictures of the kiss everywhere. But it doesn't matter because you wake up to one text on your phone that reads:
I've already written a thousand songs about you inside my head. I wish last night had been longer, but I can't wait to know everything about you all over again.
Maybe, and just maybe, two weeks is a little too long. Maybe you've just decided you want to keep Eddie by your side for a little longer.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 1 year
Outta Pocket
"As you guys leave town, you see a woman in what appears to be red silks with various blades strapped to different parts of her body, holding a man above the River of Souls. A river, which you all know, is famous for killing whoever is dropped into it." Brennan describes the scene.
"I would like to roll an Insight check." Siobhan/Maiko the Kitsune Rogue spoke, holding up her d20 die.
"Ok. Go ahead and make an Insight check for me," Brennan says.
A clattering of die on table is softly heard through the dome and Siobhan's cringe is seen. "A 3?"
"Yep. Everything seems normal. This is fine. But this is the River of Souls, and scary lady is wearing a bunch of very sharp knives, so you begin to question whether this guy is okay."
"Okay. I want to slowly approach and kind of listen in."
"Alright, make a Stealth check for me."
"A 16."
"You are hidden in trees and can only be seen if someone really tries to find you. You could hear the Kings messenger on the way out of town, of course, so he is louder than before, and you can kind of hear what the stranger is saying." Brennan narrates what conditions Maiko is in.
"'PUH-PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! THE KING OF REGALIA ONLY MEAN TO SEND YOU A MESSAGE!' The messenger is going to make another charisma-saving throw..." Brennan rolls a d20 die behind his curtain, "'You know the saying: 'Don't kill the messenger!' And he begins to relax as he is then set upon solid ground by the stranger in red."
"I turn to leave and tell everyone what is going on." Siobhan as Maiko narrates what she does now.
"Great! Now, what happens next?" Brennan looks at you.
"I want to give him this false sense of security and just brush at his shoulders, kind of like superheroes do when they dangle someone over a roof and bring them back up just to do that and then dip out, but I want to say... 'I do believe in killing the messenger. You know why? Because it sends a message.' And then push him into the River of Souls." And a small pause ensues where everyone is looking at you in shock.
"Whoa..." Emily/Anabella the Human Bard says, looking at you, then Brennan, then back at you.
"THAT IS THE HARDEST SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD." Lou/Oswaldo the Half-Elf Cleric slaps the table while everyone just looks at you in amazement.
"Okay! Hey, Y/N! Wanna introduce your character to the party?"
"Hey guys. I'm Ivy. I am a Blood Hunter Tiefling. I was originally a mercenary for hire but now I am a wandering traveler just trying to right the wrongs of society. In the most violent way possible." You introduce yourself to the group.
What a fun beginning to a DnD campaign.
No because why have I thought to start a campaign and use this as my opening line? Any-who, I have a LOT of drafts and a load of writers' block to get over, so I may be posting quite a few times. Have a great night! Bye!
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oatmilk-vampire · 10 months
Third of December || Steddie
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington x OC (minor)
Steve gave Eddie his sweater one cold December day. Then he gave it to Heather.
Inspired by the song Heather by Conan Gray!
Word count: 2.2 of pining and love confessions!
Eddie Munson has been called a lot of things.
Smart was not one of them.
Because if he was smart he would have confessed his true feelings a long time ago, or he wouldn’t have fallen in love at all.
He would have lived a single existence, the only friends being those in Hellfire or Corroded Coffin. Well, besides Steve of course. But he’s a different story. Different story, same problem.
You see, Eddie never intended to fall for the one popular boy but here he was. The freak falling in love with the former king of Hawkins High. That’s good enough to be a movie.
It’s the third of December. Hawkins has finally recovered from Vecna’s wrath and his name has been cleared. He was a free man, except for the cage he kept himself in.
Because with December came a much colder Hawkins, and with a colder Hawkins came Eddie’s refusal to dress properly for the inclement weather in favor of keeping his normal aesthetic, and with that comes the predicament Eddie Munson currently finds himself in.
Because this man can face high school three times. This man can witness his middle school friend be supernaturally murdered, then be framed for it. This man can survive Demobats. But he couldn’t survive his feelings and he sure as hell couldn’t survive Steve Harrington’s yellow sweater.
“Huh. Looks better on you than it does me, Munson.” Steve had told him with that smile like he doesn’t know what he’s doing to him.
If only Steve knew how much Eddie liked him.
Maybe then he wouldn’t openly check out their former classmate who wandered in to rent Pretty in Pink, and boy, did she look the part.
He couldn’t even fault Steve. She was a sight for sore eyes, her own brighter than the blue sky.
She’s got Steve mesmerized while Eddie dies just a little more inside.
Why would Steve ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty.
Eddie tries not to watch as they oggle each other.
Now Eddie has learned his lesson. He wears winter coats, gloves, and a God forsaken beanie on his head. He doesn't need to borrow anymore of Steve's sweaters, even if he secretly loved it and felt much warmer in the flimsy fabric smelling of Steve's cologne than he ever did in his own winter gear.
But because of this, he now suffers a different fate entirely.
You see, Steve gave her his sweater. It’s just polyester, but Eddie can tell by the way Steve’s eyes light up as she flits across the room in the oversized garment– he likes her better.
He watches as she stands, holding Steve's hand. As Steve puts his arm around her shoulder, Eddie can't help but feel colder.
I wish I was Heather.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel. But then again, kinda wish she were dead.
Eddie distances himself from Steve after that. It's not healthy for him to pretend like he's fine only to shoot daggers at her when their backs are turned. He begins avoiding any group hangouts, knowing Steve will be present with her. At first he still attended, and looked forward to it. It was his opportunity to spend as much time with Steve as possible, using the excuse to get way too close to him. But then Steve started bringing her around and Eddie felt like an outcast yet again as they all fawned over how perfect she is.
At least he still had Hellfire Club. As friendly as Steve was, he still hadn't warmed up to the idea of playing any of Eddie's campaigns; and if any of the kids dared to break character to talk about Steve's new girlfriend, he pulled rank over them and quickly shut them up, allowing DND to be his safespace once more.
His heart aches as he hears the phone ringing, knowing it's got to be the very one he's avoiding. No one else was really close enough to be calling him, except for maybe Dustin.
“Hello?” His voice reflects his mood, down and unwilling to socialize. It wasn’t a Hellfire night, so there’s no reason for him to leave his and Uncle Wayne’s trailer.
“Eds! Hey, man. Wanted to see if you were up for a movie night?”
“Who all’s going to be there?” He already knows the answer.
“Oh, just…” He begins rattling off their mutual friends’ names. Usually Eddie tunes him out after the first name – Heather – but Eddie didn’t hear the trigger word yet.
“Um,” He starts, not wanting to remind him to invite his girlfriend if by some miracle he had forgotten, but Eddie didn’t want to go and get stuck there with her even more.
“Um?” Steve prompts when Eddie forgets to speak.
“Oh, um, is Heather going to be there?”
The line is silent and for a second Eddie has the irrational thought that Steve hung up on him for asking such a stupid question. Of course she’s going to be there.
“No, she’s not. I don’t think she’ll be around for any other movie nights either. Or any hangouts for that matter.”
Oh shit. Oh shit. Is she dead?
“Oh my God. Steve, what happened? I’m so sorry.” He rushes out, imagining metal wrapped around a tree or even worse– another entity from the Upside Down.
“Nothing happened, we just sorta broke up. It was pretty mutual. I don’t really wanna go into it right now, if that’s okay?”
Oh shit. Oh shit. He didn’t have to feel regret! She isn’t dead, so Eddie doesn’t have to feel bad about feeling so happy…
Who was he kidding? Of course he should feel bad. His good friend, and possible love of his life, is hurting and probably doesn’t want to be alone right now, hence the impromptu movie night with all of his friends.
Shame on him for being relieved at Steve being very freshly single.
“Oh, okay. Sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you or anything, Stevie. Yeah, I’ll be right over.”
“Great, thanks, Eddie. Can’t wait to see you.”
Steve can’t wait to see me.
Eddie’s heart picks up speed.
“I can’t wait to see you either.”
The movie of the night is Stand by Me, followed by Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for those who wanted to stick it out and hang out longer.
Only Dustin and Eddie wanted to stay, and understandably so. Their shared best friend was hurting, even if he wouldn’t admit it out loud.
When the movie was over and the three collectively realized it was indeed a weeknight which meant school for Dustin and Eddie –unfortunately he was held back yet another year thanks to the mess Vecna brought– and work for Steve. Eddie offered to give Dustin the ride home, allowing him to chuck his bike into the back of his van.
He watches in silence as Dustin forgeos his and Steve’s usual handshake, instead going in for a solid hug. Eddie follows suit as soon as Dustin clears out and takes his keys to wait in the van.
“You gonna be okay, Stevie?”
“Yeah, man. I’m good. Thanks for coming. It means a lot.” Eddie doesn’t miss the way Steve tries to maintain eye contact but fails miserably as his eyes look anywhere but Eddie’s.
“Of course. If you need anything please let me know. We can hangout again soon, yeah?”
“Yeah.” he agrees more cheerfully than he sounded just a moment ago.
He had kept a cheerful and joking attitude about him pretty much all night but Eddie saw it slip more than once when it was just the two of them in conversation.
They exchange one more smile before Eddie turns away to take the younger teen home.
He barely gets out of Dustin’s neighborhood before he’s racing back to Steve’s.
Despite breaking a few speed limits, the drive to Steve’s felt longer than usual, like Eddie was moving in slow motion.
He only got hurled back into the present when he stepped up to the grand door.
He takes a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
He knocks on the door quickly and without rhythm, only realizing how harshly he was banging on it when Steve yanks the door open with a bewildered expression.
He must think I’m a crazy person. Maybe I am.
“Eddie? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Jesus, I thought you were the cops. Is everything okay?” His eyes rake over his body, then peer behind him to check for imaginary threats.
“Why would I be the cops? I'm okay, I think, but I really need to talk to you.”
“Okay, um, come in.” Steve ushers him in and locks the door behind them. “Jeez, when you said hangout again soon I didn’t think you meant in thirty minutes!”
When Steve’s joke doesn’t land he switches back to his infamous protector mode. “Are you okay? You’re kind of scaring me.”
“I don’t know. I feel like I’ve made a horrible mistake– Wait, no. No. Not a mistake, just… I waited too long. My timing is terrible.
“Oh.” Steve rubs the back of his neck, “Um, okay, well no time better than the present, right?”
“Maybe. It completely depends on how you feel in about two minutes.”
“How I feel? Eds, come on. Talk to me.”
Eddie sighs and scrubs a hand down in frustration for himself. Just spit it out, Munson!
“It’s just– I completely misunderstood you. I was so stuck on the image I had of you. That you were just some guy–”
“I am just some guy.” He interjects, confusion clouding his voice.
“No. That’s not what I mean. I mean I thought you were just King Steve. Some womanizer-type guy. You’re not just some guy. You’re special. You’re one of a kind. I thought I hated you for so many reasons but I realized it’s not that at all.”
“Eds, we’ve had this talk before, remember?” He almost giggles at him and Eddie feels like he’s going to combust.
“Not this talk, Stevie. I’ve never had this talk and I doubt you have too.”
“And what talk is that?” Steve holds his breath.
“I thought I hated you because I thought I was jealous of you, but I realized it wasn’t that at all.” He takes a rasping breath as he steps closer to Steve who was staring into his dark, watery eyes. “I realized I don’t want to be you. I want to be with you.”
He takes one more step closer, their lips just a breath away.
“I realized I love you.”
Eddie is thoroughly surprised when Steve kisses him first. My God, were his lips soft.
Steve Harrington is kissing me. Oh my God! Steve is kissing me! Played on loop in his head for the whole duration. His lips tasted of root beer and cigarettes, Steve must’ve had one while Eddie was away.
“I’m so glad you feel this way too.” Steve breathes across his lips as he pulls away.
“Yeah, man. I’ve pretty much felt like this since we got roped into trying to save the world together, at least that’s when I realized my actual feelings about you.”
“Same. I was always just too scared to act on it.” Steve admits with a blush staining his cheeks and Eddie thinks he’s never looked more gorgeous.
“Well I’m glad you finally did. But, Stevie, I don’t want this to be some rebound for you or anything. So if you need time or space, we can pick up on this at a later date.” He offers sincerely.
Steve doesn’t hesitate to shake his head. “No way, we’ve waited long enough. You’re not a rebound. You could never be a rebound.”
“But you and Heather literally just broke up.” Eddie insists, “Her side of the bed isn’t even cold yet, Steve.”
Eddie tries to ignore how Steve flinches.
“You’re why we broke up, though, Eds. She knew I wasn’t perfectly straight, and I knew she wasn’t you. It would have never worked out even if we wanted it to. Plus she was a little homophobic and that’s not cool.”
“Ew. Glad she’s out of the picture then.”
“Me too.” Steve’s eyes sparkled as he very obviously looked back to Eddie’s lips, licking his own.
“Down boy.” Eddie jokes despite being just as eager to kiss Steve again, to do a lot more with Steve.
Steve huffs. “I just had my first gay kiss, let me live a little.”
Laughter bubbles out of Eddie and Steve follows suit.
“God, why did it take us so long to figure out our feelings?” Eddie questions as Steve goes in for a proper hug that Eddie happily responds to.
“Beats me. I’m just glad we finally did.”
Eddie pulls back just enough to make Steve look him in his eyes.
“Okay, serious question.”
“Can I have your sweater back now?”
Steve shakes with the force of his laughter.
“You can have all of my sweaters, Eds.”
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eric-the-bmo · 7 months
Blood and Silicon ep16 recap: Past Sins
[Summary: Leo informs the coterie of Percy's stay in the Territory, leading to an impromptu visit despite Blake's current sensory issues. We learn about the Week of Nightmares, a tour ensues, and a face Pauline recognizes introduces himself...] @sanguineasylum @kentuckycaverats @zwoelffarben
Dec 14, 2021.
Blake wakes up and everything is too loud and too much. He texts Leo asking him if he's free, piquing the Malkavian's curiosity by saying he wants to investigate Kyra's base (since she's dead, they can poke around), and they plan to meet up to drive there.
Leo had woken up and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before leaving his apartment, finally replying to the text Cynthia had sent him earlier- he states he had figured it would best to use an alias when introducing himself to Yen, hence why he said his name was Michael.
Leo meets Blake at their normal spot- he notices Blake winces when the car door closes, and the music is turned down unusually low. The Malk asks if he's okay, and Blake says he's got a hangover- Leo, from experience, knows that's bullshit.
(Meanwhile, Percy wakes up in the bathtub of a motel room- he had chosen to sleep there, as there's no windows and no risk of getting burnt by the sun. He gets up, and lets out a world-weary sigh as he thinks about how far he's fallen.)
Blake and Leo head to Kyra's old place- an abandoned church- and go down into the side alley to break into the place through the windows. They enter, and Blake spots a tripwire- he notifies Leo about it, which is great because this man can't see shit without his phone flashlight. The tripwire is connected to a rope that leads upstairs to the tower of the church, almost like it wasn't tied to a trap but acted more of an alarm.
After disarming it, Blake and Leo begin to explore. The place is abandoned, of course, full of dust, and some of the stained-glass windows are boarded up. There are apple cores a few days old scattered about. A bible is on the lectern.
Blake slowly begins to head upstairs, while Leo approaches the lectern; he uses Sense the Unseen, first, to try and determine if it's safe to touch and open. It seems fine, so he opens it up to the bookmark— Matthew 12 1-37.
And then Leo's phone suddenly rings— Blake winces and glares at him as the Malkavian scrambles to answer it, with his ringtone set to the intro of a popular dnd podcast.
["Hello?" "Mr. Leo," says Percival. "I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time."]
Percy says he can call back later (he wishes to have a tour of the territory), and Leo says they can meet in an hour. He writes it down in his notebook as a reminder Blake wants to know what the fuck was that, you said you weren't busy, and Leo is all "...Okay so we might have someone staying at our territory." He explains Harrison had called him about the man they had met earlier-
["That guy? He's staying at our t-" Blake pauses, and puts a hand over his mouth.] He asks if Leo told Pauline about this- he didn't- and Blake looks pissed. He tells Leo to call Harrison and find out where Harrison is staying. It takes a moment for Harrison to answer- probably because this man keeps his phone in his desk drawer- and the Baron says to simply call Percy, and in the future only call this line for emergencies. Leo eventually finds out Percy is staying at a place called Dayspring Motel, some ways south of town. Blake begins to walk out of the church- Leo follows him, picking up on the fact Blake is going to head over right now, and he tries to convince him to chill out and wait the hour like he had promised Percival; Blake almost considers it before saying he's not mad, just disappointed, and continues to walk out the building- he's hurt by fact Leo didn't tell him. (Before Blake leaves through the window, he sets something discreet/hidden by the window; if he comes back later and sees it's disturbed, it's a sign someone else came in here.)
Blake texts Pauline: [Blake: Kid just informed me that we have a new guest on our lot. Going to give him a warm welcome. Could you make time tonight from your busy schedule? Pauline: Good evening, Mr. Moore. That sounds concerning. Yes - would you be able to give me a ride? Blake: Be there in 15. Pauline: Understood.]
It's a tense ride. Pauline enters, asking if they could tell her what happened. Blake looks at Leo to answer, and the fledgeling goes "Once again, I fucked up." He explains the gist, and Pauline frowns.
["Perhaps Harrison should've neglected to inform us himself."]
Blake lets Pauline know the kindred now staying on their territory is the one Leo had distracted the earlier night- and was the one Harrison had a meeting with earlier, and Pauline guesses Harrison wishes to keep a better eye on them. Leo admits he knows as much as they do about Percival, however he did overhear the Venture seems to be searching for something of his own volition. Blake comments that hopefully he won't stay long- this whole thing confirms his belief that no matter what Harrison says, their territory was never really theirs.
Leo calls Percy like "hey uh there's been a change of plans is it okay if we meet earlier?", and once that's over he puts his head in his hands (It's really similar to the shinji pose meme ngl). This man would rather be in torpor.
Pauline questions wtf they're even doing- first it was a Tremere, now this, and we don't even know this man's clan.
The trio finally arrives, and Percy is waiting outside. He's wearing a light blue buttoned shirt and a newscap. There's a simple silver ring on his right hand, and he has a gun hidden inside his grey suede coat.
There's a bit of a miscommunication error, as Percy was expecting to be given a tour first, but upon hearing they just want to get to know him first before taking him there he's like "yeah that's fair," and leads them to his motel room (room 212) so they can speak. Percy closes the door behind him and apologizes for the state of his affairs- it's temporary living. He gestures for them to sit- Blake doesn't- and asks what they'd like to talk about. Blake answers they'd like to know more about him. Percy says he's an open book.
He tells the trio his clan upon Pauline's questioning, and he looks vaguely disgusted as he says he's a Ventrue. Blake comments it explains why he's got a suit and asks why he's here.
["First," Percy begins, "May I turn a question towards you? It adds context, I assure you." "It's an open forum. Go ahead."
"July 1999- What do you recall of it?"]
Blake's eyes go dark, and he quietly says he knows more than he'd like to. Percy fiddles with his ring as he explains that in July of 1999, during the Week of Nightmares, he was closer to the Ravnos Antediluvian than he would've liked, and was knocked into torpor. Due to this he's curious about it all now that he's awake again, and wishes to look into Noddism- and he confirms his meeting with Harrison was partially about that, though it was mainly an introductory one.
Leo has some questions, but then Blake comments that it sounds like Percy won't be staying very long, since it seems he needs to collect some more knowledge- Percy says it really all depends on how much information his leads have to give him, and so there's no way to say how long he'll stay. Blake then asks why Harrison chose to put Percy on their territory, specifically.
["Mr. Leo's sire- he believes that he can help me out with my own research."
Blake nods. Ah- there it is. He turns to Leo. "How does that make you feel?"
Leo's gone entirely quiet. His hands have found each other to hold.]
Percy asks if he's alright- the Malkavian's hands unclasp, and he says he wasn't expecting his sire to be mentioned. Percy asks if Blake is done with his questions, and the thing is Percy's been very formal this whole time, so Blake asks him to drop the Mr when referring to him. Percy nods. Anyway Blake's all "so if you have any questions or want to do anything with the territory, please refer to us-" and gestures towards himself and Pauline. Blake is trying to come up with plans on how to extort Percival for money, and suggests the man pay rent- Percy says he can offer protection services, but sure he can pay too. There's discussion of a job hunt for Percy, and Blake hands the Venture his and Pauline's numbers.
Percy says he was promised a tour of the territory- Pauline reminds them all that Leo's got questions- and Blake says he can give Percy a ride. ["It's a quaint little spot," He tells him. "It's got a nice sports bar- They can make a mean margarita." "...Are you still capable of partaking?"]
The group eventually leaves the hotel and begins to head towards the territory; Leo starts his questions by asking what a Ravnos is, presuming it must be one of the clans.
Percy runs down the gist of Ravnos- they're wanderers, really- and Blake chimes in that they're good storytellers but bad company. Percy agrees and says the Ravnos he knew said the same thing. Leo scribbles down what he learns, and Blake adds that Ravnos could make people see illusions- which doesn't seem scary in theory, he mutters, but it's terrifying when cranked up to 11. Leo pauses, and takes note of the illusions.
Leo lets Percy know he's aware of what an Antediluvian is, and the Venture explains the Week of Nightmares; how the Ravnos Antediluvian woke up and decided to cannibalize its childer. He explains there were many things during that week: headaches, visions no one seemed to remember, etc.
Blake says that's not what he heard, and as Percy asks Blake what stories he's heard about the Week (mortals who had the sun in their hands, a disease running through the Ravnos, how something woke up, etc), Leo's eyes glaze over as he mentally goes somewhere else for a moment. Blake implies he's skeptical of the Antediluvians' existence, how something of such great power could just rise up and die like that- and Percy doesn't seem to be a big fan of this :-/ Leo blinks back to hear the tail-end of this.
Pauline asks Percy he views Harrison- it turns out Percival feels the Baron is further from humanity than those in this group, and though he respects the Baron he doesn't feel any particular positive emotion about him. Pauline and Blake secretly approves of this- Leo, however, is blood bound to Harrison, so he frowns at this comment.
Leo then brings up in the form of a question that Percy mentioned his sire? The Ventrue confirms this- he's a scholar that could help him learn more about Noddism, though Percy's heard he might not be among the living anymore. ["Well, to say he's not amongst the living will always be accurate, but- He's not amongst us anymore. Do you happen to know if he's still alive?"] Leo doesn't know what Noddism means- he assumes it's a vampiric thing, like everything else he's learned about- and he also winces. Percy takes note of that reaction, though he's unable to pin down why Leo did that.
Blake makes a joke(?) from the driver's seat about Percy applying for jobs to pay rent as they arrive at the Territory.
The trio gives Percy a tour of the territory; Pauline and Blake give a general warning to him about the church and its priest. Speaking of the church- as we get closer to it, we see a crowd of people exiting the building; service has just ended. Someone seems to recognize Pauline and starts to walk towards the coterie- and as always, Pauline's expression is indiscernible (But she knows who this is). As the man crosses the sidewalk towards the coterie, we all use Blush of Life to look human- and as all of my dice rolls thus far tonight, Leo fails and gains a point of hunger.
The figure gets closer- he's a priest.
Leo is suddenly filled with a sense of panic as his headache spikes; everything in him is screaming with the knowledge that the man walking towards them is a threat. It overrides his brain and he shouts, running away. It gets the attention of some of the crowd members. Pauline takes this as her cue to leave, and follows him.
[The priest furrows his brow in concern as Leo runs off. "Hello," he begins, "I was here to speak to one in your group, but... Is the boy alright?" "...He ain't the religious type."]
The priest says that's interesting, since he had seen the woman who went after him during his service a few nights ago, and hoping to introduce himself. Blake offers to pass on his intro, and so the priest holds out his hands and introduces himself as Father William. Blake introduces himself as Robin- Percy looks away from the Father, yet still introduces himself.
Father William hopes they can get Pauline to return to one of his services again- Blake comments she's busy a lot, and upon William's next question he tells the priest she works at a night club. The Father makes a comment about how even light can be found in darkness- she had some interest in God, seeing as how she showed up for a service. He then asks if the others will eventually attend; they politely decline.
Meanwhile, Leo turns the corner, running just a bit further. He's connecting the dots, and comes to the general conclusion that religion is Very Bad for vampires- especially priests.
Pauline finally catches up to Leo, saying that he can't just run off like that, and advises that they head back to the group. He explains that he felt the priest was dangerous- she agrees, but again you can't just run off! She asks if the priest had done anything to him, and he says it wasn't an external thing that had caused him to flee; it was more of a brain thing.
["...Leo, are you quite alright?" He pauses, and gives a small laugh, putting his head in his hands. "Oh, when have I ever?"]
Blake texts Pauline if she found Leo, and they agree to head elsewhere- on that doesn't have a lot of people- and meet up there, so that Leo isn't stressed out by a potential crowd. Percy asks if Leo was okay, and Blake says he's not sure, but this isn't the first time he did something like this, so it might be something he can't control. Percy nods. Blake comments they should continue the tour after they meet back up- he does a little dramatic bow as he goes "After you :-)" He continues to give a bit of the tour, pointing out the bar, the art museum, etc. (At one point Blake goes into a store and comes out with a job application, handing it to Percy for "just in case." Percy takes some glasses out of his pocket (he doesnt need them) and looks it over, commenting on Blake's dedication to the job joke.)
The Malkavians arrive, and Pauline asks what happens when she was gone- the two fill her in about Father William, and Blake says it was risky to visit without telling the coterie (Leo says nothing to avoid being hypocritical, but gives her a bit of a side-eye). Pauline admits she went to a service but didn't think it was worthy to mention; she apologizes, and mentions she probably won't go to another service.
["FYI," Blake adds. "I didn't explode when I shook the priest's hand. Just so you know."] The original trio briefly wonders if Father William is the guy Harrison had warned them about when they first received the territory- Blake finally asks why Leo ran off, and the Malk once-again gives the rundown that the Father is dangerous. Pauline suggests maybe she should keep on the down-low for a bit, implying she might not visit the territory a lot.
["Maybe you should take the clippers to your hair again," Blake says. Pauline lights a cigarette. "...Perhaps you're right."]
Finally, another night has gone,,, /lh
Leo's been a vampire for 90 days! 🎉
The other player and I began to go wild in the chat over how Blake seems to have unintentionally unlocked Heightened Senses!
[in regards to Blake and Leo texting] "Please know that Leo would not put the discord eyes emoji, but just know it's there in spirit" amazing quote from Past Bmo, thank you
Leo types So Sketchy btw.
We all began to focus on the apple cores tbh. wtf is up with that we're So gonna check those out later
I can't help but wonder if the verses that Bible was open to has any lore significance? Foreshadowing, perhaps?? Or am I reading too into that?
If anyone's curious, Leo's ringtone is specifically the intro to TAZ:Balance ⭐
Love how some of my only notes for this session was "Leo fucks up. Shinji pose," everything this man's been through has been his own goddamn fault
my boy is so stupid
Love Pauline sm. "hey guys what the fuck are we even doing at this point" The ST plays her So Well
Percy's player had a whole written dialogue prepared for describing his outift and every time he does something like this I'm blown away. So cool,,, decided to describe his outfit there bc of it
Shoutout to the moment the ST and I decided to spontaneously sing that one pina colada song
It's so funny that Leo doesn't know some of the clans and YET he knows what Antediluvians are. (Wonderful job telling your childe information there, J... /sar)
Hey yall. The Week of Nightmares caused headaches and weird visions. Ik Leo is a Malk so visions are normal for them, but... Have we considered some weird Antediluvian shit is going on with him?
Blake's player: Man I miss Pauline :-( ST: Dude she is RIGHT THERE-
I roll to see what Noddism is/if Leo recognizes that. Nothing. I roll 5 other dice for some reason bc the ST told me to- also nothing. /lh
//sobbing the dice HATE ME- (i've declared a Gehenna War upon the dice gods btw)
"Leo's going to run to... an alleyway." "An alleyway?!" "Yeah because nothing bad has ever happened to him in an alleyway" /silly
Leo realizes for the second time in his life that god sucks, more at 11-
Love how Percy contributed to the bit by pulling out reading glasses. Sir you don't need those
This was the first session I recorded hooray! Hence why there's so much more quote bits yayy
Anyway. im very tired gn yall
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idiotlovesongs · 1 year
The Letters pt. 5
tw drug use
Will flipped the page to the next letter and was a little taken aback by how messy the handwriting was. Mike already didn’t have the best handwriting; It was loose and sharp all at the same time and the letters were kept tightly together, huddled for safety and warmth. Now, Will looked down at the words and frowned. The letters were connected, but not like in cursive. It was more so like Mike just didn’t pick up the pen when he moved on to the next letter. It was careless. He also noticed how much more often words were scratched out. It made him nervous about what Mike had to tell him.
Dear Will,
I have something to tell you. It’s a secret though. I’m seriously praying the government, or, even worse, my parents, doesn’t open this letter.
I’m, like, really high right now.
I made friends with a dealer a while back. Really he’s more of Dustin’s friend and he runs a DnD group. Dustin and Lucas were here with a few of his friends, but they went home. His name isn’t super important right now. Whatever. 
I’m here with him, so you don’t have to worry at all. It’s all good. 
There was a little burn mark at the edge of the page between these two lines.
Should I be writing to you right now? Would it even be a good idea to send this? This is a bad idea, but I’m committed now. Fuck it. 
The night started out good. He set up a one-shot for us. Don’t hate me for playing DnD without you. Honestly, that was the closest thing to being with you without actually flying to you. I kept looking at where you would sit in my basement (next to me) and getting pissed when it was some random guy. Why couldn’t it have been you? You should have known we were playing and then teleported. Will the Wise would have been able to.
Anyways, this DM is fucking brutal. He shows absolutely no mercy. I think he gets a kick out of watching us fail saving throws. I got a nat 1 at some point! Will, I feel like I brought shame to our party. We really needed you back here. You should sneak out, hop on a plane, and meet us here.
Do you even want to? You have a good life in Lenora. All that’s left is to find a new party, right? How hard could that be? Just hang out in a comic book shop enough and one will walk in looking for a cute wizard or cleric and there you will be, looking at the newest issue of Daredevil.
Promise you’ll come back for at least one game? God, I sound desperate. Ignore me.
Okay, so something not about DnD.
After the game, we were offered some weed. It wasn’t like he pressured us or anything. It was really casual. He pulled out his metal lunchbox and asked if we wanted to smoke. Lucas can’t because of basketball and Dustin was too freaked out to try. Most of his friends had to head out so they declined too. Now, I’m here with his bandmates, and the air smells really fucking bad, and I’m kind of freaking out, but that’s normal. He said weed either makes people loosen up or freak. 
I hate how it feels. Kinda. It’s like all my limbs are corkscrewing at different speeds, in different directions, and through different dimensions. He tells me I have to relax and lean into it. ‘It’s like floating in a pool. You have to relax or you’ll drown.’ It’s really hard to let go. I keep trying by just thinking of stuff, but my train of thought keeps veering off the tracks. I feel like if I don’t correct its course, it’s gonna just crash and burn. I don’t think this is for me.
I can’t really go home right now either. I’m pretty sure I reek. Although maybe my parents wouldn’t notice. I can imagine exactly how me walking in would go down if they couldn’t smell it on me. 
“Hey, mom, dad,” I say as I walk in.
“Hi, sweetie. How did hanging out with your friends go?” My mom is on the couch with Holly while my dad is on the recliner. He doesn’t even bother to look up, just hums.
“It was fine. I’m tired though.” I’m already on my way to the stairs so she can’t trap me in a conversation.
“Okay. Goodnight, honey.” She looks over to my dad like she’s trying to make him lift his head up with his mind. 
And then the smell of marijuana reaches them and I’m sent to live on a farm with my uncle Eric in Montana. I think they would just ship me over in a cardboard box. 
Whoa. It just started pouring out of nowhere. Maybe if I stood outside in the rain, the smell would wear off faster. He said it wouldn’t and laughed. I think I want to die.
Will, Will, Will, Will, I don’t know what else to say. I’m spacing. I’ll just call my parents and stay here I think. It’ll be embarrassing in the morning, but that’s a problem for the future. I don’t think I can write another sentence. I just did. And another. Okay, I’m done. Don’t tell anyone about this. I hope this letter doesn’t also smell.
Will leaned down a moment and sniffed the letter. He winced and confirmed that it did smell vaguely like weed.
Love, Mike
P.S. I think the munchies might be fake. I’m nauseated right now.
P.P.S. Don’t be worried. I swear I’m fine. I just really need to sleep this off.
pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4
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